And the opinions of the people who's labor is being exploited in situations like that. Where I live outside of specific places wait staff flat out make under the minimum wage and make the bulk ... Knowing that as most reasonable adults do, tipping three dollars on a five hundred dollar tab at a massive chain ... If you can blow that on a meal but can't tip you shouldn't be eating at restaurants.
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This is the very best not only of humanity but of all life, what has plagued us forever is weakness, stupidity and masturbatory, maladaptive non-reciprocal altruism and other such forms of hedonism. That is so patently false in light of human history that I'm not sure how you can say that with a straight face. Every single atrocity in human history has been caused by someone trying to impose their ideas through might and not caring about the welfare of others. The only reason we haven't killed ourselves ages ago is because of the morality that you disdain. The world you advocate for in this post would be a living hell and there would be no human race left before long.
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I didn't say all meat tastes the same. I disagreed with your statement that we don't taste good to them. It's such a ridiculous statement. Who figured that out? How?
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Boyfriend works in IT at a senior level and he absolutely gets interviews that fast. I do to (in another field--heck, in my field the offer usually comes within a day of the interview). So that is no proof of him lying. He may be lying of course, but I'm not sure what you can do about it.
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America advocated these hateful things as well? Can I ask where you are from? I'm a Belgian! And also thank you for not downvoting me, even though we clearly disagree. :)
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I respect your opinion and your feelings of being offended over my usage or other's usage of the word FAG, as in asshole. However, I am offended that you're ascribing my usage of FAG as a derogatory term towards gay people. So how bout we all put our big boy pants on, realize that in this sub we're going to see language that may or may not offend people.....or may make people think they need to be offended because our world is all about being able to say our feelings are hurt.
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When will Pennsylvania stop being a battleground for church vs. state? The proponents of Christian sharia have lost most of the big cases. Seriously, just give up and devote your resources to helping the state's struggling communities (i.e. : your supporters).
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I don't understand what your comment has to do with the discussion. It isn't like there's a huge network of Reddit stringers and foreign correspondents collecting news for the internet. Who said there is?
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Everybody resents being spoken to through a racial label because it's definitively racist. Unitarily addressing a gender is similarly bluntly sexist. Add in petty condescension for good measure and yeah, people are naturally going to react to your being an asshole.
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Say what you will about his basketball abilities, and I understand if we trade him. But when it comes to this, he's right. Erdogan has been building up a dictatorship in Turkey, and it hasn't been getting much American press until recently. I'm glad that it will get some press because Kanter is famous, but it's also sad that it takes one famous guy to draw Western attention to the fact that thousands of regular citizens are going through the exact same thing every day--with no NBPA, NBA, and public support to help them get justice.
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Just wanted to say, despite my different political views, you both are a cool bunch. I came to this sub to have non-racist discussions, but seem to run into people that just want to degrade others. Yall can take my upvotes 😊.
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Our strength does not come from our diversity you man child, most of our problems arise from it. Repeating something over and over does not make it reality. Wake up and address the problems before more people get hurt or killed.
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]
Anyway, I've wasted a ton of time trying to explain my position and my experiences to you. I'm not just China bashing for the sake of it. All my opinions are based upon what I've experienced and heard in China (which you claim is invalid as it is anecdotal) I felt that OP was alluding to the same things as I've heard time and time again. The same poisonous unthinking hatred. If you're not empathetic enough to understand my position then do me a favour and shut up.
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You used a bunch of words that don't really make sense in context. Why would my credibility matter and what about my comment somehow commented on your ability to critique. I'm saying if you're this mad over a game you didn't pay for you need to step back and calm down. Obviously the game has problems, and I only found this thread because I asked the same question, but if you're getting worked up over it, you're doing something wrong. Take a chill pill and come back to your computer in a few hours and you'll see that you're pitching a fit over nothing.
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Did you think this needed to be said? Yes, because plenty of people actually still believe it works. I recently encountered someone working for the water department trying to find a leak with dousing rods. You're trying to shit on a story No, I'm not. Merely pointing out that dousing is fake.
