Dataset Preview
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The dataset generation failed
Error code:   DatasetGenerationError
Exception:    ArrowNotImplementedError
Message:      Cannot write struct type 'inform' with no child field to Parquet. Consider adding a dummy child field.
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2011, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 583, in write_table
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 404, in _build_writer
                  self.pa_writer = self._WRITER_CLASS(, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyarrow/parquet/", line 1010, in __init__
                  self.writer = _parquet.ParquetWriter(
                File "pyarrow/_parquet.pyx", line 2157, in pyarrow._parquet.ParquetWriter.__cinit__
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 154, in pyarrow.lib.pyarrow_internal_check_status
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 91, in pyarrow.lib.check_status
              pyarrow.lib.ArrowNotImplementedError: Cannot write struct type 'inform' with no child field to Parquet. Consider adding a dummy child field.
              During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2027, in _prepare_split_single
                  num_examples, num_bytes = writer.finalize()
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 602, in finalize
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 404, in _build_writer
                  self.pa_writer = self._WRITER_CLASS(, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyarrow/parquet/", line 1010, in __init__
                  self.writer = _parquet.ParquetWriter(
                File "pyarrow/_parquet.pyx", line 2157, in pyarrow._parquet.ParquetWriter.__cinit__
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 154, in pyarrow.lib.pyarrow_internal_check_status
                File "pyarrow/error.pxi", line 91, in pyarrow.lib.check_status
              pyarrow.lib.ArrowNotImplementedError: Cannot write struct type 'inform' with no child field to Parquet. Consider adding a dummy child field.
              The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1529, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations = convert_to_parquet(builder)
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1154, in convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1027, in download_and_prepare
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1122, in _download_and_prepare
                  self._prepare_split(split_generator, **prepare_split_kwargs)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2038, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationError("An error occurred while generating the dataset") from e
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationError: An error occurred while generating the dataset

