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{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", "Installation de lancement du X-33 sur la base d'Edwards en 1998.", "X-33-Startanlage (1998)", "X-33 launch facility already completed at Edwards Air Force Base." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", null, "X-33 [SEP] X-33-Startanlage (1998)", null ], "context_page_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", "Le Lockheed Martin X-33 était un démonstrateur technologique, à échelle un demi, de navette spatiale développé dans les années 1990 à la suite du lancement par le gouvernement des États-Unis du programme Space Launch Initiative.", "X-33 ist die Bezeichnung eines verkleinerten unbemannten Prototyps für einen von Lockheed Martin projektierten Nachfolger des Space Shuttles, der die Bezeichnung „Venture Star“ trug. Es sollte eine vollständig wiederverwendbare Raumfähre entstehen, die senkrecht mit Hilfe von neuartigen Aerospike-Triebwerken starten, einstufig den Orbit erreichen und abschließend wie ein Flugzeug wieder landen sollte.", "The Lockheed Martin X-33 was an uncrewed, sub-scale technology demonstrator suborbital spaceplane developed in the 1990s under the U.S. government–funded Space Launch Initiative program. The X-33 was a technology demonstrator for the VentureStar orbital spaceplane, which was planned to be a next-generation, commercially operated reusable launch vehicle. The X-33 would flight-test a range of technologies that NASA believed it needed for single-stage-to-orbit reusable launch vehicles, such as metallic thermal protection systems, composite cryogenic fuel tanks for liquid hydrogen, the aerospike engine, autonomous flight control, rapid flight turn-around times through streamlined operations, and its lifting body aerodynamics." ], "context_section_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", null, "Am 14. November 1997 fand die Grundsteinlegung für die Startanlage der X-33 auf der Edwards Air Force Base (Area 1-54) statt. Zu dieser Zeit waren 15 Testflüge ab Juli 1999 geplant. Zu den Startanlagen gehörte u. a. eine Schwenkvorrichtung zum Aufrichten des Fluggeräts, ein zurückfahrbarer Hangar, Tankanlagen und Flammgraben. Der Leitstand sollte in einem bereits bestehenden Raum auf dem Gelande eingerichtet werden. Als Landebahnen wurden das Michael Army Air Field des Dugway Proving Grounds/Utah und die Malmstrom Air Force Base/Montana vorgesehen.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Conception et développement", "X-33 / Entwicklungsgeschichte / Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Design and development" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "zh", "zh-TW", "fr", "de", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33", "X-33", "Lockheed Martin X-33" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, "Conception et développement", "Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Design and development" ] }
X 33 Lockheed VentureStar
X-33/VentureStar - What really happened
'101.899': tested by lockheed martin masood space '104.24': systems in a record 21 months '106.78': technicians are now installing plumbing '109.34': and wiring on it in addition to the '111.469': attach points which will connect the x '113.06': 33 thermal protection system the thermal '116.659': protection system is another key '118.369': technology the x 33 will demonstrate '120.49': when venture star is built its thermal '122.99': protection system will safeguard it from '124.819': re-entry temperatures as high as 2,600 '127.939': degrees Fahrenheit unlike most thermal '130.58': protection systems where the insulation '132.5': material is mounted on the outside of '134.42': the vehicle x 33 thermal protection '136.819': system is the vehicles aerodynamic '139.28': structural shell testing in NASA's '142.16': Langley Research Center high temperature '144.2': wind tunnel verified the integrity of '146.39': aeroshell thermal protection system when '148.94': subjected to winds at a temperature of '151.01': 2,000 degrees falling '152.99': onto the structure at seven times the '154.88': speed of sound thermal protection '157.7': materials were also flight tested on an '160.22': f-15 be at Dryden Flight Research Center '162.23': to demonstrate the designs abilities to '165.41': withstand unsteady supersonic flows and '168.17': shock waves metallic tiles software '171.62': usable surface insulation tiles and '173.6': sealing materials were subjected to '175.85': speeds up to mach 1.4 and an altitude of '179.45': 36,000 feet as expected material showed '182.93': no signs of wear or damage part of the '186.86': thermal protection system consists of '188.63': inconel and titanium panels that will be '191.36': attached to the lower half of the '192.68': vehicle there are also 17 blanket '195.68': insulated composite panels that will be '197.84': attached to the top half of the vehicle '199.67': fit checks were conducted in September '202.31': that demonstrated the ease of '203.72': installation and removal this is the key '206.54': the systems designed for maintenance and '208.43': reduced operations cost and time the '212.39': final thermal protection system '213.5': durability test was completed October '215.96': first at Marshall Space Flight Center '217.94': the thermal protection system withstood '220.49': sixty missions that's four times the '222.8': flight test exposures expected on the x '225.17': 33 engineers at Stennis Space Center in '228.53': Mississippi recently conducted the first '230.81': of 18 tests on the power pack a main '233.42': component for the x 33 engines being '235.58': built by boeing rocketdyne it's the '238.37': power pack that supplies the liquid '240.23': oxygen and hydrogen to the aerospike '241.82': engines powerful thrusters the recent '244.34': test is a critical milestone in the '246.41': development of the engine the test was '248.39': designed to calibrate the liquid '250.37': hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel turbo '252.83': pumps it's also verified valve timing '255.47': for priming the gas generator the thrust '259.34': chambers for the x 33 were recently '261.26': fabricated and if completed '262.7': qualification there are eight thrusters '265.22': built by jen court Aerojet and they form '267.92': the reaction control system by firing '270.29': one or more of these thrusters the x 33 '273.17': can achieve the maneuvers it needs to '274.88': make in its descent air jet used a '277.4': high-temperature alloy called Colombian '279.41': for the thrust chambers only two months '281.27': after determining the original material '283.31': Haynes 188 lacked the thermal capacity '286.25': required '287.47': this quick turnaround illustrates the '29.23': hello I'm Bob Rafael operations program '290.06': determination of the x 33 team to meet '292.79': the technical challenges intrinsic with '295.16': this program the components for the two '298.28': composite liquid hydrogen tanks '300.29': manufactured by alliant techsystems have '302.6': been shipped to lockheed martin missiles '304.22': and space for final assembly and '306.14': carrying alliant took on a major '308.33': technical challenge in billing '310.34': components of this proportion that could '312.5': prevent the seepage of liquid hydrogen '314.36': molecules next up for the tanks NASA '317.81': Marshall Space Flight Center for testing '319.96': we've only been able to talk about a few '32.449': manager for the x 33 and this is the '322.43': of the many milestones already met for '324.2': the x 33 more and other milestones next '326.96': time as the countdown continues '35.059': factory floor Lockheed Martin skunk '36.739': works where we're getting ready for the '38.239': first flight of the x 33 the x 33 '41.329': technology demonstrator is being '42.98': developed by lockheed martin skunk works '44.51': under a cooperative agreement with nasa '46.55': the x 33 will pave the way for '49.28': commercially developed reusable space '51.62': plane that lockheed martin calls venture '54.32': star the venture star will reduce the '56.75': cost of launching payloads into space '58.519': from ten thousand two-one thousand '60.68': dollars per pound in this program will '63.83': show you some of the critical activities '65.509': going on across the country activities '68.03': that will take the x 33 from concept the '70.61': flight test will also show you some of '73.22': the recent milestones we've met in '75.04': manufacturing and assembly what you see '78.2': here in the background is the liquid '80.329': oxygen tank delivered in February of '82.61': this year it's complex shape consists of '85.49': multiple sections welded together to '87.829': form much of the nose and forward third '90.079': of the x 33 in fact it's designed to '93.2': carry structural loads as well as more '95.569': than 180 1000 pounds of liquid oxygen '99.189': the oxygen tank was designed built
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", "Installation de lancement du X-33 sur la base d'Edwards en 1998.", "X-33-Startanlage (1998)", "X-33 launch facility already completed at Edwards Air Force Base." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", null, "X-33 [SEP] X-33-Startanlage (1998)", null ], "context_page_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", "Le Lockheed Martin X-33 était un démonstrateur technologique, à échelle un demi, de navette spatiale développé dans les années 1990 à la suite du lancement par le gouvernement des États-Unis du programme Space Launch Initiative.", "X-33 ist die Bezeichnung eines verkleinerten unbemannten Prototyps für einen von Lockheed Martin projektierten Nachfolger des Space Shuttles, der die Bezeichnung „Venture Star“ trug. Es sollte eine vollständig wiederverwendbare Raumfähre entstehen, die senkrecht mit Hilfe von neuartigen Aerospike-Triebwerken starten, einstufig den Orbit erreichen und abschließend wie ein Flugzeug wieder landen sollte.", "The Lockheed Martin X-33 was an uncrewed, sub-scale technology demonstrator suborbital spaceplane developed in the 1990s under the U.S. government–funded Space Launch Initiative program. The X-33 was a technology demonstrator for the VentureStar orbital spaceplane, which was planned to be a next-generation, commercially operated reusable launch vehicle. The X-33 would flight-test a range of technologies that NASA believed it needed for single-stage-to-orbit reusable launch vehicles, such as metallic thermal protection systems, composite cryogenic fuel tanks for liquid hydrogen, the aerospike engine, autonomous flight control, rapid flight turn-around times through streamlined operations, and its lifting body aerodynamics." ], "context_section_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", null, "Am 14. November 1997 fand die Grundsteinlegung für die Startanlage der X-33 auf der Edwards Air Force Base (Area 1-54) statt. Zu dieser Zeit waren 15 Testflüge ab Juli 1999 geplant. Zu den Startanlagen gehörte u. a. eine Schwenkvorrichtung zum Aufrichten des Fluggeräts, ein zurückfahrbarer Hangar, Tankanlagen und Flammgraben. Der Leitstand sollte in einem bereits bestehenden Raum auf dem Gelande eingerichtet werden. Als Landebahnen wurden das Michael Army Air Field des Dugway Proving Grounds/Utah und die Malmstrom Air Force Base/Montana vorgesehen.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Conception et développement", "X-33 / Entwicklungsgeschichte / Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Design and development" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "zh", "zh-TW", "fr", "de", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33", "X-33", "Lockheed Martin X-33" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, "Conception et développement", "Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Design and development" ] }
X 33 Lockheed VentureStar
X-33/VentureStar - What really happened
'101.899': tested by lockheed martin masood space '104.24': systems in a record 21 months '106.78': technicians are now installing plumbing '109.34': and wiring on it in addition to the '111.469': attach points which will connect the x '113.06': 33 thermal protection system the thermal '116.659': protection system is another key '118.369': technology the x 33 will demonstrate '120.49': when venture star is built its thermal '122.99': protection system will safeguard it from '124.819': re-entry temperatures as high as 2,600 '127.939': degrees Fahrenheit unlike most thermal '130.58': protection systems where the insulation '132.5': material is mounted on the outside of '134.42': the vehicle x 33 thermal protection '136.819': system is the vehicles aerodynamic '139.28': structural shell testing in NASA's '142.16': Langley Research Center high temperature '144.2': wind tunnel verified the integrity of '146.39': aeroshell thermal protection system when '148.94': subjected to winds at a temperature of '151.01': 2,000 degrees falling '152.99': onto the structure at seven times the '154.88': speed of sound thermal protection '157.7': materials were also flight tested on an '160.22': f-15 be at Dryden Flight Research Center '162.23': to demonstrate the designs abilities to '165.41': withstand unsteady supersonic flows and '168.17': shock waves metallic tiles software '171.62': usable surface insulation tiles and '173.6': sealing materials were subjected to '175.85': speeds up to mach 1.4 and an altitude of '179.45': 36,000 feet as expected material showed '182.93': no signs of wear or damage part of the '186.86': thermal protection system consists of '188.63': inconel and titanium panels that will be '191.36': attached to the lower half of the '192.68': vehicle there are also 17 blanket '195.68': insulated composite panels that will be '197.84': attached to the top half of the vehicle '199.67': fit checks were conducted in September '202.31': that demonstrated the ease of '203.72': installation and removal this is the key '206.54': the systems designed for maintenance and '208.43': reduced operations cost and time the '212.39': final thermal protection system '213.5': durability test was completed October '215.96': first at Marshall Space Flight Center '217.94': the thermal protection system withstood '220.49': sixty missions that's four times the '222.8': flight test exposures expected on the x '225.17': 33 engineers at Stennis Space Center in '228.53': Mississippi recently conducted the first '230.81': of 18 tests on the power pack a main '233.42': component for the x 33 engines being '235.58': built by boeing rocketdyne it's the '238.37': power pack that supplies the liquid '240.23': oxygen and hydrogen to the aerospike '241.82': engines powerful thrusters the recent '244.34': test is a critical milestone in the '246.41': development of the engine the test was '248.39': designed to calibrate the liquid '250.37': hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel turbo '252.83': pumps it's also verified valve timing '255.47': for priming the gas generator the thrust '259.34': chambers for the x 33 were recently '261.26': fabricated and if completed '262.7': qualification there are eight thrusters '265.22': built by jen court Aerojet and they form '267.92': the reaction control system by firing '270.29': one or more of these thrusters the x 33 '273.17': can achieve the maneuvers it needs to '274.88': make in its descent air jet used a '277.4': high-temperature alloy called Colombian '279.41': for the thrust chambers only two months '281.27': after determining the original material '283.31': Haynes 188 lacked the thermal capacity '286.25': required '287.47': this quick turnaround illustrates the '29.23': hello I'm Bob Rafael operations program '290.06': determination of the x 33 team to meet '292.79': the technical challenges intrinsic with '295.16': this program the components for the two '298.28': composite liquid hydrogen tanks '300.29': manufactured by alliant techsystems have '302.6': been shipped to lockheed martin missiles '304.22': and space for final assembly and '306.14': carrying alliant took on a major '308.33': technical challenge in billing '310.34': components of this proportion that could '312.5': prevent the seepage of liquid hydrogen '314.36': molecules next up for the tanks NASA '317.81': Marshall Space Flight Center for testing '319.96': we've only been able to talk about a few '32.449': manager for the x 33 and this is the '322.43': of the many milestones already met for '324.2': the x 33 more and other milestones next '326.96': time as the countdown continues '35.059': factory floor Lockheed Martin skunk '36.739': works where we're getting ready for the '38.239': first flight of the x 33 the x 33 '41.329': technology demonstrator is being '42.98': developed by lockheed martin skunk works '44.51': under a cooperative agreement with nasa '46.55': the x 33 will pave the way for '49.28': commercially developed reusable space '51.62': plane that lockheed martin calls venture '54.32': star the venture star will reduce the '56.75': cost of launching payloads into space '58.519': from ten thousand two-one thousand '60.68': dollars per pound in this program will '63.83': show you some of the critical activities '65.509': going on across the country activities '68.03': that will take the x 33 from concept the '70.61': flight test will also show you some of '73.22': the recent milestones we've met in '75.04': manufacturing and assembly what you see '78.2': here in the background is the liquid '80.329': oxygen tank delivered in February of '82.61': this year it's complex shape consists of '85.49': multiple sections welded together to '87.829': form much of the nose and forward third '90.079': of the x 33 in fact it's designed to '93.2': carry structural loads as well as more '95.569': than 180 1000 pounds of liquid oxygen '99.189': the oxygen tank was designed built
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", "Installation de lancement du X-33 sur la base d'Edwards en 1998.", "X-33-Startanlage (1998)", "X-33 launch facility already completed at Edwards Air Force Base." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", null, "X-33 [SEP] X-33-Startanlage (1998)", null ], "context_page_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", "Le Lockheed Martin X-33 était un démonstrateur technologique, à échelle un demi, de navette spatiale développé dans les années 1990 à la suite du lancement par le gouvernement des États-Unis du programme Space Launch Initiative.", "X-33 ist die Bezeichnung eines verkleinerten unbemannten Prototyps für einen von Lockheed Martin projektierten Nachfolger des Space Shuttles, der die Bezeichnung „Venture Star“ trug. Es sollte eine vollständig wiederverwendbare Raumfähre entstehen, die senkrecht mit Hilfe von neuartigen Aerospike-Triebwerken starten, einstufig den Orbit erreichen und abschließend wie ein Flugzeug wieder landen sollte.", "The Lockheed Martin X-33 was an uncrewed, sub-scale technology demonstrator suborbital spaceplane developed in the 1990s under the U.S. government–funded Space Launch Initiative program. The X-33 was a technology demonstrator for the VentureStar orbital spaceplane, which was planned to be a next-generation, commercially operated reusable launch vehicle. The X-33 would flight-test a range of technologies that NASA believed it needed for single-stage-to-orbit reusable launch vehicles, such as metallic thermal protection systems, composite cryogenic fuel tanks for liquid hydrogen, the aerospike engine, autonomous flight control, rapid flight turn-around times through streamlined operations, and its lifting body aerodynamics." ], "context_section_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", null, "Am 14. November 1997 fand die Grundsteinlegung für die Startanlage der X-33 auf der Edwards Air Force Base (Area 1-54) statt. Zu dieser Zeit waren 15 Testflüge ab Juli 1999 geplant. Zu den Startanlagen gehörte u. a. eine Schwenkvorrichtung zum Aufrichten des Fluggeräts, ein zurückfahrbarer Hangar, Tankanlagen und Flammgraben. Der Leitstand sollte in einem bereits bestehenden Raum auf dem Gelande eingerichtet werden. Als Landebahnen wurden das Michael Army Air Field des Dugway Proving Grounds/Utah und die Malmstrom Air Force Base/Montana vorgesehen.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Conception et développement", "X-33 / Entwicklungsgeschichte / Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Design and development" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "zh", "zh-TW", "fr", "de", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33", "X-33", "Lockheed Martin X-33" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, "Conception et développement", "Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Design and development" ] }
X 33 Lockheed VentureStar
X-33/VentureStar - What really happened
'101.899': tested by lockheed martin masood space '104.24': systems in a record 21 months '106.78': technicians are now installing plumbing '109.34': and wiring on it in addition to the '111.469': attach points which will connect the x '113.06': 33 thermal protection system the thermal '116.659': protection system is another key '118.369': technology the x 33 will demonstrate '120.49': when venture star is built its thermal '122.99': protection system will safeguard it from '124.819': re-entry temperatures as high as 2,600 '127.939': degrees Fahrenheit unlike most thermal '130.58': protection systems where the insulation '132.5': material is mounted on the outside of '134.42': the vehicle x 33 thermal protection '136.819': system is the vehicles aerodynamic '139.28': structural shell testing in NASA's '142.16': Langley Research Center high temperature '144.2': wind tunnel verified the integrity of '146.39': aeroshell thermal protection system when '148.94': subjected to winds at a temperature of '151.01': 2,000 degrees falling '152.99': onto the structure at seven times the '154.88': speed of sound thermal protection '157.7': materials were also flight tested on an '160.22': f-15 be at Dryden Flight Research Center '162.23': to demonstrate the designs abilities to '165.41': withstand unsteady supersonic flows and '168.17': shock waves metallic tiles software '171.62': usable surface insulation tiles and '173.6': sealing materials were subjected to '175.85': speeds up to mach 1.4 and an altitude of '179.45': 36,000 feet as expected material showed '182.93': no signs of wear or damage part of the '186.86': thermal protection system consists of '188.63': inconel and titanium panels that will be '191.36': attached to the lower half of the '192.68': vehicle there are also 17 blanket '195.68': insulated composite panels that will be '197.84': attached to the top half of the vehicle '199.67': fit checks were conducted in September '202.31': that demonstrated the ease of '203.72': installation and removal this is the key '206.54': the systems designed for maintenance and '208.43': reduced operations cost and time the '212.39': final thermal protection system '213.5': durability test was completed October '215.96': first at Marshall Space Flight Center '217.94': the thermal protection system withstood '220.49': sixty missions that's four times the '222.8': flight test exposures expected on the x '225.17': 33 engineers at Stennis Space Center in '228.53': Mississippi recently conducted the first '230.81': of 18 tests on the power pack a main '233.42': component for the x 33 engines being '235.58': built by boeing rocketdyne it's the '238.37': power pack that supplies the liquid '240.23': oxygen and hydrogen to the aerospike '241.82': engines powerful thrusters the recent '244.34': test is a critical milestone in the '246.41': development of the engine the test was '248.39': designed to calibrate the liquid '250.37': hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel turbo '252.83': pumps it's also verified valve timing '255.47': for priming the gas generator the thrust '259.34': chambers for the x 33 were recently '261.26': fabricated and if completed '262.7': qualification there are eight thrusters '265.22': built by jen court Aerojet and they form '267.92': the reaction control system by firing '270.29': one or more of these thrusters the x 33 '273.17': can achieve the maneuvers it needs to '274.88': make in its descent air jet used a '277.4': high-temperature alloy called Colombian '279.41': for the thrust chambers only two months '281.27': after determining the original material '283.31': Haynes 188 lacked the thermal capacity '286.25': required '287.47': this quick turnaround illustrates the '29.23': hello I'm Bob Rafael operations program '290.06': determination of the x 33 team to meet '292.79': the technical challenges intrinsic with '295.16': this program the components for the two '298.28': composite liquid hydrogen tanks '300.29': manufactured by alliant techsystems have '302.6': been shipped to lockheed martin missiles '304.22': and space for final assembly and '306.14': carrying alliant took on a major '308.33': technical challenge in billing '310.34': components of this proportion that could '312.5': prevent the seepage of liquid hydrogen '314.36': molecules next up for the tanks NASA '317.81': Marshall Space Flight Center for testing '319.96': we've only been able to talk about a few '32.449': manager for the x 33 and this is the '322.43': of the many milestones already met for '324.2': the x 33 more and other milestones next '326.96': time as the countdown continues '35.059': factory floor Lockheed Martin skunk '36.739': works where we're getting ready for the '38.239': first flight of the x 33 the x 33 '41.329': technology demonstrator is being '42.98': developed by lockheed martin skunk works '44.51': under a cooperative agreement with nasa '46.55': the x 33 will pave the way for '49.28': commercially developed reusable space '51.62': plane that lockheed martin calls venture '54.32': star the venture star will reduce the '56.75': cost of launching payloads into space '58.519': from ten thousand two-one thousand '60.68': dollars per pound in this program will '63.83': show you some of the critical activities '65.509': going on across the country activities '68.03': that will take the x 33 from concept the '70.61': flight test will also show you some of '73.22': the recent milestones we've met in '75.04': manufacturing and assembly what you see '78.2': here in the background is the liquid '80.329': oxygen tank delivered in February of '82.61': this year it's complex shape consists of '85.49': multiple sections welded together to '87.829': form much of the nose and forward third '90.079': of the x 33 in fact it's designed to '93.2': carry structural loads as well as more '95.569': than 180 1000 pounds of liquid oxygen '99.189': the oxygen tank was designed built
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", "Installation de lancement du X-33 sur la base d'Edwards en 1998.", "X-33-Startanlage (1998)", "X-33 launch facility already completed at Edwards Air Force Base." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", null, "X-33 [SEP] X-33-Startanlage (1998)", null ], "context_page_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", "Le Lockheed Martin X-33 était un démonstrateur technologique, à échelle un demi, de navette spatiale développé dans les années 1990 à la suite du lancement par le gouvernement des États-Unis du programme Space Launch Initiative.", "X-33 ist die Bezeichnung eines verkleinerten unbemannten Prototyps für einen von Lockheed Martin projektierten Nachfolger des Space Shuttles, der die Bezeichnung „Venture Star“ trug. Es sollte eine vollständig wiederverwendbare Raumfähre entstehen, die senkrecht mit Hilfe von neuartigen Aerospike-Triebwerken starten, einstufig den Orbit erreichen und abschließend wie ein Flugzeug wieder landen sollte.", "The Lockheed Martin X-33 was an uncrewed, sub-scale technology demonstrator suborbital spaceplane developed in the 1990s under the U.S. government–funded Space Launch Initiative program. The X-33 was a technology demonstrator for the VentureStar orbital spaceplane, which was planned to be a next-generation, commercially operated reusable launch vehicle. The X-33 would flight-test a range of technologies that NASA believed it needed for single-stage-to-orbit reusable launch vehicles, such as metallic thermal protection systems, composite cryogenic fuel tanks for liquid hydrogen, the aerospike engine, autonomous flight control, rapid flight turn-around times through streamlined operations, and its lifting body aerodynamics." ], "context_section_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", null, "Am 14. November 1997 fand die Grundsteinlegung für die Startanlage der X-33 auf der Edwards Air Force Base (Area 1-54) statt. Zu dieser Zeit waren 15 Testflüge ab Juli 1999 geplant. Zu den Startanlagen gehörte u. a. eine Schwenkvorrichtung zum Aufrichten des Fluggeräts, ein zurückfahrbarer Hangar, Tankanlagen und Flammgraben. Der Leitstand sollte in einem bereits bestehenden Raum auf dem Gelande eingerichtet werden. Als Landebahnen wurden das Michael Army Air Field des Dugway Proving Grounds/Utah und die Malmstrom Air Force Base/Montana vorgesehen.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Conception et développement", "X-33 / Entwicklungsgeschichte / Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Design and development" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "zh", "zh-TW", "fr", "de", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33", "X-33", "Lockheed Martin X-33" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, "Conception et développement", "Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Design and development" ] }
X 33 Lockheed VentureStar
X-33/VentureStar - What really happened
'101.899': tested by lockheed martin masood space '104.24': systems in a record 21 months '106.78': technicians are now installing plumbing '109.34': and wiring on it in addition to the '111.469': attach points which will connect the x '113.06': 33 thermal protection system the thermal '116.659': protection system is another key '118.369': technology the x 33 will demonstrate '120.49': when venture star is built its thermal '122.99': protection system will safeguard it from '124.819': re-entry temperatures as high as 2,600 '127.939': degrees Fahrenheit unlike most thermal '130.58': protection systems where the insulation '132.5': material is mounted on the outside of '134.42': the vehicle x 33 thermal protection '136.819': system is the vehicles aerodynamic '139.28': structural shell testing in NASA's '142.16': Langley Research Center high temperature '144.2': wind tunnel verified the integrity of '146.39': aeroshell thermal protection system when '148.94': subjected to winds at a temperature of '151.01': 2,000 degrees falling '152.99': onto the structure at seven times the '154.88': speed of sound thermal protection '157.7': materials were also flight tested on an '160.22': f-15 be at Dryden Flight Research Center '162.23': to demonstrate the designs abilities to '165.41': withstand unsteady supersonic flows and '168.17': shock waves metallic tiles software '171.62': usable surface insulation tiles and '173.6': sealing materials were subjected to '175.85': speeds up to mach 1.4 and an altitude of '179.45': 36,000 feet as expected material showed '182.93': no signs of wear or damage part of the '186.86': thermal protection system consists of '188.63': inconel and titanium panels that will be '191.36': attached to the lower half of the '192.68': vehicle there are also 17 blanket '195.68': insulated composite panels that will be '197.84': attached to the top half of the vehicle '199.67': fit checks were conducted in September '202.31': that demonstrated the ease of '203.72': installation and removal this is the key '206.54': the systems designed for maintenance and '208.43': reduced operations cost and time the '212.39': final thermal protection system '213.5': durability test was completed October '215.96': first at Marshall Space Flight Center '217.94': the thermal protection system withstood '220.49': sixty missions that's four times the '222.8': flight test exposures expected on the x '225.17': 33 engineers at Stennis Space Center in '228.53': Mississippi recently conducted the first '230.81': of 18 tests on the power pack a main '233.42': component for the x 33 engines being '235.58': built by boeing rocketdyne it's the '238.37': power pack that supplies the liquid '240.23': oxygen and hydrogen to the aerospike '241.82': engines powerful thrusters the recent '244.34': test is a critical milestone in the '246.41': development of the engine the test was '248.39': designed to calibrate the liquid '250.37': hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel turbo '252.83': pumps it's also verified valve timing '255.47': for priming the gas generator the thrust '259.34': chambers for the x 33 were recently '261.26': fabricated and if completed '262.7': qualification there are eight thrusters '265.22': built by jen court Aerojet and they form '267.92': the reaction control system by firing '270.29': one or more of these thrusters the x 33 '273.17': can achieve the maneuvers it needs to '274.88': make in its descent air jet used a '277.4': high-temperature alloy called Colombian '279.41': for the thrust chambers only two months '281.27': after determining the original material '283.31': Haynes 188 lacked the thermal capacity '286.25': required '287.47': this quick turnaround illustrates the '29.23': hello I'm Bob Rafael operations program '290.06': determination of the x 33 team to meet '292.79': the technical challenges intrinsic with '295.16': this program the components for the two '298.28': composite liquid hydrogen tanks '300.29': manufactured by alliant techsystems have '302.6': been shipped to lockheed martin missiles '304.22': and space for final assembly and '306.14': carrying alliant took on a major '308.33': technical challenge in billing '310.34': components of this proportion that could '312.5': prevent the seepage of liquid hydrogen '314.36': molecules next up for the tanks NASA '317.81': Marshall Space Flight Center for testing '319.96': we've only been able to talk about a few '32.449': manager for the x 33 and this is the '322.43': of the many milestones already met for '324.2': the x 33 more and other milestones next '326.96': time as the countdown continues '35.059': factory floor Lockheed Martin skunk '36.739': works where we're getting ready for the '38.239': first flight of the x 33 the x 33 '41.329': technology demonstrator is being '42.98': developed by lockheed martin skunk works '44.51': under a cooperative agreement with nasa '46.55': the x 33 will pave the way for '49.28': commercially developed reusable space '51.62': plane that lockheed martin calls venture '54.32': star the venture star will reduce the '56.75': cost of launching payloads into space '58.519': from ten thousand two-one thousand '60.68': dollars per pound in this program will '63.83': show you some of the critical activities '65.509': going on across the country activities '68.03': that will take the x 33 from concept the '70.61': flight test will also show you some of '73.22': the recent milestones we've met in '75.04': manufacturing and assembly what you see '78.2': here in the background is the liquid '80.329': oxygen tank delivered in February of '82.61': this year it's complex shape consists of '85.49': multiple sections welded together to '87.829': form much of the nose and forward third '90.079': of the x 33 in fact it's designed to '93.2': carry structural loads as well as more '95.569': than 180 1000 pounds of liquid oxygen '99.189': the oxygen tank was designed built
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", "Installation de lancement du X-33 sur la base d'Edwards en 1998.", "X-33-Startanlage (1998)", "X-33 launch facility already completed at Edwards Air Force Base." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", null, "X-33 [SEP] X-33-Startanlage (1998)", null ], "context_page_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", "Le Lockheed Martin X-33 était un démonstrateur technologique, à échelle un demi, de navette spatiale développé dans les années 1990 à la suite du lancement par le gouvernement des États-Unis du programme Space Launch Initiative.", "X-33 ist die Bezeichnung eines verkleinerten unbemannten Prototyps für einen von Lockheed Martin projektierten Nachfolger des Space Shuttles, der die Bezeichnung „Venture Star“ trug. Es sollte eine vollständig wiederverwendbare Raumfähre entstehen, die senkrecht mit Hilfe von neuartigen Aerospike-Triebwerken starten, einstufig den Orbit erreichen und abschließend wie ein Flugzeug wieder landen sollte.", "The Lockheed Martin X-33 was an uncrewed, sub-scale technology demonstrator suborbital spaceplane developed in the 1990s under the U.S. government–funded Space Launch Initiative program. The X-33 was a technology demonstrator for the VentureStar orbital spaceplane, which was planned to be a next-generation, commercially operated reusable launch vehicle. The X-33 would flight-test a range of technologies that NASA believed it needed for single-stage-to-orbit reusable launch vehicles, such as metallic thermal protection systems, composite cryogenic fuel tanks for liquid hydrogen, the aerospike engine, autonomous flight control, rapid flight turn-around times through streamlined operations, and its lifting body aerodynamics." ], "context_section_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", null, "Am 14. November 1997 fand die Grundsteinlegung für die Startanlage der X-33 auf der Edwards Air Force Base (Area 1-54) statt. Zu dieser Zeit waren 15 Testflüge ab Juli 1999 geplant. Zu den Startanlagen gehörte u. a. eine Schwenkvorrichtung zum Aufrichten des Fluggeräts, ein zurückfahrbarer Hangar, Tankanlagen und Flammgraben. Der Leitstand sollte in einem bereits bestehenden Raum auf dem Gelande eingerichtet werden. Als Landebahnen wurden das Michael Army Air Field des Dugway Proving Grounds/Utah und die Malmstrom Air Force Base/Montana vorgesehen.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Conception et développement", "X-33 / Entwicklungsgeschichte / Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Design and development" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "zh", "zh-TW", "fr", "de", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33", "X-33", "Lockheed Martin X-33" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, "Conception et développement", "Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Design and development" ] }
X 33 Lockheed VentureStar
X-33/VentureStar - What really happened
'101.899': tested by lockheed martin masood space '104.24': systems in a record 21 months '106.78': technicians are now installing plumbing '109.34': and wiring on it in addition to the '111.469': attach points which will connect the x '113.06': 33 thermal protection system the thermal '116.659': protection system is another key '118.369': technology the x 33 will demonstrate '120.49': when venture star is built its thermal '122.99': protection system will safeguard it from '124.819': re-entry temperatures as high as 2,600 '127.939': degrees Fahrenheit unlike most thermal '130.58': protection systems where the insulation '132.5': material is mounted on the outside of '134.42': the vehicle x 33 thermal protection '136.819': system is the vehicles aerodynamic '139.28': structural shell testing in NASA's '142.16': Langley Research Center high temperature '144.2': wind tunnel verified the integrity of '146.39': aeroshell thermal protection system when '148.94': subjected to winds at a temperature of '151.01': 2,000 degrees falling '152.99': onto the structure at seven times the '154.88': speed of sound thermal protection '157.7': materials were also flight tested on an '160.22': f-15 be at Dryden Flight Research Center '162.23': to demonstrate the designs abilities to '165.41': withstand unsteady supersonic flows and '168.17': shock waves metallic tiles software '171.62': usable surface insulation tiles and '173.6': sealing materials were subjected to '175.85': speeds up to mach 1.4 and an altitude of '179.45': 36,000 feet as expected material showed '182.93': no signs of wear or damage part of the '186.86': thermal protection system consists of '188.63': inconel and titanium panels that will be '191.36': attached to the lower half of the '192.68': vehicle there are also 17 blanket '195.68': insulated composite panels that will be '197.84': attached to the top half of the vehicle '199.67': fit checks were conducted in September '202.31': that demonstrated the ease of '203.72': installation and removal this is the key '206.54': the systems designed for maintenance and '208.43': reduced operations cost and time the '212.39': final thermal protection system '213.5': durability test was completed October '215.96': first at Marshall Space Flight Center '217.94': the thermal protection system withstood '220.49': sixty missions that's four times the '222.8': flight test exposures expected on the x '225.17': 33 engineers at Stennis Space Center in '228.53': Mississippi recently conducted the first '230.81': of 18 tests on the power pack a main '233.42': component for the x 33 engines being '235.58': built by boeing rocketdyne it's the '238.37': power pack that supplies the liquid '240.23': oxygen and hydrogen to the aerospike '241.82': engines powerful thrusters the recent '244.34': test is a critical milestone in the '246.41': development of the engine the test was '248.39': designed to calibrate the liquid '250.37': hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel turbo '252.83': pumps it's also verified valve timing '255.47': for priming the gas generator the thrust '259.34': chambers for the x 33 were recently '261.26': fabricated and if completed '262.7': qualification there are eight thrusters '265.22': built by jen court Aerojet and they form '267.92': the reaction control system by firing '270.29': one or more of these thrusters the x 33 '273.17': can achieve the maneuvers it needs to '274.88': make in its descent air jet used a '277.4': high-temperature alloy called Colombian '279.41': for the thrust chambers only two months '281.27': after determining the original material '283.31': Haynes 188 lacked the thermal capacity '286.25': required '287.47': this quick turnaround illustrates the '29.23': hello I'm Bob Rafael operations program '290.06': determination of the x 33 team to meet '292.79': the technical challenges intrinsic with '295.16': this program the components for the two '298.28': composite liquid hydrogen tanks '300.29': manufactured by alliant techsystems have '302.6': been shipped to lockheed martin missiles '304.22': and space for final assembly and '306.14': carrying alliant took on a major '308.33': technical challenge in billing '310.34': components of this proportion that could '312.5': prevent the seepage of liquid hydrogen '314.36': molecules next up for the tanks NASA '317.81': Marshall Space Flight Center for testing '319.96': we've only been able to talk about a few '32.449': manager for the x 33 and this is the '322.43': of the many milestones already met for '324.2': the x 33 more and other milestones next '326.96': time as the countdown continues '35.059': factory floor Lockheed Martin skunk '36.739': works where we're getting ready for the '38.239': first flight of the x 33 the x 33 '41.329': technology demonstrator is being '42.98': developed by lockheed martin skunk works '44.51': under a cooperative agreement with nasa '46.55': the x 33 will pave the way for '49.28': commercially developed reusable space '51.62': plane that lockheed martin calls venture '54.32': star the venture star will reduce the '56.75': cost of launching payloads into space '58.519': from ten thousand two-one thousand '60.68': dollars per pound in this program will '63.83': show you some of the critical activities '65.509': going on across the country activities '68.03': that will take the x 33 from concept the '70.61': flight test will also show you some of '73.22': the recent milestones we've met in '75.04': manufacturing and assembly what you see '78.2': here in the background is the liquid '80.329': oxygen tank delivered in February of '82.61': this year it's complex shape consists of '85.49': multiple sections welded together to '87.829': form much of the nose and forward third '90.079': of the x 33 in fact it's designed to '93.2': carry structural loads as well as more '95.569': than 180 1000 pounds of liquid oxygen '99.189': the oxygen tank was designed built
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", "Installation de lancement du X-33 sur la base d'Edwards en 1998.", "X-33-Startanlage (1998)", "X-33 launch facility already completed at Edwards Air Force Base." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", null, "X-33 [SEP] X-33-Startanlage (1998)", null ], "context_page_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", "Le Lockheed Martin X-33 était un démonstrateur technologique, à échelle un demi, de navette spatiale développé dans les années 1990 à la suite du lancement par le gouvernement des États-Unis du programme Space Launch Initiative.", "X-33 ist die Bezeichnung eines verkleinerten unbemannten Prototyps für einen von Lockheed Martin projektierten Nachfolger des Space Shuttles, der die Bezeichnung „Venture Star“ trug. Es sollte eine vollständig wiederverwendbare Raumfähre entstehen, die senkrecht mit Hilfe von neuartigen Aerospike-Triebwerken starten, einstufig den Orbit erreichen und abschließend wie ein Flugzeug wieder landen sollte.", "The Lockheed Martin X-33 was an uncrewed, sub-scale technology demonstrator suborbital spaceplane developed in the 1990s under the U.S. government–funded Space Launch Initiative program. The X-33 was a technology demonstrator for the VentureStar orbital spaceplane, which was planned to be a next-generation, commercially operated reusable launch vehicle. The X-33 would flight-test a range of technologies that NASA believed it needed for single-stage-to-orbit reusable launch vehicles, such as metallic thermal protection systems, composite cryogenic fuel tanks for liquid hydrogen, the aerospike engine, autonomous flight control, rapid flight turn-around times through streamlined operations, and its lifting body aerodynamics." ], "context_section_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", null, "Am 14. November 1997 fand die Grundsteinlegung für die Startanlage der X-33 auf der Edwards Air Force Base (Area 1-54) statt. Zu dieser Zeit waren 15 Testflüge ab Juli 1999 geplant. Zu den Startanlagen gehörte u. a. eine Schwenkvorrichtung zum Aufrichten des Fluggeräts, ein zurückfahrbarer Hangar, Tankanlagen und Flammgraben. Der Leitstand sollte in einem bereits bestehenden Raum auf dem Gelande eingerichtet werden. Als Landebahnen wurden das Michael Army Air Field des Dugway Proving Grounds/Utah und die Malmstrom Air Force Base/Montana vorgesehen.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Conception et développement", "X-33 / Entwicklungsgeschichte / Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Design and development" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "zh", "zh-TW", "fr", "de", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33", "X-33", "Lockheed Martin X-33" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, "Conception et développement", "Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Design and development" ] }
X 33 Lockheed VentureStar
X-33/VentureStar - What really happened
'101.899': tested by lockheed martin masood space '104.24': systems in a record 21 months '106.78': technicians are now installing plumbing '109.34': and wiring on it in addition to the '111.469': attach points which will connect the x '113.06': 33 thermal protection system the thermal '116.659': protection system is another key '118.369': technology the x 33 will demonstrate '120.49': when venture star is built its thermal '122.99': protection system will safeguard it from '124.819': re-entry temperatures as high as 2,600 '127.939': degrees Fahrenheit unlike most thermal '130.58': protection systems where the insulation '132.5': material is mounted on the outside of '134.42': the vehicle x 33 thermal protection '136.819': system is the vehicles aerodynamic '139.28': structural shell testing in NASA's '142.16': Langley Research Center high temperature '144.2': wind tunnel verified the integrity of '146.39': aeroshell thermal protection system when '148.94': subjected to winds at a temperature of '151.01': 2,000 degrees falling '152.99': onto the structure at seven times the '154.88': speed of sound thermal protection '157.7': materials were also flight tested on an '160.22': f-15 be at Dryden Flight Research Center '162.23': to demonstrate the designs abilities to '165.41': withstand unsteady supersonic flows and '168.17': shock waves metallic tiles software '171.62': usable surface insulation tiles and '173.6': sealing materials were subjected to '175.85': speeds up to mach 1.4 and an altitude of '179.45': 36,000 feet as expected material showed '182.93': no signs of wear or damage part of the '186.86': thermal protection system consists of '188.63': inconel and titanium panels that will be '191.36': attached to the lower half of the '192.68': vehicle there are also 17 blanket '195.68': insulated composite panels that will be '197.84': attached to the top half of the vehicle '199.67': fit checks were conducted in September '202.31': that demonstrated the ease of '203.72': installation and removal this is the key '206.54': the systems designed for maintenance and '208.43': reduced operations cost and time the '212.39': final thermal protection system '213.5': durability test was completed October '215.96': first at Marshall Space Flight Center '217.94': the thermal protection system withstood '220.49': sixty missions that's four times the '222.8': flight test exposures expected on the x '225.17': 33 engineers at Stennis Space Center in '228.53': Mississippi recently conducted the first '230.81': of 18 tests on the power pack a main '233.42': component for the x 33 engines being '235.58': built by boeing rocketdyne it's the '238.37': power pack that supplies the liquid '240.23': oxygen and hydrogen to the aerospike '241.82': engines powerful thrusters the recent '244.34': test is a critical milestone in the '246.41': development of the engine the test was '248.39': designed to calibrate the liquid '250.37': hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel turbo '252.83': pumps it's also verified valve timing '255.47': for priming the gas generator the thrust '259.34': chambers for the x 33 were recently '261.26': fabricated and if completed '262.7': qualification there are eight thrusters '265.22': built by jen court Aerojet and they form '267.92': the reaction control system by firing '270.29': one or more of these thrusters the x 33 '273.17': can achieve the maneuvers it needs to '274.88': make in its descent air jet used a '277.4': high-temperature alloy called Colombian '279.41': for the thrust chambers only two months '281.27': after determining the original material '283.31': Haynes 188 lacked the thermal capacity '286.25': required '287.47': this quick turnaround illustrates the '29.23': hello I'm Bob Rafael operations program '290.06': determination of the x 33 team to meet '292.79': the technical challenges intrinsic with '295.16': this program the components for the two '298.28': composite liquid hydrogen tanks '300.29': manufactured by alliant techsystems have '302.6': been shipped to lockheed martin missiles '304.22': and space for final assembly and '306.14': carrying alliant took on a major '308.33': technical challenge in billing '310.34': components of this proportion that could '312.5': prevent the seepage of liquid hydrogen '314.36': molecules next up for the tanks NASA '317.81': Marshall Space Flight Center for testing '319.96': we've only been able to talk about a few '32.449': manager for the x 33 and this is the '322.43': of the many milestones already met for '324.2': the x 33 more and other milestones next '326.96': time as the countdown continues '35.059': factory floor Lockheed Martin skunk '36.739': works where we're getting ready for the '38.239': first flight of the x 33 the x 33 '41.329': technology demonstrator is being '42.98': developed by lockheed martin skunk works '44.51': under a cooperative agreement with nasa '46.55': the x 33 will pave the way for '49.28': commercially developed reusable space '51.62': plane that lockheed martin calls venture '54.32': star the venture star will reduce the '56.75': cost of launching payloads into space '58.519': from ten thousand two-one thousand '60.68': dollars per pound in this program will '63.83': show you some of the critical activities '65.509': going on across the country activities '68.03': that will take the x 33 from concept the '70.61': flight test will also show you some of '73.22': the recent milestones we've met in '75.04': manufacturing and assembly what you see '78.2': here in the background is the liquid '80.329': oxygen tank delivered in February of '82.61': this year it's complex shape consists of '85.49': multiple sections welded together to '87.829': form much of the nose and forward third '90.079': of the x 33 in fact it's designed to '93.2': carry structural loads as well as more '95.569': than 180 1000 pounds of liquid oxygen '99.189': the oxygen tank was designed built
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", "Installation de lancement du X-33 sur la base d'Edwards en 1998.", "X-33-Startanlage (1998)", "X-33 launch facility already completed at Edwards Air Force Base." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", null, "X-33 [SEP] X-33-Startanlage (1998)", null ], "context_page_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", "Le Lockheed Martin X-33 était un démonstrateur technologique, à échelle un demi, de navette spatiale développé dans les années 1990 à la suite du lancement par le gouvernement des États-Unis du programme Space Launch Initiative.", "X-33 ist die Bezeichnung eines verkleinerten unbemannten Prototyps für einen von Lockheed Martin projektierten Nachfolger des Space Shuttles, der die Bezeichnung „Venture Star“ trug. Es sollte eine vollständig wiederverwendbare Raumfähre entstehen, die senkrecht mit Hilfe von neuartigen Aerospike-Triebwerken starten, einstufig den Orbit erreichen und abschließend wie ein Flugzeug wieder landen sollte.", "The Lockheed Martin X-33 was an uncrewed, sub-scale technology demonstrator suborbital spaceplane developed in the 1990s under the U.S. government–funded Space Launch Initiative program. The X-33 was a technology demonstrator for the VentureStar orbital spaceplane, which was planned to be a next-generation, commercially operated reusable launch vehicle. The X-33 would flight-test a range of technologies that NASA believed it needed for single-stage-to-orbit reusable launch vehicles, such as metallic thermal protection systems, composite cryogenic fuel tanks for liquid hydrogen, the aerospike engine, autonomous flight control, rapid flight turn-around times through streamlined operations, and its lifting body aerodynamics." ], "context_section_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", null, "Am 14. November 1997 fand die Grundsteinlegung für die Startanlage der X-33 auf der Edwards Air Force Base (Area 1-54) statt. Zu dieser Zeit waren 15 Testflüge ab Juli 1999 geplant. Zu den Startanlagen gehörte u. a. eine Schwenkvorrichtung zum Aufrichten des Fluggeräts, ein zurückfahrbarer Hangar, Tankanlagen und Flammgraben. Der Leitstand sollte in einem bereits bestehenden Raum auf dem Gelande eingerichtet werden. Als Landebahnen wurden das Michael Army Air Field des Dugway Proving Grounds/Utah und die Malmstrom Air Force Base/Montana vorgesehen.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Conception et développement", "X-33 / Entwicklungsgeschichte / Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Design and development" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "zh", "zh-TW", "fr", "de", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33", "X-33", "Lockheed Martin X-33" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, "Conception et développement", "Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Design and development" ] }
X 33 Lockheed VentureStar
X-33/VentureStar - What really happened
'101.899': tested by lockheed martin masood space '104.24': systems in a record 21 months '106.78': technicians are now installing plumbing '109.34': and wiring on it in addition to the '111.469': attach points which will connect the x '113.06': 33 thermal protection system the thermal '116.659': protection system is another key '118.369': technology the x 33 will demonstrate '120.49': when venture star is built its thermal '122.99': protection system will safeguard it from '124.819': re-entry temperatures as high as 2,600 '127.939': degrees Fahrenheit unlike most thermal '130.58': protection systems where the insulation '132.5': material is mounted on the outside of '134.42': the vehicle x 33 thermal protection '136.819': system is the vehicles aerodynamic '139.28': structural shell testing in NASA's '142.16': Langley Research Center high temperature '144.2': wind tunnel verified the integrity of '146.39': aeroshell thermal protection system when '148.94': subjected to winds at a temperature of '151.01': 2,000 degrees falling '152.99': onto the structure at seven times the '154.88': speed of sound thermal protection '157.7': materials were also flight tested on an '160.22': f-15 be at Dryden Flight Research Center '162.23': to demonstrate the designs abilities to '165.41': withstand unsteady supersonic flows and '168.17': shock waves metallic tiles software '171.62': usable surface insulation tiles and '173.6': sealing materials were subjected to '175.85': speeds up to mach 1.4 and an altitude of '179.45': 36,000 feet as expected material showed '182.93': no signs of wear or damage part of the '186.86': thermal protection system consists of '188.63': inconel and titanium panels that will be '191.36': attached to the lower half of the '192.68': vehicle there are also 17 blanket '195.68': insulated composite panels that will be '197.84': attached to the top half of the vehicle '199.67': fit checks were conducted in September '202.31': that demonstrated the ease of '203.72': installation and removal this is the key '206.54': the systems designed for maintenance and '208.43': reduced operations cost and time the '212.39': final thermal protection system '213.5': durability test was completed October '215.96': first at Marshall Space Flight Center '217.94': the thermal protection system withstood '220.49': sixty missions that's four times the '222.8': flight test exposures expected on the x '225.17': 33 engineers at Stennis Space Center in '228.53': Mississippi recently conducted the first '230.81': of 18 tests on the power pack a main '233.42': component for the x 33 engines being '235.58': built by boeing rocketdyne it's the '238.37': power pack that supplies the liquid '240.23': oxygen and hydrogen to the aerospike '241.82': engines powerful thrusters the recent '244.34': test is a critical milestone in the '246.41': development of the engine the test was '248.39': designed to calibrate the liquid '250.37': hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel turbo '252.83': pumps it's also verified valve timing '255.47': for priming the gas generator the thrust '259.34': chambers for the x 33 were recently '261.26': fabricated and if completed '262.7': qualification there are eight thrusters '265.22': built by jen court Aerojet and they form '267.92': the reaction control system by firing '270.29': one or more of these thrusters the x 33 '273.17': can achieve the maneuvers it needs to '274.88': make in its descent air jet used a '277.4': high-temperature alloy called Colombian '279.41': for the thrust chambers only two months '281.27': after determining the original material '283.31': Haynes 188 lacked the thermal capacity '286.25': required '287.47': this quick turnaround illustrates the '29.23': hello I'm Bob Rafael operations program '290.06': determination of the x 33 team to meet '292.79': the technical challenges intrinsic with '295.16': this program the components for the two '298.28': composite liquid hydrogen tanks '300.29': manufactured by alliant techsystems have '302.6': been shipped to lockheed martin missiles '304.22': and space for final assembly and '306.14': carrying alliant took on a major '308.33': technical challenge in billing '310.34': components of this proportion that could '312.5': prevent the seepage of liquid hydrogen '314.36': molecules next up for the tanks NASA '317.81': Marshall Space Flight Center for testing '319.96': we've only been able to talk about a few '32.449': manager for the x 33 and this is the '322.43': of the many milestones already met for '324.2': the x 33 more and other milestones next '326.96': time as the countdown continues '35.059': factory floor Lockheed Martin skunk '36.739': works where we're getting ready for the '38.239': first flight of the x 33 the x 33 '41.329': technology demonstrator is being '42.98': developed by lockheed martin skunk works '44.51': under a cooperative agreement with nasa '46.55': the x 33 will pave the way for '49.28': commercially developed reusable space '51.62': plane that lockheed martin calls venture '54.32': star the venture star will reduce the '56.75': cost of launching payloads into space '58.519': from ten thousand two-one thousand '60.68': dollars per pound in this program will '63.83': show you some of the critical activities '65.509': going on across the country activities '68.03': that will take the x 33 from concept the '70.61': flight test will also show you some of '73.22': the recent milestones we've met in '75.04': manufacturing and assembly what you see '78.2': here in the background is the liquid '80.329': oxygen tank delivered in February of '82.61': this year it's complex shape consists of '85.49': multiple sections welded together to '87.829': form much of the nose and forward third '90.079': of the x 33 in fact it's designed to '93.2': carry structural loads as well as more '95.569': than 180 1000 pounds of liquid oxygen '99.189': the oxygen tank was designed built
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", "Installation de lancement du X-33 sur la base d'Edwards en 1998.", "X-33-Startanlage (1998)", "X-33 launch facility already completed at Edwards Air Force Base." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德华空军基地的X-33试验场,现已关闭", "X-33試驗機 [SEP] 艾德華空軍基地的X-33試驗場,現已關閉", null, "X-33 [SEP] X-33-Startanlage (1998)", null ], "context_page_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", "Le Lockheed Martin X-33 était un démonstrateur technologique, à échelle un demi, de navette spatiale développé dans les années 1990 à la suite du lancement par le gouvernement des États-Unis du programme Space Launch Initiative.", "X-33 ist die Bezeichnung eines verkleinerten unbemannten Prototyps für einen von Lockheed Martin projektierten Nachfolger des Space Shuttles, der die Bezeichnung „Venture Star“ trug. Es sollte eine vollständig wiederverwendbare Raumfähre entstehen, die senkrecht mit Hilfe von neuartigen Aerospike-Triebwerken starten, einstufig den Orbit erreichen und abschließend wie ein Flugzeug wieder landen sollte.", "The Lockheed Martin X-33 was an uncrewed, sub-scale technology demonstrator suborbital spaceplane developed in the 1990s under the U.S. government–funded Space Launch Initiative program. The X-33 was a technology demonstrator for the VentureStar orbital spaceplane, which was planned to be a next-generation, commercially operated reusable launch vehicle. The X-33 would flight-test a range of technologies that NASA believed it needed for single-stage-to-orbit reusable launch vehicles, such as metallic thermal protection systems, composite cryogenic fuel tanks for liquid hydrogen, the aerospike engine, autonomous flight control, rapid flight turn-around times through streamlined operations, and its lifting body aerodynamics." ], "context_section_description": [ "X-33是一种无人操纵的小型化冒险之星试验机,原本X-33计划成为下一世代的可重复使用的发射系统,但是后来因为所需新技术的开发失败,最后计划于2001年中止。", "X-33是一種無人操縱的小型化冒險之星試驗機,原本X-33計畫成為下一世代的可重複使用的發射系統,但是後來因為所需新技術的開發失敗,最後計劃於2001年中止。", null, "Am 14. November 1997 fand die Grundsteinlegung für die Startanlage der X-33 auf der Edwards Air Force Base (Area 1-54) statt. Zu dieser Zeit waren 15 Testflüge ab Juli 1999 geplant. Zu den Startanlagen gehörte u. a. eine Schwenkvorrichtung zum Aufrichten des Fluggeräts, ein zurückfahrbarer Hangar, Tankanlagen und Flammgraben. Der Leitstand sollte in einem bereits bestehenden Raum auf dem Gelande eingerichtet werden. Als Landebahnen wurden das Michael Army Air Field des Dugway Proving Grounds/Utah und die Malmstrom Air Force Base/Montana vorgesehen.", null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Conception et développement", "X-33 / Entwicklungsgeschichte / Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Lockheed Martin X-33 / Design and development" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "zh", "zh-TW", "fr", "de", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "X-33試驗機", "X-33試驗機", "Lockheed Martin X-33", "X-33", "Lockheed Martin X-33" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, "Conception et développement", "Bau der Starteinrichtungen", "Design and development" ] }
X 33 Lockheed VentureStar
X-33/VentureStar - What really happened
'101.899': tested by lockheed martin masood space '104.24': systems in a record 21 months '106.78': technicians are now installing plumbing '109.34': and wiring on it in addition to the '111.469': attach points which will connect the x '113.06': 33 thermal protection system the thermal '116.659': protection system is another key '118.369': technology the x 33 will demonstrate '120.49': when venture star is built its thermal '122.99': protection system will safeguard it from '124.819': re-entry temperatures as high as 2,600 '127.939': degrees Fahrenheit unlike most thermal '130.58': protection systems where the insulation '132.5': material is mounted on the outside of '134.42': the vehicle x 33 thermal protection '136.819': system is the vehicles aerodynamic '139.28': structural shell testing in NASA's '142.16': Langley Research Center high temperature '144.2': wind tunnel verified the integrity of '146.39': aeroshell thermal protection system when '148.94': subjected to winds at a temperature of '151.01': 2,000 degrees falling '152.99': onto the structure at seven times the '154.88': speed of sound thermal protection '157.7': materials were also flight tested on an '160.22': f-15 be at Dryden Flight Research Center '162.23': to demonstrate the designs abilities to '165.41': withstand unsteady supersonic flows and '168.17': shock waves metallic tiles software '171.62': usable surface insulation tiles and '173.6': sealing materials were subjected to '175.85': speeds up to mach 1.4 and an altitude of '179.45': 36,000 feet as expected material showed '182.93': no signs of wear or damage part of the '186.86': thermal protection system consists of '188.63': inconel and titanium panels that will be '191.36': attached to the lower half of the '192.68': vehicle there are also 17 blanket '195.68': insulated composite panels that will be '197.84': attached to the top half of the vehicle '199.67': fit checks were conducted in September '202.31': that demonstrated the ease of '203.72': installation and removal this is the key '206.54': the systems designed for maintenance and '208.43': reduced operations cost and time the '212.39': final thermal protection system '213.5': durability test was completed October '215.96': first at Marshall Space Flight Center '217.94': the thermal protection system withstood '220.49': sixty missions that's four times the '222.8': flight test exposures expected on the x '225.17': 33 engineers at Stennis Space Center in '228.53': Mississippi recently conducted the first '230.81': of 18 tests on the power pack a main '233.42': component for the x 33 engines being '235.58': built by boeing rocketdyne it's the '238.37': power pack that supplies the liquid '240.23': oxygen and hydrogen to the aerospike '241.82': engines powerful thrusters the recent '244.34': test is a critical milestone in the '246.41': development of the engine the test was '248.39': designed to calibrate the liquid '250.37': hydrogen and liquid oxygen fuel turbo '252.83': pumps it's also verified valve timing '255.47': for priming the gas generator the thrust '259.34': chambers for the x 33 were recently '261.26': fabricated and if completed '262.7': qualification there are eight thrusters '265.22': built by jen court Aerojet and they form '267.92': the reaction control system by firing '270.29': one or more of these thrusters the x 33 '273.17': can achieve the maneuvers it needs to '274.88': make in its descent air jet used a '277.4': high-temperature alloy called Colombian '279.41': for the thrust chambers only two months '281.27': after determining the original material '283.31': Haynes 188 lacked the thermal capacity '286.25': required '287.47': this quick turnaround illustrates the '29.23': hello I'm Bob Rafael operations program '290.06': determination of the x 33 team to meet '292.79': the technical challenges intrinsic with '295.16': this program the components for the two '298.28': composite liquid hydrogen tanks '300.29': manufactured by alliant techsystems have '302.6': been shipped to lockheed martin missiles '304.22': and space for final assembly and '306.14': carrying alliant took on a major '308.33': technical challenge in billing '310.34': components of this proportion that could '312.5': prevent the seepage of liquid hydrogen '314.36': molecules next up for the tanks NASA '317.81': Marshall Space Flight Center for testing '319.96': we've only been able to talk about a few '32.449': manager for the x 33 and this is the '322.43': of the many milestones already met for '324.2': the x 33 more and other milestones next '326.96': time as the countdown continues '35.059': factory floor Lockheed Martin skunk '36.739': works where we're getting ready for the '38.239': first flight of the x 33 the x 33 '41.329': technology demonstrator is being '42.98': developed by lockheed martin skunk works '44.51': under a cooperative agreement with nasa '46.55': the x 33 will pave the way for '49.28': commercially developed reusable space '51.62': plane that lockheed martin calls venture '54.32': star the venture star will reduce the '56.75': cost of launching payloads into space '58.519': from ten thousand two-one thousand '60.68': dollars per pound in this program will '63.83': show you some of the critical activities '65.509': going on across the country activities '68.03': that will take the x 33 from concept the '70.61': flight test will also show you some of '73.22': the recent milestones we've met in '75.04': manufacturing and assembly what you see '78.2': here in the background is the liquid '80.329': oxygen tank delivered in February of '82.61': this year it's complex shape consists of '85.49': multiple sections welded together to '87.829': form much of the nose and forward third '90.079': of the x 33 in fact it's designed to '93.2': carry structural loads as well as more '95.569': than 180 1000 pounds of liquid oxygen '99.189': the oxygen tank was designed built
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It often includes elements of internship and project work in close cooperation with external partners.", "جامعة مالمو هي كلية جامعية سويدية مقرها مدينة مالمو. تأسست سنة 1998، ويدرس بها حاليًا ما يربو على 24 ألف طالب، ويعمل بطاقمها الأكاديمي والتدريسي حوالي 1600 شخص. تحتل جامعة مالمو المركز التاسع بين أكبر المؤسسات التعليمية في السويد وتربطها اتفاقيات تبادل مع أكثر من 240 جامعة على مستوى العالم، ولحوالي ثلث طلاب الجامعة خلفيات دولية.", "Malmö universitet, tidigare Malmö högskola, är ett svenskt statligt universitet i Malmö. Det grundades 1998 som Malmö högskola och har ungefär 24 000 inskrivna studenter, 200 doktorander och omkring 1 400 anställda, varav ett 60-tal är professorer. Kerstin Tham är rektor sedan 1 november 2015.", "Die Universität Malmö ist eine staatliche Universität in der südschwedischen Stadt Malmö. Mit mehr als 24.000 eingeschriebenen Studenten und etwa 1.600 Mitarbeitern ist sie die neuntgrößte Hochschule in Schweden.", "Orkanen är en byggnad som används av Malmö universitet. Byggnaden ligger på Hjälmarekajen på Universitetsholmen i Malmö. Här finns lärarutbildning, bibliotek och IT. Orkanen blev klar sommaren 2005 och invigdes under augusti månad. Den kostade uppemot 600 miljoner kronor att bygga.", "Malmø Universitet er et svensk universitet beliggende i Malmø. Universitetet blev grundlagt i 1998, og er med sine omkring 24000 studerende og 1600 ansatte den 9. største uddannelsesinstitution i Sverige. Malmø Universitet har udvekslingsaftaler med mere end 240 universiteter fordelt i hele verden, og mere end en tredjedel af universitetets elever har en international baggrund. Uddannelserne på Malmø Universitet fokuserer blandt andet på migration, bæredygtighed, urbane studier samt moderne medier og teknologi. Uddannelserne indeholder ofte praktikophold og projektarbejde i tæt samarbejde med eksterne partnere. Kerstin Tham er universitetets rektor.", "De Universiteit Malmö is in publike hegeskoalle yn de súd-sweedske stêd Malmö. Mei goed 24.000 ynskreaune studinten en sa'n 1.600 meiwurkers is it de njoggende nei grutte yn Sweden." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null, "Die junge Hochschule wurde 1998 gegründet, zwei Jahre nach dem Beschluss der Regierung, in Malmö eine Lehranstalt zu schaffen. Die Hochschule Malmö ist international ausgerichtet, beinahe ein Drittel der Studenten hat einen internationalen Hintergrund. Zudem bestehen weltweit Austauschprogramme mit mehr als 250 Partnerhochschulen. Schwerpunktthemen der Hochschulausbildung sind unter anderem Migration, Nachhaltigkeit, Urbane Studien, Neue Medien und Technologie. Heute ist die Hochschule in fünf Fakultäten eingeteilt: Die Lehramtsausbildung als größte Fakultät, Kultur und Gesellschaft, Gesundheit und Gesellschaft, Odontologie sowie Technologie und Gesellschaft.", "Malmö universitets lärarutbildning, som är lokaliserad på Orkanen, är Sveriges näst största. Den härstammar från Lärarhögskolan i Malmö, som grundades 1960. Idag, 2007, kan man förutom lärarutbildningen läsa rektorsutbildningen, studie- och yrkesvägledarutbildningen, idrottsvetenskapligt program samt en mängd fristående kurser. Lärarutbildningen har idag cirka 7000 studerande. 2001 organiserades lärarutbildningen om. Man organiserade all grundutbildning, forskning och vidareutbildning i sex kunskapsfält:", null, "Kerstin Tham (1 novimber 2015 –)" ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Malmö University / Quality of education", "جامعة مالمو / معرض صور", "Malmö universitet / Bildgalleri", "Universität Malmö / Geschichte", "Orkanen (byggnad) / Lärarutbildningen på Orkanen", "Malmø Universitet / Uddannelsernes kvalitet", "Universiteit fan Malmö / Rektors" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "ar", "sv", "de", "sv", "da", "fy" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Malmö University", "جامعة مالمو", "Malmö universitet", "Universität Malmö", "Orkanen (byggnad)", "Malmø Universitet", "Universiteit fan Malmö" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Quality of education", "معرض صور", "Bildgalleri", "Geschichte", "Lärarutbildningen på Orkanen", "Uddannelsernes kvalitet", "Rektors" ] }
Malmö University Campus
Malmö is Sweden’s third-largest city and is located in the very south of the country. It boasts its own airport, but for international travellers, it is best served by Copenhagen Airport – just a 20-minute train journey away. Read more about Malmö University at
'11.28': "You\u2019ll find the latest addition to the University\u2019s buildings\ \ \u2014 Niagara \u2014 just a stone\u2019s throw from Malm\xF6\u2019s central station." '17.52': The Faculty of Culture and Society and the Faculty of Technology and Society are both located here. '2.28': "As a new student in Malm\xF6, it\u2019s not always easy to find your way\ \ around." '22.58': "500 metres away, just by Malm\xF6\u2019s new food market, is G\xE4ddan." '26.58': "This is where you\u2019ll find the Faculty of Health and Society, as well\ \ as Storm, the University\u2019s new innovation hub." '33.02': "A little closer to the water you\u2019ll see Orkanen, which is where the\ \ University\u2019s largest library is housed." '39.52': Most of the students here are part of the Faculty of Education and Society. '44.62': "The Student Centre and the Student Union are situated in between G\xE4ddan\ \ and Niagara." '48.58': This is where staff work to make sure students get the most out of their studies. '52.72': "All of these buildings are located in the \u2018V\xE4stra Hamnen\u2019,\ \ or \u2018West Harbour\u2019 neighbourhood of Malm\xF6." '55.96': "Other libraries and institutions that form part of Malm\xF6 University are\ \ just a short bike ride away." '62.46': "In the hospital area, sandwiched between Traingeln and Pildammsparken, you\u2019\ ll find the Faculty of Health and Society." '68.9': "Another one of the University\u2019s libraries is located here." '7.1': "Malm\xF6 University\u2019s faculty buildings are located in different parts\ \ of the city." '72.62': "If you wander a little closer to Triangeln, you\u2019ll see the Faculty\ \ of Odontology, also known as the \u2018Dental School\u2019." '79.6': "All of the University\u2019s buildings are based in central Malm\xF6 and\ \ are easy to get to by train, bus and bike. You\u2019ll always be close to everything."
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, null, null, "Biblioteket mot söder", null, null ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "جامعة مالمو [SEP] ", null, null, null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Malmö University is a Swedish university located in Malmö, Sweden. With more than 24,000 students and about 1,600 employees, Malmö University is the ninth largest institute of learning in Sweden. It has exchange agreements with more than 240 partner universities around the world and roughly a third of the students have an international background. Education at Malmö University focuses on, among other things, migration, international relations, political science, sustainability, urban studies, and new media and technology. It often includes elements of internship and project work in close cooperation with external partners.", "جامعة مالمو هي كلية جامعية سويدية مقرها مدينة مالمو. تأسست سنة 1998، ويدرس بها حاليًا ما يربو على 24 ألف طالب، ويعمل بطاقمها الأكاديمي والتدريسي حوالي 1600 شخص. تحتل جامعة مالمو المركز التاسع بين أكبر المؤسسات التعليمية في السويد وتربطها اتفاقيات تبادل مع أكثر من 240 جامعة على مستوى العالم، ولحوالي ثلث طلاب الجامعة خلفيات دولية.", "Malmö universitet, tidigare Malmö högskola, är ett svenskt statligt universitet i Malmö. Det grundades 1998 som Malmö högskola och har ungefär 24 000 inskrivna studenter, 200 doktorander och omkring 1 400 anställda, varav ett 60-tal är professorer. Kerstin Tham är rektor sedan 1 november 2015.", "Die Universität Malmö ist eine staatliche Universität in der südschwedischen Stadt Malmö. Mit mehr als 24.000 eingeschriebenen Studenten und etwa 1.600 Mitarbeitern ist sie die neuntgrößte Hochschule in Schweden.", "Orkanen är en byggnad som används av Malmö universitet. Byggnaden ligger på Hjälmarekajen på Universitetsholmen i Malmö. Här finns lärarutbildning, bibliotek och IT. Orkanen blev klar sommaren 2005 och invigdes under augusti månad. Den kostade uppemot 600 miljoner kronor att bygga.", "Malmø Universitet er et svensk universitet beliggende i Malmø. Universitetet blev grundlagt i 1998, og er med sine omkring 24000 studerende og 1600 ansatte den 9. største uddannelsesinstitution i Sverige. Malmø Universitet har udvekslingsaftaler med mere end 240 universiteter fordelt i hele verden, og mere end en tredjedel af universitetets elever har en international baggrund. Uddannelserne på Malmø Universitet fokuserer blandt andet på migration, bæredygtighed, urbane studier samt moderne medier og teknologi. Uddannelserne indeholder ofte praktikophold og projektarbejde i tæt samarbejde med eksterne partnere. Kerstin Tham er universitetets rektor.", "De Universiteit Malmö is in publike hegeskoalle yn de súd-sweedske stêd Malmö. Mei goed 24.000 ynskreaune studinten en sa'n 1.600 meiwurkers is it de njoggende nei grutte yn Sweden." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null, "Die junge Hochschule wurde 1998 gegründet, zwei Jahre nach dem Beschluss der Regierung, in Malmö eine Lehranstalt zu schaffen. Die Hochschule Malmö ist international ausgerichtet, beinahe ein Drittel der Studenten hat einen internationalen Hintergrund. Zudem bestehen weltweit Austauschprogramme mit mehr als 250 Partnerhochschulen. Schwerpunktthemen der Hochschulausbildung sind unter anderem Migration, Nachhaltigkeit, Urbane Studien, Neue Medien und Technologie. Heute ist die Hochschule in fünf Fakultäten eingeteilt: Die Lehramtsausbildung als größte Fakultät, Kultur und Gesellschaft, Gesundheit und Gesellschaft, Odontologie sowie Technologie und Gesellschaft.", "Malmö universitets lärarutbildning, som är lokaliserad på Orkanen, är Sveriges näst största. Den härstammar från Lärarhögskolan i Malmö, som grundades 1960. Idag, 2007, kan man förutom lärarutbildningen läsa rektorsutbildningen, studie- och yrkesvägledarutbildningen, idrottsvetenskapligt program samt en mängd fristående kurser. Lärarutbildningen har idag cirka 7000 studerande. 2001 organiserades lärarutbildningen om. Man organiserade all grundutbildning, forskning och vidareutbildning i sex kunskapsfält:", null, "Kerstin Tham (1 novimber 2015 –)" ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Malmö University / Quality of education", "جامعة مالمو / معرض صور", "Malmö universitet / Bildgalleri", "Universität Malmö / Geschichte", "Orkanen (byggnad) / Lärarutbildningen på Orkanen", "Malmø Universitet / Uddannelsernes kvalitet", "Universiteit fan Malmö / Rektors" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "ar", "sv", "de", "sv", "da", "fy" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Malmö University", "جامعة مالمو", "Malmö universitet", "Universität Malmö", "Orkanen (byggnad)", "Malmø Universitet", "Universiteit fan Malmö" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Quality of education", "معرض صور", "Bildgalleri", "Geschichte", "Lärarutbildningen på Orkanen", "Uddannelsernes kvalitet", "Rektors" ] }
Malmö University Campus
Malmö is Sweden’s third-largest city and is located in the very south of the country. It boasts its own airport, but for international travellers, it is best served by Copenhagen Airport – just a 20-minute train journey away. Read more about Malmö University at
'11.28': "You\u2019ll find the latest addition to the University\u2019s buildings\ \ \u2014 Niagara \u2014 just a stone\u2019s throw from Malm\xF6\u2019s central station." '17.52': The Faculty of Culture and Society and the Faculty of Technology and Society are both located here. '2.28': "As a new student in Malm\xF6, it\u2019s not always easy to find your way\ \ around." '22.58': "500 metres away, just by Malm\xF6\u2019s new food market, is G\xE4ddan." '26.58': "This is where you\u2019ll find the Faculty of Health and Society, as well\ \ as Storm, the University\u2019s new innovation hub." '33.02': "A little closer to the water you\u2019ll see Orkanen, which is where the\ \ University\u2019s largest library is housed." '39.52': Most of the students here are part of the Faculty of Education and Society. '44.62': "The Student Centre and the Student Union are situated in between G\xE4ddan\ \ and Niagara." '48.58': This is where staff work to make sure students get the most out of their studies. '52.72': "All of these buildings are located in the \u2018V\xE4stra Hamnen\u2019,\ \ or \u2018West Harbour\u2019 neighbourhood of Malm\xF6." '55.96': "Other libraries and institutions that form part of Malm\xF6 University are\ \ just a short bike ride away." '62.46': "In the hospital area, sandwiched between Traingeln and Pildammsparken, you\u2019\ ll find the Faculty of Health and Society." '68.9': "Another one of the University\u2019s libraries is located here." '7.1': "Malm\xF6 University\u2019s faculty buildings are located in different parts\ \ of the city." '72.62': "If you wander a little closer to Triangeln, you\u2019ll see the Faculty\ \ of Odontology, also known as the \u2018Dental School\u2019." '79.6': "All of the University\u2019s buildings are based in central Malm\xF6 and\ \ are easy to get to by train, bus and bike. You\u2019ll always be close to everything."
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, null, null, "Biblioteket mot söder", null, null ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "جامعة مالمو [SEP] ", null, null, null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Malmö University is a Swedish university located in Malmö, Sweden. With more than 24,000 students and about 1,600 employees, Malmö University is the ninth largest institute of learning in Sweden. It has exchange agreements with more than 240 partner universities around the world and roughly a third of the students have an international background. Education at Malmö University focuses on, among other things, migration, international relations, political science, sustainability, urban studies, and new media and technology. It often includes elements of internship and project work in close cooperation with external partners.", "جامعة مالمو هي كلية جامعية سويدية مقرها مدينة مالمو. تأسست سنة 1998، ويدرس بها حاليًا ما يربو على 24 ألف طالب، ويعمل بطاقمها الأكاديمي والتدريسي حوالي 1600 شخص. تحتل جامعة مالمو المركز التاسع بين أكبر المؤسسات التعليمية في السويد وتربطها اتفاقيات تبادل مع أكثر من 240 جامعة على مستوى العالم، ولحوالي ثلث طلاب الجامعة خلفيات دولية.", "Malmö universitet, tidigare Malmö högskola, är ett svenskt statligt universitet i Malmö. Det grundades 1998 som Malmö högskola och har ungefär 24 000 inskrivna studenter, 200 doktorander och omkring 1 400 anställda, varav ett 60-tal är professorer. Kerstin Tham är rektor sedan 1 november 2015.", "Die Universität Malmö ist eine staatliche Universität in der südschwedischen Stadt Malmö. Mit mehr als 24.000 eingeschriebenen Studenten und etwa 1.600 Mitarbeitern ist sie die neuntgrößte Hochschule in Schweden.", "Orkanen är en byggnad som används av Malmö universitet. Byggnaden ligger på Hjälmarekajen på Universitetsholmen i Malmö. Här finns lärarutbildning, bibliotek och IT. Orkanen blev klar sommaren 2005 och invigdes under augusti månad. Den kostade uppemot 600 miljoner kronor att bygga.", "Malmø Universitet er et svensk universitet beliggende i Malmø. Universitetet blev grundlagt i 1998, og er med sine omkring 24000 studerende og 1600 ansatte den 9. største uddannelsesinstitution i Sverige. Malmø Universitet har udvekslingsaftaler med mere end 240 universiteter fordelt i hele verden, og mere end en tredjedel af universitetets elever har en international baggrund. Uddannelserne på Malmø Universitet fokuserer blandt andet på migration, bæredygtighed, urbane studier samt moderne medier og teknologi. Uddannelserne indeholder ofte praktikophold og projektarbejde i tæt samarbejde med eksterne partnere. Kerstin Tham er universitetets rektor.", "De Universiteit Malmö is in publike hegeskoalle yn de súd-sweedske stêd Malmö. Mei goed 24.000 ynskreaune studinten en sa'n 1.600 meiwurkers is it de njoggende nei grutte yn Sweden." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null, "Die junge Hochschule wurde 1998 gegründet, zwei Jahre nach dem Beschluss der Regierung, in Malmö eine Lehranstalt zu schaffen. Die Hochschule Malmö ist international ausgerichtet, beinahe ein Drittel der Studenten hat einen internationalen Hintergrund. Zudem bestehen weltweit Austauschprogramme mit mehr als 250 Partnerhochschulen. Schwerpunktthemen der Hochschulausbildung sind unter anderem Migration, Nachhaltigkeit, Urbane Studien, Neue Medien und Technologie. Heute ist die Hochschule in fünf Fakultäten eingeteilt: Die Lehramtsausbildung als größte Fakultät, Kultur und Gesellschaft, Gesundheit und Gesellschaft, Odontologie sowie Technologie und Gesellschaft.", "Malmö universitets lärarutbildning, som är lokaliserad på Orkanen, är Sveriges näst största. Den härstammar från Lärarhögskolan i Malmö, som grundades 1960. Idag, 2007, kan man förutom lärarutbildningen läsa rektorsutbildningen, studie- och yrkesvägledarutbildningen, idrottsvetenskapligt program samt en mängd fristående kurser. Lärarutbildningen har idag cirka 7000 studerande. 2001 organiserades lärarutbildningen om. Man organiserade all grundutbildning, forskning och vidareutbildning i sex kunskapsfält:", null, "Kerstin Tham (1 novimber 2015 –)" ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Malmö University / Quality of education", "جامعة مالمو / معرض صور", "Malmö universitet / Bildgalleri", "Universität Malmö / Geschichte", "Orkanen (byggnad) / Lärarutbildningen på Orkanen", "Malmø Universitet / Uddannelsernes kvalitet", "Universiteit fan Malmö / Rektors" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "ar", "sv", "de", "sv", "da", "fy" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Malmö University", "جامعة مالمو", "Malmö universitet", "Universität Malmö", "Orkanen (byggnad)", "Malmø Universitet", "Universiteit fan Malmö" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Quality of education", "معرض صور", "Bildgalleri", "Geschichte", "Lärarutbildningen på Orkanen", "Uddannelsernes kvalitet", "Rektors" ] }
Malmö University Campus
Malmö is Sweden’s third-largest city and is located in the very south of the country. It boasts its own airport, but for international travellers, it is best served by Copenhagen Airport – just a 20-minute train journey away. Read more about Malmö University at
'11.28': "You\u2019ll find the latest addition to the University\u2019s buildings\ \ \u2014 Niagara \u2014 just a stone\u2019s throw from Malm\xF6\u2019s central station." '17.52': The Faculty of Culture and Society and the Faculty of Technology and Society are both located here. '2.28': "As a new student in Malm\xF6, it\u2019s not always easy to find your way\ \ around." '22.58': "500 metres away, just by Malm\xF6\u2019s new food market, is G\xE4ddan." '26.58': "This is where you\u2019ll find the Faculty of Health and Society, as well\ \ as Storm, the University\u2019s new innovation hub." '33.02': "A little closer to the water you\u2019ll see Orkanen, which is where the\ \ University\u2019s largest library is housed." '39.52': Most of the students here are part of the Faculty of Education and Society. '44.62': "The Student Centre and the Student Union are situated in between G\xE4ddan\ \ and Niagara." '48.58': This is where staff work to make sure students get the most out of their studies. '52.72': "All of these buildings are located in the \u2018V\xE4stra Hamnen\u2019,\ \ or \u2018West Harbour\u2019 neighbourhood of Malm\xF6." '55.96': "Other libraries and institutions that form part of Malm\xF6 University are\ \ just a short bike ride away." '62.46': "In the hospital area, sandwiched between Traingeln and Pildammsparken, you\u2019\ ll find the Faculty of Health and Society." '68.9': "Another one of the University\u2019s libraries is located here." '7.1': "Malm\xF6 University\u2019s faculty buildings are located in different parts\ \ of the city." '72.62': "If you wander a little closer to Triangeln, you\u2019ll see the Faculty\ \ of Odontology, also known as the \u2018Dental School\u2019." '79.6': "All of the University\u2019s buildings are based in central Malm\xF6 and\ \ are easy to get to by train, bus and bike. You\u2019ll always be close to everything."
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, null, null, "Biblioteket mot söder", null, null ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "جامعة مالمو [SEP] ", null, null, null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "Malmö University is a Swedish university located in Malmö, Sweden. With more than 24,000 students and about 1,600 employees, Malmö University is the ninth largest institute of learning in Sweden. It has exchange agreements with more than 240 partner universities around the world and roughly a third of the students have an international background. Education at Malmö University focuses on, among other things, migration, international relations, political science, sustainability, urban studies, and new media and technology. It often includes elements of internship and project work in close cooperation with external partners.", "جامعة مالمو هي كلية جامعية سويدية مقرها مدينة مالمو. تأسست سنة 1998، ويدرس بها حاليًا ما يربو على 24 ألف طالب، ويعمل بطاقمها الأكاديمي والتدريسي حوالي 1600 شخص. تحتل جامعة مالمو المركز التاسع بين أكبر المؤسسات التعليمية في السويد وتربطها اتفاقيات تبادل مع أكثر من 240 جامعة على مستوى العالم، ولحوالي ثلث طلاب الجامعة خلفيات دولية.", "Malmö universitet, tidigare Malmö högskola, är ett svenskt statligt universitet i Malmö. Det grundades 1998 som Malmö högskola och har ungefär 24 000 inskrivna studenter, 200 doktorander och omkring 1 400 anställda, varav ett 60-tal är professorer. Kerstin Tham är rektor sedan 1 november 2015.", "Die Universität Malmö ist eine staatliche Universität in der südschwedischen Stadt Malmö. Mit mehr als 24.000 eingeschriebenen Studenten und etwa 1.600 Mitarbeitern ist sie die neuntgrößte Hochschule in Schweden.", "Orkanen är en byggnad som används av Malmö universitet. Byggnaden ligger på Hjälmarekajen på Universitetsholmen i Malmö. Här finns lärarutbildning, bibliotek och IT. Orkanen blev klar sommaren 2005 och invigdes under augusti månad. Den kostade uppemot 600 miljoner kronor att bygga.", "Malmø Universitet er et svensk universitet beliggende i Malmø. Universitetet blev grundlagt i 1998, og er med sine omkring 24000 studerende og 1600 ansatte den 9. største uddannelsesinstitution i Sverige. Malmø Universitet har udvekslingsaftaler med mere end 240 universiteter fordelt i hele verden, og mere end en tredjedel af universitetets elever har en international baggrund. Uddannelserne på Malmø Universitet fokuserer blandt andet på migration, bæredygtighed, urbane studier samt moderne medier og teknologi. Uddannelserne indeholder ofte praktikophold og projektarbejde i tæt samarbejde med eksterne partnere. Kerstin Tham er universitetets rektor.", "De Universiteit Malmö is in publike hegeskoalle yn de súd-sweedske stêd Malmö. Mei goed 24.000 ynskreaune studinten en sa'n 1.600 meiwurkers is it de njoggende nei grutte yn Sweden." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null, "Die junge Hochschule wurde 1998 gegründet, zwei Jahre nach dem Beschluss der Regierung, in Malmö eine Lehranstalt zu schaffen. Die Hochschule Malmö ist international ausgerichtet, beinahe ein Drittel der Studenten hat einen internationalen Hintergrund. Zudem bestehen weltweit Austauschprogramme mit mehr als 250 Partnerhochschulen. Schwerpunktthemen der Hochschulausbildung sind unter anderem Migration, Nachhaltigkeit, Urbane Studien, Neue Medien und Technologie. Heute ist die Hochschule in fünf Fakultäten eingeteilt: Die Lehramtsausbildung als größte Fakultät, Kultur und Gesellschaft, Gesundheit und Gesellschaft, Odontologie sowie Technologie und Gesellschaft.", "Malmö universitets lärarutbildning, som är lokaliserad på Orkanen, är Sveriges näst största. Den härstammar från Lärarhögskolan i Malmö, som grundades 1960. Idag, 2007, kan man förutom lärarutbildningen läsa rektorsutbildningen, studie- och yrkesvägledarutbildningen, idrottsvetenskapligt program samt en mängd fristående kurser. Lärarutbildningen har idag cirka 7000 studerande. 2001 organiserades lärarutbildningen om. Man organiserade all grundutbildning, forskning och vidareutbildning i sex kunskapsfält:", null, "Kerstin Tham (1 novimber 2015 –)" ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Malmö University / Quality of education", "جامعة مالمو / معرض صور", "Malmö universitet / Bildgalleri", "Universität Malmö / Geschichte", "Orkanen (byggnad) / Lärarutbildningen på Orkanen", "Malmø Universitet / Uddannelsernes kvalitet", "Universiteit fan Malmö / Rektors" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "ar", "sv", "de", "sv", "da", "fy" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Malmö University", "جامعة مالمو", "Malmö universitet", "Universität Malmö", "Orkanen (byggnad)", "Malmø Universitet", "Universiteit fan Malmö" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Quality of education", "معرض صور", "Bildgalleri", "Geschichte", "Lärarutbildningen på Orkanen", "Uddannelsernes kvalitet", "Rektors" ] }
Malmö University Campus
Malmö is Sweden’s third-largest city and is located in the very south of the country. It boasts its own airport, but for international travellers, it is best served by Copenhagen Airport – just a 20-minute train journey away. Read more about Malmö University at
'11.28': "You\u2019ll find the latest addition to the University\u2019s buildings\ \ \u2014 Niagara \u2014 just a stone\u2019s throw from Malm\xF6\u2019s central station." '17.52': The Faculty of Culture and Society and the Faculty of Technology and Society are both located here. '2.28': "As a new student in Malm\xF6, it\u2019s not always easy to find your way\ \ around." '22.58': "500 metres away, just by Malm\xF6\u2019s new food market, is G\xE4ddan." '26.58': "This is where you\u2019ll find the Faculty of Health and Society, as well\ \ as Storm, the University\u2019s new innovation hub." '33.02': "A little closer to the water you\u2019ll see Orkanen, which is where the\ \ University\u2019s largest library is housed." '39.52': Most of the students here are part of the Faculty of Education and Society. '44.62': "The Student Centre and the Student Union are situated in between G\xE4ddan\ \ and Niagara." '48.58': This is where staff work to make sure students get the most out of their studies. '52.72': "All of these buildings are located in the \u2018V\xE4stra Hamnen\u2019,\ \ or \u2018West Harbour\u2019 neighbourhood of Malm\xF6." '55.96': "Other libraries and institutions that form part of Malm\xF6 University are\ \ just a short bike ride away." '62.46': "In the hospital area, sandwiched between Traingeln and Pildammsparken, you\u2019\ ll find the Faculty of Health and Society." '68.9': "Another one of the University\u2019s libraries is located here." '7.1': "Malm\xF6 University\u2019s faculty buildings are located in different parts\ \ of the city." '72.62': "If you wander a little closer to Triangeln, you\u2019ll see the Faculty\ \ of Odontology, also known as the \u2018Dental School\u2019." '79.6': "All of the University\u2019s buildings are based in central Malm\xF6 and\ \ are easy to get to by train, bus and bike. You\u2019ll always be close to everything."
