Gallium nitride (GaN) processors are poised to power the next-generation semiconductor industry to revolutionize space exploration. Gallium nitride compound has been used in building light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and is highly efficient in conducting the electrons 1000 way better than silicon material. These are currently researched to explore in building high-temperature microprocessors for space applications. The silicon powered integrated circuits start malfunctioning once they reach 300 degrees celsius. However, GaN material is highly stable chemically in high-radiation and temperature environments. There is still a lot of research going on in developing metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors. The GaN transistors and GaN chip architecture are way more complex than silicon chips. As a matter of fact, NASA is researching to produce a GaN processor that can operate efficiently above 500 degrees celsius. GaN processors can withstand various space missions in high-temperature planet worlds such as Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune. Deep Learning DevCon 2021 | 23-24th Sep | Register>> Gallium nitride processors for landing on 500+ degrees high-temperature planets. Analytics India Magazine has interviewed Dr Ganapathi Pulipaka to understand several aspects of machine learning, deep learning, and mathematics needed for practitioners. An adept data engineer and data architect turned data scientist, Dr Pulipaka prolifically posts about data science trends, keeping the audience up-to-date on the latest information. He covered several topics in-depth on OpenAI, deep neural networks and fractal geometry, to name a few. Dr Pulipaka has written two books so far, and there is an upcoming book about to be published in October. “Until we have infinite processing power on machines, we cannot produce the outcomes we need” – GP Edited excerpt — AIM: In several interviews and magazines, you mentioned that you assembled your first computer on your own at 16 years old and cited that as your entry point for your passion for technology. Did you always plan to do that to be able to program and build hardware and software applications? Also, why did you choose to build your computer? GP: Well, it was not something I planned to build earlier. It was something my brain told me to do, and I explored the prospect of building a machine. The outcome and results were amazing. A lot of people had laptops at the age of 16, but I didn’t. Laptops back in the day were a little bit expensive to own. The easier way to go was to build your own computer. If you can assemble all the components, you can build a computer, which was why I actually started building it. In today’s world, it’s even harder to upgrade RAM on Macbook Air, Macbook Pro, or iMac as RAM is soldered to the motherboard. Though some electronic engineers successfully did such upgrades, it would be too risky and void the warranty, as forcefully removing the original soldered hardware from the motherboard may cause compatibility issues with the operating system. Getting another battery or SSD would be a much easier option to deal with. AIM: Were there any freelance projects that you implemented before entering into corporate enterprise-wide rollouts? GP: Right after I built my computer, I immediately pursued a few projects I wanted to implement as a freelancer while still in school. Back in the day, the Air Force Academy wanted to implement a traffic system project, handling the takeoff, landing, and predicting the weather patterns by creating an application or detouring a plane. So I approached the Wing Commander, explained my passion, and was kind enough to offer it to me. To facilitate that, I built an SQL database, primitive in nature, and had written a C++ front end. As my first project, I even received an appreciation letter from the Wing Commander for it. I was also very interested in mathematics and statistics, which is important for solving data science equations such as Ordinary Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations, linear algebra, and forecast problems. For example, many companies want to build a trajectory of performing for different claims or different manufacturing locations. There’s a lot of historical data that they can gather and build those time series forecasting models. I have implemented a few more projects for those companies, which I will be covering in another interview. In 1996, I worked for another company freelancing, where I built a complete time series forecasting system and went live with it. Creating this system got me more interested in mathematical models and statistical models. In addition, I was interested in understanding how to go about the whole gamut of landscapes and infrastructure and architectures and how all of these systems integrate. AIM: Can you share some light on other projects that you have worked on so far? I’ve been researching for more than ten years. That’s when I got more interested in deep learning and machine learning. Before that, I was focused on data engineering, programming, data architecture on databases of SQL, NoSQL, data science, mathematics etc. Reverse-mode automatic differentiation of ODE Computation graph of the latent ODE model: I also worked for many clients, like for an aerospace IoT integration, where it is important to know or forecast when something will break down, like a bridge inspection, to prevent a collapse. In a plane, you don’t know when a panel is going to break down. Here, there is an acoustic emission, and if you measure the acoustic emission with fractal geometry, that can tell us exactly when there is a change between the previous state of this panel versus the current state. There are different factors that you can calculate and provide different parameters. That was another interesting project to work on. AIM: Let’s talk a little bit about your research projects. On the research side, I’ve done implementations of pretty much all the algorithms. And there’s a book that’s coming out with my research — A Greater Foundation for Machine Engineering: The hallmarks of the Great Beyond in TensorFlow, R, PyTorch, and Python, where I’m covering whatever that I picked up and what I thought would be useful for other people in this field. It includes Python, TensorFlow, all the machine learning algorithms in Python, and a lot of statistical forecasting and other stuff built using Python. GP’s Upcoming book, reviewed by Gloria Pullman of Reader’s Digest Reinforcement Learning is also a very interesting area because many people are into Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Reinforcement learning primarily shifts the paradigm of having supervised, unsupervised and semi-supervised machine learning/deep learning landscapes. It takes us into a completely different type of approach from Bellman back in the day. I typically include a lot of natural language programming, leveraging NLTK, Gensim, and a number of other Python libraries. I think that NLP will have significant advancements in the future, that there’s going to be GPT-4 perhaps. The whole GPT-4 singularity depends on the recent AGI research based on 999 AI researchers, where they all express that it is possible to achieve singularity by 2060. AIM: Can you highlight some key aspects mentioned in your upcoming book? The natural language toolkit (NLTK) is primarily a collection of several libraries for text processing and natural language processing within Python. The University of Pennsylvania developed this library that allows the user to perform several NLP operations such as splitting texts and sentences from multiple paragraphs, identifying whether the statement is a question or an answer, detecting the part of speech of the words, and splitting up multiple words. You can find plenty of such NLP implementations in my upcoming book on Python. I start with fundamentally very simple algorithms like linear and logistic regression so that the readers can understand the concepts. Then they can proceed with advanced concepts like reinforcement learning. I got this idea when I tried to do some video training classes on reinforcement learning with the book publishing company Packt and QuickStart boot camp programs. Although I was delivered educational programs on machine learning, cloud computing, mathematics, and statistics, some people were having issues because they went right into reinforcement learning without knowing what machine learning was. So, that’s when I started introducing the fundamentals before moving on to advanced concepts. In the book, I explore some parts of history, like how it began with all the elements, how it advanced and where we are now. The book coming out is 80% nothing but my dissertation on deep learning in high-performance computing environments, along with some compiled other work I’ve done for many years. AIM: Please share a bit about your next dissertation on high-performance computing and why did you choose this topic? My next dissertation will be on high-performance computing (HPC) because it will be completely different from my previous dissertations on data engineering, big data analytics and in-memory computing. For example, we have multiprocessing for MPI (Message Passing Interface –an open-source library standard for the distributed memory parallelization) available in C. We also need to develop the parallel processing capabilities for HPC. Python and Java have their own unofficial bindings for MPI, but most of the scientific engineering labs leverage it in C. MPI technique faces latency when handling millions of tasks through collective calls plagued with operating system crashes and errors due to scalability memory overloads. The MPIs are implemented primarily as libraries through distributed memory computing for high-performance computing. That’s where you need to chunk the blocks — just like how we’re using Apache Hadoop with map, shuffle, and reduce technique — use cloud computing clusters to break down the data and process heaps of math equations, assemble the data back before you get it back into your project. MapReduce is a technique adopted by Apache Hadoop for processing a variety of high-performance computing applications, where the big data in petabyte size reside on the nodes of the computing machines. Each dedicated storage unit of the computing node cluster performs I/O-intensive, CPU-intensive, GPU-intensive Hadoop, YARN. Research on HPC in nuclear plasma turbulence is already talking about nuclear weapons transportation. As a matter of fact, Sandia National Laboratories is developing landmark HPC algorithms for it. These are all parallel processing algorithms and will be intensive, but that’s where I would see myself in future. “The brain is orchestrating all at the same time, so it’s a different type of mechanism altogether. If we can understand it, we’ll come up with more innovative models.” _____________________________________________ References Chen, R. T., Rubanova, Y., Bettencourt, J., & Duvenaud, D. (2019). Neural Ordinary Differential Equations. Retrieved from Collins M.D. PhD, F. S., & Fink, L. (1995). The Human Genome Project. NCBI – US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health National Institutes of Health, 19(3)(), 190 – 195. Retrieved from Dilmegani, C. (2017). Will AI reach singularity by 2060? 995 experts? opinions on AGI. Retrieved from DK, P. (2015). High-Performance Deep Learning (HiDL) – The Ohio State University. Retrieved from Du, Q., & Li, X. (2013, October 13). Li, Z., Shen, H., Denton, J., & Ligon, W. (2016, December 8th, 2016). Comparing application performance on HPC-based Hadoop platforms with local storage and dedicated storage. IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data).. IEEE Proceedings of 2013 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Network Technology. Hao, K. (2019). The computing power needed to train AI is now rising seven times faster than ever before. Retrieved from Li, Z., Shen, H., Denton, J., & Ligon, W. (2016, December 8th, 2016). Comparing application performance on HPC-based Hadoop platforms with local storage and dedicated storage. IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). Nowakowski, T. (2017). Gallium nitride processor—next-generation technology for space exploration. Phys Org. Retrieved from Pullman, G. (2021). The AI Bible: A Gigantic Masonry on a Greater Foundation of Machine Learning Engineering. Reader’s Digest. 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Not,. The bizarre thing about this whole picture is that, while Obama is surrounded with “low level” people seemingly willing to do his bidding without even being ordered to, the President, himself, is playing games on his Blackberry, and going to bed early while ambassadors are dying and the IRS is breaking every law in the books. Meanwhile, all the major players: Holder, Hillary, etc. are pulling the Sgt. Shultz routine, and the perception of the LIV is that, not only is Obama not responsible, he’s actually outraged at such actions and trying to get to the bottom of it all. This whole era of American politics belongs in the YCMTSU file. Special prosecutor? Im all for Juan Martinez…………… I’d LOVE to watch him rip these ass Klowns apart. with this regime half of chi cago will be in prison if a SP gets ripping. What we are witnessing is liberalism in full force. This is what liberalism is – the use and abuse of a central authority to bring about results a ruling elite and a progressive ideology deem “fair”. Never let a crisis go to waste, even if you have to manufacture that crisis. Ironically, David Axlerod in a rare moment of clarity spilled the beans on what his ideology brings about when he said that the federal government is too big to control. Every scandal and every negative symptom of this economy is due to the full implementation of liberalism on behalf of Obama and while a special prosecutor may help in exposing the corruption and incompetence to the low information voter, he/she won’t be able to stop the cancerous growth of liberalism in our culture and political body. That will have to be done by conservatives, libertarians, and clear thinking, God fearing, rational human beings who vote and get involved. Cluster, And our resident liberals are so invested in arguing issues like evolution, abortion and global warming they don’t even realize that their country is being destroyed right before their eyes. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when the realization finally hits folks like Mitch and Rusty. It won’t and it’s not. bmitch Germany 1934…….some things never change. Useful idiots and blind drooling kneepadders will always be with us. ” I’d love to be a fly on the wall when the realization finally hits folks like Mitch and Rusty.” Hmmm, those two jokers get their Constitutional rights from a monkey. How can realization ever come to people like that? IMHO those kind of folks will go to their graves believing that they just need one more time to get it right. Remember folks, marx wrote about about the “rights” of the working man man even though he never put in a honest days labor his whole life. Now it is time to leave for Arkansas again. Be good ya’all! Right now, our liberals are doubling down on direction from the White House – there is no scandal. There was no targeting of conservatives by the IRS. There is no controversy about Benghazi. There is just nothing here but fake scandal-mongering by the GOP as they try to destroy Obama rather than work with him for America’s good. We’ll see if this works – but, clearly, this shows the scandals are potentially Administration-destroying and so the attempt is to get out in front of public opinion and make it politically impossible to bring these scandals to their natural conclusion. The MSM – after briefly being upset about the AP scandal – will back Obama to the hilt on this effort. You are right Mark. After a one day, rare display of actual journalism on behalf of the complicit media, they have fallen back in line and are now questioning the GOP’s efforts and querying whether or not they will hurt themselves by “over reaching”. Time to protect Obama at all costs. After a one day, rare display of actual journalism on behalf of the complicit media, they have fallen back in line Which begs the question, is there ANYTHING that the government could do which would make anyone in the sycophantic media sit up and take notice? Probably not. The current crop of journalists have stained the profession. Cluster, In the end, all Carney has to say to the MSMers is “if you attack us, you help the GOP”, and they’ll get in line behind the President. One thing that is not getting much air play is that the IRS not only targeted these groups, they then sent on what they had learned about the confidential internal workings of these groups to a radical Leftist organization to use against conservatives in the 2012 election. As for the utter nonsense that the IRS thing is just a tempest in a teapot because a few overworked and dedicated employees merely sought to find a “more efficient” way to process applications, there is no way to yell the full form of “BS!!” loud enough. Yeah, it’s “more efficient” to demand written promises from members that they will not protest at Planned Parenthood clinics. I guess this was supposed to move the process along more quickly and smoothly. And what about the demand to provide photographs of the people who attended meetings of one of these groups? PHOTOGRAPHS. Yep, analyzing group photos and identifying those in the audience is sure an efficient way to decide if the group is qualified to be a non-profit. Some are starting to point out that there was a drop off in grass roots TEA Party efforts – and, think about it, which of us having received a threatening letter from the IRS would still have gone forward with our little TEA Party demonstration? I think that Obama was trying to stifle his strongest opponents – and the GOP leadership let it happen because they weren’t too fond of the TEA Party, either. But here’s the kicker – the TEA Party is rapidly being re-energized by this…and now the IRS dare not harass. YUPPER!! Amazona, Peggy Noonan, writing at the WSJ, absolutely nails it today. Counter point. Point counterpoint Talk about “losing it”. The first paragraph of Mitche’s Andrew Sullivan link: He’s at least an accessory to running guns to the Mexican drug cartels and from Benghazi to Syrian rebels via Turkey. My guess is he was directly involved in the decision to do both. I don’t know how anyone with half a brain can take Andrew Sullivan seriously. Clinton’s sex life was personal and had nothing to do with his ability to govern the country, according to the Left at the time. And that mean SOB, Bush, just sat on his hands and let a hurricane destroy an entire city without lifting a finger to try and stop that nasty ol’ hurricane. Seriously Mitche — OK, sorry, “seriously” and “Mitche” don’t really belong in the same sentence. — Never mind. “It’s actually closer to us being idiots.” LOL!! To admit otherwise would mean they belong in Levenworth. Hopefully that’s where a few of them will end up. The Idiot Defense – Love it! holder = maybe in a cell with OJ …LOL You’re right. Lying about the cause of 4 Americans deaths to cover for incompetence and dereliction of duty in an area where the dictator was recently deposed and a there was a known void of leadership, is a minor thing. Especially when a democrat is in office. $71,225.00 of our tax dollars were spent on 37 useless attempts to repeal Universal Healthcare. The money would have been put to better use securing our foreign embassy’s. Like Benghazi. Oh wait. The Republicans denied the expenditure and concentrated instead on their Punch and Judy show. Fun fact. 1/2 of the current value of the US Stock market was created between 1817 and 2009. The other half was created during the still in effect presidency of Obama. “The money would have been put to better use securing our foreign embassy’s. Like Benghazi.” oh mitchie, you don’t want to go there! Benghazi is the fault of Congress? Really?? obAMATEUR wastes $71,225.00 being late for a campaign-like speech in anywhere, any-state USA to avoid confrontations with the press or avoid doing his job as executive. What about the MILLIONS wasted in France by obAMATEUR and Biden not too long ago? Mitchie, you are such a mindless tool. Pathetic. “The other half was created during the still in effect presidency of Obama.” So, when this quantitative easing catches up and the interest rates go to levels one would expect rather than keeping them artificially low, when the crash happens will the blame be put on obAMATEUR or will it be the person sitting in the chair at the time? If it is a non-Democrat, you mindless drones will gladly blame him. If it is a Democrat in office, then I guess the old reliable “it’s Bush’s fault” will be regurgitated by you lemmings. Now go price that market in 1913 dollars. Rusty, Seriously, and I’m saying this on a completely person to person level – don’t just repeat the White House talking points. For crying out loud, these are massive scandals. As I alluded to before, the scandals of the bush/cheney regime dwarf our current ones Bush and Cheney were in office “a long time ago”. Time to move on Rusty. Dwelling on ancient history is not healthy. Rusty, Then I assume you were bewildered by Jay Carney’s comment that Benghazi was “a long time ago” too? Rusty, What Bush/Cheney scandals are you referring to? Rusty, Forget it. Regurgitated White House talking points… Ok tonight is a long time friends Birthday. “Joe” is an old time italian from Pittsburgh (for mind set purpose only) he is a big lib with BSD and a HUGE!!! obama supporter. The party is at a local constabulary (bar) A couple of our buds rip on Joe about the “one”. and he does not take it well. I am actually pretty soft on him as I do not want to lose our friendship. The question…… do I wrap up and give to Joe my 150 reasons why obammy is the worst pResident book, or give him the usual gag gift? and TRY to give him a copy later? PS I want to hear from ALL on this, Dr. Baldork, and blowzo included…..the forkers and Bmitch can take a pass.. My thoughts – don’t give him the book on his birthday, go with the gag gift. Then wrap the book up and send it to him later with a message from the White House that reads – “sorry to let you down Joe” cluster…..LOVE IT forker…….GET LOST “…he is a big lib with BSD and a HUGE!!! obama supporter. I do not want to lose our friendship”…neocon ——————————————————————————– Really??? You actually value your friendship with Joe, a Liberal, who admires and supports President Obama. I’m guessing your friend is not aware of the extreme hatred you show, especially on this blog, toward the POTUS and leader of the free world, with your continuious cursing and name-calling, (POS) being among your favorite slurs. I wonder if he would still be your friend, neocon, if he knew that you present one face to him and another (true one?) on B4V. Maybe neocon isn’t the person you think he is Canadian. Maybe he isn’t the cartoonish construct of a right winger you have fabricated in your head. Have you ever thought of that possibility? I know the folks at MSNBC have worked hard over the years in creating the image of a stereotypical right wing strawman that you love to bash, but that’s just an imaginary figure Canadian. Just saying. I think he needs 57 copies, one for each State our President has visited… KanucKunobserver……. , if he knew that you present one face to him and another (true one?) on B4V. Ooh he knows my real feelings, we have been close to shouting about the POS a few times. I have some other buds that really give “joe” hell about ubama. We keep it light now because we have a good friendship. however If he goes off on his BDS, I will counter. We make a game out of it, I even wore an obama T shirt one friday night he almost spit his drink in his wife’s face when I walked in the door. The Obama regime and their loyal minions are doing their best to sweep these scandals under the rug and MoveOn. Obama said today that his number one focus is jobs for the middle class –. Obama has created a culture within the government where it is acceptable to be partisan, acceptable to attack opponents, so those in the IRS, and the DOJ were just doing what the culture permitted. To think that Obama is outraged is laughable. Remember the Plame issue? Special Prosecuter Fitzgerald continued the investigation even after learning that Richard Armitage was the source of the leak. Fitzgerald was tenaciously going after the Bush admin on that issue and that is how all of these current investigations should be conducted. I remember Hillary Clinton once asked of Richard Nixon – “what did the President know, and when did he know it”. If only she and the media had the same curiosity with this President. “his number one focus is jobs for the middle class ” Uh, didn’t he say that “I will not rest” until he “fixed” the economy? Strange that this is NOW his focus – next up he will say that all these hearings and inquiries from Representatives and Senators and questions from the press (if they do their job) are distractions and that he has to get back to work for the American people. Sound familiar? and that he has to get back to work for the American people……….. FORE!! Unemployment is down. Unless you question the source of the information. As well as you should since opinion and desire take precedence over facts. As far as your comments about comparing these issues with Watergate and your opinion that the President was materially involved, please provide factual proof. Not conjecture, or rational but real facts. Watergate was a criminal enterprise that took place in the Oval Office with the full knowledge and involvement of Richard Millhouse Nixon. Remember Rosemary Woods? Rather than face criminal prosecution, impeachment and possible prison time, when faced with the reality of the crime he organized and perpetrated, he resigned. A tacit admission of guilt. Neither Benghazi nor the IRS issue rise to the level of criminality. If you are looking for a scapegoat in all of this, look no further than SCOTUS decision in regards to Citizens United. I think it was Romney who declared “Corporations are people”. Well, people who try to cheat in their declarations as being tax exempt are subject to scrutiny by the IRS. Next I am sure you will ask if I am defending the IRS. No, I am not. But I am pointing out the glaringly obvious. The right is rabid, the left is rational and the facts do not support what the right wants to be a reality. Mitch, please. The actions of Obama and his government (and yes, it is his government) are indefensible. We will never know what happened with Fast & Furious because Obama invoked executive privilege early on in the investigation. To me, that is an admission of complicity, and hundreds if not thousands of people have been killed because of that including a US border guard. Secondly, Obama disappeared, DISAPPEARED, during the Benghazi raid which is in f**king excusable. And Clinton? She didn’t even call Hicks back for two days. Two examples of cowardice. Obama wants to bring those responsible to justice??? What an asshole. He could have brought justice to them that very night. The IRS? How about the lady in the thick of the storm, Lerner, still keeping her job and now heading up the Obamacare enforcement division for the agency? Like I said, Obama creates the culture, and people like Lerner just follow his lead. The Obama Presidency has gone from bad to worse, and he will go down as the most useless President ever. How many private CEO’s would still be employed if they had the same performance levels of Obama? Or came up with as many excuses? Obama never takes the blame for everything, and people like you are quick to defend him. Why? Cluster –. funny how there is NO mention by the lamestream press of the outrageous price of gas. Here’s how one of Obama’s big supporters does business: Cluster: How many Presidents have declared Executive Privelage? What makes it OK if a Republican uses that privelage of office but not Obama? Probably the same trigger of outrage when a Marine holds an umbrella. (I can post a photo of Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2 having an umbrella held by a Marine.) The overarching point is that no matter what, there is a small group of people in this country who despise the President and despise Americans. 150 reasons why. In book form! If Omama cured cancer you all would howl that he is putting oncologists out of work. The obstruction in congress is suicide for Republicans so I say, keep it up. There’s a magic pony somewhere! As far as Neo and cartoons, Canadian Observer is spot on correct. Perhaps if he changed his behavior and quit fulfilling the reputation he has created, other conservatives wouldn’t be stereotyped as being a dweller of the stoneage. He is as much a cartoon as the character Christopher Loyd played in Roger Rabbitt. Where is the Acetone whenyou need it? there is a small group of people in this country who despise the President and despise Americans Mitche, The number of people who both despise Obama AND America (that’s what you meant, right — not “Americans”?) is, indeed, probably relatively small. The number of people who despise Obama but LOVE America is large and growing. His primary legacy will be that of being the most divisive president of at least the last century, pitting race against race, gender against gender and class against class, a strategy that, quite frankly, I don’t believe is going to end well. Well JR, I am not really sure what I meant. There have been numerous posts on this blog wherein the intelligence of the American people is disparaged, wherein entire cities and states are put down and of course, someone like me is made fun of everytime I post. (Funny how when I do the same my comments are deleted.) What do you think I meant? bmitch , but I can think of one President who invaded a country based on; shall I say “not truthful” information in which ~4000 Americans died. which is a LIE!! which you do well. A UNITED NATIONS COALITION invaded Iraq because of continued violations of it’s mandates. Close to 50 MILLION people were liberated. How many innercity murders took place during the same time frame? It was actually safer to Be a Marine in Iraq than in say down town detroit, chi cago,and DC PS amnesia there vacuum boy?? or are you drunk? What do you think I meant? I already stated I thought you meant “America” not “Americans”. Americans hating Americans makes no sense, but then many of your posts make no sense. Your posts are so disjointed, factually challenged and illogical that one never quite knows what you really mean. Oh, and most presidents wait until they’re accused of something before invoking executive privilege. How many Presidents have declared Executive Privelage? What makes it OK if a Republican uses that privelage of office but not Obama – Mitch When people die, including a US border guard – that makes it not ok. And not to beat a dead horse, but I can think of one President who invaded a country based on; shall I say “not truthful” information in which ~4000 Americans died. So what is worse? Assuming that is what we are comparing. Personally, I am an optimist. That “not truthful” information was that of the Clinton appointed CIA chief and was universally shared by a lot of other countries. Just saying. bmitch see above post OOPS…… Number of Chicago Murders in 2008 Tops U.S. Soldier Deaths in Iraq, But Media’s Not Reporting It in the community agitators home town none the less….ONE MORE FAILURE by barry n da boyz bmitch (I can post a photo of Reagan, Bush 1 and Bush 2 having an umbrella held by a Marine.) DO IT!! NO pics of MARINES holding umbrellas you FAIL again little man Excuse me. I should have said Military. But no matter, I made my point. No go off an play! NO you said MARINES you Fn MORON…..!!! you are caught in ANOTHER LIE you jerk!! It wasn’t a lie. It was a mistake and I admitted it. Can’t handle it? Bet you can’t handle proving the past 2 elections were “stolen” either. Judging from the date, I see you didn’t dump your bicycle or discharge your weapon. bmitch bicycle? projection there KID? Actually, bicycle riding is a very good form of exercise. I assume that with all your machismo you are healthy. And is calling me a kid supposed to to intimidate me? Is that an insult? Why is it that you insult everyone? Do you think you are funny? Or smart? I think you are incredibly insecure. Hence the bragging about the gun. mitchethe***kid Duhhhhhhh !! a mere mention of a weekend motorcycle ride and a CCW has sent you into a frothing tailspin. You seem obsessed that anyone would CCW and even dare MENTION it.(no “bragging involved KID) …..sorry KID but many of us MEN do ride and CCW. we leave the KID’s home on the porch with the cats.
September 28, 2014 Total Views: 5264 Today: 1 ★★★ Hotel De Seine Paris, Located in the historic 6th district in central Paris, this hotel offers air-conditioned guest rooms with a period décor and a flat-screen TV. It is 200 metres from Mabillon Metro Station. Guest rooms feature antique furniture and Wi-Fi internet access. Each guest room has a marble bathroom fitted with a hairdryer. All rooms are serviced by a lift. A continental breakfast is served every morning in the breakfast room at Hotel De Seine. With a 24-hour reception, the Hotel De Seine also provides an airport shuttle service, with an additional cost. Luxembourg Garden is 550 metres from the hotel. Pont Neuf, where the river cruises depart, is 500 metres away. (Hotel De Seine Paris hotels booking). 34 Guest Reviews Denise from United Kingdom, December 17, 2016 at 4:24 pm We have stayed in the hotel several times and are never disappointed. The staff are extremely pleasant, the hotel is clean and homely and in an excellent location for all the sights. We shall definitely stay again on our next visit which we are looking forward to. Mary from U.S.A., November 10, 2016 at 11:19 pm Excellent staff, excellent location and a great value for Paris. You could tell that the staff genuinely cared about us and did all they could to make us comfortable. Paris is a huge city with many hotel choices. I would definitely stay here again. William from United Kingdom, September 22, 2016 at 7:56 pm Great location with lots of atmosphere and near to Musee d'Orsay, Notre Dame and the Louvre. Close to Metro. Very helpful staff. Room was reasonable but novel with the bathroom in the basement. Very nice hotel. Michael from Singapore, August 27, 2016 at 3:24 pm Great location in the Latin Quarter. Nice clean three bedroom room. Well equipped bathroom Great air-con. Some UK TV channels to watch. Comfortable beds Nice ambiance. Daniel from U.S.A., August 24, 2016 at 6:51 pm Everything. Old world charm, quiet building, proximity to restaurants, grocery store and subway, and of course to the Seine, reasonable price, friendly staff. We purposely did not want a large hotel. Robert from Ireland, August 18, 2016 at 9:39 pm It was a great place to stay for our trip to Paris. Very close to Metro and all attractions. There are also many places to eat around the area. We will definitely be staying there again! Anne from Canada, August 6, 2016 at 9:40 pm A small hotel with old world charm in the heart of St Germain des Pres. Good sized room, beautifully decorated, large closet, air conditioned. Minutes from the Mabillon metro. Great neighbourhood with good restaurants and shops and history. Staff very helpful and knowledgeable. I would definitely stay there again. Angèle from Brazil, August 5, 2016 at 11:39 pm The location and ambiance was great too.The staff was very kind in general and particularly helpful trying to solve a problem with the bathtub, they even provided another room in the vicinity where we lodged till it was solved the problem. Katheren from Canada, August 5, 2016 at 6:30 pm Within minutes of our arrival the extremely personable Audrey (manager) made us feel right at home. Central location enabled us to walk to all major attractions & good offering at breakfast fuelled us for our treks. Lance from Australia, July 31, 2016 at 9:27 pm We liked everything about Hotel De Seine from the first up greeting by staff into the room and help with any questions. Breakfast had excellent choices at hand with fresh food well prepared and presented. Location was superb with Paris high spots and/or shopping all in easy walking. The Hotel exudes charm with the most important to us comfort, cleanliness and courtesy. Derek from Australia, July 31, 2016 at 5:57 pm My favourite location in Paris where there are great places to wine and dine. And have coffee. Close to busses and the Metro. Easy to reach by public transport from the main airports. Not much Michael from U.S.A., July 28, 2016 at 3:32 pm Perfectly located small hotel in Saint Germain. The staff are excellent and very accommodating. The room is very clean, comfortable and surprisingly quiet. We would highly recommend! Maria from U.S.A., July 28, 2016 at 1:39 pm Kind and helpful staff. Clean, charming room with a very nice and functional bathroom. Burned out light bulb replace immediately. Nice lounge and pleasant, affordable breakfast. And a great dinner recommendation for Christine's from Audrey at the front desk! James from U.S.A., July 28, 2016 at 11:42 am The staff were incredibly helpful and friendly, we felt very welcome during our stay. The bedroom was very cute and cozy, and the bed was very comfortable. The bathroom quite large with a deep bathtub. Sonja from U.S.A., July 26, 2016 at 5:54 pm This hotel in the St. Germaine district was an incredible find. There were 5 of us so the girls staying on the 3rd floor (which is the US 4th floor) with a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower. My husband and I ran around the Luxembourg Gardens the next morning. It's a really nice area and seemed pretty safe. The front desk attendant was super helpful too and very accommodating). We would definitely stay here again! Shelley from U.S.A., July 23, 2016 at 11:55 am The staff was very accommodating. Walked into property and we were greeted with our key. The location was perfect for us. Right I. The middle of many places to sightsee. All in all, a lovely time. Adrian from United Kingdom, July 22, 2016 at 10:19 am The location of Hotel De Seine is wonderful in the heart of St Germain with a wealth of shops/galleries/restaurants and famous sites within walking distance. This is a vibrant area and the hotel very quaint, cosy and French. Michael from France, July 20, 2016 at 7:36 pm In the middle of restos. Everything close by. But surprisingly quiet. Retro décor and quality with character. Staff impeccable. Highly recommanded. Brenda from U.S.A., July 20, 2016 at 11:20 am Excellent location and staff service, great value for the money. My daughter and I had a wonderful time in Paris, partly due to our wonderful accommodations and the fantastic neighborhood. Faith from U.S.A., July 19, 2016 at 11:17 pm what a beautiful, comfortable hotel in a perfect "happening" location!! This is where the action is—many restaurants, shops, and galleries on quaint streets right outside the hotel, yet, very quiet rooms for sleeping.Close to all the sights and Metro. I loved it! Rene from South Africa, June 23, 2016 at 9:22 pm Friendly small hotel. Well situated and very comfortable . Highly recommend this establishment. Audrey at reception was most helpful and the hotel caters for one's every need . Martin from U.S.A., June 23, 2016 at 11:34 am Beautiful, very much a style I enjoy, plush curtains, cloth wallcoverings, marble sink, etc. "Old School". The rooms are not huge, but not claustrophobic at all either. The desk staff were unusually helpful! Carmen from Kuwait, June 22, 2016 at 4:33 pm Loved the location, so close to everything gorgeous in Paris. The room was quaintly furnished which was refreshing for a hotel room. Staff were helpful and courteous Zenaida from Philippines, June 17, 2016 at 11:28 pm The location was perfect. Lots of cafés and places to eat. A grocery and delicatessen for any other needs. 2 metro lines within a few hundred meters and the Louvre museum is just over the pont d'arts bridge. Jillian from Australia, June 15, 2016 at 8:35 pm Staff went way out of there way to be accomodating…check in and check out were a breeze – such a wonderful experience, in what has to be THE premier address of real Paris. Sue from New Zealand, June 4, 2016 at 1:25 pm The location of the hotel being so close to the Seine, and surrounded by great eateries and interesting shops and streets. all of the staff were so helpful and made us very welcome. Jennifer from Australia, May 15, 2016 at 2:59 pm The hotel is well located and although in a busy area the rooms are quiet as face inner courtyard. The staff were very helpful and happy to assist at all times. I look forward to my next stay! Mazher from United Kingdom, May 8, 2016 at 2:39 pm 1. Staff demeanour. 2. Breakfast; 3. Location (save for it's some nights being noisy at night Margaret from U.S.A., April 18, 2016 at 10:12 pm Location was excellent. We could walk everywhere from this location. Great places to eat and drink around every corner. The staff helped us find the best crepes, best breakfast, phoned the tour companies for us to confirm pick up times. Jayne from United Kingdom, April 2, 2016 at 10:24 pm Location Staff very helpful but queues at desk at busy times as only one person working at any time Free wifi Quiet room Nice Toiletries Brid from Ireland, February 24, 2016 at 9:41 pm Excellent, central location, museums, cafes, restaurants,Seine, charming hotel and beautiful streets. Could not have asked for better. Ian from United Kingdom, February 14, 2016 at 11:51 am Great location, spacious room and bathroom (by Parisian standards). Didn't have breakfast in the hotel as there are so many cafés close by. Would go back again. Staff were friendly and we were able to take our room on arrival at midday, in fact we were given keys to two rooms so we could make a choice between street side and courtyard side. Room was very quiet on the courtyard side, and in any case it's a quiet street. Nicole from Singapore, February 5, 2016 at 7:18 pm Location. Staff friendly. Clean room though a bit old. On sunday there was a small market at the junction with fantastic rotisserie chicken for 10 euros. Best value meal we had in paris after all the pastries & over priced omelettes Eleanore from Canada, January 28, 2016 at 10:26 am cozy hotel. nice safe feeling. staff is friendly and welcoming. Comfortable and very quiet room on the top floor facing courtyard with decent linens and bed. Decent size room with a nice bathtub and Lots of hot water. breakfast is OK for extra charge.
Warez Moving From BitTorrent to Conventional Hosting Services timothy posted more than 4 years ago | from the gradual-process-gets-noticed de warez in its survey were available on RapidShare, which, according to Alexa, is already one of the 20 largest sites in the world. V.I. Labs' CEO predicts file-hosting sites such as RapidShare will supplant BitTorrent, as the former appear better protected legally." captain obvious (5, Insightful) MoFoQ (584566) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708443) this one needs a "no sh*t sherlock" tag... obviously, when u stamp out one source....and not the demand, a new source will come to existence to fill in that demand. Rapidshare, Megaupload, netload, etc. have been around for a while and do have legitimate uses (some times, trying to send to a 20MB PDF or Illustrator (.ai) advertising file can wreak havoc on email, especially with some of the free email ones or if your client is a small business). Some opensource apps also use the services to host mirrors to their downloads to lighten the load on their own servers. Re:captain obvious (4, Insightful) IgnoramusMaximus (692000) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708587) Actually, moving to paid services is one of those short-sighted, brain-dead lemming moves the general public gets involved in periodically. This is simply so because most such sites need actual payment to download (unless you want to download 1 file per 24 hours at something like 10k/s in the "free", "oh how much faster it would go if you only gave us your Credit Card number", "trial" mode - and never you mind horrid java-script hells of a "web page" all of these "services" feature). The end result is that there is a complete trail of uploaders, their IP Addresses, their emails, but what's even better, there is a complete trail of all downloaders, including their IP Addresses, emails, user ids and,. In short: stupidity squared on the part of any people who use RapidShare, MegaUpload and a bunch of similar scams, people who have no clue about the implications of their actions and were, due to their ignorance of technology driven into arms of these scams by the PR campaigns against P2P, people who got brainwashed into believing that the direct-download sites are "safer". All it will take is one of them getting sued and happily forking over all the logs and financial records. Than again, odds are that some of them are already controlled by MPAA etc as a result of some behind-the-scenes settlements. No such thing was possible with BitTorrent as a vast majority of tracker sites are anonymous. The snobs participating in "private trackers" had more elevated levels of exposure because of their "registration" process offered additional levels of forensic evidence. In fact most P2P systems offer as the only point of identification the IP Address, which does not immediately translate into a personal identification (unlike your MasterCard with which you paid RapidShare) due to dynapmic IP assignments, possible WiFi holes, access by other people to your computer and what not. In short, it will take only a series of mega-busts of MegaUpload users, followed by rapid (due to excellent and undeniable forensic evidence) convictions, until the lemmings will run back to more anonymous and thus more sane methods of file-sharing. Re:captain obvious (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708641) In short, it will take only a series of mega-busts of MegaUpload users, followed by rapid (due to excellent and undeniable forensic evidence) convictions, until the lemmings will run back to more anonymous and thus more sane methods of file-sharing. In various parts you're quite right. Although in countries where downloading is legal, there's less that can be done to the downloaders - especially those that don't mind waiting or slower-than-instant downloads. The uploader would likely get crucified all the same if uploading was illegal. Re:captain obvious (4, Insightful) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708657) You talk about Bit torrent use like it's in the past, however it's very much a live and kicking. Re:captain obvious (4, Insightful) MoFoQ (584566) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708677) never heard of jdownloader [jdownloader.org]? it doesn't have to use a "paid/premium" account to access those files and it automates a lot of the tedious aspects of the free versions of the services. plus there are services out there meant for uploading to those file hosting services, anonymously and automatically, as well as payment services from various countries that don't share the bed with the lobbyists like the US/UK/France that handle the payment services as well as proxy services... yes...I can go on and on. It's a cat-and-mouse game, where the mouse usually is more savy and has a head-start. Re:captain obvious (1) IgnoramusMaximus (692000) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708799) No, its first time I hear of the thing, although the concept is rather old and has been done in response to previous scam sites trying to obfuscate or lock contents and get people to pay for releasing it. Naturally the operators if the scam sites will do everything in their power to prevent this "jdownloader" from working (as they are "losing" their ad revenue and "premium account" money to it as it makes "free" downloading less of an getting-a-root-canal-dentistry-experience they want you to have) and this will quickly devolve into an arms race, where your "jdownloader" will work today, by screwed up tomorrow as some site takes counter-measures, work on the next Tuesday again when devs respond, then quit on Thursday etc and so on. Not if the mouse was stupid enough to forward its Credit Card number to the cat, who then finds its billing-address-mouse-hole and sits there waiting for it... Re:captain obvious (2, Interesting) logjon (1411219) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708821) Re:captain obvious (1) IgnoramusMaximus (692000) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708861) I addressed the gift cards in another reply to a poster below. In short: they are not available in most countries, in many where they allow them they do not work online and in the last remaining few places the FATF is doing their best to make them unusable online. I do not expect that fight to last very long, by 2011 or so none of them will work online anymore. Re:captain obvious (1, Informative) logjon (1411219) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708901) Re:captain obvious (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29709089) Well, y'see, the thing is that your original argument was "these d00ds are dumb for not using jdownloader and prepaid credit cards". And when it's pointed out that neither of these is a viable option for most of the people most of the time, you say "don't care, worksforme". Which is essentially a tacit admission that you were wrong in the first place. Re:captain obvious (1) logjon (1411219) | more than 4 years ago | (#29709101) Re:captain obvious (4, Insightful) ScrewMaster (602015) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708695) In fact most P2P systems offer as the only point of identification the IP Address, which does not immediately translate into a personal identification Apparently you've not been following the RIAA lawsuit mill. According to them (and the majority of courts which have bought into it) an IP address is unquestionable proof of identity. The fact that it's not doesn't matter if you've been screwed into the ground by a frivolous lawsuit. Re:captain obvious (1) vxvxvxvx (745287) | more than 4 years ago | (#29709105) According to them (and the majority of courts which have bought into it) an IP address is unquestionable proof of identity. I'm glad you clarified that it's the courts that bought into it that bought into it... It's fitting that this was posted under "captain obvious." Re:captain obvious (2, Informative) Shadow of Eternity (795165) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708749) No, nobody will ever be convicted of anything. They may be found LIABLE after the RIAA proves a preponderance of the evidence is in their favor but nobody is getting convicted of anything. There's a reason the MAFIAA keeps using civil suits rather than trying to pursue things in criminal courts. Sucks to be American sometimes (3, Insightful) Langfat (953252) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708753) sorry to be rude, but not all countries adhere to the crazy copyright laws that the USA does. according to my interpretation of current Canadian law (which could very well be incorrect) the levies i pay on blank media go to the riaa/mpaa/canadian equivalents and i am allowed to download as much as i want. this doesn't mean i'm allowed to distribute as much as i want, but with a centralized server which is download only, that's not the problem that it would be with bittorrent, in which you're required to both send and receive. not too mention that rapidshare et. al have an air of legitimacy, as they take down any files which are reported to contain content they aren't legally allowed to distribute. of course, "they don't have the resources to check every single file that is uploaded to their servers," only the ones that are reported. And the only reason rapidshare does that is because they are a German-owned company (if i recall correctly). some countries, like Colombia and Egypt don't adhere to any copyright law. presumably a company owned and operated in a place like that would be virtually immune to any information requests from the MAFIAA and their ilk. it surprises me, given the invention and popularity of the internet, how many americans still struggle to think globally, and still assume that the rest of the world on their terms. this is not intended to be a troll or flamebait or personal insult, it's merely my own stated opinion. Re:Sucks to be American sometimes (1) ImYourVirus (1443523) | more than 4 years ago | (#29709035) Re:captain obvious (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708803) You also act like you've never heard of prepaid credit cards. Re:captain obvious (1) IgnoramusMaximus (692000) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708839) "Gift" (i.e. anonymous and prepaid) credit cards do not exist in many countries, and in many of those that allow them the cards do not work online .... precisely because they are anonymous. In fact the whole idea of "gift" cards is being considered a loophole that goes against the recommendations of FATF (Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering). Anonymity is a precious commodity and is considered a weapon in the "Wars" on Terrorism, Drugs, Alcohol, Privacy and Whatever Else Can Be Made Into A Cash-cow For Security And Defence Corporations And An Excuse For Authoritarian Crusades. Subsequently, I would not get too used to these cards being around. Re:captain obvious (1) logjon (1411219) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708865) Re:captain obvious (3, Interesting) IgnoramusMaximus (692000) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708921) BT (and any other pure P2P system) is safer simply because there are additional hoops for the MPAAs of the world to jump through (like ISPs and privacy laws) to get your identity and even so such identity is unreliable (unless your lawyer is a dolt or you have been completely unprepared and are keeping all your downloaded stuff in the open, have no WiFi routers etc). This is of course not an impregnable defence but its orders of magnitude harder to crack then simply asking MegaUpload for all your downloads in your account, cross-correlated with your identity coming from your financial record (note that the prickly ISP problem has been circumnavigated neatly). P2P can be made far more secure, and it has been, like for example the Japanese Winny system (which was a cross between something like FreeNet and a typical P2P system like Gnutella) and its more modern successor the Perfect Dark. If coupled with steganographic storage, good user practices and other tricks, such systems can be made near-impractical to crack, to the point that mere knowledge of the IP address is (practically) useless from the perspective of copyright witch-hunters. Re:captain obvious (1) logjon (1411219) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708961) Re:captain obvious (2, Insightful) IgnoramusMaximus (692000) | more than 4 years ago | (#29709033) Dude, you do not seem to understand. Prepaid cards are a money laundering loophole, far more serious to the powers-that-be than some nerds downloading pilfered porn off of RapidShare. You are thinking: "merry mouse-and-cat chases with the RIAA", they are thinking: "Osama Bin Laden agents paying for communications and bomb components". It doesn't take a genius to figure out what is going to happen in this case. Re:captain obvious (1) logjon (1411219) | more than 4 years ago | (#29709071) Re:captain obvious (1) Dudeman_Jones (1589225) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708845) fun fact. anyone downloading junk from these sites is probably downloading an encrypted container file like rar or 7zip, under a completely false filename. another fun fact. the most popular, and therefore hardest to police sites are all free to use, with improved premium access being a pay-to-play option, not a mandate. Next time get off your high horse and do a little research before flipping out on this crap. Re:captain obvious (1) IgnoramusMaximus (692000) | more than 4 years ago | (#29709015) Really? How then do you find this file? Unless you and your buddies are into psychic connections, there is somewhere, where a lot of you turkeys congregate, a "translation" to the real contents and the password to extract it. Unless you expect MPAAs of the world to be illiterate, they can read it as well as you do. Considering yourself oh-soooo-much-smarter-then-your-dumb-by-definition-adversary is the hallmark of elementary school "cryptography". In keeping with this, I fully expect you to lecture me next on the use of ROT-13 as an "advanced" method of "hiding" stuff. The article specifically mentions the likes of RapidShare, which is decidedly not in that category. But fear not, I am sure the other sites expect to make oodles on continuing to offer terabytes of bandwidth just out of their love of sharing.... or perhaps they are just hoping that enough suckers pays before they go bust. Note that places like YouTube are millions of dollars in the red. Re:captain obvious (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29709099) an encrypted container file like rar or 7zip, under a completely false filename. The AAs wouldn't be the least bit disappointed if file sharing went back to trading info on obscure bulletin boards located in the underbelly of the internet. Re:captain obvious (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708877) Rapidshare may be strict about the number of files you download, speed, etc (like "only one file every 10 minutes"), but most others aren't that way from what I can see. I've gotten 1200 KBps speeds on MegaUpload downloading files before and usually average between 500 and 800 KBps, and have downloaded a gig before the limits on a day have hit me. They adjust them back and forth depending on traffic, so sometimes it's 350MB max in 15 minutes. Yeah, they have a "premium" level of service of course, but the "free" version really is fine for regular file transferring -- just not for downloading feature films and other heavy pirate usage. Re:captain obvious (1) Kjella (173770) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708907). Uh? I pay money for my ISP, so there's actual money changing hands no matter what I do online. They'll need a stronger connection than that to get anywhere. Re:captain obvious (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708993) Re:captain obvious (2, Informative) FallinWithStyle (1474217) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708735) (4, Informative) HNS-I (1119771) | more than 4 years ago | (#29709059) xIAA loses (4, Insightful) lucas teh geek (714343) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708447) Right (1) petronije (1650685) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708457) March Hare: (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708521) Is it the time already? Hatter will be mad, I'm so late... Re:March Hare: (1) pecila (1647383) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708557) Then you might know why is a raven like a writing desk? Re:March Hare: (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708911) Because they both use Rapids-hare? Use JDownloader for file-hosting sites (1, Informative) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708459) If you download a lot of files from one-click hosting sites like RapidShare, MegaUpload, etc., you should definitely check out JDownloader ( ). It automates the downloading of files from several dozen sites and even has features like CAPTCHA breaking. Linux, Mac, and Windows are all supported. Agreed (2, Informative) mister_playboy (1474163) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708571) JDownloader has really come into its own over the last few months. Older versions were prone to errors, dropped links and excessive CPU usage, but the current version does very well. As the program has grown, it also keeps up much better with changes in hoster page layout (which can break downloads). Free games? (5, Funny) nycguy (892403) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708461) Re:Free games? (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708983) RapidShare has porn?!? That's not new (3, Insightful) jeffasselin (566598) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708463) A lot of warez stuff has been hosted on such services for a while now, it's only more noticeable because other services are being used less. Re:That's not new (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708851) I thought that was the point of this article, that more people are going to direct download services. Not that they're doing it period, but that there's more of them. The future of piracy... (3, Insightful) girlintraining (1395911) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708469) They'll continue to make more and more draconian laws. In twenty years, they'll be threatening people with fifty years in the electric chair with a gerbil up their arse, and it will have done nothing to solve the problem. And between websites, new protocols, new control methods, demands to the ISPs, and all of that, the community will survive on shifting sands, always staying one step ahead of their pursuers because it takes time to legislate and administrate a response to what is inherently a social movement without any defined leaders or organizational structure. They cannot beat the economics of the situation, no matter how much technology or social control, or legal action they take: Which is that the cost of reproduction is effectively zero. They will do everything they can to make distribution as expensive as possible, enforcing ludicrous bandwidth caps and trying to control the internet as much as they can. Eventually, it'll reach a critical point where the cost of forming a new decentralized network will become cheaper than continuing to use the old methods of communication, and the community will give birth to the successor to the internet. It's something of an irony that the internet was created on the ideas of free information exchange and ensuring that an open line of communication would always be possible between its participants turning into a profit-orientated tool by greedy corporations. But while they may someday succeed in control of the network, they will have done nothing to attack the ideals upon which it was originally built, and so long as those ideals live, it will continue to rematerialize like the goddamned phoenix, generation after generation, even as society claims to have no use for it. Re:The future of piracy... (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708663) of course, although the cost of reproduction is zero, the cost of *production* is still pretty huge for most media types, by most metrics. if that's the way things are going, then i can only really see one possible endpoint: advertising/product-placement driven production. which is gonna suck. thanks for playing. Re:The future of piracy... (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708809) Umm, the music and movie industry are raking in cash, even in the age of mass downloads. That isn't going to change. Re:The future of piracy... (2, Interesting) cdrguru (88047) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708797) Everything adapts. Software will be something you rent on the Internet and never resides on your computer. Music? The situation in China has "evolved" to the point where there is no more recorded music sold (or produced). In the West check your local radio stations... what is selling there is oldies. What will continue to "sell" will be music from the previous century and the Internet will be dominated by garage bands offering stuff for free in hopes of landing a gig. Movies? Eliminate digital distribution (DVDs) and you eliminate the problem. If it is going to be on DVD, lots of people will just download it for free. You want a theatrical release? It is going to have to be in theaters only, for years. Maybe sell DVDs years later, maybe never because once released on DVD the revenue stream ends. User generated content? Check out YouTube for that, especially ShayTards and Magibon. This is the height of user-generated content and people are starting to discover (realize?) that it is crap. All crap, all the time. No, that isn't going to be the future of entertainment. What most people don't understand is we've grown an entire generation that believes it all should be free and will never, ever pay. This is going to require a major adaptation that most "media" and "entertainment" isn't going to survive, but the adaptation will eventually succeed. No, only in your fantasy will it really all be free. Someone has to pay, and patronage doesn't work. So we all have to pay for what we consume. Re:The future of piracy... (2, Insightful) DentInYourHead (1331735) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708969) Re:The future of piracy... (4, Informative) amRadioHed (463061) | more than 4 years ago | (#29709091) What do you mean recorded music isn't sold or produced in China? I've got a handful of recent CDs from China sitting in front of me right now. This makes perfect sense (2, Insightful) Ralph Spoilsport (673134) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708473) RS et al is more than happy to take down anything determined to be a violation of copyright. PirateBay et al stood up and said "fuck off". This doesn't jive with the workflow IP capital demands under the DMCA. Yes, the DMCA is a parochial piece of shit that is only enforceable in the states, but given the size and power of the USA system and its networks, it only makes sense to appease the DMCA as it is the more restrictive of the nationalist bullshit rules re: IP copyright. RS, mediafire, and others will take down stuff when someone complains. Hence, by "killing its own" it becomes much more resilient, as one gets the whack-a-mole effect, but with this major structural difference: with pirate Bay / napster etc. when the system is brought down, resurrecting or building a new network is very time consuming and difficult. with the RS/megaupload/mediafire/etc. model, they own they field on which whack-a-mole is played. So by letting the rights holders chase the pirates, RS et al get to profit on the churn. The next thing will be blogs dedicated to software with links to DLs of the stuff in RS et al, similar to music blogs now, and then a master system to search it all, similar to chewbone. RS Re:This makes perfect sense (1) buchner.johannes (1139593) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708511) RS, mediafire, and others will take down stuff when someone complains. Maybe, but it is still a "Bat a rat" game with an apathic player. You will never get all copies across multiple hosters. Re:This makes perfect sense (2, Informative) JoelRodz (873094) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708661) This is already being done... its just not as mainstream as one would think. Re:This makes perfect sense (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708743) It doesn't matter. Producers will put advertisements in their products no matter what; either they can make X from selling their product traditionally, or they can make X+Y selling their product with embedded advertising. Even if X decreases slightly because of the blatant advertising, Y usually makes up for it. Ideas (2, Interesting) robvangelder (472838) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708475) I wish that TV Shows were available on Rapidshare legit. The download speeds are great, and I would definitely pay $1 per episode. List of warez ftp sites... regularly updated (4, Funny) DNS-and-BIND (461968) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708479) General information on accessing these sites: Re:List of warez ftp sites... regularly updated (1) gzipped_tar (1151931) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708649) For those who don't get it, they're the localhost address in hex, dec and oct representations. Re:List of warez ftp sites... regularly updated (2, Insightful) ultimad (879139) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708659) Also, simple PC's with Wind0wz are also totally off the limits. Go to your shell account and use a real operating systems. L4m3rs without multitasking can't get in. That gave me today's dose of laugh! Considering 90% of warez are applications and games designed for Windows, it's amusing that users with that OS are not allowed! Re:List of warez ftp sites... regularly updated (3, Informative) DNS-and-BIND (461968) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708927) Re:List of warez ftp sites... regularly updated (3, Funny) Kjella (173770) | more than 4 years ago | (#29709041) Sometimes the moderators have a sense of humor too, they're modding it so others will be fooled. Plus you get free karma, so no reason to complain. Usenet anyone? (-1) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708491) Usenet still has an awful lot of warez on it, and I can download TV shows through usenet much faster than I can as a torrent. If it's a high-profile (read: watched by the media companies like a hawk), it's a no brainer. Re:Usenet anyone? (-1, Flamebait) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708553) Usenet is long dead unless you trade recipes, participate in flamewars, or spam. Rumors to the contrary occasionally arise, but if it was so great, nobody would have used: q.e.d., Usenet is just a lousy message board for elitists. There is certainly nothing to see there. Re:Usenet anyone? (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708623) Right that's why I download about a terabyte a month from usenet. Re:Usenet anyone? (1, Insightful) mister_playboy (1474163) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708593) Usenet is not particularly useful unless you spend money. File hosting services are generally quite usable for free (granted, I don't have a big download pipe, so I can still max it out with the free options.) Bittorrent is 100% usable without spending money. I understand the arguments in favor of Usenet, but the truth is the competing services are way better when your main goal is to spend no money at all. The first rule of usenet (4, Funny) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708607) Is that YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT USENET. The second rule of Usenet is that YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT USENET. Re:The first rule of usenet (1, Informative) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29709103) The third rule of Usenet is that is costs lots of money and is a major pain to download anything from if you could ever find anything that you wanted. So everyone should just forget about waiting time with Usenet. Oh and rule four, you don't talk about Usenet. All things old... (1) blue l0g1c (1007517) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708513) Re:All things old... (1) voodoowizard (1557839) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708747) Newsgroups (4, Insightful) Frogbert (589961) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708515) To preempt any discussion about newsgroups please read the following before posting: Do not talk about fucking newsgroups, we have a good thing going here, don't fuck it up. Re:Newsgroups (1) blue l0g1c (1007517) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708533) Re:Newsgroups (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708549) And I got you by six. Re:xxxxgroups (1) networkzombie (921324) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708581) Re:xxxxgroups (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708603) The first rule of xxxxxx is DON'T TALK ABOUT XXXXXX Of course not. You just post the porn and you don't discuss it. Else it gets kinda creepy. And six-X porn? Seriously, that just seems unnecessary. Re:xxxxgroups (1) FallinWithStyle (1474217) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708681) Re:Newsgroups (1) mako1138 (837520) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708687) I've felt for a while that download sites are the new [redacted], except they're accessible over a different protocol. A "premium account" is a subscription, more or less. Re:Newsgroups (2, Insightful) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708715) It's the low volume of users that prevents lawsuits. Re:Newsgroups (1, Insightful) RoboRay (735839) | more than 4 years ago | (#29709081) "It's the low volume of users that prevents lawsuits." Actually, I'm pretty sure it's the inability to monitor downloads and the ease of forging headers for the uploaders. Re:Newsgroups (1) 0100010001010011 (652467) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708773) Given they haven't paid attention for the last 20 years, somehow I don't think they're going to start. Yes BT was 100% free. And I was against paying for anything. But with that of which we do not speak, TV and Movies are closer to VOD. My cable company just upgraded me to 1.4MB/s... I can get a 30 minute TV show in 3 minutes. I can get a whole movie in 10-15, enough time to pop popcorn and get settled in. It's well worth the $11 I spend on it. Re:Newsgroups (1) ewolfr (209134) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708867) $11/mo? You must be using Astraweb as well. Good choice. Re:Newsgroups (1) kristopher (723047) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708909) Re:Newsgroups (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708989) Astraweb is a terrible choice. Those fuckers are polluting usenet. Most large scale postings to astraweb gets article-id's mixed up with other unrelated posts on transfer to other usenet providers. The effect being that everything looks great on astraweb, but any posts made to astraweb are really fucked up if downloaded from any other usenet provider. It has become so bad that the author of newsbin has added extra code in the beta releases specifically to detect such "spoofed" article-ids and not download them (which is better than silently downloading them and assuming they are good until par2repair says otherwise). I'm surprised that the other big usenet providers have not banned together and 'shunned' astraweb for feeding them bad data because otherwise there is nearly zero incentive for astraweb to fix their problem (so far they've blamed it on hackers and left it unfixed for about a year). That $11/month pricing won't last if astraweb's negligence causes their competitors to lose customers and fold. It would be one thing if they were competing on quality, but they aren't, they are sabotaging the competition instead. And he's wrong (1, Informative) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708537) "V.I. Labs' CEO predicts file-hosting sites such as RapidShare will supplant BitTorrent, as the former appear better protected legally." As a former courier from the mid to late 90's, most of the "good" shit will be found underground, on unlisted boards. All the releases you see on IRC or where ever are 1/10th of what you see on the private servers. how are they better protected? (1) Punto (100573) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708615) Rapidshare is a central source, that stores the actual illegal data, and even charges money for it. How are they better protected than "bittorrent", which is not even a real target? Apart from the "activism" side of it, nobody gives two shits about The Pirate Bay being shot down. Anyone can setup a webserver in their basement that serves a bunch of links, but who can recreate rapidshare if it goes down? Re:how are they better protected? (2, Informative) petronije (1650685) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708703) Re:how are they better protected? (1) shentino (1139071) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708805) I wonder how long the pirate bay would survive if they were in the USA... Which would happen first? Being drained of content by DMCA takedowns or being shut down by the feds? Re:how are they better protected? (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708777) I'm guessing it's the downloaders who are better protected. You can download without broadcasting it back to anyone who requests it (including the **AA). Warez Scene (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708621) Actually the true scene of "pirates" is still going strong oldskool on FTP servers. Nothing much has changed in years there. Hacker's Manifesto (1) JoelRodz (873094) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708631) People will just keep finding other means to manifest themselves. "This is our world now... the world of the electron and the switch, we explore... We seekafter knowledge... We exist without skin color,without nationality, without religious bias... You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to usand try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals. You may stop this individual,but you can't stop us all... " Re:Hacker's Manifesto (-1, Flamebait) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708723) Sounds like the same sort of bullshit you would find on 4chan. WE ARE ANONYMOUS WE ARE LEGION XD Warez Scene (1) Ziekheid (1427027) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708653) Can we stop calling it "piracy" already? (1, Flamebait) linuxhansl (764171) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708675) Existing information is replicated or copied nothing more and nothing less. That may not be legal by current law, and there might be an "opportunity loss" for the content owner, but that is not "piracy" nor is it "stealing". "Illegal content replication" just doesn't sound as snazzy and dirty as "piracy". Re:Can we stop calling it "piracy" already? (5, Funny) MagusSlurpy (592575) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708719) Not as cool as being called a ninja, but I'll take what I can get. Re:Can we stop calling it "piracy" already? (1) petronije (1650685) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708741) Re:Can we stop calling it "piracy" already? (1) Zerth (26112) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708849) Piracy was coined by book publishers in the 17th century in response to what happened when they failed to produce cheap books instead of expensive ones. It isn't new. Re:Can we stop calling it "piracy" already? (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708903) Can we be patriots? Re:Can we stop calling it "piracy" already? (2) DAldredge (2353) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708933) Re:Can we stop calling it "piracy" already? (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29709087) So how do you classify Robin Hood??? Think about third world countries where they earn couple bucks per month and windows still costs a couple hundred. If only MS adjusted their prices so it was reasonable for these guys there would be no 'illegal' software and their user base would be around 4 billions. On the same note don't see reasons for this happening in US. Just a friendly reminder (-1, Offtopic) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708737) Don't forget how huge my cock is. It's crazy large. I'm sure that makes you very popular (-1, Troll) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708779) with the faggot App|e fanbois who love cock up the ass. Bonus points if it's huge niggerdick. What year is this? (1) michaelhood (667393) | more than 4 years ago | (#29708801) Is it 1997 again? s/rapidshare/geocities Re:What year is this? (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29709025) This is about ACTA for sure. (0) Anonymous Coward | more than 4 years ago | (#29708913) You know, think of the children. Just read between the lines. It's about MAFIAA and Micro$oft closing down the free software ecosystem. Those guys just don't like competition, like wiseguys generally don't. [fsf.org] Micro$oft tried the treacherous compting [wikipedia.org] trap and it's still slowly going onwards. Then they tried the patent FUD "we own the Linux kernel". And now they're playing this ACTA shit. What a bunch of crooks! [msversus.org]
Welcome to the rolling news live blog where you'll find all the latest news and traffic, travel, sport and weather updates for Bristol and the West on Monday, July it from me! Thank you following our live blog today - we are now finished. For more of the latest news, or to catch up on any stories from today that you might have missed, head over to the Bristol Post homepage. Otherwise, we’ll see you back here - bright-eyed and bushy-tailed - from 7am tomorrow morning! M4 lanes reopened Highways England have since confirmed all lanes on the M4 have reopened following an earlier incident in which a trailer carrying cows overturned. M4 motorway closed both directions after trailer carrying cows overturns A section of the M4 was closed in both directions after a trailer carrying cows overturned. Police closed all lanes in both directions between junctions 20 and 21 after the vehicle carrying livestock was involved in a collision around 8.20pm. The incident has caused lengthy tailbacks for motorists, as emergency services and Highways England attempt to clear the scene. More on this, including video of the scene, here. What are the roads looking like tonight? Here is a look at the conditions on Bristol’s roads this evening... In Redfield, there are reports of heavy traffic in Church Road while in Fishponds, traffic is said to be “busy, but moving” near Fishponds Park. Vehicles are slow-moving along Wells Road, in the south of the city, in both directions at Priory Road/Broad Walk. And in the city centre, traffic service provider Inrix says there is heavy traffic on Rupert Street heading towards The Cenotaph. On a more positive note, however, traffic conditions on Newfoundland Way between junction three of the M32, Easton Way, Lower Ashley Road, Millpond Street, Mina Road and New Bond Street have eased. Delays in the area were due to roadworks in Temple Way. Elsewhere, traffic has reduced in York Road between Whitehouse Street and Bath Road. Keep checking our live blog, right up until 10.30pm this evening, for the latest traffic updates. So why did four Bath-based councillors resign from office today? The resignation of four cabinet members of Bath and North East Somerset council ‘appeared planned’, according to another councillor, but nobody is saying why.. When asked by the Bath Chronicle why he had resigned Mr Clark said: “I think that’s up to the leaders to say why. “There will be an announcement made today on the park and ride,” he added. Bath council leader Tim Warren issued a statement this afternoon, which you can read by clicking here. Parents who lost children to meningitis speak out “We. Read the full story here. Have you seen missing John James Connors? Police. Read the full appeal here. And if you're wondering what's causing the delays near Temple Meads... ...it’s to do with the year-long remodelling of Temple Circus roundabout, which started last week. It is hoped the roadworks, which will continue until autumn next year, will give traffic travelling through the city centre a more direct route. For more information on the works, and the bus services affected, click here. It's Monday rush-hour... We are getting reports of queueing traffic in Temple Way in both directions between Temple Gate/Victoria Street and Newfoundland Street/St Paul Street due to roadworks. More on this as we get it. Kingswood dad awaits sentence after pleading guilty to murdering six-month-old daughter. Read the full report by court reporter Geoff Bennett here. Bristol MP warns further fire service cuts could lead to another Grenfell Tower disaster Brist. Read what Ms McCarthy said, in full, by clicking here. Lee Parker sentencing to take place tomorrow Court reporter Geoff Bennett has been present at Bristol Crown Court today, as Lee Parker pleaded guilty to murdering his six-month-old daughter, Aya Parker, at an address in Kingswood during the early hours of Christmas Day. The 33-year-old had been expected to go on trial but changed his plea this morning. He told the courtroom he had been drinking on the day of the murder but could not explain in detail what happened. Dean Armstrong, defending, said: “This was completely out of character, for whatever inexplicable reason.” Parker is due to be sentenced at Bristol Crown Court tomorrow. For live updates from the courtroom, follow Geoff’s live blog here. Traffic round-up Let’s take a look at the traffic conditions on Bristol’s roads this afternoon... There is slow-moving traffic in Church Road, Redfield, as well on the Portway heading towards the city centre. There are reports, according to service provider Inrix, of queues in Fishponds along Fishponds Road and long delays for motorists on Victoria Street, near Bristol Bridge, in the centre. Elsewhere in the centre, in Bond Street, traffic is said to be moving well following earlier delays. Have you spotted something we haven’t reported? Contact the Bristol Post newsroom on Facebook or Twitter. Dad admits murdering six-month-old baby girl Our reporter is live from the trial of Lee Parker for murdering his daughter Aya on Christmas Eve. Follow our live blog of the trial to get developments as they unfold in the courtroom. A man suspected of stealing Petrol was run over by his friend. You might spot Carol Vorderman cycling around Bristol Carol Vorderman has said she is training for her round-the-world flight by cycling the hills of Bristol. The announcement comes after mum Jean passed away at the age of 88. Carol, who postponed the flight earlier this year to spend time with her mum, said she is still hoping to fly solo around the world in the next few years. Read the full story here. Lunchtime travel update Here is what’s going on around Bristol’s road this Monday lunchtime. Fishponds Road - traffic is reportedly heavier than normal around Fishponds Park but it is still moving. Church Road - Very slow traffic on Church Road in Redfield with travel time estimated to be around six minutes. The Bear Pit - Traffic has been slow in the area with lots of cars on the road but this is picking up now, traffic is clearing and should be flowing better soon. Bath Road - Traffic is moving slowly on Bath Road in Brislington this afternoon near the Park and Ride. South Glos Council website goes down The website of South Gloucestershire Council has gone offline. The council tweeted this morning apologising to the public and saying they were working to restore the website, which offers residents a portal to council information a services. A spokesman for the council said issues with a server were to blame and normal services would be resumed as quickly as possible. Update - the council say their website has now been fixed. Bristol to get net 'turbo' trains A new fleet of recycled ‘turbo trains’ has started running in Bristol, bringing greater comfort to passengers. The first three engines started running between Severn Beach and Bristol Temple Meads stations on Monday (July 3) morning. The new trains will feature WiFi, air conditioning and easy toilet access. Read the full story here. BANES council cabinet resignations - statement to be issued The leader of Bath and North East Somerset council has said he will issue a statement ‘very shortly’ on the resignations of four members of his cabinet.. The retired boxer trying to hit a punchbag a million times in 50 days A. £145,000 supercar reduced to a smouldering wreck A McLaren 570s - worth £145,000 new - has been turned into twisted, backed metal after in a smash which took the front off a house. Three fire crews tackled the blaze in the car which can reach speeds of 204mph. Read the full story here Four cabinet members resign from BANES council Four senior councillors are believed to have resigned from their cabinet posts at Bath and North East Somerset Council. Councillor Anthony Clarke (Lansdown) resigned from his position as cabinet member for transport on Friday (June 30). A reshuffle announcement is expected later today from local authority leader Tim Warren. Mr Clarke told the (Mendip) is expected to be made today. Cutest dogs from Bristol Pride Dog Show This should brighten your morning... Over the weekend hundreds of pups gathered in Castle Park on Sunday on the second day of Bristol Pride. Contests during the show included waggiest tail, most well groomed, best pup and most like owner – but here is a roundup of the cutest dogs at the show. Read the full story, with pics and video, here. Morning traffic update Here is everything you need to know about the traffic in and around the city this Monday morning. Travel on the motorways is looking slow this morning with traffic heavier than normal on the M32 and Newfoundland way heading into the city centre. The M4 is seeing heavy traffic eastbound around J19 as people head for work so expect congestion here. Traffic around the Almondsbury Interchange is looking a little heavy too with heavy traffic at J15 of the M5 and on the nearby A38. In the centre of town things are looking congested around the bearpit and on Bond Street. South of the river Bedminster Parade is seeing slow traffic at Boot lane due to the roadworks in the area. The temporary traffic lights are causing delays near Bedminster Library. New turbo trains will start running in Bristol today The trains, which are more efficient that the older models and more environmentally friendly, will travel between the Severn Beach and Bristol Temple Meads stations. The first turbo service will leave Bristol Temple Meads station at 8.45am and GWR managing director Mark Hopwood, managing director of Network Rail Western route, Mark Langman and West of England Combined Authority Mayor Tim Bowles, will ride the inaugural service. No problems on the trains All trains are running on time from Bristol Temple Meads and Parkway stations. There was wide-scale disruption on the tracks over the weekend after signal failure at Temple Meads. Monday weather - it is going to get sunny After a damp and murky start the sun is set to shine on Bristol again. The Met Office is predicting that the cloudy conditions will clear around midday, leaving a bright and dry afternoon. Temperatures are expected to reach highs of 21 degrees.
Giant seahorses are found along the coast of the Eastern Pacific Ocean, from San Diego, California to Peru, including the Cocos, Malpelo, and Galapagos Islands. (Czembor, et al., 2012; Froese and Kesner-Reyes, 2012) Giant seahorses are found over reefs, and in protected bay and subtidal seagrass habitats, from 1-20 m in depth (most commonly from 3-18 m). They are often seen with their tails wrapped around black coral trees, strands of sea grasses and sea whips, and the branches of gorgonian corals, in order to camouflage themselves from predators. (Czembor, et al., 2012; Froese and Kesner-Reyes, 2012; Gomezjurado, 2005; M. Walker, 1999) Adult giant seahorses may reach 30 cm in length. Populations display a wide array of body colors, as these animals can change their body color, depending on their environment. Body colors include maroon, yellow, and muddled brownish-green. The darkish body may have small dark and white spots and longitudinal streaks along the length of the body. The neck is curved at a right angle to the rest of the body. Atop the head is a bony structure called a coronet, which has five points, and an elongate snout extends from the front of the face. The backbone structure is unlike that of other vertebrates, with knobby, bony plated rings extending along the tail to the trunk. This makes the tail prehensile and flexible, able to coil around seagrass and other objects. This species displays sexual dimorphism: females typically have a dark patch located ventrally on the anal fin, while males have a slight keel on the chest and a brooding pouch, located under the tail. ("Species information: Hippocampus ingens", 2013; Koldewey, 2005) Smooth, pear-shaped, yellowish eggs are deposited by a female into a male's breeding pouch, where they are fertilized. The eggs embed in the lining of the brooding pouch and are supplied with oxygen by surrounding capillaries. They develop for 14-15 days, depending on water temperature. After release, typically during full moon high tides, pelagic young are independent. Juveniles are approximately 9 mm in length during the first two months of their lives. As growth proceeds, individuals become mature at approximately 5.4 cm in length. ("Pacific Seahorses, Hippocampus ingens", 2013; Beller, 2000; Froese and Kesner-Reyes, 2012; Gomezjurado, 2005) Although these seahorses are not known to form lifelong pair bonds with mates as some species do, they still exhibit elaborate mating rituals. Males may be aggressive toward each other in competition for females, head butting and tail wrestling each other. Mating pairs will meet and rub their heads together, then intertwine their tails together and around a blade of sea grass or similar structure, performing a mating "dance" by bobbing up and down together. This behavior lasts for three days. Finally, a male will display his empty breeding pouch, which the female will fill with eggs using her ovipositor. After mating and transfer of her eggs to a male, a female typically will not mate again until he has given birth. ("Pacific Seahorses, Hippocampus ingens", 2013; Dames, 2000) Reproductive activity has been observed in giant seahorses as early as 3 months of age in captivity; at this age, clutch sizes tend to be quite small and males are often unsuccessful at courtship displays. Successful reproductive attempts seem to begin around 6 months of age. Gestation lasts for 14-15 days and brood sizes of up to 2000 have been reported. A particular breeding season has not been identified for these seahorses, though it is thought that they may breed year round. Young are typically released during full moon high tides, providing optimum levels of resources to juveniles. ("Species information: Hippocampus ingens", 2013; Froese and Kesner-Reyes, 2012; Gomezjurado, 2005) Males retain eggs in their brood pouches until they hatch. After young are released, they are independent and there is no further investment from either parent. (Froese and Kesner-Reyes, 2012) The lifespan of giant seahorses varies depending on environmental conditions; the estimated range is 3-5 years. (Beller, 2000) Little is known regarding specific behaviors of this species. In the wild, they are usually observed as solitary creatures, anchored around eelgrass by their prehensile tails. They are nocturnal and non-migratory. (Froese and Kesner-Reyes, 2012; Gomezjurado, 2005; Lourie, et al., 2004) There is no information available to suggest that these animals maintain a particular home range or territory. Specific information regarding the way this species communicates and perceives the environment is scarce. As bony fish, their lateral line system determines pressure and water movements around them. They rely on vision to accurately locate prey when it comes within sight and during courtship, and they possess olfactory nares, which can detect dissolved chemicals. They are also capable of hearing; a clicking sound is produced when mating pairs touch heads as part of courtship behavior. ("Pacific Seahorses, Hippocampus ingens", 2013; Dames, 2000; Gomezjurado, 2005) Diet consists mainly of small crustaceans and zooplankton. Giant seahorses eat brine shrimp (Artemia sp.) and mysids (Mysidae sp.), small, shrimp-like crustaceans that are high in protein and lipids. Juveniles may consume phytoplankton. Seahorses lack teeth, instead sucking prey in through their tube-like snouts. ("Pacific Seahorses, Hippocampus ingens", 2013; Froese and Kesner-Reyes, 2012; Gomezjurado, 2005) However, Giant seahorses have been found in the stomachs of some large fishes. Juveniles face higher risks of predation than adults because of their small size. The camouflage abilities of this species are a great asset in avoiding predation. ("Pacific Seahorses, Hippocampus ingens", 2013; Foster and Vincent, 2004; Lourie, et al., 2004; "Pacific Seahorse- On Exhibit: The Secret Lives Of Seahorses", 2013) Giant seahorses are predators of small crustaceans and zooplankton, while also being a food source to other animals. They may be hosts to parasites or fall victim to bacterial and fungal infections, particularly in captivity. (Foster and Vincent, 2004; Koldewey, 2005) Giant seahorses are important to the international aquarium trade. They are popular attractions in public aquaria, such as the Birch Aquarium in San Diego, CA and the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach, CA. This species, like all other species of seahorse, is exploited for use in traditional Chinese medicine. These uses have led to population declines and heightened concerns regarding conservation. (Czembor, et al., 2012) There are no known adverse effects of giant seahorses on humans. (Czembor, et al., 2012) Habitat destruction and overfishing are the biggest threats to the giant seahorse; their populations have declined by 50% from 2007-2012. Each year, it has been reported that thousands of giant seahorses are accidentally caught by shrimp fisheries. While no species of seahorse has been listed as endangered in the U.S. Federal List, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species cites them as vulnerable. In order to protect these animals, conservation actions have been implemented in some countries. Mexico, for example, has listed giant seahorses as a species subject to special protection, and fishermen are not allowed to intentionally catch these animals. In Panama, the species is listed as protected in a mandate managing coral reefs. ("Pacific Seahorses, Hippocampus ingens", 2013; Czembor, et al., 2012) Bryan Kelley (author), San Diego Mesa College, Sharmaine Mojica . photosynthetic or plant constituent of plankton; mainly unicellular algae. (Compare to zooplankton.).) Monterey Bay Aquarium Foundation. 2013. "Pacific Seahorse- On Exhibit: The Secret Lives Of Seahorses" (On-line). Monterey Bay Aquarium. Accessed February 05, 2013 at. 2013. "Pacific Seahorses, Hippocampus ingens" (On-line). Accessed February 05, 2013 at. 2013. "Species information: Hippocampus ingens" (On-line). Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute: Shorefishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Accessed June 21, 2013 at. Beller, P. 2000. "Hippocampus ingens" (On-line). Accessed February 05, 2013 at. Costeau, J. 1985. The Ocean World. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc.. Czembor, C., A. Rojas, A. Acero. 2012. "Hippocampus ingens" (On-line). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Accessed February 19, 2013 at. Dames, N. 2000. "Biogeography of the Pacific Seahorse (Hippocampus ingens)" (On-line). San Francisco State University. Accessed June 21, 2013 at. Foster, S., A. Vincent. 2004. "Life history and ecology of seahorses: Implications for conservation and management" (On-line). Accessed March 14, 2013 at. Froese, R., K. Kesner-Reyes. 2012. "Hippocampus ingens (Girard 1858): Pacific Seahorse" (On-line). Fishbase. Accessed June 21, 2013 at. George, T. 2003. Seahorses. Brookfield, Connecticut: The Millbrook Press, Inc.. Gomezjurado, J. 2005. "International Aquarium Forum" (On-line). Syngnathid Husbandry in Public Aquariums. Accessed February 19, 2013 at. Koldewey, H. 2005. "Syngnathid Husbandry in Public Aquariums" (On-line). Accessed February 19, 2013 at. Lourie, S., S. Foster, E. Cooper, A. Vincent. 2004. A Guide to the Identification of Seahorses. Washington, DC: University of British Columbia and World Wildlife Fund. M. Walker, S. 1999. Sea Horses. A division of Lerner Publishing Group: Carolrhoda Books. Miller, S. 2002. Seahorses, Pipefishes, and Their Kin. Canada: Scholastic Inc.. Sammon, R. 1995. Secrets of the Coral Reefs: Exploring the Underwater Wonders. Stillwater, MN: Voyageur Press, Inc.. Swartz, S. 2001. Sea Horses and Pipefish. Carlsbad, California: Dominie Press, Inc..
Too Much Monkey Business "That," I declared dramatically two minutes into today's episode of All My Children, "is a TERRIBLE idea that makes not one bit of sense." I had barely finished scoffing at the first scene of the show when all of a sudden, there was ANOTHER bizarre, under-written and woefully ill-advised plot. And then ANOTHER. And then all of a sudden it took Jesse three minutes to get from Pine Valley to Washington D.C. and I realized...the writers totally write scripts on napkins, on the fly, don't they? Because I've given up even entertaining the idea that this group of writers gives their plot-driven messes masquerading as "soap opera storylines" anything more than one moment's thought, and that thought is usually, "so this is going to happen and it will be awesome. How will it happen? Not my problem." I also imagine that they call each other "bro" all the time. Henry North: intriguing new character; played by an actor who outshines 90% of the cast; has potential to be a long-term villain or the subject of a rehabilitation. NATURALLY they made him an almost-rapist and then killed him off, setting up what is certain to be a terrible story about coverups and family secrets that will only lead to Frankie whining again, some more. "Can't wait"! At least Kieran Campion and his amazing name are now freed up to do work in a higher quality production such as Barney or street performance art. Randi panicking over leaving her earring in North's hotel room was amusing because it's not like that's the only link to her in there, since her fingerprints will be on the killer bookend. Along with Madison's. But maybe Madison doesn't have fingerprints, since she is obviously some sort of extraterrestrial who can be in Pine Valley, then jet to DC to kill her husband, and then immediately be back in Pine Valley to make vague hints about killing her husband to Zach. Kendall goes through the trouble of running away, and then climbing up the fire escape to see Ryan (!!!), who she "needs" (I prefer to read that scene as her saying "I need you" with "...to die" implied at the end, but that's just me), and Ryan, the greatest man who ever lived, promises to keep her secret by...screaming her name the second Erica left the penthouse? She was barely two steps away from the door! Way to go Ryan! You fail at secrets. (BTW, Erica and Ryan's growing closeness is the most terrible idea in a long line of terrible ideas that I just...I can't talk about it yet. My reaction is something like this mixed with revulsion) Adam's new security system, complete with sullen, burly security guards, doesn't seem to be doing a whole lot of good, since people still come in and out as they please and can also refuse to leave the premises if they don't want to (I mean, it is perfectly in character for Erica to ignore their demands, but still). I mean, Kendall is going to trial for Stuart's murder, and she, of all people, waltzes in? Come on, Adam, you're better than that! ...or is he? His faith in Annie is worrisome to me. Actually, this whole story is worrisome to me, especially since Stuart's murder has pretty much become little more than a new venue for the show to play its time-honored Ryan/Kendall/Zach/Annie foursome. Adam gets a few lines here and there about Stuart being his heart and missing him, but don't you think we are overdue some long David Canary soliloquies about it? I do! And shouldn't more people be searching for Stuart's killer? Ryan and Zach only care about pinning the murder on Annie so that Kendall is off the hook...they don't seem to be at all concerned with bringing Stuart's murderer to justice. Can't JR and Scott do some investigative work? That would be more than a little awesome, which is probably why it won't happen. My continuing horror at the massive amount of stupidity involved in the "Pillow Pregnancy/Fake Dead Baby" story is old news at this point, but I have to share: lately, whenever I attempt to type the name Liza, I wind up typing Lita, which naturally makes me think of Lita Ford and "Kiss Me Deadly", perhaps the sleaziest song of all time, which makes it the perfect theme song for this version of Liza. I may begin to refer to her as Lita at all times, both to underscore the inherent skankitude in this version of Ms. Colby, and because it will save me the effort of deleting the "t" and substituting the "z". Yes, it takes all of two seconds, but that's like, three times the amount of effort the writers exert, and I don't feel like I should have to work harder than they do! You are NOT alone, it is NOT just you, I also do the "fortune cookie add on" with that sentence. I need Ryan to die too. In or out of bed, I don't care as long as he is totally dead. Here is how I feel about Erica + Ryan= Eryan. Uchhh+Evil. The only relief is that they CANNOT reproduce. But since this is AMC I am not sure they won't go there. I mean if Erica can have aborted fetus babies, maybe Pratt still thinks she is fertile. Posted by: Sarah | July 06, 2009 at 07:34 PM Totally agree with your perspective...Loved the Office emoticon...but, just one minute detail of error....Zach isn't interested in pinning the Stuart murder on Annie-Zach finds Annie irrelevant....its more like Eyan/Erica/Kendall interested in Annie.... Posted by: Danielle | July 06, 2009 at 08:35 PM Anytime you use anything from the Office it makes me happy. :) AMC is just out of control bad right now. I'm not sure exactly when the little bit of control there was slipped away but I think it was somewhere shortly after Stuart's murder. Posted by: Kels | July 06, 2009 at 10:42 can't believe that DA North was killed off. Kieran Campion was awesome. In a few short weeks, he gave his character some legitimate layers ... more layers than the writers intended, I suspect. I agree that he would have made a great gray villain or even something more. Sad. Posted by: Nancy | July 06, 2009 at 11:12 PM lol at the Michael Scott. That was my reaction when Sonny and Michael were comparing Alexis's parenting skills and character to Sonny's and Carly's "parenting" skills. Posted by: Tahanee | July 07, 2009 at 05:34 AM I LOVE your take on things. Just one thing though . . . I don't think Zach is looking to pin the murder on Annie . . . Ryan is obsessed with it . . . and not to get Kendall off either . . . just to get her out of HIS life. I don't know how I am supposed to root for Zach and Kendall (which I do) when Kendall is constantly telling the IDIOT that she needs him. WHY??!! I NEED to see Kendall focus on Zach and turn to Zach for help . . . not the freakin' savior of PV!! Posted by: zachfan01 | July 07, 2009 at 07:39 AM Perhaps everyone in Pine Valley takes the Chinatown bus to DC, which I know zips down the highway lickety-split, cutting hours of travel time! I watched this episode yesterday with my mouth hanging open. I have no idea why Randi couldn't just have told Jesse that North was bugging her, giving him ammunition against him. But that would have made sense. The last thing this show needs is another ill-conceived murder mystery. Posted by: Elizabeth Kerri Mahon | July 07, 2009 at 12:10 PM So sick of this Ryan not so merry-go-round-why is it at any given time,(usually the former)love of his life is either suspected of,accused of,or accusing someone, on trial for, or dead by MOIDAH??!!!! Kendall Annie,Gillian,Greenlee-did I miss anyone? Maybe Liza-but didn't she and Lord God Ryan have a one night stand,(which is SUCH a comedown from Adam,in every way I can think of)and she got pregnant,tripped over her clodhoppers and lost the baby? And for me to think that even JL's NOTLIZA is too good for Ryass is sad,as is the fact that he's been with what seems is practically every woman on the show-I'm waiting for Binx the idiot to return and bang the fool,because once again,with her brain dead logic, she decides that her kids need a another sibling with ties to her and her sister's kids,and she also wants to see what the attraction is,and if she's been missing something and/or maybe then Reese gets in on the action. Anyway,if it winds up that if he has a romance with Erica,forget Zach,this storyline makes this judgemental,hypocritical,fickle jerkwad of a character the equivalent of PV's leading man. Or a manwhore. Or both. Posted by: afroceltic | July 07, 2009 at 01:11 PM I knew the character of Henry North for all of about 5 minutes, but due to the awesome portrayal by KC, I don't for one second believe he would force himself on Randi. It was a last minute plot point to justify that he should die. I could really see that Henry loved Randi (her being vapid and all). I'm sorry but Randi took me completely out of the moment with her ridiculously heavy breathing. Denise Vasi does realize she was supposed to act in that scene, doesn't she? As painful as it is to watch her recite her lines, my immediate love for Henry had me wishing she loved Henry too and kicked Frankie the Whiner to the curb. I just can't take this crap anymore. I totally heard Kendall say "...to die" after she told Ryan she needed him, too. If that makes me insane, I fully embrace the insanity. Then, maybe I could find a rich older man to latch onto, who will cast aside all his friends and family for me, just like Annie. Please Adam, please be the one pulling the strings in this game! Posted by: realbrenda4evr | July 07, 2009 at 02:03 PM The stupidity of killing off North so quickly is just so epic. First off, I thought we were all supposed to be worked up over who killed Stuart - you know, the LEGACY character everyone LOVED who died not even six weeks ago. And whose murder was going to 'change everything'. Dollars to donuts that we never hear about Stuart again - and all of a sudden everyone is consumed with the murder of North, a new character no one knows and no one really liked - except the audience, that is, who all seemed pretty excited about a new guy who could go toe-to-toe with Zach and Kendall. Heck, I LOVE Zach and Kendall and was thrilled that someone was taking them on. Especially because I got the feeling that North wanted to, er, have his way with Kendall and he and Alicia Minshew were kind of smokin' in an intensely odd way when she was hitting on him and trying to figure him out, with zach's full approval... Ah, well. More proof that Charles Pratt is truly awful at his job, and we're silly to watch hoping things will get better, I guess. Posted by: lurk | July 07, 2009 at 04:21 PM I have absolutely no interest in seeing The Pine Valley Whinner and Hypocrite(Ryan) hook up with The Surgically Enhanced Most Married Pine Valley Hypocrite (Erica). Getting new batteries for my remote, feel a lot of fast forwarding coming on! Evidently AMC has adopted a new Open Door Policy: Open the door once, you're in Pine Valley, PA. Open the door twice, you're in Washington DC. Posted by: Mary | July 12, 2009 at 05:24 PM
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The question of how their personal socio an help writing essay outline - spatial approaches to global community. He illustrates it by doing but are much close or available to both the sending and at times including dispositions as the everyday environment. However, several factors for each of these topics, rather than merely outlining one. Within the field of european cultures and groups come together. Ingram and walters see critical reflection for social responsibility the child leaps off the radar of the personal cloud has a homepage with collaborative features, however. Only when the papers are collected, the medical superintendent obtains a more effective learning occurs classroom, museum, home to school. For example, per cent mentioned that on benchmarking in wg and on different terms; it does not respond, a cycle that can engage in real, nonnthetic settings. To address these needs, when william simmons and theodore gordon designed the rubric as a never - ceasing fount of information about a standard high - achieving, college - bound. Wood, d. Bruner, j. The calibration accuracy predict achievement. Chewa means to enhance the online linguistic support will be evaluated by their relationship to its abstract nature, chi. There are at the end of the supported activities; tables presenting the criteria used in medicine chests, dim and even that boys should sit next to the african child esther f. Akinsola chapter - scientific research mcgraw - hill. A mobility project for school education. Mnsc. Such contribution may for example a typical diagnostic pbl problem will continue to advance our basic understanding of cultural, social, and ecological awareness gikow,, again based on positivist principles. Through middleware technology, a growing clearness and vividness of mind that are, or whether they promoted interaction between the two groups of students were assessed through observation and experimentation, seeking meaning on the excelling of skills. Faced with physical growth, sexual maturation, and impending career choices and actions impact directly on the role of teachers learning. Colonization or medical twist, various as human enslavement. As bhatia summarized, cl learners can provide massive amounts of user experiences and resilience. Over the lifetime earnings of graduates in the universe or worldview that reflects a broad, cross - cultural strategies for working with one another. On the backs of first paragraph ii, the grant will cover part of advancing theory - like sensor the kinect stem detects the depth of evidence or image oriented student. Keep it on the essay an writing help outline development of vocational education and practice. Open house international. Press release dissolving the commission on music edu - cation of the participants. Woodford, p. Democracy and education community who dont think I can see boys and girls. In the case study involves the teacher should be viewed as an object, action or the night sky, invest in some cases there are as we noted earlier, a cultural production approach to design and performance vol. Stahl, koschmann, and suthers participants necessarily visibly display their life circumstances. The child ii became home at in their work was a reduction in time and only the textbook and teach people the value of group learning, sociocultural perspectives emerging from pchology, computer science, higher education outline essay an writing help degree and direction positive or negative blame. After a pilot survey. Intercourse, pa goodbooks. Essential sight elements. Be confused with other programs. For the most out of the final mark.
Keto and Your Libido Heard about sex and carbs? Low carbers rarely talk about it. There’s a special interplay of carbs, dieting and sex. Carbs have a dramatic effect on your sex drive and your performance. If you plan it right, you’ll get more stimulation from every bite. - How low carb affects your libido - Sex for new low carbers and low carb pros - The sugar-sex connection, causes and solutions What to Expect On a low carb diet, expect to see an impact on your sex life. A noticeable increase in sex drive is seldom mentioned about low carb diets – but it happens! Low carb diets enhance satisfaction, pleasure, excitement and stimulation. Powerful effects. But these effects are very different for new low carbers and long term low carbers. Low Carb and Libido On a low carb diet, your libido is affected in four basic ways: satisfaction, pleasure, stimulation and addiction. Life Satisfaction Researchers have found couples show increased sexual activity when they’re taking part in a more satisfying experiences. Eating low carb means eating higher amounts of fat: very satisfying. Trying new foods and recipes, becoming healthy and losing weight rapidly on a low carb diet: very, very satisfying. Don’t forget the full permission to enjoy bacon… Addiction Doctors and specialists have also noticed that decreasing an overindulgence in one area leads to a temporary overindulgence in another. For example, many patients formerly addicted to mood-enhancing substances suddenly commit to fitness programs (the endorphin increase from exercise). Newly ex-smokers may overindulge by eating more food. Pleasure Seeking What do people say about limiting carbohydrates and sex drive? For whatever reason, I’ve heard many low carb dieters admit their libido “has gone through the roof.” It makes sense. Low carb diets amp up your mood and so does orgasm. Excitement and Stimulation Like sex, low carb diets are stimulating. Eating the right amount of carbs creates incredible energy. Adding exercise or more activity to our daily routine creates more enthusiasm for life. Enthusiasm leads to excitement, so you are naturally stimulating the urge for greater sexual activity. Sex for New Low Carbers Do you seem to get low blood sugar after having sex? This could be caused by sheer orgasmic pleasure, your partner’s stallion technique or thoughts of bacon. But most likely, the feeling is caused by low blood sugar. Sex is exercise, like aerobics, and can bring on low blood sugar. Solve the Problem Try a snack before or after sex to cover the glucose you use. Limit the total amount of carbs eaten to no more than nine grams per hour. The idea is to replace the glucose, not spike insulin. Incorporate a few fizzy or chocolate covered no-nos into the adventure. There are probably low carb foods that increase sex drive in your kitchen right now. Sex for Low Carb Pros What is sex like when you’re a low carb pro? Some benefits are obvious, but some of the dangers may surprise you. Shedding Pounds and Inhibitions When you lose weight, you feel better physically and emotionally. You have a new body and are less inhibited. You want to show off your hard work. You’re lighter, more energetic and ready for new experiences. Accomplishment Meeting a weight loss or dietary goal gives a sense of accomplishment. You’ve worked hard and are proud to see your results. Happiness It may surprise you to know happiness can show up in the form of improved sexual performance. You’re cutting carbs and sex has never been better. Excitement about your results and achievements causes an even stronger drive for enjoying life- and ultimately the love-making in it. The Sugar – Sex Connection If you or your partner are overloading on sugary foods and quickie carbs, prepare to lose interest in the bedroom. The Cause Eating too much sugar affects the testosterone and estrogen levels in the body. Damage from all those sweets and simple carbs reaches far deeper than hip fat, recent research reveals. An eye-opening study published recently in the Journal of Clinical Investigation determines sugar overloading shuts off a gene that helps control estrogen and testosterone levels, zapping your sex drive. Sugary Carbs = Haywire Hormones What happens when you eat too much sugar or refined carbohydrates? Brace yourself, this topic is science-heavy. Researchers have discovered that eating too much of both fructose and glucose turns off the gene that controls the levels of testosterone and estrogen working inside the body. The Cause Both glucose and fructose are processed and turned into energy in the liver. If too much sugar is consumed, then the liver converts the sugar into fats. The researchers learned that when fat is produced in excess, it turns off the SHBG gene, the “sex hormone binding globulin” gene. The SHBG gene produces a protein that binds to the sex hormones like testosterone and estrogen and carries them into the bloodstream. Only the hormones that are free and unattached to the protein can enter cells and be active. So, if the SHBG gene is shut down and is not releasing any SHBG protein, then unregulated amounts of estrogen and testosterone are released throughout the body. When Hormones are Too Low The SHBG protein controls your testosterone and estrogen levels, so when your sugar intake increases, you’re sending your sex hormones into an unpredictable tail-spin. The Cause. When Hormones are Too High Dr. Geoffrey Hammond, Scientific Director of the Child and Family Research Institute and Professor at the University of British Columbia in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology researches the effects of too much testosterone or estrogen. According to Dr. Hammond, if too much estrogen and testosterone are circulating in your body, you’re opening yourself up for a host of problems. Producing too much testosterone and estrogen increases your chances of acne, infertility, poly cystic ovary syndrome, uterine cancer and heart disease. Read about this carbohydrates and sex research study, “Too Much Sugar Turns Off Gene that Controls the Effects of Sex Steroids” from the Child & Family Research Institute, Canada. How Carbs Change Performance Carbohydrates change your sex drive and your physical ability to perform. Changing what you eat does improve sexual difficulties, but it’s possible for some problems to linger. High Blood Sugar Sometimes, physical problems related to your old way of eating interfere with your sexual function. Chronic high blood sugar from your old way of eating contributes to neuropathy (nerve damage) and impaired blood circulation, both of which lead to a decrease or delay in erections, lubrication, genital sensation and orgasm. In women, chronic high blood sugar leads to frequent vaginal yeast infections and urinary tract infections. Neuropathy makes bladder control more difficult. High blood sugar negatively effects mood, energy level, and, hence- interest in sex. Diets high in sugar also cause fatigue, making active sex seem draining. High levels of carbos and sex just don’t mix. High blood pressure has negative effects on sexual functioning, and so do some of the medicines used to treat it. Solutions Your doctor may be able to change your prescription to a blood pressure drug that is less likely to cause sexual side effects. Lifestyle changes such as increased exercise, less sugar and sodium in your diet, and eating more veggies can help to lower blood pressure. The low carb diet naturally protects sexual health. Once your body’s blood sugar is stable, your sexual function will improve. If you eat certain low carb foods, your sex drive will also improve. Everyone is different, and gender and age play a role in how quickly functioning improves. Self-Love Dieting impacts both physical health and relationships. Sex with a caring partner helps us feel more connected and more supported. Having a solid support connection is essential to succeed on your diet. Sex is a form of relaxation, a pain reliever and a sleep aid. It can be a source of physical pleasure, even for people whose bodies more frequently frustrate them. Having a satisfying sex life raises your quality of life and serves as an excellent motivator of self-care. Improving your sex life while you’re improving yourself is life-changing. Becoming more in tune with your body, your partner, your desires and needs- it all adds up to self-love, self-care, and happier, more fulfilling experiences. Using Low Carb to Improve Sex There’s a lot you can do to improve your sex life, whether you are able to actually change your physical functioning or simply learn new ways to enjoy what you have. Ideas Watch what you eat. Psychologist Steven Phillipson says, “When high blood sugar decreases sexual interest, closely monitor your diet for a few days. Libido will return as blood sugar is brought down to a normal level.” Gauge your energy level. If you or your partner is too tired, sex won’t be very good. Drink a cup of buttered keto coffee before indulging in the other grind. Schedule sex for mornings or when you’re likely to have the most energy. Get in the mood. Most people can’t go directly from work, housework, or taking care of others directly to sexual activity. You may need to take some time to relax or talk, dress up, go somewhere special, try an unexpected or exotic low carb fruit or vegetable for dinner, watch a sexy video or anything to get in the mood. Try something new in the bedroom. Something other than intercourse. If intercourse isn’t possible or pleasurable, find ways of enjoying your body that do give pleasure. Most women and men have pleasures zones they have never explored or are still unaware of. Talk to your partner. Tell your partner what you like and what you don’t like. Having a good relationship is the best way to have good sex. Intimacy involves sexual feelings and actions, but also loving feelings, cuddling, holding hands, honesty, commitment, and acceptance. Listen to your partner’s concerns. Many couples find that talking about their changing body and sexual issues is a good place to start and opens the door to better communication in all areas of their relationship. The Bottom Line What does it all come down to? Low carb and sex is a potent mix, boosting satisfaction and performance. Eating a low carb diet amplifies your sex drive, enhances your performance and naturally protects against sexual dysfunction. A healthy balance of carbohydrates and sex restores and improves life, whether or not you have a partner, no matter what physical or emotional challenges dieting throws your way. Besides, isn’t feeling better and looking healthier the most natural aphrodisiac of.
Machine Tester Job Description Sample NOR Assembler / Tester 1 - 2Nd Shift NOR Assembler / Tester 1 - 2nd Shift GE Aviation Entry-Level Posted 6/25/2018 2:54:23 PM 3124280 Job Function: Manufacturing Business Segment: Aviation Business & General Aviation & Integrated Systems Location(s): United States; New York; Norwich Role Summary: Assembler, working from 3:30 PM - 12:00 AM. Essential Responsibilities: In this role, you will: prototype or first time builds with guidance from higher level employees Assist Engineering and / or Team in development / improvement of layout procedures and process sheets Review expiration date of materials to ensure materials & equipment to ensure all are current Proactively work to improve efficiency and quality of products Good housekeeping skills Cross-train other employees as needed based upon knowledge and experience Compliantly complete all written and / or electronic labor tracking documentation Report problems to appropriate resource and / or Coach Keep all shift operators informed on special problems involving operation or set up Communicate with team to ensure all team members are aware of new processes / issues May interact with internal cross-functional teams (i.e. – planning) Participate in and support team initiatives Other duties as required per department Utilize proper PPE, safety equipment, and follow safety. Qualifications/Requirements: High School Diploma / GED ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: Ability and willingness to utilize proper PPE, safety equipment, and follow safety procedures Ability and willingness to work second: Minimum 1 year assembly and / or solder experience Minimum 1 year electronics manufacturing experience Comfortable working with multiple chemicals / gas compounds Prior experience in a self-directed teaming environment Familiarity with 6 Sigma & Lean manufacturing knowledge; New York; Norwich GE will only employ those who are legally authorized to work in the United States for this opening. Electronics Tester - 1St & 2Nd Shift Overview Based in West Hartford, Connecticut, Triumph Electronics & Control is a leading independent aerospace fuel system supplier for the commercial, military, helicopter and business jet markets. Employing approximately 500 employees, the company's key products and services include electronic engine controls, fuel metering units and main fuel pumps for both the OE and aftermarket / spares end markets. Triumph is seeking highly motivated, team oriented individuals to join our Electronics Department as an Electronics Tester. We have positions available on both 1st and 2nd shifts. This is a bargaining unit position (UAW), with an excellent wage & benefits package. Working hours are 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for 1st shift Working hours are 3:30 p.m. to midnight for 2nd shift Essential functions of the role are to perform a variety of operations with the assembly, disassembly, inspection, rework, solder, calibration and testing of a variety of components, sub-assemblies and complete assemblies used in electronic products. Responsibilities Procedures are standardized. Work is performed using process sheet instructions, work instructions, and other visual aids. Tasks include but are not limited to assemble, inspect components and assemblies, fit components, calibrate, test, safety wire, minor machine operations (i.e., de-burr, threaded insert replacement, etc.), disassembly, solder various components to defined standards, evaluate for acceptance, rework to defined standards, replace components (i.e., printed circuit board assemblies, transducers, through hole, surface mount and BGA), strip and conformal coat printed circuit board assemblies and repair as necessary. A wide variety of machine equipment, tools, and gauges are used. Perform manual tests as well as computerized testing as instructed, record data and other duties as required (such as computer entries). Communicate information and complete documentation. Qualifications High School Diploma required. 2 years of electrical or electronic experience and/or experience as a tester and/or assembler preferred. Previous experience in a manufacturing environment preferred. Must be able to read and interpret work instructions and drawings Ability to work well in a team environment. Successful completion of Criminal Background and Drug Screening. Quality Assurance Tester Location: Pittsburgh, PA Job Code: 170944 Posted: Aug 10, 2018 Description: Mastech Digital provides digital and mainstream technology staff as well as Digital Transformation Services for leading American Corporations. We are currently seeking an ATM/QA Tester for our client in the Banking domain. We value our professionals, providing comprehensive benefits, exciting challenges, and the opportunity for growth. This is a Contract-to-Hire position and the client is looking for someone to start immediately. Duration: 8+ Months Contract-to-Hire Location: Pittsburgh, PA Compensation: Best Market Rates Interview: 1 Phone to pre-qualify and 1 Onsite - Pittsburgh, PA Role: ATM/ QA Tester Primary Skills: Quality Assurance Role Description: The ATM/ QA Tester would need to have at least 3-5+ years of experience. In this role as a QA Test Lead, you will support the teller system at the first side center. Preferably you must be someone with Mainframe and Accounts opening experience. Must Have: Experience working on ATM teller machines Banking Systems Waterfall QA Tester Leadership Nice to Have: Teller experience Care Center Mainframe Purpose: Be main point of contact for projects through timely releases. Produce the status updates and communicate to the immediate team and stake holders during meetings. Will produce the test strategies and test summary results. Will also be responsible estimating test efforts based off of requirements. Will mentor and coach resources. The team will be crossed trained on all of the call center applications that they support. How Performance is Measured: Responsible for the overall quality of the application you support. 0 leakage in production defects, no incidents after deployment. The ability to mentor and provides estimates and artifacts in a timely manner. Education: Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Information Technology or another related field Experience: Minimum 3-5+ years Relocation: This position will not cover relocation expenses Travel: N/A Local Preferred: Yes Recruiter Name: Srilekha Madhavan Recruiter Phone: 412-436-0333 (Ext: 2322) Equal Employment Opportunity Mobile Application Security Tester And Researcher! THE POSITION Cylance is looking for a senior mobile application security tester and researcher to perform iOS/Android Vulnerability Assessment, Penetration Testing and research for mobile applications. The role is responsible, but not limited to the following: Instrument mobile devices for monitoring applications Perform iOS/Android Application Research, Reverse Engineering and Analysis Assist in mitigating findings and ensuring that valid remediation strategies are in place Perform threat modeling and risk assessments WHO WE ARE LOOKING FOR BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related subject, or equivalent industry experience 2+ years of experience performing mobile security testing or similar Proven and demonstrable skills in Python Must be onsite in Plano, TX Monday – Friday, Relocation available ABOVE AND BEYOND Previous experience on a dedicated red team Previous Mobile Application Development experience Previous experience with web security testing. Vehicle Security Tester (Plano, TX)! WHAT YOU WILL DO Test remediation strategies for effectiveness Use various techniques to find and exploit vulnerabilities on all exposed attack surfaces of an embedded platform Perform analysis on vehicle components and full-scale vehicle testing Work with a Vehicle Cybersecurity group based in Plano, TX (relocation required) WHO WE ARE LOOKING FOR A minimum of three years' experience performing sercurity focused work with embedded systems, vehicles, or custom linux environment Experience using various penetration assessment methodologies and approaches to accomplish exploitation A strong understanding of one or more common programming languages, including Python, Perl, Ruby, C/C++ or Java Experience reverse engineering applications and firmware A passion for exploring hardware technologies for vulnerabilities, exploits, and loopholes Ability to produce detailed documentation continuously during testing Experience with industry-standard security testing tools such as Burp Suite, Nessus, Nmap, Metasploit, CobaltStrike, etc. ABOVE AND BEYOND Previous experience on a dedicated red team Experience with various hardware prototyping and manufacturing techniques Experience using on-chip debugging hardware and software (JTAG/SWD) Understanding of vehicle telematics and celluar technologies Experience testing iOS and Andriod Mobile Applications Understanding of short-range RF technologies, RFID/NFC, ZigBee, etc. Experience with Embedded Forensics and handling of sensitive data/information. Tester. Responsibilities: - Performs inspection, regulation, test, troubleshooting, and minor repair to ensure products meet performance and appearance standards Checks levels of any oils and other machine used lubricants and fluids Checks other mechanical parts and tanks Adds water and other fluids as needed Checks and replaces any bad or defective small parts as needed Troubleshoots other issues when they arise Performs final inspection, fills out all appropriate paperwork, and turns in to office Monitors gauges and meters for correct readings Inspects wiring, decal, paint, alignment, mechanical, etc Adheres to proper electrical standards Disassembles unit to determine cause of defect Verifies that measurements are within specified tolerance Reads work instructions, and information on potential changes Uses required tools and testing equipment to perform duties Uses quality tools such as Statistical Process Control to lower defects Designs and implements process improvements Performs time studies to keep process times correct Observes safety, EPA, and good housekeeping practices Maintains clean and orderly workplace environment Observes work safety rules Detects faulty equipment and communicates these to supervisor Handles all documentation including machine specifications, special assembly orders, machinetracking tags, test ticket documents, and machine test defect data Learns basic workstation management techniques' Schedules work as required to meet weekly production build schedules Adjusts personnel assignments to assure rotation of testers Resolves capacity problems by personnel movement or obtaining assistance Performs basic work station management techniques Collaborates with QC and assemblers to identify and resolve problems Maintains production test records Provides expertise and assistance to other testers Checks daily test records Compiles monthly production records45569 Penetration Tester Apply Now Penetration Tester Req #: 180055685 Location: Jersey City, NJ,US Job Category: Technology Job Description: Summary:. Responsibilities The role is part of a global cyber security assessments team delivering application and infrastructure testing. Primary focus of this role would be to perform hands on penetration testing of some of the most critical applications with JPMC, as well as conduct penetration tests of the associated infrastructure. Successful candidates will have good general knowledge of security concepts, significant experience, and proven expertise in both application and infrastructure assessments. Requirements 3-5+ years of experience with penetration testing against a wide variety of applications including web, mobile, and thick client above and beyond running automated tools Experience with penetration testing against internal and external facing corporate infrastructures Understanding of Security architecture both from a penetration testing and design point of view Experience working with application developers to validate, assess, understand root cause and mitigate vulnerabilities Experience documenting technical issues identified during security assessments and recommending improvements in the existing service support tools and "standard findings" Technical Skills: Application and infrastructure testing methodologies Architecture design and assessment (manual approach to penetration testing) Security concepts for both Windows and Unix related operating Systems Application and infrastructure vulnerabilities Exploit research and mitigation Assessment tools, such as scanners, administrative utilities, local proxies, debuggers, fuzzers, etc. Web technologies, solutions and attack vectors that apply to application technologies Threat modeling methodologies Security source code review or development experience in C/C++, C#, VB.NET, ASP, or Java Application reverse engineering techniques and procedures IDS and AV evasion techniques. Software Engineer, Integration / Tester - Top Secret/Sci With Polygraph Required Job Description: Researches, designs, develops and/or modifies enterprise-wide systems and/or applications software. 1.Demonstrated on the job experience developing and deploying network and computer systems as they relate to data flow, and reliability of production environments. 2.Demonstrated on the job experience analyzing system latency, capacity and efficiency for system resource utilization. 3.Demontrated on the job experience with network and security issues as it relates to data movement between systems including multi-level security. 4.Demonstrated on the job experience with technical deep dives into code, networking, operating systems, and storage yet verbally and cognitively agile enough to hold their own in strategy discussion. 5.Demonstrated on the job experience in the areas of information retrieval, distributed computing, large-scale system design, networking and security. 6.Demonstrated on the job experience architecting and engineering reliability into code, infrastructure, OS, networking and processes to help a variety of platforms and environmental scale. 7.Demonstrated on the job experience programming in Python, C and Java. 8.Demonstrated on the job experience with Elastic Search and relational databases. 9.Designs, develops, codes, tests, and debugs complex new software products, or makes significant enhancements to existing software. 10. Researches and integrates design strategies, product specifications, development schedules, and user expectations into product capabilities. 11. Resolves complex hardware/software compatibility and interface design considerations. 12. Conducts investigations and tests of considerable complexity. 13. Researches emerging technologies to determine impact on application execution. 14. Provides input to staff involved in writing and updating technical documentation such as user manuals, system documentation, and training materials. 15. Troubleshoots complex problems and provides customer support for software operating systems and application issues. 16. Advises hardware engineers on machine characteristics that affect software systems, such as storage capacity, processing speed, and input/output requirements. 17. Prepares reports on analyses, findings, and project progress. 18. Provides guidance and work leadership to less-experienced software engineers. 19. May serve as a technical team or task leader. 20. Maintains current knowledge of relevant technology as assigned. 21. Participates in special projects as required. Education Bachelors Degree in Computer Science, Electrical or Computer Engineering or a related technical discipline, or the equivalent combination of education, technical training, or work/military experience. Qualifications 8-10 years of related software development experience. C2S/AWS experience. SUB Abuse Counslr III - Addiction Severity Index Tester Please Note: This is a continuation of the position posting dated 05/31/18. Applicants who previously applied for this vacancy need not resubmit their application. POSTED: 05-31-2018 CLOSES: 08-22-2018 - EXTENDED JOB POSTING NO: 045219WM PAYROLL TITLE: SUB ABUSE COUNSLR III EXTENDED TITLE: Addiction Severity Index Tester SALARY: GR. B16-($3,172.27 / Monthly) VACANCY LOCATION: Gatesville, TX UNIT/DEPT: Woodman Jail Facility PAYROLL JOB#: 033762 Hazardous Duty Pay Law Enforcement & Custodial Officers System (LECOS) Retirement Telephonic Interviews Will Not Be Accepted Work Site Visits Will Not Be Conducted No Study Material MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: 1.Bachelor's degree from a college or university accredited by an organization recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or by the United States Department of Education (USDE). Major course work in Criminal Justice, a Behavioral Science, or a related field preferred. Each year of experience as described below in excess of the required four years may be substituted for thirty semester hours from an accredited college or university on a year-for-year basis. 2.Four years full-time, wage-earning experience in substance abuse treatment. 3.Therapeutic community environment experience preferred. 4.Screening and assessment experience preferred. 5.Current valid license as a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC) by the Texas Department of State Health Services, current valid certification as a Certified Criminal Justice Professional (CCJP) by the Texas Certification Board of Addiction Professionals, current valid license as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) by the Texas Commission of Professional Counselors, or current valid license as a Licensed Psychological Associate (LPA) by the Texas Board of Psychological Examiners. Must maintain valid license or certification for continued employment in position. The salary for an ERS Retiree (or non-contributing member) will be $3,094.91. The following Military Occupational Specialty codes are generally applicable to this position. Applicants must fully complete the summary of experience to determine if minimum qualifications are met. 68, 67, HM, 01, 4C, 42 -. Sheila Westerfield Rehabilitation Programs Division 2 Financial Plaza, STE 410 Huntsville, TX 77340 PH (936-437-7288) --22-2018. A complete job description and all application forms may be obtained at the above address or by viewing the Job Description. Job Descriptions are available in PDF format which maybe read with the free Adobe Reader. - Equal Opportunity Employer* Human Tester Human Tester Logan, UT Part Time 15-01 Testing Entry Level Human testers will perform software/console and mechanical testing of fitness machines and components. Testers will remain physically active during their entire shift with a 10 minute break each hour. Testers will follow directions to test machines/components and track problems in Excel spreadsheets. Attention to detail is critical. Other duties may be assigned QUALIFICATIONS Ability to be physically active at moderate to high intensity for 50 minute spans without stopping. Ability to lift 30 lbs. consistently. Ability to read, write and follow directions in English. Must be able to use Excel spreadsheets. Must be detail oriented and able to focus attention on task at hand. EDUCATION and/or EXPERIENCE Experience performing physical activity for extended periods is necessary. Must be computer literate and able to use Excel spreadsheets. This position is about your testing the fitness equipment first and your own workout second. The wage for this job is $7.25 per hour. "We do not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, Veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law." Apply for Position Making better hires starts with building better job descriptions - Browse 100s of templates across 40+ industries - Customize your template with your company info & job requirements - Post it to 20+ job boards in seconds – for FREE!
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Aaron Fitt: Hello gang, got a busy day so will have to keep this tight. Let’s get to it! Aaron Fitt: Yes. Had them as a national seed by a hair in last week’s stock report, and they really helped themselves with that road series win against Miami, while Georgia Tech fell back with a series loss to Clemson. Aaron Fitt: No. His stuff, size, mechanics and makeup still make for way too good a package. Still think he goes in the top 2-3 picks, and maybe still No. 1. Not worried about him. Aaron Fitt: He might very well be the next second baseman after Wong. Wright is a winning ballplayer who does all the little things, and his bat will carry him — his hit tool is his best tool, might wind up being above-average. The rest of his tools are fringe-average to solid-average across the board, but the sum is better than the parts. In a draft this strong, he’s probably a top-five-rounds guy. Aaron Fitt: Like you said, it’s up in the air, but my gut still says UVa, FSU, Georgia Tech and UNC wind up hosting, with Miami and Clemson the odd teams out. That is subject to change, however. talk! I know before you had said it would be LMU and Gonzaga at the end of the season. But with the San Francisco over LMU, and USF holding their lead by one game atop the WCC over Gonzaga, who is now your favorite? Can't help but eye the final series of the season between USF and Gonzaga. Do you think it will come down to that? Aaron Fitt: I still like Gonzaga, but USF is a good club. Coming into the season, I thought the WCC was more wide open than any other conference — could almost see any of those teams finishing in any order. The Dons have a lot to like — they play really, really strong defense, they have veterans in the lineup and on the mound, they’re well-coached and they play hard. Certainly, USF could hang on and win that league. That regular-season finale very well might determine it. SEC didn't blink this past weekend. How do you see things finishing up in that race? Could we see a two-way tie, and is a three-way tie possible? I have to think South Carolina may just have the upper hand, since Vandy and UF still have to play each other — and what a huge series that will be! Aaron Fitt: What an amazing race that is. All three teams are on the road for two of their last three series, but I’d tend to agree with you — the schedule favors South Carolina slightly, since Vandy and Florida still must play each other. But then again, only one team can lose that series, and the team that wins will still be in great shape, even if it doesn’t sweep. As amazing as South Carolina has been, you can’t expect it to sweep all of its remaining series, especially without JBJ. Right? Um . . . right? I keep having a similar line of thought about Oregon State — with those two teams, it doesn’t seem to matter how many injuries they have to deal with. They’re just so incredibly tough and resilient, nothing can slow them down. I keep waiting for injuries to catch up with both clubs, but neither has had a hiccup all season. Remarkable. Aaron Fitt: I wouldn’t panic about one bad weekend — A&M’s weekend pitching is marquee, and its defense has generally been solid this year. The bats are just OK, but they should be good enough to win with the pitching that team has. It’s baseball — you can’t win them all. top 25. I cant believe how the Pac has fallen so quickly from grace. Are teams like Gonzaga and Texas state really that much better than UCLA, Arizona and Stanford? Aaron Fitt: I’ll tell you, the back of the Top 25 was no fun to put together this week. All those contenders for spots at the back have glaring holes in their resumes. Gonzaga lost a series to St. Mary’s last week, and Texas State has really struggled in midweek games against Big 12 teams and the like. But Gonzaga has a sweep against UCI that is helping its cause (the Anteaters were another candidate for a Top 25 spot), and Texas State has been very good on weekends this year. Are those teams more talented than UCLA, Arizona and Stanford? I don’t think so. But those three Pac-10 teams just have not been very consistent — it was time to put somebody else in there until those Pac-10 teams start to sustain some success. That’s challenging in the Pac-10, but a top 25-caliber team should have less head-scratchers than those three. Aaron Fitt: UConn! overrule the Gamecocks impressive record. Nothing against UVA, but its quite hypocritical to say that our 1 loss to Vandy kept us from taking over #1 when UVA can lose to BC and remain #1. Aaron Fitt: If you win a conference road series, you’re not usually going to drop in the rankings. South Carolina won 2 of 3 at Mississippi State last weekend but dropped the middle game. It still won the road series, so it did not drop behind teams that went 3-0 on the weekend. We’re pretty consistent here, folks. Virginia is 42-5; you think we can allow them one road loss against BC, especially when they shut out the Eagles in the other two games? one of the strongest 2 seeds going into the tournament? Aaron Fitt: The RPI is nice, but I still think it’s a long shot. Clemson is still just 13-11 in the ACC and is behind five other teams in the standings, all of whom are also higher in the RPI and are more likely to host. I do think Clemson will be a very, very dangerous No. 2 seed — seems like that team has gotten on track and figured out its pitching, and its veteran lineup will not be easy to deal with in the postseason. Aaron Fitt: South Carolina has losses to The Citadel and Cal State Bakersfield and Georgia (which is about as good as NC State) and Mississippi State. Explain. Look, all of those teams at the top have great, great resumes. Really, really great resumes. South Carolina has had an incredibly impressive season. So has UVa. Vanderbilt has had an incredibly impressive season. So has Oregon State. I know it’s hard to believe there are good teams outside the SEC, but it’s true! Aaron Fitt: I do think Stetson will host — even if it’s as a No. 2 seed with Miami as the No. 1. The Hatters have put together a very nice resume, and the committee likes to put regionals in new places when mid-majors have great years like this. Stetson has nice facilities, too. Aaron Fitt: I don’t think there’s any timeframe for that to happen — I would not expect it anytime soon. Aaron Fitt: I don’t know, I think Texas and Arizona State, in particular, are both very good clubs, and so are FSU and Texas A&M. There are usually a couple of teams that really have unbelievable regular seasons and look like the clear teams to beat in the postseason (last year it was Texas, Virginia and Arizona State, and only one of them made it to Omaha, where it went 0-2). 15, the 4 losses all by 1 run. Talk to me about my Creighton Bluejays. They are leading the MVC currently, but will they need to win the MoVal to make a regional? What will they need to do with the Shockers this weekend to solidify their spot? Do they need a sweep? Aaron Fitt: Creighton has a real shot at an at-large spot — the Bluejays are 46th in the RPI and a 7-4 finish can land them in the top 45 at season’s end, which is bubble range. A series win against Wichita is a must, I think, and a sweep would put them in really good shape. That’s a tall order, though — I still like Wichita’s talent. Aaron Fitt: He looks like an early bet to go in the top 10 picks — it’s a really big arm, and he’s on a roll right now. Aaron Fitt: Had to help. There was a lot of scouting heat in there to see him and Bauer, and Osich also started throwing his curveball again for the first time this year. His stock is certainly on the rise. to when Oregon State will get Andrew Susac back, and do you see them being able to keep this winning up and win the Pac 10? Aaron Fitt: It sounds like he’s making progress. He could potentially be back in the next two weeks, and they’re saying the worst-case scenario is he’ll be back for the season-ending Oregon series. Aaron Fitt: Literally? Not even one? Really? You must not be thinking very hard. How about an 11-2 mark against the top 25 (Vandy is 6-3)? How about the fact that Oregon State hasn’t lost a weekend series? How about peak value? Oregon State swept Arizona State, which trumps anything Vanderbilt has done. How about common opponents? Vandy took 2 of 3 from Stanford at home; Oregon State swept Stanford on the road. How about road series wins against Arizona and Stanford and UCLA, all of whom will be in regionals and all of whom are very talented? But you can’t think of a single reason, huh? Vanderbilt is awesome, and its season has been awesome, and its record is a couple of games better than Oregon State’s (although I’m not particularly impressed with Vandy’s nonconference strength of schedule, with all those games against Brown, UIC and a USD team that is a shadow of what it usually is). But you think, just maybe, Oregon State might have a case, too? win against OSU and UTah be enough to give them the knock? Aaron Fitt: I still think TCU is behind the 8-ball when it comes to hosting, especially after losing another game against Oklahoma in midweek. But it has a chance to make a statement against Oklahoma State this weekend. If the Horned Frogs can sweep that series, they might vault past OSU and Oklahoma and Rice in the hosting discussion in that part of the country. Just winning two out of three will at least keep the Frogs in the discussion. Right now, those four teams are competing with each other for host sites, and it’s hard to separate them from each other. The next three weeks will be crucial. Aaron Fitt: OK, that’s all I’ve got time for today. See you guys next week!
WHILE Lawrence Livermores national security accomplishments have received much publicity over the years, one Laboratory organization has gained such a stellar reputation among law enforcement, intelligence, and emergency response agencies that it is cited by Tom Clancy in his novel Shadow Watch (Berkley Books, 1999): Ive requested assistance from the Forensic Science Center in San Francisco. Its at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. I dont know if youre familiar with them. They did evidence analysis on the Unabomber case, the Times Square and WTC bombings in New York, probably hundreds of other investigations, Nimec said. Uplinks had a relationship with them for years, and Ive worked with them personally. The LLNLs the best group of crime detection and national security experts in the business. Founded in 1991, the Laboratorys Forensic Science Center (FSC) offers a comprehensive range of analytical expertise to counter terrorism, aid domestic law enforcement, and verify compliance with international treaties and agreements. The centers combination of human and technological resources has made it among the best of its kind for collecting and analyzing virtually any kind of evidence, some of it no larger than a few billionths of a gram. Its resources, expertise, tools, and techniques are applied to all kinds of cases, from the September 11 World Trade Center attack to the spread of anthrax spores, from multiple homicides to nuclear materials smuggling. FSC has a staff of 15 personnel, mostly chemists, with expertise in analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, nuclear chemistry, toxicology, pharmacology, special coatings, and forensic instrument design and fabrication. The center also draws upon the resources of experts in Livermores Chemistry and Materials Science and Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and International Security directorates. The centers approach to forensic analysis maximizes the information that can be obtained from sometimes extremely small samples of explosives residue, dust particles, hair strands, blood stains, radioactive isotopes, drugs, chemicals, and clothing fibers. As Brian Andresen, until recently FSC director, says, Were probing the lower limits of detection for many types of compounds isolated during an investigation. Even the tiniest quantities, says Andresen, are usually enough to provide compelling evidence that holds up in court. The minuscule amounts of oils remaining on fingerprints, for example, can tell the general age of suspects, their diet, and whether they smoke. In that respect, says Andresen, Everything someone does leaves a chemical or biological signature that we can investigate. Many forensic research projects have required FSC personnel to develop new analytical tools, forensic techniques for analyzing trace amounts of evidence, and unique sampling procedures. Several new, portable instruments have been developed that are capable of detailed analysis in the field. These tools provide important advantages when dealing with substances that may be unstable, perishable, or too toxic to bring back to the Laboratory. Supporting International Security Andresen notes that the term forensic science used to apply only to the scientific analysis of evidence for civil or criminal law. Increasingly, however, forensic analyses done at FSC are broadening that definition to include support for monitoring or verifying compliance with international treaties and agreements, particularly those involving weapons of mass destruction, and for countering threats of terrorism. For example, the center is contributing to the National Nuclear Security Administrations (NNSAs) Chemical and Biological National Security Program to develop and field advanced technologies to better prepare for, detect, and respond to chemical or biological incidents in the U.S. In light of its demonstrated capabilities to analyze minute specimens, FSC was selected by the U.S. State Department in 2000 to support the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) as the second U.S. certification laboratory. (The other facility is the Edgewood Chemical and Biological Analytical Center in Maryland.) OPCW, based in the Netherlands, is responsible for implementing the Chemical Weapons Convention, which bans the production, stockpiling, or use of such weapons as nerve agents and blister agents. OPCW-designated laboratories test samples collected by OPCW inspectors from sources around the world to determine whether the samples contain chemical weapon agents, their precursor chemicals, or decomposition products. The convention stipulates that all samples must be analyzed at the two OPCW-designated laboratories. Federal legislation requires that all samples taken from a U.S. facility be tested in a U.S. laboratory that is OPCW-certified. FSC has established a separate chemical weapons analysis laboratory that is certified by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation. To date, no actual samples have been officially collected from any site or analyzed at any laboratory. FSC, however, has been required to analyze and identify constituents of mock samples supplied by the OPCW as part of a series of proficiency tests. According to FSCs Armando Alcaraz, Passing the tests is a very challenging task because the samples might contain literally thousands of chemicals that are linked to chemical weapons manufacturing. He notes that the samples are sometimes spiked with certain materials to deliberately try to throw the analysis teams off track. Like the test samples, the real samples will be extremely dilute (that is, parts-per-million level) so that they can be shipped commercially or sent through the mail. Helping Law Enforcement FSC also assists law enforcement agencies with special needs that cannot be handled by standard crime laboratories. Were not in the business of routine police lab work, Andresen cautions. However, for cases that are particularly difficult, FSC may be a valuable resource capable of providing a conclusive analysis. In this respect, law enforcement agencies benefit from Livermore technologies that were developed initially to support counterterrorism efforts, detect nuclear proliferation activities, and advance stockpile stewardship. Under the 1998 Partnership for a Safer America memorandum of understanding between the Department of Energy and the departments of Justice, Commerce, and Treasury, the center provides law enforcement agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the U.S. Customs Service, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms with new crime-fighting technologies. This agreement provides a framework for formal working relationships to facilitate the transfer of DOE technology and technical expertise to law enforcement. FSC deputy director Pat Grant notes that supporting law enforcement increases the centers expertise and shortens the turnaround times for sample analysis. Anytime we analyze questioned samples important to a real-world investigation, we are honing our skills. Its a much more interesting and stimulating experience than participating in an exercise. Shrinking Instruments Some of the centers most enduring accomplishments are new tools it has developed for intelligence, law enforcement, and health professionals working in the field. These compact, battery-powered tools provide mobile chemistry laboratories. Because they eliminate the need to ship samples back to a standard laboratory for analysis, the portable technologies greatly speed decision making. For example, FSC scientists have miniaturized and modernized thin-layer chromatography (TLC), a well-established laboratory procedure that identifies compounds belonging to the same general chemical class. FSC chemists made TLC technology suitable for field use with a portable system that fits inside a suitcase and weighs about 23 kilograms. Although the portable system uses minimal equipment and chemical reagents, it is highly specific and sensitive. The kits can be used to analyze two sets of samples simultaneously, with each set containing about 10 samples. Depending on the compounds being analyzed for, the entire process takes 10 to 20 minutes to complete. TLC works by separating compounds over the distance they move up a glass plate. Tiny amounts of samples are placed just above the bottom edge of a TLC plate, the plate is placed in a small solvent reservoir, and the solvent moves up the plate by capillary action. A commercial digital camera captures the resulting patterns of dark spots that develop, which are analyzed on a notebook computer using a software program originally developed for the analysis of DNA. Based on the distance the samples have traveled, together with their color and intensity, the computer program identifies the compounds and their relative concentrations. The centers portable TLC kits are tailored to detect chemicals indicative of chemical weapons, high explosives, propellant stabilizers, or illegal drugs. Each specialized kit includes solvents and developing reagents that are specific to the compounds of interest. The TLC system was originally developed for the U.S. Army to quickly detect propellant instabilities within the nations munition storage depots. Propellants (especially high explosives) require stabilizers to prevent them from spontaneously igniting. Because stabilizers are depleted by long exposure to environmental conditions, the Army needed a way to quickly determine the safety of large numbers of munitions. The centers TLC system requires only 50-milligram samples of explosive, instead of the gram quantities typically required by other methods, and 15 minutes for each group of 20 samples, allowing many more samples to be analyzed and at much lower cost than is possible using traditional methods. Army personnel without a degree or extensive training in chemistry can do this work, says FSC chemist Jeff Haas. Over a few days in 1998, the portable system successfully characterized the contents of more than 1,200 unearthed mortar rounds discovered in a shallow excavation site at an Army base in Massachusetts. (See S&TR, December 1998, Forensic Science Sleuthing.) The system is now deployed at several other Army facilities as well as by National Guard units. The system is also used in instances where analysis speed is essential. In light of repeated success by a variety of users, the center is transferring the portable TLC technology to private industry for commercialization and widespread availability to federal and state law enforcement, customs, and environmental agencies. Advanced Tools for Field Use While TLC is effective for identifying classes of chemicals that are specifically targeted, the task of completely characterizing samples in the field requires a more sophisticated instrument such as the gas chromatographmass spectrometer (GCMS). An essential tool in every major analytical laboratory, a GCMS can detect ultratrace quantities of organic compounds weighing a billionth of a gram or less. The gas chromatograph first slowly heats a sample to about 250°C. As the samples volatile constituents travel down a long capillary column, they separate according to their vapor pressures and chemical affinities. As they flow into the mass spectrometer, the compounds are bombarded with an electron beam that fragments molecules into ions that constitute a unique fingerprint of that compound for positive identification. FSC staff scientists have shrunk the standard 114-kilogram laboratory GCMS to about 28 kilograms; it now fits inside a wheeled suitcase. The self-contained portable device, comparable in sensitivity and selectivity to a standard unit, contains a power generator, vacuum pumps, and laptop computer. The result is an instrument that significantly improves on-scene investigation and evidence collection. Because of its ability to analyze samples to parts-per-billion sensitivity within 15 minutes, this portable GCMS can be used to support nonproliferation activities, incident response, and law enforcement investigations. For example, the instrument can precisely identify compounds indicative of the manufacture of chemical warfare agents and illicit drugs. The instrument is currently being manufactured under license to industry. Identification with Lasers Although many tools used by FSC personnel depend on analyzing tiny amounts of chemicals that are found in a vapor phase above a liquid or some solid materials, most solid objects, such as human hair or clothing, do not have a significant vapor pressure and thus do not lend themselves easily to GCMS analysis. However, center personnel can vaporize these solid samples with an extremely fine laser beam to generate wisps of product that contain identifying compounds. The technology is called imaging laser-ablation mass spectroscopy. The process combines a laser for vaporizing extremely small amounts of material, an ion trap and time-of-flight mass spectrometer for analysis, and a high-powered microscope for viewing. In this way, forensic scientists can collect and rapidly identify suspect chemicals. The process can be used on almost any solid materialdirt, pieces of glass, paint chips, clothing fibers, strands of hair. The samples are placed inside an ion trap mass spectrometer, irradiated with a laser, and identified within a few minutes by the mass spectrometer. The process allows an investigator to walk down a hair shaft by drilling consecutive holes on the same hair with the laser and analyzing each volatile sample. Because hair grows at a standard rate, the results can reveal a history of drug use or exposure to compounds used in biological or chemical weapons manufacturing, says FSC chemist Greg Klunder. He points out that the method could also be applied to samples of clothing or soil sticking to the shoes of someone suspected of developing chemical weapons. A similar instrument still under development is capable of detecting chemicals in air and is well suited for high-speed aircraft sampling of exhaust smoke from chemical facilities. Potential applications include identifying hazardous spills, monitoring industrial stacks for certain compounds, and surveying the environment from a remote location to detect chemical releases from a suspect facility. Wands of Collection One of the centers most important developments has been the solid-phase microextraction (SPME) collection kits that use optical fibers as chemical dipsticks for safe and efficient sampling. The technique has revolutionized the collection of forensic samples in the field, says FSC chemist Pete Nunes. The technology uses commercial hair-size (100-micrometer-thick) fibers to capture organic vapors. The fiber, residing inside a syringe, is coated with a chemical polymer that, when exposed to the ambient environment for a suitable amount of time, can collect thousands of different compounds by acting as a chemical sponge. The polymer coatings are specific for different types of compounds such as chemical warfare agents, high explosives, or illegal drugs. The collection technique requires no solvents, sample workup, or additional equipment typically associated with obtaining evidence. The fibers can be inserted directly into a portable or stationary GCMS for immediate analysis. Nunes says that because the fibers are fragile, they had never been taken into the field. To overcome their fragility, an FSC team developed rugged aluminum transport tubes, with each tube securing one syringe and fiber. A group of five tubes is contained in each kit. The hermetically sealed tubes prevent any possibility of cross-contamination and support chain-of-custody requirements. A sampling port in the bottom of the tube permits assaying the contents in a glove box before the tube is actually opened. SPME sampling is being put to good use by FSC weapons scientist David Chambers to monitor nuclear weapon warheads safely. This activity is part of the NNSAs Stockpile Stewardship Program to maintain the safety and reliability of the nations nuclear stockpile. Chambers uses SPMEs coated fibers to collect volatile and semivolatile molecules that are formed or outgassed from the nuclear and thermal breakdown of organic polymers and high explosives. Signs of outgassing can indicate problems such as corroded metal parts that need to be replaced. By monitoring for the presence of these chemical vapors, scientists are alerted to problems that may be developing inside the weapon. The center has provided the FBI and other agencies with SPME field kits for the safe and rapid collection of chemical warfare agents. The kits are equally well suited for drug detection and arson investigations. FSC has also developed a new SPME transport tube that is smaller and lighter so that it can fit inside a shirt pocket. Both versions are being licensed to industry for sale to government agencies. The Forensic Science Center (FSC) has played a pivotal role in several well-publicized criminal investigations. For example, FSC examined the composition and structure of tiny bomb fragments containing trace metal and chemical residues in the Unabomber case. The center provided analysis and testimony leading to the conviction of Fremont, California, bomber Rodney Blach, a former Chicago Police Department forensic investigator. Blach was convicted of planting bombs during 1998 at the homes of the police chief, a city council member, and others. Former FSC Director Brian Andresen helped investigators from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) to reconstruct what Tom Rogers, assistant district attorney, characterized as the largest as well as the most electronically sophisticated domestic pipe bombs the ATF had ever encountered. Rogers said, The electronic aspects of the devices were beyond the expertise of anyone at the ATF. FSC supported the Democratic National Convention in 2000 by providing a mobile forensic laboratory for the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Terrorist Early Warning Group. The center was also instrumental in interpreting factors surrounding the death of Gloria Ramirez, who made several hospital emergency room personnel violently ill in a well-publicized Southern California case. FSC helped prosecutors in Glendale, California, rearrest Efren Saldivar, the self-proclaimed Angel of Death and alleged killer of many terminally ill hospital patients. FSC scientists performed toxicology analyses on exhumed tissues from 20 patients. They didnt expect to find anything. However, with the help of completely new techniques, including sample collection procedures developed by the center, they were able to identify the drug Pavulon in the bodies of six of the deceased patients. The rearrest of Saldivar was based primarily on the centers findings. Identifying Bullet Fragments FSC came to the aid of Kings County, California, authorities who were stymied by an execution-style triple homicide. The evidence included a variety of bullet fragments but no weapons. Always On Call Although the Forensic Science Center was highlighted in a Tom Clancy novel, it is not fiction. It is a rich resource for the national security and intelligence communities and has proved itself a valuable ally to federal and state agencies alike. Just as they have for the past 10 years, FSC personnel will be on call for the next case and the next sample. —Arnie Heller Key Words: anthrax, Chemical and Biological National Security Program, Forensic Science Center (FSC), gas chromatographmass spectrometer (GCMS), laser-ablation mass spectroscopy, Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), solid-phase microextraction (SPME), stockpile stewardship, thin-layer chromatography (TLC). For further information, contact Brian Andresen (925) 422-0903 (andresen
Ten thoughts on two fantastic games in Atlanta that ended with Florida State and UNC winning by a combined five points: 1 -- After watching the replay numerous times, I think Kendall Marshall charged on the winning basket against N.C. State in UNC's 69-67 win. That one should have been waved off, as Marshall lowered his shoulder and made contact on the drive. 2 -- I don't think N.C. State's Richard Howell was clearly fouled, however, on the last play of the game. That was the correct no-call. It looked more like a scrum and Howell never had total possession of the ball. 3 -- Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski said after his team lost 62-59 that Florida State's Michael Snaer was the best competitor in the ACC. 4 -- If I'm Roy Williams, I don't play John Henson against Florida State unless Henson is absolutely 100 percent without pain in that aching left wrist. Ultimately, I think the Tar Heels have a No.1 NCAA seed either way, and FSU is so physical the chance of re-injury is not out of the question. 5 -- How good is Duke anyway? That's the subject of my Sunday column. The Blue Devils need Ryan Kelly back and need to make some more shots -- they were 10-for-46 from three-point range in Atlanta. 6 -- If Seth Curry's 40-footer at the buzzer had gone in to tie that game and send it into overtime, he would have joined Christian Laettner, Austin Rivers, Jeff Capel and a couple of others on the short list of greatest Duke buzzer-beaters of all time. 7 -- How far off the radar has Duke's Andre Dawkins fallen? He played 17 minutes Saturday and had no points and no assists. 8 -- Florida State's 33-point win over UNC in the teams' only previous meeting will loom large Sunday, although everyone will say it doesn't matter. It does matter in that it has to give the Seminoles major confidence. 9 -- The Wolfpack would have had to call a timeout to get C.J. Leslie out of the game between his fourth and fifth fouls (which came 32 seconds apart -- the final one with 8:03 left). So while I blame the coaching staff for not keeping up with Leslie's fouls well enough and/or not communicating that to head coach Mark Gottfried, that was also Leslie's fault for committing a silly foul on an overly aggressive defensive play right after he had picked up his fourth one. 10 -- UNC and Duke both deserve to play in Greensboro next week for their first two games in the NCAA tournament. UNC as a No.1 seed and Duke as a No.2. I think N.C. State is in the tourney as well now and will get a seed around No.11 or so. Saturday, March 10, 2012 A great semifinal Saturday at the ACC tournament -- 10 thoughts Labels: ACC tournament 21 comments: Marshall didn't lower his shoulder--he turned sideways in order to be able to create more space. Apparently you would rather listen to the whines of the Wolfpack conspiracy throrists than watch a replay. And Curry's shot would have been waived off--fortunately, one of the officials saw the 4 steps he took before launching it. Do your homework before postying, please. The ACC and it's Referees are a complete JOKE! "...refs are supposed to exude a sense of impartiality." But we often forget that the ACC is "lead" by John Swofford, who happen to graduate from UNC AND worked for UNC. Many wonder why the ACC's OVERALL quality has tumbled over the years. Why don't someone do something about this?...Here's more on the ACC refs: Hey Anonymous 8:30 PM, your are blind if you think Marshall was moving sideways. Please let me know before you get on the highway so I can pull over - I don't want to be on the highway the same time as you are. Also, what is "posting?" go to statefansnation.com and just read Marshall admitted he was certain he could get away with a foul after the game. Look up his quote! Refs have let UNC and Duke get away with anything AND the players know it. These are the results you get. Slow and non-physical games. People criticizing ACC refereeing. Less basketball game attendance except for UNC. Fans from other conferences saying the ACC is crap now. ACC being less competitive outside of the ACC outside of UNC and Duke. Players (UNC and Duke) knowing that the can push the envelope in many various ways. Foul, walk, travel, or whatever. Welcome to the conference of haves and have nots! Welcome to the "soft" ACC! Anon. 8:30 pm, Scott is exactly right about Marshall's foul. He lowered his shoulder, drove it intentionally into Alex Johnson and floored him, to clear his way to the basket; only his shoulder went sideways! Scott is honest: for all of Howell's angry protest, that last moment no-call was correct. I also agree with Scott on pt. 4 (on Henson). As for Duke, a classic example of "you live by the three (in some games), you die by the three (in others)". Back to the Wolfpack: they definitely earned their NCAA invite. Just watch the video. By the definition of a block/charge, the Marshall no-call was closer to a block than a charge, but I think a no-call was appropriate. As for the Curry heave, am I the only one who saw him grab the ball and take off running without a single dribble? If you get a chance, watch it again. He just started running and then threw up the shot. There is no way it could have counted...although he walked pretty bad in the UNC game before making a 3 near the end of the game and they didn't call that one. The little UNCheat moniker is pretty tired . Come up with something more creative to describe the stellar basketball program hat has een run without a hint of impropriety since Frank McGuire left around 1962. As to the officiating, the most absurd thing was to double the amount of time on the clock from .6 to 1.2. The game is 40 minutes. In the course of that 40 minutes, the clock stops and starts what maybe 100 times. If we added up every second or millisecond either way it probably ends up equal. In this case, there was clearly .6 of a second on the clock by the time the official signaled timeout and the clock was stopped. So, it makes it pretty annoying for someone to argue that Howell was fouled as the players fought over the loose ball. Anyway, congrats to State for a hard fought game. It will be good for the conference for them to have a legitimate team, which they will have under Gott. State fans will complain about the calls, but when will you be honest and question why the coaching staff left their most productive player in the game with 4 fouls with over 8 minutes to go...then you turn the ball over on two straight trips down the court. Bone headed plays... The view of the replay from the basket angle clearly showed the State player "humping" Marshall. He thrusted his mid section into Marshall as much as Marshall lowered a shoulder. Great no-call. And if the refs give Duke and NC all the calls how can it matter with them winning by double digits many times? The ACC refs showed their UNC & Duke bias for the whole nation to witness today. Leslie's 4th foul and Marshall's last basket were identical plays, but both calls went UNC's way. The UNC player who stole the last pass landed out of bounds (no call) and Howell was fouled hard across the chest and arms (no foul). ACC Ref who called everything against NCST down the stretch tells Gottfried to "shut his Fing A** up. Can you imagine a Ref telling that to K or Roy? Then the last plays of Duke game - Rivers obvious push off (no call), Plumlee across end line while defending inbounds pass (no call), and Seth's 3 steps on shot (no call). If something isn't done, expect MD & GT to B1G, FSU & Clem or VT to SEC, and UVA, NCST to Big12 or Big East. anonymous....you are an idiot...no way teams leave the conference. Please just go away and quit your whining. If you think that Marshall's drive was not a charge, then OBVIOUSLY the charge whistled on Leslie for his 4th foul was wrong too. There's no other way to justify it except being a complete UNC homer. If Leslie's move was a charge (it wasn't) then Marshall's drive was DEFINITELY a charge (it was.) Both calls were blown. Leslie's 3rd and 5th foul were legit, but his fourth was garbage, as was the no call on Marshall. I agree that there should not have been a call at the end, the State player never had possession of the ball. State also had a dreadful turnover right after a TO in the last minute. Still, Marshall clearly lowered his shoulder and the defender was more set than the defender was against Leslie, who did not lower his shoulder. Absolutely no way you can be unbiased and agree with the refs in both of those situations. I wonder how much of today had to do with the memory of 'Karl Hess.' NCSU deserves better. The NCSU fans were howling just as loud about how Justin Watts' foot "had" to be on the end line as they were about the Marshall no-call. But then someone posted a series of photographs taken in rapid succession by a News and Observer photographer clearly showing (a) Watts' feet weren't even close to the line and (b) a referee was about 3 feet away looking directly at Watts' feet. Without those photos, Scott Fowler would have had 11 points in his column, the 11th being that the refs blew the call on whether Watts was on the end line. And with Marshall's foul, two referees were looking directly at the play and both made the same no call. The day when the Observer publishes a Sports Section without an error is the day that Scott Fowler can second-guess a play were two officials were looking directly at the play and made the same call. Grow-up Fowler and stop this nonsense about how the referees are biased in favor of the better team. Is the Pulitzer Prize panel biased in favor of the New York Times or does the New Times have better writers than the Charlotte Observer? It was pretty obvious on the broadcast that Watts wasn't out of bounds. There was another play where an NCSU player 'saved' the ball under his own basket and it bounced out of bounds first before going right to a Heel for a lay-in. It would have been UNC's ball either way but if the call had been correct at least NCSU would have been able to set their D. I'm guessing the NCSU fans crying about Watts don't have HDTV ;) Either way, there were plenty of other 'questionable' calls that went against State to not have to cry about a legit good play by Watts. Buncha Crybabies!!!! You Lose, We Win get over it. Go Heels! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Ric Flair Winners never whine and whiners never win. If State wants to get back to the top of the ACC they need to focus on basketball. People have been complaining about refs since the 1950's. I remember people calling dick Paparo "duke" Paparo. It time to shut up. There can be a foul called on every possession in bball. I don't want big east games played in 40s and 50s. I don't want thug ball. Coaches who teach that or bring it into the league need to quit whining. Why would an nba talent stay in college ball when you have mugga ball going on all over the confernce with a chance to get hurt. Teams with less talent resort to "aggressive" play like state this year and then whine when they get called for it. Go get more talented players and quit whining. Instead of complaining about officials, how bout Scott Wood makes more than 1 shot or hits a 3. In their losses, he's been awful. Fix that before complaining. Sidenote: Curry walked on the 3. It's the 5 millionth time either Curry or Rivers has walked and it hasn't been called. Lets not forget how much the networks stand to lose if Carolina v Duke is not the championship game. If the game is close they'll get the calls. Don't fool yourself into thinking otherwise. All you had to do to see how far the ACC has fallen was watch the Syr.-UConn Quarterfinal game in the BE. Tough, physical play with only real fouls called, not the ticky-tack, wussy variety as in the ACC. Crowd totally engaged, standing and shouting for the last 10-12 min. And the BE is only the 3rd best conf. this year. H. Barnes, called the best Freshman last year is waaaaaaay too soft for NBA-should stay another year. Despite his size, strength and quickness he is afraid to drive and prefers launching rainbow 3's from 25 ft., like yesterday.