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{ "description": "SCENARIO: In the conversation below, a customer is talking to a booking agent to purchase movie tickets. However, the customer’s turns are missing. The details mentioned (theater names, cities, etc.) do NOT necessarily reflect real life, but you should pretend they are real for the purposes of this exercise.\n\nYOUR TASK: {{LIST *Pretend you are the customer*., Fill in the *missing turns* (in green) so that the conversation makes sense and sounds natural., Make sure you *follow the instructions* provided in parentheses for each turn. (Start typing to make the instructions move outside the box.), Do not copy the wording. *Use your own words*., *Use your normal speaking style* for this scenario but don’t be overly chatty., *Do NOT* call the booking agent by any name including “sir” “madam” etc.}}\n\n{{HIDE movie_1 No Time To Die}}\n{{HIDE theater_1 AMC Mountain 16}}\n{{HIDE theater_2 AMC Mercado 24}}\n{{HIDE genre_1 name.genre action}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing 4:30pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing 6:40pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_3 time.showing 9:10pm}}\n{{HIDE num_tickets three}}\n{{HIDE date date.showing tonight}}\n{{HIDE success_closing success.closing OK. Enjoy your movie!}}\nBEFORE YOU BEGIN: Provide a value for this detail.\n{{ENTER people Who’s all going to the movie? (use a phrase describing *three people* that includes reference to yourself.)}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION\nhint user (In your own words, express interest in buying movie tickets for var_date and specify theater ‘var_theater_1’.)\nforce assistant No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you’re looking for?\nhint user (mention ‘var_genre_1’ in your response)\nforce assistant Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at var_theater_2.\nhint user (Correct the agent’s mistake: You wanted ‘var_theater_1’.)\nforce assistant Oh, sorry about that. So you’re interested in var_genre_1 films at var_theater_1, right?\nhint user (Confirm the agent’s correction.)\ncall find_movies name.genre var_genre_1 var_theater_1\nresponse find_movies var_movie_1\ncall find_showtimes var_theater_1 date.showing var_date var_movie_1\nresponse find_showtimes time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_3\nforce assistant OK. I see one var_genre_1 movie playing at var_theater_1: var_movie_1. Remaining showtimes are var_movie_1_showtime_1, var_movie_1_showtime_2 and var_movie_1_showtime_3. Does any of those work?\nhint user (Answer positively and choose ‘var_movie_1_showtime_3’)\nforce assistant Great. And how many tickets?\nhint user (Include your earlier answer of ‘var_people’ in this response.)\nforce assistant All right. Let me confirm that you’d like var_num_tickets tickets for var_movie_1 at var_theater_1 var_date at var_movie_1_showtime_3. Is that all correct?\nhint user (Confirm.)\nforce assistant Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?\nhint user (Give positive answer).\ncall book_tickets var_movie_1 var_theater_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 var_num_tickets date.showing var_date\nresponse book_tickets api.response success\nforce assistant OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?\nhint user (polite negative answer)\nforce assistant var_success_closing\n}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_logical The conversation between the user and the assistant is cooperative and logical.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_natural All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) sound natural and familiar.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_casual All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are casual but polite.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_appropriate All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are free of offensive or inappropriate language.}}\n", "inform": {}, "request": {} }
[ { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 32, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 25, "value": "tonight" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 76, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 61, "value": "AMC mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": " buying a ticket tonight so we go and see a movie at AMC mountain 16" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you’re looking for?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "hhhmmmmm not at all. i dont have any in mind for now" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 62, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 48, "value": "MC Mercado 24." } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Sure. I can help with that. Let me listings at AMC Mercado 24." }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 59, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 44, "value": "AMC mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "sure you can but i want to see the movie at AMC mountain 16" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 52, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 46, "value": "action" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 77, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 62, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Oh, sorry about that. So you’re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "yeah" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 21, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 15, "value": "action" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 55, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 39, "value": "AMC Mountain 16:" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 70, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 56, "value": "No Time To Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 102, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 96, "value": "4:30pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 110, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 104, "value": "6:40pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 121, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 115, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "OK. I show one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 15, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 9, "value": "9.10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16:", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9.10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "yeah but 9.10pm will be perfect for me" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Great. And how many tickets?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16:", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9.10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "myself and two other persons are going to see a movie" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 47, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 42, "value": "three" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 74, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 60, "value": "No Time To Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 93, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 78, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 101, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 94, "value": "tonight" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 111, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 105, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "All right. Let me confirm that you’d like three tickets for No Time To Die at AMC Mountain 16 tonight at 9:10pm. Is that all correct?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "yeah" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "yes you can" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "ok thanks but i dont need anything again" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "OK. Enjoy your movie!" } ]
[ "movie" ]
{ "description": "SCENARIO: In the conversation below, a customer is talking to a booking agent to purchase movie tickets. However, the customer’s turns are missing. The details mentioned (theater names, cities, etc.) do NOT necessarily reflect real life, but you should pretend they are real for the purposes of this exercise.\n\nYOUR TASK: {{LIST *Pretend you are the customer*., Fill in the *missing turns* (in green) so that the conversation makes sense and sounds natural., Make sure you *follow the instructions* provided in parentheses for each turn. (Start typing to make the instructions move outside the box.), Do not copy the wording. *Use your own words*., *Use your normal speaking style* for this scenario but don’t be overly chatty., *Do NOT* call the booking agent by any name including “sir” “madam” etc.}}\n\n{{HIDE movie_1 No Time To Die}}\n{{HIDE theater_1 AMC Mountain 16}}\n{{HIDE theater_2 AMC Mercado 24}}\n{{HIDE genre_1 name.genre action}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing 4:30pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing 6:40pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_3 time.showing 9:10pm}}\n{{HIDE num_tickets three}}\n{{HIDE date date.showing tonight}}\n{{HIDE success_closing success.closing OK. Enjoy your movie!}}\nBEFORE YOU BEGIN: Provide a value for this detail.\n{{ENTER people Who’s all going to the movie? (use a phrase describing *three people* that includes reference to yourself.)}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION\nhint user (In your own words, express interest in buying movie tickets for var_date and specify theater ‘var_theater_1’.)\nforce assistant No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you’re looking for?\nhint user (mention ‘var_genre_1’ in your response)\nforce assistant Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at var_theater_2.\nhint user (Correct the agent’s mistake: You wanted ‘var_theater_1’.)\nforce assistant Oh, sorry about that. So you’re interested in var_genre_1 films at var_theater_1, right?\nhint user (Confirm the agent’s correction.)\ncall find_movies name.genre var_genre_1 var_theater_1\nresponse find_movies var_movie_1\ncall find_showtimes var_theater_1 date.showing var_date var_movie_1\nresponse find_showtimes time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_3\nforce assistant OK. I see one var_genre_1 movie playing at var_theater_1: var_movie_1. Remaining showtimes are var_movie_1_showtime_1, var_movie_1_showtime_2 and var_movie_1_showtime_3. Does any of those work?\nhint user (Answer positively and choose ‘var_movie_1_showtime_3’)\nforce assistant Great. And how many tickets?\nhint user (Include your earlier answer of ‘var_people’ in this response.)\nforce assistant All right. Let me confirm that you’d like var_num_tickets tickets for var_movie_1 at var_theater_1 var_date at var_movie_1_showtime_3. Is that all correct?\nhint user (Confirm.)\nforce assistant Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?\nhint user (Give positive answer).\ncall book_tickets var_movie_1 var_theater_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 var_num_tickets date.showing var_date\nresponse book_tickets api.response success\nforce assistant OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?\nhint user (polite negative answer)\nforce assistant var_success_closing\n}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_logical The conversation between the user and the assistant is cooperative and logical.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_natural All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) sound natural and familiar.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_casual All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are casual but polite.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_appropriate All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are free of offensive or inappropriate language.}}\n", "inform": {}, "request": {} }
[ { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 46, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 39, "value": "tonight" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 69, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 54, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "I need to get some tickets for a movie tonight at the AMC Mountain 16 theater." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you’re looking for?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 28, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 22, "value": "action" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "I'm hoping there's an action movie showing." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 67, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 53, "value": "AMC Mercado 24" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at AMC Mercado 24." }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 35, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 20, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "Sorry, I wanted the AMC Mountain 16, not the Mercado theater." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 52, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 46, "value": "action" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 77, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 62, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Oh, sorry about that. So you’re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Yes, the Mountain 16." }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": null, "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": "action", "": null, "name.person": null, "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": null, "type.screening": null }, 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"date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": null, "time.showing_1": "4:30pm", "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": "6:40pm", "time.showing_3": "9:10pm", "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 20, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 14, "value": "action" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 54, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 38, "value": "AMC Mountain 16:" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 69, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 55, "value": "No Time To Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 101, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 95, "value": "4:30pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 109, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 103, "value": "6:40pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 120, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 114, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "OK. I see one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 15, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 9, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16:", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Yes, the 9:10pm sounds perfect for my schedule." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Great. And how many tickets?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16:", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Three, since it'll just be my two friends and I." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 47, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 42, "value": "three" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 74, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 60, "value": "No Time To Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 93, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 78, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 101, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 94, "value": "tonight" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 111, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 105, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "All right. Let me confirm that you’d like three tickets for No Time To Die at AMC Mountain 16 tonight at 9:10pm. Is that all correct?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "Yes, that's correct." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Absolutely!" }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": "tonight", "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": null, "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": "4:30pm", "type.screening": null }, "index": 14, "name": "book_tickets", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": "success", "time.showing_1": null, "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": null, "time.showing_3": null, "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "No thanks, I'm good." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "OK. Enjoy your movie!" } ]
[ "movie" ]
{ "description": "SCENARIO: In the conversation below, a customer is talking to a booking agent to purchase movie tickets. However, the customer’s turns are missing. The details mentioned (theater names, cities, etc.) do NOT necessarily reflect real life, but you should pretend they are real for the purposes of this exercise.\n\nYOUR TASK: {{LIST *Pretend you are the customer*., Fill in the *missing turns* (in green) so that the conversation makes sense and sounds natural., Make sure you *follow the instructions* provided in parentheses for each turn. (Start typing to make the instructions move outside the box.), Do not copy the wording. *Use your own words*., *Use your normal speaking style* for this scenario but don’t be overly chatty., *Do NOT* call the booking agent by any name including “sir” “madam” etc.}}\n\n{{HIDE movie_1 No Time To Die}}\n{{HIDE theater_1 AMC Mountain 16}}\n{{HIDE theater_2 AMC Mercado 24}}\n{{HIDE genre_1 name.genre action}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing 4:30pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing 6:40pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_3 time.showing 9:10pm}}\n{{HIDE num_tickets three}}\n{{HIDE date date.showing tonight}}\n{{HIDE success_closing success.closing OK. Enjoy your movie!}}\nBEFORE YOU BEGIN: Provide a value for this detail.\n{{ENTER people Who’s all going to the movie? (use a phrase describing *three people* that includes reference to yourself.)}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION\nhint user (In your own words, express interest in buying movie tickets for var_date and specify theater ‘var_theater_1’.)\nforce assistant No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you’re looking for?\nhint user (mention ‘var_genre_1’ in your response)\nforce assistant Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at var_theater_2.\nhint user (Correct the agent’s mistake: You wanted ‘var_theater_1’.)\nforce assistant Oh, sorry about that. So you’re interested in var_genre_1 films at var_theater_1, right?\nhint user (Confirm the agent’s correction.)\ncall find_movies name.genre var_genre_1 var_theater_1\nresponse find_movies var_movie_1\ncall find_showtimes var_theater_1 date.showing var_date var_movie_1\nresponse find_showtimes time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_3\nforce assistant OK. I see one var_genre_1 movie playing at var_theater_1: var_movie_1. Remaining showtimes are var_movie_1_showtime_1, var_movie_1_showtime_2 and var_movie_1_showtime_3. Does any of those work?\nhint user (Answer positively and choose ‘var_movie_1_showtime_3’)\nforce assistant Great. And how many tickets?\nhint user (Include your earlier answer of ‘var_people’ in this response.)\nforce assistant All right. Let me confirm that you’d like var_num_tickets tickets for var_movie_1 at var_theater_1 var_date at var_movie_1_showtime_3. Is that all correct?\nhint user (Confirm.)\nforce assistant Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?\nhint user (Give positive answer).\ncall book_tickets var_movie_1 var_theater_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 var_num_tickets date.showing var_date\nresponse book_tickets api.response success\nforce assistant OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?\nhint user (polite negative answer)\nforce assistant var_success_closing\n}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_logical The conversation between the user and the assistant is cooperative and logical.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_natural All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) sound natural and familiar.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_casual All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are casual but polite.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_appropriate All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are free of offensive or inappropriate language.}}\n", "inform": {}, "request": {} }
[ { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 41, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 34, "value": "tonight" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 81, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 66, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "I need help finding showtimes for tonight at my local theater the AMC Mountain 16." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you’re looking for?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 44, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 38, "value": "action" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "No, I'm looking for anything that has action in it." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 67, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 53, "value": "AMC Mercado 24" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at AMC Mercado 24." }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 73, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 58, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "No, that's the wrong theater, I wanted show times for the AMC Mountain 16." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 52, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 46, "value": "action" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 77, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 62, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Oh, sorry about that. So you’re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Yes, please." }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": null, "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": "action", "": null, "name.person": null, "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": null, "type.screening": null }, "index": 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"description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": null, "time.showing_1": "4:30pm", "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": "6:40pm", "time.showing_3": "9:10pm", "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 20, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 14, "value": "action" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 54, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 38, "value": "AMC Mountain 16:" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 69, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 55, "value": "No Time To Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 101, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 95, "value": "4:30pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 109, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 103, "value": "6:40pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 120, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 114, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "OK. I see one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 16, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 10, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16:", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Yeah, the 9:10pm show works perfectly." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Great. And how many tickets?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16:", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "I have a small group of us going, so I need three tickets." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 47, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 42, "value": "three" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 74, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 60, "value": "No Time To Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 93, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 78, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 101, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 94, "value": "tonight" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 111, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 105, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "All right. Let me confirm that you’d like three tickets for No Time To Die at AMC Mountain 16 tonight at 9:10pm. Is that all correct?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "Yes, that' right." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Yes, I'm ready to check out." }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": "tonight", "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": null, "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": "4:30pm", "type.screening": null }, "index": 14, "name": "book_tickets", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": "success", "time.showing_1": null, "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": null, "time.showing_3": null, "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "No, that's all I needed, thanks." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "OK. Enjoy your movie!" } ]
[ "movie" ]
{ "description": "SCENARIO: In the conversation below, a customer is talking to a booking agent to purchase movie tickets. However, the customer’s turns are missing. The details mentioned (theater names, cities, etc.) do NOT necessarily reflect real life, but you should pretend they are real for the purposes of this exercise.\n\nYOUR TASK: {{LIST *Pretend you are the customer*., Fill in the *missing turns* (in green) so that the conversation makes sense and sounds natural., Make sure you *follow the instructions* provided in parentheses for each turn. (Start typing to make the instructions move outside the box.), Do not copy the wording. *Use your own words*., *Use your normal speaking style* for this scenario but don’t be overly chatty., *Do NOT* call the booking agent by any name including “sir” “madam” etc.}}\n\n{{HIDE movie_1 No Time To Die}}\n{{HIDE theater_1 AMC Mountain 16}}\n{{HIDE theater_2 AMC Mercado 24}}\n{{HIDE genre_1 name.genre action}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing 4:30pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing 6:40pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_3 time.showing 9:10pm}}\n{{HIDE num_tickets three}}\n{{HIDE date date.showing tonight}}\n{{HIDE success_closing success.closing OK. Enjoy your movie!}}\nBEFORE YOU BEGIN: Provide a value for this detail.\n{{ENTER people Who’s all going to the movie? (use a phrase describing *three people* that includes reference to yourself.)}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION\nhint user (In your own words, express interest in buying movie tickets for var_date and specify theater ‘var_theater_1’.)\nforce assistant No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you’re looking for?\nhint user (mention ‘var_genre_1’ in your response)\nforce assistant Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at var_theater_2.\nhint user (Correct the agent’s mistake: You wanted ‘var_theater_1’.)\nforce assistant Oh, sorry about that. So you’re interested in var_genre_1 films at var_theater_1, right?\nhint user (Confirm the agent’s correction.)\ncall find_movies name.genre var_genre_1 var_theater_1\nresponse find_movies var_movie_1\ncall find_showtimes var_theater_1 date.showing var_date var_movie_1\nresponse find_showtimes time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_3\nforce assistant OK. I see one var_genre_1 movie playing at var_theater_1: var_movie_1. Remaining showtimes are var_movie_1_showtime_1, var_movie_1_showtime_2 and var_movie_1_showtime_3. Does any of those work?\nhint user (Answer positively and choose ‘var_movie_1_showtime_3’)\nforce assistant Great. And how many tickets?\nhint user (Include your earlier answer of ‘var_people’ in this response.)\nforce assistant All right. Let me confirm that you’d like var_num_tickets tickets for var_movie_1 at var_theater_1 var_date at var_movie_1_showtime_3. Is that all correct?\nhint user (Confirm.)\nforce assistant Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?\nhint user (Give positive answer).\ncall book_tickets var_movie_1 var_theater_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 var_num_tickets date.showing var_date\nresponse book_tickets api.response success\nforce assistant OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?\nhint user (polite negative answer)\nforce assistant var_success_closing\n}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_logical The conversation between the user and the assistant is cooperative and logical.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_natural All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) sound natural and familiar.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_casual All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are casual but polite.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_appropriate All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are free of offensive or inappropriate language.}}\n", "inform": {}, "request": {} }
[ { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 48, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 41, "value": "tonight" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 67, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 52, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Hello, I am interested in buying tickets tonight in AMC Mountain 16 theater." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you’re looking for?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 33, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 22, "value": "action-like" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action-like", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "I would say something action-like." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 67, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 53, "value": "AMC Mercado 24" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at AMC Mercado 24." }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 24, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 9, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action-like", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "I wanted AMC Mountain 16, NOT AMC Mercado 24" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 52, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 46, "value": "action" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 77, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 62, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Oh, sorry about that. So you’re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": null, "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": "action", "": null, "name.person": null, "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": null, "type.screening": null }, "index": 6, "name": "find_movies", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": "No Time To Die", "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": 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"domain": "movie", "end": 109, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 103, "value": "6:40pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 120, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 114, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "OK. I see one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16:", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "Oh cool, looks like 9:10 is a good choice." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Great. And how many tickets?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16:", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Us three" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 47, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 42, "value": "three" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 74, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 60, "value": "No Time To Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 93, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 78, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 101, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 94, "value": "tonight" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 111, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 105, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "All right. Let me confirm that you’d like three tickets for No Time To Die at AMC Mountain 16 tonight at 9:10pm. Is that all correct?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "Yes, that's good." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Hells yeah." }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": "tonight", "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": null, "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": "4:30pm", "type.screening": null }, "index": 14, "name": "book_tickets", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": "success", "time.showing_1": null, "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": null, "time.showing_3": null, "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "No, it's all right. Have a good night!" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "OK. Enjoy your movie!" } ]
[ "movie" ]