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Elsham Hill. The large radio and telephone mast on top of Elsham hill, on land that once was the war time bomber airfield of RAF Elsham Wold" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Royal Air Force Elsham Wolds or more simply RAF Elsham Wolds is a former Royal Air Force station in England, which operated in the First World War and the Second World War. It is located just to the north east of the village of Elsham in north Lincolnshire." ], "context_section_description": [ "A large radio and telephone mast has been placed on top of Elsham hill." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds / Current use" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Current use" ] }
Elsham Wolds: ABCT Memorial Marker #71
'102.61': of course the legendary scamp ttan of '104.44': dam Busters theme so this this original '109.539': airfield quedan fighter defense of this '111.7': general area and into 1919 when '115.03': eventually closed a lot of records are '117.22': missing to his World War 1 airfield '118.869': sadly destroyed for these reasons but '121.39': there is sufficient evidence to show '123.97': that this place played a major part in '125.56': winning of World War 1 come the early '129.97': summer of 1940 Belgium Wald's airfield '133.959': was selected the language requisitioned '137.5': for development as a heavy bomber air '140.11': food was originally intended instantly '142.42': took connections with Carlington today's '144.58': number say the airport of course so the '147.67': this year field eventually opened a '150.16': rather protracted Lee during June and '152.47': July 1941 one source this is very '155.62': difficult you know '156.44': when it comes to dates for example '157.79': because one source anyway quite rightly '160.88': says that this year food opened to be '162.68': exact on the 15th of June 1941 but there '166.25': was only one problem the person there '168.29': weren't even here at the time they were '170.63': still at benbrook and they didn't come '172.16': to ocean water a few days later so once '176.09': they ever got going '177.71': especially in July 1941 there the main '181.64': unit that was based here was number 1 or '184.1': 3 squadron and this fluid intern Vickers '187.73': Wellington's then briefly and LePage '189.95': Halifax's before eventually after '192.32': Lancaster's and one of the was famous '195.88': individual Lancaster's of always based '198.74': here serial number Edie ata theater '202.16': makes queered to give it its nickname '204.29': which famously flew no less than 140 '208.72': operational sorties over its career '212.27': between 1943 to it in the end of '215.51': 1944 the highest number in RAF Bomber '219.32': count and this was all from elements so '222.32': the this place played a huge part in the '225.92': war effort '226.489': we mustn't forget all the other '227.87': squadrons that were based here there was '230.09': another squadron that was hived off from '233.09': the main unit here that then went to '236.209': fiskerton and Lincolnshire after about a '239.209': year and then under race renaming '24.51': well good morning everybody thank you so '242.63': strategies after World War two ended '245.2': number 103 squadron was renamed and then '249.53': with another squadron that derived from '251.15': Grimsby or one of them just more or less '255.44': at the end of World War two '256.669': they then transferred to sculpt and at '258.89': the end of 1945 there's a very famous '26.74': much for coming '261.29': photograph instantly of our Lancaster '264.55': Elgin walls if you imagine the scene '267.38': that's a nighttime scene the Lancaster's '269.9': waiting the take-off and in the '271.19': background are these very dramatic what '273.44': are called Sandra lights like a lady '275.9': motion like a corn of searchlights and '278.11': that's quite a famous photograph after '28.17': my name is Kenneth Bannerman I'm the '281.3': that the the final part in the Elgin '284.18': Ward's '284.87': flying career anyhow was when number 21 '288.32': heavy glider converse '290.21': unit came here and stayed about another '293.12': year before moving to North laudanum in '295.3': Rockland after that their field winding '298.97': they closed in the summer of 1947 and if '30.94': director general with a founder and head '302.36': you find them record such as an aside '305.15': for example you can see that by February '307.94': 1948 their field was in the process have '311.18': been militarily d requisitioned for '314.24': several years but that was an end of the '316.43': story of any means because as is still '319.009': very much remembered this place became '32.83': of the elusive Breton Conservation Trust '321.91': nicknamed Warsaw Hamlet to do with the '325.61': the poles and the Ukrainians that '329.15': unfortunately couldn't go back to their '330.919': homelands after the end of World War two '332.599': so there were a lot of Eastern European '336.74': families that were based here from 1940 '339.62': to 1950 to one or two web sites made '342.259': some very interesting just from a social '344.18': point of view so this resolved to do '346.07': with the steelworks in Scunthorpe of '348.889': course and then as we all know one more '35.739': or ABCT for short and I'm here with my '351.56': recent times it's become a very '352.789': prominent industrial state their main '355.22': road snow bisected airfield but the '357.8': salaat left around here I mean I can '359.87': remember I first came here ruined the '361.88': birthing was 1984 well this is to that '365.12': perspective 22 years before the charity '367.46': formed so you know I can remember I '371.33': don't see more industrial buildings here '374.57': but still the point is it's still very '376.52': very relevant and this is the whole '378.47': point with all of our airfields whether '38.44': colleagues to help Warner Nelson Wald's '380.449': they are active or disused and what we '382.49': are trying to help them with through our '384.68': national charity which incidentally is '386.78': the first of its kind in the world '388.94': the remain Britain you know we're making '390.62': a real difference it's just all about '392.84': trying to illustrate how our airfields '396.199': not forgetting of course all the '397.37': personnel we've served at them I'll be '399.38': there huge difference in all sorts of '401.419': ways to towards the advancement and '403.729': benefit of all of us without feel and '406.4': not just militarily but also notably '409.669': socially '410.509': jobs facilities services you name it '413.21': these places and everyone associated '415.46': with them are phenomenally important '418.46': beyond all belief but as summarize '42.07': airfield and also the world were one '420.71': include myself realized till not '423.2': maybe that many years ago the our '426.71': airfields were maybe at best just taken '429.35': for granted I think it's best to see if '431.54': maybe not just sadly ignored but '433.31': thankfully times and attitudes are no '435.44': changing and people are now beginning to '437.63': realize just how incredibly important '439.88': our air foods are is the are being '44.89': else in their field that I'll just '442.07': increasingly recognized as Britain's '444.35': greatest of our physical assets but it's '447.17': through ourselves and the post-race '448.76': other organizations and individuals '451.22': we're doing everything we humanly can to '453.44': make sure that places like the to '455.72': Belgium airfields and all everyone who '459.23': serve that are properly remembered and '46.48': mentioned more or less right now going '462.23': recognized and so just bear in mind that '465.2': by the end of the year we move and field '467.18': nearly 200 memorials across the UK so '471.28': thank you again thank you so much for '473.72': attending and you know we we hope this '477.29': helps the community in various reason '479.81': and again not forgetting the plaques we '481.73': have instantly got other plaques that '483.47': we'll be in will certainly be no later '486.23': than the later this year you'll know the '488.09': names anyhow New Holland Winterton for '49.54': back in time in World War 1 there was '494.81': one sakes so there will be up and coming '497.78': fairly soon and therefore it's with very '502.13': great pleasure that were able to avail '505.63': what is now ABC T's 71st Memorial in '511.54': this case to El Djem wants their field '516.56': thank you all very much thank you '52.629': the world war 1 fighter air food which '527.279': you don't find I'd like you to the '530.05': people patience you know the moral '531.97': apologies of reading it Oh he-man Pepe '535.779': Phelps is the one that was in Burma when '539.44': you go home tell them our bus is ready '541.69': for your tomorrow we gave out today the '547.42': exhortation '548.23': we get every year that the other side '55.66': was just cold ocean as opposed to this '550.66': they shall grow not old as we that are '553.3': left grow old age shall not weary them '556.81': nor the years condemn '558.57': but the going down of the Sun and in the '561.279': morning we will remember them yes thank '567.04': you very much thanks very much yeah yeah '58.66': one else Awards this was on the eastern '62.77': edge of the airfield here now there used '622.59': you '65.17': to be the control turtle in the 1980s '67.479': you still with the G hangar here this '69.46': was in the far side of ocean walls this '72.399': is a separate airfield from L from the '76.39': world war 2 sate this opened at the end '79.3': of 1916 as a fighter flight station for '83.619': the Royal Flying Corps and then the '85.509': Royal Air Force and they refused by sea '89.11': flight of number 33 squadron but also '92.709': had connections with Curtin lenzi which '95.47': again is not the curtain n lens the '97.78': airfield from World War two this is a '99.7': confusing it gets unfortunately and also
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Elsham Hill. The large radio and telephone mast on top of Elsham hill, on land that once was the war time bomber airfield of RAF Elsham Wold" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Royal Air Force Elsham Wolds or more simply RAF Elsham Wolds is a former Royal Air Force station in England, which operated in the First World War and the Second World War. It is located just to the north east of the village of Elsham in north Lincolnshire." ], "context_section_description": [ "A large radio and telephone mast has been placed on top of Elsham hill." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds / Current use" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Current use" ] }
Elsham Wolds: ABCT Memorial Marker #71
'102.61': of course the legendary scamp ttan of '104.44': dam Busters theme so this this original '109.539': airfield quedan fighter defense of this '111.7': general area and into 1919 when '115.03': eventually closed a lot of records are '117.22': missing to his World War 1 airfield '118.869': sadly destroyed for these reasons but '121.39': there is sufficient evidence to show '123.97': that this place played a major part in '125.56': winning of World War 1 come the early '129.97': summer of 1940 Belgium Wald's airfield '133.959': was selected the language requisitioned '137.5': for development as a heavy bomber air '140.11': food was originally intended instantly '142.42': took connections with Carlington today's '144.58': number say the airport of course so the '147.67': this year field eventually opened a '150.16': rather protracted Lee during June and '152.47': July 1941 one source this is very '155.62': difficult you know '156.44': when it comes to dates for example '157.79': because one source anyway quite rightly '160.88': says that this year food opened to be '162.68': exact on the 15th of June 1941 but there '166.25': was only one problem the person there '168.29': weren't even here at the time they were '170.63': still at benbrook and they didn't come '172.16': to ocean water a few days later so once '176.09': they ever got going '177.71': especially in July 1941 there the main '181.64': unit that was based here was number 1 or '184.1': 3 squadron and this fluid intern Vickers '187.73': Wellington's then briefly and LePage '189.95': Halifax's before eventually after '192.32': Lancaster's and one of the was famous '195.88': individual Lancaster's of always based '198.74': here serial number Edie ata theater '202.16': makes queered to give it its nickname '204.29': which famously flew no less than 140 '208.72': operational sorties over its career '212.27': between 1943 to it in the end of '215.51': 1944 the highest number in RAF Bomber '219.32': count and this was all from elements so '222.32': the this place played a huge part in the '225.92': war effort '226.489': we mustn't forget all the other '227.87': squadrons that were based here there was '230.09': another squadron that was hived off from '233.09': the main unit here that then went to '236.209': fiskerton and Lincolnshire after about a '239.209': year and then under race renaming '24.51': well good morning everybody thank you so '242.63': strategies after World War two ended '245.2': number 103 squadron was renamed and then '249.53': with another squadron that derived from '251.15': Grimsby or one of them just more or less '255.44': at the end of World War two '256.669': they then transferred to sculpt and at '258.89': the end of 1945 there's a very famous '26.74': much for coming '261.29': photograph instantly of our Lancaster '264.55': Elgin walls if you imagine the scene '267.38': that's a nighttime scene the Lancaster's '269.9': waiting the take-off and in the '271.19': background are these very dramatic what '273.44': are called Sandra lights like a lady '275.9': motion like a corn of searchlights and '278.11': that's quite a famous photograph after '28.17': my name is Kenneth Bannerman I'm the '281.3': that the the final part in the Elgin '284.18': Ward's '284.87': flying career anyhow was when number 21 '288.32': heavy glider converse '290.21': unit came here and stayed about another '293.12': year before moving to North laudanum in '295.3': Rockland after that their field winding '298.97': they closed in the summer of 1947 and if '30.94': director general with a founder and head '302.36': you find them record such as an aside '305.15': for example you can see that by February '307.94': 1948 their field was in the process have '311.18': been militarily d requisitioned for '314.24': several years but that was an end of the '316.43': story of any means because as is still '319.009': very much remembered this place became '32.83': of the elusive Breton Conservation Trust '321.91': nicknamed Warsaw Hamlet to do with the '325.61': the poles and the Ukrainians that '329.15': unfortunately couldn't go back to their '330.919': homelands after the end of World War two '332.599': so there were a lot of Eastern European '336.74': families that were based here from 1940 '339.62': to 1950 to one or two web sites made '342.259': some very interesting just from a social '344.18': point of view so this resolved to do '346.07': with the steelworks in Scunthorpe of '348.889': course and then as we all know one more '35.739': or ABCT for short and I'm here with my '351.56': recent times it's become a very '352.789': prominent industrial state their main '355.22': road snow bisected airfield but the '357.8': salaat left around here I mean I can '359.87': remember I first came here ruined the '361.88': birthing was 1984 well this is to that '365.12': perspective 22 years before the charity '367.46': formed so you know I can remember I '371.33': don't see more industrial buildings here '374.57': but still the point is it's still very '376.52': very relevant and this is the whole '378.47': point with all of our airfields whether '38.44': colleagues to help Warner Nelson Wald's '380.449': they are active or disused and what we '382.49': are trying to help them with through our '384.68': national charity which incidentally is '386.78': the first of its kind in the world '388.94': the remain Britain you know we're making '390.62': a real difference it's just all about '392.84': trying to illustrate how our airfields '396.199': not forgetting of course all the '397.37': personnel we've served at them I'll be '399.38': there huge difference in all sorts of '401.419': ways to towards the advancement and '403.729': benefit of all of us without feel and '406.4': not just militarily but also notably '409.669': socially '410.509': jobs facilities services you name it '413.21': these places and everyone associated '415.46': with them are phenomenally important '418.46': beyond all belief but as summarize '42.07': airfield and also the world were one '420.71': include myself realized till not '423.2': maybe that many years ago the our '426.71': airfields were maybe at best just taken '429.35': for granted I think it's best to see if '431.54': maybe not just sadly ignored but '433.31': thankfully times and attitudes are no '435.44': changing and people are now beginning to '437.63': realize just how incredibly important '439.88': our air foods are is the are being '44.89': else in their field that I'll just '442.07': increasingly recognized as Britain's '444.35': greatest of our physical assets but it's '447.17': through ourselves and the post-race '448.76': other organizations and individuals '451.22': we're doing everything we humanly can to '453.44': make sure that places like the to '455.72': Belgium airfields and all everyone who '459.23': serve that are properly remembered and '46.48': mentioned more or less right now going '462.23': recognized and so just bear in mind that '465.2': by the end of the year we move and field '467.18': nearly 200 memorials across the UK so '471.28': thank you again thank you so much for '473.72': attending and you know we we hope this '477.29': helps the community in various reason '479.81': and again not forgetting the plaques we '481.73': have instantly got other plaques that '483.47': we'll be in will certainly be no later '486.23': than the later this year you'll know the '488.09': names anyhow New Holland Winterton for '49.54': back in time in World War 1 there was '494.81': one sakes so there will be up and coming '497.78': fairly soon and therefore it's with very '502.13': great pleasure that were able to avail '505.63': what is now ABC T's 71st Memorial in '511.54': this case to El Djem wants their field '516.56': thank you all very much thank you '52.629': the world war 1 fighter air food which '527.279': you don't find I'd like you to the '530.05': people patience you know the moral '531.97': apologies of reading it Oh he-man Pepe '535.779': Phelps is the one that was in Burma when '539.44': you go home tell them our bus is ready '541.69': for your tomorrow we gave out today the '547.42': exhortation '548.23': we get every year that the other side '55.66': was just cold ocean as opposed to this '550.66': they shall grow not old as we that are '553.3': left grow old age shall not weary them '556.81': nor the years condemn '558.57': but the going down of the Sun and in the '561.279': morning we will remember them yes thank '567.04': you very much thanks very much yeah yeah '58.66': one else Awards this was on the eastern '62.77': edge of the airfield here now there used '622.59': you '65.17': to be the control turtle in the 1980s '67.479': you still with the G hangar here this '69.46': was in the far side of ocean walls this '72.399': is a separate airfield from L from the '76.39': world war 2 sate this opened at the end '79.3': of 1916 as a fighter flight station for '83.619': the Royal Flying Corps and then the '85.509': Royal Air Force and they refused by sea '89.11': flight of number 33 squadron but also '92.709': had connections with Curtin lenzi which '95.47': again is not the curtain n lens the '97.78': airfield from World War two this is a '99.7': confusing it gets unfortunately and also
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Elsham Hill. The large radio and telephone mast on top of Elsham hill, on land that once was the war time bomber airfield of RAF Elsham Wold" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Royal Air Force Elsham Wolds or more simply RAF Elsham Wolds is a former Royal Air Force station in England, which operated in the First World War and the Second World War. It is located just to the north east of the village of Elsham in north Lincolnshire." ], "context_section_description": [ "A large radio and telephone mast has been placed on top of Elsham hill." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds / Current use" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Current use" ] }
Elsham Wolds: ABCT Memorial Marker #71
'102.61': of course the legendary scamp ttan of '104.44': dam Busters theme so this this original '109.539': airfield quedan fighter defense of this '111.7': general area and into 1919 when '115.03': eventually closed a lot of records are '117.22': missing to his World War 1 airfield '118.869': sadly destroyed for these reasons but '121.39': there is sufficient evidence to show '123.97': that this place played a major part in '125.56': winning of World War 1 come the early '129.97': summer of 1940 Belgium Wald's airfield '133.959': was selected the language requisitioned '137.5': for development as a heavy bomber air '140.11': food was originally intended instantly '142.42': took connections with Carlington today's '144.58': number say the airport of course so the '147.67': this year field eventually opened a '150.16': rather protracted Lee during June and '152.47': July 1941 one source this is very '155.62': difficult you know '156.44': when it comes to dates for example '157.79': because one source anyway quite rightly '160.88': says that this year food opened to be '162.68': exact on the 15th of June 1941 but there '166.25': was only one problem the person there '168.29': weren't even here at the time they were '170.63': still at benbrook and they didn't come '172.16': to ocean water a few days later so once '176.09': they ever got going '177.71': especially in July 1941 there the main '181.64': unit that was based here was number 1 or '184.1': 3 squadron and this fluid intern Vickers '187.73': Wellington's then briefly and LePage '189.95': Halifax's before eventually after '192.32': Lancaster's and one of the was famous '195.88': individual Lancaster's of always based '198.74': here serial number Edie ata theater '202.16': makes queered to give it its nickname '204.29': which famously flew no less than 140 '208.72': operational sorties over its career '212.27': between 1943 to it in the end of '215.51': 1944 the highest number in RAF Bomber '219.32': count and this was all from elements so '222.32': the this place played a huge part in the '225.92': war effort '226.489': we mustn't forget all the other '227.87': squadrons that were based here there was '230.09': another squadron that was hived off from '233.09': the main unit here that then went to '236.209': fiskerton and Lincolnshire after about a '239.209': year and then under race renaming '24.51': well good morning everybody thank you so '242.63': strategies after World War two ended '245.2': number 103 squadron was renamed and then '249.53': with another squadron that derived from '251.15': Grimsby or one of them just more or less '255.44': at the end of World War two '256.669': they then transferred to sculpt and at '258.89': the end of 1945 there's a very famous '26.74': much for coming '261.29': photograph instantly of our Lancaster '264.55': Elgin walls if you imagine the scene '267.38': that's a nighttime scene the Lancaster's '269.9': waiting the take-off and in the '271.19': background are these very dramatic what '273.44': are called Sandra lights like a lady '275.9': motion like a corn of searchlights and '278.11': that's quite a famous photograph after '28.17': my name is Kenneth Bannerman I'm the '281.3': that the the final part in the Elgin '284.18': Ward's '284.87': flying career anyhow was when number 21 '288.32': heavy glider converse '290.21': unit came here and stayed about another '293.12': year before moving to North laudanum in '295.3': Rockland after that their field winding '298.97': they closed in the summer of 1947 and if '30.94': director general with a founder and head '302.36': you find them record such as an aside '305.15': for example you can see that by February '307.94': 1948 their field was in the process have '311.18': been militarily d requisitioned for '314.24': several years but that was an end of the '316.43': story of any means because as is still '319.009': very much remembered this place became '32.83': of the elusive Breton Conservation Trust '321.91': nicknamed Warsaw Hamlet to do with the '325.61': the poles and the Ukrainians that '329.15': unfortunately couldn't go back to their '330.919': homelands after the end of World War two '332.599': so there were a lot of Eastern European '336.74': families that were based here from 1940 '339.62': to 1950 to one or two web sites made '342.259': some very interesting just from a social '344.18': point of view so this resolved to do '346.07': with the steelworks in Scunthorpe of '348.889': course and then as we all know one more '35.739': or ABCT for short and I'm here with my '351.56': recent times it's become a very '352.789': prominent industrial state their main '355.22': road snow bisected airfield but the '357.8': salaat left around here I mean I can '359.87': remember I first came here ruined the '361.88': birthing was 1984 well this is to that '365.12': perspective 22 years before the charity '367.46': formed so you know I can remember I '371.33': don't see more industrial buildings here '374.57': but still the point is it's still very '376.52': very relevant and this is the whole '378.47': point with all of our airfields whether '38.44': colleagues to help Warner Nelson Wald's '380.449': they are active or disused and what we '382.49': are trying to help them with through our '384.68': national charity which incidentally is '386.78': the first of its kind in the world '388.94': the remain Britain you know we're making '390.62': a real difference it's just all about '392.84': trying to illustrate how our airfields '396.199': not forgetting of course all the '397.37': personnel we've served at them I'll be '399.38': there huge difference in all sorts of '401.419': ways to towards the advancement and '403.729': benefit of all of us without feel and '406.4': not just militarily but also notably '409.669': socially '410.509': jobs facilities services you name it '413.21': these places and everyone associated '415.46': with them are phenomenally important '418.46': beyond all belief but as summarize '42.07': airfield and also the world were one '420.71': include myself realized till not '423.2': maybe that many years ago the our '426.71': airfields were maybe at best just taken '429.35': for granted I think it's best to see if '431.54': maybe not just sadly ignored but '433.31': thankfully times and attitudes are no '435.44': changing and people are now beginning to '437.63': realize just how incredibly important '439.88': our air foods are is the are being '44.89': else in their field that I'll just '442.07': increasingly recognized as Britain's '444.35': greatest of our physical assets but it's '447.17': through ourselves and the post-race '448.76': other organizations and individuals '451.22': we're doing everything we humanly can to '453.44': make sure that places like the to '455.72': Belgium airfields and all everyone who '459.23': serve that are properly remembered and '46.48': mentioned more or less right now going '462.23': recognized and so just bear in mind that '465.2': by the end of the year we move and field '467.18': nearly 200 memorials across the UK so '471.28': thank you again thank you so much for '473.72': attending and you know we we hope this '477.29': helps the community in various reason '479.81': and again not forgetting the plaques we '481.73': have instantly got other plaques that '483.47': we'll be in will certainly be no later '486.23': than the later this year you'll know the '488.09': names anyhow New Holland Winterton for '49.54': back in time in World War 1 there was '494.81': one sakes so there will be up and coming '497.78': fairly soon and therefore it's with very '502.13': great pleasure that were able to avail '505.63': what is now ABC T's 71st Memorial in '511.54': this case to El Djem wants their field '516.56': thank you all very much thank you '52.629': the world war 1 fighter air food which '527.279': you don't find I'd like you to the '530.05': people patience you know the moral '531.97': apologies of reading it Oh he-man Pepe '535.779': Phelps is the one that was in Burma when '539.44': you go home tell them our bus is ready '541.69': for your tomorrow we gave out today the '547.42': exhortation '548.23': we get every year that the other side '55.66': was just cold ocean as opposed to this '550.66': they shall grow not old as we that are '553.3': left grow old age shall not weary them '556.81': nor the years condemn '558.57': but the going down of the Sun and in the '561.279': morning we will remember them yes thank '567.04': you very much thanks very much yeah yeah '58.66': one else Awards this was on the eastern '62.77': edge of the airfield here now there used '622.59': you '65.17': to be the control turtle in the 1980s '67.479': you still with the G hangar here this '69.46': was in the far side of ocean walls this '72.399': is a separate airfield from L from the '76.39': world war 2 sate this opened at the end '79.3': of 1916 as a fighter flight station for '83.619': the Royal Flying Corps and then the '85.509': Royal Air Force and they refused by sea '89.11': flight of number 33 squadron but also '92.709': had connections with Curtin lenzi which '95.47': again is not the curtain n lens the '97.78': airfield from World War two this is a '99.7': confusing it gets unfortunately and also
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Elsham Hill. The large radio and telephone mast on top of Elsham hill, on land that once was the war time bomber airfield of RAF Elsham Wold" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Royal Air Force Elsham Wolds or more simply RAF Elsham Wolds is a former Royal Air Force station in England, which operated in the First World War and the Second World War. It is located just to the north east of the village of Elsham in north Lincolnshire." ], "context_section_description": [ "A large radio and telephone mast has been placed on top of Elsham hill." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds / Current use" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Current use" ] }
Elsham Wolds: ABCT Memorial Marker #71
'102.61': of course the legendary scamp ttan of '104.44': dam Busters theme so this this original '109.539': airfield quedan fighter defense of this '111.7': general area and into 1919 when '115.03': eventually closed a lot of records are '117.22': missing to his World War 1 airfield '118.869': sadly destroyed for these reasons but '121.39': there is sufficient evidence to show '123.97': that this place played a major part in '125.56': winning of World War 1 come the early '129.97': summer of 1940 Belgium Wald's airfield '133.959': was selected the language requisitioned '137.5': for development as a heavy bomber air '140.11': food was originally intended instantly '142.42': took connections with Carlington today's '144.58': number say the airport of course so the '147.67': this year field eventually opened a '150.16': rather protracted Lee during June and '152.47': July 1941 one source this is very '155.62': difficult you know '156.44': when it comes to dates for example '157.79': because one source anyway quite rightly '160.88': says that this year food opened to be '162.68': exact on the 15th of June 1941 but there '166.25': was only one problem the person there '168.29': weren't even here at the time they were '170.63': still at benbrook and they didn't come '172.16': to ocean water a few days later so once '176.09': they ever got going '177.71': especially in July 1941 there the main '181.64': unit that was based here was number 1 or '184.1': 3 squadron and this fluid intern Vickers '187.73': Wellington's then briefly and LePage '189.95': Halifax's before eventually after '192.32': Lancaster's and one of the was famous '195.88': individual Lancaster's of always based '198.74': here serial number Edie ata theater '202.16': makes queered to give it its nickname '204.29': which famously flew no less than 140 '208.72': operational sorties over its career '212.27': between 1943 to it in the end of '215.51': 1944 the highest number in RAF Bomber '219.32': count and this was all from elements so '222.32': the this place played a huge part in the '225.92': war effort '226.489': we mustn't forget all the other '227.87': squadrons that were based here there was '230.09': another squadron that was hived off from '233.09': the main unit here that then went to '236.209': fiskerton and Lincolnshire after about a '239.209': year and then under race renaming '24.51': well good morning everybody thank you so '242.63': strategies after World War two ended '245.2': number 103 squadron was renamed and then '249.53': with another squadron that derived from '251.15': Grimsby or one of them just more or less '255.44': at the end of World War two '256.669': they then transferred to sculpt and at '258.89': the end of 1945 there's a very famous '26.74': much for coming '261.29': photograph instantly of our Lancaster '264.55': Elgin walls if you imagine the scene '267.38': that's a nighttime scene the Lancaster's '269.9': waiting the take-off and in the '271.19': background are these very dramatic what '273.44': are called Sandra lights like a lady '275.9': motion like a corn of searchlights and '278.11': that's quite a famous photograph after '28.17': my name is Kenneth Bannerman I'm the '281.3': that the the final part in the Elgin '284.18': Ward's '284.87': flying career anyhow was when number 21 '288.32': heavy glider converse '290.21': unit came here and stayed about another '293.12': year before moving to North laudanum in '295.3': Rockland after that their field winding '298.97': they closed in the summer of 1947 and if '30.94': director general with a founder and head '302.36': you find them record such as an aside '305.15': for example you can see that by February '307.94': 1948 their field was in the process have '311.18': been militarily d requisitioned for '314.24': several years but that was an end of the '316.43': story of any means because as is still '319.009': very much remembered this place became '32.83': of the elusive Breton Conservation Trust '321.91': nicknamed Warsaw Hamlet to do with the '325.61': the poles and the Ukrainians that '329.15': unfortunately couldn't go back to their '330.919': homelands after the end of World War two '332.599': so there were a lot of Eastern European '336.74': families that were based here from 1940 '339.62': to 1950 to one or two web sites made '342.259': some very interesting just from a social '344.18': point of view so this resolved to do '346.07': with the steelworks in Scunthorpe of '348.889': course and then as we all know one more '35.739': or ABCT for short and I'm here with my '351.56': recent times it's become a very '352.789': prominent industrial state their main '355.22': road snow bisected airfield but the '357.8': salaat left around here I mean I can '359.87': remember I first came here ruined the '361.88': birthing was 1984 well this is to that '365.12': perspective 22 years before the charity '367.46': formed so you know I can remember I '371.33': don't see more industrial buildings here '374.57': but still the point is it's still very '376.52': very relevant and this is the whole '378.47': point with all of our airfields whether '38.44': colleagues to help Warner Nelson Wald's '380.449': they are active or disused and what we '382.49': are trying to help them with through our '384.68': national charity which incidentally is '386.78': the first of its kind in the world '388.94': the remain Britain you know we're making '390.62': a real difference it's just all about '392.84': trying to illustrate how our airfields '396.199': not forgetting of course all the '397.37': personnel we've served at them I'll be '399.38': there huge difference in all sorts of '401.419': ways to towards the advancement and '403.729': benefit of all of us without feel and '406.4': not just militarily but also notably '409.669': socially '410.509': jobs facilities services you name it '413.21': these places and everyone associated '415.46': with them are phenomenally important '418.46': beyond all belief but as summarize '42.07': airfield and also the world were one '420.71': include myself realized till not '423.2': maybe that many years ago the our '426.71': airfields were maybe at best just taken '429.35': for granted I think it's best to see if '431.54': maybe not just sadly ignored but '433.31': thankfully times and attitudes are no '435.44': changing and people are now beginning to '437.63': realize just how incredibly important '439.88': our air foods are is the are being '44.89': else in their field that I'll just '442.07': increasingly recognized as Britain's '444.35': greatest of our physical assets but it's '447.17': through ourselves and the post-race '448.76': other organizations and individuals '451.22': we're doing everything we humanly can to '453.44': make sure that places like the to '455.72': Belgium airfields and all everyone who '459.23': serve that are properly remembered and '46.48': mentioned more or less right now going '462.23': recognized and so just bear in mind that '465.2': by the end of the year we move and field '467.18': nearly 200 memorials across the UK so '471.28': thank you again thank you so much for '473.72': attending and you know we we hope this '477.29': helps the community in various reason '479.81': and again not forgetting the plaques we '481.73': have instantly got other plaques that '483.47': we'll be in will certainly be no later '486.23': than the later this year you'll know the '488.09': names anyhow New Holland Winterton for '49.54': back in time in World War 1 there was '494.81': one sakes so there will be up and coming '497.78': fairly soon and therefore it's with very '502.13': great pleasure that were able to avail '505.63': what is now ABC T's 71st Memorial in '511.54': this case to El Djem wants their field '516.56': thank you all very much thank you '52.629': the world war 1 fighter air food which '527.279': you don't find I'd like you to the '530.05': people patience you know the moral '531.97': apologies of reading it Oh he-man Pepe '535.779': Phelps is the one that was in Burma when '539.44': you go home tell them our bus is ready '541.69': for your tomorrow we gave out today the '547.42': exhortation '548.23': we get every year that the other side '55.66': was just cold ocean as opposed to this '550.66': they shall grow not old as we that are '553.3': left grow old age shall not weary them '556.81': nor the years condemn '558.57': but the going down of the Sun and in the '561.279': morning we will remember them yes thank '567.04': you very much thanks very much yeah yeah '58.66': one else Awards this was on the eastern '62.77': edge of the airfield here now there used '622.59': you '65.17': to be the control turtle in the 1980s '67.479': you still with the G hangar here this '69.46': was in the far side of ocean walls this '72.399': is a separate airfield from L from the '76.39': world war 2 sate this opened at the end '79.3': of 1916 as a fighter flight station for '83.619': the Royal Flying Corps and then the '85.509': Royal Air Force and they refused by sea '89.11': flight of number 33 squadron but also '92.709': had connections with Curtin lenzi which '95.47': again is not the curtain n lens the '97.78': airfield from World War two this is a '99.7': confusing it gets unfortunately and also
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Elsham Hill. The large radio and telephone mast on top of Elsham hill, on land that once was the war time bomber airfield of RAF Elsham Wold" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Royal Air Force Elsham Wolds or more simply RAF Elsham Wolds is a former Royal Air Force station in England, which operated in the First World War and the Second World War. It is located just to the north east of the village of Elsham in north Lincolnshire." ], "context_section_description": [ "A large radio and telephone mast has been placed on top of Elsham hill." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds / Current use" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Current use" ] }
Elsham Wolds: ABCT Memorial Marker #71
'102.61': of course the legendary scamp ttan of '104.44': dam Busters theme so this this original '109.539': airfield quedan fighter defense of this '111.7': general area and into 1919 when '115.03': eventually closed a lot of records are '117.22': missing to his World War 1 airfield '118.869': sadly destroyed for these reasons but '121.39': there is sufficient evidence to show '123.97': that this place played a major part in '125.56': winning of World War 1 come the early '129.97': summer of 1940 Belgium Wald's airfield '133.959': was selected the language requisitioned '137.5': for development as a heavy bomber air '140.11': food was originally intended instantly '142.42': took connections with Carlington today's '144.58': number say the airport of course so the '147.67': this year field eventually opened a '150.16': rather protracted Lee during June and '152.47': July 1941 one source this is very '155.62': difficult you know '156.44': when it comes to dates for example '157.79': because one source anyway quite rightly '160.88': says that this year food opened to be '162.68': exact on the 15th of June 1941 but there '166.25': was only one problem the person there '168.29': weren't even here at the time they were '170.63': still at benbrook and they didn't come '172.16': to ocean water a few days later so once '176.09': they ever got going '177.71': especially in July 1941 there the main '181.64': unit that was based here was number 1 or '184.1': 3 squadron and this fluid intern Vickers '187.73': Wellington's then briefly and LePage '189.95': Halifax's before eventually after '192.32': Lancaster's and one of the was famous '195.88': individual Lancaster's of always based '198.74': here serial number Edie ata theater '202.16': makes queered to give it its nickname '204.29': which famously flew no less than 140 '208.72': operational sorties over its career '212.27': between 1943 to it in the end of '215.51': 1944 the highest number in RAF Bomber '219.32': count and this was all from elements so '222.32': the this place played a huge part in the '225.92': war effort '226.489': we mustn't forget all the other '227.87': squadrons that were based here there was '230.09': another squadron that was hived off from '233.09': the main unit here that then went to '236.209': fiskerton and Lincolnshire after about a '239.209': year and then under race renaming '24.51': well good morning everybody thank you so '242.63': strategies after World War two ended '245.2': number 103 squadron was renamed and then '249.53': with another squadron that derived from '251.15': Grimsby or one of them just more or less '255.44': at the end of World War two '256.669': they then transferred to sculpt and at '258.89': the end of 1945 there's a very famous '26.74': much for coming '261.29': photograph instantly of our Lancaster '264.55': Elgin walls if you imagine the scene '267.38': that's a nighttime scene the Lancaster's '269.9': waiting the take-off and in the '271.19': background are these very dramatic what '273.44': are called Sandra lights like a lady '275.9': motion like a corn of searchlights and '278.11': that's quite a famous photograph after '28.17': my name is Kenneth Bannerman I'm the '281.3': that the the final part in the Elgin '284.18': Ward's '284.87': flying career anyhow was when number 21 '288.32': heavy glider converse '290.21': unit came here and stayed about another '293.12': year before moving to North laudanum in '295.3': Rockland after that their field winding '298.97': they closed in the summer of 1947 and if '30.94': director general with a founder and head '302.36': you find them record such as an aside '305.15': for example you can see that by February '307.94': 1948 their field was in the process have '311.18': been militarily d requisitioned for '314.24': several years but that was an end of the '316.43': story of any means because as is still '319.009': very much remembered this place became '32.83': of the elusive Breton Conservation Trust '321.91': nicknamed Warsaw Hamlet to do with the '325.61': the poles and the Ukrainians that '329.15': unfortunately couldn't go back to their '330.919': homelands after the end of World War two '332.599': so there were a lot of Eastern European '336.74': families that were based here from 1940 '339.62': to 1950 to one or two web sites made '342.259': some very interesting just from a social '344.18': point of view so this resolved to do '346.07': with the steelworks in Scunthorpe of '348.889': course and then as we all know one more '35.739': or ABCT for short and I'm here with my '351.56': recent times it's become a very '352.789': prominent industrial state their main '355.22': road snow bisected airfield but the '357.8': salaat left around here I mean I can '359.87': remember I first came here ruined the '361.88': birthing was 1984 well this is to that '365.12': perspective 22 years before the charity '367.46': formed so you know I can remember I '371.33': don't see more industrial buildings here '374.57': but still the point is it's still very '376.52': very relevant and this is the whole '378.47': point with all of our airfields whether '38.44': colleagues to help Warner Nelson Wald's '380.449': they are active or disused and what we '382.49': are trying to help them with through our '384.68': national charity which incidentally is '386.78': the first of its kind in the world '388.94': the remain Britain you know we're making '390.62': a real difference it's just all about '392.84': trying to illustrate how our airfields '396.199': not forgetting of course all the '397.37': personnel we've served at them I'll be '399.38': there huge difference in all sorts of '401.419': ways to towards the advancement and '403.729': benefit of all of us without feel and '406.4': not just militarily but also notably '409.669': socially '410.509': jobs facilities services you name it '413.21': these places and everyone associated '415.46': with them are phenomenally important '418.46': beyond all belief but as summarize '42.07': airfield and also the world were one '420.71': include myself realized till not '423.2': maybe that many years ago the our '426.71': airfields were maybe at best just taken '429.35': for granted I think it's best to see if '431.54': maybe not just sadly ignored but '433.31': thankfully times and attitudes are no '435.44': changing and people are now beginning to '437.63': realize just how incredibly important '439.88': our air foods are is the are being '44.89': else in their field that I'll just '442.07': increasingly recognized as Britain's '444.35': greatest of our physical assets but it's '447.17': through ourselves and the post-race '448.76': other organizations and individuals '451.22': we're doing everything we humanly can to '453.44': make sure that places like the to '455.72': Belgium airfields and all everyone who '459.23': serve that are properly remembered and '46.48': mentioned more or less right now going '462.23': recognized and so just bear in mind that '465.2': by the end of the year we move and field '467.18': nearly 200 memorials across the UK so '471.28': thank you again thank you so much for '473.72': attending and you know we we hope this '477.29': helps the community in various reason '479.81': and again not forgetting the plaques we '481.73': have instantly got other plaques that '483.47': we'll be in will certainly be no later '486.23': than the later this year you'll know the '488.09': names anyhow New Holland Winterton for '49.54': back in time in World War 1 there was '494.81': one sakes so there will be up and coming '497.78': fairly soon and therefore it's with very '502.13': great pleasure that were able to avail '505.63': what is now ABC T's 71st Memorial in '511.54': this case to El Djem wants their field '516.56': thank you all very much thank you '52.629': the world war 1 fighter air food which '527.279': you don't find I'd like you to the '530.05': people patience you know the moral '531.97': apologies of reading it Oh he-man Pepe '535.779': Phelps is the one that was in Burma when '539.44': you go home tell them our bus is ready '541.69': for your tomorrow we gave out today the '547.42': exhortation '548.23': we get every year that the other side '55.66': was just cold ocean as opposed to this '550.66': they shall grow not old as we that are '553.3': left grow old age shall not weary them '556.81': nor the years condemn '558.57': but the going down of the Sun and in the '561.279': morning we will remember them yes thank '567.04': you very much thanks very much yeah yeah '58.66': one else Awards this was on the eastern '62.77': edge of the airfield here now there used '622.59': you '65.17': to be the control turtle in the 1980s '67.479': you still with the G hangar here this '69.46': was in the far side of ocean walls this '72.399': is a separate airfield from L from the '76.39': world war 2 sate this opened at the end '79.3': of 1916 as a fighter flight station for '83.619': the Royal Flying Corps and then the '85.509': Royal Air Force and they refused by sea '89.11': flight of number 33 squadron but also '92.709': had connections with Curtin lenzi which '95.47': again is not the curtain n lens the '97.78': airfield from World War two this is a '99.7': confusing it gets unfortunately and also
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Elsham Hill. The large radio and telephone mast on top of Elsham hill, on land that once was the war time bomber airfield of RAF Elsham Wold" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Royal Air Force Elsham Wolds or more simply RAF Elsham Wolds is a former Royal Air Force station in England, which operated in the First World War and the Second World War. It is located just to the north east of the village of Elsham in north Lincolnshire." ], "context_section_description": [ "A large radio and telephone mast has been placed on top of Elsham hill." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds / Current use" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Current use" ] }
Elsham Wolds: ABCT Memorial Marker #71
'102.61': of course the legendary scamp ttan of '104.44': dam Busters theme so this this original '109.539': airfield quedan fighter defense of this '111.7': general area and into 1919 when '115.03': eventually closed a lot of records are '117.22': missing to his World War 1 airfield '118.869': sadly destroyed for these reasons but '121.39': there is sufficient evidence to show '123.97': that this place played a major part in '125.56': winning of World War 1 come the early '129.97': summer of 1940 Belgium Wald's airfield '133.959': was selected the language requisitioned '137.5': for development as a heavy bomber air '140.11': food was originally intended instantly '142.42': took connections with Carlington today's '144.58': number say the airport of course so the '147.67': this year field eventually opened a '150.16': rather protracted Lee during June and '152.47': July 1941 one source this is very '155.62': difficult you know '156.44': when it comes to dates for example '157.79': because one source anyway quite rightly '160.88': says that this year food opened to be '162.68': exact on the 15th of June 1941 but there '166.25': was only one problem the person there '168.29': weren't even here at the time they were '170.63': still at benbrook and they didn't come '172.16': to ocean water a few days later so once '176.09': they ever got going '177.71': especially in July 1941 there the main '181.64': unit that was based here was number 1 or '184.1': 3 squadron and this fluid intern Vickers '187.73': Wellington's then briefly and LePage '189.95': Halifax's before eventually after '192.32': Lancaster's and one of the was famous '195.88': individual Lancaster's of always based '198.74': here serial number Edie ata theater '202.16': makes queered to give it its nickname '204.29': which famously flew no less than 140 '208.72': operational sorties over its career '212.27': between 1943 to it in the end of '215.51': 1944 the highest number in RAF Bomber '219.32': count and this was all from elements so '222.32': the this place played a huge part in the '225.92': war effort '226.489': we mustn't forget all the other '227.87': squadrons that were based here there was '230.09': another squadron that was hived off from '233.09': the main unit here that then went to '236.209': fiskerton and Lincolnshire after about a '239.209': year and then under race renaming '24.51': well good morning everybody thank you so '242.63': strategies after World War two ended '245.2': number 103 squadron was renamed and then '249.53': with another squadron that derived from '251.15': Grimsby or one of them just more or less '255.44': at the end of World War two '256.669': they then transferred to sculpt and at '258.89': the end of 1945 there's a very famous '26.74': much for coming '261.29': photograph instantly of our Lancaster '264.55': Elgin walls if you imagine the scene '267.38': that's a nighttime scene the Lancaster's '269.9': waiting the take-off and in the '271.19': background are these very dramatic what '273.44': are called Sandra lights like a lady '275.9': motion like a corn of searchlights and '278.11': that's quite a famous photograph after '28.17': my name is Kenneth Bannerman I'm the '281.3': that the the final part in the Elgin '284.18': Ward's '284.87': flying career anyhow was when number 21 '288.32': heavy glider converse '290.21': unit came here and stayed about another '293.12': year before moving to North laudanum in '295.3': Rockland after that their field winding '298.97': they closed in the summer of 1947 and if '30.94': director general with a founder and head '302.36': you find them record such as an aside '305.15': for example you can see that by February '307.94': 1948 their field was in the process have '311.18': been militarily d requisitioned for '314.24': several years but that was an end of the '316.43': story of any means because as is still '319.009': very much remembered this place became '32.83': of the elusive Breton Conservation Trust '321.91': nicknamed Warsaw Hamlet to do with the '325.61': the poles and the Ukrainians that '329.15': unfortunately couldn't go back to their '330.919': homelands after the end of World War two '332.599': so there were a lot of Eastern European '336.74': families that were based here from 1940 '339.62': to 1950 to one or two web sites made '342.259': some very interesting just from a social '344.18': point of view so this resolved to do '346.07': with the steelworks in Scunthorpe of '348.889': course and then as we all know one more '35.739': or ABCT for short and I'm here with my '351.56': recent times it's become a very '352.789': prominent industrial state their main '355.22': road snow bisected airfield but the '357.8': salaat left around here I mean I can '359.87': remember I first came here ruined the '361.88': birthing was 1984 well this is to that '365.12': perspective 22 years before the charity '367.46': formed so you know I can remember I '371.33': don't see more industrial buildings here '374.57': but still the point is it's still very '376.52': very relevant and this is the whole '378.47': point with all of our airfields whether '38.44': colleagues to help Warner Nelson Wald's '380.449': they are active or disused and what we '382.49': are trying to help them with through our '384.68': national charity which incidentally is '386.78': the first of its kind in the world '388.94': the remain Britain you know we're making '390.62': a real difference it's just all about '392.84': trying to illustrate how our airfields '396.199': not forgetting of course all the '397.37': personnel we've served at them I'll be '399.38': there huge difference in all sorts of '401.419': ways to towards the advancement and '403.729': benefit of all of us without feel and '406.4': not just militarily but also notably '409.669': socially '410.509': jobs facilities services you name it '413.21': these places and everyone associated '415.46': with them are phenomenally important '418.46': beyond all belief but as summarize '42.07': airfield and also the world were one '420.71': include myself realized till not '423.2': maybe that many years ago the our '426.71': airfields were maybe at best just taken '429.35': for granted I think it's best to see if '431.54': maybe not just sadly ignored but '433.31': thankfully times and attitudes are no '435.44': changing and people are now beginning to '437.63': realize just how incredibly important '439.88': our air foods are is the are being '44.89': else in their field that I'll just '442.07': increasingly recognized as Britain's '444.35': greatest of our physical assets but it's '447.17': through ourselves and the post-race '448.76': other organizations and individuals '451.22': we're doing everything we humanly can to '453.44': make sure that places like the to '455.72': Belgium airfields and all everyone who '459.23': serve that are properly remembered and '46.48': mentioned more or less right now going '462.23': recognized and so just bear in mind that '465.2': by the end of the year we move and field '467.18': nearly 200 memorials across the UK so '471.28': thank you again thank you so much for '473.72': attending and you know we we hope this '477.29': helps the community in various reason '479.81': and again not forgetting the plaques we '481.73': have instantly got other plaques that '483.47': we'll be in will certainly be no later '486.23': than the later this year you'll know the '488.09': names anyhow New Holland Winterton for '49.54': back in time in World War 1 there was '494.81': one sakes so there will be up and coming '497.78': fairly soon and therefore it's with very '502.13': great pleasure that were able to avail '505.63': what is now ABC T's 71st Memorial in '511.54': this case to El Djem wants their field '516.56': thank you all very much thank you '52.629': the world war 1 fighter air food which '527.279': you don't find I'd like you to the '530.05': people patience you know the moral '531.97': apologies of reading it Oh he-man Pepe '535.779': Phelps is the one that was in Burma when '539.44': you go home tell them our bus is ready '541.69': for your tomorrow we gave out today the '547.42': exhortation '548.23': we get every year that the other side '55.66': was just cold ocean as opposed to this '550.66': they shall grow not old as we that are '553.3': left grow old age shall not weary them '556.81': nor the years condemn '558.57': but the going down of the Sun and in the '561.279': morning we will remember them yes thank '567.04': you very much thanks very much yeah yeah '58.66': one else Awards this was on the eastern '62.77': edge of the airfield here now there used '622.59': you '65.17': to be the control turtle in the 1980s '67.479': you still with the G hangar here this '69.46': was in the far side of ocean walls this '72.399': is a separate airfield from L from the '76.39': world war 2 sate this opened at the end '79.3': of 1916 as a fighter flight station for '83.619': the Royal Flying Corps and then the '85.509': Royal Air Force and they refused by sea '89.11': flight of number 33 squadron but also '92.709': had connections with Curtin lenzi which '95.47': again is not the curtain n lens the '97.78': airfield from World War two this is a '99.7': confusing it gets unfortunately and also
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Elsham Hill. The large radio and telephone mast on top of Elsham hill, on land that once was the war time bomber airfield of RAF Elsham Wold" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Royal Air Force Elsham Wolds or more simply RAF Elsham Wolds is a former Royal Air Force station in England, which operated in the First World War and the Second World War. It is located just to the north east of the village of Elsham in north Lincolnshire." ], "context_section_description": [ "A large radio and telephone mast has been placed on top of Elsham hill." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds / Current use" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Current use" ] }
Elsham Wolds: ABCT Memorial Marker #71
'102.61': of course the legendary scamp ttan of '104.44': dam Busters theme so this this original '109.539': airfield quedan fighter defense of this '111.7': general area and into 1919 when '115.03': eventually closed a lot of records are '117.22': missing to his World War 1 airfield '118.869': sadly destroyed for these reasons but '121.39': there is sufficient evidence to show '123.97': that this place played a major part in '125.56': winning of World War 1 come the early '129.97': summer of 1940 Belgium Wald's airfield '133.959': was selected the language requisitioned '137.5': for development as a heavy bomber air '140.11': food was originally intended instantly '142.42': took connections with Carlington today's '144.58': number say the airport of course so the '147.67': this year field eventually opened a '150.16': rather protracted Lee during June and '152.47': July 1941 one source this is very '155.62': difficult you know '156.44': when it comes to dates for example '157.79': because one source anyway quite rightly '160.88': says that this year food opened to be '162.68': exact on the 15th of June 1941 but there '166.25': was only one problem the person there '168.29': weren't even here at the time they were '170.63': still at benbrook and they didn't come '172.16': to ocean water a few days later so once '176.09': they ever got going '177.71': especially in July 1941 there the main '181.64': unit that was based here was number 1 or '184.1': 3 squadron and this fluid intern Vickers '187.73': Wellington's then briefly and LePage '189.95': Halifax's before eventually after '192.32': Lancaster's and one of the was famous '195.88': individual Lancaster's of always based '198.74': here serial number Edie ata theater '202.16': makes queered to give it its nickname '204.29': which famously flew no less than 140 '208.72': operational sorties over its career '212.27': between 1943 to it in the end of '215.51': 1944 the highest number in RAF Bomber '219.32': count and this was all from elements so '222.32': the this place played a huge part in the '225.92': war effort '226.489': we mustn't forget all the other '227.87': squadrons that were based here there was '230.09': another squadron that was hived off from '233.09': the main unit here that then went to '236.209': fiskerton and Lincolnshire after about a '239.209': year and then under race renaming '24.51': well good morning everybody thank you so '242.63': strategies after World War two ended '245.2': number 103 squadron was renamed and then '249.53': with another squadron that derived from '251.15': Grimsby or one of them just more or less '255.44': at the end of World War two '256.669': they then transferred to sculpt and at '258.89': the end of 1945 there's a very famous '26.74': much for coming '261.29': photograph instantly of our Lancaster '264.55': Elgin walls if you imagine the scene '267.38': that's a nighttime scene the Lancaster's '269.9': waiting the take-off and in the '271.19': background are these very dramatic what '273.44': are called Sandra lights like a lady '275.9': motion like a corn of searchlights and '278.11': that's quite a famous photograph after '28.17': my name is Kenneth Bannerman I'm the '281.3': that the the final part in the Elgin '284.18': Ward's '284.87': flying career anyhow was when number 21 '288.32': heavy glider converse '290.21': unit came here and stayed about another '293.12': year before moving to North laudanum in '295.3': Rockland after that their field winding '298.97': they closed in the summer of 1947 and if '30.94': director general with a founder and head '302.36': you find them record such as an aside '305.15': for example you can see that by February '307.94': 1948 their field was in the process have '311.18': been militarily d requisitioned for '314.24': several years but that was an end of the '316.43': story of any means because as is still '319.009': very much remembered this place became '32.83': of the elusive Breton Conservation Trust '321.91': nicknamed Warsaw Hamlet to do with the '325.61': the poles and the Ukrainians that '329.15': unfortunately couldn't go back to their '330.919': homelands after the end of World War two '332.599': so there were a lot of Eastern European '336.74': families that were based here from 1940 '339.62': to 1950 to one or two web sites made '342.259': some very interesting just from a social '344.18': point of view so this resolved to do '346.07': with the steelworks in Scunthorpe of '348.889': course and then as we all know one more '35.739': or ABCT for short and I'm here with my '351.56': recent times it's become a very '352.789': prominent industrial state their main '355.22': road snow bisected airfield but the '357.8': salaat left around here I mean I can '359.87': remember I first came here ruined the '361.88': birthing was 1984 well this is to that '365.12': perspective 22 years before the charity '367.46': formed so you know I can remember I '371.33': don't see more industrial buildings here '374.57': but still the point is it's still very '376.52': very relevant and this is the whole '378.47': point with all of our airfields whether '38.44': colleagues to help Warner Nelson Wald's '380.449': they are active or disused and what we '382.49': are trying to help them with through our '384.68': national charity which incidentally is '386.78': the first of its kind in the world '388.94': the remain Britain you know we're making '390.62': a real difference it's just all about '392.84': trying to illustrate how our airfields '396.199': not forgetting of course all the '397.37': personnel we've served at them I'll be '399.38': there huge difference in all sorts of '401.419': ways to towards the advancement and '403.729': benefit of all of us without feel and '406.4': not just militarily but also notably '409.669': socially '410.509': jobs facilities services you name it '413.21': these places and everyone associated '415.46': with them are phenomenally important '418.46': beyond all belief but as summarize '42.07': airfield and also the world were one '420.71': include myself realized till not '423.2': maybe that many years ago the our '426.71': airfields were maybe at best just taken '429.35': for granted I think it's best to see if '431.54': maybe not just sadly ignored but '433.31': thankfully times and attitudes are no '435.44': changing and people are now beginning to '437.63': realize just how incredibly important '439.88': our air foods are is the are being '44.89': else in their field that I'll just '442.07': increasingly recognized as Britain's '444.35': greatest of our physical assets but it's '447.17': through ourselves and the post-race '448.76': other organizations and individuals '451.22': we're doing everything we humanly can to '453.44': make sure that places like the to '455.72': Belgium airfields and all everyone who '459.23': serve that are properly remembered and '46.48': mentioned more or less right now going '462.23': recognized and so just bear in mind that '465.2': by the end of the year we move and field '467.18': nearly 200 memorials across the UK so '471.28': thank you again thank you so much for '473.72': attending and you know we we hope this '477.29': helps the community in various reason '479.81': and again not forgetting the plaques we '481.73': have instantly got other plaques that '483.47': we'll be in will certainly be no later '486.23': than the later this year you'll know the '488.09': names anyhow New Holland Winterton for '49.54': back in time in World War 1 there was '494.81': one sakes so there will be up and coming '497.78': fairly soon and therefore it's with very '502.13': great pleasure that were able to avail '505.63': what is now ABC T's 71st Memorial in '511.54': this case to El Djem wants their field '516.56': thank you all very much thank you '52.629': the world war 1 fighter air food which '527.279': you don't find I'd like you to the '530.05': people patience you know the moral '531.97': apologies of reading it Oh he-man Pepe '535.779': Phelps is the one that was in Burma when '539.44': you go home tell them our bus is ready '541.69': for your tomorrow we gave out today the '547.42': exhortation '548.23': we get every year that the other side '55.66': was just cold ocean as opposed to this '550.66': they shall grow not old as we that are '553.3': left grow old age shall not weary them '556.81': nor the years condemn '558.57': but the going down of the Sun and in the '561.279': morning we will remember them yes thank '567.04': you very much thanks very much yeah yeah '58.66': one else Awards this was on the eastern '62.77': edge of the airfield here now there used '622.59': you '65.17': to be the control turtle in the 1980s '67.479': you still with the G hangar here this '69.46': was in the far side of ocean walls this '72.399': is a separate airfield from L from the '76.39': world war 2 sate this opened at the end '79.3': of 1916 as a fighter flight station for '83.619': the Royal Flying Corps and then the '85.509': Royal Air Force and they refused by sea '89.11': flight of number 33 squadron but also '92.709': had connections with Curtin lenzi which '95.47': again is not the curtain n lens the '97.78': airfield from World War two this is a '99.7': confusing it gets unfortunately and also
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Elsham Hill. The large radio and telephone mast on top of Elsham hill, on land that once was the war time bomber airfield of RAF Elsham Wold" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Royal Air Force Elsham Wolds or more simply RAF Elsham Wolds is a former Royal Air Force station in England, which operated in the First World War and the Second World War. It is located just to the north east of the village of Elsham in north Lincolnshire." ], "context_section_description": [ "A large radio and telephone mast has been placed on top of Elsham hill." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds / Current use" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Current use" ] }
Elsham Wolds: ABCT Memorial Marker #71
'102.61': of course the legendary scamp ttan of '104.44': dam Busters theme so this this original '109.539': airfield quedan fighter defense of this '111.7': general area and into 1919 when '115.03': eventually closed a lot of records are '117.22': missing to his World War 1 airfield '118.869': sadly destroyed for these reasons but '121.39': there is sufficient evidence to show '123.97': that this place played a major part in '125.56': winning of World War 1 come the early '129.97': summer of 1940 Belgium Wald's airfield '133.959': was selected the language requisitioned '137.5': for development as a heavy bomber air '140.11': food was originally intended instantly '142.42': took connections with Carlington today's '144.58': number say the airport of course so the '147.67': this year field eventually opened a '150.16': rather protracted Lee during June and '152.47': July 1941 one source this is very '155.62': difficult you know '156.44': when it comes to dates for example '157.79': because one source anyway quite rightly '160.88': says that this year food opened to be '162.68': exact on the 15th of June 1941 but there '166.25': was only one problem the person there '168.29': weren't even here at the time they were '170.63': still at benbrook and they didn't come '172.16': to ocean water a few days later so once '176.09': they ever got going '177.71': especially in July 1941 there the main '181.64': unit that was based here was number 1 or '184.1': 3 squadron and this fluid intern Vickers '187.73': Wellington's then briefly and LePage '189.95': Halifax's before eventually after '192.32': Lancaster's and one of the was famous '195.88': individual Lancaster's of always based '198.74': here serial number Edie ata theater '202.16': makes queered to give it its nickname '204.29': which famously flew no less than 140 '208.72': operational sorties over its career '212.27': between 1943 to it in the end of '215.51': 1944 the highest number in RAF Bomber '219.32': count and this was all from elements so '222.32': the this place played a huge part in the '225.92': war effort '226.489': we mustn't forget all the other '227.87': squadrons that were based here there was '230.09': another squadron that was hived off from '233.09': the main unit here that then went to '236.209': fiskerton and Lincolnshire after about a '239.209': year and then under race renaming '24.51': well good morning everybody thank you so '242.63': strategies after World War two ended '245.2': number 103 squadron was renamed and then '249.53': with another squadron that derived from '251.15': Grimsby or one of them just more or less '255.44': at the end of World War two '256.669': they then transferred to sculpt and at '258.89': the end of 1945 there's a very famous '26.74': much for coming '261.29': photograph instantly of our Lancaster '264.55': Elgin walls if you imagine the scene '267.38': that's a nighttime scene the Lancaster's '269.9': waiting the take-off and in the '271.19': background are these very dramatic what '273.44': are called Sandra lights like a lady '275.9': motion like a corn of searchlights and '278.11': that's quite a famous photograph after '28.17': my name is Kenneth Bannerman I'm the '281.3': that the the final part in the Elgin '284.18': Ward's '284.87': flying career anyhow was when number 21 '288.32': heavy glider converse '290.21': unit came here and stayed about another '293.12': year before moving to North laudanum in '295.3': Rockland after that their field winding '298.97': they closed in the summer of 1947 and if '30.94': director general with a founder and head '302.36': you find them record such as an aside '305.15': for example you can see that by February '307.94': 1948 their field was in the process have '311.18': been militarily d requisitioned for '314.24': several years but that was an end of the '316.43': story of any means because as is still '319.009': very much remembered this place became '32.83': of the elusive Breton Conservation Trust '321.91': nicknamed Warsaw Hamlet to do with the '325.61': the poles and the Ukrainians that '329.15': unfortunately couldn't go back to their '330.919': homelands after the end of World War two '332.599': so there were a lot of Eastern European '336.74': families that were based here from 1940 '339.62': to 1950 to one or two web sites made '342.259': some very interesting just from a social '344.18': point of view so this resolved to do '346.07': with the steelworks in Scunthorpe of '348.889': course and then as we all know one more '35.739': or ABCT for short and I'm here with my '351.56': recent times it's become a very '352.789': prominent industrial state their main '355.22': road snow bisected airfield but the '357.8': salaat left around here I mean I can '359.87': remember I first came here ruined the '361.88': birthing was 1984 well this is to that '365.12': perspective 22 years before the charity '367.46': formed so you know I can remember I '371.33': don't see more industrial buildings here '374.57': but still the point is it's still very '376.52': very relevant and this is the whole '378.47': point with all of our airfields whether '38.44': colleagues to help Warner Nelson Wald's '380.449': they are active or disused and what we '382.49': are trying to help them with through our '384.68': national charity which incidentally is '386.78': the first of its kind in the world '388.94': the remain Britain you know we're making '390.62': a real difference it's just all about '392.84': trying to illustrate how our airfields '396.199': not forgetting of course all the '397.37': personnel we've served at them I'll be '399.38': there huge difference in all sorts of '401.419': ways to towards the advancement and '403.729': benefit of all of us without feel and '406.4': not just militarily but also notably '409.669': socially '410.509': jobs facilities services you name it '413.21': these places and everyone associated '415.46': with them are phenomenally important '418.46': beyond all belief but as summarize '42.07': airfield and also the world were one '420.71': include myself realized till not '423.2': maybe that many years ago the our '426.71': airfields were maybe at best just taken '429.35': for granted I think it's best to see if '431.54': maybe not just sadly ignored but '433.31': thankfully times and attitudes are no '435.44': changing and people are now beginning to '437.63': realize just how incredibly important '439.88': our air foods are is the are being '44.89': else in their field that I'll just '442.07': increasingly recognized as Britain's '444.35': greatest of our physical assets but it's '447.17': through ourselves and the post-race '448.76': other organizations and individuals '451.22': we're doing everything we humanly can to '453.44': make sure that places like the to '455.72': Belgium airfields and all everyone who '459.23': serve that are properly remembered and '46.48': mentioned more or less right now going '462.23': recognized and so just bear in mind that '465.2': by the end of the year we move and field '467.18': nearly 200 memorials across the UK so '471.28': thank you again thank you so much for '473.72': attending and you know we we hope this '477.29': helps the community in various reason '479.81': and again not forgetting the plaques we '481.73': have instantly got other plaques that '483.47': we'll be in will certainly be no later '486.23': than the later this year you'll know the '488.09': names anyhow New Holland Winterton for '49.54': back in time in World War 1 there was '494.81': one sakes so there will be up and coming '497.78': fairly soon and therefore it's with very '502.13': great pleasure that were able to avail '505.63': what is now ABC T's 71st Memorial in '511.54': this case to El Djem wants their field '516.56': thank you all very much thank you '52.629': the world war 1 fighter air food which '527.279': you don't find I'd like you to the '530.05': people patience you know the moral '531.97': apologies of reading it Oh he-man Pepe '535.779': Phelps is the one that was in Burma when '539.44': you go home tell them our bus is ready '541.69': for your tomorrow we gave out today the '547.42': exhortation '548.23': we get every year that the other side '55.66': was just cold ocean as opposed to this '550.66': they shall grow not old as we that are '553.3': left grow old age shall not weary them '556.81': nor the years condemn '558.57': but the going down of the Sun and in the '561.279': morning we will remember them yes thank '567.04': you very much thanks very much yeah yeah '58.66': one else Awards this was on the eastern '62.77': edge of the airfield here now there used '622.59': you '65.17': to be the control turtle in the 1980s '67.479': you still with the G hangar here this '69.46': was in the far side of ocean walls this '72.399': is a separate airfield from L from the '76.39': world war 2 sate this opened at the end '79.3': of 1916 as a fighter flight station for '83.619': the Royal Flying Corps and then the '85.509': Royal Air Force and they refused by sea '89.11': flight of number 33 squadron but also '92.709': had connections with Curtin lenzi which '95.47': again is not the curtain n lens the '97.78': airfield from World War two this is a '99.7': confusing it gets unfortunately and also
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Elsham Hill. The large radio and telephone mast on top of Elsham hill, on land that once was the war time bomber airfield of RAF Elsham Wold" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Royal Air Force Elsham Wolds or more simply RAF Elsham Wolds is a former Royal Air Force station in England, which operated in the First World War and the Second World War. It is located just to the north east of the village of Elsham in north Lincolnshire." ], "context_section_description": [ "A large radio and telephone mast has been placed on top of Elsham hill." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds / Current use" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Current use" ] }
Elsham Wolds: ABCT Memorial Marker #71
'102.61': of course the legendary scamp ttan of '104.44': dam Busters theme so this this original '109.539': airfield quedan fighter defense of this '111.7': general area and into 1919 when '115.03': eventually closed a lot of records are '117.22': missing to his World War 1 airfield '118.869': sadly destroyed for these reasons but '121.39': there is sufficient evidence to show '123.97': that this place played a major part in '125.56': winning of World War 1 come the early '129.97': summer of 1940 Belgium Wald's airfield '133.959': was selected the language requisitioned '137.5': for development as a heavy bomber air '140.11': food was originally intended instantly '142.42': took connections with Carlington today's '144.58': number say the airport of course so the '147.67': this year field eventually opened a '150.16': rather protracted Lee during June and '152.47': July 1941 one source this is very '155.62': difficult you know '156.44': when it comes to dates for example '157.79': because one source anyway quite rightly '160.88': says that this year food opened to be '162.68': exact on the 15th of June 1941 but there '166.25': was only one problem the person there '168.29': weren't even here at the time they were '170.63': still at benbrook and they didn't come '172.16': to ocean water a few days later so once '176.09': they ever got going '177.71': especially in July 1941 there the main '181.64': unit that was based here was number 1 or '184.1': 3 squadron and this fluid intern Vickers '187.73': Wellington's then briefly and LePage '189.95': Halifax's before eventually after '192.32': Lancaster's and one of the was famous '195.88': individual Lancaster's of always based '198.74': here serial number Edie ata theater '202.16': makes queered to give it its nickname '204.29': which famously flew no less than 140 '208.72': operational sorties over its career '212.27': between 1943 to it in the end of '215.51': 1944 the highest number in RAF Bomber '219.32': count and this was all from elements so '222.32': the this place played a huge part in the '225.92': war effort '226.489': we mustn't forget all the other '227.87': squadrons that were based here there was '230.09': another squadron that was hived off from '233.09': the main unit here that then went to '236.209': fiskerton and Lincolnshire after about a '239.209': year and then under race renaming '24.51': well good morning everybody thank you so '242.63': strategies after World War two ended '245.2': number 103 squadron was renamed and then '249.53': with another squadron that derived from '251.15': Grimsby or one of them just more or less '255.44': at the end of World War two '256.669': they then transferred to sculpt and at '258.89': the end of 1945 there's a very famous '26.74': much for coming '261.29': photograph instantly of our Lancaster '264.55': Elgin walls if you imagine the scene '267.38': that's a nighttime scene the Lancaster's '269.9': waiting the take-off and in the '271.19': background are these very dramatic what '273.44': are called Sandra lights like a lady '275.9': motion like a corn of searchlights and '278.11': that's quite a famous photograph after '28.17': my name is Kenneth Bannerman I'm the '281.3': that the the final part in the Elgin '284.18': Ward's '284.87': flying career anyhow was when number 21 '288.32': heavy glider converse '290.21': unit came here and stayed about another '293.12': year before moving to North laudanum in '295.3': Rockland after that their field winding '298.97': they closed in the summer of 1947 and if '30.94': director general with a founder and head '302.36': you find them record such as an aside '305.15': for example you can see that by February '307.94': 1948 their field was in the process have '311.18': been militarily d requisitioned for '314.24': several years but that was an end of the '316.43': story of any means because as is still '319.009': very much remembered this place became '32.83': of the elusive Breton Conservation Trust '321.91': nicknamed Warsaw Hamlet to do with the '325.61': the poles and the Ukrainians that '329.15': unfortunately couldn't go back to their '330.919': homelands after the end of World War two '332.599': so there were a lot of Eastern European '336.74': families that were based here from 1940 '339.62': to 1950 to one or two web sites made '342.259': some very interesting just from a social '344.18': point of view so this resolved to do '346.07': with the steelworks in Scunthorpe of '348.889': course and then as we all know one more '35.739': or ABCT for short and I'm here with my '351.56': recent times it's become a very '352.789': prominent industrial state their main '355.22': road snow bisected airfield but the '357.8': salaat left around here I mean I can '359.87': remember I first came here ruined the '361.88': birthing was 1984 well this is to that '365.12': perspective 22 years before the charity '367.46': formed so you know I can remember I '371.33': don't see more industrial buildings here '374.57': but still the point is it's still very '376.52': very relevant and this is the whole '378.47': point with all of our airfields whether '38.44': colleagues to help Warner Nelson Wald's '380.449': they are active or disused and what we '382.49': are trying to help them with through our '384.68': national charity which incidentally is '386.78': the first of its kind in the world '388.94': the remain Britain you know we're making '390.62': a real difference it's just all about '392.84': trying to illustrate how our airfields '396.199': not forgetting of course all the '397.37': personnel we've served at them I'll be '399.38': there huge difference in all sorts of '401.419': ways to towards the advancement and '403.729': benefit of all of us without feel and '406.4': not just militarily but also notably '409.669': socially '410.509': jobs facilities services you name it '413.21': these places and everyone associated '415.46': with them are phenomenally important '418.46': beyond all belief but as summarize '42.07': airfield and also the world were one '420.71': include myself realized till not '423.2': maybe that many years ago the our '426.71': airfields were maybe at best just taken '429.35': for granted I think it's best to see if '431.54': maybe not just sadly ignored but '433.31': thankfully times and attitudes are no '435.44': changing and people are now beginning to '437.63': realize just how incredibly important '439.88': our air foods are is the are being '44.89': else in their field that I'll just '442.07': increasingly recognized as Britain's '444.35': greatest of our physical assets but it's '447.17': through ourselves and the post-race '448.76': other organizations and individuals '451.22': we're doing everything we humanly can to '453.44': make sure that places like the to '455.72': Belgium airfields and all everyone who '459.23': serve that are properly remembered and '46.48': mentioned more or less right now going '462.23': recognized and so just bear in mind that '465.2': by the end of the year we move and field '467.18': nearly 200 memorials across the UK so '471.28': thank you again thank you so much for '473.72': attending and you know we we hope this '477.29': helps the community in various reason '479.81': and again not forgetting the plaques we '481.73': have instantly got other plaques that '483.47': we'll be in will certainly be no later '486.23': than the later this year you'll know the '488.09': names anyhow New Holland Winterton for '49.54': back in time in World War 1 there was '494.81': one sakes so there will be up and coming '497.78': fairly soon and therefore it's with very '502.13': great pleasure that were able to avail '505.63': what is now ABC T's 71st Memorial in '511.54': this case to El Djem wants their field '516.56': thank you all very much thank you '52.629': the world war 1 fighter air food which '527.279': you don't find I'd like you to the '530.05': people patience you know the moral '531.97': apologies of reading it Oh he-man Pepe '535.779': Phelps is the one that was in Burma when '539.44': you go home tell them our bus is ready '541.69': for your tomorrow we gave out today the '547.42': exhortation '548.23': we get every year that the other side '55.66': was just cold ocean as opposed to this '550.66': they shall grow not old as we that are '553.3': left grow old age shall not weary them '556.81': nor the years condemn '558.57': but the going down of the Sun and in the '561.279': morning we will remember them yes thank '567.04': you very much thanks very much yeah yeah '58.66': one else Awards this was on the eastern '62.77': edge of the airfield here now there used '622.59': you '65.17': to be the control turtle in the 1980s '67.479': you still with the G hangar here this '69.46': was in the far side of ocean walls this '72.399': is a separate airfield from L from the '76.39': world war 2 sate this opened at the end '79.3': of 1916 as a fighter flight station for '83.619': the Royal Flying Corps and then the '85.509': Royal Air Force and they refused by sea '89.11': flight of number 33 squadron but also '92.709': had connections with Curtin lenzi which '95.47': again is not the curtain n lens the '97.78': airfield from World War two this is a '99.7': confusing it gets unfortunately and also
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Elsham Hill. The large radio and telephone mast on top of Elsham hill, on land that once was the war time bomber airfield of RAF Elsham Wold" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "Royal Air Force Elsham Wolds or more simply RAF Elsham Wolds is a former Royal Air Force station in England, which operated in the First World War and the Second World War. It is located just to the north east of the village of Elsham in north Lincolnshire." ], "context_section_description": [ "A large radio and telephone mast has been placed on top of Elsham hill." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds / Current use" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "RAF Elsham Wolds" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Current use" ] }
Elsham Wolds: ABCT Memorial Marker #71
'102.61': of course the legendary scamp ttan of '104.44': dam Busters theme so this this original '109.539': airfield quedan fighter defense of this '111.7': general area and into 1919 when '115.03': eventually closed a lot of records are '117.22': missing to his World War 1 airfield '118.869': sadly destroyed for these reasons but '121.39': there is sufficient evidence to show '123.97': that this place played a major part in '125.56': winning of World War 1 come the early '129.97': summer of 1940 Belgium Wald's airfield '133.959': was selected the language requisitioned '137.5': for development as a heavy bomber air '140.11': food was originally intended instantly '142.42': took connections with Carlington today's '144.58': number say the airport of course so the '147.67': this year field eventually opened a '150.16': rather protracted Lee during June and '152.47': July 1941 one source this is very '155.62': difficult you know '156.44': when it comes to dates for example '157.79': because one source anyway quite rightly '160.88': says that this year food opened to be '162.68': exact on the 15th of June 1941 but there '166.25': was only one problem the person there '168.29': weren't even here at the time they were '170.63': still at benbrook and they didn't come '172.16': to ocean water a few days later so once '176.09': they ever got going '177.71': especially in July 1941 there the main '181.64': unit that was based here was number 1 or '184.1': 3 squadron and this fluid intern Vickers '187.73': Wellington's then briefly and LePage '189.95': Halifax's before eventually after '192.32': Lancaster's and one of the was famous '195.88': individual Lancaster's of always based '198.74': here serial number Edie ata theater '202.16': makes queered to give it its nickname '204.29': which famously flew no less than 140 '208.72': operational sorties over its career '212.27': between 1943 to it in the end of '215.51': 1944 the highest number in RAF Bomber '219.32': count and this was all from elements so '222.32': the this place played a huge part in the '225.92': war effort '226.489': we mustn't forget all the other '227.87': squadrons that were based here there was '230.09': another squadron that was hived off from '233.09': the main unit here that then went to '236.209': fiskerton and Lincolnshire after about a '239.209': year and then under race renaming '24.51': well good morning everybody thank you so '242.63': strategies after World War two ended '245.2': number 103 squadron was renamed and then '249.53': with another squadron that derived from '251.15': Grimsby or one of them just more or less '255.44': at the end of World War two '256.669': they then transferred to sculpt and at '258.89': the end of 1945 there's a very famous '26.74': much for coming '261.29': photograph instantly of our Lancaster '264.55': Elgin walls if you imagine the scene '267.38': that's a nighttime scene the Lancaster's '269.9': waiting the take-off and in the '271.19': background are these very dramatic what '273.44': are called Sandra lights like a lady '275.9': motion like a corn of searchlights and '278.11': that's quite a famous photograph after '28.17': my name is Kenneth Bannerman I'm the '281.3': that the the final part in the Elgin '284.18': Ward's '284.87': flying career anyhow was when number 21 '288.32': heavy glider converse '290.21': unit came here and stayed about another '293.12': year before moving to North laudanum in '295.3': Rockland after that their field winding '298.97': they closed in the summer of 1947 and if '30.94': director general with a founder and head '302.36': you find them record such as an aside '305.15': for example you can see that by February '307.94': 1948 their field was in the process have '311.18': been militarily d requisitioned for '314.24': several years but that was an end of the '316.43': story of any means because as is still '319.009': very much remembered this place became '32.83': of the elusive Breton Conservation Trust '321.91': nicknamed Warsaw Hamlet to do with the '325.61': the poles and the Ukrainians that '329.15': unfortunately couldn't go back to their '330.919': homelands after the end of World War two '332.599': so there were a lot of Eastern European '336.74': families that were based here from 1940 '339.62': to 1950 to one or two web sites made '342.259': some very interesting just from a social '344.18': point of view so this resolved to do '346.07': with the steelworks in Scunthorpe of '348.889': course and then as we all know one more '35.739': or ABCT for short and I'm here with my '351.56': recent times it's become a very '352.789': prominent industrial state their main '355.22': road snow bisected airfield but the '357.8': salaat left around here I mean I can '359.87': remember I first came here ruined the '361.88': birthing was 1984 well this is to that '365.12': perspective 22 years before the charity '367.46': formed so you know I can remember I '371.33': don't see more industrial buildings here '374.57': but still the point is it's still very '376.52': very relevant and this is the whole '378.47': point with all of our airfields whether '38.44': colleagues to help Warner Nelson Wald's '380.449': they are active or disused and what we '382.49': are trying to help them with through our '384.68': national charity which incidentally is '386.78': the first of its kind in the world '388.94': the remain Britain you know we're making '390.62': a real difference it's just all about '392.84': trying to illustrate how our airfields '396.199': not forgetting of course all the '397.37': personnel we've served at them I'll be '399.38': there huge difference in all sorts of '401.419': ways to towards the advancement and '403.729': benefit of all of us without feel and '406.4': not just militarily but also notably '409.669': socially '410.509': jobs facilities services you name it '413.21': these places and everyone associated '415.46': with them are phenomenally important '418.46': beyond all belief but as summarize '42.07': airfield and also the world were one '420.71': include myself realized till not '423.2': maybe that many years ago the our '426.71': airfields were maybe at best just taken '429.35': for granted I think it's best to see if '431.54': maybe not just sadly ignored but '433.31': thankfully times and attitudes are no '435.44': changing and people are now beginning to '437.63': realize just how incredibly important '439.88': our air foods are is the are being '44.89': else in their field that I'll just '442.07': increasingly recognized as Britain's '444.35': greatest of our physical assets but it's '447.17': through ourselves and the post-race '448.76': other organizations and individuals '451.22': we're doing everything we humanly can to '453.44': make sure that places like the to '455.72': Belgium airfields and all everyone who '459.23': serve that are properly remembered and '46.48': mentioned more or less right now going '462.23': recognized and so just bear in mind that '465.2': by the end of the year we move and field '467.18': nearly 200 memorials across the UK so '471.28': thank you again thank you so much for '473.72': attending and you know we we hope this '477.29': helps the community in various reason '479.81': and again not forgetting the plaques we '481.73': have instantly got other plaques that '483.47': we'll be in will certainly be no later '486.23': than the later this year you'll know the '488.09': names anyhow New Holland Winterton for '49.54': back in time in World War 1 there was '494.81': one sakes so there will be up and coming '497.78': fairly soon and therefore it's with very '502.13': great pleasure that were able to avail '505.63': what is now ABC T's 71st Memorial in '511.54': this case to El Djem wants their field '516.56': thank you all very much thank you '52.629': the world war 1 fighter air food which '527.279': you don't find I'd like you to the '530.05': people patience you know the moral '531.97': apologies of reading it Oh he-man Pepe '535.779': Phelps is the one that was in Burma when '539.44': you go home tell them our bus is ready '541.69': for your tomorrow we gave out today the '547.42': exhortation '548.23': we get every year that the other side '55.66': was just cold ocean as opposed to this '550.66': they shall grow not old as we that are '553.3': left grow old age shall not weary them '556.81': nor the years condemn '558.57': but the going down of the Sun and in the '561.279': morning we will remember them yes thank '567.04': you very much thanks very much yeah yeah '58.66': one else Awards this was on the eastern '62.77': edge of the airfield here now there used '622.59': you '65.17': to be the control turtle in the 1980s '67.479': you still with the G hangar here this '69.46': was in the far side of ocean walls this '72.399': is a separate airfield from L from the '76.39': world war 2 sate this opened at the end '79.3': of 1916 as a fighter flight station for '83.619': the Royal Flying Corps and then the '85.509': Royal Air Force and they refused by sea '89.11': flight of number 33 squadron but also '92.709': had connections with Curtin lenzi which '95.47': again is not the curtain n lens the '97.78': airfield from World War two this is a '99.7': confusing it gets unfortunately and also
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20 MOMENTS IF IT WERE NOT FILMED, NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE! Check out these crazy moments if it were not filmed, no one would believe! . . 📌Subscribe to never miss a video! 🖤Leave a like if you enjoyed:)
'0.0': here are 20 moments you wouldn't believe '10.559': miss a video '11.599': alright let's get started world famous '126.88': check out this mesmerizing point of view '129.36': of a skilled pilot landing an '131.2': f a-18 fighter jet on an aircraft '14.719': contortionist sophie dossie presented '140.84': carrier '16.88': unbelievable skill '160.08': japanese baseball player shohei ohtani '162.72': hit the ball '163.44': so perfectly that this happened '178.959': in a college basketball game a cleaner '18.16': in her performance at the los angeles '181.04': was given the fright of his life '182.959': when the ball possession changed in an '184.72': instant he hilariously tried to escape '187.2': the team's attack '2.96': if not '20.32': staples center '200.0': check out this hilarious cctv footage of '203.12': a girl '203.599': trying to walk on an icy sidewalk '216.799': everybody loves attention even dogs '219.68': check out this dog pretending to have a '221.599': limp '222.08': and when a man came over to help the dog '224.48': got busted '235.68': a few years ago a japanese company built '238.0': an incredible natural instrument in the '240.08': middle of a lush forest in japan '242.319': their creation featured hundreds of '244.0': different sized pieces of wood '245.68': each sounding an individual note when '248.0': struck '248.72': a wooden ball then rolls down the '250.48': structure hitting every note '252.239': of a bach masterpiece '263.199': when a 7.1 scale earthquake struck this '266.24': couple's backyard pool '267.759': became a tsunami the woman's priority '270.639': was solely to save her '280.84': phone '286.72': florian kohler also known as venom trick '289.919': shots '290.56': showcases his mind-boggling pool trick '294.84': shots '3.6': filmed before we get started don't '316.88': when this guy tried to rest up against '318.8': the fence he got pretty unlucky '330.08': when nobody's watching we all tend to do '332.4': things we are not necessarily supposed '334.4': to '334.8': unfortunately for her a woman in the '337.039': ellen audience is '338.0': caught in the act of taking multiple '339.84': items from the free merchandise table '342.08': shortly after the woman is ridiculed by '344.479': ellen in front of the whole world '352.8': that's embarrassing and everything but '354.24': you know let that be a lesson to you '355.759': because you think '357.12': it is you think nobody's watching you '359.28': and you just need to be a good person '360.96': just sit in that l in jail over there '362.56': right now '366.0': in a rare football moment the pitch was '368.4': invaded by '369.28': three dogs the ball boys tried to chase '371.84': and catch the dogs '373.12': however one of the players seems to pick '375.12': a fight with a dog '376.4': he's most probably more of a cat person '388.88': in limbo dancers pass under a very low '391.44': bar and attempt not to dislodge it well '394.0': shamika charles decided to set a new '396.24': unique limbo world record when she '398.479': became the first person to successfully '400.8': limbo '401.44': under a car '407.28': when a ball boy refused to give the ball '409.12': to the keeper the keeper decided to pay '411.52': him back by doing this '428.08': over 300 drones flew over the seoul '430.319': olympic park '431.28': lighting up the night sky forming '433.199': colorful pictograms and messages of hope '435.759': organized by the south korean government '437.759': it was made in hopes of encouraging the '439.599': public to '440.319': overcome the difficulties of the '448.84': pandemic '454.96': after they scored a goal this ball boy '456.96': ran straight to the celebrating team '458.88': and got picked up by the striker what's '461.28': the craziest thing you've done when '462.96': celebrating '463.68': let us know in the comments '468.96': when a ball boy was embarrassed after '470.8': slipping while trying to return the ball '472.879': he decided to compensate and nutmeg the '476.84': goalkeeper '482.479': this fighter picked his opponent up and '484.4': appeared to drop him off in the corner '486.56': this actually counts as a clinch and was '488.639': not '488.96': penalized as a foul marine theme parks '492.72': are very often criticized for holding '494.72': dolphins captive in small '496.319': tanks which could not be good for them '498.319': well this company that makes hollywood '5.6': forget to like the video '500.16': props decided to build hyper-realistic '502.4': robotic dolphins that could replace '504.4': captive animals at marine parks '510.72': the downside however is that just one of '512.959': these robotic dolphins sells for up to '515.279': five '515.839': million dollars '524.0': which of these do you think was the best '525.92': let us know in the comments below '527.519': leave a like if you enjoyed it and don't '529.36': forget to subscribe to the channel with '53.28': an irish weather woman was reporting '531.2': notifications on to make sure you never '533.36': miss out on future videos thanks for '535.279': watching and we'll see you '536.64': in the next one '55.039': about a dramatic storm warning but it '57.12': was so windy that it almost sounded like '59.92': she was singing '6.96': and subscribe to the channel with '61.44': don't make unnecessary journeys '64.559': don't take risks on treacherous roads '67.119': don't make '67.84': unnecessary journeys don't take risks on '69.84': treacherous roads '71.2': and don't swim in the sea incredibly '74.72': here in blackrock and salt hill both '77.28': today '77.92': and yesterday ever heard the saying '8.48': notifications on to make sure you never '80.0': never underestimate a goat '81.759': no you probably haven't but they're '83.92': actually much smarter than you might '85.68': think '87.36': check out these alpine ibex scaling a '89.759': near vertical wall of an italian dam '92.56': and making it look like child's play
