4 values
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{'patient': {'bday': '2011-06-04', 'name': 'Tomlin^Juno^^^', 'breed': 'Manx', 'owner': 'Cassandra', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Richman Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Richman Animal Clinic'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'History of chronic intermittent anorexia, vomiting and weight loss. Previous DVM concerned about primary GI disease. Patient is on ~2mg Prednisolone daily from previous DVM. Besides muscle wasting, PE unremarkable. Concern for possible pulmonary nodule in caudo-dorsal lung field. ', 'questions': 'n/a'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID with spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 430, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Renal - SKD, RMN', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 730, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Possible TMS', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1106, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 92.754, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, no cause for GI signs, old/ very sick, poss pancreatitis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Given the normal appearance of the GI tract and clinical history provided, clinical signs are most consistent with a systemic illness, possibly pancreatitis. Severe gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, inflammatory, toxin or dietary indiscretion can be considered. Other differentials may include chronic enteritis, IBD or neoplastic etiology.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': ' Supportive care is recommended. Correlate with a minimum database including blood work, urinalysis, testing for pancreatitis and a gastrointestinal panel. Follow-up imaging with abdominal ultrasound or serial radiographs to rule out gastroenteritis, dietary indiscretion, pancreatitis or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 140, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Losing weight'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Cachexia'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['round', 'ill defined'], '___s2_': ['caudodorsal']}}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['L5-L6', 'L7-S1']}}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2510, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-area'}, {'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'internal_notes': '', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is a round and ill defined mass noted in the caudodorsal thorax. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is increased opacity noted over the silhouette of the left kidney. The left kidney measures below normal range. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is intervertebral disc space narrowing at L5-L6 and L7-S1. There is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp'}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat'}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability'}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass'}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node'}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node'}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nStructure identified in the thorax suspicious for pulmonary mass. Overlying soft tissue structures cannot be completely ruled out.\nGiven the normal appearance of the GI tract and clinical history provided, clinical signs are most consistent with a systemic illness, possibly pancreatitis. Severe gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, inflammatory, toxin or dietary indiscretion can be considered. Other differentials may include chronic enteritis, IBD or neoplastic etiology.\nThe small kidney and mineralization may indicate chronic renal disease.\nPresence of disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider CT scan and/or additional radiographic views for further investigation of the structure identified in the thorax. Otherwise, recheck radiographs can be performed to monitor for progression.\nSupportive care is recommended. Correlate with a minimum database including blood work, urinalysis, testing for pancreatitis and a gastrointestinal panel. Follow-up imaging with abdominal ultrasound or serial radiographs to rule out gastroenteritis, dietary indiscretion, pancreatitis or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs.\nCorrelate with biochemistry profile and urinalysis and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the kidney(s).\nCorrelate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis.'}
{'bday': '2011-06-04', 'name': 'Tomlin^Juno^^^', 'breed': 'Manx', 'owner': 'Cassandra', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Richman Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Richman Animal Clinic'}
History of chronic intermittent anorexia, vomiting and weight loss. Previous DVM concerned about primary GI disease. Patient is on ~2mg Prednisolone daily from previous DVM. Besides muscle wasting, PE unremarkable. Concern for possible pulmonary nodule in caudo-dorsal lung field.
['Respiratory-area', 'Gastrointestinal-area']
['Losing weight', 'Vomiting', 'Anorexia', 'Cachexia', 'Feline']
[140, 256, 606, 698, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-01-12', 'name': 'Juneau^Mika', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Juneau^', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Morgan Animal Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Morgan Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': '1', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'having episodes intermittently of coughing, was sneezing intermittently as well, for the past 3 months, not all the time, about once every 1 to 2 weeks, energy norma, eating/drinking normally, indoor only, on SD dry kibble and some can food daily\r\ndrining/urinating normally, no vomiting or diarrhea. Some increase effort when breathing while here.auscult-mild incr BV lung sounds, heart sounds normal.', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 195, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Visible spleen', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 294, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Bronchial plugging', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 312, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Multiple masses', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 332, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Pleural fluid', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Sneezing'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2470, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Lung sounds'}, {'id': 2535, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'eating-normally'}], 'findings': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There are multiple massed noted in the thorax. ', 'elapsedTime': 27.721, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right']}}, {'id': 2279, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cranioventral-lung-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['alveolar']}}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2510, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\n* There is a mediastinal shift with the heart displaced to the right.\n* A bronchial pattern is present. \n* There is increased opacity in the cranioventral lung field, characterized as a alveolar pattern. \n* There are multiple massed noted in the thorax. \n* There is evidence of fluid in the pleural space.\n* The diaphragm is unremarkable. \n\nAbdomen\n* The spleen is visualized in the cranioventral abdomen.\n* The stomach is empty. \n* The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. \n\nMusculoskeletal\n* No appendicular fractures are noted. \n* No evidence of rib fracture is observed.\n* No aggressive osseous lesions identified.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift'}], 'report_conclusions': '* Given the increased opacity in the lungs and the presence of a bronchial pattern, bronchial plugging with secondary lung lobe collapse should be considered. Chronic bronchitis due to allergies or chronic bacterial infection should also be considered. \n - Correlate with clinical history and/or additional diagnostics and consider medical management.\n* Multiple pulmonary masses. Differentials may include primary neoplasia, metastatic neoplasia, infectious causes, or granulomas. \n - CT scan and additional diagnostics could be considered for a more definitive diagnosis. \n* Pleural effusion. Rule out chylothorax, pyothorax, neoplastic exudate, or other causes.\n - Consider therapeutic thoracocentesis and obtaining a sample for fluid analysis and cytology.\n* Visualization of the spleen may be normal variation or due to infiltrative disease such as lymphosarcoma, mast cell neoplasia, or other. \n - Consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation.'}
{'bday': '2012-01-12', 'name': 'Juneau^Mika', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Juneau^', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Morgan Animal Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Morgan Animal Hospital'}
having episodes intermittently of coughing, was sneezing intermittently as well, for the past 3 months, not all the time, about once every 1 to 2 weeks, energy norma, eating/drinking normally, indoor only, on SD dry kibble and some can food daily drining/urinating normally, no vomiting or diarrhea. Some increase effort when breathing while here.auscult-mild incr BV lung sounds, heart sounds normal.
['Coughing', 'Sneezing', 'Lung sounds']
['Diarrhea', 'Lethargic/tired', 'Vomiting', 'Heart Murmur', 'Eating normally']
[69, 230, 2470]
[76, 131, 256, 2175, 2535]
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-04-28', 'name': 'Reuter^Whitlow^^^', 'breed': 'Labradoodle', 'owner': 'Reuter', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'tnc9836'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '4 month history of mild limping LEFT forelimb. Mostly after a long walk or after playing. goes home. lays down, then gets up and limps of a few minutes, then gets better. If not playing hard for a few days, will stop limping when she gets up. She does have mild/moderate carpal hyper-extension bilaterally.', 'questions': 'Arthritis vs soft tissue injury vs tendonitis vs DJD vs other LEFT forelimb'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1030, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1039, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 410, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 134.10700000000003, 'consult_name': 'M/S GEN - enthesopathy, no lame/pain', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Bony outgrowth with associated soft tissue thickening on the left distal ulna, likely incidental. The study is negative for fractures, luxation/subluxation and soft tissue swelling. Soft tissue injury or tendinopathy cannot be ruled out completely at this time.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with physical exam for clinical significance of the described bony outgrowth. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1046, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Carpus - arthritis, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Mild degenerative changes in the right distal forelimb as previously described.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2185, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2341, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-chronic'}, {'id': 2346, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-forelimb'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is bony proliferation associated with the lateral aspect of the left distal ulna. ', 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right']}}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1515, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Joint instability - carpal'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}], 'internal_notes': '', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is bony proliferation associated with the lateral aspect of the left distal ulna. There is degenerative joint disease affecting the right carpus. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans'}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process'}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy'}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis'}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid'}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity'}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device'}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers'}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency'}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection'}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus'}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)"}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nBony outgrowth with associated soft tissue thickening on the left distal ulna, likely incidental. The study is negative for fractures, luxation/subluxation and soft tissue swelling. Soft tissue injury or tendinopathy cannot be ruled out completely at this time.\nMild degenerative changes in the right distal forelimb as previously described.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with physical exam for clinical significance of the described bony outgrowth.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination.'}
{'bday': '2019-04-28', 'name': 'Reuter^Whitlow^^^', 'breed': 'Labradoodle', 'owner': 'Reuter', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'tnc9836'}
4 month history of mild limping LEFT forelimb. Mostly after a long walk or after playing. goes home. lays down, then gets up and limps of a few minutes, then gets better. If not playing hard for a few days, will stop limping when she gets up. She does have mild/moderate carpal hyper-extension bilaterally.
Arthritis vs soft tissue injury vs tendonitis vs DJD vs other LEFT forelimb
['Lameness', 'Chronic lameness', 'Forelimb lameness', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[2185, 2341, 2346, 2656]
['Joint instability - carpal']
{'patient': {'bday': '2011-10-20', 'name': 'Halse^Jameson^^^', 'breed': 'Labrador Retriever', 'owner': 'Jesse', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Signal Hill Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Signal Hill Animal Clinic'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pt was presented for extreme lethargy and experiencing difficulty standing up', 'questions': 'Lethargy '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1043, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 197, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 219, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 10.764, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - LAD, no trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'There appears to be free fluid in the abdomen. Rule out low oncotic pressure, portal hypertension, a neoplastic effusion, abdominal hemorrhage, peritonitis, or other potential sources of the free fluid identified in the abdomen.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 363, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'elapsedTime': 9.977, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip OA, lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Degenerative changes in the hips may be contributing to the reported signs. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 13.306, 'consult_name': 'limited evaluation', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Limited evaluation due to image quality artifact.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Due to limited evaluation, consider additional radiographic views or advanced imaging if a more thorough evaluation is needed. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 248, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Struggling to stand'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The spleen appears prominent on the vd view.', 'elapsedTime': 12.113, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. Particularly in the cranioventral abdomen on the lateral views.', 'elapsedTime': 37.341, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2520, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-area'}, {'id': 2522, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Systemic-area'}, {'id': 2673, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe spleen appears prominent on the vd view. There is radiopaque material within the stomach. There is a loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. Particularly in the cranioventral abdomen on the lateral views. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is degenerative changes affecting the left and right coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans'}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy'}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis'}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures'}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail'}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers'}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency'}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection'}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus'}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis'}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)"}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nLimited evaluation due to image quality artifact.\nThere appears to be free fluid in the abdomen. Rule out low oncotic pressure, portal hypertension, a neoplastic effusion, abdominal hemorrhage, peritonitis, or other potential sources of the free fluid identified in the abdomen.\nSplenomegaly. Differentials include benign etiologies (sedation if applicable, EMH and lymphoid hyperplasia), infiltrative disease (round cell neoplasia) and infectious etiologies (ie: tick borne diseases).\nDegenerative changes in the hips may be contributing to the reported signs.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nDue to limited evaluation, consider additional radiographic views or advanced imaging if a more thorough evaluation is needed.\nFor further assessment, advise abdominocentesis analysis and cytology of the free fluid in the abdomen and abdominal ultrasound.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate clinical significance of the enlarged spleen and if enlargement is confirmed an FNA sample is recommended to determine etiology.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination. Consider analgesic and monitor response to therapy.'}
{'bday': '2011-10-20', 'name': 'Halse^Jameson^^^', 'breed': 'Labrador Retriever', 'owner': 'Jesse', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Signal Hill Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Signal Hill Animal Clinic'}
Pt was presented for extreme lethargy and experiencing difficulty standing up
['screening-area', 'Systemic-area', 'neoplasia-musculoskeletal']
['Lethargic/tired', 'Struggling to stand', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[131, 248, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-04-12', 'name': 'Schacht^ZEVA', 'breed': 'Yorkshire Terrier', 'owner': 'Schacht^Melanie', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Hospital Volusia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'ICU'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "Zeva is a 12 YO FS Biewer Terrier who was presented for having intermittent gelatinous diarrhea for the last 2 days. Pet does have a history of pancreatitis. O reports pet's eyes have had green discharge and have matted shut the the last 3 days. Pet also has a history of allergies and alternates taking Cytopoint and Apoquel. O started applying previously prescribed ear drops, pet's ear was red at home. O gave Pepto-Bismol yesterday.\r\n\r\nPet takes Metaclopramide.\r\n\r\ncPL abnormal", 'questions': "Zeva is a 12 YO FS Biewer Terrier who was presented for having intermittent gelatinous diarrhea for the last 2 days. Pet does have a history of pancreatitis. O reports pet's eyes have had green discharge and have matted shut the the last 3 days. Pet also has a history of allergies and alternates taking Cytopoint and Apoquel. O started applying previously prescribed ear drops, pet's ear was red at home. O gave Pepto-Bismol yesterday.\r\n\r\nPet takes Metaclopramide.\r\n\r\ncPL abnormal"}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 253, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Colon - hematochezia/diarroea, normal gut', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 431, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Renal - RMN', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 638, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Discharge - ocular (eye)'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is increased opacity noted over the silhouette of the left kidney. ', 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1003, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Hypersensitivity (allergic) skin disorder - food hypersensitivity'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}, {'id': 2661, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gi signs - pancreatitis/systemic'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is increased opacity noted over the silhouette of the left kidney. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver'}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization'}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive'}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass'}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp'}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2487, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nA cause for the described clinical signs is not determined from the radiographs. Given the history, colitis due to dietary indiscretion, stress, parasite, or other cause should be considered.\nThe opacity overlying the renal silhouette is representative of renal mineralization and likely chronic renal disease.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the clinical signs is indicated at this time. Consider fecal testing and blood work for further investigation.\nConsider biochemistry profile and urinalysis +/- abdominal ultrasound if there is suspicion for renal disease.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necesary for a defintive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.'}
{'bday': '2012-04-12', 'name': 'Schacht^ZEVA', 'breed': 'Yorkshire Terrier', 'owner': 'Schacht^Melanie', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Hospital Volusia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'ICU'}
Zeva is a 12 YO FS Biewer Terrier who was presented for having intermittent gelatinous diarrhea for the last 2 days. Pet does have a history of pancreatitis. O reports pet's eyes have had green discharge and have matted shut the the last 3 days. Pet also has a history of allergies and alternates taking Cytopoint and Apoquel. O started applying previously prescribed ear drops, pet's ear was red at home. O gave Pepto-Bismol yesterday. Pet takes Metaclopramide. cPL abnormal
Zeva is a 12 YO FS Biewer Terrier who was presented for having intermittent gelatinous diarrhea for the last 2 days. Pet does have a history of pancreatitis. O reports pet's eyes have had green discharge and have matted shut the the last 3 days. Pet also has a history of allergies and alternates taking Cytopoint and Apoquel. O started applying previously prescribed ear drops, pet's ear was red at home. O gave Pepto-Bismol yesterday. Pet takes Metaclopramide. cPL abnormal
['Gastrointestinal-area', 'Gi signs - pancreatitis/systemic']
['Diarrhea', 'Discharge - ocular (eye)', 'Canine Small Breed']
[76, 638, 2654]
['Hypersensitivity (allergic) skin disorder - food hypersensitivity']
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-03-06', 'name': 'WALSH^MERLE', 'breed': 'Australian Cattle Dog', 'owner': 'WALSH^BERNIE', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Owner saw that there was a hook with bait and a 6 inch leader line that went missing. Owner thinks that patient ate it. \r\n\r\nPatient was coughing after they realized it was missing. \r\n\r\nThey then feed patient about a cup of dry kibble when they got home.\r\n\r\nAte kibble fine.', 'questions': 'neck/thorax/abdomen'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1007, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 239, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 208.815, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Small FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 748, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 116.444, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Cardiac/lung Screening, normal', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 739, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The stomach contains a metallic opacity that is like a fish hook. ', 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 612, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Foreign body'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe stomach contains a metallic opacity that is like a fish hook. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGastric foreign body consistent with the suspected hook, which may or may not pass on its own. \nNormal thorax study, with unremarkable cardiovascular structures and clear lungs. Cannot completely rule out upper or lower respiratory pathology.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nRecommend supportive care and follow-up radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor the passage of the gastric foreign body. Consider surgical exploration if it is suspected that the foreign body may not pass on its own or may cause significant damage as it passes through the gastrointestinal tract. Also, repeat radiographs to monitor for any development of lung or cardiovascular pathology.'}
{'bday': '2016-03-06', 'name': 'WALSH^MERLE', 'breed': 'Australian Cattle Dog', 'owner': 'WALSH^BERNIE', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}
Owner saw that there was a hook with bait and a 6 inch leader line that went missing. Owner thinks that patient ate it. Patient was coughing after they realized it was missing. They then feed patient about a cup of dry kibble when they got home. Ate kibble fine.
['Coughing', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[69, 2656]
['Foreign body']
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-03-21', 'name': 'SCHMIDT-WILLIAMS^CEASER', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'SCHMIDT-WILLIAMS', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Emergency Pet Hospital of Glendora', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EPHG'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Repeat radiographs, post 24 hours, NPO, supportive care.', 'questions': 'Pet appears clinically well.'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': ['right-heart-enlargement', 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal', 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion']}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [], 'signals': [{'id': 201, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Re-examination/Follow-up'}, {'id': 2356, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fasted'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2522, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Systemic-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe spleen is visualized in the cranioventral abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}], 'report_conclusions': ''}
{'bday': '2018-03-21', 'name': 'SCHMIDT-WILLIAMS^CEASER', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'SCHMIDT-WILLIAMS', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Emergency Pet Hospital of Glendora', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EPHG'}
Repeat radiographs, post 24 hours, NPO, supportive care.
Pet appears clinically well.
['Re-examination/Follow-up', 'Fasted']
[201, 2356]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-03-10', 'name': 'Blackshaw^George', 'breed': 'Siamese Mix', 'owner': 'Blackshaw^Johnathan', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Ira Barzelai'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented for vomiting past 2 days. Normal appetite. Previously on Prednisolone for possible IBD. CBC, Chem, T4, fPL, Urinalysis pending.', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'consult': [{'id': 247, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 23.808, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, no cause for GI signs', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend supportive care. Correlate with lab testing for pancreatitis. Depending on lab results, follow-up imaging, abdominal ultrasound may also be helpful to further assess gastrointestinal pattern.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2535, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'eating-normally'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe study is most compatible with gastroenteritis. No obstructive pattern is visible although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded on radiographs. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and dietary indiscretion should be considered.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend supportive care. Correlate with lab testing for pancreatitis. Depending on lab results, follow-up imaging, abdominal ultrasound may also be helpful to further assess gastrointestinal pattern.'}
{'bday': '2016-03-10', 'name': 'Blackshaw^George', 'breed': 'Siamese Mix', 'owner': 'Blackshaw^Johnathan', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Ira Barzelai'}
Presented for vomiting past 2 days. Normal appetite. Previously on Prednisolone for possible IBD. CBC, Chem, T4, fPL, Urinalysis pending.
['Vomiting', 'Eating normally']
[256, 2535]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-02-05', 'name': 'Kay^Frankie^^^', 'breed': 'Mixed - Small', 'owner': 'Katie Kay', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Pet Care Center Clinic Esplanade- SVP', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Pet Care Center Esplanade'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Acute vomiting. Started last night. Last meal 5pm 4/29/24. Not eating or drinking today. Dental was done in October 2023, where pre-op labs CBC CHEM 15 was normal. \r\nExam- Discomfort on the abdomen palpation\r\nBAR on presentation. Normal Temp. \r\nCurrent Treatment- cerenia. \r\nSQ fluids\r\nRoyal canin GI diet. ', 'questions': 'Signs of FB, Pancreatitis, Mass effect, organ enlargement?'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 197, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 204, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Summation(FP)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 390, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Spine - LS degeneration, no neuro signs', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1107, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, vomiting, gastroenteritis, no HGE', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Medical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time.\xa0Correlate with a minimum database including blood work, urinalysis and testing for pancreatitis.\xa0If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further assess gastrointestinal pattern.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mid']}}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 149, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Pancreatitis'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 50, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Fluid therapy administration - subcutaneous (SC)'}, {'id': 967, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Antiemetic'}], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe spleen appears prominent. There is an increased soft tissue opacity noted in the mid abdomen suspected to be summation of structures in the region. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere are degenerative changes noted at the lumbosacral junction. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization'}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail'}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe study is unremarkable, although gastroenteritis cannot be ruled out. No obstructive pattern is visible although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded on radiographs. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, and dietary indiscretion should be considered.\nSplenomegaly. Differentials include benign etiologies (sedation if applicable, EMH and lymphoid hyperplasia), infiltrative disease (round cell neoplasia) and infectious etiologies (ie: tick borne diseases).\nSummation of soft tissue structures as described previously is suspected to be overlap of the normal anatomy though a mass or lymphadenopathy in the region cannot be completely ruled out.\nLumbosacral degeneration.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time.\xa0Correlate with a minimum database including blood work, urinalysis and testing for pancreatitis.\xa0If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further assess gastrointestinal pattern.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate clinical significance of the enlarged spleen and if enlargement is confirmed an FNA sample is recommended to determine etiology.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation to rule out a mass or lymphadenopathy in the area.\nCorrelate with neurologic examination for clinical significance of lumbosacral degeneration.'}
{'bday': '2015-02-05', 'name': 'Kay^Frankie^^^', 'breed': 'Mixed - Small', 'owner': 'Katie Kay', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Pet Care Center Clinic Esplanade- SVP', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Pet Care Center Esplanade'}
Acute vomiting. Started last night. Last meal 5pm 4/29/24. Not eating or drinking today. Dental was done in October 2023, where pre-op labs CBC CHEM 15 was normal. Exam- Discomfort on the abdomen palpation BAR on presentation. Normal Temp. Current Treatment- cerenia. SQ fluids Royal canin GI diet.
Signs of FB, Pancreatitis, Mass effect, organ enlargement?
['Vomiting', 'Anorexia', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Canine Small Breed']
[256, 606, 622, 2654]
['Fluid therapy administration - subcutaneous (SC)', 'Antiemetic']
[50, 967]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-11-02', 'name': 'HARVELLE^MAX', 'breed': 'Yorkshire Terrier', 'owner': 'HARVELLE^', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Best Care Animal Hospital Matthews & Charlotte', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Best Care Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P began limping 3 days ago. Leg is swollen. O does not know what may have happened.', 'questions': ' '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 406, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 126.27700000000002, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, non specific, no trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Soft tissue swelling is noted on the forelimb (assumed left). Due to a discrepancy with labeling on image 4 the affected limb can not be definitively discerned. No pathology observed in the associated bony structures. Differentials include cellulitis, edema, dermatitis, or less likely neoplastic disease.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 575, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mass/swelling - limb, upper'}, {'id': 2185, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the left', 'front limb']}}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is soft tissue swelling involving the left and front limb. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 722, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesions-of-the-third-phalanx'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans'}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy'}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis'}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device'}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers'}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency'}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection'}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus'}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis'}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)"}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSoft tissue swelling is noted on the forelimb (assumed left). Due to a discrepancy with labeling on image 4 the affected limb can not be definitively discerned. No pathology observed in the associated bony structures. Differentials include cellulitis, edema, dermatitis, or less likely neoplastic disease.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend medical management for soft tissue swelling and tissue sampling for further investigation, if warranted. Focal ultrasound with FNA sampling could also be considered.'}
{'bday': '2021-11-02', 'name': 'HARVELLE^MAX', 'breed': 'Yorkshire Terrier', 'owner': 'HARVELLE^', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Best Care Animal Hospital Matthews & Charlotte', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Best Care Animal Hospital'}
P began limping 3 days ago. Leg is swollen. O does not know what may have happened.
['Mass/swelling - limb', 'Lameness', 'Canine Small Breed']
[575, 2185, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-05-11', 'name': 'Pratt^Patricia', 'breed': 'Beagle Mix', 'owner': 'Pratt^Jacob', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dr. Nair'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Decreased appetite for few days. Some lethargy noted at home. Ate food prior to presentation today. 10 days ago vomited twice and had one episode of hematochezia, but none since then. \r\nOn physical exam: Mild generalized discomfort in cranial abdomen. Euhydrated, normothermic. \r\nPending labs: CBC, Chem, UA, CPL, giardia snap pending. ', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'elapsedTime': 64.635, 'consult_name': 'Post prandial stomach', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 233, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Pain causing non-specific signs', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain-abdominal'}, {'id': 2352, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lab-work-pending'}, {'id': 2475, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Hematochezia'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is radio-opaque material noted within the small intestine.', 'elapsedTime': 9.852, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'The stomach is moderately distended with radiopaque material.', 'elapsedTime': 27.176, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2288, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'plication-distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe stomach is moderately distended with radiopaque material. There is an accumulation of fecal material in the colon. There is radio-opaque material noted within the small intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}], 'report_conclusions': 'A specific cause for the abdominal pain cannot be determined from the radiographs. Consider discomfort as a possible differential. Sources of discomfort could include partial vertebral disc herniation, abdominal or other soft tissue origins. Taking into account the provided history, it cannot be determined if the initial cause of the vomiting and hematochezia still persists and could be contributing to the abdominal pain noted on physical exam.\n - Correlate with a minimum database including blood work and urinalysis. Follow up clinical re-evaluation and/or re-evaluation of radiographs in time or ultrasound may also be indicated.\n* There appears to be mild fecal retention. Rule out constipation. \n- Correlate with clinical history.\n* Gastric material is consistent with food/recent meal as indicated in the history provided. There is also material noted in the small intestines which is most consistent with food.\n\n\n'}
{'bday': '2021-05-11', 'name': 'Pratt^Patricia', 'breed': 'Beagle Mix', 'owner': 'Pratt^Jacob', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dr. Nair'}
Decreased appetite for few days. Some lethargy noted at home. Ate food prior to presentation today. 10 days ago vomited twice and had one episode of hematochezia, but none since then. On physical exam: Mild generalized discomfort in cranial abdomen. Euhydrated, normothermic. Pending labs: CBC, Chem, UA, CPL, giardia snap pending.
['Lethargic/tired', 'Hyporexia', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Lab work pending']
['Vomiting', 'Hematochezia']
[131, 607, 622, 2352]
[256, 2475]
{'patient': {'bday': '2010-04-19', 'name': 'Warner^RAMPAGE', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Warner^Clement', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Rampage is a 14 YO MN Lab mix who was presented for swollen paw and not being able to walk. P was walking this morning and stopped this afternoon.', 'questions': 'NA'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 374, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Elbow - arthritis, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 379, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Shoulder - SAR, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 406, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 17.908, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, non specific, no trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Soft tissue mass/swelling as described. No pathology observed in the associated bony structures. Differentials include cellulitis, edema, dermatitis, or, given the age of the patient, neoplastic disease.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 204, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Reluctant to walk'}, {'id': 575, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mass/swelling - limb, upper'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracolumbar']}}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the shoulder. ', 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the right', 'distal', 'front limb']}}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracolumbar spine. There is soft tissue swelling involving the right, distal and front limb. There are degenerative changes noted in the shoulder. There are degenerative changes noted in the left and right elbow. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia'}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans'}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process'}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture'}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid'}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis'}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSoft tissue mass/swelling as described. No pathology observed in the associated bony structures. Differentials include cellulitis, edema, dermatitis, or, given the age of the patient, neoplastic disease.\nDegenerative changes in the shoulder.\nDegenerative changes in the elbow.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend medical management for soft tissue swelling and tissue sampling for further investigation, if warranted. Focal ultrasound with FNA sampling could also be considered.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the shoulder.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the elbow.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2010-04-19', 'name': 'Warner^RAMPAGE', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Warner^Clement', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
Rampage is a 14 YO MN Lab mix who was presented for swollen paw and not being able to walk. P was walking this morning and stopped this afternoon.
['Reluctant to move/walk', 'Mass/swelling - limb', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[204, 575, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-11-09', 'name': 'Framel^Joey', 'breed': 'Poodle Mix', 'owner': 'Framel^Trish & David', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Hearthstone Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Steve Pelton'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Painful, not eating, seems a little uncomfortable in the back/neck?', 'questions': '.'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 228, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental VAN', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1059, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 17.549, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No cause for pain/ panting/ heavy breathing', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend supportive care and further additional testing such as CBC, chemistry, serum ammonia, pre and postprandial bile acids, and urinalysis as clinically indicated. Re-evaluate as clinically indicated to further investigate the possible sources of discomfort.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': [',T13']}}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}, {'id': 2522, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Systemic-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nVertebral anomaly is noted at T13. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo radiographic evidence for clinical signs described. Consider discomfort as a possible differential. Sources of discomfort could include partial vertebral disc herniation, abdominal or other soft tissue origins.\nVertebral anomaly. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend supportive care and further additional testing such as CBC, chemistry, serum ammonia, pre and postprandial bile acids, and urinalysis as clinically indicated. Re-evaluate as clinically indicated to further investigate the possible sources of discomfort.\nCorrelate with physical exam for clinical significance of the vertebral anomaly.'}
{'bday': '2014-11-09', 'name': 'Framel^Joey', 'breed': 'Poodle Mix', 'owner': 'Framel^Trish & David', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Hearthstone Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Steve Pelton'}
Painful, not eating, seems a little uncomfortable in the back/neck?
