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You will be provided with a partial code base and an issue statement explaining a problem to resolve. <issue> flush function for Buffered Consumer not working Hi, in class BufferedConsumer the flush function in line 338 should change to def flush (self,api_key=None) and then in line 444-445 should change to: for endpoint in self._buffers.keys(): self._flush_endpoint(endpoint,api_key=api_key) </issue> <code> [start of README.rst] 1 mixpanel-python |travis-badge| 2 ============================== 3 4 This is the official Mixpanel Python library. This library allows for 5 server-side integration of Mixpanel. 6 7 8 Installation 9 ------------ 10 11 The library can be installed using pip:: 12 13 pip install mixpanel 14 15 16 Getting Started 17 --------------- 18 19 Typical usage usually looks like this:: 20 21 from mixpanel import Mixpanel 22 23 mp = Mixpanel(YOUR_TOKEN) 24 25 # tracks an event with certain properties 26 mp.track(DISTINCT_ID, 'button clicked', {'color' : 'blue', 'size': 'large'}) 27 28 # sends an update to a user profile 29 mp.people_set(DISTINCT_ID, {'$first_name' : 'Ilya', 'favorite pizza': 'margherita'}) 30 31 You can use an instance of the Mixpanel class for sending all of your events 32 and people updates. 33 34 35 Additional Information 36 ---------------------- 37 38 * `Help Docs`_ 39 * `Full Documentation`_ 40 * mixpanel-python-async_; a third party tool for sending data asynchronously 41 from the tracking python process. 42 43 44 .. |travis-badge| image:: 45 :target: 46 .. _Help Docs: 47 .. _Full Documentation: 48 .. _mixpanel-python-async: 49 [end of README.rst] [start of mixpanel/] 1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2 """This is the official Mixpanel client library for Python. 3 4 Mixpanel client libraries allow for tracking events and setting properties on 5 People Analytics profiles from your server-side projects. This is the API 6 documentation; you may also be interested in the higher-level `usage 7 documentation`_. If your users are interacting with your application via the 8 web, you may also be interested in our `JavaScript library`_. 9 10 .. _`Javascript library`: 11 .. _`usage documentation`: 12 13 :class:`~.Mixpanel` is the primary class for tracking events and sending People 14 Analytics updates. :class:`~.Consumer` and :class:`~.BufferedConsumer` allow 15 callers to customize the IO characteristics of their tracking. 16 """ 17 from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals 18 import base64 19 import datetime 20 import json 21 import time 22 23 import six 24 from six.moves import urllib 25 26 __version__ = '4.3.1' 27 VERSION = __version__ # TODO: remove when bumping major version. 28 29 30 class DatetimeSerializer(json.JSONEncoder): 31 def default(self, obj): 32 if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime): 33 fmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' 34 return obj.strftime(fmt) 35 36 return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) 37 38 39 def json_dumps(data, cls=None): 40 # Separators are specified to eliminate whitespace. 41 return json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'), cls=cls) 42 43 44 class Mixpanel(object): 45 """Instances of Mixpanel are used for all events and profile updates. 46 47 :param str token: your project's Mixpanel token 48 :param consumer: can be used to alter the behavior of tracking (default 49 :class:`~.Consumer`) 50 :param json.JSONEncoder serializer: a JSONEncoder subclass used to handle 51 JSON serialization (default :class:`~.DatetimeSerializer`) 52 53 See `Built-in consumers`_ for details about the consumer interface. 54 55 .. versionadded:: 4.2.0 56 The *serializer* parameter. 