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, "Henri Perrot in an Argyll record breaking car." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Henri Perrot [SEP] ", "Henri Perrot [SEP] Henri Perrot in an Argyll record breaking car." ], "context_page_description": [ "Henri Perrot, né le 21 août 1883 à Paris et mort le 22 septembre 1960 à Monaco, est un ingénieur français qui fait partie des pionniers de l'automobile de la fin du XIXᵉ et du début du XXᵉ siècle.", "Henri Perrot dia injeniera mizaka ny zom-pirenen'i Frantsa teraka ny 21 Aogositra 1883 tao Paris ary maty ny 1 Janoary 1961", "Henri Perrot was a French engineer who was one of the pioneers of the automobile industry from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He holds numerous patents in the field of automotive drum/shoe braking." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Henri Perrot dia injeniera mizaka ny zom-pirenen'i Frantsa teraka ny 21 Aogositra 1883 tao Paris ary maty ny 1 Janoary 1961", "Henri Perrot (21 August 1883 – 1961, in Paris) was a French engineer who was one of the pioneers of the automobile industry from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He holds numerous patents in the field of automotive drum/shoe braking." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "fr", "mg", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null ] }
20 MOMENTS IF IT WERE NOT FILMED, NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE! Check out these crazy moments if it were not filmed, no one would believe! . . 📌Subscribe to never miss a video! 🖤Leave a like if you enjoyed:)
'0.0': here are 20 moments you wouldn't believe '10.559': miss a video '11.599': alright let's get started world famous '126.88': check out this mesmerizing point of view '129.36': of a skilled pilot landing an '131.2': f a-18 fighter jet on an aircraft '14.719': contortionist sophie dossie presented '140.84': carrier '16.88': unbelievable skill '160.08': japanese baseball player shohei ohtani '162.72': hit the ball '163.44': so perfectly that this happened '178.959': in a college basketball game a cleaner '18.16': in her performance at the los angeles '181.04': was given the fright of his life '182.959': when the ball possession changed in an '184.72': instant he hilariously tried to escape '187.2': the team's attack '2.96': if not '20.32': staples center '200.0': check out this hilarious cctv footage of '203.12': a girl '203.599': trying to walk on an icy sidewalk '216.799': everybody loves attention even dogs '219.68': check out this dog pretending to have a '221.599': limp '222.08': and when a man came over to help the dog '224.48': got busted '235.68': a few years ago a japanese company built '238.0': an incredible natural instrument in the '240.08': middle of a lush forest in japan '242.319': their creation featured hundreds of '244.0': different sized pieces of wood '245.68': each sounding an individual note when '248.0': struck '248.72': a wooden ball then rolls down the '250.48': structure hitting every note '252.239': of a bach masterpiece '263.199': when a 7.1 scale earthquake struck this '266.24': couple's backyard pool '267.759': became a tsunami the woman's priority '270.639': was solely to save her '280.84': phone '286.72': florian kohler also known as venom trick '289.919': shots '290.56': showcases his mind-boggling pool trick '294.84': shots '3.6': filmed before we get started don't '316.88': when this guy tried to rest up against '318.8': the fence he got pretty unlucky '330.08': when nobody's watching we all tend to do '332.4': things we are not necessarily supposed '334.4': to '334.8': unfortunately for her a woman in the '337.039': ellen audience is '338.0': caught in the act of taking multiple '339.84': items from the free merchandise table '342.08': shortly after the woman is ridiculed by '344.479': ellen in front of the whole world '352.8': that's embarrassing and everything but '354.24': you know let that be a lesson to you '355.759': because you think '357.12': it is you think nobody's watching you '359.28': and you just need to be a good person '360.96': just sit in that l in jail over there '362.56': right now '366.0': in a rare football moment the pitch was '368.4': invaded by '369.28': three dogs the ball boys tried to chase '371.84': and catch the dogs '373.12': however one of the players seems to pick '375.12': a fight with a dog '376.4': he's most probably more of a cat person '388.88': in limbo dancers pass under a very low '391.44': bar and attempt not to dislodge it well '394.0': shamika charles decided to set a new '396.24': unique limbo world record when she '398.479': became the first person to successfully '400.8': limbo '401.44': under a car '407.28': when a ball boy refused to give the ball '409.12': to the keeper the keeper decided to pay '411.52': him back by doing this '428.08': over 300 drones flew over the seoul '430.319': olympic park '431.28': lighting up the night sky forming '433.199': colorful pictograms and messages of hope '435.759': organized by the south korean government '437.759': it was made in hopes of encouraging the '439.599': public to '440.319': overcome the difficulties of the '448.84': pandemic '454.96': after they scored a goal this ball boy '456.96': ran straight to the celebrating team '458.88': and got picked up by the striker what's '461.28': the craziest thing you've done when '462.96': celebrating '463.68': let us know in the comments '468.96': when a ball boy was embarrassed after '470.8': slipping while trying to return the ball '472.879': he decided to compensate and nutmeg the '476.84': goalkeeper '482.479': this fighter picked his opponent up and '484.4': appeared to drop him off in the corner '486.56': this actually counts as a clinch and was '488.639': not '488.96': penalized as a foul marine theme parks '492.72': are very often criticized for holding '494.72': dolphins captive in small '496.319': tanks which could not be good for them '498.319': well this company that makes hollywood '5.6': forget to like the video '500.16': props decided to build hyper-realistic '502.4': robotic dolphins that could replace '504.4': captive animals at marine parks '510.72': the downside however is that just one of '512.959': these robotic dolphins sells for up to '515.279': five '515.839': million dollars '524.0': which of these do you think was the best '525.92': let us know in the comments below '527.519': leave a like if you enjoyed it and don't '529.36': forget to subscribe to the channel with '53.28': an irish weather woman was reporting '531.2': notifications on to make sure you never '533.36': miss out on future videos thanks for '535.279': watching and we'll see you '536.64': in the next one '55.039': about a dramatic storm warning but it '57.12': was so windy that it almost sounded like '59.92': she was singing '6.96': and subscribe to the channel with '61.44': don't make unnecessary journeys '64.559': don't take risks on treacherous roads '67.119': don't make '67.84': unnecessary journeys don't take risks on '69.84': treacherous roads '71.2': and don't swim in the sea incredibly '74.72': here in blackrock and salt hill both '77.28': today '77.92': and yesterday ever heard the saying '8.48': notifications on to make sure you never '80.0': never underestimate a goat '81.759': no you probably haven't but they're '83.92': actually much smarter than you might '85.68': think '87.36': check out these alpine ibex scaling a '89.759': near vertical wall of an italian dam '92.56': and making it look like child's play
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20 MOMENTS IF IT WERE NOT FILMED, NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE! Check out these crazy moments if it were not filmed, no one would believe! . . 📌Subscribe to never miss a video! 🖤Leave a like if you enjoyed:)
'0.0': here are 20 moments you wouldn't believe '10.559': miss a video '11.599': alright let's get started world famous '126.88': check out this mesmerizing point of view '129.36': of a skilled pilot landing an '131.2': f a-18 fighter jet on an aircraft '14.719': contortionist sophie dossie presented '140.84': carrier '16.88': unbelievable skill '160.08': japanese baseball player shohei ohtani '162.72': hit the ball '163.44': so perfectly that this happened '178.959': in a college basketball game a cleaner '18.16': in her performance at the los angeles '181.04': was given the fright of his life '182.959': when the ball possession changed in an '184.72': instant he hilariously tried to escape '187.2': the team's attack '2.96': if not '20.32': staples center '200.0': check out this hilarious cctv footage of '203.12': a girl '203.599': trying to walk on an icy sidewalk '216.799': everybody loves attention even dogs '219.68': check out this dog pretending to have a '221.599': limp '222.08': and when a man came over to help the dog '224.48': got busted '235.68': a few years ago a japanese company built '238.0': an incredible natural instrument in the '240.08': middle of a lush forest in japan '242.319': their creation featured hundreds of '244.0': different sized pieces of wood '245.68': each sounding an individual note when '248.0': struck '248.72': a wooden ball then rolls down the '250.48': structure hitting every note '252.239': of a bach masterpiece '263.199': when a 7.1 scale earthquake struck this '266.24': couple's backyard pool '267.759': became a tsunami the woman's priority '270.639': was solely to save her '280.84': phone '286.72': florian kohler also known as venom trick '289.919': shots '290.56': showcases his mind-boggling pool trick '294.84': shots '3.6': filmed before we get started don't '316.88': when this guy tried to rest up against '318.8': the fence he got pretty unlucky '330.08': when nobody's watching we all tend to do '332.4': things we are not necessarily supposed '334.4': to '334.8': unfortunately for her a woman in the '337.039': ellen audience is '338.0': caught in the act of taking multiple '339.84': items from the free merchandise table '342.08': shortly after the woman is ridiculed by '344.479': ellen in front of the whole world '352.8': that's embarrassing and everything but '354.24': you know let that be a lesson to you '355.759': because you think '357.12': it is you think nobody's watching you '359.28': and you just need to be a good person '360.96': just sit in that l in jail over there '362.56': right now '366.0': in a rare football moment the pitch was '368.4': invaded by '369.28': three dogs the ball boys tried to chase '371.84': and catch the dogs '373.12': however one of the players seems to pick '375.12': a fight with a dog '376.4': he's most probably more of a cat person '388.88': in limbo dancers pass under a very low '391.44': bar and attempt not to dislodge it well '394.0': shamika charles decided to set a new '396.24': unique limbo world record when she '398.479': became the first person to successfully '400.8': limbo '401.44': under a car '407.28': when a ball boy refused to give the ball '409.12': to the keeper the keeper decided to pay '411.52': him back by doing this '428.08': over 300 drones flew over the seoul '430.319': olympic park '431.28': lighting up the night sky forming '433.199': colorful pictograms and messages of hope '435.759': organized by the south korean government '437.759': it was made in hopes of encouraging the '439.599': public to '440.319': overcome the difficulties of the '448.84': pandemic '454.96': after they scored a goal this ball boy '456.96': ran straight to the celebrating team '458.88': and got picked up by the striker what's '461.28': the craziest thing you've done when '462.96': celebrating '463.68': let us know in the comments '468.96': when a ball boy was embarrassed after '470.8': slipping while trying to return the ball '472.879': he decided to compensate and nutmeg the '476.84': goalkeeper '482.479': this fighter picked his opponent up and '484.4': appeared to drop him off in the corner '486.56': this actually counts as a clinch and was '488.639': not '488.96': penalized as a foul marine theme parks '492.72': are very often criticized for holding '494.72': dolphins captive in small '496.319': tanks which could not be good for them '498.319': well this company that makes hollywood '5.6': forget to like the video '500.16': props decided to build hyper-realistic '502.4': robotic dolphins that could replace '504.4': captive animals at marine parks '510.72': the downside however is that just one of '512.959': these robotic dolphins sells for up to '515.279': five '515.839': million dollars '524.0': which of these do you think was the best '525.92': let us know in the comments below '527.519': leave a like if you enjoyed it and don't '529.36': forget to subscribe to the channel with '53.28': an irish weather woman was reporting '531.2': notifications on to make sure you never '533.36': miss out on future videos thanks for '535.279': watching and we'll see you '536.64': in the next one '55.039': about a dramatic storm warning but it '57.12': was so windy that it almost sounded like '59.92': she was singing '6.96': and subscribe to the channel with '61.44': don't make unnecessary journeys '64.559': don't take risks on treacherous roads '67.119': don't make '67.84': unnecessary journeys don't take risks on '69.84': treacherous roads '71.2': and don't swim in the sea incredibly '74.72': here in blackrock and salt hill both '77.28': today '77.92': and yesterday ever heard the saying '8.48': notifications on to make sure you never '80.0': never underestimate a goat '81.759': no you probably haven't but they're '83.92': actually much smarter than you might '85.68': think '87.36': check out these alpine ibex scaling a '89.759': near vertical wall of an italian dam '92.56': and making it look like child's play
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20 MOMENTS IF IT WERE NOT FILMED, NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE! Check out these crazy moments if it were not filmed, no one would believe! . . 📌Subscribe to never miss a video! 🖤Leave a like if you enjoyed:)
'0.0': here are 20 moments you wouldn't believe '10.559': miss a video '11.599': alright let's get started world famous '126.88': check out this mesmerizing point of view '129.36': of a skilled pilot landing an '131.2': f a-18 fighter jet on an aircraft '14.719': contortionist sophie dossie presented '140.84': carrier '16.88': unbelievable skill '160.08': japanese baseball player shohei ohtani '162.72': hit the ball '163.44': so perfectly that this happened '178.959': in a college basketball game a cleaner '18.16': in her performance at the los angeles '181.04': was given the fright of his life '182.959': when the ball possession changed in an '184.72': instant he hilariously tried to escape '187.2': the team's attack '2.96': if not '20.32': staples center '200.0': check out this hilarious cctv footage of '203.12': a girl '203.599': trying to walk on an icy sidewalk '216.799': everybody loves attention even dogs '219.68': check out this dog pretending to have a '221.599': limp '222.08': and when a man came over to help the dog '224.48': got busted '235.68': a few years ago a japanese company built '238.0': an incredible natural instrument in the '240.08': middle of a lush forest in japan '242.319': their creation featured hundreds of '244.0': different sized pieces of wood '245.68': each sounding an individual note when '248.0': struck '248.72': a wooden ball then rolls down the '250.48': structure hitting every note '252.239': of a bach masterpiece '263.199': when a 7.1 scale earthquake struck this '266.24': couple's backyard pool '267.759': became a tsunami the woman's priority '270.639': was solely to save her '280.84': phone '286.72': florian kohler also known as venom trick '289.919': shots '290.56': showcases his mind-boggling pool trick '294.84': shots '3.6': filmed before we get started don't '316.88': when this guy tried to rest up against '318.8': the fence he got pretty unlucky '330.08': when nobody's watching we all tend to do '332.4': things we are not necessarily supposed '334.4': to '334.8': unfortunately for her a woman in the '337.039': ellen audience is '338.0': caught in the act of taking multiple '339.84': items from the free merchandise table '342.08': shortly after the woman is ridiculed by '344.479': ellen in front of the whole world '352.8': that's embarrassing and everything but '354.24': you know let that be a lesson to you '355.759': because you think '357.12': it is you think nobody's watching you '359.28': and you just need to be a good person '360.96': just sit in that l in jail over there '362.56': right now '366.0': in a rare football moment the pitch was '368.4': invaded by '369.28': three dogs the ball boys tried to chase '371.84': and catch the dogs '373.12': however one of the players seems to pick '375.12': a fight with a dog '376.4': he's most probably more of a cat person '388.88': in limbo dancers pass under a very low '391.44': bar and attempt not to dislodge it well '394.0': shamika charles decided to set a new '396.24': unique limbo world record when she '398.479': became the first person to successfully '400.8': limbo '401.44': under a car '407.28': when a ball boy refused to give the ball '409.12': to the keeper the keeper decided to pay '411.52': him back by doing this '428.08': over 300 drones flew over the seoul '430.319': olympic park '431.28': lighting up the night sky forming '433.199': colorful pictograms and messages of hope '435.759': organized by the south korean government '437.759': it was made in hopes of encouraging the '439.599': public to '440.319': overcome the difficulties of the '448.84': pandemic '454.96': after they scored a goal this ball boy '456.96': ran straight to the celebrating team '458.88': and got picked up by the striker what's '461.28': the craziest thing you've done when '462.96': celebrating '463.68': let us know in the comments '468.96': when a ball boy was embarrassed after '470.8': slipping while trying to return the ball '472.879': he decided to compensate and nutmeg the '476.84': goalkeeper '482.479': this fighter picked his opponent up and '484.4': appeared to drop him off in the corner '486.56': this actually counts as a clinch and was '488.639': not '488.96': penalized as a foul marine theme parks '492.72': are very often criticized for holding '494.72': dolphins captive in small '496.319': tanks which could not be good for them '498.319': well this company that makes hollywood '5.6': forget to like the video '500.16': props decided to build hyper-realistic '502.4': robotic dolphins that could replace '504.4': captive animals at marine parks '510.72': the downside however is that just one of '512.959': these robotic dolphins sells for up to '515.279': five '515.839': million dollars '524.0': which of these do you think was the best '525.92': let us know in the comments below '527.519': leave a like if you enjoyed it and don't '529.36': forget to subscribe to the channel with '53.28': an irish weather woman was reporting '531.2': notifications on to make sure you never '533.36': miss out on future videos thanks for '535.279': watching and we'll see you '536.64': in the next one '55.039': about a dramatic storm warning but it '57.12': was so windy that it almost sounded like '59.92': she was singing '6.96': and subscribe to the channel with '61.44': don't make unnecessary journeys '64.559': don't take risks on treacherous roads '67.119': don't make '67.84': unnecessary journeys don't take risks on '69.84': treacherous roads '71.2': and don't swim in the sea incredibly '74.72': here in blackrock and salt hill both '77.28': today '77.92': and yesterday ever heard the saying '8.48': notifications on to make sure you never '80.0': never underestimate a goat '81.759': no you probably haven't but they're '83.92': actually much smarter than you might '85.68': think '87.36': check out these alpine ibex scaling a '89.759': near vertical wall of an italian dam '92.56': and making it look like child's play
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, "Henri Perrot in an Argyll record breaking car." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Henri Perrot [SEP] ", "Henri Perrot [SEP] Henri Perrot in an Argyll record breaking car." ], "context_page_description": [ "Henri Perrot, né le 21 août 1883 à Paris et mort le 22 septembre 1960 à Monaco, est un ingénieur français qui fait partie des pionniers de l'automobile de la fin du XIXᵉ et du début du XXᵉ siècle.", "Henri Perrot dia injeniera mizaka ny zom-pirenen'i Frantsa teraka ny 21 Aogositra 1883 tao Paris ary maty ny 1 Janoary 1961", "Henri Perrot was a French engineer who was one of the pioneers of the automobile industry from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He holds numerous patents in the field of automotive drum/shoe braking." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Henri Perrot dia injeniera mizaka ny zom-pirenen'i Frantsa teraka ny 21 Aogositra 1883 tao Paris ary maty ny 1 Janoary 1961", "Henri Perrot (21 August 1883 – 1961, in Paris) was a French engineer who was one of the pioneers of the automobile industry from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He holds numerous patents in the field of automotive drum/shoe braking." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "fr", "mg", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null ] }
20 MOMENTS IF IT WERE NOT FILMED, NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE! Check out these crazy moments if it were not filmed, no one would believe! . . 📌Subscribe to never miss a video! 🖤Leave a like if you enjoyed:)
'0.0': here are 20 moments you wouldn't believe '10.559': miss a video '11.599': alright let's get started world famous '126.88': check out this mesmerizing point of view '129.36': of a skilled pilot landing an '131.2': f a-18 fighter jet on an aircraft '14.719': contortionist sophie dossie presented '140.84': carrier '16.88': unbelievable skill '160.08': japanese baseball player shohei ohtani '162.72': hit the ball '163.44': so perfectly that this happened '178.959': in a college basketball game a cleaner '18.16': in her performance at the los angeles '181.04': was given the fright of his life '182.959': when the ball possession changed in an '184.72': instant he hilariously tried to escape '187.2': the team's attack '2.96': if not '20.32': staples center '200.0': check out this hilarious cctv footage of '203.12': a girl '203.599': trying to walk on an icy sidewalk '216.799': everybody loves attention even dogs '219.68': check out this dog pretending to have a '221.599': limp '222.08': and when a man came over to help the dog '224.48': got busted '235.68': a few years ago a japanese company built '238.0': an incredible natural instrument in the '240.08': middle of a lush forest in japan '242.319': their creation featured hundreds of '244.0': different sized pieces of wood '245.68': each sounding an individual note when '248.0': struck '248.72': a wooden ball then rolls down the '250.48': structure hitting every note '252.239': of a bach masterpiece '263.199': when a 7.1 scale earthquake struck this '266.24': couple's backyard pool '267.759': became a tsunami the woman's priority '270.639': was solely to save her '280.84': phone '286.72': florian kohler also known as venom trick '289.919': shots '290.56': showcases his mind-boggling pool trick '294.84': shots '3.6': filmed before we get started don't '316.88': when this guy tried to rest up against '318.8': the fence he got pretty unlucky '330.08': when nobody's watching we all tend to do '332.4': things we are not necessarily supposed '334.4': to '334.8': unfortunately for her a woman in the '337.039': ellen audience is '338.0': caught in the act of taking multiple '339.84': items from the free merchandise table '342.08': shortly after the woman is ridiculed by '344.479': ellen in front of the whole world '352.8': that's embarrassing and everything but '354.24': you know let that be a lesson to you '355.759': because you think '357.12': it is you think nobody's watching you '359.28': and you just need to be a good person '360.96': just sit in that l in jail over there '362.56': right now '366.0': in a rare football moment the pitch was '368.4': invaded by '369.28': three dogs the ball boys tried to chase '371.84': and catch the dogs '373.12': however one of the players seems to pick '375.12': a fight with a dog '376.4': he's most probably more of a cat person '388.88': in limbo dancers pass under a very low '391.44': bar and attempt not to dislodge it well '394.0': shamika charles decided to set a new '396.24': unique limbo world record when she '398.479': became the first person to successfully '400.8': limbo '401.44': under a car '407.28': when a ball boy refused to give the ball '409.12': to the keeper the keeper decided to pay '411.52': him back by doing this '428.08': over 300 drones flew over the seoul '430.319': olympic park '431.28': lighting up the night sky forming '433.199': colorful pictograms and messages of hope '435.759': organized by the south korean government '437.759': it was made in hopes of encouraging the '439.599': public to '440.319': overcome the difficulties of the '448.84': pandemic '454.96': after they scored a goal this ball boy '456.96': ran straight to the celebrating team '458.88': and got picked up by the striker what's '461.28': the craziest thing you've done when '462.96': celebrating '463.68': let us know in the comments '468.96': when a ball boy was embarrassed after '470.8': slipping while trying to return the ball '472.879': he decided to compensate and nutmeg the '476.84': goalkeeper '482.479': this fighter picked his opponent up and '484.4': appeared to drop him off in the corner '486.56': this actually counts as a clinch and was '488.639': not '488.96': penalized as a foul marine theme parks '492.72': are very often criticized for holding '494.72': dolphins captive in small '496.319': tanks which could not be good for them '498.319': well this company that makes hollywood '5.6': forget to like the video '500.16': props decided to build hyper-realistic '502.4': robotic dolphins that could replace '504.4': captive animals at marine parks '510.72': the downside however is that just one of '512.959': these robotic dolphins sells for up to '515.279': five '515.839': million dollars '524.0': which of these do you think was the best '525.92': let us know in the comments below '527.519': leave a like if you enjoyed it and don't '529.36': forget to subscribe to the channel with '53.28': an irish weather woman was reporting '531.2': notifications on to make sure you never '533.36': miss out on future videos thanks for '535.279': watching and we'll see you '536.64': in the next one '55.039': about a dramatic storm warning but it '57.12': was so windy that it almost sounded like '59.92': she was singing '6.96': and subscribe to the channel with '61.44': don't make unnecessary journeys '64.559': don't take risks on treacherous roads '67.119': don't make '67.84': unnecessary journeys don't take risks on '69.84': treacherous roads '71.2': and don't swim in the sea incredibly '74.72': here in blackrock and salt hill both '77.28': today '77.92': and yesterday ever heard the saying '8.48': notifications on to make sure you never '80.0': never underestimate a goat '81.759': no you probably haven't but they're '83.92': actually much smarter than you might '85.68': think '87.36': check out these alpine ibex scaling a '89.759': near vertical wall of an italian dam '92.56': and making it look like child's play
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20 MOMENTS IF IT WERE NOT FILMED, NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE! Check out these crazy moments if it were not filmed, no one would believe! . . 📌Subscribe to never miss a video! 🖤Leave a like if you enjoyed:)
'0.0': here are 20 moments you wouldn't believe '10.559': miss a video '11.599': alright let's get started world famous '126.88': check out this mesmerizing point of view '129.36': of a skilled pilot landing an '131.2': f a-18 fighter jet on an aircraft '14.719': contortionist sophie dossie presented '140.84': carrier '16.88': unbelievable skill '160.08': japanese baseball player shohei ohtani '162.72': hit the ball '163.44': so perfectly that this happened '178.959': in a college basketball game a cleaner '18.16': in her performance at the los angeles '181.04': was given the fright of his life '182.959': when the ball possession changed in an '184.72': instant he hilariously tried to escape '187.2': the team's attack '2.96': if not '20.32': staples center '200.0': check out this hilarious cctv footage of '203.12': a girl '203.599': trying to walk on an icy sidewalk '216.799': everybody loves attention even dogs '219.68': check out this dog pretending to have a '221.599': limp '222.08': and when a man came over to help the dog '224.48': got busted '235.68': a few years ago a japanese company built '238.0': an incredible natural instrument in the '240.08': middle of a lush forest in japan '242.319': their creation featured hundreds of '244.0': different sized pieces of wood '245.68': each sounding an individual note when '248.0': struck '248.72': a wooden ball then rolls down the '250.48': structure hitting every note '252.239': of a bach masterpiece '263.199': when a 7.1 scale earthquake struck this '266.24': couple's backyard pool '267.759': became a tsunami the woman's priority '270.639': was solely to save her '280.84': phone '286.72': florian kohler also known as venom trick '289.919': shots '290.56': showcases his mind-boggling pool trick '294.84': shots '3.6': filmed before we get started don't '316.88': when this guy tried to rest up against '318.8': the fence he got pretty unlucky '330.08': when nobody's watching we all tend to do '332.4': things we are not necessarily supposed '334.4': to '334.8': unfortunately for her a woman in the '337.039': ellen audience is '338.0': caught in the act of taking multiple '339.84': items from the free merchandise table '342.08': shortly after the woman is ridiculed by '344.479': ellen in front of the whole world '352.8': that's embarrassing and everything but '354.24': you know let that be a lesson to you '355.759': because you think '357.12': it is you think nobody's watching you '359.28': and you just need to be a good person '360.96': just sit in that l in jail over there '362.56': right now '366.0': in a rare football moment the pitch was '368.4': invaded by '369.28': three dogs the ball boys tried to chase '371.84': and catch the dogs '373.12': however one of the players seems to pick '375.12': a fight with a dog '376.4': he's most probably more of a cat person '388.88': in limbo dancers pass under a very low '391.44': bar and attempt not to dislodge it well '394.0': shamika charles decided to set a new '396.24': unique limbo world record when she '398.479': became the first person to successfully '400.8': limbo '401.44': under a car '407.28': when a ball boy refused to give the ball '409.12': to the keeper the keeper decided to pay '411.52': him back by doing this '428.08': over 300 drones flew over the seoul '430.319': olympic park '431.28': lighting up the night sky forming '433.199': colorful pictograms and messages of hope '435.759': organized by the south korean government '437.759': it was made in hopes of encouraging the '439.599': public to '440.319': overcome the difficulties of the '448.84': pandemic '454.96': after they scored a goal this ball boy '456.96': ran straight to the celebrating team '458.88': and got picked up by the striker what's '461.28': the craziest thing you've done when '462.96': celebrating '463.68': let us know in the comments '468.96': when a ball boy was embarrassed after '470.8': slipping while trying to return the ball '472.879': he decided to compensate and nutmeg the '476.84': goalkeeper '482.479': this fighter picked his opponent up and '484.4': appeared to drop him off in the corner '486.56': this actually counts as a clinch and was '488.639': not '488.96': penalized as a foul marine theme parks '492.72': are very often criticized for holding '494.72': dolphins captive in small '496.319': tanks which could not be good for them '498.319': well this company that makes hollywood '5.6': forget to like the video '500.16': props decided to build hyper-realistic '502.4': robotic dolphins that could replace '504.4': captive animals at marine parks '510.72': the downside however is that just one of '512.959': these robotic dolphins sells for up to '515.279': five '515.839': million dollars '524.0': which of these do you think was the best '525.92': let us know in the comments below '527.519': leave a like if you enjoyed it and don't '529.36': forget to subscribe to the channel with '53.28': an irish weather woman was reporting '531.2': notifications on to make sure you never '533.36': miss out on future videos thanks for '535.279': watching and we'll see you '536.64': in the next one '55.039': about a dramatic storm warning but it '57.12': was so windy that it almost sounded like '59.92': she was singing '6.96': and subscribe to the channel with '61.44': don't make unnecessary journeys '64.559': don't take risks on treacherous roads '67.119': don't make '67.84': unnecessary journeys don't take risks on '69.84': treacherous roads '71.2': and don't swim in the sea incredibly '74.72': here in blackrock and salt hill both '77.28': today '77.92': and yesterday ever heard the saying '8.48': notifications on to make sure you never '80.0': never underestimate a goat '81.759': no you probably haven't but they're '83.92': actually much smarter than you might '85.68': think '87.36': check out these alpine ibex scaling a '89.759': near vertical wall of an italian dam '92.56': and making it look like child's play
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, "Henri Perrot in an Argyll record breaking car." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Henri Perrot [SEP] ", "Henri Perrot [SEP] Henri Perrot in an Argyll record breaking car." ], "context_page_description": [ "Henri Perrot, né le 21 août 1883 à Paris et mort le 22 septembre 1960 à Monaco, est un ingénieur français qui fait partie des pionniers de l'automobile de la fin du XIXᵉ et du début du XXᵉ siècle.", "Henri Perrot dia injeniera mizaka ny zom-pirenen'i Frantsa teraka ny 21 Aogositra 1883 tao Paris ary maty ny 1 Janoary 1961", "Henri Perrot was a French engineer who was one of the pioneers of the automobile industry from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He holds numerous patents in the field of automotive drum/shoe braking." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Henri Perrot dia injeniera mizaka ny zom-pirenen'i Frantsa teraka ny 21 Aogositra 1883 tao Paris ary maty ny 1 Janoary 1961", "Henri Perrot (21 August 1883 – 1961, in Paris) was a French engineer who was one of the pioneers of the automobile industry from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He holds numerous patents in the field of automotive drum/shoe braking." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "fr", "mg", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null ] }
20 MOMENTS IF IT WERE NOT FILMED, NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE! Check out these crazy moments if it were not filmed, no one would believe! . . 📌Subscribe to never miss a video! 🖤Leave a like if you enjoyed:)
'0.0': here are 20 moments you wouldn't believe '10.559': miss a video '11.599': alright let's get started world famous '126.88': check out this mesmerizing point of view '129.36': of a skilled pilot landing an '131.2': f a-18 fighter jet on an aircraft '14.719': contortionist sophie dossie presented '140.84': carrier '16.88': unbelievable skill '160.08': japanese baseball player shohei ohtani '162.72': hit the ball '163.44': so perfectly that this happened '178.959': in a college basketball game a cleaner '18.16': in her performance at the los angeles '181.04': was given the fright of his life '182.959': when the ball possession changed in an '184.72': instant he hilariously tried to escape '187.2': the team's attack '2.96': if not '20.32': staples center '200.0': check out this hilarious cctv footage of '203.12': a girl '203.599': trying to walk on an icy sidewalk '216.799': everybody loves attention even dogs '219.68': check out this dog pretending to have a '221.599': limp '222.08': and when a man came over to help the dog '224.48': got busted '235.68': a few years ago a japanese company built '238.0': an incredible natural instrument in the '240.08': middle of a lush forest in japan '242.319': their creation featured hundreds of '244.0': different sized pieces of wood '245.68': each sounding an individual note when '248.0': struck '248.72': a wooden ball then rolls down the '250.48': structure hitting every note '252.239': of a bach masterpiece '263.199': when a 7.1 scale earthquake struck this '266.24': couple's backyard pool '267.759': became a tsunami the woman's priority '270.639': was solely to save her '280.84': phone '286.72': florian kohler also known as venom trick '289.919': shots '290.56': showcases his mind-boggling pool trick '294.84': shots '3.6': filmed before we get started don't '316.88': when this guy tried to rest up against '318.8': the fence he got pretty unlucky '330.08': when nobody's watching we all tend to do '332.4': things we are not necessarily supposed '334.4': to '334.8': unfortunately for her a woman in the '337.039': ellen audience is '338.0': caught in the act of taking multiple '339.84': items from the free merchandise table '342.08': shortly after the woman is ridiculed by '344.479': ellen in front of the whole world '352.8': that's embarrassing and everything but '354.24': you know let that be a lesson to you '355.759': because you think '357.12': it is you think nobody's watching you '359.28': and you just need to be a good person '360.96': just sit in that l in jail over there '362.56': right now '366.0': in a rare football moment the pitch was '368.4': invaded by '369.28': three dogs the ball boys tried to chase '371.84': and catch the dogs '373.12': however one of the players seems to pick '375.12': a fight with a dog '376.4': he's most probably more of a cat person '388.88': in limbo dancers pass under a very low '391.44': bar and attempt not to dislodge it well '394.0': shamika charles decided to set a new '396.24': unique limbo world record when she '398.479': became the first person to successfully '400.8': limbo '401.44': under a car '407.28': when a ball boy refused to give the ball '409.12': to the keeper the keeper decided to pay '411.52': him back by doing this '428.08': over 300 drones flew over the seoul '430.319': olympic park '431.28': lighting up the night sky forming '433.199': colorful pictograms and messages of hope '435.759': organized by the south korean government '437.759': it was made in hopes of encouraging the '439.599': public to '440.319': overcome the difficulties of the '448.84': pandemic '454.96': after they scored a goal this ball boy '456.96': ran straight to the celebrating team '458.88': and got picked up by the striker what's '461.28': the craziest thing you've done when '462.96': celebrating '463.68': let us know in the comments '468.96': when a ball boy was embarrassed after '470.8': slipping while trying to return the ball '472.879': he decided to compensate and nutmeg the '476.84': goalkeeper '482.479': this fighter picked his opponent up and '484.4': appeared to drop him off in the corner '486.56': this actually counts as a clinch and was '488.639': not '488.96': penalized as a foul marine theme parks '492.72': are very often criticized for holding '494.72': dolphins captive in small '496.319': tanks which could not be good for them '498.319': well this company that makes hollywood '5.6': forget to like the video '500.16': props decided to build hyper-realistic '502.4': robotic dolphins that could replace '504.4': captive animals at marine parks '510.72': the downside however is that just one of '512.959': these robotic dolphins sells for up to '515.279': five '515.839': million dollars '524.0': which of these do you think was the best '525.92': let us know in the comments below '527.519': leave a like if you enjoyed it and don't '529.36': forget to subscribe to the channel with '53.28': an irish weather woman was reporting '531.2': notifications on to make sure you never '533.36': miss out on future videos thanks for '535.279': watching and we'll see you '536.64': in the next one '55.039': about a dramatic storm warning but it '57.12': was so windy that it almost sounded like '59.92': she was singing '6.96': and subscribe to the channel with '61.44': don't make unnecessary journeys '64.559': don't take risks on treacherous roads '67.119': don't make '67.84': unnecessary journeys don't take risks on '69.84': treacherous roads '71.2': and don't swim in the sea incredibly '74.72': here in blackrock and salt hill both '77.28': today '77.92': and yesterday ever heard the saying '8.48': notifications on to make sure you never '80.0': never underestimate a goat '81.759': no you probably haven't but they're '83.92': actually much smarter than you might '85.68': think '87.36': check out these alpine ibex scaling a '89.759': near vertical wall of an italian dam '92.56': and making it look like child's play
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, "Henri Perrot in an Argyll record breaking car." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Henri Perrot [SEP] ", "Henri Perrot [SEP] Henri Perrot in an Argyll record breaking car." ], "context_page_description": [ "Henri Perrot, né le 21 août 1883 à Paris et mort le 22 septembre 1960 à Monaco, est un ingénieur français qui fait partie des pionniers de l'automobile de la fin du XIXᵉ et du début du XXᵉ siècle.", "Henri Perrot dia injeniera mizaka ny zom-pirenen'i Frantsa teraka ny 21 Aogositra 1883 tao Paris ary maty ny 1 Janoary 1961", "Henri Perrot was a French engineer who was one of the pioneers of the automobile industry from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He holds numerous patents in the field of automotive drum/shoe braking." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Henri Perrot dia injeniera mizaka ny zom-pirenen'i Frantsa teraka ny 21 Aogositra 1883 tao Paris ary maty ny 1 Janoary 1961", "Henri Perrot (21 August 1883 – 1961, in Paris) was a French engineer who was one of the pioneers of the automobile industry from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He holds numerous patents in the field of automotive drum/shoe braking." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "fr", "mg", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null ] }
20 MOMENTS IF IT WERE NOT FILMED, NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE! Check out these crazy moments if it were not filmed, no one would believe! . . 📌Subscribe to never miss a video! 🖤Leave a like if you enjoyed:)
'0.0': here are 20 moments you wouldn't believe '10.559': miss a video '11.599': alright let's get started world famous '126.88': check out this mesmerizing point of view '129.36': of a skilled pilot landing an '131.2': f a-18 fighter jet on an aircraft '14.719': contortionist sophie dossie presented '140.84': carrier '16.88': unbelievable skill '160.08': japanese baseball player shohei ohtani '162.72': hit the ball '163.44': so perfectly that this happened '178.959': in a college basketball game a cleaner '18.16': in her performance at the los angeles '181.04': was given the fright of his life '182.959': when the ball possession changed in an '184.72': instant he hilariously tried to escape '187.2': the team's attack '2.96': if not '20.32': staples center '200.0': check out this hilarious cctv footage of '203.12': a girl '203.599': trying to walk on an icy sidewalk '216.799': everybody loves attention even dogs '219.68': check out this dog pretending to have a '221.599': limp '222.08': and when a man came over to help the dog '224.48': got busted '235.68': a few years ago a japanese company built '238.0': an incredible natural instrument in the '240.08': middle of a lush forest in japan '242.319': their creation featured hundreds of '244.0': different sized pieces of wood '245.68': each sounding an individual note when '248.0': struck '248.72': a wooden ball then rolls down the '250.48': structure hitting every note '252.239': of a bach masterpiece '263.199': when a 7.1 scale earthquake struck this '266.24': couple's backyard pool '267.759': became a tsunami the woman's priority '270.639': was solely to save her '280.84': phone '286.72': florian kohler also known as venom trick '289.919': shots '290.56': showcases his mind-boggling pool trick '294.84': shots '3.6': filmed before we get started don't '316.88': when this guy tried to rest up against '318.8': the fence he got pretty unlucky '330.08': when nobody's watching we all tend to do '332.4': things we are not necessarily supposed '334.4': to '334.8': unfortunately for her a woman in the '337.039': ellen audience is '338.0': caught in the act of taking multiple '339.84': items from the free merchandise table '342.08': shortly after the woman is ridiculed by '344.479': ellen in front of the whole world '352.8': that's embarrassing and everything but '354.24': you know let that be a lesson to you '355.759': because you think '357.12': it is you think nobody's watching you '359.28': and you just need to be a good person '360.96': just sit in that l in jail over there '362.56': right now '366.0': in a rare football moment the pitch was '368.4': invaded by '369.28': three dogs the ball boys tried to chase '371.84': and catch the dogs '373.12': however one of the players seems to pick '375.12': a fight with a dog '376.4': he's most probably more of a cat person '388.88': in limbo dancers pass under a very low '391.44': bar and attempt not to dislodge it well '394.0': shamika charles decided to set a new '396.24': unique limbo world record when she '398.479': became the first person to successfully '400.8': limbo '401.44': under a car '407.28': when a ball boy refused to give the ball '409.12': to the keeper the keeper decided to pay '411.52': him back by doing this '428.08': over 300 drones flew over the seoul '430.319': olympic park '431.28': lighting up the night sky forming '433.199': colorful pictograms and messages of hope '435.759': organized by the south korean government '437.759': it was made in hopes of encouraging the '439.599': public to '440.319': overcome the difficulties of the '448.84': pandemic '454.96': after they scored a goal this ball boy '456.96': ran straight to the celebrating team '458.88': and got picked up by the striker what's '461.28': the craziest thing you've done when '462.96': celebrating '463.68': let us know in the comments '468.96': when a ball boy was embarrassed after '470.8': slipping while trying to return the ball '472.879': he decided to compensate and nutmeg the '476.84': goalkeeper '482.479': this fighter picked his opponent up and '484.4': appeared to drop him off in the corner '486.56': this actually counts as a clinch and was '488.639': not '488.96': penalized as a foul marine theme parks '492.72': are very often criticized for holding '494.72': dolphins captive in small '496.319': tanks which could not be good for them '498.319': well this company that makes hollywood '5.6': forget to like the video '500.16': props decided to build hyper-realistic '502.4': robotic dolphins that could replace '504.4': captive animals at marine parks '510.72': the downside however is that just one of '512.959': these robotic dolphins sells for up to '515.279': five '515.839': million dollars '524.0': which of these do you think was the best '525.92': let us know in the comments below '527.519': leave a like if you enjoyed it and don't '529.36': forget to subscribe to the channel with '53.28': an irish weather woman was reporting '531.2': notifications on to make sure you never '533.36': miss out on future videos thanks for '535.279': watching and we'll see you '536.64': in the next one '55.039': about a dramatic storm warning but it '57.12': was so windy that it almost sounded like '59.92': she was singing '6.96': and subscribe to the channel with '61.44': don't make unnecessary journeys '64.559': don't take risks on treacherous roads '67.119': don't make '67.84': unnecessary journeys don't take risks on '69.84': treacherous roads '71.2': and don't swim in the sea incredibly '74.72': here in blackrock and salt hill both '77.28': today '77.92': and yesterday ever heard the saying '8.48': notifications on to make sure you never '80.0': never underestimate a goat '81.759': no you probably haven't but they're '83.92': actually much smarter than you might '85.68': think '87.36': check out these alpine ibex scaling a '89.759': near vertical wall of an italian dam '92.56': and making it look like child's play
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, "Henri Perrot in an Argyll record breaking car." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Henri Perrot [SEP] ", "Henri Perrot [SEP] Henri Perrot in an Argyll record breaking car." ], "context_page_description": [ "Henri Perrot, né le 21 août 1883 à Paris et mort le 22 septembre 1960 à Monaco, est un ingénieur français qui fait partie des pionniers de l'automobile de la fin du XIXᵉ et du début du XXᵉ siècle.", "Henri Perrot dia injeniera mizaka ny zom-pirenen'i Frantsa teraka ny 21 Aogositra 1883 tao Paris ary maty ny 1 Janoary 1961", "Henri Perrot was a French engineer who was one of the pioneers of the automobile industry from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He holds numerous patents in the field of automotive drum/shoe braking." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Henri Perrot dia injeniera mizaka ny zom-pirenen'i Frantsa teraka ny 21 Aogositra 1883 tao Paris ary maty ny 1 Janoary 1961", "Henri Perrot (21 August 1883 – 1961, in Paris) was a French engineer who was one of the pioneers of the automobile industry from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He holds numerous patents in the field of automotive drum/shoe braking." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "fr", "mg", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null ] }
20 MOMENTS IF IT WERE NOT FILMED, NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE! Check out these crazy moments if it were not filmed, no one would believe! . . 📌Subscribe to never miss a video! 🖤Leave a like if you enjoyed:)
'0.0': here are 20 moments you wouldn't believe '10.559': miss a video '11.599': alright let's get started world famous '126.88': check out this mesmerizing point of view '129.36': of a skilled pilot landing an '131.2': f a-18 fighter jet on an aircraft '14.719': contortionist sophie dossie presented '140.84': carrier '16.88': unbelievable skill '160.08': japanese baseball player shohei ohtani '162.72': hit the ball '163.44': so perfectly that this happened '178.959': in a college basketball game a cleaner '18.16': in her performance at the los angeles '181.04': was given the fright of his life '182.959': when the ball possession changed in an '184.72': instant he hilariously tried to escape '187.2': the team's attack '2.96': if not '20.32': staples center '200.0': check out this hilarious cctv footage of '203.12': a girl '203.599': trying to walk on an icy sidewalk '216.799': everybody loves attention even dogs '219.68': check out this dog pretending to have a '221.599': limp '222.08': and when a man came over to help the dog '224.48': got busted '235.68': a few years ago a japanese company built '238.0': an incredible natural instrument in the '240.08': middle of a lush forest in japan '242.319': their creation featured hundreds of '244.0': different sized pieces of wood '245.68': each sounding an individual note when '248.0': struck '248.72': a wooden ball then rolls down the '250.48': structure hitting every note '252.239': of a bach masterpiece '263.199': when a 7.1 scale earthquake struck this '266.24': couple's backyard pool '267.759': became a tsunami the woman's priority '270.639': was solely to save her '280.84': phone '286.72': florian kohler also known as venom trick '289.919': shots '290.56': showcases his mind-boggling pool trick '294.84': shots '3.6': filmed before we get started don't '316.88': when this guy tried to rest up against '318.8': the fence he got pretty unlucky '330.08': when nobody's watching we all tend to do '332.4': things we are not necessarily supposed '334.4': to '334.8': unfortunately for her a woman in the '337.039': ellen audience is '338.0': caught in the act of taking multiple '339.84': items from the free merchandise table '342.08': shortly after the woman is ridiculed by '344.479': ellen in front of the whole world '352.8': that's embarrassing and everything but '354.24': you know let that be a lesson to you '355.759': because you think '357.12': it is you think nobody's watching you '359.28': and you just need to be a good person '360.96': just sit in that l in jail over there '362.56': right now '366.0': in a rare football moment the pitch was '368.4': invaded by '369.28': three dogs the ball boys tried to chase '371.84': and catch the dogs '373.12': however one of the players seems to pick '375.12': a fight with a dog '376.4': he's most probably more of a cat person '388.88': in limbo dancers pass under a very low '391.44': bar and attempt not to dislodge it well '394.0': shamika charles decided to set a new '396.24': unique limbo world record when she '398.479': became the first person to successfully '400.8': limbo '401.44': under a car '407.28': when a ball boy refused to give the ball '409.12': to the keeper the keeper decided to pay '411.52': him back by doing this '428.08': over 300 drones flew over the seoul '430.319': olympic park '431.28': lighting up the night sky forming '433.199': colorful pictograms and messages of hope '435.759': organized by the south korean government '437.759': it was made in hopes of encouraging the '439.599': public to '440.319': overcome the difficulties of the '448.84': pandemic '454.96': after they scored a goal this ball boy '456.96': ran straight to the celebrating team '458.88': and got picked up by the striker what's '461.28': the craziest thing you've done when '462.96': celebrating '463.68': let us know in the comments '468.96': when a ball boy was embarrassed after '470.8': slipping while trying to return the ball '472.879': he decided to compensate and nutmeg the '476.84': goalkeeper '482.479': this fighter picked his opponent up and '484.4': appeared to drop him off in the corner '486.56': this actually counts as a clinch and was '488.639': not '488.96': penalized as a foul marine theme parks '492.72': are very often criticized for holding '494.72': dolphins captive in small '496.319': tanks which could not be good for them '498.319': well this company that makes hollywood '5.6': forget to like the video '500.16': props decided to build hyper-realistic '502.4': robotic dolphins that could replace '504.4': captive animals at marine parks '510.72': the downside however is that just one of '512.959': these robotic dolphins sells for up to '515.279': five '515.839': million dollars '524.0': which of these do you think was the best '525.92': let us know in the comments below '527.519': leave a like if you enjoyed it and don't '529.36': forget to subscribe to the channel with '53.28': an irish weather woman was reporting '531.2': notifications on to make sure you never '533.36': miss out on future videos thanks for '535.279': watching and we'll see you '536.64': in the next one '55.039': about a dramatic storm warning but it '57.12': was so windy that it almost sounded like '59.92': she was singing '6.96': and subscribe to the channel with '61.44': don't make unnecessary journeys '64.559': don't take risks on treacherous roads '67.119': don't make '67.84': unnecessary journeys don't take risks on '69.84': treacherous roads '71.2': and don't swim in the sea incredibly '74.72': here in blackrock and salt hill both '77.28': today '77.92': and yesterday ever heard the saying '8.48': notifications on to make sure you never '80.0': never underestimate a goat '81.759': no you probably haven't but they're '83.92': actually much smarter than you might '85.68': think '87.36': check out these alpine ibex scaling a '89.759': near vertical wall of an italian dam '92.56': and making it look like child's play
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, null, "Henri Perrot in an Argyll record breaking car." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Henri Perrot [SEP] ", "Henri Perrot [SEP] Henri Perrot in an Argyll record breaking car." ], "context_page_description": [ "Henri Perrot, né le 21 août 1883 à Paris et mort le 22 septembre 1960 à Monaco, est un ingénieur français qui fait partie des pionniers de l'automobile de la fin du XIXᵉ et du début du XXᵉ siècle.", "Henri Perrot dia injeniera mizaka ny zom-pirenen'i Frantsa teraka ny 21 Aogositra 1883 tao Paris ary maty ny 1 Janoary 1961", "Henri Perrot was a French engineer who was one of the pioneers of the automobile industry from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He holds numerous patents in the field of automotive drum/shoe braking." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "Henri Perrot dia injeniera mizaka ny zom-pirenen'i Frantsa teraka ny 21 Aogositra 1883 tao Paris ary maty ny 1 Janoary 1961", "Henri Perrot (21 August 1883 – 1961, in Paris) was a French engineer who was one of the pioneers of the automobile industry from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. He holds numerous patents in the field of automotive drum/shoe braking." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "fr", "mg", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot", "Henri Perrot" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null ] }
20 MOMENTS IF IT WERE NOT FILMED, NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE! Check out these crazy moments if it were not filmed, no one would believe! . . 📌Subscribe to never miss a video! 🖤Leave a like if you enjoyed:)
'0.0': here are 20 moments you wouldn't believe '10.559': miss a video '11.599': alright let's get started world famous '126.88': check out this mesmerizing point of view '129.36': of a skilled pilot landing an '131.2': f a-18 fighter jet on an aircraft '14.719': contortionist sophie dossie presented '140.84': carrier '16.88': unbelievable skill '160.08': japanese baseball player shohei ohtani '162.72': hit the ball '163.44': so perfectly that this happened '178.959': in a college basketball game a cleaner '18.16': in her performance at the los angeles '181.04': was given the fright of his life '182.959': when the ball possession changed in an '184.72': instant he hilariously tried to escape '187.2': the team's attack '2.96': if not '20.32': staples center '200.0': check out this hilarious cctv footage of '203.12': a girl '203.599': trying to walk on an icy sidewalk '216.799': everybody loves attention even dogs '219.68': check out this dog pretending to have a '221.599': limp '222.08': and when a man came over to help the dog '224.48': got busted '235.68': a few years ago a japanese company built '238.0': an incredible natural instrument in the '240.08': middle of a lush forest in japan '242.319': their creation featured hundreds of '244.0': different sized pieces of wood '245.68': each sounding an individual note when '248.0': struck '248.72': a wooden ball then rolls down the '250.48': structure hitting every note '252.239': of a bach masterpiece '263.199': when a 7.1 scale earthquake struck this '266.24': couple's backyard pool '267.759': became a tsunami the woman's priority '270.639': was solely to save her '280.84': phone '286.72': florian kohler also known as venom trick '289.919': shots '290.56': showcases his mind-boggling pool trick '294.84': shots '3.6': filmed before we get started don't '316.88': when this guy tried to rest up against '318.8': the fence he got pretty unlucky '330.08': when nobody's watching we all tend to do '332.4': things we are not necessarily supposed '334.4': to '334.8': unfortunately for her a woman in the '337.039': ellen audience is '338.0': caught in the act of taking multiple '339.84': items from the free merchandise table '342.08': shortly after the woman is ridiculed by '344.479': ellen in front of the whole world '352.8': that's embarrassing and everything but '354.24': you know let that be a lesson to you '355.759': because you think '357.12': it is you think nobody's watching you '359.28': and you just need to be a good person '360.96': just sit in that l in jail over there '362.56': right now '366.0': in a rare football moment the pitch was '368.4': invaded by '369.28': three dogs the ball boys tried to chase '371.84': and catch the dogs '373.12': however one of the players seems to pick '375.12': a fight with a dog '376.4': he's most probably more of a cat person '388.88': in limbo dancers pass under a very low '391.44': bar and attempt not to dislodge it well '394.0': shamika charles decided to set a new '396.24': unique limbo world record when she '398.479': became the first person to successfully '400.8': limbo '401.44': under a car '407.28': when a ball boy refused to give the ball '409.12': to the keeper the keeper decided to pay '411.52': him back by doing this '428.08': over 300 drones flew over the seoul '430.319': olympic park '431.28': lighting up the night sky forming '433.199': colorful pictograms and messages of hope '435.759': organized by the south korean government '437.759': it was made in hopes of encouraging the '439.599': public to '440.319': overcome the difficulties of the '448.84': pandemic '454.96': after they scored a goal this ball boy '456.96': ran straight to the celebrating team '458.88': and got picked up by the striker what's '461.28': the craziest thing you've done when '462.96': celebrating '463.68': let us know in the comments '468.96': when a ball boy was embarrassed after '470.8': slipping while trying to return the ball '472.879': he decided to compensate and nutmeg the '476.84': goalkeeper '482.479': this fighter picked his opponent up and '484.4': appeared to drop him off in the corner '486.56': this actually counts as a clinch and was '488.639': not '488.96': penalized as a foul marine theme parks '492.72': are very often criticized for holding '494.72': dolphins captive in small '496.319': tanks which could not be good for them '498.319': well this company that makes hollywood '5.6': forget to like the video '500.16': props decided to build hyper-realistic '502.4': robotic dolphins that could replace '504.4': captive animals at marine parks '510.72': the downside however is that just one of '512.959': these robotic dolphins sells for up to '515.279': five '515.839': million dollars '524.0': which of these do you think was the best '525.92': let us know in the comments below '527.519': leave a like if you enjoyed it and don't '529.36': forget to subscribe to the channel with '53.28': an irish weather woman was reporting '531.2': notifications on to make sure you never '533.36': miss out on future videos thanks for '535.279': watching and we'll see you '536.64': in the next one '55.039': about a dramatic storm warning but it '57.12': was so windy that it almost sounded like '59.92': she was singing '6.96': and subscribe to the channel with '61.44': don't make unnecessary journeys '64.559': don't take risks on treacherous roads '67.119': don't make '67.84': unnecessary journeys don't take risks on '69.84': treacherous roads '71.2': and don't swim in the sea incredibly '74.72': here in blackrock and salt hill both '77.28': today '77.92': and yesterday ever heard the saying '8.48': notifications on to make sure you never '80.0': never underestimate a goat '81.759': no you probably haven't but they're '83.92': actually much smarter than you might '85.68': think '87.36': check out these alpine ibex scaling a '89.759': near vertical wall of an italian dam '92.56': and making it look like child's play
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "People awaiting to be fed with stew. Photo taken by 1st Australian Wireless Signal Squadron in Bijar", null, "Personas que esperan para recibir una ración de sopa o estofado. Foto tomada por el ejército australiano, 1er Escuadrón Australiano de Señal Inalámbrica en Bijar." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "The Persian famine of 1917–1919 was a period of widespread mass starvation and disease in Persia under rule of Qajar dynasty during World War I. The famine took place in the occupied territory of Iran that had declared neutrality. So far, few historians have researched the famine, making it an understudied subject of modern history.", "بیجار یکی از شهرهای استان کردستان، مرکز شهرستان بیجار و از قدیمی‌ترین شهرهای ایران است.", "La gran hambruna persa de 1917-1919 fue una hambruna en Irán durante el gobierno de la Dinastía Kayar que resultó en la muerte de un quinto de la población durante la Primera Guerra Mundial debido a inanición y cólera.​" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919 / Spread", "بیجار / تاریخ / تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919 / Propagación" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "fa", "es" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919", "بیجار", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Spread", "تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Propagación" ] }
Dinner for One with Freddie Frinton and May Warden
A classic old time comedy about a Butler serving dinner who gets increasingly drunk while serving drinks.
'101.36': yes I know I think we had Shetty with a '104.939': Shetty with the soup yes yes and by the '108.36': way the same procedure as last year I'm '111.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '114.06': James same procedure essentially uh '117.479': James and the Shetty '122.52': foreign '154.319': foreign '172.379': Schneider '186.78': Mr Pomeroy Happy New Year '193.64': and Dear Mr one winter box well here we '196.56': are again we all love it to me '203.599': you may now serve fish did you enjoy the '207.18': soup with Sophie delicious '215.64': okay foreign '226.14': white wine with the fish '228.42': the same procedure as last year Miss '231.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '233.819': James '235.799': 'yes' '238.14': same procedures every year '252.62': thank you '286.02': selfie '297.419': add little Von Schneider '316.34': Mr Pomeroy '318.66': happy doing yourself with Miguel '330.32': again I would love instrumental '343.56': s '364.4': that looks a very nice bird yes lovely '367.62': Bird yeah '374.12': same same '377.419': the same procedure as every year James '396.9': foreign '41.96': ah good evening Mr selfie good evening '433.919': thank you '437.599': Admiral Don Schneider '439.979': Chicago '44.52': good evening James you're looking very '46.98': well this evening Miss Sophie I'm '460.94': Mr winterbottom and it's one of the '464.699': nicest Little Women raised '479.96': you're so embrace '48.899': feeling very much better thank you James '487.199': my '489.479': way '50.719': so well I must say that everything looks '504.479': foreign '53.82': very nice thank you very much Miss '543.24': laughs '55.62': Sophie thank you is everybody here '57.36': they're all here waiting for you miss '576.24': foreign '59.46': Sophie yes sir Toby is sitting here in '606.86': Mr winterbott '610.5': foreign '63.0': Sophia's Admiral Von Schneider Admiral '649.88': I'll do my very best '65.939': Von Schneider is sitting here yes Mr '653.18': good night '68.7': Pomeroy Mr Pomeroy I put around here for '72.36': you and my very dear friend Mr '75.06': winterbottom on your right has requested '78.24': me Sophie thank you James you may now '81.06': serve the soup thank you Sophie it's all '83.64': ready for you some of your favorite soup '86.52': I believe '9.139': oh my God '91.28': thank you '95.72': oh yeah myself a little drop of '98.4': maligatoni soup
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "People awaiting to be fed with stew. Photo taken by 1st Australian Wireless Signal Squadron in Bijar", null, "Personas que esperan para recibir una ración de sopa o estofado. Foto tomada por el ejército australiano, 1er Escuadrón Australiano de Señal Inalámbrica en Bijar." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "The Persian famine of 1917–1919 was a period of widespread mass starvation and disease in Persia under rule of Qajar dynasty during World War I. The famine took place in the occupied territory of Iran that had declared neutrality. So far, few historians have researched the famine, making it an understudied subject of modern history.", "بیجار یکی از شهرهای استان کردستان، مرکز شهرستان بیجار و از قدیمی‌ترین شهرهای ایران است.", "La gran hambruna persa de 1917-1919 fue una hambruna en Irán durante el gobierno de la Dinastía Kayar que resultó en la muerte de un quinto de la población durante la Primera Guerra Mundial debido a inanición y cólera.​" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919 / Spread", "بیجار / تاریخ / تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919 / Propagación" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "fa", "es" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919", "بیجار", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Spread", "تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Propagación" ] }
Dinner for One with Freddie Frinton and May Warden
A classic old time comedy about a Butler serving dinner who gets increasingly drunk while serving drinks.
'101.36': yes I know I think we had Shetty with a '104.939': Shetty with the soup yes yes and by the '108.36': way the same procedure as last year I'm '111.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '114.06': James same procedure essentially uh '117.479': James and the Shetty '122.52': foreign '154.319': foreign '172.379': Schneider '186.78': Mr Pomeroy Happy New Year '193.64': and Dear Mr one winter box well here we '196.56': are again we all love it to me '203.599': you may now serve fish did you enjoy the '207.18': soup with Sophie delicious '215.64': okay foreign '226.14': white wine with the fish '228.42': the same procedure as last year Miss '231.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '233.819': James '235.799': 'yes' '238.14': same procedures every year '252.62': thank you '286.02': selfie '297.419': add little Von Schneider '316.34': Mr Pomeroy '318.66': happy doing yourself with Miguel '330.32': again I would love instrumental '343.56': s '364.4': that looks a very nice bird yes lovely '367.62': Bird yeah '374.12': same same '377.419': the same procedure as every year James '396.9': foreign '41.96': ah good evening Mr selfie good evening '433.919': thank you '437.599': Admiral Don Schneider '439.979': Chicago '44.52': good evening James you're looking very '46.98': well this evening Miss Sophie I'm '460.94': Mr winterbottom and it's one of the '464.699': nicest Little Women raised '479.96': you're so embrace '48.899': feeling very much better thank you James '487.199': my '489.479': way '50.719': so well I must say that everything looks '504.479': foreign '53.82': very nice thank you very much Miss '543.24': laughs '55.62': Sophie thank you is everybody here '57.36': they're all here waiting for you miss '576.24': foreign '59.46': Sophie yes sir Toby is sitting here in '606.86': Mr winterbott '610.5': foreign '63.0': Sophia's Admiral Von Schneider Admiral '649.88': I'll do my very best '65.939': Von Schneider is sitting here yes Mr '653.18': good night '68.7': Pomeroy Mr Pomeroy I put around here for '72.36': you and my very dear friend Mr '75.06': winterbottom on your right has requested '78.24': me Sophie thank you James you may now '81.06': serve the soup thank you Sophie it's all '83.64': ready for you some of your favorite soup '86.52': I believe '9.139': oh my God '91.28': thank you '95.72': oh yeah myself a little drop of '98.4': maligatoni soup
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "People awaiting to be fed with stew. Photo taken by 1st Australian Wireless Signal Squadron in Bijar", null, "Personas que esperan para recibir una ración de sopa o estofado. Foto tomada por el ejército australiano, 1er Escuadrón Australiano de Señal Inalámbrica en Bijar." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "The Persian famine of 1917–1919 was a period of widespread mass starvation and disease in Persia under rule of Qajar dynasty during World War I. The famine took place in the occupied territory of Iran that had declared neutrality. So far, few historians have researched the famine, making it an understudied subject of modern history.", "بیجار یکی از شهرهای استان کردستان، مرکز شهرستان بیجار و از قدیمی‌ترین شهرهای ایران است.", "La gran hambruna persa de 1917-1919 fue una hambruna en Irán durante el gobierno de la Dinastía Kayar que resultó en la muerte de un quinto de la población durante la Primera Guerra Mundial debido a inanición y cólera.​" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919 / Spread", "بیجار / تاریخ / تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919 / Propagación" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "fa", "es" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919", "بیجار", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Spread", "تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Propagación" ] }
Dinner for One with Freddie Frinton and May Warden
A classic old time comedy about a Butler serving dinner who gets increasingly drunk while serving drinks.
'101.36': yes I know I think we had Shetty with a '104.939': Shetty with the soup yes yes and by the '108.36': way the same procedure as last year I'm '111.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '114.06': James same procedure essentially uh '117.479': James and the Shetty '122.52': foreign '154.319': foreign '172.379': Schneider '186.78': Mr Pomeroy Happy New Year '193.64': and Dear Mr one winter box well here we '196.56': are again we all love it to me '203.599': you may now serve fish did you enjoy the '207.18': soup with Sophie delicious '215.64': okay foreign '226.14': white wine with the fish '228.42': the same procedure as last year Miss '231.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '233.819': James '235.799': 'yes' '238.14': same procedures every year '252.62': thank you '286.02': selfie '297.419': add little Von Schneider '316.34': Mr Pomeroy '318.66': happy doing yourself with Miguel '330.32': again I would love instrumental '343.56': s '364.4': that looks a very nice bird yes lovely '367.62': Bird yeah '374.12': same same '377.419': the same procedure as every year James '396.9': foreign '41.96': ah good evening Mr selfie good evening '433.919': thank you '437.599': Admiral Don Schneider '439.979': Chicago '44.52': good evening James you're looking very '46.98': well this evening Miss Sophie I'm '460.94': Mr winterbottom and it's one of the '464.699': nicest Little Women raised '479.96': you're so embrace '48.899': feeling very much better thank you James '487.199': my '489.479': way '50.719': so well I must say that everything looks '504.479': foreign '53.82': very nice thank you very much Miss '543.24': laughs '55.62': Sophie thank you is everybody here '57.36': they're all here waiting for you miss '576.24': foreign '59.46': Sophie yes sir Toby is sitting here in '606.86': Mr winterbott '610.5': foreign '63.0': Sophia's Admiral Von Schneider Admiral '649.88': I'll do my very best '65.939': Von Schneider is sitting here yes Mr '653.18': good night '68.7': Pomeroy Mr Pomeroy I put around here for '72.36': you and my very dear friend Mr '75.06': winterbottom on your right has requested '78.24': me Sophie thank you James you may now '81.06': serve the soup thank you Sophie it's all '83.64': ready for you some of your favorite soup '86.52': I believe '9.139': oh my God '91.28': thank you '95.72': oh yeah myself a little drop of '98.4': maligatoni soup
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "People awaiting to be fed with stew. Photo taken by 1st Australian Wireless Signal Squadron in Bijar", null, "Personas que esperan para recibir una ración de sopa o estofado. Foto tomada por el ejército australiano, 1er Escuadrón Australiano de Señal Inalámbrica en Bijar." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "The Persian famine of 1917–1919 was a period of widespread mass starvation and disease in Persia under rule of Qajar dynasty during World War I. The famine took place in the occupied territory of Iran that had declared neutrality. So far, few historians have researched the famine, making it an understudied subject of modern history.", "بیجار یکی از شهرهای استان کردستان، مرکز شهرستان بیجار و از قدیمی‌ترین شهرهای ایران است.", "La gran hambruna persa de 1917-1919 fue una hambruna en Irán durante el gobierno de la Dinastía Kayar que resultó en la muerte de un quinto de la población durante la Primera Guerra Mundial debido a inanición y cólera.​" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919 / Spread", "بیجار / تاریخ / تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919 / Propagación" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "fa", "es" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919", "بیجار", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Spread", "تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Propagación" ] }
Dinner for One with Freddie Frinton and May Warden
A classic old time comedy about a Butler serving dinner who gets increasingly drunk while serving drinks.
'101.36': yes I know I think we had Shetty with a '104.939': Shetty with the soup yes yes and by the '108.36': way the same procedure as last year I'm '111.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '114.06': James same procedure essentially uh '117.479': James and the Shetty '122.52': foreign '154.319': foreign '172.379': Schneider '186.78': Mr Pomeroy Happy New Year '193.64': and Dear Mr one winter box well here we '196.56': are again we all love it to me '203.599': you may now serve fish did you enjoy the '207.18': soup with Sophie delicious '215.64': okay foreign '226.14': white wine with the fish '228.42': the same procedure as last year Miss '231.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '233.819': James '235.799': 'yes' '238.14': same procedures every year '252.62': thank you '286.02': selfie '297.419': add little Von Schneider '316.34': Mr Pomeroy '318.66': happy doing yourself with Miguel '330.32': again I would love instrumental '343.56': s '364.4': that looks a very nice bird yes lovely '367.62': Bird yeah '374.12': same same '377.419': the same procedure as every year James '396.9': foreign '41.96': ah good evening Mr selfie good evening '433.919': thank you '437.599': Admiral Don Schneider '439.979': Chicago '44.52': good evening James you're looking very '46.98': well this evening Miss Sophie I'm '460.94': Mr winterbottom and it's one of the '464.699': nicest Little Women raised '479.96': you're so embrace '48.899': feeling very much better thank you James '487.199': my '489.479': way '50.719': so well I must say that everything looks '504.479': foreign '53.82': very nice thank you very much Miss '543.24': laughs '55.62': Sophie thank you is everybody here '57.36': they're all here waiting for you miss '576.24': foreign '59.46': Sophie yes sir Toby is sitting here in '606.86': Mr winterbott '610.5': foreign '63.0': Sophia's Admiral Von Schneider Admiral '649.88': I'll do my very best '65.939': Von Schneider is sitting here yes Mr '653.18': good night '68.7': Pomeroy Mr Pomeroy I put around here for '72.36': you and my very dear friend Mr '75.06': winterbottom on your right has requested '78.24': me Sophie thank you James you may now '81.06': serve the soup thank you Sophie it's all '83.64': ready for you some of your favorite soup '86.52': I believe '9.139': oh my God '91.28': thank you '95.72': oh yeah myself a little drop of '98.4': maligatoni soup
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "People awaiting to be fed with stew. Photo taken by 1st Australian Wireless Signal Squadron in Bijar", null, "Personas que esperan para recibir una ración de sopa o estofado. Foto tomada por el ejército australiano, 1er Escuadrón Australiano de Señal Inalámbrica en Bijar." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "The Persian famine of 1917–1919 was a period of widespread mass starvation and disease in Persia under rule of Qajar dynasty during World War I. The famine took place in the occupied territory of Iran that had declared neutrality. So far, few historians have researched the famine, making it an understudied subject of modern history.", "بیجار یکی از شهرهای استان کردستان، مرکز شهرستان بیجار و از قدیمی‌ترین شهرهای ایران است.", "La gran hambruna persa de 1917-1919 fue una hambruna en Irán durante el gobierno de la Dinastía Kayar que resultó en la muerte de un quinto de la población durante la Primera Guerra Mundial debido a inanición y cólera.​" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919 / Spread", "بیجار / تاریخ / تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919 / Propagación" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "fa", "es" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919", "بیجار", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Spread", "تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Propagación" ] }
Dinner for One with Freddie Frinton and May Warden
A classic old time comedy about a Butler serving dinner who gets increasingly drunk while serving drinks.
'101.36': yes I know I think we had Shetty with a '104.939': Shetty with the soup yes yes and by the '108.36': way the same procedure as last year I'm '111.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '114.06': James same procedure essentially uh '117.479': James and the Shetty '122.52': foreign '154.319': foreign '172.379': Schneider '186.78': Mr Pomeroy Happy New Year '193.64': and Dear Mr one winter box well here we '196.56': are again we all love it to me '203.599': you may now serve fish did you enjoy the '207.18': soup with Sophie delicious '215.64': okay foreign '226.14': white wine with the fish '228.42': the same procedure as last year Miss '231.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '233.819': James '235.799': 'yes' '238.14': same procedures every year '252.62': thank you '286.02': selfie '297.419': add little Von Schneider '316.34': Mr Pomeroy '318.66': happy doing yourself with Miguel '330.32': again I would love instrumental '343.56': s '364.4': that looks a very nice bird yes lovely '367.62': Bird yeah '374.12': same same '377.419': the same procedure as every year James '396.9': foreign '41.96': ah good evening Mr selfie good evening '433.919': thank you '437.599': Admiral Don Schneider '439.979': Chicago '44.52': good evening James you're looking very '46.98': well this evening Miss Sophie I'm '460.94': Mr winterbottom and it's one of the '464.699': nicest Little Women raised '479.96': you're so embrace '48.899': feeling very much better thank you James '487.199': my '489.479': way '50.719': so well I must say that everything looks '504.479': foreign '53.82': very nice thank you very much Miss '543.24': laughs '55.62': Sophie thank you is everybody here '57.36': they're all here waiting for you miss '576.24': foreign '59.46': Sophie yes sir Toby is sitting here in '606.86': Mr winterbott '610.5': foreign '63.0': Sophia's Admiral Von Schneider Admiral '649.88': I'll do my very best '65.939': Von Schneider is sitting here yes Mr '653.18': good night '68.7': Pomeroy Mr Pomeroy I put around here for '72.36': you and my very dear friend Mr '75.06': winterbottom on your right has requested '78.24': me Sophie thank you James you may now '81.06': serve the soup thank you Sophie it's all '83.64': ready for you some of your favorite soup '86.52': I believe '9.139': oh my God '91.28': thank you '95.72': oh yeah myself a little drop of '98.4': maligatoni soup
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "People awaiting to be fed with stew. Photo taken by 1st Australian Wireless Signal Squadron in Bijar", null, "Personas que esperan para recibir una ración de sopa o estofado. Foto tomada por el ejército australiano, 1er Escuadrón Australiano de Señal Inalámbrica en Bijar." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "The Persian famine of 1917–1919 was a period of widespread mass starvation and disease in Persia under rule of Qajar dynasty during World War I. The famine took place in the occupied territory of Iran that had declared neutrality. So far, few historians have researched the famine, making it an understudied subject of modern history.", "بیجار یکی از شهرهای استان کردستان، مرکز شهرستان بیجار و از قدیمی‌ترین شهرهای ایران است.", "La gran hambruna persa de 1917-1919 fue una hambruna en Irán durante el gobierno de la Dinastía Kayar que resultó en la muerte de un quinto de la población durante la Primera Guerra Mundial debido a inanición y cólera.​" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919 / Spread", "بیجار / تاریخ / تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919 / Propagación" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "fa", "es" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919", "بیجار", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Spread", "تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Propagación" ] }
Dinner for One with Freddie Frinton and May Warden
A classic old time comedy about a Butler serving dinner who gets increasingly drunk while serving drinks.
'101.36': yes I know I think we had Shetty with a '104.939': Shetty with the soup yes yes and by the '108.36': way the same procedure as last year I'm '111.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '114.06': James same procedure essentially uh '117.479': James and the Shetty '122.52': foreign '154.319': foreign '172.379': Schneider '186.78': Mr Pomeroy Happy New Year '193.64': and Dear Mr one winter box well here we '196.56': are again we all love it to me '203.599': you may now serve fish did you enjoy the '207.18': soup with Sophie delicious '215.64': okay foreign '226.14': white wine with the fish '228.42': the same procedure as last year Miss '231.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '233.819': James '235.799': 'yes' '238.14': same procedures every year '252.62': thank you '286.02': selfie '297.419': add little Von Schneider '316.34': Mr Pomeroy '318.66': happy doing yourself with Miguel '330.32': again I would love instrumental '343.56': s '364.4': that looks a very nice bird yes lovely '367.62': Bird yeah '374.12': same same '377.419': the same procedure as every year James '396.9': foreign '41.96': ah good evening Mr selfie good evening '433.919': thank you '437.599': Admiral Don Schneider '439.979': Chicago '44.52': good evening James you're looking very '46.98': well this evening Miss Sophie I'm '460.94': Mr winterbottom and it's one of the '464.699': nicest Little Women raised '479.96': you're so embrace '48.899': feeling very much better thank you James '487.199': my '489.479': way '50.719': so well I must say that everything looks '504.479': foreign '53.82': very nice thank you very much Miss '543.24': laughs '55.62': Sophie thank you is everybody here '57.36': they're all here waiting for you miss '576.24': foreign '59.46': Sophie yes sir Toby is sitting here in '606.86': Mr winterbott '610.5': foreign '63.0': Sophia's Admiral Von Schneider Admiral '649.88': I'll do my very best '65.939': Von Schneider is sitting here yes Mr '653.18': good night '68.7': Pomeroy Mr Pomeroy I put around here for '72.36': you and my very dear friend Mr '75.06': winterbottom on your right has requested '78.24': me Sophie thank you James you may now '81.06': serve the soup thank you Sophie it's all '83.64': ready for you some of your favorite soup '86.52': I believe '9.139': oh my God '91.28': thank you '95.72': oh yeah myself a little drop of '98.4': maligatoni soup
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "People awaiting to be fed with stew. Photo taken by 1st Australian Wireless Signal Squadron in Bijar", null, "Personas que esperan para recibir una ración de sopa o estofado. Foto tomada por el ejército australiano, 1er Escuadrón Australiano de Señal Inalámbrica en Bijar." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "The Persian famine of 1917–1919 was a period of widespread mass starvation and disease in Persia under rule of Qajar dynasty during World War I. The famine took place in the occupied territory of Iran that had declared neutrality. So far, few historians have researched the famine, making it an understudied subject of modern history.", "بیجار یکی از شهرهای استان کردستان، مرکز شهرستان بیجار و از قدیمی‌ترین شهرهای ایران است.", "La gran hambruna persa de 1917-1919 fue una hambruna en Irán durante el gobierno de la Dinastía Kayar que resultó en la muerte de un quinto de la población durante la Primera Guerra Mundial debido a inanición y cólera.​" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919 / Spread", "بیجار / تاریخ / تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919 / Propagación" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "fa", "es" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919", "بیجار", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Spread", "تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Propagación" ] }
Dinner for One with Freddie Frinton and May Warden
A classic old time comedy about a Butler serving dinner who gets increasingly drunk while serving drinks.
'101.36': yes I know I think we had Shetty with a '104.939': Shetty with the soup yes yes and by the '108.36': way the same procedure as last year I'm '111.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '114.06': James same procedure essentially uh '117.479': James and the Shetty '122.52': foreign '154.319': foreign '172.379': Schneider '186.78': Mr Pomeroy Happy New Year '193.64': and Dear Mr one winter box well here we '196.56': are again we all love it to me '203.599': you may now serve fish did you enjoy the '207.18': soup with Sophie delicious '215.64': okay foreign '226.14': white wine with the fish '228.42': the same procedure as last year Miss '231.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '233.819': James '235.799': 'yes' '238.14': same procedures every year '252.62': thank you '286.02': selfie '297.419': add little Von Schneider '316.34': Mr Pomeroy '318.66': happy doing yourself with Miguel '330.32': again I would love instrumental '343.56': s '364.4': that looks a very nice bird yes lovely '367.62': Bird yeah '374.12': same same '377.419': the same procedure as every year James '396.9': foreign '41.96': ah good evening Mr selfie good evening '433.919': thank you '437.599': Admiral Don Schneider '439.979': Chicago '44.52': good evening James you're looking very '46.98': well this evening Miss Sophie I'm '460.94': Mr winterbottom and it's one of the '464.699': nicest Little Women raised '479.96': you're so embrace '48.899': feeling very much better thank you James '487.199': my '489.479': way '50.719': so well I must say that everything looks '504.479': foreign '53.82': very nice thank you very much Miss '543.24': laughs '55.62': Sophie thank you is everybody here '57.36': they're all here waiting for you miss '576.24': foreign '59.46': Sophie yes sir Toby is sitting here in '606.86': Mr winterbott '610.5': foreign '63.0': Sophia's Admiral Von Schneider Admiral '649.88': I'll do my very best '65.939': Von Schneider is sitting here yes Mr '653.18': good night '68.7': Pomeroy Mr Pomeroy I put around here for '72.36': you and my very dear friend Mr '75.06': winterbottom on your right has requested '78.24': me Sophie thank you James you may now '81.06': serve the soup thank you Sophie it's all '83.64': ready for you some of your favorite soup '86.52': I believe '9.139': oh my God '91.28': thank you '95.72': oh yeah myself a little drop of '98.4': maligatoni soup
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "People awaiting to be fed with stew. Photo taken by 1st Australian Wireless Signal Squadron in Bijar", null, "Personas que esperan para recibir una ración de sopa o estofado. Foto tomada por el ejército australiano, 1er Escuadrón Australiano de Señal Inalámbrica en Bijar." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "The Persian famine of 1917–1919 was a period of widespread mass starvation and disease in Persia under rule of Qajar dynasty during World War I. The famine took place in the occupied territory of Iran that had declared neutrality. So far, few historians have researched the famine, making it an understudied subject of modern history.", "بیجار یکی از شهرهای استان کردستان، مرکز شهرستان بیجار و از قدیمی‌ترین شهرهای ایران است.", "La gran hambruna persa de 1917-1919 fue una hambruna en Irán durante el gobierno de la Dinastía Kayar que resultó en la muerte de un quinto de la población durante la Primera Guerra Mundial debido a inanición y cólera.​" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919 / Spread", "بیجار / تاریخ / تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919 / Propagación" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "fa", "es" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919", "بیجار", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Spread", "تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Propagación" ] }
Dinner for One with Freddie Frinton and May Warden
A classic old time comedy about a Butler serving dinner who gets increasingly drunk while serving drinks.
'101.36': yes I know I think we had Shetty with a '104.939': Shetty with the soup yes yes and by the '108.36': way the same procedure as last year I'm '111.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '114.06': James same procedure essentially uh '117.479': James and the Shetty '122.52': foreign '154.319': foreign '172.379': Schneider '186.78': Mr Pomeroy Happy New Year '193.64': and Dear Mr one winter box well here we '196.56': are again we all love it to me '203.599': you may now serve fish did you enjoy the '207.18': soup with Sophie delicious '215.64': okay foreign '226.14': white wine with the fish '228.42': the same procedure as last year Miss '231.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '233.819': James '235.799': 'yes' '238.14': same procedures every year '252.62': thank you '286.02': selfie '297.419': add little Von Schneider '316.34': Mr Pomeroy '318.66': happy doing yourself with Miguel '330.32': again I would love instrumental '343.56': s '364.4': that looks a very nice bird yes lovely '367.62': Bird yeah '374.12': same same '377.419': the same procedure as every year James '396.9': foreign '41.96': ah good evening Mr selfie good evening '433.919': thank you '437.599': Admiral Don Schneider '439.979': Chicago '44.52': good evening James you're looking very '46.98': well this evening Miss Sophie I'm '460.94': Mr winterbottom and it's one of the '464.699': nicest Little Women raised '479.96': you're so embrace '48.899': feeling very much better thank you James '487.199': my '489.479': way '50.719': so well I must say that everything looks '504.479': foreign '53.82': very nice thank you very much Miss '543.24': laughs '55.62': Sophie thank you is everybody here '57.36': they're all here waiting for you miss '576.24': foreign '59.46': Sophie yes sir Toby is sitting here in '606.86': Mr winterbott '610.5': foreign '63.0': Sophia's Admiral Von Schneider Admiral '649.88': I'll do my very best '65.939': Von Schneider is sitting here yes Mr '653.18': good night '68.7': Pomeroy Mr Pomeroy I put around here for '72.36': you and my very dear friend Mr '75.06': winterbottom on your right has requested '78.24': me Sophie thank you James you may now '81.06': serve the soup thank you Sophie it's all '83.64': ready for you some of your favorite soup '86.52': I believe '9.139': oh my God '91.28': thank you '95.72': oh yeah myself a little drop of '98.4': maligatoni soup
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "People awaiting to be fed with stew. Photo taken by 1st Australian Wireless Signal Squadron in Bijar", null, "Personas que esperan para recibir una ración de sopa o estofado. Foto tomada por el ejército australiano, 1er Escuadrón Australiano de Señal Inalámbrica en Bijar." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "The Persian famine of 1917–1919 was a period of widespread mass starvation and disease in Persia under rule of Qajar dynasty during World War I. The famine took place in the occupied territory of Iran that had declared neutrality. So far, few historians have researched the famine, making it an understudied subject of modern history.", "بیجار یکی از شهرهای استان کردستان، مرکز شهرستان بیجار و از قدیمی‌ترین شهرهای ایران است.", "La gran hambruna persa de 1917-1919 fue una hambruna en Irán durante el gobierno de la Dinastía Kayar que resultó en la muerte de un quinto de la población durante la Primera Guerra Mundial debido a inanición y cólera.​" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919 / Spread", "بیجار / تاریخ / تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919 / Propagación" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "fa", "es" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919", "بیجار", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Spread", "تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Propagación" ] }
Dinner for One with Freddie Frinton and May Warden
A classic old time comedy about a Butler serving dinner who gets increasingly drunk while serving drinks.
'101.36': yes I know I think we had Shetty with a '104.939': Shetty with the soup yes yes and by the '108.36': way the same procedure as last year I'm '111.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '114.06': James same procedure essentially uh '117.479': James and the Shetty '122.52': foreign '154.319': foreign '172.379': Schneider '186.78': Mr Pomeroy Happy New Year '193.64': and Dear Mr one winter box well here we '196.56': are again we all love it to me '203.599': you may now serve fish did you enjoy the '207.18': soup with Sophie delicious '215.64': okay foreign '226.14': white wine with the fish '228.42': the same procedure as last year Miss '231.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '233.819': James '235.799': 'yes' '238.14': same procedures every year '252.62': thank you '286.02': selfie '297.419': add little Von Schneider '316.34': Mr Pomeroy '318.66': happy doing yourself with Miguel '330.32': again I would love instrumental '343.56': s '364.4': that looks a very nice bird yes lovely '367.62': Bird yeah '374.12': same same '377.419': the same procedure as every year James '396.9': foreign '41.96': ah good evening Mr selfie good evening '433.919': thank you '437.599': Admiral Don Schneider '439.979': Chicago '44.52': good evening James you're looking very '46.98': well this evening Miss Sophie I'm '460.94': Mr winterbottom and it's one of the '464.699': nicest Little Women raised '479.96': you're so embrace '48.899': feeling very much better thank you James '487.199': my '489.479': way '50.719': so well I must say that everything looks '504.479': foreign '53.82': very nice thank you very much Miss '543.24': laughs '55.62': Sophie thank you is everybody here '57.36': they're all here waiting for you miss '576.24': foreign '59.46': Sophie yes sir Toby is sitting here in '606.86': Mr winterbott '610.5': foreign '63.0': Sophia's Admiral Von Schneider Admiral '649.88': I'll do my very best '65.939': Von Schneider is sitting here yes Mr '653.18': good night '68.7': Pomeroy Mr Pomeroy I put around here for '72.36': you and my very dear friend Mr '75.06': winterbottom on your right has requested '78.24': me Sophie thank you James you may now '81.06': serve the soup thank you Sophie it's all '83.64': ready for you some of your favorite soup '86.52': I believe '9.139': oh my God '91.28': thank you '95.72': oh yeah myself a little drop of '98.4': maligatoni soup
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "People awaiting to be fed with stew. Photo taken by 1st Australian Wireless Signal Squadron in Bijar", null, "Personas que esperan para recibir una ración de sopa o estofado. Foto tomada por el ejército australiano, 1er Escuadrón Australiano de Señal Inalámbrica en Bijar." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "The Persian famine of 1917–1919 was a period of widespread mass starvation and disease in Persia under rule of Qajar dynasty during World War I. The famine took place in the occupied territory of Iran that had declared neutrality. So far, few historians have researched the famine, making it an understudied subject of modern history.", "بیجار یکی از شهرهای استان کردستان، مرکز شهرستان بیجار و از قدیمی‌ترین شهرهای ایران است.", "La gran hambruna persa de 1917-1919 fue una hambruna en Irán durante el gobierno de la Dinastía Kayar que resultó en la muerte de un quinto de la población durante la Primera Guerra Mundial debido a inanición y cólera.​" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919 / Spread", "بیجار / تاریخ / تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919 / Propagación" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "fa", "es" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Persian famine of 1917–1919", "بیجار", "Hambruna persa de 1917-1919" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "Spread", "تصاویر بیجار در جنگ جهانی اول", "Propagación" ] }
Dinner for One with Freddie Frinton and May Warden
A classic old time comedy about a Butler serving dinner who gets increasingly drunk while serving drinks.
