5 values
Frankstown Branch Juniata River
The Frankstown Branch Juniata River is a tributary of the Juniata River in Blair and Huntingdon Counties, Pennsylvania, in the United States. The headwater tributaries of the Frankstown Branch rise on the slopes of the Allegheny Front south of Altoona. The Frankstown Branch forms at the village of Claysburg by the confluence of Beaverdam Creek and South Poplar Run, then flows north along the western base of Dunning Mountain. Passing just east of Hollidaysburg, the river turns east briefly before heading northeast along the western base of Lock Mountain. Turning southeast, the river breaks through the mountain in a water gap and passes Williamsburg, then turns north again, now against the western base of Tussey Mountain. Again the river turns east to break through a water gap, then passes the borough of Alexandria before joining the Little Juniata River to form the main stem of the Juniata River. The Warrior Ridge Dam and Hydroelectric Plant is located on the Frankstown Branch Juniata River in Logan Township and Porter Township in Huntingdon County.
[ { "uri": "Q159675", "surfaceform": "tributary", "type": "Concept", "start": 41, "end": 50 }, { "uri": "Q476488", "surfaceform": "Juniata River", "type": "LOC", "start": 58, "end": 71 }, { "uri": "Q494152", "surfaceform": "Blair", "type": "LOC", "start": 75, "end": 80 }, { "uri": "Q494077", "surfaceform": "Huntingdon", "type": "LOC", "start": 85, "end": 95 }, { "uri": "Q1400", "surfaceform": "Pennsylvania", "type": "LOC", "start": 106, "end": 118 }, { "uri": "Q30", "surfaceform": "United States", "type": "LOC", "start": 127, "end": 140 }, { "uri": "Q4731302", "surfaceform": "Allegheny Front", "type": "LOC", "start": 220, "end": 235 }, { "uri": "Q444210", "surfaceform": "Altoona", "type": "LOC", "start": 245, "end": 252 }, { "uri": "Q1132753", "surfaceform": "Claysburg", "type": "LOC", "start": 300, "end": 309 }, { "uri": "Q1025781", "surfaceform": "Hollidaysburg", "type": "LOC", "start": 451, "end": 464 }, { "uri": "Q672989", "surfaceform": "Williamsburg", "type": "LOC", "start": 644, "end": 656 }, { "uri": "Q7856825", "surfaceform": "Tussey Mountain", "type": "LOC", "start": 714, "end": 729 }, { "uri": "Q1130791", "surfaceform": "Alexandria", "type": "LOC", "start": 815, "end": 825 }, { "uri": "Q476488", "surfaceform": "Juniata River", "type": "LOC", "start": 895, "end": 908 }, { "uri": "Q7970784", "surfaceform": "Warrior Ridge Dam and Hydroelectric Plant", "type": "LOC", "start": 915, "end": 956 }, { "uri": "Q6667206", "surfaceform": "Logan Township", "type": "LOC", "start": 1010, "end": 1024 }, { "uri": "Q7231664", "surfaceform": "Porter Township", "type": "LOC", "start": 1029, "end": 1044 }, { "uri": "Q5492276", "surfaceform": "Frankstown Branch Juniata River", "type": "LOC", "start": 4, "end": 35 }, { "uri": "Q5492276", "surfaceform": "Frankstown Branch Juniata River", "type": "LOC", "start": 975, "end": 1006 } ]
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Prognathodon is an extinct genus of marine lizard belonging to the mosasaur family. It is classified as part of the Mosasaurinae subfamily, alongside genera like "Mosasaurus" and "Clidastes". "Prognathodon" has been recovered from deposits ranging in age from the Campanian to the Maastrichtian in the Middle East, Europe, New Zealand, and North America. "Prognathodon" means "forejaw tooth", which originates from the Latin "pro"- ("earlier" or "prior"), Greek "gnathos" ("jaw") and "odṓn" ("tooth"). Twelve nominal species of "Prognathodon" are recognised, from North America, northern and western Africa, the Middle East, western Europe and New Zealand. Due to the sometimes clear differences between them and the incomplete nature of many of the specimens, the systematics of the genus and which species should properly be considered "Prognathodon" is controversial. In Israel a very large specimen of Prognathodon was found though it is now regarded as a separate Genus "Oronosaurus" "Prognathodon" is known for its massively built jaws and teeth. Its distinct feeding adaptations have generated much interest in its ecology ever since its discovery, though direct evidence of its diet, such as gastric residues, is rare.
[ { "uri": "Q34740", "surfaceform": "genus", "type": "Concept", "start": 27, "end": 32 }, { "uri": "Q729456", "surfaceform": "mosasaur", "type": "Concept", "start": 67, "end": 75 }, { "uri": "Q1627609", "surfaceform": "Mosasaurinae", "type": "Concept", "start": 116, "end": 128 }, { "uri": "Q312131", "surfaceform": "Mosasaurus", "type": "Concept", "start": 163, "end": 173 }, { "uri": "Q134597", "surfaceform": "Clidastes", "type": "Concept", "start": 180, "end": 189 }, { "uri": "Q492941", "surfaceform": "Campanian", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 264, "end": 273 }, { "uri": "Q278141", "surfaceform": "Maastrichtian", "type": "TIME", "start": 281, "end": 294 }, { "uri": "Q7204", "surfaceform": "Middle East", "type": "LOC", "start": 302, "end": 313 }, { "uri": "Q46", "surfaceform": "Europe", "type": "LOC", "start": 315, "end": 321 }, { "uri": "Q664", "surfaceform": "New Zealand", "type": "LOC", "start": 323, "end": 334 }, { "uri": "Q49", "surfaceform": "North America", "type": "LOC", "start": 340, "end": 353 }, { "uri": "Q397", "surfaceform": "Latin", "type": "Concept", "start": 420, "end": 425 }, { "uri": "Q9129", "surfaceform": "Greek", "type": "Concept", "start": 457, "end": 462 }, { "uri": "Q49", "surfaceform": "North America", "type": "LOC", "start": 565, "end": 578 }, { "uri": "Q27381", "surfaceform": "northern", "type": "LOC", "start": 580, "end": 588 }, { "uri": "Q4412", "surfaceform": "western Africa", "type": "LOC", "start": 593, "end": 607 }, { "uri": "Q7204", "surfaceform": "Middle East", "type": "LOC", "start": 613, "end": 624 }, { "uri": "Q27496", "surfaceform": "western Europe", "type": "LOC", "start": 626, "end": 640 }, { "uri": "Q664", "surfaceform": "New Zealand", "type": "LOC", "start": 645, "end": 656 }, { "uri": "Q134700", "surfaceform": "Prognathodon", "type": "Concept", "start": 0, "end": 12 }, { "uri": "Q134700", "surfaceform": "Prognathodon", "type": "Concept", "start": 193, "end": 205 }, { "uri": "Q134700", "surfaceform": "Prognathodon", "type": "Concept", "start": 357, "end": 369 }, { "uri": "Q134700", "surfaceform": "Prognathodon", "type": "Concept", "start": 530, "end": 542 }, { "uri": "Q134700", "surfaceform": "Prognathodon", "type": "Concept", "start": 840, "end": 852 }, { "uri": "Q134700", "surfaceform": "Prognathodon", "type": "Concept", "start": 907, "end": 919 }, { "uri": "Q134700", "surfaceform": "Prognathodon", "type": "Concept", "start": 992, "end": 1004 } ]
[ { "subject": 19, "predicate": "taxon rank", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 20, "predicate": "parent taxon", "object": 2 } ]
Zora G. Clevenger
Zora G. Clevenger (December 12, 1881 – November 24, 1970) was an American football, basketball, and baseball player, coach, and pioneering athletic director. He served as the head football coach at Nebraska Wesleyan University (1908–1910), the University of Tennessee (1911–1915), and Kansas State University (1916–1919), compiling a record of 47–32–7. Clevenger was also the head basketball coach at Indiana University (1904–1906), Nebraska Wesleyan (1907–1911), Tennessee (1911–1916), and Kansas State (1916–1919), and was baseball coach at Indiana (1905–1906), Nebraska Wesleyan (1908–1911), Tennessee (1911–1916), and Kansas State (1919–1921). Clevenger served as the athletic director at Kansas State (1916–1920), the University of Missouri (1921–1923), and Indiana (1923–1946). He was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame as a player in 1968.
[ { "uri": "Q41323", "surfaceform": "American football", "type": "Concept", "start": 65, "end": 82 }, { "uri": "Q5372", "surfaceform": "basketball", "type": "Concept", "start": 84, "end": 94 }, { "uri": "Q5369", "surfaceform": "baseball", "type": "Concept", "start": 100, "end": 108 }, { "uri": "Q4813766", "surfaceform": "athletic director", "type": "Concept", "start": 139, "end": 156 }, { "uri": "Q6984798", "surfaceform": "Nebraska Wesleyan University", "type": "LOC", "start": 198, "end": 226 }, { "uri": "Q1150105", "surfaceform": "University of Tennessee", "type": "LOC", "start": 244, "end": 267 }, { "uri": "Q31249", "surfaceform": "Kansas State University", "type": "ORG", "start": 285, "end": 308 }, { "uri": "Q1079140", "surfaceform": "Indiana University", "type": "ORG", "start": 401, "end": 419 }, { "uri": "Q579968", "surfaceform": "University of Missouri", "type": "LOC", "start": 723, "end": 745 }, { "uri": "Q747833", "surfaceform": "College Football Hall of Fame", "type": "LOC", "start": 809, "end": 838 }, { "uri": "Q8074300", "surfaceform": "Zora G. Clevenger", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 17 }, { "uri": "1881-12-12T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "December 12, 1881", "type": "DATE", "start": 19, "end": 36 }, { "uri": "1970-11-24T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "November 24, 1970", "type": "DATE", "start": 39, "end": 56 }, { "uri": "1968-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1968", "type": "DATE", "start": 854, "end": 858 }, { "uri": "+1908^^", "surfaceform": "1908", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 228, "end": 232 }, { "uri": "+1910^^", "surfaceform": "1910", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 233, "end": 237 }, { "uri": "+1911^^", "surfaceform": "1911", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 269, "end": 273 }, { "uri": "+1915^^", "surfaceform": "1915", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 274, "end": 278 }, { "uri": "+1916^^", "surfaceform": "1916", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 310, "end": 314 }, { "uri": "+1919^^", "surfaceform": "1919", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 315, "end": 319 }, { "uri": "+47^^", "surfaceform": "47", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 344, "end": 346 }, { "uri": "+32^^", "surfaceform": "32", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 347, "end": 349 }, { "uri": "+7^^", "surfaceform": "7", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 350, "end": 351 }, { "uri": "+1904^^", "surfaceform": "1904", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 421, "end": 425 }, { "uri": "+1906^^", "surfaceform": "1906", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 426, "end": 430 }, { "uri": "+1907^^", "surfaceform": "1907", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 452, "end": 456 }, { "uri": "+1911^^", "surfaceform": "1911", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 457, "end": 461 }, { "uri": "+1911^^", "surfaceform": "1911", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 475, "end": 479 }, { "uri": "+1916^^", "surfaceform": "1916", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 480, "end": 484 }, { "uri": "+1916^^", "surfaceform": "1916", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 505, "end": 509 }, { "uri": "+1919^^", "surfaceform": "1919", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 510, "end": 514 }, { "uri": "+1905^^", "surfaceform": "1905", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 552, "end": 556 }, { "uri": "+1906^^", "surfaceform": "1906", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 557, "end": 561 }, { "uri": "+1908^^", "surfaceform": "1908", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 583, "end": 587 }, { "uri": "+1911^^", "surfaceform": "1911", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 588, "end": 592 }, { "uri": "+1911^^", "surfaceform": "1911", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 606, "end": 610 }, { "uri": "+1916^^", "surfaceform": "1916", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 611, "end": 615 }, { "uri": "+1919^^", "surfaceform": "1919", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 636, "end": 640 }, { "uri": "+1921^^", "surfaceform": "1921", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 641, "end": 645 }, { "uri": "+1916^^", "surfaceform": "1916", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 707, "end": 711 }, { "uri": "+1920^^", "surfaceform": "1920", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 712, "end": 716 }, { "uri": "+1921^^", "surfaceform": "1921", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 747, "end": 751 }, { "uri": "+1923^^", "surfaceform": "1923", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 752, "end": 756 }, { "uri": "+1923^^", "surfaceform": "1923", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 772, "end": 776 }, { "uri": "+1946^^", "surfaceform": "1946", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 777, "end": 781 } ]
[ { "subject": 10, "predicate": "sport", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 10, "predicate": "date of death", "object": 12 }, { "subject": 10, "predicate": "employer", "object": 5 }, { "subject": 10, "predicate": "member of", "object": 9 } ]
Carron Company
The Carron Company was an ironworks established in 1759 on the banks of the River Carron near Falkirk, in Stirlingshire, Scotland. After initial problems, the company was at the forefront of the Industrial Revolution in the United Kingdom. The company prospered through its development and production of a new short-range and short-barrelled naval cannon, the carronade. The company was one of the largest iron works in Europe through the 19th century. After 223 years, the company became insolvent in 1982 and was later acquired by the Franke Corporation, being rebranded Carron Phoenix.
[ { "uri": "Q10832530", "surfaceform": "ironworks", "type": "Concept", "start": 26, "end": 35 }, { "uri": "Q7337213", "surfaceform": "River Carron", "type": "LOC", "start": 76, "end": 88 }, { "uri": "Q623687", "surfaceform": "Falkirk", "type": "LOC", "start": 94, "end": 101 }, { "uri": "Q1229763", "surfaceform": "Stirlingshire", "type": "LOC", "start": 106, "end": 119 }, { "uri": "Q2269", "surfaceform": "Industrial Revolution", "type": "Concept", "start": 195, "end": 216 }, { "uri": "Q145", "surfaceform": "United Kingdom", "type": "LOC", "start": 224, "end": 238 }, { "uri": "Q81103", "surfaceform": "cannon", "type": "Concept", "start": 348, "end": 354 }, { "uri": "Q1135922", "surfaceform": "carronade", "type": "Concept", "start": 360, "end": 369 }, { "uri": "Q757382", "surfaceform": "insolvent", "type": "Concept", "start": 489, "end": 498 }, { "uri": "Q1444555", "surfaceform": "Franke Corporation", "type": "ORG", "start": 537, "end": 555 }, { "uri": "Q2940338", "surfaceform": "Carron Company", "type": "ORG", "start": 4, "end": 18 }, { "uri": "1759-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1759", "type": "DATE", "start": 51, "end": 55 }, { "uri": "1982-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1982", "type": "DATE", "start": 502, "end": 506 }, { "uri": "+19^^", "surfaceform": "19", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 439, "end": 441 } ]
[ { "subject": 10, "predicate": "inception", "object": 11 }, { "subject": 10, "predicate": "dissolved, abolished or demolished date", "object": 12 }, { "subject": 1, "predicate": "historic county", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 3 } ]
Midway Studios – Newcastle
Midway Studios – Newcastle Limited (formerly Pitbull Syndicate) was a British video game developer based in Gateshead, England.
[ { "uri": "Q210167", "surfaceform": "video game developer", "type": "Concept", "start": 78, "end": 98 }, { "uri": "Q216372", "surfaceform": "Gateshead", "type": "LOC", "start": 108, "end": 117 }, { "uri": "Q6843315", "surfaceform": "Midway Studios – Newcastle", "type": "ORG", "start": 0, "end": 26 } ]
[ { "subject": 2, "predicate": "instance of", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "headquarters location", "object": 1 } ]
Homestead Young Americans
The Homestead Young Americans were an American basketball team based in Homestead, Pennsylvania that was a member of the Central Basketball League. The team was replaced by Canton during the 1906/07 Postseason Series, but returned to the league the following season. For their final season, the team was known as the Homestead Steeltowners. The team dropped out of the league that season and forfeited their final 10 games.
[ { "uri": "Q5372", "surfaceform": "basketball", "type": "Concept", "start": 47, "end": 57 }, { "uri": "Q912465", "surfaceform": "Homestead, Pennsylvania", "type": "LOC", "start": 72, "end": 95 }, { "uri": "Q5060442", "surfaceform": "Central Basketball League", "type": "ORG", "start": 121, "end": 146 }, { "uri": "Q5033870", "surfaceform": "Canton", "type": "ORG", "start": 174, "end": 180 }, { "uri": "Q5890568", "surfaceform": "Homestead Young Americans", "type": "ORG", "start": 4, "end": 29 }, { "uri": "1906-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1906", "type": "DATE", "start": 192, "end": 196 }, { "uri": "+07^^", "surfaceform": "07", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 197, "end": 199 }, { "uri": "+10^^", "surfaceform": "10", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 415, "end": 417 } ]
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Tomer Devorah
Tomer Devorah (Hebrew: תומר דבורה, English: The Palm Tree of Deborah) was written in Hebrew in the middle of the 16th century by Moses Cordovero, a Jewish kabbalist in Safed, Israel. This short text deals mostly with the "Imitation of God" through the acquisition of divine traits, especially those of the sephirot. The first edition was published in Venice in 1588. Although not widely read among Jews today, it is popular in the mussar tradition, which focuses on the individual cultivation of the middot, or qualities of God. The title "Tomer Devorah" is borrowed from the original Hebrew in Book of Judges 4:5.
[ { "uri": "Q9288", "surfaceform": "Hebrew", "type": "Concept", "start": 85, "end": 91 }, { "uri": "Q733598", "surfaceform": "Moses Cordovero", "type": "PER", "start": 129, "end": 144 }, { "uri": "Q7325", "surfaceform": "Jewish", "type": "Concept", "start": 148, "end": 154 }, { "uri": "Q123006", "surfaceform": "kabbalist", "type": "Concept", "start": 155, "end": 164 }, { "uri": "Q188336", "surfaceform": "Safed", "type": "LOC", "start": 168, "end": 173 }, { "uri": "Q801", "surfaceform": "Israel", "type": "LOC", "start": 175, "end": 181 }, { "uri": "Q6004168", "surfaceform": "Imitation of God", "type": "UNK", "start": 222, "end": 238 }, { "uri": "Q660267", "surfaceform": "sephirot", "type": "MISC", "start": 306, "end": 314 }, { "uri": "Q641", "surfaceform": "Venice", "type": "LOC", "start": 351, "end": 357 }, { "uri": "Q1955480", "surfaceform": "mussar", "type": "Concept", "start": 431, "end": 437 }, { "uri": "Q7785161", "surfaceform": "middot", "type": "UNK", "start": 500, "end": 506 }, { "uri": "Q81240", "surfaceform": "Book of Judges", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 596, "end": 610 }, { "uri": "Q367054", "surfaceform": "Tomer Devorah", "type": "ORG", "start": 0, "end": 13 }, { "uri": "Q367054", "surfaceform": "Tomer Devorah", "type": "ORG", "start": 541, "end": 554 }, { "uri": "1588-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1588", "type": "DATE", "start": 361, "end": 365 }, { "uri": "+16^^", "surfaceform": "16", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 113, "end": 115 }, { "uri": "+4^^", "surfaceform": "4", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 611, "end": 612 }, { "uri": "+5^^", "surfaceform": "5", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 613, "end": 614 } ]
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Emory Campbell
Emory Campbell is a community leader among the Gullah people, African Americans who live in the coastal low country region of South Carolina and Georgia. The Gullahs have preserved more of their African linguistic and cultural heritage than any other black community in the US. Campbell was born and raised on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina before that island — now an internationally famous resort area — was connected to the mainland by a bridge. When he went to high school on the mainland in the 1950s, he discovered that his Gullah language was so "deep" that even his African American teachers had trouble understanding him and the other children from the islands. Campbell would later earn a bachelor's degree in biology from Savannah State University and a master's degree in environmental engineering from Tufts University in Boston. Throughout his adult life he has been a peacemaker within his community and a bridge-builder between the Gullahs and the outside world. Campbell began his career in the 1970s as a community development activist, working to implement public health measures in impoverished rural areas and to preserve traditional Gullah communities threatened by out-of-control resort development on the sea islands. Later, as the Executive Director of Penn Center, Inc. on St. Helena Island, South Carolina Campbell helped lead the movement to preserve Gullah culture and make Gullah people in the rural areas more aware of the importance of their uniquely rich African cultural heritage. Campbell was a member of the committee that translated the New Testament into the Gullah language. Beginning in the 1980s, Campbell helped spearhead the efforts to reestablish the family connection between the Gullah people and the West African nation of Sierra Leone. Campbell hosted Sierra Leone's President Joseph Saidu Momoh for the "Gullah Reunion" at Penn Center in 1988, and led the historic "Gullah Homecoming" to Sierra Leone in 1989. These events took place in the capital, Freetown, and the Mende village of Taiama. The Sierra Leoneans made Campbell an honorary paramount chief with the royal title of Kpaa Kori I. These events are chronicled in the South Carolina Educational Television documentary video "Family Across the Sea" (1990). In 2005, Campbell received the Carter G. Woodson Memorial Award from the National Education Association for his lifelong work preserving Gullah heritage, the environment, and improving the Gullah community's living conditions. In 2008 Mr. Campbell was elected Chairman of the Gullah-Geechee Cultural Heritage Corridor Commission, an organization empowered by the U.S. Congress to develop a program to commemorate Gullah culture in the low country region from Wilmington, North Carolina to Jacksonville, Florida. Campbell is author of "Gullah Cultural Legacies" (2008), a synopsis of Gullah traditions, customary beliefs, art forms and speech. Campbell is the director of Gullah Heritage Consulting Services based on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, and he manages the Gullah Heritage Trail Tours on Hilton Head.
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[ { "subject": 1, "predicate": "shares border with", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 7, "predicate": "location", "object": 8 }, { "subject": 10, "predicate": "part of", "object": 9 } ]
Spruce Knob-Seneca Rocks National Recreation Area
Spruce Knob-Seneca Rocks National Recreation Area is a national recreation area in the Monongahela National Forest of eastern West Virginia, USA. The National Recreation Area protects three prominent West Virginia landmarks: * Spruce Knob, the highest point in West Virginia (and the highest of the Allegheny Mountains) with a summit elevation of 4,863 feet (1482 m). * Seneca Rocks, a 900-foot (270 m) high quartzite crag popular with rock climbers. * Smoke Hole Canyon, a canyon along the South Branch Potomac River. Spruce Knob-Seneca Rocks NRA was established by an act of the U.S. Congress on September 28, 1965 as the first National Recreation Area in a United States National Forest, so it is administered by the US Forest Service.
[ { "uri": "Q1132998", "surfaceform": "national recreation area", "type": "LOC", "start": 55, "end": 79 }, { "uri": "Q513450", "surfaceform": "Monongahela National Forest", "type": "LOC", "start": 87, "end": 114 }, { "uri": "Q1371", "surfaceform": "West Virginia", "type": "LOC", "start": 126, "end": 139 }, { "uri": "Q7581425", "surfaceform": "Spruce Knob", "type": "LOC", "start": 228, "end": 239 }, { "uri": "Q1141373", "surfaceform": "Allegheny Mountains", "type": "LOC", "start": 300, "end": 319 }, { "uri": "Q7450337", "surfaceform": "Seneca Rocks", "type": "LOC", "start": 371, "end": 383 }, { "uri": "Q237883", "surfaceform": "quartzite", "type": "Concept", "start": 409, "end": 418 }, { "uri": "Q107679", "surfaceform": "crag", "type": "Concept", "start": 419, "end": 423 }, { "uri": "Q1154336", "surfaceform": "rock climbers", "type": "Concept", "start": 437, "end": 450 }, { "uri": "Q7545848", "surfaceform": "Smoke Hole Canyon", "type": "LOC", "start": 454, "end": 471 }, { "uri": "Q35310201", "surfaceform": "South Branch Potomac River", "type": "LOC", "start": 492, "end": 518 }, { "uri": "Q11268", "surfaceform": "U.S. Congress", "type": "Concept", "start": 583, "end": 596 }, { "uri": "Q612741", "surfaceform": "United States National Forest", "type": "LOC", "start": 662, "end": 691 }, { "uri": "Q1891156", "surfaceform": "US Forest Service", "type": "ORG", "start": 722, "end": 739 }, { "uri": "Q7581417", "surfaceform": "Spruce Knob-Seneca Rocks National Recreation Area", "type": "LOC", "start": 0, "end": 49 }, { "uri": "1965-09-28T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "September 28, 1965", "type": "DATE", "start": 600, "end": 618 }, { "uri": "+1482^^", "surfaceform": "1482", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 360, "end": 364 }, { "uri": "+270^^", "surfaceform": "270", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 397, "end": 400 } ]
[ { "subject": 14, "predicate": "instance of", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 1, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "mountain range", "object": 4 } ]
Southern Cross of Honor
The Southern Cross of Honor was a commemorative medal established in 1899 by the United Daughters of the Confederacy to honor Confederate Veterans.
