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boggles the mind of the average person. We’ll have more done by noon that everyone else will have done by dinnertime or by working late into the evening. We could light up the city by running around every building and throwing the switch, or running around every block and throwing the switch for the block, or running aroun d every substation and throwing the switch for all the substations. That’ s just how some people live. Or we can throwthe main switch for the city, and everything lights up at once. It takes no more energy to do this; in fact, it takes about one one-hundredth of the energy to light up the city at once than it does to light it up piecemeal. It is effortless and delightful—imagine the fun of putting a hand on a switch and watching the whole city light up at once. That’ s what our work is supposed to be like. We’re not supposed to be running around all night throwing switches for every city block. Make a decision to stop doing that. We’re ready to go back and understand what the super successful, truly important people are like and why they look that way. As I said before, once we have the formula for gold we don’t have to carry a sack of it around on our shoulders anymore. We have the automatic key to success. It’s often nothing more than a whim, whether or not we’re going to express it in a given area. There’ s no need to prove anything. Consequently , we don’t have to cover ourselves with diamonds. We don’t have to have a Rolex watch. We don’t have to have this year’s Cadillac. We don’t have to have designer clothes. We don’ t have to have $2,000 suits. This doesn’ t mean that we couldn’ t have them because we enjoy them, but it is a totall y different space to come from. We might wear the same
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This doesn’ t mean that we couldn’ t have them because we enjoy them, but it is a totall y different space to come from. We might wear the same diamonds just because we think they’re beautiful and they belonged to our grandmothers. Or they were gifts from our friends. Maybe they struck our aesthetic fancies. The difference is that if a truly successful person loses any symbols of success, they are usually relatively indifferent about it. The feeling of loss is often for the sentimental value or the fact that it is aesthetically irreplaceable. The one thing that the truly successful person knows is: Wher e that came from, there’s a lot more. The truly successful person knows that where it came from is unlimited and endless. Because of that, the person may appear somewhat naïve. The customary paranoia that exists in our world about guarding and protecting one’s possessions and possessiveness does not seem to domina te them. So they may seem relatively careless. They appear unimpressive because they have no need to impress anyone. Sometimes they have the absentminded-professor look.If I saw anyone coming into my business who had what I called the “Albert Einstein look,” I would instantly give them attention. Those people who come in with a sense of demandingness, self-importance, an imperious haughty or aloof stance are most likely going to be problematic. Yet they are the ones whom most proprietors would consider to be important. Often such people fall into the 5 perce nt that I consider necessary to throw away in every busine ss. The 5 perce nt that cause 95 percent of problems very often look like that. I had the opportunity to grow up around a number of super successful people. I observed that the wom en frequently looked almost dowdy . They usually bought well-tailored clothes and then wore them forever . Very often they drove to church in an old car. This was characteristic of some of the
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usually bought well-tailored clothes and then wore them forever . Very often they drove to church in an old car. This was characteristic of some of the richest people in the world whom I’ve known on a personal basis. They were inconspicu ous, relatively undemanding, drove ordinary cars, and saved the symbols of success for display only where they were appropriate and demanded by the occasion itself. For insta nce, at a state visit, the stretch limo is required by the occasion. It is not required by the person, but by the occasion itself; thus, it would be inappropriate to drive a ten-year -old economy car that was driven all week to a state occasion. The difference is that such symbols are not needed and are merely held as entertainment, pleasantries, niceties, or conveniences. There’ s no necessity to be preten tious. Just as a man who is sure and certain of his virility doesn’ t feel he has to make a pass at every woman. Self-confidence comes from the absolute knowingness that what we are aligned with is a powerful attractor pattern; therefore, we don’t have to worry about the consequences. Appearances are held in the context of what is necessary to be appropriate, workable, and kindly toward others. Many of the richest people in the world I have known felt that it was unseemly to be ostentatious in the display of wealth, becaus e it created envy , discomfor t, hostility , and jealousy in others. Expensive things are esteemed because of their intrinsic value, not because of their value as status symbols. People who are truly successful are aware of what status symbols mean to others, but they are not run by those symbols and frequently , are quite naïve in the matter . The “in” and the “out” lists in society publications are a joke to them. They’ve always been “in” and
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frequently , are quite naïve in the matter . The “in” and the “out” lists in society publications are a joke to them. They’ve always been “in” and they’re always going to be “in.”Honestly , the only reason not to wear old loafers at a certain party is because other people would be offended and feel that we are not honoring them by having on a more expe nsive pair of shoes. On the other hand, we might have expensive shoes we wear all the time, including gardening, because we love the suppleness and softness of the leather and the beauty of the craftsmanship. If we look at some of the curren t handbags, for instance, we’ll notice that some are as unattractive as can be. The only reason people buy them is that they have the name of a famous designer on them and everyone will recognize that they paid a lot of money for it. Intrinsically the bag is dreadful indeed, just as short skirt lengths are not becoming on all women. One could walk around with a smudge on one’s face all day if one wants; however , that would be setting up sort of a problem for oneself, wouldn’ t it? Life is difficult enough withou t putting our worst foot forward, and the world doesn’ t need us to advertise the downside. If one is tone-deaf, it’s probably not too wise to sing loudly at church, but hum quietly under one’s breath. Not out of guilt, shame, or embarrassment, but out of sheer respect for the beauty of the space and the occasion. The main argument against inappropriateness is that it is unloving, uncaring, inconsiderate, unbeauteous, and ungraceful. The last characteristic of the truly successful, very top person is an overall grace. Even their artlessness, naïveté, or clumsiness is done within
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David R Hawkins