'101.36': yes I know I think we had Shetty with a '104.939': Shetty with the soup yes yes and by the '108.36': way the same procedure as last year I'm '111.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '114.06': James same procedure essentially uh '117.479': James and the Shetty '122.52': foreign '154.319': foreign '172.379': Schneider '186.78': Mr Pomeroy Happy New Year '193.64': and Dear Mr one winter box well here we '196.56': are again we all love it to me '203.599': you may now serve fish did you enjoy the '207.18': soup with Sophie delicious '215.64': okay foreign '226.14': white wine with the fish '228.42': the same procedure as last year Miss '231.54': Sophie same procedure as every year '233.819': James '235.799': 'yes' '238.14': same procedures every year '252.62': thank you '286.02': selfie '297.419': add little Von Schneider '316.34': Mr Pomeroy '318.66': happy doing yourself with Miguel '330.32': again I would love instrumental '343.56': s '364.4': that looks a very nice bird yes lovely '367.62': Bird yeah '374.12': same same '377.419': the same procedure as every year James '396.9': foreign '41.96': ah good evening Mr selfie good evening '433.919': thank you '437.599': Admiral Don Schneider '439.979': Chicago '44.52': good evening James you're looking very '46.98': well this evening Miss Sophie I'm '460.94': Mr winterbottom and it's one of the '464.699': nicest Little Women raised '479.96': you're so embrace '48.899': feeling very much better thank you James '487.199': my '489.479': way '50.719': so well I must say that everything looks '504.479': foreign '53.82': very nice thank you very much Miss '543.24': laughs '55.62': Sophie thank you is everybody here '57.36': they're all here waiting for you miss '576.24': foreign '59.46': Sophie yes sir Toby is sitting here in '606.86': Mr winterbott '610.5': foreign '63.0': Sophia's Admiral Von Schneider Admiral '649.88': I'll do my very best '65.939': Von Schneider is sitting here yes Mr '653.18': good night '68.7': Pomeroy Mr Pomeroy I put around here for '72.36': you and my very dear friend Mr '75.06': winterbottom on your right has requested '78.24': me Sophie thank you James you may now '81.06': serve the soup thank you Sophie it's all '83.64': ready for you some of your favorite soup '86.52': I believe '9.139': oh my God '91.28': thank you '95.72': oh yeah myself a little drop of '98.4': maligatoni soup
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "The quarters of Engine 235 and the Chief of the 57th Battalion, located in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The New York City Fire Department, like most fire departments around the world, is organized in a paramilitary fashion. Its organizational structure includes regional commands for various geographic areas within its jurisdiction, operational commands for units of different functions, and administrative units and offices for various administrative functions." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department / Fire Operations" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Fire Operations" ] }
The house that never sleeps: 24 hours with the FDNY
The FDNY granted us total access, spending twenty-four hours with the firefighters of Engine Company 255 and Ladder Company 157 in Brooklyn -- one of the busiest firehouses in New York. Eyewitness News reporter N.J. Burkett and photographer Josh Hartmann followed them on virtually every run. Check out more Eyewitness News - OUR SOCIAL MEDIA – FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAP: abc7ny PODCAST: None yet. Got an idea? NEW HERE? – Hi! We’re abc7NY, also known as Channel 7 on TV, home to Eyewitness News, New York’s Number 1 news. We hope you love us on YouTube as much as you do on television! NEW TIPS: Online: Phone: 917-260-7700 Email: [email protected]
'1.46': one successful is nothing better '101.95': impossible to breathe impossible to see '105.56': ensue the hallways lights out you can't '107.75': see anything and the people leaving '11.099': night we always have between a and B a C '110.679': another apartment we're overcome by the '112.97': smoke and we found them unconscious in '114.77': the hallway firefighters often work in '120.349': 24 hour shifts and Eyewitness News was '123.409': granted a rare inside look all day all '126.89': night all access in what may be the most '13.44': and D for the men of engine 255 and '130.64': challenging winter the FDNY has faced in '133.459': here with hydrants so frozen they use '136.849': road flares to thaw them out it's the '141.62': firehouse that never sleeps with some of '144.56': the most dedicated and upbeat '146.48': firefighters you'll find anywhere in '148.7': America the gear weighs nearly 100 '154.549': pounds from head to toe and when you run '157.13': into a burning building there's often so '159.019': much smoke you can't see much of '16.35': ladder 157 the next call could come in '161.12': anything '167.799': this drill makes the point I'm the '170.959': second man on the hose line wearing a '173.12': mask that simulates what I would see in '175.7': a real fire we grope our way into a '179.239': bedroom then we frantically followed the '186.26': hose line back out after reports that '19.56': an hour or two hours right now in just '190.519': the floor was collapsed follow me '194.73': huh Wow it's unbelievable I mean you '202.269': can't see a thing I mean I you can't see '206.379': that's what the real funs over '207.93': thank you your thing yeah it's it's '211.36': incredible it's a level responsibility '213.849': that that I think it's hard for most of '215.65': us to to wrap our arms around you know '218.68': do you second-guess yourself even then '221.17': the successful ones to second-guess '222.79': yourself that's the difficult part it's '226.599': you're making decisions that matter and '232.209': you're making them like this on what you '234.31': see and you can't go back there's no '236.29': timeouts and you have one second to make '238.829': and some fires stay with you for '242.799': firefighter patronage it's mid-rare '245.129': March of 2015 in the hole first was on '249.069': fire '250.049': I'll be honest with you get reports of '252.489': people trapped all the time and they '253.93': hang out there you know the one '255.519': neighbors like there's seven kids in '256.959': there and they're like there's no way '258.669': there's seven kids in there you know and '260.139': for the my portable adder up to the '262.21': bedroom window went in and there was a '264.61': kid laying on the floor so when you find '267.46': one yeah it's just surprise and then '269.08': when you find out there were seven it's '27.21': 52 seconds they're out the door and '270.639': you know it's brutal and I thought about '273.37': this fire for well over a year every day '275.82': every single day how do you how do you '279.669': get back on the rig and go back into it '283.3': the kitchen '284.98': kitchen fire sawzall problems the '288.01': kitchen is the heart of the firehouse '29.609': racing down Flatbush Avenue flames '290.02': part support group part comedy club '293.32': where they face their fears swap stories '296.35': and build the camaraderie and the '298.93': confidence to face the next fire we look '302.23': at each other it's like a sports team '303.64': when they say you know look to your left '305.14': look to your right look at the mini eye '306.43': that's to win a game you know when we're '308.8': doing that we're looking at it as he's '311.23': gonna give up everything for me if I'm '312.94': stuck for the civilians as well so it's '316.66': never about the individual it's about '318.76': everybody else '321.48': teamwork put to the test 19 and a half '324.67': hours into the shift '326.47': a burning row house on New York Avenue '329.82': ladder 157 arrives in two minutes and 20 '33.18': lighting up an apartment on the third '333.7': seconds smoke is pouring from the rear '336.46': as the second alarm units converge on '339.01': the scene and the firefighters push '341.65': their way toward the roaring flames you '345.28': can see they've got no time to waste '347.14': they're dragging the hose lines deeper '349.27': and deeper into the building because the '35.19': floor fire fighters converge on the '352.27': fire is spreading '356.58': it would take more than an hour to bring '359.22': the fire under control there's a lot of '361.74': fire a lot of heat it's going pretty '364.65': good '364.98': what about the visibility visibility is '368.4': nothing at all you couldn't see anything '370.17': you actually see orange flickers there '372.36': and you know at that point you gotta do '373.86': something you either gotta make a bowl '375.63': we got water on the floor '38.489': building '39.03': stretching hose lines through the '393.649': firefighter Ryan Rae pack was nearly '396.119': trapped when his right leg fell through '399.089': the floor got very hot very fast good '4.549': '- tragedy and I got a deal with it and' '40.649': streets of lifting ladders into the air '401.849': thing he's got all of this the best '407.009': people I have met my life do you have to '409.979': be a fireman to understand this do you '413.039': think yes you know when we bust each '414.899': other's chops sometimes it's very '416.459': aggressive but the reality is that '419.249': aggressive nature what it does it '422.339': develops affect skin so when you do '425.279': encounter these situations like you're '427.589': saying you're able to buffer that and '429.719': move forward and come into work the next '43.079': it happens next happens like clockwork '431.999': day what you try to achieve is for '436.409': somebody to say you're a good fireman '439.069': that's probably the biggest compliment '441.269': you can get and that don't come easy in '447.539': Flatbush Brooklyn and Jay Burke at '449.309': channel 7 Eyewitness News '46.379': the response is all carefully planned '49.079': and rehearsed the ladder companies come '51.48': in and set the ladders so they can make '54.239': their way into the building to rescue '56.579': anyone who may be trapped the engine '58.829': companies then are close behind them '60.96': with the hose lines searches are all '63.42': negative no injuries in the guys did a '65.28': great job the attack was so fast the '68.43': fire didn't even spread into the next '71.07': room if you have gotten here five '73.38': minutes later now it's not just the '75.659': newsroom it's in the entire apartment or '78.0': missing the apartment is cleaning out '79.71': into the hallway that's what happened '8.4': move on wide awake in the middle of the '83.11': the Brock's fire claimed the lives of 12 '86.27': people where the tenant left the door to '88.82': her burning apartment open allowing the '91.549': fire to spread throughout the building '93.89': the home even watches this woman in '96.17': Flatbush does the same thing in second '98.929': the hallway is filled with deadly smoke
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "The quarters of Engine 235 and the Chief of the 57th Battalion, located in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The New York City Fire Department, like most fire departments around the world, is organized in a paramilitary fashion. Its organizational structure includes regional commands for various geographic areas within its jurisdiction, operational commands for units of different functions, and administrative units and offices for various administrative functions." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department / Fire Operations" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Fire Operations" ] }
The house that never sleeps: 24 hours with the FDNY
The FDNY granted us total access, spending twenty-four hours with the firefighters of Engine Company 255 and Ladder Company 157 in Brooklyn -- one of the busiest firehouses in New York. Eyewitness News reporter N.J. Burkett and photographer Josh Hartmann followed them on virtually every run. Check out more Eyewitness News - OUR SOCIAL MEDIA – FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAP: abc7ny PODCAST: None yet. Got an idea? NEW HERE? – Hi! We’re abc7NY, also known as Channel 7 on TV, home to Eyewitness News, New York’s Number 1 news. We hope you love us on YouTube as much as you do on television! NEW TIPS: Online: Phone: 917-260-7700 Email: [email protected]
'1.46': one successful is nothing better '101.95': impossible to breathe impossible to see '105.56': ensue the hallways lights out you can't '107.75': see anything and the people leaving '11.099': night we always have between a and B a C '110.679': another apartment we're overcome by the '112.97': smoke and we found them unconscious in '114.77': the hallway firefighters often work in '120.349': 24 hour shifts and Eyewitness News was '123.409': granted a rare inside look all day all '126.89': night all access in what may be the most '13.44': and D for the men of engine 255 and '130.64': challenging winter the FDNY has faced in '133.459': here with hydrants so frozen they use '136.849': road flares to thaw them out it's the '141.62': firehouse that never sleeps with some of '144.56': the most dedicated and upbeat '146.48': firefighters you'll find anywhere in '148.7': America the gear weighs nearly 100 '154.549': pounds from head to toe and when you run '157.13': into a burning building there's often so '159.019': much smoke you can't see much of '16.35': ladder 157 the next call could come in '161.12': anything '167.799': this drill makes the point I'm the '170.959': second man on the hose line wearing a '173.12': mask that simulates what I would see in '175.7': a real fire we grope our way into a '179.239': bedroom then we frantically followed the '186.26': hose line back out after reports that '19.56': an hour or two hours right now in just '190.519': the floor was collapsed follow me '194.73': huh Wow it's unbelievable I mean you '202.269': can't see a thing I mean I you can't see '206.379': that's what the real funs over '207.93': thank you your thing yeah it's it's '211.36': incredible it's a level responsibility '213.849': that that I think it's hard for most of '215.65': us to to wrap our arms around you know '218.68': do you second-guess yourself even then '221.17': the successful ones to second-guess '222.79': yourself that's the difficult part it's '226.599': you're making decisions that matter and '232.209': you're making them like this on what you '234.31': see and you can't go back there's no '236.29': timeouts and you have one second to make '238.829': and some fires stay with you for '242.799': firefighter patronage it's mid-rare '245.129': March of 2015 in the hole first was on '249.069': fire '250.049': I'll be honest with you get reports of '252.489': people trapped all the time and they '253.93': hang out there you know the one '255.519': neighbors like there's seven kids in '256.959': there and they're like there's no way '258.669': there's seven kids in there you know and '260.139': for the my portable adder up to the '262.21': bedroom window went in and there was a '264.61': kid laying on the floor so when you find '267.46': one yeah it's just surprise and then '269.08': when you find out there were seven it's '27.21': 52 seconds they're out the door and '270.639': you know it's brutal and I thought about '273.37': this fire for well over a year every day '275.82': every single day how do you how do you '279.669': get back on the rig and go back into it '283.3': the kitchen '284.98': kitchen fire sawzall problems the '288.01': kitchen is the heart of the firehouse '29.609': racing down Flatbush Avenue flames '290.02': part support group part comedy club '293.32': where they face their fears swap stories '296.35': and build the camaraderie and the '298.93': confidence to face the next fire we look '302.23': at each other it's like a sports team '303.64': when they say you know look to your left '305.14': look to your right look at the mini eye '306.43': that's to win a game you know when we're '308.8': doing that we're looking at it as he's '311.23': gonna give up everything for me if I'm '312.94': stuck for the civilians as well so it's '316.66': never about the individual it's about '318.76': everybody else '321.48': teamwork put to the test 19 and a half '324.67': hours into the shift '326.47': a burning row house on New York Avenue '329.82': ladder 157 arrives in two minutes and 20 '33.18': lighting up an apartment on the third '333.7': seconds smoke is pouring from the rear '336.46': as the second alarm units converge on '339.01': the scene and the firefighters push '341.65': their way toward the roaring flames you '345.28': can see they've got no time to waste '347.14': they're dragging the hose lines deeper '349.27': and deeper into the building because the '35.19': floor fire fighters converge on the '352.27': fire is spreading '356.58': it would take more than an hour to bring '359.22': the fire under control there's a lot of '361.74': fire a lot of heat it's going pretty '364.65': good '364.98': what about the visibility visibility is '368.4': nothing at all you couldn't see anything '370.17': you actually see orange flickers there '372.36': and you know at that point you gotta do '373.86': something you either gotta make a bowl '375.63': we got water on the floor '38.489': building '39.03': stretching hose lines through the '393.649': firefighter Ryan Rae pack was nearly '396.119': trapped when his right leg fell through '399.089': the floor got very hot very fast good '4.549': '- tragedy and I got a deal with it and' '40.649': streets of lifting ladders into the air '401.849': thing he's got all of this the best '407.009': people I have met my life do you have to '409.979': be a fireman to understand this do you '413.039': think yes you know when we bust each '414.899': other's chops sometimes it's very '416.459': aggressive but the reality is that '419.249': aggressive nature what it does it '422.339': develops affect skin so when you do '425.279': encounter these situations like you're '427.589': saying you're able to buffer that and '429.719': move forward and come into work the next '43.079': it happens next happens like clockwork '431.999': day what you try to achieve is for '436.409': somebody to say you're a good fireman '439.069': that's probably the biggest compliment '441.269': you can get and that don't come easy in '447.539': Flatbush Brooklyn and Jay Burke at '449.309': channel 7 Eyewitness News '46.379': the response is all carefully planned '49.079': and rehearsed the ladder companies come '51.48': in and set the ladders so they can make '54.239': their way into the building to rescue '56.579': anyone who may be trapped the engine '58.829': companies then are close behind them '60.96': with the hose lines searches are all '63.42': negative no injuries in the guys did a '65.28': great job the attack was so fast the '68.43': fire didn't even spread into the next '71.07': room if you have gotten here five '73.38': minutes later now it's not just the '75.659': newsroom it's in the entire apartment or '78.0': missing the apartment is cleaning out '79.71': into the hallway that's what happened '8.4': move on wide awake in the middle of the '83.11': the Brock's fire claimed the lives of 12 '86.27': people where the tenant left the door to '88.82': her burning apartment open allowing the '91.549': fire to spread throughout the building '93.89': the home even watches this woman in '96.17': Flatbush does the same thing in second '98.929': the hallway is filled with deadly smoke
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "The quarters of Engine 235 and the Chief of the 57th Battalion, located in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The New York City Fire Department, like most fire departments around the world, is organized in a paramilitary fashion. Its organizational structure includes regional commands for various geographic areas within its jurisdiction, operational commands for units of different functions, and administrative units and offices for various administrative functions." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department / Fire Operations" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Fire Operations" ] }
The house that never sleeps: 24 hours with the FDNY
The FDNY granted us total access, spending twenty-four hours with the firefighters of Engine Company 255 and Ladder Company 157 in Brooklyn -- one of the busiest firehouses in New York. Eyewitness News reporter N.J. Burkett and photographer Josh Hartmann followed them on virtually every run. Check out more Eyewitness News - OUR SOCIAL MEDIA – FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAP: abc7ny PODCAST: None yet. Got an idea? NEW HERE? – Hi! We’re abc7NY, also known as Channel 7 on TV, home to Eyewitness News, New York’s Number 1 news. We hope you love us on YouTube as much as you do on television! NEW TIPS: Online: Phone: 917-260-7700 Email: [email protected]
'1.46': one successful is nothing better '101.95': impossible to breathe impossible to see '105.56': ensue the hallways lights out you can't '107.75': see anything and the people leaving '11.099': night we always have between a and B a C '110.679': another apartment we're overcome by the '112.97': smoke and we found them unconscious in '114.77': the hallway firefighters often work in '120.349': 24 hour shifts and Eyewitness News was '123.409': granted a rare inside look all day all '126.89': night all access in what may be the most '13.44': and D for the men of engine 255 and '130.64': challenging winter the FDNY has faced in '133.459': here with hydrants so frozen they use '136.849': road flares to thaw them out it's the '141.62': firehouse that never sleeps with some of '144.56': the most dedicated and upbeat '146.48': firefighters you'll find anywhere in '148.7': America the gear weighs nearly 100 '154.549': pounds from head to toe and when you run '157.13': into a burning building there's often so '159.019': much smoke you can't see much of '16.35': ladder 157 the next call could come in '161.12': anything '167.799': this drill makes the point I'm the '170.959': second man on the hose line wearing a '173.12': mask that simulates what I would see in '175.7': a real fire we grope our way into a '179.239': bedroom then we frantically followed the '186.26': hose line back out after reports that '19.56': an hour or two hours right now in just '190.519': the floor was collapsed follow me '194.73': huh Wow it's unbelievable I mean you '202.269': can't see a thing I mean I you can't see '206.379': that's what the real funs over '207.93': thank you your thing yeah it's it's '211.36': incredible it's a level responsibility '213.849': that that I think it's hard for most of '215.65': us to to wrap our arms around you know '218.68': do you second-guess yourself even then '221.17': the successful ones to second-guess '222.79': yourself that's the difficult part it's '226.599': you're making decisions that matter and '232.209': you're making them like this on what you '234.31': see and you can't go back there's no '236.29': timeouts and you have one second to make '238.829': and some fires stay with you for '242.799': firefighter patronage it's mid-rare '245.129': March of 2015 in the hole first was on '249.069': fire '250.049': I'll be honest with you get reports of '252.489': people trapped all the time and they '253.93': hang out there you know the one '255.519': neighbors like there's seven kids in '256.959': there and they're like there's no way '258.669': there's seven kids in there you know and '260.139': for the my portable adder up to the '262.21': bedroom window went in and there was a '264.61': kid laying on the floor so when you find '267.46': one yeah it's just surprise and then '269.08': when you find out there were seven it's '27.21': 52 seconds they're out the door and '270.639': you know it's brutal and I thought about '273.37': this fire for well over a year every day '275.82': every single day how do you how do you '279.669': get back on the rig and go back into it '283.3': the kitchen '284.98': kitchen fire sawzall problems the '288.01': kitchen is the heart of the firehouse '29.609': racing down Flatbush Avenue flames '290.02': part support group part comedy club '293.32': where they face their fears swap stories '296.35': and build the camaraderie and the '298.93': confidence to face the next fire we look '302.23': at each other it's like a sports team '303.64': when they say you know look to your left '305.14': look to your right look at the mini eye '306.43': that's to win a game you know when we're '308.8': doing that we're looking at it as he's '311.23': gonna give up everything for me if I'm '312.94': stuck for the civilians as well so it's '316.66': never about the individual it's about '318.76': everybody else '321.48': teamwork put to the test 19 and a half '324.67': hours into the shift '326.47': a burning row house on New York Avenue '329.82': ladder 157 arrives in two minutes and 20 '33.18': lighting up an apartment on the third '333.7': seconds smoke is pouring from the rear '336.46': as the second alarm units converge on '339.01': the scene and the firefighters push '341.65': their way toward the roaring flames you '345.28': can see they've got no time to waste '347.14': they're dragging the hose lines deeper '349.27': and deeper into the building because the '35.19': floor fire fighters converge on the '352.27': fire is spreading '356.58': it would take more than an hour to bring '359.22': the fire under control there's a lot of '361.74': fire a lot of heat it's going pretty '364.65': good '364.98': what about the visibility visibility is '368.4': nothing at all you couldn't see anything '370.17': you actually see orange flickers there '372.36': and you know at that point you gotta do '373.86': something you either gotta make a bowl '375.63': we got water on the floor '38.489': building '39.03': stretching hose lines through the '393.649': firefighter Ryan Rae pack was nearly '396.119': trapped when his right leg fell through '399.089': the floor got very hot very fast good '4.549': '- tragedy and I got a deal with it and' '40.649': streets of lifting ladders into the air '401.849': thing he's got all of this the best '407.009': people I have met my life do you have to '409.979': be a fireman to understand this do you '413.039': think yes you know when we bust each '414.899': other's chops sometimes it's very '416.459': aggressive but the reality is that '419.249': aggressive nature what it does it '422.339': develops affect skin so when you do '425.279': encounter these situations like you're '427.589': saying you're able to buffer that and '429.719': move forward and come into work the next '43.079': it happens next happens like clockwork '431.999': day what you try to achieve is for '436.409': somebody to say you're a good fireman '439.069': that's probably the biggest compliment '441.269': you can get and that don't come easy in '447.539': Flatbush Brooklyn and Jay Burke at '449.309': channel 7 Eyewitness News '46.379': the response is all carefully planned '49.079': and rehearsed the ladder companies come '51.48': in and set the ladders so they can make '54.239': their way into the building to rescue '56.579': anyone who may be trapped the engine '58.829': companies then are close behind them '60.96': with the hose lines searches are all '63.42': negative no injuries in the guys did a '65.28': great job the attack was so fast the '68.43': fire didn't even spread into the next '71.07': room if you have gotten here five '73.38': minutes later now it's not just the '75.659': newsroom it's in the entire apartment or '78.0': missing the apartment is cleaning out '79.71': into the hallway that's what happened '8.4': move on wide awake in the middle of the '83.11': the Brock's fire claimed the lives of 12 '86.27': people where the tenant left the door to '88.82': her burning apartment open allowing the '91.549': fire to spread throughout the building '93.89': the home even watches this woman in '96.17': Flatbush does the same thing in second '98.929': the hallway is filled with deadly smoke
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "The quarters of Engine 235 and the Chief of the 57th Battalion, located in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The New York City Fire Department, like most fire departments around the world, is organized in a paramilitary fashion. Its organizational structure includes regional commands for various geographic areas within its jurisdiction, operational commands for units of different functions, and administrative units and offices for various administrative functions." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department / Fire Operations" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Fire Operations" ] }
The house that never sleeps: 24 hours with the FDNY
The FDNY granted us total access, spending twenty-four hours with the firefighters of Engine Company 255 and Ladder Company 157 in Brooklyn -- one of the busiest firehouses in New York. Eyewitness News reporter N.J. Burkett and photographer Josh Hartmann followed them on virtually every run. Check out more Eyewitness News - OUR SOCIAL MEDIA – FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAP: abc7ny PODCAST: None yet. Got an idea? NEW HERE? – Hi! We’re abc7NY, also known as Channel 7 on TV, home to Eyewitness News, New York’s Number 1 news. We hope you love us on YouTube as much as you do on television! NEW TIPS: Online: Phone: 917-260-7700 Email: [email protected]
'1.46': one successful is nothing better '101.95': impossible to breathe impossible to see '105.56': ensue the hallways lights out you can't '107.75': see anything and the people leaving '11.099': night we always have between a and B a C '110.679': another apartment we're overcome by the '112.97': smoke and we found them unconscious in '114.77': the hallway firefighters often work in '120.349': 24 hour shifts and Eyewitness News was '123.409': granted a rare inside look all day all '126.89': night all access in what may be the most '13.44': and D for the men of engine 255 and '130.64': challenging winter the FDNY has faced in '133.459': here with hydrants so frozen they use '136.849': road flares to thaw them out it's the '141.62': firehouse that never sleeps with some of '144.56': the most dedicated and upbeat '146.48': firefighters you'll find anywhere in '148.7': America the gear weighs nearly 100 '154.549': pounds from head to toe and when you run '157.13': into a burning building there's often so '159.019': much smoke you can't see much of '16.35': ladder 157 the next call could come in '161.12': anything '167.799': this drill makes the point I'm the '170.959': second man on the hose line wearing a '173.12': mask that simulates what I would see in '175.7': a real fire we grope our way into a '179.239': bedroom then we frantically followed the '186.26': hose line back out after reports that '19.56': an hour or two hours right now in just '190.519': the floor was collapsed follow me '194.73': huh Wow it's unbelievable I mean you '202.269': can't see a thing I mean I you can't see '206.379': that's what the real funs over '207.93': thank you your thing yeah it's it's '211.36': incredible it's a level responsibility '213.849': that that I think it's hard for most of '215.65': us to to wrap our arms around you know '218.68': do you second-guess yourself even then '221.17': the successful ones to second-guess '222.79': yourself that's the difficult part it's '226.599': you're making decisions that matter and '232.209': you're making them like this on what you '234.31': see and you can't go back there's no '236.29': timeouts and you have one second to make '238.829': and some fires stay with you for '242.799': firefighter patronage it's mid-rare '245.129': March of 2015 in the hole first was on '249.069': fire '250.049': I'll be honest with you get reports of '252.489': people trapped all the time and they '253.93': hang out there you know the one '255.519': neighbors like there's seven kids in '256.959': there and they're like there's no way '258.669': there's seven kids in there you know and '260.139': for the my portable adder up to the '262.21': bedroom window went in and there was a '264.61': kid laying on the floor so when you find '267.46': one yeah it's just surprise and then '269.08': when you find out there were seven it's '27.21': 52 seconds they're out the door and '270.639': you know it's brutal and I thought about '273.37': this fire for well over a year every day '275.82': every single day how do you how do you '279.669': get back on the rig and go back into it '283.3': the kitchen '284.98': kitchen fire sawzall problems the '288.01': kitchen is the heart of the firehouse '29.609': racing down Flatbush Avenue flames '290.02': part support group part comedy club '293.32': where they face their fears swap stories '296.35': and build the camaraderie and the '298.93': confidence to face the next fire we look '302.23': at each other it's like a sports team '303.64': when they say you know look to your left '305.14': look to your right look at the mini eye '306.43': that's to win a game you know when we're '308.8': doing that we're looking at it as he's '311.23': gonna give up everything for me if I'm '312.94': stuck for the civilians as well so it's '316.66': never about the individual it's about '318.76': everybody else '321.48': teamwork put to the test 19 and a half '324.67': hours into the shift '326.47': a burning row house on New York Avenue '329.82': ladder 157 arrives in two minutes and 20 '33.18': lighting up an apartment on the third '333.7': seconds smoke is pouring from the rear '336.46': as the second alarm units converge on '339.01': the scene and the firefighters push '341.65': their way toward the roaring flames you '345.28': can see they've got no time to waste '347.14': they're dragging the hose lines deeper '349.27': and deeper into the building because the '35.19': floor fire fighters converge on the '352.27': fire is spreading '356.58': it would take more than an hour to bring '359.22': the fire under control there's a lot of '361.74': fire a lot of heat it's going pretty '364.65': good '364.98': what about the visibility visibility is '368.4': nothing at all you couldn't see anything '370.17': you actually see orange flickers there '372.36': and you know at that point you gotta do '373.86': something you either gotta make a bowl '375.63': we got water on the floor '38.489': building '39.03': stretching hose lines through the '393.649': firefighter Ryan Rae pack was nearly '396.119': trapped when his right leg fell through '399.089': the floor got very hot very fast good '4.549': '- tragedy and I got a deal with it and' '40.649': streets of lifting ladders into the air '401.849': thing he's got all of this the best '407.009': people I have met my life do you have to '409.979': be a fireman to understand this do you '413.039': think yes you know when we bust each '414.899': other's chops sometimes it's very '416.459': aggressive but the reality is that '419.249': aggressive nature what it does it '422.339': develops affect skin so when you do '425.279': encounter these situations like you're '427.589': saying you're able to buffer that and '429.719': move forward and come into work the next '43.079': it happens next happens like clockwork '431.999': day what you try to achieve is for '436.409': somebody to say you're a good fireman '439.069': that's probably the biggest compliment '441.269': you can get and that don't come easy in '447.539': Flatbush Brooklyn and Jay Burke at '449.309': channel 7 Eyewitness News '46.379': the response is all carefully planned '49.079': and rehearsed the ladder companies come '51.48': in and set the ladders so they can make '54.239': their way into the building to rescue '56.579': anyone who may be trapped the engine '58.829': companies then are close behind them '60.96': with the hose lines searches are all '63.42': negative no injuries in the guys did a '65.28': great job the attack was so fast the '68.43': fire didn't even spread into the next '71.07': room if you have gotten here five '73.38': minutes later now it's not just the '75.659': newsroom it's in the entire apartment or '78.0': missing the apartment is cleaning out '79.71': into the hallway that's what happened '8.4': move on wide awake in the middle of the '83.11': the Brock's fire claimed the lives of 12 '86.27': people where the tenant left the door to '88.82': her burning apartment open allowing the '91.549': fire to spread throughout the building '93.89': the home even watches this woman in '96.17': Flatbush does the same thing in second '98.929': the hallway is filled with deadly smoke
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "The quarters of Engine 235 and the Chief of the 57th Battalion, located in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The New York City Fire Department, like most fire departments around the world, is organized in a paramilitary fashion. Its organizational structure includes regional commands for various geographic areas within its jurisdiction, operational commands for units of different functions, and administrative units and offices for various administrative functions." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department / Fire Operations" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Fire Operations" ] }
The house that never sleeps: 24 hours with the FDNY
The FDNY granted us total access, spending twenty-four hours with the firefighters of Engine Company 255 and Ladder Company 157 in Brooklyn -- one of the busiest firehouses in New York. Eyewitness News reporter N.J. Burkett and photographer Josh Hartmann followed them on virtually every run. Check out more Eyewitness News - OUR SOCIAL MEDIA – FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAP: abc7ny PODCAST: None yet. Got an idea? NEW HERE? – Hi! We’re abc7NY, also known as Channel 7 on TV, home to Eyewitness News, New York’s Number 1 news. We hope you love us on YouTube as much as you do on television! NEW TIPS: Online: Phone: 917-260-7700 Email: [email protected]
'1.46': one successful is nothing better '101.95': impossible to breathe impossible to see '105.56': ensue the hallways lights out you can't '107.75': see anything and the people leaving '11.099': night we always have between a and B a C '110.679': another apartment we're overcome by the '112.97': smoke and we found them unconscious in '114.77': the hallway firefighters often work in '120.349': 24 hour shifts and Eyewitness News was '123.409': granted a rare inside look all day all '126.89': night all access in what may be the most '13.44': and D for the men of engine 255 and '130.64': challenging winter the FDNY has faced in '133.459': here with hydrants so frozen they use '136.849': road flares to thaw them out it's the '141.62': firehouse that never sleeps with some of '144.56': the most dedicated and upbeat '146.48': firefighters you'll find anywhere in '148.7': America the gear weighs nearly 100 '154.549': pounds from head to toe and when you run '157.13': into a burning building there's often so '159.019': much smoke you can't see much of '16.35': ladder 157 the next call could come in '161.12': anything '167.799': this drill makes the point I'm the '170.959': second man on the hose line wearing a '173.12': mask that simulates what I would see in '175.7': a real fire we grope our way into a '179.239': bedroom then we frantically followed the '186.26': hose line back out after reports that '19.56': an hour or two hours right now in just '190.519': the floor was collapsed follow me '194.73': huh Wow it's unbelievable I mean you '202.269': can't see a thing I mean I you can't see '206.379': that's what the real funs over '207.93': thank you your thing yeah it's it's '211.36': incredible it's a level responsibility '213.849': that that I think it's hard for most of '215.65': us to to wrap our arms around you know '218.68': do you second-guess yourself even then '221.17': the successful ones to second-guess '222.79': yourself that's the difficult part it's '226.599': you're making decisions that matter and '232.209': you're making them like this on what you '234.31': see and you can't go back there's no '236.29': timeouts and you have one second to make '238.829': and some fires stay with you for '242.799': firefighter patronage it's mid-rare '245.129': March of 2015 in the hole first was on '249.069': fire '250.049': I'll be honest with you get reports of '252.489': people trapped all the time and they '253.93': hang out there you know the one '255.519': neighbors like there's seven kids in '256.959': there and they're like there's no way '258.669': there's seven kids in there you know and '260.139': for the my portable adder up to the '262.21': bedroom window went in and there was a '264.61': kid laying on the floor so when you find '267.46': one yeah it's just surprise and then '269.08': when you find out there were seven it's '27.21': 52 seconds they're out the door and '270.639': you know it's brutal and I thought about '273.37': this fire for well over a year every day '275.82': every single day how do you how do you '279.669': get back on the rig and go back into it '283.3': the kitchen '284.98': kitchen fire sawzall problems the '288.01': kitchen is the heart of the firehouse '29.609': racing down Flatbush Avenue flames '290.02': part support group part comedy club '293.32': where they face their fears swap stories '296.35': and build the camaraderie and the '298.93': confidence to face the next fire we look '302.23': at each other it's like a sports team '303.64': when they say you know look to your left '305.14': look to your right look at the mini eye '306.43': that's to win a game you know when we're '308.8': doing that we're looking at it as he's '311.23': gonna give up everything for me if I'm '312.94': stuck for the civilians as well so it's '316.66': never about the individual it's about '318.76': everybody else '321.48': teamwork put to the test 19 and a half '324.67': hours into the shift '326.47': a burning row house on New York Avenue '329.82': ladder 157 arrives in two minutes and 20 '33.18': lighting up an apartment on the third '333.7': seconds smoke is pouring from the rear '336.46': as the second alarm units converge on '339.01': the scene and the firefighters push '341.65': their way toward the roaring flames you '345.28': can see they've got no time to waste '347.14': they're dragging the hose lines deeper '349.27': and deeper into the building because the '35.19': floor fire fighters converge on the '352.27': fire is spreading '356.58': it would take more than an hour to bring '359.22': the fire under control there's a lot of '361.74': fire a lot of heat it's going pretty '364.65': good '364.98': what about the visibility visibility is '368.4': nothing at all you couldn't see anything '370.17': you actually see orange flickers there '372.36': and you know at that point you gotta do '373.86': something you either gotta make a bowl '375.63': we got water on the floor '38.489': building '39.03': stretching hose lines through the '393.649': firefighter Ryan Rae pack was nearly '396.119': trapped when his right leg fell through '399.089': the floor got very hot very fast good '4.549': '- tragedy and I got a deal with it and' '40.649': streets of lifting ladders into the air '401.849': thing he's got all of this the best '407.009': people I have met my life do you have to '409.979': be a fireman to understand this do you '413.039': think yes you know when we bust each '414.899': other's chops sometimes it's very '416.459': aggressive but the reality is that '419.249': aggressive nature what it does it '422.339': develops affect skin so when you do '425.279': encounter these situations like you're '427.589': saying you're able to buffer that and '429.719': move forward and come into work the next '43.079': it happens next happens like clockwork '431.999': day what you try to achieve is for '436.409': somebody to say you're a good fireman '439.069': that's probably the biggest compliment '441.269': you can get and that don't come easy in '447.539': Flatbush Brooklyn and Jay Burke at '449.309': channel 7 Eyewitness News '46.379': the response is all carefully planned '49.079': and rehearsed the ladder companies come '51.48': in and set the ladders so they can make '54.239': their way into the building to rescue '56.579': anyone who may be trapped the engine '58.829': companies then are close behind them '60.96': with the hose lines searches are all '63.42': negative no injuries in the guys did a '65.28': great job the attack was so fast the '68.43': fire didn't even spread into the next '71.07': room if you have gotten here five '73.38': minutes later now it's not just the '75.659': newsroom it's in the entire apartment or '78.0': missing the apartment is cleaning out '79.71': into the hallway that's what happened '8.4': move on wide awake in the middle of the '83.11': the Brock's fire claimed the lives of 12 '86.27': people where the tenant left the door to '88.82': her burning apartment open allowing the '91.549': fire to spread throughout the building '93.89': the home even watches this woman in '96.17': Flatbush does the same thing in second '98.929': the hallway is filled with deadly smoke
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "The quarters of Engine 235 and the Chief of the 57th Battalion, located in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The New York City Fire Department, like most fire departments around the world, is organized in a paramilitary fashion. Its organizational structure includes regional commands for various geographic areas within its jurisdiction, operational commands for units of different functions, and administrative units and offices for various administrative functions." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department / Fire Operations" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Fire Operations" ] }
The house that never sleeps: 24 hours with the FDNY
The FDNY granted us total access, spending twenty-four hours with the firefighters of Engine Company 255 and Ladder Company 157 in Brooklyn -- one of the busiest firehouses in New York. Eyewitness News reporter N.J. Burkett and photographer Josh Hartmann followed them on virtually every run. Check out more Eyewitness News - OUR SOCIAL MEDIA – FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAP: abc7ny PODCAST: None yet. Got an idea? NEW HERE? – Hi! We’re abc7NY, also known as Channel 7 on TV, home to Eyewitness News, New York’s Number 1 news. We hope you love us on YouTube as much as you do on television! NEW TIPS: Online: Phone: 917-260-7700 Email: [email protected]
'1.46': one successful is nothing better '101.95': impossible to breathe impossible to see '105.56': ensue the hallways lights out you can't '107.75': see anything and the people leaving '11.099': night we always have between a and B a C '110.679': another apartment we're overcome by the '112.97': smoke and we found them unconscious in '114.77': the hallway firefighters often work in '120.349': 24 hour shifts and Eyewitness News was '123.409': granted a rare inside look all day all '126.89': night all access in what may be the most '13.44': and D for the men of engine 255 and '130.64': challenging winter the FDNY has faced in '133.459': here with hydrants so frozen they use '136.849': road flares to thaw them out it's the '141.62': firehouse that never sleeps with some of '144.56': the most dedicated and upbeat '146.48': firefighters you'll find anywhere in '148.7': America the gear weighs nearly 100 '154.549': pounds from head to toe and when you run '157.13': into a burning building there's often so '159.019': much smoke you can't see much of '16.35': ladder 157 the next call could come in '161.12': anything '167.799': this drill makes the point I'm the '170.959': second man on the hose line wearing a '173.12': mask that simulates what I would see in '175.7': a real fire we grope our way into a '179.239': bedroom then we frantically followed the '186.26': hose line back out after reports that '19.56': an hour or two hours right now in just '190.519': the floor was collapsed follow me '194.73': huh Wow it's unbelievable I mean you '202.269': can't see a thing I mean I you can't see '206.379': that's what the real funs over '207.93': thank you your thing yeah it's it's '211.36': incredible it's a level responsibility '213.849': that that I think it's hard for most of '215.65': us to to wrap our arms around you know '218.68': do you second-guess yourself even then '221.17': the successful ones to second-guess '222.79': yourself that's the difficult part it's '226.599': you're making decisions that matter and '232.209': you're making them like this on what you '234.31': see and you can't go back there's no '236.29': timeouts and you have one second to make '238.829': and some fires stay with you for '242.799': firefighter patronage it's mid-rare '245.129': March of 2015 in the hole first was on '249.069': fire '250.049': I'll be honest with you get reports of '252.489': people trapped all the time and they '253.93': hang out there you know the one '255.519': neighbors like there's seven kids in '256.959': there and they're like there's no way '258.669': there's seven kids in there you know and '260.139': for the my portable adder up to the '262.21': bedroom window went in and there was a '264.61': kid laying on the floor so when you find '267.46': one yeah it's just surprise and then '269.08': when you find out there were seven it's '27.21': 52 seconds they're out the door and '270.639': you know it's brutal and I thought about '273.37': this fire for well over a year every day '275.82': every single day how do you how do you '279.669': get back on the rig and go back into it '283.3': the kitchen '284.98': kitchen fire sawzall problems the '288.01': kitchen is the heart of the firehouse '29.609': racing down Flatbush Avenue flames '290.02': part support group part comedy club '293.32': where they face their fears swap stories '296.35': and build the camaraderie and the '298.93': confidence to face the next fire we look '302.23': at each other it's like a sports team '303.64': when they say you know look to your left '305.14': look to your right look at the mini eye '306.43': that's to win a game you know when we're '308.8': doing that we're looking at it as he's '311.23': gonna give up everything for me if I'm '312.94': stuck for the civilians as well so it's '316.66': never about the individual it's about '318.76': everybody else '321.48': teamwork put to the test 19 and a half '324.67': hours into the shift '326.47': a burning row house on New York Avenue '329.82': ladder 157 arrives in two minutes and 20 '33.18': lighting up an apartment on the third '333.7': seconds smoke is pouring from the rear '336.46': as the second alarm units converge on '339.01': the scene and the firefighters push '341.65': their way toward the roaring flames you '345.28': can see they've got no time to waste '347.14': they're dragging the hose lines deeper '349.27': and deeper into the building because the '35.19': floor fire fighters converge on the '352.27': fire is spreading '356.58': it would take more than an hour to bring '359.22': the fire under control there's a lot of '361.74': fire a lot of heat it's going pretty '364.65': good '364.98': what about the visibility visibility is '368.4': nothing at all you couldn't see anything '370.17': you actually see orange flickers there '372.36': and you know at that point you gotta do '373.86': something you either gotta make a bowl '375.63': we got water on the floor '38.489': building '39.03': stretching hose lines through the '393.649': firefighter Ryan Rae pack was nearly '396.119': trapped when his right leg fell through '399.089': the floor got very hot very fast good '4.549': '- tragedy and I got a deal with it and' '40.649': streets of lifting ladders into the air '401.849': thing he's got all of this the best '407.009': people I have met my life do you have to '409.979': be a fireman to understand this do you '413.039': think yes you know when we bust each '414.899': other's chops sometimes it's very '416.459': aggressive but the reality is that '419.249': aggressive nature what it does it '422.339': develops affect skin so when you do '425.279': encounter these situations like you're '427.589': saying you're able to buffer that and '429.719': move forward and come into work the next '43.079': it happens next happens like clockwork '431.999': day what you try to achieve is for '436.409': somebody to say you're a good fireman '439.069': that's probably the biggest compliment '441.269': you can get and that don't come easy in '447.539': Flatbush Brooklyn and Jay Burke at '449.309': channel 7 Eyewitness News '46.379': the response is all carefully planned '49.079': and rehearsed the ladder companies come '51.48': in and set the ladders so they can make '54.239': their way into the building to rescue '56.579': anyone who may be trapped the engine '58.829': companies then are close behind them '60.96': with the hose lines searches are all '63.42': negative no injuries in the guys did a '65.28': great job the attack was so fast the '68.43': fire didn't even spread into the next '71.07': room if you have gotten here five '73.38': minutes later now it's not just the '75.659': newsroom it's in the entire apartment or '78.0': missing the apartment is cleaning out '79.71': into the hallway that's what happened '8.4': move on wide awake in the middle of the '83.11': the Brock's fire claimed the lives of 12 '86.27': people where the tenant left the door to '88.82': her burning apartment open allowing the '91.549': fire to spread throughout the building '93.89': the home even watches this woman in '96.17': Flatbush does the same thing in second '98.929': the hallway is filled with deadly smoke
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "The quarters of Engine 235 and the Chief of the 57th Battalion, located in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The New York City Fire Department, like most fire departments around the world, is organized in a paramilitary fashion. Its organizational structure includes regional commands for various geographic areas within its jurisdiction, operational commands for units of different functions, and administrative units and offices for various administrative functions." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department / Fire Operations" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Fire Operations" ] }
The house that never sleeps: 24 hours with the FDNY
The FDNY granted us total access, spending twenty-four hours with the firefighters of Engine Company 255 and Ladder Company 157 in Brooklyn -- one of the busiest firehouses in New York. Eyewitness News reporter N.J. Burkett and photographer Josh Hartmann followed them on virtually every run. Check out more Eyewitness News - OUR SOCIAL MEDIA – FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAP: abc7ny PODCAST: None yet. Got an idea? NEW HERE? – Hi! We’re abc7NY, also known as Channel 7 on TV, home to Eyewitness News, New York’s Number 1 news. We hope you love us on YouTube as much as you do on television! NEW TIPS: Online: Phone: 917-260-7700 Email: [email protected]
'1.46': one successful is nothing better '101.95': impossible to breathe impossible to see '105.56': ensue the hallways lights out you can't '107.75': see anything and the people leaving '11.099': night we always have between a and B a C '110.679': another apartment we're overcome by the '112.97': smoke and we found them unconscious in '114.77': the hallway firefighters often work in '120.349': 24 hour shifts and Eyewitness News was '123.409': granted a rare inside look all day all '126.89': night all access in what may be the most '13.44': and D for the men of engine 255 and '130.64': challenging winter the FDNY has faced in '133.459': here with hydrants so frozen they use '136.849': road flares to thaw them out it's the '141.62': firehouse that never sleeps with some of '144.56': the most dedicated and upbeat '146.48': firefighters you'll find anywhere in '148.7': America the gear weighs nearly 100 '154.549': pounds from head to toe and when you run '157.13': into a burning building there's often so '159.019': much smoke you can't see much of '16.35': ladder 157 the next call could come in '161.12': anything '167.799': this drill makes the point I'm the '170.959': second man on the hose line wearing a '173.12': mask that simulates what I would see in '175.7': a real fire we grope our way into a '179.239': bedroom then we frantically followed the '186.26': hose line back out after reports that '19.56': an hour or two hours right now in just '190.519': the floor was collapsed follow me '194.73': huh Wow it's unbelievable I mean you '202.269': can't see a thing I mean I you can't see '206.379': that's what the real funs over '207.93': thank you your thing yeah it's it's '211.36': incredible it's a level responsibility '213.849': that that I think it's hard for most of '215.65': us to to wrap our arms around you know '218.68': do you second-guess yourself even then '221.17': the successful ones to second-guess '222.79': yourself that's the difficult part it's '226.599': you're making decisions that matter and '232.209': you're making them like this on what you '234.31': see and you can't go back there's no '236.29': timeouts and you have one second to make '238.829': and some fires stay with you for '242.799': firefighter patronage it's mid-rare '245.129': March of 2015 in the hole first was on '249.069': fire '250.049': I'll be honest with you get reports of '252.489': people trapped all the time and they '253.93': hang out there you know the one '255.519': neighbors like there's seven kids in '256.959': there and they're like there's no way '258.669': there's seven kids in there you know and '260.139': for the my portable adder up to the '262.21': bedroom window went in and there was a '264.61': kid laying on the floor so when you find '267.46': one yeah it's just surprise and then '269.08': when you find out there were seven it's '27.21': 52 seconds they're out the door and '270.639': you know it's brutal and I thought about '273.37': this fire for well over a year every day '275.82': every single day how do you how do you '279.669': get back on the rig and go back into it '283.3': the kitchen '284.98': kitchen fire sawzall problems the '288.01': kitchen is the heart of the firehouse '29.609': racing down Flatbush Avenue flames '290.02': part support group part comedy club '293.32': where they face their fears swap stories '296.35': and build the camaraderie and the '298.93': confidence to face the next fire we look '302.23': at each other it's like a sports team '303.64': when they say you know look to your left '305.14': look to your right look at the mini eye '306.43': that's to win a game you know when we're '308.8': doing that we're looking at it as he's '311.23': gonna give up everything for me if I'm '312.94': stuck for the civilians as well so it's '316.66': never about the individual it's about '318.76': everybody else '321.48': teamwork put to the test 19 and a half '324.67': hours into the shift '326.47': a burning row house on New York Avenue '329.82': ladder 157 arrives in two minutes and 20 '33.18': lighting up an apartment on the third '333.7': seconds smoke is pouring from the rear '336.46': as the second alarm units converge on '339.01': the scene and the firefighters push '341.65': their way toward the roaring flames you '345.28': can see they've got no time to waste '347.14': they're dragging the hose lines deeper '349.27': and deeper into the building because the '35.19': floor fire fighters converge on the '352.27': fire is spreading '356.58': it would take more than an hour to bring '359.22': the fire under control there's a lot of '361.74': fire a lot of heat it's going pretty '364.65': good '364.98': what about the visibility visibility is '368.4': nothing at all you couldn't see anything '370.17': you actually see orange flickers there '372.36': and you know at that point you gotta do '373.86': something you either gotta make a bowl '375.63': we got water on the floor '38.489': building '39.03': stretching hose lines through the '393.649': firefighter Ryan Rae pack was nearly '396.119': trapped when his right leg fell through '399.089': the floor got very hot very fast good '4.549': '- tragedy and I got a deal with it and' '40.649': streets of lifting ladders into the air '401.849': thing he's got all of this the best '407.009': people I have met my life do you have to '409.979': be a fireman to understand this do you '413.039': think yes you know when we bust each '414.899': other's chops sometimes it's very '416.459': aggressive but the reality is that '419.249': aggressive nature what it does it '422.339': develops affect skin so when you do '425.279': encounter these situations like you're '427.589': saying you're able to buffer that and '429.719': move forward and come into work the next '43.079': it happens next happens like clockwork '431.999': day what you try to achieve is for '436.409': somebody to say you're a good fireman '439.069': that's probably the biggest compliment '441.269': you can get and that don't come easy in '447.539': Flatbush Brooklyn and Jay Burke at '449.309': channel 7 Eyewitness News '46.379': the response is all carefully planned '49.079': and rehearsed the ladder companies come '51.48': in and set the ladders so they can make '54.239': their way into the building to rescue '56.579': anyone who may be trapped the engine '58.829': companies then are close behind them '60.96': with the hose lines searches are all '63.42': negative no injuries in the guys did a '65.28': great job the attack was so fast the '68.43': fire didn't even spread into the next '71.07': room if you have gotten here five '73.38': minutes later now it's not just the '75.659': newsroom it's in the entire apartment or '78.0': missing the apartment is cleaning out '79.71': into the hallway that's what happened '8.4': move on wide awake in the middle of the '83.11': the Brock's fire claimed the lives of 12 '86.27': people where the tenant left the door to '88.82': her burning apartment open allowing the '91.549': fire to spread throughout the building '93.89': the home even watches this woman in '96.17': Flatbush does the same thing in second '98.929': the hallway is filled with deadly smoke
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "The quarters of Engine 235 and the Chief of the 57th Battalion, located in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The New York City Fire Department, like most fire departments around the world, is organized in a paramilitary fashion. Its organizational structure includes regional commands for various geographic areas within its jurisdiction, operational commands for units of different functions, and administrative units and offices for various administrative functions." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department / Fire Operations" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Fire Operations" ] }
The house that never sleeps: 24 hours with the FDNY
The FDNY granted us total access, spending twenty-four hours with the firefighters of Engine Company 255 and Ladder Company 157 in Brooklyn -- one of the busiest firehouses in New York. Eyewitness News reporter N.J. Burkett and photographer Josh Hartmann followed them on virtually every run. Check out more Eyewitness News - OUR SOCIAL MEDIA – FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAP: abc7ny PODCAST: None yet. Got an idea? NEW HERE? – Hi! We’re abc7NY, also known as Channel 7 on TV, home to Eyewitness News, New York’s Number 1 news. We hope you love us on YouTube as much as you do on television! NEW TIPS: Online: Phone: 917-260-7700 Email: [email protected]
'1.46': one successful is nothing better '101.95': impossible to breathe impossible to see '105.56': ensue the hallways lights out you can't '107.75': see anything and the people leaving '11.099': night we always have between a and B a C '110.679': another apartment we're overcome by the '112.97': smoke and we found them unconscious in '114.77': the hallway firefighters often work in '120.349': 24 hour shifts and Eyewitness News was '123.409': granted a rare inside look all day all '126.89': night all access in what may be the most '13.44': and D for the men of engine 255 and '130.64': challenging winter the FDNY has faced in '133.459': here with hydrants so frozen they use '136.849': road flares to thaw them out it's the '141.62': firehouse that never sleeps with some of '144.56': the most dedicated and upbeat '146.48': firefighters you'll find anywhere in '148.7': America the gear weighs nearly 100 '154.549': pounds from head to toe and when you run '157.13': into a burning building there's often so '159.019': much smoke you can't see much of '16.35': ladder 157 the next call could come in '161.12': anything '167.799': this drill makes the point I'm the '170.959': second man on the hose line wearing a '173.12': mask that simulates what I would see in '175.7': a real fire we grope our way into a '179.239': bedroom then we frantically followed the '186.26': hose line back out after reports that '19.56': an hour or two hours right now in just '190.519': the floor was collapsed follow me '194.73': huh Wow it's unbelievable I mean you '202.269': can't see a thing I mean I you can't see '206.379': that's what the real funs over '207.93': thank you your thing yeah it's it's '211.36': incredible it's a level responsibility '213.849': that that I think it's hard for most of '215.65': us to to wrap our arms around you know '218.68': do you second-guess yourself even then '221.17': the successful ones to second-guess '222.79': yourself that's the difficult part it's '226.599': you're making decisions that matter and '232.209': you're making them like this on what you '234.31': see and you can't go back there's no '236.29': timeouts and you have one second to make '238.829': and some fires stay with you for '242.799': firefighter patronage it's mid-rare '245.129': March of 2015 in the hole first was on '249.069': fire '250.049': I'll be honest with you get reports of '252.489': people trapped all the time and they '253.93': hang out there you know the one '255.519': neighbors like there's seven kids in '256.959': there and they're like there's no way '258.669': there's seven kids in there you know and '260.139': for the my portable adder up to the '262.21': bedroom window went in and there was a '264.61': kid laying on the floor so when you find '267.46': one yeah it's just surprise and then '269.08': when you find out there were seven it's '27.21': 52 seconds they're out the door and '270.639': you know it's brutal and I thought about '273.37': this fire for well over a year every day '275.82': every single day how do you how do you '279.669': get back on the rig and go back into it '283.3': the kitchen '284.98': kitchen fire sawzall problems the '288.01': kitchen is the heart of the firehouse '29.609': racing down Flatbush Avenue flames '290.02': part support group part comedy club '293.32': where they face their fears swap stories '296.35': and build the camaraderie and the '298.93': confidence to face the next fire we look '302.23': at each other it's like a sports team '303.64': when they say you know look to your left '305.14': look to your right look at the mini eye '306.43': that's to win a game you know when we're '308.8': doing that we're looking at it as he's '311.23': gonna give up everything for me if I'm '312.94': stuck for the civilians as well so it's '316.66': never about the individual it's about '318.76': everybody else '321.48': teamwork put to the test 19 and a half '324.67': hours into the shift '326.47': a burning row house on New York Avenue '329.82': ladder 157 arrives in two minutes and 20 '33.18': lighting up an apartment on the third '333.7': seconds smoke is pouring from the rear '336.46': as the second alarm units converge on '339.01': the scene and the firefighters push '341.65': their way toward the roaring flames you '345.28': can see they've got no time to waste '347.14': they're dragging the hose lines deeper '349.27': and deeper into the building because the '35.19': floor fire fighters converge on the '352.27': fire is spreading '356.58': it would take more than an hour to bring '359.22': the fire under control there's a lot of '361.74': fire a lot of heat it's going pretty '364.65': good '364.98': what about the visibility visibility is '368.4': nothing at all you couldn't see anything '370.17': you actually see orange flickers there '372.36': and you know at that point you gotta do '373.86': something you either gotta make a bowl '375.63': we got water on the floor '38.489': building '39.03': stretching hose lines through the '393.649': firefighter Ryan Rae pack was nearly '396.119': trapped when his right leg fell through '399.089': the floor got very hot very fast good '4.549': '- tragedy and I got a deal with it and' '40.649': streets of lifting ladders into the air '401.849': thing he's got all of this the best '407.009': people I have met my life do you have to '409.979': be a fireman to understand this do you '413.039': think yes you know when we bust each '414.899': other's chops sometimes it's very '416.459': aggressive but the reality is that '419.249': aggressive nature what it does it '422.339': develops affect skin so when you do '425.279': encounter these situations like you're '427.589': saying you're able to buffer that and '429.719': move forward and come into work the next '43.079': it happens next happens like clockwork '431.999': day what you try to achieve is for '436.409': somebody to say you're a good fireman '439.069': that's probably the biggest compliment '441.269': you can get and that don't come easy in '447.539': Flatbush Brooklyn and Jay Burke at '449.309': channel 7 Eyewitness News '46.379': the response is all carefully planned '49.079': and rehearsed the ladder companies come '51.48': in and set the ladders so they can make '54.239': their way into the building to rescue '56.579': anyone who may be trapped the engine '58.829': companies then are close behind them '60.96': with the hose lines searches are all '63.42': negative no injuries in the guys did a '65.28': great job the attack was so fast the '68.43': fire didn't even spread into the next '71.07': room if you have gotten here five '73.38': minutes later now it's not just the '75.659': newsroom it's in the entire apartment or '78.0': missing the apartment is cleaning out '79.71': into the hallway that's what happened '8.4': move on wide awake in the middle of the '83.11': the Brock's fire claimed the lives of 12 '86.27': people where the tenant left the door to '88.82': her burning apartment open allowing the '91.549': fire to spread throughout the building '93.89': the home even watches this woman in '96.17': Flatbush does the same thing in second '98.929': the hallway is filled with deadly smoke
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "The quarters of Engine 235 and the Chief of the 57th Battalion, located in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The New York City Fire Department, like most fire departments around the world, is organized in a paramilitary fashion. Its organizational structure includes regional commands for various geographic areas within its jurisdiction, operational commands for units of different functions, and administrative units and offices for various administrative functions." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department / Fire Operations" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Fire Operations" ] }
The house that never sleeps: 24 hours with the FDNY
The FDNY granted us total access, spending twenty-four hours with the firefighters of Engine Company 255 and Ladder Company 157 in Brooklyn -- one of the busiest firehouses in New York. Eyewitness News reporter N.J. Burkett and photographer Josh Hartmann followed them on virtually every run. Check out more Eyewitness News - OUR SOCIAL MEDIA – FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAP: abc7ny PODCAST: None yet. Got an idea? NEW HERE? – Hi! We’re abc7NY, also known as Channel 7 on TV, home to Eyewitness News, New York’s Number 1 news. We hope you love us on YouTube as much as you do on television! NEW TIPS: Online: Phone: 917-260-7700 Email: [email protected]
'1.46': one successful is nothing better '101.95': impossible to breathe impossible to see '105.56': ensue the hallways lights out you can't '107.75': see anything and the people leaving '11.099': night we always have between a and B a C '110.679': another apartment we're overcome by the '112.97': smoke and we found them unconscious in '114.77': the hallway firefighters often work in '120.349': 24 hour shifts and Eyewitness News was '123.409': granted a rare inside look all day all '126.89': night all access in what may be the most '13.44': and D for the men of engine 255 and '130.64': challenging winter the FDNY has faced in '133.459': here with hydrants so frozen they use '136.849': road flares to thaw them out it's the '141.62': firehouse that never sleeps with some of '144.56': the most dedicated and upbeat '146.48': firefighters you'll find anywhere in '148.7': America the gear weighs nearly 100 '154.549': pounds from head to toe and when you run '157.13': into a burning building there's often so '159.019': much smoke you can't see much of '16.35': ladder 157 the next call could come in '161.12': anything '167.799': this drill makes the point I'm the '170.959': second man on the hose line wearing a '173.12': mask that simulates what I would see in '175.7': a real fire we grope our way into a '179.239': bedroom then we frantically followed the '186.26': hose line back out after reports that '19.56': an hour or two hours right now in just '190.519': the floor was collapsed follow me '194.73': huh Wow it's unbelievable I mean you '202.269': can't see a thing I mean I you can't see '206.379': that's what the real funs over '207.93': thank you your thing yeah it's it's '211.36': incredible it's a level responsibility '213.849': that that I think it's hard for most of '215.65': us to to wrap our arms around you know '218.68': do you second-guess yourself even then '221.17': the successful ones to second-guess '222.79': yourself that's the difficult part it's '226.599': you're making decisions that matter and '232.209': you're making them like this on what you '234.31': see and you can't go back there's no '236.29': timeouts and you have one second to make '238.829': and some fires stay with you for '242.799': firefighter patronage it's mid-rare '245.129': March of 2015 in the hole first was on '249.069': fire '250.049': I'll be honest with you get reports of '252.489': people trapped all the time and they '253.93': hang out there you know the one '255.519': neighbors like there's seven kids in '256.959': there and they're like there's no way '258.669': there's seven kids in there you know and '260.139': for the my portable adder up to the '262.21': bedroom window went in and there was a '264.61': kid laying on the floor so when you find '267.46': one yeah it's just surprise and then '269.08': when you find out there were seven it's '27.21': 52 seconds they're out the door and '270.639': you know it's brutal and I thought about '273.37': this fire for well over a year every day '275.82': every single day how do you how do you '279.669': get back on the rig and go back into it '283.3': the kitchen '284.98': kitchen fire sawzall problems the '288.01': kitchen is the heart of the firehouse '29.609': racing down Flatbush Avenue flames '290.02': part support group part comedy club '293.32': where they face their fears swap stories '296.35': and build the camaraderie and the '298.93': confidence to face the next fire we look '302.23': at each other it's like a sports team '303.64': when they say you know look to your left '305.14': look to your right look at the mini eye '306.43': that's to win a game you know when we're '308.8': doing that we're looking at it as he's '311.23': gonna give up everything for me if I'm '312.94': stuck for the civilians as well so it's '316.66': never about the individual it's about '318.76': everybody else '321.48': teamwork put to the test 19 and a half '324.67': hours into the shift '326.47': a burning row house on New York Avenue '329.82': ladder 157 arrives in two minutes and 20 '33.18': lighting up an apartment on the third '333.7': seconds smoke is pouring from the rear '336.46': as the second alarm units converge on '339.01': the scene and the firefighters push '341.65': their way toward the roaring flames you '345.28': can see they've got no time to waste '347.14': they're dragging the hose lines deeper '349.27': and deeper into the building because the '35.19': floor fire fighters converge on the '352.27': fire is spreading '356.58': it would take more than an hour to bring '359.22': the fire under control there's a lot of '361.74': fire a lot of heat it's going pretty '364.65': good '364.98': what about the visibility visibility is '368.4': nothing at all you couldn't see anything '370.17': you actually see orange flickers there '372.36': and you know at that point you gotta do '373.86': something you either gotta make a bowl '375.63': we got water on the floor '38.489': building '39.03': stretching hose lines through the '393.649': firefighter Ryan Rae pack was nearly '396.119': trapped when his right leg fell through '399.089': the floor got very hot very fast good '4.549': '- tragedy and I got a deal with it and' '40.649': streets of lifting ladders into the air '401.849': thing he's got all of this the best '407.009': people I have met my life do you have to '409.979': be a fireman to understand this do you '413.039': think yes you know when we bust each '414.899': other's chops sometimes it's very '416.459': aggressive but the reality is that '419.249': aggressive nature what it does it '422.339': develops affect skin so when you do '425.279': encounter these situations like you're '427.589': saying you're able to buffer that and '429.719': move forward and come into work the next '43.079': it happens next happens like clockwork '431.999': day what you try to achieve is for '436.409': somebody to say you're a good fireman '439.069': that's probably the biggest compliment '441.269': you can get and that don't come easy in '447.539': Flatbush Brooklyn and Jay Burke at '449.309': channel 7 Eyewitness News '46.379': the response is all carefully planned '49.079': and rehearsed the ladder companies come '51.48': in and set the ladders so they can make '54.239': their way into the building to rescue '56.579': anyone who may be trapped the engine '58.829': companies then are close behind them '60.96': with the hose lines searches are all '63.42': negative no injuries in the guys did a '65.28': great job the attack was so fast the '68.43': fire didn't even spread into the next '71.07': room if you have gotten here five '73.38': minutes later now it's not just the '75.659': newsroom it's in the entire apartment or '78.0': missing the apartment is cleaning out '79.71': into the hallway that's what happened '8.4': move on wide awake in the middle of the '83.11': the Brock's fire claimed the lives of 12 '86.27': people where the tenant left the door to '88.82': her burning apartment open allowing the '91.549': fire to spread throughout the building '93.89': the home even watches this woman in '96.17': Flatbush does the same thing in second '98.929': the hallway is filled with deadly smoke
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "The quarters of Engine 235 and the Chief of the 57th Battalion, located in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The New York City Fire Department, like most fire departments around the world, is organized in a paramilitary fashion. Its organizational structure includes regional commands for various geographic areas within its jurisdiction, operational commands for units of different functions, and administrative units and offices for various administrative functions." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department / Fire Operations" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Organization of the New York City Fire Department" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Fire Operations" ] }
The house that never sleeps: 24 hours with the FDNY
The FDNY granted us total access, spending twenty-four hours with the firefighters of Engine Company 255 and Ladder Company 157 in Brooklyn -- one of the busiest firehouses in New York. Eyewitness News reporter N.J. Burkett and photographer Josh Hartmann followed them on virtually every run. Check out more Eyewitness News - OUR SOCIAL MEDIA – FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: SNAP: abc7ny PODCAST: None yet. Got an idea? NEW HERE? – Hi! We’re abc7NY, also known as Channel 7 on TV, home to Eyewitness News, New York’s Number 1 news. We hope you love us on YouTube as much as you do on television! NEW TIPS: Online: Phone: 917-260-7700 Email: [email protected]
'1.46': one successful is nothing better '101.95': impossible to breathe impossible to see '105.56': ensue the hallways lights out you can't '107.75': see anything and the people leaving '11.099': night we always have between a and B a C '110.679': another apartment we're overcome by the '112.97': smoke and we found them unconscious in '114.77': the hallway firefighters often work in '120.349': 24 hour shifts and Eyewitness News was '123.409': granted a rare inside look all day all '126.89': night all access in what may be the most '13.44': and D for the men of engine 255 and '130.64': challenging winter the FDNY has faced in '133.459': here with hydrants so frozen they use '136.849': road flares to thaw them out it's the '141.62': firehouse that never sleeps with some of '144.56': the most dedicated and upbeat '146.48': firefighters you'll find anywhere in '148.7': America the gear weighs nearly 100 '154.549': pounds from head to toe and when you run '157.13': into a burning building there's often so '159.019': much smoke you can't see much of '16.35': ladder 157 the next call could come in '161.12': anything '167.799': this drill makes the point I'm the '170.959': second man on the hose line wearing a '173.12': mask that simulates what I would see in '175.7': a real fire we grope our way into a '179.239': bedroom then we frantically followed the '186.26': hose line back out after reports that '19.56': an hour or two hours right now in just '190.519': the floor was collapsed follow me '194.73': huh Wow it's unbelievable I mean you '202.269': can't see a thing I mean I you can't see '206.379': that's what the real funs over '207.93': thank you your thing yeah it's it's '211.36': incredible it's a level responsibility '213.849': that that I think it's hard for most of '215.65': us to to wrap our arms around you know '218.68': do you second-guess yourself even then '221.17': the successful ones to second-guess '222.79': yourself that's the difficult part it's '226.599': you're making decisions that matter and '232.209': you're making them like this on what you '234.31': see and you can't go back there's no '236.29': timeouts and you have one second to make '238.829': and some fires stay with you for '242.799': firefighter patronage it's mid-rare '245.129': March of 2015 in the hole first was on '249.069': fire '250.049': I'll be honest with you get reports of '252.489': people trapped all the time and they '253.93': hang out there you know the one '255.519': neighbors like there's seven kids in '256.959': there and they're like there's no way '258.669': there's seven kids in there you know and '260.139': for the my portable adder up to the '262.21': bedroom window went in and there was a '264.61': kid laying on the floor so when you find '267.46': one yeah it's just surprise and then '269.08': when you find out there were seven it's '27.21': 52 seconds they're out the door and '270.639': you know it's brutal and I thought about '273.37': this fire for well over a year every day '275.82': every single day how do you how do you '279.669': get back on the rig and go back into it '283.3': the kitchen '284.98': kitchen fire sawzall problems the '288.01': kitchen is the heart of the firehouse '29.609': racing down Flatbush Avenue flames '290.02': part support group part comedy club '293.32': where they face their fears swap stories '296.35': and build the camaraderie and the '298.93': confidence to face the next fire we look '302.23': at each other it's like a sports team '303.64': when they say you know look to your left '305.14': look to your right look at the mini eye '306.43': that's to win a game you know when we're '308.8': doing that we're looking at it as he's '311.23': gonna give up everything for me if I'm '312.94': stuck for the civilians as well so it's '316.66': never about the individual it's about '318.76': everybody else '321.48': teamwork put to the test 19 and a half '324.67': hours into the shift '326.47': a burning row house on New York Avenue '329.82': ladder 157 arrives in two minutes and 20 '33.18': lighting up an apartment on the third '333.7': seconds smoke is pouring from the rear '336.46': as the second alarm units converge on '339.01': the scene and the firefighters push '341.65': their way toward the roaring flames you '345.28': can see they've got no time to waste '347.14': they're dragging the hose lines deeper '349.27': and deeper into the building because the '35.19': floor fire fighters converge on the '352.27': fire is spreading '356.58': it would take more than an hour to bring '359.22': the fire under control there's a lot of '361.74': fire a lot of heat it's going pretty '364.65': good '364.98': what about the visibility visibility is '368.4': nothing at all you couldn't see anything '370.17': you actually see orange flickers there '372.36': and you know at that point you gotta do '373.86': something you either gotta make a bowl '375.63': we got water on the floor '38.489': building '39.03': stretching hose lines through the '393.649': firefighter Ryan Rae pack was nearly '396.119': trapped when his right leg fell through '399.089': the floor got very hot very fast good '4.549': '- tragedy and I got a deal with it and' '40.649': streets of lifting ladders into the air '401.849': thing he's got all of this the best '407.009': people I have met my life do you have to '409.979': be a fireman to understand this do you '413.039': think yes you know when we bust each '414.899': other's chops sometimes it's very '416.459': aggressive but the reality is that '419.249': aggressive nature what it does it '422.339': develops affect skin so when you do '425.279': encounter these situations like you're '427.589': saying you're able to buffer that and '429.719': move forward and come into work the next '43.079': it happens next happens like clockwork '431.999': day what you try to achieve is for '436.409': somebody to say you're a good fireman '439.069': that's probably the biggest compliment '441.269': you can get and that don't come easy in '447.539': Flatbush Brooklyn and Jay Burke at '449.309': channel 7 Eyewitness News '46.379': the response is all carefully planned '49.079': and rehearsed the ladder companies come '51.48': in and set the ladders so they can make '54.239': their way into the building to rescue '56.579': anyone who may be trapped the engine '58.829': companies then are close behind them '60.96': with the hose lines searches are all '63.42': negative no injuries in the guys did a '65.28': great job the attack was so fast the '68.43': fire didn't even spread into the next '71.07': room if you have gotten here five '73.38': minutes later now it's not just the '75.659': newsroom it's in the entire apartment or '78.0': missing the apartment is cleaning out '79.71': into the hallway that's what happened '8.4': move on wide awake in the middle of the '83.11': the Brock's fire claimed the lives of 12 '86.27': people where the tenant left the door to '88.82': her burning apartment open allowing the '91.549': fire to spread throughout the building '93.89': the home even watches this woman in '96.17': Flatbush does the same thing in second '98.929': the hallway is filled with deadly smoke
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila [SEP] Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "context_page_description": [ "Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the Manila metropolitan area provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, a lot of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished." ], "context_section_description": [ "Situated in Escolta Street in Binondo, the Capitol Theater was designed by Juan Nakpil, and built in 1935. With the strong presence of symmetry, geometric shapes, and the occasional presence of graceful curves, the design is strongly identified with the Art Deco visual arts design style which was very popular during the 1930s." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila / Movie theaters / Capitol Theater" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Capitol Theater" ] }
Art Deco theaters of Manila | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Art Deco theaters of Manila Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago. Learning by listening is a great way to: - increases imagination and understanding - improves your listening skills - improves your own spoken accent - learn while on the move - reduce eye strain Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone. You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at: In case you don't find one that you were looking for, put a comment. This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice. SUMMARY ======= Art Deco theaters of Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the City of Manila provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, some of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished.
'1.52': Art Deco theatres of Manila are theaters '10.039': the style like streamline Moderne in the '102.93': 1996 due to lack support from the public '105.78': and local officials it's East Wing is '108.45': now used as an office space for '110.19': government services '112.63': st. Cecilia's Hall st. Cecilia s Hall is '12.11': Philippines the construction of these '120.05': located at st. Scholastica s College '123.53': Manila '126.37': yupi University Theatre this theater was '132.8': located on Taft Avenue '136.82': movie theaters '14.51': early theaters in the city of Manila '141.47': Avenue theater another architectural '146.66': work by Wan Nick pill is the Avenue '148.79': theater located along Rizal Avenue in '151.49': Santa Cruz district the theater had a '153.44': 1,000 seating capacity with its Lobby '155.81': bearing a marble finish flooring at one '158.63': point the building housed a hotel and '16.369': provided the venue for early forms of '160.67': also served as office space in 2006 it '164.36': was demolished to make way for a parking '166.34': lot as Realty costs were too expensive '168.44': for it to be maintained as of 2013 this '171.98': site is occupied by Patty's point behind '174.2': '- it is a parking lot' '177.16': Bellevue Theatre the Bellevue theatre is '18.53': entertainment like Bois de Ville a local '182.63': one of a few classic Philippine theaters '184.76': built in the 1930s still running today '187.16': it is located on Pedro Gil Street '190.04': formerly heron in Paco district and has '192.38': a total seating capacity of 600 the '195.44': theatre features a neo mut ajar theme '197.51': and contains a Quonset hut design and '199.7': other classic ornamentation the theater '20.6': adaptation of vaudeville with most '202.43': is not currently operational and a '204.35': general merchandise store occupies its '206.57': first floor as of 2013 this site is '209.78': occupied by novo jeans and t-shirt '213.9': Capitol Theatre situated in a skull toss '219.67': street in Bernardo the Capitol Theater '22.28': eventually converting to movie theaters '221.799': was designed by Juan Nick Pihl and built '223.84': in 1935 with the strong presence of '227.049': symmetry geometric shapes and the '229.06': occasional presence of graceful curves '230.98': the design is strongly identified with '233.049': the Art Deco visual arts design style '235.42': which was very popular during the 1930s '239.53': facade the most prominent elements of '24.2': with the growth and popularity of '244.209': the facade are the reliefs of two '245.74': Filipino muses done by Francesco Ricardo '248.47': Monte '25.88': Philippine cinema in the metropolis '250.689': symmetrically installed the two '252.709': Philippine amuses are explicitly '254.51': portrayed in native garb or traje de '256.729': mestizos evoking contrast between their '259.009': rural representation and urbanized '260.81': location further contrast can be found '263.75': in the details of their skirts where '265.52': strong lines and soft curves are '267.35': juxtaposed to depict the pleats of their '269.21': turnout both muses carry symbols '271.97': strongly associated with the performing '274.13': arts the left muse carries a mask '276.05': associated with theatre arts while the '278.21': right Muse carries a lyre associated '28.0': several theaters built within the city '280.34': with music '282.38': the bottom of both reliefs are images of '284.96': film and film reels '286.37': likewise executed symmetrically the '289.1': presence of these elements are in line '290.87': with the establishments purpose as a '292.61': cinema and consistent with the Art Deco '294.44': style which heavily favors bold '296.45': geometric shapes '299.12': concrete letters spelling the word '30.44': of Manila were designed by prominent '301.169': capital once adorned the top of the '303.18': structure but only the letters int are '305.31': left '305.99': additional Art Deco elements can be '308.4': found in the strong geometric details of '310.59': the top corners and the central iron '312.3': grills which marries both straight and '314.28': curved lines '316.72': Interiors the double balcony theater had '32.239': Philippine architects including future '321.59': a total of 800 seats and was among '323.66': manila's air-conditioned theaters its '326.15': lobby was adorned with a mural called '328.07': rising Philippines created by Victorio '330.62': cidades carlos v francisco and gallo b '334.04': Ocampo '336.18': damage and decay it was ultimately the '34.37': national artists Juan Nick Pihl and '340.96': deterioration of the theater business in '343.12': Manila that led to the stoppage of '344.83': Capitol theaters operations as a cinema '347.11': the construction of the Manila LRT line '350.11': one and the extensive delays prompted '352.21': moviegoers to prefer newly opened '354.13': air-conditioned malls with newer cinemas '357.75': Siniora this movie house was located at '36.32': Pablo Antonio unfortunately some of '363.75': plaza Santa Cruz C 19th photo '368.29': ever theater the ever theater is located '373.96': along Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '375.94': district the theater was also designed '378.67': by Juan Nick Pihl and has a single '380.53': screen cinema with an 800 seating '382.51': capacity '383.32': it was also visited by Walter Gropius '385.87': during its inauguration in the 1950s '388.51': praising the theaters outstanding '39.47': these theaters have since been closed '390.22': qualities currently closed as a theater '393.1': it now serves the public as a commercial '395.02': arcade as of 2013 '397.78': this site is occupied by astro tell a '399.97': hotel '4.34': constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built '402.12': gaiety theatre the gaiety theatre was '407.65': located on MH del Pilar Street in the '41.27': and several of them demolished '410.11': ermita district in the city of Manila it '412.81': was designed in the Art Deco style in '414.94': 1935 by Juan Nick pill as of 2014 it is '419.11': dilapidated with several families living '421.39': inside as caretakers it was demolished '424.15': in 2016 '427.04': Grand Theatre this movie house was on '432.53': resolving '435.48': ideal theatre the ideal theatre was '44.54': performing arts theaters '441.13': located at Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '443.44': district and designed by the late '445.03': architect Pablo Antonio in 1933 the '448.81': theater was demolished in the late 1970s '451.45': to give way to the construction of a '453.16': department store the ideal theater was '456.01': one of the first major works of Pablo '458.05': Antonio along with the buildings of Far '460.06': Eastern University and Manila Polo Club '464.11': life theater '467.86': lyric theater this movie house was at 81 '473.9': a Scholten Fernando an American Frank '476.66': Goulet acquired this theater in 1916 and '479.66': reopened it in 1917 in 1929 it was a '48.92': ah dinnae Oh auditorium this theater was '484.15': 1400 seat theater with no '486.26': air-conditioning and was considered to '488.09': be the only first-class movie house in '489.919': town this second version of the theater '492.86': had been designed by Fernando de La '494.87': Cantera it was reconstructed the third '496.97': time as a Deco building with the largest '499.25': air conditioning installation among '500.93': Manila theaters by pablo antonio and '503.33': reopened on the 1st of june 1937 in 1939 '507.68': the lyric was one of six movie houses in '510.11': Manila which were considered to be the '512.39': most presentable and modernised sort '514.7': each of which seated about 1200 patrons '518.63': one two '521.419': Radio Theater in August 1929 this movie '528.029': house was the first to show a sound film '530.01': in the Philippines which was the '531.51': American movie syncopation '535.19': Rex theater this movie house was on '540.529': Salazar Street Bernardo three '544.55': Scala theatre another theater designed '55.16': located at the former Auden AO campus in '550.13': by Pablo Antonio was the Scala theatre '552.29': also on Avenida Rizal in Santa Cruz with '556.07': its floors pasted with tea rose marble '558.29': and it's curved wall lined with glass '559.97': blocks the theaters magnificence did not '562.279': last it was closed in the 1990s the '565.519': theater catered to up to 600 people for '568.01': its single screen operations as of 2013 '57.47': Hermida '571.19': the theater is now closed though the '573.26': building structures still remain albeit '575.24': in a dire condition '577.88': State Theater another work of the late '583.16': architect Juan Nick Pihl the state '585.08': theater was on rizal a venir cruise '587.72': built in the 1930s with an art deco '59.91': Manila Metropolitan theater the Manila '590.48': design the theater was eventually closed '592.79': in the 1990s and was demolished in 2001 '595.85': as of 2013 this site is occupied by '599.15': emerald circle a mini-mall '602.56': time's theater the times theater '607.779': currently found along caisson Boulevard '609.97': Quiapo was designed by architect Louise '612.49': Z Araneta it was erected in 1939 with an '616.42': Art Moderne relief unmaintained today '619.27': the theater is still operational and can '621.58': accommodate eight hundred people with '623.23': its single screen operations '626.43': Tivoli theater this movie house was '631.81': located at Plaza Santa Cruz for '636.19': Metro Manila then for Theatre case on '641.86': city this 1960 style building on '644.709': Roosevelt Avenue has Art Deco features '648.69': "cine concepci\xF3n malabon five Morosi" '65.82': Metropolitan theater is located on Padre '654.029': theater passe this theater on Taft '656.459': Avenue was demolished in 2016 '658.92': six '661.98': see also architecture of the Philippines '669.779': cinema of the Philippines list of '674.05': theaters and concert halls in Manila '677.22': list of cinemas in Manila '68.28': Burgos Street ormita district adjacent '682.2': references '7.58': in Art Deco style or a similar branch of '70.77': to the Meehan garden the theater was '73.17': built in 1931 with an art deco design by '76.08': architects one Mariano and Otilio Ariano '79.23': and could accommodate as many as 1670 '82.56': people the theater is endowed with '84.75': bronze sculptures depicting female '86.88': performers designed by Francesco Ricardo '89.49': Monte '90.8': above the main audience entrance and '93.21': relief wood carvings of Philippine '94.979': plants found in the interior lobby made '97.05': by Isabel or Tampico the theatre was '99.84': restored in 1978 but was again closed in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila [SEP] Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "context_page_description": [ "Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the Manila metropolitan area provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, a lot of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished." ], "context_section_description": [ "Situated in Escolta Street in Binondo, the Capitol Theater was designed by Juan Nakpil, and built in 1935. With the strong presence of symmetry, geometric shapes, and the occasional presence of graceful curves, the design is strongly identified with the Art Deco visual arts design style which was very popular during the 1930s." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila / Movie theaters / Capitol Theater" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Capitol Theater" ] }
Art Deco theaters of Manila | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Art Deco theaters of Manila Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago. Learning by listening is a great way to: - increases imagination and understanding - improves your listening skills - improves your own spoken accent - learn while on the move - reduce eye strain Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone. You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at: In case you don't find one that you were looking for, put a comment. This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice. SUMMARY ======= Art Deco theaters of Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the City of Manila provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, some of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished.
'1.52': Art Deco theatres of Manila are theaters '10.039': the style like streamline Moderne in the '102.93': 1996 due to lack support from the public '105.78': and local officials it's East Wing is '108.45': now used as an office space for '110.19': government services '112.63': st. Cecilia's Hall st. Cecilia s Hall is '12.11': Philippines the construction of these '120.05': located at st. Scholastica s College '123.53': Manila '126.37': yupi University Theatre this theater was '132.8': located on Taft Avenue '136.82': movie theaters '14.51': early theaters in the city of Manila '141.47': Avenue theater another architectural '146.66': work by Wan Nick pill is the Avenue '148.79': theater located along Rizal Avenue in '151.49': Santa Cruz district the theater had a '153.44': 1,000 seating capacity with its Lobby '155.81': bearing a marble finish flooring at one '158.63': point the building housed a hotel and '16.369': provided the venue for early forms of '160.67': also served as office space in 2006 it '164.36': was demolished to make way for a parking '166.34': lot as Realty costs were too expensive '168.44': for it to be maintained as of 2013 this '171.98': site is occupied by Patty's point behind '174.2': '- it is a parking lot' '177.16': Bellevue Theatre the Bellevue theatre is '18.53': entertainment like Bois de Ville a local '182.63': one of a few classic Philippine theaters '184.76': built in the 1930s still running today '187.16': it is located on Pedro Gil Street '190.04': formerly heron in Paco district and has '192.38': a total seating capacity of 600 the '195.44': theatre features a neo mut ajar theme '197.51': and contains a Quonset hut design and '199.7': other classic ornamentation the theater '20.6': adaptation of vaudeville with most '202.43': is not currently operational and a '204.35': general merchandise store occupies its '206.57': first floor as of 2013 this site is '209.78': occupied by novo jeans and t-shirt '213.9': Capitol Theatre situated in a skull toss '219.67': street in Bernardo the Capitol Theater '22.28': eventually converting to movie theaters '221.799': was designed by Juan Nick Pihl and built '223.84': in 1935 with the strong presence of '227.049': symmetry geometric shapes and the '229.06': occasional presence of graceful curves '230.98': the design is strongly identified with '233.049': the Art Deco visual arts design style '235.42': which was very popular during the 1930s '239.53': facade the most prominent elements of '24.2': with the growth and popularity of '244.209': the facade are the reliefs of two '245.74': Filipino muses done by Francesco Ricardo '248.47': Monte '25.88': Philippine cinema in the metropolis '250.689': symmetrically installed the two '252.709': Philippine amuses are explicitly '254.51': portrayed in native garb or traje de '256.729': mestizos evoking contrast between their '259.009': rural representation and urbanized '260.81': location further contrast can be found '263.75': in the details of their skirts where '265.52': strong lines and soft curves are '267.35': juxtaposed to depict the pleats of their '269.21': turnout both muses carry symbols '271.97': strongly associated with the performing '274.13': arts the left muse carries a mask '276.05': associated with theatre arts while the '278.21': right Muse carries a lyre associated '28.0': several theaters built within the city '280.34': with music '282.38': the bottom of both reliefs are images of '284.96': film and film reels '286.37': likewise executed symmetrically the '289.1': presence of these elements are in line '290.87': with the establishments purpose as a '292.61': cinema and consistent with the Art Deco '294.44': style which heavily favors bold '296.45': geometric shapes '299.12': concrete letters spelling the word '30.44': of Manila were designed by prominent '301.169': capital once adorned the top of the '303.18': structure but only the letters int are '305.31': left '305.99': additional Art Deco elements can be '308.4': found in the strong geometric details of '310.59': the top corners and the central iron '312.3': grills which marries both straight and '314.28': curved lines '316.72': Interiors the double balcony theater had '32.239': Philippine architects including future '321.59': a total of 800 seats and was among '323.66': manila's air-conditioned theaters its '326.15': lobby was adorned with a mural called '328.07': rising Philippines created by Victorio '330.62': cidades carlos v francisco and gallo b '334.04': Ocampo '336.18': damage and decay it was ultimately the '34.37': national artists Juan Nick Pihl and '340.96': deterioration of the theater business in '343.12': Manila that led to the stoppage of '344.83': Capitol theaters operations as a cinema '347.11': the construction of the Manila LRT line '350.11': one and the extensive delays prompted '352.21': moviegoers to prefer newly opened '354.13': air-conditioned malls with newer cinemas '357.75': Siniora this movie house was located at '36.32': Pablo Antonio unfortunately some of '363.75': plaza Santa Cruz C 19th photo '368.29': ever theater the ever theater is located '373.96': along Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '375.94': district the theater was also designed '378.67': by Juan Nick Pihl and has a single '380.53': screen cinema with an 800 seating '382.51': capacity '383.32': it was also visited by Walter Gropius '385.87': during its inauguration in the 1950s '388.51': praising the theaters outstanding '39.47': these theaters have since been closed '390.22': qualities currently closed as a theater '393.1': it now serves the public as a commercial '395.02': arcade as of 2013 '397.78': this site is occupied by astro tell a '399.97': hotel '4.34': constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built '402.12': gaiety theatre the gaiety theatre was '407.65': located on MH del Pilar Street in the '41.27': and several of them demolished '410.11': ermita district in the city of Manila it '412.81': was designed in the Art Deco style in '414.94': 1935 by Juan Nick pill as of 2014 it is '419.11': dilapidated with several families living '421.39': inside as caretakers it was demolished '424.15': in 2016 '427.04': Grand Theatre this movie house was on '432.53': resolving '435.48': ideal theatre the ideal theatre was '44.54': performing arts theaters '441.13': located at Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '443.44': district and designed by the late '445.03': architect Pablo Antonio in 1933 the '448.81': theater was demolished in the late 1970s '451.45': to give way to the construction of a '453.16': department store the ideal theater was '456.01': one of the first major works of Pablo '458.05': Antonio along with the buildings of Far '460.06': Eastern University and Manila Polo Club '464.11': life theater '467.86': lyric theater this movie house was at 81 '473.9': a Scholten Fernando an American Frank '476.66': Goulet acquired this theater in 1916 and '479.66': reopened it in 1917 in 1929 it was a '48.92': ah dinnae Oh auditorium this theater was '484.15': 1400 seat theater with no '486.26': air-conditioning and was considered to '488.09': be the only first-class movie house in '489.919': town this second version of the theater '492.86': had been designed by Fernando de La '494.87': Cantera it was reconstructed the third '496.97': time as a Deco building with the largest '499.25': air conditioning installation among '500.93': Manila theaters by pablo antonio and '503.33': reopened on the 1st of june 1937 in 1939 '507.68': the lyric was one of six movie houses in '510.11': Manila which were considered to be the '512.39': most presentable and modernised sort '514.7': each of which seated about 1200 patrons '518.63': one two '521.419': Radio Theater in August 1929 this movie '528.029': house was the first to show a sound film '530.01': in the Philippines which was the '531.51': American movie syncopation '535.19': Rex theater this movie house was on '540.529': Salazar Street Bernardo three '544.55': Scala theatre another theater designed '55.16': located at the former Auden AO campus in '550.13': by Pablo Antonio was the Scala theatre '552.29': also on Avenida Rizal in Santa Cruz with '556.07': its floors pasted with tea rose marble '558.29': and it's curved wall lined with glass '559.97': blocks the theaters magnificence did not '562.279': last it was closed in the 1990s the '565.519': theater catered to up to 600 people for '568.01': its single screen operations as of 2013 '57.47': Hermida '571.19': the theater is now closed though the '573.26': building structures still remain albeit '575.24': in a dire condition '577.88': State Theater another work of the late '583.16': architect Juan Nick Pihl the state '585.08': theater was on rizal a venir cruise '587.72': built in the 1930s with an art deco '59.91': Manila Metropolitan theater the Manila '590.48': design the theater was eventually closed '592.79': in the 1990s and was demolished in 2001 '595.85': as of 2013 this site is occupied by '599.15': emerald circle a mini-mall '602.56': time's theater the times theater '607.779': currently found along caisson Boulevard '609.97': Quiapo was designed by architect Louise '612.49': Z Araneta it was erected in 1939 with an '616.42': Art Moderne relief unmaintained today '619.27': the theater is still operational and can '621.58': accommodate eight hundred people with '623.23': its single screen operations '626.43': Tivoli theater this movie house was '631.81': located at Plaza Santa Cruz for '636.19': Metro Manila then for Theatre case on '641.86': city this 1960 style building on '644.709': Roosevelt Avenue has Art Deco features '648.69': "cine concepci\xF3n malabon five Morosi" '65.82': Metropolitan theater is located on Padre '654.029': theater passe this theater on Taft '656.459': Avenue was demolished in 2016 '658.92': six '661.98': see also architecture of the Philippines '669.779': cinema of the Philippines list of '674.05': theaters and concert halls in Manila '677.22': list of cinemas in Manila '68.28': Burgos Street ormita district adjacent '682.2': references '7.58': in Art Deco style or a similar branch of '70.77': to the Meehan garden the theater was '73.17': built in 1931 with an art deco design by '76.08': architects one Mariano and Otilio Ariano '79.23': and could accommodate as many as 1670 '82.56': people the theater is endowed with '84.75': bronze sculptures depicting female '86.88': performers designed by Francesco Ricardo '89.49': Monte '90.8': above the main audience entrance and '93.21': relief wood carvings of Philippine '94.979': plants found in the interior lobby made '97.05': by Isabel or Tampico the theatre was '99.84': restored in 1978 but was again closed in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila [SEP] Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "context_page_description": [ "Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the Manila metropolitan area provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, a lot of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished." ], "context_section_description": [ "Situated in Escolta Street in Binondo, the Capitol Theater was designed by Juan Nakpil, and built in 1935. With the strong presence of symmetry, geometric shapes, and the occasional presence of graceful curves, the design is strongly identified with the Art Deco visual arts design style which was very popular during the 1930s." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila / Movie theaters / Capitol Theater" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Capitol Theater" ] }
Art Deco theaters of Manila | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Art Deco theaters of Manila Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago. Learning by listening is a great way to: - increases imagination and understanding - improves your listening skills - improves your own spoken accent - learn while on the move - reduce eye strain Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone. You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at: In case you don't find one that you were looking for, put a comment. This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice. SUMMARY ======= Art Deco theaters of Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the City of Manila provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, some of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished.
'1.52': Art Deco theatres of Manila are theaters '10.039': the style like streamline Moderne in the '102.93': 1996 due to lack support from the public '105.78': and local officials it's East Wing is '108.45': now used as an office space for '110.19': government services '112.63': st. Cecilia's Hall st. Cecilia s Hall is '12.11': Philippines the construction of these '120.05': located at st. Scholastica s College '123.53': Manila '126.37': yupi University Theatre this theater was '132.8': located on Taft Avenue '136.82': movie theaters '14.51': early theaters in the city of Manila '141.47': Avenue theater another architectural '146.66': work by Wan Nick pill is the Avenue '148.79': theater located along Rizal Avenue in '151.49': Santa Cruz district the theater had a '153.44': 1,000 seating capacity with its Lobby '155.81': bearing a marble finish flooring at one '158.63': point the building housed a hotel and '16.369': provided the venue for early forms of '160.67': also served as office space in 2006 it '164.36': was demolished to make way for a parking '166.34': lot as Realty costs were too expensive '168.44': for it to be maintained as of 2013 this '171.98': site is occupied by Patty's point behind '174.2': '- it is a parking lot' '177.16': Bellevue Theatre the Bellevue theatre is '18.53': entertainment like Bois de Ville a local '182.63': one of a few classic Philippine theaters '184.76': built in the 1930s still running today '187.16': it is located on Pedro Gil Street '190.04': formerly heron in Paco district and has '192.38': a total seating capacity of 600 the '195.44': theatre features a neo mut ajar theme '197.51': and contains a Quonset hut design and '199.7': other classic ornamentation the theater '20.6': adaptation of vaudeville with most '202.43': is not currently operational and a '204.35': general merchandise store occupies its '206.57': first floor as of 2013 this site is '209.78': occupied by novo jeans and t-shirt '213.9': Capitol Theatre situated in a skull toss '219.67': street in Bernardo the Capitol Theater '22.28': eventually converting to movie theaters '221.799': was designed by Juan Nick Pihl and built '223.84': in 1935 with the strong presence of '227.049': symmetry geometric shapes and the '229.06': occasional presence of graceful curves '230.98': the design is strongly identified with '233.049': the Art Deco visual arts design style '235.42': which was very popular during the 1930s '239.53': facade the most prominent elements of '24.2': with the growth and popularity of '244.209': the facade are the reliefs of two '245.74': Filipino muses done by Francesco Ricardo '248.47': Monte '25.88': Philippine cinema in the metropolis '250.689': symmetrically installed the two '252.709': Philippine amuses are explicitly '254.51': portrayed in native garb or traje de '256.729': mestizos evoking contrast between their '259.009': rural representation and urbanized '260.81': location further contrast can be found '263.75': in the details of their skirts where '265.52': strong lines and soft curves are '267.35': juxtaposed to depict the pleats of their '269.21': turnout both muses carry symbols '271.97': strongly associated with the performing '274.13': arts the left muse carries a mask '276.05': associated with theatre arts while the '278.21': right Muse carries a lyre associated '28.0': several theaters built within the city '280.34': with music '282.38': the bottom of both reliefs are images of '284.96': film and film reels '286.37': likewise executed symmetrically the '289.1': presence of these elements are in line '290.87': with the establishments purpose as a '292.61': cinema and consistent with the Art Deco '294.44': style which heavily favors bold '296.45': geometric shapes '299.12': concrete letters spelling the word '30.44': of Manila were designed by prominent '301.169': capital once adorned the top of the '303.18': structure but only the letters int are '305.31': left '305.99': additional Art Deco elements can be '308.4': found in the strong geometric details of '310.59': the top corners and the central iron '312.3': grills which marries both straight and '314.28': curved lines '316.72': Interiors the double balcony theater had '32.239': Philippine architects including future '321.59': a total of 800 seats and was among '323.66': manila's air-conditioned theaters its '326.15': lobby was adorned with a mural called '328.07': rising Philippines created by Victorio '330.62': cidades carlos v francisco and gallo b '334.04': Ocampo '336.18': damage and decay it was ultimately the '34.37': national artists Juan Nick Pihl and '340.96': deterioration of the theater business in '343.12': Manila that led to the stoppage of '344.83': Capitol theaters operations as a cinema '347.11': the construction of the Manila LRT line '350.11': one and the extensive delays prompted '352.21': moviegoers to prefer newly opened '354.13': air-conditioned malls with newer cinemas '357.75': Siniora this movie house was located at '36.32': Pablo Antonio unfortunately some of '363.75': plaza Santa Cruz C 19th photo '368.29': ever theater the ever theater is located '373.96': along Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '375.94': district the theater was also designed '378.67': by Juan Nick Pihl and has a single '380.53': screen cinema with an 800 seating '382.51': capacity '383.32': it was also visited by Walter Gropius '385.87': during its inauguration in the 1950s '388.51': praising the theaters outstanding '39.47': these theaters have since been closed '390.22': qualities currently closed as a theater '393.1': it now serves the public as a commercial '395.02': arcade as of 2013 '397.78': this site is occupied by astro tell a '399.97': hotel '4.34': constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built '402.12': gaiety theatre the gaiety theatre was '407.65': located on MH del Pilar Street in the '41.27': and several of them demolished '410.11': ermita district in the city of Manila it '412.81': was designed in the Art Deco style in '414.94': 1935 by Juan Nick pill as of 2014 it is '419.11': dilapidated with several families living '421.39': inside as caretakers it was demolished '424.15': in 2016 '427.04': Grand Theatre this movie house was on '432.53': resolving '435.48': ideal theatre the ideal theatre was '44.54': performing arts theaters '441.13': located at Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '443.44': district and designed by the late '445.03': architect Pablo Antonio in 1933 the '448.81': theater was demolished in the late 1970s '451.45': to give way to the construction of a '453.16': department store the ideal theater was '456.01': one of the first major works of Pablo '458.05': Antonio along with the buildings of Far '460.06': Eastern University and Manila Polo Club '464.11': life theater '467.86': lyric theater this movie house was at 81 '473.9': a Scholten Fernando an American Frank '476.66': Goulet acquired this theater in 1916 and '479.66': reopened it in 1917 in 1929 it was a '48.92': ah dinnae Oh auditorium this theater was '484.15': 1400 seat theater with no '486.26': air-conditioning and was considered to '488.09': be the only first-class movie house in '489.919': town this second version of the theater '492.86': had been designed by Fernando de La '494.87': Cantera it was reconstructed the third '496.97': time as a Deco building with the largest '499.25': air conditioning installation among '500.93': Manila theaters by pablo antonio and '503.33': reopened on the 1st of june 1937 in 1939 '507.68': the lyric was one of six movie houses in '510.11': Manila which were considered to be the '512.39': most presentable and modernised sort '514.7': each of which seated about 1200 patrons '518.63': one two '521.419': Radio Theater in August 1929 this movie '528.029': house was the first to show a sound film '530.01': in the Philippines which was the '531.51': American movie syncopation '535.19': Rex theater this movie house was on '540.529': Salazar Street Bernardo three '544.55': Scala theatre another theater designed '55.16': located at the former Auden AO campus in '550.13': by Pablo Antonio was the Scala theatre '552.29': also on Avenida Rizal in Santa Cruz with '556.07': its floors pasted with tea rose marble '558.29': and it's curved wall lined with glass '559.97': blocks the theaters magnificence did not '562.279': last it was closed in the 1990s the '565.519': theater catered to up to 600 people for '568.01': its single screen operations as of 2013 '57.47': Hermida '571.19': the theater is now closed though the '573.26': building structures still remain albeit '575.24': in a dire condition '577.88': State Theater another work of the late '583.16': architect Juan Nick Pihl the state '585.08': theater was on rizal a venir cruise '587.72': built in the 1930s with an art deco '59.91': Manila Metropolitan theater the Manila '590.48': design the theater was eventually closed '592.79': in the 1990s and was demolished in 2001 '595.85': as of 2013 this site is occupied by '599.15': emerald circle a mini-mall '602.56': time's theater the times theater '607.779': currently found along caisson Boulevard '609.97': Quiapo was designed by architect Louise '612.49': Z Araneta it was erected in 1939 with an '616.42': Art Moderne relief unmaintained today '619.27': the theater is still operational and can '621.58': accommodate eight hundred people with '623.23': its single screen operations '626.43': Tivoli theater this movie house was '631.81': located at Plaza Santa Cruz for '636.19': Metro Manila then for Theatre case on '641.86': city this 1960 style building on '644.709': Roosevelt Avenue has Art Deco features '648.69': "cine concepci\xF3n malabon five Morosi" '65.82': Metropolitan theater is located on Padre '654.029': theater passe this theater on Taft '656.459': Avenue was demolished in 2016 '658.92': six '661.98': see also architecture of the Philippines '669.779': cinema of the Philippines list of '674.05': theaters and concert halls in Manila '677.22': list of cinemas in Manila '68.28': Burgos Street ormita district adjacent '682.2': references '7.58': in Art Deco style or a similar branch of '70.77': to the Meehan garden the theater was '73.17': built in 1931 with an art deco design by '76.08': architects one Mariano and Otilio Ariano '79.23': and could accommodate as many as 1670 '82.56': people the theater is endowed with '84.75': bronze sculptures depicting female '86.88': performers designed by Francesco Ricardo '89.49': Monte '90.8': above the main audience entrance and '93.21': relief wood carvings of Philippine '94.979': plants found in the interior lobby made '97.05': by Isabel or Tampico the theatre was '99.84': restored in 1978 but was again closed in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila [SEP] Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "context_page_description": [ "Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the Manila metropolitan area provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, a lot of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished." ], "context_section_description": [ "Situated in Escolta Street in Binondo, the Capitol Theater was designed by Juan Nakpil, and built in 1935. With the strong presence of symmetry, geometric shapes, and the occasional presence of graceful curves, the design is strongly identified with the Art Deco visual arts design style which was very popular during the 1930s." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila / Movie theaters / Capitol Theater" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Capitol Theater" ] }
Art Deco theaters of Manila | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Art Deco theaters of Manila Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago. Learning by listening is a great way to: - increases imagination and understanding - improves your listening skills - improves your own spoken accent - learn while on the move - reduce eye strain Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone. You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at: In case you don't find one that you were looking for, put a comment. This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice. SUMMARY ======= Art Deco theaters of Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the City of Manila provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, some of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished.
