Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Pakistan's youthful population creates education challenges;ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistani private schools, charitable institutions, and religious seminaries are stepping in to supplement government-run schools to help deal with the education needs of a fast-growing nation with an estimated 50 million school-age children. Despite 220,000 schools nationwide, Pakistan has over 20 million out-of-school children, according to a 2016 government report. The government has pumped money into schooling, with the education budget swelling by 15 percent every year since 2010, according to education consultancy Alif Ailaan. The United Nations puts the current budget at 2.65 percent of GDP, roughly $8 billion, or around $150 per student. But experts say the government can t meet all the education needs and part of the problem lies in quality of teaching rather than just dearth of money. It s not the number of schools, it s the quality, the attitude, said Zeba Hussain, founder of the Mashal Schools which educate children displaced by war in the country s north. Situated on the outskirts of Pakistan s capital Islamabad, the charitable schools began when Hussain met a group of refugee children while visiting the hills encircling the city. Many private institutions criticize what they describe as a deeply flawed government education system. Students are labeled smart or stupid right from the start, said Shaista Kazmi from Vision 21, a privately-funded NGO that runs speed literacy programs for out-of-school children that compress five years of reading proficiency into one. Federal education director Tariq Masood strongly disagreed with critiques of teachers, adding that population growth and funding were the biggest challenges faced by government schools. No one who is underqualified can enter the government system, there are fewer checks in the private system, Masood said. Masood said government schools adhered to a nationwide curriculum that was being constantly reworked and innovated. The country s poorest often send their children to one of the thousands of religious madrassas (the Arabic word for school) where students are boarded, fed, and given an Islamic education. Most operate without government oversight. Pakistan s madrassas have become synonmous with creating militant fighters through hardline teachings of Islam and many have been linked to organizations such as the Taliban and Al Qaeda. But many provide shelter, three full meals, and a good education to young people whose families are unable to make ends meet. In certain cases people send their kids because they can t even afford to feed them, said Irfan Sher from the Al-Nadwa Madrassa, where all subjects are prioritized and students are capable of analyzing what they are taught. Sher insists that the country s future hinges on what its youth are taught. The overall policy should be changed ... they should understand that if they want to change the country the only way is to spread quality education, he said.;October 27, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Climate change helped fuel record heat in 2016: U.S. government report;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Global warming helped fuel the hottest year on record in 2016, with greenhouse gas concentrations reaching a new high, a U.S. government report released on Thursday said. The report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration also cited a strong El Nino cycle as a factor behind the third consecutive year of record global warmth.;August 10, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Ukraine - biggest obstacle to normal Russia ties, says Tillerson;VIENNA (Reuters) - The United States would badly like to lift sanctions against Russia but will not do so until Moscow has pulled its forces out of eastern Ukraine and Crimea, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Thursday, calling that the main obstacle to normal ties. Tillerson is on a visit to Europe during which he has reassured allies with tougher rhetoric against Moscow than that of U.S. President Donald Trump, who has sought better relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Speaking at a meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), also attended by his Russian counterpart, Tillerson said Moscow was to blame for increased violence in eastern Ukraine and that had to stop. We ve made this clear to Russia from the very beginning, that we must address Ukraine, Tillerson told a news conference with his Austrian counterpart Sebastian Kurz. It stands as the single most difficult obstacle to us renormalizing the relationship with Russia, which we badly would like to do. On Wednesday, Tillerson met NATO foreign ministers and criticized Russia for the mix of state-sponsored computer hacks and Internet disinformation campaigns that NATO allies intelligence agencies say is targeted at the West. The conflict between Ukrainian forces and Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine has claimed more than 10,000 lives since it erupted in 2014. Russia denies accusations that it fomented the conflict and provided arms and fighters. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told the OSCE conference that all the responsibility is with Ukraine as far as violence in the east was concerned. In his speech to the gathering, Tillerson went even further in spelling out Russia s involvement in the conflict and the consequences it faced than he had the day before in Brussels. We should be clear about the source of this violence, Tillerson said, referring to increasing ceasefire violations recorded by OSCE monitors in eastern Ukraine. Russia is arming, leading, training and fighting alongside anti-government forces. We call on Russia and its proxies to end its harassment, intimidation and its attacks on the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission. While both sides have called for a U.N. peacekeeping force in eastern Ukraine, they disagree on the terms of its deployment, and there was little sign of concrete progress at Thursday s meeting. We will continue to work with Russia to see if we could not agree a peacekeeping force that could enter Ukraine (and) reduce the violence, Tillerson told the news conference. He and Lavrov met on the sidelines of the conference, though both ignored reporters questions when the meeting began. Asked later what commitments he had received at the meeting, Tillerson said: I m not going to tell you specifically what we get. We get progress, that s what we get. We get dialogue, we get cooperation, we don t have it solved. You don t solve it in one meeting. In his speech, he referred to the 2015 Minsk ceasefire agreement, brokered in the Belarussian capital by France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine. In eastern Ukraine, we join our European partners in maintaining sanctions until Russia withdraws its forces from the Donbass (region) and meets its Minsk commitments, Tillerson said. He also made clear that Washington did not accept Russia s seizure of the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine in 2014. We will never accept Russia s occupation and attempted annexation of Crimea. Crimea-related sanctions will remain in place until Russia returns full control of the peninsula to Ukraine, he said.;December 7, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Ireland sees 'a way to go' before agreement on border in Brexit talks;DUBLIN/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Ireland s foreign minister warned on Friday there was still a way to go in Brexit talks on the Irish border and welcomed an EU paper suggesting Britain needs to avoid regulatory divergence with the bloc if it wants to maintain a soft border. The future EU/UK land border between Ireland and Northern Ireland is one of three issues along with the exit bill and safeguarding expatriate rights that Brussels wants broadly solved before it decides in December whether to give the green light to move on to talks on future trade relations. I think that there is a way to go between the two negotiating teams to be able to provide credible answers and sufficient progress in the context of the Irish border before we can move on to Phase Two, Coveney told Irish state broadcaster RTE. While we welcome the language we get from the British government in the context of north-south challenges... there has always been a scepticism on how we are going to get there in the context of the British approach to Brexit as a whole. The Irish government has called on Britain to do more than simply promise a hard border will not return between it and Northern Ireland, which until a 1998 peace deal was separated by military checkpoints because of 30 years of sectarian violence in the British province. The best way to achieve this is by maintaining the same regulations on both sides of the border, Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said on Friday, adding that this did not amount to a demand that any part of the UK remain in the EU customs union. That point was underlined in a working paper circulated to governments by the EU s Brexit task force this week, a copy of which was seen by Reuters. It said it was essential the UK committed to ensuring no regulatory divergence emerges from the customs union if it wants to prevent a hard border. While Britain restated its commitment on Friday to avoid erecting any physical infrastructure on the border, it also plans to quit the customs union and does not want to be bound by EU rules and regulations once it leaves. Brexit minister David Davis said a deal on the border was only possible in the context of talks on future trade and that cannot amount to creating a new border inside the UK , a nod to the Northern Ireland unionists backing his government firmly opposed to the province staying in the customs union. Coveney said the working paper showed that the other 26 EU countries remained absolutely in sync with Ireland on the issue and EU diplomats said there had been no shift in position. While some analysts saw it pushing for Northern Ireland to effectively remain in the customs union and single market in order to ensure regulations remained the same on both sides of the border, it can equally be read as suggesting the whole United Kingdom must not let its rules diverge far from the EU. This is simply confronting the British with the logic of Brexit and the avoidance of a hard border, one senior EU diplomat said. Either London ensures no regulatory divergence between north and south but allows divergence between Great Britain and Northern Ireland that would create an effective customs border in the Irish Sea, he added. Or, to avoid a new internal UK border as Davis said, the UK as a whole must continue to follow EU market rules and standards closely something that EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier called for on Thursday. They need to clarify this to have sufficient progress, one Irish official said. Asked whether Ireland might veto a move onto trade talks, Coveney said he did not think it was helpful at this stage to talk about individual countries blocking things.;November 10, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Many 'lost' voters say they have found their candidate in Trump;WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992. But Republican Donald Trump’s 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a “non-politician” who can fix the “chaos” in Washington, he says. About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos. (tmsnrt.rs/1SgeLvi) These voters offer Trump a pool of voters who could be decisive either in the Republican primaries or a general election. They could be crucial for Trump in early-voting states such as Iowa and South Carolina, where his nearest rival, Senator Ted Cruz, is putting pressure on Trump and enjoys a strong base of support with more traditionally conservative voters. In Reuters/Ipsos polling from June to December 2015, 27.3 percent of these “new” voters said they would vote for Trump, higher than his poll numbers among independents and Republicans who regularly vote. By way of comparison, Cruz captures just 3.4 percent of these voters. And Senator Marco Rubio of Florida snags only 4 percent. “I’m tired of the chaos between Democrats and Republicans and want to give somebody a try who I think can make a difference,” said Wade of Trump. The 51-year-old has already switched his affiliation from Democrat to Republican and even attended a Trump campaign event in Las Vegas. He has told his three older children to get involved in the elections, although he did not say whether he wanted them to vote for Trump. Trump, the Republican front-runner, has made targeting “lost” voters such as Wade a focus of his campaign. His anti-immigrant rhetoric and protectionist trade proposals have helped him to fashion a message tailored to reach Americans alienated by the endless enmity between the political parties and who, because of declining economic prospects, may feel like neither party has done much for them. Trump’s strategy is a gamble, given the lack of reliability of many of the voters with whom he is most popular. In interviews, some of those lost voters insist they will show up, saying they are drawn to Trump’s outsider status and his willingness to upend the political system. Tucson, Arizona, resident Renay Cunningham, 56, said she had never paid much attention to politics in the past. She plans to cast her first ever vote for Trump after hearing his proposed policies to curb illegal immigration, which include building a giant wall on the southern border and making Mexico pay for it. “We need a piranha in there, and he’s definitely a piranha,” she said. Trump and his operatives are confident they can do what few of his rivals for the Republican nomination have shown they can do — expand the party’s potential voter pool. But while Democrat Barack Obama did that eight years ago by largely registering new voters, including record levels of minorities, both male and female, in urban centers, Trump’s campaign has instead largely sought out the disaffected, who tend to be overwhelmingly older, white, and less educated than the broader electorate. “My whole campaign has been focused on expanding the number of people who want to, and will, participate in this election cycle,” Trump wrote in a recent op-ed in USA Today. When analyzing “lost” or “new” voters, Reuters compiled poll results from people who haven’t voted in the previous two presidential campaigns and midterm congressional elections. The results focused only on those who said they were nearly certain to vote in the November election. It included responses from 3,440 “new” Republican and independent voters – a sample that has a credibility interval of 2 percentage points. Jan Leighley, an expert on turnout at American University, said it’s too soon to compare Trump’s “new” voters with the disenfranchised voters, especially minorities, who in 2008 turned out in record numbers to elect the first black president. Those voters didn’t find their way to the polls simply because they were inspired to make history, Leighley said. “He also had a kick-ass mobilization structure.” “Obama’s campaign went door-to-door. They canvassed whole neighborhoods. “I don’t know if he (Trump) has the campaign infrastructure to make sure that the folks who are riled up are walked to the polls on Election Day,” she said. Trump’s campaign insists he does have the infrastructure, but won’t provide specifics on how it intends to turn casual supporters into engaged voters. The campaign says it does follow up with the thousands of attendees who jam arenas for Trump’s rallies. That’s one significant advantage the reality star has over the other candidates in the Republican field, as the challenge in reaching voters who have fallen out of the political process often lies in simply locating them. “We’ve identified a lot of people in early primary states who have not participated in the process before,” campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told Reuters. Lewandowski resists the notion that Trump needs to turn out “new” or reluctant voters to win states such as Iowa. Even if the Trump campaign isn’t necessarily counting on them, it may be reassuring that his supporters among “new” voters who responded to the Reuters/Ipsos survey appear motivated to cast a vote for him. At least for the time being. Ronald Thomas, a 49-year-old truck driver and Navy veteran in North Carolina, said he, too, has never voted in a presidential contest. His girlfriend would push him to vote but he would always say “Yeah, but the right one ain’t come along yet,’” Thomas said. Trump is that man. His willingness to take on the government has set him apart as someone who would “actually look out for the people,” said Thomas. Now he wants to know how to register so that he can vote for the billionaire. And there’s Vince DiSylvester, a retired maintenance worker in Missouri, who, at 73, said has never cast a ballot for president. But Trump has inspired him to rethink that. “He’s a businessman, he knows business, he knows how to get things done,” he said. “And he tells it like it is. If you don’t like it - well, too bad.” (Editing by Ross Colvin) SAP is the sponsor of this coverage which is independently produced by the staff of Reuters News Agency.;January 17, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: As Syria cease-fire fails, Obama may leave successor 'problem from hell';WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States was relegated to the sidelines of the Syrian war on Friday as an all-out assault by Syrian government and Russian forces on opposition-held Aleppo threatened to unleash a new refugee wave and drive U.S.-backed rebels into the ranks of al Qaeda’s Syrian branch, U.S. officials and experts said. Moscow’s direct participation in the offensive left fading hope for U.S.-Russian peace efforts, raising the likelihood that U.S. President Barack Obama’s successor will inherit a worsening conflict. Entering its sixth year, the Syrian civil war already has left some 250,000 people dead, uprooted more than 11 million and provided a base for Islamic State to launch and inspire attacks in the West. “For the next president on Day One, this becomes the problem from hell,” said Frederic Hof, a former Obama adviser on Syria who is now at the Atlantic Council think tank. “It’s a problem that’s going to persist in one way or another throughout the first term of the next president and probably beyond.” A U.S. official suggested White House plans to keep Syrian chaos under control as Obama leaves office have been upended. “It was hoped that they could turn over a simmering mess to the next president,” said a U.S. official. “But what happened was that the simmering mess blew up and now they are going to have to figure out what to do.” U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that Russian aircraft, long-range artillery and special forces advisers were directly participating with Syrian government forces in the drive to conquer eastern Aleppo, the largest urban stronghold of the U.S.-backed moderate opposition. Shiite militiamen from Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan also were involved in the assault on the devastated enclave, where an estimated 250,000 civilians were suffering the most intense airstrikes of the war, they said. “The Russians are actively participating in the current offensive in Aleppo,” said one U.S. official. “It appears to be a no-holds barred attempt to crush the opposition.” Russian aircraft were flying sorties at the same rate – about 40 per day - as they were before Washington and Moscow negotiated a failed ceasefire between the Syria government and opposition forces in February, the officials said. Some U.S. intelligence officials believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin is taking advantage of Obama’s refusal to intervene militarily in Syria and his lame duck status to seize as much territory as possible before the new U.S. president takes office. These officials argue that Russia has not sincerely engaged in peace-making efforts and that Putin aims to weaken the opposition as rapidly as possible, a goal in which he is gradually succeeding. Damascus announced the offensive on Thursday as Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov failed to salvage a ceasefire that collapsed on Monday. The ceasefire was supposed to lead to U.S.-Russian cooperation on airstrikes against Islamic State and al Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, formerly known as the Nusra Front. What course Obama will now take remained unclear. “There doesn’t seem to be a Plan B right now,” Hof said. Obama has sought to restrict U.S. involvement in Syria, repeatedly rejecting proposals by advisers for actions such as establishing a no-fly zone or arming the moderate opposition fighting to topple President Bashar Assad. “One of the things that haunts me the most was our failure to ask ourselves about the consequences of inaction,” said one former senior official involved in Syria policy. “We were always focused on the consequences of action ... But we should have also considered how doing nothing for several years might have an impact on U.S. credibility and the conflict more broadly.” Obama has limited the U.S. role to supporting groups fighting Islamic State in northeastern Syria. He has pursued talks with Russia, which intervened on Assad’s behalf in September 2015, on a peace accord between U.S.-backed moderate rebels and Damascus. Obama, however, no longer can count on securing a ceasefire that will keep a lid on the crisis until his successor is sworn-in on Jan. 20, experts said. Charles Lister of the Middle East Institute think tank said he doubted that Obama would adopt a more robust policy. “Given the posture the Obama administration has developed with regards to how it faces the war in Syria, I don’t see it shifting the strategy,” he said. “That would be the most extraordinary foreign policy shift in the last eight years.” Obama, however, faces the prospect of a deepening humanitarian disaster, officials and experts said. The fall of Aleppo could unleash a new wave of migrants fleeing toward Europe, which has been struggling since last year to accommodate more than 1 million refugees. Moreover, U.S.-backed rebels, dismayed over what they saw as Obama’s abandonment of Aleppo, could begin joining al Qaeda’s Syrian branch. It is widely regarded as the most effective opposition group and has vehemently rejected a negotiated settlement with Assad, U.S. officials and experts said. Lister, who maintains contacts with rebels inside Syria, said opposition leaders are growing disillusioned with U.S. efforts to negotiate a diplomatic solution with Assad’s main military backer. “Things are deteriorating so quickly now. The U.S. is losing leverage on the ground every week,” he said.;September 23, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Helping the poor is a 'Passport to Paradise,' Pope says;"VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis welcomed the poor, homeless and unemployed as guests of honor for a Mass and gourmet meal in the Vatican on Sunday, saying that helping the needy was one way of obtaining a passport to paradise . Francis celebrated a Mass marking the Roman Catholic Church s first yearly World Day of the Poor, which the pope established to draw the attention of the world s 1.2 billion Catholics to the neediest. Volunteers from charity organizations brought about 7,000 needy people to St Peter s Basilica for a special Mass celebrated by the pope, who has made defense of the poor, immigrants and downtrodden a major plank of his papacy. About 1,500 of them were having lunch with the pope in the Vatican s large audience hall and others were being taken to eat as guests in nearby pontifical colleges. Most of the needy people were from Rome and other parts of Italy but charity groups also brought groups from France, Spain, Germany and Poland. If in the eyes of the world they (the poor) have little value, they are the ones who open to us the way to heaven; they are our passport to paradise . For us it is an evangelical duty to care for them ..., he said in his homily. God will not ask us if we felt righteous indignation, but whether we did some good, he said, labeling indifference as a sin of omission. The pope said this is when we say, that doesn t concern me; it s not my business, it s society s problem. It is when we turn away from a brother or sister in need, when we change channels as soon as a disturbing question comes up, when we grow indignant at evil but do nothing about it. The menu for the poor was selected by Sergio Dussin, the same chef who prepares meals for visiting dignitaries at Vatican conferences. It consisted of dishes the poor can only dream of: mini gnocchi, fish with tomatoes, olives, Venetian cheese, veal with vegetables and Venetian-style tiramisu for dessert. Three days after his election in 2013, Francis said: Oh, how I would like a poor Church, and for the poor. He since given up some of the trappings of the papacy, shunning the spacious papal apartments in the Vatican s Apostolic Palace for a modest residence in a guest house. He also has put aside the papal limousine and is driven around Rome in a simple blue Ford Focus.";November 19, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ESPN’s Jemele Hill: Don’t Tell Me To Just “Stick to Sports” [Video];ESPN s Jemele Hill might think she s a political pundit AND a sports anchor on ESPN but she s not. Americans are sick to death of ESPN turning everything into a political debate. Americans want to watch sports and are turning off ESPN in droves because of people like Hill. She s not getting the message. If ESPN wants to keep an audience, they might want to clue her in This video is from The Root They commented that Hill is using her platform Platform? She s a ESPN sportscaster NOT a political pundit!IN CASE YOU MISSED IT JEMELE HILL CALLED PRESIDENT TRUMP AND KID ROCK WHITE SUPREMACISTS:ESPN host Jemele Hill called President Trump and Kid Rock white supremacists . It didn t end there she said in one of several tweets that Trump is unfit to be president. The screenshot below gives you an idea of how Hill represents ESPN on twitter. It s disgusting!What did ESPN do? You guessed it NOTHING! They tweeted out a mild apology and that s it!This is after Mike Ditka was fired for supporting President Trump and criticizing Obama. Kurt Schilling was also fired after posting a picture on social media against transgender bathrooms.Why hasn t this woman been fired by ESPN?Please contact ESPN to let them know how you feel about this outrage: ESPNTucker Carlson spoke with the awesome Clay Travis last night. Travis shed some light on why Hill is still employed by ESPN:;Sep 21, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: DELUSIONAL DEMOCRAT AL GREEN: “I Will Draw Up Documents of Impeachment” [Video];Texas Democrat Rep. Al Green announced on Wednesday he would draw up articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump. This is the second time he s done this he s obviously got Trump Derangement Syndrome!Two delusional Democrats can t let this go Trump derangement syndrome!Now There Are Two: Rep. Brad Sherman Joins Rep. Al Green in Call to Impeach Trump https://t.co/GoebRqz8zO pic.twitter.com/BhXq7LDpUq Mediaite (@Mediaite) June 7, 2017OUR PAST REPORT ON AL GREEN S CALL FOR IMPEACHMENT: Spewing falsehoods has become the favorite pastime of Democrats It s really pitiful to watch Last night, following the release of the Washington Post fake news on Trump and Russia, several videos immediately came out repeating the same fake news. It s uncanny that the media could be so coordinated in their reports on President Trump Of course, we believe there s something to that.Two Congresscritters have come out to call for the impeachment of President Trump .With ZERO evidence of ANY wrongdoing, it s laughable One of our favorites is Maxine Waters but this next Congressman runs a close second. Al Green claims Trump was hobnobbing with the Russians Haha!Congressman Al Green just released a statement on why he believes President Trump should be impeached. This statement is laughable. Was Al Green elected because of his name? Voters can be that way, ya know This guy is the definition of clueless! Who elects these brainiacs?Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has suggested impeachment during TV interviews, but Green is the first member of Congress to formally call for impeachment hearings.Green said Trump s own public statements showed he fired Comey over the Russia investigation, which he said was grounds for impeachment:Waters and Green are a total joke! These are just two of the jokers running Washington. This is truly scary.;Jun 8, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Finger in Every Pie: How CIA Produces Our ‘News’ and Entertainment;"21st Century Wire says In so many respects, our media is not our own.In the past, 21WIRE has detailed various aspects of Operation Mockingbird and other CIA-related media pursuits, as well as many other bogus news stories which appear on a regular basis.Claire Danes as Carrie Mathison in Homeland (Season 4, PR Art). Photo: Jim Fiscus/SHOWTIME Previously, we showed how the Hollywood hit ZeroDarkThirty was a completely fabricated piece of fiction which was passed on to the public as a true story . Also, the popular TV series, Homeland, is one of the most obvious propaganda productions in recent years, designed to reinforce many flawed assumptions and false believes about the world outside of the United States.Did you know that the CIA has actually produced a number of high-profile history TV programs that appear on US and world media channels?Yes, it s true SputnikThe Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has a finger in every pie including the entertainment business: it turns out that the CIA has played a role in producing at least 22 entertainment projects; investigative journalist Adam Johnson argues that by doing this the US intelligence agency puts American media workers at risk.It seems that the US Central Intelligence Agency follows the theory that says that there are no little or insignificant things. The intelligence agency has long been keeping an eye on the Western entertainment industry and has even had a role in producing popular fiction movies and documentaries.In his article for Fair.org media watchdog investigative journalist Adam Johnson argues that this type of collaboration may cast a shadow over the image of US media workers and even put them at risk. For years, artists from across the entertainment industry actors, authors, directors, producers, screenwriters, and others have been in touch with the CIA to gain a better understanding of our intelligence mission, the CIA public website reads.According to the website, the CIA s goal in engaging with the industry is to ensure an accurate portrayal of the men and women of the CIA, and the skill, innovation, daring, and commitment to public service that defines them. Continue this article at Sputnik NewsREAD MORE HOLLYWOOD NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Hollywood Files";April 12, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump's surge confounds rivals, makes him betting favorite;"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s chances of clinching the U.S. Republican presidential nomination shot to a record high on global betting websites on Wednesday and the billionaire businessman, long viewed as a political outsider, won his first endorsement from a member of Congress. Trump easily won the Nevada caucuses on Tuesday, giving him his third win in four early nominating contests and pressuring Republican rivals to come up with a way to stop a candidate who only last year was not seen as a serious contender for the Nov. 8 presidential election. The real estate magnate swept Nevada by a margin of 22 percentage points, winning 45.9 percent of the vote. It was the high point so far of an unorthodox campaign during which Trump has fought with Pope Francis, called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States and promised to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border to prevent illegal immigration. Trump’s Nevada win is likely to further frustrate Republican establishment figures who, less than a month ago, were hoping his campaign as a political outsider was stalled after he lost the opening nominating contest in Iowa to Ted Cruz, a U.S. senator from Texas. In his victory speech in Nevada, the former reality TV show host courted his base of blue-collar workers. “I love the poorly educated,” he said, mentioning several demographic groups among whom he said he was winning. By Wednesday, that phrase was being widely discussed online, with some finding it funny and others arguing it was a welcome, nonjudgmental embrace of a constituency that other politicians might speak of only as a problem to be fixed. Trump’s nearest rivals, Cruz and Marco Rubio, a U.S. senator from Florida, have frequently attacked each other, clearing a path for Trump to the Republican nomination that includes primary elections in a slew of southern states on March 1, known as Super Tuesday. “These guys have to figure out how to turn their fire on Trump,” said Ford O’Connell, a Republican strategist in Washington. Absent that, he said: “Which one is going to get out of this field?” Rubio said Trump was only backed by a minority of Republicans. “The vast and overwhelming majority of Republicans do not want Trump to be the nominee,” he told NBC, citing the network’s recent opinion poll putting him 15 points ahead of Trump in a one-on-one match-up. “As long as there are four people running dividing up the non-Trump vote sooner, you’re going to get results like what you saw last night.” Rubio and Cruz have struggled to match the popularity of Trump, who is more ready than the two senators to deviate from the tenets of the Republican Party’s brand of conservatism, including free trade and supply-side economics. Betting venues in Britain, Ireland and New Zealand show the online wagering community coalescing around Trump, once considered an interloper, attracting long-shot odds of 200/1. Odds for Trump becoming the Republican candidate for November have tightened all the way to 1/2 in some cases. “Mr Trump has triumphed yet again, despite political analysts almost unanimously writing him off as a serious presidential contender,” said Graham Sharpe from William Hill (WMH.L), adding one customer stood to collect at least $100,000 if Trump was elected to the White House. On Wednesday, Chris Collins, a Republican congressman from Trump’s home state of New York, became the first national lawmaker to endorse Trump, saying in a statement “it’s time to say no to professional politicians and yes to someone who has created jobs and grown a business.” While more than 1,200 delegates are needed to secure the Republican presidential nomination, Trump has built a formidable head start over Rubio, who came in second in Nevada with 23.9 percent, and Cruz with 21.4 percent. Opinion polls show Trump ahead in most Super Tuesday states. The primary election next Tuesday in Cruz’s home state of Texas is looming as a make-or-break moment for him after Trump’s growing success among the senator’s core base of evangelicals and other conservative supporters. “Texans have a good ability to see through baloney, to see through a smokescreen, to see through rhetoric and to look to substance,” Cruz said at an event in Houston, the state’s largest city. “I believe that is exactly what Texans are going to do next Tuesday.” (Additional reporting by Alana Wise and Eric Walsh; Written by James Oliphant and Jonathan Allen; Editing by Alistair Bell) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production.";February 24, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. has 'frank' exchange on South China Sea during Trump visit;BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States and China had a frank exchange of views on the disputed South China Sea during a visit to Beijing by U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said. China claims almost the entire strategic waterway through which about $3-trillion worth of goods pass every year, building and militarizing artificial islands. Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also have conflicting claims. The issue is likely to feature prominently at two regional summits starting this week, one in Vietnam and the other in the Philippines, which Trump and several leaders will attend. Chinese President Xi Jinping will attend the Vietnam meeting. We had a frank exchange here in China on maritime security issues and the South China Sea. The U.S. position remains unchanged, Tillerson told reporters. We insist on upholding freedom of navigation, that claimants be consistent with international law and that claimants should stop construction and militarization of outposts in order to maximize prospects for successful diplomacy, he added. Both Xi and Trump expressed support for the protection of peace and stability in the South China Sea, China s Foreign Ministry said in a statement following the leaders talks. Both leaders also support the peaceful resolution and management of the dispute via talks and in accordance with accepted international law , it added. Both sides support the protection of freedom of navigation and overflight for all countries, in accordance with international law, it said.The United States has angered China with freedom of navigation patrols close to Chinese-controlled islands in the South China Sea, which have been continued by the Trump administration. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, in an apparent policy shift, said on Wednesday he planned to ask China to make clear its intentions in the South China Sea, during Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) meetings in Vietnam. Since coming to office 16 months ago, the firebrand leader has been conciliatory to Beijing, despite a ruling by an international arbitration court favoring the Philippines in its territorial dispute with China. In the past, Duterte has repeatedly said he will raise the sea dispute at the proper time and avoided the issue when Manila hosted two regional meetings this year.;November 9, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Harvard Republicans Disavow Trump, Call On The GOP To Abandon Him;Republicans are flocking away from the GOP s presidential candidate in droves. One group of Republicans just joined the ranks of those who cannot support Donald Trump. The Harvard Republican Club has decided that they cannot in good conscience support Trump s presidential bid.On Thursday, the Harvard Republican Club s editorial board published a press release that masterfully lays out the case as to why they cannot and nor should anyone else support Trump: In every presidential election since 1888, the members and Executive Board of the Harvard Republican Club have gathered to discuss, debate, and eventually endorse the standard-bearer of our party. But for the first time in 128 years, we, the oldest College Republicans chapter in the nation, will not be endorsing the Republican nominee.Donald Trump holds views that are antithetical to our values not only as Republicans, but as Americans. The rhetoric he espouses from racist slander to misogynistic taunts is not consistent with our conservative principles, and his repeated mocking of the disabled and belittling of the sacrifices made by prisoners of war, Gold Star families, and Purple Heart recipients is not only bad politics, but absurdly cruel. According to the Harvard Crimson, very few members of the Harvard Republican Club planned on supporting Trump. Only 10% of their membership indicated that they support Trump. An overwhelming majority 80% said that they will not support Trump. 10% of the club was still undecided at the time they were asked. You can read the full letter below.Dear Members and Alumni,In every presidential election since 1888, the members and Executive Board of the Harvard Republican Club have gathered to discuss, debate, and eventually endorse the standard-bearer of our party. But for the first time in 128 years, we, the oldest College Republicans chapter in the nation, will not be endorsing the Republican nominee.Donald Trump holds views that are antithetical to our values not only as Republicans, but as Americans. The rhetoric he espouses from racist slander to misogynistic taunts is not consistent with our conservative principles, and his repeated mocking of the disabled and belittling of the sacrifices made by prisoners of war, Gold Star families, and Purple Heart recipients is not only bad politics, but absurdly cruel.If enacted, Donald Trump s platform would endanger our security both at home and abroad. Domestically, his protectionist trade policies and draconian immigration restrictions would enlarge our federal deficit, raise prices for consumers, and throw our economy back into recession. Trump s global outlook, steeped in isolationism, is considerably out-of-step with the traditional Republican stance as well. The flippancy with which he is willing to abdicate the United States responsibility to lead is alarming. Calling for the US withdrawal from NATO and actively endorsing nuclear proliferation, Donald Trump s foreign policy would wreak havoc on the established world order which has held aggressive foreign powers in check since World War II.Perhaps most importantly, however, Donald Trump simply does not possess the temperament and character necessary to lead the United States through an increasingly perilous world. The last week should have made obvious to all what has been obvious to most for more than a year. In response to any slight perceived or real Donald Trump lashes out viciously and irresponsibly. In Trump s eyes, disagreement with his actions or his policies warrants incessant name calling and derision: stupid, lying, fat, ugly, weak, failing, idiot and that s just his fellow Republicans.He isn t eschewing political correctness. He is eschewing basic human decency.Donald Trump, despite spending more than a year on the campaign trail, has either refused or been unable to educate himself on issues that matter most to Americans like us. He speaks only in platitudes, about greatness, success, and winning. Time and time again, Trump has demonstrated his complete lack of knowledge on critical matters, meandering from position to position over the course of the election. When confronted about these frequent reversals, Trump lies in a manner more brazen and shameless than anything politics has ever seen.Millions of people across the country are feeling despondent. Their hours have been cut, wages slashed, jobs even shipped overseas. But Donald Trump doesn t have a plan to fix that. He has a plan to exploit that.Donald Trump is a threat to the survival of the Republic. His authoritarian tendencies and flirtations with fascism are unparalleled in the history of our democracy. He hopes to divide us by race, by class, and by religion, instilling enough fear and anxiety to propel himself to the White House. He is looking to to pit neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend, American against American. We will not stand for this vitriolic rhetoric that is poisoning our country and our children.President Reagan called on us to maintain this, our shining city on a hill. He called on us to maintain freedom abroad by keeping a strong presence in the world. He called on us to maintain liberty at home by upholding the democratic process and respecting our opponents. He called on us to maintain decency in our hearts by loving our neighbor.He would be ashamed of Donald Trump. We are too.This fall, we will instead focus our efforts on reclaiming the Republican Party from those who have done it considerable harm, campaigning for candidates who will uphold the conservative principles that have defined the Republican Party for generations. We will work to ensure both chambers of Congress remain in Republican hands, continuing to protect against executive overreach regardless of who wins the election this November.We call on our party s elected leaders to renounce their support of Donald Trump, and urge our fellow College Republicans to join us in condemning and withholding their endorsement from this dangerous man. The conservative movement in America should not and will not go quietly into the night.A longtime student of American democracy, Alexis de Tocqueville once said, America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great. De Tocqueville believed in the United States. Americans are a decent people. We work hard, protect our own, and look out for one another in times of need, regardless of the color of our skin, the God we worship, or our party registration. Donald Trump may not believe in that America, but we do. And that America will never cease to be great.The Harvard Republican ClubGood going, Harvard Republicans. Now, hopefully the GOP leadership will follow suit.Featured image from Gage Skidmore/Flickr with text added;August 5, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump ends 'Dreamer' immigration program, places onus on Congress;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Tuesday scrapped an Obama-era program that protects from deportation immigrants brought illegally into the United States as children, delaying implementation until March and giving a gridlocked Congress six months to decide the fate of almost 800,000 young people. As the so-called Dreamers who have benefited from the five-year-old program were plunged into uncertainty, business and religious leaders, mayors, governors, Democratic lawmakers, unions, civil liberties advocates and former Democratic President Barack Obama all condemned Trump’s move. The action was announced not by Trump but by Jeff Sessions, his attorney general, who called the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program an unconstitutional overreach by Obama. There will be an “orderly, lawful wind-down,” Sessions said. Trump later issued a written statement saying that “I do not favor punishing children, most of whom are now adults, for the actions of their parents. But we must also recognize that we are (a) nation of opportunity because we are a nation of laws.” He denounced Obama’s program as an “amnesty-first approach” toward illegal immigrants and pressed his nationalist “America First” message, saying that despite concerns voiced by his critics about the fate of the Dreamers, “Above all else, we must remember that young Americans have dreams too.” On Tuesday evening, the Republican president tweeted that lawmakers now had six months to “legalize DACA” and that if they did not, he would “revisit this issue!” Obama issued his own statement calling Trump’s action a political decision, defending DACA’s legality and urging Congress to protect Dreamers. “This is about young people who grew up in America - kids who study in our schools, young adults who are starting careers, patriots who pledge allegiance to our flag. These Dreamers are Americans in their hearts, in their minds, in every single way but one: on paper,” Obama said. The Trump administration said nobody covered by the program, which provided work permits in addition to deportation protection and primarily benefits Hispanics, would be affected before March 5. Most people covered by DACA are in their 20s. Trump shifted responsibility to a Congress controlled by his fellow Republicans and said it was now up to lawmakers to pass immigration legislation that could address the fate of those protected by DACA who would be in danger of deportation. Trump and Sessions offered no details of the type of legislation they would want to see, and Trump’s spokeswoman offered only a broad outline. “I have a love for these people (DACA recipients), and hopefully now Congress will be able to help them and do it properly,” Trump later told reporters at the White House, adding: “I think it’s going to work out very well.” Since Trump took office in January, Congress has been unable to pass any major legislation, most notably failing on a healthcare overhaul, and lawmakers have been bitterly divided over immigration in the past. “President Trump’s decision to end DACA is a deeply shameful act of political cowardice and a despicable assault on innocent young people in communities across America,” said Nancy Pelosi, the top Democrat in the House of Representatives. The Democratic attorney general of Massachusetts, Maura Healey, said a coalition of states planned to file suit in the coming days to defend DACA, and one advocacy group announced its own legal action. “This is a sad day for our country,” added Facebook Inc (FB.O) founder Mark Zuckerberg. “The decision to end DACA is not just wrong. It is particularly cruel to offer young people the American Dream, encourage them to come out of the shadows and trust our government, and then punish them for it.” Brad Smith, president of Microsoft Corp (MSFT.O), urged Congress to “put the humanitarian needs of these 800,000 people on the legislative calendar” before tax-cut legislation sought by Trump. Nearly 800,000 people stepped forward, admitted their illegal immigrant status and provided personal information to the government to apply for the DACA program. They now face the prospect of being deported starting in March. Dreamers are a fraction of the roughly 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States. “The cancellation of the DACA program is reprehensible,” the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops said in a statement. But White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said: “It’s not cold hearted for the president to uphold the law.” Trump said DACA recipients would not be deportation priorities unless they were criminals or gang members. Ending DACA was the latest action by Trump sure to alienate Hispanic Americans, a growing segment of the U.S. population and an increasingly important voting bloc. Most of the immigrants protected by DACA came from Mexico and other Latin American countries. The Mexican government said it “profoundly laments” Trump’s decision to end DACA and pledged to strengthen efforts to guarantee consular protections for affected Mexican citizens. The Homeland Security Department will provide a limited window - until Oct. 5 - for some DACA recipients whose work permits expire before March 5 to apply to renew those permits. In addition, the department will adjudicate any new DACA requests, or renewal requests, accepted as of Tuesday. That would mean that some beneficiaries of DACA could work legally in the country through 2019. The administration said the president’s decision was prompted in part by a threat from several Republican state attorneys general, led by Texas, to file legal challenges in federal court if Trump did not act to end DACA. Late on Tuesday, Texas state Attorney General Ken Paxton said he withdrew the 10-state suit after Trump’s decision. House Speaker Paul Ryan called on lawmakers to find a long-term solution for the young people affected by the reversal of the program. Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Congress “will continue working on securing our border and ensuring a lawful system of immigration that works.” Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said there could be a winning formula by coupling legislation to provide legal status for Dreamers with additional border security measures, although he said support was lacking in Congress for Trump’s proposed border wall. Trump made a crackdown on illegal immigrants a centerpiece of his 2016 election campaign, promising to deport every illegal immigrant. The decision to end DACA is the latest action by Trump to erase key parts of his Democratic predecessor’s legacy. That includes pulling the United States out of the Paris climate accord, abandoning a 12-nation Pacific trade deal, seeking to dismantle the Obamacare healthcare law, rolling back environmental protections, reversing parts of Obama’s opening to Cuba and removing protections for transgender people.;September 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. tax plan roils popular bet in bond market;NEW YORK (Reuters) - Passage of a long-anticipated U.S. tax overhaul has up-ended the bond market’s favorite trade of the year as yields on some long-dated Treasuries shot to their highest in months, but doubts that the tax cuts will fuel inflation have many investors confident the reversal will be short-lived. The view that the U.S. Federal Reserve will keep raising short-term interest rates, even as inflation remains subdued, has made longer-dated Treasury bonds more appealing to own than short-dated ones. This has made so-called yield curve flattener trades - a bet that the gap between short- and long-dated bond yields will narrow - a profitable bet in the bond market this year. Investors’ appetite for this trade drove the yield curve to its flattest level in a decade earlier this week. However, a sharp reversal got underway as the tax bill’s passage became certain, paving the way for a bigger government deficit and more federal borrowing. “It’s a great time to cash out,” said Brian Reynolds, asset class strategist at New York-based Canaccord Genuity. Both Republican-controlled Congressional chambers have approved the tax legislation, and President Donald Trump is expected to sign it in the days ahead. The Treasury market selloff pushed the benchmark 10-year yield up to nearly 2.50 percent, its highest in nine months and the 30-year yield to around 2.87 percent, a five-week peak. Some analysts reckoned the jump in yields reflects investors demanding higher compensation, or term premium, in case the tax cuts stoke inflation and hurt longer-dated bonds. How long this prevails is an open question, though, given previous episodes of curve steepening in the last year have quickly faded. “In other words, sharp term premium moves tend not be permanent,” Cornerstone Macro analysts said in a note on Wednesday. In late afternoon trading, the spread between two-year and 10-year Treasury yields was 63 basis points versus 60 basis points on Tuesday and around 51 earlier in the week. Even with this week’s steepening, the two-to-10-year part of the curve has flattened nearly 63 basis points this year. Curve flatteners are seen as likely to regain popularity in the long run due to a low inflation outlook and sturdy global demand for long-dated U.S. debt. In the short term, however, it may prove a choppy trade as investors gauge the bill’s impact. “It’s hard to predict how the yield curve would behave in the short term. The biggest question is the timing and level of cash flows going to the government after tax reform,” Canaccord’s Reynolds said. One factor is the mountain of corporate cash held overseas. As part of the new tax code, U.S. multinational companies could bring back some of the estimated $2.6 trillion in business profits they have overseas and the Treasury Department could benefit from the taxes on the repatriated money. Reynolds estimated the Treasury might receive as much as $225 billion in tax receipts in 2018 if the companies bring back all their overseas profits. This means the government could issue fewer two- and three-year Treasury securities, pressuring these yields lower and steepening the yield curve into 2019, he said. Independent government estimates suggest the tax plan could add at least $1 trillion to the $20 trillion in national debt in 10 years as the Treasury Department would ratchet up borrowing to compensate for shortfalls in tax receipts. The degree to which the bill may spur both business investment and consumer spending, which could lift tax receipts and cap the rise in the deficit, is another key unknown for the shape of the yield curve going forward. Still, the dominant view on Wall Street remains that the cut will provide only a short-term bump up in economic growth, and many analysts expect the longer-term curve-flattening trend to reassert itself in the year ahead. “Accordingly, we maintain our conviction on curve flattening going into 2018,” Morgan Stanley analysts wrote in a note on Wednesday.;December 20, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Russia to U.S., Trump: Sort out your own pre-election hacking scandal;MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia told the United States on Thursday to get to the bottom of a hacking scandal involving Democratic Party emails itself and rejected what Donald Trump said was a sarcastic suggestion that Moscow should dig up Hillary Clinton’s “missing” emails. Trump, the Republican Party’s presidential candidate, angered Democrats on Wednesday by inviting Russia to unearth tens of thousands of emails from rival Clinton’s tenure as U.S. secretary of state. He spoke out after President Barack Obama said it was possible Russia might try to influence the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election after a leak of Democratic National Committee emails that experts blamed on Russian hackers. Suggestions of Russian involvement have riled the Kremlin, which has categorically denied this and accused U.S. politicians of seeking to play on Cold War-style American fears of Moscow by fabricating stories for electoral purposes. President Vladimir Putin has tried to avoid giving the impression of favoring any U.S. candidate, while hailing the populist Trump as being “very talented”. Russian state TV coverage has tended to tilt towards Trump over Clinton. On Thursday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said accusations of a Russian hand in hacking Democratic Party emails bordered on “total stupidity” and were motivated by anti-Russian sentiment. He rejected Trump’s apparently sarcastic suggestion for Russia to dig up Clinton’s emails point-blank. “As regards these (email) batches, that is not our headache. We never poke our noses into others’ affairs and we really don’t like it when people try to poke their nose into ours,” he said. “The Americans need to get to the bottom of what these emails are themselves and find out what it’s all about.” Trump, who has repeatedly said he would strive for better U.S. relations with Russia if he won the presidency, also raised eyebrows by saying he would consider recognizing Ukraine’s Crimea as part of Russia, which annexed the region in 2014. Peskov said the Kremlin was unmoved by that comment, and it would not change what he says has been its neutral stance on U.S. presidential candidates. “We know perfectly well that candidates in the heat of a pre-election struggle say one thing, but that later, when under the weight of responsibility, their rhetoric becomes more balanced.” In response to Trump’s remarks on Crimea, Ukraine’s U.N. Ambassador Volodymyr Yelchenko said on Thursday: “Mr. Trump is not the president of the United States, at least not yet.” “Secondly, there are the well-known decisions of the United Nations. ... I’m pretty sure that any U.S. government will pay full respect to those decisions,” he told reporters. In March 2014, the 193-member United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution declaring invalid Crimea’s Moscow-backed referendum seceding from Ukraine. Analysts say the Kremlin would welcome a Trump victory in November because the wealthy New York businessman has repeatedly praised Putin, spoken of wanting to get along with Russia, and has said he would consider an alliance with Moscow against Islamic State. Trump’s suggestion that he might abandon NATO’s pledge to automatically defend all member states is also likely to have gone down well in Moscow, where the Western military alliance is cast as an outdated Cold War relic.;July 28, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Tweets Deranged, Self-Congratulatory ‘Fake News’ Rant And Gets His Ass Stomped By The Internet;"Trump s ongoing meltdown over fake news (the rest of us call it reporting) organizations entered what seems like its eighteenth year on Wednesday after NBC correctly reported on the Today show that companies like Wal-Mart and General Motors are pulling a fast one on Trump by saying that job creation that was going to happen anyway was because of him in an effort to trick him into liking them.But don t take NBC s word for it.The CEOs of Fiat Chrysler and Ford said job announcements were business decisions and not a result of pressure from Trump https://t.co/lh8MhyoIAf David Shepardson (@davidshepardson) January 18, 2017Nevertheless, Trump decried any reporting that does not place him as some kind of job creation wizard as fake news, the new right-wing term for facts in third person, nonetheless.Totally biased @NBCNews went out of its way to say that the big announcement from Ford, G.M., Lockheed & others that jobs are coming back Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 18, 2017to the U.S., but had nothing to do with TRUMP, is more FAKE NEWS. Ask top CEO's of those companies for real facts. Came back because of me! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 18, 2017Reuters reporter David Shepardson did ask the CEOs of Fiat Chrysler and Ford, both of whom confirmed that Trump has nothing to do with anything their companies do.The CEOs of Fiat Chrysler and Ford said job announcements were business decisions and not a result of pressure from Trump https://t.co/lh8MhyoIAf David Shepardson (@davidshepardson) January 18, 2017Trump s rant continued:""Bayer AG has pledged to add U.S. jobs and investments after meeting with President-elect Donald Trump, the latest in a string "" @WSJ Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 18, 2017No wonder the Today Show on biased @NBC is doing so badly compared to its glorious past. Little credibility! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 18, 2017[Fun Fact: The Today Show celebrated a record-setting month in December]This massive outpouring of dumbf*ckery, of course, did not go unchecked for long. The Internet swept in and was nice enough to remind Trump as they do as part of the ritual surrounding his moronic Twitter musings daily that he is an utter failure of a human being in every way..@realDonaldTrump No, they reported the truth. pic.twitter.com/IMdM4PPFYS Jordan Uhl (@JordanUhl) January 18, 2017.@realDonaldTrump Just because the reporting doesn't fit your false narrative doesn't make it ""fake."" You're setting a dangerous precedent. pic.twitter.com/OhBCsh1lQA Jordan Uhl (@JordanUhl) January 18, 2017@realDonaldTrump Don't let your Twitter minions lull you into a false sense of security this is why the world thinks you're a joke. Kris Sanchez (@KrisSanchez) January 18, 2017@realDonaldTrump so the only media we can trust are Golf Digest, Infowars, Breitbart, and your Twitter feed. Got it. Matt Haig (@matthaig1) January 18, 2017.@realDonaldTrump Honey you're about to be sworn in as President of the United States and you're frantically trashing a TV show. Bess Kalb (@bessbell) January 18, 2017@realDonaldTrump @nbc Jesus, are you just going to try to smear and discredit all mainstream media as President? Total embarrassment. Sad! Mike P Williams (@Mike_P_Williams) January 18, 2017@realDonaldTrump @nbc just like The Apprentice, with Executive Producer DJT? That's you! Tanking just like your approval rating. Sad! Andy Sternberg (@andysternberg) January 18, 2017Can he just go back to his morning shower? @BenSRachinger @realDonaldTrump @nbc pic.twitter.com/2yzepUTDmS No Filter Alexa ? (@realAlexaPark) January 18, 2017@realDonaldTrump Well, if anyone knows about having little credibility, it's the guy who refuses to pay people who perform services for him. Jordan Brenner (@JordanBrenner) January 18, 2017@realDonaldTrump @nbc President Putin showered praise on you yesterday. Your thoughts? pic.twitter.com/rSZxP5dcQz Jean-Pierre Boutros (@BoutrosTO) January 18, 2017Donald Trump will be our President on Friday and his primary focus is attacking news organizations who report unflattering but true things about him. If this is the sort of behavior we can expect from him as POTUS, we are totally f*cked.Featured image via Getty Images/Win McNamee";January 18, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: North Korea moving airplanes, boosting defense after U.S. bomber flight: Yonhap;SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea has been moving airplanes and boosting defenses on its east coast after the United States dispatched B-1B bombers to the Korean peninsula over the weekend, South Korea s Yonhap News Agency reported on Tuesday, citing the country s spy agency. The United States seemed to have disclosed the flight route of the bombers intentionally because North Korea seemed to be unaware, the report said. South Korea s National Intelligence Service was unable to confirm the report immediately. North Korea s foreign minister said on Monday that U.S. President Donald Trump had declared war on North Korea and that Pyongyang reserved the right to take countermeasures, including shooting down U.S. bombers even if they are not in its air space.;September 26, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Religious liberty bill passes Georgia state legislature;(In March 16 item, corrects timing of legislative session in final paragraph) By Rich McKay ATLANTA (Reuters) - A religious freedom bill described by opponents as being discriminatory against same-sex couples passed the Georgia state legislature on Wednesday night in an 11th-hour vote ahead of the session’s close. The legislation, dubbed the Religious Liberty Bill, still has to be signed by Georgia’s Republican Governor Nathan Deal to become law. Deal has made clear that he will not sign a bill that allows discrimination, but his office did not immediately respond to request for comment on Wednesday night. Similar bills in states like Indiana and Arkansas sparked storms of criticism last year, forcing many lawmakers to retreat from the provisions. The Georgia bill, reworked several times by lawmakers amid criticism that earlier versions went too far, declares that no pastor can be forced to perform a same-sex wedding. The bill also grants faith-based organizations – churches, religious schools or associations - the right to reject holding events for people or groups of whom they object. Faith-based groups also could not be forced to hire or retain an employee whose beliefs run counter to the organization’s. Opponents say the bill could be used to deny services and discriminate against same-sex couples. “The decision by the legislature today was to make an egregious and discriminatory bill even worse,” the Human Rights Campaign, which represents the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, said in a statement. “It’s appalling that anti-equality extremists in the legislature are trying to ignore the will of the people of Georgia,” it said. Mike Griffin, a lobbyist and spokesman for the Georgia Baptist Convention, applauded the bill’s passage. He said that while the bill did not give them everything they wanted, he added: “We feel we’ve advanced our protection of our First Amendment Right to religious freedom.” “Our rights of religious liberty don’t end inside the four walls of a church,” he said. In a late added amendment, the proposed law says that it cannot allow discrimination already prohibited by federal law, which opponents said could nullify some of its provisions. More than 300 large corporations and small businesses, including Delta Airlines and Coca Cola, have signed a pledge decrying the Georgia legislation and urging the state lawmakers to drop it. The state legislature is set to wrap up its current legislative session next week.;March 17, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Iowa pulls request to opt out of Obamacare requirements;(Reuters) - Iowa on Monday withdrew a request to waive some Obamacare rules to help shore up its struggling healthcare insurance market, marking a setback in efforts by Republican-governed states to sidestep requirements of the Obama-era law. With open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act - better known as Obamacare - set to start in just over a week, the state announced it would no longer wait to hear if federal officials would approve its request aimed at cutting individual healthcare insurance premiums and widening coverage. The withdrawal prompted a leading U.S. Senate Republican to urge Congress to approve a bipartisan fix to Obamacare, which President Donald Trump has vowed to scrap. Iowa was viewed as a test case by some for other states that submitted similar, if far less-reaching, waivers and of how the Trump administration would respond to such requests. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds said the law had not been flexible enough to accommodate the state’s request. “Ultimately, Obamacare is an inflexible law that Congress must repeal and replace,” the governor said in a statement, adding that premiums under Obamacare had increased by 110 percent for Iowans since 2013. Iowa sought the waiver after its individual healthcare marketplace shrank to only one insurer for next year, Minnesota-based Medica. Some of the state’s requests were similar to provisions included in Republican repeal and replace bills this year. For instance, the waiver sought to replace Obamacare’s income-based tax credits with flat age-based credits and eliminate insurer payments that Trump cut off earlier this month. Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee, said the move by Iowa demonstrated the need for repairs to Obamacare that he and Democratic Senator Patty Murray have proposed aimed at stabilizing insurance markets. It would also provide states more flexibility in reshaping some parts of Obamacare. Trump has sent mixed signals over whether he would support the bipartisan fix. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Sunday that he was willing to bring up the proposal for a vote but needed to know where Trump stood. Alexander said the bipartisan repair proposal would allow the federal government to approve Iowa’s waiver. Alexander told reporters that the Congressional Budget Office, a nonpartisan scorekeeper, would soon announce its analysis of the bipartisan repair legislation, possibly on Tuesday.;October 24, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Under The GOP’s Health Care Bill, Premiums Could Rise By Up To 850% For Low-Income Older Americans;If you are a low-income earner and over 64 years of age, just be warned: You will be paying more than half of your annual income on health insurance in the individual market under the Republican Party s new health care bill set to replace Obamacare, the American Health Care Act.The Congressional Budget Office found that the revised bill does, in fact, bring down overall premiums in the individual market at a rate of between four to twenty percent by 2026 when compared to the current law. The variation in percentage differs state-by-state, depending on whether the state accepts regulatory waivers under the American Health Care Act, which would allow insurers to offer much skimpier health plans at lower premiums. What this means is that states that allow the waivers would have far lower premiums, but the individual would be covered for a lot less, as well, whereas states that don t have the waivers would have a higher rate, but more comprehensive coverage.Premiums would also differ greatly depending on age and income and it looks pretty grim for individuals in an older age bracket who are on a fixed income.Using an annual income of $26,500 as an example, an individual aged 21 years old may have an advantage with the new scheme. Currently, under the Affordable Care Act, that individual pays an average of $1,700 per year on insurance premiums. This amount would drop to just $1,250 under the American Health Care Act if their state accepts regulatory waivers, although they would be covered for less. In a state that doesn t accept waivers, the average premiums for a 21-year-old would actually increase by around $50 per annum to about $1,750 per year.However, a 64-year-old on an annual income of $26,500 is currently still spending that average amount of $1,700 per annum on premiums under Obamacare, but things look pretty bleak under the American Health Care Act. Under the new Republican bill, roughly 60 percent of their income will go toward insurance premiums if they live in a state that doesn t accept waivers, forking out around $16,500 a year. It s still not a whole lot better in other states, where they would be paying $13,600, still more than half of their wages.If, however, that 64-year-old is making at least $68,200 per year, they look to be better off in certain situations under the Republican Party s new scheme, one whose tax credit is based on age, not income. An annual income of $68,200 is too high to receive a tax credit under Obamacare so the individual would be expected to pay $15,300 in insurance premiums, whereas under Trump s American Health Care Act, their premium would drop to $13,600 in a state that accepts regulatory waivers, but would actually increase to $16,100 in a state that doesn t.The reason for this is not just the age-factor, but also because the tax credit under the American Health Care Act starts phasing out at $75,000. Individuals on a yearly income of $75,000 or more will receive fewer, if any, subsidies under the new Republican bill and can expect to pay more in premiums than they would under the Affordable Care Act.This is all achieved in a variety of ways. First, Obamacare s income-based tax credits, which gave more to low-income earners, will be abolished and replaced with a tax-credit based on age for those with an annual salary below $75,000, one that gives older people slightly more. Also, the American Health Care Act adjusts a rule that Obamacare had in place to protect older people from higher premiums. This rule takes into consideration that the elderly are generally in worse health than the young so insurers are only allowed to charge an older person about three times what they would charge a younger person. Under the new Republican bill, insurers would be able to charge an older person five times what they would charge a younger person, 66 percent more than they could under Obamacare.As a result, the Republican bill will, in theory, bring insurance premiums down in general, but at the expense of older and poorer Americans. Nobody knew health care would be so complicated.Featured image via Bill Clark-Pool/Getty Images;May 26, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Desperate A**hole Jeb Bush Exploits Image Of Terri Schiavo To Score Points With Far-Right (VIDEO);Jeb Bush has raised well over $120 million with his utterly disastrous presidential campaign, successfully proving that money doesn t always buy support. On the upside, a lot of really wealthy conservatives pumped millions of dollars into a trainwreck campaign money they ll never, ever see again.Currently, Jeb Bush is polling at four percent in Iowa, according to Nate Silver, and eight percent in New Hampshire.Knowing so much money is at stake, and that his campaign is perhaps the most pathetic effort on the GOP side, it s no wonder he resorted to a completely tasteless new commercial in which he exploits the image of Terri Schiavo to emphasize his pro-life record.TPM:Shiavo s husband, Michael, called the ad disgusting in a statement to the Tampa Bay Tribune. It is simply disgusting that Jeb Bush and his super Pac would exploit my wife s tragedy for his crude political gain, Michael Schiavo said in the statement. Shame on Jeb Bush. What the campaign video shows is that if he ever got his hands on the power of government again, he would do the same thing again, maybe next time to your family, the statement continued.In case you don t know, Schiavo was a Florida resident who, due to a heart attack, lapsed into an irreversible persistent vegetative state. Her parents wanted to continue to keep her alive, while her husband vigorously pursued her wishes to die with dignity. When the story hit the news, the GOP scrambled to diagnose Schiavo from afar, turning her into a source of pro-life demagoguery.So, as if Schiavo and her husband weren t humiliated enough by Republicans, Jeb Bush chose to resurrect his party s shameless exploitation of a family caught in one of life s most harrowing episodes. All for the purpose of desperately trying to lift his failing campaign. The fact that it won t work illustrates how pointless it is.The only thing more disgraceful was the time Republicans used images of 9/11, including victims leaping from the World Trade Center to their deaths.