125 values
the cells were similar both to fibroblasts and to fat-storing cells in their morphological features .
{ "id": "C0007634", "name": "cells", "pos": [ 4, 9 ] }
{ "id": "C0016030", "name": "fibroblasts", "pos": [ 31, 42 ] }
after 6 days in culture , the great majority of chromaffin cells stored noradrenaline as revealed by electron microscopy with few adrenaline-storing cells being visible .
{ "id": "C0028351", "name": "noradrenaline", "pos": [ 72, 85 ] }
{ "id": "C0014563", "name": "adrenaline", "pos": [ 130, 140 ] }
proteins containing arginine occur in a and b cells only , and those containing basic amino acids occur in c2 cells .
{ "id": "C0003765", "name": "arginine", "pos": [ 20, 28 ] }
{ "id": "C0301714", "name": "basic amino acids", "pos": [ 80, 97 ] }
fractionation of dna by the procedure of hirt ( 1967 ) as well as by sedimentation through alkaline sucrose suggests that about two thirds of the viral dna is associated with high molecular weight cell dna .
{ "id": "C0012939", "name": "viral dna", "pos": [ 146, 155 ] }
{ "id": "C0012854", "name": "dna", "pos": [ 202, 205 ] }
when hybridized to double stranded viral dna under conditions which favor rna : dna duplex formation , nuclear ad2 rna displaces the homologous dna region and generates r loop structures whose size is proportional to the length of the hybridizing rna .
{ "id": "C0035700", "name": "nuclear", "pos": [ 103, 110 ] }
{ "id": "C0035668", "name": "rna", "pos": [ 247, 250 ] }
it converts sv40 dna to a nucleoprotein which co-sediments with naturally occurring sv40 chromatin and which can be cleaved by micrococcal nuclease to a highly ordered pattern of dna fragments resembling those from digestion of liver chromatin .
{ "id": "C0028612", "name": "nucleoprotein", "pos": [ 26, 39 ] }
{ "id": "C0008546", "name": "chromatin", "pos": [ 234, 243 ] }
procollagen and collagen produced by a teratocarcinoma-derived cell line , tsd4 : evidence for a new molecular form of collagen .
{ "id": "C0033235", "name": "procollagen", "pos": [ 0, 11 ] }
{ "id": "C0009325", "name": "collagen", "pos": [ 119, 127 ] }
procollagen and collagen were isolated from the culture medium and cell layer of line tsd4 ( obtained from mouse teratocarcinoma ott6050 ) .
{ "id": "C0033235", "name": "procollagen", "pos": [ 0, 11 ] }
{ "id": "C0009325", "name": "collagen", "pos": [ 16, 24 ] }
among the aliphatic bisguanylhydrazones , all of which showed no binding to dna and caused at the most only a very slight inhibition of dna polymerase , only methylglyoxal-bis ( guanylhydrazone ) ( ch3 -- g ) had antileukemic activity .
{ "id": "C0012854", "name": "dna", "pos": [ 76, 79 ] }
{ "id": "C0000702", "name": "a", "pos": [ 226, 227 ] }
an angiotensin ii ( a ii ) analogue ( 1-sar-8-ala-angiotensin ii ) ( saralasin ) was infused into 418 untreated hypertensive subjects during a 1-day evaluation while blood pressure was recorded every 2 minutes by arteriosonade .
{ "id": "C0003009", "name": "angiotensin ii", "pos": [ 3, 17 ] }
{ "id": "C0036193", "name": "saralasin", "pos": [ 69, 78 ] }
hypertensive subjects who showed the pressor response had a significantly greater ( p less than 0.01 ) pressor sensitivity to a ii than did hypertensive nonresponders to saralasin and noraml subjects on an uncontrolled diet .
{ "id": "C0003009", "name": "a ii", "pos": [ 126, 130 ] }
{ "id": "C0036193", "name": "saralasin", "pos": [ 170, 179 ] }
in summary , the pressor response to saralasin , as defined above , occurred in 23 % of a large unselected group of hypertensive subjects and was associated with salt loading , a low stimulated pra , and increased pressor sensitivity to a ii .
{ "id": "C0036193", "name": "saralasin", "pos": [ 37, 46 ] }
{ "id": "C0003009", "name": "a ii", "pos": [ 237, 241 ] }
hemodynamic and ventricular volume parameters were evaluated in 21 patients ( 24 studies ) with total anomalous pulmonary venous return ( tapvr ) , 11 patients with secundum atrial septal defect ( asd ) , and eight patients who had complete correction of tapvr or asd .
{ "id": "C0016522", "name": "secundum atrial septal defect", "pos": [ 165, 194 ] }
{ "id": "C0018817", "name": "asd", "pos": [ 264, 267 ] }
in addition to stea , all eight patients had varying cardiac arrhythmias : multiple premature ventricular depolarizations in eight , ventricular tachycardia in five , and ventricular fibrillation in three .