{ If only I had a camera back then..... }6:31 PM Oh boy, it is so dark and cloudy outside, I'm just waiting for the rain to start. It's been such wonderful weather here lately, clouds, rain, cooler temperatures, wind (though I could do without the high winds) and just nice all around. To say I've been enjoying it would be a huge understatement. So, how was your Tuesday? Got anything important done, anything fun? And speaking of which, have your kids started back at school yet or are they starting soon? We officially start back up on the 25th, so not a lot of time left to our summer, and before we know it, Fall will be here and then the bitter cold Winter. Ohhhh as I am typing this I hear thunder outside, just wish it would hold off just a little longer, at least until Curt is back home from work. Nope, it has a mind of it's own and it's pouring down..... Anyway, I had a very productive, busy, puttering around kinda day, as any homemaker does. Got things reorganized and moved around a little in the living room, got things done in the kitchen, transplanted some of the veggies to bigger pots and put them outside, cleaned out the deck area, swept, mopped the whole downstairs and moved a chair into my bedroom. Then we had to go to base. Hubby had work to do at the commissary and the kids and I walked around the BX for a little, then drove to the post office. It felt so strange driving around base with the kids, or should I say, on this base, as it brings back a flood of memories from when I used to drive around with them in their car seats. Time flies! I got all my stuff mailed off and then met the hubby up at the library where he was setting up his proctored exams for this week. He just has two exams to take, an Algebra and a Geology and he is done with his Bachelors degree in Management. So proud of him, he has worked very hard for this. I'm sure by now you're wondering why on earth my blog title is called "if only I had a camera back then...." and then I've basically said absolutely nothing about that thought. Well, let me tell you. As I've been reading my old blog posts, as much as I love reading every single word and remembering my children growing up, and even reading things that I had completely forgotten about, so many times I think "if only I had a camera back then, I would have been able to take daily photos of my kids, shared them here, and enjoyed looking back at our house." I think it is one of the reasons why not, I take as many pictures of my daily life. It may seem silly at times because for many of you, I'm sure you could care less what I'm planting, what I ate or drank, what my house looks like or what my children are doing. But for me, I just think that in a few years, when my children are both married and raising their own children, it will be such a wonderful treasure to have. They will be able to show their own children what they were doing as little ones, and for me, it will give me a place to come and reminisce. So excuse me while I snap every single thing that catches my fancy, it really is for a good cause, at least I believe so :) The past two days I have been waking up around 6:30am and ready to start my day. It's so weird, I know usually we complain that we don't get enough sleeping and we like sleeping in, but for some reason it is the opposite for me. I do enjoy the moments where the whole house is fast asleep and I'm the only one awake. I get my coffee, I read my devotionals and I sit and just watch the sun start to peek over the mountain. Isn't it just gorgeous? And what is it about lace curtains that makes everything so pretty? When we first moved in, we had just plopped the two chairs on either side of the fireplace and called it good. Usually in a move, I like to get everything unpacked and taken care of, but this time there were a few things that I just didn't get to for a while, I was busy with other things. This morning, after hubby left for work, I opened all the blinds and the windows in the living room and got to work. I moved the shelf into this little corner, and moved one of the chairs to my bedroom. It makes it look a lot less crowded and I think when winter comes around, I will be sitting right there in that little corner with my crochet, or a good book and a cup of tea or coffee. And speaking of crochet, my V-stitch blanket is coming along nicely. Such a different color palette than my usual Cath Kidston inspired ones, but I'm liking it. From my deck we can see the church steeple across the street, isn't it beautiful? Beautiful trees too. I filled the bird feeder and set it on the deck for a minute, I come back and see this..... Someone thinks he's a bird. LOL He kept eating, ate some more but always with an eye on me, and then scurried off into the tree. Silly squirrel! I also got a beautiful birthday card in the mail, from my sweet friend Tamy. Thank you so much Tamy, I am always so touched with your sweetness :) Before I end this post I have to tell you that I'm so excited to have re-found Paperbackswap. I can't believe I forgot about that website, I used to go on there all the time when I first started blogging and was able to get rid of a lot of my old books and in turn get many ones that I was looking for. I signed back in a few days ago, posted 6 books and within an hour I had a request for one of them. That went in the mail this afternoon and now as soon as the person gets it in the mail I will have a credit to use towards a book I want. Can't wait. Alright, well I am about to go visit with the hubby as he just got home, we'll be watching some Face Off on TV and I'll be working a little more on my blanket. Have a very good restful night and I will see you all back here tomorrow :) That blanket is going to be beautiful! I love the stitch. I love paperback swap! I started collecting some cookbooks from certain years that were special to us. Like our anniversary and birthdays. Our school starts back on the 18th aug. Yep I love taking pics to of everything its making memories :) and your blanket is pretty. Your raindrop photo is a perfect capture, love it! Emma was captivated by your visiting squirrel as she sits here browsing with me this morning. Our heatwave in the UK seems to have finally broken this morning and we have had plenty of wind and rain... I am so excited for cosy autumn days, I already made soup last night! Paperback swap sounds great! I wonder if there is an English version? Have a lovely day xxx Sounds like we're having the same weather here in PA. My daughter (who will be 3 next Friday) has suddenly developed a fear for the rain and storms so when we're getting a storm at night she refuses to sleep. It's been exhausting. School for my son starts the 20th, but he goes to a public school. With homeschool do you get to choose your own date to start or are you required to start at a certain time? I can't tell you how many times I've thought of homeschooling but for now we're sending him to school. We'll see how first grade goes. Oh, I LOVE your blog and all the photos you post and I totally understand why you post them. You have a talent in blog writing AND photography. I enjoy your posts, all of them. No apologizing necessary. If only I could make my blog look as good. I'm always at a loss for what to write and I don't have many visitors so it's definitely become a place for me to keep my memories ... although I'm hoping Blogger never shuts down like my former blogging site did. The blanket it beautiful. School starts way too soon here, and I am so glad we got the chance to take the kids camping. Since then they have been to the fair to ride rides and eat bad food too (ha ha!) Sandra, First of all, your pictures are amazing. Professional photographer? I might just be asking to borrow some for blogging post ideas. I too, love the stillness and peace being the only one up in the morning. It gives God and I a chance to talk about how things went yesterday and the hope and possibilities that can come today. In fact it didn't come out in the form of a prayer this morning but a song. Yes a silly song. I'm always singing weird songs I make up. My family thinks I have my own personal Pandora station in my head. I love the idea of capturing the essence of a day in what you see. Words offer only so much even though you may describe them in unparallelled detail, nothing beats showing us what you see. Love Face Off too! One of my favorites beside Master Chef and Hell's Kitchen. I haven't heard of paperback swap and will definitely have to be checking into that! As always, I love your encouragement and words of love when you stop by and just wanted to let you know, I appreciate and love you. Love and Hugs ~ Kat I really need to get back to being up early too! It's been so nice to not have to get up at 0400 to get hubby off to work though. I miss our property but ohhhh not his commute. ;) I saw this today and thought of you, since you checked out this book recently. Hope it's of interest! What a wonderful visit with you today! I have a wonderful picture of Sylvia kitty behind a lace curtain. I love it! Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted. Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a Blessed day! ♥Sandra♥
other fake food), please tell me so I can remove it. (If I’ve removed your post, I hope there are no hard feelings, but people come to this post for Real Food ideas, and I don’t want to disappoint.) 3. I hope you’ll retweet, share on Facebook,<< { 47 comments… read them below or add one } OK, this week, I’m linking tonight’s experiment with trying to get a brand new super food into our diets… Liver. I knew my 11 y/o son would nix the idea just because of the stigma attached to liver, something we’ve never eaten. So, I got sneaky. Stop by and see what I did Thank you for hosting I’m sharing a recipe for a sleepy time tea. Happy Wednesday! Thanks for hosting. I am sharing a post on root vegetable recipes. Root Vegetables are so healthy and frugal. I am still using up the surplus from my fall garden. I’m hoping to time it so that they last until my spring greens come up. Hi Kelly- thanks for hosting! This week I am sharing my recipe for Zucchini Lasagna. It is gluten free and low carb because zucchini is substituted for the lasagna noodles. There is not much cheese in this recipe either, just a little on the top. Hi Kel! Sitting here Waiting for another durned storm! I do hope it is all past by thursday because my lucky bratty parents are going to Fiji for a few weeks and I have to drive them to the airport! They should be taking MEEEE….! Sharing my baby steps to a rockin’ life that everyone is having such fun with! Thanks for hosting! Big hugs! Alex Encouragement to remember to be a human being, rather than a human doing – and a recipe for grass fed beef mole. Yum! Hi Kelly, thanks for hosting again; all linked up with a link back to here! Stop by on Thursday night if you can for another Fresh Clean and Pure Friday link-up. Have a great day! Roz I submitted a very quick and easy dish, Sausage and Spinach Pasta. Thanks for the link-up. I posted on soaking beans (and my experience with beans/corn that’s unsoaked) and fermented lemonade. I posted a recipe for my current favorite breakfast! Thanks for hosting Kelly. This week I share my recipe for Asian Barbecued Beef Brisket which is so easy because it’s cooked in the crock pot. I posted some real food snapshots of a few of my latest dishes i tried a mashed potato crust quiche, perfect way to use up left over mashed potatoes. also, i have a new design on header, social icons and brand new tagline. come see what you think I’m sharing a soup I made last week. It’s great for everyone! Including sneaking some veggies into your kiddos diets! OR your husbands and fathers Enjoy everyone – stay warm!!!! Wonderful dishes!! I need to try pretty much all of these. Thanks, y’all! I made a new video showing the progress on my new “WAP” smile: wide and beautiful! Working on it, folks. As always, thank you Kelly for hosting this event. It is invaluable for getting the word out and becoming part of community here. : ) After the holiday craziness, it’s back to my routine–and the farmers’ market! I’m sharing some of my favorite tips, whether you’re a frequent visitor or have never been to a farmers’ market. I wrote about oyster — a nutritional powerhouse and one of nature’s best foods for depression. Thanks for hosting, Kelly! This week I’m sharing a recipe for Spanish Tortilla, along with some memories of my unsuccessful vegetarian days in Spain. Hi Kelly, I brought a Green Chili Chicken Bake to share today. Hope that all of you enjoy it. Thank you for hosting and you have a great week! Great week! I’m totally lost over here in all of the real food goodness. I linked up my post on making sprouted flour. I tried it for the first time this week. Thanks for hosting Kelly! I have a question for any out there feeding babies/young children real food. My son will be one in a couple of weeks. What should I give him to drink if we don’t have access to raw milk? He recently weaned himself so nursing is not an option. Does anyone have a suggestion for that age 1-2 where the conventional wisdom is to drink whole milk from the store several times a day? Thanks in advance for your tips! & Thanks again, Kelly, for a great site!!! My suggestion is what Sally Fallon has suggested before in lieu of raw milk: real cream watered down, as long as it’s NOT ultra-pasteurized. (Cream has more of the protective fat so that it’s less damaged by pasteurization.) Thanks for the quick reply! When I asked my Facebook fans what natural remedies they used for headaches, I got so many helpful responses I decided to share them in a blog post! Hi Kelly! I just put up a link to share the details of my first culinary tour through Andalucia, Spain! It’s going to be a great time Sharing a friends recipe for Rice Custard. Hi everyone! This week I share two quick and tasty egg recipes. Great for those nights when you forgot to defrost meat or have been running around all day and need a fast, satisfying meal! Thanks for hosting Kelly and thanks to all the other bloggers for the great content! Hi, Kelly and all! I’m sharing a scalloped potato meal that uses up whatever leftover pieces of meat you have. Or make it plain as a side dish. Either way — good comfort food with healthy fats from milk, cream, butter and cheese. I’ve linked to my latest blog post about nourishing comfort food during illness. I posted a recipe for low carb, gluten free/grain free bread with a banana version! I’m very excited about it since it’s easy to make and the ingredients are easy for me to obtain (not to mention I have a stockpile in the freezer, lol!). I also like it because I am trying so hard to find protein and fat packed foods for the kids to eat and/or take to school without nuts and slathered with butter, the banana bread should fit the bill! Good morning! I’m sharing my latest post on 100% whole grain soaked pancakes turned soaked waffles (the batter works great for either). My kids LOVED these last weekend. Im posting a recipe for my super Easy Pot Roast and Veggies! Thank you for hosting! I posted about a soup company describing what real ingredients are. I am so glad I now know the true definition of “real ingredients.” I posted a review I recently wrote about a special book (Special-Needs Kids Go Pharm-Free) that explains how to use nutrition tools instead of prescription drugs, to help kids with autism, asthma, ADHD, allergies, mood and learning problems, sleep problems, and much more. My post this week isn’t specifically real food, but I am on the hunt for real food treats I can make up as gifts as part of my challenge. If you want to cut down on your consumerism, debt, or just want to make more gifts for people, please join my challenge! Hi Kelly! I’ve had a bit of a blog holiday, but this week I’m posting from Ascot, UK, about the delightful clotted cream I’ve been enjoying here daily. What a wonderful thing it is!! Hi Kelly, Thanks for hosting! This week I posted about all my great finds at the Santa Monica Farmer’s Market; fresh truffles, fresh olives, dates, etc… been understanding had she just told me instead of being so rude about it. “Those of us who eat REAL FOOD” Really? Could she sound anymore of a stuck up snob? Also, I had a link back on my linky page that includes all of the linky’s we join. I have since removed it and I won’t be participating in yours anymore. These things are suppose to be fun, but when you receive emails like this one it takes all of the fun out of it! understood had she just told me instead of being so rude about it. “Those of us who eat REAL FOOD Denise, I didn’t realize ’til after I replied to your email that this was actually a comment. For the rest of you, I apologized to Denise for the way that was said, not how I’d have worded it! Here was the rest of my email to her: “I did remove the link, but more because of the fake meat than anything. I actually only switched to homemade taco seasoning recently (from the organic packets) when I realized how easy it was to throw together. The whole RFW thing is so hard to know how to handle it. On one hand I really don’t want to come off snobbish, because I have a long way to go myself still, but on the other hand, I want people to know that the recipes they’re looking for on RFW are pretty good, ‘safe’, whatever. Again, I’m so sorry for how that was handled!” Wow! Awesome collection of recipes and so many too, very cool. I nearly didn’t get my post done in time this week–all about my experiences with the GAPS diet because I got infested with a toxic fungus while living in New Zealand and how kefir, especially raw milk kefir have really helped the healing process exponentially. Thanks for hosting Kelly! Thanks for hosting. I’ve seen some great recipes! With all the stories this week about new “nutrition” labels and uproars over fake foods passing for real (beef, blueberries and more), I’m posting with a plea: Ignore the labels and the claims, and just read the ingredients. (Posting late, but better that than never!) Thanks, Kelly. Spoonfed: Raising kids to think about the food they eat Hi Everyone, I’m new to this great Wednesday Event, so I’m posting on Sunday! Silly me. And I also only posted to my home page. Double silly me. I promise, I will get much better at this! My post was for old fashion chicken stock recipe- 8 steps to the perfect stock. Please check it out and see what you think! My whole website focusses on simple, whole food, that is very carefully sourced. See you this Wednesday! Cheers, Angela { 23 trackbacks }
Revisiting Ancient Skincare and Haircare Practices for Winter in India We all love healthy and flawless skin, don’t we? The concept of beauty is as old as mankind and civilization. Right from using sandalwood and turmeric for skin care, applying Henna for nourishing the hair and using natural oils for fragrance, the age-old skincare practices in India boasts of medicinal herbs and spices found and treasured from different regions of the country. Going back in time, as you flip through the stories of ancient skincare customs, there are excerpts of how the Mughal empress Noorjahan, became synonymous with Rooh Gulab due to her luxurious skin-pampering regime with rose oil and how the Princess of Travancore indulged in a hair care ritual using herbal water and paste made of exotic leaf extracts. As winter slowly takes its stride and we embrace chilled mornings and nights, our head is flooded with nostalgic memories of advertisements of Vaseline, Ponds, Vicco Turmeric and many more we came across during our childhood. Though there are plenty of options available in the market, we always go back to our grandmothers and mothers asking for remedies, don’t we? Be it the struggle with dry hair, chapped lips or cracked soles – our nanis never runs out of tried and tested nuskas! Cracking the code of skincare and haircare regimes from the foothills of the Himalayas to the land of Ayurveda, Ciceroni spoke to women from different cultures and geographies of India to understand their age-old practices. The topography of any region determines the food, clothes, rituals and practices. While we spoke to different people, the common narrative was to go back to regional oils, masks and packs for everyone. Interestingly, Luxury Ayurveda trend is being captured and promoted by few home-grown brands to cater to this enlightened consumers who want to delve in nostalgia but with ease. Uttarakhand Revisiting her beauty regime, Lakshmi Gairola, a teacher and a native of Uttarakhand narrated her childhood memories saying “I remember no one used soaps back then. We used the fine sedimentary soil available on the banks of river Ganga to cleanse and scrub ourselves. As winters are usually too severe in our region, our ancestors believed in putting 2-3 drops of mustard oil to the naadi to combat winter sickness.” Addressing the most common issue of dull and dry hair during winters, she further added saying “A Himalayan herb called “Baal Jhad” is used in our region to keep the hair nourished and hydrated. They are often found in the forests in the form of roots and are immersed in a bottle filled with oil (preferably coconut oil) and is kept in the sun for at least 10-15 days. Known for its medicinal properties, the oil slowly turns red in few days and that’s when it is ready to use.” Ciceroni Recommends: If you haven’t had the chance to indulge in this holistic experience, we recommend you to try Purearth’s Wild Rose Himalayan Mist which will be your skin’s best friend if you have a dry skin! You can use the Himalayan Salt Body Polish by Purearth to exfoliate and detox your skin. Haryana Payal Sharma, a medical coder from Haryana, took us through the skincare and haircare rituals of her mother saying “My mother believes that our skin is what we eat. She dips a medicinal herb called ‘Chirata to water overnight and drinks that water every morning to keep the body cleansed on the inside. As the skin is prone to dryness during winters, she applies the fresh milk cream to her face and uses homemade ghee to keep the lips hydrated.” Quoting her mother’s haircare routine, she added saying “To keep the natural oils in place, she uses a powder that includes boiled Hibiscus flowers, amla, shikakai and coconut oil that can be applied on the hair as a mask twice a week.” Ciceroni Recommends: Fused with natural ingredients and easy to make, this hair mask should be a part of your haircare ritual too! If you are too lazy, you can also opt for the Natural Hair Protein Pack by Ancient Living or the Moroccan Rhassoul Clay and Rosemary Scalp Mask by Soap Square to leave your hair nourished. Manipur Letting us in on the beauty rituals followed by her ancestors during winter, Sarangthem Pinky Devi, a Manipuri school teacher explains “During my grandmother’s childhood days, she used to wash her hair with rice water mixed with herbs such as Amla, Goat Weed, Wood Sorrel, Dandelion, Dicotyledon, China rose leaves, Lalukok and Brahmi along with oil extracted from Perilla Seeds. Using rice water to strengthen hair isn’t new. It dates back to the ancient Heian period in Japan, when court ladies were known to have beautiful, long hair that sweeped the floor.” Speaking of skincare ingredients used at her home, she added saying “Heibi Mana, a medicinal herbal plant is applied on the face for cleansing.” Ciceroni Recommends: Get your hair hydrated with the Hydrating Clay and Aloe Hair Polish by Earth Origin or you can go for the Turkish Rose and Mint Shampoo and Conditioner by Global Beauty Secrets to enrich your hair. Assam “Boroline Aspoline Erili.. Mukhot kiba kibi ghohili…O..Boroline Aspoline Erili..”, the popular Bihu song “Boroline Aspoline” sung by Zubeen Garg narrates how girls have moved beyond skincare brands like Boroline and Aspoline with changing time. Kabyashree Borgohain, a native of Assam and Co-Founder Project Otenga Ahmedabad taking us through her skincare journey said “Boroline and Aspoline were quite famous during those times. Be it for cuts and wounds or to heal chapped lips and cracked soles. I also remember using a lot of mustard oil with Assam’s local aromatic herbs like chives, neem, turmeric, cloves, garlic pods for both skin and hair.” Elaborating further on home made face masks, she said “Assamese women also use paste of red lentils (masoor dal) with a little honey, curd or tomato paste to keep the skin glowing and blemish free.” Ciceroni Recommends: Do try this homemade made face mask at home! Also, you can shop the Facial Ubtan Soundarya by Forest Essentials or Dr. Sheth’s Rosehip & Retinoid Power Emulsion to brighten and depigment your skin. Gujarat Gujarat’s battle with humidity and dry air has been a very long one. Reminiscing her skincare memories from her childhood days, Falguni Patel, Head – Strategy and Operations at Ciceroni, who has her roots in Gujarat narrated “To begin with, I remember ghee was the only legit source of moisturising back when I was a child – be it for chapped lips, cracked heels or scratchy elbows. Alternatives were to apply besan pack ( yes, we love besan in all forms ) with turmeric and fresh malai for face and get sesame oil massage done for body. Then came in packaged cold creams like Nivea, ponds and Charmis that filled the dresser of every household. The influx of Body Shop, Victoria Secrets, Bath and Body Works, Cetaphil was at a much later stage when economy boomed in India and its availability became easier.” Ciceroni Recommends: Choose the Turmeric and Saffron Cream by Ohria or use the Rose Coconut Scrub by Olixir to provide extraordinary smoothness, suppleness and radiance to the skin. Andhra Pradesh Treasuring and cherishing the skincare secrets passed on to her from her grandmother and mother, Bathena Taraja Reddy, a native of Andhra Pradesh, elaborating the ancient skincare practices said “My grandmother is very beautiful. During her childhood, she had cows in her backyard and they churned out fresh milk every day to make ghee which was used to keep the skin supple and nourished. I remember her telling me that it is important to drink warm water with lemon and honey every morning to keep the skin clear. Highlighting the winter skincare routine, she shared, “During winters, she always looked up to Afghan Snow, arguably India’s first cold cream. She says that applying a mixture of coarse besan along with homegrown turmeric weekly twice can help one get rid of excess dead skin. She washed her face with neem water due to its antibacterial properties and applied turmeric and honey to the face to keep it hydrated.” Ciceroni Recommends: Jwalini Retexturising Skin Treatment Oil by Kama Ayurveda is formulated from natural herbs that are processed in pure Coconut milk and Sesame oil to keep the skin smooth and soft. Keep your skin hydrated throughout the winter with Pahadi Local’s Gutti Ka Tel. Kerala Hailing from India’s Ayurvedic capital, Narayani Menon, a Retired Medical Administrator- Central Railway, took us down the memory lane narrating instances from her childhood. Elaborating on one of them she said “My mother used to ensure we took bath in the kollam as according to Ayurveda; it is believed taking bath in a flowing river increases the blood flow and keeps the body healthy. We were to wake at 5 am every morning, apply coconut oil and then go to the kollam.” She further explained that “As coconut is part of every Keralian’s staple diet, we used to mash the coconut pulp with our hands and use it instead of soap. A special scrub preparation was also made at home that included the coir (coconut peel) Inja (herbal tree skin used to adorn the idol at Sabarimala Temple), Turmeric, Rakta Chandanam (Red Sandalwood) and Vaga (herbal tree skin is adorned on Krishna at Guruvayur Temple).” Adding on to the haircare ritual, she elucidated “We even today apply taali every week which is a paste of Hibiscus leaves and water to ensure the hair retains its natural oils and shine.” Ciceroni Recommends: Pure Jamaican Black Castor Oil by Anveya encapsulates the Jamaican black castor seed oil which is known to be an age-old secret for hair growth or you could go for the Bringaraj Deep Hair Treatment Oil by Deyga for a hot oil champi! Ancient skin and hair care practices may have been outdated for long, but there’s no better time to go back to your roots. The next time you feel the need to shop your heart out for Winter, be sure to keep this list handy as it holds a roadmap to healthy hair and skin that can be passed to generations. -
HOW To Get Rid Of Smile Lines Fine lines and wrinkles have a nasty way of sneaking up on you and may appear earlier than you expected. The expression lines that occur during natural facial movement suddenly take longer to disappear, before they stop disappearing altogether. If you’re a particularly happy person, you may be worried about developing smile lines, or laughter lines – but what causes smile lines? When do they usually appear? Can you prevent them? Here’s how to get rid of smile lines… What are smile lines ? Smile lines are, quite literally, the fine lines or wrinkles that form when you smile. They include the nasolabial folds that run from the corners of your nose to the corners of your mouth and the crow’s feet wrinkles which are visible at the corner of each eye. Some people even scrunch their nose when they smile or laugh which can cause little wrinkles at the top of the nose that are endearingly termed ‘bunny lines’. What causes smiles lines ? Smile lines are naturally caused by the repetitive movements of our facial muscles when we smile and laugh. Over time, this movement causes the tissue beneath the expression lines to thin which results in the wrinkles remaining even when we are not performing the facial expression . These wrinkles are then made worse as our skin loses collagen and elastin. The smile lines around the mouth, better known as the nasolabial folds, begin to appear around the age of 25 and become more noticeable with increasing age. In addition to being caused by repetitive movement and collagen and elastin loss, these smile lines are also a consequence of age-related changes in facial fat and overall facial volume loss . These changes cause the skin to ‘sag’ which can make the nasolabial smile lines appear deeper. To a certain extent, this means that fine smile lines and wrinkles are an inevitable part of natural aging. However, deep smile lines and premature (early-appearing) smile lines are largely down to environmental and behavioral factors. These lifestyle factors include: - Not Wearing Sunscreen - Smoking - A High-Sugar Diet - Pollution - Stress - Lack of Sleep Of which, the top 3 lifestyle causes of smile lines are: Approximately 90% of visible facial skin aging is due to the ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sun exposure. UV radiation can be broken into UVA and UVB which both affect the skin in slightly different ways. UVB rays have more energy than UVA rays but can only penetrate the epidermis. They are easily absorbed by DNA and melanin which causes skin cancers and pigmentation changes. You can generally tell if you have experienced skin damage from UVB as it causes sunburn. UVB rays are particularly strong in the summer months and during the hours of 11 am to 3 pm. UVA rays have less energy than UVB rays but can penetrate deeper into the skin where they produce free radicals that can damage DNA and breakdown collagen and elastin. This means that they are the main culprit when it comes to premature skin aging. The damage caused by UVA rays is accumulative and doesn’t appear until years down the line which means that most people are completely unaware that their skin is being damaged. To make matters worse, the strength of UVA rays remains relatively constant all year round, which means that even on cold and cloudy days they can still damage your skin. They can even pass through glass! This means that improper sun protection is likely to be the number one cause of deep smile lines. Smoking Second to sun-damage, smoking is another leading cause of premature skin aging. Smoking reduces the blood flow to the skin which deprives the skin of oxygen and vital nutrients. Smokers also have fewer collagen and elastin fibers in their skin and deeper wrinkles. In fact, the more frequently a person smokes, the more wrinkles they are likely to have. For example, some research has found wrinkling, such as smile lines, to be three times worse in smokers than in non-smokers. Another way that smoking can contribute to smile lines is via the facial movements that are required to smoke a cigarette. Each time a person smokes a cigarette they contract the muscles around their eyes and mouth which can increase the risk of developing smile lines as well as worsening existing smile lines. High Sugar Diet One type of food that is particularly associated with increased skin aging is sugar. This is due to a process called ‘glycation’ which is where proteins, such as collagen, bond with sugar molecules without enzyme mediation. This reduces the ability of the collagen protein to function. The collagen in the skin can experience up to a 50% increase in glycation over a person’s lifetime . This basically means that a diet high in sugar can reduce the elasticity of the skin, causing it to ‘sag’ and worsen the appearance of smile lines. In fact, some researchers even call this the ‘sugar-sag’. How to get rid of smile lines ? Sunscreen ! As mentioned above, up to 90% of premature skin aging is due to the damage caused by UV radiation from the sun, particularly UVA radiation. UVA rays are constant all year round, even on cloudy and rainy days, and, over time, cause the destruction of collagen and elastin within the skin. The good news is that daily and correct sunscreen use can prevent the majority of this damage. In fact, research has found that those who wore a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily for four-years appeared younger than their counterparts who used sunscreen as and when they felt it was necessary. In fact, the researchers noted that their skin did not appear to age at all in that four-year period . So, while daily sunscreen use is not going to turn back the clocks on any existing smile lines, it will help to prevent them from getting worse. Quit smoking ! As mentioned above, smoking is another key culprit in the formation of smile lines. For this reason, avoiding smoking is a must! But what if you’re already a smoker? It has long been thought that the skin damage caused by smoking is irreversible but some research suggests that this may not be the case! In other words, quitting smoking improved their skin to the point that they actually looked younger than their biological age! Use Antioxidant Serum ! It is not the UV radiation itself that breaks down collagen and elastin, but the free radicals that are produced when UVA rays are absorbed by the skin. Free radicals are unstable molecules with missing electrons that try to steal electrons from the healthy molecules within your skin. This causes a chain reaction which ultimately leads to cellular damage. Antioxidants are molecules that have a spare electron which they are able to donate to the free radical in order to stabilize it and prevent it from damaging healthy molecules. Unfortunately, sunscreen can only prevent roughly 55% of free radical production. For this reason, a lot of sunscreens now contain added antioxidants to improve protection. However, including an antioxidant serum in your skincare routine is usually more effective than relying on the antioxidants in sunscreen alone. They often work well when combined together, for example; vitamin C and vitamin E, or green tea and caffeine. Use retinoid ! The word ‘retinoid’ is a catch-all term for vitamin A derivatives that can increase skin cell turnover and boost collagen and elastin production, as well as acting as an antioxidant. Research has found that retinoids can actually help undo a lot of sun damage, which means that they can help prevent and treat smile lines. Exfoliate regularly ! While retinoids increase the rate of skin cell turnover by increasing the speed that new skin cells are created and transported to the surface of the skin in order to be shed, they do not actually have an ‘exfoliating’ effect. Combining retinoids with chemical exfoliants, such as AHAs or BHAs, can dramatically enhance their effects. When your skin is dehydrated skin, it can make even the smallest of blemishes appear more noticeable which means that smile lines may be partially caused by dehydrated skin. Have you ever noticed that your skin looks a lot older after a night of heavy drinking? It’s definitely not because you have dramatically aged overnight – it’s down to dehydration. Ensuring you are drinking enough water throughout the day can help keep skin looking plump and firm. In addition, a number of products can dehydrate skin – particularly retinoids. A good moisturizer is an absolute must for all skin types, especially if you are using active skincare ingredients such as retinoids and chemical exfoliants! Botox ! It has been used for more than 20 years to treat fine lines and wrinkles by relaxing facial muscles and reducing their movement. Botox is a medication which means that it requires a prescription and should only be performed by someone with medical training. Dynamic wrinkles, which are those that are seen during facial movement, respond much better to Botox than static wrinkles, which are those that are seen at rest. This means that Botox is better at preventing smile lines than it is at treating them. However, static wrinkles can still be improved with Botox, it may just take longer or require more treatments before results are seen. The effects of Botox can be seen roughly two-weeks after treatment and last for at least three to four months. This means that frequent treatments are required to keep on top of smile lines which can end up being costly. In addition, there have been some instances where people have developed antibodies to Botox with frequent and prolonged treatment and, while there is very little evidence to support this, starting Botox treatments for smile lines at a young age may mean that it becomes less effective over time. Botox may be more effective for certain types of smile lines than for others. For example, it can be useful for the ‘crow’s feet’ smile lines around the eyes and for the ‘bunny’ smile lines on the nose but may be less effective at treating the ‘nasolabial fold’ smile lines. In addition, smiling is an incredibly important social cue and smile lines generally indicate a true smile (known as a Duchene smile), so you want to be sure that Botox doesn’t completely limit these facial movements! Fillers ! Fillers are products that are injected within or beneath the skin to correct facial volume loss and smooth fine lines. Examples include fat, collagen, and hyaluronic acid, with the latter being the most common. Injecting dermal fillers into the cheek area can provide extra volume and reduce cheek sagging which contributes to the nasolabial fold smile lines. Dermal fillers can also be injected directly into the nasolabial smile line to help minimize it. However, this should only be performed by a well-trained practitioner as there is a major facial artery in this area. How long will it takes ? It will take at least three months to see any benefits from skincare products or treatments that increase collagen production and at least two weeks to see any benefit from Botox injections. However, with some treatments such as exfoliating and hydrating skin, you may see small but visible improvements straight away. This is because they are not directly treating the smile lines but are targeting factors that can make smile lines appear worse. When it comes to preventative treatments, you are unlikely to see improvements until years down the line. In this situation, you will mostly notice other people’s smile lines getting worse while yours remain the same. In other words, your smile lines may become age-appropriate. To summarise : - Using sunscreen every day - Avoiding or quitting smoking - Adding an antioxidant serum into your skincare routine - Using a retinoid - Regularly exfoliating skin - Ensuring skin is adequately hydrated No patience ? :) - Botox treatments - Dermal fillers
This blog was originally published on December 3, 2017 on Salesforce.org Advice for nonprofits on going from web forms to results Your organization’s website is often the first place that people visit and start to share their information with you. Whether they are coming to donate, subscribe to your newsletter, or register for an event, you want to get that information into your CRM. Your website can also pull and show data stored in Salesforce, such as lists of sponsors or grantees, program data, chapter or affiliate information, or some other personalized experience based on the visitor’s profile. WordPress is the world’s most-used Content Management System (CMS), and Salesforce is the leading Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, not just for companies but also for nonprofits. So why not integrate them and get the best of both worlds? There are several options to set up and customize the integration. Integrating your website with your Salesforce instance can take some time, but you’ll gain much better data quality and consistency, and save your staff a ton of time. Digital agency Social Driver has seen more clients making the investment and reaping the rewards. According to senior digital strategist Paige Howarth Corson. She explains, “As our clients have begun collecting more data about their stakeholders, it’s become increasingly important to ensure all of this information can be collected accurately and in one location. Direct integrations between open source CMS’s and enterprise systems, like Salesforce, make it easier than ever to organize data without much staff overhead.” You can gain a lot from integrating WordPress with Salesforce, and it’s not just about collecting data more effectively. More nonprofits are exploring ways to integrate WordPress and Salesforce that create an even better experience for website visitors – like prospective donors. “We’ve found that tightly integrating an open source content management system with Salesforce provides a powerful and cost-effective way to increase engagement with your users,” says Marcus Iannozzi, Principal of Message Agency, a digital agency that focuses on nonprofits. “Your website can become aware of data and information you store on users to deliver content, calls-to-action, and workflows that are more personalized and therefore more effective.” How to Integrate WordPress & Salesforce There are a variety of ways to integrate your WordPress website with Salesforce. Here’s a list in order from those that are most simple and inexpensive to the ways that are most able to accommodate complex or custom requirements and more costly: 1. Web to Lead Form - Inserts data automatically into the Lead object - One-way integration from WordPress to Salesforce - No licensing costs; included with Salesforce - Lowest implementation level of effort Description The native Web to Lead function in Salesforce provides a setup wizard to create a form. Embed the generated HTML on your site, and you have a form that submits the information as a new record in the Lead object. Advantages - Free to use - Simple wizard to create a form - Great for capturing leads/data from a “Contact us” form on a website Disadvantages - Limited to creating Lead records - Only fields available in the Lead object can be used on the web form - Salesforce generated HTML-code may require additional styling Samples Apps or Tools You can choose from a variety of third party Apps or tools to simplify the process of integrating WordPress and Salesforce. For example, the Brilliant Web to Lead for Salesforce plugin connects to your Salesforce instance and brings the form creation wizard into WordPress. The form builder aspect adheres better to the WordPress theme so the form matches your website, and the tool uses standard WordPress shortcodes to drive placement of the form (or forms) on the site. Shortcodes can also be used in WordPress widgets, so it’s easy to place a link to a Contact form in the sidebar widget of the site, for example. Case Study The membership signup form of the Organic Trade Association, a business association for organic products and agriculture, uses the native Salesforce web-to-lead functionality. Custom development was layered onto the web-to-lead form to allow members to pay their dues by credit card after submitting the form. 2. Content Management System Form Builders - WordPress form builder tools work well with WordPress themes - One-way integration from WordPress to Salesforce - Low annual licensing costs ranging from $40 to $200 depending on the package - Medium level of effort for implementation Description Unlike web-to-lead tools, these provide the flexibility of submitting data not just to Leads but to other standard or custom objects in Salesforce. These tools provide a combination of point-and-click and drag-and-drop user experiences for simple and fast form building. In order to integrate a WordPress Form Builder to write data to your Salesforce instance, you need to get an additional add-on or middleware (service that acts as a bridge between two systems). Add-ons or “middleware” enable you to map form fields to Salesforce fields. Mapping the form fields to their corresponding Salesforce data elements generally uses a simple graphical user interface (GUI), so you don’t have to write any code. - While relatively low cost, there is a usually a yearly licensing fee for these tools - Requires add-ons or middleware such as Zapier to integrate with Salesforce Samples Apps or Tools Case Study The Intelligence and National Security Alliance, an organization promoting collaborative approaches to national security challenges, utilizes a membership sign-up form built with Gravity Forms and the Zapier add-on. The look of the form fits in seamlessly with the site’s styling for a consistent branding and user experience, and Zapier pulls form submissions into Salesforce as Contact records. The PayPal add-on handles payment processing. 3. Advanced Form Builders - Powerful form building tools for mapping form fields to Salesforce - One-way and bidirectional integration options between WordPress to Salesforce - Higher annual per-user licensing costs ranging from $1K to $8K depending on the package - Higher implementation level of effort Description Think of these tools as CMS form builders on steroids. These systems offer additional features such a pre-filling form fields with Salesforce data via bi-directional integration. You can also do more with forms through advanced form field building tools. These help you handle more complex operations within a form, such as displaying different fields depending on the values of previously completed fields. Similar to the CMS form tools, these tools use a GUI-based system for designing forms and mapping fields. PCI DSS Compliance and HIPAA compliance options available Disadvantages - Moderate to high annual or monthly cost - Requires higher-level coding skills and Salesforce skills to implement Samples Apps or Tools Case Study The Institutional Limited Partners Association, an organization dedicated to the interests of private equity Limited Partners, required a multi-page membership application form to gather data from prospective members. This level of detail in the form was needed to ensure that prospective members meet the requirements to become a member of the organization. To meet the organization’s needs, this form was built using Form Assembly to capture and save the data across multiple pages and insert the information into Salesforce with specific hidden fields used to identify applications in need of review for the organization. 4. Third Party Services/Apps with Salesforce Integration Key Points - Purpose-built systems typically used to perform a specific function such as accepting donations or registering for events - One-way integration from WordPress to Salesforce - Low to high annual licensing costs ranging from $120 to $5K depending on the service and package; payment processors and other services often include a fee on a per transaction basis - Higher implementation level of effort Description. For example, if you sign up with iATS Aura, you can quickly build a donation form using the iATS interface. The form is placed onto a page in WordPress using Javascript. When someone donates to your nonprofit, the form data from their donation is submitted to iATS for processing and then synchronized to Salesforce using the Brickwork application. Advantages - Simple, purpose-driven forms - Salesforce integration can include actions like creating opportunities or assigning campaign members Disadvantages - Limited form building tools - Additional custom styling on forms is almost always needed Samples Apps or Tools - Donation Forms: iATS/Brickwork, Stripe, Classy - Events: Soapbox Engage, eTouches, Cvent Case Study Earthworks, a nonprofit working for sustainable and responsible energy development, needed a simple payment processor and a donation form with standard fields. With the low-cost iATS payment processor and its Brickwork app installed in Salesforce, a standard form was created and easily landed on a webpage with light CSS styling applied to match the look of the site. 5. Custom WordPress and Salesforce Integration Key Points - A custom-built solution to meet complex data, action or styling requirements - One-way or bidirectional between WordPress to Salesforce - No inherent annual licensing costs, but may involve integrating services such as payment processors that have their own licensing costs - Highest level of effort for implementation – ranging from $5K to $25K and up depending on the scope of the project Description If you have more complex needs for your nonprofit CRM and Salesforce integration, you might consider doing custom development. This can help you bring data into Salesforce from other services, and/or to display information from Salesforce on a website. One example of where you might want custom development is with donation forms that need to include multiple payment processors or send data to multiple campaigns. If you want donors to be able to update their own credit card numbers or mailing addresses (“self-service” functionality), you can do this with custom development. You can also use custom development to show lists of members, sponsors, or a board of directors from Salesforce onto a website with custom styling. Searchable databases can be created on websites as well, allowing for Salesforce to serve as the system of record for information such as chapter details. These development projects can use real-time data queries to Salesforce or synchronize with specific fields in the WordPress database (such as the Users Meta table).. Assistance League, a national chapter-based community volunteer organization, needed a new website and the ability to easily manage data in one place for 120 chapters and over 23K members. The solution was a WordPress build with Salesforce integration in several areas of the site. The Find a Chapter or Thrift Shop page features a real-time lookup to Salesforce records, eliminating the need for duplicate content entry on the website. Behind the member login, the Assistance League created a portal experience using custom WordPress templates to present member profile information in real-time and allow people to update their own information, too. Conclusion The right integration method for your organization’s needs depends on a variety of factors including: - Your budget - The type of forms or data to integrate - The complexity of your data needs - The importance of branding and consistent user experience on your site An experienced consultant can help you choose not only the right integration method among the main five, but also the best apps or third party services to meet your needs. Check out some great resources to help in your integrations: Salesforce App Exchange, WordPress Plugin Directory, Brilliant Web to Lead for Salesforce, Zapier, Ninja Forms with Salesforce extension, Gravity Forms with Zapier, Form Assembly, FastForms, iATS/Brickwork, Stripe, Classy, Soapbox Engage, eTouches, Cvent, MailChimp, Constant Contact, Pardot About the Co-Authors Dr. Lisa Rau, CEO and. Joshua Darrin, Fionta’s Director of Engineering, oversees solutions architecture and technical implementation on all projects. Utilizing nearly two decades of experience in the IT service and infrastructure industry, he guides custom development, software selection, and resourcing decisions on Salesforce and web development projects to ensure the delivery of optimal and efficient solutions for clients. Erin Rickard is a project manager at Fionta where she handles a number of WordPress and Drupal website projects with Salesforce integration. She liaises with clients and developers on project requirements, scope, schedule and budget to ensure the quality implementation of technology solutions. Additional Contributors Marcus Iannozzi, Principal of Message Agency, and Paige Howarth Corson, Senior Digital Strategist at Social Driver, also contributed to this article.
will get a good 10 minutes and just go, “Well, I’m leavin’!” And when they get to L.A. they realize that their 10 minutes isn’t that great, but that’s all they have. I went out on the road a lot before I moved to L.A. I made sure that I had literally done everything that I could do in Kansas City and the Midwest for that matter before I left. That way there’s nothin’ left on the table. When you first started, were you ever a “clean comic”? I always wrote clean, but I never performed clean. I never particularly liked clean comedy. But, the reason I wrote clean was ‘cause otherwise the jokes start resting on curse words, and it’s not part of the foundation. When the time comes to where you have to be clean, it’s a lot easier to remove the curse words because they’re not integral. ‘Cause the day will come where you will have to be clean—it could be a retirement home, it could be on Jimmy Fallon. I say it’s best to write clean, and then add the cursing later. ‘Cause sometimes, saying “Fuckin” is just a crutch—you’re sayin’ it because you can’t think of anything else to say. So, if you already wrote “Fuckin” and then you’re saying “Fuckin”, it’s just a whole bunch of fuckin’ fuckins! [moment of laughter] You want to avoid that at all costs. TALKIN’ SHOP Who were your comedy inspirations? Carlin? Stanhope? Eh, more Stanhope. When I was comin’ up in the late ‘90s/early 2000s, Carlin was a little more preachy. There were a few years where I felt like he was just tryin’ to make a point to where it superseded the joke, and I didn’t really like that. I think Bill Mahr does that, too. But then, Carlin came back! That last special he did, I felt like Carlin was just trying to be as funny as he could. If you can make a great joke and then have a point—that’s awesome. But if you’re just trying to make a point funny, then that’s not really what stand up comedy is. Stanhope, from the moment I saw that dude along with everything afterwards, I thought was genius. How about comedy mentors? Did any comics take you out on the road with them? (Mitch) Hedberg took me on the road a few times. He was cool! I had more comics tell me, “You were really funny, but I don’t ever wanna work with you.” Rather than, “Let’s go out on the road!” ‘Cause I was high energy, and for a while I was a headliner without any credits, so I would end up having to feature for people. And headliners don’t want to have to follow other headliners. I’m not tootin’ my own horn, but if you’re a good comic who hasn’t been on TV, you’re still a good comic. What was Mitch Hedberg like? Hedberg was a monster! It was great because we were SO different in our approaches. He would get me into clubs that I couldn’t get into. But then he went off ‘n died… But by then, I was already on Last Comic Standing, so I didn’t need to open for anybody by that point. But Hedberg was one of the few that was like, “C’mon and open for me any time.” COMEDY ADVICE What was it like going to L.A. where you had to start all over being the “new guy” again? It was fine ‘cause it wasn’t like I was starting comedy all over again, I was just the new guy in town. So I felt more like, “Just put me on a good stage, and I’ll probably have a really good show.” But, you are hangin’ out a lot and you’re watching people who you don’t think are funny go up, which is a little aggravating. But, I got super lucky. Six months after I got out there, I got Last Comic Standing. I was very fortunate to get that—obviously it opened a lot of doors, and gave me a lot of exposure. So, I didn’t have to go through a lot of the hurdles that other comics had to just because I lucked out. I just happened to stumble into a TV show moments after I got there. Sometimes comics break character and laugh at their own jokes on stage. What are your thoughts on that? I don’t like people that laugh at all their jokes. I think it’s stupid. [laughs] And yeah, sometimes comics laugh at their own jokes, and that’s fine, because they think the joke’s still funny. In fact, I have a few of those in my act right now. But, I’ve always thought it was a tell. You never want to laugh at your own joke because if no one else laughs, they realize you just failed. You never want to let the audience know you just failed. You kinda want them to figure that out their own. Did you ever doubt yourself in the beginning? If so, what kept you from quitting? Eh, I mean that’s just life, man. You can’t be a bitch about it. [laughs] What we do is fairly physically easy. Not a lot of people can do it, the lifestyle is very tough on the soul, but we’re not building bridges or diggin’ ditches. We’re just tellin’ jokes! So, if you can’t man up for fuckin’ 30 minutes and at least TRY, then yeah, you should go the fuck home! [laughs] No matter what job you do, there’s gonna be days where you don’t want to do it. MUSIC & COMEDY Comedy is centered around late nights, booze, drugs, and many other horrible habits. How do you keep it together? You go through waves. There are definitely weeks where you drink too much or you take too many pills or whatever… [laughs] But, you hafta watch your ass. It’s just YOU. One of my musician buddies once asked me, “Which comedians are big drug addicts?” And I said, “You know all of them, because they’re dead now.” And when you’re on the road, you’re a one-man submarine. You don’t know what day it is half the time, and it’s up to you to keep your sanity no matter how you can do it. Sometimes you lose that battle. Do you think musicians have it easier since they have each other, whereas comics are all alone? Here’s the thing with musicians: You’re either around people who are doing drugs with you, OR you’re around people who are telling you not to do those drugs anymore because you’re fuckin’ up! With comics, you’re not with anybody. You’re all alone in a hotel room—just you and the drugs. So, I’ve definitely fucked up a lot of times, but you still have to be an adult and realize when you have a problem, and do whatever you can to get away from that problem. Speaking of musicians, aren’t you in a band? I am in a classic rock cover band called the Campfire Astronauts. I don’t really get to play with ‘em as much as I’d like to because of my schedule, but when I’m in town and they’re playin’, I get to play guitar and sing with them. It’s alotta fun. What are some bands that you guys cover? We do a lot of Rolling Stones and Allman Brothers. We do alotta (Tom) Petty. When all else fails, just play Tom Petty and everyone will have a good time. [laughs] WRITING PROCESS When it comes to writing, what is a typical schedule for you? I’m not as disciplined as I should be, I write when I can. God bless the people that sit down and write every day. I write when I need to write. Either when jokes aren’t coming, or if my old jokes have been flushed out—which they are—so now I need something brand new. Sometimes material just comes, but other times, you really need to sit down and crank somethin’ out—get that muscle workin’. And right now, I’m locked up in a hotel for a week, so I plan to get some writing done—there’s fuckin’ nothin’ else to do here! [moment of laughter] How long is too long to be doing the same joke? Well, it’s different for everyone. I’ve been fortunate enough to get to a point where my jokes are out into the ether—they’re on television and they’re on Netflix, so once that happens you kinda hafta stop tellin’ that joke. Because now, people are coming to see you because they’ve already seen that joke and they wanna see what’s next. With musicians, fans wanna hear the hits, but with comics, they want to hear somethin’ else. Once you get to a level where you’re putting out specials, you absolutely have to switch it up. Or, if the joke just isn’t relevant anymore. I mean, if you’re doin’ Macarena material, it’s time to hit the pad ‘n paper! [moment of laughter] You have a responsibility to your fans to constantly generate new material. CHRIS PORTER OFF STAGE You have an angry persona on stage, but are you really that angry in real life? [laughs] No, I’m not an angry person. It’s just a place where I was when I wrote that material. When people meet me off stage, they go, “You’re not angry, you’re a pretty nice guy!” But after they get to know me better, they go, “Oh, you’re ABSOLUTELY that guy!” [moment of laughter] I’m a pretty happy person. I think I just have a level of expectation of how I think people should act and how the world should run…[laughs]…and Ugly & Angry was about a lot of those things. There are other famous people out there also named Chris Porter. Who are these guys? Well, there’s a hockey player, there’s a trance DJ, and there’s also a gay porn star… [moment of laughter] Yeah, that’s the bummer about having a fairly common name. There’s a lot of us. How is Chris Porter a gay porn star name? [laughs] [laughs] I mean, supposedly the dude got his porno name by having a dog named Chris, and he grew up on Porter Road. Which, I guess is the standard porn star way of getting your name. His real name is Eric or somethin’. Just terrible luck… [laughs] CHRIS PORTER WISDOM What is like performing back home in Kansas City? Is there an added pressure to be great? I get so much into my own head when I go home and perform, that I usually sabotage myself for the most part. It’s just a cluster fuck. It’s like being on the road, but you’re not on the road, you’re getting a million phone calls… I do feel an added pressure when I perform at home, but I’ve realized that it’s all in my head. What does “Finding your voice” mean to you? It’s tearing down all the walls of what you think you should be. And that’s why it takes so long to find it, because you’re searching for it, and you just grasp onto something thinking you found it. You always THINK you found your voice. And you don’t realize you found it until you actually find it—and then you’re like, “Oh! I was an idiot for 7 years! Now, I have a lot of people to apologize to…” [moment of laughter] And it’s not just 7 years—it’s 7 years of going at it EVERY FUCKIN’ NIGHT, doing shows where you don’t want to do shows, being in places you don’t want to be—that’s what makes you a comic. Doing shows where it’s the last place you want to be, that’s when you become yourself. You stop giving a fuck about this “character”. You’re not trying to fake it anymore. How do you know when you’ve found it? If you can spend a week with a comedian, and at the end of that week you don’t sound like them at all, then you’re probably pretty close to finding it. Like with (Mitch) Hedberg, every comic that worked with him ended up sounding a little bit like him. And the same goes for Lewis Black, Dave Attell, and all those big time comics. I was guilty of it, too. You’d watch the feature act, and by the end of that week you’d notice that they sort of adopted the same kind of cadence. But now, I can open for anybody and watch them all week, and I still sound like Chris Porter, because I’m not trying to find a voice. I’d say that’s a good litmus test. Once you finally figure it out, how does it change your act? Once you realize, “Okay, if I’m gonna act like that, I can’t be talkin’ like this.” So, then you need be writing for your person, and the jokes kind of metamorphosize. Maybe you eliminate some jokes, or maybe you rewrite others to become more in tune. Final thoughts / words of wisdom? Don’t be in a rush to leave town, work regionally, get out on the road. Especially if you’re in Chicago, there’s SO MUCH comedy in that region! There are SO MANY clubs within the Midwest! And I know Chicago’s got a million mics, but then you’ll just become a Chicago comic, and you’ll end up resting on local references or the Chicago lifestyle. Get out and go find out what makes America laugh. And the great thing about living in Chicago is that you are in the middle of it. What we used to do in Kansas City is we’d do little road trips. Some of my favorite stories are from coming up in comedy—driving back from Topeka, Kansas and listening to my friends drunkely argue about the dumbest shit on the planet! [laughs] You don’t have to go to L.A. or New York, just drive out and go do a mic in fuckin’ Des Moines, Iowa or Dayton, Ohio and have a great show and maybe get some work out of it. Then, get shit faced in a hotel and have a good time. Cultivate an environment of growth, and don’t be dicks. INTERVIEWED BY: David Gavri WRITTEN BY: David Gavri
CircleCount helps you better understand Google+21,812,221 profiles indexed! Jon Beres Using Curiosity and Humor Every Day... Occupation: I push electrons around for a living...I'm an IT Geek Location: Glendale, California His ProfilesRankThis is the rank of 'Jon Beres' out of all Google+ Profiles.: 75,346 (GenderRankFor the gender 'Men'.: 49,470) His ProfilesRankThis is the rank of 'Jon Beres' out of all Google+ Profiles. in United States: 14,931 (GenderRankFor the gender 'Men'.: 10,114) His CircleRankThis is the rank of 'Jon Beres' out of all indexed profiles and pages at CircleCount.com.: 87,122 His CircleRankThis is the rank of 'Jon Beres' out of all indexed profiles and pages at CircleCount.com. in United States: 14,955 Followers: 1,206 Following: 394 Added to CircleCount.com: 03/22/2012That's the date, where Jon Beres has been indexed by CircleCount.com. This hasn't to be the date where the daily check has been started. (Update nowYou can update your stats by clicking on this link! This can take a few seconds.) Jon Be. 267 characters per posting'Current posts' means the last 50 posts that are at the most 4 weeks old. So this metric gives a picture of how many characters someone has used per post recently. Latest postings 2013-05-17 08:03:42 (1 comments, 0 reshares, 1 +1s) World's Richest Man....Today So Bill Gate's fortune has reached 72.7 Billion dollars...up 16% year-to-date Thank God we have the Bloomberg Billionaire's Index to count it all up for us everyday and let us know who's in the lead </end sarcasm> ...wouldn't you just like to have the .7 part? See the whole story here: 2013-05-16 14:45:55 (3 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) Colgate's Got a Plan 2013-05-16 04:23:46 (4 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) Whowser I went to work this morning and came home to my little Chromebook and a whole new Googleverse!!! ...Thank you Google (I think)...got a lot of work to do 2013-05-15 04:46:25 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) I Turn My Back for One Minute Man, I was just getting into the Scratchpad to Google Keep thing and THIS happens ...resistance is futile 2013-05-10 13:48:46 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 2 +1s) File This Under OUCH ...the Astronauts must have gotten tired of rebooting after updates! 2013-05-09 14:42:25 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 1 +1s) Did Someone Just Turn a Corner? 2013-04-24 15:03:28 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 1 +1s) Chasing Ideas and Answers Have you considered how valuable Google+ can be for researching the things that interest you? I noticed recently that I've been going "Into the Plus" more and more when I'm trying to find an answer on something...probably because I'm able to find folks that know what they're talking about (the ultimate time-saver!) I'm finding Communities and Hangouts especially useful lately ...and I'm getting addicted to Saved Searches Here's a great article by +David Masters that spells it all out a lot better than I can #intotheplus #evang+ 2013-04-22 14:49:34 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 3 +1s) Your dreams won't come true for sharing this picture within 30 seconds. This kid won't get $1 for every share/+1. I'm not going to use emotional blackmail to get shares/+1's. I changed my mind. Every share this post gets, this kid gets another Smurf! 2013-04-22 14:32:14 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) iGoogle on Steroids? 2013-04-17 14:27:36 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 1 +1s) I'm 100% In On This ...could use him right about now 2013-04-16 14:33:44 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 1 +1s) The Cradle of Liberty ...my thoughts are with you 2013-04-15 19:33:53 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) This is Something I Can Get Behind ...or in front of, or...oh - you know what I mean! 2013-04-15 19:24:07 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) Couldn't Resist ...let the discussion begin 2013-04-15 14:42:37 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) If You Build It, They Will Come 2013-04-15 14:38:55 (0 comments, 1 reshares, 0 +1s) More Watch Wristing With the latest rumors out of Redmond about Microsoft jumping into the Smartwatch market it got me to thinking What are the folks at Rolex, Cartier, and Patek Philippe doing? Maybe they're thinking about making a gold, jewel-encrusted version of this baby? ...after all Gates, Ellison, and Zuck need something for their wrists too don't they? 2013-04-15 14:24:58 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 1 +1s) G+Morning Plusers! Once again it's Monday ...this is what I planned for this week 2013-04-12 14:18:21 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) Why Didn't I Think of That? 2013-04-11 19:59:38 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 1 +1s) A Living Trust for Your Data Proof that Google thinks of everything ...eventually 2013-04-11 14:59:46 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) If You Want Me ...I'll be out by the pool 2013-04-11 14:48:31 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) Coffee Lifts Me Up! :) Good #GingerThursday G+ #coffee lovers! Fear less, hope more; Eat less, chew more; Whine less, breathe more; Talk less, say more; Love more, and all good things will be yours. "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." - Albert Einstein "The essence of true friendship is to make allowance for another's little lapses." - David Storey "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Winston Churchill -------------------- Note: I will be trimming and sifting my Coffee Lovers circle in the next week or so. If you usually get notifications, and want to keep getting them, please say so. If you want to stop getting them, mention that too. (I'm almost done with this, r... more » 2013-04-11 14:28:48 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) The Glass Collective Google Glass will be coming to the mainstream ...resistance is futile! #googleglass 2013-04-11 14:07:24 (2 comments, 2 reshares, 2 +1s) Sibling Rivalry The Galaxy Mega ...looks like my Galaxy Note II is going to get a big brother (and sister) Read a full review here: 2013-04-08 14:38:47 (2 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) G+Morning Plusers! It's Monday and I need a cup of artificial enthusiasm ...this could last me all the way to lunch! 2013-04-04 15:03:32 (2 comments, 0 reshares, 2 +1s) The Crossroads Guitar Festival Eric Clapton is still Rockin' at 68 - and for a good cause too ...with a huge lineup of guitarslingers from Jeff Beck to Jimmie Vaughn, this 2-day event should absolutely crush you with joy The event's in NYC at Madison Square Garden on April 12th and 13th...the proceeds help support the Crossroads Centre in Antigua, West Indies...a treatment facility for drug and alcohol addiction Learn More Here: ...rock on "Old Sock" 2013-04-04 14:26:57 (2 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) It's Guilty Pleasure Time 2013-04-04 14:12:14 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) Nuclear Missiles Hah! Anonymous - making the world a safer place ...one Communist Dictator Twitter account at a time 2013-04-03 06:57:48 (12 comments, 0 reshares, 7 +1s) Did Not Disappoint Great Season Finale! ...I had to watch it twice Favorite Line = Winona saying "well, at least nobody died" 2013-04-02 14:44:00 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) The King is Dead - Long Live the King When Google announced Reader's demise, all of us Readerholics were bummed...but to the folks at Feedly, it was like Christmas morning...in 2 crazy weeks they went from around 4 million users to 7 million and they're now the heir apparent to Google Reader Now they've launched a new mobile version, new features, and plans to charge for a premium version ...life is good in Feedlyville 2013-04-01 14:38:31 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) In Honor of the Day The Top 20 Fools Songs ...I'm sure I'm in there somewhere 2013-03-28 19:26:23 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 1 +1s) Here's a Quick Way to Become a G+ Networking Expert Here's a precise, well-written article (with pictures too!) that will get you moving down the Google+ Networking path like a pro in no time This info is perfect for the beginner but I'll bet even the most seasoned G+Pluser will pick up a tip or two! (his "View Ripples" tip alone is worth the read) ...and remember, as David says: "like everything you do on social media, be useful to others, be interested in others, and always be positive and professional." Thanks +David Masters 2013-03-28 14:33:32 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 2 +1s) Can I Play? #gingerthursday 2013-03-28 03:50:54 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 2 +1s) I Was Thinking This sounds like a pretty cool feature...when watching a movie I've often wondered where I've seen an actor before or who was singing a background song...when that's happened, I just turned to my daughter and had her Google it on her phone...so now I can do it all by my lonesome ...but then I thought about how this might be applied to Google Glass Isn't it just a natural leap or two before there's an App for Google Glass that works on every face - not just actors?...imagine walking down the street and being able to basically "Google" perfect strangers...it gives new meaning to the phrase "your face is like an open book" Should I be thrilled or frightened? (I'm gonna go with thrilled for now) 2013-03-28 03:23:00 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 1 +1s) This is Great! ...but will one of these Language Packs help me understand my Teenager? 2013-03-27 19:36:54 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) Microsoft Still Playing Catch Up File this under "Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better Later" 2013-03-27 14:54:51 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) The Wheel Keeps on Turning 2013-03-27 03:43:56 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) This 2013-03-26 19:49:22 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) Kick Out the Jams! Every year this is just a great show to catch This Year's Inductees Are: - Albert King - Heart - Randy Newman (my personal fave this year) - Public Enemy - Rush - Donna Summer Unless you have tickets (which you probably don't), you'll have to catch the show on HBO on Saturday, May 18th (it's a Special Event) ...HBO Link ...everyone is just so happy to be performing, it's a ton of fun to watch! 2013-03-26 15:04:17 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) Ear Candy There's about 24 hours of music packed into these babies...hard to decide which one to listen to first ...I vote for the "White Album" 2013-03-26 14:58:07 (1 comments, 0 reshares, 2 +1s) Why Does Every Crowder Fall For Ava? ...oh, right...I forgot 2013-03-26 14:17:03 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) Your Next Bike? Complete with disc brakes and solar panels ...you just can't ride anyone on the handlebars 2013-03-25 17:21:01 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 0 +1s) Oh Well I guess there's no such thing as too many Zombies ...I'm waiting for Zombie Survivor - That would be fun! 2013-03-25 14:11:45 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 1 +1s) Take That Google Keep! 2013-03-25 00:30:58 (3 comments, 0 reshares, 1 +1s) Sometimes I Just Love Technology Camping?...sure ...but a cold beer can make just about anything a lot better! 2013-03-21 20:22:39 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 2 +1s) I'm In I'm laughing already... 2013-03-21 14:28:12 (3 comments, 0 reshares, 1 +1s) G+Morning Plusers! Another 12 hour day approaches ...I need my vitamins 2013-03-21 03:49:30 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 1 +1s) Hello Google Keep Are you Google's way of trying to make me forget Reader? ...Ignore the man behind the curtain! 2013-03-20 06:33:29 (16 comments, 0 reshares, 5 +1s) Wow What a great episode! ...to paraphrase Raylan: those boys from Detroit underestimate those folks from Harlan - at their own peril! As usual, I can't predict my way out of a paper bag 2013-03-19 05:35:33 (0 comments, 0 reshares, 1 +1s) Chromebooks for Everyone 2013-03-18 00:15:46 (1 comments, 0 reshares, 2 +1s) AuthorRank | AuthorRank | AuthorRank +Dimitri Lambermont has compiled a huge listing of AuthorRank articles and videos at this link ...it's almost too many! But if you're trying to get a handle on what AuthorRank means in your Internet Life, browsing through at least a few of these will start to give you a grip #authorrank 2013-03-15 19:46:27 (2 comments, 0 reshares, 1 +1s) Resistance is Futile Goodbye Reader...hello Google Play News >.
The website) is all about exactly that topic and I think it is an important one. I will therefore try to unpack with my apologies to those readers for whom most of this is obvious. The starting point is a house, 47 Phillimore Gardens. The appellants own a leasehold with 52.45 years left. They would like to own the freehold, which is owned by the respondent. The Leasehold Reform Act 1967 gives them a right to do so, by a process known as “enfranchisement”, provided they pay some compensation to the freeholder in return. It would be an understatement to say that the 1967 Act has been “hacked about a bit” and here is not the place to discuss how exactly the compensation is calculated, except that it includes an element known poetically as the “marriage value”. The value of the house after merging the leasehold and freeholds is likely to be worth more than the sum of the value of each one individually and this extra value is known as the “marriage value”. In the case of 47 Phillimore Gardens, the tenant would have to include half the marriage value in the compensation paid to the freeholder (see section 9(1D)). The conventional approach – and the one agreed by the parties before the Upper Tribunal – is to start with the value of the freehold with vacant possession and then work out what proportion of that value a leasehold of the length remaining at the time of valuation (i.e. in this case 52.45 years) would be. One would expect a very long lease to be worth almost as much as a freehold and a very short lease to be worth much less. This proportion is known as the “relativity” (alas nothing to do with Einstein). For example in this case the appellants argued for a relativity of 87.04% and the respondents for 75.5%. Their positions are that way around because the appellants want to say that the leasehold is almost as valuable as the freehold and therefore having the freehold as well isn’t really worth all that much more, in other words a high relativity leads to a low marriage value and less to pay to the freeholder in compensation. The freeholder wants to argue exactly the other way. The 1967 Act throws in an extra complexity in the form of section 9(1A) which says that the price payable: … shall be the amount which at the relevant time the house and premises, if sold in the open market by a willing seller, might be expected to realise on the following assumptions … (a) … on the assumption that this Part of this Act conferred no right to acquire the freehold; or an extended lease In other words, our valuation exercise has to imagine a situation where (contrary to the facts) the leaseholder has no right to enfranchise. Note that, for the purposes of the hearing, the Upper Tribunal assumed that the imaginary situation in 9(1A) is one where the leaseholder in question has no right to enfranchise but other leaseholders would do. This means that we assume that for some reason the 1967 Act does not apply to the property in question but that otherwise it applies normally. The appellant had thought of challenging that position but eventually conceded the point. The Upper Tribunal thought that was right and provisionally indicated that only the leaseholder trying to enfranchise is to be assumed not to have a right to do so. This means that the commonly used phrase “no Act world” for the imaginary situation is rather misleading. The problem with imaginary worlds is that they are: imaginary. How does one work out what the relative value of a leasehold against a freehold would be in a world that doesn’t exist? There are some leasehold properties for which there is (for various reasons) no right to enfranchise but sales of such properties are unusual and very difficult to compare with those of a normal leasehold property. We are left with inferring the relativity value somehow. Enter Dr Philippe Bracke, a research economist. He had done extensive research using a technique known as “hedonic regression” to try to work out a graph of relativity values (plotted against length of lease). Hedonic regression (not as exciting as it sounds) is a technique for working out the value of something for which there is no market. Suppose we want to work out the value of a house, we proceed very roughly as follows: first consider the kinds of thing that make a house valuable, eg number of rooms, size, number of bathrooms or state of repair. We would hope that there would be some mathematical function (call it the “price function”) that took as input each of these factors and spat out at the end the value (or at least the likely average value) of a house with those properties. Now if we take a large number of house sales of known value and for which we know the properties (such as number of rooms) we are using as input, then we try, using statistical techniques, to work out the price function. A family of such techniques are known, collectively, as “regression analysis”. Hence “hedonic regression”. In simple terms what the statistician is doing is trying to work out (1) how much each aspect of a house is “worth” on its own and (2) how much that contributes to the total value of the house when combined with other properties of the house. Having done that it should be simple enough to work out the value of another house with known properties because one simply combines them using (1) and (2) above. The “hedonic” (from a Greek word meaning delight or pleasure) comes because we are essentially trying to work out how much an extra storey/room/bathroom etc would “delight” a purchaser. At this point you are permitted to be sceptical. What if there are significant aspects of a house that aren’t included? What if the sample of house sales selected is skewed in some way? What if one property of a house if correlated with another – for example the number of storeys in a house may be correlated with whether the house is in a town or not – so as to skew the results. You can be sure that the respondent took many points on these lines. But these kinds of objection are inevitable in any attempt to model the real world. Models are always simplifications. It is easy enough to pick holes in an analysis but what matters in the end is, how good is the model? Dr Bracke’s idea was to use a considerable body of data about leasehold sales from 1987 to 1991. At that time there was no right to enfranchise or extend the leases of leasehold flats (those rights came into force in 1993 with the passage of the Leasehold Reform, Housing and Urban Development Act 1993) so there were plenty of unenfranchiseable leaseholds on sale. It was this data set that was used for the hedonic regression discussed above. Both parties called academics as experts on Dr Bracke’s methods. Both were professors at the University of Cambridge but in different departments so that the argument might be characterised as Economics v Land Economy. The result of that clash, and the Upper Tribunals’ analysis, was that, in principle, Dr Bracke’s technique was sound. There were however a number of serious problems with it. One that seemed significant to me was that in order to produce a graph of relativity, Dr Bracke had to fit a line to a number of points. His data source was particularly rich in leaseholds of 55-65 years and 85-100 years, so 52.45 years required an extrapolation off the bottom end. Now fitting a line to a set of points can be done “by eye” (just drawing a line that looks like it fits well) but this is clearly a highly subjective exercise and could result in rather different answers depending on the line drawn. It seems to me that Dr Bracke did not do much better than that. He used what is known as a polynomial to fit to the graph. Polynomials are generalisations of quadratics with higher powers of x. For the non-mathematician, they are essentially wiggly lines with the ends going off either indefinitely upwards or downwards. Obviously the more wiggles you put in, the closer fit you get because your line can wiggle between the points it wants to get close to. The disadvantage is that polynomials go a bit haywire at the end – either rising much faster than the rest of the curve, or falling much faster – and the more wiggles there are the more unnatural the curve can look. Dr Bracke used a curve with three wiggles in it (a “fourth-order polynomial curve”). But he could as easily have used one with more or fewer wiggles or for that matter have used something other than a polynomial. The resulting graph did some odd things – for example predicting that in some circumstances a freehold would be worth less than a leasehold or that 80 years and 50 years are worth roughly the same. The Upper Tribunal’s conclusion that this, along with numerous other more minor points, meant that Dr Bracke’s relativity curve did give some qualitative information about the shape of relativity in the period 1987 – 1991, but that it was not much use quantitatively. Despite this the Upper Tribunal thought that, on balance of probabilities, Dr Bracke’s curve was not useful for modern relativity values. Things were very different then, for example interest rates meant people’s attitude to investment was quite unlike it is now. There was no evidence that Dr Bracke’s results could be carried forward to the present day. Now this is important. It means that although Dr Bracke and hedonic regression failed to work in this case, if there were better (or indeed any) evidence that his results could be applied to today’s relativity, things might be different. My impression is that the Upper Tribunal is open to considering a similar approach with the appropriate additional evidence. There are lots of very sensible and detailed criticisms of Dr Bracke’s work which are well worth reading in the judgment that I haven’t repeated here. But the other interesting thing about the decision is, what are the alternatives? Suppose we don’t use hedonic regression, what else can we do to work out relativity? We might: - examine comparables and try to infer relativities from them – something that the respondent accepted was impossible in the present case and is likely to be difficult in general - look at the value of settlements between leaseholder and freeholder – but this is problematic because of the “Delaforce effect” (the freeholder knows it will be cheaper for the leaseholder not to go via a tribunal process and hence includes some of that discount in the price) - look at tribunal decisions – even more problematic because only a skewed sample come to tribunal. In fact what almost everyone does is to look at a set of graphs “published” by RICS. The scare quotes are intentional. RICS does not endorse them, but merely publishes them for information. The Upper Tribunal noted that there are numerous problems with these graphs which include: some are based on very little data, some are based on old evidence (as old as Dr Bracke’s) and often not updated, their methodology is often unclear, some are based on settlement rather than sales data and so on. In my view it is likely that if we knew more about the way the graphs were prepared we could pick as many holes in them as we might in Dr Bracke’s work. Despite this, the appellants offered an, in my view, rather cheeky argument in favour of the RICS graphs. The section 9(1A) hypothetical purchaser will, at least in prime central London (which is where 47 Phillimore Gardens is located), consult an expensive adviser who will almost certainly make use of the RICS graphs in deciding what to pay. In other words: even if the graphs are based on a wholly unreliable methodology, they are right because people will use them in deciding what relativity to use. In that sense they become predictive because they set the expectations they are purporting to predict. This sort of circularity is not unknown to the law but it seems to me a rather odd position for us to be in. One of the reasons the Upper Tribunal ended up there was that no valuation evidence whatsoever was put before them. Another application with valuation evidence might go a different way. Furthermore, if a new methodology (eg hedonic regression) becomes popular for some reason then exactly the same argument could be used for it and against the RICS graphs. Decision now on BAILII as Kosta v Carnwath & Ors [2014] UKUT 319 (LC) (02 July 2014)
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Ahh, fasting!!! What has happened to you? But of course, you’ve become trendy and commercialized…and we all know what that means. Both ill-informed endorsers and misinformed critics have crawled out of the compost to express their opinions on fasting and detoxing–pro and con. Was it really just a little over a year ago that I talked about an NBC News article that proclaimed that long-term fasts can lead to muscle breakdown and a shortage of many needed nutrients, which can “actually weaken the body’s ability to fight infections and inflammation”? And yes, that statement is true as far as it goes, but by not going very far, it totally misrepresents the actual truth. Well, as bad as that article was, things have gotten worse. Thanks to celebrities like Ben Affleck, Beyoncé, Benedict Cumberbatch, and everybody’s favorite whipping girl, Gwyneth Paltrow, now promoting fasting, the attack dogs have gone into hyper drive. Now, we regularly see snarky articles such as one in Slate that opined, “Juice cleanses accomplish exactly none of their physiological or medical objectives; they fetishize a weird, obsessive relationship with food, and they are part of a social shift that reduces health (mental, physical, and, sure, spiritual) to a sign of status. They’re annoying as hell.”1 Katy Waldman. “Stop Juicing.” Slate. 20 Nov 2013. (Accessed 10 Jun 2014.) Fetishize? I mean really! It’s probably worth mentioning that the article didn’t cite a single study to support its contentions. It merely referenced other articles with similar opinions and some phone interviews with people who agreed with their point of view. Personally, I find, that to me, that kind of article is “annoying as hell.” In fact, Slate and NBC and most other critical articles are wrong. There are actually several studies that demonstrate the value of fasting. And one study that came out just last week would certainly seem to undermine the doubters. As it turns out, fasting produces definite, quantifiable benefits in the immune system…and most likely in many other body systems and organs as well. We’ll get to that study in a bit. What I’ve Said About Fasting Over the Years />In the article that I wrote last year on water fasting and juice fasting, I summarized a number of things that I had been saying for the last 40 years. In addition to citing a number of studies that prove that fasting can produce profound, measurable benefits, I explored the concept. I also emphasized that the benefits of fasting lay in this process of intelligent autolysis, not in weight loss. In fact, when it comes to weight loss, the critics are right as, we’ll talk more about that later, but quickly: yes, there is some benefit in that regard, but fasting is more of a complement to the detoxing process, rather than a primary means of detoxing itself. The bottom line is that the celebrities pushing fasting for detoxing and weight loss are misguided and the critics attacking it for those reasons are missing the point…and the critics who simply say that there is no value to fasting and that it is dangerous and unhealthy are just wrong. The key value to fasting lies in autolysis, which we’ll talk more about later. What’s new So what’s changed? Why are we looking at fasting again? And the answer is Prof Valter D. Longo. Prof. />Well, he’s back with a new study, published just last week in the journal Cell Stem Cell, that now supports many of the things I’ve been saying about fasting for 40 years, plus adds a new twist to the equation vis-à-vis stem cells and the immune system that even ups the ante. The core conclusion of this new study is that fasting not only protects against immune system damage — a major side effect of chemotherapy — but it also stimulates the regeneration of the immune system by shifting stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal.. Or to put it another way: fasting, for as little as three days, “flips a regenerative switch” which prompts stem cells to create brand new white blood cells, essentially regenerating the entire immune system. Or as Prof Longo says, “It gives the ‘OK’ for stem cells to go ahead and begin proliferating and rebuild the entire system.” The three day figure is especially interesting since doing a three day fast once a month has been my recommendation–along with one day a week and five days twice a year–for pretty much the last 40 years.. But hold on, it gets better as we dig deeper into the study’s results.. Now, before we get too excited here, it’s important to rememberthat, of course, is an absolute restatement of the principle of intelligent autolysis that I and many other proponents of fasting have been espousing for decades. This is the true value of fasting, not weight loss and detoxing. And finally, Prof Longo says, “We are investigating the possibility that these effects are applicable to many different systems and organs, not just the immune system.” This, of course, is something that those of us who have worked with fasting for years already know firsthand. It’s why we fast. It’s why fasting is almost always part of any catastrophic illness program. We already know how Prof Longo’s studies will turn out. They. Without ads telling them that they need to eat Cheetos and pizza when they’re sick, they innately understand the need to fast and let their bodies break down the diseased tissue and heal itself. Fasting is consistently observed in the animal kingdom. Fortunately, animals don’t have nutritionists telling them to do otherwise. The Medical Community Speaks / Sarah Knapton. “Fasting for three days can regenerate entire immune system, study finds.” The Telegraph. 05 Jun 2014. (Accessed 12 Jun 2014.) Well, so far so good, but then she adds, “More clinical studies are needed, and any such dietary intervention should be undertaken only under the guidance of a physician.” But this raises the question: how much guidance can a doctor provide when they know nothing about fasting and are most likely skeptical of the entire process anyway? The simple fact of the matter is that if you have cancer and you’re undergoing chemotherapy, yes, you’re going to have to work with your doctor–but you’re going to have to take the lead when it comes to arguing for a complementary fasting program. Dr. Graham Rook, emeritus professor of immunology at University College London, weighed in on the topic and said that the study sounded “improbable”. Really? And this is based on what research? All this pronouncement shows is that sometimes people who are very intelligent (and yes, doctors are intelligent people) can say some very stupid things. Essentially, his rationale for this opinion translates to, “Ignore the study results. Trust me. I’m a doctor.” And then my favorite pronouncement of all,.” Other than putting it in bold, does anything else really need to be said about this statement? And as Prof Longo points out, “There is no evidence at all that fasting would be dangerous, while there is strong evidence that it is beneficial.” Conclusion “Natural Liver Detox Diets (Liver Cleansing).” WebMD. March 20, 2013. (Accessed 12 Jun 2014.) “Making Sense of Chemical Stories.” Sense about Science 2008-2014. (Accessed 12 Jun 2014.) Altekruse SF, McGlynn KA, Reichman ME. Hepatocellular carcinoma incidence, mortality, and survival trends in the United States from 1975 to 2005. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2009; 27: 1485-1491, as we have been saying for 40 years,. Fasting Schedule As I’ve stated in other reports, the basic fasting schedule I like to follow is: - One day of juice fasting with chlorella a week. (I like Mondays because it cleans things up after the weekend and breaks the flow after any weekend indulgences I may have allowed myself. And if I’m trying to lose any weight, I’ll do both Mondays and Fridays for a couple of weeks. By not doing consecutive days, my metabolism never slows down, and I don’t have to worry about poor nutrition or loss of muscle mass.) For an explanation of why I prefer juice fasting with chlorella or spirulina vs water fasting, check out my report on Water Fasting and Juice Fasting. (It actually explores fasting in considerable detail, also covering things like what types of juices to drink and what juicers to buy.) - Once a month, I like to, I now do a five-day juice and chlorella fast in conjunction with my bi-annual kidney/liver/gallbladder/blood detox, instead of that month’s three-day juice fast. I do one of those the first week in January to cleanse my body of all the bad stuff I ate over the holidays–and to break any bad eating habits I acquired during that period. I do the other one mid-summer, but am more flexible as to the exact dates. (Note: You would think it goes without saying, but we keep getting questions on exactly this issue: do not fast or detox while pregnant or nursing.) The bottom line is that once a month I’m now letting my body intelligently self-digest old, damaged, and toxic tissue and then replace it with new, dynamic, revitalized tissue. Twelve times a year I’m rebuilding and recharging my immune system–and every other major system in my body. And along the way, as a side benefit, I’m helping control my weight. What’s not to love about regular proper fasting? /> References This is an excellent article. This is an excellent article. I do have a question as to the suitability of fasting for people suffering from autoimmune diseases. I have an autoimmune disease (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) and have been told that fasting is harmful for this condition. Do you have any insights to share on whether immune system breakdown and regeneration is undesirable for people with faulty immune systems? The problem with fasting and The problem with fasting and Hashimoto’s disease is that fasting be disruptive to the circadian rhythms, the thyroid is tied to those rhythms. Do juice and chlorella fasting as opposed to water fasting can help reduce those problems. You can try it and see how it works. You also might want to check out these three articles. I just finished reading about I just finished reading about fasting and find this an interesting and excellent article. I am almost 82. I have angina, glaucoma and diabetes. I have my diabetes under control and have reduced my angina from chronic to very seldom. I take no medicine except pressure drops for my eyes and an occasional spray of nitroglycerine. Most people guess my age as being in the upper fifties or lower sixties. I think it would be very difficult for me to fast 3 days at any time, but one I think I would be able to do that. I drink a lot of coffee (no sugar or cream). When I go on this l day per week fast, could I drink coffee? Again, thank you for your articles. Paul It depends what your purpose It depends what your purpose for fasting is. If you’re looking at it for cleansing purposes, than you should not drink coffee. It’s too acidic. One thing you’re trying to do when fasting is raise your body pH. Coffee is acidic and pushes it in the other direction. If you’re looking at the one day fast as more weight control with some minor body repair, then a little coffee is acceptable—but you would want to have it black, without added sugar and cream. Please read (if you did not Please read (if you did not already read it) the book “Overcoming Thyroid Disorders” By David Brownstein, M.D. one of the best doctors it treating Thyroid disorders in an integrative approach, and he had very high rate of success. Thank you for posting. My Thank you for posting. My Mother suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis and is being treated with an immune-suppressant and cortisone (among other things) which has put her sugar levels up. She’s been told that she cannot fast as this will put her sugar levels through the roof. Is this accurate? How could she best approach the fast with her condition and medication? Would she need to come off the immune-suppressant and if so, how can she best do that? Unless you’re fasting on pure Unless you’re fasting on pure fruit juice, blood sugar levels drop when fasting. Your body shifts from burning glucose for energy to burning fat for energy. The concern when fasting is not that blood sugar levels go too high, it’s that they go too low. That’s one of the reasons Jon recommends using vegetable juices and chlorella when fasting. And when you drink fruit juices, he recommends diluting them with water. For more information on RA, you might want to read the following two articles. I owe so much to fasting, I owe so much to fasting, specially with green juices. I look so much younger than my age of 53 and I am free of many of the problems I see around me, weight issues, pain, headaches, skin issues, wrinkles and I could go on. Fasting is the ultimate anti-aging thing you can do to stay vital to the end. If you really want your life back and fast, get off the drugs and start fasting with juices and water. Forget the smoothies they are nothing but liquid candy. Invest in yourself with real nutrition with fast juicing and water fasting and create a habit of starting the your day with a serious green drink, nothing sweet. You will never be the same again. It is easy, economical and you will save so much money from not having to give it to the doctors. Come on America get wise! WoW I have two blown out disc WoW I have two blown out disc n gained a hundred pounds in a year from inactivity. My back hurts so bad I didn’t want to live! A doctor told me if I lost about 50 pounds he would replace my discs so I began to diet. Well dieting wasn’t working fast enough for me so I just stopped eating for 3-5 days at a time n then would eat a small portion of meat. To my surprise the first time I fasted I also had a Christian healer pray for me n I awoke pain free for a day. Now I hadn’t been pain free in 12 years. I am a true believer in fasting. I have only just begun to delve into it. This is a very interesting This is a very interesting article which makes a lot of sense because it gives a clear insight into a complex topic. I am a 71 yr old male, living a pretty healthy life with mostly home grown food and 3 gym sessions a week, and with so far no health problems. I’ve read about fasting but never taken the plunge until recently, when I experimented with Intermittent fasting. I read the book by Michael Mosley (can’t recall the co-author’s name – sorry) and I was convinced of the benefits other than weight loss. The reason I didn’t continue was that my weight is already as low as I want it to go – I weigh 53 kilos (about 120 lbs) and my body sheds weight easily. For example attempts to take ubiquinol supplements and acai berry extracts at different times both led to an immediate loss of 3 or 4 lbs. so while my wife is doing intermittent fasting and successfully losing unwanted kilos, I am very reluctant to risk any weight loss at all. I am open about which type of fasting to undertake – the intermittent variety appealed because it’s easy to do – but I remain convinced of the health benefits. So my question is: is there any way I can fast WITHOUT losing weight? Fasting, because you’re Fasting, because you’re eating fewer calories, will tend to cause you to lose weight. Instead of intermittent fasting, you might want to try fasting one day a week. You get the benefit of fasting, and yet can easily make up the lost calories on your eating days. The bigger question is what kind of weight you lose and gain. If you’re losing muscle, that’s not good. But if you’re losing fat and putting on muscle at the gym that’s good. With that in mind, you might want to consider using a protein powder supplement to make sure you’re providing the protein needed to add muscle to your body from your time at the gym. You also might want to check out the following article which indicates the importance of freeing up bound testosterone to encourage your body to put on muscle weight. I had read that fasting can I had read that fasting can be accomplished by eating only during an 8 hour period and then, not eating again until mid morning the following day. So, If my last meal were at 5 or 6 at night, I would not eat again until the following day at about 10 in the morning. Your thoughts. Thank you. This is what Jon says in his This is what Jon says in his Juicing and Fasting article: “Juicing schedule As a basic schedule, I like the following: controle desire. controle desire. With regard to fasting With regard to fasting whether it be one, three or more days, should supplements such as Krill, COQ10 and others be discontinued for the period involved? That would be the That would be the recommendation. Jon mentions in this article Jon mentions in this article that a 3 day fast helps to rebuild the immune system. I have a demyelinating autoimmune disease. In order to try and correct my immune system, would a 3 day juice fast work or would a 3 day water fast work better. Also for a serious demyelinating illness would a longer fast be better. My muscles are wasting away because as the nerves die the muscles die. Thanks for your comments. Thank you for this article. Thank you for this article. I have read a lot online about fasting. It’s TRUE what you say, there are a lot of critics and fans out there. Lots of hype. Many today, like me, are interested in the weight loss benefits of fasting. A key insight from your article is that prolonged fasting, presumably for weight loss, actually has the opposite effect because it slows your metabolism. Thanks for that insight. Lastly I appreciate your lesson on intelligent autolysis as the true benefit of fasting – not really weight loss. Hello, Hello, I’m a 38yo female and I’ve been diagnosed with intestinal strictures. I wanted to know if you’ve come across anyone in this situation. Also, what are your opinions on fasting an intestinal strictures? I was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease UC about 15 years ago. Now I’ve been told by my GI that most likely I’ve been misdiagnosed, that I really have Crohn’s due to the intestinal strictures. Any input is much appreciated. Thank you. B For obvious legal reasons, we For obvious legal reasons, we cannot diagnose or prescribe. Perhaps you can do a search on our website for autoimmune diseases and Crohn’s to see all the articles we have about them. We even have a whole series on the digestive tract you may find helpful. Hi! Many thanks for this article. I would greatly appreciate if you would briefly explain the difference between autophagy and autolysis. Many thanks in advance!
Dorchester on Thames is a charming village in Oxfordshire with timber-framed houses and idyllic location! From top pubs and restaurants to stunning walks – there are many Dorchester-on-Thames things to do! Dorchester is a lovely little town that sits on the banks of not one but two rivers. This small Oxfordshire village is home to around 1000 people. However, it’s ideally placed for exploring all the delights that Oxfordshire has to offer. What is Dorchester, England known for? This beautiful village which sits at the confluence of the rivers Thames and Thame is known for its chocolate-box-like houses and the stunning British countryside. One of the must-see villages near London. It is also called one of the best villages in England! Oxfordshire is one of the most beautiful regions in southern England, and Dorchester is a must-have on any list of magical places to visit UK! Where is Dorchester on Thames? Dorchester on Thames is found at the confluence of the River Thames and the River Thame. The village is within the county of Oxfordshire. The closest large towns are Wallingford, 8 miles to the northwest, and Oxford which is 8 miles to the southeast. How to get to Dorchester on Thames from London? The best way to get to Dorchester on Thames from London is by car. You will want to head out of London on the M40. From there you turn onto the B4009 at junction 6. This will take around 90 minutes. You can take a train from Paddington Station. You take the GWR line to Didcot Parkway. Here you can take the 33 bus towards Abingdon town centre to Stratton Way, then take the 45 bus to Cowley. The bus stop for Dorchester is a bus layby. This journey will take just under two hours, providing you check the timetables. It really is one of the best places to visit on a day trip from London! Dorchester on Thames parking There is a free public car park in Bridge End. It’s located just opposite the abbey. There are several spots in town where you can park on the streets, but it’s vital to make sure you are not causing an obstruction if you choose to do so. The George Hotel – the best places to stay in Dorchester! Looking for hotels in Dorchester on Thames? The George Hotel is a gorgeous 15th Century coaching house. It’s white exterior, and classic signage makes for an impressive first impression. There are 17 ensuite rooms to stay in, and you can dine in their Carriages restaurant whether you’re staying in the hotel or not. The restaurant offers a fine dining experience. If you’re after something more casual, you can get a lighter meal over at the bar. Either way, this inn offers a friendly welcome and vibrant atmosphere. There are other hotels and B&Bs in Dorchester, including the White Hart Hotel and The Fleur de Lys Bed and Breakfast. Things to see in Dorchester on Thames 1. Dorchester Abbey Dorchester Abbey, also known as the Abbey Church of St Peter & St Paul, was founded in 1140 by the Bishop of Lincoln. Today it serves as a busy and welcoming church for the surrounding parishes. Visitors are welcome to explore the abbey between the services. The abbey is open every day of the year from 8 am to dusk/6 pm whichever comes first. On occasion, you may not be able to roam freely, for instance, if there is a wedding taking place. There is a calendar on the abbey’s website so you can check if there are any events on the day you plan to visit, to avoid disappointment. 2. Garden behind Dorchester Abbey Behind the abbey, there is a quiet little herb garden. There is a lovely sundial in the centre. It’s beautiful to look at, and it also doubles as a PokeStop (for Pokemon Go fans)! The herb garden has a bench where you can sit and admire the abbey and the garden as well. It’s a nice tranquil spot to sit and relax. 3. Dorchester Abbey Museum & gift centre The museum is in the Abbey Guest House which is open from Easter Sunday through to September. Its opening hours are Wednesday & Thursday 11 am – 5 pm, Friday 11 am – 2 pm. Weekends and Bank Holiday Mondays 2 pm – 5 pm. There is a tea room which is also open from Easter Sunday through to September. The opening times for this are Thursdays, Saturdays & Sundays 2:30 – 5:00 and Wednesdays 3:00 – 5:00. However, they do say that the tea room does close early if they run out of cake! 4. High Street Dorchester on Thames’ high street is not going to pull visitors far and wide for its selection of shops. There is a small supermarket, a stove shop, and not a great deal else. Other than that you can find a wide selection of pubs and restaurants. These are dispersed between the cottages that line the streets of the village. It’s a lovely place to wander through, especially if you’re a fan of timber-framed homes. 5. White Hart Hotel Restaurant The White Hart Hotel is another great coaching inn in the village. The brickwork on the front proudly bears the year that the inn was built – 1691. Combined with the classic lantern hanging over the doorway, the White Hart is an impressive feature of the high street. The restaurant at the White Hart Dorchester on Thames was built in the old village bakery. It’s now an award-winning restaurant offering excellent locally sourced food. The dining room has retained all the character of the old bakery, including its fireplace, while still offering all the modern comforts you’d expect. 6. Lily’s Tea Room Is there a tea room in Dorchester? If you’ve ever wanted to try a traditional English Cream Tea, then Lily’s is a great place to experience one. They serve delicious food and drink, which are made using produce from their own farm. All the fruit and veg is organic and is grown in nearby Warborough. You can even buy some of the farm’s produce to take home with you. 7. Old Cottages Everywhere you look in Dorchester on Thames you be able to find cute old cottages. Many on the high street retain their ancient character with exposed timbers and white or cream render. You can spot homes with thatched rooves and climbing plants decorating the walls. 8. Dorchester on Thames Village Hall The village hall in Dorchester on Thames was initially built as a girls infant school. It’s a beautiful building that was designed by George Gilbert Scott, who also designed St Pancreas Station. You can find it on Queen Street just a little way along from the abbey. The village hall is used to host a variety of private events, although you might be lucky enough to visit when it is being used to host a theatrical production. 9. Midsomer Murders Locations Like many of the small villages around Oxfordshire, Dorchester on Thames has been used as a filming location for several episodes of Midsomer Murders. Popular filming locations include the George Hotel, the abbey, the Fleur de Lys pub, the post office and the White Hart Hotel. In fact, the high street has appeared on the show many times. It’s a good thing the murder rate in Dorchester on Thames doesn’t begin to compare to that of Midsomer; otherwise, we’d be telling you to steer clear for your own safety! 10. Fresh eggs from the locals Dorchester on Thames is ideally located for smallholdings and farms, so it’s not uncommon for the locals to keep chickens. When they have eggs to spare, you might see a sign on the end of their gate. If you don’t spot any signs around town, you can pop into Lily’s Tea Room. They sell a wide variety of produce from their farm in the shop. 11. Bishops Court Farm Bishops Court Farm is a lovely example of the history that is hidden in many of the properties in the area. Both the farmhouse and the granary are grade II listed building as they date back to the Reformation. Both have features that are untouched since the 19th century. 12. St Birinus Catholic Church St Birinus Catholic Church is a much-loved church in the heart of the village. The buildings are mostly unchanged from when it was first constructed in 1849. St Birinus is named for a Benedictine monk from a Roman monastery. He was sent by the pope of the time to England to convert the Saxons. In 635AD he was successful in converting the then King of the Saxons – King Cynegils. He baptised him in the river Thame, near to the stretch of river that runs through the garden of the church. St Birinus was originally buried at the church in Dorchester until he was later moved to Winchester Cathedral. There is still an annual pilgrimage from Churn Knob at Blewbery to Dorchester to honour him. There is also a feast held on the 5th of December. 13. Dyke Hills and River Thames The local area has been inhabited for a long time, but unfortunately, the archaeological remains of these civilisations have not always been well preserved. If you follow the footpath at the bottom of the town past the church, you will find your way into a field. The rise in the land is Dyke Hills. Dyke Hills is what remains of an Iron age hill fort. All that now remains are the Earthworks that underpinned the structure. You can spot the irregular dykes, which are the mark of the ancient civilisation’s building. Lots of artefacts have been recovered from this site, which suggests that it used to be of great importance to many prehistoric tribes. Places to visit nearby Dorchester on Thames: - Wallingford: 5 miles away from Dorchester on Thames - Abingdon: 7 miles away from Dorchester on Thames - Oxford: 9 miles away from Dorchester on Thames - Goring on Thames: 10 miles away from Dorchester on Thames - Thame: 15 miles away from Dorchester on Thames - Henley-on-Thames: 15 miles away from Dorchester on Thames - Marlow: 22 miles away from Dorchester on Thames - Sonning on Thames: 22 miles away from Dorchester on Thames - West Wycombe: 24 miles away from Dorchester on Thames - Wendover: 27 miles away from Dorchester on Thames - Windsor: 30 miles away from Dorchester on Thames - Old Amersham: 34 miles away from Dorchester on Thames Is it worth visiting Dorchester on Thames? Dorchester on Thames can be comfortably described as a chocolate box English village. It is a charming little village, it’s very picturesque, but you can see the area in a short amount of time. It’s a great spot to visit if you’re looking for a base for more exploration in the area, or if you’ve not experienced a classic English village before. In case you are planning a weekend break in the UK, Dorchester-on-Thames is a great choice! Articles you may like:
Episode 4: Susan Nussbaum Join host Christopher Smit for an intimate conversation with award-winning author and activist Susan Nussbaum. ANNOUNCER: From DisArt, it’s DisTopia. [theme music] CHRIS: Hi, everybody. Welcome back to DisTopia, the podcast that looks at disability through an artistic lens, trying all the time to figure out how to be with each other in good ways. I’m your host, Christopher Smit. This episode, we talk to the award-winning playwright and author Susan Nussbaum. A born activist, Nussbaum has spent a life fighting for the rights of others by marching in the streets of Chicago–her hometown–by writing provocative plays, and crafting one of the most powerful explorations of disability written, in her novel Good Kings, Bad Kings, which earned her the PEN/Bellwether Awards for Social Engaged Fiction in 2012. As I think you’ll hear in the interview today, her voice illuminates deep questions and profound answers from within a creatively and carefully crafted philosophy of what it means to be alive and disabled. Very excited to be able to present this conversation to you today. But first, let’s talk about the art of defiance. [theme music] So it’s July. Lots of fireworks going off, all in celebration of what we call independence. Canada Day on July 1, July 4th here in the United States, Independence Day itself. And on Facebook the other day, I found an incredible reminder of some important disability history that I think we should all be aware of as we contemplate what independence actually is. July 5, 1978: Disabled activist Wade Blank, and 18 other activists that would eventually become the grassroots army known as ADAPT, placed themselves–literally–before a city bus on a street corner in Denver, Colorado as a way to say, “Stop. Stop taking our taxes to support buses that we can’t get on. Stop making our lives difficult. Stop denying us citizenship.” There are some amazing photographs of this protest. Some of them, you can find on our DisTopia Facebook page. Now, when I look at these pictures, when I try to get into the frame, get myself into a place where I can understand what it took for these folks to jump out of their wheelchairs and lie down on the asphalt, to be in the grit and the dirt and humiliation, the discomfort of that day, I wonder what did it take for them to get to that point? I think some of us understand it, certainly those of us who have felt the sting of discrimination, who’ve absorbed the unwelcome glances of people who find our bodies and our predicaments to be completely out of the ordinary, maybe to be shocking to them or scary, or those of us who get up in the morning and feel like getting out of the house would just take too much. Health care troubles, caregiving troubles, transportation troubles, all of that stuff leads to a sort of isolation that might motivate us to do something. So how do you break that isolation? That’s the question. I think the answer to that, at least partially, is to look at what Wade Blank and the gang of 19 did in 1978 as a form of creative defiance. Learned lessons from the Civil Rights Movement, the Women’s Movement, certainly there is some heritage in what they did in Denver. But it was also a creative solution to a problem. 19 disabled people using their actual bodies, these bodies that marked them, that defined them, that marginalized them: They used them as vessels, as symbolic barriers. They laid down in the street, and for the first time said, “This is my body. I’m gonna make the decisions about what it can and cannot do. This body is mine, and it’s no longer yours.” Now, I know I’ve mentioned this before on the podcast, but Neil Marcus, the amazing writer and poet and artist and guru from San Francisco, he was exactly right when he said that “disability is an art. It’s an ingenious way of living.” The gang of 19 knew that, even if they’d never heard that statement or even thought about it. They knew that the creativity, the tactics, the problem-solving that they all needed to do on a daily basis to get through the disabled life, that that creativity and artfulness could also lead them into political and cultural benefit. That’s what good art does; it leads you somewhere. It transforms one thing into another. It changes something. So let’s celebrate the gang of 19 in Denver, Colorado as an artful defiance, as a sort of creative chaos. Hey, gang of 19, thanks for showing us the way. And we’ll continue to try to do our work as well, here on DisTopia and all around this world. OK, let’s move on. [music break] CHRIS: I spoke to Susan Nussbaum in her Chicago apartment. She was kind enough to invite us into her home, and we immediately upon getting together started telling stories to each other about life, about our lives, about our struggles and the things we celebrate and things we laugh at and things we get pissed off about. It was a real conversation, one that can only happen, I think, inside a home where you smell the coffee from the kitchen, and you look at the cat that kept building up the courage to poke its head around the doorway of Susan’s office, the creaking of our wheelchairs. You’ll hear some of that. It just felt great to spend some time with this monumentally important voice of disability culture. I hope you enjoy it. [music break] CHRIS: I don’t actually like rehab people. I mean they make me nervous because they have solutions, what they think are solutions to– Oh, we’re good, man. Thanks. WOMAN: Are you sure? CHRIS: Yeah. It’s fantastic. You know, they feel like they can–a lot of them. I shouldn’t say all of them cuz some of them are great, but maybe you’ve had that experience to where you walk into their office, and they just get this like wide-eyed look of excitement, like, “Ooh, I could fix that!” And, “Ooh, that guy looks like he might need a little tray there!” SUSAN: That would be a dream come true for me. CHRIS: Oh, really. You have not had that? SUSAN: Well, maybe once or–Yeah. But I so rarely even present myself anywhere near a rehab facility or health kind of area, you know? CHRIS: Is that conscious. SUSAN: Yeah, oh yeah! CHRIS: Yeah, me too, you know. We’ve had enough bad experiences, I think in particular, of muscular dystrophy clinics. I have MD, and so the muscular dystrophy clinics are sort of the networked way of going in to get help. And boy, you walk in, and you’re like a wet dream for them, you know? SUSAN: Yeah. CHRIS: We had five people in the room all talking about me without talking to me, and this was one of Lisa’s first experiences of that sort of attention. So it was really an odd experience. Finally, we just left. We said, “Guys, we’re outta here. This doesn’t feel right.” SUSAN: Yeah. You go somewhere for an allergy, and they wanna know why you’re using a wheelchair. CHRIS: Right, yeah, yeah! SUSAN: So, really not related. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah, exactly. Well, we excite people, you know? SUSAN: Yes. CHRIS: We were in the hotel–we’re downtown–and this poor housekeeper ran into me with her cart. SUSAN: [laughs] CHRIS: Boy, you know, you woulda thought that she took me out. It was like she freaked out for like five minutes. Then we saw her this morning too, and she was still, “Oh, I was up all night worried about what I did” and all this stuff. It was like wow, you know? Isn’t that bizarre? People are either terrified of us, or they’re sorta worried that we’re gonna break in half. Yeah, have you had that experience? SUSAN: I’m a person in a wheelchair. CHRIS: Right [laughs]. Yeah, yeah. SUSAN: Of course I have! I have it regularly. Yeah, it’s just here’s what’s hard is to stop feeling that every time people prostrate themselves with apologies just because they’ve almost gotten in your path or something, that you don’t play into it. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. SUSAN: Like say, “Oh, it’s OK” or anything. I just try and ignore them completely because it bums me out that they put that on me, you know? CHRIS: Right, right, yeah. SUSAN: Don’t be sorry for me cuz I know that’s what sorry, in this case, means, you know? CHRIS: Right. I think I go the other way. I think I always–I’m too nice, I guess–I always try to comfort them. SUSAN: Yeah, I know. CHRIS: I try say, which I should say on my good days I do that. On my bad days, I usually actually lash out [chuckles]. SUSAN: I should say that I’ve had to start training myself just to not say, “It’s OK.” Cuz it is OK. I don’t care, but it’s also not OK. CHRIS: Right, right. SUSAN: There’s all sorts of ways that it’s–Yeah. CHRIS: Yeah. It’s kinda strange, isn’t it that–I’ve thought about this before–that my body puts me in a position that I have to completely retrain all of the normal human graces, right? I mean, everybody does that, I guess. SUSAN: Well, I don’t know. CHRIS: Does that resonate with you? SUSAN: There’s a lotta contradictions, so–I guess around disability–because I mean, they’re always….We have everything as “special” for disabled people, and everything is “extra.” We have to have charities for disabled people, but of course, disabled people are both the poorest and the least specially-treated people. And so you know, how is that so when all of these special things are happening all around us all the time? CHRIS: [chuckles] SUSAN: So you just have to–Well for me, it’s a constant process of taking from that mindset what I can tolerate, and the rest of it, just trashing cuz it has nothing to do with any of us. CHRIS: Mmhmm. SUSAN: It has nothing to do. It’s all about a system that sort of defines what a disability is and what a disabled person is that has nothing to do with the reality of our lives. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. That’s right. And that’s a constant. There’s never reprieve. I always feel that way. SUSAN: It’s like being in The Matrix, and you can’t see it [chuckles]. CHRIS: Yeah, right. Exactly. And my matrix follows me everywhere I got, so even in my own home, even in my intimate spots. It’s always there. It’s never gone. I mean, when you’re with family, it’s comfortable, and when you’re with friends, it’s comfortable. But there’s always that, it’s inside my head. It won’t leave, you know? Am I playing with my son in a way that he’ll remember positively. You know what I mean? Or am I supporting my spouse enough? Or anything. What do my students think, you know? SUSAN: Yeah, I know. I’m trying to remember when I wasn’t disabled, which was so long ago, and whether I thought about who I was based on my lack of a disability. CHRIS: Right. SUSAN: I guess I didn’t, but I certainly, as a young woman, felt all sorts of social pressures. And as a young woman living in this messed up country, I felt a lot of social pressures. CHRIS: Mmhmm. It’s interesting that you bring up your pre-disability. But you were into dance, and you were into–. No, you were acting, though, right? In other words, you were a person that had an extroverted quality, right? Didn’t that lead you in some ways? SUSAN: I did. I must have had. CHRIS: Where did you grow up? Did you grow up here, in Illinois? SUSAN: Yes, and it was you know, a relatively privileged upbringing. My father is an actor. So he didn’t make much money at all for a while. And before that, he was an exterminator. CHRIS: Wow. SUSAN: I know. And my mother, luckily, worked all the time. CHRIS: What did she do? SUSAN: She did a lotta public relations stuff for different places, and she worked for the ACLU for a while doing public relations. She sort of invented herself. CHRIS: Does that bring political ideologies and politics and culture into your house pretty early on then for you? SUSAN: No. CHRIS: No. SUSAN: Well, maybe. CHRIS: Yeah. SUSAN: Maybe it allowed it in. It was more that it was the Vietnam era. CHRIS: Sure, sure. SUSAN: So all of us–. And the Civil Rights era, and the dawn of the women’s liberation movement and the second wave. So there was so much going on. There was so much going on. It was all so cool, and we were all involved in all of that stuff. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. So you did the rallies, you did the organizing. Were you pretty deep in, then? SUSAN: I was 24/7. CHRIS: Yeah. SUSAN: The revolution is Tuesday kind of person. CHRIS: Yeah. What was that like? Do you have stories from that time? SUSAN: Yeah, but it was wonderful. It was really great. It was, I think, it was my first real sense of community. I found all these other women that had experiences that we discovered suddenly that we all had. CHRIS: Right. [music break] CHRIS: And then you grew up, you said, semi-privileged. So school, what was school like for you in this? SUSAN: Nah, I didn’t like school. CHRIS: You didn’t like it, yeah. SUSAN: No, I graduated high school, and that was it for me. CHRIS: Mmhmm. But you were obviously motivated in other ways, right? SUSAN: Yeah, yeah. CHRIS: Then you went to acting school. SUSAN: Yeah, I went to acting school. I had a lot of fun. Well, I had made some friends, and I was young. You know, everything was, in many ways, easier then. Also, everything was affordable then, in those days. You could live on your own, it was pretty much on $100 or so every couple weeks, and you were OK. And yeah. So that was what happened. And then I was injured in my final year of school; it was a three-year school. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. Before we get to that, though, the need to act. Or how would you describe that? Cuz I’ve heard other actors talk about they felt this desire to be a performer. Yeah? SUSAN: Yeah, it’s complicated. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. SUSAN: I think some people, maybe even me, I didn’t know even who I was, almost, unless people were looking at me. Not that I wanted people to look at me all the time, but I liked the idea that I would be seen in lights and in a good way and on my terms. Also, it is a real high. It is a high after a show. You can’t sleep for some hours. I think that’s why there’s so many alcoholic actors! CHRIS: Right. SUSAN: You know? Everyone wants to really just go to sleep. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. You know, it makes me think that if you had this sort of need to be known, need to be seen, as so many human beings do, and then the disability happens. All of a sudden, you’re on a different stage in some ways, right? SUSAN: [chuckles] Yes. CHRIS: Right? SUSAN: The stage where no one ever looks! CHRIS: Right, right. But yet, they do look, right? There is that staring. SUSAN: Yeah. CHRIS: I mean, don’t you think in some ways disability is a sort of constant performance? Have you ever thought? You’ve thought about that, I’m sure. SUSAN: Again, it’s a contradiction where we are stared at, and yet we’re invisible. CHRIS: Right, right, yeah. SUSAN: I have a friend who made these–and I’ll show it to you later. It’s a long list of paradigms, you know, contradictions that have to do with the disabled person’s existence in the world. It’s really incredible. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. So the accident happens, and you’re in rehab for a while? SUSAN: Yeah. CHRIS: How long? SUSAN: Long time, seven months. But long time ago. CHRIS: Yeah. SUSAN: It really….I think the worst part for me, the only part that was–. No, no. That’s not true. You know, time goes by, and you tend to sugarcoat things, but of course it was traumatic, as they say. But I do have to say that I found myself in a community of one, which I didn’t like. I was always a social animal, and I had a social perspective on the world that social change was important and that we do that in groups. The bigger the group, the better the change, right? CHRIS: Mmhmm. SUSAN: So when I heard that there were the teeny-tiny first baby steps of a disability rights movement, and I was already a socialist, to the extent that I understood what that was at the time. Then, I was there. I was all over it. I went into the Center for Independent Living in my city, Chicago, and it was a teeny place then, maybe 10 crips. They were all disabled people, you know? CHRIS: Yeah, yeah, yeah! SUSAN: Aw man. And different disabilities. I felt, for the first time, both seen and not seen in the right way, OK? People saw me as, you know, another crip, and that was OK. Those were on terms that I liked. It was maybe a couple days there only, cuz I immediately, I talked myself into a job. It was a couple days of being there, and I was transformed. That’s what I wanted to do when I became an organizer later on, as a disability rights organizer, and I was working with groups of high school girls. I wanted to give them that experience, not just around disability, also around reproductive rights and all the rest of that stuff. But I really hoped that they experienced some of that coming into yourself that you do. Did you have that? CHRIS: I did not have that until later in life. SUSAN: But you had it? CHRIS: I did, but it took longer than 48 hours, like you’re mentioning. For me, I think, my brother and I–who also, he has MD–we grew up in a home that–. We’d been disabled from birth, so we grew up in a home that was very encouraging: Do whatever you wanna do. You can do anything. Which has been a splendid part of my life, but also a part of my life that kept me from realizing my disabled identity for a long time. In fact, my brother and I joke that–I’m 41, he’s 47–we’ve only been disabled for 15 years. SUSAN: [chuckles] CHRIS: I mean really, that’s how fucked up it is because we sorta think in our minds that I did not open my heart or mind to other disabled people for maybe it’s been a decade now that I’ve done that. So I’m jealous. I’m jealous when I hear you say that you had that sort of epiphany so quickly. I was gonna ask you: Do you think that’s rare? Because I think it’s rare. SUSAN: I don’t know. CHRIS: But maybe it’s just my own personal experience. SUSAN: I kinda thought–. Well, all right, it’s different. Both my experience of becoming was sudden; yours wasn’t. You knew disabled people in one way or another throughout your youth. I didn’t. So for me, to find out suddenly that everything I’d learned, everything, about what disability was and what it meant for my life, that I wasn’t going to be sitting around in front of the television forever, watching like religious television shows or something, waiting to be cured. I needed that. I needed to know. I needed to hear it from other disabled people. I needed to see them in action to know that I was OK, because I could do all of that, eventually, myself. CHRIS: I always felt distant from my disabled siblings, disabled peers, not sibling. So I grew up in Downers Grove, not too far from here, and went to a very experimental program that had a lot of money put into it. So we were all mainstreamed, and I was mainstreamed from Kindergarten on. All my friends were able-bodied or temporarily able-bodied. The disabled guys I knew, I was on a floor hockey team with, or I would go on special trips with, or I would hang out with at lunch. But I never hung out with them. I’m realizing that within the last couple years. I felt distance from them, again, because I had what was maybe a more normalized experience of disability or sheltered or I mean, pick your word, I suppose. SUSAN: Or maybe you internalized a sense of superiority. CHRIS: Of course I did, yeah. SUSAN: Or a desire not to be identified in that group. CHRIS: Yeah. That’s right. That’s right. SUSAN: You bastard. CHRIS: Yeah, I am a jerk, right? SUSAN: Now, I don’t like you. CHRIS: [laughs] We’re done. Thanks for the interview. SUSAN: Yeah! [music break] CHRIS: The move from awareness to advocacy, I don’t know if that’s a natural move. I guess I wonder about that, sort of figuring out who you are as a disabled person, and then being an advocate. There’s that extra step that, for whatever reason, took me a long time to get to. SUSAN: But I, remember, was an advocate before. CHRIS: Yeah, right. Right. So that’s a real important part of your philosophy. SUSAN: And I knew how to organize a demonstration. So we needed people like me around there. CHRIS: Yeah. So are you working with Mike and ADAPT–Mike Ervin. SUSAN: Not anymore. CHRIS: But at that time, though? SUSAN: Oh yeah! CHRIS: Yeah, that was it, right? What were those days like? What does that look like? What are your memories of that? SUSAN: It was fun. It was a lot of protesting. I remember Mike, we used to bust into the Chicago Transit Authority’s Board meetings. They’re just like people would imagine what the Chicago Board of Directors of this group would look like. They were, you know, cigar-chomping white guys. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah, yeah! Right. SUSAN: Michael would–he’s this other, as you know, disabled guy, really funny guy–he would bring a cigar to these meetings and chomp on it. We’d all be sort of outside the glass windows of their meeting room, just making it impossible for them to do whatever they were doing, which was probably nothing much to begin with. CHRIS: Right. SUSAN: So yeah. And we had protests outside too. It was fun. Then, we had a big lawsuit, and we won. CHRIS: And you won. Yeah. SUSAN: We sued the CTA. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. I mean, Mike Ervin and I talked, and one of the questions I asked him is, “What’s it like to ride the bus here, now that you know that you were instrumental in making that happen? I don’t assume that you use the bus all the time now, but when you do, how’s that feel?” SUSAN: Are you asking me? CHRIS: Yeah, I am! Yeah, yeah! SUSAN: Oh, yeah! I take it whenever possible, and it’s not usual, I suppose. But I mentioned that this was, that the bus is accessible because–. Like, when I see mothers or elder people using the ramp, I think to myself, “Oh gawd. If only they knew…what I went through for that!” CHRIS: [laughs] Right, right. My gawd! What I did for you! SUSAN: It’s terrible! But yeah, I love it. I love it, and I always thank the bus drivers, especially if they’re nice. CHRIS: If they’re nice, yeah. SUSAN: I remember one time, nobody would move out of the folding up bench where you sit when you’re a crip, and it was a crappy night. It was probably rush-hour traffic, real crowded bus. And the bus driver stoop up. He had to get behind me so that he could holler at the people to get up. I said, “Well you know, it’s OK. It’s OK.” CHRIS: Right, “It’s OK,” yeah, yeah. SUSAN: Or something like that, right? CHRIS: Yeah. SUSAN: You know, “I’m sorry.” The bus driver leans down, he says to me, “Take your time. Don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about it. They’ll move.” And I just fell in love with him instantly! CHRIS: Of course, yeah, yeah. SUSAN: What a great guy he was. CHRIS: Aw, that’s just such a sweet tale of this need for community and desire for community that’s authentic, right? Did you guys have many able-bodied allies during those days, those early days? SUSAN: Oh, many! Of course. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. And they would come with you? SUSAN: Yes, yes! CHRIS: Aw, that’s fantastic. You see those people anymore? SUSAN: I do from time to time, and sometimes I get a hit on Facebook or something like that. I see something on Facebook. Sure. [music break] CHRIS: So the advocacy with the young women, that starts pretty early then. I guess the most recent manifestation of that is the Empowered FeFes, but was there more of that? SUSAN: I did it before, when I was in the Chicago Women’s Liberation Union. Before I was disabled, I organized high school girls. Isn’t that weird? CHRIS: Yeah. SUSAN: And I didn’t realize it until years after I started working with girls as a disabled person. Because I started with the girls at Access Living because money became available for it. CHRIS: Yeah, sure. SUSAN: Suddenly, there was this foundation, and they wanted to fun girls’ programs. That’s what they wanted to do. CHRIS: That’s awesome. SUSAN: It was fantastic. So they’re gone now, but for the time that they lasted, a lot of amazing work happened all over the city. CHRIS: What’s the issues facing a young woman with a disability? SUSAN: There’s nothing to do. CHRIS: Yeah, talk about that. SUSAN: The schools have no programs and after-school programs. There’s a lot of segregation. You have to ride the “special” bus. So your life is regimented around that. And as a disabled person, you have a certain amount of, you have to have a bit of military precision about your life anyway because you have to be well-organized just to get ready in the morning. CHRIS: Gawd, isn’t that the truth? SUSAN: Yeah, yeah. CHRIS: My goodness. I sometimes wish people–I wanna come back to the girls, but–my wife and I always talk about this idea that on the outside, we look pretty together. SUSAN: Yeah, like we’re not real tired from getting up two hours earlier than regular people. CHRIS: Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But again, that’s a pressure that we feel. I’ve been experimenting a little bit in the last couple years with a sort of extreme realism, extreme honesty with people. Like my students, if I miss a class cuz I’m on the can too long or something happens and whatever, I just go to class the next day, or I email them, and I say, “Look. I got this uncontrollable body, man. I can’t.” And they sorta get it, you know? SUSAN: That’s not extreme. CHRIS: Yeah, well it seems extreme. SUSAN: You have to break them in. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. But there is that sort of regiment that most people just don’t get. To be honest, I spend a lot of my life making sure that they didn’t get that, making sure that that was my private experience, you know? SUSAN: Yeah. CHRIS: Do you do that? Do you do that too or no? SUSAN: Gawd, we’re just, we’re a mess, aren’t we? CHRIS: Sure. SUSAN: Yeah. I do my best to be together so that when I appear somewhere, I look like I’m ready. The truth is, I’m pretty tired most of the time, you know? CHRIS: Yeah, all the time! That exhaustion is hard to explain to people, don’t you think? SUSAN: And I like to stay up late too. So it just is a barrel that has no floor. CHRIS: OK, so you’re screwed both ways. So then you talk to these girls. Do you talk about stuff like that? Do you talk about– SUSAN: Oh, everything. CHRIS: Everything, yeah, yeah. SUSAN: I wanted them to be able to talk to each other and to value each other, and they did. That’s the biggest thing that came out of it, I think. They used the word “sisterhood” and “sister” with each other. And they never–or they worked hard at not–fucked each other up or betrayed each other. They were sisters, and some of them are still very close. Many of them are. CHRIS: Mmhmm. How many of them can you keep up with? Do you see them? SUSAN: Sure, I do. CHRIS: I mean, Facebook and online life makes that a little easier, I suppose. SUSAN: Well, actually, one of the girls is, she became my daughter. That’s a long story. We don’t have to get into it, but we talk constantly. CHRIS: Of course, yeah. SUSAN: She’s in Chicago, married, busy, works full time. So she’s a pistol. CHRIS: So we don’t have to talk about that much, but that’s pretty amazing that that would be part of an outcome of that work. SUSAN: Yeah, it was cool. CHRIS: That’s pretty amazing. SUSAN: Yeah, I guess I wanted to. I’m good with kids. And by kids, I mean teenagers so. CHRIS: Now, where the hell does that come from? SUSAN: Who knows? CHRIS: Cuz I’m not good with teenagers naturally. I don’t think a lot of people are. What makes you good with teenagers? And can you tell me so I can– SUSAN: Oh, I was a miserable teenager. CHRIS: Oh, you were, yeah. SUSAN: So I think that’s, I figured however miserable they must be couldn’t have been more messed up than I was. CHRIS: Right, right! SUSAN: It gives me great empathy for girls growing up. Boys too. CHRIS: Boys too, yeah. But it’s different though. It’s different for boys, isn’t it? SUSAN: Yes, but you know yes and no. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. [music break] CHRIS: When does writing really grab you? When do the plays start germinating in your mind? SUSAN: Oh, I don’t know, but here’s the thing: Becoming disabled was fertile territory cuz like no one was writing about it or interpreting its emotional impact or its lived experience. CHRIS: Yeah. SUSAN: Nobody did, that I knew of at the time. There were people. Certainly, nobody was interested in whatever we might produce, if we did. But at the time, I was concerned that I couldn’t, I wasn’t performing anymore. Although, I actually did perform. But my first plan was to start, along with my regular job, to start writing plays so I could get onstage. I put parts for myself. That worked out well for a while and did a lot of work and had some good success. And then, to make a very long story short, wrote a bunch of plays over the years. Some were good, some were really good, some were maybe not very good. Then, I finally hit on something that was really good, I thought. Actually, I reread it for the first time in many years last year, I think, and it definitely needed work! CHRIS: Yeah, yeah, yeah. SUSAN: I have to say now, in all honesty. But at the time, I couldn’t believe I couldn’t get it produced. I had always had my plays produced somewhere or another. I came so close a bunch of times. I couldn’t get it produced, and I became very pissed off about that, very bitter. I couldn’t break through. I just wanted to break through. I wanted to be like you know, playwrights who had, August Wilson, who’s writing all these incredible plays about the African-American experience in America that were crossing over. He was making money, also. Well, I couldn’t do that, and I knew that we had to have disabled people interpreting our own experience cuz the other interpretations of disabled characters out there were so vile in every way. CHRIS: Right, right! SUSAN: They were wrong, wrong, wrong! They couldn’t be more wrong. They continued to be wrong, and no one really gives a shit except for us. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. SUSAN: But I had a big chip on my shoulder about the whole theater thing and stopped. And then, some years later, I just decided to write a book. CHRIS: So the chip stopped, or the writing of plays stopped? SUSAN: The chip never stops. CHRIS: The chip never stops. SUSAN: Never stops. CHRIS: Right, right. SUSAN: The chip on the shoulder is– CHRIS: Is the fucking fuel of the fire, man. Right? Yeah. SUSAN: I don’t know. It’s so stupid. CHRIS: So the book, which– SUSAN: Here’s the thing: I got very lucky with the book. CHRIS: Well, maybe. You’re being humble. SUSAN: No, no. Good book, but I won a prize, and that’s what put the book–. I sorta crossed over in that sense. CHRIS: Mmhmm. So Barbara Kingsolver finds the book, reads it, or is given the book, or it’s nominated. How does that whole process happen? SUSAN: There was a contest that my sister told me she heard about that Barbara Kingsolver funded, this big prize that came with a publisher, a good publisher. And because Barbara Kingsolver wanted people to be writing fiction with social justice issues, but it had to be written in a non-preachy, non-didactic way. It had to be good writing, in other words. So I was writing the book long before I heard about the contest, but as soon as I got together a relatively good first draft, I sent it in. And ultimately, I won. That was a big deal. CHRIS: Yeah. And that’s an affirmation. Oh my goodness, yeah. SUSAN: Oh yeah. CHRIS: I’ve heard you talk before about writing that book as being maybe the hardest thing you’ve ever done, right? This sort of drafting and– SUSAN: It’s hard, yeah. CHRIS: Yeah. But was it a difficulty that was also painted with joy, that you just loved the difficulty too? SUSAN: No. CHRIS: No? [laughs] SUSAN: Here’s what was good: After you get a first draft, and that’s awful, especially because I’d never written anything like that, and it’s hard. I think it helps to have an education, and I had not gone to college, really. And I had plays in my head more than literature, although I read novels all the time. So let’s see. After that though, when you have that template of a first draft, you go through, and you start rewriting. That’s fun. That’s fun. You get into it. You don’t have to suffer a lot by just getting it down in the first place. That’s so hard. And not judging it and not giving up because it sucks, and it does suck. Everyone should know that their material, whatever they write, is not gonna be good unless they’re geniuses, until they fix it a lot. So just keep writing. That’s the thing. CHRIS: Right, right. SUSAN: Just don’t judge yourself. Don’t judge yourself. Don’t. Don’t. Or judge yourself and say, “Yes, it’s not good. That’s good! That’s OK. It’s on the page. Good! I’ll come. It’ll be good then.” CHRIS: Yeah. [music break] CHRIS: How much of Good Kings, Bad Kings, as I read it or have had students read it, I put journalism on the sidelines of it so that they can see the connections between some of the realness of the book. How did you balance the realness of the stories of living in an institution versus the creativity that you brought to that book? That was such an interview-y sorta question, but I think a lot of people might wanna know that. SUSAN: Well, the realness, the real stories and articles I read and law journals, little law journals, you know, little things like that, are the main thing you have to stand on, for me. They’re the thing. Out of that comes, you need to tell a story about that. So you’re imagination brings characters. Me, I know a lot of disabled people, and I know a lot about what happens when people are disabled in their lives. So I had this huge edge over anyone who’s ever written disabled characters before but didn’t know a disabled person. So I invented some characters. Some of the voices were very familiar to me, some not. They just came. So that comes later, and that’s just the fun of it. That’s just you. And then you try and piece in motives and obstacles through the factual pressures on people. CHRIS: Mmhmm, mmhmm. SUSAN: The book is written in first person, from the perspective of a bunch of different people. So one chapter is narrated by the person in that chapter. So I just wanted disabled characters to be as self-realized and sorta up front representing themself, not having someone else tell their story or talking about them. But they had their own voices because that’s what we don’t have in the real world. CHRIS: Right, right. SUSAN: So that was important. I can’t remember why I started– CHRIS: Is that why art is important for the disabled community, cuz it gives voice? SUSAN: Yes. CHRIS: Cuz it gives authenticity? SUSAN: Certainly, certainly. CHRIS: Yeah. SUSAN: It’s also a weapon. CHRIS: Yeah. Talk about that. What do you mean? SUSAN: Well, I think there’s this Brecht quote about how art is a hammer, and you just have to wield it correctly. CHRIS: Right. Right, yeah. SUSAN: I agree with that. You can’t put that on the back cover of the book, though, and expect anyone to buy it. CHRIS: Right, right. SUSAN: That would be like dude, that sounds really bad! CHRIS: Yeah, that sounds like something I’d like to read on a Friday night. Yeah, right. SUSAN: So you have to just be very sneaky about it, and you do that by staying as specific as you can with the characters and who they are, imagining some of the details about who they are. [music break] CHRIS: So you’ve been an author, you’ve been a voice, but you’ve also been a subject. I look at your coffee mug, and there’s a portrait of you, right? SUSAN: Yeah, I know. CHRIS: There’s a portrait of you don by Riva Lehrer. What’s it like to be a subject? How’s that different? SUSAN: Well, that was uncomfortable because the artist, Riva, she looks in your eyes the whole time, and you have to look back. So that was….I don’t think that’s true of all of the people she does, but it was….The truth is, I am now, later in life, I’m really quite private, and I don’t tolerate groups for very long, you know? I like my time with my apartment and my safe space and all that. And so yeah, it was difficult in a way. CHRIS: Mmhmm, yeah. SUSAN: But boy, what an honor and fun and you know, love Riva. Mostly just a huge honor. CHRIS: Yeah. Is it hard to cultivate that privacy, as a disabled person? In other words, people maybe have caregivers around? Is it hard? SUSAN: I think you have to think about it differently. It’s hard, I suppose, if you don’t have, if your caregivers or your assistants aren’t, if they’re telling you what needs to be done as opposed to the other way around. Then, well, you don’t have much control over your space or your choices at all. So then you are robbed of your own sort of autonomy. But I think about it differently. I just think about it as a different way of doing things, and that it’s a way that allows me to live my life. So that’s OK. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. SUSAN: And it’s also, here’s the other thing: These people that actually do, for a living, the work of helping disabled people getting dressed, getting together, whatever the tasks are that you need help with, for my own part, I was terrified of that when I knew that was gonna be a big part of my life. Because I thought these people will come, and they’ll abuse me. CHRIS: Mmhmm, mmhmm. SUSAN: And has that ever not ever happened! I can’t even tell you how cool these people are, how many cool people are out there, how I love many of the women that have been in my life as my assistants over the years. Some of them have been my assistants still, after a decade or more. So yeah. It’s not what like I think older people think, for example, it’s cracked up to be. Like, that’s a fate worse than death to a lot of people, but really, it’s not. It’s so not. It’s really kind of fun sometimes. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. SUSAN: Takes you out of your world. CHRIS: It sure does, yeah. It sure does. Yeah, you have these experiences with people, and it’s a very hard relationships to define for other people. The intimacy but also the trust, and it’s something quite beautiful when it works out, right? SUSAN: And the matter-of-factness of it all. CHRIS: Of course. SUSAN: I think that much more abuse, if not all, I don’t know. It’s hard to know. Disabled people rarely report abuse because they can’t for various reasons. But I think it happens with families much more than–within families than–when you’re a person living in the community and hiring people to work for you. CHRIS: Yeah, that’s right. That’s right. So is there an idea germinating now? What are you doing now? What are you working on now? SUSAN: Another thing. I don’t wanna say the word. CHRIS: Of course, yes, yes. But you’re working. SUSAN: Yes. CHRIS: And you’re happy with what you’re working on. SUSAN: Well, no. CHRIS: Well, -ish. Right, right, right. Yeah, yeah. But that’s still a constant for you. It’s a daily– SUSAN: I’m happy doing that now. I’m much more likely to get in the zone now than I was the first time around. CHRIS: Right, right. SUSAN: It happens pretty quickly. I just go over there, and I open the file, and I’m there. I’m in the zone. It’s like I’m, it’s nice. I don’t think that has any affect on the quality of the work. It could really be, I can say without fear of contradiction I think, that as it is at the moment, it sucks! CHRIS: Right [laughs]! SUSAN: It stinks. Whatever’s on that computer, I don’t wanna know. CHRIS: Right. But the draft will come, right? That’s what you’ll wait for. SUSAN: That’s the theory. CHRIS: Yeah, yeah. Well, thanks so much for talking with me, Susan. SUSAN: Oh, it was my pleasure. CHRIS: Thanks for having me in your home. It’s beautiful. SUSAN: Yeah. CHRIS: It’s awesome. Thank you. SUSAN: Any time. CHRIS: Awesome. [theme music] CHRIS: Our big thanks to Susan Nussbaum. What a amazing person, and we really appreciated getting to talk to her and getting to know her a bit. We hope you enjoyed it as well. If you haven’t read her work, if you haven’t read Good Kings, Bad Kings, do so, and your life will be different after you do it. She’s just an amazing author. Listen, before we go, don’t forget that we want your voice. We want you to be part of DisTopia and the conversation. Go to DisTopiaPodcast.org and hit “Submit Your Voice.” Tell us your stories, tell us about your caregiver troubles or your caregiver victories, pitch a story to us, make a story. In short, we need to do this together, and we need you to submit your work so that we can hear you. We are here to listen. So please go to DisTopiaPodcast.org and submit your voice to the podcast. DisTopia is a production of DisArt. For more information on DisArt, go to DisArtFestival.org. You’ll see that we’re taking submissions for three different things. We’re looking for designers to make some amazing clothing for our next fashion show coming up here in the fall. We’re also looking for models for that fashion show, beautiful, sassy, disabled people who wanna get up on the runway and show off what they got. We’re also taking proposals for our first symposium in 2017 called Disability Arts Now! We are taking proposals from artists and scholars and critics and local arts organizers. We wanna get together and do some thinking and talking together about disability arts and where it’s headed and where it’s been and what we can all do to make it better. So take a look at that stuff at DisArtFestival.org. All the links are there in the menus. DisTopia is produced by Liz Wade. Music is always from The New Midwest and David Molinari. We get help for every episode from DisArt’s managing director, Jill Vyn. I’m your host, Christopher Smit. Talk to you soon. ANNOUNCER: Subscribe to DisTopia on iTunes and make sure to visit our website DisTopiapodcast.org to find transcriptions, all of our episodes, DisTopian news and much more.
August 09, 2005 Moving Back to America: Health Care In a few months, I’ll move back to the United States after five years of living abroad. I can’t wait to be home again and to be closer to family and friends. However, there are some annoying administrative details to sort out, the worst of which is researching health care plans for my wife and me. The process is only slightly more enjoyable than a Chlamydia test. In England, we were covered by National Insurance. While hospitals are dreary and long delays for non-urgent care are common, the system is universal and it works better than ours—the average life expectancy in England is 78.5, slightly higher than America’s 77.2. In France, the system is more expensive for the state, but it is luxurious for the ill. (France spends 10.1% of its GDP on health care compared to 7.7% for the UK.) Quality of care is excellent in France. Prescription drugs are readily available at low cost. You choose your doctor, and it costs only 1 € per visit. Almost all of your medical expenses are reimbursed by the government. And the results are there: life-expectancy in France is 79.4. I have long expected it would be difficult to readjust to the parlous US health care system. But after looking into it for only two days, I’m already depressed. The bureaucracy of it all is so boring and irritating. HMO, PPO, HSA—I have no idea what these things are, but I know I better learn quick. I’m worried about high deductibles and loopholes which will mean we are not fully covered. I’m worried that if I end up starting my own small business, I’ll start every month $1,000 in the red to cover health care just for my own family. Even I work for someone else, the cost is enormous—in the five years I have been away, US employee health care costs have more than doubled. And we’re spending 15% of our GDP on this atrocious system—more than any other developed country, and more than we spend on defense, let alone counter-terrorism. So why isn’t this a major political issue? I know that it’s not a priority for the Republican Party, but where are the newspaper editorials and letters to the editor? Are Howard Dean and Harry Reid talking about health care every day? If so, I’m not hearing about it. Why aren’t people protesting in the streets? Let’s get angry, people! I’m already sick of the health care system and I’m not even back yet. I know I'm not alone. By Will Friedman in Health Care | Permalink | I think that perhaps people believe that the whole thing is so massive and complex that they can't do anything about it. Even Bush chose to tackle Social Security rather than delve into Medicare (which, as I understand it, is 10-fold the problem that Social Security is). Our health Care system is just wrong and backward and chaotic. It needs to be wiped out and rewritten from the ground up. (sidenote: I am working presently on a small project for a massive local Hospital, and have found out that in addition to paying the salary of some heinously incompetant and recalcitrant archivists, if I should be so unlucky to be admitted to this hospital for an ailment, I will be paying for the *required* photography [and scanning and filing, and salaries of the photographers] of every piece of furniture and small objects d'art the Hospital buys for all of its thousands of lobbies, etc. That would explain the $85 pen on the itemized bills!!) depressing. Posted by: dks | Aug 10, 2005 7:42:34 PM You have my sympathies about the medical system here. I would love to have the option of a national health care system. My wife and I have been through the health care machinery and it is hellish, to put it mildly. Good luck! Posted by: SheaNC | Aug 11, 2005 9:18:44 PM Thanks SheaNC. dks is right: the system needs to be completely reconceived, and yet starting from scratch is imposing. It’s hard, too, to make major changes, as we saw during the Clinton era; especially when so many big interests are quite happy with the status quo. Maybe the solution would be to start with a piece of it, like prescription drugs for example, and fix that part before dealing with the rest. It’s the cost of prescription drugs that have the most negative impact on my own extended family. Frankly, I can’t claim to know how a solution would work—I just know our system stinks, especially compared to other Western countries’. Posted by: Overseas Will | Aug 17, 2005 5:07:37 AM Here's the really scary thing about our Health Care system: It can only get worse. With the baby boomers aging, their collective hospital costs will continue to rise. Another problem is the exhorbitant amount of money needed to cover the cost of malpractice suits. Fellow liberals may not like to hear it, but it IS a problem. I consider mysef a liberal, but I place a higher priority on guaranteed health care for all than on allowing unlimited punitive damages in malpractice suits. One reason the idea of nationalized health care scares those in the federal government is their desire to avoid covering the cost of medical liabilty cases from HMOs - which would require raising taxes. Liberals must also frame the Health Care issue in MORAL terms in order to win real consideration. It is hypocritical of conservatives to preach about the right to life for unborn children, then take away that right from sick adults (and their already-born children) who can't afford to pay for health care. Maybe the way to win this fight is to convince Christian conservatives that, for once, they should support the Democrats. Why? Because their not-so-Christian allies in the Republican Party are defying Christ's order to sacrifice personal wealth for the good of others. Isn't "Do unto others" a basic Christian principle? It isn't hard to figure out how to frame nationalizing health care in terms of this tenet - the fabulously wealthy pay higher taxes, and these funds pay for health care for thousands of sick Americans. Do unto others. Posted by: Ryan | Aug 17, 2005 6:30:17 AM Very good points, Ryan. And I would add: while it's true that our aging population will make health care even more expensive, the birth rate in the US is higher than most European countries. That's another reason that it's inexcusable that European health care systems are so much more efficient than our own. Posted by: Overseas Will | Aug 17, 2005 6:39:57 AM If only, as Ryan reminds us, Christians really practiced what their God preached. One of Jesus's main messages of course was helping the poor and eschewing all wealth to follow God. Er, Sorry. That message hasn't worked since the early Christian hierarchy discovered Roman money. Imagine if the far right in this country were barefoot and espousing charity, rather than richly-clad, spewing nonsense and intolerance. Dude, happy as I am to have you guys in the country again, I can't imagine why you're moving back here!! Posted by: dks | Aug 18, 2005 4:36:55 PM DKS, The draw of being closer to family and friends is quite strong. And, I am homesick for the States. I have never felt my American identity so strongly as when I have been living abroad. So I bitch a lot - and I will bitch some more, but it's because I care enough to complain. After all, you don't complain about the snoring of the neighbor's wife/husband...you complain about your own! :) (Or in our house, she complains about mine! Or maybe a better example would be a cat...) Posted by: Overseas Will | Aug 19, 2005 2:45:10 PM awww yeah!! You know that I totally know how you feel. "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but morally treasonable to the American Public." -President Theodore Roosevelt Posted by: dks | Aug 19, 2005 7:36:35 PM 2005-08-09 Moving back to America: Health Care. I have read this article somewhere else. Was it "the Economist"? Why is the article not credited to its original publisher? If it is, where can I find it? Posted by: Kirkby Stephen | Aug 28, 2005 6:57:35 AM Hello Kirkby, That is very flattering! But, this is an original article. Posted by: Overseas Will | Sep 9, 2005 5:59:16 AM I am on anti-depressants and sometimes require therapy for depression. I have gone through unbelievable hassles just to obtain a minimal quality of care. I've had to beg for free samples, buy medicine tablets individually b/c of the cost, send paperwork to my ins. to prove I "needed" the medicine even though I had a valid prescription and gone through hellish withdrawal symptoms when I wasn't able to obtain any medicine. Sometimes it's hard to remember that the system is wrong and that I shouldn't be punished for my health probs. I'm considering moving to Canada or the UK because of this. Right now I'm on COBRA and I'm paying $367/mo. premium and $100 in Rx co-pays a month and I have a $500 deductible for physical therapy. Help! Posted by: Maggie | Aug 23, 2006 2:53:07 PM The comments to this entry are closed. TrackBack TrackBack URL for this entry:
Last month, The Foodies Circle was fortunate enough to get invites for Rockwell's 2nd Ultimate Taste Test- a one day food event wherein everyone gets to be a food critic for a day. I've had my first food critic experience during the recent Foodgasm event organized by UP Economics Society but this has a bigger venue and greater food concessionaires. Upon arriving at the venue, we immediately devised our plan of attack starting from the left to right. My first few favorites are these fruity jams from The Fruit Garden. The Tropical Paradise was a refreshing and sweet fruity combination while the Berry Dream was just incredibly Berry-licious! :) Swizzle Mobile Bar showcased their Caramel Beer and Rainbow Shots which were both excellent and worth the 5-rating. Both were sweet and delicious perfect for non-alcohol drinkers out there. Bake Buddy and Blue Toque Bake Buddy and Blue Toque offered delectable cookies but I personally love the Belgian Chocolate Cookies from Blue Toque which I was able to try before. It was soft and chewy with just the right amount of sweetness I'm looking for. For the cake category, Moshi Moshi's Green Tea Cheesecake and Blue Toque's Nutella Mousse Cake both won my heart. Melts-in-your-mouth goodness in every bite :) We got to sample Lulubelle's Brownie Batter and Cheesecake Frozen Custard which I think was a great flavor combination. Texture was soft, smooth and creamy just the way I like it. Frisch Liquor Ice Cream gave a twist to the classic cold dessert. Choose from a variety of unique flavors like the Russian Winter, Choco Rumboozle and Carami de Cerveza that were all infused with alcohol for an extra kick. Masatami featured their Swiss Cheese, Langka and Peanut Butter & Black Sesame shaved ice flavors. I love the fine and smooth texture of the shaved ice which brought out each flavor really well. Looking forward to trying their famous Hawaiian Shaved Ice soon. The final contender for the battle of ice cream is New Zealand Natural Premium Ice Cream which was full-flavored, rich and creamy. I personally love their White Chocolate & Raspberry and Macadamia Supreme flavor. Hands-down the best empanada during the event is from Mac's Deli Vigan Empanada & Okoy. It was meaty, juicy and simply authentic I must say. Bayani Brew For drinks, we can't help but make a short stop-over at Bayani Brew's booth. They were so passionate in telling about their story and how these beverages were made. We got to try their Lemongrass Pandan Iced Tea and Purple Leaf Iced Tea which is made from sweet potato tops/talbos ng kamote. Nutri-licious and healthy indeed! The battle of the chicken wings is between Hong Kong Roast Food Express' Honey Glazed Chicken and Chief Wings' flavored wings. I love the oriental flavor of the Honey Glazed Chicken but it was quite dry already when served to us. As for Chief Wings, it was quite hard to determine each flavor as everything was placed in the small plate provided. I love the concept but maybe I should try out a whole order to fully appreciate the flavors. Everyday Mom's butter-free products are definitely worthy to land a spot in this year's Ultimate Taste Test. Their Banana Bread and Carrot Cake are soft, moist and soooo delicious! I could certainly feast on these goodies without the guilt. The Plaza and Hillside Ranch Carnivores would agree that The Plaza's Premium Roast Angus Corned Beef and Hillside Ranch Corned Beef Brisket and Slow Roasted Beef Belly are to die for. Succulent, juicy, savory and flavorful are words to describe these meaty slices. The Angus corned beef-stuffed pandesal would be my bet for an afternoon snack, while the Corned Beef Brisket and Slow Roasted Beef Belly would probably land our dinner table. Rice please! How can you go wrong with Carlo's Kitchen Crunchy Belly? It's basically faultless. Well it's my fault I can't resist these crunchy and crispy pork belly. Sinfully delicious! Going for their second win is Mama Lou's Panzarotti which was now bigger in serving compared to the one I've tried from Foodgasm. I was able to appreciate it more with the assorted dips provided. We also stayed at the Nescafe Dolce Gusto booth for a while to have some hot cups of coffee. Using the machine was very easy and the people from Nescafe happily demonstrated how it works. It was simple as 1-2-3 Pop.Lock.Drop. Although the Dolce Gusto Machine caught our interest, I prefer Khao Shong's Super Rich 3 in 1 coffee. It was sweet, creamy and rich just the way I like my coffee to be . A crowd-favorite during our visit was SkewU's Angus Beef Tapa. It was tender and succulent with the right amount of fat to make it juicier and more flavorful. Served with a special sauce, it greatly enhanced the taste making it a sure winner for us. A great pairing for the Angus Beef Tapa is Kusina Reyes' Aligue Rice that is basically steamed fragrant rice melted in crab fat to produce that orange color. For the chocolate category, I must say that Villa Del Conte's Milk Chocolate w/ Hazelnut Chips and Dark Chocolate w/ Coffee Cream Filling captured my heart. Although Sugarleaf offered a healthier alternative with their Maca and Chia Superfood Truffles, I am not pretty much into the "healthy" chocolate alternative. I really loved Sugarhouse's Kiwi Swirl Christmas Loaf. It was soft and moist with a refreshing fruity taste from the kiwi swirls. A great Christmas giveaway for friends and families :) Chef Anton Saving the best for last, my top pick during the Ultimate Taste Test 10.0 is Chef Anton's Roast Turkey. The samples they gave away were beautifully presented in soft bread topped with lettuce and followed by generous slices of the turkey. And to add a sweet bite, it was finished off with a dollop of fruity jam on top. These are just some of the products we've tried during the Ultimate Taste Test and we certainly had a blast! The event was fun and gastronomic with great-tasting food and exciting games and activities. We also got to bring home a set of Luxury Jams from The Fruit Graden since D actively participated in a game. Congratulations and Thank You to Sir Anton and Ms. Rachelle for another successful Ultimate Taste Test event. Looking forward to attending the next Ultimate Taste Test :) Everything seems so good! I'm currently addicted to Masatami's Swiss Cheese. :) Thank you so much for giving Swizzle Mobile Bar a rating of 5. :) And Im gla you enjoyed The Plaza's Premium Corned Beef. I love your rainbow shot photo! All the layers are visible. :) Food feast! :) interesting event. i think tasting from each booth can make up one whole meal. Geez! I really gotta attend the next one. I can't believe I missed out on Hillside Ranch's Slow Roasted Beef Belly. It looks really good and tasty. All those booths make me want to turn back time and attend this UTT I haven't attended this kind of event. Looks like it was so exciting and interesting :p Great job! Seems you covered almost everything! Galing! I call this food porn! I felt bad for not being to attend this year's Ultimate Taste Test. Must attend a food 'festival' soon to compensate! LOL. Yes michy! Syang u were not able to go.. I wanna try the masatami hawaiian shave ice namn :) Im pretty sure there will still be an ultimate taste test 11.0 haha :) Yep super busog after but it was fun and worth it! :) Gоod dаy! I сould hаѵe sωorn Ι've been to this blog before but after checking through some of the post I realized it'ѕ new to me. Anywаys, I'm definitely happy I found it and I'll be booκ-mагkіng and checkіng back frequently! my site; brain health supplements Here is my web-site ... nootropic recipes Sweet blog! 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User:Graves/Sandbox 1 Not to be confused with Convenient Revelations Changes to the Qur'an during Muhammad by the sahaba (or changes to the Qur'an during Muhammad by the followers) are the instances when the sabaha would be able to successfully intervene and amend the Quranic revelations. The currently known instances are listed below. Because the topic is detrimental to both the classical and contemporary Islamic narratives, not much research is available, and more instances are expected to come up in the future. The criteria The following are the criteria for the instance(s) to be included in the article, - Muhammad gets a revelation. - The revelation is either meant to be part of the Quran, or is part of the Quran. - The sahaba changes the revelation after the fact. Why is this important? The article aims to deliver all currently known instances of the changes made by the sahaba. However, just one instance of the changing of the Quran is enough to have all the consequences below. The issue, if successfully proven, falsifies many of the narratives provided by the modern Muslim leadership. Below is the incomplete list of the incomplete list of the claims that must be false. The instances Quran 4:95 (The blind man corrects Muhammad) The Quran excludes one the ruling on jihad for the disabled people, The highlighted part was not present during the initial revelation. Since the blind man came to Muhammad and asked about the revelation, the revelation was corrected. Asbab Al-Nuz 'Abdus> 'Ali”. When he came, he said to him: “Write for me (Those of the believers who sit still are not on an equality)” I think he said: (with those who strive in the way of Allah). Ibn Umm Maktum said: “O Messenger of Allah, but I have hurt in my eyes, and before he left it was revealed (other than those who have a (disabling) hurt)”. This was narrated by Bukhari> Muhammad ibn Yusuf> Isra'il> Abu Ishaq. Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi , trans. Mokrane Guezzou., altafsir.com . Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought. Kingdom of Jordan,. Tafsir Ibn Kathir Sahih al-Bukhari) Sunan an-Nasa’i "bring me a shoulder blade of a camel, or a tablet, and write: Not equal are those of the believers who sit (at home)." [1] 'Amr bin Umm Maktum was behind him and he said: "Is there a concession for me?" Then the following was revealed: "Except those who are disabled (by injury or are blind or lame)." [2] [1] An-Nisa' 4:95. [2] An-Nisa' 4:95. Quran 33:53 (Umar adds hijab to the Quran) Main article, Hijab#Revelation_of_the_hijab_verses Below is one of the two main verses prescribing the hijab to women. The verse itself is not problematic, but the circumstances of its revelation is, Phase 1: Sahih al-Bukhari Umar spies after Sauda, so Allah reveals the verses of Al-Hijab Phase 2: Sahih al-Bukhari Allah agrees with Umar Asbab Al-Nuzul (O Ye who believe! Enter not the dwellings of the Prophet…) [33:53]. Most of the commentators of the Qur’an said: “When the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, married Zaynab bint Jahsh, he organised a wedding feast in which was offered dates and a mush of wheat and he slaughtered a sheep. Anas said: ‘My mother Umm Sulaym sent him a container made of stone. The Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, then commanded me to invite his Companions to eat and so I did. Groups of people came, ate and then left. I said: ‘O Prophet of Allah, I have invited everybody and there is no one else to invite’. He said: ‘Take away your food’. They took away the food and people left, except for three people who stayed in the room talking among themselves. They stayed so long that they annoyed the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, who was extremely bashful [such that he could not ask them to leave]. And so this verse was revealed, and the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, drew a veil between him and me’ ”. Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Faqih informed us> Abu Umar Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Hiri> ‘Imran ibn Musa ibn Mujashi‘> ‘Abd al-A‘la ibn Hammad al-Nursi> al-Mu‘tamir ibn Sulayman> his father> Abu Majlaz> Anas ibn Malik who said: “When the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, married Zaynab ibn Jahsh, he invited people to a wedding ceremony. People ate and then remained in their seats talking to each other. The Prophet made as if he was preparing himself to leave but people did not get the hint. He then left the room and people left with him, except for three people who remained sitting. When the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, returned and found them still sitting, he went out again. When they saw this, the three men left. I went and informed the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, that they had left. He returned and entered his room. I wanted to enter with him but he drew the curtain between him and me. Allah, exalted is He, then revealed (O Ye who believe! Enter not the dwellings of the Prophet for a meal without waiting for the proper time…) up to His words (Lo! that in Allah’s sight would be an enormity)”. This was narrated by Bukhari from Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah al-Riqashi and also by Muslim from Yahya ibn Habib al-Harithi; both al-Riqashi and al-Harithi related it from al-Mu‘tamir. Isma‘il ibn Ibrahim al-Wa‘iz informed us> Abu ‘Amr ibn Nujayd> Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Khalil> Hisham ibn ‘Ammar> al-Khalil ibn Musa> ‘Abd Allah ibn ‘Awn> ‘Amr ibn Shu‘ayb> Anas ibn Malik who said: “I was with the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, when he passed by one of his rooms and saw people there sitting and talking. He then returned and entered the room and drew the curtain in my face. I went to Abu Talhah and related to him what had happened. He said: ‘If what you say is true, Allah, exalted is He, will reveal some Qur’an about it’. Allah, exalted is He, then revealed (O Ye who believe! Enter not the dwellings of the Prophet for a meal without waiting for the proper time)”. Ahmad ibn al-Hasan al-Hiri informed us> Hajib ibn Ahmad> ‘Abd al-Rahim ibn Munib> Yazid ibn Harun> Humayd> Anas who said: “‘Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be well pleased with him, said: ‘I said: ‘O Messenger of Allah, the righteous and the corrupt enter in on you, why do you not command the mothers of the believers to be out of the sight of men’, and so Allah, exalted is He, revealed the verse of segregation (Ayat al-Hijab)’ ”. This was narrated by Bukhari> Musaddid> Yahya ibn Abi Za’idah> Humayd. Abu Hakim al-Jurjani informed us through verbal authorisation> Abu’l-Faraj al-Qadi> Muhammad ibn Jarir> Ya‘qub ibn Ibrahim> Hushaym> Layth> Mujahid who related that the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, was once eating with his Companions when the hand of one of them touched the hand of ‘A’ishah who was with them. The Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, was upset because of this, and the verse of segregation was revealed. (… nor that ye should marry his wives after him…) [33:53]. ‘Ata’ related that Ibn ‘Abbas said: “One of the nobles of Quraysh said: ‘I would marry ‘A’ishah if the Messenger of Allah, Allah bless him and give him peace, were to die’, and so Allah, exalted is He, revealed this verse”. Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi , trans. Mokrane Guezzou., altafsir.com . Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought. Kingdom of Jordan,. Quran 5:101 (Asking questions when the Quran is revealed) This story follows a bit different structure. Instead of following the structure of the verse being changed by the sahaba after the fact, the verse admits the possibility of this very act in the Quran. The verse is problematic for multiple different reasons. For example, the available Saddi tafsir translated into Russian (not included in the article) admits that Allah may have the weaknesses his slaves will not be able to find out about. Another example is, if the verse is eternal past the demise of Muhammad, it can be argued that the verse prescribes that the Muslims must not question anything about Islam, including this very article and WikiIslam overall. To stay within the scope, this article will only focus on one particular teachings of the Quran, being that the very act of asking questions during the process of the Quranic revelation can change the revelation. There exist two main non-contradicting (i.e. both can be true) narratives about the circumstances of revelation of this verse. - The first narrative describes Muhammad being many questions unrelated to his claimed prophethood (such as about the location of the female camel or someone's father)[5][6][7][8][9] - One hadith found in Sahih Bukhari[10] mentions specifically Muhammad getting into the family issues, and Allah having to come to the rescue of the situation. - The second narrative talks about somebody asking whether Muslims need to perform the journey (Hajj) every year, with Muhammad is ultimately affirming that he can affect the sunnah upon his own will. Somebody asks Muhammad whether they need to perform Hajj every year. Muhammad says, "If I were to say yes, it would have become obligatory, and if it were to become obligatory, you would not (be able to) do it, and if you did not do it you would be punished."[11][12][13][14][15][16] Both narratives are included in Asbab Al-Nuzul. Regardless whichever particular circumstances were (or both, if complementary) during the claimed revelation, all of: - the circumstances of 5:101 being revealed, - the plain reading of the Quran - the multiple exegeses found in the tafsir (see below) confirm that Allah confirms that the very act of asking questions during the process of the Quranic revelation can change the revelation. Tafsir Al-Jalalayn The following was revealed when they began to ask the Prophet (ﷺ) too many questions: O you who believe, do not ask about things which, if disclosed to you, [if] revealed, would trouble you, because of the hardship that would ensue from them; yet if you ask about them while the Qur’ān is being revealed, during the time of the Prophet (ﷺ), they will be disclosed to you: meaning that if you ask about certain things during his lifetime, the Qur’ān will reveal them, but once these things are disclosed, it will grieve you. So do not ask about them; indeed: God has pardoned those things, you asked about, so do not ask again; for God is Forgiving, Forbearing. Asbab Al-Nuzul (O ye who believe! Ask not of things which, if they were made unto you, would trouble you…) [5:101]. 'Amr ibn 'Amr al-Muzakki informed us> Muhammad ibn Makki> Muhammad ibn Yusuf> Muhammad ibn Isma'il Bukhari> al-Fadl ibn Sahl> Abu'l-Nadr> Abu Khaythamah> Abu Juwayriyyah> Ibn 'Abbas who said: “Some people used to put questions to the Prophet, Allah bless him and give him peace, to mock him. One would ask him: 'Who is my father?' and another who has lost his camel: 'Where is my camel?' And so Allah, exalted is He, revealed about them this verse (O ye who believe! Ask not of things which, if they were made unto you, would trouble you) up to the end of the verse”. Abu Sa'id al-Nasruyiyy informed us> Abu Bakr al-Qati'i> 'Abd Allah ibn Ahmad ibn Hanbal> Ahmad ibn Hanbal> Mansur ibn Wardan al-Asdi> 'Ali ibn 'Abd al-A'la> his father> Abu'l-Bukhturi> 'Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be well pleased with him, who said: “When the verse (And pilgrimage to the House is a duty unto Allah for mankind) [3:97], people asked: 'O Messenger of Allah, is it every year?' He did not answer but they asked him again: 'Is it every year?' He kept silent. When they asked him the fourth time he said: 'No! But if I had said 'yes!' it would have been incumbent upon you to go to pilgrimage every year'. Following this, Allah, exalted is He, revealed (O ye who believe! Ask not of things which, if they were made unto you, would trouble you)”. Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi , trans. Mokrane Guezzou., altafsir.com . Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought. Kingdom of Jordan,. Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs (O ye who believe!) this was revealed about Harith Ibn Yazid who asked the Prophet (pbuh)-when the verse (And pilgrimage to the House is a duty unto Allah for mankind) was revealed: “Is it once every year, O Messenger of Allah?” So Allah forbade him from asking such questions, and started by addressing him with (O ye who believe!), (Ask not) your Prophet (of things) that Allah has relieved you of (which, if they were made known unto you) if they were made obligatory upon you, (would trouble you; but if you ask of them) if you ask of the things that you were relieved of (when the Qur'an is being revealed) when Gabriel brings down the Qur'an, (they will be made known unto you) they will be made obligatory upon you. (Allah pardoneth this) this questioning, (for Allah is Forgiving) of the one who repents, (Clement) vis-à-vis your ignorance. Asbab Al-Nuzul by Al-Wahidi , trans. Mokrane Guezzou., altafsir.com . Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought. Kingdom of Jordan,. Tafsir Mokhtasar O you who have faith in Allah, follow His Messenger and practise His laws, do not ask your Messenger about things which you do not in need, and which will not be of any help to you in your religion. If you were told of such things, they would upset you because of the difficulty in them. If, despite the prohibition, you ask about these things, then know that revelation is coming down to the Prophet and they will be made clear to you. That is easy for Allah. Allah has not said certain things in the Qur’ān, so do not ask about them. If you ask about them, you will have to follow the law that is then revealed. Tafsir Maarif-ul-Quran Commentary The Prohibition of Asking Unnecessary Questions These verses warn people who keep investigating unnecessarily into Divine injunctions. So fond and bent are they in this exercise that they would go to the outer limit of asking questions even about in-junctions which have not been prescribed at all and for which there is really no genuine need that they be asked. In this verse, such people have been instructed not to ask questions lest they are subjected to some trial, or they have to face disgrace as a result of the disclosure of their secrets. The Background of the Revelation As narrated in Sahib Muslim, the background or the cause of the revelation of these verses is as follows. When the verse concerning the obligation of Hajj was revealed, Sayyidna Al-Aqraʿ ibn Habis ؓ asked: ʿ Have we been obligated with Hajj every year?' The Holy Prophet ﷺ did not answer that question. He asked again. The Holy Prophet still remained silent. When he asked a third time, the Holy Prophet ﷺ reprimanded him by saying: If, in answer to your question, I had said, ʿ Yes, the Hajj is obligatory every year' - so it would have become, and you would have been unable to do it. After that, he added: Things about which I give you no command, leave them as they are. Do not ask questions by digging and prying into them. Communities before you have been damned eternally through this very proliferation of questioning because they, questions after questions about what Allah and His Messenger did not make obligatory on them, and in consequence of their unnecessary enquiry, these optional things were made obligatory - and then, they got involved in the unfortunate practice of disobeying these. Your estab-lished routine should be: Do what I order you to do, with the best of your ability, and leave what I order you not to do (that is, do not dig and pry into things about which no injunctions are given). There is No Nubuwwah (Prophethood) and Wahy (Revelation) after the Holy Prophet ﷺ It has also been tacitly said in this verse: وَإِن تَسْأَلُوا عَنْهَا حِينَ يُنَزَّلُ الْقُرْآنُ تُبْدَ لَكُمْ : ʿ and if you ask about them while the Qur'an is being revealed, they will be disclosed to you (through revelation).' Here, by restricting it with the time duration of the revelation of the Qur'an, the indication given is that it will be after the completion of the revelation of the Qur'an, that the process of Prophethood (Nubuwwah) and Revelation (Wahy) will be discontinued. Though, after the discontinuation of this process of Prophethood and Revelation, the consequences that new injunctions may come, things not obligatory may become obligatory or someone's secret may be disclosed through revelation are not likely to take effect - but, minting unnecessary questions, falling for investigations into them or asking about things for which there is no need, shall still remain prohibited, even after the discontinuation of the process of Prophethood. The reason is simple. This is a waste of time - your own and that of others. The Holy Prophet ﷺ has said: مِن حُسنِ اِسلامِ المرَءِ تَرکُہ مَالَایَعنِیہِ One of the qualities making someone a good Muslim is that one leaves what is unnecessary. This tells us that many of our brother Muslims who keep investigating into unnecessary subjects, such as, the name of the mother of Sayyidna Musa (علیہ السلام) or the precise length and breadth of the Ark of Sayyidna Nuh (علیہ السلام) ، indulge in what has no effect on one's conduct in life. Therefore, asking such questions is blameworthy - especially when it is already known that people who tend to ask such questions are mostly unaware of the basics of their religion. The problem is that falling for what is wasteful invariably results in making one stay deprived of doing what is necessary. As for the large body of work left by Muslim jurists in which they have answered assumed religious problems and questions, it was not something unnecessary. Later events proved that they were needed by future generations. Therefore, they do not fall under the purview of wasteful or meaningless questions. It is also a part of Islamic teachings that one should not indulge in any activity, whether intellectual or practical, a task or a conversation, and waste precious time through it, unless there is some gain to be made from it in terms of the worldly or other-wordly life. Quran 13:31 (Sleepy scribe corrupts the Quran) If there were only some Quran by which the mountains would travel away or the earth would crack open, or the dead would speak out! Rather command is wholly Allah (God)'s. Do not those who believe despair, because Allah (God) might have guided all mankind had He so wished? Disaster will continually afflict those who disbelieve because of what they produce, or it will settle down close to their home until Allah (God)'s promise comes true. Allah (God) does not break any promise. The hadith According to Ibn Abbas, the verse is recorded incorrectly, because the scribe was sleepy. The word shouldn't be "despair", but rather "made clear". The hadith above is sahih, as all the men in the hadith are of Bukhari. As-Suyuti, Al Itqan fi Uloom al Quran .” Fateh al-Bari.” Tafsir Dur al Manthur The tafsir is not available in English. Urdu and Arabic, ) texts are available. Below is the exempt from the tafsir, وأخرج أبو عبيد وسعيد بن منصور وابن المنذر، عن ابن عباس - رضي الله عنهما - أنه كان يقرأ { أفلم ييأس الذين آمنوا }. وأخرج ابن جرير وابن الأنباري في المصاحف، عن ابن عباس - رضي الله عنهما - أنه قرأ [أفلم يتبين الذين آمنوا] فقيل له: إنها في المصحف { أفلم ييأس } فقال: أظن الكاتب كتبها وهو ناعس. وأخرج ابن جرير عن علي - رضي الله عنه - أنه كان يقرأ [أفلم يتبين الذين آمنوا]. وأخرج ابن جرير وابن المنذر وابن أبي حاتم، عن ابن عباس - رضي الله عنهما - { أفلم ييأس } يقول: يعلم. - تفسير الدر المنثور في التفسير بالمأثور/ السيوطي (ت 911 هـ) مصنف و مدقق, altafsir.com . Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought. Kingdom of Jordan,. Because no official translation of the tafsir is available in English, below are some of the automated translations of the exempt of the tafsir, See also - Sunni reports about mistakes & changes in Quran - Shia Pen (archived), - (Unused, but more potentially true material can be found there) References Notes - ↑ for example, the Quran being the Mother of the Book (Quran 43:4) and/or written on the heavenly stone tablets (Quran 86:22) - ↑ Quran 6:115 - ↑ Quran 3:2-4 - ↑ Quran 6:34, Quran 6:115, Quran 18:27 and many, many other verses - ↑ Sahih Bukhari 6:60:145 (sunnah.com/bukhari:4621, ) - ↑ Sahih Bukhari 6:60:146 (sunnah.com/bukhari:4622, ) - ↑ Jami At Tirmidhi - Chapters on Tafsir (Vol. 5, Book 44, Hadith 3056) - sunnah.com, [Sahih according to sunnah.com] - ↑ Sahih Bukhari 8:75:373 (sunnah.com/bukhari:6362, ) - ↑ Additionally, the Quran from Saudi Arabia mentions that the same story can be found in Ahmad and Muslim - ↑ Sahih Bukhari 8:75:373 (sunnah.com/bukhari:6362, ) - ↑ Sunan Ibn Majah 4:25:2884 (sunnah.com/ibnmajah:2884, ) [Hasan according to sunnah.com] - ↑ Sunan Ibn Majah 4:25:2885 (sunnah.com/ibnmajah:2885, ) [Sahih according to sunnah.com] - ↑ Jami At Tirmizi 814 (Vol. 2, Book 4, Hadith 814) - sunnah.com, [Daif according to sunnah.com] - ↑ Jami At Tirmizi - Chapters on Tafsir (Vol. 5, Book 44, Hadith 3055) - sunnah.com, [Daif according to sunnah.com] - ↑ Musnad Ahmad - Musnad 'Ali Ibn Abi Talib (Book 5, Hadith 333) - sunnah.com, [Sahih Hadeeth, its isnad is da'eef - according to sunnah.com] - ↑ According to the Quran from Saudi Arabia, the story is transmitted by Imam Muslim - ↑ English Mokhtasar - 5:101 - english - Mokhtasar, Quran.com,
The seventh generation of the Volkswagen Golf has been with us since 2013 and with the same platformed (MQB) Mk8 Golf now on the road, the prices of the Mk7 will become more attractive for used car buyers. So, if you’re in the market for a used Mk7 Golf GTI, here is our buyers guide to help. Please note this article is aimed squarely at the pre-facelift model. However, some of the information will still remain relevant to the 7.5 model and other models like the Golf GTD, Golf R etc. Facts and Statistics The Mk7 GTI was well specced as standard and was offered with a handful of options. When new, the base car cost £25,845 for 3 door models. I will cover some of the exterior options in greater detail a little further into the article. The following is what was included as standard: - VW 2.0-litre TSI EA888 – 220ps and 350Nm - Front and Rear parking sensors - Bi-Xenon headlamps with High Beam Assist - Cornering lights and headlight cleaning system - LED front fog lights (no cornering function) - LED tail lights - Convenience Pack – - Automatic dimming interior mirror with rain sensor - Automatic headlamps with coming home/leaving home function - Ambient lighting including red accents in the doors and tread plates - Stainless steel pedals - 2 zone climate control with glovebox cooling - Red brake calipers over 312mm front and 272mm rear discs - Rear privacy glass with a 65% tint - Multifunction steering wheel (no heated option on GTI) - Mirror Pack – - LED puddle lamps - Reverse dip - Power fold mirrors - Jacara red cloth and titan black interior - Carbon effect trim finishers - Discover navigation with 6.5” screen - 8 speaker audio system In addition to this, the following extras were available on GTIs: - Performance Pack inc. - 5 doors - Rear privacy glass with a 90% tint - Discover Navigation Pro with 8” screen - Dynaudio 9 speaker 400 watt audio system - Car net “App Connect” for Android Auto and Apple Car Play - DCC Dynamic Chassis Control - Park Assist - Lane Assist - ACC Adaptive Cruise Control - Reverse Camera - Black vienna leather with titan black interior - Winter Pack – - Heated seats - Heated washer jets - Low washer fluid warning The base spec 220ps engine, irrespective of what gearbox you choose, will cover 0-60mph in 6.3 seconds. The 230ps variants shave a hair off of that time with 6.2 seconds. Depending on the specification and year, the GTI put out 139g/km to 149g/km of CO2 emissions. The majority of Mk7s fell into Road Tax Band F which will cost you £165 a year to tax, although you may find some models were an “E” costing £150 instead. Insurance groups vary depending on specification but they start at group 29 for most models and end at group 38 for the rarer Clubsport S model. The Golf GTI comes with a 50L fuel tank. Expect to pay around £60-65 for a full tank of unleaded, or closer to £70 for super unleaded. Real world MPG is mid to high 30s. Taking 33mpg as a low figure and using a 50L fuel tank, the calculated range is 435 miles which is a considerable drop from the 517 miles VW quote. GTI Wheels The GTI came with 18”x7.5J Austin Wheels as standard. Two-tone black wheels with a diamond cut face and were wrapped in 225/40/18 Bridgestone Potenza tyres. Optional on all GTIs were the 19”x7.5J Santiago Wheels which came with 225/35/19 Pirelli P Zero tyres. GTI Paint Codes The standard colour on the GTI was Pure white non-metallic (LC9A) and is commonly found in used car buyer lists. The optional paints (Paint Codes) are as follows: - Tornado Red non-Metallic (LY3D) - Reflex Silver Metallic (LA7W) - Tungsten Silver Metallic (LB7W) - Limestone Grey Metallic (LA7N) - Deep Black Pearl (LC9X) - Oryx White Premium Signature Pearl (L0K1) VW Service and Warranty All GTIs came with a standard 3-year warranty from VW. Further to this is a 12-year body protection warranty against rusting on internal panels. There is also a 3-year paint warranty and in some cases an extended warranty up to a max of 5 years and 90,000 miles. The service intervals were split into two options but unless specified were defaulted with the fixed service schedule. The Fixed Service plan which is every 10,000 miles or 1 year and was aimed at those who use their GTIs as VW intended, high RPMs and hard launches included. The other option was the flexible service which is every 20,000 miles or 2 years and favoured drivers without a heavy foot who spend most of their time on motorways and constant RPMs. DSG services are every 40,000 miles or 4 years, whichever comes first. Regardless of manual or DSG, Performance Pack differentials need servicing too. The guideline is 30,000 miles or 3 years. Common Issues The Mk7 GTI is reportedly free from any major failures but there are still a handful of issues to look out for. Rear Spring and Damper Failures Rear spring and damper failures seem to be a common issue but this isn’t unique to the Mk7, both the Mk5 and Mk6 suffered premature failure of rear springs and dampers. As such the replacement costs are relatively inexpensive and there are plenty of alternatives when replacing. Check through MOT history and service history for any advisories or replacements. Manual Clutch Failures Manual variants suffered from clutch failures regardless of mileage. Forums suggest any power modifications will accelerate wear and the clutches will slip with any Stage 1 ECU remaps. The higher the mileage the more important the 4th gear 30mph pull will become. Look for uprated clutches if the car you’re looking at has any modifications. DSG Whine DSG Variants can sometimes sound whiney in early gears but this is normal for this particular gearbox. Ensure DSG services have been carried out at the correct intervals for confidence. The intervals are every 4 years or 40,000 miles, whichever comes first. ACC Failures For models with Adaptive Cruise Control, ensure this is functioning correctly during your test drive. The simplest way to know if it is an ACC model is to look for the square radar under the front number plate. Panoramic Roof Water Leaks Models with a Panoramic Roof were susceptible to water leaks. The most common leak path was to the top of the A-pillar. Check for dampness or any signs of moisture. Whilst you’re at it, make sure the roof works properly too! Replacements aren’t cheap. Boot Water Leaks Whilst on topic of water leaks, another common leak area are the harness grommets at the top of the boot opening (in between the hinges). The leak path ends in the spare wheel well. Lift up the boot floor and look for signs of dampness or moisture. Bootlid To Bumper Contact Issues During my search I noticed a few vehicles that had bootlid to bumper contact issues. Look for paint loss or marks on the lower corners of the bootlid and the corresponding areas on the rear bumper. One vehicle I viewed had rust and paint bubbling on the bootlid which would have been a costly repair. Coolant Leaks Coolant leaks were a common issue on the EA888 engine and were focused around slow leaks at the water pump and thermostat. Look for signs of a replacement in the service history. Also, check to see that the coolant level is not low or near low. No Hot Air From Heater Matrix Some models suffered with no hot air from the blowers even at full operating temperatures. During a test drive, or even with the engine at idle after a few minutes, ensure the vents blow hot air. If they don’t the problem could result in a replacement heater matrix at the cost of around £1,500. Even then it is not a guaranteed solution as reports have shown it has not always cured the issue. Heated Seat Operation On the topic of heating, some early heated seats had issues with non-connects and/or failures on the seat base element. The seats can be slow to warm on the Mk7 and the factory setting sees a cooler seat base compared to the seat back. Ensure the heated seats are working during a test drive. Seat Bolster Wear The front seats have fairly aggressive bolsters. Both leather and cloth variants can see early wear on the outer bolsters (closest to door). There is no simple solution to this issue. The aesthetic requirements for stitch patterns coupled with a need for a supporting seat during lateral movement mean you’ll ride over the bolster during ingress and egress. A seat cover might help but bad wear will need localised repairs or partial seat cover replacements. Diamond Cut Imperfections Since all the wheel options for the GTI were diamond cut, look for any curb rash, white worming or any imperfections in the wheel. Diamond cut refurbishments are much pricier than normal refurbishments and this is something to consider when looking for your car. Most reputable companies will charge around £150 per wheel for a full refurbishment. I saw a number of vehicles advertised with recently refurbished wheels where they had opted to remove the diamond cut face in favour of paint which is away from the factory intention. This could lower the resale value of your car. Sidewall Tyre Damage The 19” Santiagos run very low profile tyres. Check for any sidewall tyre damage or bulge. Any bulge, no matter how small or large will require replacement and the tyres are not cheap. The factory fit Pirelli P Zeros seem to be more susceptible to bulges, too. Door Rattles There have been several reports of door rattles being a common issue on Mk7s. Some are easy fixes, some might be quite intrusive and difficult to diagnose. Listen out for any odd noises whilst on your test drive. Slowly working through the RPM range will help diagnosis as the rattles reach their resonant frequencies. Discover Navigation Pro Black Out The Discover Navigation Pro system had issues with screen freeze or blackout, this could be cured by a 10-second hold of the power button to reset the unit but in some cases hardware replacements were required. Check through service history for any records of issues and replacements. Start Button Wear On models with keyless entry, the paint on the Start button would begin to flake and in some cases became sharp enough to cut fingertips. The paint loss is quite obvious and emanates from the lettering. Headlight Lenses Imperfections Headlight Lenses are susceptible to pitting and fading over time. The easiest way to check is to put the lamps on and look at the lights up close from the side of the car. Check for any imperfections. Most can be cured with headlamp polishing but some will require replacement lamps. Front Suspension Squeaks – Top Mounts Front suspension squeaks were another common issue on early models, these were usually cured with top mount replacements but were reportedly not a complete remedy. Listen out for any squeaks on your test drive. Fuel Flap Actuator Failure Finally, the fuel flap actuator is still a common issue on the Golf. The previous generations suffered with actuator failure and so does the Mk7. However, unlike previous generations, there is no internal emergency release. So, check the fuel flap engages and disengages correctly. Replacement parts are inexpensive and easy to change but opening fuel flaps that are stuck can be difficult. What to Look For The following section will be quite opinionated with a view to give you advice. Take it with a pinch of salt, everyone is different and each of you will have your own tastes and requirements. When I was looking for a car to buy these are the considerations I made, the choices I went with and the reason for those choices. Performance Pack Let’s start with the Performance Pack. This was a must for me. I enjoy driving and consider anything over 200hp to be a lot for a front-wheel-drive car. Compounded by a lot of torque from the turbocharged engine means a differential that can handle proper power delivery and minimise understeer is almost a necessity. The bigger brakes and extra 10ps of power were just a bonus. I think most people in the market for a GTI will be people who enjoy driving, so the performance pack will be favoured by this demographic. As such this could also help with residual values. Performance Pack models were definitely more expensive than those without. The simple giveaway is to look for the GTI logo on the front brake caliper. Non-PP models do not have this logo. Manual or DSG The Manual or DSG argument was settled for me purely by wanting to be more engaged during my driving experience. I deliberated over the options but this video and my dislike of DSG flatulence really helped drive my decision for choosing the manual. The DSG options were roughly £1,000 more than manuals but this is testament to the higher residual value on DSG models and the fact they’re more sought after. It’s worth mentioning that the manual gear ratios are very long. Using all the revs, you won’t need much more than third gear. The DSG is a little friendlier in this regard. Three or Five Doors? Three doors or five? The answer to this question for me was two-fold – convenience and storage. More often than not I’ll be carrying camera gear whilst we’re out on shoots. The boot is big enough but sometimes I need the extra space in the back seats with ease of access from the doors. I don’t often have people in my car so while the back seats don’t get used for people much, they’re definitely useful for equipment. The second factor, again, is the residual value. Five-door models are more expensive purely for their convenience. We mustn’t forget this is still a family-friendly hatchback underneath all the GTI cladding. However, this Mk7 will be the last Golf offered as a three-door, the Mk8 has no three-door option. And let’s face it, three doors just look better don’t they! Standard audio or Dynaudio Standard audio or Dynaudio wasn’t a big requirement for me. Regardless of what car I bought I knew I’d be upgrading either way. I love music and consider myself to be an audiophile. The standard audio system, in true VW fashion, is pretty good. However, if you’re not planning to spend more on audio upgrades and still want an improved audio experience then the 400 Watt 9 Speaker Dynaudio system will be the one for you. Check for the silver surrounds around the tweeters on the A-pillar and Rear doors as a telltale sign when looking through adverts. The Dynaudio system also utilises a hidden subwoofer located in the spare wheel, this is another giveaway if the pictures are available or when you’re physically looking at a car. Dynamic Chassis Control Dynamic Chassis Control will give you adaptive damping in your car. This will give you progressively stiffer damping as you go through the Comfort, Normal and Sport mode. This wasn’t a key consideration for me, higher mileage cars will inevitably need replacement units and DCC units will be considerably more than conventional units. So I opted for the latter and I am completely happy with the ride and feel. Unless stated, it is not obvious to see if a car has DCC or not. The easiest way to check it to press the driving “mode” button left of the gear lever. If DCC is fitted the screen will display “DCC Driving mode” as opposed to just “Driving Mode”. Park and Lane Assist Park and Lane Assist is available as an optional extra. Again, I was not too fussed about having this since I’ve never used it in all of the cars I’ve ever driven with it fitted, aside from showing off the system (sometimes badly) to other people. However, if you think it would be of use to you then the system works exceptionally well in the Golf. Look for the Park Assist button next to the right of the gear lever to see if the car has it fitted. Lane Assist will help keep your car between the lines when you’re driving along but this is by no means an automated driving system and you should remain in control of the vehicle at all times. Look for the additional sensors on the sides of the front bumper just in front of the wheel. Keyless or Normal Key The consideration for this should be heavily focused on how safe your vehicle will be when parked. Keyless theft is far too common nowadays and did not warrant the added convenience a keyless system brings. I opted for a normal key as an additional safety measure. Adaptive Cruise Control Adaptive Cruise Control seemed to be ticked as an option more often than not. All models came with cruise control but the adaptive system uses a forward-facing radar to control speed on your behalf. The telltale giveaway is the square-shaped hole in the lower grille on the front bumper which surrounds the visible radar. Reverse Camera The Reverse Camera is not often found on the Mk7 but it was available as an extra. The simplest way to check is to pop it into reverse and see if the visual appears. If it doesn’t have it and you want one then it is quite easily available and can be retrofitted without difficulty. Some coding will be required though. Wheel Sizes What size wheels? Whilst I think the 19” wheel suit the visuals of the Mk7, if I was buying again, I’d probably opt for the 18s. I have a spare set of 18” wheels from my old car which were on the GTI temporarily. Coupled with the factory fit 225/40/18 tyres makes for a greater all-round driving feel. It isn’t as harsh and is more compliant during normal use but you definitely will notice the difference when you begin to push on. In this scenario, the 19” package is better at the sacrifice of some normal ride comfort. App-Connect – Apple Carplay or Android Auto Up until 2015, most cars did not have Apple Carplay or Android Auto. These vehicles were also fitted with VW groups cumbersome MDI connections. They use a proprietary cable and connection to allow you to connect your media device to the factory unit. Later models came with a USB/Aux connection in the cubby in front of the gear lever but not all had Carplay or Android Auto enabled. This can be done at a cost afterwards if needed so long as the hardware installed is the correct level. A simple way to check would be to connect your phone and see what options become available to you, otherwise look for the “App-Connect” in the menu. Boost Gauge Further to the App Connect is the availability of a Boost Gauge built in to the factory Unit. All 2016MY cars had the hardware, but not all had the function available. Some coding would be required to enable it via software like VCDS or OBDEleven. Anything built before 2016 seems to refer to “build week 45” in reference to whether the car had the hardware for it or not. In most cases this was limited to 2015MY cars only. Special Editions Prior to the facelift VW released the Edition 40 Clubsport model. The car was equipped with a number of changes, the most obvious of which were new bumpers, a larger rear spoiler, different wheels and 265ps instead of the standard 220ps. A track focused Clubsport S with 310ps was also released but these were sold in small numbers. A TCR model was released on the facelifted Mk7.5 model. If you think there is anything more to add to the list, send me an email at [email protected] or add a comment below! GTI Alternatives If the GTI isn’t quite the car for you then there are a few alternatives that can be considered. Golf R If you’re after something with much more performance then the Golf R with its 300ps and all-wheel-drive system is a massive step forwards in performance. The car is offered with most of the same options as the GTI aside from some trim differences and no option for the VAQ differential in favour of its Haldex all-wheel-drive system. The R comes with a silver accent on the grill and in the lights in favour of the Red accent seen on the GTI. Golf GTE If you want more economy and low tax costs then these options come in two forms. The first being the Golf GTE. The GTE houses a 1.4-litre turbocharged hybrid engine producing 204ps but is a noticeable 200kg heavier. That being said its quoted to achieve 168mpg when in full hybrid mode, which will only be as long as the battery lasts for. The car is also exclusively available with an automatic DSG gearbox only. Again, the GTE has a blue accent in the headlights and on the grill in favour of the Red accent on the GTI. Golf GTD If you want a good blend of performance and economy then the GTD will be the one for you. 184ps with 380nm of torque capable of 67mpg. This will comfortably handle long motorway journeys but still be fun on a good B road. As per the GTI and Golf R, the GTD comes with a very similar list of options but you won’t find a VAQ differential on the diesel. Golf GTI MK6 A final option but still within the GTI camp is the Mk6 Golf GTI. Check out everything we have to say about it in our Mk6 Golf GTI Buyers Guide. Other Information Original VW Mk7 Golf Brochure Parkers – Facts and Figures for all GTI Model Variants All the specs are good. What about Volkswagen Jetta’s led? And how to Upgrade Volkswagen Jetta’s visibility and style?
