
Dataset Preview
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The full dataset viewer is not available (click to read why). Only showing a preview of the rows.
The dataset generation failed because of a cast error
Error code:   DatasetGenerationCastError
Exception:    DatasetGenerationCastError
Message:      An error occurred while generating the dataset

All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 3 new columns ({'state', 'intents', 'dialogue_acts'}) and 5 missing columns ({'original_id', 'turns', 'data_split', 'dialogue_id', 'dataset'}).

This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using


Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2011, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table
                  pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast
                  return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2256, in cast_table_to_schema
                  raise CastError(
              datasets.table.CastError: Couldn't cast
              domains: struct<uber_lyft: struct<description: string, slots: struct<location.from: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, type.ride: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, num.people: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, price.estimate: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, duration.estimate: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, time.pickup: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, time.dropoff: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>>>, movie_ticket: struct<description: string, slots: struct< struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, time.start: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_values: list<item: null>>, price.ticket: struct<description: string, is_categorical: bool, possible_
              ng, num.drink: string, type.milk: string, preference: string>
                    child 0, string
                    child 1, name.drink: string
                    child 2, size.drink: string
                    child 3, num.drink: string
                    child 4, type.milk: string
                    child 5, preference: string
                child 4, pizza_ordering: struct< string, string, string, type.topping: string, type.crust: string, preference: string, string>
                    child 0, string
                    child 1, string
                    child 2, string
                    child 3, type.topping: string
                    child 4, type.crust: string
                    child 5, preference: string
                    child 6, string
                child 5, auto_repair: struct< string, name.customer: string, date.appt: string, time.appt: string, reason.appt: string, name.vehicle: string, year.vehicle: string, string>
                    child 0, string
                    child 1, name.customer: string
                    child 2, date.appt: string
                    child 3, time.appt: string
                    child 4, reason.appt: string
                    child 5, name.vehicle: string
                    child 6, year.vehicle: string
                    child 7, string
              dialogue_acts: struct<categorical: list<item: null>, non-categorical: list<item: string>, binary: list<item: string>>
                child 0, categorical: list<item: null>
                    child 0, item: null
                child 1, non-categorical: list<item: string>
                    child 0, item: string
                child 2, binary: list<item: string>
                    child 0, item: string
              {'original_id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'turns': [{'dialogue_acts': {'binary': [{'domain': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'intent': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'slot': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}], 'categorical': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='null', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'non-categorical': [{'domain': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'end': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'intent': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'slot': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'start': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'value': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}]}, 'speaker': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'state': {'auto_repair': {'date.appt': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'name.customer': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'name.vehicle': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'reason.appt': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'time.appt': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'year.vehicle': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}, 'coffee_ordering': {'': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'name.drink': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'num.drink': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'preference': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'size.drink': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'type.milk': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}, 'movie_ticket': {'': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '': Value(dtyp
              ring', id=None), 'time.start': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'type.screening': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}, 'pizza_ordering': {'': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'preference': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'type.crust': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'type.topping': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}, 'restaurant_reservation': {'': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'name.reservation': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'num.guests': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'time.reservation': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'type.seating': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}, 'uber_lyft': {'duration.estimate': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'location.from': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'num.people': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'price.estimate': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'time.dropoff': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'time.pickup': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'type.ride': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}}, 'utt_idx': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'utterance': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}], 'data_split': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'dialogue_id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'domains': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='string', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'dataset': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}
              because column names don't match
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1321, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 935, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2013, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationCastError.from_cast_error(
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationCastError: An error occurred while generating the dataset
              All the data files must have the same columns, but at some point there are 3 new columns ({'state', 'intents', 'dialogue_acts'}) and 5 missing columns ({'original_id', 'turns', 'data_split', 'dialogue_id', 'dataset'}).
              This happened while the json dataset builder was generating data using
              Please either edit the data files to have matching columns, or separate them into different configurations (see docs at

Need help to make the dataset viewer work? Make sure to review how to configure the dataset viewer, and open a discussion for direct support.