{ "description": "SCENARIO: Pretend you’re *using a digital assistant to purchase tickets for a movie currently showing in theaters*. {{LIST The entire conversation needs to follow the structure given below *in the TASK section*., You already know which movie you want to see as well as all the details (which you can pick from the section below)., The conversation ends with *a successful ticket purchase*., Do not include any extras like “thank you” or “goodbye” or “hello” etc. }}\n\nDETAILS: This is *made up data* which you should use to complete your dialog creation (since there are actually no movies playing anywhere right now due to COVID-19).:\n{{LIST You are interested in seeing either *No Time To Die* OR *Mulan*., There is one theater in your town: *Mountain AMC 16*., Showtimes for Mulan: 4:00pm 6:10pm 8:30pm 10:40pm, Showtimes for No Time To Die: 3:00pm 5:10pm 7:30pm 9:40pm, Make sure to include the number of tickets.}}\n*USE THIS Structure*\nUser: (Express desire to buy movie tickets and include TWO of the details needed for the purchase--one should be the movie name. See DETAILS section above.)\nAssistant: (Confirm the TWO details given so far and ask for confirmation *make one of the details incorrect*.)\nUser: (Alert the assistant of the detail that is wrong and give the right value.)\nAssistant: (Correct the wrong value, repeating back the correct value.)\nUser: (Confirms the correction, *THEN adds the THREE remaining details*.)\nAssistant: (Confirms all five details then asks if this is correct and whether they can go ahead with the purchase.)\nUser: (Answers yes.)\nAssistant: (Indicates successful purchase saying ”Your tickets are confirmed and they’ve been sent to your email address.”)\n\nTASK: *Write the transcript* of your spoken conversation according to the structure given above. Make sure it includes one exchange where *one of the details the assistant confirms is incorrect* (movie, theater, showtime, number, tickets or day).\n\nSPEAKING STYLE: {{LIST The assistant is polite and efficient, The assistant’s speaking style should match yours but they are not overly formal or too casual, Don’t call your assistant by name (e.g. “Johnny” or “Alexa” or “Siri” or “Assistant” or “Computer”). Just assume they’re already listening to you.}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_slots The users discusses *each of these details*: 1) movie, 2) theater, 3) showtime, 4) number of tickets, 5) day.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_error_exchange The conversation includes *one exchange where one of the details the assistant reads back is wrong* and so the user must point it out so it can be corrected.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_details The assistant *confirms all the ticket details* together just before booking.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_purchase The assistant *completes purchasing the tickets* saying *”Your tickets are confirmed and they’ve been sent to your email address.”*}}\n", "inform": {}, "request": {} }
[ { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 90, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 75, "value": "Mountain AMC 16" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 107, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 99, "value": "tomorrow" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tomorrow", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "I will like to buy tickets in order to proceed on seeing two movies at the Mountain AMC 16 Theatre tomorrow." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "I am at your service. May I have the titles of the movies of choice?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 35, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 19, "value": "\"No Time To Die\"" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 64, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 56, "value": "\"Milani\"" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tomorrow", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "\"Milani\"", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "The first movie is \"No Time To Die\" while the second is \"Milani\"" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Movie choice confirmed. Please confirm that your second choice is correct." }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 81, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 74, "value": "\"Mulan\"" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tomorrow", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "\"Mulan\"", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "I made the wrong spelling in the second choice. The correct movie name is \"Mulan\"" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 18, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 11, "value": "\"Mulan\"" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 83, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 67, "value": "\"No Time To Die\"" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 95, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 88, "value": "\"Mulan\"" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Movie name \"Mulan\" confirmed. Your confirmed movie preferences are \"No Time To Die\" and \"Mulan\"" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 81, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 73, "value": "tomorrow" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tomorrow", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "\"Mulan\"", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "That is correct. I will like to know the movies' showtime preference for tomorrow." }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": "tomorrow", "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": "\"Mulan\"", "name.person": null, "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": null, "type.screening": null }, "index": 6, "name": "find_showtimes", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, 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"intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 154, "value": "8:30pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 168, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 161, "value": "10:40pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "These are the showtimes for the movies: \"No Time To Die\" will be available at 3:00pm 5:10pm 7:30pm 9:40pm, and \"Mulan\" will be available at 4:00pm 6:10pm 8:30pm 10:40pm. Please indicate your most prefered showtime for the movies respectively." }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 15, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 9, "value": "3:00pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 36, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 20, "value": "\"No Time To Die\"" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 48, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 41, "value": "10:40pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 60, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 53, "value": "\"Mulan\"" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tomorrow", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "\"Mulan\"", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "10:40pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "I choose 3:00pm for \"No Time To Die\" and 10:40pm for \"Mulan\"" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 61, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 45, "value": "\"No Time To Die\"" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 68, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 62, "value": "3:00pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 80, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 73, "value": "\"Mulan\"" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 91, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 84, "value": "10:40pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Showtime preferences for movies confirmed as \"No Time To Die\" 3:00pm and \"Mulan\" as 10:40pm." }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tomorrow", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "\"Mulan\"", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "10:40pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "Yes, that is correct" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "Please indicate the number of tickets for each movie" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 10, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 7, "value": "one" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 42, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 41, "value": "2" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tomorrow", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "\"Mulan\"", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "2", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "10:40pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "I need one ticket for each movie, making 2 tickets in total." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 60, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 44, "value": "\"No Time To Die\"" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 72, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 65, "value": "\"Mulan\"" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 88, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 73, "value": "rMountain AMC 1" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 135, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 119, "value": ": \"No Time To Di" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 145, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 139, "value": "t 3:00" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 153, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 146, "value": "m\\r\"Mul" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 164, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 157, "value": "at 10:4" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 193, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 191, "value": "s:" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "These are your preferences: 2 movies titled \"No Time To Die\" and \"Mulan\"\\rMountain AMC 16 Theatre\\rShowtime preferences: \"No Time To Die\" at 3:00pm\\r\"Mulan\" at 10:40pm\\rTotal Number of Tickets:2 (1 each movie).\\rPlease confirm these details are correct." }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tomorrow", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "m\\r\"Mul", "name.person": "", "": "rMountain AMC 1", "": "s:", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "at 10:4", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Yes, absolutely correct" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "Can we proceed for the purchase of your tickets" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tomorrow", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "m\\r\"Mul", "name.person": "", "": "rMountain AMC 1", "": "s:", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "at 10:4", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "Yes, please proceed." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Please enter your banking payment details and emails where tickets to be sent." }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tomorrow", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "m\\r\"Mul", "name.person": "", "": "rMountain AMC 1", "": "s:", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "at 10:4", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Here it is." }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": "tomorrow", "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": "\"No Time To Die\"", "name.person": null, "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "one", "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": "any", "time.preference": null, "time.showing": "3:00pm", "type.screening": null }, "index": 18, "name": "book_tickets", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": "success", "time.showing_1": null, "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": null, "time.showing_3": null, "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } }, { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": "tomorrow", "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": "\"Mulan\"", "name.person": null, "": "Mountain AMC 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"name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": "success", "time.showing_1": null, "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": null, "time.showing_3": null, "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 40, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 24, "value": "\"No Time To Die\"" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 52, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 45, "value": "\"Mulan\"" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Your tickets for movies \"No Time To Die\" and \"Mulan\" have been successfully purchased and has been forward to your email account." } ]
[ "movie" ]
{ "description": "SCENARIO: Pretend you’re *using a digital assistant to purchase tickets for a movie currently showing in theaters*. {{LIST The entire conversation needs to follow the structure given below *in the TASK section*., You already know which movie you want to see as well as all the details (which you can pick from the section below)., The conversation ends with *a successful ticket purchase*., Do not include any extras like “thank you” or “goodbye” or “hello” etc. }}\n\nDETAILS: This is *made up data* which you should use to complete your dialog creation (since there are actually no movies playing anywhere right now due to COVID-19).:\n{{LIST You are interested in seeing either *No Time To Die* OR *Mulan*., There is one theater in your town: *Mountain AMC 16*., Showtimes for Mulan: 4:00pm 6:10pm 8:30pm 10:40pm, Showtimes for No Time To Die: 3:00pm 5:10pm 7:30pm 9:40pm, Make sure to include the number of tickets.}}\n*USE THIS Structure*\nUser: (Express desire to buy movie tickets and include TWO of the details needed for the purchase--one should be the movie name. See DETAILS section above.)\nAssistant: (Confirm the TWO details given so far and ask for confirmation *make one of the details incorrect*.)\nUser: (Alert the assistant of the detail that is wrong and give the right value.)\nAssistant: (Correct the wrong value, repeating back the correct value.)\nUser: (Confirms the correction, *THEN adds the THREE remaining details*.)\nAssistant: (Confirms all five details then asks if this is correct and whether they can go ahead with the purchase.)\nUser: (Answers yes.)\nAssistant: (Indicates successful purchase saying ”Your tickets are confirmed and they’ve been sent to your email address.”)\n\nTASK: *Write the transcript* of your spoken conversation according to the structure given above. Make sure it includes one exchange where *one of the details the assistant confirms is incorrect* (movie, theater, showtime, number, tickets or day).\n\nSPEAKING STYLE: {{LIST The assistant is polite and efficient, The assistant’s speaking style should match yours but they are not overly formal or too casual, Don’t call your assistant by name (e.g. “Johnny” or “Alexa” or “Siri” or “Assistant” or “Computer”). Just assume they’re already listening to you.}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_slots The users discusses *each of these details*: 1) movie, 2) theater, 3) showtime, 4) number of tickets, 5) day.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_error_exchange The conversation includes *one exchange where one of the details the assistant reads back is wrong* and so the user must point it out so it can be corrected.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_details The assistant *confirms all the ticket details* together just before booking.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_purchase The assistant *completes purchasing the tickets* saying *”Your tickets are confirmed and they’ve been sent to your email address.”*}}\n", "inform": {}, "request": {} }
[ { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 20, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 9, "value": "two tickets" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 30, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 25, "value": "Mulan" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 38, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.preference", "start": 35, "value": "4pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 44, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 39, "value": "today" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "today", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "Mulan", "name.person": "", "": "", "": "two tickets", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "4pm", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Purchase two tickets for Mulan for 4pm today." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 35, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 24, "value": "two tickets" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 45, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 40, "value": "Mulan" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 55, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 49, "value": "6:10pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 61, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 56, "value": "today" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Do you want to purchase two tickets for Mulan at 6:10pm today?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 7, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 4, "value": "4pm" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "today", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "Mulan", "name.person": "", "": "", "": "two tickets", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "4pm", "time.showing": "4pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "No, 4pm." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 9, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 6, "value": "4pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Okay, 4pm." }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 25, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 14, "value": "two tickets" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 35, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 30, "value": "Mulan" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 54, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 39, "value": "Mountain AMC 16" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 62, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 59, "value": "4pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 68, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 63, "value": "today" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "today", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "Mulan", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "two tickets", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "4pm", "time.showing": "4pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "Yes, purchase two tickets for Mulan at Mountain AMC 16 for 4pm today." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 35, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 24, "value": "two tickets" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 45, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 40, "value": "Mulan" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 64, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 49, "value": "Mountain AMC 16" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 72, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 69, "value": "4pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 78, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 73, "value": "today" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Do you want to purchase two tickets for Mulan at Mountain AMC 16 for 4pm today?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "today", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "Mulan", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "two tickets", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "4pm", "time.showing": "4pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Yes." }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": "today", "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": "Mulan", "name.person": null, "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "two tickets", "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": "any", "time.preference": null, "time.showing": "4pm", "type.screening": null }, "index": 6, "name": "book_tickets", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": "success", "time.showing_1": null, "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": null, "time.showing_3": null, "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Your tickets are confirmed and they’ve been sent to your email address." } ]
[ "movie" ]
{ "description": "SCENARIO: Pretend you’re *using a digital assistant to purchase tickets for a movie currently showing in theaters*. {{LIST The entire conversation needs to follow the structure given below *in the TASK section*., You already know which movie you want to see as well as all the details (which you can pick from the section below)., The conversation ends with *a successful ticket purchase*., Do not include any extras like “thank you” or “goodbye” or “hello” etc. }}\n\nDETAILS: This is *made up data* which you should use to complete your dialog creation (since there are actually no movies playing anywhere right now due to COVID-19).:\n{{LIST You are interested in seeing either *No Time To Die* OR *Mulan*., There is one theater in your town: *Mountain AMC 16*., Showtimes for Mulan: 4:00pm 6:10pm 8:30pm 10:40pm, Showtimes for No Time To Die: 3:00pm 5:10pm 7:30pm 9:40pm, Make sure to include the number of tickets.}}\n*USE THIS Structure*\nUser: (Express desire to buy movie tickets and include TWO of the details needed for the purchase--one should be the movie name. See DETAILS section above.)\nAssistant: (Confirm the TWO details given so far and ask for confirmation *make one of the details incorrect*.)\nUser: (Alert the assistant of the detail that is wrong and give the right value.)\nAssistant: (Correct the wrong value, repeating back the correct value.)\nUser: (Confirms the correction, *THEN adds the THREE remaining details*.)\nAssistant: (Confirms all five details then asks if this is correct and whether they can go ahead with the purchase.)\nUser: (Answers yes.)\nAssistant: (Indicates successful purchase saying ”Your tickets are confirmed and they’ve been sent to your email address.”)\n\nTASK: *Write the transcript* of your spoken conversation according to the structure given above. Make sure it includes one exchange where *one of the details the assistant confirms is incorrect* (movie, theater, showtime, number, tickets or day).\n\nSPEAKING STYLE: {{LIST The assistant is polite and efficient, The assistant’s speaking style should match yours but they are not overly formal or too casual, Don’t call your assistant by name (e.g. “Johnny” or “Alexa” or “Siri” or “Assistant” or “Computer”). Just assume they’re already listening to you.}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_slots The users discusses *each of these details*: 1) movie, 2) theater, 3) showtime, 4) number of tickets, 5) day.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_error_exchange The conversation includes *one exchange where one of the details the assistant reads back is wrong* and so the user must point it out so it can be corrected.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_details The assistant *confirms all the ticket details* together just before booking.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_purchase The assistant *completes purchasing the tickets* saying *”Your tickets are confirmed and they’ve been sent to your email address.”*}}\n", "inform": {}, "request": {} }
[ { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Already have a movie in mind" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "Ok, what movie is it?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 21, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 7, "value": "No Time To Die" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "I want No Time To Die" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "What theater do you want?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 22, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 7, "value": "Mountain AMC 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "I want Mountain AMC 16" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 21, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 7, "value": "No Time to Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 37, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 26, "value": "Cineplex 10" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Ok, so No Time to Die and Cineplex 10?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 22, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 7, "value": "Mountain AMC 16" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 33, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 28, "value": "today" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "today", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "No Time to Die", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "no, no Mountain AMC 16, for today" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 31, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 17, "value": "No Time to Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 51, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 36, "value": "Mountain AMC 16" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Ok changes made. No Time to Die and Mountain AMC 16. What are the times wanted for the movie?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 29, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.preference", "start": 13, "value": "earliest showing" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "today", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "No Time to Die", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "earliest showing", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "probably the earliest showing" }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": "today", "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": null, "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": null, "type.screening": null }, "index": 8, "name": "find_showtimes", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": null, "time.showing_1": "4:00pm", "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": null, "time.showing_3": null, "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 35, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 29, "value": "4:00pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "the times available start at 4:00pm" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 23, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 17, "value": "4:00pm" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "today", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "No Time to Die", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "earliest showing", "time.showing": "4:00pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "I would like the 4:00pm showing" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "how many tickets are wanted?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 1, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 0, "value": "2" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "today", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "No Time to Die", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "2", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "earliest showing", "time.showing": "4:00pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "2 tickets" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 28, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 14, "value": "No Time To Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 31, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 30, "value": "4" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 59, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 44, "value": "Mountain AMC 16" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 70, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 64, "value": "4:00pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Ok, so I have No Time To Die, 4 tickets, at Mountain AMC 16, at 4:00pm" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 10, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 9, "value": "2" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "today", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "2", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "earliest showing", "time.showing": "4:00pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "no, only 2 tickets" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 22, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 21, "value": "2" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "ok sorry about that, 2 tickets" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "today", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "2", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "earliest showing", "time.showing": "4:00pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "yes that is correct" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 32, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 31, "value": "2" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 57, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 43, "value": "No Time to Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 80, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 65, "value": "Mountain AMC 16" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 90, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 85, "value": "today" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 97, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 94, "value": "4pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "Ok, would you like to purchase 2 ticket to No Time to Die at the Mountain AMC 16 for today at 4pm?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "today", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "No Time to Die", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "2", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "earliest showing", "time.showing": "4pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 18, "utterance": "Yes, do it." }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": "today", "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": null, "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "2", "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": "4:00pm", "type.screening": null }, "index": 18, "name": "book_tickets", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": "success", "time.showing_1": null, "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": null, "time.showing_3": null, "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 19, "utterance": "Your tickets are confirmed and they’ve been sent to your email address." } ]
[ "movie" ]
{ "description": "SCENARIO: Pretend you’re *using a digital assistant to purchase tickets for a movie currently showing in theaters*. {{LIST The entire conversation needs to follow the structure given below *in the TASK section*., You already know which movie you want to see as well as all the details (which you can pick from the section below)., The conversation ends with *a successful ticket purchase*., Do not include any extras like “thank you” or “goodbye” or “hello” etc. }}\n\nDETAILS: This is *made up data* which you should use to complete your dialog creation (since there are actually no movies playing anywhere right now due to COVID-19).:\n{{LIST You are interested in seeing either *No Time To Die* OR *Mulan*., There is one theater in your town: *Mountain AMC 16*., Showtimes for Mulan: 4:00pm 6:10pm 8:30pm 10:40pm, Showtimes for No Time To Die: 3:00pm 5:10pm 7:30pm 9:40pm, Make sure to include the number of tickets.}}\n*USE THIS Structure*\nUser: (Express desire to buy movie tickets and include TWO of the details needed for the purchase--one should be the movie name. See DETAILS section above.)\nAssistant: (Confirm the TWO details given so far and ask for confirmation *make one of the details incorrect*.)\nUser: (Alert the assistant of the detail that is wrong and give the right value.)\nAssistant: (Correct the wrong value, repeating back the correct value.)\nUser: (Confirms the correction, *THEN adds the THREE remaining details*.)\nAssistant: (Confirms all five details then asks if this is correct and whether they can go ahead with the purchase.)\nUser: (Answers yes.)\nAssistant: (Indicates successful purchase saying ”Your tickets are confirmed and they’ve been sent to your email address.”)\n\nTASK: *Write the transcript* of your spoken conversation according to the structure given above. Make sure it includes one exchange where *one of the details the assistant confirms is incorrect* (movie, theater, showtime, number, tickets or day).\n\nSPEAKING STYLE: {{LIST The assistant is polite and efficient, The assistant’s speaking style should match yours but they are not overly formal or too casual, Don’t call your assistant by name (e.g. “Johnny” or “Alexa” or “Siri” or “Assistant” or “Computer”). Just assume they’re already listening to you.}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_slots The users discusses *each of these details*: 1) movie, 2) theater, 3) showtime, 4) number of tickets, 5) day.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_error_exchange The conversation includes *one exchange where one of the details the assistant reads back is wrong* and so the user must point it out so it can be corrected.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_details The assistant *confirms all the ticket details* together just before booking.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_purchase The assistant *completes purchasing the tickets* saying *”Your tickets are confirmed and they’ve been sent to your email address.”*}}\n", "inform": {}, "request": {} }
[ { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 30, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.preference", "start": 25, "value": "3 p.m" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 57, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 43, "value": "No Time to Die" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "No Time to Die", "name.person": "", "": "", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "3 p.m", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Purchase tickets for the 3 p.m. showing of No Time to Die." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 80, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 72, "value": "5:10 p.m" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 107, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 93, "value": "No Time to Die" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "I've understood to you to say that you want to purchase tickets for the 5:10 p.m. showing of No Time to Die. Is this correct?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 29, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.preference", "start": 21, "value": "5:10 p.m" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 77, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.preference", "start": 72, "value": "3 p.m" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "No Time to Die", "name.person": "", "": "", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "3 p.m", "time.showing": "5:10 p.m", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "No. I don't want the 5:10 p.m. time. I want to purchase tickets for the 3 p.m showing." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 57, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 51, "value": "3 p.m." } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "I understand. You want to purchase tickets for the 3 p.m. show. Is this correct?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 25, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 14, "value": "two tickets" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 37, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 30, "value": "today's" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 43, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 38, "value": "3 p.m" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 70, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 56, "value": "No Time to Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 89, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 74, "value": "Mountain AMC 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "today's", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "No Time to Die", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "two tickets", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "3 p.m", "time.showing": "3 p.m", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "Yes. Purchase two tickets for today's 3 p.m. showing of No Time to Die at Mountain AMC 16." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 64, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 53, "value": "two tickets" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 76, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 69, "value": "today's" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 82, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 77, "value": "3 p.m" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 109, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 95, "value": "No Time to Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 128, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 113, "value": "Mountain AMC 16" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "I've understood you to say that you want to purchase two tickets for today's 3 p.m. showing of No Time to Die at Mountain AMC 16. If this is correct, may I complete the purchase?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "today's", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "No Time to Die", "name.person": "", "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "two tickets", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "3 p.m", "time.showing": "3 p.m", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Yes, that's correct." }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": "today", "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": "No Time to Die", "name.person": null, "": "Mountain AMC 16", "": "two tickets", "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": "any", "time.preference": null, "time.showing": "3 p.m", "type.screening": null }, "index": 6, "name": "book_tickets", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": "success", "time.showing_1": null, "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": null, "time.showing_3": null, "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "Your tickets are confirmed and they’ve been sent to your email address." } ]
[ "movie" ]
{ "description": "SCENARIO: In the conversation below, a customer is talking to a booking agent to purchase movie tickets. However, the customer’s turns are missing. The details mentioned (theater names, cities, etc.) do NOT necessarily reflect real life, but you should pretend they are real for the purposes of this exercise.\n\nYOUR TASK: {{LIST *Pretend you are the customer*., Fill in the *missing turns* (in green) so that the conversation makes sense and sounds natural., Make sure you *follow the instructions* provided in parentheses for each turn. (Start typing to make the instructions move outside the box.), Do not copy the wording. *Use your own words*., *Use your normal speaking style* for this scenario but don’t be overly chatty., *Do NOT* call the booking agent by any name including “sir” “madam” etc.}}\n\n{{HIDE movie_1 No Time To Die}}\n{{HIDE theater_1 AMC Mountain 16}}\n{{HIDE theater_2 AMC Mercado 24}}\n{{HIDE genre_1 name.genre action}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing 4:30pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing 6:40pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_3 time.showing 9:10pm}}\n{{HIDE num_tickets three}}\n{{HIDE date date.showing tonight}}\n{{HIDE success_closing success.closing OK. Enjoy your movie!}}\nBEFORE YOU BEGIN: Provide a value for this detail.\n{{ENTER people Who’s all going to the movie? (use a phrase describing *three people* that includes reference to yourself.)}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION\nhint user (In your own words, express interest in buying movie tickets for var_date and specify theater ‘var_theater_1’.)\nforce assistant No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you’re looking for?\nhint user (mention ‘var_genre_1’ in your response)\nforce assistant Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at var_theater_2.\nhint user (Correct the agent’s mistake: You wanted ‘var_theater_1’.)\nforce assistant Oh, sorry about that. So you’re interested in var_genre_1 films at var_theater_1, right?\nhint user (Confirm the agent’s correction.)\ncall find_movies name.genre var_genre_1 var_theater_1\nresponse find_movies var_movie_1\ncall find_showtimes var_theater_1 date.showing var_date var_movie_1\nresponse find_showtimes time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_3\nforce assistant OK. I see one var_genre_1 movie playing at var_theater_1: var_movie_1. Remaining showtimes are var_movie_1_showtime_1, var_movie_1_showtime_2 and var_movie_1_showtime_3. Does any of those work?\nhint user (Answer positively and choose ‘var_movie_1_showtime_3’)\nforce assistant Great. And how many tickets?\nhint user (Include your earlier answer of ‘var_people’ in this response.)\nforce assistant All right. Let me confirm that you’d like var_num_tickets tickets for var_movie_1 at var_theater_1 var_date at var_movie_1_showtime_3. Is that all correct?\nhint user (Confirm.)\nforce assistant Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?\nhint user (Give positive answer).\ncall book_tickets var_movie_1 var_theater_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 var_num_tickets date.showing var_date\nresponse book_tickets api.response success\nforce assistant OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?\nhint user (polite negative answer)\nforce assistant var_success_closing\n}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_logical The conversation between the user and the assistant is cooperative and logical.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_natural All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) sound natural and familiar.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_casual All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are casual but polite.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_appropriate All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are free of offensive or inappropriate language.}}\n", "inform": {}, "request": {} }
[ { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 41, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 26, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "I need to buy tickets for AMC Mountain 16" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you’re looking for?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 13, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 7, "value": "action" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "I like action" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 67, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 53, "value": "AMC Mercado 24" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at AMC Mercado 24." }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 32, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 17, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "NO that would be AMC Mountain 16" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 52, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 46, "value": "action" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 77, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 62, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Oh, sorry about that. So you’re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "That's correct" }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": null, "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": "action", "": null, "name.person": null, "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": null, "type.screening": null }, "index": 6, "name": "find_movies", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": "No Time To Die", "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": 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"description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": null, "time.showing_1": "4:30pm", "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": "6:40pm", "time.showing_3": "9:10pm", "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 20, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 14, "value": "action" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 54, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 38, "value": "AMC Mountain 16:" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 69, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 55, "value": "No Time To Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 101, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 95, "value": "4:30pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 109, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 103, "value": "6:40pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 120, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 114, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "OK. I see one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 11, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 4, "value": "9:10 PM" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16:", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10 PM", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "The 9:10 PM would work" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Great. And how many tickets?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16:", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10 PM", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "just me and two others" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 47, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 42, "value": "three" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 74, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 60, "value": "No Time To Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 93, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 78, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 101, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 94, "value": "tonight" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 111, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 105, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "All right. Let me confirm that you’d like three tickets for No Time To Die at AMC Mountain 16 tonight at 9:10pm. Is that all correct?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "Correct" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Yes please" }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": "tonight", "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": null, "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": "4:30pm", "type.screening": null }, "index": 14, "name": "book_tickets", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": "success", "time.showing_1": null, "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": null, "time.showing_3": null, "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "No thanks" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "OK. Enjoy your movie!" } ]
[ "movie" ]
{ "description": "SCENARIO: In the conversation below, a customer is talking to a booking agent to purchase movie tickets. However, the customer’s turns are missing. The details mentioned (theater names, cities, etc.) do NOT necessarily reflect real life, but you should pretend they are real for the purposes of this exercise.\n\nYOUR TASK: {{LIST *Pretend you are the customer*., Fill in the *missing turns* (in green) so that the conversation makes sense and sounds natural., Make sure you *follow the instructions* provided in parentheses for each turn. (Start typing to make the instructions move outside the box.), Do not copy the wording. *Use your own words*., *Use your normal speaking style* for this scenario but don’t be overly chatty., *Do NOT* call the booking agent by any name including “sir” “madam” etc.}}\n\n{{HIDE movie_1 No Time To Die}}\n{{HIDE theater_1 AMC Mountain 16}}\n{{HIDE theater_2 AMC Mercado 24}}\n{{HIDE genre_1 name.genre action}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing 4:30pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing 6:40pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_3 time.showing 9:10pm}}\n{{HIDE num_tickets three}}\n{{HIDE date date.showing tonight}}\n{{HIDE success_closing success.closing OK. Enjoy your movie!}}\nBEFORE YOU BEGIN: Provide a value for this detail.\n{{ENTER people Who’s all going to the movie? (use a phrase describing *three people* that includes reference to yourself.)}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION\nhint user (In your own words, express interest in buying movie tickets for var_date and specify theater ‘var_theater_1’.)\nforce assistant No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you’re looking for?\nhint user (mention ‘var_genre_1’ in your response)\nforce assistant Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at var_theater_2.\nhint user (Correct the agent’s mistake: You wanted ‘var_theater_1’.)\nforce assistant Oh, sorry about that. So you’re interested in var_genre_1 films at var_theater_1, right?\nhint user (Confirm the agent’s correction.)\ncall find_movies name.genre var_genre_1 var_theater_1\nresponse find_movies var_movie_1\ncall find_showtimes var_theater_1 date.showing var_date var_movie_1\nresponse find_showtimes time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_3\nforce assistant OK. I see one var_genre_1 movie playing at var_theater_1: var_movie_1. Remaining showtimes are var_movie_1_showtime_1, var_movie_1_showtime_2 and var_movie_1_showtime_3. Does any of those work?\nhint user (Answer positively and choose ‘var_movie_1_showtime_3’)\nforce assistant Great. And how many tickets?\nhint user (Include your earlier answer of ‘var_people’ in this response.)\nforce assistant All right. Let me confirm that you’d like var_num_tickets tickets for var_movie_1 at var_theater_1 var_date at var_movie_1_showtime_3. Is that all correct?\nhint user (Confirm.)\nforce assistant Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?\nhint user (Give positive answer).\ncall book_tickets var_movie_1 var_theater_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 var_num_tickets date.showing var_date\nresponse book_tickets api.response success\nforce assistant OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?\nhint user (polite negative answer)\nforce assistant var_success_closing\n}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_logical The conversation between the user and the assistant is cooperative and logical.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_natural All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) sound natural and familiar.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_casual All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are casual but polite.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_appropriate All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are free of offensive or inappropriate language.}}\n", "inform": {}, "request": {} }
[ { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 68, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 53, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "Hey, I'd like to purchase some movie tickets for the AMC Mountain 16." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you’re looking for?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 43, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 37, "value": "action" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "I think we're all in the mood for an action movie." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 67, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 53, "value": "AMC Mercado 24" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at AMC Mercado 24." }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 47, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 32, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "Sorry, I'm wanting to visit the AMC Mountain 16." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 52, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 46, "value": "action" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 77, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 62, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Oh, sorry about that. So you’re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "Now you're on the right track." }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": null, "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": "action", "": null, "name.person": null, "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": null, "type.screening": null 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"name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": null, "time.showing_1": null, "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": null, "time.showing_3": null, "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } }, { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": null, "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": null, "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": null, "type.screening": null }, "index": 6, "name": "find_showtimes", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": null, "time.showing_1": "4:30pm", "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": "6:40pm", "time.showing_3": "9:10pm", "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 20, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 14, "value": "action" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 54, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 38, "value": "AMC Mountain 16:" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 69, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 55, "value": "No Time To Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 101, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 95, "value": "4:30pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 109, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 103, "value": "6:40pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 120, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 114, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "OK. I see one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 59, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 53, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16:", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "That sounds like a perfect fit. I'd like to book the 9:10pm show." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Great. And how many tickets?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16:", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "I'd like tickets for my partner, my child and myself. So, three." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 47, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 42, "value": "three" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 74, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 60, "value": "No Time To Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 93, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 78, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 101, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 94, "value": "tonight" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 111, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 105, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "All right. Let me confirm that you’d like three tickets for No Time To Die at AMC Mountain 16 tonight at 9:10pm. Is that all correct?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "That's absolutely correct." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "Go right ahead." }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": "tonight", "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": null, "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": "4:30pm", "type.screening": null }, "index": 14, "name": "book_tickets", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": "success", "time.showing_1": null, "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": null, "time.showing_3": null, "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "No thanks!" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "OK. Enjoy your movie!" } ]
[ "movie" ]
{ "description": "SCENARIO: In the conversation below, a customer is talking to a booking agent to purchase movie tickets. However, the customer’s turns are missing. The details mentioned (theater names, cities, etc.) do NOT necessarily reflect real life, but you should pretend they are real for the purposes of this exercise.\n\nYOUR TASK: {{LIST *Pretend you are the customer*., Fill in the *missing turns* (in green) so that the conversation makes sense and sounds natural., Make sure you *follow the instructions* provided in parentheses for each turn. (Start typing to make the instructions move outside the box.), Do not copy the wording. *Use your own words*., *Use your normal speaking style* for this scenario but don’t be overly chatty., *Do NOT* call the booking agent by any name including “sir” “madam” etc.}}\n\n{{HIDE movie_1 No Time To Die}}\n{{HIDE theater_1 AMC Mountain 16}}\n{{HIDE theater_2 AMC Mercado 24}}\n{{HIDE genre_1 name.genre action}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing 4:30pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing 6:40pm}}\n{{HIDE movie_1_showtime_3 time.showing 9:10pm}}\n{{HIDE num_tickets three}}\n{{HIDE date date.showing tonight}}\n{{HIDE success_closing success.closing OK. Enjoy your movie!}}\nBEFORE YOU BEGIN: Provide a value for this detail.\n{{ENTER people Who’s all going to the movie? (use a phrase describing *three people* that includes reference to yourself.)}}\n\n{{CONVERSATION\nhint user (In your own words, express interest in buying movie tickets for var_date and specify theater ‘var_theater_1’.)\nforce assistant No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you’re looking for?\nhint user (mention ‘var_genre_1’ in your response)\nforce assistant Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at var_theater_2.\nhint user (Correct the agent’s mistake: You wanted ‘var_theater_1’.)\nforce assistant Oh, sorry about that. So you’re interested in var_genre_1 films at var_theater_1, right?\nhint user (Confirm the agent’s correction.)\ncall find_movies name.genre var_genre_1 var_theater_1\nresponse find_movies var_movie_1\ncall find_showtimes var_theater_1 date.showing var_date var_movie_1\nresponse find_showtimes time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_2 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_3\nforce assistant OK. I see one var_genre_1 movie playing at var_theater_1: var_movie_1. Remaining showtimes are var_movie_1_showtime_1, var_movie_1_showtime_2 and var_movie_1_showtime_3. Does any of those work?\nhint user (Answer positively and choose ‘var_movie_1_showtime_3’)\nforce assistant Great. And how many tickets?\nhint user (Include your earlier answer of ‘var_people’ in this response.)\nforce assistant All right. Let me confirm that you’d like var_num_tickets tickets for var_movie_1 at var_theater_1 var_date at var_movie_1_showtime_3. Is that all correct?\nhint user (Confirm.)\nforce assistant Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?\nhint user (Give positive answer).\ncall book_tickets var_movie_1 var_theater_1 time.showing var_movie_1_showtime_1 var_num_tickets date.showing var_date\nresponse book_tickets api.response success\nforce assistant OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?\nhint user (polite negative answer)\nforce assistant var_success_closing\n}}\n\n{{CHECK confirm_native_speaker This conversation task was written by a native English speaker.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_logical The conversation between the user and the assistant is cooperative and logical.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_natural All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) sound natural and familiar.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_casual All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are casual but polite.}}\n{{CHECK confirm_appropriate All the individual turns from the user (green boxes) are free of offensive or inappropriate language.}}\n", "inform": {}, "request": {} }
[ { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 39, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 32, "value": "tonight" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 59, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 44, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 0, "utterance": "I would like to buy tickets for tonight for AMC Mountain 16" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 1, "utterance": "No problem. Is there a particular type of movie you’re looking for?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 29, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 23, "value": "action" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 2, "utterance": "I would like to see an action film" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 67, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 53, "value": "AMC Mercado 24" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 3, "utterance": "Sure. I can help with that. Let me check listings at AMC Mercado 24." }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 30, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 15, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 4, "utterance": "no no that one AMC Mountain 16" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 52, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 46, "value": "action" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 77, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 62, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 5, "utterance": "Oh, sorry about that. So you’re interested in action films at AMC Mountain 16, right?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 6, "utterance": "that is right,thank you." }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": null, "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": "action", "": null, "name.person": null, "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": null, "type.screening": null }, "index": 6, "name": "find_movies", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": "No Time To Die", "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": null, "time.showing_1": null, "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": null, "time.showing_3": null, "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } }, { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": null, "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": null, "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": null, "type.screening": null }, "index": 6, "name": "find_showtimes", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": null, "time.showing_1": "4:30pm", "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": "6:40pm", "time.showing_3": "9:10pm", "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 20, "intent": "inform", "slot": "name.genre", "start": 14, "value": "action" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 54, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 38, "value": "AMC Mountain 16:" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 69, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 55, "value": "No Time To Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 101, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 95, "value": "4:30pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 109, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 103, "value": "6:40pm" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 120, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 114, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 7, "utterance": "OK. I see one action movie playing at AMC Mountain 16: No Time To Die. Remaining showtimes are 4:30pm, 6:40pm and 9:10pm. Does any of those work?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 40, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 33, "value": "9:10 pm" } ] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16:", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10 pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 8, "utterance": "they seem great I would like the 9:10 pm one" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 9, "utterance": "Great. And how many tickets?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16:", "": "", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10 pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 10, "utterance": "me and two friends" }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [ { "domain": "movie", "end": 47, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 42, "value": "three" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 74, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 60, "value": "No Time To Die" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 93, "intent": "inform", "slot": "", "start": 78, "value": "AMC Mountain 16" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 101, "intent": "inform", "slot": "date.showing", "start": 94, "value": "tonight" }, { "domain": "movie", "end": 111, "intent": "inform", "slot": "time.showing", "start": 105, "value": "9:10pm" } ] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 11, "utterance": "All right. Let me confirm that you’d like three tickets for No Time To Die at AMC Mountain 16 tonight at 9:10pm. Is that all correct?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 12, "utterance": "yes that all looks good to me." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 13, "utterance": "Is it OK to go ahead and purchase these tickets?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 14, "utterance": "yes that seem great to do right now" }, { "db_results": { "movie": [ { "args": { "attribute": null, "date.release": null, "date.showing": "tonight", "description.other": null, "location": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": null, "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "seating": null, "time.preference": null, "time.showing": "4:30pm", "type.screening": null }, "index": 14, "name": "book_tickets", "response": { "date.release": null, "description.plot": null, "": null, "empty_1": null, "location": null, "location_1": null, "location_2": null, "location_3": null, "name.character": null, "name.genre": null, "": null, "name.movie_1": null, "name.movie_10": null, "name.movie_11": null, "name.movie_12": null, "name.movie_13": null, "name.movie_14": null, "name.movie_15": null, "name.movie_16": null, "name.movie_17": null, "name.movie_18": null, "name.movie_19": null, "name.movie_2": null, "name.movie_20": null, "name.movie_21": null, "name.movie_22": null, "name.movie_3": null, "name.movie_4": null, "name.movie_5": null, "name.movie_6": null, "name.movie_7": null, "name.movie_8": null, "name.movie_9": null, "name.person": null, "": null, "name.theater_1": null, "name.theater_10": null, "name.theater_11": null, "name.theater_12": null, "name.theater_13": null, "name.theater_2": null, "name.theater_3": null, "name.theater_4": null, "name.theater_5": null, "name.theater_6": null, "name.theater_7": null, "name.theater_8": null, "name.theater_9": null, "": null, "review.audience": null, "review.critic": null, "status": "success", "time.showing_1": null, "time.showing_10": null, "time.showing_11": null, "time.showing_12": null, "time.showing_13": null, "time.showing_14": null, "time.showing_15": null, "time.showing_2": null, "time.showing_3": null, "time.showing_4": null, "time.showing_5": null, "time.showing_6": null, "time.showing_7": null, "time.showing_8": null, "time.showing_9": null } } ] }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 15, "utterance": "OK. Your tickets are purchased and details for how to proceed have been sent to your email address. Can I help with anything else?" }, { "db_results": null, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "user", "state": { "movie": { "date.release": "", "date.showing": "tonight", "": "", "location": "", "name.character": "", "name.genre": "action", "": "No Time To Die", "name.person": "", "": "AMC Mountain 16", "": "three", "price.ticket": "", "": "", "": "", "review.audience": "", "review.critic": "", "seating": "", "time.preference": "", "time.showing": "9:10pm", "type.screening": "" } }, "utt_idx": 16, "utterance": "ok then.I will check later." }, { "db_results": { "movie": null }, "dialogue_acts": { "binary": [], "categorical": [], "non-categorical": [] }, "speaker": "system", "state": null, "utt_idx": 17, "utterance": "OK. Enjoy your movie!" } ]
[ "movie" ]
End of preview.
YAML Metadata Warning: The task_categories "conversational" is not in the official list: text-classification, token-classification, table-question-answering, question-answering, zero-shot-classification, translation, summarization, feature-extraction, text-generation, text2text-generation, fill-mask, sentence-similarity, text-to-speech, text-to-audio, automatic-speech-recognition, audio-to-audio, audio-classification, voice-activity-detection, depth-estimation, image-classification, object-detection, image-segmentation, text-to-image, image-to-text, image-to-image, image-to-video, unconditional-image-generation, video-classification, reinforcement-learning, robotics, tabular-classification, tabular-regression, tabular-to-text, table-to-text, multiple-choice, text-retrieval, time-series-forecasting, text-to-video, image-text-to-text, visual-question-answering, document-question-answering, zero-shot-image-classification, graph-ml, mask-generation, zero-shot-object-detection, text-to-3d, image-to-3d, image-feature-extraction, other

