why god don't help me? keep praying and doing good for others. god will come through for you. good luck.
in what countries is italian spoken? italy ../ sicily argentina, australia,belgium,bosnia, brazil,canada, croatia,france,egypt,germany, israel,libya,philippines,paraguay,puerto rico,san marino,luxembourg,liechtenstein,eritrea, slovenia,switzerland,chile,usa, uk,malta, vatican city,sardinia, ethiopia, somalia, tunisia, corsica,slovenia
what was the name of franklin d roosevelt's 45 foot sailboat? amberjack ii
what is the reaction between iron and oxygen? what is the product and under what conditions does this occur? ferric oxide, or rust, is the product
how many hurricanes are expected to hit the florida peninsula this year? no one can really say. meteorologists are expecting more hurricanes this season (with at least 4 being category four and five). how many of these to actually hit florida is a complete variable. there is a ton of factors that would go into that. so no one can say for sure.
how do you configure your pc router? read the manual. if you dont have one, its fake.
how do you feel about protecting our border.? i want all of our borders and ports not only protected, but firmly secured! no one is allowed to enter or exit without being identified. as a law abiding citizen, i would not be opposed to show my id anytime anyone of authority wanted to check. unlike so many of the whining bleeding hearts who would file law suits because an official asked to see their id. freedom has never come without a cost. i don't think it is asking too much for every legal american citizen to be prepared to show proper documentation as to who they are to authorities. so what that because of your heritage you may look hispanic or italian or german..and authorities ask for your paperwork! be proud of your heritage but be more proud that you have legal paperwork to prove who you are. unfortunately, too many of today's citizens would take the "offended" route and try to use the "race card". we had all better start looking for ways to get along as one nation under god without "being offended" or our ship just may sink. you had better think about this!
how late can i arrive on a m-1 visa into us after course start date? my course start date is 1 july' 06. all the flights are overbooked and i want to start a little late maybe after a week from the start date. will this cause any problem with the immigration official and will he deny me a entry into us? is there any way i can sort this problem out? i think you should call the us consulate that issued the m-1 visa to you.
girls question only, why do you want to change a guy? why bother, just move onto someone else. there are plenty of guys to choose from so why stay with some defective guy who has nothing but problems and treats you like sh**?
why isn't it possible to carry out fermentation process in open air? its not possible cos all the co2 escapes
is it true if eating crabs make you horny? i mean seafood oysters or muscles.
a possible "slight" pullout from iraq.....? just in time for the november mid-term elections? what say you? you got it. i say it will begin around late september, so republicans can use it for a few weeks before elections. then it won't be cut and run, they'll call it a strategic regrouping or some such thing.
do you think that indian stock market is manipulated by a group of financial companies with connivance ofmedia probably. the indian market isn't as regulated as us or european markets. but it's easy to become overly paranoid when one's money is on the line. my experience is that if you invest in a sound indian company, like wipro or infosys or an etf like the india fund (ifn) for the long haul you're going to make money because, let's face it, nothing is going to stop india's growth. but in the current market, with the number of hedge funds and margin buying involved in a relatively thinly traded market (the market capitalization of the indian market is rather small compared to the u.s.) any freak out by the herd will result in dramatic crashes like we saw in may. india is more democratic than most developing countries, they have more phd's than the u.s., they've recently allowed foreign companies to open factories without having an "indian partner", so the country is moving toward a freer market in order to attract foreign investment. i wouldn't get too paranoid.
how can key executives inflate earnings using the stock options? is it because of the omitting of expenses? to my knowledge, they can't. stock options have nothing to do with inflating earnings. if anything, they deflate the earnings statement b/c they now have to be expensed at issue (a provision of sox). if executives omit the options expense on the earnings report i think they're comitting faud.
sometimes i feel i wish to leave this world,and just start a new life somewhere else.has any of you felt it? i feel sick from this world,wish i can make a new start,where to choose my own destiny,where there is no pain,no suffering,no strggling with difficulties,and no sad ends. what do you think? 1 by al-asr (the time). 2 verily! man is in loss, 3 except those who believe (in islamic monotheism) and do righteous good deeds, and recommend one another to the truth (i.e. order one another to perform all kinds of good deeds (al-maroof ǡ㚑杩which allah has ordained, and abstain from all kinds of sins and evil deeds (al-munkar ǡ㤟ѩwhich allah has forbidden), and recommend one another to patience (for the sufferings, harms, and injuries which one may encounter in allahs cause during preaching his religion of islamic monotheism or jihad, etc. in the name of allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful. 2 all the praises and thanks be to allah, the lord of the alameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists). 3 the most beneficent, the most merciful. 4 the only owner (and the only ruling judge) of the day of recompense (i.e. the day of resurrection) 5 you (alone) we worship, and you (alone) we ask for help (for each and everything). 6 guide us to the straight way 7 the way of those on whom you have bestowed your grace , not (the way) of those who earned your anger (such as the jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the christians).
so, again, how far will ecuador go in the world cup?? they will lose against sweden in the next round.