[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 49, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 47, "value": "Us" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "", "": "Us", "": "", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Hi. A friend and I would like to see the movie Us tonight. Can you help us get the tickets?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Oh, I heard that's good. Of course I can help. Where would you like to see the movie?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 24, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 7, "value": "Studio City in LA" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Studio City in LA", "": "Us", "": "", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "I'm in Studio City in LA, so somewhere close to there would be good." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "OK, there are a number of theaters nearby. Did you have a time in mind?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 19, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.start", "start": 10, "value": "7 o'clock" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Studio City in LA", "": "Us", "": "", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "7 o'clock", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "How about 7 o'clock this evening?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 51, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.screening", "start": 43, "value": "standard" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 60, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.screening", "start": 56, "value": "IMAX" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "It looks like the movie is showing on both standard and IMAX theaters. Do you have a preference?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 4, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.screening", "start": 0, "value": "IMAX" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Studio City in LA", "": "Us", "": "", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "7 o'clock", "type.screening": "IMAX" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "IMAX would be cool." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 34, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 31, "value": "two" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Great. And you said you wanted two tickets, right?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Studio City in LA", "": "Us", "": "", "": "two", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "7 o'clock", "type.screening": "IMAX" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Yep." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 14, "intent": "reject", "slot": "", "start": 4, "value": "AMC Cinema" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 40, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 22, "value": "Universal CityWalk" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 54, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 52, "value": "Us" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 62, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.screening", "start": 58, "value": "IMAX" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 100, "intent": "reject", "slot": "", "start": 96, "value": "8 PM" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "The AMC Cinema at the Universal CityWalk is playing Us in IMAX, but the next showing time is at 8 PM. Is that ok?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 50, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 42, "value": "ArcLight" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 74, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 62, "value": "Sherman Oaks" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Sherman Oaks", "": "Us", "": "ArcLight", "": "two", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "7 o'clock", "type.screening": "IMAX" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Hm, I'd rather go earlier. What about the ArcLight theater in Sherman Oaks?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 12, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 4, "value": "ArcLight" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 44, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.start", "start": 37, "value": "7:15 PM" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 68, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.screening", "start": 60, "value": "standard" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 85, "intent": "reject", "slot": "type.screening", "start": 81, "value": "IMAX" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "The ArcLight is showing the movie at 7:15 PM, but it's on a standard screen, not IMAX. Is that ok?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 56, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 53, "value": "two" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Sherman Oaks", "": "Us", "": "ArcLight", "": "two", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "7:15 PM", "type.screening": "standard" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "Yeah, that will be fine, I guess. How much is it for two tickets?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 15, "intent": "inform", "slot": "price.ticket", "start": 12, "value": "$17" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 46, "intent": "inform", "slot": "price.ticket", "start": 43, "value": "$34" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Tickets are $17 each, so it would be about $34 plus tax." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Sherman Oaks", "": "Us", "": "ArcLight", "": "two", "price.ticket": "$34", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "7:15 PM", "type.screening": "standard" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Hm, that's a little pricey. Any other theaters?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 9, "intent": "reject", "slot": "", "start": 4, "value": "AMC 6" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 20, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 13, "value": "Burbank" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 80, "intent": "inform", "slot": "price.ticket", "start": 77, "value": "$15" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "The AMC 6 in Burbank is also showing the movie at that time, and tickets are $15 each." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 66, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 58, "value": "ArcLight" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 77, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.start", "start": 70, "value": "7:15 pm" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Burbank", "": "Us", "": "ArcLight", "": "two", "price.ticket": "$15", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "7:15 pm", "type.screening": "standard" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "I guess the price isn't much different. Let's go with the ArcLight at 7:15 pm." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 19, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 16, "value": "two" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 37, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 35, "value": "Us" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 61, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 45, "value": "ArcLight Theater" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 77, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 65, "value": "Sherman Oaks" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 88, "intent": "accept", "slot": "time.start", "start": 81, "value": "7:15 pm" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 111, "intent": "accept", "slot": "price.ticket", "start": 108, "value": "$34" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "OK, to confirm: two tickets to see Us at the ArcLight Theater in Sherman Oaks at 7:15 pm. The price will be $34 plus tax." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Sherman Oaks", "": "Us", "": "ArcLight Theater", "": "two", "price.ticket": "$34", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "7:15 pm", "type.screening": "standard" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "That all sounds right." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Great! I'll text the tickets to your phone so you'll be ready to go this evening." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Sherman Oaks", "": "Us", "": "ArcLight Theater", "": "two", "price.ticket": "$34", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "7:15 pm", "type.screening": "standard" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "Thank you very much." } ]
[ "movie_ticket" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Hi, I'm looking for a place that sells spicy wet hotdogs, can you think of any?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 37, "intent": "reject", "slot": "", "start": 16, "value": "Spicy Wet Hotdogs LLC" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "You might enjoy Spicy Wet Hotdogs LLC." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "That sounds really good, can you make me a reservation?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Certainly, when would you like a reservation?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 20, "intent": "inform", "slot": "num.guests", "start": 18, "value": "50" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "", "num.guests": "50", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "I have a party of 50 who want a really sloppy dog on Saturday at noon." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 16, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.reservation", "start": 0, "value": "Saturday at noon" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Saturday at noon is no good, I'm sorry." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "", "num.guests": "50", "time.reservation": "Saturday at noon", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Oh okay, is there another restauraunt nearby?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 43, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 22, "value": "Bob's Blender Burgers" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Yeah, you might enjoy Bob's Blender Burgers - they blend up hamburgers and sell them as milkshakes!" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "Bob's Blender Burgers", "num.guests": "50", "time.reservation": "Saturday at noon", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Wow that sounds delicious! " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "I know, right?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 30, "intent": "accept", "slot": "num.guests", "start": 28, "value": "50" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 52, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 38, "value": "blended burger" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "blended burger", "num.guests": "50", "time.reservation": "Saturday at noon", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "I'll make a reservation for 50 at the blended burger joint on Saturday." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Great, your reservation is made." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "blended burger", "num.guests": "50", "time.reservation": "Saturday at noon", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "Thank you so much!" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "No problem, anything else I can do for you?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 69, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.seating", "start": 39, "value": "our table is by the play-place" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "blended burger", "num.guests": "50", "time.reservation": "Saturday at noon", "type.seating": "our table is by the play-place" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Yeah - can you actually make sure that our table is by the play-place?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Yeah, will there be children joining you?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 19, "intent": "inform", "slot": "num.guests", "start": 5, "value": "Fourty of them" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "blended burger", "num.guests": "Fourty of them", "time.reservation": "Saturday at noon", "type.seating": "our table is by the play-place" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Yes! Fourty of them." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 52, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.seating", "start": 27, "value": "table with the play-place" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Alright, we've got you the table with the play-place." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "blended burger", "num.guests": "Fourty of them", "time.reservation": "Saturday at noon", "type.seating": "table with the play-place" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Thank you so much, have a good one!" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "You too!" } ]
[ "restaurant_reservation" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "", "name.vehicle": "", "reason.appt": "", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Hello Pam, I need you to make an appointment for me to get some repairs done on my vehicle." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Okay. Where would you like me to schedule the appointment?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 48, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 22, "value": "Intelligent Auto Solutions" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "", "reason.appt": "", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "There's a shop called Intelligent Auto Solutions" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Where's that located?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 38, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 15, "value": "O'Fallon, IL. on Hwy 50" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "O'Fallon, IL. on Hwy 50", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "", "reason.appt": "", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "It' located in O'Fallon, IL. on Hwy 50." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Okay, so give me some information about what's going on with your vehicle?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 18, "intent": "inform", "slot": "year.vehicle", "start": 14, "value": "2015" }, { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 33, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.vehicle", "start": 19, "value": "Toyota Corolla" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "O'Fallon, IL. on Hwy 50", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "Toyota Corolla", "reason.appt": "", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "2015" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Well, it's my 2015 Toyota Corolla that's giving me problems." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "What type of problems?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 58, "intent": "inform", "slot": "reason.appt", "start": 21, "value": "tune up and have them check my brakes" }, { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 120, "intent": "inform", "slot": "reason.appt", "start": 82, "value": "grinding noise when I press the brakes" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "O'Fallon, IL. on Hwy 50", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "Toyota Corolla", "reason.appt": "grinding noise when I press the brakes", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "2015" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Well, I would like a tune up and have them check my brakes. I believe I hear some grinding noise when I press the brakes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Okay, I will call them and let them know." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "O'Fallon, IL. on Hwy 50", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "Toyota Corolla", "reason.appt": "grinding noise when I press the brakes", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "2015" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Thanks." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Could you tell me when would you like to take it in." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "O'Fallon, IL. on Hwy 50", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "Toyota Corolla", "reason.appt": "grinding noise when I press the brakes", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "2015" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "I really would like the fist available appointment. " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Okay, I will call and let you know the outcome" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "O'Fallon, IL. on Hwy 50", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "Toyota Corolla", "reason.appt": "grinding noise when I press the brakes", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "2015" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Thank you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Okay, I think that will be asking me your personal infomation." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 27, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 17, "value": "Jim Wright" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "O'Fallon, IL. on Hwy 50", "name.customer": "", "": "Jim Wright", "name.vehicle": "Toyota Corolla", "reason.appt": "grinding noise when I press the brakes", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "2015" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Okay, my name is Jim Wright, address is 222 W. Main Belleville" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Okay, what about your telephone number." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "O'Fallon, IL. on Hwy 50", "name.customer": "", "": "Jim Wright", "name.vehicle": "Toyota Corolla", "reason.appt": "grinding noise when I press the brakes", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "2015" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Give them my cell phone number, which is 222-333-4576" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Okay, I think I have all of the information needed." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "O'Fallon, IL. on Hwy 50", "name.customer": "", "": "Jim Wright", "name.vehicle": "Toyota Corolla", "reason.appt": "grinding noise when I press the brakes", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "2015" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "Thanks Pam." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "intent": "accept", "slot": "" } ], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 74, "intent": "accept", "slot": "year.vehicle", "start": 70, "value": "2015" }, { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 89, "intent": "accept", "slot": "name.vehicle", "start": 75, "value": "Toyota Corolla" }, { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 141, "intent": "accept", "slot": "reason.appt", "start": 103, "value": "brakes checked and to obtain a tune up" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 21, "utterance": "You're welcome. I am calling them now to make an appointment for your 2015 Toyota Corolla to have your brakes checked and to obtain a tune up." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "O'Fallon, IL. on Hwy 50", "name.customer": "", "": "Jim Wright", "name.vehicle": "Toyota Corolla", "reason.appt": "brakes checked and to obtain a tune up", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "2015" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 22, "utterance": "Yes and make sure they know that it's urgent." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 23, "utterance": "Will do. Have a great day." } ]