57 """ 58 59 def __init__(self, token, consumer=None, serializer=DatetimeSerializer): 60 self._token = token 61 self._consumer = consumer or Consumer() 62 self._serializer = serializer 63 64 def _now(self): 65 return time.time() 66 67 def track(self, distinct_id, event_name, properties=None, meta=None): 68 """Record an event. 69 70 :param str distinct_id: identifies the user triggering the event 71 :param str event_name: a name describing the event 72 :param dict properties: additional data to record; keys should be 73 strings, and values should be strings, numbers, or booleans 74 :param dict meta: overrides Mixpanel special properties 75 76 ``properties`` should describe the circumstances of the event, or 77 aspects of the source or user associated with it. ``meta`` is used 78 (rarely) to override special values sent in the event object. 79 """ 80 all_properties = { 81 'token': self._token, 82 'distinct_id': distinct_id, 83 'time': int(self._now()), 84 'mp_lib': 'python', 85 '$lib_version': __version__, 86 } 87 if properties: 88 all_properties.update(properties) 89 event = { 90 'event': event_name, 91 'properties': all_properties, 92 } 93 if meta: 94 event.update(meta) 95 self._consumer.send('events', json_dumps(event, cls=self._serializer)) 96 97 def import_data(self, api_key, distinct_id, event_name, timestamp, 98 properties=None, meta=None): 99 """Record an event that occured more than 5 days in the past. 100 101 :param str api_key: your Mixpanel project's API key 102 :param str distinct_id: identifies the user triggering the event 103 :param str event_name: a name describing the event 104 :param int timestamp: UTC seconds since epoch 105 :param dict properties: additional data to record; keys should be 106 strings, and values should be strings, numbers, or booleans 107 :param dict meta: overrides Mixpanel special properties 108 109 To avoid accidentally recording invalid events, the Mixpanel API's 110 ``track`` endpoint disallows events that occurred too long ago. This 111 method can be used to import such events. See our online documentation 112 for `more details 113 <>`__. 114 """ 115 all_properties = { 116 'token': self._token, 117 'distinct_id': distinct_id, 118 'time': int(timestamp), 119 'mp_lib': 'python', 120 '$lib_version': __version__, 121 } 122 if properties: 123 all_properties.update(properties) 124 event = { 125 'event': event_name, 126 'properties': all_properties, 127 } 128 if meta: 129 event.update(meta) 130 self._consumer.send('imports', json_dumps(event, cls=self._serializer), api_key) 131 132 def alias(self, alias_id, original, meta=None): 133 """Apply a custom alias to a people record. 134 135 :param str alias_id: the new distinct_id 136 :param str original: the previous distinct_id 137 :param dict meta: overrides Mixpanel special properties 138 139 Immediately creates a one-way mapping between two ``distinct_ids``. 140 Events triggered by the new id will be associated with the existing 141 user's profile and behavior. See our online documentation for `more 142 details 143 <>`__. 144 145 .. note:: 146 Calling this method *always* results in a synchronous HTTP request 147 to Mixpanel servers, regardless of any custom consumer. 148 """ 149 sync_consumer = Consumer() 150 event = { 151 'event': '$create_alias', 152 'properties': { 153 'distinct_id': original, 154 'alias': alias_id, 155 'token': self._token, 156 }, 157 } 158 if meta: 159 event.update(meta) 160 sync_consumer.send('events', json_dumps(event, cls=self._serializer)) 161 162 def people_set(self, distinct_id, properties, meta=None): 163 """Set properties of a people record. 164 165 :param str distinct_id: the profile to update 166 :param dict properties: properties to set 167 :param dict meta: overrides Mixpanel `special properties`_ 168 169 .. _`special properties`: 170 171 If the profile does not exist, creates a new profile with these properties. 