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[ { "subject": 3, "predicate": "conferred by", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "inception", "object": 4 } ]
McKeesport Tubers
The McKeesport Tubers were an American basketball team based in McKeesport, Pennsylvania that was a member of the Central Basketball League.
[ { "uri": "Q5372", "surfaceform": "basketball", "type": "Concept", "start": 39, "end": 49 }, { "uri": "Q949739", "surfaceform": "McKeesport, Pennsylvania", "type": "LOC", "start": 64, "end": 88 }, { "uri": "Q5060442", "surfaceform": "Central Basketball League", "type": "ORG", "start": 114, "end": 139 }, { "uri": "Q6801759", "surfaceform": "McKeesport Tubers", "type": "ORG", "start": 4, "end": 21 } ]
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Ealing rail crash
The Ealing rail crash was an accident on the British railway system that occurred on 19 December 1973. The 17:18 express train from London Paddington to Oxford—with approximately 650 passengers on board—was derailed while travelling at around between Ealing Broadway and West Ealing. Ten passengers were killed and 94 were injured, and it was Britain's deadliest train crash of the decade until the Moorgate tube crash which killed 45. The cause of the accident was an unsecured maintenance door that had fallen open whilst the train was travelling, after having struck several lineside objects, it struck a Point machine at Longfield Avenue, derailing the entire train
[ { "uri": "Q964162", "surfaceform": "express train", "type": "Concept", "start": 113, "end": 126 }, { "uri": "Q214788", "surfaceform": "London Paddington", "type": "LOC", "start": 132, "end": 149 }, { "uri": "Q1880536", "surfaceform": "Oxford", "type": "LOC", "start": 153, "end": 159 }, { "uri": "Q800705", "surfaceform": "Ealing Broadway", "type": "LOC", "start": 251, "end": 266 }, { "uri": "Q7985007", "surfaceform": "West Ealing", "type": "LOC", "start": 271, "end": 282 }, { "uri": "Q287424", "surfaceform": "Moorgate tube crash", "type": "LOC", "start": 399, "end": 418 }, { "uri": "Q82818", "surfaceform": "Point", "type": "Concept", "start": 608, "end": 613 }, { "uri": "Q5325497", "surfaceform": "Ealing rail crash", "type": "Concept", "start": 4, "end": 21 }, { "uri": "1973-12-19T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "19 December 1973", "type": "DATE", "start": 85, "end": 101 }, { "uri": "+17^^", "surfaceform": "17", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 107, "end": 109 }, { "uri": "+18^^", "surfaceform": "18", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 110, "end": 112 }, { "uri": "+94^^", "surfaceform": "94", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 315, "end": 317 }, { "uri": "+45^^", "surfaceform": "45", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 432, "end": 434 } ]
[ { "subject": 7, "predicate": "point in time", "object": 8 }, { "subject": 7, "predicate": "item operated", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 7, "predicate": "start point", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 7, "predicate": "destination point", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 7, "predicate": "number of injured", "object": 11 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "adjacent station", "object": 4 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "adjacent station", "object": 3 } ]
Heliobatis is an extinct genus of stingray in the Myliobatiformes family Dasyatidae. At present the genus contains the single species Heliobatis radians. The genus is known primarily from the Early Eocene, Wasatchian stage, Fossil Lake deposits. Fossil Lake is part of the Green River Formation in southwest Wyoming. "Heliobatis" is one of only two known rays to have been found in the Green River formation; the other species, Asterotrygon maloneyi, was only recognized and described in 2004.
[ { "uri": "Q123509", "surfaceform": "extinct", "type": "Concept", "start": 17, "end": 24 }, { "uri": "Q34740", "surfaceform": "genus", "type": "Concept", "start": 25, "end": 30 }, { "uri": "Q5328202", "surfaceform": "stingray", "type": "Concept", "start": 34, "end": 42 }, { "uri": "Q796580", "surfaceform": "Myliobatiformes", "type": "Concept", "start": 50, "end": 65 }, { "uri": "Q35409", "surfaceform": "family", "type": "Concept", "start": 66, "end": 72 }, { "uri": "Q205678", "surfaceform": "Dasyatidae", "type": "Concept", "start": 73, "end": 83 }, { "uri": "Q508691", "surfaceform": "Early Eocene", "type": "TIME", "start": 193, "end": 205 }, { "uri": "Q7971354", "surfaceform": "Wasatchian", "type": "LOC", "start": 207, "end": 217 }, { "uri": "None", "surfaceform": "Fossil Lake", "type": "UNK", "start": 225, "end": 236 }, { "uri": "Q741367", "surfaceform": "Green River Formation", "type": "LOC", "start": 274, "end": 295 }, { "uri": "Q1214", "surfaceform": "Wyoming", "type": "LOC", "start": 309, "end": 316 }, { "uri": "Q2868432", "surfaceform": "Asterotrygon maloneyi", "type": "Concept", "start": 429, "end": 450 }, { "uri": "Q203710", "surfaceform": "Heliobatis", "type": "Concept", "start": 0, "end": 10 }, { "uri": "Q203710", "surfaceform": "Heliobatis", "type": "Concept", "start": 134, "end": 144 }, { "uri": "Q203710", "surfaceform": "Heliobatis", "type": "Concept", "start": 319, "end": 329 }, { "uri": "2004-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2004", "type": "DATE", "start": 489, "end": 493 } ]
[ { "subject": 12, "predicate": "taxon rank", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 12, "predicate": "parent taxon", "object": 5 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "parent taxon", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "parent taxon", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "parent taxon", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "taxon rank", "object": 4 }, { "subject": 9, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 10 } ]
Alison Croggon
Alison Croggon (born 1962) is a contemporary Australian poet, playwright, fantasy novelist, and librettist.
[ { "uri": "Q1318423", "surfaceform": "Australian", "type": "Concept", "start": 45, "end": 55 }, { "uri": "Q49757", "surfaceform": "poet", "type": "Concept", "start": 56, "end": 60 }, { "uri": "Q214917", "surfaceform": "playwright", "type": "Concept", "start": 62, "end": 72 }, { "uri": "Q132311", "surfaceform": "fantasy", "type": "Concept", "start": 74, "end": 81 }, { "uri": "Q6625963", "surfaceform": "novelist", "type": "Concept", "start": 82, "end": 90 }, { "uri": "Q131084", "surfaceform": "librettist", "type": "Concept", "start": 96, "end": 106 }, { "uri": "Q535252", "surfaceform": "Alison Croggon", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 14 }, { "uri": "1962-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1962", "type": "DATE", "start": 21, "end": 25 } ]
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South American Youth Football Championship
The South American Youth Football Championship, also known as U-20 South American Championship and (Spanish:)Juventud de América or (Portuguese:)Juventude da América (English: "America's Youth") is a South American association football tournament organized by the CONMEBOL (Spanish: CONfederación SudaMEricana de FútBOL; Portuguese: CONfederação Sul-AMEricana de FuteBOL), for South American national teams of men under age of 20.
[ { "uri": "Q1321", "surfaceform": "Spanish", "type": "Concept", "start": 100, "end": 107 }, { "uri": "Q5146", "surfaceform": "Portuguese", "type": "Concept", "start": 133, "end": 143 }, { "uri": "Q1860", "surfaceform": "English", "type": "Concept", "start": 167, "end": 174 }, { "uri": "Q2736", "surfaceform": "association football", "type": "Concept", "start": 215, "end": 235 }, { "uri": "Q58733", "surfaceform": "CONMEBOL", "type": "LOC", "start": 264, "end": 272 }, { "uri": "Q1321", "surfaceform": "Spanish", "type": "Concept", "start": 274, "end": 281 }, { "uri": "Q5146", "surfaceform": "Portuguese", "type": "Concept", "start": 321, "end": 331 }, { "uri": "Q1155117", "surfaceform": "South American Youth Football Championship", "type": "EVE", "start": 4, "end": 46 }, { "uri": "-20^^", "surfaceform": "-20", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 63, "end": 66 }, { "uri": "+20^^", "surfaceform": "20", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 427, "end": 429 } ]
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Florida's 13th congressional district
Florida's 13th congressional district is an electoral district for the U.S. Congress and was reassigned in 2012, effective January 2013, to Pinellas County. This district includes St. Petersburg, Largo, and Clearwater. During 2003–2012, it encompassed all of Sarasota, DeSoto, and Hardee counties and most of Manatee County except for a small northern coastal portion that was then located in the neighboring 11th Congressional District. It also included a small section of Charlotte County. Most of that district is now the 16th district, while the current 13th covers most of what had been the 10th District from 1993 to 2013. The district is currently represented by Democrat Charlie Crist, who was previously the Governor of Florida from 2007 to 2011 and the Attorney General of Florida from 2003 to 2007.
[ { "uri": "Q505410", "surfaceform": "electoral district", "type": "Concept", "start": 44, "end": 62 }, { "uri": "Q11268", "surfaceform": "U.S. Congress", "type": "Concept", "start": 71, "end": 84 }, { "uri": "Q494556", "surfaceform": "Pinellas County", "type": "LOC", "start": 140, "end": 155 }, { "uri": "Q49236", "surfaceform": "St. Petersburg", "type": "LOC", "start": 180, "end": 194 }, { "uri": "Q932577", "surfaceform": "Largo", "type": "LOC", "start": 196, "end": 201 }, { "uri": "Q244146", "surfaceform": "Clearwater", "type": "LOC", "start": 207, "end": 217 }, { "uri": "Q501163", "surfaceform": "Sarasota", "type": "LOC", "start": 260, "end": 268 }, { "uri": "Q488796", "surfaceform": "DeSoto", "type": "LOC", "start": 270, "end": 276 }, { "uri": "Q488792", "surfaceform": "Hardee", "type": "LOC", "start": 282, "end": 288 }, { "uri": "Q262708", "surfaceform": "Manatee County", "type": "LOC", "start": 310, "end": 324 }, { "uri": "Q488499", "surfaceform": "Charlotte County", "type": "LOC", "start": 475, "end": 491 }, { "uri": "Q5461109", "surfaceform": "16th district", "type": "Concept", "start": 526, "end": 539 }, { "uri": "Q5461096", "surfaceform": "10th District", "type": "Concept", "start": 597, "end": 610 }, { "uri": "Q29552", "surfaceform": "Democrat", "type": "Concept", "start": 672, "end": 680 }, { "uri": "Q374693", "surfaceform": "Charlie Crist", "type": "PER", "start": 681, "end": 694 }, { "uri": "Q878313", "surfaceform": "Governor of Florida", "type": "Concept", "start": 719, "end": 738 }, { "uri": "Q8563951", "surfaceform": "Attorney General of Florida", "type": "PER", "start": 765, "end": 792 }, { "uri": "Q5461101", "surfaceform": "Florida's 13th congressional district", "type": "Concept", "start": 0, "end": 37 }, { "uri": "2012-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2012", "type": "DATE", "start": 107, "end": 111 }, { "uri": "2013-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "January 2013", "type": "DATE", "start": 123, "end": 135 }, { "uri": "2003-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2003", "type": "DATE", "start": 227, "end": 231 }, { "uri": "1993-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1993", "type": "DATE", "start": 616, "end": 620 }, { "uri": "2013-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2013", "type": "DATE", "start": 624, "end": 628 }, { "uri": "2007-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2007", "type": "DATE", "start": 744, "end": 748 }, { "uri": "2011-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2011", "type": "DATE", "start": 752, "end": 756 }, { "uri": "2003-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2003", "type": "DATE", "start": 798, "end": 802 }, { "uri": "2007-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2007", "type": "DATE", "start": 806, "end": 810 }, { "uri": "+13^^", "surfaceform": "13", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 10, "end": 12 }, { "uri": "+2012^^", "surfaceform": "2012", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 232, "end": 236 }, { "uri": "+11^^", "surfaceform": "11", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 410, "end": 412 }, { "uri": "+16^^", "surfaceform": "16", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 526, "end": 528 }, { "uri": "+13^^", "surfaceform": "13", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 559, "end": 561 }, { "uri": "+10^^", "surfaceform": "10", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 597, "end": 599 } ]
[ { "subject": 6, "predicate": "shares border with", "object": 9 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "member of political party", "object": 13 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "position held", "object": 16 } ]
Susan Barlow
Susan Barlow (also Baldwin) is a fictional character from the British ITV soap opera, "Coronation Street". She made her debut screen appearance on 5 April 1965. Susan has been portrayed by four actresses since her introduction. Katie Heannau was the first actress to play the character, appearing sporadically in the 1960s uncredited. Wendy Jane Walker took over the role for 26 episodes between 1970 and 1974. When the character returned, Suzy Patterson was recast in the role. She appeared in eight episodes from December 1979 until July 1981. Walker reprised the role on a permanent basis from October 1985 until November 1987. The fourth actress to play the role was Joanna Foster, who appeared in eight episodes in 2001 until the character was killed off. The character's final appearance was on 11 February 2001.
[ { "uri": "Q95074", "surfaceform": "fictional character", "type": "Concept", "start": 33, "end": 52 }, { "uri": "Q3546736", "surfaceform": "British", "type": "UNK", "start": 62, "end": 69 }, { "uri": "Q220072", "surfaceform": "ITV", "type": "ORG", "start": 70, "end": 73 }, { "uri": "Q23739", "surfaceform": "soap opera", "type": "Concept", "start": 74, "end": 84 }, { "uri": "Q945030", "surfaceform": "Coronation Street", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 87, "end": 104 }, { "uri": "Q7982676", "surfaceform": "Wendy Jane Walker", "type": "PER", "start": 335, "end": 352 }, { "uri": "Q7651442", "surfaceform": "Suzy Patterson", "type": "PER", "start": 440, "end": 454 }, { "uri": "Q6205826", "surfaceform": "Joanna Foster", "type": "PER", "start": 671, "end": 684 }, { "uri": "Q7647543", "surfaceform": "Susan Barlow", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 0, "end": 12 }, { "uri": "1965-04-05T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "5 April 1965", "type": "DATE", "start": 147, "end": 159 }, { "uri": "1960-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1960", "type": "DATE", "start": 317, "end": 321 }, { "uri": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1970", "type": "DATE", "start": 396, "end": 400 }, { "uri": "1974-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1974", "type": "DATE", "start": 405, "end": 409 }, { "uri": "1979-12-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "December 1979", "type": "DATE", "start": 515, "end": 528 }, { "uri": "1981-07-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "July 1981", "type": "DATE", "start": 535, "end": 544 }, { "uri": "1985-10-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "October 1985", "type": "DATE", "start": 597, "end": 609 }, { "uri": "1987-11-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "November 1987", "type": "DATE", "start": 616, "end": 629 }, { "uri": "2001-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2001", "type": "DATE", "start": 720, "end": 724 }, { "uri": "2001-02-11T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "11 February 2001", "type": "DATE", "start": 801, "end": 817 }, { "uri": "+26^^", "surfaceform": "26", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 376, "end": 378 } ]
[ { "subject": 4, "predicate": "characters", "object": 8 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "original broadcaster", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "genre", "object": 3 } ]
Washington Georges
The Washington Georges was an American basketball team based in Washington, Ohio that was a member of the Central Basketball League. In their only season, the team dropped out of the league after going 0-30.
[ { "uri": "Q5372", "surfaceform": "basketball", "type": "Concept", "start": 39, "end": 49 }, { "uri": "Q2203766", "surfaceform": "Washington, Ohio", "type": "LOC", "start": 64, "end": 80 }, { "uri": "Q5060442", "surfaceform": "Central Basketball League", "type": "ORG", "start": 106, "end": 131 }, { "uri": "Q7971878", "surfaceform": "Washington Georges", "type": "ORG", "start": 4, "end": 22 }, { "uri": "0^^", "surfaceform": "0", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 203, "end": 204 }, { "uri": "-30^^", "surfaceform": "-30", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 204, "end": 207 } ]
[ { "subject": 3, "predicate": "sport", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "sport", "object": 0 } ]
Sense District
Sense District (, ) is one of the seven administrative districts of the canton of Fribourg in Switzerland, and the only completely German-speaking one. It is named for the Sense River, which forms the majority of its eastern border with the canton of Bern.
[ { "uri": "Q12640", "surfaceform": "canton of Fribourg", "type": "LOC", "start": 72, "end": 90 }, { "uri": "Q39", "surfaceform": "Switzerland", "type": "LOC", "start": 94, "end": 105 }, { "uri": "Q676671", "surfaceform": "Sense River", "type": "LOC", "start": 172, "end": 183 }, { "uri": "Q11911", "surfaceform": "canton of Bern", "type": "LOC", "start": 241, "end": 255 }, { "uri": "Q645585", "surfaceform": "Sense District", "type": "LOC", "start": 0, "end": 14 } ]
[ { "subject": 4, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "country", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 0, "predicate": "country", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 3 } ]
Gyrosteus is an extinct genus of very large ray-finned fish belonging to the family Chondrosteidae. It comprises the type species, Gyrosteus mirabilis, which lived during the early Toarcian (Late Early Jurassic) in what is now northern Europe. A possible second species, ""Gyrosteus" subdeltoideus", is known from otoliths. Fossil remains of "G. mirabilis" have been recovered from the Whitby Mudstone Formation, United Kingdom, and from Ahrensburg erratics assemblage in Schleswig-Holstein, northern Germany. It was mentioned but not formally described in subsequent publications and was left as a "nomen nudum" for more than 25 years. Then in 1889 it was featured and formally described by Arthur Smith Woodward. "Gyrosteus" was thougt to be exclusive of the “British faunal province” and separated from the “Germanic faunal province” until the discovery of a hyomandibula in the baltic realm, mostly populated by Germanic fauna, which possibly implicates that Baltic region represented an interdigitating zone between both regions. The members of the genus "Gyrosteus" where massive fishes, with a maximum calculated standard length of to , and with a reported hyomandibula reaching .
[ { "uri": "Q34740", "surfaceform": "genus", "type": "Concept", "start": 24, "end": 29 }, { "uri": "Q127282", "surfaceform": "ray-finned fish", "type": "Concept", "start": 44, "end": 59 }, { "uri": "Q35409", "surfaceform": "family", "type": "Concept", "start": 77, "end": 83 }, { "uri": "Q1076082", "surfaceform": "Chondrosteidae", "type": "Concept", "start": 84, "end": 98 }, { "uri": "Q914363", "surfaceform": "Toarcian", "type": "TIME", "start": 182, "end": 190 }, { "uri": "Q284787", "surfaceform": "Early Jurassic", "type": "TIME", "start": 197, "end": 211 }, { "uri": "Q46", "surfaceform": "Europe", "type": "LOC", "start": 237, "end": 243 }, { "uri": "Q591800", "surfaceform": "otoliths", "type": "Concept", "start": 315, "end": 323 }, { "uri": "Q7994172", "surfaceform": "Whitby Mudstone Formation", "type": "LOC", "start": 389, "end": 414 }, { "uri": "Q16104", "surfaceform": "Ahrensburg", "type": "LOC", "start": 441, "end": 451 }, { "uri": "Q1194", "surfaceform": "Schleswig-Holstein", "type": "LOC", "start": 475, "end": 493 }, { "uri": "Q844326", "surfaceform": "nomen nudum", "type": "Concept", "start": 603, "end": 614 }, { "uri": "Q542973", "surfaceform": "Arthur Smith Woodward", "type": "PER", "start": 695, "end": 716 }, { "uri": "Q12021150", "surfaceform": "hyomandibula", "type": "UNK", "start": 865, "end": 877 }, { "uri": "Q34740", "surfaceform": "genus", "type": "Concept", "start": 1058, "end": 1063 }, { "uri": "Q3780197", "surfaceform": "Gyrosteus", "type": "Concept", "start": 0, "end": 9 }, { "uri": "Q3780197", "surfaceform": "Gyrosteus", "type": "Concept", "start": 132, "end": 141 }, { "uri": "Q3780197", "surfaceform": "Gyrosteus", "type": "Concept", "start": 274, "end": 283 }, { "uri": "Q3780197", "surfaceform": "Gyrosteus", "type": "Concept", "start": 719, "end": 728 }, { "uri": "Q3780197", "surfaceform": "Gyrosteus", "type": "Concept", "start": 1065, "end": 1074 }, { "uri": "1889-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1889", "type": "DATE", "start": 648, "end": 652 }, { "uri": "+25^^", "surfaceform": "25", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 630, "end": 632 } ]
[ { "subject": 3, "predicate": "taxon rank", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "part of", "object": 5 } ]
Elmar Brandt
Elmar Brandt (born 20 September 1971) is a German impressionist, best known for his imitations of politicians. He was born in Düsseldorf. His most famous series is "The Gerd Show", in which actual events are lampooned using an imitation of former German chancellor Gerhard Schröder. "The Gerd Show" was broadcast between 1999 and 2005 as a short daily comedy on various radio programmes. Other politicians and celebrities Brandt has imitated include former Minister-President of Bavaria Edmund Stoiber, Reiner Calmund, the late President Johannes Rau, Dieter Bohlen, Marcel Reich-Ranicki and ex-Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer; he also provided voices for the remake of German satirical puppet show Hurra Deutschland (the puppets of which were also used in the Gerd Show music videos).
[ { "uri": "Q1148872", "surfaceform": "impressionist", "type": "Concept", "start": 50, "end": 63 }, { "uri": "Q1718", "surfaceform": "Düsseldorf", "type": "LOC", "start": 126, "end": 136 }, { "uri": "Q896111", "surfaceform": "The Gerd Show", "type": "ORG", "start": 166, "end": 179 }, { "uri": "Q2530", "surfaceform": "Gerhard Schröder", "type": "PER", "start": 266, "end": 282 }, { "uri": "Q3099723", "surfaceform": "Minister-President of", "type": "PER", "start": 458, "end": 479 }, { "uri": "Q980", "surfaceform": "Bavaria", "type": "LOC", "start": 480, "end": 487 }, { "uri": "Q44507", "surfaceform": "Edmund Stoiber", "type": "PER", "start": 488, "end": 502 }, { "uri": "Q2140409", "surfaceform": "Reiner Calmund", "type": "PER", "start": 504, "end": 518 }, { "uri": "Q25223", "surfaceform": "President", "type": "PER", "start": 529, "end": 538 }, { "uri": "Q2551", "surfaceform": "Johannes Rau", "type": "PER", "start": 539, "end": 551 }, { "uri": "Q76906", "surfaceform": "Dieter Bohlen", "type": "PER", "start": 553, "end": 566 }, { "uri": "Q33637", "surfaceform": "Marcel Reich-Ranicki", "type": "PER", "start": 568, "end": 588 }, { "uri": "Q568605", "surfaceform": "Foreign Minister", "type": "PER", "start": 596, "end": 612 }, { "uri": "Q57344", "surfaceform": "Joschka Fischer", "type": "PER", "start": 613, "end": 628 }, { "uri": "Q1638517", "surfaceform": "Hurra Deutschland", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 701, "end": 718 }, { "uri": "Q87728", "surfaceform": "Elmar Brandt", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 12 }, { "uri": "1971-09-20T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "20 September 1971", "type": "DATE", "start": 19, "end": 36 }, { "uri": "1999-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1999", "type": "DATE", "start": 322, "end": 326 }, { "uri": "2005-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2005", "type": "DATE", "start": 331, "end": 335 } ]
[ { "subject": 15, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 16 }, { "subject": 15, "predicate": "place of birth", "object": 1 } ]
IKEA Catalogue
The IKEA Catalogue (US spelling: IKEA Catalog; Swedish: Ikea-katalogen) is a catalogue published annually by the Swedish home furnishing retailer IKEA. First published in Swedish in 1951, the catalogue is considered to be the main marketing tool of the company and, as of 2004, consumed 70% of its annual marketing budget. Approximately 208 million copies of the catalogue were printed in fiscal year 2013, more than double the number of Bibles expected to be printed in the same period. The first IKEA catalogue was published in 1951 in Sweden. It had 68 pages and 285,000 copies were distributed in Southern Sweden. At its peak in 2016, 200 million copies of the catalogue were distributed, in 69 different versions and 32 languages, to more than 50 countries. In December 2020, IKEA announced that, after a 70-year run, they would end publication of the catalogue, with the 2021 edition being the final edition.