how do you melt plastic safely? it really depends on what type of plastic it is. some plastics are made to be melted and reused (recyclable plastic), but other plastics are not made to be melted and reused. these plastics would probably catch on fire before they melted. what exactly are you trying to do?
urgent!!!! where to watch le mans 24 hour on the web? am looking for somewhere to see the le mans 24 hour race on the web for my dad, who has freeview which does not have motorstv. unless you know of a freeview channel that is showing it! help please! i think you can watch it on the website, but you have to pay for some membership. i'm not really sure though, because my french is tres mal.
anybody has any information on arnel consulting or arnel employment agency? they pretended that they are recruiting agency/staffing agency and took my detailed information and when they ask me my birth date, i knew that something is wrong, and yes they defrauded me. anyone else had the same experience..their ph# was 866-527-4556. may or may not be of any assistance: arnel management 253 topeka irvine, ca 92604-2552 (949) 654-4196 arnel management 949 south coast drive, #600 costa mesa ca 92626 (714)481-5000 fax: (714)481-5188
is that normal for a girl to have fantasy of gay couple doing sex? there is really no "normal" when it comes to sex everyone has different fantasies and desires. as long as you enjoy it who cares, it's your fantasy it's not other peoples business.
why did the board of education make it so class of 09 and later has to pass "the tests" in order to graduate? the classes before didnt have to pass them to graduate, only our class and beyond. its so hard now, nothing is right anymore, and that is why kids are so crazy these days, the borad of education is actually set up to fail! and that is not fair! i don't know but that's so0o0o0o0o f***ed up! i'm gonna graduate in 2010! grrrrrrr
has the current administration let american manufacturing jobs leave american soil .? they're not only letting them leave they're actually helping push them out with tax and other incentives. i agree that it's not just this administration but it has accelerated considerably under them. one other thing everything that i buy that's made overseas is utter crap,i bought a pair of jeans a couple of months ago, the first time i washed them they fell apart, i have had my american made jeans for years so someone tell me where the savings are.all this is is putting hugh amounts of money in a few peoples pockets and everyone else can go take a flying leap. many of the other imported things i have bought have done the same thing,i check where things are made before i buy something and i'm finding fewer and fewer things made here that are even available and it's really starting to piss me off!!! i don't like the idea of having to go out and buy new pants or whatever else every few months, give me american made every time.
can someone tell me something to cheer me up? need a 'happy' boost!? need to hear something that will improve my mood- come on people, help me out! ok you win i will go out with you
do you no what happens to a magichian when he drinks wine? how many dukes does it take to screw upa? he sucks
en cas d'élimination de la france lors du premier tour, que se passera-t-il? quel sera le nouveau selectionneur au cas où domenech sera limogé (fort probable en cas de défaite rapide). quelle équipe pour se sortir de la zidanodépendance? quels joueurs jeunes et promis à un grand avenir deviendraient selectionnables dans l'optique de rebatir une bonne équipe. quels cadres devraient rester? en cas d'élimination avant les 1/4, j'espère que la dtn exigera la démission de domenech. pour les joueurs, place aux jeunes (mexes, toulalan, faubert), bien entourés de quelques cadres : sagnol, makelele (au moins pour les éliminatoires), henry. suppression de la "liste noire" : retour de micoud et pires (qui avaient leur place en allemagne). quoi qu'il en soit, il faudra faire tres vite : france-italie éliminatoires ce 2008 dès le mois de septembre !
brad pitt are you out there!? i wonder if brad pitt ever uses this site and if he does please give me a wink hi rite here waiting babi
while the radical symbol is widely used......? while the radical symbol is widely used, converting to rational exponents has advantages. explain an advantage of rational exponents over the radical sign. include in your answer an example of an equation easier to solve as a rational exponent rather then a radical sign. maybe something like 7^(1/3) over 7^(1/2) that's the same as the cube root of 7 over the square root of 7. to solve it, you would just subtract the exponents and you'd get 1 over 7^(1/6) i hope that is what you are looking for.
doesn't "i just got through" or "i just finished" sound so much better than "i just got done". you hear so many people use the phrase,"are you done?" or "i am done with it!" and it sounds so crude and supposedly these are educated and erudite people. i thought something being "done" had to do with it being thoroughly cooked! i agree
what are some good surfing spots in france? off the atlantic ocean or meddeterainian? the atlantic ocean is your best shot. the mediterranean isn't that good.
what is the most realest person in the hip-hop game? mary j. blige or common
what does it take for hockey team to qualify for the olympics? what is the process for a hockey to qualify to participate a the olympic games it takes a lot of training and a lot of goal scoring.
wanna know the truth?? supposedly..... gay people shouldn't adopt, because they might turn the kid gay or molest him/her. truthfully...... most child molestation cases have to do with straight men when it comes to girl or boy. supposedly.... being gay is sin, god will hate you, and you will go to hell. truthfully........ you are born gay, it is proven, god loves everyone, and doesn't have time to worry about who he falls in love with. marriage shouldn't be aloud because it is a sacred bond between a man and a women and gays can't have children. truthfully.............marriage is a sacred bond between people who care about each other deeply and not all straight couples can reproduce. last but not least........ supposedly........ i am a wrong, stupid, mentally challenge gay man who has nothing better to do than stir up trouble. truthfully....... i am a young, smart, straight, 14 year old who was put on this planet to make a difference, to inform. im glad you pointed all these things out. even more meaningful coming from someone of your description...thanks dude...
