Unnamed: 0.1
Unnamed: 0
Should We Rely on Entity Mentions for Relation Extraction? Debiasing Relation Extraction with Counterfactual Analysis
Recent literature focuses on utilizing the entity information in the sentence-level relation extraction (RE), but this risks leaking superficial and spurious clues of relations. As a result, RE still suffers from unintended entity bias, i.e., the spurious correlation between entity mentions (names) and relations. Entity bias can mislead the RE models to extract the relations that do not exist in the text. To combat this issue, some previous work masks the entity mentions to prevent the RE models from overfitting entity mentions. However, this strategy degrades the RE performance because it loses the semantic information of entities. In this paper, we propose the CORE (Counterfactual Analysis based Relation Extraction) debiasing method that guides the RE models to focus on the main effects of textual context without losing the entity information. We first construct a causal graph for RE, which models the dependencies between variables in RE models. Then, we propose to conduct counterfactual analysis on our causal graph to distill and mitigate the entity bias, that captures the causal effects of specific entity mentions in each instance. Note that our CORE method is model-agnostic to debias existing RE systems during inference without changing their training processes. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our CORE yields significant gains on both effectiveness and generalization for RE. The source code is provided at: https://github.com/vanoracai/CoRE.
Adaptive Graph Convolutional Network Framework for Multidimensional Time Series Prediction
In the real world, long sequence time-series forecasting (LSTF) is needed in many cases, such as power consumption prediction and air quality prediction.Multi-dimensional long time series model has more strict requirements on the model, which not only needs to effectively capture the accurate long-term dependence between input and output, but also needs to capture the relationship between data of different dimensions.Recent research shows that the Informer model based on Transformer has achieved excellent performance in long time series prediction.However, this model still has some deficiencies in multidimensional prediction,it cannot capture the relationship between different dimensions well. We improved Informer to address its shortcomings in multidimensional forecasting. First,we introduce an adaptive graph neural network to capture hidden dimension dependencies in mostly time series prediction. Secondly,we integrate adaptive graph convolutional networks into various spatio-temporal series prediction models to solve the defect that they cannot capture the relationship between different dimensions. Thirdly,After experimental testing with multiple data sets, the accuracy of our framework improved by about 10\% after being introduced into the model.
Neural operator learning of heterogeneous mechanobiological insults contributing to aortic aneurysms
Thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA) is a localized dilatation of the aorta resulting from compromised wall composition, structure, and function, which can lead to life-threatening dissection or rupture. Several genetic mutations and predisposing factors that contribute to TAA have been studied in mouse models to characterize specific changes in aortic microstructure and material properties that result from a wide range of mechanobiological insults. Assessments of TAA progression in vivo is largely limited to measurements of aneurysm size and growth rate. It has been shown that aortic geometry alone is not sufficient to predict the patient-specific progression of TAA but computational modeling of the evolving biomechanics of the aorta could predict future geometry and properties from initiating insults. In this work, we present an integrated framework to train a deep operator network (DeepONet)-based surrogate model to identify contributing factors for TAA by using FE-based datasets of aortic growth and remodeling resulting from prescribed insults. For training data, we investigate multiple types of TAA risk factors and spatial distributions within a constrained mixture model to generate axial--azimuthal maps of aortic dilatation and distensibility. The trained network is then capable of predicting the initial distribution and extent of the insult from a given set of dilatation and distensibility information. Two DeepONet frameworks are proposed, one trained on sparse information and one on full-field grayscale images, to gain insight into a preferred neural operator-based approach. Performance of the surrogate models is evaluated through multiple simulations carried out on insult distributions varying from fusiform to complex. We show that the proposed approach can predict patient-specific mechanobiological insult profile with a high accuracy, particularly when based on full-field images.
Communication Compression for Decentralized Learning with Operator Splitting Methods
In decentralized learning, operator splitting methods using a primal-dual formulation (e.g., the Edge-Consensus Learning (ECL)) has been shown to be robust to heterogeneous data and has attracted significant attention in recent years. However, in the ECL, a node needs to exchange dual variables with its neighbors. These exchanges incur significant communication costs. For the Gossip-based algorithms, many compression methods have been proposed, but these Gossip-based algorithm do not perform well when the data distribution held by each node is statistically heterogeneous. In this work, we propose the novel framework of the compression methods for the ECL, called the Communication Compressed ECL (C-ECL). Specifically, we reformulate the update formulas of the ECL, and propose to compress the update values of the dual variables. We demonstrate experimentally that the C-ECL can achieve a nearly equivalent performance with fewer parameter exchanges than the ECL. Moreover, we demonstrate that the C-ECL is more robust to heterogeneous data than the Gossip-based algorithms.
Mutual Distillation Learning Network for Trajectory-User Linking
Trajectory-User Linking (TUL), which links trajectories to users who generate them, has been a challenging problem due to the sparsity in check-in mobility data. Existing methods ignore the utilization of historical data or rich contextual features in check-in data, resulting in poor performance for TUL task. In this paper, we propose a novel Mutual distillation learning network to solve the TUL problem for sparse check-in mobility data, named MainTUL. Specifically, MainTUL is composed of a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) trajectory encoder that models sequential patterns of input trajectory and a temporal-aware Transformer trajectory encoder that captures long-term time dependencies for the corresponding augmented historical trajectories. Then, the knowledge learned on historical trajectories is transferred between the two trajectory encoders to guide the learning of both encoders to achieve mutual distillation of information. Experimental results on two real-world check-in mobility datasets demonstrate the superiority of MainTUL against state-of-the-art baselines. The source code of our model is available at https://github.com/Onedean/MainTUL.
Transformer-Empowered 6G Intelligent Networks: From Massive MIMO Processing to Semantic Communication
6G wireless networks are foreseen to speed up the convergence of the physical and cyber worlds and to enable a paradigm-shift in the way we deploy and exploit communication networks. Machine learning, in particular deep learning (DL), is going to be one of the key technological enablers of 6G by offering a new paradigm for the design and optimization of networks with a high level of intelligence. In this article, we introduce an emerging DL architecture, known as the transformer, and discuss its potential impact on 6G network design. We first discuss the differences between the transformer and classical DL architectures, and emphasize the transformer's self-attention mechanism and strong representation capabilities, which make it particularly appealing in tackling various challenges in wireless network design. Specifically, we propose transformer-based solutions for massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems and various semantic communication problems in 6G networks. Finally, we discuss key challenges and open issues in transformer-based solutions, and identify future research directions for their deployment in intelligent 6G networks.
Results of the NeurIPS'21 Challenge on Billion-Scale Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
Despite the broad range of algorithms for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search, most empirical evaluations of algorithms have focused on smaller datasets, typically of 1 million points~\citep{Benchmark}. However, deploying recent advances in embedding based techniques for search, recommendation and ranking at scale require ANNS indices at billion, trillion or larger scale. Barring a few recent papers, there is limited consensus on which algorithms are effective at this scale vis-\`a-vis their hardware cost. This competition compares ANNS algorithms at billion-scale by hardware cost, accuracy and performance. We set up an open source evaluation framework and leaderboards for both standardized and specialized hardware. The competition involves three tracks. The standard hardware track T1 evaluates algorithms on an Azure VM with limited DRAM, often the bottleneck in serving billion-scale indices, where the embedding data can be hundreds of GigaBytes in size. It uses FAISS~\citep{Faiss17} as the baseline. The standard hardware track T2 additional allows inexpensive SSDs in addition to the limited DRAM and uses DiskANN~\citep{DiskANN19} as the baseline. The specialized hardware track T3 allows any hardware configuration, and again uses FAISS as the baseline. We compiled six diverse billion-scale datasets, four newly released for this competition, that span a variety of modalities, data types, dimensions, deep learning models, distance functions and sources. The outcome of the competition was ranked leaderboards of algorithms in each track based on recall at a query throughput threshold. Additionally, for track T3, separate leaderboards were created based on recall as well as cost-normalized and power-normalized query throughput.
Silence is Sweeter Than Speech: Self-Supervised Model Using Silence to Store Speaker Information
Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) has made great strides recently. SSL speech models achieve decent performance on a wide range of downstream tasks, suggesting that they extract different aspects of information from speech. However, how SSL models store various information in hidden representations without interfering is still poorly understood. Taking the recently successful SSL model, HuBERT, as an example, we explore how the SSL model processes and stores speaker information in the representation. We found that HuBERT stores speaker information in representations whose positions correspond to silences in a waveform. There are several pieces of evidence. (1) We find that the utterances with more silent parts in the waveforms have better Speaker Identification (SID) accuracy. (2) If we use the whole utterances for SID, the silence part always contributes more to the SID task. (3) If we only use the representation of a part of the utterance for SID, the silenced part has higher accuracy than the other parts. Our findings not only contribute to a better understanding of SSL models but also improve performance. By simply adding silence to the original waveform, HuBERT improved its accuracy on SID by nearly 2%.
Select and Calibrate the Low-confidence: Dual-Channel Consistency based Graph Convolutional Networks
The Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) have achieved excellent results in node classification tasks, but the model's performance at low label rates is still unsatisfactory. Previous studies in Semi-Supervised Learning (SSL) for graph have focused on using network predictions to generate soft pseudo-labels or instructing message propagation, which inevitably contains the incorrect prediction due to the over-confident in the predictions. Our proposed Dual-Channel Consistency based Graph Convolutional Networks (DCC-GCN) uses dual-channel to extract embeddings from node features and topological structures, and then achieves reliable low-confidence and high-confidence samples selection based on dual-channel consistency. We further confirmed that the low-confidence samples obtained based on dual-channel consistency were low in accuracy, constraining the model's performance. Unlike previous studies ignoring low-confidence samples, we calibrate the feature embeddings of the low-confidence samples by using the neighborhood's high-confidence samples. Our experiments have shown that the DCC-GCN can more accurately distinguish between low-confidence and high-confidence samples, and can also significantly improve the accuracy of low-confidence samples. We conducted extensive experiments on the benchmark datasets and demonstrated that DCC-GCN is significantly better than state-of-the-art baselines at different label rates.
Learnability of Competitive Threshold Models
Modeling the spread of social contagions is central to various applications in social computing. In this paper, we study the learnability of the competitive threshold model from a theoretical perspective. We demonstrate how competitive threshold models can be seamlessly simulated by artificial neural networks with finite VC dimensions, which enables analytical sample complexity and generalization bounds. Based on the proposed hypothesis space, we design efficient algorithms under the empirical risk minimization scheme. The theoretical insights are finally translated into practical and explainable modeling methods, the effectiveness of which is verified through a sanity check over a few synthetic and real datasets. The experimental results promisingly show that our method enjoys a decent performance without using excessive data points, outperforming off-the-shelf methods.
GOCPT: Generalized Online Canonical Polyadic Tensor Factorization and Completion
Low-rank tensor factorization or completion is well-studied and applied in various online settings, such as online tensor factorization (where the temporal mode grows) and online tensor completion (where incomplete slices arrive gradually). However, in many real-world settings, tensors may have more complex evolving patterns: (i) one or more modes can grow; (ii) missing entries may be filled; (iii) existing tensor elements can change. Existing methods cannot support such complex scenarios. To fill the gap, this paper proposes a Generalized Online Canonical Polyadic (CP) Tensor factorization and completion framework (named GOCPT) for this general setting, where we maintain the CP structure of such dynamic tensors during the evolution. We show that existing online tensor factorization and completion setups can be unified under the GOCPT framework. Furthermore, we propose a variant, named GOCPTE, to deal with cases where historical tensor elements are unavailable (e.g., privacy protection), which achieves similar fitness as GOCPT but with much less computational cost. Experimental results demonstrate that our GOCPT can improve fitness by up to 2:8% on the JHU Covid data and 9:2% on a proprietary patient claim dataset over baselines. Our variant GOCPTE shows up to 1:2% and 5:5% fitness improvement on two datasets with about 20% speedup compared to the best model.
