1 value
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["operating system", "positive"] ["runs", "positive"] ["navigate", "positive"] ["find files", "positive"]
It's so much easier to navigate through the operating system, to find files, and it runs a lot faster!
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["warrenty", "negative"]
Purchased a Toshiba Lap top it worked good until just after the warrenty went out.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
I always swore by PCs and would never consider a MAC.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
what an elegant, wonderful machine.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
This is now my 3rd MacBook Pro and I really honestly love it!
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
for 2 months.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["extended warranty", "neutral"]
I wanted to purchase the extended warranty and they refused, because they knew it was trouble.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Do you ever think HP would do that? NEVER!
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["memory", "neutral"] ["speed", "positive"] ["performace", "positive"]
We upgraded the memory to four gigabytes in order to take advantage of the performace increase in speed.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
It's not like I have used for half a year and then complained about it.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Still trying to learn how to use it.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["opening my Documents folder", "negative"]
The reality was, it heated up very quickly, and took way too long to do simple things, like opening my Documents folder.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
I bought the netbook because it was smaller and lighter for me to carry around.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
The Genius at the Apple store advised me that there was nothing about my use of the computer that caused this failure.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
We'll save our money to replace it with a Mac again!
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Thank you for your great product!
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
this company truely does make horrible products and doesnt seem to because they are certain things like this "never" happen...
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["operating systems", "negative"]
I had always used PCs and been constantly frustrated by the crashing and the poorly designed operating systems that were never very intuitive.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Sorry Toshiba, but 1st impressions do count for something.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["charger", "negative"]
Then, within 5 months, the charger crapped out on me.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["speed", "positive"]
And if you have a iphone or ipod touch you can connect and download songs to it at high speed.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Overall this laptop is great.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["glass touchpad", "positive"]
I love the glass touchpad.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["hard drive", "negative"] ["mother board", "negative"]
I continued to take the computer in AGAIN and they replaced the hard drive and mother board yet again.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["external speaker", "positive"] ["sound", "positive"]
I am using the external speaker- sound is good.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
The Apple MC371LL/A 2.4Ghz 15.4-inch MacBook Pro Notebook is a horrible waste of money.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Ok, this is probably the best laptop series ever devised by Apple.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
As of a couple weeks ago the middle portion of the laptop from top to bottom,,,about 4 inches across is hardly visible.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["battery life", "negative"]
still testing the battery life as i thought it would be better, but am very happy with the upgrade.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["hardware", "negative"]
Then HP sends it back to me with the hardware screwed up, not able to connect.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
I just hope the reputation that Toshiba has is true and I won't have to worry about a crash.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["shipping", "negative"]
Oh yeah, don't forget the expensive shipping to and from HP.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
I would recommend anyone to buy from pcconnection express.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Good luck.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["Mac software", "positive"] ["Microsoft software", "negative"] ["use", "positive"]
Everything is so easy to use, Mac software is just so much simpler than Microsoft software.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
My favorite by far, although the most expensive, was my Sony.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["delete key", "negative"] ["editing", "negative"]
And if you do a lot of writing, editing is a problem since there is no forward delete key.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Also I typed faster then then letters would show and it got to be realy annoying.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
As an owner of a Toshiba Satalite laptop computer things you should know before you buy.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["use", "positive"] ["service", "positive"] ["phone assistance", "positive"] ["genius bar", "positive"]
Its ease of use and the top service from Apple- be it their phone assistance or bellying up to the genius bar- cannot be beat.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["battery life", "positive"] ["battery life", "positive"] ["gaming", "neutral"] ["movie playing", "neutral"] ["web browsing", "neutral"] ["word editing", "neutral"]
It has a 10 hour battery life when you're doing web browsing and word editing, making it perfect for the classroom or office, and in terms of gaming and movie playing it'll have a battery life of just over 5 hours.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
I shipped out on Saturday, July 17.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
I bought it for really cheap also and it's AMAZING.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["recovery discs", "positive"]
Acer has set me up with FREE recovery discs, when they are available since I asked.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["Office Max's "Max Assurance"", "neutral"]
I also purchased Office Max's "Max Assurance" with the "no lemon" clause.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
If you find yourself in the market for a new laptop (and have the money) don't exclude looking at the MBPs.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["iMac backup disc", "neutral"] ["USB", "neutral"]
I eventually did the migration from my iMac backup disc which uses USB.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Those things are very important - vital even!
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
-They say it will take "up to two weeks".