'1.52': Art Deco theatres of Manila are theaters '10.039': the style like streamline Moderne in the '102.93': 1996 due to lack support from the public '105.78': and local officials it's East Wing is '108.45': now used as an office space for '110.19': government services '112.63': st. Cecilia's Hall st. Cecilia s Hall is '12.11': Philippines the construction of these '120.05': located at st. Scholastica s College '123.53': Manila '126.37': yupi University Theatre this theater was '132.8': located on Taft Avenue '136.82': movie theaters '14.51': early theaters in the city of Manila '141.47': Avenue theater another architectural '146.66': work by Wan Nick pill is the Avenue '148.79': theater located along Rizal Avenue in '151.49': Santa Cruz district the theater had a '153.44': 1,000 seating capacity with its Lobby '155.81': bearing a marble finish flooring at one '158.63': point the building housed a hotel and '16.369': provided the venue for early forms of '160.67': also served as office space in 2006 it '164.36': was demolished to make way for a parking '166.34': lot as Realty costs were too expensive '168.44': for it to be maintained as of 2013 this '171.98': site is occupied by Patty's point behind '174.2': '- it is a parking lot' '177.16': Bellevue Theatre the Bellevue theatre is '18.53': entertainment like Bois de Ville a local '182.63': one of a few classic Philippine theaters '184.76': built in the 1930s still running today '187.16': it is located on Pedro Gil Street '190.04': formerly heron in Paco district and has '192.38': a total seating capacity of 600 the '195.44': theatre features a neo mut ajar theme '197.51': and contains a Quonset hut design and '199.7': other classic ornamentation the theater '20.6': adaptation of vaudeville with most '202.43': is not currently operational and a '204.35': general merchandise store occupies its '206.57': first floor as of 2013 this site is '209.78': occupied by novo jeans and t-shirt '213.9': Capitol Theatre situated in a skull toss '219.67': street in Bernardo the Capitol Theater '22.28': eventually converting to movie theaters '221.799': was designed by Juan Nick Pihl and built '223.84': in 1935 with the strong presence of '227.049': symmetry geometric shapes and the '229.06': occasional presence of graceful curves '230.98': the design is strongly identified with '233.049': the Art Deco visual arts design style '235.42': which was very popular during the 1930s '239.53': facade the most prominent elements of '24.2': with the growth and popularity of '244.209': the facade are the reliefs of two '245.74': Filipino muses done by Francesco Ricardo '248.47': Monte '25.88': Philippine cinema in the metropolis '250.689': symmetrically installed the two '252.709': Philippine amuses are explicitly '254.51': portrayed in native garb or traje de '256.729': mestizos evoking contrast between their '259.009': rural representation and urbanized '260.81': location further contrast can be found '263.75': in the details of their skirts where '265.52': strong lines and soft curves are '267.35': juxtaposed to depict the pleats of their '269.21': turnout both muses carry symbols '271.97': strongly associated with the performing '274.13': arts the left muse carries a mask '276.05': associated with theatre arts while the '278.21': right Muse carries a lyre associated '28.0': several theaters built within the city '280.34': with music '282.38': the bottom of both reliefs are images of '284.96': film and film reels '286.37': likewise executed symmetrically the '289.1': presence of these elements are in line '290.87': with the establishments purpose as a '292.61': cinema and consistent with the Art Deco '294.44': style which heavily favors bold '296.45': geometric shapes '299.12': concrete letters spelling the word '30.44': of Manila were designed by prominent '301.169': capital once adorned the top of the '303.18': structure but only the letters int are '305.31': left '305.99': additional Art Deco elements can be '308.4': found in the strong geometric details of '310.59': the top corners and the central iron '312.3': grills which marries both straight and '314.28': curved lines '316.72': Interiors the double balcony theater had '32.239': Philippine architects including future '321.59': a total of 800 seats and was among '323.66': manila's air-conditioned theaters its '326.15': lobby was adorned with a mural called '328.07': rising Philippines created by Victorio '330.62': cidades carlos v francisco and gallo b '334.04': Ocampo '336.18': damage and decay it was ultimately the '34.37': national artists Juan Nick Pihl and '340.96': deterioration of the theater business in '343.12': Manila that led to the stoppage of '344.83': Capitol theaters operations as a cinema '347.11': the construction of the Manila LRT line '350.11': one and the extensive delays prompted '352.21': moviegoers to prefer newly opened '354.13': air-conditioned malls with newer cinemas '357.75': Siniora this movie house was located at '36.32': Pablo Antonio unfortunately some of '363.75': plaza Santa Cruz C 19th photo '368.29': ever theater the ever theater is located '373.96': along Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '375.94': district the theater was also designed '378.67': by Juan Nick Pihl and has a single '380.53': screen cinema with an 800 seating '382.51': capacity '383.32': it was also visited by Walter Gropius '385.87': during its inauguration in the 1950s '388.51': praising the theaters outstanding '39.47': these theaters have since been closed '390.22': qualities currently closed as a theater '393.1': it now serves the public as a commercial '395.02': arcade as of 2013 '397.78': this site is occupied by astro tell a '399.97': hotel '4.34': constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built '402.12': gaiety theatre the gaiety theatre was '407.65': located on MH del Pilar Street in the '41.27': and several of them demolished '410.11': ermita district in the city of Manila it '412.81': was designed in the Art Deco style in '414.94': 1935 by Juan Nick pill as of 2014 it is '419.11': dilapidated with several families living '421.39': inside as caretakers it was demolished '424.15': in 2016 '427.04': Grand Theatre this movie house was on '432.53': resolving '435.48': ideal theatre the ideal theatre was '44.54': performing arts theaters '441.13': located at Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '443.44': district and designed by the late '445.03': architect Pablo Antonio in 1933 the '448.81': theater was demolished in the late 1970s '451.45': to give way to the construction of a '453.16': department store the ideal theater was '456.01': one of the first major works of Pablo '458.05': Antonio along with the buildings of Far '460.06': Eastern University and Manila Polo Club '464.11': life theater '467.86': lyric theater this movie house was at 81 '473.9': a Scholten Fernando an American Frank '476.66': Goulet acquired this theater in 1916 and '479.66': reopened it in 1917 in 1929 it was a '48.92': ah dinnae Oh auditorium this theater was '484.15': 1400 seat theater with no '486.26': air-conditioning and was considered to '488.09': be the only first-class movie house in '489.919': town this second version of the theater '492.86': had been designed by Fernando de La '494.87': Cantera it was reconstructed the third '496.97': time as a Deco building with the largest '499.25': air conditioning installation among '500.93': Manila theaters by pablo antonio and '503.33': reopened on the 1st of june 1937 in 1939 '507.68': the lyric was one of six movie houses in '510.11': Manila which were considered to be the '512.39': most presentable and modernised sort '514.7': each of which seated about 1200 patrons '518.63': one two '521.419': Radio Theater in August 1929 this movie '528.029': house was the first to show a sound film '530.01': in the Philippines which was the '531.51': American movie syncopation '535.19': Rex theater this movie house was on '540.529': Salazar Street Bernardo three '544.55': Scala theatre another theater designed '55.16': located at the former Auden AO campus in '550.13': by Pablo Antonio was the Scala theatre '552.29': also on Avenida Rizal in Santa Cruz with '556.07': its floors pasted with tea rose marble '558.29': and it's curved wall lined with glass '559.97': blocks the theaters magnificence did not '562.279': last it was closed in the 1990s the '565.519': theater catered to up to 600 people for '568.01': its single screen operations as of 2013 '57.47': Hermida '571.19': the theater is now closed though the '573.26': building structures still remain albeit '575.24': in a dire condition '577.88': State Theater another work of the late '583.16': architect Juan Nick Pihl the state '585.08': theater was on rizal a venir cruise '587.72': built in the 1930s with an art deco '59.91': Manila Metropolitan theater the Manila '590.48': design the theater was eventually closed '592.79': in the 1990s and was demolished in 2001 '595.85': as of 2013 this site is occupied by '599.15': emerald circle a mini-mall '602.56': time's theater the times theater '607.779': currently found along caisson Boulevard '609.97': Quiapo was designed by architect Louise '612.49': Z Araneta it was erected in 1939 with an '616.42': Art Moderne relief unmaintained today '619.27': the theater is still operational and can '621.58': accommodate eight hundred people with '623.23': its single screen operations '626.43': Tivoli theater this movie house was '631.81': located at Plaza Santa Cruz for '636.19': Metro Manila then for Theatre case on '641.86': city this 1960 style building on '644.709': Roosevelt Avenue has Art Deco features '648.69': "cine concepci\xF3n malabon five Morosi" '65.82': Metropolitan theater is located on Padre '654.029': theater passe this theater on Taft '656.459': Avenue was demolished in 2016 '658.92': six '661.98': see also architecture of the Philippines '669.779': cinema of the Philippines list of '674.05': theaters and concert halls in Manila '677.22': list of cinemas in Manila '68.28': Burgos Street ormita district adjacent '682.2': references '7.58': in Art Deco style or a similar branch of '70.77': to the Meehan garden the theater was '73.17': built in 1931 with an art deco design by '76.08': architects one Mariano and Otilio Ariano '79.23': and could accommodate as many as 1670 '82.56': people the theater is endowed with '84.75': bronze sculptures depicting female '86.88': performers designed by Francesco Ricardo '89.49': Monte '90.8': above the main audience entrance and '93.21': relief wood carvings of Philippine '94.979': plants found in the interior lobby made '97.05': by Isabel or Tampico the theatre was '99.84': restored in 1978 but was again closed in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila [SEP] Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "context_page_description": [ "Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the Manila metropolitan area provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, a lot of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished." ], "context_section_description": [ "Situated in Escolta Street in Binondo, the Capitol Theater was designed by Juan Nakpil, and built in 1935. With the strong presence of symmetry, geometric shapes, and the occasional presence of graceful curves, the design is strongly identified with the Art Deco visual arts design style which was very popular during the 1930s." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila / Movie theaters / Capitol Theater" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Capitol Theater" ] }
Art Deco theaters of Manila | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Art Deco theaters of Manila Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago. Learning by listening is a great way to: - increases imagination and understanding - improves your listening skills - improves your own spoken accent - learn while on the move - reduce eye strain Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone. You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at: In case you don't find one that you were looking for, put a comment. This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice. SUMMARY ======= Art Deco theaters of Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the City of Manila provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, some of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished.
'1.52': Art Deco theatres of Manila are theaters '10.039': the style like streamline Moderne in the '102.93': 1996 due to lack support from the public '105.78': and local officials it's East Wing is '108.45': now used as an office space for '110.19': government services '112.63': st. Cecilia's Hall st. Cecilia s Hall is '12.11': Philippines the construction of these '120.05': located at st. Scholastica s College '123.53': Manila '126.37': yupi University Theatre this theater was '132.8': located on Taft Avenue '136.82': movie theaters '14.51': early theaters in the city of Manila '141.47': Avenue theater another architectural '146.66': work by Wan Nick pill is the Avenue '148.79': theater located along Rizal Avenue in '151.49': Santa Cruz district the theater had a '153.44': 1,000 seating capacity with its Lobby '155.81': bearing a marble finish flooring at one '158.63': point the building housed a hotel and '16.369': provided the venue for early forms of '160.67': also served as office space in 2006 it '164.36': was demolished to make way for a parking '166.34': lot as Realty costs were too expensive '168.44': for it to be maintained as of 2013 this '171.98': site is occupied by Patty's point behind '174.2': '- it is a parking lot' '177.16': Bellevue Theatre the Bellevue theatre is '18.53': entertainment like Bois de Ville a local '182.63': one of a few classic Philippine theaters '184.76': built in the 1930s still running today '187.16': it is located on Pedro Gil Street '190.04': formerly heron in Paco district and has '192.38': a total seating capacity of 600 the '195.44': theatre features a neo mut ajar theme '197.51': and contains a Quonset hut design and '199.7': other classic ornamentation the theater '20.6': adaptation of vaudeville with most '202.43': is not currently operational and a '204.35': general merchandise store occupies its '206.57': first floor as of 2013 this site is '209.78': occupied by novo jeans and t-shirt '213.9': Capitol Theatre situated in a skull toss '219.67': street in Bernardo the Capitol Theater '22.28': eventually converting to movie theaters '221.799': was designed by Juan Nick Pihl and built '223.84': in 1935 with the strong presence of '227.049': symmetry geometric shapes and the '229.06': occasional presence of graceful curves '230.98': the design is strongly identified with '233.049': the Art Deco visual arts design style '235.42': which was very popular during the 1930s '239.53': facade the most prominent elements of '24.2': with the growth and popularity of '244.209': the facade are the reliefs of two '245.74': Filipino muses done by Francesco Ricardo '248.47': Monte '25.88': Philippine cinema in the metropolis '250.689': symmetrically installed the two '252.709': Philippine amuses are explicitly '254.51': portrayed in native garb or traje de '256.729': mestizos evoking contrast between their '259.009': rural representation and urbanized '260.81': location further contrast can be found '263.75': in the details of their skirts where '265.52': strong lines and soft curves are '267.35': juxtaposed to depict the pleats of their '269.21': turnout both muses carry symbols '271.97': strongly associated with the performing '274.13': arts the left muse carries a mask '276.05': associated with theatre arts while the '278.21': right Muse carries a lyre associated '28.0': several theaters built within the city '280.34': with music '282.38': the bottom of both reliefs are images of '284.96': film and film reels '286.37': likewise executed symmetrically the '289.1': presence of these elements are in line '290.87': with the establishments purpose as a '292.61': cinema and consistent with the Art Deco '294.44': style which heavily favors bold '296.45': geometric shapes '299.12': concrete letters spelling the word '30.44': of Manila were designed by prominent '301.169': capital once adorned the top of the '303.18': structure but only the letters int are '305.31': left '305.99': additional Art Deco elements can be '308.4': found in the strong geometric details of '310.59': the top corners and the central iron '312.3': grills which marries both straight and '314.28': curved lines '316.72': Interiors the double balcony theater had '32.239': Philippine architects including future '321.59': a total of 800 seats and was among '323.66': manila's air-conditioned theaters its '326.15': lobby was adorned with a mural called '328.07': rising Philippines created by Victorio '330.62': cidades carlos v francisco and gallo b '334.04': Ocampo '336.18': damage and decay it was ultimately the '34.37': national artists Juan Nick Pihl and '340.96': deterioration of the theater business in '343.12': Manila that led to the stoppage of '344.83': Capitol theaters operations as a cinema '347.11': the construction of the Manila LRT line '350.11': one and the extensive delays prompted '352.21': moviegoers to prefer newly opened '354.13': air-conditioned malls with newer cinemas '357.75': Siniora this movie house was located at '36.32': Pablo Antonio unfortunately some of '363.75': plaza Santa Cruz C 19th photo '368.29': ever theater the ever theater is located '373.96': along Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '375.94': district the theater was also designed '378.67': by Juan Nick Pihl and has a single '380.53': screen cinema with an 800 seating '382.51': capacity '383.32': it was also visited by Walter Gropius '385.87': during its inauguration in the 1950s '388.51': praising the theaters outstanding '39.47': these theaters have since been closed '390.22': qualities currently closed as a theater '393.1': it now serves the public as a commercial '395.02': arcade as of 2013 '397.78': this site is occupied by astro tell a '399.97': hotel '4.34': constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built '402.12': gaiety theatre the gaiety theatre was '407.65': located on MH del Pilar Street in the '41.27': and several of them demolished '410.11': ermita district in the city of Manila it '412.81': was designed in the Art Deco style in '414.94': 1935 by Juan Nick pill as of 2014 it is '419.11': dilapidated with several families living '421.39': inside as caretakers it was demolished '424.15': in 2016 '427.04': Grand Theatre this movie house was on '432.53': resolving '435.48': ideal theatre the ideal theatre was '44.54': performing arts theaters '441.13': located at Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '443.44': district and designed by the late '445.03': architect Pablo Antonio in 1933 the '448.81': theater was demolished in the late 1970s '451.45': to give way to the construction of a '453.16': department store the ideal theater was '456.01': one of the first major works of Pablo '458.05': Antonio along with the buildings of Far '460.06': Eastern University and Manila Polo Club '464.11': life theater '467.86': lyric theater this movie house was at 81 '473.9': a Scholten Fernando an American Frank '476.66': Goulet acquired this theater in 1916 and '479.66': reopened it in 1917 in 1929 it was a '48.92': ah dinnae Oh auditorium this theater was '484.15': 1400 seat theater with no '486.26': air-conditioning and was considered to '488.09': be the only first-class movie house in '489.919': town this second version of the theater '492.86': had been designed by Fernando de La '494.87': Cantera it was reconstructed the third '496.97': time as a Deco building with the largest '499.25': air conditioning installation among '500.93': Manila theaters by pablo antonio and '503.33': reopened on the 1st of june 1937 in 1939 '507.68': the lyric was one of six movie houses in '510.11': Manila which were considered to be the '512.39': most presentable and modernised sort '514.7': each of which seated about 1200 patrons '518.63': one two '521.419': Radio Theater in August 1929 this movie '528.029': house was the first to show a sound film '530.01': in the Philippines which was the '531.51': American movie syncopation '535.19': Rex theater this movie house was on '540.529': Salazar Street Bernardo three '544.55': Scala theatre another theater designed '55.16': located at the former Auden AO campus in '550.13': by Pablo Antonio was the Scala theatre '552.29': also on Avenida Rizal in Santa Cruz with '556.07': its floors pasted with tea rose marble '558.29': and it's curved wall lined with glass '559.97': blocks the theaters magnificence did not '562.279': last it was closed in the 1990s the '565.519': theater catered to up to 600 people for '568.01': its single screen operations as of 2013 '57.47': Hermida '571.19': the theater is now closed though the '573.26': building structures still remain albeit '575.24': in a dire condition '577.88': State Theater another work of the late '583.16': architect Juan Nick Pihl the state '585.08': theater was on rizal a venir cruise '587.72': built in the 1930s with an art deco '59.91': Manila Metropolitan theater the Manila '590.48': design the theater was eventually closed '592.79': in the 1990s and was demolished in 2001 '595.85': as of 2013 this site is occupied by '599.15': emerald circle a mini-mall '602.56': time's theater the times theater '607.779': currently found along caisson Boulevard '609.97': Quiapo was designed by architect Louise '612.49': Z Araneta it was erected in 1939 with an '616.42': Art Moderne relief unmaintained today '619.27': the theater is still operational and can '621.58': accommodate eight hundred people with '623.23': its single screen operations '626.43': Tivoli theater this movie house was '631.81': located at Plaza Santa Cruz for '636.19': Metro Manila then for Theatre case on '641.86': city this 1960 style building on '644.709': Roosevelt Avenue has Art Deco features '648.69': "cine concepci\xF3n malabon five Morosi" '65.82': Metropolitan theater is located on Padre '654.029': theater passe this theater on Taft '656.459': Avenue was demolished in 2016 '658.92': six '661.98': see also architecture of the Philippines '669.779': cinema of the Philippines list of '674.05': theaters and concert halls in Manila '677.22': list of cinemas in Manila '68.28': Burgos Street ormita district adjacent '682.2': references '7.58': in Art Deco style or a similar branch of '70.77': to the Meehan garden the theater was '73.17': built in 1931 with an art deco design by '76.08': architects one Mariano and Otilio Ariano '79.23': and could accommodate as many as 1670 '82.56': people the theater is endowed with '84.75': bronze sculptures depicting female '86.88': performers designed by Francesco Ricardo '89.49': Monte '90.8': above the main audience entrance and '93.21': relief wood carvings of Philippine '94.979': plants found in the interior lobby made '97.05': by Isabel or Tampico the theatre was '99.84': restored in 1978 but was again closed in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila [SEP] Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "context_page_description": [ "Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the Manila metropolitan area provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, a lot of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished." ], "context_section_description": [ "Situated in Escolta Street in Binondo, the Capitol Theater was designed by Juan Nakpil, and built in 1935. With the strong presence of symmetry, geometric shapes, and the occasional presence of graceful curves, the design is strongly identified with the Art Deco visual arts design style which was very popular during the 1930s." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila / Movie theaters / Capitol Theater" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Capitol Theater" ] }
Art Deco theaters of Manila | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Art Deco theaters of Manila Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago. Learning by listening is a great way to: - increases imagination and understanding - improves your listening skills - improves your own spoken accent - learn while on the move - reduce eye strain Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone. You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at: In case you don't find one that you were looking for, put a comment. This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice. SUMMARY ======= Art Deco theaters of Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the City of Manila provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, some of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished.
'1.52': Art Deco theatres of Manila are theaters '10.039': the style like streamline Moderne in the '102.93': 1996 due to lack support from the public '105.78': and local officials it's East Wing is '108.45': now used as an office space for '110.19': government services '112.63': st. Cecilia's Hall st. Cecilia s Hall is '12.11': Philippines the construction of these '120.05': located at st. Scholastica s College '123.53': Manila '126.37': yupi University Theatre this theater was '132.8': located on Taft Avenue '136.82': movie theaters '14.51': early theaters in the city of Manila '141.47': Avenue theater another architectural '146.66': work by Wan Nick pill is the Avenue '148.79': theater located along Rizal Avenue in '151.49': Santa Cruz district the theater had a '153.44': 1,000 seating capacity with its Lobby '155.81': bearing a marble finish flooring at one '158.63': point the building housed a hotel and '16.369': provided the venue for early forms of '160.67': also served as office space in 2006 it '164.36': was demolished to make way for a parking '166.34': lot as Realty costs were too expensive '168.44': for it to be maintained as of 2013 this '171.98': site is occupied by Patty's point behind '174.2': '- it is a parking lot' '177.16': Bellevue Theatre the Bellevue theatre is '18.53': entertainment like Bois de Ville a local '182.63': one of a few classic Philippine theaters '184.76': built in the 1930s still running today '187.16': it is located on Pedro Gil Street '190.04': formerly heron in Paco district and has '192.38': a total seating capacity of 600 the '195.44': theatre features a neo mut ajar theme '197.51': and contains a Quonset hut design and '199.7': other classic ornamentation the theater '20.6': adaptation of vaudeville with most '202.43': is not currently operational and a '204.35': general merchandise store occupies its '206.57': first floor as of 2013 this site is '209.78': occupied by novo jeans and t-shirt '213.9': Capitol Theatre situated in a skull toss '219.67': street in Bernardo the Capitol Theater '22.28': eventually converting to movie theaters '221.799': was designed by Juan Nick Pihl and built '223.84': in 1935 with the strong presence of '227.049': symmetry geometric shapes and the '229.06': occasional presence of graceful curves '230.98': the design is strongly identified with '233.049': the Art Deco visual arts design style '235.42': which was very popular during the 1930s '239.53': facade the most prominent elements of '24.2': with the growth and popularity of '244.209': the facade are the reliefs of two '245.74': Filipino muses done by Francesco Ricardo '248.47': Monte '25.88': Philippine cinema in the metropolis '250.689': symmetrically installed the two '252.709': Philippine amuses are explicitly '254.51': portrayed in native garb or traje de '256.729': mestizos evoking contrast between their '259.009': rural representation and urbanized '260.81': location further contrast can be found '263.75': in the details of their skirts where '265.52': strong lines and soft curves are '267.35': juxtaposed to depict the pleats of their '269.21': turnout both muses carry symbols '271.97': strongly associated with the performing '274.13': arts the left muse carries a mask '276.05': associated with theatre arts while the '278.21': right Muse carries a lyre associated '28.0': several theaters built within the city '280.34': with music '282.38': the bottom of both reliefs are images of '284.96': film and film reels '286.37': likewise executed symmetrically the '289.1': presence of these elements are in line '290.87': with the establishments purpose as a '292.61': cinema and consistent with the Art Deco '294.44': style which heavily favors bold '296.45': geometric shapes '299.12': concrete letters spelling the word '30.44': of Manila were designed by prominent '301.169': capital once adorned the top of the '303.18': structure but only the letters int are '305.31': left '305.99': additional Art Deco elements can be '308.4': found in the strong geometric details of '310.59': the top corners and the central iron '312.3': grills which marries both straight and '314.28': curved lines '316.72': Interiors the double balcony theater had '32.239': Philippine architects including future '321.59': a total of 800 seats and was among '323.66': manila's air-conditioned theaters its '326.15': lobby was adorned with a mural called '328.07': rising Philippines created by Victorio '330.62': cidades carlos v francisco and gallo b '334.04': Ocampo '336.18': damage and decay it was ultimately the '34.37': national artists Juan Nick Pihl and '340.96': deterioration of the theater business in '343.12': Manila that led to the stoppage of '344.83': Capitol theaters operations as a cinema '347.11': the construction of the Manila LRT line '350.11': one and the extensive delays prompted '352.21': moviegoers to prefer newly opened '354.13': air-conditioned malls with newer cinemas '357.75': Siniora this movie house was located at '36.32': Pablo Antonio unfortunately some of '363.75': plaza Santa Cruz C 19th photo '368.29': ever theater the ever theater is located '373.96': along Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '375.94': district the theater was also designed '378.67': by Juan Nick Pihl and has a single '380.53': screen cinema with an 800 seating '382.51': capacity '383.32': it was also visited by Walter Gropius '385.87': during its inauguration in the 1950s '388.51': praising the theaters outstanding '39.47': these theaters have since been closed '390.22': qualities currently closed as a theater '393.1': it now serves the public as a commercial '395.02': arcade as of 2013 '397.78': this site is occupied by astro tell a '399.97': hotel '4.34': constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built '402.12': gaiety theatre the gaiety theatre was '407.65': located on MH del Pilar Street in the '41.27': and several of them demolished '410.11': ermita district in the city of Manila it '412.81': was designed in the Art Deco style in '414.94': 1935 by Juan Nick pill as of 2014 it is '419.11': dilapidated with several families living '421.39': inside as caretakers it was demolished '424.15': in 2016 '427.04': Grand Theatre this movie house was on '432.53': resolving '435.48': ideal theatre the ideal theatre was '44.54': performing arts theaters '441.13': located at Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '443.44': district and designed by the late '445.03': architect Pablo Antonio in 1933 the '448.81': theater was demolished in the late 1970s '451.45': to give way to the construction of a '453.16': department store the ideal theater was '456.01': one of the first major works of Pablo '458.05': Antonio along with the buildings of Far '460.06': Eastern University and Manila Polo Club '464.11': life theater '467.86': lyric theater this movie house was at 81 '473.9': a Scholten Fernando an American Frank '476.66': Goulet acquired this theater in 1916 and '479.66': reopened it in 1917 in 1929 it was a '48.92': ah dinnae Oh auditorium this theater was '484.15': 1400 seat theater with no '486.26': air-conditioning and was considered to '488.09': be the only first-class movie house in '489.919': town this second version of the theater '492.86': had been designed by Fernando de La '494.87': Cantera it was reconstructed the third '496.97': time as a Deco building with the largest '499.25': air conditioning installation among '500.93': Manila theaters by pablo antonio and '503.33': reopened on the 1st of june 1937 in 1939 '507.68': the lyric was one of six movie houses in '510.11': Manila which were considered to be the '512.39': most presentable and modernised sort '514.7': each of which seated about 1200 patrons '518.63': one two '521.419': Radio Theater in August 1929 this movie '528.029': house was the first to show a sound film '530.01': in the Philippines which was the '531.51': American movie syncopation '535.19': Rex theater this movie house was on '540.529': Salazar Street Bernardo three '544.55': Scala theatre another theater designed '55.16': located at the former Auden AO campus in '550.13': by Pablo Antonio was the Scala theatre '552.29': also on Avenida Rizal in Santa Cruz with '556.07': its floors pasted with tea rose marble '558.29': and it's curved wall lined with glass '559.97': blocks the theaters magnificence did not '562.279': last it was closed in the 1990s the '565.519': theater catered to up to 600 people for '568.01': its single screen operations as of 2013 '57.47': Hermida '571.19': the theater is now closed though the '573.26': building structures still remain albeit '575.24': in a dire condition '577.88': State Theater another work of the late '583.16': architect Juan Nick Pihl the state '585.08': theater was on rizal a venir cruise '587.72': built in the 1930s with an art deco '59.91': Manila Metropolitan theater the Manila '590.48': design the theater was eventually closed '592.79': in the 1990s and was demolished in 2001 '595.85': as of 2013 this site is occupied by '599.15': emerald circle a mini-mall '602.56': time's theater the times theater '607.779': currently found along caisson Boulevard '609.97': Quiapo was designed by architect Louise '612.49': Z Araneta it was erected in 1939 with an '616.42': Art Moderne relief unmaintained today '619.27': the theater is still operational and can '621.58': accommodate eight hundred people with '623.23': its single screen operations '626.43': Tivoli theater this movie house was '631.81': located at Plaza Santa Cruz for '636.19': Metro Manila then for Theatre case on '641.86': city this 1960 style building on '644.709': Roosevelt Avenue has Art Deco features '648.69': "cine concepci\xF3n malabon five Morosi" '65.82': Metropolitan theater is located on Padre '654.029': theater passe this theater on Taft '656.459': Avenue was demolished in 2016 '658.92': six '661.98': see also architecture of the Philippines '669.779': cinema of the Philippines list of '674.05': theaters and concert halls in Manila '677.22': list of cinemas in Manila '68.28': Burgos Street ormita district adjacent '682.2': references '7.58': in Art Deco style or a similar branch of '70.77': to the Meehan garden the theater was '73.17': built in 1931 with an art deco design by '76.08': architects one Mariano and Otilio Ariano '79.23': and could accommodate as many as 1670 '82.56': people the theater is endowed with '84.75': bronze sculptures depicting female '86.88': performers designed by Francesco Ricardo '89.49': Monte '90.8': above the main audience entrance and '93.21': relief wood carvings of Philippine '94.979': plants found in the interior lobby made '97.05': by Isabel or Tampico the theatre was '99.84': restored in 1978 but was again closed in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila [SEP] Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "context_page_description": [ "Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the Manila metropolitan area provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, a lot of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished." ], "context_section_description": [ "Situated in Escolta Street in Binondo, the Capitol Theater was designed by Juan Nakpil, and built in 1935. With the strong presence of symmetry, geometric shapes, and the occasional presence of graceful curves, the design is strongly identified with the Art Deco visual arts design style which was very popular during the 1930s." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila / Movie theaters / Capitol Theater" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Capitol Theater" ] }
Art Deco theaters of Manila | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Art Deco theaters of Manila Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago. Learning by listening is a great way to: - increases imagination and understanding - improves your listening skills - improves your own spoken accent - learn while on the move - reduce eye strain Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone. You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at: In case you don't find one that you were looking for, put a comment. This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice. SUMMARY ======= Art Deco theaters of Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the City of Manila provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, some of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished.
'1.52': Art Deco theatres of Manila are theaters '10.039': the style like streamline Moderne in the '102.93': 1996 due to lack support from the public '105.78': and local officials it's East Wing is '108.45': now used as an office space for '110.19': government services '112.63': st. Cecilia's Hall st. Cecilia s Hall is '12.11': Philippines the construction of these '120.05': located at st. Scholastica s College '123.53': Manila '126.37': yupi University Theatre this theater was '132.8': located on Taft Avenue '136.82': movie theaters '14.51': early theaters in the city of Manila '141.47': Avenue theater another architectural '146.66': work by Wan Nick pill is the Avenue '148.79': theater located along Rizal Avenue in '151.49': Santa Cruz district the theater had a '153.44': 1,000 seating capacity with its Lobby '155.81': bearing a marble finish flooring at one '158.63': point the building housed a hotel and '16.369': provided the venue for early forms of '160.67': also served as office space in 2006 it '164.36': was demolished to make way for a parking '166.34': lot as Realty costs were too expensive '168.44': for it to be maintained as of 2013 this '171.98': site is occupied by Patty's point behind '174.2': '- it is a parking lot' '177.16': Bellevue Theatre the Bellevue theatre is '18.53': entertainment like Bois de Ville a local '182.63': one of a few classic Philippine theaters '184.76': built in the 1930s still running today '187.16': it is located on Pedro Gil Street '190.04': formerly heron in Paco district and has '192.38': a total seating capacity of 600 the '195.44': theatre features a neo mut ajar theme '197.51': and contains a Quonset hut design and '199.7': other classic ornamentation the theater '20.6': adaptation of vaudeville with most '202.43': is not currently operational and a '204.35': general merchandise store occupies its '206.57': first floor as of 2013 this site is '209.78': occupied by novo jeans and t-shirt '213.9': Capitol Theatre situated in a skull toss '219.67': street in Bernardo the Capitol Theater '22.28': eventually converting to movie theaters '221.799': was designed by Juan Nick Pihl and built '223.84': in 1935 with the strong presence of '227.049': symmetry geometric shapes and the '229.06': occasional presence of graceful curves '230.98': the design is strongly identified with '233.049': the Art Deco visual arts design style '235.42': which was very popular during the 1930s '239.53': facade the most prominent elements of '24.2': with the growth and popularity of '244.209': the facade are the reliefs of two '245.74': Filipino muses done by Francesco Ricardo '248.47': Monte '25.88': Philippine cinema in the metropolis '250.689': symmetrically installed the two '252.709': Philippine amuses are explicitly '254.51': portrayed in native garb or traje de '256.729': mestizos evoking contrast between their '259.009': rural representation and urbanized '260.81': location further contrast can be found '263.75': in the details of their skirts where '265.52': strong lines and soft curves are '267.35': juxtaposed to depict the pleats of their '269.21': turnout both muses carry symbols '271.97': strongly associated with the performing '274.13': arts the left muse carries a mask '276.05': associated with theatre arts while the '278.21': right Muse carries a lyre associated '28.0': several theaters built within the city '280.34': with music '282.38': the bottom of both reliefs are images of '284.96': film and film reels '286.37': likewise executed symmetrically the '289.1': presence of these elements are in line '290.87': with the establishments purpose as a '292.61': cinema and consistent with the Art Deco '294.44': style which heavily favors bold '296.45': geometric shapes '299.12': concrete letters spelling the word '30.44': of Manila were designed by prominent '301.169': capital once adorned the top of the '303.18': structure but only the letters int are '305.31': left '305.99': additional Art Deco elements can be '308.4': found in the strong geometric details of '310.59': the top corners and the central iron '312.3': grills which marries both straight and '314.28': curved lines '316.72': Interiors the double balcony theater had '32.239': Philippine architects including future '321.59': a total of 800 seats and was among '323.66': manila's air-conditioned theaters its '326.15': lobby was adorned with a mural called '328.07': rising Philippines created by Victorio '330.62': cidades carlos v francisco and gallo b '334.04': Ocampo '336.18': damage and decay it was ultimately the '34.37': national artists Juan Nick Pihl and '340.96': deterioration of the theater business in '343.12': Manila that led to the stoppage of '344.83': Capitol theaters operations as a cinema '347.11': the construction of the Manila LRT line '350.11': one and the extensive delays prompted '352.21': moviegoers to prefer newly opened '354.13': air-conditioned malls with newer cinemas '357.75': Siniora this movie house was located at '36.32': Pablo Antonio unfortunately some of '363.75': plaza Santa Cruz C 19th photo '368.29': ever theater the ever theater is located '373.96': along Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '375.94': district the theater was also designed '378.67': by Juan Nick Pihl and has a single '380.53': screen cinema with an 800 seating '382.51': capacity '383.32': it was also visited by Walter Gropius '385.87': during its inauguration in the 1950s '388.51': praising the theaters outstanding '39.47': these theaters have since been closed '390.22': qualities currently closed as a theater '393.1': it now serves the public as a commercial '395.02': arcade as of 2013 '397.78': this site is occupied by astro tell a '399.97': hotel '4.34': constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built '402.12': gaiety theatre the gaiety theatre was '407.65': located on MH del Pilar Street in the '41.27': and several of them demolished '410.11': ermita district in the city of Manila it '412.81': was designed in the Art Deco style in '414.94': 1935 by Juan Nick pill as of 2014 it is '419.11': dilapidated with several families living '421.39': inside as caretakers it was demolished '424.15': in 2016 '427.04': Grand Theatre this movie house was on '432.53': resolving '435.48': ideal theatre the ideal theatre was '44.54': performing arts theaters '441.13': located at Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '443.44': district and designed by the late '445.03': architect Pablo Antonio in 1933 the '448.81': theater was demolished in the late 1970s '451.45': to give way to the construction of a '453.16': department store the ideal theater was '456.01': one of the first major works of Pablo '458.05': Antonio along with the buildings of Far '460.06': Eastern University and Manila Polo Club '464.11': life theater '467.86': lyric theater this movie house was at 81 '473.9': a Scholten Fernando an American Frank '476.66': Goulet acquired this theater in 1916 and '479.66': reopened it in 1917 in 1929 it was a '48.92': ah dinnae Oh auditorium this theater was '484.15': 1400 seat theater with no '486.26': air-conditioning and was considered to '488.09': be the only first-class movie house in '489.919': town this second version of the theater '492.86': had been designed by Fernando de La '494.87': Cantera it was reconstructed the third '496.97': time as a Deco building with the largest '499.25': air conditioning installation among '500.93': Manila theaters by pablo antonio and '503.33': reopened on the 1st of june 1937 in 1939 '507.68': the lyric was one of six movie houses in '510.11': Manila which were considered to be the '512.39': most presentable and modernised sort '514.7': each of which seated about 1200 patrons '518.63': one two '521.419': Radio Theater in August 1929 this movie '528.029': house was the first to show a sound film '530.01': in the Philippines which was the '531.51': American movie syncopation '535.19': Rex theater this movie house was on '540.529': Salazar Street Bernardo three '544.55': Scala theatre another theater designed '55.16': located at the former Auden AO campus in '550.13': by Pablo Antonio was the Scala theatre '552.29': also on Avenida Rizal in Santa Cruz with '556.07': its floors pasted with tea rose marble '558.29': and it's curved wall lined with glass '559.97': blocks the theaters magnificence did not '562.279': last it was closed in the 1990s the '565.519': theater catered to up to 600 people for '568.01': its single screen operations as of 2013 '57.47': Hermida '571.19': the theater is now closed though the '573.26': building structures still remain albeit '575.24': in a dire condition '577.88': State Theater another work of the late '583.16': architect Juan Nick Pihl the state '585.08': theater was on rizal a venir cruise '587.72': built in the 1930s with an art deco '59.91': Manila Metropolitan theater the Manila '590.48': design the theater was eventually closed '592.79': in the 1990s and was demolished in 2001 '595.85': as of 2013 this site is occupied by '599.15': emerald circle a mini-mall '602.56': time's theater the times theater '607.779': currently found along caisson Boulevard '609.97': Quiapo was designed by architect Louise '612.49': Z Araneta it was erected in 1939 with an '616.42': Art Moderne relief unmaintained today '619.27': the theater is still operational and can '621.58': accommodate eight hundred people with '623.23': its single screen operations '626.43': Tivoli theater this movie house was '631.81': located at Plaza Santa Cruz for '636.19': Metro Manila then for Theatre case on '641.86': city this 1960 style building on '644.709': Roosevelt Avenue has Art Deco features '648.69': "cine concepci\xF3n malabon five Morosi" '65.82': Metropolitan theater is located on Padre '654.029': theater passe this theater on Taft '656.459': Avenue was demolished in 2016 '658.92': six '661.98': see also architecture of the Philippines '669.779': cinema of the Philippines list of '674.05': theaters and concert halls in Manila '677.22': list of cinemas in Manila '68.28': Burgos Street ormita district adjacent '682.2': references '7.58': in Art Deco style or a similar branch of '70.77': to the Meehan garden the theater was '73.17': built in 1931 with an art deco design by '76.08': architects one Mariano and Otilio Ariano '79.23': and could accommodate as many as 1670 '82.56': people the theater is endowed with '84.75': bronze sculptures depicting female '86.88': performers designed by Francesco Ricardo '89.49': Monte '90.8': above the main audience entrance and '93.21': relief wood carvings of Philippine '94.979': plants found in the interior lobby made '97.05': by Isabel or Tampico the theatre was '99.84': restored in 1978 but was again closed in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila [SEP] Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "context_page_description": [ "Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the Manila metropolitan area provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, a lot of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished." ], "context_section_description": [ "Situated in Escolta Street in Binondo, the Capitol Theater was designed by Juan Nakpil, and built in 1935. With the strong presence of symmetry, geometric shapes, and the occasional presence of graceful curves, the design is strongly identified with the Art Deco visual arts design style which was very popular during the 1930s." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila / Movie theaters / Capitol Theater" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Capitol Theater" ] }
Art Deco theaters of Manila | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Art Deco theaters of Manila Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago. Learning by listening is a great way to: - increases imagination and understanding - improves your listening skills - improves your own spoken accent - learn while on the move - reduce eye strain Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone. You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at: In case you don't find one that you were looking for, put a comment. This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice. SUMMARY ======= Art Deco theaters of Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the City of Manila provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, some of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished.
'1.52': Art Deco theatres of Manila are theaters '10.039': the style like streamline Moderne in the '102.93': 1996 due to lack support from the public '105.78': and local officials it's East Wing is '108.45': now used as an office space for '110.19': government services '112.63': st. Cecilia's Hall st. Cecilia s Hall is '12.11': Philippines the construction of these '120.05': located at st. Scholastica s College '123.53': Manila '126.37': yupi University Theatre this theater was '132.8': located on Taft Avenue '136.82': movie theaters '14.51': early theaters in the city of Manila '141.47': Avenue theater another architectural '146.66': work by Wan Nick pill is the Avenue '148.79': theater located along Rizal Avenue in '151.49': Santa Cruz district the theater had a '153.44': 1,000 seating capacity with its Lobby '155.81': bearing a marble finish flooring at one '158.63': point the building housed a hotel and '16.369': provided the venue for early forms of '160.67': also served as office space in 2006 it '164.36': was demolished to make way for a parking '166.34': lot as Realty costs were too expensive '168.44': for it to be maintained as of 2013 this '171.98': site is occupied by Patty's point behind '174.2': '- it is a parking lot' '177.16': Bellevue Theatre the Bellevue theatre is '18.53': entertainment like Bois de Ville a local '182.63': one of a few classic Philippine theaters '184.76': built in the 1930s still running today '187.16': it is located on Pedro Gil Street '190.04': formerly heron in Paco district and has '192.38': a total seating capacity of 600 the '195.44': theatre features a neo mut ajar theme '197.51': and contains a Quonset hut design and '199.7': other classic ornamentation the theater '20.6': adaptation of vaudeville with most '202.43': is not currently operational and a '204.35': general merchandise store occupies its '206.57': first floor as of 2013 this site is '209.78': occupied by novo jeans and t-shirt '213.9': Capitol Theatre situated in a skull toss '219.67': street in Bernardo the Capitol Theater '22.28': eventually converting to movie theaters '221.799': was designed by Juan Nick Pihl and built '223.84': in 1935 with the strong presence of '227.049': symmetry geometric shapes and the '229.06': occasional presence of graceful curves '230.98': the design is strongly identified with '233.049': the Art Deco visual arts design style '235.42': which was very popular during the 1930s '239.53': facade the most prominent elements of '24.2': with the growth and popularity of '244.209': the facade are the reliefs of two '245.74': Filipino muses done by Francesco Ricardo '248.47': Monte '25.88': Philippine cinema in the metropolis '250.689': symmetrically installed the two '252.709': Philippine amuses are explicitly '254.51': portrayed in native garb or traje de '256.729': mestizos evoking contrast between their '259.009': rural representation and urbanized '260.81': location further contrast can be found '263.75': in the details of their skirts where '265.52': strong lines and soft curves are '267.35': juxtaposed to depict the pleats of their '269.21': turnout both muses carry symbols '271.97': strongly associated with the performing '274.13': arts the left muse carries a mask '276.05': associated with theatre arts while the '278.21': right Muse carries a lyre associated '28.0': several theaters built within the city '280.34': with music '282.38': the bottom of both reliefs are images of '284.96': film and film reels '286.37': likewise executed symmetrically the '289.1': presence of these elements are in line '290.87': with the establishments purpose as a '292.61': cinema and consistent with the Art Deco '294.44': style which heavily favors bold '296.45': geometric shapes '299.12': concrete letters spelling the word '30.44': of Manila were designed by prominent '301.169': capital once adorned the top of the '303.18': structure but only the letters int are '305.31': left '305.99': additional Art Deco elements can be '308.4': found in the strong geometric details of '310.59': the top corners and the central iron '312.3': grills which marries both straight and '314.28': curved lines '316.72': Interiors the double balcony theater had '32.239': Philippine architects including future '321.59': a total of 800 seats and was among '323.66': manila's air-conditioned theaters its '326.15': lobby was adorned with a mural called '328.07': rising Philippines created by Victorio '330.62': cidades carlos v francisco and gallo b '334.04': Ocampo '336.18': damage and decay it was ultimately the '34.37': national artists Juan Nick Pihl and '340.96': deterioration of the theater business in '343.12': Manila that led to the stoppage of '344.83': Capitol theaters operations as a cinema '347.11': the construction of the Manila LRT line '350.11': one and the extensive delays prompted '352.21': moviegoers to prefer newly opened '354.13': air-conditioned malls with newer cinemas '357.75': Siniora this movie house was located at '36.32': Pablo Antonio unfortunately some of '363.75': plaza Santa Cruz C 19th photo '368.29': ever theater the ever theater is located '373.96': along Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '375.94': district the theater was also designed '378.67': by Juan Nick Pihl and has a single '380.53': screen cinema with an 800 seating '382.51': capacity '383.32': it was also visited by Walter Gropius '385.87': during its inauguration in the 1950s '388.51': praising the theaters outstanding '39.47': these theaters have since been closed '390.22': qualities currently closed as a theater '393.1': it now serves the public as a commercial '395.02': arcade as of 2013 '397.78': this site is occupied by astro tell a '399.97': hotel '4.34': constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built '402.12': gaiety theatre the gaiety theatre was '407.65': located on MH del Pilar Street in the '41.27': and several of them demolished '410.11': ermita district in the city of Manila it '412.81': was designed in the Art Deco style in '414.94': 1935 by Juan Nick pill as of 2014 it is '419.11': dilapidated with several families living '421.39': inside as caretakers it was demolished '424.15': in 2016 '427.04': Grand Theatre this movie house was on '432.53': resolving '435.48': ideal theatre the ideal theatre was '44.54': performing arts theaters '441.13': located at Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '443.44': district and designed by the late '445.03': architect Pablo Antonio in 1933 the '448.81': theater was demolished in the late 1970s '451.45': to give way to the construction of a '453.16': department store the ideal theater was '456.01': one of the first major works of Pablo '458.05': Antonio along with the buildings of Far '460.06': Eastern University and Manila Polo Club '464.11': life theater '467.86': lyric theater this movie house was at 81 '473.9': a Scholten Fernando an American Frank '476.66': Goulet acquired this theater in 1916 and '479.66': reopened it in 1917 in 1929 it was a '48.92': ah dinnae Oh auditorium this theater was '484.15': 1400 seat theater with no '486.26': air-conditioning and was considered to '488.09': be the only first-class movie house in '489.919': town this second version of the theater '492.86': had been designed by Fernando de La '494.87': Cantera it was reconstructed the third '496.97': time as a Deco building with the largest '499.25': air conditioning installation among '500.93': Manila theaters by pablo antonio and '503.33': reopened on the 1st of june 1937 in 1939 '507.68': the lyric was one of six movie houses in '510.11': Manila which were considered to be the '512.39': most presentable and modernised sort '514.7': each of which seated about 1200 patrons '518.63': one two '521.419': Radio Theater in August 1929 this movie '528.029': house was the first to show a sound film '530.01': in the Philippines which was the '531.51': American movie syncopation '535.19': Rex theater this movie house was on '540.529': Salazar Street Bernardo three '544.55': Scala theatre another theater designed '55.16': located at the former Auden AO campus in '550.13': by Pablo Antonio was the Scala theatre '552.29': also on Avenida Rizal in Santa Cruz with '556.07': its floors pasted with tea rose marble '558.29': and it's curved wall lined with glass '559.97': blocks the theaters magnificence did not '562.279': last it was closed in the 1990s the '565.519': theater catered to up to 600 people for '568.01': its single screen operations as of 2013 '57.47': Hermida '571.19': the theater is now closed though the '573.26': building structures still remain albeit '575.24': in a dire condition '577.88': State Theater another work of the late '583.16': architect Juan Nick Pihl the state '585.08': theater was on rizal a venir cruise '587.72': built in the 1930s with an art deco '59.91': Manila Metropolitan theater the Manila '590.48': design the theater was eventually closed '592.79': in the 1990s and was demolished in 2001 '595.85': as of 2013 this site is occupied by '599.15': emerald circle a mini-mall '602.56': time's theater the times theater '607.779': currently found along caisson Boulevard '609.97': Quiapo was designed by architect Louise '612.49': Z Araneta it was erected in 1939 with an '616.42': Art Moderne relief unmaintained today '619.27': the theater is still operational and can '621.58': accommodate eight hundred people with '623.23': its single screen operations '626.43': Tivoli theater this movie house was '631.81': located at Plaza Santa Cruz for '636.19': Metro Manila then for Theatre case on '641.86': city this 1960 style building on '644.709': Roosevelt Avenue has Art Deco features '648.69': "cine concepci\xF3n malabon five Morosi" '65.82': Metropolitan theater is located on Padre '654.029': theater passe this theater on Taft '656.459': Avenue was demolished in 2016 '658.92': six '661.98': see also architecture of the Philippines '669.779': cinema of the Philippines list of '674.05': theaters and concert halls in Manila '677.22': list of cinemas in Manila '68.28': Burgos Street ormita district adjacent '682.2': references '7.58': in Art Deco style or a similar branch of '70.77': to the Meehan garden the theater was '73.17': built in 1931 with an art deco design by '76.08': architects one Mariano and Otilio Ariano '79.23': and could accommodate as many as 1670 '82.56': people the theater is endowed with '84.75': bronze sculptures depicting female '86.88': performers designed by Francesco Ricardo '89.49': Monte '90.8': above the main audience entrance and '93.21': relief wood carvings of Philippine '94.979': plants found in the interior lobby made '97.05': by Isabel or Tampico the theatre was '99.84': restored in 1978 but was again closed in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila [SEP] Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "context_page_description": [ "Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the Manila metropolitan area provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, a lot of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished." ], "context_section_description": [ "Situated in Escolta Street in Binondo, the Capitol Theater was designed by Juan Nakpil, and built in 1935. With the strong presence of symmetry, geometric shapes, and the occasional presence of graceful curves, the design is strongly identified with the Art Deco visual arts design style which was very popular during the 1930s." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila / Movie theaters / Capitol Theater" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Capitol Theater" ] }
Art Deco theaters of Manila | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Art Deco theaters of Manila Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago. Learning by listening is a great way to: - increases imagination and understanding - improves your listening skills - improves your own spoken accent - learn while on the move - reduce eye strain Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone. You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at: In case you don't find one that you were looking for, put a comment. This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice. SUMMARY ======= Art Deco theaters of Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the City of Manila provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, some of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished.
'1.52': Art Deco theatres of Manila are theaters '10.039': the style like streamline Moderne in the '102.93': 1996 due to lack support from the public '105.78': and local officials it's East Wing is '108.45': now used as an office space for '110.19': government services '112.63': st. Cecilia's Hall st. Cecilia s Hall is '12.11': Philippines the construction of these '120.05': located at st. Scholastica s College '123.53': Manila '126.37': yupi University Theatre this theater was '132.8': located on Taft Avenue '136.82': movie theaters '14.51': early theaters in the city of Manila '141.47': Avenue theater another architectural '146.66': work by Wan Nick pill is the Avenue '148.79': theater located along Rizal Avenue in '151.49': Santa Cruz district the theater had a '153.44': 1,000 seating capacity with its Lobby '155.81': bearing a marble finish flooring at one '158.63': point the building housed a hotel and '16.369': provided the venue for early forms of '160.67': also served as office space in 2006 it '164.36': was demolished to make way for a parking '166.34': lot as Realty costs were too expensive '168.44': for it to be maintained as of 2013 this '171.98': site is occupied by Patty's point behind '174.2': '- it is a parking lot' '177.16': Bellevue Theatre the Bellevue theatre is '18.53': entertainment like Bois de Ville a local '182.63': one of a few classic Philippine theaters '184.76': built in the 1930s still running today '187.16': it is located on Pedro Gil Street '190.04': formerly heron in Paco district and has '192.38': a total seating capacity of 600 the '195.44': theatre features a neo mut ajar theme '197.51': and contains a Quonset hut design and '199.7': other classic ornamentation the theater '20.6': adaptation of vaudeville with most '202.43': is not currently operational and a '204.35': general merchandise store occupies its '206.57': first floor as of 2013 this site is '209.78': occupied by novo jeans and t-shirt '213.9': Capitol Theatre situated in a skull toss '219.67': street in Bernardo the Capitol Theater '22.28': eventually converting to movie theaters '221.799': was designed by Juan Nick Pihl and built '223.84': in 1935 with the strong presence of '227.049': symmetry geometric shapes and the '229.06': occasional presence of graceful curves '230.98': the design is strongly identified with '233.049': the Art Deco visual arts design style '235.42': which was very popular during the 1930s '239.53': facade the most prominent elements of '24.2': with the growth and popularity of '244.209': the facade are the reliefs of two '245.74': Filipino muses done by Francesco Ricardo '248.47': Monte '25.88': Philippine cinema in the metropolis '250.689': symmetrically installed the two '252.709': Philippine amuses are explicitly '254.51': portrayed in native garb or traje de '256.729': mestizos evoking contrast between their '259.009': rural representation and urbanized '260.81': location further contrast can be found '263.75': in the details of their skirts where '265.52': strong lines and soft curves are '267.35': juxtaposed to depict the pleats of their '269.21': turnout both muses carry symbols '271.97': strongly associated with the performing '274.13': arts the left muse carries a mask '276.05': associated with theatre arts while the '278.21': right Muse carries a lyre associated '28.0': several theaters built within the city '280.34': with music '282.38': the bottom of both reliefs are images of '284.96': film and film reels '286.37': likewise executed symmetrically the '289.1': presence of these elements are in line '290.87': with the establishments purpose as a '292.61': cinema and consistent with the Art Deco '294.44': style which heavily favors bold '296.45': geometric shapes '299.12': concrete letters spelling the word '30.44': of Manila were designed by prominent '301.169': capital once adorned the top of the '303.18': structure but only the letters int are '305.31': left '305.99': additional Art Deco elements can be '308.4': found in the strong geometric details of '310.59': the top corners and the central iron '312.3': grills which marries both straight and '314.28': curved lines '316.72': Interiors the double balcony theater had '32.239': Philippine architects including future '321.59': a total of 800 seats and was among '323.66': manila's air-conditioned theaters its '326.15': lobby was adorned with a mural called '328.07': rising Philippines created by Victorio '330.62': cidades carlos v francisco and gallo b '334.04': Ocampo '336.18': damage and decay it was ultimately the '34.37': national artists Juan Nick Pihl and '340.96': deterioration of the theater business in '343.12': Manila that led to the stoppage of '344.83': Capitol theaters operations as a cinema '347.11': the construction of the Manila LRT line '350.11': one and the extensive delays prompted '352.21': moviegoers to prefer newly opened '354.13': air-conditioned malls with newer cinemas '357.75': Siniora this movie house was located at '36.32': Pablo Antonio unfortunately some of '363.75': plaza Santa Cruz C 19th photo '368.29': ever theater the ever theater is located '373.96': along Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '375.94': district the theater was also designed '378.67': by Juan Nick Pihl and has a single '380.53': screen cinema with an 800 seating '382.51': capacity '383.32': it was also visited by Walter Gropius '385.87': during its inauguration in the 1950s '388.51': praising the theaters outstanding '39.47': these theaters have since been closed '390.22': qualities currently closed as a theater '393.1': it now serves the public as a commercial '395.02': arcade as of 2013 '397.78': this site is occupied by astro tell a '399.97': hotel '4.34': constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built '402.12': gaiety theatre the gaiety theatre was '407.65': located on MH del Pilar Street in the '41.27': and several of them demolished '410.11': ermita district in the city of Manila it '412.81': was designed in the Art Deco style in '414.94': 1935 by Juan Nick pill as of 2014 it is '419.11': dilapidated with several families living '421.39': inside as caretakers it was demolished '424.15': in 2016 '427.04': Grand Theatre this movie house was on '432.53': resolving '435.48': ideal theatre the ideal theatre was '44.54': performing arts theaters '441.13': located at Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '443.44': district and designed by the late '445.03': architect Pablo Antonio in 1933 the '448.81': theater was demolished in the late 1970s '451.45': to give way to the construction of a '453.16': department store the ideal theater was '456.01': one of the first major works of Pablo '458.05': Antonio along with the buildings of Far '460.06': Eastern University and Manila Polo Club '464.11': life theater '467.86': lyric theater this movie house was at 81 '473.9': a Scholten Fernando an American Frank '476.66': Goulet acquired this theater in 1916 and '479.66': reopened it in 1917 in 1929 it was a '48.92': ah dinnae Oh auditorium this theater was '484.15': 1400 seat theater with no '486.26': air-conditioning and was considered to '488.09': be the only first-class movie house in '489.919': town this second version of the theater '492.86': had been designed by Fernando de La '494.87': Cantera it was reconstructed the third '496.97': time as a Deco building with the largest '499.25': air conditioning installation among '500.93': Manila theaters by pablo antonio and '503.33': reopened on the 1st of june 1937 in 1939 '507.68': the lyric was one of six movie houses in '510.11': Manila which were considered to be the '512.39': most presentable and modernised sort '514.7': each of which seated about 1200 patrons '518.63': one two '521.419': Radio Theater in August 1929 this movie '528.029': house was the first to show a sound film '530.01': in the Philippines which was the '531.51': American movie syncopation '535.19': Rex theater this movie house was on '540.529': Salazar Street Bernardo three '544.55': Scala theatre another theater designed '55.16': located at the former Auden AO campus in '550.13': by Pablo Antonio was the Scala theatre '552.29': also on Avenida Rizal in Santa Cruz with '556.07': its floors pasted with tea rose marble '558.29': and it's curved wall lined with glass '559.97': blocks the theaters magnificence did not '562.279': last it was closed in the 1990s the '565.519': theater catered to up to 600 people for '568.01': its single screen operations as of 2013 '57.47': Hermida '571.19': the theater is now closed though the '573.26': building structures still remain albeit '575.24': in a dire condition '577.88': State Theater another work of the late '583.16': architect Juan Nick Pihl the state '585.08': theater was on rizal a venir cruise '587.72': built in the 1930s with an art deco '59.91': Manila Metropolitan theater the Manila '590.48': design the theater was eventually closed '592.79': in the 1990s and was demolished in 2001 '595.85': as of 2013 this site is occupied by '599.15': emerald circle a mini-mall '602.56': time's theater the times theater '607.779': currently found along caisson Boulevard '609.97': Quiapo was designed by architect Louise '612.49': Z Araneta it was erected in 1939 with an '616.42': Art Moderne relief unmaintained today '619.27': the theater is still operational and can '621.58': accommodate eight hundred people with '623.23': its single screen operations '626.43': Tivoli theater this movie house was '631.81': located at Plaza Santa Cruz for '636.19': Metro Manila then for Theatre case on '641.86': city this 1960 style building on '644.709': Roosevelt Avenue has Art Deco features '648.69': "cine concepci\xF3n malabon five Morosi" '65.82': Metropolitan theater is located on Padre '654.029': theater passe this theater on Taft '656.459': Avenue was demolished in 2016 '658.92': six '661.98': see also architecture of the Philippines '669.779': cinema of the Philippines list of '674.05': theaters and concert halls in Manila '677.22': list of cinemas in Manila '68.28': Burgos Street ormita district adjacent '682.2': references '7.58': in Art Deco style or a similar branch of '70.77': to the Meehan garden the theater was '73.17': built in 1931 with an art deco design by '76.08': architects one Mariano and Otilio Ariano '79.23': and could accommodate as many as 1670 '82.56': people the theater is endowed with '84.75': bronze sculptures depicting female '86.88': performers designed by Francesco Ricardo '89.49': Monte '90.8': above the main audience entrance and '93.21': relief wood carvings of Philippine '94.979': plants found in the interior lobby made '97.05': by Isabel or Tampico the theatre was '99.84': restored in 1978 but was again closed in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila [SEP] Capitol Theater – Street View" ], "context_page_description": [ "Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the Manila metropolitan area provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, a lot of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished." ], "context_section_description": [ "Situated in Escolta Street in Binondo, the Capitol Theater was designed by Juan Nakpil, and built in 1935. With the strong presence of symmetry, geometric shapes, and the occasional presence of graceful curves, the design is strongly identified with the Art Deco visual arts design style which was very popular during the 1930s." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila / Movie theaters / Capitol Theater" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "List of Art Deco theaters in Metro Manila" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Capitol Theater" ] }
Art Deco theaters of Manila | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article: Art Deco theaters of Manila Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago. Learning by listening is a great way to: - increases imagination and understanding - improves your listening skills - improves your own spoken accent - learn while on the move - reduce eye strain Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone. You can find other Wikipedia audio articles too at: In case you don't find one that you were looking for, put a comment. This video uses Google TTS en-US-Standard-D voice. SUMMARY ======= Art Deco theaters of Manila are theaters constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built in Art Deco style, or a similar branch of the style like Streamline Moderne, in the Philippines. The construction of these early theaters in the City of Manila provided the venue for early forms of entertainment like bodabil, a local adaptation of vaudeville, with most eventually converting to movie theaters with the growth and popularity of Philippine cinema in the metropolis. Several theaters built within the city of Manila were designed by prominent Philippine architects, including future National Artists Juan Nakpil and Pablo Antonio. Unfortunately, some of these theaters have since been closed and several of them demolished.
'1.52': Art Deco theatres of Manila are theaters '10.039': the style like streamline Moderne in the '102.93': 1996 due to lack support from the public '105.78': and local officials it's East Wing is '108.45': now used as an office space for '110.19': government services '112.63': st. Cecilia's Hall st. Cecilia s Hall is '12.11': Philippines the construction of these '120.05': located at st. Scholastica s College '123.53': Manila '126.37': yupi University Theatre this theater was '132.8': located on Taft Avenue '136.82': movie theaters '14.51': early theaters in the city of Manila '141.47': Avenue theater another architectural '146.66': work by Wan Nick pill is the Avenue '148.79': theater located along Rizal Avenue in '151.49': Santa Cruz district the theater had a '153.44': 1,000 seating capacity with its Lobby '155.81': bearing a marble finish flooring at one '158.63': point the building housed a hotel and '16.369': provided the venue for early forms of '160.67': also served as office space in 2006 it '164.36': was demolished to make way for a parking '166.34': lot as Realty costs were too expensive '168.44': for it to be maintained as of 2013 this '171.98': site is occupied by Patty's point behind '174.2': '- it is a parking lot' '177.16': Bellevue Theatre the Bellevue theatre is '18.53': entertainment like Bois de Ville a local '182.63': one of a few classic Philippine theaters '184.76': built in the 1930s still running today '187.16': it is located on Pedro Gil Street '190.04': formerly heron in Paco district and has '192.38': a total seating capacity of 600 the '195.44': theatre features a neo mut ajar theme '197.51': and contains a Quonset hut design and '199.7': other classic ornamentation the theater '20.6': adaptation of vaudeville with most '202.43': is not currently operational and a '204.35': general merchandise store occupies its '206.57': first floor as of 2013 this site is '209.78': occupied by novo jeans and t-shirt '213.9': Capitol Theatre situated in a skull toss '219.67': street in Bernardo the Capitol Theater '22.28': eventually converting to movie theaters '221.799': was designed by Juan Nick Pihl and built '223.84': in 1935 with the strong presence of '227.049': symmetry geometric shapes and the '229.06': occasional presence of graceful curves '230.98': the design is strongly identified with '233.049': the Art Deco visual arts design style '235.42': which was very popular during the 1930s '239.53': facade the most prominent elements of '24.2': with the growth and popularity of '244.209': the facade are the reliefs of two '245.74': Filipino muses done by Francesco Ricardo '248.47': Monte '25.88': Philippine cinema in the metropolis '250.689': symmetrically installed the two '252.709': Philippine amuses are explicitly '254.51': portrayed in native garb or traje de '256.729': mestizos evoking contrast between their '259.009': rural representation and urbanized '260.81': location further contrast can be found '263.75': in the details of their skirts where '265.52': strong lines and soft curves are '267.35': juxtaposed to depict the pleats of their '269.21': turnout both muses carry symbols '271.97': strongly associated with the performing '274.13': arts the left muse carries a mask '276.05': associated with theatre arts while the '278.21': right Muse carries a lyre associated '28.0': several theaters built within the city '280.34': with music '282.38': the bottom of both reliefs are images of '284.96': film and film reels '286.37': likewise executed symmetrically the '289.1': presence of these elements are in line '290.87': with the establishments purpose as a '292.61': cinema and consistent with the Art Deco '294.44': style which heavily favors bold '296.45': geometric shapes '299.12': concrete letters spelling the word '30.44': of Manila were designed by prominent '301.169': capital once adorned the top of the '303.18': structure but only the letters int are '305.31': left '305.99': additional Art Deco elements can be '308.4': found in the strong geometric details of '310.59': the top corners and the central iron '312.3': grills which marries both straight and '314.28': curved lines '316.72': Interiors the double balcony theater had '32.239': Philippine architects including future '321.59': a total of 800 seats and was among '323.66': manila's air-conditioned theaters its '326.15': lobby was adorned with a mural called '328.07': rising Philippines created by Victorio '330.62': cidades carlos v francisco and gallo b '334.04': Ocampo '336.18': damage and decay it was ultimately the '34.37': national artists Juan Nick Pihl and '340.96': deterioration of the theater business in '343.12': Manila that led to the stoppage of '344.83': Capitol theaters operations as a cinema '347.11': the construction of the Manila LRT line '350.11': one and the extensive delays prompted '352.21': moviegoers to prefer newly opened '354.13': air-conditioned malls with newer cinemas '357.75': Siniora this movie house was located at '36.32': Pablo Antonio unfortunately some of '363.75': plaza Santa Cruz C 19th photo '368.29': ever theater the ever theater is located '373.96': along Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '375.94': district the theater was also designed '378.67': by Juan Nick Pihl and has a single '380.53': screen cinema with an 800 seating '382.51': capacity '383.32': it was also visited by Walter Gropius '385.87': during its inauguration in the 1950s '388.51': praising the theaters outstanding '39.47': these theaters have since been closed '390.22': qualities currently closed as a theater '393.1': it now serves the public as a commercial '395.02': arcade as of 2013 '397.78': this site is occupied by astro tell a '399.97': hotel '4.34': constructed in the 1930s to 1950s built '402.12': gaiety theatre the gaiety theatre was '407.65': located on MH del Pilar Street in the '41.27': and several of them demolished '410.11': ermita district in the city of Manila it '412.81': was designed in the Art Deco style in '414.94': 1935 by Juan Nick pill as of 2014 it is '419.11': dilapidated with several families living '421.39': inside as caretakers it was demolished '424.15': in 2016 '427.04': Grand Theatre this movie house was on '432.53': resolving '435.48': ideal theatre the ideal theatre was '44.54': performing arts theaters '441.13': located at Rizal Avenue in Santa Cruz '443.44': district and designed by the late '445.03': architect Pablo Antonio in 1933 the '448.81': theater was demolished in the late 1970s '451.45': to give way to the construction of a '453.16': department store the ideal theater was '456.01': one of the first major works of Pablo '458.05': Antonio along with the buildings of Far '460.06': Eastern University and Manila Polo Club '464.11': life theater '467.86': lyric theater this movie house was at 81 '473.9': a Scholten Fernando an American Frank '476.66': Goulet acquired this theater in 1916 and '479.66': reopened it in 1917 in 1929 it was a '48.92': ah dinnae Oh auditorium this theater was '484.15': 1400 seat theater with no '486.26': air-conditioning and was considered to '488.09': be the only first-class movie house in '489.919': town this second version of the theater '492.86': had been designed by Fernando de La '494.87': Cantera it was reconstructed the third '496.97': time as a Deco building with the largest '499.25': air conditioning installation among '500.93': Manila theaters by pablo antonio and '503.33': reopened on the 1st of june 1937 in 1939 '507.68': the lyric was one of six movie houses in '510.11': Manila which were considered to be the '512.39': most presentable and modernised sort '514.7': each of which seated about 1200 patrons '518.63': one two '521.419': Radio Theater in August 1929 this movie '528.029': house was the first to show a sound film '530.01': in the Philippines which was the '531.51': American movie syncopation '535.19': Rex theater this movie house was on '540.529': Salazar Street Bernardo three '544.55': Scala theatre another theater designed '55.16': located at the former Auden AO campus in '550.13': by Pablo Antonio was the Scala theatre '552.29': also on Avenida Rizal in Santa Cruz with '556.07': its floors pasted with tea rose marble '558.29': and it's curved wall lined with glass '559.97': blocks the theaters magnificence did not '562.279': last it was closed in the 1990s the '565.519': theater catered to up to 600 people for '568.01': its single screen operations as of 2013 '57.47': Hermida '571.19': the theater is now closed though the '573.26': building structures still remain albeit '575.24': in a dire condition '577.88': State Theater another work of the late '583.16': architect Juan Nick Pihl the state '585.08': theater was on rizal a venir cruise '587.72': built in the 1930s with an art deco '59.91': Manila Metropolitan theater the Manila '590.48': design the theater was eventually closed '592.79': in the 1990s and was demolished in 2001 '595.85': as of 2013 this site is occupied by '599.15': emerald circle a mini-mall '602.56': time's theater the times theater '607.779': currently found along caisson Boulevard '609.97': Quiapo was designed by architect Louise '612.49': Z Araneta it was erected in 1939 with an '616.42': Art Moderne relief unmaintained today '619.27': the theater is still operational and can '621.58': accommodate eight hundred people with '623.23': its single screen operations '626.43': Tivoli theater this movie house was '631.81': located at Plaza Santa Cruz for '636.19': Metro Manila then for Theatre case on '641.86': city this 1960 style building on '644.709': Roosevelt Avenue has Art Deco features '648.69': "cine concepci\xF3n malabon five Morosi" '65.82': Metropolitan theater is located on Padre '654.029': theater passe this theater on Taft '656.459': Avenue was demolished in 2016 '658.92': six '661.98': see also architecture of the Philippines '669.779': cinema of the Philippines list of '674.05': theaters and concert halls in Manila '677.22': list of cinemas in Manila '68.28': Burgos Street ormita district adjacent '682.2': references '7.58': in Art Deco style or a similar branch of '70.77': to the Meehan garden the theater was '73.17': built in 1931 with an art deco design by '76.08': architects one Mariano and Otilio Ariano '79.23': and could accommodate as many as 1670 '82.56': people the theater is endowed with '84.75': bronze sculptures depicting female '86.88': performers designed by Francesco Ricardo '89.49': Monte '90.8': above the main audience entrance and '93.21': relief wood carvings of Philippine '94.979': plants found in the interior lobby made '97.05': by Isabel or Tampico the theatre was '99.84': restored in 1978 but was again closed in
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Johnny McEvoy - Michael
This is a recording of Michael at the Belfast Waterfront in 2012. Johnny is one of Ireland's Legends of Folk. This is taken from the DVD Live In Belfast and can be purchased at
'0.32': let me se let me sing this song for you '113.28': on a far-off ox day '117.6': called young men in ambush lane '122.32': on a roadside by hell '125.6': our flowers grow '131.12': so much hateful ones so young '135.599': who was right and who was wrong '14.16': simply called michael and a poem called '140.08': though a thousand years may pass will '144.72': never know '148.599': candles dripping blood '152.8': they place beside your shoulders '158.72': rosary beads '161.92': like teardrops on your fingers '168.0': friends and comrades standing by '17.039': bail nebula where he fell '173.04': in their grief they wonder why '177.04': michael in their are of need '18.4': on the 22nd of august in the year 1922. '181.36': you had to go '186.72': and what evening twilight came '191.2': gently fell the autumn rain '195.84': how about you lay still and silent '199.36': on the ground '204.72': as we hung our heads in prayer '209.12': and our sorrow and despair '212.64': we wonder was it friend or foe '217.44': who shut you down '221.799': candles dripping blood they '226.4': place beside your shoulders '23.359': the couriers to the silent are unseen in '231.76': rosary bees '234.879': like teardrops on your fingers '240.64': friends and comrades standing '243.68': by in their grief '247.2': they wonder why michael '25.599': the long damn cross '250.879': in the roar of knees '254.08': you had to go '277.44': of the flame that you held i you called '28.0': and he looked down on the roadside below '282.639': out '283.28': to the sky '286.4': to end the senseless killing '29.76': him that wound its way through bale and '290.479': and the shame '295.04': has now passed to other hands '299.44': and is carried through the land '3.36': and the poem sanger wrote about michael '304.0': by some not fit to even '307.36': speak your name '31.519': the blood '312.039': candles dripping blood '316.24': they place beside your shoulders '32.96': and he heard the young men shouting and '322.84': rosary bees '325.12': like two drops on your fingers '330.96': friends and comrades standing '334.0': by in their grief '337.6': they wonder why michael '341.28': in their are of need '344.56': you had to go '349.12': michael in the roar of knees '35.12': cursing '353.759': why did you go '359.68': thank you very much '36.16': running backwards and forwards dodging '38.48': and weaving and ducking the bullets that '40.32': rained down on them '41.44': from the hillside opposite '44.559': just as quickly as it started the firing '46.64': stopped in a terrible silence all over '48.64': the valley '5.44': collins the last moments in the life of '50.8': a lone figure lay on the roadside in the '52.719': drizzling august rain '55.28': dressed in green great coat leggings and '58.559': brown hobnail boots that would never set '60.719': the sparks flying from the kitchen '62.16': flagstones '63.52': as he danced his way through half set '67.28': a hurried whispered active contrition '69.92': and the firing breaks out again '7.04': michael collins '73.2': the colu takes to flight '76.24': and as he flies out over the empty sad '78.24': fields '79.6': of west cork with his lonesome call he '83.759': must tell the world '87.36': but the big fellow has fallen '92.079': that michael is gone
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "John Michelosen", "Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches [SEP] John Michelosen", "John Michelosen [SEP] Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "context_page_description": [ "الصفحه دى يتيمه, حاول تضيفلها لينك فى صفحات تانيه متعلقه بيها.", "The Pittsburgh Panthers football program is a college football team that represents the University of Pittsburgh in the Atlantic Coast Conference, a part of the Division I Football Bowl Subdivision. The team has had 36 head coaches since its first recorded football game in 1893.", "John Michelosen was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, "John Michelosen (February 13, 1916 – October 17, 1982) was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL) from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches / Key", "John Michelosen" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "arz", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches", "John Michelosen" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, "Key", null ] }
Johnny McEvoy - Michael
This is a recording of Michael at the Belfast Waterfront in 2012. Johnny is one of Ireland's Legends of Folk. This is taken from the DVD Live In Belfast and can be purchased at
'0.32': let me se let me sing this song for you '113.28': on a far-off ox day '117.6': called young men in ambush lane '122.32': on a roadside by hell '125.6': our flowers grow '131.12': so much hateful ones so young '135.599': who was right and who was wrong '14.16': simply called michael and a poem called '140.08': though a thousand years may pass will '144.72': never know '148.599': candles dripping blood '152.8': they place beside your shoulders '158.72': rosary beads '161.92': like teardrops on your fingers '168.0': friends and comrades standing by '17.039': bail nebula where he fell '173.04': in their grief they wonder why '177.04': michael in their are of need '18.4': on the 22nd of august in the year 1922. '181.36': you had to go '186.72': and what evening twilight came '191.2': gently fell the autumn rain '195.84': how about you lay still and silent '199.36': on the ground '204.72': as we hung our heads in prayer '209.12': and our sorrow and despair '212.64': we wonder was it friend or foe '217.44': who shut you down '221.799': candles dripping blood they '226.4': place beside your shoulders '23.359': the couriers to the silent are unseen in '231.76': rosary bees '234.879': like teardrops on your fingers '240.64': friends and comrades standing '243.68': by in their grief '247.2': they wonder why michael '25.599': the long damn cross '250.879': in the roar of knees '254.08': you had to go '277.44': of the flame that you held i you called '28.0': and he looked down on the roadside below '282.639': out '283.28': to the sky '286.4': to end the senseless killing '29.76': him that wound its way through bale and '290.479': and the shame '295.04': has now passed to other hands '299.44': and is carried through the land '3.36': and the poem sanger wrote about michael '304.0': by some not fit to even '307.36': speak your name '31.519': the blood '312.039': candles dripping blood '316.24': they place beside your shoulders '32.96': and he heard the young men shouting and '322.84': rosary bees '325.12': like two drops on your fingers '330.96': friends and comrades standing '334.0': by in their grief '337.6': they wonder why michael '341.28': in their are of need '344.56': you had to go '349.12': michael in the roar of knees '35.12': cursing '353.759': why did you go '359.68': thank you very much '36.16': running backwards and forwards dodging '38.48': and weaving and ducking the bullets that '40.32': rained down on them '41.44': from the hillside opposite '44.559': just as quickly as it started the firing '46.64': stopped in a terrible silence all over '48.64': the valley '5.44': collins the last moments in the life of '50.8': a lone figure lay on the roadside in the '52.719': drizzling august rain '55.28': dressed in green great coat leggings and '58.559': brown hobnail boots that would never set '60.719': the sparks flying from the kitchen '62.16': flagstones '63.52': as he danced his way through half set '67.28': a hurried whispered active contrition '69.92': and the firing breaks out again '7.04': michael collins '73.2': the colu takes to flight '76.24': and as he flies out over the empty sad '78.24': fields '79.6': of west cork with his lonesome call he '83.759': must tell the world '87.36': but the big fellow has fallen '92.079': that michael is gone
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "John Michelosen", "Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches [SEP] John Michelosen", "John Michelosen [SEP] Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "context_page_description": [ "الصفحه دى يتيمه, حاول تضيفلها لينك فى صفحات تانيه متعلقه بيها.", "The Pittsburgh Panthers football program is a college football team that represents the University of Pittsburgh in the Atlantic Coast Conference, a part of the Division I Football Bowl Subdivision. The team has had 36 head coaches since its first recorded football game in 1893.", "John Michelosen was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, "John Michelosen (February 13, 1916 – October 17, 1982) was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL) from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches / Key", "John Michelosen" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "arz", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches", "John Michelosen" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, "Key", null ] }
Johnny McEvoy - Michael
This is a recording of Michael at the Belfast Waterfront in 2012. Johnny is one of Ireland's Legends of Folk. This is taken from the DVD Live In Belfast and can be purchased at
'0.32': let me se let me sing this song for you '113.28': on a far-off ox day '117.6': called young men in ambush lane '122.32': on a roadside by hell '125.6': our flowers grow '131.12': so much hateful ones so young '135.599': who was right and who was wrong '14.16': simply called michael and a poem called '140.08': though a thousand years may pass will '144.72': never know '148.599': candles dripping blood '152.8': they place beside your shoulders '158.72': rosary beads '161.92': like teardrops on your fingers '168.0': friends and comrades standing by '17.039': bail nebula where he fell '173.04': in their grief they wonder why '177.04': michael in their are of need '18.4': on the 22nd of august in the year 1922. '181.36': you had to go '186.72': and what evening twilight came '191.2': gently fell the autumn rain '195.84': how about you lay still and silent '199.36': on the ground '204.72': as we hung our heads in prayer '209.12': and our sorrow and despair '212.64': we wonder was it friend or foe '217.44': who shut you down '221.799': candles dripping blood they '226.4': place beside your shoulders '23.359': the couriers to the silent are unseen in '231.76': rosary bees '234.879': like teardrops on your fingers '240.64': friends and comrades standing '243.68': by in their grief '247.2': they wonder why michael '25.599': the long damn cross '250.879': in the roar of knees '254.08': you had to go '277.44': of the flame that you held i you called '28.0': and he looked down on the roadside below '282.639': out '283.28': to the sky '286.4': to end the senseless killing '29.76': him that wound its way through bale and '290.479': and the shame '295.04': has now passed to other hands '299.44': and is carried through the land '3.36': and the poem sanger wrote about michael '304.0': by some not fit to even '307.36': speak your name '31.519': the blood '312.039': candles dripping blood '316.24': they place beside your shoulders '32.96': and he heard the young men shouting and '322.84': rosary bees '325.12': like two drops on your fingers '330.96': friends and comrades standing '334.0': by in their grief '337.6': they wonder why michael '341.28': in their are of need '344.56': you had to go '349.12': michael in the roar of knees '35.12': cursing '353.759': why did you go '359.68': thank you very much '36.16': running backwards and forwards dodging '38.48': and weaving and ducking the bullets that '40.32': rained down on them '41.44': from the hillside opposite '44.559': just as quickly as it started the firing '46.64': stopped in a terrible silence all over '48.64': the valley '5.44': collins the last moments in the life of '50.8': a lone figure lay on the roadside in the '52.719': drizzling august rain '55.28': dressed in green great coat leggings and '58.559': brown hobnail boots that would never set '60.719': the sparks flying from the kitchen '62.16': flagstones '63.52': as he danced his way through half set '67.28': a hurried whispered active contrition '69.92': and the firing breaks out again '7.04': michael collins '73.2': the colu takes to flight '76.24': and as he flies out over the empty sad '78.24': fields '79.6': of west cork with his lonesome call he '83.759': must tell the world '87.36': but the big fellow has fallen '92.079': that michael is gone
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "John Michelosen", "Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches [SEP] John Michelosen", "John Michelosen [SEP] Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "context_page_description": [ "الصفحه دى يتيمه, حاول تضيفلها لينك فى صفحات تانيه متعلقه بيها.", "The Pittsburgh Panthers football program is a college football team that represents the University of Pittsburgh in the Atlantic Coast Conference, a part of the Division I Football Bowl Subdivision. The team has had 36 head coaches since its first recorded football game in 1893.", "John Michelosen was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, "John Michelosen (February 13, 1916 – October 17, 1982) was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL) from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches / Key", "John Michelosen" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "arz", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches", "John Michelosen" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, "Key", null ] }
Johnny McEvoy - Michael
This is a recording of Michael at the Belfast Waterfront in 2012. Johnny is one of Ireland's Legends of Folk. This is taken from the DVD Live In Belfast and can be purchased at
'0.32': let me se let me sing this song for you '113.28': on a far-off ox day '117.6': called young men in ambush lane '122.32': on a roadside by hell '125.6': our flowers grow '131.12': so much hateful ones so young '135.599': who was right and who was wrong '14.16': simply called michael and a poem called '140.08': though a thousand years may pass will '144.72': never know '148.599': candles dripping blood '152.8': they place beside your shoulders '158.72': rosary beads '161.92': like teardrops on your fingers '168.0': friends and comrades standing by '17.039': bail nebula where he fell '173.04': in their grief they wonder why '177.04': michael in their are of need '18.4': on the 22nd of august in the year 1922. '181.36': you had to go '186.72': and what evening twilight came '191.2': gently fell the autumn rain '195.84': how about you lay still and silent '199.36': on the ground '204.72': as we hung our heads in prayer '209.12': and our sorrow and despair '212.64': we wonder was it friend or foe '217.44': who shut you down '221.799': candles dripping blood they '226.4': place beside your shoulders '23.359': the couriers to the silent are unseen in '231.76': rosary bees '234.879': like teardrops on your fingers '240.64': friends and comrades standing '243.68': by in their grief '247.2': they wonder why michael '25.599': the long damn cross '250.879': in the roar of knees '254.08': you had to go '277.44': of the flame that you held i you called '28.0': and he looked down on the roadside below '282.639': out '283.28': to the sky '286.4': to end the senseless killing '29.76': him that wound its way through bale and '290.479': and the shame '295.04': has now passed to other hands '299.44': and is carried through the land '3.36': and the poem sanger wrote about michael '304.0': by some not fit to even '307.36': speak your name '31.519': the blood '312.039': candles dripping blood '316.24': they place beside your shoulders '32.96': and he heard the young men shouting and '322.84': rosary bees '325.12': like two drops on your fingers '330.96': friends and comrades standing '334.0': by in their grief '337.6': they wonder why michael '341.28': in their are of need '344.56': you had to go '349.12': michael in the roar of knees '35.12': cursing '353.759': why did you go '359.68': thank you very much '36.16': running backwards and forwards dodging '38.48': and weaving and ducking the bullets that '40.32': rained down on them '41.44': from the hillside opposite '44.559': just as quickly as it started the firing '46.64': stopped in a terrible silence all over '48.64': the valley '5.44': collins the last moments in the life of '50.8': a lone figure lay on the roadside in the '52.719': drizzling august rain '55.28': dressed in green great coat leggings and '58.559': brown hobnail boots that would never set '60.719': the sparks flying from the kitchen '62.16': flagstones '63.52': as he danced his way through half set '67.28': a hurried whispered active contrition '69.92': and the firing breaks out again '7.04': michael collins '73.2': the colu takes to flight '76.24': and as he flies out over the empty sad '78.24': fields '79.6': of west cork with his lonesome call he '83.759': must tell the world '87.36': but the big fellow has fallen '92.079': that michael is gone
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "John Michelosen", "Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches [SEP] John Michelosen", "John Michelosen [SEP] Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "context_page_description": [ "الصفحه دى يتيمه, حاول تضيفلها لينك فى صفحات تانيه متعلقه بيها.", "The Pittsburgh Panthers football program is a college football team that represents the University of Pittsburgh in the Atlantic Coast Conference, a part of the Division I Football Bowl Subdivision. The team has had 36 head coaches since its first recorded football game in 1893.", "John Michelosen was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, "John Michelosen (February 13, 1916 – October 17, 1982) was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL) from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches / Key", "John Michelosen" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "arz", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches", "John Michelosen" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, "Key", null ] }
Johnny McEvoy - Michael
This is a recording of Michael at the Belfast Waterfront in 2012. Johnny is one of Ireland's Legends of Folk. This is taken from the DVD Live In Belfast and can be purchased at
'0.32': let me se let me sing this song for you '113.28': on a far-off ox day '117.6': called young men in ambush lane '122.32': on a roadside by hell '125.6': our flowers grow '131.12': so much hateful ones so young '135.599': who was right and who was wrong '14.16': simply called michael and a poem called '140.08': though a thousand years may pass will '144.72': never know '148.599': candles dripping blood '152.8': they place beside your shoulders '158.72': rosary beads '161.92': like teardrops on your fingers '168.0': friends and comrades standing by '17.039': bail nebula where he fell '173.04': in their grief they wonder why '177.04': michael in their are of need '18.4': on the 22nd of august in the year 1922. '181.36': you had to go '186.72': and what evening twilight came '191.2': gently fell the autumn rain '195.84': how about you lay still and silent '199.36': on the ground '204.72': as we hung our heads in prayer '209.12': and our sorrow and despair '212.64': we wonder was it friend or foe '217.44': who shut you down '221.799': candles dripping blood they '226.4': place beside your shoulders '23.359': the couriers to the silent are unseen in '231.76': rosary bees '234.879': like teardrops on your fingers '240.64': friends and comrades standing '243.68': by in their grief '247.2': they wonder why michael '25.599': the long damn cross '250.879': in the roar of knees '254.08': you had to go '277.44': of the flame that you held i you called '28.0': and he looked down on the roadside below '282.639': out '283.28': to the sky '286.4': to end the senseless killing '29.76': him that wound its way through bale and '290.479': and the shame '295.04': has now passed to other hands '299.44': and is carried through the land '3.36': and the poem sanger wrote about michael '304.0': by some not fit to even '307.36': speak your name '31.519': the blood '312.039': candles dripping blood '316.24': they place beside your shoulders '32.96': and he heard the young men shouting and '322.84': rosary bees '325.12': like two drops on your fingers '330.96': friends and comrades standing '334.0': by in their grief '337.6': they wonder why michael '341.28': in their are of need '344.56': you had to go '349.12': michael in the roar of knees '35.12': cursing '353.759': why did you go '359.68': thank you very much '36.16': running backwards and forwards dodging '38.48': and weaving and ducking the bullets that '40.32': rained down on them '41.44': from the hillside opposite '44.559': just as quickly as it started the firing '46.64': stopped in a terrible silence all over '48.64': the valley '5.44': collins the last moments in the life of '50.8': a lone figure lay on the roadside in the '52.719': drizzling august rain '55.28': dressed in green great coat leggings and '58.559': brown hobnail boots that would never set '60.719': the sparks flying from the kitchen '62.16': flagstones '63.52': as he danced his way through half set '67.28': a hurried whispered active contrition '69.92': and the firing breaks out again '7.04': michael collins '73.2': the colu takes to flight '76.24': and as he flies out over the empty sad '78.24': fields '79.6': of west cork with his lonesome call he '83.759': must tell the world '87.36': but the big fellow has fallen '92.079': that michael is gone
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "John Michelosen", "Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches [SEP] John Michelosen", "John Michelosen [SEP] Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "context_page_description": [ "الصفحه دى يتيمه, حاول تضيفلها لينك فى صفحات تانيه متعلقه بيها.", "The Pittsburgh Panthers football program is a college football team that represents the University of Pittsburgh in the Atlantic Coast Conference, a part of the Division I Football Bowl Subdivision. The team has had 36 head coaches since its first recorded football game in 1893.", "John Michelosen was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, "John Michelosen (February 13, 1916 – October 17, 1982) was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL) from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches / Key", "John Michelosen" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "arz", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches", "John Michelosen" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, "Key", null ] }
Johnny McEvoy - Michael
This is a recording of Michael at the Belfast Waterfront in 2012. Johnny is one of Ireland's Legends of Folk. This is taken from the DVD Live In Belfast and can be purchased at
'0.32': let me se let me sing this song for you '113.28': on a far-off ox day '117.6': called young men in ambush lane '122.32': on a roadside by hell '125.6': our flowers grow '131.12': so much hateful ones so young '135.599': who was right and who was wrong '14.16': simply called michael and a poem called '140.08': though a thousand years may pass will '144.72': never know '148.599': candles dripping blood '152.8': they place beside your shoulders '158.72': rosary beads '161.92': like teardrops on your fingers '168.0': friends and comrades standing by '17.039': bail nebula where he fell '173.04': in their grief they wonder why '177.04': michael in their are of need '18.4': on the 22nd of august in the year 1922. '181.36': you had to go '186.72': and what evening twilight came '191.2': gently fell the autumn rain '195.84': how about you lay still and silent '199.36': on the ground '204.72': as we hung our heads in prayer '209.12': and our sorrow and despair '212.64': we wonder was it friend or foe '217.44': who shut you down '221.799': candles dripping blood they '226.4': place beside your shoulders '23.359': the couriers to the silent are unseen in '231.76': rosary bees '234.879': like teardrops on your fingers '240.64': friends and comrades standing '243.68': by in their grief '247.2': they wonder why michael '25.599': the long damn cross '250.879': in the roar of knees '254.08': you had to go '277.44': of the flame that you held i you called '28.0': and he looked down on the roadside below '282.639': out '283.28': to the sky '286.4': to end the senseless killing '29.76': him that wound its way through bale and '290.479': and the shame '295.04': has now passed to other hands '299.44': and is carried through the land '3.36': and the poem sanger wrote about michael '304.0': by some not fit to even '307.36': speak your name '31.519': the blood '312.039': candles dripping blood '316.24': they place beside your shoulders '32.96': and he heard the young men shouting and '322.84': rosary bees '325.12': like two drops on your fingers '330.96': friends and comrades standing '334.0': by in their grief '337.6': they wonder why michael '341.28': in their are of need '344.56': you had to go '349.12': michael in the roar of knees '35.12': cursing '353.759': why did you go '359.68': thank you very much '36.16': running backwards and forwards dodging '38.48': and weaving and ducking the bullets that '40.32': rained down on them '41.44': from the hillside opposite '44.559': just as quickly as it started the firing '46.64': stopped in a terrible silence all over '48.64': the valley '5.44': collins the last moments in the life of '50.8': a lone figure lay on the roadside in the '52.719': drizzling august rain '55.28': dressed in green great coat leggings and '58.559': brown hobnail boots that would never set '60.719': the sparks flying from the kitchen '62.16': flagstones '63.52': as he danced his way through half set '67.28': a hurried whispered active contrition '69.92': and the firing breaks out again '7.04': michael collins '73.2': the colu takes to flight '76.24': and as he flies out over the empty sad '78.24': fields '79.6': of west cork with his lonesome call he '83.759': must tell the world '87.36': but the big fellow has fallen '92.079': that michael is gone
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "John Michelosen", "Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches [SEP] John Michelosen", "John Michelosen [SEP] Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "context_page_description": [ "الصفحه دى يتيمه, حاول تضيفلها لينك فى صفحات تانيه متعلقه بيها.", "The Pittsburgh Panthers football program is a college football team that represents the University of Pittsburgh in the Atlantic Coast Conference, a part of the Division I Football Bowl Subdivision. The team has had 36 head coaches since its first recorded football game in 1893.", "John Michelosen was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, "John Michelosen (February 13, 1916 – October 17, 1982) was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL) from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches / Key", "John Michelosen" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "arz", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches", "John Michelosen" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, "Key", null ] }
Johnny McEvoy - Michael
This is a recording of Michael at the Belfast Waterfront in 2012. Johnny is one of Ireland's Legends of Folk. This is taken from the DVD Live In Belfast and can be purchased at
'0.32': let me se let me sing this song for you '113.28': on a far-off ox day '117.6': called young men in ambush lane '122.32': on a roadside by hell '125.6': our flowers grow '131.12': so much hateful ones so young '135.599': who was right and who was wrong '14.16': simply called michael and a poem called '140.08': though a thousand years may pass will '144.72': never know '148.599': candles dripping blood '152.8': they place beside your shoulders '158.72': rosary beads '161.92': like teardrops on your fingers '168.0': friends and comrades standing by '17.039': bail nebula where he fell '173.04': in their grief they wonder why '177.04': michael in their are of need '18.4': on the 22nd of august in the year 1922. '181.36': you had to go '186.72': and what evening twilight came '191.2': gently fell the autumn rain '195.84': how about you lay still and silent '199.36': on the ground '204.72': as we hung our heads in prayer '209.12': and our sorrow and despair '212.64': we wonder was it friend or foe '217.44': who shut you down '221.799': candles dripping blood they '226.4': place beside your shoulders '23.359': the couriers to the silent are unseen in '231.76': rosary bees '234.879': like teardrops on your fingers '240.64': friends and comrades standing '243.68': by in their grief '247.2': they wonder why michael '25.599': the long damn cross '250.879': in the roar of knees '254.08': you had to go '277.44': of the flame that you held i you called '28.0': and he looked down on the roadside below '282.639': out '283.28': to the sky '286.4': to end the senseless killing '29.76': him that wound its way through bale and '290.479': and the shame '295.04': has now passed to other hands '299.44': and is carried through the land '3.36': and the poem sanger wrote about michael '304.0': by some not fit to even '307.36': speak your name '31.519': the blood '312.039': candles dripping blood '316.24': they place beside your shoulders '32.96': and he heard the young men shouting and '322.84': rosary bees '325.12': like two drops on your fingers '330.96': friends and comrades standing '334.0': by in their grief '337.6': they wonder why michael '341.28': in their are of need '344.56': you had to go '349.12': michael in the roar of knees '35.12': cursing '353.759': why did you go '359.68': thank you very much '36.16': running backwards and forwards dodging '38.48': and weaving and ducking the bullets that '40.32': rained down on them '41.44': from the hillside opposite '44.559': just as quickly as it started the firing '46.64': stopped in a terrible silence all over '48.64': the valley '5.44': collins the last moments in the life of '50.8': a lone figure lay on the roadside in the '52.719': drizzling august rain '55.28': dressed in green great coat leggings and '58.559': brown hobnail boots that would never set '60.719': the sparks flying from the kitchen '62.16': flagstones '63.52': as he danced his way through half set '67.28': a hurried whispered active contrition '69.92': and the firing breaks out again '7.04': michael collins '73.2': the colu takes to flight '76.24': and as he flies out over the empty sad '78.24': fields '79.6': of west cork with his lonesome call he '83.759': must tell the world '87.36': but the big fellow has fallen '92.079': that michael is gone
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "John Michelosen", "Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches [SEP] John Michelosen", "John Michelosen [SEP] Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "context_page_description": [ "الصفحه دى يتيمه, حاول تضيفلها لينك فى صفحات تانيه متعلقه بيها.", "The Pittsburgh Panthers football program is a college football team that represents the University of Pittsburgh in the Atlantic Coast Conference, a part of the Division I Football Bowl Subdivision. The team has had 36 head coaches since its first recorded football game in 1893.", "John Michelosen was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, "John Michelosen (February 13, 1916 – October 17, 1982) was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL) from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches / Key", "John Michelosen" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "arz", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches", "John Michelosen" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, "Key", null ] }
Johnny McEvoy - Michael
This is a recording of Michael at the Belfast Waterfront in 2012. Johnny is one of Ireland's Legends of Folk. This is taken from the DVD Live In Belfast and can be purchased at
'0.32': let me se let me sing this song for you '113.28': on a far-off ox day '117.6': called young men in ambush lane '122.32': on a roadside by hell '125.6': our flowers grow '131.12': so much hateful ones so young '135.599': who was right and who was wrong '14.16': simply called michael and a poem called '140.08': though a thousand years may pass will '144.72': never know '148.599': candles dripping blood '152.8': they place beside your shoulders '158.72': rosary beads '161.92': like teardrops on your fingers '168.0': friends and comrades standing by '17.039': bail nebula where he fell '173.04': in their grief they wonder why '177.04': michael in their are of need '18.4': on the 22nd of august in the year 1922. '181.36': you had to go '186.72': and what evening twilight came '191.2': gently fell the autumn rain '195.84': how about you lay still and silent '199.36': on the ground '204.72': as we hung our heads in prayer '209.12': and our sorrow and despair '212.64': we wonder was it friend or foe '217.44': who shut you down '221.799': candles dripping blood they '226.4': place beside your shoulders '23.359': the couriers to the silent are unseen in '231.76': rosary bees '234.879': like teardrops on your fingers '240.64': friends and comrades standing '243.68': by in their grief '247.2': they wonder why michael '25.599': the long damn cross '250.879': in the roar of knees '254.08': you had to go '277.44': of the flame that you held i you called '28.0': and he looked down on the roadside below '282.639': out '283.28': to the sky '286.4': to end the senseless killing '29.76': him that wound its way through bale and '290.479': and the shame '295.04': has now passed to other hands '299.44': and is carried through the land '3.36': and the poem sanger wrote about michael '304.0': by some not fit to even '307.36': speak your name '31.519': the blood '312.039': candles dripping blood '316.24': they place beside your shoulders '32.96': and he heard the young men shouting and '322.84': rosary bees '325.12': like two drops on your fingers '330.96': friends and comrades standing '334.0': by in their grief '337.6': they wonder why michael '341.28': in their are of need '344.56': you had to go '349.12': michael in the roar of knees '35.12': cursing '353.759': why did you go '359.68': thank you very much '36.16': running backwards and forwards dodging '38.48': and weaving and ducking the bullets that '40.32': rained down on them '41.44': from the hillside opposite '44.559': just as quickly as it started the firing '46.64': stopped in a terrible silence all over '48.64': the valley '5.44': collins the last moments in the life of '50.8': a lone figure lay on the roadside in the '52.719': drizzling august rain '55.28': dressed in green great coat leggings and '58.559': brown hobnail boots that would never set '60.719': the sparks flying from the kitchen '62.16': flagstones '63.52': as he danced his way through half set '67.28': a hurried whispered active contrition '69.92': and the firing breaks out again '7.04': michael collins '73.2': the colu takes to flight '76.24': and as he flies out over the empty sad '78.24': fields '79.6': of west cork with his lonesome call he '83.759': must tell the world '87.36': but the big fellow has fallen '92.079': that michael is gone
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "John Michelosen", "Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches [SEP] John Michelosen", "John Michelosen [SEP] Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "context_page_description": [ "الصفحه دى يتيمه, حاول تضيفلها لينك فى صفحات تانيه متعلقه بيها.", "The Pittsburgh Panthers football program is a college football team that represents the University of Pittsburgh in the Atlantic Coast Conference, a part of the Division I Football Bowl Subdivision. The team has had 36 head coaches since its first recorded football game in 1893.", "John Michelosen was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, "John Michelosen (February 13, 1916 – October 17, 1982) was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL) from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches / Key", "John Michelosen" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "arz", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches", "John Michelosen" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, "Key", null ] }
Johnny McEvoy - Michael
This is a recording of Michael at the Belfast Waterfront in 2012. Johnny is one of Ireland's Legends of Folk. This is taken from the DVD Live In Belfast and can be purchased at
'0.32': let me se let me sing this song for you '113.28': on a far-off ox day '117.6': called young men in ambush lane '122.32': on a roadside by hell '125.6': our flowers grow '131.12': so much hateful ones so young '135.599': who was right and who was wrong '14.16': simply called michael and a poem called '140.08': though a thousand years may pass will '144.72': never know '148.599': candles dripping blood '152.8': they place beside your shoulders '158.72': rosary beads '161.92': like teardrops on your fingers '168.0': friends and comrades standing by '17.039': bail nebula where he fell '173.04': in their grief they wonder why '177.04': michael in their are of need '18.4': on the 22nd of august in the year 1922. '181.36': you had to go '186.72': and what evening twilight came '191.2': gently fell the autumn rain '195.84': how about you lay still and silent '199.36': on the ground '204.72': as we hung our heads in prayer '209.12': and our sorrow and despair '212.64': we wonder was it friend or foe '217.44': who shut you down '221.799': candles dripping blood they '226.4': place beside your shoulders '23.359': the couriers to the silent are unseen in '231.76': rosary bees '234.879': like teardrops on your fingers '240.64': friends and comrades standing '243.68': by in their grief '247.2': they wonder why michael '25.599': the long damn cross '250.879': in the roar of knees '254.08': you had to go '277.44': of the flame that you held i you called '28.0': and he looked down on the roadside below '282.639': out '283.28': to the sky '286.4': to end the senseless killing '29.76': him that wound its way through bale and '290.479': and the shame '295.04': has now passed to other hands '299.44': and is carried through the land '3.36': and the poem sanger wrote about michael '304.0': by some not fit to even '307.36': speak your name '31.519': the blood '312.039': candles dripping blood '316.24': they place beside your shoulders '32.96': and he heard the young men shouting and '322.84': rosary bees '325.12': like two drops on your fingers '330.96': friends and comrades standing '334.0': by in their grief '337.6': they wonder why michael '341.28': in their are of need '344.56': you had to go '349.12': michael in the roar of knees '35.12': cursing '353.759': why did you go '359.68': thank you very much '36.16': running backwards and forwards dodging '38.48': and weaving and ducking the bullets that '40.32': rained down on them '41.44': from the hillside opposite '44.559': just as quickly as it started the firing '46.64': stopped in a terrible silence all over '48.64': the valley '5.44': collins the last moments in the life of '50.8': a lone figure lay on the roadside in the '52.719': drizzling august rain '55.28': dressed in green great coat leggings and '58.559': brown hobnail boots that would never set '60.719': the sparks flying from the kitchen '62.16': flagstones '63.52': as he danced his way through half set '67.28': a hurried whispered active contrition '69.92': and the firing breaks out again '7.04': michael collins '73.2': the colu takes to flight '76.24': and as he flies out over the empty sad '78.24': fields '79.6': of west cork with his lonesome call he '83.759': must tell the world '87.36': but the big fellow has fallen '92.079': that michael is gone
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ null, "John Michelosen", "Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches [SEP] John Michelosen", "John Michelosen [SEP] Michelosen from 1956 Owl" ], "context_page_description": [ "الصفحه دى يتيمه, حاول تضيفلها لينك فى صفحات تانيه متعلقه بيها.", "The Pittsburgh Panthers football program is a college football team that represents the University of Pittsburgh in the Atlantic Coast Conference, a part of the Division I Football Bowl Subdivision. The team has had 36 head coaches since its first recorded football game in 1893.", "John Michelosen was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, "John Michelosen (February 13, 1916 – October 17, 1982) was an American football player and coach. He served as the head coach for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League (NFL) from 1948 to 1951, compiling a record of 20–26–2. From 1955 to 1965 he was the head football coach at his alma mater, the University of Pittsburgh, tallying a mark of 56–49–7." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches / Key", "John Michelosen" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true ], "language": [ "arz", "en", "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "جون ميتشيلوسين", "List of Pittsburgh Panthers head football coaches", "John Michelosen" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, "Key", null ] }
Johnny McEvoy - Michael
This is a recording of Michael at the Belfast Waterfront in 2012. Johnny is one of Ireland's Legends of Folk. This is taken from the DVD Live In Belfast and can be purchased at
'0.32': let me se let me sing this song for you '113.28': on a far-off ox day '117.6': called young men in ambush lane '122.32': on a roadside by hell '125.6': our flowers grow '131.12': so much hateful ones so young '135.599': who was right and who was wrong '14.16': simply called michael and a poem called '140.08': though a thousand years may pass will '144.72': never know '148.599': candles dripping blood '152.8': they place beside your shoulders '158.72': rosary beads '161.92': like teardrops on your fingers '168.0': friends and comrades standing by '17.039': bail nebula where he fell '173.04': in their grief they wonder why '177.04': michael in their are of need '18.4': on the 22nd of august in the year 1922. '181.36': you had to go '186.72': and what evening twilight came '191.2': gently fell the autumn rain '195.84': how about you lay still and silent '199.36': on the ground '204.72': as we hung our heads in prayer '209.12': and our sorrow and despair '212.64': we wonder was it friend or foe '217.44': who shut you down '221.799': candles dripping blood they '226.4': place beside your shoulders '23.359': the couriers to the silent are unseen in '231.76': rosary bees '234.879': like teardrops on your fingers '240.64': friends and comrades standing '243.68': by in their grief '247.2': they wonder why michael '25.599': the long damn cross '250.879': in the roar of knees '254.08': you had to go '277.44': of the flame that you held i you called '28.0': and he looked down on the roadside below '282.639': out '283.28': to the sky '286.4': to end the senseless killing '29.76': him that wound its way through bale and '290.479': and the shame '295.04': has now passed to other hands '299.44': and is carried through the land '3.36': and the poem sanger wrote about michael '304.0': by some not fit to even '307.36': speak your name '31.519': the blood '312.039': candles dripping blood '316.24': they place beside your shoulders '32.96': and he heard the young men shouting and '322.84': rosary bees '325.12': like two drops on your fingers '330.96': friends and comrades standing '334.0': by in their grief '337.6': they wonder why michael '341.28': in their are of need '344.56': you had to go '349.12': michael in the roar of knees '35.12': cursing '353.759': why did you go '359.68': thank you very much '36.16': running backwards and forwards dodging '38.48': and weaving and ducking the bullets that '40.32': rained down on them '41.44': from the hillside opposite '44.559': just as quickly as it started the firing '46.64': stopped in a terrible silence all over '48.64': the valley '5.44': collins the last moments in the life of '50.8': a lone figure lay on the roadside in the '52.719': drizzling august rain '55.28': dressed in green great coat leggings and '58.559': brown hobnail boots that would never set '60.719': the sparks flying from the kitchen '62.16': flagstones '63.52': as he danced his way through half set '67.28': a hurried whispered active contrition '69.92': and the firing breaks out again '7.04': michael collins '73.2': the colu takes to flight '76.24': and as he flies out over the empty sad '78.24': fields '79.6': of west cork with his lonesome call he '83.759': must tell the world '87.36': but the big fellow has fallen '92.079': that michael is gone
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Steam locomotive crossing a bridge near Villaguay (c.1950)." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The General Urquiza Railway, named after the Argentine general and politician Justo José de Urquiza, is a standard gauge railway of Argentina which runs approximately northwards from Buenos Aires to Posadas, with several branches in between. It was also one of the six state-owned Argentine railway companies formed after President Juan Perón's nationalisation of the railway network in 1948. The six companies were managed by Ferrocarriles Argentinos which was later broken up during the process of railway privatisation beginning in 1991 during Carlos Menem's presidency." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway / History / Background" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Background" ] }
EXPLORING A WW2 BUNKER and Opening the 'SECRET DOOR' hidden in the Floor. Mystery Finally Solved!