The last characteristic of the truly successful, very top person is an overall grace. Even their artlessness, naïveté, or clumsiness is done within an overall context of grace. It’s almost as though unconsciously they know when it is most graceful to be awkward. That sheer awkwardness is what sets other people at ease. How often will we think back in our lives to a time where we have suddenly pretended we had forgotten something, or were flustered or something and the sole purpose was to put the other person at ease? That was a good space from which to come. That consideration for others brings with it automatic grace. To have it is to be a cork. To not have it is to be a sinker . OceanofPDF .comEASY WINNER Success is neither something that we have nor something that we do. It is the automatic consequence of what we are. Accordingly , the place to look for it is within and not outside ourselves in the world. If it is ABC that results in A→ B→ C, then we see why success can be elusive, because everyone is looking externally outside themselves and trying to manipulate the world without knowing where to look. Our lives and what we accomplish are merely the outcome of what we truly are within ourselves. This truth is what makes our work easy . Let’s return to the analogy of a reed in the water . By puttin g talcum powder on the water, we can see the total change in its pattern by simply placing a reed in the path of the stream. Similarly , in steering a ship, if we change our direction only one degree on the compass, after a few days of sailing we will be hundreds and hundreds of miles from where we would have been had we not shifted our course that little bit; thus, a slight shift in inner attitude can have an enormous consequence in our lives. What facilitates the ease of the transition from failure to success , or from
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inner attitude can have an enormous consequence in our lives. What facilitates the ease of the transition from failure to success , or from success to great success, or from great success to super success, is that there is an automatic-feedback mechanism initiated when we shift our own inner attitudes even the slightest. This feedback mechanism means that our energies become replenished. We become repaid for our efforts so that the whole process becomes pleasu rable and an enjoyable unfolding of new discoveries. We realize the inner pleasure of watching ourselves grow and prosper . This whole process involves a few understandings and simple steps.The first understanding that is very important to grasp is: We strengthen within ourselves the identical things that we strengthen in others. This clinical factor has enormous implications. The obvious concl usion to be drawn, then, is the principle of constantly supporting that which is positive in others. We say that some people are negative and other people are positive, as though it was just accidental. It is not accidental at all. It is the easily observab le demonstration of the clinical fact that we strengthen within ourselves the identical things that we strengthen in others. If we listen to people’ s conversations , we will hear some engaging in gossip, describing all the negative facts they can about other people ’s lives, or about world events. What they don’t realize is that they are reinforcing these very same things within themselves. When I was very young I had a grandmother who was described by everyone as saintly . I remembe r that she used to say, “If you haven’ t got something good to say about anyone, then don’t say anythin g at all.” I puzzled over this for a long time. It was only when I had become clinically experienced after many years of doing psychotherapy , where I could see the results of these principles in operation, that I began to understand what she meant.
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experienced after many years of doing psychotherapy , where I could see the results of these principles in operation, that I began to understand what she meant. Do we really trust friends who gossip? No, we don’t. They are not the people whom we entrust with our most secret confidences, because we know that as soon as we leave the dinner table the conversation will likely be about us. Thus, one of the basic principles of success is to be trustworthy so that people have confidence in us and in our integrity . They need to know that we will keep their secrets and protect their reputations. By supporting their reputations we will in fact be supporting our own. Perhaps because of what my grandmother said, or who knows what other reasons, but early in my life I discovered the pleasure of supporting the success of others and contributing to their welfare and happines s. When we do this, we find it becomes one of the greatest sources of pleasure and satisfaction in our own lives. That is the next principle: We support the success of others in every little way that we can. This means to recognize and acknowledge others’ successes, which tends to reinfo rce them—not only in those people, but in ourselves. This does not mean manipulative flattery; rather , we genuinely appreciate the positive characteristics of everyone we meet, including store clerks, waitstaf f, and other businesspeople; family members and friends;guests, casual acquaintances, and people whom we only spend a few moments with in the day. It is valuable training and learning to perceive the positive and move into a dif ferent realm of experiencing life. This also moves us to an attitude of “givingness” rather than “gettingness.” Everyone around us is aware of whether we are givers or seekers. They react unconscio usly in a very different way to diverse attitudes. We are aware that on a conscious or unconscious level, someone
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seekers. They react unconscio usly in a very different way to diverse attitudes. We are aware that on a conscious or unconscious level, someone is out to “get” something from us. We are on guard, wary , and resistant. If even the lowly animals can detect this, we can be sure that human beings who are far more evolved also detect it. Many people are resistant to a giving attitude because they have an equation that to give is to lose. They don’t understand this feedback mechanism. So they don’t give it a long enough try to discover that we always get back more than we give. Success tends to automatically amplify itself. It’s like a snowball; once it starts rolling it gathers momentum and size as it rolls effortlessly down hill. Every time we create a good feeling in others, they feel grateful and develop a positive attitude towar d us, which completely changes the nature of our lives. We say that some people seem to lead a charmed life. We forget that this is becau se they have taken the trouble to be charming to others. This charm comes from an inner attitude. It is not opportunistic, or manipulative, or done for gain; instead, it is a true reflection of that person’ s nature. To understand this quality , never do others a “favor .” Why? Because doing a favor is really a manip ulation. It’s a bargain in which we expect something in return. If after having done something for someone we feel that they are obligated, then we have missed the whole point. Givingness implies no expectation of r eturn. This latter statement is of crucial importance. We will easily observe that what people are really trying to do is purchase from others and manipulate them into a debt. “I’ve done this for you; now you’ve got to do that for me.” This manipulative, trade-of f, bargaining position ends up in resentment so
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them into a debt. “I’ve done this for you; now you’ve got to do that for me.” This manipulative, trade-of f, bargaining position ends up in resentment so that we often hear, “After all I’ve done for him.” This breeds either self-pity or resentment and is doomed to lead to failure. When we genuinely do something for someone, we do it with no expectation of return in any form , even by acknowledgment or recognition. We do it out of caring for other human beings, because we are contributing to the quality of life itself. This is a secret that one discovers through a deepunderstanding, that when we support life, life supports us in return. Granted, this sounds philosophical, but it is a truism that we can only arrive at through observation and experience. The simple practice that leads to this awareness, and that anyone interested in becoming truly successful on a daily basis can do, is this: In traffic, always let others cut in front of you. That sounds sort of crazy , doesn’ t it? Within that practice is the hidden, secret power of becoming a successful perso n. As we practi ce this technique we’ll eventually discover the pleasure of becoming a truly courteous person. What does courteous mean? It merely means to suppo rt the life of others and their happiness. We will shift from the short-lived satisfaction of blocking others into the long- term, inner shift of awareness that comes from supporting them. What happens as a result of practicing this? At first it will seem difficult and awkward. As time goes on, though, it will result in a subtle pleasure. That pleasure is a continuous experiencing of the fact that we are becoming different kinds of people. This leads to the awareness that satisfaction is fleeting and momentary , but pleasure is long-term and permanent. We also end up loving ourselves more. This lovingness is not narcissism,