['Musculoskeletal-area', 'Systemic-area']
['Anorexia', 'Pain', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[606, 2186, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-04-22', 'name': 'houston^axel', 'breed': 'Boxer', 'owner': 'Jonikquea Houston', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'o states she woke up and noticed a pool of blood around the pt that appeared to be coming from the mouth. no v/d. e/d wnl. the pt was seen at rDVM on 4/8 for head tilting, weakness in pelvic limbs, slightly bloated belly and inappropriate urination.\r\n\r\npre-existing conditions- degenerative myelopathy, elevated liver enzymes\r\n\r\ncurrent meds- denamarin, amoxicillin 500mg, prednisone 20mg\r\n\r\ncbc, chem 17 and lytes and coags run prior to x-rays- coags and cbc wnl, chem and lytes- mostly unremarkable ', 'questions': 'concern for hematemesis '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 200, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Splenomegaly - Splenic mass', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 241, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Hematemesis, no cause noted', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The GI tract is normal in appearance with no evidence of obstruction or plication. Given the history of vomiting with blood, upper GI pathology, coagulopathy, or ulceration should be considered as a primary differential.\xa0Gastric material. This may represent food; however, foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\n\n', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': "Medical management of symptoms is indicated. If there is no response to treatment, symptoms worsen, or evidence of severe blood loss then endoscopy to evaluate the esophagus, stomach and duodenum is recommended. Further recommend coagulation panel and appropriate therapy as needed.\xa0Correlate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying.", 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 282, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting with blood'}, {'id': 682, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Urination abnormal - oliguria'}, {'id': 2404, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-enzymes-elevated'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere appears to be a mass effect in the cranial abdomen with displacement of the abdominal contents left and ventral. The spleen appears prominent. There is distension of the stomach with presence of radiopaque material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis'}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone'}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins'}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention'}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe GI tract is normal in appearance with no evidence of obstruction or plication. Given the history of vomiting with blood, upper GI pathology, coagulopathy, or ulceration should be considered as a primary differential.\xa0Gastric material. This may represent food; however, foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\nThe changes noted in the spleen are consistent with a splenic mass, but other abdominal origins cannot be excluded. Both benign and malignant etiologies are possible.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of symptoms is indicated. If there is no response to treatment, symptoms worsen, or evidence of severe blood loss then endoscopy to evaluate the esophagus, stomach and duodenum is recommended. Further recommend coagulation panel and appropriate therapy as needed.\xa0Correlate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound and/or exploratory laparotomy for further investigation to determine the nature of the possible mass identified.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified."}
{'bday': '2017-04-22', 'name': 'houston^axel', 'breed': 'Boxer', 'owner': 'Jonikquea Houston', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}
o states she woke up and noticed a pool of blood around the pt that appeared to be coming from the mouth. no v/d. e/d wnl. the pt was seen at rDVM on 4/8 for head tilting, weakness in pelvic limbs, slightly bloated belly and inappropriate urination. pre-existing conditions- degenerative myelopathy, elevated liver enzymes current meds- denamarin, amoxicillin 500mg, prednisone 20mg cbc, chem 17 and lytes and coags run prior to x-rays- coags and cbc wnl, chem and lytes- mostly unremarkable
concern for hematemesis
['Hematemesis (vomiting blood)', 'Urination abnormal - oliguria', 'Elevated liver enzymes']
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting']
[282, 682, 2404]
[76, 256]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-03-15', 'name': 'Murphy^WILLIAM', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Murphy^Thomas', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'presents for vomiting on and off for 1 week it has gotten progressively worse the last 3 days. \r\nBBW cre 2.4, lactate 3.5', 'questions': 'na'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1020, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 232, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Bates body', 'diagnosis_custom_text': "Nodular fat necrosis (Bate's body) noted in the abdomen. Likely incidental.", 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 247, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, no cause for GI signs', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': "There are multiple mineralized focal soft tissue nodules located in the caudal abdomen likely representing a Bate's body (idiopathic fat necrosis). ", 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 1310, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'lactate-levels'}, {'id': 1392, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'blood-serum-creatinine-kinase-determination'}], 'report_findings': "Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere are multiple mineralized focal soft tissue nodules located in the caudal abdomen likely representing a Bate's body (idiopathic fat necrosis). The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the cervical spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.", 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation'}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe study is most compatible with gastroenteritis. No obstructive pattern is visible although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded on radiographs. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness such as pancreatitis, food allergy, inflammatory bowel disease, and dietary indiscretion should be considered.\nNodular fat necrosis (Bate's body) noted in the abdomen. Likely incidental.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend supportive care. Consider lab testing for pancreatitis. Depending on lab results, follow-up imaging, abdominal ultrasound may also be helpful to further assess gastrointestinal pattern.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified."}
{'bday': '2014-03-15', 'name': 'Murphy^WILLIAM', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Murphy^Thomas', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
presents for vomiting on and off for 1 week it has gotten progressively worse the last 3 days. BBW cre 2.4, lactate 3.5
['Blood test: Lactate level', 'Blood test: Serum creatinine kinase determination']
[1310, 1392]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-02-07', 'name': 'Aune^Gunner', 'breed': 'Shepherd, German', 'owner': 'Aune^Monty and Toni', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Norwich Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Norwich Veterinary Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Vomiting off and on, normal appetite, HX of bilateral valve enlargement on pimobenden, Therapy for DJD/spondylosis, CBC/Chem/CPL-WNL,', 'questions': 'FB vs GI neoplasia'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 204, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Summation(FP)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 239, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 16.868000000000002, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Small FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastric foreign material which may or may not pass on its own.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend supportive care and follow up radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor passage of the gastric foreign material.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 243, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 39.636, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops, no FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': "Presence of two populations of small intestine most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. There is a small amount of mineral opacity material noted in the small intestines which will most likely pass on it's own.", 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 308, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 383, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'elapsedTime': 15.609, 'consult_name': 'Spine - pain, bridging spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Severe bridging spondylosis. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider exercise restriction and analgesics for severe bridging spondylosis. Consider an MRI scan for further assessment.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 879, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly - Mild', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 2332, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'canine'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical, thoracic and lumbar']}}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is small amount of mineral foreign material located within the small intestine. ', 'elapsedTime': 16.893, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 739, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mineralized'], '___s2_': ['with a gravel like']}}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['L7-S1']}}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is an increased soft tissue opacity noted in right cranial abdomen noted on the VD view. ', 'elapsedTime': 43.78, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 404, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Heart (cardiac) valve disorder'}, {'id': 1540, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Osteoarthritis (osteoarthrosis, degenerative joint disease (DJD))'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}, {'id': 2521, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Neoplasia-area'}], 'internal_notes': "Not sure about tracheobronchal lnn\n\nsorry didn't finish properly\nThis case was automatically escalated by the system due to reservervation timeout in the stat codes channel.", 'recommendations': [{'id': 1055, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'pimobendan'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is a rounded soft tissue opacity noted in the region of the carina. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. The stomach contains a mineralized opacity with a gravel like structure. There is small amount of mineral foreign material located within the small intestine. There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. There is an increased soft tissue opacity noted in right cranial abdomen noted on the VD view. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. There are degenerative changes noted at the lumbosacral junction. There appears to be misalignment of the sacrum with L7. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver'}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive'}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp'}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat'}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability'}, {'id': 2469, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'narrowed-mainstem-bronchi'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization'}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass'}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node'}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild'}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nSoft tissue mass noted in the thorax is most consistent with tracheobronchial lymphadenopathy.\nPresence of two populations of small intestine most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. There is a small amount of mineral opacity material noted in the small intestines which will most likely pass on it's own.\nGastric foreign material which may or may not pass on its own.\nSummation of soft tissue structures as described previously is suspected to be overlap of the normal anatomy though a mass or lymphadenopathy in the region cannot be completely ruled out.\nThe liver appears mildly enlarged. This may be considered normal for the patient or may represent mild congestion.\nSevere bridging spondylosis.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with clinical history and additional diagnostics for clinical significance of the described tracheobronchial lymph node.\nRecommend abdominal ultrasound for confirmation of intestinal obstruction prior to exploratory surgery. Exploratory surgery may be considered based on the patient's clinical status.\nRecommend supportive care and follow up radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor passage of the gastric foreign material.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation to rule out a mass or lymphadenopathy in the area.\nCorrelate with blood work for clinical significance and consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the mildly enlarged liver.\nConsider exercise restriction and analgesics for severe bridging spondylosis. Consider an MRI scan for further assessment."}
{'bday': '2014-02-07', 'name': 'Aune^Gunner', 'breed': 'Shepherd, German', 'owner': 'Aune^Monty and Toni', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Norwich Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Norwich Veterinary Hospital'}
Vomiting off and on, normal appetite, HX of bilateral valve enlargement on pimobenden, Therapy for DJD/spondylosis, CBC/Chem/CPL-WNL,
FB vs GI neoplasia
['Gastrointestinal-area', 'Neoplasia-area']
['Vomiting', 'canine', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[256, 2332, 2656]
['Heart (cardiac) valve disorder', 'Osteoarthritis (osteoarthrosis, degenerative joint disease (DJD))']
[404, 1540]
{'patient': {'bday': '2010-02-27', 'name': 'Neuman^AMBER', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Neuman^Janet', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "Owner noticed today abdomen was distended. They are not sure if she's defecating", 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'consult': [{'id': 185, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- severe(ill)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 894, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'folded spleen', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 508, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal distension'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The spleen appears prominent noted on the VD view', 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged in the right lateral projection. The remainder of the observed thorax is within normal limits. No additional abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. The spleen appears prominent noted on the VD view. There is distension of the stomach with presence of radiopaque material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive'}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule'}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nHepatomegaly consistent with active infiltration. Rule out neoplasia versus inflammatory or endocrinopathy or benign causes.\nThe spleen appears prominent. Consider folded spleen or abnormal position of the spleen though splenic congestion or mass cannot be ruled out.\nGastric material is most consistent with food/recent meal but foreign material cannot fully be ruled out..\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling , or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the prominent spleen and to assess for folded spleen or abnormal position, as well as to evaluate for splenic congestion or mass.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2010-02-27', 'name': 'Neuman^AMBER', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Neuman^Janet', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
Owner noticed today abdomen was distended. They are not sure if she's defecating
['Abdominal distension']
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-01-27', 'name': 'Rivera^LUCKY', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Rivera^Lauren', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Hospital Volusia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEHVolusia'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presented in respiratory distress. \r\n\r\nHe was diagnosed with HCM in November and started on Pimobendan, Gabapentin and Clopidogrel. He has been fine since. ', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 280, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': '* Presence of cardiomegaly, pulmonary inflitrates and accumulation of fluid in the pleural space are consistent with congestive heart failure. \n - Consider echocardiogram and treatment with diuretics plus possible thoracocentesis. ', 'elapsedTime': 18.778, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly feline - symptomatic (fluid build up)', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 349, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Aerophagia', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2179, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}], 'findings': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2280, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mixed interstitial to alveolar']}}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2315, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-gas', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 358, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Cardiomyopathy - Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy (HOCM)'}], 'questions': [], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nA bronchial pattern is present. There is increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a mixed interstitial to alveolar pattern. There is evidence of fluid in the pleural space. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is distension of the stomach with gas. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}], 'report_conclusions': '* Presence of cardiomegaly, pulmonary inflitrates and accumulation of fluid in the pleural space are consistent with congestive heart failure. \n - Consider echocardiogram and treatment with diuretics plus possible thoracocentesis. \n* The gas distension observed in the GI tract is most consistent with aerophagia.'}
{'bday': '2016-01-27', 'name': 'Rivera^LUCKY', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Rivera^Lauren', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Hospital Volusia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEHVolusia'}
Patient presented in respiratory distress. He was diagnosed with HCM in November and started on Pimobendan, Gabapentin and Clopidogrel. He has been fine since.
['Respiratory distress']
['Cardiomyopathy - Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy (HOCM)']
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-04-19', 'name': 'Aiken/Meyers^MATISSE', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'Aiken/Meyers^Morgen/Victoria', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Hospital Volusia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'ICU'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '9YO MI who was presented for sudden onset of acute seizure activity\r\nDull, lateral recumbency, post ictal, hydration appears wnl, OU wnl, AU wnl, oral NSF, nasal NSF, regular rhythm; no murmur detected, lungs auscultate wnl, abdomen palpates wnl; no obvious organomegaly/masses palpated, no rectal exam, musculature wnl, hypermetric x4, skin wnl; hair coat good condition, peripheral LN wnl, external genitalia wnl, no nystagmus on presentation but vertical and rotary nystagmus developed post ictal', 'questions': 'Seizures- brain lesion vs toxin ingestion vs infectious vs other- OPEN'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1013, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 411, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Neuro - No cause for seizures', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 424, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Repros - PMG, intact male, asymptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 628, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Seizure(s)'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1712, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Seizure disorder'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}, {'id': 2512, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neuro-area'}, {'id': 2522, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Systemic-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach. The prostate is prominent. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2254, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'utd-secondary-to-fetus'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule'}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins'}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nA cause for the reported seizures is not identified in the images provided. \nIncreased size of the prostate gland is likely secondary to benign hypertrophy, being an intact male. \nGastric material noted is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider conducting a biochemistry profile, CBC, and urinalysis to evaluate further for extra-cranial causes of seizures. Additionally, correlate with rectal exam and clinical signs to determine the clinical significance of the enlarged prostate.'}
{'bday': '2015-04-19', 'name': 'Aiken/Meyers^MATISSE', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'Aiken/Meyers^Morgen/Victoria', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Hospital Volusia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'ICU'}
9YO MI who was presented for sudden onset of acute seizure activity Dull, lateral recumbency, post ictal, hydration appears wnl, OU wnl, AU wnl, oral NSF, nasal NSF, regular rhythm; no murmur detected, lungs auscultate wnl, abdomen palpates wnl; no obvious organomegaly/masses palpated, no rectal exam, musculature wnl, hypermetric x4, skin wnl; hair coat good condition, peripheral LN wnl, external genitalia wnl, no nystagmus on presentation but vertical and rotary nystagmus developed post ictal
Seizures- brain lesion vs toxin ingestion vs infectious vs other- OPEN
['Musculoskeletal-area', 'neuro-area', 'Systemic-area']
['Seizure(s)', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[628, 2656]
['Seizure disorder']
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-04-29', 'name': 'WRIGHT^TATOR', 'breed': 'Russian Blue', 'owner': 'WRIGHT^', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Vetcheck Pet Urgent Care Center- Fishers ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'VetCheck'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "O brought P in after he vomited at ~4:45 this evening. O says that the vomit was clear, liquid, and foamy. Per O, P immediately went to the litterbox after vomiting and strained to defecate for 4-6 minutes. O says that P then went upstairs and vomited 2-3 more times. Per O, P was acting normal beforehand and was e/d well today, no v/d. Per O, P has not ate anything he shouldn't have or had any new food or treats lately.", 'questions': 'Constipation vs GI foreign material/obstruction??'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1020, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 195, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spleen feline - Visible', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 476, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Constipation', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 500, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - FB small (incidental)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 833, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Rugal folds vs GMT vs mass', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 243, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Straining to defaecate'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['small amount of mineral']}}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2288, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'plication-distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe spleen is visualized in the cranioventral abdomen. There is radiopaque material within the stomach. There is an accumulation of fecal material in the colon. There is small amount of mineral foreign material located within the small intestine and some mildly dilated small bowel. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs'}, {'id': 2487, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension'}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule'}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins'}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass'}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation'}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nFecal retention noted is consistent with constipation.\nVisualization of the spleen may be normal variation or due to infiltrative disease such as lymphosarcoma, mast cell neoplasia, or other.\nSoft tissue opacity noted in the stomach. This may represent rugal folds, however thickening of the gastric wall, gastric mass, or gastric material cannot be ruled out.\nSmall intestinal foreign material as described may pass on its own. No definitive evidence of obstruction noted. \n\nRecommendations:\nTreatment for constipation/obstipation is indicated at this time.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate clinical significance of the visualized spleen and if enlargement is confirmed an FNA sample is recommended.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound and endoscopy for further investigation of the soft tissue opacity noted in the stomach.\nConsider follow up radiographs to ensure passage of the described intestinal foreign body. Monitor for development of clinical signs.'}
{'bday': '2018-04-29', 'name': 'WRIGHT^TATOR', 'breed': 'Russian Blue', 'owner': 'WRIGHT^', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Vetcheck Pet Urgent Care Center- Fishers ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'VetCheck'}
O brought P in after he vomited at ~4:45 this evening. O says that the vomit was clear, liquid, and foamy. Per O, P immediately went to the litterbox after vomiting and strained to defecate for 4-6 minutes. O says that P then went upstairs and vomited 2-3 more times. Per O, P was acting normal beforehand and was e/d well today, no v/d. Per O, P has not ate anything he shouldn't have or had any new food or treats lately.
Constipation vs GI foreign material/obstruction??
['Straining to defaecate', 'Vomiting', 'Feline']
[243, 256, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-03-22', 'name': 'Heath^Lucy', 'breed': 'Pit Bull Terrier Mix', 'owner': 'Heath^Alan', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'MGVEX'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P was attacked by 3 dogs earlier in the day. no other history given', 'questions': 'NA'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': ['gastric-fb', 'pylorus-displacement', 'Gastric wall thickening']}, 'groups': [{'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 496, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 7.755, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Puncture wounds, not penetrating', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The subcutaneous gas and tissue swelling noted is consistent with external puncture wounds. No evidence of penetration through the body wall. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is gas noted in the soft tissue of the thorax, ventral abdomen and cranially positioned pelvic limb. ', 'elapsedTime': 27.425, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving shoulder, neck, and the ventral, thorax. ', 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2327, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Bite injury'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is soft tissue swelling involving shoulder, neck, and the ventral, thorax. There is gas noted in the soft tissue of the thorax, ventral abdomen and cranially positioned pelvic limb. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia'}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body'}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe subcutaneous gas and tissue swelling noted is consistent with external puncture wounds. No evidence of penetration through the body wall.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with clinical history of trauma.'}
{'bday': '2012-03-22', 'name': 'Heath^Lucy', 'breed': 'Pit Bull Terrier Mix', 'owner': 'Heath^Alan', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'MGVEX'}
P was attacked by 3 dogs earlier in the day. no other history given
['Bite injury']
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-01-29', 'name': 'Carpenter^TEVY', 'breed': 'Doberman Pinscher', 'owner': 'Carpenter^James', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Repeat fasted rads to compare to earlier study', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 192, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Hepatic - Small', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Fasting to check gastric emptying- empty stomach ', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 726, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Follow up from possible SIO- resolution of GI pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 832, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Pyloric displacement', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2405, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'follow-up-study'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'The pylorus is displaced anticlockwise. ', 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2520, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe liver appears small with the gastric axis displaced cranially. The pylorus is displaced anticlockwise. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}], 'report_conclusions': '* Comparing to previous images, the material noted in the stomach appears to have passed. \n - Medical management of clinical signs is indicated at this time.\n* No evidence of obstruction is noted in the current study. The intestinal pattern noted on previous radiographs appears to have resolved.\n - Medical management of clinical signs is indicated at this time.\n* The liver appears small. This may be secondary to conformation but cirrhosis or vascular anomaly cannot be ruled out.\n - Consider biochemical profile and possible bile acids testing to confirm adequate hepatic function of the small liver.\n* Abnormal positioning of the pylorus observed suspected to be secondary to prior history of gastropexy.'}
{'bday': '2021-01-29', 'name': 'Carpenter^TEVY', 'breed': 'Doberman Pinscher', 'owner': 'Carpenter^James', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
Repeat fasted rads to compare to earlier study
['Follow up study']
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-04-26', 'name': 'Harhman^Sulu', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Harhman^Greg', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pt presents for continued lethargy, hyporexia starting on the 17th of April. Prev FIV +. PE: BCS 3/9, muscle wasted, dehydrated, stomatitis. Occasional vomiting per O. \r\n\r\nAfast- possible scant abdominal effusion. Tfast- WNLs. ', 'questions': 'R/o GI obstruction, abdominal masses- next step includes rec AUS to O'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 220, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal Feline - LAD, no pleural fluid', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Foreign body', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Colonic foreign material\xa0as described.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Monitor for passage of described colonic foreign material in the stool.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 366, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip OA, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 849, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Limited detail', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 698, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Cachexia'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2482, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'dehydration'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['a small amount of mineral'], '___s2_': ['descending']}}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 59, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Intestinal obstruction'}, {'id': 214, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Stomatitis'}, {'id': 215, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Stomatitis - ulcerative'}, {'id': 2351, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'peritoneal-fluid'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}, {'id': 2518, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'oral-area'}, {'id': 2522, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Systemic-area'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 1087, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'fiv-feline-immunodeficiency-virus-test'}, {'id': 1154, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'abdominal-ultrasound'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is a small amount of mineral opacity foreign material located within the descending colon. There is loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is degenerative changes affecting the left coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia'}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures'}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization'}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation'}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail'}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThere appears to be free fluid in the abdomen. No concurrent pleural fluid to indicate heart failure. Rule out FIP, low oncotic pressure, portal thrombosis/hypertension, a neoplastic effusion.\nDue to the decreased serosal detail in the abdomen, thorough evaluation of the small intestine is limited.\nColonic foreign material\xa0as described.\nDegenerative joint disease of the hips.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider general blood work, abdominocentesis and analysis of the abdominal fluid to help determine etiology. An abdominal ultrasound may also be helpful.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the small intestines.\nMonitor for passage of described colonic foreign material in the stool.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of degenerative joint disease of the hips.'}
{'bday': '2018-04-26', 'name': 'Harhman^Sulu', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Harhman^Greg', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Viking Veterinary Hospital'}
Pt presents for continued lethargy, hyporexia starting on the 17th of April. Prev FIV +. PE: BCS 3/9, muscle wasted, dehydrated, stomatitis. Occasional vomiting per O. Afast- possible scant abdominal effusion. Tfast- WNLs.
R/o GI obstruction, abdominal masses- next step includes rec AUS to O
['Gastrointestinal-area', 'oral-area', 'Systemic-area']
['Lethargic/tired', 'Vomiting', 'Hyporexia', 'Cachexia', 'Feline', 'Dehydration']
[131, 256, 607, 698, 2327, 2482]
['Intestinal obstruction', 'Stomatitis', 'Stomatitis - ulcerative', 'Peritoneal fluid']
[59, 214, 215, 2351]
['FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) test', 'Abdominal ultrasound']
[1087, 1154]
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-01-18', 'name': 'Schmitt^Rosie', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Schmitt^Lisa', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Gardens Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Gardens Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'PP for limping on Right front leg, started 2 days ago. Swelling around RF leg', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto'}, 'consult': [{'id': 394, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': '* Chip fracture identified of the distal right ulna as evidenced by a small bony fragment separated from the main portion of the bone. \n - Consider CT scan for further investigation. Based on clinical signs, splinting and exercise restriction may be adequate versus orthopedic consult and addressing the fracture surgically. ', 'elapsedTime': 14.196, 'consult_name': 'Chip fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 490, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Soft tissue swelling over a joint', 'custom_fields': {'___d1_': ['right carpus']}}], 'signals': [{'id': 2187, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Swelling'}, {'id': 2346, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-forelimb'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is a chip fracture of the right distal ulna as seen on the VD. ', 'elapsedTime': 28.174000000000003, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving the right, radius, ulna ad carpus area. ', 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is mild degenerative joint disease affecting the right carpus. ', 'elapsedTime': 2.855, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}, {'id': 2512, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neuro-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is a chip fracture of the right distal ulna as seen on the VD. There is soft tissue swelling involving the right, radius, ulna ad carpus area. There is mild degenerative joint disease affecting the right carpus. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}], 'report_conclusions': '* Chip fracture identified of the distal right ulna as evidenced by a small bony fragment separated from the main portion of the bone. \n - Consider CT scan for further investigation. Based on clinical signs, splinting and exercise restriction may be adequate versus orthopedic consult and addressing the fracture surgically. \n* Soft tissue swelling associated with the right carpus. This is likely extra-capsular though a mild intracapsular component cannot be ruled out. \n - Consider careful palpation and fine needle aspirate sampling with cytology to determine etiology. Assessment of this joint for instability may be beneficial as would cross-section imaging.'}
{'bday': '2013-01-18', 'name': 'Schmitt^Rosie', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Schmitt^Lisa', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Gardens Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Gardens Animal Hospital'}
PP for limping on Right front leg, started 2 days ago. Swelling around RF leg
['Musculoskeletal-area', 'neuro-area']
['Swelling', 'Forelimb lameness']
[2187, 2346]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-02-26', 'name': 'Vong^Mitty', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd ', 'owner': 'Kristine^Vong', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Lakeside Animal Clinic - Houston', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Lakeside Animal Clinic'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Chronic diarrhea. GI profile labwork appeared normal, ultrasounds have shown inflammation of the small bowel; recent ultrasound and radiographs show large amounts of fluid filled bowels. ', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'consult': [{'id': 209, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, asymptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 249, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 12.745, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Underlying enteropathy(chronic)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with abdominal ultrasound and/or intestinal biopsies for further investigation of the changes noted in the G.I. tract. Correlate with bloodwork and urinalysis.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 366, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip OA, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['gas and fluid']}}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach. There is diffuse distension of the small intestine with gas and fluid. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is degenerative joint disease affecting the left and right coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nChanges noted in the G.I. tract and small intestines are most consistent with an underlying enteropathy. Differentials include chronic enteritis, IBD or neoplastic etiology.\nGastric material. This is consistent with food; however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out.\nDegenerative joint disease of the hips.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with abdominal ultrasound and/or intestinal biopsies for further investigation of the changes noted in the G.I. tract. Correlate with bloodwork and urinalysis.\nConsider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and rule out the presence of non-obstructive foreign material.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of degenerative joint disease of the hips.'}
{'bday': '2016-02-26', 'name': 'Vong^Mitty', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd ', 'owner': 'Kristine^Vong', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Lakeside Animal Clinic - Houston', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Lakeside Animal Clinic'}
Chronic diarrhea. GI profile labwork appeared normal, ultrasounds have shown inflammation of the small bowel; recent ultrasound and radiographs show large amounts of fluid filled bowels.
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-01-03', 'name': 'escobar^dobby^^^', 'breed': 'Yorkshire Terrier', 'owner': 'Tiana Escobar', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Affordable Pet Clinic, Katy', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Affordable Pet Clinic Katy'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Pet is presented for dental consult. During the PE noted heart murmur grade 3/6. Pet is showing lethargy at home as per O. BW is WNL.', 'questions': 'CHF Vs Neoplasia Vs Open'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 239, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Small FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Cardiac - Abnormal vhs, no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 302, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Trachea - no cough, redundant tracheal membrane', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 739, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The stomach contains a mineralized opacity that has the appearance of bone shards, bets appreciated on the VD view. ', 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical']}}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2509, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'cardiovascular-area'}, {'id': 2522, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Systemic-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. There is increased soft tissue opacity within the cervical region of the trachea. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. The stomach contains a mineralized opacity that has the appearance of bone shards, bets appreciated on the VD view. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver'}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive'}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb'}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe VHS is calculated above the normal range. However, the cardiac silhouette appears to be normal in size. This does not rule out cardiomyopathy.\nGastric foreign body which may or may not pass on its own.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nThe trachealis redundancy can be an early stage of collapsing trachea. If the patient is not coughing this is likely an incidental finding.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement for further investigation to rule out underlying cardiac disease.\nRecommend supportive care and follow up radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor passage of the gastric foreign body.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.'}
{'bday': '2013-01-03', 'name': 'escobar^dobby^^^', 'breed': 'Yorkshire Terrier', 'owner': 'Tiana Escobar', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Affordable Pet Clinic, Katy', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Affordable Pet Clinic Katy'}
Pet is presented for dental consult. During the PE noted heart murmur grade 3/6. Pet is showing lethargy at home as per O. BW is WNL.
CHF Vs Neoplasia Vs Open
['cardiovascular-area', 'Systemic-area']
['Lethargic/tired', 'Heart Murmur', 'Canine Small Breed']
[131, 2175, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-03-05', 'name': 'Taylor^RYNN', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Taylor^Bambi', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'PP for acting lethargic at home, not wanting to eat, and had a large bout of bloody urine. Bladder appears slightly thickened on U/S during cystocentesis.', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 421, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 293.018, 'consult_name': 'Bladder Feline - Normal urinary, symptomatic (FLUTD)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': "The cause for the patient's urinary issues are not noted. Given the history and the unremarkable radiographic appearance of the urinary tract, feline lower urinary tract disease would be a primary differential. There is a suspicious opacity over the bladder however this is suspected to be secondary to summation of structures or possible mineralization of surrounding structures rather than true urolithiasis.", 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with biochemistry profile and urinalysis. Consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the mineral opacity structure. Abdominal ultrasound maybe beneficial for further investigation of the bladder as normal radiograph does not rule out radiolucent stones, neoplasia and polyps.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 274, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Urinating abnormally'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracolumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2513, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'urinary-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nEnlarged cardiac silhouette. The remainder of the observed thorax is within normal limits. \n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach. Increased opacity is noted over the silhouette of the urinary bladder on the left lateral projection. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nIncreased body habitus. There is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracolumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe cause for the patient's urinary issues are not noted. Given the history and the unremarkable radiographic appearance of the urinary tract, feline lower urinary tract disease would be a primary differential. There is a suspicious opacity over the bladder however this is suspected to be secondary to summation of structures or possible mineralization of surrounding structures rather than true urolithiasis.\nCardiomegaly. \nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with biochemistry profile and urinalysis. Consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the mineral opacity structure. Abdominal ultrasound maybe beneficial for further investigation of the bladder as normal radiograph does not rule out radiolucent stones, neoplasia and polyps.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.\nConsider echocardiography for underlying disease associated with enlarged cardiac silhouette. "}
{'bday': '2017-03-05', 'name': 'Taylor^RYNN', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Taylor^Bambi', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
PP for acting lethargic at home, not wanting to eat, and had a large bout of bloody urine. Bladder appears slightly thickened on U/S during cystocentesis.
['Lethargic/tired', 'Urination abnormal - hematuria', 'Hyporexia']
[131, 274, 607]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-11-21', 'name': 'Vazquez^RAJAH', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Vazquez^Christina', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Rajah is a 8 YO MN Lab mix who was presented for excessive panting. Last time p did this he was diagnosed with sand impaction. O unsure if that is happening again.', 'questions': 'Bone ingestion?'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Spondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 500, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - FB small (incidental)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Small intestinal material as described likely incidental. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Follow up radiographs to ensure passage of the described material may also be considered however, monitor for development of clinical signs.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 704, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - True FB, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastric foreign body suspected to be causing the described clinical signs; concerning that it may not pass on its own. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Endoscopy or inducing emesis may be a consideration, dependent on the gastric material present. Surgical exploration of the abdomen for removal may need to be considered. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 879, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly - Mild', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 92, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Eaten something shouldn't have"}, {'id': 177, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 251, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign body ingestion'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The liver appears enlarged. ', 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is material in the small intestine with the appearance of ingesta noted. ', 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 739, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The stomach (pylorus) contains a mineralized opacity with a bone shard appearing structure. ', 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2288, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'plication-distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 623, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Foreign body - intestinal, small'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe stomach (pylorus) contains a mineralized opacity with a bone-shard-appearing structure. There is an accumulation of fecal material in the colon. There is material in the small intestine, and the appearance of ingesta is noted. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive'}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation'}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGastric foreign material within the stomach (antrum and pylorus) causing gastric distension and the described clinical signs; concerning that it may not pass on its own.\nSmall intestinal material, as described, is likely incidental.\nMild fecal retention. Rule out decreased peristalsis and ileus.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nTreat supportively with IV fluids and antinausea medication if is only bone material. Endoscopy could be tried but there is a large amount material. Inducing emesis may be a consideration, but will likely be low-yield and complications could occur - bones could be stuck in the esophagus. Surgical exploration of the abdomen for removal may need to be considered.\nFollow-up radiographs to ensure passage of the described material may also be considered; however, monitor for the development of clinical signs.\nCorrelate with clinical history to rule out constipation.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2015-11-21', 'name': 'Vazquez^RAJAH', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Vazquez^Christina', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
Rajah is a 8 YO MN Lab mix who was presented for excessive panting. Last time p did this he was diagnosed with sand impaction. O unsure if that is happening again.
Bone ingestion?
['Dietary indiscretion', 'Panting', 'Foreign body ingestion']
[92, 177, 251]
['Foreign body - intestinal, small']
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-09-25', 'name': 'Rodriguez^Cooper', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Rodriguez^Alexandra', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'West Houston Veterinary Medical Associates', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'West Houston Veterinary Medical Associates '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presented for a year long history on intermittent gagging episodes. ', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 218, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': "* The cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. The results of this study are negative for pleural effusion, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, bronchial pattern, masses. Consider an upper airway etiology.\n - A more detailed upper airway exam may be useful for further investigation. Correlate with a minimum database including blood work and urinalysis. Further historical context and/or follow up evaluation may be indicated. ", 'elapsedTime': 135.527, 'consult_name': 'No cause for non-specific signs', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 521, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Gagging/retching'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2518, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'oral-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is distension of the stomach with presence of radiopaque material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}], 'report_conclusions': "* The cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. The results of this study are negative for pleural effusion, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, bronchial pattern, masses. Consider an upper airway etiology.\n - A more detailed upper airway exam may be useful for further investigation. Correlate with a minimum database including blood work and urinalysis. Further historical context and/or follow up evaluation may be indicated. \n* Gastric material is consistent with food/recent meal. "}
{'bday': '2013-09-25', 'name': 'Rodriguez^Cooper', 'breed': 'Other Breed', 'owner': 'Rodriguez^Alexandra', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'West Houston Veterinary Medical Associates', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'West Houston Veterinary Medical Associates '}
Patient presented for a year long history on intermittent gagging episodes.
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-08-01', 'name': 'Alvarez Vargas^CHAVO', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Alvarez Vargas^Daniel', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presented for sudden onset of vomiting today. ate dinner around 5pm, vomited 15+ times since then. occasional blood in vomit. onset of urinating in house for last week. ', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': ['fluid-distension-SI', 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'summation-structures', 'fluid-wispy', 'focal-loss-detail']}, 'consult': [{'id': 241, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Upper GI ulceration(hematemsis)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 425, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Repros - PMG, abnormal', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 282, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting with blood'}, {'id': 679, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Polyuria'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2513, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'urinary-area'}, {'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe prostate is prominent. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 745, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension-old'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp'}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe GI tract is normal in appearance with no evidence of obstruction or plication. Given the history of vomiting with blood, upper GI pathology or ulceration should be considered as a primary differential.\nProstatomegaly may be secondary to hyperplasia, hypertrophy, prostatitis, neoplasia, prostatic or paraprostatic cyst.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider endoscopy to examine the esophagus, stomach, and proximal duodenum to check for upper GI pathology or ulceration. Medical management of GI ulceration is indicated.\nFor further assessment, consider abdominal ultrasound. A biopsy should be considered if the prostatic parenchyma appears abnormal. Correlate with rectal exam and clinical signs.'}
{'bday': '2021-08-01', 'name': 'Alvarez Vargas^CHAVO', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Alvarez Vargas^Daniel', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
Patient presented for sudden onset of vomiting today. ate dinner around 5pm, vomited 15+ times since then. occasional blood in vomit. onset of urinating in house for last week.