I returned to the WW2 bunker air-raid shelter to lift up the slab to the 'hidden compartment', using nothing more than some simple tools. Watch the Bunker overnighter: Thanks for all the comments. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKED THE VIDEO BY GIVING IT A 'THUMBS UP' AND DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, THANKS! JOIN THE LIVESTREAMS TOO...HIT THE BELL NOTIFICATION BUTTON AND CHAT TO ME LIVE! HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL BY PURCHASING SOME MERCH SPORKS / KUKSAS / CHOPPING BOARDS / FIRE PISTONS / T-SHIRTS and more JOIN MY BUSHCRAFT COURSES IN SOMERSET, UK: Visit FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: FOLLOW MY DOG AMBER ON INSTAGRAM: 🔔 Turn ON Notifications | Watch my Livestreams 👀 👍 LIKE | 💬 COMMENT | 👥 SHARE | 🙏 SUBSCRIBE #ww2 #bushcraft #bunker
'1001.279': but yeah it's very very small '1003.279': and those bricks so it's lined with '1005.199': bricks and they're kind of like '1006.32': staggered '1008.079': see i'll have to look through the '1009.199': footage to see if i can see through or '101.759': find something we might not '1011.279': see if there's another chamber or a room '1014.72': underneath that '1017.04': yeah pretty interesting but yeah i just '1018.32': want to say thank you so much again for '1020.079': your comments '1021.279': you guys commented like crazy i had to '1024.4': come back here and do this one-off video '1026.64': lifting up that slab to find out what '1028.72': really is underneath it '1030.799': interesting that the other one doesn't '1032.16': have a slab '1033.28': but it is filled in the other one '1036.16': does have a slab maybe i'll look at that '1038.4': one maybe '1039.839': i don't know i don't know maybe next '104.479': however before we do that what i'd '1041.36': time we'll have a look at the other one '1042.88': lift up that slab and have a look to see '1044.64': if that's filled in as well '1046.88': i'm not sure '1048.88': anyway thanks again for watching '1051.12': i've got another video coming out very '1052.72': soon it's quite a cool video make sure '1054.72': you check it out again if you want to '1056.559': see this sort of content or the camping '1058.32': bush crafty cooking content don't forget '106.079': really like to do '1060.64': to leave me a thumbs up '1062.64': see you next week goodbye '107.439': is go and have a look at the other '109.36': bunkers to see if they've also got '1105.919': you '112.159': a slab at the bottom of the steps which '114.72': means they might all be connected '12.559': about two weeks ago i discovered this '121.759': okay '122.799': so this is the other bunker '125.2': let's go in '138.64': lots of leaves '142.319': oh more graffiti and though '145.2': wow i've not actually been in this one '15.04': underground air raid bunker style '151.599': yeah '153.04': a bit rubbish '154.879': unfortunately '156.72': right '158.319': moment of truth '160.8': is there gonna be a slab underneath all '163.2': of these leaves '17.279': shelter '174.0': so '18.4': a few days later i came back with a wood '189.04': this it's quite i can't make out if '191.92': there is anything there's lots of dirt '196.239': now i don't think there is one here '20.32': stove a backpack some food and i stayed '212.64': bits of glass '214.879': i have to watch the dog '217.599': i use this as a digging tool '22.8': for 24 hours the wood stove kept me nice '220.72': 'no' '221.76': so i don't think there's anything there '225.04': there's just lots of loose rubble '228.319': which is a bit odd '231.2': unless there was a hole '234.239': and they just filled it in with all '235.68': these loose '237.2': bits of broken brick roof tile '241.2': you know it's a bit odd they're a bit '242.64': out of place '244.64': stones '25.199': and warm i slept in a hammock after '255.76': so if there was a hole there and if this '258.239': has been filled in with rubble '260.4': then surely there should be an outline '263.28': somewhere '264.8': i mean it was only a small hole '267.52': let's find the floor let's find the '268.96': floor of the bunker '27.599': cooking up some great food '271.28': and maybe '274.4': take it from there '276.0': let's see '277.84': if this '279.199': reveals a '281.44': a hole '282.72': or a line '284.479': where the '285.44': lid '286.4': would have been '289.04': where does that take us to '29.679': and while i was exploring the woodland '291.199': all right yeah look '293.199': you can see there '295.12': that's the edge of the floor '298.479': and that's probably about as big as the '300.4': hole or the slab is '302.88': that's interesting '306.4': see '308.0': look it goes all the way there so that's '309.68': rubble that's loose rubble and this is '31.199': at night time i found a few more '311.52': the floor '314.16': and that's loose rubble there as well '316.479': yeah look '318.24': at that '319.52': i'm going to cover this back over '32.8': shelters '322.0': i'm going to leave it '327.919': okay so what i think i've worked out '329.199': from that is that '330.56': there was a hole there whether it was a '332.96': tunnel drainage i don't know '335.44': but it's been filled in however if it '337.36': was drainage why would it be filled in '34.48': but one thing that really puzzled me '340.24': and surely this would be flooded '342.88': i don't know '344.08': so let's leave this one let's go and '345.6': find the other shelters and have a look '347.12': at them '358.72': so yeah just walking through the woods '36.719': was what i found underneath these leaves '361.28': and found this as well '363.199': it's like an old '364.84': slab could it be the foundations '368.319': there are bricks going around it '371.199': yeah could it be foundations could have '372.72': been for '374.16': um '375.6': you know some sort of anti-aircraft '377.6': artillery '379.44': i really don't know i really don't know '381.28': let's keep going '383.28': so we're approaching the other bunker or '386.72': air raid shelter '389.199': right there '39.52': right here in the entrance '394.16': again bit of graffiti on the wall '397.6': you can see it's underground or kind of '399.68': half underground '401.52': protected again with lots of soil '42.16': what i found was a concrete slab with a '429.28': this one's got a bit of a door '431.52': with a modern door '434.24': uh graffiti '436.72': wherever you go there's always graffiti '44.079': hole in it '440.24': such a shame '446.56': snail well '449.039': okay interesting '45.2': i tried lifting it up but i couldn't '451.44': what's that '458.72': so it's exactly the same '46.96': quite do it it seemed like there was a '461.28': as the other two '462.84': bunkers '464.4': both the one that i slept in and the one '466.16': that we just '467.52': had a look at a few minutes ago '471.12': more beer cans '473.28': more shame '475.599': right '476.879': moment of truth '479.84': let's have a look '48.64': compartment underneath this concrete '489.919': oh yeah '491.68': yes look '493.44': right let's put the camera down '496.72': okay so there's definitely a slab '498.479': underneath here '499.919': and i think i've located oh there's a '50.8': slab '502.16': there's several holes in this one '510.08': right so this one's got more holes '519.36': that's blocked '52.079': and i know there's about three or four '521.279': it's a hole there that's blocked '523.919': no no is it i know it's not '527.36': i can feel the lip as in '529.76': the edge of the floor that this plate is '53.6': bunkers in this woodland '532.8': sitting onto '534.48': i think there's a few more holes '545.04': it goes all the way through but how deep '546.8': does it go let's see '55.44': the question is could have been a tunnel '551.6': guys it's deep '553.519': let's go all the way in '556.399': oh '564.64': okay i've covered the hole over i '566.8': haven't lifted up the slab because i '568.88': want to go back to the original shelter '57.28': connecting them all '570.959': the airaid shelter or the bunker '573.279': that i slept in that is the one i really '575.68': want to lift up '577.36': so before we do go back to the shelter '579.279': and lift up that slab let's have a look '58.8': could it have been drainage '581.279': at the final shelter in this woodland '583.36': which is another bunker '585.279': and we'll see if that also has a '586.8': compartment at the bottom of the '588.16': stairwell '61.039': to stop them from being flooded however '614.959': so this one's in really good condition '618.399': bit graffiti '63.76': i've had a look around the back of the '630.16': now is there going to be a slab under '631.92': this '649.04': 'yes' '65.04': shelter '651.2': there is '66.32': and i can't see anywhere where there be '663.92': okay we're back here at the shelter '666.24': that's the one that has the slab that i '668.64': want to lift up '670.48': and just to show you the first well the '672.399': second shelter we looked at '674.64': was that one right there '677.68': just on the edge of the airfield '679.76': where it meets the woodland but i don't '68.799': some sort of piping or drainage it just '681.839': think back then i don't think these '683.2': trees would have been well i think these '684.72': trees are probably planted shortly after '687.36': these bunkers were built '689.519': it kind of makes sense because it gives '691.04': them a bit of cover as well '693.12': but i don't think these trees are more '694.56': than 70 years old '696.959': i really don't and also another reason '698.72': is because i've looked '700.24': at the aerial images for the airfield '703.12': and i can see where the bunker is and i '704.72': can see '705.92': there are no beech trees there are no '707.76': trees that were well these trees are not '71.119': looks like '710.88': present in the aerial photography from '713.279': the photos taken '714.959': back in '716.04': 1943 i think it was '719.519': but today it's a bit of an exploration '72.56': i i really don't know or could have just '721.68': to find out what is under the slab just '724.56': down there okay '726.48': the moment of truth '74.32': been for storage or could have been a '740.88': okay '745.839': all right this has also got holes in it '747.68': i didn't realize last time '749.92': that there these must be holes as well '75.84': toilet like many people have suggested '752.16': that just blocked up '753.92': let's have a little look '757.12': which makes me think it would make sense '759.68': for it to be '760.8': for storage '763.12': okay right '765.12': sorry not for storage but for drainage '768.32': interesting interesting so you can see '770.079': there it rocks and that's how i found it '773.04': because when i walked down i stepped on '774.639': it and i realized '776.8': that it was actually rocking a bit '78.88': i said i was gonna come back with a few '780.16': okay let's take out the tools '782.56': the high-tech tools '784.32': got the paracord '786.48': and we've got a nail '789.12': right there '792.56': let's hope this works '795.44': i'm hoping that i can get this '798.399': through '799.44': the hole '80.4': tools because what i used last time was '801.6': if i can drop this through the hole '805.68': and then when it comes to pulling it so '807.68': if that's dropped through the hole when '808.56': it comes to pulling it '809.92': it's going to catch '811.839': and lift '814.399': a very basic '816.079': but it could actually work '818.56': right i might need my gloves for this '82.799': a stick '821.76': pulling for lifting the '823.92': slab with the paracord '826.32': in fact yeah with the gloves it means i '827.839': can grab the slab and lift it off '830.56': let's make sure it's nice and clear '834.56': okay '84.159': and a bit of paracord well i've come '841.36': right '842.399': it won't seem to go through '853.92': oh '857.12': 'yes' '86.08': back today with '860.24': boys and girls '861.6': we're back in business '87.2': something a little different '88.96': first thing is the same i've got '887.279': well it's not what i was hoping for '890.48': so you can see it's lined with bricks '892.639': going all the way around '895.92': and then there's gaps '897.519': in the brick '90.88': paracord the next thing i have is a nail '900.32': there '901.36': and then '903.12': so i can't i can't see from the angle '906.399': but i can't really see how far back that '908.079': goes and whether it's been filled in i '910.32': mean this '911.76': that looks like it could well have been '913.279': filled in '914.48': lots of loose gravel '917.6': lots of loose gravel '922.16': very interesting but that looks very '923.839': drainage like i didn't so last time i '926.24': was here i only saw one hole on the slab '928.56': i didn't notice the other ones '931.68': but it really makes sense now for this '933.6': to be drainage '94.56': i'm hoping by using a bit of paracord '941.6': yep it worked it did bend the nail '949.519': just clean this '950.959': so it sits flat again '96.479': and a bit of nail i'll be able to get '974.72': well i'm 90 certain that that is for '978.0': drainage '979.759': but let me know in the comments section '98.479': into '981.44': if you think i'm wrong or if you think '983.759': it could be for something else '985.68': maybe it could be a refrigerator place '988.16': to store food '99.6': whatever that is down there we might '990.56': it is actually smaller than i thought i '993.6': mean '994.8': to get into it you just about you know '996.88': well me i think i'll just about get into '998.639': it if i pulled my shoulders in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Steam locomotive crossing a bridge near Villaguay (c.1950)." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The General Urquiza Railway, named after the Argentine general and politician Justo José de Urquiza, is a standard gauge railway of Argentina which runs approximately northwards from Buenos Aires to Posadas, with several branches in between. It was also one of the six state-owned Argentine railway companies formed after President Juan Perón's nationalisation of the railway network in 1948. The six companies were managed by Ferrocarriles Argentinos which was later broken up during the process of railway privatisation beginning in 1991 during Carlos Menem's presidency." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway / History / Background" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Background" ] }
EXPLORING A WW2 BUNKER and Opening the 'SECRET DOOR' hidden in the Floor. Mystery Finally Solved!
I returned to the WW2 bunker air-raid shelter to lift up the slab to the 'hidden compartment', using nothing more than some simple tools. Watch the Bunker overnighter: Thanks for all the comments. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKED THE VIDEO BY GIVING IT A 'THUMBS UP' AND DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, THANKS! JOIN THE LIVESTREAMS TOO...HIT THE BELL NOTIFICATION BUTTON AND CHAT TO ME LIVE! HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL BY PURCHASING SOME MERCH SPORKS / KUKSAS / CHOPPING BOARDS / FIRE PISTONS / T-SHIRTS and more JOIN MY BUSHCRAFT COURSES IN SOMERSET, UK: Visit FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: FOLLOW MY DOG AMBER ON INSTAGRAM: 🔔 Turn ON Notifications | Watch my Livestreams 👀 👍 LIKE | 💬 COMMENT | 👥 SHARE | 🙏 SUBSCRIBE #ww2 #bushcraft #bunker
'1001.279': but yeah it's very very small '1003.279': and those bricks so it's lined with '1005.199': bricks and they're kind of like '1006.32': staggered '1008.079': see i'll have to look through the '1009.199': footage to see if i can see through or '101.759': find something we might not '1011.279': see if there's another chamber or a room '1014.72': underneath that '1017.04': yeah pretty interesting but yeah i just '1018.32': want to say thank you so much again for '1020.079': your comments '1021.279': you guys commented like crazy i had to '1024.4': come back here and do this one-off video '1026.64': lifting up that slab to find out what '1028.72': really is underneath it '1030.799': interesting that the other one doesn't '1032.16': have a slab '1033.28': but it is filled in the other one '1036.16': does have a slab maybe i'll look at that '1038.4': one maybe '1039.839': i don't know i don't know maybe next '104.479': however before we do that what i'd '1041.36': time we'll have a look at the other one '1042.88': lift up that slab and have a look to see '1044.64': if that's filled in as well '1046.88': i'm not sure '1048.88': anyway thanks again for watching '1051.12': i've got another video coming out very '1052.72': soon it's quite a cool video make sure '1054.72': you check it out again if you want to '1056.559': see this sort of content or the camping '1058.32': bush crafty cooking content don't forget '106.079': really like to do '1060.64': to leave me a thumbs up '1062.64': see you next week goodbye '107.439': is go and have a look at the other '109.36': bunkers to see if they've also got '1105.919': you '112.159': a slab at the bottom of the steps which '114.72': means they might all be connected '12.559': about two weeks ago i discovered this '121.759': okay '122.799': so this is the other bunker '125.2': let's go in '138.64': lots of leaves '142.319': oh more graffiti and though '145.2': wow i've not actually been in this one '15.04': underground air raid bunker style '151.599': yeah '153.04': a bit rubbish '154.879': unfortunately '156.72': right '158.319': moment of truth '160.8': is there gonna be a slab underneath all '163.2': of these leaves '17.279': shelter '174.0': so '18.4': a few days later i came back with a wood '189.04': this it's quite i can't make out if '191.92': there is anything there's lots of dirt '196.239': now i don't think there is one here '20.32': stove a backpack some food and i stayed '212.64': bits of glass '214.879': i have to watch the dog '217.599': i use this as a digging tool '22.8': for 24 hours the wood stove kept me nice '220.72': 'no' '221.76': so i don't think there's anything there '225.04': there's just lots of loose rubble '228.319': which is a bit odd '231.2': unless there was a hole '234.239': and they just filled it in with all '235.68': these loose '237.2': bits of broken brick roof tile '241.2': you know it's a bit odd they're a bit '242.64': out of place '244.64': stones '25.199': and warm i slept in a hammock after '255.76': so if there was a hole there and if this '258.239': has been filled in with rubble '260.4': then surely there should be an outline '263.28': somewhere '264.8': i mean it was only a small hole '267.52': let's find the floor let's find the '268.96': floor of the bunker '27.599': cooking up some great food '271.28': and maybe '274.4': take it from there '276.0': let's see '277.84': if this '279.199': reveals a '281.44': a hole '282.72': or a line '284.479': where the '285.44': lid '286.4': would have been '289.04': where does that take us to '29.679': and while i was exploring the woodland '291.199': all right yeah look '293.199': you can see there '295.12': that's the edge of the floor '298.479': and that's probably about as big as the '300.4': hole or the slab is '302.88': that's interesting '306.4': see '308.0': look it goes all the way there so that's '309.68': rubble that's loose rubble and this is '31.199': at night time i found a few more '311.52': the floor '314.16': and that's loose rubble there as well '316.479': yeah look '318.24': at that '319.52': i'm going to cover this back over '32.8': shelters '322.0': i'm going to leave it '327.919': okay so what i think i've worked out '329.199': from that is that '330.56': there was a hole there whether it was a '332.96': tunnel drainage i don't know '335.44': but it's been filled in however if it '337.36': was drainage why would it be filled in '34.48': but one thing that really puzzled me '340.24': and surely this would be flooded '342.88': i don't know '344.08': so let's leave this one let's go and '345.6': find the other shelters and have a look '347.12': at them '358.72': so yeah just walking through the woods '36.719': was what i found underneath these leaves '361.28': and found this as well '363.199': it's like an old '364.84': slab could it be the foundations '368.319': there are bricks going around it '371.199': yeah could it be foundations could have '372.72': been for '374.16': um '375.6': you know some sort of anti-aircraft '377.6': artillery '379.44': i really don't know i really don't know '381.28': let's keep going '383.28': so we're approaching the other bunker or '386.72': air raid shelter '389.199': right there '39.52': right here in the entrance '394.16': again bit of graffiti on the wall '397.6': you can see it's underground or kind of '399.68': half underground '401.52': protected again with lots of soil '42.16': what i found was a concrete slab with a '429.28': this one's got a bit of a door '431.52': with a modern door '434.24': uh graffiti '436.72': wherever you go there's always graffiti '44.079': hole in it '440.24': such a shame '446.56': snail well '449.039': okay interesting '45.2': i tried lifting it up but i couldn't '451.44': what's that '458.72': so it's exactly the same '46.96': quite do it it seemed like there was a '461.28': as the other two '462.84': bunkers '464.4': both the one that i slept in and the one '466.16': that we just '467.52': had a look at a few minutes ago '471.12': more beer cans '473.28': more shame '475.599': right '476.879': moment of truth '479.84': let's have a look '48.64': compartment underneath this concrete '489.919': oh yeah '491.68': yes look '493.44': right let's put the camera down '496.72': okay so there's definitely a slab '498.479': underneath here '499.919': and i think i've located oh there's a '50.8': slab '502.16': there's several holes in this one '510.08': right so this one's got more holes '519.36': that's blocked '52.079': and i know there's about three or four '521.279': it's a hole there that's blocked '523.919': no no is it i know it's not '527.36': i can feel the lip as in '529.76': the edge of the floor that this plate is '53.6': bunkers in this woodland '532.8': sitting onto '534.48': i think there's a few more holes '545.04': it goes all the way through but how deep '546.8': does it go let's see '55.44': the question is could have been a tunnel '551.6': guys it's deep '553.519': let's go all the way in '556.399': oh '564.64': okay i've covered the hole over i '566.8': haven't lifted up the slab because i '568.88': want to go back to the original shelter '57.28': connecting them all '570.959': the airaid shelter or the bunker '573.279': that i slept in that is the one i really '575.68': want to lift up '577.36': so before we do go back to the shelter '579.279': and lift up that slab let's have a look '58.8': could it have been drainage '581.279': at the final shelter in this woodland '583.36': which is another bunker '585.279': and we'll see if that also has a '586.8': compartment at the bottom of the '588.16': stairwell '61.039': to stop them from being flooded however '614.959': so this one's in really good condition '618.399': bit graffiti '63.76': i've had a look around the back of the '630.16': now is there going to be a slab under '631.92': this '649.04': 'yes' '65.04': shelter '651.2': there is '66.32': and i can't see anywhere where there be '663.92': okay we're back here at the shelter '666.24': that's the one that has the slab that i '668.64': want to lift up '670.48': and just to show you the first well the '672.399': second shelter we looked at '674.64': was that one right there '677.68': just on the edge of the airfield '679.76': where it meets the woodland but i don't '68.799': some sort of piping or drainage it just '681.839': think back then i don't think these '683.2': trees would have been well i think these '684.72': trees are probably planted shortly after '687.36': these bunkers were built '689.519': it kind of makes sense because it gives '691.04': them a bit of cover as well '693.12': but i don't think these trees are more '694.56': than 70 years old '696.959': i really don't and also another reason '698.72': is because i've looked '700.24': at the aerial images for the airfield '703.12': and i can see where the bunker is and i '704.72': can see '705.92': there are no beech trees there are no '707.76': trees that were well these trees are not '71.119': looks like '710.88': present in the aerial photography from '713.279': the photos taken '714.959': back in '716.04': 1943 i think it was '719.519': but today it's a bit of an exploration '72.56': i i really don't know or could have just '721.68': to find out what is under the slab just '724.56': down there okay '726.48': the moment of truth '74.32': been for storage or could have been a '740.88': okay '745.839': all right this has also got holes in it '747.68': i didn't realize last time '749.92': that there these must be holes as well '75.84': toilet like many people have suggested '752.16': that just blocked up '753.92': let's have a little look '757.12': which makes me think it would make sense '759.68': for it to be '760.8': for storage '763.12': okay right '765.12': sorry not for storage but for drainage '768.32': interesting interesting so you can see '770.079': there it rocks and that's how i found it '773.04': because when i walked down i stepped on '774.639': it and i realized '776.8': that it was actually rocking a bit '78.88': i said i was gonna come back with a few '780.16': okay let's take out the tools '782.56': the high-tech tools '784.32': got the paracord '786.48': and we've got a nail '789.12': right there '792.56': let's hope this works '795.44': i'm hoping that i can get this '798.399': through '799.44': the hole '80.4': tools because what i used last time was '801.6': if i can drop this through the hole '805.68': and then when it comes to pulling it so '807.68': if that's dropped through the hole when '808.56': it comes to pulling it '809.92': it's going to catch '811.839': and lift '814.399': a very basic '816.079': but it could actually work '818.56': right i might need my gloves for this '82.799': a stick '821.76': pulling for lifting the '823.92': slab with the paracord '826.32': in fact yeah with the gloves it means i '827.839': can grab the slab and lift it off '830.56': let's make sure it's nice and clear '834.56': okay '84.159': and a bit of paracord well i've come '841.36': right '842.399': it won't seem to go through '853.92': oh '857.12': 'yes' '86.08': back today with '860.24': boys and girls '861.6': we're back in business '87.2': something a little different '88.96': first thing is the same i've got '887.279': well it's not what i was hoping for '890.48': so you can see it's lined with bricks '892.639': going all the way around '895.92': and then there's gaps '897.519': in the brick '90.88': paracord the next thing i have is a nail '900.32': there '901.36': and then '903.12': so i can't i can't see from the angle '906.399': but i can't really see how far back that '908.079': goes and whether it's been filled in i '910.32': mean this '911.76': that looks like it could well have been '913.279': filled in '914.48': lots of loose gravel '917.6': lots of loose gravel '922.16': very interesting but that looks very '923.839': drainage like i didn't so last time i '926.24': was here i only saw one hole on the slab '928.56': i didn't notice the other ones '931.68': but it really makes sense now for this '933.6': to be drainage '94.56': i'm hoping by using a bit of paracord '941.6': yep it worked it did bend the nail '949.519': just clean this '950.959': so it sits flat again '96.479': and a bit of nail i'll be able to get '974.72': well i'm 90 certain that that is for '978.0': drainage '979.759': but let me know in the comments section '98.479': into '981.44': if you think i'm wrong or if you think '983.759': it could be for something else '985.68': maybe it could be a refrigerator place '988.16': to store food '99.6': whatever that is down there we might '990.56': it is actually smaller than i thought i '993.6': mean '994.8': to get into it you just about you know '996.88': well me i think i'll just about get into '998.639': it if i pulled my shoulders in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Steam locomotive crossing a bridge near Villaguay (c.1950)." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The General Urquiza Railway, named after the Argentine general and politician Justo José de Urquiza, is a standard gauge railway of Argentina which runs approximately northwards from Buenos Aires to Posadas, with several branches in between. It was also one of the six state-owned Argentine railway companies formed after President Juan Perón's nationalisation of the railway network in 1948. The six companies were managed by Ferrocarriles Argentinos which was later broken up during the process of railway privatisation beginning in 1991 during Carlos Menem's presidency." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway / History / Background" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Background" ] }
EXPLORING A WW2 BUNKER and Opening the 'SECRET DOOR' hidden in the Floor. Mystery Finally Solved!
I returned to the WW2 bunker air-raid shelter to lift up the slab to the 'hidden compartment', using nothing more than some simple tools. Watch the Bunker overnighter: Thanks for all the comments. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKED THE VIDEO BY GIVING IT A 'THUMBS UP' AND DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, THANKS! JOIN THE LIVESTREAMS TOO...HIT THE BELL NOTIFICATION BUTTON AND CHAT TO ME LIVE! HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL BY PURCHASING SOME MERCH SPORKS / KUKSAS / CHOPPING BOARDS / FIRE PISTONS / T-SHIRTS and more JOIN MY BUSHCRAFT COURSES IN SOMERSET, UK: Visit FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: FOLLOW MY DOG AMBER ON INSTAGRAM: 🔔 Turn ON Notifications | Watch my Livestreams 👀 👍 LIKE | 💬 COMMENT | 👥 SHARE | 🙏 SUBSCRIBE #ww2 #bushcraft #bunker
'1001.279': but yeah it's very very small '1003.279': and those bricks so it's lined with '1005.199': bricks and they're kind of like '1006.32': staggered '1008.079': see i'll have to look through the '1009.199': footage to see if i can see through or '101.759': find something we might not '1011.279': see if there's another chamber or a room '1014.72': underneath that '1017.04': yeah pretty interesting but yeah i just '1018.32': want to say thank you so much again for '1020.079': your comments '1021.279': you guys commented like crazy i had to '1024.4': come back here and do this one-off video '1026.64': lifting up that slab to find out what '1028.72': really is underneath it '1030.799': interesting that the other one doesn't '1032.16': have a slab '1033.28': but it is filled in the other one '1036.16': does have a slab maybe i'll look at that '1038.4': one maybe '1039.839': i don't know i don't know maybe next '104.479': however before we do that what i'd '1041.36': time we'll have a look at the other one '1042.88': lift up that slab and have a look to see '1044.64': if that's filled in as well '1046.88': i'm not sure '1048.88': anyway thanks again for watching '1051.12': i've got another video coming out very '1052.72': soon it's quite a cool video make sure '1054.72': you check it out again if you want to '1056.559': see this sort of content or the camping '1058.32': bush crafty cooking content don't forget '106.079': really like to do '1060.64': to leave me a thumbs up '1062.64': see you next week goodbye '107.439': is go and have a look at the other '109.36': bunkers to see if they've also got '1105.919': you '112.159': a slab at the bottom of the steps which '114.72': means they might all be connected '12.559': about two weeks ago i discovered this '121.759': okay '122.799': so this is the other bunker '125.2': let's go in '138.64': lots of leaves '142.319': oh more graffiti and though '145.2': wow i've not actually been in this one '15.04': underground air raid bunker style '151.599': yeah '153.04': a bit rubbish '154.879': unfortunately '156.72': right '158.319': moment of truth '160.8': is there gonna be a slab underneath all '163.2': of these leaves '17.279': shelter '174.0': so '18.4': a few days later i came back with a wood '189.04': this it's quite i can't make out if '191.92': there is anything there's lots of dirt '196.239': now i don't think there is one here '20.32': stove a backpack some food and i stayed '212.64': bits of glass '214.879': i have to watch the dog '217.599': i use this as a digging tool '22.8': for 24 hours the wood stove kept me nice '220.72': 'no' '221.76': so i don't think there's anything there '225.04': there's just lots of loose rubble '228.319': which is a bit odd '231.2': unless there was a hole '234.239': and they just filled it in with all '235.68': these loose '237.2': bits of broken brick roof tile '241.2': you know it's a bit odd they're a bit '242.64': out of place '244.64': stones '25.199': and warm i slept in a hammock after '255.76': so if there was a hole there and if this '258.239': has been filled in with rubble '260.4': then surely there should be an outline '263.28': somewhere '264.8': i mean it was only a small hole '267.52': let's find the floor let's find the '268.96': floor of the bunker '27.599': cooking up some great food '271.28': and maybe '274.4': take it from there '276.0': let's see '277.84': if this '279.199': reveals a '281.44': a hole '282.72': or a line '284.479': where the '285.44': lid '286.4': would have been '289.04': where does that take us to '29.679': and while i was exploring the woodland '291.199': all right yeah look '293.199': you can see there '295.12': that's the edge of the floor '298.479': and that's probably about as big as the '300.4': hole or the slab is '302.88': that's interesting '306.4': see '308.0': look it goes all the way there so that's '309.68': rubble that's loose rubble and this is '31.199': at night time i found a few more '311.52': the floor '314.16': and that's loose rubble there as well '316.479': yeah look '318.24': at that '319.52': i'm going to cover this back over '32.8': shelters '322.0': i'm going to leave it '327.919': okay so what i think i've worked out '329.199': from that is that '330.56': there was a hole there whether it was a '332.96': tunnel drainage i don't know '335.44': but it's been filled in however if it '337.36': was drainage why would it be filled in '34.48': but one thing that really puzzled me '340.24': and surely this would be flooded '342.88': i don't know '344.08': so let's leave this one let's go and '345.6': find the other shelters and have a look '347.12': at them '358.72': so yeah just walking through the woods '36.719': was what i found underneath these leaves '361.28': and found this as well '363.199': it's like an old '364.84': slab could it be the foundations '368.319': there are bricks going around it '371.199': yeah could it be foundations could have '372.72': been for '374.16': um '375.6': you know some sort of anti-aircraft '377.6': artillery '379.44': i really don't know i really don't know '381.28': let's keep going '383.28': so we're approaching the other bunker or '386.72': air raid shelter '389.199': right there '39.52': right here in the entrance '394.16': again bit of graffiti on the wall '397.6': you can see it's underground or kind of '399.68': half underground '401.52': protected again with lots of soil '42.16': what i found was a concrete slab with a '429.28': this one's got a bit of a door '431.52': with a modern door '434.24': uh graffiti '436.72': wherever you go there's always graffiti '44.079': hole in it '440.24': such a shame '446.56': snail well '449.039': okay interesting '45.2': i tried lifting it up but i couldn't '451.44': what's that '458.72': so it's exactly the same '46.96': quite do it it seemed like there was a '461.28': as the other two '462.84': bunkers '464.4': both the one that i slept in and the one '466.16': that we just '467.52': had a look at a few minutes ago '471.12': more beer cans '473.28': more shame '475.599': right '476.879': moment of truth '479.84': let's have a look '48.64': compartment underneath this concrete '489.919': oh yeah '491.68': yes look '493.44': right let's put the camera down '496.72': okay so there's definitely a slab '498.479': underneath here '499.919': and i think i've located oh there's a '50.8': slab '502.16': there's several holes in this one '510.08': right so this one's got more holes '519.36': that's blocked '52.079': and i know there's about three or four '521.279': it's a hole there that's blocked '523.919': no no is it i know it's not '527.36': i can feel the lip as in '529.76': the edge of the floor that this plate is '53.6': bunkers in this woodland '532.8': sitting onto '534.48': i think there's a few more holes '545.04': it goes all the way through but how deep '546.8': does it go let's see '55.44': the question is could have been a tunnel '551.6': guys it's deep '553.519': let's go all the way in '556.399': oh '564.64': okay i've covered the hole over i '566.8': haven't lifted up the slab because i '568.88': want to go back to the original shelter '57.28': connecting them all '570.959': the airaid shelter or the bunker '573.279': that i slept in that is the one i really '575.68': want to lift up '577.36': so before we do go back to the shelter '579.279': and lift up that slab let's have a look '58.8': could it have been drainage '581.279': at the final shelter in this woodland '583.36': which is another bunker '585.279': and we'll see if that also has a '586.8': compartment at the bottom of the '588.16': stairwell '61.039': to stop them from being flooded however '614.959': so this one's in really good condition '618.399': bit graffiti '63.76': i've had a look around the back of the '630.16': now is there going to be a slab under '631.92': this '649.04': 'yes' '65.04': shelter '651.2': there is '66.32': and i can't see anywhere where there be '663.92': okay we're back here at the shelter '666.24': that's the one that has the slab that i '668.64': want to lift up '670.48': and just to show you the first well the '672.399': second shelter we looked at '674.64': was that one right there '677.68': just on the edge of the airfield '679.76': where it meets the woodland but i don't '68.799': some sort of piping or drainage it just '681.839': think back then i don't think these '683.2': trees would have been well i think these '684.72': trees are probably planted shortly after '687.36': these bunkers were built '689.519': it kind of makes sense because it gives '691.04': them a bit of cover as well '693.12': but i don't think these trees are more '694.56': than 70 years old '696.959': i really don't and also another reason '698.72': is because i've looked '700.24': at the aerial images for the airfield '703.12': and i can see where the bunker is and i '704.72': can see '705.92': there are no beech trees there are no '707.76': trees that were well these trees are not '71.119': looks like '710.88': present in the aerial photography from '713.279': the photos taken '714.959': back in '716.04': 1943 i think it was '719.519': but today it's a bit of an exploration '72.56': i i really don't know or could have just '721.68': to find out what is under the slab just '724.56': down there okay '726.48': the moment of truth '74.32': been for storage or could have been a '740.88': okay '745.839': all right this has also got holes in it '747.68': i didn't realize last time '749.92': that there these must be holes as well '75.84': toilet like many people have suggested '752.16': that just blocked up '753.92': let's have a little look '757.12': which makes me think it would make sense '759.68': for it to be '760.8': for storage '763.12': okay right '765.12': sorry not for storage but for drainage '768.32': interesting interesting so you can see '770.079': there it rocks and that's how i found it '773.04': because when i walked down i stepped on '774.639': it and i realized '776.8': that it was actually rocking a bit '78.88': i said i was gonna come back with a few '780.16': okay let's take out the tools '782.56': the high-tech tools '784.32': got the paracord '786.48': and we've got a nail '789.12': right there '792.56': let's hope this works '795.44': i'm hoping that i can get this '798.399': through '799.44': the hole '80.4': tools because what i used last time was '801.6': if i can drop this through the hole '805.68': and then when it comes to pulling it so '807.68': if that's dropped through the hole when '808.56': it comes to pulling it '809.92': it's going to catch '811.839': and lift '814.399': a very basic '816.079': but it could actually work '818.56': right i might need my gloves for this '82.799': a stick '821.76': pulling for lifting the '823.92': slab with the paracord '826.32': in fact yeah with the gloves it means i '827.839': can grab the slab and lift it off '830.56': let's make sure it's nice and clear '834.56': okay '84.159': and a bit of paracord well i've come '841.36': right '842.399': it won't seem to go through '853.92': oh '857.12': 'yes' '86.08': back today with '860.24': boys and girls '861.6': we're back in business '87.2': something a little different '88.96': first thing is the same i've got '887.279': well it's not what i was hoping for '890.48': so you can see it's lined with bricks '892.639': going all the way around '895.92': and then there's gaps '897.519': in the brick '90.88': paracord the next thing i have is a nail '900.32': there '901.36': and then '903.12': so i can't i can't see from the angle '906.399': but i can't really see how far back that '908.079': goes and whether it's been filled in i '910.32': mean this '911.76': that looks like it could well have been '913.279': filled in '914.48': lots of loose gravel '917.6': lots of loose gravel '922.16': very interesting but that looks very '923.839': drainage like i didn't so last time i '926.24': was here i only saw one hole on the slab '928.56': i didn't notice the other ones '931.68': but it really makes sense now for this '933.6': to be drainage '94.56': i'm hoping by using a bit of paracord '941.6': yep it worked it did bend the nail '949.519': just clean this '950.959': so it sits flat again '96.479': and a bit of nail i'll be able to get '974.72': well i'm 90 certain that that is for '978.0': drainage '979.759': but let me know in the comments section '98.479': into '981.44': if you think i'm wrong or if you think '983.759': it could be for something else '985.68': maybe it could be a refrigerator place '988.16': to store food '99.6': whatever that is down there we might '990.56': it is actually smaller than i thought i '993.6': mean '994.8': to get into it you just about you know '996.88': well me i think i'll just about get into '998.639': it if i pulled my shoulders in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Steam locomotive crossing a bridge near Villaguay (c.1950)." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The General Urquiza Railway, named after the Argentine general and politician Justo José de Urquiza, is a standard gauge railway of Argentina which runs approximately northwards from Buenos Aires to Posadas, with several branches in between. It was also one of the six state-owned Argentine railway companies formed after President Juan Perón's nationalisation of the railway network in 1948. The six companies were managed by Ferrocarriles Argentinos which was later broken up during the process of railway privatisation beginning in 1991 during Carlos Menem's presidency." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway / History / Background" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Background" ] }
EXPLORING A WW2 BUNKER and Opening the 'SECRET DOOR' hidden in the Floor. Mystery Finally Solved!
I returned to the WW2 bunker air-raid shelter to lift up the slab to the 'hidden compartment', using nothing more than some simple tools. Watch the Bunker overnighter: Thanks for all the comments. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKED THE VIDEO BY GIVING IT A 'THUMBS UP' AND DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, THANKS! JOIN THE LIVESTREAMS TOO...HIT THE BELL NOTIFICATION BUTTON AND CHAT TO ME LIVE! HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL BY PURCHASING SOME MERCH SPORKS / KUKSAS / CHOPPING BOARDS / FIRE PISTONS / T-SHIRTS and more JOIN MY BUSHCRAFT COURSES IN SOMERSET, UK: Visit FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: FOLLOW MY DOG AMBER ON INSTAGRAM: 🔔 Turn ON Notifications | Watch my Livestreams 👀 👍 LIKE | 💬 COMMENT | 👥 SHARE | 🙏 SUBSCRIBE #ww2 #bushcraft #bunker
'1001.279': but yeah it's very very small '1003.279': and those bricks so it's lined with '1005.199': bricks and they're kind of like '1006.32': staggered '1008.079': see i'll have to look through the '1009.199': footage to see if i can see through or '101.759': find something we might not '1011.279': see if there's another chamber or a room '1014.72': underneath that '1017.04': yeah pretty interesting but yeah i just '1018.32': want to say thank you so much again for '1020.079': your comments '1021.279': you guys commented like crazy i had to '1024.4': come back here and do this one-off video '1026.64': lifting up that slab to find out what '1028.72': really is underneath it '1030.799': interesting that the other one doesn't '1032.16': have a slab '1033.28': but it is filled in the other one '1036.16': does have a slab maybe i'll look at that '1038.4': one maybe '1039.839': i don't know i don't know maybe next '104.479': however before we do that what i'd '1041.36': time we'll have a look at the other one '1042.88': lift up that slab and have a look to see '1044.64': if that's filled in as well '1046.88': i'm not sure '1048.88': anyway thanks again for watching '1051.12': i've got another video coming out very '1052.72': soon it's quite a cool video make sure '1054.72': you check it out again if you want to '1056.559': see this sort of content or the camping '1058.32': bush crafty cooking content don't forget '106.079': really like to do '1060.64': to leave me a thumbs up '1062.64': see you next week goodbye '107.439': is go and have a look at the other '109.36': bunkers to see if they've also got '1105.919': you '112.159': a slab at the bottom of the steps which '114.72': means they might all be connected '12.559': about two weeks ago i discovered this '121.759': okay '122.799': so this is the other bunker '125.2': let's go in '138.64': lots of leaves '142.319': oh more graffiti and though '145.2': wow i've not actually been in this one '15.04': underground air raid bunker style '151.599': yeah '153.04': a bit rubbish '154.879': unfortunately '156.72': right '158.319': moment of truth '160.8': is there gonna be a slab underneath all '163.2': of these leaves '17.279': shelter '174.0': so '18.4': a few days later i came back with a wood '189.04': this it's quite i can't make out if '191.92': there is anything there's lots of dirt '196.239': now i don't think there is one here '20.32': stove a backpack some food and i stayed '212.64': bits of glass '214.879': i have to watch the dog '217.599': i use this as a digging tool '22.8': for 24 hours the wood stove kept me nice '220.72': 'no' '221.76': so i don't think there's anything there '225.04': there's just lots of loose rubble '228.319': which is a bit odd '231.2': unless there was a hole '234.239': and they just filled it in with all '235.68': these loose '237.2': bits of broken brick roof tile '241.2': you know it's a bit odd they're a bit '242.64': out of place '244.64': stones '25.199': and warm i slept in a hammock after '255.76': so if there was a hole there and if this '258.239': has been filled in with rubble '260.4': then surely there should be an outline '263.28': somewhere '264.8': i mean it was only a small hole '267.52': let's find the floor let's find the '268.96': floor of the bunker '27.599': cooking up some great food '271.28': and maybe '274.4': take it from there '276.0': let's see '277.84': if this '279.199': reveals a '281.44': a hole '282.72': or a line '284.479': where the '285.44': lid '286.4': would have been '289.04': where does that take us to '29.679': and while i was exploring the woodland '291.199': all right yeah look '293.199': you can see there '295.12': that's the edge of the floor '298.479': and that's probably about as big as the '300.4': hole or the slab is '302.88': that's interesting '306.4': see '308.0': look it goes all the way there so that's '309.68': rubble that's loose rubble and this is '31.199': at night time i found a few more '311.52': the floor '314.16': and that's loose rubble there as well '316.479': yeah look '318.24': at that '319.52': i'm going to cover this back over '32.8': shelters '322.0': i'm going to leave it '327.919': okay so what i think i've worked out '329.199': from that is that '330.56': there was a hole there whether it was a '332.96': tunnel drainage i don't know '335.44': but it's been filled in however if it '337.36': was drainage why would it be filled in '34.48': but one thing that really puzzled me '340.24': and surely this would be flooded '342.88': i don't know '344.08': so let's leave this one let's go and '345.6': find the other shelters and have a look '347.12': at them '358.72': so yeah just walking through the woods '36.719': was what i found underneath these leaves '361.28': and found this as well '363.199': it's like an old '364.84': slab could it be the foundations '368.319': there are bricks going around it '371.199': yeah could it be foundations could have '372.72': been for '374.16': um '375.6': you know some sort of anti-aircraft '377.6': artillery '379.44': i really don't know i really don't know '381.28': let's keep going '383.28': so we're approaching the other bunker or '386.72': air raid shelter '389.199': right there '39.52': right here in the entrance '394.16': again bit of graffiti on the wall '397.6': you can see it's underground or kind of '399.68': half underground '401.52': protected again with lots of soil '42.16': what i found was a concrete slab with a '429.28': this one's got a bit of a door '431.52': with a modern door '434.24': uh graffiti '436.72': wherever you go there's always graffiti '44.079': hole in it '440.24': such a shame '446.56': snail well '449.039': okay interesting '45.2': i tried lifting it up but i couldn't '451.44': what's that '458.72': so it's exactly the same '46.96': quite do it it seemed like there was a '461.28': as the other two '462.84': bunkers '464.4': both the one that i slept in and the one '466.16': that we just '467.52': had a look at a few minutes ago '471.12': more beer cans '473.28': more shame '475.599': right '476.879': moment of truth '479.84': let's have a look '48.64': compartment underneath this concrete '489.919': oh yeah '491.68': yes look '493.44': right let's put the camera down '496.72': okay so there's definitely a slab '498.479': underneath here '499.919': and i think i've located oh there's a '50.8': slab '502.16': there's several holes in this one '510.08': right so this one's got more holes '519.36': that's blocked '52.079': and i know there's about three or four '521.279': it's a hole there that's blocked '523.919': no no is it i know it's not '527.36': i can feel the lip as in '529.76': the edge of the floor that this plate is '53.6': bunkers in this woodland '532.8': sitting onto '534.48': i think there's a few more holes '545.04': it goes all the way through but how deep '546.8': does it go let's see '55.44': the question is could have been a tunnel '551.6': guys it's deep '553.519': let's go all the way in '556.399': oh '564.64': okay i've covered the hole over i '566.8': haven't lifted up the slab because i '568.88': want to go back to the original shelter '57.28': connecting them all '570.959': the airaid shelter or the bunker '573.279': that i slept in that is the one i really '575.68': want to lift up '577.36': so before we do go back to the shelter '579.279': and lift up that slab let's have a look '58.8': could it have been drainage '581.279': at the final shelter in this woodland '583.36': which is another bunker '585.279': and we'll see if that also has a '586.8': compartment at the bottom of the '588.16': stairwell '61.039': to stop them from being flooded however '614.959': so this one's in really good condition '618.399': bit graffiti '63.76': i've had a look around the back of the '630.16': now is there going to be a slab under '631.92': this '649.04': 'yes' '65.04': shelter '651.2': there is '66.32': and i can't see anywhere where there be '663.92': okay we're back here at the shelter '666.24': that's the one that has the slab that i '668.64': want to lift up '670.48': and just to show you the first well the '672.399': second shelter we looked at '674.64': was that one right there '677.68': just on the edge of the airfield '679.76': where it meets the woodland but i don't '68.799': some sort of piping or drainage it just '681.839': think back then i don't think these '683.2': trees would have been well i think these '684.72': trees are probably planted shortly after '687.36': these bunkers were built '689.519': it kind of makes sense because it gives '691.04': them a bit of cover as well '693.12': but i don't think these trees are more '694.56': than 70 years old '696.959': i really don't and also another reason '698.72': is because i've looked '700.24': at the aerial images for the airfield '703.12': and i can see where the bunker is and i '704.72': can see '705.92': there are no beech trees there are no '707.76': trees that were well these trees are not '71.119': looks like '710.88': present in the aerial photography from '713.279': the photos taken '714.959': back in '716.04': 1943 i think it was '719.519': but today it's a bit of an exploration '72.56': i i really don't know or could have just '721.68': to find out what is under the slab just '724.56': down there okay '726.48': the moment of truth '74.32': been for storage or could have been a '740.88': okay '745.839': all right this has also got holes in it '747.68': i didn't realize last time '749.92': that there these must be holes as well '75.84': toilet like many people have suggested '752.16': that just blocked up '753.92': let's have a little look '757.12': which makes me think it would make sense '759.68': for it to be '760.8': for storage '763.12': okay right '765.12': sorry not for storage but for drainage '768.32': interesting interesting so you can see '770.079': there it rocks and that's how i found it '773.04': because when i walked down i stepped on '774.639': it and i realized '776.8': that it was actually rocking a bit '78.88': i said i was gonna come back with a few '780.16': okay let's take out the tools '782.56': the high-tech tools '784.32': got the paracord '786.48': and we've got a nail '789.12': right there '792.56': let's hope this works '795.44': i'm hoping that i can get this '798.399': through '799.44': the hole '80.4': tools because what i used last time was '801.6': if i can drop this through the hole '805.68': and then when it comes to pulling it so '807.68': if that's dropped through the hole when '808.56': it comes to pulling it '809.92': it's going to catch '811.839': and lift '814.399': a very basic '816.079': but it could actually work '818.56': right i might need my gloves for this '82.799': a stick '821.76': pulling for lifting the '823.92': slab with the paracord '826.32': in fact yeah with the gloves it means i '827.839': can grab the slab and lift it off '830.56': let's make sure it's nice and clear '834.56': okay '84.159': and a bit of paracord well i've come '841.36': right '842.399': it won't seem to go through '853.92': oh '857.12': 'yes' '86.08': back today with '860.24': boys and girls '861.6': we're back in business '87.2': something a little different '88.96': first thing is the same i've got '887.279': well it's not what i was hoping for '890.48': so you can see it's lined with bricks '892.639': going all the way around '895.92': and then there's gaps '897.519': in the brick '90.88': paracord the next thing i have is a nail '900.32': there '901.36': and then '903.12': so i can't i can't see from the angle '906.399': but i can't really see how far back that '908.079': goes and whether it's been filled in i '910.32': mean this '911.76': that looks like it could well have been '913.279': filled in '914.48': lots of loose gravel '917.6': lots of loose gravel '922.16': very interesting but that looks very '923.839': drainage like i didn't so last time i '926.24': was here i only saw one hole on the slab '928.56': i didn't notice the other ones '931.68': but it really makes sense now for this '933.6': to be drainage '94.56': i'm hoping by using a bit of paracord '941.6': yep it worked it did bend the nail '949.519': just clean this '950.959': so it sits flat again '96.479': and a bit of nail i'll be able to get '974.72': well i'm 90 certain that that is for '978.0': drainage '979.759': but let me know in the comments section '98.479': into '981.44': if you think i'm wrong or if you think '983.759': it could be for something else '985.68': maybe it could be a refrigerator place '988.16': to store food '99.6': whatever that is down there we might '990.56': it is actually smaller than i thought i '993.6': mean '994.8': to get into it you just about you know '996.88': well me i think i'll just about get into '998.639': it if i pulled my shoulders in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Steam locomotive crossing a bridge near Villaguay (c.1950)." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The General Urquiza Railway, named after the Argentine general and politician Justo José de Urquiza, is a standard gauge railway of Argentina which runs approximately northwards from Buenos Aires to Posadas, with several branches in between. It was also one of the six state-owned Argentine railway companies formed after President Juan Perón's nationalisation of the railway network in 1948. The six companies were managed by Ferrocarriles Argentinos which was later broken up during the process of railway privatisation beginning in 1991 during Carlos Menem's presidency." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway / History / Background" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Background" ] }
EXPLORING A WW2 BUNKER and Opening the 'SECRET DOOR' hidden in the Floor. Mystery Finally Solved!
I returned to the WW2 bunker air-raid shelter to lift up the slab to the 'hidden compartment', using nothing more than some simple tools. Watch the Bunker overnighter: Thanks for all the comments. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKED THE VIDEO BY GIVING IT A 'THUMBS UP' AND DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, THANKS! JOIN THE LIVESTREAMS TOO...HIT THE BELL NOTIFICATION BUTTON AND CHAT TO ME LIVE! HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL BY PURCHASING SOME MERCH SPORKS / KUKSAS / CHOPPING BOARDS / FIRE PISTONS / T-SHIRTS and more JOIN MY BUSHCRAFT COURSES IN SOMERSET, UK: Visit FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: FOLLOW MY DOG AMBER ON INSTAGRAM: 🔔 Turn ON Notifications | Watch my Livestreams 👀 👍 LIKE | 💬 COMMENT | 👥 SHARE | 🙏 SUBSCRIBE #ww2 #bushcraft #bunker
'1001.279': but yeah it's very very small '1003.279': and those bricks so it's lined with '1005.199': bricks and they're kind of like '1006.32': staggered '1008.079': see i'll have to look through the '1009.199': footage to see if i can see through or '101.759': find something we might not '1011.279': see if there's another chamber or a room '1014.72': underneath that '1017.04': yeah pretty interesting but yeah i just '1018.32': want to say thank you so much again for '1020.079': your comments '1021.279': you guys commented like crazy i had to '1024.4': come back here and do this one-off video '1026.64': lifting up that slab to find out what '1028.72': really is underneath it '1030.799': interesting that the other one doesn't '1032.16': have a slab '1033.28': but it is filled in the other one '1036.16': does have a slab maybe i'll look at that '1038.4': one maybe '1039.839': i don't know i don't know maybe next '104.479': however before we do that what i'd '1041.36': time we'll have a look at the other one '1042.88': lift up that slab and have a look to see '1044.64': if that's filled in as well '1046.88': i'm not sure '1048.88': anyway thanks again for watching '1051.12': i've got another video coming out very '1052.72': soon it's quite a cool video make sure '1054.72': you check it out again if you want to '1056.559': see this sort of content or the camping '1058.32': bush crafty cooking content don't forget '106.079': really like to do '1060.64': to leave me a thumbs up '1062.64': see you next week goodbye '107.439': is go and have a look at the other '109.36': bunkers to see if they've also got '1105.919': you '112.159': a slab at the bottom of the steps which '114.72': means they might all be connected '12.559': about two weeks ago i discovered this '121.759': okay '122.799': so this is the other bunker '125.2': let's go in '138.64': lots of leaves '142.319': oh more graffiti and though '145.2': wow i've not actually been in this one '15.04': underground air raid bunker style '151.599': yeah '153.04': a bit rubbish '154.879': unfortunately '156.72': right '158.319': moment of truth '160.8': is there gonna be a slab underneath all '163.2': of these leaves '17.279': shelter '174.0': so '18.4': a few days later i came back with a wood '189.04': this it's quite i can't make out if '191.92': there is anything there's lots of dirt '196.239': now i don't think there is one here '20.32': stove a backpack some food and i stayed '212.64': bits of glass '214.879': i have to watch the dog '217.599': i use this as a digging tool '22.8': for 24 hours the wood stove kept me nice '220.72': 'no' '221.76': so i don't think there's anything there '225.04': there's just lots of loose rubble '228.319': which is a bit odd '231.2': unless there was a hole '234.239': and they just filled it in with all '235.68': these loose '237.2': bits of broken brick roof tile '241.2': you know it's a bit odd they're a bit '242.64': out of place '244.64': stones '25.199': and warm i slept in a hammock after '255.76': so if there was a hole there and if this '258.239': has been filled in with rubble '260.4': then surely there should be an outline '263.28': somewhere '264.8': i mean it was only a small hole '267.52': let's find the floor let's find the '268.96': floor of the bunker '27.599': cooking up some great food '271.28': and maybe '274.4': take it from there '276.0': let's see '277.84': if this '279.199': reveals a '281.44': a hole '282.72': or a line '284.479': where the '285.44': lid '286.4': would have been '289.04': where does that take us to '29.679': and while i was exploring the woodland '291.199': all right yeah look '293.199': you can see there '295.12': that's the edge of the floor '298.479': and that's probably about as big as the '300.4': hole or the slab is '302.88': that's interesting '306.4': see '308.0': look it goes all the way there so that's '309.68': rubble that's loose rubble and this is '31.199': at night time i found a few more '311.52': the floor '314.16': and that's loose rubble there as well '316.479': yeah look '318.24': at that '319.52': i'm going to cover this back over '32.8': shelters '322.0': i'm going to leave it '327.919': okay so what i think i've worked out '329.199': from that is that '330.56': there was a hole there whether it was a '332.96': tunnel drainage i don't know '335.44': but it's been filled in however if it '337.36': was drainage why would it be filled in '34.48': but one thing that really puzzled me '340.24': and surely this would be flooded '342.88': i don't know '344.08': so let's leave this one let's go and '345.6': find the other shelters and have a look '347.12': at them '358.72': so yeah just walking through the woods '36.719': was what i found underneath these leaves '361.28': and found this as well '363.199': it's like an old '364.84': slab could it be the foundations '368.319': there are bricks going around it '371.199': yeah could it be foundations could have '372.72': been for '374.16': um '375.6': you know some sort of anti-aircraft '377.6': artillery '379.44': i really don't know i really don't know '381.28': let's keep going '383.28': so we're approaching the other bunker or '386.72': air raid shelter '389.199': right there '39.52': right here in the entrance '394.16': again bit of graffiti on the wall '397.6': you can see it's underground or kind of '399.68': half underground '401.52': protected again with lots of soil '42.16': what i found was a concrete slab with a '429.28': this one's got a bit of a door '431.52': with a modern door '434.24': uh graffiti '436.72': wherever you go there's always graffiti '44.079': hole in it '440.24': such a shame '446.56': snail well '449.039': okay interesting '45.2': i tried lifting it up but i couldn't '451.44': what's that '458.72': so it's exactly the same '46.96': quite do it it seemed like there was a '461.28': as the other two '462.84': bunkers '464.4': both the one that i slept in and the one '466.16': that we just '467.52': had a look at a few minutes ago '471.12': more beer cans '473.28': more shame '475.599': right '476.879': moment of truth '479.84': let's have a look '48.64': compartment underneath this concrete '489.919': oh yeah '491.68': yes look '493.44': right let's put the camera down '496.72': okay so there's definitely a slab '498.479': underneath here '499.919': and i think i've located oh there's a '50.8': slab '502.16': there's several holes in this one '510.08': right so this one's got more holes '519.36': that's blocked '52.079': and i know there's about three or four '521.279': it's a hole there that's blocked '523.919': no no is it i know it's not '527.36': i can feel the lip as in '529.76': the edge of the floor that this plate is '53.6': bunkers in this woodland '532.8': sitting onto '534.48': i think there's a few more holes '545.04': it goes all the way through but how deep '546.8': does it go let's see '55.44': the question is could have been a tunnel '551.6': guys it's deep '553.519': let's go all the way in '556.399': oh '564.64': okay i've covered the hole over i '566.8': haven't lifted up the slab because i '568.88': want to go back to the original shelter '57.28': connecting them all '570.959': the airaid shelter or the bunker '573.279': that i slept in that is the one i really '575.68': want to lift up '577.36': so before we do go back to the shelter '579.279': and lift up that slab let's have a look '58.8': could it have been drainage '581.279': at the final shelter in this woodland '583.36': which is another bunker '585.279': and we'll see if that also has a '586.8': compartment at the bottom of the '588.16': stairwell '61.039': to stop them from being flooded however '614.959': so this one's in really good condition '618.399': bit graffiti '63.76': i've had a look around the back of the '630.16': now is there going to be a slab under '631.92': this '649.04': 'yes' '65.04': shelter '651.2': there is '66.32': and i can't see anywhere where there be '663.92': okay we're back here at the shelter '666.24': that's the one that has the slab that i '668.64': want to lift up '670.48': and just to show you the first well the '672.399': second shelter we looked at '674.64': was that one right there '677.68': just on the edge of the airfield '679.76': where it meets the woodland but i don't '68.799': some sort of piping or drainage it just '681.839': think back then i don't think these '683.2': trees would have been well i think these '684.72': trees are probably planted shortly after '687.36': these bunkers were built '689.519': it kind of makes sense because it gives '691.04': them a bit of cover as well '693.12': but i don't think these trees are more '694.56': than 70 years old '696.959': i really don't and also another reason '698.72': is because i've looked '700.24': at the aerial images for the airfield '703.12': and i can see where the bunker is and i '704.72': can see '705.92': there are no beech trees there are no '707.76': trees that were well these trees are not '71.119': looks like '710.88': present in the aerial photography from '713.279': the photos taken '714.959': back in '716.04': 1943 i think it was '719.519': but today it's a bit of an exploration '72.56': i i really don't know or could have just '721.68': to find out what is under the slab just '724.56': down there okay '726.48': the moment of truth '74.32': been for storage or could have been a '740.88': okay '745.839': all right this has also got holes in it '747.68': i didn't realize last time '749.92': that there these must be holes as well '75.84': toilet like many people have suggested '752.16': that just blocked up '753.92': let's have a little look '757.12': which makes me think it would make sense '759.68': for it to be '760.8': for storage '763.12': okay right '765.12': sorry not for storage but for drainage '768.32': interesting interesting so you can see '770.079': there it rocks and that's how i found it '773.04': because when i walked down i stepped on '774.639': it and i realized '776.8': that it was actually rocking a bit '78.88': i said i was gonna come back with a few '780.16': okay let's take out the tools '782.56': the high-tech tools '784.32': got the paracord '786.48': and we've got a nail '789.12': right there '792.56': let's hope this works '795.44': i'm hoping that i can get this '798.399': through '799.44': the hole '80.4': tools because what i used last time was '801.6': if i can drop this through the hole '805.68': and then when it comes to pulling it so '807.68': if that's dropped through the hole when '808.56': it comes to pulling it '809.92': it's going to catch '811.839': and lift '814.399': a very basic '816.079': but it could actually work '818.56': right i might need my gloves for this '82.799': a stick '821.76': pulling for lifting the '823.92': slab with the paracord '826.32': in fact yeah with the gloves it means i '827.839': can grab the slab and lift it off '830.56': let's make sure it's nice and clear '834.56': okay '84.159': and a bit of paracord well i've come '841.36': right '842.399': it won't seem to go through '853.92': oh '857.12': 'yes' '86.08': back today with '860.24': boys and girls '861.6': we're back in business '87.2': something a little different '88.96': first thing is the same i've got '887.279': well it's not what i was hoping for '890.48': so you can see it's lined with bricks '892.639': going all the way around '895.92': and then there's gaps '897.519': in the brick '90.88': paracord the next thing i have is a nail '900.32': there '901.36': and then '903.12': so i can't i can't see from the angle '906.399': but i can't really see how far back that '908.079': goes and whether it's been filled in i '910.32': mean this '911.76': that looks like it could well have been '913.279': filled in '914.48': lots of loose gravel '917.6': lots of loose gravel '922.16': very interesting but that looks very '923.839': drainage like i didn't so last time i '926.24': was here i only saw one hole on the slab '928.56': i didn't notice the other ones '931.68': but it really makes sense now for this '933.6': to be drainage '94.56': i'm hoping by using a bit of paracord '941.6': yep it worked it did bend the nail '949.519': just clean this '950.959': so it sits flat again '96.479': and a bit of nail i'll be able to get '974.72': well i'm 90 certain that that is for '978.0': drainage '979.759': but let me know in the comments section '98.479': into '981.44': if you think i'm wrong or if you think '983.759': it could be for something else '985.68': maybe it could be a refrigerator place '988.16': to store food '99.6': whatever that is down there we might '990.56': it is actually smaller than i thought i '993.6': mean '994.8': to get into it you just about you know '996.88': well me i think i'll just about get into '998.639': it if i pulled my shoulders in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Steam locomotive crossing a bridge near Villaguay (c.1950)." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The General Urquiza Railway, named after the Argentine general and politician Justo José de Urquiza, is a standard gauge railway of Argentina which runs approximately northwards from Buenos Aires to Posadas, with several branches in between. It was also one of the six state-owned Argentine railway companies formed after President Juan Perón's nationalisation of the railway network in 1948. The six companies were managed by Ferrocarriles Argentinos which was later broken up during the process of railway privatisation beginning in 1991 during Carlos Menem's presidency." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway / History / Background" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Background" ] }
EXPLORING A WW2 BUNKER and Opening the 'SECRET DOOR' hidden in the Floor. Mystery Finally Solved!
I returned to the WW2 bunker air-raid shelter to lift up the slab to the 'hidden compartment', using nothing more than some simple tools. Watch the Bunker overnighter: Thanks for all the comments. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKED THE VIDEO BY GIVING IT A 'THUMBS UP' AND DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, THANKS! JOIN THE LIVESTREAMS TOO...HIT THE BELL NOTIFICATION BUTTON AND CHAT TO ME LIVE! HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL BY PURCHASING SOME MERCH SPORKS / KUKSAS / CHOPPING BOARDS / FIRE PISTONS / T-SHIRTS and more JOIN MY BUSHCRAFT COURSES IN SOMERSET, UK: Visit FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: FOLLOW MY DOG AMBER ON INSTAGRAM: 🔔 Turn ON Notifications | Watch my Livestreams 👀 👍 LIKE | 💬 COMMENT | 👥 SHARE | 🙏 SUBSCRIBE #ww2 #bushcraft #bunker
'1001.279': but yeah it's very very small '1003.279': and those bricks so it's lined with '1005.199': bricks and they're kind of like '1006.32': staggered '1008.079': see i'll have to look through the '1009.199': footage to see if i can see through or '101.759': find something we might not '1011.279': see if there's another chamber or a room '1014.72': underneath that '1017.04': yeah pretty interesting but yeah i just '1018.32': want to say thank you so much again for '1020.079': your comments '1021.279': you guys commented like crazy i had to '1024.4': come back here and do this one-off video '1026.64': lifting up that slab to find out what '1028.72': really is underneath it '1030.799': interesting that the other one doesn't '1032.16': have a slab '1033.28': but it is filled in the other one '1036.16': does have a slab maybe i'll look at that '1038.4': one maybe '1039.839': i don't know i don't know maybe next '104.479': however before we do that what i'd '1041.36': time we'll have a look at the other one '1042.88': lift up that slab and have a look to see '1044.64': if that's filled in as well '1046.88': i'm not sure '1048.88': anyway thanks again for watching '1051.12': i've got another video coming out very '1052.72': soon it's quite a cool video make sure '1054.72': you check it out again if you want to '1056.559': see this sort of content or the camping '1058.32': bush crafty cooking content don't forget '106.079': really like to do '1060.64': to leave me a thumbs up '1062.64': see you next week goodbye '107.439': is go and have a look at the other '109.36': bunkers to see if they've also got '1105.919': you '112.159': a slab at the bottom of the steps which '114.72': means they might all be connected '12.559': about two weeks ago i discovered this '121.759': okay '122.799': so this is the other bunker '125.2': let's go in '138.64': lots of leaves '142.319': oh more graffiti and though '145.2': wow i've not actually been in this one '15.04': underground air raid bunker style '151.599': yeah '153.04': a bit rubbish '154.879': unfortunately '156.72': right '158.319': moment of truth '160.8': is there gonna be a slab underneath all '163.2': of these leaves '17.279': shelter '174.0': so '18.4': a few days later i came back with a wood '189.04': this it's quite i can't make out if '191.92': there is anything there's lots of dirt '196.239': now i don't think there is one here '20.32': stove a backpack some food and i stayed '212.64': bits of glass '214.879': i have to watch the dog '217.599': i use this as a digging tool '22.8': for 24 hours the wood stove kept me nice '220.72': 'no' '221.76': so i don't think there's anything there '225.04': there's just lots of loose rubble '228.319': which is a bit odd '231.2': unless there was a hole '234.239': and they just filled it in with all '235.68': these loose '237.2': bits of broken brick roof tile '241.2': you know it's a bit odd they're a bit '242.64': out of place '244.64': stones '25.199': and warm i slept in a hammock after '255.76': so if there was a hole there and if this '258.239': has been filled in with rubble '260.4': then surely there should be an outline '263.28': somewhere '264.8': i mean it was only a small hole '267.52': let's find the floor let's find the '268.96': floor of the bunker '27.599': cooking up some great food '271.28': and maybe '274.4': take it from there '276.0': let's see '277.84': if this '279.199': reveals a '281.44': a hole '282.72': or a line '284.479': where the '285.44': lid '286.4': would have been '289.04': where does that take us to '29.679': and while i was exploring the woodland '291.199': all right yeah look '293.199': you can see there '295.12': that's the edge of the floor '298.479': and that's probably about as big as the '300.4': hole or the slab is '302.88': that's interesting '306.4': see '308.0': look it goes all the way there so that's '309.68': rubble that's loose rubble and this is '31.199': at night time i found a few more '311.52': the floor '314.16': and that's loose rubble there as well '316.479': yeah look '318.24': at that '319.52': i'm going to cover this back over '32.8': shelters '322.0': i'm going to leave it '327.919': okay so what i think i've worked out '329.199': from that is that '330.56': there was a hole there whether it was a '332.96': tunnel drainage i don't know '335.44': but it's been filled in however if it '337.36': was drainage why would it be filled in '34.48': but one thing that really puzzled me '340.24': and surely this would be flooded '342.88': i don't know '344.08': so let's leave this one let's go and '345.6': find the other shelters and have a look '347.12': at them '358.72': so yeah just walking through the woods '36.719': was what i found underneath these leaves '361.28': and found this as well '363.199': it's like an old '364.84': slab could it be the foundations '368.319': there are bricks going around it '371.199': yeah could it be foundations could have '372.72': been for '374.16': um '375.6': you know some sort of anti-aircraft '377.6': artillery '379.44': i really don't know i really don't know '381.28': let's keep going '383.28': so we're approaching the other bunker or '386.72': air raid shelter '389.199': right there '39.52': right here in the entrance '394.16': again bit of graffiti on the wall '397.6': you can see it's underground or kind of '399.68': half underground '401.52': protected again with lots of soil '42.16': what i found was a concrete slab with a '429.28': this one's got a bit of a door '431.52': with a modern door '434.24': uh graffiti '436.72': wherever you go there's always graffiti '44.079': hole in it '440.24': such a shame '446.56': snail well '449.039': okay interesting '45.2': i tried lifting it up but i couldn't '451.44': what's that '458.72': so it's exactly the same '46.96': quite do it it seemed like there was a '461.28': as the other two '462.84': bunkers '464.4': both the one that i slept in and the one '466.16': that we just '467.52': had a look at a few minutes ago '471.12': more beer cans '473.28': more shame '475.599': right '476.879': moment of truth '479.84': let's have a look '48.64': compartment underneath this concrete '489.919': oh yeah '491.68': yes look '493.44': right let's put the camera down '496.72': okay so there's definitely a slab '498.479': underneath here '499.919': and i think i've located oh there's a '50.8': slab '502.16': there's several holes in this one '510.08': right so this one's got more holes '519.36': that's blocked '52.079': and i know there's about three or four '521.279': it's a hole there that's blocked '523.919': no no is it i know it's not '527.36': i can feel the lip as in '529.76': the edge of the floor that this plate is '53.6': bunkers in this woodland '532.8': sitting onto '534.48': i think there's a few more holes '545.04': it goes all the way through but how deep '546.8': does it go let's see '55.44': the question is could have been a tunnel '551.6': guys it's deep '553.519': let's go all the way in '556.399': oh '564.64': okay i've covered the hole over i '566.8': haven't lifted up the slab because i '568.88': want to go back to the original shelter '57.28': connecting them all '570.959': the airaid shelter or the bunker '573.279': that i slept in that is the one i really '575.68': want to lift up '577.36': so before we do go back to the shelter '579.279': and lift up that slab let's have a look '58.8': could it have been drainage '581.279': at the final shelter in this woodland '583.36': which is another bunker '585.279': and we'll see if that also has a '586.8': compartment at the bottom of the '588.16': stairwell '61.039': to stop them from being flooded however '614.959': so this one's in really good condition '618.399': bit graffiti '63.76': i've had a look around the back of the '630.16': now is there going to be a slab under '631.92': this '649.04': 'yes' '65.04': shelter '651.2': there is '66.32': and i can't see anywhere where there be '663.92': okay we're back here at the shelter '666.24': that's the one that has the slab that i '668.64': want to lift up '670.48': and just to show you the first well the '672.399': second shelter we looked at '674.64': was that one right there '677.68': just on the edge of the airfield '679.76': where it meets the woodland but i don't '68.799': some sort of piping or drainage it just '681.839': think back then i don't think these '683.2': trees would have been well i think these '684.72': trees are probably planted shortly after '687.36': these bunkers were built '689.519': it kind of makes sense because it gives '691.04': them a bit of cover as well '693.12': but i don't think these trees are more '694.56': than 70 years old '696.959': i really don't and also another reason '698.72': is because i've looked '700.24': at the aerial images for the airfield '703.12': and i can see where the bunker is and i '704.72': can see '705.92': there are no beech trees there are no '707.76': trees that were well these trees are not '71.119': looks like '710.88': present in the aerial photography from '713.279': the photos taken '714.959': back in '716.04': 1943 i think it was '719.519': but today it's a bit of an exploration '72.56': i i really don't know or could have just '721.68': to find out what is under the slab just '724.56': down there okay '726.48': the moment of truth '74.32': been for storage or could have been a '740.88': okay '745.839': all right this has also got holes in it '747.68': i didn't realize last time '749.92': that there these must be holes as well '75.84': toilet like many people have suggested '752.16': that just blocked up '753.92': let's have a little look '757.12': which makes me think it would make sense '759.68': for it to be '760.8': for storage '763.12': okay right '765.12': sorry not for storage but for drainage '768.32': interesting interesting so you can see '770.079': there it rocks and that's how i found it '773.04': because when i walked down i stepped on '774.639': it and i realized '776.8': that it was actually rocking a bit '78.88': i said i was gonna come back with a few '780.16': okay let's take out the tools '782.56': the high-tech tools '784.32': got the paracord '786.48': and we've got a nail '789.12': right there '792.56': let's hope this works '795.44': i'm hoping that i can get this '798.399': through '799.44': the hole '80.4': tools because what i used last time was '801.6': if i can drop this through the hole '805.68': and then when it comes to pulling it so '807.68': if that's dropped through the hole when '808.56': it comes to pulling it '809.92': it's going to catch '811.839': and lift '814.399': a very basic '816.079': but it could actually work '818.56': right i might need my gloves for this '82.799': a stick '821.76': pulling for lifting the '823.92': slab with the paracord '826.32': in fact yeah with the gloves it means i '827.839': can grab the slab and lift it off '830.56': let's make sure it's nice and clear '834.56': okay '84.159': and a bit of paracord well i've come '841.36': right '842.399': it won't seem to go through '853.92': oh '857.12': 'yes' '86.08': back today with '860.24': boys and girls '861.6': we're back in business '87.2': something a little different '88.96': first thing is the same i've got '887.279': well it's not what i was hoping for '890.48': so you can see it's lined with bricks '892.639': going all the way around '895.92': and then there's gaps '897.519': in the brick '90.88': paracord the next thing i have is a nail '900.32': there '901.36': and then '903.12': so i can't i can't see from the angle '906.399': but i can't really see how far back that '908.079': goes and whether it's been filled in i '910.32': mean this '911.76': that looks like it could well have been '913.279': filled in '914.48': lots of loose gravel '917.6': lots of loose gravel '922.16': very interesting but that looks very '923.839': drainage like i didn't so last time i '926.24': was here i only saw one hole on the slab '928.56': i didn't notice the other ones '931.68': but it really makes sense now for this '933.6': to be drainage '94.56': i'm hoping by using a bit of paracord '941.6': yep it worked it did bend the nail '949.519': just clean this '950.959': so it sits flat again '96.479': and a bit of nail i'll be able to get '974.72': well i'm 90 certain that that is for '978.0': drainage '979.759': but let me know in the comments section '98.479': into '981.44': if you think i'm wrong or if you think '983.759': it could be for something else '985.68': maybe it could be a refrigerator place '988.16': to store food '99.6': whatever that is down there we might '990.56': it is actually smaller than i thought i '993.6': mean '994.8': to get into it you just about you know '996.88': well me i think i'll just about get into '998.639': it if i pulled my shoulders in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Steam locomotive crossing a bridge near Villaguay (c.1950)." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The General Urquiza Railway, named after the Argentine general and politician Justo José de Urquiza, is a standard gauge railway of Argentina which runs approximately northwards from Buenos Aires to Posadas, with several branches in between. It was also one of the six state-owned Argentine railway companies formed after President Juan Perón's nationalisation of the railway network in 1948. The six companies were managed by Ferrocarriles Argentinos which was later broken up during the process of railway privatisation beginning in 1991 during Carlos Menem's presidency." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway / History / Background" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Background" ] }
EXPLORING A WW2 BUNKER and Opening the 'SECRET DOOR' hidden in the Floor. Mystery Finally Solved!