Data-Driven Approximations of Chance Constrained Programs in Nonstationary Environments
We study sample average approximations (SAA) of chance constrained programs. SAA methods typically approximate the actual distribution in the chance constraint using an empirical distribution constructed from random samples assumed to be independent and identically distributed according to the actual distribution. In this paper, we consider a nonstationary variant of this problem, where the random samples are assumed to be independently drawn in a sequential fashion from an unknown and possibly time-varying distribution. This nonstationarity may be driven by changing environmental conditions present in many real-world applications. To account for the potential nonstationarity in the data generation process, we propose a novel robust SAA method exploiting information about the Wasserstein distance between the sequence of data-generating distributions and the actual chance constraint distribution. As a key result, we obtain distribution-free estimates of the sample size required to ensure that the robust SAA method will yield solutions that are feasible for the chance constraint under the actual distribution with high confidence.
Impact of Learning Rate on Noise Resistant Property of Deep Learning Models
The interest in analog computation has grown tremendously in recent years due to its fast computation speed and excellent energy efficiency, which is very important for edge and IoT devices in the sub-watt power envelope for deep learning inferencing. However, significant performance degradation suffered by deep learning models due to the inherent noise present in the analog computation can limit their use in mission-critical applications. Hence, there is a need to understand the impact of critical model hyperparameters choice on the resulting model noise-resistant property. This need is critical as the insight obtained can be used to design deep learning models that are robust to analog noise. In this paper, the impact of the learning rate, a critical design choice, on the noise-resistant property is investigated. The study is achieved by first training deep learning models using different learning rates. Thereafter, the models are injected with analog noise and the noise-resistant property of the resulting models is examined by measuring the performance degradation due to the analog noise. The results showed there exists a sweet spot of learning rate values that achieves a good balance between model prediction performance and model noise-resistant property. Furthermore, the theoretical justification of the observed phenomenon is provided.
FRC-TOuNN: Topology Optimization of Continuous Fiber Reinforced Composites using Neural Network
In this paper, we present a topology optimization (TO) framework to simultaneously optimize the matrix topology and fiber distribution of functionally graded continuous fiber-reinforced composites (FRC). Current approaches in density-based TO for FRC use the underlying finite element mesh both for analysis and design representation. This poses several limitations while enforcing sub-element fiber spacing and generating high-resolution continuous fibers. In contrast, we propose a mesh-independent representation based on a neural network (NN) both to capture the matrix topology and fiber distribution. The implicit NN-based representation enables geometric and material queries at a higher resolution than a mesh discretization. This leads to the accurate extraction of functionally-graded continuous fibers. Further, by integrating the finite element simulations into the NN computational framework, we can leverage automatic differentiation for end-to-end automated sensitivity analysis, i.e., we no longer need to manually derive cumbersome sensitivity expressions. We demonstrate the effectiveness and computational efficiency of the proposed method through several numerical examples involving various objective functions. We also show that the optimized continuous fiber reinforced composites can be directly fabricated at high resolution using additive manufacturing.
Optimal Lighting Control in Greenhouses Using Bayesian Neural Networks for Sunlight Prediction
Controlling the environmental parameters, including light in greenhouses, increases the crop yield; however, the electricity cost of supplemental lighting can be high. Therefore, the importance of applying cost-effective lighting methods arises. In this paper, an optimal supplemental lighting control approach is developed considering a variational inference Bayesian Neural Network (BNN) model for sunlight prediction. The predictive model is validated through testing the model on the historical solar data of a site located at North Carolina ($R^{2}$=0.9971, RMSE=1.8%). The proposed lighting approach is shown to minimize electricity cost by considering the BNN-based sunlight prediction, plant light needs, and variable electricity pricing when solving the underlying optimization problem. For evaluation, the new strategy is compared to: 1) a Markov-based prediction method, which solves the same optimization problem, assuming a Markov model for sunlight prediction; 2) a heuristic method which aims to supply a fixed amount of light. Simulation studies are conducted to examine the electricity cost improvements of the BNN-based approach. The results show that the BNN-based approach reduces cost by (on average) 2.27% and 43.91% compared to the Markov prediction-based method and the heuristic method, respectively, throughout a year.
Impact of L1 Batch Normalization on Analog Noise Resistant Property of Deep Learning Models
Analog hardware has become a popular choice for machine learning on resource-constrained devices recently due to its fast execution and energy efficiency. However, the inherent presence of noise in analog hardware and the negative impact of the noise on deployed deep neural network (DNN) models limit their usage. The degradation in performance due to the noise calls for the novel design of DNN models that have excellent noiseresistant property, leveraging the properties of the fundamental building block of DNN models. In this work, the use of L1 or TopK BatchNorm type, a fundamental DNN model building block, in designing DNN models with excellent noise-resistant property is proposed. Specifically, a systematic study has been carried out by training DNN models with L1/TopK BatchNorm type, and the performance is compared with DNN models with L2 BatchNorm types. The resulting model noise-resistant property is tested by injecting additive noise to the model weights and evaluating the new model inference accuracy due to the noise. The results show that L1 and TopK BatchNorm type has excellent noise-resistant property, and there is no sacrifice in performance due to the change in the BatchNorm type from L2 to L1/TopK BatchNorm type.
Precise Regret Bounds for Log-loss via a Truncated Bayesian Algorithm
We study the sequential general online regression, known also as the sequential probability assignments, under logarithmic loss when compared against a broad class of experts. We focus on obtaining tight, often matching, lower and upper bounds for the sequential minimax regret that are defined as the excess loss it incurs over a class of experts. After proving a general upper bound, we consider some specific classes of experts from Lipschitz class to bounded Hessian class and derive matching lower and upper bounds with provably optimal constants. Our bounds work for a wide range of values of the data dimension and the number of rounds. To derive lower bounds, we use tools from information theory (e.g., Shtarkov sum) and for upper bounds, we resort to new "smooth truncated covering" of the class of experts. This allows us to find constructive proofs by applying a simple and novel truncated Bayesian algorithm. Our proofs are substantially simpler than the existing ones and yet provide tighter (and often optimal) bounds.
Empowering parameter-efficient transfer learning by recognizing the kernel structure in self-attention
The massive amount of trainable parameters in the pre-trained language models (PLMs) makes them hard to be deployed to multiple downstream tasks. To address this issue, parameter-efficient transfer learning methods have been proposed to tune only a few parameters during fine-tuning while freezing the rest. This paper looks at existing methods along this line through the \textit{kernel lens}. Motivated by the connection between self-attention in transformer-based PLMs and kernel learning, we propose \textit{kernel-wise adapters}, namely \textit{Kernel-mix}, that utilize the kernel structure in self-attention to guide the assignment of the tunable parameters. These adapters use guidelines found in classical kernel learning and enable separate parameter tuning for each attention head. Our empirical results, over a diverse set of natural language generation and understanding tasks, show that our proposed adapters can attain or improve the strong performance of existing baselines.
Odor Descriptor Understanding through Prompting
Embeddings from contemporary natural language processing (NLP) models are commonly used as numerical representations for words or sentences. However, odor descriptor words, like "leather" or "fruity", vary significantly between their commonplace usage and their olfactory usage, as a result traditional methods for generating these embeddings do not suffice. In this paper, we present two methods to generate embeddings for odor words that are more closely aligned with their olfactory meanings when compared to off-the-shelf embeddings. These generated embeddings outperform the previous state-of-the-art and contemporary fine-tuning/prompting methods on a pre-existing zero-shot odor-specific NLP benchmark.
Accuracy Convergent Field Predictors
Several predictive algorithms are described. Highlighted are variants that make predictions by superposing fields associated to the training data instances. They operate seamlessly with categorical, continuous, and mixed data. Predictive accuracy convergence is also discussed as a criteria for evaluating predictive algorithms. Methods are described on how to adapt algorithms in order to make them achieve predictive accuracy convergence.
Quantifying and Extrapolating Data Needs in Radio Frequency Machine Learning
Understanding the relationship between training data and a model's performance once deployed is a fundamental component in the application of machine learning. While the model's deployed performance is dependent on numerous variables within the scope of machine learning, beyond that of the training data itself, the effect of the dataset is isolated in this work to better understand the role training data plays in the problem. This work examines a modulation classification problem in the Radio Frequency domain space, attempting to answer the question of how much training data is required to achieve a desired level of performance, but the procedure readily applies to classification problems across modalities. By repurposing the metrics of transfer potential developed within transfer learning an approach to bound data quantity needs developed given a training approach and machine learning architecture; this approach is presented as a means to estimate data quantity requirements to achieve a target performance. While this approach will require an initial dataset that is germane to the problem space to act as a target dataset on which metrics are extracted, the goal is to allow for the initial data to be orders of magnitude smaller than what is required for delivering a system that achieves the desired performance. An additional benefit of the techniques presented here is that the quality of different datasets can be numerically evaluated and tied together with the quantity of data, and the performance of the system.
Rate-Optimal Contextual Online Matching Bandit
Two-sided online matching platforms have been employed in various markets. However, agents' preferences in present market are usually implicit and unknown and must be learned from data. With the growing availability of side information involved in the decision process, modern online matching methodology demands the capability to track preference dynamics for agents based on their contextual information. This motivates us to consider a novel Contextual Online Matching Bandit prOblem (COMBO), which allows dynamic preferences in matching decisions. Existing works focus on multi-armed bandit with static preference, but this is insufficient: the two-sided preference changes as along as one-side's contextual information updates, resulting in non-static matching. In this paper, we propose a Centralized Contextual - Explore Then Commit (CC-ETC) algorithm to adapt to the COMBO. CC-ETC solves online matching with dynamic preference. In theory, we show that CC-ETC achieves a sublinear regret upper bound O(log(T)) and is a rate-optimal algorithm by proving a matching lower bound. In the experiments, we demonstrate that CC-ETC is robust to variant preference schemes, dimensions of contexts, reward noise levels, and contexts variation levels.
Towards Practical Physics-Informed ML Design and Evaluation for Power Grid
When applied to a real-world safety critical system like the power grid, general machine learning methods suffer from expensive training, non-physical solutions, and limited interpretability. To address these challenges for power grids, many recent works have explored the inclusion of grid physics (i.e., domain expertise) into their method design, primarily through including system constraints and technical limits, reducing search space and defining meaningful features in latent space. Yet, there is no general methodology to evaluate the practicality of these approaches in power grid tasks, and limitations exist regarding scalability, generalization, interpretability, etc. This work formalizes a new concept of physical interpretability which assesses how a ML model makes predictions in a physically meaningful way and introduces an evaluation methodology that identifies a set of attributes that a practical method should satisfy. Inspired by the evaluation attributes, the paper further develops a novel contingency analysis warm starter for MadIoT cyberattack, based on a conditional Gaussian random field. This method serves as an instance of an ML model that can incorporate diverse domain knowledge and improve on these identified attributes. Experiments validate that the warm starter significantly boosts the efficiency of contingency analysis for MadIoT attack even with shallow NN architectures.
Deep learning approximations for non-local nonlinear PDEs with Neumann boundary conditions
Nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) are used to model dynamical processes in a large number of scientific fields, ranging from finance to biology. In many applications standard local models are not sufficient to accurately account for certain non-local phenomena such as, e.g., interactions at a distance. In order to properly capture these phenomena non-local nonlinear PDE models are frequently employed in the literature. In this article we propose two numerical methods based on machine learning and on Picard iterations, respectively, to approximately solve non-local nonlinear PDEs. The proposed machine learning-based method is an extended variant of a deep learning-based splitting-up type approximation method previously introduced in the literature and utilizes neural networks to provide approximate solutions on a subset of the spatial domain of the solution. The Picard iterations-based method is an extended variant of the so-called full history recursive multilevel Picard approximation scheme previously introduced in the literature and provides an approximate solution for a single point of the domain. Both methods are mesh-free and allow non-local nonlinear PDEs with Neumann boundary conditions to be solved in high dimensions. In the two methods, the numerical difficulties arising due to the dimensionality of the PDEs are avoided by (i) using the correspondence between the expected trajectory of reflected stochastic processes and the solution of PDEs (given by the Feynman-Kac formula) and by (ii) using a plain vanilla Monte Carlo integration to handle the non-local term. We evaluate the performance of the two methods on five different PDEs arising in physics and biology. In all cases, the methods yield good results in up to 10 dimensions with short run times. Our work extends recently developed methods to overcome the curse of dimensionality in solving PDEs.