['urinary-area', 'Gastrointestinal-area']
['Vomiting', 'Hematemesis (vomiting blood)', 'Polyuria (PU)']
[256, 282, 679]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-02-13', 'name': 'Loukitcheva^Hazell', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'Loukitcheva^Anastasia', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Lenity Vet Specialists + Emergency Care', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Lenity Vet Specialists'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented for lethargy, shaking, and possible abdominal pain. Taken to RDVM earlier today - PE normal per owners. Rx gabapentin. Gave first dose ~2pm and then went for a walk; normal appetite, urination, and defecation. Around an hour ago started seeming uncomfortable again. Panting. Gave second dose of gabapentin at 1am. Looks like stomach is spasming. No V/D/C/S. No known dietary indiscretions. Might get into something if she could. No known trauma. Might be PUPD. ', 'questions': 'Fever of unknown origin.'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 209, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, asymptomatic(not clear kibble)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 218, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No cause for non-system-specific signs, ADR/ weight loss/ lethargy', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 92, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Eaten something shouldn't have"}, {'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 177, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Traumatic-injury'}, {'id': 545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pyrexia/hyperthermia'}, {'id': 620, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tremors/shaking/trembling'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 686, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Polyuria/polydipsia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2522, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Systemic-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. Gastric material noted is consistent with food; however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nCorrelate with a minimum database including blood work and urinalysis. Further historical context and/or follow-up evaluation may be indicated. Re-evaluation of radiographs in time or ultrasound may also be indicated to further investigate the reported non-specific signs.\nConsider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and rule out the presence of non-obstructive foreign material."}
{'bday': '2021-02-13', 'name': 'Loukitcheva^Hazell', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'Loukitcheva^Anastasia', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Lenity Vet Specialists + Emergency Care', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Lenity Vet Specialists'}
Presented for lethargy, shaking, and possible abdominal pain. Taken to RDVM earlier today - PE normal per owners. Rx gabapentin. Gave first dose ~2pm and then went for a walk; normal appetite, urination, and defecation. Around an hour ago started seeming uncomfortable again. Panting. Gave second dose of gabapentin at 1am. Looks like stomach is spasming. No V/D/C/S. No known dietary indiscretions. Might get into something if she could. No known trauma. Might be PUPD.
Fever of unknown origin.
['Lethargic/tired', 'Panting', 'Fever/pyrexia', 'Tremors/shaking/trembling', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Polyuria/polydipsia', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
['Dietary indiscretion', 'Traumatic injury']
[131, 177, 545, 620, 622, 686, 2656]
[92, 259]
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-02-04', 'name': 'Dottie Murphy', 'breed': 'Papillon', 'owner': 'Cindy', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Princess Animal Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Princess Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented for 1 week of coughing. Owner mentioned she will cough even during her naps. On physical exam:Normal temperature, normal hydration status, normal heart rate and rhythm, no murmur auscultated. Tachypnea, labored breathing, wet crackles on lung auscultation on both hemithorax. Enlarged belly. Performed POCUS and free fluid was found on abdominal cavity, clear fluid was obtained after abdominocentesis. ', 'questions': 'Concern for right heart failure. Is there an increase in the vena cava size? Would it be advised starting diuretics and following up with cardiologist? '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Post prandial stomach', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 219, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'custom_text': '* There appears to be free fluid in the abdomen. Rule out low oncotic pressure, portal hypertension, a neoplastic effusion, abdominal hemorrhage or other potential sources of the free fluid identified in the abdomen.\n - For further assessment, advise abdominal ultrasound.', 'elapsedTime': 3.412, 'consult_name': 'Abdominal fluid', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 276, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': '* Generalized cardiomegaly concerning for cardiomyopathy. Concurrent pericardial effusion cannot be entirely ruled out. Given the pleural effusion, hepatomegaly, and peritoneal effusion, there is concern for right sided heart failure. Pulmonary hypertension or heartworm disease are potential differentials. Mild pulmonary edema noted, diuretic therapy targeting heart disease are often recommended in similar cases.\n - Consider echocardiogram and consultation with a cardiologist. ', 'elapsedTime': 98.746, 'consult_name': 'Right sided heart failure', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Disc narrowing with spondylosis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 508, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal distension'}, {'id': 663, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Dyspnoea - without coughing'}, {'id': 666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tachypnoea'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2177, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Arrhythmia'}, {'id': 2197, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'cardiac disease and congestive heart failure'}, {'id': 2358, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fever'}, {'id': 2482, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'dehydration'}, {'id': 2536, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-crackles-sounds'}, {'id': 2537, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'temperature-normal'}], 'findings': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the cervical and thoracolumbar spine. ', 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2280, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is a mild increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a unstructured interstitial pattern. ', 'elapsedTime': 4.614, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields-opacity', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2294, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-tract', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at the cervical and thoracolumbar spine. ', 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'The VHS is normal however the cardiac silhouette appears enlarged with a globoid appearance on the VD.', 'elapsedTime': 22.012, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': 'Caudal Vena Cava appears normal in size. ', 'elapsedTime': 48.894, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2509, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'cardiovascular-area'}, {'id': 2510, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-area'}, {'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 977, 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Diuretic'}, {'id': 2014, 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'abdominocentesis-c'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\n* The VHS is normal however the cardiac silhouette appears enlarged with a globoid appearance on the VD.\n* No left atrial enlargement is present.\n* There is a mild increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a unstructured interstitial pattern. \n* No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. \n* The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. \n* There is evidence of fluid in the pleural space.\n* The diaphragm is unremarkable. \n* Caudal Vena Cava appears normal in size. \n\nAbdomen\n* The liver appears enlarged. \n* There is radiopaque material within the stomach. \n* The small intestines appear within normal limits. \n* There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. \n* There is loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. \n* The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. \n* The urinary tract is normal. \n* The urinary bladder is within normal limits. \n* No evidence of urolithiasis. \n\nMusculoskeletal\n* No appendicular fractures are noted. \n* No evidence of rib fracture is observed.\n* No aggressive osseous lesions identified. \n* There is intervertebral disc space narrowing at the cervical and thoracolumbar spine. \n* There is spondylosis deformans noted in the cervical and thoracolumbar spine. \n* There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. \n* There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. \n* The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart'}, {'id': 2608, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Caudal Vena Cava Distention'}], 'report_conclusions': '* Generalized cardiomegaly concerning for cardiomyopathy. Concurrent pericardial effusion cannot be entirely ruled out. Given the pleural effusion, hepatomegaly, and peritoneal effusion, there is concern for right sided heart failure. Pulmonary hypertension or heartworm disease are potential differentials. Mild pulmonary edema noted, diuretic therapy targeting heart disease are often recommended in similar cases.\n - Consider echocardiogram and consultation with a cardiologist. \n* Hepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out. \n - Correlate with blood work for clinical significance. Consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation.\n* Gastric material is consistent with food/recent meal. \n* There appears to be free fluid in the abdomen. Rule out low oncotic pressure, portal hypertension, a neoplastic effusion, abdominal hemorrhage or other potential sources of the free fluid identified in the abdomen.\n - For further assessment, advise abdominal ultrasound.\n* Presence of disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration. \n - Correlate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI. '}
{'bday': '2013-02-04', 'name': 'Dottie Murphy', 'breed': 'Papillon', 'owner': 'Cindy', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Princess Animal Hospital ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Princess Animal Hospital'}
Presented for 1 week of coughing. Owner mentioned she will cough even during her naps. On physical exam:Normal temperature, normal hydration status, normal heart rate and rhythm, no murmur auscultated. Tachypnea, labored breathing, wet crackles on lung auscultation on both hemithorax. Enlarged belly. Performed POCUS and free fluid was found on abdominal cavity, clear fluid was obtained after abdominocentesis.
Concern for right heart failure. Is there an increase in the vena cava size? Would it be advised starting diuretics and following up with cardiologist?
['cardiovascular-area', 'Respiratory-area', 'Gastrointestinal-area']
['Coughing', 'Abdominal distension', 'Dyspnea', 'Tachypnoea', 'Cardiac Disease And Congestive Heart Failure', 'Lung crackles/lung sounds']
['Heart Murmur', 'Arrhythmia', 'fever', 'Dehydration', 'normal temperature']
[69, 508, 663, 666, 2197, 2536]
[2175, 2177, 2358, 2482, 2537]
['Diuretic', 'Abdominocentesis']
[977, 2014]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-02-14', 'name': 'Degler^PEARLA', 'breed': 'Shih Tzu', 'owner': 'Degler^Judith', 'gender': 'O', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented for 2 day history of vomiting and diarrhea. Up to date on vaccines, no diet changes', 'questions': 'Assessment of the GI tract'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['incorrect consistency prompt'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto'}, 'consult': [{'id': 244, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': '* Presence of two populations of small intestine most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. \n - Consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the intestinal tract. Medical management with follow-up radiographs may also be a consideration if the patient is closely monitored for any change in status.', 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Poss 2 pops, no FB', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 833, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Rugal folds vs GMT vs mass', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 2181, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Acute-Vomiting-c'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There appears to be presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. ', 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2316, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'internal_notes': "I see what might be foreign material in the mid ventral abdomen on the L lateral and in the mid cranial abdomen on the R lateral - I'm not sure if I'm being oversensitive.", 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere appears to be presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}], 'report_conclusions': '* Presence of two populations of small intestine most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. \n - Consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the intestinal tract. Medical management with follow-up radiographs may also be a consideration if the patient is closely monitored for any change in status.\n* Soft tissue opacity noted in the stomach. This may represent rugal folds, however thickening of the gastric wall, gastric mass, or gastric material cannot be ruled out. \n - Consider abdominal ultrasound and endoscopy for further investigation of the soft tissue opacity noted in the stomach.'}
{'bday': '2021-02-14', 'name': 'Degler^PEARLA', 'breed': 'Shih Tzu', 'owner': 'Degler^Judith', 'gender': 'O', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
Presented for 2 day history of vomiting and diarrhea. Up to date on vaccines, no diet changes
Assessment of the GI tract
['Diarrhea', 'Acute vomiting']
[76, 2181]
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-11-01', 'name': 'aranda', 'breed': 'Alaskan Husky', 'owner': 'liliana', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'North Line Pet Clinic/Tidwell Pet Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Tidwell pet clinic'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'pet is present for twisting neck towards right side past 4 days, pain on palpation when moving the neck to the right position', 'questions': 'pain on neck ;unable to walk'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1013, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 424, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Repros - PMG, intact male, asymptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 843, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 27.784, 'consult_name': 'Spine - No cause for neck/back pain', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No cause for the described pain is identified on the films provided. This does not rule out intervertebral disc disease or other infectious/inflammatory causes affecting the spinal cord. The reported clinical signs and lack of other abnormalities highly suggest partial prolapse of an intervertebral disc. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 847, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 22.319, 'consult_name': 'Bladder - Urine retention, no obstruction, dog', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The urinary bladder is distended. Suspected to be urinary retention secondary to anxiety or lack of access to urinate outside.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 204, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Reluctant to walk'}, {'id': 626, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Head tilt'}, {'id': 2442, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - neck'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe prostate is prominent. There is distension of the urinary bladder. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2254, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'utd-secondary-to-fetus'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp'}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nNo cause for the described pain is identified on the films provided. This does not rule out intervertebral disc disease or other infectious/inflammatory causes affecting the spinal cord. The reported clinical signs and lack of other abnormalities highly suggest partial prolapse of an intervertebral disc.\nIncreased size of the prostate gland is likely secondary to benign hypertrophy being an intact male.\nThe urinary bladder is distended. Suspected to be urinary retention secondary to anxiety or lack of access to urinate outside, however, an underlying neurologic cause for the urinary retention is also considered. \n\nRecommendations:\nAdvanced imaging, such as a CT scan with myelogram or MRI is recommended for further investigation. Consider medical management with analgesics, muscle relaxants, and exercise restriction, and if pain persists or neurologic consultation is not available. \nCorrelate with rectal exam and clinical signs for clinical significance of the enlarged prostate.\nBiochemistry profile and urinalysis may be considered if there is concern for calculi.'}
{'bday': '2022-11-01', 'name': 'aranda', 'breed': 'Alaskan Husky', 'owner': 'liliana', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'North Line Pet Clinic/Tidwell Pet Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Tidwell pet clinic'}
pet is present for twisting neck towards right side past 4 days, pain on palpation when moving the neck to the right position
pain on neck ;unable to walk
['Reluctant to move/walk', 'Head tilt', 'Pain - neck', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[204, 626, 2442, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-07-13', 'name': 'MIRANDA^STELLA^^^', 'breed': 'Terrier Mix', 'owner': 'Elsy', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Affordable Pet Clinic, Katy', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Affordable Pet Clinic Katy'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presented in clinic today for limping on the right hind limb. Patient was chasing a cat outside in the backyard when it was wet about a week ago. Patient is currently weight bearing on the right hind limb and painful when palpating or stretching. Owner has been giving joint supplements at home and tried massaging the leg to help with the pain. No known history of chronic conditions and patient is still eating and drinking normal. No signs of vomiting, diarrhea, sneezing or coughing. DVM Yeruva sent patient home with some joint supplements, pain and anti-inflammatory medications.', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 362, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Stifle - small breed, no cause for lameness', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 381, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': '* Degenerative changes in the left distal limb as previously described. \n - Correlate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes.', 'elapsedTime': 9.089, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Tarsus - arthritis, no lameness', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 629, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - musculoskeletal'}, {'id': 2345, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 2193, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Stifle', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is degenerative joint disease affecting the left tarsus. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 812, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-periapical-lucency-class'}, {'id': 815, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-attachment-loss-class'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy'}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis'}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals'}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla'}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses'}, {'id': 2309, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'nasal-cavity'}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture'}, {'id': 2311, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-abl'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2494, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'laryngeal-opacity'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation'}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers'}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency'}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus'}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body'}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement'}], 'report_conclusions': "* No source of the patient's reported signs is identified in the study. The patellas being in normal location does not exclude patellar luxation as a diagnosis. \n* Degenerative changes in the left distal limb as previously described. \n - Correlate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes."}
{'bday': '2013-07-13', 'name': 'MIRANDA^STELLA^^^', 'breed': 'Terrier Mix', 'owner': 'Elsy', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Affordable Pet Clinic, Katy', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Affordable Pet Clinic Katy'}
Patient presented in clinic today for limping on the right hind limb. Patient was chasing a cat outside in the backyard when it was wet about a week ago. Patient is currently weight bearing on the right hind limb and painful when palpating or stretching. Owner has been giving joint supplements at home and tried massaging the leg to help with the pain. No known history of chronic conditions and patient is still eating and drinking normal. No signs of vomiting, diarrhea, sneezing or coughing. DVM Yeruva sent patient home with some joint supplements, pain and anti-inflammatory medications.
['Pain - musculoskeletal', 'Hindlimb lameness']
[629, 2345]
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-05-01', 'name': 'BUCKETS', 'breed': 'Olde English Bulldogge', 'owner': 'Bobila', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Emergency Pet Hospital of Glendora', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EPHG'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '10 month old english bulldog with a suspected small intestinal obstruction. Repeat radiographs 6 hours. P has received IVF, no excessive panting while in care.', 'questions': 'Partial gastric obstruction'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 364, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 6.001, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - chronic hip dysplasia, HOA and HIC', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Evidence of hip subluxation/joint laxity with mild arthritic changes secondary to hip dysplasia.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 696, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID with VAN', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 874, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 15.713, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Large FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Suspect gastric foreign body not expected to be able to pass on its own. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 201, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Re-examination/Follow-up'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 739, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There appears to be a soft tissue opacity noted within the stomach. It is better appreciated on the right lateral view in the fundus region and on the vd view between left rib 12 and 13. There is mild gas distension of the small intestines with no obstructive pattern or foreign material appreciated.', 'elapsedTime': 21.71, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': [',T10']}}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right']}}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['T9-T10', 'T10-T11']}}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 59, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Intestinal obstruction'}, {'id': 2437, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'gastric-mechanical-obstruction1'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere appears to be a soft tissue opacity noted within the stomach. It is better appreciated on the right lateral view in the fundus region and on the vd view between left rib 12 and 13. There is mild gas distension of the small intestines with no obstructive pattern or foreign material appreciated. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is intervertebral disc space narrowing at T9-T10 and T10-T11. Vertebral anomaly is noted at T10. There is evidence of hip incongruity of the left and right hip. There is degenerative joint disease affecting the right and left coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2270, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail'}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSuspect gastric foreign body not expected to be able to pass on its own.\nEvidence of hip subluxation/joint laxity with mild arthritic changes secondary to hip dysplasia.\nPresence of disc space narrowing associated with vertebral anomaly is suggestive of disc degeneration.\n\nRecommendations:\nDepending on the gastric material present, consideration may be given to inducing emesis, endoscopy or surgical exploration of the abdomen. Abdominal ultrasound may be useful to determine the character of the gastric material.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation.\nConsider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the disc space narrowing associated with vertebral anomaly. Correlate with physical exam findings.'}
{'bday': '2024-05-01', 'name': 'BUCKETS', 'breed': 'Olde English Bulldogge', 'owner': 'Bobila', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Emergency Pet Hospital of Glendora', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EPHG'}
10 month old english bulldog with a suspected small intestinal obstruction. Repeat radiographs 6 hours. P has received IVF, no excessive panting while in care.
Partial gastric obstruction
['Intestinal obstruction', 'Gastric mechanical obstruction']
[59, 2437]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-08-06', 'name': 'Bella', 'breed': 'shepherd german', 'owner': 'Hodges', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Bayview Pet Services (Newmarket, ON)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Bayview Pet Services'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Owner noted blood in pee. Body temperature 103.4. Eating/drinking normal. Dog in pain, was on meloxicam', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 387, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': '* Presence of disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration. \n - Correlate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI. ', 'consult_name': 'Disc narrowing with spondylosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 895, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': "* The cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. No evidence of bladder calculi or debris.\n - Correlate with urinalysis findings. An abdominal ultrasound could be considered as a normal radiograph does not rule out radiolucent stones, cystitis, neoplastic disease and polyps.", 'elapsedTime': 78.864, 'consult_name': 'no evidence of bladder calculi or debris', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2186, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. There are degenerative changes noted in the articular facets of L1-L3.', 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2286, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['L5-L6']}}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2192, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Haematuria'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2513, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'urinary-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is intervertebral disc space narrowing at L5-L6. There is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. There are degenerative changes noted in the articular facets of L1-L3. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}], 'report_conclusions': "* The cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. No evidence of bladder calculi or debris.\n - Correlate with urinalysis findings. An abdominal ultrasound could be considered as a normal radiograph does not rule out radiolucent stones, cystitis, neoplastic disease and polyps.\n* Presence of disc space narrowing associated with ventral spondylosis is suggestive of disc degeneration. \n - Correlate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI. "}
{'bday': '2014-08-06', 'name': 'Bella', 'breed': 'shepherd german', 'owner': 'Hodges', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Bayview Pet Services (Newmarket, ON)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Bayview Pet Services'}
Owner noted blood in pee. Body temperature 103.4. Eating/drinking normal. Dog in pain, was on meloxicam
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-01-29', 'name': 'Cali', 'breed': 'Cavalier King Charles Spaniel', 'owner': 'Johnson', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Dublin Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dublin Vet'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'crying 3 days ago, noticed diarrhea and vomiting as of yesterday. pet is anorectic since yesterday. noticed blood in stool today and diarrhea is watery.\r\npet is sensitive on abdominal palpation and having ataxia on hind quarter. ', 'questions': 'rule out foreign body/other'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1024, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 714, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 41.627, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Hemorrhagic gastro enteritis (vom+diarr).', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'A cause for the described vomiting and diarrhea is not determined from the radiographs. Given the history, hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome is considered as a primary differential. Colitis due to stress, dietary indiscretion, parasite, or other cause cannot be ruled out. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 71, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Crying'}, {'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 520, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Faecal appearance abnormal - other'}, {'id': 601, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Gait abnormality - ataxia'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 2475, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hematochezia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2290, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2512, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neuro-area'}, {'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}, {'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'internal_notes': 'undefined\nThis case was automatically escalated by the system due to reservervation timeout in the stat codes channel.', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. There is evidence of hip incongruity of the left and right hip. There is degenerative changes affecting the left and right coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2290, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail'}, {'id': 2572, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Hiatal hernia'}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention'}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nA cause for the described vomiting and diarrhea is not determined from the radiographs. Given the history, hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome is considered as a primary differential. Colitis due to stress, dietary indiscretion, parasite, or other cause cannot be ruled out.\nGastric material. This may represent food however foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the clinical signs is indicated at this time. Consider fecal testing and blood work for further investigation.\nCorrelate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified."}
{'bday': '2020-01-29', 'name': 'Cali', 'breed': 'Cavalier King Charles Spaniel', 'owner': 'Johnson', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Dublin Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dublin Vet'}
crying 3 days ago, noticed diarrhea and vomiting as of yesterday. pet is anorectic since yesterday. noticed blood in stool today and diarrhea is watery. pet is sensitive on abdominal palpation and having ataxia on hind quarter.
rule out foreign body/other
['neuro-area', 'Gastrointestinal-area', 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction']
['Crying/yelping', 'Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'abnormal fecal appearance', 'Gait abnormality - ataxia', 'Anorexia', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Hematochezia']
['Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[71, 76, 256, 520, 601, 606, 622, 2475]
{'patient': {'bday': '2010-03-31', 'name': 'Gulledge^RYDER', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Gulledge^Aubrey', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '6 month history of on and off vomiting and diarrhea, getting progressively worse the past couple months. She is anorexic, lethargic and losing weight as well. Last meal was 6:30 last night.', 'questions': 'complete'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'excluded', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 218, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No cause for non-system-specific signs, ADR/ weight loss/ lethargy', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Cardiac - Abnormal vhs, no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 140, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Losing weight'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracolumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cranial']}}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart is borderline enlarged. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is an increased soft tissue opacity noted in the cranial abdomen suspected to be summation of structures in the region. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracolumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures'}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation'}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided.\nThe cardiac silhouette appears to be normal in size. This does not rule out early occult heart disease. \nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with a minimum database including blood work and urinalysis. Further historical context and/or follow up evaluation may be indicated. Re-evaluation of radiographs in time or ultrasound may also be indicated to further investigate the reported non-specific signs.\nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurment for further investigation to rule out underlying cardiac disease if there is a murmur. \nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified."}
{'bday': '2010-03-31', 'name': 'Gulledge^RYDER', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Gulledge^Aubrey', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
6 month history of on and off vomiting and diarrhea, getting progressively worse the past couple months. She is anorexic, lethargic and losing weight as well. Last meal was 6:30 last night.
['Diarrhea', 'Lethargic/tired', 'Losing weight', 'Vomiting', 'Anorexia']
[76, 131, 140, 256, 606]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-02-03', 'name': 'White^ROXIE', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'White^Elizabeth', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Repeat radiographs following 10 hour fast', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto'}, 'consult': [{'id': 247, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': '* Comparing to previous images, there appears to be mild distension of the small intestines/colon with gas. No obvious obstructive pattern or foreign material is noted on this study. This does not completely rule out an occult foreign body.\n - Continue with supportive care. Abdominal ultrasound may be useful to look for non-obstructive, soft tissue opacity foreign body. Consider follow-up radiographs if clinical signs progress. ', 'elapsedTime': 144.08299999999997, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, no cause for GI signs', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2286, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 2015, 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'abdominal-radiographs-fast-c'}, {'id': 2053, 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'radiographs-recheck-12-c'}], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}], 'report_conclusions': '* Comparing to previous images, there appears to be mild distension of the small intestines/colon with gas. No obvious obstructive pattern or foreign material is noted on this study. This does not completely rule out an occult foreign body.\n - Continue with supportive care. Abdominal ultrasound may be useful to look for non-obstructive, soft tissue opacity foreign body. Consider follow-up radiographs if clinical signs progress. '}
{'bday': '2021-02-03', 'name': 'White^ROXIE', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'White^Elizabeth', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
Repeat radiographs following 10 hour fast
['Fasting Abdominal gradiographs', 'Repeat radiographs']
[2015, 2053]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-12-31', 'name': 'BONNIE', 'breed': 'SHIH TSU', 'owner': 'WARILLAS', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'My Pet Hospital in Pinecrest', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'My Pet Hospital '}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "Presented because of occlusion problems after falling of the bed 2 hr ago. P' mouth is painful.\xa0\r\n\r\nThere is a hematoma on the lateral aspect of the right 4th premolar. There is mobility and crepitation between the P3 and P4. No other significative lesion. no neurological problems at PE.\xa0\r\n\r\n", 'questions': 'Rule out Mandibular fracture, and skull trauma.\xa0'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 416, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Skull - oral pain, normal skull, no visible dental lesions', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 489, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 533, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mass/swelling - oral (mouth)'}, {'id': 623, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - oral (mouth)'}, {'id': 2444, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bleeding-oral'}, {'id': 2473, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Crepitus'}, {'id': 2530, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'patient-fell'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the right']}}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': []}}, {'id': 2312, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tmj-luxation-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}, {'id': 2518, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'oral-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is distension of the stomach with presence of radiopaque material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is soft tissue swelling involving the right. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 812, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-periapical-lucency-class'}, {'id': 815, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-attachment-loss-class'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals'}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla'}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses'}, {'id': 2309, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'nasal-cavity'}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture'}, {'id': 2311, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-abl'}, {'id': 2312, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tmj-luxation-subluxation'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSoft tissue swelling as described. Consistent with history of trauma and local hemorrhage/hematoma.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\nNormal skull radiographs.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with physical exam findings for clinical significance of the soft tissue swelling.\nConsider sedated oral exam and dental radiography.'}
{'bday': '2020-12-31', 'name': 'BONNIE', 'breed': 'SHIH TSU', 'owner': 'WARILLAS', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'My Pet Hospital in Pinecrest', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'My Pet Hospital '}
Presented because of occlusion problems after falling of the bed 2 hr ago. P' mouth is painful.  There is a hematoma on the lateral aspect of the right 4th premolar. There is mobility and crepitation between the P3 and P4. No other significative lesion. no neurological problems at PE. 
Rule out Mandibular fracture, and skull trauma. 
['Musculoskeletal-area', 'oral-area']
['Mass/swelling - oral (mouth)', 'Pain - oral (mouth)', 'oral bleeding', 'Crepitus', 'Fell/dropped']
[533, 623, 2444, 2473, 2530]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-01-14', 'name': 'Charlie^DINO', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Charlie^Charlotte', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Hospital Volusia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'ICU'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presented for possible CHF after coughing all night.\r\n\r\nHe was started on vetmedin approximately 8 months ago after having an echo done with rDVM.\r\n\r\nHe does have a history of sensitive stomach.\r\n\r\nNo V/D\r\nE/D normally\r\n\r\nOn exam: 4/6 L systolic murmur, bilateral crackles\r\n\r\nCurrent medications: Vetmedin', 'questions': 'Patient presented for possible CHF after coughing all night.\r\n\r\nHe was started on vetmedin approximately 8 months ago after having an echo done with rDVM.\r\n\r\nHe does have a history of sensitive stomach.\r\n\r\nNo V/D\r\nE/D normally\r\n\r\nOn exam: 4/6 L systolic murmur, bilateral crackles\r\n\r\nCurrent medications: Vetmedin'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 268, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly - Symptomatic , on meds', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 349, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 47.316, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Aerophagia', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The gas distension observed in the GI tract is may be secondary to aerophagia. Cannot rule out possible pyloric outflow obstruction, gastritis or post prandial stomach.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with clinical signs and exam for clinical significance of gastric distension. Correlate with patients last meal time.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 2463, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart murmur'}, {'id': 2536, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-crackles-sounds'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbosacral']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The liver appears enlarged with rounded margins on the left lateral view.', 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2280, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['unstructured interstitial']}}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2509, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'cardiovascular-area'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 1055, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'pimobendan'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart appears to be enlarged with evidence of left atrial enlargement. There is increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a unstructured interstitial pattern. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged with rounded margins on the left lateral view. There is distension of the stomach with presence of radiopaque material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbosacral spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver'}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive'}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp'}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb'}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body'}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nLeft sided congestive heart failure with pulmonary edema.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nThe gas distension observed in the GI tract is may be secondary to aerophagia. Cannot rule out possible pyloric outflow obstruction, gastritis or post prandial stomach.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider increasing diuretic therapy to help reduce pulmonary edema. Supportive care such as oxygen therapy may also be indicated. A blood pressure measurement is suggested. Further re-evaluation of cardiac medication may also be considered.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necesary for a defintive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nCorrelate with clinical signs and exam for clinical significance of gastric distension. Correlate with patients last meal time.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2015-01-14', 'name': 'Charlie^DINO', 'breed': 'Chihuahua', 'owner': 'Charlie^Charlotte', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Hospital Volusia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'ICU'}
Patient presented for possible CHF after coughing all night. He was started on vetmedin approximately 8 months ago after having an echo done with rDVM. He does have a history of sensitive stomach. No V/D E/D normally On exam: 4/6 L systolic murmur, bilateral crackles Current medications: Vetmedin
Patient presented for possible CHF after coughing all night. He was started on vetmedin approximately 8 months ago after having an echo done with rDVM. He does have a history of sensitive stomach. No V/D E/D normally On exam: 4/6 L systolic murmur, bilateral crackles Current medications: Vetmedin
['Coughing', 'Heart murmur', 'Lung crackles/lung sounds']
[69, 2463, 2536]
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-08-24', 'name': 'Hatzl-Patterson^Dakota', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'Hatzl-Patterson^Nina Michele', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Arlington Animal Hospital and 24 Hour Emergency Center ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Arlington Animal Hospital & 24 Hour Emergency'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '2-3 days of paraparesis, PE rear limbs normal reflexes, no or minimal deep pain present, no pain on palpation ', 'questions': 'etiology of paralysis'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Post prandial stomach', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 358, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Stifle arthritis, not the primary problem', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 364, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Hip dysplasia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 412, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'No cause for hind limb neuro signs', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 630, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Paresis/paralysis'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in one of the stifles. ', 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}, {'id': 2512, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neuro-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\n* There is distension of the stomach with presence of radiopaque material. \n* The small intestines appear within normal limits. \n* There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. \n* The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. \n* The urinary bladder is within normal limits. \n* No evidence of urolithiasis. \n\nMusculoskeletal\n* No appendicular fractures are noted. \n* No aggressive osseous lesions identified. \n* The spine is radiographically normal. \n* No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. \n* There is evidence of hip incongruity of the left and right hip. \n* There is degenerative joint disease affecting the left and right coxofemoral joint. \n* There are degenerative changes noted in one of the stifles.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}], 'report_conclusions': '* No specific cause for the described signs is identified on the radiographs provided. Based on the clinical signs, TL myelopathy is suspected.\n - For further investigation, consider advanced imaging such as myelogram or an MRI scan.\n* Osteoarthritis of the hips secondary to hip dysplasia.\n - Correlate with orthopedic examination.\n* Osteoarthritis of the stifles.\n - Correlate with orthopedic examination.\n* Gastric material is consistent with food/recent meal. '}
{'bday': '2012-08-24', 'name': 'Hatzl-Patterson^Dakota', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'Hatzl-Patterson^Nina Michele', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Arlington Animal Hospital and 24 Hour Emergency Center ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Arlington Animal Hospital & 24 Hour Emergency'}
2-3 days of paraparesis, PE rear limbs normal reflexes, no or minimal deep pain present, no pain on palpation
etiology of paralysis
['Musculoskeletal-area', 'neuro-area']
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-11-11', 'name': 'Ori', 'breed': 'Labrador Retriever', 'owner': 'Litman', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Huronia Veterinary Emergency Clinic (ON, Canada)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'HVEC'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Owner noticed lameness on friday May 10th 2024, then the patient started non weight bearing on the right hind leg on May 11 @ 12pm. Blood work recently at rdvm - wnl according to owner', 'questions': 'Painful on palpation of right hind tarsus. Painful on manipulation of tarsus.'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 391, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 21.653, 'consult_name': 'Negative - no cause for lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': "The cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not definitively determined in the radiographs provided. The study is negative for fractures, luxation or subluxation. This does not rule out a soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time.\n", 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 490, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, associated with a joint', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the right', 'tarsal joint']}}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is soft tissue swelling involving the right and tarsal joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 722, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesions-of-the-third-phalanx'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia'}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans'}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy'}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis'}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture'}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device'}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body'}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers'}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency'}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection'}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus'}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis'}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)"}, {'id': 2690, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'submandibular-swelling'}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nSoft tissue swelling associated with the area as described. This is likely extra-capsular though a mild intracapsular component cannot be ruled out.\nThe cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not definitively determined in the radiographs provided. The study is negative for fractures, luxation or subluxation. This does not rule out a soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider careful palpation and fine needle aspirate sampling with cytology to determine etiology. Assessment of the affected joint for instability may be beneficial as would cross-section imaging.\nRecommend medical management for soft tissue injury and exercise restriction. If exam suggests more than a soft tissue injury or there is no response to treatment, consider sedation and additional views of the region of interest +/- orthopedic consult."}
{'bday': '2022-11-11', 'name': 'Ori', 'breed': 'Labrador Retriever', 'owner': 'Litman', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Huronia Veterinary Emergency Clinic (ON, Canada)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'HVEC'}
Owner noticed lameness on friday May 10th 2024, then the patient started non weight bearing on the right hind leg on May 11 @ 12pm. Blood work recently at rdvm - wnl according to owner
Painful on palpation of right hind tarsus. Painful on manipulation of tarsus.