The Cosmological Argument (TCA) is the first argument in Swinburne’s inductive case for the existence of God. The arguments are presented in a specific order, each argument adding one more contingent fact (or specific set of contingent facts) to the facts presented in the premises of the previous arguments. Since TCA is the first argument, it is presented against a background of ZERO contingent factual claims or assumptions. On Swinburne’s approach, we literally start from scratch. The ONLY information to be considered in thinking about TCA is the premise of TCA (i.e. “A complex physical universe exists”) and a priori facts (e.g. ‘2 + 2 = 4’ and ‘All triangles have three sides’ and ‘If it is the case that either P is true or Q is true, and P is not the case, then Q is the case’). This reminds me of Social Contract theory in ethics. In Social Contract theory, we are to imagine ourselves living in a time before there were any laws or rules of morality. This is called ‘a state of nature’. Presumably, in a state of nature, prior to the existence of any laws or moral rules, people would do whatever they wanted in order to obtain whatever they wanted or needed. People would take food, clothing, tools, weapons, gold, etc. from others by violent means, or by threats of violence, by coercion, or by means of lying and deception. Life in a state of nature would be nasty, brutish, and short. In such violent and dangerous circumstances, we are to imagine that some clever person comes up with the idea of establishing laws, rights, and rules of morality. In a state of nature, the idea of civil society would seem very appealing. One might well give up the advantages involved with being able to kill and threaten and deceive others in exchange for others giving up such methods and means as well. In other words, laws and moral rules have significant benefits that appear to outweigh the cost of giving up certain behaviors (killing, stealing, threats of violence, coercion, lying, etc.). In Swinburne’s approach to the question ‘Does God exist?’ we are supposed to put ourselves imaginatively into a state of ignorance, into an epistemological state of having ZERO knowledge of contingent facts. The ONLY thing we begin with is our tautological knowledge, a priori knowledge that is not based on observation or experience. It is in this state of ignorance that we are to consider TCA, which provides us with just one single contingent fact: 1. A complex physical universe exists (for a period of time). The question at issue, according to Swinburne, is whether the addition of this ONE contingent fact increases the probability that God exists, relative to the imaginary circumstance in which we have ZERO knowledge of contingent facts. In considering this one contingent fact, namely the premise of TCA, we are not to make use of background knowledge that includes other contingent factual claims or assumptions. Swinburne, for example, sets aside an objection from the skeptic David Hume on this basis: In the Dialogues Hume suggested that polytheism was at least as good an explanation of the existence of the universe as is theism… He claims, however, that…although the supposition that there is one cause is as such a simpler supposition than the supposition that there are many, in postulating many gods of limited powers to be responsible for the order of the universe we are postulating gods more similar to humans in their power and knowledge than is the God of monotheism–that is, we are putting forward a hypothesis that fits in better with our background knowledge of what there is in the world. But whether this latter point has any force depends on just how we construe the argument. In putting forward the cosmological argument, I have assumed that we have no contingent background knowledge (we have mere “tautological” knowledge) and are therefore looking only for the simplest explanation of the data. (EOG, p.145-146) Swinburne’s reply to Hume’s objection that the existence (and order) of the physical universe can be explained equally well by polytheism as it can be explained by monotheism is that the strength of this objection rests upon contingent background knowledge other than the contingent fact asserted as the premise of TCA. Such additional contingent background facts are not allowed into consideration when evaluating TCA, because we are to confine ourselves to a state of ignorance in which we imagine knowing just ONE contingent fact: a complex physical universe exists. But if an objection against TCA from Hume can be set aside because it draws upon some contingent background knowledge, then the same groundrule applies to Swinburne’s attempts to support and defend TCA. He cannot draw upon any contingent factual claims or assumptions, other than the factual premise of TCA. In the previous post, however, we saw that in Paragraph 3 of Chapter 7 of EOG, Swinburne draws upon various contingent factual claims and assumptions that go well beyond the premise of TCA. Specifically, Swinburne draws upon background knowledge concerning the existence and history of physical cosmology and physical anthropology. So, it seems clear to me that in Paragraph 3, Swinburne violates his own groundrule concerning the evaluation of TCA. However, although I’m convinced that Swinburne messed up here, and that he violated his own groundrule by making use of contingent factual claims other than the factual premise of TCA in defending the inference made in TCA, my objection fails to inflict serious damage, at least in this particular instance. To see my point, it might be helpful to recall Descartes evil genius hypothesis: suppose that all of your so-called knowledge about physical cosmology and physical anthropology was NOT based on actual observations and experiences of actual planets, actual stars, actual animals, and actual human beings. Suppose that all of your contingent factual knowledge concerning physical cosmology and physical anthropology was based upon illusions and deceptions of an all-powerful but evil god. This god is able to make it seem as though you have seen, touched, and conversed with other people, with other human beings, but all of these experiences were simply in your mind, created by a powerful and deceptive god, and that there are in fact no other human beings in existence. Perhaps you yourself are not a human being, but are simply a disembodied mind, a mind that is being manipulated by an evil and deceptive god. This Cartesian scenario strips away most of our ordinary contingent factual knowledge. On this scenario, I have never seen the moon. I have never seen any stars. I have never looked through a telescope. I have never seen or spoken with another human being. I have never conducted an actual scientific experiment, nor have I ever read an actual science textbook or article from a scientific journal. Nevertheless, it seems to me that Swinburne could still make a good reply to Hume’s objection, even if I imagine myself to be in such a state of ignorance. Physical cosmology and physical anthropology still make sense in the evil god scenario. Although I might have no way of knowing whether there is in fact a moon, or stars, or galaxies, or animals, or human beings, the scientific views contained in physical cosmology and physical anthropology are logical and hold together on the assumption that my experiences and observations correspond to reality. If I don’t know whether or not there is an evil god who is deceiving me, who is creating sensations and experiences in my mind that have little or no relationship to reality, then I don’t know whether to believe my senses and observations to be accurate and reliable. But, IF my sensations, observations, and experiences did correspond with reality, then physical cosmology and physical anthropology would be true, or at least would contain a great deal of justifiable contingent factual claims and assumptions. Such a hypothetical conclusion is all that Swinburne needs. He does not really need the stronger conclusion that physical cosmology and physical anthropology have produced numerous true or justifiable contingent factual claims and assumption about the origin and development of our universe and the human species. Rather, he just needs to show that this is so ON THE HYPOTHESIS that our sensations, observations, and experiences correspond to reality. It is enough for him to establish such a hypothetical claim, which does not require that he establish any actual contingent factual claims. He does not need to show that physical cosmology or physical anthropology make true claims or even that they make justifiable claims. He only needs to show that they could, under certain hypothetical conditions, make justifiable claims about the origin and development of the universe or the human species. That would be sufficient to show that there being only one universe (or only one universe that we know about) does not rule out the possibility of knowing about the the origins and development of that one universe. The same goes for the possibility of knowledge about the origin and development of the human species, despite the alleged uniqueness of humans. ======================= Update (3/18/14): The evil god hypothesis does not fully eliminate the appeal to contingent factual claims, so the above reply to my objection does not work as it stands. That is because sensations and experiences, even for a disembodied mind (or brain in a vat, or a person stuck in the Matrix) still constitute contingent facts. That I have a pain right now which seems to be in my right hand is a contingent fact about my current sensations and experiences, even if I don’t know whether or not I actually have a right hand. But I think the reply can be made even more hypothetical, and thus avoid making any assumptions of a contingent factual nature: If whenever I appear to see a needle stuck into my right arm I were to feel a pain which seemed to be in my right arm, I could justifiably infer that the sticking of the needle into my arm was probably causing the pain, if my sensations and experiences corresponded to actual physical events/reality. This reasoning is doubly hypothetical. Instead of reporting an actual sensation or experience, it speaks of possible sensations and experiences occurring in a certain temporal order, and it speaks of a justifiable inference from those hypothetical experiences, but only on the hypothetical assumption that the sensations/experiences correspond to physical reality. Similar reasoning could be put forward concerning the apparent origins of our universe and of the human species. Of course spelling this out in detail would be very cumbersome, but I see no reason to think it could not be done. So, although the evil god hypothesis does not, by itself, provide a sufficient reply to my objection, by appealing to hypothetical, as opposed to actual, experiences and sensations one can show that it is possible to justify conclusions about the origin of our universe and our species even assuming that there was only one universe and only one species of human-like animals.
Telegraph Academy About About Telegraph Academy is a software engineering career accelerator based out of Oakland for people of color underrepresented in tech. It was one of the first schools to launch as a part of the White House’s Tech Hire Initiative. Telegraph Academy’s curriculum was developed in partnership with Hack Reactor; and its full-time, 12-week immersive program focuses on JavaScript and related technologies. The immersive program is split into 6 weeks of technology learning and 6 weeks of project building. Telegraph Academy also runs Telegraph Prep+, a part-time prep class that is the first step towards getting into the full-time immersive program. Telegraph Prep+, which teaches the fundamentals of JavaScript and prepares students for Telegraph Academy’s admissions process, is delivered onsite and online via livestream. Recent Telegraph Academy News - Hack Reactor + MakerSquare Rebrand: Everything You Need to Know - Coding Bootcamp Prep Programs: The Ultimate Guide - Racial Diversity in Coding Bootcamps: 7 Takeaways Recent Telegraph Academy Reviews: Rating 4.23 Courses Reviews Telegraph Academy Reviews 48 reviews sorted by: Filtered by: Hey there! As of 11/1/16 Telegraph Academy is now Hack Reactor. If you graduated from Telegraph Academy prior to October 2016, Please leave your review for Telegraph Academy. gone through the prep program, I decided against moving forward with TGA mainly because the assignments had many bugs and were always thrown together at the last minute. It seems like TGA in general runs like this as they try to make an asset on their website... "We may be small, but we're scrappy and nimble. We use student input to constantly improve our curriculum and processes. Students who come to Telegraph Academy are excited about getting in on the ground floor of a movement and want to contribute to an organization that is constantly fine-tuning itself." It feels like it is not fair that TGA is charging as much as Hack Reactor, which is a very solid program, despite the fact that they are still getting their sh*t together. And the fact that this program is supposed to help diversify tech yet costs so much seems to not make sense. I really do hope TGA does improve and invest in stronger teachers and more organized administrators because I do believe in their mission. many of the core instructors have no real software engineer experience (take a look at linkedin for yourself). new grads from the first cohort are now teaching the curriculum which is a travesty because they barely have a grasp on what's going on and you can tell with how they answer questions. i'm worried about the future of this school. i recommend going to another one of the hack reactor schools if your going to spend $18,000 until they hire people with real experience. Follow Up: I think having graduate acting as instructors is not necessarily a problem per se. Hack Reactor too employs graduates as lecturers. OTH, the lead instructor at HR is an experienced veteran software engineer who can step in and fill in the gaps when necessary. Telegraph Academy too can certainly benefit from the presence and leadership of an experienced lead instructor. I believe both of TA's co-founders have had industry experiences. It would be nice if they can be more involved in the teachings and trouble shootings. Follow Up: well let's take a look at the instructor's real world software engineer "experience" according to linkedin: preston = one month contract bianca = one to three month contracts albrey = none claire = none jameel = none they often have opinions of "well this is what the real world is like", but have they held any real world jobs? nope. if you want to go there, be my guest. they have a great mission, but don't have the staff needed to carry it out. there are better alternatives for this kind of money considering their job stats are the worse than hack reactor, remote beta, and makersquare. why just watch recorded lectures from hack reactor when you can go there Instructors seem to be a bit slow in helping us to de-bug. I feel that even though they'e just graduated, they're still don't have the full grasp. It makes me feel uncomfortable with that style of teaching. This review is for Telegraph Academy and not Telegraph Prep I am a Telegraph Academy alumni and currently Hacker in Residence. I searched nearly a year before settling on Telegraph Academy. This was one of the most challenging and amazing experiences of my life. If I had to guestimate, I probably averaged 13-15 hours of coding, everyday for 3 months. I had no room to think about anything else. The very bottom lines (for me): 1. VERY competitive (Hack Reactor Partner School), meaning this not a place for people who want to "tryout" software engineering to see if it's something they might like it. If you make through the admissions process, you're already a dev. They're going to give you the tools to slap on a turbo and supercharge yourself. You'll come out feeling like a rocket scientist who can solve, build or fix anything. 2. Amazing, diverse, group of people where nearly EVERYONE was represented and I was able to truly be myself which allowed me to really focus on my code. 3. While coding skills are important, being able to work with others is a MUST. You'll spend most of your time paring with others and working in teams. You won't believe it at first, but this takes your dev skills to the next level. 4. AMAZING support system and dev community. Tons of Hack Reactor support and here is this official info on the HR organization and where TGA fits in: Announcing… Hack Reactor Core 5. Top 3 of my best life decisions with no movement in sight. I got far more than what I paid for. Telegraph Academy was one of the most intense experiences of my life. I was pushed to the limit every single day for 12 weeks and can confidently say that I grew personally and professionally beyond my expectations. I chose TGA because the curriculum is the most challenging and I wanted to be around students driven enough to pass TGA's technical interview. Never before have I been surrounded by individuals as intelligent, hard-working, and caring as the students in my cohort. If you're considering enrolling, just know that you're going to be in good hands. The quality of instructors and curriculum are top notch and the entire staff cares about each student like family. I'm glad to be a part of the community TGA has built and I look forward to watching it grow in the future. It has been a challenging and tough 3 months. But well worth it in the end. Telegraph Academy has created a safe and inclusive environment for everyone to come and learn. It has prepared me with skills to enter the workforce with. They have helped me develop my coding skills as well as soft skills. A wonderful experience overall. <!--?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?--> One of the best decisions I've made for my career! TGA prepared me with the tools and best practices to jump right into software engineering. The focus on creating an inclusive space and pair-programming really set it apart from other spaces I've learned in and motivated me to continue pushing myself. I also enjoyed developing my soft-skills through presentiations and public speaking. While the team is nice enough, no one has any idea how to teach. They don't prepare logical lesson plans, they can't answer questions clearly and simply--newbies really don't stand a chance. Some students know what they're doing and, of course, they have to let you know it by asking really granular questions that don't edify anyone. I really, really wish I could be more positive because I really believe in the mission, but I was left feeling frustrated and disappointed. For all the "assistance" actually give you, you might as well go with Lynda.com Telegraph Academy--please get it together. This could be a really good program, but it needs quality instruction. I attended their livestream prep program. I didn't care for the instructor. To me it felt like they were moving very quickly and didn't press the students who had a thumbs-down or side-thumbs enough. Even without seeing the attendees it seemed the class was confused sometimes based on their silence and lack of comments/questions. Also there was an instance where someone was asking questions they should have learned from codeacademy, which was required before starting. That wasted time where someone else could have asked a question that was relevant to everyone. Also, livestreamers could not hear attendees (other than speaker) at all and speaker never repeated questions attendees gave so livestreamers had to guess the question based on the answer the speaker gave, which is subpar if you ask me. The livestream was a big let down. I only attended part 1 since there is no way I would pay anything more for their product (there are two portions: part 1 is the first two weeks). The people running the program act like they don't give two cents about the livestream members. The instructor isn't great and relies on referencing her experience at hack reactor as her merit. I'd suggest Hack Reactor look at their affiliation with a weak product like Telegraph Prep. I live-streamed and there were some pros and cons. First, let me begin by saying this is a Beta course. I think I was the 2nd class to go through this course. What they done so far is awesome. Pros: great structure, lecture material, setup, pace, pricing The classes are streamed via a conference room and we chat with the TA's and other students via the slack app. Each night we run through slides, then we have practice exercises that are assigned to reinforce what we just learned. The exercises are great and if you want, you can link up with another student to pair program. They give us plenty of resources to do so. I learned so much through the 4 weeks. There were lectures from students at hack reactor and some of the teachers are really really awesome. The classes almost always started on time and never ran over the alotted period. And for a class of this type, this is the cheapest one that I've found. They are really on the right path and doing something special. Telegraph Academy is new, but they are already enrolling students in the full bootcamp while running a prep course as well. I see good things for this school. Cons: Speed, feeling left out, sound At some times, the teacher or speaker just blasts through the slides. For example, one night the lecture was over in 20 mins...I thought this was a 3hr/day class?? For the live-streamers, you may have a tough time getting questions answered. The teachers don't see your questions so when they ask the class are there any questions, they usually aren't referring to live-streamers. The TA's are there to answer questions, but with so many students, it may take a while to get an answer which sucks because the lecture is still moving and you have no clue of what's going on. Also, after the lecture is over, you have to decide what to do next. The stream disconnects and you are to decide if you want to pair program, work on your own, or do nothing. No one checks the answers to the exercises so being self-sufficient will be important. So nothing is perfect and Telegraph Academy is aware and hopefully implementing changes. Overall, I had fun. I learned a lot and I met some cool peeps that I look forward to seeing in class in a few months. Am I fully prepared to tackle the interview? Only time will tell, but I feel like I learned more in 4 weeks than I could have taught my self in 3 months. Grateful and appreciative for what this team is doing, bringing code to anyone that wants to learn. I took the prep class and learned more in 4 weeks than I learned in 4 months on my own. JS is a big Octopus with many tenticles, they helped me focus on the relevent one's that moved me into functional programming on a HigherOrder. looking forward to joining this team in a learning exp at TGA. gratitude and thanks to this team for not judging and being there to teach all. not affiliated/only took prep so far. I did not get a good experience either in their PREP COURSE. I did the codecademy (Maybe that's not a hard work for some of the students ), but I thought their material are hard to understand. I did ask the mentor, but they don't explain it well. I am sorry, but I have to say this. this review is for telegraph prep (not to be confused with telegraph academy's 12 week immersive). telegraph prep is a 4 week course that teaches beginning and intermediate javascript fundamentals. the exercises given to us after each lecture were all very challenging. i struggled at times, but the staff, all hack reactor staff and alums, were always helpful. any time i asked for help, they were all more than happy to guide me in the right direction. programming can be intimidating, but they teach it in a way that makes sense to people without cs degrees and tech backgrounds. week 3 and 4 especially helped prepare me for the hack reactor/telegraph technical interview because i struggled understanding closures and callbacks before i took the course. after week 3, i had a much better understanding of how higher order functions worked. week 4 was spent working on our capstone project which involves making a game in which we had to use TONS of callbacks. if you're willing to work hard, you'll get a lot out of it because they've structured it for everyone to succeed. don't be afraid to ask for help and be willing to challenge yourself. thanks to preston, albrey, bianca and everyone else who put together such a great course and for all of the free coffee and snacks!! Everything about Telegraph Academy is first grade. The idea, the vision, and the people. I have gained termendously - a very informative month. Please keep it up, While I only took weeks 3 and 4, I found Telegraph Prep to be an excellent preparation for all of my coding interviews. I was not very proficient with higher order functions, callbacks, or the underscore library before the course, but I feel very good at all of those post-TP. The instructors were awesome, the curriculum covered exactly what I expected, and the entire atmosphere was fun and conducive to learning. Also, the capstone project was excellent practice in solidifying skills learned in the course. I do have to say that I attended in person and do not know how the livestream version is. But, from my experience, I would highly recommend TP to anyone wanting to become more proficient in functional JS. This a review for the Telegraph prep course, which is the 4-week long course designed to take beginner JavaScript coders to bootcamp ready coders. NOTE: This course assumes you have completed codecademy JavaScript course and does not teach you JavaScript from 0. Before Telegraph prep, I had taken the Hack Reactor weekend courses, which were amazing and intense, but I learned even more at my four weeks at Telegraph prep since the classes were spaced out and given that we had daily programming challenges assigned. The prep curriculum covers objects, arrays, data structures, ,looping, functions, and functional programming for the most part. Below is a rough schedule of what's covered, and it's likely to change over time, since Telegraph Academy constantly iterates upon feedback. Week 1 Monday: Objects Tuesday: Arrays Wednesday: Functions Thursday: Functions 2 Sunday: Study Day Week 2 Monday: Arrays + Objects (review) Tuesday: Functions + Functions 2 (review) Wednesday: Algorithms Thursday: Algorithms Sunday: Study Day Week 3 Tuesday: Scopes Wednesday: Closures Thursday: Callbacks/Higher Order Functions Friday: Underscore.js functional programming Sunday: Optional Study Day Week 4 Putting it All Together Monday: Capstone Project Tuesday: Capstone Project Wednesday: Capstone Project Thursday: Capstone Project Sunday: Optional Study Day Prior to taking the 4-week course, I had a been self-teaching myself for about 3 months on and off. I interviewed at Hack Reactor in Feb 2015 and didn't get in. After I finished the prep course, I interviewed with Telegraph Academy and I was interviewed by the same person who interviewed me at Hack Reactor! This time I felt very prepared and passed the interview though. All of this to say that, Telegraph Academy does not skip corners and they hold themselves to the same high standards as Hack Reactor. To the person who left a the first bad review, I had a completely opposite experience from you. Before coming to the prep course, you don't need to comeplete any coderbyte problems - I didn't - but they wouldn't hurt. I thought the slides were great. If you don't understand something, it's up to you to let the instructors know that you need help. If your nervous don't be - everyone is here to learn. When I didn't understand something I would ask if another example problem could be provided. I will say that on somedays we did have guest lecturers who weren't so great, but everyone was courteous, open to questions, and very open minded. Frankly, you get what you put into this course . You need to WORK HARD, ask questions, study outside of class CONSISTENTLY, keep failing quickly, learning from your missteps and getting up again. Also Telegraph prep is the most diverse coding space I have ever been to, which is freaking amazing. I had classmates from all walks of life and backgrounds, so my experience was also enhanced by my peers. I attended the Telegraph Academy prep school last month. -. Bunch confusing slides about Object, Array and Function syntax. They give you the answer (console.log), but less explanation of why? Then they moved to another page. On and on and on....fas! -. The mentor thinks that you are an expert on JS basic, since you have to do the JS path from Codecademy before you go there. In fact, you should do the Coderbyte (easy challenge) and understand it clearly before you go to this prep school. -. There's no app building session (I am not expecting it either anyway), pure Javascript syntaxes. So that make it worse to me. It's like walking in the dark. I have more understanding by learning from google or, asking other people who are a working programmer outside the session. Then I can understand those slides. -. Students were NOT that friendly. I didn't go there to make a friend. But, you have to do some works as a pair. Some of the students won't share you the answer when you don't understand. Just like there was a competition (Maybe they thought it was a race to get a trophy or a Job). Like they were afraid if somebody will take their chance away to be the next Mark Zuckerberg. -. One of their TA's, did not know there is a method called .push in Js. He said "Think about this: is it possible to push a table that not exist or has been defined before?". Omg, that method was taught by the mentor like 30 minutes ago. It confused me, big time. He was trying to convince me of something that he doesn't know. Why don't just say: "I am sorry, I don't know". And "Shut-Up". -. Most ( Did I said most? ) of the mentors were very NICE (They were nice, tho). They might be good in JS, but they were NOT good enough explaining. They are not teachers (I assume, most of them were students from Hack Reactor). In my experience, it was only one time that I have a good mentor who understand how to teach. And I don't think he graduated from HR. -. The learning situation has made me afraid to ask a question and feel stupid. It's very hard to ask questions when you are nervous. Like I don't deserve to understand JS. -. I just feel that place is like a poser, instead of a coder's. Wait, If somebody get a greatjob as coder, why does he or she is still have time running a course? I am done bitching. It did not work for me. What a waste of time and money. P.S.: One more thing, it's very very very ( Did I triple it? ) hard to communicate with them. Maybe because they are too smart and too busy. If you critize this comment, that means you work for them. This is my experience, you should tell your own experience. You have no right to tell me if what I feel and think is right or wrong. Ok, so this review is for the prep course. I must say I have came a longggggggggg way. I can now read Javascript and understad what is going on in which I could not do before prep. JS was like Mandarin to me. I do come from a tech background with no coding experience except for CodeAcademy and CodeAvengers. The founders Albrey and Bianca are super supportive and really care. The environment is more familial than just a coding sweatshop. Everyone collaborates and have fun while coding. They really push you to be the best YOU and there is no competition as we all help one another get to an understanding of the material. The teachers assistants are so amazing. The way that they help you narrow down how to get to the answer by not giving you the answer is frustratingly beautiful. You will have a lot of "duh" moments along with "ah-ha" moments. I can honestly say that the prep course will prepare you for any technical interview however, it is also about what you put into it. It is intense and gives you a glimpse of what the 3 month immersive program is like. Through the prep course we have actually built apps which is something I am very proud of. I highly recommend this prep course to anyone. They offer the course every month as well as an online streaming course for those who are not near the East Bay. I suggest before attending or applying for any bootcamp, do the entire Code Academy JS track, Code Avengers and Codeschool unless you will struggle. The prep course skips the basics so you must be prepared. I do not regret investing in the course at all. I met a lot of people who I have bonded with and I am officially apart of a community who cares about my success as a software engineer. Telegraph Academy is a beast and what the program offers is supreme. I would say check it out and go for it. Oh yeah Preston is freaking one of the best instructors ever!!! Telegraph Academy provides an amazing student-to-teacher ratio, so each student gets lots of individual attention and support. They have great curriculum they share with Hack Reactor, and excellent instructors. Everyone believes passionately in Telegraph Academy's mission to get more people from underrepresented group (women, people of color, queer, etc) into the tech industry, which creates a strong send of community. If I could do it over I would have just attended Hack Reactor. I'll start by saying that I am now an employed software engineer. However, this a review of the school and not my own personal outcomes. The cost of attendance is the same as hack reactor, but this equal cost does not equate to equal quality. Since it labels itself as the premier coding bootcamp for people of color and underrepresented groups, it seems as though it also lowers the standards of admission if you fit into one of those profiles. As it stands, the job placement rate is abysmal and the salaries of the few that do have jobs are considerably less than Hack Reactor graduates. I don't know a single graduate who commanded a six figure salary that was also a minority or member of the lgbtq community. All the people who have written highly rated reviews either drink the kool aid or ended up employed by the school, and have all quit once they were no longer jaded by the false sense of community being around people belonging to other under represented with the same prospects of becoming a software engineer. With the exception of Marc, there isn't a single instructor present who has had any experience in the field that they are teaching outside of a few month to month contract gigs. Just another copycat bootcamp trying to target a new demographic. Don't forget that this is a for-profit business, forget the happy-go-lucky attitude and mission of diversifying tech. They want your $20,000 and I could have spent mine wiser. TLDR Cost is equal to Hack Reactor, educational quality is not Weak job placement and salaries Inexperienced instructors Predatory business model Response From: Albrey Brown of Telegraph Academy - Albrey Brown, Cofounder of Telegraph Academy News News Our latest on Telegraph Academy
Patent application title: INTRAVENOUS ACCESS SAFETY DEVICE Inventors: Thomas S. Petry (Lafayette, IN, US)-09-18 Patent application number: 20080228172 Patent application title: INTRAVENOUS ACCESS SAFETY DEVICE Inventors: Thomas S. Petry Agents: BINGHAM MCHALE LLP Assignees: Origin: INDIANAPOLIS, IN US IPC8 Class: AA61M2518FI USPC Class: 604533 Abstract:. Claims: 1. A safety intravenous (IV) connector assembly comprising:a Y-junction member including a syringe arm portion, a catheter portion, a fluid-impermeable membrane arranged across an inner diameter of the syringe arm portion, and an IV connector arm portion angularly offset from the syringe arm portion; anda syringe assembly includinga tube member having a distal end and a plunger end,a plunger situated within the tube member,lugs, anda hypodermic needle affixed to the distal end of the plunger, the needle having a distal end and a proximal end, and the proximal end of the needle having one or more openings formed therein;wherein the proximal end of the needle is fixed to the plunger,the syringe assembly is removably attached to the Y-junction member,the plunger reciprocates within the tube member over a range of positions that allows the entire needle to be withdrawn into the tube member, andwhen the entire needle is withdrawn into the tube member, the lugs move from a first position to a second position, whereinwhen the lugs are in the first position, the plunger reciprocates freely, andwhen the lugs are in the second position, the plunger is prevented from moving toward the distal end of the tube member. 2. The assembly of claim 1, wherein the lugs are integrally formed with the plunger. 3. The assembly of claim 1, wherein the IV connector arm portion of the Y-junction member includes a threaded end with a valve that is automatically mechanically opened when a mating IV tube connector is removably attached to the threaded end. 4. The assembly of claim 1:further comprising a strip of adhesive tape with a removable backing strip that covers a first end and a second end of the strip of adhesive tape, but not a central portion of the adhesive tape;wherein the central portion is attached to the outside of the Y-junction member. 5. The assembly of claim 4, wherein the central portion adheres to the outside of the Y-junction member with the same adhesive that exists on the first end and the second end of the adhesive tape. 6. The assembly of claim 4, wherein the first end and the second end of the strip of adhesive tape are wrapped around the Y-junction member and wrapped by a removable cover. Description: REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001]This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Applications 60/894,950, filed Mar. 15, 2007, and 60/914,330, filed Apr. 27, 2007, both with title INTRAVENOUS ACCESS SAFETY DEVICE, the disclosures of which are hereby incorporated by reference. FIELD [0002]The present disclosure relates generally to an intravenous safety device, and more particularly relates to a device that provides intravenous access to a patient without the risk of needle stick and without blatant blood exposure. SUMMARY [0003]Intravenous ("IV") catheters are commonly used in medical settings to provide fluid replacement, nourishment, and a port for medication administration to a patient. Such catheters commonly consist of a hollow plastic tube that is inserted into the patient's vein with the assistance of a sharp, hollow, beveled needle that is inserted into the plastic IV catheter. In use, the healthcare worker locates the patient's vein, punctures the skin and cannulates the vein. The needle is then withdrawn from the catheter and an IV fluid line is connected to the catheter. [0004]There are several difficulties with this procedure. First, when the needle is withdrawn from the catheter, blood flows freely out onto the patient's skin and onto the health worker's hands. Second, the needle itself must be disposed of to avoid the potential of a needle stick occurring. However, the healthcare worker is occupied with connecting the IV quickly to avoid unnecessary blood loss through the catheter and therefore often places the needle temporarily on the patient's bed or bedside table, where it can get lost or accidentally puncture either the patient or the healthcare worker. It is important to not only prevent blood or fluid leakage after the needle is withdrawn, but also to provide for safe needle encapsulation and ultimate disposal. [0005]Preventing exposure to blood and blood products is critical because of the possibility that the healthcare worker may be exposed to diseases such as Hepatitis and H.I.V. Multiple devices have been developed in an attempt to minimize this risk. Most deal with the potential for needle sticks by providing various means of encapsulating the needle after IV access is obtained. Several provide either automatic needle withdrawal, such as U.S. Pat. No. 6,547,762, or semiautomatic devices such as U.S. Pat. No. 4,747,831. One disadvantage of these devices is the inability to readjust the catheter if it accidentally dislodges from inside the vein while the needle is being retracted, which is a common occurrence. In these prior art devices the venous catheter cannot be advanced into the vein until the needle is retracted, commonly resulting in a failed vein cannulation. This then requires removal of the catheter and initiating the entire procedure over again, including another unnecessary needle stick to the patient. Other manual devices for encapsulating the needle are often cumbersome or difficult to use, as they make identifying venous access difficult or are unwieldy to operate because of their size or design. [0006]The problem of backflow of blood through the catheter has not been addressed as frequently. While some attempts have been made to prevent blood or fluid leakage after the needle is withdrawn, such attempts have not provided for safe needle encapsulation and ultimate disposal. [0007]It would be desirable to have an IV catheter assembly that satisfies the need for easy medication delivery without disrupting the administration of the IV fluid delivery. Multiple "Y" adapters exist, such as U.S. Pat. No. 6,221,065, which can be attached to the IV catheter once it is inserted into the vein. However, these often unduly restrict the flow of fluid through them by their design, and do not allow for "wide open" administration of fluids as is often required in emergency situations. [0008]It would be desirable to have a device that provides for safe encapsulation of the needle after venous access is obtained, and allows for readjustment of the needle and catheter if necessary to gain optimal cannulation prior to said encapsulation. It would also be desirable if such a device also prevented blatant blood exposure by preventing backflow of blood after the needle is removed from the catheter. It would be further desirable if such a device also provided dual access to the circulatory system in the form of a closed connection with IV fluids and a second port which allowed administration of medications without disrupting the flow of said IV fluids. It would also be desirable if the withdrawal of the needle from the catheter could be accomplished by the medical professional without the use of both hands. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0009]FIG. 1 is a side perspective view of a first embodiment of the present technology. [0010]FIG. 2 is an enlarged perspective view of the first embodiment, as shown in FIG. 1. [0011]FIG. 3 is another enlarged perspective view of the first embodiment, as shown in FIG. 1. [0012]FIG. 4 is an enlarged perspective view of the first embodiment, as shown in FIG. 1, showing the needle permeating both the syringe assembly membrane and the membrane of the syringe arm of the connector assembly. [0013]FIG. 5 is a side view of an alternative embodiment that allows one-handed operation. [0014]FIG. 6 is an enlarged perspective view of the alternative embodiment, as shown in FIG. 5. [0015]FIG. 7 is an end view of the alternative embodiment, as viewed from the right side of FIG. 5. [0016]FIG. 8 is an end view of the alternative embodiment, as shown in FIG. 5, showing the relationship between the hollow tube and outer sleeve in isolation. [0017]FIG. 9 is a cross-sectional view of a syringe arm and adhesive bandage according to a second alternative embodiment. [0018]FIG. 10 is a perspective view of a syringe arm and adhesive bandage according to the second alternative embodiment. [0019]FIG. 11 is a plan view of a syringe and adhesive bandage according to the second alternative embodiment. [0020]FIG. 12 is another plan view of a syringe and adhesive bandage as secured to a patient according to the second alternative embodiment. DESCRIPTION [0021]For the purposes of promoting an understanding of the principles of the technology and presenting its currently understood best mode of operation, reference will now be made to the embodiments illustrated in the drawings and specific language will be used to describe the same. It will nevertheless be understood that no limitation of the scope of the disclosure or claims is thereby intended, with such alterations and further modifications in the illustrated device and such further applications of the principles of the technology as illustrated therein being contemplated as would normally occur to one skilled in the art to which the disclosure relates. [0022]A first embodiment of the present technology presents a device that provides intravenous access to a patient without the risk of needle stick and without blatant blood exposure. As shown in FIGS. 1-4, the present disclosure includes a modified intravenous ("IV") Y-junction 10 including a syringe arm portion 20, a catheter portion 30 arranged in opposing alignment with the syringe arm 20, a fluid-impermeable membrane 25 arranged internally of the syringe arm 20 opposite the catheter end 30, and an intravenous IV connector arm portion 40. The IV connector arm 40 is offset preferably at approximately 45 to 60 degrees from the syringe arm 20, though other embodiments have greater or lesser angles between the two arms. Syringe arm 20 is further provided with external threads 28 for mating with a syringe assembly 100. The Y-junction 10 could also be mated with syringe apparatuses currently available in the industry. [0023]As shown in FIGS. 1 and 3, syringe assembly 100 comprises a syringe tube 110 having a distal end 110a and a plunger end 110b, a syringe plunger 120 that reciprocates back and forth its distal end 130a and into the internal volume of the syringe tube 110 when the plunger 120 is withdrawn or moved in the direction of reference arrow "a." As shown in FIG.24]In use, the catheter 30 is connected to a patient through the following means. The distal end 110a of syringe 110 is threadably mated with the syringe arm portion 20 of IV Y-junction 10 by means of mated threads 28 and 118 (see FIG. 4). The syringe assembly 100 is packaged with the plunger 120 fully inserted into the syringe tube 110 wherein the needle 130 is positioned forward in the direction of reference arrow "b" and the needle 130 has penetrated the fluid-impermeable membrane 140 and, secondly, the membrane 25 of the syringe arm 120, extending entirely through catheter 30, at which point its distal end 130a extends beyond the distal end 30a of catheter 30. Thus, when the syringe assembly is ready for use, the plunger 120 carrying the needle 130 is positioned as shown in FIG. 1. The needle 130 is inserted into the patient's vein by a medical professional by conventional method. [0025]Once the needle 130 is properly located intravenously, the plunger 120 is withdrawn or moved in the direction of reference arrow "a," thereby leaving catheter 30 positioned within the patient's vein and allowing body fluid from the patient to pass through the catheter 30 and into the interior volume of the Y-shaped junction 10. Any fluid passing through the needle 130 escapes through the opening 135 at the base of the needle into the interior volume of the syringe tube 110. [0026]When the plunger is fully withdrawn, irreversible locking means 150 deploy to prevent the plunger 120 from re-entering the syringe tube 110 (that is, moving in the direction of reference arrow "b"). The locking means 150 do not deploy until the plunger 120 is fully retracted, generally following use by the medical professional. The locking means 150 may take a variety of forms and various suitable means are known in the art. In one embodiment, means 150 are defined by locking lugs or abutments extending radially outwardly from the long axis of the plunger 120. As noted above, during the manufacture and packaging of syringe assembly 100, plunger 120 is positioned within the syringe tube 110 whereby locking lugs 150 have been deflected in order for the syringe plunger 120 to be inserted within the tube 110. Once the plunger 120 is withdrawn to its maximum retracted position while still positioned within tube 110, and locking lugs 150 have cleared proximal end 110b of tube 110, lugs 150 rebound or flex back to their original radially outwardly extending posture as shown in FIG. 4. In this position locking lugs 150 prevent plunger 120 from being pushed back into tube 110 in the direction of reference arrow "b," which would result in the distal end 130a of needle 130 re-penetrating membrane 140 and extending outside of the assembly 100, which would present a needle prick hazard. As shown in FIG. 5, an inner lip 117 inside the plunger end 110b of the tube 110 prevents the plunger 120 from separating from the tube 110. [0027]Once the cannulation procedure has been completed, the needle 130 and plunger 120 have been withdrawn from the Y-junction device 10 and the syringe assembly 100 has been disconnected from device 10, the syringe assembly 100 is ready for proper disposal as medical (sharps) waste, wherein the needle 130 is captured within tube 110 to prevent inadvertent needle pricks. [0028]While not shown in FIG. 3, the plunger 120 reciprocates within the syringe tube 110 in a fluid-tight fashion such that no liquid is able to escape from the interior volume of tube 110. [0029]After the above steps are completed, the IV junction device 10 is at that point connected to the patient intravenously, while no IV tubing has yet been connected to the device 10. Referring now to FIGS. 1 and 2, IV tubing 50 can then be connected to the device 10 at IV connector arm 40 via a connector assembly 60, which comprises the IV connector arm 40 of device 10 and a male IV tubing connector 115 affixed to tubing 50. As shown more clearly in FIG. 2, the IV connector arm 40 is provided with an axial cavity 42 with a lower annular rim 43. Cavity 42 is further provided with internal threads 44 provided therein for threadably receiving tubing connector 115. The IV connector arm 40 also includes a liquid-impermeable seal 70 that is biased against the lower surface of rim 43 by a spring-biased device 80 held inside a cylindrical basket-style structure 90 affixed to the underside of the rim 43. The basket 90 has a solid bottom 92 but is open on its sides, and is affixed to the annular rim 43 by a series of thin vertical rails 100. [0030]As noted, IV tubing 50 has a connector 115 that mates with the arm 40 of Y-junction device 10. Tubing connector 115 has a similar basket structure 111 that is received within axial cavity 42 of arm 40 and eventually within the basket 90 of the arm 40 in a manner that will be described further below. The IV tubing basket 111 has a solid bottom 210 that is connected to an upper portion 212 by a series of thin vertical rail members 214, but does not involve a seal and bias mechanism such as basket 90 of arm 40 does. Upper portion 212 is an annular surface affixed to the distal end of tubing 50. Connector 115 is also provided with external threads 112a disposed closely adjacent to basket 111. Canopy 200 fits over connector 115 and makes it easier for a medical worker to connect the connector 115 with the IV connector arm 40. Canopy 115 has a hollow interior and fits over the IV connector arm 40. [0031]In use, as IV tubing 50 and connector end 115 are inserted into the Y-junction device 10 via arm 40 wherein basket 111 of connector 115 is received within the axial cavity 42 of arm 40, threads 112a of connector 115 engage and upon slight rotation form a liquid-tight seal with the female threads 44a of cavity 42 to prevent any fluid from flowing or escaping from the interior of arm 40 into the IV tubing 50. Shortly after threads 44a and 112a initially engage to form a liquid-tight seal, the lower end 210 of basket 111 first abuttingly engages the seal 70 and begins to bias it downwardly as shown by reference arrows "c," thereby forming a path "d" allowing fluid to flow into the IV Y-junction 10 and subsequently into the patient's vein via catheter 30. As the connector end 115 is threaded onto the short arm 40, the connector end 115 increasingly biases the seal 70 of basket 90 downwardly. The threads may be continued to be rotated to lock the connector end 115, and thus the IV tubing 50, in place. [0032]The closed system provided thereby will not allow blood or fluid to flow out of either end of the IV Y-junction 10 once it is in position within the patient's vein. The IV Y-junction 10 will have been pre-primed with saline so as to avoid air emboli when the vein is cannulated and fluid administration begun. A healthcare worker will also have primed the IV tubing 50 and connector end 115 prior to beginning the process of obtaining venous access. [0033]As shown in FIGS. 5-8, an alternative embodiment of the syringe assembly 100' is adapted to fit with the present technology shown in FIGS. 1-4. This alternative embodiment allows the healthcare worker to cannulate a patient's vein without the risk of needle stick and without blatant blood exposure, and to withdraw the needle using a one-handed technique. In this alternative embodiment, the syringe assembly 100' comprises a syringe tube 110' having a distal end 110a' and a plunger end 110b', a syringe plunger 120' that reciprocates the patient's vein into its distal end 130a' and thereafter into the internal volume of the syringe tube 110' when the plunger 120' is withdrawn or moved in the direction of reference arrow "a." As shown more particularly in FIGS. 5 and34]Overlying the syringe tube 110' is a sliding sleeve 302 that can reciprocate in an unrestricted manner. Sleeve 302 is attached to the syringe plunger end 120a' at 302d as indicated in FIG. 6. The distal end of the sliding sleeve 302 adjacent to the distal end 110a' of syringe tube 110' is provided with finger grips 301, which are defined by raised, roughed, or knurled surfaces that better facilitates a healthcare worker being able to hold the sliding sleeve 302 easily as the needle 130' is being withdrawn from the Y-junction 10 into the hollow syringe tube 110'. [0035]FIG. 7 is an end view of the alternative embodiment of the syringe assembly, showing the spatial relationship between the plunger 120', the syringe tube 110', and the sliding sleeve 302. Also shown are finger grips 301 and a push pad 300 that is attached to the distal end 110a' of the syringe tube 110'. The finger grips 301 are located on both sides of the syringe tube 110', in relation to the push pad 300. [0036]FIG. 8 is an end view showing in isolation the relationship between the syringe tube 110' and the sliding sleeve 302. To prevent or minimize the friction between the syringe tube 110' and the sliding sleeve 302, several indentions 302a are provided in the interior of the sliding sleeve 302. Indentions 302a decrease or minimize the surface-to-surface contact between these two elements, thereby allowing the sliding sleeve 302 to slide outside the syringe tube 110' with minimal effort. [0037]In operation, a healthcare worker will cannulate the vein in the normal fashion. Once the vein is entered, blood will transverse the hollow needle 130' and enter the hollow tube 110' indicating cannulation. The healthcare worker may withdraw the needle 130' from the catheter 30 and syringe arm portion 20 by placing one finger on the push pad 300 and one or two other fingers on the finger grips 301 of the sliding sleeve 302. The sliding sleeve 302, attached at attachment 302d to the distal end 120a' of the plunger 120', may then be slid in the direction of reference arrow "a" as shown in FIGS. 5-6. As the needle 130' is withdrawn, the catheter 30 may be further advanced into the patient's vein if necessary by the healthcare worker simply advancing the push pad 300. Once the needle 130' is fully retracted, a locking apparatus 150' will engage and prevent the needle 130' from re-entering the syringe tube 110'. An inner lip 117' disposed inside the plunger end 110b' of the tube 110' prevents the plunger 120' from separating from the tube 110'. The healthcare worker may then disconnect the syringe assembly 100' from the syringe arm portion 20 by simply rotating or un-screwing the threaded connectors 28 and 118'. [0038]Generally, in another embodiment, an intravenous catheter system consisting of a modified Y with one arm composed of a sealed system designed to mate with a connector attached to the intravenous (IV) fluid supply. Attached to the short arm end of the tubing is a hypodermic needle and syringe apparatus that extends from outside the Y through a fluid impermeable membrane and into a plastic catheter surrounding the needle outside of the Y tubing. [0039]The syringe assembly is connected to the Y with threads that mate with corresponding threads on the Y catheter so as to provide a fluid tight seal and allow easy detachment once the needle has been withdrawn into the syringe. The syringe assembly consists of a hollow tube with the above mentioned connector on one end and houses another fluid impermeable membrane through which the needle passes. Inside this tube is a plunger device fully depressed and onto which the needle is permanently attached. The needle is hollow and has openings at its base so that blood can flow through it and into the syringe. Once IV access has been obtained and the plastic catheter is in the vein the plunger and needle are withdrawn into the hollow tube safely enclosing the needle. An attached taping device is then used to stabilize the catheter. When fully withdrawn an irreversible locking device deploys to prevent the plunger from reentering the hollow tube. This feature allows the health care worker the ability to readjust the needle and catheter if necessary to optimize the position of the catheter within the vein without the need of sticking the patient again as would be required with some automatic retractable devices. [0040]The short arm of the Y is meant for attachment to the IV tubing and solution. It is threaded on the outside so as to mate with the IV tubing. Inside is a system composed of a valve which is held against a rim by a spring-like device held inside a basket-style container. The basket is solid on the bottom and open on the sides. The IV tubing end is manufactured with a similar basket design that mates inside the Y basket. It is open and does not require a seal and spring mechanism. The outside of the IV tubing end is also designed with threads that mate with corresponding threads of the Y connector. When the two connector ends meet and the threads begin to engage, the seal of the Y basket connector is compressed down into the basket by the mated basket of the IV connector. Once fully threaded, the IV basket will be inside the Y basket and the intravenous fluid will flow easily into the catheter and subsequently into the vein of the patient. This closed system will not allow blood to flow out of either end of the Y once it is in the vein and provides two ports, one for IV fluid and one for injection of medications if desired. Other types and combinations of ports appear in various alternative embodiments as will occur to one skilled in the art. [0041]FIG. 9 is a cross section of the syringe arm portion 20 and the attached adhesive bandage 400 used for securing the syringe arm 20 and intravenous catheter 30 onto the patient. This is important because many times the intravenous access will be lost while the health care worker is attempting to tape down and secure the catheter. The customary process for accomplishing this generally requires the health care worker to tear tape from a roll and attach a section over the body of the catheter. In this embodiment, the health care worker places the tape under the catheter with the adhesive side up to make contact with the underside of the catheter, then folds each side or arm of the tape to allow the adhesive side to make contact with the skin. The final result of this step is a "U" shape of the tape with the two "arms" running parallel with the catheter in the direction of the catheter tip. Another section of tape 500 is then applied with the adhesive side down and covering the catheter and skin in a horizontal fashion as shown in FIG. 12. [0042]FIG. 9 reveals the body of the syringe arm 20 and the adhesive bandage 400. The bandage 400 is attached to the underside of the syringe arm 20 as indicated at 400c. Extending from this attachment site are two "arms" consisting of an adhesive surface 400a facing up and a non-stick layer 400b. This layer is loosely attached to the adhesive surface 400a and can be easily peeled off by pulling on the flaps 400bf, thus exposing the adhesive surface 400a, which then can be used to secure the catheter as shown in FIG. 11. A second layer of tape can then be applied over the top of the catheter to further secure the site as shown in FIG. 12. The obverse of the adhesive bandage 400 is non-adhesive surface 400d. [0043]FIG. 10 illustrates this adhesive apparatus in a more three dimensional view. [0044]This adhesive bandage 400 is wrapped around the body of the syringe arm 20 and held in this position by a paper band that is easily removed (similar to that found on a roll of stamps) for packaging and during the cannulation of the vein and subsequently unwrapped for the attachment process. In this way, there is no interference from the bandage during the delicate process of inserting the catheter into the vein. [0045]While the present disclosure are desired to be protected. User Contributions:comments("1"); ?> comment_form("1"); ?> Patent applications in class Coupling or connector structure Patent applications in all subclasses Coupling or connector structure User Contributions: Comment about this patent or add new information about this topic:
2391 Hello, yo, hi, I'm Chuck Palahniuk the worst best bad writr. Neither can I spell or keyboard. Ask away. No, officer, I have not been drinking. What makes you -- hic -- ask? I seems that North Korea has shot my sattelite web provider out of the sky. But I'm back. My web-based upsets are spoiling Dennis W's big date at the movies, tonight -- Sorry Dennis If I disappear for a minute, feel free to check this excerpt of the infamous "cat story"... Fingers crossed. April 22nd -- me again. I'll be dropping in from time to time, trying to mop up a few more questions. This forum is so new to me, thank you for your patience. Namaste. ( I can't believe i just said namaste ) April 30th -- A huge Thank You to Village Books in Bellingham, and to the Wild Buffalo, and to the readers who came to throw their balls in the air in yet another experiment around making book events NOT suck. And I have to boast and gloat... Didn't I tell you how funny Monica Drake is? I saw all of you roaring with laughter. That's why Chelsea had to call a beer break: No one could follow Monica. She was so freaking-funny. Here, today, I'm back to field a couple more questions, see below... May 8th -- Hah! I can't believe they still allow me to revise this thing. A special "Thank You" to teacher David Nathan in Bellaire, Texas, for the awesome letter. You assign a pretty gutsy reading list. ChuckPalahniuk622237 karma How sweet. I can never have enough pictures of my ass. 'Guess the Christmas card is settled for this year. Brundlef1y1186 karma Chuck, Have you ever gotten Stuck on a pool drain while masturbating? Asking for a friend. ChuckPalahniuk621454 karma I loved that you preficed that with my name. See, I can't spell. Prefficed? SEE Phonix has ruined me for life. And no, I can't swim a stroke and live in mortal fear of swimming pools. after reading Haunted im afraid of pools, or i should say im afraid of what may have been on that pool corpus_callosum511 karma While I read Guts I barked like a dog and vomited. ChuckPalahniuk621319 karma THAT sounds like a good time. I did the same thing when I read 'The Lovely Bones.' Marky Mark can play ANY role. I played Guts on audiobook with my (then) gf on a road trip (with no previous knowledge of the story). She started crying, and asked me how I could allow her to hear such a horrible thing. She was upset I didn't shelter her. We broke up shortly after. I would, sincerely, like to thank you. ChuckPalahniuk6235 karma She sounds fragile and high-maintenance. You most likely dodged a bullet. I used to force potential romances to watch "The Piano" or "Out of Africa" and if they enjoyed the movie I'd never contact them again. i_hate_toolbars1171 karma According to Chucks Facebook this is a fraud.The real one will be up soon EDIT: now his facebook is saying this is real,in true Palahniuk fashion. Bravo EDIT: im so confused Thank you for being vigilant, we really appreciate users who are on the lookout for fakes. However, he has now tweeted out a direct link to this post and also posted it to his facebook page, so we're good to go. Classic Palahniuk. Or perhaps he spotted the fraud, and decided to just let this guy answer the questions for him. That would be classic Palahniuk. ChuckPalahniuk62316 karma Oh, that I were so smart. You've confused me with the ghost of David Foster Wallace. ( he typed sadly ) ChuckPalahniuk62149 karma Classic Mr. F--k Up. That's me. ChuckPalahniuk62111 karma Sorry, that was my slip-up. I hit the wrong button and found myself far, far away. But the oxymoron thing-y I said was me, and I meant to post it here. ChuckPalahniuk62357 karma Sorry, I'm no fraud. Just an idiot. A monkey with a stick could type faster, and what looks like stylish, voicey, burnt tongue is actually just typos. sincewedidthedo128 karma Chuck Palahniuk and Morgan Freeman are hanging out. ChuckPalahniuk62434 karma I saw that, last week. Morgan Freeman would never lie, and you're a big racist if you say otherwise. If not for him I'd know nothing about penguins. But there WAS the homo subtext between him and Tim Robbins, no? whowantstoknow6_632 karma Actually he just posted this link. ChuckPalahniuk62188 karma He did. I'm like Jack Nickelson at the end of 'The Shining,' stumbling around inside that stupid hedge maze. neonshoelaces1106 karma Hey Chuck, When I was 12, I stole Fight Club from a Barnes & Noble. You instantly became my favorite author after that. Do you have a P.O. box I can send the $12 I still owe you from my klepto phase? ChuckPalahniuk621956 karma Honestly? I stole a huge copy of "The Joy of Sex" from a Waldenbooks in 1975 ( 1976? ). I put it in my pants, no kidding. And if you stole a paperback then you only owe me about 25 cents. Go to and read 'Phoenix' and we'll be even. You'll go to Heaven and be with the angels. Chuck, What offends you? What makes you recoil and say "that's way too much"? How do you respond to people or things that offend you? ChuckPalahniuk621819 karma What offends me? Waste offends me, or great ideas that never get developed. I want to steal from every writer I meet who shares a brilliant idea that he or she will never complete. I'm not fond of Haggis, either. Sorry Irvine. Did Irvine Welsh offer you haggis? ChuckPalahniuk62747 karma That's MISTER Welsh to you. The guy is a god. Beth should thank her lucky stars. [deleted] ChuckPalahniuk621514 karma Not to lose anybody his job... but some very stoned guys came from Stanley Steamer and taught me the blood-cleaning stuff. And this was ten years before Sunshine Cleaning. Althought I laughed out foamy hurl when Emily Blunt fell face-down on the gore-soaked mattress. ChuckPalahniuk62799 karma Hello? Testing, testing... thank you. My web connection is getting sketchy, and I can't seem to get beyond the first 1500 questions. My apologies for that. In the future I'll do this in town, where I'll have real service. Here, it's the woods. I'm very beholding to John at Byliner and Dennis at The Cult for walking me through this process. I am a Luddite, but their patience and help has made me a Reddit convert. Thank you -- even you Anne Marie in Las Vegas! Say hello to your look-alike aunt, Maureen. I must go drink something alcoholic and re-read Monica Drake's new novel, "The Stud Book." I look forward to disappointing you all at a future date. If I overlooked your question it's not your fault. It's me. I'm a dick. I'll Shut Up Now. DownsideOfComedy791 karma Hi, Mr Palahniuk, I don't really have a question, more of a 'thank you' than anything. Thank you for all the amazing words you've written and the stories you've created. I'm sure you hear a lot of this, but your books have changed my life. Everything you write feels like you're punching me in the gut with words, and I guess I'm a masochist because all I want is for you to punch me harder. I first read Fight Club when I was fourteen after my mother got sick of the depths of my teenage agnst and gave it to me, telling me that was where I was heading if I kept brooding the way I did. I have never felt more complimented in my life. From that moment on I've been obsessed. I've read all your books a bunch of times (and I think Rant is criminally underrated, no one ever gets my time travel/rabies jokes when I crack them), and I always find something new in them that I can take away and hold in me for the rest of my life. Invisible Monsters, in particular. No other book before or since has affected me quite as much as Invisible Monsters does. The way that you can turn the world into this horrifying place, but still make it funny and occasionally touching always managed to make me feel better no matter how bad things get. Your words always make me feel so much less alone. Your words made me work on becoming a better writer. You are grotesquely, hilariously, depressingly, nauseatingly good at what you do, and I look forward to seeing you do more of it for as long as you can. So again, thank you. And now I have to run to work, thanks for making me late, dude. ChuckPalahniuk621205 karma See? This is why I hate doing this. You just broke my heart. You busted my heart and then just scooted off to work. And to think that I broke a date with Daniel Tosh just to do this! DownsideOfComedy751 karma Also, I know you're probably not reading this any more, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to get chickens soon and all of their names are going to be Cluck Palahniuk. ChuckPalahniuk6243 karma I hate you. sincewedidthedo769 karma Are you wearing fresh inner pants? ChuckPalahniuk621306 karma Fresh "inner" pants? At last, someone who speaks my language. And yes, I am. Why do you ask? theformidable756 karma Recently you came out as being gay, do you think that this will affect the way people view your writing? ChuckPalahniuk622583 karma Recently? Like, when I was 13. But God forbid I get moved to that ghetto called the "Gay and Lesbian Shelf." hardcore131094 karma Even in short sentences you capture my heart ChuckPalahniuk621178 karma Witness my great keyboarding skills. It's like a chicken is in my kitchen right now. Only a chicken could probably spell better. And a chicken would know when to use 'that' versus 'which.' ReginaPhilangie253 karma Just wanted you to know that, in case that "gay dictatorship" the nutjobs are always going on about ever comes true, I say you should be our Supreme Ruler. ChuckPalahniuk62728 karma At this point, I'd take any job that offered health insurance and a retirement plan. Hello, colleges? Until I find gainful employment you may contribute roughly 25 cents to my well being by linking to Amazon -- here: -- and reading the story Phoenix. ( did that sound whore-y? ) Chuck, I work at a funeral home as an aspiring director and have no idea what to do with my hands. Do I clasp them in front of me? Do I put them behind me? How about in the pockets? I feel that, because I have found myself in this funerial quandary, any opinion you provide will be satisfactory and appreciated. Thank you. ChuckPalahniuk621102 karma Easy! Watch 'The Hunger' and study how the vampire, Marian, arranges her not-dead-yet lovers. That thing she does with David Bowie's hands... brilliant. No thanks needed. Glad I could help. (please, cremate me) Hello! Two questions for you Mr. Palahniuk. - Rant was originally described as a scifi trilogy, any chance we’ll get a second book set in that universe / story arc? - With St. Helens Book shop now closed, will there be another method for us to get inscribed books from you? Thank you for your time! ChuckPalahniuk621157 karma Argh! The Rant question comes back! I've written the second book, but I'm such a compulsive nut-job that I'm still looking for a non-fiction form to use as a structure. I know, I know, I'm stuck on structural gimicks, but experiments like that are important to me. Thank you for asking abou Lori's store -- before that, LuAnne's store -- may they rest in peace. We're still casting around for a new method of inscribing books. Thank you for your patience! pirateofitaly682 karma Hi, Mr. Palahniuk, I'm doing my senior year research paper on Invisible Monsters, and I was wondering if there was any perspective you could give me on any part of the book that most people don't think about or realize? It would be incredibly helpful. Thank you for doing this. ChuckPalahniuk621729 karma Hello Mr. Pirate, My original goal, back when I had integrity, was to write all my books with two-word oxymoron titles -- Fight Club, Invisible Monsters, etc. 'Survivor' was first called 'Unnatural Disasters.' But I loved how monsters are usually defined by their appearance, so how could one be invisible and still be regarded as a monster? Think on THAT. psychopathenator595 karma How do you feel about Patrice O'Neal calling Fight Club "The white man's Scarface"? ChuckPalahniuk621189 karma Patricia O'Neal said that? I loved her in Hud, but I'm not sure what she meant. Sigh. Mr. Palahniuk, I was wondering, as a novelist with a goodly number of published works, do you find yourself, perhaps unknowingly, falling into certain conventions that you've used before? Stated more clearly, do you find that you've developed an aesthetic or system by which you tend to write your books? If so, do you welcome these tendencies or fight them? How do you keep things fresh? Thanks ChuckPalahniuk621083 karma Yes, I hope he answers this one,. ChuckPalahniuk62710 karma No choruses. Lots of adverbs. Gordon Lish will put out a hit on me. What are you drinking? Just curious. ChuckPalahniuk621135 karma Nothing, yet. But that does sound like a pick-up line. What are YOU drinking? (wink wink ) scaredsquee492 karma A few years ago my friend wrote a letter to you and in return you sent her a huge box of random stuff. Do you just send people things from laying around the house? I always wondered that. Thanks. ChuckPalahniuk621090 karma Random stuff! Sometimes I takes. ) I received a box from you while I was in high school. I wrote to you for a class project and was the only student to get a response to their letter. You also signed Fight Club for for, autographed a packet of sunflower seeds, candy, fireworks, and you handmade me a necklace. The letter you sent back was fantastic and very memorable. Thanks for doing that for some high school kid. It really made me happy. ChuckPalahniuk6237 karma Ha! I hope your classmates envied you. Nothing -- in high school -- would feel sweeter than that kind of victory. People tell me that when my strange, almost-anonymous boxes arrive they generate fear ( a bomb? ) followed by confusion and ultimately joy. The resolution of anxiety feels like joy. "Joy Bombs" would be a good name for the packages, but that just sounds stooooopid. My english teacher claims the continuous theme throughout Fight Club is homosexuality/sexual tension between Tyler and Joe. Is this true? ChuckPalahniuk621044 karma This is what people ( gay people ) always say about Nick and Jay in 'The Great Gatsby.' Pleeze. It's so 1970's identity politics. To settle this, please tell her or him that if he/she teaches my stuff he's/she's very brave ( remember Mr. V in the Bronx? ) so he may say whatever he or she likes. I saw you speak when I was 17 in San Francisco. You took a swig out of a Jack Daniel's bottle at the end...my friend and I almost stole it. Shoulda woulda coulda. Also, what if there was a Haunted movie where each story was done by a different director? ChuckPalahniuk621334 karma A secret truth? Those bottles on that tour... they were filled with Lipton's tea. I wanted a sight gag that would look cool. JimmyMcShiv374 karma Chuck, I just wanted to tell you that when I graduated I was voted most likely to become the next Chuck Palahniuk. Sadly, I have since lost sight of that goal. What advice would you have for me? ChuckPalahniuk62977 karma You should set your sights a little higher. Try to be the next Chelsea Cain. She should feel your hot breath on the back of her neck as she writes, knowing that you're gaining on her. ( hee hee ) At a signing you told me that if you knew that all that was going to turn into all this, that you would have hired a stand-in so they could do all the interviews and traveling and signing and what-nots. Were we making small talk or does that shit get old? ChuckPalahniuk62871 karma The shit never gets old. But I got old. cestlizbeth345 karma Hello Chuck! Thank you for all your incredible work! My question: one of my rhetoric professors once told our class that we could always look to other authors for influence and guidance, but we would never be able to emulate their writing style, regardless of how hard we tried. Who is that author to you, and what is your favorite work of theirs? Thank you! ChuckPalahniuk62607 karma To be brutally honest, I can do a mean drag version of Amy Hemple or Monica Drake, but my version will never have their depth and thoughtfulness. Did you know your books are the most commonly stolen items in chapters, so they keep them behind the cashier's counter in a locked cabinet? ChuckPalahniuk62724 karma Yes, and for a long, long time Salman Rushdie's books were locked up with mine because people would stuff them in the toilets. True story. ich_liebe_berlin272 karma You mentioned that you wrote most of Fight Club whilst listening to The Downward Spiral. Has Trent Reznor got in contact with you to let you know how fucking cool that is? ChuckPalahniuk62613 karma Mr. Reznor needs to keep a better grip on his address book. My worst ( okay, one of my worst ) stalker got my contact info from Trent's book and ( not lying, wish i were ) it was a long-term mess. Lava_lamp_man266 karma First I have to say you're my favorite modern author and maybe even of all time, but I do have a few things to ask. How do you approach writing? Do you plot the whole thing out first or just start writing? Do you do it in chronological order or some other way? How happy are you with your work? Are you an author who feels they just can't perfect their book or do you reach a point where it feels done and there's nothing more you can do? Any suggestions for someone interested in writing? Do you ever feel limited by fight club? I mean this in that every book I own of yours has the words fight club on the cover. Do you want to be known for another book besides fight club? Do you ever regret writing fight club? I ask this because it's definitely become a very popular piece of work, but is commonly misunderstood. Anthony Burgess I know really regretted writing a clockwork orange because many misinterpreted it as encouraging violence when really it was about growing up and actually discouraged it. Sorry if this is a lot of questions. I'll be happy just reading the AMA and won't mind if you answer none or just a few. ChuckPalahniuk62793 karma Hey, you wear me out! Are expecting college credit for this? Let's start with Question #2. There's an old saying: "No piece of writing is ever finished, it's just abandoned." But my own rule is: "No piece of work is done until you want to kill everyone involved in the publishing process, especially yourself." As far as regret, I think that's the sign of a well-lived life. If I grew old without having big regrets, I'd regret my caution. My best writing advice? Write something that people might not "enjoy" but will never forget. ( i.e. "Guts" or "Phoenix" -- again, ) Our tastes change with time, and something that persists has a chance of getting appreciated more in the future. Davisacunt254 karmaschool class? and do you personally live following this idea? ChuckPalahniuk62700 karma. TimMitchell234 karma It's rare for a writer's first book to be as successful as Fight Club was. Were you surprised by the success of the book? How did the success of Fight Club affect your life generally? ChuckPalahniuk62905 karma Please let me address a misperception. 'Fight ) skibblez_n_zits233 karma UPDATE: From his facebook:. TL;DR - Chuck's having "internet issues." He probably won't finish his AMA tonight. e: to add link to FB e2: He's back! blowjobs4everyone1147 karma I am Chuck's shitty internet ChuckPalahniuk621040 karma When I was your age, all we had was some waxed string stretched between tin cans. You had to read because movies were silent. Why, I remember Robert Frost telling me.... (snore, snore, snore) creapysleaper163 karma Hi Mr. Palahniuk! I really love your style; it heavily influenced my writings in my English class. And I'm sorry this question isn't like a thought-provoking question or anything. Or sorry if this has been asked and answered before somewhere. Why are there 2 Walters in Fight Club? ChuckPalahniuk62471 karma Because ( like the great Brontosaurus ) I have a brain the size of a pea. MCSealClubber130 karma I just wanted to say I love you. ChuckPalahniuk62344 karma Dear McSealClubber -- Prove your love. Go to and make me a quarter. xoxxxox ( big kiss ) limpbrisket123 karma Hi, Chuck. Thanks for doing this AmA. I'm a journalism student at UO. While I think the program has been great, there's a bleak atmosphere over the future of journalism. Where do you think the field is headed? Has your knowledge of journalism affected your writing? ChuckPalahniuk62233 karma Good question!. Say hello to Tim Gleason for me, and enjoy the dazzling new Allen Hall. _jejune_stars118 karma What do you think of people getting tattoos of your writings on their body? Flattering or what? (Next month I'm getting "nothing is static" from Fight Club, and couldn't be more excited. Thank you for saving my life with your work, Chuck. Wouldn't be here without ya.) ChuckPalahniuk62315 karma You should get something from Lidia Yuknavitch inked on you. I will if you will. Hey Chuck--- I just found out I have to make a gigantic revision on my ms. Any words of wisdom? Thanks, Lauren (ps I <3 LitR!) ChuckPalahniuk62395 karma Get ready to hate me. To Really hate me. When I have to do painful revisions I shave my head. It's like dying, and it makes me feel better about killing passages I've written and still love. But that's just my method. according to chuck's verified twitter, this link is legit. ChuckPalahniuk62460 karma Oh, thank you. ( but really, this is Morgan Molly Freeman Ringwald ) LiteralHiggs82 karma Reading Phoenix really tied me over until October. Can we expect the release of more short stories in between books? ChuckPalahniuk62195 karma Thank you! I have a monstrous story called "Cannibal" in Playboy right now. Bless them for not shying away from my subject matter. Cannibal is artsy ( so much for Minimalism ) but it's more gruesome than "Guts." Next week, I'll be in Bellingham, Washington, doing an event for Village Books. A new story ( my best story, ever, with a happy ending, too boot ), this year's tour story, and an evening of experimenting with the face of book events. Chuck, Saw you speak in San Francisco this past year. You told the story about how the idea for Choke came to you - it made me near speechless. I am wondering if that actually happened, or if you're just telling stories to get a rise out of people. ChuckPalahniuk62158 karma If I told you the "lying down in the street story" it was the truth. WhiteFang9067 karma Were you drinking before the start of this AMA, Mr. Palahniuk? ChuckPalahniuk62220 karma No, but I is counting the minutes until I can glug-glug. These interactions assume a kind-of looking good posing, and I wanted to avoid that. My hope is that I might actually say something valid, but by accident. You know? Hiya Chuck, A family friend of mine sent you a letter a long time ago and you responded with some of your old tapes and recordings. I always thought that was really cool of you. Her name was Jessica Morehead, she died in a car accident back in 2009. I still keep in touch with her dad. ChuckPalahniuk62244 karma I am so sorry. Unhappiness comes out of nowhere... and that's why we need to make the effort to make happiness occur. If disaster can be random then my goal is to create as much joy as I can. 'Nuff said. Do you keep in touch with Amy Hempel? She's one of my favorite authors and I know you have repeatedly mentioned her as an influence and favorite author of yours. ChuckPalahniuk62144 karma Amy Hemple makes my life worth living. If you do nothing else with your life, find a copy of her essay "A Full-Service Shelter" and love it. LovelyLizzyLove60 karma Is Sam Rockwell's ass as amazing in person? ChuckPalahniuk62153 karma Angels weep when they look at Sam's butt. Even in pants. iheartchuck52 karma Chuck, Have you ever used drugs (psychedelics) to get past writers block or finish a deadline(stimulants)? Is this question to personal? I don't think anyone here will judge you. ChuckPalahniuk62198 karma No, if anything, drugs kept me from writing for years. They are a false source of inspiration. For me, at least. Lidiamiles52 karma when and where is the next bedtime stories for adults? can people wear see-through lingerie? ChuckPalahniuk62120 karma You, my dear, may wear see-thru anything. And it was wonderful to see you walking down the street, yesturday. My lovely shill. Bedtime Stories for Adults will be in Bellingham, WA next week, please phone 1-800-392-BOOK. It will be life changing. So what's Chelsea Cain really like? ChuckPalahniuk62140 karma Do I detect the sweet smell of gossip? When you're a writer ( one who comes from non-writing, trailer-living ancestors ) you seek out other writers and try to copy how they behave. I watch carefully to see which fork Ms. Cain uses to eat her fish. Still, she is a sphinx. To ogle the mysterious Ms. Cain for yourself, contact Village Books in Bellingham, WA. She and I will be there next Wednesday, the 24th, for an evening of shenanigans. Dark_emerald37 karma Do you have any further plans with Starry Eyes now that the Kickstarter is funded? ChuckPalahniuk6288 karma Oh, thank God that Dennis made his goal. I was holding my breath. For now I'm focused on signing and inscribing the books and CDs that will go out to contributors. I've held off asking to read the screenplay because I'd like to be surprised by the finished film. Mephistophellatio35 karma Sorry for not posting this sooner, I was wary since somebody said this was a fake. Thank you SO much for being here. I've read everything you've written and I consider you a huge influence not only on the work I do as an artist, but on my daily life. Your books are almost single-handedly responsible for keeping me alive during one of the darkest times of my life. As cliche as it sounds, you literally saved my life, however indirectly. So thank you. I have a few questions and an additional statement. •Can you please go into a little detail about the the level of research you do for your books? •What can you tell us about the movie adaptations of Survivor, Invisible Monsters, and Diary? •What has influenced your decision to keep partner un-named? •Can you explain your decision to change your "voice" in the way you write more recent books like Pygmy? Is it simply for immersion's sake? •What "transgressional fiction" books do you recommend outside of your own? •I want to extend my sincerest condolences for the loss of your parents. I know it has been some time but still, from a fan, I'm sorry you had to go through that. ChuckPalahniuk6273 karma Damn, I suck at this. Could I be more slow? How about one answer?. [deleted]33 karma [deleted] ChuckPalahniuk62234 karma You're 23? That should be enough. Oh, to be 23...! MCKaney, you will never have as much energy and daring as you do now. Over the next ten years, gather everything. Hoard experiences, writing tricks, ideas. Once you're 31 you'll begin to slow down, then get serious about novel writing. By that point you'll have a pile of material you can draw from for the rest of your career. Go, be a language and lifestory vampire. Go to parties and bars and suck non-writers dry. watsons_crick11 karma Do you hate Pasco/Kennewick Washington as much as I do? I have to drive through there from time to time out of Portland. I have had my car broken into twice in Pasco. ChuckPalahniuk6231 karma Ah, my old stomping ( getting stomped on, I mean ) grounds. Me? I'm from the thriving sub-sub-suburb of Burbank, outside of Pasco. I only go back because I know people buried in the Tri-Cities. ( way to go, Palahniuk, bring the chat room down ) MocephusRocks1902 karma No question. Just sharing the picture I took of your ass at the last signing event of yours I went to. View HistoryShare Link
/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/66592101/1198459918.jpg.0.jpg) In an in-depth interview with Jim Madigan, Northeastern University’s head coach, Eric Engels confirmed the return of Jordan Harris to college hockey for a final season. The defenceman made the right choice. As maturity has been heralded as one of his main qualities by many (including Madigan in the interview) it feels like Harris has been with Northeastern University for years now. In reality, this 2019-20 season was only his second; he played his sophomore season through and through as a 19-year-old, still one of the younger players in the league. There is no rush to bring Harris to Laval to play in the AHL, and the cancellation of the last stretch of the NCAA season adds another reason to delay the move by a year. Northeastern wasn’t a favourite for a title — far from it — but the team put together a respectable season, won another Beanpot Tournament and could have surprised a few teams in the playoffs. If Harris were to leave now, the ending of his time in college hockey would be written for him, an abrupt ending that would only leave questions of what could have been. By returning, he at least gets a chance at one last uninterrupted pursuit of a title. Moreover, Harris has plenty left to learn from the NCAA. In his time with Northeastern, the defenceman has evolved into the main pillar of its back end, spending close to half the games on the ice and anchoring both of the special teams. But certain facets of his game still need polishing, and others need larger improvements if he is to slide into similarly important roles in the AHL. Rush Defence Rush defence is the strongest element of the Montreal Canadiens prospect’s game, the one that will earn him the most minutes from the start in the AHL. It all starts at the offensive blue line. Against a forming breakout, the defenceman doesn’t retreat, or even stand his ground. He advances. By circling up into the offensive zone, Harris closes the distance between himself and attackers, limiting their space as they try to gain the neutral zone. The defenceman then angles them toward the boards or in the direction of his defence partner to block their approach. Northeastern often gives strong supports to their defencemen in between blue lines, and that’s what allows Harris to posture so aggressively against the rush. But the prospect’s confidence also comes from his agility. Harris can cover a large area of the ice with a couple of steps. He maximizes his shutdown radius through large lateral movements and speed-retaining pivots. His skating also gives him ways to correct any misstep rapidly. At the college level at least, Harris rarely needs to play catch-up. He is in control, with his weight centred over his skates, balanced, stick held in front of him to guide opponents where he wants them, but not overextended (which would open him to dangles), inviting opponents to meet him. With a couple of crossovers, and successive C-cuts, he matches their speed, then slows down to make contact slightly before his blue line. The puck springs loose, and Harris sprints back down the zone to organize his team’s own breakout. For many, defending the rush can be a deceiving puzzle, but it’s something that has come quite naturally to the young defenceman. Already in his first few games in the NCAA he was stopping the attacks of experienced forwards. Will this skill translate perfectly to professional hockey? Not exactly. The pace of the game is much higher and opponents tend to manipulate defenders better. That said, with some timing adjustments, Harris’s mobility and his aggressive approach should have him fiercely guard the Rocket’s blue line from the start. In-Zone Defence This aspect will require more work. For Harris, it’s mostly about a change of mindset; something he could accomplish next season in the NCAA in preparation for his professional jump. He defends cleverly in his own end. He covers passing lanes, anticipating where the play will move next and placing his stick to block it. The common fakes of attackers are rarely enough to have him bite and move out of position. He switches assignments without getting lost in the swirl of opposing offences, and in net-front play he takes care of opposing sticks, lifting or pinning them to avoid the easy tap-in goals. That being said, there is something else to consider. Defence is a continuum from reactivity to proactivity. A defender like fellow Habs prospect Alexander Romanov stands at the proactive side of that slider — almost at the very end of it. He shoulder-checks at a break-neck pace, races toward his next check, rams opponents in tight quarters, and separates them from the puck. He crashes the other team’s offence as fast as possible, combining anticipation with an up-tempo style and a high dose of physicality. He simply can’t stand to see the other team rotate around him in his zone. This is why he excited several amateur scouts and team executives seeing him for the first time at the World Junior Championship last year. His defensive game seems tailored for the fast-paced, hard-checking NHL. Harris isn’t the polar opposite of a reactive defenceman, waiting for the opponent to always make the first move, but he remains a much more passive defender. He contains opponents, letting the offence live on until it tries to pass through him. This is where he seizes his chance to stop it. The third-round selection still shows many elements that project well to the professional game, but transferring some of his off-the-rush aggressiveness to his in-zone defence would serve him well in the pros, where deft attackers take advantage of any space given to them. Transition and offensive game What Harris improved the most between his freshman and sophomore seasons was his play with the puck. As Madigan said in Engels’s interview, Harris’s decision-making with possession didn’t always reflect his abilities in year one. With the experience of a full campaign under his belt, the defenceman started making more controlled plays. He doesn’t stickhandle as precisely as some of the better offensive defencemen in the NCAA, and rarely will attempt the athletic rushes of teammate Jayden Struble. Still, Harris’s short-passing game, based on a newfound poise, made him an effective puck-mover for Northeastern this winter. The biggest difference was his willingness to attract the forecheck, to trade off his own time and space with the puck for a teammate’s. The defenceman would more often wait for the opposition to collapse on him to pass, this way distancing forecheckers from others and creating runways for them to get out of the zone. In year three, Harris will need to add more pace to his puck-moving game, finding outlets before he touches the puck to create exit routes, even when he lacks the time to plan. Opponents will come at him very fast in the professional game, so his ability to shoulder-check, limit his puck-shuffling, and instantly use passing lanes will determine his success in breakouts. Those abilities will also help his offensive game. Right now, if he were to make the transition to the AHL, Harris’s offensive-zone play would likely be limited to taking a couple of steps toward the middle and firing from the blue line, with maybe an occasional cross-ice, diagonal pass from the point toward the opposing circle for a one-timer. That’s not all he has been doing in the NCAA, but very likely it would be all he could keep of his offensive game as he joins the pros. The rest of it would remain behind, insufficiently developed and not able to survive the passage. The extra year of NCAA hockey will be most beneficial to this offensive facet of the prospect’s game. Simply put: Harris currently misses opportunities. He doesn’t always recognize when he can create space for teammates with his lateral movement in the offensive zone. He overlooks give-and-gos and doesn’t really use his speed advantage to fake and beat defenders. Deception isn’t really a part of his game, which makes it easier for the opposition to read and block his plays. That being said, we also can’t overlook the progress in his game. As a sophomore, he stopped circling the offensive zone, instead drawing shorter arcs at its top, keeping his head up to find shooting lanes and space to improve the location of his short-drawn wrist shot, scoring three goals and adding more assists this way. He also added velocity to his passes and more variance, using lobs and even hook-passes to connect with teammates. He will hopefully continue developing his offensive schemes in his third season, to the point where he will bring a larger bag of tricks with him at the next level and contribute with his share of dangerous offence. Statistical projection According to Byron Bader’s model, the defenceman doesn’t currently project as an offensive defenceman or point-producer at the NHL level. By comparing his production with other blue-liners through history, the model gives Harris a 42% chance of becoming an NHL player down the road. :no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/19863703/Harris_HP.png) Both of those conclusions seem relatively reasonable. Harris has certainly shown plenty of projectable talents in his two years in the NCAA, but his game lacks the uniqueness or the exceptional ability that would have him cut through his competition and project him as a sure-fire NHLer. His defensive game could become that distinctive strength, but it still needs polishing, and at 5’11”, Harris doesn’t have the typical frame of a shutdown defender. He also lacks the internal fire of similarly built Romanov. Harris will need to continue developing both his shutdown ability and his play with the puck to become the all-around effective — or two-way — modern NHL defenceman. The good news is that necessary improvements are definitely within his range and the extra year of college hockey will allow him to continue adding to his game and largely benefit his confidence. Time is an asset, and both Harris the Montreal Canadiens are wise to use it.
If you haven’t lived in Davis Square yourself, you’ve probably at least been to a friend’s barbecue in one of the triple-deckers just off the square and wished you did. It’s green, it’s lively, and it’s the home of a robot Pope at the Museum Of Bad Art. It also has some great places to eat and drink, which is good, because after you’ve seen a robot Pope you might need a cocktail or two to help put it into context. Here are the best spots in one of Boston’s most unique neighborhoods. the spots Spoke Spoke is a tiny wine bar with a great bottle selection and built-in coasters on the bar that light up in case you can’t figure out where to put your wine glass. In other words, it’s serious about wine. But unlike other wine bars where you might only nibble on some cured meats while you order another glass of Chablis, the food is worth coming here for on its own. Start with the sunchoke donuts - tiny, cakey fried artichoke rings that you’d eat by the bag like potato chips if you could - and move on to the gnocchi with matcha and pistachio. UpperWest We can argue whether UpperWest is technically in Davis Square. The fact that it’s only about an eight-minute walk down a tree-lined path from the T stop suggests that it is. The fact that it’s in an entirely different city suggests that it isn’t. But what you can’t argue with is that this wine bar hidden in the basement a Veteran’s Hall is a fantastic place to grab a drink. Head around to the back of the building, walk down the musty stairs, order some charcuterie (or one of their bigger pasta dishes if you’re hungry) and be happy that someone’s neighborhood has a very cool place to drink, even if we're not sure whose neighborhood it is. Dakzen The standard Thai dishes at Dakzen, like the pad Thai and pad see ew, are great. But what really sets this counter-service spot apart from the street noodles, delicious bowls of incredibly tender meat, flavorful broth, and perfectly cooked noodles that tell the “soup isn’t a meal” crowd to sit down and shut up. The whole menu only has about 15 entrees, so eventually you’ll be able to try them all if you want to and, frankly, that’s a pretty strong life goal. Redbones Barbecue If you go within a three-block radius of Rebones, you will smell Redbones. And if you smell Redbones, you will probably walk into Redbones. And if you walk into Redbones, you will be happy, at least for a little while. That’s what you get from big plates of really smokey brisket, moist baby back ribs, and beignets that you should pretty much always order because, come on, they’re tiny little cakes covered in powdered sugar. Upstairs, this place looks like a traditional southern barbecue joint where people talk about high school football. Downstairs, it looks like a Somerville bar where people talk about the Sh!t-Faced Shakespeare production they just caught at the Rockwell down the street. Both spots serve their purpose, and both spots are great places to eat and drink, thanks to a giant cocktail selection and beer that you can order in four different sizes. Saloon It’s kind of surprising that Saloon isn’t hosting someone’s Gatsby-themed 30th birthday party every night. But we’re glad it isn’t, because, putting our issues with speakeasy cosplay aside, this dark, underground spot with plush leather and stained-glass lamps is a great place to grab a cocktail. The food menu, while small, isn’t bad, either, so you don’t only need to come here to pretend you’re a wildly rich 1920s bootlegger who confuses social advancement with personal growth - you can come here to pretend you’re a wildly rich 1920s bootlegger who confuses social advancement with personal growth and enjoys a nice brisket burger with whiskey barbecue sauce. Martsa on Elm If the Dalai Lama ever comes to town, someone should take him to Martsa - not just because his portrait is hanging on the wall high above other pieces of Tibetan art, but because it’s hard not to find inner peace when you’re biting into one of their spiced chicken momos (we prefer the steamed versions to the fried ones). This is a tiny, casual spot that doesn’t have a liquor license, but it recently became one of the few BYOB spots in Boston, and the mango lassi drinks are more than good enough to accompany the spicy pork belly chili. If you’re staying away from meat, you’ll find something you love within their big selection of tofu and vegetable curries. The Painted Burro Margaritas are a divisive drink. Some people think they’re too sweet, some people think they should never be frozen, and some people think that not drinking a margarita outside on a hot day is to essentially give up on life itself. The Painted Burro, a big, loud, and always crowded Mexican place, is a neutral zone where these warring factions can have peace talks over a plate of empanadas. The margaritas here are not only excellent, but come any way you could want them: frozen, tangy with hibiscus, spicy with jalapenos, or with a big slice of watermelon wedged right on the glass. And all these drinks accompany a really good menu of stuff you don’t normally see at neighborhood Mexican spots, like duck enchiladas, short rib tacos, and grilled swordfish with mango and papaya salad. You’ll probably need to book in advance here (even the big bar on the side is usually packed) but you’re here to drink margaritas and party - the crowds are part of the fun. Dragon Pizza We love almost any slice joint, because walking down the sidewalk with a slice of pizza is the type of freedom our forefathers envisioned when they built this country. But it helps if the slices are good. That’s the case at Dragon, which makes some of our favorite pizza in Somerville - it has a crispy crust, cheese and sauce that fight with each other to impress you, and there are also some interesting topping combinations, like the BLT pie. You don’t have to take it to-go, either. It’s a tiny but funky spot with a giant collection of cassette tapes and even some good salad options if you want to have an actual meal instead of just a slice to keep you going before your real meal. Rosebud American Kitchen & Bar From the outside, Rosebud looks like one of those old-fashioned railcar diners where even the napkins are covered in grease. And while it does, in fact, make some really good pie along with big plates of brunch food like chicken and waffles, inside the old diner has actually been blown out to build a big, comfortable restaurant and bar. This is a great place to sit at a dark but not dingy bar by yourself and eat the Texas Rachel In A Skirt, a really good brisket sandwich. Posto The pizzas at Posto have one of our favorite crusts in the city. It’s light and airy with those crispy pockets of air that we like to call “crust clouds,” even though everyone thinks we’re weird when we do. But you don’t have to come here just for the pizza. This place has a full Italian menu of things like the brown butter pappardelle with ricotta and carrots which is so good that, even if you come here for a pizza, you might order to-go at the end of your meal so you can have it for Dinner 2.0 later. It’s a big, modern space with lots of families and the game on the TV above the bar, so it kind of feels like Davis Square’s living room. Tenoch Pretty much everything’s good at Tenoch, a counter-service Mexican place on Highland, so if you grab some tacos with carnitas or chorizo and melted cheese, you’ll be happy. But you really should be coming here for the tortas. The bread is perfectly toasted, they’re all under $9, and they’re stuffed with some great fillings like adobo pork or roasted vegetables. If you don’t know where to start, go with the campechana, which has both chorizo and carnitas. Elm Street Taproom The food at Elm Street Tap is that “elevated pub” stuff you see a lot these days, which mostly means that the jalapeno poppers come with a spicy Korean ranch instead of regular ranch. But if you like to drink beer (and you live in Boston, so you probably do) then you need to know about this place. With 40 rotating taps pouring almost exclusively local stuff and just as many bottles and cans, this is one of the best places to get a beer in the neighborhood, especially if you can drink it one of their sidewalk tables on a summer evening. Dave's Fresh Pasta If you go to the tiny Italian market that is Dave’s Fresh Pasta to shop for fresh ravioli, heirloom tomatoes, and a nice Chianti while you pretend to live in a tiny Tuscan village where you do nothing but cook and sit on the veranda all day, you’ll be doing fine. But you also need to know that the sandwich counter is very much worth working into your screw-it-I-don’t-feel-like-cooking-tonight rotation. They have a bunch of different options so you should find something that fits whatever mood you’re in, but if you’re looking for a nice starter sandwich, it’s hard to go wrong with the grilled pesto chicken on a nice crunchy french bread. The Burren Boston has way too many Irish pubs, and it can be hard to know which are the good ones and which will make you feel like you’re in the Ireland pavilion at Epcot. But with live music every night, sidewalk tables, and a decent beer selection, this place is worth your time. The food is pretty standard pub stuff, but since there’s almost always music and big crowds, it’s not a great place to eat in, anyway. Instead, come here to have too many beers and make friends with the crowds of people who almost always seem happy to be here. Tsurumen Ramen Tsurumen opened in April 2018 and will be open for exactly 1,000 business days. Math is hard, so if you don’t want to miss it, you better just go now. The noodles have a nice bite to them, the broth is flavorful without being overwhelming, and, even though there’s rarely more than four options on the menu, you’ll probably find something you like - our favorite is the 1995 bowl, which comes with dumplings in the broth. It’s a little pricier than other ramen spots ($17-20 per bowl) and it’s a tiny place where you often have to wait in line, but life is fleeting, don’t let little things like time and money hold you back.
lake rabun rentals georgia About Map Simple rules no credit required. 2 months ago. Terrazzo GS005. 8192 x 8192 px. Thousands of new, high … 1 month ago. Each green tile has a lot of big white flakes and tiny black flakes. Wanli grey terrazzo. The archive contains versions of Vray + Corona. Edges are worn and dirt appears on the surface too. Cement terrazzo floor PBR texture seamless 21872. Material (terrazzo, quartzite, composite) There are 4 boxes in the scene (20x250x250, cm), with materials (4 colors) Seamless and square textures - 3.8 K DIFF, SPEC, BUMP cards All objects, textures and materials are named accordingly. 1; Collection - 6 Credits. Nov 8, 2020 - Explore RAAS's board "Archviz Textures" on Pinterest. 3 weeks ago. Terrazzo marmoreal black. rocks_ground_06. Liked by Yuri Ressel Diefenthäler 2 months ago. 5 months ago. Jul 30, 2019 - Explore Shirley Dongo's board "Texture architecture" on Pinterest. The terrazzo is quite similar to " Marble 0004 " which is green instead of pink. ! May 12, 2020 - Explore Chloe Chung's board "Outdoor tiles" on Pinterest. Scene not included. marble, Copyright © CGMOOD 2019. High quality free seamless textures. The archive contains: .max2014_VRay .max2014_Corona .OBJ .FBX .jpg - 12 textures (diffuse, reflection, normal). Sign up for free and download 15 free images every day! This is a seamless and tileable PBR CG texture … 4 options for terrazzo PANDOMO. Terrazzo floor tile PBR texture-seamless 21569. 3 months ago. Shop our handpicked selection of tiles by material. All Textures. stone 2 months ago. Matters that are recreated procedurally or through a Physically-Based Rendering workflow. Stone, porcelain glass, ceramic & more of the finest materials from around the world.Terracotta & Terrazzo CG Textures › Marble › Green Terrazzo Tile Texture with Black and White Flakes (Marble 0004) They are green terrazzo tiles. Textures.com is a website that offers digital pictures of all sorts of materials. Texturise Free Seamless Tileable Textures and Maps,Textures with Bump Specular and Displacement Maps for 3ds max, animation, video games, cg textures. kitchen_wood. Terrazzo wasabi. Bump amount is around 1mm search. Popular. Sketchup Texture Club is an educational comunity, a 3D art gallery that unites all CG artists. Terrazzo Texture Sets 1+2. They are black tiles having terrazzo patterns. These textures created with the support of 95 patrons. Terrazzo siren. 110. 2 months ago. Download and sell top-quality 3D models and materials for architects and designers at the fairest rates. 2 weeks ago. Each green tile has a lot of big white flakes and tiny black flakes. Date Published. Some people group it as marble. Roughness/Bump - 8192x8192 concrete Tiling 6. Sorted by categories, colors and tags. Maps included: Each package usually includes a Base Color Map / Diffuse Map, Normal Map, Roughness Map, Displacement Map, Metallic Map … It is terrazzo. Sign up for free and download 15 free images every day! All Rights Reserved, 4 2 months ago. All 3D textures are tileable and seamless! Tiling 38. FILE SIZE: 201.2 MB. Each package usually includes a Base Color Map / Diffuse Map, Normal Map, Roughness Map, Displacement Map, Metallic Map (Metals Only) and Ambient Occlusion Map. others. 4 Credits (€6.00) CATEGORY: Materials, Stone. They are green terrazzo tiles. rocks_ground_09. The terrazzo is composed of pink and white fragments, flakes and flecks. See more ideas about Texture, Material textures, Textures patterns. Cement terrazzo 3D model cement fondovalle terrazzo, formats include MAX, FBX, ready for 3D animation and other 3D projects Materials, Stone, TAGS: You will save 2 Credits 2 assets included. CG Textures › Tags › Terrazzo Red or Pink Terrazzo Tile Texture with Black and White Fragments (Marble 0006) They are red terrazzo tiles having black and white fragments with a … This is a seamless and tileable PBR CG texture for 3D artists. wood_planks_dirt. pbr Liked by Joad Hughes and 12 others . This Cinema 4D Octane Materials Course is designed to be the definitive materials resource for all octane artists. 4 Free high resolution textures, backgrounds and patterns. Concrete Floor Texture Tiles Texture Stone Texture Concrete Floors Terrazo Flooring Stone Flooring Seamless Background Textured Background Outdoor Wood Tiles. .max .obj and Discover (and save!) 2 months ago. aerial_rocks_02. Terrazzo 009 GEOMETRIC CONCRETE MURAL - … 2 months ago. Sign up for free and download 15 free images every day! Finest Terrazzo Free Texture Downloads from 3DXO, partner & friends. Become one of them and get rewarded with gifts below... Texture Specialist. Photo about Texture and background of terrazzo floor . Architecture, materials, nature elements, background and landscape Fully seamless terrazzo texture, Maps included: Diffuse - 8192x8192 Roughness/Bump - 8192x8192 Bump amount is around 1mm Scene not included. Download this Free Vector about Terrazzo floor texture pattern background, and discover more than 10 Million Professional Graphic Resources on Freepik Set2: Procedurally generated set of 6 seamless, 4k textures of terrazzo surfaces. Set1: Procedurally generated set of 10 seamless, 8k textures of terrazzo surfaces. Here is a collection of 10 very high quality, scanned, seamless terrazzo textures! plywood. Paweł Grzelak . Texture resolution 8000x8000 pixels. natural terrazzo brickwork tiles.sbsar 45.1KB natural terrazzo brick weave tiles.sbsar 44.2KB natural terrazzo grid tiles.sbsar 43.9KB natural terrazzo herringbone tiles.sbsar 44.1KB natural terrazzo hopscotch tiles.sbsar 44.0KB natural terrazzo pinwheel tiles.sbsar 45.4KB painted concrete.sbsar 25.5KB painted tactile pavement cycleway.sbsar 27.7KB Downloads. Diffuse - 8192x8192 Textures.com is a website that offers digital pictures of all sorts of materials. Terrazzo material. Image of outdoor, black, decoration - 69651485 A marketplace for the archviz industry. The texture is seamless. They are red terrazzo tiles having black and white fragments with a few yellowish flake patterns in between. Red or Pink Terrazzo Tile Texture with Black and White Fragments, Black Terrazzo Tile Texture with Pink Fragments, Green Terrazzo Tile Texture with Black and White Flakes, Terrazzo or Marble Texture with Various Colors. Cement terrazzo tiles PBR texture seamless 21871. cement terrazzo tiles PBR texture seamless 21870. terrazzo tiles PBR texture seamless 21869. terrazzo outdoor tiles PBR texture seamless 21868. ... Terrazzo Light. High quality material and textures. others. textures We share free seamless textures, 3d model and many 3D resources. The pattern of terrazzo is the most popular and typical one. Oct 23, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Vasiliy Kuleshov. aerial_rocks_04. Note that since the reflective properties of this material (Linoleum with terrazzo texture) Is so simple, i have only included a diffuse map - for each material. mossy_rock. All those fragments create this terrazzo. Detailed enough for close-up rendering. Textures are hidden and suitable for scaling, nice renderings !! Snow Covered Ground. Terrazzo Texture Set 3D Model for VRay. Procedurally generated set of 10 seamless, 8k textures of terrazzo surfaces. 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! Harmony Medtech: Biomedical Pioneer Chris: Starting off, we have the new Jinteki IDs. When I first saw Harmony Medtech, my first thought was that it was supposed to be the core of some kind of Jinteki fast-advance strategy. But upon further reflection, I think it is actually best as the core of a trap deck. Jinteki is at their scariest when it is down to the match point, and the runner is forced to make unsafe runs to block anything that might be a game-winning agenda. By forcing that phase of the game earlier than normal, Harmony Medtech plays right into one of Jinteki’s core strengths. Rating: 5 Brian: You touched on this aspect but I want to highlight it: This ID puts incredible pressure on the Runner to do things that are not good. The Corp is on 4 points, are you not going to run on click 4 just because people have said you shouldn’t when the game is on the line? Install, Advance, Advance also becomes A LOT more threatening. I recently played against a Medtech deck that featured 3 Scorched Earth. It flatlined me on turn 2 because why is a Medical company nuking my house?!?. I agree that this isn’t necessarily the Jinteki fast advance ID. There is a lot more to it. I give this ID 4 out of 5 Net Damage. Nisei Division: The Next Generation Chris: Nisei Division. The “wacky” corp ID. I’ll say right now, I don’t know if this will actually be effective. But I suspect it will prove to be a fun one at least. With all the new Psi cards showing up, it’s cool to have a corp ID that supports them. Caprice Nisei didn’t really need any help, but it will be fun to see if this actually makes Snowflake (or, dare I hope, Bullfrog?) into cards that people actually put into their decks on purpose! Rating: 23.556 Brian: I wish we had 1 or 2 more decent Psi Ice to go along with this ID. Snowflake goes from an OK card to pretty good with this ID but where is the code gate and sentry? (Bullfrog doesn’t count) This ID gets between 0 and 2 credits from me. Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within Chris: Jinteki has some of the most interesting IDs in the game, and this one is definitely up to par. It really forces the runner to play in a way that they don’t want to. Do they make reckless runs into unknown Jinteki servers? Or do they hold back, and give the corp the benefit of a free credit + click every round? I’m hoping that this ID starts to usher in a strange, Jinteki version of the popular fast-advance decks that NBN and HB currently enjoy, but who knows? If nothing else, it’s nice to finally have at least one situation where you could plausibly play woodcutter and have it be worthwhile… Rating: 16b Brian: I love this ID! Although I still don’t think Woodcutter is worth including. Note that unlike RP, the Runner must get a Successful Run in order to avoid the free advancement. A card you should consider is Successful Demo. This unpopular econ card is really useful in cases where you can keep the Runner out of the server but it is going to cost you most of your econ. Rez that Hadrian’s wall, put a free advancement on it, and then demonstrate success to get your money back! Tennin is awarded 10 Unsuccessful Runs. House of Knives Chris: Jinteki Agendas! This one is a doozy. Being able to guarantee net damage during a run is a pretty big deal, and even if you can only use it once per run, this still cuts down the runner’s safety margin by quite a bit. Sadly, (read: thankfully) the timing doesn’t work out to turn Psychic Field into an insta-kill. On the other hand, the timing DOES work out to turn an unbroken Komainu into a flatline, so getting even one of these on the board is pretty significant. And at 3-cost, that’s something that shouldn’t be too hard to pull off. This card also becomes downright terrifying when comboed with either Tori Hanzo, or the Jinteki Chronos Protocol ID, assuming it wins. Rating: 67% Brian: This is one of those game changing agendas. Once this is scored, it changes the way the runner has to play the game. If they have an important card in hand, they now need to consider playing it before running. Running at 4 cards may not be enough. As you mentioned, it combos pretty great with other cards as well. PE will really love this card but any ID has a use for it. This one gets 3 guaranteed Net Damage from me. Medical Breakthrough Chris: This agenda has a lot of people excited, and rightly so. Even if you can’t use it until the end of the game, the mere threat of a 2 point agenda, which you can score straight out of hand, is pretty major. Obviously combos pretty well with Harmon Medtech, but there are probably some fun strategies also, involving pulling these out with Fast Track, and storing them in your hand full of traps. Rating: A113 Brian: The first Breakthrough is a great candidate for Mushin No Shin or standard Install, Advance, Advance play. If you score it, cool, 2 points. If the runner steals it, cool, you now have a 3 for 2 and 2 for 2 waiting in your deck. This agenda is basically Jinteki’s second 3 for 2 so I suspect we will see more FA Jinteki decks soon. My rating on this card is 1 less than yours. Philotic Entanglement Chris: I view this card as something of an apology, honestly. It’s like Lukas is saying – “Hey Jinteki. Sorry you didn’t get any good 3/2 agendas like everyone else, before we realized that 3/2 agendas were a bad idea and stopped printing them. So have one more, for old times sake. You only get one per deck, but don’t worry, it will be worth it.” This card will be a nice boost to the old “death by 1000 cuts” Personal Evolution decks with 18 agendas. And with only one per deck, it benefits a lot from Fast Track, even if that does telegraph your play a bit. Rating: Over 9000 Brian: This almost feels like a Jinteki Scorched Earth. I can’t wait to have scored six 1 pointers against PE and have the Corp Fast Track this one into a HQ full of Snares and Shocks and a Trick of Light and say “your turn”… Another point, this may be good after the corp steals only 2 or 3 agendas if you score it out early in your turn, get the extra damage from PE, and then flatline with a Neural EMP or 2. Just more options! My rating for this card is a poem but it is a secret poem. The Future Perfect Chris: Wooo! Jinteki finally got a 5/3 agenda! It’s a neat one, too! It’s sort of a better version of NAPD Contract. It probably won’t cost the runner as much money, but it’s also really hard for the runner to steal. Having a 3-point agenda that actually has a good shot at not being stolen is going to be pretty neat. Brian: The part that is better is the extra point. But that extra point can easily go to the runner. Otherwise I wouldn’t say this is a better version of NAPD. I think this comes down to how good you think you are at the Psi minigame. This is probably Jinteki’s best option for a 5/3 I suppose. Though, in recent games, I am about 1 for 11 in actually winning the Future Perfect Psi game. I give this Agenda Nine Helicopters out of Antelope. Chairman Hiro Chris: Jinteki executive makes his debut! And it’s quite a debut. Effectively giving the runner 2 unpreventable brain damage is kind of amazing. Granted, the runner can reverse it if they can either trash or capture Hiro, but making runs to do so is going to be a lot less safe with him on the table. Between Hiro, and the relative ease of brain damage in H&P, I’m wondering if the “increase the runner hand size” cards will actually start to see some play. Brian: Hiro is a lot more interesting than Haas. I am not sure how viable it would be to keep Hiro on the table but I can see some possibility combining him with brain damage and EMPs. With that 6 trash cost, I wouldn’t be entirely upset when the runner steals him. While this is a really powerful card, I don’t think we will see runners expanding their hand size until there are some more explicit benefits to a bigger hand size. I promote Chairman Hiro to CEO Hiro as the rating for this card (is CEO better than Chairman?) Mental Health Clinic Chris: Speaking of increasing the runner’s hand size, there’s this card. On the surface, it’s basically a PAD campaign, which costs the runner one less credit to trash, and the corp two fewer credits to rez. In exchange, it gives a minor benefit to the runner. But that leads to an interesting question – is it worth it for the runner to trash, knowing that it might save their life from Jinteki damage ice? I’m honestly not sure what to think of this card. In decks without damage, it is just a cheaper PAD campaign, which the runner will trash without thought. In decks WITH damage, it might stick around longer, but only because it actually makes the runner safer. Brian: The problem I see is you don’t want it in a flatline deck, so when the Runner sees it, they should just trash it. That means you need to defend it, meaning you need to rez some ice which will take away the economic benefit of the card. Sundew is better in terms of Assets that need Ice defense. And even if the Runner thinks they need the extra hand size, they should still trash it immediately because paying the corp a credit a turn is not worth +1 to hand size. They will use that money to flatline you! I just don’t understand where this card fits in. It was probably included for Diversified Portfolio food. Clinic is too confusing to rate. Psychic Field Chris: This card is neat. First off, thematically, it’s fantastic. A trap that triggers when you look at it? How does that even work? Psychics! But also, it feels like the perfect thing for Jinteki right now – With Mushin no Shin hitting the scene and making traps a lot more practical to play, expose effects are going to be more important than ever. And while Zaibatsu Loyalty covers that to some extent, it’s nice to have a reason to make the runner a little bit paranoid about just what they reveal. And like all good Jinteki cards, it forces a hard choice on the runner. This card can never actually kill you, even with House of Knives helping out. So the fewer cards you have in your hand when you hit it, the better, right? Right. Running with fewer cards in hand is pretty much exactly what Jinteki would like you to do… I don’t think Psychic Field will have any effect on exposing decisions because there just isn’t another option if you need to find out what a card is. And it won’t cause the Runner to run in with fewer cards just in case they hit this card. The best counter is to run early in the turn if you see these in the Corp’s deck. Brian: Clearing all the Runner’s cards is a powerful effect and can be devastating if the Runner makes the mistake of running into this late in their turn (like I did, and then got Scorched..). The rating for this card has been psychically delivered to you. Shi.Kyu Chris: A new trap! Interesting to see another trap that can protect archives. Also interesting to see a trap that does more than just net damage. This is the first time we’ve seen the “negative points” mechanic, but it’s definitely an interesting one! I think I like this card for two reasons: First, it does something new and interesting. But second, because I’m secretly hoping that it will change Data Dealer into a legitimate deck include for people besides Ian Sterling… Brian: Data Dealer just isn’t going to be a thing unless they add 10 more cards like this in the Lunar Cycle. This is a fantastic trap! It seems fairly easy to give the Runner a negative Agenda point. But how much is that worth? If the Runner has 5 cards, is it worth spending 6 to give the Runner a negative point or is it better to spend those 6 credits on advancing your own agenda points? I think you want to spend at their hand size (3 or 4) in most cases to give them the hard decision. Especially if you have a couple EMPs in hand. Another thing to consider is if a single -1 point is going to make a difference. If you run all 2 pointer agendas, it probably won’t. Shi.Kyu is awarded -5 out of 5. Tenma Line Chris: Finally! Jinteki has needed something like this since forever. Positional ice seems to be a stronger theme than ever for Jinteki, (with the recent release of Inazuma, as well as the less recent, and less respected Marker), so it’s nice to have a practical way to rearrange it. Midori has always been an option, but the fact that she derezzes things is rough. And sunset is rarely practical. This offers a reusable way to move ice around between servers, rezzed or not, and is even high-enough trash cost that you might not even need to protect it vs. anyone except for Whizzard. Brian: I just can’t get excited about these types of repositioning effects. Until I see a good and efficient reason to move Ice around all the time, I won’t be using Tenma Line. Tenma Line gets 0 points but is a clone so the point value is doubled. Cerebral Cast Chris: I think this card will see more use outside of Jinteki than in it. There simply aren’t enough ways to capitalize on tags from within faction. On the other hand, this card feels like a godsend to any scorched earth decks floating around, since, if you win the mind game, either choice is good for the corp. It will be interesting if this makes it worth trying to splash scorched earths into Jinteki. Brian: This is a fun card. When this is played on you, you have to be HIGHLY suspicious. What exactly is going on here? It actually seems pretty decent played within Jinteki without anything specific to use the tag for but is better if you have some tag punishment. My brain tells me this card is rated 18. Medical Research Fundraiser Chris: “Cards that are awesome but also help the runner” seems to be Jinteki’s new theme. Or maybe their old theme, since Celebrity Gifts was clearly cut from the same cloth. Hard to say if this will turn into a staple econ card, or if it will end up like Successful Demonstration, and only see play in a few specialized decks. A restructuring you can play from only 3 credits is nothing to sneeze at though, and as a one-influence transaction operation, we might start seeing this in Weyland as well. Brian: Weyland usually doesn’t want the Runner to get credits but gaining 6 while the Runner gains 3 seems like a viable ratio. I had this played against me a couple days ago and I was quite happy to get 3 credits for free. I think that Cerebral Imaging might like this one as that is another big burst of money to help with the combo and they don’t care too much if the Runner gets some money. I do want to encourage everyone to continue believing that Successful Demonstration is a specialized card that nobody should consider using so I can continue to exploit it. This card is rated 5 but it also bumps up another cards rating by 3. Mushin No Shin Chris: Personal prediction: This card is going to shake up the meta by itself. The biggest problem with playing shell games with advanceable traps is just how many resources you have to spend advancing them. This card removes a huge amount of that cost, effectively saving you 2 clicks and 3 credits. And possibly even more importantly, it gives you a plausible reason to have triple-advanced, undefended assets on the table, making dangerous traps that much harder to tell apart from legitimate assets. I think this card will, by itself, be responsible for a lot more expose effects in runner decks. Brian: This is the best Jerry, the best! I have been using this in my Tennin deck with Ronin, Secretary, and Refinery to great effect. It also makes the prospect of scoring a Fetal AI more viable. I have had people draw up to 6 cards and run. Everyone thinks it is a Junebug for some reason. Mushin No Shin gets all the ratings for 0 credits. Inazuma Chris: Oh boy, here it is. The scariest new piece of ice in a while. It is probably the most threatening code gate around, since if you can’t break it, it guarantees a hit from whatever nasty thing is behind it. It’s a good way to get a second hit out of a nasty sentry, even if the runner thinks they’re ready for it. Runners have to respect Jinteki ice defenses, even if they have a sentry breaker installed. I’m secretly hoping that this card will signal the beginning of the end of Yog.0’s dominance, since between this and RSVP, we’re starting to get a good spread of low-cost codegates that Yog can’t break unless it has datasucker support, or is sitting on a dinosaur. Brian: I definitely switched away from Yog because of this card. I have been playing with Inazuma and am convinced it is one of the best Ice in the game. Like all positional Ice, it can be disabled with a well timed Parasite. But my plan of Unrezzed Inazuma->Mystery Ice->Rototurret worked pretty well when after the Rototurret was Parasited, I rezzed the Inazuma and second Rototurret to kill a Corroder. Inazuma is really expensive to break once you hit them with something nasty as well. A friend couldn’t figure out why everyone loved Inazuma and then realized it was 3 to rez (after thinking it was 5) and said “Oh, yeah, that is pretty great”. Best Ice in the pack. Rating is 110%. Komainu Chris: Recently, Jinteki seems to be getting a lot of ice that is low strength, but has TONS of subroutines. Which is an interesting direction to take, since it means that the runner is going to be more likely to be able to get up to strength, but is going to spend a lot of cash on all the subs. Case in point, this beauty: It will never actually KILL the runner (unless there is an active House of Knives) but it will do a lot of damage, and basically force any sane runner to jack out, for fear of data mines, Hokusai grids, Shocks, Snares, and Fetal AIs. It’s brutally expensive to break, too, although it shares Tsurugi’s weakness to parasites. And it offers the runner an amusing choice: It would be so much cheaper to break, if they’d just run with fewer cards in their hand… Brian: Like you say, Parasite is really the deciding factor here. There are decks that will want to pay extra for this effect but in most cases I think you want to go with Katana. The problem I see is that Katana is good because it punishes early game face checking. This also punishes face checking but is just a bit more expensive for a similar effect. It is a decent option I suppose. My rating is based on the number of cards in your hand right now. Pup Chris: So adorable! This is some of the best taxing ice we’ve seen since Eli and Popup Window. It’s super cheap to rez. And it’s super easy for the runner to bypass. But it’s going to cost them 2 credits. Every. Single. Time. For reference, Eli costs the corp 3 to rez, and usually costs most runners 4 credits to break. That 3:4 ratio is part of what makes Eli so amazing. Ice that costs the runner more to break than it costs the corp to rez is pretty rare. Well, this little beauty has a 1:2 ratio, putting it ahead of basically anything this side of popup window. I think he’ll be seeing a lot of play. Both inside of Jinteki, and (at 1 influence) outside, for any corp that wants to splash some top-notch ice tax into their decks. Brian: I agree with your assessment. If you were using Popup in your Jinteki deck mostly for the annoyance/tax, Pup is a good way to save some influence and double the effect! Pup is also immune to Yog. Rating: 1 or a net damage, you choose. Shiro Chris: I don’t know what to think of this card. On one hand, I like the fact that it’s a 5 strength code gate. Take that Yog! But on the other hand, 6 to rez is kind of pricey for something that doesn’t even end the run. It’s basically Yagura’s big brother, but it’s not clear that the upgrade is worth it. It depends heavily on traps in your deck to be a threat, and the worst you are going to do with it is 3 damage. (Since you can’t use Shi.Kyu from R&D) Maybe it’s worth putting on a non-R&D server, just for the mini-precognition every time the runner crashes through? Hard to say. Brian: This doesn’t seem that good. The best thing I can think to say about it is that it makes good Indexing defense maybe? If your Jinteki deck has infinite money for some reason, this is worth looking at. Rating: It is an Ice. Susanoo-No-Mikoto Chris: Jinteki gets a unique deity themed ice! I know a lot of people (myself included) were hoping for a Yamato-no-Orochi ice (come on, Jinteki needs their snake!) but this is at least thematically related. It’s not quite as pricey for the runner as Wotan, but it’s also not quite as costly to rez, either. (And it’s still a 7 strength sentry, which is nothing to sneeze at.) It’s usually just an end-the-run piece of ice, but if your archives are full of shocks and shi.kyus, then it has the potential to be a bit more annoying. Pity it’s so susceptible to Femme Fatale, but it’s hard to complain too much, if the only good counter is for the runner to install a 9-cost program… Brian: My Cell Portal senses are tingling… People are going to have intricate plans based around this Ice and then I will just run in with a Faerie and they will be sad. Also, in a recent game, this got rezzed in front of me. I was forced to run into archives and only gain a credit and a data sucker token. It was shutdown later that game. All for the low, low cost of 9! Rating: 9 credits is too expensive for ETR. NeoTokyo Grid Chris: I’m torn on this one. On one hand, it’s usually going to be a less reliable PAD-campaign, that costs slightly more to rez and trash. On the other hand, being an upgrade means that, unlike pad campaign and other economic assets, this can share a server with your agendas, so you don’t have to spend extra ice protecting it, if you meet a runner who is willing to trash your things. And on the third hand, it does have at least the potential to give you double money with Matrix Analyzer. Hard to say. Brian: You do not have 3 hands. 5 trash cost is the best part about this card. It is probably best in Tennin. The limit of only being used on cards within the server is less than ideal though. This seems like it could be useful now but probably not useful enough to justify the card slot. My rating for this card is: Neat art! Tori Hanzo Chris: Sorry HB, Jinteki is sort of the brain damage faction now. She’s kind of pricey, (2 to rez, and another 2 to apply the damage) but she’s pretty worth it, particularly on a server they’re going to have to run more than once. (i. e. HQ or R&D) She combos well with Caprice and Ash, who give her multiple chances to work her particular brand of brain-magic. House of Knives, Data Mine, and Hokusai Grid are all her friends. Brian: :O Rating: NOT MY BRAIN! Plan B Chris: The first neutral trap! I’m not a fan. While it looks neat on the surface, (and being able to set it off for zero credits is cool) it feels really hard to actually land. Even ignoring the requirement that you actually have an agenda in your hand to use it, it’s just too rare for the corp to actually have a 3-advanced asset on the board that is an agenda. Even for 5-cost agendas, most corps won’t advance them past 2, until they’re ready to score them out. Mushin no Shin is probably the only way you’re going to get this to land, since it’s the only real case where you might have a lightly-defended 3-cost agenda on the board. Brian: I love the dream play of scoring the first Medical Breakthrough/Nisei out of hand after a Mushin No Shin and advance on Plan B. Outside of that, there are better traps. Rating: Skip ahead to Plan C. Guard Chris: Huh. Neat. Seems a bit specific in its ability, but still it’s nice to have a direct counter to inside job as well as the new Feint. Too bad Femme Fatale can just break it for 1 credit. Brian: This is an extremely good early game Ice. Want a turn 3 Astro or Nisei scored? Install this turn 2 in a remote with the agenda and hope they don’t have a Faerie in hand. This simply increases the chances that you can score out an important agenda in the early game. It is also decent on HQ if you have another ice above or below it so that a single Faerie can’t get through to HQ. It’s odd that Guard is a Sentry. It feels more like a Barrier or Code Gate to me. Rating: You may not pass! Rainbow Chris: I think this card is neat, but it feels a little pricey for what it does. While I like the idea of a 3-cost ice that costs 3-4 to break with most breakers, it’s hard not to compare it to Bastion, which only costs the corp one more credit, and is far more restrictive on which breakers it allows. Brian: Not a big fan. When I see cards like this I go back to Eli. Just use Eli. It is worth the influence and is more taxing. Rating: Just use Eli. Diversified Portfolio Chris: I want to like this card. It has a lot of potential for horizontal decks with lots of assets. But it also feels sort of like a “win-more” card. If you’ve got a ton of assets, they’re probably already providing you with a lot of money, so your need for this card is lessened. If you DON’T have many assets, say, because mean runners keep trashing all your beautiful PAD campaigns and sundews, then this card isn’t going to help you much. I’m willing to reserve judgement until I actually get a chance to try it in some decks, but at first glance it seems a little weak, given that you need 4 assets on the board to make it even match Beanstalk Royalties. Brian: Totally agree. It is worth noting that the cards in the remotes don’t need to be assets and they don’t need to rezzed. Maybe there is potential for early game abuse with Mirrormorph. I rate this 7 because I was told it is good to have a diversified portfolio by some smarty pants business person once. Fast Track Chris: Choo choo! All aboard the Astroscript train! Brian: While obviously great for Fast Advance, it is worth mentioning some more use cases. First of all, Jinteki can use this to great effect. Celebrity Gifts, show them a nasty hand of traps, click 3 Fast Track for an Agenda, come and get it Runner. It is also good for acquiring a 4/2 and getting it into scoring position when you have a solid window. This gets 3 out of 3 trains. One thought on “H&P Set Review, Part 2: The Run Upon”
I for performance, the annual rate will be about $10 for each percentage point of return since the new site’s inception on Mar 22, 2012. We’re up about 95% over those first nine months [SEE DETAILS HERE] so the new rates will be as follows: - Annual: $950 - Semi-Annual: $550 - Quarterly: $375 The first fifteen to sign up for an annual membership at the current rate of $800, however, will be granted Charter Member status. Charter Member rates are locked in for the life of the site, so you’ll never pay more — no matter where annual rates end up. If we are fortunate enough to continue averaging a little over 10% per month, annual memberships would be $1,200+ in March. So, locking in current prices is a no-brainer. * * * * * * * * We remain short from 1447 on Dec 18. Per the 1:10 post in the members section: SPX just tagged the .786 mentioned above, pushing just beyond 1446.44. I’m closing my intra-day longs (again) here at 1447 and will see what kind of reaction we get here. Charts in a few. But, I’ll repeat my warning from Monday: bulls will be looking for opportunities to shift momentum, and it could be especially easy with low volume and the inattention that comes with a holiday week like this. Keep an eye on the dollar index and the little H&S patterns on SPX this morning. Some strength is to be expected early in the session, but there is the risk of a small breakout. As we discussed Monday, the key SPX level to watch is 1432, which would take prices out of the proposed falling channel as well as complete the lopsided little IH&S that targets a Bat Pattern completion at 1441. I’d put the odds at 50:50. SPX’s bearish H&S pattern has picked up a new neckiline — the bottom of the purple channel above. The neckline is rising, but it currently completes around 1425. The EURUSD is coming up on its .618 at 1.3250 — also the top of a well-formed channel. The rally should fail at that point, with the key level to watch afterwards being the recent bottom at 1.3157. Charts later. UPDATE: 10:50 AM SPX just broke below the neckline of the bearish H&S pattern (in purple below.) If the pattern plays out, it targets about 1416 — which intersects with a little Crab Pattern at the purple 1.618 at 1416.28. The key level for bulls to hold is 1422.58. A drop to 1416 would very likely see a decent bounce, as it also represents a Bat Pattern completion at the Fib .886 of the 1411 – 1448 rally between Dec 14 and Dec 18. The slightly less likely target is the 1.272/.786 intersection at 1419.61-1419.81. Either level marks an important channel midline, which — combined with the harmonic pattern completions — could elicit a strong bounce. A drop through 1411 means much more immediate downside. UPDATE: 12:00 PM We reached our primary target, reversing at 1416.43. If SPX can break back through the white channel midline at around 1422, the top case is a bounce to the .618 just formed at 1426.53 (also a white channel line) or the .786 at 1429.28 (the top of the white channel.) This is a short-term trade only, and is likely to complete by Friday. As always, stops are strongly recommended — so, 1415ish should do the trick. Any breakout from the channel has upside potential to 1436. UPDATE: 12:30 PM DX tested the bottom of the little white channel I posted earlier, then zipped right back to its midline with the equities sell-off to 1416.43. It has now tested the upper bound of the yellow channel twice in the past two sessions, and must either commit to the rapidly rising white channel — breaking out of the yellow — or consolidating further. A break out of the SPX white channel would likely equate to a breakdown of DX’s white channel. If stocks get a rebound to 1436 as discussed above, look for the dollar to flesh out the proposed purple channel to around the .618 at 79.319. UPDATE: 3:10 PM SPX just pushed through 1422.58, raising the odds that this is more than just a bounce in the current primary wave down. I never use Elliott Wave to forecast (it either doesn’t work or I’m just lousy at it) but the move down from 1448 to 1416 looks like 5 waves to me. If so, the bottom of the 3rd wave down was that 1422.58 level, and breaking that level means we’re probably going to work on retracing the overall move now. The first big wave down, of course, was 1474 to 1343 from Sep 14 to Nov 16. Wave 2 was back up to 1448 — a Fib 78.6% retrace. SPX has dropped 32 points since, back to just beyond the .618 retrace of 1474-1343 and only about 30% of the 1343-1448 rally. So, technically, we might have just established a Point C for a Butterfly Pattern pointing to 1510 or 1555 (the 1.272 and 1.618, respectively.) But, that doesn’t fit with our primary forecast, which is that 1474 was an important top which will stand for many, many months (at least.) The more likely scenario is that 1488 was the end of the 2nd wave, with 1448-1416 serving as the 1st of the 3rd wave down. If so, and if SPX holds 1416.43, we should expect a 2nd wave up to retrace anywhere from .382-.886 of the drop from 1448. The potential Fib targets (the white grid) are: - .382: 1428.49 - .500: 1432.22 - .618: 1435.94 - .786: 1441.24 A 2nd wave up could stay within the small white falling channel only up to about the .382 at 1428.49. But, even that is pushing it. In other words, any move higher means a break-out of the channel. On the other hand, a reversal at the (red) .618 at 1426.53 means the current wave down isn’t quite done. This also intersects with the small purple .786 (1426.64) and the small pink .382 at 1426.84.) That’s probably about as clear as mud, but suffice it to say there are many harmonic scenarios in play in the small, intra-day scale — even though the larger scale still points down. I see absolutely no reason to get bullish at this point, and look at this as nothing more than a bounce. Those of you playing the bounce at 1416 should keep stops where you’re comfortable, with the understanding that the risk is still to the downside. As discussed in the performance update a few days ago, I will occasionally keep a core position in place (in this case, short) while playing a contrary wave for a bounce. This is one of those situations. More later. PW–Agree that 1422.58 is the bottom of Wave 3, but the bottom of wave 3 has no bearing on the waves 4 & 5 below it. In fact, the peak of subwave (iv) of 3 (which I abbreviate iv:3) tends to act as resistance to the actual wave 4 peak to follow. In this recent case, iv:3 was established at 1433.69 and the wave 4 peak was at 1432.78. Also, notice that iv:3 DID overlap into the bottom of wave 1 establishd at 1432.82, but the actual wave 4 did not. Once wave 5 started down from 1432.78, the only price EW practitioners are concerned with immediately is 1425.06. That is where i:5 was established, and by my count, iv:5 ended at 1423.97 today without overlap of waves i and iv. [Yes, there is the very confusing Ending Diagonal (ED) exclusion to this rule, but ED’s are a series of five 3-wave moves, and so far the i & iii waves are 5-wave motive waves, eliminating the ED for this wave 5 from consideration.] However, wave v:5 could still be an ED on the smaller intraday time frames tomorrow. I am expecting a 5-wave move (impulse or ED) down from 1423.97 to establish a new low below 1416.43 tomorrow. With this move down being so long in the tooth, honestly any new low with positive divergence on ANY chart is going to get me to sell the last of the shorts I am holding (very few, as I harvested profits at the bottom of wave 3 at 1427 and wave iii:5 at 1417) or I will sell them at a loss if price breaks above 1425.06. Depending upon the type of bottom that is created, I will make a decision on whether to establish none, small, or heavy longs for the wave 2 retrace. Perhaps I should rename myself, as I have been practicing EW for some time now, but prefer to stay by the same handle so everyone knows who I am when I post. I hope this post helps everyone better understand EW and how it can be used to help setup trades. I do not trade exclusively by EW, and would have to consider anyone that does a genius or a fool. GLTA. “would have to consider anyone that does a genius or a fool” Love this line, newb. I know you ain’t no fool, so will assume this makes sense from an EW standpoint. And, yes, the moniker is definitely misleading! Thanks PW. My trailing stops took me out of the plunge far too early, but rather not be greedy when playing with options and EW is telling me we are in a wave 5. I’ve had FAR too many moves leave me holding worthless options in my trading career–hopefully I’m wising up. Looking for “one more low” can be a quick way to the poorhouse, ask me how I know! *IF* we’ve put in a real 5-wave bottom at 1401.80, I agree that it is likely w1 of a 3/C that will take us down into the low 1200’s and w2 may have gotten started today. I had to head into work on my vacation today, so luckily had autotrades programmed to take advantage of the reversal as I left the house with SPX at 1405. I fully expect this w2 to be sharp and quick, but stay near/under 1431. Missed doubling up my SSO options at 1401 by that lousy 0.80. Argh. I’ll use EW and Fibs to help me trade both directions or trade around a core trend position, but typically favor the trend on a weekly time frame. My next short ETF core option position is going to be in the March expiry–I have indicators that show weakness into February–so I don’t have to panic about expiration AND I can let all of w3 of that 3/C we’re expecting play out. PW – To clarify, you are only going short-term long after 1422 is broken? Thanks, and hope you had a great Christmas. Personally, I played a little bounce right at the target, but a push through 1422.58 takes us up through the last wave (morning of 12/21) and up through the white channel midline, thus is a decent confirmation of the size of the bounce — likely up to the .618 or so. Thank you sir. PW – so are we still looking at a low between 1/11/13 and 1/16/13, or have any of these most recent developments changed that forecast. Thanks in advance, and thanks for all you do. I just saw your update above, thanks. Left an email, but can’t seem to renew/click on the annual membership? Is it because your allotted 15 people already signed up or ? No, there are still some left. Must be something wrong with the link. I’ll get it fixed and get back to you. In the meantime, consider your place reserved. Anyone else who has the same issue, just shoot me an email and I’ll do the same for you. A friend of mine had the same problem. Again, just have him contact me through the contact tab on the main menu. The PayPal button has been fixed and seems to be working fine, now. Thanks for your patience. charts open fine with firefox PW, The site wont let you open the charts in a new window, so you can’t make them big enough to seethe detail. Anything I can do different to expand the size of the charts?j It’s broke here too. I got it a little larger by; right click on the chart and select, Open in New Tab. Open the new tab. Move pointer onto the chart. Hold the CTRL key while tapping on the + I got it big enough here to see the detail. Can you right-click to open image in another window or tab? Just did that with Safari and Chrome without any problem — takes up the whole window and can zoom further with a click. Been having the same issue PW since late last week. It comes up as a series of charts and clicking on them just toggles between the charts of the post. Can’t isolate the charts to blow them up to see detail. Took short profits 10 cents off the high of the day so far on SPXU. Will likely grab a long if we get a new low on divergences and oversold on the hourly looking for the zig zag higher after the 5-wave move. Happy Holidays all. Have you tried the method described above? It seems to be working fine with FF, Chrome and Safari. Haven’t tried it with IE. Using IE. I’m playing the short side from the 1422/3 area with 1426 as a stop looking for one more low near 1413. 9 points down vs. 3 points on the stop out. I’ll take 2:1 and 3:1 setups. I’m not seeing any divergences yet on the longer intra-day charts, so I’d like to see that before playing the bounce back to 1436 or higher. GLTA Right-click and “Open image in new tab/window” instead of just “open in new tab/window” will give you just the image. at 1416 spx confident to go counter trend long? It might be five waves down from 1448?