Automated Algorithm Selection for Radar Network Configuration
The configuration of radar networks is a complex problem that is often performed manually by experts with the help of a simulator. Different numbers and types of radars as well as different locations that the radars shall cover give rise to different instances of the radar configuration problem. The exact modeling of these instances is complex, as the quality of the configurations depends on a large number of parameters, on internal radar processing, and on the terrains on which the radars need to be placed. Classic optimization algorithms can therefore not be applied to this problem, and we rely on "trial-and-error" black-box approaches. In this paper, we study the performances of 13~black-box optimization algorithms on 153~radar network configuration problem instances. The algorithms perform considerably better than human experts. Their ranking, however, depends on the budget of configurations that can be evaluated and on the elevation profile of the location. We therefore also investigate automated algorithm selection approaches. Our results demonstrate that a pipeline that extracts instance features from the elevation of the terrain performs on par with the classical, far more expensive approach that extracts features from the objective function.
Variational Sparse Coding with Learned Thresholding
Sparse coding strategies have been lauded for their parsimonious representations of data that leverage low dimensional structure. However, inference of these codes typically relies on an optimization procedure with poor computational scaling in high-dimensional problems. For example, sparse inference in the representations learned in the high-dimensional intermediary layers of deep neural networks (DNNs) requires an iterative minimization to be performed at each training step. As such, recent, quick methods in variational inference have been proposed to infer sparse codes by learning a distribution over the codes with a DNN. In this work, we propose a new approach to variational sparse coding that allows us to learn sparse distributions by thresholding samples, avoiding the use of problematic relaxations. We first evaluate and analyze our method by training a linear generator, showing that it has superior performance, statistical efficiency, and gradient estimation compared to other sparse distributions. We then compare to a standard variational autoencoder using a DNN generator on the Fashion MNIST and CelebA datasets
Automatic Velocity Picking Using Unsupervised Ensemble Learning
In seismic data processing, accurate and efficient automatic velocity picking algorithms can significantly accelerate the processing, and the main branch is to use velocity spectra for velocity pickup. Recently, machine learning algorithms have been widely used in automatic spectrum picking. Even though deep learning methods can address the problem well in supervised cases, they are often accompanied by expensive computational costs and low interpretability. On the contrast, unsupervised learning methods based on the physical knowledge have great potential to efficiently resolve the task. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised ensemble learning (UEL) method to pick the root mean square (RMS) velocities on the spectrum. In particular, UEL utilizes the information of nearby velocity spectra and the nearest seed velocity curve to assist the selection of effective and reasonable velocity points. To increase the coherence of energy peaks, an information gain method is developed by local normalization. In addition, we designed the attention scale-space filter (ASSF) clustering method to incorporate the coherence information into the picking process. Experiments on three datasets demonstrate that compared to traditional clustering methods, UEL can recognize energy clusters better, especially with smaller blobs. Moreover, the injection of nearby spectra and interval velocity constraint in UEL significantly improves the robustness and accuracy of picking results.
Label Adversarial Learning for Skeleton-level to Pixel-level Adjustable Vessel Segmentation
You can have your cake and eat it too. Microvessel segmentation in optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) images remains challenging. Skeleton-level segmentation shows clear topology but without diameter information, while pixel-level segmentation shows a clear caliber but low topology. To close this gap, we propose a novel label adversarial learning (LAL) for skeleton-level to pixel-level adjustable vessel segmentation. LAL mainly consists of two designs: a label adversarial loss and an embeddable adjustment layer. The label adversarial loss establishes an adversarial relationship between the two label supervisions, while the adjustment layer adjusts the network parameters to match the different adversarial weights. Such a design can efficiently capture the variation between the two supervisions, making the segmentation continuous and tunable. This continuous process allows us to recommend high-quality vessel segmentation with clear caliber and topology. Experimental results show that our results outperform manual annotations of current public datasets and conventional filtering effects. Furthermore, such a continuous process can also be used to generate an uncertainty map representing weak vessel boundaries and noise.
Search-Based Testing of Reinforcement Learning
Evaluation of deep reinforcement learning (RL) is inherently challenging. Especially the opaqueness of learned policies and the stochastic nature of both agents and environments make testing the behavior of deep RL agents difficult. We present a search-based testing framework that enables a wide range of novel analysis capabilities for evaluating the safety and performance of deep RL agents. For safety testing, our framework utilizes a search algorithm that searches for a reference trace that solves the RL task. The backtracking states of the search, called boundary states, pose safety-critical situations. We create safety test-suites that evaluate how well the RL agent escapes safety-critical situations near these boundary states. For robust performance testing, we create a diverse set of traces via fuzz testing. These fuzz traces are used to bring the agent into a wide variety of potentially unknown states from which the average performance of the agent is compared to the average performance of the fuzz traces. We apply our search-based testing approach on RL for Nintendo's Super Mario Bros.
Decentral and Incentivized Federated Learning Frameworks: A Systematic Literature Review
The advent of Federated Learning (FL) has ignited a new paradigm for parallel and confidential decentralized Machine Learning (ML) with the potential of utilizing the computational power of a vast number of IoT, mobile and edge devices without data leaving the respective device, ensuring privacy by design. Yet, in order to scale this new paradigm beyond small groups of already entrusted entities towards mass adoption, the Federated Learning Framework (FLF) has to become (i) truly decentralized and (ii) participants have to be incentivized. This is the first systematic literature review analyzing holistic FLFs in the domain of both, decentralized and incentivized federated learning. 422 publications were retrieved, by querying 12 major scientific databases. Finally, 40 articles remained after a systematic review and filtering process for in-depth examination. Although having massive potential to direct the future of a more distributed and secure AI, none of the analyzed FLF is production-ready. The approaches vary heavily in terms of use-cases, system design, solved issues and thoroughness. We are the first to provide a systematic approach to classify and quantify differences between FLF, exposing limitations of current works and derive future directions for research in this novel domain.
DL4DS -- Deep Learning for empirical DownScaling
A common task in Earth Sciences is to infer climate information at local and regional scales from global climate models. Dynamical downscaling requires running expensive numerical models at high resolution which can be prohibitive due to long model runtimes. On the other hand, statistical downscaling techniques present an alternative approach for learning links between the large- and local-scale climate in a more efficient way. A large number of deep neural network-based approaches for statistical downscaling have been proposed in recent years, mostly based on convolutional architectures developed for computer vision and super-resolution tasks. This paper presents DL4DS, Deep Learning for empirical DownScaling, a python library that implements a wide variety of state-of-the-art and novel algorithms for downscaling gridded Earth Science data with deep neural networks. DL4DS has been designed with the goal of providing a general framework for training convolutional neural networks with configurable architectures and learning strategies to facilitate the conduction of comparative and ablation studies in a robust way. We showcase the capabilities of DL4DS on air quality CAMS data over the western Mediterranean area. The DL4DS library can be found in this repository: https://github.com/carlos-gg/dl4ds
Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Adaptive IRS Control with Limited Feedback Codebooks
Intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS) consist of configurable meta-atoms, which can alter the wireless propagation environment through design of their reflection coefficients. We consider adaptive IRS control in the practical setting where (i) the IRS reflection coefficients are attained by adjusting tunable elements embedded in the meta-atoms, (ii) the IRS reflection coefficients are affected by the incident angles of the incoming signals, (iii) the IRS is deployed in multi-path, time-varying channels, and (iv) the feedback link from the base station (BS) to the IRS has a low data rate. Conventional optimization-based IRS control protocols, which rely on channel estimation and conveying the optimized variables to the IRS, are not practical in this setting due to the difficulty of channel estimation and the low data rate of the feedback channel. To address these challenges, we develop a novel adaptive codebook-based limited feedback protocol to control the IRS. We propose two solutions for adaptive IRS codebook design: (i) random adjacency (RA), which utilizes correlations across the channel realizations, and (ii) deep neural network policy-based IRS control (DPIC), which is based on a deep reinforcement learning. Numerical evaluations show that the data rate and average data rate over one coherence time are improved substantially by the proposed schemes.
Determination of class-specific variables in nonparametric multiple-class classification
As technology advanced, collecting data via automatic collection devices become popular, thus we commonly face data sets with lengthy variables, especially when these data sets are collected without specific research goals beforehand. It has been pointed out in the literature that the difficulty of high-dimensional classification problems is intrinsically caused by too many noise variables useless for reducing classification error, which offer less benefits for decision-making, and increase complexity, and confusion in model-interpretation. A good variable selection strategy is therefore a must for using such kinds of data well; especially when we expect to use their results for the succeeding applications/studies, where the model-interpretation ability is essential. hus, the conventional classification measures, such as accuracy, sensitivity, precision, cannot be the only performance tasks. In this paper, we propose a probability-based nonparametric multiple-class classification method, and integrate it with the ability of identifying high impact variables for individual class such that we can have more information about its classification rule and the character of each class as well. The proposed method can have its prediction power approximately equal to that of the Bayes rule, and still retains the ability of "model-interpretation." We report the asymptotic properties of the proposed method, and use both synthesized and real data sets to illustrate its properties under different classification situations. We also separately discuss the variable identification, and training sample size determination, and summarize those procedures as algorithms such that users can easily implement them with different computing languages.
BrainIB: Interpretable Brain Network-based Psychiatric Diagnosis with Graph Information Bottleneck
Developing a new diagnostic models based on the underlying biological mechanisms rather than subjective symptoms for psychiatric disorders is an emerging consensus. Recently, machine learning-based classifiers using functional connectivity (FC) for psychiatric disorders and healthy controls are developed to identify brain markers. However, existing machine learningbased diagnostic models are prone to over-fitting (due to insufficient training samples) and perform poorly in new test environment. Furthermore, it is difficult to obtain explainable and reliable brain biomarkers elucidating the underlying diagnostic decisions. These issues hinder their possible clinical applications. In this work, we propose BrainIB, a new graph neural network (GNN) framework to analyze functional magnetic resonance images (fMRI), by leveraging the famed Information Bottleneck (IB) principle. BrainIB is able to identify the most informative regions in the brain (i.e., subgraph) and generalizes well to unseen data. We evaluate the performance of BrainIB against 6 popular brain network classification methods on two multi-site, largescale datasets and observe that our BrainIB always achieves the highest diagnosis accuracy. It also discovers the subgraph biomarkers which are consistent to clinical and neuroimaging findings.
ConceptDistil: Model-Agnostic Distillation of Concept Explanations
Concept-based explanations aims to fill the model interpretability gap for non-technical humans-in-the-loop. Previous work has focused on providing concepts for specific models (eg, neural networks) or data types (eg, images), and by either trying to extract concepts from an already trained network or training self-explainable models through multi-task learning. In this work, we propose ConceptDistil, a method to bring concept explanations to any black-box classifier using knowledge distillation. ConceptDistil is decomposed into two components:(1) a concept model that predicts which domain concepts are present in a given instance, and (2) a distillation model that tries to mimic the predictions of a black-box model using the concept model predictions. We validate ConceptDistil in a real world use-case, showing that it is able to optimize both tasks, bringing concept-explainability to any black-box model.
Towards Computationally Feasible Deep Active Learning
Active learning (AL) is a prominent technique for reducing the annotation effort required for training machine learning models. Deep learning offers a solution for several essential obstacles to deploying AL in practice but introduces many others. One of such problems is the excessive computational resources required to train an acquisition model and estimate its uncertainty on instances in the unlabeled pool. We propose two techniques that tackle this issue for text classification and tagging tasks, offering a substantial reduction of AL iteration duration and the computational overhead introduced by deep acquisition models in AL. We also demonstrate that our algorithm that leverages pseudo-labeling and distilled models overcomes one of the essential obstacles revealed previously in the literature. Namely, it was shown that due to differences between an acquisition model used to select instances during AL and a successor model trained on the labeled data, the benefits of AL can diminish. We show that our algorithm, despite using a smaller and faster acquisition model, is capable of training a more expressive successor model with higher performance.
Applications of Reinforcement Learning in Deregulated Power Market: A Comprehensive Review
The increasing penetration of renewable generations, along with the deregulation and marketization of power industry, promotes the transformation of power market operation paradigms. The optimal bidding strategy and dispatching methodology under these new paradigms are prioritized concerns for both market participants and power system operators, with obstacles of uncertain characteristics, computational efficiency, as well as requirements of hyperopic decision-making. To tackle these problems, the Reinforcement Learning (RL), as an emerging machine learning technique with advantages compared with conventional optimization tools, is playing an increasingly significant role in both academia and industry. This paper presents a comprehensive review of RL applications in deregulated power market operation including bidding and dispatching strategy optimization, based on more than 150 carefully selected literatures. For each application, apart from a paradigmatic summary of generalized methodology, in-depth discussions of applicability and obstacles while deploying RL techniques are also provided. Finally, some RL techniques that have great potentiality to be deployed in bidding and dispatching problems are recommended and discussed.