['Lameness', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[2185, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-07-10', 'name': 'Le^Cali^^^', 'breed': 'Mixed', 'owner': 'Amy Le', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': ' United Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dr. Mandeep Bhullar'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Wheezing. Coughing. Heart murmur 2/6.', 'questions': 'Wheezing. Coughing. Heart murmur 2/6.'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['Four'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1099, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly - GEN, unstructured interstitial, CHF', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 2456, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Wheezing'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2280, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mixed interstitial to alveolar']}}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 402, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Heart (cardiac) murmur - innocent'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2509, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'cardiovascular-area'}, {'id': 2510, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-area'}], 'internal_notes': 'Not very detailed description of what is going on in the lungs and if there is more the practiioner should know or do to help this patient BEFORE they can get an echocardiogram.', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart. There is increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a mixed interstitial to alveolar pattern. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is an accumulation of fecal material in the colon. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body'}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGeneralized cardiomegaly and unstructured interstitial pattern throughout the lungs as described above. Possible differentialS include: valvular disease leading to insufficiency, DCM with pulmonary edema or pulmonary hypertension.\nMild fecal retention. Rule out constipation.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nFor further assessment, an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement would be optimal. Diuretics, as pre-load reducer, are a mainstay of reducing pulmonary edema. Supportive care such as oxygen therapy may be indicated. Additional cardiac medication should also be considered.\nCorrelate with clinical history to rule out constipation.'}
{'bday': '2021-07-10', 'name': 'Le^Cali^^^', 'breed': 'Mixed', 'owner': 'Amy Le', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': ' United Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dr. Mandeep Bhullar'}
Wheezing. Coughing. Heart murmur 2/6.
Wheezing. Coughing. Heart murmur 2/6.
['cardiovascular-area', 'Respiratory-area']
['Coughing', 'Wheezing']
[69, 2456]
['Heart (cardiac) murmur - innocent']
{'patient': {'bday': '2009-12-30', 'name': 'Jackson^Boomer', 'breed': 'Schnauzer, Miniature', 'owner': 'Jackson^Melanie', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Care Center of Shorewood', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'ACC Shorewood'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'SEEN ABOUT 3 WEEKS AGO ( 1/2/24 ) FOR COUGH / AND VOMITING\r\nBLOOD WORK CBC - CHEM WAS NORMAL AT THAT POINT ( 3 WEEKS AGO ) \r\nBACK IN TODAY FOR RECHECK BECAUSE CONTINUES TO VOMIT EVERY OTHER DAY (BUT STILL HAVING NORMAL BM ) CONTINUES TO COUGH ( HEART MURMUR 4/6 , NOT ON ANY HEART MEDS )\r\nALSO LOST 2.2 LBS IN 2 WEEKS ( WAS 20 LBS ) \r\nPATIENT IS 14 YEARS OLD ', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 192, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Small liver', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 228, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Incidental VAN', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 247, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'No cause of GI signs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 269, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Cardiac Normal - canine, heart murmer', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 299, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'No cause for respiratory signs, small breed', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 140, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Losing weight'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['L1']}}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2286, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears small with the gastric axis displaced cranially. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nVertebral anomaly is noted at L1. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver'}], 'report_conclusions': '* The study is most compatible with gastroenteritis. No obstructive pattern is visible although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded on radiographs. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and dietary indiscretion should be considered.\n - Recommend supportive care. Consider lab testing for pancreatitis. Depending on lab results, follow-up imaging, abdominal ultrasound may also be helpful.\n* No cause for the described respiratory signs has been determined from this radiographic study. Bronchitis or dynamic airway collapse cannot be ruled out.\n - For further evaluation endoscopic evaluation, lower airway sampling and a respiratory PCR could be considered if the patient does not respond to medical management.\n* The cardiovascular structures appear normal. This does not rule out valvular disease.\n - Consider echocardiogram to investigate the reported heart murmur. \n* The liver appears small. This may be secondary to conformation but cirrhosis or vascular anomaly cannot be ruled out.\n - Biochemical profile and possible bile acids testing is recommended to confirm adequate hepatic function.\n* Vertebral anomaly. Likely incidental.\n - Correlate with physical exam.'}
{'bday': '2009-12-30', 'name': 'Jackson^Boomer', 'breed': 'Schnauzer, Miniature', 'owner': 'Jackson^Melanie', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Animal Care Center of Shorewood', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'ACC Shorewood'}
['Coughing', 'Losing weight', 'Vomiting', 'Heart Murmur']
[69, 140, 256, 2175]
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-07-21', 'name': 'Fisk^CHARLIE', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Fisk^Casey', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Charlie is a 6 MO M Doodle dog who was presented for vomiting that started last night. P is otherwise acting normal. It started with a mucoid stool that happened 2 days ago, but stool has been normal ever since.', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto'}, 'consult': [{'id': 248, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastroenteritis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2286, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}], 'report_conclusions': '* Gastroenteritis is considered the most likely source of signs. No complete obstructive pattern is identified although an obstruction cannot be completely excluded radiographically.\n - Medical management of the clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound.'}
{'bday': '2023-07-21', 'name': 'Fisk^CHARLIE', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Fisk^Casey', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
Charlie is a 6 MO M Doodle dog who was presented for vomiting that started last night. P is otherwise acting normal. It started with a mucoid stool that happened 2 days ago, but stool has been normal ever since.
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-09-01', 'name': 'Harley', 'breed': 'Rottweiler', 'owner': 'O Donnell', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dr. Simpkins'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Lameness since a puppy, left forelimb, off and on, orthopedic surgeon thought it was growing pain', 'questions': 'lameness in front right'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert'], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1030, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1039, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 378, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 12.014, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Shoulder - SAR, bicepital groove mineralization', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The mineralization associated with the bicipital groove of the shoulder(s) is indicative of bicipital or supraspinatus tendinopathy. Degenerative changes in the shoulder also noted.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1046, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Carpus - arthritis, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1066, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Elbow - Fragmented medial coronoid process', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2346, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-forelimb'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is bony proliferation/mineralization associated with the intertubercular groove of the right shoulder.', 'elapsedTime': 10.512, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is mild degenerative joint disease affecting the right carpus. ', 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is bony proliferation/mineralization associated with the intertubercular groove of the right shoulder. There are degenerative changes noted in the left and right shoulder. There are degenerative changes noted in the left and right elbow. There is new bone production on the proximal border of the anconeal process and changes to the medial coronoid process indicative of a fragmented medial coronoid process. There is mild degenerative joint disease affecting the right carpus. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans'}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process'}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy'}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis'}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid'}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity'}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers'}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency'}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection'}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe changes noted in the elbow are supportive of a fragmented medial coronoid process.\nThe mineralization associated with the bicipital groove of the shoulder(s) is indicative of bicipital or supraspinatus tendinopathy. Degenerative changes in the shoulder also noted.\nDegenerative changes in the distal forelimb as previously described.\n\nRecommendations:\nAdditional views of the elbow or advanced imaging may be indicated. Orthopedic consultation is recommended as surgery is often the treatment of choice for the condition.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the mineralization associated with the bicipital groove of the shoulder.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination.'}
{'bday': '2021-09-01', 'name': 'Harley', 'breed': 'Rottweiler', 'owner': 'O Donnell', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dr. Simpkins'}
Lameness since a puppy, left forelimb, off and on, orthopedic surgeon thought it was growing pain
lameness in front right
['Lameness', 'Forelimb lameness']
[2185, 2346]
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-04-24', 'name': 'Wasinger^Bowser', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'Tara', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Urgent Pet Care - KS', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Urgent Pet Care LLC'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Bowser was diagnosed in September with Congestive heart failure and was started on vetmedin and furosemide, Owner said on Sunday Patient started wheezing and moving around slower, Owner followed up with primary vet where she was advised to up Lasix dose to 1 1/2 tabs 3 times a day when owner is home on her off days, patient has been coughing more and had more pronounced breathing.', 'questions': 'Congestive heart failure vs heart valve disease'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['expert'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 219, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - LAD, no trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 283, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 86.312, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly - No edema,Coughing, Airway compression', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Compression of the mainstem bronchi by the enlarged heart may be the source of reported clinical signs. Left sided cardiomegaly is most consistent with mitral valve disease. There is no evidence of congestive heart failure noted at this time. Bronchitis or dynamic airway collapse cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 379, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Shoulder - SAR, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 2456, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Wheezing'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2469, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'narrowed-mainstem-bronchi', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 395, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Heart (cardiac) failure, congestive'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2509, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'cardiovascular-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is evidence of left atrial enlargement. The heart measures above the normal range. There is compression of the mainstem bronchi. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is radiopaque material within the stomach. There is loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere are degenerative changes noted in the left shoulder. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver'}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive'}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp'}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures'}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb'}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization'}, {'id': 2469, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'narrowed-mainstem-bronchi'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail'}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nCompression of the mainstem bronchi by the enlarged heart may be the source of reported clinical signs. Left sided cardiomegaly is most consistent with mitral valve disease. There is no evidence of congestive heart failure noted at this time. Bronchitis or dynamic airway collapse cannot be ruled out.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nThere appears to be free fluid in the abdomen. Rule out low oncotic pressure, portal hypertension, a neoplastic effusion, abdominal hemorrhage or other potential sources of the free fluid identified in the abdomen.\nDegenerative changes in the shoulder.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nAntitussive therapy combined with cardiac medications is often recommended in similar cases. An echocardiogram can also be considered to investigate further.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necessary for a definitive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nFor further assessment, advise abdominocentesis analysis and cytology of the free fluid in the abdomen and abdominal ultrasound.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the shoulder.'}
{'bday': '2012-04-24', 'name': 'Wasinger^Bowser', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'Tara', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Urgent Pet Care - KS', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Urgent Pet Care LLC'}
Bowser was diagnosed in September with Congestive heart failure and was started on vetmedin and furosemide, Owner said on Sunday Patient started wheezing and moving around slower, Owner followed up with primary vet where she was advised to up Lasix dose to 1 1/2 tabs 3 times a day when owner is home on her off days, patient has been coughing more and had more pronounced breathing.
Congestive heart failure vs heart valve disease
['Coughing', 'Lethargic/tired', 'Wheezing', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[69, 131, 2456, 2656]
['Heart (cardiac) failure, congestive']
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-03-17', 'name': 'Bell^Skye', 'breed': 'Lab. Retriever Mix', 'owner': 'Bell^Collin', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'GoodVets Dallas Uptown', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'GoodVets'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'several months of coughing after exercise. Responded very well to oral prednisone but needed to be taken off due to severe side effects. Was started on fluticasone and coughing has continued to increase in frequency. Lethargic, not wanting to eat. Small hyperechoic mass on head of spleen seen on abdominal ultrasound. Blood work all wnl, afebrile. ', 'questions': 'Parenchymal pattern or potential thoracic mass seen? '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'consult': [{'id': 296, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - chronic bronchitis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 385, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID, CID, mineralized disc, asymptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 56.585, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - resp signs, CVP/CDP (not alveolar), no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The changes noted in the caudodorsal lung field are indicative of pathology but are not diagnostic for a specific etiology. Consideration is given to infectious, inflammatory, or neoplastic causes. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 2387, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'cough-chronic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is increased opacity in the caudodorsal lung field.', 'elapsedTime': 5.814, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['T7-T8']}}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2510, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-area'}], 'internal_notes': 'fluticasone', 'recommendations': [{'id': 85, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Blood test: Haematology - profile'}, {'id': 976, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Corticosteroid'}, {'id': 2011, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'abdominal-ultrasound-c'}, {'id': 2140, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'splenic-mass-c'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nA bronchial pattern is present. There is increased opacity in the caudodorsal lung field. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is intervertebral disc space narrowing at T7-T8. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis'}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp'}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp'}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node'}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node'}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation'}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nBronchial pattern consistent with chronic bronchitis. Considerations to allergic bronchitis, and other causes.\nThe changes noted in the caudodorsal lung field are indicative of pathology but are not diagnostic for a specific etiology. Consideration is given to infectious, inflammatory, or neoplastic causes.\nEvidence of disc space narrowing as indicated.\n\nRecommendations:\nTracheal wash with cytology/culture may be helpful for confirmation of bronchitis. Therapy often uses anti-inflammatory dosages of glucocorticoids as a cornerstone plus other symptomatic care.\nConsider respiratory lavage for cytological exam, culture and sensitivity to further investigate the changes in the lungs. A CT scan may also yield additional information.\nFor further evaluation of the disc space narrowing, correlate with a physical exam for clinical significance.'}
{'bday': '2016-03-17', 'name': 'Bell^Skye', 'breed': 'Lab. Retriever Mix', 'owner': 'Bell^Collin', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'GoodVets Dallas Uptown', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'GoodVets'}
several months of coughing after exercise. Responded very well to oral prednisone but needed to be taken off due to severe side effects. Was started on fluticasone and coughing has continued to increase in frequency. Lethargic, not wanting to eat. Small hyperechoic mass on head of spleen seen on abdominal ultrasound. Blood work all wnl, afebrile.
Parenchymal pattern or potential thoracic mass seen?
['Lethargic/tired', 'Anorexia', 'Chronic cough']
[131, 606, 2387]
['Blood test: Haematology - profile', 'Corticosteroid', 'Abdominal Ultrasound', 'splenic mass']
[85, 976, 2011, 2140]
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-04-11', 'name': 'Tepaa^Indi', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Tepaa^Angela', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Attacked by 2 dogs and patient was brought straight in. ', 'questions': 'Trauma'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 483, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - trauma, no contusions', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 892, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Resp Pleural - no penetrating wounds, thorax', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1069, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Trauma and PEG', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1081, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 37.555, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Umbilical hernia', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Changes described are consistent with an umbilical hernia. \nSoft tissue swelling and subcutaneous gas as described. Consistent with history of trauma and local hemorrhage/hematoma.\n', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with physical exam and consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation. Depending on the size of the hernia, conservative versus surgical approaches may be considered. \nMedical management as required for soft tissue injury.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 37, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Bitten'}, {'id': 259, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Traumatic-injury'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is evidence of free gas in the peritoneum, better appreciated on the vd view in the left cranial abdomen.', 'elapsedTime': 20.537, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is gas noted in the soft tissue of the thoracic region. ', 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thorax']}}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is evidence of herniation of fat through the umbilicus. \n', 'elapsedTime': 9.762, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2523, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'trauma-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart is lifted off the sternum and the lung lobes are retracted from the thoracic margins. The remainder the thorax is within normal limits. \n\nAbdomen\nThere is distension of the stomach with presence of radiopaque material. There is an accumulation of fecal material in the colon. There is evidence of free gas in the peritoneum, better appreciated on the vd view in the left cranial abdomen. There is evidence of herniation of fat through the umbilicus. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is soft tissue swelling involving thorax. There is gas noted in the soft tissue of the thoracic region. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia'}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2403, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sternal-deformity'}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures'}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c'}, {'id': 2421, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration'}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure'}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis'}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas'}, {'id': 2491, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing'}, {'id': 2492, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal-subluxation'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone'}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization'}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla'}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body'}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2586, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subluxation of Ribs'}, {'id': 2594, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fractured Rib Cartilages'}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nWith the given history and evidence of free gas in the peritoneum, there is concern for a penetrating abdominal wound. Laceration of abdominal organs cannot be determined or ruled out based on radiographs alone. This gas could also come from rupture/puncture of abdominal viscera. \nChanges described are consistent with an umbilical hernia. \nSoft tissue swelling and subcutaneous gas as described. Consistent with history of trauma and local hemorrhage/hematoma.\nTraumatic pneumothorax, this maybe secondary to penetrating thoracic wounds or from punctures to the pulmonary parenchyma. \nNo obvious pulmonary pathology observed at the time of study.\nMild fecal retention. Rule out constipation.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nWidespread clipping or hair with cleaning and exploration of the wounds and abdomen would be indicated.\nCorrelate with physical exam and consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation. Depending on the size of the hernia, conservative versus surgical approaches may be considered. \nMedical management as required for soft tissue injury.\nConsider exploration of the wound for confirmation of penetrating injuries in the thorax.\nRecommend follow up thoracic radiographs to assess for ensuing pulmonary contusion.\nCorrelate with clinical history to rule out constipation.'}
{'bday': '2023-04-11', 'name': 'Tepaa^Indi', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Tepaa^Angela', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Burleson Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'BAEH'}
Attacked by 2 dogs and patient was brought straight in.
['Bitten/attacked by other animal', 'Traumatic injury', 'Feline']
[37, 259, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-12-08', 'name': 'Gould, Griffin^Schmidt', 'breed': 'dsh', 'owner': 'Gould, Griffin^', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Wise Owl Animal Hospital (Guam)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Wise Owl Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented on 2/15/24 for weight loss, decreased appetite, and weekly vomiting (previously was every other day). Decreased weight from 18 lbs in September 2023 to 9.5 lbs today. Seen by two other DVM. RDVM on 2/8/2024 gave convenia and depomedrol and put him on PVD EN which he is barely eating. Client interested in firm diagnosis and would like an exploratory if needed', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 218, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': "* The cause of the patient's described weight loss and vomiting is not identified in the radiographs provided. \n - Correlate with a minimum database including blood work and urinalysis. Further historical context and/or follow up evaluation may be indicated. Re-evaluation of radiographs in time or ultrasound may also be indicated to further investigate the reported non-specific signs.", 'elapsedTime': 39.162, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No cause for non-system-specific signs, ADR/ weight loss/ lethargy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 223, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Thin LAD', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 332, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': '* Pleural effusion noted in the right thoracic region. Rule out chylothorax, pyothorax, neoplastic exudate, or other causes.\n - Consider therapeutic thoracocentesis and obtaining a sample for fluid analysis and cytology to rule out chylothorax, pyothorax, neoplastic exudate, or other causes of the pleural effusion.', 'elapsedTime': 29.257, 'consult_name': 'Resp Pleural - Feline, resp signs, pleural effusion, not VHS/CMG', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 366, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip OA, no lameness', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 140, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Losing weight'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}], 'findings': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is evidence of fluid in the right pleural space.', 'elapsedTime': 7.284, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is suspected degenerative joint disease affecting the right coxofemoral joint. ', 'elapsedTime': 8.904, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2270, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right']}}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}, {'id': 2524, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Endocrine-area'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 967, 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Antiemetic'}, {'id': 1379, 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'dietary-change'}, {'id': 2088, 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'glucocorticoid-c'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nA pleural fissure line is noted in the right thorax. There is evidence of fluid in the right pleural space. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is suspected degenerative joint disease affecting the right coxofemoral joint. The patient is noted to be in thin body condition. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2270, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c'}, {'id': 2415, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'microcardia'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart'}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present'}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure'}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization'}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation'}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail'}], 'report_conclusions': "* Pleural effusion noted in the right thoracic region. Rule out chylothorax, pyothorax, neoplastic exudate, or other causes.\n - Consider therapeutic thoracocentesis and obtaining a sample for fluid analysis and cytology to rule out chylothorax, pyothorax, neoplastic exudate, or other causes of the pleural effusion.\n* The cause of the patient's described weight loss and vomiting is not identified in the radiographs provided. \n - Correlate with a minimum database including blood work and urinalysis. Further historical context and/or follow up evaluation may be indicated. Re-evaluation of radiographs in time or ultrasound may also be indicated to further investigate the reported non-specific signs.\n* Loss of detail in the abdomen most consistent with lack of intra-abdominal fat. A scant amount of peritoneal effusion cannot be ruled out.\n* Degenerative joint disease of the hips.\n - Correlate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of degenerative joint disease of the hips."}
{'bday': '2014-12-08', 'name': 'Gould, Griffin^Schmidt', 'breed': 'dsh', 'owner': 'Gould, Griffin^', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Wise Owl Animal Hospital (Guam)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Wise Owl Animal Hospital'}
Presented on 2/15/24 for weight loss, decreased appetite, and weekly vomiting (previously was every other day). Decreased weight from 18 lbs in September 2023 to 9.5 lbs today. Seen by two other DVM. RDVM on 2/8/2024 gave convenia and depomedrol and put him on PVD EN which he is barely eating. Client interested in firm diagnosis and would like an exploratory if needed
['Gastrointestinal-area', 'Endocrine-area']
['Losing weight', 'Vomiting', 'Hyporexia']
[140, 256, 607]
['Antiemetic', 'Dietary change', 'glucocorticoid therapy']
[967, 1379, 2088]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-02-22', 'name': 'Vallone^Bella', 'breed': 'Coonhound', 'owner': 'Vallone^Cheryl', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Smithfield Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Smithfield Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Scheduled for cruciate repair but began declining prior to surgery. decreased appetite and lethargic. Serous abdominal fluid was identified on abdominocentesis. Bloodwork showed decreased platelets', 'questions': 'I wanted to confirmation on if the structures in the chest look neoplastic before we schedule an abdominal exploratory.'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 215, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 69.39699999999999, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Incomplete thoracic study, no metastasis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Only two thorax images available for assessment. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider including a left lateral thoracic radiograph to investigate for evidence of pulmonary metastasis. Follow up radiographs may be require in 1-3 months for comparison. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 219, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 2.67, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - LAD, no trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'There is free fluid in the abdomen. Rule out low oncotic pressure, portal hypertension, a neoplastic effusion, abdominal hemorrhage or other potential sources of the free fluid identified in the abdomen.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'For further assessment, advise abdominocentesis analysis and cytology of the free fluid in the abdomen and abdominal ultrasound.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 338, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 115.045, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Cranial mediastinal fat vs mass', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Opacity noted in the cranial thorax suspected to be a fatty deposition. However, due to its appearance a mediastinal mass in this region cannot be completely ruled out. Other soft tissue opacities are considered more likely summation of structures, however early metastatic disease cannot be ruled out at this stage. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 879, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly - Mild', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracolumbar']}}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are several faint irregular to round soft tissue opacities located in the ventral portion of the caudodorsal lung lobe as seen on the right lateral view between ribs 6-7 as well as a rounded soft tissue opacity superimposed over the ventral portion of rib 2 at the costochondral junction. ', 'elapsedTime': 100.317, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'Symmetrical widening of the mediastinum is most consistent with fatty deposition. A mass in the same region cannot be ruled out. ', 'elapsedTime': 6.325, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': 'There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted throughout the abdomen.', 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 691, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Thrombocytopenia'}, {'id': 2351, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'peritoneal-fluid'}, {'id': 2451, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'cranial-cruciate-ligament-injury'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2509, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'cardiovascular-area'}, {'id': 2510, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-area'}, {'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}, {'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}, {'id': 2521, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Neoplasia-area'}], 'internal_notes': 'I wanted to confirmation on if the structures in the chest look neoplastic before we schedule an abdominal exploratory.', 'recommendations': [{'id': 376, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Fluid tap (centesis) - Abdominocentesis'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nSymmetrical widening of the mediastinum is most consistent with fatty deposition. A mass in the same region cannot be ruled out. There are several faint irregular to round soft tissue opacities located in the ventral portion of the caudodorsal lung lobe as seen on the right lateral view between ribs 6-7 as well as a rounded soft tissue opacity superimposed over the ventral portion of rib 2 at the costochondral junction. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracolumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2270, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thin-bcs'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive'}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp'}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat'}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization'}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass'}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node'}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node'}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail'}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThere is free fluid in the abdomen. Rule out low oncotic pressure, portal hypertension, a neoplastic effusion, abdominal hemorrhage or other potential sources of the free fluid identified in the abdomen.\nOpacity noted in the cranial thorax suspected to be a fatty deposition. However, due to its appearance a mediastinal mass in this region cannot be completely ruled out. Other soft tissue opacities are considered more likely summation of structures, however early metastatic disease cannot be ruled out at this stage.\nOnly two thorax images available for assessment.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\nThe liver appears mildly enlarged. This may be considered normal for the patient or may represent mild congestion.\n\nRecommendations:\nFor further assessment, advise abdominocentesis analysis and cytology of the free fluid in the abdomen and abdominal ultrasound.\nConsider an ultrasound and/or CT of the cranial thorax to confirm the diagnosis of the opacity suspected to be a fatty deposition and to rule out a mediastinal mass.\nConsider including a left lateral thoracic radiograph to investigate for evidence of pulmonary metastasis. Follow up radiographs may be require in 1-3 months for comparison.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.\nCorrelate with blood work for clinical significance and consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the mildly enlarged liver.'}
{'bday': '2015-02-22', 'name': 'Vallone^Bella', 'breed': 'Coonhound', 'owner': 'Vallone^Cheryl', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Smithfield Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Smithfield Animal Hospital'}
Scheduled for cruciate repair but began declining prior to surgery. decreased appetite and lethargic. Serous abdominal fluid was identified on abdominocentesis. Bloodwork showed decreased platelets
I wanted to confirmation on if the structures in the chest look neoplastic before we schedule an abdominal exploratory.
['cardiovascular-area', 'Respiratory-area', 'Musculoskeletal-area', 'Gastrointestinal-area', 'Neoplasia-area']
['Lethargic/tired', 'Hyporexia']
[131, 607]
['Thrombocytopenia', 'Peritoneal fluid', 'Cranial cruciate ligament injury']
[691, 2351, 2451]
['Fluid tap (centesis) - Abdominocentesis ']
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-05-08', 'name': 'Chapman^Mufasa', 'breed': 'Schnauzer, Giant', 'owner': 'Chapman^Jessica', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'LeVert'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient presented for vomiting and straining to defecate. Severe, watery diarrhea noted during exam. He has a history of ingesting driveway rocks that usually pass.', 'questions': 'Opinion of whether rock is SI or colon? US confirmed not bladder stone.'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 242, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops, with FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['a rounded', 'mineral']}}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2290, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}, {'id': 2659, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is a rounded and mineral foreign material located within the small intestine. There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2290, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material'}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSmall intestinal obstruction likely secondary to foreign material. A concurrent stricture or intestinal lesion cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend surgical exploration of the abdomen.'}
{'bday': '2021-05-08', 'name': 'Chapman^Mufasa', 'breed': 'Schnauzer, Giant', 'owner': 'Chapman^Jessica', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Middle Georgia Veterinary Emergency Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'LeVert'}
Patient presented for vomiting and straining to defecate. Severe, watery diarrhea noted during exam. He has a history of ingesting driveway rocks that usually pass.
Opinion of whether rock is SI or colon? US confirmed not bladder stone.
['Gastrointestinal-area', 'Vomiting-FB/obstruction']
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[76, 256, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-03-19', 'name': 'Bollas^Soup^^^', 'breed': 'DOMESTIC SHORTHAIR', 'owner': 'Yaneli', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Affordable Pet Clinic, Katy', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Affordable Pet Clinic Katy'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Soup presented for wheezing. Today, he had a diaphragmatic effort while breathing. Bloodwork showed elevated WBC count, characyterized by neutrophilia, eosinophilia, and basophilia. Glucose and total protein levels were elevated as well. Prednisolone was started on 01/10/24, trasaderm on ears ', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 293, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Feline bronchitis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 320, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Pneumonia/pneumonitis', 'custom_fields': {'___d1_': ['right']}}, {'id': 349, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Aerophagia', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 663, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Dyspnoea - without coughing'}, {'id': 2456, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Wheezing'}, {'id': 2634, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Neutrophilia'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2280, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['patchy interstitial to alveolar']}}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2315, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-gas', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 527, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Hyperglycaemia'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2510, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-area'}, {'id': 2522, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Systemic-area'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 1354, 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'corticosteroid1'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nA bronchial pattern is present. There is increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a patchy interstitial to alveolar pattern. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is distension of the stomach with gas. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}], 'report_conclusions': '* Alveolar pattern identified in the right region of the lungs. Differentials are pneumonia/pneumonitis including bronchopneumonia (bacterial, viral, fungal) or aspiration pneumonia, parasitic infection (heartworm, lungworm, Toxo).\n - Consider respiratory lavage for cytological exam and culture and sensitivity. \n* Bronchial pattern is consistent with lower airway disease/bronchitis. Differentials include feline asthma, chronic inhaled irritants, infectious etiologies (bacterial) and parasitic (including heartworm disease).\n - Correlate with clinical history and/or additional diagnostics and consider medical management.\n* The gas distension observed in the GI tract is most consistent with aerophagia.'}
{'bday': '2017-03-19', 'name': 'Bollas^Soup^^^', 'breed': 'DOMESTIC SHORTHAIR', 'owner': 'Yaneli', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Affordable Pet Clinic, Katy', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Affordable Pet Clinic Katy'}
Soup presented for wheezing. Today, he had a diaphragmatic effort while breathing. Bloodwork showed elevated WBC count, characyterized by neutrophilia, eosinophilia, and basophilia. Glucose and total protein levels were elevated as well. Prednisolone was started on 01/10/24, trasaderm on ears
['Respiratory-area', 'Systemic-area']
['Dyspnea', 'Wheezing', 'Neutrophilia']
[663, 2456, 2634]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-03-24', 'name': 'Reicher^DORY', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Reicher^Sandor', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Dory is a 8 YO FS Black Mouth Cur who was presented for vomiting and diarrhea over the last few days. It started bloody but that has resolved since starting. O did leave town prior to symptoms starting. P had parvo virus when she was a puppy.', 'questions': 'foreign body'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 192, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hepatic - Small', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 246, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenterocolitis(vom+diarroea)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1056, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 27.371, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Normal Abdomen Screening', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No evidence of foreign body within the gastrointestinal tract. This does not completely rule out an occult foreign body.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider a barium study, ultrasound, or endoscopy for further investigation of the gastrointestinal tract to rule out an occult foreign body.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2184, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign-Body-Ingestion'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe liver appears small with the gastric axis displaced cranially. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGiven the normal appearance of the GI tract and clinical history provided, clinical signs are most consistent with a gastroenterocolitis. No obstruction is noted. Differentials include inflammatory, dietary indiscretion, toxin, infectious or parasitic causes.\nNo evidence of foreign body within the gastrointestinal tract. This does not completely rule out an occult foreign body.\nThe liver appears small. This may be secondary to conformation but cirrhosis or vascular anomaly cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further assess gastrointestinal pattern.\nConsider a barium study, ultrasound, or endoscopy for further investigation of the gastrointestinal tract to rule out an occult foreign body.\nConsider biochemical profile and possible bile acids testing to confirm adequate hepatic function of the small liver.'}
{'bday': '2016-03-24', 'name': 'Reicher^DORY', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Reicher^Sandor', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
Dory is a 8 YO FS Black Mouth Cur who was presented for vomiting and diarrhea over the last few days. It started bloody but that has resolved since starting. O did leave town prior to symptoms starting. P had parvo virus when she was a puppy.
foreign body
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Suspected foreign body ingestion']
[76, 256, 2184]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-04-30', 'name': 'Garman^Sparky^^^', 'breed': 'chihuahua mix', 'owner': 'Garman', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Signal Hill Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Signal Hill Animal Clinic'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Vomiting/diarrhea lethargy for about 24 hours, anorexic since last evening. 8% dehyrated on exam, pot bellied appearance. ', 'questions': 'AI interpretation showed renomegaly, splenomegaly? Deviation of colon due to splenomegaly? '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 185, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- severe', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 247, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'No cause of GI signs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 428, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'elapsedTime': 23.801, 'consult_name': 'Renomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 253, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Swollen tummy/abdomen'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 2181, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Acute-Vomiting-c'}, {'id': 2482, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'dehydration'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'The left and right kidneys measure above normal range. ', 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2286, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2317, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly-na', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears to extend beyond the costal arch. The margins of the spleen are not well visualized to evaluate size or contour. The left and right kidneys measure above normal range. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2317, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly-na'}], 'report_conclusions': '* Hepatomegaly consistent with active infiltration. Rule out neoplasia versus inflammatory or benign causes. \n - Correlate with blood work for clinical significance. Consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation.\n* The kidneys measure slightly above normal range which may represent an AKI. Other differentials include pyelonephritis, neoplasia, and hydronephrosis.\n - Correlate with biochemistry profile and urinalysis and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation. \n* The study is most compatible with gastroenteritis. No obstructive pattern is visible although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded on radiographs. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and dietary indiscretion should be considered.\n - Recommend supportive care. Consider lab testing for pancreatitis. Depending on lab results, follow-up imaging, abdominal ultrasound may also be helpful.\n* There is only slight deviation of the colon noted on the lateral view and this is suspected to be due to the kidneys displacing the colon caudally. The spleen is not adequately visualised for full evaluation. Consider abdominal ultrasound to further assess the spleen.'}
{'bday': '2015-04-30', 'name': 'Garman^Sparky^^^', 'breed': 'chihuahua mix', 'owner': 'Garman', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Signal Hill Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Signal Hill Animal Clinic'}
Vomiting/diarrhea lethargy for about 24 hours, anorexic since last evening. 8% dehyrated on exam, pot bellied appearance.