[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9u-f9-wfs6c&w=420&h=315]Featured image via video screen grab.;January 28, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: CNN Hosts SHOCKED As Republican Says ‘White Males’ Have Been Left Out Of Politics (VIDEO);Trump s campaign has been desperately trying to win over all the minority groups it has spent the last several months offending and excluding, and that was obvious after the pandering we saw Trump do at the Republican National Convention.Not only did Trump s daughter Ivanka talk about the gender wage gap to target women, but Trump also gave a shout-out to the LGBT community after basically ignoring them during his campaign. Regardless of these efforts to expand his reach, we all know who Trump s primary fanbase is: white men.While it s obvious to most of us just why conservative white males flock to Trump to champion their racist, misogynistic views of the world, congressman Sean Duffy (R-WI) had a completely different theory to why Trump is so popular for this demographic white men have been neglected in politics up until Trump. In an interview with CNN, Duffy explained that it was because FINALLY, white men had a candidate that spoke to them. Referencing Trump s closing speech at the RNC, Duffy said: I think what a lot of people want, the greatest line of the speech was when he pointed at the camera and said, I m going to fight for you. There are so many people who feel like they ve been left aside. There s a viewpoint that says, I can fight for minorities, and I can fight for women, and if you get that, you make up a vast majority of the voting block and you win. And white males have been left aside a little bit in the politics of who speaks to them.White males have been left aside a little bit in the politics of who speaks to them not in regard to the economy and culture but who speaks to them politically. Donald Trump is, I think, speaking across a wide breadth of people in a way that I think you re going to see these numbers pop. You can watch this cringe-worthy segment below:.@RepSeanDuffy: White males have been left aside a little bit in the politics of who speaks to them #RNCinCLE https://t.co/tcE7ntFYNE New Day (@NewDay) July 22, 2016The hosts were pretty much left speechless that Duffy would seriously say something this stupid out loud and on television. Duffy actually, with confidence, said that white men have finally found a candidate that plays to their concerns nevermind the fact that 80% of Congress was composed of white males in 2015, despite that they are only 31% of the American population!This is such a horrific example of someone oblivious to white male privilege. And if anyone understands how underprivileged white men are in this country, surely it s Duffy, who once complained about how he s struggling to make ends meet on his measly $174,000 per year salary.Featured image via screenshot;July 23, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: THERE IS ONLY ONE THING CONSERVATIVES WANT TO HEAR THIS GUY SAY TODAY…;I m leaving the GOP and running as a Democrat!Unfortunately, it doesn t look like that s what we re going to hear from our amnesty loving RINO (Republican In Name Only) friend.Reporting from Washington Sen. Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina defense hawk, plans to enter the crowded Republican presidential primary field Monday with a campaign that probably won t deliver him to the White House, but will highlight the party s divide over national security.Graham lacks the big-money backing and name recognition that s likely to be needed to pull away from the party s increasingly unwieldy field.But for him, that may not matter.For the last several years, Graham, a former Air Force colonel and legal officer, has played a central role in a sometimes-bitter battle between the GOP s traditional defense advocates and newly emergent isolationist-leaning libertarians led by Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, who is also seeking the party s presidential nomination. The South Carolina senator did not originate the wacko birds label for Paul and his allies that was coined by Graham s best friend in Congress, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) but he might as well have.Last week Graham was caught on camera rolling his eyes as Paul objected to Senate efforts to continue the National Security Agency s once-secret collection of records of Americans telephone calls.Paul returned the favor by releasing a video denouncing the NSA program. It ridiculed both Graham and Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas for their support of NSA surveillance, depicting Graham as trying to read Americans emails while sitting in a 1997-era car.In an interview during the heat of the Senate debate, Paul also accused Graham, McCain and other Republicans who support arming insurgents in Syria of having contributed to the rise of Islamic State, also referred to as ISIS. ISIS exists and grew stronger because of the hawks in our party, who gave arms indiscriminately, and most of those arms were snatched up by ISIS, he said.Graham said in an email to supporters that his presidential announcement will be one of the biggest and most memorable moments of my life. As he approaches the military s mandatory retirement age and eyes the White House, Graham said last week he was retiring from the Air Force after nearly 30 years. He had continued to serve as a reserve officer, at times using his skills as a military lawyer to handle legal affairs in Iraq during breaks from the Senate.A Southern Baptist and conservative on social issues, Graham, who never married, is known as a deal-maker in Congress. In 2013, he led efforts with Democrats to reform immigration laws to allow a path to citizenship for those living illegally in the U.S.Graham, 59, was born in Seneca, S.C., and lived with his family behind their liquor store, restaurant and pool hall on Main Street in Central, S.C., where he plans to announce his campaign.His personal story has helped shape his policymaking. After his parents death, he helped raise his younger sister and has championed the Social Security survivors benefits they relied upon as young people.But it is his military service and alliance with McCain that have come to define much of Graham s work in Washington as the two tried to defend hawkish foreign and defense policies against attack from some in the party s new generation. Now, he ll try to bolster those policies on the presidential campaign trail.Via: Virginia Gazette;Jun 1, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump says U.S. upholds and sticks to 'one China' policy: Xinhua;BEIJING (Reuters) - The United States government upholds and sticks to the “one China” policy, U.S. President Donald Trump told Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday during talks in Beijing, China’s official Xinhua news agency reported. As president-elect, Trump broke with protocol and accepted a congratulatory phone call from the Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen in December, angering China, which claims the self-ruled island as integral Chinese territory. ;November 9, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Congressman seeks probe of chartered flights by U.S. energy secretary;NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Democratic U.S. congressman is asking the Department of Energy’s watchdog to investigate Energy Secretary Rick Perry’s travel on chartered aircraft, the congressman said at a hearing on Thursday. U.S. Representative Frank Pallone said Perry’s trips on chartered planes need scrutiny in light of the “extreme” budget cuts the department faces in a 2018 federal budget proposed by Republican President Donald Trump. In a letter on Thursday to the Energy Department’s inspector general, Pallone cited a $35,000 trip Perry took from Washington to a private airport in Kansas that was within a 45-minute drive of Kansas City International Airport. “It is unclear why Secretary Perry would require such costly travel in instances where more economical options were readily available,” Pallone wrote. Perry said in his opening statement to the U.S. House of Representatives’ Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy hearing, that as a former Texas governor he understood the issue of travel oversight and the need to spend money on travel appropriately and thoughtfully. “I travel a lot to do my job. I do it in a way that I think is thoughtful,” he said. Perry’s charter flights have cost taxpayers more than $56,000, according to records the Energy Department released to Reuters on Friday. One of those flights - from a coal mine in Pennsylvania to a nuclear facility in Ohio - occurred just a day before former U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned and promised to repay the government for some $52,000 worth of travel including private flights. Perry said on Thursday it would have been “very difficult” to take a commercial flight from the Pennsylvania site to the Ohio plant. Pallone’s letter, which Democratic Representatives Diana DeGette and Bobby Rush also signed, asked the inspector general to determine whether there was a “mechanism for Secretary Perry to reimburse taxpayers” for the flights if they failed to meet ethical and procedural criteria for government travel. A spokeswoman for the inspector general’s office said the office had received the letter and the inspector-general was reviewing its contents. Inspectors general for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Interior Department have opened similar investigations into charter travel by Trump’s EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.;October 12, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: UNREAL! PRO-CUBA TRAVEL AT PBS AND NBC: “Cuba has so much going for it: It’s proudly Communist…” [Video];BELOW ARE TWO EXAMPLES OF THE PRO-CUBA SENTIMENT BY THE LEFTY MEDIA:Travel to Cuba is the NEWEST thing among the pseudo-cool useful idiots:Sanders noted how many of those on board were eager to get to the island before it was spoiled by capitalism: The Cuba they will see has many Americans anxious to get here before it all changes. Passenger Sedrick Tydus quipped: I want to get there before Burger King shows up. Sanders laughed and repeated line: Before Burger King shows up. After the Obama administration granted a full roster of concessions (in exchange for nothing) to the communist regime, we are bombarded with hype on Cuba travel. The Kardashians are even getting into the mix-ugh!Romanticizing the poverty and crumbing architecture of Cuba is pretty sickening to most people. We see past the slick promotions and see the suffering of the people of Cuba first .Chris Tarrant: Extreme Railway Journeys. Episode 4 Slow Train to Guantanamo Bay: The problem with Tarrant s love for commie Cuba is that the railway is broken down and only goes 15 mph.NBC Reporter Giddy With Excitement Aboard Cruise to Cuba: A Pinch-Me Moment : Not so sure anything will change in Cuba even though the lefty media would like you to think so Sanders noted how many of those on board were eager to get to the island before it was spoiled by capitalism: The Cuba they will see has many Americans anxious to get here before it all changes. Passenger Sedrick Tydus quipped: I want to get there before Burger King shows up. Sanders laughed and repeated line: Before Burger King shows up. Via: Faustasblog;May 5, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Five migrants die when boat sinks, Libyan coast guard and German NGO blame each other;TRIPOLI (Reuters) - At least five African migrants died and more were missing off western Libya on Monday after a boat carrying about 140 people capsized and then some migrants refused rescue by the Libyan coast guard and tried instead to swim to a German rescue vessel. The migrants rubber boat overturned some 30 miles off the Libyan coast, said Libyan officials and rescue workers in Tripoli to where the coast guard brought some 45 survivors. A video obtained by Reuters showed how, during the rescue operation, some migrants tried jumping off the Libyan patrol boat which had rescued them to reach a ship of Seawatch, a German non-governmental organization, a few meters away. Some screamed to be allowed to leave the Libyan boat as the German vessel came closer. The Libyans tried to discourage the migrants from trying to reach the German boat, Seawatch said. The incident sparked mutual recrimination by Seawatch and the Libyan coast guard. At least five migrants had died, including a toddler, due to the violent and reckless behavior of (the) Libyan coast guards, Seawatch said on its Twitter feed, adding that 58 had been rescued. The so-called Libyan Coastguard forced as many as they could into their vessel to take them back to Tripoli, the German group added. The Libyan coast guard said an unknown number of people had died after their inflatable boat had sunk and Abu Ajala Amer Abdelbari, a coast guard commander, said the German NGO had undermined its rescue operations by approaching its boat. The Seawatch was approaching while we were rescuing migrants, he said. This was encouraging the migrants to swim to the Seawatch and a (nearby) French navy ship. The survivors brought to Tripoli were from West African countries including Nigeria and Senegal. I wanted to reach Italy. I don t know what to do now, said Dora Onoruyi, a 23-year old arts student from the southern Nigerian city of Benin known as hub for human traffickers to smuggle women to Italy where they often end up as prostitutes. I see no future in Nigeria, there are no jobs, she said, standing next to a group of weeping Nigerian survivors. Libya is the main departure point for migrants trying to travel by boat to Europe. But numbers crossing to Italy have fallen sharply since July due to a drop in people smuggling and increased activity by Libya s European-backed coastguard.;November 6, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WHILE #UnFitHillary Rests And Parties With Donors…Key Swing State Polls Show Trump’s HARD WORK Is Paying Off;Wow! These are not good numbers for Hillary in states where Democrats have been winning for decades!Heading to Youngstown, Ohio now- some great polls. #AmericaFirst pic.twitter.com/cGwDLSOFUt Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 5, 2016;Sep 5, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Hillary Absolutely DESTROYS Trump’s Stupid Slogan In One Perfect Tweet (IMAGE);There s absolutely nothing more frustrating than hearing Donald Trump and his band of merry morons repeatedly say we need to Make America Great Again. Newsflash: it already is great. However, for the racist base that he s desperately trying to appeal to, who d love to go back to an America filled with discrimination and horrific policy, great is likely synonymous with hate, or even white. Basically his rhetoric can be summed up with, Make America Able To Hate Again because that s what his minions are voting for, and proof of that hate and racism can be found and any one of his many, many events.Likely tired of seeing and hearing this slogan over and over and over, one person seemed to have just about enough, so they took to their Twitter feed to make it known they re not only over it, but they re going to correct it. That person? Hillary Clinton.The Democratic candidate and former Secretary of State, likely alongside her staff, tweeted out during the latest GOP debate, that in all legitimacy was a clusterf*ck, a far better slogan that actually fits with the times and doesn t base itself on hate.She wrote: America never stopped being great. We just need to make it work for everyone Make America even greater. America never stopped being great. We just need to make it work for everyone. #GOPdebate pic.twitter.com/RiyhfZAAZ1 Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 26, 2016She s exactly right. The nation never stopped being great. In fact, over the course of a century we ve seen the barriers holding back women, people of color and the LGBT community start to disappear before our eyes. And while we have so much further to go, we are better off than we were. FAR better off, but we just need to make it work for everyone. A slogan that the former Secretary of State has been pushing forward in regards to not only better treatment of women, people of color and the gay community, but also in regards to economic inequality and the barriers still holding many Americans back.Kudos to the Clinton for destroying Trump s stupid slogan where it stands. America is already great, but we together can make it greater.Featured imag via YouTube/Instagram/Twitter;February 26, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump Campaign Staffer Gets Convicted Of Election Fraud In Michigan;This proves the need for a recount in Michigan.Donald Trump s team knowingly hired a man who committed election fraud in 2012 when they allowed Brandon Hall to work for the campaign in 2016.On Wednesday, the 27-year-old Trump supporter was convicted on ten counts of felony election fraud stemming from Hall s effort to help elect judicial candidate Chris Houtaling by forging signatures on a petition. Hall now faces up to five years in prison.The fact that Trump had a person on his team who has committed election fraud in the past spells out the need for a statewide recount and investigation to determine whether election fraud helped Trump win the state s 16 electoral votes. Donald Trump has made claim after claim calling the integrity of the election into question, but his Michigan campaign had no problem hiring a staff member facing election law charges, Progress Michigan executive director Lonnie Scott said in a statement. The fact that the Trump campaign and the Michigan Republican Party embraced Brandon Hall is just one more reason to recount and audit the vote in Michigan. Indeed, Michigan and federal authorities should start an immediate investigation and the Michigan state elections board should order a recount.This election is too important to the future of our nation to ignore the fact that Trump s team included a staffer who committed election fraud. It also calls into question Trump s ability to actually hire the best people for top jobs in our government, something he has already repeatedly proven that he is incapable of doing.For months, Trump claimed that the election is rigged but the fact is that his campaign hired a person who had prior experience at trying to rig elections.If Trump truly cares about election integrity, he will support a recount. And if he fights the effort, it only signals that there may be something he doesn t want election officials to discover.Featured Image: Zach Gibson/Getty Images;November 30, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Asked Why He’s Defending Abortion Group Pro-Bono, Lawyer Drops Truthbomb Pro-Lifers Will HATE;"After the release of a series of fraudulent hidden camera videos purporting to show Planned Parenthood engaged in illegal body part trafficking, Republican lawmakers pounced. In red state after red state, Republican governors demanded investigations into the allegations. (In fact, they had been waiting for this moment for some time. The pro-life activist group responsible for the videos had been coordinating with conservative politicians for months and the bedfellows Republicans and activists worked together to create anti-Planned Parenthood legislation timed with the release of the tapes.)Ultimately, not a single investigation found evidence of wrongdoing. Planned Parenthood clinics around the country were exonerated one by one. In a twist, the anti-abortion group that made the tapes, Center for Medical Progress, did get indicted for criminal charges stemming from using fake identification.But while it s certainly a victory for justice that Planned Parenthood came out squeaky clean and the anti-abortion group s leaders are facing prison time, it wasn t a total victory. Planned Parenthood devotes almost all of its budget to helping men and women have affordable access to healthcare. They don t have the money to waste on endless witch hunts. Given the lack of evidence of wrongdoing, it s pretty clear that Republicans were hoping to bankrupt them on trumped up charges, rather than actually catch them in a criminal act.Thankfully, the unsung heroes in this story are the lawyers who agreed to represent Planned Parenthood and other abortion groups. They didn t do it because they were going to get rich, in fact, they ll get nothing; they did it because it was the right thing to do.Highlighting that point is Derek Foran, a partner at a corporate law firm named Morrison & Foerster. In an interview with the New York Times, Foran walks us through his thought process when he was asked to represent the National Abortion Federation pro-bono.The organization, the National Abortion Federation, had trouble finding a law firm to represent it pro bono. Morrison & Foerster, which previously handled abortion-rights cases, received the request and emailed lawyers at the firm about the inquiry. Mr. Foran raised his hand and, soon after, secured a court order stopping the group from releasing information from the organization s meetings.Why would he stick his neck out for a group that had no way of paying him? His answer is both uplifting and brutally honest. I don t like bullies, Mr. Foran, who was born and raised in Ireland, said in an interview this week. And these guys were not only trying to bully women, they were trying to bully poor women. Foran isn t exaggerating. Planned Parenthood predominately helps the poorest women in the country. Aside from providing women access to their constitutional right to have an abortion, the clinics also do life-saving medical check-ups and tests. Shutting them down is a clear message from Republican lawmakers to American women: We do not care about you. It s bullying.Foran, representing NAF, decided to hit the bullies back to protect the vital work that Planned Parenthood was doing. They filed a lawsuit against Center for Medical Progress in San Francisco. Thankfully, his job was made a bit easier because Fox News in its rush to praise the anti-abortion activists was giving the fraudsters a ton of airtime all of which was being used to build a case against them. I turned on Fox News and they were open right away about what they did, Foran told reporters.Unlike the lawsuits and investigations directed at Planned Parenthood, Foran s goals were never malicious. He didn t intend to destroy any side of the issue based on a fanatical belief in his own ideological superiority. He was simply standing up for what was right. Our lawsuit is not about pro-choice versus pro-life, he said. What you can t do is defraud people, lie and go about manufacturing tales. These guys are accountable under the law just like everybody else. And that s the missing piece in many of the stories covering the Planned Parenthood videos. They are lies, carefully fabricated to achieve an agenda. No matter where you stand on the issue of abortion, this type of smear campaign is just wrong.Pro-life activists are, of course, despondent over their recent change in fortune. After scoring a victory with the release of those tapes, Planned Parenthood continues to thrive, and the videos and the group which produced them have been thoroughly discredited. The lawmakers who once thought they could defund and bankrupt women s clinics are losing every battle. Things have gone just about as badly as they possibly could have on nearly every front.Feature image from Flickr";February 8, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: Hell Freezes As Fox News Host Calls Republican Party A ‘Disgrace’ For Being Incapable Of Governing;Things just went from bad to worse for the Republican Party.Being in charge just isn t what Republicans imagined it would be like.After all, they have majority control of the House and Senate and have the perfect puppet in the White House to rubber stamp their destructive agenda.But millions of angry Americans across the country, including Democrats, Republicans, and independents, have made Republicans in Congress incredibly nervous about the GOP healthcare bill. Nervous enough to actually oppose it.The Trumpcare bill would strip healthcare away from 20 million Americans and cause premiums to skyrocket, both of which Donald Trump promised would not happen. In short, he lied, and many Republicans don t want to commit political suicide with him.The Republican failure to pass their terrible bill is good for the American people, but it s politically harmful to the GOP because their failure to pass their own bill despite having majority control makes them look incompetent of governing.Keep in mind that Republicans have insisted for years that they are more capable of governing the United States than Democrats. But when Americans actually put them in charge of the entire government it turns out Republicans were all talk and no walk.Rather than govern, Republicans have let Trump systematically destroy this country and now they have failed miserably in their first effort to pass a major policy on their agenda.And even Fox News is disgusted by how Republicans have performed.During his show on Fox Business on Friday, stalwart Republican cheerleader Stuart Varney literally called the entire Republican Party a disgrace and conceded that they can t govern, much to the surprise of Juan Williams. I personally believe at this moment in time, the Republican Party is a disgrace, Varney declared. I m serious. I am serious. We elected the Republicans to run the House, the Senate and the White House and the very, very first thing that comes up on the legislative agenda they vote no, they re split. They can t do it. They can t govern. I am really fit to be tied. Varney invited Williams to take shots at him and the GOP but he declined to do so, opting instead to point out that the Republicans who oppose this bill are doing so because it s a bad bill.Here s the video via YouTube:Indeed, the bill is not better than the Affordable Care Act. In fact, it kills all of the good things the Affordable Care Act provides and takes America back to a time when the uninsured rate was shockingly high and people had to choose between paying for healthcare or paying their bills to avoid homelessness and starvation.But Republicans only have themselves to blame what the position they are in right now. Rather than supporting a law that includes many Republican ideas such as an individual mandate, they chose to viciously oppose the law instead and demonize it for political gain. Furthermore, they had seven years to come up with a better healthcare plan and couldn t even do that. More Americans now understand that the Affordable Care Act was not the evil Republicans portrayed it to be and they now want to save it. Americans are learning about all the good things Republicans would be destroying by repealing it.And now even Fox News is having a hard time defending Republicans on this issue. And losing the support of their propaganda machine should signal to Republicans that they have royally f*cked up.Featured image via screenshot;March 24, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Catalan election to return hung parliament: poll;MADRID (Reuters) - An election in Catalonia will fail to conclusively resolve a political crisis over an independence drive in the region, the final surveys before the Dec. 21 vote showed on Friday. The ballot will result in a hung parliament, a Metroscopia poll showed, with parties favoring unity with Spain tipped to gain a maximum of 62 seats and pro-secession factions 63, both short of a majority in the region s 135-seat legislature. Spain s worst political crisis since its transition to democracy four decades ago erupted in October, when Madrid cracked down on an independence referendum it had declared illegal and took control of the wealthy northeastern region. The standoff has bitterly divided society, led to a business exodus and tarnished Spain s rosy economic prospects, with the central bank on Friday blaming events in Catalonia for a cut in its growth forecasts for 2018 and 2019. Both the Metroscopia poll, published in El Pais, and a second survey in another newspaper, La Razon, predicted a record turnout for a Catalan election. But the vote looks likely to trigger weeks of haggling between different parties to try to form a government. Former Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont is campaigning from Brussels, where he moved shortly after he was fired by Madrid following a unilateral declaration of independence by the region. With Friday the last day polls were permitted before the ballot, the El Pais survey - which questioned 3,300 people in Catalonia between Dec. 4 and Dec. 13 - showed his party winning 22 seats. Pro-unity party Ciudadanos, which has backed the minority central government of Mariano Rajoy s People s Party (PP) in parliamentary votes, will win most seats, closely followed by pro-independence ERC. But at a maximum of 36 for Ciudadanos and 33 for ERC, both fall far short of the 68 seats needed for a majority. The survey s inconclusive split between pro-unity and pro-independence parties would leave the regional offshoot of left-wing party Podemos, which supports unity but wants a referendum on independence, as potential kingmaker. Further muddying the waters, its leader Xavier Domenech favors a left-wing alliance across parties that both back and reject independence. The La Razon poll, which surveyed 1,000 Catalans also between Dec. 4 and Dec. 13, showed parties in favor of independence winning 66 seats and unity supporters 60, leaving the Catalan Podemos arm with nine.;December 15, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: White House meeting on Paris climate deal postponed: official;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A White House meeting that was to help determine whether the United States should withdraw from the Paris climate accord has been postponed, an administration official said on Tuesday. Some of President Donald Trump’s top advisers, including Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt, were scheduled to meet on Tuesday to discuss how Trump should handle the 2015 climate deal. The meeting was canceled because “some of the principals are traveling today,” the White House official said. The meeting will be rescheduled, but no date has been set, the official said. White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters on Air Force One as Trump was returning from a visit to Wisconsin that the meeting “could be as soon as tomorrow, but I know that they’re working on trying to find a time that works for everybody.” The accord, agreed on by nearly 200 countries in Paris in 2015 and ratified in 2016, aims to limit planetary warming in part by slashing carbon dioxide and other emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. Under the pact, the United States committed to reducing its emissions by 26 to 28 percent from 2005 levels by 2025. Trump has said the United States should “cancel” the deal, but he has been mostly quiet on the issue since he was elected last November. The White House has said it would take a position on the agreement before a summit of the Group of Seven wealthy nations in late May.;April 18, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: 'A long way to go' in German coalition talks, liberal FDP says;BERLIN (Reuters) - There is a long way to go in talks on forming a new German coalition led by Chancellor Angela Merkel s conservatives, a senior member of the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) said after meeting the environmentalist Greens on Thursday. The three groups are holding exploratory talks this week about forming a new Jamaica coalition, so-called because their party colours - black, yellow and green - match those of the Jamaican flag. Merkel, weakened by a surging far right in a Sept. 24 national election, is trying to make the three-way alliance work as her previous partners, the Social Democrats, want to rebuild in opposition after suffering their worst result since 1933. The FDP and Greens meeting on Thursday came after they each separately held talks with Merkel s conservatives on Wednesday. On Friday, all three groups meet for the first time. The meeting was marked by concentration and mutual respect, FDP General Secretary Nicola Beer said after Thursday s talks with the Greens. It was also clear that there is a long way to go on one or more issues but the atmosphere appeared to be focused on finding out what the possibilities are, Beer added. Merkel said on Tuesday her parliamentary party would have to compromise in the coalition negotiations. Chancellor for 12 years and known as a skilled negotiator, she angered many voters over her open-door migrant policy and her conservatives saw their worst election result since 1949, bleeding support to the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD). On Wednesday, the conservative premier of the eastern German state of Saxony resigned, saying a younger generation of leaders is needed. Some conservatives are starting to look toward a post-Merkel era. The people have a huge interest in Angela Merkel leading our country successfully for another four years, Daniel Guenther, conservative premier of the northern state of Schleswig-Holstein, told Focus magazine. But they also want to see how things will proceed afterwards, he added. Merkel has said she expects a government to be in place by Christmas, but others say January is more likely, pointing to a months-long policy standstill in Europe s biggest economy.;October 19, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Clinton considering Warren, not Sanders, for running mate: WSJ;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hillary Clinton is considering U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren for her running mate for the Democratic presidential ticket, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing several people familiar with the process. Warren, a leading progressive voice among Democrats, is among those Democratic presidential candidate Clinton is vetting for the vice presidential position, the newspaper reported. Clinton’s rival Bernie Sanders is not, it added. Sources told Reuters earlier this month that Warren, who represents Massachusetts, is considering the potential role. Representatives for Clinton, Sanders and Warren did not immediately reply to requests for comment on the report. Clinton is the Democratic Party’s presumptive nominee for the Nov. 8 presidential election, having won the last primary contest this week in the District of Columbia. Although Clinton and Sanders met this week, the senator from Vermont does not plan to end his campaign or endorse Clinton in a video speech to supporters scheduled for later on Thursday, his spokesman said. While the search for a potential partner in the race is still in its early stages, the Journal reported several Democrats said Clinton’s campaign is looking at a number of potential candidates, including Warren. Other prospective running mates include U.S. Labor Secretary Tom Perez and U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro, according to the report. Senators Tim Kaine of Virginia, Sherrod Brown of Ohio and Cory Booker of New Jersey as well as U.S. Representatives Xavier Becerra of California and Tim Ryan of Ohio are also under consideration, it said. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is also a potential candidate, it added. Warren threw her support behind Clinton last week as the former secretary of state moved her sights from the nominating contest toward a Nov. 8 match-up against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump. Warren could help Clinton win over Sanders supporters from the party’s more liberal wing after a surprisingly protracted primary race. Sanders, a self-described Democratic socialist, has not yet dropped out. She also would give Clinton a vocal boost in her fight against Trump. Warren has called Trump a threat to the country and has vowed to keep lashing out at him. (This story has been refiled to remove superfluous word “endorsed” in paragraph nine.);June 16, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Bridgewater's Dalio says Trump's populist policies could hurt world economy;(Reuters) - Ray Dalio, founder of the world’s largest hedge fund Bridgewater Associates LP, said he is increasingly concerned about the Trump administration’s “populist” policies that could hurt the world economy. The detrimental effects of these policies could be more powerful than the beneficial effects of Trump’s pro-business policies, Dalio and co-Chief Investment Officer Bob Prince said on Tuesday. “We are now in a period of time when how this balance tilts will be more important to the economy, markets, and our well-beings than normally dominant drivers such as central bank policies,” Dalio and Prince said in a note. “While there is a lot of potential to improve fiscal policies and make beneficial structural reforms, there is also a significant risk that his populist policies could hurt the world economy (and worse).” In November, Dalio said Trump’s policies would have a “broadly positive” effect on the U.S. economy and that bond prices likely made a “30-year top.” Trump on Friday put a four-month hold on allowing refugees into the United States and temporarily barred travelers from Syria and six other Muslim-majority countries. Bridgewater oversees about $150 billion in client assets.;February 1, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: TREY GOWDY Rips DOJ For Giving Immunity To Guilty In Clinton E-mail Scandal: “It’s just 5 get out of jail free cards”; ;Sep 25, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: HUMILIATING: Democrats Use RUSSIAN WARSHIPS As Backdrop For Tribute To U.S. VETERANS At DNC;Maybe Hillary s Russian uranium deal included a cameo of Russian warships on the DNC stage? It certainly wouldn t surprise anyone . On the last night of the Democratic National Convention, a retired Navy four-star took the stage to pay tribute to veterans. Behind him, on a giant screen, the image of four hulking warships reinforced his patriotic message.But there was a big mistake in the stirring backdrop: those are Russian warships.While retired Adm. John Nathman, a former commander of Fleet Forces Command, honored vets as America s best, the ships from the Russian Federation Navy were arrayed like sentinels on the big screen above.These were the very Soviet-era combatants that Nathman and Cold Warriors like him had once squared off against. The ships are definitely Russian, said noted naval author Norman Polmar after reviewing hi-resolution photos from the event. There s no question of that in my mind. Naval experts concluded the background was a photo composite of Russian ships that were overflown by what appear to be U.S. trainer jets. It remains unclear how or why the Democratic Party used what s believed to be images of the Russian Black Sea Fleet at their convention.In a new survey of American military personnel, Donald Trump emerged as active-duty service members preference to become the next U.S. president, topping Hillary Clinton by more than a 2-to-1 margin. MTA spokesman for the Democratic National Convention Committee was not able to immediately comment Tuesday, saying he had to track down personnel to find out what had happened.The veteran who spotted the error and notified Navy Times said he was immediately taken aback. I was kind of in shock, said Rob Barker, 38, a former electronics warfare technician who left the Navy in 2006. Having learned to visually identify foreign ships by their radars, Barker recognized the closest ship as the Kara-class cruiser Kerch. An immediate apology [from the committee] would be very nice, Barker said. Maybe acknowledge the fact that yes, they screwed up. Via: Military Times;Jul 29, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WHOA! BILL O’REILLY DROPS BOMBSHELL Report About Key Accuser In Sexual Harassment Case That Could Prove He Was Unjustly FIRED By FOX News;Bill O Reilly needs to ask the investigators assigned to defend him in a sexual harassment case that eventually led to his firing for a full refund. O Reilly s reputation, as well as his career, were destroyed by a woman, who it turns out, is not only a two-bit phony, but a liar as well.O Reilly tweeted, Sorry to have to post this article but it is necessary to expose the evil in play in this country. More to come. after Newsmax broke the story about a key accuser in the O Reilly sexual harassment case that eventually led to his firing by the liberal Murdoch brothers at the Fox News network.Newsmax has obtained two documents that cast doubt on Burgess s credibility.A Detroit Police report dated Feb. 11, 2015, documents Burgess s arrest on charges of making a false report and obstructing a court order.According to the police document, Burgess called authorities and alleged her boyfriend had struck her in the face with a gun. Police said when they arrived at the scene Burgess appeared intoxicated. The arresting officer stated: I asked Ms. Burgess where the gun was that she was struck with in the face, she replied there is no gun. I again asked her where the gun was, and if she had been assaulted. Ms. Burgess stated there was no gun, and he didn t assault me! The boyfriend told police she had threatened him, saying she would call the cops saying you hit me with a gun! According to the police document, Burgess was arrested for filing a false felony report and for violating a personal protection order.In a statement provided to Newsmax, Lisa Bloom, Burgess s attorney, acknowledges the police report involving her client, but states that Burgess and her former boyfriend both believe the charges were based on a misunderstanding and were not pursued by the police or prosecutors. In another document, a social media user thought to be Burgess tweeted on Nov. 24, 2012: up until 10 years ago Laurence Fishburne could get every oz. of my hot chocolate. Addressing that tweet, Bloom stated: Ms. Burgess has used many terms to refer to herself, including on occasion bitch and the N word. That does not give others especially her superiors in her workplace permission to use offensive language about her. Here is attorney Lisa Bloom celebrating with her client, Perquita Burgess who we now know, has a history of filing false reports against men:With my beautiful and brave client Perquita Burgess as she walked through her fear and emerged triumphant yesterday. pic.twitter.com/Qw1wihd0zh Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) April 21, 2017In April, O Reilly was fired from Fox News shortly after Perquita Burgess claimed the host made sexually suggestive comments to her, including calling her hot chocolate. Burgess worked at Fox News for several weeks in 2008 as a clerical temp.Shortly after an April 1st New York Times report detailed sexual harassment allegations by several women against O Reilly, Burgess called a 21st Century Fox hotline claiming alleged workplace misconduct by O Reilly. 21st Century is the parent company of Fox News.At the time her charges emerged, O Reilly s program, The O Reilly Factor, was already in the throes of an advertiser-boycott campaign being pushed by several liberal organizations. I had no idea who this woman was, O Reilly told Newsmax. O Reilly denied ever having a conversation with her. So when it came out, it was stunning, he said.The day after O Reilly was fired, Burgess went public with her account in a high-profile appearance on ABC s The View. NewsmaxBill O Reilly accuser Perquita Burgess told the dingbats at The View that she felt triumphant when the Fox News Channel host was fired following an investigation into claims of harassment by women. Perquita Burgess, a former clerical worker at Fox, went on The View Thursday to talk about encounters with O Reilly nine years ago.Watch Perquita tell The View dingbats how Bill O Reilly allegedly calling her Hot chocolate is racist. Not only was it sexual, I took that as very plantational remark. You know, I ve been around enough racism, whatever.;Sep 17, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: NY METS HONOR MURDERED COP BRIAN MOORE Who Planned To Take Girlfriend And Dad To Game Tonight;"The flags at Citi Field were also at half-mast in honor of Brian Moore. #Respect #NYPD pride. #Mets pic.twitter.com/GeFiknRwYx New York Mets (@Mets) May 5, 2015The Mets honored slain New York City Police Officer Brian Moore before Tuesday s game against Baltimore, a game the Orioles fan had tickets to attend.#NYPD officers joined the team for a moment of silence before tonight's game to honor #OfficerMoore. #Mets pic.twitter.com/nmOvBZJMpX New York Mets (@Mets) May 5, 2015Moore s cousins, who did not wish to be identified, sat in seats several rows behind the Orioles dugout Tuesday night. They sat quietly, saying they came to honor their cousin, who was tragically shot in the face on Saturday and died on Monday.Before the game, Moore s picture, bordered by a badge with a black ribbon, lingered on the video screens inside Citi Field and outside the park, too.There was a moment of silence and an NYPD color guard.Moore had bought three tickets for this game. He and his dad and his girlfriend were supposed to go.But instead, Moore was remembered in a somber ceremony the second such salute the Mets have had for fallen officers this season.On Opening Day at Citi Field, officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu who were killed in December were remembered.Flags at Citi Field fly at half-mast in honor of Brian Moore.Flags at Citi Field fly at half-mast in honor of Brian Moore. The Mets players wore NYPD hats during batting practice to honor Moore, 25. Someplace along the line, hopefully we don t have to keep wearing these hats, Terry Collins said. We are honoring the true heroes, the soldiers, the police, the fire department that keep us all safe and secure. What they have to face each and every day is beyond any of our imaginations.Ruben Tejada and @Dilson_H proud to wear the #NYPD caps during BP. #Mets pic.twitter.com/Tgfw6vlzSw New York Mets (@Mets) May 5, 2015 It s sad to think we ve got to wear them, continued Collins, who took part in a dinner with the families of Ramos and Liu this spring. It s part of what we think is important and certainly honoring Officer Moore is important today, and so we ll wear them and wear them with pride and hopefully his family understands that although it s hard to understand what they re going through, we re there for them. ""Honoring Officer Moore is important today. We will wear these hats with pride."" Collins. #NYPD pic.twitter.com/n6SU4teYjD New York Mets (@Mets) May 5, 2015Orioles slugger Chris Davis, Moore s favorite player, signed a ball for the family. Also, the Orioles are having one of their home jerseys shipped here so the whole team can sign it to give to the family, according to a team spokesman. It s unfortunate we are wearing it for the events that happened, said Michael Cuddyer, who signed with the Mets this winter. But I think it is a good gesture by the team, shows we care and are thinking of them. Via: NY Daily News";May 6, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Exclusive: Obama to propose $2.5 billion tax credit for community college investment;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will propose a $2.5 billion tax credit over five years for businesses that invest in programs at local community colleges and hire their graduates, administration officials said on Friday. The proposal, dubbed the Community College Partnership Tax Credit, would require businesses to donate funds for equipment, instruction, or internships related to programs in areas such as healthcare, energy and information technology. Employers that hire students from such programs would get a one-time, $5,000 tax credit per individual brought aboard. The program, to be proposed formally in the president’s fiscal 2017 budget on Tuesday, is meant to shore up community colleges’ educational offerings, while helping businesses find high-skilled workers in certain fields. “Employers can define those skills and help colleges develop the curriculum that teaches them,” said James Kvaal, White House deputy director of domestic policy. He estimated the initiative would produce 500,000 highly skilled graduates over five years. Obama’s budget requires congressional approval, which is unlikely. Administration officials expressed confidence, however, that the proposal would garner bipartisan support and the idea could gain traction. “The idea of ... bringing together community colleges and the local employer base is a very powerful one and really doesn’t break along party lines,” said Ted Mitchell, under secretary at the U.S. Department of Education. Obama’s final budget is likely to garner less attention than in previous years. Washington’s focus is moving to the 2016 presidential campaign and the Republican-controlled Congress does not want to hand legislative victories to the White House. Administration officials are aware similar proposals by the president have had limited success. Though his proposals to raise the minimum wage and make community college tuition free have not been enacted nationally, they say his championing of such ideas has spurred action on the state and local level. Under his latest proposal, states would get part of the tax credit money and be responsible for selecting businesses and community colleges based on a competition for applications. Employers could be involved in designing curriculums on advanced manufacturing, for example, or donating instruction time and equipment. Community colleges would get needed capital investment and businesses would recoup their investments through the tax credits gleaned from hiring graduates. (This version of the story was refiled to correct spelling of surname in paragraph 5);February 5, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: EPA to review how clean air, water laws affect energy sector jobs;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said on Wednesday it will review how bedrock laws like the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act affect energy industry job losses, one of several measures U.S. agencies will take to “reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens” on business. The measure was one of four initiatives proposed by the EPA to help carry out an executive order issued by President Donald Trump in March. He directed cabinet chiefs to identify ways to ease regulatory burdens on energy development. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke each announced separate lists of measures they sent to the president to carry out his order. “We are working to curb unnecessary and duplicative regulatory burdens that do not serve the American people,” Pruitt said in a statement. Environmental groups said the plans submitted by the agency heads are putting U.S. natural resources in the hands of polluters. “The Trump Administration is intent on putting oil, gas and coal companies in charge of when, where and how they exploit taxpayer-owned resources,” said Kate Kelly, public lands director for the liberal Center for American Progress. The EPA will conduct a study to weigh how its regulations affect job losses in sectors like coal. A federal court has ruled that the EPA did not need to conduct such an assessment. The EPA will also create a task force to simplify the permit process for building new polluting facilities, weigh options to revamp national ambient air quality standards and launch a “smart sectors” program to engage with industries as it crafts regulations. The Energy Department said it will focus on streamlining natural gas exports, review its national laboratory policies, review National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations for approving major infrastructure projects and reviewing the agency’s popular household appliance standards program. The Interior Department submitted what it called an “energy burdens” report to the president, which outlines some Obama-era regulations it has started to reverse or reform, or has plans to. This includes lifting the moratorium on coal leases on federal land, reviewing regulations on fracking on federal and tribal land, developing a five-year plan for offshore drilling and streamlining the federal leasing program and permitting process. ;October 25, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: OBAMA SUCCESSFULLY WHITEWASHES AMERICAN HISTORY…”Racist” President Andrew Jackson To Be Replaced With Harriet Tubman On $20 Bill;The irony in Obama s radical Treasury Secretary s decision to remove racist Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill, lies in the fact that Jackson was the first Democrat to be elected President. Rabid Bernie Sanders supporters are hell-bent on seeing Bernie Sanders fulfill his promise of breaking up the big bank monopolies. Andrew Jackson was pioneer in staving off banking domination in his day.But alas it s official .Moments ago Politico reported that the U.S. Treasury will announce that it plans to replace former President Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill with Harriet Tubman, the sources said. There will also be changes to the $5 bill to depict civil rights era leaders.Not every dead president is being scraped however: treasury Secretary Jack Lew on Wednesday will announce a decision to keep Alexander Hamilton on the front of the $10 bill and put leaders of the movement to give women the right to vote on the back of the bill.Lew s decision comes after he announced last summer that he was considering replacing Hamilton on the $10 bill with a woman. The announcement drew swift rebukes from fans of Hamilton, who helped create the Treasury Department and the modern American financial system. Critics immediately suggested Hamilton take Jackson off the $20 bill given the former president s role in moving native Americans off their land.Jackson may remain on the $20 bill in some capacity, but will clearly be demoted.While some pointed to the many accomplishments and qualities of Hamilton for why he should stay on the currency printed by the very Treasury the man created, the more popular argument for the Founding Father s retention was an argument about how awful the man on the $20 dollar bill was.The Daily Beast described Jackson as villainous and linked to a February article that called him a mass murderer. The New York Post argued that Old Hickory may well have been our most racist president and was a vicious, power-mad kook. Lew told POLITICO last July that Treasury was exploring ways to respond to critics. There are a number of options of how we can resolve this, Lew said. We re not taking Alexander Hamilton off our currency. Confused? Disturbed? Angry? You are not alone. The following rant by Mac Slavo expressed many feeling about the proposed change.Andrew Jackson, Who Fought Central Bank, Removed from $20 As Public Concern for Liberty ErasedJackson narrowly succeeded in staving off banker domination of the U.S. during his day.Of course, Andrew Jackson, who was the United States seventh president, was also a complete controversy his entire lifetime. It is no surprise that the same people who took down the Confederate flag from the South on the back of a mass shooting tragedy are now trying to tear down the image of a particularly controversial and intriguing figure from the American past.Jackson was a recalcitrant and unyielding general and war hero, and later an outsider riding a wave of populist support into the White House, bringing in sometimes unscrupulous companions, and plenty of Masons. Many of his backers were diametrically opposed to the entrenched power of New York bankers and speculators, as well as patrician politicians who dominated the first phase of politics in the nation s history. Jackson played a nasty role in the Trail of Tears affairs with Indians, too, and with the South and Western expansion of slave-friendly territories. Many shades of grey.Erasing Andrew Jackson from the faces of the fiat funny-money that is passed around by an increasingly ignorant and dependent society (which itself has adopted digital currency as the new norm) will further cut off the past from the masses, and ensure their enslavement.For entire story: Zero Hedge;Apr 20, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Civil rights group sues in U.S. court over immigration detention;(Reuters) - The American Civil Liberties Union sued the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in federal court on Thursday, seeking records the civil rights group contends provide accounts of hunger strikes at immigration detention facilities. The ACLU said in its filing that in recent weeks there have been a new series of hunger strikes at U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention centers in Georgia, Oregon and Washington, adding hunger strikes have previously hit detention centers in Arizona, Florida, Louisiana and Texas. The suit comes as U.S. Republican President Donald Trump has promised a crackdown on illegal immigration and the Republican-dominated U.S. Congress this month agreed to fund an additional 5,300 detention beds for those suspected of illegally entering the country. “The Trump administration’s plans to expand detention and strip away existing structures for oversight of detention are likely to produce more protests both inside and outside the walls of detention facilities,” the lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia said. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman Jennifer Elzea said in an email: “ICE is unable to comment on pending litigation.” The lawsuit said detention center inmates have launched the hunger strikes over the past few years as a non-violent way to bring attention to what they see as a lack of access to bond hearings and inhumane conditions of confinement. The suit also said that some inmates who have previously launched hunger strikes were met with extraordinarily punitive responses. From April 1-22, an average of 36,235 immigrants were in detention per day, according to the most recent statistics provided by ICE. The White House in March requested bringing the total number of beds up to 45,700, saying the additional capacity was necessary to achieve the president’s goal of “enhancing interior enforcement efforts and ending ‘catch and release’ for those apprehended at the border.” The agreement reached in Congress would increase the number of immigration detention beds to 39,324 from 34,000 currently, according to a summary provided by the House Appropriations Committee. In April, hundreds of detainees at an immigration detention center in Washington state began refusing meals in a hunger strike to protest conditions at the facility and delayed immigration hearings, activists said. The Geo Group Inc, the company that operates the Washington state facility and other detention centers around the United States, declined to comment on the lawsuit.;May 25, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Egypt's Sisi says spoke to Donald Trump by telephone, congratulated him on win;CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi spoke to Donald Trump on the telephone on Wednesday, congratulating him on his victory in the U.S. presidential election and seeking to foster closer diplomatic ties, an Egyptian presidency statement said. “The U.S. President-elect Donald Trump expressed his utmost appreciation to the president, pointing out that his was the first international call he had received to congratulate him on winning the election,” the statement said. “President Trump said he looked forward to meeting the president (again) soon.” ;November 9, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Ireland set for December election if crisis not averted by Tuesday -PM;DUBLIN (Reuters) - Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said on Friday he would not seek the resignation of his deputy prime minister, as sought by the party propping up his government, and would be forced to call an election if that demand was not withdrawn by Tuesday. I think if we don t resolve matters by Tuesday, then there will be a motion of no confidence in the Tanaiste (deputy prime minister) and, if the opposition come together to remove the Tanaiste, then we will be into an election at that point, Varadkar told the national broadcaster RTE. ;November 24, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Poland's ruling party tightens grip on big state firms;WARSAW (Reuters) - When presidential aide Malgorzata Sadurska joined the board of Poland s biggest and oldest insurance company this summer, her lack of business experience was no obstacle. Her main qualification to help run state-owned Powszechny Zaklad Ubezpieczen (PZU) was something else loyalty to the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party. What PZU needs is a person who knows the PiS program and is a guarantee that it will be implemented, parliamentary deputy Marek Suski told radio RMF FM as the conservative PiS took to the airwaves to explain her appointment in June. Her task, he said, was to implement the program of the government, which is to repair Poland. Sadurska, 41, is one of hundreds of loyalists brought in to state companies by PiS to tighten its grip on big business and help it implement its conservative, nationalist-minded policies since it returned to power in 2015 after an eight-year absence. The aim is not only to ensure loyalty in major companies and give PiS a say in their personnel, investment and policy decisions. It has also enabled PiS to use such firms as vehicles to buy out foreign interests in the banking and energy sectors, with a U.S.-owned news channel, TVN24, seen by some business leaders as a likely next target because it is critical of the government. Opponents fear public procurement and financing rules are being blurred, giving PiS access to large advertising budgets which can be used to fund publicity campaigns or events that promote the party s agenda. This, they fear, will deepen the concerns of Poland s European Union partners about what they see as an assault on the rule of law and democracy since PiS set its sights on asserting its power over the economy, the judiciary and the media. Aleksander Laszek, chief economist at the Civil Development Forum (FOR), a Warsaw-based economic policy think tank known for its liberal view on the economy, said the PiS moves to assert control of big business were exceptionally strong and brazen. Sadurska s responsibilities at PZU include real estate, strategic partnership programs and bancassurance, under which an insurance company can sell its products to a bank s client base, PZU said. PZU officials gave no further details of what she has done since joining the board. Before her appointment, she had no experience in insurance, finance or business beyond an MBA in business management from her native Lublin region in eastern Poland. But she had won a reputation for dedication to the PiS cause since first being elected to the lower house of parliament in 2005. She has served as secretary of state responsible for labor and social policy and was chief of President Andrzej Duda s chancellery for almost two years from August 2015. Contacted by phone, Sadurska directed Reuters to the PZU press office, which declined to answer emailed questions about her appointment or PZU business policy. Suski also declined to give any details to Reuters. Asked whether Sadurska had been appointed to PZU to implement PiS policy, he said: She is a very good professional . PZU has not said how much Sadurska is paid. Her predecessor, according to PZU financial records, received the equivalent of just over 22,000 euros ($25,850) a month. After a series of personnel changes in the past two years that appear to reward political loyalty, the government now has greater control of the more than 200-year-old firm than at any time since four decades of communist rule ended in 1989. PZU s chief executive officer, Pawel Surowka, is among the recent appointees. An experienced manager who also worked at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, he was named CEO in April and had been brought in to head PZU s life insurance arm in 2016. Surowka has said it is normal that a company such as his would try to fit in with government economic policy. Government influence has not had any discernible impact on the price of PZU insurance, but PZU s share price has risen by 39 percent this year. The PiS business policy has attracted less attention than its overhaul of the judiciary but the heads of most big state firms have been replaced in the last two years, sweeping away officials appointed under the previous, centrist government. Politics and business rarely act in isolation in any country, and it is not unusual for politicians to cross from parliament to boardroom. But the extent of political control over big state business in Poland alarms government critics. PZU, with 27,000 employees and a market value of about $10.9 billion, has a pivotal role to play in the PiS plans. Late last year, PZU teamed up with the state-run Polish Development Fund to buy back state control over Poland s second-biggest bank, Bank Pekao SA, from Italian UniCredit. Other state firms have also been used as buyout vehicles. In March, state-controlled utility Enea closed a deal to buy a power plant from French Engie and in May Poland s biggest power producer, PGE, announced it would buy French group EDF s local power and heating plants. Some business leaders expect PiS, in tandem with Poland s biggest bank, state-run PKO Bank Polski, to move soon to buy out TVN24 and silence its criticism. A PKO BP spokeswoman dismissed the speculation, saying: There are no such plans ... We don t have this (buying media) in our statute. But a manager at PKO BP, speaking on condition of anonymity, said such a move was likely. Most probably it will be PZU along with PKO that will buy TVN, though no decision has been made, the manager said. Discovery Communications Inc, which is acquiring TVN24-owner Scripps Networks Interactive Inc., said: Our policy is to not comment on market speculation or rumors. PZU has also become a big sponsor of events and campaigns that dovetail with PiS policy. When a publicity campaign began last month in support of the government s planned judicial reform, it was launched by a foundation funded by state-controlled companies including PZU. On Aug. 1, PZU s Warsaw headquarters were illuminated with a symbol of Poland s underground resistance to mark the anniversary of the failed 1944 Warsaw Uprising against occupation by Nazi Germany. PiS has put promotion of Polish wartime victimhood at the center of its appeal to nationalism. Last month, PZU sponsored a picnic organized by an outspoken Catholic priest, Tadeusz Rydzyk, with whom PiS has built an increasingly close alliance.;October 10, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: A 'goddess party secretary' ponders her future in fast-moving China;WUHAN, China (Reuters) - In the mid 1980s, as a wave of economic reforms swept China, Qi Jing s parents fled the poverty of their farming village to seek opportunity in the bustling city of Wuhan. Her father found a job as a glass cutter, and later as a security guard, while her mother took care of their home. Thirty years later, in a country transformed, Qi headed in the reverse direction in search of her own future. Soft-spoken and rail thin, Qi grew up a city girl whose only inkling of the hardship her parents and grandparents knew came during annual trips back to their village in Henan province. In college, Qi majored in English and grew to love romantic British literature. One of her favorite books was Jane Austen s Emma . She was attracted by the main character, a woman of strength and individuality. She wanted to study sociology in graduate school, but failed to make it into the school of her choice. Instead, she applied for a program to turn fresh graduates into rural officials. She had been a red-scarf-wearing Young Pioneer as a child - like almost all her classmates - and then a member of the Communist Youth League in her teens. When a college professor suggested she take the next step and join the Communist Party it seemed like the logical thing to do. As did going to work for the party. I ve all along been in touch with what my advantages are, where my abilities lie, she said. And in going through certain experiences, she added, I ve discovered what kind of profession I m suited to. This is how my dream has become more and more clear. Qi moved from Wuhan, in central China, to a nearby village to be the assistant to the local party boss. It was an eye-opening experience, with a heavy work load and problems far more complex than she d imagined. Two years later she moved to Putuan, a rural township further afield, to run the local branch of the Communist Youth League, the organization in charge of cultivating future party members. I really wanted to explore the flashpoints of humanity. In college it was all theoretical. The villagers posed complicated challenges, but sometimes so did her superiors in the system in which she worked. She felt she had a more open mind, and more creative ideas than some older officials up the chain of command. Last year, she helped the township organize its first lotus flower festival to attract tourists. She contacted a photo studio and spent her own money and a weekend having photos of herself taken in traditional robes, hair extensions flowing, among the lotus fields. She posted the photos on the messaging app WeChat. Local media picked up the story, dubbing her the goddess party secretary - and the pictures went viral. But five years into her new life in the countryside and approaching the age of 30, Qi feels like she s nearing a crossroads. She would like to find a boyfriend and get married, but her attempts to date rural boys haven t panned out. A long-distance relationship with someone in Wuhan, an hour away, doesn t seem practical. I used to be fairly optimistic, but now I m neutral, she said. At a certain age, one s opportunities get fewer and fewer, especially for women when it comes to your work and family choices. You must face them all.;October 17, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Year of protests and crisis in volatile Venezuela;CARACAS (Reuters) - Even by the volatile and violent standards of recent times in Venezuela, 2017 was an exceptional year, a perfect storm of political and economic crisis. Going into a fourth year of crippling recession, Venezuela s 30 million people found themselves skipping meals, suffering shortages of basic foods and medicines, jostling in lines for ever-scarcer subsidized goods, unable to keep up with dizzying inflation rates, and emigrating in ever larger numbers. In unprecedented scenes for the once-prosperous OPEC nation, some citizens survived only by scavenging through garbage. Not surprisingly in that context, President Nicolas Maduro s ruling Socialists the inheritors of Hugo Chavez s 21st century revolution - - lost popularity on the street, and the opposition coalition sensed a chance to unseat them. The tipping point came in March when the pro-Maduro Supreme Court essentially took over functions of the opposition-led National Assembly. Though the controversial ruling was later modified, it was a trigger and rallying cry for the opposition, which began a campaign of street protests that ran from April to July. Hundreds of thousands took to the streets across Venezuela, decrying economic hardship, demanding a presidential election, urging a foreign humanitarian aid corridor, and seeking freedom for scores of jailed activists. Slogans that read Maduro, murderer! and Maduro, dictator! began appearing on roads and walls around the country. Though the majority of protesters were peaceful, youths wearing masks and brandishing homemade Viking-style shields started turning up at the front of rallies to taunt security forces. When police and National Guard soldiers blocked marches, youths threw Molotov cocktails and stones. The security forces quickly escalated tactics, routinely turning water-cannons on the protesters and firing teargas into crowds. Guns appeared on the streets, and on several occasions security officials were caught on camera firing directly at demonstrators. Police were targeted with homemade explosives. Opposition supporters burned one man alive. The deaths, injuries and arrests mounted. Over the chaotic months, at least 125 people died, thousands were injured and thousands were jailed. Global opinion hardened against Maduro. Amid the extraordinary daily events, gangs burst into the National Assembly and beat up opposition lawmakers. The nation s best-known jailed opposition leader, Leopoldo Lopez, was released from prison and placed on home arrest to the joy of his supporters, then taken back to jail, then allowed home again, all in a matter of days. Venezuelans grew accustomed to navigating around barricades and burning streets as they tried to get to school and work. Some days, the country virtually shut down. By the end of July, many opposition supporters feared for their lives and protest numbers dwindled. Maduro said he was defeating a U.S.