binary analysis
binary analysis
kolmogorov smirnov
kolmogorov smirnov
bayesian regression model
bayesian regression model
gray's test
gray's test for competing risks
mcnemar 2 sided testalpha level of 10%
mcnemar 1 sided testalpha level of 2.5%
linear mixed model
repeated measures linear effects model
method of zhang tsiatis and davidian
method of zhang tsiatis and davidian
based on clda model
clda model
global test statistic
global test statistic
cox model analysis
mixed model regression analysis
dersimonian and laird test
dersimonian and laird test
irr test statistic
global test statistic
nb 2
nb 2
analysis of variance
rank analysis of covariance
adjusted peto prentice
adjusted peto prentice
clopper pearson exact method
clopper and pearson
anderson gill model
anderson gill model
gray test
gray's test for competing risks
fixed effects linear model
repeated measures linear effects model
sequential testing/hochberg procedure
sequential testing/hochberg procedure
mann whitney u test
stratified mann whitney test
modified farrington manning test
farrington and manning test
large sample approximation
large sample approximation
exact smirnov test
exact smirnov test
hochberg adjusted
hochberg adjusted
clopper pearson
clopper and pearson
clda with multiple imputation
'multiple imputation
hochberg and gatekeeping
hochberg and gatekeeping
bayesian modeling
bayesian modeling
omnibus f test
omnibus f test
stratified willcoxon test
stratified willcoxon test
wald asymptotic
one sided asymptotic test
mixed model repeated measures ancova
ancova mixed effects repeated measures
no statistical test
global test statistic
farrington and manning
farrington and manning test
gee for binary response model
mixed effect analysis of covariance
rank analysis of covariance
farrington manning test
farrington and manning test
anova on van der waerden normal score
van der waerden anova
inverse variance method
inverse variance method
global statistical test
global test statistic
wilcoxon signed rank test.
wilcoxon signed rank test
farrington and manning fm
farrington and manning test
random effects analysis
random effects model
2 sided anova on van der waerden
van der waerden anova
non parametric anova by van der waerden
van der waerden anova
tukey ciminera heyse trend test
tukey ciminera heyse trend test
stratified cox
stratified mann whitney test
mann whitney test
stratified mann whitney test
noninferiority design
one sided noninferiority test
random coefficient model
random intercept random coeff. model
glm for repeated measures anova
glm for repeated measures anova
glm for repeated measures
repeated measures linear effects model
barnard's test
barnard's exact test
linear mixed effects regression model
general linear mixed model
noninferiority analysis
non inferiority analysis
exact binomial clopper pearson
mixed models repeated measures ancova
ancova mixed effects repeated measures
peto peto prentice
adjusted peto prentice
tukey ciminera heysetrend test
tukey ciminera heyse trend test
sequential testing/hochberg procedure
no formal statistical testing
no formal statistical testing
logistic random effect model
random effects model
exact permutation test for paired sample
exact permutation test for paired sample
farrington manning score test
farrington and manning test
hochberg's step up
hochberg's step up
hochberg procedure
sequential testing/hochberg procedure
random intercept random coef. model
random intercept random coeff. model
bioequivalence testing
bioequivalence testing
dunnett's test analysis of covariance
rank analysis of covariance
roche cobas taqman hbv test
roche cobas taqman hbv test
anderson gill analysis
anderson gill model
ancova with multiple imputation
'multiple imputation
farrrington and manning
farrington and manning test
andersen gill model for recurrent events
andersen gill ag
andersen gill recurrent event cox model
andersen gill ag
normal approximation
normal approximation
exact farrington manning
farrington and manning test
other ci
clda model
no statistical test performed
no test performed
generalized linear random effects model
random effects model
asymptotic normality assumption
asymptotic normality assumption
breslow day test
breslow day test
clopper pearson method
clopper and pearson
mixed linear model
repeated measures linear effects model
proportional rates model lwyy
proportional rates model lwyy
kenward roger
kenward roger
andersen gill model
andersen gill ag
andersen gill recurrent event cox
andersen gill ag
gee gamma regression models
median test
median test
linear mixed model lmm
general linear mixed model
repeated measures glm
repeated measures linear effects model