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fleeting and momentary , but pleasure is long-term and permanent. We also end up loving ourselves more. This lovingness is not narcissism, vanity , or egocen tricism. Rather , it is the awareness that we are shifting into an alignment with a whole different principle of living life. To let others into traffic in front of us is being gracious. Gracious means that we have more than enough for ourselves and now have some to give to others. Of course we could be that person in traffic. That’ s a foregone conclusion, isn’t it? Anybody can be rude and step on the accel erator—that takes nothing at all. That’ s the common person’ s avenue to failure because they are operating on the level of win-lose. As we said, we bring into our lives the very thing that we support in the world. So if we support win-lose, then we are supporting lose, are we not? If we let others into traffic, we experience ourse lves as magnanimous. We notice that others waved to us in thanks. Our lives become ones of gratitude and win-win because those are the principles by which we stand and live. The next easy practice that has profound repercussions throughout our entire inner nature is: Feed the wild birds. Yes, it is as simple as that. Without fail, we must make sure that there is food available for the birds even if we live in an apartment. There are bird feeders that we can place on the outer windo wsill or that stick to the glass. There are areas in the park where birds gather . Whatever the means, we need to find some way tosupport the wildlife around us, even if it’s in the middle of the big city. In addition, on whatever properties we may own or control, we must forbid the killing of any wildlife, even if we have to get “Save a Life” or “Have a Heart” traps.
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addition, on whatever properties we may own or control, we must forbid the killing of any wildlife, even if we have to get “Save a Life” or “Have a Heart” traps. The next practice is to always be growing something in the office, apartment, home , or garden. This can be tomatoes, or a bonsai plant, or little cacti, or whateve r meets our fancy. They should be something for which we take personal responsibility , even if it’s just watering the geran iums in the window box. From all the foregoing it is evident that the process of becoming successful is one of becoming sensitive, observant, and aware. In the process of becoming conscious, of widening our actual field of vision, we will observe that the reason most people are not successful is because they literally can’t see. We’ve all had the experience of walking into a business in which there are many glaring deficiencies. We ask ourselves: How could they be so unawar e? How could they hire such a clerk who is losing business for them right and left? How could they expect people to eat in this restaurant when the walls need to be painted and the floor is dirty? How can they expect us to wait in line at their business when there isn’t even a chair on which to sit down? How do they expect us to shop and patronize their business when they don’t even bother to put up business hours to let us know when they’r e open? How can they expect us to find their place when there isn’t even an address on the fr ont? All these things are merely matters of simple observation, are they not? Yet the owners simply don’ t see them. The exercises I have described in this chapter allow us to progressively open our eyes so that we can see the answers to many dilemmas that seemed unsolvab le before in our lives. We will discover that the answers to
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open our eyes so that we can see the answers to many dilemmas that seemed unsolvab le before in our lives. We will discover that the answers to all the questions already exist. The solutions to all the problems the world faces are already in existence and are merely awaiting recognition. Years ago I was put up for mem bership in what was probably one of the most exclusive private clubs in the United States. It was so exclusive thatthe press and the public have never discovered it. The board of directors was made up of some of the most successful and powerful people in the country , and to become a member one had to go around with a sponsor and have a personal interview with every member of the board. This meant spending a whole day in New York City, going from one presti gious office to anoth er of Wall Street financiers, presidents of the country’ s banks, and the true movers and shakers of the world whose names are never in the headlines. As I went from one interview to the next, I became more and more relaxed. The qualities that these men all demonstrated without a single exception were that they were cordial, gracious, friendly and remarkably easy to talk to. Each one of them bent over backward to put me at ease in what could otherwise have been an awkward situation. Each one of them could have bought and sold me a hundred times over, yet they treated me with precise equality . As the day wore on and I traveled from J. P. Morgan Trust, to E. F. Hutton, to Citibank, to the Rockefeller Foundation, the day became more and more pleasurable. As we returned home that night I found myself saying to my sponsor , “You know , this is one of the most enjoyable days I’ve ever had in my life, surprisingly .” Each one of the interviewers was very aware of the discomfort that a new member might have upon being scrutin ized by the
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surprisingly .” Each one of the interviewers was very aware of the discomfort that a new member might have upon being scrutin ized by the board of directors, and each took pains to offset what could have been an occasion for anxiety . Thus, they exhibited the capacity that goes with success: the capacity to put oneself in the other person’ s shoes and act appropriately out of compassion. Success is feeling good about ourselves, then sharing that good feeling with others, who in consequence feel good about themselves. Some people say, “I can’t do those things because I’m shy, self- conscious, and introverted.” As we look at it now we can see that these qualities stem from simply not feeling good about oneself. The exercises that I have described will help people to overcome these qualities subtly and easily , without embarrassment or having to join a Toastmasters club. No one was more self-consciou s, shy, and timid than I was when I was young. I couldn’ t speak in public. I dreaded parties. It would take three weeks to crank up the energy to ask a girl for a date. The habit I developed, however , of enjoying helping other people become successful was the lever that began to change all that.I remember the first time I was on Barbara Walters’ s show . As she was interviewing me I was remembering back when I tried to give a lecture on a certain technique to two student nurses. I had to cut it short because my voice actually failed. I was unable to continue. The source of the pleasure as I spoke to Barbara was not that I was on a famous talk show . The source of the pleasure was experiencing myself as a person who was able to do what I was doing, given what I had been. I had conquered my own fears. That was the source of the real joy. Barbara herself was most cordial off the air, as one would expect from a person of her degree of success.