-backed coup attempt and authorities held an election, which the opposition boycotted, for an all-powerful Constituent Assembly charged with imposing order on the country. Having failed to block the Constituent Assembly, the protests fizzled out, leaving opposition supporters nursing their wounds and planning their next moves. They decided to tackle Maduro at the ballot-box in regional elections in October, but that backfired badly when they lost most of the governorships despite polls showing they would win. The opposition alleged fraud, but their complaints did not get traction and Maduro cemented his authority. In November, Venezuela said it planned to renegotiate its entire foreign debt, adding another dimension to the deepening national crisis. (See reut.rs/2AdRQ0Q for related photo essay);November 30, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: A SPEECH TO SAVE A NATION: “We the people will reclaim our government!” [VIDEO];Candidate Trump gave a great speech that was about reclaiming OUR government. We feel it s perfect for today Independence Day! This is not simply another 4-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not We The People reclaim control over our government. DJTTRANSCRIPT: Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new government controlled by you, the American People. There is nothing the political establishment will not do, and no lie they will not tell, to hold on to their prestige and power at your expense.The Washington establishment, and the financial and media corporations that fund it, exists for only one reason: to protect and enrich itself.The establishment has trillions of dollars at stake in this election. As an example, just one single trade deal they d like to pass, involves trillions of dollars controlled by many countries, corporations and lobbyists.For those who control the levers of power in Washington, and for the global special interests they partner with, our campaign represents an existential threat.This is not simply another 4-year election. This is a crossroads in the history of our civilization that will determine whether or not We The People reclaim control over our government.The political establishment that is trying everything to stop us, is the same group responsible for our disastrous trade deals, massive illegal immigration, and economic and foreign policies that have bled this country dry. The political establishment has brought about the destruction of our factories and our jobs, as they flee to Mexico, China and other countries throughout the world. Our just-announced jobs numbers are anemic, and our gross domestic product, or GDP, is barely above one percent. Workers in the United States, were making less than they were almost 20 years ago and yet they are working harder.It s a global power structure that is responsible for the economic decisions that have robbed our working class, stripped our country of its wealth, and put that money into the pockets of a handful of large corporations and political entities.Just look at what this corrupt establishment has done to our cities like Detroit and Flint, Michigan and rural towns in Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina and across our country. They have stripped these towns bare, and raided the wealth for themselves and taken away their jobs.The Clinton Machine is at the center of this power structure. We ve seen this firsthand in the WikiLeaks documents in which Hillary Clinton meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty in order to enrich these global financial powers.And, likewise, the emails show that the Clinton Machine is so closely and irrevocably tied to media organizations that she is given the questions and answers in advance of her debates. Clinton is also given approval and veto power over quotes written about her in the New York Times. And the emails show the reporters collaborate and conspire directly with the Clinton Campaign on helping her win the election.With their control over our government at stake, with trillions of dollars on the line, the Clinton Machine is determined to achieve the destruction of our campaign, which has now become a movement the likes of which our country has never seen before and we won t let them do that.The most powerful weapon deployed by the Clintons is the corporate media. Let s be clear on one thing: the corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism. They are a political special interest, no different than any lobbyist or other financial entity with an agenda. And their agenda is to elect the Clintons at any cost, at any price, no matter how many lives they destroy.press we can actualFor them, it is a war and for them, nothing is out of bounds.This is a struggle for the survival of our nation. This election will determine whether we are a free nation, or whether we have only the illusion of Democracy but are in fact controlled by a small handful of global special interests rigging the system.This is not just conspiracy but reality, and you and I know it.The establishment and their media enablers wield control over this nation through means that are well known. Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, a racist, a xenophobe and morally deformed. They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and reputation. And they will lie, lie and lie even more.The Clintons are criminals. This is well-documented, and the establishment that protects them has engaged in a massive cover-up of widespread criminal activity at the State Department and Clinton Foundation in order to keep the Clintons in power. Never in history have we seen such a cover-up as this, one that includes the destruction of 33,000 emails, 13 phones, laptops, missing boxes of evidence, and on and on.People who are capable of such crimes against our nation are capable of anything.But I take all of these slings and arrows for you. I take them for our movement, so that we can have our country back. Our great civilization, here in America and across the civilized world, has come upon a moment of reckoning.We ve seen it in the United Kingdom, where they voted to liberate themselves from global government and global trade deals and global immigration deals that have destroyed their sovereignty.But the central base of world political power is here in America, and it is our corrupt political establishment that is the greatest power behind the efforts at radical globalization and the disenfranchisement of working people.Their financial resources are unlimited. Their political resources are unlimited. Their media resources are unlimited. And, most importantly, the depths of their immorality is unlimited.Our political establishment has no soul. I knew these false attacks would come. I knew this day would arrive. And I knew the American people would rise above it and vote for the future they deserve.The only thing that can stop the Corrupt Clinton Machine is you. The only force strong enough to save this country is you. The only people brave enough to vote out this corrupt establishment is you, the American People.They control the Department of Justice, and they even clandestinely meet with the Attorney General of the United States in the back of her airplane, while on the runway for 39 minutes to most likely discuss her reappointment in a Clinton Administration just prior to the Attorney General making a decision over whether or not to prosecute Hillary Clinton.Likewise, they have corrupted the Director of the FBI to the point at which stories are already saying the great men and women who work for the FBI are embarrassed and ashamed to what he s done to one of our great institutions. Hillary Clinton is guilty of all of the things that Director Comey stated at his press conference and Congressional hearings, and far more and yet he let her off the hook, while others lives are being destroyed for far less.This is a conspiracy against you, the American people.This is our moment of reckoning as a society and as a civilization.I didn t need to do this. I built a great company, and I had a wonderful life. I could have enjoyed the benefits of years of successful business for myself and my family, instead of going through this absolute horror show of lies, deceptions and malicious attacks. I m doing it because this country has given me so much, and I feel strongly it was my turn to give back.Some people warned me this campaign would be a journey to hell. But they are wrong, it will be a journey to heaven because we will help so many people.In my former life, I was an insider as much as anybody else and I know what s like to be an insider. Now I am being punished for leaving their special club and revealing to you their great scam. Because I used to be part of the club, I m the only one who can fix it. I m doing this for the people, and this movement is just right and we will take back this country for you and Make America Great Again.The corrupt establishment knows that we are an existential threat to their criminal enterprise. They know, that if we win, their power is gone and returned to you. The clouds hanging over our government can be lifted, and replaced with a bright future but it all depends on whether we let the New York Times decide our future, or whether we let the American people decide our future.If this Clinton Campaign of Destruction is allowed to work, then no other highly successful person which is what our country needs will ever again run for this office.I will not lie to you. These false attacks hurt. To be lied about, to be slandered, to be smeared so publicly and before your family, is painful.What the Clinton Machine is doing to me, and my family, is egregious beyond words. It is reprehensible beyond description.But I also know, it s not about me it s about all of you. It s about all of us, together, as a country.It s about the Veterans who need medical care, the mothers who ve lost children to terrorism and crime, it s about the inner cities and the border towns who desperately need our help, it s about the millions of jobless Americans. This election is about the people being crushed by Obamacare, and it s about defeating ISIS and appointing Supreme Court Justices who will defend our Constitution.This election is also about the African-American and Hispanic communities whose communities have been plunged into crime, poverty and failing schools by the policies of Hillary Clinton. They ve robbed these citizens of their future, and I will give them their hope, jobs and opportunities back. I will deliver.This election is about every man, woman and child in our country who deserves to live in safety, prosperity and peace.We will rise above the lies, the smears, and the ludicrous slanders from ludicrous reporters.We will vote for the country we want.We will vote for the future we want.We will vote for the politics we want.We will vote to put this corrupt government cartel out of business. We will remove from our politics the special interests who have betrayed our workers, our borders, our freedoms, and our sovereign rights as a nation. We will end the politics of profit, we will end the rule of special interests, we will put a stop to the raiding of our country and the disenfranchisement of our people.Our Independence Day is at hand, and it arrives, finally, on November 8th. Join me in taking back our country, and creating a bright and glorious new dawn for our people.;Oct 25, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: McConnell Says He’ll Obstruct ANY Effort To Hire Independent Special Prosecutor;Siding with Trump s Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Trump s spokesperson, McConnell told America from the floor of the Senate that he sees no reason to assign an independent special prosecutor or create a bipartisan committee to get to the bottom of Trump s relationship to Russia.JUST NOW: McConnell says new investigation will only impede current work on Russia investigations.(so no special prosecutor or committee) John Berman (@JohnBerman) May 10, 2017McConnell was rebuffing Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer s renewed call for an independent investigator. I have said from the get-go that I think a special prosecutor is the way to go, but now with what s happened it is the only way to go, Schumer told reporters on Tuesday.Instead, McConnell said he would leave that up to the FBI and let Jeff Sessions handpick Comey s interim (read: non-confirmed) FBI head, something that is not standard procedure.News: AG Sessions & Deputy AG Rosenstein interviewing potential interim FBI directors today, according to a DOJ official (@LauraAJarrett) David Wright (@DavidWright_CNN) May 10, 2017Another deeply disturbing sign they need a handpicked interim Director? Why is the default, Andy McCabe, not sufficient? https://t.co/92pagYV5e7 Ned Price (@nedprice) May 10, 2017By picking the next FBI director outside of the typical process and circumventing a confirmation hearing the White House hopes to get an ally in the middle of the investigation another strong motive for firing Comey in the first place. Even if a full-time replacement eventually comes along, the dysfunction and partisanship created in this scenario could make the entire case dissolve. If you were a witness who knew of criminal wrongdoing from someone on Trump s team and you just watched the FBI director get fired and replaced by someone handpicked by Trump s close friend would you want to come forward? It s clear Trump sure hopes not.McConnell is enabling all of this. As usual. In a show of loyalty to the president, McConnell slammed Democrats who had called for an independent investigation and instead went on a lengthy rant about Obamacare and what he thought of as Democratic hypocrisy. Senator McConnell has decided to side with the White House in their spin that they fired Director Comey as a favor to Democrats. Matt House (@mattwhouse) May 10, 2017In a moment where the country can be said to be facing a real constitutional crisis, McConnell is choosing to smear his Democratic enemies and stand with undemocratic strongarm tactics from a president. It was a disgusting display of partisanship in the face of an unprecedented move by a sitting president to silence his critics and kill an investigation into his own wrongdoing. Having watched McConnell spend a decade refining the art of obstruction, it appears that this final act of obstruction of justice will be his masterpiece.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images;May 10, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Top Senate Republican: Will move on healthcare when support coalesces;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Leader McConnell said he expects to move on legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare as soon as his there are enough votes to pass the Republican-controlled chamber. The Kentucky Republican, speaking to reporters at a news conference, added that he does not expect to get much initial cooperation from Democrats, whose votes Republicans need to gain the 60 needed to pass bills.;February 17, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: You’re Going To Want To Read Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Tribute To Her ‘Best Buddy’ Scalia;"All over the world you ll see unlikely pairings; an elephant that is best friends with a dog, or a horse that befriends a duck, or a tiger that loves his monkey. And then there s Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the recently departed Justice Antonin Scalia. Two people who on paper should loathe one another, because quite frankly, they couldn t be more opposite in political viewpoints. Ginsburg the liberal and Scalia the staunch conservative. Yet, they were close friends during their tenure together on the United States Supreme Court, and even before that as well.As every Justice wrote a statement after the passing of Scalia, all very moving and paying tribute to the conservative, one stood out among all the others Justice Ginsburg s. As you read it, you can tell she was thinking back on memories of times they spent together and it is actually quite touching. She refers to their friendship as best buddies. Toward the end of the opera Scalia/Ginsburg, tenor Scalia and soprano Ginsburg sing a duet: We are different, we are one, different in our interpretation of written texts, one in our reverence for the Constitution and the institution we serve. From our years together at the D.C. Circuit, we were best buddies. We disagreed now and then, but when I wrote for the Court and received a Scalia dissent, the opinion ultimately released was notably better than my initial circulation. Justice Scalia nailed all the weak spots the applesauce and argle bargle and gave me just what I needed to strengthen the majority opinion. He was a jurist of captivating brilliance and wit, with a rare talent to make even the most sober judge laugh. The press referred to his energetic fervor, astringent intellect, peppery prose, acumen, and affability, all apt descriptions. He was eminently quotable, his pungent opinions so clearly stated that his words never slipped from the reader s grasp.Justice Scalia once described as the peak of his days on the bench an evening at the Opera Ball when he joined two Washington National Opera tenors at the piano for a medley of songs. He called it the famous Three Tenors performance. He was, indeed, a magnificent performer. It was my great good fortune to have known him as working colleague and treasured friend. The opera she s referring to Scalia/Ginsburg noted their relationship, and in the song We are different, we are one it shows that despite their differences in almost every way opinion-wise, they were still there together on the Supreme Court. Respecting one another s opinions, albeit perhaps not agreeing. They were friends.What Ginsburg s statement shows is that despite all that may divide us, there is far more that can bring us together. We need to acknowledge these otherwise unlikely best buddies and respect their bond. She is undoubtedly very sad after his passing, and after reading her statement, you can t help but look at Scalia in a different light than one may have originally perceived. This is a note from a friend to another friend after their passing, and it has to be appreciated.Featured image: Flickr/Wikimedia";February 15, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Russian foreign minister: Trump team are people of action;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, on a visit to Washington, said on Wednesday that his discussions with people in the Trump administration persuaded him they were people of action who wanted to cut deals and solve problems. Speaking at a news conference in the Russian embassy in Washington, Lavrov said that his talks with U.S. officials had not covered the U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia over its role in the Ukraine conflict. He said the focus of his discussions had been on creating so-called de-escalation zones inside Syria. “Now our dialogue is free of the ideologization that was characteristic of the Obama administration,” Lavrov said. “The Trump administration, and the president himself, and the Secretary of State, I was persuaded of this once again today, are people of action.” Lavrov said the administration officials “want to reach agreements not for the sake of showing off their achievements in terms of ideological preferences, but to reach agreements into order to resolve specific issues.” ;May 10, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Rubio backers spend big in Texas ahead of Super Tuesday;"WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Backers of Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio have spent nearly as much money in the weeks leading up to Super Tuesday’s nominating contests as all of his rivals combined, including an outsized spend in Texas. The Super PAC supporting the U.S. senator from Florida, Conservative Solutions, poured $4.2 million into 10 Super Tuesday states between Feb. 10 and Feb. 27, almost twice as much as groups backing rival Ted Cruz, according to a Reuters analysis of Federal Election Commission filings. Super PACs supporting all candidates combined, including Rubio, spent $8.8 million in those states during that period. The biggest chunk of money from Rubio's allied Super PAC was $1.5 million targeting U.S. Senator Cruz's home state of Texas, the biggest prize among the Super Tuesday states in terms of the number of delegates up for grabs. (Click here for a graphic: tmsnrt.rs/1Lr2J0c ) Cruz is poised to defeat Republican front-runner Donald Trump in Texas by a double-digit margin, with Rubio running a distant third in opinion polls. Efforts to reach an official at Conservative Solutions were unsuccessful, but experts said the spending could be an effort to prevent Cruz from reaching a threshold of victory that would allow him to sweep the state’s 155 delegates. “Given the delegate allocation, if Rubio can keep Trump or Cruz under 50 percent in some districts, he stops them from getting all the delegates in that district,” said University of Houston political science professor Brandon Rottinghaus. In the Texas Republican primary, delegates are allocated proportionally by congressional district. Texas-based Republican strategist Joe Brettell said a strong showing by Rubio in the state could also help the 44-year-old senator justify another run for the presidency in 2020 if he should fail to win the nomination this time. Rubio has emerged as the Republican establishment’s favored candidate to take on Trump for the presidential nomination, drawing a flood of endorsements and donor cash since former Florida Governor Jeb Bush dropped out on Feb. 20. But the senator has struggled to distinguish himself from Cruz in both the polls and recent nominating contests. Cruz’s allied Super PAC spent $738,000 in his home state during the period. Trump’s campaign is largely self-funded and he does not have an allied Super PAC. The review of Super PAC spending does not include money spent by campaigns, which are set to disclose their February spending on March 20. Super PACs supporting the candidates, as well as other outside groups trying to influence voters, are required to notify the Federal Election Commission shortly after purchasing ads. Super PACs, which were created after the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision in 2010, can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money but are barred from coordinating with the campaigns. This year is shaping up to be one of the most expensive elections in American history. And a lot of the money lately has been spent targeting Trump. Between the Super PACs supporting Rubio and Cruz as well as other groups that are working to bring down Trump, $7.2 million has been spent in Super Tuesday states and in national ad buys attacking the New York real estate billionaire, according to the Reuters review. One of the ads the Conservative Solutions PAC is running in Texas takes aim at Trump University, a for-profit program he launched that is now the subject of lawsuits from unhappy attendees. Trump called for the ad to be taken down, saying it was inaccurate. (Reporting by Ginger Gibson and Grant Smith; Editing by Richard Valdmanis and Jonathan Oatis) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production.";March 1, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump says DACA recipients should not worry about status;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Youths who were brought to the United States illegally and gained protection under the Obama administration should not worry about their immigration status during the next six months before the program ends, U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday. “For all of those (DACA) that are concerned about your status during the 6 month period, you have nothing to worry about - No action!” Trump said in a post on Twitter, referring to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.;September 7, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Merkel silent on fourth term despite glowing words from Obama;BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama called German Chancellor Angela Merkel an “outstanding” ally on Thursday and said she might get his support if he were a German citizen and she decided to run for a fourth term as leader of Europe’s largest economy. Merkel, whom many expect to stand again, declined to show her hand, despite Obama’s words of support. She said she would announce her decision at the appropriate moment, but “that is not today”. “Chancellor Merkel has been an outstanding partner,” Obama told reporters in Berlin when asked if he wanted her to run again, praising her integrity and their shared core values. Merkel told a joint news conference that it was difficult to say goodbye to Obama after their close partnership over the past eight years. “The parting is hard for me,” she said, before adding that the U.S. constitution limited a president’s time in office to a maximum of eight years and that she had to accept this. Obama smiled at journalists and winked. He said Merkel faced “big burdens” if she chose to run again. “I wish I could be there to lighten her load somewhat, but she is tough.” Merkel, in power since 2005, is expected to announce on Sunday whether she will run for chancellor again in next year’s federal election, the Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland media group reported on Wednesday. Close Merkel aides have said she is moving toward another run, and one lawmaker in her conservative party this week told CNN that she would definitely put herself forward. A poll conducted for German broadcaster ARD, released on Thursday, showed Merkel’s conservatives would get 32 percent of the vote if the elections were held on Sunday, down one percentage point from a poll taken on Nov. 3. The center-left Social Democrats, junior partner in her “grand coalition,” would get 23 percent, up one percentage point from the last poll, while the pro-environment Greens would get 13 percent, also up one point, the poll conducted by Infratest dimap showed. The anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party dropped one percentage point to 12 percent.;November 17, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Cholera could resurge in Yemen due to lack of aid, fuel: WHO;GENEVA (Reuters) - Another wave of cholera could strike Yemen, where a Saudi-led coalition blockade has cut off fuel for hospitals, water pumps and vital aid supplies for starving children, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Sunday. Dr. Nevio Zagaria, WHO country representative in Yemen, told Reuters that 16 percent of Yemeni children under the age of five suffer from acute malnutrition, including 5.2 percent with a severe form that is life-threatening, and the problem is increasing. Yemen, where 8 million people face famine, is mired in a proxy war between the Iran-aligned Houthi armed movement and the U.S.-backed military coalition that the United Nations says has led to the world s worst humanitarian crisis. Some 960,000 suspected cases of cholera and 2,219 deaths have been reported since the epidemic began in April, WHO figures show. Children account for nearly a third of infections of the waterborne disease, spread by food or water contaminated with human feces, that causes acute diarrhoea and dehydration and can kill within hours if untreated. Although the number of new cases has dropped for 11 straight weeks, 35 districts in Yemen are still reporting cholera with high attack rates in communities, Zagaria said. A deteriorating economic situation and lack of safe drinking water, due to water sewage systems in many cities lacking fuel for the pumps, have compounded the humanitarian crisis, he said. This is a perfect mix to have a new explosion of a cholera epidemic at the beginning of the rainy season in March of next year, Zagaria said in a telephone interview from Sanaa, amid four days of clashes in the capital city. WHO is working with local authorities in both the internationally recognized government and Houthi-controlled Sana a to identify areas at highest risk of a spike in the cholera epidemic and to boost defences, he said. A campaign of oral cholera vaccination - initially planned last July during an acute phase and then abandoned by authorities - is now under reconsideration but as a preventive action next year, he said. Meanwhile, a ship carrying 35 tonnes of WHO surgical and medical supplies is being diverted to Aden after waiting weeks to offload at Hodeidah port, Zagaria said. We are waiting and hoping that the situation of the blockade will be resolved. We have an opening to the humanitarian blockade but the opening to the commercial blockade is only partial, he added. The United Nations appealed on Friday to the coalition to fully lift its blockade of Yemen, which was partially eased last week to let aid into Hodeidah and Salif, and U.N. flights into Sanaa. The U.S.-backed military coalition closed air, land and sea access on Nov. 6 in a move it said was to stop the flow of Iranian arms to the Houthis, who control much of northern Yemen. Aid shipments cover only a fraction of Yemen s needs, since almost all food, fuel and medicine are commercially imported. Yemen s health system has virtually collapsed, with most health workers unpaid for seven months. WHO supports 130 hospitals across the country, providing fuel, water, oxygen, drugs, medical supplies and essential equipment, Zagaria said. The (fuel) contractors that we are working with are finding difficulty in keeping the stock, he said, noting that some hospitals require 60,000 liters of fuel per month. WHO runs 15 stabilization centers for severely acute malnourished children with medical complications and is expanding with 10 more, Zagaria said. We see that there is a constant flow of newly admitted patients to these centers. The deterioration of the situation in terms of malnutrition in children is increasing... It is very difficult to quantify with precise numbers, said Zagaria, who went to the intensive care unit of the pediatric ward in Sadaa last week. I am a pediatrician, I worked many years in Africa. You don t need to take the weight and the height.;December 3, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Saudi Finance Ministry says crackdown preserves investment climate;RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia s Finance Ministry said on Sunday that the kingdom s decision to set up an anti-corruption committee and detain prominent figures enhanced confidence in the rule of law, Al Arabiya television reported. The decisions preserve Saudi Arabia s investment climate, the Saudi-owned television channel said. Saudi Arabia announced the committee and the detentions late on Saturday. ;November 5, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Democrats pick Perez to lead party against Trump;ATLANTA (Reuters) - U.S. Democrats elected former Labor Secretary Tom Perez as chairman on Saturday, choosing a veteran of the Obama administration to lead the daunting task of rebuilding the party and heading the opposition to Republican President Donald Trump. Members of the Democratic National Committee, the administrative and fundraising arm of the party, picked Perez on the second round of voting over U.S. Representative Keith Ellison, a liberal from Minnesota. Following one of the most crowded and competitive party leadership elections in decades, Perez faces a challenge in unifying and rejuvenating a party still reeling from the Nov. 8 loss of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. He immediately made Ellison his deputy. After losing the presidency and failing to recapture majorities in Congress, party leaders are anxious to channel the growing grassroots resistance to Trump into political support for Democrats at all levels of government across the country. “We are suffering from a crisis of confidence, a crisis of relevance,” Perez, a favorite of former Obama administration officials, told DNC members. He promised to lead the fight against Trump and change the DNC’s culture to make it a more grassroots operation. Perez, the son of Dominican immigrants who was considered a potential running mate for Clinton, overcame a strong challenge from Ellison and prevailed on a 235-200 second-round vote. Ellison, who is the first Muslim elected to the U.S. Congress, was backed by liberal leader U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. The showdown between candidates backed by the establishment and progressive wings of the party echoed the bitter 2016 primary between Clinton and Sanders, a rift Democrats will try to put behind them as they turn their focus to fighting Trump. Those divisions persisted through the months-long race for chair, as many in the party’s liberal wing were suspicious of Perez’s ties to the establishment and some Democrats raised questions about possible anti-Semitism in Ellison’s past. Some Ellison supporters chanted “Not big money, party for the people” after the result was announced. But both Perez and Ellison moved quickly to bring the rival factions together. At Perez’s urging, the DNC suspended the rules after the vote and appointed Ellison the deputy chairman of the party. “I am asking you to give everything you’ve got to support Chairman Perez,” Ellison told DNC members after the vote. “We don’t have the luxury, folks, to walk out of this room divided.” Perez said the party would come together. “We are one family, and I know we will leave here united today,” Perez said. “A united Democratic Party is not only our best hope, it is Donald Trump’s nightmare.” Trump took a dig at Perez and Democrats in a tweet offering his congratulations on the election. “I could not be happier for him, or for the Republican Party!” Trump said. Perez and Ellison wore each other’s campaign buttons and stood shoulder-to-shoulder at a news conference after the vote. Perez said the two had talked “for some time” about teaming up, and Ellison said they had “good synergy.” “We need to do more to collaborate with our partners in the progressive movement,” Perez said, adding he and Ellison would look for ways to “channel this incredible momentum” in the protests against Trump and against Republican efforts to repeal President Barack Obama’s healthcare plan. Sanders issued a statement congratulating Perez and urging changes at the DNC. “It is imperative that Tom understands that the same-old, same-old is not working,” Sanders said. “We must open the doors of the party to working people and young people in a way that has never been done before.” The election offered the DNC a fresh start after last year’s forced resignation of chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who stepped aside when the release of hacked emails appeared to show DNC officials trying to help Clinton defeat Sanders in the primaries. Both Perez and Ellison have pledged to focus on a bottom-up reconstruction of the party, which has lost hundreds of statehouse seats under Obama and faces an uphill task in trying to reclaim majorities in Congress in next year’s midterm elections. Perez said he would redefine the role of the DNC to make it work not just to elect Democrats to the White House but in races ranging from local school boards to the U.S. Senate, pledging to “organize, organize, organize.” “I recognize I have a lot of work to do,” he said. “I will be out there listening and learning in the weeks ahead.” Perez fell one vote short of the simple majority of 214.5 votes needed for election in the first round of voting, getting 213.5 votes to Ellison’s 200. Also on the first ballot were four other candidates — Idaho Democratic Party Executive Director Sally Boynton Brown, election lawyer Peter Peckarsky, and activists Jehmu Greene and Sam Ronan. Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, withdrew just before the voting, while Brown, Greene and Ronan dropped out after the first round.;February 25, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Venezuela opposition says talks with government delayed;CARACAS (Reuters) - Venezuela s opposition said on Tuesday that this week s planned political dialogue in the Dominican Republic with President Nicolas Maduro s government was being postponed because regional guarantors were not going. The international negotiation process cannot go ahead until the foreign ministers are invited, opposition negotiator Luis Florido said, referring to the potential presence of Latin American foreign ministers at the talks. Negotiations to ease a bitter and long-running political crisis in the OPEC nation had been scheduled for Wednesday. Previous dialogue efforts have ended in recriminations between the two sides with no concrete progress. The opposition coalition had previously accused the Maduro government of blocking the presence of foreign ministers at this week s talks, but on Tuesday said it appeared to be more a scheduling problem. There was no immediate response from officials. The opposition s principal demand is for free and fair conditions for the 2018 presidential election. It also wants freedom for jailed activists, autonomy for the opposition-led Congress, and a foreign humanitarian aid corridor to help alleviate Venezuela s unprecedented economic crisis. Maduro accuses his opponents of conspiring with the United States and a right-wing international campaign to oust his socialist government via a coup. The government is seeking guarantees against violence and recognition of the pro-Maduro Constituent Assembly that has overridden Congress. At least 125 people died in four months of often violent protests against Maduro earlier this year. Foes say he is a dictator who has wrecked a once-prosperous economy. Maduro and his allies have accused the opposition of preferring violence to dialogue. Debt refinancing talks with international investors had begun successfully in Caracas on Monday, the government said, though creditors said the discussions were fruitless.;November 14, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Syrian rebels say U.S. allies push for retreat from southeast Syria;AMMAN (Reuters) - Two Western-backed Syrian rebel groups fighting the Syrian army and Iranian-backed militias in southeastern Syria have been asked by their Western and Arab backers to pull out of the area and retreat into Jordan, rebels and diplomatic sources said on Sunday. Both Usoud al-Sharqiya and Martyr Ahmad Abdo, part of the Free Syrian Army group, said they were told to end fighting in the area by their backers from the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and neighboring states that support them, which include Jordan and Saudi Arabia. There is a official request for us to leave the area, said Badr al Din al Salamah, a senior official in the Usoud al Sharqiya group, one of the main rebel groups in the area and a recipient of the military aid from the U.S.