172 """ 173 return self.people_update({ 174 '$distinct_id': distinct_id, 175 '$set': properties, 176 }, meta=meta or {}) 177 178 def people_set_once(self, distinct_id, properties, meta=None): 179 """Set properties of a people record if they are not already set. 180 181 :param str distinct_id: the profile to update 182 :param dict properties: properties to set 183 184 Any properties that already exist on the profile will not be 185 overwritten. If the profile does not exist, creates a new profile with 186 these properties. 187 """ 188 return self.people_update({ 189 '$distinct_id': distinct_id, 190 '$set_once': properties, 191 }, meta=meta or {}) 192 193 def people_increment(self, distinct_id, properties, meta=None): 194 """Increment/decrement numerical properties of a people record. 195 196 :param str distinct_id: the profile to update 197 :param dict properties: properties to increment/decrement; values 198 should be numeric 199 200 Adds numerical values to properties of a people record. Nonexistent 201 properties on the record default to zero. Negative values in 202 ``properties`` will decrement the given property. 203 """ 204 return self.people_update({ 205 '$distinct_id': distinct_id, 206 '$add': properties, 207 }, meta=meta or {}) 208 209 def people_append(self, distinct_id, properties, meta=None): 210 """Append to the list associated with a property. 211 212 :param str distinct_id: the profile to update 213 :param dict properties: properties to append 214 215 Adds items to list-style properties of a people record. Appending to 216 nonexistent properties results in a list with a single element. For 217 example:: 218 219 mp.people_append('123', {'Items': 'Super Arm'}) 220 """ 221 return self.people_update({ 222 '$distinct_id': distinct_id, 223 '$append': properties, 224 }, meta=meta or {}) 225 226 def people_union(self, distinct_id, properties, meta=None): 227 """Merge the values of a list associated with a property. 228 229 :param str distinct_id: the profile to update 230 :param dict properties: properties to merge 231 232 Merges list values in ``properties`` with existing list-style 233 properties of a people record. Duplicate values are ignored. For 234 example:: 235 236 mp.people_union('123', {'Items': ['Super Arm', 'Fire Storm']}) 237 """ 238 return self.people_update({ 239 '$distinct_id': distinct_id, 240 '$union': properties, 241 }, meta=meta or {}) 242 243 def people_unset(self, distinct_id, properties, meta=None): 244 """Permanently remove properties from a people record. 245 246 :param str distinct_id: the profile to update 247 :param list properties: property names to remove 248 """ 249 return self.people_update({ 250 '$distinct_id': distinct_id, 251 '$unset': properties, 252 }, meta=meta) 253 254 def people_delete(self, distinct_id, meta=None): 255 """Permanently delete a people record. 256 257 :param str distinct_id: the profile to delete 258 """ 259 return self.people_update({ 260 '$distinct_id': distinct_id, 261 '$delete': "", 262 }, meta=meta or None) 263 264 def people_track_charge(self, distinct_id, amount, 265 properties=None, meta=None): 266 """Track a charge on a people record. 267 268 :param str distinct_id: the profile with which to associate the charge 269 :param numeric amount: number of dollars charged 270 :param dict properties: extra properties related to the transaction 271 272 Record that you have charged the current user a certain amount of 273 money. Charges recorded with this way will appear in the Mixpanel 274 revenue report. 275 """ 276 if properties is None: 277 properties = {} 278 properties.update({'$amount': amount}) 279 return self.people_append( 280 distinct_id, {'$transactions': properties or {}}, meta=meta or {} 281 ) 282 283 def people_clear_charges(self, distinct_id, meta=None): 284 """Permanently clear all charges on a people record. 