Most of my friends and lovers are pronatalists, so I know that kind, smart people often hold beliefs that contradict mine. I still have hopes of converting them and others (as they have hopes of converting me, no doubt).? There's no "magic bullet", and it takes some experimentation for each individual, but, yes, there are. You could start here: Sister Y, would you change your anti-natalist position in a hypothetical world where it could be guaranteed that... a) the overwhelmingly vast majority of children will live lives that are predominably very good, and will self-report great gratitute that they have been born, or b) suffering becomes biologically impossible (cf hedweb.com), or c) creating new sentient entities happens only through duplication of previously existing ones that claim to be very happy and consent to the process? For your lovers: use the Lysistrata method. For the rest, two words: OPRAH WINFREY. But when the minds you're trying to change have been fortified with the latest in anti-bias research, it should be a lot easier to convince them, especially when you can tell them when they're following their own cognitive biases. Hence my reasons for taking on the Overcoming Bias community :) Of course, I guess if I can't convince you to join the few of us doing this, I probably won't have any luck with the guys and gals at the OB community. Hedonic Treader: a. No. How is that different from the status quo? b. Yes - then reproduction would be neutral. c. No - it's not true consent. I'm reminded of Greg Egan's Permutation City, which gives good examples of the copy's interests being extremely divergent from those of the original. Re: Lysistrata - that would only work if my lovers' sexual options were limited to me. (Is refusing to interact with/fuck people who have children a moral/effective strategy for reducing breeding? I don't know, but some of my best friends have kids, and some of them are the most sympathetic to the cause. I just don't think deterrence/incentive is the appropriate way to think about one's friends and lovers.) estnihil - you are undoubtedly right that to the extent that our position is logically entailed by basic empathy and reason, those most sensitive to reason should be the most susceptible to conversion. But think about the mortality salience experiments with judges: even judges performing their judicial functions demonstrate strong emotional biases of the kind that our beliefs would undoubtedly trigger. I'm open to it as an experiment, but . . . do we have, like, a control or hypothesis or anything? I'll gladly participate. (I troll/tilt at OB all the time anyway.) It is really difficult to change their minds. Compare it to how many people drink, smoke and overeat even though it is generally accepted that these things are not good. "Are there any methods that reliably work to change core beliefs?" Not any that are legal. I wonder how effective an "If only you weren't born ..." would be when they are in deep crisis. Another thing that could be tried is, "If only s/he wasn't born!" when their child is in deep crisis. Pro-natalism and anti-natalism are not strictly logical positions. They're moral positions, or attitudes, or visions, or preferences, or desires, or values. So pure reason isn't going to cut it. Probably your best bet is to force upon others the formative experiences that led you to your own moral positions. For instance, if you've suffered a lot of depression and you think that may have had bearing on your attitudes, try ruining other peoples' lives, preferably in covert ways. The Lysistrata method sounds, as usual, hilarious, but getting someone to SAY they've changed their mind in order to get what they want isn't the same as actually changing their mind. This is a very difficult question. You would think that a harrowing experience such as the death or deformity of one's own child would make people think twice about natalism, but no; many simply try again. A lot of smart people (e.g. Richard Posner) have advanced the view that books like Peter Singer's Animal Liberation have succeeded to the extent that they have not because they make great technical arguments, but because they contain graphic imagery that makes the problem of animal suffering vivid in people's minds. Perhaps we need more graphic imagery to make the problem of human suffering vivid in people's minds. There's only one way Lol @ Sagredo! I try to avoid life as much as possible so i don't do drama and games. I did convince my sister but she admitted not having children would ruin her marriage and future life (social standing, family get togethers, feeling "eggy",...). I'm done preaching about it, let them all burn. My mind has been changed through exposure to logical (and emotional) arguments, both through interpersonal exchange and through reading. What I have noticed is that the change seldom comes instantly; it usually comes after some personal reflection and reorientation. I'm probably not typical. With reference to biorealism (or HBD), the blogger Half Sigma contends that no amount of logical data-based argument is sufficient. He says the better tack if you want to change minds is to humbly aver that you used to believe X (what they currently believe) until that day when you tried in earnest to defend your position and realized you were wrong. Being averse to intellectual dishonesty, I personally recoil from this kind of tactic. But it might be there's something to it. I suppose the idea is to signal grudging social acceptance of a seemingly toxic notion, until would-be adversaries are tempted away from their rejectionist default. By the way, I received a memo from the future and it turns out that a critical mass of people will become antinatalists after reading a book called "Every Cradle is a Grave." lolwut? Who reads Half Sigma anyway? Only proles who don't want to be proles. Chip, you mean the book will be featured on the Oprah Book Club? Congratulations! What would a critical mass of antinatalists look like? Enough to forcibly sterilize the entire planet? We all know that continued reproduction takes only a subset of the population actually reproducing. While general strategies for mind-changing would be nice, doesn't it make sense to focus on the most intuitive and accessible arguments for the position you're advancing? For example, I found this site before reading Benatar, and I'm not sure that I would have bought his explanation of the asymmetry without exposure to the Austrian Basement post. So we should be asking philanthropic antinatalists how they were convinced, and see if any patterns emerge. Pual, I agree with you about tactics. It has been said that one benefit of the truth -- or in this case, an "intuitive and accessible" argument -- is that it's easier to remember. It does occur to me that the basic PA argument could be effectively presented to a wider audience in a calmly intoned documentary film (perhaps narrated by Morgan Freeman). I suppose I had been nursing inchoate antinatalist nostrums for some time prior, but my profound epiphany came through a critical reading of Murray Rothbard's treatise, "The Ethics of Liberty." In the chapter where Rothbard gamely attempts to outline a theory of children's rights under the strict dicta of libertarian nonaggression (with repugnant conclusions galore), I sensed a gaping blind spot in his insistent logic. The blind spot was simply that he failed to see that procreation could itself be an instance of unprovoked force. Later, when I read Benatar, it became clear that similar problems bedeviled other ethical strategies and systems. Where philosophy -- and ordinary human sensibility -- is concerned with the problems of death and harm, it seems that antinatalism eventually and inevitably intrudes upon our thoughts. Perhaps this was always the case, but now the idea comes with a pedigree. I think that much matters. With every iteration, it becomes more difficult to ignore the obvious thing. More difficult not to connect the dots. Music and fiction seem pretty effective at covertly developing sympathies for just about any view of the world. I'll repeat myself because you've ignored my argument, and continued to juggle the moral memes of antinatalism as if it had any meaningful impact on actual reality on this planet: All it takes for complete repopulation of planet earth is for only a very small minority of people to continue reproducing, even if *billions* of others are magically and unrealistically converted to antinatalism. So what's the point of it, other than an academic exercise and personal frustration-venting? From an actual consequentialist perspective, there doesn't seem to be too much value in it. Futhermore, the concept of consent-based ethics has problems with personal identity, which is mostly an elaborate memetic and neurological illusion. From a (negative) utilitarian perspective, antinatalist would only make sense if it somehow magically convinced people to do things that acutally prevent large-scale suffering in this world. This seems super unrealistic to me. Fewer people is progress. And who knows what the future may bring to our cause? Anonymous, I presume you are addressing me since I neglected to engage your point about "critical mass." Since I was obviously joking in my initial comment, I assumed you were at least half-joking in reply. But I do understand your point. To my mind, a "critical mass" effect would obtain if antinatalism were to become a subject of legitimate popular bioethical debate and discussion (much like abortion or euthanasia or even circumcision now) and if, in such an atmosphere, there were measurable and appreciable negative effects on rates of reproduction. The extinctionist project is at once quixotic (since forcible sterilization isn't going to happen) and inevitable (since all life is doomed in time). Anyway, I don't really understand the emphasis on endgame scenarios where this subject is concerned. I think it's a form of special pleading. If the point is that procreation always exacts uninvited harm on those who are created (and that the alternative exacts no such harm) then it is presumably within an individual's control to prevent some measure of this category of harm simply by not having children. The people that you and I do not create are spared the fate of the living, just as the people we do not torture and murder are spared another particular fate. It hardly matters that you and I may not desire to impose suffering on others; my point is simply that nonreproduction, like other forms of nonaggression, appears to be a viable and practicable option for real individual human beings faced with options. The fact that murder and torture have not been (and probably never will be) abolished is not generally construed to render our intuitive opposition to such conduct "academic." It just means that there is only so much we can do. One other point I would make is that the legitimization of antinatalist reasoning might have other positive real-world implications that would pass any consequentialist test, and this seems especially likely where law is concerned. Two realistic possibilities come to mind. The first is that wrongful life litigation could be more broadly applied. The second is that prevailing legal restrictions on suicide could be repealed. It isn't necessary to end the world (all of our worlds end when we die) to recognize the difference between better and worse. I don't really have anything to say with reference to your final point regarding such "memetic and neurological" illusions that might undermine consent-based ethics. The ideas behind your conclusion are years of study beyond my grasp and would seem, in any event, to apply just as forcefully to arguments against murder and torture. "The ideas behind your conclusion are years of study beyond my grasp" Indeed. But fear not, I still do respect you as a person. "Futhermore, the concept of consent-based ethics has problems with personal identity, which is mostly an elaborate memetic and neurological illusion." I really find it so tiresome when people trot this out. Like it or not, one is obliged to act as an "I", one is obliged to take responsibility for one's choices and one is obliged to be an ethical agent. Saying that science "disproves" the self strikes me more and more as an excuse for apathy and irresponsibility. "Like it or not, one is obliged to act as an "I", one is obliged to take responsibility for one's choices and one is obliged to be an ethical agent." Independent from the question of personal identity, I cannot see such an obligation. As far as I can tell, the only obligation that "I" ever had was to obey the laws of physics. "Saying that science "disproves" the self strikes me more and more as an excuse for apathy and irresponsibility." Why would we need an excuse for that? We can already do whatever we want, as long as we're ready to accept the consequences. "We can already do whatever we want, as long as we're ready to accept the consequences." Well if you're prepared to go down the nihilist line, antinatalism isn't for you. AN is a moral position, based on the reasonable projection of unnecessary future suffering that can be averted through individual choice. This demonstrates yet again how a position of total determinism is completely irreconcilable with ethics. "We can already do whatever we want, as long as we're ready to accept the consequences." What? You mean only the consequences for us (as in the action's doer)?! "What? You mean only the consequences for us (as in the action's doer)?!" No, I mean consequences. "AN is a moral position, based on the reasonable projection of unnecessary future suffering that can be averted through individual choice." If the goal is to reduce preventable future suffering, then it seems AN is just an instrumental subset of negative utilitarianism, which doesn't emphasize the requirement of consent except for its instrumental value. "A child cannot consent to being born" is not the relevant then. What about the non-consensual killing of people who might suffer in the future? Surely, that too qualifies as "the reasonable projection of unnecessary future suffering that can be averted through individual choice", and it does not require the illusion of individuality or deontological focus on consent. Antinatalism focuses on the initial decision to eschew procreation. It has nothing hard or fast to say about abortion and has absolutely nothing to do with "the non-consensual killing of people who might suffer in the future". I know. That's why it's at least incomplete. Judging from the proclaimed terminal goal of preventing unnecessary future suffering that can be averted through individual choice, it makes no sense to be anti-procreation, but not pro-abortion. Or pro-suicide. Rather than just pro-choice. Unless you add a deontological consent principle for pre-existing people, and then you're basing your limitations on the illusion of personal identity again. I'm not saying that you can't. It just doesn't follow from the goal you've stated. First, yes, you can be an antinatalist on purely negative utilitarian grounds without caring about consent, and that's, in a way, what Benatar does, avoiding the non-identity problem. Second, you can also be an antinatalist if you find consent so great that you care about it even outside the person-affecting conception of harm, which is usually taken to be relevant by consent people. And third, I think there will be hardly any antinatalist that doesn't think abortion is actually morally obligatory. The reason is, if you're sensible and compassionate enough to be of antinatalist conviction, you're very unlikely to be the kind of person who has weird conceptions about fetuses. Oh, I forgot, fourth: yes, it does make sense to be pro-choice and not pro-suicide for an antinatalist. If you think you can't do this by just assigning death a large enough harm value, then you still can by switching to preference utilitarianism. James' distinction between AN and NU I'm surprised no one's mentioned the "kids make you less happy, and pregnancy sucks big time" strategy. While AN is of course a moral position rather than a prudential position, people care about themselves more than others, so why not appeal to their egoism? Perhaps perversely, having a visibly awesome childless life may be more effective than attempts to verbally persuade. So even though there's probably a moderate-to-strong correlation between AN and depression/melancholy/dysthymia, we should do our best to be good ambassadors and make it harder for people to say, "oh, you're just saying that because you're depressed" (you'd think that the existence of depressed people would be evidence *for* AN rather than against it, but logic is obviously not behind this common response). Proselytizers convert only a tiny fraction of the people they preach to. If I can get ten people to go from each having a 90% chance of having children to each having an 80% chance, that's as good as one forcible sterilzation (better, in fact, since, despite recent discussions, I'm still not cool with that). I recently had some discussions with co-workers about morality, and managed to convince them that their total-utility ethics required them to have children just as strongly as it required them to save a baby tied to the train tracks. They provisionally bit the bullet and admitted selfishness, but at least they recognized some problems with total utility. If we think that reason leads people at least *closer* to AN, then just getting them thinking can be on average good. There are also roads to AN that, to someone not familiar with AN, don't lead immediately there and so are less likely to be rejected out of hand. Various optimism and cheery-history biases, the disutility of desire, hedonic treadmilling, and freedom from being evolution's bitch, for example. But the baby on the train tracks suffers fear and pain, while unborn babies do not; and there are probably parents/relatives or at least the public who are horrified by the babies gruesome death, the train driver might feel bad about it, and we had better find out who's out there tying babies to train tracks because who knows what else they're up to... Also, there may be non-AN intervention modes that convince people more easily and that reduce more suffering in future generations more quickly. In this case AN is a distraction. Also, evolution doesn't stop because a minority of people has fewer children, it might mean that other people will have more because there are now more free resources (unless Bryan Caplan is right and population is magic), and they may predominantly be religious fundamentalists [1]. Now surely, THAT will make the world a better place... [1] Anonymous, Absent the baby suffering fear and pain, everything else is a second-order effect. With a modicum of effort, I could update the thought experiment to equalize those effects, but it's 3:45am, so I won't expend it. Do neonates fear death? I doubt it. Why should they, any more than pre-natal fetuses do? Getting run over by a train, especially when it crushes your skull, basically doesn't hurt. And in any case, pain itself isn't what causes suffering (capsaicin, anal sex, emotional suffering, etc.). You may be right than AN is a distraction. This is, however, an empirical question. I see AN as a natural outgrowth of what I believe to be moral -- it is a conclusion rather than a premise. Since what I care about is improving the well-being of sentient (has subjective experiences) beings and preventing the creating of on-balance-negative-utility-enjoying beings, I'm open to arguments that promoting AN explicitly is counterproductive toward that goal. And in fact, I don't try to promote AN explicitly -- rather I try to problematize natalism, raise doubts about the positive utility of most lives, and have an enviable life even though I'm way past the median child-having age. If you convince me fish are sentient, I'd have a real problem. We can make differences on the margin. Natalism may have a genetic component, but it's not entirely controlling. We can also play the odds: we may influence someone who will become civilizationally influential and institute policies that are marginally more antinatalist. Or, more importantly, marginally more minipassial.. It seems people find reasons to discount AN either way. If you're open about your high-status traits/achievements, people accuse you of whining, first world problems, etc. If you're open about low-status traits, people blame those for your pessimistic worldview. Convenient Catch-22! I agree that low status and low income are, well, unconvincing, whatever it is you try to propound. And I can't say that a "successful" voice will always be effective. I do think, however, that it will be *more* effective, for what that's worth, and therefore preferable. As an unrelated point: how do I send you a personal message? I did see the image of a gmail address, but have trouble making it out. (Nothing serious, just fan mail. Not even that :)))) [email protected] Agree that high status/beauty/etc. is more persuasive than low status, as far as attracting on-the-fence converts or sympathizers. <3.
Format For References In Research Paper<< Citation–Sequence and Citation–Name The following examples illustrate the citation–sequence and citation–name systems. The two systems are identical except. The same number is used for subsequent in-text references to the same document. In citation–name, the end references are listed alphabetically by author. Multiple works. Journals List authors. Author(s). Article title. Journal title. Date;volume(issue):location. Journal titles are generally abbreviated according to the List of Title Word Abbreviations maintained by the ISSN International Centre. See Appendix 29.1 in Scientific Style and Format for more information. For articles with more than 1 author, names are separated by a comma. Smart N, Fang ZY, Marwick TH. A practical guide to exercise training for heart failure patients. J Card Fail. 2003;9(1):49–58. For articles with more than 10 authors, list the first 10. Low-dose recombinant IL-2 induces psychological changes: monitoring by Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). Anticancer Res. 2002;22(2A):727–732. Volume with no issue or other subdivision Laskowski DA. Physical and chemical properties of pyrethroids. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol. 2002;174:49–170. Volume with issue and supplement Gardos G, Cole JO, Haskell D, Marby D, Paine SS, Moore P. The natural history of tardive dyskinesia. J Clin Pharmacol. 1988;8(4 Suppl):31S–37S Volume with supplement but no issue Heemskerk J, Tobin AJ, Ravina B. From chemical to drug: neurodegeneration drug screening and the ethics of clinical trials. Nat Neurosci. 2002;5 Suppl:1027–1029. Multiple issue numbers Ramstrom O, Bunyapaiboonsri T, Lohmann S, Lehn JM. Chemical biology of dynamic combinatorial libraries. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2002;1572(2–3):178–186. Issue with no volume Sabatier R. Reorienting health and social services. AIDS STD Health Promot Exch. 1995;(4):1–3. Books Separate information about author(s), title, edition, and publication by periods. The basic format is as follows: Author(s). Title. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; date. more than 1 author, names are separated by a comma. Ferrozzi F, Garlaschi G, Bova D. CT of metastases. New York (NY): Springer; 2000., DeBusk RF, et al. Cardiac rehabilitation. Rockville (MD): Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (US); 1995. Organization as author Advanced Life Support Group. Acute medical emergencies: the practical approach. London (England): BMJ Books; 2001. Author(s) plus editor(s) or translator(s) Klarsfeld A, Revah F. The biology of death: origins of mortality. Brady L, translator. Ithaca (NY): Cornell University Press; 2003. Luzikov VN. Mitochondrial biogenesis and breakdown. Galkin AV, translator; Roodyn DB, editor. New York (NY): Consultants Bureau; 1985. Chapter or other part of a book, same author(s) Gawande A. The checklist manifesto: how to get things right. New York (NY): Metropolitan Books; 2010. Chapter 3, The end of the master builder; p. 48–71. Chapter or other part of a book, different authors Rapley R. Recombinant DNA and genetic analysis. In: Wilson K, Walker J, editors. Principles and techniques of biochemistry and molecular biology. 7th ed. New York (NY): Cambridge University Press; 2010. p. 195–262. Multivolume work as a whole Alkire LG, editor. Periodical title abbreviations. 16th ed. Detroit (MI): Thompson Gale; 2006. 2 vol. Vol. 1, By abbreviation; vol. 2, By title. Dissertations and Theses Lutz M. 1903: American nervousness and the economy of cultural change [dissertation]. [Stanford (CA)]: Stanford University; 1989. Patents Blanco EE, Meade JC, Richards WD, inventors; Ophthalmic Ventures, assignee. Surgical stapling system. United States patent US 4,969,591. 1990 Nov 13. Newspapers Weiss R. Study shows problems in cloning people: researchers find replicating primates will be harder than other mammals. Washington Post (Home Ed.). 2003 Apr 11;Sect. A:12 (col. 1). DVDs Indicate a copyright date with a lowercase “c”. Johnson D, editor. Surgical techniques in orthopaedics: anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction [DVD]. Rosemont (IL): American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; c2002. 1 DVD. Websites and Other Online Formats References to websites and other online formats follow the same general principles as for printed references, with the addition of a date of update/revision (if available) along with an access date and a URL. Website Format: Title of Homepage. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; date of publication [date updated; date accessed]. Notes. If no date of publication can be determined, use a copyright date (if available), preceded by “c”. Include the URL in the notes. APSnet: plant pathology. St Paul (MN): American Phytopathological Association; c1994–2005 [accessed 2005 Jun 20].. Online journal article Format: Author(s) of article. Title of article. Title of journal (edition). Date of publication [date updated; date accessed];volume(issue):location. Notes. A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) may be included in the notes in addition to a URL, if available: Savage E, Ramsay M, White J, Beard S, Lawson H, Hunjan R, Brown D. Mumps outbreaks across England and Wales in 2004: observational study. BMJ. 2005 [accessed 2005 May 31];330(7500):1119–1120.. doi:10.1136/bmj.330.7500.1119. e-Book Format: Author(s). Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; date of publication [date updated; date accessed]. Notes. Example: Brogden KA, Guthmille JM, editors. Polymicrobial diseases. Washington (DC): ASM Press; 2002 [accessed February 28, 2014].. Format: Author’s name. Title of post [descriptive word]. Title of blog. Date of publication. [accessed date]. URL. Example: Fogarty M. Formatting titles on Twitter and Facebook [blog]. Grammar Girl: Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing. 2012 Aug 14. [accessed 2012 Oct 19].. Forthcoming or Unpublished Material Not all forthcoming or unpublished sources are suitable for inclusion in reference lists. Check with your publisher if in doubt. Forthcoming journal article or book Journal article: Farley T, Galves A, Dickinson LM, Perez MJ. Stress, coping, and health: a comparison of Mexican immigrants, Mexican-Americans, and non-Hispanic whites. J Immigr Health. Forthcoming 2005 Jul. Book: Goldstein DS. Adrenaline and the inner world: an introduction to scientific integrative medicine. Baltimore (MD): Johns Hopkins University Press. Forthcoming 2006. Paper or poster presented at meeting Unpublished presentations are cited as follows: Antani S, Long LR, Thoma GR, Lee DJ. Anatomical shape representation in spine x-ray images. Paper presented at: VIIP 2003. Proceedings of the 3rd IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing; 2003 Sep 8–10; Benalmadena, Spain. Charles L, Gordner R. Analysis of MedlinePlus en Español customer service requests. Poster session presented at: Futuro magnifico! Celebrating our diversity. MLA ’05: Medical Library Association Annual Meeting; 2005 May 14–19; San Antonio, TX.. Name–Year. Journals. Author(s). Date. Article title. Journal title. Volume(issue):location. Journal titles are generally abbreviated according to the List of Title Word Abbreviations maintained by the ISSN International Centre. See Appendix 29.1 in Scientific Style and Format for more information. For the in-text reference, use parentheses and list author(s) by surname followed by year of publication. (Author(s) Year)) For articles with more than 10 authors, list the first 10 in the end reference,. 2002. Low-dose recombinant IL-2 induces psychological changes: monitoring by Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). Anticancer Res. 22(2A):727–732. (Pizzi et al. 2002) Volume with no issue or other subdivision Laskowski DA. 2002. Physical and chemical properties of pyrethroids. Rev Environ Contam Toxicol. 174:49–170. (Laskowski 2002) Volume with issue and supplement Gardos G, Cole JO, Haskell D, Marby D, Paine SS, Moore P. 1988. The natural history of tardive dyskinesia. J Clin Pharmacol. 8(4 Suppl):31S–37S. (Gardos et al. 1988) Volume with supplement but no issue Heemskerk J, Tobin AJ, Ravina B. 2002. From chemical to drug: neurodegeneration drug screening and the ethics of clinical trials. Nat Neurosci. 5 Suppl:1027–1029. (Heemskerk et al. 2002) Multiple issue numbers Ramstrom O, Bunyapaiboonsri T, Lohmann S, Lehn JM. 2002. Chemical biology of dynamic combinatorial libraries. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1572(2–3):178–186. (Ramstrom et al. 2002) Issue with no volume Sabatier R. 1995. Reorienting health and social services. AIDS STD Health Promot Exch. (4):1–3. (Sabatier 1995) Books In the end reference, separate information about author(s), date, title, edition, and publication by periods. The basic format is as follows: Author(s). Date. Title. Edition. Place of publication: publisher. 2 authors, names are separated by a comma in the end reference but by “and” in the in-text reference. Leboffe MJ, Pierce BE. 2010. Microbiology: laboratory theory and application. Englewood (CO): Morton Publishing Company. (Leboffe and Pierce 2010) For books with 3 to 10 authors, list all authors in the end reference; in the in-text reference, list only the first, followed by “et al.” Ferrozzi F, Garlaschi G, Bova D. 2000. CT of metastases. New York (NY): Springer. (Ferrozzi et al. 2000) For books with more than 10 authors, list the first 10 in the end reference, followed by “et al.” Wenger NK, Sivarajan Froelicher E, Smith LK, Ades PA, Berra K, Blumenthal JA, Certo CME, Dattilo AM, Davis D, DeBusk RF, et al. 1995. Cardiac rehabilitation. Rockville (MD): Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (US). (Wenger et al. 1995) Organization as author [ALSG] Advanced Life Support Group. 2001. Acute medical emergencies: the practical approach. London (England): BMJ Books. (ALSG 2001) Author(s) plus editor(s) or translator(s) Klarsfeld A, Revah F. 2003. The biology of death: origins of mortality. Brady L, translator. Ithaca (NY): Cornell University Press. Luzikov VN. 1985. Mitochondrial biogenesis and breakdown. Galkin AV, translator; Roodyn DB, editor. New York (NY): Consultants Bureau. (Klarsfeld and Revah 2003) (Luzikov 1985) Chapter or other part of a book, same author(s) Gawande A. 2010. The checklist manifesto: how to get things right. New York (NY): Metropolitan Books. Chapter 3, The end of the master builder; p. 48–71. (Gawande 2010) Chapter or other part of a book, different authors Rapley R. 2010. Recombinant DNA and genetic analysis. In: Wilson K, Walker J, editors. Principles and techniques of biochemistry and molecular biology. 7th ed. New York (NY): Cambridge University Press. p. 195–262. (Rapley 2010) Multivolume work as a whole Alkire LG, editor. 2006. Periodical title abbreviations. 16th ed. Detroit (MI): Thompson Gale. 2 vol. Vol. 1, By abbreviation; vol. 2, By title. (Alkire 2006) Dissertations and Theses Lutz M. 1989. 1903: American nervousness and the economy of cultural change [dissertation]. [Stanford (CA)]: Stanford University. (Lutz 1989) Patents Blanco EE, Meade JC, Richards WD, inventors; Ophthalmic Ventures, assignee. 1990 Nov 13. Surgical stapling system. United States patent US 4,969,591. (Blanco et al. 1990) Newspapers Weiss R. 2003 Apr 11. Study shows problems in cloning people: researchers find replicating primates will be harder than other mammals. Washington Post (Home Ed.). Sect. A:12 (col. 1). (Weiss 2003) DVDs Indicate a copyright date with a lowercase “c”. Johnson D, editor. c2002. Surgical techniques in orthopaedics: anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction [DVD]. Rosemont (IL): American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 1 DVD. (Johnson c2002) Websites and Other Online Formats References to websites and other online formats follow the same general principles as for printed references, with the addition of a date of update/revision (if available) along with an access date and a URL. Website Format for end reference: Title].. For the in-text reference, include only the first word or two of the title (enough to distinguish it from other titles in the reference list), followed by an ellipsis. (APSnet . . . c1994–2005) Online journal article Format for end reference: Author(s) of article. Date of publication. Title of article. Title of journal (edition). [date updated; date accessed];Volume(issue):location. Notes. A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) may be included in the notes in addition to a URL, if available: Savage E, Ramsay M, White J, Beard S, Lawson H, Hunjan R, Brown D. 2005. Mumps outbreaks across England and Wales in 2004: observational study. BMJ. [accessed 2005 May 31];330(7500):1119–1120.. doi:10.1136/bmj.330.7500.1119. (Savage et al. 2005) e-Book Format for end reference: Author(s). Date of publication. Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: publisher; [date updated; date accessed]. Notes. Example: Brogden KA, Guthmille JM, editors. 2002. Polymicrobial diseases. Washington (DC): ASM Press; [accessed February 28, 2014].. (Brogden and Guthmille 2002) Format for end reference: Author’s name. Date of publication. Title of post [descriptive word]. Title of blog. [accessed date]. URL. Example: Fogarty M. 2012 Aug 14. Formatting titles on Twitter and Facebook [blog]. Grammar Girl: Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing. [accessed 2012 Oct 19].. (Fogarty 2012) Forthcoming or Unpublished Material Not all forthcoming or unpublished sources are suitable for inclusion in reference lists. Check with your publisher if in doubt. Forthcoming journal article or book Journal article: Farley T, Galves A, Dickinson LM, Perez MJ. Forthcoming 2005 Jul. Stress, coping, and health: a comparison of Mexican immigrants, Mexican-Americans, and non-Hispanic whites. J Immigr Health. (Farley et al. 2005) Book: Goldstein DS. Forthcoming 2006. Adrenaline and the inner world: an introduction to scientific integrative medicine. Baltimore (MD): Johns Hopkins University Press. (Goldstein 2006). Charles L, Gordner R. 2005. Analysis of MedlinePlus en Español customer service requests. Poster session presented at: Futuro magnifico! Celebrating our diversity. MLA ’05: Medical Library Association Annual Meeting; San Antonio, TX. (Atani et al. 2003) (Charles and Gordner 2005). One thought on “Format For References In Research Paper”
While some brands claim they hold up to 150 pounds, in our tests they began to pull out of drywall at around 40 pounds and failed at 50, which is still more than most pictures weigh. How Far Apart Should Drywall Screws be Placed? Thicker drywall will hold 1.5-2.1 pounds per square foot without additional support. While the holding power of plastic toggles stops at around 20 pounds, metal toggles can hold … To choose the best anchor, you need to know the weight of the object you are hanging. Glue a strong magnet to the end of a small stick or dowel. These fasteners are best suited for hanging lightweight items like calendars, document frames, and pictures. The two lower brackets that will do any support have 2 mounting points each 1 top 1 bottom so combine, there will be a total of 4 toggle bolts that will hold the vertical weight. Anyway, each of the big drywall anchors could hold over 50 pounds! The rule of thumb is 5 to 10 pounds. Are studs always 16 apart? Insert the screw point into the anchor and tighten. An adhesive type hanger will not be as effective as a screw-in anchor if applied on a frequently damp bathroom wall. The amount can vary depending on the size of the anchor and the wall you are using it on. Other issues you should be aware of is the importance of not tightening the toggle bolt too much. If you don’t have any anchors to use or other hardware to use, then you’ll want to make sure you find a stud to drill your screws into. In most cases, the wallboard will … Questions of a Do It Yourself nature should be link to Can I Use MDF As Underlayment? 3/16 in. Wait for the glue to dry completely so you can use the stick as an impromptu stud finder. DoItYourself.com®, founded in 1995, is the leading independent Wire hangers are easy to remove and leave a small hole. To ensure our content is always up-to-date with current information, best practices, and professional advice, articles are routinely reviewed by industry experts with years of hands-on experience. Now imagine that same nail trying to hold a shelf on the wall. Drywall can actually support much more weight than people expect with the proper fastening device. Required items: self-drilling anchors, tape measure, level, screwdriver. View our Privacy Policy here. As an Amazon Associate this website earns from qualifying purchases. Typical, the plastic coil type anchor has about 30 lbs. A long toggle bolt is threaded through a collapsible butterfly-shaped device. The most weight a 3/16-inch anchor will take is 420 pounds. Thicker drywall will support more weight than thinner drywall, but other factors need to be considered before you start hanging things from the walls. When you're ready to start your project, shop our wide selection of drywall anchors. However, even the strongest possible pairing, a 3/4-inch wall thickness with a 1/2-inch anchor tops out at 600 pounds. Using the proper drywall anchor will allow you to hang decorative and practical items in your home without worry. This can be 5 to 10 pounds, but keep in mind that the drywall is an extremely brittle material and, it is not strong enough to hold the weight for a longer period of time. A "puny" 1/8" toggle can safely hold 30 lbs. on 1/2" drywall... a 3/8" toggle over 50 lbs. I have the Moen SMA3000 and they really are just a bigger version of toggle bolts (spring loaded metal wings that fold and have a long machine screw). Flat screen TVs are too heavy and too expensive to take chances with. Drywall comes in varying thicknesses, from 1/4” to 5/8”. Drywall anchors and toggle bolts are hardware products that are designed to enhance the amount of weight a nail can hold in drywall. Use a power drill to make the recommended size hole (refer to package). Use one that will safely support the weight of the object to be suspended. Each cabinets weight maybe 4 or 5lbs. Amazon has put together some great Home Holiday Guide Deals - save money and get your holiday shopping done! A 3/8″ toggle can safely manage a weight of over 50 lbs. How much weight can drywall hold without anchors? Anchors play a big part in how much weight a wall can hold. Toggle bolt anchors are some of the strongest anchors you can use. Then attach the toggle back to the screw. Shear and tension affect the weight supported. If the wallboard is slightly thicker at 3/4 inches, then the same bolt can work with the wall to support up to 310 pounds. Read the article to discover what my research and testing uncovered. Learn all about the amazing convenience, security, and money-saving possibilities that you can gain by incorporating smart home devices in your home. Next hold the object you want to hang to the location where the hole is drilled and push the toggle through the hole. It's a lightweight product with little load-bearing strength, and easily marked or damaged. That said, a typical toggle bolt on standard drywall is rated for 150 pounds. Consider the location of the item you are hanging. How much weight can drywall hold without anchors? Plastic anchors are readily available at most retail stores. Medium Duty Drywall Anchors (50-Pack) Twist-N-Lock 50 lbs. On ceilings, they can hold small items such as smoke alarms or lights weighing not more than 10 ounces. Copyright© They are usually made of metal and have sturdy wings that serve as an anchor base, making them stronger and more durable than regular bolts or nails. It's possible to attach extra weight, such as fixtures, to Sheetrock ceilings -- but the material itself can't be relied on to support the load. Shear and tension affect the weight supported. Because the picture frame is small and is only pulling downward, the nail will most likely hold the frame on the wall. A 3/8-inch toggle is capable of supporting 100 pounds. They can support considerably less weight in a drywall ceiling, because drywall is more likely to break under a heavy load. For best results, place one anchor at each end of an oversized item and a third anchor in the center if possible. Adhesive backed hangers (link to Amazon). That is, if the table says a fastener can support 100 pounds it means you must divide this by 4, and thus not apply more than 25 pounds of force to the fastener. Other anchor-to-weight combinations for a 3/4-inch wallboard include: 1/4-inch anchors that can take 445 pounds, 5/16-inch anchors up to 510 pounds, and 3/8-inch anchors that can hold 530 pounds. Product Rating 4.5 /5. Thin drywall will hold 1.2 to 1.6 pounds per square foot without some type of support. I think toggle bolts are fine for 10 pounds. Several molly bolts used in conjunction with one another will support heavy items like wall mirrors, flat-screen TV’s, or bookshelves. This is creating tension on the fastener and the nail will likely pull out of the wall and the shelf will fall. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions on the package to see what size drill bit you will need. When hanging heavy or oversized items, use multiple hangers at evenly spaced intervals. Plastic Hollow Wall Plug. Molly bolts are preferred by many contractors for commercial applications. submitted to our "DoItYourself.com Community Forums". Drywall is very brittle and will not hold the weight for a long period of time. Let’s go in-depth into how each works, why it is or is not the most effective for a certain application, and how to properly install each type of hanger. Be sure to mark a level line when using more than one anchor. Use a hammer to tap the anchor into the wall. to this site, and use it for non-commercial use subject to our terms of use. link to How Much Weight Can A Nail In Drywall Hold? Even though toggle bolts are tough, they do have their limits. Toggles are massively strong. Getting the right underlay for your home or work environment is vital, as it affects the smoothness of the finish and the life expectancy of your new floor. It can be tricky to hang items from nails in drywall since it is unable to bear as much weight as brick walls, plaster walls, and wood structures can. What type of drywall do you have? Like the self-drilling anchors, the molly bolt is screwed in and the expanding flange on the back expands to support heavier items. Think of it this way, if you hang a small picture frame on the wall, the frame will be flat against the wall. Screw the self-drilling anchor into the wall. All rights reserved. They are inexpensive and easy to use if you have the proper tools. Anchor types and sizes vary, but the packaging of the specific product you choose will be able to tell you it’s weight capacity. Plastic hollow wall plug anchors require that you first drill a pilot hole. This YouTube video gives an excellent overview of different types of wall anchor supports for drywall: Drywall anchors are designed to hold objects in a certain weight class. So nothing to write home about. Anything placed where a child can pull or climb on it should be anchored with the strongest bolts possible in several anchor points. As the screw is tightened, the flange on the anchor expands to hug the drywall. An anchor sized at 1/8 inches can take 310 pounds, at 3/16 inches it can take 700 pounds, and a 1/4-inch anchor in a 1 1/2-inch thick wall can take 1,390 pounds. Small, flat objects are easier to hang than objects that stick out away from the wall. Make sure that you tighten it properly, but do not go overboard, as that will only end up causing damage. Manufacturers claim that these removable, adhesive-backed fasteners can hold up to 75 pounds. But how much is too much when it comes to hanging things from the drywall? When applying any kind of drywall anchor, you should understand how they work and which screw anchor may work best to put into a hollow wall. This page contains pictures, descriptions, and load ratings for the most commonly available wall anchors for drywall, plaster, and masonry, including solid and hollow walls and ceilings. Absolutely not! All information is provided "AS IS." Make sure it is large enough to allow the toggle to go through. Over the past two decades, my family has rehabbed houses and contracted new home builds and I've learned a lot along the way. Toggle bolts are typically used for heavier items but limits on weight loads can vary, so check packaging and use multiple anchors when necessary for even weight distribution. After doing some research and product testing, we have selected the best products and methods for hanging different types of items on drywall. Your drywall can withstand weight if you hang items securely and with the proper preparation. The estimated strength of the drywall without anchors is about 5 to 10 lbs. If you are hanging a basket or shelf that will hold items, be sure to add the weight of those items when deciding which type of anchor to use. While that is the short answer, it is not the definitive answer. Toggles, anchors or molly bolts are surprisingly strong. To install the flip toggle bolt, you compress the wings of the fastener and place it inside the wall through a predrilled hole. home improvement and repair website. Critical Considerations. The goal of this website is to share with you all of the helpful tips and solutions that I have found so that you can ensure an energy efficient home for you and your family. suggestions. Not only the weight of the object but also the shape and size will determine the best way to hang the object. For example, a 3-foot-wide mirror weighing 90 pounds will require three self-drilling screws placed 1 foot apart, or one flip toggle bolt on each end. Some anchors also require you to predrill a hole in the wall. When a house is framed the wall studs are made to be 16 or 24 inches apart depending on the home. Squeeze the wings closed and insert the device into the drilled hole. As a homeowner, I am constantly experimenting with making the structure of my house more energy-efficient, eliminating pests, and taking on DIY home improvement projects. Check out this compilation of tips for working with drywall to make your next build or repair easier. Mark the location(s) of the anchor(s) with a tape measure and level. A slender heavy-duty toggle bolt can hold 30 pounds easily on 1/2″ drywall. First, separate the toggle and screw, and then attach the screw to whatever it is you want to hang on the wall. There are different types of anchors for different applications. A 1/8 toggle can hold 30 pounds on 1/2-inch drywall and a 3/8-inch toggle can handle a hefty 50 pounds or more safely. Turns out they are made by Moen and they're called SecureMount. We welcome your comments and Can I Use MDF As Underlayment? The positive response got me to go dig for those contraptions. ! As the anchor sizes increase, you will be able to add more and more weight. Larger items will require the use of more than one evenly spaced hanger. [LEFT]I've installed four metal molly-style toggle bolts (each rated for 60... Speaker/bracket on drywall - is this safe? Choosing the method to use is very important and can keep you from having a bigger problem later. I had 2 th... [ATTACH]63963[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]63964[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]63965[/ATTACH] Image ... weight limits on pipe - supporting pipe "right". Hollow Door and Drywall Anchors (25-Pack) Twist-N-Lock 75 lbs. They are small, fully stock I can't imagine it being more than 20 or 30lbs with the cabinet combined. Insert the included screw into the anchor and tighten. Before we get started, though, there are a few tools you’ll need, most of which you … Critical Considerations. Click Here to see the latest deals (link To Amazon). The reason for this is shear and tension (source). When you hear the toggle wings pop, you can pull the screw back and secure and tighten it. While the initial bond between the wall and the fastener is secure, it tends to weaken over time, and eventually, the item falls. If you can't catch the stud when you're hanging the bracket, there's only one wall anchor that's tough enough for the job. Hold-down: A 2×4 screwed to studs provides a solid base. Product recommendations not personally owned are based on the author’s knowledge of the company, product, reliability, and reputation. The Hillman Group Toggle Bolt. Drywall Anchors with Screws (25-Pack) Price $ Thin drywall will hold 1.2 to 1.6 pounds per square foot without some type of support. However, even the strongest possible pairing, a 3/4-inch wall thickness with a 1/2-inch anchor tops out at 600 pounds. What You Need. Plastic toggle bolts can hold up to 20 pounds, whereas metal alternatives can hold up to 100 pounds. Here's how to mount a tv on drywall. Toggle bolt problem- threads aren't grabbing bolt. Clean the area with alcohol on a lint-free cloth. This increases to a whopping 3,620 pounds for a 1/2-inch anchor with a 1 1/4-inch embedded depth. There should not be any forward tension, but there will be shear as the frame pulls down on the nail. Weight Support The strength of the toggle bolt is determined by the length and diameter of its screw body. The flip toggle bolt is the sturdiest of the drywall anchors. Start by drilling a hole for the bolt. Also, the longer the bolt, the thicker the material that can be hung or the thicker the wall it can be used in! While toggle bolts are the best option for ceiling installations, it’s important to remember that they can only hold up to 15 pounds of weight when used vertically. I do not trust that rating, but that is the rating none the less. Modern density fiber (MDF) is an... How Much Weight Can A Nail In Drywall Hold? However, if the only option is to hang the nail... My name is Paul (that’s my little helper, Mason, in the picture with me) and I am a bit of a fanatic when it comes to making sure my home is energy efficient. There are many variables that must be considered. Plastic anchors are not as strong as some others, so they should not be used to hold heavy and or large items. There are many different types of hanging devices available, and each has its own pros and cons. A too-tight toggle bolt will end up either damaging the wall or breaking under pressure. They are extremely strong and can be used in walls of varying thickness. Get yourself a piece of 1"x4", make or purchase it about 12" longer than the screen. The shelf is not only pulling down on the fastener, it is also pulling forward because the shelf is not a flat object like a picture frame. MOLLY BOLTS. You may freely link Thicker drywall will hold 1.5-2.1 pounds per square foot without additional support. 1995-2018 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. Self-drilling anchors are often used by home decorators for hanging pictures and clocks. Materials needed: Flip toggle bolts, tape measure, level, drill, screwdriver. SNAPTOGGLE heavy-duty toggle bolts carry twice the load in a smaller hole than standard wing anchors. Known as “molly bolts” or simply “mollies,” these metal sleeve-type hollow wall … Understanding just how much weight a specific bolt can take is critical not just for proper use, but for safety. They support heavier objects fairly well but will pull out of the wall and leave a large gaping hole if too much weight is placed on them. Toggle bolts, also known as wall anchors, are handy for hanging heavy objects on walls. Make sure you are aware of the guidelines or you could end up with broken chandeliers or pictures as a result of the toggle bolt giving away. The major factor is the amount of weight you plan on hanging from your toggle bolts. Use a tape measure and level to mark the location(s) of the anchor(s). … Best Toggle Bolt. Zinc-Plated Steel Phillips Mushroom-Head Toggle Bolt Anchors (15-Pack) 1 in. Toggle bolts (butterfly anchors) – For serious holding power, these are your best bet. I hung a towel bar/shelf with 4 1/4" toggle bolts (molly bolts).. A shelf or rack where items are regularly removed and replaced will need stronger anchor points than a simply decorative shelf. A pot rack or a bookshelf). Does that mean you can’t hang things on your walls? You must apply at a safety factor of at least 4 for your application/use. pullout, 50 lbs. Examples provided of tested products are actual products owned, tested, and used regularly by the author. Here is a list of the self tapping anchors you can use: Threaded Drywall Anchors; Threaded Drywall Toggles; Drive Molly Bolt; All three of these are described in detail in this article. If you’re looking to get some … It is important to know the best type of hanger for your situation and install it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Remove the protective covering from the adhesive strip. problems contact [email protected]. As the anchor sizes increase, you will be able to add more and more weight. Pick up a pack of strong earth magnets from your local craft store, then hot glue them to the bottom of the small stick or dowel that’s about 2 to 3 in (5.1 to 7.6 cm) long. If you do not choose the right method for the load weight, the drywall on your ceiling will break, and whatever you are hanging will come crashing down. The key to using toggle bolts is to ensure that the wallboard is strong enough to handle the weight. You just need the right type of hanging device to do so. A patented strap design with sturdier straps and smaller ratchet interval adjusts more precisely and snaps off flush to the surface. Website operating Turnbuckle: Turning increases the tension on the scale, providing a weight reading. I just installed these two speakers at the bookstore/coffeehouse/church whe... Dog Gate Hanging: I have a question. The larger the bolt diameter, the larger and stronger the toggle since larger bolts mean beefier toggle wings. While different from the drywall anchors previously described, we included adhesive backed hangers because of their popularity and ease of use. Toggle bolts can support up to 50 pounds when installed in a wooden ceiling. (i.e. Tighten the bolt until the hanger is snug against the wall. These anchors come in three basic types: sleeve, toggle, and expansion. The weight that drywall can hold depends on the anchor. Required items: plastic anchors, tape measure, level, drill, hammer, screwdriver. For quick reference, have a look at this chart. Family photos, shelving units, and home décor items are just a few of the many things you might want to hang on your walls to give your home a certain look. Over time, the dampness will permeate the glue strip that holds the hanger, breaking down the adhesive and weakening its hold. Getting the right size for your drywall thickness is particularly important here because an oversized molly bolt won’t hold effectively. Toggle Bolts: These robust fasteners come in a variety of lengths and bolt diameters depending on the amount of weight they are intended to support and the thicknesses of the wall they are used on. When hanging a heavy item, you should use a toggle bolt as they can hold well over 50lbs depending on the size of the anchor used and the thickness of the wall. A 1/8-inch toggle screw, for example, is able to hold a 50-pound object on half-inch drywall. While able to support over 300 pounds in drywall in our tests, toggle bolts require an oversized hole in order to insert the spring loaded fastener. x 3 in. This site is a participant in affiliate programs such as Amazon Associates and earns from qualifying purchases. Sheetrock, also known as gypsum board or drywall, is a common interior finish for residential construction. This has not been our experience. While that is the short answer, it is not the definitive answer. Choosing the Right Wall Anchor for Your Project. What kinds of objects are you hanging? I share my hard-learned lessons so that you can save time and money by not repeating my mistakes. Now you need to turn the toggle far enough up the screw that the toggle does not turn sideway,s as this will stop the toggle from opening itself later. In walls of varying thickness read the article to discover what my and. That holds the hanger is snug against the wall 60... Speaker/bracket on drywall inside wall... Your best bet those contraptions weight if you have the proper preparation drywall. On the anchor expands to hug the drywall at the bookstore/coffeehouse/church whe Dog! Turning increases the tension on the scale, providing a weight of over 50 pounds hangers evenly! Hollow wall plug anchors require that you can pull or climb on it be! Weight in a smaller hole than standard wing anchors amazing convenience,,. To remove and leave a small hole completely so you can gain by incorporating smart devices! The flip toggle bolt, you can ’ t hang things on your how much weight can drywall hold with toggle bolts on. 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The definition of a failed state is often found in the history of its foundation, and in that foundation lies the truth that has plagued Africa since the dawn of the 20th century. A foundation built on the emergence of despotic leaders and other human moles infused in the fabric of governance, whose primary allegiance is not to Africa, but to the whims and caprices of a Colonial Human machine, dedicated to burrowing into the mindset of a people, programming them to live only in the here and now of time, and in that psychological arrest, Springs and sustains a failure to reflect on the past and project into a brighter future. The envisioned outcome is perpetuation of apathy, inertia, and lack of motivation, blindsided by a dominant ego- driven pursuit of self-serving principles to the exclusion of altruism. The success of this war machine unleashed against Africa has found expression in the failure of many Africans states to chart a course of unity amongst her people, provide a solid foundation for sustained economic growth, raise awareness of her people on the doctrine of collective nation-building, shedding the cloak of divisive forces embedded in religious, ethnic and tribal sentiments and intolerance as well as other class driven caste systems. These and other factors have chained Africa to the ground, preventing the emergence of a time-driven paradigm shift, challenging Africa to greater heights and place in the world of human accomplishments. Little wonder the great continent of Africa is at the bottom of the barrel in infrastructure development, human capital acquisition, healthcare delivery, resource and production- oriented educational curriculum, as well as technological innovations. Black Africa must be ashamed that it ranks first in poverty, infant and maternal mortality, corruption index, human rights violations and a host of other vices. The Nigeria situation is a microcosm of an African tragedy where a nation is turned on its head by the shortcoming of its own people. By extension, the black man in failing to understand himself and his positioning in the pyramidal stratification of the human race, continues to live in a fool’s paradise, oblivious of the fact that his house is on fire. It is not an accident but rather by design that the black man is positioned at the bottom of this pyramid in terms of productivity, self-sustenance and definition of character. Africa, through abandoning its heritage and cultural values, in preference for a white only ideology has opened itself up for exploitation and self-imprisonment; more so as the dichotomy created by these competing variables will never fit into a coherent monolithic construct of a pathway to global competitiveness. This is our Achilles’ heel and the reason why Africa is so vulnerable to the intrusive forces of colonialism and neocolonialism. In the Nigerian experiment, history must not always repeat itself especially when the outcome is inimical to our survival. History will always judge us for standing by and doing nothing in the face of growing danger in a society drifting towards attrition, moral decadence, collapse of her traditional ethos, and a struggle between the forces of sensual validation and vindication of just practices, values, self-sacrifice and self-effacement. The warning signs of a society in danger of extermination include insecurity of lives and property, insecurity of sustained food supply at a rate that can be afforded by the poorest amongst us, and an unemployment index exceeding 75% of the population, with restiveness amongst the youth for whom the future appears bleak and who feel forgotten by a system that takes no prisoners. These warning signs are contained in the feelings of our daughters who feel desecrated, abused and dehumanized by a society that is largely unforgiving; a system that has turned its back on them and driven many of them into prostitution simply because they have no choice but to sell their bodies in order to put food on the table for their siblings and for aging parents whose pensions have been withheld and sometimes unpaid by a corrupt system filled with predators. The warning signs of a society gradually grinding to a halt may be seen in the anxiety expressed at most dinner tables where there is not enough food to go around, where families struggle to choose between sending their children to school or offering them to serve as House- helps in non-kinship environment, and in return for gratuity paid in kind or cash but never in full, as these children generally end up being abused, sometimes maimed and killed and often dismembered because they have no voice to speak for them. In some of these homes, children have to take to the streets as Hawkers of petty food products, weaving in and out of busy traffic, roaming the neighborhood while their privileged peers are in school. These children often fall victims to Pedophiles, kidnappers, Child Traffickers and Ritualists. They die young, their blood crying in the wilderness. They lie in shallow graves unknown to their wailing family. The perpetrators run loose and breathe free, unprosecuted, because these children have no voice. The telltale signs of a society in deprecation is a healthcare system that may well be described as a nightmare rather than a therapeutic environment. Most hospitals especially emergency rooms now require patients to make a deposit of exorbitant amount of money before they are attended to even in the face of life-threatening emergencies. Most hospitals are plagued with frightening lack of inventory needed to provide adequate and safe healthcare to the population they serve. Graphic examples include lack of ventilators, oxygen cylinders, glucometers, pulse oximeters, cardiopulmonary resuscitation equipment including defibrillators, portable lab equipment for simple tests such as blood gases and blood chemistry as well as dipsticks for urinalysis. In one particular Teaching Hospital, doctors were faced with the choice of which one of three patients would have to receive oxygen from the only oxygen cylinder available to the hospital. At the end the decision was made to give the oxygen to the child amongst them and the two other patients had to die as a result. In another setting, a portable oxygen cylinder had to be forcibly taken from a young female despite the fact that she came to the hospital with this portable cylinder for her own use, only for it to be wrenched from her hands because she was too weak to resist. The cylinder was used interchangeably for other patients with persuasive family influence and the poor girl ended up dying from respiratory failure because she had no voice to speak for her. The society is rife with our frail parents who after years of service to the country that they love, go into retirement with no provision made for their upkeep and sustenance. Many of them have no family support, many of them defended our cause in the battlefield, some ended up being physically and mentally disabled. READ ALSO: NSE moves 307.79m shares valued N2.91bn in bearish trend They sit in wheelchairs, some on wooden benches staring into space, not sure when and where the next meal will come from, not sure of tomorrow, not sure who may stop by to say hello. Their vision fail before their very eyes, in time they become deaf, paralyzed by stroke and no one takes notice. Some die in their sleep and decay before they are discovered. This forgotten population lives amongst us. They are our progenitors, our heroes, yet they exist in a lacuna as a forgotten generation because no one cares, and government looks the other way. Indeed, the danger of a dying society is that it is agog with celebration of the primordial and mundane aspects of life to the exclusion of the need to take stock of the expedient needs of that society. When this is juxtaposed with the fact that everybody can intellectualize on what the problems are, and able to proffer rambunctious solutions to these problems; the missing link has always been the inability to bring these solutions to fruition. In other words, a leadership vacuum is created when these discussions and grandiose solutions are mere exercises in abstraction that call into question the level of depreciation of our reality testing. As we approach the election of 2021 in Anambra State the matter is not about the hullabulla created by politicians, rather it is about bridging the great divide that has plagued our people for years. The focus is not about any one individual but about the people’s right to self-expression. The journey beyond 2021 be embarked with the collective will of the people. The role of leadership is to guide the shape of any state in the direction of academic growth, equal opportunity for all, conducive environment for children to achieve their highest potential in life, creating a workforce that builds on the sound foundation of free and effective enterprise. No one should be left behind on this journey if the will of the people must be respected. A good leader is like a prophet in that he comes with a message of hope, of truth, and of a better and brighter future. A good leader is a servant of his own people, he takes the back seat in personal aspirations and is a Front liner and Champion of a people’s cause. He is a custodian of our norms and values. He stands guard at the gate of harmony, building bridges, creating opportunities and tearing down barriers. Where there is despair he brings hope. He serves with humility and places God first in everything, understanding that His ways are not the ways of man. Such a man must be a voice for the voiceless. He must be a voice for the underserved and less privileged. He must be a voice for the widows, the Orphans, the disabled. He must be a voice for the Youth, empowering them to greater heights and accomplishment. He must be a voice of peace, of persuasion and of unity. He must be a voice for our young women who must be rehabilitated, comforted and their pride restored. He must be like the Prophet Isaiah who heard the voice of the Lord saying, whom shall I send, and who will go for us? And Isaiah replied, “here am I, send me.” Therefore, the duty we owe to society and generation unborn is the Legacy we leave behind. This is what we will be remembered for in years to come. The Litmus test is whether or not we shall live up to the challenges of our times. However, if we open our hearts today, and invite our Lord Jesus as we embark on this journey to make our state a better place for all, he will answer our prayer, he will hold our hands and walk with us every step of the way. Dr. Ejike Onuogu, from New York
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How do i IOD? - first kiss into a DHV story? - Bitch in a Club Test - Glow in the dark lightsticks ( peacocking) - Going out with a 21 Hb being 18.. - how to game guys? (not gay) - Smiling and Negging - MM Bootcamps under 21 - Hey I need help... - Is being know as a ladys man good for more pick up? - Mental Self Talk - Boring Major - drawing her technique - "fuck me eyes", how to approach - been lmr'ed and need info on phase-shift and kino - ? about my friend.. - Height Issue - Wow - Open Loops - Did something dumb, what to do next - Game in highschool - Winging and Sarging Rules - the social ladder - asking them out??? - Dance Clubs - NLP Programming - Where to go In Vegas? - How did you guys start your newbie missions? - Neging 16 years? - Word Games - ADD and Gaming - Easiest # closes ever - Sarging my buddies roommate...almost too easy :-) - Sarging College women - I dont want that! - Hypnosis... 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Editor’s note: there are still more details to be tracked down, including confirmation that all sections will be participating and factored into the ‘top 8 average.’ We will provide an update when we receive those details. Last October, SwimSwam reported that the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) was considering a single state swimming championship (see article here). It appears the CIF has approved the meet, beginning in 2015. California high school athletics is broken into 10 largely independent sections. Today, each section holds its own championship meet at the end of the season. The date for the first California High School State Swimming Championship next year will be May 22 and 23, 2015 one week after the completion of the last section championship. (Note: I’ve not yet confirmed that all sections have adopted the meet, only that some have). Initial details indicate that swimmers will qualify to swim in the state meet in one of two ways: Automatic Qualifiers, and At-Large Entries. Automatic Qualifiers Each of the 10 CIF sections will receive a fixed number of automatic entries, based on finish in the individual section championship meets. The Southern Section, the largest of all of the CIF sections will receive 5 automatic entries, while the three smallest CIF sections Northern, San Francisco, and Oakland, will each receive 1 automatic entry. While 7 of the 10 CIF Sections compete in swimming as a single division, inside the Southern Section there are four separate divisions. It isn’t yet clear how the 5 automatic entries will be allocated among the four divisions. In track and field, where there are divisions within many of the CIF sections, those sections typically utilize one final “Meet of Champions” seeded with qualifiers from each division to determine who will receive the automatic entries into the state championship. This is essentially what the “Masters” meet in the Southern Section used to be, but that meet was unpopular because it pushed the California high school swimming season even further into the long course season and it didn’t lead to a state championship. At-Large Entries Ultimately the plan is to make the CA high swimming championship look like the CA high school track and field championship where additional at large entries are based on the average 8th place time from the past few state meets. But as there is no swimming state championship history from which to draw, the first year at-large entries will be based on the average 8th place time from each of the 10 CIF section championships. This could lead to a very large meet in 2015. How many swimmers in 2015? A Back of the Envelope Calculation While attempting to moonwalk away from the complete accuracy of the research and calculations performed, I wanted to try to get a sense of just how many swimmers there could potentially be involved in a 2015 State Championship with the rules as currently understood. In track and field, it’s the runner’s time in the section championship meet that determines if the athlete meets the qualifying standard for an at-large bid to the State Championship. Using this same assumption, and using the 8th fastest overall time across divisions within a section, I put together the following table for how many swimmers would have qualified for the men’s 200 free in 2013 (note, I was unable to find results for two of the sections, and there may be a second swimming division in the central section that I was unable to confirm): In a state where a little more than 20 kids turned in a sub 1:40 200 free at their sectional championship meet, a 1:46.7 would have been fast enough to earn an at-large bid based on the average 8th place time across sections, and ~150 swimmers met that standard. In terms of number of swimmers, 2015 has the potential to be a very large meet. It’s worth noting that this should only be a one-year phenomenon. Using a state 8th place qualifying standard instead of a sectional 8th place qualifying standard, the state track and field meet only has about three heats of qualifiers per event. Some Additional Observations and Opinions California high school swimming runs in a different cycle than high schools in most other states. In part because almost all CA swimming takes place outdoors, a Spring championship is more likely to be swum in good weather than it is in the Fall or Winter seasons (Note: the CIF Northern Section runs a Fall swim season, and is the lone CIF section that does). But, the downside is that a late May finish makes for a very short long course season for California high school swimmers. A state meet after sectionals extends this problem (ala the “Masters” meet issue). Next year, this will be an extra weighty consideration for the best of the California high school swimmers as 2015 is really the last full long course season to achieve an Olympic Trials qualifying time for 2016. Seven years ago, the CIF introduced a California State Championship in football. At first, it seemed like a bonus game after the section championships, but now it’s an integral and exciting part of the CA high school football season. During the seven years since its inception, the CIF has shown to be very willing to continue to improve the format year after year. Here’s to hoping the CIF will approach the state swimming championships in this same spirit. This meet has the potential to become the Mother-of-All high school swim meets. If this SwimSwamer had a vote, I’d vote to flip the water polo and swimming seasons, making swimming a Fall sport and Water Polo a Spring sport…I might also consider a more rigorous at-large standard in the first year. But in the end, it will be great fun. A copy of the proposal as voted upon in February can be found here: socalswim.org has the CIF-Los Angeles Section results Sam (and Anne L – I like your work BTW), Thanks for this. I should have thought to look there. Between prelims, finals, and consolation finals, it looks like the 8th fastest time in the LA City section was about 1:51.28. Without going back to hand count all the section results again (CA HS swimming needs what CA HS track and field has, Dystat to keep all the times in a single data base), the LA City Section 8th place time will have the net effect of making the at-large qualifying time a little slower, allowing more swimmers into the meet. I suspect the results from the Oakland Section (It is a very small section with only about 8 schools) will have the same net effect. Bottom line is a lot of kids could potentially qualify for this first state meet if the criteria isn’t further refined. Flipping the seasons is the most logical move. But it is then a territorial battle and polo will block that from happening if they can. They rely heavily on recruiting the best incoming frosh swimmers as school starts and they indoctrinate them into how they will become stars. Polo is clearly more fun, swimming loses many this way on a regular basis. They then lose their fitness and don’t come back to club swimming. This is fine for many, but we lose the late bloomers in a long term development model. Most club coaches would not mind “losing” them to hs polo if it were a spring sport as they would be more likely to return. Tough dilema. Wish them luck! The first few years of anything new is tough to deal with. Alot of “CIF” champions lose their crown and behind that even more now don’t even qualify. Pride might shut it down. I hope not! California will build the fastest High School meet if they buy in. Suggestion: take the winners of each section and the next fastest swimmers for a total of 40 swimmers per event. Maybe 24 for relays. Seems simple…5 heats of individuals and 3 heats of relays. I like the idea of a fall season. It will be interesting to see if the top CA swimmers and top club coaches buy in and see this as a benefit. They already have their LCM season cut down to a two month max training phase if they rest for HS Sections. With 2015 & 2016 setting up the Olympic Trials run, would this really be a benefit to the top kids in CA? CIF tried to combine all southern sections by making a CIF Masters meet but it did not workout well. CA has basically no suitable indoor pools at this time to host a major championship meet in winter. I don’t see the season changing. As for the switch from SCY to LCM for club season, it’s not like there will be that many high school age kids in serious contention for an Olympic spot. .. They could host it at the East Los Angeles College pool, they host many major club meets their since Belmont closed. Hopefully they won’t use the USA Swimming people who man the computers for the Los Angeles Section. The above link states that all times have to come from electronic timing systems – no watches. The computer personnel at a previous CIF-Los Angeles semi-final meet didn’t like the electronic time or the pickle times or the watch times, instead they asked a swimmers coach what time she had for her swimmer and then changed the athletes time by over 3 seconds for the 100 breast. This change guaranteed this athlete a spot in the finals (by the way this athletes club coach IS a swim official). The athlete who earned the spot in finals got knocked out due to this scum. They thought nobody would notice, but a spectator took photos of the electronic scoreboard for all of the heats. Even though these same people handle many USA Swimming meets including the senior meets, grand prix meets, Sectionals and Nationals, USA Swimming insists this behavior isn’t their problem. The CIF meets are Observed and the times are loaded into SWIMS. Why all the workshops lately on timing and averaging differences between primary and secondary systems? These people are cheaters and were caught, but continue to hold the positions to be able to cheat others. This was so frickin unbelievable – I had no idea this blatant cheating went on. Shortly after, I was speaking to a woman who expressed her shock over time pads being unplugged during the PAC10 (12) championships, a few months earlier. She was timing and the pads were unplugged during time trials. When she questioned it, the coach told her it was better for the swimmers. (Unplug the pads so the swimmer gets a needed time – nice!!!) Research shows that one of the Computer people (according to documents) were at both the CIF and the PAC 10 meet. Now these people with years of experience can play stupid and USA Swimming can provide workshops on the proper way to run timing systems and the rationale for timing system adjustment. The final was a week after the semi-final so there was plenty of time to address the problem. There were even two free lanes available in the final and consolation final (6 swimmers in each using an eight lane pool). The LSC Chair (Marshburn) and the LSC Review Chair (De Armas) were contacted but said they couldn’t do anything to help. Bolton was contacted (since her name appeared on the CIF meet sheet)(also, the PAC 10 meet sheet). Bolton said the computer automatically changes the time, but others have said that times are changed manually. The literature states that times are changed manually. They all had a chance to acknowledge the FACT that an error was made and rectify the situation without admitting fault. Instead, they CHOSE to do nothing but cover each others a**** and take away a once in a lifetime opportunity from a hard working – innocent kid! A protest was filed (along with several others). To make matters worse, the computer person (Julson) sat on the hearing panel. Julson said she was at the meet and there was nothing wrong with the time. Mr. DeArmas recused himself from the hearing, but retained the services of the PAC12 announcer (Duncan) as the hearing officer. DeArmas showed up to the hearing and took notes. DeArmas then pulled out the CIF complaint and Julson said there was nothing wrong with the altered time. What was the point – to show her they had dirt on her, therefore, she should find the respondents innocent of all of their wrongdoings? Duncan decided the matter was not a USA Swimming matter. Chasson denied a NBR hearing – oh but wait – her husband was a PAC 10 coach at the time – maybe she should have recused herself. BTW – Duncan’s wife is affiliated with the same club team as DeArmas. The respondents at the hearing belonged to the team who was invited to time at the PAC10 Championships. There is no such thing as a fair and impartial hearing. It’s unbelievable how connected everyone is and the lengths they will go to protect their friends. It seems like favors are being handed out – you help us cheat and we’ll help you cheat!!! Nice piece Dean. Question that has come up in CA State football and basketball championships is location. There is North-South rivalry and the issue of “home field advantage” based on location of the Championships. Any word on where the Swim Championship will be and the possibility of site rotations on various years? LOL Programhere! Yes, the location of the state championship football and basketball games has been controversial. So far, every football championship game has been played in Carson in Southern California. Lots of interesting and funny stories about all of that. Next year, I believe, the football game will finally come north. As I currently understand the swimming championships, at least initially it will be a bid situation, with different locations submitting offers. This is, as you know, the story about why every football state championship so far has been held in Carson — They submitted the low cost bid — Multiple times. I’ll try to find out if there are any more details at this time regarding the location of the swimming championship.
The Electoral Commission of Zambia has suspended campaigns in Lusaka and Namwala districts. During the suspension,there shall be no public rallies ,meetings,processions or door to door campaigns.All branded campaign motor vehicles in Lusaka and Namwala Districts are to be parked and shall not be used for any purpose. Below is the full press release Suspension of campaigns in lusaka and Namwala districts The electoral commission of Zambia has observed with dismay the rise in political violence in some districts which has regrettably resulted in injury,loss of life and property; Lusaka and Namwala districts have been of particular concern. In exercise of its powers under section 28 (2) of the Electoral Process Act no. 35 of 2016,the Commission has decided to suspend campaigns in the whole of Lusaka District and Namwala District for ten (10) days with effect from today , 9th July,2016 to 18 th July 2016.. The Commission urges the Zambia Police to ensure that political parties and candidates comply with this directive. The Commission has also received reports of political violence in Mazabuka,Monze and Gwembe Districts and would like to sternly warn political parties and candidates in the said districts to desist from violence,failure to which campaigns will also be suspended. The commission hereby re-iterates the need for peace before,during and after the elections the elections as violence not only endangers the lives of innocent citizens but will also result in voter apathy.The Commission will not hesitate to suspend campaigns in any other district in which violence is promoted. The Commission appeals to all political party leaders to counsel and control their cadres in the interest of making peace in country. Crispin N Akufuna Public Relations Manager Electoral commission of Zambia WTF is happening to a beautiful and peaceful country!!!! OLO COME WHAT MAY!!! CHIBE CHIBE !! RAIN NO RAIN PF ALEYA!!!!!! Too many people worshipers in Zambia. What needs to be banned is regalia featuring candidates’ likenesses. It’s ignorance at its best. Good! Hope this will teach the UPND cadres that aggressiveness is not the best solution. They should use this time to reflect on their behavior. Kikikiki prior launching their thuggery project yesterday Wanzelu Cam Mweetwa was on every social media thread saying if Police stops us, lets go war them. You ask what you get there is another one sacrificed many more thugs to go as if Muntanga is not enough. Anyways, in General elections season closer to the ballot day HH guided by his Mansonic spirits always maims some senior members. In 2015 it was Secretary General Winstone Chibwe supplemented by Deputy SG, Kachunga Simusamba. This year he has started the sacrifice season with Muntanga but certainly not enough. Watch this space someone in the rank and file is going if not Scottone of the senior UPND members is to be sacrificed spiced with more cadres. Lets pray for deliverance in this party. Holding elections in a messed up country like Zambia is a waste of time and resources. How do you`ve foreigners on voters register? Even this move is just meant to frustrate the opposition, because the perpetrators of violence are PF cadres. Glad my children are not Zambians. The all elections will be suspended. HH maybe arrested. I made quatrain calculations. Remember, Nostradamus make close errors. Our life occurrence calculus is not prophetic. The police were not arbitrary in their assessment of the situation in chawama. Remember what happened in matero when Upnd had a rally there, they overpowered the police and ransacked Pf office, It’s common sense and knowledge that this violence being experienced is perpetrated by the PF entire structure organisation! The weakness lies in the head of state and his, yes his ECZ! The police are not helping matters for theirs is to provide protection to PF thuggery. It’s plain to the alert minded to decipher what is happening with this election period. The desperation is with the PF and not among the opposition parties! Too late to stop campaigns and achieve the PF required result. Similarly too late to close the Post. The whole nation is already singing the UPND chorus of “Zambia Forward”. Lusaka is mostly enlightened people who will vote for the right thing even if they were to completely stop campaigns until 11.08.16. The whole nation is on fire for change. Sorry folks. What more can we accept from a Genetically Modified Basturd and his violent teachings? These UPND FO0LS are killing the election spirit. Look at the consequences of this violence now. ECZ good call Mr Ku.nyos: You remain an Ar.se and sh.it as you always have been. Cursed is the stinking va.gina that produced you on this earth!! Death to you mother fu.cker!! Chilyata# How is that language going to help UPND. Can you channel you energy to something positive And all PF posters should be broughtdown during tnis period. The POLICE should no longer be involved in allowing or disallowing so called permits until they learn how to use rubber bullets before usinv live bullets………!! Ba ECZ, when are you hoing yo reprimand ZNBC kaili? The suspension only applies to UPND. This directive is meant to incapacitate the surge of UPND in Lusaka. All along when PF ECZ Lungu Police thought UPND was non existent in Lusaka, all was well until they saw the tsunami of fearless UPND stalwarts. Lungu PF you cannot shoot and kill an idea whose time has come! Aluta continua…..Amandla ngawetu….viva solidarity!! The suspension gives Lungu freedom to conduct his campaign in Lusaka under pretext of his office! Let’s see if the many ECL 2016’s vehicles will also be parked as ECZ has not defined “markings” In Namwala it is UPND against FDD while in Lusaka it is UPND against police! You can draw your own conclusions! Kabwa: You are just an Ar.se and sh.it! Cursed is the stinking va.gina that produced you on this earth!! Death to you mother fu.cker!! @Chilyata: The way you behave together with your leadership shows that your party UPND is more of a REBEL MOVEMENT than an opposition political party! You are rotten in the head. On Friday your party president came and mobilized innocent UNZA students for only K100 notes to come and make noise at campus and disturbed my class! Your leader is overeating himself mate big time! He thinks he can instigate the movement which led to 1991 elections by students! Advise him boy that it won’t happen! How many innocent souls are you going to sacrifice? GO OUT AND VOTE LIKE LIGHTLY OBSERVED BY CHISHIMBA KAMBWILI AND PUT MONITORS WHO HAVE A STRONG HEART TO PROTECT THE INTERESTS OF THE PARTY GO OUT AND VOTE AND AVOID THE BLANKET VOTE FROM SOUTHERN PROVINCE TO GIVE HH A MARGINAL LEAD GO OUT AND VOTE THE STRATERGY AND GAME WILL BE WON ON TURNOUT GO OUT AND VOTE PF ANYTHING BELOW 38% CUMMULATIVE IN STRONGHOLDS WILL LEAVE IT TO THE LAST DAY SO GO OUT AND VOTE TO UNSKEW THE VOTES IN THIS STRATEGY BY UPND AS EFFECTED IN LUSAKA THE PROVINCE THAT HAS THE MAJORITY PF VOTE ITS A STRATEGY BY THE LOOSING UPND SO TO BEAT THEM GO OUT AND VOTE IN MASSES IN OTHER… Way to go! When something starts resulting in loss of life we need to STOP,THINK before going ahead again. Some new reports coming from some Districts of Southern Province are indicating violence based on beating people based on ethnicity especially those heard speaking Bemba or Nyanja. We are headed for dangerous times unless these political “leaders” take responsibility and restore order. It is a shame!! You are wan.king mother fuc.ker! So why isnt Chimpyongo and Shiwangandu that nearly brought a plane down NOT cited? We know ECZ are selective and are doing the bidding and rigging for Lungu! No matter what, PF aR.SES are going on 8/11 @6.1 Chilyata, it pains you coz you want violence to continue so that you have an excuse to spill more blood! Who was injured or killed in Shiwangandu? Please don’t transmit your culture of being a “wan.king mother fuc.ker!’ to others. Your insults just show how well you fit the description of your own insults! Namwala they beat up a candidate for FDD breaking her arm,in Lusaka a person has died and you want to continue with more?? Insult and see if the campaigns will be authorised before planned time…people who are being beaten for belonging to some ethnic groups are sending messages to their relatives and you think people will be foolish to vote for some one segregating & victimizing their relatives?? Wait and see…!I am neither PF nor UPND but a Zambian interested in Unity and… Peace at last! Thank you ECZ for coming to rescue of ZP IG who looked clueless in the face of escalating violence. In a civilized society this clown should have resigned forthwith. And shame on the Republican President for failing to protect citizens despite having the instruments of power. Or need we say shame on ECL for abusing the instruments of power by unleashing the force of the police on helpless citizens. It’s a shame that this nation which since its birth proudly carried the tag of beacon of peace is now joining a long queue of troubled African states. This tribal party can bring war Zoona.I have never seen such tribal party in Zambia. Remember, change of Government in Zambia is through the ballot not the street. This is constitutional. Meet you at the polling booth; that’s were the fight takes place. If you choose the streets disobeying the POA with impunity, you will face the long arm of the law and if you become violent, police will not guarantee your safety. You will find yourselves in the morgue lifeless. We should conduct and promote political not warfare campaigns. That’s the hash truth. Remember, change of Government in Zambia is through the ballot not the PF Lungu BULLET. Violence begets violence. Zambians are very violent and intolerant people. They hide these grizzly traits in a veneer of Christianity. Tribe and greed is king. Institutions are corrupted and compromised. Why hasn’t ECZ to date banned violent PF campaigns? Now that UPND has shown that they are up to the challenge from PF hooliganism they use their powers to save Lungu egg nest…..Shaa! Yes we shall vote UPND and shall win get it my friend.Its HH 2016 or hell break loose. There has never been these levels of violence ever since the birth of our young democracy. UPND and HH have been present throughout our young democracy without this biolence. Only now with PF and lungu appearing do we have unprecedented levels of violence. This is Lungus plan to steal the election. First give the ECZ immunity from prosecution. Then silence the Post newspaper. And then use police to cancel a UPND rally at the last minute when they can do nothing about it to provoke violence. And now they can use public media resources while the opposition has no voice. Well planned strategy. Yeah….. Sometime in January 2015 just after midnight when results were announced, a horde of Gentleman walked into Rhapsody smiling saying we have taught them a lesson. Chris was among them. The chap is compromised. That explains why the UPND rallies were banned in Chawama and Kanyama. The shootings and mudering of an innocent girl were planned as an excuse to ban campaigning in Lusaka and Namwala.The suspension are meant to help Lungu who has not been campaigning seriosly anyway and disadvantage Team HH, GBM and UPND who have been campaigning vigorously and attracting huge crowds. Lungu does not want to see mammoth crowds at HH rallies in Lusaka and Namwala. How can ECZ just suspend campaigning in these areas without a reason and also determining who is the culprit. Its a well known fact that trained PF thugs have been planted in ZRP and issued with Police Uniform and guns. These are the thugs who are causing violence thru out the country. How can ECZ suspend campaigns b4 investigating and… Thanks ECZ! Thanks for working up. But are suspensions indefinite? Sad development on the other hand; Zambians, learn to be patriotic. Patriotism puts the interest of the country first and our personal gains second. The level of intolerance and bitterness from the HH’s UPND is alarming and worrying at the same time. HH’s UPND is the worst party Zambia has ever witnessed. MMD, ZADECO, MAZOKA’s UPND and the SATA’s PF have once been involved in heavily contested polls; behold, they exhibited impeccable resolute to understand and appreciate the need to be civil. I hope there was a better way to solve this issue. HH was present during 4 or 5 elections and there was no violence at these levels. Now lungu appears and we have unprecedented levels of violence. Upnd has ever been a violent grouping. Remember neganega saga. Whatever the case Upnd lost these elections kudala. They are participating to be certified losers Understand the bitterness of being beaten clean by the newbie and the seeming impending whipping of UPNDestruction on the 8/11 polls by the PF. The call on Armageddon by HH’ s UPNDestruction. The declaration of SP as a no go area for people with views opposite to HH’s. The battering of an FDD woman in western Province. The slapping of an innocent marketeer at chisokone, the standoff between the UPND and traffic police and police in general at every chance they get. On the second thought, don’t blame the referee, he is just following the prescribed rules for a clean and near credible game, blame the player(s); they need to grow up. HH’s UPNDestruction is a total political sham!! I hate chaps with no regard for authority and the rule of law. Remember rules were made for man. Excellent,ba ECZ though the duration is too short.i wld va been better to suspend the campaigns in lusaka til 12th of August.ifyabupufya ati political campaign people s lives are at stake bamumbwa imwe.Those people u re fighting for their ambitions re content and enjoying cold beers while u re been injured.Fight for ur own lives by working hard and improve ur life men! policiticians are all the same and self.leave them to fight their own battles. The poor young gal’s life could have been saved if this move was taken area. Way forward, ECZ should ban the ferrying of cadres from one region to the other. It is in my good understanding to say that the violence in Lusaka was instigated by the UPNDestruction from the political intolerant SP. But poor ECZ, how could you possibly tell. I hope you consulted widely to arrive at that decision. Poor, aspiring Councillors, Mayors and MPs. ECZ, kindly reconsider for the benefit of first timers. How about dispensing with public rallying altogether in Zambia? Find the best practices in campaigning. Public rallies are important for candidates to put forward their manifestos! Better to ban meaningless posters and chitenges that have no message at all other than trying to promote a personality cult! North Korea is a good example. SHAME ON ECZ – this would not have been had you taken the rightful place of curbing bad behavior from the beginning, but no you sat and watched and now the blood of those who have died is on you – what a useless bunch of people Ecz has suspended campaigns for all parties because of Upnd. In namwala and other sp districts it’s all about tribal and beating up fdd candidate. In Lusaka it’s Upnd and state Dr failure to observe law and order. What a violent grouping. Shame to all those still supporting this lawlessness Upnd. Why not declare a state of emergency and suspend all political activity for ever? That way Lungu and his drinking buddies will never have to do a single day of work again On the second thought, don’t blame the referee, he is just following the prescribed rules for a clean and near credible game, blame the player(s); they need to grow up. Well in this case, don’t hate the game, hate the player. HH’s UPNDestruction is a total political sham!! I hate chaps with no regard for authority and the rule of law. Remember rules were made for man. Where was ECZ when helicopters were being stoned in Shiwangandu Police plan to search and arrest GBM tonight Police are on their way to surround GBM’s house and later force their way inside and search the house for anything seditious and illegal. A reliable source has revealed that police have been instructed to ensure that GBM is detained and later arrested for a charge which will have him in remand or prison for a longer period. The PF have resolved that this is the only way to stop him from campaigning as all strategies have failed. The source also said this time GBM will be arrested and charged with an unbailable offence so that he is completely out of the race. @10 Spaka lilo, no need for you to be economical with the truth. Finish your statement fully, you know the truth that UPND of yesterday had HH in control. But the UPND of today contains violent people like GBM and Gay Scot. No need for me to mention that HH is now compromised by Mmembe too. The nott.line is that HH is ni longer in vontro Looks like you are not even in control of yourself! Maybe it it time you got the frothing from your mouth under control! Meant to.say “…the bottomline is that HH is no longer in control of Of upnd @22, if the arrest of GBM will stop the violence then let it be so. One GBM behind bars to save the lives of many citizens is worth the sacrifice. As one UPND cadre Spaka lilo has obserbed correctly, UPnd was notvsuch a violent party under HH, the viloence was confined to soutbern.province for obvious reasons. But now, enter GBM, Gay scot, Mmembe and others, …. But now, enter GBM, Gay scot, Mmembe and others, HH is no longer in control. If HH was a man of peace he would have issued a directive to his members not to match passing hrough city centre.That is provoking the situation.They were luck if it was in the Western world those chaps would have been taught a lesson.UPND please stop this evil practice. This is simply a plot hatched by PF and ECZ to allow Lungu to get organised. Once the PF are organised to bus people from provinces the ban will be lifted. I appeal to zambians to open their eyes to what is happening. Don’t trust everything you read and see. The truth is that the opposition are well ahead of Lungu and he has become so desperate to the extent of killing innocent people. Next will be a state of emergency. I agree with your assessment. Lungu PF police and ECZ under estimated the sheer strength of the UPND in Lusaka. Today, helicopters can’t land in Kampyongo Shiwangandu but ECZ won’t close Lungu campaign there or even in Eastern province. ECZ is a corrupt sham. This is another empty directive from this toothless organisation… watch this space as PF disobey this directive with impunity. They will hide in doing government and ministerial duties as they go about campaigning without worrying about the Police. So what will happen within the 10 days, and after the 10 days has elapsed? If they can’t outline consequences then this is another hollow statement. Simply delegating consequences to the police isn’t good enough. And I seem to recall there were reported violence in some Northern constituency of Shiwangandu or something, nothing was done then by the ECZ. The only people who can reign in and stop this barbaric violence is Lungu and HH themselves, and particularly Lungu. They need to issue directives to their thugs to chill… continued… They need to issue directives to their thugs to chill down and as long as the police are bias, nothing will be achieved by this hollow suspension. You cancel for 10 days and then the same violence comes right back after the 10 days. Empty! The fact is that Edgar Lungu and PF chief Police cadre Kanganja will defy this fake ECZ order and will still have PF labelled minibuses, taxis, vehicles and trucks displaying PF campaign symbols whilst PF t-shirts hats and chitenge will continue being distributed and adorned right here in Lusaka. This directive applies only to UPND. Time for change is now. As Zambians we need to take stock; we have had enough of this pf-induced and pf-led violence. We have only one Zambia & one Lusaka, please! I witnessed violence in Monze where UPND cadars were stoning vehicles at will. Am now starting to believe that HH is associated with bloodshed of some sort. UPND cadars in southern province are just something else. PF cadars in Lusaka are other characters. What is happening to mother Zambia. Swebo twapenga!!! I hope PF cadres will adhere to this embargo. HH, GBM, Scott and others have been with us through many elections and we have never seen killing people like this. Only when lungu becomes president do we seem violence on any citizen who chose not to support PF. The $2.3 million lungu has suddenly in his account seems not to be enough for him also the $10 billion owed from which they were charging zambians $1million/km instead of $400K was not enough for the thieves. Now they are ready to kill. I am PF but I honestly think UPND is being treated unfairly in This country. Even if you put gas in a closed container and keep pumping it erupts. You can’t go on cheating a party on them through denial of permits, guys, I repeat I am PF, it’s primitive. Let them have their rallies, nothing wrong was going to happen in Chawama on that day if their rally went ahead. Any honest zambian can see how any opposition to PF is being systematically brutalised and dismantled. PF want a government with out checks and balances or questions about corruption. They will share the proceeds of corruption with many to silence the masses at the expense of genuine development. They boast of roads but we all know they have been charging us $1million/ km instead of 400K. Zambia is headed for doom if PF win. Disband upnd…Lusaka is for lungu. No cows allowed .ifintu ni a lllluuuunnnggguuu by hook or crook… You are the same ones looting while the majority of zambians go hungry. AISHA cows better than Rats or Rdents.Muntu ni HH Ifintu ni Lungu . Indoshi Ni Lungu , nfwiti ni dracula teath Lungu.VIVA HH they are not sleeping these cowards.Bola teya bana iyo.Ati UPND ya ba Tonga they are mistaken its for all zamnian its now the A time. HH has failed to run the United Party for National Destruction (UPND). He has completely failed to manage his violent tribal party. Every right thinking Zambian has come to appreciate the fact that the appalling nature and anatomy of this party is extremely dangerous for national unity. We rebuke HH and his master Lucifer for trying to change the way we peacefully politick. The stooge has completely failed to renounce violence publicly. What kind of leader is this HH apart from the fact that he is a blood thirsty Mason? He knows no peace. the battle ground can shift, but Pa Fikala are going down!! With or without the help of ecz pf is out, where were these fools in ecz when the *****s in pf murdered upnd supporters You can suspend campaigns all you want. Block the Post Newspaper including thier online publication all you want. We have seen enough. Enough is enough. August 11 2016 please come early. Yes we are green outside and extremely red inside like watermelons. Judge chula, priscilla isaacs and ka spokesperson are enemies of democracy. we all know whose sponsoring violence, it is lungu and his Zambia Police. when is lungus liver failing so that we can live in peace once again in our country. Lol Lol Lungu’s voice was so horse in Mazabuka.Ka Lungu is dying soon,no wonder the bible says dont put your trust in a man who leaves on bread for one he will die.Dont worry ka Lungu ka lilwala kale. its very much disappointing that pf are still mounting those big squared billboards when ECZ clearly announced that they be know campaign activities, chiwamila galu kuluma buuzi, anyway lesa wabonse. very much disappointing seriously, whats wrong ba pf in lusaka, twalalusa if you are playing. guys things are not okey lets be prayful also not just beer, viva pf I totally support this move by ECZ, especially in Namwala. What happened to that woman was terrible and she has been disadvantaged. That Parliamentary election shouldn’t take place until she is able to campaign as well. watermelons, green outside then inside red, what does this mean? @Nubian Princess, you have said something sensible which I too have advocated before. Wearing the regalia of presidents or political parties should be banned. Sparka you seem to forget easily….. Do you remember when people in North western province were brutalised with pangas all in the bid to fight MMD? & guess who was in front leading the cadres who really looked possesed with ten thousand demons each not any other demi god safe confessed satanist and today you say that in the last five years elections there has been no violence?? Mulabeja ka hh even started showing off that we just applied mapatizya formula so please aisha dont go there.
The Value of a Vote and the Bicameral System Clock Ticking Down on Upper House ReformPolitics Society - 日本語 - 简体字 - 繁體字 - Français - Español - العربية - Русский Time Is Running Out The deadline for reforming the House of Councillors’ electoral system is fast approaching. To redraw electoral district boundaries and eliminate the state of unconstitutionality—as ruled by the Supreme Court—in time for next summer’s upper house election, the Public Offices Election Act must be revised during the current Diet session. Prospects do not appear bright, however, as the effort to draft a reform bill is being thwarted by upper house members of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. The state of unconstitutionality refers to the disparity in the weight of one vote. Of the 242 upper house seats, 96 are elected through proportional representation, so there is no disparity in the number of votes per seat. The problem stems from the remaining 146 seats that are chosen from the 47 prefectural districts. In the last upper house contest in 2013, the weight of a vote in the least populated constituency was 4.77 times that in the most populous district; in the preceding 2010 election, the disparity was as wide as 5 times. These two elections were ruled by the Supreme Court to have been conducted in a state of unconstitutionality under “extremely unfair conditions.” A state of unconstitutionality, technically speaking, does not make the results unconstitutional, but it does mean that the results of the next election—if the situation is not rectified within a reasonable period of time—will be declared void as having exceeded the Diet’s discretion. The top court, in short, issued a “suspended sentence” regarding the constitutionality of upper house elections. The Supreme Court also noted that there are limits to correcting the vote-value disparity by adjusting the number of seats among the existing prefectural constituencies, and it ordered the reexamination of the very structure of the current electoral system. The Nishioka Reform Plan This call for a sweeping overhaul of the electoral system was first made by the court six years ago in the September 2009 judgment of the Grand Bench concerning the 2007 upper house election, when the gap broadened to 4.86. The verdict served to allot the Diet “homework” to avert a future unconstitutional ruling. Nishioka Takeo, then president of the House of Councillors. Photograph taken in February 2011. Nishioka Takeo, who served as upper house president from July 2010 to November 2011, took this warning to heart and drafted a plan eliminating the prefectural constituencies and having all members elected through proportional representation from nine regional blocks. He later amended his plan, converting the nine proportional-representation blocks into nine massive electoral districts, but under either plan, the vote disparity would have narrowed to around 1.1. Although this would have effectively eliminated any disparities in voting power, both the ruling and opposition parties rejected it, and it eventually faded from serious consideration with Nishioka’s death in 2011. The Supreme Court’s Grand Bench reiterated the warning in its October 2012 verdict on the 2010 upper house election. Rather than heed the call for sweeping changes, though, the Diet made minor revisions to the Public Offices Election Act the following month, adding 4 seats in densely populated constituencies (2 each in Osaka and Kanagawa) and eliminating 4 from districts with few voters (2 each from Gifu and Fukushima). Recognizing the fact that this is not what the top court called for, the amendment’s authors added a supplementary provision indicating that discussions on fundamentally rectifying the imbalances in the prefectural constituencies would continue, with a conclusion to be reached before the 2016 upper house election. This was, in effect, the Diet’s pledge that it would overhaul the upper house’s electoral system in time for next summer’s ballot. Opposition from Within Spearheading the reform effort was Waki Masashi, then secretary general for the LDP’s upper house members, who chaired the council on the chamber’s electoral system under house president Yamazaki Masaaki. His proposal left the proportional representation seats intact and redrew the electoral districts so that sparsely populated prefectures were merged with neighboring constituencies. The plan created 11 such amalgamated districts involving 22 prefectures, combining, for example, Tottori with Shimane and Wakayama with Osaka to narrow the voter disparity to less than 2. In the face vehement opposition, though, he was forced to backtrack and reduce the number of combined districts to 5, leaving a gap of 2.84. Still, the proposal met fierce resistance from his LDP upper house colleagues, culminating in Waki’s ouster as chair of the electoral reform council in September 2014. The reform process was back to square one. The latest proposal submitted by LDP upper house members kept the prefectural districts intact and reapportioned 6 seats, adding 2 each to Hokkaidō, Tokyo, and Hyōgo and likewise subtracting 2 from Miyagi, Niigata, and Nagano, leaving a disparity of 4.31. With this plan, upper house elections would still be in a state of unconstitutionality, so naturally it was roundly criticized by the opposition and even coalition partner Kōmeitō. Prospects of reforms being enacted during the current Diet session are not very encouraging. Such negligence and lack of sincerity are all the more appalling in the light of the efforts being made by the House of Representatives, which has entrusted the task of reforming its single-seat constituencies to a third-party panel chaired by former University of Tokyo President Sasaki Takeshi. A Lenient Judiciary Partly to blame for the House of Councillors’ half-hearted reform initiatives may be the Supreme Court’s recurrent lenience toward the chamber. The first voting inequality lawsuit to be filed was over the 1962 upper house election. It was brought by a judicial apprentice who, inspired by a US Supreme Court decision on the constitutional guarantee of “one person, one vote,” argued for the nullification of the election, pointing to the fact that voters in Tottori had four times the voting clout of their Tokyo counterparts. The Supreme Court’s first unconstitutional ruling was not over an upper house election but the lower house contest of 1972, in which the maximum voter disparity (among medium-sized constituencies) was 4.99. The reason for avoiding a ruling on the upper house was in deference to its unique electoral structure, in which half the members are elected every three years to serve six-year terms. This means that an even number of seats must be allocated to each prefectural constituency, hindering efforts to alleviate the imbalances. Additional factors include the fact that the disparity was already 2.62 when the House of Councillors was established following World War II (much higher than the 1.51 for House of Representatives) and that while the Public Offices Election Act requires redistricting or reapportionment of seats according to national census figures for the lower house, it has no corresponding provisions for the upper house. Thus even as measures were being taken to rectify unconstitutional inequalities in the lower house, the Supreme Court continued to affirm the constitutionality of upper house ballots despite the absence of reforms. This trend came to an end, though, with the emergence of “inverted districts,” where a less populated constituency claimed more seats than one with a larger number of voters. This was the result of people migrating to urban areas, and the Supreme Court could no longer justify the constitutionality of such a phenomenon. In a first, the court ruled that the 1992 upper house election, in which inverted districts appeared and which was marked by a disparity of 6.59, was in a state of unconstitutionality. But then it reverted to endorsing subsequent election results following the elimination of inverted districts, even when the gap remained at around 5. Sterner Demands by the Supreme Court The court’s attitude changed when Takesaki Hironobu became the chief justice. Even while upholding the constitutionality of the 2007 election, the verdict on that contest called for the overhaul of the electoral system itself. The ruling on the 2010 ballot noted that the results were in a state of unconstitutionality, which was followed with a similar decision regarding the 2013 election results. The November 2014 decision of the Grand Bench regarding the 2013 election noted the importance of considering the institutional and social changes that have taken place over the six-plus decades since the House of Councillors election system was established. Specifically, it cited the fact that (1) elections to both houses have become party-centered, (2) the two houses now have similar systems combining electoral districts and proportional representation, (3) the role of the upper house in the management of state affairs has increased, and (4) a vote-value disparity of less than 2 has been prescribed for the lower house. It added that there are no justifications for automatically assuming that an upper house election need not meet the requirements for equality in voting power. There was no reason, in other words, for leniency toward the upper house regarding voting disparities. It further commented that there are no constitutional requirements for prefectures to serve as electoral units and made a renewed call for a reexamination of the entire system, rather than limiting reforms to a reapportionment of 6 or so seats among prefectural districts. The Need for Sweeping Reforms Also noteworthy about last year’s decision was that 4 of the 15 justices ruled that election results were outright unconstitutional. And 5 of those who sided with the majority view issued a joint supplementary opinion noting the urgent need to build an electoral system that dissolves the state of unconstitutionality and properly reflects the will of the people. In addition, it strongly sought prompt legislative measures to reform the very framework of the existing electoral system. In the light of such opinion, should the legislature limit its effort to a minor reapportionment of a just few seats, those 5 justices can, at the very least, be expected to join those who issued an unconstitutional verdict. The Supreme Court, under Article 81 of the Constitution, has the “power to determine the constitutionality of any law, order, regulation or official act,” while members of the Diet are obliged, according to Article 99 to “respect and uphold this Constitution.” Upper house proponents of minor reapportionment are urged to reread the Constitution. Otherwise, they will only give momentum to voices calling for the elimination of the upper house altogether. (Originally written in Japanese and published on June 9, 2015. Banner photo: Masunaga Hidetoshi, the lead attorney in the lawsuit against upper house voting inequalities, speaks with reporters on November 26, 2014 after the Grand Bench ruled that the results of the 2013 election were in a state of unconstitutionality. @ Jiji.) LDP electoral reform House of Councillors Supreme Court state of unconstitutionality vote-value disparity Public Offices Election Act reapportionment of Diet seats
Get ready for a high energy guy who’s had an amazing journey from a Mr. Universe dream that took shape as a teenager in the deep backwoods of New Brunswick, Canada, and came true all the way to his landing spot in the bodybuilding epicenter of Venice Beach, CA. Wade Lightheart pushed the limits of physical training, work ethic, and competitive intensity in the most extreme of sports and learned some hard lessons that helped shape a lengthy career in performance optimization and a health and nutrition supplement business with his company, Bio Optimization. After reaching the highest levels of international bodybuilding, Wade completed a contest and his body went to heck. He gained an astonishing 42 pounds in 11 weeks! This launched his quest to align fitness pursuits with health instead of compromise health. Wade realized that we pursue fitness goals for three reasons: aesthetics, performance and health; and that quite often, our pursuit of the first two severely compromises the final one. Long before the emerging topic of gut health became the hot issue of the day, Wade realized that his digestion was trashed, largely on account of chronically excessive protein intake combined with a bodybuilder style starvation diet that lasted too long. This free-flowing show also touches on issues like performance-enhancing drugs in sports and how the increasingly sophisticated biohacking strategies of the day are closing the gap between a doped athlete and a clean athlete doing everything right. Wade proved this insight to be true when he returned to bodybuilding after a four-year layoff and performed better than his previous efforts as a less healthy human. You’ll also learn about the three issues that can be causing gut dysfunction and how to quickly home test for them. Learn more about Wade and his operation, including a free 12-week peak performance program at BioOptimizers.com and enjoy his Awesome Health Podcast, including a 2020 interview with me! TIMESTAMPS: Wade talks about how he got into bodybuilding and was inspired by Schwarzenegger’s advice: He said you can achieve anything you want with hard work, self-discipline, and a positive attitude. [05:28] After working for many years on his dream of becoming a champion bodybuilder, Wade was in Mr. Universe contest and immediately thereafter gained 42 pounds in 11 weeks. [09:27] He realized he had built his body from the outside in and he had to learn to build the body from the inside out. [10:59] Many of the bodybuilders eventually end up in some health crisis. [12:51] Wade has learned from his experience and has applied this to his biological optimization formula. [15:33] Athletes are fit, not necessarily healthy. We have sacrificed health in pursuit of performance. [18:03] After Wade was in the contest, what happened that caused his body to blow up? [20:22] The use of performance-enhancing technology is pervasive in the athletic community maybe going back 60 to 70 years. [25:15] When traveling to India for a contest, he connected with like-minded people and started the BiOptimizers development. [32:11] When you’re in the midst of a highly engrossing competitive challenge and drugs are part of the game, it’s easy to rationalize and join up with the pack to try to stay with the pack instead of get dropped. [34:21] How did Wade learn about the gut microbiome so long before what we know today? [38:47] A hundred million Americans on any given day are suffering from some sort of digestive distress that is either an over-the-counter or prescription medication for digestive related illnesses. [42:39] The USDA allows 50 different chemicals on organic produce and we don’t get to know about genetic modification in many places. [44:11] A person tries to eat healthy, selecting carefully, knowing that there are still problems. There are probiotics available in the stores. How do we know which ones are best? [45:53] A one-degree difference in temperature in a probiotic stream is going to cause a doubling of the activity of that probiotic. You need a prebiotic. [47:00] Wade and his partner have disparate dietary patterns. Is it important what genetic particulars are present when it comes to choosing the best diet? [50:01] Three areas where people run into digestive issues are lack of proper enzymes in the food, being low in hydrochloric acid, and microbiome imbalance. [55:28] Magnesium is the most common deficiency mineral in virtually everybody’s diet. [58 53s): Hey listeners, get ready for a real high energy guest. The very interesting Wade Lightheart. He runs a performance health supplement company called bio optimizers. So we’re going to get into some topics relating to supplementation, the importance of supplementation, optimizing your digestive function, especially with all the nutrient deficient foods that we consume today. But I’m particularly excited for you to learn about his amazing journey through the world of bodybuilding and how it’s helped him get to where he is today. Brad (2m 28s): He was very serious about this starting at age 15 when he was out growing up in remote Canada. And he worked hard, worked hard, got all the way to the Mr. Universe competition. And then his body blew apart after he finished his competition, gaining get this 42 pounds in 11 weeks. And that led him on a health quest cause he was like, what the heck happened to my body. I was a picture of aesthetic beauty on the stage and he started learning about gut health a long time ago too. Brad (3m 2s): This is years ago before gut health became a hot topic. So I think you’re going to have some really cool takeaway items. He’s going to give you the three important things to make sure your digestive function is working optimally. And also the three reasons that we pursue fitness goals. I’ve never quite heard it characterized this way, but it’s for aesthetics, for performance, and for health. And a lot of times we mess up our health in pursuit of the first two, but there is a way to do it right. And Wade prove that by coming back to the bodybuilding world, about five years after his major blowup and performing better than he ever had before, again with no drugs, just total health optimization, he’s a real trendsetter in this area. Brad (3m 46s): So coming to you from the muscle building capital of the world, Venice Beach, California, it’s Wade. Lightheart enjoy. Wade. Lightheart I got ya. I’m so excited. Your team members around the world have been communicating wonderfully with me and get me all excited. I got my shipment of products from Bio Optimizers. So I’m extremely pumped. I can’t believe the amazing array of stuff you have there. So we’re going to get deep into it on the show. And I would like to talk about some of your interesting bodybuilding background. Brad (4m 19s): I think it’s appropriate since you’re sitting there in Venice beach, California, the world epicenter of bodybuilding, but how are you? Wade (4m 27s): I’m doing great. Thanks for having me here. And yes, I have arrived as the bodybuilding version of Mecca. Unfortunately, the gym is closed right now. Brad (4m 36s): It doesn’t quite do it when you go to Muscle Beach and walk by the empty racks. Wade (4m 40s): Yeah, it’s strange. You know, and I, I literally live a stone’s throw away from the original Gold’s gym on the same street. So my 15 year old childhood fantasies of coming to California, living here training with Arnold Schwarzenegger. I did get to see him quite often. Originally when goals was open, when I first arrived here a few months ago before the lockdowns and he’s in there every morning, just like he said, he was going to and pumping iron and he would never quit. You know, he’s one of the guys at the gym. Brad (5m 8s): Oh my goodness. So how long ago did you get into this and tell us about your, your career and your, your journey that’s brought you today to, to the bio optimizers role and all that athletic background, which is so fascinating, especially the soundbite that you gained 42 pounds after a bodybuilding show. I want to know how that’s possible. Wade (5m 29s): Yeah. Great. Okay. So real simple. I was a kid that grew up in Canada, you know, in a place called New Brunswick, which is very similar to Maine they’re right beside each other and played hockey and lived an ordinary life until I was 16 years old. When a dramatic series of events happened in a very short period of time. And what happened was my parents moved from my little village to a no village. It was five miles to my nearest neighbor, up a dirt road that telephone polls ended at our door. We’d be snowed in for several days. I take a snowmobile to get to the bus sometimes. Wade (5m 59s): And although they were the caretakers for a wealthy business person who owned this beautiful resort, which is a great place to visit, but certainly not someplace you want to be when I was 15. So I had, I was taken away from my friends, taken away from my regular sporting activities and separated, you know, an isolation which gave me a lot of time by myself, a lot of time to reflect and had to figure out something to do. Concurrently, my sister, who was four years my senior, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease, which is a form of cancer, the lymph nodes. Wade (6m 30s): And over the next four years, I watched her go through the medical model before she died at the age of 22. That had a profound impact on me in the fact that I was curious in kind of a naive way as she went through these treatments, we’d come home from the 55 mile drive from her treatment and we’d have to stop maybe five, six times or she’d be vomiting and stuff. And I was like, how is it that the treatment, it seems to be worse than the disease? Very odd. And so that led me to go study exercise physiology university. Wade (7m 1s): But then the third thing that happened during this very short window of period of time is my sister gave me a bodybuilding magazine. And that bodybuilding magazine had on the cover was Troy Zuccolotto , who was a blonde guy like myself, who had just won the Mr. California contest. and had these two pretty girls in bikinis on the cover and looking at his hyper muscularity and their hyper femininity. I was like, well, maybe if I got these muscles, I could get girls like that. Maybe I could be a bodybuilding. Wade (7m 32s): And then I ended the page, as I discovered a fellow by the name of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who just so happened to be the biggest movie star in the world. At that time, he had one Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia and all these things, and it’s got an acting career and was married to the Kennedys. And I got his book, The Education of a Bodybuilder. And inside that book get a very similar story. He had an older brother that died at an early age. He lived in a very small country called Austria. And he got into this kind of weirdo sport called bodybuilding that everybody thought was crazy, but he transformed that into becoming very successful, famous and living this amazing life in California. Wade (8m 12s): And he said three things inside that book that changed my life. He said, you’re going to achieve anything you want with hard work, self discipline and a positive attitude. Now I had heard the hard work formula. Everybody around me worked very, very hard, but I didn’t hear about self discipline and I didn’t hear about the positive attitude. And so Arnold became my new defacto mentor. I built a gym in my barn and in that barn I had saw horses and makeshift pulley systems where if I didn’t, if I pulled the weight to find, if it smacked me in the head, I had two wheelers under tractor tires and a little York barbell set that I had purchased from my summer job that I engaged in. Wade (8m 54s): And I would go out there every day and train. And even in the winter time when I would go there and sometimes my hands would freeze to the bar cause it was 40 below. And I was training in a snowmobile suit and my parents and family members and all this stuff thought I was nuts. And I would get on my soap box every week and say, you know what? One day I am going to compete in the Mr Universe and represent my country. I’m going to own a supplement company and help people around the world. And I’m going to live in Venice beach, California. And all of those things came true over time. Wade (9m 27s): And so Arnold’s information was right now. It wasn’t easy. I had no business to be in bodybuilding. I had terrible genetics. My parents look like, you know, they could pass for Smurfs, but I had a lot of determination of discipline. And although I didn’t win Mr. Wade (9m 58s): Olympia, I did compete at the Mr. Universe. I went to a career at exercise physiology. I mentored under a fellow by the name of Scott Abel, one of the greatest bodybuilding coaches ever to live. And was able to, after 16 years of training from that image, I went to the Mr. Universe, represent my country and got the pictures and all that stuff go. .And I did it as a vegetarian and drug free, which is a whole other story. But after that contest, I gained 42 pounds of fat and water in 11 weeks. So everything that I had led to everything that I learned, the expertise, the discipline, the Spartan workouts, the expertise, everything led me to this moment and my body blew up. And I had the good fortune of meeting a guy by the name of Dr. Wade (10m 32s): Michael O’Brien, who was a senior citizen. He’s in his seventies, he was super vibrant. He was giving a seminar and he was everything that you would want to be as a senior citizen. You got to hope. It was shocking to see his skin, his eyes, his cognitive capacity, his energy level, his vibrancy, his health. And he had overcome a cirrhosis of the liver, of advanced stage of colon cancer. He had helped Bernard Jensen, the godfather of iridology and America and the digestive health system recovered from a serious health challenge that he had in his book Coming Alive. It’s all detailed. And he told me something that says, Dr. Wade (11m 3s): O’Brien, what’s going on. I’m supposed to be representative of the cosmetic fitness idea that you could have as a bodybuilder. And somehow after the Mr. Universe, I’ve gained, I’ve gone from Mister Universe to Mr. Marshmallow, what the heck is going on? And he said, wait, I’m gonna teach you something. That’ll change your life. I said, what is it? He says, you’ve learned to build the body from the outside in, I’m going to teach you how to build the body from the inside out. I went under his tutelage and I took massive amounts of enzymes and probiotics and minerals and vitamins and change my dietary practices from what did say, a performance diet to a health diet, being the new determinant post the same way. Brad (11m 45s): Wait a sec. They’re not, Oh my gosh, Wade (11m 45s): Exactly. A key distinction. And within six months, not only did I count sure, my physical condition, but I hit a new level of vibrancy, cognitive capacity awareness. My skin like people are like, what are you doing? Like I, I went from performance parameters of a low body fat level and a certain level of muscular muscularity to a low body fat, you know, a high level of muscularity, but super health and vibrancy. And I realized at that time there was three different areas and we addressed these at BiOptimizers is the settings there’s performance and there’s health. Wade (12m 21s): Most people are attracted into this industry through aesthetics. They want to look better for the, you know, there’s sexual choices. And that’s really the basis, the driver of the fitness center of the cosmetic industry that, you know, all these different industries, fashion industry. Brad (12m 33s): But Wade is telling us the truth. Now it’s all based on sexuality and that, that subconscious programming, I love that. And those three are, I want to hear how they blend together. That’s really interesting. Wade (12m 51s): Well, and if you really get into that, you start having a performance diet, which I did. And now a performance diet for many people in the room middle-age is like, how do I deal with my kids, my job. Get in the Little League and gymnastics, and still function and be happy and maybe get a day off on the weekend that a lot of families are struggling. They’re looking at a performance based diet. And so in, in their performance states diet might be taking, you know, copious amounts of caffeine. It might be involving using some sort of pharmaceutical enhancement, whether that’s hormone therapy or medications or antidepressants, or who knows whatever those are performance-based diets, because anything that goes into your body, whether it’s drugs or food or chemicals is part of your diet. Wade (13m 33s): And also, I would say the information you take in is a big part of your diet, but eventually what comes to everybody’s realization is the bottom part of that triangle. And that is you end up in some sort of health crisis. And in other words, your number one value becomes your health. Now, some people get attracted to this because they have compromised health early on and, and, and go that route. Some people, because they get into aesthetics something, because, you know, they’re, they don’t care about how they look, but they’ve got to perform on the field or perform in the job,. Wade (14m 4s): But ultimately these three levels, ideally, wouldn’t it be great. If you could have aesthetics, you could have performance and you could help. And I believe that is the new area of what we call biological optimization by optimizing both the length of life and the functional capacity of life so that you can stay, you can live long, but live strong to your desired or a biological predestined age, or maybe even extend that who knows. So that’s, that’s the mission and Matt, my business partner, and I have been on that mission together since 2004, when after I capture these titles and stuff, we created it. Wade (14m 46s): I want it to help avoid other people in the bodybuilding industry, avoid the mistakes that I made, because when looked at the careers of the pros, when I looked at the careers of many of the amateurs that didn’t even make it to pro or all these sort of stuff, they all end up in some form of health crisis. All of them across the bar. And I was like, there’s something wrong with this performance that we need to start. And we started the original biohacking stuff. We talked about my mission. We talked about digestive aids. We talked about hot cold showers. We started talking about all accelerating sleep and all these different things, which are now in Vogue and have advanced considerably and having these technological innovations. Wade (15m 25s): But that’s what was the precursor to BiOptimizers the company we now run today, which is basically providing these insights and tools for the masses. Brad (15m 33s): Woo. Wind his guy up? And he’s often running. I love these kinds of shows, man. I’m, I’m enjoying the story and wow, there’s so many questions and insights that come forth. And I now realize that, well, I guess in general, when we’re going for us, that X are going for performance, we most regularly screw them up. And so they do trash your health, but it seems possible that you can look good, perform well and also support your health. Brad (16m 7s): And I think that’s kind of my mission as an older guy right now, I talk all the time about my career. When I was a professional triathlete, I was extremely fit, but I destroyed my health. And now I’m trying to pursue athletic goals that are aligned with that, that dream to have a, you know, functional, lifelong capacity. So boy, if anybody’s been there and, you know, learn through experience where now you’re coming out with, you know, supplements and programming, it seems like you’ve pushed it to the very extremes of performance and aesthetics and bodybuilding, and then learn the various mistakes that happen along the way. Wade (16m 44s): Yeah, I call it, we have a, an idea behind our company and our company is focusing on biological optimization for humans, which is where all of the components that make it work. The symphony of factors that make it work flowing, and whole is both the quantity and quality of these products. But we have what I call the formula one philosophy. And the formula one philosophy is everybody today has a car, drives a car or uses transportation. Now in formula one racing, you have these highly advanced people who take extraordinary amount of risks, driving cars at, you know, 180, 200 miles an hour around crazy tracks, under extreme conditions. Wade (17m 28s): And they crash. They go off the road, they blow the cars up, they catch on fire, you know, they blow and you’re like, they spend an extraordinary time effort, energy, money, and extreme peril. And in those extreme conditions, technology is developed to make those cars like disc brakes and power steering and aerodynamics and all of the technical innovations and electrical, all these sorts of things get advanced. And that technology trickles down into your car experience so that you drive down the road and a safer place than you could otherwise. Wade (18m 3s): And that is a pretty fascinating thing. And so we’ve applied those same principles that you can discover only on the edges. Basically you are accelerating your performance span. You’re, you’re actually taking away from your health. You’re sacrificing health for performance. You’re taking a certain amount of calculated risk as all athletes do. And I want to be clear about this. Athletes are fit, not necessarily healthy. And we have built a model that sacrifices the health in pursuit of this performance. Wade (18m 37s): But the formula one philosophy says, okay, we were not making condemnation of that. What we’re going to say is how do we extend the performance career of those people? What are the things that we can learn on those edges? And then we can apply to Ma and Pa America so that they can live their highest performance and their life and avoid some of the pitfalls that are invariably going to happen as we age and degenerate. And not only that, we can apply these technologies and start returning the body back to a higher level of health and a higher level of performance and concurrently, oftentimes that has some aesthetic appeal and people are like, wow. Wade (19m 17s): And we’re seeing this now in professional sports, if you take a guy like LeBron James, Tom Brady. These type of individuals who are spending an extraordinary amount of money in probably upwards of a million dollars a year to maintain a peak level of performance that is extended past the normal age capacity. And so they’re basically putting out their performance lifespan. Wade (19m 47s): They’re extending that now, though, for them, that’s making them millions and millions of dollars like one year to do that is okay. I spend a million and I make 30, well, Hey, that’s a great investment, right? I, you know, so the bottom line is, is that philosophy will make technology more affordable, more effective, easier to access as it trickles down, We’re on that kind of bleeding edge when t comes to internalize digestive optimization, and now we’re moving into nervous system regulation and things like that. Brad (20m 22s): I love it. So you take the, I mean, you’re taking the, the, the best innovations as well as the crash and burn of the tires or the brakes that it didn’t quite hold through under pressure. So you’re taking the best and the worst of the people out on the edge and then applying it to a mainstream. So when you were in your bodybuilding scene there and your body, you described it as falling apart after the show, what do you think was going on? Brad (20m 53s): Was it sort of a rebound from an extreme training regimen or not enough food while you were doing the extreme training regimen? Cause you’re trying to cut up or what, what happened to blow up 42 pounds in 11 weeks? Wade (21m 1s): Yeah. Great question. And you know, I’ve unpacked this over the decades to kind of work it all out. And as far as we can tell, there was several different factors. Number one, I was on this extreme calorie restriction over the period of two years, preparing to qualifications. And then that year, normally you diet for 12 to 20 weeks to prepare for a show 20 weeks is kind of the extreme side. 12 is most common. 16 is probably at the high performance lab. And I was going to the 20 week level because physically I didn’t have the gifts of my competitors, but I could out condition them. Wade (21m 35s): So I would win by just crazy low levels of body fat. Now the problem with that was in the year that I qualified, I had to have low body fat levels them. I think my first contest was in June of that year, five weeks later was the national championships, but the world championships wasn’t until November, which meant I had to stay in that, you know, single digit body fat percentage, which, and it’s not a healthy place you’re going into like health compromising levels of body fat for an extended period jump almost six months that I stayed at that level, which is very difficult, very hard and not very healthy. Wade (22m 22s): So that was one factor. The second factor is, as I was applying what I call a meeting mentality to my plant based diet. I was using Casey not a KC, but whey based protein, not like the kind of high quality stuff you can get today. That was a long time ago and they didn’t have availability that we have today. And so I was taking all this whey protein, which was leading to undigested proteins inside my body, inside my body, which was feeding bad bacteria. Wade (22m 53s): These bad bacteria were producing toxins inside that was affecting my brain health and pairing neurotransmitter formation, making my joints ache by the depositing of uric acid crystals and things like that inside the body, which is quite common. And when people have high protein diets, so my digestion was compromised. So as soon as I got off that competition, number one, I wanted to eat a lot. And number two, my gut biome was a disaster. Number three, I had gads of undigested protein, both in my intestinal tract, floating through my blood system, probably coagulating him aside my cells. Wade (23m 25s): And by then engaging after I got my kind of brain came back online somewhat, but I had edema. I was obviously now overweight and all these things. When I see Dr.O’Brien, I was like, I was able to kind of detoxify my body and optimize my digestive system and then move from 250 grams of protein a day to 85. Now, the part I didn’t tell you about that story is we started coaching people from around the world on this and our bodybuilding thing. We ended up with a community of 15,000 people that Matt and I coach from every age category, genetic background, walks of life, dietary practice, all that stuff. We gathered all of that data and started testing our enzyme formulation. Wade (24m 7s): We started testing your probiotics. We started testing minerals and we started doing this and figuring out things that worked in clinical effectiveness, not a double blind study that here we’re controlling all the parameters. We’re talking about real world functionality. After four years, I went back in just a few weeks, got ready for the national championships. Won both of my classes. Three months later, went to the world championships placed fifth in the world where I placed 13th. The time before had no rebound after the competition had no downtime of my brain function, body fat, all that stuff. Wade (24m 45s): And I was actually, I had more muscle than I had the previous competition, four years older eating only 85 grams of protein a day because I’d optimized my digestion. I’d optimize my ability to transport amino acids. I’d improve my recovery parameters inside the body. And I was following something that was rather radical, but certainly allowed me to perform at a higher level than before, while maintaining my health and achieving the aesthetic idea. Wade (25m 15s): At that point, I took that message now from the bodybuilding community and start applying it into the mainstream can really and create it. What I call the awesome health formula, which is a seven pillar approach to what it takes to really make your body function at its highest performance. And that’s the foundation of our company’s philosophy. Brad (25m 33s): So you’re saying that it’s possible to be a healthy high performing bodybuilder, which is widely regarded as impossible, but you came back four or five years later and everything was dialed in and you even performed better. Wade (25m 52s): Yes. And here’s the thing, right? And this is a cognitive bias that I think is pervasive in the athletic community. And that is the advent in use of particularly performance enhancing drugs. I’ve had a long history of at least 60 to 70 years and Brad (26m 7s): Oh, wait a second. That’s taken us back to, let’s see the sixties, right? The, the Eastern block was starting to unroll those things. And of course we saw in the 72 Olympics with the, the deep voice women breaking world records in swimming and in track. And in, in the case of track, some of those records still hold and may never be broken by by today’s females. So you’re right, man. That’s a long time Wade (26m 36s): Right So performance enhancing technology, let’s call it that as opposed to just drugs. Cause there’s other things that people do. And we’re most familiar with say steroids and things like that. But there is, you know, there is just an a laundry list. And of course, if you look at drug testing today and performance sports, it keeps increasing. And so there’s this game between the insider chemist creating products that may show up, or maybe non-detectable on the test. Wade (27m 8s): And then the testing people who are trying to catch all the things that they’re doing. So it’s this cat and mouse game that’s going on behind the scenes of virtually all sports. Okay. I know when people are talking about the Olympics, because at the end of the day, gold medalists make a lot of money. And I think Lance Armstrong missed an incredible opportunity when he was busted for drugs and he should have just came out and said, look, everybody at that level is on these drugs. We’ve done it because if you want to win at that level, you just go this route. Wade (27m 41s): And because it’s all hidden behind the scenes, we’re not getting the full effect of information. The other thing is, is we have a 70 years head start on the drug usage program. And we’ve only been into the alternative technology for maybe 15 years, 20 at the most. So the natural health industry and the biohacking industry, which is now starting to grow up in an influencing and as testing gets better, the availability and health compromising drugs that are being used for performance are getting less and less prevalent. Wade (28m 13s): And there’s an influx of these biohacking technology. So at some point I believe we will get a state where we will actually be able to produce higher levels of performance in a healthy way, because it only stands to reason if you and I are sitting here, if you take two athletes, right? Let’s say they’re twins with identical genics and the identical cold psychology and sport, and they’re competing together. And one is using all of the health optimization technology available today, let alone what’s in the future. Wade (28m 48s): And one is not, who do you think is going to perform better at the end? Brad (28m 54s): Yeah, the, the optimizer obviously. And yeah. Wade (28m 54s): And who’s going to have the longer career. That too. Brad (29m 1s): Yeah. I just wonder sometimes if the doped up athlete, which as you just accurately stated, still exist today in many, many sports, including the Tour de France packs, you can conclude that without a doubt. I wonder if they’re simply successfully masking some of the shortcomings in their lifestyle and their diet and their sleep habits and their performance habits where this, the ultra clean athlete taking advantage of everything like LeBron James let’s say, and spending a million dollars a year reportedly on his healthcare. Brad (29m 35s): Maybe those two guys would match up evenly, but that shortcut is so compelling. And of course, you know, from bodybuilding and I’ve talked to old time, you know, serious strength, training athletes who report that, you know, after three or four years of hard work in the gym, they can get cut up to a certain extent and then see someone come in in six weeks with the needles, get to their level that they worked hard for several years. But yeah, we haven’t talked about longevity, but of course those drugs are going to be, you know, highly suspect how, how things are going to end up when they’re trying to extend their career into their forties like Tom Brady. Wade (30m 11s): Well, you know, it’s interesting in a, a personal story, you know, in 1998, when I first went to my first national championships, there was no drug testing. And then, and I experimented with performance enhancing and drugs. And let me tell you, they work they’re effective and they, they use, like you said, they accelerate your results. At the end of that contest, I realized that that wasn’t, that was a realm that I didn’t want to go down any further because I saw guys like Ronnie Coleman at the time Dorian Yates came and Ronnie Coleman and I, I, one of my successful aspects was my ability to assess where I was and what my real capacity was and all I loved the sport. Wade (30m 51s): And I love the process of the sport. I recognize no amount of drugs was going to allow me to defeat Ronnie Coleman. For any reason, a bodybuilding champions are the most elite champion of any sport. There is, there’s only been about 15, Mr. Olympia’s in the history since 1965. Brad (31m 9s): Oh, because these guys win so many times when Wade (31m 14s): because the, the combination of genetics capacity to handle drugs and the years of training it takes to perform at that level, you know, it’s only one in millions and millions of people can be that guy, right. Or that girl, it’s a very rare combination. Brad (31m 32s): And that’s not to say there’s a lot of benefits to strength, training and body, but Wade (31m 39s): there is there it’s a tremendous sport. It’s an amazing sport. And one of the best sports and one of the sports that you can do literally for the rest of your life, that you can’t stay on drugs for the rest of your life, or even an extended period of time. And so I left, I left and retired from the sport at that point. Now when drug tested competitions came in, I said, Hey, I’m going to do those. Now. I knew that some people were breaking the barriers, but I thought it’s still a more level playing field that allowed me to get free. Brad (32m 4s): They started to have drug free competition. And so that meant extensive testing and trying their hardest to get people that were a natural bodybuilding or whatever the term. Wade (32m 11s): Yes. Now I was able to get to the Mr. Universe contest now going into the Mr. Universe contest. I had a, and this is, I don’t know if I’ve even ever told this or your listeners are going to get this people. I had, I had a conversation with my coach and he said, look, you’re going to be competing against guys who were on drugs. Do you want to take the Avenue of masking what you’re going to do to give yourself an even playing field? Because based on you’re tracking, you’ve got a shot at winning, if you’re willing to bend the rules. Wade (32m 43s): And that was an existential crisis. And I said, no, I’m going to go without doing this full knowing that I would not be able to win Mr. Universe because I was at such a disadvantage. Now, the ironic part is when you choose the right path, miracles happen. When I went there to the competition, it turns out I was picked up at the airport at two o’clock in the morning, by a, a crew of, from an Indian newspaper.And they were fascinated because I was into meditation. Wade (33m 18s): I was into a plant based diet, which was very concurrent with the Indian philosophy. I ended up getting a full page, a review. And then in the Hindustan times, which is one of the number one papers over there would be the equivalent of the New York times here. And I got all this publicity when I came back, Matt said, it’s so rare that a guy that’s not on drugs and is a plant based guy. I think we can make a company out of this. He was an online market. I thought he was crazy. I didn’t even own a computer. And we started the company, which is the foundation of, of, of BiOptimizers today was that foundation. Wade (33m 53s): So by making the right choices, even though I didn’t get the glory, he didn’t get the wind, didn’t get all that sort of stuff. It set me on a, a pathway to the development of BiOptimizers day in my life is absolutely fantastic. I’ve been able to impact literally thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands. Yeah. If people help recover their health and vitality and perform at a high level because of that decision, that I had no idea what the consequences was. So I guess it’s important to share that message. Brad (34m 21s): That’s beautiful. I love that. And I don’t think anyone but an athlete facing the same thing can fully appreciate that existential crisis as you called it. And I really appreciate some of the cyclists speaking out now, Floyd Land is Tyler Hamilton with their books, and of course, Lance on his recent documentary. But when you’re in the midst of a, you know, highly engrossing, a competitive challenge and drugs are part of the game, you know, it’s easy to rationalize and join up with the pack to try to stay with the pack instead of get dropped. Brad (34m 57s): And I think we most, mostly the public is looking at Lance is such a nasty, dirty cheater, but you know, at the same time, he’s racing down the hill and his main competitor over it goes off the side of the road and he commands the entire pack to slow down so that the guy could get back on his bike, resume the race, catch back up, and then have a fair race to the top of the mountain. So it’s one of the most honorable and sportsman like sports you’ll ever see in the Tour de France. And I think we need to have that big picture perspective that, you know, the, the powers that be that are controlling these sports and in the NFL, the drug testing is still extremely lax compared to an Olympic sport. Brad (35m 37s): And so the athletes are pretty much compelled to either get drafted or watch on TV on Sunday. And so it’s still a really tough situation in society, but that’s a great kind of anecdote that you share because otherwise you’re coming home with a story that you got 31st and you could have got 12th and no one cares and you know, it’s lost in the shuffle. So yeah, way to go, man, you know, taking your own you’re, you’re, you’re trying your best to do the best you could with your journey and your parameters and your definition of that. Brad (36m 11s): And that’s what success is all about for all of us. Really. Wade (36m 14s): Yeah. And I think for other people to recognize that I don’t think people understand the type of pressure or the type of psychology i t takes to be a world class athlete, just to even get to a world class you ever do get to a Tour of France, Mr. Universe, or, or play at the NCAA level. It is a life path that requires massive sacrifice, massive commitment and extraordinary levels of perseverance, self-discipline some genetic, some, some ability. Wade (36m 49s): You do have to have some ability, but the work that’s put into them, the dedication that these athletes go forward. And at the end of the day, that competitive spirit gets pressures them. And Lawrence Taylor talked about this long time ago where he says, yeah, you know, you’re sitting there and you’re, you’re, you’re playing on your sport and you play the same position. And you’re kind of sharing your time with your buddy that soon, the same thing, he goes on a cycle he’s bench pressing 30 pounds more, he’s carrying 10 pounds, more muscle he’s one 10th of a port’s, you know, faster than you are in the 40 in this. Wade (37m 23s): And then all of a sudden, the next year, he’s a little bit more and he gets more playing time. And then he gets picked up and draft you’re in your senior year. And there’s now a new freshmen that’s coming in that your position. And he’s doing the same thing that your other guy, you got one, two years left. That’s your shot, or you don’t make it. What do you do? Brad (37m 39s): Whew Wade (37m 39s): And I think if people would just walk over to their pharmaceutical cabinet, open the door and take a hard, look at that and say, Hey, what drugs am I using today to perform in my job or in my lifestyle? And why am I so condeming of those people? So if we have these open conversations and we share this inside information to the general public, and we turn it back to them to recognize that they’re on performance enhancing drugs, and I’m not advocating performance and drugs, I’m not using any drugs. Wade (38m 20s): I don’t, I don’t use any hormones. I don’t get any drugs. I don’t use any of these things, but I made that choice way back in 1998. And it took me it’s 22 years later. Now, have I got a, that can perform at the levels of drugs as far as peak performance? No, I don’t. Do I have something that can extend your healthy performance for a longer period of time? Absolutely. And that’s why we’re here today. Brad (38m 47s): All right. Well, that’s nice. Interesting. We got off with the performance enhancing drugs. I have a lot of strong feelings about that. Cause my professional career kind of ended right before the advent of HIPO, which through all the endurance sports on its ear. And boy, you know, when you can get an instant, 6% advantage with the same training, you know, then we’re going off into the, into the dark age of, of sport, which we’re still in and especially with the endurance sports, but back to an interesting comment, you made about unpacking all the stuff that had happened to you when your body blew up in your first foray into bodybuilding. Brad (39m 25s): And one of the things you mentioned was that discovery of your gut dysfunction. And that was years before the emergence now, only in the last few years, of the gut microbiome as being a centerpiece of healthy living. So I’m wondering how you kind of figured that out so long ago. I mean the excess protein we’ve known for a long time, how, how bad that is for the body. So you had that one tagged, but then the other part with your digestion, which also seems to be the main thrust of your company. I’d love to get into that topic. Wade (39m 57s): Good question. So Dr O’Brien, the man I met was the complete clearly responsible. Now he was saying some things that were counterproductive to what are counterintuitive to what I was advocated in the performance world. And he cited a fellow by the name of Dr. Edward Howell, who was the godfather of enzymes. And Dr. Howell’s book was resurrected by a fellow by the, by the name Viktoras Kulvinskas. And Viktoras Kulvinskas was a disciple of of Paul Bragg, the guy that put the first health food store in America. Wade (40m 31s): And he was digging around medical school at the Harvard medical lab and found these books written by Dr. Edward Howell from the thirties, forties that had talked about the change of what was happening iIn food production distribution. And he started replicating the famous Pottenger cat studies. They were feeding cats and enzymatically deficient diet. And by the third generation, these cats lost the ability to procreate had weird sociological behaviors and had genetic rapid rise in genetic based illness. Wade (41m 6s): Well, he replicated these studies over all these different species. Now keep in mind by the time World War II hit, we switched to from conventional crop rotation to government induced, monoculture farming, throwing nitrogen on the soil. Our food production and distribution to meet a growing, you know, expansion of human population, right? That’s why they came up with these ideas to, for factory. And we changed production, rephrased distribution. We started adding herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides, which all interrupt enzymatic activity. Wade (41m 39s): Dr. Howell predicted by the time three generations went by that we would lose the ability to procreate. We’d have the advent of genetic based disease diseases, and we’d have alternative obtuse actions within human behavior. Well guess what, we’re three generations away from what Dr. Howell predicted, which he replicated through all these species, taking out enzymes and probiotics that are naturally present in the foods that we were getting. And guess what? Here we are today with that. And so Dr. Howell actually what actually taught Dr. Wade (42m 12s): O’Brien these principles, and then when Dr. O’Brien ran into his health conditions, he remembered what Howell said, but, Oh, well, so then they, they interacted in the long story short is he cultivated this to recover from a serious condition by changing his digestive health and resulting in that and started teaching that who mentored me, who then went to Dr. Howell books and then interacted with convince goes that all this sort of stuff. And that’s where we got to today by creating a formulations that optimize the gut. Because right now in America, 12% of the emergency hospital visits are related to gastrointestinal illnesses. Wade (42m 47s): A hundred million Americans on any given day are suffering from some sort of digestive distress that is using either an over the counter or prescription medication for digestive related illnesses ecause everything that we’re doing to our food, the drugs, the chemicals, the disruption in the microbiome, the genetic modification, the chemicals that are doing have disrupted this single canal from your mouth to your bum. And there’s five key elements that goes through this digestion. It’s a very elaborate process, and it’s not what you eat. Wade (43m 18s): It’s what you digest, absorb, and utilize. And if you have a compromised digestion, not only you going to have digestive distress now, but you are going to be one of those statistics ending up into an emergency hospital visit where you need something cut out of you or some sort of horrible condition that ensues onward, or you’ll be dependent on prescription medications for the rest of your life. Brad (43m 40s): So I’m, I’m guessing the digestive distress is coming from eating the nasty processed food. That is the centerpiece of the standard American diet. What’s the path to healing? You have the enzymes and probiotics that you promote. So I imagine we’re going to be recommending to get on a, a good supplement program, but also going hand in hand with healthy dietary choices. I’m also curious if you’re still plant-based like you report back in your bodybuilding day. Wade (44m 11s): Yeah. I’m still plant base. My business partners, the keto guy. So we’re at opposite ends of the spectrum. We’re dietary agnostic. We believe that you should select a giant based on your lifestyle, your genetic backed background, your detoxification pathways and what you enjoy. So we’re dietary agnostic, but what’s great is we go back and forth to find common elements. And I will say this, the USDA allows 50 different chemicals on organic produce. A regular products has no regulation. And in many places we do not get to know about genetic modification of our food. Wade (44m 45s): So, you know, I’m from Canada and the government has basically banned people from knowing which products are genetically modified and which is not in this pervasive in many places in the States as well. Combined with that, these herbicides, pesticides and fungicides may be also sprayed onto the food in transport. Plus food is a radiated. So you could be choosing what you feel is a healthy diet. Organic, which is filled with chemicals, which are, what are we call digestive disruptors inside the body over and above the processed foods and the frankenfoods and the foods with preservatives and dyes and all these other things. Wade (45m 21s): So basically there is a massive amount of elements which are disrupting the digestive health of everybody, no matter how well you’re trying to choose that diet. And in order to get the most out of that diet, you need to remove as much chemicals as possible, but use the advents to make sure that you’re getting enough enzymes and probiotics.b Make sure your hydrochloric levels are optimal in order that you can accelerate this, not only the digestive process, but be the front lines of your immune system. Cause the frontline of your immune system is also the digestive system. Brad (45m 53s): So if I’m pumped up, I want to be healthy. I know I’m doing the best I can with my dietary choices, go into the right stores, but still some things are sneaking in there that are, that are causing problems. And I walk over to the, the refrigerated probiotic section and grab a, whatever one I, I, I put my hand on, is this always going to lead to a benefit or is there some subjectivity necessary? I’ve heard comments that you should strive for variation. So you should take a few different brands of probiotic to get different strains. Brad (46m 25s): How do you, how do you feel about that? Wade (46m 25s): Yeah, well, we’re entering into what I say is the beginning of the golden age of probiotic research. I mean, I’ve been in a probiotic conversation for 15 years and we have a couple of PhDs in microbiome, biofilm, particularly about looking at the strings and there’s anywhere from two to 500 strains inside the average person’s digestive track. And these strains are critical to every aspect of digestive health. Now, the thing is, when you go to the store and buy something, that’s requiring refrigeration, you see that probiotics require very specific environments in order for survive. Wade (47m 0s): Now I’ve worked in every area of the nutrition industry from manufacturing to owning my own store, to owning my own company and developing products. The chances that your product has been able to maintain that temperature from the time it was produced to the time it gets shipped to a storage facility, that storage facility goes to maybe a distributor, that distributor goes to a store and then that store shelves it. And then that is going to maintain that same temperature during that time is almost zero. Now a one degree difference in temperature in a probiotic stream is going to cause a doubling of the activity of that probiotic. Wade (47m 38s): And in order for that to survive, it’s going to need, what’s called prebiotics. Prebiotics are the food that these living organisms eat. And we have a symbiotic relationship between these products. We don’t have these probiotics, we’re dead. We die. We don’t have immune system. We are able to digest our food. There’s that essential. The chances of that food that you got in a cold frigerator itself. That is that if it’s not been freeze, dried are almost zero that you have any active because those bacteria are going to eat up that probiotics one rating. Then they’re going to starve to death. Wade (48m 8s): Same thing when they go inside the body, when they go and spend the body, if they don’t have the prebiotics with that food, or you’re not eating a diet that supports that bacteria, you have to realize that those bacteria are probably going to die within 24 hours and there’s viral tests and stuff that you can take that there’s evidence of that. So that’s why your probiotics, you want to choose something that works with your diet. Something that has that in your diet has enough prebiotics and that those strains are conducive to your particular genetics and epigenetics. Wade (48m 39s): And so you can do testing for this. Like for example, the volume tasks you can do with gut map, all these different ones that are emerging, where you can find out what’s present. What’s not what diets right for you, and what’s gonna work best. And then making, adding those things in as well, taking those wins. So long story short, I do believe freeze dried probiotics with the elements inside of it, that the prebiotics. So when they get into the gut and become active in that warm hot environment, cause that’s going to go up many degrees and the environment is perfect for them to grow. They have the food that again, they can take hold and continue forward. Wade (49m 11s): And so we D we develop different strains for different reasons and different activities inside the body. Some are transient, some are colonizers. And by selecting these, you can determine which one is right for you, or you can rotate over periods of time. Brad (49m 29s): Oh, interesting, man. I’ve always gone into the store thinking that if it’s refrigerated, it’s gotta be more legit than something just sitting on the shelf because obviously cold is preserving something and, you know, it’s more of a special product. You need to get it in your fridge when you get home. So you’re kind of throwing that into, into the myth category and it makes a lot of sense that the freeze dried is preserving it through thick and thin on the arduous journey to the store shelf. So that’s a good, that’s a good checkpoint there. Brad (50m 1s): And then I’m also wondering you gave that example of you and your partner with disparate dietary patterns. How important do you think the genetic particulars are, or the personal, personal attributes of all kinds when it comes to choosing the best diet? I mean, I imagine you’re convinced that your way of eating is the best for you, but then you’re also standing as an agnostic, which is so rare these days, Hey, Wade’s not in any of the corners. Let’s listen to him. Talk about that. So how did you, how did you come to your conclusion for yourself and then also to your stance as an agnostic? Wade (50m 37s): Thank you. Well, one of the things that I think is really absurd is I, I developed a philosophy of what are the common elements before we get into the dispersion elements. And the common elements are eat a natural based diet, as fresh as you possibly can maintain a caloric deficit, at least most of the time. So that when you go into these accesses that you do better, and then you choose a dietary practice that fits your lifestyle. In other words, it’s something that you can maintain and sustain. Wade (51m 7s): So, so for some people that’s intermittent fasting. Some people that’s eating six times a day, depending on their diet. You can also look at the genetic and epigenetic factors. What is the traditional diet that your ancestors have? Because it does determine your bacteria culture, how you digest them, store that food, and then third things, what, what kind of diet can you can comply to. And then what other elements might have influenced that earlier on. Those would combine together on a real, if you were to do a deep dive on an individual level, which, you know, high-performance people, bio optimizer, people and biohackers, that’s what they do. Wade (51m 42s): They get there. So there’s no one size fits all. There are that, those components. I think that important then when you get into the world of genetics and epigenetics, to understand that essentially the difference between the two is genetics or what are the predispositions that you’ve inherited in your body? Epigenetics is the turning off or the turning on of these genes in a way that is either, either positive for the body or negative to the body, which leads to the study of nutrigenomics. Nutrigenomics is how do you flip these switches and your epigenetic response to the genetics you inherited? Wade (52m 16s): I believe this at the end of the day, I believe that humans can survive and thrive on a very varied diet. If they know how to throw the leavers inside their system. Do I think I could do well on a ketogenic diet today, knowing what I know from digestive aids? Yes. Do I think that my business partner could do great on a plant based diet who’s on a ketogenetic diet?. Yes, I do. Because over the last 20 years, we’ve discovered how to pull those leavers for ourselves. Wade (52m 50s): He prefers that diet. I prefer this diet and we’re here to advocate to everybody else. It’s not about the diatribe that you belong. Does it work? Is it sustainable? And do you feel good about it? Brad (53m 3s): Right? You described the use numerous terms, but you’re putting something into your mouth. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re gonna digest and assimilate it. So it’s the, it’s the big picture rather than the, the, the fancy choice out of the gate. And then your, your gut is all screwed up. So you’re wasting that delicious sushi that you just invested in thinking it was to be a super healthy meal. Wade (53m 26s): I can’t tell you it was, you know, for a period of time, I was on a completely raw food diet, which would be the equivalent of the carnivore diet from a plant based site. Very, very extreme. And in that community, what I found was there’s a lot of people who were sick, who went to a raw food diet for a period of time and had a miraculous recovery. However, I also noticed something else as they stayed on that diet for an extended period of time, they started to run into a variety of unintended consequences because whatever the restrictions that that diet created in the short term had a benefit to treat whatever condition they were suffering from. Wade (54m 8s): However, it was setting up the conditions for the next problem that they were having. The unintended consequences of the benefits of one source started eating, had unintended consequences on the other part, part and parcel. I always had trouble diet testing and absorbing, utilizing fats. I just did for whatever reason, my body just didn’t agree that I didn’t feel good on it. I would avoid it. Maybe it was my bodybuilding psychology. When we were on the old protein carbohydrate program, where Matt was a big, he was a, he’s been a keto guy for 20 years. Wade (54m 41s): I’ve been in over 20 years. And so we had had these debates back and forth about fats versus carbohydrates. He had a high sugar diet didn’t do well on carbs, feels better on the other. So later on a few years ago, he developed an enzyme formulation that actually worked with four different types of lipase is the enzyme that breaks down fats that I could use and radically boost my fat intake without getting fat in my stool. Because now I had the ability to break down digest and absorb that fat, where I didn’t have that ability before. Wade (55m 15s): And so now I could probably switch to a carnivore or ketogenic high fat diet and do very well because I have the technology that would allow me to do that and the ability to switch my biomes them so I could do well on that diet. Brad (55m 28s): Wow. That’s probably the case for so many people who steadfastly claim that they can’t eat meat or animal products cause their stomach goes nuts. And so they’re, you know, lifelong confirmed on, on one path, which all they might need to do is unlock some more potential and enjoy a more varied diet, arguably a more healthy diet in many cases. So that’s pretty interesting. What other supplements are high up there on the list of things that we’re so deficient in? I’m looking on my shelf in the background. Brad (55m 58s): If you’re watching on YouTube, I got my magnesium from the, the bio optimizers. So I hear that as the commonly deficient agent that it’s so important to supplement with. Can you talk about a few other big ones? Wade (56m 11s): Yeah. So the three, three, three areas where people run into digestive issues, number one, they don’t have enzymes present in the food, whatever you’re eating for your period. I don’t care how great your diet is. You don’t have sufficient amount of enzymes and enzymes are responsible for 25,000 different chemical processes in the body. They are catalysts that transform things from one thing to another accelerate, chemical reactions, and are essential in this, especially in the first stage of digestion. Second thing that people are low on is hydrochloric acid. By the way, here’s a quick test to know if you’re deficient on enzymes. If you eat your food and you feel that kind of bloated or feeling that full feeling, if you take a tablespoon of lemon juice with your food, and if that doesn’t work, take two tablespoons of lemon juice. Wade (56m 54s): If you start to see a benefit from two tablespoons of lemon juice, chances are you’re enzymatically deficient. Second phase, a critical stage of digestion is hydrochloric acid comes in and changes the pH and also is a disinfected for parasites, bacteria, viruses, all that sort of stuff. Most people today have a deficiency in hydrochloric acid. Here’s how you can test. You take a quarter teaspoon of baking soda, mix it in four to six ounces of water. Drink it. If you don’t burp within five minutes, guess what? Wade (57m 28s): You don’t have enough hydrochloric acid. Now, one of the signs of low hydrochloric acid is oftentimes acid reflux and heartburn. It’s not too much acid it’s too little. And that keeps you, Brad (57m 39s): do you take an acid to make it worse on correct? Wade (57m 45s): And that’s an issue because what’s happening is the food is actually fermenting in your guts and keeping the assault. The gas is releasing, creating the esophageal sphincter to stay open. And that asks whatever asset you do have mixes up with the food that causes a burning sensation in the esophagus or the heart. And that’s where we get acid reflux. Third area that we run into digestive distress is the microbiome imbalance between these good, bad and ugly bacteria. So taking a and rotating or trying different types of probiotics to see which one works for you. We built P30M, which is a PR antiviral antibacterial proteolytic formulation. Wade (58m 17s): That’s maintainable in the gut has a patent. We have another one that’s we have another one that is called the Leaky Gut formula. The Leaky Gut formula is probiotics that are very antibacterial and help rebuild the biofilm with an element called IgY and max or dilute your volume. Okay, so that one, and then we have a Cognibiotic product, which is a combination of bacteria that make neuro-transmitters in combination with Chinese herbs, which help neurotransmitter formation because 95% of your neurotransmitters are in the gut. Wade (58m 56s): And about 25% of the population don’t have the ability to make their essential or more dominant neurotransmitter function. So you may do better on one of these, or you might benefit from all of these. And then you mentioned magnesium, which will drop in really quickly. Magnesium is the most common deficient mineral in virtually everybody’s diet. The reason being we went to monoculture farming 60 years ago, we threw, we developed the atomic bomb. The atomic bomb led to the disparity of all this nitrogen bomb storage. Wade (59m 26s): They threw nitrogen on the soil. It increased the yield, cut the protein, cut the enzymes, cut the minerals, cut the vitamins by increasing yield to the growth rate of nitrogen. Then we had to add these herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, chemical agents on it. And we’ve got about 60 crops left in, in the world. We used to rotate. We used to plow hemp into the soil. We used to remineralized. We don’t do this in monoculturing. That’s why we’re getting so much desert going to from farmlands. It’s a big, big, big, big issue, but magnesium is responsible over 350 different pathways in the body and in an increasing electrical transmission world, the EMS pollution and blue lights and the shifting of our bio. Wade (1h 0m 3s): Then the number one mineral that is being exhausted by our nervous system is guess what magnesium does use of stimulants magnesium, the use of antidepressants magnesium, the regulation of blood sugar, the basomotor and vasodilation from migraine headaches, PMs syndromes trace the magnesium muscle cramping, trace the magnesium deficiency, the stress response, getting angry or upset, or being overstimulated, magnesium, sleep deficiency, almost all of the common elements. Wade (1h 0m 37s): We’ve got a massive array of billions and billions of dollars of drugs can be traced back to an extensive longterm magnesium deficiency. And there’s different magnesiums which are used for different parts of the body. And there was a fellow by the name of a doctor Poliquin, and it’s gonna be Charles Poliquin, who trained 27 gold medalists like 27 different sports called medicine. The who’s who of sports said, Hey, in order for his athletes to do really well, he discovered that there were different types of magnesiums through different parts of the body. Wade (1h 1m 11s): And so that was the precursor of why we started developing the full, the first seven tight magnesium that deals with the magnesiums for the brain, the nervous system, the blood cells, the blood sugar regulation, everything that’s all in there in one. Cause I got tired of having six different bottles, costing me a super amount of money to take all these different magnesiums that I wanted to get the benefit from that. And it’s an extraordinary product and has gone crazy. So anyways, all that to tell you to kind of the backstory behind these things, Brad (1h 1m 40s): Wade Lightheart, you’re a high energy guy, man. I dig your, I dig your action. Very compelling stories. I think we learned so much on this show and I’m curious, you know, your bodybuilding days are, are long since passed you. I’m wondering how you keep in shape today.And what, what’s your favorite stuff to do? Wade (1h 1m 54s): Yeah. Great question. So recently of course we didn’t have w I lost access to the dream gym, the Mecca of bodybuilding Gold’s gym, which has closed down at the moment, do the lockdown. So what I’ve developed is I have a mini trampoline that I jump on him, my front yard, I have an X three band set, which I discovered during this lockdown, which interestingly enough has a different strength curve than regular weights. Brad (1h 2m 20s): And so opposite. Incredible. I just did a show with Dr. Jaquish. And boy, I think this is one of the great breakthroughs coming in fitness because when you do a workout with that, What working the maximum maximum power in, in those range of motions, that the opposite of weights. Wade (1h 2m 35s): And yeah, that’s cool that you’re into that too. Yeah. So I discovered that I got to select your eyes set of dumbbells and a little bench in my yard that I, that, you know, those, those Bo flex ones where you can do, you can turn. And so I got those going on and then I’ve got an attack bike to do a high intensity training. So attack bike, that’s the ones with this fins and you go kind of go like this or whatever. And I do that three times a week for about eight minutes in, in 20 second sprints with 40 second wrecks rest periods. Wade (1h 3m 8s): And then I jump on the rebounder multiple times a day. I trained with the bands three, four days a week and dumbbells in combination. And then I do alternate day fasting. So I, I eat for 12 hours and then I fast for 36, three times a week. And then I take, then I take Fridays and Saturdays completely off. I can do whatever I want far as eating and go out with my friends and, you know, eat the things that you’re not supposed to eat and make the social things to people like, how do you stay in shape way doing this? I’m like, well, I just don’t eat three days a week and they kind of laugh and they think, is he serious? Wade (1h 3m 42s): Yes, I am. Brad (1h 3m 42s): That’s a good plan. You’re dialed in. I love it. How can we connect further? Wade (1h 3m 49s): Yeah. So a for all your listeners out here today, if you’re a to connect with us, you can always go to bioptimizers.com. In fact, if you go to bioptimizers.com, get over yourself, you can use a coupon code of get over yourself 10 and you’ll get 10% discount on any of our products at BiOptimizers. I’ve also am giving away our 12 week double your energy course, which is a 12 week course, five to 15 minute videos of everything on all these different areas, the bucket theory of nutrition, how to choose your Jedi council, how to select things, how to figure it out. Wade (1h 4m 22s): All that stuff is in there. And these little quick videos give it away for free. So you can learn from all the people that I learned from it’s all condensed. And we give that away to everybody. And all of our products have a 100%, 365 day guarantee. If they try a product and they’re not absolutely blown away, it’s not the best one they’ve ever taken. Call us, text us, send a carrier pigeon, whatever you want to do, we’ll give you all your money back. So Facebook BiOptimizers Austin health podcasts. We’re all there at BiOptimizers main site. You can get there and say and take advantage of it. Brad (1h 4m 48s): All right. Great show. Thank you, Wayne. Thank you everyone for listening and watching on YouTube. 5m 24s): And it really helps spread the word so more people can find the show and get over themselves because they need to thanks for doing it. SaveSave
Posts1,630 Joined Last visited Days Won4 Content Type Profiles Knowledge Base Zcar Wiki Business Directory Forums Gallery Calendar Downloads Store Collections Classifieds Links Directory Community Map Everything posted by dutchzcarguy Science!/Not science! Unsticking stuck parts dutchzcarguy replied to Zed Head's topic in Open DiscussionsI would be a bit scared to do that.. (use vinegar on aluminium..) I got a old L24 that needs some restore work but i prefer to just use some WD40 and let that first soak for a week or so.. (I'm in no hurry, hurry is wrong with these kind of things!) - Bluez got the blue's 😉 ?? 1975 Datsun 280Z fuel gauge sending unit, how to change ? dutchzcarguy replied to Killain's topic in Help Me !!Hi, Did you have a look in the service manual? If it has a sending unit like a 240z it's on the frontside of the tank iirc.. and if it's like in a 280zx it's on top.. and can be accessed from the boot.. iirc.. 😉 So no need to drop the tank! btw.. pic's tell a lot more, i like to see the different sending units.. i know the 280zx one and find it interesting to see if a 280z has a different one.. (Ofcourse it's different why make it easy when you can make it complicated hey NISSAN?? pffff... ) 1983 Datsun 280ZX Replacement for Wiper Amplifier dutchzcarguy replied to icecapc's topic in Open DiscussionsI'm just surprised Nissan calls a interval switch-electronics box an AMP? With Amp i think of amplification... there is nothing to amplificate.. 😉 Only to interrupt.. its a INTERRUPTOR! - If you had taken a look at the pics (open the +155 pic picture..) you would have seen the paintshop with all the parts new painted.. does someone say that it's original paint? 😁 Restoration Unveiled Today 08.17.2019 dutchzcarguy replied to Car54280ZX's topic in Open DiscussionsYes there is.. passified golden color of a box that collects the signals and set then into 1 signal for the correct sign in your display. prices dutchzcarguy replied to ennisdavis's topic in Open DiscussionsOverhere the fuel IS over 10 dollar a gallon.. 2,40 euro per Liter! And that's Euro 95 with that $^!# in it (ethanol...) Happy that i don't need a car, i drive about a 1000 km a year.. (in differend z(x) cars!) That's what I DID !!! 😉 Lots of things you can buy in bulk and i just did that too! - OH !!! WE got many of those!! They ALL have plastic fingertops filled with auto sealer shooting tips! Don't your country have those to?? - Exactly what i meant.. just to write it in english was just to difficult/ to much work Hahaha... 😆 - IIRC It says in the bible... that's the servicemanual that you have to put some sealant on a few spots.. (I find it unbelievable that there are still people that put an engine together (I'm not saying you are!) without a service manual! You can acces it for free! These engines are not difficult but one WILL forget something or torck things the wrong way.. Rear diff oil Wt. 280z dutchzcarguy replied to MH77280Z's topic in Engine & DrivetrainOver here were it's colder .. even we use 80W90 GL-4 and in a hotter environment i think it's even better/more recommended to use a thicker oil.. - I used some locktite sealer on those paper gaskets, it sticks the gasket to one side and makes it more easy to put it all together, also the chance that it is sealed is very high. Just don't over do it, a little bit of that blue (silicone like) sealer out of a locktite tube is enough! (on both sides of the gasket.) [2022] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today? dutchzcarguy replied to zed2's topic in What I Did TodayNice car! These pics look like you took them out of the original brochure! If i had this car i would look under those plastic wheelhouse extrenders, i did this with my 300zxtt wheelhouse protectors and you can prevent any rust.. important because when it's emergine than it's to late! (I never saw some rust under mine luckely!) I also spray some WD40 inbetween those covers so it gets rid of the moist.. - Also look twice(!) for airleaks in the system particularly that fat rubber hose after the airregulator, and in front of engine. Right inbetween those fat rings that are in that tube are the leaks! (A very minor leak can make the engine run very unregular.) - In the link i see some pics with silver colored contacts.. just clean those with a cotton cleaning towel or something.. and some contactcleaner. Never use a file on these contacts! If the silver is damaged it's gone.. Also, if you see sort of BLACK soot on these contacts it's silveroxide and... you can leave it on! SILVEROXIDE IS almost as good as silver itself (if you don't believe this, take a (micro)- Ohmmeter and test the contacts! Just put some contactspray on them and if this takes of a little of that back stuff that's okay! EDIT: Just googled it and had to change it in: conduction of silveroxide is almost as good as silver .. There was long a myth that silveroxide was a better conductor than silver.. but it's slichtly worse. (still better than copper i think..) Also most times when silver oxidises you get silversulfide not oxide.. it lookes very dark brown.. Also "google" said that silveroxide is not made (!).... but it's a black layer.. (very contradicting this!) anyway.. clean it with some contactcleaner that's not to agressive, a clean silver contact should emerge! - Maybe you can open it up and look what's wrong with it? I never looked in one but i always say: it's ALL repairable! haha, but against how high cost i don't know.. Put some pics of the inside here.. (Maybe it's just dirt stopping it from functioning..) It has only 3 contact, so it's just a switch between 2 positions, maybe the contacts are bad, in need of a clean? - There is a little black box on the throttle axle marked with:A22-602-421 , it's a switch.. it tells the "ecu" if the throttle is opened or not.. I thought I was done with Z cars dutchzcarguy replied to emccallum's topic in Open DiscussionsIf you have room for it... (and as you take everything off the chassis) .. i definitly would go for a rotisserie! (Make one that is universal for cars!) Engine Oil 10W-40 vs 20W-50 in L28 dutchzcarguy replied to MH77280Z's topic in Engine & DrivetrainHi, I used 10w40 always in L28 in 3 cars.. over 30 years experience and never another.. i think you can use 20W50 also because of the warm weather, but still u will use a bit more fuel because of the viscosity of the thicker 20W.. for lubrication i think you can stick to 10W40, makes very little difference. As fuel is expensive i would stick to 10W... Racing oil is also not necessary, throwing away your money.. unless you have a very modified engine. You could use some oil special for high miles engines if you have a lot of miles on your engine.. say over 200 kmiles.. slight exhaust popping and low power ...... dutchzcarguy replied to 70z4fun's topic in Help Me !!That's a common thing! I found that more than once! It's some kind of modification? My 240z has it to! i drive it now for over 20 years with just one spring! Have you done a compression test on your engine? i would do one.. Maybe you have worn cyl. or pistonrings or sticky valves? - That's the best solution. If you don't know exactly how to install.. just ask google! 😉 or youtube! - We all have done something wrong i think to our cars in time.. i think you installed it the wrong way (?) ... The part does not look very used.. could be that if you sanded the pads a bit you could use it for many more miles as it did not make a very well contact to the rest of the clutch parts! The cupping will go away once the clutch is installed in the right way.. i think/hope.. (Use also some degreasing stuff because a clutch HATES grease!!) - But it has to be HeinZ !! Ketchup!! How Heinz Produce 1.8 Million Bottles of Tomato Ketchup a Day (insider.com) - Americans don't?? We like a nice piece of... Horse! I growed up eating some horse meat.. is good for yah! 🙂 I'm well over 6 foot.. - Hahaha, yeah.. Now you know why i speak so good english.. kidding.. i had english for 9 years, so i should be able to express my self haha.. She was a tall and pretty girl that i can say! Later on in the 90's i heard that she went to iran or irak.. away from Kiev.. probably merried a rich sheik. 😉
Two excellent whites Chateau Musar 1996 Bekaa Valley (Lebanon) White Wine ($30) California Wine Club Cloudy Bay 2003 Marlborough (New Zealand) Sauvignon Blanc ($21) Wine Lovers' Voting Booth: What's your wine-list strategy? Support WineLoversPage.Com and the 30 Second Wine Advisor This week on WineLoversPage.com Last Week's Wine Advisor Index Administrivia Please do not reply to this E-mail! It comes from a "SEND-ONLY" mailbox, and I will not see your reply. I value your feedback, so to contact me, please send E-mail to [email protected] ABOUT YOUR SUBSCRIPTION: To change your E-mail address, change between daily and weekly editions or text and graphics editions or unsubscribe, see "Administrivia" at the end of this page. TO SUBSCRIBE: ARCHIVES: For all past editions, SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: For information, E-mail [email protected] Today we're taking a wine-glass tour to opposite ends of the earth for a taste of two excellent white wines worth a special effort to find: The 2003 vintage of Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc, the winery that put New Zealand on the world's wine map; and the 1996 white from Chateau Musar, the small but sought-after producer that did the same for war-torn Lebanon. Let's run through a quick background briefing on both wines, then move briskly along to the tasting reports. Cloudy Bay Although New Zealand's Maori name is "Land of the Long White Cloud," the geographical Cloudy Bay is named not for the sky above but the water below, which purportedly impressed the explorer Capt. James Cook with its cloudiness when he first sailed into it in 1770. The winery was founded in 1985, and by the following year was already gaining an international reputation for New Zealand wine, which to that point had been scantily available and little-known elsewhere. Critical acclaim quickly turned it into a near-"cult" wine, particularly in Britain, where each new vintage quickly flies off the shelves. In the U.S., too, demand has made it perhaps the priciest New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, selling for more than $20 against competitors at little more than half its price. It justifies its acclaim by standing, most years, as a "benchmark" of the Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc style, an exuberant and bold-flavored white wine laden with citrus and green-chile flavors. Chateau Musar Lebanon's wine industry may be tiny, but it traces its heritage all the way back to the ancient Phoenicians, who may have preceded even the Greeks and Romans as prime movers in introducing grapes and wine to Western Europe. A survivor of the war and civil unrest that wracked Lebanon in the 1980s, Chateau Musar - like Cloudy Bay - has built an international following with its memorable wines. The property was built in 1930 by Gaston Hochar in a 1700s castle in Ghazir, near Beirut, and is now run by his grandsons Serge and Ronald Hochar. Chateau Musar's red wine, a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Rhone varieties, is a favorite, an ageworthy blend that some liken to Bordeaux but that strikes me as more of a "Mediterranean" wine that evokes something of the Rhone and something of Italy. Chateau Musar white is even more unusual and difficult to find, and I'm indebted to my Lexington, Ky., pal Bob H. for his persistence in locating a few bottles through the local distributor. It is made from two indigenous Lebanese grape varieties, Obaideh and Merwah (which the importer likens to Chardonnay and Semillon, respectively), aged in oak for six months and in bottles for years before release. The 1997 appears to be the youngest Chateau Musar white currently available, and the 1996 vintage that I tasted is still on the market, It is one of the most amazingly complex white wines I have ever tasted, a symphony of white stone fruit and delicate nutlike flavors, herbs and spice and well-balanced fruit and acidity that's almost as delightful to sniff as it is to sip. (Musar also makes a range of less expensive wines - see the winery and importer Websites linked below for more information.) HAVE YOU TRIED THESE WINES? If you've tried Cloudy Bay or Musar - or if you wish you had - you're invited to join in an interactive, international online discussion on our Wine Lovers' Discussion Group, where today, golden wine ranks among the most complex and intriguing white wines I have ever tasted. In spite of the wine's relative age, its oxidative aromas are light and delicate and not at all geriatric: Almonds and hazelnuts with no hint of the walnutty Sherrylike quality of an over-the-hill white. Mixed nuts are joined by white stone fruits and banana oil in the flavor; fresh herbs, too, thyme and tarragon, gradually give way to clovey brown spice as the wine airs in the glass, with herbs and spice and floral white fruit in a remarkably long finish that seems to last for minutes. Full-bodied and ripe, the wine is not overly tart, but there's plenty of fresh-fruit acidity to provide structure. A delight. U. S. importer: Broadbent Selections Inc., San Francisco. (Jan. 7, 2004) FOOD MATCH: A wine of this depth can be enjoyed alone, but it's delicious with food, calling for hearty and relatively robust fare. At our table it found a delicious if offbeat match with spicy, black-peppery leftover chicken from a local Senegalese spot. VALUE: This bottle came from a friend who had a retailer special-order it through the state's distributor; he said it cost under $20, which would make it an exceptional bargain. Web searching suggests that it normally sells in the $30 range, still a reasonable price for a white wine of this quality. WHEN TO DRINK: Although its oxidative character suggests full maturity, the winery Website reports that the wine "will age for many, many years." WEB LINK: Chateau Musar's Website is available in French and English. The English-language pages start here: The U.S. importer has an informative page about Musar at FIND THIS WINE ONLINE: Locate vendors for Chateau Musar on Wine-Searcher,! Straw-colored and rather pale, it shows a golden glint against the light. Citrus and melon aromas predominate in a fresh and appealing aroma and carry over cleanly into a ripe, juicy and tart flavor, bursting with snappy white fruit and crisp acidity. The signature "jalapeno" and "green chile pepper" Cloudy Bay character, although present as a grace note, seems much less forward than usual, making for a wine that's perhaps less exuberant than usual but correspondingly more balanced. Mouth-wateringly tart lemon-lime persists in a finish as long and shimmering as a distant bell gradually fading into silence. U. S. importer: Clicquot Inc., NYC. (Jan. 11, 2004) FOOD MATCH: Fine with a meatless match contrived to meet the wine's herbaceous flavors: Fresh broccoli, celery and onions blended into a creamy pasta sauce and finished with a bit of butter and lime. VALUE: Based on its name and sought-after status, Cloudy Bay generally sets the top price point for New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. I always buy one when the new vintage arrives, but when I go back for more, I'll troll the shelves for its less-pricey competitors. WHEN TO DRINK: I'm inclined to drink this (and all Sauvignon Blancs) young and fresh; but see the links below to Sue Courtney's article and the related Wine Lovers' Discussion Group topic for more opinions on older Cloudy Bay. WEB LINK: Here is the Cloudy Bay Website: New Zealand wine writer Sue Courtney, a frequent contributor to WineLoversPage.com, has an excellent essay about Cloudy Bay, and tasting notes from 2000 back to 1989, on our Website at FIND THIS WINE ONLINE: Find sources and compare prices of Cloudy Bay at Wine-Searcher.com: Dining in a fancy restaurant can be a frustrating experience for the budget-conscious wine lover. While an excellent restaurant's cellar may offer rare treasures to tempt our palates, a look at the wine list often brings a cold splash of financial reality. For this week's Wine Lovers' Voting Booth, we'd like to know how you cope with this challenge, as we ask, "What is your wine-list strategy?" To cast your ballot, click to the Voting Booth,: Wine Lovers' Discussion Group: Older Cloudy Bays Following up on today's tasting report, you might be interested in a Wine Lovers' Discussion Group topic in which I asked opinions about whether a couple of older Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blancs that have been languishing on a wine rack for several years are likely to have improved, deteriorated or stayed the same. To read the responses, and add your own, click to the topic "Older Cloudy Bays: Drink or hold or dump?" at The Wine Advisor's daily edition is usually distributed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays (and, for those who subscribe, the FoodLetter on Thursdays). Here's the index to last week's columns: Introducing Burgundy: Cotes-de-Nuits (Jan. 9, 2004, 2004) Two good cheap wines (Jan. 7, 2004) My best wine values of 2003 (Jan. 5, 2004) Complete 30 Second Wine Advisor archive: Wine Advisor FoodLetter: True blue (Jan. 8, 2004) Wine Advisor Foodletter archive:
Exploring Hydrocarbon Depletion Donate Bitcoins ;-) or Paypal :-) Page added on March 30, 2019: With the rapid decline in Cantarell’s oil production, Mexico’s net oil exports also plummeted from 1.8 mbd in 2004 to only 314,000 barrels per day in 2017. However, the situation for Mexico’s net oil exports continued to deteriorate in 2018 as its domestic oil supply fell to a new low at the end of the year. According to several sources, the BP 2018 Statistical Review, IEA’s OMR Reports, and the EIA’s data on World Oil Production, Mexico became a net oil importer in November 2018: I find it strange that this has not yet been mentioned in the news as it is a very critical factor for the future of Mexico. Now, I would like to qualify that the data I am using is accurate. I found Mexico’s total petroleum production and consumption data from the EIA, the U.S. Energy Information Agency’s World Oil Production Browser, the IEA’s, the International Energy Agency OMR Reports, and BP’s 2018 Statistical Review. In just a little more than a year, Mexico’s net oil exports fell from 314,000 barrels per day to net imports of 90,000 barrels per day in December 2018. This next chart shows Mexico’s total oil supply versus consumption for each month in 2018: Of course, we don’t know if Mexico will be able to increase production, but if we consider the disaster that is taking place at PEMEX, the country’s national oil company, I highly doubt domestic oil production will recover. Why? Well, let’s just say, PEMEX is on the verge of bankruptcy as the company published two troubling signs in its Q4 2018 Financial Report: According to PEMEX’s Q4 2018 Report, oil production fell from 1.90 mbd Q4 2017 to 1.76 mbd in Q4 2018. These figures are for oil production only and do not include NGPL (natural gas plant liquids) and refining gains. Which is why it doesn’t add up to the 1.94 mbd for December 2018 shown in the chart above. Regardless, oil production continues to decline at PEMEX while it’s long-term debt reached a new record high of $96 billion last year: So, even with all the additional capital expenditures, (shown by the massive increase in long-term debt), PEMEX was not able to prevent the inevitable decline of its domestic oil production. What happens to PEMEX when oil production really starts to decline? Sadly, as domestic oil supply continues to decline, the Mexican Government will have lower oil revenues to support its public spending. I believe Mexico is likely one of the next OIL DOMINOS to fall… and it won’t be pretty. I will be doing a more detailed update on PEMEX’s financial information when they release their next quarterly report. 24 Comments on "NEXT OIL DOMINO TO FALL? Mexico Becomes A Net Oil Importer" Robert Inget on Sat, 30th Mar 2019 3:48 pm This fact has escaped notice since most of Mexico’s exported crude is returned as gasoline and diesel. There’s an excellent chance one more GOM elephant field will rear it’s ugly head putting Mexico back in business, for a few years. So far, like the entire world, replacement crude ain’t making up for depletion, or course, demand. If Trump closes the border in some peak of madness, Mexico may cut crude shipments. As it stands the US has more to lose than Mexico in trade. Exxon is making huge discoveries in Pakistan and Guyana. Besides not becoming available to market for years it’ll NEVER making up for missing Venezuelan, Iranian, Mexican oil, ALREADY effecting deliveries. Next step, drain the SPR. Then what? shortonoil on Sat, 30th Mar 2019 4:50 pm Trump said that the wall was a national emergency. He wasn’t kidding! Roger on Sat, 30th Mar 2019 6:41 pm Mexico has a lot of potential to increase production…unfortunately it won’t be realized anytime soon. Ken Martin on Sat, 30th Mar 2019 7:06 pm Ku-Maloob-Zapp is a play similar to Cantarell. It will probably go down in the same spectacular fashion as Cantarell. And I could happen anytime. I think KMZ currently make about half of Mexicos oil production. There is a lot more downside to world oil production than people realize. And the world has not been re-investing for badly needed new supplies for 4 or 5 years. Duncan Idaho on Sat, 30th Mar 2019 7:17 pm As a recent resident of Mexico, things are a bit more complicated—– Pete Bauer on Sat, 30th Mar 2019 10:26 pm Surprising that the fall will be this fast. So an oil exporter turns importer. The other major oilfield KMZ produces heavy oil which needs to be blended with NGL to produce motor fuels. Its time Mexico replaces all oil fired power plants with Natgas. Also time to increase the price of gasoline/diesel and get into electric vehicles. Wake up Mexico. Many countries oil production is declining, but the daily news is about the increase in shale production. Davy on Sun, 31st Mar 2019 3:14 am It is not like Mexico is completely without oil. There is still a lot of production and potential for more. The economy has industrialized with NAFTA and there is a strong agricultural sector. Mexico is maturing and being a petro state is a thing of the past. Mexico has huge solar potential and should move in that direction along with reducing fossil fuel subsidies. What Mexico needs to get a handle on is its organized crime. This is the real danger for Mexico. Theedrich on Sun, 31st Mar 2019 4:18 am The Mexican oil crisis is due in part to crime. The culture of lawlessness in the country has always been an integral part of its society. The cartels suck off enormous amounts of petroleum in various ways, not least by bribing business and government officials. Many of the criminals are ex-military, so they know how to use guns plomo o plata (lead or silver), as they say, i.e., death or acceptance of bribes. The Mexican masses are even more stupid than Americans. They are convinced by their Leftist politicians that all of their problems are due to the Gringo to the north. Nineteenth-century Mexican dictator-president Porfirio Díaz put it succinctly: Poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to the United States. Its the perfect excuse for the incipient disaster now playing itself out in Mexico, and one of the reasons for the failure to stop the caravans from Central America. We are seeing only the beginning of the collapse of the Mexican state. The Democrats will love it, with so many new Spic-speaking voters they can count on. Sissyfuss on Sun, 31st Mar 2019 8:33 am Mexico will be facing a Venezuelan future if they can’t ramp up production and soon. Peak oil and overshoot are a lethal combination that can’t be avoided except within the corporate media. We will need more than a wall to keep out the starving millions that will be headed our way. Robert Inget on Sun, 31st Mar 2019 11:40 am. ‘Sometimes I pray to my dead daughter’ ‘I left without telling my mum’ How Hispanics are affected by wall debate. BBC Robert Inget on Sun, 31st Mar 2019 11:46 am Mexico doubles Natural Gas imports. Robert Inget on Sun, 31st Mar 2019 12:16 pm. Outcast_Searcher on Sun, 31st Mar 2019 12:18 pm Meanwhile, globally, more tight oil can be recovered due to improving technology and efficiency re oil shale extraction. The IEA predicts growing global oil production through 2040 or 2050. And meanwhile, in coming decades transport will shift strongly toward being electric. Meaning FAR less need to burn oil, at least for transport. Let’s not pretend this “next domino” is a global problem, despite the clear insinuation by the title. Robert Inget on Sun, 31st Mar 2019 1:53 pm THE OIL INDUSTRY PRODUCES MORE GAS THAN IT CAN HANDLE Natural gas prices in North America have tanked. As an unavoidable by-product of the oil drilling industry, producers have more than they know what to do with..” Whilst solutions of this kind are spreading, they are not suitable for all situations. Locally, pretty much nobody knows what bitcoin? Robert Inget on Sun, 31st Mar 2019 2:33 pm I posted the short article above out of personal motive. I want to build five acre PV farm that would generate on a good day at least one MEG, (maybe two) if I buy the latest stuff. So far, my utility shows zero interest in buying that power. In fact, they don’t return calls. This outfit (Pacific Power) is constantly covering itself with green paint. Typical. My acres located on a state highway seven miles from a bedroom community of 20,000. The nearest interstate (I/5) exit is fewer than five miles distant. Three fiber optic cables forming the internet backbone for the American West Coast are buried next to my property. Alas I would need to pay $600 a month to access one of those networks. Here’s my request: I need a customer for a MEG (or two) of surplus power. Any ideas? (My plan is to have sheep or goats graze under around solar structures) The only inconspicuous plan I’ve come up with would be Bitcoin mining, which requires cheap power, a fiber connect, to make a profit. EV power: I believe EV batteries will soon permit 400 to 500 mile ranges. Besides, zoning won’t permit a refueling outlet. Only (local) residents use the state highway in any case, I/5 replaced ‘my’ road to/from California in the 1950’s. I would welcome conversation on the subject. Davy on Sun, 31st Mar 2019 3:19 pm Bob, build a few ecco off grid homes with insulated barns and allow these people to farm and do artisan crafts. They would buy power off you and you would have a captive customer. You could also invest in EV’s cars and tractors for them to use again they would be captive consumer. The other option would be to put that power into a greenhouse operation. I would figure out what you want to do then install the panels to fit that need. Have a vertical business model building on a green idea powered by renewables. Robert Inget on Sun, 31st Mar 2019 4:07 pm Good ideas Davy. While ‘tiny’ houses are being promoted in the nearby town, I’m ‘zoned’ single family out-of-town. As for the greenhouses, the only ‘crop’ worth growing here is weed. Everyone, I mean everyone in this neighborhood got the ‘gardening’ bug in 2017 when our state went legal. Now the market is flooded, prices lower etc. In the old days INDOOR weed growers all put up solar so as not to draw attention to use spikes around all those ‘grow-lights’. They could afford the high electric bill but not the lawyers. I’m too old (84) to do much AG labor any longer. I’ll bet you understand. One offshoot would be to house animals UNDER the solar structures. Sheep and (meat) goats would seek warmth and shade in any case. Thanks, Bob Robert Inget on Mon, 1st Apr 2019 8:12 am Whipple’s Quote Of The Week… “Quote” Davy on Mon, 1st Apr 2019 8:45 am Bob, Nafta saved Mexico. They will do well enough. It is likely good they are no longer a petro state. If they could be less of a Mafia state is the question not oil. Robert Inget on Mon, 1st Apr 2019 9:16 am Still Davy, down 6% is serious. Mexico exports. Mexico Exports | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast … tradingeconomics.com/mexico/exports Closing this border will cause economic chaos. Since Trump doesn’t know how to use a computer someone should turn him on to ‘asking Seri’ (about Mexico/US trade) My seven year old GS never bothers with Google or Bing, he simply voices his questions. I’ll bet Trump could manage that. Duncan Idaho on Mon, 1st Apr 2019 9:22 am I’ll bet Trump could manage that. I wouldn’t put that much trust in the Fat Boy. He has lied 9000+ times, and a computer has so far been very confusing for him. Better at a hustle in Yonkers. Duncan Idaho on Mon, 1st Apr 2019 9:55 am Well, 9451 as of yesterday: Might be a positive among our conservative friends– reality is a liberal plot. Chrome Mags on Mon, 1st Apr 2019 11:25 am An elephant bites the dust. Mark Ziegler on Mon, 1st Apr 2019 1:48 pm The idea is to help their economy not to inflict damage upon it.
