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those around her. "Pride was my wilderness and the demon that led me there was fear… [I was] never free, for I carried my chains within me, and they spread out from me and shackled all I touched." (Laurence, 292). Hagar's pride and stubbornness were the causes of her failed relationships and lack of love in her...... The Killer Angels Summary ...The book The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara explains amazing victory of the union army in lengthy detail, by many men's perspective. It all started with a confederate spy finding a mass of union troops heading towards the rebel army. The spy rushes to tell General Longstreet of his findings. Longstreet and Lee have no other choice to believe him because General Stuart is nowhere to be found, Longstreet believes he's joyriding. Meanwhile, on the Union side, Colonel Chamberlain is informed that his regiment (the Twentieth Maine) have just been given 120 men from Maine with the orders to shoot them if they do not comply to march. So Chamberlin explains to them his predicament, in a breathtaking speech in which he pleads for them to join the Twentieth Maine, and every one of them agrees but six men. Then the book transfers us to General John Buford a commander of the cavalry who is scouting ahead for the boys in blue. He sees a brigade of Confederates without cavalry. Buford sends a message to General John Reynolds then gets to work by occupying high ground and taking hills. The men dismount and get ready for a fight. Buford hopes to hold the ground until Reynolds gets there the next morning. Nonetheless the next day the Confederates did attack. Buford sent a message of the attack to Reynolds, who is going... James Longstreet's The Killer Angels ..."Well, boy, if he's an angel, he's sure a murderin' angel," (Shaara, 119). The Killer Angels is about the Gettysburg Battle during the Civil War. Throughout the book many characters have changed due to what the experienced in battle, such as death and surrounding characters. One character that has changed in the book is James Longstreet. James Longstreet is first described as a stubborn man who always speaks his mind. "Yet he will speak his mind; he will always speak his mind," (Shaara, xvii) As Lee's right hand man Longstreet helps General Lee plan and execute strategies and attacks. Also Longstreet has the job of backing up any ideas that Lee has for battle. As the Gettysburg Battle progressed Longstreet begins to become more quiet and self-reserved.... Book Review - Angels and Demons ...Book Review ANGELS AND DEMONS I. 1. Bibliography card a. Title: Angels and Demons Author: Dan Brown Publication Date: May 2000 Publisher: Pocket Books b. Checked out from school library on February 1st 2. Summary card a. The Vatican City is about to explode. Eyes of the media and the people from all over the world are watching in horror. And in the critical moment something nobody expects happens… p 593- 600 b. I would rate this book 5 out of 5 II. 1. Characters Robert Langdon – a Harvard professor of religious symbology, that becomes a witness of the resurrection of an ancient secret society known as Illuminati. A very intelligent, sharp-minded, and a warm –hearted person. I really like this character because of his ability to understand the situation and try everything to help others. Quote: "Religions are not born from scratch. They grow from one another. Modern religion is a collage… an assimilated historical record of man's quest to understand the divine." (p 108) This quote represents one of the views on religion in this novel. As a man, that studied different kinds of religions all his life he looks at it only like another myth, but respects it's influence on people. Vittoria Vetra – A beautiful particle physicist working in the world's greatest nuclear research facility – CERN. She and her father had a goal to connect science and religion, by scientifically proving that God exists and almost succeeds in it. She...... Difference Between Venture Capitalist and Angel Investor ...NAME: SIMENI ENEYI GABRIEL DEPT: ECONOMICS TOPIC: DIFFERENCE BETWEEN VENTURE CAPITALISTS AND ANGEL INVESTORS EMAIL: [email protected] DIFFERENCE BETWEEN VENTURE CAPITALISTS AND ANGEL INVESTORS Both are affluent individuals who provide capital for a business start-up, usually in exchange for convertible debt or ownership equity. However, they differ from Friends and Family who will typically invest very early when all one has is an idea. The prevailing challenge is people would rather invest in the company rather than the individual. In this regard, it is okay to say that Angel Investors look for same things as Venture Capitalists, but their differences play a hard role in shaping the financial strategies and the future of the business. Venture Capitalists are one way to raise serious amount of capital but as you may imagine there are pitfalls. The final vote on 'the right of sale' will also most probably be a mandatory right for them. Since Venture Capitalists main motivation is "Return on Investment as Soon as Possible" they always have an almost manic desire to take over every entrepreneur as quickly as possible and they care less where that return comes from as long as they are able to receive a massive bonus for the risk and skill that they have invested. More appealing to an entrepreneur starting-up is to seek out a business angel investor that is interested in the line of work you are involved in, as they will either take an equity... City of Anaheim V. Angels Baseball Lp ...• In the year 2005, the owner of the Anaheim Angels changed the team's name to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. o Anaheim Angels was founded in 1961 originally as the "Los Angeles Angels"  The original owners were Gene Autry and his wife Jackie  They moved to the new Anaheim Stadium in 1965 and changed their name to "California Angels"  Due to a stipulation in the lease of the Anaheim Stadium, the team must include "Anaheim" in the name • Team name changed to "Anaheim Angels" in 1997 o The Lawsuit  Continued for four years • 2005 – judge rejected the city's request • 2006 – jury found in favor of the team • 2007 – the city of Anaheim south to recoup court costs • 2008 – the state appellate court denied the city's request • 2009 – the city of Anaheim voted to conclude the legal battle  City of Anaheim claims that the name change violates the lease • The lease states that the team must include the name "Anaheim" therein, which it does • The jury ruled that the team is not in breach of their contract • Issues in negotiation o Anaheim has been the home of the Angels for several years  Change is not happily accepted • The owner tried to find a middle ground by incorporating the city name into the team name (which was a clause in the lease anyway)  Some Orange County fans do not want to be associated with Los Angeles and want their own team (The Orange County Angels) o Publicity  The team owner wants to tap into more media coverage as well as a...... Tess of the D'Urbervilles Anaylisis ...sense of Tess being apart of a family about to become extinct. 'Mind this, you'll be civil yet'- Alec's grasp of control over Tess. Also in chapter 52 hardy what's the reader to feel sympathy for Angel, as he had come back looking that he had suffered. Hardy does this as he needs the reader to feel the full impact of the loss of their relationship, through social and moral rules.
the purchase. Think of your requirements, both at present as well as in near future. Think of the type of photo / film making you plan to do and buy drones depending on that requirement. Don't buy just because your competitor has one of those models. Remember equipment are just tools, they will not help you to improve your photography or film making techniques. So don't hope that buying the best drone in the market and suddenly will give your photography a boost. It is up to you to use those tools to get the best out of them. Check reviews and purchase wisely. How to take raw captures which enables best image quality. Learn to apply different settings for different captures creatively. Bio: Ibarionex Perello is a photographer, writer, educator and host of The Candid Frame Photography podcast. He has over 25 years of experience in the photographic industry. In his role as host and producer of The Candid Frame, he provides frank, insightful interviews with some of the industry's top established and emerging photographers. Record in the early morning or the late afternoon when the quality of light will be better. With anything visual, it's always about the light. I think it can be a valuable tool for any photographer and videographer. And that's the way to look at it is as a tool which can help you meet the needs of your client. Know what you are needs are and don't underspend. If you have to save in order to get the drone you need then save. You'll be happier than compromising and going cheap. ND filters are essentially used to reduce incoming light that passes through the lens without altering the hue or color. ND filters come in different light reducing abilities. ND8 filter for example, will stop more light than an ND4 filter, so it is important to know which one to use when according to the situation. ND filters can be used to slow down shutter speeds for the purpose of adding 'motion blur' to your photography. Cambridgeincolour has an excellent article on ND filters that you might want to read up on. Bio: Greg Scoblete is the senior technology editor of Rangefinder and PDN. He has covered digital photography for the past 15 years for a range of publications including This Week in Consumer Electronics,Digital Photographer and Digital Photo Pro. Prior to joining Rangefinder, Greg worked at RealClearPolitics where he launched their technology website. First and foremost, familiarize yourself with (and adhere to) the FAA's new guidelines and do not, under any circumstances, fly near airports. I can't stress this point enough. Scout locations before filming and familiarize yourself with potential obstacles–trees, powerlines, etc. You also have to know the limitations of the cameras. Most drone cameras (or GoPros) have limited ability to shoot in low light. They also tend to flare a lot when the camera is pointing toward the sun, so buying an ND filter for your drone camera or GoPro can help keep your footage properly exposed in bright sun. I think the future is very bright indeed, particularly when it comes to intelligent flying (i.e. autopilot and obstacle avoidance). Eventually, every part of the flight will likely be done automatically, leaving the photographer/filmmaker with the task of finding the best aerial composition. There is still room to improve handling (how well drones do in rough air) and flight time/battery life, too. Those should improve as well. I should not, though, that a positive future for drone photography hinges on how drone owners behave with their craft. The more responsible we are, collectively, with our drones, the freer drone makers will be to innovate and invest in their future. First and foremost, whether it's safe to fly near your home. Second, the cost of various replacement parts, like propellers and spare batteries. It's also worthwhile to check in on the kind of after-sales service the company offers. It's inevitable that you'll crash your drone and while I'm glad to say all of my crashes have not resulted in busted drones, I've heard numerous stories of people damaging their drones to the point where they're no longer air worthy. So research the kind of service that's available to you after you make the purchase as you may be going back to the manufacturer with questions. I know from a photographer I work closely with that DJI provides excellent service for damaged drones but I can't speak to other manufacturers so plenty of research is a must. Spatial awareness level is the level of awareness you have of yourself and other object in space, the 3D world around you. With aerial photography, especially with the use of FPV, the drone 'BECOMES' you. Hence the more spatial awareness you have, the more skilled you will be in maneuvering the drone in 3D space to get the most optimal shots of the said 'objects'. Improve your spatial awareness to improve your aerial photography skills. Bio: A graduate from Toronto Film School specializing in Digital Film & Television Production and recipient of Niagara's 40 Under 40 Award in 2015 for his contribution to the business community, Nick Mirka's skills lie in creative writing/conceptualization and direction. He strives to tell an effective & entertaining story while keeping the creative process enjoyable, fun & professional. He is also the creative director and "idea guy" behind Mitchell Reilly Pictures. For beginners I would definitely suggest open fields as a starting point and get comfortable with the controls. Play around until it's second nature – like driving a car. You want to have control & natural reflexes before you shoot around people, moving objects & such. Drones are enabling affordability to high production feel shots, similar to DSLR's broke ground to have affordable, cinematic capabilities without going bankrupt. I think drones will become more & more common – but like everything it will be the filmmakers who practise & hone their craft who will create stand out visuals. Make sure you are comfortable with drawing attention. You put a drone in the air & people flock. Then research your budget. I've seen awesome footage with a few different types of drone. Each have their advantages! That is all folks! Let us know if we missed any drone aerial photography tip in the comments, down below! If you liked this collection of tips, please help us spread the information by sharing! Kite aerial photography is fun too and has been around since the 1880s. For capturing still images, kites have advantages over SUAVs, the most important ones being inclusivity, cost and legal issues. My background is in radiation physics. A bit long to read all of it now but will be coming back to check out the rest. I like that you said that it's important to plan ahead. All aerial film groups should try to follow all the laws and be conscientious of the people around them, in my opinion. I also think that it is smart to look at other groups' work. Great article. I like how you talked about Designing Your Video. Very true! Glad you liked the article. Hope it is useful for your business! Thanks for amazing 34 Drone aerial photography tips. Few points are really impressive and worth reading! Glad you liked the tips and good luck with your drone photography business. Do shoot us a message if you need help with your drone business! Nice to read. I really appreciate the insight here in this post and wanted to say thank you for answering the questions on my mind. Glad you found it useful, Amy! I've been wanting to try aerial photography as a hobby. There are so many cool pictures that people take with drones, and I think it is something that I would enjoy. I'm glad that you mentioned keeping the right location in mind
a sparkle, but . . . Maybe you're right." Whitney reached out to take the bouquet. Nearby the mother of the bride pressed her palms together as if in prayer and lifted them to her lips. Always a good sign. Whitney turned, studied herself in the full-length mirror. And smiled. Emma stepped beside her to whisper in her ear. And the smile widened. "You can count them later," Emma suggested. "Now I'll turn you over to Mac." "Let's try between the windows over here, Whitney. The light's wonderful." Mac gave Emma a thumbs-up behind the bride's back. "Now, ladies," Emma said, "it's your turn." She distributed bouquets, corsages, set out the holding vases, then put the MOG in charge of the pomanders and flower girls. She stepped out again, glanced at Jack. "Whew." "The 'maybe you're right'? From her, that's a bow." "Understood. I can take it from here. Go get that beer. Carter's around here somewhere. Corrupt him." "I try, but he's a hard nut to crack." "Boutonnieres," she said, already on the move again. "Then I need to check on the Ballroom." She looked at her watch. "We're right on schedule, so thanks. I'd be running behind if you hadn't helped me load and haul." "I can take up the boutonnieres. It'd give me a chance to see Justin, make bad jokes about balls and chains." "Good idea. Do that." With the few minutes of time that bought her, she opted to swing through the Grand Hall, out onto the terrace. Satisfied after a few tweaks, she climbed up to the Ballroom where her team was well underway. Emma pushed up her sleeves and dived in. While she worked, Parker gave periodic updates, and started the countdown in her ear. _Guests still trickling in. Most are seated or on the terrace._ _Formal prewedding shots complete. Mac's on the move._ _Grandparents escorted in two minutes. I'm bringing the boys down. Laurel, get ready for the pass-off._ "Roger that," Laurel said dryly. "Em, cake's assembled and ready for the table decor anytime." _Boys passed off to Laurel,_ Parker announced a moment later as Emma finished with a stand of hydrangeas. _MOG escorted by BOG in one. MOB on deck. Escort is BOB. Queuing up attendants. Music change on my mark._ Emma walked back to the entrance doors, shut her eyes for ten seconds, then opened them to take in the entire space. She drew a breath in, let a breath out. Paris Explodes, she thought, but it did so in lush style. Whites, silvers, purples, touches of green to set them off spilled, spread, speared, and shimmered under a perfect April sky. She watched the groom and his party take their places in front of a pergola simply smothered in flowers. "Guys, we rule. We _kill_. You're done. Hit the kitchen for food and drink." Alone, she took one last circuit of the room as Parker signaled the attendants to _go!_ one by one. Then Emma sighed, rubbed her back, the back of her neck, her hands. And went to change into her heels as Parker gave the MB her cue. _J_ ACK DIDN'T KNOW HOW THEY PULLED IT OFF, EVERY TIME, ALL the time. He'd been drafted to lend a hand now and again at an event. Hauling and lifting, bartending, even bussing tables in a pinch. As payment invariably included great food, drinks, and music, he never minded. But he still didn't know how they managed to pull it all together. Parker consistently managed to be everywhere at once, and so subtly he suspected no one really noticed she might be prepping the best man on his toast one minute and passing out a pack of tissues to the mother of the bride the next while coordinating the service of the meal in the Grand Hall like a general coordinating troops during battle. Mac popped up all over the place, too, and was just as cagey about it as she shot candids of the wedding party or the guests, or maneuvered the bride and groom into a quick posed photo. Laurel streamed in and out, signaled, he supposed, through the headset they all wore, or by some sort of hand signal. Maybe mental telepathy. He wouldn't discount that one. And Emma, of course, on the spot when a guest spilled wine on the tablecloth, or when the bored ring bearer started to poke at one of the flower girls. He doubted anyone noticed or understood there were four women literally holding everything together, juggling all the balls and passing them to each other with the grace and skill of NFL quarterbacks. Just as he imagined no one knew the logistics and sheer timing involved in leading the guests from the Hall to the Ballroom. He lingered while Emma and her team along with Laurel swarmed on the head table to gather up the bouquets and holding vases. "Need any help?" he asked her. "Hmm? No, thanks, we've got it. Tink, six on either side, baskets on the end. Everything else stays in place for two hours here before undressing and loading. Beach, Tiff, snuff the candles, leave the overheads on half." "I can get that," Tink said when Emma took the bride's bouquet. "One bruised rose and she'll go on attack. Better she rips my throat out than yours. Let's go, first dance is starting." While the flowers headed up the back stairs, Jack wandered to the main. He slipped into the Ballroom in the middle of the first official dance. The bride and groom chose what he considered the overused and overorchestrated "I Will Always Love You," while people stood in the flower-drenched Ballroom or sat at one of the tables strategically arranged around the dance floor. The terrace doors stood open, inviting guests to stroll outside. He thought he'd do just that once he got a glass of wine. When he saw Emma ducking out again, he adjusted his plan. Carrying two glasses of wine, he went down the back stairs. She sat on the second level, and popped up like a spring when she heard his footsteps. "Oh, it's only you." She sank back down on the steps. "Only me is bearing wine." She sighed, circled her head on her neck. "We at Vows frown on drinking on the job. But . . . I'll lecture myself tomorrow. Hand it over." He sat down beside her, gave her the glass. "How's it going?" "I should ask you. You're a guest." "From the guest point of view, it's a smash. Everything looks great, tastes great, smells great. People are having fun and have no idea the whole business is clicking along on a timetable that would make a Swiss train conductor weep in admiration." "Exactly what we're after." She sipped the wine, shut her eyes. "Oh God, that's good." "How's the MB behaving?" "She's actually not too bad. It's hard to be bitchy when everyone's telling you how beautiful you look, how happy they are for you. She actually did count the roses in her bouquet, so that made her happy. Parker's smoothed over a couple of potential crises, and Mac actually got a nod of approval over the B and G shots. If Laurel's cake and dessert table pass muster, I'd say we hit all the hot spots." "Did she do those little crème brûlées?" "Oh, yeah." "You're gold. Lot of buzz on the flowers." "Really?" "I actually heard gasps a few times—the good kind." She rolled her shoulders. "Then it's all worth it." "Here." He boosted himself up a stair, straddled her from behind, and dug his fingers into her shoulders. "You don't have to . . . Never mind." She leaned back into his hands. "Carry on." "You've got some concrete in here, Em." "I've got about a sixty-hour week in there." "And three thousand roses." "Oh, adding the other events, we could double that. Easily." He worked his thumbs up the back of her neck, made her groan. And as his stomach knotted in response,
appreciate the exasperation that comes from navigating a society not designed for you. What strikes me as dishonest is this incessant framing of all these things as Institutional White Supremacy and part of the insidious legacy of colonialism and slavery. I mean, is nothing just coincidence anymore? This is not a coincidence because nothing is ever a coincidence. …and that's why we can't have nice things. I can perhaps answer as someone who marked themselves as favourable towards both positions. It might be a matter of semantics. By HDB do you mean 'there are, on average, measurable differences between races in terms of various aspects of human physiology as a result of genetic differences'? Or do you mean 'there are, on average, measurable differences between races in terms of various aspects of human physiology as a result of genetic differences AND we know enough about the level of heritability and interaction of all of these traits to drastically change social policy AND we're ethically comfortable with all the aspects of doing so'? Because the former is really fairly indisputable IMO. The latter is where we start wading into muddy waters and i'd depart from a lot of the various internet communities that you refer to. Do you think there are average differences in intelligence due to genetic differences? Yes, because you can see that in a family. Looking at my own (a handy subject of inquiry near to hand), of my two nephews one is the arty/humanities type and one is the science/maths type (my sister says "Elder boy takes after you, younger boy takes after our youngest brother" in this). Both are excelling in their different fields of interest/ability but Elder is not good with the maths (like myself, as I first discovered when he was a youngling and I was drilling him in his maths homework). If this question is trying to smuggle in "do you think non-white people as individuals or indeed as a sub-population of a larger white population are dumber than white people?", then the answer is going to be vastly more involved but it will not handily boil down to "You racist!" Wouldn't differences in aptitude at different subjects between genetically similar people be evidence *against* the idea that they are caused by genetic differences? (yes, but weak) Regardless, I did miss the crucial words "between races" in my original question. I think that most people probably agree that genetics influences intelligence. Wouldn't differences in aptitude at different subjects between genetically similar people be evidence *against* the idea that they are caused by genetic differences? (yes, but weak) No, it's not even weak evidence for what you think. This question is ill defined unless you specify at least some sort of ordinal scale for measuring relatedness and the other trait of interest (and preferably not just an ordinal scale but something cardinal). The question is how different and how related. By a typical biological measure, siblings have relatedness 1/2 so it's not surprising that they still would differ quite a bit. Relatedness between two people can vary from 0 to 1. Relatedness is usually between 0 to 1/2 in western societies with the exception of identical twins; interbreeding of course makes the true measure a little higher but western civilization has relatively low interrelatedness for certain historical reasons as any HBD enthusiast will promptly talk you into a stupor about. That's why psychometrics people love twin studies so much. Twins are related=1 to each other so you can assume almost all differences between them are non-genetic. Epigenetic differences being relatively unimportant. Yes, I agree. Equally, two brothers being very similar isn't evidence *for* the idea that genes are important (unless you specify a scale). Me too. I would suggest that maybe people interpreted it as "genetic differences between individuals are socially relevant", but the question specifically mentions races. Maybe some people missed the word "genetically". I am not surprised by this at all. Higher IQ people tend towards (cultural) leftism – for example, see the overwhelming support for gay marriage – but the LW/SSC-sphere is ultimately about rationalism, and the facts are what the facts are when it comes to HBD. SA is himself reasonably open to it, e.g. his positive review of Garett Jones' Hive Mind. I am not exactly a very representative example, but I identify as an EA'er but have used EA arguments to argue against open borders. I imagine that the LW/SSC-sphere attracts quite a few such oddballs. Another example: IIRC, in the last LW survey, more people identified as ["proponents of new reaction" to-get-past-the-word-censor] than as conservatives. Hard to imagine this being the case almost anywhere else. I identify as an EA'er but have used EA arguments to argue against open borders. I'd be interested in some expansion on this if you don't mind, since it seems to come up fairly rarely. My personal opinion is that brain drain is sufficiently bad for poorer communities to outweigh the gains to richer ones. And can be argued to be a form of malign imperialism, in that it's an (indirect) extraction of intellectual resources from poor countries to rich ones. Curious whether this meshes with your view. I'd be interested in some expansion on this… It's here: Immigration and Effective Altruism tl;dr – "One dollar of spending money goes about five times further in poor countries than it does in First World countries due to purchasing power differences… If conditions in Syria are so utterly unacceptable that young males have no choice but to emigrate, surely it would be more effectively altruistic to encourage them to settle elsewhere in the Third World – say, why not a relatively stable and Islamic but poor country, like Tanzania, Senegal, or Bangladesh? The $10,000 they pay the Italian or Greek mafias to smuggle them into Europe would probably be enough to buy a nice house there!" It is also often a misuse of the refugees' existing human capital. The Syrian refugee doctor or engineer will probably work as a taxi driver, or something, if he can find work at all (see Emil Kirkegaard's welfare stats). Yes! I've argued on very similar lines, though I called it "cognitive colonialism," e.g. see here and here. This all assumes that you can convince Tanzania to take in the Syrian refugees. I could see a point that it would be more cost effective to help people where they are (or nearby is case of war) than move them to the west, but Trump just cut foreign aid. I think it's in a feedback loop with the white/male skew, since the typical bailey-ed HBD position, from the point of view of a woman or a black man, is "it's Totally Rational to not-hire/avoid people like you because Science Says you're dumber/more violent", which is a little unwelcoming. Like others, I think the motte position of "different people are different" is more widely held around here, though you do see the above from time to time. Fossegrimen says: "it's Totally Rational to not-hire/avoid people like you because Science Says you're dumber/more violent" That would apply in the case where you hire entire populations. As long as you hire individuals it's just nonsense. I would guess that this community can understand the difference. And since you are insuring individuals, that is why men pay the same amount for car insurance as women, right?? Sure, if one candidate is obviously more qualified than the other then that candidate is probably going to get hired. But if you have two equally qualified candidates and one comes from a group that's negatively perceived in some way, that could tip the scales. It might also apply to cases where key information is deliberately hidden from the employer (say, creditworthiness, which correlates very strongly with many desirable traits), or (if deciding who to give responsibility to) when one knows that under-qualified minorities are hired as
they heard it was illegal or cheating. And still others just think he is exaggerating his wins and diminishing his losses. As I work on this book, I notice that my friends have a similar response. I thought a good friend of mine, the chief financial officer for an Internet company, would enjoy hearing about the book. After all, he makes his living with money and numbers. But it becomes clear that his mind is closed. Every time I mention I've been learning to count cards, he says, "I swear, they're going to find you dead in an alley somewhere." So, over time, I become careful about whom I tell about my blackjack playing. Still, Bill tells me, the word sometimes gets out. A number of years ago, a new priest, Father Andy, came to Bill's church and they slowly developed a friendship. Eventually, they began meeting every Wednesday morning for coffee. One day, Bill was in the church offices while Father Andy was putting on his clerical collar. They started chatting and discovered they were both going to be in Las Vegas that weekend. They arranged to meet. It turned out that the priest loved playing video poker. Bill invited him to come sit at the table and watch him play blackjack. "He seemed pretty impressed," Bill recalls. So impressed, it turned out, that Father Andy came to Bill with a proposition. "I've put together a little bankroll," the priest confided. "I'd be honored if you played it for me." This wasn't the first time Bill had taken money from investors. The MIT team usually played from a $150,000 bankroll from investors. Private investors also come to Bill on a regular basis, wanting him to play with their money and share in his profits. In most cases, Bill turns down these offers since he doesn't really like a business relationship with people he doesn't know very well. But with Father Andy, Bill offered him a 70/30 split on all profits and a 50/50 split on all losses. They went to Las Vegas together. At the end of the trip, Bill handed the priest $2,500, his share of the winnings. "He was pretty happy about that," Bill says in his understated way. This arrangement continued with Bill keeping Father Andy informed about lucrative games. When one of Bill's local casinos opened a two-deck game with favorable rules, Bill made the customary offer to the clergyman. Father Andy replied, "I'm in for a grand. Drop by the rectory. I'll leave an envelope for you." We are still out in the backyard playing blackjack when Bill tells me these stories. The doorbell rings and a few minutes later I shake hands with Father Andy and his assistant, Karen. It's good to see Father Andy again, and here in this setting, he seems more relaxed than when I saw him in Las Vegas. Still, he retains that quiet, watchful presence. Karen is more outspoken, lively with sudden explosive laughter. They are both relaxed and apparently happy to talk about blackjack, gambling, and their unusual relationship with Bill. "Remember the priest we met on the Strip?" Father Andy asks, chuckling. "Oh man," Bill says, wincing. He turns to me. "This guy had the white collar and everything. He was out there on the Strip quoting the Bible and was asking for money for his parish or some school or something. We mentioned him to someone in the hotel we were staying at and it turned out the guy had nothing to do with any church at all. It was all just a con." "It was sad, really," Father Andy says, without any bitterness. "I often wonder what happened to him." There is a special quality to the way that Father Andy and Karen answer questions. Their responses are thoughtful, careful, and deeper than what you get from most people. I'm dying to ask one question in particular, but here, it seems a little inappropriate, since Pat has fixed such a nice dinner and this is more of a get-to-know-you than an ask-tough-questions situation. So I get Father Andy's email address and write him sometime later. I get no reply. I write a second time, assuring him I would not use his real name since I assume some of his parishioners wouldn't look kindly on his Vegas trips, even if they pump money into the church. The next day I get an answer to my email. "My apologies for not getting back to you more quickly," Father Andy's email begins. "As a rule I don't look at my email over the weekend (for obvious reasons). Fortunately at Mass yesterday Bill mentioned that you had sent me a couple of questions." I picture the scene in the church following Mass: the echoing sounds in the large space, the organ music, the people chatting in low tones, the shuffling of feet and banging of the kneeling benches. And then I visualize Bill in the scene. I can picture him looking quiet and thoughtful, almost stern. And yet, this is an expression I've seen on his face at the blackjack table, too. I wonder how many of his fellow parishioners would recognize him if they bumped into him in a casino, his face friendly but businesslike, his dark eyes focused on winning. In my email, I asked Father Andy to describe his relationship with Bill and to give me any insights into his personality that he's gleaned from their time and travels together. "I would describe my relationship with Bill and Pat as a good friendship," Father Andy writes. "We share similar views in matters of faith and have had some comparable experiences in working for and with the Church We also tend to agree on politics and obviously both enjoy gambling, though I on a much smaller scale than Bill. We meet for breakfast weekly in part because I think Bill is a deeply spiritual man and the primary reason he no longer works in the Church is economic—church salaries are not conducive to supporting a family. Thus I become a conduit, as it were, to what is happening in the day-to-day life of the diocese and parish. On my part, it is helpful to have a supportive voice that is not afraid of challenging me from time to time. As with any friendship between a pastor and a parishioner there are certain boundaries I cannot and do not cross. I never share nor would Bill expect me to share Church information of a confidential nature. "Bill can be a 'hard read,' which might be partly why he is so successful in card counting. I see him as an intelligent, thoughtful, and reflective person who has a kind and even sensitive heart. Bill is very observant and, I think, reads a person as well as he does cards! He is also strong-willed and highly principled—there are certain lines he will not cross." This makes me think of our first trip to Las Vegas when the drunken woman came on to Bill as he was heading to the cashier's cage. "I've never cheated on Pat and I never will," he told me. That was clearly one line he would not cross. "And, I think if others cross this line with Bill," Father Andy's email continues, "my guess is that he might not completely 'write them off' but, and I am speculating here, I would think he might have a strong temper when pushed to that point. In short, Bill has a lot of patience but don't go beyond his limit—or else!" This is what I thought of as the mobster side of Bill's personality. He exudes a deep, quiet conviction. "He is something of an enigma. By that I mean I find it intriguing how someone with the ability to concentrate on counting
Orkney became almost wholly West Norse. The Norse language changed into the local Norn, which lingered until the end of the 18th century, when it eventually died out. Norn was replaced by the Orcadian dialect of Insular Scots. This dialect is at a low ebb due to the pervasive influences of television, education, and the large number of incomers. However, attempts are being made by some writers and radio presenters to revitalise its use and the distinctive sing-song accent and many dialect words of Norse origin remain in use. The Orcadian word most frequently encountered by visitors is , meaning 'small', which may be derived from the French . Orkney has a rich folklore, and many of the former tales concern trows, an Orcadian form of troll that draws on the islands' Scandinavian connections. Local customs in the past included marriage ceremonies at the Odin Stone that formed part of the Stones of Stenness. King Lot in certain versions of the Arthurian legend (e.g., Malory) is ruler of Orkney. His sons Gawaine, Agravaine, Gareth, and Gaheris are major characters in the Matter of Britain. In earlier versions of Arthuriana such as Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain the King of Orkney is named Gunfasius. The best known literary figures from modern Orkney are the poet Edwin Muir, the poet and novelist George Mackay Brown, and the novelist Eric Linklater. Orcadians An Orcadian is a native of Orkney, a term that reflects a strongly held identity with a tradition of understatement. Although the annexation of the earldom by Scotland took place over five centuries ago in 1472, some Orcadians regard themselves as Orcadians first and Scots second. However in response to the national identity question in the 2011 Scotland Census, self-reported levels of Scottish identity in Orkney were in line with the national average. The Scottish mainland is often referred to as "Scotland" in Orkney, with "the mainland" referring to Mainland, Orkney. The archipelago also has a distinct culture, with traditions of the Scottish Highlands such as tartan, clans, bagpipes not indigenous to the culture of the islands. However, at least two tartans with Orkney connections have been registered and a tartan has been designed for Sanday by one of the island's residents, and there are pipe bands in Orkney. Native Orcadians refer to the non-native residents of the islands as "ferry loupers", ("loup" meaning "jump" in the Scots language) a term that has been in use for nearly two centuries at least. Natural history Orkney has an abundance of wildlife, especially of grey and common seals and seabirds such as puffins, kittiwakes, black guillemots (tysties), ravens, and great skuas (bonxies). Whales, dolphins, and otters are also seen around the coasts. Inland the Orkney vole, a distinct subspecies of the common vole introduced by Neolithic humans, is an endemic. There are five distinct varieties, found on the islands of Sanday, Westray, Rousay, South Ronaldsay, and the Mainland, all the more remarkable as the species is absent on mainland Britain. The coastline is well known for its colourful flowers including sea aster, sea squill, sea thrift, common sea-lavender, bell and common heather. The Scottish primrose is found only on the coasts of Orkney and nearby Caithness and Sutherland. Although stands of trees are generally rare, a small forest named Happy Valley with 700 trees and lush gardens was created from a boggy hillside near Stenness during the second half of the 20th century. The North Ronaldsay sheep is an unusual breed of domesticated animal, subsisting largely on a diet of seaweed, since they are confined to the foreshore for most of the year to conserve the limited grazing inland. The island was also a habitat for the Atlantic walrus until the mid-16th century. The Orkney char (Salvelinus inframundus) used to live in Heldale Water on Hoy. It has been considered locally extinct since 1908. Stoat problem and solution The introduction of alien stoats since 2010, a natural predator of the common vole and thus of the Orkney vole, was also harming native bird populations. NatureScot, Scotland's Nature Agency, provided these additional specifics:The introduction of a ground predator like the stoat to islands such as Orkney, where there are no native ground predators, is very bad news for Orkney's native species. Stoats are accomplished predators and pose a very serious threat to Orkney's wildlife, including: the native Orkney vole, hen harrier, short-eared owl and many ground nesting birds. In 2018, a stoat eradication project was presented by NatureScot to be applied "across Orkney Mainland, South Ronaldsay, Burray, Glimps Holm, Lamb Holm and Hunda, and the biosecurity activities delivered on the non-linked islands of the archipelago". The Orkney Native Wildlife Project planned to use "humane DOC150 and DOC200 traps". The Partners in the five-year project include "RSPB Scotland, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), and Orkney Islands Council". A report issued in October 2020 stated that over 5,000 traps had been deployed. Specifics were provided as to the locations. Not all was going well as of 15 January 2021, according to The Times which stated that the project "has been hit by alleged sabotage after the destruction and theft of traps that have also killed and injured household pets and other animals" but added that the £6 million programme was supported by most islanders. Another news item stated that some of the traps had "caught and killed family pets as well as hundreds of other animals". A subsequent report confirmed that "Police Scotland is investigating a number of incidents involving damage to and the theft of stoat traps in Orkney". Protected areas There are 13 Special Protection Areas and 6 Special Areas of Conservation in Orkney. One of Scotland's 40 national scenic areas, the Hoy and West Mainland National Scenic Area, is also located in the islands. The seas to the northwest of Orkney are important for sand eels that provides a food source for many species of fish, seabirds, seals, whales and dolphins, and are now protected as Nature Conservation Marine Protected Area (NCMPA) that covers . Freedom of the Island Orkney as a whole, since 1887, has been associated specifically with and as a recruiting area of the following military units that have received the Freedom of the Island of Orkney: The Seaforth Highlanders, Queens Own Highlanders, The Highlanders Regiment and 4th Battalion Royal Regiment of Scotland. The Northern Diving Group Royal Navy: 9 July 2021. See also Timeline of prehistoric Scotland Prehistoric Scotland Battle of Florvåg Bishop of Orkney Coat of arms of Orkney List of places in Orkney Orkney Club Orkney College Rögnvald Kali Kolsson Udal Law Parishes of Orkney Constitutional status of Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles Solar eclipse of 1 May 1185 Baha'i Faith in Orkney References Footnotes Citations General references Armit, Ian (2006) Scotland's Hidden History. Stroud. Tempus. Beuermann, Ian "Jarla Sǫgur Orkneyja. Status and power of the earls of Orkney according to their sagas" in Steinsland, Gro; Sigurðsson, Jón Viðar; Rekda, Jan Erik and Beuermann, Ian (eds) (2011) Ideology and power in the Viking and Middle Ages: Scandinavia, Iceland, Ireland, Orkney and the Faeroes . The Northern World: North Europe and the Baltic c. 400–1700 A.D. Peoples, Economics and Cultures. 52. Leiden. Brill. Baynes, John (1970) The Jacobite Rising of 1715. London. Cassell. Benvie, Neil (2004) Scotland's Wildlife. London. Aurum Press. Ballin Smith, B. and Banks, I. (eds) (2002) In the Shadow of the Brochs, the Iron Age in Scotland. Stroud. Tempus. Ballin Smith, Beverley; Taylor, Simon; and Williams, Gareth (eds) (2007) West Over Sea: Studies in Scandinavian Sea-borne Expansion and Settlement Before 1300. Brill. Clarkson, Tim (2008) The Picts: A History. Stroud. The History Press. Duffy, Christopher (2003) The 45: Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Untold Story of the Jacobite Rising. London. Weidenfeld & Nicolson. Fraser, James E. (2009) From Caledonia
Your query Search collection Trinity Centre for Gender Equality and LeadershipAll TrinityUndergraduate CoursesPostgraduate CoursesStaffAZ of Trinity AreasTrinity MapsResearch ExpertiseLibrary Stella CatalogueLibrary Classic CatalogueTARA Research ArchiveNews Events Trinity Centre for Gender Equality and Leadership Programmes & Activities You are here Programmes & Activities > Other Activities Women Should Be Both Seen & Heard - Seminar 7 "Mentoring – How to establish a successful relationship" Friday, January 26, 2018, 1pm, Paccar Theatre, Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin Mentoring is an essential part of a career in research. We are asked to teach those who wish to learn in our fields. And young researchers look for guidance to cultivate their early careers. We joined Dr. Patricia Eadie of the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland for a stimulating conversation on this topic. She shared her vast experience of mentoring and gave tips for both mentors and mentees. A graduate of UCC in 1981, Patricia specialised in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery doing her training in Ireland, UK, USA and Australia. Her areas of special interest are hand surgery, both traumatic and elective, cosmetic surgery and in particular cosmetic breast surgery. With a strong interest and experience in examinations and assessment, she sits on the Board of the JCIE (Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Examinations) and more recently on the newly established JSCFE. (Joint Surgical Colleges Fellowships Examinations) and continues as an Examiner Assessor for JCIE. She has spent time on voluntary missions to Vietnam, Albania, Ghana and Jordan, lecturing and training local surgeons. Colleagues from across the College presented a series of lectures and film screenings examining the place of women in international film. Each screening was preceded by a short lecture. Watch this space for details of the next Women in Film Series. "Gender and Sexuality through the Screen: Exploring the Role of Gender and Sexuality with Gaming and Potential Applications" In what way can we address these issues and problematise current realities? Guest speaker Ciaran Devlin, a PhD Candidate in Sociology working on the Gaming for Peace (GAP) project, has taken on the task of exploring and understanding the current reality of gender and sexuality within peacekeeping practices in European contexts, specifically within participating militaries, as well as exploring potential means of solving these issues, in this case through the use of digital games. In his talk, he will be exploring the ways in which gender and sexuality are present within games and gaming, how is gender made visible, how are sexualities made visible? How and do these representations share broader similarities within the context of armed forces, and in what way can digital games help us to understand and inform the everyday experiences of people within armed forces? Women Should Be Both Seen & Heard - Seminar 5: "How to Build a More Sustainable City " Thursday 8th September, 1-2pm, Paccar Theatre, Science Gallery, TCD Guest speaker for this seminar Laurie Winkless, explored the mechanics behind the metropolis in her book, Science and the City, by taking readers on a whistle-stop tour of urban landscapes across the globe. She discussed the key things we need to consider to build better and more sustainable cities for all. From low-carbon power to smart flood defences, Laurie argues that science and engineering offer many of the solutions to the problems facing our cities... but only if we're willing to invest in them and to change some of our behaviour. Alongside this, Laurie talked about the challenges of communicating complex topics to the general public, and her own experience as a woman in STEM. Laurie Winkless is a physicist and writer, currently based in Wellington NZ. Following a degree at Trinity College Dublin, a placement at NASA's Kennedy Space Centre, and a masters in Space Science at UCL, Laurie worked at the UK's National Physical Laboratory, specialising in materials. Thermoelectric energy harvesting – where heat is captured and converted into electricity – was her bag, and remains a favourite topic of conversation. Laurie has been communicating science to the public for more than a decade, working with schools and universities, the Royal Society, Forbes, and the Naked Scientists, amongst others. She's given TEDx talks, hung out with astronauts and Nobel Laureates, and appeared in The Times magazine as a leading light in STEM. Science and the Cityis her first book, and she is currently working on her second, called Sticky. Women Should Be Both Seen & Heard- Seminar 4 "Are Women for Women in Politics?" Tuesday 8 August Our guest speaker for this seminar was Larissa Peixoto Gomes, PhD candidate in Political Science at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Having studied gender and politics her entire academic career, her research now focuses on answering exactly these questions and understanding the gendered dynamics of parliamentary life. Her research has explored political systems in Brazil, the UK, and Sweden. Are female politicians more likely to represent women's interests once elected to power? That is our expectation, that our representatives will be like us and represent our interests. But, if that is so, why is there still so much gender inequality, even in societies with the largest percentages of female representatives? Why do we see gender parity cabinets arising from governments led by white men? How does one promote gender parity, and how does one promote women to support each other once in power? Is it sustainable to aim for an equal representation of both genders in government, as well as ensuring that this equality does not bring with it further divide? With such extensive global political flux, nothing is certain and many discussions are arising surrounding the current state of affairs. The newly elected Taoiseach of Ireland, Leo Varadkar has made a promise to elect a gender balanced 50/50 cabinet. So far, he has not kept that promise. Will he hold up his promise, and what could the potential outcomes be? "Your Best Media Self: preparing to talk about your research in media" Tuesday 4 July 1-2pm, Global Room, Watts Building, TCD Our speaker for this seminar was Angela Mezzetti, a Dublin born journalist, documentary producer and broadcaster with a passion to see more women represented at senior decision making levels in all kinds of organisations. A former RTE Newscaster, Angie set up the Ocarina production company to make independent productions as well as documentaries for both radio and television, and produced the documentary All Changed for Trinity Centre for Gender Equality and Leadership (formerly WiSER), about some of the first women academics in Trinity College Dublin. She also hosts a weekly podcast called Women in Leadership. Angie shared her advice for researchers preparing for media presence. "Get the word out! How to educate the public about your research: Key steps to prepare for your target audience". Dr Susan Kathleen Fetics, Marie Skłowdowska Curie Actions Fellow at the School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Trinity College Dublin, delivered a fascinating presentation on public engagement and gave excellent suggestions based on her own experience. "Athena SWAN: Driving Gender Equality in Irish Universities" Talk & Networking Lunch, Tuesday 6th June 2017 Guest Speaker Professor Rob de Bruin, University College London Professor Rob de Bruin is a member of the MRC Laboratory for Molecular Cell Biology at UCL, which achieved the university's first departmental Athena SWAN Gold award for gender equality in 2016. Professor de Bruin, who co-led his department's effort on Athena SWAN for the past eight years, spoke about this work and implementing their vision of #simplygoodpractice: "Where something is not fair or can be even better, we work to change it" Athena SWAN Awards recognise commitment to advance gender equality (for all genders) in higher education and research, in all Faculties and amongst all staff (academic, professional and support). The Awards are of increasing importance to all Schools and Units in Trinity College since the HEA announced plans in 2016 to tie possession of an award to funding eligibility, with research-funding agencies
dissertations over the past fifteen years or do indicates that he is getting his recognition as a major player in Jewish intellectual history. Rabbi Landau was a prolific writer. We have his commentaries on the Talmud (Tziyun La-nefesh Hayah) and on Shulhan Arukh (Dagul Me-revava), numerous sermons and homilies, and, of course, his responsa, Noda Bi-Yehudah. The titles he gave to his halakhic works, which translated as "known in Judah" (based on Tehilim 76:2) and "preeminent among ten thousand" (Shir Ha-shirim 5:10) – both of which, incidentally, describe God Himself in their original contexts – exhibit no small amount of self-esteem and support Katz's thesis that Rabbi Landau actively sought to bolster his reputation across the Jewish world. The first volume of Noda Bi-Yehuda was published in 1776, during Rabbi Landau's lifetime. It contains 276 responsa. The second volume was published posthumously by his son Shmuel in 1810. It contains 580 responsa, of which over 60 were written by Shmuel Landau, not his father. Almost all of the responsa in the second volume were written after the publication of the first. That is, volumes 1 and 2 represent distinct parts of his career. So when we mapped Noda Bi-Yehudah, we built in a tool that allows for a comparison between the first and second volumes. To be sure, there is evidence that a number of Rabbi Landau's responsa were stolen during the course of a fire in 1775 (see p. 21 of Katz's dissertation, n. 54), so volume 1 might not give an accurate portrayal of his sphere of influence during the early part of his career. Of course, as we have noted, published responsa are always curated and edited, so we must be careful whenever we map. That said, there's something very counter-intuitive that emerges here: Volume 1 of Noda Bi-Yehudah is scattered across a wider geographic area than Volume 2, even though it contains only about half the number of responsa and was composed earlier. His sphere of influence seems to shrink! Volume 2 is much more densely concentrated in Bohemia, Moravia, and Hungary, whereas Volume 1 includes more responsa to Germany and Poland. Some of this is not surprising: Volume 1 includes responsa he wrote in Brody, Yampil, and Prague, whereas the responsa included in Volume 2 were almost all written in Prague. This can explain the shift from Poland to Central Europe, but leaves Germany as an open question.This requires further investigation, but we can tentatively suggest that Rabbi Landau wanted the contents of the book to reflect its title and shape his reputation. Whether he actively sought interlocutors in more dispersed communities or specifically selected for publication his more geographically diverse responsa, he wanted to show that he was "known in Judah". Katz suggests that he published when he did because he was angling for the newly created post of chief rabbi of Galicia (for which, by dint of his Galician origins and Austrian patriotism, he was an ideal candidate, though he did not get the job).The implication is that Rabbi Landau had a certain geographic consciousness. He was aware that a greater reach implied greater halakhic authority and had a mental map of his sphere of influence, or at least of the sphere of influence he wished to project to his readers. Volume 1 of Noda Bi-Yehudah is scattered across a wider geographic area than Volume 2, even though it contains only about half the number of responsa and was composed earlier. His sphere of influence seems to shrink! Volume 2 is much more densely concentrated in Bohemia, Moravia, and Hungary, whereas Volume 1 includes more responsa to Germany and Poland. Some of this is not surprising: Volume 1 includes responsa he wrote in Brody, Yampil, and Prague, whereas the responsa included in Volume 2 were almost all written in Prague. This can explain the shift from Poland to Central Europe, but leaves Germany as an open question. This requires further investigation, but we can tentatively suggest that Rabbi Landau wanted the contents of the book to reflect its title and shape his reputation. Whether he actively sought interlocutors in more dispersed communities or specifically selected for publication his more geographically diverse responsa, he wanted to show that he was "known in Judah". Katz suggests that he published when he did because he was angling for the newly created post of chief rabbi of Galicia (for which, by dint of his Galician origins and Austrian patriotism, he was an ideal candidate, though he did not get the job). The implication is that Rabbi Landau had a certain geographic consciousness. He was aware that a greater reach implied greater halakhic authority and had a mental map of his sphere of influence, or at least of the sphere of influence he wished to project to his readers. Author Elli FischerPosted on September 26, 2018 September 26, 2018 Categories Mapping, ResponsaTags Czechia, Prague, R. Yehezkel Landau1 Comment on Super Rabbi The Hungarian Succession One of the questions that we think HaMapah can help answer is the dynamics of succession. When a posek dies or is otherwise incapacitated, who picks up the slack? Does it diffuse among multiple poskim or is there an heir apparent? It is safe to say that we will see different patterns emerge as the project continues, but today we are going to look at a fairly elegant series of successions in Hungary during the latter half of the nineteenth century. Hatam Sofer, the subject of several posts thus far, was, by the time he passed away in late 1839, the leading posek in Hungary. Three poskim who served the same territory after his passing were Rabbi Yehudah (or Mahari) Aszod (1794-1866), author of Shu"t Yehudah Ya'aleh; Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Binyamin Sofer (1815-1871), the son of Hatam Sofer and author of Shu"t Ketav Sofer; and Rabbi Moshe Schick, author of Shu"t Maharam Schick (1807-1879). Let's look at a map of the responsa of these four poskim (including Hatam Sofer). As always, opening separately and using the selectors is recommended (but today more so than usual). The similarity of each posek's map to the others is remarkable, and we will come back to this. Now let's look at the dates of the responsa. The data contained in Mahari Aszod's responsa is somewhat sparse, but we have dates for a good proportion of responsa by Ketav Sofer and Maharam Schick. It should be noted that nothing is proven, and that the picture that we see is conjectural, and our roles but the pattern seems pretty clear: There is a "passing of the mantle" from Mahari Aszod to Ketav Sofer to Maharam Schick. Ketav Sofer, it seems, does not become the leading posek in Hungary until Mahari Aszod's death (and subsequent portrait!) in 1866. When Ketav Sofer's health began to decline, Maharam Schick took his place as the leading Hungarian posek. It is actually quite amazing to see how many of Maharam Schick's responsa were penned in the last decade of his life. The portrait in question Returning to the similarity of the maps, Moshe has developed tools that will quantify the geographical similarity of the spheres of authority of any two poskim. This will be very useful for tracing things like succession, demarcating cultural boundaries, and demonstrating reach. We will devote a separate post to these. For now, it suffices to say that the geographic similarity of these four poskim is high enough that our categorization of them as "Hungarian poskim" holds water.[1] [1] Simply put, we create a vector of the number of responsa to each city for each posek, and then take the cosine of the angle between them. Alternatively, we'll take that vector and map to a binary vector, again, with each city its own dimension, and then take the
Open Letter to David Cameron May 4, 2016 Politics & Current Affairsanti-Semitism, David Cameron, Jeremy Corbyn, PMQs, Politics & Current AffairsHarry Paterson Image owned by the BBC Dear Dave (I can call you Dave, right?) I watched your exchange at PMQs with Jeremy Corbyn, earlier today, and I must confess to ending up a bit confused. Of course, I'm not a sophisticated, Eton-educated politician, holding the reins of state power like your own fine self, so I thought you could help me out a wee bit. Firstly, Corbyn and his "friends from Hamas", who you described as a "terrorist group." Well, I did a bit of research and was surprised to learn that Hamas were actually elected, with over 70% of the vote (over double the size of your own mandate, by the way, Dave, lol!), by the Palestinian people, in a free and fair election, overseen by neutral and impartial international observers. So doesn't that make them, well, the government, Dave? Like your own, in fact, only with shit-loads more votes? Secondly, I get that these are violent guys, what with all those rockets and whatnot fired into Israel, but I'm given to understand that the Geneva Convention, the International Criminal Court and the Treaty of Rome all permit armed resistance by an oppressed people whose land is illegally occupied by a foreign military power, no? If so, then Palestinian rockets are the legitimate resistance of an oppressed people, fighting a recognised and permitted national liberation struggle, no? Also, even if you disregard international law (surely not, Dave?) and you class the few poxy home-made rockets desultorily fired into Israel as 'terrorism' then I assume, surely, that dropping white phosphorous onto kids, blowing up hospitals, bombing schools, shooting children playing football on beaches, evicting people from their homes so the illegal occupiers can move their folks in, surely, Dave, all that must count as 'terrorism'? Surely the Israeli state and the IDF are the terrorists? (also, what about Saudi Arabia? Some pretty dodgy links with Daesh, Dave. And they even – get this! – execute women who have been unfortunate enough to get themselves raped. Seems to me, Dave, you'd at least be critical of their dodgy approach to human rights, rather than selling them weapons of mass destruction). I also think you need to be a tad cautious, mate, banging on all the time about Jezza saying "our friends from Hamas." You know, what your Maggie being an actual personal pal of General Pinochet. You remember him, Dave? Mass-murdering fascist dictator? Didn't even get as many votes as you, mate, never mind Hamas. Nope, he just toppled the democratically-elected government in a bloody coup, then unleashed his infamous 'Caravan of Death' to tour the country massacring civilians. "A true friend" was how your Maggie described him, as she went to bat to prevent his extradition to face justice for his reign of terror. You see my point, Dave? Hamas: democratically-elected, fighting a legitimate war of national liberation = bad guys. Pinochet: unelected dictator, topples democratically-elected government at gunpoint, murders his own people = "true friend." Maybe, it's because he wasn't a Muslim, Dave? Is that it? Aye, it's all a bit confusing to a state-educated working class lad, I must admit. Maybe it's the anti-Semitic thing with Hamas, then, Dave? That's shit's not on at all. I've heard about the infamous Charter with all it's truly vile anti-Semitic filth. I've even read it myself. Real horrowshow. Mind you, it turns out, I'm told, that it was written by one geezer and distributed by him without the knowledge or permission of the leadership and so doesn't represent Hamas's official position. Instead, I was directed to their official position on the question, which reads as follows: "What is Hamas' position on Anti-Semitism? Charges of Anti-Semitism is a most convenient and handy argument Israel's apologists often throw out when they are basically run out of arguments. They use such an accusation in order to intimidate Israel's critics or to sterilize discussion and divert attention from the real issues. The scourge of Anti-Semitism is an abhorrent form of racism that discriminates against all Jews for who they are, and therefore, much like all other forms of racism targeting other decent human beings, it must confronted and eliminated. There is a clear distinction between Anti-Semitism on the one hand, and legitimate criticisms of Israel's degrading and oppressive policies against the Palestinian people. We have nothing against Jews for who they are. We are not against Jews as a religion or an ethnicity. There are many conscientious Jews and Israelis who are ashamed and sickened by what Israel has been doing in their name. These principled Jews have consistently condemned Israel's violations of Palestinian human rights and its settler colonialism Hamas is against Israel as a settler colonial state that occupies Palestine and subjects the Palestinian people to war, colonization and displacement. The conflict with Israel is fundamentally political and the Palestinians are fighting for freedom and self-determination. Had Palestine been occupied by another people holding a similar or different religion, Hamas and the Palestinian people would have fought against it with all their force. (See Hamas' Conceptualization of the Other: Its stance towards Judaism, Jews, Zionism, Zionists and Israel)" Seems pretty clear, that, Dave, no? The sort of unequivocal rejection of anti-Semitism that's all the rage, these days. Now, I'm a bit confused with all this stuff about racism anyway. I totally get one absolutely shouldn't say, for example, that Jews control the banks and the media; clearly anti-Semitic, no question. But Boris came out with all that guff about "Pickaninnies" and "watermelon smiles." Surely that's well racist, Dave? No? And the stuff about refugees being a "swarm"? The constant Muslim-baiting of Sadiq Khan? Then there's the less recent stuff like leaflets mentioning having "… a nigger for a neighbour." Seems like you might have a race problem in your party, Dave. Why, it's almost like it's institutionalised in the Conservative Party. Why don't you set up one of those enquiry thingies that Corbyn's got going on, currently? Anyway, I appreciate you're a busy guy so, you know, no rush to reply. I would've asked Jezza for some help but he's even busier than you, currently. What with retreating at full speed in the face of all this relentless bullshit and throwing his most loyal supporters under the bus you're driving, so whenever you can get to me, Dave. Dave Takes a Meeting September 4, 2015 Politics & Current AffairsCalias, David Cameron, Migrants, Refugees, SyriaHarry Paterson The nightingales sang in Berkeley Square. Clock-faces wilted and then melted, folding themselves gracefully over the branches of chestnut trees. From the Prime Minister's Private Office the sound of Big Ben striking thirteen could be heard. Reginald, the PM's consigliere, faced the Great Man and braced himself. "So, Reg. How are we looking now?" "Well, Dave, as you know, the photo was a major ball-ache" "Tell me about it! And now we've bloody well u-turned!" "With respect, Dave, we haven't. All you've done is say we'll take a few thousand more. There is absolutely no substantive change on the policy." "But it looks like it, damn it. Those 1922 Committee fucks are gonna tear me a new one!" "Relax. It's cool. We're on top of it. A nine-day wonder. Besides, until that bastard Corbyn gets in Labour are with us. Plus, on the bright side, the BBC are still calling them migrants, not refugees" "Yeah. Peter Allen on 5 Live was awesome, today. He was very grudging about these people being refugees and fleeing war and then he said – you're gonna love this – he just kinda brushed it all aside and said that the whole issue had now become 'entrenched behaviour' among the darkies" "He actually said that? Really?" "Yup. Well not the 'darkies' bit, obvs, but the
reported that former Formula One driver and four-time Superstars Series champion Gianni Morbidelli plans to make his debut in the series as the EuroNASCAR PRO class driver of CAAL Racing's No. 88 team. However, Morbidelli would later withdrawn his entry from the season due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This would have marked Morbidelli's return to stock car racing since the 2008–09 Speedcar Series season. Thomas Ferrando will be replacing Morbidelli as the No. 88 team's PRO class driver. On 6 March 2020, Hendriks Motorsport announced that Giorgio Maggi and Vittorio Ghirelli will be driving the team's newly-expanded third car in 2020. Maggi will be promoted to the EuroNASCAR PRO class while Ghirelli will be staying in the EuroNASCAR 2 class to compete for the championship title. On 7 March 2020, Andre Castro announced that he will be switching teams to DF1 Racing for 2020. He previously competed for both PK Carsport and Marko Stipp Motorsport in 2019. Defending EuroNASCAR 2 champion Lasse Sørensen is scheduled to make his full-season debut in the EuroNASCAR PRO class in 2020 after he received a promotion from DF1 Racing to race the team's No. 66 Chevrolet Camaro in the PRO class. Henri Tuomaala will be switching teams to DF1 Racing following DF1's acquisition of the No. 23 entry from Memphis Racing. On 16 March 2020, it was announced that former Supersport team owner Evgeny Sokolovsky will be making a switch from Raceway Venray's Late Model V8 Oval Series to the NASCAR Whelen Euro Series in 2020. Sokolovsky will be competing for Marko Stipp Motorsport in the EuroNASCAR PRO class. On 16 March 2020, it was announced that Lotus Italia Cup driver Francesco Garisto will be making his series debut and compete for 42 Racing in the EuroNASCAR 2 class for 2020. On 27 March 2020, it was announced that Fabio Spatafora will be returning to the series after a six-year absence, while Davide Dallara will be making his series debut this year. Both drivers will be competing with Not Only Motorsports for 2020. On 8 April 2020, it was announced that Romain Iannetta will be leaving the series to compete for Mirage Racing in the French GT4 Cup. On 15 April 2020, it was announced that Kenko Miura will be switching teams from Alex Caffi Motorsport to DF1 Racing. Miura was originally scheduled to compete full-time EuroNASCAR 2 class in 2020, but travel restrictions due to the pandemic meant that he can only compete in the Valencia doubleheaders. On 27 April 2020, it was announced that Henri Tuomaala will be competing in both classes for the 2020 season, although his entry was later withdrawn as Tuomaala opted to compete in V8 Thunder NEZ for 2020. On 12 May 2020, it was announced that Cypriot driver Vladimiros Tziortzis will be making his full-time debut in the series with Alex Caffi Motorsport in the EuroNASCAR 2 class. On 27 July 2020, it was reported that Bernardo Manfrè will be entering the series in 2020 as part of his plans to relaunch the Shadow Racing Cars brand. Later on 13 August 2020, it was confirmed that he will be driving the No. 17 Ford Mustang for 42 Racing in the EuroNASCAR PRO class. On 5 August 2020, it was announced that Marko Stipp Motorsport has signed Gordon Barnes, who will be making his debut in the Club Challenge class. On 13 August 2020, it was announced that Luigi Ferrara will be competing with 42 Racing for the full season. On 21 August 2020, it was announced that Marc Goossens will be switching teams to CAAL Racing after previously planning to compete with Braxx Racing, while Dylan Derdaele will be making his full-time debut in the EuroNASCAR 2 class as Goossens' teammate. Both drivers will be competing with the No. 98 team for 2020. On 26 August 2020, it was announced that Nicholas Risitano will be switching teams to Solaris Motorsport after a two-year stay at Racers Motorsport. On 2 September 2020, Alexander Graff announced that he won't be competing in the series in 2020. Graff will be joining the Scandinavian Touring Car Championship commentary team for 2020. On 6 September 2020, it was reported that Frédéric Gabillon will not be competing the 2020 season due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Gabillon was initially scheduled to compete full-time in the No. 3 RDV Competition team for 2020. On 6 September 2020, it was announced that Gašper Dernovšek will be joining Marko Stipp Motorsport to make his series debut in the EuroNASCAR 2 class. On 10 September 2020, it was announced that Kris Richard will be making his debut in the series as a replacement driver for Kenko Miura in Vallelunga and Zolder. On 11 September 2020, it is announced that Daniel Rowbottom will made his debut in the series as the driver of Hendriks Motorsport's No. 7 car in the EuroNASCAR PRO class. Rowbottom was initially supposed to compete in British Touring Car Championship this year before he was replaced by Jack Butel days before the season started. Team changes On 15 November 2019, it was announced that Alex Caffi Motorsport will form a partnership with Race Art Technology for the 2020 season. Race Art Technology previously competed in the 2018 season under the Race Art - Blue Mot banner. On 27 December 2019, it was announced that FEED Racing, Jacques Villeneuve and Patrick Lemarié's junior formula academy team, will be entering the series in 2020. The team initially announced that they will field the No. 5 and No. 6 teams. Later, on 30 January 2020, it was announced that FEED Racing and Racers Motorsport will merge its operations to form FEED Vict Racing and confirms that it will expand its operations into a four-car team as a result of the merger. The official entry list announcement would reveal that Racers' former No. 9 team will be renumbered to the No. 4 team for 2020. On 16 January 2020, it was announced that the No. 22 team, previously ran as a joint effort between Marko Stipp Motorsport and DF1 Racing in 2019, will solely be run by DF1 Racing as part of the team's expansion for the 2020 season. The team's official website would later reveal that the team will also field a fourth car in 2020 following the team's acquisition the No. 23 entry from Memphis Racing. On 8 February 2020, it was announced that CAAL Racing will be expanding its operations into a four-car team with the addition of the No. 88 Chevrolet SS to its roster. Later on 21 August 2020, it was announced that CAAL Racing will be renumbering the No. 27 team into the No. 98 team for 2020. On 12 February 2020, it was revealed through social media that RDV Competition's No. 36 team would be renumbered to the No. 10 for 2020. On 26 February 2020, it was announced that Solaris Motorsport has formed a technical alliance with CAAL Racing starting from the 2020 season. On 3 March 2020, it was revealed that Hendriks Motorsport is scheduled to expand into a three-car team in 2020 with the addition of the No. 18 Ford Mustang that will be driven by Giorgio Maggi and Vittorio Ghirelli. 42 Racing, who competed in a part-time schedule in 2019, is scheduled to make their full-time debut in the series in 2020. 42 Racing will be fielding the No. 17 and No. 42 teams for 2020. On 27 March 2020, it was announced that Italian team Not Only Motorsport will be joining the series with the No. 89 team. The official entry list announcement on 27 March 2020 reveals the following changes: Both Mishumotors and Memphis Racing will downsize into a one-car team in 2020. Marko Stipp Motorsport will be expanding into a two-car team, as the second entry that the team run in conjunction with DF1 Racing at Hockenheim