[ { "uri": "Q54078", "surfaceform": "IKEA", "type": "ORG", "start": 146, "end": 150 }, { "uri": "Q9027", "surfaceform": "Swedish", "type": "Concept", "start": 171, "end": 178 }, { "uri": "Q1076527", "surfaceform": "Bibles", "type": "UNK", "start": 438, "end": 444 }, { "uri": "Q2941621", "surfaceform": "IKEA Catalogue", "type": "ORG", "start": 4, "end": 18 }, { "uri": "1951-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1951", "type": "DATE", "start": 182, "end": 186 }, { "uri": "2004-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2004", "type": "DATE", "start": 272, "end": 276 }, { "uri": "2013-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2013", "type": "DATE", "start": 401, "end": 405 }, { "uri": "1951-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1951", "type": "DATE", "start": 531, "end": 535 }, { "uri": "2016-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2016", "type": "DATE", "start": 634, "end": 638 }, { "uri": "2020-12-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "December 2020", "type": "DATE", "start": 768, "end": 781 }, { "uri": "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2021", "type": "DATE", "start": 879, "end": 883 }, { "uri": "+70^^", "surfaceform": "70", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 287, "end": 289 }, { "uri": "+68^^", "surfaceform": "68", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 554, "end": 556 }, { "uri": "+285.000^^", "surfaceform": "285,000", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 567, "end": 574 }, { "uri": "+69^^", "surfaceform": "69", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 697, "end": 699 }, { "uri": "+32^^", "surfaceform": "32", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 723, "end": 725 }, { "uri": "+50^^", "surfaceform": "50", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 750, "end": 752 }, { "uri": "+70^^", "surfaceform": "70", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 812, "end": 814 } ]
[ { "subject": 3, "predicate": "publisher", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "inception", "object": 4 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "inception", "object": 7 } ]
The Wecquaesgeek (also Manhattoe and Manhattan) were a Munsee-speaking band of Wappinger people who once lived along the east bank of the Hudson River in the southwest of today's Westchester County, New York, and down into the Bronx. As was common practice early in the days of European settlement of North America, a people came to be associated with a place, with its name displacing theirs among the settlers and those associated with them, such as explorers, mapmakers, trading company superiors who sponsored many of the early settlements, and officials in the settlers' mother country in Europe. Known by many generally similar spellings, they fished the region's streams and lakes with rods and nets. Their main settlements flanked the then "Saeck Kill"—today's Saw Mill River—at its confluence with the Hudson at Getty Square in present-day Yonkers.
[ { "uri": "Q65078162", "surfaceform": "Manhattoe", "type": "UNK", "start": 23, "end": 32 }, { "uri": "Q56547", "surfaceform": "Munsee", "type": "Concept", "start": 55, "end": 61 }, { "uri": "Q1811930", "surfaceform": "Wappinger", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 79, "end": 88 }, { "uri": "Q3140", "surfaceform": "Hudson River", "type": "LOC", "start": 138, "end": 150 }, { "uri": "Q54066", "surfaceform": "Westchester County, New York", "type": "LOC", "start": 179, "end": 207 }, { "uri": "None", "surfaceform": "similar spellings", "type": "UNK", "start": 628, "end": 645 }, { "uri": "Q7428496", "surfaceform": "Saw Mill River", "type": "LOC", "start": 771, "end": 785 }, { "uri": "Q16975110", "surfaceform": "Getty Square", "type": "LOC", "start": 823, "end": 835 }, { "uri": "Q128114", "surfaceform": "Yonkers", "type": "LOC", "start": 851, "end": 858 }, { "uri": "Q12645114", "surfaceform": "Wecquaesgeek", "type": "Concept", "start": 4, "end": 16 } ]
[ { "subject": 7, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 8 } ]
Faiths and Pantheons
Faiths and Pantheons is a campaign accessory for the 3rd edition of the "Dungeons & Dragons", for the Forgotten Realms campaign setting.
[ { "uri": "None", "surfaceform": "3rd edition", "type": "UNK", "start": 53, "end": 64 }, { "uri": "Q1375", "surfaceform": "Dungeons & Dragons", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 73, "end": 91 }, { "uri": "Q853499", "surfaceform": "Forgotten Realms", "type": "ORG", "start": 102, "end": 118 }, { "uri": "Q5431317", "surfaceform": "Faiths and Pantheons", "type": "UNK", "start": 0, "end": 20 }, { "uri": "+3^^", "surfaceform": "3", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 53, "end": 54 } ]
[ { "subject": 2, "predicate": "game mechanics", "object": 1 } ]
Kel Seliger
Kelton Gray Seliger, known as Kel Seliger (born June 16, 1953), is a Republican member of the Texas State Senate for District 31, which stretches from the Panhandle south to the Permian Basin.
[ { "uri": "Q29468", "surfaceform": "Republican", "type": "Concept", "start": 69, "end": 79 }, { "uri": "Q515426", "surfaceform": "Texas State Senate", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 94, "end": 112 }, { "uri": "Q7707983", "surfaceform": "District 31", "type": "UNK", "start": 117, "end": 128 }, { "uri": "Q2297417", "surfaceform": "Panhandle", "type": "LOC", "start": 155, "end": 164 }, { "uri": "Q2887576", "surfaceform": "Permian Basin", "type": "LOC", "start": 178, "end": 191 }, { "uri": "Q6385421", "surfaceform": "Kel Seliger", "type": "PER", "start": 30, "end": 41 }, { "uri": "1953-06-16T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "June 16, 1953", "type": "DATE", "start": 48, "end": 61 }, { "uri": "+31^^", "surfaceform": "31", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 126, "end": 128 } ]
[ { "subject": 5, "predicate": "member of political party", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 1, "predicate": "number of seats", "object": 7 } ]
Equilenin, also known as 6,8-didehydroestrone, as well as estra-1,3,5(10),6,8-pentaen-3-ol-17-one, is a naturally occurring steroidal estrogen obtained from the urine of pregnant mares. It is used as one of the components in conjugated estrogens (brand name Premarin). It was the first complex natural product to be fully synthesized, in work reported by 1940 by Bachmann and Wilds.
[ { "uri": "Q901227", "surfaceform": "naturally occurring", "type": "Concept", "start": 104, "end": 123 }, { "uri": "Q177911", "surfaceform": "steroid", "type": "Concept", "start": 124, "end": 131 }, { "uri": "Q48841284", "surfaceform": "estrogen", "type": "Concept", "start": 134, "end": 142 }, { "uri": "Q40924", "surfaceform": "urine", "type": "Concept", "start": 161, "end": 166 }, { "uri": "Q11995", "surfaceform": "pregnant", "type": "Concept", "start": 170, "end": 178 }, { "uri": "Q1104034", "surfaceform": "mares", "type": "Concept", "start": 179, "end": 184 }, { "uri": "Q4118295", "surfaceform": "conjugated estrogens", "type": "Concept", "start": 225, "end": 245 }, { "uri": "Q131859", "surfaceform": "Bachmann", "type": "PER", "start": 363, "end": 371 }, { "uri": "Q16015670", "surfaceform": "Wilds", "type": "PER", "start": 376, "end": 381 }, { "uri": "Q5384461", "surfaceform": "Equilenin", "type": "Concept", "start": 0, "end": 9 }, { "uri": "1940-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1940", "type": "DATE", "start": 355, "end": 359 }, { "uri": "+6.8^^", "surfaceform": "6,8", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 25, "end": 28 }, { "uri": "-1.3^^", "surfaceform": "-1,3", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 63, "end": 67 }, { "uri": "+5^^", "surfaceform": "5", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 68, "end": 69 }, { "uri": "+10^^", "surfaceform": "10", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 70, "end": 72 }, { "uri": "+6.8^^", "surfaceform": "6,8", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 74, "end": 77 } ]
[ { "subject": 9, "predicate": "instance of", "object": 1 } ]
Nathan Kimball
Nathan Kimball (November 22, 1822 – January 21, 1898) was a physician, politician, postmaster, and military officer, serving as a general in the Union army during the American Civil War. He was the first statewide commander of the Grand Army of the Republic veterans organization in Indiana.
[ { "uri": "Q1752901", "surfaceform": "Union army", "type": "Concept", "start": 145, "end": 155 }, { "uri": "Q8676", "surfaceform": "American Civil War", "type": "EVE", "start": 167, "end": 185 }, { "uri": "Q4118606", "surfaceform": "Grand Army of the Republic", "type": "ORG", "start": 231, "end": 257 }, { "uri": "Q1415", "surfaceform": "Indiana", "type": "LOC", "start": 283, "end": 290 }, { "uri": "Q6969177", "surfaceform": "Nathan Kimball", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 14 }, { "uri": "1822-11-22T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "November 22, 1822", "type": "DATE", "start": 16, "end": 33 }, { "uri": "1898-01-21T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "January 21, 1898", "type": "DATE", "start": 36, "end": 52 } ]
[ { "subject": 4, "predicate": "military branch", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "conflict", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 5 }, { "subject": 0, "predicate": "conflict", "object": 1 } ]
Microcleidus is an extinct genus of sauropterygian reptile belonging to the Plesiosauroidea. It was about the size of a medium-sized dolphin, reaching a length of . The species has 40 neck vertebrae and a short tail of 28 vertebrae. Fossils of the genus have been found in France, the Posidonia Shale in Germany and Luxembourg, and the Alum Shale Formation of England.
[ { "uri": "Q132819", "surfaceform": "sauropterygia", "type": "Concept", "start": 36, "end": 49 }, { "uri": "Q1619550", "surfaceform": "Plesiosauroidea", "type": "Concept", "start": 76, "end": 91 }, { "uri": "Q7369", "surfaceform": "dolphin", "type": "Concept", "start": 133, "end": 140 }, { "uri": "Q2105647", "surfaceform": "Posidonia Shale", "type": "LOC", "start": 285, "end": 300 }, { "uri": "Q7994172", "surfaceform": "Alum Shale Formation", "type": "LOC", "start": 336, "end": 356 }, { "uri": "Q2462673", "surfaceform": "Microcleidus", "type": "Concept", "start": 0, "end": 12 }, { "uri": "+40^^", "surfaceform": "40", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 181, "end": 183 }, { "uri": "+28^^", "surfaceform": "28", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 219, "end": 221 } ]
[ { "subject": 5, "predicate": "location of discovery", "object": 3 } ]
Mount Baker National Recreation Area
Mount Baker National Recreation Area is a United States national recreation area in northern Washington about south of the Canada–US border within the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest. The recreation area was established in 1984 by an act of the U.S. Congress primarily to accommodate the use of snowmobiles during the winter months on the southern slopes of Mount Baker. There are also many hiking trails in the recreation area. Mount Baker NRA is adjacent to the Mount Baker Wilderness area where snowmobiling is not permitted.
[ { "uri": "Q1132998", "surfaceform": "national recreation area", "type": "LOC", "start": 56, "end": 80 }, { "uri": "Q1223", "surfaceform": "Washington", "type": "LOC", "start": 93, "end": 103 }, { "uri": "Q119515", "surfaceform": "Canada–US border", "type": "Concept", "start": 123, "end": 139 }, { "uri": "Q3079176", "surfaceform": "Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest", "type": "LOC", "start": 151, "end": 189 }, { "uri": "Q11268", "surfaceform": "U.S. Congress", "type": "Concept", "start": 253, "end": 266 }, { "uri": "Q17240", "surfaceform": "snowmobile", "type": "Concept", "start": 303, "end": 313 }, { "uri": "Q1311", "surfaceform": "winter", "type": "Concept", "start": 326, "end": 332 }, { "uri": "Q594387", "surfaceform": "Mount Baker", "type": "LOC", "start": 366, "end": 377 }, { "uri": "Q3326014", "surfaceform": "Mount Baker Wilderness", "type": "LOC", "start": 472, "end": 494 }, { "uri": "Q6919572", "surfaceform": "Mount Baker National Recreation Area", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 36 }, { "uri": "1984-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1984", "type": "DATE", "start": 231, "end": 235 } ]
[ { "subject": 9, "predicate": "instance of", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 9, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 9, "predicate": "located in protected area", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 1 } ]
Barrow Hill Plantation
Barrow Hill Plantation was a large forced-labor farm of located in central Leon County, Florida, United States. It was established by John S. Winthrop, who by 1860 enslaved 71 people to work his land, which was primarily dedicated to growing cotton as a cash crop.
[ { "uri": "Q188913", "surfaceform": "forced-labor farm", "type": "Concept", "start": 35, "end": 52 }, { "uri": "Q488576", "surfaceform": "Leon County", "type": "LOC", "start": 75, "end": 86 }, { "uri": "Q812", "surfaceform": "Florida", "type": "LOC", "start": 88, "end": 95 }, { "uri": "Q118382", "surfaceform": "enslaved", "type": "LOC", "start": 164, "end": 172 }, { "uri": "Q932139", "surfaceform": "cash crop", "type": "Concept", "start": 254, "end": 263 }, { "uri": "Q4863885", "surfaceform": "Barrow Hill Plantation", "type": "LOC", "start": 0, "end": 22 }, { "uri": "1860-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1860", "type": "DATE", "start": 159, "end": 163 }, { "uri": "+71^^", "surfaceform": "71", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 173, "end": 175 } ]
[ { "subject": 5, "predicate": "instance of", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 1, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 2 } ]
Rhomaleosaurus (meaning "strong lizard") is an extinct genus of Early Jurassic (Toarcian age, about 183 to 175.6 million years ago) rhomaleosaurid pliosauroid known from Northamptonshire and from Yorkshire of the United Kingdom. It was first named by Harry Seeley in 1874 and the type species is "Rhomaleosaurus cramptoni". It was one of the earliest large marine reptile predators which hunted in the seas of Mesozoic era. Its length was about 7 m (23 ft) long. Like other pliosaurs, "Rhomaleosaurus" fed on ichthyosaurs, ammonites and other plesiosaurs.
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Kent Fuchs
Wesley Kent Fuchs (; born 1954) is an American university professor and academic administrator. He is the current president of the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida. Upon taking office on January 1, 2015, he became the university's twelfth president. He previously served as the provost of Cornell University from 2009 through 2014. Fuchs was the Joseph Silbert Dean of the Cornell University College of Engineering from 2002 to 2008. He also served as head of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, and Michael J. and Katherine R. Birck Distinguished Professor, from 1996 to 2002, and professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois, from 1985 to 1996. On September 16, 2016 President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate Fuchs as a member of the National Science Board.
[ { "uri": "Q501758", "surfaceform": "University of Florida", "type": "LOC", "start": 131, "end": 152 }, { "uri": "Q2114175", "surfaceform": "provost", "type": "Concept", "start": 291, "end": 298 }, { "uri": "Q49115", "surfaceform": "Cornell University", "type": "ORG", "start": 302, "end": 320 }, { "uri": "Q5171564", "surfaceform": "Cornell University College of Engineering", "type": "ORG", "start": 387, "end": 428 }, { "uri": "Q217741", "surfaceform": "Purdue University", "type": "LOC", "start": 525, "end": 542 }, { "uri": "Q457281", "surfaceform": "University of Illinois", "type": "ORG", "start": 737, "end": 759 }, { "uri": "Q76", "surfaceform": "President Barack Obama", "type": "PER", "start": 803, "end": 825 }, { "uri": "Q6978271", "surfaceform": "National Science Board", "type": "ORG", "start": 884, "end": 906 }, { "uri": "Q7945770", "surfaceform": "Kent Fuchs", "type": "PER", "start": 7, "end": 17 }, { "uri": "1954-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1954", "type": "DATE", "start": 26, "end": 30 }, { "uri": "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "January 1, 2015", "type": "DATE", "start": 200, "end": 215 }, { "uri": "2009-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2009", "type": "DATE", "start": 326, "end": 330 }, { "uri": "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2014", "type": "DATE", "start": 339, "end": 343 }, { "uri": "2002-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2002", "type": "DATE", "start": 434, "end": 438 }, { "uri": "2008-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2008", "type": "DATE", "start": 442, "end": 446 }, { "uri": "1996-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1996", "type": "DATE", "start": 612, "end": 616 }, { "uri": "2002-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2002", "type": "DATE", "start": 620, "end": 624 }, { "uri": "1985-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1985", "type": "DATE", "start": 766, "end": 770 }, { "uri": "1996-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1996", "type": "DATE", "start": 774, "end": 778 }, { "uri": "2016-09-16T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "September 16, 2016", "type": "DATE", "start": 784, "end": 802 } ]
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Anne Onken
Anne Onken (born 1977 in Oldenburg) is a German radio presenter and comedian. Onken was born the daughter of a priest in Oldenburg and started to imitate voices from an early age. Her first successful radio programme was "Die Pisa-Polizei" with N-Joy and SWR 3, in which she confronted schoolchildren on the street and asked them difficult questions from various subject areas. In 2005 she began to imitate the voice of politician (and later Federal Chancellor) Angela Merkel on "The Gerd Show". Her successful work with Elmar Brandt (who imitated Gerhard Schröder) culminated in the popular song "Im Wahlkampf vor mir liegt ein Zonenmädchen", which reached no. 25 in the German charts during the run up to the 2005 German federal elections. Shortly before the elections the television broadcaster Sat.1 showed short sketches with Onken and Brandt. Since then Onken has been acclaimed as the best imitator of Angela Merkel in Germany. In October 2005 "The Gerd Show" was replaced by a new comedy serial, "Angela - Schicksalsjahre einer Kanzlerin - Eine Frau geht seinen Weg". Like "The Gerd Show", it was produced by Elmar Brandt and played by Onken using her imitation of Angela Merkel.
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[ { "subject": 9, "predicate": "place of birth", "object": 0 } ]
Oregon Inlet
Oregon Inlet is an inlet along North Carolina's Outer Banks. It joins the Pamlico Sound with the Atlantic Ocean and separates Bodie Island from Pea Island, which are connected by the 2.8 mile Marc Basnight Bridge that spans the inlet. As one of the few access points to the ocean along this stretch of coast, Oregon Inlet is a major departure point for charter fishing trips, with a nearby harbor serving as the base for many large boats that travel miles out towards the Gulf Stream almost every day. The inlet is also the location of a U.S. Coast Guard station.
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[ { "subject": 2, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "mouth of the watercourse", "object": 4 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "located in or next to body of water", "object": 4 } ]
Association of Canadian Mountain Guides
"These initials may also mean the American College of Medical Genetics." The Association of Canadian Mountain Guides (ACMG) is Canada's only internationally recognised mountain guide association. The association has over 1400 members, and coordinates internationally recognised training and certification programmes. The ACMG is a registered non-profit society with an elected, volunteer executive. The association and its activities are funded primarily by membership dues and donations.
[ { "uri": "Q16", "surfaceform": "Canada", "type": "LOC", "start": 128, "end": 134 }, { "uri": "Q819677", "surfaceform": "mountain guide", "type": "Concept", "start": 169, "end": 183 }, { "uri": "Q4809683", "surfaceform": "Association of Canadian Mountain Guides", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 78, "end": 117 }, { "uri": "1400-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1400", "type": "DATE", "start": 222, "end": 226 } ]
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Shee Water
The Shee Water () is a river in the highland portion of eastern Perth and Kinross, Scotland. The Allt a' Ghlinne Bhig, Allt Ghlinn Thaitneach and Glen Lochsie Burn (plus numerous smaller streams) drain south out of the Grampian mountains. They converge at the Spittal of Glenshee to form the Shee Water. This runs through Glenshee to the Strathmore valley where it becomes the Black Water for a short distance and, close to Bridge of Cally, joins the River Ardle to form the River Ericht. The Water eventually reaches the North Sea via the River Isla and the River Tay.
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Omar Olivares
Omar Olivares Palau (born July 6, 1967) is a Puerto Rican former right-handed starting pitcher in Major League Baseball who played for the St. Louis Cardinals (1990–1994), Colorado Rockies (1995), Philadelphia Phillies (1995), Detroit Tigers (1996–97), Seattle Mariners (1997), Anaheim Angels (1998–99), Oakland Athletics (1999–2000) and Pittsburgh Pirates (2001). He batted and threw right-handed. In a 12-season career, Olivares posted a 77–86 record with 826 strikeouts and a 4.67 ERA in innings pitched. As a hitter, Olivares was better than average as pitchers go, posting a .240 batting average (58-for-242) with 25 runs, 5 home runs and 29 RBI.
[ { "uri": "Q772148", "surfaceform": "starting pitcher", "type": "Concept", "start": 78, "end": 94 }, { "uri": "Q1163715", "surfaceform": "Major League Baseball", "type": "ORG", "start": 98, "end": 119 }, { "uri": "Q504309", "surfaceform": "St. Louis Cardinals", "type": "ORG", "start": 139, "end": 158 }, { "uri": "Q388858", "surfaceform": "Colorado Rockies", "type": "ORG", "start": 172, "end": 188 }, { "uri": "Q650840", "surfaceform": "Philadelphia Phillies", "type": "ORG", "start": 197, "end": 218 }, { "uri": "Q650855", "surfaceform": "Detroit Tigers", "type": "ORG", "start": 227, "end": 241 }, { "uri": "Q466586", "surfaceform": "Seattle Mariners", "type": "ORG", "start": 253, "end": 269 }, { "uri": "Q743309", "surfaceform": "Anaheim Angels", "type": "ORG", "start": 278, "end": 292 }, { "uri": "Q504339", "surfaceform": "Oakland Athletics", "type": "ORG", "start": 304, "end": 321 }, { "uri": "Q653772", "surfaceform": "Pittsburgh Pirates", "type": "ORG", "start": 338, "end": 356 }, { "uri": "Q1154763", "surfaceform": "strikeout", "type": "Concept", "start": 463, "end": 472 }, { "uri": "Q1145091", "surfaceform": "ERA", "type": "Concept", "start": 485, "end": 488 }, { "uri": "Q8192188", "surfaceform": "innings pitched", "type": "UNK", "start": 492, "end": 507 }, { "uri": "Q60739794", "surfaceform": "batting average", "type": "Concept", "start": 587, "end": 602 }, { "uri": "Q1210151", "surfaceform": "runs", "type": "EVE", "start": 624, "end": 628 }, { "uri": "Q534851", "surfaceform": "home runs", "type": "Concept", "start": 632, "end": 641 }, { "uri": "Q1154724", "surfaceform": "RBI", "type": "Concept", "start": 649, "end": 652 }, { "uri": "Q7089784", "surfaceform": "Omar Olivares", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 13 }, { "uri": "1967-07-06T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "July 6, 1967", "type": "DATE", "start": 26, "end": 38 }, { "uri": "+1990^^", "surfaceform": "1990", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 160, "end": 164 }, { "uri": "+1994^^", "surfaceform": "1994", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 165, "end": 169 }, { "uri": "+1995^^", "surfaceform": "1995", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 190, "end": 194 }, { "uri": "+1995^^", "surfaceform": "1995", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 220, "end": 224 }, { "uri": "+1996^^", "surfaceform": "1996", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 243, "end": 247 }, { "uri": "+97^^", "surfaceform": "97", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 248, "end": 250 }, { "uri": "+1997^^", "surfaceform": "1997", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 271, "end": 275 }, { "uri": "+1998^^", "surfaceform": "1998", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 294, "end": 298 }, { "uri": "+99^^", "surfaceform": "99", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 299, "end": 301 }, { "uri": "+1999^^", "surfaceform": "1999", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 323, "end": 327 }, { "uri": "+2000^^", "surfaceform": "2000", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 328, "end": 332 }, { "uri": "+2001^^", "surfaceform": "2001", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 358, "end": 362 }, { "uri": "+12^^", "surfaceform": "12", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 405, "end": 407 }, { "uri": "+77^^", "surfaceform": "77", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 441, "end": 443 }, { "uri": "+86^^", "surfaceform": "86", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 444, "end": 446 }, { "uri": "+4.67^^", "surfaceform": "4.67", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 480, "end": 484 }, { "uri": "+240^^", "surfaceform": "240", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 583, "end": 586 }, { "uri": "+25^^", "surfaceform": "25", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 621, "end": 623 }, { "uri": "+5^^", "surfaceform": "5", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 630, "end": 631 }, { "uri": "+29^^", "surfaceform": "29", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 646, "end": 648 } ]
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Neisha (real name Neža Buh), born on January 5, 1982 in Ljubljana, is a Slovenian pianist and pop singer. Being born into a music family, Neža's music talent were noticed during her childhood so she entered a music school (first in Cerkno, then in Škofja Loka) and continued at the Ljubljana Music and Ballet High School. As she was very successful at several contests in piano music and solfeggio, the school awarded her the Škerjanc Award in 2003. In 2000, she became a student of the Music Academy in Ljubljana. Besides the classical music she collaborated with many commercial pop and rock artists (among others Terrafolk, Big Foot Mama) as an arranger, backup vocalist or keyboard player etc. Her solo career started in 2005. Her first single, (English version of this song was titled "Straight to the Moon"), was very well received among radio audience and due to great interest her first album, simply named "Neisha", was released two weeks earlier than initially planned. During its first week, only a turbo folk band Atomik Harmonik sold more albums but by the end of the year "Neisha" became Slovenian best sold album of 2005 although it was released in autumn. After 10 weeks of reigning the national record chart, many awards and several sold out concerts it was the best sold album of 2006 in Slovenia as well. In 2007, Neisha released album, called "Nor je ta svet" (translated as "This world is crazy"), which was also quite successful. With her new album, Neisha continued performing in major Slovenian concert venues including such as Križanke and Cankarjev dom. She cooperated with regional big names starting with Kornelije Kovač, Vlado Kreslin, Gibonni, Massimo, Vlatko Stefanovski etc. The year 2010 saw the release of Neisha's newest studio album named "Krila" (translated as "Wings"). On this album she continued working with her longtime producer Dejan Radičević. The result was an album which sounded different from anything that Neisha did before. Songs are livelier, faster more intense.