{ "id": "C0003811", "name": "cardiac arrhythmias", "pos": [ 53, 72 ] }
{ "id": "C0042510", "name": "ventricular fibrillation", "pos": [ 171, 195 ] }
spontaneous coronary artery spasm was documented angiographically in three patients including two who had minimal or no coronary atherosclerotic disease .
{ "id": "C0010073", "name": "coronary artery spasm", "pos": [ 12, 33 ] }
{ "id": "C0010068", "name": "coronary", "pos": [ 120, 128 ] }
protein ( albumin or folate-free human serum ) must be added to the red-cell lysate to compensate for the serum loss resulting from the high dilution factor necessary .
{ "id": "C0033684", "name": "protein", "pos": [ 0, 7 ] }
{ "id": "C0001924", "name": "albumin", "pos": [ 10, 17 ] }
from solutions of isolated lipoproteins , very-low-density lipoproteins are 93 % extracted and high-density lipoproteins 60 % , but low-density-lipoproteins only 5 % .
{ "id": "C0023820", "name": "lipoproteins", "pos": [ 27, 39 ] }
{ "id": "C0023825", "name": "very-low-density lipoproteins", "pos": [ 42, 71 ] }
by spectrophotometric assay after incubation with an oxidizing mixture of cu ( ii ) ammine complex and ammonium persulfate , i could accurately and reproducibly determine o-quinoidal products of several potential synthetic cross-reactors and native poison ivy allergen , and could distinguish these from catecholamines , resorcinol , p-hydroquinone , and a closely related phenol .
{ "id": "C0035197", "name": "resorcinol", "pos": [ 321, 331 ] }
{ "id": "C0031428", "name": "phenol", "pos": [ 373, 379 ] }
an adaptation of the method of harper and brooker [ j. cyclic nucleotide res . 1,207 ( 1975 ) ] , its advantage lies in the fact that the simple acetylation of the samples -- a procedure developed by these workers -- greatly increases specificity and sensitivity beyond those of previous methods and permits the measurement of femtomole quantities of both cyclic nucleotides without prepurification .
{ "id": "C0028630", "name": "nucleotide", "pos": [ 62, 72 ] }
{ "id": "C0028631", "name": "cyclic nucleotides", "pos": [ 356, 374 ] }
glucaric acid increased markedly during pregnancy , from 14.4 +/- 2.1 in the first trimester to 23.5 +/- 2.8 mumol of d-glucaro-1,4-lactone per gram of creatinine in the third trimester .
{ "id": "C0032961", "name": "pregnancy", "pos": [ 40, 49 ] }
{ "id": "C0032979", "name": "first trimester", "pos": [ 77, 92 ] }
glucaric acid increased markedly during pregnancy , from 14.4 +/- 2.1 in the first trimester to 23.5 +/- 2.8 mumol of d-glucaro-1,4-lactone per gram of creatinine in the third trimester .
{ "id": "C0032961", "name": "pregnancy", "pos": [ 40, 49 ] }
{ "id": "C0032981", "name": "third trimester", "pos": [ 170, 185 ] }
compounds like x-537a and a23187 , which show high affinity for biologically active divalent cations , are being widely used as tools to study the physiologic roles of these cations .
{ "id": "C0007448", "name": "divalent cations", "pos": [ 84, 100 ] }
{ "id": "C0007447", "name": "cations", "pos": [ 174, 181 ] }
the most common ankle and foot deformities in cerebral palsy are equinus , equinovalgus , equinovarus , calcaneus and hallux valgus .
{ "id": "C0016506", "name": "foot deformities", "pos": [ 26, 42 ] }
{ "id": "C0018536", "name": "hallux valgus", "pos": [ 118, 131 ] }
applying the method of prelabelling of fl cells at 16 degrees c for 1 h with subsequent addition of dipyridamole the drug failed to show an effect on cellular rna synthesis per se in uninfected cells whereas the viral rna synthesis in mengo-virus-infected l cells was completely depressed .
{ "id": "C0035668", "name": "rna", "pos": [ 159, 162 ] }
{ "id": "C0035736", "name": "viral rna", "pos": [ 212, 221 ] }
with several bacterial strains , expecially if producers of beta-lactamase type iv , exposure of either the bacterial suspensions of the brothsupernatant to the isoxazolylpenicillins appears both in vivo and in vitro to reduce the extent of subsequent hydrolysis of penicillinase-sensitive beta-lactam antibiotics .