I returned to the WW2 bunker air-raid shelter to lift up the slab to the 'hidden compartment', using nothing more than some simple tools. Watch the Bunker overnighter: Thanks for all the comments. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKED THE VIDEO BY GIVING IT A 'THUMBS UP' AND DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, THANKS! JOIN THE LIVESTREAMS TOO...HIT THE BELL NOTIFICATION BUTTON AND CHAT TO ME LIVE! HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL BY PURCHASING SOME MERCH SPORKS / KUKSAS / CHOPPING BOARDS / FIRE PISTONS / T-SHIRTS and more JOIN MY BUSHCRAFT COURSES IN SOMERSET, UK: Visit FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: FOLLOW MY DOG AMBER ON INSTAGRAM: 🔔 Turn ON Notifications | Watch my Livestreams 👀 👍 LIKE | 💬 COMMENT | 👥 SHARE | 🙏 SUBSCRIBE #ww2 #bushcraft #bunker
'1001.279': but yeah it's very very small '1003.279': and those bricks so it's lined with '1005.199': bricks and they're kind of like '1006.32': staggered '1008.079': see i'll have to look through the '1009.199': footage to see if i can see through or '101.759': find something we might not '1011.279': see if there's another chamber or a room '1014.72': underneath that '1017.04': yeah pretty interesting but yeah i just '1018.32': want to say thank you so much again for '1020.079': your comments '1021.279': you guys commented like crazy i had to '1024.4': come back here and do this one-off video '1026.64': lifting up that slab to find out what '1028.72': really is underneath it '1030.799': interesting that the other one doesn't '1032.16': have a slab '1033.28': but it is filled in the other one '1036.16': does have a slab maybe i'll look at that '1038.4': one maybe '1039.839': i don't know i don't know maybe next '104.479': however before we do that what i'd '1041.36': time we'll have a look at the other one '1042.88': lift up that slab and have a look to see '1044.64': if that's filled in as well '1046.88': i'm not sure '1048.88': anyway thanks again for watching '1051.12': i've got another video coming out very '1052.72': soon it's quite a cool video make sure '1054.72': you check it out again if you want to '1056.559': see this sort of content or the camping '1058.32': bush crafty cooking content don't forget '106.079': really like to do '1060.64': to leave me a thumbs up '1062.64': see you next week goodbye '107.439': is go and have a look at the other '109.36': bunkers to see if they've also got '1105.919': you '112.159': a slab at the bottom of the steps which '114.72': means they might all be connected '12.559': about two weeks ago i discovered this '121.759': okay '122.799': so this is the other bunker '125.2': let's go in '138.64': lots of leaves '142.319': oh more graffiti and though '145.2': wow i've not actually been in this one '15.04': underground air raid bunker style '151.599': yeah '153.04': a bit rubbish '154.879': unfortunately '156.72': right '158.319': moment of truth '160.8': is there gonna be a slab underneath all '163.2': of these leaves '17.279': shelter '174.0': so '18.4': a few days later i came back with a wood '189.04': this it's quite i can't make out if '191.92': there is anything there's lots of dirt '196.239': now i don't think there is one here '20.32': stove a backpack some food and i stayed '212.64': bits of glass '214.879': i have to watch the dog '217.599': i use this as a digging tool '22.8': for 24 hours the wood stove kept me nice '220.72': 'no' '221.76': so i don't think there's anything there '225.04': there's just lots of loose rubble '228.319': which is a bit odd '231.2': unless there was a hole '234.239': and they just filled it in with all '235.68': these loose '237.2': bits of broken brick roof tile '241.2': you know it's a bit odd they're a bit '242.64': out of place '244.64': stones '25.199': and warm i slept in a hammock after '255.76': so if there was a hole there and if this '258.239': has been filled in with rubble '260.4': then surely there should be an outline '263.28': somewhere '264.8': i mean it was only a small hole '267.52': let's find the floor let's find the '268.96': floor of the bunker '27.599': cooking up some great food '271.28': and maybe '274.4': take it from there '276.0': let's see '277.84': if this '279.199': reveals a '281.44': a hole '282.72': or a line '284.479': where the '285.44': lid '286.4': would have been '289.04': where does that take us to '29.679': and while i was exploring the woodland '291.199': all right yeah look '293.199': you can see there '295.12': that's the edge of the floor '298.479': and that's probably about as big as the '300.4': hole or the slab is '302.88': that's interesting '306.4': see '308.0': look it goes all the way there so that's '309.68': rubble that's loose rubble and this is '31.199': at night time i found a few more '311.52': the floor '314.16': and that's loose rubble there as well '316.479': yeah look '318.24': at that '319.52': i'm going to cover this back over '32.8': shelters '322.0': i'm going to leave it '327.919': okay so what i think i've worked out '329.199': from that is that '330.56': there was a hole there whether it was a '332.96': tunnel drainage i don't know '335.44': but it's been filled in however if it '337.36': was drainage why would it be filled in '34.48': but one thing that really puzzled me '340.24': and surely this would be flooded '342.88': i don't know '344.08': so let's leave this one let's go and '345.6': find the other shelters and have a look '347.12': at them '358.72': so yeah just walking through the woods '36.719': was what i found underneath these leaves '361.28': and found this as well '363.199': it's like an old '364.84': slab could it be the foundations '368.319': there are bricks going around it '371.199': yeah could it be foundations could have '372.72': been for '374.16': um '375.6': you know some sort of anti-aircraft '377.6': artillery '379.44': i really don't know i really don't know '381.28': let's keep going '383.28': so we're approaching the other bunker or '386.72': air raid shelter '389.199': right there '39.52': right here in the entrance '394.16': again bit of graffiti on the wall '397.6': you can see it's underground or kind of '399.68': half underground '401.52': protected again with lots of soil '42.16': what i found was a concrete slab with a '429.28': this one's got a bit of a door '431.52': with a modern door '434.24': uh graffiti '436.72': wherever you go there's always graffiti '44.079': hole in it '440.24': such a shame '446.56': snail well '449.039': okay interesting '45.2': i tried lifting it up but i couldn't '451.44': what's that '458.72': so it's exactly the same '46.96': quite do it it seemed like there was a '461.28': as the other two '462.84': bunkers '464.4': both the one that i slept in and the one '466.16': that we just '467.52': had a look at a few minutes ago '471.12': more beer cans '473.28': more shame '475.599': right '476.879': moment of truth '479.84': let's have a look '48.64': compartment underneath this concrete '489.919': oh yeah '491.68': yes look '493.44': right let's put the camera down '496.72': okay so there's definitely a slab '498.479': underneath here '499.919': and i think i've located oh there's a '50.8': slab '502.16': there's several holes in this one '510.08': right so this one's got more holes '519.36': that's blocked '52.079': and i know there's about three or four '521.279': it's a hole there that's blocked '523.919': no no is it i know it's not '527.36': i can feel the lip as in '529.76': the edge of the floor that this plate is '53.6': bunkers in this woodland '532.8': sitting onto '534.48': i think there's a few more holes '545.04': it goes all the way through but how deep '546.8': does it go let's see '55.44': the question is could have been a tunnel '551.6': guys it's deep '553.519': let's go all the way in '556.399': oh '564.64': okay i've covered the hole over i '566.8': haven't lifted up the slab because i '568.88': want to go back to the original shelter '57.28': connecting them all '570.959': the airaid shelter or the bunker '573.279': that i slept in that is the one i really '575.68': want to lift up '577.36': so before we do go back to the shelter '579.279': and lift up that slab let's have a look '58.8': could it have been drainage '581.279': at the final shelter in this woodland '583.36': which is another bunker '585.279': and we'll see if that also has a '586.8': compartment at the bottom of the '588.16': stairwell '61.039': to stop them from being flooded however '614.959': so this one's in really good condition '618.399': bit graffiti '63.76': i've had a look around the back of the '630.16': now is there going to be a slab under '631.92': this '649.04': 'yes' '65.04': shelter '651.2': there is '66.32': and i can't see anywhere where there be '663.92': okay we're back here at the shelter '666.24': that's the one that has the slab that i '668.64': want to lift up '670.48': and just to show you the first well the '672.399': second shelter we looked at '674.64': was that one right there '677.68': just on the edge of the airfield '679.76': where it meets the woodland but i don't '68.799': some sort of piping or drainage it just '681.839': think back then i don't think these '683.2': trees would have been well i think these '684.72': trees are probably planted shortly after '687.36': these bunkers were built '689.519': it kind of makes sense because it gives '691.04': them a bit of cover as well '693.12': but i don't think these trees are more '694.56': than 70 years old '696.959': i really don't and also another reason '698.72': is because i've looked '700.24': at the aerial images for the airfield '703.12': and i can see where the bunker is and i '704.72': can see '705.92': there are no beech trees there are no '707.76': trees that were well these trees are not '71.119': looks like '710.88': present in the aerial photography from '713.279': the photos taken '714.959': back in '716.04': 1943 i think it was '719.519': but today it's a bit of an exploration '72.56': i i really don't know or could have just '721.68': to find out what is under the slab just '724.56': down there okay '726.48': the moment of truth '74.32': been for storage or could have been a '740.88': okay '745.839': all right this has also got holes in it '747.68': i didn't realize last time '749.92': that there these must be holes as well '75.84': toilet like many people have suggested '752.16': that just blocked up '753.92': let's have a little look '757.12': which makes me think it would make sense '759.68': for it to be '760.8': for storage '763.12': okay right '765.12': sorry not for storage but for drainage '768.32': interesting interesting so you can see '770.079': there it rocks and that's how i found it '773.04': because when i walked down i stepped on '774.639': it and i realized '776.8': that it was actually rocking a bit '78.88': i said i was gonna come back with a few '780.16': okay let's take out the tools '782.56': the high-tech tools '784.32': got the paracord '786.48': and we've got a nail '789.12': right there '792.56': let's hope this works '795.44': i'm hoping that i can get this '798.399': through '799.44': the hole '80.4': tools because what i used last time was '801.6': if i can drop this through the hole '805.68': and then when it comes to pulling it so '807.68': if that's dropped through the hole when '808.56': it comes to pulling it '809.92': it's going to catch '811.839': and lift '814.399': a very basic '816.079': but it could actually work '818.56': right i might need my gloves for this '82.799': a stick '821.76': pulling for lifting the '823.92': slab with the paracord '826.32': in fact yeah with the gloves it means i '827.839': can grab the slab and lift it off '830.56': let's make sure it's nice and clear '834.56': okay '84.159': and a bit of paracord well i've come '841.36': right '842.399': it won't seem to go through '853.92': oh '857.12': 'yes' '86.08': back today with '860.24': boys and girls '861.6': we're back in business '87.2': something a little different '88.96': first thing is the same i've got '887.279': well it's not what i was hoping for '890.48': so you can see it's lined with bricks '892.639': going all the way around '895.92': and then there's gaps '897.519': in the brick '90.88': paracord the next thing i have is a nail '900.32': there '901.36': and then '903.12': so i can't i can't see from the angle '906.399': but i can't really see how far back that '908.079': goes and whether it's been filled in i '910.32': mean this '911.76': that looks like it could well have been '913.279': filled in '914.48': lots of loose gravel '917.6': lots of loose gravel '922.16': very interesting but that looks very '923.839': drainage like i didn't so last time i '926.24': was here i only saw one hole on the slab '928.56': i didn't notice the other ones '931.68': but it really makes sense now for this '933.6': to be drainage '94.56': i'm hoping by using a bit of paracord '941.6': yep it worked it did bend the nail '949.519': just clean this '950.959': so it sits flat again '96.479': and a bit of nail i'll be able to get '974.72': well i'm 90 certain that that is for '978.0': drainage '979.759': but let me know in the comments section '98.479': into '981.44': if you think i'm wrong or if you think '983.759': it could be for something else '985.68': maybe it could be a refrigerator place '988.16': to store food '99.6': whatever that is down there we might '990.56': it is actually smaller than i thought i '993.6': mean '994.8': to get into it you just about you know '996.88': well me i think i'll just about get into '998.639': it if i pulled my shoulders in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Steam locomotive crossing a bridge near Villaguay (c.1950)." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The General Urquiza Railway, named after the Argentine general and politician Justo José de Urquiza, is a standard gauge railway of Argentina which runs approximately northwards from Buenos Aires to Posadas, with several branches in between. It was also one of the six state-owned Argentine railway companies formed after President Juan Perón's nationalisation of the railway network in 1948. The six companies were managed by Ferrocarriles Argentinos which was later broken up during the process of railway privatisation beginning in 1991 during Carlos Menem's presidency." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway / History / Background" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Background" ] }
EXPLORING A WW2 BUNKER and Opening the 'SECRET DOOR' hidden in the Floor. Mystery Finally Solved!
I returned to the WW2 bunker air-raid shelter to lift up the slab to the 'hidden compartment', using nothing more than some simple tools. Watch the Bunker overnighter: Thanks for all the comments. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKED THE VIDEO BY GIVING IT A 'THUMBS UP' AND DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, THANKS! JOIN THE LIVESTREAMS TOO...HIT THE BELL NOTIFICATION BUTTON AND CHAT TO ME LIVE! HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL BY PURCHASING SOME MERCH SPORKS / KUKSAS / CHOPPING BOARDS / FIRE PISTONS / T-SHIRTS and more JOIN MY BUSHCRAFT COURSES IN SOMERSET, UK: Visit FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: FOLLOW MY DOG AMBER ON INSTAGRAM: 🔔 Turn ON Notifications | Watch my Livestreams 👀 👍 LIKE | 💬 COMMENT | 👥 SHARE | 🙏 SUBSCRIBE #ww2 #bushcraft #bunker
'1001.279': but yeah it's very very small '1003.279': and those bricks so it's lined with '1005.199': bricks and they're kind of like '1006.32': staggered '1008.079': see i'll have to look through the '1009.199': footage to see if i can see through or '101.759': find something we might not '1011.279': see if there's another chamber or a room '1014.72': underneath that '1017.04': yeah pretty interesting but yeah i just '1018.32': want to say thank you so much again for '1020.079': your comments '1021.279': you guys commented like crazy i had to '1024.4': come back here and do this one-off video '1026.64': lifting up that slab to find out what '1028.72': really is underneath it '1030.799': interesting that the other one doesn't '1032.16': have a slab '1033.28': but it is filled in the other one '1036.16': does have a slab maybe i'll look at that '1038.4': one maybe '1039.839': i don't know i don't know maybe next '104.479': however before we do that what i'd '1041.36': time we'll have a look at the other one '1042.88': lift up that slab and have a look to see '1044.64': if that's filled in as well '1046.88': i'm not sure '1048.88': anyway thanks again for watching '1051.12': i've got another video coming out very '1052.72': soon it's quite a cool video make sure '1054.72': you check it out again if you want to '1056.559': see this sort of content or the camping '1058.32': bush crafty cooking content don't forget '106.079': really like to do '1060.64': to leave me a thumbs up '1062.64': see you next week goodbye '107.439': is go and have a look at the other '109.36': bunkers to see if they've also got '1105.919': you '112.159': a slab at the bottom of the steps which '114.72': means they might all be connected '12.559': about two weeks ago i discovered this '121.759': okay '122.799': so this is the other bunker '125.2': let's go in '138.64': lots of leaves '142.319': oh more graffiti and though '145.2': wow i've not actually been in this one '15.04': underground air raid bunker style '151.599': yeah '153.04': a bit rubbish '154.879': unfortunately '156.72': right '158.319': moment of truth '160.8': is there gonna be a slab underneath all '163.2': of these leaves '17.279': shelter '174.0': so '18.4': a few days later i came back with a wood '189.04': this it's quite i can't make out if '191.92': there is anything there's lots of dirt '196.239': now i don't think there is one here '20.32': stove a backpack some food and i stayed '212.64': bits of glass '214.879': i have to watch the dog '217.599': i use this as a digging tool '22.8': for 24 hours the wood stove kept me nice '220.72': 'no' '221.76': so i don't think there's anything there '225.04': there's just lots of loose rubble '228.319': which is a bit odd '231.2': unless there was a hole '234.239': and they just filled it in with all '235.68': these loose '237.2': bits of broken brick roof tile '241.2': you know it's a bit odd they're a bit '242.64': out of place '244.64': stones '25.199': and warm i slept in a hammock after '255.76': so if there was a hole there and if this '258.239': has been filled in with rubble '260.4': then surely there should be an outline '263.28': somewhere '264.8': i mean it was only a small hole '267.52': let's find the floor let's find the '268.96': floor of the bunker '27.599': cooking up some great food '271.28': and maybe '274.4': take it from there '276.0': let's see '277.84': if this '279.199': reveals a '281.44': a hole '282.72': or a line '284.479': where the '285.44': lid '286.4': would have been '289.04': where does that take us to '29.679': and while i was exploring the woodland '291.199': all right yeah look '293.199': you can see there '295.12': that's the edge of the floor '298.479': and that's probably about as big as the '300.4': hole or the slab is '302.88': that's interesting '306.4': see '308.0': look it goes all the way there so that's '309.68': rubble that's loose rubble and this is '31.199': at night time i found a few more '311.52': the floor '314.16': and that's loose rubble there as well '316.479': yeah look '318.24': at that '319.52': i'm going to cover this back over '32.8': shelters '322.0': i'm going to leave it '327.919': okay so what i think i've worked out '329.199': from that is that '330.56': there was a hole there whether it was a '332.96': tunnel drainage i don't know '335.44': but it's been filled in however if it '337.36': was drainage why would it be filled in '34.48': but one thing that really puzzled me '340.24': and surely this would be flooded '342.88': i don't know '344.08': so let's leave this one let's go and '345.6': find the other shelters and have a look '347.12': at them '358.72': so yeah just walking through the woods '36.719': was what i found underneath these leaves '361.28': and found this as well '363.199': it's like an old '364.84': slab could it be the foundations '368.319': there are bricks going around it '371.199': yeah could it be foundations could have '372.72': been for '374.16': um '375.6': you know some sort of anti-aircraft '377.6': artillery '379.44': i really don't know i really don't know '381.28': let's keep going '383.28': so we're approaching the other bunker or '386.72': air raid shelter '389.199': right there '39.52': right here in the entrance '394.16': again bit of graffiti on the wall '397.6': you can see it's underground or kind of '399.68': half underground '401.52': protected again with lots of soil '42.16': what i found was a concrete slab with a '429.28': this one's got a bit of a door '431.52': with a modern door '434.24': uh graffiti '436.72': wherever you go there's always graffiti '44.079': hole in it '440.24': such a shame '446.56': snail well '449.039': okay interesting '45.2': i tried lifting it up but i couldn't '451.44': what's that '458.72': so it's exactly the same '46.96': quite do it it seemed like there was a '461.28': as the other two '462.84': bunkers '464.4': both the one that i slept in and the one '466.16': that we just '467.52': had a look at a few minutes ago '471.12': more beer cans '473.28': more shame '475.599': right '476.879': moment of truth '479.84': let's have a look '48.64': compartment underneath this concrete '489.919': oh yeah '491.68': yes look '493.44': right let's put the camera down '496.72': okay so there's definitely a slab '498.479': underneath here '499.919': and i think i've located oh there's a '50.8': slab '502.16': there's several holes in this one '510.08': right so this one's got more holes '519.36': that's blocked '52.079': and i know there's about three or four '521.279': it's a hole there that's blocked '523.919': no no is it i know it's not '527.36': i can feel the lip as in '529.76': the edge of the floor that this plate is '53.6': bunkers in this woodland '532.8': sitting onto '534.48': i think there's a few more holes '545.04': it goes all the way through but how deep '546.8': does it go let's see '55.44': the question is could have been a tunnel '551.6': guys it's deep '553.519': let's go all the way in '556.399': oh '564.64': okay i've covered the hole over i '566.8': haven't lifted up the slab because i '568.88': want to go back to the original shelter '57.28': connecting them all '570.959': the airaid shelter or the bunker '573.279': that i slept in that is the one i really '575.68': want to lift up '577.36': so before we do go back to the shelter '579.279': and lift up that slab let's have a look '58.8': could it have been drainage '581.279': at the final shelter in this woodland '583.36': which is another bunker '585.279': and we'll see if that also has a '586.8': compartment at the bottom of the '588.16': stairwell '61.039': to stop them from being flooded however '614.959': so this one's in really good condition '618.399': bit graffiti '63.76': i've had a look around the back of the '630.16': now is there going to be a slab under '631.92': this '649.04': 'yes' '65.04': shelter '651.2': there is '66.32': and i can't see anywhere where there be '663.92': okay we're back here at the shelter '666.24': that's the one that has the slab that i '668.64': want to lift up '670.48': and just to show you the first well the '672.399': second shelter we looked at '674.64': was that one right there '677.68': just on the edge of the airfield '679.76': where it meets the woodland but i don't '68.799': some sort of piping or drainage it just '681.839': think back then i don't think these '683.2': trees would have been well i think these '684.72': trees are probably planted shortly after '687.36': these bunkers were built '689.519': it kind of makes sense because it gives '691.04': them a bit of cover as well '693.12': but i don't think these trees are more '694.56': than 70 years old '696.959': i really don't and also another reason '698.72': is because i've looked '700.24': at the aerial images for the airfield '703.12': and i can see where the bunker is and i '704.72': can see '705.92': there are no beech trees there are no '707.76': trees that were well these trees are not '71.119': looks like '710.88': present in the aerial photography from '713.279': the photos taken '714.959': back in '716.04': 1943 i think it was '719.519': but today it's a bit of an exploration '72.56': i i really don't know or could have just '721.68': to find out what is under the slab just '724.56': down there okay '726.48': the moment of truth '74.32': been for storage or could have been a '740.88': okay '745.839': all right this has also got holes in it '747.68': i didn't realize last time '749.92': that there these must be holes as well '75.84': toilet like many people have suggested '752.16': that just blocked up '753.92': let's have a little look '757.12': which makes me think it would make sense '759.68': for it to be '760.8': for storage '763.12': okay right '765.12': sorry not for storage but for drainage '768.32': interesting interesting so you can see '770.079': there it rocks and that's how i found it '773.04': because when i walked down i stepped on '774.639': it and i realized '776.8': that it was actually rocking a bit '78.88': i said i was gonna come back with a few '780.16': okay let's take out the tools '782.56': the high-tech tools '784.32': got the paracord '786.48': and we've got a nail '789.12': right there '792.56': let's hope this works '795.44': i'm hoping that i can get this '798.399': through '799.44': the hole '80.4': tools because what i used last time was '801.6': if i can drop this through the hole '805.68': and then when it comes to pulling it so '807.68': if that's dropped through the hole when '808.56': it comes to pulling it '809.92': it's going to catch '811.839': and lift '814.399': a very basic '816.079': but it could actually work '818.56': right i might need my gloves for this '82.799': a stick '821.76': pulling for lifting the '823.92': slab with the paracord '826.32': in fact yeah with the gloves it means i '827.839': can grab the slab and lift it off '830.56': let's make sure it's nice and clear '834.56': okay '84.159': and a bit of paracord well i've come '841.36': right '842.399': it won't seem to go through '853.92': oh '857.12': 'yes' '86.08': back today with '860.24': boys and girls '861.6': we're back in business '87.2': something a little different '88.96': first thing is the same i've got '887.279': well it's not what i was hoping for '890.48': so you can see it's lined with bricks '892.639': going all the way around '895.92': and then there's gaps '897.519': in the brick '90.88': paracord the next thing i have is a nail '900.32': there '901.36': and then '903.12': so i can't i can't see from the angle '906.399': but i can't really see how far back that '908.079': goes and whether it's been filled in i '910.32': mean this '911.76': that looks like it could well have been '913.279': filled in '914.48': lots of loose gravel '917.6': lots of loose gravel '922.16': very interesting but that looks very '923.839': drainage like i didn't so last time i '926.24': was here i only saw one hole on the slab '928.56': i didn't notice the other ones '931.68': but it really makes sense now for this '933.6': to be drainage '94.56': i'm hoping by using a bit of paracord '941.6': yep it worked it did bend the nail '949.519': just clean this '950.959': so it sits flat again '96.479': and a bit of nail i'll be able to get '974.72': well i'm 90 certain that that is for '978.0': drainage '979.759': but let me know in the comments section '98.479': into '981.44': if you think i'm wrong or if you think '983.759': it could be for something else '985.68': maybe it could be a refrigerator place '988.16': to store food '99.6': whatever that is down there we might '990.56': it is actually smaller than i thought i '993.6': mean '994.8': to get into it you just about you know '996.88': well me i think i'll just about get into '998.639': it if i pulled my shoulders in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Steam locomotive crossing a bridge near Villaguay (c.1950)." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The General Urquiza Railway, named after the Argentine general and politician Justo José de Urquiza, is a standard gauge railway of Argentina which runs approximately northwards from Buenos Aires to Posadas, with several branches in between. It was also one of the six state-owned Argentine railway companies formed after President Juan Perón's nationalisation of the railway network in 1948. The six companies were managed by Ferrocarriles Argentinos which was later broken up during the process of railway privatisation beginning in 1991 during Carlos Menem's presidency." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway / History / Background" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Background" ] }
EXPLORING A WW2 BUNKER and Opening the 'SECRET DOOR' hidden in the Floor. Mystery Finally Solved!
I returned to the WW2 bunker air-raid shelter to lift up the slab to the 'hidden compartment', using nothing more than some simple tools. Watch the Bunker overnighter: Thanks for all the comments. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKED THE VIDEO BY GIVING IT A 'THUMBS UP' AND DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, THANKS! JOIN THE LIVESTREAMS TOO...HIT THE BELL NOTIFICATION BUTTON AND CHAT TO ME LIVE! HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL BY PURCHASING SOME MERCH SPORKS / KUKSAS / CHOPPING BOARDS / FIRE PISTONS / T-SHIRTS and more JOIN MY BUSHCRAFT COURSES IN SOMERSET, UK: Visit FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: FOLLOW MY DOG AMBER ON INSTAGRAM: 🔔 Turn ON Notifications | Watch my Livestreams 👀 👍 LIKE | 💬 COMMENT | 👥 SHARE | 🙏 SUBSCRIBE #ww2 #bushcraft #bunker
'1001.279': but yeah it's very very small '1003.279': and those bricks so it's lined with '1005.199': bricks and they're kind of like '1006.32': staggered '1008.079': see i'll have to look through the '1009.199': footage to see if i can see through or '101.759': find something we might not '1011.279': see if there's another chamber or a room '1014.72': underneath that '1017.04': yeah pretty interesting but yeah i just '1018.32': want to say thank you so much again for '1020.079': your comments '1021.279': you guys commented like crazy i had to '1024.4': come back here and do this one-off video '1026.64': lifting up that slab to find out what '1028.72': really is underneath it '1030.799': interesting that the other one doesn't '1032.16': have a slab '1033.28': but it is filled in the other one '1036.16': does have a slab maybe i'll look at that '1038.4': one maybe '1039.839': i don't know i don't know maybe next '104.479': however before we do that what i'd '1041.36': time we'll have a look at the other one '1042.88': lift up that slab and have a look to see '1044.64': if that's filled in as well '1046.88': i'm not sure '1048.88': anyway thanks again for watching '1051.12': i've got another video coming out very '1052.72': soon it's quite a cool video make sure '1054.72': you check it out again if you want to '1056.559': see this sort of content or the camping '1058.32': bush crafty cooking content don't forget '106.079': really like to do '1060.64': to leave me a thumbs up '1062.64': see you next week goodbye '107.439': is go and have a look at the other '109.36': bunkers to see if they've also got '1105.919': you '112.159': a slab at the bottom of the steps which '114.72': means they might all be connected '12.559': about two weeks ago i discovered this '121.759': okay '122.799': so this is the other bunker '125.2': let's go in '138.64': lots of leaves '142.319': oh more graffiti and though '145.2': wow i've not actually been in this one '15.04': underground air raid bunker style '151.599': yeah '153.04': a bit rubbish '154.879': unfortunately '156.72': right '158.319': moment of truth '160.8': is there gonna be a slab underneath all '163.2': of these leaves '17.279': shelter '174.0': so '18.4': a few days later i came back with a wood '189.04': this it's quite i can't make out if '191.92': there is anything there's lots of dirt '196.239': now i don't think there is one here '20.32': stove a backpack some food and i stayed '212.64': bits of glass '214.879': i have to watch the dog '217.599': i use this as a digging tool '22.8': for 24 hours the wood stove kept me nice '220.72': 'no' '221.76': so i don't think there's anything there '225.04': there's just lots of loose rubble '228.319': which is a bit odd '231.2': unless there was a hole '234.239': and they just filled it in with all '235.68': these loose '237.2': bits of broken brick roof tile '241.2': you know it's a bit odd they're a bit '242.64': out of place '244.64': stones '25.199': and warm i slept in a hammock after '255.76': so if there was a hole there and if this '258.239': has been filled in with rubble '260.4': then surely there should be an outline '263.28': somewhere '264.8': i mean it was only a small hole '267.52': let's find the floor let's find the '268.96': floor of the bunker '27.599': cooking up some great food '271.28': and maybe '274.4': take it from there '276.0': let's see '277.84': if this '279.199': reveals a '281.44': a hole '282.72': or a line '284.479': where the '285.44': lid '286.4': would have been '289.04': where does that take us to '29.679': and while i was exploring the woodland '291.199': all right yeah look '293.199': you can see there '295.12': that's the edge of the floor '298.479': and that's probably about as big as the '300.4': hole or the slab is '302.88': that's interesting '306.4': see '308.0': look it goes all the way there so that's '309.68': rubble that's loose rubble and this is '31.199': at night time i found a few more '311.52': the floor '314.16': and that's loose rubble there as well '316.479': yeah look '318.24': at that '319.52': i'm going to cover this back over '32.8': shelters '322.0': i'm going to leave it '327.919': okay so what i think i've worked out '329.199': from that is that '330.56': there was a hole there whether it was a '332.96': tunnel drainage i don't know '335.44': but it's been filled in however if it '337.36': was drainage why would it be filled in '34.48': but one thing that really puzzled me '340.24': and surely this would be flooded '342.88': i don't know '344.08': so let's leave this one let's go and '345.6': find the other shelters and have a look '347.12': at them '358.72': so yeah just walking through the woods '36.719': was what i found underneath these leaves '361.28': and found this as well '363.199': it's like an old '364.84': slab could it be the foundations '368.319': there are bricks going around it '371.199': yeah could it be foundations could have '372.72': been for '374.16': um '375.6': you know some sort of anti-aircraft '377.6': artillery '379.44': i really don't know i really don't know '381.28': let's keep going '383.28': so we're approaching the other bunker or '386.72': air raid shelter '389.199': right there '39.52': right here in the entrance '394.16': again bit of graffiti on the wall '397.6': you can see it's underground or kind of '399.68': half underground '401.52': protected again with lots of soil '42.16': what i found was a concrete slab with a '429.28': this one's got a bit of a door '431.52': with a modern door '434.24': uh graffiti '436.72': wherever you go there's always graffiti '44.079': hole in it '440.24': such a shame '446.56': snail well '449.039': okay interesting '45.2': i tried lifting it up but i couldn't '451.44': what's that '458.72': so it's exactly the same '46.96': quite do it it seemed like there was a '461.28': as the other two '462.84': bunkers '464.4': both the one that i slept in and the one '466.16': that we just '467.52': had a look at a few minutes ago '471.12': more beer cans '473.28': more shame '475.599': right '476.879': moment of truth '479.84': let's have a look '48.64': compartment underneath this concrete '489.919': oh yeah '491.68': yes look '493.44': right let's put the camera down '496.72': okay so there's definitely a slab '498.479': underneath here '499.919': and i think i've located oh there's a '50.8': slab '502.16': there's several holes in this one '510.08': right so this one's got more holes '519.36': that's blocked '52.079': and i know there's about three or four '521.279': it's a hole there that's blocked '523.919': no no is it i know it's not '527.36': i can feel the lip as in '529.76': the edge of the floor that this plate is '53.6': bunkers in this woodland '532.8': sitting onto '534.48': i think there's a few more holes '545.04': it goes all the way through but how deep '546.8': does it go let's see '55.44': the question is could have been a tunnel '551.6': guys it's deep '553.519': let's go all the way in '556.399': oh '564.64': okay i've covered the hole over i '566.8': haven't lifted up the slab because i '568.88': want to go back to the original shelter '57.28': connecting them all '570.959': the airaid shelter or the bunker '573.279': that i slept in that is the one i really '575.68': want to lift up '577.36': so before we do go back to the shelter '579.279': and lift up that slab let's have a look '58.8': could it have been drainage '581.279': at the final shelter in this woodland '583.36': which is another bunker '585.279': and we'll see if that also has a '586.8': compartment at the bottom of the '588.16': stairwell '61.039': to stop them from being flooded however '614.959': so this one's in really good condition '618.399': bit graffiti '63.76': i've had a look around the back of the '630.16': now is there going to be a slab under '631.92': this '649.04': 'yes' '65.04': shelter '651.2': there is '66.32': and i can't see anywhere where there be '663.92': okay we're back here at the shelter '666.24': that's the one that has the slab that i '668.64': want to lift up '670.48': and just to show you the first well the '672.399': second shelter we looked at '674.64': was that one right there '677.68': just on the edge of the airfield '679.76': where it meets the woodland but i don't '68.799': some sort of piping or drainage it just '681.839': think back then i don't think these '683.2': trees would have been well i think these '684.72': trees are probably planted shortly after '687.36': these bunkers were built '689.519': it kind of makes sense because it gives '691.04': them a bit of cover as well '693.12': but i don't think these trees are more '694.56': than 70 years old '696.959': i really don't and also another reason '698.72': is because i've looked '700.24': at the aerial images for the airfield '703.12': and i can see where the bunker is and i '704.72': can see '705.92': there are no beech trees there are no '707.76': trees that were well these trees are not '71.119': looks like '710.88': present in the aerial photography from '713.279': the photos taken '714.959': back in '716.04': 1943 i think it was '719.519': but today it's a bit of an exploration '72.56': i i really don't know or could have just '721.68': to find out what is under the slab just '724.56': down there okay '726.48': the moment of truth '74.32': been for storage or could have been a '740.88': okay '745.839': all right this has also got holes in it '747.68': i didn't realize last time '749.92': that there these must be holes as well '75.84': toilet like many people have suggested '752.16': that just blocked up '753.92': let's have a little look '757.12': which makes me think it would make sense '759.68': for it to be '760.8': for storage '763.12': okay right '765.12': sorry not for storage but for drainage '768.32': interesting interesting so you can see '770.079': there it rocks and that's how i found it '773.04': because when i walked down i stepped on '774.639': it and i realized '776.8': that it was actually rocking a bit '78.88': i said i was gonna come back with a few '780.16': okay let's take out the tools '782.56': the high-tech tools '784.32': got the paracord '786.48': and we've got a nail '789.12': right there '792.56': let's hope this works '795.44': i'm hoping that i can get this '798.399': through '799.44': the hole '80.4': tools because what i used last time was '801.6': if i can drop this through the hole '805.68': and then when it comes to pulling it so '807.68': if that's dropped through the hole when '808.56': it comes to pulling it '809.92': it's going to catch '811.839': and lift '814.399': a very basic '816.079': but it could actually work '818.56': right i might need my gloves for this '82.799': a stick '821.76': pulling for lifting the '823.92': slab with the paracord '826.32': in fact yeah with the gloves it means i '827.839': can grab the slab and lift it off '830.56': let's make sure it's nice and clear '834.56': okay '84.159': and a bit of paracord well i've come '841.36': right '842.399': it won't seem to go through '853.92': oh '857.12': 'yes' '86.08': back today with '860.24': boys and girls '861.6': we're back in business '87.2': something a little different '88.96': first thing is the same i've got '887.279': well it's not what i was hoping for '890.48': so you can see it's lined with bricks '892.639': going all the way around '895.92': and then there's gaps '897.519': in the brick '90.88': paracord the next thing i have is a nail '900.32': there '901.36': and then '903.12': so i can't i can't see from the angle '906.399': but i can't really see how far back that '908.079': goes and whether it's been filled in i '910.32': mean this '911.76': that looks like it could well have been '913.279': filled in '914.48': lots of loose gravel '917.6': lots of loose gravel '922.16': very interesting but that looks very '923.839': drainage like i didn't so last time i '926.24': was here i only saw one hole on the slab '928.56': i didn't notice the other ones '931.68': but it really makes sense now for this '933.6': to be drainage '94.56': i'm hoping by using a bit of paracord '941.6': yep it worked it did bend the nail '949.519': just clean this '950.959': so it sits flat again '96.479': and a bit of nail i'll be able to get '974.72': well i'm 90 certain that that is for '978.0': drainage '979.759': but let me know in the comments section '98.479': into '981.44': if you think i'm wrong or if you think '983.759': it could be for something else '985.68': maybe it could be a refrigerator place '988.16': to store food '99.6': whatever that is down there we might '990.56': it is actually smaller than i thought i '993.6': mean '994.8': to get into it you just about you know '996.88': well me i think i'll just about get into '998.639': it if i pulled my shoulders in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Steam locomotive crossing a bridge near Villaguay (c.1950)." ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null ], "context_page_description": [ "The General Urquiza Railway, named after the Argentine general and politician Justo José de Urquiza, is a standard gauge railway of Argentina which runs approximately northwards from Buenos Aires to Posadas, with several branches in between. It was also one of the six state-owned Argentine railway companies formed after President Juan Perón's nationalisation of the railway network in 1948. The six companies were managed by Ferrocarriles Argentinos which was later broken up during the process of railway privatisation beginning in 1991 during Carlos Menem's presidency." ], "context_section_description": [ null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway / History / Background" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "General Urquiza Railway" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ "Background" ] }
EXPLORING A WW2 BUNKER and Opening the 'SECRET DOOR' hidden in the Floor. Mystery Finally Solved!
I returned to the WW2 bunker air-raid shelter to lift up the slab to the 'hidden compartment', using nothing more than some simple tools. Watch the Bunker overnighter: Thanks for all the comments. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU LIKED THE VIDEO BY GIVING IT A 'THUMBS UP' AND DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, THANKS! JOIN THE LIVESTREAMS TOO...HIT THE BELL NOTIFICATION BUTTON AND CHAT TO ME LIVE! HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL BY PURCHASING SOME MERCH SPORKS / KUKSAS / CHOPPING BOARDS / FIRE PISTONS / T-SHIRTS and more JOIN MY BUSHCRAFT COURSES IN SOMERSET, UK: Visit FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: FOLLOW MY DOG AMBER ON INSTAGRAM: 🔔 Turn ON Notifications | Watch my Livestreams 👀 👍 LIKE | 💬 COMMENT | 👥 SHARE | 🙏 SUBSCRIBE #ww2 #bushcraft #bunker
'1001.279': but yeah it's very very small '1003.279': and those bricks so it's lined with '1005.199': bricks and they're kind of like '1006.32': staggered '1008.079': see i'll have to look through the '1009.199': footage to see if i can see through or '101.759': find something we might not '1011.279': see if there's another chamber or a room '1014.72': underneath that '1017.04': yeah pretty interesting but yeah i just '1018.32': want to say thank you so much again for '1020.079': your comments '1021.279': you guys commented like crazy i had to '1024.4': come back here and do this one-off video '1026.64': lifting up that slab to find out what '1028.72': really is underneath it '1030.799': interesting that the other one doesn't '1032.16': have a slab '1033.28': but it is filled in the other one '1036.16': does have a slab maybe i'll look at that '1038.4': one maybe '1039.839': i don't know i don't know maybe next '104.479': however before we do that what i'd '1041.36': time we'll have a look at the other one '1042.88': lift up that slab and have a look to see '1044.64': if that's filled in as well '1046.88': i'm not sure '1048.88': anyway thanks again for watching '1051.12': i've got another video coming out very '1052.72': soon it's quite a cool video make sure '1054.72': you check it out again if you want to '1056.559': see this sort of content or the camping '1058.32': bush crafty cooking content don't forget '106.079': really like to do '1060.64': to leave me a thumbs up '1062.64': see you next week goodbye '107.439': is go and have a look at the other '109.36': bunkers to see if they've also got '1105.919': you '112.159': a slab at the bottom of the steps which '114.72': means they might all be connected '12.559': about two weeks ago i discovered this '121.759': okay '122.799': so this is the other bunker '125.2': let's go in '138.64': lots of leaves '142.319': oh more graffiti and though '145.2': wow i've not actually been in this one '15.04': underground air raid bunker style '151.599': yeah '153.04': a bit rubbish '154.879': unfortunately '156.72': right '158.319': moment of truth '160.8': is there gonna be a slab underneath all '163.2': of these leaves '17.279': shelter '174.0': so '18.4': a few days later i came back with a wood '189.04': this it's quite i can't make out if '191.92': there is anything there's lots of dirt '196.239': now i don't think there is one here '20.32': stove a backpack some food and i stayed '212.64': bits of glass '214.879': i have to watch the dog '217.599': i use this as a digging tool '22.8': for 24 hours the wood stove kept me nice '220.72': 'no' '221.76': so i don't think there's anything there '225.04': there's just lots of loose rubble '228.319': which is a bit odd '231.2': unless there was a hole '234.239': and they just filled it in with all '235.68': these loose '237.2': bits of broken brick roof tile '241.2': you know it's a bit odd they're a bit '242.64': out of place '244.64': stones '25.199': and warm i slept in a hammock after '255.76': so if there was a hole there and if this '258.239': has been filled in with rubble '260.4': then surely there should be an outline '263.28': somewhere '264.8': i mean it was only a small hole '267.52': let's find the floor let's find the '268.96': floor of the bunker '27.599': cooking up some great food '271.28': and maybe '274.4': take it from there '276.0': let's see '277.84': if this '279.199': reveals a '281.44': a hole '282.72': or a line '284.479': where the '285.44': lid '286.4': would have been '289.04': where does that take us to '29.679': and while i was exploring the woodland '291.199': all right yeah look '293.199': you can see there '295.12': that's the edge of the floor '298.479': and that's probably about as big as the '300.4': hole or the slab is '302.88': that's interesting '306.4': see '308.0': look it goes all the way there so that's '309.68': rubble that's loose rubble and this is '31.199': at night time i found a few more '311.52': the floor '314.16': and that's loose rubble there as well '316.479': yeah look '318.24': at that '319.52': i'm going to cover this back over '32.8': shelters '322.0': i'm going to leave it '327.919': okay so what i think i've worked out '329.199': from that is that '330.56': there was a hole there whether it was a '332.96': tunnel drainage i don't know '335.44': but it's been filled in however if it '337.36': was drainage why would it be filled in '34.48': but one thing that really puzzled me '340.24': and surely this would be flooded '342.88': i don't know '344.08': so let's leave this one let's go and '345.6': find the other shelters and have a look '347.12': at them '358.72': so yeah just walking through the woods '36.719': was what i found underneath these leaves '361.28': and found this as well '363.199': it's like an old '364.84': slab could it be the foundations '368.319': there are bricks going around it '371.199': yeah could it be foundations could have '372.72': been for '374.16': um '375.6': you know some sort of anti-aircraft '377.6': artillery '379.44': i really don't know i really don't know '381.28': let's keep going '383.28': so we're approaching the other bunker or '386.72': air raid shelter '389.199': right there '39.52': right here in the entrance '394.16': again bit of graffiti on the wall '397.6': you can see it's underground or kind of '399.68': half underground '401.52': protected again with lots of soil '42.16': what i found was a concrete slab with a '429.28': this one's got a bit of a door '431.52': with a modern door '434.24': uh graffiti '436.72': wherever you go there's always graffiti '44.079': hole in it '440.24': such a shame '446.56': snail well '449.039': okay interesting '45.2': i tried lifting it up but i couldn't '451.44': what's that '458.72': so it's exactly the same '46.96': quite do it it seemed like there was a '461.28': as the other two '462.84': bunkers '464.4': both the one that i slept in and the one '466.16': that we just '467.52': had a look at a few minutes ago '471.12': more beer cans '473.28': more shame '475.599': right '476.879': moment of truth '479.84': let's have a look '48.64': compartment underneath this concrete '489.919': oh yeah '491.68': yes look '493.44': right let's put the camera down '496.72': okay so there's definitely a slab '498.479': underneath here '499.919': and i think i've located oh there's a '50.8': slab '502.16': there's several holes in this one '510.08': right so this one's got more holes '519.36': that's blocked '52.079': and i know there's about three or four '521.279': it's a hole there that's blocked '523.919': no no is it i know it's not '527.36': i can feel the lip as in '529.76': the edge of the floor that this plate is '53.6': bunkers in this woodland '532.8': sitting onto '534.48': i think there's a few more holes '545.04': it goes all the way through but how deep '546.8': does it go let's see '55.44': the question is could have been a tunnel '551.6': guys it's deep '553.519': let's go all the way in '556.399': oh '564.64': okay i've covered the hole over i '566.8': haven't lifted up the slab because i '568.88': want to go back to the original shelter '57.28': connecting them all '570.959': the airaid shelter or the bunker '573.279': that i slept in that is the one i really '575.68': want to lift up '577.36': so before we do go back to the shelter '579.279': and lift up that slab let's have a look '58.8': could it have been drainage '581.279': at the final shelter in this woodland '583.36': which is another bunker '585.279': and we'll see if that also has a '586.8': compartment at the bottom of the '588.16': stairwell '61.039': to stop them from being flooded however '614.959': so this one's in really good condition '618.399': bit graffiti '63.76': i've had a look around the back of the '630.16': now is there going to be a slab under '631.92': this '649.04': 'yes' '65.04': shelter '651.2': there is '66.32': and i can't see anywhere where there be '663.92': okay we're back here at the shelter '666.24': that's the one that has the slab that i '668.64': want to lift up '670.48': and just to show you the first well the '672.399': second shelter we looked at '674.64': was that one right there '677.68': just on the edge of the airfield '679.76': where it meets the woodland but i don't '68.799': some sort of piping or drainage it just '681.839': think back then i don't think these '683.2': trees would have been well i think these '684.72': trees are probably planted shortly after '687.36': these bunkers were built '689.519': it kind of makes sense because it gives '691.04': them a bit of cover as well '693.12': but i don't think these trees are more '694.56': than 70 years old '696.959': i really don't and also another reason '698.72': is because i've looked '700.24': at the aerial images for the airfield '703.12': and i can see where the bunker is and i '704.72': can see '705.92': there are no beech trees there are no '707.76': trees that were well these trees are not '71.119': looks like '710.88': present in the aerial photography from '713.279': the photos taken '714.959': back in '716.04': 1943 i think it was '719.519': but today it's a bit of an exploration '72.56': i i really don't know or could have just '721.68': to find out what is under the slab just '724.56': down there okay '726.48': the moment of truth '74.32': been for storage or could have been a '740.88': okay '745.839': all right this has also got holes in it '747.68': i didn't realize last time '749.92': that there these must be holes as well '75.84': toilet like many people have suggested '752.16': that just blocked up '753.92': let's have a little look '757.12': which makes me think it would make sense '759.68': for it to be '760.8': for storage '763.12': okay right '765.12': sorry not for storage but for drainage '768.32': interesting interesting so you can see '770.079': there it rocks and that's how i found it '773.04': because when i walked down i stepped on '774.639': it and i realized '776.8': that it was actually rocking a bit '78.88': i said i was gonna come back with a few '780.16': okay let's take out the tools '782.56': the high-tech tools '784.32': got the paracord '786.48': and we've got a nail '789.12': right there '792.56': let's hope this works '795.44': i'm hoping that i can get this '798.399': through '799.44': the hole '80.4': tools because what i used last time was '801.6': if i can drop this through the hole '805.68': and then when it comes to pulling it so '807.68': if that's dropped through the hole when '808.56': it comes to pulling it '809.92': it's going to catch '811.839': and lift '814.399': a very basic '816.079': but it could actually work '818.56': right i might need my gloves for this '82.799': a stick '821.76': pulling for lifting the '823.92': slab with the paracord '826.32': in fact yeah with the gloves it means i '827.839': can grab the slab and lift it off '830.56': let's make sure it's nice and clear '834.56': okay '84.159': and a bit of paracord well i've come '841.36': right '842.399': it won't seem to go through '853.92': oh '857.12': 'yes' '86.08': back today with '860.24': boys and girls '861.6': we're back in business '87.2': something a little different '88.96': first thing is the same i've got '887.279': well it's not what i was hoping for '890.48': so you can see it's lined with bricks '892.639': going all the way around '895.92': and then there's gaps '897.519': in the brick '90.88': paracord the next thing i have is a nail '900.32': there '901.36': and then '903.12': so i can't i can't see from the angle '906.399': but i can't really see how far back that '908.079': goes and whether it's been filled in i '910.32': mean this '911.76': that looks like it could well have been '913.279': filled in '914.48': lots of loose gravel '917.6': lots of loose gravel '922.16': very interesting but that looks very '923.839': drainage like i didn't so last time i '926.24': was here i only saw one hole on the slab '928.56': i didn't notice the other ones '931.68': but it really makes sense now for this '933.6': to be drainage '94.56': i'm hoping by using a bit of paracord '941.6': yep it worked it did bend the nail '949.519': just clean this '950.959': so it sits flat again '96.479': and a bit of nail i'll be able to get '974.72': well i'm 90 certain that that is for '978.0': drainage '979.759': but let me know in the comments section '98.479': into '981.44': if you think i'm wrong or if you think '983.759': it could be for something else '985.68': maybe it could be a refrigerator place '988.16': to store food '99.6': whatever that is down there we might '990.56': it is actually smaller than i thought i '993.6': mean '994.8': to get into it you just about you know '996.88': well me i think i'll just about get into '998.639': it if i pulled my shoulders in
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", "ilustracja", null, "Description de cette image, également commentée ci-après", null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yousei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, null, "Liste de groupes de metal gothique [SEP] " ], "context_page_description": [ "Yōsei Teikoku is a five-member Japanese musical unit formed in 1997. Their music mixes elements of gothic rock, heavy metal, electronic and classical music. Their works include the opening tracks of the several anime series, including Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order, and the Tokyo ESP soundtrack. After releasing several independent albums, the band released seven major-label albums with their current label Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps and The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.", "Jósei Teikoku je pětičlenná kapela z Nagoji založená roku 1997. Jejich hudba kombinuje prvky gotického rocku, heavy metalu, electronické hudby a klasické hudby. Jejich skladby se často objevují v různých anime, jako je například Mirai nikki, Renkin sankjú Magical? Pokán, Big Order, Ga-Rei: Zero, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser nebo Tokyo ESP. Poté, co nezávisle vydali několik alb, vydali sedm hlavních alb, a to pod jejich současným vydavatelem Lantis. Jedná se o alba Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps a The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "Yousei Teikoku es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", "Yousei Teikoku — японская рок-группа, образованная в 1997 году в Нагоя. Первоначально коллектив выпускал альбомы независимо, а в 2007 году заключил контракт с лейблом Lantis. Yousei Teikoku принимали участие в записи саундтреков для множества аниме-сериалов и видео-игр. Их песни звучали в таких аниме как Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order. Сайд-проект группы — Denkare — занимается созданием музыки исключительно для эроге.", "Yōsei Teikoku é um grupo japonês de rock gótico formado em em 1997, composto de cinco membros: Yui, Takaha Tachibana guitarra e composição, Nanami (baixo), Gight (bateria) e, Shiren (guitarra).", "Cet article présente une liste de groupes de metal gothique." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "\"Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, eng. \"\"Fairy Empire\"\") – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.\"", null, "Yōsei Teikoku (妖精帝國) est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "\"Yousei Teikoku (妖精帝國 lit. \"\"Imperio de las Hadas\"\", traducido al alemán como \"\"Das Feenreich\"\") es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.\"", "Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, Yousei Teikoku) on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku (japansk: 妖精帝國, tysk: Das Feenreich) er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique / Y" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "pl", "cs", "fr", "es", "fi", "da", "ru", "pt", "fr" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Y" ] }
Life in Edo Japan (1603-1868)
This episode is Sponsored by Wix! Support the Simple History channel by going to: Let's take a tour of Edo, Japan's capital (now Tokyo) during the Tokugawa Period. Become a Simple History member: Support us on Patreon: Copyright: DO NOT translate and re-upload our content on Youtube or other social media. SIMPLE HISTORY MERCHANDISE Get the Simple History books on Amazon: T-Shirts Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA Amazon UK Credit: Created by Daniel Turner Narrator: Chris Kane Music Credit: Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Source: Artist: Sources: A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present by Andrew Gordon A History of Japan, 1615-1867 by George Sansom World Within Walls by Donald Keene Samurai: An Encyclopedia of Japan's Cultured Warriors By Constantine Nomikos Vaporis Ph.D. Moral and Spiritual Cultivation in Japanese Neo-Confucianism: The Life and Thought of Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714) by Mary Evelyn Tucker Japan Encyclopedia By Louis-Frédéric Sounds credit: Taiko1.aif by whatsanickname4u Crows by Taira Komori
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{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", "ilustracja", null, "Description de cette image, également commentée ci-après", null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yousei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, null, "Liste de groupes de metal gothique [SEP] " ], "context_page_description": [ "Yōsei Teikoku is a five-member Japanese musical unit formed in 1997. Their music mixes elements of gothic rock, heavy metal, electronic and classical music. Their works include the opening tracks of the several anime series, including Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order, and the Tokyo ESP soundtrack. After releasing several independent albums, the band released seven major-label albums with their current label Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps and The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.", "Jósei Teikoku je pětičlenná kapela z Nagoji založená roku 1997. Jejich hudba kombinuje prvky gotického rocku, heavy metalu, electronické hudby a klasické hudby. Jejich skladby se často objevují v různých anime, jako je například Mirai nikki, Renkin sankjú Magical? Pokán, Big Order, Ga-Rei: Zero, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser nebo Tokyo ESP. Poté, co nezávisle vydali několik alb, vydali sedm hlavních alb, a to pod jejich současným vydavatelem Lantis. Jedná se o alba Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps a The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "Yousei Teikoku es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", "Yousei Teikoku — японская рок-группа, образованная в 1997 году в Нагоя. Первоначально коллектив выпускал альбомы независимо, а в 2007 году заключил контракт с лейблом Lantis. Yousei Teikoku принимали участие в записи саундтреков для множества аниме-сериалов и видео-игр. Их песни звучали в таких аниме как Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order. Сайд-проект группы — Denkare — занимается созданием музыки исключительно для эроге.", "Yōsei Teikoku é um grupo japonês de rock gótico formado em em 1997, composto de cinco membros: Yui, Takaha Tachibana guitarra e composição, Nanami (baixo), Gight (bateria) e, Shiren (guitarra).", "Cet article présente une liste de groupes de metal gothique." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "\"Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, eng. \"\"Fairy Empire\"\") – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.\"", null, "Yōsei Teikoku (妖精帝國) est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "\"Yousei Teikoku (妖精帝國 lit. \"\"Imperio de las Hadas\"\", traducido al alemán como \"\"Das Feenreich\"\") es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.\"", "Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, Yousei Teikoku) on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku (japansk: 妖精帝國, tysk: Das Feenreich) er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique / Y" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "pl", "cs", "fr", "es", "fi", "da", "ru", "pt", "fr" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Y" ] }
Life in Edo Japan (1603-1868)
This episode is Sponsored by Wix! Support the Simple History channel by going to: Let's take a tour of Edo, Japan's capital (now Tokyo) during the Tokugawa Period. Become a Simple History member: Support us on Patreon: Copyright: DO NOT translate and re-upload our content on Youtube or other social media. SIMPLE HISTORY MERCHANDISE Get the Simple History books on Amazon: T-Shirts Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA Amazon UK Credit: Created by Daniel Turner Narrator: Chris Kane Music Credit: Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Source: Artist: Sources: A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present by Andrew Gordon A History of Japan, 1615-1867 by George Sansom World Within Walls by Donald Keene Samurai: An Encyclopedia of Japan's Cultured Warriors By Constantine Nomikos Vaporis Ph.D. Moral and Spiritual Cultivation in Japanese Neo-Confucianism: The Life and Thought of Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714) by Mary Evelyn Tucker Japan Encyclopedia By Louis-Frédéric Sounds credit: Taiko1.aif by whatsanickname4u Crows by Taira Komori
'0.155': This episode is sponsored by Wix go to '102.235': ' ' '105.185': ' ' '107.245': ' ' '108.405': ' ' '111.445': ' ' '114.685': ' ' '117.775': ' ' '12.135': 1603-1868 '121.415': ' ' '124.935': ' ' '128.405': ' ' '129.875': ' ' '132.915': ' ' '136.805': ' ' '139.935': ' ' '142.935': ' ' '144.615': ' ' '147.595': ' ' '150.645': ' ' '151.965': ' ' '154.935': ' ' '159.065': ' ' '162.125': ' ' '165.095': ' ' '166.455': ' ' '169.415': ' ' '17.845': After having taken...alright this is where my journey ends '171.555': ' ' '174.875': ' ' '178.955': ' ' '181.835': ' ' '184.655': ' ' '187.515': ' ' '190.325': ' ' '191.525': ' ' '195.005': ' ' '198.045': ' ' '20.055': ur subtitler has to go to his hw rn so i cant subtitle no more for y'all. '201.005': ' ' '202.815': ' ' '206.125': ' ' '209.515': ' ' '21.525': ' ' '212.615': ' ' '214.085': ' ' '217.185': ' ' '220.105': ' ' '223.355': ' ' '226.465': ' ' '229.345': ' ' '231.075': ' ' '233.975': ' ' '235.335': ' ' '237.205': ' ' '238.695': ' ' '239.805': ' ' '24.655': ' ' '243.425': ' ' '247.165': ' ' '250.505': ' ' '253.565': ' ' '256.605': ' ' '257.815': ' ' '258.925': ' ' '261.905': ' ' '264.745': ' ' '267.965': ' ' '27.975': ' ' '271.015': ' ' '273.965': ' ' '276.435': ' ' '280.035': ' ' '283.015': ' ' '285.975': ' ' '289.065': ' ' '291.735': ' ' '294.625': ' ' '297.755': ' ' '3.625': to create a website '300.715': ' ' '303.065': ' ' '307.535': ' ' '31.675': ' ' '310.375': ' ' '313.425': ' ' '316.055': ' ' '319.335': ' ' '322.065': ' ' '325.415': ' ' '328.345': ' ' '331.445': ' ' '333.655': ' ' '335.955': ' ' '339.035': ' ' '34.955': ' ' '341.795': ' ' '345.145': ' ' '347.375': ' ' '349.255': ' ' '351.735': ' ' '354.595': ' ' '357.645': ' ' '360.635': ' ' '364.505': ' ' '367.605': ' ' '370.605': ' ' '372.625': ' ' '376.525': ' ' '379.595': ' ' '38.015': ' ' '382.495': ' ' '385.715': ' ' '388.695': ' ' '391.995': ' ' '395.255': ' ' '396.465': ' ' '399.415': ' ' '40.905': ' ' '401.995': ' ' '405.215': ' ' '407.515': ' ' '410.745': ' ' '413.595': ' ' '417.515': ' ' '420.195': ' ' '423.175': ' ' '426.055': ' ' '429.515': ' ' '433.495': ' ' '436.525': ' ' '439.545': ' ' '44.345': ' ' '442.385': ' ' '445.395': ' ' '448.135': ' ' '45.755': ' ' '451.535': ' ' '454.495': ' ' '457.185': ' ' '460.335': ' ' '463.855': ' ' '466.995': ' ' '470.005': ' ' '472.975': ' ' '476.225': ' ' '479.325': ' ' '48.795': ' ' '482.275': ' ' '486.165': ' ' '489.165': ' ' '491.835': ' ' '494.835': ' ' '498.355': ' ' '501.175': ' ' '503.975': ' ' '506.845': ' ' '51.375': ' ' '510.015': ' ' '513.145': ' ' '514.975': ' ' '518.355': ' ' '52.625': ' ' '521.155': ' ' '523.995': ' ' '526.645': ' ' '529.505': ' ' '532.595': ' ' '535.605': ' ' '537.355': ' ' '54.635': ' ' '540.965': ' ' '543.585': ' ' '547.045': ' ' '549.895': ' ' '552.885': ' ' '555.915': ' ' '559.095': ' ' '562.025': ' ' '566.025': ' ' '569.915': ' ' '57.765': ' ' '573.395': ' ' '576.425': ' ' '579.545': ' ' '582.125': ' ' '585.325': ' ' '588.495': ' ' '59.055': ' ' '590.205': ' ' '593.325': ' ' '596.485': ' ' '599.525': ' ' '6.535': now '602.525': ' ' '604.315': ' ' '607.375': ' ' '609.265': ' ' '612.235': ' ' '615.255': ' ' '618.455': ' ' '62.115': ' ' '64.845': ' ' '67.935': ' ' '70.895': ' ' '73.935': ' ' '75.105': ' ' '78.375': ' ' '81.675': ' ' '84.275': ' ' '87.355': ' ' '9.195': life in Edo Japan '91.145': ' ' '94.355': ' ' '97.235': ' ' '99.275': ' '
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", "ilustracja", null, "Description de cette image, également commentée ci-après", null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yousei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, null, "Liste de groupes de metal gothique [SEP] " ], "context_page_description": [ "Yōsei Teikoku is a five-member Japanese musical unit formed in 1997. Their music mixes elements of gothic rock, heavy metal, electronic and classical music. Their works include the opening tracks of the several anime series, including Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order, and the Tokyo ESP soundtrack. After releasing several independent albums, the band released seven major-label albums with their current label Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps and The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.", "Jósei Teikoku je pětičlenná kapela z Nagoji založená roku 1997. Jejich hudba kombinuje prvky gotického rocku, heavy metalu, electronické hudby a klasické hudby. Jejich skladby se často objevují v různých anime, jako je například Mirai nikki, Renkin sankjú Magical? Pokán, Big Order, Ga-Rei: Zero, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser nebo Tokyo ESP. Poté, co nezávisle vydali několik alb, vydali sedm hlavních alb, a to pod jejich současným vydavatelem Lantis. Jedná se o alba Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps a The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "Yousei Teikoku es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", "Yousei Teikoku — японская рок-группа, образованная в 1997 году в Нагоя. Первоначально коллектив выпускал альбомы независимо, а в 2007 году заключил контракт с лейблом Lantis. Yousei Teikoku принимали участие в записи саундтреков для множества аниме-сериалов и видео-игр. Их песни звучали в таких аниме как Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order. Сайд-проект группы — Denkare — занимается созданием музыки исключительно для эроге.", "Yōsei Teikoku é um grupo japonês de rock gótico formado em em 1997, composto de cinco membros: Yui, Takaha Tachibana guitarra e composição, Nanami (baixo), Gight (bateria) e, Shiren (guitarra).", "Cet article présente une liste de groupes de metal gothique." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "\"Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, eng. \"\"Fairy Empire\"\") – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.\"", null, "Yōsei Teikoku (妖精帝國) est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "\"Yousei Teikoku (妖精帝國 lit. \"\"Imperio de las Hadas\"\", traducido al alemán como \"\"Das Feenreich\"\") es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.\"", "Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, Yousei Teikoku) on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku (japansk: 妖精帝國, tysk: Das Feenreich) er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique / Y" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "pl", "cs", "fr", "es", "fi", "da", "ru", "pt", "fr" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Y" ] }
Life in Edo Japan (1603-1868)
This episode is Sponsored by Wix! Support the Simple History channel by going to: Let's take a tour of Edo, Japan's capital (now Tokyo) during the Tokugawa Period. Become a Simple History member: Support us on Patreon: Copyright: DO NOT translate and re-upload our content on Youtube or other social media. SIMPLE HISTORY MERCHANDISE Get the Simple History books on Amazon: T-Shirts Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA Amazon UK Credit: Created by Daniel Turner Narrator: Chris Kane Music Credit: Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Source: Artist: Sources: A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present by Andrew Gordon A History of Japan, 1615-1867 by George Sansom World Within Walls by Donald Keene Samurai: An Encyclopedia of Japan's Cultured Warriors By Constantine Nomikos Vaporis Ph.D. Moral and Spiritual Cultivation in Japanese Neo-Confucianism: The Life and Thought of Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714) by Mary Evelyn Tucker Japan Encyclopedia By Louis-Frédéric Sounds credit: Taiko1.aif by whatsanickname4u Crows by Taira Komori
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{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", "ilustracja", null, "Description de cette image, également commentée ci-après", null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yousei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, null, "Liste de groupes de metal gothique [SEP] " ], "context_page_description": [ "Yōsei Teikoku is a five-member Japanese musical unit formed in 1997. Their music mixes elements of gothic rock, heavy metal, electronic and classical music. Their works include the opening tracks of the several anime series, including Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order, and the Tokyo ESP soundtrack. After releasing several independent albums, the band released seven major-label albums with their current label Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps and The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.", "Jósei Teikoku je pětičlenná kapela z Nagoji založená roku 1997. Jejich hudba kombinuje prvky gotického rocku, heavy metalu, electronické hudby a klasické hudby. Jejich skladby se často objevují v různých anime, jako je například Mirai nikki, Renkin sankjú Magical? Pokán, Big Order, Ga-Rei: Zero, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser nebo Tokyo ESP. Poté, co nezávisle vydali několik alb, vydali sedm hlavních alb, a to pod jejich současným vydavatelem Lantis. Jedná se o alba Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps a The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "Yousei Teikoku es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", "Yousei Teikoku — японская рок-группа, образованная в 1997 году в Нагоя. Первоначально коллектив выпускал альбомы независимо, а в 2007 году заключил контракт с лейблом Lantis. Yousei Teikoku принимали участие в записи саундтреков для множества аниме-сериалов и видео-игр. Их песни звучали в таких аниме как Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order. Сайд-проект группы — Denkare — занимается созданием музыки исключительно для эроге.", "Yōsei Teikoku é um grupo japonês de rock gótico formado em em 1997, composto de cinco membros: Yui, Takaha Tachibana guitarra e composição, Nanami (baixo), Gight (bateria) e, Shiren (guitarra).", "Cet article présente une liste de groupes de metal gothique." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "\"Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, eng. \"\"Fairy Empire\"\") – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.\"", null, "Yōsei Teikoku (妖精帝國) est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "\"Yousei Teikoku (妖精帝國 lit. \"\"Imperio de las Hadas\"\", traducido al alemán como \"\"Das Feenreich\"\") es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.\"", "Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, Yousei Teikoku) on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku (japansk: 妖精帝國, tysk: Das Feenreich) er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique / Y" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "pl", "cs", "fr", "es", "fi", "da", "ru", "pt", "fr" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Y" ] }
Life in Edo Japan (1603-1868)
This episode is Sponsored by Wix! Support the Simple History channel by going to: Let's take a tour of Edo, Japan's capital (now Tokyo) during the Tokugawa Period. Become a Simple History member: Support us on Patreon: Copyright: DO NOT translate and re-upload our content on Youtube or other social media. SIMPLE HISTORY MERCHANDISE Get the Simple History books on Amazon: T-Shirts Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA Amazon UK Credit: Created by Daniel Turner Narrator: Chris Kane Music Credit: Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Source: Artist: Sources: A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present by Andrew Gordon A History of Japan, 1615-1867 by George Sansom World Within Walls by Donald Keene Samurai: An Encyclopedia of Japan's Cultured Warriors By Constantine Nomikos Vaporis Ph.D. Moral and Spiritual Cultivation in Japanese Neo-Confucianism: The Life and Thought of Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714) by Mary Evelyn Tucker Japan Encyclopedia By Louis-Frédéric Sounds credit: Taiko1.aif by whatsanickname4u Crows by Taira Komori
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{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", "ilustracja", null, "Description de cette image, également commentée ci-après", null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yousei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, null, "Liste de groupes de metal gothique [SEP] " ], "context_page_description": [ "Yōsei Teikoku is a five-member Japanese musical unit formed in 1997. Their music mixes elements of gothic rock, heavy metal, electronic and classical music. Their works include the opening tracks of the several anime series, including Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order, and the Tokyo ESP soundtrack. After releasing several independent albums, the band released seven major-label albums with their current label Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps and The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.", "Jósei Teikoku je pětičlenná kapela z Nagoji založená roku 1997. Jejich hudba kombinuje prvky gotického rocku, heavy metalu, electronické hudby a klasické hudby. Jejich skladby se často objevují v různých anime, jako je například Mirai nikki, Renkin sankjú Magical? Pokán, Big Order, Ga-Rei: Zero, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser nebo Tokyo ESP. Poté, co nezávisle vydali několik alb, vydali sedm hlavních alb, a to pod jejich současným vydavatelem Lantis. Jedná se o alba Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps a The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "Yousei Teikoku es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", "Yousei Teikoku — японская рок-группа, образованная в 1997 году в Нагоя. Первоначально коллектив выпускал альбомы независимо, а в 2007 году заключил контракт с лейблом Lantis. Yousei Teikoku принимали участие в записи саундтреков для множества аниме-сериалов и видео-игр. Их песни звучали в таких аниме как Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order. Сайд-проект группы — Denkare — занимается созданием музыки исключительно для эроге.", "Yōsei Teikoku é um grupo japonês de rock gótico formado em em 1997, composto de cinco membros: Yui, Takaha Tachibana guitarra e composição, Nanami (baixo), Gight (bateria) e, Shiren (guitarra).", "Cet article présente une liste de groupes de metal gothique." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "\"Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, eng. \"\"Fairy Empire\"\") – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.\"", null, "Yōsei Teikoku (妖精帝國) est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "\"Yousei Teikoku (妖精帝國 lit. \"\"Imperio de las Hadas\"\", traducido al alemán como \"\"Das Feenreich\"\") es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.\"", "Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, Yousei Teikoku) on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku (japansk: 妖精帝國, tysk: Das Feenreich) er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique / Y" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "pl", "cs", "fr", "es", "fi", "da", "ru", "pt", "fr" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Y" ] }
Life in Edo Japan (1603-1868)
This episode is Sponsored by Wix! Support the Simple History channel by going to: Let's take a tour of Edo, Japan's capital (now Tokyo) during the Tokugawa Period. Become a Simple History member: Support us on Patreon: Copyright: DO NOT translate and re-upload our content on Youtube or other social media. SIMPLE HISTORY MERCHANDISE Get the Simple History books on Amazon: T-Shirts Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA Amazon UK Credit: Created by Daniel Turner Narrator: Chris Kane Music Credit: Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Source: Artist: Sources: A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present by Andrew Gordon A History of Japan, 1615-1867 by George Sansom World Within Walls by Donald Keene Samurai: An Encyclopedia of Japan's Cultured Warriors By Constantine Nomikos Vaporis Ph.D. Moral and Spiritual Cultivation in Japanese Neo-Confucianism: The Life and Thought of Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714) by Mary Evelyn Tucker Japan Encyclopedia By Louis-Frédéric Sounds credit: Taiko1.aif by whatsanickname4u Crows by Taira Komori
'0.155': This episode is sponsored by Wix go to '102.235': ' ' '105.185': ' ' '107.245': ' ' '108.405': ' ' '111.445': ' ' '114.685': ' ' '117.775': ' ' '12.135': 1603-1868 '121.415': ' ' '124.935': ' ' '128.405': ' ' '129.875': ' ' '132.915': ' ' '136.805': ' ' '139.935': ' ' '142.935': ' ' '144.615': ' ' '147.595': ' ' '150.645': ' ' '151.965': ' ' '154.935': ' ' '159.065': ' ' '162.125': ' ' '165.095': ' ' '166.455': ' ' '169.415': ' ' '17.845': After having taken...alright this is where my journey ends '171.555': ' ' '174.875': ' ' '178.955': ' ' '181.835': ' ' '184.655': ' ' '187.515': ' ' '190.325': ' ' '191.525': ' ' '195.005': ' ' '198.045': ' ' '20.055': ur subtitler has to go to his hw rn so i cant subtitle no more for y'all. '201.005': ' ' '202.815': ' ' '206.125': ' ' '209.515': ' ' '21.525': ' ' '212.615': ' ' '214.085': ' ' '217.185': ' ' '220.105': ' ' '223.355': ' ' '226.465': ' ' '229.345': ' ' '231.075': ' ' '233.975': ' ' '235.335': ' ' '237.205': ' ' '238.695': ' ' '239.805': ' ' '24.655': ' ' '243.425': ' ' '247.165': ' ' '250.505': ' ' '253.565': ' ' '256.605': ' ' '257.815': ' ' '258.925': ' ' '261.905': ' ' '264.745': ' ' '267.965': ' ' '27.975': ' ' '271.015': ' ' '273.965': ' ' '276.435': ' ' '280.035': ' ' '283.015': ' ' '285.975': ' ' '289.065': ' ' '291.735': ' ' '294.625': ' ' '297.755': ' ' '3.625': to create a website '300.715': ' ' '303.065': ' ' '307.535': ' ' '31.675': ' ' '310.375': ' ' '313.425': ' ' '316.055': ' ' '319.335': ' ' '322.065': ' ' '325.415': ' ' '328.345': ' ' '331.445': ' ' '333.655': ' ' '335.955': ' ' '339.035': ' ' '34.955': ' ' '341.795': ' ' '345.145': ' ' '347.375': ' ' '349.255': ' ' '351.735': ' ' '354.595': ' ' '357.645': ' ' '360.635': ' ' '364.505': ' ' '367.605': ' ' '370.605': ' ' '372.625': ' ' '376.525': ' ' '379.595': ' ' '38.015': ' ' '382.495': ' ' '385.715': ' ' '388.695': ' ' '391.995': ' ' '395.255': ' ' '396.465': ' ' '399.415': ' ' '40.905': ' ' '401.995': ' ' '405.215': ' ' '407.515': ' ' '410.745': ' ' '413.595': ' ' '417.515': ' ' '420.195': ' ' '423.175': ' ' '426.055': ' ' '429.515': ' ' '433.495': ' ' '436.525': ' ' '439.545': ' ' '44.345': ' ' '442.385': ' ' '445.395': ' ' '448.135': ' ' '45.755': ' ' '451.535': ' ' '454.495': ' ' '457.185': ' ' '460.335': ' ' '463.855': ' ' '466.995': ' ' '470.005': ' ' '472.975': ' ' '476.225': ' ' '479.325': ' ' '48.795': ' ' '482.275': ' ' '486.165': ' ' '489.165': ' ' '491.835': ' ' '494.835': ' ' '498.355': ' ' '501.175': ' ' '503.975': ' ' '506.845': ' ' '51.375': ' ' '510.015': ' ' '513.145': ' ' '514.975': ' ' '518.355': ' ' '52.625': ' ' '521.155': ' ' '523.995': ' ' '526.645': ' ' '529.505': ' ' '532.595': ' ' '535.605': ' ' '537.355': ' ' '54.635': ' ' '540.965': ' ' '543.585': ' ' '547.045': ' ' '549.895': ' ' '552.885': ' ' '555.915': ' ' '559.095': ' ' '562.025': ' ' '566.025': ' ' '569.915': ' ' '57.765': ' ' '573.395': ' ' '576.425': ' ' '579.545': ' ' '582.125': ' ' '585.325': ' ' '588.495': ' ' '59.055': ' ' '590.205': ' ' '593.325': ' ' '596.485': ' ' '599.525': ' ' '6.535': now '602.525': ' ' '604.315': ' ' '607.375': ' ' '609.265': ' ' '612.235': ' ' '615.255': ' ' '618.455': ' ' '62.115': ' ' '64.845': ' ' '67.935': ' ' '70.895': ' ' '73.935': ' ' '75.105': ' ' '78.375': ' ' '81.675': ' ' '84.275': ' ' '87.355': ' ' '9.195': life in Edo Japan '91.145': ' ' '94.355': ' ' '97.235': ' ' '99.275': ' '
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", "ilustracja", null, "Description de cette image, également commentée ci-après", null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yousei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, null, "Liste de groupes de metal gothique [SEP] " ], "context_page_description": [ "Yōsei Teikoku is a five-member Japanese musical unit formed in 1997. Their music mixes elements of gothic rock, heavy metal, electronic and classical music. Their works include the opening tracks of the several anime series, including Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order, and the Tokyo ESP soundtrack. After releasing several independent albums, the band released seven major-label albums with their current label Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps and The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.", "Jósei Teikoku je pětičlenná kapela z Nagoji založená roku 1997. Jejich hudba kombinuje prvky gotického rocku, heavy metalu, electronické hudby a klasické hudby. Jejich skladby se často objevují v různých anime, jako je například Mirai nikki, Renkin sankjú Magical? Pokán, Big Order, Ga-Rei: Zero, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser nebo Tokyo ESP. Poté, co nezávisle vydali několik alb, vydali sedm hlavních alb, a to pod jejich současným vydavatelem Lantis. Jedná se o alba Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps a The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "Yousei Teikoku es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", "Yousei Teikoku — японская рок-группа, образованная в 1997 году в Нагоя. Первоначально коллектив выпускал альбомы независимо, а в 2007 году заключил контракт с лейблом Lantis. Yousei Teikoku принимали участие в записи саундтреков для множества аниме-сериалов и видео-игр. Их песни звучали в таких аниме как Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order. Сайд-проект группы — Denkare — занимается созданием музыки исключительно для эроге.", "Yōsei Teikoku é um grupo japonês de rock gótico formado em em 1997, composto de cinco membros: Yui, Takaha Tachibana guitarra e composição, Nanami (baixo), Gight (bateria) e, Shiren (guitarra).", "Cet article présente une liste de groupes de metal gothique." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "\"Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, eng. \"\"Fairy Empire\"\") – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.\"", null, "Yōsei Teikoku (妖精帝國) est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "\"Yousei Teikoku (妖精帝國 lit. \"\"Imperio de las Hadas\"\", traducido al alemán como \"\"Das Feenreich\"\") es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.\"", "Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, Yousei Teikoku) on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku (japansk: 妖精帝國, tysk: Das Feenreich) er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique / Y" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "pl", "cs", "fr", "es", "fi", "da", "ru", "pt", "fr" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Y" ] }
Life in Edo Japan (1603-1868)
This episode is Sponsored by Wix! Support the Simple History channel by going to: Let's take a tour of Edo, Japan's capital (now Tokyo) during the Tokugawa Period. Become a Simple History member: Support us on Patreon: Copyright: DO NOT translate and re-upload our content on Youtube or other social media. SIMPLE HISTORY MERCHANDISE Get the Simple History books on Amazon: T-Shirts Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA Amazon UK Credit: Created by Daniel Turner Narrator: Chris Kane Music Credit: Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Source: Artist: Sources: A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present by Andrew Gordon A History of Japan, 1615-1867 by George Sansom World Within Walls by Donald Keene Samurai: An Encyclopedia of Japan's Cultured Warriors By Constantine Nomikos Vaporis Ph.D. Moral and Spiritual Cultivation in Japanese Neo-Confucianism: The Life and Thought of Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714) by Mary Evelyn Tucker Japan Encyclopedia By Louis-Frédéric Sounds credit: Taiko1.aif by whatsanickname4u Crows by Taira Komori
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{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", "ilustracja", null, "Description de cette image, également commentée ci-après", null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yousei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, null, "Liste de groupes de metal gothique [SEP] " ], "context_page_description": [ "Yōsei Teikoku is a five-member Japanese musical unit formed in 1997. Their music mixes elements of gothic rock, heavy metal, electronic and classical music. Their works include the opening tracks of the several anime series, including Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order, and the Tokyo ESP soundtrack. After releasing several independent albums, the band released seven major-label albums with their current label Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps and The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.", "Jósei Teikoku je pětičlenná kapela z Nagoji založená roku 1997. Jejich hudba kombinuje prvky gotického rocku, heavy metalu, electronické hudby a klasické hudby. Jejich skladby se často objevují v různých anime, jako je například Mirai nikki, Renkin sankjú Magical? Pokán, Big Order, Ga-Rei: Zero, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser nebo Tokyo ESP. Poté, co nezávisle vydali několik alb, vydali sedm hlavních alb, a to pod jejich současným vydavatelem Lantis. Jedná se o alba Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps a The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "Yousei Teikoku es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", "Yousei Teikoku — японская рок-группа, образованная в 1997 году в Нагоя. Первоначально коллектив выпускал альбомы независимо, а в 2007 году заключил контракт с лейблом Lantis. Yousei Teikoku принимали участие в записи саундтреков для множества аниме-сериалов и видео-игр. Их песни звучали в таких аниме как Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order. Сайд-проект группы — Denkare — занимается созданием музыки исключительно для эроге.", "Yōsei Teikoku é um grupo japonês de rock gótico formado em em 1997, composto de cinco membros: Yui, Takaha Tachibana guitarra e composição, Nanami (baixo), Gight (bateria) e, Shiren (guitarra).", "Cet article présente une liste de groupes de metal gothique." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "\"Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, eng. \"\"Fairy Empire\"\") – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.\"", null, "Yōsei Teikoku (妖精帝國) est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "\"Yousei Teikoku (妖精帝國 lit. \"\"Imperio de las Hadas\"\", traducido al alemán como \"\"Das Feenreich\"\") es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.\"", "Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, Yousei Teikoku) on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku (japansk: 妖精帝國, tysk: Das Feenreich) er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique / Y" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "pl", "cs", "fr", "es", "fi", "da", "ru", "pt", "fr" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Y" ] }
Life in Edo Japan (1603-1868)
This episode is Sponsored by Wix! Support the Simple History channel by going to: Let's take a tour of Edo, Japan's capital (now Tokyo) during the Tokugawa Period. Become a Simple History member: Support us on Patreon: Copyright: DO NOT translate and re-upload our content on Youtube or other social media. SIMPLE HISTORY MERCHANDISE Get the Simple History books on Amazon: T-Shirts Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA Amazon UK Credit: Created by Daniel Turner Narrator: Chris Kane Music Credit: Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Source: Artist: Sources: A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present by Andrew Gordon A History of Japan, 1615-1867 by George Sansom World Within Walls by Donald Keene Samurai: An Encyclopedia of Japan's Cultured Warriors By Constantine Nomikos Vaporis Ph.D. Moral and Spiritual Cultivation in Japanese Neo-Confucianism: The Life and Thought of Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714) by Mary Evelyn Tucker Japan Encyclopedia By Louis-Frédéric Sounds credit: Taiko1.aif by whatsanickname4u Crows by Taira Komori
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{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", "ilustracja", null, "Description de cette image, également commentée ci-après", null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yousei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, null, "Liste de groupes de metal gothique [SEP] " ], "context_page_description": [ "Yōsei Teikoku is a five-member Japanese musical unit formed in 1997. Their music mixes elements of gothic rock, heavy metal, electronic and classical music. Their works include the opening tracks of the several anime series, including Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order, and the Tokyo ESP soundtrack. After releasing several independent albums, the band released seven major-label albums with their current label Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps and The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.", "Jósei Teikoku je pětičlenná kapela z Nagoji založená roku 1997. Jejich hudba kombinuje prvky gotického rocku, heavy metalu, electronické hudby a klasické hudby. Jejich skladby se často objevují v různých anime, jako je například Mirai nikki, Renkin sankjú Magical? Pokán, Big Order, Ga-Rei: Zero, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser nebo Tokyo ESP. Poté, co nezávisle vydali několik alb, vydali sedm hlavních alb, a to pod jejich současným vydavatelem Lantis. Jedná se o alba Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps a The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "Yousei Teikoku es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", "Yousei Teikoku — японская рок-группа, образованная в 1997 году в Нагоя. Первоначально коллектив выпускал альбомы независимо, а в 2007 году заключил контракт с лейблом Lantis. Yousei Teikoku принимали участие в записи саундтреков для множества аниме-сериалов и видео-игр. Их песни звучали в таких аниме как Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order. Сайд-проект группы — Denkare — занимается созданием музыки исключительно для эроге.", "Yōsei Teikoku é um grupo japonês de rock gótico formado em em 1997, composto de cinco membros: Yui, Takaha Tachibana guitarra e composição, Nanami (baixo), Gight (bateria) e, Shiren (guitarra).", "Cet article présente une liste de groupes de metal gothique." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "\"Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, eng. \"\"Fairy Empire\"\") – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.\"", null, "Yōsei Teikoku (妖精帝國) est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "\"Yousei Teikoku (妖精帝國 lit. \"\"Imperio de las Hadas\"\", traducido al alemán como \"\"Das Feenreich\"\") es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.\"", "Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, Yousei Teikoku) on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku (japansk: 妖精帝國, tysk: Das Feenreich) er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique / Y" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "pl", "cs", "fr", "es", "fi", "da", "ru", "pt", "fr" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Y" ] }
Life in Edo Japan (1603-1868)
This episode is Sponsored by Wix! Support the Simple History channel by going to: Let's take a tour of Edo, Japan's capital (now Tokyo) during the Tokugawa Period. Become a Simple History member: Support us on Patreon: Copyright: DO NOT translate and re-upload our content on Youtube or other social media. SIMPLE HISTORY MERCHANDISE Get the Simple History books on Amazon: T-Shirts Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA Amazon UK Credit: Created by Daniel Turner Narrator: Chris Kane Music Credit: Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Source: Artist: Sources: A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present by Andrew Gordon A History of Japan, 1615-1867 by George Sansom World Within Walls by Donald Keene Samurai: An Encyclopedia of Japan's Cultured Warriors By Constantine Nomikos Vaporis Ph.D. Moral and Spiritual Cultivation in Japanese Neo-Confucianism: The Life and Thought of Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714) by Mary Evelyn Tucker Japan Encyclopedia By Louis-Frédéric Sounds credit: Taiko1.aif by whatsanickname4u Crows by Taira Komori
'0.155': This episode is sponsored by Wix go to '102.235': ' ' '105.185': ' ' '107.245': ' ' '108.405': ' ' '111.445': ' ' '114.685': ' ' '117.775': ' ' '12.135': 1603-1868 '121.415': ' ' '124.935': ' ' '128.405': ' ' '129.875': ' ' '132.915': ' ' '136.805': ' ' '139.935': ' ' '142.935': ' ' '144.615': ' ' '147.595': ' ' '150.645': ' ' '151.965': ' ' '154.935': ' ' '159.065': ' ' '162.125': ' ' '165.095': ' ' '166.455': ' ' '169.415': ' ' '17.845': After having taken...alright this is where my journey ends '171.555': ' ' '174.875': ' ' '178.955': ' ' '181.835': ' ' '184.655': ' ' '187.515': ' ' '190.325': ' ' '191.525': ' ' '195.005': ' ' '198.045': ' ' '20.055': ur subtitler has to go to his hw rn so i cant subtitle no more for y'all. '201.005': ' ' '202.815': ' ' '206.125': ' ' '209.515': ' ' '21.525': ' ' '212.615': ' ' '214.085': ' ' '217.185': ' ' '220.105': ' ' '223.355': ' ' '226.465': ' ' '229.345': ' ' '231.075': ' ' '233.975': ' ' '235.335': ' ' '237.205': ' ' '238.695': ' ' '239.805': ' ' '24.655': ' ' '243.425': ' ' '247.165': ' ' '250.505': ' ' '253.565': ' ' '256.605': ' ' '257.815': ' ' '258.925': ' ' '261.905': ' ' '264.745': ' ' '267.965': ' ' '27.975': ' ' '271.015': ' ' '273.965': ' ' '276.435': ' ' '280.035': ' ' '283.015': ' ' '285.975': ' ' '289.065': ' ' '291.735': ' ' '294.625': ' ' '297.755': ' ' '3.625': to create a website '300.715': ' ' '303.065': ' ' '307.535': ' ' '31.675': ' ' '310.375': ' ' '313.425': ' ' '316.055': ' ' '319.335': ' ' '322.065': ' ' '325.415': ' ' '328.345': ' ' '331.445': ' ' '333.655': ' ' '335.955': ' ' '339.035': ' ' '34.955': ' ' '341.795': ' ' '345.145': ' ' '347.375': ' ' '349.255': ' ' '351.735': ' ' '354.595': ' ' '357.645': ' ' '360.635': ' ' '364.505': ' ' '367.605': ' ' '370.605': ' ' '372.625': ' ' '376.525': ' ' '379.595': ' ' '38.015': ' ' '382.495': ' ' '385.715': ' ' '388.695': ' ' '391.995': ' ' '395.255': ' ' '396.465': ' ' '399.415': ' ' '40.905': ' ' '401.995': ' ' '405.215': ' ' '407.515': ' ' '410.745': ' ' '413.595': ' ' '417.515': ' ' '420.195': ' ' '423.175': ' ' '426.055': ' ' '429.515': ' ' '433.495': ' ' '436.525': ' ' '439.545': ' ' '44.345': ' ' '442.385': ' ' '445.395': ' ' '448.135': ' ' '45.755': ' ' '451.535': ' ' '454.495': ' ' '457.185': ' ' '460.335': ' ' '463.855': ' ' '466.995': ' ' '470.005': ' ' '472.975': ' ' '476.225': ' ' '479.325': ' ' '48.795': ' ' '482.275': ' ' '486.165': ' ' '489.165': ' ' '491.835': ' ' '494.835': ' ' '498.355': ' ' '501.175': ' ' '503.975': ' ' '506.845': ' ' '51.375': ' ' '510.015': ' ' '513.145': ' ' '514.975': ' ' '518.355': ' ' '52.625': ' ' '521.155': ' ' '523.995': ' ' '526.645': ' ' '529.505': ' ' '532.595': ' ' '535.605': ' ' '537.355': ' ' '54.635': ' ' '540.965': ' ' '543.585': ' ' '547.045': ' ' '549.895': ' ' '552.885': ' ' '555.915': ' ' '559.095': ' ' '562.025': ' ' '566.025': ' ' '569.915': ' ' '57.765': ' ' '573.395': ' ' '576.425': ' ' '579.545': ' ' '582.125': ' ' '585.325': ' ' '588.495': ' ' '59.055': ' ' '590.205': ' ' '593.325': ' ' '596.485': ' ' '599.525': ' ' '6.535': now '602.525': ' ' '604.315': ' ' '607.375': ' ' '609.265': ' ' '612.235': ' ' '615.255': ' ' '618.455': ' ' '62.115': ' ' '64.845': ' ' '67.935': ' ' '70.895': ' ' '73.935': ' ' '75.105': ' ' '78.375': ' ' '81.675': ' ' '84.275': ' ' '87.355': ' ' '9.195': life in Edo Japan '91.145': ' ' '94.355': ' ' '97.235': ' ' '99.275': ' '
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", "ilustracja", null, "Description de cette image, également commentée ci-après", null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yousei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, null, "Liste de groupes de metal gothique [SEP] " ], "context_page_description": [ "Yōsei Teikoku is a five-member Japanese musical unit formed in 1997. Their music mixes elements of gothic rock, heavy metal, electronic and classical music. Their works include the opening tracks of the several anime series, including Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order, and the Tokyo ESP soundtrack. After releasing several independent albums, the band released seven major-label albums with their current label Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps and The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.", "Jósei Teikoku je pětičlenná kapela z Nagoji založená roku 1997. Jejich hudba kombinuje prvky gotického rocku, heavy metalu, electronické hudby a klasické hudby. Jejich skladby se často objevují v různých anime, jako je například Mirai nikki, Renkin sankjú Magical? Pokán, Big Order, Ga-Rei: Zero, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser nebo Tokyo ESP. Poté, co nezávisle vydali několik alb, vydali sedm hlavních alb, a to pod jejich současným vydavatelem Lantis. Jedná se o alba Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps a The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "Yousei Teikoku es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", "Yousei Teikoku — японская рок-группа, образованная в 1997 году в Нагоя. Первоначально коллектив выпускал альбомы независимо, а в 2007 году заключил контракт с лейблом Lantis. Yousei Teikoku принимали участие в записи саундтреков для множества аниме-сериалов и видео-игр. Их песни звучали в таких аниме как Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order. Сайд-проект группы — Denkare — занимается созданием музыки исключительно для эроге.", "Yōsei Teikoku é um grupo japonês de rock gótico formado em em 1997, composto de cinco membros: Yui, Takaha Tachibana guitarra e composição, Nanami (baixo), Gight (bateria) e, Shiren (guitarra).", "Cet article présente une liste de groupes de metal gothique." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "\"Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, eng. \"\"Fairy Empire\"\") – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.\"", null, "Yōsei Teikoku (妖精帝國) est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "\"Yousei Teikoku (妖精帝國 lit. \"\"Imperio de las Hadas\"\", traducido al alemán como \"\"Das Feenreich\"\") es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.\"", "Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, Yousei Teikoku) on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku (japansk: 妖精帝國, tysk: Das Feenreich) er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique / Y" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "pl", "cs", "fr", "es", "fi", "da", "ru", "pt", "fr" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Y" ] }
Life in Edo Japan (1603-1868)
This episode is Sponsored by Wix! Support the Simple History channel by going to: Let's take a tour of Edo, Japan's capital (now Tokyo) during the Tokugawa Period. Become a Simple History member: Support us on Patreon: Copyright: DO NOT translate and re-upload our content on Youtube or other social media. SIMPLE HISTORY MERCHANDISE Get the Simple History books on Amazon: T-Shirts Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA Amazon UK Credit: Created by Daniel Turner Narrator: Chris Kane Music Credit: Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Source: Artist: Sources: A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present by Andrew Gordon A History of Japan, 1615-1867 by George Sansom World Within Walls by Donald Keene Samurai: An Encyclopedia of Japan's Cultured Warriors By Constantine Nomikos Vaporis Ph.D. Moral and Spiritual Cultivation in Japanese Neo-Confucianism: The Life and Thought of Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714) by Mary Evelyn Tucker Japan Encyclopedia By Louis-Frédéric Sounds credit: Taiko1.aif by whatsanickname4u Crows by Taira Komori
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{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", "ilustracja", null, "Description de cette image, également commentée ci-après", null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Yousei Teikoku Live, Pax Vesania Tour, 2013", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yousei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", "Yōsei Teikoku [SEP] ", null, null, "Liste de groupes de metal gothique [SEP] " ], "context_page_description": [ "Yōsei Teikoku is a five-member Japanese musical unit formed in 1997. Their music mixes elements of gothic rock, heavy metal, electronic and classical music. Their works include the opening tracks of the several anime series, including Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order, and the Tokyo ESP soundtrack. After releasing several independent albums, the band released seven major-label albums with their current label Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps and The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.", "Jósei Teikoku je pětičlenná kapela z Nagoji založená roku 1997. Jejich hudba kombinuje prvky gotického rocku, heavy metalu, electronické hudby a klasické hudby. Jejich skladby se často objevují v různých anime, jako je například Mirai nikki, Renkin sankjú Magical? Pokán, Big Order, Ga-Rei: Zero, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser nebo Tokyo ESP. Poté, co nezávisle vydali několik alb, vydali sedm hlavních alb, a to pod jejich současným vydavatelem Lantis. Jedná se o alba Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, Pax Vesania, Shadow Corps a The Age Of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "Yousei Teikoku es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.", "Yōsei Teikoku on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", "Yousei Teikoku — японская рок-группа, образованная в 1997 году в Нагоя. Первоначально коллектив выпускал альбомы независимо, а в 2007 году заключил контракт с лейблом Lantis. Yousei Teikoku принимали участие в записи саундтреков для множества аниме-сериалов и видео-игр. Их песни звучали в таких аниме как Future Diary, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, The Qwaser of Stigmata, Big Order. Сайд-проект группы — Denkare — занимается созданием музыки исключительно для эроге.", "Yōsei Teikoku é um grupo japonês de rock gótico formado em em 1997, composto de cinco membros: Yui, Takaha Tachibana guitarra e composição, Nanami (baixo), Gight (bateria) e, Shiren (guitarra).", "Cet article présente une liste de groupes de metal gothique." ], "context_section_description": [ null, "\"Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, eng. \"\"Fairy Empire\"\") – japoński pięcioosobowy zespół założony w 1997 roku, jest częścią Team Fairithm. Ich muzyka to połączenie electro, EBM, dark wave, muzyki poważnej, ethereal i ambientu z rockiem gotyckim jako gatunkiem dominujący w ich twórczości. Ich utwory można znaleźć w takich anime jak Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser i soundtracku do gry Mai-HiME. Obecnym wydawcą grupy jest Lantis.\"", null, "Yōsei Teikoku (妖精帝國) est un groupe de rock gothique japonais, originaire de Nagoya. Il fait partie de TEAM FAIRITHM connu surtout pour leur participations aux génériques d'animes tels que Renkin 3-kyū Magical ? Pokān, Innocent Venus, Mirai Nikki, et la bande sonore du jeu vidéo de Mai-HiME. Ils comptent plusieurs albums indépendants, et quatre albums en major avec leur label actuel, Lantis.", "\"Yousei Teikoku (妖精帝國 lit. \"\"Imperio de las Hadas\"\", traducido al alemán como \"\"Das Feenreich\"\") es una banda japonesa de música, formada en 1997 y parte de Team Fairithm, que actualmente la conforma 5 miembros, pero que en un principio era un dúo que lo integraba Yui y Tachibana. Su música contiene elementos de electro, EBM, darkwave, neoclásico, etéreo y Ambient, con un estilo gótico en su interior. Sus trabajos incluyen los temas musicales de los animes de Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokaan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami, Seikon no Qwaser, la banda sonora de los videojuegos de Mai-HiME y Fortissimo//Akkord:Bsusvier. Ellos han publicado varios álbumes independientes y cuatro grandes álbumes con su discográfica actual Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, Metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine, Gothic Lolita Agitator, PAX VESANIA, Hades: The Other World Album, Shadow Corpse y The Age of Villains.\"", "Yōsei Teikoku (jap. 妖精帝國, Yousei Teikoku) on japanilainen J-Rock yhtye.", "Yōsei Teikoku (japansk: 妖精帝國, tysk: Das Feenreich) er et japansk rockband, etableret i 1997. Bandets musik kombinerer elementer fra bl.a heavy metal, elektronisk og klassisk, med gotisk som kerne. De har indspillet introsange for adskillige animes. Disse inkluderer bl.a Mirai Nikki, Magical Pokan, Innocent Venus, Kurokami: The Animation, Seikon no Qwaser. De har også indspillet soundtracket til computerspillet Mai-HiME. De har udgivet fire albums hos pladeselskabet Lantis: Gothic Lolita Propaganda, metanoia, Gothic Lolita Doctrine og Gothic Lolita Agitator.", null, null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique / Y" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "en", "pl", "cs", "fr", "es", "fi", "da", "ru", "pt", "fr" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Jósei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Yousei Teikoku", "Yōsei Teikoku", "Liste de groupes de metal gothique" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Y" ] }
Life in Edo Japan (1603-1868)
This episode is Sponsored by Wix! Support the Simple History channel by going to: Let's take a tour of Edo, Japan's capital (now Tokyo) during the Tokugawa Period. Become a Simple History member: Support us on Patreon: Copyright: DO NOT translate and re-upload our content on Youtube or other social media. SIMPLE HISTORY MERCHANDISE Get the Simple History books on Amazon: T-Shirts Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA Amazon UK Credit: Created by Daniel Turner Narrator: Chris Kane Music Credit: Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ( Source: Artist: Sources: A Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to the Present by Andrew Gordon A History of Japan, 1615-1867 by George Sansom World Within Walls by Donald Keene Samurai: An Encyclopedia of Japan's Cultured Warriors By Constantine Nomikos Vaporis Ph.D. Moral and Spiritual Cultivation in Japanese Neo-Confucianism: The Life and Thought of Kaibara Ekken (1630-1714) by Mary Evelyn Tucker Japan Encyclopedia By Louis-Frédéric Sounds credit: Taiko1.aif by whatsanickname4u Crows by Taira Komori
'0.155': This episode is sponsored by Wix go to '102.235': ' ' '105.185': ' ' '107.245': ' ' '108.405': ' ' '111.445': ' ' '114.685': ' ' '117.775': ' ' '12.135': 1603-1868 '121.415': ' ' '124.935': ' ' '128.405': ' ' '129.875': ' ' '132.915': ' ' '136.805': ' ' '139.935': ' ' '142.935': ' ' '144.615': ' ' '147.595': ' ' '150.645': ' ' '151.965': ' ' '154.935': ' ' '159.065': ' ' '162.125': ' ' '165.095': ' ' '166.455': ' ' '169.415': ' ' '17.845': After having taken...alright this is where my journey ends '171.555': ' ' '174.875': ' ' '178.955': ' ' '181.835': ' ' '184.655': ' ' '187.515': ' ' '190.325': ' ' '191.525': ' ' '195.005': ' ' '198.045': ' ' '20.055': ur subtitler has to go to his hw rn so i cant subtitle no more for y'all. '201.005': ' ' '202.815': ' ' '206.125': ' ' '209.515': ' ' '21.525': ' ' '212.615': ' ' '214.085': ' ' '217.185': ' ' '220.105': ' ' '223.355': ' ' '226.465': ' ' '229.345': ' ' '231.075': ' ' '233.975': ' ' '235.335': ' ' '237.205': ' ' '238.695': ' ' '239.805': ' ' '24.655': ' ' '243.425': ' ' '247.165': ' ' '250.505': ' ' '253.565': ' ' '256.605': ' ' '257.815': ' ' '258.925': ' ' '261.905': ' ' '264.745': ' ' '267.965': ' ' '27.975': ' ' '271.015': ' ' '273.965': ' ' '276.435': ' ' '280.035': ' ' '283.015': ' ' '285.975': ' ' '289.065': ' ' '291.735': ' ' '294.625': ' ' '297.755': ' ' '3.625': to create a website '300.715': ' ' '303.065': ' ' '307.535': ' ' '31.675': ' ' '310.375': ' ' '313.425': ' ' '316.055': ' ' '319.335': ' ' '322.065': ' ' '325.415': ' ' '328.345': ' ' '331.445': ' ' '333.655': ' ' '335.955': ' ' '339.035': ' ' '34.955': ' ' '341.795': ' ' '345.145': ' ' '347.375': ' ' '349.255': ' ' '351.735': ' ' '354.595': ' ' '357.645': ' ' '360.635': ' ' '364.505': ' ' '367.605': ' ' '370.605': ' ' '372.625': ' ' '376.525': ' ' '379.595': ' ' '38.015': ' ' '382.495': ' ' '385.715': ' ' '388.695': ' ' '391.995': ' ' '395.255': ' ' '396.465': ' ' '399.415': ' ' '40.905': ' ' '401.995': ' ' '405.215': ' ' '407.515': ' ' '410.745': ' ' '413.595': ' ' '417.515': ' ' '420.195': ' ' '423.175': ' ' '426.055': ' ' '429.515': ' ' '433.495': ' ' '436.525': ' ' '439.545': ' ' '44.345': ' ' '442.385': ' ' '445.395': ' ' '448.135': ' ' '45.755': ' ' '451.535': ' ' '454.495': ' ' '457.185': ' ' '460.335': ' ' '463.855': ' ' '466.995': ' ' '470.005': ' ' '472.975': ' ' '476.225': ' ' '479.325': ' ' '48.795': ' ' '482.275': ' ' '486.165': ' ' '489.165': ' ' '491.835': ' ' '494.835': ' ' '498.355': ' ' '501.175': ' ' '503.975': ' ' '506.845': ' ' '51.375': ' ' '510.015': ' ' '513.145': ' ' '514.975': ' ' '518.355': ' ' '52.625': ' ' '521.155': ' ' '523.995': ' ' '526.645': ' ' '529.505': ' ' '532.595': ' ' '535.605': ' ' '537.355': ' ' '54.635': ' ' '540.965': ' ' '543.585': ' ' '547.045': ' ' '549.895': ' ' '552.885': ' ' '555.915': ' ' '559.095': ' ' '562.025': ' ' '566.025': ' ' '569.915': ' ' '57.765': ' ' '573.395': ' ' '576.425': ' ' '579.545': ' ' '582.125': ' ' '585.325': ' ' '588.495': ' ' '59.055': ' ' '590.205': ' ' '593.325': ' ' '596.485': ' ' '599.525': ' ' '6.535': now '602.525': ' ' '604.315': ' ' '607.375': ' ' '609.265': ' ' '612.235': ' ' '615.255': ' ' '618.455': ' ' '62.115': ' ' '64.845': ' ' '67.935': ' ' '70.895': ' ' '73.935': ' ' '75.105': ' ' '78.375': ' ' '81.675': ' ' '84.275': ' ' '87.355': ' ' '9.195': life in Edo Japan '91.145': ' ' '94.355': ' ' '97.235': ' ' '99.275': ' '
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Sikh groups clash with swords at India's Golden Temple - BBC News
Subscribe to BBC News Sikh groups wielding ceremonial swords have clashed in the Golden Temple in Amritsar in northern India. Several people were injured as rival factions fought after the leader of one Sikh group was reportedly prevented from speaking. It is believed at least three people were taken to hospital with injuries. Special prayers were being held at the temple, Sikhism's holiest shrine, to mark the deadly military offensive there in 1984. Zubair Ahmed reports from Delhi. Subscribe Check out our website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
'0.06': a large number of Sikh devotees had '10.62': anniversary of the of the attacks inside '15.57': the temple the the military action that '17.789': is known as Operation Blue Star in 1984 '2.7': gathered in the sprawling and impressive '20.939': as today was the 30th anniversary and '23.76': what we are told that the clashes '27.869': occurred following a small dispute of a '31.59': very minor dispute as to who would '33.78': address the ceremony first one group '37.469': wanted to address first the other '38.85': opposed it and that led to clashes '41.61': people started attacking each other with '43.86': swords with sticks which left a dozen '47.07': people injured and and now the police '5.37': campus of the Golden Temple to take part '50.039': has restored calm prayer services have '53.309': been restored and some arrests have been '56.25': made by the police '8.22': in the ceremony to mark the 30th
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "Sri ThenVenkatachalapthy Temple vurchavar" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ "Sri Thenvenkatachalapathy [SEP] Sri ThenVenkatachalapthy Temple vurchavar" ], "context_page_description": [ "Sri ThenVenkatachalapathy Temple is a Vedic temple in the down of the Vallimalai hill town near thiruvalam in Vellore district of Tamil Nadu, India. It was located in Vellore district of Tamil Nadu. Vallimai is present 25 km from Vellore and 12 km from thiruvalam." ], "context_section_description": [ "Sri ThenVenkatachalapathy Temple is a Vedic temple in the down of the Vallimalai hill town near thiruvalam in Vellore district of Tamil Nadu, India. It was located in Vellore district of Tamil Nadu. Vallimai is present 25 km from Vellore and 12 km from thiruvalam." ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "Sri Thenvenkatachalapathy" ], "is_main_image": [ true ], "language": [ "en" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true ], "page_title": [ "Sri Thenvenkatachalapathy" ], "page_url": [ "" ], "section_title": [ null ] }
Sikh groups clash with swords at India's Golden Temple - BBC News
Subscribe to BBC News Sikh groups wielding ceremonial swords have clashed in the Golden Temple in Amritsar in northern India. Several people were injured as rival factions fought after the leader of one Sikh group was reportedly prevented from speaking. It is believed at least three people were taken to hospital with injuries. Special prayers were being held at the temple, Sikhism's holiest shrine, to mark the deadly military offensive there in 1984. Zubair Ahmed reports from Delhi. Subscribe Check out our website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
'0.06': a large number of Sikh devotees had '10.62': anniversary of the of the attacks inside '15.57': the temple the the military action that '17.789': is known as Operation Blue Star in 1984 '2.7': gathered in the sprawling and impressive '20.939': as today was the 30th anniversary and '23.76': what we are told that the clashes '27.869': occurred following a small dispute of a '31.59': very minor dispute as to who would '33.78': address the ceremony first one group '37.469': wanted to address first the other '38.85': opposed it and that led to clashes '41.61': people started attacking each other with '43.86': swords with sticks which left a dozen '47.07': people injured and and now the police '5.37': campus of the Golden Temple to take part '50.039': has restored calm prayer services have '53.309': been restored and some arrests have been '56.25': made by the police '8.22': in the ceremony to mark the 30th
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CAESAR ! Le 155mm Tireur d'Élite !