AI interpretation showed renomegaly, splenomegaly? Deviation of colon due to splenomegaly?
['Diarrhea', 'Abdominal distension', 'Anorexia', 'Acute vomiting', 'Dehydration']
[76, 253, 606, 2181, 2482]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-08-05', 'name': 'Natto', 'breed': 'Maine coon', 'owner': 'Lam, Bryan', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Simcoe-Rossland Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Pawanjit Cheema'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Vomiting 8-9 times daily for last 3 days. O not sure about bowel movement as there are 2 cats in house, but most likely not pooping. Not eating. Dehydrated. BW indicates hemoconcentration and neutrophilia. SNAP FPL negative. ', 'questions': 'Foreign body Vs Others'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto'}, 'consult': [{'id': 236, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': '* The soft tissue opacity mass noted in the caudal retroperitoneal space is most consistent with retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Retroperitoneal lymph nodes receive lymphatics from the rectum, pelvic canal, anal glands, and perineal region.\n - Consider rectal exam and abdominal ultrasound with FNA sampling if indicated for further investigation of the retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy.', 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - RLA', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 243, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops, no FB', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 364, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - chronic hip dysplasia, HOA and HIC', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 2482, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'dehydration'}, {'id': 2634, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Neutrophilia'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is a rounded soft tissue opacity structure noted in the sublumbar retroperitoneal space, ventral to L7. ', 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2316, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'internal_notes': 'Hemoconcentration indicated on bloodwork. O not sure about bowel movement as there are 2 cats in house, but most likely not defecating. Vet looking to rule out foreign body/ obstruction. ', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. There is a rounded soft tissue opacity structure noted in the sublumbar retroperitoneal space, ventral to L7. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is evidence of hip incongruity of the left hip. There is degenerative joint disease affecting the left coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}], 'report_conclusions': "* Presence of two populations of small intestine most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. \n - Recommend abdominal ultrasound for confirmation of intestinal obstruction prior to exploratory surgery. Exploratory surgery may be considered based on the patient's clinical status.\n* The soft tissue opacity mass noted in the caudal retroperitoneal space is most consistent with retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Retroperitoneal lymph nodes receive lymphatics from the rectum, pelvic canal, anal glands, and perineal region.\n - Consider rectal exam and abdominal ultrasound with FNA sampling if indicated for further investigation of the retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy.\n* Osteoarthritis of the hips secondary to hip dysplasia.\n - Correlate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of osteoarthritis secondary to hip dysplasia."}
{'bday': '2020-08-05', 'name': 'Natto', 'breed': 'Maine coon', 'owner': 'Lam, Bryan', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Simcoe-Rossland Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Pawanjit Cheema'}
Vomiting 8-9 times daily for last 3 days. O not sure about bowel movement as there are 2 cats in house, but most likely not pooping. Not eating. Dehydrated. BW indicates hemoconcentration and neutrophilia. SNAP FPL negative.
Foreign body Vs Others
['Vomiting', 'Anorexia', 'Dehydration', 'Neutrophilia']
[256, 606, 2482, 2634]
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-01-15', 'name': 'Thompson^Gemma', 'breed': 'Cane Corso', 'owner': 'Alex^Thompson', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Medical Group - Nassau', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Animal Medical Group'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Two days ago the owner noticed that Gemma had slowed down. She was spayed two weeks ago and placed on carprofen for pain. Today we are seeing this pet for the first time. The owner said that yesterday she was lethargic and not eating. This morning, she was in lateral recumbency and breathing heavily. There are no rodenticides placed on the property and the pet has no history of tick infestation. She has a purulent vaginal discharge. ', 'questions': "The breathing is rapid and shallow. The temperature earlier was 105.6F before I administered meloxicam. After that, the temperature went down to 103. She was given 6cc of ampicillin IV. I am questioning if this is a stump pyometra, tetanus (even though it doesn't fit the clinical manifestations) or abdominal and pleural fluids"}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'incidental spondylosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 300, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'elapsedTime': 82.803, 'consult_name': 'No cause for respiratory signs, large breed', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 482, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'elapsedTime': 2.391, 'consult_name': 'Missing Information', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 148, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Noisy/loud breathing'}, {'id': 177, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 278, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vaginal discharge'}, {'id': 604, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Recumbency/reluctance to move'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tachypnoea'}, {'id': 2358, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fever'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic']}}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2514, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Reproductive-area'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 673, 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Ovary: Ovariohysterectomy (spay, "spey") - elective neutering'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}], 'report_conclusions': '* No cause for the described respiratory signs relating to the thorax has been determined from this radiographic study. This study is negative for pleural effusion, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, bronchial pattern, masses. Consider discomfort as a possible differential for these signs. Sources of discomfort could include abdominal or other soft tissue origins. Given the history and the observed vaginal discharge and possible related signs a stump pyometra would be a primary consideration.\n - Abdominal ultrasound would be recommended for further investigation. Vaginal cytology may also be considered.\n* Spondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n - Correlate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2019-01-15', 'name': 'Thompson^Gemma', 'breed': 'Cane Corso', 'owner': 'Alex^Thompson', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Animal Medical Group - Nassau', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Animal Medical Group'}
Two days ago the owner noticed that Gemma had slowed down. She was spayed two weeks ago and placed on carprofen for pain. Today we are seeing this pet for the first time. The owner said that yesterday she was lethargic and not eating. This morning, she was in lateral recumbency and breathing heavily. There are no rodenticides placed on the property and the pet has no history of tick infestation. She has a purulent vaginal discharge.
The breathing is rapid and shallow. The temperature earlier was 105.6F before I administered meloxicam. After that, the temperature went down to 103. She was given 6cc of ampicillin IV. I am questioning if this is a stump pyometra, tetanus (even though it doesn't fit the clinical manifestations) or abdominal and pleural fluids
['Lethargic/tired', 'Noisy/loud breathing', 'Panting', 'Discharge - vaginal', 'Recumbency/reluctance to move', 'Anorexia', 'Tachypnoea', 'fever']
[131, 148, 177, 278, 604, 606, 666, 2358]
['Ovary: Ovariohysterectomy ']
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-01-01', 'name': 'Sarge', 'breed': 'American Pit Bull Terrier', 'owner': 'Welch, Shelly', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Taylor Lovell, DVM'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'HISTORY:\r\nPatient presents for: adr\r\nSigns and symptoms: pt had no appetite when offered food, no v/d noted (vomited blood in exam room), after going outside came in and urinated in the house, has a mild cough and increased resp effort\r\nEvents leading up to problem: pt was normal this morning, o came back home from church found him as presenting \r\nAllergies: nka\r\nMedications: none; current on vaccines/prev\r\nLast oral intake food/water: last night normal amount\r\nPertinent past history: none\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nMentation: qar\r\nWeight: 55.8#\r\nTemperature: 102.3\r\nPulse and quality: 132, normal peripheral pulses\r\nRespiratory rate and effort: 60, increased effort\r\nMucus membrane color and character: pk/m\r\nCapillary refill time: <2s\r\nAny significant bleeding or trauma: none appreciated\r\nMobility: ambulatory\r\nSPO2 88% on room air\r\n', 'questions': 'pneumonia vs neoplasia '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1006, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1013, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 228, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental VAN', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 241, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Upper GI ulceration(hematemsis)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 320, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - resp signs, alveolar pattern, pneumonia', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 331, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Pleural - small fissure line', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 469, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Repros - PMG, fp', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 282, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting with blood'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 2179, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}, {'id': 2330, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Not himself/ain't doing right"}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}, {'id': 2657, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'brachycephalic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': [',T10']}}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2280, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['patchy interstitial to alveolar']}}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2315, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-gas', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left', 'cranioventral']}}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2510, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-area'}, {'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}, {'id': 2522, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Systemic-area'}], 'internal_notes': 'timing out', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a patchy interstitial to alveolar pattern. A pleural fissure line is noted in the left and cranioventral thorax. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is distension of the stomach with gas. There is increased soft tissue opacity in the region of the prostate. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nVertebral anomaly is noted at ,T10. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2254, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'utd-secondary-to-fetus'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift'}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c'}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp'}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp'}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization'}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure'}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp'}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node'}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nAlveolar pattern identified as described. Differentials are pneumonia/pneumonitis including bronchopneumonia (bacterial, viral, fungal) or aspiration pneumonia, parasitic infection (heartworm, lungworm, Toxo). Alveolar hemorrhage may also be a consideration. \nThe pleural fissure line noted may represent a small amount of pleural fluid. Thickening of the pleura/pleuritis or artifactual appearance cannot be ruled out.\nThe GI tract is normal in appearance with no evidence of obstruction or plication. Given the history of vomiting with blood, upper GI pathology or ulceration should be considered as a primary differential.\nVertebral anomaly. Likely incidental.\nVisualization of soft tissue structures in the region of the prostate is likely secondary to overlap of musculature.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider respiratory lavage for cytological exam, culture and sensitivity to further investigate the described alveolar pattern in the lungs.\nCheck a CBC coagulation times. \nCorrelate with history for the clinical significance of the noted pleural fissure line.\nConsider endoscopy to examine the esophagus, stomach, and proximal duodenum to check for upper GI pathology or ulceration. Medical management of GI ulceration is indicated.\nCorrelate with physical exam for clinical significance of the vertebral anomaly.'}
{'bday': '2023-01-01', 'name': 'Sarge', 'breed': 'American Pit Bull Terrier', 'owner': 'Welch, Shelly', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Tyler Animal Emergency Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Taylor Lovell, DVM'}
HISTORY: Patient presents for: adr Signs and symptoms: pt had no appetite when offered food, no v/d noted (vomited blood in exam room), after going outside came in and urinated in the house, has a mild cough and increased resp effort Events leading up to problem: pt was normal this morning, o came back home from church found him as presenting Allergies: nka Medications: none; current on vaccines/prev Last oral intake food/water: last night normal amount Pertinent past history: none Mentation: qar Weight: 55.8# Temperature: 102.3 Pulse and quality: 132, normal peripheral pulses Respiratory rate and effort: 60, increased effort Mucus membrane color and character: pk/m Capillary refill time: <2s Any significant bleeding or trauma: none appreciated Mobility: ambulatory SPO2 88% on room air
pneumonia vs neoplasia
['Respiratory-area', 'Gastrointestinal-area', 'Systemic-area']
['Coughing', 'Hematemesis (vomiting blood)', 'Anorexia', 'Respiratory distress', "Ain't doin right (ADR)", 'Canine Medium/Large Breed', 'Brachycephalic']
[69, 282, 606, 2179, 2330, 2656, 2657]
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-03-16', 'name': 'Edgar^Lucy^^^', 'breed': 'Mixed', 'owner': 'Theresa Edgar', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Creekside Animal Hospital - Arlington', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Creekside'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient was seen at an ER 2 days ago for vomiting and diarrhea. They performed cbc and chem which was all unexciting. Started on metronidazole and forti flora. Patient threw up again today. We performed fecal and cpl test which were both negative. ', 'questions': 'Concern for questionable foreign body in small intestines.'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 712, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 43.387, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Poss 2 pops vs colon', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'A portion of distended bowel is observed with possible soft tissue opacity noted, however, given its location it cannot be differentiated from colon. A gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and dietary indiscretion cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of distended portion of bowel. Or monitor response to medical management and recheck radiographs in 12-24 hours to reassess the intestinal gas pattern. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic and lumbar spine. ', 'elapsedTime': 11.704, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There appears to be presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. ', 'elapsedTime': 10.074, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There appeasr to be soft tissue opacity material noted in a gut loop just cranial to the bladder on the lateral view.', 'elapsedTime': 39.321, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere appears to be soft tissue opacity material noted in a gut loop just cranial to the bladder on the lateral view. There appears to be presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic and lumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nA portion of distended bowel is observed with possible soft tissue opacity noted, however, given its location it cannot be differentiated from colon. A gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and dietary indiscretion cannot be ruled out.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of distended portion of bowel. Or monitor response to medical management and recheck radiographs in 12-24 hours to reassess the intestinal gas pattern.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2017-03-16', 'name': 'Edgar^Lucy^^^', 'breed': 'Mixed', 'owner': 'Theresa Edgar', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Creekside Animal Hospital - Arlington', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Creekside'}
Patient was seen at an ER 2 days ago for vomiting and diarrhea. They performed cbc and chem which was all unexciting. Started on metronidazole and forti flora. Patient threw up again today. We performed fecal and cpl test which were both negative.
Concern for questionable foreign body in small intestines.
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting']
[76, 256]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-01-13', 'name': 'Martinez^BLACKIE', 'breed': 'Toy poodle', 'owner': 'Leticia', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': '1', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Recheck radiographs for comparison. Pt was syringe fed 15 mls of wet food 1 hour ago. Shortly after pt regurgitated mucus and had bloody diarrhea.', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': '* Colonic foreign material as described. \n - Monitor for passage of foreign material in the stool.', 'elapsedTime': 10.953, 'consult_name': 'Colonic foreign body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 725, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': '* Comparing to previous images, there appears to be continued distension of the small intestine with presence of foreign material and the stomach is more distended. Given the distension, there is still concern for a mechanical obstruction. \n - Consider abdominal ultrasound for confirmation of obstruction prior to abdominal exploratory surgery.', 'elapsedTime': 133.73999999999998, 'consult_name': 'Follow up from possible SIO- two pops present', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 523, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Regurgitation'}, {'id': 2405, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'follow-up-study'}, {'id': 2475, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hematochezia'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['a mineral']}}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is mineral opacity foreign material located within the colon. ', 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is distension of the stomach with fluid and gas and presence of a small amount of radiopaque material. ', 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2294, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-tract', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\n* The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. \n* Lung fields are clear. \n* No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. \n* The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. \n* The pleural space is normal. \n* The diaphragm is unremarkable. \n\nAbdomen\n* The liver is unremarkable. \n* There is distension of the stomach with fluid and gas and presence of a small amount of radiopaque material. \n* There is mineral opacity foreign material located within the colon. \n* There is a mineral opacity foreign material located within the small intestine.\n* There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. \n* There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. \n* The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. \n* The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. \n* The urinary tract is normal. \n* The urinary bladder is within normal limits. \n* No evidence of urolithiasis. \n\nMusculoskeletal\n* No appendicular fractures are noted. \n* No evidence of rib fracture is observed.\n* No aggressive osseous lesions identified. \n* The spine is radiographically normal. \n* No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. \n* There is adequate acetabular coverage of the femoral heads with no subluxation noted. \n* There are no degenerative changes noted in the coxofemoral joints. \n* The coxofemoral joints and pelvis are unremarkable.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}], 'report_conclusions': '* Comparing to previous images, there appears to be continued distension of the small intestine with presence of foreign material and the stomach is more distended. Given the distension, there is still concern for a mechanical obstruction. \n - Consider abdominal ultrasound for confirmation of obstruction prior to abdominal exploratory surgery.\n* Colonic foreign material as described. \n - Monitor for passage of foreign material in the stool.'}
{'bday': '2020-01-13', 'name': 'Martinez^BLACKIE', 'breed': 'Toy poodle', 'owner': 'Leticia', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
Recheck radiographs for comparison. Pt was syringe fed 15 mls of wet food 1 hour ago. Shortly after pt regurgitated mucus and had bloody diarrhea.
['Diarrhea', 'Regurgitation', 'Follow up study', 'Hematochezia']
[76, 523, 2405, 2475]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-10-02', 'name': 'Soechting^Reba', 'breed': 'English Bulldog', 'owner': 'laurie soechting', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Island Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': '[email protected]'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'p presents for mammary mass reoccurence. new mass is golf ball size and has significant associated inflammation. had large mammary mass excision in 10/2023. Bx at that time revealed Mammary gland comedocarcinoma – grade III (high grade) with lymphovascular invasion. p is having coughing at night over the past few weeks. \r\n', 'questions': 'met check? obvious cause of coughing? '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 228, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental VAN', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Vertebral anomaly and spondylosis. Likely incidental.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with physical exam for clinical significance of the vertebral anomaly and spondylosis.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 301, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Trachea - cough, collapse', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The narrowing of the trachea as described is consistent with collapsing trachea. This maybe contributing to the reported coughing.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 328, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - TMS fp', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The increased opacities noted in the thorax are suspected to be secondary to overlap of soft tissue structures with ribs in the region. Nodules or tumors are considered less likely but not completely ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider additional radiographic views or follow-up radiographs to further investigate the increased opacities noted in the thorax.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 660, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mass/swelling - mammary'}, {'id': 2386, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'met-check'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracolumbar']}}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic inlet', 'cervical']}}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': [',T10', ', T11', ',T12']}}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are multiple small increased opacities noted in the lung fields most notable on the right lateral around the region of the base of the heart. The opacities appear to be most prominent due to overlap with the ribs.', 'elapsedTime': 8.914, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1963, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Carcinoma - mammary (type unspecified)'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2520, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'screening-area'}, {'id': 2521, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Neoplasia-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere are multiple small increased opacities noted in the lung fields most notable on the right lateral around the region of the base of the heart. The opacities appear to be most prominent due to overlap with the ribs. There is narrowing of the trachea at the thoracic inlet and cervical region. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is distension of the stomach with presence of radiopaque material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracolumbar spine. Vertebral anomaly is noted at T10, T11, and T12. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body'}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe increased opacities noted in the thorax are suspected to be secondary to overlap of soft tissue structures with ribs in the region. Nodules or tumors are considered less likely but not completely ruled out.\nThe narrowing of the trachea as described is consistent with collapsing trachea. This maybe contributing to the reported coughing.\nVertebral anomaly and spondylosis. Likely incidental.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider additional radiographic views or follow-up radiographs to further investigate the increased opacities noted in the thorax.\nConsider medical management for tracheal collapse. Limiting stress/excitement, avoiding neck leashes and collars, the judicious use of antitussives such as hydrocodone, and possibly anti-inflammatory medications are helpful in similar cases.\nCorrelate with physical exam for clinical significance of the vertebral anomaly and spondylosis.'}
{'bday': '2016-10-02', 'name': 'Soechting^Reba', 'breed': 'English Bulldog', 'owner': 'laurie soechting', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Island Animal Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': '[email protected]'}
p presents for mammary mass reoccurence. new mass is golf ball size and has significant associated inflammation. had large mammary mass excision in 10/2023. Bx at that time revealed Mammary gland comedocarcinoma – grade III (high grade) with lymphovascular invasion. p is having coughing at night over the past few weeks.
met check? obvious cause of coughing?
['screening-area', 'Neoplasia-area']
['Coughing', 'Mass/swelling - mammary', 'Metastasis check']
[69, 660, 2386]
['Carcinoma - mammary']
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-02-13', 'name': 'Le^Skippy', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'Le^Kenny', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented for acute limping on right front limb - started yelping in pain while playing fetch.\r\nNo current medications.\r\nWas doing well previously.', 'questions': 'r/o Soft Tissue Injury vs Luxation vs Fracture '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1016, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1040, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 391, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Negative - no cause for lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 885, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'M/S GEN - Occult Salter-Harris Fracture', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 65, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Collapsed'}, {'id': 71, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Crying'}, {'id': 2185, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1306, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Fracture'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}, {'id': 2523, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'trauma-area'}, {'id': 2674, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'trauma-fractures'}, {'id': 2675, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'trauma-general'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia'}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans'}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy'}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis'}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2403, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'sternal-deformity'}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures'}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c'}, {'id': 2421, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration'}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure'}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability'}, {'id': 2491, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing'}, {'id': 2492, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Sternal-subluxation'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation'}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization'}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body'}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail'}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers'}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency'}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection'}, {'id': 2586, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Subluxation of Ribs'}, {'id': 2594, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fractured Rib Cartilages'}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus'}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation'}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis'}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)"}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. The study is negative for fractures, luxation or subluxation, and soft tissue swelling, but this does not rule out a soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time. Additionally, the normal appearance of regional physes does not rule out occult Salter-Harris fracture or physeal injury.\n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nRecommend medical management for soft tissue injury and exercise restriction. If there is no response to treatment or if the exam suggests more than a soft tissue injury, consider sedation and additional views of the region of interest +/- orthopedic consult. Repeating radiographs in 7-10 days could be considered for further investigation, and a CT may be beneficial as well."}
{'bday': '2024-02-13', 'name': 'Le^Skippy', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'Le^Kenny', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}
Presented for acute limping on right front limb - started yelping in pain while playing fetch. No current medications. Was doing well previously.
r/o Soft Tissue Injury vs Luxation vs Fracture
['Musculoskeletal-area', 'trauma-area', 'trauma-fractures', 'trauma-general']
['Collapsed', 'Crying/yelping', 'Lameness', 'Pain', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[65, 71, 2185, 2186, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-02-11', 'name': 'Mays^Coco^^^', 'breed': 'DMH', 'owner': 'Jean Mays', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Holly Ridge Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Holly Ridge Veterinary Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P presented for anorexia, vomiting and intermittent diarrhea. P was treated with supportive care, SQ fluids, abx inj. ', 'questions': 'Vomiting has returned. '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 246, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenterocolitis(vom+diarroea)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 307, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - Bronchointerstitial pattern and cough', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 366, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - hip OA, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 388, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Spine - Mineralized disc, no TID', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}], 'findings': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['T12-T13', 'T11-T12', 'T10-T11']}}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is mildly increased opacity in the lung fields indicative of a bronchointerstitial pattern. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is evidence of mineralized disc material noted at T12-T13, T11-T12, T10-T11. There is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. There is degenerative joint disease affecting the left and right coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2499, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sacroiliac-luxation'}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGiven the normal appearance of the GI tract and clinical history provided, clinical signs are most consistent with a gastroenterocolitis. No obstruction is noted. Differentials include inflammatory, dietary indiscretion, toxin, infectious or parasitic causes.\nThe bronchointerstitial pattern identified is typically associated with benign changes including age-related changes, respiratory phase, or artifact; less likely associated with pathology. Bronchitis cannot be ruled out.\nDegenerative joint disease of the hips.\nPresence of a mineralized disc may indicate IVDD.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further assess gastrointestinal pattern.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of degenerative joint disease of the hips.\nCorrelate with physical exam findings and consider advanced imaging such as MRI for further investigation of the mineralized disc.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2015-02-11', 'name': 'Mays^Coco^^^', 'breed': 'DMH', 'owner': 'Jean Mays', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Holly Ridge Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Holly Ridge Veterinary Hospital'}
P presented for anorexia, vomiting and intermittent diarrhea. P was treated with supportive care, SQ fluids, abx inj.
Vomiting has returned.
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Hyporexia']
[76, 256, 607]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-01-07', 'name': 'Targia^Roo^^^', 'breed': 'German Shepherd', 'owner': 'Kevin Targia ', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Doral Centre Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'DORAL CENTRE ANIMAL HOSPITAL'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Roo is a 8YO Female Spayed German Shepherd presenting for lethargy, Inappetence, Soft stool, Dragging hind legs, and labored breathing. O left on Tuesday for a trip. On Thursday, the symptoms started. O says this is normal when they go on trips but that the symptoms resolve when they come back. \r\nPE: distended abdomen, tachypnea, thrombocytopenia, anemia, muffle heart sounds ', 'questions': 'Dx R/O\r\nSplenic Tumor \r\nIntrabdominal Tumor\r\nAscitis/ Hemoabdomen \r\nHemopericardium\r\nMetastases \r\nSepsis'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 203, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Mass unknown, significant fluid', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 333, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 103.523, 'consult_name': 'Resp Pleural - pleural effusion, CVP/CDP, lung lobe collapse', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The clinical signs are attributed to the noted pleural effusion, an underlying cause for which is not determined during this evaluation. No clear pulmonary lesion is detected, nor is there vascular distention or cardiomegaly. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider thoracentesis and fluid analysis followed by recheck radiographs for further investigation of the pleural effusion.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 374, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Elbow - arthritis, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 508, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal distension'}, {'id': 666, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tachypnoea'}, {'id': 674, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mucous membranes abnormal - pale'}], 'findings': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracolumbar']}}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cranioventral'], '___s2_': ['small intestines', 'stomach']}}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2279, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cranioventral-lung-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left'], '___s2_': ['interstitial']}}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 659, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Anaemia'}, {'id': 691, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Thrombocytopenia'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2509, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'cardiovascular-area'}, {'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}, {'id': 2521, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Neoplasia-area'}, {'id': 2522, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Systemic-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is increased opacity in the left caudoventral lung field, characterized as a interstitial pattern. There is evidence of a small quantity of fluid in the pleural space as evidenced by pleural fissures. The cardiac silhouette is reduced in size. The pulmonary vessels are smaller than expected. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nIn the cranioventral abdomen, there is displacement of small intestines and stomach. There is a marked loss of serosal detail in the abdomen and abdominal distension. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracolumbar spine. There are degenerative changes noted in the left and right elbow. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThere is presence of peritoneal effusion and abdominal distension causing pressure on the diaphragm. There is evidence of a possible abdominal mass of which the origin cannot be determined.\nThere is a small volume of pleural effusion, an underlying cause for which is not determined during this evaluation. No clear pulmonary lesion is detected, nor is there vascular distention or cardiomegaly.\nThe small heart and pulmonary vessels are an indication of hypovolemia and/or dehydration.\nDegenerative changes in the elbows with osteoarthritic changes.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound +/- CT scan to further investigate the abdominal mass and abdominocentesis to collect fluid for cytology and analysis.\nConsider thoracentesis and fluid analysis followed by recheck radiographs for further investigation of the pleural effusion.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the elbow.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2016-01-07', 'name': 'Targia^Roo^^^', 'breed': 'German Shepherd', 'owner': 'Kevin Targia ', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Doral Centre Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'DORAL CENTRE ANIMAL HOSPITAL'}
Roo is a 8YO Female Spayed German Shepherd presenting for lethargy, Inappetence, Soft stool, Dragging hind legs, and labored breathing. O left on Tuesday for a trip. On Thursday, the symptoms started. O says this is normal when they go on trips but that the symptoms resolve when they come back. PE: distended abdomen, tachypnea, thrombocytopenia, anemia, muffle heart sounds
Dx R/O Splenic Tumor Intrabdominal Tumor Ascitis/ Hemoabdomen Hemopericardium Metastases Sepsis
['cardiovascular-area', 'Musculoskeletal-area', 'Neoplasia-area', 'Systemic-area']
['Abdominal distension', 'Tachypnoea', 'Mucous membranes abnormal - pale']
[508, 666, 674]
['Anemia', 'Thrombocytopenia']
[659, 691]
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-04-18', 'name': 'Saccente^STANLEY', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Saccente^Cirara', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient started coughing on wednesday. Seemed fine during the day yesterday but over night the last two nights coughing. Today open mouth breathing seems to be worse. Has abdominal effort. Had a history of possibly having asthma as a kitten but per owner they ruled it out and has been normal for 6 months. Only recent change is owner came home from college with him for the summer. Not on any medications. Unable to get VD due to fractious did a DV. SpO2 100%, pink. Blood work is pending. ', 'questions': 'feline asthma vs other'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1007, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 239, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Small FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 293, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - Feline, bronchitis, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 500, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - FB small (incidental)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 177, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 2179, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-Distress'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mineral and food/fecal']}}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2288, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'plication-distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mineralized'], '___s2_': ['with a gravel like appearance']}}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2509, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'cardiovascular-area'}, {'id': 2510, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nA bronchial pattern is present. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is distention of the stomach and it contains a mineralized opacity with a gravel like appearance. There is mineral and food/fecal foreign material located within the small intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver'}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive'}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c'}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp'}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb'}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization'}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure'}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe bronchial pattern is consistent with lower airway disease/bronchitis. Differentials include feline asthma, chronic inhaled irritants, infectious etiologies (bacterial), and parasitic (including heartworm disease).\nHepatomegaly is consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar, or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out but is less likely.\nSmall intestinal foreign material, as described, is likely to pass on its own. No evidence of obstruction was noted. It is likely incidental.\nGastric foreign body/material which may or may not pass on its own.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with clinical history and/or additional diagnostics and consider medical management for lower airway disease/bronchitis. Ideally, a thoracic CT scan with bronchoscopy and BAL for cytology and culture is recommended. Consider testing for heartworm disease and fungal etiologies, especially Histoplasma. \nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the reported hepatomegaly. An FNA sampling may be necessary for cytology if liver parenchymal changes are noted. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.\nConsider follow-up radiographs in 48-72 hours to ensure passage of the described gastrointestinal foreign body. Monitor for the development of clinical signs.'}
{'bday': '2023-04-18', 'name': 'Saccente^STANLEY', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Saccente^Cirara', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
Patient started coughing on wednesday. Seemed fine during the day yesterday but over night the last two nights coughing. Today open mouth breathing seems to be worse. Has abdominal effort. Had a history of possibly having asthma as a kitten but per owner they ruled it out and has been normal for 6 months. Only recent change is owner came home from college with him for the summer. Not on any medications. Unable to get VD due to fractious did a DV. SpO2 100%, pink. Blood work is pending.
feline asthma vs other
['cardiovascular-area', 'Respiratory-area']
['Coughing', 'Panting', 'Respiratory distress', 'Feline']
[69, 177, 2179, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-01-21', 'name': 'Campbell^Kugabear^^^', 'breed': 'Poodle', 'owner': 'Campbell', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Elkridge Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Elkridge Animal Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Vomiting for past 4 days after getting outside. Vomits around 4 times a day. Vomit is mucous mixed with some dog food. Stool is normal. ', 'questions': 'Vomiting, bile mostly\r\neating and keeping down most food'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1026, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1107, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, vomiting, gastroenteritis, no HGE', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 520, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Faecal appearance abnormal - other'}, {'id': 2535, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'eating-normally'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2226, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'no-signals', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mildly'], '___s2_': ['gas']}}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}, {'id': 2522, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Systemic-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is a portion of the small intestine that is mildly distended with gas. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.\n\nGeneral\nThe observed general is within normal limits. No abnormal general findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe study is unremarkable, although gastroenteritis cannot be ruled out. No obstructive pattern is visible although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded on radiographs. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness such as pancreatitis, and dietary indiscretion should be considered.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further assess gastrointestinal pattern. Additional diagnostics, such as CBC, chemistry, and urinalysis are recommended. '}
{'bday': '2019-01-21', 'name': 'Campbell^Kugabear^^^', 'breed': 'Poodle', 'owner': 'Campbell', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Elkridge Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Elkridge Animal Hospital'}
Vomiting for past 4 days after getting outside. Vomits around 4 times a day. Vomit is mucous mixed with some dog food. Stool is normal.
Vomiting, bile mostly eating and keeping down most food
['Gastrointestinal-area', 'Systemic-area']
['Vomiting', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
['abnormal fecal appearance', 'Eating normally']
[256, 2656]
[520, 2535]
{'patient': {'bday': '2021-01-15', 'name': 'king^garza', 'breed': 'main coon', 'owner': 'garza', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Night Watch Elite Animal Emergency (TX)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'NightWatch'}, 'accept_tos': '1', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P presents for vomiting blood 10 times today bile, pinkish and dark red. P stopped e/d today and is indoor/outdoor. P is not UTD or on any prevention and has been depressed all day. ', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 244, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Possible obstructive pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 349, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': '* The gas distension observed in the stomach is most consistent with aerophagia.', 'consult_name': 'Aerophagia', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 75, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Depressed'}, {'id': 282, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting with blood'}, {'id': 2181, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Acute-Vomiting-c'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2315, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-gas', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2316, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is distension of the stomach with gas. There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}], 'report_conclusions': '* Presence of two populations of small intestine most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. \n - Consider abdominal ultrasound for confirmation of obstruction prior to abdominal exploratory surgery. Medical management and follow up radiographs may also be a consideration if the patient is closely monitored for any change in status. \n* Hepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out. \n - Correlate with blood work for clinical significance. Consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation.\n* The gas distension observed in the stomach is most consistent with aerophagia.'}
{'bday': '2021-01-15', 'name': 'king^garza', 'breed': 'main coon', 'owner': 'garza', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Night Watch Elite Animal Emergency (TX)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'NightWatch'}
P presents for vomiting blood 10 times today bile, pinkish and dark red. P stopped e/d today and is indoor/outdoor. P is not UTD or on any prevention and has been depressed all day.