The Helmsley Building is a 35-story skyscraper at 230 Park Avenue between East 45th and 46th Streets in New York City, just north of Grand Central Terminal, in Midtown Manhattan. It was built in 1929 as the New York Central Building and was designed by Warren & Wetmore in the Beaux-Arts style. It was the tallest structure in the "Terminal City" complex around Grand Central prior to the completion of what is now the MetLife Building. The Helmsley Building carries vehicular traffic through its base: traffic exits and enters the Park Avenue Viaduct through two portals passing under the building. The lobby of the building is between the vehicular portals. Flanking the viaduct's ramps are passageways connecting 45th and 46th Streets, with entrances to Grand Central Terminal. Before the construction of Grand Central Terminal, the area to the north of the predecessor Grand Central Depot was occupied by an open-air rail yard; the tracks and depot were operated by the New York Central Railroad. After the terminal was completed in 1913, the tracks were buried under a series of buildings that were constructed over the tracks as part of the Terminal City development. The New York Central Building was erected for the railroad between 1927 and 1929 as the last major structure to be built within Terminal City. It was renamed the New York General Building in 1958 and the Helmsley Building in 1978, though ownership was changed several times afterward. The building's facade and lobby became New York City designated landmarks in 1987. Site The Helmsley Building straddles the ramps of the Park Avenue Viaduct in the Midtown Manhattan neighborhood of New York City. It is bounded by 45th Street to the south, Vanderbilt Avenue to the west, 46th Street to the north, and Depew Place to the east. Its address is 230 Park Avenue. The building is assigned its own ZIP Code, 10169; it was one of 41 buildings in Manhattan that had their own ZIP Codes . The Helmsley Building measures north-south and west-east. Immediately to the south are Grand Central Terminal and the MetLife Building. In addition, the building is near 50 Vanderbilt Avenue to the southwest, the Roosevelt Hotel to the west, 383 Madison Avenue to the northwest, 245 Park Avenue to the northeast, and 450 Lexington Avenue to the southeast. The Helmsley Building was developed as part of the original "Terminal City" complex above Grand Central Terminal's rail yards. Architecture The Helmsley Building was designed by Warren & Wetmore. The design is influenced by that of the Manhattan Municipal Building, which spanned Chambers Street in Lower Manhattan, with side wings projecting to the west and east. The wings slightly resemble the "court of honor" designed by Reed and Stem, another collaborator in the Grand Central project. Inside the base are two S-ramps carrying Park Avenue to the Park Avenue Viaduct. The western ramp carries southbound traffic and the eastern ramp carries northbound traffic. The building's lobby is between the two ramps, while pedestrian arcades run to the outside of either ramp; the arcades connect 45th and 46th Streets. The arcades contain storefronts on the sides facing away from the viaduct's ramps: the west side of the western arcade and the east side of the eastern arcade. The arcades are connected to Grand Central North, a system of passageways that lead to Grand Central, which opened in 1999. The eastern and western wings are each 15 stories tall, while a centrally positioned tower rises another 20 stories. The lowest four stories comprise the base, which include the lobbies and the viaduct ramps. The eleven stories above it comprise an office block with a floor plan shaped like an irregular "H" aligned west–east. The western wings project further than the eastern wings, and the center of the northern facade curves slightly inward. The 20-story tower has a floor plan measuring . It terminates in a pyramidal roof with an octagonal base. Facade The facade of the four-story base is composed of limestone and Texas pink granite. It includes bronze grilles as well as sculptures depicting industrial progress. There is a clock atop the base, located above the ground with a diameter of . The clock is flanked by a figure of the god Mercury on the left, representing transportation, and a figure of the goddess Ceres on the right, representing agriculture. The composition measures tall by wide and was designed by Edward McCartan. The windows on the base contain one of four types of display-window designs: the original designs installed with the rest of the building in 1929, and one of three modifications. The pedimental sculptures were carved by the Ardolino Brothers. The upper stories are faced with brick. The northern facade of the fifth through 15th stories curve along the wings. The facade of this section contains paired sash windows with decorative metal spandrels, as well as limestone keystones above the windows on the 15th story. Above the 15th floor is a cornice with terracotta bison heads, which symbolize industry. There are 78 bison heads in total. The cornice also contains images of Mercury's winged helmet, winged wheels representing advancement, scrolls of wisdom, wheels of progress, and other motifs. The 15th story of the eastern facade had a sky bridge that connected to 466 Lexington Avenue until the bridge was demolished in 1982. The 16th through 35th-story facades contain identical decorative elements on all sides. Like the lower stories, these are faced with brick and contain paired sash windows. Above the 28th floor are limestone keystones over the windows, as well as a cornice with brackets. There is an ornate entablature above the 31st floor; keystones above the 32nd-floor windows; bracketed keystones above the 33rd floor windows; and an observation deck on the 33rd floor. The last full floor, the 34th floor, has three pairs of windows on all sides, protruding from the roof as dormers. The top of the Helmsley Building is a pyramid with an ornate cupola. The roof was lit at night by electric floodlights and torches with up to 100,000 candlepower. At the pinnacle were "32-marine-type fixtures" that each had a capacity of up to 100 watts. The cupola had oval openings and was topped by a glass ball with a 6,000 watt lantern. Eight projectors, one from each corner of the octagon's base, also illuminated the roof. The lighting made the Helmsley Building into a point of interest that could be seen from several miles away. When the Helmsley Building was completed, the copper roof was gilded, but by the late 1950s had been painted green. The gilding was restored in the 1970s and removed in 2002. Features The building has of office space. Of this, the lower 15 floors each have an area of and the upper 20 floors each cover . The building was erected with 40 elevators, only 25 of which were in use . Structural features The building uses of steel, of which went into the foundation. There are two levels of tracks underneath the building. Due to the different track layouts on each level, the columns on each level were offset, preventing through-columns from being built. Furthermore, the tracks were electrified and more than 700 trains passed through each day. As a solution, girders were installed above the lower track level, and the steel frame for the building was placed upon these girders and insulated with vibration-proof mats and cork tubes. The Helmsley Building did not have basements because that space was occupied by the tracks. Because of this, the machinery, utilities, and storage areas were installed on the 15th floor. Lobby The lobby's interior is designed to evoke New York Central's "prowess". This is evidenced in the walls, which are made of marble, as well as the detailing of the bronze,
\section{Introduction} The exploration of the QCD phase diagram is not only a task for heavy-ion physics as there are strong relations to astrophysics of extremely dense matter and even to cosmology. The conditions in the early universe are similar to the ones probed at the heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC, high temperatures and low net baryon densities. Supernova matter and neutron star matter is located in the QCD phase diagram at moderate temperatures and high net baryon densities. In this region of the QCD phase diagram one expects to have a strong first order phase transition which is related to the restoration of chiral symmetry% \footnote{In the following, we will refer to the new phase at high densities generically to 'quark matter' although matter is not necessarily deconfined as the phase transition is related to chiral symmetry restoration.}. QCD matter at extreme baryon densities will be investigated by heavy-ion experiments with FAIR at GSI Darmstadt. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{phasediagram.eps} \caption{The QCD phase diagram, the lines denote first order phase transition which are due to chiral symmetry breaking and/or the formation of color superconducting quark matter (taken from \cite{SchaffnerBielich:2007mr}).} \label{fig:qcdphase} \end{center} \end{figure} The QCD equation of state (EoS) is an essential input in astrophysical systems. In core-collapse supernovae simulations temperatures of about $T=10-20$ MeV with densities slightly above normal nuclear matter density are reached at core bounce, the newly born proto-neutron star is heated up to $T=50$ MeV with densities a few times normal nuclear matter densities, the final cold neutron stars then has central densities of up to ten times normal nuclear matter densities for a soft equation of state. Finally, neutron star mergers simulations can achieve temperatures of typically $T=30$ MeV, even higher temperatures have been noticed for some equations of states. Note, that the dynamical timescales involved are usually not much less than around a few 100 microseconds so that they are always much larger than the timescale to establish equilibrium with respect to weak interactions involving strange particles of about $10^{-8}$ seconds or less. Hence, the matter for astrophysical applications is necessarily in weak equilibrium with respect to strangeness and always includes strange matter! Except for cold neutron stars, there is a subtlety here, as protons and neutrons are not in weak equilibrium. Hence, for dynamical astrophysical scenarios, the matter is characterized by a given temperature $T$, baryon density $n$ and proton fraction $Y_p$. For hunting down strange quark matter in the heavens several signals have been suggested in the literature as exotic mass-radius relation of compact stars, rapidly rotating pulsars due to r-mode {\em stability} window, enhanced cooling of neutron stars, and gamma-ray bursts by transition to strange quark matter. Let us first concentrate on strange quark matter in neutron star before we discuss the implications of the formation of strange quark matter for core-collapse supernovae. \section{Strange Quark Matter in Neutron Stars} Neutron stars are produced in core-collapse supernova explosions and are extremely compact, massive objects with radii of $\approx$ 10 km and masses of $1-2M_\odot$, involving extreme densities, several times nuclear density: $n\gg n_0 = 0.16$~fm$^{-3}$. More than 1700 pulsars, rotation-powered neutron stars, are presently known. The best determined mass is the one of the Hulse-Taylor pulsar, $M=(1.4414\pm 0.0002)M_\odot$ \cite{Weisberg:2004hi}, the smallest known mass is $M=(1.18\pm 0.02)M_\odot$ for the pulsar J1756-2251 \cite{Faulkner:2005}. Note, that the mass of the pulsar J0751+1807 has been corrected from $M=2.1\pm 0.2 M_\odot$ to $M=1.14-1.40M_\odot$\cite{Nice:2008}. We note that the extremely large neutron star masses extracted from pulsars found in globular clusters \cite{Freire:2007jd} can only give an upper bound. Only the periastron advance of the pulsar PSR J1748-2021B has been determined so far, the inclination angle $i$ of the orbital plane is still unknown. A statistical analysis for that angle is not really appropriate for one pulsar. For an inclination angle of $i=4-5$ degrees, two neutron stars with a mass of $M\sim 1.4M_\odot$ are possible. A measurement of a second effect from general relativity is needed to draw a firm final conclusions. The spectral analysis of the closest isolated neutron star known, RX J1856.5-3754, hints at more complex surface properties than initially expected. Fits with a two-component blackbody as well as with a condensed surface and a small layer of hydrogen result in rather large radiation radii $R_\infty = R/\sqrt{1-2GM/R} = 17 (d/140 pc)$~km. With an inferred gravitational redshift of $z_g\approx 0.22$, the neutron star would have a true radius of $R\approx 14$ km and a mass of $M\approx 1.55M_\odot$ \cite{Ho:2006uk}. A large uncertainty resides in the still not well known distance $d$, but clearly more data and analysis is needed to understand the atmosphere and the radiation of neutron stars. In binary systems of a neutron star with an ordinary star accreting material falling onto the neutron star ignites nuclear burning which is observable as an x-ray burster. The analysis of \"Ozel \cite{Ozel:2006km} for the x-ray burster EXO 0748--676 arrived at mass-radius constraints of $M\geq 2.10\pm 0.28 M_\odot$ and $R\geq 13.8 \pm 1.8$ km. The values derived have to be taken with great care, as a multiwavelength analysis of Pearson et al.\ \cite{Pearson:2006zy} concludes that the data is more consistent with a mass of $M=1.35M_\odot$ than with $M=2.1M_\odot$. Even if such large masses and radii are taken for granted, quark matter can still be present in the interior of neutron stars as demonstrated by Alford et al.\ \cite{Alford:2006vz}. The limits would rule out soft equations of states, not quark stars or hybrid stars, compact stars with a hadronic mantle and a quark matter core. Future telescopes and detectors will probe compact stars in more details as the International X-ray Observatory IXO, the James Webb Space Telescope JWST, the Square Kilometre Array SKA, LISA and UNO, an underground neutrino observatory. With the future x-ray satellites one can measure the profile of the burst oscillations which is modified from the space-time warpage around the compact star. By this method a model independent measurement of the mass and radius of the compact star can be extracted. It was claimed that one could determine the mass-radius ratio to within 5\% with Constellation-X with this method \cite{Bhattacharyya:2005ge}. \begin{figure} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{} \caption{The phase structure of hybrid stars within the MIT bag model and using a HDL approximation for different values of the MIT bag constant. HP: Hadronic phase, MP: mixed phase, QP: Quark phase. Reprinted from \cite{Schertler:2000xq}, Copyright (2000), with permission from Elsevier.} \label{fig:hybrid_klaus} \end{center} \end{figure} Quark matter in neutron stars has been widely described by using the MIT bag model with basically one free parameter, the MIT bag constant $B$. The onset of the mixed phase from the hadronic to the quark phase occurs between $(1-2)n_0$ even for large values of the bag constant $B$ and then sufficiently high densities are reached in the core of a $1.3M_\odot$ compact star to have quark matter (see Figure~\ref{fig:hybrid_klaus}). Corrections from hard thermal loop calculations do not change these numbers significantly. So called hybrid stars consist of hadronic matter and quark matter and there are three phases possible: a hadronic phase, a mixed phase and a pure quark phase. The composition depends crucially on the parameters as the bag constant $B$ and the interaction strength $g$ between quarks as well as the total mass of the compact star. In addition, there exists a third solution to the TOV equations besides the one for the white dwarfs and the one for ordinary neutron stars, which is stabilized by the presence of a pure quark matter phase \cite{Gerlach68,Kaempfer81,Haensel82,Glendenning:1998ag,Schertler:2000xq,Fraga:2001id}. The third family of compact stars is generically more compact than ordinary neutron stars and is possible for any first order phase transition. \section{Strange Quark Matter in Supernovae} Stars with a mass of more than 8 solar masses end in a core-collapse supernova (type II, Ib or Ic). New generation of simulation codes now have multidimensional treatments and improved neutrino transport. Still, until recently, no explosions could be achieved (see e.g.\ \cite{Buras:2003sn}) suggesting missing physics either with respect to neutrino transport or to the nuclear equation of state. Only after sufficiently long simulation runs with a quasi unconstrained geometry a standing accretion shock instability could develop which leads to an explosion after 600ms \cite{Marek:2007gr}. The conditions of core-collapse supernova matter at bounce are as follows: energy densities slightly above normal nuclear matter density $\epsilon \sim (1-1.5)\epsilon_0$, temperatures of $T\sim 10-20$ MeV and a proton fraction of $Y_p \sim 0.2-0.3$. The standard lore for the onset of the quark phase in core-collapse supernovae is that it happens during the evolution of the proto-neutron star and not at bounce. The timescale for quark matter to appear would then be typically
Showing results for tags 'windows 10'. Site / Forum Feedback Member Introduction FileSharing News Security & Privacy News Filesharing Chat Mobile Mania Entertainment Exchange Off-Topic Chat The Chat Bar Jokes & Funny Stuff Polling Station Found 1,120 results Microsoft Begins Testing Windows 10 Controlled Feature Rollout steven36 posted a topic in Software News Microsoft has started testing the new Window 10 Controlled Feature Rollout feature with Windows Insiders in the Slow ring. This feature allows Microsoft to slowly roll out new features without releasing entirely new builds. Earlier this month, Microsoft announced that starting with Windows 10 Insider 19H2 builds, Microsoft would be testing a new feature called Controlled Feature Rollout or CFR. Using this feature Microsoft can ship builds with disabled features that are gradually enabled by Microsoft to small groups of users. This allows Microsoft to test these new features against smaller groups to get better feedback, bug reports, and an overall better build quality. On July 15th, Microsoft released Windows 10 19H2 build 18362.10006 to Windows Insiders in the Slow Ring. This build included four new features that were disabled by default, but would be enabled at a later date using the CFR feature. Windows containers require matched host and container version. This restricts customers and limits Windows containers from supporting mixed-version container pod scenarios This update includes 5 fixes to address this and allow the host to run down-level containers on up-level for process (Argon) isolation. A fix to allow OEMs to reduce the inking latency based on the hardware capabilities of their devices rather than being stuck with latency selected on typical hardware configuration by the OS. Key-rolling or Key-rotation feature enables secure rolling of Recovery passwords on MDM managed AAD devices upon on demand request from in-tune/MDM tools or upon every time recovery password is used to unlock the BitLocker protected drive. This feature will help prevent accidental recovery password disclosure as part of manual BitLocker drive unlock by users. A change to enable third-party digital assistants to voice activate above the Lock screen. In a July 17th update, Microsoft stated that they have started to rollout build 18362.10006 that enables these features for a small subset of users who installed the previous build. "Today we have released 19H2 Build 18362.10006 for a subset of Windows Insiders that turns on the features delivered as part of Build 18362.10005 (noted in the below blog post) earlier this week. Please note that Build 18362.10006 is only going out to a subset of Insiders in the Slow ring. That means not everyone in the Slow ring will get this update." As you can see, the overall build number of 18362 is the same for both the original build and the new build with the enabled features. The subversion, though, went from 10005 to 10006. This indicates that for users on CFR releases, the subversion number will increment to reflect the new build with features enabled for that group. Unfortunately, at this time there is no known policy or method that can be used to control CFR or even disable it entirely. BleepingComputer has asked Microsoft for more information when the feature was first announced, but was told there was no further information available at the time. Furthermore, the recent release of the Administrative Templates (.admx) for Windows 10 May 2019 Update (1903) does not appear to contain any related policies. Source Windows 10 Version 1903 (19H1; May 2019 Update) FINAL Build 18362 Discussion DR_ADHAM posted a topic in Software Chat Windows 10 Version 1903 (19H1; May 2019 Update) FINAL Build 18362 Discussion 【 General information 】 - Official announcement - How to get the Windows 10 May 2019 Update - New features - New features for IT pros - Windows 10, Version 1903 Known issues - Microsoft makes Windows 10 1903 available on MSDN - Windows 10 May 2019 Update includes .NET Framework 4.8 - Microsoft updates the Windows 10 CPU requirements for the May 2019 Update - How to install, reinstall, upgrade and activate Windows 10 - Frequently asked questions (FAQs) ---> Include: additional info, error reporting, error solving, ...and similar staff =========================================================================================================== 【 Downloads 】 - RTM Build 18362.30 UUP (All Languages): mkuba50 project -- adguard project ESD (All Languages): HERE SVF (All Languages): SVF2ISOConverter (Credits to @s1ave77) -- GezoeSloog Repository -- mehdibleu Repository (Credits to @mehdibleu) ISO: Enterprise Evaluation ISOs (Credits to @DiamondMon and WZT) TechBench (All Languages) MSDN (English only) VLSC (English only): The same as MSDN Media Feature Pack for N versions of Windows 10: HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - RTM Build 18362.175 ESD (All Languages): HERE SVF (All Languages): GezoeSloog Repository -- ISO (English only): HERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - RTM Build 18362.239 ESD (All Languages): HERE SVF (All Languages): N/A Yet ISO (English only): HERE =========================================================================================================== 【 Checksums 】 - RTM Build 18362.30 - RTM Build 18362.175 - RTM Build 18362.239 =========================================================================================================== 【 Updates 】 - May 21, 2019—KB4505057 (OS Build 18362.116) - May 29, 2019—KB4497935 (OS Build 18362.145) - June 11, 2019—KB4503293 (OS Build 18362.175) - June 27, 2019—KB4501375 (OS Build 18362.207) - July 9, 2019—KB4507453 (OS Build 18362.239) =========================================================================================================== 【 Activation 】 - Windows 10 Activation Keys ---> Credits to @vyzzer - Windows 10 Digital License (HWID) & KMS38 Generation ---> Credits to @s1ave77 - Microsoft Activation Scripts ---> Credits to @WindowsAddict =========================================================================================================== 【 Tools 】 - svfx v2.1.11 - Windows and Office Genuine ISO Verifier - SVF2ISOConverter v0.51.01 (SVF.ISO.CONVERTER-master) - decrypt-multi-release_v190521 ⇝ update revision: "Fix names for 19H1 (18362.30)" =========================================================================================================== 【 Tutorials 】 - How to use SVF patches - How to download with @s1ave77's tool "SVF.ISO.CONVERTER-master" - How to convert ESD to ISO =========================================================================================================== Here will be the discussion related ONLY to the final Windows 10 version released to the production; If you want to discuss pre-release versions released to insiders in the fast ring, slow ring or release preview ring, I suggest you to open a new thread where you can freely discuss such pre-release versions. Here will be shared ONLY official releases; please don't share here homebrew ISOs. version 1903 [19h1] By Ed Bott for The Ed Bott Report Four years after the debut of "Windows as a service," Microsoft continues to tweak the Windows Update for Business rules. And if you don't know how to play the game, you're likely to be surprised with unexpected updates. We are days away from the fourth anniversary of Windows 10's initial release, which also marks the beginning of the "Windows as a service" era. By this time, you'd think Microsoft would have settled on an easy-to-understand set of rules that IT pros can follow for managing updates. Think again. For 2019, Microsoft has changed the rules you painstakingly mastered last year. And if you're not paying attention, you could end up with a network full of update headaches. Effective with version 1903, which is now rolling out via Windows Update, Microsoft is no longer supplying updates on separate channels for consumers and business customers. Instead, the initial public release goes to the Semi-Annual Channel, with no more Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) option. (And even those names represented changes from the original November 2015 designation of Current Branch and Current Branch for Business.) For anyone administering Windows 10 PCs in a business who used the older Windows Update for Business settings to manage feature updates, these latest changes require immediate action. On systems where the Branch Readiness Level is set to Semi-Annual Channel and no additional deferral is specified, Microsoft says your devices will begin updating to Windows 10, version 1903 in one week, on Tuesday, July 23, 2019. Or at least that's when they'll be eligible to receive that update. Exactly when each device will receive the update is an AI-driven mystery. Some devices, including Microsoft's top-of-the-line Surface Book 2 models that contain a discrete Nvidia GPU, are currently blocked from
Bargain Store downtown!" "But Madam," said the salesman, "You'll find that the dress at Klein's is recycled wool. This original is 100% pure virgin wool." "Nu! So for $800 I should be caring what the sheep at night do?" Deleting old Windows updates Man tasered by police for refusing to stop having sex with car exhaust "My fear is if North Korea nukes us, Trump is gonna get us into a war." --- Maxine Waters.......2017 "We are all born ignorant, but one must work very hard to remain STUPID!" --- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Q: How do we know that the democrats sent themselves bombs? A: None of them worked. >From Millie We purchased an old home in Northern New York State from two elderly sisters. Winter was fast approaching and I was concerned about the house's lack of insulation. "If they could live here all those years, so can we!" my husband confidently declared. One November night the temperature plunged to below zero, and we woke up to find interior walls covered with frost. My husband called the sisters to ask how they had kept the house warm. After a rather brief conversation, he hung up. "For the past 30 years," he muttered, "they've gone to Florida for the winter." to work with lenses that are a hundreths of an inch thick." "I can handle it," the applicant said, "I used to slice meat in a delicatessen, I can slice ham so thin it is kosher." Trash Passing is illegal in 'Bama [ view entry ] | permalink | print article | ( 3.1 / 570 ) DeLand man arrested for stealing over $50,000 in airplane parts, fuel Steven Wright (1955 - ) I believe that people would be alive today if there were a death penalty. "What am I supposed to do with this?" grumbled a motorist as the cop handed him a speeding ticket. "Keep it," the cop said, "when you collect four of them you get to buy a bicycle." The thunder god went for a ride, upon his favorite filly. "I'm Thor," he cried. The horse replied, "You forgot your thaddle, thilly." The young lady walked over to the hospital room where she knew her friend was. "May I see Irving, please?" she asked the woman blocking the door. "We don't allow anyone but relatives to see the patients," replied the woman. "Are you a member of the family?" "Why-er-why, yes. I'm his sister," said the lady. "Oh, I'm so glad to meet you," said the woman. "I'm his mother!" Noella's Swan, Bolivar, MO Inkjet or Laser? Liberal students in Arizona State University majoring in Wimpology claim they got PTSD because of Hillary losing the election and Trump being President. Woman shoots grandson for repeatedly putting cup of tea on her good furniture 1955 The microwave oven, for home use, was introduced by The Tappan Company. The more you find out about the world, the more opportunities there are to laugh at it. --- Bill Nye Two priests and a rabbi are playing poker in the park. Suddenly, a police officer approaches the trio and asks the first priest, "Father, were you gambling?" The padre glances skyward and mumbles, "Forgive me, Jesus," then turns to the officer and says, "No, my son, I was not gambling." The lawman then turns to the second priest and asks him if he was gambling. The priest looks toward Heaven and says under his breath, "Forgive me, Jesus," then tells the officer, The policeman then turns to the rabbi and says, "Rabbi, were you gambling?" The rabbi looks from one priest to the other, then turns to the officer and asks, "With who?" Minister at a funeral service, "Friends, let us say goodbye to our beloved, departed friend. Let us remember that here lies only the shell--the nut has gone!" >From Lise When we put our house up for sale, I stressed emphatically that my sons make their beds each morning. I left for work before they left for school, and I wanted to be sure that the house looked presentable when the agent showed it to prospective buyers. I was surprised and impressed that my 15-year-old son's bed was perfectly made each day. One night when I went into his room, I discovered his secret. He was fast asleep on the floor in his sleeping bag. Alabama mother charged after 5 children test positive for cocaine 1939 Nylon stockings were sold to the public for the first time in Wilmington, DE. They say such nice things about people at their funerals that it makes me sad to realize that I'm going to miss mine by just a few --- Garrison Keillor (1942 - ) ______________________________________________________5 Dear Ma and Pa: Am well. Hope you are. Tell Brother Walt and Brother Elmer the Army beats working for old man Minch. Tell them to join up quick before all the places are filled. I was restless at first because you got to stay in bed till nearly 6 a.m.( but am getting so I like to sleep late. All you do before breakfast is smooth your cot and shine some things -- no hogs to slop, feed to pitch, mash to mix, wood to split, fire to lay. Practically nothing. The guys have to shave, but they say it is not bad in warm water, and after I thumped a few of them, they don't tell nobody about why I don't need to shave. Breakfast is strong on trimmings like fruit juice, cereal, eggs, bacon, etc., but kind of weak on chops, potatoes, beef, ham steak, fried eggplant, pie and regular food, but you can always sit between two city boys that live on coffee. Their food plus yours holds you till noon, when you get fed. It's no wonder these city boys can't walk much. We go on "route marches," which, the Sgt. says, are long walks to harden us. If he thinks so, it is not my place to tell him different. A "route march" is a casual stroll about as far as to our mailbox at home. Then the city guys all get sore feet and we ride back in trucks. The country is nice, but awful flat. The Sgt. is like a schoolteacher. He nags some. The Capt. is like the school board. Kernels. and Generals just ride around and frown. They don't bother you none. I keep getting medals for shooting. I don't know why, the bull's-eye is near big as a chipmonk and don't move and it ain't shooting at you, like the Higsett boys at home. All you got to do is lie there all comfortable and hit it, you don't even load your own cartridges. They come in boxes. Be sure to tell Walt and Elmer and Mary to hurry and join before others get onto this setup and come stampeding in. Your loving daughter, The Installation Commander and his wife were out having dinner at the officers club a good-looking blonde came over and open-mouth kissed the husband right in front of the wife and said "I'll see you tomorrow for a nooner right sweetie?" And walked away. The wife couldn't believe her eyes, "Who was that?" She demanded. He replied: "My mistress" The wife then told her husband she wanted a divorce. "That's fine," Said the base commander. "But that means no more shopping at the commissary and base exchange, no more assignments in Europe, and you'll no longer be president of the Officer's Wives Club, and won't be able to lord it over the other wives." At that moment in walked a colonel with a woman on his arm. When the wife asked who the woman with the colonel was the base commander said, "That's Peter's mistress" The wife looked back at colonel and his mistress and grinned, "Ours is prettier." Great Comeback This has got to be the all-time classic comeback. This is a recount of a National Public Radio (NPR) interview between a female broadcaster, and US Army General Reinwald who's about to sponsor a boy scout troop visiting his military installation. (Note: While this has been presented as a "true story" for several years, some people dispute that it actually happened). FEMALE INTERVIEWER: "So, General Reinwald, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?" GENERAL REINWALD: "We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery, and shooting." FEMALE INTERVIEWER: "Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, GENERAL REINWALD: "I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on the rifle range." FEMALE INTERVIEWER: "Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?" GENERAL REINWALD: "I don't see how, ....we will be teaching them proper rifle range discipline
the librarians that she works with don't read anymore! "In other words, literacy today is defined less by how English departments or a librarian might teach Wordsworth or Faulkner than by how we find our way through the digital forest of information overload." As with most jobs that increasingly involve surfing the net, she finds that this new orientation is over-hyped: "The buzzword in the trade is "information literacy," a misnomer, because what it is really about is mastering computer skills, not promoting a love of reading and books." She cites the common argument that kids will start reading when they get to university. She doesn't buy it. I don't either. Our kids don't read. Even our grad students have started to read the on-line reviews of books instead of the books themselves. Libraries have started replacing books with DVDs and even video games. Nobody knows what to do. Here's the cold, hard truth: Reading is dying out. Ever since the introduction of TV, active literacy rates have declined. That is the number of people who are regularly reading (not just those who can read) has steadily dropped. With the introduction of the Internet, it kept declining, but at a faster rate. Reading rates took a nose dive. According to the despairing librarian, most of the strategies to get people reading aren't working. So what is to be done? Why not give up? I mean, you can lead a jackass to water, but you can't make him drink. It seems to me that there's as much shame in the fact that you have a smarty wasting her time trying to make professional shoppers read books as there is in the fact that most people don't actually read books. In other words, we don't have that many smarties as it is, and we're telling them to waste their time trying to get non-readers to read? It also seems to me that our terror over the death of reading is due to a mistaken teleology that says that "Decline leads inevitably to collapse". In other words, because the culture is declining and becoming trite, because people are turning into these weird trained animals that return dutifully to the mall three times a week, and because all indicators of "higher culture" are in the doldrums, we assume that civilization as we know it will end, a pretty common refrain these days. But, what if, and this is the optimistic possibility(!), we're just entering the Dark Ages? It seems to me that there will always be a few remaining "bookish" types left. Sure, maybe they'll be regularly beaten by the Master's students from my university! But, they will be there. In fact, I've taught about 300 students now, and I know that one of them was an active reader. So, why not behave like they did during the last Dark Ages and keep reading alive through secret societies, a monkish clerisy, and lending libraries? It's occurred to me that the best thing that us bookish types can do today is to drop out of society. Of course, we'll have to be careful that the feds don't think we're terrorists! But, why not form secret societies based around esoteric knowledge? Why not become the Rosicrucians of reading? Of course, we'll have to find storage to keep the books in. But, it seems to me that most libraries are throwing piles of stuff out right now. So, what we'll do is snap up all of the old books and store them in a cold, dry place. The reason for this is that they won't be consumed by fires and we can still live in a relatively normal way. I'm thinking that we should rent those store-all garages and fill them with books. Also fuck the Internet! We shouldn't waste our time posting books to the net because, as far as I can tell, most online users don't read them anyway. It just takes too much time and allows people to say: "Why are you holding on to that there old book for? It's online!" Most importantly, we need to form real-world social relationships! I know that this is hard for most of us, but we need a network of book people to borrow from and to discuss books with. We need to create the sort of free and spontaneous communal joy that consumer culture is inherently opposed to! We need to be exuberant- instead of wasting our lives away trying to 'reach' the militantly stupid, we need to return to the real work of culture- creating worlds and ideas and societies out of whole cloth. So, let's start today. More from R.A.W. (R.I.P.) Incidentally, I got that "intellectual suicide" line from our dear, departed brother Robert Anton Wilson, and this essay of his: In Doubt We Trust: Cults, Religions, and BS in General It's a good place to begin with R.A.W. and one of his core ideas: Human brains are as individualized and unique as human fingerprints. We all live in different sensory universes, and nobody has a guarantee that his/her universe corresponds more exactly to the alleged "real universe" than anybody else's. Europe: Still Not Dead One thing I've been skeptical about for some time is the reported 'death' of Europe. For a few years now, I've been hearing that the European countries are collapsing, or dying, or otherwise in decline. I saw some serious social concerns in France, especially in regards to the highly isolated Paris banlieu that I wandered around one day after researching; but I didn't see a society that was in decline, or showing any serious signs of collapse. I've said before that I think Western Civilization might well die of boredom! But, I didn't get the feeling that the center isn't holding. Anyway, the European Union isn't declining economically. Does anyone remember when the Euro first came out and people were warning that we shouldn't take any because the Euro was going to decline in value? Anyway, it's done quite the opposite, and is currently worth more than the dollar. And Europe's productivity increased sharply last year. So, where's the problem? Is their culture declining? We're the ones who produced Brittney Spears remember. Posted by Rufus at 12:18 PM 4 comments Hrant Dink Turkish Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, who was previously arrested for "insulting Turkishness" in his writings on the 1915 massacres of Armenians, has been murdered. He called the massacres a genocide, which is still a touchy suject in Turkey especially among Turkish nationalists. But, of course, murdering him is a greater insult to "Turkishness" than anything he could have written. And an attack on Turkey as well, not to mention human decency. Christian Nationalists 'Aint that something? I blather on here about how the born-agains that Andrew Sullivan calls "Christianists" would be better described as "Christian Nationalists" because that avoids associating them with the violence of fascism (they're not violent) and it highlights what's offensive about them: not their religion, but their desire to 'reclaim' the nation. Anyway, I'm thinking I'm so clever for coining a phrase and then someone points me to this book: Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism by: Michelle Goldberg From what I can tell, Goldberg is more afraid of these people than I am. I think the warning about how they're going to conquer America is overly paranoid. Those people that pretend to be Klingons have a better chance of conquering this country and I'm guessing that, after eight years of the born again in chief, most Americans are pretty sick of these people. Like it or not, we're heathens. What can I say? We like booze, sex, and all sorts of other bad things. So, yeah, I think they want to 'reclaim the nation' as well. But, I'm just bemused by them, if anything. I'm guessing that there will be other people
Disability Act does not include autism. There are still few doctors able to diagnose autism. And there are no autism-specific schools whatsoever." Qazi has set up his own autism organization in Karachi, the Pakistan Autism Meetup Group, and feels there is a pressing need for more awareness in services: "In a few years' time, there will be more people with autistic spectrum disorders than without," he said. This was a reference not only to the increase in diagnoses but to the broadening of the spectrum to include other conditions. The stigma attached to autism remains strikingly potent in Pakistan. In 2001, in an unprecedented ruling, Chicago immigration officials granted political asylum to a 10-year-old autistic boy, Umair Choudhry, whose mother had claimed his disability was so misunderstood in Pakistan— their homeland—that he would be tortured and persecuted if they returned there. In her application for asylum, Farah Choudhry said her son was subjected to discrimination and persecution because of his autism, which in Umair's case includes compulsive behavior and mystifyingly violent, self-abusive outbursts. Today the boy routinely wears a hockey helmet and mittens for his own protection. "He was forced to undergo various degrading and dangerous mystical treatments consistent with the 'curse of Allah,' which is how the Islamic majority in Pakistan view his condition," Choudhry wrote in her asylum application. Among the treatments was making the boy drink dirty water meant for crows. At the time, Islamic experts warned against confusing traditional cultural mores with religious beliefs. Although the notion of God's will was consistent with Islam, there was nothing in the religion that ascribed a physical or mental limitation to a curse from God, they said. Bangladesh is even further behind than Pakistan. The chairman of SWAC (Society of the Welfare of Autistic Children) there, Anwar Hossain, told me: "The concept of autism started in 1995 or 1996. Before that, these children were labeled as insane or idiots. After 1996, when a small school of five or six students was opened up, people started talking about autism. But that was only in the capital, Dhaka." The center is part-residential and the funding comes largely from the fees charged to parents. Since Bangladesh is one of the poorest nations on earth, it seems surprising that parents are able to pay these fees, but Hossain told me: "Funnily enough, most of the autistic children come from rich, intellectual parents." This observation struck an odd echo of Leo Kanner's comment in his 1943 paper about such parents predominating. As elsewhere, the social stigma remains powerful in Bangladesh: "We must fight this. That's why we take our children to parties. Let people stare at them, so at least they learn what autism is," said Hossain. There remains no legal protection for individuals with autism in Bangladesh, where the condition is not recognized as a disability. And people with Asperger's condition are routinely bullied. Sadly, this is true in even the most advanced of nations. The situation in Vietnam is an interesting one. One of the world's leading autism authorities, Professor Margot Prior, of the University of Melbourne, Australia, spent three weeks in Hanoi in October 2001. At the Institute of Psychology in Hanoi she found that many of the 24 social scientists had received their basic degrees in Russia, and their postgraduate training in France. Prior wrote The demand for clinical psychology services in Vietnam is very high, with virtually no services available for the population unless they suffer from a florid psychiatric condition. The courage, enthusiasm, dedication, and keen desire for learning in these predominantly young research psychologists in the Institute of Psychology was truly remarkable. The conditions in which they work can only be described as Spartan; they lack access to books, journals and up-to-date research information, which we take for granted. Prior said that services and special education opportunities for autistic children in Vietnam were minimal and the families were in a desperate plight. "Their situation is parallel to that obtaining in the 1960s in Australia, when autism was first recognized and the first services were developed." During her stay in Vietnam, Prior helped in the formation of an Autistic Childrens' Parents Association to lobby for services for their children. The Public Medicine Association estimates that of Vietnam's 83 million population, 160,000 people are autistic. Dr. Do Thuy Lan of the association said in 2007 that parents who sought help from the Vietnam Association for Handicapped Children in Hanoi admitted they did not know what to do when faced with their child's developmental problems. Many also said they were embarrassed to let other people know their children were not developing or behaving normally. "Some don't even want to acknowledge the doctor's diagnosis that their child is autistic and keep going for behavior and development check-ups at different places. When they finally decide to cooperate [for therapy], it is too late for effective intervention." This process of intervention required cooperation between pediatricians, psychologists, and educators but this was especially difficult because there was no special educational model for them in Vietnam, Lan said. One Asian country stands out in terms of how early it began to talk about autism and approach the disorder seriously: Japan. This was because some of its leading professionals actually worked with either Leo Kanner or Hans Asperger. Dr. K. Makita studied with Kanner at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. Dr. Nobuyoshi Hirai met Asperger in Vienna in 1962 and invited him to give a talk on "Probleme des Autismus im Kindesalter" (Problems of Autism in Childhood) to the newly formed Japanese Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (JSCAP) three years later. Dr. Tokio Uchiyama, one of Japan's leading child psychiatrists and autism authorities, told me that, throughout the 1960s, a fascinating debate took place between Makita and Hirai over which constituted the "true autism"—Kanner's or Asperger's. In Japan, the health services have traditionally been excellent and on the whole this has permitted early recognition and diagnosis of autism. Some of the earliest prevalence studies took place here. Nevertheless, there are still serious misconceptions. A 2005 poll conducted by the Tokyo-based Autism Society Japan showed that about 30% of Japanese believe that autism is an emotional disorder or is caused by poor parenting. The same poll found that about 20% of parents were uneasy about their children playing with autistic children. Culturally, there is a powerful drive in Japan to conform to the norm, which explains why it is still difficult for parents to come to grips with having a child who is "different." A particular educational approach to autism has its origins in Japan. The Higashi (Japanese for "hope") or Seikatsu Ryouhou (Daily Life Therapy) method was developed in Tokyo in 1964 by Dr. Kiyo Kitahara, who said it had reduced the symptoms of autism in more than 3,000 children. It was based on Dr. Kitahara's experience of teaching autistic children and normal children in the Musashino Higashi Kindergarten. Higashi is based on a strong belief that physical education and vigorous exercise should play an essential role in teaching autistic children. A school based on Higashi principles opened in Boston, in the United States, in 1987, with much of the funding coming from Kitahara. Prior's Court School, established in the United Kingdom by Dame Stephanie Shirley in the 1990s, also largely used Higashi principles, although it now adopts a more eclectic approach. In South Korea, many professionals continue to view autism as an emotional condition. As Roy Grinker has pointed out, it is frequently misdiagnosed as reactive attachment disorder. But the situation is improving and parents are fighting to improve understanding. On January 12, 2006, a new group, the Love Autism Society of Korea, held its inaugural meeting in the capital, Seoul. Its president, Kim Yong-jik, 51, himself the father of a 22-year-old
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"Social Cognitive Theory of Organizational Management." Academy of Management Review 14.3 (1989): 361-84. Yang, Baiyin. "Toward a Holistic Theory of Knowledge and Adult Learning." Human Resource Development Review 2.2 (2003): 106-29. Young, LJ. "John Lasseter on Pixar's Early Days–and How 'Toy Story' Couldn't Have Happened without Tim Burton". 2011. Website. Entertainment Weekly ( July 4 2011. <>. [1] Henagulph, 2000; Ramadier, 2004; Klein, 2004; Nicolescu, 1993; Morin, 1992; Wickson et al. 2006 Gaetano R. Lotrecchiano, EdD, PhD is an assistant professor of Clinical Research, Leadership and Pediatrics at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. He is a member of the Center for Neuroscience Research within the Children's Research Institute at Children National Medical Center. He is the Principal Investigator of the District of Columbia Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (DC LEND).and Director of Education for the Khalifa Bin Zaven al Nehavan Foundation initiative to create a sustainable rehabilitation center and professional education in the United Arab Emirates. As a member of the education faculty at Children's and teaching faculty at the George Washington University School of Medicine he teaches in multiple clinical and translational science graduate venues as well as within the the Innov@N (Innovation) for
-- Add to pattern let mbCons = maybe id (:) rhs_ticks = rhs_tick `mbCons` fst (pat_ticks pat') patvar_tickss = zipWith mbCons patvar_ticks (snd (pat_ticks pat') ++ repeat []) return $ L pos $ pat' { pat_ticks = (rhs_ticks, patvar_tickss) } -- Only internal stuff, not from source, uses VarBind, so we ignore it. addTickLHsBind var_bind@(L _ (VarBind {})) = return var_bind addTickLHsBind patsyn_bind@(L _ (PatSynBind {})) = return patsyn_bind bindTick :: TickDensity -> String -> SrcSpan -> FreeVars -> TM (Maybe (Tickish Id)) bindTick density name pos fvs = do decl_path <- getPathEntry let toplev = null decl_path count_entries = toplev || density == TickAllFunctions top_only = density /= TickAllFunctions box_label = if toplev then TopLevelBox [name] else LocalBox (decl_path ++ [name]) -- allocATickBox box_label count_entries top_only pos fvs -- Note [inline sccs] -- -- It should be reasonable to add ticks to INLINE functions; however -- currently this tickles a bug later on because the SCCfinal pass -- does not look inside unfoldings to find CostCentres. It would be -- difficult to fix that, because SCCfinal currently works on STG and -- not Core (and since it also generates CostCentres for CAFs, -- changing this would be difficult too). -- -- Another reason not to add ticks to INLINE functions is that this -- sometimes handy for avoiding adding a tick to a particular function -- (see #6131) -- -- So for now we do not add any ticks to INLINE functions at all. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decorate an LHsExpr with ticks -- selectively add ticks to interesting expressions addTickLHsExpr :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id) addTickLHsExpr e@(L pos e0) = do d <- getDensity case d of TickForBreakPoints | isGoodBreakExpr e0 -> tick_it TickForCoverage -> tick_it TickCallSites | isCallSite e0 -> tick_it _other -> dont_tick_it where tick_it = allocTickBox (ExpBox False) False False pos $ addTickHsExpr e0 dont_tick_it = addTickLHsExprNever e -- Add a tick to an expression which is the RHS of an equation or a binding. -- We always consider these to be breakpoints, unless the expression is a 'let' -- (because the body will definitely have a tick somewhere). ToDo: perhaps -- we should treat 'case' and 'if' the same way? addTickLHsExprRHS :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id) addTickLHsExprRHS e@(L pos e0) = do d <- getDensity case d of TickForBreakPoints | HsLet{} <- e0 -> dont_tick_it | otherwise -> tick_it TickForCoverage -> tick_it TickCallSites | isCallSite e0 -> tick_it _other -> dont_tick_it where tick_it = allocTickBox (ExpBox False) False False pos $ addTickHsExpr e0 dont_tick_it = addTickLHsExprNever e -- The inner expression of an evaluation context: -- let binds in [], ( [] ) -- we never tick these if we're doing HPC, but otherwise -- we treat it like an ordinary expression. addTickLHsExprEvalInner :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id) addTickLHsExprEvalInner e = do d <- getDensity case d of TickForCoverage -> addTickLHsExprNever e _otherwise -> addTickLHsExpr e -- | A let body is treated differently from addTickLHsExprEvalInner -- above with TickForBreakPoints, because for breakpoints we always -- want to tick the body, even if it is not a redex. See test -- break012. This gives the user the opportunity to inspect the -- values of the let-bound variables. addTickLHsExprLetBody :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id) addTickLHsExprLetBody e@(L pos e0) = do d <- getDensity case d of TickForBreakPoints | HsLet{} <- e0 -> dont_tick_it | otherwise -> tick_it _other -> addTickLHsExprEvalInner e where tick_it = allocTickBox (ExpBox False) False False pos $ addTickHsExpr e0 dont_tick_it = addTickLHsExprNever e -- version of addTick that does not actually add a tick, -- because the scope of this tick is completely subsumed by -- another. addTickLHsExprNever :: LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id) addTickLHsExprNever (L pos e0) = do e1 <- addTickHsExpr e0 return $ L pos e1 -- general heuristic: expressions which do not denote values are good break points isGoodBreakExpr :: HsExpr Id -> Bool isGoodBreakExpr (HsApp {}) = True isGoodBreakExpr (OpApp {}) = True isGoodBreakExpr (NegApp {}) = True isGoodBreakExpr (HsIf {}) = True isGoodBreakExpr (HsMultiIf {}) = True isGoodBreakExpr (HsCase {}) = True isGoodBreakExpr (RecordCon {}) = True isGoodBreakExpr (RecordUpd {}) = True isGoodBreakExpr (ArithSeq {}) = True isGoodBreakExpr (PArrSeq {}) = True isGoodBreakExpr _other = False isCallSite :: HsExpr Id -> Bool isCallSite HsApp{} = True isCallSite OpApp{} = True isCallSite _ = False addTickLHsExprOptAlt :: Bool -> LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id) addTickLHsExprOptAlt oneOfMany (L pos e0) = ifDensity TickForCoverage (allocTickBox (ExpBox oneOfMany) False False pos $ addTickHsExpr e0) (addTickLHsExpr (L pos e0)) addBinTickLHsExpr :: (Bool -> BoxLabel) -> LHsExpr Id -> TM (LHsExpr Id) addBinTickLHsExpr boxLabel (L pos e0) = ifDensity TickForCoverage (allocBinTickBox boxLabel pos $ addTickHsExpr e0) (addTickLHsExpr (L pos e0)) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Decoarate an HsExpr with ticks addTickHsExpr :: HsExpr Id -> TM (HsExpr Id) addTickHsExpr e@(HsVar id) = do freeVar id; return e addTickHsExpr e@(HsIPVar _) = return e addTickHsExpr e@(HsOverLit _) = return e addTickHsExpr e@(HsLit _) = return e addTickHsExpr (HsLam matchgroup) = liftM HsLam (addTickMatchGroup True matchgroup) addTickHsExpr (HsLamCase ty mgs) = liftM (HsLamCase ty) (addTickMatchGroup True mgs) addTickHsExpr (HsApp e1 e2) = liftM2 HsApp (addTickLHsExprNever e1) (addTickLHsExpr e2) addTickHsExpr (OpApp e1 e2 fix e3) = liftM4 OpApp (addTickLHsExpr e1) (addTickLHsExprNever e2) (return fix) (addTickLHsExpr e3) addTickHsExpr (NegApp e neg) = liftM2 NegApp (addTickLHsExpr e) (addTickSyntaxExpr hpcSrcSpan neg) addTickHsExpr (HsPar e) = liftM HsPar (addTickLHsExprEvalInner e) addTickHsExpr (SectionL e1 e2) = liftM2 SectionL (addTickLHsExpr e1) (addTickLHsExprNever e2) addTickHsExpr (SectionR e1 e2) = liftM2 SectionR (addTickLHsExprNever e1) (addTickLHsExpr e2) addTickHsExpr (ExplicitTuple es boxity) = liftM2 ExplicitTuple (mapM addTickTupArg es) (return boxity) addTickHsExpr (HsCase e mgs) = liftM2 HsCase (addTickLHsExpr e) -- not an EvalInner; e might not necessarily -- be evaluated. (addTickMatchGroup False mgs) addTickHsExpr (HsIf cnd e1 e2 e3) = liftM3 (HsIf cnd) (addBinTickLHsExpr (BinBox CondBinBox) e1) (addTickLHsExprOptAlt True e2) (addTickLHsExprOptAlt True e3) addTickHsExpr (HsMultiIf ty alts) = do { let isOneOfMany = case alts of [_] -> False; _ -> True ; alts' <- mapM (liftL $ addTickGRHS isOneOfMany False) alts ; return $ HsMultiIf ty alts' } addTickHsExpr (HsLet binds e) = bindLocals (collectLocalBinders binds) $ liftM2 HsLet (addTickHsLocalBinds binds) -- to think about: !patterns. (addTickLHsExprLetBody e) addTickHsExpr (HsDo cxt stmts srcloc) = do { (stmts', _) <- addTickLStmts' forQual stmts (return ()) ; return (HsDo cxt stmts' srcloc) } where forQual = case cxt of ListComp -> Just $ BinBox QualBinBox _ -> Nothing addTickHsExpr (ExplicitList ty wit es) = liftM3 ExplicitList (return ty) (addTickWit wit) (mapM (addTickLHsExpr) es) where addTickWit Nothing = return Nothing addTickWit (Just fln) = do fln' <- addTickHsExpr fln return (Just fln') addTickHsExpr (ExplicitPArr ty es) = liftM2 ExplicitPArr (return ty) (mapM (addTickLHsExpr) es) addTickHsExpr (HsStatic e) = HsStatic <$> addTickLHsExpr e addTickHsExpr (RecordCon id ty rec_binds) = liftM3 RecordCon (return id) (return ty) (addTickHsRecordBinds rec_binds) addTickHsExpr (RecordUpd e rec_binds cons tys1 tys2) = liftM5 RecordUpd (addTickLHsExpr e) (addTickHsRecordBinds rec_binds) (return cons) (return tys1) (return tys2) addTickHsExpr (ExprWithTySigOut e ty) = liftM2 ExprWithTySigOut (addTickLHsExprNever e) -- No need to tick the inner expression -- for expressions with signatures (return ty) addTickHsExpr (ArithSeq ty wit arith_seq) = liftM3 ArithSeq (return ty) (addTickWit wit) (addTickArithSeqInfo arith_seq) where addTickWit Nothing = return Nothing addTickWit (Just fl) = do fl' <- addTickHsExpr fl return (Just fl') -- We might encounter existing ticks (multiple Coverage passes) addTickHsExpr (HsTick t e) = liftM (HsTick t) (addTickLHsExprNever e) addTickHsExpr (HsBinTick t0 t1 e) = liftM (HsBinTick t0 t1) (addTickLHsExprNever e) addTickHsExpr (HsTickPragma _ _ (L pos e0)) = do e2 <- allocTickBox (ExpBox False) False False pos $ addTickHsExpr e0 return $ unLoc e2 addTickHsExpr (PArrSeq ty arith_seq) = liftM2 PArrSeq (return ty) (addTickArithSeqInfo arith_seq) addTickHsExpr (HsSCC src nm e) = liftM3 HsSCC (return src) (return nm) (addTickLHsExpr e) addTickHsExpr (HsCoreAnn src nm e) = liftM3 HsCoreAnn (return src) (return nm) (addTickLHsExpr e) addTickHsExpr e@(HsBracket {}) = return e addTickHsExpr e@(HsTcBracketOut {}) = return e addTickHsExpr e@(HsRnBracketOut {}) = return e addTickHsExpr e@(HsSpliceE {}) = return e addTickHsExpr (HsProc pat cmdtop) = liftM2 HsProc (addTickLPat pat) (liftL (addTickHsCmdTop) cmdtop) addTickHsExpr (HsWrap w e) = liftM2 HsWrap (return w) (addTickHsExpr e) -- explicitly no tick on inside addTickHsExpr e@(HsType _) = return e addTickHsExpr (HsUnboundVar {}) = panic "addTickHsExpr.HsUnboundVar" -- Others dhould never happen in expression content. addTickHsExpr e = pprPanic "addTickHsExpr" (ppr e) addTickTupArg :: LHsTupArg Id -> TM (LHsTupArg Id) addTickTupArg
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evaluate the experiment: an objective measure of syntactic maturity and a holistic rating of writing guality. The results revealed that the combination of sentence combining and free writing was the most effective in two areas: expository writing reguiring syntactic manipulation and narrative writing reguiring writing production. An elementary study, in which the researcher Laframboise (1990) sought to include word processing with sentence combining, was conducted with low-level 4th-grade students. The design was quasi-experimental with a pretestposttest hierarchical design. Students within 6 intact classes were randomly assigned to treatment. Dependent variables were (a) reading comprehension, measured by a traditional cloze test and a structural cloze test; and( b) syntactic fluency measured by the mean number of words per T-unit on a free writing sample. Pretest scores on the structural cloze test served as the covariate. The statistical analysis was multivariate analysis of covariance. The results showed that the differences were greater among type of task than between pretest and posttest among treatment groups. There were no significant differences between the three levels of treatment at the. 05 alpha level. 42 The last elementary study reviewed was by Bordonaro (1991) The researcher investigated the use of the John Collins Cumulative Writing Folder Program with sentence combining as a revision strategy to see if 5th graders would improve their writing in six areas: topic development, organization, supporting details, sentence structure, word choice, and mechanics. Both experimental and control groups used the Collins program; only the experimental group used sentence combining as a revision strategy. The writing samples from all groups were analytically scored by independent scorers. The overall writing performance of the experimental group showed significant improvement. The five variables that showed no significant difference were: organization, mechanics, supporting details, sentence structure and word choice. There were seven studies found in the literature that dealt specifically with middle or junior high school students. The first of these was conducted by Combs (1975) who tested the effect of sentence-combining practice as part of a language arts curriculum on the reading and writing performance of 100 7th graders in four classes. These classes, controlled for ability, sex, and teacher effect, followed a single curricular format excepting the sentencecombining exercises completed by the two experimental classes between pretest and posttest. 43 Effects of the sentence-combining treatment on students' writing performance were measured at pretest, posttest, and delayed posttest times. Effects on students' reading performance were measured by pretest and posttest only. A t-test comparison of control and experimental groups indicated that the experimental group wrote compositions at posttest that were (a) syntactically more mature than those of the control group, and (b) syntactically more mature than those they had written at posttest. The differences were significant at .001. A t-test comparison of judgment by teacher-raters showed that the quality of writing of the experimental group was not different from that of the control group at pretest, but significantly different at posttest. The same raters also judged the posttest writing of the experimental group significantly better than its pretest writing. No such differences were found between pretest and posttest writings of the control group. Results from the two reading measures indicated that the treatment produced no significant differences in reading rate nor comprehension scores on the Gates-MacGinitie Test. A t-test comparison of the posttest group means on the comprehension of the specially-constructed reading measure showed that the experimental group scored significantly (p=<.001) higher than the control group. 44 The researcher concluded that results from his experiment made a strong case for using sentence-combining practice as an integral part of a language arts curriculum. The study indicated that sentence-combining practice increases syntactic maturity and guality of writing, but its effects are lessened when instruction and practice are withdrawn (as shown on delayed posttest) The study also provided evidence that sentence-combining practice positively affects reading comprehension as measured by a specially-constructed reading measure. Simmons (1981) investigated whether sentence-combining activities had an effect on the reading and listening comprehension of 7th graders. She also investigated correlations among reading, listening, and mean T-unit length in writing and attitudes. The 12-week study involved 87 students in 4 classrooms. The experimental and control groups were each divided into regular and advanced language arts classes by reading ability. Each of the teachers taught an experimental and a control class. The treatment consisted of one and a half hours per week of open and closed, written and oral sentence-combining exercises as well as cloze exercises. Three measures were used before and after the treatment to measure its effects. Reading achievement was measured by the SRA Achievement Series, Level E, Forms 1 and 2. Listening comprehension was measured by the Stanford Achievement Test, Intermediate 45 Level II, Forms A and B. Syntactic fluency was measured by free writing in the narrative mode. A two-way analysis of variance yielded results showing no significant differences among reading, listening, and mean T-unit length in writing. The students did indicate they enjoyed the sentencecombining exercises, particularly the open and oral aspects of these exercises. Trivelli (1983) sought to determine whether traditional grammar instruction or a transformational-generative, sentence-combining program would improve the reading comprehension and written syntactic maturity of 8th-grade students. Reading comprehension was measured by the Stanford Achievement Test, a grade-level cloze test, and a difficult cloze test controlled for readability and syntactic maturity levels. Syntactic maturity was measured by mean words per T-unit calculated from a 300-word writing sample of three modes of discourse. About 3 hours of class time as well as 8 hours of homework were spent in cued and noncued sentence-combining of traditional grammar lessons. Campbell and Stanley's Solomon Four-Group Design was used for the study with random assignment of classes to one of the four treatment groups. The statistical procedure used to analyze the data was multiple linear regression. The researcher found nonsignificant differences in the scores from the Stanford Achievement Test and the mean words per T-unit. Results 46 indicated significance for written syntactic ability in favor of students using the sentence-combining method of instruction. Also, statistically significant correlations were found between written syntactic maturity and the Stanford Achievement Test in reading comprehension and the difficult cloze test. These correlations were not reported. Finally, correlations between the standardized and the cloze scores were nonsignificant. Neville and Searls (1985) elected to use a 10-week treatment time period for their study of the effect of sentence combining and kernel-identification practice on the syntactic component of 6th-graders' reading comprehension, as measured by a cloze instrument developed by the authors and by two subtests from the norm-referenced Test of Reading Comprehension (TORC) The experimental group completed 8 open sentence-combining exercises, 7 kernel-identification exercises, and 8 cloze exercises. Analysis of covariance was used and results revealed that gains made on immediate posttest scores on the cloze instrument were significant for the experimental group; gains on a 6-week delayed posttest on the cloze instrument were not significant. There was also no significant difference between experimental and comparison groups on the two TORC subtests. The researchers inferred that sentence combining and kernel-identification practice helped the experimental group to comprehend longer, syntactically more 47 complex sentences. The researchers concluded the following and suggested some direction for future research: Sentence combining has been found to be an effective means of improving writing performance; the research evidence for the effect of sentence combining on reading comprehension is not as definite. This study has confirmed earlier research that showed significantly different student performance on cloze tests but not on standardized reading tests. Future research with sentence combining should include criterion measures of both writing and reading, (p. 58) Spilton (1987) compared the effects of individualized language arts to the effects of sentence combining and to the effects of traditional grammar on