[ "auto_repair" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Hi there, I'd like you to order me a coffee from starbucks please." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Ok which store would you like me to order from?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 23, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 11, "value": "Ashland ave." } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Ashland ave.", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "The one on Ashland ave.." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Ok and what kind of coffee drink do you want?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 25, "intent": "accept", "slot": "name.drink", "start": 14, "value": "Caffè Latte" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Ashland ave.", "name.drink": "Caffè Latte", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "I'll take the Caffè Latte please." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Ok and what size?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 15, "intent": "inform", "slot": "size.drink", "start": 4, "value": "largest one" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 22, "intent": "accept", "slot": "size.drink", "start": 17, "value": "venti" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Ashland ave.", "name.drink": "Caffè Latte", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "venti", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "The largest one, venti think its called." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Great what milk do you want with it?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 24, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 13, "value": "whole milk." } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Ashland ave.", "name.drink": "Caffè Latte", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "venti", "type.milk": "whole milk." }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "I would like whole milk." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 36, "intent": "reject", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 26, "value": "whole milk" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Ok well it looks like the whole milk actually is not available." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Ashland ave.", "name.drink": "Caffè Latte", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "venti", "type.milk": "whole milk." }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Well that sucks what is?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 6, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 0, "value": "Almond" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 15, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 8, "value": "cocunut" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 20, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 17, "value": "soy" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 39, "intent": "inform", "slot": "preference", "start": 25, "value": "2 percent milk" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Almond, cocunut, soy and 2 percent milk" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 33, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 22, "value": "almond milk" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Ashland ave.", "name.drink": "Caffè Latte", "num.drink": "", "preference": "2 percent milk", "size.drink": "venti", "type.milk": "almond milk" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "I guess I'll take the almond milk then." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Great well I'll order it right now if that's all." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Ashland ave.", "name.drink": "Caffè Latte", "num.drink": "", "preference": "2 percent milk", "size.drink": "venti", "type.milk": "almond milk" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Yep thats it thanks." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "intent": "accept", "slot": "" } ], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Ok its ordered, and will be ready at the starbucks shortly." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Ashland ave.", "name.drink": "Caffè Latte", "num.drink": "", "preference": "2 percent milk", "size.drink": "venti", "type.milk": "almond milk" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Yeah just got it thanks again." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Oh and the receipt will be sent to you're phone via text message." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Ashland ave.", "name.drink": "Caffè Latte", "num.drink": "", "preference": "2 percent milk", "size.drink": "venti", "type.milk": "almond milk" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Ah ok well thanks, bye." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "No problem , bye." } ]
[ "coffee_ordering" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 36, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 28, "value": "Domino's" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "Domino's", "preference": "", "": "", "type.crust": "", "type.topping": "" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Hey, can I get a pizza from Domino's?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Sure, what kind would you like?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "Domino's", "preference": "", "": "", "type.crust": "", "type.topping": "" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "What are the specials they have right now?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "There are family and party combos currently on offer" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 23, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 18, "value": "large" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "Domino's", "preference": "", "": "large", "type.crust": "", "type.topping": "" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "No, I just want a large pizza" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 19, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 14, "value": "large" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 35, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 20, "value": "specialty pizza" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "They have any large specialty pizza for 10.99" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "specialty pizza", "": "Domino's", "preference": "", "": "large", "type.crust": "", "type.topping": "" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "What are their specialty pizzas?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 31, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 19, "value": "Extravagazza" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 40, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 33, "value": "Meatzza" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 60, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 42, "value": "Philly Cheesesteak" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 70, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 62, "value": "Hawaiian" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 93, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 72, "value": "Buffalo Chicken Ranch" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Well, there is the Extravagazza, Meatzza, Philly Cheesesteak, Hawaiian, Buffalo Chicken Ranch, and more. Would you like to hear more?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 33, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 15, "value": "Philly Cheesesteak" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "Philly Cheesesteak", "": "Domino's", "preference": "", "": "large", "type.crust": "", "type.topping": "" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "What is on the Philly Cheesesteak?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 8, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 0, "value": "Domino's" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 44, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 25, "value": "thinly sliced beef," }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 63, "intent": "accept", "slot": "preference", "start": 45, "value": "melted cheese whiz" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 71, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 65, "value": "onions" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 85, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 73, "value": "green pepper" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 101, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 91, "value": "mozzarella" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Domino's describes it as thinly sliced beef, melted cheese whiz, onions, green pepper, and mozzarella." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "Philly Cheesesteak", "": "Domino's", "preference": "melted cheese whiz", "": "large", "type.crust": "", "type.topping": "mozzarella" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "That sounds great, I will get that." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Would you like me to place the order now or later?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "Philly Cheesesteak", "": "Domino's", "preference": "melted cheese whiz", "": "large", "type.crust": "", "type.topping": "mozzarella" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "A little later, at 7oclock tonight?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Okay, will this be for pick up or delivery?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "Philly Cheesesteak", "": "Domino's", "preference": "melted cheese whiz", "": "large", "type.crust": "", "type.topping": "mozzarella" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "I'll pick it up." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 62, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 54, "value": "domino's" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Are you okay with using the credit card linked to you domino's rewards?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "Philly Cheesesteak", "": "domino's", "preference": "melted cheese whiz", "": "large", "type.crust": "", "type.topping": "mozzarella" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Yes that will be fine?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Anything you want beyond the pizza?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "Philly Cheesesteak", "": "domino's", "preference": "melted cheese whiz", "": "large", "type.crust": "", "type.topping": "mozzarella" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Nope, just that" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 44, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 22, "value": "Philly Cheesteak pizza" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 50, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 45, "value": "large" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Great, I will order a Philly Cheesteak pizza large at 7ocklock tonight for pickup" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "Philly Cheesteak pizza", "": "domino's", "preference": "melted cheese whiz", "": "large", "type.crust": "", "type.topping": "mozzarella" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "Thanks" } ]
[ "pizza_ordering" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 20, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 15, "value": "large" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "", "preference": "", "": "large", "type.crust": "", "type.topping": "" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "I would like a large pizza" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 13, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 8, "value": "large" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "ok, one large pizza, which toppings would you like on your pizza?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 7, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 0, "value": "Sausage" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 17, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 12, "value": "onion" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "", "preference": "", "": "large", "type.crust": "", "type.topping": "onion" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "Sausage and onion please" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 43, "intent": "reject", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 37, "value": "onions" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 107, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 95, "value": "black olives" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 120, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 111, "value": "mushrooms" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Im sorry but we are currently out of onions, would you like to choose another topping, such as black olives or mushrooms?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 9, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 0, "value": "Mushrooms" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "", "preference": "", "": "large", "type.crust": "", "type.topping": "Mushrooms" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "Mushrooms please" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 9, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 4, "value": "large" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 28, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 21, "value": "sausage" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 42, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 33, "value": "mushrooms" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 86, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.crust", "start": 69, "value": "hand tossed crust" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 99, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.crust", "start": 90, "value": "deep dish" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "one large pizza with sausage and mushrooms, would you like that with hand tossed crust or deep dish?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 9, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.crust", "start": 0, "value": "Deep dish" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "", "preference": "", "": "large", "type.crust": "Deep dish", "type.topping": "mushrooms" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Deep dish" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 42, "intent": "inform", "slot": "preference", "start": 30, "value": "extra cheese" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "ok, and would you like to add extra cheese?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "", "preference": "extra cheese", "": "large", "type.crust": "Deep dish", "type.topping": "mushrooms" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "yes please" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "would you like to add a side of hot wings to compliment the order?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "", "preference": "extra cheese", "": "large", "type.crust": "Deep dish", "type.topping": "mushrooms" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "No thank you" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "will that complete your order?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "", "preference": "extra cheese", "": "large", "type.crust": "Deep dish", "type.topping": "mushrooms" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "Yes" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 12, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 7, "value": "large" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 22, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.crust", "start": 13, "value": "deep dish" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 46, "intent": "accept", "slot": "preference", "start": 34, "value": "extra cheese" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 55, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 48, "value": "sausage" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 69, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 60, "value": "mushrooms" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "so one large deep dish pizza with extra cheese, sausage and mushrooms, is that correct?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "", "preference": "extra cheese", "": "large", "type.crust": "deep dish", "type.topping": "mushrooms" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Yes" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Is your account information accurate?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "", "preference": "extra cheese", "": "large", "type.crust": "deep dish", "type.topping": "mushrooms" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Yes" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Thank you, your pizza order is complete and the pizzas will be ready for pickup in about 25 minutes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "", "preference": "extra cheese", "": "large", "type.crust": "deep dish", "type.topping": "mushrooms" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Perfect, can I get a receipt?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "your receipt will be sent to your mobile device via text message." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "", "preference": "extra cheese", "": "large", "type.crust": "deep dish", "type.topping": "mushrooms" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "Thank you, goodbye" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 21, "utterance": "your welcome, have a wonderful night" } ]
[ "pizza_ordering" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Google, I want to eat out tonight." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Okay, what are you in the mood for?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "Ethiopian food." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Okay, how much would you prefer to spend per person?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "Um, maybe fifteen dollars?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "There are 2 highly rated Ethiopian restaurants within ten miles in that price range. Would you like to hear them?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Sure." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 15, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 0, "value": "Jackie's Bistro" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 43, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 19, "value": "59th St. in Williamstown" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Jackie's Bistro on 59th St. in Williamstown is open until 10pm and has an average rating of three and a half stars on Yelp . Would you like to book a table?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "59th St. in Williamstown", "name.reservation": "", "": "Jackie's Bistro", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "No." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Would you like to hear another?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "59th St. in Williamstown", "name.reservation": "", "": "Jackie's Bistro", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 13, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 0, "value": "Tom's Cuisine" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 40, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 17, "value": "Main St in Williamstown" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Tom's Cuisine on Main St in Williamstown is open until 9pm and has an average rating of 3.2 stars on Yelp. Would you like to book a table?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "Main St in Williamstown", "name.reservation": "", "": "Tom's Cuisine", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "No." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Would you like to continue searching?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "Main St in Williamstown", "name.reservation": "", "": "Tom's Cuisine", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 75, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 60, "value": "within 25 miles" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "There is one other Ethiopian restaurant in that price range within 25 miles. Would you like to hear it?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "within 25 miles", "name.reservation": "", "": "Tom's Cuisine", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 12, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 0, "value": "Jake's Place" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Jake's Place is open until 10pm today and has an average rating of 4 stars on Yelp. Would you like to book a table?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "within 25 miles", "name.reservation": "", "": "Jake's Place", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "What time?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 3, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.reservation", "start": 0, "value": "8pm" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "within 25 miles", "name.reservation": "", "": "Jake's Place", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "8pm", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "8pm tonight." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 21, "utterance": "For how many people?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 3, "intent": "inform", "slot": "num.guests", "start": 0, "value": "Ten" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "within 25 miles", "name.reservation": "", "": "Jake's Place", "num.guests": "Ten", "time.reservation": "8pm", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 22, "utterance": "Ten." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 23, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 11, "value": "Jake's Place" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 53, "intent": "inform", "slot": "num.guests", "start": 50, "value": "ten" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 60, "intent": "reject", "slot": "time.reservation", "start": 57, "value": "8pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 23, "utterance": "I'm sorry, Jake's Place does not have a table for ten at 8pm tonight. Would you like to hear available times for a party of ten?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "within 25 miles", "name.reservation": "", "": "Jake's Place", "num.guests": "ten", "time.reservation": "8pm", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 24, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 12, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 0, "value": "Jake's Place" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 31, "intent": "inform", "slot": "num.guests", "start": 28, "value": "ten" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 75, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.reservation", "start": 74, "value": "5" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 81, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.reservation", "start": 77, "value": "5:30" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 84, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.reservation", "start": 83, "value": "6" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 90, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.reservation", "start": 86, "value": "6:30" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 100, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.reservation", "start": 96, "value": "7 pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 25, "utterance": "Jake's Place has tables for ten available at the following times tonight: 5, 5:30, 6, 6:30, and 7 pm. What time would you like?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 7, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.reservation", "start": 0, "value": "7:30 pm" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "within 25 miles", "name.reservation": "", "": "Jake's Place", "num.guests": "ten", "time.reservation": "7:30 pm", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 26, "utterance": "7:30 pm, please." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 27, "intent": "accept", "slot": "time.reservation", "start": 20, "value": "7:30 pm" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 58, "intent": "accept", "slot": "num.guests", "start": 55, "value": "ten" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 74, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 62, "value": "Jake's Place" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 120, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.seating", "start": 115, "value": "table" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 27, "utterance": "Okay. I've booked a 7:30 pm reservation for a party of ten at Jake's Place tonight. Would you like to book another table?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "within 25 miles", "name.reservation": "", "": "Jake's Place", "num.guests": "ten", "time.reservation": "7:30 pm", "type.seating": "table" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 28, "utterance": "No." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 29, "utterance": "Okay." } ]
[ "restaurant_reservation" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "", "": "", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "" } }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "I need a lyft ride." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Where do you want to go to and from?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 30, "intent": "inform", "slot": "location.from", "start": 18, "value": "south boston" }, { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 47, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 38, "value": "north end" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "south boston", "": "north end", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "" } }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "I need to go from south boston to the north end." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 30, "intent": "inform", "slot": "location.from", "start": 21, "value": "south end" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "where exactly in the south end are you at." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 13, "intent": "accept", "slot": "location.from", "start": 0, "value": "boston chops." } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "boston chops.", "": "north end", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "" } }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "boston chops." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 22, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 13, "value": "north end" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "where in the north end do you want to go to?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 16, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 0, "value": "north end garage" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "boston chops.", "": "north end garage", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "" } }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "north end garage." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 22, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 14, "value": "personal" }, { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 37, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 31, "value": "shared" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Do you want a personal ride or shared?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 8, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 0, "value": "personal" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "boston chops.", "": "north end garage", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "personal" } }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "personal please." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 25, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 23, "value": "XL" }, { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 35, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 27, "value": "high-end" }, { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 42, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 37, "value": "black" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "What type of features? XL, high-end, black?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 33, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 7, "value": "regular lyft personal ride" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "boston chops.", "": "north end garage", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "regular lyft personal ride" } }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Just a regular lyft personal ride." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Got it. Let me input that data for you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "boston chops.", "": "north end garage", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "regular lyft personal ride" } }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "How much will it cost." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 19, "intent": "accept", "slot": "price.estimate", "start": 14, "value": "$8-10" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "It is showing $8-10." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "boston chops.", "": "north end garage", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "$8-10", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "regular lyft personal ride" } }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "How long will it take." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 23, "intent": "accept", "slot": "time.pickup", "start": 13, "value": "10 minutes" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "It will take 10 minutes to get to you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "boston chops.", "": "north end garage", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "$8-10", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "10 minutes", "type.ride": "regular lyft personal ride" } }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Seems awfully long." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Yah. Looks like things are slow tonight. Do you want me to book it. " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "boston chops.", "": "north end garage", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "$8-10", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "10 minutes", "type.ride": "regular lyft personal ride" } }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Yes, book it." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Alright it is booked. It will show up on your phone. Ride is on its way. You can status it on your phone." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "boston chops.", "": "north end garage", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "$8-10", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "10 minutes", "type.ride": "regular lyft personal ride" } }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "Do i need to tip them." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 21, "utterance": "Well that is up to you but it is already paid for." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "boston chops.", "": "north end garage", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "$8-10", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "10 minutes", "type.ride": "regular lyft personal ride" } }, "utt_idx": 22, "utterance": "Thanks." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 23, "utterance": "Your welcome." } ]
[ "uber_lyft" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "I want to book a restaurant for dinner." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Sure, what kind of restaurant are you thinking of." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "", "name.reservation": "", "": "", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "Maybe Thai or Indonesian food. " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Okay, any place in mind?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 39, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 28, "value": "Thai Market" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 56, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 43, "value": "Awang Kitchen" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 73, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 60, "value": "New York City" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "New York City", "name.reservation": "", "": "Awang Kitchen", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "I'm thinking about going to Thai Market or Awang Kitchen in New York City." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Which one do you prefer?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 124, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 104, "value": "closest to my office" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 175, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 137, "value": "40th Street and 5th Avenue in New York" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "40th Street and 5th Avenue in New York", "name.reservation": "", "": "Awang Kitchen", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Well, I was wondering, which place has better reviews and more space. I also want the restaurant that's closest to my office which is on 40th Street and 5th Avenue in New York." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 17, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 6, "value": "Thai Market" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 42, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 21, "value": "closer to your office" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 80, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 67, "value": "Awang Kitchen" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Okay, Thai Market is closer to your office. It is also larger than Awang Kitchen and it has a 4.6 rating on Google." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "closer to your office", "name.reservation": "", "": "Awang Kitchen", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Does it have spicy food?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Yes, it has many spicy options on the menu, such as the Drunken Noodles. " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 45, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 34, "value": "Thai Market" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "closer to your office", "name.reservation": "", "": "Thai Market", "num.guests": "", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Okay, great, I think I will go to Thai Market. Can you make a reservation?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "For what time and date?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 25, "intent": "reject", "slot": "time.reservation", "start": 4, "value": "7 pm on March 1, 2019" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 39, "intent": "inform", "slot": "num.guests", "start": 31, "value": "2 people" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "closer to your office", "name.reservation": "", "": "Thai Market", "num.guests": "2 people", "time.reservation": "", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "For 7 pm on March 1, 2019, for 2 people." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Okay, I just checked for you, unfortunately they are booked for this time." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 36, "intent": "accept", "slot": "time.reservation", "start": 15, "value": "8 pm on March 1, 2019" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 49, "intent": "inform", "slot": "num.guests", "start": 41, "value": "2 people" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "closer to your office", "name.reservation": "", "": "Thai Market", "num.guests": "2 people", "time.reservation": "8 pm on March 1, 2019", "type.seating": "" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Okay, then for 8 pm on March 1, 2019 for 2 people." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 65, "intent": "accept", "slot": "num.guests", "start": 64, "value": "2" }, { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "end": 141, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.seating", "start": 134, "value": "indoors" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Okay, there is an opening. I made a reservation for a table for 2 on that date. Since the weather is chilly, I assume you want to eat indoors." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "closer to your office", "name.reservation": "", "": "Thai Market", "num.guests": "2", "time.reservation": "8 pm on March 1, 2019", "type.seating": "indoors" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Yes, that is correct, thank you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [ { "domain": "restaurant_reservation", "intent": "accept", "slot": "" } ], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Okay, the reservation is confirmed. " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": { "": "closer to your office", "name.reservation": "", "": "Thai Market", "num.guests": "2", "time.reservation": "8 pm on March 1, 2019", "type.seating": "indoors" }, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Okay, great, thanks so much, have a nice day." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "You too, have a nice day. " } ]
[ "restaurant_reservation" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 47, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 28, "value": "Alita: Battle Angel" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "", "": "Alita: Battle Angel", "": "", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "I'd like to get tickets for Alita: Battle Angel" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "What is your location?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 23, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 7, "value": "Portland, Oregon" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Portland, Oregon", "": "Alita: Battle Angel", "": "", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "I'm in Portland, Oregon" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "How many tickets would you like to buy?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 3, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 0, "value": "Two" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Portland, Oregon", "": "Alita: Battle Angel", "": "", "": "Two", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "Two tickets should work" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "What time would you like to see the movie?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 33, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.start", "start": 26, "value": "6:30 pm" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Portland, Oregon", "": "Alita: Battle Angel", "": "", "": "Two", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "6:30 pm", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "I'd like to see it around 6:30 pm" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Let me check that for you" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Portland, Oregon", "": "Alita: Battle Angel", "": "", "": "Two", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "6:30 pm", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Ok" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 45, "intent": "reject", "slot": "time.start", "start": 0, "value": "It seems like there aren't any showtimes then" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 73, "intent": "accept", "slot": "time.start", "start": 66, "value": "8:00 pm" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 105, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 77, "value": "Regal Lloyd Center 10 & Imax" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "It seems like there aren't any showtimes then, but there's one at 8:00 pm at Regal Lloyd Center 10 & Imax" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 5, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.screening", "start": 3, "value": "3D" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Portland, Oregon", "": "Alita: Battle Angel", "": "Regal Lloyd Center 10 & Imax", "": "Two", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "8:00 pm", "type.screening": "3D" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Is 3D available at that theater?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 12, "intent": "reject", "slot": "type.screening", "start": 0, "value": "No, it isn't" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 30, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.screening", "start": 28, "value": "3D" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 61, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 42, "value": "Alita: Battle Angel" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 91, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 65, "value": "Regal Cinemas Fox Tower 10" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "No, it isn't, but there's a 3D showing of Alita: Battle Angel at Regal Cinemas Fox Tower 10" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 18, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 0, "value": "Let's see it there" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Let's see it there", "": "Alita: Battle Angel", "": "Regal Cinemas Fox Tower 10", "": "Two", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "8:00 pm", "type.screening": "3D" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "Let's see it there" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "intent": "inform", "slot": "" } ], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "So you would like to order tickets?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Let's see it there", "": "Alita: Battle Angel", "": "Regal Cinemas Fox Tower 10", "": "Two", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "8:00 pm", "type.screening": "3D" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Yes" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Ok, placing your order" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Let's see it there", "": "Alita: Battle Angel", "": "Regal Cinemas Fox Tower 10", "": "Two", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "8:00 pm", "type.screening": "3D" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Thanks" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "intent": "accept", "slot": "" } ], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Your ticket order has been placed and your receipt has been sent to your mobile device" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Let's see it there", "": "Alita: Battle Angel", "": "Regal Cinemas Fox Tower 10", "": "Two", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "8:00 pm", "type.screening": "3D" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Thanks" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Have a good day!" } ]