-backed alliance. Since early this year, the rebels have pushed Islamic State militants out of a large swathe of sparsely populated territory stretching some 50 km (30 miles) southeast of Damascus, all the way to the Iraqi border along the frontier with Jordan. But an offensive by the Syrian army, backed by Iranian militias and heavy Russian air cover, has encircled the rebels and eroded their gains. In recent weeks, the army has regained a string of border posts with Jordan that it had abandoned in the early years of the conflict Western diplomatic sources said the request was tied to a decision by the administration of U.S. President Trump in July to halt the CIA s program to equip and train rebel groups fighting the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The CIA program began in 2013 as part of efforts by the administration of then-President Barack Obama to overthrow Assad. The Trump administration says its strategy in Syria is focused only on defeating Islamic State. In a letter purportedly to rebel commanders and seen by Reuters, they were told they although they had fought bravely to fend off the Syrian army, their presence in a small enclave now posed a threat to them. The decision has caused disaffection among hundreds of fighters in the two groups, who consider withdrawing into Jordan as effectively disbanding their forces. The two groups, who have hundreds of fighters, will have to hand over heavy artillery and dozens of U.S.-made anti-tank missiles that played a part in their battlefield successes against Islamic State and the Iranian-backed militias, rebels say. In a meeting on Saturday, the rebel commanders told the joint operations center in Jordan that requested their withdrawal they would rather stay and die in the desert than leave the battlefield. We have rejected the request, since if we entered Jordan we would consider it the end ... the blood of our martyrs has not dried yet, said al-Salameh. The military operations center has not offered them a choice to move to a U.S. garrison further east near the border with Iraq in Tanf, the rebels say. That garrison, run by a separate program of the Pentagon, hosts an Arab rebel tribal group known as the Maqhawir al Thwra. Another rebel official said they were not necessarily opposed to withdrawing, but they wanted assurances from Jordan they could lobby to expand to the Badia area a U.S.-Russian-brokered ceasefire, which has halted fighting in southwest Syria. Washington and Jordan are currently negotiating with Moscow to implement a de-escalation zone that would push back Iranian-backed forces 40 kms north of the border strip with Jordan, diplomats say. We have accepted in principle and there are matters that have to be resolved. But until this moment there is no final agreement on withdrawing and we are still in the Badia and still fighting and in our posts, said Said Seif, a spokesman of the Martyr Ahmad Abdo group.;September 10, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Kid Rock Just Had His First Political Rally, And It Was Worse Than You’d Imagine (VIDEO);Robert Ritchie, AKA Kid Rock, has shown quite a bit of interest in running for the Senate in Michigan over the last few months, which would pit him against incumbent Democrat Debbie Stabenow. Although he has not officially entered the race, Kid Rock launched the website kidrockforsenate.com in July.I have had a ton of emails and texts asking me if this website is real https://t.co/RRVgISDFeq The answer is an absolute YES. pic.twitter.com/uYCUg6mjW1 Kid Rock (@KidRock) July 12, 2017Now Kid Rock has taken things to a whole new level by delivering campaign-style speeches during concerts. One of the first occured at a show on September 6 at Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan, a performance that had already garnered it s share of criticism and protesters before it even began, due to the artist s history of using the Confederate flag as a prop, something Rock has tried to justify as Southern pride, despite the fact he hails from Detroit. Yes, this is a man who is considering running for office.Kid Rock opened the night s performance with a new track entitled Greatest Show on Earth and then the entire arena went dark. A campaign banner was projected on a screen and a voice announced over the public address system Ladies and gentleman, will you please welcome the next senator of the great state of Michigan, Kid motherf___ing Rock. Red, white and blue lights came back on and Rock made his way on to the stage and settled behind a lectern with a parody of the presidential seal that read United States of Merica while Hail to the Chief played in the background.What followed was completely surreal as Rock stood at the podium, flanked by two women resplendent in white business shirts and hot-pants, and rhymed his way through an offensive, expletive-laden speech that, in comparison, made Donald Trump seem as reserved as a kindergarten teacher during his presidential campaign and, really, was a speech only Kid Rock could deliver. Rock covered all of the hot topics over the following four minutes between periodic bursts of guitars and thrusting, touching on sensitive issues such as health care and racism, while also calling out single mothers that rely on government assistance and white supremacists. He even went as far as considering the possibility of being President, pondering the potential of being able to grab his own junk while addressing the nation!Watch the madness that was Kid Rock s rant unfold here, however, a word of warning, there is quite a bit of coarse language. But, as if you expected anything less.Featured image via Rick Diamond/Getty Images;September 14, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Multiple Witnesses Confirm: The Pee Pee Tapes Are Real;Remember the fabled pee pee tapes? Well, it seems that we have a little bit more info on them including that Donald Trump s staff was seen arguing with hotel security about whether or not a couple of prostitutes would be allowed in his hotel room during a stay in Russia.In his infamous dossier, former British spy Michael Steele alleged that Trump had paid prostitutes to come up to his room and urinate on one another on a bed that Barack and Michelle Obama once shared. Steele claimed at the time that the incident was filmed and would be used by the Kremlin as kompromat (compromising material).Award-winning British journalist Paul Wood reports for The Spectator that not only do multiple witnesses confirm the pee pee tape, but there are more extreme recordings of Donald Trump than just a couple of Russian girls urinating:I heard of Russian kompromat compromising material on Trump from two sources months before the Steele dossier came to light.There are, though, reports of witnesses in the hotel who corroborate Steele s reporting. These include an American who s said to have seen a row with the hotel security over whether the hookers would be allowed up to Trump s suite. The dossier s account of hookers in a Moscow hotel room was the subject of gossip among politicians and intelligence people for months before it was published. Now claims are circulating of more tapes showing more extreme behavior. Expect these allegations to emerge in due course, Wood says cryptically.Will the pee pee tapes finally surface? Who knows but Trump must be sweating his fake tanner off thinking about it.Featured image via Getty Images;November 7, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Sean Spicer Dreams Up Brand-New Fake Terrorist Attack To Defend Trump’s Muslim Ban;As if we didn t already have enough proof that Trump s administration is full of pathological, compulsive liars, along comes Sean Spicer with yet more. It s not his defense of Kellyanne Conway s mysteriously non-existent terror attack at Bowling Green that lands him on the growing mountain of lies. Rather, it s that he himself has referenced an imaginary terror attack multiple times.CNN put together a short list of Spicer s references to a terror attack in Atlanta that never happened:The first timeHere s what Spicer told ABC s This Week on January 29 while defending the President s travel ban: What do we say to the family who loses somebody over a terroristic (sic) to whether it s Atlanta or San Bernardino or the Boston bomber? Those people, each of whom had gone out to a country and then come back, Spicer said.The second timeThe next day, Spicer appeared on MSNBC s Morning Joe and also mentioned Atlanta while defending the travel ban: There was a very short period of time in which we had something to execute that ensured that the people of the United States were safe. Everybody s been protected, Spicer said. What happened if we didn t act and somebody was killed? Too many of these cases that have happened whether you re talking about San Bernardino, Atlanta Boston would you wait until you do? The answer is we act now to protect the future. The third timeAnd in his January 30 press briefing, Spicer once again alluded to an Atlanta terror attack. When asked by a reporter why some countries linked to terrorism aren t on the travel ban list, Spicer responded: Right, and we re reviewing the entire process over this period of time to make sure that we do this right. But I don t think you have to look any further than the families of the Boston Marathon, in Atlanta, in San Bernardino to ask if we can go further. CNN has been unable to reach Spicer for comment, but some speculate that he might actually be referring to Orlando. The only problem is, he keeps saying Atlanta and it s not like the Orlando massacre was a small, minor incident where such a misstep might be understandable. The last known terror attacks in Atlanta were at the 1996 Olympics, and at a lesbian club in 1997. Both happened at the hands of a right-wing American terrorist.In other words, they weren t attacks by radical Muslims. And there have been no other acts of terrorism in Atlanta. Yet here s Spicer, saying Atlanta over and over again to defend Trump s Muslim ban.The Orlando attack, by contrast, was a massacre, and it s not like nobody can remember it. Odd mistake to make, if that s what s even happening.Maybe he s talking about tighter security in Atlanta following last year s terror attack in Brussels? That s not especially likely, either. When he finally gets a story together, he ll talk to the press. Or he ll ignore anything that has to do with his references to Atlanta. But, like Kellyanne Conway, he said it, and then repeated it. It s hard to believe that s just a misspoken word.Read more:Featured image by Mark Wilson via Getty Images;February 8, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: VIETNAM RELEASES Catholic Priest Just Days Before Obama Lifts Arms Ban… Just One Prisoner?;Vietnam has supposedly made modest gains in reducing human rights abuses BUT a Catholic priest was just released after TWO DECADES in a Vietnam prison. What on earth did this priest do? Well, he fought for religious freedom Yes, Vietnam is still holding others in situations just like this. Soooo Vietnam throws us a bone and releases just one prisoner as a gesture so Obama will lift the arms ban? WHY NOT HOLD OUT FOR ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS?Vietnam has freed one of its longest-serving political prisoners, just a few days before a visit by Barack Obama in which human rights is expected to be a key talking point.Nguyen Van Ly, a Catholic priest who has spent most of the past two decades in detention due to his relentless pursuit of democracy and religious freedom, was released from a prison in central Hue province after his fourth stint behind bars. They released him in a special amnesty by Vietnam s president before the Obama trip, Catholic priest Phan Van Loi told Reuters by phone.The communist country s state-controlled media has made no mention of Ly s release, which comes as Obama weighs whether to lift an arms embargo on Vietnam, a decision Washington has long said would hinge on human rights progress.Loi said that he met Ly after his release and that although he appeared weak, he was in high spirits.The US embassy in Hanoi welcomed the release of Ly but said other dissidents should be freed too. We call on the government to release unconditionally all prisoners of conscience and allow all Vietnamese to express their political views peacefully without fear of retribution, an embassy spokesman said.During Ly s long periods of incarceration, sometimes in solitary confinement, he suffered numerous health problems, including strokes and partial paralysis.Ly s release on Friday was three months before the end of an eight-year prison sentence for anti-state propaganda , which comes under a section of the criminal code that rights groups say is vaguely worded and used to punish outspoken critics.The priest has been on the receiving end of some of the country s harshest verdicts, stemming from his opposition to the political monopoly of the Communist party. He set up a pro-democracy movement and was behind several banned publications.Human rights is a thorny issue for Vietnam that has created dilemmas for western governments keen to engage with one of Asia s fastest-growing economies but alarmed by the arrests, harassment and jailing of its detractors.Via: The Guardian;May 23, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: ALERT: #Cleveland, Ohio Lunatic Shooting Randomly…One Confirmed Dead [Video];THIS MAN IS OUT THERE DRIVING AROUND FILMING MURDERS! We do not have all of the details as this is breaking. We just want everyone to be safe! We will not show the video of the horror of this man murdering an elerly man but have provided a video below to identify him. Please beware if you are in Cleveland! A lunatic is out there shooting people at random on Facebook live! Please stay indoors! He says he has killed 15 people so far but only one was confirmed. Please be safe!HORROR VIDEO: Steve Stephens live on Facebook saying he just killed 13 people in Cleveland and is about to kill his 14 victim. STAY SAFE! pic.twitter.com/wxHPgy8pVT Tennessee (@TEN_GOP) April 16, 2017 Steve Stevens is the man doing this:;Apr 16, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: CONDOLEEZZA RICE BRILLIANTLY Shuts Down “The View” Dingbats Over Trump-Russia Collusion [VIDEO];On more than one occasion, Condoleezza Rice was able correct the record by pointing out the hypocrisy of these ladies in such a way that they didn t even know it. It started with Trump-hater and ABC senior legal analyst Sunny Hostin asking about General Flynn s alleged discussions with Russia weeks before Trump s inauguration asking, As someone who has had that position as national security advisor, would you have felt comfortable having those discussions, is that inappropriate? Rice went on to explain how you will have conversations with foreigners, but the thing you shouldn t do is discuss policy. She then went on to say that, There s only one president and that as a matter of principle, you can talk to anybody in that period, but you should never suggest that you might be making changes in policy and maybe they should just wait until there s a change in administration. Was Rice referring to the time Obama was caught on a hot mic telling Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, This is my last election, after the election, I ll have more flexibility ?While explaining how we should be handling Vladimir Putin s potential meddling in our elections, Rice reminded the panel that when Hillary was Secretary of State she questioned the legitimacy of Putin s election in 2012 and now he s saying, I m going to question the legitimacy of your election . Rice s answer wasn t quite what The View hacks had hoped for, and like a dog on a bone, The View host Sunny Hostin continued, But Madame Secretary, if he [Putin] indeed did engage in these kinds of tactics in the election, then the very legitimacy of our election is at issue isn t it? Rice snapped back, No. Rice then went on to say, I trust the people who voted in Wisconsin and Texas and Alabama and California to have voted on the basis of who they thought was best gonna represent their interests. So I m not gonna question the legitimacy of their vote because Vladimir Putin tried to interfere in the elections. That s just a step that I m don t think we should take. Let s trust our fellow citizens to have been smart enough to vote for the people they ought to be voting for. ZING! WATCH:And for the final blow, fake conservative host Jedidiah Bilah (who, let s face it, is really just collecting a paycheck because she s a token conservative who s too weak to stand up for anything) has the opportunity to defend conservatism in some way with one of the most brilliant female conservatives sitting on their panel and she used the opportunity to trash President Trump over his handling of N. Korea.;May 10, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Boiler Room #99 – Almost to 100!;Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for bar fly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along with Infidel Pharaoh, Funk Soul, Andy Nowicki of Alt-Right Blogspot, Jay Dyer from Jays Analysis and Randy J for the 99th episode of BOILER ROOM. Water the kids, put the plants to bed and get your favorite mead horn ready so you can drop deep into the Boiler Room with the crew. Tonight the gang is discussing the latest a myriad of news and main stream media shenanigans that have taken place since the last meeting of the ACR brain-trust know as THE BOILER ROOM.Direct Download Episode #99Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved!Reference Links:;March 2, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Trump's body language during debate raises social media eyebrows;NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump paced, frowned and physically loomed at times over Democratic rival Hillary Clinton during Sunday night’s town-hall debate, prompting bewilderment and mockery from some on social media. The online reaction underscored the contentious tone of the encounter in St. Louis in which Trump and Clinton hurled insults at each other less than a month before the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election. Twitter users seized on Trump’s body language, with some remarking that he appeared to have “stalked” Clinton around the stage. The criticism came as the Republican faces a political storm after being caught on a leaked 2005 videotape making lewd and demeaning remarks about women. “#Trump’s body language [was] bizarre,” wrote Twitter user Sheena (@texdakota). “Pacing, insulting, standing right behind her.” “Trump’s body language freaked me out,” wrote Charlotte (@charlotteirene8). “I get very uncomfortable when men stand behind me, especially like that.” A spokeswoman for Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Clinton’s performance inspired online criticism as well. “Clinton could have done better,” tweeted ryank (@ryantkelly). “Didn’t seem as hungry, as able to get under his skin tonight.” Sentiment on Trump’s performance was 66.9 percent negative, according to an analysis by social intelligence firm Brandwatch of Twitter posts during the debate, while Clinton’s was 57.8 percent negative. The debate, which featured questions from audience members, was the most tweeted-about debate ever, with more than 17 million tweets, said Twitter spokesman Nick Pacilio. Trump’s statement that he and running mate Mike Pence differed on their approach to military intervention in Syria was the most-talked-about moment of the night on the microblogging site.;October 10, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Neo-Nazi group moves to 'Dark Web' after website goes down;TORONTO (Reuters) - Neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer, which helped organize a gathering in Virginia on Saturday that turned violent, moved to the so-called Dark Web on Tuesday because its registration to use the open internet was revoked. GoDaddy Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Google canceled Daily Stormer’s Internet registration on Monday, saying the group had violated terms of service, which prohibit clients from using their sites to incite violence. Andrew Anglin, the founder of Daily Stormer, did not respond to requests for comment. Supporters of Daily Stormer took to Twitter on Tuesday to tell people they could gain access to the website on the Dark Web, a portion of the Internet that is not indexed by popular search engines. It can only be seen with a special browser, which hides the identity and location of the users. A 32-year-old woman was killed and 19 other people injured when a man rammed his car into a group of people objecting to a “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The man has been charged with murder. The violence presented President Donald Trump with one of his biggest domestic political challenges so far in how he has responded to right-wing groups that are a segment of his political base.;August 15, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: U.S. women lawmakers on sex harassment: Congress, heal thyself;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives will adopt mandatory training on sexual harassment and discrimination, Speaker Paul Ryan said on Tuesday after members of Congress shared stories of women being propositioned and groped in the halls of the U.S. Capitol. “Our goal is not only to raise awareness, but also make abundantly clear that harassment in any form has no place in this institution,” the Republican speaker said in a statement. Ryan announced the new policy as a first step in the House’s review of sexual harassment policies after women lawmakers related in unflinching detail accounts of harassment and intimidation by House members and staff in Congress. The Committee on House Administration held a hearing on sexual harassment policies against a backdrop of social outrage over sexual misconduct by powerful men that began with allegations by multiple women against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. He has denied having non-consensual sex with anyone. Roy Moore, the Republican U.S. Senate candidate from Alabama, has faced allegations by five women accusing him of sexual misconduct when they were teenagers. Ryan and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell have urged Moore to drop out of the race. Moore has denied the allegations. U.S. Representative Jackie Speier told the panel that two current House members, a Republican and a Democrat, had engaged in sexual harassment. She did not identify the lawmakers. She said numerous staff members, both men and women, had been subjected to inexcusable and often illegal behavior. They included “propositions such as ‘Are you going to be a good girl?’ to perpetrators exposing their genitals, to victims having their private parts grabbed on the House floor,” she said. Speier later told MSNBC: “We do know that about $15 million has been paid out by the House on behalf of harassers in the last 10 to 15 years,” including one taxpayer-funded settlement on behalf of one of the current House members. About 1,500 former congressional staffers have urged the House and Senate leadership to address the issue. The Senate passed a resolution last week to require training. Democratic U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar, a lead sponsor of that measure, said the next step was to make changes in how harassment complaints are handled. “You wonder why there’s only 21 women in the Senate or why there’s no women running Hollywood studios or there’s hardly any women running major businesses,” Klobuchar told reporters. “Well, when you have a work environment where people can’t get ahead without having to put out, that’s what happens.”;November 14, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WHY DID OBAMA APPROVE $418 Million Sale Of U.S. Weapons To Kenya On His Last Day In Office…And Why Was The Contract Awarded To A Firm Who Never Produced One Of These Planes?;A group of lawmakers is planning to request a congressional investigation of a $418 million U.S. weapons sale to Kenya approved by the Obama administration on its last day in office. The sale, approved by the State Department and privately notified to Congress on January 19, would allow Kenya to buy 14 weaponized crop-duster-like planes including two trainer planes and services, for missions against terrorist group al-Shabaab.The deal was publicly announced the Monday after Trump s inauguration.A handful of lawmakers, led by Rep. Ted Budd (R-NC), are questioning why the contract to produce the planes was awarded to major defense firm L3 Technologies which has never produced such a plane while a smaller, disabled veteran-owned company in North Carolina that already make those planes at a lower cost was not considered.The L3 contract would primarily benefit its Platform Integration Division in Waco, Texas. An L3 spokesman did not respond to a phone call asking for comment.Budd said the current deal is not a good one for the Kenyans either. He met with the Kenyan Deputy Chief of Mission last Monday, who was allegedly flabbergasted they were potentially paying almost $200 million more than necessary. We ve had several Kenyans reach out and thank us, he said.Several Kenyan analysts also questioned the sale on Twitter, with the accompanying hashtag #KDFWeaponsScam. KDF is short for Kenyan Defense Force.We could have bought 5 of these Bell Boeing V-22 Ospreys at the $418 million expenditure #KDFWeaponsScam pic.twitter.com/2XXdS9g7VT The Muthoka (@MuthokaTito) February 17, 2017A US congressman has moved to halt Kenya's pending arms purchase saying that Kenya is getting a raw deal out of it. #KDFWeaponsScam PATRIOT (@PaulKiarie_) February 17, 2017This Twitter user questions the thuggery of the government that according to this user is currently over $3 trillion in debt.The kind of Thuggery being witnessed by Jubilee govt is the worst The public debt stands at over 3 trillion up from 1.6 #KDFWeaponsScam Mafioso (@elchapo_jnr) February 17, 2017The Mooresville, N.C. company, IOMAX USA Inc., costed out 14 planes at $237 million dollars, according to a Budd aide. It looks like politics, Budd said in a phone interview with Breitbart News on Monday. Why are they sending it to someone that s produced zero, for twice the price? This is inappropriate. Later this week, Budd and several other GOP congressmen are planning to request the non-partisan investigation.It is not just Republicans puzzled by the matter. Georgia Democrat Sanford Bishop will join Republicans in signing a letter being sent to the Kenyan ambassador to the U.S. on Tuesday.For entire story: Breitbart News;Feb 21, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: President Of Planned Parenthood Compared To ISIS, The Mob And Drug Dealers;Because the rabidly insane American right wing is no stranger to hyperbole and nonsense comparisons, Fr. Frank Pavone, an anti-choice fanatic, has compared Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood to terrorists, mobsters and drug lords. Why? Because she was invited to speak at Georgetown University by some of the students and letting Planned Parenthood speak is just plain crazy!While on an AM Hate Radio show, Pavone let loose with this gem:He said he didn t buy the argument that inviting someone like Richards to speak was allowing inquiry into all different positions. I mean, do we inquire, do we try to understand terrorism by inviting representatives of ISIS to come and speak? he asked. Or let s get some of the biggest drug dealers in the country to come and talk about their business because, after all, we have to understand both sides of the issue of drug abuse. Why don t we invite the biggest mobsters to come in because we have to understand both sides of the debate about organized crime? Are they doing that? Maybe I m missing it, but do these universities invite these kinds of people too? What Pavone is actually saying is that the only side we should be listening to is the one that says a fertilized egg is a person and that Baby Jesus cries whenever a hell-bound baby killer abortion doctor performs an abortion. Also, that abortion is the moral equivalent of terrorism. That would be a perfectly reasonable argument to make except for the fact that it s pure bullshit.The burning desire for conservative Christians to impose their religious doctrine on the entire country is never more clear than in the abortion debate. I say debate because there really isn t one. The pro-life movement is all about control and, for the most part, completely unconcerned with what happens to the precious life they re willing to murder to defend. The pro-choice movement, on the other hand, is perfectly fine with common sense restrictions placed on late-term abortions, a fact that theocratic monsters refuse to acknowledge.Normally, what Pavone said would be just the ravings of a madman, but these are not normal times. The right has whipped up such a storm of hate and rage against Planned Parenthood that violence is both inevitable and ongoing. This kind of rhetoric only increases the chances that someone will declare themselves a Soldier of God and lash out. Shootings, arson, death threats and all other manner of terrorism have been a common occurance in a country that s supposedly at War with terrorism. But I guess as long as the terrorism is white and Christian, it s acceptable. Murika.Featured image via Getty ;April 21, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: Russia Backfires! Clinton Campaign and DNC Busted In Huge Discovery On Fake Salacious Trump Dossier;Wow! The left-leaning Washington Post just broke this big story:Clinton Corruption- WaPo reports DNC & Clinton paid for debunked Trump Dossier. Russia collusion was with Dems in 2016 election. #MAGA #DTS pic.twitter.com/4OnuUx01lB Lou Dobbs (@LouDobbs) October 25, 2017The Washington Post just revealed:The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump s connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said.Marc E. Elias, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign and the DNC, retained Fusion GPS, a Washington firm, to conduct the research.After that, Fusion GPS hired dossier author Christopher Steele, a former British intelligence officer with ties to the FBI and the U.S. intelligence community, according to those people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. UNKNOWN REPUBLICAN CLIENT Elias and his law firm, Perkins Coie, retained the company in April 2016 on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC. Before that agreement, Fusion GPS s research into Trump was funded by an unknown Republican client during the GOP primary. The Clinton campaign and the DNC, through the law firm, continued to fund Fusion GPS s research through the end of October 2016, days before Election Day.Fusion GPS gave Steele s reports and other research documents to Elias, the people familiar with the matter said. It is unclear how or how much of that information was shared with the campaign and the DNC and who in those organizations was aware of the roles of Fusion GPS and Steele. One person close to the matter said the campaign and the DNC were not informed by the law firm of Fusion GPS s role.The dossier has become a lightning rod amid the intensifying investigations into the Trump campaign s possible connections to Russia. Some congressional Republican leaders have spent months trying to discredit Fusion GPS and Steele and tried to determine the identity of the Democrat or organization that paid for the dossier.THANKS TO TRUMP S PRESSURE, THE TRUTH CAME OUT:Trump tweeted as recently as Saturday that the Justice Department and FBI should immediately release who paid for it. Elias and Fusion GPS declined to comment on the arrangement. Spokesmen for the Clinton campaign and the DNC had no immediate comment.Some of the details are included in a Tuesday letter sent by Perkins Coie to a lawyer representing Fusion GPS, telling the research firm that it was released from a client-confidentiality obligation. The letter was prompted by a legal fight over a subpoena for Fusion GPS s bank records.People involved in the matter said that they would not disclose the dollar amounts paid to Fusion GPS but that the campaign and the DNC shared the cost.Read more: WaPo;Oct 24, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: South Korea's Moon says North Korea crisis must be handled in 'stable' manner;UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in called on Thursday for the North Korean nuclear crisis to be handled in a stable manner, so that peace was not destroyed. Moon told the U.N. General Assembly sanctions were needed to bring Pyongyang to the negotiating table and force it to give up its nuclear weapons, but Seoul was not seeking North Korea s collapse and the international community was ready to help the country if it stood on the right side of history. In the meantime, Moon said all countries must strictly adhere to U.N. sanctions on North Korea and impose tougher steps in the event of new provocations by Pyongyang. ;September 21, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: The Angry Left Attacks Trump for Letting 11-Year Old Mow White House Lawn [Video];President Trump just made an 11-year old boy s wish come true but the left is in a tizzy over it. Frank Giaccio wrote to the president offering to cut the White House lawn. He usually charges $8 dollars but offered to cut the grass at no charge LOL! The president took him up on the offer! Frank was seen mowing the lawn yesterday:A great moment but the left didn t think so. President Trump was hammered on twitter for supposed child labor violations Can you believe it? Trump is bashed for this awesome moment of fun with a young American who is working hard to make money?HERE S MORE ON WHAT HAPPENED YESTERDAY AND JUST HOW GREAT THIS WAS NO MATTER WHAT THE LEFT SAYS!The National Park Service might be out of a job keeping the White House grounds maintained. A 10-year-old boy named Frank wrote President Donald Trump to offer his lawn mowing services at no charge and we all know the President loves a good deal. So Frank mowed away this morning!President Trump tweeted out: Frank FX Giaccio-On behalf of @FLOTUS Melania & myself, THANK YOU for doing a GREAT job this morning! @NatlParkService gives you an A+!Frank FX Giaccio- On behalf of @FLOTUS Melania & myself, THANK YOU for doing a GREAT job this morning! @NatlParkService gives you an A+! pic.twitter.com/135DxuapUI Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 15, 2017;Sep 16, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Paul Ryan Has A Request For Donald Trump, And Trump’s Campaign Won’t Like It AT ALL;House Speaker Paul Ryan sold his soul the day he endorsed Donald Trump to be president of the United States. It was clear that he was just being a spineless, cowardly weasel when he did so, as he did it under cover of a big policy speech by Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Ever since then, Ryan s relationship with Trump has been frosty at best, and they have never appeared on stage together.During a weekly press briefing, Ryan got the one question everyone has been asking: Why hasn t Donald Trump released his tax returns? This is especially pressing right now, as Newsweek just printed a damning story that shows that should Donald Trump become president, the Trump Organization s rather dubious web of international ties would endanger the national security of the United States of America. With that revelation, it is even more imperative than ever that the American electorate sees Trump s tax returns. Hell, even George W. Bush s ethics lawyer said that these ties are a, quote, serious problem. Therefore, Ryan finally caved and said Trump s returns need to be made public. First, he referenced his own releasing of his taxes when he ran for Vice President: I did release my returns. I ll defer to Donald Trump as to when he thinks the appropriate time to release his returns. I know he is under audit, and he has an opinion on when to release those and I ll defer to him on that. He then hedged, though, because he is a coward who is afraid of upsetting Trump s supporters, and said: I released mine. I think he should release his. I ll leave it to him when to do it. No, Speaker Ryan, you need to get forceful with this. We need the returns NOW. With all of the shadiness surrounding Trump s business dealings and ties to nefarious characters around the world, this is vital information for the nation and world to know. Trump is trying to run the clock out on this one, to keep the voting public from knowing just what he gets up to. Do your job, and DEMAND Trump s tax returns.