['Depressed', 'Hematemesis (vomiting blood)', 'Acute vomiting']
[75, 282, 2181]
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-08-22', 'name': 'Monkey', 'breed': 'Siamese', 'owner': 'George', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dr Shenhar'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '1 year history of Diarrhea, weight loss, recently Vomiting. Today noted 1-2/6 systolic murmur', 'questions': 'Suspect IBD, r/o for heart murmur- transient vs primary heart dz'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1095, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 249, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Underlying enteropathy, chronic vomiting/diarrhea', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 274, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Cardiac feline - Normal heart, symptomatic (cardiac dz)/murmur', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 665, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - Feline asthma, BPP, hyperinflation', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 140, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Losing weight'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2648, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic diarrea'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is mild distension of the small intestine with gas. ', 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2487, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['focal', 'moderate'], '___s2_': ['gas']}}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2509, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'cardiovascular-area'}, {'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is a generalized decrease in lung opacity. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque material within the stomach. There is focal and moderate distension of the colon with gas. There is mild distension of the small intestine with gas. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2487, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention'}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nChanges noted in the G.I. tract and clinical signs are most consistent with an underlying enteropathy. Differentials include chronic enteritis, IBD, or neoplastic etiology. Gastric material may represent food, however, foreign material cannot be entirely ruled out. The cardiovascular structures appear normal, though early feline cardiomyopathy may not be associated with changes to the cardiac silhouette. Hyperinflated lungs are concerning for feline asthma/bronchitis.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend supportive care and abdominal ultrasound for further investigation. Correlate with CBC, serum biochemistry, urinalysis, and a gastrointestinal panel. Repeat abdominal radiographs can be done in 12-24 hours to assess changes in intestinal gas pattern.\nCorrelate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying.\nFor further assessment of the reported murmur, an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement would be optimal.\nCorrelate with clinical findings and history to help confirm feline asthma/bronchitis."}
{'bday': '2018-08-22', 'name': 'Monkey', 'breed': 'Siamese', 'owner': 'George', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dr Shenhar'}
1 year history of Diarrhea, weight loss, recently Vomiting. Today noted 1-2/6 systolic murmur
Suspect IBD, r/o for heart murmur- transient vs primary heart dz
['cardiovascular-area', 'Gastrointestinal-area']
['Diarrhea', 'Losing weight', 'Vomiting', 'Heart Murmur', 'Feline', 'Chronic diarrea']
[76, 140, 256, 2175, 2327, 2648]
{'patient': {'bday': '2009-03-13', 'name': 'Fitzgerald^Isabel', 'breed': 'Chihuahua - Toy', 'owner': 'Fitzgerald^Lauren', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'EVS Urgent Care Kissimmee', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EVS Kissimmmee'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "Pet presented for pain, owner stated pet seems to be in pain starting this afternoon. Pet was normal this morning and began tensing. Owner stated pet has history of anal gland issues and when touched near rear area pet seems to tense/cry in pain. Pet seems to tense while breathing, not labored more uncomfortable. Pet has history of Addisons disease, pet goes every 3 weeks for cortisol injection; pet's last injection was one week ago. Pet did not eat mid-day meal however ate breakfast this morning.\r\n\r\nOverall condition:\r\nLethargy\r\n\r\nAbdominal and digestive\r\nNotes:\r\nmoderately painful in palpation of abdomen\r\nabdomen slighty distended \r\n\r\nCBC/CHEM17/Lytes: elevated LIPA \r\ncPL: pending ", 'questions': 'rule out abdominal mass, foreign body or cause of lethargy '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 216, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - age-related bronchitis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 384, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 93.265, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID, paresis/paralysis or hindlimb weakness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Evidence of disc space narrowing. The reported signs could be due to disc prolapse or extrusion at the site. Fibrocartilaginous embolism could also be considered. No other sources. of pain identified in the radiographs provided. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider full neurological exam and evaluate for thoracolumbar back pain. Consider advanced imaging such as myelogram or an MRI scan for further investigation of the reported disc space narrowing and potential disc prolapse or extrusion. Consider abdominal ultrasound to rule out potential other causes. ', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 508, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal distension'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['lumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['L1-L2']}}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 166, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Mass lesion - anal gland/sac'}, {'id': 547, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': "Addison's disease (primary hypoadrenocorticism)"}], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}, {'id': 2524, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Endocrine-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nA bronchial pattern is present. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is intervertebral disc space narrowing at L1-L2. There is spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation'}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nEvidence of disc space narrowing. The reported signs could be due to disc prolapse or extrusion at the site. Fibrocartilaginous embolism could also be considered. No other sources. of pain identified in the radiographs provided.\nBronchial pattern is most consistent with the age of the patient. Chronic lower airway inflammation cannot be entirely ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider full neurological exam and evaluate for thoracolumbar back pain. Consider advanced imaging such as myelogram or an MRI scan for further investigation of the reported disc space narrowing and potential disc prolapse or extrusion. Consider abdominal ultrasound to rule out potential other causes.\nCorrelate with physical exam and clinical signs to rule out asymptomatic chronic bronchitis.'}
{'bday': '2009-03-13', 'name': 'Fitzgerald^Isabel', 'breed': 'Chihuahua - Toy', 'owner': 'Fitzgerald^Lauren', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'EVS Urgent Care Kissimmee', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EVS Kissimmmee'}
Pet presented for pain, owner stated pet seems to be in pain starting this afternoon. Pet was normal this morning and began tensing. Owner stated pet has history of anal gland issues and when touched near rear area pet seems to tense/cry in pain. Pet seems to tense while breathing, not labored more uncomfortable. Pet has history of Addisons disease, pet goes every 3 weeks for cortisol injection; pet's last injection was one week ago. Pet did not eat mid-day meal however ate breakfast this morning. Overall condition: Lethargy Abdominal and digestive Notes: moderately painful in palpation of abdomen abdomen slighty distended CBC/CHEM17/Lytes: elevated LIPA cPL: pending
rule out abdominal mass, foreign body or cause of lethargy
['Gastrointestinal-area', 'Endocrine-area']
['Lethargic/tired', 'Abdominal distension', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Pain', 'Canine Small Breed']
[131, 508, 622, 2186, 2654]
['Mass lesion - anal gland/sac', "Addison's disease (primary hypoadrenocorticism)"]
[166, 547]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-09-01', 'name': 'Garvin^Mickey', 'breed': 'Boxer', 'owner': 'Garvin^Sierra', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Goldens Bridge Veterinary Care Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Veterinary Care at Goldens Bridge'}, 'accept_tos': '1', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Had a right middle lung lobe resection due to lymphomatoid granulomatosis., !/2023\r\nHad cutaneous lymphoma 9/2022\r\nMost recent thoracic radiographs were 8/2023', 'questions': 'We felt that the hilar masses appear reduced in size between 8/2023 images and the current images. Do you agree?'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'incidental spondylosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 255, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Aerophagia-esoph', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 311, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'elapsedTime': 41.251, 'consult_name': 'Solitary mass', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is mild spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. ', 'elapsedTime': 12.064, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['intra-thoracic'], '___s2_': ['partially']}}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is a circular soft tissue opacity mass noted over the region of the heart base overlapping the carina and extending slightly cranially. This mass is most notable on the right lateral.', 'elapsedTime': 109.145, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2286, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2294, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urinary-tract', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2510, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-area'}, {'id': 2521, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Neoplasia-area'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 1215, 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'ultrasound-2-4-months-after-mass-resection'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\n* The cardiac silhouette is normal in size and shape. \n* There is a circular soft tissue opacity mass noted over the region of the heart base overlapping the carina and extending slightly cranially. This mass is most notable on the right lateral.\n* The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. \n* The intra-thoracic esophagus appears partially distended.\n* The pleural space is normal. \n* The diaphragm is unremarkable. \n\nAbdomen\n* The liver is unremarkable. \n* The stomach is empty. \n* The GI tract is within normal limits without overdistension, foreign material or intestinal plication identified.\n* The small intestines appear within normal limits. \n* There is no evidence of a mass or mass effect within the abdomen. \n* The serosal detail of the abdomen is normal. \n* The visualized kidneys are within normal limits. \n* The urinary tract is normal. \n* The urinary bladder is within normal limits. \n* No evidence of urolithiasis. \n\nMusculoskeletal\n* No appendicular fractures are noted. \n* No evidence of rib fracture is observed.\n* No aggressive osseous lesions identified. \n* No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. \n* There is mild spondylosis deformans noted in the lumbar spine. \n* There are no degenerative changes noted in the shoulders.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}], 'report_conclusions': '* Pulmonary mass. Differentials include primary neoplasia, abscess, cyst, or infectious/inflammatory process. \n - CT scan should be considered for a more definitive diagnosis, otherwise recheck radiographs in one month can be performed to monitor for progression. \n* The previously reported hilar masses appear reduced however there appears a more prominent mass as noted above.\n* The distension noted in the esophagus may be secondary to aerophagia. Megaesophagus cannot be ruled out.\n - Correlate with clinical signs and exam. \n* Spondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n - Correlate with physical exam.'}
{'bday': '2015-09-01', 'name': 'Garvin^Mickey', 'breed': 'Boxer', 'owner': 'Garvin^Sierra', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Goldens Bridge Veterinary Care Center', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Veterinary Care at Goldens Bridge'}
Had a right middle lung lobe resection due to lymphomatoid granulomatosis., !/2023 Had cutaneous lymphoma 9/2022 Most recent thoracic radiographs were 8/2023
We felt that the hilar masses appear reduced in size between 8/2023 images and the current images. Do you agree?
['Respiratory-area', 'Neoplasia-area']
['Ultrasound 2-4 months after mass resection']
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-04-05', 'name': 'Tito^Perez', 'breed': 'Terrier Mix', 'owner': 'perez', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Night Watch Elite Animal Emergency (TX)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'NightWatch'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "P presents for escaping the neighbor's backyard while being babysat 4 hours prior to presentation. P was limping on right rear. ", 'questions': 'break, sprain, strain, internal bleeding, open, '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 368, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Hip - trauma, hip luxation', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 65, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Collapsed'}, {'id': 2185, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right']}}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}, {'id': 2523, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'trauma-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is luxation of the right coxofemoral joint. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans'}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy'}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis'}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers'}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency'}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection'}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus'}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nLuxation of the hip likely secondary to trauma.\n\nRecommendations:\nBased on history and other factors, consider options for closed reduction or surgical repair of the luxated hip.'}
{'bday': '2018-04-05', 'name': 'Tito^Perez', 'breed': 'Terrier Mix', 'owner': 'perez', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Night Watch Elite Animal Emergency (TX)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'NightWatch'}
P presents for escaping the neighbor's backyard while being babysat 4 hours prior to presentation. P was limping on right rear.
break, sprain, strain, internal bleeding, open,
['Musculoskeletal-area', 'trauma-area']
['Lameness', 'Canine Small Breed']
[2185, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2011-04-03', 'name': 'Mathiyalagan^Nemo', 'breed': 'German Shepherd', 'owner': 'Suvatheka', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Durham Region', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEC'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Vomiting brown blood past few days, fell down the stairs yesterday and seemed unstable. Nonambulatory today. Muffled heart sounds, still vomiting, hypotensive. Lethargic and inappetant. Also hx of neuro deficits in the left hind?', 'questions': 'Lesion seen at right stifle? OSA?\r\npleural effusion? abdominal (splenic/liver) mass? mineralisation of one kidney?'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1006, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1014, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1016, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1024, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 215, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Incomplete thoracic study, no metastasis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 247, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, no cause for GI signs', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 357, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Stifle - fp stifle effusion, rotation', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 398, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 44.02, 'consult_name': 'M/S GEN - ABL very aggressive, Osteosarcoma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Periosteal reaction identified in the stifle may be consistent with a malignant neoplasia/osteosarcoma; severe osteomyelitis cannot be ruled out. Rule out peripheral mineralization vs incidental finding with orthogonal view. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider orthogonal views of the stifle and a biopsy for a definitive diagnosis of the possible aggressive bone lesion identified.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 431, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Renal - RMN', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 690, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 8, 'consult_name': 'STERNUM - sternal degeneration, incidental', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 713, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Esoph - No regurg, ESD, moderate, esophagitis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 879, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 7, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly - Mild', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 204, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Reluctant to walk'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 282, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting with blood'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 2526, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'decreased-concious-proprioception'}, {'id': 2632, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hyperactive'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a bone lesion with irregular periosteal reaction identified in the distal, caudally positioned femur. ', 'elapsedTime': 4.683, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The caudal thoracic esophagus appears focally distended with fluid. ', 'elapsedTime': 8.556, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2421, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in the sternum at Stn 7-9. ', 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['gas']}}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2491, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['7-8', '8-9']}}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 271, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Systemic hypotension'}, {'id': 517, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Pleural effusion'}, {'id': 2346, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 2451, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'cranial-cruciate-ligament-injury'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}, {'id': 2512, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'neuro-area'}, {'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}, {'id': 2517, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'splenic-area'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 2140, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'splenic-mass-c'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere are multiple small ossified nodules noted in the peripheral lung fields. The caudal thoracic esophagus appears focally distended with fluid. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is increased opacity noted over the silhouette of the left and right kidney. There is diffuse distension of the small intestine with gas. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is a bone lesion with irregular periosteal reaction identified in the distal, caudally positioned femur. There is narrowing noted between sternebrae 7-8 and 8-9. There is increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the right stifle. There are degenerative changes noted in the sternum at Stn 7-9. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 812, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-periapical-lucency-class'}, {'id': 815, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-attachment-loss-class'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver'}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization'}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans'}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy'}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis'}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals'}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla'}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses'}, {'id': 2309, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'nasal-cavity'}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture'}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive'}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp'}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat'}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass'}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp'}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2403, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'sternal-deformity'}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2420, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'ear-canal-mineralization'}, {'id': 2421, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration'}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2491, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing'}, {'id': 2492, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal-subluxation'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers'}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency'}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection'}, {'id': 2586, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subluxation of Ribs'}, {'id': 2594, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fractured Rib Cartilages'}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus'}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild'}, {'id': 2645, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'agressive-bone-lesion-discospondylitis'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe study is most compatible with gastroenteritis. No obstructive pattern is visible although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded on radiographs. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and dietary indiscretion should be considered.\nEsophageal distention as described. Differentials may include esophagitis, esophageal dysmotility, and esophageal fluid.\nPeriosteal reaction identified in the stifle may be consistent with a malignant neoplasia/osteosarcoma; severe osteomyelitis cannot be ruled out. Rule out peripheral mineralization vs incidental finding with orthogonal view.\nLimited number of thorax images available for assessment.\nIncreased opacity noted within the stifle joint is likely a normal variant and less likely pathologic effusion.\nThe opacity overlying the renal silhouette is representative of renal mineralization and likely chronic renal disease.\nThe liver appears mildly enlarged. This may be considered normal for the patient or may represent mild congestion.\nSternal degeneration. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend supportive care. Consider lab testing for pancreatitis. Depending on lab results, follow-up imaging, abdominal ultrasound may also be helpful to further assess gastrointestinal pattern.\nConsider medical management for esophagitis. Endoscopy or fluoroscopy may help further characterize the changes noted.\nConsider orthogonal views of the stifle and a biopsy or fna for a definitive diagnosis of the possible aggressive bone lesion identified.\nConsider three view thoracic radiographs to investigate for evidence of pulmonary metastasis.\nConsider biochemistry profile and urinalysis +/- abdominal ultrasound if there is suspicion for renal disease.\nCorrelate with blood work for clinical significance and consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the mildly enlarged liver.'}
{'bday': '2011-04-03', 'name': 'Mathiyalagan^Nemo', 'breed': 'German Shepherd', 'owner': 'Suvatheka', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of Durham Region', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEC'}
Vomiting brown blood past few days, fell down the stairs yesterday and seemed unstable. Nonambulatory today. Muffled heart sounds, still vomiting, hypotensive. Lethargic and inappetant. Also hx of neuro deficits in the left hind?
Lesion seen at right stifle? OSA? pleural effusion? abdominal (splenic/liver) mass? mineralisation of one kidney?
['Musculoskeletal-area', 'neuro-area', 'Gastrointestinal-area', 'splenic-area']
['Lethargic/tired', 'Reluctant to move/walk', 'Vomiting', 'Hematemesis (vomiting blood)', 'Anorexia', 'Decreased conscious proprioception', 'Hyperactive', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[131, 204, 256, 282, 606, 2526, 2632, 2656]
['Systemic hypotension']
['Pleural effusion', 'Renal Mineralization', 'Cranial cruciate ligament injury']
[517, 2346, 2451]
['splenic mass']
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-12-01', 'name': 'Navas^Luna', 'breed': 'Pug', 'owner': 'Navas^Lesne', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented for vomiting (2x - food and foam), diarrhea (watery), anorexia, shaking and lethargy.\r\nSymptoms started this AM.\r\nHas been licking in the rear lately.\r\nIndoor only.\r\nNo current medications.\r\nWas doing well previously.\r\n\r\nNeg for giardia and parvo in clinic tonight', 'questions': 'Pancreatitis vs Dietary Indiscretion vs Gastroenteritis vs FB vs Open dx'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 239, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Small FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Gastric foreign body which may or may not pass on its own. No obvious intestinal obstruction is currently noted on the images provided, although an occult obstruction cannot be ruled out radiographically.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend supportive care and follow-up fasting radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor passage of the gastric foreign body and any change in the intestinal pattern. An abdominal ultrasound may be useful for further investigation.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 620, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tremors/shaking/trembling'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 739, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['soft tissue'], '___s2_': ['with a rounded']}}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe stomach contains a soft tissue opacity with a rounded structure. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThere is material in the stomach, given the vomiting gastric foreign body has to be considered. This may or may not pass on its own. No obvious intestinal obstruction is currently noted on the images provided, although an occult obstruction cannot be ruled out radiographically.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend supportive care and follow-up fasting radiographs in 12-24 hours to monitor passage of the gastric foreign body and any change in the intestinal pattern. An abdominal ultrasound may be useful for further investigation. Endoscopy would also be a consideration. '}
{'bday': '2023-12-01', 'name': 'Navas^Luna', 'breed': 'Pug', 'owner': 'Navas^Lesne', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Fountain Valley Emergency Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'FVEPH'}
Presented for vomiting (2x - food and foam), diarrhea (watery), anorexia, shaking and lethargy. Symptoms started this AM. Has been licking in the rear lately. Indoor only. No current medications. Was doing well previously. Neg for giardia and parvo in clinic tonight
Pancreatitis vs Dietary Indiscretion vs Gastroenteritis vs FB vs Open dx
['Diarrhea', 'Lethargic/tired', 'Vomiting', 'Anorexia', 'Tremors/shaking/trembling']
[76, 131, 256, 606, 620]
{'patient': {'bday': '2013-12-01', 'name': 'Sweetie', 'breed': 'Labrador Retriever', 'owner': 'Criado', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of South Florida', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEC of South Florida'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Per client patient has been in heat for over 3 weeks. Not eating. Has been to regular veterinarian and per owner bloodwork last week was normal as well as radiographs and ultrasound. At physical exam, patient presented with serum and pus from the vulva. Patient also very depressed and lethargic.', 'questions': 'Primary concern is that patient has a pyometra. '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1013, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1015, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 662, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Repros - UTD, pyometra', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 278, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vaginal discharge'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracolumbar']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['multiple areas in the lumber spine']}}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2514, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Reproductive-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nDistended tubular structures resembling uterine horns are noted within the abdomen. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracolumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 707, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'prostate-mineralization'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2254, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'utd-secondary-to-fetus'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2451, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Prostate-fp'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability'}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization'}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe uterus is distended with fluid. Given the clinical signs, pyometra is a primary differential. Mucometra, hydrometra, or a neoplastic process cannot be ruled out.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound for confirmation of pyometra, otherwise ovariohysterectomy is recommended if the patient is stable.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2013-12-01', 'name': 'Sweetie', 'breed': 'Labrador Retriever', 'owner': 'Criado', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Clinic of South Florida', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEC of South Florida'}
Per client patient has been in heat for over 3 weeks. Not eating. Has been to regular veterinarian and per owner bloodwork last week was normal as well as radiographs and ultrasound. At physical exam, patient presented with serum and pus from the vulva. Patient also very depressed and lethargic.
Primary concern is that patient has a pyometra.
['Lethargic/tired', 'Discharge - vaginal', 'Anorexia', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[131, 278, 606, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2012-05-05', 'name': 'Daphne^Douglas Outlaw', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Douglas Outlaw', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Night Watch Elite Animal Emergency (TX)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'NightWatch'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presented 5/6 for lethargy, inappetence for past week after bringing in a new cat (pet sitting). No V/D. Labwork found blood infection, dehydration, pancreatitis, UTI. Administered SQ fluids, convenia, cerenia, b12 and sent home mirataz. P has only nibbled on a a single treat since then and is not drinking. Slightly less lethargic. Owner mentioned finding a small piece of plastic in feces earlier this week, but unknown which cat it was from. Patient does not normally ingest foreign material.', 'questions': 'R/O GI foreign body or obstruction'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 219, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - LAD, no trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 244, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops, poss(less confident), no obvious FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 293, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - Feline, bronchitis, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 332, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Resp Pleural - Feline, resp signs, pleural effusion, not VHS/CMG', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 431, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Renal - RMN', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 251, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign body ingestion'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 619, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Thirst decreased'}, {'id': 2184, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign-Body-Ingestion'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2482, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'dehydration'}], 'findings': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is evidence of possible mild fluid in the pleural space.', 'elapsedTime': 21.727, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracic']}}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right']}}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2290, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2316, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right']}}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['intestines'], '___s2_': ['ventral']}}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 149, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Pancreatitis'}, {'id': 2229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Urinary tract infection (UTI)'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'internal_notes': 'undefined\nThis case was automatically escalated by the system due to reservervation timeout in the stat codes channel.', 'recommendations': [{'id': 967, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Antiemetic'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'fluid-therapy'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nA bronchial pattern is present. A pleural fissure line is noted in the right thorax. There is evidence of possible mild fluid in the pleural space. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine. There is loss of serosal detail in the abdomen. There is increased opacity noted over the silhouette of the right kidney. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracic spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2290, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c'}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp'}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp'}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization'}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization'}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation'}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe changes noted in the small intestines is suspicious for a two populations of small intestine. This most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. No obvious foreign body is noted. The lack of vomiting somewhat argues against obstruction. \nThere appears to be free fluid in the abdomen. Rule out low oncotic pressure, portal hypertension, a neoplastic effusion, abdominal hemorrhage or other potential sources of the free fluid identified in the abdomen.\nBronchial pattern is consistent with lower airway disease/bronchitis. Differentials include feline asthma, chronic inhaled irritants, infectious etiologies (bacterial) and parasitic (including heartworm disease).\nPleural effusion. Rule out chylothorax, pyothorax, neoplastic exudate, or other causes.\nThe opacity overlying the renal silhouette is representative of renal mineralization and likely chronic renal disease.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management with follow-up radiographs may be a consideration if the patient is closely monitored for any change in status. If patient worsens or does not improve, abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of distended small intestines and confirmation of a possible intestinal obstruction would be recommended prior to abdominal exploratory surgery.\nUltrasound would also help determine if there is free fluid present. If it is, advise abdominocentesis analysis and cytology of the free fluid. \nCorrelate with clinical history and/or additional diagnostics and consider medical management for lower airway disease/bronchitis.\nConsider T-fast to determine if it is possible to carry out diagnostic thoracocentesis and obtain a sample for fluid analysis and cytology to rule out chylothorax, pyothorax, neoplastic exudate, or other causes of the pleural effusion.\nA feeding tube may be needed. \nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2012-05-05', 'name': 'Daphne^Douglas Outlaw', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Douglas Outlaw', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Night Watch Elite Animal Emergency (TX)', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'NightWatch'}
Presented 5/6 for lethargy, inappetence for past week after bringing in a new cat (pet sitting). No V/D. Labwork found blood infection, dehydration, pancreatitis, UTI. Administered SQ fluids, convenia, cerenia, b12 and sent home mirataz. P has only nibbled on a a single treat since then and is not drinking. Slightly less lethargic. Owner mentioned finding a small piece of plastic in feces earlier this week, but unknown which cat it was from. Patient does not normally ingest foreign material.
R/O GI foreign body or obstruction
['Lethargic/tired', 'Foreign body ingestion', 'Anorexia', 'Drinking less', 'Suspected foreign body ingestion', 'Dehydration']
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Feline']
[131, 251, 606, 619, 2184, 2482]
[76, 256, 2327]
['Pancreatitis', 'Urinary tract infection (UTI)']
[149, 2229]
['Antiemetic', 'Fluid therapy']
[967, 1029]
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-11-18', 'name': 'Weinstein^Phoebe', 'breed': 'Cavapoo', 'owner': 'Weinstein^Terri', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Northbrook', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EVS Pet Urgetn Care of Northbrook'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P is returning for a recheck radiographs of 3 view abdomen. Ingested cord from a hair dryer yesterday and foreign material detected by AI yesterday. Not obstructed', 'questions': 'Making sure foreign material is passing.'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1158, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 134.24599999999998, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - follow-up, persistent foreign body', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Compared to the previous images, the noted gastric foreign body appears to persist in the stomach. Consider possible hooking to the gastric mucosa.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Recommend repeat radiographs after 12-24 hours if patient status remains stable. Endoscopy may be a consideration to remove material if not passing to prevent future complications and granuloma formation.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1204, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 49.602, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - FB ingestion and noted, no plication/2 pops yet, no clinial signs yet', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Small amounts of foreign material noted in the small intestine. Comparing to previous images, the material noted in the small intestine appears to have almost entirely passed into the colon.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Supportive care including fluid therapy and recheck fasted abdominal radiographs are recommended in 12-24 hours to monitor movement of foreign material. An abdominal ultrasound may also be beneficial.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 92, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Eaten something shouldn't have"}, {'id': 201, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Re-examination/Follow-up'}, {'id': 251, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign body ingestion'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a metallic opacity foreign material located within the small intestine.', 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 739, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The stomach contains a metallic opacity small linear foreign body.', 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2290, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 59, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Intestinal obstruction'}, {'id': 612, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Foreign body'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}, {'id': 2682, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'follow-up-abdomen'}], 'internal_notes': 'undefined\nThis case was automatically escalated by the system due to reservervation timeout in the stat codes channel.', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe stomach contains a metallic opacity small linear foreign body. There is a metallic opacity foreign material located within the small intestine. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2290, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nCompared to the previous images, the noted gastric foreign body appears to persist in the stomach. Consider possible hooking to the gastric mucosa.\nSmall amounts of foreign material noted in the small intestine. Comparing to previous images, the material noted in the small intestine appears to have almost entirely passed into the colon.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend repeat radiographs after 12-24 hours if patient status remains stable. Endoscopy may be a consideration to remove material from the stomach if not passing to prevent future complications and granuloma formation. The metallic material present in the stomach is minimal and may prove exceedingly challenging to find endoscopically. \nAn abdominal ultrasound may also be beneficial to monitor for any complications in the small intestines.'}
{'bday': '2022-11-18', 'name': 'Weinstein^Phoebe', 'breed': 'Cavapoo', 'owner': 'Weinstein^Terri', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'EVS Pet Urgent Care of Northbrook', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'EVS Pet Urgetn Care of Northbrook'}
P is returning for a recheck radiographs of 3 view abdomen. Ingested cord from a hair dryer yesterday and foreign material detected by AI yesterday. Not obstructed
Making sure foreign material is passing.
['Gastrointestinal-area', 'follow-up-abdomen']
['Dietary indiscretion', 'Re-examination/Follow-up', 'Foreign body ingestion', 'Canine Small Breed']
[92, 201, 251, 2654]
['Foreign body']
['Intestinal obstruction']
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-02-08', 'name': 'PUMPKIN', 'breed': 'DLH', 'owner': 'DAILY', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Affordable Animal Emergency Clinic in Auburn', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dr. Rule'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'S: \xa0 Pumpkin is an indoor cat. \xa0Recently adopted in December from the humane society. \xa0Breathing problems started last night. \xa0He has had problems with diarrhea. \xa0A hydrolyzed protein diet did not work. \xa0Grain-free cod-food worked well for diarrhea.\r\n\r\nO:\r\n\xa0\xa0 \xa0On presentation, Pumpkin\xa0was Quiet, Alert, and Responsive. \xa0mm pink, moist; \xa0CRT < 1.\r\n\xa0\xa0 \xa0C/V -- \xa0Tachypnea. Wheezing is heard on both sides of the lungs. Femoral pulses were strong and synchronous.\r\n\xa0\xa0 \xa0M/S -- \xa0No observable lameness or pain x 4 Limbs.\r\n\xa0\xa0 \xa0Neuro -- Normal ambulation, pupils equal and responsive, normal mentation.\r\n\xa0\xa0 \xa0Lymph -- Mandibular, prescapular, inguinal, and popliteal lymph nodes within normal limits.\r\n\xa0\xa0 \xa0Abdomen -- \xa0Compliant.\r\n\xa0\xa0 \xa0Integ -- \xa0Clean coat, well-groomed, normal skin.\r\n\r\nA: \xa0Problems: \xa0Tachypnea, wheezing in lungs, sudden onset. \xa0Radiology: \xa0R/O. Pulmonary edema, asthma, pneumonia.\xa0', 'questions': '\xa0R/O. Pulmonary edema, asthma, pneumonia.\xa0'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 247, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, no cause for GI signs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 281, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Feline- symptomatic (pulmonary infiltrates)', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 331, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': '* The pleural fissure line noted may represent a small amount of pleural fluid. Thickening of the pleura/pleuritis or artifactual appearance cannot be ruled out.\n - Correlate with history for clinical significance.', 'consult_name': 'Resp Pleural - small fissure line', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 879, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly - Mild', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tachypnoea'}, {'id': 2456, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Wheezing'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2280, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mixed interstitial to alveolar']}}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right', 'cranioventral']}}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 4, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'lung-pulmonary-edema'}, {'id': 2056, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Pneumonia'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2509, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'cardiovascular-area'}, {'id': 2510, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-area'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 2227, 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Feline asthma'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart appears to be enlarged. There is increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a mixed interstitial to alveolar pattern. A pleural fissure line is noted in the left and right, cranioventral thorax. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension'}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure'}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material'}], 'report_conclusions': '* Presence of cardiomegaly and pulmonary infiltrates are consistent with congestive heart failure. \n - Treatment for congestive heart failure with diuretics is recommended. Consider an echocardiogram for further investigation.\n* The pleural fissure line noted may represent a small amount of pleural fluid. Thickening of the pleura/pleuritis or artifactual appearance cannot be ruled out.\n - Correlate with history for clinical significance.\n* The study is most compatible with gastroenteritis. No obstructive pattern is visible although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded on radiographs. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and dietary indiscretion should be considered.\n - Supportive care is recommended. Consider lab testing for pancreatitis and follow-up imaging with abdominal ultrasound to rule out gastroenteritis, dietary indiscretion, pancreatitis or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs.\n* The liver appears mildly enlarged. This may be considered normal for the patient or may represent mild congestion. \n - Correlate with blood work for clinical significance and consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the mildly enlarged liver.'}
{'bday': '2019-02-08', 'name': 'PUMPKIN', 'breed': 'DLH', 'owner': 'DAILY', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Affordable Animal Emergency Clinic in Auburn', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Dr. Rule'}
S:   Pumpkin is an indoor cat.  Recently adopted in December from the humane society.  Breathing problems started last night.  He has had problems with diarrhea.  A hydrolyzed protein diet did not work.  Grain-free cod-food worked well for diarrhea. O:     On presentation, Pumpkin was Quiet, Alert, and Responsive.  mm pink, moist;  CRT < 1.     C/V --  Tachypnea. Wheezing is heard on both sides of the lungs. Femoral pulses were strong and synchronous.     M/S --  No observable lameness or pain x 4 Limbs.     Neuro -- Normal ambulation, pupils equal and responsive, normal mentation.     Lymph -- Mandibular, prescapular, inguinal, and popliteal lymph nodes within normal limits.     Abdomen --  Compliant.     Integ --  Clean coat, well-groomed, normal skin. A:  Problems:  Tachypnea, wheezing in lungs, sudden onset.  Radiology:  R/O. Pulmonary edema, asthma, pneumonia. 