how do my sims get ingaged? do they have a ring or somthing when your sims really like each other the option: propose will show. click on that and you will have the option of : moving in or engagement. click on engagement and it will show a video of your sims getting engaged. the sim who is asking will get on one knee in front of the other sim and a ring will be presented to the sim who is standing. if the sim, who is standing accepts you will see the ring go on and after the video is done you will see a ring on their finger all the time.
world war iii 2? read what i added to my first one if you havent all ready. its a lot of info about countries we see as threats. it is not really like the past 2 wars. but more of a series of wars. with the americans and their allies on one hand; china with other nations, in opposite opinion with the americans, and a third party, who are the opponents of the americans. i believe that the americans have to go to war mainly not to protect their people from osama bin laden. but it is more because of the oil in iraq and the business that it will generate to stop or even slow down overheating of their economy/ or recession. if the troops from iraq go home right now, i am sure that the us stock exchange will crash and there will be a recession in the us. and there's nothing americans can do about the ever growing economy of the chinese, who do good business with us foes like iran.
is there a bug or a problem refering to browse winxp home edtios pcs from winxp professional pcs? i'm not sure if i understand are you encountering a problem like that? do u want to know if it will cause a problem? are u using remote desktop? as far as i no there should be no problems, you won't be able to use some features that pro has but it should work
copyright laws? i want need to increas sales for my home based business i currently own 1,000 dvds i bought threw retail outlets in my area and i was thinking if i started a website that i could host all my dvds on and any customer that buys my product i will give them access to watch my movies for free for 30 days or for a year whatever. this is like a free gift if you buy my product at reqular price. now if i do this for my customers only is their any copyright laws involved and if their is no way around them does anyone know were i can buy movie title that i legally can show for free. you cannot broadcast videos you purchased for home use by any means, including online. it is illegal without paying the licensing fee, which you would have to negotiate with the distributor of each title.
how can we improve power factor using a synchro motor? by "improve", i assume you want total power factor seen on the power "inputs" to your business or plant to more closely equal 1 (unity). by playing with the field excitation of your synchronous motor, you can make the unloaded synchronous motor either act as a capacitive load or inductive load. typically, other loads in a plant (transformers, induction motors, etc.) are slightly inductive, and the desired power factor correction needs to act as a capacitive load. in this case, you would want to overexcite the synchronous motor field (on the rotor) so that the rotor "leads" stator current (actually, unity power factor on a synchronous motor is realized when the rotor field lags the stator field current by 90 degrees, thus "leading" here means that the rotor lags the field current by less than 90 degrees). play with your motor field excitation until the out-of-phase current in the rest of your plant is canceled by the leading current being produced by the synchronous motor. for more information, look up keyword "synchronous condenser" on the web.
what is the only climate neutral company in the united states? shaklee
what are the side effects of drug propranolol? -an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; closing of the throat; swelling of the lips, tongue, or face; hives); -wheezing or shortness of breath; -an unusually slow or irregular heart beat; -swelling of the feet or lower legs; -leg pain or cramping; -sudden weight gain (more than 2 pounds in one day or 5 pounds in one week); -chest (heart) pain; -unusually cold or blue feet and hands; or skin rash. if you experience any of the following less serious side effects, continue taking propranolol and talk to your doctor: -fatigue or confusion; -headache or dizziness; -weak pulse or mildly slow heart rate; -diarrhea, constipation, gas, nausea, or vomiting; -depression; -nightmares; or impotence (difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection).
i am at 80 kilos and want to reduce ...can some1 help me wit a diet chart.? need to reduce as my tummy is out and i hate my figure. am 34 yrs old ... hv to spend 12 hrs in office. pls help there are food supplements like blue green algae capsules of evergreen called spirulina will help a lot.take the tablets before meals!
what's ur fave jim carrey movie? bruce almighty and liar liar. he's too cool in those movies.i havent seen the aceventura movies.
which one is better:a sony vaio laptop or an ibm t-series laptop? ibm 4 solidity sony 4 style
my 9 year old has stomach ulcers and i need help with foods he can eat? he is a picky eater, so i need any info, sites, books etc. where i can prepare different foods for him. he is on meds for it and it seems to be getting better, but he is so bored of these foods. any help will be so greatfull!!!!! dunno any sites hun but my father had ulcers, he died in '72, drs. told him nothing spicy!
i have to do a report on what a true american is, can anyone help me answer this question? read newsweek's cover story "15 people who make america great".
what does the 'g' in the middle of the masonic emblem stand for? check out the following
what is the wfa? wfa stands for the world fighting alliance. the world fighting alliance will be resurrected on july 22nd when the promotion runs "king of the streets" at the forum in los angeles, california. it's basically made up of mixed martial arts fighting. or you may be talking about the wrestling federation of america . the first answerer has no idea what he is talking about. clearly, he doesn't even read the questions but just copies and pastes from random sites he finds on the internet.
jesus to return around 2018...proof? look to the right, click on update: i know when the end begins. you will learn stuff you never knew and u will be fasinated, read all the way down to the 200 million china army. i cant post the article here, not enough room man dude. your like a broken record.
why do we let these hispanics come here illegally to do jobs that the jews are too lazy to do for themselves? lol ...maybe you, your family, and friends should get off welfare and get off your lazy a$$es and get to work. then there would be no need to hire or work for illegal aliens.
without going to the gym what is a good daily exercise routine that will get me in shape fast? help me please! so yeah its pretty much self explanatory walking... get yourself a pedometer and try to walk 10,000 steps a day... park your car far away from the destination, take stairs
where do u think or like a man to touch? most especially when making love. nibbling the ears, soft part of thighs, the nipples, neck n butt..
do you support homosexuality? i dont. ew yes, i do! why don't you support homosexuality? does it bother you? sorry if you have problems with it but it's just one of those things you can't do much about. hope it doesn't keep you awake at night.
is there a free web site to design and download free business cards? i want to design my own business cards and print them myself for free microsoft has free templates you can use to design and print out from the computer... you can also use magnetic business cards
i want to be an automobile engg can u tell me where can i try in new delhi for the automobile engg pls help me please help me delhi college of engineering is the best institute for automobile engineering. the students of that college have just made an electric car for an international competition. very good place to pursue it.
why do we take it personally? when you text or call someone you're dating and they don't respond right away, letting days pass by. i understand we all get busy sometimes but why do some of us automatically take it personally? how do you handle yourself when/if this happens? we can't handle it at all. we fall so quick that all we want to do is be with that person and talk to that person 24/7. the only way i see it is keep doing your own stuff when you were single and let him come to you. us girls are always chasing the guys asses let them chase us for once
does vinegar help you lose weight? apple cider vinegar use this diuretic in small quantities. you can add it to your salad as a dressing. what makes this such a powerful diuretic is this: it is made from apples and the malic acid in apples will create a fat burning process. another factor with this vinegar is the fermentation process causes the vinegar to have constructive acids that join with alkaline elements and minerals in the body. this produces a cell scrubbing effect. it also contains high levels of potassium, which has an antisceptic quality to that helps to eliminate fat deposits. but like with anything, you should use it in moderation. :)
signs of sleep deprivation..? why do the whites of your eyes become reddened after a night of no sleep? sometimes the bloodvessels on the uvea become visible with no sleep, what's up with that? and also, what's up with the 'bags' under your eyes? what are those? any reason for them? sleep deprivation means more eye activity. the extra activity causes two things. the strain and irritation cause the blood vessels in your eyes to dilate, trying to circulate more blood through to alleviate the irritation. this causes your eyes to become bloodshot. the increased blood flow isn't isolated to your the surface of your eyes. your eyelids also receive more blood flow, causing them to become puffy and swollen. the increased blood flow also causes a color change in the eyelids, making them appear darker, especially the bottom lids.
what do you do when you take dump? other than taking dump... sing a song? open and close the door? read newspaper? talk on your cell phone? etc. i'm taking a dump as i answer your question :d
if he had dome things differently, could eisenhower have won the war in europe in 1944? if so, how? i recollect reading, i'm not sure where, that the politicians expected eisenhower to wrap up the invasion of europe in 1944. there were several reasons why the western politicans needed to knock germany out of the war quickly. we were lucky the v2 rockets didn't have a nastier payload, if we had beaten germany in faster we could have liberated poland (which was after all the reason britain went to war) instead of handing it over to russia domination, and of course we could have diverted forces against japan. its doubtful. in 1944 the german military was far from being a spent force and fought hard along the whole line of advance. also the d-day landings were only part of the issue as to properly equip and maintain the invasion forces you had to have a working port, which is why the british pushed quickly north and fought so hard to capture antwerp. it was only then that motgomery and patton could get the basic supplies they needed to push forward without over extending supply lines, so there was a strong logistics hold up. the third element was hitlers last gasp attempt to break the allies in the battle of the bulge, which no-one expected. whilst ultimately defeated that german attack set the war plans back at least two months whilst units were rested and re-cycled into and out of the battle zone. it is also true that patton and montgomery were halted before the wars end so that the russians could take berlin. this was against the advice and wishes of churchill who could see what was going to happen. lke however didnt want the casualties associated with street fighting in the german capital.
when my computer start, the error come that window cannot fine ircpw32.exe file ??? cannot "fine"...hmmmm...may you should "fine" the file or remove it from your startup items.
hey who knows the lyrics to.....? the lazy town last know the song that stephenie sings at the end of the show.i know.who ever gives me the right lyrics gets 10 pts. bing bang diggly dong first thing that i say after i wake up bing bang diggly dong i say those words before i go to sleep get on up it's time to dance yeah it's so much fun being up on our feet so we go up up to the top move around and clap your hands together down down turn around having fun is what it's all about bing bang diggly dong funny words i sing when i am dancing bing bang diggly dong silly words that can mean anything get on up it's time to dance yeah it's so much fun being up on our feet so we go up up to the top move around and clap your hands together down down turn around having fun is what it's all about oh 1, 2 me and you move around and clap your hands together 3, 4 on the floor having fun is what it's all about
please help!!!!!!!! legal question regarding a workmans comp. injury.? i was involved in a workman’s comp related injury.. as a result i hired a law firm to handle the case. 4 years later we have reached an agreement to settle. being that this was a workman’s comp case i am now being told that because my injury sustained has already reached $67,000 in charges for surgeries and medical visits. (this all still has not corrected my problem.)the lawyer tells me that comp pays the first $50,000 then any awards received must go back to comp before they will continue treating my injuries. is this true? my medical bills reached over $80,000.00 for a work comp injury and they had no choice but to pay them. i also made them pay future medical bills and they had to pay for the percentage of loss that i had. check the laws for your state on workers comp. and don't always trust your attorney. there are good honest ones out there but there are also the ones who want you to settle just so they can get their money.
i just rested my computer and it says i need to install a sound card but it is installed? some one please tell me what i should do, idk what the card is called and i just want the thing to work. go to device manager [ right- click on my computer and select properties. click the hardware tab and then select device manager]. double click "sound, video and game controllers". if there is an x or an exclamation mark, double click the device and select "troubleshoot". go through the steps to target the problem and review them to check what you should do to fix it. if that doesn't work, then go to the sound card's manufacterer's website and check if there is any driver updates for your device.
where can i locate a franchise business directory where i can search by state to find headquarter locations? searching for franchises that have their headquarters in the state of minnesota have you tried these? another option is look at retailers or industries by state, like the food marketing institute (fmi) or the national retail federation (nrf), or retail direct or retail industry. these will identify companies that operate, or want to operate, in various states and enterprises. that helps you narrow things down to what fits your interest or ability.
it's not really a question, though, thank you guys who take two points!? all of you have really made my day. thanks! and ofcourse, another two points are here, but i wont look back to choose as best or anything! good luck to you all! bla-bla-bla
can a person holding a h1visa without a stamp on it come back to the states after traveling pueto rico? just so long as you go to puerto rico and return without side trips. puerto rico is part of us..
why are pararescuemen so often not considered specops? why are the pararescuemen not considered specops, when they definately are? they definitely are special ops. i think people forget because they are a medical team special ops. people think of specials ops with the sneak up on during the night activities. they are all so much more.
have you heard of this artist? has anybody heard of imogen heap? yes!!! i love her music, i also like frou frou's. "goodnight and go," is my favorite song by her now. if you haven't heard of frou frou you should check them out. it's a group she's a part of. she's amazing!!!
so many good companys are there how can we find? city wise?? go to home page
user rooms can not worke in yahoo messenger? what is problem? alright....i know it's not valentines day, but will you be my valentine? my heart is beating heavy for you.
what's going on between bush & condi !!!??? he is the president she is the secretary of state, nothing more.
shouldn't we not allow children of illegals into schools? seems like if we stopped educating peoples children (who didn't speak english and) couldn't prove citizenship, we'd have a whole lot less problems right out front. if these kids are running the streets and are school age, bingo, ...we have caught them and their parents. why in heaven's name do we let the children of illegal immigrants/aliens come into our schools and then change the ciriculum to spanish cuz they can't speak english? what about the american kids needs? this is so nuts i can't fathom it. what's the deal here? yes, you are very right. i agree. parents should have to show their children's us birth certificates at the time of registration of their children in school. for the ones born here, okay, of course they can go to school in the us. for the ones not born here and no legal documentation for being in the us, no they should not be able to go to school in the us. their parents are the ones at fault for bringing them to the us illegally. if they really care about their children and want them to get a us education, then they should have thought about that before and should have applied legally to come into the us with their children. or, they should have left their children at home in their own country, applied for themselves a work visa in the us and send money home to pay for their children to go to a proper school in their own country. american taxpayers should not have to foot the bill to educate their children. i feel sorry for these children for having such thoughtless parents as to bring them into another country illegally, but we cannot afford to pay for everything for them.
if a person is bisexual, is it ok to mess around with both sex at the same time? i know someone that says when they know they will have relations with a man they don't mess with women, and when it is time for the woman they don't consider men. hell ya!! y do u think its called bi sexual
what is the best way to learn html, css, and java script? does anyone know any good books for that? when i first started to learn html i was taking a intro class, but i took a lot from but as i got more into it and found that xhtml along with css was the way to go. so i took another class and the books we used were very help-full. these were: - html: your visual blueprint for designing web pages with html, css, and xhtml. isbn: 0-7645-8331-x this book can take you step by step visually, and is a handy reference guide after you master html and xhtml. -designing with web standards by. jeffery zeldman isbn: 0735712018 this is a great book that explains good design practices, and was a jump off point for me to see exactly the power of css
why are mentally ill people now called "homeless", like if you gave them a home they could maintain it ? because it saved a whole lot of money for state govts to dump them out of institutions by declaring them "cured."
what do real women think about crossdressing? i think it so sexy to see a man express him self by getting dressed up all pretty in female clothing! all males should get in touch with their female side!
why do people ask "does she/he love me" ? serious answers only? if u gotta ask doesn't that say enough in it's own!! i have seen this in several questions. i am just trying to find out why ask strangers what they think if u are already in doubt about a persons love because that's what is in their head, people tend to think about others what they really mean about themselvs. when they say that , they are saying : do i really love him/her. it's their question and their thought about what they feel. byron katie has done some interesting work on this subject, i think her site is take a peek there it is really enlightening.
can children less than 2 years take chlorpheniramine maleat? abosolutely not!! as a doctor i would have to implore you not to take that action. first because all anti-histamines have many side effects that include: dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, euphoria, uncoordination, anxiety, insomnia, tremor, nausea and vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea, dry mouth, and dry cough. infrequent adverse effects include: urinary retention, palpitations, hypotension, headache, hallucination, and psychosis. and since your son or daughter is less than two years old this list is many times more likely to happen. also, the drug chlorphenamine, has an anti-deppressant property that blocks that transmission of seratonan, because of that a swedish company a while back, i think, marketed a drug harnessed from chlorphenamine that was the first of its kind to block the reuptake of seratonan. in lamens terms that means it has the power to treat diseases such as: depression, anxiety disorders and personality disorders. do you really want to give that to a two year old child?
is it legal to melt a us coin to obtain the metal? supposedly it's illegal though (i'm giving away my age)...i remember when there was a big rush up in the price of silver to $50+ per ounce and coin dealers and antique shops were all rusing material to smelters (technical term for those who melt/refine metals). nobody was ever arrested for it that i'm aware of. numismatic value is determined by the date, mint, and condition of the coin so i'd check the redbook at the library to see if the coin is worth more than melt (melt is currently at around 6x face for silver).
who do u think will win,saudi arabia or tunisia??seriously plz? africa vs asia, usually africa wins. i think tunisia look very solid and should win. but saudi arabia is the seat of islam, there might be a thing called 'face' and both sides settle for the draw.
your idea of happiness is? having just enough to get through life, and i know it sounds corny, but dancing with my daughter at the concerts we attend together.
why is the workforce (particularly in buffalo) so full of incompetence? i have yet to work somewhere that i wasn't way more talented, intelligent, experienced, etc. than my boss! i'm only 26 and i'm having trouble not quitting jobs because i keep working for people who don't know how to do business. what's up with that?? i believe there are 4 factors involved. 1) people are generally more incompetent today. i used to manage a custom metal fabrication shop and i couldn't believe what basic concepts people don't know. 40 years ago people in this industry had to do everything by hand so they needed to know more about how things worked. now they just stand in front of a machine and push a button. the more we stop learning from experience (i.e. too much weight on one side of the see-saw keeps the other side from going down) and rely on observation (tv, etc) the worst we are going to get at applying useful information to new situations. 2) tying in with number one, people put too much emphasis on a sheep skin (degree). i know one guy who has a degree in business and another guy with a degree in engineering. they both own businesses but the one with the business degree is a better engineer and the opposite is true of the other guy. people learn better when they have to learn something in order to put food on the table. when someone has a degree in a certain area they tend to stop learning in that area because they think, "i have already learned it all.", even when what they learned doesn't actually apply to what is happening. 3) managers do not know how to manage people. that is their job. they are supposed to help you do your job, not try to do your job for you. they best managers are the ones who let their employees do what they know how to do. 4) companies are looking to spend less. i have found over time that the value of having a knowledgeable person in a position is hard to justify to the bean counters. instead of having a purchasing agent that knows what he is ordering and what type of service they are getting, companies put a glorified secretary in the position, who simply orders the numbers and goes with the lowest price. as for starting your own business, you are going to go from having stupid bosses to having stupid employees. hopefully you will eventually find a place where everything comes together for you.
why do the prudes here take my questions so seriously? hmm...lets think about the for a second... maybe because this is a serious answer site.. ask a stupid question...get a stupid answer ask a good question...get a good answer
is it easy to get a job in netherland? i am a fresh graduate with a ba and a bs in some science field, but do not speak dutch. maybe you should visit the official netherlands website and see what you can find out there.
