### Human: The history of Jews in Greece goes back to which era? ### Assistant: Archaic Era of Greece
### Human: China is the largest what? ### Assistant: China is the largest unitary state in the world by both population and land area
### Human: What branch of the US military was born in Philadelphia? ### Assistant: United States Marine Corps
### Human: What type of "ultimate" strength is one of the two types increased the most by drying wood? ### Assistant: crushing
### Human: What video game console doesn't use infrared LEDs? ### Assistant:
### Human: When was construction on the Thames Barrier completed? ### Assistant: the 1980s
### Human: How many jobs in the primary sector were in forestry or lumber production? ### Assistant: 19
### Human: What is the term for desired elements in an alloy? ### Assistant:
### Human: What was the "escape" character originally intended for? ### Assistant: to allow sending other control characters as literals instead of invoking their meaning
### Human: Aside from silence, which sections of music highlight parts that are easier to compress? ### Assistant: music containing only a few instruments
### Human: What isn't the German Empire? ### Assistant:
### Human: In which publication was cartoon last used to describe gag single-panel illustrations? ### Assistant:
### Human: How many purges resulted in the expulsion of nearly 100,000 people? ### Assistant:
### Human: How many famous Native American ballerinas came from Oklahoma? ### Assistant: five
### Human: What countries did King Louis XV want keep in his sphere of influence to thwart the interests of Russia? ### Assistant: Poland, Sweden, and Turkey as French client states in opposition to Russian
### Human: What popular Swedish company opened a new store in the West Quay site in 2009? ### Assistant: IKEA
### Human: What is the second phase of bacteria growth known for? ### Assistant: rapid exponential growth
### Human: Where does the University of Plymouth rank among British institutions of higher education in terms of number of enrolled students? ### Assistant: 22nd
### Human: How far away from the line of scrimmage must Canadian football defenders be? ### Assistant: 1 yard
### Human: What year is the postal service in Somalia set to relaunch? ### Assistant: 2013
### Human: What has been promoted as the standard language of communication throughout China since 1949? ### Assistant: Mandarin
### Human: What is the liquid of copper and nickel never used for? ### Assistant:
### Human: What year was Palmerston upheld in office? ### Assistant:
### Human: How many Plymouth residents are employed in defense? ### Assistant: 12,000
### Human: What produces a self-sustaining rhythm? ### Assistant: central oscillator
### Human: Who was the president of Tunisia in 1974? ### Assistant: Habib Bourguiba
### Human: What hapend in the 2000 election ### Assistant: Out of more than 5.8 million votes for the two main contenders Bush and Al Gore, around 500 votes separated the two candidates
### Human: What foundation was laid that is the demographics of Modern Irish Enlightenment Era ### Assistant:
### Human: What type of league commonly plays unstructured exhibition games? ### Assistant: indoor American football leagues
### Human: Besides Virgilius, which other spelling is permitted in modern usage? ### Assistant: Vergilius
### Human: In what modern-day borough did the Great Fire happen? ### Assistant: Manhattan
### Human: Who ran the Smithsonian in 1875? ### Assistant: Joseph Henry
### Human: If you believe in idealism, you are disbeliving in what? ### Assistant: materialism
### Human: How many SSBN "Boomer" squadrons were homeported at the Weapons Station? ### Assistant: Two
### Human: How does an inconvertible become a tablet? ### Assistant:
### Human: What was the name of Everton's professional basketball team? ### Assistant: Tigers
### Human: When did Obama have the protest plates put on his Presidential limousine? ### Assistant: at the beginning of his second term
### Human: How is the end result of the match planned out? ### Assistant: match outcomes is choreographed
### Human: What is the "Roaring Twenties" ? ### Assistant: social and societal upheaval
### Human: What year did the book by Brigo, Pallavicini and Torresetti report warnings and research on CDOs? ### Assistant: 2006
### Human: Which American CFL team won the Grey Cup? ### Assistant: Baltimore Stallions
### Human: What are the colors of traffic lights in Japan? ### Assistant: the same colors that other countries have
### Human: In what negotiation did France offer to establish the independent Saarland? ### Assistant: Paris Agreements
### Human: What problems can arise due to translation issues? ### Assistant: can force individuals to identify with a label that may or may not accurately reflect their true sexual orientation
### Human: Of what state was Toney Anaya senator? ### Assistant:
### Human: What team did Everton FC consider sharing grounds with around the year 2000? ### Assistant: Liverpool
### Human: To what device does the term, "voice coil" historically