Automatic Detection of Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections in Solar Wind In Situ Data
Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) are one of the main drivers for space weather disturbances. In the past, different approaches have been used to automatically detect events in existing time series resulting from solar wind in situ observations. However, accurate and fast detection still remains a challenge when facing the large amount of data from different instruments. For the automatic detection of ICMEs we propose a pipeline using a method that has recently proven successful in medical image segmentation. Comparing it to an existing method, we find that while achieving similar results, our model outperforms the baseline regarding training time by a factor of approximately 20, thus making it more applicable for other datasets. The method has been tested on in situ data from the Wind spacecraft between 1997 and 2015 with a True Skill Statistic (TSS) of 0.64. Out of the 640 ICMEs, 466 were detected correctly by our algorithm, producing a total of 254 False Positives. Additionally, it produced reasonable results on datasets with fewer features and smaller training sets from Wind, STEREO-A and STEREO-B with True Skill Statistics of 0.56, 0.57 and 0.53, respectively. Our pipeline manages to find the start of an ICME with a mean absolute error (MAE) of around 2 hours and 56 minutes, and the end time with a MAE of 3 hours and 20 minutes. The relatively fast training allows straightforward tuning of hyperparameters and could therefore easily be used to detect other structures and phenomena in solar wind data, such as corotating interaction regions.
Deep learning for spatio-temporal forecasting -- application to solar energy
This thesis tackles the subject of spatio-temporal forecasting with deep learning. The motivating application at Electricity de France (EDF) is short-term solar energy forecasting with fisheye images. We explore two main research directions for improving deep forecasting methods by injecting external physical knowledge. The first direction concerns the role of the training loss function. We show that differentiable shape and temporal criteria can be leveraged to improve the performances of existing models. We address both the deterministic context with the proposed DILATE loss function and the probabilistic context with the STRIPE model. Our second direction is to augment incomplete physical models with deep data-driven networks for accurate forecasting. For video prediction, we introduce the PhyDNet model that disentangles physical dynamics from residual information necessary for prediction, such as texture or details. We further propose a learning framework (APHYNITY) that ensures a principled and unique linear decomposition between physical and data-driven components under mild assumptions, leading to better forecasting performances and parameter identification.
Number Entity Recognition
Numbers are essential components of text, like any other word tokens, from which natural language processing (NLP) models are built and deployed. Though numbers are typically not accounted for distinctly in most NLP tasks, there is still an underlying amount of numeracy already exhibited by NLP models. In this work, we attempt to tap this potential of state-of-the-art NLP models and transfer their ability to boost performance in related tasks. Our proposed classification of numbers into entities helps NLP models perform well on several tasks, including a handcrafted Fill-In-The-Blank (FITB) task and on question answering using joint embeddings, outperforming the BERT and RoBERTa baseline classification.
Evaluation of a User Authentication Schema Using Behavioral Biometrics and Machine Learning
The amount of secure data being stored on mobile devices has grown immensely in recent years. However, the security measures protecting this data have stayed static, with few improvements being done to the vulnerabilities of current authentication methods such as physiological biometrics or passwords. Instead of these methods, behavioral biometrics has recently been researched as a solution to these vulnerable authentication methods. In this study, we aim to contribute to the research being done on behavioral biometrics by creating and evaluating a user authentication scheme using behavioral biometrics. The behavioral biometrics used in this study include touch dynamics and phone movement, and we evaluate the performance of different single-modal and multi-modal combinations of the two biometrics. Using two publicly available datasets - BioIdent and Hand Movement Orientation and Grasp (H-MOG), this study uses seven common machine learning algorithms to evaluate performance. The algorithms used in the evaluation include Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbor, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Multilayer Perceptron, and Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks, with accuracy rates reaching as high as 86%.
Multi-Target Active Object Tracking with Monte Carlo Tree Search and Target Motion Modeling
In this work, we are dedicated to multi-target active object tracking (AOT), where there are multiple targets as well as multiple cameras in the environment. The goal is maximize the overall target coverage of all cameras. Previous work makes a strong assumption that each camera is fixed in a location and only allowed to rotate, which limits its application. In this work, we relax the setting by allowing all cameras to both move along the boundary lines and rotate. In our setting, the action space becomes much larger, which leads to much higher computational complexity to identify the optimal action. To this end, we propose to leverage the action selection from multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) network to prune the search tree of Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) method, so as to find the optimal action more efficiently. Besides, we model the motion of the targets to predict the future position of the targets, which makes a better estimation of the future environment state in the MCTS process. We establish a multi-target 2D environment to simulate the sports games, and experimental results demonstrate that our method can effectively improve the target coverage.
Time-Series Domain Adaptation via Sparse Associative Structure Alignment: Learning Invariance and Variance
Domain adaptation on time-series data is often encountered in the industry but received limited attention in academia. Most of the existing domain adaptation methods for time-series data borrow the ideas from the existing methods for non-time series data to extract the domain-invariant representation. However, two peculiar difficulties to time-series data have not been solved. 1) It is not a trivial task to model the domain-invariant and complex dependence among different timestamps. 2) The domain-variant information is important but how to leverage them is almost underexploited. Fortunately, the stableness of causal structures among different domains inspires us to explore the structures behind the time-series data. Based on this inspiration, we investigate the domain-invariant unweighted sparse associative structures and the domain-variant strengths of the structures. To achieve this, we propose Sparse Associative structure alignment by learning Invariance and Variance (SASA-IV in short), a model that simultaneously aligns the invariant unweighted spare associative structures and considers the variant information for time-series unsupervised domain adaptation. Technologically, we extract the domain-invariant unweighted sparse associative structures with a unidirectional alignment restriction and embed the domain-variant strengths via a well-designed autoregressive module. Experimental results not only testify that our model yields state-of-the-art performance on three real-world datasets but also provide some insightful discoveries on knowledge transfer.
Bandits for Structure Perturbation-based Black-box Attacks to Graph Neural Networks with Theoretical Guarantees
Graph neural networks (GNNs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance in many graph-based tasks such as node classification and graph classification. However, many recent works have demonstrated that an attacker can mislead GNN models by slightly perturbing the graph structure. Existing attacks to GNNs are either under the less practical threat model where the attacker is assumed to access the GNN model parameters, or under the practical black-box threat model but consider perturbing node features that are shown to be not enough effective. In this paper, we aim to bridge this gap and consider black-box attacks to GNNs with structure perturbation as well as with theoretical guarantees. We propose to address this challenge through bandit techniques. Specifically, we formulate our attack as an online optimization with bandit feedback. This original problem is essentially NP-hard due to the fact that perturbing the graph structure is a binary optimization problem. We then propose an online attack based on bandit optimization which is proven to be {sublinear} to the query number $T$, i.e., $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{N}T^{3/4})$ where $N$ is the number of nodes in the graph. Finally, we evaluate our proposed attack by conducting experiments over multiple datasets and GNN models. The experimental results on various citation graphs and image graphs show that our attack is both effective and efficient. Source code is available at~\url{https://github.com/Metaoblivion/Bandit_GNN_Attack}
Graph Spectral Embedding using the Geodesic Betweeness Centrality
We introduce the Graph Sylvester Embedding (GSE), an unsupervised graph representation of local similarity, connectivity, and global structure. GSE uses the solution of the Sylvester equation to capture both network structure and neighborhood proximity in a single representation. Unlike embeddings based on the eigenvectors of the Laplacian, GSE incorporates two or more basis functions, for instance using the Laplacian and the affinity matrix. Such basis functions are constructed not from the original graph, but from one whose weights measure the centrality of an edge (the fraction of the number of shortest paths that pass through that edge) in the original graph. This allows more flexibility and control to represent complex network structure and shows significant improvements over the state of the art when used for data analysis tasks such as predicting failed edges in material science and network alignment in the human-SARS CoV-2 protein-protein interactome.
Anomaly Detection in Intra-Vehicle Networks
The progression of innovation and technology and ease of inter-connectivity among networks has allowed us to evolve towards one of the promising areas, the Internet of Vehicles. Nowadays, modern vehicles are connected to a range of networks, including intra-vehicle networks and external networks. However, a primary challenge in the automotive industry is to make the vehicle safe and reliable; particularly with the loopholes in the existing traditional protocols, cyber-attacks on the vehicle network are rising drastically. Practically every vehicle uses the universal Controller Area Network (CAN) bus protocol for the communication between electronic control units to transmit key vehicle functionality and messages related to driver safety. The CAN bus system, although its critical significance, lacks the key feature of any protocol authentication and authorization. Resulting in compromises of CAN bus security leads to serious issues to both car and driver safety. This paper discusses the security issues of the CAN bus protocol and proposes an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that detects known attacks on in-vehicle networks. Multiple Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms are employed to provide recognition of known potential cyber-attacks based on messages, timestamps, and data packets traveling through the CAN. The main objective of this paper is to accurately detect cyberattacks by considering time-series features and attack frequency. The majority of the evaluated AI algorithms, when considering attack frequency, correctly identify known attacks with remarkable accuracy of more than 99%. However, these models achieve approximately 92% to 97% accuracy when timestamps are not taken into account. Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), Xgboost, and SVC have proved to the well-performing classifiers.
Factory: Fast Contact for Robotic Assembly
Robotic assembly is one of the oldest and most challenging applications of robotics. In other areas of robotics, such as perception and grasping, simulation has rapidly accelerated research progress, particularly when combined with modern deep learning. However, accurately, efficiently, and robustly simulating the range of contact-rich interactions in assembly remains a longstanding challenge. In this work, we present Factory, a set of physics simulation methods and robot learning tools for such applications. We achieve real-time or faster simulation of a wide range of contact-rich scenes, including simultaneous simulation of 1000 nut-and-bolt interactions. We provide $60$ carefully-designed part models, 3 robotic assembly environments, and 7 robot controllers for training and testing virtual robots. Finally, we train and evaluate proof-of-concept reinforcement learning policies for nut-and-bolt assembly. We aim for Factory to open the doors to using simulation for robotic assembly, as well as many other contact-rich applications in robotics. Please see https://sites.google.com/nvidia.com/factory for supplementary content, including videos.
Individualized Risk Assessment of Preoperative Opioid Use by Interpretable Neural Network Regression
Preoperative opioid use has been reported to be associated with higher preoperative opioid demand, worse postoperative outcomes, and increased postoperative healthcare utilization and expenditures. Understanding the risk of preoperative opioid use helps establish patient-centered pain management. In the field of machine learning, deep neural network (DNN) has emerged as a powerful means for risk assessment because of its superb prediction power; however, the blackbox algorithms may make the results less interpretable than statistical models. Bridging the gap between the statistical and machine learning fields, we propose a novel Interpretable Neural Network Regression (INNER), which combines the strengths of statistical and DNN models. We use the proposed INNER to conduct individualized risk assessment of preoperative opioid use. Intensive simulations and an analysis of 34,186 patients expecting surgery in the Analgesic Outcomes Study (AOS) show that the proposed INNER not only can accurately predict the preoperative opioid use using preoperative characteristics as DNN, but also can estimate the patient specific odds of opioid use without pain and the odds ratio of opioid use for a unit increase in the reported overall body pain, leading to more straightforward interpretations of the tendency to use opioids than DNN. Our results identify the patient characteristics that are strongly associated with opioid use and is largely consistent with the previous findings, providing evidence that INNER is a useful tool for individualized risk assessment of preoperative opioid use.
Unsupervised Deep Unrolled Reconstruction Using Regularization by Denoising
Deep learning methods have been successfully used in various computer vision tasks. Inspired by that success, deep learning has been explored in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reconstruction. In particular, integrating deep learning and model-based optimization methods has shown considerable advantages. However, a large amount of labeled training data is typically needed for high reconstruction quality, which is challenging for some MRI applications. In this paper, we propose a novel reconstruction method, named DURED-Net, that enables interpretable unsupervised learning for MR image reconstruction by combining an unsupervised denoising network and a plug-and-play method. We aim to boost the reconstruction performance of unsupervised learning by adding an explicit prior that utilizes imaging physics. Specifically, the leverage of a denoising network for MRI reconstruction is achieved using Regularization by Denoising (RED). Experiment results demonstrate that the proposed method requires a reduced amount of training data to achieve high reconstruction quality.
Fine-grained Intent Classification in the Legal Domain
A law practitioner has to go through a lot of long legal case proceedings. To understand the motivation behind the actions of different parties/individuals in a legal case, it is essential that the parts of the document that express an intent corresponding to the case be clearly understood. In this paper, we introduce a dataset of 93 legal documents, belonging to the case categories of either Murder, Land Dispute, Robbery, or Corruption, where phrases expressing intent same as the category of the document are annotated. Also, we annotate fine-grained intents for each such phrase to enable a deeper understanding of the case for a reader. Finally, we analyze the performance of several transformer-based models in automating the process of extracting intent phrases (both at a coarse and a fine-grained level), and classifying a document into one of the possible 4 categories, and observe that, our dataset is challenging, especially in the case of fine-grained intent classification.
Inferring electrochemical performance and parameters of Li-ion batteries based on deep operator networks
The Li-ion battery is a complex physicochemical system that generally takes applied current as input and terminal voltage as output. The mappings from current to voltage can be described by several kinds of models, such as accurate but inefficient physics-based models, and efficient but sometimes inaccurate equivalent circuit and black-box models. To realize accuracy and efficiency simultaneously in battery modeling, we propose to build a data-driven surrogate for a battery system while incorporating the underlying physics as constraints. In this work, we innovatively treat the functional mapping from current curve to terminal voltage as a composite of operators, which is approximated by the powerful deep operator network (DeepONet). Its learning capability is firstly verified through a predictive test for Li-ion concentration at two electrodes. In this experiment, the physics-informed DeepONet is found to be more robust than the purely data-driven DeepONet, especially in temporal extrapolation scenarios. A composite surrogate is then constructed for mapping current curve and solid diffusivity to terminal voltage with three operator networks, in which two parallel physics-informed DeepONets are firstly used to predict Li-ion concentration at two electrodes, and then based on their surface values, a DeepONet is built to give terminal voltage predictions. Since the surrogate is differentiable anywhere, it is endowed with the ability to learn from data directly, which was validated by using terminal voltage measurements to estimate input parameters. The proposed surrogate built upon operator networks possesses great potential to be applied in on-board scenarios, such as battery management system, since it integrates efficiency and accuracy by incorporating underlying physics, and also leaves an interface for model refinement through a totally differentiable model structure.
JUNO: Jump-Start Reinforcement Learning-based Node Selection for UWB Indoor Localization
Ultra-Wideband (UWB) is one of the key technologies empowering the Internet of Thing (IoT) concept to perform reliable, energy-efficient, and highly accurate monitoring, screening, and localization in indoor environments. Performance of UWB-based localization systems, however, can significantly degrade because of Non Line of Sight (NLoS) connections between a mobile user and UWB beacons. To mitigate the destructive effects of NLoS connections, we target development of a Reinforcement Learning (RL) anchor selection framework that can efficiently cope with the dynamic nature of indoor environments. Existing RL models in this context, however, lack the ability to generalize well to be used in a new setting. Moreover, it takes a long time for the conventional RL models to reach the optimal policy. To tackle these challenges, we propose the Jump-start RL-based Uwb NOde selection (JUNO) framework, which performs real-time location predictions without relying on complex NLoS identification/mitigation methods. The effectiveness of the proposed JUNO framework is evaluated in term of the location error, where the mobile user moves randomly through an ultra-dense indoor environment with a high chance of establishing NLoS connections. Simulation results corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed framework in comparison to its state-of-the-art counterparts.
PARAFAC2$\times$N: Coupled Decomposition of Multi-modal Data with Drift in N Modes
Reliable analysis of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography - time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC$\times$GC-TOFMS) data is considered to be a major bottleneck for its widespread application. For multiple samples, GC$\times$GC-TOFMS data for specific chromatographic regions manifests as a 4th order tensor of I mass spectral acquisitions, J mass channels, K modulations, and L samples. Chromatographic drift is common along both the first-dimension (modulations), and along the second-dimension (mass spectral acquisitions), while drift along the mass channel and sample dimensions is for all practical purposes nonexistent. A number of solutions to handling GC$\times$GC-TOFMS data have been proposed: these involve reshaping the data to make it amenable to either 2nd order decomposition techniques based on Multivariate Curve Resolution (MCR), or 3rd order decomposition techniques such as Parallel Factor Analysis 2 (PARAFAC2). PARAFAC2 has been utilised to model chromatographic drift along one mode, which has enabled its use for robust decomposition of multiple GC-MS experiments. Although extensible, it is not straightforward to implement a PARAFAC2 model that accounts for drift along multiple modes. In this submission, we demonstrate a new approach and a general theory for modelling data with drift along multiple modes, for applications in multidimensional chromatography with multivariate detection.
Online Model Compression for Federated Learning with Large Models
This paper addresses the challenges of training large neural network models under federated learning settings: high on-device memory usage and communication cost. The proposed Online Model Compression (OMC) provides a framework that stores model parameters in a compressed format and decompresses them only when needed. We use quantization as the compression method in this paper and propose three methods, (1) using per-variable transformation, (2) weight matrices only quantization, and (3) partial parameter quantization, to minimize the impact on model accuracy. According to our experiments on two recent neural networks for speech recognition and two different datasets, OMC can reduce memory usage and communication cost of model parameters by up to 59% while attaining comparable accuracy and training speed when compared with full-precision training.
Norm-Scaling for Out-of-Distribution Detection
Out-of-Distribution (OoD) inputs are examples that do not belong to the true underlying distribution of the dataset. Research has shown that deep neural nets make confident mispredictions on OoD inputs. Therefore, it is critical to identify OoD inputs for safe and reliable deployment of deep neural nets. Often a threshold is applied on a similarity score to detect OoD inputs. One such similarity is angular similarity which is the dot product of latent representation with the mean class representation. Angular similarity encodes uncertainty, for example, if the angular similarity is less, it is less certain that the input belongs to that class. However, we observe that, different classes have different distributions of angular similarity. Therefore, applying a single threshold for all classes is not ideal since the same similarity score represents different uncertainties for different classes. In this paper, we propose norm-scaling which normalizes the logits separately for each class. This ensures that a single value consistently represents similar uncertainty for various classes. We show that norm-scaling, when used with maximum softmax probability detector, achieves 9.78% improvement in AUROC, 5.99% improvement in AUPR and 33.19% reduction in FPR95 metrics over previous state-of-the-art methods.
DULA and DEBA: Differentiable Ergonomic Risk Models for Postural Assessment and Optimization in Ergonomically Intelligent pHRI
Ergonomics and human comfort are essential concerns in physical human-robot interaction applications. Defining an accurate and easy-to-use ergonomic assessment model stands as an important step in providing feedback for postural correction to improve operator health and comfort. Common practical methods in the area suffer from inaccurate ergonomics models in performing postural optimization. In order to retain assessment quality, while improving computational considerations, we propose a novel framework for postural assessment and optimization for ergonomically intelligent physical human-robot interaction. We introduce DULA and DEBA, differentiable and continuous ergonomics models learned to replicate the popular and scientifically validated RULA and REBA assessments with more than 99% accuracy. We show that DULA and DEBA provide assessment comparable to RULA and REBA while providing computational benefits when being used in postural optimization. We evaluate our framework through human and simulation experiments. We highlight DULA and DEBA's strength in a demonstration of postural optimization for a simulated pHRI task.
Clustered Graph Matching for Label Recovery and Graph Classification
Given a collection of vertex-aligned networks and an additional label-shuffled network, we propose procedures for leveraging the signal in the vertex-aligned collection to recover the labels of the shuffled network. We consider matching the shuffled network to averages of the networks in the vertex-aligned collection at different levels of granularity. We demonstrate both in theory and practice that if the graphs come from different network classes, then clustering the networks into classes followed by matching the new graph to cluster-averages can yield higher fidelity matching performance than matching to the global average graph. Moreover, by minimizing the graph matching objective function with respect to each cluster average, this approach simultaneously classifies and recovers the vertex labels for the shuffled graph.
Diverse Imitation Learning via Self-Organizing Generative Models
Imitation learning is the task of replicating expert policy from demonstrations, without access to a reward function. This task becomes particularly challenging when the expert exhibits a mixture of behaviors. Prior work has introduced latent variables to model variations of the expert policy. However, our experiments show that the existing works do not exhibit appropriate imitation of individual modes. To tackle this problem, we adopt an encoder-free generative model for behavior cloning (BC) to accurately distinguish and imitate different modes. Then, we integrate it with GAIL to make the learning robust towards compounding errors at unseen states. We show that our method significantly outperforms the state of the art across multiple experiments.
Hitting time for Markov decision process
We define the hitting time for a Markov decision process (MDP). We do not use the hitting time of the Markov process induced by the MDP because the induced chain may not have a stationary distribution. Even it has a stationary distribution, the stationary distribution may not coincide with the (normalized) occupancy measure of the MDP. We observe a relationship between the MDP and the PageRank. Using this observation, we construct an MP whose stationary distribution coincides with the normalized occupancy measure of the MDP and we define the hitting time of the MDP as the hitting time of the associated MP.
Dynamically writing coupled memories using a reinforcement learning agent, meeting physical bounds
Traditional memory writing operations proceed one bit at a time, where e.g. an individual magnetic domain is force-flipped by a localized external field. One way to increase material storage capacity would be to write several bits at a time in the bulk of the material. However, the manipulation of bits is commonly done through quasi-static operations. While simple to model, this method is known to reduce memory capacity. In this paper, we demonstrate how a reinforcement learning agent can exploit the dynamical response of a simple multi-bit mechanical system to restore its memory to full capacity. To do so, we introduce a model framework consisting of a chain of bi-stable springs, which is manipulated on one end by the external action of the agent. We show that the agent manages to learn how to reach all available states for three springs, even though some states are not reachable through adiabatic manipulation, and that both the training speed and convergence within physical parameter space are improved using transfer learning techniques. Interestingly, the agent also points to an optimal design of the system in terms of writing time. In fact, it appears to learn how to take advantage of the underlying physics: the control time exhibits a non-monotonic dependence on the internal dissipation, reaching a minimum at a cross-over shown to verify a mechanically motivated scaling relation.
Structure Learning in Graphical Models from Indirect Observations
This paper considers learning of the graphical structure of a $p$-dimensional random vector $X \in R^p$ using both parametric and non-parametric methods. Unlike the previous works which observe $x$ directly, we consider the indirect observation scenario in which samples $y$ are collected via a sensing matrix $A \in R^{d\times p}$, and corrupted with some additive noise $w$, i.e, $Y = AX + W$. For the parametric method, we assume $X$ to be Gaussian, i.e., $x\in R^p\sim N(\mu, \Sigma)$ and $\Sigma \in R^{p\times p}$. For the first time, we show that the correct graphical structure can be correctly recovered under the indefinite sensing system ($d < p$) using insufficient samples ($n < p$). In particular, we show that for the exact recovery, we require dimension $d = \Omega(p^{0.8})$ and sample number $n = \Omega(p^{0.8}\log^3 p)$. For the nonparametric method, we assume a nonparanormal distribution for $X$ rather than Gaussian. Under mild conditions, we show that our graph-structure estimator can obtain the correct structure. We derive the minimum sample number $n$ and dimension $d$ as $n\gtrsim (deg)^4 \log^4 n$ and $d \gtrsim p + (deg\cdot\log(d-p))^{\beta/4}$, respectively, where deg is the maximum Markov blanket in the graphical model and $\beta > 0$ is some fixed positive constant. Additionally, we obtain a non-asymptotic uniform bound on the estimation error of the CDF of $X$ from indirect observations with inexact knowledge of the noise distribution. To the best of our knowledge, this bound is derived for the first time and may serve as an independent interest. Numerical experiments on both real-world and synthetic data are provided confirm the theoretical results.