perfect, but also show them we took complaints very seriously and we always aimed at achieving a positive outcome. Learning to handle challenging customers will build respect for your business and ultimately result in higher customer retention and profits. Positive/negative When we receive complaints, we often look upon them in a negative way. However, complaints can be really useful to any garage and although it doesn't feel like it at the time, the complaint is extremely positive in that it helps highlight problems with our service and procedures. The alternative to receiving customer complaints is not receiving them and carrying on just the way we are, oblivious the negative impact our actions are having on customers who perhaps won't return or will be complaining to their friends rather than to us. This is extremely damaging as we never get the chance to put right the errors that we don't hear about. It's a bit of a cliché, but complaints really are a gift. How to turn 60 minutes into £500k This month John takes a look at a case study to show you how slowing down can remove your stress and earn you more Something I find myself wanting to say all the time: "It's easy to find technical information, easy to diagnose that car, easy to increase the profit within your garage." I am wrong of course. I've been running automotive businesses for long enough to know it's not easy, but what I do know is it's not complex either. In fact, it's often simpler than you think. I might even say, straightforward. However, if that's the case, why is it that many of the garage owners I speak to are frustrated (not unhappy just frustrated) with their businesses? It's an important question, and when these frustrations are given some thought solutions often appear. Here's the great thing. The solutions we discover are common to most garages, including yours. While it may not be easy, it is straightforward. "How do I find solutions to my frustrations," I hear you ask? All you have to do is be like the Cadbury's bunny. Slow down and take it easy "Slow down, I wish!" This one of the most common responses when I ask my clients take a little time for the important tasks in their day. Between answering the phone, running the workshop and dealing with everyone's questions how are you meant to slow down? If you are looking for a different outcome (less stress in your workshop and an increase in profit) then you'll need to change your actions. Not dramatic changes, just small ones on a regular basis. It's these small changes that when taken regularly have an unprecedented effect on your garage. Let's take a look at how slowing down and taking 60 minutes helped one of our clients recently and how you could do the same. Problems + no time + no clarity = frustration Like most things in life, a solution to a frustration is simpler to come by once a system is devised to deal with it, and that's the route we took with Emma (name changed). Emma owns a great garage with her husband. They've been in this industry for years, love what they do, have a big team and are good at it. That doesn't mean there aren't frustrations though. On a call Emma recently said: "John, I've got a problem and it's driving me nuts. Why is it that my technicians can't tell me that their parts are wrong for the vehicle? It's affecting the time taken to complete the job and affecting when the car goes back to the customer. I love our techs but this just keeps on happening. How can we fix it? I can almost see you nodding along while reading Emma's words. It's a common issue in many workshops and can often dictate whether you have a good or bad day at the office. The solution though is straight forward you just need a little maths. Time + clarity + thought = solution We took 60 minutes of critical thinking, dedicated to defining the problem and its solution. The interesting part is that we found solutions Emma wasn't expecting. In fact, the technician was only a small part of the problem. To ensure success though, you have to get off on the right foot. I like to start the process by defining the desired outcome. So that's what we did and started with the end in mind. Emma initially voiced her frustration with the technician not informing her that the parts were wrong. When dissected however, the frustration was actually a desired outcome was not being achieved. The outcomes in this instance being the car ready on time and a happy customer, alongside the efficient use of resources and the profitability of the workshop. With those defined, let's turn our attention to brainstorming possible causes and Emma's options for the solution. We now have our desired outcomes and a reason that they're not happening defined as incorrect parts. Let's take a look at all of the possible causes of the incorrect parts. It could be: Published: 27 February, 2020 The FOS offers help to businesses who are having difficulties dealing with financial issues, and it is free to use. Read on to find out more I, Rebate Rebates on parts are an accepted part of life for every garage. What do businesses actually think of them though, and does a rebate influence where parts are being bought? Published: 24 January, 2020 It's a typical scenario for a garage. You have been buying parts and consumables from your factor of choice through the weeks, months and years. In that time, as you spend you are also accruing points on their rebate scheme. Eventually you have enough to get something really handy for the business, or just some nice stuff for you and the team. This can be a nice bit of extra income that can be invested back in the garage, or it can be something to splurge-spend on spurious fripperies. Have you ever asked yourself what you really think of this though? Is it something you get in other areas of your life, major supermarkets aside? Probably not. Is it influencing your buying habits or reinforcing existing loyalties? Would you just prefer lower prices from your favourite factor? We thought we would ask a few garages around the country how they use rebates, and if they affect their attitudes to their suppliers. Powering up your future business Understanding the impact of the shift towards EVs and hybrids on your business will help you make a success of the change Life never stands still and this also applies to vehicle design and the subsequent diagnostic and repair requirements. Any workshop business that does not evolve will, sooner or later, fail. The pace of change in vehicle design has been exponential in the last 10 years, across vehicle systems such as the development of driver assist systems, but equally for powertrain designs. Part of the powertrain development has been for engine management, such as direct injection for petrol engines, cylinder de-activation and Atkinson cycle technologies, but these have been developments of existing internal combustion designs. There have also been different fuels, such as hydrogen, but again, evolution, rather than revolution. The real change has been the rapid increase in the number of electrically powered cars, partly due to the development of both battery technology and volumes, with the subsequent reduction in prices, making vehicles both more affordable and useable, but the most significant influence has come from the political environment to move away from the reliance on fossil fuels. Viable Although electric vehicles are far from a new idea – the first (small scale) electric vehicles were developed in the 1830s, with viable vehicles being manufactured from the very early 1900s, including the
> 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo '* already processed, skipping *'.PHP_EOL; } if ($isShared === false && isset($tokens[$i]['scope_closer']) === true ) { $i = $tokens[$i]['scope_closer']; } continue; } else if ($currType === $tokenType && $isShared === false && $opener === null ) { // We haven't yet found our opener, but we have found another // scope opener which is the same type as us, and we don't // share openers, so we will never find one. if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo '* it was another token\'s opener, bailing *'.PHP_EOL; } return $stackPtr; } else { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo '* searching for opener *'.PHP_EOL; } if ($tokenizer->scopeOpeners[$tokenType]['end'] === T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET) { $oldIgnore = $ignore; $ignore = 0; } $i = self::_recurseScopeMap( $tokens, $numTokens, $tokenizer, $eolChar, $i, ($depth + 1), $ignore ); if ($tokenizer->scopeOpeners[$tokenType]['end'] === T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET) { $ignore = $oldIgnore; } }//end if }//end if start scope if ($tokenType === $tokenizer->scopeOpeners[$currType]['start'] && $opener === null ) { if ($tokenType === T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET) { // Make sure this is actually an opener and not a // string offset (e.g., $var{0}). for ($x = ($i - 1); $x > 0; $x--) { if (in_array($tokens[$x]['code'], PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$emptyTokens) === true) { continue; } else { // If the first non-whitespace/comment token is a // variable or object operator then this is an opener // for a string offset and not a scope. if ($tokens[$x]['code'] === T_VARIABLE || $tokens[$x]['code'] === T_OBJECT_OPERATOR ) { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo '* ignoring curly brace *'.PHP_EOL; } $ignore++; }//end if break; }//end if }//end for }//end if if ($ignore === 0 || $tokens[$stackPtr]['type'] !== T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET ) { // We found the opening scope token for $currType. if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $type = $tokens[$stackPtr]['type']; echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "=> Found scope opener for $stackPtr ($type)".PHP_EOL; } $opener = $i; } } else if ($tokenType === $tokenizer->scopeOpeners[$currType]['end'] && $opener !== null ) { if ($ignore > 0 && $tokenType === T_CLOSE_CURLY_BRACKET) { // The last opening bracket must have been for a string // offset or alike, so let's ignore it. if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo '* finished ignoring curly brace *'.PHP_EOL; } $ignore--; } else { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $type = $tokens[$stackPtr]['type']; echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "=> Found scope closer for $stackPtr ($type)".PHP_EOL; } foreach (array($stackPtr, $opener, $i) as $token) { $tokens[$token]['scope_condition'] = $stackPtr; $tokens[$token]['scope_opener'] = $opener; $tokens[$token]['scope_closer'] = $i; } if ($tokenizer->scopeOpeners[$tokens[$stackPtr]['code']]['shared'] === true) { return $opener; } else { return $i; } }//end if } else if ($tokenType === T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS) { if (isset($tokens[$i]['parenthesis_owner']) === true) { $owner = $tokens[$i]['parenthesis_owner']; if (in_array($tokens[$owner]['code'], PHP_CodeSniffer_Tokens::$scopeOpeners) === true && isset($tokens[$i]['parenthesis_closer']) === true ) { // If we get into here, then we opened a parenthesis for // a scope (eg. an if or else if). We can just skip to // the closing parenthesis. $i = $tokens[$i]['parenthesis_closer']; // Update the start of the line so that when we check to see // if the closing parenthesis is more than 3 lines away from // the statement, we check from the closing parenthesis. $startLine = $tokens[$tokens[$i]['parenthesis_closer']]['line']; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo '* skipping parenthesis *'.PHP_EOL; } } } } else if ($tokenType === T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET && $opener !== null) { // We opened something that we don't have a scope opener for. // Examples of this are curly brackets for string offsets etc. // We want to ignore this so that we don't have an invalid scope // map. if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo '* ignoring curly brace *'.PHP_EOL; } $ignore++; } else if ($opener === null && isset($tokenizer->scopeOpeners[$currType]) === true ) { // If we still haven't found the opener after 3 lines, // we're not going to find it, unless we know it requires // an opener, in which case we better keep looking. if ($tokens[$i]['line'] >= ($startLine + 3)) { if ($tokenizer->scopeOpeners[$currType]['strict'] === true) { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $type = $tokens[$stackPtr]['type']; $lines = ($tokens[$i]['line'] - $startLine); echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "=> Still looking for $stackPtr ($type) scope opener after $lines lines".PHP_EOL; } } else { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $type = $tokens[$stackPtr]['type']; echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "=> Couldn't find scope opener for $stackPtr ($type), bailing".PHP_EOL; } return $stackPtr; } } } else if ($opener !== null && $tokenType !== T_BREAK && in_array($tokenType, $tokenizer->endScopeTokens) === true ) { if (isset($tokens[$i]['scope_condition']) === false) { if ($ignore > 0) { // We found the end token for the opener we were ignoring. if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo '* finished ignoring curly brace *'.PHP_EOL; } $ignore--; } else { // We found a token that closes the scope but it doesn't // have a condition, so it belongs to another token and // our token doesn't have a closer, so pretend this is // the closer. if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $type = $tokens[$stackPtr]['type']; echo str_repeat("\t", $depth); echo "=> Found (unexpected) scope closer for $stackPtr ($type)".PHP_EOL; } foreach (array($stackPtr, $opener) as $token) { $tokens[$token]['scope_condition'] = $stackPtr; $tokens[$token]['scope_opener'] = $opener; $tokens[$token]['scope_closer'] = $i; } return ($i - 1); }//end if }//end if }//end if }//end for return $stackPtr; }//end _recurseScopeMap() /** * Constructs the level map. * * The level map adds a 'level' indice to each token which indicates the * depth that a token within a set of scope blocks. It also adds a * 'condition' indice which is an array of the scope conditions that opened * each of the scopes - position 0 being the first scope opener. * * @param array &$tokens The array of tokens to process. * @param object $tokenizer The tokenizer being used to process this file. * @param string $eolChar The EOL character to use for splitting strings. * * @return void */ private static function _createLevelMap(&$tokens, $tokenizer, $eolChar) { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { echo "\t*** START LEVEL MAP ***".PHP_EOL; } $numTokens = count($tokens); $level = 0; $conditions = array(); $lastOpener = null; $openers = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $numTokens; $i++) { if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $type = $tokens[$i]['type']; $line = $tokens[$i]['line']; $content = str_replace($eolChar, '\n', $tokens[$i]['content']); echo str_repeat("\t", ($level + 1)); echo "Process token $i on line $line [lvl:$level;"; if (empty($conditions) !== true) { $condString = 'conds;'; foreach ($conditions as $condition) { $condString .= token_name($condition).','; } echo rtrim($condString, ',').';'; } echo "]: $type => $content".PHP_EOL; } $tokens[$i]['level'] = $level; $tokens[$i]['conditions'] = $conditions; if (isset($tokens[$i]['scope_condition']) === true) { // Check to see if this token opened the scope. if ($tokens[$i]['scope_opener'] === $i) { $stackPtr = $tokens[$i]['scope_condition']; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $type = $tokens[$stackPtr]['type']; echo str_repeat("\t", ($level + 1)); echo "=> Found scope opener for $stackPtr ($type)".PHP_EOL; } $stackPtr = $tokens[$i]['scope_condition']; // If we find a scope opener that has a shared closer, // then we need to go back over the condition map that we // just created and fix ourselves as we just added some // conditions where there was none. This happens for T_CASE // statements that are using the same break statement. if ($lastOpener !== null && $tokens[$lastOpener]['scope_closer'] === $tokens[$i]['scope_closer']) { // This opener shares its closer with the previous opener, // but we still need to check if the two openers share their // closer with each other directly (like CASE and DEFAULT) // or if they are just sharing because one doesn't have a // closer (like CASE with no BREAK using a SWITCHes closer). $thisType = $tokens[$tokens[$i]['scope_condition']]['code']; $opener = $tokens[$lastOpener]['scope_condition']; $isShared = in_array( $tokens[$opener]['code'], $tokenizer->scopeOpeners[$thisType]['with'] ); $sameEnd = ($tokenizer->scopeOpeners[$thisType]['end'] === $tokenizer->scopeOpeners[$tokens[$opener]['code']]['end']); if ($isShared === true && $sameEnd === true) { $badToken = $opener; if (PHP_CODESNIFFER_VERBOSITY > 1) { $type = $tokens[$badToken]['type'];
Pipe Set Pipeline (Unix) Organ pipe Pipe (fluid conveyance) Set (music) Set (darts) This video instructs the viewer on how to smoke a tobacco pipe step by step TRU Wolfpack Men's Volleyball interim head coach Mike Hawkins talks about 3 variations of the the pipe attack - the push pipe, the bic pipe, and the head/back pipe. Coyote trapping in the Eastern United States can be challenging. With the Pipe Dream Set, Mark Zagger of Coyote U shows how trappers can trap for canine despite mud, or freeze and thaw conditions with the set he invented. The Pipe Dream Set can help coyote trappers take them by the numbers. Check out this Updated version of the Famous PVC Pipe set. You will love it and it will take fur. Products from Video: Canada: USA: Καλώς ήρθατε στο κανάλι μου, Σε αυτό το βιντεάκι προτείνω ένα αρχικό πακετακι που χρειάζεται για να μπούμε στον χώρο της καπνοσυριγγας!! Στο παρακάτω βιντεάκι θα βρείτε πολλές χρήσιμες πληροφορίες για το κάπνισμα πίπας για αρχάριους!!! Καλά σας καπνίσματα💨💨💨👍👍👍🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷 How to play with FUNTOK Pipeline Blocks 72pcs. SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss our new toy videos. views: 17872270 The pipe dream set is a very effective way to trap predators, whether you are trapping coyotes, bobcats, coons or foxes - this set can work for you! Watch to see exactly how to make a pipe dream set! **EQUIPMENT USED** MB 550 Traps - Bait & Lure - DakotaLine Cold Creek 3lb Trapline Hammer - Coyote Trapping Starter Kit - Berkshire Disposable Trap Steaks With Driver - #trapping #coyotetrapping #predatortrapping Introducing the Leica Piper 100 & 200 pipe laser system, the only pipe laser small enough to fit inside a 4" (100m) pipe. The versatile Piper can be used inside the pipe, over the pipe, or inside a manhole. Video includes basic set-up procedures and an overview of accessories. I stream every single day over at TW!TCH: mafk Please SUBSCRIBE and LIKE my Facebook page If you enjoyed the show and want to throw some change into my virtual case: Instagram: @pip3guy For all Bookings: [email protected] Now streaming on Spotify, iTunes and Google Play Music: Playing a live set in Rundle Mall, Adelaide, South Australia on my homemade PVC pipe instrument, played with a pair of thongs (flip flops to the non-Aussie viewers :P) To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email [email protected] In this video, OnlineEEI shows you step-by-step instructions on how to set up a portable pipe and drape backdrop kit using its 8 foot tall freestanding kit. For more information, please visit our event decorating products international store: Here are the written, step-by-step instructions: 1. Remove screw from bottom of pin. 2. Push screw from bottom side through hole in center of base plate. 3. Tighten pin clockwise back onto screw with base plate in between. Repeat with second base plate and place them required width apart. 4. Slide (unslotted) bottom half of upright onto pin. Join upper half of upright post (piece with slots at top) with the unslotted bottom piece. Repeat with second upright. 5.The adjustable drape support rod is made up of 3 pieces: Two end pieces (each have a hook) and a middle piece (with 4 button holes). One of the end pieces is stored inside the middle piece. Pull this towards the hook side until the last button engages. 6. Snap the other end piece into the other end of the middle piece. The width is adjustable by disengaging these buttons. 7. Thread drapes onto adjustable drape support rod. 8. Place hook on one end of drape support rod snugly into upright slot. 9. Repeat with other end of drape support rod on second upright. There are many creative uses for Pipe and Drape such as backdrops, room dividers, traffic control, or decorating. Use them at your next event! Visit us on Facebook at In Unix-like computer operating systems (and, to some extent, Microsoft Windows), a pipeline is a set of processes chained by their standard streams, so that the output of each process (stdout) feeds directly as input (stdin) to the next one. Filter programs are often used in this configuration. The concept of pipelines was invented by Douglas McIlroy at Unix's ancestral home of Bell Labs, prior to the actual invention of the operating system, and implemented in Unix at his insistence, shaping its toolbox philosophy. It is named by analogy to a physical pipeline. The standard shell syntax for pipelines is to list multiple programs to invoke in one command, separated by vertical bars: Each program is assumed to take input and give output on its standard streams. Each "|" tells the shell to connect the standard output of the left program to the standard input of the right program by an inter-process communication mechanism called an (anonymous) pipe, implemented in the operating system. Since pipes are unidirectional, data flows through the pipeline from left to right. This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - An organ pipe is a sound-producing element of the pipe organ that resonates at a specific pitch when pressurized air (commonly referred to as wind) is driven through it. Each pipe is tuned to a specific note of the musical scale. A set of organ pipes of similar timbre tuned to a scale is known as a rank or a stop. Organ pipes are generally made out of either metal or wood. Very rarely, glass, porcelain, plastic, paper, Papier-mâché, or even stone pipes may be seen. A historical organ in the Philippines has pipes made exclusively of bamboo. Metal pipes are usually made of lead; for increased rigidity it is alloyed with tin along with trace amounts of antimony and copper. The percentage of each metal in the alloy influences the characteristics of the resulting pipe. A high proportion of tin results in a slightly brighter colouring. In addition, high amounts of tin give a gleaming and long-lasting polish, which may be desired if the pipe is clearly visible. The cost of each metal is also a factor, as tin is more expensive than lead. Cost considerations may also lead to the use of the inferior rolled zinc especially for the lower tones that take a lot of material. In addition, pipes have been made of many metals, including copper, aluminium, gold electroplate, silver, brass, and iron. This page contains text from Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia - A pipe is a tubular section or hollow cylinder, usually but not necessarily of circular cross-section, used mainly to convey substances which can flow — liquids and gases (fluids), slurries, powders and masses of small solids. It can also be used for structural applications; hollow pipe is far stiffer per unit weight than solid members. In common usage the words pipe and tube are usually interchangeable, but in industry and engineering, the terms are uniquely defined. Depending on the applicable standard to which it is manufactured, pipe is generally specified by a nominal diameter with a constant outside diameter (OD) and a schedule that defines the thickness. Tube is most often specified by the OD and wall thickness, but may be specified by any two of OD, inside diameter (ID), and wall thickness. Pipe is generally manufactured to one of several international and national industrial standards. While similar standards exist for specific industry application tubing, tube is often made to custom sizes and a broader range of diameters and tolerances. Many industrial and government standards exist for the production of pipe and tubing. The term "tube" is also commonly applied to non-cylindrical sections, i.e., square or rectangular tubing. In general, "pipe" is the more common term in most of the world, whereas "tube" is more widely
פודקאסטים בנושא Relationship Gera Relationship Gera ציבורי [search 0] Podcast Relationship Gera Lyric Life Join me, Mark Scarbrough, on this bookmarked journey through some of the best lyric poetry in English . I've got a passion for small, evocative poems. I'd like to share that with out--as well as those poems, of course! Together, we'll encounter the core things that make us human: love, the inner life, the emotions, our notion of purpose, and our relationship with the natural world around us. Join me. We humans are made for each other! Hedge Clippings This podcast might not actually kill you, but it covers so many things that can. Each episode tackles a different disease, from its history, to its biology, and finally, how scared you need to be. Ecologists and epidemiologists Erin Welsh and Erin Allmann Updyke make infectious diseases acceptable fodder for dinner party conversation and provide the perfect cocktail recipe to match New Books in Psychoanalysis Interviews with Scholars of Psychoanalysis about their New Books Live From The 75 Podcast @caakesbadder, @rod_baby and @BlasianHeatRock come together as the #LiveFromThe75Podcast host. Listen as the host and special guest talk and discuss urban culture, music, local artist, relationship advice, current events that happening in todays society. Sex - Tantra and Kama Sutra: Bringing You the Soul of Sex Tantra, Tantric Sex, Kama Sutra... Many people believe you can get closer to God through a practice of sacred sensuality by raising your erotic energy. Learn lovemaking positions so you and your lover can connect with higher powers and create deeper intimacy through spiritual teachings, breathing and meditative exercises that expand both mind and body. It's not sex therapy yet sacred sexuality and lovemaking techniques can be used for erotic issues such as anorgasmia, premature ejaculation, ... The Good Glow Health The Good Glow Health is a podcast that will help us understand our health better. Georgie Crawford will speak to experts who will demystify topics like sleep, fertility, nutrition, gut health and much more. Since being diagnosed with cancer in her 30s, Georgie made it her priority to educate herself on health. She discovered that creating healthy habits and investing in yourself can lead to wonderful things. This podcast has been created to educate, open minds and guide us on our health journey. Cordelia Schmidt-Hellerau, "Memory's Eyes: A New York Oedipus Novel" (Ipbooks, 2020) 54:48 Cordelia Schmidt-Hellerau's Memory's Eyes is a contemporary New York Oedipus novel. It is written for readers who enjoy playing with concepts and storylines, here namely the classical Oedipus myth, Sophocles' three Theban plays, the psychoanalytical concept of the Oedipus complex, and its pop-cultural adaptations in cartoons and jokes. Tragic and f… Nancy Cross Dunham, "What I'm Learning About Grief" 21:09 Nancy Cross Dunham's poem "What I'm Learning About Grief" was part of an NPR challenge to find poems that dealt with grief during the lockdowns of Covid. It's a quiet, devastating exploration of the ways out of grief: from cliché to something quite different, something that is redemptive, never forgetting that the "next night" is always just ahead.… Ep 64 Rubella: Timing is Everything 1:19:32 For many of us, rubella has simply come to mean the R in MMR, the routine childhood measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine. But that hasn't always been the case. There was once a time when the rubella virus routinely made front page news and was at the center of countless legal discussions. This week, we explore everything you've ever wanted to know a… Jeanne Safer, "I Love You, but I Hate Your Politics: How to Protect Your Intimate Relationships in a Poisonous Partisan World" (Bitback, 2019) 40:17 We've all been there – the family dinners turned full-fledged political debates, the awkward chat in the kitchen at work, the difficulty of discussing politics on a first date or even at dinner with a long-time partner. Today's divisive climate – and the seemingly neverending circus of Brexit – has made discussion of current events uncomfortable an… Roy E. Barsness, "Core Competencies of Relational Psychoanalysis: Core Competencies of Relational Psychoanalysis: A Guide to Practice, Study, and Research" (Routledge, 2018) 55:59 Core Competencies of Relational Psychoanalysis: A Guide to Practice, Study, and Research (Routledge, 2018) provides a concise and clearly presented handbook for graduate students, experienced clinicians, supervisors, and professors, presenting analytic technique with as clear a frame and purpose as evidence-based models, and a gateway into further … Jonathan Sadowsky, "The Empire of Depression: A New History" (Polity, 2020) 1:14:08 When is sorrow sickness? That is the question that this book asks, exploring how our understandings of sadness, melancholy, depression, mania and anxiety have changed over time, and how societies have tried to treat something which lies on the border between the natural and the pathological. Jonathan Sadowsky's book The Empire of Depression: A New … COVID-19 Chapter 14: Virology, Take 2 1:02:54 The fourteenth installment of our Anatomy of a Pandemic series on COVID-19 dives into what we've learned about SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Curious about the new strains or variants making headlines lately? Or how exactly tests for COVID-19 actually work? Or perhaps you've been wondering about the different routes of transmission tha… John Haines, "The Snowbound City" 14:14 John Haines wrote some of the most gorgeous, "natural landscape" poetry in U. S. literary history. The heir of Frost and maybe even Whitman, he took on his Alaskan world and transformed it into something mythic. This small lyric poem is not about the "outback" where he made his life. Rather, it's about an urban world turned upside down by a giant s… Siri Erika Gullestad and Bjørn Killingmo, "The Theory and Practice of Psychoanalytic Therapy: Listening for the Subtext" (Routledge, 2019) 56:15 "She is seated in her chair, quietly anticipative. She is in no hurry. There is nothing that has to be achieved. She does not charge the situation with her temper. On the contrary, she is turned towards the other, listening attentively – present in the contact, though with no traces of intimacy or fervency. She is fairly softly spoken, yet clear an… Mark Gerald, "In the Shadow of Freud's Couch: Portraits of Psychoanalysts in Their Offices" (Routledge, 2020) 44:32 Psychotherapy offices are typically thought of as existing in the background of treatment, but they are brought to the foreground in Mark Gerald's new book In the Shadow of Freud's Couch: Portraits of Psychoanalysts in Their Office (Routledge, 2020). In this beautifully written book, illustrated with pictures of psychoanalysts in their offices from… Ep 63 Poison Ivy: It's Just Us 1:22:07 Our first crossover episode this season with Dr. Matt Candeias of In Defense of Plants stars everyone's favorite irritating plant-originated substance: urushiol! Join us for a light-hearted deep dive into urushiol, aka the stuff in poison ivy that makes you soooo itchy/burny/scratchy. Have you ever wondered why popping a benadryl doesn't relieve th… Trevor C. Pederson, "Psychoanalysis and Hidden Narrative in Film: Reading the Symptom" (Routledge, 2018) 1:12:10 Psychoanalysis and Hidden Narrative in Film: Reading the Symptom (Routledge, 2018) proposes a way of constructing hidden psychological narratives of popular film and novels. Instead of offering interpretations of classic films, Trevor C. Pederson recognizes that the psychoanalytic tradition began with making sense of the seemingly inconsequential. … COVID-19 Chapter 13: Vaccines, Take 2 1:19:13 We're back with another episode in our Anatomy of a Pandemic series on COVID-19. This time, our subject matter is the one everyone has been waiting for: vaccines. In this episode, with the help of two amazing guests, we attempt to answer all of your burning questions about the new vaccines for the virus that causes COVID-19. We walk you through the… Pádraig Ó Tuama's "How To Be Alone" 23:53 Pádraig Ó Tuama's gorgeous meditation on being is a fit lyric poem for this year of Covid--or really, for any year, for any moment, when the human question is not what you do, nor even who you
Do mustachioed Americans really earn more? Read all about it! The headlines were unequivocal: The New York Daily News screamed "Wanna make more money? Try growing a mustache." NBC News went with the more authoritative, "Study: Men With Mustaches Make More Money." In India, The Deccan Chronicle offered: "People with mustache are paid well." And Iran Daily tried out a tentative "Mustached People Earn More." The four news organizations, along with dozens of blogs and news aggregators, proceeded to report the startling statistics: "Men with mustaches earn 8.2 percent more than men sporting beards and 4.3 percent more than clean-shaven men." The first lead in this search for the truth about mustache economics was something that three of these four articles shared. They cited a Reuters press release that reported on a study commissioned by Quicken (INTU) and The American Mustache Institute (AMI), an "advocacy organization" for mustache wearers. That study turned out to be a "white paper," a very serious-sounding document titled "Saving and Spending Patterns of Mustached Americans." Authored by Dr. Hans Menjou-Bärtchen, a German researcher, it claimed to be the result of a poll of a "random sample of 2,000 Mustached Americans, 2,000 bearded Americans, and 2,000 clean-shaven Americans." In addition to his conclusion that mustached men had higher incomes, Dr. Menjou-Bärtchen made several bold assertions about male spending patterns, stating that the average clean-shaven man hands over 15 percent of his income for Dockers pants, 13 percent for vitamin supplements, and 8 percent for Zima. Bearded men, on the other hand, allegedly spend 18 percent of their incomes on automatic weapons, 14 percent on breakfast pastries, and 12 percent on overalls. When I googled Dr. Menjou-Bärtchen, the plot thickened: Every internet mention tracked back to either a Reuters-based article or the AMI's original press release. Upon further study, I learned that -- according to Time's "Curious Capitalist" blog -- "Menjou-Bärtchen" is German slang term for a pencil-thin mustache. I also discovered that the good doctor's prior studies included the exotically titled papers "The Primate Gambling Addiction" and "The Back Hair Equation." Hmm. Had anybody at Reuters bothered to do any basic checking on this story? Then again, the venerable news service was already dealing with a little embarrassment over its recent article claiming that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was now endorsing climate change legislation. Too bad the Chamber's press release announcing this startling policy about-face was a hoax. Knowing that Reuters should get a chance to explain its pickup of Dr. Menjou-Bärtchen's study, I spoke with a public relations spokesperson there who wearily prepared to explain -- yet again -- how the company had gotten suckered in by the Chamber of Commerce hoax. While it might be a stretch to say she seemed pleased when I mentioned the mustache hoax, she at least sounded interested. I gave her the relevant information, and she promised to call me back quickly. A few minutes later, she was on the line, firmly asserting that the mustache study was not a hoax, and that it had been based on a real survey. She was so sincere, in fact, that I began to question my own assumptions. Could the study's findings possibly be correct? Granted, I don't personally spend 11 percent of my income on Budweiser and Canadian whiskey, but who's to say that I'm not a mustache outlier? After all, this was Reuters on the line, standing behind the study. Who was I to question one of the pillars of the old media? Clearly, I needed to do a little more digging. When I called the AMI's hotline (877-STACHE-1), the answering machine informed me that I had reached "the ACLU of the downtrodden mustached American people and the only facial hair think tank in the world." Soon, I found myself speaking to Dr. Abraham Jonas Froman, CEO of the Institute. Froman's name sounded oddly familiar, but I chalked that up to the fact that I had spent the morning researching the story. While the estimable Dr. Froman stressed that the mustache poll was legitimate, he admitted that it had actually been conducted on the internet, using a "rudimentary polling apparatus." He went on to note that the conclusions about expenditures were tongue-in-cheek, as were the references to Dr. Menjou-Bärtchen. Looking back at Reuters' press release, I noted that, although it quoted the fictitious Menjou-Bärtchen and incorrectly claimed that the survey was based on a "random sampling," it hadn't reprinted any of the study's more bizarre conclusions, suggesting that, while the service had been mildly punked, it hadn't really gotten completely suckered. Later, however, I found a second Reuters article that dutifully reported even the most outrageous parts of the study. Resolving to leave no claim unchecked, I decided to verify "Dr." Froman's pedigree. He had told me that he had an International Studies PhD from Purdue University. After spending hours repeatedly calling the university for an answer, I ended up paying the National Student Clearinghouse $6.50 to determine that "Abraham Jonas Froman" did not have a doctorate from the school -- and that Purdue didn't even have an International Studies program. Plus, one of my co-workers pointed out that "Abe Froman, Sausage King of Chicago" was the pseudonym Ferris Bueller used in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Realizing that the study probably gained a patina of respectability from its co-sponsor, I decided to track down the Quicken connection. A few phone calls later, I was talking to Chelsea Marti, a public relations manager for Intuit, Quicken's parent company. Laughing, she acknowledged her company's relationship to the mysterious AMI, and admitted that the study was largely tongue-in-cheek. She then told me that Quicken was co-sponsoring AMI's 'Stache Bash 2009, which the AMI site describes as "a ridiculous celebration of mustaches and music." Marti went on to note that "70 percent of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck" and that Quicken was using the event as a consciousness-raiser "to help mustached Americans to better manage their finances." In further pursuit of journalistic fairness, I asked Stephen Shepard, dean of the City University of New York Graduate School of Journalism, for his take on the Reuters' articles. After I mentioned the central role of the American Mustache Institute in the study, he said that, "If it came to me, I would have raised a flag and checked it more thoroughly than a release from the Federal Reserve or the Brookings Institute." I later called Reuters back to discuss this point, and was told that "The story [...] was based on a legitimate survey according to the company's PR person. This story was written in a humorous fashion, and it's hard to believe that anyone who read it would have interpreted it as otherwise." As my research showed, the definition of "legitimate" can be pretty flexible, and Reuters' clients sure seem to have "interpreted" the story as straight news. Admittedly, thorough reporting and checking doesn't come cheap: In the course of writing this story, I made more than 15 long-distance calls, spent several hours on research and analysis, and blew $6.50 on verifying what was clearly a very amusing hoax. It would be fun to take a few cheap shots at Reuters for its failure to spend the big bucks needed to dig to the bottom of the mustache story, but hey, anyone can make a mistake. However, I am firmly in the "new media" camp, and the conventional wisdom these days holds that my voice is less reliable than that of stalwarts like Reuters. After all, the Daily News, NBC News, and Iran Daily all ran their stories based on the Reuters report (and reputation), and the Deccan Chronicle seems to have gotten its lead from the Daily News. That means Reuters' imprimatur set up the story for at least two further
board with a lobby room, ranking system, and various other features. I played this game for so many hours I lost count. The Fatalities were amazing and the new Hara Kiris which were "reverse Fatalities" blew my mind away. It was as competitive as it got and holds a special place for me as it was the first game I had ever pre-ordered as well. With DC Universe disappointing fans so much we had all lost hope. Thankfully many consider this version to be the best 3D MK game to date and rightfully so. It builds off of MKII's balancing and uses most character up through MK3 so it keeps it old school. The X-Ray moves shook the industry and added a whole new meaning to gore and violence to video games. The new Challenge Tower was a blast and it featured the best story mode in any fighting game to date with halfway decent voice acting for once. Sadly, the game was quickly abandoned and only featured 4 DLC characters before being cut loose. 1.Mortal Kombat X – 2015 MKX not only pushes the entire series in a new direction but shows fighting games a whole new level of production values and content. Taking the best from MK 2011 and the 2D games, MKX feels heavier, chunkier, and more violence than ever and that's a good thing. Using the Unreal Engine 4 and creating some of the sickest Fatalities to date, MKX also introduces some great new characters for the first time since Deception. The stages are awesome, the DLC characters rock, and the story mode is actually quite amazing and pushes the last game in the back corner. The new Krypt mode is more interactive and can almost be a game all on its own, and the new online towers make the game feel like it's 1992 all over again. Kingston HyperX Cloud Revolver S Gaming Headset Posted in: 3DS, Android, DS, Editor's Choice, GameBoy Advance, Hardware, iOS, Mac, Microsoft Consoles, Mobile Reviews, Nintendo Consoles, PC Reviews, PlayStation 4, PSP, Sony Consoles, Switch, Vita, Wii U, Xbox One. Leave a comment Manufacturer: Kingston I'm not really big on gaming headset as I don't need to use them often as I have my own place, but when I do I want something amazing, something that can deliver the quality and power of large speakers inside some cans. After having the Razer Man O' War for about 18 months I switched over to some wired headphones and moved brands. Why Kingston? Well, the reviews are great and it's plug and play, which may say iffy to some, but it works out well in the end. Some people want fancy software, RGB lighting, and crazy controls, but Kingston went a different route here. Most PC headsets are not compatible with a console, but these are thanks to a proprietary USB 7.1 audio card built in the cable with Dolby. Now the downside is that these are only stereo headphones with the 3.5mm jack adapter, but they still sound amazing. The USB part has a three-part equalizer for flat, bass boost, and vocal. For gaming and movies, you can activate the Dolby 7.1 surround sound with just a button allowing the headphones to control everything and no need for any software. The mic is completely removable which is a nice feature and works just how you would expect. There's a button to mute the mic on the control box, but for consoles, you will need to remove it completely to mute it through the hardware. Outside of these features the headset itself is extremely comfortable and feels like a cloud sitting on your head. Instead of adjustable bands, we get a tension-sensitive soft band under a hard outer band. This means the band adjusts to your head shape easily without any fiddling. The earcups are super soft and no sound escapes. Since these are wired headphones I had to figure out where to clip the control box which wound up going on my keyboard cable to keep it nearby and so I can access the controls easily. The cord behind that is rather long which is needed for console use. Here's the big question: How does 7.1 audio sound in games and movies? Well, it works surprisingly well. The built-in sound card does a good job decoding the audio and making it sound incredible. I could hear gunshots behind me, people talking next to me, and explosions sounded epic and amazing. Games with 7.1 options sound even better and more realistic, but sadly there aren't many games with this built-in. With that said the HyperX Revolver S is a solid wired headset without the flash and fancy software accompanying most headsets these days. They are extremely comfortable, give an amazing sound output that is crisp and clear, and also have great 7.1 audio capabilities. There are a few minor gripes like the control box being in a weird spot on the cable, only three equalizer settings, and missing software for those who like to fine tune, but what's here works surprisingly well straight out of the box and being plug-and-play. This is a versatile headset for any gamer, but sadly the 7.1 only works through USB and the 3.5mm jack is strictly stereo. For the price point, you get bang for your buck that you won't get with most other headsets. Posted in: GameBoy Advance, Gamecube, Microsoft Consoles, Nintendo Consoles, PC Reviews, PlayStation 2, Sony Consoles, Xbox. Tagged: gamecube, kill switch, namco, pc, ps2, shooter, xbox. Leave a comment Publisher: Namco Developer: Namco Rating: Teen Cover based third person shooters weren't really a thing until the last console generation. Third person shooters took quite a while to evolve into something truly stunning, and the best example of this is Gears of War which is third person shooting perfected. Kill Switch was actually a sleeper hit back in the day and was widely talked about due to the great shooting and cover mechanic. Kill Switch has a story that sees a male protagonist (I can't even remember his name the story is so lame) trying to stop a dude named Archer from launching a nuke. In the process, you are trying to recover your memory of your wife being murdered by him? I don't even know. The game is so short that it doesn't allow any type of story to evolve let alone a bad one. The story is completely forgettable and I skipped all the dialog towards the end because it was a hot confusing mess. The gameplay is where it's at here. The controls are simple and the game is run and gun at its finest for the time. Holding R allows you to buckle against a wall or obstacle and you can blind fire over it, or you can pop up and shoot more accurately. I found that blind firing doesn't quite work well if the obstacle is higher than you can raise your gun. Most of the time it did not work so I stuck to pop up shooting. You can throw grenades and flash bangs as well as dodge rolling and melee attacks. It's pretty standard affair, but at the time it was done so well that there was nothing like it. I have to say the level design is just plain bad and boring. Every level is a stereotypical military base with boring blank walls, stairs, and rooms. There is absolutely nothing to look at here despite the game being technically quite good looking. The textures are sharp, the models are nicely made, and the animations are pretty good. It just goes to show that you are literally just coming into this game for the shooting and that's it. Maybe it's a good thing this game is so short. Clocking
Stony Brook University on Feb. 27. Photo by Bill Landon For the first time in 20 games, the Harborfields' boys' basketball team met its match. Harborfields' Danny Morgan drives the baseline. Photo by Bill Landon With the Class A champion Harborfields ahead 56-55 with 5.2 seconds left in regulation, the Class AA champion Half Hollow Hills West, went to the free-throw line and swished both opportunities to capture the overall Suffolk County championship title, 57-56, at Stony Brook' University's Island Federal Credit Union Arena Friday night. "It's been all year that our guys don't stop fighting and they have a way of just staying in the game, even against a team like Half Hollow Hills West," Harborfields head coach John Tampori said. "We were able to stay right with them." It was a push-and-shove game from the opening tipoff, and neither team was able to break the game open. After Harborfields senior guard Robert Pecorelli launched a deep shot that hit the basket at the buzzer, the game was tied 18-18 at the end of the first eight minutes. Harborfields senior guard Malcolm Wynter swished his second 3-pointer to open the second quarter, which retied the game at 21-21. Hills West turned up the heat and edged ahead with a buzzer-beater of its own to end the half up 32-24. Harborfields' Malcolm Wynter stares down the Half Hollow Hills West defense. Photo by Bill Landon Harborfields' 3-point game caught fire in the third period when Pecorelli banked his fourth trifecta of the game, Wynter drained his third and senior guard Danny Morgan netted his second, as the momentum began to shift. On Hills West's next possession, Morgan snatched the inbounds pass, and bolted through the paint for a layup that again tied the game, this time, at 41-41 with less than two minutes left in the period. Trailing by a point in the fourth, Harborfields senior forward Nick Mitchell got the call off an inside pass, did a spin move in the paint and found the rim to put his team back in front, 50-49, with 5:19 left in regulation. Hills West countered though, to retake a one-point lead. Wynter's lightning-fast defensive play matched his high-scoring offense, as the senior sensed where the Hills West's no-look passes were going. On a seemingly simple inbounds pass, Wynter flashed in front for the steal and went to the rim for the score to retake the lead for his team. Harborfields' Nick Mitchell scores two points. Photo by Bill Landon Hills West retaliated with two consecutive scores to take a 55-52 lead with just over a minute left, but Mitchell went to the stripe shooting two and split his appearance to make it a two-point game. Wynter struck again with a monster 3-pointer, his fourth of the night, to retake the lead by one with 58 seconds left in regulation. Trailing by one with 5.2 seconds left, Hills West senior Richard Altenord went to the charity stripe shooting two. The senior calmly sank both for a one-point advantage as Harborfields called time out. "Hills West — they're real good," Tampori said. "Anyone who beats Brentwood and Northport is really good." With time for one final offensive possession, Harborfields did what it has done all season, and put the ball in Wynter's hands. The senior raced to the top of the key in a desperate attempt to find the net, but the buzzer sounded before the point guard could get the shot off. Harborfields' Alex Bloom scores a layup. Photo by Bill Landon "We got a little unlucky," Tampori said. "They had the last possession and they got a foul called and that was the difference in the game." Wynter lead his team in scoring with 20 points, Pecorelli put up 12 and Morgan added 10. Harborfields sets its sights higher when the Tornadoes travel to Long Island University Post for the Long Island Championship on March 6, where they'll face Elmont for a second time this season. The Tornadoes defeated the Nassau champions 61-60 on Jan. 16 in a nonleague matchup. Tipoff for the championship game on Sunday is scheduled for 1 p.m. Half Hollow Hills West knocks Northport out of playoffs Northport senior Lukas Jarrett scores a field goal in the Tigers' 72-47 loss to Half Hollow Hills West in the Suffolk County Class AA Semifinals on Feb. 21 at Stony Brook University. Photo by Desirée Keegan Northport senior Sean O'Shea scores a 3-pointer. Photo by Desirée Keegan Northport senior Brennan Whelan leaps up to the basket. Photo by Desirée Keegan Northport junior Kevin Cryer-Hassett scores two points. Photo by Desirée Keegan Northport senior Sean O'Shea makes his way into the paint. Photo by Desirée Keegan Northport sophomore Justin Carrano fights through traffic as he reaches for the rim. Photo by Desirée Keegan Northport senior Joe Stockman scores a layup. Photo by Desirée Keegan The Tigers' tallest player was short on time, and it wasn't enough to dig his team out of the hole that knocked them out of the playoffs. The No. 3-seeded Half Hollow Hills West boys' basketball team took advantage of No. 2 Northport's early foul trouble, which left star senior center Lukas Jarrett benched for most of the first half with two personal fouls. By the time he returned to the Stony Brook University court for the second half of the Suffolk County Class AA semifinal matchup, the Tigers' 31-20 deficit only continued to grow. Northport had finished the season undefeated in League II, at 14-0, and only suffered one loss this season, a 70-48 defeat at Baldwin. The Tigers' 72-47 loss on Sunday evening proved to be a similar-looking one, with the Colts coming up with big blocks and an array of 3-pointers to stifle Northport. The difference this time, though, was that the 6-foot, 7-inch Jarrett was not around to counter with many blocks of his own, and although the Tigers scored six 3-pointers, the Colts' Matt Asenjo had six alone, followed by Kian Dalyrimple with five. The two combined for 41 points — almost as much as Northport's entire team. When Jarrett returned, he came through with a block to go along with a field goal and two free-throw points. Northport senior guard Sean O'Shea, who had been strong on offense the entire season, took over in Jarrett's absence, scoring six points in each half for a team-high 12 points. Jarrett finished with nine points. Guards Brennan Whelan, a senior; Kevin Cryer-Hassett and Ryan Magnuson, both juniors; and Justin Carrano, a sophomore, tacked on five points apiece. Northport was able to close the gap back to 11 points with O'Shea's field goal at the 6:27 mark of the third, but by the end of those eight minutes the Tigers were down 49-30. Half Hollow Hills West led by as much as 30 points, after a trifecta put the team up 70-40 with 2:35 left in regulation, but O'Shea's free-throw point, Cryer-Hassett's 3-point play and junior guard Brett Vansteenbergen's 3-pointer helped narrow that lead to give the game its final score. All 12 players score in Kings Park's eighth straight hoops win Times of Smithtown by Desirée Keegan - January 27, 2016 Kiera Ahern reaches for the ball on a fast break. Photo by Desirée Keegan The success of the starters is rubbing off on the Kings Park bench. In the girls' basketball team's monster 90-35 win over Eastport-South Manor Tuesday, every single one of the Kingsmen put points on the scoreboard, aiding in the team remaining undefeated with a 10-0 record in League IV. Kings Park is also on an eight-game winning streak. "I tell the girls I don't care who's on the floor whether you're our best player or a starter or the 12th girl at the bottom of the bench, when you get out there you play hard and these girls did it," Kings Park head coach Tom Edmundson said. "We didn't have any
the wagon floor and right into our cases. But the fowls? The cart was a good deal lower than the wagon, so the water reached halfway in the fowl-cage, and the poor fowls would surely have drowned, if the river had been a few ell wider. It was a pitiful sight to see them, when we reached the bank, they were so wet and bedraggled. It was a good thing for them that it was midday, and the sun shone hot, so their wet feathers were soon dry. One evening we came to an empty stable, and we were told that the stable was built in order that one here should have horses and post-carts, which one by this means sought to get going between Pretoria and Bulawayo. But the lions had killed all the horses, and one had had to give up the enterprise. Here lay some empty wagons, which were on their way back from Bulawayo. We saw only some natives. The white man, who was owner of the wagons, lay sick of fever in one of the wagons. Bissett had a considerable lot of medicines with him, and he went to the patient with some medicine; but whether or not he ever recovered, we don't know, as each of us went his own way. 1Oth chapter. Alone in the ox-wagon with two children and surrounded by lions. - Lion-hunting. - The rivers are dry. - "Here's water!" - A little bit about the Matabeles' morals and customs. Here I got fever. But as I got proper medicine in time, we prevented any serious sickness. A few days' journey from here we approached the very largest river of the whole trip. It was called Shashi River and was 75O yards wide; but at this time of the year it was almost dry. On our journey this was the first of those which run west. That afternoon it was my husband's turn to ride in front of the wagon and lead the rest of the horses. The other men of our party had also brought horses, and they took turns to ride and lead the rest. While he, without any inkling of danger, rode along the road, he heard a sinister sound, first on one side and then on the other. Soon he was convinced that it was lions, which went in the bushes and snorted. He stopped and went nearer to the wagon-party. Soon we came to the banks of the Shashi River and here we stopped for a while. There was at this time no water in it, but the sand was deep and heavy; therefore three spans of oxen were put before a wagon. There were 13 wagons and a cart, our wagon was the 13th, and as we had only one wagon, we had to wait till last. A couple of the heaviest transport-wagons had to use 4 spans, so all the oxen had gone with the first 4 wagons which went down into the river. It was now night, the moon shone dimly. (A photograph of Sofie and Hans takes up this page. I.G.) Well we knew, that we were now among lions, but they thought that in such a large train and with so many drivers, who shouted simultaneously to urge the oxen on, and so many whip-cracks, one wouldn't be in danger of any attack by lions, and it was imperative to get the wagons over in the cool night-air, as the heat of the sun by day in this wide river would be unbearable, yes, even the sand would be hot. But the two children and I sat there alone; no human being near us to protect us. - But one thing I knew, of course, that God is everywhere, and that He is mighty to protect, when it pleases Him. But at times He certainly permits misfortune to befall us, so it was with fearful forebodings, and a thumping heart that I sat there alone in the forest - my little son in my lap, and Trine, who clung to my arm. - Now the bush concert began in earnest; the lions roared full-throated. Hyenas and wild dogs joined in with their hideous and nerve-racking howls and the jackals joined in with their ugly barking. In the forest the moonlight was dim and we could see the thickets move and hear the rustling in the bushes, but couldn't see, which object it was which caused these movements. Thus we came to think, that it was either lion or leopard, and I held my breath, as I expected any moment that one of these would jump on the wagon and make an end of us. Subsequently I have thought, that it was jackals and wild buck, which presumably were fleeing from their enemies. But a dreadful night it was for a lonely woman with two little ones. Three times the spans of oxen returned before it was our turn at last. It took four hours from the time the first wagons left us, and until our turn came. My husband didn't return, because they had asked him to stay at the wagon on the other side, and with the help of a native to get a fire going for our evening meal. It was decided to stay here the next day so the oxen could rest and refresh themselves with the clear water, which ran like a little stream on one side of the river, only a few inches deep. We also needed to bake bread and do some washing of clothes. Jensen had equipped the wagon generously, so we had lots to eat on this journey, and when my husband was able to shoot some birds, then we had a meal fit for a gentleman. The bank down to the river was quite steep, as was reasonable, when one considers that in summer the water reaches a depth of 18 to 2O feet. As there is no human dwelling for hundreds of miles from here, there was neither boat nor ferry, and one therefore had to travel in winter. This was also the last clean water we got for several months. Towards afternoon on the next day we inspanned. On account of the heat by day, we hadn't yet given up night travel. But this evening trip was also the last for some time. We were going down a hill, when the brake on one wagon broke. The wagon ran into the oxen which keep the pole up, and one ox got a leg caught under the wheel, so it fractured. As soon as possible we stopped and freed the poor ox. As soon as we came down on tolerably flat ground, the wagons were outspanned, and as soon as the oxen were free of the yoke and tied to the wagon-rope for the night, all the menfolk, both white and black, went back to the injured ox. They had namely decided to slaughter it, and the natives went too to carry the meat. Again I sat alone in the wild forest with my two little ones. These I soon got to sleep in the wagon and lay down fully dressed by their side to await my husband's return. I had probably waited a couple of hours. Ugh, whatever is this? The oxen become restless. I could feel that they pulled the riems and the wagon-rope, which was a long iron chain, rattled. Then suddenly there was a bellow, as if an ox had got a fatal blow, and then all was quiet again. An hour later the absent ones returned and the first I said when I saw my husband's face in the tent opening was that there had been something near the oxen. Hans returned and reported that
of health care, allowing insurance companies to reap big profits as seniors would be forced to pay more for the same benefits they have now. This issue was extensively litigated during the 2012 election, and the American people rejected Rep. Ryan's and the Republicans' approach." [Center for American Progress, 3/12/13] 3. 2012: Gardner Voted for House Republican Budget for FY 2013. In March 2012, Gardner voted for the House Republican budget for FY 2013. [CQ Floor Votes, 3/29/12] The budget resolution was adopted, 228-191. [H Con Res 112, Vote #151, 3/29/12] Ryan Plan Radically Changes Medicare By Ending The Guaranteed Benefit For Seniors. "Democrats' efforts to cast Ryan – and, by extension, Romney – as a threat to Medicare could be key in the election Ryan's plan calls for an end to the guaranteed benefit in Medicare and replaces it with a system that would give vouchers to recipients to pay for health insurance." [Reuters, 8/12/12] 4. 2011: Gardner Voted For Republican Budget Blueprint For FY 2012 That Ends Medicare As We Know It. In April 2011, Gardner voted for the House Republican budget blueprint drafted by Paul Ryan that effectively ends Medicare. The budget would allow $2.859 trillion in new budget authority for fiscal 2012, including up to $1.019 trillion in non-emergency discretionary spending. It calls for $659 billion in security spending and $360 billion in non-security spending. It proposes converting the federal share of Medicaid to a block grant to states. It calls for converting Medicare for persons currently younger than 55 into a "premium support system" through which the government would pay private insurance companies directly for each enrollee. It also proposes consolidating the current six tax brackets and cutting the corporate tax rate and the top individual tax rate to 25 percent. It assumes the extension of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts beyond 2012 and projects that the budget deficit would be reduced to $391 billion by fiscal 2021. The resolution was adopted 235-193. [H Con Res 34, Vote 277, 4/15/11] Wall Street Journal: GOP Plan Would "End Medicare." According to the Wall Street Journal, "The plan would essentially end Medicare, which now pays most of the health-care bills for 48 million elderly and disabled Americans, as a program that directly pays those bills." [Wall Street Journal, 4/04/11] TIME: "Extreme" Republican Budget Changes Medicare "From a Guaranteed Benefit Into A System In Which Private Insurers Would Cover Americans." In April 2011 TIME Swampland's Kate Pickert wrote, "[Paul Ryan's Republican budget] plan for Medicare, the insurance program for seniors that's on an unsustainable path and accounts for about 13% of the federal budget, is extreme by any measure. His proposal would turn the program from a guaranteed benefit into a system in which private insurers would cover elderly Americans, whose premiums would be subsidized by the federal government." [TIME, 4/6/11] 5. 2014: Gardner Voted For FY 2015 Republican Study Committee Budget. [Vote 175, 4/10/14] Republican Study Committee Budget Would Turn Medicare Into Premium-Support Program. "The RSC believes we should save Medicare from bankruptcy by transitioning to a solvent premium-support system, as passed in previous House Republican Budgets. This preserves traditional Medicare for current seniors and future seniors in 2019 and beyond will enjoy the reduced costs, increased choice, and quality care provided by this reform. In order to shore up Medicare's solvency and to keep pace with increases in longevity, the RSC proposal embraces Ronald Reagan's Social Security reform by slowly phasing in an increase in the Medicare eligibility age at a rate of two months per year, beginning in 2024, until it reaches 67." [Republican Study Committee Back To Basic FY 2015 Budget] 6. 2013: Gardner Voted for Extreme Republican Study Committee Budget That Transformed Medicare Into Voucher System for Seniors, Cut Taxes for Corporations and Millionaires. In 2013, Gardner voted for the extreme Republican Study Committee budget that would provide $2.732 trillion in new budget authority for fiscal 2014, not including off-budget accounts. The substitute would assume a $950 billion cap on total non-war discretionary spending, freezing it for four years until the budget is balanced, and then allowing for inflation growth. It would assume $552 billion for defense spending in fiscal 2014. It also would assume the repeal the 2010 health care overhaul and conversion of Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program into block grant programs. It also would assume the transformation of Medicare into a premium support program that would compete against private plans. It also would assume the reinstatement of the Bush-era tax cuts for high-income earners and an overhaul of the tax code that would eliminate the estate tax, allow taxpayers to switch to a system with two tax brackets and cut the corporate tax rate to 25 percent. The budget was rejected by a vote of 104-132. [CQ; H Con Res 25, Vote #86, 3/20/13] 7. 2012: Gardner Voted for Republican Study Committee "Cut, Cap and Balance" Budget Plan, Which Would Convert Medicare Into A "Premium Support" Program. In March 2012, Gardner voted for the Republican Study Committee "Cut, Cap, and Balance" budget substitute amendment, offered as a more conservative alternative to the Ryan budget. The substitute amendment reportedly "more closely resembles the Tea Party budget" than the Ryan budget offered for FY 2013. It would convert Medicare into a "premium support" plan that would provide premium subsidies to enrollees to offset the cost of health insurance policies. Additionally, the budget plan would reform Social Security by raising its eligibility age. The budget would also cut the top corporate and individual tax rate to 25 percent, eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax and the estate tax and repeal President Obama's healthcare reform plan. Lastly, the budget plan would convert the federal share of Medicaid spending into a block grant to states that would be level-funded at $267 billion per year for the next 10 years. The amendment was defeated 136-285. [H.Con.Res.112, Vote #149, 3/29/12; CQ Floor Votes, 3/29/12; The Hill, 3/27/12] REPUBLICAN BUDGET THAT REPLACED MEDICARE WITH A VOUCHER WOULD "ESSENTIALLY END MEDICARE" Wall Street Journal: GOP Plan Would "Essentially End Medicare." According to the Wall Street Journal, "The plan would essentially end Medicare, which now pays most of the health-care bills for 48 million elderly and disabled Americans, as a program that directly pays those bills." [Wall Street Journal, 4/04/11; H Con Res 34, Vote 277, 4/15/11] AUDIO: Why would Cory Gardner vote to cut education and essentially end Medicare? TEXT: Why would Cory Gardner vote to cut education and "essentially end Medicare?" AUDIO: To pay for a one trillion dollar tax cut for corporations. TEXT: Cory Gardner $1 trillion tax cut for corporations. SOURCE: Tax Foundation, 8/9/13 THE SAME RECKLESS BUDGETS THAT GARDNER SUPPORTED WOULD CUT THE CORPORATE TAX RATE TO 25 PERCENT… Ryan Budget Plan Would Reduce Corporate Tax Rate To 25%. "House Republicans will return to the core ideas from Ryan, the Budget Committee chairman, that have come to define the party's approach: Cut federal spending on Medicare, Medicaid and other programs that make up the federal safety net, while reducing top individual and corporate tax rates to 25%, which Republicans argue will spur economic growth."[Los Angeles Times, 4/1/14] Ryan Budget Repealed AMT, Reduced Corporate Tax Rate to 25 Percent. As reported by Politico, "Also included in the document are wide changes to the Tax Code — borrowing a number of proposals from retiring House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp (R-Mich.). Ryan backs a repeal of the alternative minimum tax and a reduction in the corporate tax rate to 25 percent." [Politico, 4/1/14] 2014: Gardner Voted For The Republican Study Committee Budget. In 2014, Gardner voted for the Woodall, R-Ga., substitute amendment that would provide for $2.744 trillion in new budget authority in fiscal 2015, not including off-budget accounts. The plan would call
faces more cases more deaths john heilemann al jazeera. health care workers in pakistan are calling on the government to do more to help them fight the virus many cities are under locks and the prime minister has urged people to practice social distancing but critics say it's not enough this trial stratford reports. these policemen in the city of bashar are lucky to have protective clothing. is quite astounding health workers demand... heilemann how does it or mexico city. still ahead on al-jazeera japan declares the state of emergency but it's unclear if many will stick to social distancing rules and the biggest cuts in production ever but is it enough to stabilize the oil market. and i would still argue be disappointingly coup in japan that there's a frontal system on its way out in the still a revolving wind store source disappearing out of the way given there any 7 degrees in support of mine it is a weakening storm so apart from a few showers in the north of honshu it's sunshine and 50 degrees or thereabouts in tokyo the rain further south in china is significant much as touch hong kong but it's moving sags it's also developing on this eastern flank and that's tied up towards honshu in fact as a current of circulation off the coast of tokyo so i mean you're if you're wet starts the coming week whereas it's dried out in china and 20 degrees the drop in temperature drop in humidity for all of southern china. now we see a few showers dotted around in i heilemann how does it or mexico city. still ahead on al-jazeera japan declares the state of emergency but it's unclear if many will stick to social distancing rules and the biggest cuts in production ever but is it enough to stabilize the oil market. and i would still argue be disappointingly coup in japan that there's a frontal system on its way out in the still a revolving wind store source disappearing out of the way given there any 7 degrees in support of mine it is a weakening storm so... heilemann. the people of why kill in ecuador desperate not only to stop the march of the coronavirus but to bury the dead many have been left in the street the authorities have been overwhelmed. so to the hospital. my name is we limited chan the son of leone chan who is deceased i believe 8 days i have the order of removal but even still they don't want to give me the body. this is the queue for those trying to get their relatives into the local cemetery it was president lenin moreno says his government criticised for acting late but is now moving his thomas crown body mass we are creating a special camp for the did he believe will be between 2 dozen 502-3500. and that projected estimate is just acquires province where kill is. situated it's higher than the current death toll through of latin america. refrigerated containers have been brought in to store the bodies the government is picking up. only that in the past 3 days the joint work force went from taking away 30 deceased per day to 150. fo heilemann. the people of why kill in ecuador desperate not only to stop the march of the coronavirus but to bury the dead many have been left in the street the authorities have been overwhelmed. so to the hospital. my name is we limited chan the son of leone chan who is deceased i believe 8 days i have the order of removal but even still they don't want to give me the body. this is the queue for those trying to get their relatives into the local cemetery it was president lenin moreno says his... heilemann has moved. the critics of brazilian president to you bill so now to this rally was another outrage perhaps the most serious since coronavirus began he spoke to supporters outside of the brazilian army headquarters many of them cool for congress to be closed leaving the military intervention to get there and his wish and then to the corn to measures imposed by many state governments. and other we don't want to negotiate anything while we want the sanction for brasil. he desperate for people to get wood despite brazil already having the highest rate of corona virus cases in latin america. 70 percent will be infected if not today then next week or next month it's have a reality we have to take care of the elderly and those with health problems the rest have to be careful but have to work. there's widespread opposition to that and to him yesterday there was a a movement brazilian government governors 20 out of $27.00 governors of brazil state governors they have signed a document in common in defens heilemann has moved. the critics of brazilian president to you bill so now to this rally was another outrage perhaps the most serious since coronavirus began he spoke to supporters outside of the brazilian army headquarters many of them cool for congress to be closed leaving the military intervention to get there and his wish and then to the corn to measures imposed by many state governments. and other we don't want to negotiate anything while we want the sanction for brasil. he desperate for... that's a quote, john heilemann, from dr. vin gupta, a leading public health expert and emergency room doctor treating coronavirus patient himself. i don't have a question, john, but what are your thoughts of what you saw up there yesterday? >> well, you've hit the high notes, or the low notes. it is beyond -- you know, there is a surreal quality to it. it's not even like an episode of "veep" anymore. it really is talking about cartoon parodies at this point. "the simpsons" you played i think was right. here's the serious thing, a very basic thing, right? think about how completely divorced from reality the president is. i want to go back to the beginning of the week. sitting here on friday. on monday, the president of the united states stood up and said, as he was talking about the overall death toll from this pandemic, he said that, you know, it looks like when all is said and done, we're probably going to be at 50,000, maybe 60,000 when all is said and done, when it is all over. 50,000, 60,000. that's what he said monday. that's a quote, john heilemann, from dr. vin gupta, a leading public health expert and emergency room doctor treating coronavirus patient himself. i don't have a question, john, but what are your thoughts of what you saw up there yesterday? >> well, you've hit the high notes, or the low notes. it is beyond -- you know, there is a surreal quality to it. it's not even like an episode of "veep" anymore. it really is talking about cartoon parodies at this point. "the... NEWS LIVE - 30 : ALJAZ : April 2, 2020 11:00am-11:34am +03 heilemann how does either. the british government says it hopes to prioritize testing for frontline staff within weeks more than 2000 health care workers have been infected the prime minister boris johnson is isolating because he has the virus the u.k. reported a record jump in its daily coronavirus deaths on wednesday a 31 percent increase on the day before while the debate about whether surgical nurse should be worn in public has been discussed worldwide the world health organization says the only people who should of those showing symptoms or who are caring for coronavirus patients but mask