{ "id": "C0597979", "name": "beta-lactamase", "pos": [ 60, 74 ] }
{ "id": "C0030841", "name": "penicillinase", "pos": [ 266, 279 ] }
rates of reduction in viability and degree of cell killing were relatively independent of concentrations when replicating cultured l1210 cells were exposed to increasing concentrations of 6-thioguanine , 6-methylthiopurine ribonucleoside , 9-beta-d-arabinofuranosyl-9h-purine-6-thiol , or 9-ethyl-6-thiopurine .
{ "id": "C0039902", "name": "thioguanine", "pos": [ 190, 201 ] }
{ "id": "C0034140", "name": "purine", "pos": [ 303, 309 ] }
hemocytes from impaternate mormoniella diploid males and triploid females contain the 2c and 3c amounts of dna , respectively therefore dosage compensation involves an additional cycle of dna replication only in hapoid cells , and it insures that a certain minimum quantity of dna is received by each somatic cell .
{ "id": "C0012854", "name": "dna", "pos": [ 107, 110 ] }
{ "id": "C0000702", "name": "a", "pos": [ 304, 305 ] }
the presence of these carrier-proteins for neurohormones was demonstrated by two different radioimmunossays : one highly specific for human pituitary estrogen-stimulated neurophysin ( h-esn ) and the second for pituitary bovine neurophysin ii ( b-nii ) .
{ "id": "C0007292", "name": "carrier-proteins", "pos": [ 22, 38 ] }
{ "id": "C0027900", "name": "neurophysin", "pos": [ 228, 239 ] }
computer simulation taking into account the penetration of trypsin in the slices , the kinetics of thyrotropin inactivation and the relation between thyrotropin concentration and cyclic amp concentration at the steady state has made it possible to estimate the true cellular half-life of cyclic amp in the stimulated cell to 1 min 50 s .
{ "id": "C0022702", "name": "kinetics", "pos": [ 87, 95 ] }
{ "id": "C0018517", "name": "half-life", "pos": [ 275, 284 ] }
the 45-s rna is transformed to 19-s and 30-s ribosomal rna as time progresses or after a chase with unlabeled and/or actinomycin d .
{ "id": "C0035668", "name": "rna", "pos": [ 9, 12 ] }
{ "id": "C0035701", "name": "ribosomal rna", "pos": [ 45, 58 ] }
these beta-lactams bound to either all or some of those proteins to which benzyl [ 14c ] penicillin bound .
{ "id": "C0282215", "name": "beta-lactams", "pos": [ 6, 18 ] }
{ "id": "C0030842", "name": "penicillin", "pos": [ 89, 99 ] }
experiments with nuclei isolated from azidocytidine-inhibited , polyoma-infected cells indicated ( a ) that the number of replicating molecules is decreased during the inhibition and ( b ) that upon incubation of the nuclei there is a rapid synthesis of dna occurring in a new class of dna molecules which are at a very early state of replication .
{ "id": "C0000702", "name": "a", "pos": [ 28, 29 ] }
{ "id": "C0012854", "name": "dna molecules", "pos": [ 286, 299 ] }
'free ' enzyme of about 4-9 s , one or more 'enzyme complexes ' of about 18-25 s , and in association with ribosomes .
{ "id": "C0014442", "name": "enzyme", "pos": [ 8, 14 ] }
{ "id": "C0026741", "name": "enzyme", "pos": [ 45, 51 ] }
the only aminoacyl-trna synthetases found not to be associated in significant amounts with either 18-25 s enzyme complexes or ribosomes in any of the cell types examined were the enzymes for alanine , histidine , and serine .
{ "id": "C0026741", "name": "enzyme complexes", "pos": [ 106, 122 ] }
{ "id": "C0014442", "name": "enzymes", "pos": [ 179, 186 ] }
all cell types evidenced 18-25-s synthetase activity for arginine , aspartic acid , glutamine , glutamic acid , isoleucine , leucine , lysine , methionine , proline , and valine , although in quite variable porportions of the total activity observed for these amino acids .
{ "id": "C0017797", "name": "glutamine", "pos": [ 84, 93 ] }
{ "id": "C0061472", "name": "glutamic acid", "pos": [ 96, 109 ] }
incubation of three proteins : t7 dna-priming protein , t7 dna polymerase , and t7 dna-binding protein , with ribonucleoside and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates , and with phix174dna as template leads to the generation of 'rolling circle-like ' structures as visualized in the electron microscope .
{ "id": "C0033684", "name": "proteins", "pos": [ 20, 28 ] }
{ "id": "C0012940", "name": "dna-binding protein", "pos": [ 83, 102 ] }
the roles of the membrane-bound and soluble c-type cytochromes in algal photosynthesis are discussed , and it is recommended that the name cytochrome f should be reserved for the membrane-bound cytochrome ( to emphasize its affinity with higher plant cytochrome f ) , while the soluble one should be named by its alpha-band ( c-552 , c-553 , etc . ) to make clear its distinctness from higher plant cytochrome f and homology with mitochondrial cytochrome c .
