### Human: Who runs Public Safety Canada? ### Assistant:
### Human: What is the definition of a host system? ### Assistant:
### Human: Where can one go to watch a movie? ### Assistant:
### Human: What company created Epic Records? ### Assistant: Columbia
### Human: Passages in what teaching support the idea that the Buddha taught of a stage between lives? ### Assistant: Samyutta Nikaya of the Pali Canon
### Human: Who wrote an essay as a result of Hayek's "Why I Am Not a Conservative"? ### Assistant: James M. Buchanan
### Human: What are the main reasons the conduit lines were converted to overhead wire system? ### Assistant: cost and operating efficiency
### Human: Why are the presence of certain enymzes a tell tale sign of a virus? ### Assistant: humans can make neither RNA replicases nor reverse transcriptase
### Human: What "rain" makes up Neptune? ### Assistant:
### Human: What is considered Tuscon's first suburb? ### Assistant: Casas Adobes
### Human: Visitors to what local valley often stop over in Plymouth? ### Assistant: Tamar Valley
### Human: In what year was the novel Robopocalypse released? ### Assistant:
### Human: Which tributary is located on the southern border? ### Assistant: the Main (a tributary of the Rhine)
### Human: Church and state have been officially separated in Uruguay since what year? ### Assistant: 1916
### Human: Which interpretation of the rule of law is used on a larger scale? ### Assistant: formal
### Human: In what country did some of the Dominican Order attributes change? ### Assistant: England
### Human: When were the Sana'a manuscripts probably written? ### Assistant: possibly date back to the 7–8th centuries.
### Human: How much did the Habsburgs have to pay as a result of the Treaty of Pressburg? ### Assistant: 40 million francs
### Human: What is the name of Avicenna's larger encyclopedic treatise? ### Assistant: Al-Shifa'
### Human: What is Florida's busiest airport? ### Assistant: Miami International
### Human: What kind of texts did Byzantine scholars take with them when they fled Constantinople? ### Assistant: Greek
### Human: According to Genshin, who has the power to destroy karma? ### Assistant: Amitābha
### Human: What is harvested for use as fertilizer? ### Assistant: Guano
### Human: During it's launch how much was a Windows 8 upgrade? ### Assistant: $39.99 online, or $69.99 for retail box
### Human: After a bill is assigned a number, what is it made ready for? ### Assistant: publication as a slip law
### Human: What is the nationality of Ramzi bin al-Shibh? ### Assistant:
### Human: How many companies were started through Southwestern's Innovations and New Ventures Office? ### Assistant:
### Human: When did Kievan Rus' adopt Christianity? ### Assistant: 988
### Human: What type of eating place is defined as a neighborhood restaurant? ### Assistant: bistro
### Human: What was the value of assets the corporation planned to sell leading up to 2015? ### Assistant: US$15 billion
### Human: What kind of letter did the FBI send to MLK? ### Assistant: anonymous
### Human: When did Madonna marry Guy Ritchie? ### Assistant: December 21, 2000.
### Human: Who ordered this fleet to sail around the world? ### Assistant: President Theodore Roosevelt
### Human: What did the iMac replace most of Apple's standard connections with? ### Assistant: two USB ports
### Human: Whose aspiration lasts longer than that of Armenian or Korean? ### Assistant:
### Human: Where is the CIA headquarters located? ### Assistant:
### Human: What colors do all former British colonies use on their flags? ### Assistant:
### Human: What state doesn't use a passage from the Bible? ### Assistant:
### Human: On which Valencia metro line did the derailment occur? ### Assistant: 1
### Human: How many tablets were sold in 2Q 2013? ### Assistant: 237 million devices
### Human: How were many computers returned during the Test Drive a Macintosh promotion that made them unsellable? ### Assistant: a bad condition
### Human: What notable TV show was concerned with FBI investigations of the paranormal? ### Assistant: X-Files
### Human: What Studio theatre was built first? ### Assistant:
### Human: What industry can use infrared light to characterize the extinction Coefficient? ### Assistant:
### Human: What is the purpose of a dual-input USB cable? ### Assistant: one input of which is used for power and data transfer, the other solely for power
### Human: Anticircumvention exemptions are generally not seen to be what? ### Assistant:
### Human: What happens when the DNA/RNA replications are retained? ### Assistant:
### Human: Electric trains are often seen as less modern and what? ### Assistant:
### Human: Which processes simply alter the consent given by parties to a previously valid treaty rather than invalidating the consent completely? ### Assistant: withdrawal, suspension, or termination
### Human: About how many percent of Christians do not live in the Americas? ### Assistant:
### Human: Why were game animals introduced by acclimatisation societies? ### Assistant: to provide New Zealanders with sport and a hunting resource
### Human: Who chaired the committee created by Executive Order 10925? ### Assistant: Vice President