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Genealogies of the Nobles
Genealogies of the Nobles (; transliterated: Ansab al-Ashraf) is a history book related to Islam, authored by Ahmad Ibn Yahya al-Baladhuri (d. 892 CE).
[ { "uri": "Q2349106", "surfaceform": "transliterated", "type": "ORG", "start": 29, "end": 43 }, { "uri": "Q432", "surfaceform": "Islam", "type": "Concept", "start": 91, "end": 96 }, { "uri": "Q293528", "surfaceform": "Ahmad Ibn Yahya al-Baladhuri", "type": "PER", "start": 110, "end": 138 }, { "uri": "Q618675", "surfaceform": "Genealogies of the Nobles", "type": "ORG", "start": 0, "end": 25 } ]
[ { "subject": 3, "predicate": "author", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "religion", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "notable work", "object": 3 } ]
Charles D. Owen High School
Charles D. Owen High School is a public high school within the Buncombe County Schools System, located at 99 Lake Eden Road in Black Mountain, North Carolina. Its current principal is Meg Turner.
[ { "uri": "Q4997464", "surfaceform": "Buncombe County Schools System", "type": "LOC", "start": 63, "end": 93 }, { "uri": "Q2413277", "surfaceform": "Black Mountain, North Carolina", "type": "LOC", "start": 127, "end": 157 }, { "uri": "Q5076666", "surfaceform": "Charles D. Owen High School", "type": "ORG", "start": 0, "end": 27 }, { "uri": "+99^^", "surfaceform": "99", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 106, "end": 108 } ]
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Louis W. Goodman
Louis W. Goodman is a scholar in the field of international relations and the former Dean of the School of International Service at American University. He held the position for 25 years. He is a past president of The Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs.
[ { "uri": "Q2248623", "surfaceform": "scholar", "type": "Concept", "start": 22, "end": 29 }, { "uri": "Q166542", "surfaceform": "international relations", "type": "Concept", "start": 46, "end": 69 }, { "uri": "Q723682", "surfaceform": "Dean", "type": "Concept", "start": 85, "end": 89 }, { "uri": "Q7432481", "surfaceform": "School of International Service", "type": "LOC", "start": 97, "end": 128 }, { "uri": "Q168000", "surfaceform": "American University", "type": "LOC", "start": 132, "end": 151 }, { "uri": "Q4810007", "surfaceform": "The Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs", "type": "ORG", "start": 214, "end": 278 }, { "uri": "Q6688347", "surfaceform": "Louis W. Goodman", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 16 }, { "uri": "+25^^", "surfaceform": "25", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 178, "end": 180 } ]
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KLRN, virtual and UHF digital channel 9, is a Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) member television station licensed to San Antonio, Texas, United States. The station is owned by the Alamo Public Telecommunications Council (formerly the Southwest Texas Public Broadcasting Council). KLRN's studios are located on Broadway Street in downtown San Antonio, and its transmitter is located on Foster Road (near Calaveras Lake) in the southeastern part of the city. On cable, the station is available on Charter Spectrum and Grande Communications channel 10, and AT&T U-verse channel 9. KLRN also serves as the default PBS member station for the Laredo and Victoria markets (the latter along with KUHT in Houston) as they do not have their own PBS station; both stations are available on cable and satellite providers in both markets.
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Alfred Berger
Alfred Berger (25 August 1894 – 11 June 1966) was an Austrian pair skater. With his skating partner, Helene Engelmann, he became the 1924 Olympic champion and a two-time world champion (1922, 1924).
[ { "uri": "Q1682809", "surfaceform": "pair skater", "type": "Concept", "start": 62, "end": 73 }, { "uri": "Q111978", "surfaceform": "Helene Engelmann", "type": "PER", "start": 101, "end": 117 }, { "uri": "Q753636", "surfaceform": "1924 Olympic", "type": "Concept", "start": 133, "end": 145 }, { "uri": "Q670864", "surfaceform": "1922", "type": "EVE", "start": 186, "end": 190 }, { "uri": "Q1318794", "surfaceform": "1924", "type": "EVE", "start": 192, "end": 196 }, { "uri": "Q78565", "surfaceform": "Alfred Berger", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 13 }, { "uri": "1894-08-25T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "25 August 1894", "type": "DATE", "start": 15, "end": 29 }, { "uri": "1966-06-11T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "11 June 1966", "type": "DATE", "start": 32, "end": 44 }, { "uri": "1924-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1924", "type": "DATE", "start": 133, "end": 137 }, { "uri": "1924-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1924", "type": "DATE", "start": 192, "end": 196 }, { "uri": "+1922^^", "surfaceform": "1922", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 186, "end": 190 } ]
[ { "subject": 5, "predicate": "sports discipline competed in", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "partner in business or sport", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "point in time", "object": 8 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "point in time", "object": 9 } ]
Reconstruction Amendments
The Reconstruction Amendments are the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth amendments to the United States Constitution, adopted between 1865 and 1870. The Reconstruction amendments were a part of implementing the Reconstruction of the American South after the war. The Thirteenth Amendment (proposed in 1864 and ratified in 1865) abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except for those duly convicted of a crime. The Fourteenth Amendment (proposed in 1866 and ratified in 1868) addresses citizenship rights and equal protection of the laws for all persons. The Fifteenth Amendment (proposed in 1869 and ratified in 1870) prohibits discrimination in voting rights of citizens on the basis of "race, color, or previous condition of servitude". Males of all races, regardless of prior enslavement, could vote in some states of the early United States, such as New Jersey, provided that they could meet other requirements, such as property ownership. These amendments were intended to guarantee the freedom of former slaves and to establish and prevent discrimination in certain civil rights to former slaves and all citizens of the United States. However, the promise of these amendments was eroded by state laws and federal court decisions throughout the late 19th century.
[ { "uri": "Q175613", "surfaceform": "Thirteenth", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 38, "end": 48 }, { "uri": "Q188116", "surfaceform": "Fourteenth", "type": "LOC", "start": 50, "end": 60 }, { "uri": "Q191614", "surfaceform": "Fifteenth", "type": "EVE", "start": 66, "end": 75 }, { "uri": "Q11698", "surfaceform": "United States Constitution", "type": "ORG", "start": 94, "end": 120 }, { "uri": "Q623429", "surfaceform": "Reconstruction", "type": "TIME", "start": 215, "end": 229 }, { "uri": "Q49042", "surfaceform": "American South", "type": "LOC", "start": 237, "end": 251 }, { "uri": "Q7302780", "surfaceform": "Reconstruction Amendments", "type": "UNK", "start": 4, "end": 29 }, { "uri": "1865-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1865", "type": "DATE", "start": 138, "end": 142 }, { "uri": "1870-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1870", "type": "DATE", "start": 147, "end": 151 }, { "uri": "1864-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1864", "type": "DATE", "start": 306, "end": 310 }, { "uri": "1865-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1865", "type": "DATE", "start": 327, "end": 331 }, { "uri": "1866-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1866", "type": "DATE", "start": 460, "end": 464 }, { "uri": "1868-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1868", "type": "DATE", "start": 481, "end": 485 }, { "uri": "1869-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1869", "type": "DATE", "start": 603, "end": 607 }, { "uri": "1870-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1870", "type": "DATE", "start": 624, "end": 628 }, { "uri": "+19^^", "surfaceform": "19", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 1268, "end": 1270 } ]
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Proculus of Bologna
Saint Proculus of Bologna or Saint Proculus the Soldier (died c. 304 AD) is an Italian saint. He is said to have been a Roman officer who was martyred at Bologna under Diocletian.
[ { "uri": "Q38", "surfaceform": "Italian", "type": "LOC", "start": 79, "end": 86 }, { "uri": "Q43115", "surfaceform": "saint", "type": "Concept", "start": 87, "end": 92 }, { "uri": "Q1747689", "surfaceform": "Roman", "type": "LOC", "start": 120, "end": 125 }, { "uri": "Q6498826", "surfaceform": "martyr", "type": "Concept", "start": 142, "end": 148 }, { "uri": "Q1891", "surfaceform": "Bologna", "type": "LOC", "start": 154, "end": 161 }, { "uri": "Q43107", "surfaceform": "Diocletian", "type": "PER", "start": 168, "end": 178 }, { "uri": "Q430497", "surfaceform": "Proculus of Bologna", "type": "PER", "start": 6, "end": 25 } ]
[ { "subject": 6, "predicate": "canonization status", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 6, "predicate": "place of death", "object": 4 } ]
Annette Peacock
Annette Peacock (born Annette Coleman; 1941) is an American composer, musician, songwriter, producer, arranger. She is a pioneer in electronic music who combined her voice with one of the first Moog synthesizers in the late 1960s.
[ { "uri": "Q426035", "surfaceform": "Moog synthesizers", "type": "Concept", "start": 194, "end": 211 }, { "uri": "Q510855", "surfaceform": "Annette Peacock", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 15 }, { "uri": "1941-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1941", "type": "DATE", "start": 39, "end": 43 }, { "uri": "1960-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1960", "type": "DATE", "start": 224, "end": 228 } ]
[ { "subject": 1, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 2 } ]
Arnold Paole
Arnold Paole ("Arnont Paule" in the original documents; an early German rendition of a Serbian name or nickname, perhaps Арнаут Павле, "Arnaut Pavle"; died c. 1726) was a Serbian hajduk who was believed to have become a vampire after his death, initiating an epidemic of supposed vampirism that killed at least 16 people in his native village of Meduegna (also rendered as Metwett; likely a German rendition of Serbian "Medveđa)", located at the West Morava river in Trstenik, Serbia. Paole's case, similar to that of Petar Blagojevich, became famous because of the direct involvement of the Austrian authorities and the documentation by Austrian physicians and officers, who confirmed the reality of vampires. Their report of the case was distributed in Western Europe and contributed to the spread of vampire belief among educated Europeans. The report and its significance for the subsequent eighteenth century vampire controversy are now explained by the then poor understanding of the process of corpse decomposition. Knowledge of the case is based mostly on the reports of two Austrian military doctors, Glaser and Flückinger, who were successively sent to investigate the case. Scholars have suggested that Paole's case has influenced the depiction of vampires in popular culture texts.
[ { "uri": "Q188", "surfaceform": "German", "type": "Concept", "start": 65, "end": 71 }, { "uri": "Q9299", "surfaceform": "Serbian", "type": "Concept", "start": 87, "end": 94 }, { "uri": "Q2863045", "surfaceform": "Arnaut", "type": "UNK", "start": 136, "end": 142 }, { "uri": "Q403", "surfaceform": "Serbia", "type": "LOC", "start": 171, "end": 177 }, { "uri": "Q217731", "surfaceform": "hajduk", "type": "Concept", "start": 179, "end": 185 }, { "uri": "Q46721", "surfaceform": "vampire", "type": "Concept", "start": 220, "end": 227 }, { "uri": "Q2737799", "surfaceform": "Medveđa", "type": "LOC", "start": 420, "end": 427 }, { "uri": "Q378985", "surfaceform": "West Morava river", "type": "LOC", "start": 446, "end": 463 }, { "uri": "Q1013189", "surfaceform": "Trstenik, Serbia", "type": "LOC", "start": 467, "end": 483 }, { "uri": "Q1683799", "surfaceform": "Petar Blagojevich", "type": "PER", "start": 519, "end": 536 }, { "uri": "Q153136", "surfaceform": "Austrian", "type": "LOC", "start": 593, "end": 601 }, { "uri": "Q27496", "surfaceform": "Western Europe", "type": "LOC", "start": 756, "end": 770 }, { "uri": "None", "surfaceform": "eighteenth century vampire controversy", "type": "UNK", "start": 896, "end": 934 }, { "uri": "Q65080684", "surfaceform": "corpse decomposition", "type": "UNK", "start": 1002, "end": 1022 }, { "uri": "Q695922", "surfaceform": "Arnold Paole", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 12 }, { "uri": "1726-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1726", "type": "DATE", "start": 159, "end": 163 }, { "uri": "+16^^", "surfaceform": "16", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 311, "end": 313 } ]
[ { "subject": 14, "predicate": "languages spoken, written or signed", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "country of citizenship", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "date of death", "object": 15 }, { "subject": 6, "predicate": "country", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 6, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 8 }, { "subject": 7, "predicate": "country", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 8, "predicate": "country", "object": 3 } ]
Arambourgiania is an extinct genus of azhdarchid pterosaur from the Late Cretaceous period (Maastrichtian stage) of Jordan, and possibly the United States. "Arambourgiania" was among the largest members of its family, the Azhdarchidae, and it is also one of the largest flying animals ever known. The incomplete left ulna of the "Sidi Chennane azhdarchid" from Morocco may have also belonged to "Arambourgiania".
[ { "uri": "Q134363", "surfaceform": "azhdarchid", "type": "Concept", "start": 38, "end": 48 }, { "uri": "Q179204", "surfaceform": "pterosaur", "type": "Concept", "start": 49, "end": 58 }, { "uri": "Q338199", "surfaceform": "Late Cretaceous", "type": "TIME", "start": 68, "end": 83 }, { "uri": "Q278141", "surfaceform": "Maastrichtian", "type": "TIME", "start": 92, "end": 105 }, { "uri": "Q810", "surfaceform": "Jordan", "type": "LOC", "start": 116, "end": 122 }, { "uri": "Q30", "surfaceform": "United States", "type": "LOC", "start": 141, "end": 154 }, { "uri": "Q134363", "surfaceform": "Azhdarchidae", "type": "Concept", "start": 222, "end": 234 }, { "uri": "Q199507", "surfaceform": "ulna", "type": "Concept", "start": 317, "end": 321 }, { "uri": "Q1028", "surfaceform": "Morocco", "type": "LOC", "start": 361, "end": 368 }, { "uri": "Q2317988", "surfaceform": "Arambourgiania", "type": "Concept", "start": 0, "end": 14 }, { "uri": "Q2317988", "surfaceform": "Arambourgiania", "type": "Concept", "start": 157, "end": 171 }, { "uri": "Q2317988", "surfaceform": "Arambourgiania", "type": "Concept", "start": 396, "end": 410 } ]
[ { "subject": 3, "predicate": "part of", "object": 2 } ]
Early Times
Early Times is a brand of Kentucky whiskey distilled in Shively, Kentucky, by the Brown-Forman Corporation, one of the largest North American-owned companies in the spirits and wine business. The company also markets Jack Daniel's, Finlandia Vodka, Woodford Reserve Bourbon, Old Forester, Korbel champagne, and Chambord. While Early Times is marketed outside the U.S. as bourbon, the whiskey does not meet all the U.S. regulated criteria for bourbon – and hence, is marketed within the U.S. as whiskey (rather than as bourbon whiskey). In 2010, Brown-Forman introduced "Early Times 354" in the US, which meets the regulated criteria for straight whiskey.
[ { "uri": "Q281", "surfaceform": "whiskey", "type": "Concept", "start": 35, "end": 42 }, { "uri": "Q2018823", "surfaceform": "Shively, Kentucky", "type": "LOC", "start": 56, "end": 73 }, { "uri": "Q392221", "surfaceform": "Brown-Forman Corporation", "type": "ORG", "start": 82, "end": 106 }, { "uri": "Q30", "surfaceform": "North American", "type": "LOC", "start": 127, "end": 141 }, { "uri": "Q56139", "surfaceform": "spirits", "type": "Concept", "start": 165, "end": 172 }, { "uri": "Q282", "surfaceform": "wine", "type": "Concept", "start": 177, "end": 181 }, { "uri": "Q371068", "surfaceform": "Jack Daniel's", "type": "LOC", "start": 217, "end": 230 }, { "uri": "Q1034035", "surfaceform": "Finlandia Vodka", "type": "MISC", "start": 232, "end": 247 }, { "uri": "Q8032660", "surfaceform": "Woodford Reserve Bourbon", "type": "ORG", "start": 249, "end": 273 }, { "uri": "Q7084008", "surfaceform": "Old Forester", "type": "MISC", "start": 275, "end": 287 }, { "uri": "Q6431472", "surfaceform": "Korbel", "type": "LOC", "start": 289, "end": 295 }, { "uri": "Q134862", "surfaceform": "champagne", "type": "Concept", "start": 296, "end": 305 }, { "uri": "Q2483439", "surfaceform": "Chambord", "type": "MISC", "start": 311, "end": 319 }, { "uri": "Q543127", "surfaceform": "bourbon", "type": "Concept", "start": 372, "end": 379 }, { "uri": "Q17020507", "surfaceform": "straight whiskey", "type": "Concept", "start": 638, "end": 654 }, { "uri": "Q5326758", "surfaceform": "Early Times", "type": "ORG", "start": 0, "end": 11 }, { "uri": "Q5326758", "surfaceform": "Early Times", "type": "ORG", "start": 328, "end": 339 }, { "uri": "Q5326758", "surfaceform": "Early Times", "type": "ORG", "start": 571, "end": 582 }, { "uri": "2010-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2010", "type": "DATE", "start": 540, "end": 544 } ]
[ { "subject": 1, "predicate": "country", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "country", "object": 3 } ]
Gonzalo Aguirre Beltrán
Gonzalo Aguirre Beltrán (January 20, 1908, Tlacotalpan, Veracruz–1996, Xalapa, Veracruz) was a Mexican anthropologist known for his studies of marginal populations. His work has focused on Afro-Mexican and indigenous populations. He was the director of the National Indigenous Institute and as Assistant Secretary for Popular Culture and Continuing Education he was responsible for forming government policy towards indigenous populations. For this reason he is important in the field of applied anthropology.
[ { "uri": "Q903792", "surfaceform": "Tlacotalpan, Veracruz", "type": "LOC", "start": 43, "end": 64 }, { "uri": "Q221051", "surfaceform": "Xalapa, Veracruz", "type": "LOC", "start": 71, "end": 87 }, { "uri": "Q96", "surfaceform": "Mexican", "type": "LOC", "start": 95, "end": 102 }, { "uri": "Q23404", "surfaceform": "anthropologist", "type": "Concept", "start": 103, "end": 117 }, { "uri": "Q1921225", "surfaceform": "Afro-Mexican", "type": "PER", "start": 189, "end": 201 }, { "uri": "Q2072296", "surfaceform": "National Indigenous Institute", "type": "ORG", "start": 257, "end": 286 }, { "uri": "Q177304", "surfaceform": "applied anthropology", "type": "Concept", "start": 488, "end": 508 }, { "uri": "Q2611172", "surfaceform": "Gonzalo Aguirre Beltrán", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 23 }, { "uri": "1908-01-20T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "January 20, 1908", "type": "DATE", "start": 25, "end": 41 }, { "uri": "+1996^^", "surfaceform": "1996", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 65, "end": 69 } ]
[ { "subject": 7, "predicate": "place of birth", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 7, "predicate": "country of citizenship", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 7, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 8 }, { "subject": 0, "predicate": "country", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 1, "predicate": "country", "object": 2 } ]
Scott McKay
Scott McKay (born December 2, 1960) is a Canadian politician, who served as a former leader of the Green Party of Quebec and a former Montreal council member. McKay was elected in 2008 to the Quebec National Assembly for the Parti Québécois but he was defeated in the 2014 Quebec election.
[ { "uri": "Q1196645", "surfaceform": "Canadian", "type": "Concept", "start": 41, "end": 49 }, { "uri": "Q2575714", "surfaceform": "Green Party of Quebec", "type": "ORG", "start": 99, "end": 120 }, { "uri": "Q340", "surfaceform": "Montreal", "type": "LOC", "start": 134, "end": 142 }, { "uri": "Q950356", "surfaceform": "Parti Québécois", "type": "ORG", "start": 225, "end": 240 }, { "uri": "Q4637681", "surfaceform": "2014 Quebec election", "type": "EVE", "start": 268, "end": 288 }, { "uri": "Q3476267", "surfaceform": "Scott McKay", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 11 }, { "uri": "1960-12-02T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "December 2, 1960", "type": "DATE", "start": 18, "end": 34 }, { "uri": "2008-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2008", "type": "DATE", "start": 180, "end": 184 }, { "uri": "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2014", "type": "DATE", "start": 268, "end": 272 } ]
[ { "subject": 5, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "member of political party", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 1, "predicate": "headquarters location", "object": 2 } ]
Mount Sirung
Mount Sirung () is an active volcano complex volcano located on Pantar Island in the Alor archipelago of the eastern Indonesian province of Nusa Tenggara Timor. The crater rim can be reached by an easy hike from the village of Kakamauta. Inside the crater is a large sulphurous crater lake and several active steam vents. The last major eruption occurred 1970, and regular gas and clastic eruptions have occurred since 2004. A small eruption beginning May 12, 2012 triggered an evacuation of an area within a 1.5 km radius of the caldera.
[ { "uri": "Q1200524", "surfaceform": "complex volcano", "type": "Concept", "start": 37, "end": 52 }, { "uri": "Q974980", "surfaceform": "Pantar Island", "type": "LOC", "start": 64, "end": 77 }, { "uri": "Q1866307", "surfaceform": "Alor archipelago", "type": "LOC", "start": 85, "end": 101 }, { "uri": "Q5061", "surfaceform": "Nusa Tenggara Timor", "type": "LOC", "start": 140, "end": 159 }, { "uri": "Q357775", "surfaceform": "crater rim", "type": "UNK", "start": 165, "end": 175 }, { "uri": "None", "surfaceform": "Kakamauta", "type": "UNK", "start": 227, "end": 236 }, { "uri": "Q204324", "surfaceform": "crater lake", "type": "Concept", "start": 278, "end": 289 }, { "uri": "Q7692360", "surfaceform": "eruption", "type": "Concept", "start": 337, "end": 345 }, { "uri": "Q1322666", "surfaceform": "Mount Sirung", "type": "LOC", "start": 0, "end": 12 }, { "uri": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1970", "type": "DATE", "start": 355, "end": 359 }, { "uri": "2004-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2004", "type": "DATE", "start": 419, "end": 423 }, { "uri": "2012-05-12T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "May 12, 2012", "type": "DATE", "start": 452, "end": 464 }, { "uri": "+1.5^^", "surfaceform": "1.5", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 509, "end": 512 } ]
[ { "subject": 8, "predicate": "located on terrain feature", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 1, "predicate": "part of", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 1, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 3 } ]
Araguaína () is a municipality located in the Brazilian state of Tocantins. Its population was 183,381 (2020), and its area is .
[ { "uri": "Q3184121", "surfaceform": "municipality", "type": "LOC", "start": 18, "end": 30 }, { "uri": "Q485258", "surfaceform": "Brazilian state", "type": "LOC", "start": 46, "end": 61 }, { "uri": "Q43695", "surfaceform": "Tocantins", "type": "Concept", "start": 65, "end": 74 }, { "uri": "Q625279", "surfaceform": "Araguaína", "type": "LOC", "start": 0, "end": 9 }, { "uri": "+183.381^^", "surfaceform": "183,381", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 95, "end": 102 }, { "uri": "+2020^^", "surfaceform": "2020", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 104, "end": 108 } ]
[ { "subject": 3, "predicate": "instance of", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "instance of", "object": 1 } ]
Mitchell van der Gaag
Mitchell van der Gaag (born 22 October 1971) is a Dutch retired footballer who played as a central defender, and the assistant manager of Ajax.