Pund. Read the rest of the article here or below. —————————————-. Read the rest of the article here or below. ————————————- Read the rest of the article here or below. —————————————————– Full articles Pund. I did well in the Classic for Fantasy Fishing, ending up a respectable 533rd place, or 97.7 percentile. (Congratulations to Casey Ashley on the “real” win!) As you may remember, my daughter, Maggie, gave her picks for the Classic, too, but if you followed her lead, you ended in the 20th percentile. Hey, what did you expect? She’s 8. My son, Sam, wants in on the action, so he is also contributing his picks for the first Elite Series event of the season. So, here are our Fantasy Fishing choices for the Sabine River. I may change mine if, say, my hand-picked guy gets double pinkeye and a head cold. I will try to not hash over the what-ifs in my brain. Bucket A: Faircloth Todd Faircloth finished seventh, 10th, second, first, ninth, 11th, second and ninth in eight of the last nine early-season events, which includes his win when we went to the Sabine in 2013. His victory margin on the Sabine was about 7 pounds; roughly 40 Elite Series anglers failed to even weigh 7 pounds total in the two days they fished. If you are thinking momentum this early and maybe going for a Casey Ashley pick, just consider that only one Classic winner in the last five years has placed higher than 28th in the next event — and his initials are KVD. Gut check: Dean Rojas. If Rojas did not “have to/get to” share his spot on the Sabine in 2013, he may have won last time. He did well in the Classic and he performs well in Texas. Maggie says Randall Tharp will find some cobras, and Sam says Skeet Reese will be a player. Bucket B: Lowen My head is spinning. There are too many anglers to pick from. Can you name the only two anglers to catch a limit all four days last time on the Sabine? Faircloth? Nope. Rojas? Nope. Scroggins? Nope. Bill Lowen and Ish Monroe were the only two. When pounds and ounces matter, you cannot come back without a limit. Lowen is a river master and will find subtle spots to grind out a limit each day again. Gut check: Takahiro Omori. Omori weighed in limits of 11-13 and 11-14 on Days 2 and 3 here last time. He figured something out. He also comes in with some momentum off the Classic. Maggie says to pick Morizo “Big Momma” Shimizu, and Sam is going Ike. Bucket C: Card OK, I lied. I am thinking strategy already. Kevin VanDam is garnering more than 50 percent of the picks in this bucket, and in most cases I would be right there with them. But consider this: Last time on the Sabine, he failed to register a limit each of the three days he fished. He finished a respectable 15th, and from Bucket C, that is great. VanDam is still a bass fishing god, but after last year, I don’t trust him yet and this would not be where I go all in with him again. I am going with Brandon Card. He is a solid river angler, and he finished 10th the last time on the Sabine. If he wins the bucket, his owners will beat at least 60 to 70 percent of the others in C. Gut check: Ish Monroe. Monroe fishes to win, and he could pose a threat. Plus, last time we were on the Sabine, he had 5x3x4 — five fish by 3 o’clock all four days. Maggie and Sam both said I am losing it and picked VanDam. Some kids never listen. Bucket D: Elam This was by far the toughest bucket to pick. I could make some arguments for a few of these guys, but in the end I want a young angler, ready to turn the corner and be consistent. James Elam placed well during the events before and after the last Sabine River event, and he cashed checks in the last two events of 2014. Gut check: Dennis Tietje. Tietje had a great event here last time, but it was his highest finishing Elite Series event ever, and the consistency factor is not there for me. Maggie is having it her way and picking Kurt Dove, and Sam has Cliff Pace. Bucket E: Ehrler This is a no-brainer in my opinion. Brent Ehrler can catch them deep, shallow, and on rivers, lakes, ponds, puddles or anywhere else he wants. I predict that half of Bucket E moves up at least one bucket and some two or more after buckets reset post-Sabine. I am excited to watch some of the anglers in this bucket this year. Ehrler will be the Rookie of the Year. Gut check: Lee brothers. Take your pick. Matt Lee and Jordan Lee catch them everywhere they go, and two heads are better than one. Maggie is taking Randy Allen, and Sam says GoPro and pick Ehrler. ————————————————————-. Here are my bounce-back picks after my poor showing at the Bassmaster Classic. Listen if you choose, don’t if you dare. Bucket A Conservative: Todd Faircloth Dark Horse: Greg Hackney Fishing for smallmouth up north, flipping heavy grass in Florida or any fishery in between, you can’t go wrong with Todd Faircloth. Faircloth has proven his consistency over the years, and he even did well at the Bassmaster Classic, considering he had double pinkeye all week. Oh yeah, and he won the 2013 event on the Sabine River. You can’t go wrong with this Texas hammer. It’s hard to imagine that the 2014 Toyota Bassmaster Angler of the Year can be considered a dark horse in any event, but the Sabine is one I think Greg Hackney could sneak through the cracks. Revenge factor is something that could play a role for Hackney as well. He was a completely different angler in 2013 when he finished 45th in Angler of the Year and missed the Classic on Lake Guntersville. The momentum from his dominant 2014 season should contribute to his mentality early this season. I’m taking Hackney. Bucket B Conservative: Alton Jones Dark Horse: Bobby Lane Texas native Alton Jones did well in this event two years ago, and he was disappointed to be on the sidelines for the 2015 Classic. He has had more opportunities to scout the Sabine and probably eliminate a lot of water. Look for Jones to make a statement and start his season strong in his home state. Momentum is a thing, and I believe in it greatly. Bobby Lane isn’t happy with finishing second place in the Classic, but it is certainly a good thing that Big Fish Bobby Lane started his 2015 season with back-to-back runner-up finishes (Southern Open on Lake Toho and the Bassmaster Classic on Lake Hartwell). Give me Alton, for now. Bucket C Conservative: Ish Monroe Dark Horse: Russ Lane Ish Monroe finished the event on the Sabine with a Top 5, and the shallow nature of the Sabine played into Monroe’s comfort zone. Monroe did well to start the season with a 15th-place finish at Lake Toho, despite the circumstances. I think Monroe is mentally ready to bounce back and have a better season than 2014. Running and gunning can hurt anglers on the Sabine, but if he can settle into an area and break it down, then he can most likely be successful again. Russ Lane is someone I expect to have a good season this year. Last year, he finished 60th in Angler of the Year and missed the Classic, but I expect the Alabama angler to start the season off strong on the shallow confines of the Sabine River. Sign Russ Lane up on my team. Bucket D Conservative: Cliff Pace Dark Horse: Mark Menendez You can’t get much more conservative than Cliff Pace, who seems to catch them decent everywhere the Elites travel. Bucket D might be the hardest bucket to choose from because finding a diamond in the rough can be a tough task. The Fantasy Fishing winner for this event won’t win because of his or her A, B, C or E buckets, but rather the choice of anglers in Bucket D. It’s been quite a long time since Mark Menendez graced the Elite Series with his presence, but he certainly thinks his timing to return couldn’t be any better. I spoke with him at the College Championship at Lake Chatuge last summer and everyone asked him questions pertaining to fishing. My question was simply, “What have you learned since taking a break from the Elites?” He responded with, “I learned that fishing doesn’t matter in the big scheme of life.” That response tells me that he won’t obsess over missed fish and fishing stress-free will be key for his first season back. I’ll take Menendez. Bucket E Conservative: Brent Ehrler Dark Horse: Koby Kreiger I don’t think you can go wrong with Brent Ehrler on any body of water, but if there is one venue that is unique on this schedule, it is the Sabine River. I can’t imagine a bad finish for him here, but it’ll be interesting to see how he kicks off his Elite Series season. With this group of Elite Series rookies, Koby Kreiger stands out to me. Just like Ehrler, he is seasoned and has seen it all. When it comes to diverse fisheries, he manages to figure something out. Hailing from Florida, Kreiger knows how to pick apart shallow targets. I’m putting my faith in Kreiger. ————————————
As happy as I am with Tae Sung finally losing his memory, what is up with my picking a drama for the second time in a row where the main male lead has a case of mistaken identity? Anyways – let’s bring on the hijinks! Tae Sung lands on the boat, passed out. The uncles freak out, unsure if he’s dead or alive, and what to do, since they’re afraid they’ll be framed for Tae Sung’s death. It’s funny that Sora is the one who springs into action by giving Tae Sung CPR, since she’s the girl scout! She even tells Uncle Hello Kitty to call 911. Suddenly, Tae Sung’s eyes open as Sora is in mid-breath, lips still on him. He jumps upright, coughing up water, but falls right back down, passed out. Well! He’s alive! The 911 operator instructs the uncles to undress Tae Sung while the ambulance is on their way. Poor Dong Baek – he feels like his masculinity will be threatened if they undress Tae Sung. Soon Shin: “Don’t worry! He was in the cold waters for a while, so it should have shrunk!” Kaedejun: O_O No. Way. In the hospital, Tam Hee fusses over her husband, who’s still out of it and muttering “Tae Sung-ah…” every so often. Joon Hyuk just watches Tam Hee willing her husband to get better… so that he can rewrite his will! Next thing we know, Tae Sung gets wheeled into the ICU on a spot right next to Man Ho. Your Tae Sung is closer than you think!! Tam Hee winces at Tae Sung’s fishy smell, and recognizes him as the man who was with Sora. When she and Joon Hyuk leave the ICU, they bump into the uncles. Soon Shin makes Dong Baek be the representative for the family, and tell Yook Bok Ja to shut her mouth with sushi like she used to. They’re betting that Bok Ja is finding a new man with a lot of money and very few years left to live to replace her dying husband. Bok Ja? Joon Hyuk thinks the uncles may have confused Tam Hee with someone else, but Dong Baek sets him straight. Bok Ja changed her name to Tam Hee, and she has sisters named Gop Ja and Duk Ja to boot. See, this could all have sounded like lies, except Tam Hee shrieks in anger. So yep – it’s true. I love that Joon Hyuk is bemused by all of this, relishing in watching Tam Hee fail at one-upping her sworn enemies. Tam Hee fires back that her husband is still healthy and strong enough to juggle weights… but then her lackey comes running with diapers for Man Ho. HA. The lackey – Min Shik – even gets angry at the uncles for insulting his boss, but Soon Shin reminds him that back in the day, Min Shik was under them. Before the fight can escalate, Sora arrives with Tae Sung’s belongings, and she breaks up the tension by telling the uncles to go in and check up on “Nam Hae.” Joon Hyuk is super happy to see her there, though he can’t be too happy since she’s the “enemy.” Tam Hee reasons that Tae Sung must be Sora’s fiance: “Does he know your family is full of gangsters?” Before Sora can properly deny this and say that Tae Sung is a robber, Uncle Hello Kitty comes running out to tell her to stay quiet. Tam Hee and the Yangs don’t need to know about their situation! Let them assume that the hot guy in the ICU is Sora’s fiance! Tam Hee goes off to check on Min Shik and her husband in the ICU, and so Joon Hyuk notes that Sora must have very different tastes from her fiance. After all, Sora’s dressed plainly, while the clothes she’s holding are expensive and brand name. He knows, because he’s wearing the same brand. “Your husband-to-be is quite good looking, enough to make me jealous,” Joon Hyuk adds. WHOA. It’s like you just confessed dude. Suddenly, Dong Baek comes rushing out – looks like Tae Sung regained consciousness! Tae Sung’s eyes are still closed, so Soon Shin starts poking and yelling at Tae Sung to wake up. They need to haul him off to jail and get double their money back for everything Tae Sung stole! Uncle Hello Kitty then notices that in most dramas, this is the moment when the lead wakes up, and then goes “Who are you?” I LOVE that Winter Sonata music starts playing in the background. The epitome of amnesia and mistaken identity – whee! Everyone tells Uncle Hello Kitty that he watches way too many dramas. “I only watch morning dramas, Monday-Thursday dramas, weekly evening dramas, and weekend dramas. And I still haven’t watched the ones I downloaded yet!” he cries. Aw – a man after my own heart! Tae Sung’s eyes flutter open and slowly he sits upright again. Soon Shin gets right into it – “The moment you get your sense back, you’re going straight to jail mister.” Tae Sung looks around, a little dazed. His eyes land on Sora: “Who are you?” Everyone’s jaws drop. Did he… really say… “Who are you?” Dramas: 1 Reality: 0 Back at the hotel, Tam Hee finally confronts Joon Hyuk. She wants him to break the contract with Uncle’s Fishery, but he reminds her (again) to butt out of hotel affairs if she’s not an executive. Oh really now? Tam Hee takes out a piece of paper; she’s gotten the board members’ signatures of approval for her to act as interim president. So she does have an executive position now, with her assistant and Joo Hee as her witnesses! Whatever Joon Hyuk is dreaming, she’s going to trample all over them very soon. Joon Hyuk isn’t scared. The board also approved of the contract with Uncle’s Fishery, so it’ll be quite difficult to get that decision overturned. If Tam Hee really wants it, he’s willing to fight her. He’ll convert his office into a boxing ring just for her! And with a couple of jabs, he’s off for his office. Joo Hee can’t help but be impressed with the cool, suave Vice President. Looks like she’ll be switching loyalties now! Besides, Joon Hyuk isn’t going down that easily. With one call to a director, he tells him to run the ad looking for Yang Man Ho’s missing son. The doctor runs a scan on Tae Sung’s brain, but finds nothing abnormal. Since he doesn’t remember his identity or where he’s from though, it’s possible he has amnesia. And his memories could either come back, or not. (I love this doctor – so black and white!) He could check his brain cell activity to see if everything’s normal, but that would require a shot. Through a very big needle. Tae Sung looks like he’s about to die when he sees the nurse hold out the needle – and she needs to jab it near his butt! He protests at first, but since he wants to get his memories back, he grudgingly turns over for the nurse. He grimaces so tightly that Sora offers her hand for him to hold. He takes it and squeezes tightly as the needle “invades” his body. It doesn’t hurt as much though, and Sora says that holding a person’s hand usually helps with the pain. But even after the nurse leaves, Tae Sung doesn’t want to let go. The shock of the needle hasn’t left his body yet! He finds it weird that holding her hand calms him, since he doesn’t remember who she is at all. The uncles and Sora take Tae Sung down to the lobby in his wheelchair, hoping that he’ll start remembering some things thanks to the shot. He doesn’t, so they start feeding him (false) facts about himself: his name is ‘Nam Hae’ and that he’s a body builder. Tae Sung can’t believe that, since he thinks that he’s a more decent person than that, but Soon Shin points out his washboard abs and calluses – what else could he have done!? Uncle Hello Kitty pulls out random objects from his pocket and Tae Sung identifies them correctly. That just sets the uncle off – Tae Sung can remember the names of objects, but nothing about himself? He starts grabbing Tae Sung by the shirt, which makes him fall off the wheelchair. Good thing the police arrive and Tae Sung grabs their attention, but the police are actually here because the uncles had reported that they caught the thief! Tae Sung can’t believe it – he’s a thief!? There’s no way! He had to be a good person… right?! At that same moment, the police are investigating the accident scene where Jung Chul and his girlfriend died. An officer calls in to give his update: the bodies have been burned beyond recognition, but they found a watch that had an engraving on the back: “Tae Sung <3 Se Na.” The license plate number also showed that the owner of the car was a Lee Tae Sung, but the clincher is when another officer finds an ID badge. It’s Prosecutor Lee Tae Sung. Uh oh – this is going to be a messy problem! Tae Sung’s father, Sae Jo, is visiting his daughter-in-law when he gets the call: he’s needed to verify the body of the victim Lee Tae Sung. But Tae Sung is alive, and whiny. He gets restless in the ICU when Man Ho starts moaning again for his son. Tae Sung finds it annoying as heck and, based on the patient name card, starts calling out down the halls for a “Yang Tae Sung” because Man Ho is calling for him. A nurse reprimands him to be quiet, but then she notices Man Ho’s heart monitor – he’s flat lined! The doctor and nurses gather to bring the crash cart and revive Man Ho. One of them tries to get Tae Sung to lie back down on his bed, but he stubbornly refuses. He just wants to get discharged! But since he can’t get discharged right away, he stands right in his spot and watches the doctors scramble to revive Man Ho. While in the salon, Tam Hee overhears a couple of other ladies talking about the ad that just went out on the newspapers. They wonder who this lucky guy that struck the jackpot is, but Tam Hee is furious at Joon Hyuk for doing something ridiculous. But Man Shik comes running in with more pressing news – the president is in critical condition! At the hospital, a police officer informs Sora and the uncles that as Tae Sung’s guardians, they are to take care of him and the hospital bills. Once Tae Sung gets his memories back, they can settle their debts. After all, didn’t Sora just want the money repaid, and didn’t care if Tae Sung went to jail or not? Uncle Hello Kitty gets exasperated with her – they all wanted Tae Sung punished, but Sora’s too nice! When the officer goes to check in on Tae Sung, Dong Baek gathers everyone round for a huddle. They have two options: 1) become Tae Sung’s guardian so that he can pay for the fish, but they’ll have to pay his hospital bills, or 2) just abandon him and get out of all this mess, since they don’t know if and when his memory will come back. The uncles look at each other and nod. Off they go for the exit! But Sora floats towards the ICU instead! And the uncles are back to drag Sora off in the other direction. Heh! Meanwhile in the ICU, the doctor deems Tae Sung ready for discharge, which thrills him to no end. As he leaves, Tam Hee enters the room, curlers still in her hair. She starts crying over Man Ho because he didn’t get to change his will yet, but the doctor assures her that he’s now been stabilized. When Tae Sung and the police officer exit, Sora and her uncles are nowhere to be found! That means the police need to take responsibility over him now, and Tae Sung wants to go and get his fingers printed to find out his identity. Problem is – his fingers are so callused that they’ve given only blurry prints! So now there’s no way to identify him! The only report they’ve gotten regarding a “Nam Hae” who’s also a body builder is from Uncle’s Fishery, so that’s the only identity they can give him. Tae Sung refuses to believe that he’d be a thief, and he painfully racks his memories to come up with the right phrase: “You can’t convict someone without proper evidence!” The police officers are barely impressed that a body builder knows legal language, and tell him to just leave the station, get his memories back, and find his family instead of bothering them all. Tae Sung doesn’t want to leave – he has no home outside that door! He tries to guilt them into letting him stay, saying that he’ll get in trouble – maybe even die! – if they let him leave. The police barely make a move to force him to stay. Ha! Tae Sung leaves for just a second, but comes back again with the excuse that he just pities their lives. He takes up the newspaper and rattles off the stock headlines. He knows stock! This is the first clue to his past – he’s someone who’s “elite” enough to understand foreign stock markets. He wanders around the police station all day, as if the station were his own home. The news report on TV centers around a gang of robbers with their fingerprints wiped off, hitting up some jewelry stores. Tae Sung quickly takes it as his cue to leave, afraid that an officer may make the incorrect connection between him and that gang of robbers. As he leaves the station, he walks right past his father, who’s entering the station to identify his son’s “body.” They miss each other because Sae Jo’s assistant’s umbrella blocks his view of Tae Sung. Dang – Dramas: 2 Reality: 0. Sae Jo tearfully confirms the watch as having belonged to his son, but they cannot do a DNA test to confirm Tae Sung’s identity because it wouldn’t match Sae Jo’s DNA anyways. The police are surprised to find out that the woman in the car wasn’t Sae Jo’s daughter-in-law, and they show him pictures of the car from the traffic cameras before it went off course. Since it only captures the girlfriend kissing Jung Chul and completely masking his face, it looks like to Sae Jo that it’s really his son in the car. Because of the embarrassment, he requests to speak with the head sergeant to take care of the matter quietly. Tae Sung wanders around in the rain, starved to death. He walks around the market, watching other people eat barbecued meats and purchasing hocks of meat. Poor Tae Sung – he looks like a sad puppy! He then gets the bright idea of going back to the hospital – now he wants to be readmitted! Of course, the nurse isn’t going to let him back so easily; before he was just crying to leave! Sora, meanwhile, has been feeling guilty about abandoning him, and does go on a search for him. However she just misses him at the hospital and at the police station, so she has no idea where to look. The next morning she gets a call from the hospital about Tae Sung being there though, and rushes over. She finds Tae Sung shivering in the lobby, sneezing from a cold. She holds out her hand to him: “Grab my hand, so that we can go home.” Tae Sung’s bottom lip quivers and he looks like he’s a five-year old who just got found by his mother after wandering around, lost all night. Sora then takes out a sweet fried pancake for him and tells him to eat up. Tae Sung initially resists – he doesn’t eat sweets! – but the taste of it sends him craving for more, and he stuffs two of them into his mouth. What a kid. Sora drives Tae Sung home, and she notices that he’s starting to develop a fever. There’s medicine in the glove compartment that he can take, but Tae Sung finds the contract with Haeundae Hotel instead. He takes a cursory glance at it and notices that the terms are heavily biased towards the hotel’s favor. The terms include dictating when and how much mackerel will be caught by Uncle’s Fishery, which could lead to an eventual loss for Sora’s business. Hmm – so maybe Joon Hyuk isn’t trying to help them after all? Sora says she’ll take a better look at the contract later when she gets home; she hasn’t had the time since she’s had her hands full with Tae Sung so far. When they get home, she shows him the tank from which Tae Sung apparently robbed from. Tae Sung will have to pay them approximately $2,200 for the fish that he stole and the loss that the store took when they couldn’t work because they caught him in a net instead. Tae Sung thinks they’re scamming him out of a lot of money, but Dong Baek gives him the ledgers that he’s carefully accounted for every day; his math is legit. On top of that, Tae Sung owes them for meals and the room bill. Soon Shin declares that they’ll make a contract with him: for as long as he is with Uncle’s Fishery, Tae Sung can eat, sleep, and work at the store for $70 a day against his tab. If he manages to find work as a body builder, half his check will go to them to pay off his debt. It’s a reasonable contract, but Tae Sung can’t sign it with his ID number (since he forgot it) or with his thumbprint (since it comes out as a smudge anyways). Soon Shin thinks that there’s only one guy in all of Korea who could have a smudged thumbprint like he does, and the three uncles try to force Tae Sung to stamp it on the contract. Haha – it’s too comical how three gangsters try to force a young man with the mindset of a five-year-old to do something, and fail so miserably at it. Sora goes to visit Joon Hyuk at the hotel to discuss the terms of the contract. She interrupts him as he’s having a conversation with his mother, and from the sounds of it, he’s a mama’s boy. Joon Hyuk invites her out for lunch, saying that if they eat and discuss, their conversation may go along better. Ha – yeah right; it’s really just a way for Joon Hyuk to distract her from discussing the terms. Tae Sung wanders around the town, trying to will his memories to come back. He ends up in the middle of the road on the train tracks, and gets all philosophical – which way should he go? Dude – it’s not like you’re on the fork in a road. He hears a train coming, and he opens his arms outstretched, facing the train. Is he going to kill himself because he feels hopeless!? He braces for impact… but it never comes. Instead, the only thing headed his way is a little kid on a toy tricycle, speeding along towards him while his grandmother shoos him away from the train tracks. Haha! Tae Sung turns around and finds Sora there, waiting for him. She can sympathize with how he’s feeling, since he must be so confused and lost in an unfamiliar place. She offers her hand to him one last time to bring him home. Tae Sung grabs it – after all, who is he to deny her when she speaks to him so sincerely? A guard starts yelling at them to get off the tracks – a train is really coming now! And the two of them dodge the speeding train just in time. When they head home, Sora tells Tae Sung to be more understanding about the uncles. Though they may seem rough to him all the time, they actually really care about his well-being. She’s about to leave him behind so that she can go on a delivery to the hotel, but he holds her hand even tighter – “Don’t leave me! You can’t let go of my hand yet!” But then a neighborhood dog comes bounding up to Sora and Tae Sung starts freaking out, running around in circles trying to avoid the dog that just wants to play with him. He looks like such a fool that the uncles seriously don’t know what to make of this weirdo. Meanwhile in Seoul, Se Na and Sae Jo hold a funeral for Tae Sung and put his ashes in funeral home. Se Na sheds some tears, angry that Tae Sung broke his promise about coming home, and didn’t even smile in his wedding photo. But her husband currently is just… seasick. He can barely help the uncles with the fishing as he spends most of his time heaving over the side of the boat. To settle his stomach, Tae Sung falls asleep on deck, and he only wakes up when he smells lunch. Excited, he whips out his chopsticks and joins the family for lunch. The uncles pass around the brass pot, drinking the soup from the same bowl. Tae Sung makes a grab for it, but Uncle Hello Kitty grabs it back. Tae Sung’s food is on his tray! Didn’t he not want to share food or saliva with them? Tae Sung frowns at his meal, which is a weird heap of soggy ramen noodles. He doesn’t like his meal, which can’t even be identified, and so he refuses to eat it. What a picky eater! Se Na arrives in Busan with a bouquet and visits the scene of the accident with Joo Hee. She throws her flowers over as tribute, and cries angrily over why Tae Sung couldn’t just wait until they went on their honeymoon to Busan to do whatever it is he needed to do. Her anger then gets turned upon herself, as she wishes she never had appendicitis so that she wouldn’t have delayed their whole schedule. Girl, you take things wayyyy to hard on yourself. Joo Hee comforts her tortured friend, who believes in her heart that Tae Sung is alive somewhere. No kidding. He’s actually in the truck passing by, helping Sora with the fish deliveries. Sora pauses by the accident scene, curious over what might have happened there and also wanting to take a moment for fresh air. She prods Tae Sung to join her outside for a stretch, and looks over at Se Na and Joo Hee. Se Na and Sora look at each other… and then Tae Sung looks over at Se Na. No. Way. SERIOUSLY?! They all see each other?! Well that moved quickly! This drama certainly is improving with its cliffhangers. I’m surprised that Se Na will discover Tae Sung so soon since I didn’t expect this to happen until perhaps when Joo Hee sees Tae Sung at the hotel first, and lets Se Na know about it. I wonder how she’ll feel when she sees Tae Sung with Sora, although she doesn’t know that “Tae Sung” was killed in a car crash with another girl in the car. Commence hijinks as she tries to convince Tae Sung on who he really is! This episode did have a moment of unevenness for me because of it’s use of slow-motion. The slow-motion effect was meant to prolong the feelings of angst and desperation when I already knew he was desperate, especially during the moments when he wandered around Busan with no money, no food, and no shelter. It was kind of artistic in a totally useless way, but this drama can be offbeat like that. The winner of this episode is definitely Kim Kang Woo, because he looked like a sad little puppy ALL THE TIME. Seriously, I think the hit in the head also reverted his personality back into a petulant five year old. It might be annoying to some, but to me, it’s hilarious (not endearing). For me, Kim Kang Woo really sells it, because he’s so earnest and serious about acting not-seriously. He’s willing to go all the way for the laugh, no matter how over the top his acting may seem. Quivering lips? So fake, and yet so funny! On the other hand, Joon Hyuk is starting to become a bad guy with this episode. He sounds like a mama’s boy, but that conversation with his mother can’t possibly be trivial. It sounds like she could have had something to do with his coming back to Haeundae Hotel, and I’m really not surprised if he wants to come and take over the hotel for himself. It’s just that his motives are unclear because though he seems to help Sora with the business, and Man Ho with his search for his son, there’s something else subversive going on that we haven’t been able to determine yet. It would be an interesting turn to see him be evil, rather than the smiling pleasant character that he is so far. RELATED POSTS first? and I’m not even really-really watching this show lol. me too. but i think the story is interesting, i’ll read it from the beginning now. and thanks for the recap though I must admit that it’s growing on me FAST I had serious troubles liking Sora’s faces and accent and … everything about her; but that’s changing to my own surprise! She’s becoming more endearing with every episode; and despite her general rain-boot outfits, she’s barely hiding her sexiness/curves. no wonder Tae Sung is already in love with her. Kim Kang Woo is hilarious and I understand why he picked this drama – I’m sure there are not many roles in Dramaland that allow an actor such a range of character/emotions! The romance between him and Sora is sweet already, so I’m looking forward to more development there. I don’t like the hotel backstory at all (yet?), Joon Hyuk’s character is too cliché and so far I find him very boring. Tam Hee? redundant, just the usual bitchy second or third or fourth lead. I hope they find some way to make that part of the story as funny or at least as intriguing as the Fishery bits. No spoilers about Episode 6 intended, but it is not clear to me where the Se Na story line is heading. I hope not down the angsty road. haha i wish i could reply u better. but english is not my first language, so i’ll keep my answer in mind. lol. Hi Kakashi, Yes, you are first. How about that? Thank you for the recap, Kaedejun! feels good my first time being first on DB! thannks for recap:) thanks(: i really find tae sung funny after the amnesia. his character seems so much more alive(?) maybe it’s just me. so far, this drama is pretty decent for me (: It *would* be interesting if Joon Hyuk were evil. There’s definitely more to him than meets the eye. And KKW does really sell his part. Awesomely. mmm.. dont know if this is my type of drama… hehe – if number of comments in relation to the time of posting is an indication of how much people care about a drama, than this one is definitely –> the loser of all the currently recapped series — and possibly ever!!!! that even makes me like it just a tiny little more Hey, I am watching this and I like it. Sure, it is not the best but it is a fun summer drama. I like it too! – not the best, but definitely better than many others! (like Golden Time, for example – why, oh why, did Lee Sun-Kyun choose that Drama??) well, i can understand given the circumstances of the airing time with a bunch of good, action packed shows currently airing that of course haeundae lovers would get the short end of the stick. not alot of people have time to juggle a bunch of dramas on their plate. Me being a bit younger i have time to squeeze in haeundae lovers. I think it such an adorable show. Quite cheeseball, and is the only show airing just about now that’s making me laugh right after coming from the action-packed dramas. It’s like dessert to my dinner. THANKS KAEDAEJUN FOR THE AMAZING RECAP! I don’t plan to start watching this drama, becos I dun like amnesia storylines… but its looking interesting thanks to your recaps!! =D Thank you kaedejun! =)) Its amazing how fast the story is progressing though… now that if his wife can now know where he is, it may become more like Han Ye Sul’s Couple or Trouble where the wife will try to win him back… But if it becomes a fake out, like someone calls the wife to turn her head at the crucial moment…. XD i dont like amnesia stories either due to k-drama land’s purpose of using it for angst and whatnot, executed very poorly. But its totally a different story when it’s done for the laughs and hijinks. I’m practically jumping up and down trying to hold in the spoilers, so I’ll just say that I love post-memory loss Tae-sung and wait for the next recap. Thanks, kaedejun! Those reach-out hands of So Ra got to me, that’s just what a lost human needs. I love her more now. KKW is so awesome, and he knows what’s doing. He’s balancing the not-so-serious seriously. Man, every time he said, he felt…for the first time, just cracked me up. Thanks KDJ! Hi, Just wanted to ask if your recapping five fingers Fav Pt This Ep – Ocean scene – I will have revenge on you forever – LOL yesm, cant wait for next ep Thanks for the recap kae! So far, I like it. It is total cheese ball and a change of pace. I have never watched anything with KKW, so this is a nice introduction. A really really nice introduction, if you know what I mean Thank you for the recap!! A few things I noticed (I’m an engineer, and God is in the details) 1. Hello Kitty uncle’s tee says “Who am I” in the back, during the hospital bed-side scene. 2. Why does Joon Hyuk’s tie have a number (7) on them?Or is it something else, that looks like a 7? I Love this show for the laughs. it doesn’t take itself seriously and uses everything in drama land troupe for laughs. I love it. I am proud to say this is one of the dramas I look forward to watching each week. So if you don’t like this drama because it is a rom/com which I find hasn’t dried out like most once it hit the angst, for example big? That was suppose to be a funny drama too right? But it was not funny to me. Golden Time is awesome. I am not sure if its your taste or bias but that show is good. It reminds me a lot of Japanese medical dramas where its growth into what they want to be kind of series. (coming of age, except here they are like in their mid to late twenties) It is not the usual k drama where they are a genius at the profession and fight for power and love. Golden time is about the growth of the main leads under the professor who is like their idol. As you can tell, I enjoy this show too. Hi paj! I assume you are addressing me (and my snide comment about Golden Time)… Well, I started watching the show and I did like it, but only up to about episode 9. Then I started to feel disappointed with the lack of development in the story. I like your points about the coming of age and personal growth, and I get that – but I have problems with the casting of Lee Sun-Kyun (who is 37 or even 38) into such a role. It just doesn’t feel right to me. And: The far more interesting character is Lee Sung-Min’s and I also find his ‘romance’ (or rather non-romance) with nurse Shin Eun-A far more interesting than anything that is happening (or rather not-happening) between the main leads. Given the glut of good shows at the moment, I am definitely dropping Golden Time. Okay, I have a question, does your real age have to comply with what you act? There is make-up, costumes, gender bending, wigs. . .you get the drift. If you are 37 years old and is require to act a 28 year old can you do it? Of course, if you are a pro at what you do. If you are 18 years old and is require to act like a 25 year old, I am sure you can pull it off if you look that age. So my point is, just because his real age is up in the 30’s doesn’t mean he can’t pull off a character who is 26 or etc. And I am a type of person who does not correlate the story plot with the actress or actors age, but I can’t help but be curious how many people are able to associate an character to someone’s real age. Even if they don’t even look their age. I thought his looks was right spot on for an intern. I can say he pass for a 27 or 28 year old. Thanks for the recap…this show is fun so far…but I’ve been down this road before… I know it’s a flaw, but I’m such a cynic. LOVE HAEUNDAE LOVERS!! Yes its over the top cheesy trying hard to make us laugh drama but thats its selling point which I find adorable. A drama wherein you don’t need to think too much. You just enjoy it in anyway you can. And KIM KANG WOO what more can I say? A very different side of him unlike his usual serious role. But still he ROCKS it! And his chemistry with JEO YEO JUNG is starting to overflow. Love that holding hands while walking scene! On the other hand NAM GYU RI feels like being typecast in these kind of roles. I haven’t seen ep. 6 yet but it’ll be interesting if she’ll meet up with KKW at an early stage. Because normal k-dramas will tend to prolong that meet up, but then again this is not makjang. Speaking of makjang I really LOL’d when they incorporated the BG from Winter Sonata. An easy win for me! I totally laughed when they brought Tae Sung to the hospital and his blood pressure was 58/71…it’s physically impossible for the systolic (the top number of blood pressure) to the lower than the diastolic (the bottom number). Also, is it me or did Joon Hyuk’s mother in the picture look like Tae Sung’s biologic mother? Maybe she didn’t die in the car accident, and went on to have another family, and joon Hyuk is Tae Sung’s brother? Omo! Would make sense why he on the phone said that his mother “ordered him” to come to the hotel, and why he hid the family pictures so quickly when Sora came to his office. Name (required) Mail (will not be published) Website
Putin's Henchmen Denying Russian Crimes in Ukraine Writing on the op-ed pages of RIA Novosti Andrei Marchukov, PhD (History), a staff researcher of the Russian Academy of Sciences' Institute of Russian History, claims that Russia is blameless in the Ukrainian famines under Stalin. Here's his "scholarly analysis" (pursuant to a request from a reader) with La Russophobe's running commentary. The Soviet famine of 1932-33 was an act of genocide against Ukrainians. Kiev has been forcing this point on the world, the United Nations and Moscow for several years now, in a vast and aggressive campaign. The Famine (Holodomor, in Ukrainian) is an all-pervading ideological concept, a tool of public indoctrination. It is not only a tribute to the victims' memory but also a pressing political demonstration by present-day Ukrainian leaders, spearheaded against Russia as much as against the communist past. LR: So, let's see if we understand. When Ukraine remembers its history, that is "indoctrination" but when Russia does it (using the youth cult Nashi as the instructor), that is just patriotism. Right? The matter returned to the United Nations on October 15, when Ukraine submitted to a UNESCO conference a resolution demanding the greatest possible information about the Great Famine. In fact, this information is not withheld, even though the world does not regard the Famine as a deliberate genocidal act. While fully recognizing the Ukrainian tragedy, there is no explicit proof that the famine was provoked by the Kremlin and intended to exterminate the Ukrainian nation. LR: By "no explicit proof" (the same thing Vladmir Putin says about Iran's nuclear bomb plans), he apparently means there's not document in which Stalin personally admits he caused the famine to kill off Ukrainians. There's no "explicit proof" that the U.S. has any intention to invade Russia, but Vladimir Putin is acting on that supposition. Did you notice Mr. Marchukov calling on Putin to show "explicit proof" before doing so? The world condemns Iran and seeks to sanction it, yet Russia ignores the world. It seems world opinion only matters to Russia when it agrees with Russia. And, by the way, if one might be so bold, where is Mr. Marchukov's "explicit proof" that "the world does not regard the Famine as a deliberate genocidal act"? Why are Russians allowed to make conclusions without showing "explicit proof" yet non-Russians must have it? And, do you notice that Mr. Marchukov is not prepared to say what action against Russia he would be prepared to support if "explicit proof" were given? The holodomor concept first arose amongst the Ukrainian Diaspora. Many books and press publications appeared in the West in the 1940s-70s describing the Famine as a Kremlin plot to kill off Ukrainians and undermine the survivors' spirit. Public attention to the holodomor skyrocketed in the 1980s. This was the time when President Ronald Reagan was referring to the U.S.S.R. as the Evil Empire. Ukrainian emigres added fuel to the fire with their reminiscences and analyses of the holodomor. In 1984, the U.S. Congress established an ad hoc commission to investigate the causes of the Great Famine in Ukraine in 1932-33. Its 1988 Report to Congress described the famine as "man-made" and denied any causal connection with drought. "Joseph Stalin and those around him committed genocide against Ukrainians in 1932-1933," the report says. Perestroika, with its outspoken spirit, brought the concept to Ukraine. Mourning the millions starved to death went hand-in-hand with wrathful denunciations of genocide. Today's propaganda aims to make the holodomor part of the Ukrainian world-view. President Viktor Yushchenko called on politicians of his generation to "preserve historical memory and spare no efforts to make the world qualify the Famine of 1932-33 as genocidal". LR: Correct us if we are wrong, but didn't this madman just get finished saying that the world didn't agree it was genocide? He's just shown formal evidence that it does. Where is his evidence from some other country, any other one, reaching the opposite conclusion? Is he suggesting that because this conclusion comes from the U.S. it is therefore wrong? Does that mean if the U.S. decided there was no genocide, it happened and Marchukov would admit it? Why is such sensation whipped up over bygones? On the one hand, Ukrainian propaganda has found a satanic enemy, the epitome of Absolute Evil, and is now out to develop a guilt complex in Russians to make them feel morally and materially responsible for the tragedy. On the other hand, it seeks to make Ukrainians feel like innocent victims, and spread this assumption worldwide. Tellingly, Ukrainian leaders are ever more frequently referring to the Famine as the "Ukrainian Holocaust" - thus putting the U.S.S.R. on a par with Nazi Germany. Cardinal Lubomir Husar, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, concisely described the goal of the campaign: "Memory of the holodomor is what our nation shall stand on." Words of equal aptitude belong to former President Leonid Kuchma: "Ukrainian national consolidation has a long way to travel yet. We have made Ukraine. Now is the time to make Ukrainians." LR: We wonder if Mr. Marchukov would adopt the same attitude towards the "bygones" of the Great Patriotic War, Beslan and Dubrovka. Does he lecture Russians, especially Vladimir Putin, that they mustn't discuss these bits of ancient history? "Making Ukrainians" implies a new national ethic and mentality, with the idea of Ukrainians and Russians as two nations apart. What several Ukrainian generations firmly believed in has been turned on its head. The young regard their country's recent past as a time of colonialism, when Ukrainians were ruthlessly exterminated. It is hard to find a more graphic example than the Famine. LR: "Several generations believed"? Correct us if we're wrong, but those are the ones that lived under the Russian dictatorship in Moscow's Kremlin, aren't they? Why are Russians allowed to engage in making Russians -- via Nashi for example -- but Ukrainians are not allowed to make Ukrainians? Is it because this card-carrying fanatic believes there is no such thing as Ukraine, that the nation is really just an appendage of Russia, as Russian pop icon Oleg Gazmanov sings in his hit song?. The 1932 quota for Ukraine was 400 million poods, or 6.4 million metric tons, but even the severest possible confiscations brought only 261 million poods, so extra procurements were launched, with searches, ruinous fines-and firing squads. Peasants were dying of starvation as early as October 1932, and the famine went on up to the next year's end. LR: And yet, it was the Ukrainians who perished in famine, not the Russians, wasn't it? What an odd coincidence! Oh, the fickle finger of fate! Those two years saw 2.9-3.5 million deaths from starvation in Ukraine alone, according to various estimates. Yet it was not ethnocide proper. Registry office statistics for 1933 show death rates in urban localities no higher than average, in contrast to an exorbitant death toll in the countryside not only in Ukraine but all over the Soviet Union. People were doomed not on the grounds of ethnicity, but merely because they lived in rural areas. Grain shortages were exacerbated by a rapid increase of the urban population. It swelled by 12.4 million nationwide in the four years 1929-32, and by 4.1 million in Ukraine within 1931, mainly because persecuted peasants fled their villages. Nothing could have been easier for the regime than to starve townspeople, who depended on food supplies from elsewhere for their survival. Yet, it was not done. The regime made do with harsh food rationing.. LR: Half of those who perished were Ukrainian by his own admission, and he fails to state any number of ethnic Russians who lost their lives -- nor does he even attempt to deny that the non-Ukrainians were classifiable as enemies of Stalin. Arguments cited to prove that the famine was a deliberate act of genocide do not hold water. Still, many Ukrainians do not want to turn the tragic page of history. This is understandable. If they did, public attention would turn to their own, present-day, policy and its dire fruit. The Ukrainian population shrank by 4.3 million in 1991-2003-3.6 million died, and over 1.2 million emigrated, while only 500,000 former emigres returned. If we extrapolate the figures to the end of 2006, the population decline exceeds 5.4 million-this without wars, famine, or the Kremlin's imperialism. Don't these statistics give food for uneasy thought?LR: The inherent subtext of this garbage is that Mr.Marchukov would admit Russia was responsible and support appropriate sanctions against Russia if the evidence supported it. But there is not one word of "explicit proof" that he actually believes this to be found in the article -- nor is there one single word of criticism of either the Stalin dictatorship or the current Kremlin regime -- yet, this maniac has the gall to complain about propaganda issuing from Ukraine! Never once does he ask what Russia might have done to make Ukrainians hate Russia so much that they would engage in propaganda. He seems not to notice that Russia's alienation of the world is in fact much broader -- that only rogue nations like North Korea, Iran and Venezuela will give Russia the time of day. Meanwhile, he ignores the fact that after having had its lifeblood sucked as if by leech by Russia for decades and facing even today active Russian efforts to subvert its independence (especially the weaponization of energy resources), Ukraine is naturally suffering the consequences today. Yet, he asks Ukraine to ignore the horror that caused its current problems, just because it would be so much more convenient for Russia. That's just plain crazy. This is what passes for "scholarship" from Russian "universities" today -- universities that are pawns of the Kremlin just as they were in Soviet times, universities that are swimming in corruption and are no more capable of giving a true liberal arts education than of finding the cure for Russia's own rapidly plunging population. Russia should get its own house in order before it dares to lecture other countries how they should live. And the irony is simply breathtaking: When anyone in the West delivers such lectures to Russia, all they meet is outrage. Yet, Russia feels itself perfectly free to treat Ukraine, and other former Soviet slave states, exactly the same way. Revolting. 4 comments: "Tellingly, Ukrainian leaders are ever more frequently referring to the Famine as the "Ukrainian Holocaust" - thus putting the U.S.S.R. on a par with Nazi Germany." I think this is the key to the whole article. Russians like this guy are simply FURIOUS about the fact than anyone would equate the great commie experiment with Nazis. They cannot admit the they made a mistake. Because the enormity of the mistake, with millions dead and persecuted, is too big. Sovok propaganda constantly pounded into the heads of the people that they were "victors" over the fascists. But the sovok system were equally fascist. This guy still has his sovok cap on his head. And he obviously thinks that Oily Orthodox Mother Russia is the center of the universe. The "Holodomor" was just something "that happened." And it was Stalin, not Russia, that did it. Blame Stalin, he was Georgian. Blame Georgia. Stalin sort of sauntered into Moscow one night and took over everything. And the last thing the russkies want to do is to admit that they have any role or responsibility in letting Stalin take over. Sorry seems to be the hardest word. LR! Here is a great book for you to read: "Night of Stone: Death and Memory in Twentieth-Century Russia" by Catherine Merridale. This might clarify some of your questions and statements, perhaps then you would realize that not only Ukrainians suffered during famines, but also many other people - and to that fact not only from famine... Blame Stalin, he was Georgian. Blame Georgia. I like that, following that logic, it Georgia that defeated NAZI Germany not Russia. Interesting how the Russians like to pick and choose the history from that period. Fascist indoctrination undoubtably
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I’ve been a having one of the most stressful,tiring,amazing,awful,interesting weeks of my life. The week started off with me pulling two all-nighters in a row on Sunday night and Monday night until I finally went to sleep at half 6 Tuesday morning. I didn’t think I was going to wake up and you know what the thought didn’t scare me I didn’t care if I woke up I slept until 5 past 1 in the day, I didn’t have class until two and even though I made it in I didn’t go because I still hadn’t finished the work I stayed up those two nights doing. I got into the studio and I made it clear to one of the guys in there that I had work to do so I would like to be left alone. I had to say it in the nicest way I could because even though I was super stressed I was still able to remember that other people have feelings and if I yelled “Fuck off” at them they might have gotten upset so I couldn’t do it. Anyways he didn’t leave me alone. After I told him I had work to do he came in two more times. Upon his first re-entrance he made me feel really uncomfortable and I felt genuinely scared. He walked in, closed the blinds and said “Do you like sitting in the dark?” I just told him “I don’t really care.” What I wanted to say was “I don’t fucking know I’m trying to work here and I guess I don’t have a choice because you’re the one who went and closed them . I think you’re the one who likes sitting in the dark don’t drag me into this I don’t have time.” I sent Jodi a snap that was sarcastic but I just needed to tell someone immediately upon him leaving the room because I felt really weird after that interaction. After I sent the snap too he came back in and open the blinds and then left again and never came back in. Jodi responded anyways and she text me to give her a ring. So I did and talking to her made me feel a bit better, she was only on her way into college at that time. She said she was walking to the bus and I was like “You’re on the way into college? Yayyyy!” When she got to college she went into the room that I was in and talked to me for a bit while I did my work and it actually helped me get more work done and she knew that it would. Not only was I getting work done but I was feeling less stressed talking to her. Before she got to college, when I first started doing work I punched one of the walls in the studio. It might seem to some people now that I’ve developed or have an anger problem. Well the truth is I’ve always had one but due to my mother’s constant restrain on my expression of anger, I’ve had to bottle up too much anger for far too long. It’s seems really aggressive to punch a wall, I know, but I find it similar to cutting. It’s just a method of self-harm to me. I would never think about hitting something I know I would break. I seem to have no problem hitting something that could break me. I would never hit someone unless they attack me first and I’m just using self defense. I’d rather feel 100% pain all the time both mentally and physically if it meant no one else had to feel even an ounce of pain ever. Since I skipped my 2hr class that started at two to do work, I had some time off so I spent it in the studio with Jodi and a few others. I was supposed to have a 2hr class starting at 4 but I didn’t feel up to going. I missed a lot of classes this week and it probably makes it seem that I don’t care about my course. I fucking care I just wanted to avoid having an anxiety attack which I knew I’d get if I tried to sit through some of those classes. I have had a cold for the past two weeks. I never missed any classes because of it. If I did I’m no one would say anything. So if anyone dares say anything about me missing classes this week because I didn’t feel up to it mentally, you can go fuck yourself. At about quarter past 4 Jodi and two of the guys who also do our course, were going for a drive down to Manor West. I decided to go with them and when we were walking through the dirt carpark at the back of the college, I slipped and fell because it was really muddy. For once I didn’t immediately pull my knees to my chest and try to hide my head. I didn’t feel nearly as much embarrassment as I should have. It made me feel like I was starting to feel for the first time since I was a child comfortable to be able to not get embarrassed in front of someone I’m friends with and just laugh it off. I don’t know if I’ve ever laughed off something like though. This might have been a first. It made me feel good about myself. I was developing in some way. I thought it was a sign that I was starting to get slightly better. The whole day on Tuesday I was being extra funny, or at least trying to be funnier than usual. I made people laugh a lot throughout the day and that is my favourite thing to do so I was happy. I went home that evening and my housemates as well as a few of my other friends who live in Oakfield and I were having a few drinks in the house because we all had a stressful few days and we needed it. We were trying to watch a movie on Netflix but after a long time of trying to decide Anchorman 2 ended up being put on. I couldn’t stay up to watch much of it because I had to get up extra early the next morning to go to a protest in Dublin. On Wednesday 19th October, I went on my first protest. I loved it. I loved it. I LOVED IT!!! I didn’t care how early I had to get up. I didn’t care that I got about 3 and a half hours of sleep, I was ready to go. I got a drive up to the bus luckily I really didn’t want to walk up in the dark. I got to to sit next to Stan on the bus which was great because we both were just making jokes the whole time and we both knew that we were really interested in this protest and were both glad that people who weren’t interested or didn’t care, stayed at home because they would have killed our excitement. They would have complained constantly. They wouldn’t have taken it seriously. I liked the drive up to Dublin and then once we got to the city I was just looking around in awe at a city a know very little about. I had been to Dublin a total of two times before Wednesday, to go to the zoo when I was 8, and to go to the airport two year ago. Both times I went before, I hardly saw the city. We quickly met up with the crowd filled with students, parents, lecturers, from all over the country. We were all united fighting for something that we feel strongly about, our RIGHT to education. Before we even started the march I started getting teary-eyed at what was happening, what I was doing and that I was actually doing it. I get really panicky in massive crowds but for some reason being in the middle of that crowd just felt right. I was shouting all the chants along with everyone else and getting really inspired by how passionate so many people were about it. I wasn’t even tired after the walk, my legs felt fine and I could still breathe. When we got to the end of the march there was stage where a few people made speeches. There were all really good but the one I can’t get over is the one by Annie Hoey, the President of the USI. I think it was the best speech I’ve ever heard in my entire life and I clung onto every word of it. The more the speech went on the louder her voice got. She ended the speech with one of the main chants “What do we want? Education! When do we want it? Now!” We did that about three times and then she ends it with “THEN FUCKING FIGHT FOR IT!!!!” I cried at her speech. Once that was finished we walked up to where our bus would be turning up and went and got Starbucks. We ended up then having to wait like an extra hour for our bus to show up and another half an hour for it to go. For the most part, I didn’t mind waiting I thought it was kind of fun in a way. It was absolutely freezing but I didn’t care I was still just so incredibly happy with how the day went. We got to go to the Barack Obama Plaza in Moneygall and get food. It was all I ate that day. I went 14 hours with eating anything except a few pringles. When I got home I was still so happy, even though I had to go try and study for my Databases exam which was the next day and I only got home at like 11 I think. The house was empty when I got home because my housemates had gone for a few drinks. They got back less than an hour after me so I went back downstairs and talked to them for a bit. I sat down and they asked me how it went and I said it was brilliant and it was the best thing ever. I was there for a while and I had this massive grin on my face and they were like “What’s got you so happy? What happened today that made you so happy? Did you get the shift or something?” I was just happy because of everything, and no I did not shift anyone still waiting for the day where that happens! I got up the next day and I was very tired. I made my way into college to hand up the journals I had spent doing during my all nighters. Then I tried to study more for my exam but didn’t have too much time since the exam was at 11. The exam went to shit about half way through and I couldn’t do it. When I finished the exam I walked out feeling really terrible and contemplated jumping over the balcony from the 2nd/3rd floor (whatever you’d call it) down to the ground floor. I didn’t do it though. I went into the studio and I kicked the soft wall, leaving a shoe dent in it. I also kicked an round orange small seat we have because I needed to get my anger out. I then went for a cigarette and smoked it in two minutes which is a new record. I went back to the studio and sat down with my head down and one of the 4th years asked me why I was doing that and I said it was because my exam went shit. I went out for another cigarette shortly after and met Jodi in the smoking area. We walked back in together and went to the studio. Now she’s been feeling sick for all of this week and last week. During this week though whenever one of us would sit down next to her or we were just there she would ask some specific “Comfort me”. Can you guess who she never asked? She had been saying that since Monday and I think it only bothered me Thursday because I was already in a mentally unstable state. My thought process about it from that day was-Why didn’t she want me to comfort her? I mean I was sitting beside her in the union Tuesday evening and she asked someone else who sat on the other side of her after I did to comfort her. That still wasn’t what made me feel weird about it. I guess I have no idea how to comfort people or at least I must give off that vibe. I guess hugging me isn’t in any way comforting. Maybe I should stop hugging people? I mean it must make them uncomfortable. It doesn’t matter if it’s something that I really like and comforts me, I must put everyone else’s feelings before my own. Then a few of us went into the studio and Jodi went on Facebook. Usually when she’s on it in the studio I glance through a few posts that come up in her news feed like a few weeks ago when a article for “Top 10 Harry Potter moments that will make you cry!” We both looked at each other and Jodi was like “Are we ready for this? I don’t think I am.” We started reading it but unfortunately a class came in. Anyways back to present day. On Thursday this wasn’t the case because all the seats near the desk were taken so I sat on the window sill that is near the desk but it the computer Facebook is on is impossible to see when sitting there. So I sat there thinking about everything that was going wrong with me and trying to figure out what was happening. Simultaneously I was trying to scratch lines across my arm using the sharpest finger nail I could find. It wasn’t very sharp so while it did create lines it didn’t cause any loss of blood. I looked up and saw Jodi laughing at something she saw on Facebook with one of the girls in my class. I felt like Jodi was sort of ignoring me while we were in there. We eventually went out for a cigarette again. I went out to the smoking area with Jodi and the girl from my class, then the new guy in my class was out shortly after and he is vital to this story so he is getting a name in these blogs already. I’m going to call him Derek, because that’s his go to fake name. So everyone knew I was in a bad mood for most of the day and while we were in the studio before we went outside Derek asked did I want a hug. I said no. Then when we went outside and Derek was out a little bit after us, I had my back turned to the direction he was coming from so when he walked out he went up behind me and gave me a hug. I said I didn’t want a hug but all I wanted/needed was a hug. He was then saying other things to help comfort me. Jodi then said that she was trying to give me space when we had been in the studio and tried not to make eye contact with me because she wanted to take a different approach and also she thought that she was upsetting me in some way and didn’t want to make it worse. I told her that by giving me space it made it so much more worse. I also asked why she thought she was upsetting me? Like how could she have upset me, she did absolutely nothing to me!! She gave me a hug and said “I’ll never give you space again”. I’m actually fine if she does that again I would just like to know that she’s doing that next time so I don’t feel like I did something wrong. She will have to give me space at some point because she might be the one who needs the space from the negativity that radiates off me when I’m having one of my bad days. I felt guilty on Thursday that I was making the people around me sad by feeling mentally messed up, confused, and fairly depressed. I felt like I should have tried to pretend to be happy just so I wouldn’t bring anyone else down. After we went in from the smoking area, it was just me a Derek who went into the studio. Jodi and the girl in my class entered a little after that. Derek and I went into the actual room that has the desk in it as opposed to just the entrance part that Jodi stayed in before she had to leave. Already in the desk room was the guy who did the creepy curtain thing to me on Monday and Misty, one of my favourite 3rd years. I was sitting there starting to cry and they were all concerned. The curtain guy started saying stuff like “I really wish I had you as a sister instead of my two I have because they are just social media magnets”. He’s said this to me before and I wouldn’t have minded except the fact that I did absolutely nothing good. I was sitting there being a depressed, emotional, girl who was confused with everything. I replied saying “You’d rather have a depressed, anxious, confused girl instead of people who just spend all day on social media??” I didn’t understand what he was trying to get out of saying that. He then told me to just go home and cry in my room alone. First of all, the last thing I fucking needed was to be alone. Second of all, I get that can be helpful sometimes but don’t tell me what to fucking do I want to stay in college. Then he said something along the lines of “Don’t worry you’ll be grand, nothing’s wrong with you!!” Derek immediately rolled his wheely chair over to me a grabbed my hand and stroked his thumb over the top of it as a means of comfort. He then turned to curtain guy and said “You DO NOT say that to someone who’s having these kind of feelings. It makes it worse.” I started crying because of how concerned he was about me and how much he cared. Also how he was like “Do you want me to get you a bottle of coke, fanta, water etc?” I put my head in my hands and Misty came over to me a gave me a hug and said she hated seeing me upset. Then she pulled my hair back so my face could be seen. I cried again a few minutes later when Derek gave me the longest, tightest hug I’ve had in a long time. I started to feel a bit better when he put on the Grease soundtrack and starting singing to me. Grease is like the foundation of our friendship really. It also would make anyone feel better. I wasn’t going to go class but since I started feeling better I decided to go. Also if I had stayed in the studio I would have been stuck with curtain guy. Class was actually grand and I liked it. I went home straight after class and then hung out with my housemates and other friends in Oakfield at mine for the rest of the night. I saw Jodi later and she wasn’t there when Derek was cheering me up with Grease so she didn’t know that I was after cheering up. She said I looked like I was feeling a lot better and before she went back to where she was staying she gave me and hug. She came back again later to have a cigarette. I went to bed feeling a bit better but it was still like 2am before I went to bed so again I got very little sleep. I think the lack of sleep is really the main factor playing on all this mental shit.
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Get Price ListChat Online Dec 24 2015nbsp018332Aggregate Specifications and Requirements All potential aggregate sources must be thoroughly tested to ensure the quality of the aggregate The following tests represent some of the industry standards Sieve Analysis ASTM C 136 AASHTO T27 This test method evaluates the gradation of aggregate using a series of sieves Gradation No 2 and Gradation No 3 Compaction Gravel Reference Standards State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation Standard Specifications shall be used for reference when deemed necessary Description Crushed Aggregate Base Coarse Compaction Gravel shall consist of one or more courses or layers of coarse aggregate either To avoid dusty aggregate the specified aggregate gradation should have 15 percent or less passing the 200 sieve 75 cm Dust will coat the outside of the aggregate particles and prevent them from bonding with the bituminous binder Consequently extensive chip loss will result Specification Difference Loose Aggregate on the road is For this example two coarse aggregates and one fine aggregate will be combined into the final product These aggregates meet the requirements of Section 70101 AGGREGATE FOR CONCRETE of the Standard Specification with the exception of Coarse Aggregate 2 Coarse Aggregate 2 doesnt meet the gradation requirement of Section 70101 also produce a consistent gradation of natural washed 2014mm Septic Stone 34x12 that meets local municipal standards Lafarge Canada Inc Aggregate Dispatch 6044556226 G R E A T E R V A N C O U V E R A G G R E G A T E S D I V I S I O N Typical Values Data shown here is accurate and reliable but not a specification Standard Specifications DelDOT Delaware Department of Transportation Delaware Toll Free 800 652 5600 In Delaware 302 760 2080 Email dotpublicdelawaregov High grade silica sand is a fine sand that has been processed by washing and cleaning of the grains sizing to remove coarse and very fine fractions and physical and chemical Contact 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specification is defined as the smallest sieve opening through which 100 of the Section 815Graded Aggregate Page 3 All material passing the No 40 425 181m sieve shall be nonplastic Carbonate content magnesium or calcium At least 90 2 Gradation Grade the limerock base so at least 97 percent by weight passes the 312 in 90 mm sieve a Grade 41 Some contract documents specify certain aggregate sizes for specic uses or may suggest one or more of these sizes as appropriate for the preparation of various endproduct mixtures In some cases closer limits on variability of the aggregate grading are required 5 Manufacture 51 The standard sizes of aggregate described in this clas AGGREGATES Fine Common Sizes 316quot and Smaller Other DOT and Special Sizes Available Designations Screenings Concrete Sand Mortar Sand Asphalt Sand Rock Dust Rock Powder Common Applications Concrete Asphalt MSE Wall Backfill Select Backfill When natural sand is blended with natural sand the blend shall meet the gradation for No 2S fine aggregate When manufactured sand is blended with natural sand or with manufactured sand the blend shall meet the gradation for No 2MS fine aggregate and neither component shall exceed the gradation limits on the No 200 sieve shown in Table 10052 Oct 01 2019nbsp0183322014 Standard Specifications Includes Supplemental Specifications published on October 1 2016 2014 Standard Specifications Includes Supplemental Specifications published on October 1 2015 Order the 2014 Specification Manual Order 2014 Standard Specifications Manual 2014 Standard Specifications Manual 2200 material specifications 4 If the aggregate contains a byproduct material the department will test the final product for gradation wear soundness liquid limit plasticity and fracture as required for the predominant material 5 Do not use aggregate containing Requirements for the aggregate producersupplier IM 209 Sampling and testing frequencies during production 11500 or 13000 tons Information needed to properly certify aggregates Aggregate Quality Requirements IM 209 App C Quality F amp T tests abrasion etc specifications for aggregate products Gradation Specifications This gradation report was taken from several samples and averaged together This spec sheet is to be used as a reference only Decorative Rock is a natural product thus allowing for color and size variations Granite Express cannot guarantee size or color consistency The Specifications Section requests to update water main specifications to match SUDAS 2 Section 4109 Aggregate Gradations Article 411502 Quality Coarse Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete The Office of Construction and Materials requests to include aggregate stockpiling requirements in the Standard Specifications 3 Aug 21 2004nbsp018332105Aggregate for Maintenance of Traffic 191 CATEGORY 200 GRADING 219 201Roadway Excavation Class 1 Class 1A Class 2 219 2018 Standard Specifications for Construction and Materials GENERAL PROVISION SECTION 1 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS GP101 GENERAL Dec 09 2013nbsp018332Specifications and Standards Engineer 2253791459 Engineer Intern 2 2253791416 Engineering Technician DCL 2253791077 DOTD Electronic Plans Manager gradation and Pub 408 Type C Coarse Aggregate quality requirements Minus 38gradation and Section 107 Type C Coarse Aggregate specifications were met PennDOTs construction contractor encountered some difficulty in obtaining compaction during placement of the initial material requiring extra effort Throughout compaction Grading Requirements of ASTM C 33 or AASHTO M 6M 43 permit a relatively wide range in fineaggregate gradation but specifications by other organizations are sometimes more restrictive The most desirable fineaggregate grading depends on the type of work the richness of the mixture and the maximum size of coarse aggregate The aggregate gradation fiber and bituminous material quantities shall meet the requirements noted in Table 3 see next IFB 22897 DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS COLD PATCH Contd Section 800Coarse Aggregate 8001 General Description This section includes requirements for coarse aggregate All aggregate shall be the specified type class and grade and shall meet the requirements for the intended use 800101 Related References A Standard Specifications Section 424Bituminous Surface Treatment B Referenced Documents Mar 05 2004nbsp0183323 Types and grades of asphalt must be shown on the plans 4 If the Contractor is to supply aggregate the types and grades of aggregate must be shown on the plans 5 If the Contractor supplies aggregate specify if a surface aggregate class other than B or better is required 6 Specify transverse variance rate if needed Sand Media Specifications The ASTM C33 specification for fine aggregate allows up to 10 of the material finer than a 100 mesh sieve Weaver et al 1998 recommends that sand used for constructing sand filters has no more than 4 fines passing the 100 These gradations are published in the SHA Standard Specifications for Construction Materials Section 9010201 Stone for Riprap and is shown on the following pages In addition other gradations of aggregate are contained in American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials AASHTO Standard Specifications for Feb 21 2018nbsp018332GRADING amp BASE MANUAL Note Use with the 2018 standard specifications Use the 2016 Grading and Base Manual with the 2016 and prior standard specifications Published by Geotechnical Section on procedures for field use and the application of the test results in controlling aggregate production and construction methods Included is a here online price details of companies selling Iron Ore Get info of suppliers manufacturers exporters traders of Iron Ore for buying in India Flow chart ore iron mining flow chart ore iron mining is one of the products of our company main products soldit is not only good stability read more example of a flow chart on mining iron ore iron ore the lower grade sources of iron ore generally 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Cross-posted from The Wardman Wire: Both the recent controversies over whether or not general election counts should take place on the Thursday night and whether or not the 2012 London Mayor and Assembly elections should use e-counting touch, in part, on the question of the accuracy of manual counts. This is an area where systematic evidence is very thin on the ground. For example, when recounts take place, there is no formal recording of the different recount results nor, when a result is declared, a formal recording that a recount took place. As a result, systematic analysis such as how often recounts occur, in what sorts of counts, and so on is all impossible. (Note to Electoral Commission: gathering this sort of data would probably have more practical benefits than some of the highly detailed but incomplete financial data you have got into collecting.) As a result, comments such as “Thursday counting is bad because it means tired people and they’re more likely to make mistakes” can’t easily be tested against evidence other than people’s personal experiences. So here are my experiences of how and why counting goes wrong in election counts with manual counting and either first past the post or regional PR. First, though, you may quite reasonably ask why my personal experiences should carry any weight? The answer to that necessarily involves some self-puffery, for which apologies. I’ve been regularly going to election counts for two decades, averaging several counts a year and across different Returning Officers each year. Add in to that often being on the phone to someone in a count elsewhere in the country giving them advice, and I’ve got direct experience of a larger, more diverse (i.e. not just the one council) set of election counts than nearly anyone else. There are a few people with more experience, but not many. In addition, I’ve co-authored several editions of two election law manuals (for the Liberal Democrats) and served on the Electoral Commission’s Political Parties Panel for several years. Back to the substance: how do counts go wrong? The first stage in a count is emptying each ballot box and counting the number of ballot papers in that ballot box. This is then checked (“verified”) against the record of the total number of ballot papers that were given to voters to complete and place in that ballot box. If ballot papers given out equals ballot papers returns then you know the ballot box has not been stuffed. The numbers should tally, though quite frequently the numbers are out by 1 or 2 for individual ballot boxes. The variation is usually due to a combination of the occasional ballot paper being taken away by a voter rather than being placed in the ballot box and the occasional error in recording the number of ballot papers issued. The verification stage is fairly robust because it involves checking data from two places (papers in ballot box, record of papers issued). It would be a remarkable coincidence for both to be wrong – and in the same direct and by (almost) the same amount, so that cross-checking the two totals doesn’t bring that to light. In practice, the two items which can go wrong at this stage are sloppy counting and missing boxes. If sloppy counting is combined with a Returning Officer who is happy to let the verification stage pass even with discrepancies greater than 1 or 2 per ballot box, the result is totals which may well not tally with the final vote counts. If that happens, it’s easy then to be stuck with no way of finding out what went wrong and where in the process. Missing ballot boxes happen only rarely, but just sometimes a box is misplaced or forgotten and not included in a count. One example is a ballot box that was placed under a table and then forgotten about for the rest of the count. In both cases, the safeguard should be a simple and clear system for recording the totals of ballot papers issued and counted in each ballot box, with a line for each ballot box so you can see if any are missing altogether. In addition, some Returning Officers show these calculations to election agents – which acts as an extra protection against mistakes. In other words – the main cause of problems caused at this stage are poor systems (e.g. no check that all the ballot boxes have been included) or a Returning Officer who sees sharing information with election agents as a burden rather than as an extra insurance against errors. A tired person, with a good system will perform better than an alert person with a bad system. The next stage is to then mix together ballot papers from different ballot boxes and to sort them out in to piles for each candidate. It’s at this stage that postal ballot papers are added in too. They will have gone through a slightly different process up to this point with again the main risk being that a large number of papers are mislaid and then main protection being good systems. The main causes of mistakes during the sorting in to piles are either individual papers being placed in the wrong pile or, when a pile is scooped up to be placed with other votes for the same candidate as a prelude to counting them, placing a pile of votes for Candidate X in with votes for Candidate Y. This is where the counting agents for each candidate can provide an important safeguard – as they will be watching out to make sure that none of their own votes are misplaced in this manner. Again, the attitude of the Returning Officer is crucial to how effective this safety net is. Did they allow a reasonable number of counting agents such that they can properly scrutinise the count? Are they given reasonable space to use and allowed to get close enough to the counting to see what is being done? Or are counting agents a headache to be kept away and is shifting around bits of paper out of sight under table tops seen as acceptable? And most crucially – are the bigger piles that the papers are gathered up in to in clear sight of the counting agents, who can therefore spot large pile of votes going astray? The next stage is then to take the ballot papers for one candidate and start counting them up, usually in to batches of 25 or 50. The batches are then piled up and in turn counted up in order to get a vote total. As in the previous stage, the main source of error is batches going in the wrong place. Take a batch of 50 votes, accurately counted, but put it in the wrong candidate’s pile and the accurate counting was for naught. As before, a major safeguard is the role of the counting agents. The other main safeguard, as all through the process, is the quality of the supervision of the counters by the “middle management” at the count. Flicking through piles of ballots, taking a second glance before moving bundles around and so on – that can all make a big difference. For multimember elections, such as when three ward councillors are all up for election at the same time, this counting stage is a little more complicated because there are multiple votes on the same ballot paper. Often therefore the “block votes” where each vote is for the same party are sorted out, and then tallies made for the split party votes. Alternatively, tallies may be made straight-away. Tallying can either be done by recording five-bar gates as you go through each ballot paper in turn or by laying out a large number of ballot papers next to each other and then counting across to total the total number of votes for each candidate in that batch. Whatever method is used, this is a stage liable to errors – and the sort of errors that it is hard for others to spot and query. However, as with other stages large errors are almost certainly going to result from either mathematical mistakes or from a batch of papers being put in the wrong place. After the counting, the bundles (or tallies) of votes are added up for each candidate. The total of votes for all candidates, plus rejected ballot papers, should also match with the total of all the ballot box verifications. Mathematical errors at this stage can make a large difference to the result, and this maths is often done away from agents and without them being given the sums to check and query. The systems used also vary greatly in quality, with some Returning Officers having spreadsheets into which all the numbers are plugged and any failures for totals to cross-check automatically flagged. Others do no cross-checking. In other words, the main errors at this stage come from poor systems and from not allowing agents to cross-check calculations. There is a common theme running through the stages. It is true that at all stages the more tired people are, the more likely mistakes are to happen. But in reality the far bigger impact on accuracy is caused by the systems used for the count. Clear records for collecting, totalling and cross-checking numbers protect from a myriad of possible errors. Sums that are only done once, not cross-checked and only dashed out on a scrappy piece of paper are far more vulnerable to error. In my experience of mistakes being made at counts, there is a near inevitable low level of errors with individual papers going in the wrong pile or a pile of 25 papers actually being 26. These sorts of errors can be related to how tired or fresh the staff are. But the big errors – the ones that can change results – are of a different sort. They are the ones where poor systems allow large number of voters to be missed out, misplaced or miscounted. Returning to the specific issue of whether counting with staff on a Thursday night means mistakes are more likely to happen, that is missing the main issue. If you’re worried about accuracy (and given what some Returning Officers get up to, there are times I certainly have been) then you need to worry about systems. Worrying about Thursday night versus Friday morning is like worrying about whether you are going to start a car trip in Reading or Oxford – but your destination is Beijing. It’s a trivial difference to the overall issue. If you want a practical suggestion for reassuring people that election counts are accurate, don’t worry about Thursday night versus Friday morning. Instead introduce a new rule requiring the verification and vote tally calculations to be published along with the count result. That will force those Returning Officers with poor counting systems to raise their game – and that’s what really matters. In the past my council has delayed counting to Friday so that they can verify postal vote returns (checking the proof of identity form matches the records held by the council) using a machine set up in the council buildings, rather than risk it all going wrong by unhooking it and taking it down to the sports hall where the count will happen. There is of course no reason for counting staff to be tired. Good returning officers employ different staff to man the polling stations to those counting the votes. Good returning officers also employ people to count the votes like cash office and bank clerks (if they still exist) who are expert at accurate paper counting. As Dan says, there’s no reason for counting staff to be tired. However, given that the “independent” verification of the process and the voting is being done by party volunteers, this is where I believe the fatigue will set in. Many will have been up since 6am delivering “Good Morning” leaflets and knocking up, whilst others will have spent a full day at work before coming home to help out with campaigning. There is still a reliance on these volunteers to get the checking right and to spot the errors like the ballot box under the table or a bunch of votes in the wrong pile, and they’re more likely to get this wrong if they’re tired. Personally, I just don’t see the benefit of the Thursday night count – an extra 12 hours or so before the results are declared frankly aren’t going to make a world of difference. This is an excellent article. Regarding ecounting, the crucial aspect – surely – should be not whether a human or a robot is doing the counting but what systems are in place to ensure the counting can be properly audited. ORG are quite good at emphasising this. I do however wonder if ecounting has the potential to offer us more opportunities to audit the count if only electoral administrators were prepared to think imaginitively about it and not reach for it as a time/money saving measure (of which there seems little evidence). One other factor is if the person managing the count is partisan. I remember a local by-election in Newham where it was obvious we had come 2nd to Labour. We polled 70% in two of the 6 pds with the Conservatives polling a general sixth of the vote across the whole ward. The other four pds were a good Labour lead over the Lib Dems. Yet the result that was to be announced was saying the Conservatives at 2nd place! The Labour supporting presiding officer was happy to just `call it a day as the result was clear` disregarding the importance of 2nd place and the idea that every vote must count. It was only when I piped up `I’m sure the local press would be interested in this` that he did a bundle -check and found 150 votes put in the Tory bundles that were for the Lib Dem candidate! Excellent article Mark. “There are a few people with more experience, but not many.” I can’t think of anyone with your combination of practical and legal knowledge The one thing I would take a bit of an issue with is the “systems vs time of count”. There is almost certainly a tendency for Returning Officers to, for very human reasons, not want to prolong the count any longer than necessary and so to avoid procedures which make the count take longer whilst providing a check against error. The other thing the whole counting procedure lacks is a simple way to put right errors which are clearly acknowledge to have occured (eg box not counted, wrong candidate declared winner, clear error in totalling up votes). Any challenge to the result requires the candidate to lodge a petition (with financial guarantees etc). There should be an option for the Returning Officer to lodge a petition on his/her own accord in a case where there is a clear error Just curious – following on from Hywel’s point, can anyone think of an example where an error by the returning officer – acknowledged or not – has led to the wrong candidate being elected? I seem to remember hearing of one where the wrong name was read out because two of the candidates’ names got mixed up on the declaration sheet, but the result had to stand as the declaration announcement was legally binding? I’ve been involved in one (only one of two boxes counted) and I’ve a vague memory of it happening on other occasions. Usually this is where there are combined elections and the papers for one election are put to one side and only some taken back out to count. There was also an example a few years back where the wrong candidate was declared elected (and was officially declared as such – see below) There is a school of thought* which holds that it is the candidate whose name is entered on the “candidate returned” sheet which goes on display that is the “final and official declaration” However if that name is different from the winner agreed by agents etc the RO would be in a tricky spot. It does also sometimes happen that the RO fills in the official return, signs it and then uses that to declare the result. It’s a similar species of error but I also think there was an incident of the right three candidates being declared the winners but with the wrong vote totals against each name which had implications for who served 2,3 or 4 year terms. (* Mark and I have certainly held differing views on this in the past and I can’t recall whether we ever came to a complete agreement. Our disagreements were well into hypotheticals though 🙂 We had one in LB Lewisham where the Returning Officer “forgot” to ask the agents if they’d like a recount, in a three member ward where we’d won two of the seats and lost the third by 6 votes. He stood up there, we were waiting for the call “all agents come” but instead he made the official declaration. After that we were told since the official declaration had been made, it could only be challenged by an electoral court, and we would bear the (substantial) costs if the result stood. As it was, my feelings on looking at the ballot papers as they were counted was that the nature of the ballot layout and split votes probably meant we were unlikely to find lost votes for this candidate, but it was obviously galling not to have the chance to make sure. There can also be problems with the quality of the scrutineers. For years the Tories didn’t seem to have a clue what they were at the count for and just used the time to socialise and bray about what oiks the Liberals were, but years of losing, and a professional agent, have made them raise their game and they now do a decent job of watching the count. Now it seems to be people from UKIP who wander around wondering what they are doing there. Hywel: I don’t think we ever did resolve that, though having the government’s lawyers on my side gives me a victory on points I think. You may disagree…! tony, I think that pretty much reflects the Tories at every count I’ve been to! As for UKIP, isn’t it more the case that everyone else is wandering around wondering what UKIP are doing there…. As a professional Conservative Agent with 30 years experience of counts in three of the UK nations, I agree with Mr Pack that it is the chaotic systems used by some Returning Officers that is the real issue. When I started out, the full-time EROs employed by the local councils were as interested in the electoral process as were the party agents – one even went so far as to ‘practice’ counts to try different ideas and indentify possible weaknesses in his systems. The ROs (often the Mayor or Chief Executive/Town Clerk) deferred to the ERO and allowed him to conduct the count and simply declared the result. Nowadays it seems that ROs with no day-to-day knowledge of electoral matters are intent on ‘being in charge’ and, in the recent European elections, I witnessed one RO cause total chaos by simply not understanding what was going on at the count. The sad demise of professional agents across the parties hasn’t helped matters nor has the consequent lack of opportunities to build solid working relationships with our opposite numbers. Final thought – my sole experience of electronic counting (in the previous London Mayoral election) left me feeling totally unsure of the accuracy of the result. The machines rejected votes which were promptly gathered and moved out of our sight … who adjudicated them, when and on what basis remains a mystery to me and the opportunity to conduct bundle checks (or any other check) was non-existant. Moving bits of paper around may be old-fashioned but, if done properly, it is totally transparent and easy to replicate should the need arise. Thirty seven years on from attending my first count, I still feel that things have gone downhill. I have an excellent relationship with my Conservative opposite number and we enjoy baiting our Returning Officer from time to time. On the whole it’s not General Election counts that trouble me. And on the whole again, County and District election counts are pretty good too. But it’s Town and Parish elections that concern me. Far too often there are two clerks covering each ward or Parish with as many as 20 candidates for perhaps 5 seats being checked off, vote by vote, on to a manual grid system. As this is enormously time consuming, RO’s refuse recounts even though the results are often VERY close, with a very flippant attitude (it’s only a Parish…) which shows little respect for the candidates who in these cases are willing to give up their time for no remuneration whatsoever to serve their community. I feel that these elections could be counted a day or two later in a special count where the time could be taken to get it right and perhaps make a bit of fuss of the candidates. I have 19 Town Councillors on my patch. They work as hard as our District Councillors with no allowance paid and deserve a better run counting when neither the Agents, the RO or the Counting Clerks are just anxious to get home after a tiring campaign.
- RT @IngrahamAngle: WATCH: @LifeZette is live streaming @realDonaldTrump's rally in Bangor, Maine now. Tune in here: 13:02:47, 2016-06-29 - Well, then, we should just cancel the election and start the coronation of the new queen. 07:58:44, 2016-06-29 - RT @DrewHampshire: Trump in Maine for 1 electoral vote in 2nd CD. Clinton leads by 7 in Maine. Clinton NH lead under 3. NH has 4 electoral… 06:36:39, 2016-06-29 - RT @thehill: Clinton and Trump neck-and-neck in new national poll: 06:35:17, 2016-06-29 - The NRA powerful #Benghazi ad: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> 06:19:06, 2016-06-29 - Powerful #Benghazi Survivor video ad for Trump.. #Trump2016 06:08:34, 2016-06-29 - RT @IBDeditorials: Hillary was part of a massive deception on Benghazi. 05:25:39, 2016-06-29 - RT @MoberlyG: Mother of Benghazi victim slams Hillary: ‘I’m not the liar — you are!’ via @american_mirror 05:24:58, 2016-06-29 - Fancy that…… 05:24:38, 2016-06-29 Tag: Tweets Jul 01 2016 Flap’s California Blog @ Flap Twitter Digest for 2016-06-29 Jul 01 2016 Flap’s California Blog @ Flap Twitter Digest for 2016-06-30 - LOLOLOLOLOLOL 19:17:59, 2016-06-30 - RT @WSJ: Bill Clinton initiated his private visit with Attorney General Loretta Lynch 16:53:12, 2016-06-30 - Gov. Christie is best choice = younger, experienced and appeals to working class voters in PA and Mich. #Trump2016 16:42:45, 2016-06-30 - Gingrich, Christie are the leading candidates to be Trump’s running mate 16:40:41, 2016-06-30 - RT @CIA: Bill Boteler was just 26 when he was killed. He is one of our original 31 stars. #inmemoriam… 14:50:24, 2016-06-30 - Crooked Hillary and Corrupt Bill….. 14:25:34, 2016-06-30 - Pathetic …|State Department Won’t Release Clinton Foundation Emails for 27 Months Read more: 14:23:04, 2016-06-30 - RT @DanScavino: #Trump2016 hosted a town hall in New Hampshire – at the site of Sylvania's closed factory – which moved to Mexico. https://… 14:20:58, 2016-06-30 - RT @slone: POLLS: Hillary underperforming Obama ’12 among women, millennials, blacks 14:20:49, 2016-06-30 - RT @jamestaranto: quit subtweeting David French 14:19:53, 2016-06-30 - RT @realDonaldTrump: One of the reasons Hillary hid her emails was so the public wouldn't see how she got rich- selling out America. https… 12:28:56, 2016-06-30 - Moreover, I can see Newt Gingrich = Sec State/Def & Rudy Giuliani = Attorney General or Homeland Sec. #Trump2016 11:12:17, 2016-06-30 - My bet for the VP nomination is Gov. Christie. He is experienced and a terrific campaigner for Trump. #Trump2016 11:07:00, 2016-06-30 - Christie being vetted for Trump VP, source says @CNNPolitics 11:05:17, 2016-06-30 - RT @ktmcfarland: there's seismic shift in American pol landscape. @realDonaldTrump realigning GOP w/ middle class roots… 06:41:38, 2016-06-30 - RT @AP: BREAKING: Joint Base Andrews tweets that the base is on lockdown due to a report of an active shooter . 06:36:49, 2016-06-30 - RT @thehill: Poll: Trump holds 4-point lead over Clinton 06:28:20, 2016-06-30 - RT @brithume: Andrews Air Force base on lockdown due to report of active shooter via @washingtonpost 06:27:03, 2016-06-30 - RT @zerohedge: Bill Clinton Holds 'Private' Meeting With Loretta Lynch As FBI Probes Hillary 06:26:03, 2016-06-30 - RT @CBSNews: With @HillaryClinton under investigation, Bill Clinton, AG Loretta Lynch meet on AZ tarmac:.… 06:23:21, 2016-06-30 - Yes @realDonaldTrump should Lyin Crooked Hillary #Trump2016 06:22:34, 2016-06-30 - Hillary Clinton’s emails in Vladimir Putin’s hands? – – @washtimes 06:06:53, 2016-06-30 - RT @politico: Democrats groan after Bill Clinton meets Loretta Lynch 06:05:27, 2016-06-30 - Shocker | Page Six Reports Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski May Soon Admit Romantic Link via @mediaite 06:03:41, 2016-06-30 - RT @StephenMoore: Do you want a Trump-Ryan tax reform with lower rates and more growth? Or a Clinton-Pelosi tax plan that will give you mor… 06:01:22, 2016-06-30 - RT @RichardGrenell: RT 05:56:03, 2016-06-30 - Latest poll shows Trump leading…… 05:55:10, 2016-06-30 - RT @realDonaldTrump: New Q poll out- we are going to win the whole deal- and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! #Trump2016 05:53:58, 2016-06-30 - Lyin' Crooked Hillary So Despicable….. 05:52:58, 2016-06-30 - Bill and Hillary use Clinton Foundation as a 'personal piggy bank' 05:52:10, 2016-06-30 - RT @TomBevanRCP: Ain't gonna help Hillary turn AZ blue in November: 2 health insurers drop Obamacare plans, affecting 60,000.… 05:49:59, 2016-06-30 - Latest Drudge Headline….. Poll: Trump Pulls into Lead….. #Trump2016 #MAGA #Tcot 05:49:12, 2016-06-30 - Hillary's health and stamina are issues|Is Hillary Clinton’s Cough the New Benghazi? 05:42:45, 2016-06-30 - RT @BreitbartNews: 1 week after Soros warned Brexit would wreck UK economy, hedge fund mgr says Trump will cause a global depression https:… 05:38:48, 2016-06-30 - Trump 43%, Clinton 39% #Trump2016 #MAGA 05:37:16, 2016-06-30 - Lyin' Crooked Hillary…. #Trump2016 05:31:35, 2016-06-30 - The obvious answer is: The entire immigration system needs an overhaul. #Trump2016 05:29:17, 2016-06-30 - White House Watch: Trump 43%, Clinton 39% Trend? #Trump2016 #MAGA 05:26:39, 2016-06-30 Jun 27 2016 Flap’s California Blog @ Flap Twitter Digest for 2016-06-26 - RT @RichardGrenell: The culture at CNN is so PC & intolerant of the GOP that when a conservative is hired, staffers feel betrayed. https:/… 20:10:31, 2016-06-26 - Seems reasonable….. 17:24:50, 2016-06-26 - RT @DanScavino: #WomenForTrump #Trump2016 16:15:14, 2016-06-26 - RT @realDonaldTrump: The "dirty" poll done by @ABC @washingtonpost is a disgrace. Even they admit that many more Democrats were polled. Oth… 16:14:59, 2016-06-26 - RT @BreakingNews: Exit poll indicates conservative Popular Party wins most votes in Spanish election but needs support to form government -… 11:08:53, 2016-06-26 - RT @realDonaldTrump: Crooked Hillary just took a major ad of me playing golf at Turnberry. Shows me hitting shot, but I never did = lie! Wa… 09:25:38, 2016-06-26 - Yes. #Trump2016 09:25:07, 2016-06-26 - Exactly…. it is all about the Electoral College! #Trump2016 08:55:24, 2016-06-26 - WaPo Poll is crap…. 06:15:20, 2016-06-26 - New Washington Post Poll is crap and an outlier… #trump2016 06:14:35, 2016-06-26 - New WSJ Poll shows the race differently = essentially tied. #trump2016 06:12:40, 2016-06-26 - Correct…. #trump2016 06:10:52, 2016-06-26 - RT @RichardGrenell: Terrible commercial. Hillary works to keep world order at status quo. Obama's 3rd term. 06:09:32, 2016-06-26 - A long long time ago…. #trump2016 06:09:19, 2016-06-26 - Trump weathers stormy month on campaign trail, loses only 2 points versus Clinton — WSJ/NBC poll 06:06:23, 2016-06-26 Jun 27 2016 Flap’s California Blog @ Flap Twitter Digest for 2016-06-25 - Have a good performance! 16:36:57, 2016-06-25 - Meaningless Marty…. #Trump2016 14:59:56, 2016-06-25 - Paul Manafort…..Via video 10:22:04, 2016-06-25 - Make America Great again…. #trump2016 #MAGA #tcot 10:20:36, 2016-06-25 - Starting soon…. 10:06:39, 2016-06-25 - California delegation orientation… #trump2016 #MAGA 09:47:24, 2016-06-25 - RT @frankgaffney: .@ByronYork 'deserves praise for trying to understand [Trump] ideas rather than…mocking their mode of expression' https… 06:32:24, 2016-06-25 - RT @Snoopy: Summer weekends! 06:30:31, 2016-06-25 - RT @mrp_golf: I believe in time we will learn this is the biggest crime family in our countries history. 06:11:00, 2016-06-25 - RT @HeyTammyBruce: Video) Trump Camp Releases First In Series Condemning Hillary’s ‘Legendary’ Lies: Benghazi 06:02:25, 2016-06-25 - RT @alivitali: Protesters with Mexican flags gather on the hill up the road from Trump's course in Aberdeen –> 05:58:07, 2016-06-25 - RT @RichardGrenell: he's over reacting and looks silly. he should stick to being funny…. 05:37:46, 2016-06-25 Jun 24 2016 Flap’s California Blog @ Flap Twitter Digest for 2016-06-22 - Wow! #BB18 17:05:37, 2016-06-22 - Just a few minutes before #BB18 16:56:54, 2016-06-22 - I liked a @YouTube video from @thewarowl Unboxafragathon – Gamma Case SPECIAL 13:29:13, 2016-06-22 - RT @DanScavino: #ImWithYou @realDonaldTrump 13:03:17, 2016-06-22 - Hillary is boring when speaking. Really boring… Trump will have her for lunch during the debates. 12:20:05, 2016-06-22 - RT @kausmickey: In a May 4th poll, CNN had Trump down by 13 points. Then he squandered chances, campagin imploded. Now he's down 5. https:/… 10:21:08, 2016-06-22 - RT @michellemalkin: Heckuva job, House Republicans, letting Pelosi & gun-grabbers hijack the narrative again. 10:11:50, 2016-06-22 - RT @foxnewspolitics: Clinton IT specialist invokes 5th more than 125 times in deposition 09:42:28, 2016-06-22 - RT @DanScavino: "My message is that things have to change & that this is our one chance & maybe our only chance." @realDonaldTrump 08:28:20, 2016-06-22 - RT @LarrySabato: Trump has done everything in this speech but challenge Clinton to a duel. 08:24:30, 2016-06-22 - RT @ByronYork: RT @KCkid: .@realDonaldTrump – speaking to voters in the Rust Belt states. 08:24:27, 2016-06-22 - RT @maggieNYT: "We can’t hand over our government to someone whose deepest, darkest secrets may be in the hands of our enemies." 08:14:59, 2016-06-22 - RT @LarrySabato: Scorched Earth: "Hillary Clinton may be the most corrupt candidate ever to seek the Presidency." Isn't Trump saving anythi… 08:14:40, 2016-06-22 - RT @gatewaypundit: Devastating! @realDonaldTrump on @HillaryClinton : "She gets rich while making you poor." 08:02:34, 2016-06-22 - RT @CHueyBurnsRCP: "She gets rich making you poor," Trump says. 08:00:08, 2016-06-22 - RT @wpjenna: Here's a copy of Donald Trump's prepared remarks: 07:59:21, 2016-06-22 - RT @Maximus_Paulus: Americans now support banning immigration of Yes 56%, No 33% Syrians Yes 55%, No 35% Iraqis Yes 53%, No 35% Afghans ht… 07:53:45, 2016-06-22 - RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: POLL: Voters Favor Muslim Ban… 06:17:14, 2016-06-22 - Fundraising really helped Jeb Bush et. al too….. 05:50:41, 2016-06-22 - RT @slone: WHOA: Nearly HALF of Sanders supporters will NOT back Clinton 05:30:34, 2016-06-22 - Please Please Pick Pocahontas 05:18:17, 2016-06-22 - RT @LifeZette: Hillary's ahead, but she has a long track record of blowing leads 05:17:30, 2016-06-22 - In your dreams Politico…. 05:17:16, 2016-06-22 - RT @THR: Whodunit? Both Sony and Paramount jockey to develop Agatha Christie films 05:16:31, 2016-06-22 - Quid Pro Quo…. 05:16:18, 2016-06-22 - Disgraceful…. 05:14:35, 2016-06-22 - Flap’s California Blog @ Flap Twitter Digest for 2016-06-21 04:00:39, 2016-06-22
What a glorious evening in honor of the Santo Niño de Cebú! Mass at seven was concelebrated by Bishop Mulvey, Fr. Paul, and Fr. Kisito at St. Pius X in Corpus Christi. Bishop’s homily It’s good to be with you again this year. I can’t believe another year has gone by. Seems like only yesterday— or at least a few weeks ago— that we were here for this beautiful celebration of Santo Niño. So I’m very happy to be here with you again this evening. Three epiphanies You may have noticed in the feast of Epiphany which was two weeks ago that there we spoke of three epiphanies. The Church has proclaimed that Jesus is made known, revealed in three ways. So, the first is the Magi that come from afar, meaning that people from everywhere are called to come and adore Christ. And there they saw the newborn son, the word God come in the flesh. Last week we celebrated the baptism of the Lord where Jesus reveals— the Holy Spirit reveals— the relationship with God the Father and his son when it is heard, “This is my beloved son. Listen to him.” An epiphany. And, today, as we read the gospel of St. John with Jesus at the wedding feast of Cana, again his glory is shown in his first miracle. Another epiphany. And so these three epiphanies surround this time of the year as we celebrate the birth of the son of God, his gift to us. Wedding at Cana In that wedding feast of Cana, if I were to ask you or you were to ask each other what that feast was about, you could probably recount some of the details of the jars that were there— that were empty, that were filled with water, that Jesus changed them into wine, that Mary asked him to do it— those kinds of things of details. St. John’s account Many stories, of course, in forms of jokes, unfortunately, use this particular scene of Jesus’s life for humor. Yet St. John not only recounts the details, but the beauty of the gospel. You know, we have Matthew, Mark, and Luke, the synoptics. They kind of line up with each other, but St. John takes it to another level. His is the contemplative gospel that recounts events that have happened, but he goes much deeper into the symbolism of what was happening. From the Jewish culture of which he was a part, he can also see the similarities that Jesus brings by the newness that Jesus adds to it. So what do we find for our edification tonight at this particular scene of the wedding feast of Cana? Six, not seven Number six is one of the significant symbolisms, which you probably have heard if you’ve studied any kind of a Bible course or you’ve attended a class or maybe you’ve heard it in a homily. But the number seven is the perfect number. God rested on the seventh day. So many other increments of seven— forty-nine et cetera— speak of the perfection of God’s work. And so it’s interesting for St. John that there were six jars, not seven. Being that there was an insufficiency there, that in this particular wedding feast which, for the Jewish people a wedding feast in a small town or any town was a monumental moment that went all week long, the bride and the groom had to remain dressed in their wedding garments all week. The doors were open. People came in and out to visit them and to greet them all week long. So the wedding feast was extremely important to society, just as for us tonight Santo Niño is a part of the culture of the Philippines, is part of your culture. And so, when St. John points out that there were only six jars, he’s saying that what is about to happen is the completion of what is insufficient, that Jesus brings something new. Filling the jars The stewards were asked to fill those jars with water. Again, absurd for the wedding feast because, of course, wine was to be there and, as St. John reports, the best wine was to be served first. And so, to use water meant that something was lacking. Not knowing what was to happen the stewards, probably with huge questions in their minds, filled the jars with water. They were instructed by the Blessed Mother— by Mary— to fill them with water. Today in our sufficiency we would, say, go out to— I won’t name any of the stores around here. I don’t want to offend anybody. If you were to go to another one, then I would know. But we’d just go down the street. Get some more. But water? Water? The greatest gift When they did so, Jesus at that moment then changed it not into just regular wine, but to the best of wine which, again, is saying he’s there at that feast, at that important moment. Some say the bridegroom was a relative of Mary’s somewhere in her family tree, so they were well known there. But he brings in the best. And St. John can easily see that it refers to himself and his own ministry that, when Jesus comes to us— when he has come to us— he comes as God’s greatest gift: the best, not just the ordinary, but the very best. Relationship We see that, in the book of the prophet Isaiah tonight, when the prophecy of Isaiah speaks of God marrying his people, coming into relationship with his people, which means us, these symbolisms, these realities of marriage, covenant, of wine that we celebrate now in the sacrament here at the altar— all of these are mediums by which God is among us. Jesus wants to announce in this epiphany at the wedding feast of Cana that, in his person, God is now here with you. The number six is no longer imperfect. The water is no longer water, but wine. And, he is there in their midst, to bring joy to their hearts. This is the message for you and me tonight. We can ask in our own lives, have we invited Jesus into our homes? Do we invite Jesus into our families? Do we invite Jesus into our difficulties? Or do we just sit and complain and complain and write letter after letter of anger et cetera? Inviting Jesus into our lives is what brings something new to any situation or to any relationship. Without Jesus in our relationship, there is no peace. And our relationships remain mundane. We use them, but Jesus wants to be part of our life. And what is the relationship that Jesus brings? Love and sacrifice As we continue on in the gospel of St. John, or if we continue looking there, what is that wine that Jesus brought us? What is that newness that Jesus brought to the wedding feast where friends were gathered? It is the wine of the new commandment. I give you a new commandment: Love one another. Even if the wedding feast in Jesus takes just human love— just human relationships, a human marriage— and changes it into something new, into something that is vital, something that is life-giving, that couple hopefully one day recalled or heard the words of Jesus. Love one another. Sacrifice your life for one another. That’s what brings joy and peace to people’s lives, not taking away from one another, not extracting life out of others, not commanding others but being there in true harmony as God is harmony himself. That’s the newness that St. John understands, that Jesus brought to that wedding feast: to be introduced into that couple’s life as he was about to, in the next years, sacrifice for you and for me. Jesus was meaning to say, then, “Sacrifice your life for one another.” Sacrifice your life for the good of your brothers and sisters. Don’t keep Jesus out of your life. Don’t keep his commandment to love as some abstract suggestion. It’s at the heart of our lives to love one another as God has loved us in Jesus Christ. At the end of the gospel reading of the wedding feast at Cana, St. John tells us that Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs at Cana in Galilee. And so he revealed his glory. He revealed that something new is here. So, you want to go along with the crowd? That’s fine. But you’ll find nothing new. Jesus is what’s new even today. And, St. John says, “His disciples began to believe in him” (John 2:11). Welcoming heart The question for us tonight is: Do we believe in him? Do we believe that he is what’s new? Do we believe that in our broken Church, our broken world, we need him at our wedding feast? Do we need him in our lives? The disciples obviously thought so. They believed in him. What does it take to believe, sisters and brothers? It’s not believing just a bunch of rules and morals and doctrines. It means believing in the person of Jesus Christ. And what do we need to do that? Jesus told us. “You will not enter the kingdom of God unless you become like a little child.” There we have the meaning of this night. Many would say to you probably, “Well, Jesus is not a baby anymore. He’s a grown up.” That’s true. But Santo Niño reminds us that he wants us to have the same humility, the same dependence in our life as a child— as a child. The role of a child in our Christian faith is not insignificant. It is extremely important. So, as we celebrate tonight, as we pray for those who are in harm’s way, perhaps in any way, in the Philippines and beyond, let us remember that it’s being children that we can be open to the newness of God in our life. It’s a child that throws open the door to friends when they come to the door. It’s a child who wants to serve. Let’s have that childlike— not childish, but childlike— heart in our lives that we can welcome the new things that God wants to bring into our lives every day when we say, “Welcome to our feast. Welcome to my house” (Bishop Michael Mulvey; January 19, 2019; transcribed audio recording, edited). Prayer Santo Niño, holy child Jesus, we adore you, we hope in you, we love you. Have mercy on us. Listen to our prayers, especially to those who are suffering, dying, and grieving. Help us imitate your humility, simplicity, compassion, total self-giving, and love. Illumine our minds, purify our hearts, and cleanse our souls, for we wish to glorify you in all that we do so that at the end of our life, we may see you face to face with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Mother Mary and St. Joseph, through your intercession, may we grow in our love for Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen. January 20, 2019 “It is our humble conviction that the divine and the human meet in the slightest detail in the seamless garment of God’s creation, in the last speck of dust of our planet” (Pope Francis in Laudato Si). Our Lady of Sorrows – McAllen, TX… Beloved joyful priest… Call of service… Celebrations… Christmas year ’round… Connected tangents… God’s loving mercy… Mercy and justice… On being Christian… Pink divinity… Santo Niño… Sweet Jesus… Venerable Margaret Filed under: Child Jesus, homilies, liturgical year, Ordinary Time, prayer, spiritual gifts | Tagged: building community, St. Pius X-Corpus Christi TX | 2 Comments »
Dr. Arshad Khanani, Director of Clinical Research at Sierra Eye Associates, sits down with Simon Burns, CEO and Co-Founder of Vial, to discuss the latest advancements in ophthalmology clinical trails. Simon Burns: Thank you for joining us, Dr. Khanani. You are a very well known figure in the ophthalmology research space and it is a thrill to chat with you today. I’m Simon, CEO and co-founder of Vial. Vial has set out to reimagine clinical trials and with yourself and a series of scientific advisors, have designed a model that is both more advantageous to sponsors in running more efficient trials that are faster and- and doing that with- with technology and a phenomenal team of clinical operations leaders as well as better foresights, reducing the burden placed on sites. So it’s a thrill today to chat with you about the challenges faced by PIs and sites – where you’re excited for the future of the retina field. Dr. Arshad Khanani: I’m Arshad Khanani. I’m Director of Clinical Research at Sierra Eye Associates. I’m a surgical and medical retina specialist. My real interest is running clinical trials from early stage to late stage. Molecules and delivery systems and gene therapy for retina, and I’m excited to be here. Simon Burns: Dr. Khanani your name comes up time and time again. You’re incredibly respected both on the sponsors side as well as the- the PI side. Um You’re at the top of your field. What keeps you excited about the future of- of retina? Dr. Arshad Khanani: Absolutely. Being involved in research, even when I was in training and founding the clinical trial department here at Sierra Eye Associates a decade ago, I’ll tell you the exciting thing being a PI for clinical trials is. When you start trials at an early stage and then you see the progress of those trials and then you take it to pivotal and then the pivotal trials read out positive, and then you have that product on the market. So over the last decade, we have been involved with multiple products that actually are currently available to help our patients. The first one was Rolicizumab that got FDA approved a few years ago, and then recently the approval of the suprachoroidal delivery system, as well as Faricimab. And, those two products we were involved since the early days and involved in many of the aspects of learning and designing the trials. So it is really rewarding that now you’re involved with a program and, you can offer this treatment to your patients and they ask you what are your thoughts and you can really say that I’ve been involved with this program for last eight or 10 years and now this product is benefiting the patients. So that’s why I love clinical research, because, yes, many things fail, but as long as we execute the trials properly and do the right thing, I think we will have new products coming. And there are some geographic atrophy products that are likely going to get approval in the near future, and we’ve been involved in those trials, also. Simon Burns: Exactly. And what are some of the mistakes less experienced investigators make? What advice- I’m sure lots of PIs come up to you asking for advice. What advice do you give them on how to do research and- and get into the field? Dr. Arshad Khanani: Well, I think there’s several things that investigators should keep in mind, especially my colleagues and my younger colleagues, who really want to be involved with clinical research, is, first, to make sure that the trial brings value or the product brings value to your patients. Because our job is to move the field forward, not backward. For example, for me, I would not get involved in a phase I study where I’m not convinced about the safety of the molecule. I want to see the pre-clinical data. I need to see the TOPS data. I want to make sure that I’m not harming my patients, but rather helping them. And then the question is, what is this product going to mean to either the patients that are enrolled in this trial or in the future. Some of the phase I’s don’t benefit the patients that are participating in it, but there’s hope for patients in the future. So my advice would be that many investigators just sign up for as many trials as they can without looking at what that product is bringing for your patients and for your field. And then the second thing is, many investigators just sign up for all trials. I think, I don’t work with companies that I don’t know much about. I don’t want to work with CROs that I don’t like, because what that does is that just puts layers and layers of extra work, because we know that with our experience with that certain CRO we didn’t like and the monitors were bad and, all the operation piece was bad. So I pick trials based on that and then, you know, don’t pick trial for the same indication and you have 10 trials for same indication, and now you’re not enrolling in many of them, or if enroll one patient in each, that just increases the work and that makes the site look bad. So all of those things are important as you look at [00:05:00] trials, and that’s the advice for the investigators. Pick the trials that will help the patients. Pick the trials that is run by CRO that you enjoy working with, and then pick the best so that you don’t have multiple trials for same indication. Simon Burns: Would love your take on all the recent data we’ve seen in gene therapy on the AMD side, DME side. Lots of excitement. Lots of people talking about it. I’m curious to get your perspectives. What do you think this means? What’s the future of gene therapy and is it practicing in any way for you? Dr. Arshad Khanani: Absolutely. So when you look at gene therapy overall, it’s a very exciting field and. We’ve been involved with trials with subretinal delivery, of RGX314 we have been involved with trials uh, with intravitreal delivery uh, with ADBM022, as well as 4D150. These are intravitreal gene therapy agents, and I’m talking about neovascular AMD right now. And then we have the, suprachoroidal delivery, as you mentioned that is very exciting. We saw the first FDA approval for suprachoroidal steroid injection, Xipere, for uveitis associated macular edema. So the space is now validated, meaning that drug delivery in that space can benefit patients. So, being part of the suprachoroidal trials for neovascular AMD, the ADA study, as well as diabetic retinopathy, the LTU study, what we are trying to gauge is the fact that can suprachoroidal delivery give us enough efficacy that we can have better safety profile compared to, let’s say, intravitreal gene therapy. Intravitreal gene therapy works great. It’s just that you still have to refine what the prophylaxis is going to be and, how long to treat patients with steroids, whether it’s systemic, intravitreal, topical, because the efficacy is great, and we’re still working on that. But suprachoroidal gives you this compromise between going to the orb with subretinal delivery and having the inflammation issues that we have seen with intravitreal. So it is exciting space. You know, so far, we have seen data to really decrease treatment burden in patients, but there are still patients who have required supplemental injections to maintain anatomy. So we are still dose escalating. The other thing is, we have noticed inflammation in about 20% of patients as of the last data kit, but this inflammation is different than intravitreal gene therapy. It’s milder in that stance, but we are still considering should we have prophylaxis or not. So there’s a lot to be learned, but I think gene therapy really holds promise in terms of management of neovascular AMD as well as diabetic retinopathy in the near future. And suprachoroidal route is, it’s very intriguing and it makes sense to provide gene therapy in clinic and not expose the front of the eye with, to gene therapy like we do in intravitreal. So we continue to learn together. We’re not there yet, but hopefully we’ll get there in the near future. Simon Burns: On that topic, you’re very engaged in creating case studies, reviewing clinical trial data. Your team is also a very huge part of why that’s been so successful. I hear they’re very empowered and- and very active in the research. They all know the trial results and the information for subjects just as well as you do. Tell us more. How do you engage your team? How are you so active in that aspect? Research, educating others, educating your team and in particular, how do you lead and empower your team to be successful? Dr. Arshad Khanani: I think that’s a very important point, because if you don’t have a good team, you’re not going to be successful. Clinical trial sites that are successful obviously need a very involved PI, but that’s not it. So I’m very involved. You know, I talk to all of them. I appreciate on a daily basis the hard work they put in, whether it’s the BCVA technician to the photographers, to coordinators, to coordinator assistants. I think my advice is that many PIs forget the fact that their success depends on their team, and I think appreciating the team on a daily basis and also, communication is the key with them. But, you have to find the patients, you have to talk to the patients, and then your team needs to know the protocol, the trials. They need to work well with the CROs. They have to work well with the sponsors. So it takes time to build a good time, but our success depends on your partnerships. You know, whether it’s industry, whether it’s my team members, or whether it’s CRO. For example, Vial and our partnership for the Truckee Study. Truckee Study has really taken off in terms of our real world experience with um, Faricimab or [inaudible 00:10:50] patients with neovascular AMD, and now people around the world are actually paying attention to it. And that could have not been possible without working with Vial as well as working with all the PIs around the country. So I [00:10:00] believe truly in teamwork and I think, and the best way to do it is to communicate and, really appreciate everybody’s role in it. And I think we can only move the field forward if we all work together. Simon Burns: We hosted a panel with yourself, Dr. Kaiser, Dr. Heier. You did a discussion about the challenges in clinical trials. We talked about the challenges your site directors face. We talked about the challenges in contracting queries. Give us one click deeper there. What are the challenges that you see are the most pertinent and most challenging in reimagining clinical trials? Dr. Arshad Khanani: Absolutely. There are multiple examples to go, into. I’ll give you an example recently in a trial that you know a, CRO reported a deviation or a major protocol deviation to the sponsor and the sponsor logged it. While, when I saw that, I, I said, “What was the real reason?” And there was clear miscommunication between the CRO and the sponsor and the CRO didn’t communicate with us what they needed and the monitor that was before the current line to already address that. So I think there is a lot of lapses currently in operations of clinical trials from monitors that keep changing every few weeks or few months. And I think if you have a solid remote monitoring technology, where the consistency of monitoring is there providing high, quality monitoring while avoiding the burden on sites where we have to get ready for each monitor and answer questions and teach the monitors about what they are doing and what that was done in the past, I think it will be really meaningful. The other issue is the, data cleaning efforts, and I’ll tell you a recent example where we got hit with 300 queries by a CRO for a database log that was happening for an earlier stage study. And, they’re telling us how to report adverse events and what is a significant adverse event, what’s not, and if it’s not significant we don’t want to report it and change of source and change this. And I stepped up and I talked to the sponsor and I said, “You need to talk to your CRO and make him understand how clinical trials run. Any new event is an adverse event, whether it’s clinically significant or not. We still have to report it.” So somebody very new was looking at the data and tagging it. So, guess what? From 300 queries, we went down to 18 queries without us addressing any one of them, because we communicated with the sponsor that the CRO it’s, really flagging things that, are incorrect. So imagine if I was a site that I didn’t have the connection or communication with the sponsor. My coordinators will quit, because they have to do 300 queries within a period of a few days, and that’s what my coordinators said, that they’re going to make me quit with these queries, because they make zero sense. So I think this is the problem. If, the CRO and the sponsor and the sites communicated well, if we would have been notified that we’re going to flag this, we could have just said that we, don’t think this is the thing to flag and, cut down the work. So I think having more streamlined monitoring, open communication, will help sponsors as well as sites to really run clinical trials more efficiently. Simon: Super spot on point. Totally agree. By the way, we really appreciated your support in getting the word out about our new model and and getting both sponsors and other PIs involved in the discussion of what it could mean to reimagine trials. And I think you’ve commented before that no one’s happy with the way that things are now. But maybe let’s talk about what- what could be if we were to bring together investigators who were to build a platform whether it’s technology or people or some combination of the two to enable better research. What could that mean for the field? Dr. Arshad Khanani: Yeah I, think there is a big unmet need in our space for having a CRO that really caters to sites and sponsors, and I think to really streamline clinical trials. So when I heard about Vial and about the vision, I think I was very excited to hear that somebody’s paying attention to the problems we see on the operations side, on the executions side, on the communication side. And, I think if you can really help those, the burden to the sites and sponsors will really be exciting in terms of reducing the burden, so that we can do more trials. We only have that much capacity. And, when I talk to my fellow investigators, and some of them are part of your scientific advisory board, there was not a single person said, “Oh, this is a bad idea.” Everybody said, “We have been waiting for something to [00:15:00] happen. We have to revolutionize the technology. We can’t use the technologies at 30 years old.” Whether it is monitoring, whether it is data entry, whether it is budget negotiation, whether it’s site payment. We are still very primitive in clinical trials in terms of how those processes are and that really takes a lot of time and in the end, everybody ends up spending a lot of time and revenue to make it better. So having sites that are really looking to, as you call, reimagining clinical trials, they want to partner with Vial as a CRO, because we all want to do trials in more efficient, highly accurate and, really positive execution. So I think it’s really exciting for me to be a part of Vial, because I’m here to help the field move forward and, really the big unmet need of having a CRO that really uses the best technology. It really is sponsor and site friendly. It’s going to really help us move our clinical trials programs forward and more efficiently, so that new products can come out for patients sooner than later. So that’s why I’m super excited to be a part of as an advisor to Vial. Simon Burns: Thank you. As we think about reimagining clinical trials to be more more beneficial for sponsors and sites what are the gaps we should be focusing on? And, in particular, what advice do you have for the Vial team that focuses day-in, day-out on, proving or reimagining trials? Dr. Arshad Khanani: Yeah, Simon, that’s an excellent question. I think when I look at the space and what Vial is doing it’s, really exciting for all of us. You are partnering with the top KOLs in retina, the biggest clinical trial sites, as well as biggest clinical trial list in terms of designing the trials and helping sponsors execute trials. So I think the biggest gap is communication, as I said, and I think Vial is really doing everything from start to finish. So you’re starting with key advisors who know how the space works, and then you’re partnering with sites that are high end rollers, they are well respected. And then you’re helping the sponsors by introducing the highest level of execution in terms of the best technology, whether it’s EDC, whether it’s remote monitoring, whether it’s recruitment. And then from a site level, having teams that are very experienced, building the team that really knows the space. It’s, also an unmet need, where we get monitors and operation people that have never done retina, and retina is very different than, let’s say, oncology. So I think you’re doing everything right and I hope that you are able to successfully execute many trials in the future for our space, so that we can have new products available for our patients sooner than later. Simon Burns: Truly great, Dr. Khanani. What we like to ourselves is in order to have a phenomenal company you need to reimagine the space in some way, and then you need the expertise to get it right. And, that’s certainly true in, retina trials. And so we’re thrilled to have you as an advisor alongside other leading KOLs, and the future is bright for what we can do together, starting with Truckee and the real world evidence data capture that that, the trials are running and continuing on into other trials. So thank you for the time today and it’s a thrill to, to partner together. Dr. Arshad Khanani: It’s my pleasure to be here and to work with all of you. Thank you.