285 286 :param str distinct_id: the profile whose charges will be cleared 287 """ 288 return self.people_unset( 289 distinct_id, ["$transactions"], meta=meta or {}, 290 ) 291 292 def people_update(self, message, meta=None): 293 """Send a generic update to Mixpanel people analytics. 294 295 :param dict message: the message to send 296 297 Callers are responsible for formatting the update message as documented 298 in the `Mixpanel HTTP specification`_. This method may be useful if you 299 want to use very new or experimental features of people analytics, but 300 please use the other ``people_*`` methods where possible. 301 302 .. _`Mixpanel HTTP specification`: 303 """ 304 record = { 305 '$token': self._token, 306 '$time': int(self._now() * 1000), 307 } 308 record.update(message) 309 if meta: 310 record.update(meta) 311 self._consumer.send('people', json_dumps(record, cls=self._serializer)) 312 313 314 class MixpanelException(Exception): 315 """Raised by consumers when unable to send messages. 316 317 This could be caused by a network outage or interruption, or by an invalid 318 endpoint passed to :meth:`.Consumer.send`. 319 """ 320 pass 321 322 323 class Consumer(object): 324 """ 325 A consumer that sends an HTTP request directly to the Mixpanel service, one 326 per call to :meth:`~.send`. 327 328 :param str events_url: override the default events API endpoint 329 :param str people_url: override the default people API endpoint 330 :param str import_url: override the default import API endpoint 331 :param int request_timeout: connection timeout in seconds 332 """ 333 334 def __init__(self, events_url=None, people_url=None, import_url=None, request_timeout=None): 335 self._endpoints = { 336 'events': events_url or '', 337 'people': people_url or '', 338 'imports': import_url or '', 339 } 340 self._request_timeout = request_timeout 341 342 def send(self, endpoint, json_message, api_key=None): 343 """Immediately record an event or a profile update. 344 345 :param endpoint: the Mixpanel API endpoint appropriate for the message 346 :type endpoint: "events" | "people" | "imports" 347 :param str json_message: a JSON message formatted for the endpoint 348 :raises MixpanelException: if the endpoint doesn't exist, the server is 349 unreachable, or the message cannot be processed 350 """ 351 if endpoint in self._endpoints: 352 self._write_request(self._endpoints[endpoint], json_message, api_key) 353 else: 354 raise MixpanelException('No such endpoint "{0}". Valid endpoints are one of {1}'.format(endpoint, self._endpoints.keys())) 355 356 def _write_request(self, request_url, json_message, api_key=None): 357 data = { 358 'data': base64.b64encode(json_message.encode('utf8')), 359 'verbose': 1, 360 'ip': 0, 361 } 362 if api_key: 363 data.update({'api_key': api_key}) 364 encoded_data = urllib.parse.urlencode(data).encode('utf8') 365 try: 366 request = urllib.request.Request(request_url, encoded_data) 367 368 # Note: We don't send timeout=None here, because the timeout in urllib2 defaults to 369 # an internal socket timeout, not None. 370 if self._request_timeout is not None: 371 response = urllib.request.urlopen(request, timeout=self._request_timeout).read() 372 else: 373 response = urllib.request.urlopen(request).read() 374 except urllib.error.URLError as e: 375 six.raise_from(MixpanelException(e), e) 376 377 try: 378 response = json.loads(response.decode('utf8')) 379 except ValueError: 380 raise MixpanelException('Cannot interpret Mixpanel server response: {0}'.format(response)) 381 382 if response['status'] != 1: 383 raise MixpanelException('Mixpanel error: {0}'.format(response['error'])) 384 385 return True 386 387 388 class BufferedConsumer(object): 389 """ 390 A consumer that maintains per-endpoint buffers of messages and then sends 391 them in batches. This can save bandwidth and reduce the total amount of 392 time required to post your events to Mixpanel. 