would like to know where in nigeria can you cash in your money order? please not cash any money orders for them! here is a quote from a site i found talking about how a man was charged for changing money orders and getting others to cash them. here is a quote from the site that i am attaching the link for below: such an altering scam, which inspectors call "raising," works because the people who change the denominations are getting more sophisticated and have better printers and scanners, said inspector smith, a spokesman for the services' fort worth division. the scammers, who also counterfeit the orders entirely, sometimes collect the money by using people they encounter on the internet or in "lonely hearts club" chat rooms, he said. they persuade a person to cash the orders at banks – where not all tellers recognize the telltale signs of fraud, such as discolorations, missing security watermarks and ink bleeds. "they are looking for people who are easily duped," he said, speaking generally and not about mr. emuagbonrie. i hope this info helps you and causes you to be extra cautious and even possibly pass the persons info who contacted you onto autorities. it is very illegal. :-)
why do we still use the electoral college? i've seen a lot of responses that say it's because so smaller states have a say. what nonsense!! we have the "college" because our democracy is a farce. a popular vote means whoever receives the most votes wins. we, the american people aren't trusted to vote in a president. it is decided by our "betters". a popular vote is the only way a true democracy can function. that's why our's is broken. and needs fixing badly.
what do we do???? my fiance and i want to have a small wedding in the keys and when we told our family they all went crazy. her mom says that she cannot afford the hotel and gas, my father wants his wife to come but it is for immediate family only and she is not part of my family. this is how we want our wedding but this is not how we want our family to react. what do we do??? i actually experienced this myself. when my hubby & i wanted to go away to get married (inviting close family of course), everyone was cool with it but my mother and his father said he wouldn't pay to go. after a few months of stress, i gave in and had a bigger wedding here that everyone convienced me i would never forgive myself for not ended up being the most stressful experience of my life! everyone had some sort of problem with something we were doing/not doing & we were paying for it! i about snapped. the first thing my hubby told me on the plane to our honeymoon was "you were right, we should have gone away!" we ended up not talking to anyone for about a month after we got back. i mean we would say hi and all, but we weren't going out of our way to call...sort of a cooling off period! do yourself a favor....follow what your heart says. its amazing how such a wonderful event brings out the worst in everyone. people can be so selfish! gl to you and best wishes! my vote is for an elopement! ;-)
iv'e just phoned in work? sick, how sick are you he asked, well i'm in bed with my two sisters how sick is that i replied ha ha heard that one before on a list of how to skive of work good one! what did he say!
which is correct: "legolas' arrows" or "legolas's arrows"? both would be correct. as is the case for the possessive form of singular common nouns, the possessive form of singular proper names ending in an s or z sound may be formed either by adding an apostrophe plus s or by adding just and apostrophe to the name. for the sake of consistency, most writers choose one pattern and stick to it. biblical and classical names, however are treated differently and use just the apostrophe: eg: moses' law, jesus' death, aristophanes' plays, etc.
why is q always followed by u in any word? q is not at all followed by 'u' always. followed only most of the time. see these words, "qabala, qabalah, qabalistic, qintar, qadi, qing dynasty". more than 100 words starts in "q" but not followed by 'u' in it.
i have a 16-pin character lcd that i would like to connect to a solderless breadboard. how can i do this? there is a picture of the lcd at i would like to connect the lcd fairly securely to the breadboard so that i can focus on programming it without having to worry about loose connections or electrical shorts. is there a robust, standard way of doing this? is there a row of pins on the back of the lcd display? if not, you might be able to solder in a "header" which is a row of pins connected by plastic. if you get the ones that are spaced 0.100" apart, you can insert them into a solderless breadboard.
what duo do you think are the best baseball broadcasters? i think krukow and kuiper for the giants. also the best is obviously john miller also with the giants what do you think? these are on t.v, but "joe morgan" and that other guy that sits next to him. his name may be gary miller or something. or john, i don't know.
what would you do..................? there's this girl at work. she keeps asking me out. i always find excuses as to why i can't go out. she's really nice, but let's face it, i don't wanna go out with her. i don't want to hurt her feelings because she's a really sweet person. on the other hand, i can't keep playing dodge ball either. be as honest with her as you have been with us... it may hurt for a moment..but in the end you discover a great friendship blooming out of your truthfulness... not telling her, and avoiding her, will only lead to hurt for her and you. her, because she will always wonder why? and you, because you are carrying a secret, that would cause no harm to share...{guilt}
why do people homeschool their children? i mean, i know it's good to be book smart, but don't you want your kid to be street smart too? i was homeschooled through high school, am now in college (i think i'm the youngest in the whole campus!) and i think i'm plenty street smart. i mean, i can protect myself and have my share of common sense. being homeschooled doesn't mean sheltered from the world. my elder brother, a kindergarten drop-out, was pulled from mainstream school when his seatmate on the bus had a gun pointed at his head. granted, we grew up in what even the residents referred to as a ghetto, but still, the fact that me and my broher are both still alive and moral says something. you'd be amazed at how many people have asked my mom to a) teach them how to homeschool or b) homeschool their kids. a friend of mine was being sexually harrassed, reported it to the principal at her school, and was told to "deal with it". does that strike you as healthy? i believe that homeschooling is more of a protective than an academic measure, seeing as every homeschooling family i've met has chosen that path for moral or protective reasons first and educational reasons second. socialization-- the #1 question. i'm naturally shy in person (not in writing, as you can see!), and i'm quite certain that my shyness is not a by-product of homeschooling. neither of my brothers are one bit shy. in fact, my kid brother doesn't know a stranger. extra curricular activities for all of us involve heavily social environments. we all know how to protect ourselves should we be attacked, we all learn things the hard way, etc. though i'll admit to a certain degree of naivete in the past semester of college, by no means does this mean i learned everything out of a book. example: discussing native american stereotypes in poetry/short stories this april, i mentioned peyote beadwork, referring to it as "peyote". my experience with the word "peyote" has always been limited to a group of native american dancers, all of whom made their own costumes and beadwork. peyote, as far as i was concerned, was a style of beadwork, as opposed to applique or loom beading. i was embarrassed to learn, in that very class, that peyote is a hallucinogen. the memory still makes me feel naive and wet behind the ears, but i learned a valuable lesson: open mouth insert foot; remove foot, insert other foot. oh well. not all of my education as come from the curricula my mom has pieced together, but i confess a lot of the things i learned comes from books. "the blue girl" by charles delint, "the moorchild" by eloise mcgraw, "dreadnought!" and "battlestations!" by diane carey, (star trek novels are my guilty pleasure) and numerous other novels, ranging from science fiction and fantasy to mysteries and romances. so, to conclude, homeschooling doesn't, by definition, mean sheltered from the world. i think bruce tinsley said it best, though be worned that the following quote can be described as rude and unkind: "contary to popular belief, homeschooled kids are not less socialized than other kids. they just have to use smaller words and shorter sentences." i never said i was a saint.