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
I didn't like one thing about it.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["battery life", "positive"]
The battery life seems to be very good, and have had no issues with it.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["battery timer", "negative"]
Enabling the battery timer is useless.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["Temperatures", "neutral"] ["Core Processing Unit temperatures", "neutral"]
Temperatures on the outside were alright but i did not track in Core Processing Unit temperatures.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Yeah, to you.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
I got a mac as my HS graduation gift.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
I have now had it for 1.5 months and love it.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
It turned out it's not really a problem to have a Mac.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Page just disapeared after you got yahoo or downloaded something.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Images can be multi-selected and viewed swiftly or in slideshow mode.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["service", "neutral"]
Going to bring it to service today.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["virus protection for Mac", "positive"]
There is no need to purchase virus protection for Mac, which saves me a lot of time and money.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["bluetooth", "negative"]
But we had paid for bluetooth, and there was none.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["LG notebook service center", "neutral"] ["hinge", "negative"]
So, I paid a visit to LG notebook service center at Alexandra Road, hoping they can make the hinge tighter.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["games", "neutral"]
My daughter uses it for games, email, facebook, pictures and music.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Laptop is to be used like a Netbook.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["responds", "positive"]
It is always reliable, never bugged and responds well.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["motherboard", "negative"] ["motherboard", "neutral"]
After about a week I finally got it back and was told that the motherboard had failed and so they installed a new motherboard.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Trying to balance all of my roles leaves very little time for me to do anything, so I want to manage my time I do have to be the most efficient.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["hardware", "negative"]
It was slow, locked up, and also had hardware replaced after only 2 months!
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["motherboard", "negative"]
they had to replace the motherboard in April
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["use", "positive"]
Yes, the computer was light weight, less expensive than the average laptop, and was pretty self explantory in use.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["representive at Microsoft", "negative"] ["system", "negative"] ["XP", "positive"]
Also, if you need to talk to a representive at Microsoft, there is a charge, which I believe is robbery, since you are charged enormous amounts for a very badly designed system, which most people would have went with XP if they could.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
There is a little indent to help open it - but good luck with that.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["WIndows 7", "positive"] ["Vista", "negative"]
I love WIndows 7 which is a vast improvment over Vista.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Also, I have alot of trouble with it getting very hot, and not even sitting on anything to make it hot.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
It Was a great deal after all.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
This mac is great!
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["Keyboard", "positive"]
Keyboard is great, very quiet for all the typing that I do.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
I grew up in a design family so it only made sense.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Gave phonenumber.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
It would take up too much time to do reaearch for my papers and I would be up hours-just because the computer was too slow.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Oh my goodness-I am not a happy camper.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["Dell's customer disservice", "negative"]
Dell's customer disservice is an insult to it's customers who pay good money for shoddy products.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
I'd recommend this laptop to anyone!
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Yet, HP won't do anything about the problem.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
i'm returning mine
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["cooling system", "negative"] ["use", "neutral"]
It had a cooling system malfunction after 10 minutes of general use, and would not move past this error.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["quad core I7", "positive"]
I can render AVCHD movies with little effort, which was a problem for most pc's unless you had a quad core I7.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
It's a bummer and one out of five is being kind.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
This is what they told me: It heats up, and that is the reason we no longer call them laptops, and simply categorize them as portables.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["sales associate", "positive"]
After talking it over with the very knowledgeable sales associate, I chose the MacBook Pro over the white MacBook.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["system", "positive"] ["Windows applications", "neutral"]
If you really want a bang-up system and don't need to run Windows applications, go with an Apple;
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["virus program", "negative"]
You won't have to spend gobs of money on some inefficient virus program that needs to be updated every month and that constantly drains your wallet.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
This laptop is fast and you will literally learn all you can do with this dynamo by just watching the online tutorials.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
One of them seems to have worked.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
Which I still use and have hooked up to my TV.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
The problem I had with this unit was unresolvable.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["weighed", "neutral"] ["seven pounds", "neutral"]
It weighed like seven pounds or something like that.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["battery", "negative"]
2 months later, the battery went.
Recognize all aspect terms with their corresponding sentiment polarity in the given review as input. The aspect terms are nouns or phrases appearing in the review that indicate specific aspects or features of the product/service. Determine the sentiment polarity from the options ["positive", "negative", "neutral"]. Answer in the format ["aspect", "sentiment"] without any explanation. If no aspect term exists, then only answer "[]".
["bag", "neutral"]
You may need to special order a bag.