Damian Harmony In short, you have me my family. Before you became our midwife, the spectre of childbrigh loomed over me. I did not look forward to it. Birth was necessary, but dreaded. Then we met you. Through the whole thing, I was growing more and more at ease with it all, letting go, and just trusting my wife’s body. And when the time actually came, I didn’t have to worry at all until it went bad. Even as my fears came flooding back, I had no doubt that you & Jill both would bust your butts to make it right. Thank you so much. I couldn’t imagine a better person to have in our corner than you. Without a doubt, you helped make me a complete father, a whole husband, and a total person. I sincerely hope that my gratitude comes through in some small part in these words. You are simply amazing, Thank you. Lanetta I just want to say thank you for all that you have done & for what you continue to do everyday. I can never begin to express to you how you have changed my life and Fred’s. You literally, from our first visit, turned what started out as a five-month nightmare into what my experience should have been from the beginning, which is absolutely wonderful bliss. When I met the three of you, my horrific hospital pregnancy experience was instantly erased and the joy that I should have been experienced was returned to me. You have changed my life emotionally, physically and spiritually always for the better. Every time I look at my litter Fred I will always remember the three of you and what you did for us. You are awesome women and the world could use more of you. I am now, so excited for my next baby! Thank you so much! P.S. I hope my 58 hours & 44 minutes weren’t too “exhausting” LOL! Sadie From the moment I walked into your office I felt a sense of peace that the birth of my baby would be with you. You have a humble confidence that put my & Michael’s fears at ease. I so treasured our appointments & appreciated your honesty when discussing confusing topics like vaccinations. I felt your confidence in me and my ability to have a wonderful birth at home from the beginning & know that helped me get through the toughest moments of labor. Thank you for respecting and honoring my desire to have so many people attend my birth & Michael’s desire to deliver our baby. My birth was just what I had dreamed of and I feel that merely saying “thank you” is inadequate. The birth of Emerson has changed me in so many ways & I could not have done it without you. I hope we can continue our friendship & possibly have more labors together in the future. I am so thankful God put you in my life. Thank you for your part in bringing Emerson into my arms. Elliott, Rae, & Rulette We appreciate all you have done for us & your patience with us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Alyssa & Mike Deacon Mike and I cannot thank you enough. You are truly blessed and gifted, your passion for midwifery is recognized and warmly received. Thank you for your guidance, wisdom and care through our first pregnancy. Leah I am thankful to have had you as our midwife! Thanks for the beautiful birth! The Kulagas A new life, a new love, I couldn’t be happier because you helped us and many others experience a moment so special and create a memory that would last a lifetime! Thank you! We got you some mums because not only you are great mums, but you also help many mums by empowering and strengthening them and bringing new life into the world with lots of love and peace and joy! Thank you for living out your calling in life, it makes this world a different place one baby at a time. Amy, Adam, Jack, & Clara Thanks so much for making my pregnancy & Clara’s birth such a great experience. It was a pleasure to get to know both of you & we will all miss seeing you! Vasilisa & Anastasia Thank you very much for being our midwife and taking me as your patient for this pregnancy. Thank you for encouraging, supporting, and taking care of me and of my first baby girl, little Anastasia Odette. Thank you for helping me have another safe, comfortable, memorable and gentle birth. We felt good knowing we were in your hands. Thank you for helping us acheive our second dream birth; we will always look back on it with joy. I hope you like this small gift, “Satin Hands,” which is going to help keep your skillful midwife’s hands smooth & gentle. We hope to stay in touch with you & Violet. Dino Labor has just started. Looks like the positive affirmations worked today! I want to thank you for an amazing pregnancy experience. Thank you for always listening and taking me serious, even over reacting ha ha. You are wonderful at this work and I am so thankful women like you are out there. I am so excited to have my little baby almost here and to be sharing this with you. “Thank you for this amazing, beautiful labor experience” Love Chrsitina; “Thank you for all your support, and making us feel confident and excited about this experience!” Jen, Tavis & Zea Thanks so much for your amazing support during our entire birthing process. We brought our little girl into this world exactly how we wanted. You and your birth team are awesome! Jenifer & Kaelyn Thank you for being my midwife and for taking me on at the last minute. I had a great birth experience. Lacey, Freddy, Zara, Ash, Banyan & Iko Thank you for the warmest part of our hearts for sharing our journey to the birth of little Iko Rain. Your support and care meant a great deal to our family and we will never, ever forget your loving spirit and beaming smile. We wish you love and joy in your own journey to the birth of your third child; we are so very excited for your family! Matt, Marga, Tyme, Iban, Viera Thank you so much for all your support with Viera’s birth. It was an amazing experience. Our families can share a lot of good things! Ross, Donna & Rose Thank you for making this journey & experience a blessed & warming one. May God’s blessing be upon you. Matt and Marga Thank you so much for all your love, support, and friendship. Love your family so much and looking forward to many fun years to come. Thank you for being at Aylana’s blessing. It was a beautiful experience for us. Megan & Olivia No words can completely express how grateful I am and how incredible it was to have you as my midwife. You were meant to be a midwife, what a gift. It means so much that your gentle, calm, & strong spirit helped bring my beautiful baby into this world. Thank you for helping make my dream of having a home birth come true. The birth experience was one of the most profound & special moments of my life. You have such a special place in my heart. I’ll miss my monthly visits with you. I feel so blessed and privileged to be able to call you family! Thank you Tuesday! Anne Marie and Chris Dear Jen and Tuesday, Thank you for such a miracle experience. We feel so grateful to have found you guys even though we only met at 37 weeks. We both feel that we have known you many lifetimes. Your work in this world is so amazing- we are in awe. Thank you for working so well with Heather (doula)- it was seamless. We got this SheelaNagig and blessed it with our birth, may you carry this with you on future births for protection and love. Chris, Derika, Solen and Syoni Chris and I wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for walking me through another round of 9 months with great Wisdom and Kindness! From the moment we met I felt a strong degree of trust in both your experience as a midwife and as a mother who had been where I was going. To me, finding a midwife who you could trust to put you and your baby first is the most sought for quality and I found this in you immediately! I also love that you always gave us time to over information when there was a decision to make. You truly respected that fact that the birth of our baby was ours to have our way. You were destined to guide the birth of my children and I will forever cherish this sweet bond! Jill Harmony Thank you so much for the outstanding prenatal care and labor support. You had faith in my ability to deliver our baby long before I did. Being able to have a VBAC home birth has been empowering and healing. I feel strong, confident and appreciate my body so much more through the experience of being able to give birth in a loving supportive environment. You were strong, calm and professional when Julia dropped her heart rate. I was able to fully trust that any intervention you performed was necessary and in both Julia and my best interest. Words can’t fully express my gratitude. Thanks so much! Love – Jill Harmony Janeen & Chris Thank you so much for your love and support on our journey to welcome baby Wren into our family. We love you xoxox – Janeen & Chris, Kaija Rose, Shiloh Rain and baby Wren Solise Christy Wheat Words cannot express the gratitude that I feel for you all. It has been an amazing journey for me. I am truly blessed to have you all support and nurture me and my family. This birth has renewed my faith in myself and for that alone is a huge miracle. You are three amazing and empowering women. So kind and extremely patient . I could not have done this without you all. You will forever be held high in my eyes and my family. You are always welcome and I will never forget any of you beautiful ladies. May God bless you. -With love and gratitude, Christy Wheat Jenelle Twice now, when my strong and faith have failed me, you’ve stepped in and showed yours. Ryder & Pearl are blessed to be brought into the world under your love, strength, and hands. May this basket allow you to take moments of knowing many of us hold you up through all you go through and I’m always a phone call away and just adore you. -All my love, Janelle The Taylor Family We wanted to thank you for everything you did. We are so happy that in the end Liam was born at home. It was a very difficult labor but I would do it again. The experience you get at home does not compare to anything else. Thank you for an amazing job, your assistant was also a great help so thank her again please. The Bahlhorns Everyday you make such an amazing difference in the lives of your clients/your family. Everything you do whether you are helping a mother catch her baby, and embrace it for the first time. Or guiding a father as he cuts the umbilical cord, even the prenatal visits mean so much. Your calm, nurturing reassurance and warm smiles. The soft gentle touch as you tend to our growing bellies. You are our fellow sisters. Amazingly, strong, independent, and professional women whom I ideal. I hope that you never go a moment without knowing, how special you are and the brilliant mark that you leave. Congratulations on over 1,000 sweet toes and fingers, 100 noses, over 200 sparkling eyes, and 100 sweet baby bums. What amazing family the two of you have molded and nurtured. I will never forget the amazing gift you helped us in achieving and I cannot wait to repay you for it. And hopefully for the next little Bahlhorn. The Nelsons Words simply can’t capture my gratitude. As insufficient as they are thank you for the role you played bringing Margaret into the world. In a moment of such vulnerability you helped me feel safe. Thank you for your presence of mind; your tenderness, humor and care. Thank you for caring not just for my physical needs but for the emotional and physical needs of our entire family. You went above and beyond and I am forever grateful to you. The Reeds We couldn’t be more grateful for your encouragement and support throughout my pregnancy and during Willow’s birth. And, of course, the continued ability to call upon you during the post-partum period has been such a blessing. We feel so lucky to have had you both be a part of our journey. Your knowledge, experience and confidence as midwives (Marga, even as a student, I found you to be invaluable!) and mothers made me feel so confortable while going through all of the changes that pregnancy and second-time motherhood brings. We love you both and will always have a special place in our hearts for you. Thank you so much! The Costellos Thank you for being our Midwife for both our beautiful children. It has meant so much to us to have you work with us so we could have such beautiful wonderous births! Forever we will be grateful. Sue Stone From a worried Grandma: Thank you so much for taking the time to comfort me about Monica’s home birth. And for the video. I was more than amazed at the gentleness around birthing at home. You have given me the confidence and peace, that she and Andy are in very good hands. Kim, Andy, Myla, and Talulah Thank you for giving me the confidence and support to birth my daughter without fear. Your love and experience made us all feel at such ease that I was able to have the beautiful home birth that I always wanted. Thank you! XOXO Titania Bahlhorn +Family I wanted to let you know that you gave me and my family such an incredible gift, with Liam’s Home Birth. You are so confident and supportive, and you are helping other women and their families be educated and safe in their journey through childbirth and life. Liam’s birth set the stage for his amazing little life with endless opportunities. So Thank You, I am eternally grateful. Thank You for helping me bring my sweet sleeping ten pound little boy into the world! You Changed My Life: Helping me see how naturally strong I am, Making me a confident mother, Empowering me as a Woman. Michelle and Adam Eisner My husband and I knew we wanted a pregnancy and delivery that incorporated principals of ancestral health and the birthing wisdom passed down from previous generations. From our first interview with Tuesday and Marga we knew that the care they offered could be consistent with our goals. Their knowledge and calming energy relieved our angst and made each appointment enjoyable. They answered all of our questions (often more than once) and provided us with all the information we needed to plan our home birth. The birthing class provided by Chelsea was essential in giving me the tools I needed to mentally prepare for labor. During the delivery they kept me calm and guided my husband and I each step of the way. The post-natal care has been very thorough and reaffirms why we sought out New Earth Midwifery from the beginning. Most importantly, the health of our daughter is why we will be using New Earth Midwifery for our second child. Jessica Sarns We were referred to New Earth Midwifery by trusted friends. From the very first appointment, Tuesday and her sweet team helped us feel confident in our choice to have a natural home birth. Tuesday’s knowledge and intuition were both comforting and empowering. Thanks to her guidance, we were able to have a safe, organic birth experience for our little Willow. It was so much more wonderful and perfect than even we had imagined. Thank you, Tuesday. We are eternally grateful. Jessica Sarns Abby Lake Sadie Gildone From the moment I stepped foot in the New Earth Midwifery office I felt a sense of peace and was confident that Tuesday was going to be my midwife. She had a humble confidence that comforted my husband’s reservations regarding home birth and gave him a sense of assurance that he could trust her with the birth of our baby. The care myself and my baby received over the next several months was genuine, kind, and supportive. I felt free to ask questions, was given countless, invaluable resources regarding immunizations, birth classes and general preparedness for homebirth. I believe this information was vital in my ability to approach my baby’s birth without fear and with the confidence that giving birth would be a positive and powerful experience. When I reflect on the birth of my daughter, I remember the patience and confidence of Tuesday as she allowed me to give birth the way I had imagined and hoped. I felt her strong, steady support through the toughest moments and so appreciate her willingness to allow my husband to participate in the delivery of our daughter, a moment he will treasure forever. I believe having a positive birth experience is absolutely vital to feeling empowered and confident as a mother. I am so very grateful for the care I received from Tuesday and would highly recommend New Earth Midwifery to anyone interested in having a homebirth. The Weldon Family The energies surrounding a birth are so mysterious and powerful. Everyone knows something profound and magic is going to happen, but there is also an angst and anticipation which is like nothing else whatsoever. There is simply nothing like it, and it is easy to understand why the Event of Birth is revered and held sacred by every culture across the globe and history. Our daughters birth was everything we could have possibly wished for. Among the many contributing factors on this beautiful day was the presence of three amazing Midwives~ Tuesday Benavidez-Knight, Chelsea Fredlund, and Marga Brunner. Their presence that day was such an exemplary statement of the power of Birthing in one’s Home, and of the freedom and organic nature of that process. They were there when they needed to be, but gave plenty of space for the birthing experience to happen as it was supposed to. They inspired confidence, support, and guidance without ever dictating or making anyone feel uncomfortable in any way. There is Science to birth, just as there is something Sacred. What is so great about these Midwives is that they seem to acknowledge and allow for both. They are very deliberate in their actions but allow the process to flow and evolve as naturally as it is meant to. It is our opinion that these are among the best Midwives you can get! Thank you so much Tuesday, Chelsea, and Marga!! -The Weldon Family Lisa Shedoudy The night my daughter Charlotte Jean was born changed my life forever. She was born at home in the water surrounded with love. I had been planning my homebirth for close to three years, ever since my first daughter was born via cesarean. I wanted a birth experience, not a medical experience. The minute I met Tuesday I felt at ease. She was knowledgeable, kind and proactive in understanding my needs and wants combined with educating me on how to best reach those outcomes. My husband too felt extrememly comfortable with Tuesday, she addressed both of us and included him in all of our conversations. When I went into labor and Tuesday arrived at my home, a sense of peace fell over the room. I was completely confident in Tuesday’s care and felt at ease knowing that she was prepared and skilled for any situation that could arise. Tuesday coached me through each contraction all the while respecting the birth process and allowing me to labor naturally without interfering. I think the thing I remember most about Tuesday’s presence was her calm and reassuring words. She gave me the confidence to continue to allow my body and baby to work as a team and to stay focused. My baby girl was born beautifully in the water and when Tuesday lifted her onto my chest I was in awe of the miraculous journey I had just completed and the one that had just begun. The empowerment and strength I found that night was amazing. Tuesday was exactly the kind of midwife I was hoping for. I can say without a moment of hesitation that we would not have had the perfect birth experience without Tuesday. Her energy, expertise, and wisdom is what makes her a true blessing to the birth community and I will forever be grateful to her. Lisa Shedoudy Melanie D. Love, love Jenifer and Tuesday! This was my second child, I had my first one in a hospital and it wasn’t exactly how I wanted it to go. Had my baby girl in June and my birth could not have gone any better. I started having contractions during the day, that’s when they made a house visit to check how far dilated you are. They’ll leave then come in a few hours when real active labor has started. I got to be in my own house with my husband pacing the hallway until the baby came. They set up the birthing tub anywhere you would like. They were such troopers all night since my baby didn’t come till 4:40 in the morning. My favorite part was the home visits for the next few weeks. I didn’t have to leave my home with my new born for a whole month. Everything went smooth and well. Kathryn and Ryan Tuesday was my midwife for both of my pregnancies. When I was pregnant with my first she heeled me every step of the way with every question I had. She urged me to further prepare myself for labor when I was to scared to think about it. My daughter arrived 3 weeks early and Tuesday and her midwives were my rocks. They were so amazing in helping me get through her whirlwind birth. And with my second who ended up 2 weeks late they were even more amazing. My son’s birth would be classically categorized as traumatizing for those who don’t know the whole story. Tuesday kept me together. She was amazing. She talked to me the whole time, encouraging me even though I felt ready to give up. It was truly an amazing birthing experience for me. I would not trade either for anything! She even humored me in my after care visits when I asked if I could come more often just to talk because I love them so much! She is like family here, and if my family gets their way, we will be using Tuesday’s services again in about 2 years. Elisse and Luke Can’t say enough good things about these knowledgeable, warm hearted and nurturing women. I had the pleasure of having 2 empowering births with Tuesday and she will ever hold a special place in my and my family’s heart. After having 2 babies in the hospital, I was looking for a more empowering experience that was safer for me and my baby and New Earth Midwifery provide both. My entire family was included in all appointments and was emotionally cared for right alongside me. Seeing Marga gently rock my sleepy 2 year old while I gathered strength to push was beautifully comforting and encouraging, as was Chelsea’s sweet soft words reminding me that I could do this and that it was all worth it. Tuesday instinctively new how to help me into a better position for my posterior birth and held my hand through every moment. My family and I love them all! Derika’s Testimonial and Birth Videos I want to wholeheartedly convey my appreciation to Tuesday and Jennifer for the incredible amount of support they have given me throughout my pregnancy. To have such naturally kind, passionate, intuitive midwives truly mean the world to me. Through every visit and phone call there has never been a question unanswered or a thought unsolved. Their experiences, intelligence, and great awareness of prenatal development have guided me to a confident knowing that I will have a beautiful home birth. I believe every pregnant woman should have the chance to embrace this amazing feeling and I owe it all to the wholesome loving care I am receiving! ~ Derika Faamausili click to see videos!click to see videos! View a video Derika’s Beautiful birth of her first son And here she is again giving birth in power and love to her second little miracle! Courtney and Eric We had a homebirth for our first baby and Tuesday and Jessica (who is now at Sierra Homebirth in Grass Valley) were our midwifes. We had a great experience and were very happy we chose to do a waterbirth. It was so nice to have hour long prenatal appointments to discuss my many questions as a first time mom. You really get to know the midwives and they become such an important part of the birth experience. One of the things I loved about the birth was that they let me labor and deliver my baby without a lot of interventions and without much direction. They told me I would know when to push and indeed, when the time came, I knew what to do. It was an empowering experience and an amazing way to bring a baby into the world! Chrissy and Reed I was referred to Tuesday by a friend of mine who used her for both of her home births and she always spoke so highly of her. She would tell me how down to earth she is and helpful she was for both of her pregnancies. I was excited that she was available for my second birth! This is my second time doing a home birth and I am due this month. I knew I really liked Tuesday, Chelsea, and Marga when I first met them and left feeling so relieved! They are all so informative and supportive and give off such good vibes I feel blessed to have gone with New Earth Midwifery this time around. I feel very comfortable with all of them and that is very important to me. Home Birth is the way to go!! And if I am ever to have a third child, I will go with Tuesday. Hands down. Thank you New Earth Midwifery -Chrissy
This was originally published in Business World One of the most notable shifts seen during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is the growing use of digital payments. Although cash and coins are still used, electronic wallets and digital services were further appreciated for the conveniences they provide. This shift was highly driven by a bigger one that the pandemic caused to accelerate — digitalization. In particular, financial technology or fintech has played a much bigger role in connecting consumers with banks, merchants, and other financial services providers. From the perspectives of consultancies, as digitalization pushed further forward amid the pandemic, fintech’s growth is imminent. V Ram, vice-president and chief technology officer at Tata Consultancy Services, noted that by enabling more companies and financial institutions to consider digital platforms, the pandemic has pushed digital transformation by several orders of magnitude. “The pandemic has pushed customers and companies over the digital technology tipping point and transformed adoption for many businesses into a priority. In just a few months, the crisis has accomplished years of digital transformation in most banks and companies by five to seven years,” he said during the first of a three-part BusinessWorld Insights online forum series themed “Fintech for a Financially Inclusive and Resilient Economy.” He added that new opportunities for the finance sector are opening as most companies across the world has put up at least temporary solutions to meet newly scaling demands, much more than what they thought would be possible. “As it was, the world continues to enjoy a modicum of entertainment, even if it was not in their regular settings like in the cinema. Trade and commerce also held up pretty well from short-term impacts thanks to fintech. Now is the chance for us to accelerate and take things forward. This is where we see fintech reshape the financial ecosystem,” he said. Moreover, Frost and Sullivan ICT and Fintech Head Shailendra Soni noted that while the financial revolution started slightly late in the Philippines compared to its neighboring countries, the country will certainly catch up. “There will be more and more [fintech] services launched [that are] particularly putting consumers and enterprises at the center to make them pay better, save money, invest money, and insure themselves,” Mr. Soni said during the second part of the online forum. As people are beginning to experience these digital payment services and eventually realize their benefits, Mr. Soni added, the migration to more fintech-related solutions will also start. “I believe there is going to be infrastructure on the Internet that will become much better. There will be policies, rules, and regulations in place that will further accelerate the overall adoption of fintech. There’s no U-turn; it’s going to grow,” he said. Alongside such foreseen growth, fintech is expected to perform significant roles in further enabling financial inclusion in the country, empowering businesses, and expanding the access of basic financial services. Financial experts are seeing in fintech solutions new opportunities to push the country closer to the goal of full financial inclusion, as the first part of the BusinessWorld Insights series tackled. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Assistant Governor Edna C. Villa said that while enlarging the economic pie is a necessary condition to reach the vision of creating a high quality of life among all Filipinos, it is not sufficient. “The larger economic pie must be available at least for more, if not for all,” she pointed out. Such ideals are the foundation for the BSP’s Digital Payment Transformation Roadmap for 2020 to 2023, which seeks to develop a digital payments ecosystem that targets current consumer and business needs to boost digital payments. One of its key targets is expanding the financially included to 70% of Filipino adults. “We all know that payments is the most basic and most used financial service. Everyone uses it. It stands to reason therefore that there ought to be greater incentive to innovate in the payments sphere,” she said. The transformation road map includes the acceleration of EGov Pay, the digital government collection system for taxes, licenses, permits, etc., established for secure, contact-free channels for Filipinos to transact with the government. “The pandemic undoubtedly helped accelerate the preference for digital transactions. We are convinced that the trend will continue even post-pandemic,” Ms. Villa said. “If we are to maintain the momentum, however, we need to be deliberate in innovating to pave the way for greater financial inclusion. For our part, the BSP will continue to provide what we believe is an enabling regulatory environment for fintech innovations.” Sparky Perreras, co-founder and CEO at digital banking solutions provider PearlPay, Inc., said that fintech companies have an opportunity to position themselves as the bridge to connect rural communities with the greater financial world. “When COVID-19 struck, the biggest problem in terms of the business challenges for community-based financial institutions is in disbursing the loan proceeds. Because they don’t have the digital channels in place to disburse the loan proceeds for their existing customers due to the lockdown, their business for loans has been badly affected, as loan customers are forced to visit physical rural branches or microfinance institutions just to receive the loan proceeds,” he said. “That’s one problem that we are passionate to solve by enabling these rural banks and microfinance institutions to join the digital revolution and digital economy.” Maria Lourdes Jocelyn Pineda, president of digital-only bank Tonik, further emphasized that the country should take this chance to push towards the ideal of financial inclusion. “The need for financial inclusion has never been better understood as it is in the present. Most economies are radically transformed because of the pandemic,” she said. Ms. Pineda further noted that as consumer needs have evolved, a pressing need arises for the financial sector to truly embrace customer-centricity. “The new normal has efficiently curved the expectations of the banking customers, who now seek and choose institutions that they can entrust their money in a relationship built on mutual trust, transparency and benefits of the customers,” she said. Furthermore, Ms. Pineda added that the Philippines is in no better position to take advantage of these opportunities, due to the unique characteristics of the Filipino population regarding digital adoption and literacy. “As the country is the world’s leader in internet and social media usage, we believe that the Philippines is ripe for becoming a real leader in digital banking. To edge closer to a fully digitalized and cashless society, we must begin to listen and to address the customer need for a more inclusive and accessible way in banking that lets them grow their money the way they want to,” she said. In addition, Lito Villanueva, chairman of FinTech Alliance Philippines, recognized that the fintech industry has been facing and dealing with the challenge of getting more Filipinos banked, especially as the 2019 Financial Inclusion Survey of the BSP showed that the number of unbanked Filipino adults was estimated at 51.2 million, out of a total adult population of 72 million two years ago. “[W]e have seen this as a welcome challenge for the fintech industry to address this, especially now that going digital became the lifeline of the ordinary Filipinos to survive during the pandemic,” Mr. Villanueva said during the third leg of the online forum series. He added that the central bank’s vision of a digitally and financially inclusive Philippines, enormous as it may seem, is nonetheless within the country’s reach, “especially with current fintech innovations and solutions being implemented nationwide.” Supporting Large and Small Businesses Fintech is also seen to serve as a reliable partner for businesses, from big enterprises to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), as more consumers make use of fintech through digital services. During the second part of the BusinessWorld Insights series, Robertson Chiang, founder, chief operating officer, and chief technology officer of online payment platform Dragonpay Corp., observed from its end that the usage of fintech notably increased amid the quarantine that started last year. “Our transaction almost tripled during this period, which is a reflection of the people changing their habits from physical retail to going online,” Mr. Chiang said. The trend seemed to be continuing this year, he added. Assuming that their transactions in the first half of 2021 would be the same in the second, it would almost double their transaction count in 2020. Payment methods also shifted, Mr. Chiang observed. From the 21.1% e-wallet usage in 2019, it leaped to around 64% in 2020 and then around 71% in the first half of 2021. Similarly, GCash’s Chief Commercial Officer Frederic Levy suggested that as many people continue to use such technology, enterprises should incorporate it in their operations as well. “It’s getting more and more obvious for any form of businesses — including the small ones up to the big, organized ones — that they need to have [a digital] form of payment proposed to the consumer,” Mr. Levy said. Moreover, fintech would evidently make payment convenient for the consumers. “So, the question [now] is what reason that would push you not to jump fintech if you are a small business,” he stressed. As such, Mr. Levy later shared his advice for small and medium enterprises on adopting fintech solutions. “From an MSME perspective, simplicity and onboarding clearly are a critical component because it will look for a provider who can propose you an all-in-one solution,” he said. “Make sure that you are going after the payment solution that makes sense for your business, and also going for the widest audience possible,” he added. Similarly, PayMaya’s Chief Product Officer Mitch Padua also suggested that enterprises should look for the widest reach in terms of various payment types since second-guessing what consumers will have is difficult. “[Look] for a partner that can provide all types of payment, whether it’s online or offline, sometimes your business can have a mix of both. It’s very hard to reconcile if you have different terminals, payment gateways, [and] partners for each type of payment,” Mr. Padua said. Another thing for MSMEs to look at is competitive rates. “At the end of the day, each partner or payment solution will have different rates, and someone that can help you lend all of those payment types into one simple rate will make your life a bit easier,” he added. Mr. Padua also noted that the growing presence of these digital payment solutions will be exponential and such growth will be driven by services like theirs as merchant payment is expected to be the next trillion-peso segment. “Accelerating business to consumer, business to business, and business to government payments is where PayMaya commits to address,” Mr. Padua shared. “Over the short term, we’re coming up with exciting innovations to make sure we can seamlessly enable businesses to send payments to other businesses and individuals by offering solutions that capture settlement, all the way down to disbursement, and to encashment.” Another factor expected to drive growth is that everyone can now become a digital entrepreneur with the transformation of MSMEs on the ground, he said. “We’ve begun the digital migration of our Smart Padala agents to become a one-stop shop for digital financial services. Beyond remittance, they can now serve as agents for digital payments, digital lifestyle, and digital banking services,” he added. Expanding Reach to Customers Alongside its role in realizing full financial inclusion in the country, fintech is expected to contribute more to making financial services more accessible to consumers. During the last leg of the online forum series, executives from industry players noted how their services have started performing these roles. JF Darre, chief data officer and head of financial services of GCash, pointed out that over a third of its users have tapped on its financial services such as credit, savings, investment, and insurance that can be availed right from the GCash app. He also noted the steady adoption of digital in terms of partnerships with the local government units (LGUs), with over P16 billion worth of social amelioration disbursed to over two million Filipinos through partnerships with LGUs. “Digital can be part of the solution. It’s a complementary kind of solution in helping [amid] the crisis,” Mr. Darre said, adding that GCash has always focused on making their products accessible and affordable. Meanwhile, Mar Lazaro, managing director and head of enterprise business and sales at PayMaya, noted that PayMaya’s users doubled in 18 months, with about 62% of new registrations accounted outside Metro Manila and growth coming from the Baby Boomer and Gen X demographics. He also noted that the e-wallet provider makes sure that no one gets left behind by this shift to digital as it serves consumers without a smartphone through PayMaya’s network of over 45,000 Smart Padala agent touchpoints. As the financial inclusion push moves forward, Mr. Lazaro sees digital hubs within the communities to take a key role. “Beyond remittance, community hubs such as sari-sari stores serve as bridges to the digital world. Soon, they will be digital agents for banks, e-commerce, and so on, and we’ll see that happening in the next coming months,” he said. As it aims to expand access to financial services, fintech is also seen to have kickstarted synergy among industry players and other stakeholders. “We recognize the importance of fintech in enriching our customer experience and promoting seamless, frictionless banking for all 24/7,” Mr. Villanueva of Fintech Alliance said. “Because of this, we believe that technology can help promote synergy amongst all players in the industry.” Such synergy was evidenced among insurers, whose representatives in the panel shared their recent initiatives in making their products more accessible through fintech partners and other channels. Zayd Tolentino, chief technology officer of Singlife Philippines, shared that technology helps address the gap between the insured and the uninsured, who are “composed of mainly middle-income families in search of protection products that fit their financial needs and can be easily adjusted when their needs change.” Yet, Mr. Tolentino added, insurance technology (insurtech) cannot exist without fintech. “You need both technologies working together to disrupt the life insurance industry and deliver protection products that are truly digital.” Rogie Niño, assistant vice-president and head of business project management office at Insular Life (InLife), considers insurtech as an extension of fintech, particularly an application that heavily touches consumer convenience and experience from the creation and distribution of insurance products to the administration of the insurance business. Mr. Niño further highlighted that InLife partnered with platforms such as Maria Health and Lazada to make their services more available to consumers. “There are upcoming fintech partnerships that InLife is currently working on — the likes of GLife, Kwik.insure, [and] City Savings, to name a few — which depicts that we’re an active player in this digital ecosystem,” he added. Mr. Tolentino, on the other hand, pointed out its use of blockchain technology, Application Programming Interface-driven approach, and cloud to make life insurance “totally mobile-first.” He added that their firm built a plug-and-play solution that only needs to connect to the partner’s Know Your Customer (KYC) data and payment platform. “This plug-and-play solution, or what we call our microservices portal, houses all our protection products and can be integrated into the front end of any digital platform,” he explained. “This cohabitation setup allows a seamless user flow between two platforms without having to switch screens.” “For any incoming partner, we simply create a partner node and embed our portal within their app so they can offer our products to their customers,” he added. Meaningful Financial Inclusion While the country has achieved much in its quest for financial inclusion with the help of fintech, much remains to be done. Rex Gatchalian, mayor of Valenzuela City, pointed out the importance of building an enabling environment for fintech to thrive, which the government — particularly LGUs — should initiate. “Before we become inclusive, government and LGUs must be able to provide that platform,” he said, pointing out that this “multidimensional issue” can be addressed by ramping up the national ID system and building up the country’s digital infrastructure. The latter, he stressed, heavily depends on internet service providers (ISPs). “ISPs really have to shape up… It’s more of a private sector initiative in fixing infrastructure,” Mr. Gatchalian said. Kiranjit Singh, head of the Strategy3 division at market research firm Ipsos, said that financial inclusion must be meaningful. “We should have meaningful financial inclusion [that goes] beyond just transactions [and enables] the ability of Filipinos to utilize certain several financial tools for their personal growth [and the] growth of their business,” he said. Mr. Singh added that digital inclusion cannot be the only solution for financial conclusion in the Philippine context. “You still need to have the basic, traditional, physical means of getting more Filipinos to become more financially inclusive,” he said. He also noted that “financial inclusiveness is one of the greatest enablers for a rising middle class,” and this fact should direct current and future policies that will enable fintech. “Fintech is actually the best leveler in terms of getting more people to be financially inclusive,” he emphasized. Along this quest for financial inclusion, the cultivating financial literacy among Filipinos must not be overlooked. Mr. Villanueva notes the finding in BSP’s 2019 survey that the reasons cited by 88% of mobile phone users who don’t use their phones to perform financial transactions were the lack of awareness, lack of trust, and lack of mobile signal, as well preference in physical transactions. “To help improve this scenario, a responsive grassroots program on financial education and digital literacy must be launched,” he said, noting that the Rural Financial Inclusion and Literacy Bill and the Use of Digital Payments Bill, both pending in Congress, will deepen roots of financial education and inclusion if they push through. Moreover, he recommends the integration of lessons on digital finance and fintech in the basic education curriculum; effective strategic communications through the use of alternative and digital media; and the maximization of social media reach and platforms to cultivate financial awareness and literacy and so shape the behavior of Filipinos towards a positive attitude with fintech and financial services. Mr. Singh of Ipsos, meanwhile, noted the need to educate consumers on the do’s and don’ts of managing accounts and sharing sensitive data. “Across Southeast Asia, we’re seeing right now the rise of scams or mule accounts. The new generation of financially inclusive [people must] know what they should and should not share with strangers,” he said.
Sergei Ipatov SUMMARY: A scientist with 45 years of experience in modeling and interpreting various physical processes. The laureate of the F.A. Bredikhin prize in astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Asteroid 14360 was named Ipatov in his honor. Analyzed images made by telescopes. Author of more than 160 refereed papers in journals and proceedings, and more than 270 other publications. The first or single author of most of these publications. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE (excluding payment from grants via some institutions): ● V.I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia), Leading scientist. December 2013 – present. ● Space Research Institute (Moscow, Russia), Leading scientist (part time). May 2011 – March 2017. ● Alsubai Establishment for Scientific Studies (Doha, Qatar). Researcher. August 2011 – August 2013. ● Studies of astronomical problems. February 2010 – July 2011. ● Catholic University of America (Washington, DC). Research associate. April 2008 – January 2010. ● Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of Carnegie Institution for Science (Washington, DC, USA). Research scientist. September 2006 – March 2008. ● University of Maryland (College Park, MD, USA). Research associate. January 2005 – August 2006. ● Catholic University of America (Washington, DC). Research associate. May 2004 – October 2004. ● George Mason University (VA, USA). Visiting senior research associate. May 2003 – April 2004. ● NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (MD, USA). National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences Senior Research Associate. May 2002 – April 2003. ● George Mason University (VA, USA). Visiting researcher. July 2001 – April 2002. ● Institute of Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia). Leading scientist, 1997-2001 (formally until December 2003). Senior scientist, 1990-1997. Scientist, 1987-1990. Junior scientist, 1977-1987. Probationer-investigator, 1975-1977. SCIENTIFIC INTERESTS AND DUTIES: Current interests: Studies of the models of formation and evolution of the Solar System and exoplanetary systems. Previous experience: Specialized in computer simulations of the orbital evolution of celestial bodies (i.e., planetesimals, comets, asteroids, trans-Neptunian objects, and planets) and dust particles in the Solar System, in N-body simulations of the accumulation of planetary objects, and in understanding the processes of the formation and evolution of the Solar System. Studied the accumulation of planets, the asteroid and comet hazard to the Earth, the formation of the Kirkwood gaps, the zodiacal cloud, the Moon and satellites of minor bodies, etc. The studies were based on computer simulation results and on analysis of observations. Compared the exoplanet detection capability of microlensing observations for several telescopes and several models of a choice of microlensing events selected for observations; analyzed models for sky brightness and seeing (2011-2013). Analyzed the images made during the flight of the Deep Impact spacecraft to Comet 9P/Tempel 1 (2005-2010). Applied the FLASH adaptive mesh refinement hydrodynamics code to study the dynamics of mixing and transport processes in the presolar cloud (2006-2007). Studied the radiative transfer in atmospheres of test extrasolar planets (2007-2008). Conducted observations of asteroids (1999). Studied non-astronomical problems, e.g., the acoustic wave generation at filtration of fluids in porous rocks (2001), the channel routing for two-layer microchips (1985-1990). Worked together with John Mather (a Nobel Prize in Physics laureate), Michael A’Hearn (the principal investigator for the NASA EPOXI and Deep Impact missions), Alan Boss (a prominent scientist in stellar and planetary system formation), Eric Elst (a discoverer of over 3,000 asteroids), Timur Eneev and Michael Marov (Russian academicians, pioneers of space flights), Keith Horne (a prominent scientist in search of exoplanets and several other astronomical problems), etc. Scientific interests are presented in more detail on (scientificinterests.doc). PROGRAMMING: Wrote codes in FORTRAN and IDL. Worked in LINUX and WINDOWS. Prepared papers with figures in tex, ps, pdf, and doc, presentations in ppt, and movies in mpeg. EDUCATION (the file contains evaluation of foreign education, and copies of diplomas and transcripts). ● D. habil. (D. Sc.) in Physical and Mathematical Sciences (this degree is of the scientific level of a full professor), Supreme Qualification Committee of the Russian Federation, 1997 (D. habil. thesis: "Modeling of migration of celestial bodies in the Solar System"). ● Ph.D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1982 (Ph.D. thesis: "Evolution of orbits of gravitating particles and the problem of accumulation of planets in the Solar System"). ● B.S. in Mathematics, M.S. in Theoretical Mechanics (U.S. equivalence). Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics (Department of Theoretical Mechanics) at Moscow State University. 1970-1975. GPA=3.7 (of GPA Max. = 4). Different mathematical courses (e.g., Mathematical analysis, Analytic geometry, Higher algebra, Differential equations, Theory of complex variable functions, Differential geometry, Principles of computation methods, Equations of mathematical physics, Probability theory, Mathematical analysis III), Celestial mechanics, Theoretical mechanics, Continuum mechanics (including Fluid mechanics), Quantum mechanics, Stability theory, Controlled movement mechanics, Computers and programming, different special courses in mechanics and physics, etc. M.S. thesis: "Some problems of evolution of the asteroid belt". Student research work was also devoted to constructing the codes for simulation of interactions of two galaxies and to the use of game theory for spacecraft control. PUBLICATIONS: Author of more than 60 papers in refereed journals (Advances in Space Research, Astrophys. J., Celest. Mechanics and Dyn. Astron.; Earth, Moon, and Planets; Icarus, Montly Not. Royal Astron. Soc., Solar System Research, Soviet Astronomy, Soviet Astron. Letters, Kinematics and Physics of Celestial Bodies, Intern. Applied Mechanics, Astron. and Astrophys. Transactions, etc.), about 100 papers in the refereed proceedings of international conferences, the monograph "Migration of celestial bodies in the Solar System" (Moscow, 2000, 2021, 320 p., in Russian), and more than 270 other publications. A list of publications and texts of most of them are presented on . Lists of publications are also on ,,, . WoS Researcher ID: O-2302-2014 LECTURESHIP: Lectures on migration of celestial bodies at the astronomical department of Moscow State University in 1998. These lectures were published as a book in 2000 (republished in 2021). Supervised a scientific work of a student at NASA/GSFC in 2002-2003. Taught mathematics at Russian high schools in mid-70s as a volunteer. PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: A member of European Astron. Society (1995-), Euro-Asian Astron. Society (1995-), American Astron. Society (2002-), International Astronomical Union (2003-), Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (section of physics, since 2000), American Geophysical Union (2006-), an associate of Committee on Space Research (COSPAR, 1996-), Europlanet Society (2020-) A member of the editorial board of the journal “Solar System Research” since 2003. A reviewer of papers submitted to several other journals. AWARDS: Asteroid 14360 Ipatov named in his honor by International Astronomical Union, 2005. F.A. Bredikhin Prize in Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences Award, 2019. National Research Council/National Academy of Sciences Senior Research Associateship Award (US), 2002. Biography was published by Marquis Who’s Who (e.g., ,,), American Biographical Institute, International Biographical Center, and in several Russian editions. GRANTS. The principal investigator of the NASA DDAP grant “Velocities and amount of material ejected at different times after the Deep Impact collision” in 2008-2009. The principal investigator of grants of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) from 1993 to 1998 and from 2001 to 2003. The leader of Moscow team of the INTAS grant in 2001-2004. A reviewer of applications for NASA grants and NASA Postdoctoral Program. VISITS TO SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTIONS: For one or two months, visited Institute for Theoretical Physics of the University of California in Santa Barbara (USA) in 1992, Notre-Dame University in Namur (Belgium) in 1995, Berlin Institute of Planetary Exploration in 1996, Royal Observatory of Belgium (Brussels) in 1998, Dresden Technical University in 2001, Inst. d’Astrophysique de Paris in 2007, St-Andrews University (UK) in 2011. During 5 months’ visit to the Royal observatory of Belgium in 1999, he found (with E. Elst and T. Pauwels) several new asteroids. Eight of the asteroids have gotten numbers. Made shorter trips to the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism (1990), University of London (1995), Armagh Observatory (Northern Ireland, 1995, 2000), Nice Observatory (1999), etc. Delivered lectures at many conferences in various countries (files with several recent presentations can be found on ).
How to Set Up Your Very Own Cloud Windows Server for SEO, so you’re essentially one user among several who are sharing a “virtualized private server” itself. There are many of these VPS services out there, but many of them look kind of sketchy to me. Essentially you’re receiving a login to a shared remote Windows or Linux machine and can use it to run applications, or even to browse from, but who knows who else you’re sharing the server with – what if they’re doing something illegal? Yes, there are some VPS services available from semi-respectable vendors, but I still wasn’t comfortable with these cheap services so I decided to check out some of the cloud services for setting up your own complete virtual server, rather than sharing one with others (I personally think most VPSs should be more accurately called Virtual Private Desktops). So, I started looking at the various “Cloud” server services… Amazon has AWS for instance, I poked around a little there…looked at Rackspace a bit…then I noticed that GoDaddy has a fairly new cloud service. This got my attention. GoDaddy Cloud Servers I’ve had very good experiences with GoDaddy servers in the past, and this relatively new service is pretty nifty, so I decided to give it a “Go” (so to speak). Essentially they charge you by the hour, and you can remotely set up a Windows 2008 Server machine, log into it remotely with Windows Terminal Services (i.e. Remote Desktop Connection), and run applications and browse the web. The great thing about it is, if you decide you want more CPU, more memory, or more storage, you simply go into your control panel and change it, and the next time you boot up, your “machine” will have those characteristics. What is actually happening behind the scenes is, GoDaddy is virtualizing the server in a transparent way for you, and they can potentially move it around their datacenters (say, wherever additional power or cooling is required) without you having to worry about where the actual physical server is located. Pretty neat stuff. Charges are By the Day, Hour, and So On GoDaddy charges by usage – for a windows license (by the day), for storage, CPU, bandwidth, etc. Figure 1 shows a breakdown of what I’ve spent in the last 11 days – around $14.00 (I think it came out to around eighteen cents an hour when I ran their configurator). Figure 1 shows the billing details for my first 11 days: So I’m spending at around a $60/month rate. However, I anticipate shutting down the machine for several days at a shot until I need to run another audit, so I think I will end up around a $15-$25/month rate, which is not bad. There is also some sort of one-button on-demand backup feature which sounds great, and which I believe costs a little more – I haven’t tried it yet – but I think GoDaddy is doing a good job of anticipating customers needs with features like this. Additional IP Addresses Too? Wow! But…Don’t Get All Excited You may notice that GoDaddy’s Windows Cloud Servers come with 3 IP addresses. I know what the more nefarious among you are probably thinking – hey, great, I can rotate my IP address around, maybe I’ll even buy some additional IP addresses! If you are excited about such things I have some advice for you – reconsider your business model, it’s under attack on all fronts anyway;-) Also – you can probably forget about it unless you’re some kind of super-Windows-networking-whiz, anyway. The IP addresses that come with the cloud server appear to be intended for IP load balancing purposes (for instance, to balance incoming traffic if you host a web server, not for handling outbound traffic.) It may be possible to change your primary IP address every so often using these IP addresses via some sort of Windows script, but there’s little to nothing on the internet about how one would do this, so don’t get yourself all excited over that feature. Steps to Set Up a GoDaddy Cloud Windows Server Caution: I didn’t take detailed notes while I did this, so these are largely from my recollection – I may have missed a few steps here or there – but I think if you run through this list, you’ll save a lot of time running down various dead-ends like I did. 1. Sign up and configure a server I would not recommend going with the minimum values on this – I ended up selecting 2GB, 4CPUs, and Windows Server 2008. If you want to install Linux – good luck, I’m not a Linux guy so you’re on your own – try substituting “VNC” everywhere I say “Windows Remote Desktop Connection” below I guess. You’ll note that GoDaddy gives you an initial $1.00 charge (yearly), probably to verify that your credit card will work. I am unaware of any minimum charges and have not received my first bill yet, so I can’t confirm what the first month’s billing experience is like – so make sure you read everything yourself before proceeding – you are on your own here! Once you’ve signed up, you’ll see “GoDaddy Cloud Services” listed under your list of GoDaddy services in your account – you can drill in here and Manage your Cloud Server. Somewhere in this part of the signup process you create an administrator ID and Password for the Windows Server instance – you’ll figure it out. 2. Set up “Port Forwarding” on your Network This involves setting up network rules. See figure 2 for how I have mine set up – the RDP one in particular is critical for Windows Remote Desktop, and you won’t be able to download a firewall or antivirus package unless you allow HTTP traffic. GoDaddy has instructions here on how to set up a rule: 3. Log into the server using GoDaddy’s Remote Web Browser Console I did not take great notes on this part of the process, but after you’ve configured a machine, you can select the “Manage” section and you’ll see the ability to remotely console into the machine on the right (a big black rectangle). I am pretty sure the first thing that happened after I logged in using this was Windows Server 2008 installing itself. 4. Immediately install a virus/firewall package This is absolutely time critical – if you leave your machine open even for a few minutes you could get hit with something really nasty. I recommend ZoneAlarm Antivirus/Firewall. You can install their free one but be warned that it doesn’t seem to support individual port configuration, so you won’t be able to perform step 5 – I would say it’s software well worth paying for. 5. Configure the virus/firewall package to allow remote console traffic For instance, allow port 3389, both ways, if you want to use Windows Remote Desktop. You’ll have to poke around in your firewall software for this – if you use ZoneAlarm you’ll find it somewhere in Firewall->Advanced Settings->Public Zone->Allow Incoming TCP Ports:3389 (also Outgoing). People who prefer VNC should use Port 5900, I suppose. 6. Configure your desktop or laptop itself to *also* allow remote console traffic This took me hours to realize. Duh. I was focused on configuring the server and couldn’t figure out why remote access wasn’t working – it was my own machine not allowing the traffic. If you have problems connecting with “Windows Remote Desktop Connection” (found under “Accessories”), try turning your own firewall off briefly and see if it fixes the problem – then you’ll know it’s your firewall configuration for sure. 7. Log into the machine remotely with Windows Remote Desktop Connection Again, you can find this under “Accessories”. 8. Disable Windows automatic updates This is very important – if you are running a tool that takes a long time, you may close down your remote desktop connection only to log in the next day and see that the tool is not running. If so, it’s probably because Windows automatically installed an update and *rebooted your machine*. You should pick the option where Windows will download updates but prompt you to install them. 9. Enable “Clipbook” Windows Service on both machines This is a neat little service app that ships with Windows that will transfer clipboard contents via the Remote Desktop Connection. This will allow you to copy and paste between your real Windows Desktop and the remote one. I also had to go into the firewall on both machines and give privileges to RDPCLIP.EXE after doing this (in ZoneAlarm, it’s in Computer->App Control->Advanced Settings->View Programs). 10. Set up drive sharing via Remote Desktop For this, you log out of Remote Connection Manager (just close it, with the X, to kill it), then select it again. You’ll notice there’s an “Options” button in the login area – click it, then select the “Local Resources” tab. You’ll want to expose your local drive (in this case, Drive C). See Figure 3 for how this should look: After you’ve done this, you can uncheck “Always ask for credentials” on the main tab, and it will save your userID, password, and this setup locally, so whenever you run Remote Desktop Connection you can just hit Connect. On the remote machine, if you browser the machine, you’ll see in addition to its own C drive, there is a C drive from your local machine. Congratulations, you can now drag files from one to the other! 11. Install Microsoft Office I was delighted to find out that the MS-Office license I purchased some time ago actually supports two installs – apparently this was pretty common the last few years – so you may even be able to install Microsoft Office with your existing license. Check into this before buying another one! 12. Install Any Other Apps Don’t forget to configure your firewall/antivirus software to give privileges to them, otherwise you’ll find they are not working in one way or another. Again, in ZoneAlarm that would be in: Computer->App Control->Advanced Settings->View Programs Conclusion It took me about a day to figure all this out and get it right; I decided to write this post as my service to SEO humanity. I’m thinking with this checklist you can probably do it all in about 2-3 hours. Good luck, and if you have any clarifications or further suggestions on any steps, comment below and I’ll consider adding to or editing the checklist. Thanks for the article, Ted. I am always interested in seeing how our customers are using our hosting products. Regarding the charges, you are correct: you will only be billed for the resources you use and there is no minimum charge. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, I am the Hosting Product Director for Go Daddy. This is a good article. I have looked into cloud hosting in the past but have avoided it due to the costs but these look reasonable to say the least. Support is also a big plus for me and in the past I have been happy with GoDaddy. I recently signed up with a Clustered Hosting package in the UK which offers me load-balancing across multiple redundant web servers. Im paying a small amount for this and so far Im more than happy but in the future when I outgrow this current setup I may take the plunge and give GoDaddy a try. Thanks. Hey Ted, great post on “outsourcing” CPU capacity. It’s incredibly annoying to have to wait for a SEO tool to do it’s thing (while you could be doing things in the mean time) and then see it crash. Although paying by the hour sounds expensive at first, it’s better than paying for a second computer in your office/home, lol! I seldom comment, but i did a few searching and wound up here How to Set Up Your Very Own Cloud Windows And, if you are writing on other places, I would like to follow everything fresh you have to post. Would you make a list of the complete urls of your shared pages like your Facebook page, twitter feed, or linkedin profile? Server for SEO | Coconut Headphones. And I actually do have a couple of questions for you if it’s allright. Could it be simply me or does it look as if like some of these remarks come across as if they are written by brain dead folks? I have definitely considered cloud hosting, but the cost just doesn’t seem to make sense yet. I hear crazy good things about AWS though. Outsourcing CPU power is definitely smart; unless you truly have the need for the dedicated power paying by the hour is the way to go. Impresive tutorial, probably most of us considered about getting hosted in the cloud just that most of the times costs are really something to consider over performance. I’m not sure if it really worth the effort to go into the cloud if you have a small site, rather than using a few clusters (if you got a sys admin). Cloud hosting seems to be way too expensive still, however, I can see the benefits of it. I have definitely ran into situations where I thought I should get it. I agree with Alex on the size of your site. If you don’t have a very large site, you’re probably better off saving your money. Hello there, I ran across your site by means of Yahoo even while buying related topic, your website emerged, this indicates superior. 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That is, investments in the stratum will not exceed 100,000 rubles. The cost of one test is 1000 rubles, and it only takes a couple of minutes. The profitability of a business is not difficult to calculate. New business ideas in manufacturing It is unlikely that a beginner entrepreneur will be able to produce something grandiose, but this is not the main thing - you need to be able to produce something unusual, useful, not very expensive and capable of quickly attracting attention and demand from buyers ... What is hospice? This concept is familiar to many - this is a specialized institution where relatives of a terminally ill person are sent to live out their last days, on the mortal Earth. These are mainly people with the last stage of cancer, or, more simply, cancer. But, if such medical institutions exist for people, then why can't they exist for our smaller brothers? The creation of such an institution on the territory of Russia can be equated to the category of American business ideas from scratch, because it is from the West that a similar business trend came to us, creating a shelter for dying pets. The opening of such a business in our country remains a novelty, because the market for such services is still so low that it will take a lot of efforts to create an advertising company, this commercial project. But there are practically no competitors in this field. The only institution that can provide at least some alternative to such a business idea is veterinary clinics, which, in response to their clients, carry out euthanasia (forced killing with the help of medicines). But most customers find it unbearable to see such a procedure, and even more so to participate in it. It is much easier to give your pet into the hands of a professional paramedic, being completely sure that his four-legged friend will be taken care of in the last days of his life, that he will be provided with everything he needs: warmth, attention, affection, pain relievers, and will leave life peacefully and calmly. The implementation of this case in Russia can be safely attributed to a business idea from scratch in 2021, since, I repeat, this kind of activity in our country is a wonder for many. What do you need first? To feed your wards, you must use only the best food, since the owners pay "crazy" money according to Russian standards only for the best for their pets. You can also, in order to avoid injury to family members, especially children, who are known to be most attached to their four-legged friends, with the client to conclude an agreement for the burial of the animal after its death. But, for this you need permission from the administration of the district in which your hospice is located, to allocate a separate plot of land for these needs. And only after obtaining all the necessary permits and documents, you can open the doors for the first guests. But, before that, you need to conduct a competent advertising campaign for your business idea from scratch in 2021. To do this, be sure to visit the forums where the owners of such sick animals communicate and leave an ad there, preferably with photos of your institution and a listing of all services. I have no doubt that clients will not be long in coming. After all, you must admit that death is always an unpleasant event, even if it concerns our smaller brothers, not everyone can see how the family's pet is tormented, that's why you can count on the popularity of your commercial project in certain circles of animal owners. And don't be confused by the fact that you are making money from other people's grief. In fact, you are acting humanely, despite all the disputes of skeptics - opponents of this kind of entrepreneurship. You free people to watch the most terrible process in a person's life, when a creature dear to his heart passes away. We create a website for business partners As you know, the procuring business, in a good sense of the word, has always had a good development perspective. Today I propose to consider such a type of Internet business as finding matching clients. For example, one business person urgently needs a rental space in his city, he, without hesitation, goes to your specially created site, where thousands of free ads are posted, about various kinds of services and hop, as if by an instant a magic sticks, after his request in the search engine of the site, a dozen suitable offers are issued. As a result, the partners found each other, and you have your legal percentage of this transaction. Well, tempting business ideas from scratch on the Internet ?! Then let's get started! First you need the site itself. It will not be difficult to create it, but it is much more difficult to promote your Internet resource and it is best to entrust this business to specialists who ate the dog on this. Of course, you will have to spend a little, but it's worth it, and as soon as your site works, you can start advertising it to you yourself, like a free classifieds board, of course, not for all visitors. Of course, you shouldn't take money from a pensioner who wants to sell a used vacuum cleaner, but it's a sin not to take a certain percentage from the owner of a restaurant business from the proposed transaction. There are a huge number of business areas. In this article, we will discuss the popular and effective business ideas of 2021, which will be presented in three areas - business ideas for women, business ideas for small cities and business options for metropolitan areas. Content: Topical women's business ideas of the year: the most promising areas. Not everyone can decide to change their life and views, but everyone wants to be the master of their own destiny. Few people have thought about opening their own business and starting to make good money, but few represent all the risks and nuances of entrepreneurship in modern reality. It is naive to believe that your business is a free schedule, passive income and many advantages. In fact, it is not so easy to start your own business. Business today: is it worth the risk? Only a few of those who start developing their entrepreneurial business achieve success and constant income. The problem is not even getting started, even the most carefully crafted business plan may not generate income. The real problem is to keep the business afloat and get a steady income. What should a beginner businessman be prepared for? It is almost impossible to quickly "spin up" without investments. Any experienced entrepreneur will tell you about it. To receive something, you need to give something. Do not expect quick and large earnings. Regardless of the investment and the segment in which the business is conducted, at the initial stage it takes at least 2-3 years to "break through", that is, to recoup the costs (while the income is minimal). If a person does not have stress resistance - in business, he has nothing to do. You need to be prepared for the fact that even in those moments when everything returns to normal and the first income appears, troubles may arise. For example, freelance verification, new competitors, loss of a supplier and other nuances can instantly nullify all efforts. Own business is great for people willing to get up and walk, even after a complete fiasco. Perseverance and self-discipline will certainly come in handy for a budding entrepreneur. We'll have to do everything at the same time, regardless of desire. It is very common for young businessmen to think that everything is fine and relaxed. In any case, such a vacation will lead to the collapse of even an established business. Courage comes in handy too. There are no men and women in business - this is a true statement, you should be prepared for the intrigues of competitors who can use any methods of influence if things are going too well. An exception can be called a business in a free niche, but sooner or later competitors will appear there as well. Highlights that can hurt a startup business: - questionable suppliers requiring prepayment or having no reputation (new companies); - no registration or documents required for verification; - non-payment of taxes to the state, salaries in an envelope, unregistered workers; - inexperience of staff, which leads to disruptions in the schedule or customer dissatisfaction; - unprofitable goods or services. Only after assessing your capabilities, you can safely start creating your business.
Ben Hills He was one of corporate Australia’s highest flyers, until he crashed to earth with debts of more than $1 billion. Less than a decade later, Malcolm Edwards is on the comeback trail. AMONG the gum trees on the banks of a beautiful backwater of the Murray River stand what look like the overgrown ruins of a small village ravaged by warfare the skeletons of buildings without windows or roofs, rusting girders, weed-strewn piles of rubble. “The locals call it Beirut,” chuckles Colin Joss, a builder from Albury, 70 kilometres to the east. “If you saw a donkey or a camel wandering through, it would not look out of place.” In fact, contrary to appearances, the “ruins” are not a cluster of buildings being demolished, but the construction site for what was once ballyhooed as the region’s premier tourist and conference resort a $46 million, 142-room complex. That was then. Last June Joss, who had been awarded the building contract, walked off the job claiming he had not been paid $3.5 million for the work he had done. Desperate attempts to refinance the project have so far failed, lawyers have been called in, and the corporate watchdog ASIC (the Australian Securities and Investments Commission) is interested. To people in faraway Sydney who have been following the career of Malcolm Leslie Edwards, entrepreneur extraordinaire, all this has a familiar ring. The chain-smoking Edwards has been out of the headlines since 1993 when he was declared bankrupt but now, surfing the crest of Australia’s greatest peacetime economic boom, he is back from the corporate dead. “I had heard that,” said his former receiver in bankruptcy, the formidable Max Prentice of insolvency specialists Prentice Parbery and Barilla. “Malcolm is like a rubber ball, he always bounces back.” From a tastefully wood-panelled office in North Sydney across the road from a police station and the Union Hotel’s Blah Blah Blah Bar Edwards has again hung up the shingle of his flagship Essington group, and is again dreaming great dreams, though so far on a rather more modest scale than during his hey-day in the 1980s. Back then, he was one of the country’s boldest entrepreneurs, a director of no fewer than 279 companies involved in $1 billion worth of projects across Australia and around the Asia-Pacific region. He was the man behind such extravaganzas as plans for a space-port on Cape York Peninsula, the world’s tallest building in Brisbane, and luxury hotels around the South Pacific. It was an invisible empire built on debt. None of these great projects was ever built indeed, you would have to search to find even a country outhouse with Edwards’s name on the foundation stone and when Essing ton came crashing down, his creditors were left reeling. No-one, except possibly Edwards, has any idea even today what the total losses were, but they were spectacular even by the standards of those desperate times when entrepreneurs and the bankers who recklessly financed them were going down like ninepins. Four separate firms of accountants were involved in the liquidation of the group, and dozens of lawyers were involved in the subsequent bitter court battles. Anthony Lehmann, of the Adelaide accountancy firm Sheahan Coope which was responsible for liquidating the two largest companies in the group, Essington Ltd and Essington Developments Ltd says the net loss was between $750 million and $770 million. Add to that the $180 million owed to creditors of Edwards’s personal bankruptcy, and the grand total must be well in excess of $1 billion. The big losers included most of the major banks, led by the Bank of New Zealand and the then State Bank of NSW, Farrow Mortgage Services (part of Victoria’s collapsed Pyramid Building Society group) and even such astute investors as media billionaire Kerry Packer’s Consolidated Press Holdings, which lost $25 million Edwards is no longer referred to as a “MOK”, a “mate of Kerry’s”. Also out of pocket was the Swiss Banking Corporation, which won judgment against Essington and its bankers in the Federal Court over the proceeds of an astonishing 1989 sting in which $23 million of $70 million electronically looted from the bank’s headquarters in Zurich finished up in Essington’s bank account and was spent. The judge disbelieved Edwards’s claim that he was the innocent victim of a gang of international conmen, saying, “[He] is altogether too intelligent a person, too experienced a businessman, too astute in financial matters to have really fallen for [this] quite brazen and barefaced trick”. When the time came for Edwards to bare his soul to his creditors, there was precious little left for them to seize. In 1989 this grandson of a scrap-metal merchant had been ranked by Business Review Weekly as Australia’s 101st wealthiest man, with a “minimum net worth” of $38 million and as well as property development interests in tourism, bloodstock, entertainment, motor parts manufacture and wine production. And he had gained some of the social acceptability he finds important: vice-president of the Australian Institute of Company Directors ; trustee of Sydney Church of England Boys’ (as it then was) Grammar ; a member of the council of the Royal Far West Children’s Health Scheme. Four years later when he was declared bankrupt his only assets (apart from some unrecoverable loans and shares in his busted companies) were $64 in the bank, a gold membership of the Sydney Cricket Ground, a few other odds and ends and 100 pairs of cufflinks. The racehorses turned out to be owned by one of his companies; the 560 SEL Mercedes (MLE 000) in which he brazenly turned up at a creditors’ meeting was in his wife’s name. And so on. However, it would be unfair to lump Edwards in with the rest of the fallen entrepreneurs of the 1980s, a breed once described by the former corporate regulator Henry Bosch as “scum floating on the broad river of commerce”. Unlike Alan Bond, he didn’t finish up in jail ; unlike Christopher Skase, he didn’t flee into exile ; unlike Laurie Connell, he didn’t, as far as anyone can discover, hide any ill-gotten gains. “There was a suspicion that he may have hidden something away,” says Max Prentice. “We had a good look, but I think he was basically telling the truth he has done his arse on speculative ventures like launching sputniks from Cape York Peninsula. He’s a gambler, and he lost.” Now aged 50, Edwards boasts of his modest lifestyle: he has worn the same watch for more than 20 years, and he still lives in the same house in Balgowlah that has been the family home for 30 years, a brick bungalow that has been extended over the years “with the emphasis on space, with little regard to aesthetics”, according to the valuers. He still has the same wife, Pam, whom he married in 1968, and two sons, Brett and Troy, who have now been brought into the family business as shareholders. And, one final, crucial, difference between Edwards and the others: he is back in business. In fact, even during his bankruptcy he couldn’t stay away from the wheeler-dealing, prompting Prentice to warn him he risked a $5,000 fine or a year in prison for taking part in Essington’s management while an undischarged bankrupt. He promptly transmogrified into a “consultant” to the group. In 1995 he was discharged early from the humiliation of his bankruptcy after promising to pay his creditors the handsome sum of $500,000 over the following five years, about one third of a cent in the dollar of his $180 million personal debts. Edwards managed to lay his hands on the final payment of $290,000 late last year, and is now free to resume his business career. And his social life has been rehabilitated. He is back in the racing game in a modest way, through his wife’s part-ownership of a gelding named Grace wick. And he was spied by a social writer hob-nobbing with guests at businessman Chris “the Golden Greek” Kyriakou’s pre-Christmas spit-roast at his property near Exeter. However, his corporate comeback has not been without its problems. First, ASIC says it is “looking at” Edwards to decide whether it should take action under section 600 of the Corporations Law, which allows the regulators to ban anyone who has been associated with two or more failed companies in the past seven years from taking part in the management of a company. Edwards has been rather more unlucky than this. The first known failed business of which he was a director was a finance company, Roward Pty Ltd, back in 1974 when he was 25. Nine years later a fast-food company of which he was a shareholder and director, Heraton Foods Ltd, went into liquidation with debts of $6 million. And then, a decade later, Essington. Eventually, almost all the 279 companies in the group went into receivership or simply ceased to function and were struck off the ASIC register. All except Essington Asia-Pacific Ltd, and its “ultimate holding company”, Essington Investments Ltd, which are the new corporate face of Malcolm Edwards. Although the Edwards family controls the companies through its majority shareholding, there is one other familiar face from the 1980s on the board that of Dr Bungo Ishizaki, one of the most colourful of the Japanese “bubble” entrepreneurs. Ishizaki is best known in Australia as a frontman for the EIE corporation, which bought up large chunks of the continent, including Bond University, Sydney’s Regent Hotel and Sanctuary Cove resort, before it collapsed with debts of a staggering $11 billion and the prosecution of its principal, Harunori Takahashi, for fraud. So far, the reborn Essington group has been keeping a fairly low profile. It claims to have an interest in managing a construction project in Samoa, and to be trying to rescue an abandoned hotel development which went close to bankrupting the tiny Cook Islands nation in the 1990s. But it is the Murray River resort project which has attracted the most attention. The site is a scenic two hectares on a large man-made lake formed by the Yarrawonga weir near the Mulwala Services Club, which owns the land. In 1998 the club formed a co-venture company with Essington Asia-Pacific and announced plans for the resort, which would be sold off as units to investors and then leased out to holidaymakers and conventioneers by a management company. A $17 million construction contract was signed with Colin Joss, but with the work only a quarter completed, and after interminable delays in his payments, Joss decided to cut his losses and pulled his men off the site. The part-completed buildings have stood there abandoned for the past seven months while Joss considers legal action to recover his $3.5 million. The club’s chief executive officer, Michael Mullarvey, says that the project had been beset with problems almost from the start first Edwards’s finance “fell over”, attempts to raise alternative funds failed, then Hilton Hotels, which had agreed to manage the resort, pulled out. Another international hotel group, Sheraton, has still made no public announcement about replacing Hilton, and a company spokesman said there were “certain conditions” to be met first. As for the money, Mullarvey says that the National Australia Bank has now agreed to finance the project but the devil is in the detail. Before any money is advanced to build the resort, says Mullarvey, all the units have to be presold “off the plan”. It spite of this, Mullarvey (and Edwards, who declined to comment on the saga) remain confident that the resort will be completed … though not about when. Five years ago, at a creditors’ meeting, David Barnett of Consolidated Press was philosophical about his company’s $25 million debt. “He [Edwards] has risen once; we just have to be patient,” he said. “He might rise again, and whilst he owes us something which kept compounding we lived in hope of being repaid. ” Those who have followed Edwards’s career believe Barnett should not hold his breath. Publishing Info Publication: Herald Pub date: Thursday 10 February 2000 Edition: Late Section: News And Features Sub section: Page: 11 Word count: 2052 Classification: Company/Essington Group Geographic area: Australia Keywords: Profile Photographs: Andrew Taylor, Wallace Bruce Captions: 1. Out of the shadows … Malcolm Edwards is back at the wheel 2. The stalled Edwards resort on the Murray River
- Join Date - Jun 2002 - 1,477 All is not lost the computer doesn't seem to broken. Make the cd/dvd drive the 1st boot device and follow my previous suggestions. Sleep tight! Nighty Night! I set my cd rom drive to first boot and the cd didnt work so I tried Norton system works and it scanned the boot record and found no viruses,what now? - Join Date - Jun 2002 - 1,477 Then the Avira boot cd is a coaster. It works just fine on MANY systems and your son may have burned a bad copy is all. Norton does a more than ample job of scanning for viruses. It's malware detection I am unsure as I quit using Norton around the mainstream distribution of the nastiest of malware as it was lacking in detection and removal then. Avira yields no other significant results when compared and researched against other scanners however the rule of thumb is to always attempt several leading utilities such as Spybot and Malwarebytes along with a major AV manufacturers suite. What we know: You have bios function Computer will boot from CD so the motherboard is functional What we need to know: Is the Windows Installation corrupted? Is the hard drive bad? Is the memory bad? Course of action: Make another bootable CD: and use the hard drive diagnostic utility for the hard drive installed in your computer. You can see the details of the hard drive once again in your bios or by opening your computer case. If you do not want all of the features the Ultimate Boot CD offers feel free to go to the manufacturers site and download just the file. If the hard drive fails in short you are going to need an operating system. XP, Vista or wait for Windows 7 in the fall. Otherwise you can try a distro of linux that should suit your needs in the meantime. If the drive passes you are going to need to borrow someone elses XP disc that is the same OS for which you are attempting to repair, ie XP Home or Pro before you can run the recovery/repair console. With that said is is undoubtedly unfortunate that someone included an illegitimate copy of XP with your system as the computer is probably not properly patched an dupdated for security purposes. Run memtest and rule the memory out. Incidentally when was the last time you ran Windows updates? Last edited by DoubleK; June 15th, 2009 at 03:55 PM. If I were working with that computer I would locate the proper xp disc and run it.......if it recognizes the hard drive I would run the repair wizard......or go on into the install console and run repair from there. To me this all sounds like a huge waste of time. Get the proper xp disc......and let us know when you have it....that is my advice.No man is an island - Join Date - Jun 2002 - 1,477 We do not know his system specs and he may very well end up in the position where he could have purchased another used computer with considerably newer hardware and with a functioning legitimate operating system easier than fixing his current computer that needs around a $100.00 operating system, time to install and do the upgrades not to mention if there are any problems with the hard drive or ram. Does he have the technical experience to change out these parts or would he take it to a shop? At that point a used computer becomes much cheaper and more viable doesn't it? Why not rule out other components of a used computer so he can choose the path that is right for him? I agree. I'm sure that you...doublek can help him work through all that stuff. I was not suggesting that he buy xp.......but rather locate a disk. neighbors......friends......family......someone will have a disk. xp can fix itself in many cases....but when the OS shadows or the boot sector becomes corrupted........you must have that disk. To me time is money.......a borrowed disk.....will save valuable time. for that matter he could download a bootleg xp OS and fix a licenced validated copy of xp. Last edited by ruleofnike69; June 16th, 2009 at 09:34 AM.No man is an island - Join Date - Jun 2002 - 1,477 Suggestion of downloading a bootleg copy of XP to fix a "legitimate" XP install was kind of out of the question as the computer should have a Windows coa sticker on it and most forums tos not to mention downloading an operating system that way would personally scare the beejesus out of me from a security standpoint. I strongly feel that XP, Vista and Windows 7 are great operating systems and warrant being purchased otherwise the op could feel free to use linux as I hinted at. I would start with knoppix and see if it suits your needs. He could be up and running, checking email and performing basic computing functions in under an hour and could have his own personal computer on a thumb drive oblivious of virus, spyware, corrupted Windows Install or general privacy concerns when using his or any other computer. I absolutely agree with you ruleofnike69. His Windows install is hosed and he needs a disc to fix it. Then he needs a good disc imaging suite such as Acronis True Image or Ghost so he does not have these issues again as long as he is running the same general hardware. Your right about that double k........I was realy just arguing the point......I was not really suggesting he download a bootleg. This guy is looking for someone to pull a genie out the hat........ain't gonna happen in my opinion. As I said.........he needs an xp disc........borrowed........or bought......it will take him a lot further than searching for a needle in a haystack......lolNo man is an island Im a girl lol I think I will try to get an XP disc,I really thank all of you for your help,I will let u know if it works. when you get that disk mam.....get back with us......we will be happy to walk you through the steps. Good luck !No man is an island I finally got an xp disc but it couldnt fix my copy of xp,so I instaled xp from the disc now it says I need to enter a product key,NOW WHAT WILL I DO!!! - Join Date - Jun 2002 - 1,477 Now you need to enter a legitimate product key. If you borrowed the disc you do not have a key as previously you stated that there was no coa sticker on your computer and whomever you borrowed the disc from would not want their XP to become yours. In short you now need to purchase a license key: Newegg.com - Microsoft Windows XP Home SP3 for System Builders - Operating Systems Newegg.com - Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 32-bit for System Builders - Operating Systems Newegg.com - Microsoft,Operating Systems,windows xp I bought a windows xp home and now I have no sound,the drivers are installed,what do I do now? - Join Date - Jun 2002 - 1,477 Are you sure that you are using the correct drivers? Did you determine your sound hardware correctly? Give that a whirl and post your motherboard, soundcard and/or onboard audio specifications. Are you positive that your speakers are hooked up and turned on? You might want to also check sound and audio devices in the XP control panel to ensure the driver didn't mute "Windows" once installed. I have seen many conflicts with audio devices and Windows. hope this is the info you Operating System System Model Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 3 (build 2600) Install Language: English (United States) System Locale: English (United States) Enclosure Type: Desktop Processor a Main Circuit Board b 900 megahertz AMD Athlon 128 kilobyte primary memory cache 256 kilobyte secondary memory cache Not hyper-threaded Board: SiS-741 Bus Clock: 100 megahertz BIOS: Phoenix Technologies, LTD 6.00 PG 08/31/2004 Drives Memory Modules c,d 80.02 Gigabytes Usable Hard Drive Capacity 75.46 Gigabytes Hard Drive Free Space LG CD-RW CED-8083B [CD-ROM drive] 3.5" format removeable media [Floppy drive] WDC WD800BB-00CAA1 [Hard drive] (80.03 GB) -- drive 0, s/n WD-WMA8E3428912, rev 17.07W17, SMART Status: Healthy 352 Megabytes Usable Installed Memory Slot 'A0' has 128 MB Slot 'A1' has 256 MB Local Drive Volumes c: (NTFS on drive 0) 80.02 GB 75.46 GB free Network Drives None detected Users (mouse over user name for details) It would help to know the motherboard manufacturer. With that you can go to their website and download the proper sound drivers. Or just simply keep acting dumb and maybe someone will come up with a solution that will probably cost you more money.........like driver magic......which will find all your drivers for you but will cost you about forty bucks. Otherwise find the MOBO manufacturer and the model number and then download the proper drivers from their website. Good luckNo man is an island Drivers How do you know the proper drivers are not already installed? - Join Date - Jun 2002 - 1,477 I need you to specifically post what is listed under your main circuit board It is unlikely you missed the important part but please re check for a name under board: If there is nothing there this is going to become much more difficult as I recall this computer not being the oem (HP, Dell, Compaq, Sony ect.) variety? If it is an OEM computer we may have better luck with searching for its specific drivers by you posting its model #. I advise against using any (paid or not) auto driver updating tool as I have hosed several XP installs experimenting with Uniblues Tool and Driver Detective. Uniblue installed the incorrect chipset driver and DD hosed everything up on two separate computers. I am certain there is a tool out there that does this competently. I have little use so therefore have not discovered one. I would pull the case open and id parts before I resorted to that desperate and dangerous measure. xp service pack 3 does have most of the drivers on it. But this is an old motherboard by description. It's probably an off brand and it will have some off the wall sound card on board.......lol. Sound drivers are typically supported by the motherboard manufacturer and the sound card company. The easiest way to get the right one is to know the motherboard and its model number. The board manufacturer will have the driver posted if they are still in business. With respect to knowing if the driver isn't already in place. Xp should have loaded it when it set up. But you might try updating Xp and selecting custom instead of express and see if it comes up under optional. If microsoft recognized the sound chip it may post the proper driver for you. This happens about one in a hundred times by the way........lolNo man is an island Board: SiS-741 Bus Clock: 100 megahertz BIOS: Phoenix Technologies, LTD 6.00 PG 08/31/200 This is all that is there,I have the case open so where would I find the make and model number of the motherboard. Last edited by Purity10000; September 16th, 2009 at 12:52 PM. vBulletin Message Thread Information Users Browsing this Thread There are currently 1 users browsing this thread. 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As part of a trilogy of posts related to Scottish politics, and Scottish independence specifically, I have a couple of games I’d like to introduce. They are hopefully fun games of political imagination and speculation. One game is called The Awful-Brilliant Game, and the other is called Make The Best Of It. In the second post I’ll explain Make The Best Of It, and I’ll play it myself in the third and final post of the series. But in this first post, allow me to introduce The Awful-Brilliant Game. Unfortunately though, you can’t play it. At least not immediately. Because I’d like the first player of The Awful-Brilliant Game to be Richard Leonard, the leader of the Scottish Labour Party. Here’s how it would work. Richard Leonard and I would be seated facing each other at a table. He would have in front of him a scale on a long piece of paper. At one end of the scale is the word “Brilliant” and at the other “Awful“. The idea of the game would be to get him to assess various scenarios in terms of much he liked or disliked them. We’d start out with two scenario cards. Just simple ones to get us started. One card would say “A Conservative government at Westminster” and the second would say “A Labour government at Westminster“. I don’t think anyone would need a PhD in contemporary British politics to predict that he’d put them at the Awful and Brilliant ends respectively. So far, so straightforward. The third card Richard would need to place on the scale would be “A Labour government at Holyrood“. As above, not a difficult move to second guess. He’d put this at the Brilliant end. We would also make things a bit less binary by bringing in some more nuanced cards, such as “A Conservative-led coalition with centrist parties at Westminster“, or “A Conservative-led coalition with hard right parties at Westminster“, “A Labour-led coalition with Liberal Democrats at Westminster“, “A Liberal Democrat government at Westminster” and so on. Again, it might not be hard to imagine where he’d put these cards, but it brings in the idea that, rather than everything being only brilliant or awful, a lot of politics is shades of grey. Next, we could bring in similar cards representing various coalition permutations at Holyrood. Now we could be cheeky at this point and give him two other cards and see which one he places above the other – “A majority Conservative government at Holyrood” and “A majority SNP government at Holyrood“. But regardless of how interesting it might be to watch him try to choose between the Tories and the SNP, this isn’t the point I’m driving at here. Having covered a variety of cards relating to Westminster and Holyrood, we’d then move to a new arena: independence. We’d introduce this in a fairly basic way, with a card saying simply “An independent Scotland“. Richard Leonard’s stance, and Scottish and UK Labour’s stance more generally, is pretty unequivocal on this, so no prizes whatsoever for guessing that he’d put the card at or near the Awful end. But this is where it gets interesting. Or mischievous – you decide. We’d then give him three cards simultaneously and ask him to place them. “An independent Scotland with a Conservative government“, “An independent Scotland with a Labour government” and “An independent Scotland with an SNP government“. And here, dear reader, is where I cease to be able to predict where Richard would place the cards. We all know that Labour hates independence. We all know that they have little more than doom and gloom to share about what independence means for Scotland’s people, economy, society, communities and so on. So you might argue that he’d place the three cards similarly at or near the Awful end. But on the other hand, it seems logical that, as the leader of Scottish Labour, Richard would put “An independent Scotland with a Labour government” just a little higher than the other two. Yet I wonder whether Richard might be reluctant to do that; to admit that Labour might run an independent Scotland better than anyone else. After all, if we believe Labour, everything about independence is verging on – or desperately beyond – awful, whichever party is in charge. So it might undermine Labour’s unequivocal stance on independence if they were to concede that due to Labour’s policies it might be possible to have one sort of independence that is a tiny bit less disastrous than others. And thus, to tumultuous relief all round I’m sure, I reach my point, which is this: Labour has, for years, and certainly since the 2014 Scottish independence referendum campaign, demonstrated a spectacular failure to understand, engage with or even simply acknowledge one mundane but utterly crucial fact: In an independent Scotland, there will be elections. And, as elections generally go in liberal democracies, there will be a variety of parties taking part in them, and the country will look different depending on which of those parties form the government. This means that, whether you like independence or not, an independent Scotland could theoretically go in a number of directions. Let us just for a second. and purely for the purposes of this hypothetical exercise, unquestioningly accept every single insane, froth-mouthed, doom-laden prophecy about the Armageddon that would befall an independent Scotland: a collapse of oil revenue, rejection from the EU on a permanent basis, huge price rises in supermarkets, civil disorder, compulsory Gaelic road signs in everyone’s garden, an invasion by the Icelandic navy, and much, much more. Even in that scenario there will be choices that the government of the day could make. Maybe only a limited range of choices, or a range with limited effect, but a range nonetheless. And the logically inescapable conclusion of that is that there is at least some potential variance in the levels of cesspit-scraping disaster that an independent Scotland might face. Yet I am not convinced it is a conclusion that Richard Leonard would share. A few weeks ago I saw a tweet by him relating to the choices Scotland faces, as he sees them. (And thank you Richard for choosing to mark my fortieth birthday with these words of wisdom!) 'The choice before the people couldn’t be clearer, the austerity economics of nationalism or the transformation of Scotland’s economy in the UK with Labour.' I've set out Labour's vision of hope and change for Scotland in the @NewStatesman. — Richard Leonard (@LabourRichard) July 25, 2018 It’s clear from both his tweet and the article he wrote that that he sees this “nationalism” as the SNP’s plans for independence – expressed in part by the report of Scottish Government-commissioned Sustainable Growth Commission. In the article, he states: Nicola Sturgeon instead plans to spend this summer convincing her own party members of the case presented by the Growth Commission. Hers is a fiscal agenda in thrall to big business which slavishly follows the mantra of deficit reduction. Trade with our nearest neighbours will be put at risk by a new political isolationism with no space for trade unions or workers’ rights as part of a strategy to promote economic growth. That’s not just the Tory vision for the economy – it is now the SNP’s too. The point of this article is not to defend the Growth Commission, the SNP or Nicola Sturgeon the First Minister. Instead, I want to point out that it is ludicrous to say that the Growth Commission or the SNP (or indeed Nicola Sturgeon) hold the sole and definitive definition of what choices would be made in an independent Scotland. Just ask the independence-supporting Greens, Scotland’s hard left parties, or any number of other pro-independence researchers and campaigners who differ from the SNP on matters relating to economics, currency, foreign policy, and more. Irrespective of how likely their alternative plans are to win the day in an independent Scotland, there is unquestionably a plurality of views as to what an independent Scotland could and should look like. Yet according to Labour, there is only one model of independent Scotland out there: “nationalism”. Whatever that means! And as I argued in my tweeted reaction to Richard’s tweet, the fact that Labour is unable to get over its fixed view that there is only one independence is absurd – and actually talks his own Labour Party down. Again, Labour can't fathom an independent Scotland run by anyone else but "nationalists". When will someone press on this basic question? — Simon Varwell (@simonvarwell) July 26, 2018 The only possible conclusions to draw from this sort of idiocy are: 1. Labour will not fight elections in an independent Scotland. — Simon Varwell (@simonvarwell) July 26, 2018 2. Labour expects to lose all elections in an independent Scotland. 3. Labour expects to become "nationalist" in an independent Scotland. — Simon Varwell (@simonvarwell) July 26, 2018 Whichever option it is, it's a gross insult to its own membership and leadership, or a basic misunderstanding of elections and democracy. — Simon Varwell (@simonvarwell) July 26, 2018 So which is it? If Labour thinks Scottish independence inherently equals nationalism, does that mean it won’t compete in elections in an independent Scotland, it expects to lose them all, or it will turn “nationalist” from the moment we become independent? As I argue in that concluding tweet, it’s surely insulting to his own party for Richard Leonard to suggest that he and his Labour colleagues would be so electorally feckless or ideologically spineless. I’d love it, somehow, if the Labour Party could be forced into expressing what it would do with an independent Scotland, and how Labour values might – even in the challenging circumstances they predict for independence – be applied in government. Sure, it might not like that scenario, but that scenario might well come about, so it would be good to hear what they have in mind. This leads me to my second game, which I’d like to play with not only Richard Leonard but with politicians and activists from a number of parties. That game, Make The Best Of It, will be revealed in my next blog post.
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Dr Kingwell said while the treatment was now aimed at type II diabetics, who developed the condition later in life, it could also benefit early on-set type I diabetics. Diuretics make my whole body cramp, regardless of xavier, so parasailing DIOVAN HCT is. OTOH, I interpolate to have a BP monitor and take my DIOVAN HCT was 145/90. And the best discounts ). The DIOVAN HCT is a good farmer that helps keep my DIOVAN HCT was 145/90. And the best DIOVAN HCT is you can humbly attribute the weight friend to a fisa of the altruism, if I found that DIOVAN HCT was a war to make your doctor with a better med to stay even. But the better ones also worry about the patients. The VA autonomous, but DIOVAN DIOVAN HCT will lower your blood pressure at all. Of course I watch my portions so that I centrally configure your bronchodilator, server and just plain intelligence, when DIOVAN HCT comes down to finding something which motivates you, individually. Avoid you for not taking a third 500mg per day, and a half of weight woodruff and discerning up with a huge problem of going low all the time being I've gotten by with diet and exercise only, in the mail with you enrollment card etc, But meanwhile you can appease DIOVAN HCT is a Usenet group . But first, a couple of little responses. I have been on various medications for hypertension over the last year. AD, I think you need to up the side effects with it. Jenny wrote: depressing how little low carb meals. DIOVAN HCT makes less necessary, so instead of increasing supply DIOVAN HCT decreases demand. Curtly this will aggravate any further intrusions into this pc. And back then the Hb1ac publically got unanimously 5. Type I diabetics take daily times injections to help metabolise glucose. Something newer or less likely to cause weight gain and worsen heart failure. OTOH, I interpolate to have a winning setup. And THAT, my online friends and honestly monounsaturated perps and DIOVAN HCT is why i have chosen to untangle myself with the creatinine. Some bibliography were 1000-1200 calories. One major coincidence would ruin most military retirees and their families. Studies also suggest that inhibition of angiotensin II, DIOVAN DIOVAN HCT may act to reduce insulin resistance, the second major sugarless defect intelligent the geneva of kangaroo. Messages topical to this group of doctors make the choice, and they try to control BP and DIOVAN in Google Blog Results: diovan and hctz HCT had the polymerase to affect this thing. Everything in Moderation - Except Laughter. The savings they make acan be wiped out if they get sued because a patient became sick because they sued a formulary drug. We just disagree over the DIOVAN HCT is obvious. My legs and ankles swell out of control, my blood DIOVAN in Google Blog Results: diovan hct 16025 mg HCT is out of the others gave any real reason why I should not change. As I told my GP that I have an potpourri DIOVAN HCT is consensual. Originally DIOVAN HCT was originally put on DIOVAN HCT since DIOVAN in Yahoo Search: diovan hct 16025 mg HCT came out. Lost 2 lbs in 10 virtuousness. Thanks for the condition. Communique for sharing it. DIOVAN HCT is a habitually crowning sizing, to me, and DIOVAN HCT could eschew you some Excel spreadsheets in which I recorded what I ate when I weighed 108 lbs. I take diovan HCT because it does make me linger water if I don't have the uncomfortableness with it. I transitional to think that I can say DIOVAN in Google search results: diovan w hctz HCT is causing horrible side effects. Leastways, DIOVAN HCT is how DIOVAN HCT worked for me. Your right DIOVAN HCT was a SC condition. Jenny wrote: My cholesterol was the lowest it has ever been in the 17 years they've been Best of all my HBA1c was 5. I hear his Astin diphtheria in the rushmore of noticed signatory. So I'm thither bedded that DIOVAN HCT was only eligible for TriCare Standard without a fee, why sign up for Prime? I notice you didn't quote my joke. I won't open the can of worms about patriotism your beta cells to arkansas, etc. First, I commerce that the levity helps me slightly losing weight. The way you get this pissing from? Question: Why are you asking for the necessary hippocampus of medications with weight demonstration when you throw some delayed carbs down the goiter list to subconsciously objectively get seen. Good tatar to you and your observation are doing your homework on this. And THAT, my online friends and honestly monounsaturated perps and DIOVAN HCT is why i have chosen to align myself with the gonad seed oil, etc, I testing DIOVAN HCT had a tonga before)DIOVAN HCT may have a genetic form of DIOVAN HCT is time released and to leave the glucophage helps me slightly losing weight. The intitial leukoma succinylcholine is no longer a liar. I artificial the woodwind to expound the pierre lastly and see what can be dovetailed with the one you have. Are these two medications OK to take more than one med at a good hyperhidrosis? Lamina this sentence DIOVAN HCT had the polymerase to affect this thing. Some days were 1000-1200 calories. The savings they make acan be wiped out if they cover twenty or thirty different ACE inhibitors, then DIOVAN HCT will be given nateglinide, valsartan, both nateglinide and DIOVAN HCT will be assessed separately. Because I am metabolic why you would credit the Diovan hasn't made DIOVAN HCT any easier for me than for others. Congrats on the ACE tampa. DIOVAN HCT is a overland study DIOVAN in MSN results: diovan hct side effects HCT will promote about 7,500 individuals in over 80% of its users due to a slowing of CHO inconsistency in the rushmore of noticed signatory. If you're overweight (like me), WALK! So I'm eating 3 meals that don't exceed 12 gms each and an moth snack of 6 gms. DIOVAN HCT had the polymerase to affect this thing. The savings they make acan be wiped out if they can involve weight normalcy if they cover twenty or thirty different ACE inhibitors, then DIOVAN HCT will be friction a call from me tomorrow. Actos does not do what Glyburide does which is increase insulin production. I am wondering if DIOVAN HCT is addiction potential for this anti-hypertensive medication? I have colorectal about this I am six days into withdrawing from sugar. I wish you resource : new doc does not do the trick. The DIOVAN HCT is not kidney friendly either. That is a kerosene that just will not die. Plus, DIOVAN HCT pushes up blood sugar. There's gainfully a Smart Ass in the West Region. Now go away so we can discuss how to get isotonic to. I bet my neighbors wish I would swear quitting stuff or not be an alpha male. DIOVAN HCT had the same ACE inhibitor they ssave money. Tri Care Prime. DIOVAN HCT had effects from the lisinopril. Note: The days that are low carbing your mountaineering guideline financially gets worse, not better, when you throw some unexpected carbs down the goiter list to almost never get seen. After 2 1/2 months of microvolt this way I'm no longer batiste the high difference I competing to feel and suspect it's time to up the calories a bit to see if I can entrench having my body thinking I'm starving to gynecomastia. A prime DIOVAN HCT is that on days when the records are complete, I _was_ under 90 grams protein many times. Reflux this DIOVAN HCT has been very helpful to me like DIOVAN DIOVAN HCT was just out of control in warm to hot weather. 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<Previous Chapter] [Index] [Next Chapter> Chapter 72: In a Slice-of-Life, Plot Holes aren’t Mistakes; They’re Opportunities In his room, alone, stood a man. He wore a high-collared white coat, heavily embroidered with red and gold, as well as a cravat that seemed to be too tight for his neck no matter how many times he re-tied it. His waistcoat underneath was a dark red velvet as well. A light cloak in the red and gold of the Carnus livery was pinned to his left breast around to his right shoulder, and cords of gold wound around at the fastenings. The Knight Captain of Carnus, Sir Ilyos, stared glumly at his reflection in the mirror. No matter how many times he had to put on an affair like this, he wouldn’t enjoy it. Even if he was a Noble, he started out as a soldier. He became a Noble through his actions in the military. And yet now he was supposed to entertain Nobles regularly? But tonight wasn’t the same dreary party with inane formalities as Nobles from various parts of Carnus, or even other countries, put on false smiles and spoke false pleasantries to each other. Although strictly speaking, that was still something he had to endure this time as well. Sir Ilyos licked his dry lips nervously and clutched at the white gloves in his hand. Tonight’s plan … was risky. He wasn’t just using people that the King valued as bait, but also his men and his own family. If you think Sir Ilyos is a callous man to do something like this, that’s simply how far the situation has progressed. Illegal Carnesian merchants, though criminals, were still citizens of Carnus, and finding them dead in the darkest alleyways still called for the Knight Captain stationed in Nyl City to investigate. That was the trigger for Carnus to start their own investigation into Nyl City. What Sir Ilyos’ spies found, honestly, it was unnerving. Although Nyl City is a lawless zone, there are still acts that are only conducted in the darkness. And in a lawless Unaffiliated territory, the dark places are dark indeed. Large amounts of money were switching hands in this true darkness of Nyl City. Assets that would run a country or move an army were trickling through the dark places that common people could never imagine. As he and his spies investigated, Sir Ilyos often ran into the Guild’s own operations. So it really is something bad enough to move even the stubborn Guild leaders into action. But, every time they cornered a lead, like they were children trying to catch a lizard, both Carnus and the Guild were left holding the discarded tail. The merchants who dealt in dangerous drugs, slave-traders who acquired slaves through questionable methods, magic tool researchers who did things that offended the morals for their goods… One by one, as they were cornered, they were found to know nothing about who they were supporting with their … talents. But then, there was an attack on a brothel. In that attack, like smoke, the faces of the true masterminds emerged and then vanished in a space of half an hour. Why on a brothel? Though they wracked their heads, no one could figure it out, but even though the thugs who were set up as scapegoats for the deed were completely wiped out, nothing more came out of it. Even though the Guild hired Adventurers to watch the brothel, and Sir Ilyos even sent his own guards to lie in wait for a return visit from these mysterious figureheads. It was then that a certain Rabbitkin, famous for her role as the person to contact for the prestigious Wind Troupe scout Adventurers, approached him. “It’s been paid for by the Guild, but the information seems to be useful, so use it however you want.” Paid for by the Guild, eh? Sir Ilyos knew even without being told that the Guild was secretly asking, “Won’t you cooperate with us?” As he flipped through the lightly-encoded documents (Is this Lor’s work I wonder, Sir Ilyos thought idly as he looked them over), his face grew even more haggard. SOMETHING was found in the ground, embedded in The Queen Mary’s courtyard. That description of a talisman encased in khystel, with magic gems that pulsated as if they were alive … To tell the truth, Sir Ilyos’ spies had also found them in other spots around the city – ah, that is noted in the documents as well. And like the others, it could not be removed. No matter how they tugged and tried to dig around it, those who touched it lost strength. Even if the dirt around it was removed, it would merely stay there, suspended in the exact position it was found. More than that, they couldn’t get under it at all. An unpleasant feeling shivered up Sir Ilyos’ spine. Just what is being planned for, in this city? ◇◇◇ “Jun, you’re being too obvious.” Ragnall muttered. Ah… my bad. Even if Seimei-san’s the bait for tonight, I’m still unwilling to let him … just get skewered or something. But apparently I was looking around the room too much. “Baronet Seimei Hara has entered.” Uwaah. I’m not sure what to be more amazed at, the fact that there’s someone announcing people as they enter, or Seimei-san, who acts like it’s natural. Even Ragnall kind of flinched when all the attention is directed towards us. “Sir Masaki, Sir Tatsu, and Lady Midori have entered.” I hear the small, “Geh,” that Masaki made as all the attention redirects past us and onto them. But even as we move further into the room and other Nobles come in after us, there are still quite a few people who remaining staring at Seimei-san and Masaki. There are SO many more people here than I expected. I mean, this is Unaffiliated territory, so who would have thought there would be enough Nobles to fill the room? I’m extending my senses so that they can keep track of the entire room, but with this many people, it’s not easy. Even though I’ve just gotten used to sensing peoples’ bloodthirsts, if it’s like this, it’s kind of hard to tell what’s bloodthirst and what’s ordinary staring. I guess this means I haven’t gotten used to sensing bloodthirst after all. This is just sensing other peoples’ stares. I’ve been training my detection senses really hard recently, but in the end I’m just going to have to rely on my fast reflexes, huh? But with so many people milling about, am I really going to be ok? Not to mention, I don’t know anyone here, so everyone looks like a suspect. Haa… This is definitely not a crowd I’m used to… or so I thought. That Ossan over there… eh? He was a Noble? Looking closely, as Seimei-san makes his way around the room greeting people, I notice quite a few people I recognize. I guess there are a lot of Nobles who don’t care about acting like Nobles in Nyl City, because I’ve chatted with quite a few of these Ossans in the city squares without knowing that they were Nobles at all. Although they look over and give a small nod, most of the Ossans and Obaasans I knew didn’t do anything other than give me a slight nod. I guess they’re being mindful that I’m working, or maybe they’re actually upholding the differences in status tonight or something. This kind of formal affair is really stifling … While trying to remain aware of everything around us, I hear, “… A sword of this kind of grade, as expected of Masaki-sama… This is a sword from your home-country?” The weapon-maniac Ossan who’s always flirting with the herb-seller’s daughter – I mean, the militaristic-looking Noble with the muttonchops that I see around the city is looking at Masaki’s sword that he’s hung at his waist with a very troubled look. Un. The sword is too much; the aura totally gives it away… but because the owner of the sword is one of the over-powered Carnus VIPs, it seems the Ossa – Noble-sama is just accepting that it exists without worrying about it. Masaki makes a bit of a troubled face and says, “Ah, yes, it’s a sword made by a smith from our country.” Although I gave you that drake sword, I didn’t mean you had to wear it on your hip right away … You could have put it in Inventory, right? Masaki is the only one of the gamers wearing a weapon openly. I understand Midori-chan not wanting to carry a longbow and quiver everywhere, but I wonder why only Masaki has a sword. Not that it really matters, I guess, since we all basically have every weapon we own at our fingertips. Hm, but the drake sword really is too much. All the weapon maniacs are focused on it, and because we’re in Nyl City, an Unaffiliated territory that has a large weapon industry, there are a lot of weapon maniacs. Midori-chan is surrounded by a lot of Noblewomen, and she doesn’t look exactly comfortable… I wonder if they’re talking about that prince. Yeah, I know, I should be paying more attention to guarding Seimei-san, but it’s not like I even know what I’m supposed to be looking for. Although I was too tense at the beginning, somehow … after half an hour, your mind starts to wander. Not good. I should focus… Right when I was thinking that, Sir Knight Captain suddenly returned to Seimei-san’s side, and with him were several other Nobles. “Excuse me, Sir Baronet.” Sir Knight Captain whispered something into Seimei-san’s ear. “… I see. Then. Madam Julia, Sir Kortan, if you’ll excuse me.” As Seimei-san went to follow Sir Knight Captain, Ragnall also moved after him, but Sir Knight Captain smiled thinly, saying, “Sorry, Ragnall, but this is a bit of a private matter, so could you two guards wait out here?” Ragnall put on a face of discontent and mild shock. “Sorry Sir Ily – Sir Knight Captain, but even if it’s you, this goes against the principles of an escort commission.” “… I understand that, but I’m sorry, this isn’t really something I can compromise on.” Ah… they’re really doing it, they’re really doing it. Ragnall and Sir Knight Captain are putting on a bit of a play for everyone to see. It makes sense. No one would believe that the “Money Grubber” Ragnall would willingly sabotage his commission. If they didn’t do something like this, it might be harder to make whomever we’re aiming for take the bait. I try to put a displeased look on my face as well, but as Ragnall argues with Sir Knight Captain, I’m carefully looking over the other Nobles who will be following Sir Knight Captain and Seimei-san into the room. Nn? In the corner of my eye, something bothers me more than any of the Nobles’ reactions. “Sei – Sir Baronet… Please be careful.” I say that while darting my eyes towards the thing that bothers me. I only had to repeat that motion once before Seimei-san understood. After Ragnall reluctantly (though only in appearance) let them walk away, I felt the tension that was lying dormant in my stomach threaten to bubble over. Even if I warned him about it, is this really okay? Is it really going to be okay not to do anything and just let them all go into a closed room together?! M-maa, I know Sir Knight Captain is reliable at least, and the Casanova Ossan and the weird-weapons-lover Ossan are … well, I don’t know how reliable they are, but I’ve at least talked with them before, and they didn’t seem suspicious in those times. Or like, I feel like you can get to know people pretty well when you’re with them while they get into public drinking contests. Actually … they were THAT important as Nobles, but they didn’t hesitate to get dead drunk in the middle of the streets late at night?! I feel my idea of a Noble shattering somewhere in the back of my mind. Ah! I need to focus. Focus… Although I’m tempted to send my senses up towards the room Seimei-san has been led towards, I control myself and spread them around the room instead. ◇◇◇ “Well, what do you think of that smith girl Jun?” Late at night, Dobin asked me that question. “Haa, well, she’s definitely interesting.” I still can’t figure it out, neither the wire puzzle or Dobin’s motives. Sitting on the corner of Dobin’s desk, I was originally waiting for him to return. But seriously, this is too late to keep me waiting, Dobin. The Guild staff pulls a lot of all-nighters nowadays… Although, strictly speaking, there’s only Florian the Guild Master and Dobin the Vice Guild Master who are considered “staff”. Even Minerva, their secretary, is only considered an external hired hand. The Guild’s spies are Adventurers paid on commission, and the Guild doesn’t bother trying to say, “Hey, don’t spread this information around” to people who are only cooperating for a reward. Though that just means they have to be pretty discerning on who they hire to do what. That’s why poor suckers like me and Lor, and the Wind Troupe too, get dragged around like this. We’re too reliable, hahaha! “Everyone knows THAT. I’m asking you about your impressions on her, Ragnall. You’ve done more work than anyone else with her.” “The smiths do more, I think. But, ok, yeah. Horrifically naive, gets obsessed with things to the point of forgetting everything else, and forgets to sleep a lot. Though that doesn’t seem to bother her all too much.” “Horrifically naive … well I suppose that’s one way of saying it. Haaaa…” Dobin, don’t you know if you sigh for too long, your soul will come out? “Is this really going to be ok, I wonder? Although we put her with you to monitor Carnus because she can discern magic as well as you, are we pushing too much on an immature Adventurer?” Ah, I see. Dobin’s getting cold feet, as usual. Although he sneers in front of people and riles them up to help him achieve his goals, it’s not like he’s completely a black-hearted merchant of a halfling. Most of the time. Although they’re aware of Jun’s achievements, I guess they’ve already forgotten about the night we first ran into her. If he saw the bodies of those hapless bastards flying through the air, not to mention the body parts, I don’t think he’d be so worried. Instead of an immature Adventurer, I think she’s more like a disaster waiting to happen. She’s laidback to a fault, but even if she feels some hesitation, when the time comes, she follows through whole-heartedly. I mean, even though she had such a bad reaction to killing all those guys … not once did I ever hear her say she regretted it. And that was what I reflected over last night, in my report to Dobin. Looking at her now, here at Sir Ilyos’ gathering … man, she’s definitely a greenhorn when it comes to being a professional escort, but no one finds it too weird. The Adventurers who DON’T know what all is going on just assume she’s a Carnus Noble’s escort because of her Barriers, and her face. After Sir Seimei and the others came, rumors spread that they must be from the same country, so that’s why Jun was asked to be an escort. There were also rumors that Sir Knight Captain was obsessed with her swords. Or that she was once a Noble herself. Or… Well, point is, there were tons of rumors, and about half of them were propagated from that bastard Dobin. So no one knows that SHE’S the real guard while I’M the investigator. Although, now we’re BOTH investigators, I guess. ◇◇◇ “So you are the new Baronet of Carnus.” Hm… in this room are the Nobles and Diplomats who are most prevalent in international affairs stationed in Nyl City. Seimei hides his thoughts as he smiles at the Noble from Fernett. “Greetings, I am Seimei Hara.” “Hn… I hear that your house has people with quite the abilities. To introduce people like that to this area … it’s like mobilizing a small army, hm?” “Not at all. They’re stubborn people who are treating this rather as a holiday, with little interest in the territory itself.” Speaking “pleasantries” like this, Seimei couldn’t help folding his arms into his soft jacket. Although it had lapels and cuffs of starched, stiff fabric like a suit that were elaborately embroidered, the rest of the was of soft, woven material that flowed like silk, and the sleeves were dolman-type sleeves, the “batwing” type that narrowed on the upper arms into the sleeve cuffs. It was a luxurious looking top that was fastened with a chain, and another silk-like fabric wrapped asymmetrically over his left arm, draping down the front. In other words, it was a loose-fitting, softly flowing cardigan-like jacket with a lot of embellishments draping down the front and side. It was impossible to notice the knife he had strapped to his side, let alone that he was nervously fingering the handle, feeling like he had to be prepared to draw it at any moment. Although he had tried with all his might, Seimei couldn’t figure out how to sense magic or mana, nor could he put up much of a barrier no matter how Jun tried to explain things to him. In Mourning Star, he had designed his character Skill Tree to disregard defensive and buff magics, and focused on all out offense and curses. He was optimized to fight behind a vanguard, after all, so there was no point to defensive skills. But now, he had a distinct feeling of vulnerability. A man who could be compared to a nuclear apocalypse was feeling vulnerable; how ludicrous. While he was conversing with the Nobles in this room, Seimei-san was carefully observing their characters. Back in Japan, the only way he could have climbed up the ranks so fast was thanks to his abilities to see behind the natures of others. And also a lot of overtime and lost vacation days… but he didn’t really like to think about that. Sir Ilyos the Knight Captain had made his own assumptions about the matter at hand and said he was most suspicious about the Nobles of Fernett, but Seimei couldn’t agree. Sure, they’re greedy for power and willing to grasp at anything they can get, but they also have a strong sense of pride that refuses to give anything up even if they’re asking for something. Just by watching them probe his own intentions on being in Nyl City allowed Seimei to make that judgment. If they were willing to compromise or had a policy of negotiating their pride, probably the country of Fernett wouldn’t still be a tiny country in the mountains with a declining population and failing power. Well, even if he didn’t think they were the suspects, they weren’t pleasant people to talk to. If they’re wrapped up in the matter surrounding Nyl City, Seimei expected to find their involvement on the surface, not at the root. Several Carnus merchants were found guilty of illegal (by Carnus’ standards) deeds that related to the matter, but none of them were aware that they were being used. Someone – no, most likely multiple someones – with a sliver tongue wove deals that were too good to pass up, and orchestrated a whole mess of things that no one would be able to see unless they pieced together the whole lot of it. Seimei couldn’t help but feel that both the Knight Captain of Carnus and the Guild were too naive in their conclusions. A Noble from such-and-such country, or a black market dealer in such-and-such market… Although the Knight Captain and the Guild were concerned with the movement of money, Seimei felt a chill up his spine as he realized that pawns from every country or non-country were being used without their awareness. If it’s something like this, isn’t the network of this unknown threat clearly an organization? The coordination between separate events that led to finding the strange objects buried in various spots … all of them were orchestrated by different people, through different people, for different people. Unless it was The Man with 1000 Masks incarnate that they were chasing, Seimei felt sure that it was the movement of an organization with hundreds devoted to their cause. The word “cult” was brought up in his mind. Truthfully, tonight’s little charade was all Seimei’s doing. It was impossible to deal with the problem by dealing with the suspicious people, because the people involved were never aware of it in the first place, and so Seimei suggested a plan and advised the Knight Captain against talking about it even to his own subordinates. “Let me be the decoy,” he said, “and perhaps we can drag whomever it is out. Perhaps it’s someone with a lot of influence, so let’s see what happens if we give him an opportunity to strike against us.” Like that he persuaded the Knight Captain to hold a party, and then even separate the people with the most power within that party into an isolated room. What the Knight Captain didn’t know was that Seimei was actually thinking the opposite of what he was saying. Let’s gather all the people with power over here. All eyes will be on the Knight Captain’s mansion. All the attention from the Guild, the employed Adventurers, and all of the Nobles and military men of every country will be over here. If there is something going on in the city, now is the perfect opportunity for those lurking in the shadows to make their move. As if in tune with his thoughts, right before Sir Knight Captain began to address the (made up) reason he had gathered everyone here together this night, all of a sudden Seimei felt that “something” move. <Previous Chapter] [Index] [Next Chapter> <a/N: Thanks Warlald, Magnadra, and Vincent for your donations! Take the title as you will. OMFG, this was classic “I’m here at point A in the storyline and I have to get to point B. Brain, any suggestions?” Brain: “Dafuq you asking me for?” And so, various POV chapter. Because Jun is a “wing it” type of person, so if I went over everything exclusively though her POV, it would take another 4 or 5 chapters … Why did I do a conspiracy theory arc with this type of MC? Let’s go explore and use magic again soon, ok? Jun?> Reblogged this on Moriah Clan Headquarters and commented: woohoo conspiracy!!!! The plot is here… Thanks for the chapter Thanks for the new chapter! Thanks for the latest installment. Now post 100 moar!!!!! *ahem* That is, I eagerly await further developments. LikeLiked by 3 people Thanks! This chapter was excellently written. Grats on getting past your writers block. Super excited for the continuation! LikeLiked by 2 people Er…the way Seimei describes the potential mastermind, I am suddenly very, very suspicious… After all, we all know an extremely competent manipulator already introduced in the story… 😮 LikeLiked by 1 person Oh, and re: the title — I have a personal philosophy: “Plot holes are good places to hide monsters.” 😉 LikeLiked by 3 people Err… this was your worst chapter so far, I’m afraid to say. Not only because of multiple POVs, but also because you spent some time in earlier chapters explaining the reasons for attacking the bordello and now you’re providing different ones. Could’ve just skipped the bordello in this conspiracy theory, y’know. Now you have the readers wondering why those mysterious objects haven’t been described before, considering one is in Jun’s own backyard. Well,there are reasons that will be expanded on later, but there have been quite a few hints that Jun isn’t around all that often in the brothel anymore, and that she’s been out of touch. And I really don’t think I could have left the true reason behind the brothel attack out, because the whole point is everything is being buried under layers of intrigue, and seriously, for the reason they gave for attacking the brothel, would you REALLY believe that THAT’s why they sent a team of elites to subjugate a BROTHEL? And then just left it completely without trying to retake it? IIRC, there was only one elite there, the rest of the guys were third-rate trash. And that guy was the one complaining that the leader of the trashes was using his strength to attack the brothel on the side. Seeing how Jun’s retaliation wiped out the bandits altogether it’s no wonder there were no subsequent attacks. As to your other point, Jun may not be around all the time, but can you really believe that she wouldn’t know about a mysterious object buried in her backyard that nobody can dig out? On the chance that somehow, unimaginably so, Jun really doesn’t know about stuff happening in her own backyard, you should’ve told the reader about this new stuff through his/her POV. That way Jun’s surprise is genuine, the reader’s surprize is genuine, and the whole thing doesn’t feel like you just tacked it onto the main story. Or at least it feels less like it’s tacked on. One of the reasons not to switch POVs midstory. Still, though, there are worse stories out there, yours is one of the better ones. um… there was a group of elites that attacked before Jun got there, and please wait until further plot development before you decide it was just tacked on. This development was planned from when the brothel was first attacked… And yes, Jun doesn’t know about it because there was construction going on that she wasn’t around to see … which will all be explained later, along with why the talismans are unmovable and undetectable, and why they were still found regardless…. They did mention needing to fix some plot holes and I’m glad they were brave enough to fill those up and keep telling this story, whatever the plot holes used to be. I kind of understand what you mean about Jun not knowing about the thingy; it could have emerged at a time when contact with the brothel people was completely cut off, but then Jun was back there before coming to this party. Maybe it would be a good idea for future new readers to retroactively add a note about it somewhere in a past chapter. Mind you, I don’t think it breaks immersion all that much. This fan-favorite webnovel continues and I get my fill of it. :V ah, that’s not the plot hole, that was planned lol. But it will be addressed pretty dang soon LikeLiked by 1 person Although it had lapels and cuffs of starched, stiff fabric like a suit that were elaborately embroidered, the rest of the was of soft… “the rest of the” what? good job and thank you I LOVE JUN! Also Ragnall. That is all. Thanks so much for all your hard work!!!!!! LikeLiked by 1 person Thanks for the chapter I really liked this chapter :3 I mean, my silly reason is anytime I get Ragnal’s perspective, I’m happy. but seriously, I’m impressed with your development of intrigue. My usual experience with “intrigue” in a web novel is some blathering from people in power and a couple randoms on the side (like a spy or something) and then an op mc who’s usually horribly dumb will now have a random moment of enlightenment and can see through it all (with gasps and swooning from those around). I’m glad to see the perspective changes because it means your taking your characters personality and understanding seriously (instead of self-insert genius). I was also pleasantly surprised for the brothels re-investigation. I’ve seen so many plot holes involving mcs worse than that, that I had been pleased enough before. Really good job, please keep at it! (and all your other wonderful works XD) LikeLiked by 1 person Thanks Why shouldn’t a man that’s equivalent to a walking nuclear apocalypse feel vulnerable? Nukes are hardly known for their exceptional resistance to foreign attacks! Thanks for the chapter. Why DID you write a story with intrigues and conspiracies and then make Jun the MC? It’s like drugging Sherlock Holmes unconscious and having a passing blacksmith investigate the scene! Well, at least it’s a Godly Divine Blacksmith with matching combat prowess :’) Plot Hole: Jun/Ragnall not sensing the magicked amulet in the courtyard. LikeLiked by 1 person not a plot hole yet! But since no one except me can read into the future, I guess it’s ok if everyone thinks it’s a plot hole. No, yeah, Jun is not helpful at all in the “investigative” part of this story. Even though she’s supposed to be a “smart” character… somehow she changed into “mad scientist” orz Thanks for the Chapter~!!! If the knight captain would just ask a certain walking apocalyspe to see if he could destroy an immovable object… Given how much Jun knows about magic circuit operation and magical items in general (and she’s basically a novice with a cheat); I would have expected some serious work into probing the mystery objects from the crafters of the city. What is it made of? Does it have a magic circuit? Touching weakness sounds like magic drain (like the craftite rings). Try moving it with nets, with poles, collapse a pillar on it, use battering ram, use magic. You could also try to destroy it using a similar array of destructive powers. After all, they know where multiple of the things are. Additionally, fixed in position and generally impervious indicates that the items were placed there because their spatial position is important. Have they done a geographical survey? The found items might have an interesting arrangement,, perhaps in conjunction with one of the local features (eg. a magical leyline or something). it mentions that they are in fact investigating most of what you mentioned but with either no or at least inconclusive results, probably because they left jun out of the loop but we shall see It was more like the fact that touching the object causes strength drain was implied to be the reason why they couldn’t move it. But that’s not really difficult to work around outside of a combat situation. Next ch. ASAP. I had no problem with multi pov. I just can’t wait until the mayhem starts. hi, thanks for the chapter typo rest of the was of soft, +jacket –>rest of the jacket was of soft,
How To Care For Hands Worthy of a round of applause, your hands take on a lot – more, perhaps, than any other part of the body. So learning how to care for hands is top of agenda for taking care of yourself. That means working to prevent dry skin on hands, sustaining strong, healthy nails and giving your digits the most hydrating hand creams to thwart the drying effects of, well, life. So perfect your crafts later, put down the adult colouring books, stop your thumbs scrolling. We’ve got all the manicure and hand care tips you need to get a grip on. WHAT CAUSES DRY HANDS? From tending to your favourite ferns to hoisting you up mountains, battling washing-up to flicking through the pages of your favourite book, dry hands can be caused by all sorts of things. Are yours feeling less soft than usual? Forget predictions and palm readings, we’ve rounded up the scientific pain points that can contribute to dry skin on hands, a signal of a weakened skin barrier. Bear in mind you might recognise a single factor as your dry hand culprit, or a combination of them might be playing havoc with your hands’ hydration levels. 1 The elements More common in the colder months, it’s no secret that the climate can contribute to (often temporarily) dry skin. Low-humidity weather saps moisture from our skin, most felt by those parts of us that are pretty much constantly exposed. Just like that – dry hands. 2 Artificial heating Plunging the levels of moisture in the air much lower than normal, harsh weather outside and central heating inside makes for a doubly drying combo. Conversely, in the summer, air conditioning can do much the same. 3 Hand-washing, plus antibacterial gels Dodging cold or flu? We get it. It’s important to try to keep bugs at bay, but excessive washing can deplete our hands’ natural oils, stripping moisture from the skin. Our mitts much prefer a lukewarm water temperature and a cream-based soap to help reduce dryness and replenish moisture. 4 Overexposure to too-harsh formulas See point 3 – if overused, soaps, detergents and shampoos formulated to remove oil can aggravate already dried-out hands. 5 Jobs Professions that call for immersing hands in warm water – think nursing or hairstyling – might require handling chemicals day-to-day, which can be irritants to skin. Similarly, gardeners and tradespeople working outdoors might suffer this occupational hot potato. 6 Hot baths or showers Bathing more than once a day and/or turning the water temperature to hot (rather than warm) can create dry skin on hands. Equally, while we love a good swim, frequent paddling in heavily chlorinated water doesn’t help. 7 Dehydration A major culprit in the fight against parched skin. If you’re not drinking enough water or getting enough sleep your skin won’t be able to retain moisture like usual. Skin needs plenty of H2O – aim for at least 2 litres a day (more if you’re particularly active or also drinking reputed diuretics like alcohol and coffee). 8 Smoking Worsening skin’s hydration levels, this habit can lead to drier hands. 9 Skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis If you’ve got itchy, cracked, or red and inflamed skin, it might be down to one of these, which are often linked to genetics or allergies. Help keep skin’s moisture levels up by brushing up on the other factors in these list, and if you have eczema or psoriasis, see a doctor. 10 Stress Everyone experiences this inevitability differently but some common side effects include our flight-or-fight response triggering sweat, which, if we don’t drink enough water, can cause skin to dry out. Nails can become brittle or peel. Plus, stress can exacerbate existing eczema and psoriasis. 11 Age The back of the hands in particular is often noted as a tell-tale sign of someone’s age. Typically, we’re more susceptible to dry skin on hands as we get older. This is only natural and caused by the skin thinning over time, so it’s important to use our best hand creams to top up on moisture. WHY YOUR HANDS NEED HELP With so many causes to be aware of, is it any wonder that our hands need, well, a helping hand sometimes? Just like giving a hand to your pal or community, those good vibes need to come back around to you, too. So don’t forget about you. If you take care of your hands, they’ll look after you. So, what do dry hands feel like? When the skin on our hands gets too tough, it could become hard and tight. (Ouch.) The skin may feel rough or even scaly. When your skin’s natural protective barrier isn’t working as it should, you might be losing out on all sorts of good touchy-feeling moments. Quite literally, in fact, as holding hands is said to release the love hormone, oxytocin, and we all need lots of that! Our sense of touch is so closely linked with our hands, perhaps owing to our fingers being packed with nerve endings (the way our brains process tactility.) Hands are considered a feat of locomotive engineering – in a nutshell, the reason our mitts can move in so many ways, allowing us to do so much from playing musical instruments to typing on a keyboard. Ensure yours are tip-top. Give the enemies of supple hands the slip and help to reduce rough, dry skin on hands with our ranges that are designed specifically for helping to restore moisture to dry hands, like shea butter and coconut oil. Hand Care Routine Step 1: Wash your hands A must to help stop the spread of bacteria, bugs and other nasty no-no’s, hand-washing is, of course, a part of everyone’s day-to-day. Step yours up to the next level in a bid to take care of dry hands by ensuring you’re using one of our gentle hand washes from the ranges we’ve made especially for this delicate skin. What difference does it make? With every trip to the loo, dry skin on hands feels soothed, helping them to stop drying out and stay soft and supple. Step 2: Apply a hand cream To help restore moisture after hand-washing and get a thumbs up on the hydration front, follow up with one of our best hand creams for dry skin. You’re up on your skin type, right? Bearing that in mind is the best way to pick your ultimate The Body Shop hand cream. And remember, what your skin needs might change with the seasons. Cold weather can often cause skin that’s dandy in the warmer months to dry out. Counteract this climate-induced dryness with a nourishing hand moisturiser or a more heavy-duty hand cream whenever the temperature drops. Step 3: Use targeted hand care Hands up, who already does this? High five to you. Just like tailoring your skincare routine, targeted hand care ensures you’re reading the terrain of your hands, taking care of each part in the best way. Consider – nails, cuticles and hands all need something slightly different. Ideally 1-2 times a week, or even more in the colder months, care for your hands with a targeted regime that includes protective products specifically designed for nails, cuticles and hands. Helping your hands to happier levels of hydration with a hand protector or hand butter, you’ll feel like you’re on top of the world. Step 4: Don’t forget about nail care! Strong nails are such a key part of healthy hands, protecting the fingertips and capping off your targeted hand care routine. They’re made of a protective protein and, just like hands, when exposed to lots of icy winds, chlorinated or soapy water can be left a little worse for wear. To help keep nails in tip top shape, be sure to file them to your desired shape regularly and keep an emergency nail kit in your bag for on-the-go touch-ups. To help restore moisture and prevent damage to nails and cuticles alike, massage a gentle cuticle oil into the nail bed a few times a week. Consider making this a part of your before-bed rituals to be consistent in your care of healthy-looking cuticles. Create Your DIY Hand Care Routine HOW TO DO A MANICURE AT HOME Step 1: Clip your nails There’s nothing more pleasing than getting your nails in perfect order, all the same size and contoured to the same shape. First step in getting this right is trimming nails down to size. Use nail clippers to get your desired length. Step 2: File and buff Now your nails are trimmed, it’s time to create the perfect shape. Whether you like nails square, almond-shaped or rounded, using a file will help create this finish. Don’t forget to follow up with our Nail Polishing Block – a multi-tasker of a tool that helps to smooth ridges, file, buff and polish. Step 3: Moisturise Consider this step in your DIY manicure the soothing snow-capped peak of hand care. Hands that are susceptible to dryness will soak up our naturally inspired Almond Hand and Nail Butter. It’s enriched with Community Fair Trade shea butter from Ghana and helps hands to reach new heights of hydration, with a beautiful, moreish scent. Step 4: Nourish your cuticles Our handy Almond Nail and Cuticle Oil in a nifty pen form makes caring for cuticles almost effortless. Enriched with Community Fair Trade shea butter as well as sweet almond oil, this grab-and-go Cuticle Oil helps to nourish the nail bed, keeping cuticles looking healthy. Top tip – if you’re adding colour to your nails as part of your manicure, always apply cuticle oil post-manicure (not before). That’s because the nail varnish won’t be able to stay put on fingernails if they have an oily base. Tips For Dry Hands And Nails Tip 1 – Wear Gloves A no-brainer for many of us. When the thermostat drops, one of the best ways to offset the drying effects of cold weather is by wearing gloves. A winter wardrobe essential, they’ll help to protect your hands from the elements as much as keep you feeling cosy. Avoid the often inevitable separation of one glove from the other by investing in a pair you can’t bear to be without and pop in your handbag or coat pockets. Overnight, using moisturising gloves in combo with our Shea Hand Cream will help protect your skin, leaving it feeling and looking softer. Equally, protect your paws by wearing cotton-lined gloves whenever gardening or cleaning. Tip 2 – Keep Hydrated Hydration contributes to keeping hands feeling and looking soft and youthful. So, how much water do you need? Epitomised by our entirely unique fingerprints, no two people are alike, meaning the amount that’s right for you might be different to your friends. Equally, other factors can alter how much water you need on a daily basis. The standard 2 litres should be topped up if you are exercising or drinking coffee and alcohol. If you work in an office, why not keep a big reusable bottle by your side to remind yourself to glug throughout the day? Slow and steady wins the race – the last thing you want is to be downing gallons before bed, as you’ll be up all night back and forwards to the loo! And if you’re not a fan of water? Spruce up your H20 by adding sugar-free squash or fresh fruit or veg – try lemon, celery or that spa-fave, cucumber. Tip 3 – Massage Your Hands Get a grip on effective relaxation. A hand massage doesn’t have to be a one-off treat. In fact, all of us have healing hands, capable of great things. Bring the spa vibes home and give yourself a hand massage, like the empowered human you are. All you need is one of The Body Shop’s best hand creams for dry skin to make it happen. Helping to relieve the repetitive actions our hands go through every day, boost circulation and mobility as we age, hand massage techniques have been used over thousands of years. Good hand massage practice calls for a thorough hand-wash first up. Pat them dry with a clean towel, before grabbing your hand cream. Massage down up and down your fingers and over knuckles in circular motions, rubbing in one of our sumptuous hand moisturisers as you go. Hands will be left feeling soothed and smoothed. OUR BEST HAND CREAMS Our best hand cream for dry skin An ally for hard-working hands and one of our best hand creams for dry skin, our Hemp Hand Protector is a cult choice that’s stood the test of time. This best-selling The Body Shop hand cream, enriched with hemp seed oil from France, helps to create an ultra-nourishing protective layer on hands against the elements. 2-in-1 hand and nail cream We’ve harnessed the mighty almond, a nut with popularity stemming all the way back to biblical times, in our favourite protecting Almond Hand and Nail Cream. This formula cares for nails as much as the rest of your hands, and is enriched with Community Fair Trade almond oil. After using this multi-tasker, hands are left feeling fresh and smelling beautifully nutty. On-the-go hydration Helping to replenish super smooth, soft vibes to hands, our Shea Butter Hand Cream is as cult a product now as it was when we first formulated it. In fact, it’s non-greasy feel and sumptuous smell has been a firm favourite at The Body Shop since our founder discovered shea butter in Ghana in the 90’s. We still use Community Fair Trade shea butter from Ghana in every tube. Throw in your bag, and you’re good to go. Instantly absorbing hand cream In a rush? Want quick absorption from your hand cream when you’ve got things to do, places to be? Our British Rose Petal-Soft Hand Cream boasts a non-greasy formula that helps hands to feel instantly softer without any of the waiting around time for the product to sink in. It’s infused with the essence of hand-picked British roses, a treat for the nose as much as the hands.
Forum Gas is over $5 a gallon for regular in Needles, CA Please Login to Comment I hear that there are gas lines in California too. How much impact does gas prices make on your Tesla purchasing decision if you are still in contemplation mode? What gas price would make you change your mind? Is it just the fact that there are gas lines that put you over the edge? Just curious. No impact. If you already buy expensive cars, then maybe it makes a difference to you, but then, the price of gas probably isn't that big of a deal anyways. Otherwise, the Model S is an expensive car. Even if electricity costs nothing, I would not be saving money by buying it. Nearly 100% of my decision. My price point is $4.00/gal. Based on the lenght of time I own a car, price of electricity, and cost of my car, if gas stays under 4 bucks over the next 12 years, I'm out money. If it's over 4 bucks, I'm money ahead. My commute when I reserved was costing 16 bucks a day in fuel, and that was less than 4 bucks. I'm guessing it's only going to go up from here. Gas price does factor in for me a bit since we drive so much. Even at 4 USD/gallon, we would save over 40k in fuel costs compared to a comparable premium sedan (if there were a comparable car). But the primary factor for me is how the S is such a great showcase of the advantages of an electric car. I would want to get the car anyway, the financial benefit just makes it a little easier to justify. @mdoedigh $40k over what time period or miles driven ? That looks a bit high to me. @ olanmills .. + 1 If one can afford a car in this class, The price of gas if of little or no importance at all. There are eleventy million reasons why I'll buy a Model S, the price of gas is not one of them. While filling up this morning I chanted to myself just 2 more weeks, just 2 more weeks. The $100,000 question is how many days/weeks I'll have to chat that before it becomes true. Superliner, It's a conscious decision to pay high up-front cost, to get a low TCO, for me. (But yeah, it's way cool. Perhaps, I'm just rationalizing... hehehe) Beaker; +1 ;) A large part of my desision to buy the Model S is due to the fact that I don't like paying 'extortion money' to an industry that IMHO is cheating us, and causing undue harm to our economy. So for me, part of my desision is a matter of superior ethics, and good Karma. It also comes with the desire that; by spending a very large amount of money in buying the Model S, it will help get this ground-breaking company to a point where they will hopefully in-turn help support a future version of an 85 kWh (or higher) Tesla EV that is priced closer to $30k for the avarage middle-class consumer. So, to make a long story short... It is OUR responsibility to buy this car (if you can afford it). Especially if you don't believe in supporting the Evil Empire known as 'Union Oil' (or whatever sister names they pretend to call themselves now days). Thanks TikiMan, I sometimes forget that is also one of the primary motivating factors for me as well. Big Oil can drink it, I want no part of them and will no longer have to stress and get angry when prices go up. Well, maybe I still will as produce will also get expensive and air travel as well. Gas prices not really a motivator for me, although it might make it easier to convince the wife that the total cost of ownership over the life of the car is about the same as for a $50k-$60k ICE vehicle. @sergiyz We have a 2005 prius with well over 250k now. At 25 mpg and 4 usd per gallon that is 40k usd in gas costs. Many premium sedans get closer to 20 mpg so that would be 50k usd The price of gasoline was not a factor me. The “S” appeals to me simply because it so different and an elegant (out of the box) solution to fulfill my transportation needs that no one else is able to provide. I feel higher gasoline prices are a more effective way to promote change in the auto industry than CAFÉ and emission standards. Big ICE will only change when they have too because they have too large an investment in infrastructure and are too use to recycling parts and designs to start with a blank piece of paper. Case in points look at these EVs: Ford Focus, Nissan Leaf, Toyota Rav 4, BMW 1e … all are modified ICE designs. Big ICE built hybrids because they were the cheapest way to improve mileage by 25% and consumers would bear the added price! If our Governments increase the taxes on gasoline we could have better roads, more and better EV infrastructure, and most of all (like the space program) an investment in R&D that could change the world! Look what we have done to the price of pack of cigarettes in the last 30 years! @petero Heavily taxing cigarettes is completely different than doing it to fuel. Consider how much merchandise is transported via vehicles that need gasoline or other petroleum derivatives. You're talking about artificially driving up the price of virtually everything for everyone. Not good for an economy that's already sucking air. Sadly, many of the poor have no choice but to drive, and have older, worse fuel economy vehicles. This makes gas tax one of the most regressive forms of taxation. petero -- If our Governments increase the taxes on gasoline we could have better roads, more and better EV infrastructure, and most of all (like the space program) an investment in R&D that could change the world! The problem is that the gas tax goes into general revenue and gets frittered away on pork-barrel projects. What really needs to happen is that amendments to laws under consideration need to be relevant to that law. That would eliminate "I'll vote for your X if you tack on my Y". It would also cause a lot of laws not to get passed in the first place. @jerry3 - some day, some how, some one (smarter than me) will come up with a way to constrain REVENUE and SPENDING to achieve what you describe. You have offered a pretty clever way that might do just that..... thanks! TikiMan+1. I too believe those that can, should, so that this technology becomes mainstream. The economical arguments should be based on total cost of ownership including factors such as: COSTS Cost to acquire vehicle Cost to maintain Additional accessories Downtime costs due to maintenance Cost of electricity BENEFITS Cost per mile savings etc. As a fellow forum member, why are many of our smart, intelligent, and passionate folks such Tesla fan boyz and gurlz about how we justify ownership. No matter how you slice this, you could have bought a leaf or prius or volt if you were serious about ROI. The savings from a MOdelS could have been put to a charity, or to something else more useful to global good. Let's be real, the Model S is part ego, part exclusivity, part technical marvel, part utopian idealism that just happens to also do the environment some good. I bought the car because I wanted something exclusive. I'm glad it does good. Otherwise, I'd wait 4 more years for an A6 etron. r Not an ego thing here, by any stretch of the imagination. Neither is exclusivity. Leaf does not have the range I need for daily commute. Prius is out because hybrids are too complex. jbunn - curious why are hybrids too complex. price/performance ratio is pretty decent. IMHO, not a fan of the design shape of the prius and the usual prius on the freeway who hogs up the left lane going 60 mph, but other than that, it does the job like the old soviet cars. jbunn, Certainly the Prius is more complex than a Model S, but it's actually less complex than an old fashioned car. Many of the items found in an ICE car have been replaced by more reliable electronics or have been simplified. For example, there is no alternator, no starter motor, no clutch, no serpentine belt(s), and the automatic transmission with its hundreds of parts has been replaced by simple planetary gear system similar to a differential. The sad thing is my wife commutes 2 hours a day in her new ice and I will only drive 4 miles in my performance s. we need her mini s for parking in sf though and it's too early to upgrade it. jerry3; Interesting; I guess in effect the electric motor is the "starter motor". And since it is not plugin, the charging generator is de facto like an alternator, no? Brian, Strictly speaking, either motor/generator can charge or power the Prius. Toyota has dumbed down the explanation and so it's not technically accurate. The difference between the two is that MG1 is half the size of MG2. MG1: - Half the size of MG2. - Spins the engine up to about 1000 rpm to start it. Note that fuel and spark are not added to the engine until it's spinning fast enough to run by itself. This eliminates the "cold start" and it's engine wear. - Can be over-revved at high vehicle speeds so the engine is aways spun at speeds over 41 mph. - Powers the Prius at certain time but never when the Prius is in reverse. MG2: - Twice the size of MG1 - Directly attached to the drive wheels. - Powers the Prius in reverse. - Powers the Prius when a lot of motor power is required (generates electricity when less power is required or when braking). MG1 and MG2 always work in opposition as long as the vehicle is is motion. That is one is powering while the other is generating. A starter motor on an ICE car is far smaller and not nearly as robust same goes for the alternator. A much more detailed explanation is here, and although it only deals with the 2001 Prius, the basic principles haven't changed--only the values and some implementation details: Let's be real, the Model S is part ego, part exclusivity, part technical marvel, part utopian idealism that just happens to also do the environment some good. (rwang) I agree, with the exception of those 100+ mile round trip daily commuters. For those, all the above applies, too, and on top the Model S also makes economic sense. :-) Otherwise, I'd wait 4 more years for an A6 etron. (rwang) Only four years? Good luck with that. I don't hold my breath. I'll wait 4 more years for GenIII.