refer? ### Assistant: the structure in a typical (cone type) loudspeaker
### Human: On what date is Twilight Princess HD scheduled for Australian release? ### Assistant: March 5, 2016
### Human: What year did King send a package to the FBI? ### Assistant:
### Human: Along with Sakhalin Island, what islands were not occupied by the Soviets after the Second World War? ### Assistant:
### Human: Who presents Silent Sunday Nights? ### Assistant: Ben Mankiewicz
### Human: ome observers thought that the Chinese Gulf War would have tank battles similar to what war? ### Assistant:
### Human: What individual was responsible for France and the U.K declaring war on Russia? ### Assistant: Napoleon III
### Human: In mid-2010, which Apple device had higher sales than iPod? ### Assistant: iPhone
### Human: Who did Ibn Sina feud with while at the palace? ### Assistant:
### Human: What is the only way to divide hunter-gatherer groups? ### Assistant:
### Human: What percent of the state is Native American Indian? ### Assistant: 6.3 percent
### Human: In what month is Cannes held? ### Assistant: May
### Human: What was Nick's coronation song? ### Assistant: Beautiful Life
### Human: Who coined the term non-analytic cubism? ### Assistant:
### Human: What is the phenomenon that shows that the French have less heart disease, even though they eat more animal fat? ### Assistant: the French paradox
### Human: What is the radiation patter influenced by? ### Assistant: dielectric constant
### Human: Where are HEMTs most commonly used? ### Assistant:
### Human: Which general tried to seize Charles Town during the American Revolution? ### Assistant: General Sir Henry Clinton
### Human: How many white people live in the Bronx? ### Assistant: 3,20,640
### Human: Who put together a history of American comics in 1974? ### Assistant:
### Human: What was one of the defining ideological movements of the Twentieth Century? ### Assistant: The Marxist critique of capitalism
### Human: When did the Nairi rule? ### Assistant: 1400–1000 BC
### Human: Which of the "Three Queens" has a number in its name? ### Assistant: Queen Mary 2
### Human: What did the Batavian Republic take part in from 1783 to 1795? ### Assistant:
### Human: What category of wood is often used for musical instruments? ### Assistant: tonewoods
### Human: What period resulted in poor weather that increased crop failures? ### Assistant: the Little Ice Age
### Human: What does IPM stand for? ### Assistant: integrated pest management
### Human: What writer helped develop the Winchester standard? ### Assistant:
### Human: What did the new $1 coin minted in 1935 feature? ### Assistant:
### Human: After the war what did Holmes become? ### Assistant: King's Messenger
### Human: Who do Shia Muslims believe can approach Quranic truths besides God and Muhammad? ### Assistant: imams
### Human: Who was Shunzhi's oldest brother? ### Assistant: Hooge
### Human: What position was Napoleon granted in Article 1 of the new French constitution? ### Assistant: First Consul for Life
### Human: The forebrain splits during development into vesicles called what? ### Assistant: telencephalon (which will contain the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, and related structures) and the diencephalon
### Human: What language did Humbert want the Dominican Order members to learn? ### Assistant: Arabic
### Human: What is the current Zip Code range in Guam? ### Assistant: 96910–96932
### Human: What company bought the North Carolina plant from Dell? ### Assistant: Herbalife
### Human: How many Jehovah's Witnesses are there now? ### Assistant:
### Human: What specifically did Feynman's daughter work on? ### Assistant:
### Human: What does the weight of the largest metropolitan areas tend to do? ### Assistant: increase
### Human: What is the cost of a telescope for a space mission? ### Assistant:
### Human: What did social order mandate be strictly enforced? ### Assistant: ceremony and morals
### Human: How many convicts are listed in the database at Norfolk Island? ### Assistant: 6,458
### Human: Cells that detect and transmit pain are called what? ### Assistant: nociceptors
### Human: Who ended up in charge of logistics as a result of the restructuring of the PVA? ### Assistant: the central government
### Human: Who created the automaton Bell saw? ### Assistant: Sir Charles Wheatstone
### Human: How many pigs died in Sichuan? ### Assistant: 1 million
### Human: When she was born, where in the order of succession was Elizabeth? ### Assistant: third
### Human: Who tried to convert the Frisians in the 700's? ### Assistant:
### Human: When was the Baird system officially abandoned? ### Assistant: 13-Feb-37
### Human: Who stated that Church law can be seen in the growth of civil law institutions? ### Assistant: Edson Luiz Sampel
### Human: Who has composed most of Steven Spielberg's movies? ### Assistant: John Williams
### Human: What happened on November 1745? ### Assistant:
### Human: During what period did Pearson Field Airport in Vancouver serve as an American military field? ### Assistant: