bunderan is a synonym of circle.
uni afrika is a synonym of african union.
italia is a synonym of italy.
eritrosit is a synonym of red blood cell.
home box office is a synonym of hbo.
kuen ku is related to that.
bulbul is a synonym of cucak.
géomètri is a synonym of geometry.
ditakoni is derived from takon.
bala has context of military.
jurang is related to chasm.
tumbak is a synonym of spear.
nakoni is derived from takon.
panda is a synonym of giant panda.
jati is a synonym of teak.
barbadhos is a synonym of barbados.
ꦲꦭꦱ꧀ is related to village.
chest hair is a synonym of simbar dhadha.
bajingan is related to ox.
kursi is a synonym of chair.
kalanjana is a synonym of pennisetum purpureum.
ꦮꦺꦢꦁ is derived from ꦮꦺ.
ꦥꦱꦺꦏ꧀ is related to irreligious.
langi is related to swim.
nem is etymologically related to enem.
kembang mlathi is a synonym of jasmine.
mesin tik is a synonym of typewriter.
républik is a synonym of republic.
neukaledonien is a synonym of kaledonia baru.
angkatan dharat is a synonym of army.
utek tengah is a synonym of midbrain.
attier is a synonym of srikaya.
ngidul is derived from kidul.
pitulas is derived from welas.
sabun is related to soap.
mahami is etymologically derived from فهم.
asem jawa is a synonym of tamarind.
alfabèt is a synonym of alphabet.
segara sulawesi is a synonym of celebes sea.
may is a synonym of mei.
ꦲꦸꦪꦃ is etymologically related to ᮅᮚᮂ.
pci is a synonym of conventional pci.
tiyang is related to society.
shrimp is a synonym of urang.
nglangi is derived from langi.
bandha is related to wealth.
kali éfrat is a synonym of euphrates.
asu alas is related to wild.
gunung kilimanjaro is a synonym of mount kilimanjaro.
northern lights is a synonym of aurora.
manuk beluk is a synonym of owl.
bebaya is related to danger.
alas gung liwang liwung is related to dense.
autriche hongrie is a synonym of austria hungaria.
oksigen has context of chimie.
odhol is a synonym of toothpaste.
borneo is a synonym of kalimantan.
bita is a synonym of byte.
konstitusi is a synonym of constitution.
senam is a synonym of gymnastics.
kué mangkok is a synonym of cupcake.
mikha is a synonym of book of micah.
vertebrata is a synonym of vertebrate.
ꦱꦼꦩ꧀ꦥꦿꦺꦴꦁ is related to glass.
stasiun sepur is a synonym of train station.
bang is related to region.
christianity is a synonym of kristen.
lisozim is a synonym of lysozyme.
mirror is a synonym of ꦥꦼꦔꦶꦭꦺꦴꦤ꧀.
guru is a synonym of teacher.
tukon is derived from tuku.
pakta warsawa is a synonym of warsaw pact.
masuk angin is a synonym of common cold.
software is a synonym of ꦥꦶꦫꦤ꧀ꦠꦶ ꦲꦭꦸꦱ꧀.
kurikulum is a synonym of curriculum.
hiyu is a synonym of shark.
limalas is derived from welas.
globalisasi is a synonym of globalization.
buy is a synonym of tuku.
กาเมลัน is etymologically derived from gamelan.
yérémia is a synonym of book of jeremiah.
segara aegea is a synonym of aegean sea.
gaman nuklir is a synonym of nuclear weapon.
gula is a synonym of sugar.
wudel is a synonym of navel.
tetikus is a synonym of mouse.
säure is a synonym of asam.
südwest is a synonym of kidul kulon.
kalkun is a synonym of turkey.
wujud zat is a synonym of state of matter.
terbium has context of chimie.
meester in de rechten is a synonym of master of laws.
isotop is a synonym of isotope.
sumur is related to hole.
otot is a synonym of muscle.
ꦩꦤꦸꦏ꧀ is related to bird.
kristus is a synonym of christ.
primata is a synonym of primate.
kornéa is a synonym of cornea.
kembang api is a synonym of fireworks.