Merci à vous d'avoir regardé la vidéo; vous retrouverez toutes les informations relatives à la vidéo ci-dessous. Partenaires de la chaine : - LASD : - FTTS : Sources : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Les partenaires comptent comme des sources :D ) Musique de fond : - - - - - Vidéos d'Illustrations : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timecode: 00:00 - Introduction 00:24 - Histoire du Véhicule 05:25 - Plan Opérationnel et Miltaire 07:37 - Une Constante Évolution 08:56 - Les Engagements Opérationnels et Succés à l'export 11:09 - Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La Chaîne Twitch ou je live de temps en temps ^^ : Mon Twitter : Et on rejoins l'étable sur Discord par ici :
'103.85': for a tank but easy to adapt to a truck! '106.25': And finally all the vetronic design associated with navigation and precision. '111.06': The first vehicle was revealed to the public in 1994 under the name CAESAR for CAmion '117.35': Equipped with an Artillery System. '119.08': This technological demonstrator is mainly intended to demonstrate the structural feasibility '124.08': of mounting a large caliber gun on a modified truck chassis! '127.47': The Army staff, interested in the concept, requested the production of a '13.23': its field! Bearing the same name as the Roman Emperor, '131.42': second vehicle. '132.42': This one, produced in 1998, will be evaluated in France the same year and then in Malaysia the '138.79': following year ! '139.79': The second prototype will differ from the first at the level of the cabin, this one manufactured '144.35': by Lorh, but which will not be finally retained. '146.95': These two demonstrators will be built on the Mercedes-Benz Unimog U2450 platform '153.76': in 6x6 configuration. '155.04': The French trucks of the time not having a sturdy enough chassis to support '158.93': the armament system. '159.93': The engine will be a RENAULT TRUCKS diesel 6-cylinder in line of 215 horsepower giving it '16.289': we will see the truck equipped with an artillery system better known by the acronym '165.16': a speed of over 80 km/h on the road and 50 km/h off-road! '169.46': All this with a range of 600km! There will also be a '175.18': centralized tire inflation system (SYEGON), already tested on the VEXTRA. '178.099': This system makes it possible to automatically adjust the pressure of the tires according to the nature '182.83': of the ground. '183.83': 'In the field of armaments:' '184.83': The old GCT gun of the AUF1 in 40 calibers and with a maximum range of 30km will be abandoned '192.91': in favor of a modified version of the towed gun TR F1 of 155mm! '198.24': The transition from 39 caliber to 52 caliber of this gun will allow it a '20.1': (CAESAR)! '203.569': 'significant increase in range:' '205.54': 29 km for hollow base shells, 42 km with shells equipped with a '210.51': base drag reduction kit and more than 50 km for rocket shells '214.45': The rate of fire will be 6 rounds/minute with guidance provided by the '219.319': Inertial navigation unit. '220.56': Despite this simplicity, this system passes the evaluation phases without difficulty. '225.01': And some points for improvement are noted. '227.569': Following these 2 demonstrators, a pre-production vehicle is born and will draw '232.269': all the lessons from these 2 predecessors! '234.78': This version of the CAESAR will become the guiding line of the production version of '239.379': the French army! '240.55': The armored cabin will meet level 2 of the STANAG 4569 standard, and a '246.56': 400 kg over-armor kit will be available as an option. '248.43': The air conditioning will be improved, the entire computer part will be updated '253.3': and we will see the THALES ATLAS fire control system coupled with a '258.769': SAFRAN Inertial Navigation system. '26.564': The history of this vehicle begins in the 90s! '261.109': 5 pre-production vehicles will be delivered to the French army between 2002 and the end of 2003. '266.24': The objective of this reduced number of vehicles being the training of an artillery troop '270.09': intended to evaluate the operational procedures of deployment of the Caesar by the French army '275.36': '! At the end of 2003, it was decided to acquire' '278.02': CAESAR again while continuing the modernization of AuF1 to AuF2. '281.93': However in 2004, the modernization of the AuF1 was abandoned by the DGA in favor of an '287.43': order for 72 CAESAR. '289.39': Finally in 2008 the first versions of series are born with several changes '29.359': 'At that time, the French Army had two artillery systems:' '293.858': First of all the chassis of the vehicle now based on the '298.26': French-made RENAULT TRUCK SHERPA 5 truck! The cabin is armored from production. '301.84': We add a Thales PR4G radio! A new Zodiac Muzzle Velocity Radar '307.58': to improve weapon accuracy. '309.32': A new SAGEM SIGMA 30 inertial navigation unit '313.96': . A new firing computer. '315.94': And a new Nexter System man-machine interface coupled to the ATLAS itself coupled '321.94': to the SAGEM CALP2G ballistic computer. '325.24': Now operationally and militarily! '328.07': The strength of the CAESAR lies in its speed of action and its versatility! '33.55': The 155 F3 AM, based on the chassis of the AMX-13, designed in the late 1950s and entered '332.11': When an artillery system such as the AUF1 takes 2 to 3 minutes to go into action, '336.979': the CAESAR takes less than 60 seconds! '338.94': In comparison, the AUF1's in-battery time corresponds to the time taken by the CAESAR '344.02': to complete its in-battery (less than 60 seconds), an 8-shot firing sequence '348.389': (80 seconds), and its battery exit ( less than 40 seconds). '352.419': 'For the crew, it will be composed of 5 members:' '355.29': A gun chief A pointer '357.259': A provider A munitioner '359.53': And a pilot. '360.53': However, it remains operable with only 3 crew members in case of force majeure. '364.949': It is also a vehicle which, despite its 18 tonnes in combat orders, remains easily '370.09': air transportable, in particular by C-130/A400M/IL76/C-17. '374.3': Due to its caliber, the CAESAR is compatible with all NATO standard 155 mm '381.66': ammunition. '382.66': Offering a choice of shells, it must be said............ '384.699': Rather IMPOSING! '385.699': The payload will be 18 shells, the loads stored in chests on the tray on the left, '390.82': while the shells are stored on the right, in racks. '393.38': 'These shells include: O 155 Lu 211: an explosive shell with hollow base' '398.45': (Lu 211 HB = Hollow Base) or equipped with a base drag reduction kit (Lu '40.46': service in the early 1960s As well as '404.12': 211 BB = Base Bleed). '406.08': 'O 155 Lu 214: a white phosphorus smoke shell (also available with hollow base' '412.57': 'or RTC kit) O 155 Lu 215: illuminating shell' '417.15': 'O 155 OGRE: containing 63 anti-personnel submunitions.' '42.15': the AuF1, based on the chassis of the AMX-30, designed during the 70s '421.69': 'O 155 AC F1 BONUS: (French-Swedish design) including two directed-effect anti-tank submunitions' '426.14': 'O 155 F2 AC EF DR: improved version of the' '431.229': BONUS including improved detection sensors for its two anti-tank submunitions. '435.88': O 155 OMI M107 '438.71': ERFB and so on! '439.96': More recently, we also find the SPACIDO program with the French Katana shell '444.96': in the test phase, but also the American Excalibur shell validated in 2019! '450.37': '3 other elements make the CAESAR a special vehicle: its constant evolution, its' '455.43': operational commitments and its export success! '457.39': Indeed, although the first production versions were released almost '462.3': 20 years ago, the design of this one is constantly evolving. '466.24': The 8x8 version is the perfect example. '468.94': This version, twice as heavy as the 6x6 version, is based on a Czech Tatra '47.77': and entered service in the early 80s. '475.599': T815-7 8 wheel drive chassis. The cabin armor is brought to level '479.36': 3 of the STANAG 4569 standard! Protection against mines and IED, it '485.28': brought to level 2A and 2B. '487.759': Shell load will be greater with 32 shells instead of 18 initially on the '49.87': 'The problems of these 2 tracked vehicles are for one:' '493.389': 6x6 version. '494.389': The engine will also be changed to a Tatra V8 turbocharged diesel developing '499.18': 410 horsepower! A thermal sighting optic for '5.462': Emblem of French know-how in the field of artillery, today we are going to discuss '502.41': direct shots will be installed. '503.919': A CS20002G Fire Control System and an RDB4 Muzzle Velocity Radar. '510.13': In addition to the 8x8 version, Nexter was also notified recently for the '515.289': CAESAR new generation 6X6 Mark II contract! '518.51': This new version will be equipped with a new engine (460 hp against 215 hp '52.62': The lack of range of its gun as well as the inability to fight in an '524.169': previously), a new automatic gearbox '526.67': and a new chassis. '527.86': The new Radio CONTACT aimed at integration into the SCORPION program! '531.439': The Thales BARAGE jammer and an update of all '535.819': fire control software! '536.819': As far as operational commitments are concerned, there are quite a lot of them! '541.369': Its first engagement took place during the summer of 2009 in Afghanistan, eight guns were deployed '546.13': by the French forces, these from the 3rd Marine Artillery Regiment and the 11th '551.009': Marine Artillery Regiment. '552.279': Then in Lebanon on January 18, 2011 '554.82': In Cambodia in 2011 '556.91': In Iraq during the summer of 2016 '558.889': And finally Yemen in April 2019 '561.129': All these deployments will demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAESAR and will award it the title so '565.749': coveted by vehicle manufacturers COMBAT PROVEN . '569.19': A strong argument for obtaining a contract! '57.21': NBC environment, the crew being outside and for the other the cost of jobs too high, '571.569': And that is going to help! '572.819': From the first deployments in external operations, the CAESAR, which demonstrates excellent '577.509': operational capabilities, will attract the attention of countries wishing to renew some of '582.92': their artillery equipment or acquire new ones! '585.6': As mentioned above, it has both technical and tactical advantage '591.059': '!' '592.059': However it is surely its cost; as much purchase as exploitation which is undoubtedly '596.05': its major asset. '597.11': In the case of the first order! This will be passed with Saudi Arabia in 2006 '602.33': with a first contract of 76 copies even before the vehicle is said to be Combat Proven. '608.509': A second contract will be signed later for 52 more copies. '61.86': due to its mass. '612.49': The same for Thailand with 6 CAESAR ordered in April 2006. '616.519': Will follow Indonesia in 2012 37 copies then 18 in 2017 '62.92': GIAT being aware of the challenges represented by such systems, sees a market emerging that is '621.279': Morocco at the start of 2020 with 36 copies '624.529': The Czech Republic mid-2020 with 52 copies '628.04': And finally Belgium on October 29, 2021 with 9 copies! '632.299': In the case of Ukraine! The CAESAR supplied by France are not CAESAR from '637.079': the FRENCH army! These are guns built under '640.209': the Moroccan order, and which are therefore not part of the French army '644.179': . '645.179': Although these are actually funded from the French army budget! '649.059': Some surveys are also underway! '651.459': In IRAQ with a possible purchase from the Iraqi government of 6x6 version '656.16': And Even INCREDIBLE! IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE JULY 2020! '660.329': This contract for 18 vehicles aims to replace their towed guns for troops '664.819': stationed in Europe. '667.8': In conclusion ! '670.449': The CAESAR has revolutionized the very concept of SELF-MOTORED artillery! '674.16': This is easily observable through the number of vehicles of the same type that '678.29': 'appeared in the years that followed. We could mention: The Russian Malva / the' '68.119': likely to revolutionize self-propelled guns! '683.089': Swedish Archer / the Israeli ATMOS 2000 / the Japanese Type 19 and so on! '687.11': As the saying goes ! The more copies your vehicle has, the more efficient '692.18': and innovative it is! '693.18': Currently, among the best artillery systems of its type available on the '696.36': market if not the best, it is still far from the end of its life! even '70.68': The objective is to obtain an artillery system offering at least performance '700.61': if Nexter is already thinking of its successor through the CIFS! '704.499': And that will be all of this video! Thank you for watching it to the end '709.459': Don't hesitate to give me your opinion in the comments on this one, to subscribe '714.929': if you like the channel and to share the video if you liked it! '718.839': As usual, I would like to thank my usual partners that you will find '723.29': in the description that are the LASD and FTTS communities! '730.571': And I wish you a good day evening cross appetite and I say to the next. '76.409': identical to those already existing while drastically reducing the blows of exploitation '80.57': In 1992 studies are therefore carried out and revolutionary solutions will quickly '85.71': make their appearances ! '86.71': First of all ! Choosing a Truck Platform! '89.68': This idea is innovative because the chassis already exists and maintenance becomes much '9.37': a vehicle that has been talked about a lot lately and which has literally revolutionized '93.45': simpler! It also becomes more easily transportable by air, '97.2': an argument that weighs heavily in the balance! '98.9': Then the armament, with an increase in the caliber of the gun, complex to modify
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CAESAR ! Le 155mm Tireur d'Élite !
Merci à vous d'avoir regardé la vidéo; vous retrouverez toutes les informations relatives à la vidéo ci-dessous. Partenaires de la chaine : - LASD : - FTTS : Sources : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Les partenaires comptent comme des sources :D ) Musique de fond : - - - - - Vidéos d'Illustrations : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timecode: 00:00 - Introduction 00:24 - Histoire du Véhicule 05:25 - Plan Opérationnel et Miltaire 07:37 - Une Constante Évolution 08:56 - Les Engagements Opérationnels et Succés à l'export 11:09 - Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La Chaîne Twitch ou je live de temps en temps ^^ : Mon Twitter : Et on rejoins l'étable sur Discord par ici :
'103.85': for a tank but easy to adapt to a truck! '106.25': And finally all the vetronic design associated with navigation and precision. '111.06': The first vehicle was revealed to the public in 1994 under the name CAESAR for CAmion '117.35': Equipped with an Artillery System. '119.08': This technological demonstrator is mainly intended to demonstrate the structural feasibility '124.08': of mounting a large caliber gun on a modified truck chassis! '127.47': The Army staff, interested in the concept, requested the production of a '13.23': its field! Bearing the same name as the Roman Emperor, '131.42': second vehicle. '132.42': This one, produced in 1998, will be evaluated in France the same year and then in Malaysia the '138.79': following year ! '139.79': The second prototype will differ from the first at the level of the cabin, this one manufactured '144.35': by Lorh, but which will not be finally retained. '146.95': These two demonstrators will be built on the Mercedes-Benz Unimog U2450 platform '153.76': in 6x6 configuration. '155.04': The French trucks of the time not having a sturdy enough chassis to support '158.93': the armament system. '159.93': The engine will be a RENAULT TRUCKS diesel 6-cylinder in line of 215 horsepower giving it '16.289': we will see the truck equipped with an artillery system better known by the acronym '165.16': a speed of over 80 km/h on the road and 50 km/h off-road! '169.46': All this with a range of 600km! There will also be a '175.18': centralized tire inflation system (SYEGON), already tested on the VEXTRA. '178.099': This system makes it possible to automatically adjust the pressure of the tires according to the nature '182.83': of the ground. '183.83': 'In the field of armaments:' '184.83': The old GCT gun of the AUF1 in 40 calibers and with a maximum range of 30km will be abandoned '192.91': in favor of a modified version of the towed gun TR F1 of 155mm! '198.24': The transition from 39 caliber to 52 caliber of this gun will allow it a '20.1': (CAESAR)! '203.569': 'significant increase in range:' '205.54': 29 km for hollow base shells, 42 km with shells equipped with a '210.51': base drag reduction kit and more than 50 km for rocket shells '214.45': The rate of fire will be 6 rounds/minute with guidance provided by the '219.319': Inertial navigation unit. '220.56': Despite this simplicity, this system passes the evaluation phases without difficulty. '225.01': And some points for improvement are noted. '227.569': Following these 2 demonstrators, a pre-production vehicle is born and will draw '232.269': all the lessons from these 2 predecessors! '234.78': This version of the CAESAR will become the guiding line of the production version of '239.379': the French army! '240.55': The armored cabin will meet level 2 of the STANAG 4569 standard, and a '246.56': 400 kg over-armor kit will be available as an option. '248.43': The air conditioning will be improved, the entire computer part will be updated '253.3': and we will see the THALES ATLAS fire control system coupled with a '258.769': SAFRAN Inertial Navigation system. '26.564': The history of this vehicle begins in the 90s! '261.109': 5 pre-production vehicles will be delivered to the French army between 2002 and the end of 2003. '266.24': The objective of this reduced number of vehicles being the training of an artillery troop '270.09': intended to evaluate the operational procedures of deployment of the Caesar by the French army '275.36': '! At the end of 2003, it was decided to acquire' '278.02': CAESAR again while continuing the modernization of AuF1 to AuF2. '281.93': However in 2004, the modernization of the AuF1 was abandoned by the DGA in favor of an '287.43': order for 72 CAESAR. '289.39': Finally in 2008 the first versions of series are born with several changes '29.359': 'At that time, the French Army had two artillery systems:' '293.858': First of all the chassis of the vehicle now based on the '298.26': French-made RENAULT TRUCK SHERPA 5 truck! The cabin is armored from production. '301.84': We add a Thales PR4G radio! A new Zodiac Muzzle Velocity Radar '307.58': to improve weapon accuracy. '309.32': A new SAGEM SIGMA 30 inertial navigation unit '313.96': . A new firing computer. '315.94': And a new Nexter System man-machine interface coupled to the ATLAS itself coupled '321.94': to the SAGEM CALP2G ballistic computer. '325.24': Now operationally and militarily! '328.07': The strength of the CAESAR lies in its speed of action and its versatility! '33.55': The 155 F3 AM, based on the chassis of the AMX-13, designed in the late 1950s and entered '332.11': When an artillery system such as the AUF1 takes 2 to 3 minutes to go into action, '336.979': the CAESAR takes less than 60 seconds! '338.94': In comparison, the AUF1's in-battery time corresponds to the time taken by the CAESAR '344.02': to complete its in-battery (less than 60 seconds), an 8-shot firing sequence '348.389': (80 seconds), and its battery exit ( less than 40 seconds). '352.419': 'For the crew, it will be composed of 5 members:' '355.29': A gun chief A pointer '357.259': A provider A munitioner '359.53': And a pilot. '360.53': However, it remains operable with only 3 crew members in case of force majeure. '364.949': It is also a vehicle which, despite its 18 tonnes in combat orders, remains easily '370.09': air transportable, in particular by C-130/A400M/IL76/C-17. '374.3': Due to its caliber, the CAESAR is compatible with all NATO standard 155 mm '381.66': ammunition. '382.66': Offering a choice of shells, it must be said............ '384.699': Rather IMPOSING! '385.699': The payload will be 18 shells, the loads stored in chests on the tray on the left, '390.82': while the shells are stored on the right, in racks. '393.38': 'These shells include: O 155 Lu 211: an explosive shell with hollow base' '398.45': (Lu 211 HB = Hollow Base) or equipped with a base drag reduction kit (Lu '40.46': service in the early 1960s As well as '404.12': 211 BB = Base Bleed). '406.08': 'O 155 Lu 214: a white phosphorus smoke shell (also available with hollow base' '412.57': 'or RTC kit) O 155 Lu 215: illuminating shell' '417.15': 'O 155 OGRE: containing 63 anti-personnel submunitions.' '42.15': the AuF1, based on the chassis of the AMX-30, designed during the 70s '421.69': 'O 155 AC F1 BONUS: (French-Swedish design) including two directed-effect anti-tank submunitions' '426.14': 'O 155 F2 AC EF DR: improved version of the' '431.229': BONUS including improved detection sensors for its two anti-tank submunitions. '435.88': O 155 OMI M107 '438.71': ERFB and so on! '439.96': More recently, we also find the SPACIDO program with the French Katana shell '444.96': in the test phase, but also the American Excalibur shell validated in 2019! '450.37': '3 other elements make the CAESAR a special vehicle: its constant evolution, its' '455.43': operational commitments and its export success! '457.39': Indeed, although the first production versions were released almost '462.3': 20 years ago, the design of this one is constantly evolving. '466.24': The 8x8 version is the perfect example. '468.94': This version, twice as heavy as the 6x6 version, is based on a Czech Tatra '47.77': and entered service in the early 80s. '475.599': T815-7 8 wheel drive chassis. The cabin armor is brought to level '479.36': 3 of the STANAG 4569 standard! Protection against mines and IED, it '485.28': brought to level 2A and 2B. '487.759': Shell load will be greater with 32 shells instead of 18 initially on the '49.87': 'The problems of these 2 tracked vehicles are for one:' '493.389': 6x6 version. '494.389': The engine will also be changed to a Tatra V8 turbocharged diesel developing '499.18': 410 horsepower! A thermal sighting optic for '5.462': Emblem of French know-how in the field of artillery, today we are going to discuss '502.41': direct shots will be installed. '503.919': A CS20002G Fire Control System and an RDB4 Muzzle Velocity Radar. '510.13': In addition to the 8x8 version, Nexter was also notified recently for the '515.289': CAESAR new generation 6X6 Mark II contract! '518.51': This new version will be equipped with a new engine (460 hp against 215 hp '52.62': The lack of range of its gun as well as the inability to fight in an '524.169': previously), a new automatic gearbox '526.67': and a new chassis. '527.86': The new Radio CONTACT aimed at integration into the SCORPION program! '531.439': The Thales BARAGE jammer and an update of all '535.819': fire control software! '536.819': As far as operational commitments are concerned, there are quite a lot of them! '541.369': Its first engagement took place during the summer of 2009 in Afghanistan, eight guns were deployed '546.13': by the French forces, these from the 3rd Marine Artillery Regiment and the 11th '551.009': Marine Artillery Regiment. '552.279': Then in Lebanon on January 18, 2011 '554.82': In Cambodia in 2011 '556.91': In Iraq during the summer of 2016 '558.889': And finally Yemen in April 2019 '561.129': All these deployments will demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAESAR and will award it the title so '565.749': coveted by vehicle manufacturers COMBAT PROVEN . '569.19': A strong argument for obtaining a contract! '57.21': NBC environment, the crew being outside and for the other the cost of jobs too high, '571.569': And that is going to help! '572.819': From the first deployments in external operations, the CAESAR, which demonstrates excellent '577.509': operational capabilities, will attract the attention of countries wishing to renew some of '582.92': their artillery equipment or acquire new ones! '585.6': As mentioned above, it has both technical and tactical advantage '591.059': '!' '592.059': However it is surely its cost; as much purchase as exploitation which is undoubtedly '596.05': its major asset. '597.11': In the case of the first order! This will be passed with Saudi Arabia in 2006 '602.33': with a first contract of 76 copies even before the vehicle is said to be Combat Proven. '608.509': A second contract will be signed later for 52 more copies. '61.86': due to its mass. '612.49': The same for Thailand with 6 CAESAR ordered in April 2006. '616.519': Will follow Indonesia in 2012 37 copies then 18 in 2017 '62.92': GIAT being aware of the challenges represented by such systems, sees a market emerging that is '621.279': Morocco at the start of 2020 with 36 copies '624.529': The Czech Republic mid-2020 with 52 copies '628.04': And finally Belgium on October 29, 2021 with 9 copies! '632.299': In the case of Ukraine! The CAESAR supplied by France are not CAESAR from '637.079': the FRENCH army! These are guns built under '640.209': the Moroccan order, and which are therefore not part of the French army '644.179': . '645.179': Although these are actually funded from the French army budget! '649.059': Some surveys are also underway! '651.459': In IRAQ with a possible purchase from the Iraqi government of 6x6 version '656.16': And Even INCREDIBLE! IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE JULY 2020! '660.329': This contract for 18 vehicles aims to replace their towed guns for troops '664.819': stationed in Europe. '667.8': In conclusion ! '670.449': The CAESAR has revolutionized the very concept of SELF-MOTORED artillery! '674.16': This is easily observable through the number of vehicles of the same type that '678.29': 'appeared in the years that followed. We could mention: The Russian Malva / the' '68.119': likely to revolutionize self-propelled guns! '683.089': Swedish Archer / the Israeli ATMOS 2000 / the Japanese Type 19 and so on! '687.11': As the saying goes ! The more copies your vehicle has, the more efficient '692.18': and innovative it is! '693.18': Currently, among the best artillery systems of its type available on the '696.36': market if not the best, it is still far from the end of its life! even '70.68': The objective is to obtain an artillery system offering at least performance '700.61': if Nexter is already thinking of its successor through the CIFS! '704.499': And that will be all of this video! Thank you for watching it to the end '709.459': Don't hesitate to give me your opinion in the comments on this one, to subscribe '714.929': if you like the channel and to share the video if you liked it! '718.839': As usual, I would like to thank my usual partners that you will find '723.29': in the description that are the LASD and FTTS communities! '730.571': And I wish you a good day evening cross appetite and I say to the next. '76.409': identical to those already existing while drastically reducing the blows of exploitation '80.57': In 1992 studies are therefore carried out and revolutionary solutions will quickly '85.71': make their appearances ! '86.71': First of all ! Choosing a Truck Platform! '89.68': This idea is innovative because the chassis already exists and maintenance becomes much '9.37': a vehicle that has been talked about a lot lately and which has literally revolutionized '93.45': simpler! It also becomes more easily transportable by air, '97.2': an argument that weighs heavily in the balance! '98.9': Then the armament, with an increase in the caliber of the gun, complex to modify
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CAESAR ! Le 155mm Tireur d'Élite !
Merci à vous d'avoir regardé la vidéo; vous retrouverez toutes les informations relatives à la vidéo ci-dessous. Partenaires de la chaine : - LASD : - FTTS : Sources : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Les partenaires comptent comme des sources :D ) Musique de fond : - - - - - Vidéos d'Illustrations : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timecode: 00:00 - Introduction 00:24 - Histoire du Véhicule 05:25 - Plan Opérationnel et Miltaire 07:37 - Une Constante Évolution 08:56 - Les Engagements Opérationnels et Succés à l'export 11:09 - Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La Chaîne Twitch ou je live de temps en temps ^^ : Mon Twitter : Et on rejoins l'étable sur Discord par ici :
'103.85': for a tank but easy to adapt to a truck! '106.25': And finally all the vetronic design associated with navigation and precision. '111.06': The first vehicle was revealed to the public in 1994 under the name CAESAR for CAmion '117.35': Equipped with an Artillery System. '119.08': This technological demonstrator is mainly intended to demonstrate the structural feasibility '124.08': of mounting a large caliber gun on a modified truck chassis! '127.47': The Army staff, interested in the concept, requested the production of a '13.23': its field! Bearing the same name as the Roman Emperor, '131.42': second vehicle. '132.42': This one, produced in 1998, will be evaluated in France the same year and then in Malaysia the '138.79': following year ! '139.79': The second prototype will differ from the first at the level of the cabin, this one manufactured '144.35': by Lorh, but which will not be finally retained. '146.95': These two demonstrators will be built on the Mercedes-Benz Unimog U2450 platform '153.76': in 6x6 configuration. '155.04': The French trucks of the time not having a sturdy enough chassis to support '158.93': the armament system. '159.93': The engine will be a RENAULT TRUCKS diesel 6-cylinder in line of 215 horsepower giving it '16.289': we will see the truck equipped with an artillery system better known by the acronym '165.16': a speed of over 80 km/h on the road and 50 km/h off-road! '169.46': All this with a range of 600km! There will also be a '175.18': centralized tire inflation system (SYEGON), already tested on the VEXTRA. '178.099': This system makes it possible to automatically adjust the pressure of the tires according to the nature '182.83': of the ground. '183.83': 'In the field of armaments:' '184.83': The old GCT gun of the AUF1 in 40 calibers and with a maximum range of 30km will be abandoned '192.91': in favor of a modified version of the towed gun TR F1 of 155mm! '198.24': The transition from 39 caliber to 52 caliber of this gun will allow it a '20.1': (CAESAR)! '203.569': 'significant increase in range:' '205.54': 29 km for hollow base shells, 42 km with shells equipped with a '210.51': base drag reduction kit and more than 50 km for rocket shells '214.45': The rate of fire will be 6 rounds/minute with guidance provided by the '219.319': Inertial navigation unit. '220.56': Despite this simplicity, this system passes the evaluation phases without difficulty. '225.01': And some points for improvement are noted. '227.569': Following these 2 demonstrators, a pre-production vehicle is born and will draw '232.269': all the lessons from these 2 predecessors! '234.78': This version of the CAESAR will become the guiding line of the production version of '239.379': the French army! '240.55': The armored cabin will meet level 2 of the STANAG 4569 standard, and a '246.56': 400 kg over-armor kit will be available as an option. '248.43': The air conditioning will be improved, the entire computer part will be updated '253.3': and we will see the THALES ATLAS fire control system coupled with a '258.769': SAFRAN Inertial Navigation system. '26.564': The history of this vehicle begins in the 90s! '261.109': 5 pre-production vehicles will be delivered to the French army between 2002 and the end of 2003. '266.24': The objective of this reduced number of vehicles being the training of an artillery troop '270.09': intended to evaluate the operational procedures of deployment of the Caesar by the French army '275.36': '! At the end of 2003, it was decided to acquire' '278.02': CAESAR again while continuing the modernization of AuF1 to AuF2. '281.93': However in 2004, the modernization of the AuF1 was abandoned by the DGA in favor of an '287.43': order for 72 CAESAR. '289.39': Finally in 2008 the first versions of series are born with several changes '29.359': 'At that time, the French Army had two artillery systems:' '293.858': First of all the chassis of the vehicle now based on the '298.26': French-made RENAULT TRUCK SHERPA 5 truck! The cabin is armored from production. '301.84': We add a Thales PR4G radio! A new Zodiac Muzzle Velocity Radar '307.58': to improve weapon accuracy. '309.32': A new SAGEM SIGMA 30 inertial navigation unit '313.96': . A new firing computer. '315.94': And a new Nexter System man-machine interface coupled to the ATLAS itself coupled '321.94': to the SAGEM CALP2G ballistic computer. '325.24': Now operationally and militarily! '328.07': The strength of the CAESAR lies in its speed of action and its versatility! '33.55': The 155 F3 AM, based on the chassis of the AMX-13, designed in the late 1950s and entered '332.11': When an artillery system such as the AUF1 takes 2 to 3 minutes to go into action, '336.979': the CAESAR takes less than 60 seconds! '338.94': In comparison, the AUF1's in-battery time corresponds to the time taken by the CAESAR '344.02': to complete its in-battery (less than 60 seconds), an 8-shot firing sequence '348.389': (80 seconds), and its battery exit ( less than 40 seconds). '352.419': 'For the crew, it will be composed of 5 members:' '355.29': A gun chief A pointer '357.259': A provider A munitioner '359.53': And a pilot. '360.53': However, it remains operable with only 3 crew members in case of force majeure. '364.949': It is also a vehicle which, despite its 18 tonnes in combat orders, remains easily '370.09': air transportable, in particular by C-130/A400M/IL76/C-17. '374.3': Due to its caliber, the CAESAR is compatible with all NATO standard 155 mm '381.66': ammunition. '382.66': Offering a choice of shells, it must be said............ '384.699': Rather IMPOSING! '385.699': The payload will be 18 shells, the loads stored in chests on the tray on the left, '390.82': while the shells are stored on the right, in racks. '393.38': 'These shells include: O 155 Lu 211: an explosive shell with hollow base' '398.45': (Lu 211 HB = Hollow Base) or equipped with a base drag reduction kit (Lu '40.46': service in the early 1960s As well as '404.12': 211 BB = Base Bleed). '406.08': 'O 155 Lu 214: a white phosphorus smoke shell (also available with hollow base' '412.57': 'or RTC kit) O 155 Lu 215: illuminating shell' '417.15': 'O 155 OGRE: containing 63 anti-personnel submunitions.' '42.15': the AuF1, based on the chassis of the AMX-30, designed during the 70s '421.69': 'O 155 AC F1 BONUS: (French-Swedish design) including two directed-effect anti-tank submunitions' '426.14': 'O 155 F2 AC EF DR: improved version of the' '431.229': BONUS including improved detection sensors for its two anti-tank submunitions. '435.88': O 155 OMI M107 '438.71': ERFB and so on! '439.96': More recently, we also find the SPACIDO program with the French Katana shell '444.96': in the test phase, but also the American Excalibur shell validated in 2019! '450.37': '3 other elements make the CAESAR a special vehicle: its constant evolution, its' '455.43': operational commitments and its export success! '457.39': Indeed, although the first production versions were released almost '462.3': 20 years ago, the design of this one is constantly evolving. '466.24': The 8x8 version is the perfect example. '468.94': This version, twice as heavy as the 6x6 version, is based on a Czech Tatra '47.77': and entered service in the early 80s. '475.599': T815-7 8 wheel drive chassis. The cabin armor is brought to level '479.36': 3 of the STANAG 4569 standard! Protection against mines and IED, it '485.28': brought to level 2A and 2B. '487.759': Shell load will be greater with 32 shells instead of 18 initially on the '49.87': 'The problems of these 2 tracked vehicles are for one:' '493.389': 6x6 version. '494.389': The engine will also be changed to a Tatra V8 turbocharged diesel developing '499.18': 410 horsepower! A thermal sighting optic for '5.462': Emblem of French know-how in the field of artillery, today we are going to discuss '502.41': direct shots will be installed. '503.919': A CS20002G Fire Control System and an RDB4 Muzzle Velocity Radar. '510.13': In addition to the 8x8 version, Nexter was also notified recently for the '515.289': CAESAR new generation 6X6 Mark II contract! '518.51': This new version will be equipped with a new engine (460 hp against 215 hp '52.62': The lack of range of its gun as well as the inability to fight in an '524.169': previously), a new automatic gearbox '526.67': and a new chassis. '527.86': The new Radio CONTACT aimed at integration into the SCORPION program! '531.439': The Thales BARAGE jammer and an update of all '535.819': fire control software! '536.819': As far as operational commitments are concerned, there are quite a lot of them! '541.369': Its first engagement took place during the summer of 2009 in Afghanistan, eight guns were deployed '546.13': by the French forces, these from the 3rd Marine Artillery Regiment and the 11th '551.009': Marine Artillery Regiment. '552.279': Then in Lebanon on January 18, 2011 '554.82': In Cambodia in 2011 '556.91': In Iraq during the summer of 2016 '558.889': And finally Yemen in April 2019 '561.129': All these deployments will demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAESAR and will award it the title so '565.749': coveted by vehicle manufacturers COMBAT PROVEN . '569.19': A strong argument for obtaining a contract! '57.21': NBC environment, the crew being outside and for the other the cost of jobs too high, '571.569': And that is going to help! '572.819': From the first deployments in external operations, the CAESAR, which demonstrates excellent '577.509': operational capabilities, will attract the attention of countries wishing to renew some of '582.92': their artillery equipment or acquire new ones! '585.6': As mentioned above, it has both technical and tactical advantage '591.059': '!' '592.059': However it is surely its cost; as much purchase as exploitation which is undoubtedly '596.05': its major asset. '597.11': In the case of the first order! This will be passed with Saudi Arabia in 2006 '602.33': with a first contract of 76 copies even before the vehicle is said to be Combat Proven. '608.509': A second contract will be signed later for 52 more copies. '61.86': due to its mass. '612.49': The same for Thailand with 6 CAESAR ordered in April 2006. '616.519': Will follow Indonesia in 2012 37 copies then 18 in 2017 '62.92': GIAT being aware of the challenges represented by such systems, sees a market emerging that is '621.279': Morocco at the start of 2020 with 36 copies '624.529': The Czech Republic mid-2020 with 52 copies '628.04': And finally Belgium on October 29, 2021 with 9 copies! '632.299': In the case of Ukraine! The CAESAR supplied by France are not CAESAR from '637.079': the FRENCH army! These are guns built under '640.209': the Moroccan order, and which are therefore not part of the French army '644.179': . '645.179': Although these are actually funded from the French army budget! '649.059': Some surveys are also underway! '651.459': In IRAQ with a possible purchase from the Iraqi government of 6x6 version '656.16': And Even INCREDIBLE! IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE JULY 2020! '660.329': This contract for 18 vehicles aims to replace their towed guns for troops '664.819': stationed in Europe. '667.8': In conclusion ! '670.449': The CAESAR has revolutionized the very concept of SELF-MOTORED artillery! '674.16': This is easily observable through the number of vehicles of the same type that '678.29': 'appeared in the years that followed. We could mention: The Russian Malva / the' '68.119': likely to revolutionize self-propelled guns! '683.089': Swedish Archer / the Israeli ATMOS 2000 / the Japanese Type 19 and so on! '687.11': As the saying goes ! The more copies your vehicle has, the more efficient '692.18': and innovative it is! '693.18': Currently, among the best artillery systems of its type available on the '696.36': market if not the best, it is still far from the end of its life! even '70.68': The objective is to obtain an artillery system offering at least performance '700.61': if Nexter is already thinking of its successor through the CIFS! '704.499': And that will be all of this video! Thank you for watching it to the end '709.459': Don't hesitate to give me your opinion in the comments on this one, to subscribe '714.929': if you like the channel and to share the video if you liked it! '718.839': As usual, I would like to thank my usual partners that you will find '723.29': in the description that are the LASD and FTTS communities! '730.571': And I wish you a good day evening cross appetite and I say to the next. '76.409': identical to those already existing while drastically reducing the blows of exploitation '80.57': In 1992 studies are therefore carried out and revolutionary solutions will quickly '85.71': make their appearances ! '86.71': First of all ! Choosing a Truck Platform! '89.68': This idea is innovative because the chassis already exists and maintenance becomes much '9.37': a vehicle that has been talked about a lot lately and which has literally revolutionized '93.45': simpler! It also becomes more easily transportable by air, '97.2': an argument that weighs heavily in the balance! '98.9': Then the armament, with an increase in the caliber of the gun, complex to modify
{ "attribution_passes_lang_id": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "caption_alt_text_description": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "caption_reference_description": [ "VAB装甲车", "VAB VOA (observation d'artillerie) du 35e RAP en 2005.", "一台VAB", "一台VAB", "VAB VOA.", "VAB VOA", "VOA artillery spotting variant", "Un VAP VOA.", "VAB裝甲車" ], "caption_title_and_reference_description": [ null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null ], "context_page_description": [ "法国军队发展历史悠久,对于欧洲历史甚至世界历史都具有多次关键影响力。现今的法国武装部队包含法国陆军、法国海军、法国空军和法国国家宪兵队。法国总统是三军统帅,军队主要任务是防卫法国领土,第二是保卫亲法国海外势力,第三是维持世界稳定。", "Le 35ᵉ régiment d'artillerie parachutiste est situé à Tarbes, dans le département des Hautes-Pyrénées, en région Occitanie. Il est l'héritier du 35ᵉ régiment d'artillerie créé à Vannes le 7 octobre 1873, régiment commandé par le colonel Foch de 1903 à 1905.", "VAB装甲车是法国军队一种现役主力轮型装甲车,和美国悍马车相比其防御力较高一些,能搭载的武器也较重型,包含四联装反战车导弹等。1976年服役,产量大约为5,000辆。", "VAB裝甲車是法國軍隊一種現役主力輪型裝甲車,和美國悍馬車相比其防禦力較高一些,能搭載的武器也較重型,包含四聯裝反戰車飛彈等。1976年服役,產量大約為5,000輛。", "Le VAB, entré en service en 1976, est actuellement le véhicule de transport de troupes le plus répandu dans l'armée de Terre française avec, en 2011, 3 585 véhicules en ligne sur la commande initiale de 4 000 exemplaires pour l'armée française.", "O VAB ou em francês Véhicule de l'Avant Blindé, é uma viatura idealizada na década de 1970 e introduzida a partir de 1976. Ainda em produção já atingiu 5000 unidades.", "The Véhicule de l'avant blindé or VAB is an armoured personnel carrier and support vehicle designed by Renault of France. It entered service in 1976; around 5,000 were produced. As of 2019, it is the standard APC of the French Army and has also been exported to more than 15 countries. It saw combat in various conflicts in Africa, Asia and Europe.", "Il Renault VAB è un autoblindo leggero, o AFV, con trazione integrale 4x4 o 6x6 sviluppato dall'azienda francese Saviem e commercializzato dalla Renault, poi Renault Trucks Defense, dagli anni settanta.", "法國軍隊發展歷史悠久,對於歐洲歷史甚至世界歷史都具有多次關鍵影響力。現今的法國武裝部隊包含法國陸軍、法國海軍、法國空軍和法國國家憲兵隊。法國總統是三軍統帥,軍隊主要任務是防衛法國領土,第二是保衛親法國海外勢力,第三是維持世界穩定。" ], "context_section_description": [ null, null, null, null, null, "As variantes incluem versões 4x4 e 6x6, sendo as 6x6 voltadas mais para a exportação, tendo um acréscimo de 10% no valor de venda.", "Variants may be 4×4 or 6×6 wheels, the 6×6 yielding a 10% increase in cost. The French military only uses 4-wheel versions, while export versions mainly are 6×6s.", null, null ], "hierarchical_section_title": [ "法國軍事 / 人力资源", "35e régiment d'artillerie parachutiste / Régiment aujourd'hui,,, / Matériels", "VAB裝甲車", "VAB裝甲車", "Véhicule de l'avant blindé / Versions", "VAB (VBC) / Variantes", "Véhicule de l'Avant Blindé / Variants", "Renault VAB", "法國軍事 / 人力資源" ], "is_main_image": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "language": [ "zh", "fr", "zh", "zh-TW", "fr", "pt", "en", "it", "zh-TW" ], "page_changed_recently": [ true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true ], "page_title": [ "法國軍事", "35e régiment d'artillerie parachutiste", "VAB裝甲車", "VAB裝甲車", "Véhicule de l'avant blindé", "VAB (VBC)", "Véhicule de l'Avant Blindé", "Renault VAB", "法國軍事" ], "page_url": [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ], "section_title": [ "人力资源", "Matériels", null, null, "Versions", "Variantes", "Variants", null, "人力資源" ] }
CAESAR ! Le 155mm Tireur d'Élite !
Merci à vous d'avoir regardé la vidéo; vous retrouverez toutes les informations relatives à la vidéo ci-dessous. Partenaires de la chaine : - LASD : - FTTS : Sources : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Les partenaires comptent comme des sources :D ) Musique de fond : - - - - - Vidéos d'Illustrations : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timecode: 00:00 - Introduction 00:24 - Histoire du Véhicule 05:25 - Plan Opérationnel et Miltaire 07:37 - Une Constante Évolution 08:56 - Les Engagements Opérationnels et Succés à l'export 11:09 - Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La Chaîne Twitch ou je live de temps en temps ^^ : Mon Twitter : Et on rejoins l'étable sur Discord par ici :
'103.85': for a tank but easy to adapt to a truck! '106.25': And finally all the vetronic design associated with navigation and precision. '111.06': The first vehicle was revealed to the public in 1994 under the name CAESAR for CAmion '117.35': Equipped with an Artillery System. '119.08': This technological demonstrator is mainly intended to demonstrate the structural feasibility '124.08': of mounting a large caliber gun on a modified truck chassis! '127.47': The Army staff, interested in the concept, requested the production of a '13.23': its field! Bearing the same name as the Roman Emperor, '131.42': second vehicle. '132.42': This one, produced in 1998, will be evaluated in France the same year and then in Malaysia the '138.79': following year ! '139.79': The second prototype will differ from the first at the level of the cabin, this one manufactured '144.35': by Lorh, but which will not be finally retained. '146.95': These two demonstrators will be built on the Mercedes-Benz Unimog U2450 platform '153.76': in 6x6 configuration. '155.04': The French trucks of the time not having a sturdy enough chassis to support '158.93': the armament system. '159.93': The engine will be a RENAULT TRUCKS diesel 6-cylinder in line of 215 horsepower giving it '16.289': we will see the truck equipped with an artillery system better known by the acronym '165.16': a speed of over 80 km/h on the road and 50 km/h off-road! '169.46': All this with a range of 600km! There will also be a '175.18': centralized tire inflation system (SYEGON), already tested on the VEXTRA. '178.099': This system makes it possible to automatically adjust the pressure of the tires according to the nature '182.83': of the ground. '183.83': 'In the field of armaments:' '184.83': The old GCT gun of the AUF1 in 40 calibers and with a maximum range of 30km will be abandoned '192.91': in favor of a modified version of the towed gun TR F1 of 155mm! '198.24': The transition from 39 caliber to 52 caliber of this gun will allow it a '20.1': (CAESAR)! '203.569': 'significant increase in range:' '205.54': 29 km for hollow base shells, 42 km with shells equipped with a '210.51': base drag reduction kit and more than 50 km for rocket shells '214.45': The rate of fire will be 6 rounds/minute with guidance provided by the '219.319': Inertial navigation unit. '220.56': Despite this simplicity, this system passes the evaluation phases without difficulty. '225.01': And some points for improvement are noted. '227.569': Following these 2 demonstrators, a pre-production vehicle is born and will draw '232.269': all the lessons from these 2 predecessors! '234.78': This version of the CAESAR will become the guiding line of the production version of '239.379': the French army! '240.55': The armored cabin will meet level 2 of the STANAG 4569 standard, and a '246.56': 400 kg over-armor kit will be available as an option. '248.43': The air conditioning will be improved, the entire computer part will be updated '253.3': and we will see the THALES ATLAS fire control system coupled with a '258.769': SAFRAN Inertial Navigation system. '26.564': The history of this vehicle begins in the 90s! '261.109': 5 pre-production vehicles will be delivered to the French army between 2002 and the end of 2003. '266.24': The objective of this reduced number of vehicles being the training of an artillery troop '270.09': intended to evaluate the operational procedures of deployment of the Caesar by the French army '275.36': '! At the end of 2003, it was decided to acquire' '278.02': CAESAR again while continuing the modernization of AuF1 to AuF2. '281.93': However in 2004, the modernization of the AuF1 was abandoned by the DGA in favor of an '287.43': order for 72 CAESAR. '289.39': Finally in 2008 the first versions of series are born with several changes '29.359': 'At that time, the French Army had two artillery systems:' '293.858': First of all the chassis of the vehicle now based on the '298.26': French-made RENAULT TRUCK SHERPA 5 truck! The cabin is armored from production. '301.84': We add a Thales PR4G radio! A new Zodiac Muzzle Velocity Radar '307.58': to improve weapon accuracy. '309.32': A new SAGEM SIGMA 30 inertial navigation unit '313.96': . A new firing computer. '315.94': And a new Nexter System man-machine interface coupled to the ATLAS itself coupled '321.94': to the SAGEM CALP2G ballistic computer. '325.24': Now operationally and militarily! '328.07': The strength of the CAESAR lies in its speed of action and its versatility! '33.55': The 155 F3 AM, based on the chassis of the AMX-13, designed in the late 1950s and entered '332.11': When an artillery system such as the AUF1 takes 2 to 3 minutes to go into action, '336.979': the CAESAR takes less than 60 seconds! '338.94': In comparison, the AUF1's in-battery time corresponds to the time taken by the CAESAR '344.02': to complete its in-battery (less than 60 seconds), an 8-shot firing sequence '348.389': (80 seconds), and its battery exit ( less than 40 seconds). '352.419': 'For the crew, it will be composed of 5 members:' '355.29': A gun chief A pointer '357.259': A provider A munitioner '359.53': And a pilot. '360.53': However, it remains operable with only 3 crew members in case of force majeure. '364.949': It is also a vehicle which, despite its 18 tonnes in combat orders, remains easily '370.09': air transportable, in particular by C-130/A400M/IL76/C-17. '374.3': Due to its caliber, the CAESAR is compatible with all NATO standard 155 mm '381.66': ammunition. '382.66': Offering a choice of shells, it must be said............ '384.699': Rather IMPOSING! '385.699': The payload will be 18 shells, the loads stored in chests on the tray on the left, '390.82': while the shells are stored on the right, in racks. '393.38': 'These shells include: O 155 Lu 211: an explosive shell with hollow base' '398.45': (Lu 211 HB = Hollow Base) or equipped with a base drag reduction kit (Lu '40.46': service in the early 1960s As well as '404.12': 211 BB = Base Bleed). '406.08': 'O 155 Lu 214: a white phosphorus smoke shell (also available with hollow base' '412.57': 'or RTC kit) O 155 Lu 215: illuminating shell' '417.15': 'O 155 OGRE: containing 63 anti-personnel submunitions.' '42.15': the AuF1, based on the chassis of the AMX-30, designed during the 70s '421.69': 'O 155 AC F1 BONUS: (French-Swedish design) including two directed-effect anti-tank submunitions' '426.14': 'O 155 F2 AC EF DR: improved version of the' '431.229': BONUS including improved detection sensors for its two anti-tank submunitions. '435.88': O 155 OMI M107 '438.71': ERFB and so on! '439.96': More recently, we also find the SPACIDO program with the French Katana shell '444.96': in the test phase, but also the American Excalibur shell validated in 2019! '450.37': '3 other elements make the CAESAR a special vehicle: its constant evolution, its' '455.43': operational commitments and its export success! '457.39': Indeed, although the first production versions were released almost '462.3': 20 years ago, the design of this one is constantly evolving. '466.24': The 8x8 version is the perfect example. '468.94': This version, twice as heavy as the 6x6 version, is based on a Czech Tatra '47.77': and entered service in the early 80s. '475.599': T815-7 8 wheel drive chassis. The cabin armor is brought to level '479.36': 3 of the STANAG 4569 standard! Protection against mines and IED, it '485.28': brought to level 2A and 2B. '487.759': Shell load will be greater with 32 shells instead of 18 initially on the '49.87': 'The problems of these 2 tracked vehicles are for one:' '493.389': 6x6 version. '494.389': The engine will also be changed to a Tatra V8 turbocharged diesel developing '499.18': 410 horsepower! A thermal sighting optic for '5.462': Emblem of French know-how in the field of artillery, today we are going to discuss '502.41': direct shots will be installed. '503.919': A CS20002G Fire Control System and an RDB4 Muzzle Velocity Radar. '510.13': In addition to the 8x8 version, Nexter was also notified recently for the '515.289': CAESAR new generation 6X6 Mark II contract! '518.51': This new version will be equipped with a new engine (460 hp against 215 hp '52.62': The lack of range of its gun as well as the inability to fight in an '524.169': previously), a new automatic gearbox '526.67': and a new chassis. '527.86': The new Radio CONTACT aimed at integration into the SCORPION program! '531.439': The Thales BARAGE jammer and an update of all '535.819': fire control software! '536.819': As far as operational commitments are concerned, there are quite a lot of them! '541.369': Its first engagement took place during the summer of 2009 in Afghanistan, eight guns were deployed '546.13': by the French forces, these from the 3rd Marine Artillery Regiment and the 11th '551.009': Marine Artillery Regiment. '552.279': Then in Lebanon on January 18, 2011 '554.82': In Cambodia in 2011 '556.91': In Iraq during the summer of 2016 '558.889': And finally Yemen in April 2019 '561.129': All these deployments will demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAESAR and will award it the title so '565.749': coveted by vehicle manufacturers COMBAT PROVEN . '569.19': A strong argument for obtaining a contract! '57.21': NBC environment, the crew being outside and for the other the cost of jobs too high, '571.569': And that is going to help! '572.819': From the first deployments in external operations, the CAESAR, which demonstrates excellent '577.509': operational capabilities, will attract the attention of countries wishing to renew some of '582.92': their artillery equipment or acquire new ones! '585.6': As mentioned above, it has both technical and tactical advantage '591.059': '!' '592.059': However it is surely its cost; as much purchase as exploitation which is undoubtedly '596.05': its major asset. '597.11': In the case of the first order! This will be passed with Saudi Arabia in 2006 '602.33': with a first contract of 76 copies even before the vehicle is said to be Combat Proven. '608.509': A second contract will be signed later for 52 more copies. '61.86': due to its mass. '612.49': The same for Thailand with 6 CAESAR ordered in April 2006. '616.519': Will follow Indonesia in 2012 37 copies then 18 in 2017 '62.92': GIAT being aware of the challenges represented by such systems, sees a market emerging that is '621.279': Morocco at the start of 2020 with 36 copies '624.529': The Czech Republic mid-2020 with 52 copies '628.04': And finally Belgium on October 29, 2021 with 9 copies! '632.299': In the case of Ukraine! The CAESAR supplied by France are not CAESAR from '637.079': the FRENCH army! These are guns built under '640.209': the Moroccan order, and which are therefore not part of the French army '644.179': . '645.179': Although these are actually funded from the French army budget! '649.059': Some surveys are also underway! '651.459': In IRAQ with a possible purchase from the Iraqi government of 6x6 version '656.16': And Even INCREDIBLE! IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE JULY 2020! '660.329': This contract for 18 vehicles aims to replace their towed guns for troops '664.819': stationed in Europe. '667.8': In conclusion ! '670.449': The CAESAR has revolutionized the very concept of SELF-MOTORED artillery! '674.16': This is easily observable through the number of vehicles of the same type that '678.29': 'appeared in the years that followed. We could mention: The Russian Malva / the' '68.119': likely to revolutionize self-propelled guns! '683.089': Swedish Archer / the Israeli ATMOS 2000 / the Japanese Type 19 and so on! '687.11': As the saying goes ! The more copies your vehicle has, the more efficient '692.18': and innovative it is! '693.18': Currently, among the best artillery systems of its type available on the '696.36': market if not the best, it is still far from the end of its life! even '70.68': The objective is to obtain an artillery system offering at least performance '700.61': if Nexter is already thinking of its successor through the CIFS! '704.499': And that will be all of this video! Thank you for watching it to the end '709.459': Don't hesitate to give me your opinion in the comments on this one, to subscribe '714.929': if you like the channel and to share the video if you liked it! '718.839': As usual, I would like to thank my usual partners that you will find '723.29': in the description that are the LASD and FTTS communities! '730.571': And I wish you a good day evening cross appetite and I say to the next. '76.409': identical to those already existing while drastically reducing the blows of exploitation '80.57': In 1992 studies are therefore carried out and revolutionary solutions will quickly '85.71': make their appearances ! '86.71': First of all ! Choosing a Truck Platform! '89.68': This idea is innovative because the chassis already exists and maintenance becomes much '9.37': a vehicle that has been talked about a lot lately and which has literally revolutionized '93.45': simpler! It also becomes more easily transportable by air, '97.2': an argument that weighs heavily in the balance! '98.9': Then the armament, with an increase in the caliber of the gun, complex to modify
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CAESAR ! Le 155mm Tireur d'Élite !
Merci à vous d'avoir regardé la vidéo; vous retrouverez toutes les informations relatives à la vidéo ci-dessous. Partenaires de la chaine : - LASD : - FTTS : Sources : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Les partenaires comptent comme des sources :D ) Musique de fond : - - - - - Vidéos d'Illustrations : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timecode: 00:00 - Introduction 00:24 - Histoire du Véhicule 05:25 - Plan Opérationnel et Miltaire 07:37 - Une Constante Évolution 08:56 - Les Engagements Opérationnels et Succés à l'export 11:09 - Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La Chaîne Twitch ou je live de temps en temps ^^ : Mon Twitter : Et on rejoins l'étable sur Discord par ici :
'103.85': for a tank but easy to adapt to a truck! '106.25': And finally all the vetronic design associated with navigation and precision. '111.06': The first vehicle was revealed to the public in 1994 under the name CAESAR for CAmion '117.35': Equipped with an Artillery System. '119.08': This technological demonstrator is mainly intended to demonstrate the structural feasibility '124.08': of mounting a large caliber gun on a modified truck chassis! '127.47': The Army staff, interested in the concept, requested the production of a '13.23': its field! Bearing the same name as the Roman Emperor, '131.42': second vehicle. '132.42': This one, produced in 1998, will be evaluated in France the same year and then in Malaysia the '138.79': following year ! '139.79': The second prototype will differ from the first at the level of the cabin, this one manufactured '144.35': by Lorh, but which will not be finally retained. '146.95': These two demonstrators will be built on the Mercedes-Benz Unimog U2450 platform '153.76': in 6x6 configuration. '155.04': The French trucks of the time not having a sturdy enough chassis to support '158.93': the armament system. '159.93': The engine will be a RENAULT TRUCKS diesel 6-cylinder in line of 215 horsepower giving it '16.289': we will see the truck equipped with an artillery system better known by the acronym '165.16': a speed of over 80 km/h on the road and 50 km/h off-road! '169.46': All this with a range of 600km! There will also be a '175.18': centralized tire inflation system (SYEGON), already tested on the VEXTRA. '178.099': This system makes it possible to automatically adjust the pressure of the tires according to the nature '182.83': of the ground. '183.83': 'In the field of armaments:' '184.83': The old GCT gun of the AUF1 in 40 calibers and with a maximum range of 30km will be abandoned '192.91': in favor of a modified version of the towed gun TR F1 of 155mm! '198.24': The transition from 39 caliber to 52 caliber of this gun will allow it a '20.1': (CAESAR)! '203.569': 'significant increase in range:' '205.54': 29 km for hollow base shells, 42 km with shells equipped with a '210.51': base drag reduction kit and more than 50 km for rocket shells '214.45': The rate of fire will be 6 rounds/minute with guidance provided by the '219.319': Inertial navigation unit. '220.56': Despite this simplicity, this system passes the evaluation phases without difficulty. '225.01': And some points for improvement are noted. '227.569': Following these 2 demonstrators, a pre-production vehicle is born and will draw '232.269': all the lessons from these 2 predecessors! '234.78': This version of the CAESAR will become the guiding line of the production version of '239.379': the French army! '240.55': The armored cabin will meet level 2 of the STANAG 4569 standard, and a '246.56': 400 kg over-armor kit will be available as an option. '248.43': The air conditioning will be improved, the entire computer part will be updated '253.3': and we will see the THALES ATLAS fire control system coupled with a '258.769': SAFRAN Inertial Navigation system. '26.564': The history of this vehicle begins in the 90s! '261.109': 5 pre-production vehicles will be delivered to the French army between 2002 and the end of 2003. '266.24': The objective of this reduced number of vehicles being the training of an artillery troop '270.09': intended to evaluate the operational procedures of deployment of the Caesar by the French army '275.36': '! At the end of 2003, it was decided to acquire' '278.02': CAESAR again while continuing the modernization of AuF1 to AuF2. '281.93': However in 2004, the modernization of the AuF1 was abandoned by the DGA in favor of an '287.43': order for 72 CAESAR. '289.39': Finally in 2008 the first versions of series are born with several changes '29.359': 'At that time, the French Army had two artillery systems:' '293.858': First of all the chassis of the vehicle now based on the '298.26': French-made RENAULT TRUCK SHERPA 5 truck! The cabin is armored from production. '301.84': We add a Thales PR4G radio! A new Zodiac Muzzle Velocity Radar '307.58': to improve weapon accuracy. '309.32': A new SAGEM SIGMA 30 inertial navigation unit '313.96': . A new firing computer. '315.94': And a new Nexter System man-machine interface coupled to the ATLAS itself coupled '321.94': to the SAGEM CALP2G ballistic computer. '325.24': Now operationally and militarily! '328.07': The strength of the CAESAR lies in its speed of action and its versatility! '33.55': The 155 F3 AM, based on the chassis of the AMX-13, designed in the late 1950s and entered '332.11': When an artillery system such as the AUF1 takes 2 to 3 minutes to go into action, '336.979': the CAESAR takes less than 60 seconds! '338.94': In comparison, the AUF1's in-battery time corresponds to the time taken by the CAESAR '344.02': to complete its in-battery (less than 60 seconds), an 8-shot firing sequence '348.389': (80 seconds), and its battery exit ( less than 40 seconds). '352.419': 'For the crew, it will be composed of 5 members:' '355.29': A gun chief A pointer '357.259': A provider A munitioner '359.53': And a pilot. '360.53': However, it remains operable with only 3 crew members in case of force majeure. '364.949': It is also a vehicle which, despite its 18 tonnes in combat orders, remains easily '370.09': air transportable, in particular by C-130/A400M/IL76/C-17. '374.3': Due to its caliber, the CAESAR is compatible with all NATO standard 155 mm '381.66': ammunition. '382.66': Offering a choice of shells, it must be said............ '384.699': Rather IMPOSING! '385.699': The payload will be 18 shells, the loads stored in chests on the tray on the left, '390.82': while the shells are stored on the right, in racks. '393.38': 'These shells include: O 155 Lu 211: an explosive shell with hollow base' '398.45': (Lu 211 HB = Hollow Base) or equipped with a base drag reduction kit (Lu '40.46': service in the early 1960s As well as '404.12': 211 BB = Base Bleed). '406.08': 'O 155 Lu 214: a white phosphorus smoke shell (also available with hollow base' '412.57': 'or RTC kit) O 155 Lu 215: illuminating shell' '417.15': 'O 155 OGRE: containing 63 anti-personnel submunitions.' '42.15': the AuF1, based on the chassis of the AMX-30, designed during the 70s '421.69': 'O 155 AC F1 BONUS: (French-Swedish design) including two directed-effect anti-tank submunitions' '426.14': 'O 155 F2 AC EF DR: improved version of the' '431.229': BONUS including improved detection sensors for its two anti-tank submunitions. '435.88': O 155 OMI M107 '438.71': ERFB and so on! '439.96': More recently, we also find the SPACIDO program with the French Katana shell '444.96': in the test phase, but also the American Excalibur shell validated in 2019! '450.37': '3 other elements make the CAESAR a special vehicle: its constant evolution, its' '455.43': operational commitments and its export success! '457.39': Indeed, although the first production versions were released almost '462.3': 20 years ago, the design of this one is constantly evolving. '466.24': The 8x8 version is the perfect example. '468.94': This version, twice as heavy as the 6x6 version, is based on a Czech Tatra '47.77': and entered service in the early 80s. '475.599': T815-7 8 wheel drive chassis. The cabin armor is brought to level '479.36': 3 of the STANAG 4569 standard! Protection against mines and IED, it '485.28': brought to level 2A and 2B. '487.759': Shell load will be greater with 32 shells instead of 18 initially on the '49.87': 'The problems of these 2 tracked vehicles are for one:' '493.389': 6x6 version. '494.389': The engine will also be changed to a Tatra V8 turbocharged diesel developing '499.18': 410 horsepower! A thermal sighting optic for '5.462': Emblem of French know-how in the field of artillery, today we are going to discuss '502.41': direct shots will be installed. '503.919': A CS20002G Fire Control System and an RDB4 Muzzle Velocity Radar. '510.13': In addition to the 8x8 version, Nexter was also notified recently for the '515.289': CAESAR new generation 6X6 Mark II contract! '518.51': This new version will be equipped with a new engine (460 hp against 215 hp '52.62': The lack of range of its gun as well as the inability to fight in an '524.169': previously), a new automatic gearbox '526.67': and a new chassis. '527.86': The new Radio CONTACT aimed at integration into the SCORPION program! '531.439': The Thales BARAGE jammer and an update of all '535.819': fire control software! '536.819': As far as operational commitments are concerned, there are quite a lot of them! '541.369': Its first engagement took place during the summer of 2009 in Afghanistan, eight guns were deployed '546.13': by the French forces, these from the 3rd Marine Artillery Regiment and the 11th '551.009': Marine Artillery Regiment. '552.279': Then in Lebanon on January 18, 2011 '554.82': In Cambodia in 2011 '556.91': In Iraq during the summer of 2016 '558.889': And finally Yemen in April 2019 '561.129': All these deployments will demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAESAR and will award it the title so '565.749': coveted by vehicle manufacturers COMBAT PROVEN . '569.19': A strong argument for obtaining a contract! '57.21': NBC environment, the crew being outside and for the other the cost of jobs too high, '571.569': And that is going to help! '572.819': From the first deployments in external operations, the CAESAR, which demonstrates excellent '577.509': operational capabilities, will attract the attention of countries wishing to renew some of '582.92': their artillery equipment or acquire new ones! '585.6': As mentioned above, it has both technical and tactical advantage '591.059': '!' '592.059': However it is surely its cost; as much purchase as exploitation which is undoubtedly '596.05': its major asset. '597.11': In the case of the first order! This will be passed with Saudi Arabia in 2006 '602.33': with a first contract of 76 copies even before the vehicle is said to be Combat Proven. '608.509': A second contract will be signed later for 52 more copies. '61.86': due to its mass. '612.49': The same for Thailand with 6 CAESAR ordered in April 2006. '616.519': Will follow Indonesia in 2012 37 copies then 18 in 2017 '62.92': GIAT being aware of the challenges represented by such systems, sees a market emerging that is '621.279': Morocco at the start of 2020 with 36 copies '624.529': The Czech Republic mid-2020 with 52 copies '628.04': And finally Belgium on October 29, 2021 with 9 copies! '632.299': In the case of Ukraine! The CAESAR supplied by France are not CAESAR from '637.079': the FRENCH army! These are guns built under '640.209': the Moroccan order, and which are therefore not part of the French army '644.179': . '645.179': Although these are actually funded from the French army budget! '649.059': Some surveys are also underway! '651.459': In IRAQ with a possible purchase from the Iraqi government of 6x6 version '656.16': And Even INCREDIBLE! IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE JULY 2020! '660.329': This contract for 18 vehicles aims to replace their towed guns for troops '664.819': stationed in Europe. '667.8': In conclusion ! '670.449': The CAESAR has revolutionized the very concept of SELF-MOTORED artillery! '674.16': This is easily observable through the number of vehicles of the same type that '678.29': 'appeared in the years that followed. We could mention: The Russian Malva / the' '68.119': likely to revolutionize self-propelled guns! '683.089': Swedish Archer / the Israeli ATMOS 2000 / the Japanese Type 19 and so on! '687.11': As the saying goes ! The more copies your vehicle has, the more efficient '692.18': and innovative it is! '693.18': Currently, among the best artillery systems of its type available on the '696.36': market if not the best, it is still far from the end of its life! even '70.68': The objective is to obtain an artillery system offering at least performance '700.61': if Nexter is already thinking of its successor through the CIFS! '704.499': And that will be all of this video! Thank you for watching it to the end '709.459': Don't hesitate to give me your opinion in the comments on this one, to subscribe '714.929': if you like the channel and to share the video if you liked it! '718.839': As usual, I would like to thank my usual partners that you will find '723.29': in the description that are the LASD and FTTS communities! '730.571': And I wish you a good day evening cross appetite and I say to the next. '76.409': identical to those already existing while drastically reducing the blows of exploitation '80.57': In 1992 studies are therefore carried out and revolutionary solutions will quickly '85.71': make their appearances ! '86.71': First of all ! Choosing a Truck Platform! '89.68': This idea is innovative because the chassis already exists and maintenance becomes much '9.37': a vehicle that has been talked about a lot lately and which has literally revolutionized '93.45': simpler! It also becomes more easily transportable by air, '97.2': an argument that weighs heavily in the balance! '98.9': Then the armament, with an increase in the caliber of the gun, complex to modify
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CAESAR ! Le 155mm Tireur d'Élite !
Merci à vous d'avoir regardé la vidéo; vous retrouverez toutes les informations relatives à la vidéo ci-dessous. Partenaires de la chaine : - LASD : - FTTS : Sources : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (Les partenaires comptent comme des sources :D ) Musique de fond : - - - - - Vidéos d'Illustrations : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Timecode: 00:00 - Introduction 00:24 - Histoire du Véhicule 05:25 - Plan Opérationnel et Miltaire 07:37 - Une Constante Évolution 08:56 - Les Engagements Opérationnels et Succés à l'export 11:09 - Conclusion --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- La Chaîne Twitch ou je live de temps en temps ^^ : Mon Twitter : Et on rejoins l'étable sur Discord par ici :
'103.85': for a tank but easy to adapt to a truck! '106.25': And finally all the vetronic design associated with navigation and precision. '111.06': The first vehicle was revealed to the public in 1994 under the name CAESAR for CAmion '117.35': Equipped with an Artillery System. '119.08': This technological demonstrator is mainly intended to demonstrate the structural feasibility '124.08': of mounting a large caliber gun on a modified truck chassis! '127.47': The Army staff, interested in the concept, requested the production of a '13.23': its field! Bearing the same name as the Roman Emperor, '131.42': second vehicle. '132.42': This one, produced in 1998, will be evaluated in France the same year and then in Malaysia the '138.79': following year ! '139.79': The second prototype will differ from the first at the level of the cabin, this one manufactured '144.35': by Lorh, but which will not be finally retained. '146.95': These two demonstrators will be built on the Mercedes-Benz Unimog U2450 platform '153.76': in 6x6 configuration. '155.04': The French trucks of the time not having a sturdy enough chassis to support '158.93': the armament system. '159.93': The engine will be a RENAULT TRUCKS diesel 6-cylinder in line of 215 horsepower giving it '16.289': we will see the truck equipped with an artillery system better known by the acronym '165.16': a speed of over 80 km/h on the road and 50 km/h off-road! '169.46': All this with a range of 600km! There will also be a '175.18': centralized tire inflation system (SYEGON), already tested on the VEXTRA. '178.099': This system makes it possible to automatically adjust the pressure of the tires according to the nature '182.83': of the ground. '183.83': 'In the field of armaments:' '184.83': The old GCT gun of the AUF1 in 40 calibers and with a maximum range of 30km will be abandoned '192.91': in favor of a modified version of the towed gun TR F1 of 155mm! '198.24': The transition from 39 caliber to 52 caliber of this gun will allow it a '20.1': (CAESAR)! '203.569': 'significant increase in range:' '205.54': 29 km for hollow base shells, 42 km with shells equipped with a '210.51': base drag reduction kit and more than 50 km for rocket shells '214.45': The rate of fire will be 6 rounds/minute with guidance provided by the '219.319': Inertial navigation unit. '220.56': Despite this simplicity, this system passes the evaluation phases without difficulty. '225.01': And some points for improvement are noted. '227.569': Following these 2 demonstrators, a pre-production vehicle is born and will draw '232.269': all the lessons from these 2 predecessors! '234.78': This version of the CAESAR will become the guiding line of the production version of '239.379': the French army! '240.55': The armored cabin will meet level 2 of the STANAG 4569 standard, and a '246.56': 400 kg over-armor kit will be available as an option. '248.43': The air conditioning will be improved, the entire computer part will be updated '253.3': and we will see the THALES ATLAS fire control system coupled with a '258.769': SAFRAN Inertial Navigation system. '26.564': The history of this vehicle begins in the 90s! '261.109': 5 pre-production vehicles will be delivered to the French army between 2002 and the end of 2003. '266.24': The objective of this reduced number of vehicles being the training of an artillery troop '270.09': intended to evaluate the operational procedures of deployment of the Caesar by the French army '275.36': '! At the end of 2003, it was decided to acquire' '278.02': CAESAR again while continuing the modernization of AuF1 to AuF2. '281.93': However in 2004, the modernization of the AuF1 was abandoned by the DGA in favor of an '287.43': order for 72 CAESAR. '289.39': Finally in 2008 the first versions of series are born with several changes '29.359': 'At that time, the French Army had two artillery systems:' '293.858': First of all the chassis of the vehicle now based on the '298.26': French-made RENAULT TRUCK SHERPA 5 truck! The cabin is armored from production. '301.84': We add a Thales PR4G radio! A new Zodiac Muzzle Velocity Radar '307.58': to improve weapon accuracy. '309.32': A new SAGEM SIGMA 30 inertial navigation unit '313.96': . A new firing computer. '315.94': And a new Nexter System man-machine interface coupled to the ATLAS itself coupled '321.94': to the SAGEM CALP2G ballistic computer. '325.24': Now operationally and militarily! '328.07': The strength of the CAESAR lies in its speed of action and its versatility! '33.55': The 155 F3 AM, based on the chassis of the AMX-13, designed in the late 1950s and entered '332.11': When an artillery system such as the AUF1 takes 2 to 3 minutes to go into action, '336.979': the CAESAR takes less than 60 seconds! '338.94': In comparison, the AUF1's in-battery time corresponds to the time taken by the CAESAR '344.02': to complete its in-battery (less than 60 seconds), an 8-shot firing sequence '348.389': (80 seconds), and its battery exit ( less than 40 seconds). '352.419': 'For the crew, it will be composed of 5 members:' '355.29': A gun chief A pointer '357.259': A provider A munitioner '359.53': And a pilot. '360.53': However, it remains operable with only 3 crew members in case of force majeure. '364.949': It is also a vehicle which, despite its 18 tonnes in combat orders, remains easily '370.09': air transportable, in particular by C-130/A400M/IL76/C-17. '374.3': Due to its caliber, the CAESAR is compatible with all NATO standard 155 mm '381.66': ammunition. '382.66': Offering a choice of shells, it must be said............ '384.699': Rather IMPOSING! '385.699': The payload will be 18 shells, the loads stored in chests on the tray on the left, '390.82': while the shells are stored on the right, in racks. '393.38': 'These shells include: O 155 Lu 211: an explosive shell with hollow base' '398.45': (Lu 211 HB = Hollow Base) or equipped with a base drag reduction kit (Lu '40.46': service in the early 1960s As well as '404.12': 211 BB = Base Bleed). '406.08': 'O 155 Lu 214: a white phosphorus smoke shell (also available with hollow base' '412.57': 'or RTC kit) O 155 Lu 215: illuminating shell' '417.15': 'O 155 OGRE: containing 63 anti-personnel submunitions.' '42.15': the AuF1, based on the chassis of the AMX-30, designed during the 70s '421.69': 'O 155 AC F1 BONUS: (French-Swedish design) including two directed-effect anti-tank submunitions' '426.14': 'O 155 F2 AC EF DR: improved version of the' '431.229': BONUS including improved detection sensors for its two anti-tank submunitions. '435.88': O 155 OMI M107 '438.71': ERFB and so on! '439.96': More recently, we also find the SPACIDO program with the French Katana shell '444.96': in the test phase, but also the American Excalibur shell validated in 2019! '450.37': '3 other elements make the CAESAR a special vehicle: its constant evolution, its' '455.43': operational commitments and its export success! '457.39': Indeed, although the first production versions were released almost '462.3': 20 years ago, the design of this one is constantly evolving. '466.24': The 8x8 version is the perfect example. '468.94': This version, twice as heavy as the 6x6 version, is based on a Czech Tatra '47.77': and entered service in the early 80s. '475.599': T815-7 8 wheel drive chassis. The cabin armor is brought to level '479.36': 3 of the STANAG 4569 standard! Protection against mines and IED, it '485.28': brought to level 2A and 2B. '487.759': Shell load will be greater with 32 shells instead of 18 initially on the '49.87': 'The problems of these 2 tracked vehicles are for one:' '493.389': 6x6 version. '494.389': The engine will also be changed to a Tatra V8 turbocharged diesel developing '499.18': 410 horsepower! A thermal sighting optic for '5.462': Emblem of French know-how in the field of artillery, today we are going to discuss '502.41': direct shots will be installed. '503.919': A CS20002G Fire Control System and an RDB4 Muzzle Velocity Radar. '510.13': In addition to the 8x8 version, Nexter was also notified recently for the '515.289': CAESAR new generation 6X6 Mark II contract! '518.51': This new version will be equipped with a new engine (460 hp against 215 hp '52.62': The lack of range of its gun as well as the inability to fight in an '524.169': previously), a new automatic gearbox '526.67': and a new chassis. '527.86': The new Radio CONTACT aimed at integration into the SCORPION program! '531.439': The Thales BARAGE jammer and an update of all '535.819': fire control software! '536.819': As far as operational commitments are concerned, there are quite a lot of them! '541.369': Its first engagement took place during the summer of 2009 in Afghanistan, eight guns were deployed '546.13': by the French forces, these from the 3rd Marine Artillery Regiment and the 11th '551.009': Marine Artillery Regiment. '552.279': Then in Lebanon on January 18, 2011 '554.82': In Cambodia in 2011 '556.91': In Iraq during the summer of 2016 '558.889': And finally Yemen in April 2019 '561.129': All these deployments will demonstrate the effectiveness of the CAESAR and will award it the title so '565.749': coveted by vehicle manufacturers COMBAT PROVEN . '569.19': A strong argument for obtaining a contract! '57.21': NBC environment, the crew being outside and for the other the cost of jobs too high, '571.569': And that is going to help! '572.819': From the first deployments in external operations, the CAESAR, which demonstrates excellent '577.509': operational capabilities, will attract the attention of countries wishing to renew some of '582.92': their artillery equipment or acquire new ones! '585.6': As mentioned above, it has both technical and tactical advantage '591.059': '!' '592.059': However it is surely its cost; as much purchase as exploitation which is undoubtedly '596.05': its major asset. '597.11': In the case of the first order! This will be passed with Saudi Arabia in 2006 '602.33': with a first contract of 76 copies even before the vehicle is said to be Combat Proven. '608.509': A second contract will be signed later for 52 more copies. '61.86': due to its mass. '612.49': The same for Thailand with 6 CAESAR ordered in April 2006. '616.519': Will follow Indonesia in 2012 37 copies then 18 in 2017 '62.92': GIAT being aware of the challenges represented by such systems, sees a market emerging that is '621.279': Morocco at the start of 2020 with 36 copies '624.529': The Czech Republic mid-2020 with 52 copies '628.04': And finally Belgium on October 29, 2021 with 9 copies! '632.299': In the case of Ukraine! The CAESAR supplied by France are not CAESAR from '637.079': the FRENCH army! These are guns built under '640.209': the Moroccan order, and which are therefore not part of the French army '644.179': . '645.179': Although these are actually funded from the French army budget! '649.059': Some surveys are also underway! '651.459': In IRAQ with a possible purchase from the Iraqi government of 6x6 version '656.16': And Even INCREDIBLE! IN THE UNITED STATES SINCE JULY 2020! '660.329': This contract for 18 vehicles aims to replace their towed guns for troops '664.819': stationed in Europe. '667.8': In conclusion ! '670.449': The CAESAR has revolutionized the very concept of SELF-MOTORED artillery! '674.16': This is easily observable through the number of vehicles of the same type that '678.29': 'appeared in the years that followed. We could mention: The Russian Malva / the' '68.119': likely to revolutionize self-propelled guns! '683.089': Swedish Archer / the Israeli ATMOS 2000 / the Japanese Type 19 and so on! '687.11': As the saying goes ! The more copies your vehicle has, the more efficient '692.18': and innovative it is! '693.18': Currently, among the best artillery systems of its type available on the '696.36': market if not the best, it is still far from the end of its life! even '70.68': The objective is to obtain an artillery system offering at least performance '700.61': if Nexter is already thinking of its successor through the CIFS! '704.499': And that will be all of this video! Thank you for watching it to the end '709.459': Don't hesitate to give me your opinion in the comments on this one, to subscribe '714.929': if you like the channel and to share the video if you liked it! '718.839': As usual, I would like to thank my usual partners that you will find '723.29': in the description that are the LASD and FTTS communities! '730.571': And I wish you a good day evening cross appetite and I say to the next. '76.409': identical to those already existing while drastically reducing the blows of exploitation '80.57': In 1992 studies are therefore carried out and revolutionary solutions will quickly '85.71': make their appearances ! '86.71': First of all ! Choosing a Truck Platform! '89.68': This idea is innovative because the chassis already exists and maintenance becomes much '9.37': a vehicle that has been talked about a lot lately and which has literally revolutionized '93.45': simpler! It also becomes more easily transportable by air, '97.2': an argument that weighs heavily in the balance! '98.9': Then the armament, with an increase in the caliber of the gun, complex to modify