This is a highly eclectic list of references of all kinds that I think you might find useful for Feng Shui. It is not meant to be complete. Note also that I have eschewed the traditional bulleted list of links for a more conversational style; I was getting bored with the endless lists. Warning and Disclaimer: The titles of many books on this page are linked to the Books Web page. Clicking on the link will bring you to a page from which you can order the book easily and quickly at a discount. I get a little cash back for each book ordered in this way, so I have a certain interest in seeing people do this. I also think you should check your local non-chain bookstore first: chain bookstores are putting many independent retailers out of business, and I dislike homogenized bookbuying. End of rant. Feng Shui (the RPG) Daedalus produced three Feng Shui sourcebooks; Marked for Death , Back for Seconds , and Thorns of the Lotus . Marked for Death contains five adventures, all of which are reasonably keen; it's 80 pages long, and retails for $12.95. See also the review elsewhere on this site. Back for Seconds is pricier, although I can't find the actual cost anywhere on the book; it's also 80 pages, but it's still worth it for the slew of GMCs, locations, and plot ideas. Thorns of the Lotus is somewhat hard to find, as Daedalus had bad relationships with most distributors by the time it was printed; you may have to try mail order. It's also been reviewed here. Ronin Publishing published the only non-Daedalus Feng Shui sourcebook to date: Blood of the Valiant . I've written a review; there are also a couple of reviews on RPG.Net. Summary: good stuff. Hong Kong action movie fans should also check out the excellent Hong Kong Action Theater RPG from Event Horizon Productions. It's another Hong Kong movie RPG, and it approaches the genre from a very different standpoint. Check it out; it's fun. While we're on the subject of alternate Hong Kong movie RPGs, you might also be interested in Point Blank, from Wasteland Games. I haven't seen this game myself, but their core system looks to be as good as any on a quick glance and their Web page proves that they understand the genre. My contacts tell me that Point Blank is oriented more towards gunplay than kung fu. And then there's the always useful GURPS sourcebooks. I recommend GURPS Places of Mystery as a general sourcebook; it's also been reviewed here. GURPS China is out of print, but we have one review; finally, GURPS Alternate Earths is a possibly interesting source of ideas on critical shifts, and we have some thoughts in that direction as well. Finally, White Wolf recently published Kindred of the East , a sourcebook for Vampire. It's well-researched, and while not directly applicable to Feng Shui, might be useful if you badly wanted to delve into the world of vampires and other non-demonic supernatural creatures. Alas, the old Daedalus home page is gone; fortunately, there are still a few darned good general sites out there. David Eber's Fortress of Shadow is run by one of my most frequent contributors, and includes a ton of good material and more all the time. The Jade Agenda is new as of 1998, but it's an excellent site and well worth your time. Evan James is another frequent contributor of mine; he has his own site as well. Finally, Ethan Parker's Feng Shui site has a couple of adventures, among other things. Besides the big general sites, there are several more focussed sites I can recommend. First off, check out Jason's Feng Shui pages, which include a semi-official FAQ and much other good material. Next, you may want to read Tim Byrd's Feng Shui page, which includes his unpublished material written for Golden Comeback , the Dragon sourcebook. Steve Barr has a small but nice article on Woochan Combats (combats in the style of John Woo and Jackie Chan), and the Flick Inc Feng Shui page has a section on Brad Solberg's house rules and a lengthy analysis of Fu schticks. And last but not least, IK Net has a nice mook database. There are also a few pages out there that use the Feng Shui mechanics in other settings. First off is Amurgsval, a fantasy setting using Feng Shui rules. The Feng Shui rules are also a perfect match for the Star Wars setting, and while they don't fit the Cthulhu Mythos quite as well, that doesn't mean they're totally incompatible... Shadis #27 has a Feng Shui story by Greg Stolze and not one but two positive reviews of the game. The story is really nice, all about the perils of being Pledged. The reviews are, well, the sort of good reviews that we expect for Feng Shui. Pyramid #20 (July/August 1996) from Steve Jackson Games has Feng Shui right on the cover, plus an article all about the game from John Tynes and a positive review. The article includes some new Buro gear that will be turning up in the Seed Of The New Flesh sourcebook by Greg Stolze. The article is cool but if you're already playing Feng Shui you'd only want it for the two pieces of gear. Adventures Unlimited #6 from Bootstrap Press has a new Feng Shui adventure by Bruce Baugh, and again some lovely Feng Shui cover art. And a Daedalus ad on the back cover. Major exposure. Rob Heinsoo notes: If any of you are planning to run Bruce Baugh's Feng Shui adventure from issue 6, you should know that the stats for the GMCs are way too weak. No PC group will get more than a couple seconds of opposition from the GMCs provided. It's a case of an adventure being written for a game before publication when the game's range of stats weren't well understood -- and nobody from Daedalus proofed the piece before it went to press. AVs for nearly all the GMCs included have to go up by at least a point, and in the case of the Named characters and the would-be serious opposition, two or three or even five points! I won't have time to offer a full revision of the stats any time soon, but anyone who's considering tinkering with it should also check and make sure that the schticks chosen make sense for unnamed characters. Frex, I think some of the unnamed folks have Slap Patches, and that doesn't make sense once you check out the game mechanics. Hong Kong Action Movies There are a lot of these, so I'm just going to mention the two I consider to be key. First of all, check out the Hong Kong Movie Information page, which is a general overview. This is also where you should look for links to pages dedicated to specific stars and movies. The other important site is the Hong Kong Movie Database, which indexes movie reviews by star and title. You can also find more reports on the Hong Kong movie industry there. The slick pop culture book to buy is definitely Sex & Zen and a Bullet Through The Head . I think it's the optimal introduction to the genre. I've also heard excellent things about Hong Kong Action Cinema , by Bey Logan. Reports are that it has a lot of historical information, which Sex & Zen lacks, and it sounds as though it goes into more depth in general. China and Hong Kong China the Beautiful is an huge repository of Chinese culture. It's very very good. I also like Friends of China, which is mostly a collection of links but which is far better organized than Yahoo. Hong Kong
buried here," I told them. "We're just mopping up now." They asked me how many guys were killed during the invasion and I told them that I didn't know, but it was a lot. They were talking about us sticking together. I don't know if I want any friends over here, but I said okay. ## June 21 Everyone was sitting around when a plane came overhead. We all ducked into whatever shelter we could find. The plane — I thought it was a German plane — was in trouble. We watched it stall out, go into a dive, then bank sharply to its left. Soldiers have been trained to stay out of the open; civilians haven't. When the plane came down, I moved a step into the house I was in. The plane first headed for a field and then turned sharply and, because its engines had stopped, silently. It came down like that, catching the sun on its wings, smoke pouring from its fuselage, until it crashed a few feet from a house at the corner of the town square. A small group of civilians tried to get away at the last moment, but it was too late. ## June 23 There is fighting every day. You can hear it down the road, or in the distance. Sometimes, when it is cloudy, you can't tell where the sounds of the fighting are coming from. But they are always there. The artillery booms, booms, booms, and then is answered by the echoes in the distant valleys, all sounding like heartbeats coming from the earth. Sometimes, I'd swear that war is a living thing, huge and ugly, that eats up lives. Squads go out and you don't look at them because you know they might not come back. When the sergeant looks around for volunteers you don't look away, but you don't look at him. Today, me and Billy Joe and Kerlin had to go out and look at a house near the far corner of the village. "We're moving out tonight and we don't want anybody giving away our position," Lt. Rowe said. "But somebody thought he saw a light in that house and it's not supposed to be occupied. Check it out, and be alert." Crockett said he was going to go with us. Checking out a house for enemy soldiers is always hairy. Kerlin said we didn't even have to check it out since we were moving out anyway. Crockett told him if he didn't want to be a soldier he should turn in his M1 and put on a dress. I was thinking the same thing as Kerlin, and I was glad that I hadn't opened my mouth first. It was 2010 and still light out as we got near the building. Two kids, about six or seven, were playing on the stairs, and Bobby Joe told them to go away. At first they didn't understand, but then he made a mean face at them and they ran. I watched them run about twenty yards and then the little girl turned and made a face at Bobby Joe. "I'll go upstairs," Crockett said. "You guys cover me." "I'll go with you," I said. "You see anything funny you just hightail it on out of there," Bobby Joe said. Crockett went stomping up the stairs. If there were any Germans up there, they would have plenty of time to hide. A German with his head down was a lot better than a German with his head up and his sights on us. There were three stories to the building. Crockett went up the first flight and stopped at the top of the stairs. He looked around and then started to move through the rooms. The floorboards creaked something terrible. " _Bitte?_ " That was what Crockett was calling out. It means something in German like — Hello? or What did you say? We were taught that back in En­gland. " _Bitte?_ " Crockett pushed into rooms while I covered the halls. Nothing. We checked every room slowly, and I wondered if there was an attic. Some of these old houses don't have regular American attics, but instead something like a half room, almost a crawl space that you could get a cot into if you had to. There were three rooms on the second floor, and after Crockett had checked all of them, I started up the stairs to the third floor. He stopped me and went past me. "Get the other guys up here," he said. I went to the top of the stairs and was about to call Billy Joe when I thought I saw something move in the room at the end of the hall. I turned and saw Crockett, who was almost to the next floor. My skin went real cold and I could feel my balls shrivel up into a knot. I whistled to let Crockett know I saw something, or thought I did. He whistled back. He didn't know what I meant. At the bottom of the stairs, Bobby Joe looked at me and shrugged. I wasn't sure. Maybe I hadn't seen anything. Still, I pointed toward the room. Bobby Joe came up the stairs quickly. "I'm not sure, but I'll try to flush them out if they're there," I said. I went up to the next landing where Crockett was. "It's clear up here," he said. "I think I might have seen something down below," I said. I took a grenade and went into the room over the one I thought I had seen a movement in. It was a bedroom, and I pulled the mattress off the bed. I put the mattress on the floor, took two grenades off my belt, and pulled the pins. I held them for a second, then put them on the floor and put the mattress over them. I knew the grenades would bring down the ceiling below us. Me and Crockett moved out of the room. "Bobby Joe! I'm blowing the ceiling!" I called out a split second before the grenades blew. A huge puff of smoke came out of the room the grenades were in and Crockett went by me and sprayed some shots toward the walls. From the floor below I heard a series of shots and ran to the stairs. Bobby Joe was firing into the room and Kerlin had come up and he was firing into the cloud of dust that poured through the doors. I reached the landing and fired while Bobby Joe reloaded. When the smoke cleared we saw two Germans. One was lying on the floor; the other, badly wounded, was on his knees and draped across the seat of the overstuffed couch. The couch had been pushed away from the wall and we moved it out more. There was a hole in the wall where the Germans had been. In the hole there was a radio and a pack of French cigarettes. "They were shooting at the ceiling," Bobby Joe said. "They won't be shooting at any more ceilings," Kerlin said. I thought about Crockett. He hadn't come downstairs. I took the stairs two at a time. Crockett was stretched out on his back. "Right through the floor," he said. "You okay?" I asked. "I'm going home," he said. "I got to be okay, Jimbo." Then he groaned. Then he died. That was the way the day ended. ## June 24 I am so down over Crockett. I do have to admit that I am thankful it was not me who got killed. A feeling of shame comes over me when I think like that, but that's what's really going through my mind. It's terrible to see guys wounded and killed, but I don't want it to be me that's lying on the side of the road. Today is Saturday, as if the day of the week had any meaning. The
The Crazies (2010) Not All Remakes Are Bad The word "remake" sends chills down a horror fan's spine more than zombies, ghosts, and crazed holiday-themed killers. Lately, the horror genre has been on a remake binge, especially with foreign horror films like [REC] (as Quarantine), Let The Right One In (as Let Me In), and Martyrs. How they can dilute the magic of the originals can probably be answered with the phrase "cha-ching." It is really all about the Benjamins. But American horror classics haven't been excluded either, with reboots to Halloween, A Nightmare On Elm Street, and the very well-made remake of Dawn of the Dead to name a few. When I saw George Romero's 1973 cult classic The Crazies was on the remake list, that old familiar skepticism was the first feeling I had. But there is that "you never know" feeling. I come back to the Dawn of the Dead remake - a retelling that was done right: just enough of the original to pay respects, but creative enough to stand on its own. 2010's version does pay decent respect to its elders, but does have enough strength to stand on its own without being too "slick" or too "let's pander to the kids who hang out at the mall" for its own good. Where the 1973 version was directed by Romero, Breck Eisner handles the chores this time around with quite the capable cast. The small town of Ogden Marsh, Iowa, is just about perfect. Small-town folks enjoying small-town activities like the opening day of high-school baseball. Everyone knows everyone. In fact, when one of the townsfolk shows up at the game with a shotgun, Sheriff David Dutton (Timothy Olyphant) assumes he's just drunk. Forced to react when the guy raises the gun, Dutton shoots him down, an action he immediately regrets. But former drunk Rory wasn't the only one exhibiting strange behavior. Farmer Bill worries his wife by staring into space and repeating words and phrases. Sheriff Dutton's wife, Judy (Radha Mitchell) examines him and, finding nothing wrong on the surface, sends him home. Later that night, Bill methodically traps his family in the house and burns it down. He expresses no regret or even knowledge of what he's done as he's placed in a holding cell. Dutton and his trusty deputy Russell Clank (Joe Anderson) investigate first the body of a dead soldier attached to a parachute, then a downed plane in a nearby lake that feeds...that's right...into the town's water supply. Bill begins suffering more marked symptoms of something pretty nasty. I mean, look at the above picture. This disease - later referred to as "Trixie" - doesn't just give you a light cough and send you on your way. Dutton wants to shut off the water supply, but the Mayor is having nothing of that as he swims in his oddly-placed swimming pool. There are crops to consider, after all. Dutton doesn't care, so he takes the illegal course of action and shuts it off anyway. It might be too late at this point. Other residents are feeling the crazy, acting strangely and deserting the streets. Then they get violent. Sheriff Dutton convinces Judy they should leave, but they are captured by haz-mat-suited military guys and herded into a makeshift quarantine area at the local school. They're suddenly separated when Judy registers as having a fever, one of Trixie's symptoms. In reality, she's pregnant, but the military doesn't listen to David's pleading as they take her to a room and strap her down on a gurney in a room full of other patients on gurneys, most of which are sick with Trixie. Some locals stage a coup and in the confusion, all the townspeople either escape or are gunned down. David makes it out and finds Russell, and together they set out to rescue Judy. Just in time, too, as the principal - now infected - is going from gurney to gurney, impaling random people with a pitchfork. Before he can kill Judy or Becca (Danielle Panabaker), David guns him down. The four make it out of town, barely avoiding some thrill-seeking hunters who may have been nuts before Trixie. They're now hunting people, infected or not. Arriving at Becca's boyfriend's farm, they plan to wait out the military invasion and the infection, or at least get out of town. Some military guys show up anyway and kill both Becca's boyfriend and his mother, seemingly without cause. David and Russell capture a soldier and find out more about what has happened before letting him go. Their only option becomes clear: get as far away as possible as Ogden Marsh is about to be wiped off the map. The group returns to the Dutton home to retrieve an old sheriff's cruiser. After a struggle with Rory's infected wife and teenage son, who have come for twisted revenge against the man who shot their loved one at the beginning of the film, the four leave. It isn't long before a military helicopter chases them into a car wash, where they battle more infected, losing Becca and their transportation. Exhausted, both physically and mentally, they come across Russell's car, which he had told them had been forced off the road. Seeing a vehicle approaching and sensing it belongs to the military, Russell throws out a strip, puncturing the tires and causing the car to crash. David's not happy; he wanted to interrogate the driver. The driver's alive, and reveals that Trixie is indeed a biological weapon, and that the whole area will have to be purged in order to contain it. Russell immediately places a bullet in the guy's head as the trusty deputy begins to show signs of Trixie. He even levels the gun at David and Judy as they continue walking. David manages to wrestle the gun away later, and forces Russell to come to terms with his infection. They discover a roadblock and Russell sacrifices himself to ensure that David and Judy can get past and continue their escape. Russell Clank, like his 1973 predecessor, dies a heroic death, and even gets to say the best line in the movie to the anonymous military/science guys: "Fuck you for what you've done." David and Judy find a truck stop, completely empty. The military has killed everyone they herded into trucks to "let go." Not only that, the insane hunters from earlier are there and make escape just a tad more difficult for our intrepid couple. David and Judy finally make their long-awaited getaway in a huge semi truck. Using a stolen radio, they track the countdown until Ogden Marsh is destroyed and the bomb blast nearly kills them. They crawl from the wreckage and look back at the mushroom cloud burning over the town they loved. Continuing on to Cedar Rapids, they wearily move towards the big city. The big city which is now seen from a satellite picture, containing those feared words: "initiate containment protocol." For a remake, I really dug the 2010 version of The Crazies. It dove right into the action and didn't let up, only taking moments here and there to let the characters advance a little. The cast was very good and, most importantly, the movie didn't insult my intelligence. It wasn't a bunch of teens who could be cast on some network teen drama prancing around and looking beautiful while spouting nudge-nudge-wink-wink snarks at each other, or breaking the fourth wall for that matter. I've long been a fan of Timothy Olyphant and Radha Mitchell, and they really didn't disappoint. Joe Anderson was extremely good as Clank, a role I really loved in the original. There were some interesting differences between the original and the remake, none of which really took
of Health statement on Monday that "all infections in the UK so far had been "mild", but it is right to prepare for the possibility of a global pandemic. The UK's arrangements are continuing to ensure that we are well-placed to deal with this new infection." This is especially important as Professor Ferguson states clearly that it is difficult to quantify the impact on human health at this stage. This is especially important when the statistics developed so far confirm that A(H1N1) is more infectious than usual; seasonal flu affects 1 in 10 and this novel virus potentially 1 in 3 and that per 1000 infected between 4 and 14 could die. Against this background it is folly to start dismissing the risk, but we are already seeing signs of this with some BCM planners telling us that they are not getting the support from organisations to ensure the robustness of their plans. Perversely many report a wait and see approach being taken despite the guidance coming from WHO, CDC, HPA and a host of others to act now and ensure plans are in place. The Continuity Forum is urging organisations to utilise Business Continuity expertise and knowledge to develop and assess plans that will support your business quickly; take the threat seriously and match your response. Taking responsibility for your organisation and its personnel now and develop a better understanding of what you can do to mitigate the risks. Through active planning you can help reduce the spread of the illness across society and importantly your staff, limiting the financial and personnel impact on the organisation. You'll also be demonstrating prudent and professional management to clients and suppliers. For more information on or assistance in planning please do get in touch. If you would like to comment on this feature please do contact us directly. to find out more or attend our Special Summit on Pandemic Planning please follow the link from the front page. A(H1N1) threat needs careful balance - Continuity Forum Continuity Forum urges organisations not to be complacent Swine Flu, or A(H1N1) as the World Health Organisation would prefer it called continues to dominate the news media internationally, with nearly 1100 cases in 21 countries now reported with 27 fatalities. Good reaction, planning and Tamiflu intervention appears to be working and the symptoms are being described as Mild. This appears to be good news and in the last few days accusations are being levelled of the whole Pandemic scenario being hyped out of all proportion. Radio phone-in's and media commentators articles are suggesting an over reaction by WHO, governments and the media in the face of what they describe as a relatively 'minor' Health scare. Despite information from the World Health Organisation and health agencies urging against complacency, many people are starting to trivialise the threat posed despite the warnings being given. Above is the predicted spread of an influenza Pandemic as developed by Professor Neil Ferguson and submitted to the House of Lords Science and Technology committee, which has responsibility for Pandemic Influenza. As can be seen, the peak shows infections rising over time to over 1 million cases a day after about 7-8 weeks from the first UK infection. As with all modelling, it is an educated interpretation based on experience and analysis and Professor Ferguson's model may be incorrect or have errors that misrepresent the spread of infections (if it is, then so are many others that have been published), but look closely at the curve above. We have had the A(H1N1) virus for just one week here in the UK; the government and HPA have done a sterling job, but one week in and the media are talking about the second phase potential. This is happening just four weeks BEFORE the research shows the rapid escalation of cases in the first phase model … we at the Continuity Forum think this is a little premature at least and potentially quite dangerous. At the moment the instantaneous news media is giving immediate opinions on matters that need to be thoroughly understood. The epidemiology of A(H1N1) needs to be understood in much greater depth, and it is rash to dismiss this 'initial' stage of the current outbreak as over or under control just yet. More needs to known about the source in Mexico and particularly the rate of fatalities that has not yet been seen elsewhere in the world. The death of 25 people from 590 cases suggest a Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of 4.24% which is much higher than Seasonal Flu and towards the upper levels of the worst case planning scenarios, yet in the US some 286 cases resulted in the death of one infant, a CFR of 0.35%. Why is there such a huge difference? Was it the source numbers underestimating the total number of cases in Mexico or was it something else? Perhaps it is the early intervention with Anti-Virals given at the optimum time, stalling progression of the virus? What ever the reason now is not the time to be suggesting the worst is over, and indirectly creating a sense of complacency in the minds of the general public and business. The UK government is delivering advice to all homes urging vigilance and good hygiene protocols, trying to keep folks informed and aware of the potential risk of infection - and the simple steps required to mitigate them. This though is against a real mix of opinion in the general populace; some alert, informed and not unduly alarmed, but others dismissing it as Hype and overreaction! Mexico will be returning to work tomorrow with shops, businesses, schools and restaurants all reopening. Hopefully the worst is past for them, but over the next few weeks we'll see what happens both in Mexico and the other countries as the Virus continues to develop. Yes, we did say develop, as this is exactly what a virus does. It'll continue its evolution, changing and mutating, trying to find new ways to propagate itself. We are still at the the very earliest stages of this situation and our knowledge of it, and we should exercise caution in rushing to judgement. Careful consideration of the potential impact and sensible measures addressing them should be developed to help your organisation, and importantly be rehearsed and communicated. Of course, the naysayers could turn out to be right and the threat may fizzle out, but what incredible folly would it be to do nothing when the window of opportunity exists to really bolster resilience and create the potential for far better continuity. The Continuity Forum can help and advise your organisation please mail us here Pandemic Support Any organisation requiring advice or support should contact us immediately, we are also holding a Continuity Forum Special Pandemic Summit on June 26th for more details follow the front page link or contact us directly. More information on pandemic research We are changing our registration systems and if have yet to complete the new registration process please click on the link above. For more details on our events, workshops and industry development work, as well as the general activities of the Continuity Forum please contact us directly on +44 208 993 1599 or mail us HERE! Please do contact Sara McKenna or Russell Price . If you would like to know more about how your organisation can get involved and benefit from working with the Continuity Forum, please email us HERE! or call on + 44 (0) 208 993 1599. WHO upgrades Alert level to 5 ... what next? Current level of influenza pandemic alert raised from phase 4 to 5 Following discussions and further assessment of all currently available information, Dr Margaret Chan, WHO's Director-General has raised the current level of influenza pandemic alert from phase 4 to 5. She stated that all countries should immediately activate their pandemic preparedness plans. At this
the AAC. If it was an "upgrade" to another P-5 you wouldn't hear a word from the "new" B12 school(s) jumping ship. USA Today- Big 12 sends ESPN cease and desist letter in latest college conference expansion drama​ The Big 12 Conference has sent ESPN a letter demanding the network refrain from communicating with its current membership or with other FBS leagues. The Big 12 is nearing the end of a 13-year agreement with ESPN (sound familiar) and Fox, which is set to expire in 2025. "This is putting ESPN on notice that (the Big 12) may sue ESPN at some point in the future if Oklahoma and Texas leave the Big 12 before the grant of rights expires," said Mit Winter, a lawyer who has served as outside counsel to college athletic conferences.."Threatening to sue ESPN is going to sour the relationship between the Big 12 and ESPN if the Big 12 continues to exist. I assume ESPN is not going to be happy about receiving that kind of letter." I wonder which Big 12 school ESPN sneakily reached out to? Was it Oklahoma State? Speaking of ESPN did anyone follow the recent Maria Taylor/Rachel Nichols/ESPN drama? It's not really clear to me how it all turned out but when stuff like that happens in a small company and there is a cat fight between 2 employees, both of whom are valuable, you sit their asses down behind closed doors and have woman to woman or man to man talks as the case may be, remind them that they are on the same team and need to work together, etc. None of that happened, instead ESPN took Nichols off the air. Which I am not so sure was a good move because Nichols was later defended not only by the NBA Commissioner but some NBA players. What she actually said that was picked up by hot mikes was more of a shot at ESPN and their poor record on minority hiring than a shot at Maria Taylor, although she could have chosen her words better and obviously feels Taylor, who is younger and quite frankly much better looking, is blocking her from getting a job she really deserves. Nothing new in competition in a work place, but ESPN didn't even do much to Foster that competition and instead took a politically correct position although all of their corporate head big shots are Trump Voters who basically do not believe in political correctness by voting as they do. Speaking of ESPN did anyone follow the recent Maria Taylor/Rachel Nichols/ESPN drama? It's not really clear to me how it all turned out but when stuff like that happens in a small company and there is a cat fight Saw some headlines but I'm so not interested in anything at ESPiN'. I used to love the Top 10, games, Sports Center and was even friends the founders son, John Saunders (RIP) and some of the guys who started the company . But that's all I need to know about the story, typical drama TV from them now, when the people who don't matter are allowed to become the story.....instead of the games. It's about time someone called out ESPN for exactly who they are. It's to bad Uconn spent a couple of hundred million to upgrade FB at the invitation of a conference that was run by a couple of clueless shills who only cared about Providence College basketball. They'd probably rather lowball the remaining Big 12 teams(now at 35 Mil a year) on their new contract and only give a raise to a few AAC teams (Cincy, UCF, etc) or a Boise St. , BYU, etc. that get realigned into that new version of the Big 12. But I guess the key is who the bidders will be in 2025 for a rearranged version of the conference ?..... ESPN, FOX, Amazon etc ? Decent read on clueless Aresco and ESPN ...."how on Earth did ESPN think this was going to work? Think of it from the perspective of the remaining Big 12 schools of the ESPN "offering".....the alleged proposal from ESPN is frankly comical. " (1) This would have involved asking Oklahoma State to ask Tulsa for an invite to a league. It would have involved Texas Tech, Baylor and TCU to ask SMU and Houston to the same. Putting aside football, this would have required Kansas State and freaking Kansas (whose basketball program was founded by basketball inventor James Naismith) asking Wichita State to join the Shockers' league! (2) The Big 12 would just willingly disband and give up $140 million to $160 million of exit fees from Texas and Oklahoma. (3) The Big 12 would further willingly dissolve and give up around $1 billion for the rest of the existing TV deal with ESPN. If true, somebody in the Big 12 who got contacted by the AAC/ESPN ( their media rights holder) ratted Aresco and ESPN out. Why? ....Because the BIG 12 schools know it's a downgrade and have no interest in the AAC. If it was an "upgrade" to another P-5 you wouldn't hear a word from the "new" B12 school(s) jumping ship. And as I said above from Frank the Tanks article: "any Big 12 school that received a proposal from ESPN for them to join the AAC (not the ACC) so that they can dissolve the league and make less money in the process would have forwarded those texts and emails to (Bowlsby's) Office with the subject line: "Dude?! WTF?!" " "the rest of the Big 12 may not be finding homes in other P5 leagues, but they still have absolute poaching power over the G5 leagues if only because of a combination of autonomy status with the NCAA, incoming exit fees from Texas and Oklahoma and existing NCAA Tournament credits. " Yep , this guy has to be the all-time leader in a coach getting paid so much, for doing so little, at so many places.. I previously missed this post and I wanted to respond to this post in regards to Bob Diaco because what you posted and how Diaco has managed to seemingly amass an incredible number of one and done job terminations is of curiousity to me and I have some theories about it. I also noted a similar disastrous tenure by Head Coach Adam Gase when he was with the Jets and I think there may be some similarities to his case with Diaco even though Gase only got hired and fired from two NFL head coaching gigs and is unlikely to ever be hired as a head coach in the NFL again. Both guys ascended rapidly in their profession in part because they were in the right place at the right time with the right program when they got their initial break that led to their initial head coaching gig. Both guys gave incredibly bizarre press conferences. If you think Diaco's pressers were bizarre/weird, I dare you to watch some of Gase's. His "googly eyes" introductory presser is now a YouTube classic, and legendary among the NY media for being a poor opening presser. It went downhill from there. And my theory on both of these guys is that the weirdness that everyone else saw in their pressers, in their job interviews, somehow became positives for them and established them as "out of the box thinkers" as opposed to "frauds." As I am sure you know in sports and in entertainment certain people get anointed as "flavor of the month"'candidates. These two guys were classic examples of flavor of the month guys who were at one time hot candidates who have gone cold. With Diaco's 5th job loss in 5 years, which is really remarkable in any one profession, one would think he
formula below shows how the normalized sensitivity is affected predominantly by the spillover efficiency (for extended sources) or aperture efficiency (for point sources). The effects on the mapping speed are similar from both the spillover and aperture efficiencies (see Fig.~3). $${\rm Sensitivity} \propto \frac{1}{\rm \sqrt{{ throughput \times \# detectors \times efficiency(spillover\ or\ aperture) }}}\ \ ,$$ $${\rm Mapping\ Speed }\propto \frac{1}{\rm ( Sensitivity)^2}\ \ .$$ \textbf{Measurement of sky intensity distribution (extended source):} The signal power absorbed by a detector is produced by the astronomical sky brightness when observing extended sources. The spillover efficiency of the horns is the dominant factor affecting mapping speed for different F-$\lambda$ spacings, and is dependent on the horn edge taper. The edge taper values for F-$\lambda$ between 1 and 2 are taken from [25]. \textbf{Observation of point sources in the field:} The detector coupling efficiency to the point spread function is important when measuring the flux density of point sources. The realistic maximum feedhorn aperture efficiency is 0.7 for an aperture of 2\,F-$\lambda$. However increasing the density of horns (pixels) to $<$2\,F-$\lambda$ increases the overall mapping speed for a fixed FoV. The aperture efficiency at each F-$\lambda$ is taken from [25]. For a fixed detector number of at least 40,000 KIDs, there is a marked $\sim$10\% gain in mapping speed for each 0.1$^{\circ}$ increase in FoV diameter due to the advantageous gain on the spillover/aperture efficiency curves for horn-coupled detectors. Less than this number and the gain in going to fields larger than 1 degree is negligible (the detectors are just spread out at larger than 2 F-$\lambda$ spacing). As the number of detectors is practically limited by the readout to $\sim$40,000 [26], a gain in field size provides a viable direction for mapping speed improvement. However, once anti-reflection losses from the addition of a 5th lens are factored in [24], the gain from increasing field size is substantially eliminated. Thus, an optimal design currently being considered is for a 4-lens, 1.1$^{\circ}$ FoV, with $\sim$40,000 KIDs and F-$\lambda \sim$1.65, divided between 3 hexagonal arrays. Compared to the baseline of 20,000 KIDs and a 1$^{\circ}$ FoV, Fig.~3 shows a two times gain in mapping speed for this design. \subsection{Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs)} % The 850\,GHz array will use kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs), as with the other Prime-Cam modules operating at lower frequencies [e.g., 8,30]. As described in this work and references therein, the photon sensitivity of a KID results from a superconducting resonator that derives a significant fraction of its total inductance from the kinetic inductance of an absorbing strip (inductive in this case). Photons which interact with the absorbing element of the detector will break Cooper pairs creating quasi particles. This causes a measureable change in the inductance through the resulting shift in the resonant frequency and quality factor (width of the resonance peak). Fabrication of the first 850\,GHz KID test device was recently completed by the Quantum Sensors Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder, CO. The 850\,GHz KIDs have benefited from the experience gained through detector developments for the BLAST-TNG [15] and TolTEC [27] receivers. For these broadband 850 GHz detectors, the change in optical power for each polarization is measured separately for each pixel. The KIDs are lithographically defined superconducting microwave components separated in a single pixel into the two polarizations via different microstrip lines, meander inductors and inter-digitated capacitors. For KIDs in the 850 GHz camera, TiN with low T$_c$, 800 to 1000 mK, is targeted. A decrease in T$_c$ results in improved 1/f inductor noise for TiN KIDs pushing the 1/f knee to lower frequencies in an effort to make detector 1/f noise sub-dominant to the atmospheric 1/f noise. Preliminary absorber and waveguide interface optimization shows that 93\% detector efficiency can be obtained between 800 and 900 GHz (Figure \ref{fig:KID} A). \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width = 0.9\textwidth]{figs/KID_combo_v2.pdf} \caption{{\small A. preliminary optical coupling design and performance for KIDs. B. A test KID device designed to test adding extra inductance to relax demands on capacitor finger widths. C. The full fabricated test device with 11 pixels each with different amounts of extra "Junk" inductance or different capacitor finger widths. D. A microscope image of the pixel shown in B. }} \label{fig:KID} \end{figure} Increased bandwidth microwave networks with larger network multiplexing factors are being pursued to enable greater detector counts per wafer while keeping readout infrastructure reasonable. This is being accomplished in two ways: First, by increasing the digital readout electronics bandwidth from 500 MHz to 1 GHz. Second, by changing the frequency scheduling of the detectors such that 1000 KIDs are placed within two octaves of readout bandwidth from 325 MHz to 1325 MHz. By increasing the multiplexing per microwave network by a factor of ~2 while also increasing the octaves of microwave network bandwidth from 1 to 2, the same dimensionless spacing between resonators in readout space as past arrays [28] can be maintained. This allows for maintaining a low number of collisions ($\sim$5\% after post-fab capacitor adjustment [29]) in readout space while achieving the required higher multiplexing factors (Figure \ref{fig:collisions}). \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width = 0.6\textwidth]{figs/Collisions_versus_N_res.png} \caption{{\small Simulated number of readout collisions with and without post-fabrication resonant frequency correction for one and two octaves of readout bandwidth.}} \label{fig:collisions} \end{figure} An increased detector count per wafer presents design obstacles that need to be overcome, primarily how to handle the decreased pixel size. The CCAT-p 280 GHz TiN array [30] has a pixel spacing of 2.75 mm, whereas the 850 GHz arrays desire a pixel pitch closer to 1.4 mm, almost a factor of 4 less in area. Scaling the capacitor by a factor of 4 in area would require capacitor finger widths a factor of 4 smaller as well. Smaller capacitor finger widths will lead to an increase in TLS Noise [15]. To keep the capacitor finger width similar to past arrays that show good TLS noise performance, extra inductance (junk inductance) can be added in by incorporating more squares of inductor into the KID design away from the optical absorbing part of the inductor. Increasing the inductance also enables pushing the lowest frequency resonators down from 500 MHz to 325 MHz. More inductance results in increased volume which will result in decreased sensitivity. For the 850 GHz camera module, however, this is actually advantageous because the loading level is higher than in past similar arrays [15]. The lower T$_c$ also has an effect of increasing detector sensitivity and thus requires additional volume to dilute the response such that the internal quality factors (Q$_i$ -- essentially the width of the resonances) are high enough under the appropriate loading levels. As junk inductance is increased, care must be taken that parasitic resonances are not driven down in frequency such that they are within the 325 to 1325 MHz readout network. To check that a 1.4 mm pixel pitch device can be made with 5$\mu$m capacitor finger widths with acceptable sensitivity and parasitic resonances, a preliminary test device was fabricated and tested (Figure \ref{fig:KID} B). These test devices showed that indeed a 325 MHz detector can be made with 5$\mu$m wide capacitor finger widths and with the first parasitic resonance occurring around 1600 MHz. Presumably, this is some sort of microstrip mode and thus puts a limit on how long the inductor can be. Therefore, to further reduce responsivity, increased linewidth will be required to increase the volume rather than increasing inductor length. For the preliminary test devices, an internal Q$_i$ of 10,000 was found at a loading level 50 pW (Figure \ref{fig:BB_sweep}) and thus further reduction in sensitivity is required to increase Q$_i$ to the desired 20,000 at the appropriate loading levels of 70 to 110 pW. This will be accomplished in future test devices by increasing the line width of the absorber. \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width = 1.0\textwidth]{figs/Qi_v_bb_power_res_0.png} \caption{{\small Results of a
HomeMusic2021 Billboard Music Award Winners 2021 Billboard Music Award Winners Established in 2011, the Icon Award honors artists and their contributions to the music business. Previous winners have included Garth Brooks, Stevie Wonder, Mariah Carey and Janet Jackson. Check out a full list of winners from the Billboard Music Awards beneath. Get the most well liked music, news and videos delivered on to your inbox. That's right, the 2021 Billboard Music Awards ceremony occurred. The present kicked off with a high-energy musical performance by the official host Nick Jonas together with his brothers Joe and Kevin Jonas, alongside DJ Marshmellow. His spouse Priyanka Chopra Jonas was one of many presenters and the couple set the fashion quotient high as they walked the pink carpet collectively. She made a hanging look in a head-to-toe customized Dolce & Gabbana sheer ensemble with a thigh-high slit robe with a plunging neckline and iconic golden waist-clinching belt whereas Nick Jonas donned a daring green Fendi suit. The Billboard Music Awards were presented on May 23 at LA's Microsoft Theatre with about 500 to 600 attendees amidst all security protocols, making it one of the largest Hollywood awards present so far because the pandemic started. These numbers are all larger than some other artist earned through the decade. One of the most awaited award ceremonies of the yr, the 2021 Billboard Music Awards , was finally held at Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles on Sunday, May 23. Apart from stellar performances from top artists similar to Alicia Keys, Bad Bunny, BTS, DJ Khaled that includes H.E.R., Migos, and Doja Cat and SZA, we also noticed a few of the top global musicians profitable big. See the complete list of winners and 2021 Billboard Music Awards performances by Alicia Keys, the Sounds of Blackness, Doja Cat and SZA, Bad Bunny, Karol G, as properly as the opening number by DJ Khaled, H.E.R. and Migos. Thus far, Pop has received Top New Artist, Top Rap Artist, Top Male Rap Artist and Top Rap Album for his debut Shoot for the Stars, Aim for the Moon. He's nominated in numerous different classes, including the grand prize Top Artist category, which may also be introduced through the show. On May 10, 2021, performers were introduced each day, leading up to the ceremony, through social media. Taylor Swift carried out the prolonged, 10-minute model of the tune Swifties know "All Too Properly" throughout her look on Saturday Night time Dwellfinal Saturday (Nov. 13). She carried out the tender ballad, which is contemporary off her re-recorded album Purple (Taylor's Model), whereas the All Too Properly quick movie starring Dylan O'Brien and Sadie Sink carried out on the display screen behind her. From Maluma and Bad Bunny, to Kali Uchis and Natti Natasha, discover out which world hit-makers have been crowned winners on the 2021 Billboard Latin Music Awards. And regional Mexican grand dame Paquita la del Barrio's 50-year storied profession was acknowledged with Billboard's Lifetime Achievement Award, accompanied by an attitude-filled performance of her classic hit "Rata de dos patas" and "El Consejo" alongside Ana Bárbara. He has spent a lifetime serving to artists understand – and earn – their true worth. Given to a performing artist or group whose music and performance type have directly influenced and helped inspire and evolve rock & roll and music that has impacted youth tradition. Iven to non performing industry professionals who, through their dedicated perception and assist of artists and their music have had a major affect on the inventive growth and progress of rock & roll and music that has impacted youth culture. Onoring bands and solo artists who, of their careers, have created music whose originality, influence and affect has changed the course of rock & roll. Måneskin weren't only nominated for three awards on the night, but they also performed their latest single 'Mammamia' at the present as properly. Other performers on the night time included some of the biggest names on the planet, including Maluma, Kim Petras, Saweetie, Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons, YUNGBLUD, One Republic, Griff, and Girl in Red. Pop Smoke posthumously won 5 awards, changing into the first to win the highest new artist award posthumously, Billboard reported. Referring to his recent album in his acceptance speech, The Weeknd hinted at new music saying, "The 'After Hours' are carried out, and the daybreak is coming," stories Yahoo News. With 10 awards, The Weeknd ended the evening with most awards, CNN reported. Drake and Pink accepted lifetime achievement awards, per Yahoo News. Turner continued to land hits with "Typical Male," "The Best," and "I Don't Wanna Fight," and her 1986 autobiographyI, Tina– and subsequent biopic – informed the story of her career, her past expertise with abuse, and her desires of rock stardom. The community also boasts some of tv's most prestigious awards exhibits, together with "The Oscars," "The CMA Awards" and the "American Music Awards." ABC programming may additionally be considered on demand and on Hulu. Below is a listing of finalists and winners in the a variety of the top artist classes. Click right here for the whole list of nominated songs and albums. Wallen was nominated for six awards, and Billboard Awards producer Dick Clark productions said it couldn't prevent Wallen from incomes nominations or winning, as a result of finalists are based mostly on album and digital gross sales, streaming, radio airplay and social engagement. The producers did ban Wallen from performing or attending the present. Besides the JoBros, other artists who took the stage included the Weeknd, who led the night time with 10 wins after coming into it the most-nominated , and P! It was additionally a big night for Pop Smoke , Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Machine Gun Kelly, Gabby Barrett, Bad Bunny, and … Morgan Wallen. The singer both hosted and performed alongside his brothers on the reside show out of the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles on Sunday, May 23. Billboard selects annual finalists and winners primarily based on fan interaction with music, together with streaming, gross sales, radio airplay, and social engagement. This year's awards included two fan-voted classes and are primarily based on charts from March 21, 2020 to April 3, 2021. According to Billboard, finalists and winners are primarily based on key fan interactions with music, including album and digital song gross sales, streaming, radio airplay, and social engagement, tracked by Billboard and its data partners, together with MRC Data. The mother and daughter duo hung from ropes and twirled within the air. The 2021 Billboard Music Awards have been hosted by Nick Jonas Sunday night time, and aired reside from the Microsoft Theater in L.A. Because this is 2021 and we're simply emerging from a rampaging pandemic, the festivities have been slightly totally different this yr. Wunderman Thompson reveals 2021 ranking of top 100 most inspiring brands International Tourism Film Festival Africa opens submissions for 2022 #Loeries2021: Grand Prix winner Havas Creative Middle East's 'Liquid Billboard' for Adidas — (@Bizcommunity) November 19, 2021 Karol G made her Billboard Music Awards debut by performing her songs "Bichota" and "El Makinón." Karol G sported aqua-colored hair and sang on top of a Hummer. The Weeknd carried out his song "Save Your Tears" from an empty car parking zone as he rode within a red muscle car. The singer's automotive was adopted by a group of purple and white cars and later semi trucks. Swizz Beatz honored the hip-hop notables we've lost over the past year, together with Shock G, Black Rob, Prince Markie Dee of the Fat Boys, Ecstasy of Whodini and DMX. Speaking of hip-hop artists that we've lost, Pop Smoke received the Top New Artist, Top Rap Artist and Top Rap Male Artist, among others, posthumously. On
+ \delta N \end{eqnarray} where the subscript 0 indicates the unperturbed solution. The next step is to solve the differential equation, introduced as Eq.~8 in \cite{consei90} \begin{eqnarray} (U^2N^2D^2+C^2U^2D^4 )\delta M''- \nonumber \\ \ (2U^2N^2 DD'+2C^2U^2D^3 D' )\delta M' + \nonumber \\ (2U^2N^2D'^2-U^2N^2 DD''-C^2U^2D^3 D'' +\nonumber\\ 2C^2U^2D^2 D'^2+2D^4 )\delta M=0. \label{eq:peqn} \end{eqnarray} The proposed solutions from Eq.~\ref{eq:propsoln} are substituted into Eq.~\ref{eq:peqn} and solutions of the form \begin{equation} \delta M=\sum_{k=-\infty}^{\infty} C_k \cos \left( \left(\nu+k \right)\omega t \right) \label{eq:propsoln2} \end{equation} are searched for, where $\nu$ is a constant. CS determined from \cite{flo83}'s work that values outside the range $0 \le \nu \le 1/2$ are unstable, and thus that $\nu(x_0)=0$ and $\nu(x_0)=1/2$ bracket the stable region. They found no solution in the case of $\nu=0$, but solutions do exist for the case $\nu=1/2$, discussed below. In order to get a finite number of non-trivial solutions, Eq.~\ref{eq:propsoln2} must be truncated after a finite number of terms. Following CS we take \begin{equation} \delta M = \sum_{k=-3}^{2} C_k \cos \left( \left(k+\frac{1}{2} \right)\omega t\right) \label{eq:propsoln2trunc} \end{equation} which leaves us with six values of $C_k$ to be determined. The main goal here is to solve for the six constants $C_k$. In order to do this, we substitute Eq.~\ref{eq:propsoln2trunc} and its derivatives into Eq.~\ref{eq:peqn}, as well as the corresponding substitutions for $N$ and $D$. From this point on, we diverge from the treatment of CS, as here we have used different methods to find this equation's solutions. Here we used Maple~15 and Mathematica~8 as tools for equation solving. 1) Using Maple's COMBINE function, Eq.~\ref{eq:peqn} was solved for one value of $C_k$. The solution revealed many cosine terms with different frequencies, and some terms that were fully independent of the cosine. 2) The three lowest frequencies of cosine (including the independent terms when present) were factored out of each individual $C_k$ term. The terms relating to a single frequency were collected, yielding three separate equations. The cosine was then factored out, and the remainder of the equations set equal to zero. 3) Steps 1 and 2 were repeated for each individual term of $C_k$. The result was 18 equations where there were 3 equations for each $C_k$ (each of the three equations representing a different frequency of cosine). Using these equations, a $6 \times 6$ matrix results, where rows 1, 3 and 5 represent equations with $k$ values of -3, -1, 1 and rows 2, 4, 6 represent equations with $k$ values of -2, 0, 2. \begin{equation} \left[ \begin {array}{cccccc} {\it S_{11}}&0&{\it S_{13}}&0&{\it S_{15}}&0\\ \noalign{\medskip}0&{\it S_{22}}&0&{\it S_{24}}&0&{\it S_{26}} \\ \noalign{\medskip}{\it S_{31}}&0&{\it S_{33}}&0&{\it S_{35}}&0 \\ \noalign{\medskip}0&{\it S_{42}}&0&{\it S_{44}}&0&{\it S_{46}} \\ \noalign{\medskip}{\it S_{51}}&0&{\it S_{53}}&0&{\it S_{55}}&0 \\ \noalign{\medskip}0&{\it S_{62}}&0&{\it S_{64}}&0&{\it S_{66}}\end {array} \right] \label{eq:Smatrix} \end{equation} In other words, the columns are in increasing order from -3 to 2, which demonstrates which equations contain which $k$ values. We now solved the equations in sets of three for the values of $C_k$. In essence, we constructed equations from the matrix ({\it e.g.} $S_{11}+S_{13}+S_{15}=0$ and so forth down the rows). Rows 1, 3, 5 were used to solve for $C_{-3}$, $C_{-1}$ and $C_{1}$. Similarly, rows 2, 4, 6 were used to solved for $C_{-2}$, $C_{0}$ and $C_{2}$. The two homogeneous sets of three equations were transformed to two non-homogeneous systems of order two with $C_{-1}$ and $C_{0}$ set equal to unity for mathematical convenience. Once all six coefficients were determined, the values for $x(t)$ and $y(t)$ could be determined for specific sets of values of $A$, $B$ and $\omega$ from Table~\ref{ta:upsoln}. We then use the relations that $u=\frac{1}{r}$, and that $r=\sqrt{x^2+y^2}$ to solve for $u$. Figure~\ref{fi:soln2} shows two examples of a perturbed solution. In the left panel, a parametric plot in $t$ of $x$ versus $y$ for parameters $U=2/3$, $C$=0.1, and other values corresponding to line 1 in Table~\ref{ta:upsoln} is shown. Here the initial value of $y$ is taken to be $10^{-4}$ to justify our assumption that it is small. The two solutions are so similar that the graphs overplot each other and cannot be distinguished. The right panel shows a much larger orbit based on the parameters in line~17 of Table~\ref{ta:upsoln}. Here the Prendergast solution does not contain enough frequency information to completely reproduce the box orbit but captures some of the character of the true solution, such as the $x$ and $y$ amplitudes and period. \section{The Apsidal Angle and p-Ellipse Orbits} \label{pellsection} In this section, we turn our interest to the approximate solution of the radial orbital differential equation. We are interested primarily in precession of the apsidal angle, and so we will consider the problem now in terms of the anomaly $\theta$ rather than the time $t$. If one wished to determine the relationship between these two variables, a Kepler-like equation would need to be solved. CS considered the $x$ and $y$ equations of motion, but here we consider $u=1/\sqrt{x^2 +y^2} = 1/r$ with an eye to later using this result to determine the apsidal angle for the purely radial logarithmic potential. In this case, we examine the case where $U \approx 1$ and $C \ll 1$. We start with the radial orbital differential equation, which is of the form, \begin{equation} \label{eq:raddiff} \frac{d^2 u}{d \theta^2} +u=-\frac{1}{h^2 u^2 } f \left(\frac{1}{u} \right) \end{equation} where $h$ is the angular momentum. We note that the force function $f(\frac{1}{u} )$ is equal to $-dV/dr$, which can be obtained by differentiating Eq.~\ref{eq:logpotl}. The Prendergast Method works very well for the solutions of the logarithmic potentials from Eq.~\ref{eq:logpotl} indicated in Section~\ref{upsection} for the $x$ and $y$ equations of motion and further elaborated in Section~\ref{psection}. However, the method does not seem to be well suited for purely radial logarithmic potentials with different initial conditions, and the solution does not agree with that obtained by pure numerical integration of the orbital differential equation. The p-ellipse approximate solutions of the orbital equation, pioneered by \cite{str06}, is a much better way of not only deriving an accurate approximate solution to order $e^2$ (where $e$ is the orbital eccentricity), but also obtaining the values for the apsidal precession to a high accuracy. We present a detailed analysis of the orbital equation for the radial logarithmic potential with or without the inclusion of the core scale length. In our analysis, the factor $0 \le C \le1 $ gives a measure of the core scale length \cite[]{str06}. For the case of large orbits, or negligible core size softening length, the equation of motion is given by \begin{equation} \label{eq:eom} uu''+u^2=c \end{equation} where the parameter $c$, in the notation of Struck, depends both on the constant scale mass $M^*$ and the core scale length $\varepsilon$ of the potential, the gravitational constant $G$, and the angular momentum $h$. The above equation is similar to Eq.~\ref{eq:raddiff}, and of the form \begin{equation} \label{eq:eom2} u''+u=\frac{c}{u} \end{equation} Struck suggested an approximate solution of Eq.~\ref{eq:eom2} \begin{equation} \label{eq:ellipse1} u=\frac{1}{p} \left\{ 1+e \cos \left[ \left(1-b\right) \phi \right] \right\}^{1/2} \end{equation} Here, $p = a (1-e^2)$ is the semilatus rectum; $a$ is the semi major axis ($e.~g.$ \cite{murder99,valyusmi05}), $e$ is the orbital eccentricity, and $(1-b)$ is the factor associated with the precession rate. Henceforth, for convenience, we set $k=1-b$ in our analysis, and we will use $\theta$ instead of $\phi$ as was used by Struck. Struck finds that orbits obtained from a numerical integration of the above differential equation look like precessing ellipses (p-ellipses) and considers the approximate solution given in Eq.~\ref{eq:ellipse1}. Substituting the solution of Eq.~\ref{eq:ellipse1} into the differential equation, we find that \begin{equation} -\frac{k^2}{2p^2} \left[-\frac{e^2-1}{2 \left(1+e \cos k \theta \right) } + \frac{1+e \cos k \theta} {2} \right] + \frac{1 + e \cos k \theta }{ 2 p^2} =c \end{equation} \begin{equation} \label{eq:work1} \therefore uu'' + u^2 =\frac{k^2}{2p^2} \frac{1 - e^2 +\frac{1}{p^2}(1-\frac{k^2}{4})(1+e\cos k \theta )}{2(1+e \cos k\theta )}=c \end{equation} The LHS of Eq.~\ref{eq:work1} simplifies to \begin{eqnarray} uu''+u^2 &=& - \frac{1}{2p^2} \left(1+e \cos k \theta \right) + \frac{1}{p^2} \left(1+e \cos k \theta \right) + \nonumber \\ &&\frac{1}{2p^2} \left(1-e^2 \right) \frac{1}{1+e\cos k \theta } =c \end{eqnarray} Where $c_1=\frac{1}{2p^2} + \frac{1}{2p^2} =\frac{1}{p^2}$ and $k^2= (1-b_1)^2 =2$ are the first approximations to $k$ and $c$ \cite[]{str06}. In a more accurate approximation to order $e^2$, we find that the constant terms reduce to \begin{equation} \label{eq:work2} \frac{k^2}{4p^2} \left(1-e^2 \right) - \frac{k^2}{4p^2} + \frac{1}{p^2}=c \end{equation} Comparing next, the terms involving $\cos k \theta$, we find that the coefficient of $\cos k \theta $ is given by \begin{equation} \label{eq:coeff1} - \frac{k^2}{4 p^2} e \left(1-e^2 \right) - \frac{k^2e}{4p^2} + \frac{e}{p^2} = 0 \end{equation} On simplification, one obtains \begin{equation} \label{eq:kseries} k^2 = \frac{2}{1- \frac{1}{2}e} = 2 \left(1+ \frac{e}{2} + \frac{e^2}{4} \right) \end{equation} For $e=0$, $k^2=2$ in accord with \cite{str06}. In the case
the engineer. 'Yes, I guessed it would be very near that myself,' he replied. They were escorted to the execution chamber, where the long wooden box containing all the equipment was opened. Albert was already experienced enough to see at a glance that all was in order, and taking out the two ropes he examined each one meticulously, from the top where the rope is shackled to the chain, inch by inch along the whole of the ten-foot length, paying particular attention to the noose part, where the leather-clad rope passes through the brass eyelet woven into the hemp. Two ropes were always supplied: a brand-new, pristine clean one from John Edginton & Sons, the official Home Office suppliers, based on the Old Kent Road, and another, which was dirtier in colour and which had been put into use on a number of occasions. By habit most hangmen chose the used one, as there was less stretch in it and it was, therefore, much easier to achieve an accurate drop. Having rigged the estimated drop they fastened the sandbag onto the noose and when the prison engineer returned with the governor Albert carried out a test drop, knowing that unless there was an eleventh-hour reprieve, the next time he pulled the lever it would be to send a man to his death. Mancini was observed through the spy hole and Albert noted he was handsome and seemed composed as he chatted to the warders who had watched him night and day since he entered the condemned cell. Retiring to their quarters, Albert worked out a drop based on the observations he had made of the prisoner. He now decided to extend the drop to 6 feet 9 inches. Steve Wade was a new assistant with just a handful of jobs to his name, and so Albert made him repeat his role on the following morning over and over before they retired for the night. Albert went to bed early and slept well. At 6.30 a.m. the hangmen were roused by the warder, who shared their quarters. They made their way to the gallows and drew up the sandbag, detaching it from the noose, and disposing of it in a corner in the pit. Albert noted that a stretcher had appeared from somewhere and was in position to one side on the floor. Wade detached the trapdoors from the rubber-clad springs, and standing on a stool, pushed them up flat. Albert slid the bolt into the lever that secured them in place, then located the cotter pin that acted as a security device to prevent the lever being pushed accidentally. Wade came up by the narrow staircase at the side of the drop that linked the scaffold to the pit and fetched a ladder that was placed against the beam. He took hold of a tape measure as Albert climbed the ladder and adjusted the drop to his new calculation. The rope lay on the closed trapdoors and Albert picked it up, coiled it so the noose hung at head height for the prisoner, and as he held it in place Wade secured it with a piece of thread. They re-chalked the 'T' mark on the trapdoors to which Mancini's toes would be aligned, with the arches of his feet over the gap between the trapdoors. Albert then bent down and gently inched out the cotter pin so that it was just in place but would fall out easily with a gentle push. This would save only a fraction of a second, but it all helped in making the job faster. With everything in order they made an official record of the drop. Then, taking a last look around the green-painted execution chamber, they went for breakfast. After bacon and eggs they returned to their quarters to wait. At five minutes to nine they received a signal that the official witnesses had assembled and in the company of the prison escort they walked across the prison yard and entered the cellblock that housed the execution chamber. Keeping his nerves in check, Albert realised, as the party assembled outside the cell door, that he was the youngest person present. It was now 25 years since he committed to paper the ambition to follow in his father's footsteps. The governor stood with a stopwatch in hand and as the minute hand reached the hour he raised a finger as the signal to begin. The chief warder silently opened the cell door and Albert entered with the wrist strap in his right hand. Wade followed a pace behind. Mancini was standing facing the door, and, dressed in his smart suit, he smiled as Albert approached him. After strapping his wrists Albert told the prisoner to 'follow me', stepping through the side door in the cell wall that had silently slid opened after the hangmen had entered. Seven paces took them onto the drop. Albert turned to face the prisoner and stopped him on the chalk mark, and as Wade strapped his ankles, he pulled the white hood from his breast pocket and placed it over Mancini's head. 'Cheerio,' the prisoner said as the noose was placed around his neck. Albert darted to his left, pulled the pin and pushed the lever. The trapdoors crashed opened and held firm in the rubber springs. Mancini dropped into the pit and hung lifeless. Albert Pierrepoint had finally achieved his ambition and was about to embark on a hectic period, travelling the length and breadth of the country putting his new skills into use. Twelve days later Lionel Watson followed Mancini into the felon's graveyard at Pentonville, paying the penalty for fatally poisoning his girlfriend and her 18-month-old daughter. Tom Pierrepoint officiated. There were four executions in December 1941, with Albert present at them all, officiating at the first two and assisting Uncle Tom at the remainder. Both of Albert's jobs as chief took place at Wandsworth: in the first he hanged John Smith, who had stabbed to death his girlfriend in a lovers' quarrel. Recorded as being carried out 'very expeditiously', it passed off without incident – unlike the next engagement, which was to give Albert what he later described as the toughest job on the scaffold. Karel Richard Richter was a 29-year-old Sudeten-born German. Dropped by parachute near London Colney, Hertfordshire, on 13 May, he was equipped with £500, $1,000 and a map of East Anglia. His task was twofold: to attempt to assassinate the exiled Czechoslovakian premier, and also to pass on money and information to other enemy agents already in the country. He became a spy the moment he discarded his flying suit and changed into civilian clothes, and after burying the parachute and money he laid low until the following evening while he got his bearings and thought out his plan. At 10.15 p.m. he set out on his mission, but it was compromised almost immediately. Stopped and asked directions by a lorry driver, Richter – who knew the immediate locale but not too much beyond – gave a surly reply, enough for the driver to report him to a policeman a little up the road. PC Scott cycled after the man and asked to see his papers. Richter was carrying an alien's visa card with an address in London. One condition of such a card was that the holder had to be at that address by an 11 p.m. curfew. Scott asked him where he had come from and was told he had walked from Dover and that it had taken him two hours. In fact, the journey, by foot, would probably take around 24 hours. The man spoke with an accent and, suspecting he was a spy, Scott took him