{ "id": "C1256752", "name": "c-type cytochromes", "pos": [ 44, 62 ] }
{ "id": "C0010798", "name": "cytochrome", "pos": [ 444, 454 ] }
the roles of the membrane-bound and soluble c-type cytochromes in algal photosynthesis are discussed , and it is recommended that the name cytochrome f should be reserved for the membrane-bound cytochrome ( to emphasize its affinity with higher plant cytochrome f ) , while the soluble one should be named by its alpha-band ( c-552 , c-553 , etc . ) to make clear its distinctness from higher plant cytochrome f and homology with mitochondrial cytochrome c .
{ "id": "C1256752", "name": "c-type cytochromes", "pos": [ 44, 62 ] }
{ "id": "C0010749", "name": "cytochrome c", "pos": [ 444, 456 ] }
in the presence of single-stranded template the protein stimulates mammalian dna polymerase alpha but not the mammalian dna polymerase beta and not some microbial dna polymerases .
{ "id": "C0525039", "name": "dna polymerase beta", "pos": [ 120, 139 ] }
{ "id": "C0012892", "name": "dna polymerases", "pos": [ 163, 178 ] }
the enzyme is detected during the purification by its ability to form a stable acid-precipitable enzyme-adenylate complex .
{ "id": "C0014442", "name": "enzyme", "pos": [ 4, 10 ] }
{ "id": "C0026741", "name": "enzyme", "pos": [ 97, 103 ] }
furthermore , the mutant strains dap 1 , devoid of adenine phosphoribosyltransferase activity , and pur 1 , devoid of guanine phosphoribosyltransferase activity have a lowered uptake rate of adenine and guanine respectively , along with an increased apparent km value for these purines in comparison to the wild-type 972h .
{ "id": "C0001407", "name": "adenine", "pos": [ 51, 58 ] }
{ "id": "C0034140", "name": "purines", "pos": [ 278, 285 ] }
in advanced stages , the three most common inflammatory bowel diseases - colonic diverticulitis , crohn 's disease and ulcerative colitis - cause , in some 10 % of cases , secondary urological pathology involving either bladder or ureter .
{ "id": "C0021390", "name": "inflammatory bowel diseases", "pos": [ 43, 70 ] }
{ "id": "C0010346", "name": "crohn 's disease", "pos": [ 98, 114 ] }
eighteen patients with atrial fibrillation were given digoxin 0.13 mg twice daily for 3 weeks and beta-methyldigoxin 0.10 mg twice daily for another 3 weeks .
{ "id": "C0012265", "name": "digoxin", "pos": [ 54, 61 ] }
{ "id": "C0025132", "name": "beta-methyldigoxin", "pos": [ 98, 116 ] }
no difference in heart rate was obtained at rest , whereas the heart rate after 6 min of exercise was higher during treatment with digoxin ( 131 beats/min ) than when the patients were taking beta-methyldigoxin ( 124 beats/min ) .
{ "id": "C0012265", "name": "digoxin", "pos": [ 131, 138 ] }
{ "id": "C0025132", "name": "beta-methyldigoxin", "pos": [ 192, 210 ] }
there were no significant differences between digoxin and beta-methyldigoxin in their effects on the ecg ( r-r intervals , t-wave , q-t duration ) .
{ "id": "C0012265", "name": "digoxin", "pos": [ 46, 53 ] }
{ "id": "C0025132", "name": "beta-methyldigoxin", "pos": [ 58, 76 ] }
comparable plasma concentration values ( 1.0 ng/ml for digoxin , 1.1 ng/ml for beta-methyldigoxin , mean values ) were obtained by radioimmunoassay , but the 86rb-technique gave significantly higher values ( mean 1.5 ng/ml ) for beta-methyldigoxin .
{ "id": "C0012265", "name": "digoxin", "pos": [ 55, 62 ] }
{ "id": "C0025132", "name": "beta-methyldigoxin", "pos": [ 229, 247 ] }
it is concluded that beta-methyldigoxin is equal to digoxin for producing slowing of the heart rate in patients with atrial fibrillation .
{ "id": "C0025132", "name": "beta-methyldigoxin", "pos": [ 21, 39 ] }
{ "id": "C0012265", "name": "digoxin", "pos": [ 52, 59 ] }
quantitative aspects of the binding of nuclear non-histone proteins to dna as determined by centrifugation in metrizamide gradients .
{ "id": "C0028589", "name": "nuclear", "pos": [ 39, 46 ] }
{ "id": "C0019652", "name": "histone", "pos": [ 51, 58 ] }
imidazole binding to human carbonic anhydrase b and the mechanism of action of carbonic anhydrases .