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the source of the real joy. Barbara herself was most cordial off the air, as one would expect from a person of her degree of success. The capacity for success reside s within everyone. Any of us can make others feel good about themselves. In so doing we begin to feel good about ourselves. This begins to rub off and changes our compass in an increasingly positive direction in which success is merely the automatic by- product of what we ourselves have become. Success is like happiness. We’ll find we cannot obtain happiness by striving “to be happy .” Happiness is the automatic consequence of living in a certain way, being with ourse lves in a certain way, and having a certain awareness. One of the biggest secrets of success is that we cannot achieve it by striving for it. Success, like happiness, is the automatic consequence of who we are, of what we have become, and of our inner attitudes. When we have become a certain kind of person, success is so automatic that we haven’ t the slightest interest in it. It’s like the air. We absolutely take it for granted. We don’t worry about having enough air, do we? A sufficiency of air is a given. It’s a presumption. It’ s an “of course.” It is the same thing with success, which is why it is for you. OceanofPDF .comA C K N O W L E D G M E N T S Success Is for You comes to us because of Susan Hawkins’ s dedication to making the works of her husband, Dr. David R. Hawkins, available to the widest audience possible. She has remained steadfast in her commitment to be a steward of that which Dr. Hawkins wrote and lectured about during his lifetime. For that, we all owe her much gratitude. Many thanks to Wally and Kathy Arnold for their application of the
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be a steward of that which Dr. Hawkins wrote and lectured about during his lifetime. For that, we all owe her much gratitude. Many thanks to Wally and Kathy Arnold for their application of the principles outlin ed in this book in their own business, and for Wally’s willingness to share with us his personal experiences with Dr. Hawkins. Toby Frank brought much to this book’ s completion through her careful review of the manuscript; her contributions were invaluable. Thanks to Fran Grace for her summary of Dr. Hawkins’ s life’s work and for her helpful feedback. Thanks also to Patty Topel for her assistance. OceanofPDF .comABOUT THE AUTHOR Biographical Note Dr. David R. Hawkins (1927– 2012) was renowned as a physician, author , lecturer , and researcher of consciousness. After serving in the United States Navy during World War II, he graduated from the Medical College of Wisconsin in 1953. For the next 25 years, he lived in New York, where his pioneering work as a psychiatrist brought major clinical breakthroughs, especially in the treatment of schizophrenia and alcoholism. His research findings were published widely in medical, scientific, and psychoanalytic journals. As Medical Director of the North Nassau Mental Health Center (1956–1980) and Director of Research at Brunswick Hospital (1968–1979) on Long Island, he had the lar gest practice in New York. In 1973, Dr. Hawkins co-authored Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobel Laureate chemist Linu s Pauling, initiating a new field within psychiatry and leading to appearances on numerous talk shows. He spoke at the Oxford Forum and Westmin ster Abbey , as well as Harvard University , University of Argentina, University of Notre Dame, University of California, Fordham University , and the Institute for Noetic Sciences. He also served as a psychiatric advisor to Catholic, Protestant, and Buddhist monasteries. Dr. Hawkins received numerous recognitions for his scientific and
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also served as a psychiatric advisor to Catholic, Protestant, and Buddhist monasteries. Dr. Hawkins received numerous recognitions for his scientific and humanitarian contributions, including: the Huxley Award for the “Inestimable Contribution to the Alleviation of Human Suffering”; Physicians Recognition Award by the American Medical Association; 50- Year Distinguished Life Fellow by the American Psychiatric Association; the Orthomolecu lar Medicine Hall of Fame; Who’ s Who in the World; and anomination for the prestigious Templeton Prize, which honors progress in science and religion. In 1983, Dr. Hawkins established the Institute for Spiritual Research, a nonprofit organization dedicated to consciousness research. During the 1980s, his lectures at such events as the First National Conference on Addictions and Consciousness (1985) and Whole Life Expo (1986), both held in California, recontex tualized addiction by illum inating the underlying spiritual drive for inner peace and how to cultivate it apart from substances. During the 1990s, he served as the Chief of Staff at Mingus Mountain Estate Residential Treatment Center for adolescent girls in Prescott Valley and was the consulting psychiatrist for several recovery houses in Arizona. Dr. Hawkins spent the last three decades of his life in Arizona , working to correlate the seemingly dispa rate domains of science and spirituality . In 1995, at the age of 68, he received a Ph.D. in health and human services. That same year saw the publication of his book Power vs. Force, which was ultimately transl ated into 25 languages with over a million copies sold, and evoking praise from such notables as Mother Teresa and Sam Walton. Power vs. Force present ed his trademarked “Map of Consciousness,” now used by health professionals, university professors, government officials, and business executives worldwide. Many other books followed. In recognition of Dr. Hawkin s’s contributions to humanity , he was
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used by health professionals, university professors, government officials, and business executives worldwide. Many other books followed. In recognition of Dr. Hawkin s’s contributions to humanity , he was knighted in 1996 by the Sovere ign Order of the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem by authority of the Priory of King Valdemar the Great. From 1998 to 2011, Dr. Hawkins traveled widely as a lecturer throughout the United States and overseas, speaking to sold-out audiences about the science of consciousness and the reality of advanced spiritual states. In 2000, he was bestowed the title “Tae Ryoung Sun Kak Tosa” (Teacher of Enlightenment) in Seoul, Korea. His final lecture, entitled, “Love,” occurred in September 2011 and was attended by 1,700 people from around the world. Dr. Hawkins was active to the very end. Just before his passing in September 2012, he completed a video-recorded dialogue series and finished his 12th book. Throughout Dr. Hawkins’ s life, he participated in a wide range of civic and professional endeavors, often in leadership roles. As a physician, he co- founded or served as medical advisor for many organizations, including the Schizophrenia Foundations of New York and Long Island, the AttitudinalHealing Center of Long Island, the New York Association of Holistic Health Centers, and the Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry . He was co- director of the Masters Gallery of Fine Arts. Born with an exceptionally high IQ, he became a member of Mensa International in 1963. As a young doctor , he was attracted to Buddhism and joined the first Zen Institute in the United States. At the time of his death, he had been a member of St. Andrew’ s Episcopal Church for many years. He was the first president of the Country and Western Dance Club of Sedona, a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, and