audio for later analysis. Yahoo Sports Canada. The Source Direct function bypasses unnecessary analog circuitry (the balance control and the bass and treble controls) for the shortest and straightest signal path. Wirelessly play (stream) to two BOOM 2s from one source. If you know a source to get thin. 9% as sales of the highly. There are no ads, no affiliate marketers, no creepy tracking. !!DisplayPort!audio!works!with!standard!cables. However, I'm now trying to change the bluetooth profile to A2dp, since there are two mic inputs (L/R) and WT32 supports A2dp (source). Agent Laurie Blake. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. In Chapter 8 we explored the transistor and you should recall that the BJT device is a current amplifier of sorts (current controlled current source) in that the collector current is β times the base current. I'm having a lot of trouble picturing the difference between source and sink currents. But due to a poor translation of the audio, the Navy went looking for the sub 100. Our sole purpose is to help you find compelling ideas, knowledge, and perspectives. Directed by Robbie Pickering. A typical usage scenario can be considered as the "walkman" class of media player. There are. To disconnect it, press and hold down the Bluetooth button for 3 seconds. sink synonyms, sink pronunciation, sink translation, English dictionary definition of sink. The OontZ Angle 3 can be connected to one audio source device at a time. Yet, in many ways the Magnifi Mini embodies what. I am currently running the latest Raspian Jessie on my Raspberry Pi 3 and I have attempted to use my Sony bluetooth headphones. Features vs. 2 KB; Introduction. Tumblr is 483 million different blogs, filled with literally whatever. This secondary base plate pulls heat from the eight GDDR6 memory chips. Generate and execute the flow graph. Now note the input device. , world, weather, entertainment, politics and health at CNN. In the 2007 CPC, Floor Drains information is located in Sections 411. Anything I need to look out for when measuring or replacing with new sink? I know I want something 20ga or lower stainless steel. As Mixolydian writes, "down" may be redundant (unless you want to emphasize that you are going down for some reason, but it is by no means incorrect. The Atlona Etude™ Sync (AT-ETU-SYNC) provides EDID emulation and Hot Plug Detect communication between HDMI sink and source devices. Learn more. A2DP defines the protocols and procedures that realize distribution of audio content of high-quality in mono or stereo on ACL channels. If you're trying to figure out how to sync audio and video in iMovie, there's two ways to do it: There's the EASY way, like using an app called Woowave DreamSync that handles all the synchronization for you. This should work in most cases, but is not always desirable. If you use ARC over HDMI to connect your sound bar to your TV, Roku TV can use Consumer Electronics Control (CEC) to control the sound bar's volume. If your audio source is not equipped with a USB port, the Marmitek BoomBoom 50 Bluetooth transmitter can also be powered by an external USB power charger (5V, 500mA, not included) thanks to the included USB extension cable. You can sink down in the snow. The source code is provided to use as a reference if you write your own transcode application. The Free & Open Source Image Editor. Create Account | Sign In. Scott Pilgrim must defeat his new girlfriend's seven evil exes in order to win her heart. When JACK server starts, it asks this D-Bus service to acquire the audio card and PulseAudio will unconditionally release it. I wanted to use the SDR# program as my receiver but found that the MS Windows tool would not work and so I targeted Gqrx as an alternative. Example - the following will sound a US dialtone with a touch of line hiss. Advanced Usage: specifying the audio and video sink. Interrups & Low Level Interrupts. Posted on June 22, 2010 by serge easy to mount to the heat-sink of your choice (insulation washer and. On this day in 1945, the USS Indianapolis is torpedoed by a Japanese submarine and sinks within minutes in shark-infested waters. The crackdown comes in the form of HDCP 2. and Germany and, coupled with the Zimmermann Telegram, helped sway American opinion in favor of joining the war. Great for CD. stackexchange. Welcome to My Activity. PD Buddy Sink. stock news by MarketWatch. There are. com every day. How to Connect an A2DP Bluetooth Headset to PC Using a Bluetooth Adapter. NEW TECHNOLOGY & SCIENCE NEWS. add_ff and the _f in gr. Tumblr is so easy to use that it's hard to explain. The current aptX codec, which is marketed as an upgrade to the mandated SBC codec, delivers "CD-like" audio quality over Bluetooth wireless. Zombies Heroes and a member of the Beastly class. VIPER GAMING STORE SITE. The concepts taught will be solidified with the completion of worksheets. Do everything better. Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. Please send an inquiry to [email protected] It is this total value of capacitance that needs to be first charged to a critical threshold volt-age level V GS(th), before Drain Current can begin. Does a sink/source have more relibility? Cost of relay modules seem to be slightly higher. The Shipwreck In 2008, divers explored the wreck of the Lusitania , situated eight miles off the coast of Ireland. We love TypeScript for many things… With TypeScript, several of our team members have said things like 'I now actually understand most of our own code!' because they can easily traverse it and understand relationships much better. Because there is only copper wire between the source and display, your signal is never processed by hardware or software which may adjust or strip important data from the stream. Example - the following will sound a US dialtone with a touch of line hiss. A floor drain should always have a strainer secured over it to prevent injury, entry of foreign objects, or introduction of unwanted pests into the facility. pure Nonetheless, until bison 3. However if you are into how MOSFET work, I will share some useful academic articles and. It's a technique of broadcasting audio using data transmission that is very similar to terrestrial radio, and it's used by 57 million people every week. A Bluetooth source is typically a mobile phone or a computer. When I open Clementine for audio and then open the Pulse Audio Volume Control I can select the output sink for that program individually and set it for AppleTV, but I get no sound and Clementine stops playing. Hiss - background audio noise that sounds like a Rattler snake. This means that the I/O circuitry in the PLC will allow current to flow in either direction, as shown below. While current sources or sinks are abstract elements used for analysis, generally they have physical counterparts in real-world applications; e. Could someone explain what SINK and SOURCE mean in simple English?. You should refer to Chapter 6 in H & H for background on this material. By Rick Steves and Gene Openshaw. project Now we can do the same for the source connector. The "tee sink" is an AudioFlinger debugging feature, available in custom builds only, for retaining a short fragment of recent audio for later analysis. You can sink in the snow. Source–sink dynamics is a theoretical model used by ecologists to describe how variation in habitat quality may affect the population growth or decline of organisms. kitchen-sink framework approaches a religious one akin. If the audio source is
Augusta University welcomes Dr. Neil MacKinnon as new provost As Dr. Neil J. MacKinnon prepares to begin his new role as provost and executive vice president for academic affairs at Augusta University, he is eager to get to know the students, faculty and staff across the Summerville, downtown and Health Sciences campuses. The former dean of the James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy at the University of Cincinnati says he cannot wait to be a part of the Augusta University family. "I realize a lot of people don't even know what a provost is or they're seen as some mysterious figure, but my goal here at Augusta University is to be approachable," said MacKinnon, who starts his role Jan. 19. "I want people to know me and feel comfortable talking with me." MacKinnon has an impressive background, serving as dean for the past seven years at the fourth oldest pharmacy school in the country and working as director of the Center for Rural Health at the University of Arizona from 2011-13. However, he has an equally fascinating personal life. In fact, don't be surprised to see him occasionally donning a kilt, he joked. "I grew up in Nova Scotia, Canada, which Nova Scotia actually is Latin for new Scotland. Most people there have Scottish heritage and I've owned and worn a kilt for years," MacKinnon said, adding he just finished serving as vice chair of the worldwide association for the MacKinnon family for the past four years. "I met my wife, Leanne, in Florida and we now have three teen daughters: Breagh, 16, and twins Ashlynn and Kaylee, who are 14." MacKinnon was beaming as he quickly flipped through several photos of his family on his phone. "While they've done everything from ballet to hip-hop to studio dance, all three girls do a sport called Scottish highland dancing," he explained. "We've traveled to Scotland for the World Highland Dancing Championship, where all three girls have competed. So, I'm a proud dance dad." His oldest daughter, Breagh, is a three-time U.S. national champion in the sport. A Canadian fashion designer named Veronica Maclsaac, who celebrates the country's Celtic culture, even designed a dress named after Breagh, MacKinnon said. "I think Breagh was 13 years old at the time, so for a 13-year-old girl to have a dress named after her was incredible," MacKinnon said. "I always joke that Breagh is way more famous than I am." Much like his enormous pride in his family's accomplishments, MacKinnon said he is looking forward to promoting Augusta University's outstanding achievements in his new role as provost. "The provost is the chief academic officer of the university. Therefore, the provost needs to be a mouthpiece and the strongest advocate for the academics of the university," MacKinnon said. "I want to help raise the profile of the university and make sure that we're telling people the impact we are having in new research, clinical care, non-health care research and cyber." Augusta University is the "hidden gem" of the Southeast and he intends to vigorously promote its strengths, MacKinnon said. "I think people here at Augusta University are humble, and that's a good quality to have, but there are also times when you want to brag about what you're doing," he said. "And AU has a lot to brag about, and I intend to tell others about the impressive things happening here." "I want people to and feel comfortable talking with me." Proven leadership Augusta University President Brooks A. Keel, PhD, said MacKinnon's experience and past leadership made him the clear choice to serve as the new provost. "Dr. MacKinnon has an accomplished record in public health, research and academic program development, as well as a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion," Keel said. "Neil's vision and values align well with Augusta University's mission to serve all of Georgia as the state's only public academic medical center. He has a deep understanding of and appreciation for the importance of comprehensive undergraduate programming and enrollment management. "His leadership will serve us well as we continue to navigate the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and keep us moving toward our goal of 16,000 students by 2030 and growth in our research program." At the University of Cincinnati, MacKinnon led the college to unprecedented student enrollment in fall 2020, due to the creation of nine new graduate certificates/degree programs since 2013. He also oversaw a $34 million building renovation for the college and completed the largest one-time hire of new faculty positions in the college's 170-year history. "During the last three years at University of Cincinnati, we created three new programs of bachelor's/master's dual degree programs: two with arts and sciences and one with engineering," MacKinnon said. "Those are the sorts of moves that you can do at a comprehensive university like Augusta University. You can get colleges to work together to offer something unique. "That is something I'll be asking the deans here to look at, especially with President Keel's goal to grow to 16,000 students by 2030. One way we can do that is take existing courses, repurpose them, be creative and create new dual degrees." Such dual degrees can be appealing to new students considering enrolling in Augusta University, he said. "When students come here, they'll see, 'Wow, I could graduate in five years with a bachelor's and a master's degree,'" MacKinnon said. "That could be a real win for students and it also gets faculty working together across colleges too, which has many additional benefits." "For the last seven-plus years at the University of Cincinnati, one of our main focuses was enhancing Enhancing diversity Under MacKinnon's leadership, the James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy at the University of Cincinnati set all-time records for the percentage of faculty, staff and students who are under-represented minorities. He also created a new position for the college, hiring a director of diversity and inclusion. "For the last seven-plus years at the University of Cincinnati, one of our main focuses was enhancing diversity," MacKinnon said. "We wanted to make sure that our student demographics really represented the community that we lived in." The university began partnering with high schools and introduced a summer bridge program to help minority students transition to college life, he said. "At the end of the day, we fortunately saw a lot of success," MacKinnon said. "About 8% of the student body is African American at the University of Cincinnati. When I became dean of the College of Pharmacy, only 5.7% of the student body was African American. This year, the College of Pharmacy is at 14.9%. We actually had the highest percent African American student enrollment of any college at the university. We went from being below the university's average to being the leader." As a result of those efforts, the James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy received the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award in 2018, 2019 and in 2020. It was the only pharmacy school in the country to receive this award in all three years. "I'm very proud of that accomplishment," he said. "And I know that's a goal here at Augusta University, too, so that will be a priority of mine as provost." MacKinnon was also was voted by his peer deans at the University of Cincinnati to serve as the chair of an organization called the Council of Deans for the past several years. "In that role, you serve on the president's cabinet and you are a liaison between the deans and the provost," he said. "For me, it was like a dean among deans. And just like Augusta University, the University of Cincinnati is a very comprehensive university, so I was working with deans of business, education and arts and sciences. It was not just health care, which I think is important." MacKinnon's educational background includes a PhD in Pharmacy Health Care Administration and fellowship
I was about twelve years old, we had been riding with our mother and some of the grooms and we had come upon a shouting mob. There had been a woman in their midst and she was not such an old woman either. Her clothes were torn from her body and she was half naked, but it was the look of abject terror in her face which I had never forgotten. The crowd was chanting, 'Hang the witch. Hang the witch.' I don't think I ever saw such fear in any face, before or after. My mother had said: 'We will go now.' She turned her horse, and we rode off at speed in the opposite direction from that in which we had been going. 'These things happen,' she told us, 'but it will not always be so. People will become more enlightened.' I wanted to ask questions but my mother said: 'We won't speak of it any more, Bersaba. We'll forget it. It's unpleasant; it exists; but in time people will be wiser. We can do no good by talking of it, thinking of it...' That was the attitude in our home. If there was anything unpleasant one did not think of it. If my mother had a fault it was pretending that things were so much better than they were. She told herself every time my father went away that he would come safely back. She was wise in a way; but it had never been mine to pretend, even to myself. I look straight into my heart, soul and mind and ask myself why I did such a thing. I think I know myself better than my mother or Angelet will ever know themselves because of this side of my nature which demands the truth however unpleasant or detrimental to myself. Afterwards I went back to that lane and I saw the woman hanging there. It was a gruesome sight, for the crows were attacking her. Her hair was long and I could see even then that she had been a beautiful woman. It was beastly; it was vile; it haunted me for a long time; but at least it was reality. And now I was thinking of Carlotta in the hands of that mob, Carlotta being dragged to that tree. Her grandmother was a witch... Perhaps she was. Perhaps that accounted for the manner in which she had taken Bastian from me. She had cast some spell upon him. An odd excitement possessed me and I felt better than I had since I had heard. I said: 'Is witchcraft something that is handed down from grandmother to mother and then on and on, I wonder?' Angelet looked happy because she had come to the conclusion in her light let's-see-the-best-of-everything manner that my childish fondness for Bastian had not gone as deep as she feared. One of the lovable things about Angelet had always been that my trouble had been hers. I looked at her now with a kind of contempt—which might have been another form of envy, for I admitted it must be pleasant to sail through life without these intense feelings which beset people like myself—as she answered: 'Perhaps it is. Oh, I do wonder if Carlotta _is_ a witch.' 'It would be interesting to find out,' I said. 'How?' she asked. 'We could think about that,' I suggested. 'There are good witches as well as bad ones,' Angelet said, in keeping with her nature immediately bestowing benign qualities on the woman who had stolen my lover. 'They cure you of warts and styes and give you love potions to enslave a lover. I believe that if you have bad luck some witches can help you find illwishers who could be causing that bad luck. I was talking to Ginny the other day. She knows a lot about witches. She's always fancying herself ill-wished.' 'We'll talk to Ginny,' I said, and all sorts of thoughts were whirling round in my head; they soothed me. 'I wonder if Bastian knows,' giggled Angelet. 'You'd better ask him.' 'Why don't you?' 'Oh, you know he always liked you best.' 'Did he show it then?' 'You know he did. Wasn't he always losing himself with you in the woods?' Now she must see. Her words stabbed me as though they were knife blades. Riding in the woods with him, his pursuing me, intending to be caught, lying on the grass among the bracken... His voice: 'This is madness. What if we were seen?' And not caring because it was so important, so necessary to us both. And now... Carlotta. I said fiercely: 'I'm going to find out if she's a witch.' 'We will,' replied Angelet blithely. She would be less blithe when they took Carlotta down the lane, when they stripped her clothes from her, when they hung her up by the neck and the crows came. It was difficult hiding the fact that I was so stunned. Carlotta knew that I had been fond of Bastian, but did she know how far that fondness had carried us? The more I thought of that the more angry I became. I thought of the insult, the humiliation; I, Bersaba Landor, to be cast aside. And his own cousin too. He must have been completely bewitched. Carlotta was watching me as a cat watches a mouse, teasing me in the same way, patting me with her paw, letting me run a little way then clawing me back. I comforted myself with the thought that she didn't know how wounded I was. I was sure she thought I had had a little girl fondness for Bastian and that I, childish like Angelet, was just a little hurt because he no longer paid me the same attention. At supper that night Fennimore sat at the head of the table and Carlotta turned her langorous eyes on him. Fennimore was made in the image of his father, and as Carlotta was engaged to marry his cousin Bastian, it would not occur to Fennimore to be aware of her fascination. Like my parents, my brother created a sense of security and made even me think that whatever happened, this would always be my home and my parents would shelter and protect me. Carlotta talked of her coming marriage and what it would mean to her. 'I hesitate,' she said. 'I am not sure that I would wish to be buried in the country.' 'You'll get used to it,' said Fennimore easily. 'Bastian will be involved with the estates and that can be a full-time job, I assure you.' 'When we were in Madrid we went to Court often. I am already beginning to find it somewhat dull here.' 'Then,' said Angelet logically, 'you should not marry Bastian, unless you have other interests.' Angelet looked slyly at me, and I thought: Oh no, sister, not now. 'What interests are there in the country?' 'There's riding, for one thing. You can ride far more in the country than in the town. There are exciting things... like the May revels and Christmas when we bring in the holly and the ivy. We do have the occasional ball.' 'They are nothing like the Court balls, I do assure you,' said Carlotta coldly. 'There are exciting things, though,' insisted Angelet, 'like going to see the witch of the woods.' 'Who's that?' 'They hanged her some time ago,' said Angelet soberly, 'but there'll be another. There are always witches.' 'What do you know of them?' Carlotta was animated. 'That they do all sorts of interesting things, don't they, Bersaba?' 'They sell their souls to Satan in return for special powers on earth which enable them to get what they want.' 'It's strange,' said Fennimore, 'that witches so often seem to be ugly old women. If they could have what they want you'd think they'd be beautiful.' 'Perhaps there are some beautiful
Rezo (* 14. August 1992 in Wuppertal) ist ein deutscher Webvideoproduzent, Musiker, Unternehmer, Kolumnist und Unterhaltungskünstler. Er erlangte durch politische Äußerungen die Aufmerksamkeit einer breiten Öffentlichkeit. Zusätzlich zu seiner YouTube-Präsenz und seinen unternehmerischen Tätigkeiten trat er im Unterhaltungsfernsehen auf und steuerte von 2019 bis 2020 auf Zeit Online eine eigene, zeitkritische Kolumne bei. Sein Video Die Zerstörung der CDU, in dem er kurz vor der Europawahl 2019 die Unionsparteien insbesondere für ihre Klimapolitik kritisierte, löste eine breite gesellschaftliche Debatte aus. Der Ausgang der Wahl und die Entscheidung vieler Jungwähler gegen die Unionsparteien wurde mit den Auswirkungen des Videos in Verbindung gebracht, wofür sich der Begriff "Rezo-Effekt" einbürgerte. Rezo übte auch später Kritik am Verhalten einzelner Politiker, an der "Querdenker"-Bewegung und den Reaktionen staatlicher Institutionen und Teilen der Presse darauf. Persönliches Rezo wuchs in einer Pastorenfamilie auf. Seine Eltern sind Pfarrer, ebenso seien es mehrere Verwandte. Während seiner Schulzeit sei er gemobbt worden und kurzzeitig in psychologischer Behandlung gewesen. Einen Ausweg habe ihm die Musik gegeben, wobei er das musikalische Talent vom Vater geerbt habe. Rezo studierte Informatik an der Technischen Universität Dortmund und gab an, als Nebenfach Musik belegt zu haben. Ab 2015 wurde er durch das von mittelständischen Unternehmen gestiftete Dortmunder Modell Mittelstands-Stipendium gefördert. Er erlangte 2013 den Bachelor-Grad und 2016 den Master of Science mit Abschlussarbeiten im Bereich der Graphentheorie. Seit Anfang 2018 wohnt er in Aachen. Da Rezo nach eigenen Aussagen vegan lebe und auf Rauschmittel wie Nikotin und Cannabis verzichte, wurde er dem Straight Edge zugeordnet. Für den Veganismus setzt er sich auch öffentlich ein. Obwohl er sich selbst nicht als christlich bezeichnet, habe er christliche Werte "sehr verinnerlicht". Seine Redegewandtheit habe er durch seine Erziehung mitbekommen, da es am heimischen Esstisch stets eine rege Diskussionskultur gegeben habe. Er stottere jedoch zuweilen, was ihm in Live-Situationen wie Podiumsdiskussionen unangenehm sei. Rezo nennt seinen bürgerlichen Namen nicht in der Öffentlichkeit. Werk Amateurkunst Rezo gab an, seit seinem 14. Lebensjahr in Musikbands – beinahe ausschließlich im Metal-Genre – mitgewirkt zu haben. Er beherrsche das Gitarrenspiel und verfüge außerdem über Basiskenntnisse hinsichtlich weiterer Instrumente. Er habe mit 15 angefangen, Lieder mit der Software Cubase SX zu produzieren, und zwei Jahre später das für seinen Führerschein gedachte Geld in eine Studio-Ausrüstung investiert, um auch Live-Instrumente aufnehmen zu können. 2015 ging Rezo als Teil der Dortmunder Postcore- und Dubstep-Amateurband Forever Ends Today mit dem Programm Under the Influence im Vereinigten Königreich auf Tournee. Nach der Auflösung seiner letzten Gruppe plante Rezo nach eigenen Angaben, zusammen mit einem Bandkollegen erneut Musik zu machen. Der Plan sei aber aus zeitlichen Gründen nicht aufgegangen, weshalb er danach eine Solokarriere startete. YouTube-Kanäle Am 17. September 2015 öffnete er auf dem Online-Videoportal YouTube den Kanal Rezo und begann darauf Musikvideos mit Coverversionen hochzuladen. Der Künstlername Rezo [] besitze keine Bedeutung und sei von ihm für seine YouTube-Präsenz gewählt geworden, da er bei befreundeten Testpersonen gut angekommen sei. Früher habe er sich regelmäßig in verschiedenen Farben die Haare gefärbt. Zum Zeitpunkt seiner ersten Internet-Erfolge seien sie zufällig blau gewesen, sodass ihm diese geblieben seien und zu einer Art Markenzeichen geworden sind. Noch während seines Studiums habe Rezo begonnen, nebenher in Vollzeit an Webvideos zu arbeiten. Das Ziel, nach dem Abschluss einem "normalen" Beruf nachzugehen, gab er auf und konzentrierte sich vollends auf seinen YouTube-Kanal. Neben gecoverten Songs veröffentlichte Rezo dort auch Mashups, also Lieder aus gesampelten bzw. bearbeiteten Ausschnitten der Werke anderer Künstler. In weiteren Videos sang er Hasskommentare ein und traf andere YouTuber, um mit ihnen gemeinsam Musik zu machen. Rezo konnte von der Unterstützung anderer Webvideoproduzenten wie Julien Bam und MrTrashpack profitieren. Einem größeren Internetpublikum wurde er 2016 durch eine kritische Rap-Parodie auf das Lied Everyday Saturday des YouTubers ApoRed bekannt. Am 3. Oktober 2018 erstellte er schließlich mit Rezo ja lol ey einen zweiten Kanal. Als Grund gab Rezo an, auf seinem Zweitkanal andere Arten von Videos hochladen zu können, die zu seinem Hauptkanal nicht passen würden. So sei es ihm möglich, spontan und ohne Zeitdruck neue Ideen auszuprobieren. Es folgten überwiegend Unterhaltungs- und Comedy-Videos mit anderen YouTubern, so etwa Internet-Challenges, in denen die Gäste in witzigen oder unangenehmen Wettbewerben gegeneinander antreten. Am 27. Juli 2019 erschien das vorerst letzte Video auf seinem ersten Kanal rezo (Stand: Februar 2022). Im Februar 2021 begann Rezo live auf Twitch zu streamen. Highlights der Livestreams werden auf seinem dritten Kanal Renzo hochgeladen. Den kreativen Schaffensprozess für seinen Hauptkanal beschrieb Rezo 2017 in einem Interview. Die Erstellung eines Clips laufe je nach Art des Projekts unterschiedlich ab. Videos würden meist am Wochenende veröffentlicht und eine Woche in Produktion sein. Einer kurzen Planungsphase folge die Soundproduktion zu Hause und die Stimmaufnahme im Studio. Danach führe Rezo zu Hause die Nachbearbeitung durch, während er sich gleichzeitig um Drehorte und Requisiten kümmere. Das anschließende Filmen des Videos dauere etwa einen Tag, wonach er sich bis kurz vor dessen Veröffentlichung mit dem Schnitt beschäftige. Bei seinen Produktionen werde er von Mitarbeitern, wie seinem Produktionsleiter und Filmeditor TJ, unterstützt. Rezo teile sich bei Kooperationen mit anderen YouTubern oft mit ihnen die Arbeit, indem er zum Beispiel bei Julien Bam die Musik beisteuere. Unternehmertum Rezos YouTube-Kanäle sind monetarisiert; es werden über Werbeschaltungen von Google AdSense Einnahmen erzielt. Zusätzliche Einkünfte generiert ein Onlineshop für Merchandise wie etwa T-Shirts. Rezo kooperiert regelmäßig als Werbepartner mit verschiedenen Unternehmen. Zu seinen Werbepartnern auf Youtube und Instagram zählen Unternehmen wie Adobe, Sky und Granini, aber auch Krankenkassen wie Techniker Krankenkasse oder Barmer Ersatzkasse, mit denen Rezo Aufklärungskampagnen über Mental-Health oder Umweltverschmutzung umgesetzt hat. Seit Juli 2022 macht er als Fitnessinfluencer Werbung für Chunky Flavour. Daneben bewirbt Rezo auf seinen Social-Media-Kanälen verschiedene Start-up-Unternehmen mit Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit. Rezo wird bezüglich Werbekooperationen von der in Köln ansässigen Agentur All In – Artist Management vertreten. Bis 2019 übernahm die ehemalige Kölner Influencer-Agentur Tube One diese Aufgabe. In der Fachpresse wurde dies vereinzelt als eine Reaktion auf die drohende Übernahme Tube Ones durch das zur RTL Group und damit zum Bertelsmann-Konzern gehörende Unternehmen Divimove gewertet. Rezo selbst gab an, er sei seinem Manager gefolgt, der ebenfalls zu All In gewechselt habe, weil er mit dessen Arbeit zufrieden war. Im Juli 2020 gab Rezo den Start des Social-Media-Analysetools Nindo bekannt, das er mit Freunden entwickelt hat. Das Tool ist in der Basisversion kostenlos und dazu werbefrei. Es wurde von der Fachpresse vielseits gelobt und Features wurden als einzigartig bewertet. Die Aufbereitung öffentlicher Social-Media-Daten wurde als "übersichtlich" und "außergewöhnlich" beschrieben und die Schätzungen nicht öffentlicher Social-Media-Daten von einem Format der Öffentlich-Rechtlichen als zutreffend bestätigt. Zusätzliche mediale Präsenz Am 28. April 2018 trat Rezo in der Sendung Beginner gegen Gewinner des Fernsehsenders ProSieben auf. Zusammen mit anderen YouTubern spielte er im Rahmen des Red Nose Day für einen wohltätigen Zweck gegen das deutsche Damen-Nationalteam im Curling. Im Juni 2019, kurz nachdem er einer breiten Öffentlichkeit bekannt geworden war, war er zu Gast in Jan Böhmermanns Late-Night-Show Neo Magazin Royale. Einladungen zu weiteren bekannten Talksendungen der öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehsender habe er abgelehnt, nichtsdestotrotz war er am 23. Oktober 2019 zu Gast beim Medienmagazin Zapp im NDR Fernsehen. Am 20. September 2020 zeigte das ZDF Rezo im Gespräch mit Richard David Precht. Vom 24. Oktober 2019 bis zum 23. Dezember 2020 veröffentlichte Zeit Online unter dem Titel Rezo stört vierzehntäglich eine von Rezo verfasste, zeitkritische Kolumne. Wie in seinen Online-Videos bediente er sich hierbei zum Teil Ausdrücken der Jugendsprache und kommentierte unter anderem politische Geschehnisse. Am 17. Juli 2021 wurde die erste Folge von Hobbylos auf der Plattform Spotify hochgeladen. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Spotify Exclusive Podcast, in dem Rezo und Julien Bam über ihr Leben und die Ereignisse in der Social-Media-Welt sprechen. Positionen Politisches und soziales Engagement 2017 war er eines der Gesichter der von Influencern unterstützten HIV-Präventionskampagne Do what you want des gemeinnützigen Vereins Jugend gegen AIDS. Seit 2019 setzt er sich öffentlich für die
§ 251(b)(5). For its new position, Qwest relied upon an order issued by the FCC. Pursuant to the 1996 Act's requirements, the FCC issued its First Report and Order implementing the Act's local competition provisions. See In re Implementation of the Local Competition Provisions in the Telecommunications Act of 1996, Interconnection Between Local Exchange Carriers and Commercial Mobile Radio Service Providers, First Report and Order, 11 FCC Rcd. 15499 (1996) (hereinafter "First Report and Order"). The order was in response to the 1996 Act's direction to the FCC to "`establish regulations to implement the requirements' of § 251, that is, the requirements to advance local competition." GTE South, Inc. v. Morrison, 199 F.3d 733, 737 (4th Cir.1999) (quoting 47 U.S.C. § 251(d)(1)). The order specifically addressed the billing of calls originated by a wireless provider and delivered to a LEC within the same MTA. First Report and Order at 16013-019, ¶¶ 1035-1045. The FCC decreed that "traffic to or from a CMRS network that originates and terminates within the same MTA is subject to transport and termination rates under section 251(b)(5) [requiring LECs to establish reciprocal compensation arrangements], rather than interstate and intrastate access charges." Id. at ¶ 1036. The FCC also found that "the reciprocal compensation provisions of section 251(b)(5) for transport and termination of traffic do not apply to the transport or termination of interstate or intrastate interexchange traffic." Id. ¶ 1034. "Interexchange traffic" is a term of art which correlates to what consumers would traditionally consider to be "long-distance" telephone service for which "toll charges" are incurred; an interexchange carrier (IXC) is a long-distance carrier who provides intrastate or interstate long-distance communications services between local exchange areas. Qwest argued that paragraph 1036 of the First Report and Order controlled, precluding INS from charging access charges for the relevant traffic. INS countered that paragraph 1034 governed, based on the premises that Qwest is an IXC, the traffic is interexchange traffic, and Qwest was using trunk lines it had designated for long-distance traffic to handle the CMRS originated calls. Unable to come to an agreement on how to treat the traffic, in September 1999, Qwest stopped paying for access charges billed by INS (dating back to April 1999) that Qwest determined were related to intraMTA wireless-originated calls and sought a declaratory order from the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB or "the Board") that Qwest was not liable for such access charges. The IUB determined that factual disputes and the complexity of the issues regarding the proper treatment of the transported traffic at issue precluded issuance of the requested order and docketed the matter as a contested case, allowing INS to intervene. In the contested case, Qwest, in addition to the declaratory order, sought a refund of access charges it had paid to INS for the 24-month period prior to April 1999. INS in turn sought payment of the access charges Qwest had refused to pay from April 1999 through the time of the hearing. The IUB held extensive hearings, including technical workshops, to better understand the parties' claims. The presiding officer entered a proposed decision and order in which she determined that the traffic at issue was local traffic pursuant to the First Report and Order paragraph 1036, and ruled that the access tariffs did not apply. The IUB rejected INS's reliance on paragraph 1034. The IUB determined that the FCC's reference to an IXC was to a traditional IXC that had an established billing relationship with either the originating caller or the end-user, whom the IXC could bill. Because Qwest did not have such a relationship with either the calling or the called parties in the traffic at issue, Qwest was not an IXC. The IUB determined that Qwest provided an indirect connection, not toll services. The presiding officer determined that the CMRS providers and the LECs should negotiate and enter an interconnection agreement, including a reciprocal compensation arrangement, related to the traffic. The presiding officer stated that the parties should operate on a bill-and-keep basis pursuant to regulation, at least until an imbalance could be shown justifying charges for the traffic. "[B]ill-and-keep arrangements are those in which neither of the two interconnecting carriers charges the other for the termination of telecommunications traffic that originates on the other carrier's network," 47 C.F.R. § 51.713(a), and are appropriate when "the amount of telecommunications traffic from one network to the other is roughly balanced with the amount of telecommunications traffic flowing in the opposite direction," id. § 51.713(b). The presiding officer denied Qwest's request for a refund for the prior 24 months because she found that the parties had agreed to use the rates previously charged by INS, at least until the time that Qwest formally disputed them as of April 1999. She further determined that if the CMRS providers wanted to exchange traffic with the LECs, they should enter an interconnection agreement with the LECs, and that if the CMRS providers wished to use INS's facilities to indirectly connect with the LECs, then INS was entitled to compensation for its indirect transport services and should be included in the negotiations for the agreement. The presiding officer determined that the terms of the interconnection agreement should apply prospectively from April 1999. Thus, while the IUB rejected INS's request for the payment of funds withheld by Qwest since April 1999, it did determine that INS was entitled to be compensated by the CMRS providers for the transport services Qwest refused to pay since April 1999 at the rate ultimately determined to apply to such traffic going forward. INS appealed the presiding officer's proposed decision and order to the full Board, which affirmed, making the Board's action final. Instead of appealing the final IUB decision to the Iowa courts, see Iowa Code §§ 476.13, 17A.19, or bringing an action challenging the IUB's decision in federal court pursuant to the Act, INS brought this rather ordinary collection action in federal district court. INS brought claims based on alleged violations of its federal and state tariffs as well as an unjust enrichment claim. INS sought payment of charges billed and allegedly owed under both its federal and state tariffs for the time period beginning in April 1999, or alternatively, damages for the unjust enrichment received by Qwest in using INS's facilities without paying for them. The district court determined that the claims based on INS's tariffs had been decided by the IUB when it decided that the traffic was local and not subject to tariff charges, and consequently were barred by the doctrine of res judicata. It further determined that INS failed to state a claim for unjust enrichment. The district court granted Qwest's motion to dismiss, and INS appeals. II. Res Judicata We begin by focusing on the issue before us. The merits of INS's claims stemming from its tariffs are not before this court. We have before us only the district court's determination that INS's claims are precluded by the IUB's decision. Because the relevant prior judgment was a state of Iowa administrative proceeding, we apply Iowa's res judicata or claim preclusion law. See Canady v. Allstate Ins. Co., 282 F.3d 1005, 1014 (8th Cir.2002) ("[I]t is fundamental that the res judicata effect of the first forum's judgment is governed by the first forum's law, not by the law of the second forum." (internal quotation marks omitted)). Under Iowa law, a valid and final judgment on a claim precludes a second action on that claim or any part of it. The rule applies not only as to every matter which was offered and received to sustain or defeat the claim or demand, but also as to any other admissible matter which could have been offered for that purpose. Arnevik v. Univ. of
Mrs. Poole's burial clothes." "Burial clothes?" "Undergarments, dress, stockings and shoes. Miss Thompson from the beauty shop will fix her hair. She'll finger-wave it. That seems to be the style Mrs. Poole wore." "Come upstairs to her room. I've not been in there since . . . the accident." Fred's voice became husky. Herman followed Fred. At the top of the stairs they went into Shirley's room. It was neat as always. The bed was made, and nothing appeared to be out of place. Fred opened the wardrobe. "Should it be black?" "Not necessarily." Herman looked over the selection. In the back of the wardrobe he spotted a pink dress with small white flowers. "This one would be nice." "I don't think she's worn that one since Ron was killed. It may not fit." "If you want to bury her in it, it'll fit." "All right. Now for undergarments." Fred opened a bureau drawer, found nothing but gowns and handkerchiefs and stockings. He pulled out the stockings and opened the next drawer and removed a petticoat and underpants. A small tin box caught his eye. He lifted it out and recognized it as the box she had taken from behind the shelving they'd had to tear out when the roof leaked. He placed it on top of the bureau and closed the drawer. "Is this all you need?" "Does she have another pair of shoes?" Fred found the shoes and they left the room. After he had showed Herman out, Fred sat down beside the window and looked out onto the street. What would he do now? His sister was so unpredictable: She might have left the house and the business to distant cousins in Alabama. Should that be the case, he would have only what he had saved out of his wages. She had never allowed him access to the store's bank account. He hoped there was enough ready money there to pay the funeral expenses. His life had changed drastically in just a few days' time. And, he realized suddenly, it all started when the river began to rise. _Chapter 28_ APRIL SPENT THE NEXT TWO NIGHTS at the hotel. She took one of her evening meals with the Jones family after she had gone to the farm to change Jack's bandages. Joe had not been there. Jack made it a point to tell her that he was expected later. "Coming to the wedding?" Jack asked with a wide grin. "Wedding? Is someone getting married?" April acted uninterested and packed her supplies back in her bag. "You know perfectly well who's getting married. Ruby and I are going to have a Christmas wedding. She's giving notice that she'll be leaving her job at midterm. God, I can't believe it. I could almost kiss Tator Williams for shooting me." "That's dumb; and if you don't stop moving around, you'll still be here in bed on Christmas, and Ruby will have to find another joker to marry." Jack laughed and held his side. "You're good luck, April. I got my job after you came here. I couldn't ask Ruby to marry me until I got a job. Corbin said the city council will hold it for me, and I'll get part of my pay while I'm out because I was shot in the line of duty." "Well, hey. I wonder if I could get a job like that." Eudora came to the door. "Dinner is ready when you are, April. I've got a tray ready for Jack. He'll probably want to wait until Ruby gets here to feed him. She's spoiling that boy." April enjoyed being with the Joneses, but she left as soon as the meal was over, saying that she needed to be back in town before dark. The next night she ate with Doc and Caroline. Doc was outraged that Miss Davenport had tried to bully her way into his quarters, and he laughed heartily when April told him that she had kicked her in the kneecap. "I was told that was the place to kick if you couldn't reach the crotch," April said dryly. "I've never had to do it before." "I wish I could have s-seen it." "No. You wouldn't have wanted to be there. That woman is jealous and mean and determined to get into your house." "I've never given her the s-slightest encouragement." "You've eaten her pies," April said, and she winked at Caroline. "I didn't ask her to bring them," Doc grumbled. "She accused me of breaking her leg. Her friends had to help her up out of the chair and out the door. I won't be surprised if she spreads the rumor that I'm Lizzie Borden reincarnated." "Or Calamity Jane," Caroline said and giggled. Her shining eyes went to Doc. He gripped her hand proudly. April had heard that Miss Davenport was now circulating the story that the woman of ill repute in Doc's house was from Shanty Town, but she didn't tell Doc and Caroline that. In just two days Joe had managed to ease himself into the position of a friend. To her surprise, April discovered that she missed his winks, his engaging grins, his sly caresses. Since he had caught her crying, he had acted the perfect gentleman at all times and had done absolutely nothing that could be considered flirting with her. He insisted on helping her when she moved her clothes, her ironing board, iron and toilet articles from Mrs. Poole's house to the hotel and had taken her soiled uniforms to Mrs. Maddox to wash. Not another word was said about the dreaded date with Harold Dozier Saturday night. Joe spent considerable time with Doc, going with him when he called on some of his longtime patients and checking on the new babies. April was glad that Doc had such good friends as the Joneses, Evan Johnson and Corbin Appleby. She knew that he felt guilty about leaving the patients who depended on him, but his desire for a life with Caroline was a stronger impetus. Fred had been more than accommodating. He had offered to sleep at the store if April wanted to stay at the house. But after all that had happened there, April couldn't get out of the house fast enough. She gratefully accepted his suggestion, however, that she leave some of her belongings in his storage room for the present. April was seeing Fred in a different light. When she lived at the Poole house, he had almost made her skin crawl when he looked at her. Now there was a new expression in his eyes, a sadness at the loss of a sibling and his part in the accident that took her life. He had lived in the shadow of his domineering sister for a long time, and now that he was free of her, he seemed to be at a loss. "You saved me from serious injury if not death, Fred. I'll never be able to thank you enough." "I couldn't let her stab you with that knife. I thought it strange that she had such a dislike for you right from the start. I'm sorry you had such a terrible time. I only wish that I had realized Shirley was as ...troubled as she was." "We can always look back and think that we could have done things differently. But what is done is done, and all we can do is move on." April dreaded going to Mrs. Poole's funeral but felt obliged to go because she had lived in her house. Doc, however, had no such obligation and would stay in the clinic while she was gone. Most people in town were shocked at Mrs. Poole's sudden death. Out of respect the merchants up and down the streets closed their businesses for the afternoon service. On the day of the funeral April went to the hotel and changed from her
door, unless you went with a recognizable customer of the place. For every presser of that button was carefully "piped" from the skylight, and his admission or exclusion depended on the observation so made. This was in the evening; for Ikey Cohen's spieler was kept for the accommodation of gamblers of small amounts, who worked during the day to earn them; and although gamblers came who never worked during the day or at any other time, they were not sufficiently profitable to cause the table to open in daylight. Just such a customer it was who swaggered up the street at nine of a fine night when the sponge-merchant's had been long shut and the slop-tailor's already had half the shutters in their places. Naty Green wore his bowler hat very close over his right eye; his Newmarket coat flung wide in the breeze, and his tie, albeit a trifle dirty, flamed with all the colore that could be got for a shilling in Whitechapel High Street. Naty Green stopped at the respectable door and pressed the button. The door opened quietly and quickly closed behind him. A thick-set, close-cropped man in rubber-soled canvas shoes was dimly visible. "Moey Marks here?" asked Naty Green. Naty Green swore a long and ready sentence. "I want to pop a bit down," he grumbled. "You'll have to put it on for me." "You get somebody else," replied the thick-set man. "You know the guv'nor don't like me playin'." "Somebody else? Where's somebody else as won't stick to the lot if he plays the stakes, just as much as Moey Marks hisself? An' what could I say, with him there? Be a pal. You're the only straight bloke in the shop, s'elp me." "An' if I have to nip off to the door while the stakes is down an' some one snorks 'em, 'ow's that?" "I'll take my chance. Here y' are—'alf a james, a bob a time. Put 'em where you like—I shan't grumble." The thick-set man hesitated, with a frown on his none too pleasing face. "You know the guv'nor don't like me cuttin' in, 'avin' to see to things an' all," he grumbled, reluctantly extending his hand; "an' you'll lose it, like the rest, if you keep on long enough." "That's my lookout. Wait a bit. I'll go in first." The meaning of this conversation would have been clear enough to any eavesdropper from the faro-den beyond the passage. It was simply that Naty Green had "sold himself" to Moey Marks, and for that reason dared not gamble in his presence. It was a common enough procedure when a punter was totally cleared out. A night or two back, Naty Green, having put his last sixpence on the wrong card, had withdrawn from the table, with a long, complicated, and dazzling succession of curses, concluding with an offer to sell himself for a sovereign. Moey Marks, flush at the moment, and a man of enterprise, confident in Naty Green's inability to keep any money he might possess off a gaming-table, took the offer on the spot and paid the money; and now, by the terms implied in the bargain, whenever Moey Marks might observe Naty Green gambling, it was his privilege to seize his winnings as often as they might turn up. It was an interesting invention, and the only righteous force that operated in Ikey Cohen's spieler. It led to dodgings and lurkings and watchings and scoutings, but it did keep a gambler's money in his pocket sometimes when no other earthly invention would have done so. So Naty Green walked into Ikey Cohen's spieler, and presently Bill Hooker, door-keeper and retired pugilist, followed through the long passage and past the two doors which it was his duty to bar in case of a raid. Now, Bill Hooker was no beauty. Thick of neck and shoulder, bullet-headed and beetle-browed naturally, his earlier trade had marked him with no improvements. Seen in profile, his nose descended perpendicularly from his forehead as far as an unimportant tip, and seen from the front it spread away indefinitely into his cheek-bones. His ears, thickened and thickened again by many grievous punches, had long years ago grown tired of recovering their natural proportions, and now remained thick for the rest of Bill Hooker's life; and an odd scar or two seamed the leathery hide of his face. On the whole, he looked a sad ruffian; and yet in the crowd of faces that night to be seen in Ikey Cohen's spieler, Bill Hooker's offered something like a pleasant relief. Among the rest were no broken noses, thick ears, or bullet heads, but the sleekest head in the crowded room had about it something of repulsion of which Bill Hooker's was innocent. The table stood a yard from the wall, with his back against which sat the banker, imperturbable, dexterous, Semitic, curled like an Assyrian bull. Packed in a bent and climbing heap about the three other sides of the table, the players swarmed like bees on a bush, reaching on tiptoe to play their stakes, clamorous in Yiddish, blasphemous in English of strange accent. Behind them stood a fringe of less active gamblers, peeping and craning and disputing among themselves; and beyond them wandered others, strays from the swarm, stumped to the last brad, or sold to some watchful speculator. No silent losers were there; English was the prevailing tongue, but English of a quality difficult to match. Any person who has been privileged to indulge the sense of hearing in the silver ring at Alexandra Park races may suppose that the resources of unprintable language have been fully disclosed to him; but five minutes of Ikey Cohen's spieler would have taught him his error. The simplest sentence grew into a laborious rigmarole, so qualified, punctuated, and embellished as to burst the bonds of syntax and leave its purport buried and bemuddled; so that for a stranger it was needful to skip over the miry flood and pick up a word here and there to piece out the meaning. To one side of the room stood the bar, just now little patronized. It consisted of two trestles and a board top, standing before a tenth-hand hanging book-shelf, stocked with bottles and glasses. Between the trestles and the liquor stood "the guv'nor"—not Ikey Cohen, however. That speculator reaped the profits from afar, and "the guv'nor" was his nominee, whose business it was to manage the place and bear the brunt of a possible police-raid in the character of proprietor. This man, like Bill Hooker, was a Christian; from which circumstance, and the other that no flies were reputed to abide on Ikey Cohen, the philosopher may draw whatever conclusions he pleases. For some little while Bill Hooker travelled to and fro from the street door, admitting another gambler and a few more, and rarely letting one out. Meantime the game went steadily on, and the banker wasted not a second of time; for he was a man of business, and he sat in his place on a contract to play Ikey Cohen a fixed sum per hour. One man, seated close in by the table, clamored above all the din at each turn, losing heavily, turn after turn. He cursed in succession the cards, the game, and himself, and, least reasonably but most angrily, the man who last had cut the cards. He was the worst sort of gambler, and paid the banker well, though his noise was a nuisance. A dozen times he swore to stop after the next turn, and as often he went on, plunging and cursing, and coming near to foaming at the mouth. At last, choking with curses, he turned on his neighbor, who had last cut the cards, and
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Gold Investors Should Look at Past Elections Election Day has finally arrived. Who will win, and why gold will remain the biggest winner of them all? So, today is the day! It's Election Day. For quite some time, national polls indicate that Biden has a significant advantage. He is also polling scarcely close ahead of Donald Trump in key battleground states, but, in some states, the lead has recently narrowed. So, in many places, the race is still too close to call, making them toss-up states. Hence, although according to political pundits, polls, and bets Biden will become the next POTUS, anything could happen. And we mean - anything. Everyone knows that back in 2016, Hillary Clinton also led in the polls. However, Trump won the election, to everyone's surprise. Of course, the polling methodology has been improved since. But now, Biden has a much wider advantage than Hillary did in 2016, and he is much more conservative and more moderate in his approach than Clinton (historically, more moderate presidential candidates generally do better in presidential elections). Additionally, the election results might not be known right away, and there are indications that they might be contested. Who knows what could happen if that's the case? According to some analysts, contested elections should increase the geopolitical uncertainty and boost the safe-haven demand for gold. On the other hand, some analysts also believe that the contested elections would put downward pressure on the stock market, dragging gold down in the process. The fact of the matter is that contested elections would undoubtedly delay the fiscal stimulus package, which should be negative for gold prices. So, who is right? It is true that recently, gold has been moving in tandem with the stock prices, responding to the stimulus expectations. But, in times of stress and reduced faith in the American institutional system, gold could decouple from equities and behave more like a safe haven asset. In any case, tomorrow, the elections will already be behind us. Hopefully, we will get the results quickly. No matter who wins, the new administration and the new Congress will have to deal with the second wave of the coronavirus and fragile economic recovery. Oh, by the way, as the chart below shows, the US reported 101,273 new Covid-19 cases on Saturday, the daily record not only for America, but for any country! And according to some epidemiologists, the worst is yet to come –that is, if the upward trend in cases continues, which could overwhelm the health system. No matter whether red or blue, the new government is likely to pump more liquidity into the economy. So, gold could thrive under either Trump or Biden, although we could see increased volatility in the short-term precious metals market. What does all the above mean for the gold market? Well, investors should look past the elections already. They matter less than many people believe. The 2016 presidential election is the best example of that. The price of gold indeed declined in the aftermath of Trump's victory, but the downward trend was eventually reversed. So, yes, you should be prepared for elevated volatility this week. After all, we are about to witness not only the elections, but also the FOMC meeting and equally important economic reports, including the nonfarm payrolls. However, as I have repeated many times before, gold's responses to geopolitical events are relatively short-lived. In the long run, what drives gold prices are the fundamental factors. And the fundamental outlook remains positive for the yellow metal. Both the monetary policy and the fiscal policy are extremely dovish. The public debt is ballooning, while the US dollar is weakening. The real yields remain negative. Yes, as the chart below shows, the real interest rates have stabilized or even increased slightly since August, which explains gold's struggle in recent months. Nevertheless, the Fed will maintain its policy of ultra-low nominal interest rates for years, while inflation will accelerate at some point, possibly when the economic recovery sets in for sure. This means that the real interest rates should remain very low or even decrease further, supporting the gold prices in the process. Corona Strikes Back in the US. Will It Infect Gold? Covid-19 infections are surging. Will the price of gold surge too? Things are not looking good folks. The epidemiological situation is worsening. As the chart below shows, the number of new daily cases (the rolling 7-day average) has recently reached a new record. The record spread has brought the national total to about 8.78 million infections and nearly 227,000 deaths. What's more frightening, with the recent spike, these numbers are only going to rise higher. Some epidemiologists even claim that the next several weeks will be the darkest period of this pandemic. As a reminder, the second wave of the Spanish Flu was the worst and most lethal – let's hope that history will not repeat itself when it comes to the coronavirus infections. However, what is really disturbing is that in certain states, the rising cases of Covid-19 are threatening the healthcare's capacity that needs to deal with the pandemic. Therefore, we ask you to please stay careful and take care of yourself as your number one priority! Moreover, the latest news about the delays in the vaccine tests suggest that a viable vaccine that has proved efficient and safe to a reasonable extent will not be produced on a full scale by spring 2021 at the earliest. Like the many times that I've warned you before - waiting for the vaccine is like waiting for Godot, who never arrives. Unfortunately, counting on the vaccine has become the primary national strategy for dealing with the coronavirus. Thus, the risk remains that without a quick vaccine distribution, the epidemic will spiral out of control. So, how will the Covid-19 cases surge affect the gold market? It seems that this time, people were expecting the second wave of the pandemic and are slightly less frightened. But, if the hospitalization rate increases further, the panic may set in again. The second wave implies more social distancing and a slower recovery. It is also an argument for somewhat larger than smaller financial stimulus. All these reasons are fundamentally positive for the yellow metal, although the gold price has been trading around $1,900 so far, as one can see in the chart below. The US presidential election is another issue by itself. Rightly or not, some voters can blame the President for the rising number of infections. Thus, the pandemic increases Biden's changes, whose potential victory is perceived as a more bullish scenario for gold (especially if Democrats also take full control of the Congress). As the chart below shows, he has an average polling lead of 8.0 percentage points over Trump. I would not bet my money on these polls (simply because they are inaccurate and respondents don't want to give their genuine opinion about politics when polled), but nevertheless, the lead is pretty impressive. Still, expect the unexpected. Although Biden is believed to be more inflationary and positive for the gold prices, as a response to the election results, the markets can behave unexpectedly, especially in the short-term. As a reminder, many analysts believed that Trump would be very bullish for the gold prices. Of course, gold gained significantly during his presidency, and, yes, it soared during election night, but it quickly reversed and went into a downward trend for months. In any case, the elections may be of less importance than many people believe. After all, no matter who is elected, the next president will deliver a large financial stimulus, because the pressure from businesses, Wall Street, states, and people is simply too big. The increases in fiscal deficits, public debt, and the Fed's balance sheet should support the gold prices. Gold Is Likely to
made me want to get up and dance around my room if I was not so enchanted by the snake charmer. In the end, though, the cobra bit him. And I think he was slightly smitten with her because he kept kissing her when the judges were talking. I'll vote for him tonight. This is dancing on STEROIDS instead of Starbucks (i.e., the disco routine). The judges: Mary thought he was the Energizer Bunny but also had amazing control. She felt like he was one of the most likeable guys in the competition. Benjamin thought it was charming and had a unique style. It was completely engaging and interesting. Will took advantage of every section and showed different ways of expressions. Nigel said he brought personality to everything he did. Dancer: Cyrus All-Star: Jaimie Goodwin (Season 3) Song: "Outro" by M83 Necessary Story: Life after destruction; two sole survivors at the end of the world. My thoughts: Travis Wall and a story about surviving the apocalypse (two of my favorite things). Ah, yes, this is the Travis Wall that gives me goosebumps. I remember being critical of this when I watched it and I was tweeting, but I changed my mind. Not being distracted by that app, I got chills. Cyrus really did rise to the challenge. Travis was smart in the way he choreographed it, showing off his strengths and hiding some of his weaknesses, but he also made Cyrus. You may be able to criticize the technique (and my saying that Eliana was "stuck" with him) but Cyrus is humble and Cyrus has an amazing heart. You know that he is not expecting to win but he feels blessed to be there. And you cannot help but fall in love with that quality about him. I did worry about the length of time the judges were spending on him with the comments because I thought that was preparing him for being in the bottom 3. The judges: Benjamin finds this energy compelling to watch. He can also partner very well. Cyrus has a raw energy that is very exciting. Nigel paraphrased a quote from George Balanchine: "I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance." He felt that Cyrus HAS to dance. There is still so much for him to learn, but he works very hard. (Cyrus is humbled by the accolades). Mary said that Travis did not hold back and made it even harder for Cyrus. Maybe his feet and his legs are not the best right now. It is the passion he gives and people connect with that. Dancer: Chehon All-Star: Lauren Gottlieb (Season 3) Style: Lyrical hip-hop Choreographer: Dave Scott Song: "Pretty Wings" by Maxwell Necessary Story: Two friends who support each other. My thoughts: It is still too stiff in the upper body. I felt like the spiked-out hair made it look like he was trying too hard (although I realize that is not his doing). It is not a world that he belongs (hip-hop). he is a brilliant ballet dancer. However, my expectations are very high because Alex Wong blew my conventional thinking that ballet dancers could never do hip-hop (the dance with tWitch: Get Outta Your Mind–one of my favorite routines of ALL TIME). He tried hard, but it was just okay for me. Again, with the judges giving him a lot of feedback, I felt like he was in the bottom 3 as well. The judges: Nigel complimented him on everything not being straight and him having a smile on his face. He was much warmer. Mary said she wanted it to be more funky, but it was going in and out. It was not the most memorable but personally he accomplished a lot. Benjamin said the kind of looseness of tonight's dance he needed to focus on. Performance was spontaneous. He was having fun with her. Chehon was very charismatic. Dancer: George All-Star: Allison Holker (Season 2) Choreographer: Tyce Diorio Song: "Bahamut" by Hazmat Modine Story: George lets the train go by because of this great distraction (Allison) My thoughts: I love George. If you want a song about lightness, you have him dance it. You want something hot and passionate–no. I do not think he has ever been in love like that before so it came off as a little high school production-ish, like he was acting at acting that he was in lust with this woman. After hearing Mary and Benjamin talk, though, I thought I was just cranky again, but Nigel agreed. The judges: Mary felt it was fun to watch. He had a good time and good technique. Benjamin thought he is an amazing mover. He attacked every step with a vengeance and he was a fan. Nigel thought that his technique is tremendous but he did not believe his character. Here he was to have a raunchy night with this raunchy lady and it just appeared like he was dancing. Dancer: Eliana (FINALLY!) All-Star: Alex Wong (Season 7) TOTALLY PSYCHED Style: Who cares Choreographer: Stacey Tookey Song: "Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) By Nancy Sinatra My thoughts: WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found my breath rising and falling with the movement. They were so into each other. It was sensual, sexy, smoldering. And I want that red dress. They received a standing ovation. She deserved that! Then I thought, wow, wouldn't it have sucked if all this lead-up to her performance had fallen flat? The judges: Nigel said this is what he meant by maturity in movement. Eliana is his favorite girl this year. She was perfect technically and in performance. It was a fusion of the two. Mary said her hair went up on her arm. Her favorite routine of the night. It took her breath away. She was the star of the show tonight–the perfect tiramisu (Mary must have been pretty hungry). Benjamin said it was a great dance and a great song. She has it all: Performance driven by so much passion which is most important. Dancer: Audrey All-Star: Stephen 'tWitch' Boss (Season 4; one of my favorite all-stars) Song: "Sincerely, Jane" by Janelle Monae Necessary Story: A couple of 400 years bond together by love and hate. I'm already thinking "Dark Shadows." My thoughts: Audrey was worried she wasn't going to keep up with tWitch and while he definitely owned the stage, she held her own. I kept thinking she reminded me of a particular actress and Nigel named her. That routine was a lot of fun. The judges: Benjamin thought she did well. He felt it was unfair to have tWitch, but he wanted more from her, to shine of her own accord. He wanted her not to be afraid. Mary thought it was a great comical number and very entertaining. She was watching Audrey the whole time. She thought it synchronized well and she loved the groove. She called Audrey a dance angel. Nigel agreed with Benjamin. He wanted her to be more like Helena Bonham Carter (Tim Burton's wife) and get a little crazy like she is. My Favorites Tonight For the girls, in this order: Eliana, Audrey, Lindsay, Tiffany, Witney For the guys, in this order: Will, Cyrus, Chehon, Cole, George They are only going with the bottom 2 this week. For the girls it is Witney (who did the bench routine last week) and Audrey (who did the flowers routine). For the boys, it is Chehon (who did the bench routine) and George (who did the Hometown Glory routine last week). And of course the audience wants to see solos; there is still 20 minutes left in the show. Witney: Song: "You'll Find A Way (Switch and Sinden Remix)" by Santigold. I don't know. Witney is starting to get on my nerves. There was too much self-worship and too much hair (what they tell the people who are auditioning NOT
bank properly cancelled and returned them. Wholesale Petro. Partners, L.P. v. South Cent. Bank of Daviess County, Inc., 565 Fed. Appx. 361, 2014 FED App. 0336N, 2014 U.S. App. LEXIS 8256 (6th Cir. Ky. 2014 ). Court of Appeals erred in affirming a circuit court's dismissal of a creditor's claim against a decedent's heirs because the creditor was a creditor of the decedent and his estate where he filed his tort action prior to the decedent's death, timely revived the action against the estate administrator, proceeded to obtain a judgment in that action, and filed a judgment lien, which established his status as a creditor of the decedent's estate and entitlement to a remedy. Gregory v. Hardgrove, 562 S.W.3d 911, 2018 Ky. LEXIS 523 ( Ky. 2018 ). 5.Delivery. Indorsement of a note by cashier of a bank, and the placing of it in customer's safety deposit box without customer's knowledge was not delivery. Hughes v. West, 217 Ky. 40 , 288 S.W. 1011, 1926 Ky. LEXIS 4 ( Ky. 1926 ). Retirement system's refusal to allow a retiree to change his retirement payment option was improper because, although the first retirement check had been produced by the time the retiree notified the retirement system of the change, the check had not been delivered to the retiree, and thus the request was timely for purposes of KRS 61.590(3), which limited changes to the time before the first retirement allowance payment had been issued by the Kentucky state treasurer; under KRS 355.3-105 (1), "issue" meant delivery, under KRS 355.1-201 (2)(o), "delivery" meant transfer of possession, and thus, printing a retirement check at some unknown point in time did not make it issued, but rather, it had to have been delivered to the beneficiary to have been a "payment." Lawson v. Ky. Ret. Sys., 291 S.W.3d 679, 2009 Ky. LEXIS 82 ( Ky. 2009 ). 6.Good Faith. Mere suspicion was not to be regarded as bad faith. Montenegro-Riehm Music Co. v. Illinois Trust & Sav. Bank, 164 Ky. 608 , 176 S.W. 32, 1915 Ky. LEXIS 430 ( Ky. 1915 ). Failure of a purchaser to act as an "ordinary prudent person under the same circumstances" was not proof of bad faith. Citizens' State Bank v. Johnson County, 182 Ky. 531 , 207 S.W. 8, 1918 Ky. LEXIS 419 ( Ky. 1918 ). Where marks, apparently indicating cancellation, appeared on an instrument but were not reasonably discoverable in usual course of business, the purchaser took the instrument without bad faith. Citizens' State Bank v. Johnson County, 182 Ky. 531 , 207 S.W. 8, 1918 Ky. LEXIS 419 ( Ky. 1918 ). Where nothing appeared which should have excited his suspicion, purchaser was not required to consult records of county fiscal court to prevent his buying in bad faith. Citizens' State Bank v. Johnson County, 182 Ky. 531 , 207 S.W. 8, 1918 Ky. LEXIS 419 ( Ky. 1918 ). Generally, the good or bad faith of the purchaser of a negotiable instrument was a question for the jury, that of course was conditioned upon there being a conflict in evidence, but where the facts were undisputed on the controlling points it was the duty of the court to apply the law to the facts. Kentucky Rock Asphalt Co. v. Mazza's Adm'r, 264 Ky. 158 , 94 S.W.2d 316, 1936 Ky. LEXIS 283 ( Ky. 1936 ). Where a purchaser had actual knowledge of suspicious circumstances or facts coupled with the means of informing himself of the facts and wilfully refrained from making inquiries, his intentional ignorance could have amounted to bad faith. Kentucky Rock Asphalt Co. v. Mazza's Adm'r, 264 Ky. 158 , 94 S.W.2d 316, 1936 Ky. LEXIS 283 ( Ky. 1936 ). Generally suspicious circumstances or gross negligence at the time of acquisition would not defeat the title yet gross negligence was evidence of bad faith. Kentucky Rock Asphalt Co. v. Mazza's Adm'r, 264 Ky. 158 , 94 S.W.2d 316, 1936 Ky. LEXIS 283 ( Ky. 1936 ). This section requires the submission to the jury of the issue of good faith unless the evidence relating to it is no more than a scintilla, or lacks probative value having fitness to induce conviction in the minds of reasonable men. Ft. Knox Nat'l Bank v. Gustafson, 385 S.W.2d 196, 1964 Ky. LEXIS 148 ( Ky. 1964 ). The definition of good faith in subdivision (19) of this section does not include negligence; thus, the bank's negligence in not ascertaining the guarantor's lack of authority was not bad faith. Enzweiler v. Peoples Deposit Bank, 742 S.W.2d 569, 1987 Ky. App. LEXIS 607 (Ky. Ct. App. 1987). "Good faith" is a subjective determination. Star Bank v. Parnell, 992 S.W.2d 189, 1998 Ky. App. LEXIS 82 (Ky. Ct. App. 1998). Negligence not to be considered when determining "good faith." Star Bank v. Parnell, 992 S.W.2d 189, 1998 Ky. App. LEXIS 82 (Ky. Ct. App. 1998). 7.— Bonds. Where a company knew that certain of its bonds had been stolen from their owner, and it purchased such bonds without seeing them or asking the seller to specifically identify them, and the company's agent who handled the purchase was also the one who was engaged in a search for the bonds, such company purchased under circumstances amounting to bad faith. Kentucky Rock Asphalt Co. v. Mazza's Adm'r, 264 Ky. 158 , 94 S.W.2d 316, 1936 Ky. LEXIS 283 ( Ky. 1936 ). Though one had received actual notice, if by forgetfulness or negligence he did not have it in mind when he acquired a bond, he could still have been a good faith purchaser. Kentucky Rock Asphalt Co. v. Mazza's Adm'r, 264 Ky. 158 , 94 S.W.2d 316, 1936 Ky. LEXIS 283 ( Ky. 1936 ). 8.— Checks. Where, despite evidence of a custom among bankers to look to their immediate indorser in suing on a check and of the solvency of such immediate indorser, the ultimate holder insisted upon suing the maker, there was no evidence of bad faith. Choteau Trust & Banking Co. v. Smith, 133 Ky. 418 , 118 S.W. 279, 1909 Ky. LEXIS 186 ( Ky. 1909 ). Where maker proved business connection between payee and holder in several similar prior isolated transactions, such was not basis to infer bad faith on holder's part as to check in suit. Asbury v. Taube, 151 Ky. 142 , 151 S.W. 372, 1912 Ky. LEXIS 768 ( Ky. 1912 ). Where check had "For three sound mules" written across face, bank which cashed such check was not acting in bad faith. Roberts v. Drovers' Nat'l Bank, 199 Ky. 439 , 251 S.W. 198, 1923 Ky. LEXIS 852 ( Ky. 1923 ). 9.— Notes. Where corporate president issued corporate note to himself and indorsed it to bank in payment of his personal debt owed the bank, such bank purchased in bad faith when it failed to ascertain president's authority in the matter. Kenyon Realty Co. v. National Deposit Bank, 140 Ky. 133 , 130 S.W. 965, 1910 Ky. LEXIS 181 ( Ky. 1910 ). Where person who sought to collect note was attorney of the holder and stockholder of payee, no knowledge of payee's fraud was imputed to holder. Robertson v. Commercial Sec. Co., 152 Ky. 336 , 153 S.W. 450, 1913 Ky. LEXIS 660 ( Ky. 1913 ). Where a holder bought note at 25 percent discount and had bought similar notes as an established practice, there was not sufficient evidence for a finding of bad faith. Pratt v. Rounds, 160 Ky. 358 , 169 S.W. 848, 1914 Ky. LEXIS 465 ( Ky. 1914 ). That cashier of plaintiff bank knew that note in suit was given for stock sold, and that he received fee for suggesting name of purchaser, was not sufficient to prove that the bank's taking was in bad faith.