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I'm not sure! I guess I can just hang it up when I get it and start slow with a steamer, and then go harder if need be.. Thank you for helping assuage my fears.
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This is probably a silly thing to discuss, but I'll bite a little. If you're willing to believe in the existence of an all-powerful being, I'm not sure it follow logically that you ... For all we know, the world and everything it is could be exactly as it wants, or we could just ... Maybe it just wants to see how everything plays out, or maybe every occurrence was decided eons ago. And if that's the case, maybe it does care how many times you pray to it.
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"Hey buddy, your reply sounds ominous, hand in there. What we all mean is that you need some time out of the relationship to find peace. When you have found this peace, you can win her over once more. The world is better with you in it my friend, you may be going through a rough patch but soon enough you'll bounce back better than ever. I leave you with a quote that has impacted my life for the better ""I may not know much about this world, but I have seen its beauty."""
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Welcome /u/beegeesfan1996 ( I, too, am a big fan of the gees, as is my dog). There is resources for you in the sidebar including our community book recommendation thread and our WIKI for terminology. Hope you find them helpful. my narcissistic ex found out i was venting about his sexual abuse on a private instagram account, so he started spreading super insane, serious lies about me, and people are believing them. i'm really stressed i feel like i have to move because most of the people in my community believe i did things i didn't they hate me.
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Okay here's my take: Like you said, all the economic numbers are strong. Financials are strong for everything except retail. Congress isn't going to do anything all that meaningful from now until May (due to the April recess). It's all going to depend on Q1 earnings, which most analysts are pretty optimistic on. This is a train with no brakes.
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charisma is a huge part of your attractiveness I feel like so many guys don't fully understand this. Obviously, looks matter, but for many women it's the whole picture that matters the most. And I know many dad-bod-having/slightly overweight guys with smokin' hot girlfriends because they're cool as fuck and interesting dudes. They get out in the world and do shit and make a life for themselves, and women find that extremely ... You can go to the gym all you want, but if you don't work on your personality, you're still going ...
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INFPs, while not always ready to talk, are usually always ready to listen. I would suggest approaching her when her SO isn't around, and giving her some specific examples of things you've noticed....ways ... Remember she's in a tough place, and it's likely she doesn't want people around her to feel like she's incapable ... If you can approach her privately and try to empower her (maybe by talking about a relatable situation you've been ... Make sure she knows you're open to the conversation whenever she's ready to talk about it.
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As an owner of one of these as a kid. I agree, and thank you for helping me win all of my neighborhood wars. It was like having a howitzer, as a rifle.
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It's easy when you remember that there's **always** going to be another sale. You have a backlog, get on with finishing that. If you see a game you want, remember it'll be on sale again later in the year. There's the Spring sale, the thanksgiving sale, the Halloween Sale, the winter sale, there's a fuckton of other sales outside ... Why buy today, what you can buy tomorrow?
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I just wanted y'all to know that I explained ALL of it! I even gave a detailed example of pricing in daycares and how it works with ratios. I was expecting a positive response because our relationship, but you never know! But I knew she'd ultimately because they weren't planning the trip, they pretty much already planned it already, they just asked me last minute. I was afraid she'd take everything the wrong way because the tone in my email could be read as very strong and firm, so I stressed that I meant everything with love and respect!
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If you want, I know a doctor in Chicago, IL, US that will do them on young people. I'm not even 25 and I got mine done two weeks ago. EDIT: I also know a doctor who will do vasectomies who is near Chicago, for everyone with a natal penis/etc. EDIT 2: Please specify if you want the doctor for male or female sterilization surgery, I know resources for both!
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I'm livid that people are still adding on lies to the Michael Brown thing... Everyone uses this as the example just because it sparked so much protest... Now people are making claims a dog urinated on him too. Unbelievable... If we focused on the actual incidents of injustice and brutality you could have a movement. Instead we embellish on lie. Where is the justice?