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He was the first president of the Country and Western Dance Club of Sedona, a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, and the Sedo na Elks Lodge. He was an archer , carpenter , blacksmith, musician (bagpiper , violinist, pianist), designer of prize-winning 16th-cen tury French Norman architecture, and lover of animals. Internationally , Dr. Hawkins was the founder of Devotional Nonduality (2003), a spiritual pathway that applies the core truths of the world’ s great traditions: kindness and compassion for all of life (including oneself), unconditional love, humility , inquiry into the nature of existence, surrender , and self-realization. Since 2002, “Hawkins Study Groups” have autonomously sprung up in many cities around the world, from Los Angeles to Seoul, from Cape Town to Melbourne; the groups study and practice the principles of his books, such as: “We change the world not by what we say or do but as a consequence of what we have become.” His life exemplified that principle. Autobiographical Note While the truths reported in this book were objectively organize d, like all truths, they were first experienced personally . A lifelong sequence of intense states of awareness beginning at a young age first inspired and then gave direction to the process of subjective realization that has finally taken form in a series of books. At age three, there occurred a sudden full consciousness of existence, a nonverbal but complete underst anding of the meaning of “I Am,” followedimmediately by the frightening realization that “I” might not have come into existence at all. This was an instant awakening from oblivion into a conscious awareness, and in that moment, the personal self was born and the duality of “Is” and “Is Not” entered my subjective awareness. Throughout childhood and early adolescence, the paradox of existence and the question of the reality of the self remained a repeated concern. The
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Throughout childhood and early adolescence, the paradox of existence and the question of the reality of the self remained a repeated concern. The personal self would sometimes begin slipping back into a greater impersonal Self, and the initial fear of non-existence—the fundamental fear of nothingness—would recur . In 1939, as a paperboy with a 17-mile bicycle route in rural Wisconsin, on a dark winter ’s night I was caught miles from home in a 20-below-zero blizzard. The bicycle fell over on the ice and the fierce wind ripped the newspapers out of the handlebar basket, blowing them across the ice- covered, snowy field. There were tears of frustration and exhaus tion and my clothes were frozen stiff. To get out of the wind, I broke through the icy crust of a high snowbank, dug out a space, and crawled into it. Soon the shivering stoppe d and there was a delicious warmth, and then a state of peace beyond all description. This was accompanied by a suffusion of light and a presence of infinite love that had no beginning and no end and was undif ferentiated from my own essence. The physical body and surroundings faded as my awareness was fused with this all-present, illuminated state. The mind grew silent; all thought stopped. An infinite Presence was all that was or could be, beyond all time or description. After that timelessness, there was suddenly an awareness of someone shaking my knee; then my father ’s anxious face appeared. There was great reluctance to return to the body and all that that entailed, but because of my father ’s love and anguish, the Spirit nurtured and reactivated the body . There was compassion for his fear of death, although, at the same time, the concept of death seemed absurd. This subjective experience was not discussed with anyone since there was no context available from which to describe it. It was not common to
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David R Hawkins
concept of death seemed absurd. This subjective experience was not discussed with anyone since there was no context available from which to describe it. It was not common to hear of spiritual experiences other than those reported in the lives of the saints. But after this experience, the accepted reality of the world began to seem only provisional; traditional religious teachings lost significance and, paradoxically , I became an agno stic. Compared to the light of Divinity that had illuminated all existence, the god of traditional religion shone dully indeed; thus, spirituality replaced religion.During World War II, hazardous duty on a minesweeper often brought close brushes with death, but there was no fear of it. It was as though death had lost its authenticity . After the war, fascinated by the complexities of the mind and wanting to study psychiatry , I worked my way through medical school. My training psychoanaly st, a professor at Columbia University , was also an agnostic; we both took a dim view of religion. The analysis went well, as did my career , and success followed. I did not, however , settle quietly into professional life. I fell ill with a progressive, fatal illness that did not respond to any treatments available. By age 38, I was in extremis and knew I was about to die. I didn’ t care about the body , but my spirit was in a state of extreme anguish and despair . As the final moment approach ed, the thought flashed through my mind, What if there is a God? So I called out in prayer , “If there is a God, I ask Him to help me now.” I surrendered to whatever God there might be and went into oblivion. When I awoke, a transformation of such enormity had taken place that I was struck dumb with awe. The person I had been no longer existed. There was no personal self or ego, only an Infinite Presence of such unlimited power that it was all that
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David R Hawkins
taken place that I was struck dumb with awe. The person I had been no longer existed. There was no personal self or ego, only an Infinite Presence of such unlimited power that it was all that was. This Presence had replaced what had been “me,” and the body and its actions were controlled solely by the Infinite Will of the Presence. The world was illuminated by the clarity of an Infinite Oneness that expressed itself as all things revealed in their infinite beauty and perfection. As life went on, this stillness persisted. There was no personal will; the physical body went about its business under the direction of the infinitely powerful but exquisitely gentle Will of the Presence. In that state, there was no need to think about anyth ing. All truth was self-evident, and no conceptualization was necessary or even possible. At the same time, the physical nervous system felt extremely overtaxed, as though it were carrying far more ener gy than its circuits had been designed for . It was not possible to function effectively in the world. All ordinary motivations had disappeared, along with all fear and anxiety . There was nothing to seek, as all was perfect. Fame, success, and money were meaningless. Friends urged the pragmatic return to clinical practice, but there was no ordinary motivation to do so.There was now the ability to perceive the reality that underlay personalities: the origin of emotional sickness lay in people’ s belief that they were their personalities. And so, as though of its own, a clinic al practice resumed and eventually became huge. People came from all over the United States. The practice had 2,000 outpatients, which required more than 50 therapists and other employees, a suite of 25 offices, and research and electroencephalic laborat ories. There were 1,000 new patients a year. In addition, there were appearances on radio and network television shows, as previously mentioned. In 1973, the
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David R Hawkins