to God. "Roxli Doss, now 11, was diagnosed in June with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, a brain tumor that is inoperable and has no cure, KVUE reported. The cancer starts in the brain stem and spreads. Survival rates are low." "News last week that an unsecured southern U.S. border emboldens human traffickers, adding that thirty percent of children smuggled across the border are sold into sex slavery." "These cartels — they understand it's easier to sell a child over and over than a pound of cocaine or an illegal weapon," said Booyens, whose sister was a victim of human trafficking. "Cartels are 'sending kids across the border' by design." And do not imagine for a moment that democrats do not know this, nor do they disapprove. They stand for all things sexually deviant. "Border Patrol agents found the man walking a little boy up a dirt road north of the Rio Grande near Mission, Texas, with eight other Central American migrants. The pair wore matching blue-striped polo shirts. Ely Fernandez explained that he was a taxi driver who had fled San Pedro Sula, a notoriously dangerous city in northern Honduras. Fernandez, 43, said a gang had threatened to kill him for not paying money they wanted to extort from him. He had crossed the border illegally in March hoping to join his wife in Louisiana, and the boy, he told agents, was their 5-year-old son, Bryan. When's the boy's birthday? An agent inquired. Jan. 21, Fernandez said, but he couldn't remember the year — a red flag for agents. Since October, more than 700 migrant children have been taken from adults claiming to be their parents, including more than 100 children under age 4. U.S. officials said they were trying to protect children who may be victims of trafficking or exploitation." Progressives never cared about child abuses of illegals which occurred under Obama's watch: Jan. 28, 2016 (Under Obama) "WASHINGTON — The Department of Health and Human Services placed more than a dozen immigrant children in the custody of human traffickers after it failed to conduct background checks of caregivers, according to a Senate report released on Thursday. Examining how the federal agency processes minors who arrive at the border without a guardian, lawmakers said they found that it had not followed basic practices of child welfare agencies, like making home visits." Liberals only pretend to care about others! They always do this to earn votes and remain in power. They only appear to care about fellow Americans when they want to remove a conservative from office. "The U.S. Border Patrol reports that assaults against its agents have spiked, but Democrats still think we don't need a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. San Diego Border Sector Chief Rodney Scott told KGTV-TV that assaults against border agents are three times higher than they were at this time last year. The most recent surge of violence on the southern border happened on New Year's Eve. Roughly 150 illegal immigrants attempted to climb the border fence in San Diego, the report said, and more than a dozen were apprehended by agents. The migrants weren't apprehended without a fight — they began hurling rocks at Border Patrol agents." "Illegal immigration costs taxpayers a staggering $134.9 billion a year while contributing only $19 billion in state, federal, and local taxes. At the federal level, medical costs make up the lion's share of government expenditures on illegal immigrants, while education is the largest single expense that illegal immigration imposes on state and local governments." "Freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., was photographed with a Palestinian activist who praised the terrorist group Hezbollah, said Israel did not have the right to exist and has called for Israeli 'Zionist terrorist' Jews to return to Poland, where roughly three million Jews were killed during the Holocaust. She's quickly compiling a record of promoting anti-Semitism. Over the weekend, Abbas Hamideh tweeted out a of photo of himself with a smiling Tlaib, writing, 'I was honored to be at Congresswoman @RashidaTlaib swearing in ceremony in #Detroit and private dinner afterward with the entire family, friends and activists across the country.' Tlaib has been celebrated by Democrats and the media as one of the first Muslim women to be elected to Congress and touted as a testament to the diversity of the freshman class." "Anti-Israel radical Linda Sarsour of the Women's March, who supports terrorists, was also in attendance at a gathering to celebrate her swearing-in as photos reveal." Muslim man, Taheb, planned to bomb the White House: "The Associated Press reported that the criminal complaint filed in federal court by the Department of Justice stated that Taheb told a confidential FBI source in October that he wanted to travel to land controlled by the Islamic State, but did not have a passport. He told the source because he could not make the trip, he desired to carry out attacks against the White House and the Statue of Liberty." "A one-time Boy Scout leader was sentenced Friday to 10 years in prison for sexually assaulting three troop members in the 1990s. In August 2018, former scoutmaster Stephen Corcoran admitted to molesting three former Boy Scouts and pleaded guilty to four counts of sexual assault, reported. Corcoran is already serving a seven-year sentence after a 2017 conviction on 11 charges in a separate child pornography case, reported. Friday's sentence will run concurrent to Corcoran's current sentence." Nevada news: "A man who entered the United States illegally has been taken into custody while authorities investigate the possibility he's linked to at least four murders. Authorities in Nevada say Ernesto Martinez Guzman, either 19 or 20 years old, was being held in the Carson City, Nevada Detention Center." "Three Muslim residents of Lansing, Michigan, were arrested Monday afternoon for conspiring to provide material support to ISIS, the Justice Department announced. A criminal complaint filed by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Western District of Michigan charged that Muse Abdikadir Muse was on his way to Mogidishu, Somalia, to fight for ISIS when he was arrested. Members of the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force apprehended him at the Gerald R. Ford Airport in Grand Rapids, Michigan, after he checked in for a flight. Law enforcement later arrested his alleged co-conspirators, Mohamud Abdikadir Muse and Mohamed Salat Haji." "In the past 2 years, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers arrested more than 260,000 criminals who exploited our broken immigration system. This list includes those charged with or convicted of nearly 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 homicides." February news: "Six illegal immigrants with ties to a Mexican drug cartel — a rival of the powerful Sinaloa cartel, were arrested in an elaborate drug trafficking operation in North Carolina, according to reports. The massive drug operation included transporting large amounts of cocaine and methamphetamine across state lines — for instance, from Texas to Georgia and North Carolina, WSOC reported." "According to Dr. Laurence Nickey, director of the El Paso heath district 'Contagious diseases that are generally considered to have been controlled in the United States are readily evident along the border … The incidence of tuberculosis in El Paso County is twice that of the U.S. rate. Dr. Nickey also states that leprosy, which is considered by most Americans to be a disease of the Third World, is readily evident along the U.S.-Mexico border and that dysentery is several times the U.S. rate . . ." "Beginning back around October, there have been at least 57 reported cases of typhus (or spotted fever) in the downtown Los Angeles area, up from only six in the summer of 2018. In all, L.A. public health officials reported at least 120 cases of typhus throughout 2018, and there is no sign of the disease's spread slowing down anytime soon. The bacterium which cause the disease are carried by fleas and found in feces, and while most of those who initially contracted the
Victory Belles Lore questions By RockyArby, July 15, 2017 in General 42 minutes ago, lazarusdw said: well I believe that in past updates it's been said that belles have a supernatural way of communicating with self's at least beyond that is unknown. As for civilian ships having belles I doubt it but pindi is just a civilian with guns strapped to her. Which would imply that any armed ship can have a belle regardless of if they are a warship or not @Fifrein It's also hinted the host, all theories take a cruise ship into account, has a Walküre and it could be revealed on release day. Fifrein 1 Location:Jumping Around 14 minutes ago, Käpt'n Korky said: "...beyond that is unknown." That is why I ask, Lazarus. I believe at the very least the first half of this is worth getting an answer from the devs on, no? We know they can communicate with themselves, with other belles, and to an extent, have a supernatural connection with Morgana. But, we have no information on their ability to communicate with mundane vessels. lazarusdw 7 1 hour ago, Fifrein said: oh i agree i was just saying whats been said, and belles do have memories from before they were awoken which would imply that any ship has an awareness now weather if they can communcate with belles well only the devs can answer that and i liked to know too TwoHeavens 20 Location:14RLT1327251773 Interests:Military history, marksmanship, toy soldiers On 4/23/2018 at 3:08 PM, Käpt'n Korky said: Well your list brings up some interesting questions: A: How deep is the Potomac-River in Washington D.C.? And which state parliaments are near a reachable body of water? B: Can a Walküre ask for "retirement"? I think at a time of need, like now, not. But generally speaking. Gut dass wir uns um so etwas keine Gedanken machen müssen..... The real issue for A is the distance that a previous lore update gave us that Belles can go beyond their hulls is about 30ft. So while the Potomac may have the depth to park a destroyer on her, I don't think the Potomac ever comes within 30ft of the US Capital building. B. Probably not? That's the downside of being equipment as well as an officer. I'm sure they can be retired on their ship being decommissioned, but the form that would take... Hmm. 4 hours ago, TwoHeavens said: well it's been said that all a belle needs to live is. For their hull to be intact all else can be taken away. And maybe bring the hull on land as a building. Also what lore update said 30ft was the maximum distance they could be from their ship I'd have to look it up, but I believe it was mentioned in and around the Kongou interview. The sheer cost of dragging a warship ashore and near a government building would be insane. In the end I don't think political Belles will be something in the cards. For retirement I suppose that, assuming Belles remain post Morgana, would look much like it looks for warships now. The mothball fleet is the fate for most warships, which would probably end up looking like a cross with a retirement village. Some ships would be moved to various ports and rivers as museums just like now... but I worry about how they'd be treated by the governments of their homelands. Keeping warships afloat is expensive after all, and it's certainly not worth keeping every say Iowa class battleship in active service and updated like USS Wisconsin was/is. Related to the last bit of this update: What recipes did Gneisenau send to Belfast and how did the results of the recipes turn out? I want details. Are there any belles who can't work with each other? Obviously there's personality clashes and nationalistic tensions, but are there belles that simply cannot be allowed near each other without risk of violence or issues in combat? Conversely do certain belles work better together than other belles? TH; Mechanically, you mean? No, all Belles can work with one another regardless of story, nationality or personality. There are some great RP reasons to keep certain Belles apart, though. Wellington99 29 Location:Ohio, USA Interests:PC video games, playing guitar, military history, anime, writing stories in my free time, British naval vessels 6 hours ago, Legate of Mineta said: Like Rawa and the Ugly Sisters (Cause Rawa would turn them back into Kruppstahl) or Hood and (when she eventually comes out) Bismarck (Cause Hood would pull the same magic trick Rawa did and *poof* Bizzy is now a pile of Kruppstahl) David J 91 Interests:Reading (particularly historical fiction), sleeping, gaming, and cycling. 20 hours ago, Wellington99 said: Hiryu and Chiyoda that is all I believe of the girls who should not be with each other, several of the French and British girls might be utterly insufferable if in the same room. I'd also think some of the spanish belles would be impossible to put together, for reasons best known by our own @Dmnt On the other hand, some of the british and american girls will probably get along rather swimmingly, (or sailingly, if I want to make the worst possible pun out of it) such as Perth (actually she's australian, but it's all part of the commonwealth) and Houston, grim as the story behind that friendship is. On the other hand, a girl like Lexington might find herself a little bit above relations with snooty redcoats.... Interesting relations I'd like to see would be such as those between say Nenohi and Stewart, who, besides being on complete opposite sides of the conflict, are both bubbly baskets of energy. I think it would be hard for them not to be friends. On the other hand, if Nenohi were to be placed next to someone such as Diether Von Roeder, I think Diether would have a fit at the impropriety of a girl from such a notably respectable and disciplined country. Edited July 13, 2018 by Ninjapacman As far as lore questions go, I have a relatively minor one I think the ladies would rather not answer. It would be interesting to see what they come up with though, so I present the query anyways. What do the belles look for in a captain? I know some of them prefer very unconventional things. For example, rather than an experienced and proficient tactician, I believe Henley would choose her commander from a list of fine chefs. U-29 might choose them for their more inquisitive and curious minds, rather than the knowledge they already possess. So what other quirks do you fine ladies seek out in your search for a Commander? I also wonder what their reaction is to certain *ehem* propaganda of them used to improve morale of the men and women. Mahan's reaction especially would be hilarious Yes, or how Bulldog would react to that "morale heightening propaganda" pic of your "Pupper", you hide in your captains quarter behind the depiction of the battle of Waterloo. I think what the fellows before me where trying to say was how would Belles react to "fan" stuff? I brought this up in the Discord recently. I would be curious about their thoughts on it. Like, how would Belles react when they find out about their own fanclubs? Would female USO singers be dressed up as Nevada or New Orleans to ride the popularity wave? Would stag magazines have Belle pin-ups? .....Tijuana bibles? What about official government-sanctioned stuff? Maybe for a cartoon instead of Donald Duck in Nazi Hell-land, it's Henley (don't worry, it was all a bad nightmare and she was in the free US this whole time)? What about the thoughts of the Nazi or Soviet belles on their respective countries' propaganda posters? Who let you into my- ehem. I mean... Whatever are you on about? This time, Bulldog won't ask permission to use "appallingly foul language". i wonder how similar biologically speaking are
Home Eritrea Gianluca Mezzofiore North Korea Opinion Philippe Dam Tom Miles United Nations The Unraveling of yet Another UN Conspiracy Against Eritrea? The Unraveling of yet Another UN Conspiracy Against Eritrea? Admin 1:32 AM Eritrea, Gianluca Mezzofiore, North Korea, Opinion, Philippe Dam, Tom Miles, United Nations These men contributed to spreading disinformation of Eritrea plagiarizing DPRK. From left to right: Philippe Dam, Tom Miles and Gianluca Mezzofiore By E-SMART On Tuesday, June 30, 2015, the Office of the President of the UN Human Rights Council had on its website a document forged by its staff or, someone who has access to their computers. The forgery involved a cut-and-paste job of an unrelated North Korea document to one of Eritrea's replies to the Commission of Inquiry's politically motivated report. Both responses of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State Eritrea from June 9 [1], and June 19, 2015 [2] were published on the official site for the Ministry of Information of the State of Eritrea and were widely disseminated over the Internet in a timely manner. This latest forgery by the Office of the President of the UN Human Rights Council is the latest in a series of anti-Eritrea activities by Council members, and is a small part of a well-designed and complex labyrinth of disinformation campaign against the State of Eritrea, that is fast unraveling. In a crummy forgery posted as "HRC 29th, 24/06/2015, A/HRC/29/G/6, Note verbale dated 19 June 2015 from the Permanent Mission of the State of Eritrea to the United Nations Office at Geneva addressed to the Office of the President of the Human Rights Council" someone in the Office of the President of the Human Rights Council took the June 9, 2015 Eritrean document and added a page that apparently was issued by the North Koreans in February of 2015. We don't even know whether this North Korean document was ever officially submitted to the Office of the President of the Human Rights Council. A quick search locates the document in few places [3] but never at a UN site. What this means is that, those who attempted this forgery went out of their way to lift paragraphs from a North Korean statement, and attached it to the end of an Eritrean submission in order to frame Eritrea. It is clear that this is part of a now well-established pattern of intentional disinformation campaign by members of the Office of the President of the Human Rights Council, the Commission of Inquiry on Eritrea, the office of the Special Rapporteur, and countries and organizations that are working hand in hand with the above mentioned entities in order to paint a nonexistent situation in Eritrea. Their attempt is to bring up North Korea, as we will read in their own words, as part of their evil strategy so that they can apply the playbook they used on North Korea. Nothing is beyond the reach of the detractors of Eritrea; they are taking a page out of the masters of deception and disinformation who destroyed Iraq by claiming the existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction, and "bombed Libya to the stone age" by falsifying reports and siding with hardcore extremists and terrorists. They are now leaving no stone unturned in order to demonize, destabilize and attack Eritrea. The players of this well-coordinated web of deception that defames Eritrea by calling it "The North Korea of Africa" are many and they come in many shapes, shades of color and creed. Their format, however, has remained the same. They all want to punish Eritrea by first vilifying it using trumped up charges. Right now the vehicle of this "witch hunt" of Eritrea for not being willing to go with dehumanizing policies in the Horn of Africa, is the Commission of Inquiry on Eritrea, there is also the Office Special Rapporteur on Eritrea, and on Tuesday (30/6/2015) we saw how staffers within the Office of the President of the Human Rights Council are also part of this league of deceit. It is obvious the marching orders are sent from Washington, London and Paris; how else would one explain that Croatia, Montenegro, and Cyprus, countries that have no diplomatic representation in Eritrea, sponsor an anti Eritrea resolution at the HRC29, along with Djibouti and Somalia that are known puppets of the USA? However, the lies about Eritrea are packaged and bulldozed by the self-declared Human Rights advocates like the USA-based Human Rights Watch and UK-based Amnesty International. To give it an African face all the manufactured dirt designed to be thrown at Eritrea is "corroborated" by nameless and faceless individuals that are well known to be in bed with human traffickers and smugglers dehumanizing Eritreans. These "corroborators" also have different shades of color and backgrounds. Some come wearing religious cloaks, except they are devoid of any religious virtue particularly that of telling the truth; others don the human rights activists' cloth, except they are key players in the abuse of human rights of Eritreans; there are those pseudo-academicians who cannot speak, read or write in any of Eritrean languages and yet have no shame to present themselves as experts in everything Eritrean and their CVs are padded with crap work on Eritrea, and there are some that are downright intelligence agents in the service of the powerful and the not so powerful like the minority government in Ethiopia. Giving a big megaphone to all this disinformation campaign are of course some unscrupulous members of the media, people who call themselves journalists but who are giving journalism and journalistic ethics a bad name. Megaphone of Deception over Twitter Philippe Dam, @philippe_dam, of Human Right Watch Geneva tweeted "Interesting statement from #Eritrea Gvnt to #HRC29, but they forgot to delete #DPRK in last §!" Mind you if this fellow could make false accusations about an event within his access how much more is he willing to falsify about a country and events he never had an access. It makes you wonder, doesn't it? Such is the caliber of the human rights watchers that are manufacturing chaos in the developing world. Tom Miles, @tgemiles, Chief correspondent, Reuters Geneva bureau who followed by replying "Forgot to delete 'DPRK' and write 'Eritrea'! Suggests they are not taking it very seriously, methinks @philippe_dam". This "Chief Correspondent" forgot his chief duty was not "him thinking" but verifying first before making a fool out of himself and taking down the news organization he represents with him. It is after the fact, after joining in the anti-Eritrea crowd but when he did check he broke the sad news to his friends by tweeting: "Sorry to spoil the story but #UN says they made an error and will correct the document." If he was genuinely working a journalists work, why rush to twitter before verifying? Reading his other tweets clearly show that he is more into journalism but part of the web of deception. Gianluca Mezzofiore, @GianlucaMezzo, Senior Foreign News Reporter International Business Times UK. He tweeted "#Eritrea caught in ironic plagiarism of UN statement from North Korea dictatorship #HRC29" and published an article with the title "In a twist of irony, Eritrea - which is often dubbed the 'North Korea of Africa' for its harsh authoritarian rule - has apparently copy and pasted text from a North Korean statement in an official reply to a UN human rights council report" [4] regurgitating the lies churned by the web of deception. This fellow, embedded as journalist has a long history of being in bed with the Eritrea detractors. If this rush to link Eritrea with North Korea through a hack job bubbled to the top in a wild and adventuresome manner on Tuesday, the evil campaign of labeling Eritrea using the buzzword of choice actually goes back at least
Being bound inside a house in a dream means living with a difficult wife. Adding extra shackles to an already bound and bed stricken person in a dream means his death and for a prisoner, it means extension of his sentence. Wearing a green garment and seeing one's hands tied-up in a dream means spiritual growth. If one sees himself wearing a white garment, then it means knowledge, understanding, beauty and honor. Ifone sees himself wearing a red garment, it means that he is a musician, or that he is fascinated by music and a night life of distractions. Wearing a yellow garment in a dream means sickness. Ifone sees himself tiedup with a golden bond in a dream, it means that he is awaiting to recover money that he lost in an investment. If one sees himself in a dream tied-up inside a palace which is built from glass, it means that he will befriend a noble woman, though their friendship will not last. Seeing oneself being tied-up with another person in the dream means committing a sin and being afraid of its consequences. In general, a bond in a dream signifies distress and poverty. (Also see Band; Chain; Fetter; Yoke)... Islamic Dream Interpretation (Animal bones; Money) Seeing animal bones in a dream means a new garment, one's capital, or a major event. Collected animal bones in a dream signify owning a shop, a house, or a real estate. If a poor person sees bones in his dream, they denote his piety and fulfillment of his religious duties. Bones in a dream also represent one's helpers, family, wife, children, vehicles and properties. Seeing one's bones in a dream means exposing one's secrets. If one sees his bones turned ivory in a dream, it means that his wealth is gathered from unlawful money. Bones also could represent trees and their fruits, while their marrow represents one's good character or knowledge. Bones in a dream also denote one's fitness or sickness. (Also see Body')... Islamic Dream Interpretation (Band; Bangle) In a dream, bracelets represent pride or women's ornaments, and for men they represent the support of one's brother. If the bracelet is made ofgold in the dream, then it represents chastisement. If it fits tight in the dream, it means difficulties. If each wrist carries a silver bracelet or a bangle in a dream, it means disappointment or losses caused by one's friends. If a man sees himself wearing a bracelet in a dream, it means tight financial circumstances. Wearing a gold bracelet in a dream could represent a righteous person who strives with all his heart to do good. Should one have enemies, then God Almighty will support and strengthen him against them. Wearing a golden bracelet in a dream could mean either that he will be exploited or restrained, or it could mean that he will be handcuffed. If a ruler or someone in authority sees himself wearing a bracelet in a dream, it means that he will hold that job for sometime to come, that he will bejust toward his subjects, and they will live happily and enjoy good earnings during his regency. If one sees his arms fitted with armlets in a dream, it means expansion or spreading of his authority along with fame. Abracelet also represents a son, a servant, or a close employee. If a woman sees herself wearing a bracelet in a dream, it means blessings, favors and joy. A silver bracelet in a dream means increase in one's profits. In general men wearing bracelets in a dream means distress, and for women it means ornaments. If one sees a deceased person wearing a bracelet in a dream, it means that he is in paradise. Wearing a golden bracelet is also interpreted as receiving an inheritance, a marriage, or bearing a child. Silver bracelets in a dream also could be interpreted as piety and observing one's religious duties. Bracelets in a dream also represent the noble people of a town, money, or beauty. If the bracelets are made from bones, ivory or cast iron, then they represent the despicable people of that town. Bracelets in a dream also can be interpreted as sorrows, imitations, the coming events of a town, or events it exports. (Also see Armlet; Bond')... Islamic Dream Interpretation (Silk brocade) Wearing a brocaded garment in a dream means attending a pilgrimage. Owning extensive yardage of silk brocade in a dream means piety, presiding over people, a marriage to a beautiful and a noble woman who is worthy of respect. Buying folded yardage of silk fabric in a dream means getting a housemaid. Wearing a silk brocaded garment in a dream means taking a beautiful and a virgin servant for a wife. If people of knowledge or religious leaders wear brocaded garment in a dream, it represents their love for the world, or misleading the people through innovation.... Islamic Dream Interpretation BUCKTHORN TREE (Genus Zizyphus; Jujube tree; Lotus tree; Shrubs) In a dream, this warm climate buckthorn family tree that grows datelike fruit represents a noble and a generous woman, or a noble and a generous man. The greener is its color, the greater is such a person. Seeing the buckthorn tree in a dream means rising in station, developing piety and gaining knowledge. Eating its fruit in a dream means that one may fall victim to a sickness. Climbing a buckthorn tree in a dream means depression and adversities.... Islamic Dream Interpretation Christian Dream Symbols Piety and religious ritual ... Christian Dream Symbols Dreams of Catholicism represent that you are connecting to your spiritual roots, devotion, suppression of your natural urges, conformity, rules and piety. Perhaps you are realizing strength in tradition and the value in ceremony. Alternatively, this dream might also represent rigid ideas and issues of integrity. Consider the feeling tone. See Pope and Sacrament.... Strangest Dream Explanations (Burial ground; Grave; Graveyard) Seeing a cemetery or a graveyard in a dream means appeasement and comfort for a terrified person, and dismay to a comfortable and a relaxed person. A graveyard represents the elements of fear, hope and return to guidance after heedlessness. A cemetery represents the hereafter, because it is its vehicle. A cemetery in a dream also represents the prison of the body, but in a dream, it also means seclusion, devotion, abstinence, asceticism or admonition. Acemetery also can be interpreted as the dead looking drunkard in a bar, a man laying flat in a prostitution house, the home of a heedless person who often sleeps rather than pray or a hypocrite whose deeds are not subject to receiving a heavenly reward, etcetera. If a sick person walks into a funeral procession in a dream, it means that his illness will culminate in his death. If he is not sick and then during that procession he weeps or prays for the deceased person in the dream, it means that he will repent of his sins, join spiritual study circles and serves the people of knowledge. Such a person also may attain a blessed spiritual station and benefit from what he hears and sees. If one sees himself walking in a funeral procession and neglecting respect and contemplation, and instead laughs and jokes, it means that he will befriend evildoers and accept their evil conduct as a standard norm of behavior. If one sees himself visiting a graveyard for seclusion, self-awakening and self-restraint, then if he reflects about words of truth, wisdom and repentance in his dream, it means that he will be asked tojudge between two people, and that he will rule with justice. If one does not contemplate thus in the dream, it means that he will forget about something important or dear to his heart. Ifone enters the graveyard calling to prayers in a dream, it means that he will admonish people, commands what is good and forbids what
Five Easy Ways to Help Save Endangered Animals How to save endangered animals in five easy steps How to Save Endangered Animals in Five Easy Ways The question of how to save endangered animals is one that cannot wait. Yet unlike many aspects of sustainable tourism, this is a problem with a pleasant solution. A Question of Space It's amazing how much you think about space when do you don't have any any more. When you're cramped on a train. Pressed tight in a crowd. Or peculiarly, when faced with such a wide expanse of natural space, of incredible beauty, that you cannot venture into unarmed. Now, right now, as I'm typing this out in Kenya I'm overlooking such a magnificent expanse of land. Plucky acacia scratches at the red earth…and yet it's not safe to step out alone. This is lion country. And leopard. Rhinos, elephants and herds of angry buffalo. I can't see them. But they're there. And it's only a matter of space that keeps them from me (plus an armed and responsible team of rangers, my fluttering heart likes to say.) But even these great creatures have problems of space. Despite the hills and the mountains that lead from Sasaab to the lush green gardens at the foothills of the Aberdare mountains, space is a problem here in East Africa. Space for a growing population. And space for the animals that every school child loves to name name. The destruction of essential habitats is one way in which a species becomes endangered. Poaching is another. Rhinos I knew were in trouble. Tigers too. But elephants? And lions? Both are predicted to become extinct by 2025. As in, five years from now. Like the great space before me, it's hard to take in. Why It Matters (Beyond the fact they're pretty to look at) The survival of these species matters more than just having cool things to look at. As shark conservationist Mike Rutzen explained, the survival of the animals at the top of the food chain reflects the health of the ecosystem beneath it. In other words, we're all in trouble without our sharp-toothed friends. So, I've been asking experts across the world what we can do to help. And here's the response. How to Save Endangered Species: An Overview One: Learn Two: Teach Three: Boycott Four: Donate Five: Show the World that Animals are Worth More Alive Than Dead How to Save Endangered Animals in Summary "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela. Which animals are endangered? What is their biggest threat? Why is that happening and what is the biggest intervention that would help? I'm gathering resources over on Pinterest and making a Twitter list that you can easily follow. Act Today: Sign up to at least one service to keep yourself better informed. Spread the word with facts not just fuzzy feelings. It's one thing to teach, another to preach. In general, people don't respond well to lectures :-) Act Today: Share the information you just learned. It's easier than ever before now in the era of social media. But talking to people works as well as it ever did. Just don't buy the ivory or the tiger parts. There. Easy enough! But it's nowhere near as effective as the next part... And that's nowhere near as important as the 5th and final one. Are you ready? Act Today: Do nothing! Feel good about it :-) OK, boycotts are a little strange and feel like a cheat but they're still worth mentioning. Look, to get serious stuff done, you need serious people doing serious things. Things like lobbying governments, conducting robust research that spans decades, sharing said research in a peer-reviewed setting and implementing international agreements. That's not so easy to do. But it is easy enough to donate to the organisations that do it on your behalf. I'm building a robust list of international and hyperlocal groups (bearing in mind that no-one's perfect.) Check back soon for the update. And now for the best part... Act today: donate to an organisation because sometimes organised activity is necessary. "It's all about the money, honey." Look. It's so, so easy for someone sat comfortably in a luxury hotel to look at a cute looking animal and despair about the threat of extinction. Just stop hunting! Just stop poaching! But, clearly, the issue is a lot more complicated than that. In many of the areas where animals are under threat, the local people are under threat too. And let's be honest, how many of us would choose between seeing our children starve or be sold vs breaking a law that protects endangered species. That's why punitive legislation can only be part of the solution. Boycotts can only be part of the solution. At Giraffe Manor, giraffes swoop their heads through guest bedroom windows if they're curious. It's part of a project to save the critically endangered Rothschild giraffe. Sustainable Tourism: Now and in the Future Tying in with the whole premise of sustainable tourism, the aim should be to find a way of making it worth people's while to protect these animals here and now, not just in an abstract future they may never manage to reach. And tourism is expertly placed to make it happen. It is the biggest industry on earth and directly, physically reaches into many of the areas affected. Time and time again, I hear the same message: go on safari with reputable companies. Ones that treat the environment well, treat people well and treat the animals well. In other words, make it clear to anyone who takes just the flitter of a passing interest that these animals are worth more alive than dead. And that they, like everyone else…need space. Act Today: Go on safari. But make it a reputable one. Make animals more valuable alive than dead. The message remains the same, whether talking to safari tour operators, ecologists, locals or the WWF. The Top Ten Ethical Travel Destinations Portugal Cork Trees: Beautiful but under threat What is sustainable tourism? The Importance of Doing Nothing – Neuroscience at the Beach Reading rates are falling. But should we even care? Why do people travel? 25 Reasons or is there just the one? I hope to one day read an article where rhinos and poaching aren't in the same sentence. It's just so sad to think that we can be so cruel to such beautiful creatures. The frustrating thing is that we aren't even trying to balance two difficult things (say, if a rhino horn actually DID save human lives.) They're being killed for such shallow reasons – and often in very brutal ways. GiselleandCody says: It's very sad to think that when these creatures are gone, they are gone forever. Way too many people don't think about this. We need to turn things around and educate people on these subjects. Hopefully things can change and these animals will be around forever. I hope they'll survive too. We need to spread the word! De'Jav says: Protecting animals I think comes down to educating the locals and the other challenge is those that are paying outrageous money. The influence of money is a sad thing. Hopefully it will change otherwise we will not have some of these precious animals. I can understand the influence of money – especially if your living conditions are making even basic survival difficult. So the way to tackle it, I think, is to make sure that there's more money available through conserving animals than killing them. Let's aim to stop the poaching trade and increase responsible, sustainable tourism. Fast. Agree totally with your last comment Abi (beautiful article by the way) education is the way forward, and not to forget that here in the UK people still kill animals for sport and many of our animals and birds are on the danger list re extinction. Many of our small birds are trapped on their migration routes in countries like Malta and Crete and eaten as delicacies in expensive restaurants. I didn't know that about
the ball, she announces. She's radiant. I don't remember what I'm wearing. In the mirror, I see Lauren's reflection and, despite the elaborate costume, think yes, that's Lauren. I look at the girl standing next to her, the reflection split where the two slides of mirror overlap, am almost unable to recognize myself. _South Korea, 1959_ One of my mother's classmates is the daughter of a Korean woman and a black American soldier. The girl never speaks. After school, my mother follows the girl to the lake. The girl plunges her naked body into the water. At first my mother thinks she is playing, but the girl, half submerged, scratches at her skin with her hands, then a branch, then a rock. My mother hides in the reeds. _Los Angeles, 1990_ When I confess to my mother that I feel "ugly," she again tells me the story of her classmate. What happened next, I ask. When the scabs peeled off, they left tight, polished scars. I ask what the moral of the story is. There is no moral, she says. _Friday Night Affair_ _". . . it's no wonder we pay to sit in the movie theatre so fear can jolt us and make our bodies lighter . . ."_ —Christopher Kennedy, "No Wonder" When the lights dim, I think again of my father, how now, even in dreams, he moves away from me, sliding behind a wooden shutter, or always two steps ahead on a worn path. I forget more than I remember, unable to recall the shape of his wristwatch, the size of his shoes, the precise curvature of his swimmer's shoulders. I know that illness weights the body even if the eyes gaze skyward, that death tastes of salt, heavy and cold. But I know, too, that longing can lighten this load. Love narrows the field of view so I can see only what I want to see. When I slip my hand into yours, I am weightless. **V** _1942: In Response to Executive Order 9066, My Father, Sixteen, Takes_ No spare underwear. No clean shirts, pants, or good shoes. Instead, a suitcase of records. His trombone. This is not the whole story, and yet, it is true. It is a story without an ending. And when I open my mouth to speak, it continues. _Grandmother Tells Me a Story: Passing the Lake, Korea 1952_ All day the lake is still, its breadth unchanged though we have been walking all afternoon. We balance cinched bundles on our heads. (Like clouds, I imagine, though of course they are not.) Up ahead, an old woman falls out of line, hands her cloth-soled shoes to another, then enters the water, breaking its stiff skin. Her skirt blossoms around her lowering head, a darkening halo. (No, I protest, but the story continues): No one breaks ranks. The lake, but for a skim of bubbles, unchanged. (Or so my grandmother swears. Her metaphors and my poor Korean commingle into myth). Above, though stars crowd the heavens, only a dim light. _Chicken Soup_ My grandmother pours salt into my right palm, places thin slivers of garlic in my left. She explains something about blood, how to salt the raw bird to drain its fluids, but my mind already wanders: I watch the chicken shrivel but compose instead the grandfather I've only met in story: daybreak, he's just finished mopping up in the buildings that sculpt this city's skyline, but it's someone else's view of Los Angeles. The immigrant sees, not the postcard-perfect lights, but the scuffed tiles, dust-lined desks, the darkening throats of toilet after toilet. Home, he tiptoes upstairs not to wake his daughters, holding his shoes like a thief. He's fired for stealing a roll of toilet paper, a can of soda for my mother. Children are nothing but trouble, my grandmother says, shaking a wooden spoon. My mother claims the story otherwise: it was she who accompanied father to work, she who stole a box of stale donuts, she who lost the family's first job. Grandmother shrugs and repeats the same conclusion. Never have children, she says, though her expression is hidden by the steam now rising from the pot. It's a simple recipe: boil until the meat falls from the bones, easy, like a girl shedding a summer dress. Last night, I cooked for friends. After dinner, my friend handed me his one-month son, who only blinked when I nudged my thumb into his fist. Earlier, washing the pale bird, I struggled to keep the body from slipping through my hands: I held its small-fleshed form under cold water, pulled the giblets out the round hollow between its ribs and was surprised to be surprised when it didn't make a sound. _Persimmons_ My mother calls them _gahm_ , savoring the round vowel. When she pares off the skins, they fall away like strips of ribbon. Clusters of firm, waxy planets slung low on a strained branch, the tree a sudden stab of color on the drab East L.A. corner. The box arrives in fall, white postal service cardboard wet in the corners where the fruits have already spilled their juice. Faced with the open box, I think my mother's word, but aloud exclaim "persimmons." Persimmons, the word in the only language I own. _Earthquake Drills_ Have a plan. Under your bed, hard-soled shoes, a flashlight, water bottles, canned corn niblets, peaches in sweet syrup. San Andreas: a mean line on a map. How long until your earth unzips itself? How long for the fault to burst its crooked seam? For small comfort, count bandages, replace batteries, pack a bag, but admit this: there is never a plan. Instead: in deep night, darkness thick on the lawn, find your flashlight. With your thumb, click the switch. Watch the sure light flicker on. _For the Korean Grandmother on Sunset Boulevard_ So you are here. Night comes as it does elsewhere: light pulls slowly away from telephone posts, shadows of buildings darken the pavement like something spilled. Even the broken moon seems to turn its face. And again you find yourself on this dark riverbed, this asphalt miracle, holding your end of a rope that goes slack when you tug it. Such grief you bear alone. But wait. Just now a light approaches, its rich band draws you forward, out of shadow. It is here, the bus that will ferry you home. Go ahead, grandmother, go on. _Acknowledgments_ Grateful acknowledgment is made to the editors of the following journals in which these poems or earlier versions of them appeared. _The Asian American Literary Review_ : "About the Trees," "For the Korean Grandmother on Sunset Boulevard," " _Gaman_ "; _Atticus Review_ : "Before the Divorce, a Dry Thunderstorm"; _Blue Lyra Review_ : "Equinox," "Chicken Soup"; _Chicago Quarterly Review_ : "Friday Night Affair," "Years Later, Washing Dishes, A Vision"; _Codex Journal_ : "A Leaving"; _Connotation Press: An Online Artifact_ : "Earthquake Drills"; _Crab Orchard Review_ : "A Story with No Moral," "Lucky Come Hawai'i"; _The Evansville Review_ : "Persimmons," "Worship"; _Luna Luna Magazine_ : "Ancestors"; _Miramar_ : "Bring in the Flowers Before the Santa Anas," "Roofing," "Fireflies," "Sky Country"; _Newfound Journal_ : "Choose Your Own Adventure: Go South"; _The Pinch_ : "The Night Before Your 28th Birthday"; _Pinyon_ : "Monologue of the Dental Assistant"; _Smartish Pace_ : "Grandmother Tells Me a Story: Passing the Lake, Korea, 1952"; _Stringtown_ : "February, 1943: Topaz Concentration Camp, Utah"; _Tar River Poetry_ : "Monologue of the Fat Girl"; _Wildness_ : "Summer: Insomniac Stages Her Love," "Insomniac in Winter," "Insomniac in Spring," "Insomniac in Fall," "Insomniac Starts an Exercise Routine." I would like to thank the Ithaca College Pre-Doctoral Diversity Fellowship and the Texas Tech University Dissertation Completion Fellowship for providing the time and space to complete this book. Thank you also to The Writer's Center in Bethesda, Maryland, for the Emerging Writer Fellowship. Thank you to Dr. Dennis Ogawa and the University of Hawai'i Manoa for their support. For his unwavering support and guidance, my deepest gratitude to my poetry coach, Christopher Buckley. At Texas Tech, thank you to Curtis Bauer, William Wenthe, Yuan Shu, and Jill Patterson. At BOA, thank you to Peter Conners, Jenna Fisher, Ron Martin-Dent, Kelly Hatton, and Sandy Knight. Thanks always to Brooks Haxton for teaching me how to use the word "and." Thank you to Dean Leslie Lewis for bringing me to Ithaca College and thank you to my colleagues in the Writing and English departments for their friendship and support. Thanks especially to Tyrell Stewart-Harris, my comrade. Thank you to my mother, Lynn, and my family. Finally: thank you, Derek, for our big and noisy life. _About the Author_ Christine Kitano is the author of _Birds of Paradise_ (Lynx House Press). Born in Los Angeles
The Sinjar massacre () marked the beginning of the genocide of Yazidis by ISIL, the killing and abduction of thousands of Yazidi men, women and children. It took place in August 2014 in Sinjar city and Sinjar District in Iraq's Nineveh Governorate and was perpetrated by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The massacre began with ISIL attacking and capturing Sinjar and neighboring towns on 3 August, during its Northern Iraq offensive. On 8 August 2014, the United States and the United Kingdom responded with airstrikes on ISIL units and convoys in northern Iraq, which led to a military intervention from several countries against ISIL. On 17 December 2014, the Kurdish Peshmerga, PKK and YPG forces started the December 2014 Sinjar offensive with the support of US and British airstrikes. This offensive broke ISIL's troop transport routes and supply lines between Mosul and Raqqa, the largest cities in the Islamic State at the time. According to Noori Abdulrahman, the head of the Department of Coordination and Follow-up of the Kurdistan Regional Government, ISIL wanted to push most of the Kurds out of strategic areas and bring in Arabs who were obedient to ISIL. Background Sinjar was predominantly inhabited by Yazidis before the arrival of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. On 29 June 2014, the Islamic State declared a caliphate in the contiguous areas of Syria and Iraq it controlled, after it had made significant advances in northern Iraq during the Northern Iraq offensive (June 2014). After Iraqi federal military forces fled from the advancing ISIL troops, local residents seized their abandoned weapons in case of an attack by the Islamic State. Kurdistan Regional Government Peshmerga fighters then moved into and took control of much of the abandoned territory in northern Iraq from their stronghold in the Kurdistan Region. The Peshmerga confiscated the weapons the Iraqi Army had abandoned, assuring residents that they would protect them. ISIL takeover and siege The offensive by night As ISIL attacked Sinjar and neighboring cities, the Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in Sinjar withdrew, leaving the civilians behind without warning. There is general agreement that the majority of the forces in Shingal on that day were affiliated with the KDP, despite wildly varying estimates as to troop levels. KDP commanders claim that there were 2,000–4,000 KDP troops in the area. Similarly, Shex Alo, the KDP frontline commander for Shingal section, claims that there were 2,000 KDP fighters in the area, along with one additional Peshmerga brigade and PUK units. Meanwhile most others, including but not limited to HPÊ commander Haydar Shesho and Senior Gorran Movement official Mustafa Saed Qadir who was the Minister of Peshmerga Affairs at the time and had some Peshmerga brigades in Shingal under his control, estimate that there were many more, around 11,000–15,000 troops stationed. The villagers defended themselves with their own weapons, but ISIL fighters shelled them with mortars. By 3 a.m., ISIL fighters had broken through, and began killing anyone seen outdoors. On the morning of 3 August 2014, ISIL forces captured the city of Sinjar as well as the Sinjar area. ISIL then detonated the Sayyidah Zaynab Mosque in Sinjar, executed resisters, and demanded the residents to swear allegiance and to convert to Islam or be killed. Locals' exodus In the surrounding villages, many residents fled immediately. According to Yazidis, ISIL fighters asked the remaining Yazidis to convert to Islam or face death, and ISIL Twitter accounts posted images of murders in the Sinjar area. Almost 200,000 civilians, mostly Yazidis along with Shia, managed to flee from the fighting in Sinjar city. Sinjar mountains' siege About 50,000 Yazidis fled into the Sinjar Mountains, where they were trapped without food, water or medical care and faced starvation and dehydration. The U.S. government, Kurdish Peshmerga forces, and Western media reported that thousands of Yazidis in the Sinjar Mountains were under siege by ISIL. Tahseen Said, the emir of the Yazidis, issued an appeal to world leaders on 3 August 2014, asking for humanitarian help to aid those who were besieged by ISIL. On 4 August, Kurdish fighters reportedly battled ISIL to retake Sinjar. Killings throughout the Sinjar area On 7 August 2014, The New York Times reported that ISIL had executed dozens of Yazidi men in Sinjar city and had taken their wives for forced marriage. It was also reported that ISIL fighters executed ten caretakers of the Shia Sayeda Zeinab shrine in Sinjar before blowing it up. While the siege of Mount Sinjar was continuing, ISIL killed hundreds of Yazidis in at least six of the nearby villages. 250–300 men were killed in the village of Hardan, 200 between Adnaniya and Jazeera, 70–90 in Qiniyeh, and on the road out of al-Shimal witnesses reported seeing dozens of bodies. Hundreds of others had also been killed for refusing to convert to Islam. Kocho massacre On 15 August 2014, in the Yazidi village of Kocho, south of Sinjar, over 80 men were killed after refusing to convert to Islam. A witness recounted that the villagers were first converted under duress, According to reports from survivors interviewed by OHCHR, on 15 August, the entire male population of the Yazidi village of Kocho, up to 400 men, were rounded up and shot by ISIL, and up to 1,000 women and children were abducted. On the same day, up to 200 Yazidi men were reportedly executed for refusing conversion in a Tal Afar prison. The massacres took place at least until 25 August when ISIL executed 14 elderly Yazidi men in Sheikh Mand Shrine in Jidala, western Sinjar, and blew up the shrine there. Counts of casualties A civilian reported that on 3 August 2014 alone, 2,000 Yazidis had been killed throughout the Sinjar District. A Yazidi member of the Council of Representatives of Iraq said that between 2 and 5 August, 500 Yazidi men had been killed in the city of Sinjar by ISIL, women had been killed or sold into slavery, and 70 children had died from thirst or suffocation while fleeing the ISIL advance. From the findings of a joint October 2014 report of the OHCHR and UNAMI, ISIL had massacred up to 5000 Yazidi men during August 2014. Kurdistan Region estimated in December 2014 that the total number of killed or missing Yazidi men, women and children from Sinjar since August amounted to around 4,000. A 2017 report by the PLOS Medical Journal estimated between 2,100 and 4,400 deaths and 4,200 to 10,800 abductions. Refugee crisis in the Sinjar Mountains Iraqi/US/UK/Australian food drops 40,000 or more Yazidis were trapped in the Sinjar Mountains and mostly surrounded by ISIL forces who were firing on them. They were largely without food, water or medical care, facing starvation and dehydration. On 5 August 2014, Iraqi military helicopters reportedly dropped some food and water for the Yazidis in the mountains. The US began their own supply drops on 7 August and the UK participated 3 days later. French aid was also promised. On 12 August, an Iraqi military helicopter, piloted by Maj. Gen. Majid Abdul Salam Ashour, crashed in the mountains while delivering aid and rescuing stranded Yazidi refugees. The general was killed in the crash, while most of the passengers, including Iraqi MP Vian Dakhil, were injured. On 13 August, a 16-aircraft mission including US C-17s and C-130Hs, an Australian C-130J, and a British C-130J delivered supplies to mostly Yezidi civilians stranded on Mount Sinjar. U.S. air strikes On 7 August 2014, the U.S. President, Barack Obama, stated that the U.S. was starting air strikes to prevent a potential massacre (genocide) by ISIL of thousands of Yazidis trapped in the Sinjar Mountains. Obama further defended his decision by saying: On 8 August 2014, US airstrikes were launched in the Erbil area, 180 km east of Sinjar. The first airstrikes in the Mount Sinjar area were reported on 9
her Colonial Empire, would seem to be the grandiose conceptions of some supreme genius did we not know how they were undertaken and in what spirit pursued. It appears, then, that England has something with which to retort upon the conscious direction to which Germany owes so much of her strength. Among the number of embattled principles and counter principles which this war has brought into the field, we must include as not the least interesting the duel between conscious national direction on the one side and unconscious national will and knowledge on the other. It is quite outside my province to touch upon the diplomatic events which led up to the war. They seem to me to be irrelevant to the biological type of analysis we are trying to pursue. There can be no doubt at all that the ordinary consciousness of the vast majority of citizens of this country was intensely averse from the idea of war. Those who were in general bellicose were for the moment decidedly out of influence. Can we suppose, however, that the deep, still spirit of the hive that whispers unrecognized in us all had failed to note that strange, gesticulating object across the North Sea? In its vast, simple memory would come up other objects that had gone on like that. It would remember a mailed fist that had been {206}flourished across the Bay of Biscay three hundred years ago, a little man in shining armour who had strutted threateningly on the other shore of the Channel, and the other little man who had stood there among his armies, and rattled his sabre in the scabbard. It had marked them all down in their time, and it remembered the old vocabulary. It would turn wearily and a little impatiently to this new portent over the North Sea. . . . Wise with the experience of a thousand years, it would know when to strike. Such deeply buried combined national impulses as we are here glancing at are far removed from the influence of pacifist or jingo. Any attempt to define them must be a matter of guesswork and groping, in which the element of speculation is far in excess of the element of ascertained fact. It seems, however, that, as in the case of the bee, they concern chiefly actual decisions of crucial matters of policy. To put this suggestion in another form, we might say the spirit of the people makes the great wars, but it leaves the statesman to conduct them. It may make, therefore, a decision of incredible profundity, launch the people on the necessary course at the necessary moment, and then leave them to flounder through the difficulties of their journey as best they can. Herein is the contrast it presents with the German resource of conscious direction—superficial, apt to blunder in all the larger, deeper matters of human nature, but constant, alert, and ingenious in making immediate use of every available means and penetrating every department of activity. During the conduct of war it is only in the simplest, broadest matters that the spirit of the people can bring its wisdom to bear. One of the most striking manifestations of it has, for example, been {207}the way in which it has shown a knowledge that the war would be long and hard. The bad news has been, in general, received without complaint, reproach, or agitation, the good news, such as it has been, with a resolute determination not to exult or rejoice. That so many months of a deadly war have produced no popular expression of exultation or dismay is a substantial evidence of moral power, and not the less impressive for being so plainly the work of the common man himself. Such manifestations of the spirit of the people are rare, and meet with very little encouragement from those who have access to the public. It is astonishing how absent the gift of interpretation seems to be. A few, a very few, stand out as being able to catch those whispers of immemorial wisdom; many seem to be occupied in confusing them with a harsh and discordant clamour of speech. If we are correct in our analogy of the bee and the wolf, England has one great moral advantage over Germany, namely, that there is in the structure of her society no inherent obstacle to perfect unity among her people. The utmost unity Germany can compass is that of the aggressive type, which brings with it a harsh, non-altruistic relation among individuals, and can yield its full moral value only during the maintenance of successful attack. England, on the other hand, having followed the socialized type of gregariousness, is free to integrate her society to an indefinite extent. The development of the altruistic relation among her individuals lies in her natural path. Her system of social segregation is not necessarily a rigid one, and if she can bring about an adequate acceleration of the perfectly natural consolidation towards which she is, and has slowly been, tending, she will {208}attain access to a store of moral power literally inexhaustible, and will reach a moral cohesion which no hardship can shake, and an endurance which no power on earth can overcome. These are no figures of speech, but plain biological fact, capable of immediate practical application and yielding an immediate result. It must be admitted that she has made little progress towards this consummation since the beginning of the war. Leaders, including not only governing politicians but also those who in any way have access to public notice, tend to enjoin a merely conventional unity, which is almost functionless in the promotion of moral strength. It is not much more than an agreement to say we are united; it produces no true unity of spirit and no power in the individual to deny himself the indulgence of his egoistic impulses in action and in speech, and is therefore as irritating as it is useless. It is unfortunate that the education and circumstances of many public men deny them any opportunity of learning the very elementary principles which are necessary for the development of a nation's moral resources. Occasionally one or another catches an intuitive glimpse of some fragment of the required knowledge, but never enough to enable him to develop any effective influence. For the most part their impulses are as likely to be destructive of the desired effect as favourable to it. In the past England's wars have always been conducted in an atmosphere of disunion, of acrimony, and of criticism designed to embarrass the Government rather than, as it professes, to strengthen the country. It is a testimony to the moral sturdiness of the people, and to the power and subtlety of the spirit of the hive, that success has been possible in such conditions. When one remembers how England has flourished on domestic discord in {209}critical times, one is tempted to believe that she derives some mysterious power from such a state, and that the abolition of discord might not be for her the advantageous change it appears so evidently to be. Consideration, however, must show that this hypothesis is inadmissible, and that England has won through on these occasions in spite of the handicap discord has put upon her. In the present war, tough and hard as is her moral fibre, she will need every element of her power to avoid the weariness and enfeeblement that will otherwise come upon her before her task is done. Throughout the months of warfare that have already passed no evidence has become public of any recognition that the moral power of a nation depends upon causes which can be identified, formulated, and controlled. It seems
very well drop the case.) As relations between the U.S. and Israel continue to sour, however, the Rosen-Weissman affair is a fairly accurate barometer of the rising mutual hostility between Washington and Tel Aviv. Israel's new right-wing government is preparing for a showdown with the Obama administration over the Palestinian question, the Iranian issue, and the ongoing expansion of the settlements. If Obama is seeking a deal, there is widespread speculation that he could use the Iran issue as a bargaining chip: promising to take a harder line toward Tehran in exchange for a semblance of Israeli reasonableness on Palestinian statehood. The Rosen-Weissman trial could well be another such bargaining chip: a tradeoff that will make us less secure while advancing the career of an ambitious politician – a politician, in that sense, not unlike Rep. Harman. What's significant about the Harman case is that all the elements that have given the Israel Lobby such power in Washington – political heft, lots of money, and the exception-making requirements of the « special relationship » – have come together in a kind of Harmanic convergence, if you will, to illustrate why and how the Lobby's influence is corrupting. The sooner the public gets this message, the sooner our lawmakers will respond. And the proper response, to start with, is to make AIPAC do what every foreign lobbyist has to do, and that is comply with the Foreign Agents Registration Act by registering as an agent of a foreign power. This would put legal restrictions in place that would cut the Lobby down to its proper size and help correct the Israel-centric distortion of American foreign policy, which has been so skewed in the wrong direction for so long chiefly because of domestic political pressures. It's long past time to cut off that pressure at its source. Why did the Harman case break now? The Jane Harman case is confusing to newcomers. The most important question that arises is why now? Why four years after the phone call? It is the most important question because it speaks to the fact that the central fight here, between the Israel lobby and the critics of the Israel lobby, is a fight that has been going on for more than 60 years in the underground of the Washington establishment. It never dies because it involves principled conflicts that are never resolved. They are never resolved because the press and our politicians can't deal with these questions due to Harman-style orthodoxy/corruption, and the battle is suppressed. Though now and then it breaks the surface. The specific reason the story is coming out now is that my side, the critics of the Israel lobby, are about to lose a battle: it looks like the case against Steven Rosen and Ken Weissman, the Israel lobbyists charged with sharing secrets with the Israelis five years ago, a case postponed forever, is going to get dropped by the Justice Department. The lawyers who believe in that case are surely upset about this and have managed to leak one of the big truffles of their investigation to the press so as to goose the public outrage over the central issue at stake: corruption of policymaking due to the Israel interest. I don't know that they're the source. But that's my supposition. We may lose this fight, but we are winning the larger battle. Remember that We lost the Chas Freeman fight, the nomination of an Arabist/realist to the National Intelligence Council, but we won that one too because he freely exposed the Israel-first gang that had gone after him. Suddenly the Israel lobby was on the front pages. It's on them again, a month later, with the Times coverage of Harman. This is unprecedented. At last the Israel lobby, which people denied as a fact of our political life when Steve Walt and John Mearsheimer had the Emperor's-new-clothes temerity to say it existed three years ago, is being openly mentioned. Andrea Mitchell said frankly on MSNBC the other day that it is a well-known and powerful lobby. We are winning in this overall struggle because the central question, the justice of U.S. foreign policy to the Palestinians, has never been discussed and is never going away. It demands to be discussed. The Forward has a smart but slightly panicky piece today saying that the Harman case reflects a longheld belief in the federal government, among the professionals, that Jews have dual loyalty to Israel, going back almost to the foundation of the state. This is true. At least since the Truman overruled his State Department when it wanted to try and reverse partition in the spring of 1948, because bloody riots and ethnic cleansing had begun in Palestine, which partition was supposed to end, the lobby has won through White House access of the sort Harman allegedly boasted of in the wiretapped call; and those who are critical of a Jewish state or its policies have been excluded and smeared, as antisemites. The Forward piece carried that implication tday. The issue has never gone away and many presidents have bitched about it. Kennedy was upset abut Jewish influence-peddling on the matter even as Israel was acquiring nuclear weapons in defiance of his policy (Sy Hersh reported in the Samson Option). Nixon bridled at the lobbying. Jimmy Carter threw himself against the Israel lobby and didn't get reelected. George Bush I also took on the Israel lobby, the evil settlements policy that has now all but destroyed the two-state solution, and didn't get a second term. Bill Clinton and George Bush II embraced the expansion and the lobby, and had two terms. Chuck Percy and Paul Findlay sacrificed their political futures over trying to get the issue discussed. The tragedy of our politics is that Barack Obama ran last year in some large measure against the neoconservative policy on the Middle East and the issue was never openly debated. Obama toed the line–and secretly believed that Palestinians are suffering the most. The neocons wanted to have that fight, and so did I. We both thought we would win if we could have it out; or they thought that McCain had a better chance of winning. But that question was ruled out of the presidential campaign, a time when people would get a chance to choose over the issue–just as Al Franken and Norm Coleman refused to differ on the question in the midst of their battle–and now the unresolved struggle has been imported into the Obama administraiotn. He knows that resolving the issue is essential to the American interest in the Middle East, and to peace. It's the core issues, As King Abdullah and every other leader has told him. But because we could not have it out last year, a silent struggle is now taking place inside his administration, as Bruce wolman has put it, between the realists and the Israel-firsters. Obama can throw a signal to one side and the other, but he can't take a firm stand against the Israel firsters without political cover. A few critical congressmen, Brian Baird and Kucinich and Donna Edwards, aren't going to give him that political cover. He needs his progressive base to take a stand on the question and openly, and allow the influential elites to divide on the issue on talk shows and at dinner parties. He can't drive the wedge without a sledgehammer– public opinion, the press. I'm optimistic because the Harman case came up three years ago, in Time Magazine, and died, and now it has come up again and gotten legs. It could not have become such a big story without political ground, created by the horrors of Gaza, and the Netanyahu/Lieberman election, and before that by
level. Mr. Alan Kasperski: And that was one of the big questions at the time: Why? When I talk to people and I say, "The Green Party of Toronto, the Liberal Party of Toronto," "Oh, we can't have parties at the municipal level." Really? There's nothing in the Municipal Act that says you can't. We don't know why, going back 15 years, it wasn't done municipally. It was in British Columbia, it was in Quebec, but in the— Mr. Percy Hatfield: Manitoba at one time. Mr. Alan Kasperski: Yes. In Ontario they tried to start an NDP, the greater—Jack Layton and his group wanted to start a party in Toronto. There was no distinction in the decisions at all three levels between the various levels of government. Mr. Percy Hatfield: All right, thank you. Mr. Alan Kasperski: You're welcome. The Chair (Mr. Peter Z. Milczyn): The next round of questions: Mr. Baker. Mr. Yvan Baker: Do you want to take it? Mr. Granville Anderson: Go ahead. The Chair (Mr. Peter Z. Milczyn): You can share your time. Mr. Yvan Baker: How much time? The Chair (Mr. Peter Z. Milczyn): Three minutes. Mr. Yvan Baker: Three minutes. Okay. I'd better get started. Thank you very much for coming in. I appreciate your presentation. I've had the privilege of working with and meeting with on a number of occasions a constituent of mine, who is sitting behind you, Mr. Stephen Thiele, so I've been well briefed on some of the issues that you presented on. A lot of your presentation focused on a legal ruling, so thank you for that. I was hoping you could share with folks—those folks who are here, those folks who are watching at home: What would be the benefits of political parties? If you had to explain this to the average person, why do we need political parties? Mr. Alan Kasperski: Two things come to mind. Various groups have referenced the ward 16 election in the last municipal election in Toronto, where the candidate who won, won with supposedly 17% of the vote. It was actually about 10.5% when you factored in turnout. There were 16 candidates in that election. Imagine the homeowner sitting there going, "I've got 16 pieces of literature—maybe. "How do I pick?" How does the average person pick now? A smiling face—make sure it's a toothy grin on your literature? Your name? Your ethnicity? I've been a returning officer and have seen some candidates for whom the people from a particular community come out to support that candidate because of the name. Does the average person take the time to read through policy positions and all these kind of things? Not a lot. How do they know? This was my point earlier. I know that if I was in Barrie voting for Ms. Hoggarth and I was a Liberal supporter, I would have some confidence, as she is an official candidate from that party, that I could vote Liberal and know and be comfortable with the kinds of policy decisions she would make. The second thing I would refer to is Toronto city hall, something Mr. Milczyn would be very familiar with. I'm one of those perverse people who watches on Rogers from time to time. When there's a controversial piece of legislation coming up, like there was just recently, every councillor has to get up and talk, and they want an extension. They all put their positions forward. The city of London, in England, has 21 councillors. What they do is they have parties. If it's transportation, Mr. Baker speaks on behalf of the Liberal Party and speaks to that particular issue. It doesn't have to be four or five other people from the party giving their position, so it makes it more efficient. It makes it more understandable. By having an affiliation, by being part of a party, there are benefits about financing. There is campaign financing and raising funds and all those kinds of things. I understand you've got a professor from Ryerson University coming in later who will give you chapter and verse on the benefits of parties. To my way of thinking, I want those same benefits that all of you have had, and your predecessors, by being part of a party. The Chair (Mr. Peter Z. Milczyn): That's the three minutes. We'll move on to the official opposition for questions now. Mr. Ernie Hardeman: Thank you very much for your presentation. I've been in both positions, municipally and provincially, and, as you said, municipally I didn't have—nor did I want—the ability to put my party affiliation, because the election was about me and what I stood for. When I became provincial, and now that I've been elected for a number of times, my people still aren't quite sure why it is that my position is generally Conservative, because that's what I am. But that wasn't important to them when I was elected as a municipal politician, the difference, of course, being that when you get elected with a party affiliation, it isn't good enough just to put it on a ballot and say, "I'm from the Green Party," or, "I'm a Conservative." There has to be some method to hold you to that policy during the term of you being elected. If there are not parties in the chamber to do the debate, to say, "Each party has a leader and each party has a policy that they're going to implement" as you're doing the campaign, just having people running around with having their party affiliation on the ballot would—I should say it this way: Wouldn't you think that that would actually be trying to sell a false security, that just because I put Green Party on my ballot, that somehow I would follow the ideology that you have? And then when I get elected, I'm still as Conservative as I ever was, but I thought maybe my chance of getting elected as Green was more advantageous this election. Mr. Alan Kasperski: Certainly, I think that there has to be accountability. A certain amount of that is going to come from the party system itself. We're not going to say, "Oh, certainly, Mr. Hardeman, we're happy to have you be a Green and run in your community." There are policies. There are provisions within a party that you have to adhere to. With the Greens, it's very simple: There's a Green charter. There are 10 points worldwide. Are there variations within it? Sure there are. I think that that accountability needs to extend beyond that. We don't have recall legislation in Ontario. Should we? Should there be some ability that if a municipal councillor or a mayor gets so out of hand that he needs to be removed, do we have to wait for him to commit a criminal offence? Should there be some means of being able to say, "You're not adhering to the policies that you ran on, or that your party adheres to"? How do you deal with that? I think that can be done either by the party or by the legislative group itself. Our system, our democracy, is representative. Our suggestion is that it needs to be more participatory. The turnout in the last provincial election was what, 52%? It's poor. How do you increase that? You increase that by building trust into the system. How do you do that? You do that via people who are running as candidates. You do that by making the voting system better. Ranked choice helps. Party affiliation helps. Mandatory voting helps. There's a whole series of things. I'm not saying that putting the affiliation will make the system all better, but it will help. The Chair (Mr. Peter Z. Milczyn): I'll cut you off there Mr. Kasperski. The three minutes are up. Thank you very much