{ "id": "C0007033", "name": "carbonic anhydrase b", "pos": [ 27, 47 ] }
{ "id": "C0007028", "name": "carbonic anhydrases", "pos": [ 79, 98 ] }
mechanism of the in vitro inhibition of transcription by patulin , a mycotoxin from byssochlamys nivea .
{ "id": "C0030710", "name": "patulin", "pos": [ 57, 64 ] }
{ "id": "C0026955", "name": "mycotoxin", "pos": [ 69, 78 ] }
results indicate that intestine synthesizes some , but not all , of the proteins associated with chylomicrons and other lipoproteins of intestinal lymph .
{ "id": "C0008731", "name": "chylomicrons", "pos": [ 97, 109 ] }
{ "id": "C0023820", "name": "lipoproteins", "pos": [ 120, 132 ] }
discordance of identical twins for 46 , xx pure gonadal dysgenesis suggests that environmental factors may be a causative factor in some of the karyotypically normal 46 , xx forms of gonadal dysgenesis .
{ "id": "C0949595", "name": "xx", "pos": [ 40, 42 ] }
{ "id": "C0018051", "name": "gonadal dysgenesis", "pos": [ 183, 201 ] }
the effect of food on the absorption of simultaneously ingested ampicillin or pivampicillin was compared in a crossover study in eight healthy volunteers .
{ "id": "C0002680", "name": "ampicillin", "pos": [ 64, 74 ] }
{ "id": "C0032032", "name": "pivampicillin", "pos": [ 78, 91 ] }
the absorption of both ampicillin and pivampicillin was delayed by simultaneous food intake as judged by serum concentration and urinary excretion of ampicillin .
{ "id": "C0032032", "name": "pivampicillin", "pos": [ 38, 51 ] }
{ "id": "C0002680", "name": "ampicillin", "pos": [ 150, 160 ] }
the total absorption of ampicillin , but not that of pivampicillin was decreased by simultaneous food intake as indicated by the are under the serum ampicillin concentration-time curves and by 24 hours urinary excretion of ampicillin .
{ "id": "C0032032", "name": "pivampicillin", "pos": [ 53, 66 ] }
{ "id": "C0002680", "name": "ampicillin", "pos": [ 223, 233 ] }
the respective excretion of ampicillin following the ingestion of pivampicillin was about 60 % of the dose taken either with or without food .
{ "id": "C0002680", "name": "ampicillin", "pos": [ 28, 38 ] }
{ "id": "C0032032", "name": "pivampicillin", "pos": [ 66, 79 ] }
this estrogen binder has the characteristics which are usually attributed to steroid receptors and is clearly different from the testicular androgen-binding protein and the epididymal androgen receptor .
{ "id": "C0034840", "name": "steroid receptors", "pos": [ 77, 94 ] }
{ "id": "C0034786", "name": "androgen receptor", "pos": [ 184, 201 ] }
in order to differentiate whether activation of nak-atpase in thyroid thermogenesis is due to increased numbers of active 'sodium pump ' units or due to a change in the kinetics of the enzyme , the effect of t3 on activation energy ( ea ) of nak-atpase was determined in rat liver , kidney and brain .
{ "id": "C0001479", "name": "sodium pump", "pos": [ 123, 134 ] }
{ "id": "C0001473", "name": "atpase", "pos": [ 246, 252 ] }
cell surface antigens of totipotent mouse teratocarcinoma cells grown in vivo : their relation to embryo , adult , and tumor antigens .
{ "id": "C0003320", "name": "antigens", "pos": [ 13, 21 ] }
{ "id": "C0003335", "name": "tumor antigens", "pos": [ 119, 133 ] }
we have developed a satisfactory test for both diphtheria and tetanus toxoids which involves storing diluted toxoid at 20 degrees c and 34 degrees c for 6 weeks and performing a full toxicity test on the samples .
{ "id": "C0305062", "name": "tetanus toxoids", "pos": [ 62, 77 ] }
{ "id": "C0040555", "name": "toxoid", "pos": [ 109, 115 ] }
the lal test for bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharides was explored as an alternative method for the detection of pyrogens in infusion fluids and medicinal preparations .
{ "id": "C0014264", "name": "bacterial", "pos": [ 17, 26 ] }
{ "id": "C0023810", "name": "lipopolysaccharides", "pos": [ 37, 56 ] }
described here is a patient who had an islet cell carcinoma containing both glucagon ( glucagonoma ) and insulin ( insulinoma ) .
{ "id": "C1328479", "name": "islet cell carcinoma", "pos": [ 39, 59 ] }
{ "id": "C0017689", "name": "glucagonoma", "pos": [ 87, 98 ] }
agglutination of the patient 's serum also occurred with erythrocytes treated with other sulfonylureas ( chlorpropamide , glibenclamide , carbutamide ) but not with phenacetin .