were 1,000 new patients a year. In addition, there were appearances on radio and network television shows, as previously mentioned. In 1973, the clinical research was documen ted in a traditional format in the book Orthomolecular Psychiatry . This work was ten years ahead of its time and created something of a stir . The overall condition of the nervous system improved slowly , and then another phenom enon commenced. There was a sweet, delicious band of energy continuously flowing up the spine and into the brain where it created an intense sensation of continuous pleasure. Everything in life happened by synchronicity , evolving in perfect harmony; the mirac ulous was commonplace. The origin of what the world would call miracles was the Presence, not the personal self. What remained of the persona l “me” was only a witness to these phenomena. The greater “I,” deeper than my former self or thoughts, determined all that happened. The states that were present had been reported by others throughout history and led to the investigati on of spiritual teachings, including those of the Buddha, enlightened sages, Huang Po, and more recent teachers such as Ramana Mahars hi and Nisar gadatta Maharaj. It was thus confirmed that these experiences were not unique. The Bhagavad Gita now made complete sense. At times, the same spiritu al ecstasy reported by Sri Ramakrishna and the Christian saints occurred. Everything and everyone in the world was luminous and exquisitely beautiful. All living beings became Radiant and expressed this Radiance in stillness and splendor . It was apparent that all mankind is actually motivated by inner love but has simply become unaware; most lives are lived as though by sleepers unawakened to the awareness of who they really are. People around me looked as though they were asleep and were incredibly beautiful. It was like being in love with everyone.
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David R Hawkins
though by sleepers unawakened to the awareness of who they really are. People around me looked as though they were asleep and were incredibly beautiful. It was like being in love with everyone. It was necessary to stop the habitual practice of meditating for an hour in the morning and then again before dinner because it would intensify thebliss to such an extent that it was not possible to function. An experience similar to the one that had occurred in the snow bank as a boy would recur , and it became increasingly difficult to leave that state and return to the world. The incre dible beauty of all things shone forth in all their perfection and where the world saw ugliness, there was only timeless beauty . This spiritual love suffused all perce ption, and all boundaries between here and there, or then and now , or separation disappeared. During the years spent in inner silence, the strength of the Presence grew . Life was no longer personal; a personal will no longer existed. The personal “I” had become an instrument of the Infinite Presence and went about and did as it was willed. People felt an extraordinary peace in the aura of that Presence. Seekers sought answ ers but as there was no longer any such individual as David, they were actually finessing answers from their own Self, which was not different from mine. From each person the same Self shone forth from their eyes. The miraculous happened, beyond ordinary comprehension. Many chronic maladies from which the body had suffered for years disappeared; eyesight spontan eously normalized, and there was no longer a need for the lifetime bifocals. Occasionally , an exquisitely blissful energy, an Infinite Love, would suddenly begin to radiate from the heart toward the scene of some calamity . Once, while driving on a highw ay, this exquisite energy began to beam out of the chest. As the car rounde d a bend, there was an auto accident; the
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David R Hawkins
Once, while driving on a highw ay, this exquisite energy began to beam out of the chest. As the car rounde d a bend, there was an auto accident; the wheels of the overturned car were still spinning. The energy passed with great intensity into the occupants of the car and then stopped of its own accord. Another time, while I was walking on the streets of a strange city, the energy started to flow down the block ahead and arrived at the scene of an incipient gang fight. The combatants fell back and began to laugh, and again, the ener gy stopped. Profound changes of perception came without warning in improbable circumstances. While dining alone at Rothmann’ s on Long Island, the Presence suddenly intensified until everything and every person, which had appeared as separate in ordinary perception, melted into a timeless universality and oneness. In the motionless Silence, it became obvious that there are no “events” or “things” and that nothing actually “happens” because past, present, and future are merely artifacts of percepti on, as is the illusion of a separate “I” being subject to birth and death.As the limited, false-self dissolved into the universal Self of its true origin, there was an ineffable sense of having returned home to a state of absolute peace and relief from all suffering. It is only the illusion of individuality that is the origin of all suffering. When one realizes that one is the universe, complete and at one with All That Is, forever without end, then no further suf fering is possible. Patients came from every country in the world, and some were the most hopeless of the hopeless. Grotesque, writhing, wrapped in wet sheets for transport from faraway hospit als they came, hoping for treatment for advanced psychoses and grave, incurable mental disorders. Some were catatonic; many had been mute for years. But in each patient, beneath the
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David R Hawkins
advanced psychoses and grave, incurable mental disorders. Some were catatonic; many had been mute for years. But in each patient, beneath the crippled appearance, there was the shining essence of love and beauty , perhaps so obscured from ordinary vision that they had become totally unloved in this world. One day a mute catatonic was brought into the hospital in a straitjacket. She had a severe neurological disorder and was unable to stand . Squirming on the floor, she went into spasm s and her eyes rolled back in her head. Her hair was matted ; she had torn all her clothes and uttered guttural sounds. Her family was fairly wealthy; as a result, over the years she had been seen by innum erable physicians and famous specialists from all over the world. Every treatment had been tried on her, and she had been given up as hopeless by the medical profession. A short, nonverbal question arose: “What do you want done with her, God?” Then came the realizatio n that she just needed to be loved, that was all. Her inner self shone through her eyes, and the Self connected with that loving essence. In that second, she was healed by her own recognition of who she really was; what happened to her mind or body did not matter to her any longer . This, in essence, occurred with countless patients. Some recove red in the eyes of the world and some did not, but whether a clinical recovery ensued did not matter any longer to the patients. Their inner agony was over. As they felt loved and at peace within, their pain stopped. This phenomenon can only be explained by saying that the Compassion of the Presence recontextualized each patient’ s reality so that they experienced healing on a level that transce nded the world and its appearances. The inner peace of the
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David R Hawkins