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I'll plug my Hegel [blog](https://empyreantrail.wordpress.com/method-and-system/) here if you are interested in learning. I try to frame things in more understandable terms, however, I also try not to stray far from Hegel's own terms and method. The method itself is actually simple, the reasoning is complex only because the content itself is ultimately very complex. On the question of Being and Nothing, I've written a few blogs trying to explain it [here](https://empyreantrail.wordpress.com/2016/12/19/logic-of-being/). Ask me further things if you are interested.
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I just helped my friend discover this. I think my Uncle told me what it was when I was little or maybe my mom, but my friend and I and her siblings were all out on a hangout night and while we were driving she was complaining that the lights were just so bright, and I asked her your car doesn't have that thing, then reached up and flipped it down, and her mind was blown. She was like oh my god, I had no idea, thank you!
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No. My vocabulary is big and I use words that are good. And good to read. And reading my words will brings you pleasure. But you must allow it.
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Hey there, I work for the Students' Union at Swansea University and help run the student media group (newspaper, radio station and video channel). There are definitely plenty of societies and groups you can get involved with (including ours). This is a great way to meet new people with the same interests. Check out the Swansea union website (https://www.swansea-union.co.uk) for a list of all the societies you can join, as well as attending the Freshers Fayre where most of the big societies have a stall to encourage sign up I'd be more than happy to meet with you for a coffee when you get here and answer any questions you might have :)
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Thank you for your concern but my mother's godmother is a lesbian, and extremely close to my grandmother. My grandmother has said many times she just wants us children to be married and cared for. As long as I tell her my girlfriend has a good job she'll be happy. She'd be way more disappointed in me being poor and alone than gay :P
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You may have missed this. Also it's creepy and weird the way you say 'my America'. It's not subjective. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/06/19/supreme-court-unanimously-reaffirms-there-is-no-hate-speech-exception-to-the-first-amendment/
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I'm building a medieval village too. Well it started out as a few houses but over the weeks I've slowly added more and more and now it's a full fledged town. I'll give you my building list and we can brainstorm together for shit to add to our town. So mine is kind is split in 2 with a river and little forest in the middle. On one side of the river we have -wheat farms along the river -animal pens -windmill -small dock (along a big River, the only way into the town, no highways connecting to mine, it's in a jungle) -marketplace with like 5 stalls -balcksmith, butcher, leatherworker, guard tower, fisherman's huts, and a few houses -building a town hall here too close to the market Square -also, a well On the other side of the river we have; -stone keep complete with alchemits tower, dungeon, torture room, pantry, mess hall, armory, barracks, war planning room, commanders office.
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Hey Mark, I just wanted to say thank you for saving my life. I know you probably hear this all the time... but thank you. When y'all were in Houston there was this big Twitter campaign of people trying to get us to meet so I could thank you in person. Thanking the reason I'm alive today would mean everything to me, and one day I hope that dream comes true. My wife has her husband still because of YOU.
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Appreciate the thought process. I think with that list I lose some melee units though, which is my point of the lychguard. I’d take praetorians if I can but they cannot be dropped by the night scythe. With your list all I have for strong fighting is the CcBs with warscythes, which id ideally want to keep out of combat and the scarabs that die really fast. Id love to know what you think to keep my melee game strong.
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I doubt real estate beats equitiies long term. You might have not followed dollar cost averaging or bought overpriced etc. However, i do agree with you in principle for the rest.
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She couldn't hear herself because the monitors on the stage weren't on. She tried the best she could. I feel bad for her, my dad produces artists and he said she gave all the signals on stage to ... At one point you even hear her say something about monitors and turning Them on.
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By that logic the American Revolution was nothing more than a hissy fit. Something tells me that in 1776 you would have been an English loyalist. Also, some reading comprehension regarding the entirety of my comment, sans cherry picking, would benefit you. I'm not calling for immediate armed revolt. A lot more awfulness would have to happen before even seriously considering that.
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My Indians hate ends after this series. I will always love my boy Miller, and you guys are fun to watch. My Red Sox hate will never die.