[ "movie_ticket" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "", "name.vehicle": "", "reason.appt": "", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Please schedule an appointment with the repair shop for my car." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Ok, which shop do you want to use?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 38, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 12, "value": "Intelligent Auto Solutions" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "", "reason.appt": "", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "Please call Intelligent Auto Solutions" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "ok, do you have a time? " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 9, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.appt", "start": 5, "value": "asap" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "", "reason.appt": "", "time.appt": "asap", "year.vehicle": "" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "Yes, asap because I cant drive my car" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "what is the make and model" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 10, "intent": "accept", "slot": "year.vehicle", "start": 6, "value": "2016" }, { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 24, "intent": "accept", "slot": "name.vehicle", "start": 12, "value": "chevy malibu" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "chevy malibu", "reason.appt": "", "time.appt": "asap", "year.vehicle": "2016" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "its a 2016, chevy malibu" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "okay, whats wrong with it" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 78, "intent": "accept", "slot": "reason.appt", "start": 5, "value": "makes a weird noise when I stop, like water is rushing through the engine" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "chevy malibu", "reason.appt": "makes a weird noise when I stop, like water is rushing through the engine", "time.appt": "asap", "year.vehicle": "2016" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "It's makes a weird noise when I stop, like water is rushing through the engine" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "okay, is there anything else" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 47, "intent": "inform", "slot": "reason.appt", "start": 12, "value": "have them service it at the same it" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "chevy malibu", "reason.appt": "have them service it at the same it", "time.appt": "asap", "year.vehicle": "2016" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "yes, please have them service it at the same it" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "what kind of service" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 22, "intent": "inform", "slot": "reason.appt", "start": 3, "value": "needs a 62K tune up" }, { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 59, "intent": "accept", "slot": "reason.appt", "start": 39, "value": "rotate the tires too" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "chevy malibu", "reason.appt": "rotate the tires too", "time.appt": "asap", "year.vehicle": "2016" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "It needs a 62K tune up, make sure they rotate the tires too" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 55, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.appt", "start": 50, "value": "today" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "okay, I'll call them now. You want to drop it off today" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 35, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.appt", "start": 30, "value": "today" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "today", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "chevy malibu", "reason.appt": "rotate the tires too", "time.appt": "asap", "year.vehicle": "2016" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Yes, it will be towed to them today" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Is there anything else" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 47, "intent": "inform", "slot": "reason.appt", "start": 40, "value": "tune up" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "today", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "chevy malibu", "reason.appt": "tune up", "time.appt": "asap", "year.vehicle": "2016" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "yes, ask them what the price is for the tune up" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 56, "intent": "accept", "slot": "date.appt", "start": 51, "value": "today" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "okay, I am calling them now. I'll get it scheduled today" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "today", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "chevy malibu", "reason.appt": "tune up", "time.appt": "asap", "year.vehicle": "2016" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Thank you" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Okay, they will inspect the vehicle tomorrow" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "today", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "chevy malibu", "reason.appt": "tune up", "time.appt": "asap", "year.vehicle": "2016" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "great, what is the cost" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 22, "intent": "accept", "slot": "reason.appt", "start": 15, "value": "tune up" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 21, "utterance": "400.00 for the tune up." } ]
[ "auto_repair" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "", "name.vehicle": "", "reason.appt": "", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Good morning assistant." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 39, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.appt", "start": 34, "value": "today" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Hello! What can I assist you with today?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "intent": "inform", "slot": "" } ], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 56, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.appt", "start": 51, "value": "today" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "today", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "", "name.vehicle": "", "reason.appt": "", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "I need you to book a car repair appointment for me today." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Certainly, do you have a place in mind?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 51, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 25, "value": "Intelligent Auto Solutions" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "today", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "", "reason.appt": "", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "Yes, please book it with Intelligent Auto Solutions." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Got it. What exactly seems to be the issue with the car?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 34, "intent": "accept", "slot": "reason.appt", "start": 16, "value": "engine light is on" }, { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 68, "intent": "accept", "slot": "reason.appt", "start": 39, "value": "it sputters when I accelerate" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "today", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "", "reason.appt": "it sputters when I accelerate", "time.appt": "", "year.vehicle": "" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Well, the check engine light is on and it sputters when I accelerate." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "That's no good!" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 58, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.appt", "start": 40, "value": "as soon as possibl" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "today", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "", "reason.appt": "it sputters when I accelerate", "time.appt": "as soon as possibl", "year.vehicle": "" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "No, it isn't! So I'd like to get it in as soon as possible." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "I can do that, but I'll also need to know the make and model, for the online form?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 22, "intent": "accept", "slot": "name.vehicle", "start": 12, "value": "ford focus" }, { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 27, "intent": "accept", "slot": "year.vehicle", "start": 23, "value": "2014" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "today", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "ford focus", "reason.appt": "it sputters when I accelerate", "time.appt": "as soon as possibl", "year.vehicle": "2014" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Yes, it's a ford focus 2014." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "intent": "inform", "slot": "" } ], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 79, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.appt", "start": 70, "value": "Wednesday" }, { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 87, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.appt", "start": 83, "value": "8 am" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Roger that. Well, it looks like the first appointment they have is on Wednesday at 8 am." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "Wednesday", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "ford focus", "reason.appt": "it sputters when I accelerate", "time.appt": "8 am", "year.vehicle": "2014" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "Ok, I guess that will have to do. What's the cost?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Well, any initial inspection is free, they'll have to look at it to tell you how much." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "Wednesday", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "ford focus", "reason.appt": "it sputters when I accelerate", "time.appt": "8 am", "year.vehicle": "2014" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Got it." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 11, "intent": "accept", "slot": "time.appt", "start": 7, "value": "8 am" }, { "domain": "auto_repair", "end": 21, "intent": "accept", "slot": "date.appt", "start": 12, "value": "Wednesday" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Ok, so 8 am Wednesday, drop your car off." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "Wednesday", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "ford focus", "reason.appt": "it sputters when I accelerate", "time.appt": "8 am", "year.vehicle": "2014" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Oh, one last thing - I'll need a ride to work, can you get me a lyft after?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "I've put it on my to-do list." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": { "date.appt": "Wednesday", "": "", "name.customer": "", "": "Intelligent Auto Solutions", "name.vehicle": "ford focus", "reason.appt": "it sputters when I accelerate", "time.appt": "8 am", "year.vehicle": "2014" }, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Awesome!! Thanks!" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "You're welcome. Talk tomorrow!" } ]
[ "auto_repair" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 48, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 43, "value": "Blaze" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "Blaze", "preference": "", "": "", "type.crust": "", "type.topping": "" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Hi, it’s me, can you order me a pizza from Blaze?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Absolutely. Let’s start at the bottom. What would you like?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 31, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.crust", "start": 14, "value": "gluten free crust" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 57, "intent": "inform", "slot": "preference", "start": 41, "value": "classic marinara" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "Blaze", "preference": "classic marinara", "": "", "type.crust": "gluten free crust", "type.topping": "" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "Can I get the gluten free crust with the classic marinara sauce?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Ok. What kind of cheese?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 23, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 15, "value": "Parmesan" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 45, "intent": "inform", "slot": "preference", "start": 35, "value": "mozzarella" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 54, "intent": "inform", "slot": "preference", "start": 50, "value": "feta" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "Blaze", "preference": "feta", "": "", "type.crust": "gluten free crust", "type.topping": "Parmesan" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "May I have the Parmesan along with mozzarella and feta?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 12, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 4, "value": "Parmesan" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 24, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 14, "value": "mozzarella" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 30, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 26, "value": "feta" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Ok, Parmesan, mozzarella, feta." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 26, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 21, "value": "bacon" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 40, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 31, "value": "pepperoni" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "Blaze", "preference": "feta", "": "", "type.crust": "gluten free crust", "type.topping": "pepperoni" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "For meat, may I have bacon and pepperoni?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 9, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 4, "value": "bacon" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 23, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 14, "value": "pepperoni" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Ok, bacon and pepperoni." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 38, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 29, "value": "artichoke" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 55, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 40, "value": "cherry tomatoes" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 64, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 57, "value": "spinach" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 79, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 70, "value": "mushrooms" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "Blaze", "preference": "feta", "": "", "type.crust": "gluten free crust", "type.topping": "mushrooms" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "And on the veggies can I get artichoke, cherry tomatoes, spinach, and mushrooms." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 9, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 0, "value": "Artichoke" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 26, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 11, "value": "cherry tomatoes" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 35, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 28, "value": "spinach" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 50, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 41, "value": "mushrooms" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Artichoke, cherry tomatoes, spinach, and mushrooms." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "Blaze", "preference": "feta", "": "", "type.crust": "gluten free crust", "type.topping": "mushrooms" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Perfect." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 34, "intent": "reject", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 25, "value": "artichoke" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Actually, they’re out of artichoke. Would you like a substitute or leave it as is?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 27, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 14, "value": "minced garlic" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "Blaze", "preference": "feta", "": "", "type.crust": "gluten free crust", "type.topping": "minced garlic" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "I’ll take the minced garlic instead." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 24, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 11, "value": "minced garlic" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Ok, adding minced garlic. Anything else on that?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 26, "intent": "inform", "slot": "preference", "start": 7, "value": "sprinkle of oregano" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "Blaze", "preference": "sprinkle of oregano", "": "", "type.crust": "gluten free crust", "type.topping": "minced garlic" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Just a sprinkle of oregano please." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 26, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.crust", "start": 9, "value": "gluten free crust" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 48, "intent": "accept", "slot": "preference", "start": 32, "value": "classic marinara" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 70, "intent": "accept", "slot": "preference", "start": 62, "value": "Parmesan" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 82, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 72, "value": "mozzarella" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 92, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 88, "value": "feta" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Ok. So a gluten free crust with classic marinara, topped with Parmesan, mozzarella, and feta." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "Blaze", "preference": "Parmesan", "": "", "type.crust": "gluten free crust", "type.topping": "feta" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Right." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 16, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 11, "value": "bacon" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 30, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 21, "value": "pepperoni" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 52, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 37, "value": "cherry tomatoes" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 61, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 54, "value": "spinach" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 72, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 63, "value": "mushrooms" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 91, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.topping", "start": 78, "value": "minced garlic" }, { "domain": "pizza_ordering", "end": 126, "intent": "accept", "slot": "preference", "start": 107, "value": "sprinkle of oregano" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Along with bacon and pepperoni. Then cherry tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, and minced garlic, topped with a sprinkle of oregano." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "Blaze", "preference": "sprinkle of oregano", "": "", "type.crust": "gluten free crust", "type.topping": "minced garlic" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Perfect." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Ok. That’ll take about 25 minutes. Would you like a texted receipt?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": { "": "", "": "", "": "Blaze", "preference": "sprinkle of oregano", "": "", "type.crust": "gluten free crust", "type.topping": "minced garlic" }, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "That would be great. Thank you so much." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 21, "utterance": "You’re very welcome. Enjoy." } ]
[ "pizza_ordering" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "I could really use a coffee to perk me up this afternoon." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Where would you the coffee from today?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "Starbucks is the closest." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Which Starbucks? They're everywhere these days." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 46, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 28, "value": "1169 Nimmo Parkway" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "1169 Nimmo Parkway", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "The one in Red Mill Commons 1169 Nimmo Parkway in Virginia Beach." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 5, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 0, "value": "Great" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Great, I know that one. What would you like?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Great", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Can you do the online ordering so it's ready to pick up when you get there?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "No problem! I use online ordering a lot." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Great", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Perfect. I liked that new drink I had last week. Do you remember the name of it?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 12, "intent": "accept", "slot": "name.drink", "start": 4, "value": "Cordusio" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "The Cordusio?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 3, "intent": "accept", "slot": "num.drink", "start": 0, "value": "Yes" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Great", "name.drink": "Cordusio", "num.drink": "Yes", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Yes, that's it! " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "What size would you like?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 18, "intent": "inform", "slot": "size.drink", "start": 12, "value": "Grande" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Great", "name.drink": "Cordusio", "num.drink": "Yes", "preference": "", "size.drink": "Grande", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "I'll have a Grande." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 24, "intent": "reject", "slot": "size.drink", "start": 18, "value": "grande" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "So you'd like one grande Cordusio, correct?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Great", "name.drink": "Cordusio", "num.drink": "Yes", "preference": "", "size.drink": "Grande", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Anything else?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 35, "intent": "inform", "slot": "size.drink", "start": 30, "value": "Venti" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 64, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 58, "value": "2%milk" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Great", "name.drink": "Cordusio", "num.drink": "Yes", "preference": "", "size.drink": "Venti", "type.milk": "2%milk" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "One second thought, make it a Venti. And I'd like it with 2%milk." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 19, "intent": "accept", "slot": "size.drink", "start": 14, "value": "Venti" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 46, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 39, "value": "2% milk" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "You got it. A Venti Cordusio made with 2% milk." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 10, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 0, "value": "That's it!" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Great", "name.drink": "Cordusio", "num.drink": "Yes", "preference": "", "size.drink": "Venti", "type.milk": "That's it!" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "That's it!" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "I just placed your order online. I am on my way to the Red Mill Store to pick it up." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Great", "name.drink": "Cordusio", "num.drink": "Yes", "preference": "", "size.drink": "Venti", "type.milk": "That's it!" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "Perfect. You're the best!" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 21, "utterance": "No problem. Your receipt will be sent via text on your phone." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Great", "name.drink": "Cordusio", "num.drink": "Yes", "preference": "", "size.drink": "Venti", "type.milk": "That's it!" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 22, "utterance": "Thank you so much!" } ]