{ "id": "C0038766", "name": "sulfonylureas", "pos": [ 89, 102 ] }
{ "id": "C0017628", "name": "glibenclamide", "pos": [ 122, 135 ] }
agglutination of the patient 's serum also occurred with erythrocytes treated with other sulfonylureas ( chlorpropamide , glibenclamide , carbutamide ) but not with phenacetin .
{ "id": "C0038766", "name": "sulfonylureas", "pos": [ 89, 102 ] }
{ "id": "C0007080", "name": "carbutamide", "pos": [ 138, 149 ] }
however , the origin of hyperinsulinism in obesity and the mechanism of insulin resistance still remain obscure .
{ "id": "C0020459", "name": "hyperinsulinism", "pos": [ 24, 39 ] }
{ "id": "C0021655", "name": "insulin resistance", "pos": [ 72, 90 ] }
at concentrations higher than 10 mm , the cationic amino acid , arginine , inhibited the incorporation of neutral amino acids such as alanine , threonine , valine and leucine into insulin in the presence of glucose .
{ "id": "C0002520", "name": "amino acid", "pos": [ 51, 61 ] }
{ "id": "C0301715", "name": "neutral amino acids", "pos": [ 106, 125 ] }
at concentrations higher than 10 mm , the cationic amino acid , arginine , inhibited the incorporation of neutral amino acids such as alanine , threonine , valine and leucine into insulin in the presence of glucose .
{ "id": "C0002520", "name": "amino acid", "pos": [ 51, 61 ] }
{ "id": "C0001898", "name": "alanine", "pos": [ 134, 141 ] }
this inhibitory effect of arginine was shared by another basic amino acid , histidine , but not by lysine .
{ "id": "C0003765", "name": "arginine", "pos": [ 26, 34 ] }
{ "id": "C0301714", "name": "basic amino acid", "pos": [ 57, 73 ] }
this inhibitory effect of arginine was shared by another basic amino acid , histidine , but not by lysine .
{ "id": "C0301714", "name": "basic amino acid", "pos": [ 57, 73 ] }
{ "id": "C0024337", "name": "lysine", "pos": [ 99, 105 ] }
the docosapeptide and the tritetracontapeptide corresponding to the entire amino acid sequence of porcine motilin and gastric inhibitory peptide were synthesized , and in addition , an unsulfated form of cholecystokinin-pancreozymin ( cck-pz ) was prepared to cast some light on the structure-activity relationships of these gastrointestinal hormones .
{ "id": "C0017132", "name": "gastric inhibitory peptide", "pos": [ 118, 144 ] }
{ "id": "C0017182", "name": "gastrointestinal hormones", "pos": [ 325, 350 ] }
the docosapeptide and the tritetracontapeptide corresponding to the entire amino acid sequence of porcine motilin and gastric inhibitory peptide were synthesized , and in addition , an unsulfated form of cholecystokinin-pancreozymin ( cck-pz ) was prepared to cast some light on the structure-activity relationships of these gastrointestinal hormones .
{ "id": "C0008328", "name": "cholecystokinin-pancreozymin", "pos": [ 204, 232 ] }
{ "id": "C0017182", "name": "gastrointestinal hormones", "pos": [ 325, 350 ] }
the ability of soil bacteria to produce amino acids ( alanine , aspartic acid , leucine , arginine , glutamic acid , and lysine ) was related to the ability to dissolve inorganic phosphate .
{ "id": "C0002520", "name": "amino acids", "pos": [ 40, 51 ] }
{ "id": "C0001898", "name": "alanine", "pos": [ 54, 61 ] }
these are demonstrated by a series of appropriate cases ( diaphragmatic processes , pulmonary sequestrations , pleural disease and the late effects of a pneumothorax ) .
{ "id": "C0032226", "name": "pleural disease", "pos": [ 111, 126 ] }
{ "id": "C0032326", "name": "pneumothorax", "pos": [ 153, 165 ] }
compared with sphingomyelin liposomes , the polar head groups of these lipids in the lipoprotein particles possess a considerably higher mobility , whereas the changes in t-1-times of the c-atoms in the centre of the fatty acid chains of the lipids refer to their interactions with the polypeptide side chains .
{ "id": "C0023820", "name": "lipoprotein", "pos": [ 85, 96 ] }
{ "id": "C0023779", "name": "lipids", "pos": [ 242, 248 ] }
conversion of adp-ribose to 5'-amp by alkaline treatment and its use for an optical quantitation of mono and poly ( adp-ribose ) residues in the micromolar range .