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You need to think more like I do about the games. I BET you could raise an Onix and still roll through the main storylines. You can raise any pokemons you like, these games are so damn easy these days. Even in Red/Blue, it's not as easy but you can beat the game with six Ratattas if you really, really ... Yes, I know battling other players is an entirely different thing, and Onix probably IS bad there.
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Oh! Ok. For some reason got this idea in my head that you were somehow banned from playing in your meta. I hope you enjoy Commander. I stopped playing magic for a few years after my best friend passed away, and I got back into the ... That being said, my new roommate is very big in modern, and is getting me into the game.
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You're pretty fucking hot. It sucks losing the affection of someone you care about, as we all probably know. For what it's worth, after the end of a 15 yr marriage and my wife begging for a divorce, the only thing that truly helps/heals is time. Time really does heal all wounds. And spending the weekend not leaving the hotel with a 23 yr old former stripper did not hurt at all either!
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I'm not so sure why you think that after 19 weeks of fitnessing you should be coaching anyone. Maybe you have more of a background than that, but that isn't the way your post reads. I'm glad you are enjoying your fitness journey and it's awesome that you want to help other people, but you ...
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Yeah... no. This isn't normal and your sister was trying to cheat on her husband. Personally, I'd tell the husband about it and then distance yourself from your sister. She isn't a friend to you or your relationship.
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Oh man, this just keeps getting better =) One of my best friends is a graphic designer and I asked him if I should watch that because the description sounded interesting to me. Bless you for bringing additional joy to my life. I feel spoiled!
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"It would be nice to know how he intends to work to help us move with Microsoft to wherever they're going. Frankly i don't care where, just communicate and show us your idea of a migration path. Right now it sounds like, ""Attention loyal customers: move to a competitor's platform for all we care. We're doing something exciting and new and frankly don't care if you're a part of it."""
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Honestly I wish comp was setup as qp and all it incorporated was mmr. I have more fun in qp than I do comp. Shitty teammates in comp but fun teammates in qp and we actually you know enjoy the game.
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"If you ever wondered ""God I wonder what would happen if somebody popular called these violent people out"" well you're looking at it. This is typical gaslighting from narcissistic abusers, but extreme. Swinging at somebody with a knife and screaming ""STOP ATTACKING ME"". Take responsibility for your violent belief system, because we're done defending it. And now we have the United States President on our side."
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When my dad showed me this photo and told me the story, I thought it was the cutest thing, I had to share it with the internet. I wish I had been there to see it, but I'm in school and stuff. Also laughed 'cause my dad third-wheeled a proposal. Congratulations to the awesome couple, and thank you for sharing such a personal experience with my dad! :) If I ever cross paths with you guys, I would love to buy you two a drink sometime.
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Just to add 1 more thing. If you've played FO4, then both those games will feel clunky as hell (at least to me). They are quite old so just an FYI
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I hate this hyperbolic "you're frightening my children" nonsense that these people pull. How old is this "young child" that they're home alone and afraid of a sign? Maybe taking away a family's insurance is "frightening" to some people's children.
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Oh you mean someone who criticizes something is not a fan of it? I guess you're not a fan of Star Trek then. How can you not see how blatantly autistic you're being right now. That is steve shives level echo chamber shit right there...
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"Why *can't* you reply with exactly that?? ""Funny how no one could be bothered to get in touch with my at Christmas, or my birthday, but suddenly because I'm due to have a baby I've become #1 person on your Must Contact List. If you don't have a good relationship with me, you don't have one with my child. You get nothing! Good day sir!"""
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When you have a thick steak and want a beautiful wall-to-wall medium rare I will sous vide it. Skirt steak takes 5 minutes in the pan and it's not exactly a cut I need to worry about ruining ... A filet or a nice ribeye though?
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Sadly, this is the state of America. Most of us are like you, we agree with things on both sides. Yet those who have the loudest voices are either staunchly left or right. It gets old. I followed him for a bit as well and had the same problem.