393 394 .. note:: 395 Because :class:`~.BufferedConsumer` holds events, you need to call 396 :meth:`~.flush` when you're sure you're done sending them—for example, 397 just before your program exits. Calls to :meth:`~.flush` will send all 398 remaining unsent events being held by the instance. 399 400 :param int max_size: number of :meth:`~.send` calls for a given endpoint to 401 buffer before flushing automatically 402 :param str events_url: override the default events API endpoint 403 :param str people_url: override the default people API endpoint 404 :param str import_url: override the default import API endpoint 405 :param int request_timeout: connection timeout in seconds 406 """ 407 def __init__(self, max_size=50, events_url=None, people_url=None, import_url=None, request_timeout=None): 408 self._consumer = Consumer(events_url, people_url, import_url, request_timeout) 409 self._buffers = { 410 'events': [], 411 'people': [], 412 'imports': [], 413 } 414 self._max_size = min(50, max_size) 415 416 def send(self, endpoint, json_message, api_key=None): 417 """Record an event or profile update. 418 419 Internally, adds the message to a buffer, and then flushes the buffer 420 if it has reached the configured maximum size. Note that exceptions 421 raised may have been caused by a message buffered by an earlier call to 422 :meth:`~.send`. 423 424 :param endpoint: the Mixpanel API endpoint appropriate for the message 425 :type endpoint: "events" | "people" | "imports" 426 :param str json_message: a JSON message formatted for the endpoint 427 :raises MixpanelException: if the endpoint doesn't exist, the server is 428 unreachable, or any buffered message cannot be processed 429 """ 430 if endpoint not in self._buffers: 431 raise MixpanelException('No such endpoint "{0}". Valid endpoints are one of {1}'.format(endpoint, self._buffers.keys())) 432 433 buf = self._buffers[endpoint] 434 buf.append(json_message) 435 if len(buf) >= self._max_size: 436 self._flush_endpoint(endpoint, api_key) 437 438 def flush(self): 439 """Immediately send all buffered messages to Mixpanel. 440 441 :raises MixpanelException: if the server is unreachable or any buffered 442 message cannot be processed 443 """ 444 for endpoint in self._buffers.keys(): 445 self._flush_endpoint(endpoint) 446 447 def _flush_endpoint(self, endpoint, api_key=None): 448 buf = self._buffers[endpoint] 449 while buf: 450 batch = buf[:self._max_size] 451 batch_json = '[{0}]'.format(','.join(batch)) 452 try: 453 self._consumer.send(endpoint, batch_json, api_key) 454 except MixpanelException as orig_e: 455 mp_e = MixpanelException(orig_e) 456 mp_e.message = batch_json 457 mp_e.endpoint = endpoint 458 six.raise_from(mp_e, orig_e) 459 buf = buf[self._max_size:] 460 self._buffers[endpoint] = buf 461 [end of mixpanel/] </code> Here is an example of a patch file. It consists of changes to the code base. It specifies the file names, the line numbers of each change, and the removed and added lines. A single patch file can contain changes to multiple files. <patch> --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,27 +1,35 @@ def euclidean(a, b): - while b: - a, b = b, a % b - return a + if b == 0: + return a + return euclidean(b, a % b) def bresenham(x0, y0, x1, y1): points = [] dx = abs(x1 - x0) dy = abs(y1 - y0) - sx = 1 if x0 < x1 else -1 - sy = 1 if y0 < y1 else -1 - err = dx - dy + x, y = x0, y0 + sx = -1 if x0 > x1 else 1 + sy = -1 if y0 > y1 else 1 - while True: - points.append((x0, y0)) - if x0 == x1 and y0 == y1: - break - e2 = 2 * err - if e2 > -dy: + if dx > dy: + err = dx / 2.0 + while x != x1: + points.append((x, y)) err -= dy - x0 += sx - if e2 < dx: - err += dx - y0 += sy + if err < 0: + y += sy + err += dx + x += sx + else: + err = dy / 2.0 + while y != y1: + points.append((x, y)) + err -= dx + if err < 0: + x += sx + err += dy + y += sy + points.append((x, y)) return points </patch> I need you to solve the provided issue by generating a single patch file that I can apply directly to this repository using git apply. Please respond with a single patch file in the format shown above. Respond below: (...TRUNCATED)