{ "id": "C0001461", "name": "adp-ribose", "pos": [ 14, 24 ] }
{ "id": "C0032403", "name": "poly ( adp-ribose", "pos": [ 109, 126 ] }
of the natural glycosaminoglycans tested , only heparin was a potent inhibitor of poly ( u ) -directed polyphenylalanine synthesis by rat liver ribosomes ( 50 % inhibition at 10 mug/ml ) .
{ "id": "C0017973", "name": "glycosaminoglycans", "pos": [ 15, 33 ] }
{ "id": "C0019134", "name": "heparin", "pos": [ 48, 55 ] }
support for an inhibitory role of cyclic amp was derived from the marked suppression of cytotoxicity by dibutyryl cyclic amp .
{ "id": "C0001455", "name": "cyclic", "pos": [ 34, 40 ] }
{ "id": "C0012054", "name": "dibutyryl cyclic", "pos": [ 104, 120 ] }
these data indicate that the phat may provide a rapid , reliable , objective and sensitive method for studying ea-d and possibly other virus-associated antigens .
{ "id": "C0003320", "name": "ea-d", "pos": [ 111, 115 ] }
{ "id": "C0003342", "name": "virus", "pos": [ 135, 140 ] }
in 123 individuals , 138 fractures of the mandibular condyle were classified with respect to fracture level , dislocation at the fracture level , and condylar head relation to the articular fossa .
{ "id": "C0016658", "name": "fracture", "pos": [ 25, 33 ] }
{ "id": "C0332761", "name": "dislocation", "pos": [ 110, 121 ] }
solvent systems for column elution in isocratic , stepwise , or gradient modes were composed of chloroform , isopropanol , ethanol , or methanol and acetic acid in ratios that differed for each protected peptide depending on rf values on t.l.c . plates .
{ "id": "C0022237", "name": "isopropanol", "pos": [ 109, 120 ] }
{ "id": "C0001962", "name": "ethanol", "pos": [ 137, 144 ] }
solvent systems for column elution in isocratic , stepwise , or gradient modes were composed of chloroform , isopropanol , ethanol , or methanol and acetic acid in ratios that differed for each protected peptide depending on rf values on t.l.c . plates .
{ "id": "C0001962", "name": "ethanol", "pos": [ 123, 130 ] }
{ "id": "C0001963", "name": "methanol", "pos": [ 136, 144 ] }
one would expect gastric mucosal membranes during secretion to contain an anion-restricted electrogenic h+ pump , but they in fact contain an atpase stimulated by monovalent cations and are insensitive to ouabain .
{ "id": "C0033727", "name": "h", "pos": [ 104, 105 ] }
{ "id": "C0007449", "name": "monovalent cations", "pos": [ 163, 181 ] }
xenon is an inert gas of high atomic number ( 54 ) , and is highly soluble in tissue , particularly in fat .
{ "id": "C0043339", "name": "xenon", "pos": [ 0, 5 ] }
{ "id": "C0017112", "name": "inert gas", "pos": [ 12, 21 ] }
computerized tomography ( ct ) scans of samples of the inert gases xenon and krypton inside a lucite phantom , show these gases to be potentially useful inhalation contrast media with ct scanning of the chest .
{ "id": "C0017112", "name": "inert gases", "pos": [ 55, 66 ] }
{ "id": "C0043339", "name": "xenon", "pos": [ 67, 72 ] }
computerized tomography ( ct ) scans of samples of the inert gases xenon and krypton inside a lucite phantom , show these gases to be potentially useful inhalation contrast media with ct scanning of the chest .
{ "id": "C0017112", "name": "inert gases", "pos": [ 55, 66 ] }
{ "id": "C0022792", "name": "krypton", "pos": [ 77, 84 ] }
six cases of syphilides- rarely seen cutaneous manifestations today -- are reported and the difficulties in finding the correct diagnosis are stressed .
{ "id": "C0037285", "name": "cutaneous manifestations", "pos": [ 37, 61 ] }
{ "id": "C0037088", "name": "finding", "pos": [ 108, 115 ] }
sites of peroxide production are visualized by a brown reaction product formed in a peroxidase-catalysed reaction between diaminobenzidine and h2o2 .
{ "id": "C0031180", "name": "peroxide", "pos": [ 9, 17 ] }
{ "id": "C0020281", "name": "h2o2", "pos": [ 143, 147 ] }
although the young pig synovium contains only a small proportion of macrophage-like ( a-type ) cells , in the cultures the cell population consisted of cells indistinguishable from macrophages , with a few small colonies of typical fibroblasts .
{ "id": "C0007634", "name": "cells", "pos": [ 95, 100 ] }
{ "id": "C0016030", "name": "fibroblasts", "pos": [ 232, 243 ] }
hemorrhagic shock predisposes to air embolism , whereas conditions with pulmonary edema ( fluid overloading , lung injury from ventilation with high inspiratory and low expiratory pressures , or oxygen toxicity ) decrease the probability of its occurrence .