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Mm.. it's almost social darwinism. If you cannot survive in our totally individualistic world - then, well, everything is your responsibility. If you've failed, you only have yourself to blame. It's not like external societal factors ever affect ANYTHING.
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Thanks. Glad you appreciate my insight. Now kindly suck my dick from the back
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Essentially you are bribing her to get off the couch. She is probably going to catch on to this sooner or later and will climb onto the couch to get ... I would suggest to stop using your hands or body to remove her from the furniture. It is scaring her and she is warning you with the airsnaps and light biting. Put her leash on and **gently** lead her off the couch with the command you are using for 'off' and ...
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Just so we're clear: dividends are the interest paid on the portion of ownership you hold.. Meaning, just like any assumer of risk, you're *expecting* to be paid: **Real IR (TVM) + Inflation + Risk premiums (Liquidity risk premium + credit risk premium) = dividend. ** This means you are assuming prevailing dividend yeild **plus extra risk premium**. This can be easily calculated if we take the average S P500 12 dividend per share / price = 1.89%. You're accepting: 1.89%-10.05%=8.16% risk premium... That's very high.
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You are bat shit insane. of course you do, when it suits you Holy shit you off your meds? The differences in our interactions was that I never attacked you. You need to chill the fuck out sometimes.
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and they sometimes move event items down to basic items long after an event has passed. When have they done this? The only time I've heard of moving a cosmetic across categories was when it was a *promotional* cosmetic, not an ... At any rate, the longer they wait (to make permanent the dance emotes, if they do), the less salt in ... I do, however, agree with your reasoning on having them first.
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You see it, but you aren't given any context. As far as you know, it's America, Britain, and a bunch of uninhabited waste until middle school history. Before then, all you learn about is America, and that they were freed from Britain in the revolution.
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It sounds like you bought a shitty, worn out auction special with a ton of issues that would have been ... Did you even test drive the car? You should have noticed the brakes. I can understand being frustrated but you bought a car and didn't even notice the tires were dry rotted? That's something most people would look at, especially if you're concerned about the safety of your daughters.
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I don't know if you have Googled the images of these reinforced commodes but they're not attractive. So you would be stuck with a unattractive item to move in your house forever, not to mention the hundreds ... Obviously they are going to stay in a hotel. Obviously your husband will need to explain this to them. And lastly obviously, there is no cause to be belittled or treated with disrespect simply because you cannot host these ...
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Thank you so much for everything you do! I love your videos and i love how genuine and straightforward you are in them. I've got so many great ideas for decks from watching you. It's always a pleasure to see a new video. I don't know that i've seen it mentioned anywhere, so i apologize if this has been answered before.
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I just moved back in with my parents, though Im older and have a kid of mine own who has come with me. It sucks. It sucks even more depending on the relationship you have with your parents. The relationship I have with my parents sounds similar to what you're going through. I can't offer much advice because Im also emotionally in the shitter, but my parents aren't really the reason.
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"This is the weakest ""thuggery"" I've ever seen. ""No sponsor doe,"" what, did he just read the most regurgitated Kappa top comment and puke it back out himself ... This shit isn't even what I'm referencing, and if you're a faggot, of course shit you do is faggotry. "
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"I have the same information as you (except maybe the ""we can't let the people decide"" quote... you never provided a source for that and no source I've seen contains a text with that phrase). The only difference here is our interpretation, and yours is very selective and intentionally negative. Also, the downvote was because you didn't respond to a single point I made. I made a bunch of statements and you just said ""yes""."
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You are being contrarian for the sake of feeling morally superior to everybody else. Under your rules we are not allowed to criticise any viewpoint regardless of how nonsensical it is. Steve Harvey is intolerant of people for, effectively, no reason. We criticise him because he is spreading harmful agendas.