Johnson
### Human: What is one possible reasoning behind many students choosing to continue their smoking habits from middle school into late adolescence? ### Assistant: addictive nature of cigarettes
### Human: What did the professors predict? ### Assistant: the time of the 2008 Sichuan earthquake
### Human: What is another term for kids who get preferential treatment due to their parents attending the same university? ### Assistant: legacy admissions
### Human: How can large quantities of data be accessed? ### Assistant: Hardware database accelerators
### Human: Japan hold and extensive collection of what? ### Assistant: 20th Century mandolin music from Europe and one of the most complete collections of mandolin magazines from mandolin's golden age
### Human: What are Bell's personal papers known as? ### Assistant: Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers
### Human: In what kind of events do gymnasts jump through fire? ### Assistant:
### Human: What is a permutation when a person is not ready to make a commitment? ### Assistant:
### Human: The US involvement in the Korean War was important to achieving what goal? ### Assistant: the global containment of communism
### Human: How many students does the Monastery of Fribourg have? ### Assistant:
### Human: What do Hokkein varieties retain that are no longer found in other Chinese varieties? ### Assistant: many pronunciations
### Human: What should be used when using ancestry to make inferences about individual phenotypes? ### Assistant: caution
### Human: What does Tubote include instead of the entire Tibetan plateau? ### Assistant:
### Human: What country and person were displeased that Britain used it Hanover vote to elect Joseph as the Holy Roman Emporer? ### Assistant: Frederick and Prussia
### Human: Where does traffic include 80tons of cargo? ### Assistant:
### Human: When did CareJet go into business in Guam? ### Assistant:
### Human: What did the Z3 operate for a clock frequency? ### Assistant: about 5–10 Hz
### Human: During what century was the change from old to middle Persian just beginning? ### Assistant:
### Human: What does enteritis lead to? ### Assistant:
### Human: What city is central to the economy of West Tennessee? ### Assistant: Memphis
### Human: What happened to Idris? ### Assistant: Idris was sentenced to execution in absentia.
### Human: Who got a Nobel Prize in Physics in the 19th century for discovering the X-ray? ### Assistant:
### Human: What company did analysts feel would need to find an exit strategy to profit from selling Dell? ### Assistant:
### Human: When did it get its modern spelling? ### Assistant: 15th and 16th centuries
### Human: What was the first NES emulator? ### Assistant: Pasofami
### Human: Stain-resistant fabrics are coated with chemicals to reduce what? ### Assistant: absorption of liquids
### Human: What two console manufacturers dominate the Japanese market? ### Assistant: Sony and Nintendo
### Human: who possibly controls their own mail servers? ### Assistant: companies, universities, organizations, groups, and individuals
### Human: What kind of drug is produced by competitors once a patent expires? ### Assistant: generic
### Human: When will the full line appear? ### Assistant: Apr-16
### Human: How much more energy does Jupiter radiate than it receives? ### Assistant:
### Human: Would NARA be likely to find out about the researchers reclassification program? ### Assistant:
### Human: In what what unit is the capacitance reported for capacitors used in power factor correction? ### Assistant: reactive power in volt-amperes reactive (var)
### Human: New Delhi is well known for what type of beautifully landscaped feature? ### Assistant: gardens
### Human: Where did Kim Il-Sung temporarily move the capital? ### Assistant: Sinuiju
### Human: What was the hit off Steppenwolf's self-titled debut lp? ### Assistant: "Born to Be Wild"
### Human: What is the name of KU athletic teams? ### Assistant: Kansas Jayhawks
### Human: How much of its funding was earmarked? ### Assistant: $529 million
### Human: Who described outreach events at Eton as "unfair and indefensible?" ### Assistant: Labour MP David Lammy
### Human: What is the square mile area of Texas? ### Assistant:
### Human: What role did Eisenhower believe he could not fulfill if he was believed to want to become involved in politics? ### Assistant: Army Chief of Staff
### Human: How many of Switzerland's mountains are at least 4000 meters above sea level? ### Assistant: 48
### Human: In what year did cardinal bishops have the powers of governance over suburbicarian sees? ### Assistant:
### Human: What kind of candidates are recruited by the DCCC? ### Assistant:
### Human: On which economics book did Cobb collaborate with Herman Daly? ### Assistant: For the Common Good: Redirecting the Economy toward Community, the Environment, and a Sustainable Future
### Human: What event occured that automatically ranked Bermuda as the oldest remaining British Overseas Territory? ### Assistant: Newfoundland became part of Canada
### Human: What is the best month to hunt hares in the UK? ### Assistant:
### Human: In what year was the First Crusade proclaimed? ### Assistant: 1095