Machine Learning-Friendly Biomedical Datasets for Equivalence and Subsumption Ontology Matching
Ontology Matching (OM) plays an important role in many domains such as bioinformatics and the Semantic Web, and its research is becoming increasingly popular, especially with the application of machine learning (ML) techniques. Although the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI) represents an impressive effort for the systematic evaluation of OM systems, it still suffers from several limitations including limited evaluation of subsumption mappings, suboptimal reference mappings, and limited support for the evaluation of ML-based systems. To tackle these limitations, we introduce five new biomedical OM tasks involving ontologies extracted from Mondo and UMLS. Each task includes both equivalence and subsumption matching; the quality of reference mappings is ensured by human curation, ontology pruning, etc.; and a comprehensive evaluation framework is proposed to measure OM performance from various perspectives for both ML-based and non-ML-based OM systems. We report evaluation results for OM systems of different types to demonstrate the usage of these resources, all of which are publicly available
Stochastic resonance neurons in artificial neural networks
Many modern applications of the artificial neural networks ensue large number of layers making traditional digital implementations increasingly complex. Optical neural networks offer parallel processing at high bandwidth, but have the challenge of noise accumulation. We propose here a new type of neural networks using stochastic resonances as an inherent part of the architecture and demonstrate a possibility of significant reduction of the required number of neurons for a given performance accuracy. We also show that such a neural network is more robust against the impact of noise.
Global Multi-modal 2D/3D Registration via Local Descriptors Learning
Multi-modal registration is a required step for many image-guided procedures, especially ultrasound-guided interventions that require anatomical context. While a number of such registration algorithms are already available, they all require a good initialization to succeed due to the challenging appearance of ultrasound images and the arbitrary coordinate system they are acquired in. In this paper, we present a novel approach to solve the problem of registration of an ultrasound sweep to a pre-operative image. We learn dense keypoint descriptors from which we then estimate the registration. We show that our method overcomes the challenges inherent to registration tasks with freehand ultrasound sweeps, namely, the multi-modality and multidimensionality of the data in addition to lack of precise ground truth and low amounts of training examples. We derive a registration method that is fast, generic, fully automatic, does not require any initialization and can naturally generate visualizations aiding interpretability and explainability. Our approach is evaluated on a clinical dataset of paired MR volumes and ultrasound sequences.
Converting Artificial Neural Networks to Spiking Neural Networks via Parameter Calibration
Spiking Neural Network (SNN), originating from the neural behavior in biology, has been recognized as one of the next-generation neural networks. Conventionally, SNNs can be obtained by converting from pre-trained Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) by replacing the non-linear activation with spiking neurons without changing the parameters. In this work, we argue that simply copying and pasting the weights of ANN to SNN inevitably results in activation mismatch, especially for ANNs that are trained with batch normalization (BN) layers. To tackle the activation mismatch issue, we first provide a theoretical analysis by decomposing local conversion error to clipping error and flooring error, and then quantitatively measure how this error propagates throughout the layers using the second-order analysis. Motivated by the theoretical results, we propose a set of layer-wise parameter calibration algorithms, which adjusts the parameters to minimize the activation mismatch. Extensive experiments for the proposed algorithms are performed on modern architectures and large-scale tasks including ImageNet classification and MS COCO detection. We demonstrate that our method can handle the SNN conversion with batch normalization layers and effectively preserve the high accuracy even in 32 time steps. For example, our calibration algorithms can increase up to 65% accuracy when converting VGG-16 with BN layers.
Vocalsound: A Dataset for Improving Human Vocal Sounds Recognition
Recognizing human non-speech vocalizations is an important task and has broad applications such as automatic sound transcription and health condition monitoring. However, existing datasets have a relatively small number of vocal sound samples or noisy labels. As a consequence, state-of-the-art audio event classification models may not perform well in detecting human vocal sounds. To support research on building robust and accurate vocal sound recognition, we have created a VocalSound dataset consisting of over 21,000 crowdsourced recordings of laughter, sighs, coughs, throat clearing, sneezes, and sniffs from 3,365 unique subjects. Experiments show that the vocal sound recognition performance of a model can be significantly improved by 41.9% by adding VocalSound dataset to an existing dataset as training material. In addition, different from previous datasets, the VocalSound dataset contains meta information such as speaker age, gender, native language, country, and health condition.
Transformer-Based Multi-Aspect Multi-Granularity Non-Native English Speaker Pronunciation Assessment
Automatic pronunciation assessment is an important technology to help self-directed language learners. While pronunciation quality has multiple aspects including accuracy, fluency, completeness, and prosody, previous efforts typically only model one aspect (e.g., accuracy) at one granularity (e.g., at the phoneme-level). In this work, we explore modeling multi-aspect pronunciation assessment at multiple granularities. Specifically, we train a Goodness Of Pronunciation feature-based Transformer (GOPT) with multi-task learning. Experiments show that GOPT achieves the best results on speechocean762 with a public automatic speech recognition (ASR) acoustic model trained on Librispeech.
Let's Go to the Alien Zoo: Introducing an Experimental Framework to Study Usability of Counterfactual Explanations for Machine Learning
To foster usefulness and accountability of machine learning (ML), it is essential to explain a model's decisions in addition to evaluating its performance. Accordingly, the field of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) has resurfaced as a topic of active research, offering approaches to address the "how" and "why" of automated decision-making. Within this domain, counterfactual explanations (CFEs) have gained considerable traction as a psychologically grounded approach to generate post-hoc explanations. To do so, CFEs highlight what changes to a model's input would have changed its prediction in a particular way. However, despite the introduction of numerous CFE approaches, their usability has yet to be thoroughly validated at the human level. Thus, to advance the field of XAI, we introduce the Alien Zoo, an engaging, web-based and game-inspired experimental framework. The Alien Zoo provides the means to evaluate usability of CFEs for gaining new knowledge from an automated system, targeting novice users in a domain-general context. As a proof of concept, we demonstrate the practical efficacy and feasibility of this approach in a user study. Our results suggest that users benefit from receiving CFEs compared to no explanation, both in terms of objective performance in the proposed iterative learning task, and subjective usability. With this work, we aim to equip research groups and practitioners with the means to easily run controlled and well-powered user studies to complement their otherwise often more technology-oriented work. Thus, in the interest of reproducible research, we provide the entire code, together with the underlying models and user data.
Journaling Data for Daily PHQ-2 Depression Prediction and Forecasting
Digital health applications are becoming increasingly important for assessing and monitoring the wellbeing of people suffering from mental health conditions like depression. A common target of said applications is to predict the results of self-assessed Patient-Health-Questionnaires (PHQ), indicating current symptom severity of depressive individuals. In this work, we explore the potential of using actively-collected data to predict and forecast daily PHQ-2 scores on a newly-collected longitudinal dataset. We obtain a best MAE of 1.417 for daily prediction of PHQ-2 scores, which specifically in the used dataset have a range of 0 to 12, using leave-one-subject-out cross-validation, as well as a best MAE of 1.914 for forecasting PHQ-2 scores using data from up to the last 7 days. This illustrates the additive value that can be obtained by incorporating actively-collected data in a depression monitoring application.
Physics-informed neural networks for PDE-constrained optimization and control
A fundamental problem of science is designing optimal control policies that manipulate a given environment into producing a desired outcome. Control Physics-Informed Neural Networks simultaneously solve a given system state, and its respective optimal control, in a one-stage framework that conforms to physical laws of the system. Prior approaches use a two-stage framework that models and controls a system sequentially, whereas Control PINNs incorporates the required optimality conditions in its architecture and loss function. The success of Control PINNs is demonstrated by solving the following open-loop optimal control problems: (i) an analytical problem (ii) a one-dimensional heat equation, and (iii) a two-dimensional predator-prey problem.
Efficient Minimax Optimal Estimators For Multivariate Convex Regression
We study the computational aspects of the task of multivariate convex regression in dimension $d \geq 5$. We present the first computationally efficient minimax optimal (up to logarithmic factors) estimators for the tasks of (i) $L$-Lipschitz convex regression (ii) $\Gamma$-bounded convex regression under polytopal support. The proof of the correctness of these estimators uses a variety of tools from different disciplines, among them empirical process theory, stochastic geometry, and potential theory. This work is the first to show the existence of efficient minimax optimal estimators for non-Donsker classes that their corresponding Least Squares Estimators are provably minimax sub-optimal; a result of independent interest.
Trainable Wavelet Neural Network for Non-Stationary Signals
This work introduces a wavelet neural network to learn a filter-bank specialized to fit non-stationary signals and improve interpretability and performance for digital signal processing. The network uses a wavelet transform as the first layer of a neural network where the convolution is a parameterized function of the complex Morlet wavelet. Experimental results, on both simplified data and atmospheric gravity waves, show the network is quick to converge, generalizes well on noisy data, and outperforms standard network architectures.
How to Spend Your Robot Time: Bridging Kickstarting and Offline Reinforcement Learning for Vision-based Robotic Manipulation
Reinforcement learning (RL) has been shown to be effective at learning control from experience. However, RL typically requires a large amount of online interaction with the environment. This limits its applicability to real-world settings, such as in robotics, where such interaction is expensive. In this work we investigate ways to minimize online interactions in a target task, by reusing a suboptimal policy we might have access to, for example from training on related prior tasks, or in simulation. To this end, we develop two RL algorithms that can speed up training by using not only the action distributions of teacher policies, but also data collected by such policies on the task at hand. We conduct a thorough experimental study of how to use suboptimal teachers on a challenging robotic manipulation benchmark on vision-based stacking with diverse objects. We compare our methods to offline, online, offline-to-online, and kickstarting RL algorithms. By doing so, we find that training on data from both the teacher and student, enables the best performance for limited data budgets. We examine how to best allocate a limited data budget -- on the target task -- between the teacher and the student policy, and report experiments using varying budgets, two teachers with different degrees of suboptimality, and five stacking tasks that require a diverse set of behaviors. Our analysis, both in simulation and in the real world, shows that our approach is the best across data budgets, while standard offline RL from teacher rollouts is surprisingly effective when enough data is given.
Transferring Chemical and Energetic Knowledge Between Molecular Systems with Machine Learning
Predicting structural and energetic properties of a molecular system is one of the fundamental tasks in molecular simulations, and it has use cases in chemistry, biology, and medicine. In the past decade, the advent of machine learning algorithms has impacted on molecular simulations for various tasks, including property prediction of atomistic systems. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology for transferring knowledge obtained from simple molecular systems to a more complex one, possessing a significantly larger number of atoms and degrees of freedom. In particular, we focus on the classification of high and low free-energy states. Our approach relies on utilizing (i) a novel hypergraph representation of molecules, encoding all relevant information for characterizing the potential energy of a conformation, and (ii) novel message passing and pooling layers for processing and making predictions on such hypergraph-structured data. Despite the complexity of the problem, our results show a remarkable AUC of 0.92 for transfer learning from tri-alanine to the deca-alanine system. Moreover, we show that the very same transfer learning approach can be used to group, in an unsupervised way, various secondary structures of deca-alanine in clusters having similar free-energy values. Our study represents a proof of concept that reliable transfer learning models for molecular systems can be designed paving the way to unexplored routes in prediction of structural and energetic properties of biologically relevant systems.
UAV-aided RF Mapping for Sensing and Connectivity in Wireless Networks
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) as flying radio access network (RAN) nodes offers a promising complement to traditional fixed terrestrial deployments. More recently yet still in the context of wireless networks, drones have also been envisioned for use as radio frequency (RF) sensing and localization devices. In both cases, the advantage of using UAVs lies in their ability to navigate themselves freely in 3D and in a timely manner to locations of space where the obtained network throughput or sensing performance is optimal. In practice, the selection of a proper location or trajectory for the UAV very much depends on local terrain features, including the position of surrounding radio obstacles. Hence, the robot must be able to map the features of its radio environment as it performs its data communication or sensing services. The challenges related to this task, referred here as radio mapping, are discussed in this paper. Its promises related to efficient trajectory design for autonomous radio-aware UAVs are highlighted, along with algorithm solutions. The advantages induced by radio-mapping in terms of connectivity, sensing, and localization performance are illustrated.