flush function for Buffered Consumer not working Hi, in class BufferedConsumer the flush function in line 338 should change to def flush (self,api_key=None) and then in line 444-445 should change to: for endpoint in self._buffers.keys(): self._flush_endpoint(endpoint,api_key=api_key) (...TRUNCATED)
+1 I have the same issue. The exception is: "Mixpanel error: token, missing or empty" because of this bug. +1 I also just ran into this. Is it worth submitting a PR for this? I see 3 unmerged PRs that are a few years old.(...TRUNCATED)
<patch> diff --git a/mixpanel/ b/mixpanel/ --- a/mixpanel/ +++ b/mixpanel/ @@ -345,6 +345,7 @@ def send(self, endpoint, json_message, api_key=None): :param endpoint: the Mixpanel API endpoint appropriate for the message :type endpoint: "events" | "people" | "imports" :param str json_message: a JSON message formatted for the endpoint + :param str api_key: your Mixpanel project's API key :raises MixpanelException: if the endpoint doesn't exist, the server is unreachable, or the message cannot be processed """ @@ -412,6 +413,7 @@ def __init__(self, max_size=50, events_url=None, people_url=None, import_url=Non 'imports': [], } self._max_size = min(50, max_size) + self._api_key = None def send(self, endpoint, json_message, api_key=None): """Record an event or profile update. @@ -424,16 +426,22 @@ def send(self, endpoint, json_message, api_key=None): :param endpoint: the Mixpanel API endpoint appropriate for the message :type endpoint: "events" | "people" | "imports" :param str json_message: a JSON message formatted for the endpoint + :param str api_key: your Mixpanel project's API key :raises MixpanelException: if the endpoint doesn't exist, the server is unreachable, or any buffered message cannot be processed + + .. versionadded:: 4.3.2 + The *api_key* parameter. """ if endpoint not in self._buffers: raise MixpanelException('No such endpoint "{0}". Valid endpoints are one of {1}'.format(endpoint, self._buffers.keys())) buf = self._buffers[endpoint] buf.append(json_message) + if api_key is not None: + self._api_key = api_key if len(buf) >= self._max_size: - self._flush_endpoint(endpoint, api_key) + self._flush_endpoint(endpoint) def flush(self): """Immediately send all buffered messages to Mixpanel. @@ -444,13 +452,13 @@ def flush(self): for endpoint in self._buffers.keys(): self._flush_endpoint(endpoint) - def _flush_endpoint(self, endpoint, api_key=None): + def _flush_endpoint(self, endpoint): buf = self._buffers[endpoint] while buf: batch = buf[:self._max_size] batch_json = '[{0}]'.format(','.join(batch)) try: - self._consumer.send(endpoint, batch_json, api_key) + self._consumer.send(endpoint, batch_json, self._api_key) except MixpanelException as orig_e: mp_e = MixpanelException(orig_e) mp_e.message = batch_json </patch> </s>(...TRUNCATED)
diff --git a/ b/ --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -353,40 +353,32 @@ class TestBufferedConsumer: def setup_class(cls): cls.MAX_LENGTH = 10 cls.consumer = mixpanel.BufferedConsumer(cls.MAX_LENGTH) - cls.mock = Mock() - = six.b('{"status":1, "error": null}') + cls.consumer._consumer = LogConsumer() + cls.log = cls.consumer._consumer.log - def test_buffer_hold_and_flush(self): - with patch('six.moves.urllib.request.urlopen', return_value=self.mock) as urlopen: - self.consumer.send('events', '"Event"') - assert not self.mock.called - self.consumer.flush() + def setup_method(self): + del