recontextualized each patient’ s reality so that they experienced healing on a level that transce nded the world and its appearances. The inner peace of the Self encompassed us beyond time and identity .It was clear that all pain and suffering arises solely from the ego and not from God. This truth was silently communicated to the minds of the patients. This was the mental block in another mute catatonic who had not spoken in many years. The Self said to him, “You’re blaming God for what your ego has done to you.” He jumped off the floor and began to speak, much to the shock of the nurse who witnessed the incident. The work became increasingly taxing and eventually overw helming. Patients were backed up, waiting for beds to open, although the hospital had built an extra ward to house them. There was an enormous frustration in that the human suffering could be countered in only one patient at a time. It was like bailing out the sea. It seemed that there must be some other way to address the causes of the comm on malaise, the endless stream of spiritual distress and human suf fering. This led to the study of the physiological response (muscle testing) to various stimuli, which revealed an amazing discovery . It was the “wormhole” between two universes—the physical world and the world of the mind and spirit—an interface between dimensions. In a world full of sleepers lost from their source, here was a tool to recover , and demonstrate for all to see, that lost connection with the higher reality . This led to the testing of every substance, thought, and concept that could be brought to mind. The endeavor was aided by my students and research assistants. Then a major discovery was made: whereas all subjects went weak from negative stimuli, such as fluorescent lights, pesticides, and artificial sweeteners, students of spiritual disciplines who had advanced their levels of awareness did not go weak as did ordinary people. Somethin g important
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David R Hawkins
negative stimuli, such as fluorescent lights, pesticides, and artificial sweeteners, students of spiritual disciplines who had advanced their levels of awareness did not go weak as did ordinary people. Somethin g important and decisive had shifted in their consciousness. It apparently occurred as they realized they were not at the mercy of the world but rather affected only by what their minds believed. Perhaps the very process of progress toward enlightenment could be shown to increase man’ s ability to resist the vicissitudes of existence, including illness. The Self had the capacity to change things in the world by merely envisioning them; love changed the world each time it replaced non-love. The entire scheme of civilization could be profoundly altered by focusing this power of love at a very specific point. Whenever this happened, history bifurcated down new roads. It now appeared that these crucial insights could not only be communicated with the world, but also visibly and irrefutablydemonstrated. It seemed that the great tragedy of human life had always been that the psyche is so easily deceived; discord and strife have been the inevitable conse quence of mankind’ s inability to distinguish the false from the true. But here was an answ er to this fundamental dilemma, a way to recontextualize the nature of consciousness itself and make explicable that which otherwise could only be inferred. It was time to leave life in New York, with its city apartment and home on Long Island, for something more important. It was necessary to perfect myself as an instrument. This necessitated leaving that world and everything in it, replacing it with a reclusive life in a small town where the next seven years were spent in meditation and study . Overpowering states of bliss returned unsought, and eventually , there was the need to learn how to be in the Divine Presence and still function in the world. The mind had lost track of what was happening in the world at large.
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David R Hawkins
the need to learn how to be in the Divine Presence and still function in the world. The mind had lost track of what was happening in the world at large. In order to do research and writing, it was necessary to stop all spiritual practice and focus on the world of form. Reading the newspaper and watching television helped to catch up on the story of who was who, the major events, and the nature of the current social dialogue. Exceptional subjective experiences of truth, which are the province of the mystic who affects all mankind by sending forth spiritual energy into the collective consciousness, are not understandable by the majority of mankind and are therefore of limited meaning except to other spiritual seekers. This led to an effort to be ordinary , because just being ordinary in itself is an expression of Divinity; the truth of one’s real self can be discovered through the pathwa y of everyday life. To live with care and kindness is all that is necessar y. The rest reveals itself in due time. The commonplace and God are not distinct. And so, after a long circular journey of the spirit, there was a return to the most important work, which was to try to bring the Presence at least a little closer to the grasp of as many fellow beings as possible. The Presence is silent and conveys a state of peace that is the space in which and by which all is and has its existence and experience. It is infinitely gentle and yet like a rock. With it, all fear disappears. Spiritual joyoccurs on a quiet level of inexplicable ecstasy . Because the experience of time stops, there is no apprehen sion or regret, no pain or anticipation; the source of joy is unending and ever-present. With no beginning or ending, there is no loss or grief or desir e. Nothing needs to be done; everything is already perfect and complete. When time stops, all problems disappear; they are merely artifacts of a
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David R Hawkins
there is no loss or grief or desir e. Nothing needs to be done; everything is already perfect and complete. When time stops, all problems disappear; they are merely artifacts of a point of perception. As the Presence prevails, there is no further identification with the body or the mind. When the mind grows silent, the thought “I Am” also disappears, and Pure Awareness shines forth to illuminate what one is, was, and always will be, beyond all worlds and all universes, beyond time, and therefore without beginning or end. People wonder , How does one reach this state of awar eness? but few follow the steps because they are so simple. First, the desire to reach that state was intense. Then began the discipline to act with constant and universal forgiveness and gentleness, without exception. One has to be compassionate toward everything, including one’ s own self and thoughts. Next came a willingness to hold desires in abeyance and surrender personal will at every moment . As each thought, feeling, desire, or deed was surrendered to God, the mind became progressively silent. At first, it released whole stories and paragraphs, then ideas and concepts. As one lets go of wanting to own these thoughts, they no longer reach such elaboration and begin to fragment while only half formed. Finally , it was possible to turn over the ener gy behind thought itself before it even became thought. The task of constant and unrelenting fixity of focus, allowing not even a moment of distraction from meditation, continued while doing ordinary activities. At first, this seemed very difficult, but as time went on, it became habitual, autom atic, requiring less and less effort, and finally , it was effortless. The process is like a rocket leaving the earth. At first, it requires enormous power , then less and less as it leaves the earth’ s gravitational field, and finally , it moves through space under its own momentum.