[ { "uri": "Q2736", "surfaceform": "footballer", "type": "Concept", "start": 64, "end": 74 }, { "uri": "None", "surfaceform": "central defender", "type": "UNK", "start": 91, "end": 107 }, { "uri": "Q628099", "surfaceform": "assistant manager", "type": "Concept", "start": 117, "end": 134 }, { "uri": "Q81888", "surfaceform": "Ajax", "type": "ORG", "start": 138, "end": 142 }, { "uri": "Q9293193", "surfaceform": "Mitchell van der Gaag", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 21 }, { "uri": "1971-10-22T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "22 October 1971", "type": "DATE", "start": 28, "end": 43 } ]
[ { "subject": 4, "predicate": "sport", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "occupation", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 5 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "sport", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "sport", "object": 0 } ]
Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof
Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof (; ) is the primary railway station in the city of Stuttgart, the state capital of Baden-Württemberg, in southwestern Germany. It is the largest regional and long-distance railway station in Stuttgart, the main node of the Stuttgart S-Bahn network, and, together with the station at Charlottenplatz, it is the main node of the Stuttgart Stadtbahn. Located at the northeastern end of the "Königstraße", the main pedestrian zone of the city centre, the main line station is a terminus, whilst the subterranean S-Bahn and Stadtbahn stations are through-stations. The station is well known for its 12-storey tower with a large, rotating and illuminated Mercedes-Benz star insignia on top; the tower and station building are city landmarks. Plans for the controversial Stuttgart 21 project to convert the main line terminus station into an underground through station include the demolition of the side wings of the building, together with the elimination of the platforms, tracks, and apron of the terminus station. The planned underground through station is configured at a 90-degree angle to the present station. The construction started in 2010 and is scheduled to end in 2025. In November 2009, preservationists of the International Council on Monuments and Sites nominated the building for inclusion in UNESCO's World Cultural Heritage list, an occasion that opponents of the "Stuttgart 21" project picked to urge the city and Deutsche Bahn to stop the project which implies demolition of parts of the complex designed by Paul Bonatz.
[ { "uri": "Q55488", "surfaceform": "railway station", "type": "Concept", "start": 43, "end": 58 }, { "uri": "Q1022", "surfaceform": "Stuttgart", "type": "LOC", "start": 74, "end": 83 }, { "uri": "Q1221156", "surfaceform": "state", "type": "Concept", "start": 89, "end": 94 }, { "uri": "Q985", "surfaceform": "Baden-Württemberg", "type": "LOC", "start": 106, "end": 123 }, { "uri": "Q183", "surfaceform": "Germany", "type": "LOC", "start": 141, "end": 148 }, { "uri": "Q81001", "surfaceform": "Stuttgart S-Bahn", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 246, "end": 262 }, { "uri": "Q569933", "surfaceform": "Stuttgart Stadtbahn", "type": "MISC", "start": 350, "end": 369 }, { "uri": "Q369730", "surfaceform": "pedestrian zone", "type": "Concept", "start": 435, "end": 450 }, { "uri": "Q55488", "surfaceform": "terminus", "type": "Concept", "start": 498, "end": 506 }, { "uri": "Q36008", "surfaceform": "Mercedes-Benz", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 673, "end": 686 }, { "uri": "Q700996", "surfaceform": "Stuttgart 21", "type": "LOC", "start": 789, "end": 801 }, { "uri": "Q273138", "surfaceform": "International Council on Monuments and Sites", "type": "ORG", "start": 1245, "end": 1289 }, { "uri": "Q9259", "surfaceform": "World Cultural Heritage", "type": "EVE", "start": 1339, "end": 1362 }, { "uri": "Q67612", "surfaceform": "Paul Bonatz", "type": "PER", "start": 1549, "end": 1560 }, { "uri": "Q613766", "surfaceform": "Stuttgart Hauptbahnhof", "type": "LOC", "start": 0, "end": 22 }, { "uri": "2010-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2010", "type": "DATE", "start": 1164, "end": 1168 }, { "uri": "2025-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2025", "type": "DATE", "start": 1196, "end": 1200 }, { "uri": "2009-11-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "November 2009", "type": "DATE", "start": 1206, "end": 1219 }, { "uri": "+12^^", "surfaceform": "12", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 618, "end": 620 }, { "uri": "+21^^", "surfaceform": "21", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 799, "end": 801 }, { "uri": "+90^^", "surfaceform": "90", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 1096, "end": 1098 }, { "uri": "+21^^", "surfaceform": "21", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 1414, "end": 1416 } ]
[ { "subject": 14, "predicate": "country", "object": 4 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "significant event", "object": 10 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "architect", "object": 13 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "capital", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 1, "predicate": "country", "object": 4 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "country", "object": 4 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "instance of", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "country", "object": 4 } ]
Elizabeth Devine
Elizabeth Devine may refer to: *Elizabeth Devine (writer) (born 1961), scriptwriter *Lizzie Devine, a character from "" *Lizzy DeVine, musician *Betsy Devine (born 1946), writer
[ { "uri": "Q1331190", "surfaceform": "Elizabeth Devine (writer)", "type": "PER", "start": 33, "end": 58 }, { "uri": "Q1240981", "surfaceform": "Lizzy DeVine", "type": "ORG", "start": 122, "end": 134 }, { "uri": "Q4898287", "surfaceform": "Betsy Devine", "type": "PER", "start": 146, "end": 158 }, { "uri": "Q5362684", "surfaceform": "Elizabeth Devine", "type": "UNK", "start": 0, "end": 16 }, { "uri": "1961-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1961", "type": "DATE", "start": 65, "end": 69 }, { "uri": "1946-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1946", "type": "DATE", "start": 165, "end": 169 } ]
[ { "subject": 0, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 4 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 5 } ]
Chrysopilus is common, worldwide genus of predatory snipe flies. There are approximately 300 species in the genus, including fossil members that are sometimes found in amber.
[ { "uri": "Q587981", "surfaceform": "snipe flies", "type": "Concept", "start": 52, "end": 63 }, { "uri": "Q25381", "surfaceform": "amber", "type": "Concept", "start": 168, "end": 173 }, { "uri": "Q2967415", "surfaceform": "Chrysopilus", "type": "Concept", "start": 0, "end": 11 } ]
[ { "subject": 2, "predicate": "parent taxon", "object": 0 } ]
Boys of the City
Boys of the City (also known as "The Ghost Creeps") is a 1940 black-and-white comedy/thriller film directed by Joseph H. Lewis. It is the second East Side Kids film and the first to star Bobby Jordan, Leo Gorcey, and Ernest Morrison.
[ { "uri": "Q838368", "surfaceform": "black-and-white", "type": "Concept", "start": 62, "end": 77 }, { "uri": "Q1707160", "surfaceform": "Joseph H. Lewis", "type": "PER", "start": 111, "end": 126 }, { "uri": "Q5329371", "surfaceform": "East Side Kids", "type": "ORG", "start": 145, "end": 159 }, { "uri": "Q4935226", "surfaceform": "Bobby Jordan", "type": "PER", "start": 187, "end": 199 }, { "uri": "Q2560665", "surfaceform": "Leo Gorcey", "type": "PER", "start": 201, "end": 211 }, { "uri": "Q475405", "surfaceform": "Ernest Morrison", "type": "PER", "start": 217, "end": 232 }, { "uri": "Q4952731", "surfaceform": "Boys of the City", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 0, "end": 16 }, { "uri": "1940-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1940", "type": "DATE", "start": 57, "end": 61 } ]
[ { "subject": 6, "predicate": "color", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 6, "predicate": "director", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 6, "predicate": "publication date", "object": 7 }, { "subject": 6, "predicate": "cast member", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 6, "predicate": "cast member", "object": 4 } ]
Shawn Thornton
Shawn Thornton (born July 23, 1977) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey player who played in the National Hockey League (NHL). He was known for his role as an enforcer during NHL games.
[ { "uri": "Q1196645", "surfaceform": "Canadian", "type": "Concept", "start": 41, "end": 49 }, { "uri": "Q41466", "surfaceform": "ice hockey", "type": "Concept", "start": 70, "end": 80 }, { "uri": "Q1215892", "surfaceform": "National Hockey League", "type": "ORG", "start": 106, "end": 128 }, { "uri": "Q166104", "surfaceform": "enforcer", "type": "Concept", "start": 168, "end": 176 }, { "uri": "Q1268752", "surfaceform": "Shawn Thornton", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 14 }, { "uri": "1977-07-23T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "July 23, 1977", "type": "DATE", "start": 21, "end": 34 } ]
[ { "subject": 4, "predicate": "sport", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "league", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 5 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "sport", "object": 1 } ]
Merchiston Tower
Merchiston Tower, also known as Merchiston Castle, was probably built by Alexander Napier, the 2nd Laird of Merchiston around 1454. It serves as the seat for Clan Napier. It was the home of John Napier, the 8th Laird of Merchiston and the inventor of logarithms, who was born there in 1550. The tower stands at the centre of Edinburgh Napier University's Merchiston campus.
[ { "uri": "Q4719732", "surfaceform": "Alexander Napier", "type": "PER", "start": 73, "end": 89 }, { "uri": "Q1515878", "surfaceform": "Laird", "type": "Concept", "start": 99, "end": 104 }, { "uri": "Q1921454", "surfaceform": "Merchiston", "type": "LOC", "start": 108, "end": 118 }, { "uri": "Q2669856", "surfaceform": "Clan Napier", "type": "LOC", "start": 158, "end": 169 }, { "uri": "Q159592", "surfaceform": "John Napier", "type": "PER", "start": 190, "end": 201 }, { "uri": "Q11197", "surfaceform": "logarithms", "type": "Concept", "start": 251, "end": 261 }, { "uri": "Q1277357", "surfaceform": "Edinburgh Napier University", "type": "ORG", "start": 326, "end": 353 }, { "uri": "Q1921452", "surfaceform": "Merchiston Tower", "type": "LOC", "start": 0, "end": 16 }, { "uri": "1454-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1454", "type": "DATE", "start": 126, "end": 130 }, { "uri": "1550-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1550", "type": "DATE", "start": 285, "end": 289 }, { "uri": "+2^^", "surfaceform": "2", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 95, "end": 96 }, { "uri": "+8^^", "surfaceform": "8", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 207, "end": 208 } ]
[ { "subject": 7, "predicate": "inception", "object": 8 } ]
I, Tintin
I, Tintin (French: Moi, Tintin) is a Franco-Belgian film which premiered in the Paris cinema as a feature presentation in 1976. It is made in semidocumentary style and mixing interviews with "The Adventures of Tintin" creator Hergé with real historical events and news stories edited together with animated "Adventures of Tintin" clips, narrated by Belgian news correspondent, Gérard Valet. The film was produced by Belvision Studios and Pierre Films in cooperation with the Franco-Belgian Ministry of Culture (Ministère de la Culture Française de Belgique).
[ { "uri": "Q150", "surfaceform": "French", "type": "Concept", "start": 11, "end": 17 }, { "uri": "Q142", "surfaceform": "Franco", "type": "LOC", "start": 37, "end": 43 }, { "uri": "Q31", "surfaceform": "Belgian", "type": "LOC", "start": 44, "end": 51 }, { "uri": "Q90", "surfaceform": "Paris", "type": "LOC", "start": 80, "end": 85 }, { "uri": "Q7449406", "surfaceform": "semidocumentary", "type": "Concept", "start": 143, "end": 158 }, { "uri": "Q744536", "surfaceform": "The Adventures of Tintin", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 193, "end": 217 }, { "uri": "Q52985", "surfaceform": "Hergé", "type": "PER", "start": 227, "end": 232 }, { "uri": "Q744536", "surfaceform": "Adventures of Tintin", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 309, "end": 329 }, { "uri": "Q2509498", "surfaceform": "Belvision Studios", "type": "ORG", "start": 417, "end": 434 }, { "uri": "Q3319173", "surfaceform": "I, Tintin", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 0, "end": 9 }, { "uri": "1976-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1976", "type": "DATE", "start": 122, "end": 126 } ]
[ { "subject": 9, "predicate": "original language of film or TV show", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 9, "predicate": "country of origin", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 9, "predicate": "country of origin", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 9, "predicate": "cast member", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 0, "predicate": "country", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "country", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "author", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 6, "predicate": "notable work", "object": 5 }, { "subject": 6, "predicate": "notable work", "object": 7 }, { "subject": 7, "predicate": "author", "object": 6 } ]
Spittal of Glenshee
The Spittal of Glenshee (, ) lies at the head of Glenshee in the highlands of eastern Perth and Kinross, Scotland where the confluence of many small streams flowing south out of the Grampians form the Shee Water. For centuries, there has been a hostel or inn at the site and, in modern times, the small village has become a centre for travel, tourism and winter sports in the region, sited at a bend on the A93 trunk road which leads from Blairgowrie north past the Spittal to the Glenshee Ski Centre and on to Braemar. Inhabitation in the Neolithic period is indicated by a Megalithic standing stone behind the old kirk, and the "Four Poster stone circle" on a nearby mound. When interest in ski mountaineering revived after the First World War and the Scottish Ski Club was resuscitated in 1929, they restarted weekly snow reports with reporters appointed at Lix Toll near Killin, Dalwhinnie, Braemar and the Spittal of Glenshee. The Dundee Ski Club used the "Spittal Hotel" as its meeting place, and pioneered improvements, setting up the first ski tows in Britain at Glenshee in December 1950. The hotel burnt down in 1959 and was rebuilt in Scandinavian style. However it was once again destroyed by fire in August 2014 and currently the site is for sale. The village also provides a stopping place on the "Cateran Trail" waymarked long distance footpath which provides a 64-mile (103 km) circuit in the glens of Perthshire and Angus. Scotland's foremost folklorist, Hamish Henderson spent a number of years in the village and developed his interest in Gaelic culture there.
[ { "uri": "Q5568035", "surfaceform": "Glenshee", "type": "LOC", "start": 49, "end": 57 }, { "uri": "Q207679", "surfaceform": "Perth and Kinross", "type": "LOC", "start": 86, "end": 103 }, { "uri": "Q1542364", "surfaceform": "Grampian", "type": "Concept", "start": 182, "end": 190 }, { "uri": "Q7492315", "surfaceform": "Shee Water", "type": "LOC", "start": 201, "end": 211 }, { "uri": "Q280494", "surfaceform": "A93", "type": "LOC", "start": 407, "end": 410 }, { "uri": "Q881185", "surfaceform": "Blairgowrie", "type": "LOC", "start": 439, "end": 450 }, { "uri": "Q5569328", "surfaceform": "Glenshee Ski Centre", "type": "LOC", "start": 481, "end": 500 }, { "uri": "Q897175", "surfaceform": "Braemar", "type": "LOC", "start": 511, "end": 518 }, { "uri": "Q36422", "surfaceform": "Neolithic", "type": "TIME", "start": 541, "end": 550 }, { "uri": "Q164240", "surfaceform": "Megalithic", "type": "Concept", "start": 576, "end": 586 }, { "uri": "Q1075998", "surfaceform": "ski mountaineering", "type": "Concept", "start": 695, "end": 713 }, { "uri": "Q361", "surfaceform": "First World War", "type": "EVE", "start": 732, "end": 747 }, { "uri": "None", "surfaceform": "Scottish Ski Club", "type": "UNK", "start": 756, "end": 773 }, { "uri": "Q1009402", "surfaceform": "Killin", "type": "LOC", "start": 877, "end": 883 }, { "uri": "Q1026785", "surfaceform": "Dalwhinnie", "type": "LOC", "start": 885, "end": 895 }, { "uri": "Q897175", "surfaceform": "Braemar", "type": "LOC", "start": 897, "end": 904 }, { "uri": "None", "surfaceform": "Dundee Ski Club", "type": "UNK", "start": 938, "end": 953 }, { "uri": "Q23666", "surfaceform": "Britain", "type": "LOC", "start": 1062, "end": 1069 }, { "uri": "Q13405588", "surfaceform": "long distance footpath", "type": "Concept", "start": 1340, "end": 1362 }, { "uri": "Q2349386", "surfaceform": "Hamish Henderson", "type": "PER", "start": 1476, "end": 1492 }, { "uri": "Q3776501", "surfaceform": "Spittal of Glenshee", "type": "LOC", "start": 4, "end": 23 }, { "uri": "Q3776501", "surfaceform": "Spittal of Glenshee", "type": "LOC", "start": 913, "end": 932 }, { "uri": "1929-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1929", "type": "DATE", "start": 794, "end": 798 }, { "uri": "1950-12-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "December 1950", "type": "DATE", "start": 1085, "end": 1098 }, { "uri": "1959-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1959", "type": "DATE", "start": 1124, "end": 1128 }, { "uri": "2014-08-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "August 2014", "type": "DATE", "start": 1215, "end": 1226 }, { "uri": "+93^^", "surfaceform": "93", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 408, "end": 410 }, { "uri": "+64^^", "surfaceform": "64", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 1380, "end": 1382 }, { "uri": "+103^^", "surfaceform": "103", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 1389, "end": 1392 } ]
[ { "subject": 20, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 0, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 9, "predicate": "time period", "object": 8 } ]
Guy Big
Guy Big (26 February 1946 – 2 May 1978 at Toronto) was the stage name of Alan Herbert Hoffman, a Canadian actor. He was most noted for his role in the children's television series "The Hilarious House of Frightenstein" as the Midget Count, although he also appeared in the movie "Find the Lady" as Miniature Man, in the "King of Kensington" episode "Tiny's Job" as the character Tiny Russell, and a guest on "The Tommy Hunter Show". Before his death he filmed a television adaptation of Isaac Asimov's "The Ugly Little Boy" which aired in 1977 on TVOntario. Hoffman spent his childhood in Yorkton, Saskatchewan, then attended the University of Alberta. During his years in Toronto, he also became a social worker and earned a relevant degree at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute. He had originally been slated to play the lead role of The Count in "Hilarious House of Frightenstein", as the original character concept had been based on the sight gag of a diminutive count contrasted against the height and weight of Fishka Rais as the Count's assistant Igor; however, as a novice actor Big struggled with the Count's accent, so a new role was written for him as the Midget Count while the role of the main Count was given to Billy Van. Big died aged 32 in Toronto from an unspecified cause, although he was reportedly treated for throat cancer in 1977.
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Aleksandr Gurnov
Aleksandr Gurnov (born 8 July 1957 in Moscow, Soviet Union) is a Russian TV persona. In 1973, Aleksandr Gurnov became a correspondent for the Russian national newspapers "Pionerskaya Pravda" and "Komsomolskaya Pravda". He graduated from Moscow State Institute of International Relations in 1980, and in the same year he became the editor, author and presenter of a weekly political programme on State TV and Radio Broadcasting of the USSR. In 1984 he did military service in Ethiopia. He was awarded with the Defender of Russia state award in 1991 and two years later, in 1993, he was the Bureau chief of Russian Television in London. He has also worked on the Russian Sports channel. Gurnov was a head of the Russian television news agency TSN,on Moscow's TV-6. In 2006, he participated in an online interview with, Russian President, Vladimir Putin, as a representative of the website Yandex. Today, he presents the "Spotlight" programme on the international Russian television network, RT. Aleksandr Gurnov likes watching television, drawing, playing tennis and doing mountain skiing. He speaks English, Russian, French and Amharic. He is married and has a seven-year-old son.
[ { "uri": "Q649", "surfaceform": "Moscow", "type": "LOC", "start": 38, "end": 44 }, { "uri": "Q15180", "surfaceform": "Soviet Union", "type": "LOC", "start": 46, "end": 58 }, { "uri": "Q4363147", "surfaceform": "Pionerskaya Pravda", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 172, "end": 190 }, { "uri": "Q849047", "surfaceform": "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 197, "end": 217 }, { "uri": "Q322964", "surfaceform": "Moscow State Institute of International Relations", "type": "ORG", "start": 238, "end": 287 }, { "uri": "Q4972153", "surfaceform": "State TV and Radio Broadcasting", "type": "UNK", "start": 396, "end": 427 }, { "uri": "Q15180", "surfaceform": "USSR", "type": "LOC", "start": 435, "end": 439 }, { "uri": "Q209572", "surfaceform": "military service", "type": "Concept", "start": 456, "end": 472 }, { "uri": "Q115", "surfaceform": "Ethiopia", "type": "LOC", "start": 476, "end": 484 }, { "uri": "Q7747", "surfaceform": "Vladimir Putin", "type": "PER", "start": 837, "end": 851 }, { "uri": "Q5281", "surfaceform": "Yandex", "type": "ORG", "start": 888, "end": 894 }, { "uri": "Q22868", "surfaceform": "RT", "type": "ORG", "start": 990, "end": 992 }, { "uri": "Q1860", "surfaceform": "English", "type": "Concept", "start": 1100, "end": 1107 }, { "uri": "Q7737", "surfaceform": "Russian", "type": "Concept", "start": 1109, "end": 1116 }, { "uri": "Q150", "surfaceform": "French", "type": "Concept", "start": 1118, "end": 1124 }, { "uri": "Q28244", "surfaceform": "Amharic", "type": "Concept", "start": 1129, "end": 1136 }, { "uri": "Q4152444", "surfaceform": "Aleksandr Gurnov", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 16 }, { "uri": "Q4152444", "surfaceform": "Aleksandr Gurnov", "type": "PER", "start": 95, "end": 111 }, { "uri": "Q4152444", "surfaceform": "Aleksandr Gurnov", "type": "PER", "start": 995, "end": 1011 }, { "uri": "1957-07-08T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "8 July 1957", "type": "DATE", "start": 23, "end": 34 }, { "uri": "1973-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1973", "type": "DATE", "start": 89, "end": 93 }, { "uri": "1980-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1980", "type": "DATE", "start": 291, "end": 295 }, { "uri": "1984-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1984", "type": "DATE", "start": 444, "end": 448 }, { "uri": "1991-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1991", "type": "DATE", "start": 544, "end": 548 }, { "uri": "1993-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1993", "type": "DATE", "start": 573, "end": 577 }, { "uri": "2006-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2006", "type": "DATE", "start": 767, "end": 771 }, { "uri": "-6^^", "surfaceform": "-6", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 760, "end": 762 } ]
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Howard Mehring
Howard Mehring (1931–1978) was a twentieth-century painter born in Washington, D.C. Howard Mehring is associated with Color Field painting and the Washington Color School and the artists at Jefferson Place Gallery. Mehring and Robert Gates both received grants from The Woodward Foundation to travel in Europe during 1971 to broaden their art backgrounds. His connection with Vincent Melzac was instrumental in developing his work. Early in his career (1956–1958) he shared studio space with Thomas "Tom" Downing, with whom he had been a student of Kenneth Noland at Catholic University. Some of their paintings from that period are difficult to tell apart. Mehring's early work is a "Washington version" of abstract expressionism, with the loose handling of paint on a surface but a much more transparent use of magna paint, an acrylic paint developed by Leonard Bocour. The stylistic resemblance to "Mountains and Sea" by Helen Frankenthaler is obvious. As Mehring developed as an artist his work became much more structured. He went from a painted surface with an all-over pattern to cutting up canvas with the all-over pattern and gluing it back together. Later he used some of those same forms to make "hard-edge paintings", such as "Chroma Double" from 1965, in the collection of the Honolulu Museum of Art. Mehring and the other Washington Color School painters were in debt to the writings of Clement Greenberg. In 1964 Greenberg included Mehring in his traveling museum exhibition called "Post-painterly Abstraction."