[ "coffee_ordering" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "", "": "", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "" } }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Hello, I need an Uber ride, can you help me out?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "I'm always here to help! What are your to and from locations?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 33, "intent": "accept", "slot": "location.from", "start": 8, "value": "275 S Reserve in Missoula" }, { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 66, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 44, "value": "Mcdonalds on Brooks st" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "275 S Reserve in Missoula", "": "Mcdonalds on Brooks st", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "" } }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "From is 275 S Reserve in Missoula and to is Mcdonalds on Brooks st" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Ok and what type of car would you like?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "275 S Reserve in Missoula", "": "Mcdonalds on Brooks st", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "" } }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "I suppose the least expensive. What are my options?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 6, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 0, "value": "Uber X" }, { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 16, "intent": "inform", "slot": "price.estimate", "start": 10, "value": "$11.61" }, { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 28, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 21, "value": "Uber XL" }, { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 38, "intent": "accept", "slot": "price.estimate", "start": 32, "value": "$16.01" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Uber X is $11.61 and Uber XL is $16.01" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 16, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 15, "value": "X" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "275 S Reserve in Missoula", "": "Mcdonalds on Brooks st", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "$16.01", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "X" } }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Definitily the X please" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Sure thing, let me input this data and I'll get right back to you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "275 S Reserve in Missoula", "": "Mcdonalds on Brooks st", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "$16.01", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "X" } }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Thanks " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 20, "intent": "reject", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 19, "value": "X" }, { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 56, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 54, "value": "Xl" }, { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 94, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.pickup", "start": 84, "value": "10 minutes" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "I'm sorry, but the X isn't available. Do you want the Xl? It will be there in about 10 minutes" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "275 S Reserve in Missoula", "": "Mcdonalds on Brooks st", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "$16.01", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "10 minutes", "type.ride": "Xl" } }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Yes, I need the ride, go ahead and book it" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Ok, will do" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "275 S Reserve in Missoula", "": "Mcdonalds on Brooks st", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "$16.01", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "10 minutes", "type.ride": "Xl" } }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "I have an account with them, so it should be fairly simple" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Yes, I have you all set, sending the confirmation to your mobile now" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "275 S Reserve in Missoula", "": "Mcdonalds on Brooks st", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "$16.01", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "10 minutes", "type.ride": "Xl" } }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Great thanks" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "No problem, everything should be on your mobile now" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "275 S Reserve in Missoula", "": "Mcdonalds on Brooks st", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "$16.01", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "10 minutes", "type.ride": "Xl" } }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Yes I see it" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 73, "intent": "accept", "slot": "time.pickup", "start": 63, "value": "10 minutes" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Great, then you're all set, the ride should be there in about $10 minutes. Anything else I can do for ya?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "275 S Reserve in Missoula", "": "Mcdonalds on Brooks st", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "$16.01", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "10 minutes", "type.ride": "Xl" } }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "No, that's it thanks, gotta go, bye!" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "No problem, talk to ya later!" } ]
[ "uber_lyft" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 47, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 38, "value": "Uber ride" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "", "": "", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "Uber ride" } }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Hello, I would like to request for an Uber ride." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "How are you doing? I will get that done for you right away." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "", "": "", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "Uber ride" } }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "Thank you!" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "You are welcome. How may I help you with today?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 36, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 27, "value": "Uber ride" }, { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 52, "intent": "inform", "slot": "location.from", "start": 42, "value": "Arden Fair" }, { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 81, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 56, "value": "Pavilions Shopping Center" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "Arden Fair", "": "Pavilions Shopping Center", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "Uber ride" } }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "I would like to request an Uber ride from Arden Fair to Pavilions Shopping Center." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "When do you want to make the request by?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 44, "intent": "accept", "slot": "location.from", "start": 34, "value": "Arden Mall" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "Arden Mall", "": "Pavilions Shopping Center", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "Uber ride" } }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "I want it now because I am at the Arden Mall." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "I will do that right away." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "Arden Mall", "": "Pavilions Shopping Center", "num.people": "", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "Uber ride" } }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Sounds great." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "How many people are there?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 7, "intent": "accept", "slot": "num.people", "start": 0, "value": "Only me" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "Arden Mall", "": "Pavilions Shopping Center", "num.people": "Only me", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "Uber ride" } }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Only me for this ride." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 29, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 24, "value": "UberX" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Gotcha. That will be an UberX for you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "Arden Mall", "": "Pavilions Shopping Center", "num.people": "Only me", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "UberX" } }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "What is the distance and estimated fare?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "The distance will be not too far." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "Arden Mall", "": "Pavilions Shopping Center", "num.people": "Only me", "price.estimate": "", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "UberX" } }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "How about the estimated fare?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 31, "intent": "accept", "slot": "price.estimate", "start": 26, "value": "$5.70" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "The estimated fee will be $5.70." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "Arden Mall", "": "Pavilions Shopping Center", "num.people": "Only me", "price.estimate": "$5.70", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "UberX" } }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Thank you again." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Is there anything else you would like to ask?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "end": 63, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.ride", "start": 58, "value": "Uber." } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "Arden Mall", "": "Pavilions Shopping Center", "num.people": "Only me", "price.estimate": "$5.70", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "Uber." } }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "No, that is for all today. I will wait outside the for my Uber. Thanks!" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [ { "domain": "uber_lyft", "intent": "accept", "slot": "" } ], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Your ride is on the way and you can check it on your phone. " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": { "duration.estimate": "", "location.from": "Arden Mall", "": "Pavilions Shopping Center", "num.people": "Only me", "price.estimate": "$5.70", "time.dropoff": "", "time.pickup": "", "type.ride": "Uber." } }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "Thank you!" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 21, "utterance": "You are welcome." } ]
[ "uber_lyft" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Hi, I want to place an order at Starbucks." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Okay, which Starbucks do you want to order from" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 29, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 11, "value": "515 in Vernon, NJ." } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "515 in Vernon, NJ.", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "The one on 515 in Vernon, NJ." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Okay, and what do you want to order?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 17, "intent": "accept", "slot": "preference", "start": 13, "value": "iced" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 24, "intent": "accept", "slot": "name.drink", "start": 18, "value": "coffee" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "515 in Vernon, NJ.", "name.drink": "coffee", "num.drink": "", "preference": "iced", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "Can I get an iced coffee?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Sure, what size?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 8, "intent": "inform", "slot": "size.drink", "start": 2, "value": "grande" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "515 in Vernon, NJ.", "name.drink": "coffee", "num.drink": "", "preference": "iced", "size.drink": "grande", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "A grande, please." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "And what kind of milk would you like?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "515 in Vernon, NJ.", "name.drink": "coffee", "num.drink": "", "preference": "iced", "size.drink": "grande", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "What do they have?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 5, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 0, "value": "Whole" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 14, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 7, "value": "non-fat" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 18, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 16, "value": "2%" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 23, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 20, "value": "soy" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 31, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 25, "value": "almond" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 44, "intent": "inform", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 37, "value": "coconut" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Whole, non-fat, 2%, soy, almond, and coconut." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 17, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 10, "value": "coconut" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "515 in Vernon, NJ.", "name.drink": "coffee", "num.drink": "", "preference": "iced", "size.drink": "grande", "type.milk": "coconut" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "I'll have coconut." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Okay, is that all?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 25, "intent": "inform", "slot": "preference", "start": 12, "value": "whipped cream" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "515 in Vernon, NJ.", "name.drink": "coffee", "num.drink": "", "preference": "whipped cream", "size.drink": "grande", "type.milk": "coconut" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "Can you add whipped cream to it?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Sure. Anything else?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 26, "intent": "inform", "slot": "preference", "start": 15, "value": "extra sweet" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "515 in Vernon, NJ.", "name.drink": "coffee", "num.drink": "", "preference": "extra sweet", "size.drink": "grande", "type.milk": "coconut" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Make sure it's extra sweet, please." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 15, "intent": "inform", "slot": "preference", "start": 9, "value": "sugars" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "How many sugars?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 4, "intent": "accept", "slot": "preference", "start": 0, "value": "Four" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "515 in Vernon, NJ.", "name.drink": "coffee", "num.drink": "", "preference": "Four", "size.drink": "grande", "type.milk": "coconut" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Four, please." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Okay, is that all?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "515 in Vernon, NJ.", "name.drink": "coffee", "num.drink": "", "preference": "Four", "size.drink": "grande", "type.milk": "coconut" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Yes, that's it." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Okay, your order is placed and will be ready shortly. A receipt will be sent to your phone via text." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "515 in Vernon, NJ.", "name.drink": "coffee", "num.drink": "", "preference": "Four", "size.drink": "grande", "type.milk": "coconut" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "Okay, thank you!" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 21, "utterance": "You're welcome." } ]