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David R Hawkins
enormous power , then less and less as it leaves the earth’ s gravitational field, and finally , it moves through space under its own momentum. Suddenly , without warning, a shift in awareness occurred and the Presence was there, unmistakable and all-encompassing. There were a few moments of apprehension as the self died; then the absoluteness of the Presence inspired a flash of awe. This breakthrough was spectacular , more intense than anything before. It has no counterpart in ordinary experience. The profound shock was cushioned by the love that is with the Presence. Without the support and protection of that love, one would be annihilated.There followed a moment of terror as the ego clung to its existence, fearing it would become nothingness. Instead, as it died, it was replaced by the Self as Everythingness, the All in which everything is known and obvious in its perfect expression of its own essence. With nonlocality came the awareness that one is all that ever was or can be. One is total and complete, beyon d all identities, beyond all gender , beyond even humanness itself. One need never again fear suffering and death. What happens to the body from this point is immaterial. At certain levels of spiritual awareness, ailments of the body heal or spontaneously disappear . But in the absolute state, such considerations are irrelevant. The body will run its predicted course and then return from whence it came. It is a matter of no importance; one is unaffected. The body appears as an “it” rather than as a “me,” as another object, like the furniture in a room. It may seem comical that people still address the body as though it were the individual “you,” but there is no way to explain this state of awareness to the unaware. It is best to just go on about one’s business and allow Providence to handle the social adjustments. However , as one reaches bliss, it is very difficult to conceal that state of
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allow Providence to handle the social adjustments. However , as one reaches bliss, it is very difficult to conceal that state of intense ecstasy . The world may be dazzled, and people may come from far and wide to be in the accompanying aura. Spiritual seekers and the spiritually curious may be attracted, as may be the very ill who are seeking miracles. One may become a magnet and a source of joy to them. Commonly , there is a desire at this point to share this state with others and to use it for the benefit of all. The ecstasy that accompanies this condition is not initially absolutely stable; there are also moments of great agony . The most intense occur when the state fluctuat es and suddenly ceases for no apparent reason. These times bring on periods of despair and a fear that one has been forsaken by the Presence. These falls make the path arduous, and to surmount these reversals requires great will. It finally becomes obvious that one must transcend this level or constantly suffer excruciating “descents from grace.” The glory of ecstasy , then, has to be relinquished as one enters upon the arduous task of transcending duality until one is beyond all opposites and their conflicting pulls. But while it is one thing to happily give up the iron chains of the ego, it is quite another to abandon the golden chains of ecstatic joy. It feels asthough one is giving up God, and a new level of fear arises, never before anticipated. This is the final terror of absolute aloneness. To the ego, the fear of nonexis tence was formidable, and it drew back from it repeated ly as it seemed to approach. The purpose of the agonies and the dark nights of the soul then became apparent. They are so intolerable that their exquisite pain spurs one on to the extreme effort required to surmount them. When vacillation between heaven and hell becomes
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that their exquisite pain spurs one on to the extreme effort required to surmount them. When vacillation between heaven and hell becomes unendurable, the desire for exist ence itself has to be surrendered . Only once this is done may one finally move beyond the duality of Allness versus nothingness, beyond existence versus nonexistence. This culminatio n of the inner work is the most difficult phase, the ultimate watershed, where one is starkly aware that the illusion of existence one transcends is irrevocable. There is no returning from this step, and this specter of irreversibility make s this last barrier appear to be the most formidable choice of all. But, in fact, in this final apocalypse of the self, the dissolution of the sole remaining duality of existence versus nonexistence—identity itself— dissolves in Universal Divinity , and no individual consciousness is left to choose. The last step, then, is taken by God. — David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. OceanofPDF .comHay House Titles of Related Inter est YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE, the movie, starring Louise Hay & Friends (available as a 1-DVD program and an expanded 2-DVD set) Watch the trailer at: www .LouiseHayMovie.com THE SHIFT , the movie, starring Dr . Wayne W. Dyer (available as a 1-DVD program and an expanded 2-DVD set) Watch the trailer at: www .DyerMovie.com THE ABUNDANCE LOOP: 8 Steps to Manifest Conscious Wealth, by Juliana Park DESTRESSIFYING: The Real-World Guide to Personal Empowerment, Lasting Fulfillment, and Peace of Mind, by davidji I CAN SEE CLEARL Y NOW , by Dr . Wayne W. Dyer MONEY : A Love Story: Untangle Y our Financial Woes and Cr eate
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David R Hawkins