self.log[:] - assert urlopen.call_count == 1 - - (call_args, kwargs) = urlopen.call_args - (request,) = call_args - timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', None) - - assert request.get_full_url() == '' - assert qs( == qs('ip=0&data=WyJFdmVudCJd&verbose=1') - assert timeout is None + def test_buffer_hold_and_flush(self): + self.consumer.send('events', '"Event"') + assert len(self.log) == 0 + self.consumer.flush() + assert self.log == [('events', ['Event'])] def test_buffer_fills_up(self): - with patch('six.moves.urllib.request.urlopen', return_value=self.mock) as urlopen: - for i in range(self.MAX_LENGTH - 1): - self.consumer.send('events', '"Event"') - assert not self.mock.called - - self.consumer.send('events', '"Last Event"') + for i in range(self.MAX_LENGTH - 1): + self.consumer.send('events', '"Event"') + assert len(self.log) == 0 - assert urlopen.call_count == 1 - ((request,), _) = urlopen.call_args - assert request.get_full_url() == '' - assert qs( == \ - qs('ip=0&data=WyJFdmVudCIsIkV2ZW50IiwiRXZlbnQiLCJFdmVudCIsIkV2ZW50IiwiRXZlbnQiLCJFdmVudCIsIkV2ZW50IiwiRXZlbnQiLCJMYXN0IEV2ZW50Il0%3D&verbose=1') + self.consumer.send('events', '"Last Event"') + assert len(self.log) == 1 + assert self.log == [('events', [ + 'Event', 'Event', 'Event', 'Event', 'Event', + 'Event', 'Event', 'Event', 'Event', 'Last Event', + ])] - def test_unknown_endpoint(self): + def test_unknown_endpoint_raises_on_send(self): + # Ensure the exception isn't hidden until a flush. with pytest.raises(mixpanel.MixpanelException): self.consumer.send('unknown', '1') @@ -394,17 +386,19 @@ def test_useful_reraise_in_flush_endpoint(self): error_mock = Mock() = six.b('{"status": 0, "error": "arbitrary error"}') broken_json = '{broken JSON' + consumer = mixpanel.BufferedConsumer(2) with patch('six.moves.urllib.request.urlopen', return_value=error_mock): - self.consumer.send('events', broken_json) + consumer.send('events', broken_json) with pytest.raises(mixpanel.MixpanelException) as excinfo: - self.consumer.flush() + consumer.flush() assert excinfo.value.message == '[%s]' % broken_json assert excinfo.value.endpoint == 'events' - def test_import_data_receives_api_key(self): - # Ensure BufferedConsumer.send accepts the API_KEY parameter needed for - # import_data; see #62. + def test_send_remembers_api_key(self): self.consumer.send('imports', '"Event"', api_key='MY_API_KEY') + assert len(self.log) == 0 + self.consumer.flush() + assert self.log == [('imports', ['Event'], 'MY_API_KEY')] class TestFunctional: (...TRUNCATED)
"You will be provided with a partial code base and an issue statement explaining a problem to resolv(...TRUNCATED)
"Installation instructions should better indicate mandatory steps to make tests pass (or reinstall.s(...TRUNCATED)
"These libraries cannot be installed automatically due to this dependence on on extra index for dist(...TRUNCATED)
"<patch>\ndiff --git a/nemo/utils/ b/nemo/utils/\n--- a/nemo/utils/model(...TRUNCATED)
"diff --git a/tests/collections/nlp/ b/tests/collections/nlp/test_flash_atten(...TRUNCATED)
"You will be provided with a partial code base and an issue statement explaining a problem to resolv(...TRUNCATED)
"Add support for request signing\n### Description\r\n\r\nRequest signing went live and we should add(...TRUNCATED)
"someone has a branch somewhere with this implemented, i hear 👂 \r\n\r\nwe'll get some more detai(...TRUNCATED)
"<patch>\ndiff --git a/example/ b/example/\n--- a/example/\n+++ b/exam(...TRUNCATED)
"diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/\n--- a/tests/\n+++ b/tests/conftest.p(...TRUNCATED)
"You will be provided with a partial code base and an issue statement explaining a problem to resolv(...TRUNCATED)
"Celerybeat runs periodic tasks every 5 seconds regardless of interval\nI recently upgraded to celer(...TRUNCATED)