told me this when I went to one of his plays during the spring and I wished him good luck and told him to break a leg. He asked me if I knew why I said it and being his brother I responded with some sarcastic comment like "I actually just want you to break your leg while you're on stage," and he proceeded to tell me the meaning behind it. Since every actor knows of this saying and almost all theatre goers know it, it is thrown around very often at a production, and is even used outside of theatre to wish good luck in general whether it be in sports or giving a speech. Of course it does not have the same meaning when used outside of a theatre context, but it has become just a universal saying for "good luck" in whatever activity is taking place. I've known about this saying for as long as I can remember, with it being used in TV shows and when I would go to see my brother perform in middle school and even when I was involved in the 6th grade play at my elementary school. Once I found out the origin of the saying I had a new appreciation for it, because I had all these far out explanations in my head as to why it was said, anywhere from an actor in history who was so into his character he broke his leg on stage to it being traditional that the new actor would be scared with this saying thinking "why do they want me to break a leg?" I use this saying with basically every event that could condone telling someone good luck before they partake, even my roommates going to take a test or if they have an interview. I probably won't use it as much now knowing the meaning behind it, but I will definitely whip out that fact next time I find myself at a play. French Hunting Tradition Tags: Father and Son, French, Heirloom, hunting, swords Main Piece: French Hunting Tradition This tradition was told to me by my high school friend Mika: "In France, white boars are very prevalent and hunting them is a big recreational pass time there. My uncle used to go on hunting trips where they would round up all of the 20 year olds and later teen men in the town and go out on a hunt. They would have somewhere around 20-25 hunting dogs with them when they went hunting. The dogs would be let loose to chase down the boar and corner them. My uncle would then run up to the cornered boar and kill it with a traditional hunting sword. My Uncle was 16 when he killed his first boar on a hunt like this. He didn't have a son to pass on the tradition to, so when I was 16, he passed on the same sword he killed his first boar with to me." Mika's family is primarily of European descent, with his Grandparents hailing from Finland. Mika's uncle is a very avid hunter and would go out on expeditions all the time. Mika tells me his favorite type of hunting was the one mentioned above, as it is more of a sport having to be closer to the animal and adding a level of danger that is not there when shooting at it from 100s of yards away. Mika especially likes this story because it is the tradition in his Uncle's French community where when your son was ready to hunt, you would pass the sword on to them. Because Mika's Uncle didn't have a son he could pass the sword on to, he passed it down to Mika because he was the closest thing he had to a son. Mika said it was a real honor to get the sword from his Uncle because he was basically saying that he sees Mika as his son. Mika has a lot of artifacts and artwork on display in his house, anywhere from weapons they bought in Africa on a Safari to artwork his grandparents passed on to his parents. I wasn't expecting to get a big story out of it, but one day over spring break when we were hanging out in Mika's room I saw the sword and asked him why he had it. He proceeded to tell me the story above, and I knew that it had a special meaning to Mika and it wasn't just some souvenir he picked up when visiting a castle. Mika tells me he plans to pass the sword on to his son, and even though he doesn't use it for the same purpose his Uncle did when he passed it on to him, he wants to keep it in the family as an heirloom. He hopes to keep the story associated with the sword, as it is something that is a part of their family history and where they come from. I personally am a big fan of family heirlooms and their passing down from generation to generation. I think it gives the holder a reminder of where they came from and not to forget their roots and their family. I think the story is a great accompanying piece to the sword, and it is a great conversation starter. I don't personally have a family heirloom, but I would like to start one by passing something on to my son that has a deeper meaning, not just something I decide to give as a gift but will be cherished and passed on through many generations. Finnish Tradition Tags: christmas, cold, FInland, tradition Main Piece: Finnish Tradition Told to me by my high school friend Mika, about his Finnish grandmother: "On Christmas before dinner Mummi(his grandmother) would sneak off into the forests near their house with her brothers and sisters to go pick wild boysenberries, and explore in the forest. After picking berries and bringing them back to the house, her brothers and sisters would go into the sauna, then after a short while after getting hot in the sauna they would run out and jump into either the snow or into a freezing cold lake." My friend Mika told me this story after I had first met his grandmother Mummi, and she had a very heavy accent so I asked where she was from. He told me that her and her husband were born and raised in Finland, so he went on to tell me some stories that she had passed down to him. He particularly likes this story because he grew up in southern California where his house was surrounded by other houses, and the weather rarely dropped below 65. We have been friends since elementary school, and in the winter we used to go in his sauna when it was freezing cold out and after we got too hot we would run out and jump into his freezing (most likely 60 degree) pool, and cool off. I never really thought anything of this, just thinking it was something we did when we were bored and hanging out. But Mika did this because of what his grandmother had told him about when she was a kid. Mika was first told this story during one of his family gatherings at Christmas time. Mummi told this story when they were all sitting down at dinner as a way to pass on her heritage to her grandchildren. That was another tradition that Mika told me had been in his family for many years, where they would have Christmas dinner with extended family, having grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins all for a large feast. There isn't much other context this sort of tradition would be passed on in, other than if you were in
particular actualization -> some particular cause. Akrasia establishes that the relation between strength of motivation and chance of decision is not straightforward. There is a drag on decision that has little to do with motivation as such, that motivation must overcome, and it seems to vary. "People are far more readily influenced by the plea to do what is right than by the plea to do what will promote good." DeBurgh moral arguments for theism can be based on (a) obligation (law) (b) ideal (c) teleology (d) capacity freedom in itself, as a capacity for immortality, as an orientation to God Kant seems to be on to something in thinking that morality considered structurally is ultimate law, that considered in terms of consent it is personalist, and that, considering how its structure organizes its content, it is concerned with the social unity of free (and thus rational) beings. Bellarmine's 3rd and 4th Notes (long duration, extent) as evidences of the working of divine promises. The Nicene Notes of the Church are found in the Church as such, whether Militant, Patient, or Triumphant, whether considered universally or in particular form. 'jostle' as part of creativity "A God in whom there is variability and shadow of turning is surely not a God who can be worshipped." DeBurgh the existence of holiness as a precondition for the possibility of human morality love in the will : love in the sensibility :: soul : body To have one's moral discipline only from oneself is to act at a disadvantage. The attempt to have something like Christian charity without Christianity always leads in the end to monsters. The same moral rule looks different depending on the ideal to which it is thought to be related. An ethics is attractive in proportion as it happens to capture something of the image of God to which we are made, as Kant captures in a way the legislative aspect, as Mill to an extent the providential aspect. Omnes oportet transire per ignem. The solidarity of prayer being part of penitential life, that the souls of purgatory intercede generally for the Church Militant seems assured. The more difficult question is particular intercession. No: Aquinas ST 2-2.83.11ad3 Yes, in such a way that it is superfluous to invoke them: Suarez, De poenit 47s2n9 Yes, in such a way that invocation might not be superfluous: Bellarmine, De Purg 2.15; Alphonsus Liguori, Great Means of Salvation 1.3.2 "On God's part, I see paradise has no gate, but that whosoever will may enter therein." St. Catherine of Genoa purgatory as immaculation the liberty, equality, and fraternity of the French Revolution as license, levelling, and collective usurpation natural theology broadly considered -- natural theology strictly speaking : demonstration & dialectic :: civil theology : rhetoric :: poetic theology : poetics rhetorical persuasion as like turbulent flow It is remarkable how hard commentators work to make texts obscure. A physical field is a cause known only by inference from its effects. As mass is Lorentz-invariant and energy is not, it seems absurd to identify them. mass as quantity of matter (Newton) -> mass as quantitative aspect of matter relating it to momentum and energy, not quantity of matter (Maxwell) -> mass as that which relates something to momentum and energy in the characteristic way pleasantness vs rewardingness vs contentedness vs relievedness. A classless society would only be possible in a society without differentiation; a society consisting wholly of shoemakers and farmers would, ipso facto, have a shoemaking class and a farming class. The satisfaction for the sacrament of reconciliation, although not part of its constitution as a sacrament, is not separate: by the sacrament it is made a work of grace. Souls in purgatory are like those who have confessed and received absolution, and are doing their penance; but their penance is to endure, to wait in hope. Church Militant : faith :: Church Patient : hope :: Church Triumphant : love indulgences as occasional causes (per suffragium) Each of the sacraments seems to 'contain' grace in a somewhat different sense. (This is obvious comparing, say, the Eucharist's real presence with Baptism's spiritual presence, and with the presence, more representational, in Matrimony.) You can have evidence a man is married before you conclude that his wife exists, despite the fact hat for a man to be married requires that he have a wife. To prove a man is married is to prove he has a spouse, but build a proof that a man is married is not to build a proof that his spouse exists, simply considered, because proof-building is under a description. (1) Changes in Y can wholly depend on X without implying anything about changes in X, as we see from the laws of nature, which, among other things, are grounds of variation that do not vary. (2) Since temporal existents may have timeless properties, for two distinct things we may say they coexist, even when one is temporal and the other is not, when they are related by their timeless properties by a relation that is not itself temporal. No one is ever an epiphenomenalist except to salvage a system. the role of the parable of the Good Samaritan in sacramental theology Omnis medicina est in remedium alicuius morbi. purgatory & piacularity questions & hypothetical/disjunctive truth values Design in the mind and design in the thing are said analogically. softened assertions & imperatives the parody-straining society Scripture clearly and explicitly attributes righteousness to Gentiles (Job & Naaman), prophecy to the enemies of Christ (Caiaphas), prophecy to unborn children (Jeremiah, John the Baptist), prophetic value to apocryphal works (Jude) and theological value to pagan poets (in Paul's quotations). It does none of this promiscuously or incautiously, but you cannot learn theological narrowness from Scripture. All three of Kant's formulations of the categorical imperative are secularized religious concepts: providence, the image of God, and the Kingdom of God. Some beliefs whose grounds are independent grow well together. In belief as in other things relevant to action there is habituation and an advantage to familiarity. the Five Ways read methodologically Our beliefs have a great many relations to each other, some of which are anancastic, some of which are tychastic, and some of which are agapastic. "...the painter's freedom isn't compromised by his dependence on a surface on which to paint. He would not be freer without such a surface; he simply (a conceptual truth, not a truth about his freedom) would not *be* a *painter*." G. A. Cohen Looking at the world, it's hard not to think that Feuerbach was being optimistic in thinking that people make their idea of God by magnifying humanity; people seem rather inclined to trim down than to build up. If they magnified humanity, they would get closer to the truth, because they would not simply be making things up. Means of production are outworkings of ideas. People often say 'just' when they really mean some form of 'nonadverse'. "The power of speech is sometimes defined as the capacity to express ourselves. This misses an essential point, for the power of speech is as much the capacity to understand what is said to us as it is to say things to other people. The ability to speak is then in the proper sense the capacity to enter into reciprocal communication with others." MacMurray "The structure of a community is the nexus or network of the active relations of friendship between all possible parts of its members." "To celebrate anything is to do something which expresses symbolically our consciousness of it and our joy in being conscious of it." Basic goods can only generate obligations insofar as they are part of common good. basic goods in the context of (a) states, (b) the human race, (c) the Church The basic articles of faith interrelate, so that if one were dropped or changed, the meaning of the rest would change. under-ness and with-ness in study and learning 'Obligation' is an inherently communal notion. divine covenant as: (1) instrument -- First Way (2) presupposing creation -- Second Way (3) grounded on God everlasting -- Third Way (4) concerned with truth
grace and said: I doubt not indeed that thou wouldst be well pleased that fire should fall from heaven and devour us all, seeing that thou art as fond of us as a dog is of the stick, though by the Holy Rood thou wilt be disappointed; but I would fain have a little argument with thee, to know whereof thou complainest. Well indeed were it with me, didst thou but place me on an equality with Ercolano's wife, who is an old sanctimonious hypocrite, and has of him all that she wants, and is cherished by him as a wife should be: but that is not my case. For, granted that thou givest me garments and shoes to my mind, thou knowest how otherwise ill bested I am, and how long it is since last thou didst lie with me; and far liefer had I go barefoot and in rags, and have thy benevolence abed, than have all that I have, and be treated as thou dost treat me. Understand me, Pietro, be reasonable; consider that I am a woman like other women, with the like craving; whereof if thou deny me the gratification, 'tis no blame to me that I seek it elsewhere; and at least I do thee so much honour as not forgather with stable-boys or scurvy knaves. Pietro perceived that she was like to continue in this vein the whole night: wherefore, indifferent as he was to her, he said: Now, Madam, no more of this; in the matter of which thou speakest I will content thee; but of thy great courtesy let us have something to eat by way of supper; for, methinks, the boy, as well as I, has not yet supped. Ay, true enough, said the lady, he has not supped; for we were but just sitting down to table to sup, when, beshrew thee, thou madest thy appearance. Go then, said Pietro, get us some supper; and by and by I will arrange this affair in such a way that thou shalt have no more cause of complaint. The lady, perceiving that her husband was now tranquil, rose, and soon had the table laid again and spread with the supper which she had ready; and so they made a jolly meal of it, the caitiff husband, the lady and the boy. What after supper Pietro devised for their mutual satisfaction has slipped from my memory. But so much as this I know, that on the morrow as he wended his way to the piazza, the boy would have been puzzled to say, whether of the twain, the wife or the husband, had had the most of his company during the night. But this I would say to you, dear my ladies, that whoso gives you tit, why, just give him tat; and if you cannot do it at once, why, bear it in mind until you can, that even as the ass gives, so he may receive. Dioneo's story, whereat the ladies laughed the less for shamefastness rather than for disrelish, being ended, the queen, taking note that the term of her sovereignty was come, rose to her feet, and took off the laurel wreath and set it graciously upon Elisa's head, saying: Madam, 'tis now your turn to bear sway. The dignity accepted, Elisa followed in all respects the example of her predecessors: she first conferred with the seneschal, and directed him how meetly to order all things during the time of her sovereignty; which done to the satisfaction of the company: Ofttimes, quoth she, have we heard how with bright sallies, and ready retorts, and sudden devices, not a few have known how to repugn with apt checks the bites of others, or to avert imminent perils; and because 'tis an excellent argument, and may be profitable, I ordain that to-morrow, God helping us, the following be the rule of our discourse; to wit, that it be of such as by some sprightly sally have repulsed an attack, or by some ready retort or device have avoided loss, peril or scorn. The rule being heartily approved by all, the queen rose and dismissed them till supper-time. So the honourable company, seeing the queen risen, rose all likewise, and as their wont was, betook them to their diversions as to each seemed best. But when the cicalas had hushed their chirping, all were mustered again for supper; and having blithely feasted, they all addressed them to song and dance. And the queen, while Emilia led a dance, called for a song from Dioneo, who at once came out with: Monna Aldruda, come perk up thy mood, a piece of glad tidings I bring thee. Whereat all the ladies fell a laughing, and most of all the queen, who bade him give them no more of that, but sing another. Quoth Dioneo: Madam, had I a tabret, I would sing: Up with your smock, Monna Lapa! or: Oh! the greensward under the olive! Or perchance you had liefer I should give you: Woe is me, the wave of the sea! But no tabret have I: wherefore choose which of these others you will have. Perchance you would like: Now hie thee to us forth, that so it may be cut, as May the fields about. No, returned the queen, give us another. Then, said Dioneo, I will sing: Monna Simona, embarrel, embarrel. Why, 'tis not the month of October. The song is evidently amoebean. Now a plague upon thee, said the queen, with a laugh; give us a proper song, wilt thou? for we will have none of these. Never fear, Madam, replied Dioneo; only say which you prefer. I have more than a thousand songs by heart. Perhaps you would like: This my little covert, make I ne'er it overt; or: Gently, gently, husband mine; or: A hundred pounds were none too high a price for me a cock to buy. The queen now shewed some offence, though the other ladies laughed, and: A truce to thy jesting, Dioneo, said she, and give us a proper song: else thou mayst prove the quality of my ire. Whereupon Dioneo forthwith ceased his fooling, and sang on this wise: So ravishing a light Doth from the fair eyes of my mistress move As keeps me slave to her and thee, O Love.A beam from those bright orbs did radiate That flame that through mine own eyes to my breast Did whilom entrance gain. Thy majesty, O Love, thy might, how great They be, 'twas her fair face did manifest: Whereon to brood still fain, I felt thee take and chain Each sense, my soul enthralling on such wise That she alone henceforth evokes my sighs.Wherefore, O dear my Lord, myself I own Thy slave, and, all obedience, wait and yearn, Till thy might me console. Yet wot I not if it be throughly known How noble is the flame wherewith I burn, My loyalty how whole To her that doth control Ev'n in such sort my mind that shall I none, Nor would I, peace receive, save hers alone.And so I pray thee, sweet my Lord, that thou Give her to feel thy fire, and shew her plain How grievous my disease. This service deign to render; for that now Thou seest me waste for love, and in the pain Dissolve me by degrees: And then the apt moment seize My cause to plead with her, as is but due From thee to me, who fain with thee would sue. When Dioneo's silence shewed that his song was ended, the queen accorded it no stinted meed of praise; after which she caused not a few other
more powerful computer chips and better solar panels, water filters and bio-sensors. Professor Vishnu Shanker from the National Institute of Technology, Warangal, said the 'green' chemistry avoided the use of toxic reagents, potentially opening the door to the application of graphene not only for electronic devices but also biocompatible materials. "Working collaboratively with RMIT's Centre for Advanced Materials and Industrial Chemistry we're harnessing the power of collective intelligence to make these discoveries," he said. A novel approach to graphene synthesis: Chemical reduction is the most common method for synthesising graphene oxide as it allows for the production of graphene at a low cost in bulk quantities. This method however relies on reducing agents that are dangerous to both people and the environment. When tested in the application of a supercapacitor, the 'green' graphene produced using this method matched the quality and performance characteristics of traditionally-produced graphene without the toxic reagents. Bhargava said the abundance of eucalyptus trees in Australia made it a cheap and accessible resource for producing graphene locally. "Graphene is a remarkable material with great potential in many applications due to its chemical and physical properties and there's a growing demand for economical and environmentally friendly large-scale production," he said. Novel and Highly Efficient Strategy for the Green Synthesis of Soluble Graphene by Aqueous Polyphenol Extracts of Eucalyptus Bark and Its Applications in High-Performance Supercapacitors by Saikumar ManchalaV. S. R. K. Tandava, Deshetti Jampaiah, Suresh K. Bhargava, Vishnu Shanker. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.2019XXXXXXXXXX-XXX DOI: Publication Date:June 13, 2019 Copyright © 2019 American Chemical Society This entry was posted in electronics, environment, graphene, manufacturing and tagged Australia, chemical reduction, Deshetti Jampaiah, Eucalyptus bark extract, graphene synthesis, green chemistry, India National Institute of Technology Warangal, Novel and Highly Efficient Strategy for the Green Synthesis of Soluble Graphene by Aqueous Polyphenol Extracts of Eucalyptus Bark and Its Applications in High-Performance Supercapacitors, RMIT University, S. R. K. Tandava, Saikumar ManchalaV, Suresh Bhargava, Suresh K. Bhargava, Vishnu Shanker on October 15, 2019 by Maryse de la Giroday. Low-cost carbon sequestration and eco-friendly manufacturing for chemicals with nanobio hybrid organisms Years ago I was asked about carbon sequestration and nanotechnology and could not come up with any examples. At last I have something for the next time the question is asked. From a June 11, 2019 news item on ScienceDaily, University of Colorado Boulder researchers have developed nanobio-hybrid organisms capable of using airborne carbon dioxide and nitrogen to produce a variety of plastics and fuels, a promising first step toward low-cost carbon sequestration and eco-friendly manufacturing for chemicals. By using light-activated quantum dots to fire particular enzymes within microbial cells, the researchers were able to create "living factories" that eat harmful CO2 and convert it into useful products such as biodegradable plastic, gasoline, ammonia and biodiesel. A June 11, 2019 University of Colorado at Boulder news release (also on EurekAlert) by Trent Knoss, which originated the news item, provides a deeper dive into the research, "The innovation is a testament to the power of biochemical processes," said Prashant Nagpal, lead author of the research and an assistant professor in CU Boulder's Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. "We're looking at a technique that could improve CO2 capture to combat climate change and one day even potentially replace carbon-intensive manufacturing for plastics and fuels." The project began in 2013, when Nagpal and his colleagues began exploring the broad potential of nanoscopic quantum dots, which are tiny semiconductors similar to those used in television sets. Quantum dots can be injected into cells passively and are designed to attach and self-assemble to desired enzymes and then activate these enzymes on command using specific wavelengths of light. Nagpal wanted to see if quantum dots could act as a spark plug to fire particular enzymes within microbial cells that have the means to convert airborne CO2 and nitrogen, but do not do so naturally due to a lack of photosynthesis. By diffusing the specially-tailored dots into the cells of common microbial species found in soil, Nagpal and his colleagues bridged the gap. Now, exposure to even small amounts of indirect sunlight would activate the microbes' CO2 appetite, without a need for any source of energy or food to carry out the energy-intensive biochemical conversions. "Each cell is making millions of these chemicals and we showed they could exceed their natural yield by close to 200 percent," Nagpal said. The microbes, which lie dormant in water, release their resulting product to the surface, where it can be skimmed off and harvested for manufacturing. Different combinations of dots and light produce different products: Green wavelengths cause the bacteria to consume nitrogen and produce ammonia while redder wavelengths make the microbes feast on CO2 to produce plastic instead. The process also shows promising signs of being able to operate at scale. The study found that even when the microbial factories were activated consistently for hours at a time, they showed few signs of exhaustion or depletion, indicating that the cells can regenerate and thus limit the need for rotation. "We were very surprised that it worked as elegantly as it did," Nagpal said. "We're just getting started with the synthetic applications." The ideal futuristic scenario, Nagpal said, would be to have single-family homes and businesses pipe their CO2 emissions directly to a nearby holding pond, where microbes would convert them to a bioplastic. The owners would be able to sell the resulting product for a small profit while essentially offsetting their own carbon footprint. "Even if the margins are low and it can't compete with petrochemicals on a pure cost basis, there is still societal benefit to doing this," Nagpal said. "If we could convert even a small fraction of local ditch ponds, it would have a sizeable impact on the carbon output of towns. It wouldn't be asking much for people to implement. Many already make beer at home, for example, and this is no more complicated." The focus now, he said, will shift to optimizing the conversion process and bringing on new undergraduate students. Nagpal is looking to convert the project into an undergraduate lab experiment in the fall semester, funded by a CU Boulder Engineering Excellence Fund grant. Nagpal credits his current students with sticking with the project over the course of many years. "It has been a long journey and their work has been invaluable," he said. "I think these results show that it was worth it." Nanorg Microbial Factories: Light-Driven Renewable Biochemical Synthesis Using Quantum Dot-Bacteria Nanobiohybrids by Yuchen Ding, John R. Bertram, Carrie Eckert, Rajesh Reddy Bommareddy, Rajan Patel, Alex Conradie, Samantha Bryan, Prashant Nagpal. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2019XXXXXXXXXX-XXX DOI: Publication Date:June 7, 2019 This entry was posted in energy, environment, nanotechnology and tagged Alex Conradie, bioplastic, carbon dioxide, carbon sequestration, Carrie Eckert, climate change, eco-friendly fuels, eco-friendly plastics, John R. Bertram, microbial factories, nanobio hybrid organisms, Nanorg Microbial Factories: Light-Driven Renewable Biochemical Synthesis Using Quantum Dot-Bacteria Nanobiohybrids, nitrogen, Prashant Nagpal, quantum dots, Rajan Patel, Rajesh Reddy Bommareddy, Samantha Bryan, Trent Knoss, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Nottingham, Yuchen Ding on October 11, 2019 by Maryse de la Giroday. Safe nanomaterial handling on a tiny budget A June 3, 2019 news item on Nanowerk describes an inexpensive way to safely handle carbon nanotubes (CNTs), Note: A link has been removed, With a little practice, it doesn't take much more than 10 minutes, a couple of bags and a big bucket to keep nanomaterials in their place. The Rice University lab of chemist Andrew Barron works with bulk carbon nanotubes on a variety of projects. Years ago, members of the lab became concerned that nanotubes could escape into the air, and developed a cheap and clean method to keep them contained as they were transferred from large containers into jars for experimental use. More recently Barron himself became concerned that too few labs around the world were employing best
lot of money," she said. "They're happy with what they have. It's just a cultural thing, so that's another reason why we don't have people starting all these businesses and stuff like that because making the money is not that important to them. It's just taking a little bit for the culture to adapt." Life After Coal In mid-March, Appalachian Wildlife Foundation CEO David Ledford stood at his desk near the floor-to-ceiling window of the AWF office in Corbin as he took a phone call. Pockets of snow from a morning shower hid safe from the sun in the shadows of the building's overhang. The office space was modest and minimally decorated. A small, wooden elk statue rested on a pedestal at the entryway into the conference room, where a map of the land for the Bell County wildlife refuge spanned across one wall. Ledford took his seat at the expansive conference table. He was the only one in the office that day as his business partner, board chairman Frank Allen, was elsewhere. But Ledford possessed a certain bold and direct presence that filled the room. Originally from Tennessee, Ledford has lived all over the U.S. and the world while working as a wildlife biologist. He eventually settled in Kentucky to continue work on a major initiative to restore elk populations in the Appalachian Mountains. He left that project to start the AWF in 2009, and he began work on a program that created incentives for coal companies to improve performance measures related to ecological restoration and wildlife conservation. In 2013, the AWF switched gears and focused its efforts on the wildlife refuge project in Bell County. They modeled the project after the Elk County Visitor Center in Bennesett, Pennsylvania, a much smaller, 250-acre conservation range. Ledford said he checked out several potential sites for the refuge in West Virginia, Tennessee, and other Kentucky counties, such as Martin, Pike, Knott, Breathitt and Perry counties. But despite many large, wild landscapes in coal country, buying up large chunks of land is a challenge due to the often fractured ownership. He found one plot of land with elk on it, but it had 50 different landowners, 20 different people who owned the mineral rights, an owner of the natural gas, an owner of the timber estate, long-term leases with coal companies and unreclaimed pieces of land, Ledford said. He said the 12,000-acre plot in Bell County was a lucky find, with restored mineland, some of the highest peaks in the Appalachian mountain range, and Asher Land & Mineral as its single owner. "It took all those confusing issues away, and it happened to be the prettiest piece of land — it's gorgeous," he said. Nick Reel, general manager at Asher Land & Mineral, said the company leased to AWF primarily because of the potential economic impact on the region. He said Asher Land & Mineral also wanted to show that a previous surface mine can have future uses. The land currently hosts a range of wildlife, including 260-280 species of birds, black bears and whitetail deer. But the main attraction will be elk, as they best acclimate to tourists, Ledford said. While elk are indigenous to the Appalachian landscape, overhunting and habitat destruction virtually wiped them out in the mid-1800s. The Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission started a program in the late 1990s to bring them back, and now the state's herd numbers about 11,000, according to the Kentucky Elk Report. This past winter, the AWF contracted with a company from out West to capture elk in nearby counties and relocate them to the wildlife refuge by helicopter. It was a sight to see: elk dangling from choppers, flying high above Kentucky hollers to their new home. Once they got there, workers tagged them, took blood work and put them in a pen until they settled down from post-flight stress. Ledford said this is the most humane method of transport, if unconventional. "It's never been done in this part of the world," he said. "No one really knew if it would work. But they caught 98 elk in six days. It's pretty slick. It worked really well." The AWF also plans to build an Appalachian Wildlife Center on the property. Construction begins in June for the center, which will feature an artisan shop, a restaurant, a theater, a hall featuring research on birds, and a museum dedicated to educating visitors about mine land restoration and conservation. "It'll be an educational resource for the heart of coal country on par with the Smithsonian, but also this living lab for kids being able to go out and see things that are all around them but they've probably never even thought about before or taken for granted," he said. Construction on the Appalachian Wildlife Center is set to begin in June. One of the three museum spaces in the center will detail recent wildlife restoration efforts in the U.S., Ledford said. "All across the United States we had just devastated our wildlife populations," he said. "We brought all of that back in the 20th century, and we're going to tell that story." Ledford said the center will create 167 new jobs, but most of the regional job creation will derive from the expected 851,000 visitors a year within five years. He said this visitorship will generate a $180 million regional economic impact and lead to 2,500 new hospitality jobs in the seven poor, surrounding counties struggling with the decline of the coal industry. "What we're doing has never been done before," Ledford said. "It's big and audacious, and especially in this part of the world, it's never been done. This is going to be the biggest tourist attraction in Eastern Kentucky — just is." The Cost to Conserve Visitors to the wildlife refuge will pay about $18 per person for entry, Ledford said. While he hopes residents from Bell County come to the refuge, he said with such a small population, it won't affect the projected visitorship if locals choose not to come. The total budget for the project is $34 million, and Ledford said the AWF has currently raised almost the entire amount. The nonprofit received $12.5 million from the Abandoned Mine Land Pilot Program (AML Pilot) in 2017, and the Appalachian Regional Commission afforded $1.8 million. The rest of the money came from other foundations, private donors, and organizations, including $100,000 from the Bell County Tourism Commission. The AML Pilot, administered by the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE), provided $30 million last year to each Kentucky, Pennsylvania and West Virginia — three Appalachian states with the largest number of abandoned mines considered a severe threat to public health. In addition to the wildlife refuge, five other projects in Kentucky received a portion of the $30 million. They spanned six counties in Eastern Kentucky and include an outdoor adventure park for mountain bikers, two industrial improvement projects and two professional development projects. The money used in the AML Pilot is derived from the U.S. Treasury. Rep. Hal Rogers, a Republican who represents southeastern Kentucky, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, introduced the AML Pilot in 2015 to supplement money states receive from the AML fund, which is intended to reclaim mine sites abandoned before 1977. Coal companies have paid $9.2 billion in fees over the last 41 years to the AML fund, which has accrued $1.5 billion in interest. About $4.3 million has been disbursed to states and Indian tribes for reclamation projects and about $2.5 billion has been disbursed for other uses, according to the Department of the Interior. In 2017, the AML fund supported 3,762 jobs in Appalachia and created an economic impact of over $379 million in the region. The fund maintained a balance of $2.4 billion as of September 2016, according to the OSMRE. The cost
trying to get my gloves on. Cramp is strongly linked to dehydration and I really should have heeded the warning sign. But I didn't. We dived. Another unremarkable profile. We dropped to 21m briefly to explore the Wessex, before coming back up to the ledge at about 6m and following that for the next 30 minutes or so—plenty of time to off-gas. But there's more to a dive than the profile, and this one was full of problems. For me, all of them related to cramp. I had some of worse calf cramps I have ever experienced, at one point screaming in agony into my regulator whilst trying to massage them away. Perhaps the one good thing to come out this whole incident is discovering that I can have an experience like that underwater without panicking. It seems I perform well under pressure (credit to Dr Mike Gonevski for that cheesy pun!). The first hit I can't really remember when the pains started, but over the next few days I began to notice deep, dull 'flu like aches in several joints—wrists, elbows, ankles and, oddly, the arch of one foot. They seemed to fade in and out, easing up in one place then coming on somewhere else. I was suspicious. I Googled DCI and read up on the symptoms. I looked at some of the dive forums. But I also really didn't want to think it had happened to me. A combination of a seeming late onset, benign profiles, and the fact the pains kept moving helped me to convince myself that I didn't have a bend. I left the pains untreated. After a week, maybe a bit more, they cleared up. I've since learnt that far from not suggesting a bend, pain migrating is actually a classic symptom of DCI. Coming back for more Fast forward six weeks and we headed back to Stoney again for my first dive since. This time a single dive, reaching 22m and then coming back up to 6m for the last 20 minutes. It wasn't exactly a triumph of a dive—our communication was poor and my navigation even worse—but it was safe and sensible, with both our computers suggesting we had plenty of time left at 22m when we began our ascent. In the days to follow, however, the dull pains returned, this time focused in my wrists and thumbs. This was too much of a coincidence and when the pain worsened enough to wake me on Sunday night (the dive was on Friday) I guess I really knew what was going on. But by Monday morning it had eased off. It seemed such a trivial thing now that I couldn't bring myself to disturb somebody's bank holiday by making the call. My denial continued until late afternoon, when, pushed on by Sophie's very sensible nagging, I called the Midland Diving Chamber. Getting treated I went through my symptoms and history on the phone with Dr Mike Gonevski, who quickly formed the view that I had had a dehydration related DCI back in July. Because it went untreated my redundancy had been diminished, so a fairly ordinary dive had brought about a recurrence. We arranged for me to go to the chamber on Tuesday for a full assessment and treatment. The chamber goodie bag The initial treatment followed Royal Navy table 66—a nearly six hour long session in the chamber starting off at 18m and then moving to 9m, breathing 100% O2 for most of the time. Yes, that's right, a PO2 of 2.8bar. Sounds a bit scary when you're used to thinking of 1.4bar as being the limit if you want to avoid oxygen toxicity, but as Spike, the tender who was in the pot with me, pointed out, there's no risk of drowning in a chamber. Whilst I can't say my ride in the 'big white bus' was the most thrilling six hours I've ever spent it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. All the staff at the chamber were fantastic—welcoming, friendly and reassuring. And I got to watch a Mock the Week video and eat a Thai takeaway, not to mention leaving with a souvenir mug and very amusingly written book on dive medicine. It's certainly not something to worry about—far better to do it than not, as I'm discovering. Had I gone there straight away in July there's a good chance that first session would have sorted everything. But because I left things it's become a lot more stubborn. I've been back for shorter (1h45) treatments three times1 since, and although I felt pretty pain free this morning I can feel it edging back as I type this. Denying what was going on was certainly not the smartest move I've ever made. But it is on its way out now, and I have to say a big thank you to Spike, Dave, Robbie and Dr. Mike for getting me there. What have I learnt? Beware the dangerous Ds! Dehydration: do not underestimate the danger of dehydration and the role that it can play in the development of a bend. Keep hydrated. Learn to spot the signs of dehydration and call the dive if you suspect you, or your buddy, are affected. If you're dehydrated a perfectly innocent looking profile can take you to the chamber. Denial: do not deny that you have a bend. If you develop a pain shortly after a dive it needs checking out. Call the chamber. They don't bite. Quite the contrary, they're all really nice. And you may even get a takeaway out of it! At best, leaving things makes it worse and more difficult to resolve. At worst, it could kill you. Update 1 Sep 2014: now four times [↩] This entry was posted in General and tagged bends, dci, dcs, decompression illness, dehydration, diving, scuba on August 31, 2014 by Chris. The mythical Green news blackout Green Party supporters are upset. Apparently, the BBC are ignoring them. They've even set up a petition to demand more coverage from the Beeb, and my Facebook newsfeed is full of people encouraging me to sign it. I've a lot of time for the Green Party, but I'm not going to sign. You see, I just don't think there's been a news blackout. The Greens are mentioned throughout the BBC's election coverage. They've reported Natalie Bennett's view that the Greens are now a 'national party' and her view that change is coming. With a quick search on the BBC's website I found 21 news articles published today that mention the Greens. To say they are being ignored is simply a fallacy. I do agree that they don't have quite the coverage that UKIP have though. And here's why—it's quite simple really. They aren't as newsworthy. News is about things that are, well, new. The Greens may have, as the petition points out, 178 council seats. But only 18 of them are gains over the position on Wednesday. UKIP, on the other hand, gained 161 seats. The fact is that both Independents and Residents' Associations won more council seats than the Greens. Even the critique of media coverage by Another Angry Voice described their showing as "hardly an earth shattering performance". Essentially, it was wholly unremarkable. Look at the Greens share of the European Parliament vote in the UK. Yes, they gained one extra MEP, rising from 2 to 3. But their share of the vote is most remarkable for being almost exactly the same as it was last time. That really isn't news. Jump, as UKIP did, by nearly 11 percentage points—and from a start of 16.5%, that's a 66% increase—and you're newsworthy. Get nearly wiped out, as the LibDems did, and you're newsworthy. Achieve only a few moderate gains that basically leave you
The wines scored high on the magazine's 100-point scale, and proved that the Hudson Valley is emerging region with wines that can compete in the international wine market. The Hudson Valley is one of the oldest producing wine regions in the United States, and New York State is the third overall producer of wine in the U.S. But with the influx of new money, talent, and drive over the last five years, the region is growing at a fast pace, and producing a number of highly rated bright, flavorful whites, and soft, approachable reds. Wine Enthusiast editors tasted more than 20 Hudson Valley wines that earned scores of 85-89 points consistently across seven producers. This is the first major tasting of the region by any major news outlet, and helps to establish the region as a producer of fine quality wines. The Chardonnays, Pinot Noirs, Cabernet Francs, and Baco Noirs all scored very well, and highlight a region which produces wines that showcase great food wines that are forward fruit, and feature bright acids, medium-to-low tannins, and long finishes in a more European tradition. Hudson Valley wines can be found all across the state, and are featured in numerous stores and restaurants throughout the city. The Hudson Valley is America's oldest wine making and grape-growing region. Less than an hour and a half from New York City, Hudson Valley wineries and wine trails offer hospitable winery tasting rooms, where consumers can often meet the owners in-person and taste award-winning wines made from classic European varieties, regional hybrids and even delicious fruit wines. The Hudson Valley features more than 40 wineries and three trails: The Dutchess Wine Trail, The Hudson-Berkshire Beverage Trail, and the Shawangunk Trail. New York, New York- The New York Wine & Grape Foundation, the official association representing the state's wineries, will launch a campaign entitled New York Drinks New York during the first quarter of 2012. Centered on New York City, the campaign is a multi-faceted program for wine trade, media, and consumers, intended to set the stage for a long-term effort to raise awareness about the quality of New York wines. The program of activities will include "cellar visits" by New York City media and trade representatives to the Hudson River Region, the Finger Lakes, and Long Island; a multi-day market visit to New York City by the 38 participating wineries (see list of wineries below); in-store tastings at city retailers; an advertising campaign; and a dedicated website,, going live February 1. "We're not urging New Yorkers to buy New York wines because they're local, but because they're high-quality products at reasonable prices" said Jim Trezise, President of the New York Wine & Grape Foundation. "But the added benefit of buying really good, affordable New York wine is that these consumers are also supporting their own state economy." The New York Wine & Grape Foundation will also introduce a new logo specifically designed for its New York City initiative. The New York Wine & Grape Foundation was created in 1985 by unanimous vote of the New York State legislature, and signed into law by former Governor Mario M. Cuomo, to support development of the New York grape and wine industry through programs of promotion and research. Since then, the number of wineries has increased from about 60 to over 300, tourist visits from 340,000 to over 5,000,000, and the total economic benefits to the State of New York now exceeds $3.7 billion annually. For more information on New York wines and the New York Wine & Grape Foundation, please visit Finger Lakes participants include Anthony Road Winery, Atwater Estate Vineyards, Chateau LaFayette Reneau, Dr. Konstantin Frank Vinifera Wine Cellars, Eagle Crest Vineyards, Fox Run Vineyards, Glenora Wine Cellars, Heron Hill Winery, Hosmer Winery, Inspire Moore Winery, King Ferry Winery, Knapp Vineyards & Winery, Lakewood Vineyards, Lamoreaux Landing Wine Cellars, Pleasant Valley Wine Company/Great Western Winery, Red Newt Cellars, Sheldrake Point Winery, Standing Stone Vineyards, Swedish Hill Winery, Thirsty Owl Wine Company, and Wagner Vineyards. When I was a college student and just in the few years after my graduation, one of the first wineries I visited (among those in Connecticut and New Jersey) was Digrazia Vineyards. As a young wine drinker, despite the finer wines my family drank (Nebbiolos, Bordeauxs and Burgundies) I did enjoy the lighter and brighter whites of some of the east coast wineries. And I liked semi-sweet whites. Once of my favorites was Autumn Spice, a pumpkin wine, which I later recommended in the mid-2000's. It made for a great Thanksgiving Wine. Back in the 1980s there were few wineries, and Dr. Digrazia was one of the pioneers of east coast winemaking, certainly in New England, let alone Connecticut. DiGrazia Vineyards was founded in 1978 and is dedicated to producing premium wines of quality and unique variety. Over 15 wines are offered, ranging from dry to sweet, using estate grown grapes, local fruit and honey. Their two vineyard sites are established on high sloping hills to maximize growing potential and grapes grown lead to crisp, flavorful wines. Nine varieties of premium hybrid and native American wine grapes are planted. Dr. Digrazia, founder and winemaker, is widely known for his clean, crisp style of winemaking and his innovative flair. He has been intensively involved in the production of high antioxidant wines. A wide range of table and dessert wines are offered at DiGrazia Vineyards including whites, blushes, reds, nouveau, spiced pumpkin, red and white port, and other unique wines. They are also available in Connecticut Package stores and by mail. This was the first time I was tasting a Digrazia wine in a long time. I just haven't been able to get there, and I was never in a shop that carried their wine. But recently I found some as a wine store. And I was thrilled. It was like old times. Fieldstone Red is a hybrid blend featuring Marchael Foch. The wine is aged in American oak. This is a nice, dark garnet colored red dry wine. Nice fruit up front. Big cherry nose, with hints of cassis. The wine was a very nice, medium-bodied, soft tannin red. Fabulous with food. Very nice. Relatively new to the local wine industry, Matt Cimino has certainly established himself as a prominent winemaker in Maryland. He started building Great Shoals Winery in 2009 and released the first product in March of 2010. Since then, his unique sparkling wine has been soaring in popularity. The name of the winery was chosen for both sentimental and practical reasons. Great Shoals is a body of water at the mouth of the Wicomico River and there is a lighthouse that marks the entrance. When Cimino was a young man he did a lot of sailing on the Chesapeake Bay with his father. "Upon returning home I would see the lighthouse and it was a sign that I was back near the home harbor," he said. The body of water also characterizes Chesapeake living to Cimino, which made it an appropriate choice for his winery's name. "I've always had a keen interest in the wine industry," said Cimino, whose interest in wine led him on travels to the wine-growing regions of the west coast and Europe in his 20s and 30s. Actually, he was so interested that he decided to make quite the career change. Cimino uses apples, pears, peaches, grapes and local pomegranates to produce both champagne- and cider-style wines. Why only sparkling wines? "I felt like that was an area of the wine industry in Maryland that wasn't very well represented," said Cimino. He explains that a few wineries make sparkling wine but they are hard to find and not enough are in distribution. "It was easier to differentiate myself from other wineries by not making
technology inside the DAX Tech stocks up more than Dax Tech RON Europe Donna and Steve Dax Shepard Says He Will Undergo Surgery After Motorcycle Accident "Is recovering and in high spirits after a serious motorcycle crash 45 year old actor and husband of Kristen Bell, broke several bones and is going to need surgery. After that crash. Shepherd went over the handlebars and landed pretty hard. He has four broken ribs. Collarbone is broken in three places and He re broke the hand that he had broken a couple of months ago. Oh, no weeks. That's a lot of I've never broken a bone. Yeah, really Like how you said Yeah, I don't like that. I said that I should have just said by having a man. Well, I hope he gets better soon. That's very serious. Wonderful. Get back on the bike. I would imagine, Yes. He's just such a go getter in life doesn't seem to have much fear. But sometimes a situation like that could kind of give you pause, especially when your dad with little kids Shepherd Kristen Bell Ben's Red Carpet Ban "Welcome to pop your source for nightmare weddings and Yoga. Ball sits. Big Round of applause I like get. Nina's often that you guys but hunters here has always and so is actress producer and. Legend. Viviana. A. Welcome. Back. Welcome where we are so excited to have you hundred GonNa Flirt with you. The entire show get prepared for them. Time Vivica just walked taping. That works for me baby just a little. Just a little took us. Describe my style of flirting. So this is. My God I'll. Little tickle we can get started now. All Right Ben Affleck was just banned from arm his upcoming James Bond Premiere at least that's what the tabloids are claiming. It's probably total but supposedly bond producers are afraid the couples pedia will overshadow the movie and Daniel Craig's okay. They have like a you've obviously you're a lot more famous than both hundred and I combined you too many movie premieres yet we like it. It's a big win for us tonight on nightly pop. If you going to an event and for movie you were in and producers said, listen you're man can't come how do you handle that challenge? Cry. Let's start right there. We've never look here. Work showed up gave as our how I not shining I. If this is true is totally unfair. Why does the girl not have to shot because she's in a grid we? Away from. She has died. He has done for them hunter. What do you think about if you could not bring me to a movie premiere as a standing date for you because your girl canceled? Would you be asset? That's okay with me and I think if they really don't want Ben Affleck showing up, put it in a city that doesn't have Dunkin donuts. I guarantee you. Not Going. There for some reason I mean honestly I have to say I don't know why I'm leaning towards this being true but I sort of believe it. I kind of feel like this sort of makes sense I mean I don't know if Ben Affleck is going to overshadow Daniel Craig's something about them always walking those. Dogs which I Got? Every day. Why it's always just so staged feeling for some reason I I do believe. I kind of believe that they're like listen just leave your boyfriend at home or moving on. While Shirley's there and knows what she wants when it comes to a relationship and the first rule is she's not going to live with anybody you guys. She recently told the mirror that she's not sure that she could live with somebody again and that he may have to buy the house next to her. She's just too old for this. Like it okay. I just want a new. And nobody's coming up here running thing but me so I'm all with their Charlie's let them know when it's happening to come over and do the deed. With after other than that stale ass next door right you. My God. First of all, my type of woman this is Great Vivica. I'm happy to buy any house near Your House I'm going GonNa have to save up a little bit but I can do it and then seconds I see where they're coming from but it also feels like Charlie's is coming from a place of she hasn't had healthy relationships lately maybe or she hasn't found that person you do want to live with I. Think we all kind of think that after we go to break, we're like no more of the opposite sex ever again taking that much of my personal mind and then raging you find someone. And you can grow with and maybe they start outside the house maybe eventually you're like, Hey, let's have toothbrushes in the same room. Let's try that out for a little while. Yeah, I feel like with Charlene I think that also when you are single for such a long time, you kind of get set in your ways and just having the idea of someone come in and just rearranging things becomes really daunting and just quite frankly really annoying and to be honest Shirley's does not need to settle. She doesn't need to do anything that is inconvenient for her at all. So like I. Totally under understand her mindset of like I don't. Yeah. Come over when you need to do the deed otherwise I don't need to be moving my cashmere sweaters for you to put your jeans and the next door take your time says the girl that got engaged in seven months. I was like, all right give it to me okay Brian. Austin. Green is getting defensive about dating multiple women after his split for Meghan Box Ryan was on the Hollywood raw podcast you listened to that a lot right with DAX holt an atom. Glenn where he said he isn't playing anybody but the whole point of dating is to talk to several people at once. What people normally do when they get out of something is they date they they talked to multiple people at once I'm not playing anybody like this is. My life is just is much more under a microscope. Let me ask you. So should he have to tell the woman? He's dating that he's seeing other people I'm GONNA ask Hunter Africa's I can't wait to hear the assay. I appreciate honesty to be very honest with you in their plans. Call dating onto someone says it's meeting. You is called dating I. Think the biggest problem is when it's rubbed in other people's faces Shirley Ben Affleck Daniel Craig Charlie Vivica Viviana Ball Nina Producer Hunter Africa James Bond Glenn Charlene Brian Austin Meghan Box Ryan Dax Holt Green Hollywood Life is Short with Justin Long "dax" Discussed on Life is Short with Justin Long "He a kid? The other adults kids and I was like. Oh my God. He didn't even answer that question. Yeah I don't what are the nine but they're adults the whole thing completely unraveled for me and I was like what is be we herman well. It's like childhood rivals. The kid wants his bike but the kids twenty six okay. Any kind of talks to. Yes Oh for I was like I don't have the answers to these questions and I can't believe I just took the whole thing at face value when I was a kid. I DIDN'T ASK THOSE
ADHD is characterized by symptoms of being easily distracted, restlessness, always moving and cannot stay still, as well as talking excessively. However, it is not nearly as common as it should be due to a misdiagnosis, environmental factors, and medical science deeming everything as a mental disorder. In those cases, we need to look much harder for what is causing the behavior, not how to treat the symptoms of the behavior. ADD and ADHD, what are they and what is the problems with the diagnosis? Let's talk about that now. Hi everyone! We are going to be discussing ADD and ADHD, the diagnosis, and the problem with the rise of the diagnosis. ADD stands for attention-deficit disorder. ADHD stands for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADD is often not a term used anymore, so I will be calling the condition ADHD from here out. Often ADHD is divided into different categories such as inattentive, hyperactive, and impulsive. Inattentive is where an individual is easily distracted, which is the characteristics of ADD. Hyperactive is where an individual is restless, always moving and cannot stay still, as well as talking excessively and often fast. Impulsive is when an individual does risky activities with little to no thought, combined with the inability to be patient and think an action through. A diagnosis of ADHD can accompany any combinations of these key parts. The condition is a very common diagnosis among children. I'm sure many of you may be thinking, "These symptoms you just described are typical of children." Very true, and we will get to that in just a moment. With ADHD, however, there is some evidence to suggest that it's a brain disorder, in how the brain forms and functions. Difference in brains, as with most any mental disorder, can often be seen on brain scans. Despite the changes in brain function and chemistry, as with other mental disorders as well, we have to look at two other key components, nature and nurture. This debate is one you may have heard about time and time again. It basically means that behaviors and even mental disorders can stem from nature, as in biology and genetics, or from nurture, as in what a child learns and is taught growing up. I believe the middle ground, that some disorders have a higher chance for being passed on through genetics, as well as how the child is raised. I've personally known people who were separated from their parents from birth, exhibited mental disorders, then found their real parents with similar problems. In addition, I've known people who have no family history of mental disorders, were raised in a chaotic environment, and abused, and developed severe mental disorders as a result of the abuse, often labeled as a condition that cannot be developed in this manner. Both genetics and how a child is raised play a huge impact. Parents cannot be blamed for everything, but they certainly should be held accountable if they neglect and abuse their children. As with any mental disorder, or just any impairment to the traditional way of thinking and behaving, there are going to be pros and cons. Those with mental disorders tend to be more creative and expressive. But, any medication to get this individual back to 'normal' will destroy the potential they have with creative endeavors. This is why it's so important to find ways of dealing with the symptoms in a more natural way over synthetic chemicals that numb and destroy potential. It's about finding the right career and work environment for the individual, as opposed to the person conforming to a society that says it's abnormal to think and behave in this manner. When I was a child, I was diagnosed or close to being diagnosed with ADD or related disorder due to my inability to stay still and focused. At the time, medication was going to be a treatment, but other family stopped it. I can tell you right now that if medication were to have been prescribed and I was taking it when I was so young that it would've ended with severe impairment of my abilities and creativity. These symptoms mentioned earlier, a lot of us deal with them, including myself, which is why the work I do is so creative and my own, which gives me the freedom I need to be happy and use any disadvantage I have related to my inability to focus for too long to my advantage to the point that I love what I'm doing and actually get into a trance doing it. So learn to realize that there are activities that will give you these rewards for your creative work. What are some other possible causes of ADHD-like symptoms? There are many things, especially with the world we live in today, that can cause individuals, especially developing children, to become easily distracted, unfocused, and leading to dopamine in the brain to be less effective, as is often correlated with individuals with ADHD. One of the biggest ones is over stimulation to the child, which causes an oversaturation of dopamine which can impair what is thought to be a major core element in those with ADHD. Imagine a child being exposed to constant stimulation without rest. This includes things like technology which wasn't as advanced as it was when I was growing up. This is such a big one. We have television with colorful children's shows, video games on consoles and phones, an endless supply of games to be exact available for download on these devices, as well as the wealth of information and things to do and look up on the Internet. Children get sick of the TV, they go on the game, and when they are done with that, they go to the phone for other games, switching endlessly between app here, app there, photos, Internet, games. There is no break and it burns the child's dopamine receptors. If there is a break, the child becomes bored and doesn't know what to do. Why is that? Because we are overstimulating our children with technology and when there isn't any, what is there to do? Seriously? Ask this question to yourself. If you lose power and are without any electronics and no phone reception, do you know how to keep yourself occupied? Do you just fall asleep? Or do you literally don't know what to do and feel like you are going insane? The amount of people who would say the latter is staggering. Technology has spoiled us and is creating major problems in our lives if we don't know how to properly utilize it. Another theory could be diet. A poor diet, lacking in essential vitamins and minerals a child needs could cause the body to starve for these missing elements. The body and brain then try to function without them, which could cause an impairment in thinking and ability to focus. If these two things are in check, and the child has a healthy family environment at home, and they still have difficulties, then it's time to look at any other causes or factors, as well as ruling out the typical child activities and behavior. After all that, then an ADHD or other mental disorder diagnosis should be considered. While ADHD is a legitimate diagnosis and mental disorder, does this mean that everyone diagnosed with it has it? Let's look at an example. A mother takes their child to the therapist for exhibiting symptoms of hyperactivity and inability to follow instructions and orders, as many children do obviously since it's normal. After just one visit, the doctor sees the problem the mother has described, diagnoses the child with ADHD, and prescribed medication. What is the problem with this picture? Everything
in order to set clearer prioritie that are likely to make the biggest difference. And in the context of education, priorities need to be framed around a focus on what is likely to make the greatest difference to children's learning. As McKeown says, if we have too many priorities, we're simply not going to do anything really well. Pareto's 80/20 rule is also worth remembering. In Italy in the 1890s, Pareto found that 80% of the land was owned by 20% of the population. What has emerged from this insight is that across many sectors, a relatively small amount of input has a disproportionate impact. And this broad 80/20 rule also applies to schools. If we cut out some of the processes and resources we use, for example in the curriculum, that have less impact, we'll be able to focus on the things that make the greatest difference. How do you ensure quality in the curriculum? There is overwhelming evidence from all quarters, not just my own work, that it's the quality of the curriculum that makes the greatest difference for the greatest number of children. The quality of the curriculum has certainly gone up the agenda recently since the addition of the "quality of education" judgement to the latest Ofsted framework in 2019. There are eight main things we need to get right when thinking about quality education: 1. Realign priorities Both my work and Ofsted's research have found that in some schools, priorities have become distorted. In some primaries, for example, in order for children to do well in their SATs, they are given a diet of SATs in the mistaken belief that that will produce better results. But if you look at the scores for the children who didn't do so well in the reading papers for 2019, it was because of a lack of vocabulary. So how do we develop children's vocabulary? Through a broad and balanced curriculum, not just a list of spelling. 2. Address curriculum misconceptions I notice some misconceptions around the curriculum, such as focusing on skills and thinking of them as "cross transferable". Just because a child can evaluate and dissect something really well in geography doesn't mean to say they can do the same in history if they don't know any history. We need to think of skills and knowledge as being like conjoined twins; through rich exposure to and engagement with the curriculum, skills develop. 3. Remember children's entitlement It's also important to consider the idea of entitlement. What I've found is that some children who need additional support get so many interventions that they actually miss out on the wider curriculum with their peers. Interventions are important but they need to be bespoke and have impact as quickly as possible, so that children can rejoin their peers. 4. Be more ambitious For the first time, the Ofsted framework now has a discussion of ambition. We should be asking to what extent the curriculum is ambitious for all our pupils, regardless of their starting points, and what the children themselves are saying about it. Pupil voice is a strong thread in my research, and I've found that at the heart of it, children want more demanding work. 5. High challenge, low threat According to Daniel Willingham, professor of psychology at the University of Virginia, "human beings are curious, but thinking is hard". If we make things too easy, then the learning is likely not to be so secure. We should therefore not dumb things down for our children. About 18 months ago I was working in a school in London with some students who were identified as high priority but underachieving. They said the only lesson they engaged with was geography because the teacher gave them really difficult, demanding stuff to do, such as articles from National Geographic. The teacher would say "You're not going to understand it all, but that's alright." When I looked at the results for geography in that school, these students were the highest by a margin. The teacher wasn't giving those students work that was above their "pay grade" in order to get great results; the great results followed from the students relishing the high challenge that was accompanied by low threat. 6. Be prepared to be surprised One of the most worrying results of our current system is the reading deficit. In 2019, over a quarter of our children did not reach the expected standard. Research a few years ago found that only about 30% of children are read to on a daily basis, and in 2018 Teacher Tapp found that only 15% of all children are read to in class every day. Research from Sussex University found that simply reading challenging, complex novels aloud at a fast pace in each lesson repositions poorer readers as good readers, giving them a more engaged, uninterrupted reading experience over a sustained period. The teachers were actually surprised at what the students achieved. 7. Underpin learning with high quality texts When introducing new units over time, we should underpin them with high quality texts. Why? Books contain complex ideas and sentences of greater lexical depth and complexity which enrich children's vocabulary. Through rich resources we're able to draw out the important vocabulary we want our children to be fluent in by the end of the unit. For example, a high quality text to support the Year 6 science unit about the theory of evolution and inheritance could be Sabina Radeva's "The Origin of Species". Sabina trained as a scientist and then she retrained as an artist, which gives the book two threads: high quality information and beautiful imagery. For more examples of high quality texts to use across the curriculum, see the recording of Mary's talk here 8. Use meeting time to talk about books So what should we be cutting in order to find time for these marvellous resources? Firstly, we should think about how we use staff meetings. There are plenty that could be handled in an email or just a brief summary. Instead we should turn our meeting time into opportunities to discuss the books and reading we're going to do with children. Six keys to success Harvard professor, Rosabeth Moss Kanter talks about the six keys to doing good work in any organisation. I think these are useful when thinking about curriculum work: Show up – Ask, are you bringing your complete self to work? Speak up – We all have the right to have our voices and ideas heard Look up – Remind yourself why you're doing this work Team up – Remember that greater outcomes come when we're in it together Never give up – Even if it doesn't always feel like you're succeeding Lift others up – One of the greatest gifts we can give to one another is to encourage them As a final note, let's remember that we're human beings first and we're professionals second. The young people we work with are human beings first and they're learners second. If you enjoyed Mary's talk, make sure you download her further reading list to learn more. Want to learn more about Arbor MIS? We'd love to show your school or MAT how Arbor could help you work faster, smarter and collaborate more. Arrange a free demo here, get in touch at [email protected], or call 0208 050 1028. Arbor Community | Case Studies | IT Support Why we've partnered with Local Authorities to give schools like you more choice David Norton - 8 December, 2020 Local Authority IT teams have been working with schools in new ways over the last few years. Joining forces with cloud-based MIS suppliers, many are now able to give their schools more choice of systems, whilst still providing the local support and advice that schools value. At Arbor, we work with a wide range of Local Authority IT teams have been working with schools in new ways