[ "coffee_ordering" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 61, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 41, "value": "Mary Poppins Returns" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "", "": "Mary Poppins Returns", "": "", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Can you get me some movie tickets to see Mary Poppins Returns?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Of course. Which city do you want to watch the movie in?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 8, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 0, "value": "Oklahoma" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Oklahoma", "": "Mary Poppins Returns", "": "", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "Oklahoma City. I'm going to take Andrea for her birthday tonight." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "That sounds lovely. Do you have a theater in mind already?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 49, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 23, "value": "Regal Warren Moore Theater" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "Oklahoma", "": "Mary Poppins Returns", "": "Regal Warren Moore Theater", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "Yes, I want to try the Regal Warren Moore Theater." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 38, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 19, "value": "1000 Telephone Road" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Is that the one at 1000 Telephone Road?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "1000 Telephone Road", "": "Mary Poppins Returns", "": "Regal Warren Moore Theater", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Yes. What time is the movie showing tonight?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 19, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.start", "start": 11, "value": "6:45 p.m" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 36, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.start", "start": 27, "value": "10:00 p.m" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "There is a 6:45 p.m. and a 10:00 p.m." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 21, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.start", "start": 13, "value": "6:45 p.m" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "1000 Telephone Road", "": "Mary Poppins Returns", "": "Regal Warren Moore Theater", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "6:45 p.m", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Let's do the 6:45 p.m." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "How many tickets do you need?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 8, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 5, "value": "two" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "1000 Telephone Road", "": "Mary Poppins Returns", "": "Regal Warren Moore Theater", "": "two", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "6:45 p.m", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Just two tickets." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "What kind of seats do you want?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "1000 Telephone Road", "": "Mary Poppins Returns", "": "Regal Warren Moore Theater", "": "two", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "6:45 p.m", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "What are my options?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Regular recliners or plush recliners with heating." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "1000 Telephone Road", "": "Mary Poppins Returns", "": "Regal Warren Moore Theater", "": "two", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "6:45 p.m", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Just the regular recliners are fine. " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 22, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 19, "value": "two" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 55, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 35, "value": "Mary Poppins Returns" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 69, "intent": "accept", "slot": "time.start", "start": 61, "value": "6:45 p.m" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 112, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 86, "value": "Regal Warren Moore Theater" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Okay, I will order two tickets for Mary Poppins Returns, the 6:45 p.m. showing at the Regal Warren Moore Theater. I will reserve regular recliners only." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "1000 Telephone Road", "": "Mary Poppins Returns", "": "Regal Warren Moore Theater", "": "two", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "6:45 p.m", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Thanks, assistant. How much are the tickets anyway?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 20, "intent": "accept", "slot": "price.ticket", "start": 14, "value": "$28.44" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Your total is $28.44." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "1000 Telephone Road", "": "Mary Poppins Returns", "": "Regal Warren Moore Theater", "": "two", "price.ticket": "$28.44", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "6:45 p.m", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Geesh, movies are expensive. " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Yes, they are, but Andrea will appreciate the birthday gift. How would you like to pay?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "1000 Telephone Road", "": "Mary Poppins Returns", "": "Regal Warren Moore Theater", "": "two", "price.ticket": "$28.44", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "6:45 p.m", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "Use my account that's on file, please." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 21, "utterance": "Okay. Your receipt will be sent to your mobile device via text message. Your tickets will also be sent to your mobile device in a text message. " } ]
[ "movie_ticket" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Hello , Destiny" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Hi how can I be of service." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "I need a pick me up." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Had a long night? " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "No , I am just really off today I don't know what it is." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "How about some chocolates from See's " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "No, I'm on a diet." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 22, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.drink", "start": 9, "value": "hot chocolate" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Lol okay hot chocolate?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 36, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.drink", "start": 28, "value": "Espresso" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "Espresso", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "No, how about getting me an Espresso from Peets" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 18, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.drink", "start": 0, "value": "Golden Caffè Latte" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Golden Caffè Latte" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 14, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.drink", "start": 6, "value": "espresso" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "espresso", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "No an espresso ." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 32, "intent": "accept", "slot": "name.drink", "start": 19, "value": "Iced Espresso" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "okay how about the Iced Espresso" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 43, "intent": "accept", "slot": "preference", "start": 33, "value": "two shoots" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "Iced Espresso", "num.drink": "", "preference": "two shoots", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "Okay that sounds good can i have two shoots in that please" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Will do." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 35, "intent": "inform", "slot": "preference", "start": 17, "value": "muffin on the side" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "Iced Espresso", "num.drink": "", "preference": "muffin on the side", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Oh can you add a muffin on the side . " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 25, "intent": "inform", "slot": "preference", "start": 19, "value": "muffin" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Sure which kind of muffin." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 32, "intent": "accept", "slot": "preference", "start": 17, "value": "lemon poppyseed" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "Iced Espresso", "num.drink": "", "preference": "lemon poppyseed", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Lets go with the lemon poppyseed." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Okay anything else for you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "Iced Espresso", "num.drink": "", "preference": "lemon poppyseed", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "No that is all." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Okay I will process your order" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "Iced Espresso", "num.drink": "", "preference": "lemon poppyseed", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "Okay how long will it take to be here." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 21, "utterance": "I would say in about 30 minutes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "Iced Espresso", "num.drink": "", "preference": "lemon poppyseed", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 22, "utterance": "Okay sounds great." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 23, "utterance": "Anything else for you?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "Iced Espresso", "num.drink": "", "preference": "lemon poppyseed", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 24, "utterance": "Nope that is all ." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 25, "utterance": "Okay will have that ready for you." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "Iced Espresso", "num.drink": "", "preference": "lemon poppyseed", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 26, "utterance": "Thanks." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 81, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 71, "value": "Albertsons" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 27, "utterance": "The receipt will be sent to your phone, and will be ready at the local Albertsons." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "Albertsons", "name.drink": "Iced Espresso", "num.drink": "", "preference": "lemon poppyseed", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 28, "utterance": "Okay thanks bud." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 29, "utterance": "Your welcome anytime" } ]
[ "coffee_ordering" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 41, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.start", "start": 34, "value": "tonight" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "", "": "", "": "", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "tonight", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Hi, we want to see a horror movie tonight." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Ok. First, tell me what city you are located in." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 22, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 9, "value": "San Francisco" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "San Francisco", "": "", "": "", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "tonight", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "We're in San Francisco." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 77, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 64, "value": "San Francisco" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 84, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 82, "value": "Us" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 101, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 89, "value": "Pet Sematary" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Ok. Some popular movies in the horror genre that are playing in San Francisco are Us and Pet Sematary." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 68, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 57, "value": "AMC Metreon" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "San Francisco", "": "Pet Sematary", "": "AMC Metreon", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "tonight", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "Ok, either of those sounds good. Are they playing at the AMC Metreon?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 11, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 9, "value": "Us" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 24, "intent": "reject", "slot": "time.start", "start": 20, "value": "8:00" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "San Francisco", "": "Us", "": "AMC Metreon", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "tonight", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Ok, does Us have an 8:00 showing tonight?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 32, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 30, "value": "Us" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 52, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.start", "start": 48, "value": "5:40" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 61, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.start", "start": 57, "value": "8:45" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "I'm sorry, the show times for Us tonight are at 5:40 and 8:45." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "San Francisco", "": "Us", "": "AMC Metreon", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "8:45", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Ok, what about the other one?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 12, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 0, "value": "Pet Sematary" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 33, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.start", "start": 29, "value": "6:00" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 42, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.start", "start": 38, "value": "7:50" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Pet Sematary has showings at 6:00 and 7:50." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "San Francisco", "": "Pet Sematary", "": "AMC Metreon", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "7:50", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Ok, that sounds better. Book that." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 33, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.start", "start": 29, "value": "6:00" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 41, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.start", "start": 37, "value": "7:50" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Would you like to attend the 6:00 or 7:50 show?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 4, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.start", "start": 0, "value": "7:50" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "San Francisco", "": "Pet Sematary", "": "AMC Metreon", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "7:50", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "7:50." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Ok, how many tickets would you like to purchase." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 10, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 9, "value": "3" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "San Francisco", "": "Pet Sematary", "": "AMC Metreon", "": "3", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "7:50", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Purchase 3 tickets." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Are these tickets all adult tickets." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "San Francisco", "": "Pet Sematary", "": "AMC Metreon", "": "3", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "7:50", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 39, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 34, "value": "three" }, { "domain": "movie_ticket", "end": 76, "intent": "accept", "slot": "time.start", "start": 72, "value": "7:50" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Ok, I've confirmed that there are three adult tickets available for the 7:50 show. Would you like to proceed." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "San Francisco", "": "Pet Sematary", "": "AMC Metreon", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "7:50", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Wait, can I get a senior discount?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Your senior discount will be applied to your total." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": null, "movie_ticket": { "": "San Francisco", "": "Pet Sematary", "": "AMC Metreon", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "time.duration": "", "time.end": "", "time.start": "7:50", "type.screening": "" }, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "Ok, great. You can proceed." } ]
[ "movie_ticket" ]
[ { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Hey Emily, I'll be heading to the airport soon can you order a drink for me at Starbucks for pickup?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 56, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 39, "value": "Colonial location" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 70, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 60, "value": "University" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Yes would you like to pick up from the Colonial location or University?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 23, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 0, "value": "The University location" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "The University location", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "The University location is more convenient" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Sure, what would you like to order?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 47, "intent": "reject", "slot": "name.drink", "start": 23, "value": "Blonde Doubleshot on ice" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 62, "intent": "inform", "slot": "preference", "start": 53, "value": "Sweetened" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "The University location", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "Sweetened", "size.drink": "", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "I want to try that New Blonde Doubleshot on ice with Sweetened" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "That sounds delicious, what size?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 18, "intent": "inform", "slot": "size.drink", "start": 13, "value": "Venti" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "The University location", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "Sweetened", "size.drink": "Venti", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Lets go with Venti" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Let me get that ordered for you, when do you want to pick it up?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "The University location", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "Sweetened", "size.drink": "Venti", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "I'll be there in about 15 minutes." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Okay i'll get that ordered." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "The University location", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "Sweetened", "size.drink": "Venti", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Thanks! " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "I attempted to place your order but unfortunately its not available at that location. " }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "The University location", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "Sweetened", "size.drink": "Venti", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "Thats unfortunate, can you check the other location and see if they have it?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Sure let me check that for you" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "The University location", "name.drink": "", "num.drink": "", "preference": "Sweetened", "size.drink": "Venti", "type.milk": "" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Thanks." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Unfortunately its not available for order at the other location either, is there anything else that you want?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 88, "intent": "accept", "slot": "name.drink", "start": 60, "value": "Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 101, "intent": "accept", "slot": "type.milk", "start": 90, "value": "Almond milk" }, { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 110, "intent": "accept", "slot": "size.drink", "start": 105, "value": "Venti" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "The University location", "name.drink": "Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato", "num.drink": "", "preference": "Sweetened", "size.drink": "Venti", "type.milk": "Almond milk" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Oh okay, I guess its just that popular. Can you order me an Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato, Almond milk in Venti." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Yes it looks like its available at both locations, which location do you prefer?" }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "coffee_ordering", "end": 14, "intent": "accept", "slot": "", "start": 0, "value": "The University" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "The University", "name.drink": "Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato", "num.drink": "", "preference": "Sweetened", "size.drink": "Venti", "type.milk": "Almond milk" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "The University one please." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Okay I have that ordered and it'll be ready for pick up." }, { "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "auto_repair": null, "coffee_ordering": { "": "The University", "name.drink": "Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato", "num.drink": "", "preference": "Sweetened", "size.drink": "Venti", "type.milk": "Almond milk" }, "movie_ticket": null, "pizza_ordering": null, "restaurant_reservation": null, "uber_lyft": null }, "utt_idx": 20, "utterance": "Okay thanks!" } ]
[ "coffee_ordering" ]
End of preview.
YAML Metadata Warning: The task_categories "conversational" is not in the official list: text-classification, token-classification, table-question-answering, question-answering, zero-shot-classification, translation, summarization, feature-extraction, text-generation, text2text-generation, fill-mask, sentence-similarity, text-to-speech, text-to-audio, automatic-speech-recognition, audio-to-audio, audio-classification, voice-activity-detection, depth-estimation, image-classification, object-detection, image-segmentation, text-to-image, image-to-text, image-to-image, image-to-video, unconditional-image-generation, video-classification, reinforcement-learning, robotics, tabular-classification, tabular-regression, tabular-to-text, table-to-text, multiple-choice, text-retrieval, time-series-forecasting, text-to-video, image-text-to-text, visual-question-answering, document-question-answering, zero-shot-image-classification, graph-ml, mask-generation, zero-shot-object-detection, text-to-3d, image-to-3d, image-feature-extraction, other