Dataset Card for Taskmaster-3

To use this dataset, you need to install ConvLab-3 platform first. Then you can load the dataset via:

from convlab.util import load_dataset, load_ontology, load_database

dataset = load_dataset('tm3')
ontology = load_ontology('tm3')
database = load_database('tm3')

For more usage please refer to here.

Dataset Summary

The Taskmaster-3 (aka TicketTalk) dataset consists of 23,789 movie ticketing dialogs (located in Taskmaster/TM-3-2020/data/). By "movie ticketing" we mean conversations where the customer's goal is to purchase tickets after deciding on theater, time, movie name, number of tickets, and date, or opt out of the transaction.

This collection was created using the "self-dialog" method. This means a single, crowd-sourced worker is paid to create a conversation writing turns for both speakers, i.e. the customer and the ticketing agent. In order to gather a wide range of conversational scenarios and linguistic phenomena, workers were given both open-ended as well as highly structured conversational tasks. In all, we used over three dozen sets of instructions while building this corpus. The "instructions" field in data.json provides the exact scenario workers were given to complete each dialog. In this way, conversations involve a wide variety of paths, from those where the customer decides on a movie based on genre, their location, current releases, or from what they already have in mind. In addition, dialogs also include error handling with repect to repair (e.g. "No, I said Tom Cruise."), clarifications (e.g. "Sorry. Did you want the AMC 16 or Century City 16?") and other common conversational hiccups. In some cases instructions are completely open ended e.g. "Pretend you are taking your friend to a movie in Salem, Oregon. Create a conversation where you end up buying two tickets after finding out what is playing in at least two local theaters. Make sure the ticket purchase includes a confirmation of the deatils by the agent before the purchase, including date, time, movie, theater, and number of tickets." In other cases we restrict the conversational content and structure by offering a partially completed conversation that the workers must finalize or fill in based a certain parameters. These partially completed dialogs are labeled "Auto template" in the "scenario" field shown for each conversation in the data.json file. In some cases, we provided a small KB from which workers would choose movies, theaters, etc. but in most cases (pre-pandemic) workers were told to use the internet to get accurate current details for their dialogs. In any case, all relevant entities are annotated.

  • How to get the transformed data from original data:
    • Download
    • Run python in the current directory.
  • Main changes of the transformation:
    • Remove dialogs that are empty or only contain one speaker.
    • Split each domain dialogs into train/validation/test randomly (8:1:1).
    • Merge continuous turns by the same speaker (ignore repeated turns).
    • Annotate dialogue acts according to the original segment annotations. Add intent annotation (==inform). The type of dialogue act is set to non-categorical if the slot is not description.other or description.plot. Otherwise, the type is set to binary (and the value is empty). If there are multiple spans overlapping, we only keep the shortest one, since we found that this simple strategy can reduce the noise in annotation.
    • Add domain and intent descriptions.
    • Rename api to db_results.
    • Add state by accumulate non-categorical dialogue acts in the order that they appear.
  • Annotations:
    • dialogue acts, state, db_results.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

NLU, DST, Policy, NLG, E2E



Data Splits

split dialogues utterances avg_utt avg_tokens avg_domains cat slot match(state) cat slot match(goal) cat slot match(dialogue act) non-cat slot span(dialogue act)
train 18997 380646 20.04 10.48 1 - - - 100
validation 2380 47531 19.97 10.38 1 - - - 100
test 2380 48849 20.52 10.12 1 - - - 100
all 23757 477026 20.08 10.43 1 - - - 100

1 domains: ['movie']

  • cat slot match: how many values of categorical slots are in the possible values of ontology in percentage.
  • non-cat slot span: how many values of non-categorical slots have span annotation in percentage.


    title = "{T}icket{T}alk: Toward human-level performance with end-to-end, transaction-based dialog systems",
    author = "Byrne, Bill  and
      Krishnamoorthi, Karthik  and
      Ganesh, Saravanan  and
      Kale, Mihir",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = aug,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2021.acl-long.55",
    pages = "671--680",

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Models trained or fine-tuned on ConvLab/tm3