[ { "uri": "Q11629", "surfaceform": "painter", "type": "Concept", "start": 51, "end": 58 }, { "uri": "Q61", "surfaceform": "Washington, D.C.", "type": "LOC", "start": 67, "end": 83 }, { "uri": "Q1164982", "surfaceform": "Color Field painting", "type": "ORG", "start": 119, "end": 139 }, { "uri": "Q7971736", "surfaceform": "Washington Color School", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 148, "end": 171 }, { "uri": "Q46", "surfaceform": "Europe", "type": "LOC", "start": 304, "end": 310 }, { "uri": "Q7931946", "surfaceform": "Vincent Melzac", "type": "PER", "start": 377, "end": 391 }, { "uri": "Q7789044", "surfaceform": "Thomas \"Tom\" Downing", "type": "PER", "start": 493, "end": 513 }, { "uri": "Q527001", "surfaceform": "Kenneth Noland", "type": "PER", "start": 550, "end": 564 }, { "uri": "Q179036", "surfaceform": "Catholic University", "type": "LOC", "start": 568, "end": 587 }, { "uri": "Q177725", "surfaceform": "abstract expressionism", "type": "Concept", "start": 710, "end": 732 }, { "uri": "Q6731225", "surfaceform": "magna paint", "type": "Concept", "start": 815, "end": 826 }, { "uri": "Q207849", "surfaceform": "acrylic paint", "type": "Concept", "start": 831, "end": 844 }, { "uri": "Q6525133", "surfaceform": "Leonard Bocour", "type": "PER", "start": 858, "end": 872 }, { "uri": "Q65048093", "surfaceform": "Mountains and Sea", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 904, "end": 921 }, { "uri": "Q235281", "surfaceform": "Helen Frankenthaler", "type": "PER", "start": 926, "end": 945 }, { "uri": "Q369418", "surfaceform": "hard-edge painting", "type": "Concept", "start": 1211, "end": 1229 }, { "uri": "Q128316", "surfaceform": "Honolulu Museum of Art", "type": "LOC", "start": 1293, "end": 1315 }, { "uri": "Q7971736", "surfaceform": "Washington Color School", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 1340, "end": 1363 }, { "uri": "Q434813", "surfaceform": "Clement Greenberg", "type": "PER", "start": 1405, "end": 1422 }, { "uri": "Q1962478", "surfaceform": "Post-painterly Abstraction", "type": "Concept", "start": 1502, "end": 1528 }, { "uri": "Q5920388", "surfaceform": "Howard Mehring", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 14 }, { "uri": "Q5920388", "surfaceform": "Howard Mehring", "type": "PER", "start": 85, "end": 99 }, { "uri": "1971-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1971", "type": "DATE", "start": 318, "end": 322 }, { "uri": "1965-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1965", "type": "DATE", "start": 1262, "end": 1266 }, { "uri": "1964-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1964", "type": "DATE", "start": 1427, "end": 1431 }, { "uri": "+1931^^", "surfaceform": "1931", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 16, "end": 20 }, { "uri": "+1978^^", "surfaceform": "1978", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 21, "end": 25 }, { "uri": "+1956^^", "surfaceform": "1956", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 454, "end": 458 }, { "uri": "+1958^^", "surfaceform": "1958", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 459, "end": 463 } ]
[ { "subject": 10, "predicate": "subclass of", "object": 11 }, { "subject": 13, "predicate": "creator", "object": 14 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "notable work", "object": 13 } ]
Numa Sadoul
Numa Sadoul (born 7 May 1947, Brazzaville, French Equatorial Africa (now Republic of Congo) is a French writer, actor, and director, who has been a resident of France since 1966.
[ { "uri": "Q3844", "surfaceform": "Brazzaville", "type": "LOC", "start": 30, "end": 41 }, { "uri": "Q271894", "surfaceform": "French Equatorial Africa", "type": "LOC", "start": 43, "end": 67 }, { "uri": "Q971", "surfaceform": "Republic of Congo", "type": "LOC", "start": 73, "end": 90 }, { "uri": "Q142", "surfaceform": "French", "type": "LOC", "start": 97, "end": 103 }, { "uri": "Q3346273", "surfaceform": "Numa Sadoul", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 11 }, { "uri": "1947-05-07T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "7 May 1947", "type": "DATE", "start": 18, "end": 28 }, { "uri": "1966-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1966", "type": "DATE", "start": 173, "end": 177 } ]
[ { "subject": 4, "predicate": "place of birth", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "country of citizenship", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 5 }, { "subject": 0, "predicate": "country", "object": 2 } ]
Linacre Road railway station
Linacre Road railway station was a station located on the North Mersey Branch in Litherland, Lancashire.
[ { "uri": "Q7056088", "surfaceform": "North Mersey Branch", "type": "LOC", "start": 58, "end": 77 }, { "uri": "Q6647845", "surfaceform": "Litherland", "type": "LOC", "start": 81, "end": 91 }, { "uri": "Q23077", "surfaceform": "Lancashire", "type": "LOC", "start": 93, "end": 103 }, { "uri": "Q6550224", "surfaceform": "Linacre Road railway station", "type": "LOC", "start": 0, "end": 28 } ]
[ { "subject": 3, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 1 } ]
Tomáš Klouček
Tomáš Klouček (born March 7, 1980 in Prague, Czechoslovakia) is a Czech former professional ice hockey defenceman. He played in the National Hockey League for the New York Rangers, Nashville Predators and the Atlanta Thrashers between 2000 and 2006. He was drafted 131st overall by the Rangers in the 1998 NHL Entry Draft. Klouček joined Orli Znojmo in the Erste Bank Eishockey Liga after previously playing in the Slovak Extraliga with HC Kosice. He signed an initial one-month contract with the club on the eve of the 2014–15 season on September 11, 2014.
[ { "uri": "Q1085", "surfaceform": "Prague", "type": "LOC", "start": 37, "end": 43 }, { "uri": "Q33946", "surfaceform": "Czechoslovakia", "type": "LOC", "start": 45, "end": 59 }, { "uri": "Q41466", "surfaceform": "ice hockey", "type": "Concept", "start": 92, "end": 102 }, { "uri": "Q2304909", "surfaceform": "defenceman", "type": "Concept", "start": 103, "end": 113 }, { "uri": "Q1215892", "surfaceform": "National Hockey League", "type": "ORG", "start": 132, "end": 154 }, { "uri": "Q188984", "surfaceform": "New York Rangers", "type": "ORG", "start": 163, "end": 179 }, { "uri": "Q207980", "surfaceform": "Nashville Predators", "type": "ORG", "start": 181, "end": 200 }, { "uri": "Q244039", "surfaceform": "Atlanta Thrashers", "type": "ORG", "start": 209, "end": 226 }, { "uri": "Q776656", "surfaceform": "1998 NHL Entry Draft", "type": "EVE", "start": 301, "end": 321 }, { "uri": "Q1726916", "surfaceform": "Orli Znojmo", "type": "ORG", "start": 339, "end": 350 }, { "uri": "Q301660", "surfaceform": "Erste Bank Eishockey Liga", "type": "ORG", "start": 358, "end": 383 }, { "uri": "Q827966", "surfaceform": "Slovak Extraliga", "type": "ORG", "start": 416, "end": 432 }, { "uri": "Q949395", "surfaceform": "HC Kosice", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 438, "end": 447 }, { "uri": "Q17514619", "surfaceform": "2014–15", "type": "EVE", "start": 521, "end": 528 }, { "uri": "Q788611", "surfaceform": "Tomáš Klouček", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 13 }, { "uri": "1980-03-07T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "March 7, 1980", "type": "DATE", "start": 20, "end": 33 }, { "uri": "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2000", "type": "DATE", "start": 235, "end": 239 }, { "uri": "2006-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2006", "type": "DATE", "start": 244, "end": 248 }, { "uri": "1998-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1998", "type": "DATE", "start": 301, "end": 305 }, { "uri": "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2014", "type": "DATE", "start": 521, "end": 525 }, { "uri": "2014-09-11T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "September 11, 2014", "type": "DATE", "start": 539, "end": 557 }, { "uri": "+15^^", "surfaceform": "15", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 526, "end": 528 } ]
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Viscount Maynard
Viscount Maynard, of Easton Lodge in the County of Essex, was a title in the Peerage of Great Britain. It was created in 1766 for Charles Maynard, 6th Baron Maynard, Lord-Lieutenant of Suffolk. He was made Baron Maynard, of Much Easton (i.e. Great Easton) in the County of Essex, at the same time, also in the Peerage of Great Britain. Both titles were created with special remainder, failing male issue of his own, to his kinsman Sir William Maynard, 4th Baronet. The 1st Viscount was unmarried and on his death in 1775 the baronetcy of Easton Parva, the Irish barony of Maynard created in 1620 and the English barony of Maynard created in 1628 (see below) became extinct. He was succeeded in the barony of 1766 and the viscountcy according to the special remainder by his kinsman Sir Charles Maynard, 5th Baronet, who became the 2nd Viscount. The latter was succeeded by his nephew, the 3rd Viscount, who served as Lord-Lieutenant of Essex. He had no surviving male issue and on his death in 1865 the baronetcy, barony and viscountcy became extinct. His granddaughter, Daisy Maynard, daughter of Colonel the Honourable Charles Henry Maynard and future wife of Francis Greville, 5th Earl of Warwick, succeeded to most of the Maynard estates. The Maynard family descended from Sir Henry Maynard of Estaines, Essex, secretary to Lord Burghley and a Member of Parliament for Essex. His eldest son William Maynard was knighted in 1608 and in 1611 was created a Baronet, of "Easton Parva" (Latin, Little Easton) in the County of Essex, in the Baronetage of England. In 1620 he was elevated to the Peerage of Ireland as Lord Maynard, of Wicklow. In 1628 he was further honoured when he was made Baron Maynard, of Estaines in the County of Wicklow, in the Peerage of England. He was succeeded by his son, the 2nd Baron. He served as Comptroller of the Household and as Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire. On his death the titles passed to his eldest son, the 3rd Baron, who served as a Member of Parliament for Essex. Three of his sons, the 4th, 5th and 6th Barons, all succeeded to the title. The latter was made Viscount Maynard in 1766 (see above). Sir John Maynard, another son of Sir Henry Maynard, represented Essex in the Long Parliament but was impeached for high treason, expelled from the House of Commons and imprisoned in the Tower of London. His younger brother, Charles Maynard, served as Auditor of the Exchequer during the reign of King Charles II. Charles's son, William Maynard, was created a Baronet, of Walthamstow in the County of Essex, in the Baronetage of England in 1682. Two of his sons, the 2nd and 3rd Baronets, both succeeded to the title. The latter's son was the aforementioned Sir William Maynard, 4th Baronet, whose son Sir Charles Maynard, 5th Baronet, succeeded his kinsman as 2nd Viscount Maynard in 1775.
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"surfaceform": "Henry Maynard", "type": "PER", "start": 1283, "end": 1296 }, { "uri": "Q23240", "surfaceform": "Essex", "type": "LOC", "start": 1310, "end": 1315 }, { "uri": "Q354309", "surfaceform": "Lord Burghley", "type": "PER", "start": 1330, "end": 1343 }, { "uri": "Q486839", "surfaceform": "Member of Parliament", "type": "Concept", "start": 1350, "end": 1370 }, { "uri": "Q16991859", "surfaceform": "Essex", "type": "LOC", "start": 1375, "end": 1380 }, { "uri": "Q8015285", "surfaceform": "William Maynard", "type": "PER", "start": 1397, "end": 1412 }, { "uri": "Q2690413", "surfaceform": "Little Easton", "type": "LOC", "start": 1495, "end": 1508 }, { "uri": "Q4078461", "surfaceform": "Baronetage of England", "type": "UNK", "start": 1541, "end": 1562 }, { "uri": "Q1859616", "surfaceform": "Peerage of Ireland", "type": "PER", "start": 1595, "end": 1613 }, { "uri": "Q11009654", "surfaceform": "Peerage of England", "type": "PER", "start": 1752, "end": 1770 }, { "uri": "Q4577691", "surfaceform": "Comptroller of the Household", "type": "LOC", "start": 1829, "end": 1857 }, { "uri": "Q6679532", "surfaceform": "Lord-Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire", "type": "PER", "start": 1865, "end": 1898 }, { "uri": "Q7527923", "surfaceform": "John Maynard", "type": "PER", "start": 2153, "end": 2165 }, { "uri": "Q535158", "surfaceform": "Long Parliament", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 2226, "end": 2241 }, { "uri": "Q160128", "surfaceform": "high treason", "type": "Concept", "start": 2264, "end": 2276 }, { "uri": "Q62378", "surfaceform": "Tower of London", "type": "LOC", "start": 2335, "end": 2350 }, { "uri": "Q4819988", "surfaceform": "Auditor of the Exchequer", "type": "UNK", "start": 2400, "end": 2424 }, { "uri": "Q122553", "surfaceform": "Charles II", "type": "PER", "start": 2450, "end": 2460 }, { "uri": "Q16843712", "surfaceform": "William Maynard", "type": "PER", "start": 2477, "end": 2492 }, { "uri": "Q4078461", "surfaceform": "Baronetage of England", "type": "UNK", "start": 2563, "end": 2584 }, { "uri": "Q7529683", "surfaceform": "Sir William Maynard, 4th Baronet", "type": "PER", "start": 2706, "end": 2738 }, { "uri": "Q7935803", "surfaceform": "Viscount Maynard", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 0, "end": 16 }, { "uri": "Q7935803", "surfaceform": "Viscount Maynard", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 2109, "end": 2125 }, { "uri": "Q7935803", "surfaceform": "Viscount Maynard", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 2813, "end": 2829 }, { "uri": "1766-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1766", "type": "DATE", "start": 121, "end": 125 }, { "uri": "1775-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1775", "type": "DATE", "start": 516, "end": 520 }, { "uri": "1620-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1620", "type": "DATE", "start": 591, "end": 595 }, { "uri": "1628-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1628", "type": "DATE", "start": 641, "end": 645 }, { "uri": "1766-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1766", "type": "DATE", "start": 708, "end": 712 }, { "uri": "1865-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1865", "type": "DATE", "start": 994, "end": 998 }, { "uri": "1608-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1608", "type": "DATE", "start": 1429, "end": 1433 }, { "uri": "1611-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1611", "type": "DATE", "start": 1441, "end": 1445 }, { "uri": "1620-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1620", "type": "DATE", "start": 1567, "end": 1571 }, { "uri": "1628-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1628", "type": "DATE", "start": 1646, "end": 1650 }, { "uri": "1766-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1766", "type": "DATE", "start": 2129, "end": 2133 }, { "uri": "1682-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1682", "type": "DATE", "start": 2588, "end": 2592 }, { "uri": "1775-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1775", "type": "DATE", "start": 2833, "end": 2837 }, { "uri": "+6^^", "surfaceform": "6", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 147, "end": 148 }, { "uri": "+4^^", "surfaceform": "4", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 452, "end": 453 }, { "uri": "+1^^", "surfaceform": "1", "type": "NUMBER", 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"type": "NUMBER", "start": 2727, "end": 2728 }, { "uri": "+5^^", "surfaceform": "5", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 2771, "end": 2772 }, { "uri": "+2^^", "surfaceform": "2", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 2809, "end": 2810 } ]
[ { "subject": 8, "predicate": "spouse", "object": 7 }, { "subject": 13, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 10 }, { "subject": 21, "predicate": "place of detention", "object": 24 } ]
FILe Generator and Editor
An acronym for FILe Generator and Editor, FILGE was a command-oriented text editor created by CompuServe in the early 1970s. Its many commands were preceded by a slash (/) character. For example, if a text file contained the line: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" The word 'fox' could be replaced with 'wolf' using this command: "/c/fox/wolf" To see the result of the edit, the user could type: "/p" and in this case, would see "The quick brown wolf jumps over the lazy dog" There were many other commands, which later including a repeating capability, which allow significant file manipulations to be performed without the need to write special programs. FILGE was replaced by screen-oriented WYSIWYG editors.
[ { "uri": "Q131212", "surfaceform": "text editor", "type": "Concept", "start": 71, "end": 82 }, { "uri": "Q1122074", "surfaceform": "CompuServe", "type": "ORG", "start": 94, "end": 104 }, { "uri": "Q399981", "surfaceform": "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "type": "Concept", "start": 233, "end": 276 }, { "uri": "Q170542", "surfaceform": "WYSIWYG", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 715, "end": 722 }, { "uri": "Q5425806", "surfaceform": "FILe Generator and Editor", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 15, "end": 40 }, { "uri": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1970", "type": "DATE", "start": 118, "end": 122 } ]
[ { "subject": 4, "predicate": "instance of", "object": 0 } ]
Joey Tetarenko
Joey Tetarenko (born March 3, 1978) is a former Canadian Métis professional ice hockey player who played in the National Hockey League (NHL).
[ { "uri": "Q1196645", "surfaceform": "Canadian", "type": "Concept", "start": 48, "end": 56 }, { "uri": "Q41466", "surfaceform": "ice hockey", "type": "Concept", "start": 76, "end": 86 }, { "uri": "Q1215892", "surfaceform": "National Hockey League", "type": "ORG", "start": 112, "end": 134 }, { "uri": "Q6214583", "surfaceform": "Joey Tetarenko", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 14 }, { "uri": "1978-03-03T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "March 3, 1978", "type": "DATE", "start": 21, "end": 34 } ]
[ { "subject": 3, "predicate": "sport", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "league", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 4 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "sport", "object": 1 } ]
Kyle Quincey
Kyle Quincey (born August 12, 1985) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey defenseman. He most recently played for HIFK of the Finnish Liiga. Quincey played in the National Hockey League (NHL) for the Detroit Red Wings, Los Angeles Kings, Colorado Avalanche, Tampa Bay Lightning, New Jersey Devils, Columbus Blue Jackets, and the Minnesota Wild.
[ { "uri": "Q1196645", "surfaceform": "Canadian", "type": "Concept", "start": 41, "end": 49 }, { "uri": "Q41466", "surfaceform": "ice hockey", "type": "Concept", "start": 70, "end": 80 }, { "uri": "Q2304909", "surfaceform": "defenseman", "type": "Concept", "start": 81, "end": 91 }, { "uri": "Q2350626", "surfaceform": "HIFK", "type": "ORG", "start": 121, "end": 125 }, { "uri": "Q33", "surfaceform": "Finnish", "type": "LOC", "start": 133, "end": 140 }, { "uri": "Q456107", "surfaceform": "Liiga", "type": "ORG", "start": 141, "end": 146 }, { "uri": "Q1215892", "surfaceform": "National Hockey League", "type": "ORG", "start": 170, "end": 192 }, { "uri": "Q194116", "surfaceform": "Detroit Red Wings", "type": "ORG", "start": 207, "end": 224 }, { "uri": "Q203008", "surfaceform": "Los Angeles Kings", "type": "ORG", "start": 226, "end": 243 }, { "uri": "Q206297", "surfaceform": "Colorado Avalanche", "type": "ORG", "start": 245, "end": 263 }, { "uri": "Q201864", "surfaceform": "Tampa Bay Lightning", "type": "ORG", "start": 265, "end": 284 }, { "uri": "Q192081", "surfaceform": "New Jersey Devils", "type": "ORG", "start": 286, "end": 303 }, { "uri": "Q207507", "surfaceform": "Columbus Blue Jackets", "type": "ORG", "start": 305, "end": 326 }, { "uri": "Q206357", "surfaceform": "Minnesota Wild", "type": "ORG", "start": 336, "end": 350 }, { "uri": "Q1378586", "surfaceform": "Kyle Quincey", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 12 }, { "uri": "1985-08-12T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "August 12, 1985", "type": "DATE", "start": 19, "end": 34 } ]
[ { "subject": 14, "predicate": "sport", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "position played on team / speciality", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 15 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "league", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "member of sports team", "object": 7 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "member of sports team", "object": 8 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "member of sports team", "object": 9 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "sport", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "country", "object": 4 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "league", "object": 5 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "country", "object": 4 }, { "subject": 7, "predicate": "league", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 8, "predicate": "league", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 9, "predicate": "league", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 10, "predicate": "league", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 11, "predicate": "league", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 12, "predicate": "league", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 13, "predicate": "league", "object": 6 } ]
National Maritime Museum of Ireland
The National Maritime Museum of Ireland () opened in 1978 in the former Mariners' Church in Moran Park, located between the seafront and the centre of Dún Laoghaire town, southeast of Dublin city. President Michael D. Higgins officially re-opened the museum in 2012.
[ { "uri": "Q6764378", "surfaceform": "Mariners' Church", "type": "LOC", "start": 72, "end": 88 }, { "uri": "Q745989", "surfaceform": "Dún Laoghaire", "type": "LOC", "start": 151, "end": 164 }, { "uri": "Q1761", "surfaceform": "Dublin", "type": "LOC", "start": 184, "end": 190 }, { "uri": "Q57276", "surfaceform": "Michael D. Higgins", "type": "PER", "start": 207, "end": 225 }, { "uri": "Q6974254", "surfaceform": "National Maritime Museum of Ireland", "type": "LOC", "start": 4, "end": 39 }, { "uri": "1978-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1978", "type": "DATE", "start": 53, "end": 57 }, { "uri": "2012-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2012", "type": "DATE", "start": 261, "end": 265 } ]
[ { "subject": 4, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "inception", "object": 5 } ]
Art Regner
Art Regner is a sports radio broadcaster, author, and a columnist for Fox Sports Detroit blog who has been on the Detroit sports airwaves, for WDFN and WXYT, since the 1990s. He is a native of Livonia, Michigan and graduated from Franklin High School. Regner is a graduate of the University of Michigan and has co-written three sports books on what it means to be a Michigan Wolverine and Detroit Red Wing and The Great Book of Detroit Sports Lists with his good friend Michael Stone.
[ { "uri": "Q17004870", "surfaceform": "sports radio", "type": "Concept", "start": 16, "end": 28 }, { "uri": "Q482980", "surfaceform": "author", "type": "Concept", "start": 42, "end": 48 }, { "uri": "Q1086863", "surfaceform": "columnist", "type": "Concept", "start": 56, "end": 65 }, { "uri": "Q75776", "surfaceform": "Fox Sports Detroit", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 70, "end": 88 }, { "uri": "Q30849", "surfaceform": "blog", "type": "Concept", "start": 89, "end": 93 }, { "uri": "Q7948381", "surfaceform": "WDFN", "type": "ORG", "start": 143, "end": 147 }, { "uri": "Q2538123", "surfaceform": "WXYT", "type": "ORG", "start": 152, "end": 156 }, { "uri": "Q853552", "surfaceform": "Livonia, Michigan", "type": "LOC", "start": 193, "end": 210 }, { "uri": "Q15218396", "surfaceform": "Franklin High School", "type": "ORG", "start": 230, "end": 250 }, { "uri": "Q230492", "surfaceform": "University of Michigan", "type": "ORG", "start": 280, "end": 302 }, { "uri": "Q6837794", "surfaceform": "Michigan Wolverine", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 366, "end": 384 }, { "uri": "Q194116", "surfaceform": "Detroit Red Wing", "type": "ORG", "start": 389, "end": 405 }, { "uri": "Q4797034", "surfaceform": "Art Regner", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 10 }, { "uri": "1990-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1990", "type": "DATE", "start": 168, "end": 172 } ]
[ { "subject": 12, "predicate": "educated at", "object": 8 }, { "subject": 12, "predicate": "educated at", "object": 9 }, { "subject": 8, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 7 } ]
The CP80 Foundation
The CP80 Foundation is an organization in the United States that advocates regulating the Internet to make it easier for users to filter out pornography. The foundation suggests using education, Internet governance, and legislation to achieve its goals. Its legislative efforts include the proposed Internet Community Ports Act (ICPA), which would organize the ports as defined by the TCP/IP protocol suite into "community ports" and "open ports", requiring that obscene material exclusively use the open ports. Among the ports they propose designating as a community port is port 80, the standard port for the hypertext transport protocol (HTTP), the transport mechanism used to support the World Wide Web. This is advocated in order to permit easier filtering of such material by firewalls, content-control software, and other devices or programs. The Utah legislature has approved a resolution calling upon the United States Congress to pass the proposed legislation. As part of a campaign to prevent minors from accessing pornography, the foundation also advocates legislation to fine Wifi router users who leave their routers open for anyone to use. The American Library Association maintains a list of studies discrediting approaches such as those taken by CP80 at Filters and Filtering. The CP80 Foundation was established in 2005. Its chairman is Ralph Yarro III who is also chairman of the board of the SCO Group.