Dataset Card for Taskmaster-1

To use this dataset, you need to install ConvLab-3 platform first. Then you can load the dataset via:

from convlab.util import load_dataset, load_ontology, load_database

dataset = load_dataset('tm1')
ontology = load_ontology('tm1')
database = load_database('tm1')

For more usage please refer to here.

Dataset Summary

The original dataset consists of 13,215 task-based dialogs, including 5,507 spoken and 7,708 written dialogs created with two distinct procedures. Each conversation falls into one of six domains: ordering pizza, creating auto repair appointments, setting up ride service, ordering movie tickets, ordering coffee drinks and making restaurant reservations.

  • How to get the transformed data from original data:
    • Download
    • Run python in the current directory.
  • Main changes of the transformation:
    • Remove dialogs that are empty or only contain one speaker.
    • Split woz-dialogs into train/validation/test randomly (8:1:1). The split of self-dialogs is followed the original dataset.
    • Merge continuous turns by the same speaker (ignore repeated turns).
    • Annotate dialogue acts according to the original segment annotations. Add intent annotation (inform/accept/reject). The type of dialogue act is set to non-categorical if the original segment annotation includes a specified slot. Otherwise, the type is set to binary (and the slot and value are empty) since it means general reference to a transaction, e.g. "OK your pizza has been ordered". If there are multiple spans overlapping, we only keep the shortest one, since we found that this simple strategy can reduce the noise in annotation.
    • Add domain, intent, and slot descriptions.
    • Add state by accumulate non-categorical dialogue acts in the order that they appear, except those whose intents are reject.
    • Keep the first annotation since each conversation was annotated by two workers.
  • Annotations:
    • dialogue acts, state.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

NLU, DST, Policy, NLG



Data Splits

split dialogues utterances avg_utt avg_tokens avg_domains cat slot match(state) cat slot match(goal) cat slot match(dialogue act) non-cat slot span(dialogue act)
train 10535 223322 21.2 8.75 1 - - - 100
validation 1318 27903 21.17 8.75 1 - - - 100
test 1322 27660 20.92 8.87 1 - - - 100
all 13175 278885 21.17 8.76 1 - - - 100

6 domains: ['uber_lyft', 'movie_ticket', 'restaurant_reservation', 'coffee_ordering', 'pizza_ordering', 'auto_repair']

  • cat slot match: how many values of categorical slots are in the possible values of ontology in percentage.
  • non-cat slot span: how many values of non-categorical slots have span annotation in percentage.


  title = {Taskmaster-1:Toward a Realistic and Diverse Dialog Dataset},
  author = {Bill Byrne and Karthik Krishnamoorthi and Chinnadhurai Sankar and Arvind Neelakantan and Daniel Duckworth and Semih Yavuz and Ben Goodrich and Amit Dubey and Kyu-Young Kim and Andy Cedilnik},
  booktitle = {2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing},
  address = {Hong Kong}, 
  year = {2019} 

Licensing Information

CC BY 4.0

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Models trained or fine-tuned on ConvLab/tm1