"Could you try upgrading to celery 3.0.7? Also please delete an existing `celerybeat-schedule` file(...TRUNCATED)
"<patch>\ndiff --git a/celery/ b/celery/\n--- a/celery/\n+++ b/c(...TRUNCATED)
"diff --git a/celery/tests/app/ b/celery/tests/app/\n--- a/celery/tests/app/(...TRUNCATED)
"You will be provided with a partial code base and an issue statement explaining a problem to resolv(...TRUNCATED)
"EMA Doesn't delete previous EMA ckpts when k > 0 for checkpointing\n**Describe the bug**\r\n\r\nEMA(...TRUNCATED)
"cc @carmocca\nIdeally, we would find a better solution. However, since that would require a larger (...TRUNCATED)
"<patch>\ndiff --git a/nemo/collections/common/callbacks/ b/nemo/collections/common/callbacks/(...TRUNCATED)
"diff --git a/tests/collections/common/ b/tests/collections/common/\n--- a/tes(...TRUNCATED)
"You will be provided with a partial code base and an issue statement explaining a problem to resolv(...TRUNCATED)
"Spectrogram Enhancer doesn't generalize to spectrogram lengths unseen during training\n**Describe t(...TRUNCATED)
"A temporary fix: given a trained model, clone first patch of the initial tensor length-wise:\r\n```(...TRUNCATED)
"<patch>\ndiff --git a/nemo/collections/tts/modules/ b/nemo/collections/tts/m(...TRUNCATED)
"diff --git a/tests/collections/tts/ b/tests/collections/tts/test_spectr(...TRUNCATED)
"You will be provided with a partial code base and an issue statement explaining a problem to resolv(...TRUNCATED)
"Punctuation data set uses too much memory\n**Describe the bug**\r\n\r\nPunctuation datasets cannot (...TRUNCATED)
"<patch>\ndiff --git a/examples/nlp/token_classification/data/create_punctuation_capitalization_tarr(...TRUNCATED)
"diff --git a/tests/collections/nlp/ b/tests/collections/nlp/te(...TRUNCATED)
"You will be provided with a partial code base and an issue statement explaining a problem to resolv(...TRUNCATED)
"Spectrogram Enhancer doesn't generalize to spectrogram lengths unseen during training\n**Describe t(...TRUNCATED)
"A temporary fix: given a trained model, clone first patch of the initial tensor length-wise:\r\n```(...TRUNCATED)
"<patch>\ndiff --git a/nemo/collections/tts/modules/ b/nemo/collections/tts/m(...TRUNCATED)
"diff --git a/tests/collections/tts/ b/tests/collections/tts/test_spectr(...TRUNCATED)
"You will be provided with a partial code base and an issue statement explaining a problem to resolv(...TRUNCATED)
"Introduce CELERYCTL variable in /etc/init.d/celeryd and /etc/default/celeryd\nI ran into a problem (...TRUNCATED)
"<patch>\ndiff --git a/celery/ b/celery/\n--- a/celery/\n+++ b/cele(...TRUNCATED)
"diff --git a/celery/tests/ b/celery/tests/\n--- a/celery/tests/\n+++ b/c(...TRUNCATED)
"You will be provided with a partial code base and an issue statement explaining a problem to resolv(...TRUNCATED)
"Loading NLP and ASR models might result in `Missing key(s) in state_dict` error\n**Describe the bug(...TRUNCATED)
"<patch>\ndiff --git a/examples/asr/ b/examples/asr/\n(...TRUNCATED)
"diff --git a/examples/tts/ b/examples/tts/\n--- a/examples/tts/te(...TRUNCATED)
YAML Metadata Warning: empty or missing yaml metadata in repo card (

dataset_info: features: - name: repo dtype: string - name: instance_id dtype: string - name: base_commit dtype: string - name: patch dtype: string - name: test_patch dtype: string - name: problem_statement dtype: string - name: hints_text dtype: string - name: created_at dtype: string - name: version dtype: string - name: FAIL_TO_PASS dtype: string - name: PASS_TO_PASS dtype: string - name: environment_setup_commit dtype: string splits: - name: dev - name: test - name: train configs:

  • config_name: default data_files:
    • split: dev path: data/dev-*
    • split: test path: data/test-*
    • split: train path: data/train-*
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