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My argument, which OP is presumably defending, isn't about NN specifically but about the regulatory process as a whole. The GOP is against the majority of people on this (Reddit in particular) , but the FCC only has the power to do this because both parities have pawned it over to them. And the truth is Democrats love these big agencies (GOP does too, but they don't run on making them bigger). Fighting NN as a single issue is fine, but it 100% neglects the bigger issue and is only fighting symptoms. If you want elected officials to run the government, we need shrink the power of the regulatory agencies.
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I saw it in person and its just as cool as you would think, if not better. Its unbelievable how realistic it is. It might not be on display right now though. It was put into storage when the Renwick was under reconstruction and I dont know if its been put out ...
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It has been debunked as posted by the previous link and others. Hilarious that you want me to provide my own analysis of the metadata. Where’s your independent analysis to prove it? Oh, still relying on the idiotic analysis of “the forensicator?” Extremely odd response as well. “I will suffer no rebuttal?” Weird.
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Not quite yet. There has been information going out today about the compatibility of TRÅDFRI. We can now inform you that TRÅDFRI is not yet compatible with Apple, Amazon and Google. The plan is that everything will work as we'd like this fall. We are very sorry for the confusion!
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"You must know everything about drugs. Can you tell me why the yellow blood pressure pill I'm getting now makes me dizzy? The white one never did that." "What takes you guys so long to stick a label on something?"
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"That's assuming we do not make more money as a result of those ""huge"" payments. We've already wiped £540 billion off the value of our currency by thinking about leaving. That's enough to pay our £19 billion/year membership dues for the next 29 years. Money that often came back in to our economy anyway. And that's before you even consider any lasting economic damage like having our financial sector move to Frankfurt. "
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I never said that is all they do but you said it again proving me right further that this person is paid to do this regardless of whether it is all of their time or a tenth of the time. The closest person to you is a teacher and paid our tax dollars to dedicate time towards marching band. That is exactly what I am saying and you are also saying. We are saying the same thing. Yet you believe we are in disagreement.
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Yup. We had that talk last night actually. We said we loved each other Saturday I'm sure your flair includes a typo. You must be 16. Or possibly 6.
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" Lol i know what you mean, it's hard to meet people with similar backgrounds or interests. For my dorky interests I'm usually too much of a ""bad kid"" to mesh well with those people, for my bad kid interests I'm usually too much of a dork, drugnerds is probably one of those rare places where there a bunch of people like us. Too bad about the stigma and illegality of what we do, cause i feels you. The internet makes it easier to find like minded individuals"
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"And? What I don't understand is how the hell it matters to you unless you live in Charlottesville. The residents wanted it gone so they voted to get it moved into a MUSEUM.....the ""people"" that didn't want it ... Isn't the right all about small gov. And letting local government handle things?"
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Additionally, culture isn't static and so yes, Asian cultural attitudes do affect me because they affect the people around me ... It's in tandem with western attitudes and culture, and different from how it plays out in Asia, but my perspective ... Fine. I don't disagree with this at all. Of course your experiences as an Asian American are valid - just as valid as mine are.
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Thank you sir! :) I look forward to having you be a part of the insanity here. It was my sincere pleasure to introduce you to the place.
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Do you even know what Irish culture is? How often do you even practice it? Culture evolves, and ours will evolve to tolerate their culture whether you like it or not. Or do you still cook coddle with a fuluchta fia before writing your name on an ogham stone? We have preserved our culture forever.
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My basic way of handling this is that any rules you put on me you put on yourself as well. If I am limited to a one 3 hour date a week with my other partner, so are you. Same for everything else. You need me to ask before having sex with my partner, each time, then so do you. This is one of those very few situations where tit-for-tat can work, with the clear indication that once we hit a place where we feel comfortable with our agreements the tit-for-tat goes away.
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" Thank you for your reply and your patience with what is probably ignorance on my part. I can see that the meaning given to the statistically defined transience (or otherwise) of a phenomenon is purely a matter of human perception and it is helpful for me to look at it this way, so thank you. I can also see that the ""different day"" question with the referendum isn't the right one to ask. When you say statistical significance is meaningless with regards to differences in populations, does this only mean human populations? Let's say one devised an experiment in which a colony of ants were forced to walk along a bifurcated corridor - some would go left and some right."