{ "id": "C0024115", "name": "conditions", "pos": [ 56, 66 ] }
{ "id": "C0273115", "name": "lung injury", "pos": [ 110, 121 ] }
since an intracellular acidosis could be brought on by the increased co2 content of the bathing medium and alter the km 's of rate-limiting glycolytic enzymes in the pathway of energy production for contractile function , we have investigated the effects of ra on the intracellular ph ( phi ) of tsm .
{ "id": "C0001122", "name": "acidosis", "pos": [ 23, 31 ] }
{ "id": "C0001127", "name": "ra", "pos": [ 271, 273 ] }
trace analysis of zearalenone and/or zearalanol in animal chow by high pressure liquid chromatography and gas-liquid chromatography .
{ "id": "C0043454", "name": "zearalenone", "pos": [ 18, 29 ] }
{ "id": "C0043465", "name": "zearalanol", "pos": [ 37, 47 ] }
an analytical method is described for determining residues of the estrogens zearalenone and/or zearalanol in animal chow at levels as low as 10 ppb .
{ "id": "C0043454", "name": "zearalenone", "pos": [ 76, 87 ] }
{ "id": "C0043465", "name": "zearalanol", "pos": [ 95, 105 ] }
the metabolism of cytosine ( cyt ) , cytidine ( cyd ) , and deoxycytidine ( dcyd ) in b. subtilis appears to be different from that in enteric bacteria .
{ "id": "C0010715", "name": "cytidine", "pos": [ 37, 45 ] }
{ "id": "C0011485", "name": "deoxycytidine", "pos": [ 60, 73 ] }
the fraction of the total ribonucleic acid ( rna ) synthesis rate that is messenger rna ( mrna ) for ribosomal protein ( r-protein ) and ribosomal rna ( rrna ) has been estimated in vals ( ts ) rel+ stringent and vals ( ts ) rela1 relaxed strains of escherichia coli during a partial inhibition of valyl-transfer rna aminoacylation .
{ "id": "C0035668", "name": "ribonucleic acid", "pos": [ 26, 42 ] }
{ "id": "C0035696", "name": "messenger rna", "pos": [ 74, 87 ] }
the fraction of the total ribonucleic acid ( rna ) synthesis rate that is messenger rna ( mrna ) for ribosomal protein ( r-protein ) and ribosomal rna ( rrna ) has been estimated in vals ( ts ) rel+ stringent and vals ( ts ) rela1 relaxed strains of escherichia coli during a partial inhibition of valyl-transfer rna aminoacylation .
{ "id": "C0035668", "name": "ribonucleic acid", "pos": [ 26, 42 ] }
{ "id": "C0035701", "name": "ribosomal rna", "pos": [ 137, 150 ] }
the results clearly demonstrate that the rel gene influences the fraction of the total rna synthesis rate that is r protein mrna and rrna ;
{ "id": "C0035668", "name": "rna", "pos": [ 87, 90 ] }
{ "id": "C0035696", "name": "mrna", "pos": [ 124, 128 ] }
the results clearly demonstrate that the rel gene influences the fraction of the total rna synthesis rate that is r protein mrna and rrna ;
{ "id": "C0035668", "name": "rna", "pos": [ 87, 90 ] }
{ "id": "C0035701", "name": "rrna", "pos": [ 133, 137 ] }
usint this method , the transcription time of the 16s , 23s , and 5s ribosomal rna genes was estimated to be 7.6 min , which corresponds to a ribosomal rna chain growth rate of 10 nucleotides per s .
{ "id": "C0035707", "name": "5s ribosomal rna", "pos": [ 66, 82 ] }
{ "id": "C0035701", "name": "ribosomal rna", "pos": [ 142, 155 ] }
membrane vesicles of escherichia coli prepared by osmotic lysis of lysozyme ethylenediaminetetracetate ( edta ) spheroplasts have approximately 60 % of the total membrane-bound reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ( nadh ) dehydrogenase ( ed ) and mg2+-adenosine triphosphatase ( atpase ) ( ec ) activities exposed on the outer surface of the inner membrane .
{ "id": "C0001477", "name": "mg2", "pos": [ 262, 265 ] }
{ "id": "C0001473", "name": "atpase", "pos": [ 294, 300 ] }
sequence analyses of larger oligosaccharides were performed by combined gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry of di- and trisaccharides obtained after partial acid hydrolysis of the parent compound .
{ "id": "C0028959", "name": "oligosaccharides", "pos": [ 28, 44 ] }
{ "id": "C0041102", "name": "trisaccharides", "pos": [ 127, 141 ] }