are you desperate for jesus? no, that sounds kinda sick.
does anybody know when sun will cease to exist? the fate of the sun: about 5 billion years from now, the hydrogen fuel in the center of the sun will begin to run out and the helium that has collected there will begin to gravitationally contract, increasing the rate of hydrogen burning in a shell surrounding the core. our star will slowly bloat into a red giant -- eventually engulfing the inner planets, including the earth. as the helium core continues to contract under the influence of gravity, it will eventually reach the temperatures and densities needed to fuse three helium nuclei into a carbon nucleus. another nuclear reaction will compete for the available helium nuclei at the same temperature: the carbon can fuse with an additional helium nucleus to form oxygen. the amount of oxygen produced during this process is largely determined by the relative rates of these two competing reactions. since the sun is not very massive by stellar standards, it will never get hot enough in the center to produce nuclei much heavier than carbon and oxygen. these elements will collect in the center of the star, which will then shed most of its red giant envelope -- creating a planetary nebula -- and emerge as a hot white dwarf star. once a white dwarf star forms and the nuclear reactions have ceased, its structural and thermal evolution is dominated by cooling, and regulated by the opacity of its thin atmospheric outer layers. it will slowly fade as it radiates its residual thermal energy into space -- eventually cooling through a narrow range of temperatures that will cause it to vibrate in a periodic manner, sending gravity-driven seismic waves deep through the interior and bringing information to the surface in the form of brightness variations. this is fortunate, because a detailed record of the nuclear history of the star is locked inside, and pulsations provide the only known key to revealing it. about 99 percent of all stars in the galaxy will end their lives as white dwarfs. by studying the stars that have already gone through this process, we can learn about the ultimate fate of our own sun. fate of the sun the sun has been shining for about 4.5 billion years. it has enough hydrogen fuel to "burn" for about 10 billion years. the size of the sun is a balance between the outward pressure made by the release of energy from nuclear fusion and the inward pull of gravity. when the core runs out of hydrogen fuel, it will contract under the weight of gravity; however, some hydrogen fusion will occur in the upper layers. as the core contracts, it heats up and this heats the upper layers causing them to expand. as the outer layers expand, the radius of the sun will increase and it will become a red giant. the radius of the red giant sun will be just beyond the earth's orbit, so the earth will plunge into the core of the red giant sun and be vaporized. at some point after this, the core will become hot enough to cause the helium to fuse into carbon. when the helium fuel has exhausted, the core will expand and cool. the upper layers will expand and eject material. finally, the core will cool into a white dwarf and then eventually into a black dwarf. this entire process will take a few billion years. as you can see, our sun is quite complex and interesting, and now you know more about how it produces the light and heat that all life on earth depends on.
how do companies set up daycare centers for their employees? have to find a provider, and be willing to match premiums
what was the name of the song brian mcknight did with a group of men in the early nineties? it was like an anthem for men and i think it went to a movie brian mcknight co-wrote the song "you will know" which was featured on the soundtrack for the movie, "jason's lyric." the song was also co-written by d'angelo, of "brown sugar" fame. the song featured a cast of all star r&b singers ranging from gerald levert, keith sweat, tevin campbell, r. kelly, and boyz ii men.
african american, do they have smaller families than other races? positive effects.......... what was the reason for this ? of course they don't' have smaller
does anyone else think that sven looks like mr burns from the simpsons? never noticed that before!
can anybody please tell me what teetion and lilk stand for? these words appear in a modern sci-fi fairy tale. they are place names - teetion valley and the plains of lilk. they aree probably made-up names that mean nothing, but sounded good to the author.