[ { "uri": "Q75", "surfaceform": "Internet", "type": "Concept", "start": 90, "end": 98 }, { "uri": "Q291", "surfaceform": "pornography", "type": "Concept", "start": 141, "end": 152 }, { "uri": "Q858321", "surfaceform": "port", "type": "Concept", "start": 362, "end": 366 }, { "uri": "Q81414", "surfaceform": "TCP/IP", "type": "Concept", "start": 386, "end": 392 }, { "uri": "Q31110", "surfaceform": "obscene", "type": "Concept", "start": 464, "end": 471 }, { "uri": "Q8777", "surfaceform": "HTTP", "type": "Concept", "start": 642, "end": 646 }, { "uri": "Q466", "surfaceform": "World Wide Web", "type": "Concept", "start": 693, "end": 707 }, { "uri": "Q80998", "surfaceform": "firewalls", "type": "Concept", "start": 783, "end": 792 }, { "uri": "Q13515741", "surfaceform": "content-control software", "type": "Concept", "start": 794, "end": 818 }, { "uri": "Q829", "surfaceform": "Utah", "type": "LOC", "start": 856, "end": 860 }, { "uri": "Q11268", "surfaceform": "United States Congress", "type": "Concept", "start": 916, "end": 938 }, { "uri": "Q465584", "surfaceform": "American Library Association", "type": "ORG", "start": 1163, "end": 1191 }, { "uri": "Q7288300", "surfaceform": "Ralph Yarro III", "type": "PER", "start": 1360, "end": 1375 }, { "uri": "Q8824673", "surfaceform": "SCO Group", "type": "ORG", "start": 1417, "end": 1426 }, { "uri": "Q7720871", "surfaceform": "The CP80 Foundation", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 19 }, { "uri": "Q7720871", "surfaceform": "The CP80 Foundation", "type": "PER", "start": 1299, "end": 1318 }, { "uri": "2005-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2005", "type": "DATE", "start": 1338, "end": 1342 }, { "uri": "+80^^", "surfaceform": "80", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 6, "end": 8 }, { "uri": "+80^^", "surfaceform": "80", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 582, "end": 584 }, { "uri": "+80^^", "surfaceform": "80", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 1269, "end": 1271 }, { "uri": "+80^^", "surfaceform": "80", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 1305, "end": 1307 } ]
[ { "subject": 5, "predicate": "part of", "object": 6 } ]
Aintree Racecourse railway station
:"For a guide to the various Aintree stations that have existed and their relationship to each other see " Aintree Racecourse railway station was a station located on the North Mersey Branch, in Liverpool, England. It originally opened as Aintree Cinder Lane around 1890 as the only station on the line at the time, only opening for race days at Aintree Racecourse.
[ { "uri": "Q7056088", "surfaceform": "North Mersey Branch", "type": "LOC", "start": 173, "end": 192 }, { "uri": "Q24826", "surfaceform": "Liverpool", "type": "LOC", "start": 197, "end": 206 }, { "uri": "Q174017", "surfaceform": "Aintree Racecourse", "type": "LOC", "start": 348, "end": 366 }, { "uri": "Q4697535", "surfaceform": "Aintree Racecourse railway station", "type": "LOC", "start": 109, "end": 143 }, { "uri": "1890-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1890", "type": "DATE", "start": 268, "end": 272 } ]
[ { "subject": 3, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 1 } ]
Kirby Law
Kirby Law (born March 11, 1977) is a Canadian former professional ice hockey winger who played nine games over parts of three seasons in the National Hockey League (NHL) for the Philadelphia Flyers.
[ { "uri": "Q1196645", "surfaceform": "Canadian", "type": "Concept", "start": 37, "end": 45 }, { "uri": "Q41466", "surfaceform": "ice hockey", "type": "Concept", "start": 66, "end": 76 }, { "uri": "Q2827965", "surfaceform": "winger", "type": "Concept", "start": 77, "end": 83 }, { "uri": "Q1215892", "surfaceform": "National Hockey League", "type": "ORG", "start": 141, "end": 163 }, { "uri": "Q192083", "surfaceform": "Philadelphia Flyers", "type": "ORG", "start": 178, "end": 197 }, { "uri": "Q345787", "surfaceform": "Kirby Law", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 9 }, { "uri": "1977-03-11T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "March 11, 1977", "type": "DATE", "start": 16, "end": 30 } ]
[ { "subject": 5, "predicate": "sport", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "position played on team / speciality", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "league", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "member of sports team", "object": 4 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "sport", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "sport", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "sport", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "league", "object": 3 } ]
Gilsland Spa
Gilsland Spa is the present-day name of a hotel at Gilsland, Cumbria, England. It is named from the sulphurous spring which issues from a cliff below the hotel. The original hotel was called The Shaws, from an Old English word meaning a small woodland, and was built in the 1760s, although the site and its surrounding farmland have been known by this name since at least 1603. Lord William Howard's map of the Barony of Gilsland of this date shows two buildings near the site of the hotel labelled "Two tenements called the Shaws". Very little is known about the first hotel but one contemporary drawing suggests that it may have had a tower in imitation of the type of fortified house known locally as a peel. This original Shaws Hotel burned down spectacularly in 1859, and was replaced on a grander scale soon afterwards by G. G. Mounsey, a local landowner and first elected mayor of Carlisle. Around this time, Rose Hill railway station was renamed Gilsland, and the surrounding collection of hamlets became the village of Gilsland, but the hotel continued to be called The Shaws until it was leased to the Gilsland Spa Hotel and Hydro Company of South Shields in 1893. Expensive renovations, including an improved water supply, crippled this company financially, and it failed in 1900. The Co-operative Wholesale Society took over in 1901 to run it as a convalescent home, the Co-operative Group being principal shareholders in the business. The present-day management welcome the use of its large car park by visitors wishing to enjoy the dramatic wooded gorge, and offer food, drink and accommodation. Gilsland Spa has a sister hotel, The Esplanade, in Scarborough, Yorkshire. The two hotels were sold by the Co-op in December 2017 and the new owners Northern Powerhouse Developments planned major refurbishments. The hotel has been a popular resort since the eighteenth century. Susanna Blamire, the Cumbrian Muse, came to take the waters in the later part of the century and Walter Scott came here in "the season" of 1797 looking for a wife, and found one. The opening of the railway station in 1836 galvanised the village and during the later part of the 19th century and the early 20th, Gilsland was thronged with tourists, many of whom were working-class people from Tyneside. Reviewers of the hotel repeatedly stressed the free and easy way in which the different classes mixed. One of the main attractions, though for reasons no-one is prepared to admit, has been the Popping Stone, an enigmatic stone some half a mile from the hotel in a secluded glade, linked to various courtship and fertility rituals. Next to the stone was the Kissing Bush, an ancient hawthorn which died in the 1940s. These relics and two mineral springs (sulphurous and chalybeate) are situated along the network of wide footpaths known as the Home Walks which provide access to the rugged scenery of the hotel grounds. During its time the hotel has been a First World War military convalescent home and a Second World War maternity hospital and was known locally until recently as "The Home".
[ { "uri": "Q9268097", "surfaceform": "Gilsland", "type": "LOC", "start": 51, "end": 59 }, { "uri": "Q23066", "surfaceform": "Cumbria", "type": "Concept", "start": 61, "end": 68 }, { "uri": "Q21", "surfaceform": "England", "type": "LOC", "start": 70, "end": 77 }, { "uri": "Q5814924", "surfaceform": "Lord William Howard", "type": "PER", "start": 379, "end": 398 }, { "uri": "Q192896", "surfaceform": "Carlisle", "type": "LOC", "start": 890, "end": 898 }, { "uri": "Q15221692", "surfaceform": "Rose Hill railway station", "type": "Concept", "start": 918, "end": 943 }, { "uri": "Q279000", "surfaceform": "South Shields", "type": "LOC", "start": 1154, "end": 1167 }, { "uri": "Q117202", "surfaceform": "Co-operative Wholesale Society", "type": "ORG", "start": 1299, "end": 1329 }, { "uri": "Q117202", "surfaceform": "Co-operative Group", "type": "ORG", "start": 1386, "end": 1404 }, { "uri": "Q743521", "surfaceform": "Scarborough", "type": "LOC", "start": 1664, "end": 1675 }, { "uri": "Q163", "surfaceform": "Yorkshire", "type": "LOC", "start": 1677, "end": 1686 }, { "uri": "Q7648643", "surfaceform": "Susanna Blamire", "type": "PER", "start": 1892, "end": 1907 }, { "uri": "Q79025", "surfaceform": "Walter Scott", "type": "PER", "start": 1989, "end": 2001 }, { "uri": "Q2578988", "surfaceform": "Tyneside", "type": "LOC", "start": 2284, "end": 2292 }, { "uri": "Q7229530", "surfaceform": "Popping Stone", "type": "LOC", "start": 2487, "end": 2500 }, { "uri": "Q132557", "surfaceform": "hawthorn", "type": "Concept", "start": 2676, "end": 2684 }, { "uri": "Q3046709", "surfaceform": "chalybeate", "type": "Concept", "start": 2763, "end": 2773 }, { "uri": "Q5562597", "surfaceform": "Gilsland Spa", "type": "UNK", "start": 0, "end": 12 }, { "uri": "Q5562597", "surfaceform": "Gilsland Spa", "type": "UNK", "start": 1114, "end": 1126 }, { "uri": "Q5562597", "surfaceform": "Gilsland Spa", "type": "UNK", "start": 1613, "end": 1625 }, { "uri": "1760-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1760", "type": "DATE", "start": 275, "end": 279 }, { "uri": "1603-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1603", "type": "DATE", "start": 373, "end": 377 }, { "uri": "1859-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1859", "type": "DATE", "start": 769, "end": 773 }, { "uri": "1893-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1893", "type": "DATE", "start": 1171, "end": 1175 }, { "uri": "1900-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1900", "type": "DATE", "start": 1288, "end": 1292 }, { "uri": "1901-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1901", "type": "DATE", "start": 1343, "end": 1347 }, { "uri": "2017-12-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "December 2017", "type": "DATE", "start": 1729, "end": 1742 }, { "uri": "1797-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1797", "type": "DATE", "start": 2031, "end": 2035 }, { "uri": "1836-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1836", "type": "DATE", "start": 2109, "end": 2113 }, { "uri": "1940-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1940", "type": "DATE", "start": 2703, "end": 2707 }, { "uri": "+19^^", "surfaceform": "19", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 2170, "end": 2172 }, { "uri": "+20^^", "surfaceform": "20", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 2197, "end": 2199 } ]
[ { "subject": 9, "predicate": "historic county", "object": 10 } ]
Schecter Damien 6
The Schecter Damien 6 is an electric guitar manufactured by Schecter Guitar Research. Based on Schecter's "C-1" model, the body of the Damien 6 has an entirely flat satin black body of basswood. The neck and fingerboard are made of maple and rosewood. The model has two EMG humbucking pickups, the first Schecter guitar to use this type of pickup. Schecter is also one of the only companies to mass-produce left handed versions of their more specialised models, making them an ideal choice for heavy metal guitarists struggling to find affordable instruments elsewhere. Its suggested retail price is $549, and it comes in both right- and left-handed models.
[ { "uri": "Q78987", "surfaceform": "electric guitar", "type": "Concept", "start": 28, "end": 43 }, { "uri": "Q131835", "surfaceform": "Schecter Guitar Research", "type": "ORG", "start": 60, "end": 84 }, { "uri": "Q163981", "surfaceform": "basswood", "type": "Concept", "start": 186, "end": 194 }, { "uri": "Q42292", "surfaceform": "maple", "type": "Concept", "start": 233, "end": 238 }, { "uri": "Q122421", "surfaceform": "rosewood", "type": "Concept", "start": 243, "end": 251 }, { "uri": "Q525227", "surfaceform": "EMG", "type": "ORG", "start": 271, "end": 274 }, { "uri": "Q1231632", "surfaceform": "humbucking", "type": "UNK", "start": 275, "end": 285 }, { "uri": "Q572648", "surfaceform": "pickup", "type": "Concept", "start": 286, "end": 292 }, { "uri": "Q4917", "surfaceform": "$", "type": "Concept", "start": 602, "end": 603 }, { "uri": "Q7431031", "surfaceform": "Schecter Damien 6", "type": "UNK", "start": 4, "end": 21 }, { "uri": "+6^^", "surfaceform": "6", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 20, "end": 21 }, { "uri": "-1^^", "surfaceform": "-1", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 109, "end": 111 }, { "uri": "+6^^", "surfaceform": "6", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 143, "end": 144 }, { "uri": "+549^^", "surfaceform": "549", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 603, "end": 606 } ]
[ { "subject": 0, "predicate": "manufacturer", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 7, "predicate": "manufacturer", "object": 5 } ]
National Student Survey
The National Student Survey is an annual survey, launched in 2005, of all final year undergraduate degree students at institutions in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland within the United Kingdom. The survey is designed to assess undergraduate students' opinions of the quality of their degree programmes, with seven different scores published including an "overall satisfaction" mark. NSS is conducted by Ipsos MORI on behalf of the Office for Students and the UK higher education funding bodies.
[ { "uri": "Q7257997", "surfaceform": "survey", "type": "Concept", "start": 41, "end": 47 }, { "uri": "Q21", "surfaceform": "England", "type": "LOC", "start": 134, "end": 141 }, { "uri": "Q22", "surfaceform": "Scotland", "type": "LOC", "start": 143, "end": 151 }, { "uri": "Q25", "surfaceform": "Wales", "type": "LOC", "start": 153, "end": 158 }, { "uri": "Q26", "surfaceform": "Northern Ireland", "type": "LOC", "start": 163, "end": 179 }, { "uri": "Q145", "surfaceform": "United Kingdom", "type": "LOC", "start": 191, "end": 205 }, { "uri": "Q6065484", "surfaceform": "Ipsos MORI", "type": "ORG", "start": 417, "end": 427 }, { "uri": "None", "surfaceform": "UK higher education funding bodies", "type": "UNK", "start": 473, "end": 507 }, { "uri": "Q6978750", "surfaceform": "National Student Survey", "type": "EVE", "start": 4, "end": 27 }, { "uri": "2005-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2005", "type": "DATE", "start": 61, "end": 65 } ]
[ { "subject": 8, "predicate": "country", "object": 5 }, { "subject": 1, "predicate": "country", "object": 5 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "country", "object": 5 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "country", "object": 5 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "country", "object": 5 } ]
Fokker F26
The Fokker F26 was an early jet airliner design created by the Dutch aircraft manufacturer, Fokker.
[ { "uri": "Q55", "surfaceform": "Dutch", "type": "LOC", "start": 63, "end": 68 }, { "uri": "Q11436", "surfaceform": "aircraft", "type": "Concept", "start": 69, "end": 77 }, { "uri": "Q155896", "surfaceform": "Fokker", "type": "ORG", "start": 92, "end": 98 }, { "uri": "Q3747031", "surfaceform": "Fokker F26", "type": "MISC", "start": 4, "end": 14 }, { "uri": "+26^^", "surfaceform": "26", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 12, "end": 14 } ]
[ { "subject": 3, "predicate": "subclass of", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "manufacturer", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "country", "object": 0 } ]
Tobelo is a town and a district on the eastern Indonesian island of Halmahera. It is the capital of the regency ("kabupaten") of North Halmahera, part of the province of North Maluku. The city was formalised as the capital of North Halmahera in the district elections held in 2004. It has a population of approximately 33,700. A palm tree lined coastal road connects Tobelo to Galela. The town is predominantly Christian and a Protestant Church has existed in Tobelo since at least 1924.
[ { "uri": "Q252", "surfaceform": "Indonesia", "type": "LOC", "start": 47, "end": 56 }, { "uri": "Q201398", "surfaceform": "Halmahera", "type": "LOC", "start": 68, "end": 77 }, { "uri": "Q19147", "surfaceform": "North Halmahera", "type": "LOC", "start": 129, "end": 144 }, { "uri": "Q5094", "surfaceform": "North Maluku", "type": "LOC", "start": 170, "end": 182 }, { "uri": "Q3705089", "surfaceform": "Galela", "type": "LOC", "start": 377, "end": 383 }, { "uri": "Q106039", "surfaceform": "Christian", "type": "Concept", "start": 411, "end": 420 }, { "uri": "Q23540", "surfaceform": "Protestant Church", "type": "Concept", "start": 427, "end": 444 }, { "uri": "Q3183036", "surfaceform": "Tobelo", "type": "LOC", "start": 0, "end": 6 }, { "uri": "Q3183036", "surfaceform": "Tobelo", "type": "LOC", "start": 367, "end": 373 }, { "uri": "Q3183036", "surfaceform": "Tobelo", "type": "LOC", "start": 460, "end": 466 }, { "uri": "2004-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2004", "type": "DATE", "start": 276, "end": 280 }, { "uri": "1924-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1924", "type": "DATE", "start": 482, "end": 486 } ]
[ { "subject": 7, "predicate": "country", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 7, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "capital", "object": 7 }, { "subject": 1, "predicate": "country", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 3 } ]
Zsolt Erdei
Zsolt Erdei (born 31 May 1974) is a Hungarian former professional boxer who competed from 2000 to 2014. He held world championships in two weight classes, including the WBO and lineal light-heavyweight titles from 2004 to 2009 (making eleven consecutive defences against ten different opponents), and the WBC cruiserweight title from 2009 to 2010. Erdei is the first boxer from Hungary to win world titles in two weight divisions. As an amateur, he won a bronze medal in the middleweight division at the 2000 Olympics. He also competed at the 1996 Summer Olympics.
[ { "uri": "Q2631720", "surfaceform": "professional boxer", "type": "Concept", "start": 53, "end": 71 }, { "uri": "Q1326107", "surfaceform": "weight classes", "type": "Concept", "start": 139, "end": 153 }, { "uri": "Q830940", "surfaceform": "WBO", "type": "ORG", "start": 169, "end": 172 }, { "uri": "Q886814", "surfaceform": "lineal", "type": "Concept", "start": 177, "end": 183 }, { "uri": "Q1004748", "surfaceform": "light-heavyweight", "type": "Concept", "start": 184, "end": 201 }, { "uri": "Q724450", "surfaceform": "WBC", "type": "ORG", "start": 305, "end": 308 }, { "uri": "Q867600", "surfaceform": "cruiserweight", "type": "Concept", "start": 309, "end": 322 }, { "uri": "Q4573533", "surfaceform": "amateur", "type": "Concept", "start": 437, "end": 444 }, { "uri": "Q1051530", "surfaceform": "middleweight", "type": "Concept", "start": 475, "end": 487 }, { "uri": "Q8544", "surfaceform": "2000 Olympics", "type": "EVE", "start": 504, "end": 517 }, { "uri": "Q8531", "surfaceform": "1996 Summer Olympics", "type": "EVE", "start": 543, "end": 563 }, { "uri": "Q227348", "surfaceform": "Zsolt Erdei", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 11 }, { "uri": "1974-05-31T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "31 May 1974", "type": "DATE", "start": 18, "end": 29 }, { "uri": "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2000", "type": "DATE", "start": 90, "end": 94 }, { "uri": "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2014", "type": "DATE", "start": 98, "end": 102 }, { "uri": "2004-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2004", "type": "DATE", "start": 214, "end": 218 }, { "uri": "2009-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2009", "type": "DATE", "start": 222, "end": 226 }, { "uri": "2009-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2009", "type": "DATE", "start": 334, "end": 338 }, { "uri": "2010-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2010", "type": "DATE", "start": 342, "end": 346 }, { "uri": "2000-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2000", "type": "DATE", "start": 504, "end": 508 }, { "uri": "1996-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1996", "type": "DATE", "start": 543, "end": 547 } ]
[ { "subject": 11, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 12 }, { "subject": 11, "predicate": "competition class", "object": 4 }, { "subject": 11, "predicate": "competition class", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 9, "predicate": "participant", "object": 11 }, { "subject": 6, "predicate": "instance of", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 9, "predicate": "point in time", "object": 19 }, { "subject": 10, "predicate": "point in time", "object": 20 } ]
Clara Ingram Judson
Clara Ingram Judson (May 4, 1879 – May 24, 1960) was an American author who wrote over 70 children's books, primarily nonfiction including several biographies of American presidents. In 1960, she won the second Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal from the professional children's librarians, although she died before she could receive it. The award recognizes a living author or illustrator whose books, published in the United States, have made "a substantial and lasting contribution to literature for children".
[ { "uri": "Q846570", "surfaceform": "American", "type": "Concept", "start": 56, "end": 64 }, { "uri": "Q131539", "surfaceform": "children's books", "type": "Concept", "start": 90, "end": 106 }, { "uri": "Q35073", "surfaceform": "American presidents", "type": "UNK", "start": 162, "end": 181 }, { "uri": "Q354323", "surfaceform": "Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 211, "end": 237 }, { "uri": "Q4356812", "surfaceform": "Clara Ingram Judson", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 19 }, { "uri": "1879-05-04T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "May 4, 1879", "type": "DATE", "start": 21, "end": 32 }, { "uri": "1960-05-24T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "May 24, 1960", "type": "DATE", "start": 35, "end": 47 }, { "uri": "1960-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1960", "type": "DATE", "start": 186, "end": 190 }, { "uri": "+70^^", "surfaceform": "70", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 87, "end": 89 } ]
[ { "subject": 4, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 5 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "date of death", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "award received", "object": 3 } ]
Abbeyshrule () is a village in south-east County Longford, Ireland, on the River Inny and the Royal Canal.
[ { "uri": "Q186220", "surfaceform": "County Longford", "type": "LOC", "start": 42, "end": 57 }, { "uri": "Q27", "surfaceform": "Ireland", "type": "LOC", "start": 59, "end": 66 }, { "uri": "Q1410635", "surfaceform": "River Inny", "type": "LOC", "start": 75, "end": 85 }, { "uri": "Q1542268", "surfaceform": "Royal Canal", "type": "LOC", "start": 94, "end": 105 }, { "uri": "Q306455", "surfaceform": "Abbeyshrule", "type": "LOC", "start": 0, "end": 11 } ]
[ { "subject": 4, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "country", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 0, "predicate": "country", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "country", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "country", "object": 1 } ]
Marc Dugain
Marc Dugain (born 1957) is a French novelist and film director, best known for "La Chambre des Officiers" (English, "The Officers' Ward") (1999), a novel set in World War I. Dugain was born in Senegal and studied at the Institut d'études politiques de Grenoble. His prize-winning first novel was made into a successful film in 2001.
[ { "uri": "Q6625963", "surfaceform": "novelist", "type": "Concept", "start": 36, "end": 44 }, { "uri": "Q3207178", "surfaceform": "The Officers' Ward", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 117, "end": 135 }, { "uri": "Q361", "surfaceform": "World War I", "type": "EVE", "start": 161, "end": 172 }, { "uri": "Q1041", "surfaceform": "Senegal", "type": "LOC", "start": 194, "end": 201 }, { "uri": "Q3151959", "surfaceform": "Institut d'études politiques de Grenoble", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 221, "end": 261 }, { "uri": "Q3207179", "surfaceform": "film", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 320, "end": 324 }, { "uri": "Q3287980", "surfaceform": "Marc Dugain", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 11 }, { "uri": "1957-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1957", "type": "DATE", "start": 18, "end": 22 }, { "uri": "2001-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2001", "type": "DATE", "start": 328, "end": 332 }, { "uri": "+1999^^", "surfaceform": "1999", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 139, "end": 143 } ]
[ { "subject": 6, "predicate": "occupation", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 6, "predicate": "educated at", "object": 4 }, { "subject": 1, "predicate": "main subject", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 1, "predicate": "author", "object": 6 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "publication date", "object": 8 } ]
Gothenburg discothèque fire
}} The Gothenburg discothèque fire was a devastating fire caused by an arson attack on 29 October 1998, which occurred in premises located on Hisingen island in Gothenburg, Sweden. These had been rented for the night by an organization catering to the Macedonian community in Gothenburg for the purpose of hosting a discothèque. 375 young people aged 12–25 years old were present in the premises at the time that the fire started, the vast majority of whom had various ethnic minority backgrounds. The premises had been estimated by the fire department as safe for only 150 people. 63 people were killed during the incident and 213 people were injured.