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images;September 15, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: BREAKING: HILLARY CLINTON’S STATE DEPARTMENT GAVE RUSSIA HALF OF U.S. URANIUM TO REWARD DONOR;IF SHE S NOT TOAST NOW THEN WE RE IN BIGGER TROUBLE THAN I THOUGHT. There s so much more to this whole thing and it s just getting worse for Bill and Hill. Chickens coming home to roost?Hillary Clinton s State Department was part of a panel that approved the sale of one of America s largest uranium mines at the same time a foundation controlled by the seller s chairman was making donations to a Clinton family charity, records reviewed by The Wall Street Journal show.The $610 million sale of 51% of Uranium One to a unit of Rosatom, Russia s state nuclear agency, was approved in 2010 by a U.S. federal committee that assesses the security implications of foreign investments. The State Department, which Mrs. Clinton then ran, is one of its members.Between 2008 and 2012, the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative, a project of the Clinton Foundation, received $2.35 million from the Fernwood Foundation, a family charity run by Ian Telfer, chairman of Uranium One before its sale, according to Canada Revenue Agency records.The donations were first reported in Clinton Cash, a new book by Peter Schweizer, an editor-at-large at a conservative news website, about the financial dealings of Mrs. Clinton and former President Bill Clinton. A copy of the book, set to be released next month, was reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. The book is to be published by HarperCollins, a division of News Corp., which also publishes the Journal.Via: Breitbart News;Apr 23, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: White House: Michelle Obama to join husband on trip to Britain;WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. first lady Michelle Obama will join her husband, President Barack Obama, for his trip to Britain later this week, the White House said on Monday. The Obamas will attend a private lunch with Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip at Windsor Castle on Friday. That evening they will have diner with Prince William, his wife Kate, and Prince Harry at Kensington Palace, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said. The president’s trip comes as the British weigh whether or not to remain in the European Union in an upcoming referendum and as Obama completes his final year in office as president. ;April 18, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: (VIDEO) CRINGE INDUCING: HILLARY BRINGS OUT THE FAKE SOUTHERN ACCENT ON HER FIRST CAMPAIGN TRIP TO THE SOUTH;THIS REMINDS ME OF WHEN HILLARY WAS CAMPAIGNING AND PULLED OUT THE ACCENT: ;May 27, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Syrian Air Base Trump Spent $80 Million Attacking Yesterday Already Up And On Bombing Raids Again;The Syrian air base Trump spent $80 million bombing yesterday is reportedly back in business. It s been less than 24 hours.According to Syrian human rights observers, warplanes were seen using the airbase as part of their attacks on anti-government forces near Homs.Reuters:Syrian warplanes took off from an air base which was hit by U.S. cruise missiles on Friday, and carried out air strikes on rebel-held areas in the eastern Homs countryside, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.Trump received praise from right-wing politicians and media pundits giddy at the idea of another war for his decisive blow to the Syrian regime. Instead, it appears the attack did very little to undermine Assad s military.It did, however, escalate tensions in the region and inflame military posturing from Iran and Russia. According to Russian officials, the country will begin shipping anti-aircraft weapons into Syria in direct response to Trump s attack. A Russian war ship has also positioned itself near the two U.S. vessels responsible for firing the tomahawk missiles into Syria.Trump s attack on the Syrian air base had a staggering price tag. The guy who claimed America couldn t afford to pay for Meals on Wheels spent an estimated $60-80 million on the rockets alone. The entire cost for the military action is likely much higher.The attack itself was largely an empty gesture provocative but meaningless. Trump warned Russia ahead of time (in order to allow Russian soldiers to leave the battlefield). The Russians tipped off the Syrians, who also evacuated before the first missile touched down. One estimate put the death toll at eight. It s not entirely clear if the real number is even that high.As for Trump, his motivation seemed clear: Publicity. A few years ago, Trump even hinted that this might be his response to sagging approval numbers when he projected his own insecurities onto then president Obama.Now that Obama s poll numbers are in tailspin watch for him to launch a strike in Libya or Iran. He is desperate. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 9, 2012Trump, desperate and angry, suddenly thinks attacking Syria is an important military action. Surprise, surprise.Featured image via Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images;April 7, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Jamie Dimon ventures beyond Wall Street to have a say in Washington;WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) Chief Executive Jamie Dimon is starting to look like Corporate America’s shadow president. The 61-year-old banker has made more than a dozen trips to Washington so far this year to press a broad agenda with a range of influential policymakers, people who attended the meetings or are familiar with his schedule said. Dimon has already visited the nation’s capital four times as much as he does in a typical year. His ramped-up presence comes after taking the helm of the Business Roundtable, a lobbying group that represents CEOs of large U.S. companies, in December. “We couldn’t ask for a more engaged or more effective Business Roundtable chair,” said Joshua Bolten, former chief of staff for President George W. Bush, whom Dimon installed as the organization’s president and CEO. The frequency of his trips, and the wide range of policies he has been discussing, have started chatter among power brokers in Washington and on Wall Street about how much energy Dimon is devoting to issues beyond JPMorgan. At times, they said, Dimon carries himself more like someone running the country than someone running a bank. “If you’re Jamie Dimon, you’ve always had access,” said Tim Pawlenty, CEO of the Financial Services Roundtable, a Wall Street trade group. “The difference is, now he wants it. He wants to play a role in policy more broadly than just representing his company.” Dimon has said in the past that the only big job he would want would be U.S. president, but also said running for office would be impractical. Associates told Reuters he has abandoned the idea entirely, and only became more active in Washington because he was worried about his bank, the economy and the future of the country. A JPMorgan spokesman declined to comment or make Dimon available for an interview. Reuters spoke to over a dozen people who have interacted with Dimon in Washington or were briefed on his meetings. Most spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss his activities. Those who have met Dimon recently include Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Democratic Senators Sherrod Brown and Mark Warner, Rep. Patrick McHenry, who is a member of House Republican leadership, National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn and Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen. He was around so much during the summer that Washington regulars said it was no longer surprising to see Dimon pop out of the Capitol Hill subway system or leave a lawmaker’s office. He has joked with staff about getting a condominium in Washington because of how often he travels there, one person said. Although Dimon’s meetings typically center on topics like tax reform or financial rules, he is not shy about weighing in on issues ranging from immigration to education and criminal justice reform, those familiar with the discussions said. In meetings, he has been using an app he asked Business Roundtable staff to build. It allows member CEOs to show how many voters in a district work for their companies, and how many facilities the companies have there, to persuade lawmakers that their priorities are aligned. During his interactions with lawmakers, Dimon can be brash and expresses annoyance with Congress’s inability to advance legislation, people who attended the meetings said. Sometimes he would show his lighter side. One day in July, Dimon spotted his Democratic Senator Richard Durbin, an old foe who championed a rule that slashed debit card fees and which Dimon has called “downright idiotic.” Durbin was withdrawing money from a non-Chase ATM when Dimon approached from behind and quipped: “We welcome competition.” A Durbin representative confirmed the interaction, first described by a Politico reporter in a tweet, took place but declined to elaborate. Those who have followed Dimon through his career are not surprised that the straight-talking New York banker has become even more outspoken during Donald Trump’s presidency. Associates say he has been shocked by some of Trump’s actions, such as abandoning the Paris climate accord, threats to tear up free trade deals, a call for a ban of transgender people from the military and ending a program that protects people who were brought into the United States illegally as children from deportation. Dimon is not the only corporate boss venturing outside his usual terrain. Goldman Sachs Group Inc (GS.N) CEO Lloyd Blankfein has criticized Trump in tweets, while others including Apple Inc CEO (AAPL.O) Tim Cook and Merck & Co (MRK.N) CEO Ken Frazier have condemned the president’s actions in public statements. But Dimon, who often refers to himself as a “patriot,” differs in tone and demeanor, sources said. The table of contents for his April letter to shareholders includes categories such as “The United States of America is truly an exceptional country,” and devoted more space to public policy prescriptions than in prior years. After Trump said “both sides” were to blame for the violence between white supremacists and left-wing protesters in Virginia, Dimon offered unsolicited advice on how a president should carry himself. “It is a leader’s role, in business or government, to bring people together, not tear them apart,” he wrote in an employee memo. (The story changes headline to clarify Dimon is not leaving his bank);September 8, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: The One Major Reason Trump Won’t Give Up On His Support For White Supremacists;Last week was the week it became official that Donald Trump isn t even trying to be President of the United States. His horrible responses to the Neo-nazi/KKK/White Supremacist hate rally in Charlottesville, Virginia proves that he s only concerned with a tiny portion of the United States, and that s his frightening and adoring base.While Trump s approval ratings continue to fall among most Americans, his base is lapping up Trump s attempts at spurring on racial division.A GOP strategist working campaigns in red and purple states said that while support for Trump generally declined slightly since Charlottesville, support rose among his base, after a decline last month because of the failure on health care and revelations about the Russia investigation. This strategist said many Trump supporters applaud the president s continuing desire to shake up Washington, favor his economic priorities and admire his willingness to speak his mind.Source: Washington PostPolitically, this is stupid.But he said Trump has nonetheless created a longer-term risk. What he s doing that s harmful is he s removing people from the persuadable audience, and that s dangerous, he said. He s taken an event where he could have added 5 percent of people to the persuadable universe and [instead] he s dumped out 10 percent of them. Trump doesn t care, though. The sycophantic worship is far more important to Trump than any sort of reelection strategy and it s certainly more important to him than the future of the Republican Party a party that s only in office because of gerrymandering, voter suppression and really undemocratic (both small and big D ) campaign finance laws.For Trump, appealing to the worst in humanity is that only strategy that works and there is absolutely no sign he ll be letting up on it anytime soon. In fact, the now ousted Steve Bannon, back at the helm of the white supremacist site Breitbart, is vowing to use his platform to keep Trump focused on his nationalist agenda.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images;August 20, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: DEMOCRAT STATE SENATOR Who Said She Wouldn’t Apologize For Saying She Wished President Trump Would Be Assassinated, Makes Tearful Apology;Last week, MO State Senator Chappelle-Nadal said she hoped Trump would be assassinated on her Facebook page. Thepost referring to President Donald Trump, has since been removed. But Chappelle-Nadal confirmed to the Post-Dispatch that she had written it in response to another commenter before deleting it.The U.S. Secret Service s St. Louis field office is looking into this, the office confirmed.Kristina Schmidt, special agent in charge, told the Post-Dispatch that hypothetically in such investigations, agents try to determine intent, to determine if there was a violation of federal law. If there is, then we refer it to the U.S. Attorney. Our primary goal is to determine if there is intent and meaning behind it, Schmidt said.According to a screenshot of the now-deleted conversation obtained by the Post-Dispatch, another commenter named Christopher Gagn was writing about a cousin of his who he said was on Trump s Secret Service detail.Here is a screen shot of the post that Chappelle-Nadal deleted after she was outed on social media:After Chappelle-Nadal was criticized by thousands of Americans, she still refused to back down and told the media she would not apologize to President Trump for the heinous remarks she made.After some members (not all) of the Democrat Party suggested she should step down from her position as state senator, Maria Chappelle-Nadal suddenly had a change of heart. All of a sudden, after her career as a MO lawmaker was being threatened, Chappelle-Nadal seems to have found her conscience, and is now offering a heartfelt apology to President Trump. Hmmm .funny how that happened.State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal apologized at a press conference streamed live on the Facebook page of the Clayton Times, a St. Louis County newspaper. President Trump, I apologize to you and your family, Chappelle-Nadal said at the Wellspring Church in Ferguson, Missouri. I also apologize to all the people in Missouri. And I also apologize to my colleagues in the Missouri legislature for the mistake that I made. Watch her tearful apology below. Here's some video of Sen. Chappelle-Nadal's remarks in Ferguson today. #moleg pic.twitter.com/ByMhEfvlvx Celeste Bott (@celestebott) August 20, 2017;Aug 21, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Georgia Judge Suspended for Comparing Attack on US Monuments to ISIS Actions;"21st Century Wire says In the wake of the Charlottesville m l e, reactionary social justice flash mobs and assorted vigilantes have begun a campaign of attacking and destroying statues and monuments all over the country. The irrational rationale of these activists is that these historic monuments represent oppression and slavery, and therefore they must marked for ceremonial destruction. Watch this scene in Durham, North Carolina this week where, bizarrely, the hysterical mob of liberal progressive protesters lines up to take turns kicking the inanimate bronze statue on the ground, after it was pulled down in an impromptu ceremony. This is an emotive crowd, clearly carried away by the political hysteria: Question: Should a small violent, reactionary mob be allowed bypass any sensible public discussion or forum thereby litigating and dictating history for the rest of the community and country?So this is really happening. George Orwell was a prophet. #Durham #Confederate #Monuments #WrongThink pic.twitter.com/7seUcanqyD Mark (@markantro) August 17, 2017In many ways, are rapidly heading towards a 1984-style thought police environment now. Viewed from a police state perspective, this contrived disorder is designed to further breakdown social cohesion in American in effect, finishing the job which Barack Obama started in 2008. This is an invitation for the federal state to then move in with more emergency powers to restore order . For the populace at large, less rights of expression will be the outcome. While the New Left in American appoints itself as policeman of history, its ranks seem to be more ignorant than ever of it. They fail to note Mao s purge, and other such examples in history. After Charlottesville the Culture Wars have begun.What happened to this judge in Georgia may be a taste of things to come. The culture war has arrived RT International news reports The nut cases tearing down monuments are equivalent to ISIS destroying history, Judge Jim Hinkle wrote on Facebook Tuesday, the same day protesters in Durham, North Carolina toppled a statue honoring Confederate soldiers.Judge Jim Hinkle suspended: The nut cases tearing down monuments are equivalent to ISIS destroying history."" https://t.co/xVPslLurWJ pic.twitter.com/BIQcy5bnZ8 Jeffrey Guterman (@JeffreyGuterman) August 16, 2017On Saturday, Hinkle had written that protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia were snowflakes with no concept of history, as they came to counter a rally of white nationalists who gathered to oppose the planned relocation of a statue to Confederate General Robert E. Lee. In Charlottesville everyone is upset over Robert E. Lee statue, Hinkle s post said. It looks like all of the snowflakes have no concept of history. It is what it is. Get over it and move on. Leave history alone those who ignore history are deemed (sic) to repeat the mistake of the past. That post was written approximately an hour before a car crashed into a group of counter-protesters in Charlottesville, killing a woman and injuring 19 other people. Police have charged the driver, who reportedly took part in the white nationalist rally, with second-degree murder. I have suspended Judge Hinkle effective immediately while I consider the appropriate final action, Gwinnett County Chief Magistrate Judge Kristina Hammer Blum told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) Tuesday.Hinkle told the AJC he didn t see anything controversial about the posts. But you know, with the way things are going in the world today, I guess everything s controversial, he told the outlet Full text of Chief Judge s statement about suspending Judge James Hinkle: pic.twitter.com/WcSe2wQhFg Tony Thomas (@TonyThomasWSB) August 15, 2017Continue this report at RTREAD MORE CULTURAL MARXISM NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Cultural Marxism FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV";August 18, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: HILLARY CLINTON CRASHING IN POLLS: Moves To Obama Strategy…Using Taxpayer Money To Give Away Free Sh*T;"So, the working people of America are basically supposed to sit back and watch Bernie Sanders and Hillary compete to see who can pander to get more votes by promising Americans and illegal aliens more free sh*t with our hard earned money? Like healthcare, education is a sclerotic, overexpensive, underperforming industry. Both have strong parallels: they re dominated by government subsidies and controls, though not entirely socialized; they re perhaps the only growth industries in our moribund economy; and they dominate the thought life of the nation. As Arnold Kling and Nick Schulz pointed out in 2011:These are our foremost growth sectors the ones most central to employment and consumption; the ones that, increasingly, drive our economy. And it is in precisely these two sectors that the case for extensive government intervention and planning, if not outright control, is dominant and becoming ever more so.If there is to be any hope of reversing this trend, champions of market economics must come to see these two sectors as the front lines in the battle for capitalism. At stake is not only an ideological or theoretical point, but also American prosperity. The historical record makes this clear: In the nations where it was practiced, government control of the old commanding heights of the economy made those industries less efficient and less innovative bringing overall economic performance down with them.Today, Hillary Clinton is touting her plan for Obamacare-izing higher education. Competing Democratic presidential candidates Martin O Malley and Bernie Sanders have already proposed essentially socializing college straight up. Clinton s proposal, like Obamacare, is also collectivist and unjustified wealth redistribution, but with a more complicated, less direct, crony capitalist flavor. In other words, it s not direct socialism, but it might as well be.By mucking around this way, Clinton gains the benefit of deception: She can argue that both the left and the right (by right, she of course means the craziest of Republicans, not actual conservatives) have proposed elements of her plan. So she gets to smear her Frankenstein with pretty bipartisan makeup. And the average voter won t care, because the average voter doesn t give jack about enslaving his children (or other people s children) to the unseen but growing monstrosity of federal debt, as long as he gets feel-goodies now, regardless of whether they actually benefit anyone. But it s still a Frankenstein.What Does Hillary Clinton Propose, Exactly? Before we get into the mud-slinging, let s do what most journalists do not and give some actual hard facts about Clinton s proposal. (Do any of you also scan news articles looking for actual facts instead of paid spokespeople s lying spin? It s hard to find those, isn t it?) The full proposal doesn t seem available (probably so they can tweak its details in response to initial criticism); reporters have gotten three fact sheets, MSNBC says. Inside Higher Ed kindly posted them. A news summary of the major points: Under the plan, which was outlined by Clinton advisers on Sunday, about $175 billion in grants would go to states that guarantee students would not have to take out loans to cover tuition at four-year public colleges and universities. In return for the money, states would have to end budget cuts to increase spending over time on higher education, while also working to slow the growth of tuition, thought the plan does not require states to cap it. (NYT) military veterans, lower-income students and those who complete a national service program, like AmeriCorps, would go to school for free in the Clinton plan (AP). She would also expand income-based repayment programs, allowing every student borrower to enroll in a plan that would cap their payments at 10 percent of their income with remaining debt forgiven after 20 years. (AP) Student borrowers would be expected to work at least 10 hours a week to contribute, while their families would continue contributing under the current income-based model. Clinton s plan would also expand a tax credit from $1,000 to $2,500 for families paying for college. (MSNBC) Her campaign says she will create a dedicated fund for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and will expand AmeriCorps from 75,000 to 250,000 members. (MSNBC) Mrs. Clinton would pay for the [supposedly $350 billion] plan by capping the value of itemized deductions that wealthy families can take on their tax returns. (NYT)So more income redistribution and more federal micromanagement because, clearly, central planners know better how to manage college costs than colleges and families. Topped off, of course, by (what else?) playing self-appointed Robin Hood against people who earn lots less money than she does. Envy and greed are our society s favorite sins, after all.Federal Meddling Is the Problem, Not the AnswerThe most expensive portion of Clinton s proposal involves bullying states into following federal marching orders in order for them to receive cash the feds scooped from taxpayers.For entire story: The Federalist";Aug 10, 2015 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: " Trump’s Rally Already Off The Rails As Nazis Show Up; Protester Slammed To Ground While Trump Rants";"The rally Trump held to compete with the National Correspondent s dinner in Washington is off to a predictably ugly start. At least one protester has already been physically tackled by waiting police officers. Nazis are mingling with the crowd. And Trump is raving from the pulpit. It s the ugliest parts of the 2016 campaign all over again.Trump is currently being sued for his involvement in the assault of a protester during the campaign but that didn t stop him from being similarly aggressive at this rally. According to reporters on the scene, Trump was yelling get him out of here! as his supporters and his police detail yanked a protester to the ground. Politico s Josh Dawsey captured the moment.Cops throw angry protester to the ground. He's not leaving quietly. ""Get him out of here,"" Trump says. pic.twitter.com/kOCKdO89rH Josh Dawsey (@jdawsey1) April 30, 2017Carrying Make America Strong Again signs, Trump supporters hurled insults and lewd gestures at the protester as he was dragged out of the arena.Pennsylvania State Police drag out a Donald Trump protester while a supporter gives him the middle finger @ Harrisburg rally. pic.twitter.com/DIYodbvy4G Jonathan Lee Riches (@xxxlawsuitxxx) April 30, 2017It s important to remind ourselves that this is not normal. There used to be a sense of respect for both president and protester. President Obama once made international headlines when he told a heckler to please be respectful until he was finished talking. In just 100 days, Trump has torched that tacit agreement.Neo-Nazis were also spotted in the crowd. They ve been a regular feature of Trump rallies in recent months, including proudly filming themselves give Nazi sieg heil salutes during a Berkeley march. New York Magazine s Olivia Nuzzi spotted a few of the Trump supporters donning skin head regalia and snapped this photo:Seen at the Trump rally in Harrisburg: pic.twitter.com/dBl3RHKJ73 Olivia Nuzzi (@Olivianuzzi) April 29, 2017Tee Keystone State Council is a known hate group which has stated their mission is to target young people to build a new generation of white supremacists. They are also linked to several neo-Nazi groups, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.Again, Nazis and white supremacists showing up to openly support a president is not normal.As for Trump, he pretended he was running for president again. He ranted about making America stronger , bragged about the crowd size and blatantly lied. Just like old times.Trump says ""we have a lot of ppl standing outside"" and he ""broke the all time record"" in this arena. There are rows of empty seats here pic.twitter.com/ixbErKjrQu Jonathan Tamari (@JonathanTamari) April 30, 2017What does it say about the country that an event like this is happening? What does it project to the rest of the world?Featured image via Twitter";April 29, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: British EU exit a model for Trump's campaign, he says;TURNBERRY, Scotland (Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump thrust himself into the heart of Britain’s vote to leave the European Union on Friday, calling it a “great” development and drawing parallels to his own insurgent campaign. In Scotland to reopen a golf resort he owns, the wealthy New York businessman wasted no time interpreting the outcome of the “Brexit” vote as an example of a global uprising against the established order. It’s an argument he said fit in with his own campaign to shake up Washington by renegotiating free trade deals and stopping illegal immigration. “People want to take their country back. They want to have independence in a sense. You see it with Europe, all over Europe,” Trump, 70, the presumptive Republican nominee, told a news conference at the Trump Turnberry golf course. He said the economic shock from the vote would ebb over time and that more European countries might want to break with the 28-nation European Union. Americans, he said, would have a chance “to re-declare their independence” and “reject today’s rule by the global elite” when they vote on Nov. 8. “So I think you’re going to have this happen more and more. I really believe that, and I think that it’s happening in the United States. It’s happening by the fact that I’ve done so well in the polls,” he said. Trump’s rival, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, said in a statement: “This time of uncertainty only underscores the need for calm, steady, experienced leadership in the White House to protect Americans’ pocketbooks and livelihoods, to support our friends and allies, to stand up to our adversaries, and to defend our interests. “It also underscores the need for us to pull together to solve our challenges as a country, not tear each other down,” said Clinton, 68, a former U.S. secretary of state, who had openly favored Britain’s remaining in the EU. More than half a million Britons signed a petition earlier this year to bar Trump from entering Britain, where he has business interests, in response to his call to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States. British lawmakers decided against a ban as a violation of free speech. Trump assailed as inappropriate Democratic President Barack Obama’s open appeals to Britain not to split off. Shaking off a tradition of not commenting on U.S. politics from foreign soil, Trump said Obama had been embarrassed. “It’s something he shouldn’t have done. It’s not his country. It’s not his part of the world. He shouldn’t have done it. And I actually think that his recommendation perhaps caused it to fail,” Trump said. Democrats and Republicans both took stock of a decision that seemed to indicate Trump’s campaign had tapped into a global wave that might be hard to contain. Joined by his sons Don Jr. and Eric and daughter Ivanka, who help manage his business affairs, Trump arrived in his signature helicopter near his clubhouse resort, a Scottish flag blowing in the wind. The candidate praised his children’s business acumen, his Scottish-born mother and the golf course itself, dismissing complaints from Republicans that he should have stuck to the campaign trail at home. As it happened, by turning up when he did, Trump drew global televised attention to his views on the Brexit vote within hours of Britons waking up to the surprising result. “I said this was going to happen and I think that it’s a great thing,” said Trump, who weeks ago said he would be inclined to leave the EU. Trump had exchanged insults with British Prime Minister David Cameron, who supported staying in the EU and said on Friday after the vote he would resign by October. Cameron had called Trump’s anti-immigrant policy ideas divisive and wrong. “I think David Cameron is a good man. He was wrong on this. He didn’t get the mood of his country right. He was surprised,” Trump said, predicting that Britain and the United States would remain “great allies.” Wearing a white hat emblazoned with his “Make America Great Again” campaign slogan, Trump walked up to the news conference with bagpipers heralding his arrival. His visit to Turnberry, to be followed by a stop at his resort in Aberdeen on Saturday, coincided with a vote that exposed deep divisions in Britain and dealt the biggest blow to the European project of greater unity since World War Two. Some Scots who are Turnberry members and who sat in the front row at Trump’s news conference muttered “no” whenever the subject of Scotland leaving the EU came up. Scotland voted by a margin of 62 percent to 38 percent to remain in the EU, a result sharply at odds with Britain as a whole, which voted 52 percent to 48 percent to leave. Trump, who has yet to hold public office and rates unfavorably with 70 percent of Americans in an opinion poll, defeated a crowded field of opponents for the Republican nomination while weathering one controversy after another. The latest was over the firing of his campaign manager this week, a month before the party convention. Trump invested $290 million in renovating the resort and golf course on Scotland’s west coast, 85 km (53 miles) southwest of Glasgow.;June 24, 2016 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: This Priceless Video HILARIOUSLY Exposes Trump And His Doctor For What They Really Are;Trust Funny Or Die to come up with something like this. They ve released a video starring Brent Spiner, a.k.a Dr. Okun from Independence Day, and Data from Star Trek: The Next Generation, and he (ahem) takes on a new role here to lampoon the hell out of both Trump and his quack of a doctor.Spiner actually introduces himself as Dr. Bornstein, and immediately launches into what he knows about Trump: I m making this video because there s something they don t want you to know. Trump s not from here! And I don t mean not from America, I mean not from this planet, okay?When I wrote that ridiculously glowing letter in five minutes, I thought you d see through it for the obvious farce that it was! Indeed, that letter has been the subject of controversy for Trump, seeing as how Bornstein used language that doctors generally don t use in it. He said that Trump s lab results were astonishingly excellent, for one thing. He also declared Trump the healthiest person ever to run for president, which is something he can t possibly know.Spiner hilariously touches on all of that, too, in his role as the infamous Dr. Bornstein. He then goes back into discussing Trump s alien anatomy: I did a chest exam, and to be honest, I was not expecting to find a heart, and guess what? I didn t! What Bornstein did find in place of a heart is even funnier than Trump s obvious lack of one. From there, it just spirals. Watch below to find out what else Bornstein knows about Trump:;September 1, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Woman Who Worked For Trump Warns “He HAS To Be Stopped” (VIDEO);"Barbara Res worked for seven years as the head of construction for Donald Trump s company and she just told MSNBC s Chris Hayes he has to be stopped. Barbara Res on her former boss, Donald Trump: ""He has to be stopped"" #inners https://t.co/gLOKoF3NzK All In w/Chris Hayes (@allinwithchris) May 19, 2016Res, who oversaw the construction of Trump Tower and now supports Hillary Clinton, explained to Hayes that Trump will put our country back thirty years and will be bad for our country. She added, I don t think he has the experience to be president, or the political knowledge to be president. Res also said Trump s policies are very backward, very anti-woman, very anti-woman and very anti-progress. She served as an executive vice-president with the Trump Organization from 1984-1991, and wrote a book a few years ago about her experiences, All Alone on the 68th Floor: How One Woman Changed the Face of Construction.She also recently spoke to the New York Times about the danger she sees in Trump s candidacy. I couldn t imagine him ever doing a job where he would be beholden not to one person but 300 million, Barbara Res said in an interview with The New York Times. I think he thinks he s going to be king. Res, who supports Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, said Trump seems to think he can just decree things that a president can t, noting there are three branches of government that work together. I don t see him getting away with all these things that he says he s going to do, she said.Over his campaign, Trump has promised to do several different projects that would need Congressional support and spending to execute like building a wall on the southern border or banning Muslim travel to the United States, but has never bothered to explain how he would practically get them done, or even explain if they would be legal. During the Republican primary, those promises weren t a problem for Trump, but the general election is unlikely to be as forgiving.Featured image via Twitter";May 18, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: LIBERAL HACK ALEC BALDWIN Performed Rank Trump-Bashing Skit Last Night…Baldwin Is No Saint!;"Open Borders/ImmigrationTrade/OverregulationForeign PolicyNow that s what we need to discuss but will America get over the reality TV sort of political season we re having? Here s what I m hoping I m hoping Americans finally realize we have way too much to lose in this election than to be swayed by something someone said 10 years ago: This election cycle, Republicans finally realized that we need to stop playing the civility game and put someone in the ring who can fight back. We finally recognized the futility of complaining to the referee about unfairness. Unfortunately, it took us almost a decade to realize that the MSM have stacked the deck. We re not after another gentleman politician; we needed a card shark, a gunslinger, and a hustler. And that s what we got with Trump. Yes, we realize that that type of person brings a lot of baggage, but we re desperate to win. There is too much to lose Read more: American Thinker";Oct 9, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Afghan Air Force receives first Black Hawk helicopters;KABUL (Reuters) - The Afghan Air Force took delivery of its first four U.S.