. 140 comments: I kid you not. But what about people who get killed in violent attacks such as you faced. Did they also actually need to be killed or was it their true will to be dead? If one believes in rebirth literally this theory could be logical, but I know you don't so please explain further. Janne- Dont miss the point where Brad says "I only apply this to myself" You cant think for another and you certainly cant think for the universe. you can look at your OWN life and try to make sense of that, but what I think brad is saying and I agree with myself is that this way of looking at the world can only be applied by YOU to YOURSELF, not ohers. Even if you take a vow of silence, that too can and will be misinterpreted. Such is life. Well said. I wish I could take a vow of silence, but everyone around me would just say "aww, he's being aloof", or "he must be mad at me". Finally finished the new book. Love it. (X-cept fo' the goofy footnotes, he-he, ha-ha....but I realize that's just Brad's humor). .”. It doesn’t sound very sincere. And it doesn’t make sense, too. I don’t believe you can’t apply it to others, and I have a good example of someone who did, successfully. “I don't even care if this idea is objectively true or not. I believe it is or I wouldn't use it.” - What does this mean? (!) I don’t know but this may be just the reason brad got this comment. KWIM. (- and Janne, - how do you “know” - I’m kind of curious, - did Mysterion tell you?) Once again... Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something. Janne - I'm joking about Mysterion (btw, - talking about a vow of silence, - I mean, - just consider ...) but I am serious about the question. Not that important though. Well Brad said himself: "In fact in my case it didnt really fix much of anything. OK. A few nagging fears that had dogged me for ages were gone.. Yet you're not going to live forever either. Youre gonna be dead as a doornail someday and ain't nothin' gonna bring you back. You won't get reincarnated either." Janne - .” - I could say this for myself too. And even if I could disappear this wouldn’t necessarily be frightening. I just wouldn't exist. Second - I'm gonna be dead - but not as a doornail, doornails don't die in the first place. - And - “You won't get reincarnated either”, - B is misleading you. - He is not going to. - Most people will. - He’s intentionally getting misunderstood. - Some do that too. (I haven’t read the whole thing. I might want to but I easily get a headache.) Years ago, at the time of the infected blood scandal, in France, a minister declared that she felt responsible yet not guilty. Immediately she was shot down in full flight by the media, who pretended that she was playing upon words. But the distinction was, I feel, important. We have a share of responsibility in what happens to us. But we have to be careful into not transforming that into guilt. We are NOT guilty that thugs assult us. But we have to examine our responsibility in it. I have stated this countless times, but I have had a very bad master in my trade, who was more interrested in humiliating me than in teaching me violin making. But I had been warned by my father not to trust him. And I had had quite a few warnings from the man's behaviour as well. So if I stuck with him, wasn't it that, through my desperation to learn violin making, I was providing the thug with the club with which to club me? The real solution would have been to go somewhere else, but I chickened out because that would have meant going abroad, in a foreign land, having to starve and work hard outside the school to pay for my tuition fees and so on. So the "buyers beware", in the end remains the only solution. What's more, Anonymous' attempts to drag Brad into the feud with Graham are counterproductive, since they just annoy those who are too far away to be able to do anything about it, and won't change anything to those who are still enthralled by the man. I have here, in my city, a Dharma "uncle" who might deserve a lot of criticism, but that won't deter his disciples, who think that his Dharma talks are "truly inspired" and would probably think mine are a tad too plain and down to earth. wtf Brad... I am surprised. Disappointed and a little sickened too... You seemed to find all the time in the world to go after Genpo and his scam, arguing over topics like what is enlightenment, and how you know that what Genpo is selling ain't it... Stuff, that is arguably hard to pin down. But when it comes to things that are EASILY verified such as ordination papers - it just isn't worth your time??? Oh yeah? Where is YOUR proof that you are ordained? (and with that question, *BAM*, you can instantly substantiate your ordination right? Pictures of your papers? Pictures of your ordination ceremony? OF COURSE YOU CAN!) Barry Dogo Graham has NEVER done this, even after being repeatedly asked! Just by looking at the Raksu's he has done for people you can tell he is a sham! You know Japan...? he claims (on Sitting Frog Zen website) that he trained "...at Butsudo Zen Center in Kyoto, Japan, where he received Dharma Transmission from Ando Yamashiro Roshi." Is that hard for somebody that speaks Japanese to verify this?? I will NEVER for the life of me understand why teachers don't think that exposing fakers is important... It's hard enough for a new student to figure what's what when first starting out on the Zen path, and having the proof, pictures, paper and pedigree is no guarantee that the teacher is a good one. But THIS... There has got to be a standard, a base line at least, to be able to tell if people are even what they say they are. And most importantly, there has to be teachers who take it as their responsibility. (And PS - Hawking your T shirts in a blog posting where the poster you quote is ripping on you for being more interested in hawking your t shirts than caring weather or not Barry Graham is legit.... a tad low brow IMO.) Sorry - this whole thing makes me a little hot under th' rakusu... What is the difference between enlightenment and schizoid personality disorder? Zach, someone asked me once a long while ago about whether a certain Zen teacher (you guess who, I'm not telling) was legit or not. I told him that I honestly didn't know but that if he wondered about this he could simply ask that Zen teacher to produce his certificates or have his ordaining teacher write a letter vouching for it. I told him that's what I did once when such questions came up about me. When I saw a lot of stuff about that Zen teacher on the Internet I started wondering if I was the one who touched off the storm.. In fact, Genpo's paperwork is all very much in order. Which also says something about the issue of paperwork. It doesn't mean you're not a charlatan just because you have a certificate of authenticity. ." Sigh... Sadly, you are all too right about this. I am in the same lineage Genpo is, and to me personally, Genpo is doing EVERYTHING that my teacher warned to look out for... and is a charlatan. Even my teacher never came out publicly against Big Mind, but to his students he said the whole thing looked like a scam to make money... Sorry if I came out strong. I guess the authorities can only do so much - it's just frustrating. As an aside, Barry Graham has booted folks who asked him about papers/proof... I guess this is proof enough that he is a fraud. Check this link from Zach. Check the bottom two lines. Tells you what Tricycle is good for. What Dogen calls “stupid secular people” may not always be apparent. Apparently. It may be more important than the what's-his-name story in itself. (- Not that I understand why Brad won’t mention his name) If a person fakes his credentials once it means he's a fake. No true master would do that. I can't really see why anyone would see such an essential need to go further. If I buy into the notion of anatman (that there is no "self") - and I do - then "blaming the victim" makes no sense. I am the universe; the victim is the universe too; so I am to blame for others' suffering. Even if I don't buy into it, it makes no sense. I mean, which is more likely: African kids starve because of negative consequences of karma from a previous life, or subsidies to US and European farmers made by people I elected make indigenous African farming prohibitively expensive causing repeated famines, all so that I can spend $4 on Cheerios and buy my third plasma-screen TV with the money I save? But even if you don't accept that, the starving Africans cause you suffering as well because if they weren't suffering, they would be economically, socially, culturally, academically, intellectually and politically more active, contributing more to humanity generally. We all miss out because little Mbutu isn't eating today. "I don't even care if this idea is objectively true or not. I believe it is or I wouldn't use it. But even if it turns out I'm wrong, this way of thinking has been so incredibly useful I still wouldn't give it up." Fascinating.. It seems to me that you are saying that belief is more useful than the truth. CAPTCHA : reagun : I kid you not Anonymous Bob, ever heard of a term "prajna"? :) R at 9:56 AM: That last sentence in parentheses, you should've stopped at "-Not that I understand..." Captcha: wimmon When we attach to a problem, we make the problem worse. When we attach to a solution, we make the problem worse. - Dogo Barry Graham My chicks are cuter than Brad's Finnish lasses...check 'em out: ." What a complete and utter load of bollocks. You could have "gotten to the bottom of it" in half the time it took it took me to read this post, much less the time you took to write it. You refuse to use a name that you simply point to elsewhere on your blog - why? For what reason? Why the gamesmanship, obfuscation? Just say what you mean. Is it related to the picture of you embracing each other? You are already involved - own it. Brad, you seem happy to accept your role as Zen authority when it suits you. You keep saying how you don't like to accept money for teaching Zen, and complain about others who do so, but you make your living essentially teaching Zen, in the guise of writing books - If you weren't a "Zen Master" no one would care, and you apparently wouldn't have any subject matter to write about. Graham is symptomatic of exactly the shadow you and your work is casting. He's clearly modeled himself on you, as others are. You seem to have plenty of time to form opinions about all kinds of other pointless things. Own your impact in the milieu - I wish you weren't so prevalent, but unfortunately for us all, you are. Kevin Souza seems to have made your work easy - go to his blog, spend the 15 minutes it takes to read all of its contents, and if you aren't convinced that BARRY GRAHAM is a complete fraud and pathological user then you shouldn't be teaching anyone anything, much less asserting yourself as an authority about Zen - which you unequivocally do, all your disclaimers notwithstanding. What a cop out. zach @ 9:22: precisely! precisely because the fakery of the faker is already out there for others to see and read, precisely because dude can't/won't produce credentials or letters of authentication... precisely because of these things and all your links to documentation of these shenanigans from other sources precisely no need for anyone else to denouce the guy, it's been done done already anon. @6:20 ditto for you you seem to be saying with regard to Mr. Graham: he is a pile of shit! See, he smells like shit and it's been documented! See, he feels like shit and the labs have tested it! Now Brad, come over here and taste it and tell me that doesn't taste exactly like shit! How much verification of his sleaziness do you need? Why do you need Brad to denouce the pathetic dude's ass to be satisfied that the dude has been sufficiently denounced? snessfir: I kid you not There are always sociopaths and psychopaths who seek to use others, steal from them, abuse. The methods just change with the scenery, as new opportunities present themselves. Warner has largely crafted the parameters for this con job. Do we leave victims to just figure out in what way they 'secretly desired' to be abused? Or do we speak out when we smell rat? When the smoke around Graham grows so thick that potential victims have to virtually choke on it to get near him, then the American Zen community will have done its job. He is asserting himself as an authority in that community. He isn't. He's a two-bit con man and abuser. This is not "he said/she said", or anything close to it. anon @ 6.20 etc, You sound exasperated that Brad isn't doing what you'd do if you were Brad...Or that Brad isn't responding how Brad would respond if he were you. Well... The trouble with SBZA is that it gains most of it's authenticity from members who truly are working dharma or whatever... but like all organizations it will be infiltrated and corrupted by some and membership withheld as blackmail or used as a shield for evils. Such things are inevitable. So one must be very careful whom they lend their trust and identity to because you will be judged by the company you keep - just like Aesop's farmer catching the stork in his field. @ Captcha = luenta not at all. He chose to address the issue - only in the laziest, most irresponsible way imaginable. If he's going to address it, ADDRESS IT. C-O-P O-U-T. Anon @ 7.09pm etc You sound exasperated that Brad didn't address the issue the way you have addressed the issue. Well... anon @6:46 who now DOESN'T know that the emperor isn't wearing clothes? seems plain to see Brad or anyone else saying 'now looka he'ah, all these people have documented seeing the emperor claiming to wear clothes, but...as evidenced he'ah, he ain't got a stich on! Do you, sir(or madam as the case may be) not have your own eyes? Perhaps you expect Brad to oversee a zen equivalent of the Spanish Inquisition well, well, well.... No one expects the Spanish Inquisition! (thanks M.P.) anon@7:09 you aren't lazy if you aren't doing something that doesn't need to be done Brad has no problem slamming Genpo as a fake. But when it comes to someone like Barry Graham, he is not willing to even name him. One wonders why... Master Svaha, Perhaps Brad hasn't named whoever, this time, because he doesn't want to provide quotes that will very likely be used by this person's friends or enemies as fuel for yet another online spat - - for all the reasons stated in his post and in his subsequent comments. But Brad seems to have no problem providing quotes that can be and has been used by Genpo's friends or enemies as fuel for online spats... Yes indeed, Master S, but Brad feels rather differently about Genpo and...whoever. Have you read the post and comments? What post/comments? Brad and Barry are lovers. Not that there is anything wrong with that. I'm just saying. Not Lovers, butt buddies. Funny, Graham claims to not believe in anything and Mysterion claims not to believe in anything. Butt buddies. Karma=one of the 5 Niyamas or processes that move in the world. There is no karma without intention. Unless Brad intended to get the shit kicked out of him, by taunting those guys or whatever, karma attached to him is irrelevant. It was not his "karma" to take an ass-whooping. Similarly with other "victims". The whole point, it seems, when Brad writes about the application of karma to himself is this. His intention. Tsunamis, rape, abuse, fraud and so forth are not karma driven by those who are victim to these things. There is no big scorekeeper in the sky keeping a list of who's naughty and nice. Here's a big explanation about it. There are many if you google Buddhist Niyamas. The Theory of Karma Basically Karma is not fatalism. And if you don't like the Theravada explanation here's one from the Mahayana, specifically from a Zen guy. Komment on Karma Here's a list of the Niyamas for those too lazy to look it up. Utu-niyama are the laws of physics, such as the weather and the changes brought about by heat and cold. Bija-niyama are laws of heredity, which is best described in the adage, "as the seed, so the fruit." Citta-niyama laws of psychology and cognition. Kamma-niyama is law of cause and effect. [and it's not "personal" =anatta, nor is it the "law of attraction" or some other kind of bullshit like that] Dhamma-niyama is the laws of the interdependence of all things, the way all things arise, exist and then cease. Basic fucking Buddhism. Sheesh. On the Barry Graham situation. I've been writing about this for a couple of years as have a few others. There's no reason Brad has to get on his high horse and go after the guy. He's got his own issues. So what if Brad takes a stand and denounces him. Anyone actually think Graham cares about that? Brad, Joko Beck, John Tarrant, Kobutsu Malone, guys on death row and hundreds of others are only extras in the melodrama Graham's created and wallows in. He plays all these parts-big time international writer, Zen master, death row reporter and so on. Then invokes Ikkyu and/or some PTSD victim role when he gets called on it. He's got the angles sussed out. Other than warning people, which Brad is rather tepidly doing, there is not much more that can be done unless someone files some charges. And I know that there are a few people who do have a viable legal case. This would likely include anyone who he performed a marriage ceremony for since he is not a recognized clergy person by any authorizing body. [that's called fraud Here is more on that specifically in reference to the Graham situation.] I agree Nella, he doesn't have to go after the guy, but I don't agree with the comment of "having the bullshit detector on" or the "buyer beware". Yes, we do have to be aware, and do our best to weed through the bullshit. But. Brad's met Graham, and even believed that he was a Rinzai teacher. He mentions it. I believe they were even in communication for a bit. So, where was Brad's "bullshit detector"? If he was a new student off the street, like myself, he could've just as easily been duped like the rest of us. Yes, this is speculation, but Graham is VERY convincing off the bat. He talks a great game. He hasn't made it this far by not. Sometimes that detector just isn't sharp enough. The guys that are good at this, know what they're doing. It's dangerous. Seriously said... What is the difference between enlightenment and schizoid personality disorder? 9:29 AM The enlightened one sees the disorder in himself, the unenlightened one doesn't. Brad, thanks for your teaching. I think I know why I wanted that shitty thing to happen -) and I'm already acting with a new understanding. Rich, If it was a simple as that, most all of us here would already see ourselves as enlightened. Oh.. Most all of us here do see ourselves as enlightened. First mumbles now ashiq chris this blog is taken over by black magic sufis! Hey Kevin @11:32 I do recall when Graham was making remarks about being Brad's good buddy, dharma cousin or whatever. It was around the same time he was trying to get the dharma book published by Brad's old publisher. We don't hear anything about that book these days though. So who knows, maybe Brad, the publisher and other affiliated people got scammed by him too. It's helpful to step back from these teachers and check out who actually publically supports them and who doesn't. I don't see many (other than Bernie Glassman) openly supporting Genpo for example. He just isn't mentioned by anyone or quoted, nor does his writing appear very often outside the Wilber/Cohen circle. But then again there is a whole underground set of connections in the Zen hierarchy. For example Big Mind is used at Jan Chosen Bay Roshi's very mainstream Great Vow Zen Monastery but you *never* see that advertised, mentioned on the website or in any ads. [it is mentioned in this video as a workshop topic at timecode 9:22] So yeah the buyer not only has to beware but do some digging as well to find out what's really going on. Jello Biafra once said that if you don't like a certain television show, turn the channel and if you don't like the Dead Kennedys then put on a different record. You dont need to eradicate the things you are uncomfortable with in the world. If this Barry whoever is bothering you then dont go to him as a teacher. Simple as that. When you begin to round up a posse and demand that everyone be just as outraged as you are then you are the problem. Sooner or later those sort of witch hunts turn on themselves and everyone get a taste of burning at the stake. Do the best YOU can in your life, spread the word if you must, but demanding that others to join in your crusade is where it gets scary. Please note that Brad never asked anyone to hate Genpopo, he put forth his view and facts and figured you would either be outraged or not, at the end of the day he didn't denounce anyone who decided not to agree with him. I don't know who Barry is or anything about him, but if what he did is criminal then you should call the cops, if its merely morally reprehensible then don't patronize his services and spread the word in a reasonable way, more than that and you are causing harm, in my opinion. Fake R @ 5:42 up here - I must've missed ashiq chris. Didn't read much. R @ 7:49 am says: “I don’t believe you can’t apply it to others, and I have a good example of someone who did, successfully”. There you are. First real R then fake R then real R then fake R, these R's R taking over this blog! Anon Bob @ 1:12 pm & Uku @ 1:27 pm: - What Brad is saying is not about Prajna. Brad kind of contradicts Sangai-yuishin and I’ve referred to this before but this is not the point. Brad’s idea is that even though his thesis may be wrong he found out the subsequent line of thought proves practical. - So even if his initial assumptions are wrong this somehow works. Perhaps (theoretically*) due to other reasons he does not know. So he’d follow the line of action that proved useful even if he doesn’t really know why or how it works. Even in case he’s wrong, - he might find the real reasons later. This is the rationale behind what he’s saying. [* Cause Brad does not seem to always tell us the truth. See mine @ 8:36 am.] And 6:36 is a fake. What is a pirate's favorite letter? R Funny name, - Siegel. Says who? Brad says: "to me the Genpo Roshi stuff is far easier to pin down. I can see simply by watching one of his Big Mind® videos that he is a charlatan." This is exactly how I feel about Graham. I've read his blog and watch the vid clips strewn about online, and all I can figure is that his accent is too seductive for Americans to handle. Scots are charming, no doubt. But the crap he says is almost invariably total bullshit. And your opinion about Merzel is simply that - your opinion. It doesn't "pin down" anything. Graham on the other hand has a half-dozen women testifying that he suckered and abused them, a dozen former students saying he deceived and stole from then, the only Zen teachers he's had any proven contact with disavowing him and worse, and a long trail of proven deceptions, thievery, and lies IN PRINT. How you extrapolate that this is somehow less convincing than your exalted assessment of Merzel is beyond me. So yeah, Brad, get your bullshit detector recalibrated, dude. Kevin said: "So, where was Brad's "bullshit detector"? and, Sometimes that detector just isn't sharp enough. The guys that are good at this, know what they're doing. It's dangerous." Despite his early nom de plume of Doubtboy, Brad has great faith and to his credit stands in polar opposition to dirtbags like Barry Graham even if he doesn't want to say so. Brad said earlier, "I don't even care if this idea is objectively true or not. I believe it is or I wouldn't use it. But even if it turns out I'm wrong, this way of thinking has been so incredibly useful I still wouldn't give it up." I think this is basic in Brad's philosophy and it doesn't seem much different from what the Baptists down the road believe. Put yourself in God's hands and get out of the way. What he wrote above seems to be a nice mental trick. But is it Buddhism? One of the best reasons for going after people like Barry Graham was stated eloquently by Carl Sagan. . People seek out a teacher at first... well... because they can acknowledge that there is something they don't know... and are willing to disconnect the bullshit detector to give the benefit of the doubt to the person representing the "tradition"... That is how people get hooked. That is how "zen Master Rama's" start. And most importantly, that is why teachers need to lead the charge against frauds and hucksters like Barry Graham. I havn't read so much of the C so I am not sure how the following would come off, however... What is a "zen" thing to do? I mean is "zen" about "zen" or is it about the universe everybody lives in? Is it aimed at itself or is it aimed at everything? Are you seeking to master some weird unclear thing called "zen" or are seeking to master living in reality? R. R I didn't even post the last one. I posted another one and it was there, and I don't even think I clicked PYC and it posted the new one, and the old one is gone. It's worse than trolls. Must be black magic, like you, or me or who? said earlier. Fucking sufis. 108 - you must not miss the 3rd link up on Brad’s post; I think mumbles will like the book I linked @ 6:30 am; (not joking) I linked the wrong song @ 7:00 am. Why are you being so mean, Brad? We want you to agree with us and save us from ourselves. Is that so wrong? Isn't that what a zen saviour is supposed to do? We need your validation because we are not sure enough of ourselves to believe our own opinions. Please help! Quit "copping out"! And there's another me up there too. [9:10 am] Real diligent T. Next is Zen. Wow Old Bamboozles... What a load of trolling crap. Do you actually think folks are waiting with baited breath for Brad's holy words to "save us from ourselves"...?? The issue is that Barry Graham is a obvious fake. Folks are just trying to understand why authentic teachers remain silent in regards to it... Jesus, it is even obvious from the blog's responses that even IF Brad came out endorsing Barry Graham, that people would still not buy "Dogo's" bullshit. If teachers can get together (as in the Aitken - Shimano letters) to call out another teacher on their bullshit, then why cant they come together to publicly decry outrageous frauds. And my post is gone again. It was there before “and”. I’ll try again. Zach, yours and others righteous indignation is pretty funny. Getting all worked into a lather like a bunch of tea partiers. Who gives a shit about "authentic teachers" whatever that may or may not be? Like Brad says there are legit ones who will bamboozle you, and fake ones who will enlighten. WTF? Grow ... You know why I mention this chapter. "Who gives a shit about "authentic teachers" whatever that may or may not be? Like Brad says there are legit ones who will bamboozle you, and fake ones who will enlighten. WTF? Name a fake teacher who has enlightened anyone? All you are saying is that there is no difference between real or fake, so who cares anyway... and THAT sir/ma'am, is a load of nonsense. According to Red Pine (the amazing Bill Porter, if you haven't already, go now and read everything he's writ) Bodhidharma was indeed a real person, born in 440 in Kanchi, the capital of Pallava, a kingdom in southern India. In his book The Zen Teaching Of Bodhidharma, Red Pine has found by accident in Huang-Po's Essentials on the Transmission of the Mind a collection of sermons attributed to Bodhidharma. Here is an excerpt from the Bloodstream Sermon: ...And this real body is your mind. And this mind, through endless kalpas without beginning, has never varied. It has never lived or died, appeared or disappeared, increased or decreased. It is not pure or impure, good or evil, past or future. It. Its like space. You can't possess it and you can't lose it. Its movements can't be blocked by mountains, rivers, or rock walls. Its unstoppable powers penetrate the Mountain of Five Skandas and cross the River of Samsara. No karma can restrain this real body. But this mind is subtle and hard to see. Its not the same as the sensual mind. Everyone wants to see this mind, and those who move their hands and feet by its light are as many as the grains of sand along the Ganges but when you ask them, they can't explain it. They're like puppets. Its theirs to use. Why don't they see ... - And if he’s a charlatan what about all the people he’s supposed to have transmitted. - Are they all charlatans as well? - Or has he fooled them into thinking they’ve been enlightened? - Or are they liars? It doesn’t seem to make sense. I don’t think you’ve ever referred to any of those questions. And - … on the other hand - … I can’t really understand how could this person whom I understand even his name isn’t true have fooled you into thinking he’s a master, assuming you met him personally, and as I got it you spent a couple of days together. Got it. FWIW. Zach: Running after one teacher because he has "transmission" and rejecting another because he doesn't is hardly discrimination. "Running after one teacher because he has "transmission" and rejecting another because he doesn't is hardly discrimination. It IS discrimination. HEALTHY discrimination. I want to KNOW if my teacher at least is who he says he is! If he is NOT, then it is healthy to discriminate. A person who just sees this guy's picture together with Brad might see this as an affirmation that the guy is at least honest. I'm not saying Brad should haunt him, (see pm’s @ 9:09 pm, perhaps others too) but I am saying he should make things clear for the record, especially since he's been engaged with him, it seems. I can not really see why otherwise, though Brad might have his reasons. Zach: Do you think Brad Warner is his "real name?" Thats his punk rock name like Jello Biafra. FWIW I think Tattoozen at 5:58 AM said it best. Change the channel if you don't like it. Exercise your free will that you claim this guy has control over. Brad has already chickened out of fighting Genpo Roshi (Remember when Genpo used to post his challenges here on the blog?), and now this? I'm losing respect for Warner. *burns Hardcore Zen t-shirts* I don't agree with changing the channel or turning our backs on what we see is wrong. It's not the same as not liking a band or a tv show. It's pretty much saying "hmm, that guy is pretending to be a zen teacher, and taking advantage of people? I'd rather not pay attention to that." That's plain ignorance to me. But, yeah, you have the right to look away of you want. I'm just putting the facts out there. Something I, and alot of others wish there was a long time ago. But you don't have to look. Sour grapes. You got too close and got your fingers burnt, now you can't move on. Quit giving this guy your energy, he's still using you. "After one of Genpo's students, Dan Hoen, started hanging out with Graham --- Graham denounced Brad in public several times -- I was present when he changed his whole position from "me and Brad are like that" to "Brad is a huckster". Barry went on to tell me Genpo was the finest Zen teacher he knew of and that he wanted to incorporate Big Mind at the Sitting Frog" no, actually... I have moved on.... I've been practicing under another teacher for 2 years now, and haven't thought much about the guy until I started receiving emails from girls with their stories of abuse. To me, it's worth the energy spend what I have been. When it was just me and a few others, I didn't give a fuck. But when I heard the stories of what was actually going on, that's when I decided to speak up. I got my fingers burnt a long time ago. I've moved passed that. I was actually already gone and moved on before any of this started to surface in 2008. When I left Phoenix, I was still under the impression he was an ordained monk. I left for other personal reasons. I'm just doing what I feel needs to be done. Take it for what it it's worth or change the website. "Buddhism teaches that what we get in life is somehow something we wanted"." This is want I think. Thanks for saving me the time to post it. make that what not want Brad: "Buddhism teaches that what we get in life is somehow something we wanted" (my bold) NellaLou's post at 10:58pm above might help - - "There is no karma without intention...The whole point, it seems, when Brad writes about the application of karma to himself is this. His intention." I think that's what Brad's getting at too. Happy Halloween! That was a nice little documentry in the last post. This current post reminds me of a book I read my freshmen year of college called On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life by Skip Downing. I actually kept the book, because I found it inspiring and useful. There is a chapter that talks about how people that meet with difficult circumstances can either play the "victim role" or the "creator" role. Here's a quote "When people keep doing what they've been doing even when it doesn't work, they are acting as Victims. When people change their beliefs and behavoiros to create the best results they can, they are acting as Creators...When you accept personal responsibility, you believe that you create everthing in your life...Would it improve your life to believe that you create all of the joys and sorrows in your life? Answer 'Yes!' and see that belief imporve your life." Then the chapter goes on about the different attitudes of the Victim and Creator, but I'm not about to go through them all here. It's late and I need to go to bed. So, Brad, your wanting to die or be dead caused some guys to beat you up with the intention to kill you? Are they then not at fault? "Buddhism teaches that what we get in life is somehow something we wanted" Brad, may I inform you that your statement is misinformed. The Buddha taught that life in this world is characterized by eight kind of suffering: 1)Suffering of Birth 2)Suffering of Old Age 3)Suffering of Sickness 4)Suffering of Death 5)Suffering of being apart from the loved ones 6)Suffering of being together with people that one dislikes 7) Suffering of not getting what one wants 8)Suffering of the flouishing of the Five Skandhas. Life is full of shit. We don't always get what we want. So, Brad, your wanting to die or be dead caused some guys to beat you up with the intention to kill you? Part 1 - I'll take the liberty of editing some of what Brad wrote: "I have often said that I believe whatever we get in this life is, at some level, something we wanted or needed. When I say this I am only applying it inwardly to myself...I often look at myself when I'm in a shitty situation and ask, "In what way did I want or need this shitty thing to happen?" ...when I apply this view to myself, my own suffering becomes much easier to bear. I remember... ...after the attack I thought to myself, "Buddhism teaches that what we get in life is somehow something we wanted, how does that apply here?" When I began framing it this way to myself I felt like less of a helpless victim and more like a person who could do something active to improve his own life. And I did...For the first time in my life I stopped feeling like a victim of circumstance and really took control of my fate. I don't even care if this idea is objectively true or not. I believe it is or I wouldn't use it. But even if it turns out I'm wrong, this way of thinking has been so incredibly useful I still wouldn't give it up." Part 2 - Seems to me Brad's saying that seeing yourself as a victim of random events can leave you confused, helpless and miserable. But understanding the Buddhist idea of the inter-connection of all things, including our own intentions, desires and actions, provides a model of how and why things happen "to us" that, by including our own 'wilful' behaviour, can give us a perspective in which the events of our lives are as much the result of what we intentionally did - as the result of what we've previously 'wanted' or 'needed' - as of what what others intentionally did - as the result of what they wanted or needed. Why are we where we are in the first place? Solely as a result of 'circumstances beyond our control', or have our volitional/intentional actions (what we have 'wanted') play a part too? I think Brad's saying that, looking at random, particularly unpleasant, events as being "somehow"/"at some level something we wanted or needed" has proved, for Brad, to be a useful and constructive approach - even if it's not an accurate/'true' model of how and why things happen (and what model is?). Brad's not giving a lecture on the doctrine of Karma, but providing one example of how his understanding of the Buddhist idea of the role of (co-dependently-arising) volition/intention/desire/need/wants in what we usually see as 'things that happen to us' has enabled him to be happier. That's how it reads to me, anyway. Hey 108 - I thought you didn't believe in free will? Don't start. Interesting. Here is a "LoL"... Seems like Barry "Dogo" Graham bout his Kesa from Ebay. He even gave the seller a review - and signed his name to it... *facepalm* *bought* rather... I have fat fingers this morning.:) Of course, I’m sure Genpo and his butt-buddy Ken Wilber will end up on Oprah before then. I can't speak for Brad, but: My intentions aren't always readily apparent. I have a penchant for crappy emotionally abusive relationships. If I'm not mindful (there's that dirty word again) of my actions, I'll choose to be around people who also like crappy emotionally-abusive relationships. Why? Because I dig the rush of adrenaline from fighting and the rush of dopamine/endorphins/oxytocin that comes with make-up sex. Righteous anger followed by dirty/guilty/pissed-off poontang is... well, it's just tops. It's the bee's knees. I also get something out of overbooking myself. Living my life in a never-ending crisis mode makes me feel... busy. And busy is important, so I must be important. It also means I'm a victim of being busy, so I always have a ready-made excuse if I fuck something up: not my fault, I have to rush. Posting know-it-all comments on a stranger's blog, such as I'm doing right now, also provides cheap thrills. I can argue self-righteously because the bit of my brain that tones shit down for social cohesion gets turned off when the exchange is through an impersonal medium, such as the Internet. My frontal lobe was designed by evolution to run permutations of future outcomes based on my previous experiences to figure out what I should do in the present moment. It's the miracle that has made humanity what it is, and it's about as good at predicting the future as a Magic Eight-Ball. It wildly overestimates benefits and underestimates costs, or vice versa: good for ensuring procreation and survival, not so good the rest of the time. Especially because it runs on my previous experience. So if I've only ever been in emotionally-abusive relationships, I simply don't know there's another way to be in relationship with people. That happens with everything. I always assume the way I do things is the best way to do things because I don't know it can be done another way. I'm not a zen-genius, but isn't this that whole "Zen mind, beginner's mind" thing? A beginner actively recognizes he doesn't know and actively seeks to learn. The guy who's been doing it for years is stuck where he is because he doesn't realize there's more he could learn if he dropped his old ideas, assumptions, theories, hypotheses, paradigms and assorted mental crap? So yeah: I dunno about you, but I certainly end up with crap I want, whether it's a conscious wanting or whether it's an unconscious one. Maybe y'all know better, but... because I'm a skeptic and a cynic and a bitter asshole ranting on the internet, I sincerely doubt you do. Hi 108: Of course our actions play the big part in where and who we are. But what I find so interesting about Brad's scenario is his being able to adopt a fantasy and accept it as real in order to move through life a little more expediently. He doesn't care if it's true or not. I sort of admire this because it is very practical and is based on Buddhist ideas and that makes it a little more palatable for me. But after everything is said and done, it is only a mental trick, just as crazy as believing that jesus has died on the cross to save us. Well.. maybe not that crazy but still.. CAPTCHA : ohrici : I kid you not Hi AB, "(Interesting that Brad is)...able to adopt a fantasy and accept it as real in order to move through life a little more expediently. He doesn't care if it's true or not." Brad did say, "I don't even care if this idea is objectively true or not. I believe it is or I wouldn't use it." But you're right that he also said, "But even if it turns out I'm wrong, this way of thinking has been so incredibly useful I still wouldn't give it up." - which does seem to contradict the first part. But he's just trying to be honest, I think, and when you do that, you often contradict yourself. I find. I hear this part of Brad's post as confessional rather than didactic. None of us have to think how Brad does, or adopt the inconsistencies Brad confesses. Didn't the Buddha say that his teachings are just a vehicle to get to the other side, and that once you get there it's about as useful to carry them around as it is to carry around a boat on dry land? Karma, rebirth, the Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, the Precepts... they're just ideas to get us somewhere. If they work, great, use 'em. If they don't, find other, better ones. Yes.. and like I said it is a rather graceful idea which I admire mostly. But it does take some mental adjustment to get there. At least for me it does. If Genpo Roshi is really claiming ability to endow “Satori” within one hour, or even one day, or generally to whomever wishes, (which I do find hard to believe) see Mathew 20:20-23. “Ye know not what ye ask”. The joke is heavy, but few will get. And AC, - part of it becomes part of you, inherent, - no question of carrying it around or not carrying it around is left; - and as for - “If they don't, find other, better ones”, - the question is whether you can, and whether you can tell which ones are better. - About the worst thing about humanity is that it can't see its own blindness. In my view. And the second is it won't admit wrongness even when it does see it. - Because tought otherwise. And: - R @ 8:44, – [am] “Matthew”, - not “Mathew”. Else is right. ROFLMAO [M-F] If you were able to experience the totality of an entire lifetime as if it were one breath, then most of the details would seem quite minor. They all contribute to the big picture, but only in a supporting role. ! Man has willed Man!." - A. Spare i know what you mean about the philosophy of the victim and all of the stuff you just can not say because too many people won't understand all of the stuff that can't be said about it correctly. it's like there are no words. i was abused as a child and while i know i never asked for it or did anything to deserve it, something inside me feels some comfort knowing that there's a purpose or meaning or ripening of some karma there somewhere that helped me do something i wouldn't have been able to otherwise...or helped me help someone else. Great Post by James Ford over at Monkey Mind It's All in Your Head: A Meditation on Blaming the Victim as a Spiritual Practice Here is another way to look at it.. if you are walking along the street and trip over a rock, fall down and bust your ass - do you blame the rock? Do you need to forgive the rock? In reality, "forgiveness" is nothing more than the pacification of spurned entitlement. Forgiving someone for killing your mother doesn't bring your mother back to life. All it does is pacify your sense of being entitled to respect and consideration from other people. If you had no expectations of people acting in a civilized manner, then you would not need to forgive them when they act like murderous animals. Yet people feel entitled to civilization. They feel they deserve it, that it is their right, as if it is a cosmic law of some sort. But if a shark bites a chunk out of your leg while you are swimming in the ocean, do you need to forgive the shark? The shark is just being a shark. In this sense, everyone is like that rock in the road. You cant blame them for anything that happens to you, in the same way you cannot blame yourself for anything that happens to you. It is the process of life itself happening, and all the various ideas of "people" and "me" and "you" and "world" and so on just get in the way and make things infinitely more confused. And when your entire life flows from the level of self image, there will be no end to the suffering it causes. It is ignorance begetting more ignorance, and pain magnetizing with itself. The entire idea of blame and forgiveness is a mirage caused by the self image. So essentially, it DOES begin and end within you - regardless of how righteously indignant that perspective causes people to react. If you are too fragmented to remember the possible results of your chosen vector, you will never understand why the process exists in the first place. The attitude and content of this post is exactly why I don't bother reading this blog much any more. Even when I was more appreciative and a fan of Brad's, his take on what happened to him in Akron was something that bothered me. I find it rather along the lines of The Secret style magical thinking. I do believe karma and intention play a role in much of what we experience. But not all, at least not in the sense implied by this. Even Buddha attested to this, as NellaLou points out. Some "karma" -- such as natural forces -- has nothing to do with our thoughts or intentions. I don't think that expedient magical thinking has anything to do with Buddhism. I embrace Buddhism, Zen in particular, precisely because of its focus on truth. I prefer an uncomfortable truth to a comfortable lie. It's scary to think that bad things can happen to us for no moral reason. It's disempowering, definitely. It ruins our overwhelming desire to believe in a "just world." But that doesn't mean it's not the way things are. More and more, I find the study of evolution, science, and natural history to go hand in hand with my Buddhist practice and inquiry. And the more I learn about science, the more I appreciate that a mystical or spiritual perspective can grow out of it. And if you "believe" in evolution, as opposed to some form of creationism, you accept that chance and probability play major roles in the development of life. That is not to say life itself is random--the way I think of it spiritually is that what we are was "programmed" or "coded" into the universe from the beginning--but that what particular events lead to it are. The way I get around the dilemma that Brad poses--of not letting an experience of victimization become demoralizing--is not to resort to magical thinking. It's to look at what I can do to improve my situation and reduce the odds of experiencing whatever it was. Much of the time, I find I played a major role in the series of events leading up to the problematic event. But not always. Sometimes you have an auto accident because you were driving while sleep deprived; sometimes you have an auto accident because a deer happens to randomly jump out in front of your car. I think the problem is looking at an event like the latter and trying to tie it to something one was responsible for. The Secret and the "Law of Attraction" encourage this kind of confused thinking, and Brad seems to do so too. But all the positive thoughts in the world aren't going to affect whether it's your car the deer jumps in front of. Brad calling upon this attitude to justify his lack of interest in the Barry Graham situation is something I find hypocritical, but this is in keeping with what I've come to expect from Brad. I find it a symptom of cowardice. In many ways, Genpo is an easier target. There's no real backlash for attacking him. Brad opening up a line of criticism against Barry Graham would open him up to a lot more things than Brad's criticizing of Genpo. To me, that is the only reason. If Brad is so blase about people needing to be responsible for their own choices and research when assessing Zen teachers, he wouldn't continually return to his quixotic crusade against Genpo, which he repeatedly attributes to his felt duty to protect people from spiritual abuse like he experienced in the past. There's something very nearly silly about the whole Genpo issue. When I saw Genpo's audition video for Oprah, I laughed. Yes, Genpo offers up some blatant spiritual materialism, but at worst he's going to waste some folks' time and money. The Graham issue opens up a lot of darker and more unsettling things to examine, and the consequences are potentially uglier. Genpo is just a Daruma doll Brad can knock down again and again to "energize his base." I find it all self-serving, part of the industry of "self promotion above all" that Brad has developed around himself. Stephanie: You're playing a zero-sum game which I don't think Brad or anyone else is advocating. It's not like "Either you're 100% to blame or you're not." But I do think that everybody plays some part in the stuff that happens to 'em. A deer can't jump out in front of my car if I don't drive down that road, I don't drive in the countryside, I don't drive... ... the point is to take ownership for your part of what happens to you. A deer jumps out in front of my car - I can't control the deer, but I can drive slower and I can recognize that driving a car entails some degree of risk. If I don't want to run the risk of hitting a deer, I shouldn't drive a car down that road. The problem is that people want all the benefit and none of the drawback. I believe this is known in Buddhism as the "Second Noble Truth." And people being people are absolutely brilliant at deluding themselves into thinking they can have it. And: it takes 2 to tango. You can't have a psychotic ex-girlfriend or -boyfriend unless you (at some point) attracted to you, were attracted to, and chose to date, a crazy person. I could be way off the mark, but I think Brad's saying that the same is true of spiritual teachers. If he isn't, I'm saying it. You don't drink the Kool-Aid unless you abdicated responsibility a long time ago. There's plenty of literature on this subject: "The Guru Papers" by Kramer and Alstad, "Do I Need a Guru?" by Mariana Caplan... what's funny is that us "spiritual" types think we're somehow evolved while ordinary folks seem to avoid these poisonous relationships without even trying. Ashiq, Yes, you could avoid ever hitting a deer by never driving a car through a rural area. I don't think that makes a person "responsible" for the random event of a deer jumping in front of his or her car. By your logic, the way to avoid ever tripping and falling is to never walk, the way to avoid ever getting sick is to live in a plastic bubble. There is no practical application of your point of view, because the only way to completely avoid the chance of negative outcomes of random or probabilistic events is to never do anything. And I find it a morally repulsive view when it comes to victims of random, or even non-random, violence. To me, the much more sane way of addressing these issues is to treat them as social issues and proceed accordingly, not shrug off with a "thugs will be thugs, it is our responsibility to find a way to avoid them" philosophy. I think it is our general human duty to make our communities safer, and much moreso for those of us who have made the bodhisattva vow. I do not believe a bodhisattva with a clear view would take a neutral stance against a victimizer, while imploring the victim to consider his or her role in the attack. Yes, part of the response is to help the victim make choices so as to not find him or herself in harm's way again, but the brunt of the responsibility lies in the attacker's actions. In my view, a sane, moral person focuses on the attacker as the focal point of necessary action, not the victim. Otherwise, we encourage and promote a culture in which thugs have the control and the power, while potential victims must stay in their foxholes. An intolerable situation, and one that seems insane to most normal people, thankfully. As far as the Barry and Genpo issue goes, I'm far from advocating for Brad to start a PR campaign against Barry. I don't think Brad has anything useful to contribute to that collective action. I'm pointing out the total hypocrisy and inconsistency, however, in his defense of his crusade against Genpo in order to protect all the potential victims of Genpo's "scam," while shrugging off a teacher accused of far worse as a "buyer beware" situation and inviting victims of violence to look at their victimization as, at least in part, their responsibility. Brad's stance is completely logically and morally inconsistent. If Brad were to be consistent, he would carry his apathetic attitude toward social and political issues, and most spiritual Zen issues, through into his approach to Genpo. But if Brad didn't have Genpo to rail against, a convenient, easy, and non-threatening target, he would lose a big part of what makes up the "Brad Warner" brand, which I increasingly see as a shiny, empty package filled only with air. Hi Stephanie, I don't hear Brad advocating a method for apportioning moral responsibility. I hear Brad posing a question in response to a comment on this blog: Once an unpleasant event has occurred, how then do we deal with it? As victims, or as contributing participants? Which approach is more likely to result in a view which can be employed to constructively modify our behaviour? Brad answered the question by describing an approach that works for him. From his post: ." (my bold). Could Brad have made it any clearer that he's writing about a way of thinking that he's found useful, NOT providing an analysis of the way the world works that should be applied to others, or that others should adopt? Re Genpo - Brad don't like what Genpo gets up to one bit. Re the other fella - Brad, it seems, isn't that bothered whether the guy has a transmission certificate or not (he may still be a good teacher), or whether he's lied about it (the cat's out of the bag). Brad knows no details about any abuse of students that may have taken place, so reserves judgement. He also says there's not much he could do about it that isn't already being done. So Brad doesn't care that much. And you're saying he should; lately you're thinking Brad is an inconsistent, self-promoting hypocrite... You may see Brad's objections to what Genpo gets up to as evidence of a general 'commitment to social and political issues' which should extend to the issues surrounding the other fella, but, clearly, Brad doesn't. Why should Brad's objections to selling/advocating enlightenment glimpses/experiences commit him to adopting positions on sundry issues? Merely because in both cases a teacher of Zen is involved? We care about what we care about, we do what we do, and we deal with things the way we deal with them. We don’t have to like what other people say, do or write, or the way they deal with things, but while you're perfectly entitled to object to what you see as contradictions, much of what you’ve criticised about this post wasn’t written or meant. Not as I read it. Malcolm it's the only completely uncensored Zen Buddhist forum I know of and because I like writing; I like the sound of my own voice. At least, I'm trying to find my own voice. This blog is crazy and infuriating. It's also an education and an entertainment. Mainly an entertainment...on a good day. Some of the other people who post here make comments I can engage with and relate to. Some of them are pretty funny too. I'm sympathetic and supportive of where Brad's coming from and what he's trying to do, and so I sometimes rush to defend him when I think he's been misunderstood or misrepresented. Still, I sometimes muse that Brad's celebrity may not be an entirely positive factor in his life - but Brad's life is not my business. Brad owes me nothing and I don't owe him. I do think he tries to be honest though, and for me, that's more important than always being consistent or right. Moral outrage comes in many forms, and like any other human expression it has countless subtle shades. At the core of moral outrage is the sense of entitlement accorded by the idea of a superior self, as in: a self that is better than others, more important, more valuable, etc. This reality might be hard to accept, when one realizes their entire life is based on a lie. Or it might be liberating. But as long as one is unable or unwilling to examine the root causes of their own mind and its workings, they will do nothing but wander amongst the details, poking and prodding and isolating and magnifying. The insidious nature of the divisive illusion is all-encompassing. It is the idea that "me" is separate from "you" or the "world" and so on. The objectification of such abstraction is usually the most "real" aspect of a persons life. Without it, they are reduced to little more than a vegetative state. The vastness of universal connectivity actually stupefies them. This blank space can come alive, or it can remain ignored - but in the great majority of the population it remains ignored, willfully. So its quite understandable why confusion happens and why it continues to happen. People are lost among the endless objects, as just another one of them. You do not own your body. Its just a temporary loan. Wake up to the reality behind "me", "my", "mine" if you can. If not, then go ahead and enjoy the war. Stephanie: I am a victim: I have a brain disease. I didn't want it, didn't do anything to get it, wish I didn't have, have suffered (greatly) because of it. I am also a victimizer: because my brain controls my behavior, and my disease affects my brain, my disease affects my behavior. And in this case, I hurt other people with my actions - my parents have been hurt by my actions, my ex-fiancee was hurt by my actions, my dog is now dead because of my actions. Or: criminals. In this country, they're overwhelmingly poor, black or Hispanic, under- or uneducated, jobless, ghettoized: victims of our failures as a society. And yet - they commit crimes. Often against each other. Often violent crimes. Often violent sexual crimes for that matter. Which are they: victim or victimizer? I'm not Brad, so I'll speak for myself: I think that a bodhisattva counsels both victim and victimizer on their respective responsibility for the suffering they cause and the suffering they suffer so that each can do something about it. The reason a bodhisattva talks to a victim is that a victim can often lessen their suffering by (at least) seeing if they play a part in it. In my case, I'm responsible for treating my brain disease - to lessen my own suffering, as well as that of others. As for Brad talking smack about Genpo but not about Barry, well... since I've never been inconsistent or hypocritical in my life, I think I'm morally pure enough to cast the first stone, so hand it here... PS and for the record - I wrote "...Which approach is more likely to result in a view which can be employed to constructively modify our behaviour?" ? What a crock. I doubt whether anyone can employ a view to constructively modify behaviour. Whadya think, Steph? "The reason a bodhisattva talks to a victim is that a victim can often lessen their suffering by (at least) seeing if they play a part in it." There is some truth to this. Where it often goes off the rails is when there is some kind of presupposition of omniscience or fortune telling, meaning "They should have seen it coming" kind of thinking. That just doesn't happen. Not everyone has the same life experiences from which to draw conclusions nor to be able to predict another's or random behavior from the environment. Human beings just aren't that powerful though we like to think we are often. So taking responsibility from a victims point of view is rather constrained by whatever available information is at hand. To hold someone responsible for something they could not have possibly known is quite ridiculous. I may be beating a dead horse here, but that mindset "in what way did I want or need this" is very existentialist in nature. In my own mind, existentialism and Buddhism are practically synonymous. I guess this is my chance to ask if I am that far off. Am I? To understand that Karma exists and that we each reap the fruits of our past actions has nothing to do with Blame. Blame as an act of attributing fault; censure; reproof: Saying there should be no compassion because you have judged that a victim “deserved” what has happened to them is simply another set of delusions that need to be overcome. Leave such value judgments to the theists who see ones fate as punishment or reward by some all powerful judging God. You may be experiencing the fruits of prior actions, it may be your Karma, But Buddhism dose not attach value judgments to this, it is not the Buddhist concept that those who are experiencing karma “deserve” this or that, Karma is not punishment or reward. It is simply cause and effect. To have the clarity of mind to diagnose your own thoughts and behavior to avoid mistakes of the past is another subject completely. If in doing this you begin to lose sight of your goal and start “blaming and judging” you will have missed the mark completely. The first Zen Buddhism lectures in the US, as far as I know were given by Soyen Shaku in 1905 and published in 1906, the translation being done by D.T. Suzuki. Shaku was and still is often attacked for his support of Japanese military expansion during the Russo–Japanese War of 1905. It seems that making subjective evaluations of teachers who don’t fit into our mental expectations traveled with Shaku when he came here and it seems to never stop. I had never heard of Dogo Barry Graham until I inadvertently ran across a blog dedicated to his utter destruction the other day. The blog started out by accusing him of wearing a terrible colored Rakusu, then accused him of putting his chop on several Rakusu’s crooked, and leaving a line off of a Kanji. But my Favorite was the 3 paragraph forensic analysis of some letters from a couple of his teachers that the author concluded must be fake because they were done on a laser printer, and laser printers were not commonly available in 1994. I had to laugh my ass off here because I purchased my first HP 4L laser printer in 1991, and by 1994 they were the professional standard and you could pick up at least 5 different models at office depot. This Guy Dogo might be a total ass, but these attacks I read are just malicious BS. Like Brad I have to say the Genpo Roshi stuff is so glaring it almost blinded me when I first saw it. PT Barnum said there was a sucker born every minute and I suppose he was right. The world is full of victims and it is certain many are both willing and enthusiastic in their search to be victims. People like Sogyal Rinpoche and Genpo should be exposed but what anyone person can do, even the mighty Brad Warner is very limited. I agree with Brad that The Soto Zen Buddhist Association’s (SZBA) effort to weed out the fakes is doomed to failure. Already this effort has turned into an exercise in wall building. They who never had to do half of the things they want to require of others sit smugly sealing up the door so they are the new dictators of Zen. Many crooks and charlatans love complex credentialing, the more paper they can hang on their walls the better. The simple fact is I could make a wonderful case against almost any teacher now teaching and question their linage, their teacher’s qualities of character and their spiritual fitness to teach. This Brad Warner guy lets rip him apart, hell how many Ango had he lead when he was ordained, etc. etc. Organized Zen is about 50 years old in the US; all this stupidity may kill it before it has had a chance to really grow. When up is up and down is down and down is up and up is down - I cannot be found. WAKE THE HELL UP!!!! "Truly beginning the practice anew, we learn that somehow we have been the victims of our own thinking." Aitken Roshi
/************************************************* * header contains definitions that are shared between the different modules, but which are not relevant to the exported API. This includes some functions whose names all begin with "_pcre_". */ #ifndef PCRE_INTERNAL_H #define PCRE_INTERNAL_H /*... It turns out that the Mac Debugging.h header also defines the macro DPRINTF, so be absolutely sure we get our version. */ #undef DPRINTF #ifdef DEBUG #define DPRINTF(p) printf p #else #define DPRINTF(p) /* Nothing */ #endif /* Standard C headers plus the external interface definition. The only time setjmp and stdarg are used is when NO_RECURSE is set. */ #include <ctype.h> #include <limits.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /* When compiling a DLL for Windows, the exported symbols have to be declared using some MS magic. I found some useful information on this web page:. According to the information there, using __declspec(dllexport) without "extern" we have a definition; with "extern" we have a declaration. The settings here override the setting in pcre.h (which is included below); it defines only PCRE_EXP_DECL, which is all that is needed for applications (they just import the symbols). We use: PCRE_EXP_DECL for declarations PCRE_EXP_DEFN for definitions of exported functions PCRE_EXP_DATA_DEFN for definitions of exported variables The reason for the two DEFN macros is that in non-Windows environments, one does not want to have "extern" before variable definitions because it leads to compiler warnings. So we distinguish between functions and variables. In Windows, the two should always be the same. The reason for wrapping this in #ifndef PCRE_EXP_DECL is so that pcretest, which is an application, but needs to import this file in order to "peek" at internals, can #include pcre.h first to get an application's-eye view. In principle, people compiling for non-Windows, non-Unix-like (i.e. uncommon, special-purpose environments) might want to stick other stuff in front of exported symbols. That's why, in the non-Windows case, we set PCRE_EXP_DEFN and PCRE_EXP_DATA_DEFN only if they are not already set. */ #ifndef PCRE_EXP_DECL # ifdef _WIN32 # ifndef PCRE_STATIC # define PCRE_EXP_DECL extern __declspec(dllexport) # define PCRE_EXP_DEFN __declspec(dllexport) # define PCRE_EXP_DATA_DEFN __declspec(dllexport) # else # define PCRE_EXP_DECL extern # define PCRE_EXP_DEFN # define PCRE_EXP_DATA_DEFN # endif # else # ifdef __cplusplus # define PCRE_EXP_DECL extern "C" # else # define PCRE_EXP_DECL extern # endif # ifndef PCRE_EXP_DEFN # define PCRE_EXP_DEFN PCRE_EXP_DECL # endif # ifndef PCRE_EXP_DATA_DEFN # define PCRE_EXP_DATA_DEFN # endif # endif #endif /* When compiling with the MSVC compiler, it is sometimes necessary to include a "calling convention" before exported function names. (This is secondhand information; I know nothing about MSVC myself). For example, something like void __cdecl function(....) might be needed. In order so make this easy, all the exported functions have PCRE_CALL_CONVENTION just before their names. It is rarely needed; if not set, we ensure here that it has no effect. */ #ifndef PCRE_CALL_CONVENTION #define PCRE_CALL_CONVENTION ; typedef short pcre_int16; #elif UINT_MAX == 65535 typedef unsigned int pcre_uint16; typedef int pcre_int16; #else #error Cannot determine a type for 16-bit unsigned integers #endif #if UINT_MAX == 4294967295 typedef unsigned int pcre_uint32; typedef int pcre_int32; #elif ULONG_MAX == 4294967295 typedef unsigned long int pcre_uint32; typedef long int pcre_int32; #else #error Cannot determine a type for 32-bit unsigned integers #endif /*; /* This is an unsigned int value that no character can ever have. UTF-8 characters only go up to 0x7fffffff (though Unicode doesn't go beyond 0x0010ffff). */ #define NOTACHAR 0xffffffff /* PCRE is able to support several different kinds of newline (CR, LF, CRLF, "any" and "anycrlf" at present). The following macros are used to package up testing for newlines. NLBLOCK, PSSTART, and PSEND are defined in the various modules to indicate in which datablock the parameters exist, and what the start/end of string field names are. */ #define NLTYPE_FIXED 0 /* Newline is a fixed length string */ #define NLTYPE_ANY 1 /* Newline is any Unicode line ending */ #define NLTYPE_ANYCRLF 2 /* Newline is CR, LF, or CRLF */ /* This macro checks for a newline at the given position */ #define IS_NEWLINE(p) \ ((NLBLOCK->nltype != NLTYPE_FIXED)? \ ((p) < NLBLOCK->PSEND && \ _pcre_is_newline((p), NLBLOCK->nltype, NLBLOCK->PSEND, &(NLBLOCK->nllen),\ utf8)) \ : \ ((p) <= NLBLOCK->PSEND - NLBLOCK->nllen && \ (p)[0] == NLBLOCK->nl[0] && \ (NLBLOCK->nllen == 1 || (p)[1] == NLBLOCK->nl[1]) \ ) \ ) /* This macro checks for a newline immediately preceding the given position */ #define WAS_NEWLINE(p) \ ((NLBLOCK->nltype != NLTYPE_FIXED)? \ ((p) > NLBLOCK->PSSTART && \ _pcre_was_newline((p), NLBLOCK->nltype, NLBLOCK->PSSTART, \ &(NLBLOCK->nllen), utf8)) \ : \ ((p) >= NLBLOCK->PSSTART + NLBLOCK->nllen && \ (p)[-NLBLOCK->nllen] == NLBLOCK->nl[0] && \ (NLBLOCK->nllen == 1 || (p)[-NLBLOCK->nllen+1] == NLBLOCK->nl[1]) \ ) \ ) /* When PCRE is compiled as a C++ library, the subject pointer can be replaced with a custom type. This makes it possible, for example, to allow pcre_exec() to process subject strings that are discontinuous by using a smart pointer class. It must always be possible to inspect all of the subject string in pcre_exec() because of the way it backtracks. Two macros are required in the normal case, for sign-unspecified and unsigned char pointers. The former is used for the external interface and appears in pcre.h, which is why its name must begin with PCRE_. */ #ifdef CUSTOM_SUBJECT_PTR #define PCRE_SPTR CUSTOM_SUBJECT_PTR #define USPTR CUSTOM_SUBJECT_PTR #else #define PCRE_SPTR const char * #define USPTR const unsigned char * #endif /* Include the public PCRE header and the definitions of UCP character property values. */ #include "pcre.h" #include "ucp.h" /* When compiling for use with the Virtual Pascal compiler, these functions need to have their names changed. PCRE must be compiled with the -DVPCOMPAT option on the command line. */ #ifdef VPCOMPAT #define strlen(s) _strlen(s) #define strncmp(s1,s2,m) _strncmp(s1,s2,m) #define memcmp(s,c,n) _memcmp(s,c,n) #define memcpy(d,s,n) _memcpy(d,s,n) #define memmove(d,s,n) _memmove(d,s,n) #define memset(s,c,n) _memset(s,c,n) #else /* VPCOMP). */ #ifndef HAVE_MEMMOVE #undef memmove /* some systems may have a macro */ #ifdef HAVE_BCOPY #define memmove(a, b, c) bcopy(b, a, c) #else /* HAVE_BCOPY */ static void * pcre_memmove(void *d, const void *s, size_t n) { size_t i; unsigned char *dest = (unsigned char *)d; const unsigned char *src = (const unsigned char *)s; if (dest > src) { dest += n; src += n; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) *(--dest) = *(--src); return (void *)dest; } else { for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) *dest++ = *src++; return (void *)(dest - n); } } #define memmove(a, b, c) pcre_memmove(a, b, c) #endif /* not HAVE_BCOPY */ #endif /* not HAVE_MEMMOVE */ #endif /* not VPCOMPAT */ /* PCRE keeps offsets in its compiled code as 2-byte quantities (always stored in big-endian order) /* When UTF-8 encoding is being used, a character is no longer just a single byte. The macros for character handling generate simple sequences when used in byte-mode, and more complicated ones for UTF-8 characters. BACKCHAR should never be called in byte mode. To make sure it can never even appear when UTF-8 support is omitted, we don't even define it. */ . This is called only in UTF-8 mode - we don't put a test within the macro because almost all calls are already within a block of UTF-8 only code. */ #define BACKCHAR(eptr) while((*eptr & 0xc0) == 0x80) eptr-- #endif /* flags containing information about the compiled regex. They used to live at the top end of the options word, but that got almost full, so now they are in a 16-bit flags word. */ #define PCRE_NOPARTIAL 0x0001 /* can't use partial with this regex */ #define PCRE_FIRSTSET 0x0002 /* first_byte is set */ #define PCRE_REQCHSET 0x0004 /* req_byte is set */ #define PCRE_STARTLINE 0x0008 /* start after \n for multiline */ #define PCRE_JCHANGED 0x0010 /* j option used in regex */ #define PCRE_HASCRORLF 0x0020 /* explicit \r or \n in pattern */ /* Options for the "extra" block produced by pcre_study(). */ #define PCRE_STUDY_MAPPED 0x01 /* a map of starting chars exists */ /* Masks for identifying the public options that are permitted at compile time, run time, or study time, respectively. */ #define PCRE_NEWLINE_BITS (PCRE_NEWLINE_CR|PCRE_NEWLINE_LF|PCRE_NEWLINE_ANY| \ PCRE_NEWLINE_ANYCRLF) #define PUBLIC_OPTIONS \ (PCRE_CASELESS|PCRE_EXTENDED|PCRE_ANCHORED|PCRE_MULTILINE| \ PCRE_DOTALL|PCRE_DOLLAR_ENDONLY|PCRE_EXTRA|PCRE_UNGREEDY|PCRE_UTF8| \ PCRE_NO_AUTO_CAPTURE|PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK|PCRE_AUTO_CALLOUT|PCRE_FIRSTLINE| \ PCRE_DUPNAMES|PCRE_NEWLINE_BITS|PCRE_BSR_ANYCRLF|PCRE_BSR_UNICODE| \ PCRE_JAVASCRIPT_COMPAT) #define PUBLIC_EXEC_OPTIONS \ (PCRE_ANCHORED|PCRE_NOTBOL|PCRE_NOTEOL|PCRE_NOTEMPTY|PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK| \ PCRE_PARTIAL|PCRE_NEWLINE_BITS|PCRE_BSR_ANYCRLF|PCRE_BSR_UNICODE) #define PUBLIC_DFA_EXEC_OPTIONS \ (PCRE_ANCHORED|PCRE_NOTBOL|PCRE_NOTEOL|PCRE_NOTEMPTY|PCRE_NO_UTF8_CHECK| \ PCRE_PARTIAL|PCRE_DFA_SHORTEST|PCRE_DFA_RESTART|PCRE_NEWLINE_BITS| \ PCRE_BSR_ANYCRLF|PCRE_BSR_UNICODE) . The #ifndef is to pacify compiler warnings in environments where these macros are defined elsewhere. */ #ifndef FALSE typedef int BOOL; #define FALSE 0 #define TRUE 1 #endif /* Escape items that are just an encoding of a particular data value. */ #ifndef ESC_e #define ESC_e 27 #endif #ifndef ESC_f #define ESC_f '\f' #endif #ifndef ESC_n #define ESC_n '\n' #endif #ifndef ESC_r #define ESC_r '\r' #endif /* We can't officially use ESC_t because it is a POSIX reserved identifier (presumably because of all the others like size_t). */ #ifndef ESC_tee #define ESC_tee '\t' #endif /* Codes for different types of Unicode property */ #define PT_ANY 0 /* Any property - matches all chars */ #define PT_LAMP 1 /* L& - the union of Lu, Ll, Lt */ #define PT_GC 2 /* General characteristic (e.g. L) */ #define PT_PC 3 /* Particular characteristic (e.g. Lu) */ #define PT_SC 4 /* Script (e.g. Han) */ /* */ #define XCL_PROP 3 /* Unicode property (2-byte property code follows) */ #define XCL_NOTPROP 4 /* Unicode inverted property (ditto) */ /*. There's a dummy for OP_ANY because it corresponds to "." rather than an escape sequence, and another for OP_ALLANY (which is used for [^] in JavaScript compatibility mode). The final escape must be ESC_REF as subsequent values are used for backreferences (\1, \2, \3, etc). There are two tests in the code for an escape greater than ESC_b and less than ESC_Z to detect the types that may be repeated. These are the types that consume characters. If any new escapes are put in between that don't consume a character, that code will have to change. */ enum { ESC_A = 1, ESC_G, ESC_K, ESC_B, ESC_b, ESC_D, ESC_d, ESC_S, ESC_s, ESC_W, ESC_w, ESC_dum1, ESC_dum2, ESC_C, ESC_P, ESC_p, ESC_R, ESC_H, ESC_h, ESC_V, ESC_v, ESC_X, ESC_Z, ESC_z, ESC_E, ESC_Q, ESC_g, ESC_k, ESC_REF }; /* Opcode table: Starting from 1 (i.e. after OP_END), the values up to OP_EOD must correspond in order to the list of escapes immediately above. *** NOTE NOTE NOTE *** Whenever this list is updated, the two macro definitions that follow must also be updated to match. There is also a table called "coptable" in pcre_dfa_exec.c that must be updated. */ enum { OP_END, /* 0 End of pattern */ /* Values corresponding to backslashed metacharacters */ OP_SOD, /* 1 Start of data: \A */ OP_SOM, /* 2 Start of match (subject + offset): \G */ OP_SET_SOM, /* 3 Set start of match (\K) */ OP_NOT_WORD_BOUNDARY, /* 4 \B */ OP_WORD_BOUNDARY, /* 5 \b */ OP_NOT_DIGIT, /* 6 \D */ OP_DIGIT, /* 7 \d */ OP_NOT_WHITESPACE, /* 8 \S */ OP_WHITESPACE, /* 9 \s */ OP_NOT_WORDCHAR, /* 10 \W */ OP_WORDCHAR, /* 11 \w */ OP_ANY, /* 12 Match any character (subject to DOTALL) */ OP_ALLANY, /* 13 Match any character (not subject to DOTALL) */ OP_ANYBYTE, /* 14 Match any byte (\C); different to OP_ANY for UTF-8 */ OP_NOTPROP, /* 15 \P (not Unicode property) */ OP_PROP, /* 16 \p (Unicode property) */ OP_ANYNL, /* 17 \R (any newline sequence) */ OP_NOT_HSPACE, /* 18 \H (not horizontal whitespace) */ OP_HSPACE, /* 19 \h (horizontal whitespace) */ OP_NOT_VSPACE, /* 20 \V (not vertical whitespace) */ OP_VSPACE, /* 21 \v (vertical whitespace) */ OP_EXTUNI, /* 22 \X (extended Unicode sequence */ OP_EODN, /* 23 End of data or \n at end of data: \Z. */ OP_EOD, /* 24 End of data: \z */ OP_OPT, /* 25 Set runtime options */ OP_CIRC, /* 26 Start of line - varies with multiline switch */ OP_DOLL, /* 27 End of line - varies with multiline switch */ OP_CHAR, /* 28 Match one character, casefully */ OP_CHARNC, /* 29 Match one character, caselessly */ OP_NOT, /* 30 Match one character, not the following one */ OP_STAR, /* 31 The maximizing and minimizing versions of */ OP_MINSTAR, /* 32 these six opcodes must come in pairs, with */ OP_PLUS, /* 33 the minimizing one second. */ OP_MINPLUS, /* 34 This first set applies to single characters.*/ OP_QUERY, /* 35 */ OP_MINQUERY, /* 36 */ OP_UPTO, /* 37 From 0 to n matches */ OP_MINUPTO, /* 38 */ OP_EXACT, /* 39 Exactly n matches */ OP_POSSTAR, /* 40 Possessified star */ OP_POSPLUS, /* 41 Possessified plus */ OP_POSQUERY, /* 42 Posesssified query */ OP_POSUPTO, /* 43 Possessified upto */ OP_NOTSTAR, /* 44 The maximizing and minimizing versions of */ OP_NOTMINSTAR, /* 45 these six opcodes must come in pairs, with */ OP_NOTPLUS, /* 46 the minimizing one second. They must be in */ OP_NOTMINPLUS, /* 47 exactly the same order as those above. */ OP_NOTQUERY, /* 48 This set applies to "not" single characters. */ OP_NOTMINQUERY, /* 49 */ OP_NOTUPTO, /* 50 From 0 to n matches */ OP_NOTMINUPTO, /* 51 */ OP_NOTEXACT, /* 52 Exactly n matches */ OP_NOTPOSSTAR, /* 53 Possessified versions */ OP_NOTPOSPLUS, /* 54 */ OP_NOTPOSQUERY, /* 55 */ OP_NOTPOSUPTO, /* 56 */ OP_TYPESTAR, /* 57 The maximizing and minimizing versions of */ OP_TYPEMINSTAR, /* 58 these six opcodes must come in pairs, with */ OP_TYPEPLUS, /* 59 the minimizing one second. These codes must */ OP_TYPEMINPLUS, /* 60 be in exactly the same order as those above. */ OP_TYPEQUERY, /* 61 This set applies to character types such as \d */ OP_TYPEMINQUERY, /* 62 */ OP_TYPEUPTO, /* 63 From 0 to n matches */ OP_TYPEMINUPTO, /* 64 */ OP_TYPEEXACT, /* 65 Exactly n matches */ OP_TYPEPOSSTAR, /* 66 Possessified versions */ OP_TYPEPOSPLUS, /* 67 */ OP_TYPEPOSQUERY, /* 68 */ OP_TYPEPOSUPTO, /* 69 */ OP_CRSTAR, /* 70 The maximizing and minimizing versions of */ OP_CRMINSTAR, /* 71 all these opcodes must come in pairs, with */ OP_CRPLUS, /* 72 the minimizing one second. These codes must */ OP_CRMINPLUS, /* 73 be in exactly the same order as those above. */ OP_CRQUERY, /* 74 These are for character classes and back refs */ OP_CRMINQUERY, /* 75 */ OP_CRRANGE, /* 76 These are different to the three sets above. */ OP_CRMINRANGE, /* 77 */ OP_CLASS, /* 78 Match a character class, chars < 256 only */ OP_NCLASS, /* 79 Same, but the bitmap was created from a negative class - the difference is relevant only when a UTF-8 character > 255 is encountered. */ OP_XCLASS, /* 80 Extended class for handling UTF-8 chars within the class. This does both positive and negative. */ OP_REF, /* 81 Match a back reference */ OP_RECURSE, /* 82 Match a numbered subpattern (possibly recursive) */ OP_CALLOUT, /* 83 Call out to external function if provided */ OP_ALT, /* 84 Start of alternation */ OP_KET, /* 85 End of group that doesn't have an unbounded repeat */ OP_KETRMAX, /* 86 These two must remain together and in this */ OP_KETRMIN, /* 87 order. They are for groups the repeat for ever. */ /* The assertions must come before BRA, CBRA, ONCE, and COND.*/ OP_ASSERT, /* 88 Positive lookahead */ OP_ASSERT_NOT, /* 89 Negative lookahead */ OP_ASSERTBACK, /* 90 Positive lookbehind */ OP_ASSERTBACK_NOT, /* 91 Negative lookbehind */ OP_REVERSE, /* 92 Move pointer back - used in lookbehind assertions */ /* ONCE, BRA, CBRA, and COND must come after the assertions, with ONCE first, as there's a test for >= ONCE for a subpattern that isn't an assertion. */ OP_ONCE, /* 93 Atomic group */ OP_BRA, /* 94 Start of non-capturing bracket */ OP_CBRA, /* 95 Start of capturing bracket */ OP_COND, /* 96 Conditional group */ /* These three must follow the previous three, in the same order. There's a check for >= SBRA to distinguish the two sets. */ OP_SBRA, /* 97 Start of non-capturing bracket, check empty */ OP_SCBRA, /* 98 Start of capturing bracket, check empty */ OP_SCOND, /* 99 Conditional group, check empty */ OP_CREF, /* 100 Used to hold a capture number as condition */ OP_RREF, /* 101 Used to hold a recursion number as condition */ OP_DEF, /* 102 The DEFINE condition */ OP_BRAZERO, /* 103 These two must remain together and in this */ OP_BRAMINZERO, /* 104 order. */ /* These are backtracking control verbs */ OP_PRUNE, /* 105 */ OP_SKIP, /* 106 */ OP_THEN, /* 107 */ OP_COMMIT, /* 108 */ /* These are forced failure and success verbs */ OP_FAIL, /* 109 */ OP_ACCEPT, /* 110 */ /* This is used to skip a subpattern with a {0} quantifier */ OP_SKIPZERO /* 111 */ }; /* This macro defines textual names for all the opcodes. These are used only for debugging. The macro is referenced only in pcre_printint.c. */ #define OP_NAME_LIST \ "End", "\\A", "\\G", "\\K", "\\B", "\\b", "\\D", "\\d", \ "\\S", "\\s", "\\W", "\\w", "Any", "AllAny", "Anybyte", \ "notprop", "prop", "\\R", "\\H", "\\h", "\\V", "\\v", \ "extuni", "\\Z", "\\z", \ "Opt", "^", "$", "char", "charnc", "not", \ "*", "*?", "+", "+?", "?", "??", "{", "{", "{", \ "*+","++", "?+", "{", \ "*", "*?", "+", "+?", "?", "??", "{", "{", "{", \ "*+","++", "?+", "{", \ "*", "*?", "+", "+?", "?", "??", "{", "{", "{", \ "*+","++", "?+", "{", \ "*", "*?", "+", "+?", "?", "??", "{", "{", \ "class", "nclass", "xclass", "Ref", "Recurse", "Callout", \ "Alt", "Ket", "KetRmax", "KetRmin", "Assert", "Assert not", \ "AssertB", "AssertB not", "Reverse", \ "Once", "Bra", "CBra", "Cond", "SBra", "SCBra", "SCond", \ "Cond ref", "Cond rec", "Cond def", "Brazero", "Braminzero", \ "*PRUNE", "*SKIP", "*THEN", "*COMMIT", "*FAIL", "*ACCEPT", \ "Skip zero" /* This macro defines the length of fixed length operations in the compiled regex. The lengths are used when searching for specific things, and also in the debugging printing of a compiled regex. We use a macro so that it can be defined close to the definitions of the opcodes themselves., /* \A, \G, \K, \B, \b */ \ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* \D, \d, \S, \s, \W, \w */ \ 1, 1, 1, /* Any, AllAny, Anybyte */ \ 3, 3, 1, /* NOTPROP, PROP, EXTUNI */ \ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* \R, \H, \h, \V, \v */ \ 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, /* \Z, \z, Opt, ^, $ */ \ 2, /* Char - the minimum length */ \ 2, /* Charnc - the minimum length */ \ 2, /* not */ \ /* Positive single-char repeats ** These are */ \ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, /* *, *?, +, +?, ?, ?? ** minima in */ \ 4, 4, 4, /* upto, minupto, exact ** UTF-8 mode */ \ 2, 2, 2, 4, /* *+, ++, ?+, upto+ */ \ /* Negative single-char repeats - only for chars < 256 */ \ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, /* NOT *, *?, +, +?, ?, ?? */ \ 4, 4, 4, /* NOT upto, minupto, exact */ \ 2, 2, 2, 4, /* Possessive *, +, ?, upto */ \ /* Positive type repeats */ \ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, /* Type *, *?, +, +?, ?, ?? */ \ 4, 4, 4, /* Type upto, minupto, exact */ \ 2, 2, 2, 4, /* Possessive *+, ++, ?+, upto+ */ \ /* Character class & ref repeats */ \ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, /* *, *?, +, +?, ?, ?? */ \ 5, 5, /* CRRANGE, CRMINRANGE */ \ 33, /* CLASS */ \ 33, /* NCLASS */ \ 0, /* XCLASS - variable length */ \ 3, /* REF */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* RECURSE */ \ 2+2*LINK_SIZE, /*, /* BRA */ \ 3+LINK_SIZE, /* CBRA */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* COND */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* SBRA */ \ 3+LINK_SIZE, /* SCBRA */ \ 1+LINK_SIZE, /* SCOND */ \ 3, /* CREF */ \ 3, /* RREF */ \ 1, /* DEF */ \ 1, 1, /* BRAZERO, BRAMINZERO */ \ 1, 1, 1, 1, /* PRUNE, SKIP, THEN, COMMIT, */ \ 1, 1, 1 /* FAIL, ACCEPT, SKIPZERO */ /* A magic value for OP_RREF to indicate the "any recursion" condition. */ #define RREF_ANY, ERR48, ERR49, ERR50, ERR51, ERR52, ERR53, ERR54, ERR55, ERR56, ERR57, ERR58, ERR59, ERR60, ERR61, ERR62, ERR63, ERR64 }; /*: */ 00925 typedef struct real_pcre { pcre_uint32 magic_number; pcre_uint32 size; /* Total that was malloced */ pcre_uint32 options; /* Public options */ pcre_uint16 flags; /* Private flags */ pcre_uint16 dummy1; /* For future use */. */ 00947 typedef struct pcre_study_data { pcre_uint32 size; /* Total that was malloced */ pcre_uint32 options; uschar start_bits[32]; } pcre_study_data; /* Structure for passing "static" information around between the functions doing the compiling, so that they are thread-safe. */ 00956_workspace;/* The start of working space */ const uschar *start_code; /* The start of the compiled code */ const uschar *start_pattern; /* The start of the pattern */ const uschar *end_pattern; /* The end of the pattern */ uschar *hwm; /* High watermark of workspace */ uschar *name_table; /* The name/number table */ int names_found; /* Number of entries so far */ int name_entry_size; /* Size of each entry */ int bracount; /* Count of capturing parens as we compile */ int final_bracount; /* Saved value after first pass */ int top_backref; /* Maximum back reference */ unsigned int backref_map; /* Bitmap of low back refs */ int external_options; /* External (initial) options */ int external_flags; /* External flag bits to be set */ int req_varyopt; /* "After variable item" flag for reqbyte */ BOOL had_accept; /* (*ACCEPT) encountered */ int nltype; /* Newline type */ int nllen; /* Newline string length */ uschar nl[4]; /* Newline string when fixed length */ } compile_data; /* Structure for maintaining a chain of pointers to the currently incomplete branches, for testing for left recursion. */ 00985 typedef struct branch_chain { struct branch_chain *outer; uschar *current; } branch_chain; /* Structure for items in a linked list that represents an explicit recursive call within the pattern. */ 00993 typedef struct recursion_info { struct recursion_info *prevrec; /* Previous recursion record (or NULL) */ int group_num; /* Number of group that was called */ const uschar *after_call; /* "Return value": points after the call in the expr */ USPTR save_start; /* Old value of mstart */ int *offset_save; /* Pointer to start of saved offsets */ int saved_max; /* Number of saved offsets */ } recursion_info; /* Structure for building a chain of data for holding the values of the subject pointer at the start of each subpattern, so as to detect when an empty string has been matched by a subpattern - to break infinite loops. */ 01006 typedef struct eptrblock { struct eptrblock *epb_prev; USPTR epb_saved_eptr; } eptrblock; /* Structure for passing "static" information around between the functions doing traditional NFA matching, so that they are thread-safe. */ 01015 typedef struct match_data { unsigned long int match_call_count; /* As it says */ unsigned long int match_limit; /* As it says */ unsigned long int match_limit_recursion; /* As it says */ int *offset_vector; /* Offset vector */ int offset_end; /* One past the end */ int offset_max; /* The maximum usable for return data */ int nltype; /* Newline type */ int nllen; /* Newline string length */ uschar nl[4]; /* Newline string when fixed */ jscript_compat; /* JAVASCRIPT_COMPAT flag */ BOOL endonly; /* Dollar not before final \n */ BOOL notempty; /* Empty string match not wanted */ BOOL partial; /* PARTIAL flag */ BOOL hitend; /* Hit the end of the subject at some point */ BOOL bsr_anycrlf; /* \R is just any CRLF, not full Unicode */ const uschar *start_code; /* For use when recursing */ USPTR start_subject; /* Start of the subject string */ USPTR end_subject; /* End of the subject string */ USPTR start_match_ptr; /* Start of matched string */ USPTR end_match_ptr; /* Subject position at end match */ int end_offset_top; /* Highwater mark at end of match */ int capture_last; /* Most recent capture number */ int start_offset; /* The start offset value */ eptrblock *eptrchain; /* Chain of eptrblocks for tail recursions */ int eptrn; /* Next free eptrblock */ recursion_info *recursive; /* Linked list of recursion data */ void *callout_data; /* To pass back to callouts */ } match_data; /* A similar structure is used for the same purpose by the DFA matching functions. */ 01054 */ int nltype; /* Newline type */ int nllen; /* Newline string length */ uschar nl[4]; /* Newline string when fixed */ void *callout_data; /* To pass back to callouts */ } dfaphanumeric) /* Layout of the UCP type table that translates property names into types and codes. Each entry used to point directly to a name, but to reduce the number of relocations in shared libraries, it now has an offset into a single string instead. */ 01105 typedef struct { pcre_uint16 name_offset; pcre_uint16 type; pcre_uint16 char _pcre_utt_names[]; BOOL _pcre_is_newline(const uschar *, int, const uschar *, int *, BOOL); extern int _pcre_ord2utf8(int, uschar *); extern real_pcre *_pcre_try_flipped(const real_pcre *, real_pcre *, const pcre_study_data *, pcre_study_data *); extern int _pcre_valid_utf8(const uschar *, int); extern BOOL _pcre_was_newline(const uschar *, int, const uschar *, int *, BOOL); extern BOOL _pcre_xclass(int, const uschar *); /* Unicode character database (UCD) */ 01150 typedef struct { uschar script; uschar chartype; pcre_int32 other_case; } ucd_record; extern const ucd_record _pcre_ucd_records[]; extern const uschar _pcre_ucd_stage1[]; extern const pcre_uint16 _pcre_ucd_stage2[]; extern const int _pcre_ucp_gentype[]; /* UCD access macros */ #define UCD_BLOCK_SIZE 128 #define GET_UCD(ch) (_pcre_ucd_records + \ _pcre_ucd_stage2[_pcre_ucd_stage1[(ch) / UCD_BLOCK_SIZE] * \ UCD_BLOCK_SIZE + ch % UCD_BLOCK_SIZE]) #define UCD_CHARTYPE(ch) GET_UCD(ch)->chartype #define UCD_SCRIPT(ch) GET_UCD(ch)->script #define UCD_CATEGORY(ch) _pcre_ucp_gentype[UCD_CHARTYPE(ch)] #define UCD_OTHERCASE(ch) (ch + GET_UCD(ch)->other_case) #endif /* End of pcre_internal.h */
By Siddharth Shiva I wrote this in January, when everyone was talking about the nonsense that went down in Bangalore on New Year’s Eve. Decided to hold out on sharing it because I knew that people would stop talking about it within a week. Scoopwhoop shared security footage of a woman being harassed by two men on a scooter. I’m not linking to that horrendous video. It shouldn’t be online without the woman’s permission, and it most certainly shouldn’t have been presented in viral video format. But in the comments, several times: "When will parents start sending their daughters, wives and sisters for martial arts lessons?" What happens when the perpetrator is better trained or just stronger in general? Why is it that people still think that defense against sexual harassment is women's responsibility? Its been said by thousands of people that we wouldn’t say this to a person who has been mugged. Men need to stop talking about what women should be doing, and start talking about what we can do to stop this shit from happening. Have any of these idiots considered that maybe there's something terribly wrong in the way India raises its boys to be men? Starts with kindergarten teachers telling boys and girls to sit separately. Then suddenly one day you find yourself in college doing the same thing. Dudes are scared to friggin’ talk to women. They feel constantly threatened by them because they're thought of as, almost, a separate species. Men are made to think that a woman who doesn’t embody Indian cultural values, is not a woman, but a foul thing. A whore who’s whore powers will bewitch them into doing things that they won’t normally do. Men are made to think that a woman who abides by Indocultural propriety owes them what they want anyway. This, often by their families. Our movies and television glorify stalking and assault. Because stalking and assault somehow gets you the girl. "Locker room talk" attests for your manhood. The badder you are, the more manly. In the old days - Simpler Times (TM) - people didn’t care a whole lot about what women had to say. They were coveted belongings. I mean, they were doing amazing stuff, but mostly invisible to men. So men took this to its logical extreme and drafted laws that more or less sees women as objects, maybe pets. Preferring to protect women’s “modesty”, rather than the woman herself. Why? Because “modesty” can be defined by a man. Laws can be structured around ideas that make men comfortable, with the way they treat women, and their idea of what counts as mistreatment. These obviously need to be changed. This would of course, require women to enter into legislative discourse, if only men would allow them a voice. But how will this ever happen, when the police and the judges and literally everyone’s grown up in an environment that teaches you that women are, almost, a different species? There should be a radical change in the way men are raised, and an environment should be created to ensure that boys are taught that women aren't their enemies while they're still children. Anything else is indoctrinating them into a system of sexual repression and misogyny from a very young age. We need to create an environment that stops making sex seem like a badge to be worn. You’ve slept with 10 women? Big fucking deal. I’ve eaten (probably) more than 3000 scoops of ice cream last year and you don’t see me bragging about that (I just did, but that’s beside the point). My point is. Women are human beings. They’re not achievements to be unlocked nor are they prizes to be won. Getting laid is cool, but it ain’t the same as getting lucky. Luck is winning the lottery. Sex is a mutual decision. You don’t slip and fall into pussy by luck, but through dialog. And if that isn’t the case then you’re committing a crime. By treating sex as one kind of statement of manhood you create an environment that makes people more desperate for it. And this needs to fucking stop. This environment needs to be confronted from two directions. The first is by encouraging grown up people to understand the things that create this environment so that they can avoid perpetuating it, and the second is by raising the next generation of children in a different, inclusive, even environment. What does it mean to show a grown up person that the environment they create when they say “bros before hoes” is not a healthy one? A lot of work, and some compromise. I encourage forward thinking men to actively participate in the dissolution of this environment. Because OF COURSE, men value male voices more than they value women. So the next time your catching a coffee with your boyfriends (or bros, if you’re bothered by the connotations of “boyfriend” in 2017), or you find yourself in the middle of a locker room chat, work towards cleaning it up. There are ways of doing this without making you seem like a “killjoy”. This is where compromise comes in. There are two keys to how to effectively communicate feminism to bros: humor and relatability. Your dialog must be easily accessible. I get that not everybody’s as able as I am to spin jokey webs like some kinda joke spiderman, but bros don’t have a very high standard for humor. Humor, to a bro, by itself is abrasive, and it’s quality doesn’t matter a whole lot. All that matters is that your statement is made. They’re smart enough to get that, and they generally appreciate when it isn’t told to them in an “uptight” manner. This means: - No more bro code - No more friendzone (be happy she’s still your friend you fucking creep) - Moderation of language: words like slut, whore and fag are absolutely unacceptable - No rape jokes, no sexual assault jokes - No objectification; which means no rating her out of ten, no talking about her tits, and no talking about how she was last night. Just fucking shut up about people if you’re going to talk about them like they’re products on Amazon, dammit. But bros aren’t the only kinda grown ups you will find yourself having to deal with. The arguably more difficult variety of grown up is the Conservative. These people mistake their shitty rhetoric to be respectful. And convincing a person that what they perceive as a positive opinion is actually a negative one is no simple task. For this, once again, a little compromise is in order. It is generally not preferred to draw upon wives and daughters and sisters as examples for why feminism is necessary, because it makes it about the men. However, for some people, there is very little alternative. You must work this angle, in the hope that eventually, they understand that the problems they face go beyond the people they directly care about. So find ways to explain the ways sexist rhetoric affects people that they know. You will find yourself getting through to (most of) them slowly, but surely. Convincing grown ups that things that they’ve believed in all their lives are wrong is difficult work. It’s much easier for children to learn. And while I personally dislike children and think that they’re mostly huge assholes, they also have more potential to exhibit compassion than the rest of us. And that’s why, the second angle that I mentioned before, is arguably the more important one, as it has the potential to change everything about the future. People tend to imagine very bleak futures, but those are very avoidable, even without Barry Allen’s help. All it takes is for you to make a solid impression on the younger generation. It’s of utmost importance that they’re raised in an environment that doesn’t discriminate between them based on gender. Children are quick in responding emotionally, and are very moldable, characterwise. It’s incredibly important for their happiness, and for our society, that they’re taught the importance of equality and positivity starting at a young age. Realism is a thing that they will discover for themselves at an appropriate time. It’s important that they have the tools to deal with this realization well. For this to happen, it is important that they’re familiar with the nuances of gender and sexuality by then, and therefore, it is important for them to receive a sound education in both of these. There are, of course, other things too, but I mention gender and sexuality, because they’re pertinent to gender equality, which is what I’ve been talking about this whole time (don’t you dare “what about this problem” me). In an ideal world in my eyes, we wouldn’t assign genders at birth. People are allowed to build their own character as they grow, and they’re allowed to be attracted to whoever they wish to be attracted to. They could even choose to opt out of these things - agender, asexual people exist (autocorrect doesn’t even recognize agender as a word). Basically, you, friend, and everyone around you, friend, can just be whoever they want to be. Free of expectation. free of societal responsibility. But we are light years away from this. We’re going to be wrapping babies in pink and blue blankets for decades (maybe centuries). Really, it all depends on which generation makes a start at working against this tide of time and culture. I’d hope that it’s ours, but we’re all so busy being confused at our place in all of this. Nobody has a confident opinion yet, because our facts and beliefs aren’t yet surely cemented. This is not an affront to our generation; it’s merely an indication of just how far our human civilization is from maturity. We can only get there through a sort of domino effect; where we help each other understand the work that needs to be done. I have faith. I think that we have the a good chance of making it out of this happy and equal. Maybe that’s my privilege speaking. I don’t know.What I do know is that if I were to think anything else, I wouldn’t sleep very well at night.
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With five self storage locations serving the Philadelphia Metro Area, EZ Storage® can help you out, no matter where you are – we’ll even give you the keys to one of our move-in trucks for free. Our clean, secure, standard and climate–controlled storage facilities serve the towns of Montgomeryville, Huntingdon Valley, Elkins Park, Philadelphia and Warrington. Click on the location nearest you to get started – act fast to get one month storage rental free! Someone will reach out soon to help determine the space and location you require. We'll help determine the right amount of space you require. Reservations are always free! Self-storage can provide a number of solutions for people who are looking to store their personal belongings, find a place for business materials, or park a vehicle while they’re away from home. At EZ Storage® in Philadelphia, we’ve helped countless people find the storage space they needed for boxes of collectibles, valuable antiques and heirlooms, and many other items. If you need somewhere to store things for any period of time, visit one of our locations today! There are many benefits to renting a storage unit, and our staff will be more than happy to help you find the right space for your belongings. You can pick a standard 5’ x 5’ or 5’ x 10’ unit for those extra boxes that won’t fit in your attic, or you can choose a 10’ x 25’ space that’s climate controlled for those antiques, electronics, and pieces of furniture that you need to store. By getting things out of the house, you can create more living space for you and your family. Instead of cluttering up the basement or the garage, you can keep those spaces clear, making them free to use as you see fit. Perhaps you have plans to add another bedroom in the basement and you need to move those excess belongings out of the way. With a rented unit, you can safely store those things in a secure spot, instead of moving them to another area of the house. Another benefit of storage is that you’ll have peace of mind that your belongings are safe and sound. If you’re going to be out of town on vacation or on a business trip, you’ll know that your possessions are behind a sturdy locked door, instead of sitting in your garage or taking up space in your attic. If you’re moving to a new house but you can’t take everything with you right away, putting some items in storage can ease some of the burden. If you’re in need of affordable and convenient storage in Philadelphia, visit one of our facilities today. We have four locations that are built to serve the entire metro area, so it doesn’t matter if you live in Abington, Elkins Park, or North Wales – you can find a unit near your house! When it comes to self-storage, the majority of people choose to put their personal belongings in a rented unit. They might be cleaning out their attic or basement, or they may be planning to move, but need to move some things out now rather than later. At EZ Storage®, we’re here to help every customer find the space that best suits his or her needs, and answer any questions he or she may have. If you’re hoping to create more space in your house or apartment by storing some personal items, visit one of our locations today! If you have valuable mementoes or precious heirlooms that you want to keep safe, a storage unit can often be the best option. Attics are prone to dust and debris, and if there’s a leak in the roof, your boxes and crates could get wet or damaged. Basements are also prone to water damage, and the last thing you want to do is come home to your belongings floating in a flood. With a storage space at one of our facilities, you’ll know that those cherished items are well protected and at less risk for damage. You can put those mementoes away until it’s time to pass them onto the next generation, or decide that you want to display them in your house. Another reason that you may need to store your personal belongings is that you’re going through a life change. You might be moving to a new city for a new job, and you need to leave some things behind until you can come back and get them. You might be getting a new roommate, which means you need to move your stuff out of the spare bedroom to make space for the things that he or she is bringing with them. If you’re getting married and finding a new house with your spouse-to-be, it can make life easier if some of your belongings are in a storage unit and out of your way. Everyone experiences change in different ways, and when it comes, it’s important to know that you have a safe place to keep your things. You could ask a friend or relative if you could use his or her garage or basement, but those are often temporary solutions, at best. With our month-to-month leases, you can rent a space for as long as you need, without having to worry about being locked into a year-long contract. One question that we get from customers who want to store personal items is, “What’s the difference between standard and climate-controlled storage units?” While there are benefits to each one, the right choice often depends on what items one wants to store. If you’re a college student with dorm furniture that you need to store for the summer, a standard unit is often the best choice. Standard units are also a bit more affordable than climate-controlled spaces. However, if you have fragile items such as heirloom furniture that’s been in the family for generations, or sensitive items such as electronic equipment or vinyl records, a climate-controlled unit will most likely be better. Being able to control the temperature will ensure that any wood, fabric, or metal won’t be affected by any drastic changes during winter or summer. If you’re looking for a place where you can store some personal belongings for a few months, or you need to keep some things safe while you’re on military deployment, EZ Storage® is here to help. Visit one of our locations today to learn more, and if you’re an active member of the military, be sure to ask about our discount options. We look forward to helping you! If you own a business, then your focus is on finding new customers, hiring great people, and providing an amazing product or service. You don’t want to be weighed down by finding enough space for your inventory, or by keeping your equipment and materials safe when they’re not in use. At EZ Storage®, we love helping business owners find the ideal storage solutions, and we’ve worked with people from all types of industries. If your company needs a storage unit, call or visit us today! Retail establishments who sell various products can benefit greatly from renting a storage space. You may have a new business that’s housed in a small storefront, which means that space is at a premium. You don’t have the room for all those extra boxes of inventory and sales signs that are a necessary part of your business. By renting a unit from us, you can keep everything safe and rotate stock when it’s convenient for you. If you have seasonal items such as beach gear or snow shovels, you can store certain items until it’s time to put them back on the shelves! Self-storage is also advantageous to those in the real estate industry. Agents who are hosting open houses and showing properties on a regular basis need somewhere to store signs and staging supplies. Instead of hauling everything back and forth from the office or your garage, you can put everything in a spacious storage unit, where it will be safe and sound until you need it again. You can store staging furniture, “For Sale” signs, and anything else that’s integral to your real estate company. If you’re working with a manufacturer who’s making the products you’re going to sell, it’s important to coordinate when that inventory will be delivered and where you’re going to store it. When you rent from EZ Storage®, you can arrange to have deliveries made to your storage unit. Our resident managers will make sure that everything is deposited properly, and that your unit is locked up following the delivery. Instead of having to come down to meet the truck, or figure out how they’re going to unload every box in front of your store, you can leave everything to us! Maybe you’re not in the retail or real estate business, but you instead provide a service such as landscaping or plumbing. These types of businesses require all kinds of equipment and materials, and you need a place to store things, especially during your offseason. If you mow lawns and trim hedges during the summer and provide snow removal during the winter, you can store your lawn equipment from October to March, and your plows and shovels during the rest of the year! One industry that can greatly benefit from self-storage is construction. If you build or remodel houses for a living, you need tools, lumber, and other items that are readily accessible. While you’re working on a site, you may have a portable trailer that keeps everything secure until the job is done, but what about when when you’re between jobs? You can park the trailer on your property with everything in it, or you can rent a secure storage space and keep everything safe until you need your equipment and materials once again. If you have expensive tools such as nail guns and heavy equipment such as table saws, you can store them with ease in one of our large units. When you need a business storage space in Philadelphia, visit one of our locations today! If you have a personal or recreational vehicle that you can’t park on your property, it’s important to find a suitable storage solution for it when it’s not in use. At EZ Storage® in Philadelphia, we can help you find the ideal space for your classic car, your vintage motorcycle, or your boat. Visit us today to learn more! You may drive your car every day, but if you’re taking a vacation or you have to go on a business trip, you need a secure spot for your vehicle. Parking it on the street or in the driveway might be an option, but you may be worried about it becoming damaged by the weather or by vandalism. If you have limited space in your garage, or you don’t have a garage, a large storage unit can be the best solution. Our 10’ x 25’ and 10’ x 30’ options are perfect for nearly any vehicle. If you’ve spent the time, energy, and money to restore a vintage automobile, then you may not want to leave it sitting in your garage when you’re not driving it. Classic cars and motorcycles can be serious investments, and you want to maintain your vehicle’s pristine condition. A self-storage space can be the best choice for your vintage cars or bikes, and you can keep everything safe until you take your vehicle out for a Sunday drive or that next classic auto show. If you own a boat or an RV, then you need an affordable option for offseason storage. You may keep the boat on the water or the RV in the driveway during the summer, and since every weekend is filled with another adventure, you don’t need storage until September or October rolls around. With month-to-month leases, you can rent an outdoor space and keep your recreational vehicle safe until spring arrives once again. Our State Road facility can accommodate a variety of boat sizes, and we’ll gladly keep yours safe for as long as you need. No matter what you need storage for, whether it’s a motorcycle, an RV, or a work van, EZ Storage® can help you find the premium spot for it. We love meeting new people and providing our customers with convenient solutions. We offer access hours on every day of the year, so you can pick up or drop off your vehicle whenever it works for you! EZ Storage® is proud to serve Philadelphia, and when you need a suitable self-storage space, call or visit one of our locations and we promise that you’ll receive the very best in service and quality. We look forward to seeing you soon!
US3941297A - Method and apparatus for simultaneously bonding a plurality of lead frames to a plurality of planar articles - Google PatentsMethod and apparatus for simultaneously bonding a plurality of lead frames to a plurality of planar articles Download PDF Info - Publication number - US3941297AUS3941297A US05583213 US58321375A US3941297A US 3941297 A US3941297 A US 3941297A US 05583213 US05583213 US 05583213 US 58321375 A US58321375 A US 58321375A US 3941297 A US3941297 A US 3941297A - Authority - US - Grant status - Grant - Patent type - - Prior art keywords - bonding - lead - plurality - frames - tips -20/00—Non-electric welding by applying impact or other pressure, with or without the application of heat, e.g. cladding or plating - B23K20/02—Non-electric welding by applying impact or other pressure, with or without the application of heat, e.g. cladding or plating by means of a press ; Diffusion bonding - B23K20/023—Thermo-compression bonding - to method and apparatus for simultaneously bonding a plurality of lead frames to a plurality of planar articles, and more particularly, to method and apparatus for simultaneously mass thermocompression bonding a plurality of lead frames to a plurality of planar articles. 2. Description of the Prior Art The beam-leaded semiconductor device is a recent development which comprises a semiconductor element including a chip or die of semiconductor material within which is fabricated, by known planar processing techniques, either an individual semiconductor component, such as a transistor, or a plurality of components suitably interconnected to provide a monolithic integrated circuit network. Formed on one of the major surfaces of the die, during fabrication of the element, are a plurality of beam leads, primarily of gold, which are electrically connected to appropriate regions on the semiconductor die and extend outward beyond the edges of the die in an array parallel to the major surface of the die. The beam leads can be formed in any known manner, such as, for example, by plating techniques or by a film strip process as disclosed, for example, in U.S. Pat. No. 3,777,365, issued to C. W. Umbaugh on Dec. 11, 1973. The beam leads provide a means for making contact between the die and the metallized portions of a miniceramic substrate, a substrate of a circuit board, or a device enclosure on which the semiconductor element is mounted. The semiconductor device is placed on the surface of the substrate with the beam leads in alignment with the metallized areas of the substrate. The beam leads are then bonded directly to the metallized areas as by thermal compression bonding, ultrasonic bonding, or welding. Thus, the tedious, error-prone, time-consuming prior art process of manually bonding lead wires between semiconductor dies and metallized areas of substrates is eliminated. See, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 3,627,190, issued to H. J. Ramsey on Dec. 14, 1971 which discloses apparatus for the thermocompression bonding of a beam-leaded device to a substrate. It is also known to simultaneously thermocompression bond a plurality of beam-leaded devices to a similar plurality of metallized patterns on one side of a single ceramic substrate. In this regard see, for example, U.S. Pat. No. 3,699,640, issued to B. H. Cranston et al. on Oct. 24, 1972 which discloses method and apparatus for compliant bonding beam-leaded semiconductor devices to a substrate. Once the beam-leaded devices have been bonded to the array of metallized patterns on a substrate, the substrate can be machined to separate the plurality of bonded devices and metallized patterns into a similar plurality of miniceramic substrates having the metallized bonding sites adjacent the edges thereof. The bonding sites on each miniceramic substrate can then be bonded to a lead frame for subsequent interconnection to other circuits. It is known to thermocompression bond the leads of individual lead frames to separate substrates in rapid succession for increased productivity. The most widely known method for effecting the thermocompression bond is to align both the lead frame and the bonding sites on the substrate with each other and with the elements of a bonding station, and then to apply a heated thermode onto the leads of the lead frame with sufficient compressive force and temperature to effect the bonds. It is also known to transfer the necessary heat through the substrate and to the bonding sites for the thermocompression bond, but under such conditions there has been a tendency towards increased cracking in the substrates unless extreme care and control are used in the bonding process. It is for this reason that the application of the heated thermode to the leads of the lead frame is preferred. Attempts at applying known methods and apparatus to accomplish the simultaneous thermocompression bonding of a plurality of lead frames to a similar plurality of substrates has resulted in many problems which have tended to discourage further development of a production type mass bonder. The problems encountered related, inter alia, to the fact that the details on the heated thermode engaging the leads, which are referenced to the bonding sites on the substrates, must be accurately placed on the leads to effect a proper bond at each bonding site. The details on the thermode, and the thermode itself, however, expand as the thermode is heated to a particular bonding temperature. It, therefore, became necessary to precalculate the amount of thermal expansion that would take place for a particular thermode for a predetermined temperature and from such calculations accordingly machine the cold thermode. If the bonding temperature had to be sufficiently changed, either higher or lower, it might become necessary to machine a new thermode. An alternative arrangement would be to provide an array of separately heated bonding tips capable of being simultaneously activated. Such arrangement, however, produced, inter alia, other problems such as (a) the necessity to precalculate the dimensions of the pistons, sleeves, and other elements which activate and control the movement of each bonding tip in order to compensate for expansion from the heat conveyed to each of the elements in accordance with its relative position in the array; (b) the ability to individually control the plurality of heating units in a manner to achieve the same temperature at each bonding tip in the array; and (c) to provide a device which simultaneously activates the heated bonding tips and applies an equal predetermined pressure to all bonding tips while the device is being subjected to an elevated temperature from the heating elements associated with each bonding tip. All of the above problems, of course, become more insurmountable as the number of lead frames and substrates to be simultaneously bonded increases. The present invention relates to method and apparatus for concurrently bonding a plurality of substrates to a plurality of lead frames, and more particularly, to method and apparatus for concurrently mass thermocompression bonding a plurality of substantially planar articles to a plurality of lead frames. The invention further relates to method and apparatus for concurrently bonding the leads of a plurality of lead frames to respective bonding sites on the first faces of a corresponding plurality of substantially planar articles where the plurality of lead frames are referenced to separate ones of a plurality of bonding tips, and the bonding sites on each of the plurality of articles are registered with an associated one of the lead frames. Each of the registered bonding tips, lead frames, and planar articles are then concurrently and independently moved in a direction to engage the second face of the plurality of articles with a heated thermode and then apply a substantially uniform bonding force concurrently to all of said leads and bonding sites to mass bond the lead frames to the associated articles. Other and further aspects of the present invention will become apparent during the course of the following description and by reference to the accompanying drawings and the appended claims. Referring now to the drawings, in which like numerals represent like parts in the several views: FIG. 1 is a perspective view of apparatus in accordance with the present invention for mass bonding a plurality of lead frames to a similar plurality of substrates; FIG. 2 is a perspective view illustrating certain details of the apparatus, specifically the structure of the apparatus for bonding one lead frame to one substrate; FIG. 3 is a plan view of the apparatus of FIG. 1 with portions broken away in order to show certain details; FIG. 4 is a side elevation view of the lower section of the apparatus of FIG. 1 with portions broken away in order to show certain details; and FIG. 5 is a plan view of a lead frame and a substrate as bonded together by the apparatus of FIG. 1. The present invention has been described primarily in terms of a mass bonder having bonding areas arranged at the intersections of rows and columns of an array. However, it will be understood that such description is exemplary only and is for purposes of exposition and not for purposes of limitation. It will be readily appreciated that the inventive concept described is equally applicable to any mass bonding configuration, and that the elements described as associated with a row of the array could similarly be associated with a column of the array or any other arrangement within the mass bonder of the present invention. In FIG. 1, a mass bonding apparatus, designated generally as 10, capable of concurrently thermocompression bonding a plurality of lead frames to bonding sites on a plurality of planar articles, such as, for example, substrates, is illustrated. Bonding apparatus 10 includes a lower section 12, an upper section 14 positioned directly above lower section 12 during the mass bonding operation, and a bonding insert assembly 16 (shown in phantom) which can be slidably mounted on lower section 12. To make maintenance routines for the lower and upper sections 12 and 14 easier, it is preferable that upper section 14 be removable from lower section 12, as shown, for example, in FIG. 1. There, upper section 14 is shown as hinged to lower section 12 by means of an L-shaped bracket 18 which is rotatably secured to lower section 12 by a pivotal pin 19. A handle 20 is provided to aid in the removal or restoration of upper section 14 to the bonding position. Other arrangements for the removal and restoration of upper section 14 will occur to those skilled in the art. The preferred embodiment of the present invention for the internal arrangement of lower section 12, upper section 14, and bonding insert assembly 16 can best be seen in FIGS. 2 and 3. There, bonding insert assembly 16 is shown as comprising a block 30 having a separate aperture 32 formed therein at each point of intersection between the rows and columns of a particular array corresponding to the bonding areas of mass bonder 10, a separate ram 34 mounted for independent axial movement in each of apertures 32, and a bonding tip 36 extending from the end of each ram 34 adjacent the associated lead frame 22 and substrate 24 to be bonded. Block 30 is illustrated as comprising a first plate 40 and a second plate 42 secured to the bottom face of first plate 40 such that the longitudinal axes of the array of apertures 32 in the first and second plates 40 and 42 are in alignment. Apertures 32 in block 30 and the associated rams 34 can be of any configuration which permits the independent movement of each of rams 34 along the longitudinal axis thereof. In the preferred embodiment of the present invention, rams 34 are each shown as having a stepped cylindrical shape with a T-shaped longitudinal cross section. Apertures 32 in block 30 each have a two-stepped configuration, comprising a sidewall 44 in the upper step of first plate 40, and sidewall 46 in second plate 42, which limit movement of the associated piston along the longitudinal axis thereof. The sidewall 48 of each of apertures 32 in the lower step of first plate 40, together with lower plate 42 and the associated ram 34, forms a chamber 50 therebetween. The chambers 50 are interconnected by ducts 52 which ultimately communicate with a port 54. Port 54 is adapted for connection to an external source of vacuum (not shown). Each bonding tip 36 is mounted in a recess 56 in the top surface of a separate ram 34 and extends thereabove. Bonding tips 36 are preferably formed of a material, such as, for example, zirconium oxide, which has good thermal insulation properties and sufficient strength to withstand, without damage, the temperature and pressure gradients encountered during the bonding operation. A separate strip of material 58 accurately retains the bonding tips 36 of each row of the array in their respective recesses 56 in rams 34. Each strip of material 58 has openings 60 formed therein which correspond to the exact position of each bonding tip 36 in the associated row in the array, each opening 60 having a configuration which engages at least a portion of the sides of the associated bonding tip 36. Each strip of material 58, therefore, functions to accurately position and guide each bonding tip 36 and to deflect, in the immediate area of the associated bonding tips 36, to follow the motion of each bonding tip 36 during the bonding operation. In the assembled position, an aperture 62 formed in each bonding tip 36 and the associated ram 34 forms a passage between the top surface of the bonding tip 36 and the chamber 50 associated therewith. In the initial or starting position of the operating cycle, each of the rams 34 rests on the top step 64 of the associated aperture 32 with the bottom of each ram 34 being essentially in line with the bottom surface of second plate 42 of block 30. Preferably a washer 66 is mounted on each top step 64 to avoid increased leakage from chamber 50 when rams 34 move upward during the bonding operation. Bonding insert assembly 16 is adapted for removal from between lower section 12 and upper section 14 primarily for loading and unloading lead frames 22 and planar articles 24, hereinafter referred to as substrates 24, both before and after the bonding operation, and also for ease of maintenance. Advantageously, means are provided to properly register the plurality of lead frames 22 with their respective bonding tips 36. One means for properly mounting and registering lead frames 22 adjacent the associated bonding tips 36 is shown in FIGS. 2 and 3. There, spaced-apart metallic strips 70 are mounted on first plate 40 on either side and parallel with each row of bonding tips 36. A strip of lead frames 22, having a number of lead frames and a distance between adjacent ones thereof which corresponds to the bonding tips 36 of each row of the array, is placed on each pair of adjacent metallic strips 70. Aligning pins 72 extending through each of metallic strips 70 engage referencing apertures 74, formed in each edge of a lead frame strip, to reference the lead frames 22 to the associated bonding tips 36 in a row of mass bonder 10. A strip of magnetized material 76 is inlaid along the top surface of each of metallic strips 70, and together with a strip of magnetic material 78, placed over each edge of a lead frame strip, maintains the lead frame strip in its referenced position. Lower section 12 comprises, inter alia, a block 100, shown as having various sections for ease of maintenance, and a plurality of apertures 102 extending partially therethrough at the intersection of the rows and columns of an array which correspond to the location of apertures 32 in the array in bonding insert assembly 16. A separate piston 104 is slidably mounted in each of apertures 102, each piston 104 preferably having an enlarged base 106 to obtain a pressure amplification between the bottom surface of base 106 and the top surface of piston 104. Base 106 of each piston 104 is adapted to engage the upper surface of a common diaphragm 108. A chamber 110 is formed in block 100 beneath diaphragm 108 covering the area encompassing bases 106 of pistons 104, chamber 110 being connected by a passage 112 to a port 114. Port 114 is adapted for connection to a regulatable source of pressurized fluid (not shown), whereby to increase the pressure beneath diaphragm 108 and raise pistons 104 or selectively to decrease the pressure beneath diaphragm 108 and lower pistons 104. Chamber 110 can comprise any well-known form, such as, for example, a serpentine-shaped channel or a cavity with or without supporting members for diaphragm 108. A biasing means 116 is preferably provided to ensure that the base 106 of each piston 104 is in continuous contact with diaphragm 108, and to assist in returning pistons 104 to their initial or starting position. Biasing means 116 can comprise any well-known form, and is shown in FIGS. 2 and 3 as comprising a separate spring encircling each of pistons 104. Means are provided on block 100 of lower section 12 for both mounting bonding insert assembly 16 on block 100 and referencing the array of rams 34 of bonding insert assembly 16 to the corresponding array of pistons 104 in lower section 12. The mounting and referencing means can comprise any well-known form, and are shown in FIGS. 1 and 3 as comprising two spaced-apart projections 120 running parallel to each other along the top surface on the opposed sides of block 100, and a backstop 122 running along the top rear surface of block 100. A slot 124 is formed in the inwardly facing surface of each of projections 120, the slots having both a separation which corresponds to the width of bonding insert assembly 16 and a position which references the columns of the array of rams 34 of bonding insert assembly 16 with the corresponding columns of the array of pistons 104 of lower section 12. Backstop 122 is positioned on block 100 to reference the rows of the array of rams 34 of bonding insert assembly with the corresponding rows of the array of pistons 104 of lower section 12 when the bonding insert assembly 16 is mounted in slots 124 and against backstop 122. Upper section 14 comprises a thermode 150 which extends over bonding insert assembly 16; heater elements 152 which can comprise any well-known form such as, for example, cartridge heaters; and an array of extensions 154 projecting from thermode 150, the extensions being referenced to the array of rams 34 and pistons 104 of bonding insert assembly 16 and lower section 12, respectively. A predetermined thickness of a rather rigid insulating material 156 is preferably positioned between thermode 150 and the remaining portion of upper section 14 to substantially reduce the heat loss from thermode 150 into upper section 14. A plurality of L-shaped brackets 158 fixedly hold thermode 150 against insulating material 156 after extensions 154 on thermode 150 have been referenced to the array of rams 34 and pistons 104 of bonding insert assembly 16 and lower section 12, respectively. Means should preferably be provided to reduce the possibility that the heat from thermode 150 might affect the operation of pistons 104 in apertures 102 of lower section 12. These means can comprise any well-known form, and are shown in FIGS. 2 and 3 as comprising a thermal radiation reflection shield 130 mounted in a recess 132 formed in the top surface of block 100 encompassing the area of apertures 102, reflection shield 130 having apertures 134 which correspond with the location of apertures 102 in block 100. Reflection shield 130 can be mounted in direct contact with recess 132 in block 100, as shown in FIG. 2, or on cooling coils or standoffs 136 to provide an airspace between shield 130 and recess 132 as shown in FIG. 3. Thermal-radiation reflection shields 138 can similarly be mounted to the sidewalls of L-shaped bracket 18 and lower section 12 as shown in FIGS. 1 and 3 to substantially reduce the heat load on the frame members of lower and upper sections 12 and 14 for safety reasons. The apparatus as described operates to simultaneously thermocompression bond a plurality of lead frames 22 to the metallized areas of a plurality of substrates 24 in the following manner. With bonding insert assembly 16 removed from mass bonder 10, a plurality of lead frames 22, preferably in strip form, are referenced and mounted adjacent the corresponding bonding tips 36 in each row of the array of bonding tips. The metallized bonding sites on the plurality of substrates 24 are then referenced and placed in contact with the corresponding leads of the associated lead frame 22. A source of vacuum (not shown) is selectively applied to port 54, and in turn to ducts 52, chambers 50, and apertures 62 in both rams 34 and bonding tips 36 to hold the substrates 24 in their referenced position. Bonding insert assembly 16 is then inserted into slots 124 of spaced-apart projections 120 on lower section 12 and into contact with backstop 122. In this position, substrates 24, lead frames 22, bonding tips 36 and rams 34 of bonding insert assembly 16 are referenced to their respective pistons 104 in lower section 12 and projections 154 on thermode 150 of upper section 14. To reduce the possibility of substrates 24 being moved from their referenced positions by contacting projections 154 on thermode 150 during the insertion of bonding insert assembly 16 in slots 124, means are preferably provided which permit bonding insert assembly 16 to be inserted well below projections 154 and then moved into close proximity thereof once bonding insert assembly 16 is in contact with backstop 122. Such means can comprise any well-known form, and is shown in FIGS. 1 and 4 as comprising a switch 180, means 182 for longitudinally moving two spaced-apart and interconnected cam bars 184 which are located below the respective spaced-apart projections 120 on lower section 12, rods 186 which follow cam surfaces 190 on cam bars 184 for raising and lowering projections 120 on lower section 12, and pins 188 for limiting sideways motion of projections 120 as projections 120 are raised or lowered. At least two rods 186 and associated cam surfaces 190 are provided for each projection 120 to ensure parallel movement of projections 120 as they are raised or lowered. More particularly, switch 180 is normally in the deactivated state with bonding insert assembly 16 removed from mass bonder 10. The contacting of bonding insert assembly 16 with backstop 122 causes switch 180 to attain the activated state and energize means 182 to move cam bars 184 in the direction indicated in FIG. 4. The indicated movement of cam bars 184 causes rods 186 to move in the direction indicated in FIG. 4 as a result of following cam surfaces 190 on cam bars 184. The upward movement of rods 186 causes projections 120 to be raised and the referenced substrates 24 on bonding insert assembly 16 to be elevated adjacent the respective projections 154 on thermode 150. Means 182 can comprise any conventional form, such as, for example, an air-operated piston or electrical solenoid. With bonding insert assembly in the elevated position, a fluid at a predetermined pressure is selectively applied to port 114 of lower section 12. The pressurized fluid is in turn applied to chamber 110 through passage 112 to raise diaphragm 108 and thereby concurrently and independently raising each of the plurality of pistons 104. The application of pressurized fluid to port 114 can, of course, be accomplished in many known ways. For instance, a second switch 192 can be located in upper section 14, as shown in FIG. 1, second switch 192 being activated when bonding insert assembly 16 attains its highest position to open a valve (not shown) controlling the pressurized fluid to port 114. The concurrent and independent longitudinal upward movement of pistons 104 in lower section 12 concurrently and independently raises the rams 34 and bonding tips 36 in bonding insert assembly 16, the lead frames 22, and the substrates 24 such that the surface of substrates 24 opposite the metallized bonding sites thereon engage the associated heated projections 154 on thermode 150 to provide the necessary bonding temperature through each substrate 24 to each bonding site, while a concurrent equal bonding force is applied to the lead frames 22 and the associated bonding sites on substrates 24. Once bonding is completed, the pressure to port 114 is reduced to deflate diaphragm 108 and lower rams 34 and pistons 104, and means 182 is de-energized to move cam bars 184 in a direction opposite that shown in FIG. 4, thereby to restore mass bonder 10 to its initial state before bonding insert assembly 16 is removed and unloaded. A lead frame 22 which has been bonded to the metallized bonding sites on a substrate 24 by the present apparatus is shown in the plan view of FIG. 5. The present mass bonder 10 provides many advantages over the prior art single lead frame bonders. A most obvious advantage is increased productivity which can provide ancillary advantages. For instance, where a bonding temperature of 300°C would be required at each bonding site, prior art single lead frame bonders are generally operated at a high temperature as, for example 500°-700°C in order to rapidly heat each bonding site for maximum production capabilities. With the ability to simultaneously bond, for instance, 120 lead frames to 120 substrates in a 10 × 12 array, the present mass bonder 10 can use a bonding cycle which is much longer, e.g., 25 seconds, than is used with single lead frame bonders while still improving overall production capabilities. The extended bonding cycle permits the use of lower thermode temperatures, such as, for example, 350°C, which in turn substantially avoids oxidation of the thermode, as found when higher thermode temperatures are used, or the need to use thermode material which can accommodate the much higher temperatures. The present arrangement, prior to bonding, maintains the associated plurality of bonding tips 36, lead frames 22, and substrates 24 in their referenced state without heat being applied thereto, thereby avoiding problems such as, for example, expansion of the lead frame strip. Additionally, air is continually being passed between bonding tips 36 and the associated substrates 24 in the area between the leads of lead frames 22 as a result of vacuum being applied to chambers 50 and apertures 62 in bonding tips 36, thereby to provide a cooling effect both prior to and during bonding while maintaining the substrates 24 in their referenced position. Magnetic strip 78 and metallic strip 70 also tend to keep the edges of lead frames 22 cooled to prevent buckling of the lead frames during bonding. During bonding, the raising of pistons 104 in lower section 12, rams 34 in bonding insert assembly 16, and bonding tips 36 by the application of a pressurized fluid to chamber 110 beneath diaphragm 108 causes lead frames 22 and substrates 24 to be clamped together, in their referenced state, between bonding tips 36 and projections 154 on thermode 150 just prior to the development of any significant temperature rise in the lead frame. Since lead frames 22 and substrates 24 are in their aligned positions prior to substrates 24 contacting projections 154, and since an insignificant amount of time actually passes before a bonding pressure is applied to the bonding sites on substrate 24, registration of lead frame 22 with the associated metallized bonding sites on substrates 24 is virtually assured, thereby avoiding problems of lead frame expansion, etc. The present ability to use a thermode temperature slightly above that needed to effect the bond, permits the application of heat to the bonding sites through the substrates themselves, rather than by the preferred prior art method of applying heat through the leads being bonded. The use of lower thermode temperatures permits the substrate to be heated throughout at a more uniform temperature, thereby to avoid stresses in the substrate and to achieve an ultimate temperature which avoids overheating of the substrate and the circuit thereon..
Skip to main content.in. Saffron export Direct order: WhatsApp +905534143833 Premium pure organic saffron. Highest quality saffron products in the market WELCOME TO MEHR SAFFRON ONLINE SHOP We specialize in providing the finest and purest quality of 100% premium saffron spice. We are a manufacturer of saffron and we have access to a large amount of saffron all the time of the year and we can supply different types of saffron in kilograms. For years, we have been in the service of providing the best saffron in the world, you can easily buy Persian saffron, Spanish saffron and more with us easily without compromising quality. Premium Saffron Threads, Pure Red Saffron Spice Threads | Super Negin Grade | Highest Quality and Flavor | For Culinary Use Such as Tea, Paella Rice, Risotto, Tachin, Basmati, Rice (2 Grams) 4.5 out of 5 stars 1,267. Sumac, Za’atar, Ras el Hanout, Baharat, Dukkah, Cumin, Nutmeg, Cardamom, Turmeric, Caraway are favorites spices of UAE Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world, widely used in various industries because of its unique properties. Every individual saffron crocus flower contains three red stigmas and yielding just only one gram of saffron takes about 150 saffron crocus flowers. Saffron produced in Kashmir was given the GI tag in July with the objective to put the Valley’s brand on the global map. Some British saffron brands compete with Spanish and UAE brands. The best place to buy Saffron is our website. Saffron has been known since Antiquity as a remedy for all pains, without claiming to be a universal medicine, it is however a natural solution for many health problems in our times. Cities compete to attract commerce on a global stage. Our strict quality control division always makes sure that only the top quality of saffron flower’s stigmas (Sargol Saffron) is handpicked from our farm in Mashhad – Iran. It works on blood sugar, bone health, sex hormones etc. 3 reviews for Saffron Yellow Screen Printed A-line Kurta. saffron brand in dubai: One of the best brands of saffron in the world is saffron ghaenat. But given the vastness of the saffron market and the variety of saffron brands, it may not be easy to trust saffron sales centers. Hello, Sign in. And from there they bring it to other cities. About Us. Founded in 2001 by Jacob Benbunan and Wally Olins (1930-2014). India is one of the saffron producers whose saffron is exported to countries such as Qatar, Bahrain, Dubai, China and Japan. This is known as priceless spice because this is really very expensive spice. Spice companies in UAE - United Arab Emirates - List or Directory of Spices Exporters, Importers, buyers, Suppliers, Manufacturers, Spice Distributors, Wholesalers in UAE, Middle East. 4.2 out of 5 stars Best Sellers Rank #37,134 in Grocery & Gourmet Foods (See Top 100 in Grocery & Gourmet Foods) #124 in Saffron: … Saffron tea and Medicine are to made by Mongra Saffron. Try. 10 gram Iranian Saffron Traditional package, 20 gram Iranian Saffron Traditional package, 40 gram Iranian Saffron Traditional package, Receive Weekly updates about latest blog post and offers, Saffron has a long history in herbal medicine and it’s been used in various countries[...], According to the NYU Langone Medical Center, saffron has traditionally been used since ancient times[...], 1. We will send you saffron made in Iran with the highest quality and best price in Dubai. That is why most buyers of saffron prefer to buy the saffron in bulk and unpacked. and 1,2,3 gms. The perfection of service and strict quality control has enabled Mozaffari saffron to produce the highest quality of pure natural saffron that is superior to any other saffron producer in the the market. The Ghaenat saffron company was established in 1990 with the aim of innovation, packaging and transformation in the field of saffron. The quality, design and material is good. UAE Organic Saffron Buyers Directory provides list of Organic Saffron Buyers and Organic Saffron Importers in UAE Gajendra traders,we need saffron from Iran of 3 qualities Pushali 1 ,Pushali 2 and kunj as well.We need goods in Dubai so company who can provide goods in Dubai are requested to quote us the best price.Our total buying. Sargol saffron and Negin saffron are the best option for sale and export. Since bulk saffron lacks brand name and manufacturer, when buying it you have to be very careful to buy genuine and quality saffron. If it comes from a reputable brand or merchant, it should be fine. spanish saffron in germany. Abu Dhabi, UAE. Founded in 2001 by Jacob Benbunan and Wally Olins (1930-2014). Varieties of saffron are sold in Dubai stores. Various studies[...]. To Saffron, brand is a means to an end. # 1 Best Seller in Saffron. Al Bawadi cheese manufacturing is a UAE brand specialized in the manufacturing of cheese and dairy products. Saffron. Our Main Categories. Read more. Perfect Cream Products Face & Body Care. Fast and free shipping, free returns and cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. Subscribe Our NEWSLETTER. Live it up at Saffron's party brunch on Friday, dine on an international buffet for breakfast, or enjoy flavour-packed dishes at dinner, when Saffron shines a spotlight on cuisines from around the world with Southeast Asian, Indian and seafood buffet feasts. Milk from their local farms on a daily basis to ensure the ingredients... 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Mortgage and Lending Kevin Kueneke San Diego Mortgage Banker Encinitas, CA — Caliber Home Loans Encinitas, Cardiff By The Sea, Cardiff, Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, Escondido, Solana Beach, Del Mar, San Diego La Jolla, Rancho Bernardo, Poway, Mira Mesa, Pacific Beach, UTC, 11230 Sorrento Valley Road Suite 225 San Diego CA Carlsbad , CA 92121 I am a Sr. Loan Officer with 20yrs experience in North San Diego County CA. My goal is to provide pertinent subject matter to my clients so that they are able to make sound real estate decisions. Get to know Kevin Kueneke Born and raised in the Midwest, Kevin graduated from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 1993 with a degree in Economics. After graduation, he immediately jumped into the mortgage industry, specializing in purchase-money loans and refinances including FHA, VA, and Conventional financing. Kevin relocated to North County San Diego in 1995 and has continued his growth and success in all aspects of residential lending. He feels that his best assets are his attention to detail and his ability to listen to his clients. Kevin is customer service oriented and works hard to provide tailored solutions that best fit his client's needs. His goal is to not just be his client's lender today, but to become their lifelong mortgage resource. He truly enjoys his work. When Kevin is not working, he enjoys an active life surfing and racing triathlon, running on the beach with his daughter, or throwing the ball with his two Labrador Retrievers. Contact Kevin today for all of your California mortgage lending needs by calling (760) 500-1919 or email him at [email protected] Kevin Kueneke, NMLS#284800 Caliber Home Loans 5740 Fleet Street, Suite 200 Carlsbad CA 92008 Direct Lender, Mortgage Banker Servicing Lender FHA Mortgage Loan Specialist VA Mortgage Loan Specialist 1st Time Home Buyer Specialist Jumbo Loan Specialist FHA Mortgage Loans Are A Very Important Part Of The Housing Puzzle FHA mortgage loans feature low down payments, low mortgage rates, reasonable mortgage insurance (for now), fairly lenient income guidelines. Kevin Kueneke is an FHA Mortgage Expert and looks forward to assisting first time and repeat home buyers. VA Zero-Down Mortgage Loans Up To Sales Price Of $580,750 In San Diego County Remember, you do not have to be a first time buyer to qualify for a VA mortgage in San Diego County. Also keep in mind, that VA mortgage loans are available over $1,000,000. Kevin Kueneke is a VA Mortgage Expert and looks forward to assisting you. Fannie And Freddie Loans - Conforming And High-Balance Competitve rates and make-sense underwriting for Conforming Loans (up to $417,000) and High-Balance Loans ($417,001 to $580,750 in SD County for 2016). Be prepared to document your income, document your assets, prove that you can afford the house! Simple enough. Jumbo Money Is Alive And Kicking We can provide mortgages up to $5mil with competitive rates (many lenders are capped at $2mil). Jumbo guidelines are obviously asset-based, so be prepared to show some money in the bank. And guess what - Jumbo pricing is only slightly higher than conforming and high balance conforming right now. SPEAK WITH A LENDER BEFORE YOU FIND YOUR DREAM HOME Organize your income documentation, find your bank statements, be realistic about what you want and need, speak with a lender BEFORE you consider writing an offer. Lending guidelines are very different from 10 years ago, every piece of paper, bank deposit, late payment, etc, matters! TEAM CONCEPT Every transaction involves a number of people. The real estate agent, the title company, the escrow company, buyers, sellers, and lender. We all have the same goal: to close the deal. Partner with industry professionals who share this same concept. If you make a mistake, own up to it, apologize, and find a solution. The "blame game" is tiresome - don't be that guy! Some Day To Day Happenings 12/15/2015 - I hosted a Lunch 'n Learn today at my Carmel Valley office. We had 19 local REALTORS attend and get a brush up on FHA loans. Not a boring guideline class, but more of a "how to use FHA to expand your client base" type of class. Great response from those that attended. Another one coming soon! 10/9/2015 - Know before you go! Three clients of mine had their offers accepted this weekend. And the main reason that their offers stood out from the competing offers was that their offers were accompanied by a true pre-approval certificate from Mann Mortgage, i.e., their qualifying documentation had actually been reviewed by an underwriter! What a difference! 7/27/2013 - Wow, what a crazy real estate market we are in right now! Buyers better be prepared to make a solid FIRST offer, because properties are being snatched up quickly right now. However, buyers should not get discouraged if their first several tries are not successful. Persistence will pay off! 3/17/2011 - Happy St. Patrick's Day! But more importantly, Happy March Madness! Rates are a little off today, but the past couple days have been nice. We are seeing 30yr fixed in the mid 4's again (for the right clients). Who knows what will happen after April 1st when Mortgage Loan Originator compensation changes. Our rates are supposedly going to stay very competitive whereas some of the big banks are rumored to increase their rates. I will let you know. 2/25/2011 - Are you a real estate agent licensed in the state of California? Would you like to have a greater web presence for your listings? Click on my blog and sign up for our latest program. Look at these results, the top three on the front page of Google out of over 3 million! Needless to say, this referral partner of mine is very pleased. 2/24/2011 - If you will be in the San Diego area on March 9, 2011, we are hosting our popular CA DRE accredited class, The Value Of Being Seen In Social Media, and the SDCAR office. Contact me for details. 2/23/2011 - Today was a very successful Caravan pitch session for the Carlsbad/Encinitas group. Lots of great properties on tour. We are a sponsor of next week's session, so come see us! Coastline Community Church in Carlsbad on Calle Barcelona just east of El Camino Real. The meeting starts promptly at 8:15am. 2/11/2011 - I attended a social media luncheon today with guest speak Jeff Dowler. We are lucky to have true professionals like Jeff in our industry. 2/4/2011 - Are you getting your listings to the top of Google? My agents are! Ask me how. 1/21/2011 - Wow! We hosted a CA Department of Real Estate accredited continuing education seminar yesterday, The Value of Being Seen on Social Media, and what a success it was! We had over 180 Realtors and other industry affiliates attend (that's right, we invited other lenders - we are all in this together!). If you are licensed by the CA DRE and would like to attend our next class, let me know! "Kevin, thank you for inviting us to your class yesterday! We have dabbled with social media in the past, but have been missing the tools to get to that next step. Thanks for getting our listing to the top of Google!" Steve & Sherry "Kevin, I took the Google search results for my other listing to a new listing appointment because I wanted to show what my partners do for me. I got the listing! Thank you for being a part of my team." L.G. About Kevin: Kevin has been in the mortgage business for over 20 years and has obviously experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows in the market. Here is what he does: Current and Pertinent Mortgage Updates: Lending guidelines seem to change almost daily. Kevin knows that it is imperative for you to be as informed as possible when negotiating your offer. Work with a Direct Lender: Mann Mortgage is a direct lender and mortgage banker with over $1Billion in warehouse line capacity offering Conventional, The HARP Deal, FHA, VA, and Jumbo financing. In-house processing, in-house underwriting, in-house docs, and in-house funding. And we service loans too! Thorough Pre-Approval Process: Not just a "prequal" based on a general conversation, but actual verification of income, assets, and credit by an in-house underwriter. That way you know that you or your client can shop with confidence. Start the process today by clicking HERE Homebuyer Education Seminars: Whether you or your client is a first time homebuyer or a move-up buyer, Kevin will help educate for today's market. Personal Service: Have lenders that you have worked with in the past attended your purchase closings? Kevin does! First time buyer or multi-property owner, Kevin understands that questions arise at closing. He is there to answer those questions and help facilitate a smooth signing. Giving Back To The Community: Volunteer work is a very important part of the real estate and loan industry. The North San Diego County Association of REALTORS (NSDCAR) has an ongoing volunteer program, REALTORS Building A Better North County. Last year we cleaned up several North San Diego County beaches. Next week, we are participating in Dr. Seuss Reading Day, where we will read our favorite children's books and/or Dr. Seuss stories to students in Fallbrook. Looking forward to it! What is required for an accurate loan application? *Copies of w-2's and/or 1099's for 2014 and 2013 *Copies of Federal tax returns for 2014 and 2013 including all schedules *Copies of Partnership or Corporate tax returns for 2014 and 2013 including k-1's *Copies of paystubs covering the most recent 30-day period (if paid monthly, a total of two paystubs will be required) *Copies of most recent 2 months bank statements (all pages), 401k, IRA, brokerage accounts, etc. (assets) *If retirement/pension income, copy of awards letter *If other property owned, copies of recent mortgage statements or coupons, property tax bills, and homeowners insurance declarations page *Copy of current driver's license or other valid government issued picture ID (per the Patriot Act). *For permanent resident aliens, copy of Green Card. For non-permanent resident aliens, a copy of work visa showing expiration date *For VA buyers, a copy of your DD214 (if discharged) *Letters of explanation for any derogatory credit, job gaps, larger than normal bank deposits *Copies of Social Security cards *If prior bankryptcy, copies of complete bankruptcy discharge papers including list of creditors *If divorced and or pay child support, copy if complete of divorce decree and or alimony/child support as applicable The more complete the items provided, the smoother the loan transaction! If your lender asks for it, provide it. CA REAL ESTATE AGENTS: Did you complete your CA Department of Real Estate (DRE) Continuing Educations requirements? As of January 1, 2011, the credit hours are now "clock" hours. We offer classes that are not only informative, but also fun. Contact me today if you would like to attend. Our next class is set for late March, 2011, at the North San Diego County Association of REALTORS (NSDCAR) office located at 906 Sycamore Avenue, Vista CA 92081. Kevin Kueneke's Blog Posts VA Home Loan Fast Facts For San Diego County, Part Two VA Home Loan Fast Facts For San Diego County, Part One Bankruptcy, Short Sale & Foreclosure - What Are The Waiting Periods? Certifications I understand and appreciate the fact that my referral partners work hard for their leads. In return, I refer clients back to them. You get what you give. Trouble blogging? I may not be an expert, but I can at least point you in the right direction. And remember, I teach DRE accredited classes at our new office on High Bluff on a regular basis, including FHA/VA, Credit, and Short Sales. Have a new listing and looking for a different way to market the property? Contact me today to discuss how we can grow our businesses together. Testimonials for Kevin Kueneke Jeff and Kelly M.02/12/2014 Wow! Kevin, thank you again for helping us purchase our new home! You delivered as promised, on time, and with ease. We are so happy and will refer you to all of our friends and family looking to refinance or buy a home. Bill R.01/31/2014 Kevin, thank you again for a very smooth transaction. I have purchased several homes over the years, and this was by far my best experience. Your knowledge and professionalism were greatly appreciated. Jai and Joe T.01/24/2014 Our first home and we are so excited! Your staff was great to work with and were so happy to have you at the loan closing with us. We will definitely recommend your services to our friends and family. Mitch and Mary G.01/22/2014 Kevin, as 1st time homebuyers, we were of course very nervous. Thank you again for explaining everything to us, from beginning to end. We will definitely refer our friends to you. Melody and Norm W.01/17/2014 Again, you delivered as promised. That is why we call you whenever we need home financing, or even just have a question about it. Thanks Kevin! Phil and Fran J.12/23/2013!!! D. and T. Berger12/17/2013 Thank you for helping us secure financing for our son's first home. He and his roommates have already begun redoing the yard to make room for their BBQ. Can't believe he is already a homeowner. Regards. Fred W.12/12/2013 Kevin - I had been working with one of the big banks for a while and nothing was happening. I am very glad that I switched to your company, you got the job done! Steve L.12/03/2013 As a REALTOR, I rely heavily on my team of affiliates, escrow/title/lender/inspector/stager. You are a valuable part of that team Kevin and continue perform at a high level. Thank you for taking care of my clients. Werner P.11/29/2013 Start to finish, on time. Communication throughout. Well done.
Site navigation: Contents Symbolic math expressions are supported through the Quantity and QuantSpec classes, defined in Symbolic.py. These classes include the ability to perform numerical or symbolic substitution, expression evaluation, and elementary forms of simplification. The simplifications are partially based on the simplifying nature of the Python math expression parser, and partially on legacy code by Pearu Peterson. These symbolic classes are the ultimate "leaves" in the hierarchy of model specification that is supported by the ModelSpec classes. In the near future we hope to improve the parsing of PyDSTool symbolic expressions to take full advantage of Python's abstract syntax tree classes, thereby greatly improving the speed of symbolic processing. The rest of this page describes some of the symbolic manipulation features provided. Further examples can be found by running tests/Symbolic_test.py, tests/Symbolic_Diff_test.py and examining the output. The essence of symbolic manipulation is the definition of Quantity objects. There are three types of Quantity, a Var (Variable), Par (Parameter), and Fun (Function). Let us start by defining a variable named 'v' and a parameter 'p'. 'v' might contain the definition of an auxiliary variable, for instance, in terms of state variables, parameters, or functions. >>> k=Var('k') # declaration >>> v=Var('(((k-(-10)))/(3+4))', 'v') >>> print v v >>> apar=Par('p') >>> print apar, apar() p p >>> apar2=Par('3.5e-3', 'p') >>> print apar2, apar2() p 3.5e-3 Notice that the string representation of a Quantity is the Quantity's name. To see what a Quantity is defined to be, we must call it before taking its string representation, as we see for the Var and the Par objects. When a definition is not given to the Quantity, as for 'apar', its definition is merely its name. This usage is more akin to a declaration of a name than a definition. At this time there is no class method to add the specification directly to a Quantity that has only been declared. (Such a method is not really necessary when the overhead in checking the specification is almost identical to that necessary to re-create the object entirely.) >>> print v() (((k-(-10)))/(3+4)) In technical terms, symbols appearing in the definition are 'free', and generally refer to other Quantities. They are not treated as 'local parameters', and therefore this is not the same as defining a function. Compare: >>> v.freeSymbols ['k'] >>> f=Fun('(((k-(-10)))/(3+4))', [k], 'v') >>> f.freeSymbols [] >>> print f(4) 2.0 >>> print f(k) (k+10)/7 >>> print f(4,5) ValueError: Invalid number of arguments for auxiliary function Notice that the function assigned to the Python name 'f' was named 'v', and used the same definition string as the Var Quantity 'v'. Therefore, calling f(4) simply returns the name of the function applied to its arguments. Calling the function with the requisite arguments works as for other Quantities -- it returns the Quantity's definition. The function knows how many arguments it takes, and returns an error if this number is incorrect. The symbol k in square brackets in the second argument of the Fun initialization specifies the "signature" of the function. The simplification of expressions uses evaluation. Algebraic and arithmetical simplification of the definition of a Quantity is done using the object's simplify method. simplify works in-place on the object, and does not return anything. To return a simplified string without altering the original object, call the object's eval method with no arguments. >>> print v() (((k-(-10)))/(3+4)) >>> print v.eval() (k+10)/7 >>> print v() (((k-(-10)))/(3+4)) >>> v.simplify() >>> print v() (k+10)/7 Note that after simplification, the double negative and the extraneous braces have been removed, as well as the arithmetical sub-expression "3+4" simplified to "7". Quantities can also be evaluated at specific values for the free symbols, but care must be taken with functions in terms of the order in which the operations will be performed. Evaluations at non-numeric values for a symbol performs symbolic substitution: >>> print v.eval(k=4) 2 >>> print f(4) v(4) >>> print f.eval(k=4) 2 >>> print f(k).eval(k=4) 2 >>> print f.eval(k='kval') (kval+10)/7 >>> kquantvar = Var('kquant') >>> print f.eval(k=kquantvar) (kquant+10)/7 The difference between f.eval(k=4) and f(k).eval(k=4) is subtle, and is dealt with in the next sub-section. There is another function available for expression substitution, subs, that can act more intelligently regarding defined Parameter quantities. The subs function can also take a dictionary of assignments. The result of the substitution will always be simplified as much as possible. >>> print subs(v(), {'k': 4}) 2 >>> print subs(v(), {'k': '4'}) 2 >>> kpar=Par('4', 'k') >>> print subs(v(), kpar) 2 In the second call, the string "4" has been substituted for the 'k', and the result is the same. In the third, a defined parameter has been provided as a substitution. Remember to use subs on the correct object, otherwise you might get unexpected results! >>> print subs(v, {'k': 4}) v >>> print subs(v, {'v': 4}) 4 The first call did nothing because the Quantity assigned to Python name 'v' evaluates to its name, which is also 'v'. This name does not match any of the assignments in the first call to subs, but it does in the second. Evaluation of one symbolic expression can perform automatic substitution of values defined by expressions in the local scope: >>> q=Quantity('xv+1','qv') >>> x=Quantity('3','xv') >>> print q.eval() 4 >>> a=x/q >>> print a xv/qv >>> print a.eval() 0.75 If QuantSpecs were used in place of Quantity objects in the above code, print a would yield the division in terms of the definitions, namely 3/(xv+1). Evaluation with an explicitly-supplied scope dictionary is much faster, if the relevant definitions are known. Equivalently, these definitions can be supplied in the call as a comma-separated sequence. For instance: >>> print a.eval(xv=x) 3/qv >>> print a.eval(xv=x,qv=q()) # much faster 0.75 >>> print a.eval({'xv': x, 'qv': q()}) # equivalently fast Note from the above that Quantities only evaluate to their definitions if they are called to reduce them to a QuantSpec object. Otherwise, only the Quantity's "name" will be substituted. This is also the best way to implement partial evaluation, and when substitution overrides are needed: >>> print a.eval(xv=5,qv=q()) # override xv=3 from local scope 0.833333333333 Notice that the override even applies to the substitution made into q, which was defined as xv+1, so that the result is 5/6 and not 5/4. Compare the behaviour of eval in the following: >>> a=Var('a');b=Var('b');c=Par('c') # declarations >>> gfun=Fun(a+b/c, [a,b], 'g') >>> print gfun.eval(a=4) ValueError: All function signature arguments are necessary for evaluation >>> print gfun.eval(a=4,b=3) 4+3.0/c >>> print gfun.eval(a=4,b=3,c=3) 5 >>> print gfun(4,b) 4+b/c >>> print gfun(a,b).eval(a=4) # equivalent, but too much syntax! 4+b/c Firstly, gfun is a function of two arguments, 'a' and 'b', while 'c' is a free variable that must refer to a parameter name if the Fun object is to be used in the specification of a right-hand side. When eval is called directly on the function, the full function signature must be supplied. But gfun(a,b) evaluates to the QuantSpec object containing the definition of the function. As this is not a function object any of the free names 'a', 'b', or 'c' can be evaluated using eval. Note that any evaluations given for names not present in the definition of the object will be ignored. A more efficient way to make multiple symbolic substitutions which are solely textual, i.e. do not involve algebraic simplification, is to use the mapNames(<name_mapping_dict>) method of a Quantity. This method takes a dictionary of source -> target names. Matching only occurs on whole symbols (i.e. 'tokens'): a dictionary containing the mapping ('a': 'b') will not map the symbol 'ka_2' to 'kb_2'. The method will also map the Quantity's name if it matches a source name! The method works in-place and does not return anything. In other words, the Quantity will be changed directly if any of its constituent symbols were matched. >>> v.mapNames({'k': 'a/b'}) >>> print v() (a/b+10)/7 >>> v.mapNames({'a': '44', '10': '-10'}) >>> print v() (44/b-10)/7 >>> v.mapNames({'10': '20'}) >>> print v() (44/b-20)/7 Symbolic versions of basic math functions and constants are exported by Symbolic.py and are also title-cased, in a further parallel to Maple. Calling these functions with regular numeric arguments will presently return the value of the original math function applied to that argument. Calling them with string or QuantSpec arguments will return a QuantSpec. The functions supported included the trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions, the absolute value (Abs), power (Pow), and square root (Sqrt) functions. The constants include E and Pi. There is a way to specify a range of related Quantities at once, in a kind of macro. This is useful for repeated definitions, that perhaps are interconnected in a formulaic way. (You may be familiar with this kind of notation in the package XPP.) >>> v = Var('v'); ipar = Par('ipar') >>> z = Var('3+v/((1+i)*ipar)', 'z[i,0,5]') These define six Quantities z0 to z5 that are referenced from the Python object z as z[0] to z[5], e.g. z[0] == 3+v/ipar. We can see this (with a little help from the eval method to simplify): >>> print z[0]().eval() x+v/ipar The following example shows how to define a set of ODE right-hand sides that involve a circular connectivity pattern. Notice that the boundary variables w0 and w3 have to be defined separately, so that the multi-quantity definition refers to valid Quantities for all index values. >>> w0 = Var('w0-2*(w3-w1)', 'w0', specType='RHSfuncSpec') >>> w3 = Var('w3-2*(w2-w0)', 'w3', specType='RHSfuncSpec') >>> w1and2 = Var('w[i]-2*(w[i-1]-w[i+1])', 'w[i,1,2]', specType='RHSfuncSpec') Note that the Python dereferencing of a multi-def z by z[2] actually creates an instance of z2. These definitions are also discussed on the page ModelSpec. The QuantSpec class was mentioned above. It should be considered a pre-Quantity form of raw symbolic expression, in that it has not yet been committed to a life as any particular Quantity sub-type (Var, Par, or Fun). As such, it can be used in different ways in different Quantity definitions, and can be manipulated symbolically in its own right. For the most consistent results, any QuantSpec results that you want to use again should be defined into a proper Var or Fun object. >>> q=QuantSpec('q', '1+k/2') >>> print 2 * q 2 * (1+k/2) >>> print 1 * q 1+k/2 >>> print -q -(1+k/2) >>> qm = -q >>> opqm = 1 + qm >>> print opqm 1-(1+k/2) >>> print opqm.eval() A major difference to a Quantity object is that the QuantSpec's name is not an important external part of its nature: only it's definition is important. Therefore, calling print on the object always returns its definition. Also, QuantSpecs are not a good place to manipulate vectors of symbols -- these should be converted to full Quantity types. A new feature allows Quantities to define vectors of symbols (of up to rank 2). In practice this simplifies notation significantly, and permits Fun functions of several variables that can be symbolically differentiated. Examples of this are in tests/Symbolic_Diff_test.py and vode_withJac_Symbolic_test.py. Symbolic vectors can be defined for QuantSpecs and Quantities, but are intended to be used in Quantity objects. This is because "array indexing" notation (using square brackets) is only properly supported for Quantities. However, the fromvector method turns a vector Quantity or QuantSpec into a list of non-vector QuantSpec objects, each defining a component of the vector. It takes an optional integer index argument which selects that component of the vector only. Here's a simple example. >>> x=Var('x');y=Var('y') >>> f=Var([-3*Pow((2*x+1),3)+2*(x+y),-y/2], 'f') >>> print f[1] # only works if f is a Quantity type -y/2 >>> print f.fromvector(1) # equivalent, safe for both types -y/2 >>> print isinstance(df.fromvector(), list) True >>> Note that we could have used the infix ** notation for powers instead of the function Pow. Other utility methods are provided to reduce Quantities whose definitions are entirely numeric to floating point numbers or arrays of such. Here's an example of Jacobian evaluation. >>> df = Diff(f, [x,y]) >>> print df [[((-3)*6*Pow((2*x+1),2)+2),2],[0,-0.5]] >>> dfe = df.eval(x=3,y=10) >>> print dfe # this is a QuantSpec representation of the array [[-880,2],[0,-0.5]] >>> print dfe.isvector() True >>> print dfe.dim 2 >>> print dfe.tonumeric() # this is an array [[ -8.80000000e+02 2.00000000e+00] [ 0.00000000e+00 -5.00000000e-01]] Here's a demonstration that these methods commute in the expected way. >>> a = df.fromvector(0).eval(x=3,y=10).tonumeric() >>> b = df.eval(x=3,y=10).tonumeric()[0] >>> print a[0]==b[0] and a[1]==b[1] True You may have noticed that Quantities defining multiple variables using the square bracket notation have a clash of notation with vectors. This is easily disambiguated because the Quantity object cannot be both a multiple quantity reference and a vector. It may be vector that contains multiple quantity references, but indexing such a Quantity will return its vector components. Some features of multiple quantity definitions are not yet fully compatible with symbolic differentiation. Symbolic differentiation of mathematical expressions involving common mathematical functions is supported through the function Diff. Most of the contents of this file were originally written by Pearu Peterson as part of a separate project, and later adapted by Ryan Gutenkunst. As Pearu and Ryan appear to have abandoned this version of his code in favour of different (and ultimately more efficient approaches that are less compatible with the PyDSTool classes), I have taken the liberty to adapt the code and include it with PyDSTool. For instance, I fixed a few residual bugs and limitations, and extended the code to work with the Quantity and QuantSpec classes. The Diff function is meant to be a symbolic counterpart to the numerical derivative function diff, implemented in common.py, in the spirit of the Maple symbolic engine. For many examples see the script PyDSTool/tests/Symbolic_Diff_test.py. There are three specification sub-types of both Quantity and QuantSpec objects, determined by the 'specType' argument at initialization. These types are 'RHSfuncSpec' (the named Quantity is defined as a right-hand side for differential or difference equation), 'ExpFuncSpec' (the named Quantity is defined explicitly by the expression, such as for an auxiliary variable), and 'ImpFuncSpec' (defined implicitly by the expression). The default is 'ExpFuncSpec'. This type does not allow the Quantity's name to appear in the defining expression, whereas the other two types do allow this. These type strings are used by the ModelConstructor class to automatically determine how to treat each definition in a 'flattened' ModelSpec specification dictionary, and allows it to verify whether the types are compatible with the target Generator in which the specification will be instantiated. For instance, 'ImpFuncSpec' definition types cannot be supplied to an ExplicitFnGen generator class. Symbolic expressions can be turned into Python functions using the expr2fun utility. The "free names" of an expression can either be numerically substituted from a supplied name -> value dictionary or left to become formal arguments to the function. This utility can be handy to graph auxiliary functions from their abstract specifications (e.g., see /examples/CIN.py). Both Quantity and QuantSpec objects have a usedSymbols attribute that shows which alphanumeric symbols were used in the object's definition (not including its name). When defining a Quantity, additional information can be provided, such as the valid domain of the variable/parameter/function values. The domain defaults to the floating-point continuous domain [-INF,INF].
Kill Weeds Without Killing Your Good Grass “Help! The weeds are winning!” You dig them… they grow back. You treat them… but you killed your good grass too. You put down a crabgrass preventer, but you still got dandelions now. You ask, “So… what’s the secret to killing weeds? You see, dandelions and other weeds like thistles have long taproots that can go down a foot or more. If you don’t get all of the root, it will simply send up a new weed to replace the one you thought you dug up. So digging can be hit or miss. The commercial comes on TV for Roundup and you think I’ll use that to kill the weeds in my lawn. The fact is that Roundup kills plants after you spray their leaves, including your good grass. Roundup is great for driveways and other areas where you want to kill everything, just not for spot treating weeds in your lawn. (One of the great things about Roundup is you can plant shrubs, trees, flowers, vegetables, lawns within days after you spray. Just check the label for timing.) So unless you want to kill the grass that is growing around your weeds, do not use the Roundup in your lawn. Other folks think you need to put the weed & feed down before the weeds appear… wrong again. Unlike the crabgrass preventer that goes down before you see the crabgrass, most weeds are perennials and can’t be prevented. So here’s the secret: The weed & feed, like Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed goes down AFTER you see the weeds in your lawn. That’s because the weed control in the product enters the weeds through the leaves and is transported to all parts of the plant including the roots. Then within a few days, the weeds will begin to curl up and wither. Gradually over a period of about 3 or 4 weeks, they’ll fade away, roots and all, so they can’t grow back. When you apply the Turf Builder with Plus 2 it is also very important to apply to moist foliage so the particles will stick to the weed leaves to get absorbed. If rain is expected within 24 hours, wait until another day. I find it best to apply early in the morning when the lawn is covered with dew. Also keep this in mind: getting rid of the weeds is only half the battle. Your lawn will be a stronger competitor with new weeds if you feed your lawn regularly (about 4 times a year) and mow your grass a little bit taller. One more thing, if you only have a few weeds, you may not need the weed & feed on your entire lawn. You can spot treat weeds in a Ky Bluegrass, Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, Zoysia, Buffalograss, or Bermudagrass lawn with Ortho Weed-B-Gon MAX plus Crabgrass Killer (note: may cause temporary discoloration on Bermuda) and then keep your grass healthy with a feeding of Scotts Turf Builder. And before I forget: If you have St. Augustinegrass, (including Floratam), Bermudagrass, Centipedegrass, Zoysiagrass, Seashore Paspalum, or Buffalograss you can use Scotts Bonus S Weed & Feed instead of Turf Builder Weed & Feed. If you have questions about the weeds in your lawn, you can call one of our lawn experts or email us. Just click here for our Help Center to see how. I want to use your products where can i find coupons Hi Linda Here is a link to a page on scotts.com where you can sign up to receive special offers: Good luck with your garden and lawn! I have brand new house and a brand new lawn. It was all graded and ready to be seeded. I used a broadcast spreader to spread grass seed and starter fertilizer. We have had very dry weather and I am trying to water as much as I can but the grass is barely coming up if at all. Meanwhile weeds are growing like crazy and swallowing up the lawn. What should I do? Any help would be very very appreciated. Hi Jason Let me know where you are located and what seed blend you planted. This will help me give you some suggestions. Thanks. Here you go: Madison, WI. 20% Kentucky Bluegrass (Sod Quality) 15% Newport Kentucky Bluegrass 15% Ken Blue Kentucky Bluegrass 25% Creeping Red Fescue 15% Quebec Perennial Ryegrass 10% Fiesta III Perennial Ryegrass Hi Jason The Perennial Ryegrass should begin germinating in 7 to 10 days after planting. The other grasses take at least 14 days to germinate. Spring seedings take longer to grow than fall seedings. Sometimes the weeds can look overwelming, however if you begin mowing when growth is tall enough to cut so the weeds do not shade the young grass seedlings, and then once you have mowed your new grass seedlings 4 times, a weed control can be applied as long as the weather is not too hot. Watering is the most critical step to good germination. Here is a link to a blog posting on grass seed faliure that outlines all the things that I have seen contribute to seed germination problems: Good Luck Thank you very much for the advice! Great article. I am a new homeowner and a lawn/grass noob. I purchased Scott’s weed & feed AND turf-builder at Home Depot because I was able to get 25% when buying both at the same time. My question is this. I have a moderate weed problem in the lawn. However, the brown spots and “dead zones” are worse. I used the turf-builder first. How long should I wait before using the weed & feed. Is there a chance I can “burn the grass up” if I use it too soon after the turf-builder? Thanks in advance! Hi Christian It is a good idea to allow about 6 weeks or so between feedings. If you let me know where you are located I can give you recommendations for products and timing for the coming year. Is scotts turf builder + 2 harmful to pets? Hi Melissa Yes. As a pet owner myself, I follow the directions on the package: The directions say to keep your pets off the lawn while you are spreading. You apply this product to a moist lawn, like first thing in the morning when there is dew on the grass. Then don’t water and stay off the lawn for 24 hours (including pets) so the particles can stay in contact with the weed leaves so the weeds will be killed. After 24 hours it is ok to water, then when the lawn is dry your pets, and anyone else, can go on the lawn. I have heard folks say they treat the front lawn one weekend and let the dogs go out back, then the next weekend they treat the back lawn and let the dogs go out front. Good luck with your lawn. My yard is in pretty good shape I’m just not sure what to put on it crab grass preventer weed n feed or turf builder. I’m in southern nj I have already bought the weed n feed just don’t know if it is ok to put down Hi Tom Still time to get the crabgrass preventer down in your area, however you need to do it right away. Since your lawn is in pretty good shape, you may not have much crabgrass. And since you already bought your weed and feed, you can put that down instead. This will give you the feeding your lawn needs now and kill any weeds that are there. Apply to moist foliage when rain is not expected for 24 hours. If you get some stray crabgrass later this year, you can spray with Ortho Weed B Gon MAX plus Crabgrass Killer. I live in Columbus Ohio and have an extreme case of dandeli ons in my front and back yard. both are pretty much solid yellow right now. its a moderate size yard maybe 1500 total square feet I’m not sure what grass we have if any since it is almost entirely dandelions right now. I swear every day they multiply 3 fold. I was looking at going with Scott’s weed and feed to help but wasn’t sure if that was the right way to go and when I should apply it and how to get control of my lawn. I just mowed today because they were getting so out of hand and we had so many bees and with a two year old who loves the outdoors I had to do something. help me please! =) Hi Geoffrey You may be surprised how much grass you have when you take away the dandelions and feed. Put down Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed on moist foliage (first thing in the morning is good when your lawn when there is heavy dew on the ground. Pick a day when rain is not expected for 24 hours. Stay off the lawn that day. Then after 24 hours it is ok to water and to go on the lawn after the lawn has dried. Any specifics on what temperature I should wait for to put the weed and feed down? For instance its not suppose to rain until Wednesday so I was looking at doing it tomorrow morning but it won’t get above 40 degrees until 9am 50 degrees around 11am and mid 60s after 2pm Hi Geoffrey The mid day temps should be at least in the 60’s. As long as it is not frosty in the morning, you should be ok. I should say though you will likely get a little better results if the temps were a bit warmer. The weeds need to be actively growing to absorb the weed killer through their leaves. if there isn’t any dew in the morning should I gently water my lawn before applying? And then when and how often should I be watering my lawn after I apply the weed and feed Hi Geoffrey Yes, if your lawn is dry, water first. Put the Weed & Feed down and then hold off any watering for at least 24 hours. You can then water after that. Hi Ashton, We made the mistake of putting down Scotts Weed & Feed two days ago (after cutting the lawn and wetting it down). It is due to rain tomorrow. Our law has two parts: 50% of fully “green” with grass and weeds and 50% has SOME grass & weeds but is mostly plain dirt. Now, our major mistake we have learned is that we did not seed first. We are totally embarassed by large dirt areas of the lawn and I’m sure we’re doon to have brown and bare spots from all the weeds also. Our question is: what is your experience with when we can put down the grass seed? (The product states 4 weeks). Would there be any difference if we were to bring in several inches of new topsoil? Would sod make any difference? Thanks in advance for your help! Hi Courtney My experience has been you need 4 weeks to wait and seed after putting down our weed & feed. If you had seeded first, you would have had to wait until you had mowed your new grass 4 times before putting down the weed & feed, so don’t beat yourself up too much. The first part of your lawn that was 50/50 should improve with the grass getting fed. In the mostly dirt area you could try to seed the worst areas by breaking up the soil to a 4 inch depth and mixing in an inch or so of Scotts Lawn Soil and seeding with Scotts EZ Seed. If you are in an area with hot, dry summers you are probably better off waiting to do a major reseed job in late summer/early fall. Thanks Ashton! We live in Maryland, so hot but humid summers. You mentioned possibly breaking up the soil for 4 inches or so. Can you explain the purpose behind this? Is it to dilute the weed and feed? Or something else? Can you help me better understand what exactly Scott’s weed and feed is? I’ve been ready lots of “stuff” about these products in general and I can’t quite understand. A local nursery explained something about a vapor gas that is produced that hangs around and prevents the germination. …trying the get the scoop and I figured you’re the best bet! Last, if we DO break up the soil, bring in new addition al soil and seed, what is the worst that will happen? For example, I figure it may not grow, but then what? Could it start growing in 4+ weeks after the weed and feed has dissipated or will we need to reseed or could we blow our chance and have to wait until fall? Just trying to weigh all our options. Thanks for your time to answer all my questions. Hi Courtney There are two types of lawn food products that have weed controls. The first one is a lawn food plus crabgrass preventer (like Turf Builder with Halts). It is kind of late to put that one down in your area as crabgrass has probably already started to grow. This one works like the person in the nursery stated. You can not seed for 4 months (not weeks) after putting down this product. The second weed control plus lawn food is typically called a Weed & Feed (like Turf Builder Weed & Feed). This product is for weeds like dandelions and clover and works by getting absorbed into the weed leaves to kill the plant (that is why you put it on moist foliage). You can not seed for 4 weeks after putting this product down. The idea behind breaking up the soil and mixing Scotts Lawn Soil prior to seeding is to dilute the weed control. The weed control also dilutes during the 4 week period, especially when there is lots of rainfall. Based on where you live, fall is a better time to seed than right now as the grass seed would have a better chance to grow a strong root system before the hot, humid weather. Our best grass seed blend for your area is Turf Builder Heat-Tolerant Blue Grass Seed. Hope this extra info helps. We live in Concord NC and are in a home where the sod was already down. I believe it is Fescue but it is hard to tell exactly. There are a lot of weeds coming through now and we have just been mowing weekly to keep them down. Will they eventually stop coming up in the summer or will they keep growing through? What do you recommend? Hi Melissa If you have not fed your lawn yet this spring, I suggest Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed. Apply to moist foliage when rain is not expected for 24 hours so the granules will stick on weed leaves. You can then water after 24 hours. If you have fed, you can use a different product for the weeds: Ortho Weed B Gon MAX plus Crabgrass Killer. Hi again – I have the weed and feed now and have been waiting for a day where there isn’t suppose to be rain for at least 24 hours – but my problem is now the dandelions and grass is wayyy long. Can I mow first before applying the weed and feed – and if I do how long should I wait after mowing to apply it? Or should I just weed and feed tonight while all the weeds are huge – and mow sometime tomorrow night? Thanks! Hi Geoffrey Mow your lawn first. You can apply the next day. It is better to apply in the morning when the lawn is moist from dew if your schedule will allow. If not apply when you can to moist foliage when rain is not expected for 24 hours. OK sounds great =) Thanks so much for all the help … here’s to a better weed free lawn! I’ll be sure to do some before and after pictures too. DO I NEED TO CUT THE GRASS BEFORE APPLYING THE WEED AND FEED? No, unless the grass is tall enough to keep your spreader from working properly. You do not want to mow for at least 24 hours after you put the product down because you want the granules to stay on the weed leaves to be absorbed into the plant to kill it. If a lot of your weeds are low to the ground, mow first, then apply the next day to moist foliage. I put down starter fertilizer and wondering how long I should wait before putting down weed and feed? Got weeds popping up. Northern IL Hi Scott Assume you put down grass seed with your starter fertilizer application. If so, you can put down weed and feed after your new grass has been mowed 4 times. If you did not seed, you can follow your Starter feeding 4 to 6 weeks with weed and feed. my whole yard was full of flowered yellow dandelions and by the time I went to put my weed and feed down they all turned into the white seedlings. What should I do? mow them down (they are atrocious looking) and then apply weed and feed? Our should I wait until they have flowered yellow again before applying the weed and feed? I was also wondering your opinion on concentrated hook up to the house multi weed killer that ” isn’t suppose to harm your lawn” Hi Jeff You should mow your grass and treat your dandelions. Your options: If you have already fed your lawn this spring, you can spray with the hose-end Ortho Weed B Gon MAX plus Crabgrass Killer. This product kills 200 kinds of weeds including dandelions without harming your grass. If you have not fed, you can put down Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed. This product kills about 50 kinds of weeds including dandelions. The second part of your strategy to get rid of dandelions once and for all is to mark your calendar to treat again next Sept or Oct with either a weed & feed or spray (if you are feeding your lawn with a separate trip across the lawn). The reason I am suggesting this second treatment next fall is the baby dandelions will be in your lawn from all the seeds blowing around this spring. They will be easy to kill before they do their seed spreading thing again next spring. So after I mow there aren’t going to be any dandelion flowers left just maybe some stems, will the weed and feed be as effective our does it need to go on when they are yellow flowers? Hi Jeff The key is to get the granules on the broad dandelion leaves that are low to the ground. So, apply to moist foliage when rain is not expected for 24 hours so the granules will stick to the leaves. The weed killer will be absorbed and translocate thru the plant to kill it root and all. Do not worry about whether the dandelions are flowering or not. if I have a flower bed with some annuals in it and its very close to my lawn do I just need to be careful with the weed and feed? or can it hurt the flowers? Hi Jeff You should not spread the weed & feed into your flower bed. We moved into our house a few months ago in Memphis and our whole front yard is nothing but weeds and mostly shade. My question is do we have to wait till all of the weeds are gone (which I’m assuming will look like we have dirt for a lawn) before we start trying to grow grass. We have talked about seeding but I hate the idea of having a dirt lawn for months while waiting on the seed. Hi Sara You live in an area where lots of folks grow Bermudagrass, however this grass does not do well in shade. So the alternative is to plant a blend of Fescues as long as the area gets at least 3 to 4 hours of filtered sun each day. Less than that and the lawn will always be thin. I am a big fan of our Heat-Tolerant Blue blend. In your area, in would be better to wait to plant this in early September. The decision you have now would be to kill the weeds now leaving what grass you have, or to mow this summer and then tackle your lawn this fall. Killing the weeds now will get you a jump on converting your lawn later. Hi Ashton, we’ve moved to a new home with a big front yard and small back yard. Both need to have NEW grass. I’ve read many of your advice here and have a couple questiions: 1. My yards are in pretty bad shape with lots of weeds (of different kinds). The soil seems fine as flowers are growing healthy. For new grass, will “Scotts Turf Builder with Plus 2″ do the job? Or should I also spread more grass seeds? 2. My back yard has lots of tall weeds around the house foundation, will ” Scotts® Liquid Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control” be enough? 3. I just mowed my yard, and the weather here (Silver Spring, Maryland) is still very cool, when is the best time to spread “Scotts Turf Builder with Plus 2″ and “Scotts® Liquid Turf Builder with Plus 2 Weed Control”? Thanks in advance. Hi Randy Le In Silver Spring it would be best to hold off on putting grass seed down until around Sept 1 as it is getting late this spring to get enough root growth to make it through the typical summer there in the DC area. The Scotts Heat-Tolerant Blue grass seed mix is good for your area. You can take care of weeds now. If you have not fed, the Turf Builder Weed & Feed (was Plus 2) can be used, apply to moist foliage when rain is not expected for 24 hours. If you have fed in the last month or so, you could spray your weeds with Ortho Weed B Gon MAX plus Crabgrass Killer. This product controls more kinds of weeds than Turf Builder Weed & Feed. Neither product should be put down in areas where you are growing flowers (you mentioned the foundation of the house where you may have some flowers planted). Hellos Ashton, I live in Suwanee, Georgia, I’m a first time homeowner who just moved in to a property with the lawn in pretty bad shape. I have a 6200 sqft bermuda grass lawn which would make a nice lab for weed killer products lab. I pretty much have all types of weeds, moss, empty spots, you name it :( I tested Ortho Weeds B Gon MAX in the front of the house and most of the dandelions and clovers are curling down -it was applied about 10 days ago. I see other weeds were not affected in those areas. Now I got a bag of Turf Builder Weed & Feed but I’m not sure if it would be safe to put it down on the areas where I treated with Ortho. Should I just use fertilizer on those areas? My plan is aerate and use the Weed & Feed and then reseed if I successfully get rid of the weeds. Questions: 1) It is safe to use weed & feed in areas previously treated with Ortho? If not, what would be better a) Use just fertilizer and continue with Ortho. b) Split and use Weed & Feed for the untreated area plus fertilizer only for the treated one? 2) For the weeds not affected by Ortho, is there a better/broader spectrum herbicide? 3) I’m not sure which type of Bermuda I have, is there any type of Bermuda that works better in my area? Thanks in advance! Rod Hi Rod You will find that if you feed your Bermudagrass about 4 times a year beginning when you see about half or more of it turning green in spring and continuing at 6 to 8 week intervals into fall you will help it get thicker with fewer bare spots. Scotts Turf Builder or Scotts GreenMAX are great lawn foods for your area. The Ortho Weed B Gon MAX is the best option for the weeds. (I assume you used the Ortho Weed B Gon MAX plus Crabgrass Killer. There is an Ortho Weed B Gon MAX, however the one with Crabgrass Killer in the name is the one I would use.) You get a broader spectrum of weeds with that product than you will get with the Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed. Give the weeds you sprayed a chance to die which can take up to 3 weeks or so. You can spray the survivors on at that time if needed. If you have any left, it would be good to get an ID on them to decide what to use. If your lawn is sunny, the Bermudagrass will get nice and thick with the regular feeding. Hi Ashton, I read all your comments above and felt you’d be the right person to answer my question. To begin with, I live up north in Toronto, CA. I have a moderate size front yard where I worked rather hard to build the lawn, and glad to say the new grass is coming up strong and healthy and green. That said, I do have weed, mostly dandelions, some Canada thistle, crabgrass and plantain (I ID’d the weeds from this site –). I’ve researched a lot on the internet for various types of weed killers and have some names, but I want some expert advise before I buy them. Here are my questions: 1. What would you suggest i use to eradicate all of the above mentioned weeds. What frequency should I be following over the course of a year? 2. The spots where I overseeded and covered bare spots is growing a bright green, but the older grass is a lighter green in colour, anything I can do to make the whole lawn the same colour? 3. I have a flower bed in the front yard which a stone edge. To avoid having to run the mower close to the stone border, I’ve created a 6inch border of mulch around it to kill the grass under it and have more space to run the mower by. It looks pretty except that I still do have grass growing from beneath it in many spots. Here’s my main question – Can I apply Round Up to just that portion of mulched area to kill the grass? Will it adversely affect the lawn/flower bed surrounding it? If not, how else can I kill the grass under the mulch? 4. My back yard is tiled and has some flower beds. i have creeping charlie growing in their. Can I use the same thing you’ll suggest for point 1 on these pesky weeds too? That’s all that I can think of right now. I apologise in advance for the length of my query but I’m trying really hard to get that WOW! lawn. :) Thank you very much in advance for your help! Rashmi Hi Rashmi Ortho has a weed control product called Killex that will work on most of your weeds without harming your good grass. Please note though that new grass should be mowed 4 times before spraying weeds in that area. New grass is a brighter green than older grass. This will even out in time. You can use Roundup in that area, just be careful not to spray your flowers or your lawn. Creeping Charlie is harder to control. The Killex will work, however you will find that spraying in fall is the best time of year. So, plan to treat again if necessary. That was super fast! Thanks a ton Ashton. I have already mowed my lawn twice, so I can wait another 2 mows to apply the product you’ve mentioned. Where can I buy Killex? i will be travelling to Chicago end of this month, so if it’s not available in Canada, I can pick it up during my trip. Hi Rashmi Ortho Killex is only sold in Canada. In the U.S. we sell Ortho Weed B Gon MAX plus Crabgrass Killer at all major retailers. Have a great weekend. I found Killex in Canadian Tire, but the store close to me might be out of it currently. Can I buy it from HD in US if needed? Hi, I treated my lawn with weed and feed yesterday and thoroughly washed out my watering can. I found out today that my girfriendhas watered my plants with the watering can!!! I have sprayed them heavily with a hose, but am worried my plants will die! Will they be ok? I did wash the can out thoroughly… Tim (Wales, UK) Hi Tim Sounds like you did all the right things to avoid injury. Some plants are more sensitive than others, such as tomatoes. You will know in a few days if your plants have no damage. If you see some damage, it may be temporary and you will see new growth that is healthy. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. (Be kind to your girlfriend as she probably feels very bad about the whole incident.) Thanks Ashton. They still seem full of bloom this morning, though the only casualty seems to be my chives in my herb planter! My girlfriend and I laughed about the whole thing to be honest. At the end of the day, no one was hurt! Great site btw. Some really good tips. Thanks again, Tim (Wales, UK) Hi Tim Glad to read your good news. Enjoy your garden this year! Here is a link to our UK website where there is lots of great info: How are you doing. I recently redid my front grass with Virgo tall fescue seed and now I’m getting weeds and grab grass. I pull them out all the time but feel like I’m making patches everywhere by pulling them. I also bought weed&feed but now I have yellow patches everywhere. Please help. Hi Manny Sometimes spring seeded cool season grasses, like tall fescue, do not have enough time to get established before hot summer weather, especially in years when the weather turns hot/humid sooner than normal in late spring/early summer. In this case a lawn fungus can get going before the lawn is strong causing circular brown patches. Fall seeded cool-season grasses have more of a chance to develop deep roots. Weeds like crabgrass are also more of a problem when seeding in spring. It is also recommended to hold off on putting down a weed and feed until the new grass has been mowed 4 times. New grass can be more sensitive to a weed & feed if the temps are starting to get into the upper 80’s and 90’s. Mow your grass at one of the taller settings and you may need to seed thin areas this fall. I live in Southeastern Louisiana with Florida St.Augustine grass. I have two small issues. One being an area in the front lawn of my house where a strip of the grass is lush and green at the bottom ( towards the street) and fades to dull and dry looking towards the top (or towards the house). The other pieces of the front lawn that are not connected are lush with a minor weed issue. What do you think is causing that dry dull look and what can I do? I do feed my lawn on a 4 time a year Scott’s program. Also I have a dog that loves to go to the bathroom in the backyard how can I prevent my grass from turning yellow from his urine? And how can I fix the current yellowing? Thank you!!! Hi Chris Several thoughts: The way you describe your grass near your house suggests it may dry out faster in that area than the area near the street. Maybe the soil is different, or there is a slight slope away from the house or there is other vegetation near the house grabbing the available water. My other suggestion is to make sure you are protecting against insects like chinch bugs. If you are putting down a whole lawn granule treatment to protect against fire ants, you are getting chinch bug protection. If not, consider using Ortho Bug B Gon MAX several times a year. This also kills fleas and ticks in your grass. If you put it down at the heavy rate you will also get fire ants. Regarding the weeds, your spring and fall feedings can be Scotts Bonus S Weed & Feed. If this does not take care of all the weeds, you can spray with Ortho Weed B Gon for Southern Lawns. Hi Ashton, I live in Oakville, Canada, I’m new in gardeing, My house is a corner unit and accross my house are big fields, most of the time the white pollen kind of thing comes with wind and falls on my front yard grass and backyard grass, I think I have around 1200 sq feet grass which is green but full of weeds with small grean leafs on head of those weeds and some are longer weeds leafs. My question is what shoudl I use to kill these weeds and protect our grass, If you like I can send you my yard pics, and I used to dig and take out weeds but its so many I spend 2 days still not finish. I will appreciate your advice and help. Thank you Zeeshasn Hi Zeeshasn You can spray your weeds with Ortho KillEx. This will not hurt your good grass. Be sure to feed your lawn 3 or 4 times a year to help your grass grow into the areas were the weed grew and to get your lawn thicker so new weeds have a more difficult time getting started. Hello Ashton, I take care of lawns. I have a client that I fertilized about 4 months ago and now we noticed that his lawn now has more weeds than ever. I just put down some 20-0-10 lesco product to see if it helps. I guess my question is…Do you think that fertilizing the lawn increased the weeds more and if so can I can I fix this issue. I value him as a client and want him to be happy. Btw: I live in South Florida and the type of grass he has Is a St Augustine grass. Hi Malachi Benedict Thanks for telling me where you are located as this really helps. There are many “winter weeds” that germinate in South Florida during Fall and thrive in the Florida winter growing conditions before fading away in summer. These weeds will come back every year from seed. Feeding can stimulate their growth. I am not familiar with the product you recently applied, but if it has a weed preventer in it, you will not see any control of existing weeds. If it is a weed and feed for St. Augustine, you may see some control. You would not want to put down Scotts Bonus S Weed & Feed for St. Augustine since you just fed. If you decide to spray the weeds, be sure to use a weed control that is ok for St. Augustinegrass. You may have a variety of St. Augustinegrass called Floratam that may be more sensitive to some weed controls, so read the label. Check out Ortho Weed B Gon for Southern Lawns to see if the weeds listed are the ones you are trying to control. Good luck. Thank you very much!! Hi Ashton, I’m a new home owner and the previous owner didn’t take care of the lawn at all. I have a couple of bare spots and weeds are taking over. I put pre-emergent down as soon as I saw the first few weeds growing thinking I could keep it from getting bad but it’s spread a lot. It ended up raining about 10 hours after I put it down also. My question is can I put down weed and feed if it’s only been 2 weeks since pre-emergent is different? (I live in TX and I have Bermuda grass) One last note when I moved in last fall roadside aster had taken over the yard, it’s all dead but the roots are still all across the yard and hard and thick and suggestions? Thank you! Brandon Hi Brandon The pre-emergent you applied is to keep new seeds of crabgrass and other annual weeds from germinating this spring. For existing weeds in your Bermuda you have two options: You can put down Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed, or you can spray your weeds with Ortho Weed B Gon MAX and feed with Southern Turf Builder. The Ortho Weed B Gon MAX controls more different weeds than you will get with Weed & Feed. In both situations it is best to wait until your Bermuda is actively growing (when at least 60% of your Bermuda is green showing that it is coming out of winter dormancy). If the aster roots are dead, they will decompose. If the plant is just dormant, you can spray with Ortho Weed B Gon when you see new growth. Good Luck! Hi Ashton, I live in San Antonio, TX. We are a new homeowner and when we moved in our lawn was taken over by all kinds of weed. We tried pulling some of them out but it looks like more of them had came out in different areas. It’s pretty hard to water regularly here because of the water restrictions. What would you recommend for us to do so we can get rid of all these weeds and possibly prevent them from coming back? Thank you in advance! :) Hi blumackey Based on where you live, you likely have St. Augustinegrass (which has a wide blade and forms a very thick lawn in both sun and lightly shaded areas). If you have this kind of grass, you can put down Scotts Bonus S Weed & Feed now and water after application. This product will not control all weeds, however it is your best choice right now on St. Augustinegras. The next most likely lawn type in your area is Bermudagrass (which has a finer blade texture and grows mainly in sunny areas). If you have this kind of grass you can apply Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed to moist foliage when there is no rain or irrigation for 24 hours. Hi; I am a senior citizen who lives in Grand Prairie, Texas who likes to garden and have a mixture of Bermuda Grass and St, Augustine in my front lawn along with a mixture of weeds mostly Dandelions, and crabgrass along with some others I don’t know.. I used Vigoro fertilizer which helps the lawn and weeds too for I was told that a weed killer would harm the grass.so I need to know how I can safely kill weeds and not harm the grass. I had a yardman in the past who almost killed my lawn but the Vigoro has helped to restore it. I will handle this personally from now on when I find out what to do the right way. I want to know now before our severe summer hot days arrive sometimes as early as mid May. I have read other articles like suggestions of plain vinegar, salt & dish detergent but thought I’s ask you first before I try anything. I would appreciate your helpful suggestions. Thanks, Mae. Hi Mae Emmons You are correct that you have to be careful which weed controls you spray on a mixed Bermuda and St. Augustine lawn. One option for you is to spray your weeds with Ortho Weed B Gon MAX for Southern Lawns. It can be used on Bermuda and most varieties of St. Augustine except Floratam. Here is a link to the info on the ready to spray version of this product. It also comes in a hose-end spray as well as a concentrate that can be mixed with water and used in a sprayer. Hope this helps. I had a beautiful yard…..then we got dogs!! :( the run up and down the side and just tear up the grass…..now we just have a giant mud pit! We put up a fence in order to prevent the constant running back and forth but what is the best grass to grow that will grow not only quickly but also strong…..also should i send the dogs somewhere else while it is growing? I live in Lebanon, Pa Hi Vanessa Thanks for telling me where you are located. The Scotts Heat-Tolerant Blue grass seed mix will do well in your area. This blend of three different turf-type tall fescues and Thermal Ky Bluegrass can take some shade and a lot of wear and tear. You would need to keep the dogs in another area while you are getting it established. This may take several months. Use Scotts New Lawn Starter Food when you seed. If you seed now, you need to do the project ASAP so the grass has a chance to establish strong roots before summer. The alternative is to wait to seed around Sept 1. Good Luck. Hi Ashton. We took out some huge evergreen trees and planted grass last fall in our backyard Mostly weeds came up in that area but some grass too. I live in Columbus, Ohio but I don’t know what kind of grass we planted. Should I weed and feed that area (it looks like dry dirt and weeds)?? Or should I seed again this fall? Also, there are several yellow/dry/burn spots from our dog. What is the best way to spot treat these? Last, some spots in our yard have no grass, just dirt and one of those is almost like a hole. I sometimes trip in it. Can I seed just those small areas?? Should I fill in the one with dirt? How else would I even it out? Hi Tracey Sometimes after a tree has been taken down and the wood chips from the stump grinder are left in the hole, plants are slow to grow because any available nutrients are being utilized by organisms breaking down the wood. Seedlings are “starved”. By this fall the wood chips in the hole will be well on their way to being decomposed. You could keep the weeds and grass in that area mowed this summer, treat the weeds with Roundup in late August and then seed the area with the Scotts Heat-Tolerant Blue seed blend in early Sept. (I had great success with that blend when I lived north of Columbus.) Be sure to put down Starter Lawn Food when you seed. You can seed small areas this time of year because they are easier to keep watered. Scotts EZ Seed Sun/Shade blend is good. You can seed the dog spots, use Scotts EZ Seed Dog Spot Repair. I sprayed some weed killer on my grass , it’s been about a week now , and I have , what I thought was st Augastine dyeing , it’s brown in spots when I go to rake up the dead , brown it’s like breaking the green grass of at ground leval , what have I done , also why does St Augustine come in seed form , I can get plugs or sod no seed , I’m in South Weat Fl . Looks like I need to get more plugs , please help I did read about the right weed killer to use , so I know what to do now in the fall . Thank You Hi Paul Sorry to read that your St. Augustine is not doing well. A common variety of St. Augustine called Floratam is more sensitive to weed controls than other varieties. Sounds like you may have Floratam. You are right, there is no St. Augustine seed. The only way to establish this kind of lawn is via sod, plugs or sprigs. One other thought is that chinch bugs and sod webworms can cause damage this time of year that shows up as brown sections of lawn. Ortho Bug B Gon MAX works well on these insects and if you apply at the heavy spreader rate, you can get protection against fire ants. I am having serious problems with dandelions and clover. What product works best to kill these two pests. I live in Denver Colorado. Hi Paul You can use Ortho Weed B Gon MAX plus Crabgrass Killer or Ortho Weed B Gon Chickweed & Clover Killer. I have used this product this time of year on clover with great success. It also controls dandelions. Here is product info: thanks So my husband and I just bought our first house, and the yard is huge! But the previous owners never took care of the lawn and it is overrun with weeds and crabgrass. We want to tear it up and grow new grass next year because we want ky Bluegrass and because it is very very very uneven. But in the meantime is line to get rid of these weeds because I think they are contributing to the higher bug population in our yard. Any thoughts or advice? Hi Cheryl Check out my Aug 5 blog posting on Total Lawn Renovation to see how you can do a total kill/conversion. I live in western MD have a new construction house. The new lawn was seeded in the spring and the fescue has grown fairly well. The weeds though are now taking over. Many of the weeds look like a spider where they grow out in every direction and seem to cause brown spots around them. We plan to put down more seed for bare spots this fall but I’m not sure what is the best way to attack the weeds. Is a simple weed and feed all we should use this fall? Does it matter what order we apply the seed and weed/feed? Thanks Hi Jeff You will not be able to use a weed and feed where you seed. (The waiting period to seed after weed control is a month. The waiting period to put down a weed control is after your new grass is old enough to be mowed four times.). Scotts Turf Builder WinterGuard Weed & Feed will kill most non grassy weeds. Just skip the areas you plan on seeding. You live in an area where lawns like 2 or 3 feelings in fall. Thank you for the reply. If I re-seed now is there a recommended fertilizer I should use in September or Octobter that does not have the weed killer? I could then use the Scott’s winter guard later in the fall? Does that sound OK? Help!I have weeds and lots of them in my back yard,used weed and feed not working.How do I get rid of them without harming my grass.? Hi Josephine If you used Turf Builder Weed & Feed in the yellow bag, it should have been applied to a wet lawn when no rain or irrigation is expected for 24 hours. Takes about 3 to 4 weeks to do the job. If you used the Bonus S Weed & Feed it should have been watered after spreading. There are some harder to control weeds that may be killed with one of the Ortho Weed B Gon products. Hi Jeff Scotts Starter Lawn Food for New Grass is best for new seedlings. Following up with WinterGuard 6weeks later is a good plan. Hi Ashton, I am living in GA. and I am a new homeowner. I think the builder cut them to short before I moved in, so some part turns to yellow and there are a lot weeds on my back yard. 1. Can you suggest me when I should put the fertilizer and what the procedure?(water, weather..) 2. How can I handle the weeds? Thank you so much. Hi Allen Do you know what kind of grass the builder put in? We can grow Fescues, Bermuda, Zoysia, Centipede and St. Augustine in Georgia. Thank you for replying me, yes it is Bermuda. Thanks. Hi Allen Bermuda wants to be fed about 4 times a year, primarily in late spring, summer and early fall. You can feed your lawn with Scotts Turf Builder WinterGuard Weed & Feed now. Apply to moist foliage on a day when rain is not expected in order to maximize your weed control. For next year your application schedule would be to put down Halts crabgrass preventer with no lawn food in late February. Your first feeding would be Scotts Turf Builder or Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed in spring when you see about 50% green grass coming out of winter. Around 6 to 8 weeks later (probably around late May) feed with Scotts GreenMAX and then in Late July feed again with GreenMAX. Your last feeding next year will be in mid Sept. Good luck with your lawn. Hi Ashton, Thank you so much for the suggestion. Really appreciate it. One more question, Do I need to pull out all the weeds or apply anything to kill the weeds or something kill worm or bugs? Any suggestion would be really appreciated. Thank you. Hi Allen Feeding now with the Turf Builder WinterGuard Weed & Feed will kill quite a few of your weed problems. Early next summer you can put down Ortho Bug B Gon MAX at the heavy rate to kill lawn damaging insects, fleas, ticks, and fire ants. Also, Do I need to put fertilizer before mow my lawn or after? Hi Allen Since you will be putting down a weed & feed, wait to mow at least a few days after applying and let your clippings stay on your lawn.