 R/O. Pulmonary edema, asthma, pneumonia. 
['cardiovascular-area', 'Respiratory-area']
['Tachypnoea', 'Wheezing']
[666, 2456]
['Pulmonary Edema', 'Pneumonia']
[4, 2056]
['Feline asthma']
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-05-15', 'name': 'Lendore^Prynce Bentley', 'breed': 'Miniature Schnauzer', 'owner': 'Lendore^Cynthia', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Town & Country Animal Hospital in Miami', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Tcah Vets'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'hind legs lameness', 'questions': 'hind legs lameness'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 391, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'M/S GEN - no cause for lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1093, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Stifle - Fragmented Fabella', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2345, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2503, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Fragmented-sesamoid', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['right lateral fabella']}}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}, {'id': 2512, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neuro-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is a fragmentation of the right lateral fabella. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver'}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization'}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans'}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy'}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis'}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive'}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass'}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone'}, {'id': 2503, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Fragmented-sesamoid'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers'}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency'}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection'}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus'}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild'}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. The study is negative for fractures, luxation or subluxation, and soft tissue swelling. This does not rule out a soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time.\nFragmented fabella as described. Considered congenital and is likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend medical management for soft tissue injury and exercise restriction. If exam suggests more than a soft tissue injury or there is no response to treatment, consider sedation and additional views of the region of interest +/- orthopedic consult.\n- Consider medical management including exercise restriction and analgesics."}
{'bday': '2022-05-15', 'name': 'Lendore^Prynce Bentley', 'breed': 'Miniature Schnauzer', 'owner': 'Lendore^Cynthia', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Town & Country Animal Hospital in Miami', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Tcah Vets'}
hind legs lameness
hind legs lameness
['Musculoskeletal-area', 'neuro-area']
['Lameness', 'Hindlimb lameness', 'Canine Small Breed']
[2185, 2345, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-05-04', 'name': 'Soriano^Lilith', 'breed': 'Shorthair, Domestic', 'owner': 'Soriano^Lovely', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Parmjit Dhillon'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Follow up consult. Currently hospitalized with IV fluids. ', 'questions': 'Foreign Body '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 232, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Bates body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 833, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': '* Soft tissue opacity noted in the stomach on the VD which may represent rugal folds, however gastric material cannot be entirely ruled out. Large gastric foreign body in previous study is not noted in this study. No obvious small intestine foreign body is noted but cannot be completely ruled out radiographically.\n - Abdominal ultrasound should be considered for further investigation if concerned. Endoscopy may also be beneficial if concern for gastric material.', 'elapsedTime': 163.67600000000002, 'consult_name': 'Rugal folds vs gastric material/mass', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2405, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'follow-up-study'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2286, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'colon-distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bates-body', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['mid']}}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 612, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Foreign body'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': "Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is a mineralized focal soft tissue nodule located in the mid abdomen likely representing a Bate's body (idiopathic fat necrosis). The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.", 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}], 'report_conclusions': "* Soft tissue opacity noted in the stomach on the VD which may represent rugal folds, however gastric material cannot be entirely ruled out. Large gastric foreign body in previous study is not noted in this study. No obvious small intestine foreign body is noted but cannot be completely ruled out radiographically.\n - Abdominal ultrasound should be considered for further investigation if concerned. Endoscopy may also be beneficial if concern for gastric material.\n* Nodular fat necrosis (Bate's body) noted in the abdomen. Likely incidental."}
{'bday': '2015-05-04', 'name': 'Soriano^Lilith', 'breed': 'Shorthair, Domestic', 'owner': 'Soriano^Lovely', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Parmjit Dhillon'}
Follow up consult. Currently hospitalized with IV fluids.
Foreign Body
['Follow up study']
['Foreign body']
{'patient': {'bday': '2022-08-01', 'name': 'Mia ', 'breed': 'Maltese', 'owner': 'DeGratto ', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists- Farmingdale', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'ACNYVS'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'vomiting and diarrhea for 3-4 days, getting progressive. Still eating and drinking normally. Patient does eat toys, hair ties, socks..etc. ', 'questions': 'fbo vs gastroenteritis vs other '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 246, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenterocolitis(vom+diarroea)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 251, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Foreign body', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Colonic foreign body as described. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1056, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 48.271, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Normal Abdomen Screening', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'No evidence of a gastric or small intestinal foreign body noted. This does not completely rule out an occult foreign body.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Consider a barium study, ultrasound, or endoscopy for further investigation of the gastrointestinal tract to rule out an occult foreign body.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 251, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Foreign body ingestion'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is a small mineral opacity foreign body located within the transverse colon. ', 'elapsedTime': 19.895, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is a small mineral opacity foreign body located within the transverse colon. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGiven the normal appearance of the GI tract and clinical history provided, clinical signs are most consistent with a gastroenterocolitis. No obstruction is noted. Differentials include inflammatory, dietary indiscretion, toxin, infectious or parasitic causes.\nColonic foreign body as described.\nNo evidence of a gastric or small intestinal foreign body noted. This does not completely rule out an occult foreign body.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further assess gastrointestinal pattern.\nMonitor for passage of described colonic foreign body in the stool.\nConsider a barium study, ultrasound, or endoscopy for further investigation of the gastrointestinal tract to rule out an occult foreign body.'}
{'bday': '2022-08-01', 'name': 'Mia ', 'breed': 'Maltese', 'owner': 'DeGratto ', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Atlantic Coast New York Veterinary Specialists- Farmingdale', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'ACNYVS'}
vomiting and diarrhea for 3-4 days, getting progressive. Still eating and drinking normally. Patient does eat toys, hair ties, socks..etc.
fbo vs gastroenteritis vs other
['Diarrhea', 'Foreign body ingestion', 'Vomiting']
[76, 251, 256]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-03-23', 'name': 'Capak^BELLA', 'breed': 'Staffordshire Bull Terrier', 'owner': 'Capak^Jonmichael', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "Patient started to have seizures over the weekend (sunday). she was started on keppra but continued to have tremors. then today, she began to have multiple breakthrough seizures. BW - NSF.\r\n\r\nHx of eating things she shouldn't", 'questions': 'Assessment for concurrent issues. CT recommended but declined at this time'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1024, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 192, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Hepatic - Small', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 7, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 29.244, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Spondylosis deformans and articular facet osteoarthritis. Likely incidental.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 255, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Esoph - No regurg, ESD, moderate, aerophagia', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Cardiac - Abnormal vhs, no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 379, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Shoulder - SAR, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 428, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Renal - RMG', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 221, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Shaking head'}, {'id': 620, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Tremors/shaking/trembling'}, {'id': 628, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Seizure(s)'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is spondylosis deformans noted in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. ', 'elapsedTime': 51.327, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['caudally positioned']}}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['intra-thoracic'], '___s2_': ['diffusely']}}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'small-liver', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2276, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is increased radiopacity of the bone noted in the L4-L5 articular facets.', 'elapsedTime': 53.672, 'signal_name': 'sclerosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2512, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neuro-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart appears to be mildly enlarged. The intra-thoracic esophagus appears diffusely distended. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears small with the gastric axis displaced cranially. There is distension of the stomach with presence of heterogenous material. The left kidney measures above normal range. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is increased radiopacity of the bone noted in the L4-L5 articular facets. There is spondylosis deformans noted in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. There are degenerative changes noted in the caudally positioned shoulder. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver'}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2276, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'sclerosis'}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2600, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vertebral Subluxation'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe liver appears small. This may be secondary to conformation but cirrhosis or vascular anomaly cannot be ruled out.\nThe kidneys are at the upper limits of normal which may represent an acute kidney injury. Other differentials include pyelonephritis, neoplasia, and hydronephrosis.\nSpondylosis deformans and articular facet osteoarthritis. Likely incidental.\nThe VHS is calculated above normal range, however the cardiac silhouette appears to be subjectively normal in size. This does not rule out cardiomyopathy.\nThe distension noted in the esophagus may be secondary to aerophagia. Megaesophagus cannot be ruled out.\nDegenerative changes in the shoulder.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider biochemical profile and possible bile acids testing to confirm adequate hepatic function of the small liver.\nCorrelate with biochemistry profile and urinalysis and consider an abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of the enlarged kidney(s).\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.\nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurment for further investigation to rule out underlying cardiac disease.\nCorrelate with clinical signs and exam to further investigate the distension noted in the esophagus.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the shoulder.'}
{'bday': '2020-03-23', 'name': 'Capak^BELLA', 'breed': 'Staffordshire Bull Terrier', 'owner': 'Capak^Jonmichael', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
Patient started to have seizures over the weekend (sunday). she was started on keppra but continued to have tremors. then today, she began to have multiple breakthrough seizures. BW - NSF. Hx of eating things she shouldn't
Assessment for concurrent issues. CT recommended but declined at this time
['Head shaking', 'Tremors/shaking/trembling', 'Seizure(s)', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[221, 620, 628, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2024-05-29', 'name': 'Gracie', 'breed': 'rat terrier', 'owner': 'Stegmaier', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'tnc9836'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P was presented for acute onset of RH leg lameness on 03/07/2024. Owner had noted it that morning; did not witness any trauma or event associated with onset.', 'questions': 'Right stifle lameness. Positive drawer upon physical examination.'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1030, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1032, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 352, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Stifle - Chronic cruciate, lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': 'Correlate with orthopedic examination. Consider orthopedic consultation.', 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 2185, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness'}, {'id': 2345, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-hind-limb'}, {'id': 2397, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-drawer'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is increased soft tissue opacity in one of the stifle joints.', 'elapsedTime': 11.935, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are degenerative changes noted in both stifles. ', 'elapsedTime': 4.318, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2274, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'growth-plate-abnormalities', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is increased soft tissue opacity in one of the stifle joints. There are degenerative changes noted in both stifles. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2229, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-dysplasia'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy'}, {'id': 2274, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'growth-plate-abnormalities'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans'}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy'}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers'}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency'}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection'}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus'}, {'id': 2617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-effusion'}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nOsteoarthritis of the stifle along with increased soft tissue opacity noted is most consistent with chronic stifle instability and intra-articular injury. This is commonly associated with cranial cruciate ligament injury/rupture.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination. Consider orthopedic consultation.'}
{'bday': '2024-05-29', 'name': 'Gracie', 'breed': 'rat terrier', 'owner': 'Stegmaier', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Town and Country Animal Hospital - Fairfax', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'tnc9836'}
P was presented for acute onset of RH leg lameness on 03/07/2024. Owner had noted it that morning; did not witness any trauma or event associated with onset.
Right stifle lameness. Positive drawer upon physical examination.
['Lameness', 'Hindlimb lameness', 'Cranial drawer']
[2185, 2345, 2397]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-11-12', 'name': 'Hudson^Pumpkin^^^', 'breed': 'English Bulldog', 'owner': 'Autumn Hudson & Chris Mead', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Dublin Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Sophia Koehler'}, 'accept_tos': '1', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P presents for smacking of mouth after eating and apparent difficulty in swallowing, usually after eating, and some coughing associated with eating for the past couple days. History of right salivary gland swelling up, not swollen today on exam. No vomiting, diarrhea, or sneezing, not on any medications or supplements. No cough elicited on exam, no obvious masses noted in mouth, rest of exam WNL. ', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual'}, 'consult': [{'id': 228, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Incidental VAN', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 728, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'custom_text': '* No cause for the described respiratory signs has been determined from this radiographic study, the results of which are negative for pleural effusion, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, bronchial pattern, or masses. Given the breed, brachycephalic syndrome should be a consideration. Bronchitis or dynamic airway collapse cannot be ruled out.\n - Further investigation with a laryngeal exam may be indicated. For further evaluation endoscopic evaluation, lower airway sampling and a respiratory PCR could be considered if the patient does not respond to medical management.', 'elapsedTime': 43.14, 'consult_name': 'Brachycephalic syndrome', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 517, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Dysphagia'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': [',T12']}}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}, {'id': 2518, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'oral-area'}], 'internal_notes': 'smacking of mouth after eating', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\n* Lung fields are clear. \n* No pulmonary masses, lymphadenopathy, or mediastinal masses are noted. \n* The trachea is unremarkable with normal diameter. \n* The pleural space is normal. \n* The diaphragm is unremarkable. \n\nAbdomen\n* The liver is unremarkable. \n* The stomach is empty. \n\nMusculoskeletal\n* No appendicular fractures are noted. \n* No evidence of rib fracture is observed.\n* No aggressive osseous lesions identified. \n* No significant intervertebral disc space narrowing is identified. \n* Vertebral anomaly is noted at ,T12. \n* There are no degenerative changes noted in the shoulders. \n* There are no degenerative changes noted in the elbows.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}], 'report_conclusions': '* No cause for the described respiratory signs has been determined from this radiographic study, the results of which are negative for pleural effusion, congestive heart failure, pneumonia, bronchial pattern, or masses. Given the breed, brachycephalic syndrome should be a consideration. Bronchitis or dynamic airway collapse cannot be ruled out.\n - Further investigation with a laryngeal exam may be indicated. For further evaluation endoscopic evaluation, lower airway sampling and a respiratory PCR could be considered if the patient does not respond to medical management.\n* Vertebral anomaly. Likely incidental.\n - Correlate with physical exam.'}
{'bday': '2020-11-12', 'name': 'Hudson^Pumpkin^^^', 'breed': 'English Bulldog', 'owner': 'Autumn Hudson & Chris Mead', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Dublin Animal Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Sophia Koehler'}
P presents for smacking of mouth after eating and apparent difficulty in swallowing, usually after eating, and some coughing associated with eating for the past couple days. History of right salivary gland swelling up, not swollen today on exam. No vomiting, diarrhea, or sneezing, not on any medications or supplements. No cough elicited on exam, no obvious masses noted in mouth, rest of exam WNL.
['Gastrointestinal-area', 'oral-area']
['Coughing', 'Dysphagia']
[69, 517]
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-04-28', 'name': 'Barlie^PUMPKIN', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Barlie^Chris', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient is mostly indoors (has been for the last three days). owner noticed today, jaw was situated abnormally and patient tongue had a cut', 'questions': 'Dislocation of mandible'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1014, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 770, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'M/S GEN - joint luxation/dislocation', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Luxation of TMJ as described. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 530, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Oral (mouth) abnormality - other'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['thoracolumbar']}}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2312, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'The left temporomandibular joint space is widennend.', 'signal_name': 'tmj-luxation-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. A bronchial pattern is present. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracolumbar spine. The left temporomandibular joint space is widennend. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 812, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-periapical-lucency-class'}, {'id': 815, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-attachment-loss-class'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals'}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla'}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses'}, {'id': 2309, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'nasal-cavity'}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture'}, {'id': 2311, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'skull-abl'}, {'id': 2312, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'tmj-luxation-subluxation'}, {'id': 2420, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ear-canal-mineralization'}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2453, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hyperinflation-lungs'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis'}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nLuxation of TMJ as described.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend closed reduction under general anesthesia for the described luxation, otherwise orthopedic consultation may be considered.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.\nThe cardiac silhouette measures above normal limits, but appears otherwise unremarkable, however, this does not rule out underlying cardiomyopathy. An echocardiogram could be considered for further evaluation. '}
{'bday': '2017-04-28', 'name': 'Barlie^PUMPKIN', 'breed': 'DSH', 'owner': 'Barlie^Chris', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
Patient is mostly indoors (has been for the last three days). owner noticed today, jaw was situated abnormally and patient tongue had a cut
Dislocation of mandible
['Other mouth abnormality', 'Feline']
[530, 2327]
{'patient': {'bday': '2023-07-03', 'name': 'Haynie^MAXIMILLIAN', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Haynie^Candise', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': "PP for lethergy- still eating. no vomiting/diarrheas. O states P is not drinking. is known to chew/eat things he shouldn't ", 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['standard'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'consult': [{'id': 209, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, asymptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 218, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Negative - No cause for non-system-specific signs, ADR/ weight loss/ lethargy', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 438, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Trachea - +/- resp signs, hypoplastic trachea', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 85, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Drinking less'}, {'id': 92, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': "Eaten something shouldn't have"}, {'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2535, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'eating-normally'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 739, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': 'There is radiopaque and metallic material within the stomach. ', 'elapsedTime': 35.898, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['intra-thoracic']}}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is narrowing of the trachea at the intra-thoracic region. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is radiopaque and metallic material within the stomach. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body'}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nThe cause of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided.\nThe narrowing of the trachea is consistent with a hypoplastic trachea.\nGastric material. This is consistent with food; however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with a minimum database including blood work and urinalysis. Further historical context and/or follow up evaluation may be indicated. Re-evaluation of radiographs in time or ultrasound may also be indicated to further investigate the reported non-specific signs.\nFor further investigation of the narrowed trachea, a CT scan or tracheoscopy may be helpful for a definitive diagnosis. Limiting stress/excitement/exercise, weight management to avoiding overheating are often helpful in similar cases.\nConsider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and rule out the presence of non-obstructive foreign material."}
{'bday': '2023-07-03', 'name': 'Haynie^MAXIMILLIAN', 'breed': 'Mix', 'owner': 'Haynie^Candise', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
PP for lethergy- still eating. no vomiting/diarrheas. O states P is not drinking. is known to chew/eat things he shouldn't
['Drinking less', 'Dietary indiscretion', 'Lethargic/tired', 'Eating normally']
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting']
[85, 92, 131, 2535]
[76, 256]
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-06-01', 'name': 'Larson^Sunnie', 'breed': 'Labrador Retriever', 'owner': 'Amy Larson', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Paws Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'P.A.W.S. Pet Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Vomited in kennel while O was out and vomited up what appeared to be guinea pig food. Ate the food this am between 7-8 am along with her breakfast @ 7; When back at 10:30am vomited or pooped guinea pig food. Just vomited once and has had diarrhea. Threw up some mucous + some food @ 11. ', 'questions': 'Rads appear to have a distended stomach, my concern is if it is appearing to start to torse. We have not made her vomit here, but are wanting to do so if it seem safe to do so. '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 246, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 86.892, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenterocolitis(vom+diarroea)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The rest of the GI tract appears unremarkable with no obstruction noted. Given the history provided, clinical signs are most consistent with a gastroenterocolitis. Dietary indiscretion would be a primary consideration however other differentials include inflammatory, toxin, infectious or parasitic causes.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1075, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food bloat', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is marked distension of the stomach with presence of radiopaque material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSevere/marked distension of the stomach with soft tissue opacity material and no evidence of torsion is consistent with a possible food bloat. Foreign material cannot be definitively ruled out.\nThe rest of the GI tract appears unremarkable with no obstruction noted. Given the history provided, clinical signs are most consistent with a gastroenterocolitis. Dietary indiscretion would be a primary consideration however other differentials include inflammatory, toxin, infectious or parasitic causes.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider medical management and follow up radiographs to check for passage of the material through the GI tract.\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. In general, IV fluids, motility walks, and fasting are used to maange food bloat cases. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further assess gastrointestinal pattern.'}
{'bday': '2019-06-01', 'name': 'Larson^Sunnie', 'breed': 'Labrador Retriever', 'owner': 'Amy Larson', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Paws Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'P.A.W.S. Pet Hospital'}
Vomited in kennel while O was out and vomited up what appeared to be guinea pig food. Ate the food this am between 7-8 am along with her breakfast @ 7; When back at 10:30am vomited or pooped guinea pig food. Just vomited once and has had diarrhea. Threw up some mucous + some food @ 11.
Rads appear to have a distended stomach, my concern is if it is appearing to start to torse. We have not made her vomit here, but are wanting to do so if it seem safe to do so.
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[76, 256, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-07-24', 'name': 'Jacobs^Augie', 'breed': 'Poodle Mix', 'owner': 'Jacobs^Wendy', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Aji Nair'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Diarrhea started overnight tonight (~4 hours ago- one episode of melena then frank blood\r\nVomiting started this overnight as well - first some undigested food, then mucous, then blood-tinge\r\nFood/water intake was normal last night. \r\nLast ate food 10pm last night (~8 hours ago) but was vomited back up.\r\nLikes to chew on sticks and eat seaweed at the beach\r\nPE: ptyalism was noted, abdominal discomfort was noted, BAR/anxious\r\n\r\n*** SEDATED with Methadone/Dexdomitor prior to Radiographs ***\r\n\r\nPending diagnostics: cbc, chem, ua, cPL. Giardia snap, O&P + CDP\r\n', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto'}, 'consult': [{'id': 241, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Upper GI ulceration(hematemsis)', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 253, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon - hematochezia/diarroea, normal gut', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 500, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - FB small (incidental)', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 714, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'custom_text': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Hemorrhagic gastro enteritis.', 'custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 36, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Being sick with blood'}, {'id': 76, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 77, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhoea with blood'}, {'id': 531, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hypersalivation'}, {'id': 622, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - abdominal'}, {'id': 2475, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hematochezia'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2288, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'plication-distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe stomach is mildly gas distended but appears to be empty. There is a small amount mineral foreign material located within the small intestine however no overdistension or plication is noted. The colon is unremarkable. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 812, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-periapical-lucency-class'}, {'id': 815, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'dental-tooth-attachment-loss-class'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2306, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'palate-canals'}, {'id': 2307, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tympanic-bulla'}, {'id': 2308, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'frontal-sinuses'}, {'id': 2309, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'nasal-cavity'}, {'id': 2310, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-fracture'}, {'id': 2311, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'skull-abl'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule'}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass'}], 'report_conclusions': '* No obstructive pattern is noted however there is mineral opacity material noted in the small intestines. Given the history of vomiting with blood, upper GI pathology or ulceration should be considered as a primary differential. Additionally, bloody diarrhea may also be secondary to GI tract ulceration given the mineral opacity material noted, although no colonic foreign material is appreciated. Hemorrhagic diarrhea syndrome may also be a consideration as a cause for the observed signs. Diarrhea due to stress, dietary indiscretion, parasite, or other cause cannot be ruled out. \n- Consider abdominal ultrasound for further investigation. Medical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. Consider follow up radiographs to ensure passage of the described material in 12 - 24 hours. Patient status to be closely monitored.'}
{'bday': '2020-07-24', 'name': 'Jacobs^Augie', 'breed': 'Poodle Mix', 'owner': 'Jacobs^Wendy', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Burrard Animal Hospital + Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Aji Nair'}
Diarrhea started overnight tonight (~4 hours ago- one episode of melena then frank blood Vomiting started this overnight as well - first some undigested food, then mucous, then blood-tinge Food/water intake was normal last night. Last ate food 10pm last night (~8 hours ago) but was vomited back up. Likes to chew on sticks and eat seaweed at the beach PE: ptyalism was noted, abdominal discomfort was noted, BAR/anxious *** SEDATED with Methadone/Dexdomitor prior to Radiographs *** Pending diagnostics: cbc, chem, ua, cPL. Giardia snap, O&P + CDP
['Being sick with blood', 'Diarrhea', 'Diarrhoea with blood', 'Hypersalivation', 'Pain - abdominal', 'Hematochezia']
[36, 76, 77, 531, 622, 2475]
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-04-15', 'name': 'McWethy^Tempura', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Hanna McWethy', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'My Pets Veterinary Urgent Care and Wellness ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'MPUC'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Aacute onset of vomiting on 4/12/24, subsequent diarrhea/inappetence after potentially eating nachos that were accidentally left out on 4/11. History of dietary indiscretion in the past. Vomitus consists of food; blood tinge was noted once. Last vomited 2 days ago. Diarrhea, lethargy, and inappetence were noted yesterday. Ate food prior to presentation, less lethargic. Other cat at home is exhibiting similar signs. Exam: mild dehydration, intestinal gas. Mild neutrophilia, otherwise labs normal.', 'questions': 'Do radiographs show an obvious intestinal foreign body or mechanical GI obstruction? '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}], 'consult': [{'id': 237, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, symptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1106, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 80.033, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, no cause for GI signs, old/ very sick, poss pancreatitis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 92, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Eaten something shouldn't have"}, {'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 607, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hyporexia'}, {'id': 2327, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'feline'}, {'id': 2482, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'dehydration'}, {'id': 2634, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Neutrophilia'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['gas']}}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 1099, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'cbc-chemistry-profile'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThere is distension of the stomach with presence of radiopaque material. There is diffuse distension of the small intestine with gas. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nNo evidence of a mechanical obstruction is observed on the images provided, though an obstruction cannot always be ruled out radiographically. Given the normal appearance of the GI tract and clinical history provided, clinical signs are most consistent with a systemic illness, possibly pancreatitis. Severe gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, inflammatory, toxin, or dietary indiscretion can be considered. Gastric material noted may represent food, however, foreign material cannot be entirely be ruled out. \n\nRecommendations:\nSummary:\nSupportive care is recommended. Correlate with a minimum database including blood work, urinalysis, and testing for pancreatitis. Follow-up imaging with abdominal ultrasound or serial radiographs to rule out obstruction, gastroenteritis, dietary indiscretion, pancreatitis, or a systemic illness causing secondary GI signs. Correlate with information regarding the patient's most recent meal and consider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying. "}
{'bday': '2017-04-15', 'name': 'McWethy^Tempura', 'breed': 'Domestic Shorthair', 'owner': 'Hanna McWethy', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Feline', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'My Pets Veterinary Urgent Care and Wellness ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'MPUC'}
Aacute onset of vomiting on 4/12/24, subsequent diarrhea/inappetence after potentially eating nachos that were accidentally left out on 4/11. History of dietary indiscretion in the past. Vomitus consists of food; blood tinge was noted once. Last vomited 2 days ago. Diarrhea, lethargy, and inappetence were noted yesterday. Ate food prior to presentation, less lethargic. Other cat at home is exhibiting similar signs. Exam: mild dehydration, intestinal gas. Mild neutrophilia, otherwise labs normal.
Do radiographs show an obvious intestinal foreign body or mechanical GI obstruction?
['Diarrhea', 'Dietary indiscretion', 'Lethargic/tired', 'Vomiting', 'Hyporexia', 'Feline', 'Dehydration', 'Neutrophilia']
[76, 92, 131, 256, 607, 2327, 2482, 2634]
['CBC/chemistry profile - normal']
{'patient': {'bday': '2018-11-15', 'name': 'Ferrante^MEATBALL', 'breed': 'Bulldog', 'owner': 'Ferrante^Patricia', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Meatball is a 5 YO FS English bulldog who was presented for dog bite wounds. P is bleeding from right ear and limping on left leg.', 'questions': 'fractures?'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'standard', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1039, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 489, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 12.303, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, trauma', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Soft tissue swelling. Consistent with a history of trauma and local hemorrhage/hematoma. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1047, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Carpus - arthritis, lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Arthritis of the distal forelimb as described may be the contributing to the reported lameness. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 37, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Bitten'}, {'id': 43, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Bleeding from wound'}, {'id': 543, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Ear (aural) injury'}, {'id': 2342, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-acute'}, {'id': 2657, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'brachycephalic'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left'], '___s2_': ['P3']}}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the left', 'front paw']}}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}, {'id': 2523, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'trauma-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is degenerative joint disease affecting the left P3. There is soft tissue swelling involving the left and front paw. There is degenerative joint disease affecting the left carpus. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 722, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesions-of-the-third-phalanx'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2267, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'distal-extremity-arthritis'}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia'}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans'}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy'}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis'}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c'}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device'}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures'}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c'}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization'}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body'}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers'}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency'}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection'}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSoft tissue swelling. Consistent with a history of trauma and local hemorrhage/hematoma.\nArthritis of the distal forelimb as described may be the contributing to the reported lameness.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management as required for soft tissue injury.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination. Consider analgesic and exercise restriction and monitor response to therapy.'}
{'bday': '2018-11-15', 'name': 'Ferrante^MEATBALL', 'breed': 'Bulldog', 'owner': 'Ferrante^Patricia', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': ' Animal Emergency Hospital Deland', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEH DeLand'}
Meatball is a 5 YO FS English bulldog who was presented for dog bite wounds. P is bleeding from right ear and limping on left leg.
['Musculoskeletal-area', 'trauma-area']
['Bitten/attacked by other animal', 'Bleeding from wound', 'Ear (aural) injury', 'Acute lameness', 'Brachycephalic']
[37, 43, 543, 2342, 2657]
{'patient': {'bday': '2014-03-21', 'name': 'Amato^Rocky', 'breed': 'SHIH TZU', 'owner': 'Amato^Kym', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Canyon Lake Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Markos Farg'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'cough r/o CHF, tracheal collapse, pneumonia vs others', 'questions': 'cough r/o CHF, tracheal collapse, pneumonia vs others'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1022, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 331, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Resp Pleural - small fissure line', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 900, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Trachea - redundant tracheal membrane versus mucuous', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1099, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly - GEN, unstructured interstitial, CHF', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['cervical']}}, {'id': 2280, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['unstructured interstitial']}}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left', 'cranioventral']}}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2019, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Tracheal collapse'}, {'id': 2056, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Pneumonia'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2509, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'cardiovascular-area'}, {'id': 2510, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere is increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a unstructured interstitial pattern. There is increased soft tissue opacity within the cervical region of the trachea. A pleural fissure line is noted in the left and cranioventral thorax. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is radiopaque material within the stomach. There are no other abnormalities noted in the rest of the observed abdomen.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver'}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive'}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c'}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp'}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb'}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization'}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGeneralized cardiomegaly and unstructured interstitial pattern throughout the lungs as described above. Possible differentialS include: valvular disease leading to insufficiency, DCM with pulmonary edema or pulmonary hypertension.\nThe increased opacity noted in the trachea may represent a redundant tracheal membrane or may represent mucus within the trachea.\nThe pleural fissure line noted may represent a small amount of pleural fluid. Thickening of the pleura/pleuritis or artifactual appearance cannot be ruled out.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nFor further assessment, an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurement would be optimal. Diuretics, as pre-load reducer, are a mainstay of reducing pulmonary edema. Supportive care such as oxygen therapy may be indicated. Additional cardiac medication should also be considered.\nConsider tracheoscopy if clinical signs warrant further investigation of the increased opacity noted in the tracheal lumen.\nCorrelate with history for the clinical significance of the noted pleural fissure line.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necesary for a defintive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.'}
{'bday': '2014-03-21', 'name': 'Amato^Rocky', 'breed': 'SHIH TZU', 'owner': 'Amato^Kym', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Canyon Lake Veterinary Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Markos Farg'}
cough r/o CHF, tracheal collapse, pneumonia vs others
cough r/o CHF, tracheal collapse, pneumonia vs others
['cardiovascular-area', 'Respiratory-area']
['Tracheal collapse', 'Pneumonia']
[2019, 2056]
{'patient': {'bday': '2015-01-01', 'name': 'Ochsner^Sadie^^^', 'breed': 'Boxer mix', 'owner': 'Joanne Ochsner', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Chateau Dog & Cat Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Chateau Dog and Cat Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': '9 yr old spayed female mixed breed dog. Presented 5/1/24 for inappetance. Stopped eating Tuesday. On Monday evening owner got pet to eat some chicken and rice. Refused everything since. Owner did abruptly change the dog kibble on Friday before CS began. Pet had diarrhea yesterday, vomited water twice yesterday. PE: temp 100.4, HR 100, RR 30. Gums pink, slightly sticky. CRT 2 seconds. H/L ascult clear/normal. Abd-potbellied, distended, tender. O says abd has looked this way for 2 months', 'questions': 'Evaluate for possible mass in abd vs. distended stomach. Pet has no gagging or downward dog stance.'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1022, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1023, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1035, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1036, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1053, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 202, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Peritoneal - Mass unknown, scant fluid', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 229, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Spine - incidental spondylosis', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 246, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Gastroenterocolitis(vom+/diarroea)', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 76, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Diarrhea-c'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 508, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal distension'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 9, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'elapsedTime': 14.372, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}, {'id': 2521, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Neoplasia-area'}, {'id': 2671, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neoplasia-abdomen'}], 'internal_notes': 'Absolutely no idea what that mass could be.', 'recommendations': [{'id': 1379, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'dietary-change'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nAbdomen\nThe small intestines and colon are displaced to the right abdomen by a large gas filled structure with thickened walls. There is a mineral opacity noted within this structure. There is a wispy soft tissue opacity noted over the liver in the cranial abdomen. \nThe gastric silhouette is noted on the laterals as the mildly distended "loop" of gas in the most cranial abdomen with prominent rugal folds. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is spondylosis deformans noted in the thoracolumbar spine. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 709, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'retroperitoneal-lymphadenopathy'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver'}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization'}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2289, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cs-obstruction'}, {'id': 2292, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'wire-foreign-body'}, {'id': 2293, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bates-body'}, {'id': 2319, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone-na'}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2410, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'summation-structures'}, {'id': 2414, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'caudal-vena-cana-sm'}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2459, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spina-bifida'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis'}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas'}, {'id': 2500, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-wispy'}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone'}, {'id': 2556, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Abdominal mineralization'}, {'id': 2560, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-nodule'}, {'id': 2561, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-splenic-margins'}, {'id': 2562, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'splenic-mass'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2569, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'False positive limited abdominal detail'}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material'}, {'id': 2641, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-dish'}, {'id': 2642, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-bridging'}, {'id': 2669, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Mild small intestinal distention'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSuspected abdominal mass of unknown origin. Given the location, origination from a specific organ cannot be definitively determined. The focal wispy appearance in the abdomen may represent a small volume of peritoneal effusion or peritonitis. RThe mas mas be a abscess or a necrotic/abscess neoplasm.\nGiven the normal appearance of the GI tract and clinical history provided, clinical signs are most consistent with a gastroenterocolitis. No obstruction is noted. Differentials include inflammatory, dietary indiscretion, toxin, infectious or parasitic causes.\nSpondylosis deformans. Likely incidental.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider abdominal ultrasound +/- CT scan and FNA sampling with cytology to further investigate the suspected abdominal mass. If effusion is present, cytology of the effusion maybe helpful to guide how to proceed.\nMedical management of the reported clinical signs is indicated at this time. If there is no response to medical management, consider repeat radiographs and/or abdominal ultrasound to further assess gastrointestinal pattern.\nCorrelate with physical exam to determine clinical significance of the spondylosis deformans identified.'}
{'bday': '2015-01-01', 'name': 'Ochsner^Sadie^^^', 'breed': 'Boxer mix', 'owner': 'Joanne Ochsner', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Chateau Dog & Cat Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Chateau Dog and Cat Hospital'}
9 yr old spayed female mixed breed dog. Presented 5/1/24 for inappetance. Stopped eating Tuesday. On Monday evening owner got pet to eat some chicken and rice. Refused everything since. Owner did abruptly change the dog kibble on Friday before CS began. Pet had diarrhea yesterday, vomited water twice yesterday. PE: temp 100.4, HR 100, RR 30. Gums pink, slightly sticky. CRT 2 seconds. H/L ascult clear/normal. Abd-potbellied, distended, tender. O says abd has looked this way for 2 months
Evaluate for possible mass in abd vs. distended stomach. Pet has no gagging or downward dog stance.
['Gastrointestinal-area', 'Neoplasia-area', 'neoplasia-abdomen']
['Diarrhea', 'Vomiting', 'Abdominal distension', 'Anorexia', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[76, 256, 508, 606, 2656]
['Dietary change']
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-04-27', 'name': 'Grey^Bentley', 'breed': 'WELSH CORGI (PEMBROKE)', 'owner': 'Grey^Jamie', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Urgent Pet Care - KS', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Urgent Pet Care LLC'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Patient was outside rough housing with bigger dogs, bigger dog barreled into patient at full speed colliding with his RIGHT shoulder. Patient presented non weight bearing and vocalizing in pain. ', 'questions': 'soft tissue vs cervical vs fracture '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1015, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1016, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1030, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1039, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1096, 'state': 'partial', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 376, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'elapsedTime': 10.678, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Elbow - arthritis, lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Mild arthritis of the elbow may be contributing to the reported lameness.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 384, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Spine - TID/CID, paresis/paralysis or hindlimb weakness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Evidence of cervical disc space narrowing. The reported signs could be due to disc prolapse or extrusion at the site. Fibrocartilaginous embolism could also be considered. ', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 391, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'elapsedTime': 7.677, 'consult_name': 'Negative - no cause for lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': "Other causes of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. The study is negative for fractures, luxation or subluxation, and soft tissue swelling. This does not rule out a soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time.\n", 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 145, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Meowing '}, {'id': 259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Traumatic-injury'}, {'id': 2186, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain'}, {'id': 2346, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lameness-forelimb'}, {'id': 2442, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Pain - neck'}, {'id': 2545, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lameness-non-weight-bearing'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There are mild degenerative changes noted in the right elbow on the VD. ', 'elapsedTime': 18.707, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': 'There is soft tissue swelling involving the right. ', 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['C2-C3', 'C3-C4']}}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 1306, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Fracture'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}, {'id': 2512, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'neuro-area'}], 'internal_notes': 'RIGHT\nsoft tissue vs cervical vs fracture\n\nCID 4 C2-C3,C3-C4 spaces collapsed', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe observed thorax is within normal limits. No abnormal thoracic findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere is intervertebral disc space narrowing at C2-C3 and C3-C4. There are mild degenerative changes noted in the right elbow on the VD. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 722, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesions-of-the-third-phalanx'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass'}, {'id': 2271, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-luxation'}, {'id': 2272, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'muscle-atrophy'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia'}, {'id': 2301, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'osteochondritis-dissecans'}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process'}, {'id': 2303, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hypertrophic-osteodystrophy'}, {'id': 2304, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'panosteitis'}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c'}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid'}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp'}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity'}, {'id': 2384, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'surgical-device'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2403, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sternal-deformity'}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c'}, {'id': 2421, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration'}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure'}, {'id': 2460, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'atlantoaxial-instability'}, {'id': 2486, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spinal-articular-process-arthritis'}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas'}, {'id': 2491, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing'}, {'id': 2492, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Sternal-subluxation'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body'}, {'id': 2571, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Missing label markers'}, {'id': 2576, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bone Lucency'}, {'id': 2580, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Implant Motion/Infection'}, {'id': 2586, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subluxation of Ribs'}, {'id': 2594, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fractured Rib Cartilages'}, {'id': 2598, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Fracture Healing, callus'}, {'id': 2666, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': "Hypertrophic osteopathy (Marie's disease)"}], 'report_conclusions': "Conclusions:\nEvidence of cervical disc space narrowing. The reported signs could be due to disc prolapse or extrusion at the site. Fibrocartilaginous embolism could also be considered although it is not typically painful. \nMild arthritis of the elbow may be contributing to the reported lameness.\nOther causes of the patient's described clinical signs is not identified in the radiographs provided. The study is negative for fractures, luxation or subluxation, and soft tissue swelling. This does not rule out a soft tissue injury or neuropathy at this time.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider advanced imaging such as myelogram or an MRI scan for further investigation of the reported disc space narrowing and potential disc prolapse or extrusion.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination and consider analgesic and exercise restriction and monitor response to therapy for the reported lameness.\nRecommend medical management for soft tissue injury and exercise restriction. If exam suggests more than a soft tissue injury or there is no response to treatment, consider sedation and additional views of the region of interest +/- orthopedic consult."}
{'bday': '2017-04-27', 'name': 'Grey^Bentley', 'breed': 'WELSH CORGI (PEMBROKE)', 'owner': 'Grey^Jamie', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Urgent Pet Care - KS', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Urgent Pet Care LLC'}
Patient was outside rough housing with bigger dogs, bigger dog barreled into patient at full speed colliding with his RIGHT shoulder. Patient presented non weight bearing and vocalizing in pain.
soft tissue vs cervical vs fracture
['Musculoskeletal-area', 'neuro-area']
['Vocalizing ', 'Traumatic injury', 'Pain', 'Forelimb lameness', 'Pain - neck', 'Non-weight bearing lameness', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[145, 259, 2186, 2346, 2442, 2545, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2019-12-17', 'name': 'ZAPPALA^MAVERICK', 'breed': 'Golden Retriever', 'owner': 'ZAPPALA^', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Vetcheck Pet Urgent Care Center- Fishers ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'VetCheck'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'O presented P due to ADR. O stated that P has been vomiting on/off for the past week. This morning to the afternoon, P vomited four times (bile, after eating or drinking H2O). P was taken to rDVM at 2:00 PM and was given Cerenia inj. O stated that P seemed to hypersalivate and vomited after drinking water at 6:00 PM. P is not interested in food (P ate this morning normally) and is lethargic. Normal bowel movements, no obvious ingestion of Foreign Material.', 'questions': '\r\nQuestion is making sure that there is no blockage pattern that will need exploratory surgery. '}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'text', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1044, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 244, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - 2 pops, poss(less confident), no obvious FB', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 131, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lethargic/tired'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 531, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Hypersalivation'}, {'id': 606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Anorexia'}, {'id': 2330, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': True, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': "Not himself/ain't doing right"}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': 'There is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine best noted in the cranial abdomen on the LLR view. ', 'elapsedTime': 40.839, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2316, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intestine-fm', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'internal_notes': 'Two pops- distended loops visible on second lateral ', 'recommendations': [{'id': 967, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'Antiemetic'}], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is presence of distension of a portion of small intestine and a population of non-distended intestine best noted in the cranial abdomen on the left lateral view. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe changes noted in the small intestines is suspicious for a two populations of small intestine. This most commonly represents a mechanical obstruction though severe enteritis cannot always be ruled out. No obvious foreign body is noted.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend abdominal ultrasound for further investigation of distended small intestines and confirmation of a possible intestinal obstruction prior to abdominal exploratory surgery. Medical management with follow-up radiographs in 8-12 hours may be a consideration if the patient is closely monitored for any change in status.'}
{'bday': '2019-12-17', 'name': 'ZAPPALA^MAVERICK', 'breed': 'Golden Retriever', 'owner': 'ZAPPALA^', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Vetcheck Pet Urgent Care Center- Fishers ', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'VetCheck'}
O presented P due to ADR. O stated that P has been vomiting on/off for the past week. This morning to the afternoon, P vomited four times (bile, after eating or drinking H2O). P was taken to rDVM at 2:00 PM and was given Cerenia inj. O stated that P seemed to hypersalivate and vomited after drinking water at 6:00 PM. P is not interested in food (P ate this morning normally) and is lethargic. Normal bowel movements, no obvious ingestion of Foreign Material.
Question is making sure that there is no blockage pattern that will need exploratory surgery.
['Lethargic/tired', 'Vomiting', 'Hypersalivation', 'Anorexia', "Ain't doin right (ADR)", 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[131, 256, 531, 606, 2330, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-02-18', 'name': 'Strong^PENNY', 'breed': 'Shih Tzu', 'owner': 'Nancy Strong', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Animal Emergency Hospital Volusia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEHVolusia'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P presents for labored breathing, getting worse over the last week. Dx with chronic bronchitis. Was on steroids. On physical exam harsh lung sounds and cardiac arrhythmia. Bloodwork shows elevated liver values. ', 'questions': ''}}
{'tags': {'userTags': ['conclusions_missing'], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'consult': [{'id': 184, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Hepatomegaly- benign', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 208, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Post prandial ', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 276, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'elapsedTime': 177.02200000000002, 'consult_name': 'Cardiomegaly Right - symptomatic, failure', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Generalized cardiomegaly with pulmonary edema are concerning for congestive heart failure. Concurrent pericardial effusion cannot be ruled out.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 50, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Breathing difficulty'}, {'id': 2177, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Arrhythmia'}, {'id': 2404, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-enzymes-elevated'}, {'id': 2470, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Lung sounds'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['unstructured interstitial']}}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 2053, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Bronchitis'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2509, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'cardiovascular-area'}, {'id': 2510, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-area'}, {'id': 2516, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'hepatic-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThere appears to be a generalized enlargement of the heart. There is increased opacity in the caudodorsal lung field, characterized as a unstructured interstitial pattern. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe liver appears enlarged. There is distension of the stomach with presence of radiopaque material. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 873, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bronchiectasis'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift'}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive'}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp'}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart'}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2567, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Pulmonary Minerazliation'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nGeneralized cardiomegaly with pulmonary edema are concerning for congestive heart failure. Concurrent pericardial effusion cannot be ruled out.\nHepatomegaly consistent with a benign hepatopathy (metabolic/endocrine, vacuolar or EMH/nodular hyperplasia). Infiltrative neoplasia or acute hepatitis cannot be ruled out.\nGastric material is consistent with food/recent meal.\n\nRecommendations:\nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure for further investigation of the described cardiomegaly. Consultation with a cardiologist for medication recommendations may also be considered.\nConsider abdominal ultrasound to further investigate the hepatomegaly. A FNA sampling, or more likely a biopsy, will be necesary for a defintive diagnosis. Correlate with blood work for clinical significance.'}
{'bday': '2017-02-18', 'name': 'Strong^PENNY', 'breed': 'Shih Tzu', 'owner': 'Nancy Strong', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': 'null'}
{'name': 'Animal Emergency Hospital Volusia', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'AEHVolusia'}
P presents for labored breathing, getting worse over the last week. Dx with chronic bronchitis. Was on steroids. On physical exam harsh lung sounds and cardiac arrhythmia. Bloodwork shows elevated liver values.
['cardiovascular-area', 'Respiratory-area', 'hepatic-area']
['Dyspnoea', 'Arrhythmia', 'Elevated liver enzymes', 'Lung sounds']
[50, 2177, 2404, 2470]
{'patient': {'bday': '2017-03-31', 'name': 'Brewer^Ziva^^^', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'Laurie & Dana', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Riverside Veterinary', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'David Kowalek, BVMS'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'P presented with a large amount of swelling LPL, p dove into a pond last night on her walk, and when they got home the limb was quite swollen, p is panting a lot, yelped when o was trying to pick her up, resistant to us manipulating it on exam awake. ', 'questions': 'LPL'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1016, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1019, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1029, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1034, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1041, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1054, 'state': 'ready', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 1102, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Subcut - Swelling, trauma, only significant finding', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'Soft tissue swelling over the left femur. Consistent with a history of trauma. No pathology was observed in the associated bony structures.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1146, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Hindlimb Stifle - mild/questionable stifle effusion with SOA', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 71, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Crying'}, {'id': 177, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Panting'}, {'id': 259, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Traumatic-injury'}, {'id': 575, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Mass/swelling - limb, upper'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 10, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['the left', 'hind limb', 'femur']}}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2511, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Musculoskeletal-area'}], 'internal_notes': 'The left limb swollen over the femoral region making it appear that the right limb has muscle atrophy', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Musculoskeletal\nThere is soft tissue swelling involving the left, hind limb and femur. There is increased soft tissue opacity in the stifle joint noted in the left stifle. There are degenerative changes noted in the left and right stifle. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 879, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2265, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-distension'}, {'id': 2266, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'axial-fracture'}, {'id': 2268, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'subcutaneous-mass'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2291, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'abdominal-hernia'}, {'id': 2363, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-gas-c'}, {'id': 2371, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-calculi-fp'}, {'id': 2402, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mineralized-disk'}, {'id': 2403, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'sternal-deformity'}, {'id': 2418, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lumbosacral-degeneration'}, {'id': 2419, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lymphadenomegaly-c'}, {'id': 2421, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'sternal-degeneration'}, {'id': 2438, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'thymus-present'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2449, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'pleural-fissure'}, {'id': 2489, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'urinary-bladder-gas'}, {'id': 2491, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Inter-sternebral narrowing'}, {'id': 2492, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Sternal-subluxation'}, {'id': 2498, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Lumbosacral-stenosis'}, {'id': 2502, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Ureteral-stone'}, {'id': 2566, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Subcutaneous foreign body'}, {'id': 2586, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Subluxation of Ribs'}, {'id': 2594, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Fractured Rib Cartilages'}, {'id': 2637, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'Distal fabella displacement'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSoft tissue swelling over the left femur. Consistent with a history of trauma. No pathology was observed in the associated bony structures.\nThe increased soft tissue opacity and osteoarhtitis noted in the indicated stifle is most consistent with intra-articular injury (CCL strain or partial tear or meniscal injury) however, given the minimal nature of the stifle effusion, this may be secondary to positioning or technique of the radiographs.\n\nRecommendations:\nMedical management of soft tissue swelling and rest is recommended at this time. If no response to medical management, consider follow-up diagnostics such as recheck radiographs or advanced imaging.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination and consider medical management including rest for further investigation of the increased soft tissue opacity noted in the stifle.'}
{'bday': '2017-03-31', 'name': 'Brewer^Ziva^^^', 'breed': 'Australian Shepherd', 'owner': 'Laurie & Dana', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Riverside Veterinary', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'David Kowalek, BVMS'}
P presented with a large amount of swelling LPL, p dove into a pond last night on her walk, and when they got home the limb was quite swollen, p is panting a lot, yelped when o was trying to pick her up, resistant to us manipulating it on exam awake.
['Crying/yelping', 'Panting', 'Traumatic injury', 'Mass/swelling - limb', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[71, 177, 259, 575, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2020-11-25', 'name': 'jasper', 'breed': 'Yorkshire Terrier', 'owner': 'Wolf', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Seven Oaks Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Seven Oaks Pet Hospital'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'Presenting complaint: Vomiting. Owner states vomiting started last Saturday and got worse yesterday. Had 12-15 episodes of vomiting yesterday. Drinks a lot of water. ', 'questions': 'Recommend abdominal radiographs to rule out foreign body ingestion causing severe vomiting. Patient potentially has esophagitis'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'text', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'auto', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1022, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1025, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1027, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1028, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 209, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Gastric - Food vs foreign, asymptomatic', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 247, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'elapsedTime': 49.464000000000006, 'consult_name': 'Intestines - Normal, no cause for GI signs', 'diagnosis_custom_text': 'The study is most compatible with gastroenteritis. No evidence of a foreign body or obstructive pattern is visible although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded on radiographs. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and dietary indiscretion should be considered.', 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 480, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': None, 'consult_name': 'Colon - Fecal retention', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 617, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Polydipsia'}, {'id': 2332, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'canine'}, {'id': 2654, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'small-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 11, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2287, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'distension-si', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2295, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'kidney-margins', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2296, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'urolithiasis', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2300, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'coxofemoral-pelvis', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [{'id': 128, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 100, 'diagnosis_name': 'Oesophagitis'}], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}], 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Abdomen\nThere is distension of the stomach with presence of radiopaque material. There is an accumulation of fecal material in the colon. The rest of the observed abdomen is within normal limits.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 703, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 740, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'colon-foreign-material'}, {'id': 744, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'fecal-impaction'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2260, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fluid-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2262, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'small-liver'}, {'id': 2263, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization'}, {'id': 2264, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'irregular-kidney'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2360, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'HMG-false-positive'}, {'id': 2368, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mass'}, {'id': 2370, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'renal-mineralization-fp'}, {'id': 2401, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pylorus-displacement'}, {'id': 2423, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-mineralization-gb'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2483, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'gastric-fb'}, {'id': 2568, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Gastric wall thickening'}, {'id': 2606, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Chronic Fecal Material'}, {'id': 2643, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-severe'}, {'id': 2644, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'hmg-mild'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe study is most compatible with gastroenteritis. No evidence of a foreign body or obstructive pattern is visible although a GI obstruction cannot be completely excluded on radiographs. Gastroenteritis due to infectious conditions, a systemic illness, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and dietary indiscretion should be considered.\nGastric material. This is consistent with food; however, non-obstructive foreign material or foreign material admixed with food cannot be ruled out.\nMild fecal retention. Rule out constipation.\n\nRecommendations:\nRecommend supportive care. Consider CBC, serum chemistry panel with electrolytes, and lab testing for pancreatitis. Depending on lab results, follow-up imaging and abdominal ultrasound may also be helpful to further assess gastrointestinal pattern.\nConsider repeat fasting abdominal radiographs in 12-24 hours to assess gastric emptying and rule out the presence of non-obstructive foreign material.\nCorrelate with clinical history to rule out constipation.'}
{'bday': '2020-11-25', 'name': 'jasper', 'breed': 'Yorkshire Terrier', 'owner': 'Wolf', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Seven Oaks Pet Hospital', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Seven Oaks Pet Hospital'}
Presenting complaint: Vomiting. Owner states vomiting started last Saturday and got worse yesterday. Had 12-15 episodes of vomiting yesterday. Drinks a lot of water.
Recommend abdominal radiographs to rule out foreign body ingestion causing severe vomiting. Patient potentially has esophagitis
['Vomiting', 'Polydipsia', 'canine', 'Canine Small Breed']
[256, 617, 2332, 2654]
{'patient': {'bday': '2010-11-07', 'name': 'Michael^Sweetie', 'breed': 'Mixed - Medium', 'owner': 'Michael', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'Columbia Pike Animal Hospital & Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'CPA TECHS'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'coughing for 2 months, dry hacking cough. EDDU normally. No heart murmur auscultated and no hx hm. Lung sounds mildly increased BV sounds bilaterally. prominent submandib LN, severe dental disease. FPSS. No cough elicited on tracheal palpation', 'questions': 'survey rads thorax'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'inprogress', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1024, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1037, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1038, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 255, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Esoph - No regurg, ESD, moderate, aerophagia', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 6, 'consult_name': 'Cardiac - Abnormal vhs, no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 300, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Bronchial - Normal lungs, large breed', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 374, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 4, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Elbow - arthritis, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 379, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 5, 'consult_name': 'Forelimb Shoulder - SAR, no lameness', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 748, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Negative - Cardiac/lung Screening, normal', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 2175, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Heart-Murmur'}, {'id': 2357, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'disease-dental'}, {'id': 2387, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'cough-chronic'}, {'id': 2536, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-crackles-sounds'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left']}}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['left and right']}}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['intra-thoracic'], '___s2_': ['diffusely']}}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2278, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2509, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'cardiovascular-area'}, {'id': 2510, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Respiratory-area'}], 'internal_notes': 'undefined\nThis case was automatically escalated by the system due to reservervation timeout in the stat codes channel.', 'recommendations': [], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. The intra-thoracic esophagus appears diffusely distended. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThere are degenerative changes noted in the left shoulder. There are degenerative changes noted in the left and right elbow. The rest of the observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 714, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diffuse-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2255, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-congestion'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2302, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ununited-anconeal-process'}, {'id': 2364, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fragmented-medial-coronoid'}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp'}, {'id': 2375, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'angular-limb-deformity'}, {'id': 2412, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'joint-mineralization'}, {'id': 2417, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'enthesopathy'}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization'}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}, {'id': 2572, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Hiatal hernia'}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nThe cardiovascular structures are unremarkable with no evidence of enlargement or congestion. The lungs are clear with no evidence of pathology.\nNo cause for the described respiratory signs has been determined from this radiographic study. Bronchitis cannot be ruled out.\nThe distension noted in the esophagus may be secondary to aerophagia. Megaesophagus cannot be ruled out.\nDegenerative changes in the elbow.\nDegenerative changes in the shoulder.\nThe VHS is calculated above normal range, however the cardiac silhouette appears to be normal in size. This does not rule out cardiomyopathy.\n\nRecommendations:\nFor further evaluation endoscopic evaluation, lower airway sampling and a respiratory PCR could be considered if the patient does not respond to medical management.\nCorrelate with clinical signs and exam to further investigate the distension noted in the esophagus.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the elbow.\nCorrelate with orthopedic examination for further evaluation of the degenerative changes in the shoulder.\nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurment for further investigation to rule out underlying cardiac disease.'}
{'bday': '2010-11-07', 'name': 'Michael^Sweetie', 'breed': 'Mixed - Medium', 'owner': 'Michael', 'gender': 'F', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'ALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'Columbia Pike Animal Hospital & Emergency', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'CPA TECHS'}
coughing for 2 months, dry hacking cough. EDDU normally. No heart murmur auscultated and no hx hm. Lung sounds mildly increased BV sounds bilaterally. prominent submandib LN, severe dental disease. FPSS. No cough elicited on tracheal palpation
survey rads thorax
['cardiovascular-area', 'Respiratory-area']
['Coughing', 'Dental disease', 'Chronic cough', 'Lung crackles/lung sounds', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
['Heart Murmur']
[69, 2357, 2387, 2536, 2656]
{'patient': {'bday': '2016-01-01', 'name': 'Rocky', 'breed': 'German Shepherd', 'owner': 'Maria Moreno', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}, 'hospital': {'name': 'North Line Pet Clinic/Tidwell Pet Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Tidwell pet clinic'}, 'accept_tos': 'true', 'consult_info': {'case_info': 'pet came in for coughing for about 2 months \r\npet is heartworm negative \r\nall vaccines are up to date \r\nowner stated some vomiting for a day or two but then stoppped\r\n', 'questions': 'tumor/infection'}}
{'tags': {'userTags': [], 'difficulty': 'expert', 'consults_mode': 'coded', 'findings_mode': 'coded', 'consults_sorting': 'manual', 'unansweredAdditionalSignals': []}, 'groups': [{'id': 1005, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1006, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1007, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1020, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1021, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'rules'}, {'id': 1026, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}, {'id': 1031, 'state': 'empty', 'source': 'labelling'}], 'consult': [{'id': 273, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 3, 'consult_name': 'Cardiac - Abnormal vhs, no cardiomegaly', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 309, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 1, 'consult_name': 'Resp Neoplasia - Sternal lymph node', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}, {'id': 439, 'state': 'abnormal', 'source': 'labelling', 'custom_sort': 2, 'consult_name': 'Resp Parenchymal - resp signs, patchy alveolar', 'diagnosis_custom_text': None, 'diagnosis_custom_fields': None, 'recommendation_custom_text': None, 'recommendation_custom_fields': None}], 'signals': [{'id': 69, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Coughing'}, {'id': 256, 'source': 'ai', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'Vomiting'}, {'id': 2656, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'medium-large-breed'}], 'findings': [{'id': 17, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2280, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'lung-fields-opacity', 'custom_fields': {'___s1_': ['unstructured interstitial']}}, {'id': 2284, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'pleural-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2285, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'stomach-distension-find', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2297, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'spine', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2298, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'intervertebral-disc-space', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2299, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'degenerative-joint-disease', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2488, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'normal-colon', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node', 'custom_fields': None}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'rules', 'history': False, 'confidence': '-3', 'custom_text': None, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body', 'custom_fields': None}], 'diagnosis': [], 'questions': [{'id': 2515, 'source': 'ai', 'signal_name': 'Gastrointestinal-area'}, {'id': 2662, 'source': 'labelling', 'signal_name': 'Resp signs - heart/lungs'}], 'recommendations': [{'id': 1339, 'state': 'normal', 'source': 'labelling', 'recommendation_name': 'heartworm-test'}], 'report_findings': 'Thorax\nThe heart measures above the normal range. There is increased opacity throughout the lung fields, characterized as a unstructured interstitial pattern. There is a rounded soft tissue opacity noted in the region of the cranial sternum. The rest of the observed thorax is within normal limits.\n\nAbdomen\nThe observed abdomen is within normal limits. No abnormal abdomen findings are noted.\n\nMusculoskeletal\nThe observed musculoskeletal system is within normal limits. No abnormal musculoskeletal findings are noted.', 'additionalSignals': [{'id': 2, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-bronchial-interstitial'}, {'id': 6, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pleural-effusion'}, {'id': 7, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pneumothorax'}, {'id': 9, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'spondylosis-spondylosis'}, {'id': 10, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-joint-effusion'}, {'id': 11, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'bladder-bladder-stone'}, {'id': 12, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-distention'}, {'id': 13, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-dilatation'}, {'id': 14, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-foreign-body'}, {'id': 15, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-obstruction'}, {'id': 16, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'fracture-pelvis-fracture'}, {'id': 17, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-limb-fracture'}, {'id': 19, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'shoulder-arthropathy'}, {'id': 20, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'liver-hepatomegaly'}, {'id': 699, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-mineralization'}, {'id': 700, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-cervical-narrowing'}, {'id': 701, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'vert-lumbar-narrowing'}, {'id': 702, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-splenomegaly'}, {'id': 708, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'urethra-calculi'}, {'id': 712, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-cranioventral-parenchymal'}, {'id': 713, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'lung-caudodorsal-parenchymal'}, {'id': 715, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-pulmonary-pattern'}, {'id': 723, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'bone-lesion-lesion'}, {'id': 733, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-foreign-body'}, {'id': 738, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'intestines-small-fm-foreign-material'}, {'id': 762, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'elbow-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 764, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'knee-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 783, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'right-heart-enlargement'}, {'id': 787, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'tracheal-narrowing'}, {'id': 790, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-luxation'}, {'id': 797, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-renomegaly'}, {'id': 798, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'kidney-small'}, {'id': 799, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'esophagus-distension'}, {'id': 870, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'tarsal-metatarsal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 871, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-gas'}, {'id': 880, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'general-cardiomegaly'}, {'id': 886, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cavitated-pulmonary-mass'}, {'id': 947, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'heart-vhs'}, {'id': 1605, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'stomach-n-gastric-material'}, {'id': 1633, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'uterus-distension'}, {'id': 1635, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'prostate-visible'}, {'id': 1932, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-mass-effect'}, {'id': 1933, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'peritoneal-limited-detail'}, {'id': 1937, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'spleen-visible'}, {'id': 2141, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 3, 'signal_name': 'lung-thoracic-mass'}, {'id': 2158, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'vert-anomaly-class'}, {'id': 2159, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'fracture-rib-fracture'}, {'id': 2160, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'lung-diaphragmatic-hernia'}, {'id': 2166, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'heart-left-atrial-enlarge'}, {'id': 2215, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'body-score'}, {'id': 2230, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-subluxation'}, {'id': 2231, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'hip-neck-thicking'}, {'id': 2252, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'patellar-luxation'}, {'id': 2257, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-shift'}, {'id': 2258, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-osteomas'}, {'id': 2259, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'redundant-tracheal-membrane'}, {'id': 2275, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': -2, 'signal_name': 'soft-tissue-swelling'}, {'id': 2365, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'parenchymal-pattern-fp'}, {'id': 2366, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'thoracic-mass-fp'}, {'id': 2367, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'mediastinal-fat'}, {'id': 2432, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'globoid-heart'}, {'id': 2436, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'ileus-diffuse-distension-SI'}, {'id': 2446, 'source': 'ray', 'history': False, 'confidence': 0, 'signal_name': 'carpal-metacarpal-osteophytosis'}, {'id': 2448, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'pulmonary-vessel-mineralization'}, {'id': 2557, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'cranial-mediastinal-mass'}, {'id': 2558, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Bulla'}, {'id': 2559, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Nodule'}, {'id': 2563, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheobronchial lymph node'}, {'id': 2564, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': 2, 'signal_name': 'Sternal lymph node'}, {'id': 2599, 'source': 'labelling', 'history': False, 'confidence': -3, 'signal_name': 'Tracheal Foreign Body'}], 'report_conclusions': 'Conclusions:\nSoft tissue mass noted in the thorax is most consistent with sternal/cranial mediastinal lymphadenopathy. Consider neoplastic infiltration versus reactive lymphadenopathy.\nA patchy alveolar pattern is noted. Differentials include pneumonia (bacterial, viral, fungal), aspiration pneumonia/inhaled toxin/near drowning, ARDS, or less likely non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema or hemorrhage.\nThe VHS is calculated above normal range, however the cardiac silhouette appears to be normal in size. This does not rule out cardiomyopathy.\n\nRecommendations:\nCorrelate with clinical history and additional diagnostics for clinical significance of the described sternal lymphadenopathy.\nConsider respiratory lavage for cytological exam, culture and sensitivity to further investigate the changes in the lung if the patient is stable. Supportive care including oxygen and antibiotic therapy is indicated.\nConsider an echocardiogram and blood pressure measurment for further investigation to rule out underlying cardiac disease.'}
{'bday': '2016-01-01', 'name': 'Rocky', 'breed': 'German Shepherd', 'owner': 'Maria Moreno', 'gender': 'M', 'species': 'Canine', 'neutered': 'UNALTERED', 'species_other': ''}
{'name': 'North Line Pet Clinic/Tidwell Pet Clinic', 'email': '[email protected]', 'clinician': 'Tidwell pet clinic'}
pet came in for coughing for about 2 months pet is heartworm negative all vaccines are up to date owner stated some vomiting for a day or two but then stoppped
['Gastrointestinal-area', 'Resp signs - heart/lungs']
['Coughing', 'Vomiting', 'Canine Medium/Large Breed']
[69, 256, 2656]
['Heartworm test']