-made UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters on Tuesday as part of a planned replacement of its aging fleet of Russian-made Mi-17 helicopters, officials said. The U.S. plans to supply a total of 159 Black Hawks to Afghanistan in the coming years as it boosts the capacity of the AAF, considered one of the best-performing parts of the Afghan Defence and Security Forces. The first Afghan Air Force UH-60s arrived today in Kandahar. They will help further develop a capable and sustainable AAF, the NATO-led Resolute Support mission said. The robust Soviet-era Mi-17 is the workhorse of the AAF, accounting for around half of all sorties in recent months and is very popular with Afghan pilots. As well as moving troops and casualties and flying in supplies to areas difficult to reach by road, the helicopters can also be fitted with weapons for close air support to units on the ground. However their age makes them increasingly difficult to maintain and replace and they are to be phased out over the coming years and replaced with refurbished Black Hawks, one of the mainstays of the U.S. Army s helicopter force. According to a report in July by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan, a U.S. Congressional watchdog, 19 of the AAF s 46-strong Mi-17 fleet were unusable because they were undergoing overhaul or repair. In addition to operational considerations, the Pentagon has also long faced political pressure from Congress to switch spending to U.S.-built aircraft. Strengthening the Afghan Air Force is a central part of President Ashraf Ghani s four year plan to improve Afghan security forces which have struggled to contain the Taliban insurgency since the NATO-led coalition backing the government ended its main combat operations in 2014.;September 19, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Philippine military kills escaping Islamist militant in Marawi;MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine troops on Tuesday killed a pro-Islamic State gunman in the southern city of Marawi, a military official said, eight days after the government declared the end of hostilities. Soldiers have focused on securing Marawi against surviving militant fighters since ending five months of operations against Islamic State-inspired militants who seized control of parts of the city in May, in a bid to win a foothold in the region. The conflict displaced about 350,000 residents and killed more than 1,100 people, mostly militants, stirring concern that the southern Philippines is becoming Islamic State s hub in Southeast Asia. The military engaged in a gunfight with one of the suspected remaining gunmen in the main battle area, after foiling his bid to escape, army spokesman Colonel Romeo Brawner said. We still have to put in troops, because there s a possibility for stragglers, Brawner told a news conference in Marawi. In the main battle area, there are many possible hiding spots. Indonesians, Malaysians and Middle Easterners were among the fighters who flocked to Marawi to support the Islamic State s emirate in Southeast Asia. Thousands of Marawi residents have started returning home, only for some to find dwellings ransacked. Brawner said an army official and five more personnel were detained in barracks after being charged with looting. The main battle area in downtown Marawi remains off limits, pending the removal of booby traps and unexploded ordnance.;October 31, 2017 ### Response: True news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Hillary’s ‘Russian Hack’ Hoax: The Biggest Lie of This Election Season;"Patrick Henningsen 21st Century WireThe longer this soap opera drags on, it s becoming more and more evident that the Russian government did not hack into the DNC, and Moscow is not feeding John Podesta s emails to Wikileaks. For those who are deeply invested in this now official conspiracy theory, however, this might be a hard pill to swallow. The White House and the Hillary Clinton campaign are now married to the idea that Putin is hacking the US elections. In response, the President is weighing his options tougher economic sanctions, revoking diplomatic status to Russian envoys in the US, or even deploying his newly developed malicious cyber-activity tools.Even VP Joe Biden wants in on the action, threatening Moscow by saying, We re sending a message. We have the capacity to do it. Presumably, he s referring to a cyber counter attack by Washington.It seems that where ever you turn nowadays, someone in Washington is issuing a threat against Russia. Are US-Russian relations really that bad, or does this trend have more to do with the defense industry and power struggles within the US?What was previously a stance reserved for right-wing neoconservative hawks and Cold War hold-outs has now infected America s left-wing, and is a firm plank in the Democratic Party platform, as evidenced by Hillary Clinton s constant anti-Russian rhetoric throughout this 2016 election cycle. Along with the White House, Clinton has now transformed the Democrats into the vanguard of Washington s new anti-Russia movement.On July 27th, Josh Rogin from the Washington Post wrote, The Clinton campaign has decided to escalate its rhetoric on Russia. After Trump suggested Wednesday that if Russia had indeed hacked Clinton s private email server it should release the emails, the Clinton campaign sent out its Democratic surrogates to bash Russia and Trump in a manner traditionally reserved for Republicans. Anyone who was paying attention back then knew this Russian hack talking point was purely political, but then again, who s really paying attention these days? Certainly not the US media.You can trace the genesis of the Democratic Party s hardcore anti-Russian strategy back to when President Vladimir Putin made a mild passing remark about Donald Trump s GOP primary success. From that point on, Trump s political opponents saw this as an open target. In their words, comparing one dictator to another. Never one to pass up an opportunity to score cheap political points, President Obama got in on the act, intensifying the Trump-Putin narrative to the level of bromance. If you ve made a career out of idealizing Ronald Reagan, then where were you when your own party s nominee for president was kissing up to Vladimir Putin? said Obama on Oct 20th at a Clinton rally in Miami.Backed by the Obama White House, Clinton and the media felt they had a green light to keep pressing ahead with blaming Russia not only for the controversial DNC leaks, but also for hacking into US election systems in Arizona a charge devoid of any evidence other than innuendo and speculation. The media s coverage on this issue was deceptive from the onset. In a leading news release, entitled, Russian hackers targeted Arizona election system, we can see how after the cock-sure headline, the first paragraph would always sound definitive: Hackers targeted voter registration systems in Illinois and Arizona, and the FBI alerted Arizona officials in June that Russians were behind the assault on the election system in that state. But then by the time you advanced down the story, the report would quickly retreat into a zone of uncertainty: The bureau described the threat as credible and significant, an eight on a scale of one to 10, Matt Roberts, a spokesman for Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan (R), said Monday. As a result, Reagan shut down the state s voter registration system for nearly a week. And then, down to almost nothing It turned out that the hackers had not compromised the state system or even any county system. They had, however, stolen the username and password of a single election official in Gila County. At no point was any evidence ever given. Only ambiguous statements like, Cyber security officials agree that this looks very much like a Russian government-directed hack. Are American politicians so callous as to tempt geopolitical conflict in order to further their short-term political ambitions? Better yet, has American political life really arrived in such a dark cul de sac (translated in French: bottom of the bag ) where politicians in power are so insecure as to make-up and propagate wild international conspiracy theories in the middle a national election cycle? It s a very depressing prospect, and yet, this is exactly what we are seeing in this 2016 Presidential Election.Behind Clinton s wild hyperbolic rants about the Kremlin and Wikileaks, you will find the White House On October 7th, the Obama Administration formally accused the Russian government of stealing emails from the Democratic National Committee and other high-profile individuals including Hillary Clinton s campaign manager John Podesta giving them to Wikileaks. Soon, there was a queue of national security politicians eager to hitch a ride on this bandwagon. Senator Ben Sasse (NE-R), a member of the Homeland Security Committee spouted out, Russia must face serious consequences. Moscow orchestrated these hacks because [Russian President Vladimir] Putin believes Soviet-style aggression is worth it. The United States must upend Putin s calculus with a strong diplomatic, political, cyber and economic response. According to a Washington Post report by technology editor, Ellen Nakashima, the only evidence that seems to be available on this story is a corporate analysis of the alleged Russian government hacks provided by a US cyber security company called Crowdstrike. No actual specifics are given, so we are meant to take private firm Crowdstrike s word for it.IMAGE: Crowdstrike cyber security.The Post s Nakashima then added: The administration also blamed Moscow for the hack of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the subsequent leak of private email addresses and cellphone numbers of Democratic lawmakers. An online persona calling himself Guccifer 2.0 has claimed responsibility for posting the material. Those sites and that persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts, the joint statement said. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities. Moscow s press secretary s reply: This is some sort of nonsense, said Dmitry Peskov.Despite the constant repetition by Democrat media surrogates, and as CNN s Maria Cardona said last night, no US national intelligence agency has really confirmed that Russia was behind the email hacks and still no evidence, other than speculative guesswork, has been presented.Likewise, US intelligence agencies have never actually said definitively on record that Russia did it, thus, leaving the door open to walk-back the accusation at a later date. Standard Washington procedure of ambiguity. This little detail doesn t seem to matter in this hyperbolic political climate though. It seems that the White House, Hillary Clinton and media operatives like Cardona are quite happy living in what John Kerry recent dubbed as a parallel universe. The announcement, albeit vague, actually originated from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.Still, during the final Presidential debate, Hillary Clinton proudly crowed how 17 US intelligence agencies aka the Intelligence Community all agreed that Russia did it. We have 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military, who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyberattacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin, and they are designed to influence our election, said Clinton. I find that deeply disturbing. What s even more disturbing is the fact that Clinton is lying in front of a national audience. The highest levels of the Kremlin? Here are Clinton s 17 agencies :Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Energy Department, Homeland Security Department, State Department, Treasury Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.What does the Coast Guard Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency or the Drug Enforcement Administration know about John Podesta s emails? Answer: nothing.The exact same thing happened following Wikileaks first trove of DNC emails back in July 2016. The US government issued a vague accusatory statement, but would not actually name the culprit. Some might call that propaganda.In both instances, the Obama Administration refused to present any evidence. Translated: there was no evidence. If there had been, the White House would have been shouting from the rooftops and using it as leverage to apply muscle in the UN over Washington s flagging efforts in Syria. Both Obama Administration announcements were nothing more than dog whistles for Democrats and journalists working for hopelessly partisan outlets like New York Times and CNN none of whom have bothered to press the White House for one ounce of evidence pertaining to the Party s decree that Russia is hacking the US election process. If you actually look at the joint DNI-DHS statement issued on the matter, it contains no definitive statement: [the hacks] are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities. According to NSA intelligence worker-turned whistleblower William Binney, when asked about WikiLeaks and whether the Russians are hacking US elections, he concluded that the cyber efforts against the DNC were more likely to be the work of a disgruntled U.S. intelligence worker. Under partisan pressure from senior Democrat Senator Harry Reid, the FBI also initiated another investigation into people linked to the Trump team with Russia. Reid was unset about the DNC hacks and the Podesta emails and demanded the FBI do something about the Trump campaign. To date, the FBI haven t come up with anything.To be fair, Hillary would have every reason to believe that the Kremlin is behind the hack because her staff read it to her from the campaign s daily intelligence briefings, presumably, supplied from the US government s much vaunted Intelligence Community. Of course, that s the same Intelligence Community that briefed George W Bush about Saddam s nonexistent nuclear weapons program, and who also briefed Colin Powell about Iraq s imaginary Winnebagos of Death aka mobile anthrax labs disguised as senior double-wide camper vans. So, of course, they would know if Putin directed the DNC leaks and Podesta email hacks.For those us who are skeptical of the great oxymoron known as Washington Intelligence, I can almost hear the mainstream rebuttal now, No, that was Iraq, that was Bush. We re not like that. No, this time it s different. This time we are sure the Russians did it! In 2014, Obama claimed that Kim s notorious Bureau 121 hacked into Sony Pictures. This isn t the first time that President Obama has cried wolf on a foreign hack and then tried to sell it for political purposes. Back in December 2014, Obama claimed that North Korea had hacked Sony Pictures in Hollywood. Pentagon-CIA media proxy CNN quickly chimed in to support Washington s conspiracy theory, floating a colorful story that Kim Jing-Un had deployed a secret underground hacking unit called Bureau 121. Just like with today s Russian Hack theory, no member of the mainstream press dared to question the White House s ridiculous North Korean claim, and like the Russian Hack claims, the only source cited for Sony hack was analysis provided by US firm Crowdstrike.Jumping the SharkAfter their Democratic Party Convention on July 27th, the Clinton campaign machine put all of its chips on their Putin narrative.Soon after, a cadre of top Clinton national security surrogates then accused Trump of emboldening Russia in their evil plot to destabilize and dominate the West. Tom Donilon, a former national security adviser then accused Russia of interfering with elections all over Europe and then accused Trump is helping Russia directly. At that point, they were in too deep to turn back.The biggest impact of @wikileaks? Shining a spotlight on Russia s attempt to undermine American democracy and Trump s refusal to condemn it https://t.co/ALzpYm1Bb5 Josh Schwerin (@JoshSchwerin) October 21, 2016Clinton spin doctors Josh Schwerin and Michael Fallon would stoop even lower by accusing RT of having possession of the Podesta emails even before Wikileaks did. Their only evidence seemed to be Twitter posts by RT News which Clinton held up as proof that the Kremlin was front-running Wikileaks email dumps. The Clinton braintrust failed to note that the Podesta emails were posted on Wikileaks own website well before RT News had tweeted about them. At that point it became obvious that the Clinton campaign was panicking and hysterically grabbing for any excuse they could get their hands on. We then watched, as one RT reporter after another dismantled the Clinton campaign s desperate claims. It was embarrassing.They could not face the uncomfortable fact that it was WikiLeaks head Julian Assange who chose the timing of the release of the DNC and Podesta emails. Rather than attack Assange himself, who happens to be popular with millennials (the very group Clinton struggles to connect with), her operatives opted to target Russia and Trump instead.Either way, the political strategy here is clear to shoot the messenger. The Clinton campaign is stuck in permanent rear-guard mode, because based on the content of both the DNC Leaks, Wikileaks files, and Project Veritas video their own Democratic Party has been discredited and exposed as a corrupt political organization.Their other big problem is that despite all the outrage from Democrats and their mainstream media surrogates, none of the leaked content has been challenged on the basis of its authenticity. The results speak for themselves. The initial DNC leak of 20,000 emails resulted in the resignation of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. They revealed the unthinkable: the Democratic National Committee actively worked to undermine the Presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders in favor of the establishment choice in Hillary Clinton. Sanders never had a chance. Honest commentators called this an affront to the democratic process, while party insiders and Clinton supporters pretended to be aloof as if it never happened.To prove this point, both President Obama and Hillary Clinton then gave Wasserman-Schultz a glowing endorsement on the way out. For the last eight years, Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz has had my back. This afternoon, I called her to let her know that I am grateful, said Obama. Not surprisingly, Clinton thanked Wasserman Schultz, presumably for helping to knock her only competitor Sanders out of the Democrat primary race. I am grateful to Debbie for getting the Democratic Party to this year s historic convention in Philadelphia, and I know that this week s events will be a success thanks to her hard work and leadership, said Clinton.The party had sold its soul to devil and no one seemed to care too much about it.Party MeltdownWasserman Schultz s replacement didn t fair much better. DNC Vice Chairwoman Donna Brazile was installed to serve as interim chair through the remainder election, but Brazile was soon skewered by subsequent Wikileaks batches showing how, on more than one occasion, she fed debate questions obtained from corrupt mainstream media operatives straight to Hillary Clinton. A March 12 email exchange shows Brazile stating that she received a town hall question from Roland Martin, a TV One host who co-moderated a March 13 town hall with CNN s Jake Tapper. A March 5 email shows that she shared a question with Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and communications director Jennifer Palmieri that was to be asked in a March 6 debate hosted by CNN in Flint, Mich. (Source: Daily Caller)Brazile s audacious fraud also helped contribute to her party s planned sabotage of Democrat challenger Bernie Sanders. Watch Brazile go into full meltdown when confronted here: In addition, it was also revealed how CNN s head political commentator, Gloria Borger, was named by Podesta as one of a shortlist of journalists the Clinton campaign would work with to gain favorable coverage. You d think that CNN would have dropped Borger after this was revealed, but no. Amazingly, Borger is still leading CNN s election coverage.Clearly, CNN cannot be trusted to police itself when it comes to matters of outright collusion with Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party.Ever-unbiased CNN's Gloria Borger refers to being in ""GOP hell"" and says she'll ""reach out soon"" to Podesta. Heart-warming #PodestaEmails13 pic.twitter.com/CQFdcJ12Q5 400-lb Hacker Owens (@NubianAwakening) October 21, 2016Worse Than WatergatePerhaps a bigger scandal which the Obama White House and Clinton campaign operatives would like to bury is the FBI s investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal confirmed the existence of an internal feud between the FBI and the Justice Department, over whether or not to pursue an investigation into Clinton issue: Some investigators grew frustrated, viewing FBI leadership as uninterested in probing the charity, these people said. Others involved disagreed sharply, defending FBI bosses and saying Mr. McCabe in particular was caught between an increasingly acrimonious fight for control between the Justice Department and FBI agents pursuing the Clinton Foundation case. It isn t unusual for field agents to favor a more aggressive approach than supervisors and prosecutors think is merited. But the internal debates about the Clinton Foundation show the high stakes when such disagreements occur surrounding someone who is running for president. There s more. It was also revealed last week how Jill McCabe, the wife of FBI Deputy Director, Andrew McCabe, received $467,500 in campaign funds in late 2015 for her Virginia State Senate run. This unusually large donation came via a political action committee run by Virginia Gov.Terry McAuliffe a Clinton Foundation board member. After the funds were donated, Andrew McCabe was then put in charge of the Clinton Email case. In normal times, this one scandal would be bigger than Watergate, but these are not normal times.So why is Washington going all out to deflect to Russia, and cover-up the Clinton scandals, and the Wikileaks document dumps? One reason is because the Clinton email issue goes all the way to the top to the President himself.What 21WIRE reported on Oct 21st is how President Obama lied when first confronted about whether or not he knew about the existence of Hillary s unauthorized private server. Obama told CBS News on March 7, 2015 that he only found out about Clinton s server the same time everybody else learned it through news reports. The President s lie was confirmed when newly released FBI documents showed that: Obama used a pseudonym [[email protected]] when communicating with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by email, and at least one of those emails ended up on Clinton s private email server. So, not only did Obama lie on national TV, but he also broke strict White House security protocols by carelessly exchanging private emails off grid with Hillary Clinton on a unsecured and unauthorized mail server maybe to avoid the same scrutiny one would have on a government system. Who knows why he did it.Sure, he s not the first US President to lie, but like, Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton, Obama just joined that exclusive liars club caught out lying to the American people.On top of this, any communications made by the President of the United States are de facto labeled as born classified. The same goes for any State Department communications with other foreign ministers. COVER-UP: John Podesta and Huma Abedin on the Hillary campaign jet (Image: ABC News)It should be well known by now after watching both Attorney Generals Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch in action that the Obama Justice Department (DOJ) is one of the most politicized in history. Bear that in mind when looking at the latest leg of the Hillary Email case.On Friday, FBI Director James Comey set the election alight after announcing that the FBI would be reopening the Clinton email case currently examining 650,000 emails found while investigating a laptop belonging to former US Congressman Anthony Weiner (estranged husband of top Clinton aid and long-time confidant Huma Abedin) who was snared in a sexting scandal, allegedly involving a underaged female. So which DOJ person is in charge of this investigation? None other than Assistant Attorney General Peter J. Kadzik. Who is Kadzik? Zero Hedge reports: Oh yes. Recall our post from last week, Clinton Campaign Chair Had Dinner With Top DOJ Official One Day After Hillary s Benghazi Hearing in which we reported that John Podesta had dinner with one of the highest ranked DOJ officials the very day after Hillary Clinton s Benghazi testimony? It was Peter Kadzik. Oh, and if that wasn t good enough, Kadzik was also Podesta s lawyer back in 1998 when Ken Starr was investigating Podesta over his role in helping Bill Clinton intern/mistress Monica Lewinsky land a job at the United Nations. The two were described as best friends. FOX News confirms: Fantastic lawyer. Kept me out of jail, Podesta wrote on Sept. 8, 2008 to Obama aide Cassandra Butts, according to emails hacked from Podesta s Gmail account and posted by WikiLeaks.To call the Clinton circle incestuous would be an understatement, and on the whole, Americans are sick of it.Russia The Party ScapegoatFormer Democratic Party leader Howard Dean was so incensed about the FBI reopening the case, he accused the FBI director of being in league with Russia, Tweeting: Ironically Comey put himself on the same side as Putin. Ironically Comey put himself on the same side as Putin. Howard Dean (@GovHowardDean) October 29, 2016Another veteran party operative and lifetime Clinton defender, James Carville, was so upset by the FBI announcement that he accused the KGB working with Republicans to hijack the election during his wild rant on MSNBC. I think this an outrage and I think the fact that the KGB is involved in this election is an outrage and I think the American people ought to take their democracy back regardless of what the press wants to do and the excuses they want to make for Comey. That s what I think, said Carville.Maybe someone can remind Carville that there is no KGB, and that the Soviet Union actually dissolved in 1991.These are just a few scandals surrounding the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign, along with the many expos s revealed through Wikileaks, and the Podesta email batches. Those are actual scandals with real tangible evidence unlike the Russians hacking the DNC and John Podesta and passing those to Wikileaks. Suffice to say, the Democratic Party machine has already demonstrated that it is prepared to say anything in order to deflect and divert attention away from the damning Wikileaks material, and also blame Donald Trump in the process. It should be obvious by now that in their desperation to push a highly comprised Hillary Clinton over the finish line on November 8th, the Washington establishment has concocted the story that Putin is trying to influence our electoral process in the US. They ve tried to lay this at the feet of Donald Trump, who Obama and Clinton claim has some secret special relationship with Vladimir Putin. The liberal mainstream media have made a meal out of this talking point, and anti-Russian war hawks on the Republican side love it too. For the White House and the Clinton campaign this seemed like the ultimate clean sweep a perfect double entendre.The geopolitical strategy behind this move was twofold. First, this non event would be used to advance immediate calls for sanctions against Russia. Secondly, the US could continue to lean on Russia in the UN over Syria. Previously, 21WIRE reported how Washington s State Dept and UN delegations, led by the dynamic trio of John Kerry, Samantha Power, and John Kirby, already lied when levelling charges against Russia for war crimes in Aleppo, and again while accusing Russia and Syria of conducting an airstrike on a UN Aid Convoy in Syria. As we have already shown that raid was most likely a ground attack carried out of US-backed rebels Al Nusra Front, or Nour al-Din al-Zenki.With so much at stake geopolitically, why would Washington lie about a potential World War III trigger event? If they are prepared to lie about this, what else are they prepared to lie about?The demonization of all things Russian has definitely accelerated since late 2013 when the US engineered a coup d etat in Kiev, Ukraine. Ever since that it s been a go-to talking point for ginning-up and new transaltlantic arms race, as with Republican war hawks and a convenient scapegoat for any politician requiring misdirection, like Clinton and the Democrats. When the new year rang in 2015, the newly appointed head of the U.S. Broadcasting Board of Governors, Andrew Lack, announced the new challenges facing America s own state-run media arm that includes U.S. overseas propaganda assets including Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Middle East Broadcasting Networks and Radio Free Asia. Lack said, We are facing a number of challenges from entities like Russia Today which is out there pushing a point of view, the Islamic State in the Middle East and groups like Boko Haram, He was forced to resign shortly after that.What s clear is that when it comes to all things Russian, there is an established pattern of compulsive lying by this US Administration. The list is too long to chronicle here, although Russian-backed Rebles Shootting Down MH17, and Assad Regime Sarin Attack in Damascus in 2013 certainly comes to mind.That said, it s hard to imagine a lie as egregious and potentially destructive than one which accuses the Russia government, a world nuclear power and member of the UNSC, of Hacking Into the US Electoral Process. When you examine history however, what you will find is plenty of evidence documenting exactly how the US government and the CIA have altered and flipped 100 foreign elections throughout history, the attempted assassination of over 50 foreign leaders. Knowing all this, one might find it hard to take seriously Washington s claims that Putin and Trump are trying manipulate the 2016 ElectionOn Oct 9, 2016, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov laid it all on the table: We have witnessed a fundamental change of circumstances when it comes to the aggressive Russophobia that now lies at the heart of U.S. policy towards Russia. It s not just a rhetorical Russophobia, but aggressive steps that really hurt our national interests and pose a threat to our security. Self-serving, career political operatives in Washington are playing a dangerous game. History will mark this as one of the biggest political follies of the Obama-Clinton era.Knowing what we now know about the NSA and its ability to hack and grab any email or text message from anyone, anywhere if Washington really wanted to know where the hacks came from, maybe they could start there. Far be it from anyone in Washington or the media to ever adopt that line of inquiry.Still, we re waiting for the emergence of an adult in the room in Washington before it s too late.READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV";November 1, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: OBAMA UNDERMINES AMERICA…Plans To Slash Nuclear Stockpiles…Again;"Dinesh D Sousa warned us about Obama s reduction of our nation s nuclear stockpile in his movie, 2016, Obama s America. Shortly after his blockbuster movie appeared in theaters across America, Dinesh D Souza was charged with violating federal campaign finance laws and was sentenced to five years of probation, a $30,000 fine, and eight months in a San Diego community confinement center where he was forced to undergo therapeutic counseling. Here is what Dinesh D Souza predicted:Driven by the alleged anti-colonialist ideology of a father he barely met, President Barack Obama systematically is undermining America economically and militarily leaving it vulnerable to financial collapse, and even as unlikely as the possibility may seem, nuclear attack.And it charges as he slashes the defense budget, Obama is simultaneously pushing to reduce the nation s nuclear stockpile to as low as a few hundred missiles even as other countries like China, Russia and North Korea are modernizing and expanding their arsenals, and Iran widely believed to be close to developing nuclear weapons is threatening to annihilate Israel. From Dinesh D Sousa s controversial 2010 book, The Roots Of Obama s Rage WNDHere is what is actually happening today:The United States cut its nuclear stockpiles by 20 percent between 1996 and 2013, with more reductions likely to come, according to recently declassified information released by the White House.Stockpiles of highly enriched uranium, or HEU, which is used to fuel a nuclear weapon, were cut from 740.7 metric tons to 586.6 metric tons from 1996 to 2013, according to recently declassified information made available by the Obama administration. This reflects a reduction of over 20 percent, the White House announced. Moreover, further reductions in the inventory are ongoing; the U.S. Department of Energy s material disposition program has down-blended 7.1 metric tons of HEU since September 30, 2013, and continues to make progress in this area. The stockpile reductions are part of an effort by the Obama administration to eliminate nuclear materials and move away from these types of weapons.The move comes as countries such as Russia and North Korea move to increase their nuclear stockpiles. Russia, for instance, has made several announcements about its intent to boost its nuclear stockpile and number of weapons.However, the United States is moving in the opposite direction.Via:WFB";Apr 4, 2016 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: WATCH: BLACK SPORTS HOST BLASTS White ESPN Sports Host For Asking White Athletes To Take A Knee During National Anthem;When will Americans stop being afraid of standing up to leftist agitators and tell them, NO! When will Americans find a backbone and stop allowing the left to dictate what they re allowed to say or to feel? Why are white Americans allowing themselves and law enforcement officers of every race and ethnicity to be thrown under the bus, because we re led by the radical left to believe that it will somehow make us better people.Oddly, sports channels have decided to assume the role of America s social conscience. Sports used to be a unifying force for Americans, a place for perfect strangers to come together and bond over their love and support for a particular team. The Disney owned ESPN sports network has been working very hard to change that.Fear and intimidation are two of the tools the Left uses in order to make people comply with their message of unity through division. And according to one TV and radio sports host, these tactics are beginning to take hold in the NFL.Fox Sports 1 host Jason Whitlock joined Tucker Carlson Monday evening on Fox News Tucker Carlson Tonight to talk about the state of protesting during the National Anthem in the NFL.Whitlock understands that protesting is perfectly within players rights as Americans, but he takes issue with the method in which people like unemployed quarterback Colin Kaepernick go about protesting. There are NFL players, black and white, who know that if you really want to address police brutality, social justice, inequality in this country, protesting the National Anthem is the perfect way for your message to get completely lost, Whitlock told Carlson.NFL players have so many platforms on which to voice their approval or displeasure on whatever issue they re championing this week. But to use the National Anthem as the vehicle for their message only causes their message fall flat in the eyes of a lot of football fans. These silent protests don t make them look heroic, but rather selfish.Whitlock also posed an interesting theory to Carlson concerning players who aren t participating in these social justice protests. I want to know why NFL players aren t offering voices of dissent? Whitlock asked. You can t tell me that there aren t NFL players who recognize the stupidity of the style of protest Colin Kaepernick has chosen, Whitlock said. But they re all afraid to say it because of the backlash. Another good point.We have seen sports entities like the NFL and ESPN become bastions of social justice promotion in an age where people are being divided into more groups than the Divergent series. MRCTV;Aug 25, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End
Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: identify whether following news is true or not Input: Navy SEAL Tells Katy Perry: “Go to H*ll” [Video];Navy SEAL Carl Higbie had three words for Katy Perry: Go to hell. Carl Higbie in a Thursday interview on Fox News criticized Perry for her remarks following the deadly Manchester terror attack that left 22 people dead and 59 injured, including children.Perry said: The greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other. No barriers, no borders, we all just need to coexist In response to her call for no barriers, no borders, Higbie said that Perry should hold one of her concerts in Syria and see how they respond to our culture:You might remember Higbie from the time he was screeched at by a CNN anchor when he demanded the truth before accusing Trump s administration of anything: A Navy SEAL Carl Higbie was blasted and screeched at by a CNN anchor who was shocked that Higbie asked for more evidence and truth in the Trump controversy. Yikes! She s got snowflake written all over her. It s just how the left rolls you have to march in lock-step with what they believe to be true even if it s not true. Just go with it, right? We say NOT RIGHT!Shouldn t we ask that sources be exposed? Anyone can say they know the truth but when they hide behind anonymity, they ruin their credibility. The left just expects everyone to believe the many lies they ve been telling about President Trump. We re with Carl! We re not accepting any stories against Trump until we have proof and know the source.Way to go Carl!;May 26, 2017 ### Response: Fake news ### End