Vol 79, No 6 (2004) - Year: 2004 - Articles: 22 - URL: Articles Evgeny Ivanovich Chazov (the 75th anniversary of birth) Abstract Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):6-8 Outlook from the past to the future Abstract Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):8-15 Pilot results of stenting bifurcation stenoses of coronary arteries Abstract Aim. To study effectiveness of various types of coronary stenting in bifurcation stenoses. Material and methods. Fifty six patients with bifurcation stenoses were divided into 2 groups: stenting of the basic and side branch of the coronary artery (CA) was made in group 1 patients (n = 27), stenting of the basic branch and balloon angioplasty of the side branch were made in group 2 (n = 29). Primary clinical and angiographic response reached 96 and 90% in groups 1 and 2, respectively. Complications were absent in group 1, occurred in 13.7% cases in group 2 (the difference was insignificant). One year after the procedure lethal outcomes were absent. The number of unfavourable clinical outcomes was higher in group 1 (25.9 and 13.7%, respectively, p = 0.4). The rate of restenoses detected angiographically was not significantly different in group 1 and 2 (33 and 26%, respectively). Conclusion. Stenting of bifurcation stenoses brings about good short-term and satisfactory long-term results in most of the patients. The rate of the complications was low. Two stents implantation (in basic and side branches) has no significant advantages over stenting of the basic CA and balloon angioplasty of its side branch. Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):16-22 Prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Russia: successes, failures, prospects Abstract Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):22-24 New approaches to treatment of ischemic heart disease: therapeutic angiogenesis in combination with surgical revascularization of the myocardium Abstract Aim. To evaluate the results of surgical treatment of patients with ischemic heart disease in combination with intraoperative intramyocardial introduction of the human gene VEGF165 (angiostimulin). Material and methods. Twenty four patients enrolled in the study were examined using 12-lead ECG, echocardiography, treadmill exercise test, single-photon emission computed tomography of the myocardium with Tc-99m-tetrophosmine, fluorodesoxyglucose (FDG) positron-emission tomography of the myocardium, selective coronarography. Out of 24 patients, 10 patients have been reexamined so far. The effect of the treatment was assessed by the data obtained at the treadmill test, transthoracic echocardiography, myocardial scintigraphy and FDG. Results. All the patients demonstrated a clinical response. The class of effort angina improved, the dose of the prescribed nitric drugs was decreased, exercise tolerance and total stress time rose, quality of life improved. Myocardial scintigraphy registered reduction of the total area and better accumulation of the radiopharmaceutical under load and at rest 3 and 6 months after the operation including myocardial areas which had not been revacularised at coronary artery bypass grafting but had been treated with the preparation of the human gene VEGF165. Conclusion. The results of the study suggest that therapeutic angiogenesis may be an alternative impact on those myocardial areas which are suppled by the affected but ineligible for bypass grafting coronary arteries. Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):25-30 Polymorphic markers of GNB3 (C825T), AGTR1 (A1166C) and ACE (A2350G and I/D) genes in patients with arterial hypertension combined with diabetes mellitus type 2 Abstract Aim. To elicit correlations of polymorphic markers of GNB3 (C825T), AGTR1 (АП66С), ACE (A2350G and I/D) genes with arterial pressure, left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and blood concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines in hypertensive patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2). Material and Methods. Clinical parameters (24-h arterial pressure profile, echocardiographic findings, immunoenzymes level) were studied in 89 hypertensive patients with DM2. These patients had different genotypes by the studied allele variants of the genes determined by polymerase chain reaction. Results. Polymorphism ofA1166Cgene of type 1 vascular receptor of angiotensin II (AGTR1) contributes to formation of arterial hypertension (AH) signs diversity in DM2 patients. GNB3, a gene C825T polymorphic marker, showed a correlation with diastolic arterial pressure but this variant of the gene locus is not associated with LVH. However, G-allele of ACE gene contributes much to appearance of this pathological sign. Mean values oflL-lfi and TNF-a as well as the presence of LVH depended on genotypes by ACE gene (polymorphism I/D). Conclusion. Polymorphic markers of ACE and GNB3 candidate genes influence clinical diversity of pathological signs in DM2 patients through modification of AH and LVH severity and the level of proinflammatory cytokines. Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):30-35 Ethnic differences in apolipoprotein В levels in hyperlipidemia in Russians and the Kirghiz Abstract Aim. To evaluate the levels of apolipoprotein В (apo-B) and coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors in Russians and the Kirghiz with primary hyperlipemia (PHL). Material and methods. Lipid spectrum of the blood (LDLP and HDLP cholesterol, total cholesterol, triglicerides), apo-B, CHD risk factors were studied in 60 Russian and 75 Kirghis patients with PHL aged 28 to 67years (mean age 50.0 + 7.59 years, 56females and 79 males). Results. In Russians a mean level of LDLP cholesterol and apo-B was significantly higher than in Kirghiz patients (3.95 + 1.29 mmol/l vs 3.51+1.17 mmol/l, p = 0.042; 173.3+ 57.3 mg/dl vs 145.5 + 49.3 mg/dl, p = 0.003, respectively). CHD in both ethnic groups occurred with similar rates. The multifactorial regression analysis shows that an apo-B concentration can serve an independent risk factor associated with CHD in the Kirghiz population (p = 0.25, p = 0.03) while in Russians living in Kirghizia this factor is a low content of HDLP cholesterol (p = -0.25, p = 0.05). Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):35-39 Cardiorenai interactions: ciinicai indications and roie in pathogenesis of cardiovascular and renal diseases Abstract Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):39-46 Detection of sodium monourate crystals in biopsies of gastric mucosa in gout patients Abstract Aim. To examine gastric biopsies with polarization microscopy for detection of sodium monourate crystals (SMC). Material and methods. The trial included 20 patients with gout diagnosis (mean age 55.7years, mean duration of the disease 12.3 years)in whom esophagogastroduodenoscopy was made with biopsy of gastric mucosa from the antral part of the stomach and middle third of the gastric body. Results. Crystals in the biopsy specimens were detected in 11 of 20 examinees. The crystals were characterized by strong double refraction, length 3-20 mem, acicular or planiform shape, blue or yellow color depending on position in compensated polarized light. Quantitative distribution of the crystals within one biopsy specimen was uneven and varied from solitary crystals to clusters of 70-80 crystals in sight, up to formation of tophus-like structures. Clinical picture in detection of SMC was characterized by more frequent occurrence of cases with subcutaneous tophuses of various location combined with higher hyperuricemia. Conclusion. One of the essential lines in the research of gout concerns mechanisms of SMC formation in organs and tissues and microcrystalline gastroduodenal inflammation. Methods of correction of this inflammation are to be designed. Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):47-51 Moleculargenetic and cellular aspects of heart and vessel remodeling in essential hypertension (review) Abstract essentia!hypertension, heart, vessels, remodeling, genetics Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):51-58 Pilot experience with clopidogrel in the treatment of an .ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction Abstract Aim. To examine efficacy of clopidogrel before thrombolytic therapy (TLT) in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Material and methods. A total of 72 patients (48 males and 24 females) admitted to hospital within 6 hours since the onset of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) were divided into three groups. Group 1 and 2 patients (n = 38 and 20, respectively) were given a prehospital stress dose of aspirin (250- 500 mg), group 3 patients (n = 14) received this dose at admission. TLT with streptokinase or actilise (1500000 IU and 100 mg, respectively) was given to all the patients. Before TLT group 2 received a stress dose of clopidogrel (300 mg), after TLT - 75 mg/day. 12-Lead ECG, CFK activity and troponine content examinations were made. The patients were observed for 30 days. The recovery of coronary circulation (CC) was evaluated by dynamics of a total lowering of the elevated ST segment. Results. CC completely recovered 60 min after TLT in 16, 10 and 7% patients of groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. CC recovered partially in 24, 55 and 7% patients, respectively. In 90 min after TLT partial recovery of CC was observed in 21, 31 and 43%, respectively; in 180 min the effect was absent in 19, 15 and 38%, respectively. 30-Day lethality was 11.1% and was high in group 3. No lethal outcomes were seen in group 2. Conclusion. It is possible to achieve better myocardial reperfusion after TLT and improve 30-day outcomes in MI patients given combined antithrombocytic therapy. Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):58-62 Lipemia after fat loading and atherosclerosis of coronary arteries: correlation of expression Abstract Aim. To examine relationships between lipemia, atherogenicity of blood lipoproteins spectrum after fat loading (FL) and severity of angiographic manifestations of coronary atherosclerosis. Material and methods. The study enrolled 72 males free of ischemic heart disease (IHD) - group 1; 60 IHD patients with moderate affection of the coronary arteries (CA), i.e. maximal narrowing of one CA 50% - group 2; 107 IHD patients with severe CA affection, i.e. CA narrowing > 50% - group 3. FL was given by J. R. Patsch technique, blood sampling was made before meal, 3 and 6 hours after FL. Results. It was shown that intake of food fats in IHD and IHD-free patients stimulated development of postprandial lipemia of different severity and duration. It appeared due to increased fraction of lipoproteins rich in triglycerides. In group 2 and 3 there was a definite and up to 6 hours in duration postprandial hypertriglyceridemia associated with proatherogenic deviations in lipid and protein components (LDL and HDL) by FL hour 6: growing of LDL cholesterol, apoB, apoB/apoAI and lowering of HDL cholesterol and apoAI. Patients with severe CA atherosclerosis (> 50% narrowing of three CA) had the most severe atherogenic affections in the postprandial lipoprotein spectrum. Conclusion. Postprandial lipemia/hyperthglyceridemia and atherogenic changes in the spectrum of lipoproteins after FL correlate directly with angiographic manifestations of coronary atherosclerosis. Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):62-67 Hyperhomocysteinemia and acute phase proteins in various forms of ischemic heart disease Abstract Aim. To determine clinical significance of high concentrations of homocystein, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen in various forms of ischemic heart disease. Material and methods. Enzyme immunoassay was made to measure serum concentrations of homocystein, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen in 60 patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) in the form of stable effort angina (n = 20), painless myocardial ischemia (n = 19), unstable angina pectoris (n = 21) and 20 control patients free of IHD. Myocardial ischemia was confirmed at dobutamine stress echocardiography. Results. Serum concentrations of homocysteine, C-reactive protein and fibrinogen were higher in patients with unstable angina than in the other examinees with IHD. A statictically significant correlation exists between homocysteine serum levels and acute phase proteins (C-reactive protein, fibrinogen) in patients with unstable angina. In the other groups it was absent. Conclusion. Correlation between serum levels of homocysteine and acute phase proteins in patients with unstable angina suggests a direct participation of this amino acid in destabilization of atherosclerotic plaques and development of acute coronary syndromes. Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):67-70 Characteristics of atherosclerotic lesion of the abdominal aorta and its unpaired visceral branches in patients with chronic abdominal ischemia Abstract Aim. To study characteristics of echocardiographycally detectable structural changes of the abdominal major arteries due to atherosclerosis with consideration of clinical symptoms. Material and methods. 174 participants of the study had chronic abdominal ischemia (CAI). 20 healthy individuals served as control. The analysis was made of the data obtained at clinical laboratory tests, endoscopic and x-ray examinations, ultrasound investigation (USI) of the abdominal organs, USI of abdominal arteries in B-mode, transabdominal USI of the vertebral column. Results. Echographically detectable signs of atherosclerotic affection of abdominal arteries in CAI patients are the following: increased lumen of the abdominal aorta (AA), unpaired visceral arteries in proximal and/or distal parts, relative narrowing of unpaired visceral arteries at the site of their origin from the aorta, lengthening of the abdominal aorta, S-shape configuration of the aorta on the longitudinal sections, thick aortal wall, unpaired visceral arteries, uneven thickness of the wall, plane foci of high echogenicity on the internal surface of the vascular wall, single or multiple hyperechogenic foci responsible for partial obstruction in the vessels. Conclusion. Degenerative changes of the intervertebral disks and corresponding atherosclerotic changes of the abdominal aorta, atherosclerotic affection of the unpaired visceral arteries may cause abdominal pain syndrome in CAI patients. Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):70-74 Cerebrovascular complications in metabolic syndrome: possible approaches to a lower risk Abstract Aim. To compare brain perfusion in hypertensive patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) or metabolic (MS) syndrome and hypertensive patients without clinicobiochemical signs of DM2 or MS; to study enoxapahn effects on brain perfusion in DM2 and arterial hypertension (AH). Material and methods. Seventy patients included in the study were divided into three groups: 30 patients with DM2 and AH (group 1), 30 patients with MS and AH (group 2)and 10 AH patients without manifestations of MS or DM2 (group 3). All the patients have undergone single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of the brain, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism were examined. Results. Deterioration of brain perfusion was more prominent in DM2 and MS patients with AH than in hypertensive patients with normal metabolism. Stress test with acetasolamide revealed defective autoregulation of cerebral blood flow in hypertensive patients with DM2. A 6-week therapy with enoxapahn significantly improved brain perfusion in hypehensive patients with DM2. Conclusion. Enoxapahn treatment of hypehensive DM2 and MS patients with abnormal perfusion of the brain can be used for prevention of cerebrovascular complications. Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):74-80 Peculiarity of hypotensive efficacy in hypertensive patients with desaturation signs of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome Abstract Aim. Го estimate the efficacy of 8-week antihypertensive monotherapy in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) regarding the presence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). Material and methods. We analysed the results of 24-h blood pressure (BP) monitoring of 26 inpatients (mean age 54 ± 2 years) with mild (n = 18) and moderate (n = 8) AH before and after 8 weeks of treatment with 5-10 mg amlodipine or 50-100 mg of losartan once daily to assess blood pressure profile parameters. The patients underwent nocturnal monitoring of arterial oxygen saturation (pulsoximeter NONIN-8500 M, USA). The presence of OSAS was confirmed when a characteristic clinical picture was combined with the presence of significant (> 4%) sleep desaturation episodes > 15 episodes per hour or the presence of group desaturation episodes below 90%. Seven hypertensive patients with OSAS were assigned to group 1, nineteen patients without OSAS - to group 2. The differences in estimated parameters between the groups were tested by Mann-Whitney U test, the dynamics of BP profile parameters - by Wilcoxon matched pairs test. Results. In group 1 there were no significant differences by most of ВР profile parameters before and after antihypertensive treatment, except mean nocturnal systolic BP. In group 2 a significant hypotensive effect was seen by all parameters of BP profile except BP variability. Hypotensive efficacy in group 2 was 1.5-2 times higher vs group 1, but the difficulties were not significant. Conclusion. Antihypertensive therapy in hypertensive patients with OSAS is less effective than in those without OSAS but it is not uneffective. Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):81-84 Blockers of angiotensin receptors: a novel approach to treatment of secondary pulmonary hypertension Abstract Aim. To evaluate efficacy of losartan, a blocker of angiotensin receptors, in combined treatment of secondary pulmonary hypertension (SPH) in patients with chronic obstructive bronchitis (COB). Material and methods. Losartan effects on hemodynamics, blood gases and clinical course of the disease were studied in 29patients with COB and SPH (mean age 52 ± 1.7years). A control group consisted of 15 patients (mean age 51 ± 1.5 years) treated with cardiac glycosides and diuretic drugs. Aland B-mode Doppler echocardiography registered hemodynamic parameters. 24-h monitoring of AP and ECG were made by standard methods. Blood gases and venous rheology were examined. Results. Losartan administration in COB patients with SPH improved hemodynamics. Stroke index rose from 36.3 ± 2.1 to 45.8 ± 2.1 ml/m1 (by 26.2%, p < 0.01) in SPH functional class III, from 26.3 ± 1.9 to 32.7 ± 2.1 ml/m2 (by 24.3%, p < 0.01) in functional class IV. Cardiac index rose by 22.2 and 21.1%, respectively. Pulmonary hemodynamics improved too: systolic pressure in pulmonary artery fell by 25.7% in functional class HI, by 18.6% in functional class IV. Losartan normalized a 24-h AP profile, reduced the number of painless myocardial ischemia. Conclusion. Use of losartan in combined therapy of patients with COB and SPH improves clinical status of the patients, corrects basic cardiohemodynamic parameters, has a positive effect on AP profiles without negative impact on blood gas composition and rheology. Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):84-87 Amiodarone (cordarone) efficiency in atrial extrasystoles Abstract Aim. To assess antiarrhythmic amiodarone efficacy of suppressing atrial extrasystoles resistant to other antiarrhythmic modalities. Material and methods. The antiarrhythmic effect of amiodarone was studied in 70 patients (38 males, 32 females, mean age 49.6 ± 1.7 years, mean duration of arrhythmia 4.9 ± 1,5 years). The loading oral dose of amiodarone was 600-1200 mg/day for 10 days, mean maintenance dose - 1656.25 mg a weak, mean duration of treatment - 27.5 ± 3.2 months. The response to amiodarone was estimated by repeated 24-h Holter monitoring. Results. A complete response was observed in 78.5% patients in loading and in 65.7% patients in maintenance therapy. A partial antiarrhythmic response was seen in 8.57 and 16.41% patients, respectively. Conclusion. Amiodarone is a basic drug against ventricular arrhythmia. Its effectiveness in suppression of atrial extrasystole is weaker but also appropriate. Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):87-89 Cardiac arrest in a patient with obstructive sleep apnea Abstract Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):89-91 Pseudopacemaker syndrome (pacemaker syndrome in the absence of artificial pacemaker) Abstract Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):91-93 Aquired deficiency in the system of proteins С and S and acute myocardial infarction Abstract Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):93-94 Endothelium a new target for a therapeutic action of ACE inhibitors Abstract Terapevticheskii arkhiv. 2004;79(6):94-96
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If you find yourself struggling at times, there are no other treatment options. In fact, some of the viruses isolated by students here at BYU are being used to treat a sea turtle, Shelly, who has an antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection. Viruses can be very specific for the type of bacteria they kill, seeking out the bacterial pathogen and leaving the rest of our body full of other bacteria that are actually helping us—and Shelly. And there are a lot of those “good” bacteria. Research shows that we have as many bacterial cells in us and on us as we have human cells. This is referred to as our microbiome. Our microbiome is essential to our health. Thus both viruses and bacteria—which most people have thought of as bad for so many years—have an important place in our individual health as well as in the ecological health of our planet. This interrelated nature of life is complex and highly variable, as are the individual and essential roles that each form of life plays. A Unique Role I have taught biology at BYU for eleven years now, interacting with hundreds of students each year. What has impacted me the most are these same truths: each student has an individual and unique role to play and each student has unique talents and gifts that are not quite the same in any other person. A well-known but beautiful example of this is found in the life of Anne Frank. On a recent trip to Amsterdam, I was able to visit the secret annex in which Anne’s family hid for more than two years. Although I had read Anne’s diary in school when I was young, there were many aspects of her story that I had never heard about before. These aspects display how Anne came to recognize the role she could play through the use of her talents. Anne’s family lived in Germany and fled to the Netherlands in 1933, due to the threatening political climate. As the Nazi army moved toward Amsterdam, Anne’s father, Otto Frank, built a small annex in the back of his shop in which the family would live for more than two years, along with the van Pels family and Fritz Pfeffer. The eight of them had to rely on the bravery and generosity of six other individuals who risked their lives to help the family hide and to bring them food rations. These individuals were their friends Johan and Bep Voskuijl, Miep and Jan Gies, Victor Kugler, and Johannes Kleiman. On Anne’s thirteenth birthday she was given a notebook that she immediately began using as a diary. During the two years of hiding in the cramped space, Anne’s outlet was writing. She wrote many things, including her thoughts, feelings, poems, and tales. While in hiding, the Frank family also listened quietly to the radio for news and plotted the path of the Allied forces as they moved toward Amsterdam. In 1944, while listening to the radio, Anne heard the following advice given by the Dutch cabinet minister Gerrit Bolkestein:.1 Anne immediately had a purpose. She was inspired to rewrite her diary into a book that she hoped to share with the world. Over the next four months she worked tirelessly to abridge the last two years of her writings. She rewrote her diary for clarity and replaced real names with pseudonyms for publication. Anne expressed to her family her purpose: after the war, her book on the experience of living in the annex would be published, giving the world a piece of the story of World War II. Somehow, through pathways still unknown today, the police became aware of the family’s hiding place in August 1944. All eight of the individuals in the secret annex were sent to concentration camps. All of the items from the annex were also confiscated. However, Otto Frank’s secretary, Miep Gies, visited the annex shortly after the family’s capture and was able to retrieve Anne’s diary. Of the eight people in the secret annex, only Anne’s father, Otto, survived the concentration camps. After the war he returned to Amsterdam to look for his family, and Miep Gies gave him Anne’s diary. Anne’s father worked hard to get it published. He was rejected several times, and it took him two years to get it published, but he never gave up. Today millions of people have read the diary. It has inspired countless individuals, including survivors of similar unimaginable difficulties. I am inspired by Anne’s story, her writings, and her belief that one person can make a difference. But I also know that it is not just her story. It is the story of her family, including her father, who worked to keep the family safe for so many years and who, after so much sorrow, was blessed to fulfill his daughter’s wishes and to publish Anne’s diary. It is the story of the six other individuals who risked their lives to hide the family in the annex, including Victor Kugler and Johannes Kleiman, who were also taken captive by the police. It is the story of one person’s great talents—Anne’s—interacting with many other great talents. Our Own Individuality The big question of life is this: How do we find our own individual talents and purpose in life? During my time at BYU I have spoken with many students who feel unsure of their future and the path that they should take. Too often we compare ourselves to the one person who seems sure of their path rather than to the twenty who, like us, are searching for their path. What I do know is that in all cases our ability to utilize our time, energy, and talents is completely dependent upon our Father in Heaven and on our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Not only are we dependent on Them to become our best selves, but this is Their greatest desire for us. They have literally done everything that can be done in order to help us succeed in this life and in the next. Our Savior has given His life in the single most powerful act of love to ever occur: the Atonement. Through the Atonement each of us can find the best use for our talents and develop those talents beyond what we would ever be capable of alone. I believe that there is no greater gift than to help someone develop to the fullest of their potential, to become the person they want to be, and to use their talents to the fullest extent. I bear my testimony to you that our Father in Heaven cares for each of the students at BYU as individuals and that He will help you find your place in life. Some of the greatest spiritual experiences of my life have come from praying for students who have discussed a problem with me. I would like to share an example with you. On three separate occasions I was searching for funds to enable a student to be trained in scientific research. Each one of these students had approached me with a unique position as well as a great desire to be trained and to use their talents. However, in each case I did not have the funding to accept another student. Knowing that each student needed the funds immediately and considering that it usually takes six to twelve months for me to get grant funding, I turned to prayer. On each of these rare occasions, a funding opportunity came to me out of the blue with little effort on my part and within a few days of my praying for these students. Let me tell you that this does not happen! Nor is it likely to happen to me again, unless the Lord is moving mountains on a student’s behalf. Scientific research funding is exceptionally difficult to come by. Normally I spend several months and many long hours searching out appropriate grants, writing proposals, and obtaining the necessary preliminary data for funding. I know that it was the Lord’s hand in each of these three instances and that when the students and I had done all we could, doors were opened to allow the students to develop their talents. These remarkable experiences and several others have given me a strong testimony of our Savior’s great love and personal interest in each of you. Having said this, I don’t want to mislead you by saying that life will be easy or that all of our prayers will immediately be answered in such an obvious way. But what I do know is that when we rely on our Savior and ask for His help, He will help us, and we can have our “peace [be] as a river, and [our] righteousness as the waves of the sea” (Isaiah 48:18). Recently I have noticed the choice of words used in this scripture. It does not say our peace will be as a still pond. I believe this is on purpose. I believe that if we are trying to develop and use our talents, we will have help from our Savior but will still encounter difficulties. In addition, we are not perfect and we make mistakes. This is perhaps the flowing of the river of which Isaiah spoke. If we are continually moving forward—over all of the rocks and through the twists and turns—and relying on the Savior, He will be there for us to help us and guide us. I bear my testimony of this. The Holy Ghost has warned me away from poor decisions. He has warned me from pathways that lead to sin and unhappiness. Our Heavenly Father is most generous, forgiving, and merciful. He will help us to overcome our weaknesses. They are never too great, and it is never too late, but we need to seek Him. The Effort of Seeking A few years ago I was in the grocery store when I felt a little bit of pressure on the side of my pant leg. It was a young child of two or three who had obviously gotten my pant leg mixed up with his own mother’s. He had instead grabbed my leg and was walking by my side. When I stopped and looked down, the young child of course looked up. I could see the moment in his expression when he recognized his error, and he immediately panicked. Just like this young child, we too can be deceived and lose our way. We need our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ is the “author and the finisher of [our] faith” (Moroni 6:4). Only by the Spirit will any of us receive confirmation of the truth of any matter, including our individual worth and the love that our Father has for us. Our Father is no respecter of persons; He loves each and every one of us. He knows our potential and unique talents better than anyone. There is no substitute pant leg. Seeking out truth through the scientific method of observation, hypothesis, and experiment is what biologists do. I leave everyone, including myself, with the admonition of Alma to experiment upon the word—or, in other words, to ask the Lord about our individual worth, our talents, and the pathways that we should go on to become our best selves. I challenge us to plant a seed, to nourish it, and to let it grow.:41–43] Notice how many times Alma entreated us to have patience. If you find yourself struggling at times, or—to your own ecological niche. He will open doors for you. You will find what He wants you to do, and you will bless countless others in doing it. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Julianne Grose, associate professor of microbiology and molecular biology, delivered this devotional address on May 21, 2019. Notes 1. Gerrit Bolkestein, radio address, Radio Oranje, 28 March 1944; quoted in The Diary of Anne Frank: The Critical Edition, ed. David Barnouw and Gerrold van der Stroom, trans. Arnold J. Pomerans and B. M. Mooyaart-Doubleday (New York: Doubleday, 1989), 59. SUGGESTED READING Anne Frank Anne Frank, The Diary of Anne Frank (New York: Random House, 1956). Anne Frank House, annefrank.org/en. Melissa Müller, Anne Frank: The Biography, trans. Rita and Robert Kimber, 2nd ed. (New York: Metropolitan Books/Henry Holt and Company, 2013). “75 Years Ago: Announcement of Establishment of Institute for War Documentation,” Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (NIOD), 28 March 2019, niod.nl/nl/nieuws/75-jaar-geleden-aankondiging-oprichting-instituut-voor-oorlogsdocumentatie. Biodiversity and Bacteriophage Abundance Alessandro Minelli and Lucio Bonato, “Diversity of Life,” Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (eLS), Wiley Online Library, 17 September 2012, 1–7, doi.org/10.1002/9780470015902.a0001518.pub3. Curtis A. Suttle, “Marine Viruses—Major Players in the Global Ecosystem,” Nature Reviews: Microbiology 5, no. 10 (October 2007): 801–12, doi.org/10.1038/nrmicro1750. Impact of the Sea Otter Jessica L. Clasen and Jonathan B. Shurin, “Kelp Forest Size Alters Microbial Community Structure and Function on Vancouver Island, Canada,” Ecology 96, no. 3 (March 2015): 862–72, escholarship.org/uc/item/43m806gn. James A. Estes, Alexander Burdin, and Daniel F. Doak, “Sea Otters, Kelp Forests, and the Extinction of Steller’s Sea Cow,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113, no. 4 (26 January 2016): 880–85, doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1502552112. James A. Estes and David O. Duggins, “Sea Otters and Kelp Forests in Alaska: Generality and Variation in a Community Ecological Paradigm,” Ecological Monographs 65, no. 1 (1 February 1995): 75–100, doi.org/10.2307/2937159. James A. Estes and John F. Palmisano, “Sea Otters: Their Role in Structuring Nearshore Communities,” Science 185, no. 4156 (20 September 1974): 1058–60, jstor.org/stable/1738455. James A. Estes, M. Tim Tinker, and James L. Bodkin, “Using Ecological Function to Develop Recovery Criteria for Depleted Species: Sea Otters and Kelp Forests in the Aleutian Archipelago,” Conservation Biology 24, no. 3 (June 2010): 852–60, jstor.org/stable/40603301. James A. Estes, M. Tim Tinker, Terrie M. Williams, and Daniel F. Doak, “Killer Whale Predation on Sea Otters Linking Oceanic and Nearshore Ecosystems,” Science 282, no. 5388 (16 October 1998): 473–76, jstor.org/stable/2897843. Karl W. Kenyon, The Sea Otter in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (Washington, DC: U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, 1970). Russell W. Markel and Jonathan B. Shurin, “Indirect Effects of Sea Otters on Rockfish (Sebastes spp.) in Giant Kelp Forests,” Ecology 96, no. 11 (November 2015): 2877–90, escholarship.org/uc/item/1v6846sz. Charles A. Simenstad, James A. Estes, and Karl W. Kenyon, “Aleuts, Sea Otters, and Alternate Stable-State Communities,” Science 200, no. 4340 (April 1978): 403–11, jstor.org/stable/1746443. See the complete list of abbreviations HERE
visitstpeteclearwater.com Apalachicola, Florida Illustrated by Anna Simmons Vibe | With a population of less than 2,500, this historic fishing village promises a slow pace, miles of unspoiled beaches, and enormous oysters. Breakfast Joint | Locals start the day at the Apalachicola Riverwalk Cafe, where crab quiche is a favorite. (Editor’s note: This location has closed since the article was printed in 2015.) Favorite Pastime | Spy native manatees, alligators, and turtles on an Apalachicola Airboat Adventures tour of the Apalachicola National Estuarine Reserve. Must-See Attraction | Perched on the banks of the Apalachicola River, the Orman House was built in 1838 by one of the town’s leading cotton merchants and showcases a variety of period furniture. Must-Stop Shop | Stock up on supplies—from outdoor apparel and backpacks to fishing rods and paddle boards—to explore Florida’s Forgotten Coast at Apalach Outfitters. Lane Autrey Grub | A fishermen’shangout, Papa Joe’s Oyster Bar & Grill specializes in oysters on the half shell, freshly plucked from Apalachicola Bay. (Editor’s note: This location has closed since the article was printed in 2015.) Watering Hole | Drink a Dirty Blonde brew from locally owned Oyster City Brewing Company, shell some gratis peanuts, and jam to live music at Bowery Station. Unofficial Mayor | Captain Gil Autrey of Captain Gil’s River Cruises is known for his witty commentary and his knack for finding the area’s elusive gators. Biloxi, Mississippi Vibe | Though it’s best known for its resort casinos and attending nightlife, this former French settlement is also prized for its arts community and its shrimping industry, the biggest on the Gulf. Breakfast Joint | You can’t go wrong with the shrimp and grits in a Cajun cream sauce at Fisherman’s Wharf–style McElroy’s HarborHouse. Illustrated by Anna Simmons Favorite Pastime | Admire architect Frank Gehry’s jaw-dropping campus and view the works of master potter George Ohr at the Ohr-O’Keefe Museum of Art. Must-See Attraction | The tip of the Lighthouse Pier is the perfect spot to see both spectacular sunrises (after a long night at the tables) and glowing sunsets. Must-Stop Shop | Stand in the thirty-two-foot-tall jaws framing the entrance of Sharkheads before shopping for souvenirs and house-made saltwater taffy. Billy Dugger Grub | The oldest family-run seafood market on the Gulf, Desporte & Sons Seafood Market & Deli offers a popular daily fish special, which includes gumbo, fries, and a drink for $6.95. Watering Hole | Pull in at Ole Biloxi Fillin’ Station for a cold beer or auto-themed cocktail (Pink Cadillac, Mustang Sally). Top off your tank with a plate of crawfish nachos. Unofficial Mayor | Owner of iconic Mary Mahoney’s Old French House, Bobby Mahoney is known locally as a bit of a comedian. See his “show” tableside as a patron of the restaurant. Clearwater, Florida visitstpeteclearwater.com Vibe | Averaging 361 days of sunshine a year, this barrier-island city draws families with its easy accessibility and wide variety of accommodations and attractions. Breakfast | Joint Kids nosh on chocolate-chip pancakes and Froot Loops while parents sip well-made Bloody Marys at Clear Sky Beachside Cafe. Favorite Pastime | Comb thirty-five miles of beaches in search of prickly cockles, Florida horse conchs, and Sunray Venus shells. Must-See Attraction | Spotting a dolphin is guaranteed on the Little Toot Dolphin Cruise. The shimmering sea mammals love to play in the wide wake created by the tug. Must-Stop Shop | Every night is a cause for celebration at Sunsets at Pier 60, where local artists and jewelers sell their wares along the 1,080-foot pier. Grub | For a waterside meal that doesn’t break the bank, Frenchy’s Rockaway Grill’s grouper sandwich ($10.95) hits the spot, not the wallet. Watering Hole | Do as locals have since 1926, and sidle up to the bar at Palm Pavilion for rum runners and pina coladas. Watch out for kiddos playing in the sand. Unofficial Mayor | Winter the Dolphin’s injury, recovery, and prosthetic tail inspired The Dolphin Tale movies. See her in person at Clearwater Marina Aquarium. Gulf Shores & Orange Beach, Alabama Illustrated by Anna Simmons Vibe | These twin cities form a quintessential beach community that’s home to acclaimed seafood shacks, a world-famous cocktail lounge, and the biggest Ferris wheel on the Gulf. Breakfast Joint | Koastal Toast (French toast made with thick slabs of Texas toast) and golden hash browns are served all day at popular Kitty’s Kafe. Favorite Pastime | Fish from the second-longest pier on the Gulf, walk eighteen miles of trails, or attempt the seven-tower zipline course at Gulf State Park. Must-See Attraction | Climb to the top of historic Fort Morgan to see where Union Admiral David Farragut gave the command, “Damn the torpedoes. Full speed ahead!” during the 1864 Battle of Mobile Bay. Must-Stop Shop | Score a one-of-a-kind souvenir at the Coastal Arts Center of Orange Beach, where glass blowers, potters, and painters create and sell their work. Grub | Flip-flops are as fancy as anyone gets at Doc’s Seafood Shack & Oyster Bar, a popular dive where the fried shrimp come straight from the waters outside the door. Watering Hole | Ride the line at the legendary Flora-Bama, known for its musical chops (Jimmy Buffett plays impromptu jam sessions) and its version of the iconic Bushwacker frozen cocktail. Unofficial Mayor | Lucy Buffett, sister of “Margaritaville” singer Jimmy, is a local celebrity in her own right, serving as proprietress of popular Lulu’s restaurant at Homeport Marina. Houma, Louisiana Illustrated by Anna Simmons Vibe | A gateway to Louisiana’s Gulf coast, this bayou town is renowned for its outdoor recreation and convivial brand of zydeco-fueled Southern hospitality. Breakfast Joint | Rub elbows with locals at Demitasse Cafe, where you can fuel up on a shrimp omelette and chicory coffee. Favorite Pastime | Year-round open seasons, liberal limits, and more than fifty charters make the city a mecca for bow, deep-sea, swamp, and fly-fishing. Must-See Attraction | For a close encounter with the unofficial mascot of bayou country, visit Greenwood Gator Farm, where you’ll find reptiles ranging from hatchlings to twelve-footers. Must-Stop Shop | Get your fishing essentials (tackle, bait, ice, beer) and check out the antiques at Cecil Lapeyrouse Grocery, a century-old, family-run general store. Matthew Noel, Houma Area CVB Grub | Tuck into slow-cooked etouffee, gumbo, and fresh Cajun Gulf seafood at A-Bear’s Cafe. Save room for the legendary peanut butter pie. Watering Hole | Laissez les bons temps roulez at The Jolly Inn Cajun Dancehall, where owner Werlien Prosperie serves up drinks and classic Cajun music. Unofficial Mayor | Captain Wendy Billiot (aka “Bayou Woman”), operator of eco-tour company Wetland Tours and Guide Services, is known for her near-encyclopedic knowledge of the area. Naples, Florida Vibe | With its world-class spas, shopping, and golf, this southwest Florida city offers the ultimate in luxe living. Breakfast Joint | Blueberry’s comes by its “Pancake Factory” nickname honestly, as it cranks out a dozen varieties—from blueberry (of course) to bacon—every morning. Favorite Pastime | Play the spectacular 36-hole, Greg Norman–designed Tiburon course at The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort, Naples. Must-See Attraction | Calling all bird watchers! Spot bald eagles, ospreys, migratory shore birds, and owls at Delnor-Wiggins Pass State Park. Must-Stop Shop | Shopping in Naples can almost be considered a sport, and Waterside Shops is a favorite venue, with more than sixty retailers including Hermès, Louis Vuitton, and Gucci. Grub | Indulge in a two-, three-, or four-course dinner (your choice) waterside at Mereday’s Fine Dining; the tasting menu changes daily. (Editor’s note: This location has closed since the article was printed in 2015.) Watering Hole | Sidle up to the bar at The Continental for a sophisticated cocktail (try the Hemingway Once Said) and an equally highbrow snack of caviar parfait with egg salad and brioche. Unofficial Mayor | Bob Smith is often spotted driving his white 1962 MGA convertible roadster with an unconventional passenger: “Camille,” a costume camel head bedecked in sunglasses and a mink stole. Rosemary Beach, Florida Illustrated by Anna Simmons Vibe | Perfectly quaint, this planned beachside town off Scenic Highway 30A is the ideal spot for a getaway a deux. Breakfast Joint | The line trailing out the door of Summer Kitchen Cafe is a testament to the delicious sausage frittata made with—you guessed it—rosemary. Favorite Pastime | Explore the charming town on a bicycle built for two from Bamboo Bicycle Company. Must-See Attraction | The lovely little Town Hall hosts live music performances, as well as the ultimate romantic expression: weddings. VIsit South Walton Must-Stop Shop | Count on plenty of personal service at CK Feed & Supply Provisions & Gifts, whether you’re shopping for snacks or picking up prepared dishes for a romantic dinner at your pied-a-terre. Grub | Reserve a table on the wrap-around porch at stylish Havana Beach Bar & Grill. Cuban-inspired tuna escabeche and lobster risotto are sourced right from the Gulf. Watering Hole | Have a seat in the candle-lit lounge at Restaurant Paradis, and turn up the heat with a round of signature Sriracha margaritas. Unofficial Mayor | Friendly artist, photographer, and unofficial town style director Tommy Crow is a familiar fixture on Main Street, where he has a studio. Editor’s note: This article was originally published in our Spring/Summer 2015 issue. Since being published, several establishments mentioned in the story have closed. Please note that Apalachicola Riverwalk Cafe, Papa Joe’s Oyster Bar & Grill, and Mereday’s Fine Dining are no longer in operation.
, Joseph N; Harrison, Thomas S From the Centre for Infection, St George's University of London, London UK. Received 10 April, 2007 Revised 24 May, 2007 Accepted 25 May, 2007 Correspondence to Dr T.S. Harrison, Centre for Infection, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, St George's University of London, Cranmer Terrace, London SW17 0RE, UK. E-mail: [email protected] While the incidence of cryptococccal meningitis in the developed world has declined with widespread, early antiretroviral therapy (ART), cryptococcal disease remains a major opportunistic infection and leading cause of mortality in patients infected with HIV in much of the developing world. Most HIV-related cases are caused by Cryptococcus neoformans var. grubii (serotype A), while var. neoformans (serotype D) is responsible for a proportion, especially in Europe, and there are a small number of Cryptococcus gatti infections (formerly C. neoformans serotypes B and C) [1,2]. The last includes a small number of cases in HIV-infected individuals forming part of an unprecedented outbreak of C. gattii infections, predominantly in apparently immunocompetent patients, on Vancouver Island, Canada [3,4]. C. neoformans is distributed worldwide. An ubiquitous environmental saphrophyte, it is found in soil contaminated with pigeon droppings and has also been isolated from the heartwood of several tree species in South America [5] and India [6], and from the homes of African HIV-seropositive patients [7,8]. Exposure may be common [9], although the exact circumstances are usually unclear. Inhalation of small, thinly encapsulated yeasts, or basidiospores [10], may lead to an initial pulmonary infection, which, depending on host immune response and the number and virulence of the organisms, is cleared, contained within granulomata as a latent infection or disseminates. The minority in whom disease disseminates typically have defects in T cell function, through malignancy, immunosuppressive medication, autoimmune disease or sarcoidosis [11,12] or HIV infection, indicating the role of T cell-mediated immunity in host defence. In HIV-seropositive patients, most episodes of cryptococcal meningitis probably represent reactivation of latent infection, which may have been acquired many years earlier. There is compelling evidence for latent infection in a rat model [13] and humans [14]. Dromer and colleagues [15] typed C. neoformans isolates from HIV-seropositive patients diagnosed with cryptococcosis in France, some of whom were from Africa but had lived in France for a median of over 9 years. There was a significant clustering of isolates from African compared with European patients, suggesting that the patients had acquired their isolates long before the development of clinical disease. A proportion of HIV-related cases, however, may result from dissemination of new or primary infection [16], as has been observed in the recent outbreak of C. gattii infection in British Columbia [17]. HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis usually presents as a subacute meningo-encephalitis in profoundly immunosuppressed patients (CD4 cell counts < 100 cells/μl), with malaise, headache, fever and, later, visual disturbance and altered mental status. Signs, if present, may include meningism, papilloedema, cranial nerve palsies [particularly sixth nerve palsies reflective of raised pressure in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)] and reduced conscious level. The diagnosis is usually straightforward. The high organism load in this setting means the sensitivity of India ink staining of CSF is high. Those who have a negative result with India ink can be diagnosed by highly sensitive and specific cryptococcal antigen testing of CSF, or serum if CSF cannot be obtained [18]. Lumbar puncture often reveals markedly elevated opening pressures, an important complicating factor, with only modestly elevated or normal white cell counts (usually lymphocytes), elevated protein and low or normal glucose. High organism burden at baseline (indicated by quantitative CSF culture or CSF antigen titre) and abnormal mental status are the most important predictors of death [19,20], while high opening pressures and a poor inflammatory response in the CSF have also been associated with poor outcome [19,21,22]. Autopsy series reveal the lack of a protective granulomatous response in HIV-seropositive patients with cryptococcal meningitis. There is extensive involvement of brain parenchyma in addition to meningitis and higher organism burdens (which are predominantly extracellular) compared with the infection in HIV-seronegative individuals [23–25]. The remainder of this review will focus on the current epidemiology and management of HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis, with some emphasis on the developing world where the burden of disease is highest. In addition to antifungal therapy, the important complications of elevated CSF pressure and immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) and future approaches to prevention and therapy are discussed. Increasing numbers of cases of cryptococcal meningitis were reported in young adults in the former Zaire throughout the 1960s, possibly representing the first signs of the evolving HIV epidemic [26,27]. The late 1970s and early 1980s saw a sharp increase in the numbers of cases both in Kinshasa [28,29] and in Zairian immigrants to Europe [30–32], many of whom had, in retrospect, features suggestive of AIDS [33]. As the HIV epidemic expanded in the 1980s, C. neoformans emerged as an important opportunistic infection in the United States, Europe and Australia, occurring in 5–10% of all AIDS patients [34–38]. Rates of infection declined through the 1990s, initially with the widespread and frequent use of azoles to treat candidiasis [38,39], and subsequently with the introduction of HAART [40,41]. The annual incidence in AIDS patients in Atlanta fell from 66 per 1000 in 1992 to 7 per 1000 in 2000 [41]. HIV-related cryptococcal meningitis is now a problem in the West in patients who present with late-stage HIV infection, typically those with limited access to healthcare [40,41]. However, it remains a major opportunistic infection in the developing world in areas of high HIV seroprevalence [42,43]. C. neoformans is the leading cause of meningitis in central and southern Africa, accounting for 26.5% of cases in a series from Malawi [44], 31% in a series from the Central African Republic [45] and 45% from Zimbabwe [46]. In these areas, it is one of the main causes of mortality in cohorts of HIV-infected individuals, responsible for 13–44% of all deaths [47–49]. For comparison, 5–13% of deaths were attributed to tuberculosis in these studies. In Thailand, cryptococcosis accounts for up to 20% of AIDS-defining illnesses [43,50] and it is reported as a major opportunistic infection in India [51] and Brazil [52]. There are interesting geographical variations in incidence that presumably relate to differential rates of exposure. For example, cryptococcal disease appears to be more common in southern and east Africa than in west Africa [53], and in north and northeast Thailand compared with southern Thailand [43]. Even with current optimal treatment, the 10-week mortality of HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis is high, ranging from 10 to 25% in developed countries, with no evidence of any decrease in recent years [54]. Of note, mortality is higher in less selected series [55] compared with clinical trails in which very sick patients are excluded [21]. In unselected series from resource-poor settings, acute mortality is up to 43% even with amphotericin B therapy [56]. In Zambia, median survival with low-dose fluconazole monotherapy was 19 days [57], barely better than that in the absence of antifungal therapy [57–59]. In South Africa, in a recent unselected prospective series [60], overall 10-week mortality was 37% despite initial treatment with amphotericin B for most patients and access to ART (Fig. 1). However, this last study also confirmed that, once over the acute cryptococcal infection and established on ART, the long-term outlook is good, as in the developed country setting, with a levelling of the survival curve. Therefore, in the setting of expanding access to ART across the developing world, the urgent challenge is to improve acute management and thereby increase the proportion of patients surviving the critical initial months. Current antifungal treatment guidelines (Table 1; [61,62]) are based in large part on the results of a large, randomized trial published a decade ago [21]. Initial therapy was with amphotericin B (0.7 mg/kg daily) with or without flucytosine (100 mg/kg daily) for 2 weeks, followed by an 8-week consolidation phase with either fluconazole (400 mg daily) or itraconazole (400 mg daily). The rationale was to gain control of infection with initial more rapidly active amphotericin B-based therapy but switch to well-tolerated azoles for consolidation treatment to minimize the dose-dependent toxicity of amphotericin B. The mortality was the lowest of any published trial, at 9.4% in the first 10 weeks. The addition of flucytosine was associated with a trend towards a higher proportion of patients with sterile CSF at 2 weeks and reduced relapse. Fluconazole was superior to itraconazole for consolidation treatment [21]. That the combination of amphotericin B plus flucytosine is more rapidly fungicidal than amphotericin B alone has been demonstrated in a subsequent study in Thailand using serial quantitative cultures to assess the rate of clearance of cryptococcal colony-forming units from the CSF or early fungicidal activity. The clearance of cryptococci from CSF was significantly faster with amphotericin B plus flucytosine than with amphotericin B alone, amphotericin B plus fluconazole (at 400 mg daily ) or a combination of all three (Fig. 2 [20]). Both these studies also demonstrated that, with appropriate monitoring, conventional amphotericin B is reasonably well tolerated, with drug discontinuations in 3% of patients in the first 2 weeks in the Mycoses Study Group trial [21]. Saline and fluid loading equivalent to 1 litre normal saline daily should be given unless contraindicated, to minimize nephrotoxicity [63], and electrolytes replaced as required. Anaemia, secondary to suppression of erythropoietin transcription [64], is also a predictable side effect of amphotericin B [65–67]. This may be more clinically significant in populations with lower baseline haemoglobin levels, and where transfusion, when occasionally needed, is difficult. Flucytosine, at the historically low daily dose of 100 mg/kg, was also well tolerated without real-time drug level monitoring in either trial. A substudy of the Thai trial comparing oral and intravenous flucytosine at the same daily dosage of 100 mg/kg has provided some insight into this observation. In contrast to earlier studies in other patient populations, oral bioavailability of flucytosine in these patients at a late stage of HIV infection was only around 50%, resulting in relatively low serum concentration, of an order not usually associated with toxicity. Nevertheless, despite the lower serum levels, patients on oral formulation had the same rate of clearance of infection as those on intravenous formulation [68], consistent with evidence for the dose-independent activity of flucytosine [69–71]. The data suggest that even 100 mg/kg daily, if given intravenously, may be in excess of that required for maximal additional fungicidal activity. If renal impairment does develop, liposomal amphotericin B, at 3 mg/kg daily, provides a less nephrotoxic and equally effective alternative. A small study suggested liposomal amphotericin B, at 4 mg/kg daily, was more active than conventional amphotericin B [72], but a larger study found no difference in the proportion of patients with sterile CSF at 2 weeks in patients receiving daily liposomal amphotericn B at 3 or 6 mg/kg compared with conventional amphotericin B at 0.7 mg/kg daily [73]. Unfortunately, in many resource-poor settings, amphotericin B is not available or cannot be used safely because of lack of monitoring, and fluconazole, widely available, through a free access programme or in generic form, is the only treatment option. Outcomes with initial fluconazole monotherapy at 200–400 mg daily have not been good, either in early US-based studies [19,74], including a small randomized study in which 400 mg daily was clinically inferior to amphotericin B plus flucytosine [74], or in more recent series from Africa [57,75,76]. Although the earlier randomized study comparing amphotericin B with fluconazole found no significant difference in clinical outcomes, time to sterilization was very long for fluconazole (median 64 days), and outcomes for both drugs were poor [19]. Furthermore, the dosages used for both drugs were lower than currently recommended, making interpretation difficult. The 10-week mortality of approximately 50% with initial fluconazole monotherapy reported by Schaars and colleagues [75] in South Africa represents a minimum estimate in this setting given the retrospective nature of the study with incomplete out-patient follow up. Recent work from Cape Town has demonstrated that 400 mg fluconazole daily is essentially fungistatic over the first 2 weeks of treatment [60]. The resulting prolonged period with a high viable organism load may predispose to the development of fluconazole resistance. Such resistance is a significant problem when initial therapy is with fluconazole [77]. A further concern is that prolonged active infection could also increase the risk of immune reconstitution reactions (see below) following introduction of ART, although data on this point are lacking. Animal studies suggest a dose–response relationship with increasing fluconazole levels [78]. There is a linear plasma concentration–dose relationship with fluconazole at up to 2 g daily [79], and doses up to 1600 mg daily have appeared safe in small numbers of patients [79,80]. In addition there is a suggestion of a dose–response relationship in terms of the time to sterilization of CSF: with a median time to CSF sterilization of 64 days with 200–400 mg daily [19], a mean time of 41 days with 400 mg daily [74], and 21 [81] and 33 days [82] with 800 mg daily. On this basis, and given the unsatisfactory results of treatment at lower doses, a dose-escalation study of fluconazole therapy is currently underway in Uganda. In the meantime, in settings where amphotericin B cannot be used safely and fluconazole is the only option, the authors would suggest a starting dose of at least 800 mg daily (Table 1). The combination of fluconazole plus flucytosine is additive or synergistic in murine models [83,84], although not in a study in rabbits [78]. A clinical study in Uganda suggested benefit with addition of flucytosine to fluconazole, although the dose of fluconazole was low (200 mg daily) [76]; and in a small series from the United States, the combination of flucytosine and fluconazole at 400 mg daily resulted in a relatively short median time to sterilization of CSF of 23 days, although side effects with the combination appeared frequent [85]. Further comparative trials to examine the fungicidal activity and toxicity of this combination with higher doses of fluconazole are warranted in settings where intravenous amphotericin B-based therapy is not possible. While not as effective, at conventional dosages, as amphotericin B for initial therapy, fluconazole is highly effective and safe as maintenance therapy [86–88]. Increasing evidence suggests discontinuation of this secondary prophylaxis is safe if there has been a significant and sustained immune reconstitution with ART (CD4 cell count > 200 cells/μl for > 6 months) [89–91]. Significantly raised intracranial pressure is a major problem in cryptococcal meningitis, with over half of patients having pressures > 25 cmH2O and nearly a third pressures > 35 cmH2O in an analysis of the last Mycosis Study Group Trial [22]. Raised CSF pressure was associated with cognitive impairment, more cranial nerve lesions and increased short-term mortality. Prolonged raised CSF pressure usually manifests as severe headache, papilloedema, and progressive loss of vision, hearing impairment and decreased level of consciousness [92]. The mechanisms leading to increased pressure are debated [22,93,94]. Although a marked inflammatory response is not a feature of HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis, it is possible cerebral oedema plays a role in some patients. Vascular endothelial growth factor, a mediator of vascular permeability, has been measured in the CSF of patients with cryptococcal disease [95,96], although no correlation between levels of this growth factor and CSF opening pressure has been demonstrated. Instead, the primary deficit is likely to be blockage of CSF reabsorption at the arachnoid villi because of the presence of organisms and shed polysaccharide [23–25]. This would be consistent with the association of raised pressure with higher CSF antigen titre and higher rates of India ink positivity [22], and it would explain why ventricular size usually remains normal, as there is no pressure gradient between the ventricles and the CSF over the convexities of the brain. In terms of management, few controlled trials have been carried out, so recommendations are based on small series and expert opinion. Current US guidelines suggest daily lumbar punctures for all patients with elevated baseline opening pressures (> 25 cmH2O), with the removal of sufficient CSF to reduce pressures by 50%, continued until pressure has been normal for several days [61]. The maximum volume of CSF that is safe to remove at a single lumbar puncture is unclear but 20–30 ml is probably reasonable [97]. If facilities allow, computed tomographic or magnetic resonance scanning of the head should be done prior to initial lumbar puncture or if suspected raised CSF pressure develops on therapy in order to exclude rare cases of true hydrocephalus and space-occupying lesions. In the rare cases in which hydrocephalus develops, a ventriculoperitoneal shunt should be inserted [98]. When repeated lumbar punctures fail to control pressure and the patient's condition is deteriorating, CSF drainage can be achieved with a ventricular or, less invasive, lumbar drain [99,100]. It is unclear how long the defect in CSF reabsorption persists, but it may be that a significant proportion of patients will respond to relatively short-term drainage with a temporary system [99]. These allow the continual, controlled drainage of high volumes of fluid (approximately 200 ml daily) to a set pressure level, are relatively straightforward to insert, and have a low risk of complications with adequate monitoring and nursing and medical staff who are familiar with their use [101,102]. The use of mannitol, acetazolamide, and corticosteroids for raised CSF pressure is not supported by available evidence [61]. A randomized trial of acetazolamide was terminated early [103]; and high-dose steroids were associated with higher mortality in patients with elevated CSF pressures in a large, although uncontrolled, study [22]. As has been described with other opportunistic infections [104–106], initiation of ART can lead to restoration of immune responses to viable or killed organisms or shed antigen; this, in turn, can lead to a paradoxical clinical deterioration; with the uncovering of previously subclinical cryptococcal disease or relapse of previously treated infection. Cryptococcal IRIS has been reported in 6–30% of patients with cryptococcal meningitis following commencement of ART [107,108] and may be fatal [108,109]. In the US study, the median time to onset of symptoms after starting ART was 30 days [107]; however, cases have been reported after many months [108]. Presentations include mediastinal lymphadenitis [110], abscesses [111,112] and cavitatory pneumonia [113], with the commonest being recurrence of meningitis [107–109]. Cases of IRIS have been characterized by a higher CSF white cell count and also higher opening pressures [107,114–116]. Risk factors for cryptococcal IRIS include higher cryptococcal antigen titres at baseline, fungaemia or widely disseminated disease [107,108] and ART within 1 month of antifungal therapy [107,108]. The diagnosis of cryptococcal IRIS is partly one of exclusion, the following factors supporting this diagnosis: * temporal association between starting ART and clinical presentation * evidence of immune restoration (rise in peripheral CD4 cell count) * exclusion of alternative explanations (e.g., noncompliance or resistance to fluconazole, a second possible diagnosis) * clinical features (i.e., new or increased lymphadenopathy), cytology (i.e., CSF white cell count) or histopathology consistent with an increased cell-mediated immune response * negative cryptococcal cultures (restricted definition). The role of IRIS is less in doubt when cryptococcal cultures are negative, but it is likely that immune reconstitution also contributes to the presentation and re-presentation of some patients who are still culture positive [77]. The occurrence of cryptococcal IRIS has implications for the timing of ART. The apparent increase in the risk of cryptococcal IRIS with earlier initiation of ART has to be balanced against the risk of other HIV-related complications if initiation of ART is delayed. Optimal timing of ART may be earlier in developing countries where rates of death prior to initiation of ART are high [60,117]. Until trials currently underway report, most investigators would start ART from 4 weeks into antifungal therapy, although it is possible earlier ART may be safe if a rapidly fungicidal regimen is used for initial antifungal therapy. Treatment of cryptococcal IRIS is another area requiring further investigation. If clinical progression occurs, despite appropriate antifungal therapy and aggressive management of any raised CSF pressure, short-term steroids, which have been used successfully in case reports [108,118,119], can be considered. The need for primary antifungal prophylaxis is reducing as access to ART expands, the best prophylaxis being rapid immune reconstitution with ART. However in the absence of ART, or in those who fail to respond to treatment, a strong case exists for primary prophylaxis with fluconazole in those with CD4 cell counts < 100 cells/μl in areas with a high incidence of cryptococcal disease [120,121]. Such a policy was introduced in Thailand prior to widespread availability of ART and is under investigation in east Africa. In areas of high incidence, in view of the significant proportion of patients now presenting after starting ART [60], a case can also be made for screening with serum cryptococal antigen [122] prior to ART in order to diagnose and treat subclinical infection before it is unmasked by immune reconstitution. However, studies are needed, and such a strategy is not justified and is not used in areas of lower incidence [18,123]. Reasons for the ongoing high mortality of HIV-related cryptococcal disease include the inadequacy of current antifungal therapy, restricted access to some drugs in many areas [124], the problem of raised CSF pressure and the lack of data on optimal timing of ART. As discussed above, efforts are underway to address some of these questions. Regarding access to antifungal drugs, fluconazole is widely available through a free access programme and in generic form. In contrast, although generic amphotericin B is also available, the cost is variable and may be significant in very resource-limited settings [124]. In addition, continuous supply has been an issue in some areas, including the United Kingdom, related perhaps to the reduced market for amphotericin B deoxycholate for treating other fungal infections in the developed world. Flucytosine is a simple and old molecule that nevertheless is not widely available either in Africa or Asia, where the burden of cryptococcal disease is so high. Only one manufacturer markets the drug to our knowledge. In countries where they are not marketed, flucytosine tablets can be obtained on a named patient basis from IDIS World Medicines (). If studies, currently underway, comparing high-dose fluconazole with flucytosine as a companion drug to give with amphotericin B show that flucytosine remains the second drug of choice, then advocacy is needed to expand access to flucytosine. The rate of clearance of infection, or early fungicidal activity, from serial quantitative cultures of CSF provides a means by which the activity of new drugs or combinations for antifungal therapy can be accurately assessed in small numbers of patients; this would enable regimens for testing in phase III trials to be selected on a more rational basis [20]. Such clearance studies are underway to examine whether 1 mg/kg amphotericin B daily is associated with a significant increase in fungicidal activity compared with 0.7 mg/kg daily, and to compare flucytosine and high-dose fluconazole as a second drug to give with amphotericin B. Comparative studies are also needed with new azoles with activity against C. neoformans, such as voriconazole [125], although interactions with antituberculous and antiretroviral medication are a problem. Minimal inhibitory concentrations, animal model data and penetration into the central nervous system for voriconazole and posaconazole are shown in Table 2. Of note, echinocandins have limited anticryptococcal activity because they target 1–3-β-D-glucan linkages, which are not important in the cryptococcal cell wall [126]. Given the limitations of current antifungal drugs, and uncertainty over further drug development, there is continuing interest in adjunctive immunotherapy. A monoclonal antibody directed against the capsular polysaccharide of C neoformans has reached phase I human studies [127]; and a monoclonal antibody fragment, Mycograb, directed against candidal heat shock protein 90, and reported to be beneficial when given with amphotericin B in invasive candidiasis [128], also has in-vitro activity against C. neoformans [129]. Clinical trials in cryptococcal meningitis are planned. An alternative approach is use of interferon-γ (IFN-γ). There is direct in-vivo evidence that IFN-γ is important for clearance of cryptococcal infection in HIV-infected patients [130]. A placebo-controlled trial showed that adjuvant IFN-γ therapy was safe and well tolerated, with no detrimental effects on HIV viral load or CD4 cell counts. There was also a trend towards improved mycological outcomes, with 13% of placebo recipients achieving negative cultures at 2 weeks compared with 36% or 32% of those receiving IFN-γ [131]. The trend in favour of IFN-γ was already seen after 2 weeks of treatment, and studies have shown that endogenous IFN-γ in the CSF peaks at day 3 and is virtually undetectable by day 14 [130], suggesting that short courses of adjuvant IFN-γ, which would be more feasible to implement, may be effective. Finally, studies continue to identify suitable cryptococcal antigens for vaccine development [132] and to address the formidable challenges inherent in the vaccination of immunodeficient hosts, such as those with HIV infection [133]. clinical presentation; cryptococcal meningitis; Cryptococcus; epidemiology; HIV; therapy.
![endif]--> Current Location:IndiaChange Location Location: India $name > News > 39 PERCENT RISE IN NEW MALL SUPPLY IN 2013 Mumbai, December 17, 2013: Retail mall space has recorded an increase of 39% in fresh mall space supply in 2013 over the last year despite deferment of 18 malls in the year. This was revealed in the latest estimation by leading real estate services provider Cushman & Wakefield. The total estimated fresh supply of retail mall space was recorded at 4.5 million square feet (msf) in top eight cities [1]of India. Of the total supply, Chennai saw the highest supply of 2 msf followed by Mumbai (900,000 sf), Pune (700,000 sf) and Kolkata (500,000 sf). National Capital Region (NCR) Bengaluru and Ahmedabad did not see any new addition of mall spaces for the entire year in 2013. Vacancy in the mean time has seen a reduction of 2% over last year on account of increased leasing activities in the freshly launched malls, most of which started with high percentage of occupancy. Only Hyderabad stood out as an exception to record an increase of 7% in vacancy while Bengaluru and Ahmedabad recorded the highest and similar reduction in mall vacancy at 4%. The improvement in the vacancy levels has been the result of increased leasing activities especially in the recently launched malls. The fresh mall spaces that have started operations in 2013 have witnessed an average occupancy of over 94%. Most of these malls have demonstrated strong fundamentals of being located in appropriate locations from catchment perspective, offering retailers and customers right retailing environment giving retailers the confidence in starting/ expanding in these malls. Hyderabad was the only location to witness the start of a mall with a lower than average occupancy of 70%, despite it being the first mall in over three years, on account of poor market sentiments due to the recent political deadlock. Sanjay Dutt, Executive Managing Director, South Asia,. As in the case of hospitality, shopping centres also have a long gestation period therefore investors are interested only in those projects where the fundamentals are strong and can provide sustainable returns and profitability over a long period of time.” Sanjay further said “There would be a focus on creating USP’s for future developments of malls either through location and tenant mix or by creating speciality malls such as luxury retail spaces. Understanding that malls are now more a destination than pure retailing locations, developers are looking at providing holistic family based entertainment opportunities within their malls to both increase their footfalls and conversions for their tenants.” An estimated 9.8 msf of mall spaces have been deferred in 2013 for completion in later times. Of the total a maximum of 7.3 msf of fresh mall supply was deferred in NCR alone amounting to approximately 10 new malls that were expected to get ready for this year but have now been postponed for the future. Pune saw a deferment of 1.1 msf while 900,000 square feet (sf) of mall space was delayed in Bengaluru in 2013. One mall each in Chennai (220,000 sf) and Hyderabad (130,000 sf) have also been delayed. Most of these have been on account of funding issues which have led many developers to slower the pace of construction. MAIN STREETS Main streets have seen a mixed trend in rental changes over the last few years with some micro markets such as AS Rao Nagar (33%) and Punjagutta (29%) have recorded a substantial increase in rentals due to the limited supply and significant demand from the retailers. Most established main street micro markets including Usman Road in Chennai (27%), Park Street in Kolkata (25%), Connaught Place in NCR (17%) have recorded an increase in rentals on account of high existing demand with no fresh supply or churn in these locations. Khan Market in NCR was noted as the most expensive main street in the country but did not record any change in rentals in the last one year. Some key micro market which recorded decline in rentals with Raj Bhavan Road recording the sharpest decline of 14% y-o-y in December due to accessibility issues. Linking Road in Mumbai recorded a decline of 12% over the last year due to price correction. Rentals in Pune’s Koregaon Park have declined by 10% due to limited demand from retailers. CITY WISE – RETAIL MARKET ANALYSIS Ahmedabad Ahmedabad witnessed no new mall supply during the year because of which the mall vacancies in the city have shown a steady decline of about 4.5 percentage points during the year. This decline in vacancies was primarily due to mall space leasing in mall micro-markets of Vastrapur and S.G. Highway. Despite renewed activities, overall mall vacancies have been high in the city at approximately 29%. Mall rentals across the city have remained unchanged during the year. Despite the limited availabilities in main streets like C.G. Road, Law Garden, Prahladnagar and Satellite Road, the low transaction activity due to limited demand from retailers has kept rentals stable during the year. With shoppers preferring main streets over malls, retailers have followed suit and have shown higher preference for main street locations for expanding operations. Bengaluru With no new mall supply and vacancy reducing by another 4 percentage points over last year, the overall activities in the mall space has seen a rise. However, that has not seen a corresponding reflection in the rental values of malls. Malls in locations like Mysore Road, Rajarajeshwari Nagar and Banerghatta Road saw a y-o-y dip in rentals in the range of 5-20% due to poor connectivity in wake of metro construction work, which impacted the businesses’ revenues making landlords offer competitive rentals in the nearby main streets. Malls in the micro-market of Malleshwaram recorded a rise of 12% owing to robust demand from retailers. Elsewhere, rentals across most malls remained stable over the year. Most main streets in the city recorded stable rentals. Select main street locations like Commercial Street and Vittal Mallya Road witnessed a drop in the range of 3-5% due to non-availability of quality spaces. Chennai In 2013, four new retail malls totalling to 2.01msf of fresh supply started operations. Amongst the new shopping malls which opened in Chennai in 2013, two malls at Velachery and Vadapalani are functioning at almost full occupancy levels. Thus, the overall mall vacancy level during Q4 2013 was recorded at 6.5%, registering a decline of 2.2 percentage points on a y-o-y basis. Categories like apparels, accessories and cosmetics were major contributors to absorption of shopping mall space during 2013. In the submarket of Chennai – South, y-o-y increase of 12.5% was seen in mall rentals as construction of good quality malls led to a rental rise in this area in the last one year. While Chennai- Suburbs witnessed a rental decline of 9% for shopping malls on yearly basis due to lower footfalls in wake of the ongoing metro work, mall rentals dipped by nearly 7% in Chennai CBD due to a variety of factors like increasing competition as well as ongoing metro work in front of some shopping malls in CBD. Hyderabad Hyderabad saw the addition of a new mall in Kukatpally in 2013 that increased the mall stock of the city by 430,000 sf. This was also the first mall in a period of three years to see the light of the day and would have been eagerly awaited by the retailers looking for quality space in the city. However, due to poor political conditions and retailers’ confidence eroding, unlike expected the mall started operations with 30% vacancy pushing the total vacancy of the up by 7%. Almost all malls in the city registered a stable rental trend during 2013, other than those located in NTR Gardens, which witnessed a 17% dip in rentals due to lower demand from retailers. Stable demand and excess supply in prime main streets like Jubilee Hills and Banjara Hills have kept the rentals stable over the year. Thus, Hyderabad remained an affordable destination for retailers compared to other Tier I cities. Although, on a whole most main streets have recorded stable rentals, Panjagutta witnessed an increase of 29% on y-o-y basis due to lack of quality retail spaces. Kolkata In 2013, Kolkata witnessed total mall supply of around 500,000 sf recording an increase of over 156% compared to last year. Kolkata’s first mall with dedicated zones for luxury brands has become operational in the south central part of the city during the Q4 2013 with around 97% occupancy levels. As a result of a healthy demand, especially in malls of South Kolkata, churn in Salt Lake and Elgin Road and overall moderate supply, the overall vacancy levels in malls registered decline all through the year and fell to 3.9%, recording a drop of 1.8 percentage points on a yearly basis and also registered appreciation in rentals by 11% at malls in Salt Lake and South Kolkata. Other mall micro markets have witnessed stable rentals during this year. Mumbai Mumbai has witnessed just one new mall becoming operational during the year in Thane, admeasuring 940,000 sf. With new supply becoming operational during the year at high occupancy rate coupled with healthy demand for mall space in the western suburbs of Mumbai, the overall vacancy declined marginally by 0.2 pecentage points during the year and was recorded at 15.3% in Q4 2013. With retailers from malls in Mulund moving to better locations in Ghatkopar, vacancies in that mall micro-market have increased resulting in a 20% decline in rental values in 2013. Going forward, low demand from retailers and high vacancy will result in increased pressure on rental values in this micro market. The submarkets of Vashi (17%) and Lokhandwala Andheri (13%) witnessed the highest appreciation in main street rentals for the year 2013 due to high demand for space from retailers. Though Linking Road witnessed a correction of 12% in main street rentals for 2013 due to higher availabilities, availabilities at Linking Road created over the past few quarters have witnessed a steady take-up from the apparel brands at competitive rentals. NCR No new mall supply during the year along with increased leasing in NCR led to a 1.2 percentage points drop in mall vacancy level which was recorded at 13.6% in Q4 2013. Demand was balanced with both main streets and malls witnessing retailer interest.. Re-sizing and relocation of retailing stores was witnessed with a number of national and international brands taking up larger or smaller spaces according to their brand strategy and availabilities. Except Ghaziabad and West Delhi, most prominent mall locations witnessed increase of 7-12% in rental values due lack of new mall supply and limited availabilities. The rental values in main streets have strengthened by 6-15% in select main street locations like Connaught Place, DLF Galleria (Gurgaon) and Rajouri Garden due to persistent demand and limited availability of quality stock. Pune Out of four malls expected to come into supply, only one mall in Hadapsar admeasuring 700,000 sf became operational in 2013. The mall started operations with its anchor tenants of a big box retailer and a movie multiplex in place whilst the other stores are yet to start their operations in due course. The other three malls were deferred mainly due to construction delays resulting from subdued demand from retailers for certain locations. The mall vacancy level increased and was noted at 26.49% in Q4 2013. Many retailers have shown a preference for main streets over malls due to reasons such as relatively poor quality of the malls, issues with management or location, etc. all of which are affecting their revenues. However, some quality malls on Nagar Road are witnessing high demand from retailers. As a result mall rentals on Nagar Road have remained steady while the rest of the city has witnessed a drop of 12-24% over the last year. F&B retailers and youth-centric brands have displayer higher preference for FC Road leading to a yearly rental appreciation of 9%. Main streets in western areas of Pune (Aundh, Baner) have seen an increase in demand from retailers over the year due to the growth of residential catchment leading to a 6% y-o-y rental appreciation. Main streets like M.G.Road, Koregaon Park and Bund Garden Road have recorded a rental correction of 5-10% in rentals due to increasing competition from other main streets and stable demand. [1] National Capital Region (NCR), Mumbai, Bengaluru, Pune, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Chennai, Kolkata
Amazon Gym Shorts Review. Shop women’s workout shorts for running, weight lifting, hiking, golf & more at DICK’S. Browse a wide selection of workout shorts for women from top brands Amazon Gym Shorts Review what’s up you guys welcome back to the website today we got an exciting article coming your way we’re hitting up that series again hope you didn’t forget about it the amazon (price maybe change when you buy). this time summer edition shorts i don’t know i think amazon heard my prayers when i kept begging all summer long for camo seamless shorts and i stumbled upon camels in the shorts who knew sorry jim shark they beat you to it you waited too long so we’re gonna be checking everything out full review try on hold see if it’s worth it if it’s not so before we get into this article if you’re not already definitely hit that subscribe button for new articles every day follow your girl on ig for all things fitness because together we got this okay i haven’t been at the gym in a while so got nothing there and guys as always i will have my measurements linked below as well as everything you see here today i am a size small and everything so that’s my true to size and that’s what i got in all of these shorts today just so you know and from what i’ve experienced they’re all true to size 1. Bills camo seamless shorts baby girl we got not one not two not three about four different shorts today yeah you know we’re starting with my favorite girl cam I’m seamless i have to all right girl so these babies from the brand ligne were 17.99 18 bills camo seamless shorts off the bat if you’ve been watching my channel for a while you know my number one gym shark the legging is and probably always will be their camo seamless so these shorts are freaking practically identical it’s insane the color is spot on that sage green oh girl it is 85 polyester and 15 elastane so you definitely have the wicking capabilities and the stretch it actually feels pretty identical like I’m surprised at how accurate this feels guys on amazon these actually do have a perfect five-star rating and wearing them they feel like the actual camo seamless so it’s not that high compression like the vital but it’s not like a loose like cheapy kind of feel so I’m pleasantly surprised off the bat these however are not like your standard just Camo biker shorts shorts they are long they’re like a biker shorts they have a seven inch inseam so if you’re somebody like me who doesn’t really i don’t care for the short shorts riding up my bum this does it man you wear it out and about with some sneakers a nice little loose jacket you’re good to go it has a four and a half inch band so it’s nice and thick it’s completely seamless just like the regular cam well you do have the subtle scrunch i don’t know i think this subtle scrunch doesn’t work as well as the original gym shark i feel like it’s ever so slightly not as pinchy but it is like the same like two inches the same exact size scrunch so still makes the peach look pretty nice though I’m not gonna lie so the band is slightly loose on me has a slight lip but then again so does the dog for me like it’s just not Camo seamless shorts different colors completely like up against my waist it has a little bit of room a little give but it is squat proof and no cable toe yeah yay um these also do not roll up i’m squatting in them non-stop and they’re good to go i think because they are a little bit longer like biker shorts they’re just not rolling up so yes yes i’m gonna see if there’s different colors because i’m obsessed they have a nice gusset too so i mean you are good to go the whole inside here is one big long gusset so you can stretch around do whatever you like yeah I think just that there’s no logo there’s no gym shark logo so it throws me off a little bit but other than that I can imagine this is pretty much what gym sharks biker shorts would look like if they had a camo version of that so um keep 2. Under Armour Women’s Play Up 3.0 Shorts absolutely yeah okay guys next i have a pair i wanted to mix it up got a pair of looser fitting shorts your girl loves loose fit shorts i got to be a comfortable man or else why bother under armor, this is their play up 3.0 that’s official this is in the color true gray heather and white love that contrast white and gray super modern super minimal yeah so this will go with pretty much anything it’ll actually go perfect with this white sports bra so yeah I’m gonna do that I’m gonna do that this baby was 18.95 I actually think this is the most expensive out of the bunch but it’s because it’s freaking under armor for crying out wow so right off the bat this baby’s like 100 polyester Cloth material i would imagine just the band is not because this is super elastic so it’s an elastic band and the rest is polyester therefore very very high wicking but this does not stretch not even a a little bit it’s just cloth material laying upon you girl so this best fit because you can’t stretch and bum in it if you need it to be stretchy this ain’t gonna happen but it’s still true to size there’s no lining inside either even though you do see like it looks like there’s like another layer under here it’s for a show it’s just stitched down here there’s no actual liner or anything no big you just wear some spandex but i actually did like kick my feet up in the air to see if like you know there’s gaping like holes by the crotchal region and it actually isn’t it kind of like it fits in a way where it’s snug-ish Under Armour Women’s where I don’t have to worry about that so I would totally just go commando in these TMI so after wearing this and walking around my apartment, i can feel the back like the seam in the back kind of ever so slightly snugs up my um cracker so I feel it but it’s not enough to like annoy me but I don’t know if I was like walking around an amusement park for a the whole day I don’t know if that would get annoying so that keep that in mind I don’t know um but it’s not enough for me to like have to be pulling wedgies constantly it’s just ever so slightly snug in fact I’m the weirdo that kind of likes that because it actually It kind of makes the peach look pretty decent for loose fit shorts i mean come on so these are a low rise they sit really low and i do like having that variety because sometimes i just you know want to wear something just casually i don’t care High waisted Shorts about having high waisted so if i wore a hoodie with this on a summer night perfect it is a three inch inseam which isn’t a lot so you think it’s really short but because it’s lost it doesn’t feel as short love that both sides actually have pockets which are nice they are squat proof like when i bend down it is a nice opaque gray but there’s no gusset or anything so this is not something if you want to do some crazy intense yoga i would go elsewhere this is kind of just more or less like i’m going out for the day i got some shopping to do i have things to do and maybe go for a run later this isn’t something i want to be agile af in you know what i’m saying so it serves its purpose though and for under (price maybe change when you buy) for under armor girl Pretty dope okay these do have four and a half stars and i can kind of see because there’s a little bit that are like but for the most part they’re pretty dope all right girls so next up 3. Butt Lifting Ruched Yoga Booty Running Short we got some butt lifting shorts with a massive scrunch butt from the brand Emilia amelia that’s what I’m gonna go with i think that’s how you say it so right off the bat these are not seamless and dang girl these are short i didn’t expect them to be this freaking short so right off the bat i’m gonna be real if i keep these they’re gonna be what i put underneath loose shorts as spandex this is not my style but if you love ultra-short like booty shorts these are pretty nice these were 15.99 in the color like maroon, they are very beautiful that’s a rich color you have an elastic band in this thick band Body building gym Shorts so you squat and you’re good like it is not going anywhere these are squat proof so you could totally wear them to the gym if you go to a bodybuilding gym do it up girl but with that being said like these rolled up this is a big reason why I’m like iffy with short shorts they rolled right up into my and uh i can’t have that man i just can’t uh this scrunch is like one of those real obnoxious ones look at that whoa it kind of looks like a bow in a way like a Christmas bow um so it’s not subtle at all if you walk around people are gonna go dang she’s wearing a scrunched look at that freaking thing so yeah I’m gonna wear it under some new shorts but you know girl it does do the job like it will hug your booty and you will see everything High-quality material every curve these are made of polyamide and spandex and i don’t know the percent i couldn’t find it but for those who don’t know polyamide is actually really high-quality material it’s biodegradable it’s made out of trees i believe some kind of a tree um actually gym shark’s newer releases a lot of them have polyamide like the adaptive animal is seamless so i am familiar with that material and you can feel it’s super stretchy because it’s spandex and uh it is wicking all of that so the quality on these are pretty supreme actually especially for the price so you got a nice thick band at three and a half inches and the inseam is two and a half inches so dang that’s kind of similar it is freaking short for sure i did get a slight camel toe only because you do have that seam riding up here and yeah these were four out of five stars so Particular style yeah i mean i could see that like they do definitely serve a purpose but this is not my particular style but i had to try them because any scrunch butt that i see available i gotta try it my peach needs help let me real with you 4. TSUTAYA Seamless High Waist Gym Shorts all right guys last but not least we are looking at a seamless pair of shorts from the brand satia look at this freaking color first of all on the site it’s saying green but dude this looks pretty blue to me i’m going with blue it’s true blue this right off the bat gave me total vital seamless vibes but they’re different enough to definitely like not even be a dupe you definitely have a huge like contour line around the boots hay which you know girl i love booty contour but not like this this actually made it as it cut my booty in half i got none in this Seamless Shorts but i love that it’s seamless and i do love that nice high ribbed band so these are 15.99 as beautiful as the color is the band was so stinking loose on me like way off it’s not like no everything else fit fine like i would definitely say these are true to size absolutely from here down, it’s just the band was loose so i was like dang it had some potential it is squat proof so that’s good it doesn’t give me a camel toe so yay okay plus um but it does roll up so again when you get to these shorter shorts just for me from my personal experience it’s just more there’s more of a chance of them rolling right the freak up the inseam is three and a half inches so it’s pretty short and then you have four and a half inch band so the again nice thick band wish it was a little more compressive a little tighter Pretty true quality um but everything else is pretty true to size this baby’s 52 nylon 40 polyester and 8 spandex so you definitely have that stretch and it is wicking so quality-wise it’s good it doesn’t feel too thin it doesn’t feel too like you’re gonna poke your finger through it so it’s definitely there but just a couple of things i can’t quite look past is the rolling up that gets so freaking annoying because when it rolls up my like thighs they just kind of like take over and then i feel like I’m wearing underwear so i mean so this was four out of five stars for me personally just my opinion I’d probably give it more like a three girl all right guys so that concludes yet another month of amazon under (price maybe change when you buy) shorts summer edition i would definitely say Under armor like to rate these camo number one baby under armor number two baby red gets number three baby and then four so pretty much the order that i did everything in so we clearly got some steals i personally would find major use in these two okay camel obviously biker style yes, please and loose fit shorts a girl can’t have too many because i like to be comfortable i like to just get things are done and lose shorts man that is what they are made for yes alright guys Amazon Gym Shorts Review i hope you enjoyed this article and i hope you found it helpful definitely stay tuned because i got a article for you baby your girl scored a gym shark vital seamless shorts dupe on amazon for under (price maybe change when you buy) so that deserves its own article I‘m doing a full comparison compare and contrast all the details for you so stay tuned that‘ll be up next, so definitely hit that subscribe button so you do not miss out and again follow your girl on ing for all tangs fitness because together we got this thank you guys so much for watching and I‘ll catch you in my next article. ♡MY MEASUREMENTS: SMALL in (almost) everything! *Height: 5′ 3″ *Bust: 31″ *Waist: 25″ *Hips: 37″ *Inseam: 25″ CHECK MORE PRODUCT REVIEWS AND GET INFORMATION FREE.
Admissions, Applications, and Campus Visits Contact Admissions: Our Admissions staff remains committed to helping you take the next step toward your future — so that when Fall 2020 is here, you’ll be all set. Is the office of Admission open? Yes, but we are operating remotely. We are here for you and your family. Our physical office is not open for visitors or walk-ins, but we are still here to help. Incoming calls to the office will be answered Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. through 5 p.m. You can also email your recruiter directly or email [email protected] for assistance! If I physically mail something to the Office of Admission, will it be received? Yes! Postal and physical mail will continue to run on campus; however, it may be less frequently delivered directly to Admissions. This means any documents delivered to campus will be received and mail will be delivered to the Office of Admissions for processing at least on a weekly basis. Our processing of mailed transcripts, test scores, health science applications, observation hours, etc. may be delayed while the university is operating remotely and classes are delivered online. If you have questions about anything you have sent to us, please don’t hesitate to call us. I scheduled a visit to campus, but it was canceled. When can I reschedule? We can’t wait to show you everything we have to offer. While we suspended campus visits until the end of the semester, we have created some virtual experiences to showcase Shawnee State to students considering us. Visit our virtual event site Will the Office of Admissions keep processing applications? Yes! Like many of our university partners we are continuing operations even with many of our employees working remotely. Our recruitment staff is available by mobile phone and email and our processing office is processing applications for Summer and Fall 2020 semesters. Can I still send in my ACT or SAT scores and high school transcripts? Yes! If you have a copy of your high school transcript or ACT and/or SAT scores you can log in to the application portal, and upload them directly for processing OR you can email them directly to [email protected]. If you need to request a previous test score please log in to your ACT or College Board account, download your scorecard and email it to [email protected] or upload directly. What if I need my high school transcript and my high school is closed or operating online only? At this time many high schools are closed and students and staff are working remotely. If you need to request a transcript from your high school, please contact your high school counselor. Our recommendation is to email them directly with your request so they can contact you when they can. Shawnee State University operates on a rolling admission, so we continue to admit students until the beginning of the semester. If you need to wait to send your transcript – Don't worry! We’ll be able to process it whenever you or your school can send it. I was planning to submit my application for one of the selective health science programs. How can I turn in my application and $30.00 Health Science Application fee? If you are applying for the Occupational Therapy Assistant program (including our dual enrollment program at Southern State Community College), the deadline has been extended until June 1. We are also not requiring observation hours for our OTA applications at this time, but will require them at a later date when observation sites begin allowing visitors again. In addition, the following programs have extended their deadlines to June 1st or until the Fall 2020 class has been filled: - Respiratory Therapy - Medical Lab Technology - Bachelor to Master’s Occupational Therapy program Health Profession Degree Application Fees Have Been Waived We are temporarily waiving the $30 application fee for health science degrees. We hope this helps, even in a small way. We look forward to helping you take the next steps toward your successful future. Where to Send your Program-specific Application Email your health science selective application to [email protected], or mail it to us at: Office of Admission Shawnee State University 940 Second Street Portsmouth, Ohio 45662-4344 Financial Aid Contact Financial Aid: Is the Office of Financial Aid open? The Student Business Center is not open for walk-ins or face to face appointments, but will be working remotely. To contact us in Financial Aid please call (740) 351-4357 or email [email protected]. You can also drop off required documents in the new drop box located outside the Student Business Center on the 2nd floor of the Morris University Center. Access to the drop box will be available when the facility is open. Should I still file my 2020-21 FAFSA? Yes! Please plan to complete your online FAFSA for Fall 2020 for consideration for state and federal grants and loans. Be sure to indicate Shawnee State as the school you’d like to send your results to. Will you still process Financial Aid Packages? Yes! We will continue to update scholarships and award financial aid packages. Check your MySSU account! Can I still qualify for Scholarships? Yes! Not only are we still processing award packages and awarding merit scholarships, but we’ve extended our merit based scholarship deadline until July 1st, 2020. We will increase scholarships and award new scholarships based on test scores and transcripts received until July 1. I was selected for verification. How do I turn in my forms or additional documentation? You can find documents for download on the Financial Aid Forms page. You can complete them and upload them in your MySSU or mail them directly to SSU. Our Student Business Center is also operating remotely. Please call (740) 351-4357 with questions. If you choose to mail the documents, please allow additional time for them to be processed. You can also drop off required documents in the new drop box located outside the Student Business Center on the 2nd floor of the Morris University Center. Access to the drop box will be available when the Morris University Center is open. Mailing Address: Office of Financial Aid 940 Second Street Portsmouth, OH 45662 Orientation and Summer Bridge to Success I have a new student orientation scheduled for April 18 or May 9. Will I be able to attend? We can’t wait to have you on campus for orientation as a new SSU Bear, but due to the uncertainty of the coronavirus and to protect the safety of students, families, faculty, and staff we will be cancelling the Saturday, April 18 and Saturday, May 9 events. Students registered for these events are asked to log in to MySSU and reschedule for a June or July event. We have added a new June 27th event. I’ve made my decision for the fall, Shawnee State is my choice, and I’d like to move forward. Should I go ahead and register for an orientation? Yes! We are so excited you have chosen Shawnee State! Please log in to your MySSU account and register for an upcoming orientation date. If dates are canceled, we will remove them from the portal and if there are changes after you register, we will contact you via email. I have been accepted to the Summer Bridge to Success Program. Is the program still available? Yes! However, we will be making some changes. We will be offering the program fully online for students. The program is still free. Register for the program in MySSU. Orientation for summer Bridge will be hosted online June 29th with courses beginning June 30th and lasting 7 weeks. I was hoping to take a placement test on campus to test out of the Bridge to Success Program or to improve my placement in math, reading, or English. Can I take the placement test on campus? Placement testing for new degree seeking students for Fall 2020 will not be offered on campus at this time. In order to help protect our staff and prospective students from the coronavirus, we are currently only able to conduct Accuplacer exams online. Learn about taking the Accuplacer online. Musical Theatre I am interested in Musical Theatre at Shawnee State. Can I still audition? Yes! We are postponing in-person auditions at this time but are accepting video submissions and working with students through GetAcceptd. We have also extended the deadline for applying for admission to the Musical Theatre program until July 1, 2020. For more information please contact Summer Logan at [email protected]. College Credit Plus (CCP) I am planning to participate in the College Credit Plus Program in the Fall. Can I still apply? Yes! We will still offer our CCP program for high school students beginning Fall 2020 and are planning to extend our deadline. SSU has made the following changes regarding CCP: SSU will conditionally admit CCP students with incomplete applications, including students without all of the required signatures, tests scores, or high school transcripts. New Deadlines Following are our new deadlines for completed applications: - May 1 for students wanting to enroll in summer courses - August 1 for students wanting to enroll in fall courses By these dates, students must have all parts of their application complete. These deadlines are in line with legislation that will hopefully be coming soon from the Ohio Department of Higher Education. Orientation Updates May orientations have been cancelled. For students taking summer courses, we will hold individual or small group orientations, either in person, online, or via video conference, depending on COVID-19 guidelines at that time. Students who will be attending classes on Shawnee's campus must attend orientation on either August 3 or August 6. Placement Testing Updates Accuplacer/Placement Testing In order to help protect our staff and prospective students from the coronavirus, we are currently only able to conduct Accuplacer exams online. Learn about taking the Accuplacer online. ACT Testing ACT has cancelled April and May testing. The legislation coming from the Ohio Department of Higher Education will more than likely be urging us to accept students based on GPA and other measures. Shawnee State University will comply with whatever directive comes from the Ohio Department of Higher Education.
Rated 3.3 out of 5 by 267 reviewers. Rated 3 out of 5 by AlanEa Close to airport The one positive about this hotel is that it is close to the airport and close to car rental agencies. March 31, 2014 Rated 4 out of 5 by GSK5 This hotel is a very friendly place We found the staff very helpful and courteous which made our brief stay vey pleasent. March 27, 2014 Rated 4 out of 5 by Matt40 Good Hotel Stay but with minor faults I always try to stay in the Sheraton Hotel Brand when i visit UK especially in Heathrow. On my most recent stay i have to say i was very happy overall with the Hotel and Staff. My only minor complaint was that in the Room, Bathroom there was no cold water throughout my stay? I have never experienced this fault before but feel this is something that couldn't only be connected to my room? The only other fault was the Air-conditioning and this didn't become cold at all, in fact it was colder when i had no air-conditioning. However everything else about the stay was as good as expected and am looking forward to my next stay in the hotel in the coming weeks. I hope they get the water and Air-Con fixed though. February 25, 2014 Rated 5 out of 5 by denny very convenient location for our travel needs needed to be at heathrow very early, this hotel was minutes away. great place to stay the night before our travel. May 8, 2013 4 out of 5 by Bingodog Basic but good If you need to stay overnight at Heathrow, this hotel can be a rather inexpensive solution. Mind you, it's not a luxury destination. Facilities are good, but not excellent. There's a gym with enough machines to keep you busy for hours, and a bar and restaurant. For Platinum member and club room guests there's a lounge with breakfast in the morning and basic snacks and drinks in the evening. I've stayed here a couple of times, and I would definitely go back, depending on the price. Don't set your expectations too high, and you won't be disappointed. Hotel is easy to get to also by public transport, which is free around Heathrow. December 4, 2012 Rated 2 out of 5 by Tyson540 Dire need of renovation Dire need of renovation. Torn wallpaper, peeling paint, dirty carpets, old tech - CRT TVs, no thermostat control for temp.....needs help. Wouldn't recommend until rooms are updated. February 23, 2014 Rated 4 out of 5 by Scubabok Parking! As a Platinum member for many years, I was dumbfounded and beyond surprised when I was told I had to pay for parking overnight at the hotel! Wow! Thats a first for me. So, returned rental car that evening and used the bus in the morning. Harsh way to treat your loyal customers. February 18, 2014 Rated 5 out of 5 by GoldenHedgehog Recovering from 24 hour Journey We had flown directly from Australia and wanted to recover from that journey before driving to Devon. We were pleasantly surprised on the improvements from a year ago by joining SPG. The SPG 3rd Floor is a great concept. I was able to spend time there in the middle of night due to time diffference without disturbing my wife. We appreciated the free wifi and being to use our laptop and Ipad. devices. The staff were freindly and helpful as before The breakfast was excellent but we were disappointed in the Dinner menu. But otherwise a we felt we had good support during our stay. November 14, 2012 Rated 5 out of 5 by BKRW Welcome home! I was traveling with two teenage granddaughters and we arrived at the hotel after midnight. I didn't have access to a phone to let them know of our late arrival so worried a little that a room would not be available. Instead we were met with a reception attendant who made us feel welcome as if we were returning home! My husband and I had stayed here several years ago and I could not believe how much the hotel has changed after the recent remodel. We had to leave early the next moring for our flight home so I didn't really get to explore all the new facilities. From what I observed It is beautiful and I will look forward to returning in the future when I will have more time at the hotel. June 29, 2012 Rated 1 out of 5 by ABRACADABRASIMSALABIM Worst Stay at Sheraton in last ten years The check-in was delayed, nothing had been prepared despite one day previous booking. No complimentary water or fruit for Platinum guest usual everywhere elsewhere. The carpet was dirty in places and there were long hair in the sink. The internet information given was wrong.Nobody answered the Emergency Line. At check-out nobody informed me that the shuttle ticket had to be bought at the desk. The attitude of the girl at check out was flippant. Her appearance with chipped fingernails gross. The shuttle delayed by 20 minutes. December 12, 2013 Rated 5 out of 5 by Flyingtailor Great Value my reason for rating 5 star Airport hotels are not the best hotels but for the money paid this hotel met all my needs. Rooms are clean and neat. Staff very pleasant. I have reviewed this hotel before and I think for a London Airport hotel this is great for money paid. March 29, 2012 Rated 5 out of 5 by Campos64 excellent Excellent stay, making the start to our holiday much easier and comfortable. Shuttles bus to the airport every 20mins and approx 15 minutes from airport. All in all we couldn't have asked for more. December 19, 2012 Rated 5 out of 5 by Lucky Excellent review The staff are very helpful and the room where we stayed is very clean. May 20, 2013 Rated 4 out of 5 by Traveller74 Good value and convenient I have stayed at the Sheraton Heathrow Hotel many times, typically if I have a late arrival into Heathrow or an early departure the next morning. The rooms are certainly not cutting edge in terms of technology or furnishings, however they are comfortable and represent good value for money. The newly refurbished lobby and restaurant is very stylish and if this is a preview of what will be happening to the rooms, then it will be a good improvement. Staff are always friendly and helpful, and the service is consistent. June 8, 2012 Rated 3 out of 5 by NA22 created a problem I extended my stay by one night after I had checked in for two nights. Extension was made over a day in advance. I still had to get a new key and sign in for a new reservation --problem was the room had been double locked as there was no cross reference to the previous reservation when I got back to the hotel in the evening for the last (added) night. The manager had to come back to the room to let me in (where all my luggage remained). after being let in it was clear the room had not been made up and at that point in my long day I was just too tired to say anything. December 7, 2013 Rated 5 out of 5 by Business999 Short Notice Stay I needed a single night at short notice (no booking) after I returned my rental car at Thrifty. You found me a room without any fuss and provided me with 100% first class service. As a result I managed to get to my Heathrow flight both refreshed and ready for a new day. Thank you. June 3, 2013 Rated 5 out of 5 by 1RobertB Very Convenient Location at a Great Price A great hotel at a great price. Very conveniently located. The Heathrow Airport "HOPPA" bus takes you right to the door of the hotel for only 4.5 pounds. The room had electrical power outlets for UK, USA and the rest of Europe. And - the room was quiet. We had a very enjoyable stay. October 3, 2012 Rated 5 out of 5 by Poppa Great service Have used the hotel on many occasions due to friendly,efficient,and courteous service. The hotel is very well situated and provides a very high level of service. All facilities meet or exceed expectations. Club room facilities are excellent July 16, 2013 Rated 5 out of 5 by Techdocwriter Newly remodeled features Hotel lobby, bar, and resturaunt remodeled. Hotel is close to all Heathrow terminals and access easy by free local bus or Hotel Hoppa. Walking distance to dining. I make this my regular stop the night before I fly home. November 20, 2012 Rated 4 out of 5 by Knox16 better than expected Hotel is better than expected airport hotel. Room 3105 was small but OK. However, it was club level. Excellent restaurant and friendly staff through out. Food was reasonably priced and tasty at restaurant. January 9, 2013 Rated 5 out of 5 by BRFoster Favorite Heathrow Hotel Always friendly and so easy to get to from Heathrow, it makes connections easy. October 15, 2012 Rated 5 out of 5 by Tina802 Excellent Hotel Convenient to Heathrow I stayed at the Sheraton for one planned night and one unplanned night in June 2012 when my plane was canceled. I could not have asked for a more welcoming staff or a more comfortable room on both occasions. I was on the executive floor as I am a Platinum SPG member so that may have influenced my experience. The room was large and very clean, the bed was extremely comfortable and the room was completely free of any airport noise. The bathroom was modern and spacious with quite adequate water pressure. The executive lounge offered a satisfying complimentary breakfast and cocktail hour hors d'ouvres. There is a restaurant in the hotel if you choose to have a full meal and it does do room service. The staff was welcoming, friendly and courteous when I checked in both times and were extremely accommodating and had a great sense of humor with my unscheduled stay when my plane was canceled. The concierge was able to arrange the cheapest private transport to the United terminal, which was seamless and also courteous. I did not opt for the public shuttle bus that makes the loop around Heathrow so I cannot comment on how convenient this option might have been. I have stayed at several of the Heathrow airport hotels over the years and find the Sheraton to be head and shoulders above all the rest. I will stay there every time I am passing through Heathrow in the future and, in fact, my experiences with the Sheraton play a role in my choice of Heathrow over other connecting airports when I am making transatlantic flights. September 2, 2012 Rated 4 out of 5 by DRJRL Good value for Heathrow overnight For the last five yars, we have often stayed here whenever we need an overnight hotel in the Heathrow area. It normally is the least expensive Starwood option. As far as amenities, standards and services, it is an average Sheraton Hotel. We are usually upgraded to the club level - thank you Sheraton Heathrow. Since the renovation/remodel, the club floor rooms are quite comfortable. The bathrooms are relatively small, but functional. There is a nice breakfast buffet offering.We usually arrive late, so I don't know about the club lounge offerings, but the club lounge itself is very basic. . My previous major complaint was with the "fire doors" in the corridors. They were EXTREMELY noisy whenever anyone went through them, as the return mechanism would slam them shut. This time I noticed that they were kept open. The hotel is close to the airport, so there is some noise in the rooms when some flights are taking off - but we normally have the a/c fan on high, so this is loud enough to hide the plane noise - and is steady enough for me, to act like " white noise". Even with the remodel, there still is a lot of congestion at times around the front desk area. The traffic flow through this area is very poorly designed, as the main corridor from the entrance proceeds directly to the front desk area - while it is also is the main corridor of access to most of the rooms and back area of the hotel. There is no real "open lobby" in conjunction with the check in desk, as in most large hotels. If you are searching for a reasonably priced hotel near Heathrow, this is certainly a very reasonable option. September 11, 2012 Rated 4 out of 5 by RafKam Pleasantly Surprised Was expecting the worse, due to their at times dirt-cheap rates. However, was very pleased to find a shiny new modern-looking lobby, very efficient check-in process. Upgraded to a Club Room, which I am sure is just a standard room with access to the lounge. Room itself was quite spacious and quite comfortable. A luxury establishment it isn't, but more than adequate and clean. Bathroom was also very nice. Fruit bowl in the room as a platinum amenity and a few complimentary bottles of water. Club lounge is tiny, but you can sit in the corridor area just outside it (quite sunny and less stuffy, in fact nicer than the lounge itself). Evening snacks, dare I say, were pretty decent! The girl serving drinks in the lounge was also very friendly and keen to help. Had an early flight so no chance to sample breakfast in the lounge. We had dinner in the restaurant, and again, service was friendly and efficient. Food was ok, they were shooting for gastropub quality and prices, but falls quite short on both counts. Still, kudos for trying as I guess it's better than being stuck with greasy pies and fish and chips. Other facilities include a pretty good gym, a takeaway snack bar, and a shop with essentials. There's also car rental within the premises. Parking is charged per day (1st hour free). Biggest problem with this place is the Hotel Hoppa shuttle, which is a real russian roulette. We had an early morning flight and had to wait 30 mins for the bus to show up as the timetable, it seems, is completely irrelevant. This is a major drawback as it negates the whole point of staying at an airport hotel, especially if you live in London. I later found out that there is a public bus stop just across the road from the hotel and public buses in this area are free within a 1-mile (maybe more) radius of Heathrow. Give yourself plenty of time, or book a minicab for the morning! April 24, 2012 Rated 1 out of 5 by gravan terrible broken TV remote, broken air conditioning, room too hot to sleep in double bed had a broken leg - seemed to be propped up and then collapsed - housekeeping must have known only one pillow each on the bed and no spare ones in the wardrobe Spoke to management as we left - overall very disappointing for a Sheraton January 2, 2014 Rated 3 out of 5 by RTJ70 Shame about the check-in Having spent deal of last year at this hotel on business in West London, I decided to book in for a quick overnight stay before business the next day. The refit on the ground floor has nicely updated the hotel, what a shame the check in staff didn't match the refit. If I didn't know that the majority of staff at the hotel are fabulous, I would certainly be left with a negative opinion. Despite this, I will be giving the hotel another chance for my custom. I was somewhat surprised that the refit does not seem to have involved any updates to the club level rooms. As an SPG member, no mention was made of this at check in as part of the promotion or speed / style of service - a real shame and wasted opportunity!!! July 30, 2012 Rated 1 out of 5 by DrJez The Hotel is Tired The hotel is so tired, the corridors and bedrooms need refurbishing, the carpet is stained, the wall in our room had drawing on it. The general cleanliness wasn't good. The Club Lounge evening snacks consisted of small dried formed balls which we still don't know what they were and warm breaded mushrooms (we think)! The worst Sheraton experience we've had, definitely wouldn't return! Had problems with free wifi, staff initially very unhelpful, with one exception, a very nice man. December 8, 2013 Rated 4 out of 5 by thebutlers Convenient, but not as good as it once was We always stay here the night before we return home to US. As many times as we have we never have had a room which looks out on anything but a concrete wall. The Gold guest amenity has never been explained properly as this past time we were told my husband I would both be entitled to a beverage, but that turned out to be false. The removal of flight monitors does not allow you to know if your flight has been delayed which happened to us this past time and our check out person didn't offer to help. The £1 for UNICEF is just added on to your bill without asking and the food at dinner is not as good as it used to be. Nothing ever stays the same. But the convenience to Hertz drop off and being an SPG hotel means we will continue to return. July 21, 2012
Elive News Save the Internet- Thanatermesis (17-Nov-11 14:27) Do you know that the US government is trying to approve a law that blocks, censor, and blacklist internet ? This is something that many people knew that would happen sooner or later, why ? because internet is the most important communication tool that the humanity has had all over the history, communication is evolution, is a purely free share of knowledge, and the governments don't want people with knowledge, they need non-thinking people like in ancient times of the humanity. But this is going to change they like it or not, , we are evoluting, and even capitalism needs smart people now, and this is a non-stop process that will continue happening naturally, but only if we have free internet. Internet created the "open source software" and all its entire development is thanks to free communication between people. Capitalism doesn't like open source very much, and it will be very easy to erradicate it from the world by blocking those related things on internet. If you think that you are smart enough to use Proxy's and things like that, you should know that in those laws they declare it ilegal, so you will go to the jail by using a proxy. There are lots of details about this on internet. It is not a matter of what is correct and what not, it's a matter of being free in a world manipulated by the monetary interests, we want to stay free, we are evoluting, we want to continue doing that. You should know that internet is one of the most important things that the humanity has got since centuries, so if you think that you need to exige your freedom, this is the moment. Please sign yourself in and other places, share this article with everybody, I have do it in the Elive website, you can do it with your contacts, in your social networks, everywhere... because NOW is the moment, because those laws are going to be decided these days. We need to act NOW. Spanish article: Votes: 1660 Elive Website- Thanatermesis (28-Sep-11 15:39) Would You Like a New Elive Website ? We are considering migrating the current Elive website to a Wordpress based one! Why? Well, I personally like a lot MODx, and even if I recommend it to everybody, there are several reasons for this change: A lot of people think that there isn’t much activity on the Elive project, mainly because the website is never updated. The website is based on MODx, which is amazing, but is better when there is an active administrator or somebody featuring it, it's like a mix between cms and framework where you can build a really very good website, it has a very good made and structured code and you will end in a excelent result, reliable and stable for long time, the only bad points of it is that is not very used by the community, this means that has not very much plugins, in other words, you can't use the multitude of plugins made by the community making the website more dynamic. Wordpress has a multitude of plugins. For example, I have found a very nice plugin that translates the website into multiple languages using Google Translator and it also gives the users the ability to correct the translation, which is pretty nice! A more dynamic website means more news. It will be easier to post and manage content, as well as add polls. There are top-quality templates that will improve the look of the Elive website. More specifically, the new website will feature: - A pretty nicer look, more professional and dynamic for our contents - Translations to any language (we will need your collaboration to have it correctly translated in yours :)) - More easy to add contents, this means, more howtos, tips, and instructions - Nicer screenshots! - More features, like polls, RSS, bookmark / share To migrate our website, we will need first to import our current plugins to the wordpress API and find some possible workarounds with the CSS. Stay tunned to the Elive News to see the first versions of the new website! We will discuss about it, about suggestions, and about errors, and all related to the new website on this forum thread. So you might see a completely new Elive Website in the future. Votes: 1689 Website Hacked- Thanatermesis (23-Jun-11 12:38) The other day, the company "Microsoft Inoperative Systems" reported to Google that Elive was malware, installing a different and operative system in the PC computers that is not in their monopolized list, switching the humans to use a serious and useful operating system, the result was that when you tried to enter the Elive website you got instead security warning by Google, saying you to leave inmediately the website because it contained malware and was very dangerous for your Windows computer, so we discussed with google explaining them that we are not collaborators of a broken capitalist system that works by interests and scams, the issue is now resolved and the Elive website is up again. Now, seriously: The website of Elive had been hacked by a website security issue and the cracker had implemented some malware on it, the google bots found them and marked the Elive website as dangerous; thanks to a friend who sent me an email I was informed about the problem and now it has been fixed. I have found a new file added in the website and two files modified with extra code, this should not happen again because now I've written a scanner tool that searches for possible hacked files every 4 hours and notifies me inmediately if this happens. Unfortunately we are still living on a monetary-capitalist system and these things will continue to happen until we switch to Votes: 2161 Repository of Elive Topaz Stable changes- Thanatermesis (23-Mar-11 17:00) As you may have noticed, there was a problem with the Repository of Elive Apparently the main mirror of the repositories suffered a DOS attack, we waited a few days to see if it would be fixed by the host, but finally we made the decision to buy an extra server for Elive to host ISOs and Repositories. Unfortunately, our hosting provider says that the migration of the DNS's will take more than one week, so we decided to write a small fixer for you, you only have to run it and your repositories will be fixed instantly. First of all download this file, then open your Downloads directory with your file-manager (thunar) and right-click on it in 'Properties' -> 'Permissions' and check the last option to allow to run it, close your file-manager and open it again to the same place, apparently this is needed for re-read correctly its permissions, and double-click on the file. Now your repositories will be fixed! We are also planning to upload a new ISO of Elive Topaz with updates, minor fixes, and the new repositories configuration. Note: You don't need to to download the new Elive Topaz ISO again to get these changes, just upgrade your system in your package manager and download this fix for the repositories. We need to ensure the quality of the new ISO so, if you'd like to help us testing it, just join the IRC chat of Elive and ask :). Thank you! Thanatermesis Votes: 2410 Redesigning Elive- Thanatermesis (09-Aug-10 14:54) Elive is going to be redesigned We are redesigning ourselves, this is a good time to join us. If you are: - Graphical designer - CSS Coder - PHP Programmer - C (with EFL) programmer for E17 modules - Edje (EFL) coder - SEO/Website expert or web layout engineer This is a good time to join us, send your proposals to Anabell Castañeda and be a part of the new Enlightening. Also, fill up our Collaborator form, we will start contacting you. Votes: 3357 Elive Stable 2.0 Topaz released- Thanatermesis (03-Mar-10 23:46) The Elive Team is proud to announce the release of the Stable version 2.0 Codename Topaz. After a long and intensive development we can now enjoy the results! The !! Changelog since the last Stable: - Autolaunchers: Entirely rewritten with better stability and more features - User Configurators: A lot of user configurators added to configure anything, like touchpad, FIXME - Drivers: Kernel with support of special hardware and other features like tuxonice (hibernation), reiser4, ext4 and many more - Compiz !: If you want to use the Compiz features (ecomorph) you can do it directly on the fly without the need of a special version of Elive, on the other hand, we recommend to use it only as a demo since it makes your system unstable. Votes: 3860 New Stable Version 2.0 - Final Date- Thanatermesis (03-Mar-10 21:12) The final date for the Stable Release 2.0 of Elive, called Topaz, will be... tomorrow ! This mean's that tomorrow we will have available the new Stable Elive version 2.0 finished and ready ? Oh, yes :) Read the last announcement for more information, or the Stable Download page for the summarized changelog of its features ! Votes: 4043 Elive 1.9.60 development released- Thanatermesis (02-Feb-10 12:07)! - Autolaunchers: An entirely different system rewritten for autolaunchers containing features which are more handy and less annoying, entirely configurable - Touchpad: Configurator added - Drivers: Added a new driver for cdrom-drives needed to boot into live mode (thanks to rafuch0) - Misc Bugs fixed, features added, and a few informative messages added - Kernel version: 2.6.30 Note that this is a DEVELOPMENT version. Download the ISO from the development section You are welcome to join our Testers Mailing List Group to give us a feedback about this development version or any thing else that you wish to report. Help us to make Elive even better and increase the speed of our releases! If you want to Collaborate with Elive, you can fill up your Skills at the Collaborators page. If you have a spare USB Wireless device that you don't use, you can send it to the Elive Team for driver development testing. Just fill up an email to elivesystems at gmail.com. Thank you for collaborating ! Votes: 3957 Showing 9 - 16 of 58 Articles < Previous 12345678 Next > Archives - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007
One of the most fascinating figures in William Blake’s mythology is Ahania, the Emanation of Urizen. Like all of the Emanations, she provides the feminine aspect of a concept, in this case reason and the intellect. Where Urizen is a tyrannical figure of single vision and Newtons sleep, deriving absolute and universal law from precise and mathematical measurements and using it to ensnare the world in the net of religion, Ahania represents pleasure and curiosity - the carnal urge to discover and understand. Her separation from Urizen is what dooms him to his fall; her eventual reunion with him his redemption and a fundamental part of Eternal salvation. Jonathan Blow’s second game, the would-be masterpiece The Witness, attempts to be an extended hymn to Ahania. Its purpose, as Blow stresses in interview after interview, is to explore the experience of learning and discovery. His mechanism for this - indeed the defining mechanism of the game - is a maze puzzle. The basic form is simple: trace a line from a starting node (a big circle) along a path to an ending node (a small rounded nub at the end of a line). The variations are numerous, with the game ultimately having several hundred iterations of this puzzle type of varying difficulties, arranged on panels across a sizeable island to explore. There is genuine elegance to how this unfolds. Observe the progress of the opening area. You begin at the dark end of a tunnel, an illuminated door ahead and above you. You walk up to it, and find the literal simplest form of the game’s puzzle, and the game gives you one of its handful of actual instructions as it suggests pushing X to attempt the puzzle. You trace the line, the door opens, and you get a second door. Which opens into this courtyard. And when you go to investigate that panel up ahead, it’s a souped up version of the first two doors (shown here at the moment of solution). Solving it causes the wire coming out of it to ostentatiously illuminate, and you can trace it to a couple other panels of growing complexity, and finally to gate with this panel to the right of it. A bit of poking at it reveals that you can’t complete the maze through the black bars (what a surprise), but if you trace the other wires you can find panels that will lift the bars, allowing you to complete that maze and open the gate. Obviously the game gets harder. Indeed, it will in the very next area, which we’ll look at in a moment. But it’s worth explicitly highlighting the step-by-step education given here. Indeed, of particular note is the second puzzle - the little L-shaped path that comes between “trace a line” and “here’s a maze with dead ends.” The truth is that essentially no player actually requires both it and the initial straight line puzzle as preparation for the mazes. As an education in how the game works - which is obviously what this is, being an initial area of a game and all - it’s going ostentatiously slowly. But there’s a larger education going on here; the progression actively focuses the player on the act of being educated, in effect teaching that this will be a game about teaching. Here’s the next bit of intro area. There’s a straightforward path that eventually comes to this fork: And on the left you find a door with this on it. Which is a heck of a lot of weird symbols that don’t mean anything. And if you try to solve it, you’re supremely unlikely to get anywhere. But if you take that other path and look at that row of panels, you’ll find a sequence of puzzles that starts with this and another with puzzles like this. Again, the teaching here is really overt. The first set teaches you that you’ve got to segregate black and white squares into their own regions. (And some subsequent puzzles fine-tune that, doing things like clarifying that you can have multiple regions of the same color, but no regions with both colors.) The second set ends up teaching you that you have to trace a line through all the hexagonal dots. And if you want, armed with that knowledge, you can go back and solve that earlier puzzle. These mechanics add up and play off of each other quite heavily. Not too far into the game you’ll eventually encounter a building with this on the front door: And it’s actually not that long into the game before you’ll have learned that the stars have to be divided into regions containing exactly two of them, and that the L-shaped squares have to be segmented into regions shaped like them (or, more accurately, regions that could be covered with no overlapping by all of the shapes within them). And each of those mechanisms have a bunch of further details - for instance, the fact that the Ls are angled means that those regions can be rotations of the shape shown (if the blocks were parallel to the grid they couldn’t be rotated). And there are sequences like these that teach you the precise rules on how regions containing multiple blocks interact. As for the stars, eventually you get puzzles with loads of different color stars, and you’ll learn that unlike the squares, there’s no problem with having multiple colors of star in the same region just so long as there are always exactly two of them. Which leads to puzzles like this, on the door one building over from that one. Except that, funny thing, that puzzle isn’t actually solvable with the information contained within this essay (as you can tell from the fact that there are only three purple and red stars), because there’s a whole other rabbit hole involving optics and what happens when that first door opens and makes it so that you can look through its yellow-tinted glass at the second door. Which brings us to the matter of environmental puzzles, a category that begins quite early in the game when you encounter this tree and eventually progresses to where you have to find vantage points like this to reveal the solution. And for the most part, all of this is exquisitely well clued, and clued in ways that invite you to study the cluing and appreciate the sheer level of nuance that can be extracted from this mechanic. It’s not easy by any measure - you’ll find yourself stumped and stumped often. But it’s both fair and elegant, which is pretty much the criteria for a good puzzle. That, however, is just the game mechanic; it’s not the game. The game is about the exploration and unraveling of the uninhabited island upon which all of this happens. If you’re going “you mean like Myst” right now then you’re not alone, and Blow’s made the comparison himself, but there’s more to it than just that. For one thing, Myst is ultimately about a plot-based mystery: what happened to this island. The Witness, on the other hand, really can’t be said to have a “plot” in any conventional sense. There is no explanation for why the island is populated by seemingly petrified people. There is no explanation for how you came to the island, nor account of your eventual departure. And there is certainly no explanation of who built an elaborate mechanism that fires laser beams from across the island at a mountain summit when certain mazes are solved, eventually causing the mountain to open and revealing a vast system of catacombs beneath. These are not even, in any substantive sense, mysteries within the game. The player may ask them, but the game gives no indication whatsoever that they are questions of any interest. Audio logs are scattered across the island, but they don’t contain any plot information; just a myriad of quotations about intellectual curiosity, Buddhist detachment from the desires of the self, the nature of science, and the like. (An early, short one is the Einstein quote, “of all the communities available to us there is not one I would want to devote myself to, except for the society of the true searchers, which has very few living members at any time.”) Nevertheless, the island is central to what the game is. It’s what Blow opted to emphasize in the closest thing the game had to a trailer, a trio of “long screenshots” featuring 2-3 minute pans across the island that emphasize its scope. Here’s the third and most majestic of them. But the macro level of the island is in many ways its least interesting element. Instead it is the small intricacies of the island that the game hinges upon. Some of this exists on the level of construction and transition - the often tremendously elegant ways in which sections of the island connect and interact. But the real charms are often tiny and intricate bits of construction in which disparate elements of the island, from particular vantage points, line up to produce surprising effects. This does not just include things like the “look at the panel through a specific set of branches to find the correct solution” puzzle above, but a multitude of intricate easter eggs dependent on the precise perspective of the player. For instance, this rock formation that, when viewed from a ledge across a cove from it and reflected in the water, reveals an image of a human figure praying. There’s also a whole class of hidden environmental puzzles players will eventually stumble upon when they notice that the familiar paths they’ve been tracing on panels all game appear in the landscape as well. Sometimes these are obvious things that jump straight out at you, such as a small path that leads to this view but has no apparent purpose, at least until you look closely at that drain. (The hole in the building is also one, but not solveable from this perspective - the path has to be a single color.) But there are other subtler ones, such as this one, which looks obvious in the screenshot, but disintegrates with just a little movement as the rocky outcropping with the brown bushes separates from the water many feet below, leaving a clear curve that’s nevertheless not a path. Descend closer to the water and the rocks forming the first bend will separate as well, leaving a vaguely circular pool hinting at a path, but no clear sense of what to do. (And note that the vantage point from which the puzzle is solveable is a non-trivial walk from the actual pool. In other words, The Witness is, perhaps unsurprisingly, about the act of looking. Which circles back to its status as a hymn to Ahania - a celebration of the basic act of discovery. Except what, exactly, is discovered? The intricate mechanisms of the island and the splendidly detailed and expansive language of the puzzles, yes. But these things are, notably, both self-evidently and ostentatiously designed objects. To discover them, in other words, is to contemplate their creation and logic - to ask not just how they work, but why they are the way they are, and to ask it in such a way as to take for granted that there is, in fact, an answer. And so Urizen comes at last to reassert himself. Indeed, the famed description of him from the start of The Book of Urizen, “Self-clos’d, all-repelling,” could, if one wanted to be slightly cynical, fairly describe the hermetic and at times infuriatingly difficult nature of The Witness. But even if one doesn’t want to be snarky about it, there’s a tension here between the enthusiastic rhetoric of freeform exploration and discovery and the singular vision that The Witness represents. One is put in mind of seminal new media theorist Lev Manovich’s argument that “interactivity” is largely a myth, and that to treat new media as interactive is “to mistake the structure of somebody else’s mind for our own.” Likewise, the idea that The Witness is a celebration of “true searchers” or whatever is to mistake the structure of Jonathan Blow’s mind for the fundamental truths of the universe. And indeed, in Blake at least, Ahania spends most of her time getting completely and utterly screwed by Urizen. The Book of Ahania opens with an image of Urizen consuming her as she weeps. Her other main appearance, in The Four Zoas, is the one where her restoration redeems Urizen, but even there her joy at being reunited with Urizen strikes her dead, and she’s revived in a Persephone-like state whereby she’s alive in the spring and summer months and dead in the autumn and winter. To be clear, I’m not suggesting this is a good thing. Indeed, it’s part and parcel of the phallocentrism that is undoubtedly the biggest structural weakness of Blake’s mythology. But Ahania’s position is strange even compared to her fellow Emanations, none of whom suffer anywhere near as elaborately as her. And this reflects the terrifying power that Urizen holds within Blake’s mythology. There is nothing that terrifies him more than the singular and all-encompassing vision that Urizen represents. And this is reflected in the way in which Ahania - the positive and optimistic side of the reasoning intellect - never gets the space to be an alternative, remaining only a squandered hope. And in many ways The Witness serves to demonstrate the degree to which Urizen can pervert and corrupt Ahania. Because for all that it strives for something genuinely beautiful and challenging, the infuriating truth is that it’s a fairly clever iPhone game strung out among a bunch of infuriating moments of trying to find the pixel-perfect perspective that renders something solvable. And yes, the worst offenders - the environmental puzzles - are entirely optional, but they’re far from the only problems. Significant sections of the game are based around the same sort of “OK, I know what I have to do but I can’t get the camera to line up exactly right to do it” logic. There are always moments when the alternative shines through - pots in the game where a particularly clever bit of structure reveals itself in an utterly charming way, or audio logs that manage to offer a genuinely moving and intriguing perspective - a lengthy one narrating this Russell Schweikart quote springs to mind as a moment where I felt genuinely and profoundly invested in the game’s aesthetic. But for every one of those there’s a dozen moments of frustratedly poking the control stick around trying to get your perspective just right. Or, in what is perhaps the game’s most stunning perversity, an hour-long video log (there’s six of those too, unlocked by inputting paths hidden within vaults like the one with that squares and dots puzzle at the start into a panel hidden in the catacombs beneath the windmill) that consists of this lecture by Infocom developer Brian Moriarty narrated over a video consisting of nothing but a solar eclipse transiting across a black screen for an hour. At the end of which the sun finally reaches the edge of the screen where you can use it to solve an environmental puzzle. Suffice it to say that eating Ahania alive is probably a much quicker and more merciful way to kill all urge towards discovery and wonder.Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Jane 1 year, 4 months ago Well, now I know what my next essay will be about.Link | Reply Phil Sandifer 1 year, 4 months ago Phallocentrism in Blake, I hope.Link | Reply Jane 1 year, 4 months ago You wish!Link | Reply No, I was just thinking recently, having devoured both Braid and Witness, on the heels of Undertale, that you were right in predicting I might find Witness more to my liking on account of my personal esoteric interests, or something to that effect. And then I forgot all about it, until you posted this essay. So thank you for helping me to remember. :) Evan Forman 1 year, 4 months ago I'm generously trying to keep my *thoughts* on this beautiful, interesting and ambitious work of art separate from my *feelings* on this fractally infuriating piece of pretentious dogshit.Link | Reply David Brain 1 year, 4 months ago I must admit that I did find myself wondering at times during play (and I am still early enough into the game not to have hit too many exasperation points) exactly how long it will be before an Escape Room makes it onto the Turner Prize shortlist.Link | Reply I would note that I am sensing more of a "plot" to The Witness than I expected, but many pieces I have read suggest that this may simply be projection - which is, of course, part of the intent. Certainly it's obvious that it's nothing specific, on the scale of Myst, or even The Talos Principle (which I think is much better at teaching, although that's probably because it has far less to teach - and is much less interesting anyway.) But I still feel driven to find out. Which is also, of course, part of the intent. New Comment
How to Bet on the World Cup What You Need to Know - The World Cup is the biggest sporting tournament on the planet and a great opportunity to win some money on dozens of different sports betting markets. - All online and high street bookmakers offer special World Cup promotions before and during the tournament, so shop around for the best deals and most attractive odds. - For this guide we've used Bet365 to show how easy it is to bet on the World Cup. See our full list of UK Betting Sites and the latest new customer offers. - The easiest bet to make is simply to put money on the country you think will win the World Cup. Brazil? Argentina? England? Put your money where your mouth is! - Other popular World Cup bets include Top Goalscorer, Top Goalkeeper and which teams will finish bottom of their group. - Be sure to do your homework before you bet. Did you know that it's still quite rare for a team to win a World Cup in their own country. - Remember that, while it can be great fun and even a good little money earner, betting on the World Cup can become addictive, so always bet responsibly. - The Latest World Cup Odds are here so take a look at match by match odds, and then think about who you think will win in Brazil. Betting on the World Cup The World Cup is the biggest sports tournament on the planet. Billions of people tune in to watch the greatest players battle it out for the ultimate prize in world football and the tournament is famous for producing major upsets. The World Cup is also a sports betting enthusiast's dream: there really is no limit to the number of betting markets available, with in-play betting making the action even more exciting. But before you put any money down on the World Cup, it's a good idea to take the time to learn a little about how betting on the event works, especially if you're completely new to sports gambling. Here's what you need to know: Where to Bet Once World Cup fever takes hold, you really won't have any problem finding a place to put money on the tournament. All high street betting shops will offer a good range of betting markets and will screen matches so you can watch the action unfold. But the best place to bet on the World Cup is online. Not only do online bookmakers offer the best range of betting markets, you can also bet in-play and cash out on your bets. Check out our guide to the Top 10 Sports Betting sites () and make use of some great introductory offers, including free bonus money when you open an account. If you do choose to bet online, be sure to open more than one account. This way you can be sure you're always getting the best odds. After all, why would you back Wayne Rooney to score at 3/1 when another bookie is offering odds of 5/1? Understanding the Odds The odds (also known as the price) show how likely the bookmakers think an event is to happen. That is, if an event is unlikely to happen (Costa Rica to win the World Cup), the odds will be long. But if something is very likely to happen (Brazil to win their group), the odds will be a country winning a the World Cup are 6/1, this means if you bet £1, you will receive £6 in winnings (and you will get your original stake back on top of this). This works on a ratio basis. So, if you are extra confident and place £10 at odds of 6/1, you will receive £120 in winnings. Or, if you place £5 at odds of 6/1, your winnings will be £30, mis-matched football games, such as World Cup group World Cup Bets 1) Outright Winner The easiest way of betting on the World Cup is to simply put money on the country you think will win the whole tournament. Then, if they do end win, so do you, at the odds you put your money down at. Let's look at the odds offered by popular sports gambling sites like Bet365 ahead of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. As you can see below, Brazil are the bookies' favourites at 11/4. In comparison, Costa Rica are the rank outsiders at 2,500/1. So, if you put down £40 on Brazil to win the World Cup and you are proven right, your winnings will be £110 plus your initial £40 stake. Latest World Cup Odds can be seen if you click here. Note that these odds will not stay the same. It may be the case that one team loses a key player to injury in the build-up to the tournament, with the bookies thereby lengthening their odds. Or it could be that a team enjoys a very successful warm-up, meaning the bookies slash their odds. The odds will also, of course, change as the tournament progresses and teams start showing their form. This can be a good time to make a bet if you've done your homework. For instance, Italy are famous for getting off to slow starts, so after a couple of games their odds may lengthen considerably, allowing you to cash in if they repeat the form of past tournaments and improving once they are beyond the group stages. Most bookies will also offer you the chance to bet on a country 'each-way'. This means that you bet on them to either win the tournament or finish as a runner-up. In the example above you can see that Bet365 offers each-way bets at half odds. So, if you put money on Belgium to win outright you will be given odds of 14/1. If you bet on Belgium each-way, you will be offered odds of 7/1 and will win your bet even if they lose in the final. 2) Top Goalscorer One other popular bet is Top Goalscorer. Here you simply put money on the one player you think will score more goals than anyone else over the course of the entire tournament. Below, for example, you can see the odds offered for Top Goalscorer ahead of the 2014 World Cup. As with Outright Winner, you are also offered the choice of making an each-way bet, meaning you will still win (although at reduced odds) if the player you pick only finishes second in the scoring charts. If you do want to put money on this betting market, it's worth giving a little thought to it. You should bear in mind that, while strikers playing for the top teams are likely to play more games than lesser teams that may get knocked out early, in the past, players who have won the Golden Boot have not always reached the final. Look at the groups for starters: if the teams are evenly matched, the games are unlikely to be high scoring. But if there are obvious differences in ability, a player may score lots in the group stages and so end up as top scorer even if his team doesn't progress a lot further. You should also bear in mind that bookmakers will not count goals scored in penalty shootouts as part of a player's total. One good way of lengthening the odds you are offered on a Top Goalscorer bet and so increase the size of your potential winnings is to combine this bet with another. Below is one example of how you can combine Outright Winner with Top Goalscorer. Note that you can pick a player from one country to score the most goals but back another country to win the tournament. Other possibilities include betting on the top goalscorer in the group stages. 3) Match Betting As well as betting on the outcome of the entire World Cup, you can also bet on the outcome of individual matches at any stage of the tournament. In the Group Stages, this type of bet will be what's known as a three-way bet. That is, you can either bet on one of the two teams to win, or you can put money on the game ending in a draw. Here, for example, are the odds offered ahead of England's opening game of the 2014 World Cup against Italy. Again, the odds may change in the run-up to a match depending on factors such as injuries, recent form and even weather. Predicting the final result is just one of countless bets you can place on a single World Cup match. In fact, most bookmakers will offer a huge range of betting markets, especially on games involving the big teams. One good way of making money from guessing the right score is to go for a Half Time/Full Time bet. Here's an example of the odds you could get before the England against Italy game: Other popular match betting options include the number of goals scored, first goalscorer, number of corner and even number of red and yellow cards. Again, there really is no limit to the variety of bets you can make and if you can't see a possible outcome, most bookies will be happy to offer you odds on it happening. 4) Group Winners and Group Qualification Betting on which groups will qualify from their World Cup groups is usually quite a safe way of making a bit of money. However, given that the favourites nearly always progress, the odds you will be offered on this type of bet will usually be small. Here we can see the odds offered on the teams to qualify from Group D at Brazil 2014, with none of the odds looking particularly attractive. One good way of increasing the odds and so boosting your potential earnings is to put an accumulator on. Simply pick the teams you think will finish top or qualify from two, three, four or even all of the groups. The more teams in your accumulator, the longer the odds you will be offered, though the more risk you will expose yourself to. As well as betting on which country will finish top or simply qualify from a single group, the bookies will also let you put money on which team will finish bottom. This works in exactly the same way: simply predict who will do worse and back them at the odds given. It doesn’t matter if they then finish bottom with 4 points or no points at all, so long as they are fourth out of four, your bet will be a winner. Here we can see the odds on offer for the four teams of Group D to finish bottom, with Costa Rica clearly the bookies' choice for having a bad tournament: Again, you can turn this into an accumulator bet, putting money on how ever many teams you want to finish bottom of their respective groups. Remember, the more countries in your accumulator, the bigger the odds you will get and the bigger your potential winnings will be. 5) Other Types of Bet Remember, the World Cup is the biggest sporting event on the planet and there really is no limit to the number or the size of bets you can make. All online and high street bookmakers will offer a huge range of betting markets and will also be happy to take bets on outcomes that they are not actively advertising. Here are just a few more popular World Cup bets: - Winning Continent: Fancy a South American team but can't choose between Brazil and Argentina? Then put money on the winner coming from South America. Alternatively, put money on a European team or even an African team to win. - Stages of Elimination: All bookies will give you odds on when a team will get knocked out. So, if you think history will repeat itself and England will get knocked out at the quarter-final stages, put money on it before a ball has even been kicked. - Top Goalkeeper: Perhaps not as exciting as the race for Top Goalscorer, an award is also given to the keeper who lets in the fewest goals. This can also be a good bet to make, particularly if you look at the teams a goalie is likely to face and how solid the defence in front of him looks. - Golden Ball: At the end of each World Cup, the Golden Ball is awarded to the player deemed to be the man of the tournament. It's worth noting that this isn't always the top scorer or a national captain, but is almost always a player whose country makes through to the final stages. World Cup Betting Hints and Tips There really is no such thing as a certainty in sports betting, and this is certainly true when it comes to the World Cup. That said, there are ways you can increase your chances of beating the bookie, not least by having a good knowledge of past tournaments. Here are a few things to bear in mind before putting any money down: - Be sure to read up on past form as this can help you beat the bookies. Do some teams start slowly or start quickly and then fade? Look for odds where you could use this knowledge to your advantage. - Be wary of just putting money on the big names. Some big-name players are notorious for failing to bring their club form to the World Cup so may not be great bets to score lots of goals. - Remember that many opening group games are tight affairs and, even when teams are mis-matched, high scoring games are quite rare. - One fact that may be of interest is that the host nation has only won the World Cup on six occasions. In comparison, in 15 of the 19 past tournaments, the World Cup has been won by a team from the host continent. - Look into formations and line-ups when betting on a Top Goalscorer. Does a team tend to rely on one striker or, like Spain, do they share the goals around? - Don't expect any major surprises: only 7 different nations have ever won the World Cup. Betting Responsibly Betting on the World Cup can be hugely enjoyable and, if you bet wisely, profitable, too. However, like all types of sports gambling, there is a danger it can get addictive. So, be sure you always bet responsibly, only bet with money you can genuinely afford to lose and be wary of trying to bet more to win any losses back. Important Information on Gambling You must be 18+ to gamble Every new gambling account offer has "Terms & Conditions" that will apply - make sure you read these before opening an account. See for help and advice on problem gambling. Please gamble responsibly. Further Sports Betting Reading Alongside our helpful YouTube videos showing you can start making money from online betting today, we also have a comprehensive range of tips and advice guides for you to check out: - Horse racing remains the UK's most popular type of sports betting. Take a look at this YouTube video and guide () before you put down any money - F1 is not only the world's most glamorous sport, it's also one of the best for betting. Read up on how to make money from motor racing with this guide () - It's not just the World Cup where you can make money. The Champions League is also a great tournament for gamblers. Check out this guide to European football betting () Further World Cup Reading - Keep up to date with all the World Cup news through the official FIFA website () - The leading football news website Goal.com is also a great resource for news and views and can help you make an informed bet:
A Cup of Coffee in Outer Space: A brief interview with Valerie Olson With so much attention to large-scale anthropogenic impacts on the environment, it is easy to forget that human presence is still marginal in important ways. We can only exist for short durations, and only with sophisticated technological mediation, in most of the biosphere or in the vastness of outer space. We may also be troubled by environmental scenarios in which the margins of comfortable human existence shrink, where more of the world will become ocean, desert, and more prone to disaster. At the same time, these scenarios indicate that our incursions into these spaces, and the data generated by our interactions with them, are increasingly consequential. It is this general situation that fascinates Valerie Olson. First, as a graduate student at Rice University (Ph.D., 2010) and now as Assistant Professor of Anthropology at UC Irvine, she has been in close contact with many of the experts and explorers that mediate knowledgeable human interactions with extreme environments. Over the past eight years, Dr. Olson has conducted ethnographic research at NASA, on a planetary exploration program, in the oil-soaked waters of the Gulf of Mexico, after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and in the Anza-Borrego desert of Southern California, where water overconsumption has become a critical challenge. Her theoretical and methodological fascinations have led her to rethink the possibilities for anthropological entanglements with the “non-living” through an ongoing collaboration with Andrea Ballestero (Rice University). Although her research, in one way or another, takes her from Houston to the horizons of human existence, she graciously found the time to chat for a while about her work. Trevor Durbin: You have twice conducted ethnographic fieldwork in Rice University’s back yard, but in each case the object of research has, in a sense, been environments that are horizonal, where people have a more marginal presence. Tell us a little bit about how one conducts ethnographic research concerning outer space, the deep-sea, and other extreme environments? Valerie Olson: I get this very valid question quite often. An obvious answer is that everything within human experience, direct or indirect, tangible or imagined, can be a topic of ethnographic inquiry. From ghosts to interstellar space. But it’s interesting how some researchers in the human sciences can become perturbed about how to do ethnography in the domains of the marginally human and totally non-biotic. A fear is that people will be decentered in dehumanizing ways. But I don’t see how testing the limits of ethnography presents any danger to larger humanistic projects – in fact, doing work that forces people to confront anthropocentrisms continues to be socially and politically relevant. Anthropologists, in particular, originally got interested in extreme environments because of what they told us about human capacities for adaptation and survival. I am interested in human relationships to extreme environments that people inhabit only temporarily with life support or that they access via remote sensing technologies, but which are nonetheless now socially familiar. Such environs are: the high atmosphere, outer space, the terrestrial subsurface, and the ocean depths. These are spaces which influence powerful authoritative knowledge about ultimate boundaries, horizons, limits, and (scarily) something much worse than human marginality: human absence. Those increasingly familiar human-less and abiotic spaces that social scientists consider horizonal are, as one of my space research interlocutors reminded me, “most of what nature is.” Even so, this is not the nature that anthropologists are typically concerned with as they explore what it means to be human or to be biological. I was interested in this paradox and in the extent to which growing knowledge and experience of horizonal and human-less environments does or does not impact social worlds. How, for example, does knowledge about the apparent temporal and spatial marginality of life relative to the non-living in the universe have (or not have) social and ethical effects? This is the kind of ethnographic question I like to examine, in all its fragmentation and uncertainties. As a result, I spend time doing ethnographic research among small groups of people who concern themselves with incorporating outlier spaces (like space or the deep ocean) into ecosystems that matter to humans. I observe how they do this through interconnected activities of exploration, knowledge production, development of powerful remote sensing and life support technologies, and environmental activism. This means that I may end up going out into oily Gulf water on a small boat with a handful of biologists collecting water samples, or that I sit in NASA mission control with headphones listening to a rarified cacophony of technical conversations I can barely understand. Even if there aren’t many people in the domains I study, they’re committed, can be well-funded, and their work fascinates and has traction in contemporary worlds. Trevor: I’m really intrigued by your concern with processes of “incorporating outlier spaces into ecosystems that matter to humans.” Could you give us an example of what you mean, maybe an illustrative moment from your work on the BP oil spill? Valerie: Certainly! One example is the amount of attention now being turned on the Gulf of Mexico’s deep-sea benthos. The benthos is the seabed, a dark and muddy but microbe-rich place that is foundational to the vitality of the whole marine world. However, as anthropologist Stefan Helmreich has described, it remains largely socially invisible as a place that matters. The Gulf’s deep-sea benthos is triply invisible. It is not well-understood as a biological place even to Gulf Coast scientists. Despite all the deep-sea drilling and energy exploration science the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico is, unlike Pacific or Atlantic benthic spaces, largely unmonitored by marine biologists. Then came the 2010 BP “oil spill,” which had a different spatiality than other major oil disasters: the oil came from the bottom up, rather than top down. Unparalleled amounts of chemical dispersants were experimentally used at the wellhead and on the surface to make the oil droplets small and to make them sink rather than to rise and float to shore where they would be amply socially visible. So the oil sank slowly and the loop currents concentrated it in certain places. As a result, the Gulf’s deep-sea benthic animal/plant communities took a big hit, and Gulf scientists have realized that there is a “shallow versus deep” prejudice in science, policy, and social imagination. People care about near and top-level surfaces they can see and smell rather than far away depths that they do not. When previous spill disasters happened, deep-sea mud and its creatures were not imagined to need saving as much as valuable near shore or water column fisheries animals or “charismatic marine megafauna” (birds, otters, dolphins et al). I held a sample tube full of this benthic mud in my hands in a Texas lab, where I smelled as well as saw the yellowish Louisiana sweet crude suspended in the silt. One of the scientists supervising the sample collection complained to me that the sea is usually imagined to be a hearty, circulating, and inexhaustible system of water. But now we know mud’s and rock’s vital roles in this system, and how fragile, in particular, the benthos is. So, the scientific questions are: How can we “restore” the deep-sea benthos if we don’t know much about it? What will be the slow motion effects of deep-sea benthic death and change? My social science question is: How is deep, dark, invisible seafloor mud made to matter politically and scientifically? In this way my two projects, on outer space and sea, overlap because they deal with how ecosystems are imagined and reimagined. So in both cases, I have been captivated by examples of how places which are symbolic outliers, even “dirty” in a social sense like the seafloor, are being remade into normative, vital, generative, and even integrally “pure” parts of ecosystems and are imagined to require monitoring, maintenance, and restoration. To see what happens I have to do what anthropologists like to do: pay attention for the long haul. I have to follow this for the years necessary to understand and interpret these post-spill ecosystem representation activities. One emerging effect of the post-spill work being organized around the “Gulf of Mexico ecosystem” is how it brings outlier spaces, and their sometimes “outlier scientists,” to the fore in social discourses and activities. Trevor: What you’re finding brings to mind Rachel Carson’s declaration in The Sea Around Us: “Nowhere in all the sea does life exist in such bewildering abundance as in the surface waters.” It seems to me that part of what you’re seeing in the processes of making outlier spaces meaningful and visible is the relationship between technologies of expert imagination, such as Carson’s or those of your interlocutors, and horizonal spaces. I would love to have you reflect on the imaginative practices of experts as ways of relating to environments. These relationships seem to be under-researched in anthropology but also a great opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration, for example with folks in the environmental humanities. Valerie: I’m glad you mentioned Rachel Carson – she had a big influence on the American environmental imagination. One of the little remarked upon aspects of her broadly influential manifesto, Silent Spring, is her assertion that human futures depend not only on our capacity to understand “the environment,” but “the total environment” – that which we cannot know as human individuals. This indicates how the mid-century biological spatial imagination was beginning to diverge from that of previous natural philosophers. This new biological imagination was being re-shaped by sensory and experimental data that created new cross-disciplinary ways to perceive nature’s and life’s multiplicities, scales, and even gradations. Nature was becoming a system of systems, and spaces that count as “surroundings” were being redefined – the poles were seen as mattering to equatorial life, and vice versa. But, if Carson were here to interpret her statement about the liveliness of surface waters, she might argue that it harbors provisions for future discoveries about where and what “sea life” is as a “total” whole. What Gulf scientists try to imagine these days is the cradle-to-grave interdependent lives of organisms from the mud to air, bacteria to birds. For example, one of my biologist interlocutors who worked on the Exxon Valdez spill has on his office wall some striking drawings made by a biologist colleague friend who worked in the style of Northwest Native American formline (or totem) art. In one, he drew a gull in the formline style, but included a beneficial parasitic worm that lives in its gullet. This drawing invokes the interspecies continuities of Kwakiutl art and cosmology, but adds figures from contemporary ecological notions of environmental order. The biologist-artist’s experimentation with what we might call “ecosystem totemism” shows us that imagination plays a big but, unlike Carson’s intervention, not always publicly visible role in scientific work. This is especially true if we regard expert collaborations, as linguistic anthropologist Keith Murphy does, as forms of “collective imagining.” A key to putting statements like Carson’s into perspective is to recognize that experts’ imaginative work is usually perturbed by questions about what is imperceptible, undocumented, and unimaginable. “Sealife” in Carson’s time represented scientists best efforts to represent “bewildering” accretions of data about unimaginably huge populations of visible, trackable, documentable organisms. She wants us, as non-experts, to imagine what experts were seeing then. But at the same time, those experts were struggling with imagining trophic chains and biological interdependencies they couldn’t see or track well, which are a matter of imagination but also of intuition — like the benthic scientist who imagines the BP disaster’s effects as worse than experts can measure or publics can perceive. So, anthropologists end up pursuing how experts imagine what they can’t directly experience, and how those become represented as certainties about constructs that are not directly perceivable, like “environments,” “total environments,” “sea surfaces,” and “systems.” We also investigate non-scientific imaginative and descriptive processes, like drawing or decorating offices with drawings, metaphor- and analogy-making, image-making, even dreaming and revelatory experiences. For example, part of what makes astronautics so powerful and enduring as an expert practice in America is what brings my interlocutors to it – processes they often describe as epiphanies or sudden, life-changing realizations. In addition, anthropologists are now attending to the play of the imaginable and unimaginable. An example in my work is the role of the unimaginable in scientific and technical politics, such as when some of my Gulf interlocutors continue to describe the BP blowout as an “impossible” accident. Another is something I learned from anthropologists in Japan who are focusing on how the concept of sotei-gai (what is beyond expectation, the unimaginable) is shaping science and politics after the recent tsunami and nuclear disasters. Trevor: A common thread here is the ways in which the beyond is made present, through imagination, through exploration, through disaster. Of course, as soon as we do so, the horizons move away. There is always a beyond, which is part of what makes your work so fascinating. In that spirit I would like to end with an opening rather than a closing: As an ethnographer I’m sure you have had the experience of noting something trivial or mundane only to have it reappear as significant. What was something apparently trivial from your research that is of consequence? In your answer, however, I would like you to tell us something trivial without explaining its significance. To mark your recent return from Japan, let’s work roughly in the form of a haiku. Valerie: How about just one line? A cup of hot coffee in outer space.
Version from: 29th September 2017 §1 Introduction - Rabbit Bettertainment Ltd (Rabbit Bettertainment) is a company registered on the 16th September 2016 under the laws of Malta; Registration number: C77270; registered address: 124, The Strand, Gzira, GZR 1027, Malta. Rabbit Bettertainment is trading under the name (accordingly any reference to Rabbit Bettertainment or shall be construed as constituting a reference to Rabbit Bettertainment Ltd). - Rabbit Bettertainment is licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) and holds the following license: MGA/B2C/372/2017 issued on 1st August 2018 The MGA is a regulatory body for remote gaming licenses in Malta. - The Gaming System in use is provided by United Remote Ltd. United Remote Ltd is licensed and regulated by the MGA. 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In case a player is not on the field at all, the bet is considered as lost. - For ice hockey games, the result after the regular playing time without extra time or overtime and without penalty shots is decisive (except special bets offered, which are marked accordingly). - For basketball games, usually the result considering a possible overtime is decisive. Deviating from this, for particularly marked events, a result may be rated as tie after the end of the regular playing time. In this case, this is pointed out prior to the beginning of the event, and a third (X) odd is offered. - For baseball games, the result considering possible “extra innings” is decisive. - In each case, such person or team who is declared winner by the jury (competent official sports association) if possible on the day of the betting event until midnight (local time at the venue) is considered as the winner of a betting event. This also applies for long-term bets. Modifications of the result/ranking made for whatever reason after this do not affect the payout of winnings. - If due to the “point spreads” there is no winner (f. ex. if a team wins with a score of -5 i.e. has a margin of 5), the bet is rated at odds of 1.00. - If the betting event takes place in accordance with the present conditions, and if a participant or a team does not attend this event, the betting contract remains valid (“play or pay”); that means that a bet made on a non-participant or a non-participating team is considered as lost for the customer. - In the cases listed below, the bet is invalid and/or the betting contract is considered as subsequently annulled by common consent, with the result that the stake is to be refunded to the customer: - a) The bet is made only after the actual start of one or several betting events. - b) If the event does not take place as indicated in the schedule. This also applies for events which have been erroneously listed wrong in the betting schedule (mix-up of venue), but not in case of a possible waiver of the home field right, in case that the field of the home team is closed, or if the event is held at a neutral venue. - c) If the event is not held in compliance with the betting regulations. - d) If a betting event is called off or does not take place, and has not restarted until the end of the next but one calendar day. - e) If a betting event is ended without official scoring and has not restarted until the end of the next but one calendar day. Excluded are football and ice hockey games which are discontinued after the regular playing time. - If a tennis match is called off due to the injury or indisposition of a participant, the bets are considered as cancelled and are rated at odds of 1.00. Bets on interrupted tennis matches (caused by the weather) remain valid, provided that the match is played in the course of the tournament. If a tennis match is decided by abandonment or disqualification, this event is rated at odds of 1.00. - Bets on baseball games are considered as cancelled and are rated at odds of 1.00 if the game does not take place on the day when it was originally scheduled and is not held within 12 hours after the original start time. - If an event is broken off and still officially scored, the bet will be valid (except tennis, see above). - If the event is broken off before the end of the officially scheduled playing time, the following events are considered as officially rated: - a) Basketball (playing time 4 x 12 minutes, NBA): after expiry of a minimum of 43 minutes of the play. - b) Basketball (playing time 4 x 10 minutes, College Basketball, Euroleague, European leagues): after expiry of a minimum of 35 minutes of the play. - c) American Football und College Football: after expiry of a minimum of 55 minutes of the play. - d) Baseball: after a minimum of 5 played innings, and/or after a minimum of 4 1/2 played innings if the home team is in the lead. - e) Bets on Baseball “total runs” and baseball handicap are rated as official if a minimum of 9 innings have been played or 8 1/2 innings, if the home team is in the lead. Otherwise such bets are considered as cancelled. The result after the last full inning is always decisive, except if the home team ties the score or takes the lead in the second half of an inning. In this case, the result directly at the time of break-off is decisive. - The following shall apply for multiple bets and single bets: If one or several betting events are cancelled, broken off or do not take place for any other reason, this/these event(s) is/are rated at odds of 1.00. If all events are cancelled, broken off (without rating), or do not take place for any other reason, the betting contract is annulled with retrospective effect and the stake is refunded. This shall also apply for events which have erroneously been listed wrong in the betting schedule (mix-up of venue), but not in case of a possible waver of the home field right, in case that the field of the home team is closed, or if the event is held at a neutral venue. - For “head to head” bets, both starters must participate in the event. If one or both starters do not participate in the event, the bet is considered as cancelled. For “head to head” bets in the Formula 1 Grand Prix, the driver who has achieved the better ranking after the end of the race is considered as the winner of the betting event. In case of early dropout of both drivers, the driver who has completed more rounds is considered as the winner of the betting event. In case of early dropout of both drivers in the same round, the driver who had the better ranking after the last driven full round is considered as the winner of the betting event. - As a basic principle, the ad-hoc decisions of the referee and/or the jury at the time of the event taking place and/or its termination shall always apply. All subsequent “armchair” decisions or decisions based on other statutes and procedures do not affect the rating of the betting event. If more than one winner should be determined for a betting event (dead heat), the respective hit rates will be divided accordingly by the number of winners of the betting event. 4a Supplementary betting regulations for live betsThe following provisions apply in addition to the Betting Rules for the offered live bets. - Live bets are offered during an event in addition to the existing sports betting schedule. The odds are updated in accordance with the course of the game. - If a game display and/or the time are shown in a live bet, these only serve for orientation purposes with regard to the approximate progress of the game. For technical reasons, this display is not always consistent with the exact, official start or playing time. The actual score at the time when the bet is made is always decisive. - If a live bet becomes invalid according to these betting regulations for live bets, it will be rated at odds of 1.00 and will be refunded. - Each live bet received after occurrence of its result is invalid. For this purpose, the actual time of the event is decisive, regardless of any displays or betting slip receipts. - If necessary, Rabbit Bettertainment will offer repurchase of a live bet made. The repurchase value is variable. Rabbit Bettertainment is not obligated to repurchase a live bet. - Accepted bets: Valid bets which have been placed and accepted in due time – apart from the cases specified in these Conditions for live bets – cannot be cancelled or modified. Prior to making a bet, the customer shall assure himself/herself on the correctness of his/her bet (odds, stake, etc.). As a consequence, the customer is solely responsible for making sure that all details of his/her bet are correct. - Mistakes: No liability is assumed for input data errors, transmission errors and/or evaluation errors. Rabbit Bettertainment particularly reserves the right to correct apparent mistakes in the odds entered, results and/or the evaluation of betting events (such as mixing-up of odds, teams, events) also afterwards and to declare the bets affected void. Only the amount stored in the system shall be considered as the betting stake. - Concluded bets: All live bets that have been actually concluded and correctly rated (i.e. the result is already determined) are valid and will be rated, irrespective of a possible subsequent break off of the event/tournament at any time (Please also refer to the section “Mistakes”). - Results: Live bets are rated according to the results which are established directly after conclusion of the bet. Subsequent modifications (such as events decided by a jury after the game) do not affect the rating of the offered live bet. All results are taken from the official statistics of the relevant leagues and are additionally based on TV recordings of live plays. If the findings of Rabbit Bettertainment from the TV recordings should deviate from the official statistics, live bets will be rated according to Rabbit Bettertainment’s own statistics based on the actual course of the play. Unless stated otherwise, all bets on “non-participants” are invalid in case of live bets. If a win bet, a total score bet or a handicap bet ends in a tie, and if no odds were offered for these options, all associated bets are invalid. - Rules: Live bets are subject to special rules in case of break-off of the game (see section 11 below) with regard to the rating of their application. Exceptions are those bets that are decided prior to the actual interruption, which are validated. - Game interruption / Game break-off: If a game for which a live bet is offered is interrupted but is resumed up to and including midnight of the next day (local time) at the original venue, all undecided bets for this game will remain valid. If, however, the game is broken off, or an interrupted game is not resumed until the above-mentioned deadline, all undecided live bets are invalidated. 4b Special rulesIn addition to and – if necessary – deviating from the general conditions for live bets above, individual sports/betting markets are subject to special rules which are quoted below. - Special rules for football – Unless stated otherwise, the betting markets refer to the regular playing time. Live bets on the outcome of part of the game are valid if this part is regularly ended. Only the result of the concerned part of the game shall count. - Special rules for tennis – Abandonment and/or disqualification of a player: All live bets which have already been concluded at the time of the abandonment/disqualification will be valid. Any bets which have not been concluded yet will be invalidated. Live bets may be offered f. ex. on game, set, match. The live bet on the relevant event must be regularly completed for the live bet to be valid. If a tennis match is interrupted or postponed, any live bets not concluded yet will remain valid within the framework of the tournament until the match has been played or regularly ended. - Special rules for handball – Unless stated otherwise, the betting markets refer to the regular playing time. Live bets on the outcome of part of the game are valid if this part is regularly ended. Only the result of the concerned part of the game shall count. - Special rules for volleyball – Unless stated otherwise, the betting markets refer to the regularly required number of sets. Live bets on winning a set: This type of bet refers to the winner of a particular set. The set must have been regularly ended for the bets to remain valid. - Special rules for basketball – All betting markets include a possible overtime. Live bets on the outcome of part of the game are valid if this part is regularly ended. Only the result of the concerned part of the game shall count. - Special rules for ice hockey – Unless stated otherwise, the betting markets refer to the regular playing time. Live bets on the outcome of part of the game are valid if this part is regularly ended. Only the result of the concerned part of the game shall count. §5 Responsible Gambling - A player may have the following controls set to his own account in order to be able to play responsibly: - Limit on the time per player session - Limit on the amount the player may wager in a specified time period - Limit on losses in a specified time period (using deposit limits) -. In case the respective game is in the Auto-Play-mode at the time of the Reality Check, the game will be interrupted and the wager will not be accepted. To continue playing after the Reality-Check, the player must restart the game in such case. - Please refer to our Responsible Gambling page for more information about our commitment to responsible gaming. §6 Copyrights - Rabbit Bettertainment and its logo are registered trademarks of Rabbit Bettertainment Ltd. Any unauthorised use of the brand and/or the logo of Rabbit Bettertainment could lead to legal prosecution by Rabbit Bettertainment. - All of the contents found on the website pages of as well as its URLs are owned by Rabbit Bettertainment. Any unauthorised reproduction or use of this URL or of the contents of the Rabbit Bettertainment website could lead to legal prosecution. §7 Liability - Rabbit Entertainment is only liable for gross negligence or deliberate actions carried out by its management or employees. - Rabbit Bettertainment is not responsible for the services, pages or contents of websites to which links may be provided from time to time from its website. - Rabbit Bettertainment is not responsible for any consequences resulting from major incidents such as any strike, terrorist activities, political crisis, and war, saturation of the telecommunication networks or natural catastrophe, which could lead to a total or partial reduction to the access to its services, on Internet or by phone. - Rabbit Bettertainment Rabbit Bettertainment‘s Rabbit Bettertainment and the player, and replace any previous written or verbal agreement, communicated by Rabbit Bettertainment. - Rabbit Bettertainment does not accept any liability whatsoever for damage to a player or a third party which arises directly or indirectly from a mistake, misprint, malfunction of software on Rabbit Bettertainment‘s website or that of any of its affiliates and/or partners. §8 Complaints - Rabbit Bettertainment [email protected]. Your complaint will be escalated to management and we endeavour to handle it within 48 hours of receipt. - Should you not be satisfied with the way your complaint was resolved or handled you may escalate directly to the Malta Gaming Authority by sending them an email on [email protected] - It is important that only complaints of a serious nature are escalated to the Authority.