Benchmarking Econometric and Machine Learning Methodologies in Nowcasting
Nowcasting can play a key role in giving policymakers timelier insight to data published with a significant time lag, such as final GDP figures. Currently, there are a plethora of methodologies and approaches for practitioners to choose from. However, there lacks a comprehensive comparison of these disparate approaches in terms of predictive performance and characteristics. This paper addresses that deficiency by examining the performance of 12 different methodologies in nowcasting US quarterly GDP growth, including all the methods most commonly employed in nowcasting, as well as some of the most popular traditional machine learning approaches. Performance was assessed on three different tumultuous periods in US economic history: the early 1980s recession, the 2008 financial crisis, and the COVID crisis. The two best performing methodologies in the analysis were long short-term memory artificial neural networks (LSTM) and Bayesian vector autoregression (BVAR). To facilitate further application and testing of each of the examined methodologies, an open-source repository containing boilerplate code that can be applied to different datasets is published alongside the paper, available at: github.com/dhopp1/nowcasting_benchmark.
Application of Clustering Algorithms for Dimensionality Reduction in Infrastructure Resilience Prediction Models
Recent studies increasingly adopt simulation-based machine learning (ML) models to analyze critical infrastructure system resilience. For realistic applications, these ML models consider the component-level characteristics that influence the network response during emergencies. However, such an approach could result in a large number of features and cause ML models to suffer from the `curse of dimensionality'. We present a clustering-based method that simultaneously minimizes the problem of high-dimensionality and improves the prediction accuracy of ML models developed for resilience analysis in large-scale interdependent infrastructure networks. The methodology has three parts: (a) generation of simulation dataset, (b) network component clustering, and (c) dimensionality reduction and development of prediction models. First, an interdependent infrastructure simulation model simulates the network-wide consequences of various disruptive events. The component-level features are extracted from the simulated data. Next, clustering algorithms are used to derive the cluster-level features by grouping component-level features based on their topological and functional characteristics. Finally, ML algorithms are used to develop models that predict the network-wide impacts of disruptive events using the cluster-level features. The applicability of the method is demonstrated using an interdependent power-water-transport testbed. The proposed method can be used to develop decision-support tools for post-disaster recovery of infrastructure networks.
The Road to Explainability is Paved with Bias: Measuring the Fairness of Explanations
Machine learning models in safety-critical settings like healthcare are often blackboxes: they contain a large number of parameters which are not transparent to users. Post-hoc explainability methods where a simple, human-interpretable model imitates the behavior of these blackbox models are often proposed to help users trust model predictions. In this work, we audit the quality of such explanations for different protected subgroups using real data from four settings in finance, healthcare, college admissions, and the US justice system. Across two different blackbox model architectures and four popular explainability methods, we find that the approximation quality of explanation models, also known as the fidelity, differs significantly between subgroups. We also demonstrate that pairing explainability methods with recent advances in robust machine learning can improve explanation fairness in some settings. However, we highlight the importance of communicating details of non-zero fidelity gaps to users, since a single solution might not exist across all settings. Finally, we discuss the implications of unfair explanation models as a challenging and understudied problem facing the machine learning community.
Vehicle management in a modular production context using Deep Q-Learning
We investigate the feasibility of deploying Deep-Q based deep reinforcement learning agents to job-shop scheduling problems in the context of modular production facilities, using discrete event simulations for the environment. These environments are comprised of a source and sink for the parts to be processed, as well as (several) workstations. The agents are trained to schedule automated guided vehicles to transport the parts back and forth between those stations in an optimal fashion. Starting from a very simplistic setup, we increase the complexity of the environment and compare the agents' performances with well established heuristic approaches, such as first-in-first-out based agents, cost tables and a nearest-neighbor approach. We furthermore seek particular configurations of the environments in which the heuristic approaches struggle, to investigate to what degree the Deep-Q agents are affected by these challenges. We find that Deep-Q based agents show comparable performance as the heuristic baselines. Furthermore, our findings suggest that the DRL agents exhibit an increased robustness to noise, as compared to the conventional approaches. Overall, we find that DRL agents constitute a valuable approach for this type of scheduling problems.
Optimal Control as Variational Inference
In this article we address the stochastic and risk sensitive optimal control problem probabilistically and decompose and solve the probabilistic models using principles from variational inference. We demonstrate how this culminates into two separate probabilistic inference procedures that allow to iteratively infer the deterministic optimal policy. More formally a sequence of belief policies, as a probabilistic proxy for the deterministic optimal policy, is specified through a fixed point iteration with the equilibrium point coinciding with the deterministic solution. These results re-establish the paradigm of Control as Inference, a concept explored and exploited originally by the Reinforcement Learning community anticipating deep rooted connections between optimal estimation and control. Although the Control as Inference paradigm already resulted in the development of several Reinforcement Learning algorithms, until now the underlying mechanism were only partially understood. For that very reason control as inference has not been well received by the control community. By exposing the underlying mechanism we aim to contribute to its general acceptance as a framework superseding optimal control. In order to exhibit its general relevance we discuss parallels with path integral control and discuss a wide range of possible applications.
Designing Robust Biotechnological Processes Regarding Variabilities using Multi-Objective Optimization Applied to a Biopharmaceutical Seed Train Design
Development and optimization of biopharmaceutical production processes with cell cultures is cost- and time-consuming and often performed rather empirically. Efficient optimization of multiple-objectives like process time, viable cell density, number of operating steps & cultivation scales, required medium, amount of product as well as product quality depicts a promising approach. This contribution presents a workflow which couples uncertainty-based upstream simulation and Bayes optimization using Gaussian processes. Its application is demonstrated in a simulation case study for a relevant industrial task in process development, the design of a robust cell culture expansion process (seed train), meaning that despite uncertainties and variabilities concerning cell growth, low variations of viable cell density during the seed train are obtained. Compared to a non-optimized reference seed train, the optimized process showed much lower deviation rates regarding viable cell densities (<~10% instead of 41.7%) using 5 or 4 shake flask scales and seed train duration could be reduced by 56 h from 576 h to 520 h. Overall, it is shown that applying Bayes optimization allows for optimization of a multi-objective optimization function with several optimizable input variables and under a considerable amount of constraints with a low computational effort. This approach provides the potential to be used in form of a decision tool, e.g. for the choice of an optimal and robust seed train design or for further optimization tasks within process development.
Convex Analysis at Infinity: An Introduction to Astral Space
Not all convex functions on $\mathbb{R}^n$ have finite minimizers; some can only be minimized by a sequence as it heads to infinity. In this work, we aim to develop a theory for understanding such minimizers at infinity. We study astral space, a compact extension of $\mathbb{R}^n$ to which such points at infinity have been added. Astral space is constructed to be as small as possible while still ensuring that all linear functions can be continuously extended to the new space. Although astral space includes all of $\mathbb{R}^n$, it is not a vector space, nor even a metric space. However, it is sufficiently well-structured to allow useful and meaningful extensions of concepts of convexity, conjugacy, and subdifferentials. We develop these concepts and analyze various properties of convex functions on astral space, including the detailed structure of their minimizers, exact characterizations of continuity, and convergence of descent algorithms.
Rethinking Fairness: An Interdisciplinary Survey of Critiques of Hegemonic ML Fairness Approaches
This survey article assesses and compares existing critiques of current fairness-enhancing technical interventions into machine learning (ML) that draw from a range of non-computing disciplines, including philosophy, feminist studies, critical race and ethnic studies, legal studies, anthropology, and science and technology studies. It bridges epistemic divides in order to offer an interdisciplinary understanding of the possibilities and limits of hegemonic computational approaches to ML fairness for producing just outcomes for society's most marginalized. The article is organized according to nine major themes of critique wherein these different fields intersect: 1) how "fairness" in AI fairness research gets defined; 2) how problems for AI systems to address get formulated; 3) the impacts of abstraction on how AI tools function and its propensity to lead to technological solutionism; 4) how racial classification operates within AI fairness research; 5) the use of AI fairness measures to avoid regulation and engage in ethics washing; 6) an absence of participatory design and democratic deliberation in AI fairness considerations; 7) data collection practices that entrench "bias," are non-consensual, and lack transparency; 8) the predatory inclusion of marginalized groups into AI systems; and 9) a lack of engagement with AI's long-term social and ethical outcomes. Drawing from these critiques, the article concludes by imagining future ML fairness research directions that actively disrupt entrenched power dynamics and structural injustices in society.
Synthetic Data -- what, why and how?
This explainer document aims to provide an overview of the current state of the rapidly expanding work on synthetic data technologies, with a particular focus on privacy. The article is intended for a non-technical audience, though some formal definitions have been given to provide clarity to specialists. This article is intended to enable the reader to quickly become familiar with the notion of synthetic data, as well as understand some of the subtle intricacies that come with it. We do believe that synthetic data is a very useful tool, and our hope is that this report highlights that, while drawing attention to nuances that can easily be overlooked in its deployment.
What Makes A Good Fisherman? Linear Regression under Self-Selection Bias
In the classical setting of self-selection, the goal is to learn $k$ models, simultaneously from observations $(x^{(i)}, y^{(i)})$ where $y^{(i)}$ is the output of one of $k$ underlying models on input $x^{(i)}$. In contrast to mixture models, where we observe the output of a randomly selected model, here the observed model depends on the outputs themselves, and is determined by some known selection criterion. For example, we might observe the highest output, the smallest output, or the median output of the $k$ models. In known-index self-selection, the identity of the observed model output is observable; in unknown-index self-selection, it is not. Self-selection has a long history in Econometrics and applications in various theoretical and applied fields, including treatment effect estimation, imitation learning, learning from strategically reported data, and learning from markets at disequilibrium. In this work, we present the first computationally and statistically efficient estimation algorithms for the most standard setting of this problem where the models are linear. In the known-index case, we require poly$(1/\varepsilon, k, d)$ sample and time complexity to estimate all model parameters to accuracy $\varepsilon$ in $d$ dimensions, and can accommodate quite general selection criteria. In the more challenging unknown-index case, even the identifiability of the linear models (from infinitely many samples) was not known. We show three results in this case for the commonly studied $\max$ self-selection criterion: (1) we show that the linear models are indeed identifiable, (2) for general $k$ we provide an algorithm with poly$(d) \exp(\text{poly}(k))$ sample and time complexity to estimate the regression parameters up to error $1/\text{poly}(k)$, and (3) for $k = 2$ we provide an algorithm for any error $\varepsilon$ and poly$(d, 1/\varepsilon)$ sample and time complexity.
HumanAL: Calibrating Human Matching Beyond a Single Task
This work offers a novel view on the use of human input as labels, acknowledging that humans may err. We build a behavioral profile for human annotators which is used as a feature representation of the provided input. We show that by utilizing black-box machine learning, we can take into account human behavior and calibrate their input to improve the labeling quality. To support our claims and provide a proof-of-concept, we experiment with three different matching tasks, namely, schema matching, entity matching and text matching. Our empirical evaluation suggests that the method can improve the quality of gathered labels in multiple settings including cross-domain (across different matching tasks).
Towards QD-suite: developing a set of benchmarks for Quality-Diversity algorithms
While the field of Quality-Diversity (QD) has grown into a distinct branch of stochastic optimization, a few problems, in particular locomotion and navigation tasks, have become de facto standards. Are such benchmarks sufficient? Are they representative of the key challenges faced by QD algorithms? Do they provide the ability to focus on one particular challenge by properly disentangling it from others? Do they have much predictive power in terms of scalability and generalization? Existing benchmarks are not standardized, and there is currently no MNIST equivalent for QD. Inspired by recent works on Reinforcement Learning benchmarks, we argue that the identification of challenges faced by QD methods and the development of targeted, challenging, scalable but affordable benchmarks is an important step. As an initial effort, we identify three problems that are challenging in sparse reward settings, and propose associated benchmarks: (1) Behavior metric bias, which can result from the use of metrics that do not match the structure of the behavior space. (2) Behavioral Plateaus, with varying characteristics, such that escaping them would require adaptive QD algorithms and (3) Evolvability Traps, where small variations in genotype result in large behavioral changes. The environments that we propose satisfy the properties listed above.
