audio/001a.wav|It's the one thing we search for.. Or fight to change. Some never find it. But there are some who are led.
audio/004a.wav|I can never get away with anything! I'm the Princess. I'm the example. I've got duties, responsibilities, expectations. My whole life is planned out.
audio/007a.wav|Preparing for the day I become, well, my mother. She's in charge of every single day of my life. Aye, Robin, Jolly Robin, and thou shalt know of mine.
audio/009a.wav|This is all for naught. But every once in a while, there's a day when I don't have to be a princess.
audio/011a.wav|No expectations. Change my fate. I'm starving! You hungry too- Oats it is, then. Shattered. Then cho- Dad's leg was clean off.
audio/016a_01.wav|Down the monster's throat it went- Has never been seen since
audio/016a_02.wav|And is roaming the wilds waiting his chance of revenge.
audio/018-20.wav|Mum, it's just my bow. Mum, you'll never guess what I did today. I climbed the Crone's Tooth, and drank from the fire falls.
audio/021-027a.wav|Nothing, Mum. Mum- What? Dad! I suppose a princess just does what she's told? No, it's what you've been preparing me for my whole life.
audio/027b-29.wav|I won't go through with it. You can't make me! Suitors? Marriage? Oh, Mum! Ancient kingdom-
audio/030-33a.wav|That's a nice story. Mum! It's not fair! Call off the gathering! Would that kill them?
audio/033b.wav|You're the queen. You can just tell the lords the princess is not ready for this. In fact, she might not ever be ready for this, so that's that. Good day to you.
audio/033c-35.wav|We'll expect your declarations of war in the morning. I don't want my life to be over, I want my freedom- I'm not doing any of this to hurt you.
audio/036.wav|But it's my life, it's...
audio/037.wav|I'm... just not ready.
audio/038.wav|Did I do now?
audio/039.wav|I think I could make you understand if you would just...
audio/041.wav|I swear, Angus, this isn't going to happen.
audio/042.wav|Not if I-
audio/043.wav|I can't breathe!
audio/044.wav|I can't move. It's too tight.
audio/045-109-123-189-198-094.wav|Mum? Mum- Wait. Mum? Maudie. Mum?
audio/046.wav|Archery! Archery.
audio/047.wav|I choose... archery.
audio/048.wav|I bet he wishes he was tossing cabers.
audio/049.wav|Oh, wee lamb.
audio/050.wav|Firstborn descendant of Clan Dun Broch. And I'll be shooting for my own hand!
audio/051.wav|You're the one that wan-
audio/052.wav|I followed the-
audio/053.wav|Just listen!
audio/054.wav|This is so unfair!
audio/055_01.wav|Never there for me. This whole marriage is what you want.
audio/055_02.wav|Do you ever bother to ask what I want? No.
audio/055_03.wav|You walk around telling me what to do, what not to do, trying to make me be like you. Well, I'm not going to be like you.
audio/056.wav|And you're a beast! That's what you are!
audio/057.wav|I'll never be like-
audio/058.wav|I'd rather die than be like you!
audio/059.wav|Come on, Angus.
audio/061.wav|Why would the wisps leave me here?
audio/062.wav|Who are you?
audio/063.wav|I don't understand.
audio/064.wav|But the will-o-the-wisps, they-
audio/065.wav|The crow's talking!
audio/066.wav|You're a witch!
audio/067.wav|That's why the wisps led me here-
audio/068.wav|You'll change my fate!
audio/069.wav|You see, it's my mother-
audio/070.wav|No, the wisps led me.
audio/071.wav|Buy it all.
audio/072.wav|Every carving.
audio/073.wav|With this.
audio/074.wav|Every carving and one spell.
audio/075.wav|I want a spell to change my mum. That'll change my fate.
audio/076.wav|And did he get what he was after?
audio/077.wav|A cake?
audio/078.wav|Yes! I want it! You're sure if I give this to my mum, it will change my fate?
audio/079.wav|Something... About... the...
audio/081.wav|Mum! Ooh, uh... I, uh...
audio/082.wav|You... You.
audio/083.wav|Angus threw me. But I'm not hurt-
audio/085.wav|It's a peace offering. I made it. For you.
audio/086.wav|How do you feel?
audio/088.wav|Have you changed your mind at all about the marriage and all that?
audio/091.wav|How do you feel about-
audio/095.wav|So I'll just tell them the wedding's off, then?
audio/099.wav|You're... You're a bear!
audio/100.wav|Why a bear? Oh, that scaffy witch gave me-
audio/101.wav|It's not my fault. I didn't ask her to change you into a bear. I... just wanted her to change... you.
audio/102.wav|No point in having a go at me. The witch is to blame. Goggly old hag.
audio/103.wav|Over the place.
audio/104.wav|Dad. The Bear King? If he so much as sees you, you're-
audio/105.wav|You're covered with fur! You're not naked! It's not like anyone's gonna see you!
audio/106.wav|Now you've done it.
audio/107.wav|Would you just listen to me?
audio/108.wav|Go this way!
audio/110.wav|A witch turned mum into a bear. It's not my fault. We've got to get out of the castle, I need your help!
audio/111.wav|Alright. You can have my desserts for two... Three weeks!
audio/112.wav|Okay. Fine. A year.
audio/113.wav|They'll be fine. Won't you, boys?
audio/114.wav|Mom, we've got to-
audio/115.wav|Now, I'll be back-
audio/116.wav|Go on and help yourself to anything you want, as a reward.
audio/117_01.wav|Where are these wisps? Come out, wisps! Come on out! Lead me to the witch's cottage!
audio/117_02.wav|I'm here! Fine. Don't come out now that my mum's watching!
audio/118.wav|I was standing right here and the wisp appeared right there. Then a whole trail of them led me off into the forest.
audio/119.wav|Does she think we're just going to happen upon the witch's cottage?
audio/120.wav|Mum, I know this place. The witch's cottage... it's this way! Come on! Hurry!
audio/121.wav|I can't believe it! I've found it!
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