[ { "uri": "Q3196", "surfaceform": "fire", "type": "Concept", "start": 54, "end": 58 }, { "uri": "Q327541", "surfaceform": "arson", "type": "Concept", "start": 72, "end": 77 }, { "uri": "Q851977", "surfaceform": "Hisingen island", "type": "LOC", "start": 143, "end": 158 }, { "uri": "Q25287", "surfaceform": "Gothenburg, Sweden", "type": "LOC", "start": 162, "end": 180 }, { "uri": "Q2436423", "surfaceform": "Macedonian", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 253, "end": 263 }, { "uri": "Q25287", "surfaceform": "Gothenburg", "type": "LOC", "start": 277, "end": 287 }, { "uri": "Q622425", "surfaceform": "discothèque", "type": "Concept", "start": 317, "end": 328 }, { "uri": "Q6498663", "surfaceform": "fire department", "type": "Concept", "start": 538, "end": 553 }, { "uri": "Q5587844", "surfaceform": "Gothenburg discothèque fire", "type": "Concept", "start": 8, "end": 35 }, { "uri": "1998-10-29T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "29 October 1998", "type": "DATE", "start": 88, "end": 103 }, { "uri": "+12^^", "surfaceform": "12", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 352, "end": 354 }, { "uri": "+25^^", "surfaceform": "25", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 355, "end": 357 }, { "uri": "+63^^", "surfaceform": "63", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 583, "end": 585 } ]
[ { "subject": 8, "predicate": "has cause", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 8, "predicate": "location", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 8, "predicate": "point in time", "object": 9 }, { "subject": 8, "predicate": "location", "object": 5 }, { "subject": 8, "predicate": "number of deaths", "object": 12 } ]
Paul Kemprecos
Paul Kemprecos (born March 11, 1939) is an American writer of mysteries and adventure stories. He is a Shamus Award-winning author of six underwater detective thrillers, and had been co-writing with Clive Cussler the "NUMA Files" novels, which focus on Kurt Austin, head of NUMA's Special Assignments Team and his adventures.
[ { "uri": "Q673795", "surfaceform": "Shamus Award", "type": "ORG", "start": 103, "end": 115 }, { "uri": "Q366266", "surfaceform": "Clive Cussler", "type": "PER", "start": 199, "end": 212 }, { "uri": "Q366266", "surfaceform": "Kurt Austin", "type": "PER", "start": 253, "end": 264 }, { "uri": "Q750904", "surfaceform": "Paul Kemprecos", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 14 }, { "uri": "1939-03-11T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "March 11, 1939", "type": "DATE", "start": 21, "end": 35 } ]
[ { "subject": 3, "predicate": "date of birth", "object": 4 } ]
Chesham Building Society
The Chesham Building Society was a building society based in the market town of Chesham in Buckinghamshire, England which merged with the Skipton Building Society in June 2010. Prior to the merger it was the 37th largest building society in the United Kingdom based on its total assets of £231 million. It was a member of the Building Societies Association. Their logo was a stylised chess piece, a pun on the name of the River Chess, the local river.
[ { "uri": "Q449067", "surfaceform": "building society", "type": "Concept", "start": 35, "end": 51 }, { "uri": "Q962767", "surfaceform": "Chesham", "type": "LOC", "start": 80, "end": 87 }, { "uri": "Q23229", "surfaceform": "Buckinghamshire", "type": "LOC", "start": 91, "end": 106 }, { "uri": "Q21", "surfaceform": "England", "type": "LOC", "start": 108, "end": 115 }, { "uri": "Q16931747", "surfaceform": "Skipton Building Society", "type": "ORG", "start": 138, "end": 162 }, { "uri": "Q4986507", "surfaceform": "Building Societies Association", "type": "ORG", "start": 326, "end": 356 }, { "uri": "Q136", "surfaceform": "chess piece", "type": "Concept", "start": 385, "end": 396 }, { "uri": "Q12054729", "surfaceform": "River Chess", "type": "LOC", "start": 423, "end": 434 }, { "uri": "Q5092921", "surfaceform": "Chesham Building Society", "type": "ORG", "start": 4, "end": 28 }, { "uri": "2010-06-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "June 2010", "type": "DATE", "start": 166, "end": 175 }, { "uri": "+37^^", "surfaceform": "37", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 208, "end": 210 }, { "uri": "+231^^", "surfaceform": "231", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 290, "end": 293 } ]
[ { "subject": 8, "predicate": "headquarters location", "object": 1 } ]
Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge
The Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge is part of the United States National Wildlife Refuge System, located in southwestern Florida, twenty miles east of Naples, in the upper segment of the Fakahatchee Strand of the Big Cypress Swamp. It is north of I-75 and west of SR 29. The refuge was established in 1989 under the Endangered Species Act by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, to protect the endangered Florida panther, as well as other threatened plant and animal species. The Florida panther is the only cougar population found east of the Mississippi River. The refuge is part of a network of private land and government protected areas. Some of the public sections of the system are the Everglades National Park, Big Cypress National Preserve and Fakahatchee Strand State Preserve. In all, less than 100 panthers use the area, with fewer than a dozen passing through the refuge each month. To protect the panther and other endangered inhabitants, general public use is only available at the southeast corner of the refuge, on designated hiking trails. All other areas can only be seen by way of limited tours.
[ { "uri": "Q30", "surfaceform": "United States", "type": "LOC", "start": 60, "end": 73 }, { "uri": "Q1410668", "surfaceform": "National Wildlife Refuge", "type": "LOC", "start": 74, "end": 98 }, { "uri": "Q812", "surfaceform": "Florida", "type": "LOC", "start": 131, "end": 138 }, { "uri": "Q257830", "surfaceform": "Naples", "type": "LOC", "start": 161, "end": 167 }, { "uri": "None", "surfaceform": "Fakahatchee Strand", "type": "UNK", "start": 197, "end": 215 }, { "uri": "Q478682", "surfaceform": "Big Cypress Swamp", "type": "PER", "start": 223, "end": 240 }, { "uri": "Q2432532", "surfaceform": "I-75", "type": "LOC", "start": 257, "end": 261 }, { "uri": "Q2432405", "surfaceform": "SR 29", "type": "LOC", "start": 274, "end": 279 }, { "uri": "Q2743374", "surfaceform": "Endangered Species Act", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 327, "end": 349 }, { "uri": "Q776670", "surfaceform": "Florida panther", "type": "Concept", "start": 413, "end": 428 }, { "uri": "Q473972", "surfaceform": "protected area", "type": "Concept", "start": 634, "end": 648 }, { "uri": "Q274131", "surfaceform": "Everglades National Park", "type": "LOC", "start": 701, "end": 725 }, { "uri": "Q478682", "surfaceform": "Big Cypress National Preserve", "type": "PER", "start": 727, "end": 756 }, { "uri": "Q5431444", "surfaceform": "Fakahatchee Strand State Preserve", "type": "LOC", "start": 761, "end": 794 }, { "uri": "Q2409471", "surfaceform": "Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge", "type": "LOC", "start": 4, "end": 44 }, { "uri": "1989-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1989", "type": "DATE", "start": 312, "end": 316 }, { "uri": "-75^^", "surfaceform": "-75", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 258, "end": 261 }, { "uri": "+29^^", "surfaceform": "29", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 277, "end": 279 } ]
[ { "subject": 14, "predicate": "country", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "instance of", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "significant place", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 14, "predicate": "inception", "object": 15 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 1, "predicate": "country", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "country", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "country", "object": 0 } ]
Bachianas Brasileiras
The Bachianas Brasileiras () are a series of nine suites by the Brazilian composer Heitor Villa-Lobos, written for various combinations of instruments and voices between 1930 and 1945. They represent a fusion of Brazilian folk and popular music on the one hand and the style of Johann Sebastian Bach on the other, as an attempt to freely adapt a number of Baroque harmonic and contrapuntal procedures to Brazilian music. Most of the movements in each suite have two titles: one "Bachian" (Preludio, Fuga, etc.), the other Brazilian (Embolada, O canto da nossa terra, etc.).
[ { "uri": "Q203005", "surfaceform": "suites", "type": "Concept", "start": 50, "end": 56 }, { "uri": "Q155", "surfaceform": "Brazil", "type": "LOC", "start": 64, "end": 70 }, { "uri": "Q203514", "surfaceform": "Heitor Villa-Lobos", "type": "PER", "start": 83, "end": 101 }, { "uri": "Q1339", "surfaceform": "Johann Sebastian Bach", "type": "PER", "start": 278, "end": 299 }, { "uri": "Q8361", "surfaceform": "Baroque", "type": "Concept", "start": 356, "end": 363 }, { "uri": "Q1148098", "surfaceform": "harmonic", "type": "Concept", "start": 364, "end": 372 }, { "uri": "Q186393", "surfaceform": "contrapuntal", "type": "Concept", "start": 377, "end": 389 }, { "uri": "Q899215", "surfaceform": "Brazilian music", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 404, "end": 419 }, { "uri": "Q929848", "surfaceform": "movements", "type": "Concept", "start": 433, "end": 442 }, { "uri": "Q769353", "surfaceform": "Bachianas Brasileiras", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 4, "end": 25 }, { "uri": "1930-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1930", "type": "DATE", "start": 170, "end": 174 }, { "uri": "1945-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1945", "type": "DATE", "start": 179, "end": 183 } ]
[ { "subject": 0, "predicate": "part of", "object": 9 }, { "subject": 9, "predicate": "country", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 9, "predicate": "composer", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "country of citizenship", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "notable work", "object": 9 } ]
Chunibala Devi
Chunibala Devi (c. 1872–1955) was an Indian character actress best known for her performance in Satyajit Ray's "Pather Panchali", where she played the old aunt, Indir Thakrun, to Apu and Durga. Formerly a theatre actress, Chunibala Devi made her film debut with "Bigraha" in 1930, though after her second film, "Rikta" in 1939 she retired. She was brought out of her retirement at the age of 80 by Satyajit Ray to act in the pivotal role of her career. She became the first Indian to win an award in the best actor/actress category in an international film festival, The Manila Film festival, for her role of Indir Thakrun. She died in Kolkata, of influenza, in 1955, before the release of "Pather Panchali", although Ray had been to her house to show her a projection.
[ { "uri": "Q668", "surfaceform": "India", "type": "LOC", "start": 37, "end": 42 }, { "uri": "Q33999", "surfaceform": "actress", "type": "Concept", "start": 54, "end": 61 }, { "uri": "Q8873", "surfaceform": "Satyajit Ray", "type": "Concept", "start": 96, "end": 108 }, { "uri": "Q622380", "surfaceform": "Pather Panchali", "type": "PER", "start": 112, "end": 127 }, { "uri": "Q1348", "surfaceform": "Kolkata", "type": "LOC", "start": 638, "end": 645 }, { "uri": "Q5116419", "surfaceform": "Chunibala Devi", "type": "PER", "start": 0, "end": 14 }, { "uri": "Q5116419", "surfaceform": "Chunibala Devi", "type": "PER", "start": 223, "end": 237 }, { "uri": "1872-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1872", "type": "DATE", "start": 19, "end": 23 }, { "uri": "1930-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1930", "type": "DATE", "start": 276, "end": 280 }, { "uri": "1939-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1939", "type": "DATE", "start": 323, "end": 327 }, { "uri": "1955-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1955", "type": "DATE", "start": 664, "end": 668 }, { "uri": "+1955^^", "surfaceform": "1955", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 24, "end": 28 }, { "uri": "+80^^", "surfaceform": "80", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 393, "end": 395 } ]
[ { "subject": 5, "predicate": "country of citizenship", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 5, "predicate": "occupation", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 6, "predicate": "date of death", "object": 10 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "narrative location", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 3, "predicate": "director", "object": 2 } ]
Thorla-McKee Well
The Thorla-McKee Well in Noble County, Ohio was the first oil-producing well in North America according to the Ohio Historical Society. Dedicated in 1992 by the Noble County Department of Tourism and the Ohio Historical Society, a designation marker sits within of Caldwell, Ohio to recognize the site. The plaque reads: :"Salt was an important commodity to early settlers because of its use in daily living. In 1814 Silas Thorla and Robert McKee dug a well in search of salt brine. They discovered salt, and by accident, discovered oil. Oil's value was unknown to them so they had to separate the oil from the salt water by soaking the oil up from the surface with blankets. The oil was wrung from the blankets, bottled as "Seneca Oil," and sold as a "cure all." The remaining brine was boiled down to extract the salt." After the Thorla-McKee well, other wells drilled for salt brine in Kentucky and West Virginia also produced oil and gas as byproducts. The Drake Well, drilled in Pennsylvania in 1859, is generally recognized as the first well in the United States drilled for oil itself.
[ { "uri": "Q489912", "surfaceform": "Noble County, Ohio", "type": "LOC", "start": 25, "end": 43 }, { "uri": "Q22656", "surfaceform": "oil", "type": "Concept", "start": 58, "end": 61 }, { "uri": "Q3349886", "surfaceform": "Ohio Historical Society", "type": "ORG", "start": 111, "end": 134 }, { "uri": "Q653835", "surfaceform": "Caldwell, Ohio", "type": "LOC", "start": 266, "end": 280 }, { "uri": "Q1603", "surfaceform": "Kentucky", "type": "LOC", "start": 892, "end": 900 }, { "uri": "Q1371", "surfaceform": "West Virginia", "type": "LOC", "start": 905, "end": 918 }, { "uri": "Q5305631", "surfaceform": "Drake Well", "type": "LOC", "start": 964, "end": 974 }, { "uri": "Q1400", "surfaceform": "Pennsylvania", "type": "LOC", "start": 987, "end": 999 }, { "uri": "Q7796247", "surfaceform": "Thorla-McKee Well", "type": "UNK", "start": 4, "end": 21 }, { "uri": "1992-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1992", "type": "DATE", "start": 150, "end": 154 }, { "uri": "1814-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1814", "type": "DATE", "start": 414, "end": 418 }, { "uri": "1859-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1859", "type": "DATE", "start": 1003, "end": 1007 } ]
[ { "subject": 5, "predicate": "shares border with", "object": 4 }, { "subject": 6, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 7 } ]
New Texas Giant
New Texas Giant is a steel roller coaster located at Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington, Texas. It originally opened as Texas Giant, which was the tallest wooden roller coaster in the world when it debuted in 1990. Manufactured by Dinn Corporation and designed by Curtis D. Summers, Texas Giant operated for nearly two decades, ranking first among wooden roller coasters in 1998 and 1999 in the annual Golden Ticket Awards from "Amusement Today". Declining popularity as the ride gained a negative reputation for its increasing roughness led to its demise in 2009. Following its closure in 2009, Texas Giant underwent an 18-month refurbishment by Rocky Mountain Construction (RMC). It reemerged as New Texas Giant in 2011. Much of the original wooden structure was kept, but the wooden track was replaced with steel using RMC's I-Box track technology. The renovated coaster saw an increase in height from and drop length from , as well as a steeper drop angle of 79°. New Texas Giant also features multiple banked turns up to an angle of 115°. The renovated coaster was well-received, winning Best New Ride in the 2011 Golden Ticket Awards and ranking highly in industry polls. A fatal incident that occurred on July 19, 2013, resulted in modifications to the ride's restraint system.
[ { "uri": "Q2389789", "surfaceform": "steel roller coaster", "type": "Concept", "start": 21, "end": 41 }, { "uri": "Q2074361", "surfaceform": "Six Flags Over Texas", "type": "LOC", "start": 53, "end": 73 }, { "uri": "Q17943", "surfaceform": "Arlington, Texas", "type": "LOC", "start": 77, "end": 93 }, { "uri": "Q973560", "surfaceform": "wooden roller coaster", "type": "Concept", "start": 154, "end": 175 }, { "uri": "Q2068815", "surfaceform": "Dinn Corporation", "type": "ORG", "start": 230, "end": 246 }, { "uri": "Q5195720", "surfaceform": "Curtis D. Summers", "type": "PER", "start": 263, "end": 280 }, { "uri": "Q697540", "surfaceform": "Golden Ticket Awards", "type": "MEDIA", "start": 401, "end": 421 }, { "uri": "Q3662070", "surfaceform": "Rocky Mountain Construction", "type": "ORG", "start": 647, "end": 674 }, { "uri": "Q3662070", "surfaceform": "I-Box track", "type": "ORG", "start": 828, "end": 839 }, { "uri": "Q5579875", "surfaceform": "Best New Ride", "type": "UNK", "start": 1094, "end": 1107 }, { "uri": "Q1353100", "surfaceform": "New Texas Giant", "type": "LOC", "start": 0, "end": 15 }, { "uri": "Q1353100", "surfaceform": "New Texas Giant", "type": "LOC", "start": 698, "end": 713 }, { "uri": "Q1353100", "surfaceform": "New Texas Giant", "type": "LOC", "start": 968, "end": 983 }, { "uri": "1990-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1990", "type": "DATE", "start": 208, "end": 212 }, { "uri": "1998-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1998", "type": "DATE", "start": 373, "end": 377 }, { "uri": "1999-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "1999", "type": "DATE", "start": 382, "end": 386 }, { "uri": "2009-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2009", "type": "DATE", "start": 558, "end": 562 }, { "uri": "2009-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2009", "type": "DATE", "start": 590, "end": 594 }, { "uri": "2011-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2011", "type": "DATE", "start": 717, "end": 721 }, { "uri": "2011-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2011", "type": "DATE", "start": 1115, "end": 1119 }, { "uri": "2013-07-19T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "July 19, 2013", "type": "DATE", "start": 1213, "end": 1226 }, { "uri": "+18^^", "surfaceform": "18", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 621, "end": 623 }, { "uri": "+79^^", "surfaceform": "79", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 963, "end": 965 } ]
[ { "subject": 10, "predicate": "instance of", "object": 0 }, { "subject": 10, "predicate": "part of", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 10, "predicate": "instance of", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 11, "predicate": "manufacturer", "object": 7 }, { "subject": 1, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 2 } ]
Stuttgart Stadtbahn
The Stuttgart Stadtbahn is a light rail system in Stuttgart, Germany. The Stadtbahn began service on 28 September 1985. It is operated by the Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG (SSB), which also operates the bus systems in that city. The Stuttgart Stadtbahn is successor system of a tram network ("Straßenbahnen") that characterized the urban traffic in Stuttgart for decades. The network of the Stadtbahn covers much of Stuttgart and also reaches the neighbouring towns of Remseck am Neckar, Fellbach, Ostfildern, Leinfelden-Echterdingen and Gerlingen (clockwise). Currently, the Stuttgart Stadtbahn system is made up of fourteen main lines (U1-U9, U12-U15, U19), a special event lines (U11) and two temporary lines during construction site, serving 203 stations, and operating on of route. In 2014, the Stuttgart Stadtbahn carried 174.9 million passengers.
[ { "uri": "Q2140646", "surfaceform": "Stadtbahn", "type": "LOC", "start": 14, "end": 23 }, { "uri": "Q1268865", "surfaceform": "light rail", "type": "Concept", "start": 29, "end": 39 }, { "uri": "Q1022", "surfaceform": "Stuttgart", "type": "LOC", "start": 50, "end": 59 }, { "uri": "Q183", "surfaceform": "Germany", "type": "LOC", "start": 61, "end": 68 }, { "uri": "Q2359602", "surfaceform": "Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG", "type": "ORG", "start": 142, "end": 170 }, { "uri": "None", "surfaceform": "bus systems", "type": "UNK", "start": 202, "end": 213 }, { "uri": "Q7833225", "surfaceform": "Straßenbahnen", "type": "UNK", "start": 292, "end": 305 }, { "uri": "Q61668", "surfaceform": "Remseck am Neckar", "type": "LOC", "start": 469, "end": 486 }, { "uri": "Q7022", "surfaceform": "Fellbach", "type": "LOC", "start": 488, "end": 496 }, { "uri": "Q14916", "surfaceform": "Ostfildern", "type": "LOC", "start": 498, "end": 508 }, { "uri": "Q14905", "surfaceform": "Leinfelden-Echterdingen", "type": "LOC", "start": 510, "end": 533 }, { "uri": "Q61843", "surfaceform": "Gerlingen", "type": "LOC", "start": 538, "end": 547 }, { "uri": "Q569933", "surfaceform": "Stuttgart Stadtbahn", "type": "MISC", "start": 4, "end": 23 }, { "uri": "Q569933", "surfaceform": "Stuttgart Stadtbahn", "type": "MISC", "start": 232, "end": 251 }, { "uri": "Q569933", "surfaceform": "Stuttgart Stadtbahn", "type": "MISC", "start": 576, "end": 595 }, { "uri": "Q569933", "surfaceform": "Stuttgart Stadtbahn", "type": "MISC", "start": 800, "end": 819 }, { "uri": "1985-09-28T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "28 September 1985", "type": "DATE", "start": 101, "end": 118 }, { "uri": "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2014", "type": "DATE", "start": 790, "end": 794 }, { "uri": "+1^^", "surfaceform": "1", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 639, "end": 640 }, { "uri": "+9^^", "surfaceform": "9", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 642, "end": 643 }, { "uri": "+12^^", "surfaceform": "12", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 646, "end": 648 }, { "uri": "+15^^", "surfaceform": "15", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 650, "end": 652 }, { "uri": "+19^^", "surfaceform": "19", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 655, "end": 657 }, { "uri": "+11^^", "surfaceform": "11", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 684, "end": 686 }, { "uri": "+174.9^^", "surfaceform": "174.9", "type": "NUMBER", "start": 828, "end": 833 } ]
[ { "subject": 12, "predicate": "instance of", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 12, "predicate": "located in the administrative territorial entity", "object": 2 }, { "subject": 12, "predicate": "country", "object": 3 }, { "subject": 4, "predicate": "item operated", "object": 13 }, { "subject": 0, "predicate": "subclass of", "object": 1 }, { "subject": 2, "predicate": "country", "object": 3 } ]
Expo 2015
Expo 2015 was a World Expo hosted by Milan, Italy. It opened on May 1 at 10:00 CEST and closed on October 31. Milan hosted an exposition for the second time; the first was the 1906 Milan International. The Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) general assembly in Paris decided in favour of Milan on March 31, 2008. On November 23, 2010, the event was announced by the BIE. Expo 2015's theme was "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life".
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State Auditor of Missouri
The State Auditor of Missouri is an elected official responsible for serving as the State of Missouri's chief fiscal regulator, conducting financial and performance audits for approximately 200 state agencies, boards, and commissions, and the state's judicial branch. The State Auditor also conducts audits for county and city governments lacking their own auditor or when requested by citizen petition. The State Auditor serves a four-year term, and is the only state Executive Branch official elected in even-numbered non-presidential election years. The office was temporarily held by John Watson after Tom Schweich, who was elected in 2010 and reelected in 2014, died on February 26, 2015. Nicole Galloway was appointed by Governor Jay Nixon to fill the office on a permanent basis until the 2018 election, effective on April 27, 2015, and was subsequently elected to a full term. The next election for State Auditor is scheduled for 2022.
[ { "uri": "Q7817498", "surfaceform": "Tom Schweich", "type": "PER", "start": 606, "end": 618 }, { "uri": "Q6879906", "surfaceform": "2010", "type": "Concept", "start": 639, "end": 643 }, { "uri": "Q19865351", "surfaceform": "2014", "type": "Concept", "start": 661, "end": 665 }, { "uri": "Q19866236", "surfaceform": "Nicole Galloway", "type": "PER", "start": 694, "end": 709 }, { "uri": "Q886943", "surfaceform": "Governor", "type": "UNK", "start": 727, "end": 735 }, { "uri": "Q562174", "surfaceform": "Jay Nixon", "type": "PER", "start": 736, "end": 745 }, { "uri": "Q55316100", "surfaceform": "2018 election", "type": "Concept", "start": 796, "end": 809 }, { "uri": "Q105555059", "surfaceform": "2022", "type": "UNK", "start": 938, "end": 942 }, { "uri": "Q7603054", "surfaceform": "State Auditor of Missouri", "type": "PER", "start": 4, "end": 29 }, { "uri": "2010-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2010", "type": "DATE", "start": 639, "end": 643 }, { "uri": "2014-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2014", "type": "DATE", "start": 661, "end": 665 }, { "uri": "2015-02-26T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "February 26, 2015", "type": "DATE", "start": 675, "end": 692 }, { "uri": "2018-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2018", "type": "DATE", "start": 796, "end": 800 }, { "uri": "2015-04-27T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "April 27, 2015", "type": "DATE", "start": 824, "end": 838 }, { "uri": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z^^", "surfaceform": "2022", "type": "DATE", "start": 938, "end": 942 } ]
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Linotype-Hell DaVinci
Linotype-Hell DaVinci was an image manipulation program targeted at the repro and print shop markets. It originally ran on proprietary hardware, but was later ported to Silicon Graphics workstations. The first version was released in 1993, and it continued to see regular releases until Heidelberg acquired Linotype-Hell in 1997. Heidelberg continued to update the software a few times before it was discontinued in April 2001, but the core engines for trapping and colour management were recoded to work on PDF files and were a key contributor to the commercial success of Prinergy, which benefitted from the Heidelberg-Creo joint venture.
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Tony Dumas
Tony Dumas (born August 25, 1972) is an American former professional basketball player.
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Weilrod is a municipality made up of several villages in the northwest Hochtaunuskreis lying in the Weil Valley in Hesse, Germany.
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