Perseus: A Simple High-Order Regularization Method for Variational Inequalities
This paper settles an open and challenging question pertaining to the design of simple high-order regularization methods for solving smooth and monotone variational inequalities (VIs). A VI involves finding $x^\star \in \mathcal{X}$ such that $\langle F(x), x - x^\star\rangle \geq 0$ for all $x \in \mathcal{X}$ and we consider the setting where $F: \mathbb{R}^d \mapsto \mathbb{R}^d$ is smooth with up to $(p-1)^{th}$-order derivatives. For the case of $p = 2$,~\citet{Nesterov-2006-Constrained} extended the cubic regularized Newton's method to VIs with a global rate of $O(\epsilon^{-1})$. \citet{Monteiro-2012-Iteration} proposed another second-order method which achieved an improved rate of $O(\epsilon^{-2/3}\log(1/\epsilon))$, but this method required a nontrivial binary search procedure as an inner loop. High-order methods based on similar binary search procedures have been further developed and shown to achieve a rate of $O(\epsilon^{-2/(p+1)}\log(1/\epsilon))$. However, such search procedure can be computationally prohibitive in practice and the problem of finding a simple high-order regularization methods remains as an open and challenging question in optimization theory. We propose a $p^{th}$-order method which does \textit{not} require any binary search scheme and is guaranteed to converge to a weak solution with a global rate of $O(\epsilon^{-2/(p+1)})$. A version with restarting attains a global linear and local superlinear convergence rate for smooth and strongly monotone VIs. Further, our method achieves a global rate of $O(\epsilon^{-2/p})$ for solving smooth and non-monotone VIs satisfying the Minty condition; moreover, the restarted version again attains a global linear and local superlinear convergence rate if the strong Minty condition holds.
Federated Channel Learning for Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces With Fewer Pilot Signals
Channel estimation is a critical task in intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)-assisted wireless systems due to the uncertainties imposed by environment dynamics and rapid changes in the IRS configuration. To deal with these uncertainties, deep learning (DL) approaches have been proposed. Previous works consider centralized learning (CL) approach for model training, which entails the collection of the whole training dataset from the users at the base station (BS), hence introducing huge transmission overhead for data collection. To address this challenge, this paper proposes a federated learning (FL) framework to jointly estimate both direct and cascaded channels in IRS-assisted wireless systems. We design a single convolutional neural network trained on the local datasets of the users without sending them to the BS. We show that the proposed FL-based channel estimation approach requires approximately 60% fewer pilot signals and it exhibits 12 times lower transmission overhead than CL, while maintaining satisfactory performance close to CL. In addition, it provides lower estimation error than the state-of-the-art DL-based schemes.
Symphony: Learning Realistic and Diverse Agents for Autonomous Driving Simulation
Simulation is a crucial tool for accelerating the development of autonomous vehicles. Making simulation realistic requires models of the human road users who interact with such cars. Such models can be obtained by applying learning from demonstration (LfD) to trajectories observed by cars already on the road. However, existing LfD methods are typically insufficient, yielding policies that frequently collide or drive off the road. To address this problem, we propose Symphony, which greatly improves realism by combining conventional policies with a parallel beam search. The beam search refines these policies on the fly by pruning branches that are unfavourably evaluated by a discriminator. However, it can also harm diversity, i.e., how well the agents cover the entire distribution of realistic behaviour, as pruning can encourage mode collapse. Symphony addresses this issue with a hierarchical approach, factoring agent behaviour into goal generation and goal conditioning. The use of such goals ensures that agent diversity neither disappears during adversarial training nor is pruned away by the beam search. Experiments on both proprietary and open Waymo datasets confirm that Symphony agents learn more realistic and diverse behaviour than several baselines.
Scalable computation of prediction intervals for neural networks via matrix sketching
Accounting for the uncertainty in the predictions of modern neural networks is a challenging and important task in many domains. Existing algorithms for uncertainty estimation require modifying the model architecture and training procedure (e.g., Bayesian neural networks) or dramatically increase the computational cost of predictions such as approaches based on ensembling. This work proposes a new algorithm that can be applied to a given trained neural network and produces approximate prediction intervals. The method is based on the classical delta method in statistics but achieves computational efficiency by using matrix sketching to approximate the Jacobian matrix. The resulting algorithm is competitive with state-of-the-art approaches for constructing predictive intervals on various regression datasets from the UCI repository.
Imperceptible Backdoor Attack: From Input Space to Feature Representation
Backdoor attacks are rapidly emerging threats to deep neural networks (DNNs). In the backdoor attack scenario, attackers usually implant the backdoor into the target model by manipulating the training dataset or training process. Then, the compromised model behaves normally for benign input yet makes mistakes when the pre-defined trigger appears. In this paper, we analyze the drawbacks of existing attack approaches and propose a novel imperceptible backdoor attack. We treat the trigger pattern as a special kind of noise following a multinomial distribution. A U-net-based network is employed to generate concrete parameters of multinomial distribution for each benign input. This elaborated trigger ensures that our approach is invisible to both humans and statistical detection. Besides the design of the trigger, we also consider the robustness of our approach against model diagnose-based defences. We force the feature representation of malicious input stamped with the trigger to be entangled with the benign one. We demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness against multiple state-of-the-art defences through extensive datasets and networks. Our trigger only modifies less than 1\% pixels of a benign image while the modification magnitude is 1. Our source code is available at https://github.com/Ekko-zn/IJCAI2022-Backdoor.
On boundary conditions parametrized by analytic functions
Computer algebra can answer various questions about partial differential equations using symbolic algorithms. However, the inclusion of data into equations is rare in computer algebra. Therefore, recently, computer algebra models have been combined with Gaussian processes, a regression model in machine learning, to describe the behavior of certain differential equations under data. While it was possible to describe polynomial boundary conditions in this context, we extend these models to analytic boundary conditions. Additionally, we describe the necessary algorithms for Gr\"obner and Janet bases of Weyl algebras with certain analytic coefficients. Using these algorithms, we provide examples of divergence-free flow in domains bounded by analytic functions and adapted to observations.
Green Accelerated Hoeffding Tree
State-of-the-art machine learning solutions mainly focus on creating highly accurate models without constraints on hardware resources. Stream mining algorithms are designed to run on resource-constrained devices, thus a focus on low power and energy and memory-efficient is essential. The Hoeffding tree algorithm is able to create energy-efficient models, but at the cost of less accurate trees in comparison to their ensembles counterpart. Ensembles of Hoeffding trees, on the other hand, create a highly accurate forest of trees but consume five times more energy on average. An extension that tried to obtain similar results to ensembles of Hoeffding trees was the Extremely Fast Decision Tree (EFDT). This paper presents the Green Accelerated Hoeffding Tree (GAHT) algorithm, an extension of the EFDT algorithm with a lower energy and memory footprint and the same (or higher for some datasets) accuracy levels. GAHT grows the tree setting individual splitting criteria for each node, based on the distribution of the number of instances over each particular leaf. The results show that GAHT is able to achieve the same competitive accuracy results compared to EFDT and ensembles of Hoeffding trees while reducing the energy consumption up to 70%.
The NT-Xent loss upper bound
Self-supervised learning is a growing paradigm in deep representation learning, showing great generalization capabilities and competitive performance in low-labeled data regimes. The SimCLR framework proposes the NT-Xent loss for contrastive representation learning. The objective of the loss function is to maximize agreement, similarity, between sampled positive pairs. This short paper derives and proposes an upper bound for the loss and average similarity. An analysis of the implications is however not provided, but we strongly encourage anyone in the field to conduct this.
Defending against Reconstruction Attacks through Differentially Private Federated Learning for Classification of Heterogeneous Chest X-Ray Data
Privacy regulations and the physical distribution of heterogeneous data are often primary concerns for the development of deep learning models in a medical context. This paper evaluates the feasibility of differentially private federated learning for chest X-ray classification as a defense against data privacy attacks. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to directly compare the impact of differentially private training on two different neural network architectures, DenseNet121 and ResNet50. Extending the federated learning environments previously analyzed in terms of privacy, we simulated a heterogeneous and imbalanced federated setting by distributing images from the public CheXpert and Mendeley chest X-ray datasets unevenly among 36 clients. Both non-private baseline models achieved an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) of $0.94$ on the binary classification task of detecting the presence of a medical finding. We demonstrate that both model architectures are vulnerable to privacy violation by applying image reconstruction attacks to local model updates from individual clients. The attack was particularly successful during later training stages. To mitigate the risk of privacy breach, we integrated R\'enyi differential privacy with a Gaussian noise mechanism into local model training. We evaluate model performance and attack vulnerability for privacy budgets $\epsilon \in$ {1, 3, 6, 10}. The DenseNet121 achieved the best utility-privacy trade-off with an AUC of $0.94$ for $\epsilon$ = 6. Model performance deteriorated slightly for individual clients compared to the non-private baseline. The ResNet50 only reached an AUC of $0.76$ in the same privacy setting. Its performance was inferior to that of the DenseNet121 for all considered privacy constraints, suggesting that the DenseNet121 architecture is more robust to differentially private training.
Geodesics, Non-linearities and the Archive of Novelty Search
The Novelty Search (NS) algorithm was proposed more than a decade ago. However, the mechanisms behind its empirical success are still not well formalized/understood. This short note focuses on the effects of the archive on exploration. Experimental evidence from a few application domains suggests that archive-based NS performs in general better than when Novelty is solely computed with respect to the population. An argument that is often encountered in the literature is that the archive prevents exploration from backtracking or cycling, i.e. from revisiting previously encountered areas in the behavior space. We argue that this is not a complete or accurate explanation as backtracking - beside often being desirable - can actually be enabled by the archive. Through low-dimensional/analytical examples, we show that a key effect of the archive is that it counterbalances the exploration biases that result, among other factors, from the use of inadequate behavior metrics and the non-linearities of the behavior mapping. Our observations seem to hint that attributing a more active role to the archive in sampling can be beneficial.
Investigating and Explaining the Frequency Bias in Image Classification
CNNs exhibit many behaviors different from humans, one of which is the capability of employing high-frequency components. This paper discusses the frequency bias phenomenon in image classification tasks: the high-frequency components are actually much less exploited than the low- and mid-frequency components. We first investigate the frequency bias phenomenon by presenting two observations on feature discrimination and learning priority. Furthermore, we hypothesize that (i) the spectral density, (ii) class consistency directly affect the frequency bias. Specifically, our investigations verify that the spectral density of datasets mainly affects the learning priority, while the class consistency mainly affects the feature discrimination.
Deep Supervised Information Bottleneck Hashing for Cross-modal Retrieval based Computer-aided Diagnosis
Mapping X-ray images, radiology reports, and other medical data as binary codes in the common space, which can assist clinicians to retrieve pathology-related data from heterogeneous modalities (i.e., hashing-based cross-modal medical data retrieval), provides a new view to promot computeraided diagnosis. Nevertheless, there remains a barrier to boost medical retrieval accuracy: how to reveal the ambiguous semantics of medical data without the distraction of superfluous information. To circumvent this drawback, we propose Deep Supervised Information Bottleneck Hashing (DSIBH), which effectively strengthens the discriminability of hash codes. Specifically, the Deep Deterministic Information Bottleneck (Yu, Yu, and Principe 2021) for single modality is extended to the cross-modal scenario. Benefiting from this, the superfluous information is reduced, which facilitates the discriminability of hash codes. Experimental results demonstrate the superior accuracy of the proposed DSIBH compared with state-of-the-arts in cross-modal medical data retrieval tasks.
How to Minimize the Weighted Sum AoI in Multi-Source Status Update Systems: OMA or NOMA?
In this paper, the minimization of the weighted sum average age of information (AoI) in a multi-source status update communication system is studied. Multiple independent sources send update packets to a common destination node in a time-slotted manner under the limit of maximum retransmission rounds. Different multiple access schemes, i.e., orthogonal multiple access (OMA) and non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) are exploited here over a block-fading multiple access channel (MAC). Constrained Markov decision process (CMDP) problems are formulated to describe the AoI minimization problems considering both transmission schemes. The Lagrangian method is utilised to convert CMDP problems to unconstraint Markov decision process (MDP) problems and corresponding algorithms to derive the power allocation policies are obtained. On the other hand, for the case of unknown environments, two online reinforcement learning approaches considering both multiple access schemes are proposed to achieve near-optimal age performance. Numerical simulations validate the improvement of the proposed policy in terms of weighted sum AoI compared to the fixed power transmission policy, and illustrate that NOMA is more favorable in case of larger packet size.