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Title - The Prince Rebellion Genre - Fantasy/Historical-Fiction Word Count - 1,645 Desired feedback - Just general thoughts, if it's engaging and I'm setting up a good story with a good prologue. What I should improve on and what you like most. Link - http://my.w.tt/UiNb/hn5NkNlGhG Much appreciated, I hope you enjoy it!
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This isn't worth my time with this level of salt but I'll humor you. I get paid minimum wage, dude. I don't get paid more or less by how I treat customers. But apparently you already knew that. I'm sorry you're such an angry, bitter person.
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That's... so wrong on every level... I mean yeah. Run your candidates for office, I encourage it, but don't run a scorched earth campaign. I'm voting for whoever has a D next to their name (Literally. Michigan has ticket voting.)
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I don't see your reaction as a generational thing whatsoever. I'm a server from her generation and I too would find it incredibly uncouth. Downright rude so aggressively suggesting you tip her 40%, rude in the first place for even mentioning a tip to ... Sounds like shes trying to get fired, jfc
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Afghanistan's Mountains are what you have to watch out for. Most Afghans couldn't give less of a shit about you. When American Troops invaded, some Afghans thought the Russians never left. Even After 15 years of war, their was probably at least one remote village that never even knew a war ... They are that remote.
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"Maybe I was more focused within my own fanbase, rather than within the entire NFL fanbase. With that being said, I do think that while most people acknowledge that Brady is a good player, they don't particularly like him. Hell the fact that you described my genuine reverence as ""sycophantic"" kind of speaks to that. "
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Popper was concerned with those who were using violence to achieve their ends. Particularly in the aim of producing utopia. The book, *Open Society and It's Enemies* is much more complicated than that expression. But your concern is valid, and that's why we have laws against incitement to violence. The first amendment allows irony; in that, people can speak against the first amendment.
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Eh, we show you a lot of respect. And always want to play you guys. But go Clemson. Nice Clemsoning 2 weeks ago.
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Other countries spending on healthcare is a different topic of discussion. And i'm not in disagreement with you. I merely take issue with this statement by Mr. Ruffalo. Spouting off incorrect information as if it is a fact is basically spreading ignorance, and the problem is that he is a celebrity, which means a large portion of the population will take what he says as gospel even when he is wrong, blatantly or otherwise.
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"This concept was something I only really fully grasped a year ago. My dental hygienist said you shouldn't brush harder than you can holding your brush with two fingers and your thumb. Any harder, you're just wearing away more enamel and being hard on your gums. The goal isn't to ""scour"" your teeth, you're just disrupting that film. Edit: Words and a grammatical trainwreck."
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Miracle Whip and and banana sandwich. Mmmmmm. Omg it's sooooo good! Love licking the knife when I'm done spreading it. Go ahead and judge me, but bring some Miracle Whip when you do!
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If i had not one but two people i trusted with my child and house i am sure i would be grateful and very understanding of any petty mistake that might occur. Not trying to patronise but if you lose these trusted people over this you will likely regret it, in my opinion. Giving an honest opinion or advice on reddit usually means downvotes but i feel you need the advice.
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someone on here said the triceps are the quads of the arm, hit em hard. thank you for that cue kind sir, it serves me well. so many of you have offered great advice over the last two years that directly impacts my training. it's pretty awesome, so thanks for everyone that shares what you know. I'm out here living by it.
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Lol I promise it did!!! But yeah now that it doesn't do it anymore, I feel a little better. I still feel like I should invest in one of those water filters that go on your faucet (do those even work??) though. Glad to have made you laugh (with my misfortunes lmao)!!!
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"I live a few blocks from there. The name of the neighborhood is Hendersonville, and I love it. 10 minutes will get you to the north end, memorial drive or most of Somerville outside of rush hour. Plus our ""fermentation district"" is really coming together if you're into a local drink. "
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