that must have helped you throughout your chess career until now. PH: Yes sure. As long as there is tension on the board and I am in a good mood, I really enjoy myself. There are times when I am not in the best mood and then I am not able to sustain the pressure so well. But in general I am able to give my best under high tension situations. SS: Hari, when one looks at your games there is a breath of fresh air. Not so much emphasis on openings, focus on the fight and struggle. Very few elite players have this style. PH: Well my style of play has undergone changes over the years. I no longer play the way I used to when I was ten years old (laughs). But in general I do not like opening preparation. I feel at home in positions where both me and my opponent are out of opening preparation. In this fresh position I feel that I have the best chance to outplay my opponents. Maybe this was the reason why you would see relatively less theoretical games of mine until 2000 or 2001. But when I crossed 2600, I started paying attention to the opening phase of the game, because at that level you simply cannot ignore the openings. If you get a bad position, you might not be able to come out of it throughout the game. His games are like a breathe of fresh air! Hari at the World Youth Olympiad in 2002 | Photo: Prathamesh Mokal's archives SS: When you were young what were some of the training techniques that you indulged in or books you read that helped you to become stronger? PH: I remember two books that I read - one was domination in 2545 positions by Kasparyan and the other was a book based on tactical themes like pin, decoy, knight fork etc. Apart from these there was the informator which had the games of the top players analyzed by strong grandmasters. I have read classics like Fischer's My 60 memorable games or games of Mikhail Tal, but mainly I wanted to play chess. If any player was available I would play with them! But then coaches started to discipline me and forced me to study chess! (laughs) SS: Is it true that when you were young, you were lazy? PH: Who told you that. Just because you get to see Magnus Carlsen's basketball and swimming pictures, doesn't mean he is not working on chess (laughs!) I am joking of course. But it really depends on which period you are talking about. SS: When you were young! PH: I think if we speak about the period until 1997 or 1998 I would say that you are most probably right. I did not study chess at all. I remember my work with Varghese Koshy from 1997-2000. We worked so hard on chess. Perhaps it's the hardest I have ever worked and will ever work! (laughs). Apart from the chess improvement it was nice to know how to work intensively on the game. Another turning point in my career was when Vladimirov was invited to work with Indians. You see I cannot really work from a fixed time say 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. or 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. It depends on my mood. Sometimes I would not work at all, while on some days I would surpass all time barriers. If you look closely you will find little Hari in the picture. If you look even more closely you will find another absolute world elite player here. Can you guess his name? | Photo: Prathamesh Mokal's archives SS: What is your educational background? PH: I finished my twelfth and I enrolled in Open University, but I couldn't complete my education. Somehow the Asian championships would always clash with my examinations and I wasn't able to appear for them. But I don't think this is very important. Because I learned the knowledge which is there in the subjects. I have the knowledge with me, and for me it is fine even if I don't pass my exams and get a degree. SS: So you were always certain that you would become a chess professional? PH: No (smiles). It's very difficult to say that you will be a professional until you are 15 or 16 years old. As you can see Parimarjan left chess when he was rated around 2670. He became a GM when he was just 13 years old. Perhaps at that time he would have thought that he would be a professional player or perhaps he didn't think about it, but all this success in the initial period of your career is quite common I must say. This doesn't mean or guarantee anything when you are fighting for the top places. Because in chess unless you are in the top 20 or top 10 it is very difficult to be a professional. Reaching top 50 is also a success, being a child prodigy and having big jumps at the start of the career is great, but it is not going to ensure that you will reach the absolute elite. It is a huge struggle. Being a top player is a different level altogether. There will be huge prospects but only a few will be able to make it. SS: You became a GM at a very young age. You also crossed 2600 pretty quickly, right? PH: Actually, I think between 1999 and 2000 I gained 300 Elo points. I had a rating of 2254. I remember I gained a lot of Elo points! SS: Without the k-factor being 40! PH: (Laughs) All these are new things. Back then my k-factor was 15 and there used to be only two rating lists published every year. I was gaining around 60 Elo points in every tournament that I was playing. But there was a rule that you could not gain more than 100 rating points in one period. So I am sure that I gained more than 300 Elo points but my rating around July 2000 was 2500. I lost quite a rating points because of this rule, but I didn't really care whether I was 2550 or 2500 or much less. SS: Hari, the road to 2650 without doubt would have been tough, but I think the real struggle for you was the journey from 2650 to 2750. How did you do that when you were nearly 30 years old? I think this is an inspiration even for many top GMs who are rated around 2650-2700. PH: I reached 2682 back in 2006, when I was just 20 years old and was ranked 20th in the world. But then I had a couple of bad tournaments and I was stuck for a really long time, nearly four to five years. In some ways I would say reaching 2680 was not very difficult because Sasi (K. Sasikiran) had done it before me. He later even crossed 2700 but that was in 2007. So someone you knew very well had already done it. But then from 2680 to 2750 was really tough. As I said, you can have all these jumps when you are young like I had or many of the young Indian players are having right now, but this journey to reach 2750 is something altogether different. Every point is so important. In 2010, I was down to my lowest rating since 2005. I was rated 2646 after the Asian Championship. But then the upward graph began. I won the New York Open, I finished 2nd in World Open. But two tournaments really changed things and motivated me were the Asian Championships in Iran that I won in 2011 and the Tata Steel Challengers in
intrepid gamer turned it into. Behold: No, that isn`t a still from "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" — that`s what happens when you apply a "mod" (modification) to "Star Wars Battlefront" on PC. And no, you can`t do this to the Xbox One or PlayStation 4 versions, sadly; modding games requires a level of access to the guts of a game that you simply can`t access on consoles. All that aside: Whoa, right? SEE ALSO: A brand new `Star Wars` game was just announced — here`s everything we know All of these images was captured by the mod`s creator, Martin Bergman. Bergman says that running the mod can be pretty intensive on your computer`s processor. It apparently drops the framerate pretty dramatically (in the 30-40 frames per second range). Islamic State kills senior Afghan Taliban official in Pakistan: m... PESHAWAR (Reuters) - Islamic State killed a senior Afghan Taliban official in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar, the Afghan militants said on Saturday, in a rare clash between the rival Islamist groups inside Pakistan. Russian authorities deploy riot police in Moscow ahead of opposit... MOSCOW (Reuters) - Hundreds of riot police deployed in central Moscow on Saturday ahead of an opposition protest calling for President Vladimir Putin not to run for what would be his fourth presidential term next year. Independence push threatens Hong Kong`s autonomy, says Beijing of... HONG KONG (Reuters) - The legal chief of Beijing`s representative office in Hong Kong said on Saturday growing calls for independence could make the territory`s current "one country, two systems" constitutional framework unsustainable. Kenya police have not gathered evidence on Gallmann shooting: sou... NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan police have yet to take witness statements or gather ballistic evidence from the site of an ambush where gunmen wounded a world-famous conservationist, sources say, and are unable to give details about suspects they said they arrested. EU leaders united on Brexit demands - for now BRUSSELS (Reuters) - European Union leaders endorsed a stiff set of divorce terms for Britain at a summit on Saturday, rejoicing in a rare show of unity in adversity but well aware that may start to fray once negotiations begin. Despite setbacks and job cuts, Google is promising a big update i... Project Wing, the delivery drone initiative under development at Google-parent Alphabet, felt another jolt of turbulence this week as more members of the team were officially cut loose. But even as sources inside the high-profile group report ongoing challenges, the drone unit is preparing an important update to demonstrate progress that`s expected in a matter of weeks. Business Insider has heard from multiple people that a group of employees left the team this week. And despite getting a big shout-out from Alphabet CEO Larry Page in a recent public letter, Project Wing is still not close to being ready to launch, according to a person familiar with the matter. Our sources are calling the latest job reductions at Wing a layoff, however an X spokesperson explains that these cuts are not new but rather the final part of the reorganization that began in January, shortly after the departure of the unit`s leader Dave Vos in the fall. Employees were informed back then that their jobs were going away and they had until mid-April to land another one elsewhere including within Google. Some of the affected employees managed to get hired into new groups, while others are no longer employed by Alphabet. "X (and Alphabet generally) typically gives people time and support to find new roles when there are changes in teams/projects," a spokesperson told Business Insider. Ambitious initiatives like Project Wing, which is trying to invent a drone that can deliver packages, is by definition a risky undertaking with no guarantee of success. Wing is part of X, formerly known as Google X, which is the company`s R&D unit working on far-out "moonshot" projects, racing against Amazon and drone makers like DJI to usher in what may one day be a massive new market, delivering everything from food to medicine straight to people`s doorsteps. All told, since January, between layoffs and people quitting, Project Wing`s workforce has been reduced by about 10%. However, that`s not very many people, less than a dozen. We understand that Wing employs about 70 people. The main team that has been dismantled with Project Wing`s reorganization is the one that was working business product strategy, doing things like crafting partnerships with Chipotle and Starbucks, the Wall Street Journal reported last fall and a source close to the project confirmed with Business Insider. A potential partnership with Starbucks was nixed when that happened, as Bloomberg reported at the time. Project Wing has experienced a ton of change and turmoil since its beginnings in 2012 and has a reputation for stress and politics, more than one person familiar with the project has told us. One guy, who was working long hours out-of-doors testing the drone, even collapsed on the job and was briefly hospitalized, sources previously told us. He was later let go as part of the team`s reorganization, people told us. It`s not clear if Wing`s disruptions will cease now that the final employees whose jobs were cut back in January have moved on. Grandfathered in The turmoil stems in part because Wing is one of X`s earliest cornerstone projects, one person speculated to us. This project was created before Google reorganized itself into Alphabet and forced X to implement more stringent business analysis, hiring practices and cost controls on the projects it funded. These days, it`s difficult to get a job at X, we understand. People can no longer get hired into X just because one of their buddies works there, a marked change from earlier days when the so-called moonshot factory was a freewheeling hive of experimental projects. Wing`s first leader was famed MIT robotics scientist Nick Roy, who worked there during a two year sabbatical then went back to his tenured job at MIT. Various engineers joined Wing during those earlier years, including people from MIT who followed Roy there and left when he did, our source told us. Roy was replaced by Vos. And Vos was pushed out by a coup of sorts when a group of employees, led by a trio of managers hired in the earlier era, went to the leader of X, Astro Teller, and made their case against Vos. (Vos did not return our request for comment.) The initial design of Project Wing, a fixed wing aircraft that took off and landed like a helicopter, had proven to be a bust, and other internal problems plagued the team even as it shifted to a new drone design. Teller sided with the faction of protesters and Vos was out. Each of the three men were then put in charge of crucial elements of the newly designed drone and Teller himself took over as the project`s leader, we understand. Everyone is watching Project Wing is being watched at the highest levels of Google. X is Google cofounder Sergey Brin`s baby and he keeps tabs on many of the projects. We understand that he keeps a desk at Project Wing and talks with the team regularly. Larry Page, the co-founder of Google who is now CEO of its parent company Alphabet, also called out Wing in his annual letter to shareholders just published on Thursday. "Sergey is continuing to spend time working with the X moonshot factory. They have a number of efforts like Wing, which is doing drone delivery. I also can`t wait for them to launch!" he wrote. However, the person we talked tells us that the drone still needs a lot of work as is not on the verge of becoming its own company and product. This person didn`t estimate when that would happen. Despite the politics, Alphabet remains committed to the project and says there`s exciting news to be shared soon. "Project Wing is moving ahead at
and wriggle your fingers and toes while still keeping your eyes closed. Draw your knees in and slowly roll over to one side in sukhasana pose. Rest there for a moment in a comfortable seated position and open your eyes gently while slowly turning your attention outwards. Benefits: Shavasana along with deep breathing relaxes the nervous system more than any other Yoga asana and this instantly brings down the body temperature. It relieves stress, repairs cells, relaxes the body and helps self-healing without pills for pregnant women. 4. Matsyasana or the Fish Pose: Method: Lie down on your back with legs straight on the floor and hands beside the thighs. Keep your palms near the shoulders and your fingers pointing towards them. Inhale, press your palms on the floor, lift your shoulders and head up and drop the top of the head on the floor. Arch your back while keeping your hands up in namaskar mudra. Lift both of your legs at 45 degrees' angle. Hold the posture for 10 seconds and release. Benefits: This exercise has multiple benefits. From stretching the chest, abs, hip flexors and neck to stimulating two important areas of the body. First is the throat chakra which relates to communication and self-expression and second is the crown chakra, on the top of your head, which is tied to wisdom and knowledge. Precautions: Avoid this pose if you have a neck or back injury or even if you have a headache. 5. Vrikshasana or tree pose: Method: Balance yourself on one leg, with the other one folded and supported on your inner thigh. Stretch out your hands above your head and point them directly upwards. Clasp them together in anjali mudra. Gaze in the distance, shift the weight to your left leg while keeping the right knee bent in half lotus position and hold onto this posture for a few seconds before releasing and repeating the same with the alternate leg. Benefits: This asana helps to bring balance to your mind and body. It makes your legs stronger and is a great hip opener as assists it the body in establishing pelvic stability and strengthens the bones of the hips and legs. The shift of the entire body's weight to each leg strengthens the ligaments and tendon of the feet. It also helps strengthen the thighs, calves and ankles and and helps improve focus. Precautions: This asana should be avoided by those who suffer from vertigo or migraine or insomnia issues. Posted on 4 Sep 2021 by princesshuda88Posted in Art and Culture, News, ResearchTagged anxiety, Stress, yoga. CRYPTOCURRENCIES VS FIXED DEPOSITS The Indian government and Indians have consistently been into reserve funds. In contrast to the westerners, India has high family esteems. The blood relations and relatives are consistently there to help each other additionally monetarily. The bread worker of the family puts something aside for the eventual fate of the child(ren). In India, it is never similar to labouring for 40 hours per week, being paid according to the hours and chilling toward the end of the week and being down and out by Monday morning. India's practice of venture is a drawn-out game that considers ages ahead. The Indian government understood this before long freedom and subsequently made a great deal of plans that come as retirement plans. The banks that go under the Reserve bank of India likewise concoct approaches and plans to work with their clients into long haul arranging that implies least danger and a good speculation. Indians have been assorted as far as their way of life. However, the one thing that ties each Indian is the affection for gold and silver. Furthermore, once more, customarily talking, gold is the image of Laxmi, the goddess of abundance. Gold is skilled to the lady and lucky man during the marriage. Gold is likewise worn as a piece of DRE gems. Monetarily talking, holding a resource can be utilized in good and bad for ages ahead. Another exceptionally famous monetary instrument that Indians put resources into is the FD or the proper store. Be that as it may, with the new headway of computerized money, will a normal Indian embrace crypto? Allow us to see the distinctions and similitudes. FIXED DEPOSITS VERSUS CRYPTOCURRENCY Duty exception: When you put resources into FD, there are various areas under which you can put your cash in. For this venture that you pronounce, the public authority is informed of your system and you may get some thought under tax cut. Then again, the Indian government isn't a too crypto master, and thus, there is no assessment exclusion on the benefits you make from putting resources into crypto. Government-upheld: For making a FD account with your bank, the means are very simple. A stacked financial balance is a great idea to go to make a FD account. While then again, crypto speculation expects you to make a record with an exchanging stage, that, in a typical case, isn't empowered by any administration. Fixed return: according to the approach picked by you, your bank and your residency of FD, you will undoubtedly get a decent return. This generally doesn't change. Regardless of whether it does, it doesn't change too regularly. Likewise, the adjustment of the level of return isn't an excessive amount to give a shock to the financial backer. Then again, crypto rides an exciting ride. One second the profits are multiplied and the following second you lose half of the cash you contributed. The recurrence of progress and the extent of progress is humongous. Value-based expense: FDs are long haul plans and the passage and leave focuses are by and large ceaseless till development. Individuals for the most part don't leave their FD plan before it develops. No exchange occurs and subsequently there is no exchange cost. Unexpectedly, since the crypto market is unstable, individuals settle on fast choices. They enter, stay for quite a while, exit and afterward return when the costs hit profound low. The quantity of passage and leave focuses is an excessive number of and this brings about a ton of conditional expenses. No requirement for any exchanging or trade stage: For beginning a FD account, you simply need a ledger. What's more, having a financial balance has been supported by the PM Jan Dhan Yojna. For putting resources into crypto, the client needs to have a confirmed record with an exchanging stage, connect the ledger and afterward begin to contribute. Unpredictability: FDs are a speculation that individuals don't contact. Individuals either start a FD for their retirement or they let it mature. The venture of crypto isn't immaculate. The sum determined for the interest in the crypto is each effectively moved and flowed for putting resources into other cryptos or to encash into the neighbourhood cash. Long haul Plan: FDs are long haul plans. So is the crypto venture. However, just favourable to crypto financial backers get this and are enduring. Henceforth, despite the fact that both FD and cryptos are long haul venture vehicles, many utilize the last for momentary addition. Uncommon: FDs are not uncommon. Would you like to open a record? Fantastic! Go on. Would you like to mine bitcoin after 2140? Apologies, you can't. Crypto accompanies a limited inventory and thus are uncommon. FDs are run on conventional cash and we would i be able to have quite a few customary cash notes as we need. No mining: These backings the above point. There is no mining or additional work to change your conventional cash over to be put resources into FD. For cryptos, you need to mine new tokens to keep up with their dissemination or somebody mines and sells them so others can put resources into them. Least danger: FDs are the most secure, least danger implying monetary arranging technique. When you store cash, you
helicopter from $250) Various 4WD bus and helicopter tours run from the caravan park on Mabel Downs, near the highway. T Tours Kununurra Cruises CRUISE ( 08-9168 1718;; adult/child $95/45) Popular sunset 'BBQ Dinner' cruises on Lily Creek Lagoon and the Ord River. BYO drinks. Triple J Tours CRUISE ( 08-9168 2682;; adult/child one way $165/125, return $150/115) Triple J cruises along the 55km Ord River between Kununurra and Lake Argyle Dam. Shoal Air SCENIC FLIGHTS ( 08-9169 3554;; per person from $295) Various flights around the Bungles, Cambridge Gulf, Kalumburu and majestic Mitchell and King George Falls. 4 Sleeping There's a great variety of accommodation to choose from, and the more it costs, the more of a discount you'll get in the Wet. Watch out for mozzies if you're camping near the lake. Hidden Valley Tourist Park CARAVAN PARK $ ( 08-9168 1790;; 110 Weaber Plains Rd; unpowered/powered sites $24/30, cabin d $125; ) Under the looming crags of Mirima National Park, this excellent little park has nice grassy sites and is popular with seasonal workers. The self-contained cabins are good value. Kimberley Croc Backpackers HOSTEL $ ( 1300 136 702;; 120 Konkerberry Dr; dm $27-33, d $89-125; ) Close to the action, this slick, modern YHA has a large pool and BBQ area and excellent kitchen facilities. It also runs the nearby Kimberley Croc Lodge (dm per week $160) for seasonal workers. Freshwater APARTMENTS $$ ( 1300 729 267; ; 19 Victoria Hwy; studio/1-/2-/3-bedroom apt $218/249/304/399; ) At Freshwater, Kununurra's newest rooms feature exquisite fully self-contained units with exotic open-roofed showers. Lakeview Apartments APARTMENTS $$ ( 08-9168 0000;; 31 Victoria Hwy; 1-/2-/3-bedroom apt $230/280/380; ) Across from Lily Creek Lagoon, these spacious, self-contained apartments have all mod cons, fully equipped kitchens, free wi-fi and cable. There's a weekend minimum two-night stay. 5 Eating The big resorts all have restaurants offering similar dining experiences. There are two well-stocked supermarkets and several takeaways. Most places keep shorter hours during the Wet, and you'll struggle finding lunch after 2pm. o Wild Mango CAFE $ ( 08-9169 2810; 20 Messmate Way; breakfasts $9-23, lunches $6-13; 7.30am-4pm Mon-Fri, 8am-1pm Sat & Sun; ) S The hippest, healthiest feed in town, with curry wraps, mouth- watering pancakes, chai smoothies, real coffee, gelato and free wi-fi. The entrance is in Konkerberry Dr. Kimberley Asian Cuisine ASIAN $ ( 08-9169 3698; 75 Coolibah Dr; mains $7-22; 10am-2pm & 5-10pm daily) Ask any local and they'll tell you this quality Asian (next to the visitor centre) is one of the best feeds in town. Ivanhoe Cafe CAFE $$ ( 0427 692 775; Ivanhoe Rd; mains $11-20; 8am-4pm Tue-Fri, to 2pm Sat & Sun) Grab a table under the leafy mango trees and tuck into tasty wraps, salads and burgers, all made from fresh, local produce. o PumpHouse MODERN AUSTRALIAN $$$ ( 08-9169 3222;; Lakeview Dr; lunches $18-30, dinners $33-42; 11.45am-1.45pm & 6pm-late Wed-Fri, from 8am Sat & Sun, dinner only Tue; ) Idyllically situated on Lake Kununurra, the PumpHouse creates succulent dishes featuring quality local ingredients. Watch the catfish swarm should a morsel slip off the verandah. Or just have a beer and watch the sunset. There's an excellent wine list to enjoy and free wi-fi. 7 Shopping Artlandish INDIGENOUS ART ( 08-9168 1881;; cnr Papuana St & Konkerberry Dr; 9am-4.30pm Mon-Fri, to 1pm Sat) Features a stunning collection of Kimberley ochres and Western Desert acrylics to suit all price ranges. Kununurra Markets MARKET (Whitegum Park; 8am-noon Sat dry season) The Kununurra Markets are located in the park opposite the visitor centre; stalls feature local crafts and produce. Bush Camp Surplus OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT ( 08-9168 1476; cnr Papuana St & Konkerberry Dr) The best camping gear between Broome and Darwin. 8 Information There are ATMs near the supermarkets and a 24-hour laundromat at the BP roadhouse (Messmate Way) . Several cafes have free wi-fi; otherwise try the library ( 08-9169 1227; Mangaloo St; from 8am, closed Sun; ) or CRC ( 08-9169 1868; Coolibah Dr; per hr $6; 8am-5pm Mon-Fri, 9am-1pm Sat; ) . DEC Office ( 08-9168 4200; Lot 248) Ivanhoe Rd; 8am-4.30pm Mon-Fri) Parks information and permits. Visitor Centre ( 1800 586 868;; Coolibah Dr; 8.30am-4.30pm Mon-Fri, 9am-1pm Sat & Sun Apr-Oct, shorter hours Nov-Mar) Check here for accommodation, tours, seasonal work and road conditions. WORTH A TRIP ### LAKE ARGYLE Enormous Lake Argyle, where barren red ridges plunge spectacularly into the deep blue water of the dammed Ord River, is Australia's second-largest reservoir. Holding the equivalent of 18 Sydney Harbours, it provides Kununurra with year-round irrigation, and important wildlife habitats for migratory waterbirds, freshwater crocodiles and isolated marsupial colonies. You can drive across the dam wall, take a boat tour ( 08-9168 7687;; adult/child morning $70/45, afternoon $155/90, sunset $85/50) or just amble nearby. Lake Argyle Village ( 08-9168 7777;; Lake Argyle Rd; unpowered/powered sites $28/35, cabins $139-199, units from $299; ) offers a range of accommodation and incredible views, especially from its infinity pool. Nearby, the original Argyle Homestead ( 08-9167 8088; adult/child $4/1; 8am-4pm Apr-Oct) has been turned into a museum. 8 Getting There & Around Airnorth flies to Broome and Darwin daily, and to Perth on Saturday. Skywest departs for Perth daily, Broome thrice weekly and Darwin on Monday. Greyhound has daily buses to Darwin ($191, 13 hours) and Broome ($237, 13 hours) that stop at the BP roadhouse. Destinations include Halls Creek ($86, four hours), Fitzroy Crossing ($181, seven hours), Derby ($212, 10 hours) and Katherine ($129, eight hours). Avis ( 08-9168 1999) , Budget ( 08-9168 2033) and Thrifty ( 1800 626 515) rental cars are available. For a taxi, call 13 10 08. Understand Perth & West Coast Australia Perth & West Coast Australia Today An expanding number of multibillion-dollar mines, a well-preserved lifestyle with all the bells and whistles (house, boat, beach) and a feeling of confidence borne of isolation. History Lawlessness, hardship, good times, and the rebirth of Fremantle after a yacht race loved by the wealthy. Western Australia has seen it all. Local Produce & Wineries Taste test your way around Western Australia's expanding network of wineries, breweries and local food producers. Boom town: Mining & the Environment How demand by Asia's biggest economies is shaping the economic, demographic and physical landscapes of Western Australia. Indigenous Art in Western Australia Understanding the key styles of Western Australian indigenous art, and where to see the best examples throughout the state. Perth & West Coast Australia Today Welcome to the engine room of the Australian economy, a boom town where nature's resources are driving ongoing growth and expansion ( Click here ). Perth is rapidly developing into an international city – further enhancing the population's existing independent streak – and the urban landscape is being transformed by heritage restorations and audacious town planning. And in the remote mining regions that drive the economy, there are glimmers of hope that the benefits of this latest fiscal gold rush may be slightly more equitably spread. #### Best on Film Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002) Three Aboriginal girls trek through the WA desert to be reunited with their families. Japanese Story (2003) A touching film that's set in the Pilbara and equal parts romance and thriller. Gallipoli (1981) Young men from rural WA enlist to fight as Anzac soldiers in the ill-fated Gallipoli campaign. Mad Bastards (2010) Shot in the Kimberley and featuring Indigenous issues and a great soundtrack. #### Best in Print Cloudstreet (Tim Winton, 1991) A chronicle of post-WWII working-class families sharing a house in Perth. Sand (John Kinsella and Robert Drewe, 2010) Poetry and prose exploring the role of sand in the Australian psyche. Tales from Outer Suburbia (Shaun Tan, 2008) Beautifully illustrated short stories – for kids – with quirky reimaginings of Australian suburbia. That Deadman Dance (Kim Scott, 2011) Novel exploring the 19th-century interactions between settlers, whalers and the indigenous Noongar people of Albany. ### A Confident Western Capital Just a few decades ago, Perth was definitely in the shadow of east-coast Australia's major
closer to the left side of the cell, and is notably deflected to the left at its base. A reduced right antapical horn is present. The widest point is adjacent to the cingulum and also to the front of the constriction in the middle of the cell body. Size : Length 150–160 μm, width 10–20 μm. Basionym : Ceratium gibberum var. sinistrum Gourret 1883 . Synonym : Ceratium gibberum f. sinistrum ( Gourret 1883 ) Jørgensen 1911 . Reference : Yamaji 1984 , p. 140, pl. 46, fig. 5. Description : The cell shape is slightly thick and flat. The apical horn is relatively stretched and the antapical horn is severely curved towards the dorsal side. Size : Length 150–230 μm, width 100–130 μm. Sampling : January 2011 in J14 (Seongsan-ri coast). Basionym : Ceratium symmetricum Pavillard 1905 . Synonym : Ceratium gracile var. symmetricum ( Pavillard 1905 ) Jørgensen 1911 . Reference : Yamaji 1984 , p. 145, pl. 47, fig. 13. Description : The cell is medium in size and slightly thin. The apical horn is slightly curved and upright, but both antapical horns have the same length and thickness. The girdle furrow is distinct and never converges. Size : Length 100–130 μm, width 50–70 μm. Basionym : Ceratium furca var. incisum G. Karsten 1906. Synonym : Ceratium incisum (G. Karsten 1906) Jørgensen 1911 ; Neoceratium incisum (G. Karsten 1906) F. Gómez, D. Moreira & P. López-García 2010 . Reference : Karsten 1907 , T. 23, fig. 6a, b; Fujioka 1990 , p. 55, pl. 27, fig. 8. Description : The antapical horn stretches downward sharply. The left antapical horn is 2 times longer and 1.5 times thicker than right one. The apical horn is not distinguished. Size : Length 260–280 μm, width 15–20 μm. Sampling : January 2010 in J14 (Seongsan-ri coast). Light micrographs and scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the genus Tripos. (a) T. limulus (VV), (b) T. longissimus (DV), (c) T. macroceros var. gallicus (DV), (d) T. massiliensis var. massiliensis (DV), (e) T. paradoxides (VV), (f ) T. lamellicornis (SEM, DV). Scale bars, 20 μm; DV, dorsal view; VV, ventral view. Basionym : Ceratium lamellicorne Kofoid 1908 . Synonym : Ceratium lamellicorne Kofoid 1908 . Reference : Yamaji 1984 , p. 146, pl. 48, fig. 8. Specimen examined : Unrecorded species no. LJB2007-02. Description : The antapical base is narrow and long, and stretched to the apical horn. The widest wing of the antapical horn is 2–2.5 times wider than the base part and is separate from the apical horn. The outside of the antapical horn has many gearwheel-like protuberances. Size : Length 140–150 μm, width 48–54 μm. Sampling : November 2006 in J7 (Chagwido coast). Basionym : Ceratium tripos var. limulus C.H.G. Pouchet 1883. Synonym : Ceratium limulus (C.H.G. Pouchet 1883) Gourret 188 3; Neoceratium limulus (C.H.G. Pouchet 1883) F. Gómez, D. Moreira & P. López-García 2010 . References : Gourret 1883 , p. 33, T. 1, fig. 7; Fujioka 1990 , p. 57, pl. 28, fig. 1; Okolodkov 2010 , pl. 4, fig. 3, pl. 11, fig. 4. Description : The apical horn length is relatively short, and there are protruding horns from both sides of the epitheca. The antapical horn is thick and stretches out and upward. Size : Length 160–170 μm, width 80–90 μm. Basionym : Ceratium tripos f. longissimum Schröder 1900 . Synonym : Ceratium longissimum ( Schröder 1900 ) Kofoid 1907 ; Neoceratium longissimum ( Schröder 1900 ) F. Gómez, D. Moreira & P. López-García 2010 . Reference : Schröder 1900 , p. 16, T. 1, fig. 171; Wood 1963 , p. 298, fig. 228. Description : Both sides of the antapical horn stretch upward with almost equal length, and the apical horn also has a straight, upright line. The bodies of the epitheca and the hypotheca are slightly small, but the whole body is bigger than the normal middle size of the genus Ceratium . Size : Length 200–210 μm, width 30–40 μm. Sampling : January 2010 in J7 (Chagwido coast). Basionym : Ceratium gallicum Kofoid 1907 . Synonym : Ceratium macroceros var. gallicum ( Kofoid 1907 ) N. Peters 1934. Reference : Dodge 1982 , p. 235, fig. 31a; Yamaji 1984 , p. 146, pl. 48, fig. 13; Shim 1994 , p. 374, fig. 448; Okolodkov 2010 , pl. 6, fig. 4, pl. 8, fig. 4, pl. 13, fig. 3. Specimen examined : Unrecorded species no. LJB2010-04. Description : The apical horn is slightly obliquely stretched, and the antapical horn is separated in a fan shape. The back side of the antapical horn has many spines, and the girdle furrow has a clear, oblique line. Size : Length 250–350 μm. Sampling : November 2010 in J8 (Gosan-ri coast). Basionym : Ceratium tripos var. massiliense Gourret 1883 . Synonym : Ceratium massiliense var. massiliense ( Gourret 1883 ) Balech. Reference : Gourret 1883 , p. 27, T. 1, fig. 2; Fujioka 1990 , p. 57, pl. 28, fig. 7; Licea et al. 1995 , pl. 19, fig. 6. Specimen examined : Unrecorded species no. LJB2008-03. Description : The antapical horn is very long, curved like a bow. The apical horn is slightly shorter than the antapical horn. The main body is relatively small, compared to the three long horns, but it looks well balanced in shape to float. Size : Length 400–500 μm, width 80–90 μm. Sampling : September 2008 in J14 (Seongsan-ri coast). Basionym : Certium molle Kofoid 1907 . Synonym : Certium molle Kofoid 1907 ; Ceratium intermedium (Jörgensen) Jörgensen; Ceratium claviger Kofoid. Reference : Yamaji 1984 , p. 152, pl. 50, fig. 10. Description : The antapical horn is fine, long, and stretches upward. Numerous spine are visible around the base of the hypotheca. The apical horn is as long as the antapical one and has a similar length, but the cell body is relatively small. Size : Length 210–220 μm, width 30–40 μm. Sampling : November 2009 in J7 (Chagwido coast). Light micrographs of the genus Tripos. (a) T. symmetricus (VV), (b) T. teres (DV), (c) T. muelleri var. atlanticus (VV), (d) T. muelleri var. pulchellus (DV), (e) T. vultur f. robustus (DV), (f ) T. vultur f. angulatum (DV). Scale bars, 20 μm; DV, dorsal view; VV, ventral view. Basionym : Ceratium tripos f. atlanticum Ostenfeld 1903. Synonym : Ceratium tripos var. atlanticum (Ostenfeld 1903) Paulsen 1908; Neoceratium tripos var. atlanticum (Ostenfeld 1903) A.F. Krachmalny 2011. Reference : Jørgensen 1911 , pl. 10; Yamaji 1984 , p. 145, pl. 47, fig. 4-; Fujioka 1990 , p. 61, pl. 30, fig. 2.. Specimen examined : NIBRFL0000125604; Unrecorded species no. LJB2013-07. Description : The body shape is similar to that of the Ceratium tripos , but it is concave at the bottom of the body. The furrow of the girdle has a characteristic curvature. The left horn is slightly smaller than the right horn. Size : Length 90–120 μm, width 45–60 μm. Basionym : Ceratium pulchellum Schröder 1906 . Synonym : Ceratium tripos var. pulchellum ( Schröder 1906 ) López 1955 ex Sournia 1973. Reference : Schröder 1906 , p. 358, fig. 27; Fujioka 1990 , p. 61, pl. 30, fig. 3. Specimen examined : Unrecorded species no. LJB2008-04. Description : The whole body shape is similar to the Ceratium tripos . The hypothecal body is swollen, and the right antapical horn is curved towards the inner side. Size : Length 190–200 μm, width 80–90 μm. Sampling : October 2008 in J9 (Hamo-ri coast). Light micrographs of the genus Tripos. (a) T. platycornis var. cuneatus (DV), (b) T. porrectus f. megasomus (DV), (c) T. pulchellum f. semipulchellum (DV), (d) T. palmatus (DV), (e) T. ranipes var. palmatus (VV), (f ) T. reflexus (DV). Scale bars, 20 μm; DV, dorsal view; VV, ventral view. Basionym : Ceratium tripos var. macroceros Schröder 1900 . Synonym : Ceratium palmatum ( Schröder 1900 ) G. Karsten 1907 . Reference : Cleve 1900 , p. 15, T. 7, fig. 1; Yamaji 1984 , p. 146, pl. 48, fig. 10. Description : The apical horn is bent as it stretches upward, and the end of the antapical
June 24, 2022: The Day Chief Justice Roberts Lost His Court Global growth to slow less than expected – POLITICO Best Movies From Sundance Film Festival 2023 Australian Health Dep't failed to manage risks in expanding telehealth: state auditor Sami Zayn attacks Roman Reigns with a steel chair at Royal Rumble | WWE on FOX WASHINGTON — In a very powerful case of his 17-year tenure, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. discovered himself totally alone. He had labored for seven months to influence his colleagues to hitch him in merely chipping away at Roe v. Wade, the 1973 determination that established a constitutional proper to abortion. But he was outflanked by the 5 justices to his proper, who as an alternative reduced Roe to rubble. In the method, they humiliated the nominal chief of the courtroom and rejected main parts of his jurisprudence. The second was a turning level for the chief justice. Just two years in the past, after the retirement of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy made him the brand new swing justice, he commanded a form of affect that despatched specialists looking for historic comparisons. Not since 1937 had the chief justice additionally been the courtroom's fulcrum, capable of solid the decisive vote in carefully divided instances. Chief Justice Roberts principally used that energy to nudge the courtroom to the fitting in measured steps, understanding himself to be the custodian of the courtroom's status and authority. He averted what he known as jolts to the authorized system, and he tried to determine instances narrowly. But that was earlier than a vital change. When Justice Amy Coney Barrett, a conservative appointed by President Donald J. Trump, succeeded Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the liberal icon, after her demise in 2020, Chief Justice Roberts's energy fizzled. "This is no longer John Roberts's court," Mary Ziegler, a legislation professor and historian on the University of California, Davis, mentioned on Friday. The chief justice is now in some ways a marginal determine. The 5 different conservatives are impatient and impressive, and they don't want his vote to realize their targets. Voting with the courtroom's three liberals can't be a very interesting different for the chief justice, not least as a result of it typically means shedding. In the top, the chief justice filed a concurring opinion by which he spoke for nobody however himself. "It leaves one to wonder whether he is still running the show," mentioned Allison Orr Larsen, a legislation professor on the College of William & Mary. The chief justice will face different challenges. Though Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., writing for almost all, mentioned that "nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedents that do not concern abortion," each liberal and conservative members of the courtroom expressed doubts. Justice Clarence Thomas, as an illustration, wrote in a concurring opinion that the courtroom ought to go on to overrule three "demonstrably erroneous decisions" — on same-sex marriage, homosexual intimacy and contraception — based mostly on the logic of Friday's opinion. In Friday's abortion determination, Chief Justice Roberts wrote that he was able to maintain the Mississippi legislation at concern within the case, one which banned most abortions after 15 weeks of being pregnant. The solely query earlier than the courtroom was whether or not that legislation was constitutional, and he mentioned it was. "But that is all I would say," he wrote, "out of adherence to a simple yet fundamental principle of judicial restraint: If it is not necessary to decide more to dispose of a case, then it is necessary not to decide more." He chastised his colleagues on each side of the difficulty for possessing unwarranted self-confidence. "Both the court's opinion and the dissent display a relentless freedom from doubt on the legal issue that I cannot share," he wrote. "I am not sure, for example, that a ban on terminating a pregnancy from the moment of conception must be treated the same under the Constitution as a ban after 15 weeks." The failure of his proposed method was telling, Professor Larsen mentioned. "It sounds like the justices are talking past each other," she mentioned. "There is very little evidence of moderation or narrowing grounds to accommodate another's point of view." June 25, 2022, 3:46 a.m. ET The chief justice acknowledged that his proposed ruling was at odds with the a part of Roe v. Wade that mentioned states could not ban abortions earlier than fetal viability, round 23 weeks. He was ready to discard that line. "The court rightly rejects the arbitrary viability rule today," he wrote, noting that many developed nations use a 12-week cutoff. But there was extra to Roe than the viability line, Chief Justice Roberts wrote. The courtroom ought to have stopped brief, he wrote, of taking "the dramatic step of altogether eliminating the abortion right first recognized in Roe." Justice Alito rejected that method. "If we held only that Mississippi's 15-week rule is constitutional, we would soon be called upon to pass on the constitutionality of a panoply of laws with shorter deadlines or no deadline at all," he wrote. "The 'measured course' charted by the concurrence would be fraught with turmoil until the court answered the question that the concurrence seeks to defer." The chief justice's proposal was attribute of his cautious type, one which has fallen out of favor on the courtroom. "It is only where there is no valid narrower ground of decision that we should go on to address a broader issue, such as whether a constitutional decision should be overturned," he wrote on Friday, citing his opinion in a 2007 campaign finance decision that planted the seeds that blossomed into the Citizens United ruling in 2010. That two-step method was typical of Chief Justice Roberts. The first step of the method in 2007 pissed off Justice Antonin Scalia, who accused him in a concurrence of successfully overruling a significant precedent "without saying so." "This faux judicial restraint is judicial obfuscation," Justice Scalia, who died in 2016, wrote on the time. But Justice Scalia didn't have the votes to insist on pace. Chief Justice Roberts's present colleagues do. At his affirmation listening to in 2005, Chief Justice Roberts mentioned the Supreme Court ought to be cautious of overturning precedents, partly as a result of doing so threatens the courtroom's legitimacy. "It is a jolt to the legal system when you overrule a precedent," he mentioned. "Precedent plays an important role in promoting stability and evenhandedness." He used comparable language in criticizing the bulk on Friday. "The court's decision to overrule Roe and Casey is a serious jolt to the legal system — regardless of how you view those cases," he wrote. "A narrower decision rejecting the misguided viability line would be markedly less unsettling, and nothing more is needed to decide this case." There are, to make sure, areas in which there's little or no daylight between Chief Justice Roberts and his extra conservative colleagues, together with race, faith, voting rights and marketing campaign finance. In different areas, as in a death penalty decision on Thursday, he might be able to forge a coalition with the three liberals and Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh. But Chief Justice Roberts, 67, could have a tough time defending the institutional values he prizes. The courtroom has been buffeted by plummeting approval scores, by the leaked draft of Friday's majority opinion, by revelations concerning the efforts of Virginia Thomas, the spouse of Justice Thomas, to overturn the 2020 election, and by Justice Thomas's failure to recuse himself from a associated case. Tensions are so excessive that federal officers arrested an armed man this month outdoors Justice Kavanaugh's house and charged him with making an attempt to kill the justice. There have been protests outdoors the justices' houses in anticipation of the Roe ruling. Ten days in the past, Congress approved legislation extending police safety to the justices'
it troubling that no one has come forward to say he's a great guy, he was an AH when in college, these are the things we discussed, etc. Where are all the students he taught? Why haven't none come forward to tell us how good he was or how bad he was. You would think after all this time and after all of his loser policies someone, some where whould speak up. - in response to Obama is Big Brother's Keeper According to a post by news editor, Katie "I'm Your Biggest Fan" Pavlich, Andrew Breitbart made the same point at CPAC. "ObamaCollegeGate on the way?" writes Pavlich. "Yesterday during his speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Andrew Breitbart gave the audience and C-SPAN viewers a preview of what's to come during the 2012 general election against Barack Obama. He said the mainstream media refused to vet Obama in 2008 and that he will not go unvetted in 2012. Breitbart says he has videos of Obama in college that nobody has seen." Anne wrote: Dem Congresswoman Now Regrets Voting for Obamacare "I would have never voted for the final version of the bill if I expected the Obama Administration to force Catholic hospitals and Catholic Colleges and Universities to pay for contraception," Dahlkemper said in a press release sent out by Democrats for Life in November. "We worked hard to prevent abortion funding in health care and to include clear conscience protections for those with moral objections to abortion and contraceptive devices that cause abortion. I trust that the President will honor the commitment he made to those of us who supported final passage." - in response to Obama is Big Brother's Keeper I think a lot of people, especially Catholics, are coming around to the same way of thinking. A government big enough to force people to purchase products is a government big enough to force you to do almost anything. But I will point out that trusting Obama to keep his commitment "to those … who supported final passage," is an empty hope. The political highway is littered with people Obama used and threw away when no longer needed. And Obama won't be the last president of the United States. Obamacare is the thin edge of the wedge right now. Expect it to expand if we don't stop it now. Greg1475 wrote: Most religious Americans believe in a woman's right to abortion. While your particular religious beliefs are different, that does not make you closer to G-d, and it does not give you the right to impose your religious beliefs on others. Human beings are morally responsible for their own actions. Nowhere in Christian scripture are individuals are given an obligation to try to stop abortions. If you care about scripture, pay more attention to the numerous mentions of our responsibilities to the sick and the poor. - in response to Obama is Big Brother's Keeper Dear Comrade1475, The same argument can be made right back at you. You should first care for the plank in your own eye rather than worry about the sliver in your brother's eye. At issue here isn't any particular belief, but whether the government has the right to compel any religious organization to materially support the policies of the government even if those policies conflict with their religious beliefs. It's no longer sufficient for churches to encourage good citizenship. Now they have to be cheerleaders for our administration. Canetoad wrote: What about the rights of women who work at these institutions who need and use contraceptives. There are many many women who work at religiously affiliated institutions who are not religious. Most of these institutions enjoy tax exempt status, which means the rest of society subsidizes their existence, therefore they have to play by the rules. - in response to Obama is Big Brother's Keeper Dear Comrade Cane, Religious institutions are funded by private donors, not society as a whole. Your concept starts with the idea that everything first belongs to society. It does not. Wealth first belongs to individuals. They then choose which religions to fund. Women who work at religious institutions are required at the option of the institution to follow a statement of faith for that religion. You wouldn't, for example, make a Jewish synagogue hire an avowed Nazi as a secretary because he or she is best qualified? Or maybe you would? Liberalism has descended into the terminal senile phase, so I can never tell exactly what you would or wouldn't do anymore. Steve of CA wrote: I don't think it is our money anymore, they paid back about 90 percent of the loan. Ransom: "f you are keeping score at home it's Chrysler $12.5 billion, NBC $12 million, with a taxpayer loss of $133 billion..." When I clicked on this link, it said the U.S. is out 1.3 billion, not 133 billion on a loan it provided to Chrysler. - in response to Half Time in America; We Need a New Quarterback Dear Steve, It's always our money. Tax money is never the government's. The $133 billion refers to the entire TARP bailout. Yes, Chrysler still owes about $1.3 billion. And if I were president I would ask them- and GM- to pay the money back, regardless of how long it took. I don't see why we should be gifting money to them or to banks. If Obama truly saved the auto industry, why can't they pay back the money like any other industry would to any other financier? Truth is that the automotive industry is classically bankrupt: They owe more money than they can pay. If they weren't they'd just pay us back over time. FallofU wrote: Never seen any "finance editor" b&^%$ and moan like a little baby as much as you. Why don't you try supplying some facts and figures and show us how the economy is so much worse than it was at the end of 2008 and beginning of 2009 and prove to us this President has made things worse? Come on John try using your brain instead of the black hole where you're heart supposed to be. You're filled with hate. - in response to Half Time in America; We Need a New Quarterback Dear Comrade Fall, You want stats? Fine. Here some stats. There are fewer people in the labor force now than when Obama became president. In the end what it means is that wages in the US have been permanently reduced by $208 billion per year and counting so far. That's about 1.5 percent of GDP just in wages, not counting anything that is actually produced by those workers. When you figure in total output subtracted from GDP from missing workers, the number is closer to 2.1 percent of GDP that's permanently missing from our economy. That's about $320 billion. Even the most optimistic projections for Obama's millionaires' tax doesn't come close to raising that amount. Over the long-term those little variations of 2 percent more or less in GDP growth make a huge difference in our economy. Over a ten-year period an economy that grows by 2 percent versus an economy that grows by 4 percent is the difference between having a GDP of $18.5 trillion versus a GDP of $22.5 trillion by year ten. In total over ten years, it means that the economy will miss about $20 trillion worth of GDP in those ten years, and between $3.4-$4 trillion in tax revenues unless we start to follow pro-growth policies that lead to job creation for someone other than major Obama donors. As far as "b&^%$ and moan like a little baby," I wasn't aware that someone without heart could both b&^%$ and moan. You have to admit, that takes talent. Javapoppa wrote: This idea that Obama 'saved' the auto companies needs to be examined a little closer.
Explore Manitoba with Tauck Churchill, Manitoba is known as the "polar bear capital of the world" where adventurous travelers can get up close and personal with these majestic beasts as they migrate to the Hudson Bay in search of food for the winter ahead. From Winnipeg to Churchill, explore Manitoba alongside travel expert, video journalist and contributor to Kelley Ferro as she interacts with polar bears, goes dog sledding, tries the local specialties and more during a once-in-a-lifetime journey with USTOA member Tauck. Ready to see more? Watch the videos below to experience the incredible culture, wildlife, people and food of Manitoba. Animals of Manitoba Luxury on the Tundra The Locals of Manitoba Manitoba Guides Tasting the Foods of Manitoba My Week as an Arctic Explorer by Kelley Ferro Rarely do you set out on a trip and truly feel like an explorer, but I felt like a modern day Magellan when I embarked on my Polar Bear Adventure in Manitoba. This aptly named small group journey with Tauck was indeed the quintessential adventure. Our frontier was Churchill and our prize was sighting the largest land carnivore, the polar bear. However, I didn't realize that my discoveries on this adventure were not going to be limited to these white, graceful bears. There was a whole lot more to discover in this tiny, remarkable town located of on the edge of the Arctic. Just getting up to Churchill was an adventure of sorts. Our group met in the capital city of Winnipeg, which I had previously considered quite far north in Canada. We then flew in a private charter,1,000 miles more North. I was glued to the window as the landscape changed underneath me, going from dense, dark forest to icy, white tundra. Stepping out of the plane onto the tarmac in a blustery snowstorm seemed fitting for a town that has one of the longest winters in the world. Churchill is only accessible by a long train journey or by plane–no roads drive in here– and there's something exhilarating about being so far away. We were among the few tourists in this 800 person town, and though our lodgings were quite luxurious at the Lazy Bear Lodge, I felt like we were brave travelers, here to explore this remote land and bring back stories of the famed polar bears. We were barely in Churchill for 24 hours before I was literally eye to eye with a polar bear. Of course, I had the protection of being inside my warm Arctic Crawler, a well-equipped bus with a woodstove, food and heat. But he and I had a staring contest through the open window. I could feel his breath and see each individual whisker on his nose as he poked it in our buggy. We saw nine polar bears that day, two of which took a liking to us and spent 30 minutes just circling our crawler, standing up on their hind legs to give us a good look and putting their fluffy paws on the outer viewing platform. If our goal on the Live Like a Local video shoots is to meet the locals, I don't think I could have gotten to know the local Churchill polar bears any more closely! Looking out on the tundra, I could see how polar bears could call this home, but I wondered how could people actually live here?! Lucky for us, Tauck gave us the opportunity to find those answers. We had nightly seminars, wildlife films and intimate meetings with many local figureheads of Churchill and members of native tribes. We had the chance to talk with the true lifeblood of this remote community. Though the polar bears left a particular impression on me, there was another local that I found to be even more interesting. Her name is Myrtle deMeulles and she's a member of the Métis tribe, one of the Aboriginal peoples of this region, whose ancestry is traced back to a mix of First Nations and European descent. Her first language was Cree and she grew up on the trap line, one of 12 children of a fur trapper. She is a piece of living history, candidly and eagerly sharing her culture, one that I knew so little about. What struck me most was she talked about growing up in Churchill, working as a dishwasher down the street, being picked on by her brothers and having her first crush. Though some of her life's narrative had been so foreign to me, I had heard versions of these stories many times before. Even here in the Arctic, she experienced the same trials and tribulations of growing up and finding her place in the world. And she certainly has. She's dedicated her life to preserving her culture through storytelling, caribou fur tufting and by making herself available to visitors like me. Looking her in the eyes, I really understood her life and her people. It made me realize that even though I thought Churchill was so far away, the world is really much smaller than it seemed. I still have glorious tales of spotting polar bears, but the most meaningful discoveries to me, were learning from cultural ambassadors like Myrtle. Kelley Ferro is a travel expert & video journalist living in NYC. She films her show, Get Lost, around the world–hopping on a plane at least twice a month She is also the executive producer for For more on her travels, follow Kelley's Facebook page. An Experience in the Polar Bear Capitol of the World by Ashley Castle, AFAR Ambassador I arrived to Manitoba, Canada, for my polar bear expedition with Tauck, and within my first thirty minutes at the Inn at the Forks in Winnipeg, I knew that I was not only in another country: I had entered another world. Words like Inuit, mushing, ptarmigan, grouse, dainty and Inukshuk were mingled into my conversation with a young woman named Dene who welcomed me from Travel Manitoba, and I tried to decipher with context clues what these words actually meant. Our group hopped a chartered flight the next morning to Churchill, the polar bear capitol of the world. Churchill is accessible only by plane or train, but plane is definitely the way to go: it's a forty hour train ride from Winnipeg, due to environment factors and land conditions. We arrived to the warm Lazy Bear Lodge, our outpost over the next few days as we explored this remote Canadian town and searched for its most famous inhabitants. The Lazy Bear Lodge I felt very far from New York City The culture of Churchill is a microcosm of Manitoba, as its year-round inhabitants have had to become resourceful and inventive in order to live here with its harsh weather conditions. There is an open-car-door policy in this town: everyone is required to leave the doors of their cars unlocked, in the case that a resident is walking around and gets approached by a bear. Colin, our local guide for the trip, as well as Dale, our Tauck guide and also a Canadian, explained the protocol to us: "If you're walking around and you see a polar bear, just jump into the closest vehicle and start honking the horn to scare it off– or at least, to notify people close by of the situation." This was definitely a different kind of street awareness from what I deal with in New York City. A majestic polar bear, spotted on our Tauck expedition. In this place, polar bears are equally feared and respected. All Churchillians, as they fondly call themselves, know that the bears ruled this land way before they ever got here, and every effort is made to keep humans and bears living in harmony with one another. There is a polar bear alert team that stands watch on the town's
been most helpful and a pleasure to deal with lyubov moya. I hope to see you again when I can spend more time here." "Of … of course Mr. Chernova. It was nice to meet you too." "Until next time dushen'ka." Korehammer ended the call before she could continue. He sincerely did hope he could return to the Shina-Yasuyan some day. It wouldn't be until this current situation has been resolved, but it gave him something to look forward to. He grabbed his duffel bag and headed for the door. He briefly considered swapping out the Chernova NIIC for a different one, but finally decided against it. Gareth and his people seemed to already be aware of at least two of his identities. Changing to a new one could wait until he was back in Philadelphia at one of his safe houses. Korehammer took the elevator down to the lobby and once he arrived in valet saw Parker standing by a nondescript blue BMW 9018. In its day the sedan was the height of luxury and performance, but it has generally been forgotten in the wake of the newer 9200s. "Mr. Chernova. Miss Wynn said you would be using one of the corporate cars to go home today. I hope this will be satisfactory." "Da. This is just fine Parker. Thank you." "It's currently set to autocar but if you want to drive yourself, just use your NIIC to activate the self-driving mode." "I think I will drive myself. It has been a while since I was behind the wheel and am afraid I might be, as you say, getting rusty." Parker laughed as she opened the door for him and then took his bag and put it in the trunk of the car. Korehammer placed his NIIC over the car's dashboard control screen and said "Activate self-driving mode." "Acknowledged. Drive safely Mr. Chernova," a female voice replied. Korehammer pressed the button and the car started up, a low purr coming from the electric engine. While not as efficient as hovertech, Korehammer had to admit he preferred older model cars. While they had stopped using gasoline decades ago, older cars at least seemed to be spiritual descendants of the legendary muscle cars, unlike hovertech which, as far as he was concerned, was the automotive equivalent of synthfood. "Have a safe trip home Mr. Chernova. Please come visit again so we can have some more fun." "You call last night fun?" "You kidding? Running from armed thugs, a high-speed chase and a shootout? That's a winner as far as I'm concerned." It was Korehammer's turn to laugh as he shook Parker's hand before closing the door. "I have left a generous tip as a way to say thank you. Until we see each other again." He could see Parker's huge grin as he pulled out of the valet and headed for the tunnel that would take him to the Atlantic City Expressway. Hopefully the rest of his trip would be uneventful and he could spend the time planning for the whatever was coming down the road. The last time Korehammer had actually driven a car was back when he and Caldera were still working together. It was a job in Ukraine and the car he had driven wasn't nearly as easy to operate as the BMW. He was making good time and had just passed the Farley Metro Plaza when he noticed them. To anyone else, they would have thought it was just traffic on the Expressway, but Korehammer knew better. The two hovercars that had been behind him since he left Atlantic City were slowly gaining, one on each side of him. He knew this was likely to happen as soon as he left the protection of the Shina-Yasuyan Complex, he was just hoping to be closer to home when it did. Korehammer hit the accelerator, trying to get caught up to the cars just ahead of him. If he stayed in a group, it would make their job that much harder. There might be some collateral damage but it couldn't be helped. Just as Korehammer was getting close, he saw someone armed with a Motiv LR-5 Reaper assault rifle lean out the window of one of the hovercars. He took aim and opened fire just as Korehammer yanked the wheel to the right, the spot where he just was becoming a shredded mess of concrete. Korehammer floored it, knowing he couldn't outrun the hovercars but trying his best to give them a harder target to hit by constantly switching lanes. Another blast of gunfire erupted behind him, the glass of the back window shattering as he pulled the wheel to the left. The mercs continued to fire haphazardly, sending cars spinning out of control as their drivers were killed or hurt. Soon all that was left was Korehammer and the two hovercars racing down the Expressway, the gunmen gaining on him every second. Korehammer cursed the fact his bag with all his big guns was sitting in the trunk, useless. His X-27s in their holsters would do nothing against the hovercars so all he could do was hope that he could avoid getting hit and make it to the bridge into Philadelphia. Suddenly he heard sirens and a small smile crossed his lips. He glanced in his rearview mirror and saw a New Jersey State Corpsman SWAT hovertank coming up fast. The NJSC were known to not take any shit from anyone and might be able to give Korehammer the time he needed to make his getaway. Unfortunately for both them and him, the mercs were more than prepared. Someone came crawling out of a moon roof of one of the hovercars armed with an Hachisuka 2-RVK "Peacekeeper" Grenade Launcher. Before Korehammer knew what was happening the merc fired and the hovertank exploded in a ball of fire and smoke, disappearing in the distance as Korehammer and the hovercars sped on. Korehammer's eyes went wide as he again looked in his mirror to see the merc now taking aim at him with the grenade launcher. He tried his best to swerve and make himself a difficult target, but he knew that it was hopeless. "Shit …" Korehammer said as his world exploded around him. The ringing in his ears was the only sensation Korehammer could feel as he tried to open his eyes. The smoke and heat made seeing anything impossible as he attempted to push himself off the hot asphalt. He could feel that his right arm was broken and his forehead felt warm and sticky. Korehammer knew that jumping out of the moving car, especially at that speed was a desperate thing to do but he didn't have a lot of other options. He crawled away from the wreckage as he tried to get one of the X-27s out of the holster. The drivers of those hovercars would be here any second and he had to be as ready as he could. He painfully got to his feet, a low scream escaping his lips as he put his weight on his left leg. Probably broken, worry about it later. The car was engulfed in flames as Korehammer staggered toward the trunk, trying to figure out how he was going to get inside when he felt someone grip his shoulder and throw him across the road. He hit the plastisteel guardrail hard, knocking the wind out of him as he sagged to the ground, his X-27 flying in the opposite direction. Korehammer sat there, back against the guardrail with blood running into his eyes as he saw someone get out of one of the hovercars. He wiped his hand across his face to clear his vision as they got closer. Once Korehammer realized who it was, he muttered a curse under his breath. "Not having a great day, are we asshole?" It
$\eta = |1 - 1/(4Q^2)|^{1/2}$. This kernel is very useful for the modelling of active regions in a stellar surface as was noted by \cite{celerite} and also used by \cite{Ribas:2018} in the context of modelling stellar activity in radial-velocities. \begin{table*} \centering \caption{List of parameters that define each of the noise models for both the radial-velocities (RVs) and photometry for instrument $i$ supported by \texttt{juliet}. Note that in the case in which one global GP is fit to all photometric or RV instruments, only the jitter terms are different for each instrument. For details on each model, see text.} \label{tab:parameters-noise} \begin{tabular}{lcl} \hline \hline Parameter name & Units & Description \\ \hline \hline White noise model & & \\ ~~~$\sigma_{w,i}$ & ppm, m/s or km/s$^1$ & Jitter term. \\ Multi-dimensional squared-exponential kernel & & \\ ~~~$\sigma_{w,i}$ & ppm, m/s or km/s$^1$ & Jitter term. \\ ~~~$\sigma_{\mathcal{GP},i}$ & ppm, m/s or km/s & Amplitude of the GP. \\ ~~~$\alpha_d$ & --- & Inverse (squared) length-scale parameter for dimension $d$. \\ Exponential kernel & & \\ ~~~$\sigma_{w,i}$ & ppm, m/s or km/s$^1$ & Jitter term. \\ ~~~$\sigma_{\mathcal{GP},i}$ & ppm, m/s or km/s & Amplitude of the GP. \\ ~~~$T_i$ & --- & Length-scale of the GP process. \\ Approximate Matern kernel & & \\ ~~~$\sigma_{w,i}$ & ppm, m/s or km/s$^1$ & Jitter term. \\ ~~~$\sigma_{\mathcal{GP},i}$ & ppm, m/s or km/s & Amplitude of the GP. \\ ~~~$\rho_i$ & --- & Length-scale of the GP process. \\ Exponential times Approximate Matern kernel & & \\ ~~~$\sigma_{w,i}$ & ppm, m/s or km/s$^1$ & Jitter term. \\ ~~~$\sigma_{\mathcal{GP},i}$ & ppm, m/s or km/s & Amplitude of the GP. \\ ~~~$T_i$ & --- & Length-scale of the exponential part of the GP process. \\ ~~~$\rho_i$ & --- & Length-scale of the (approximate) Matern part of the GP process. \\ Exp-sine-squared times squared-exponential kernel & & \\ ~~~$\sigma_{w,i}$ & ppm, m/s or km/s$^1$ & Jitter term. \\ ~~~$\sigma_{\mathcal{GP},i}$ & ppm, m/s or km/s & Amplitude of the GP. \\ ~~~$\alpha_i$ & --- & Inverse length-scale of the squared-exponential part of the GP process. \\ ~~~$\Gamma_i$ & --- & Amplitude of the Exp-sine-squared part of the kernel. \\ ~~~$P_{\textnormal{rot},i}$ & --- & Characteristic period of the GP. \\ Celerite quasi-periodic kernel & & \\ ~~~$\sigma_{w,i}$ & ppm, m/s or km/s$^1$ & Jitter term. \\ ~~~$B_i$ & ppm, m/s or km/s & Amplitude of the GP. \\ ~~~$C_I$ & --- & Constant scaling term of the GP. \\ ~~~$L_i$ & --- & Characteristic time-scale of the GP. \\ ~~~$P_{\textnormal{rot},i}$ & --- & Characteristic period of the GP. \\ Stochastic Harmonic Oscillator (SHO) kernel & & \\ ~~~$\sigma_{w,i}$ & ppm, m/s or km/s$^1$ & Jitter term. \\ ~~~$S_0$ & --- & Characteristic power of the SHO. \\ ~~~$\omega_0$ & --- & Characteristic frequency of the SHO. \\ ~~~$Q$ & --- & Quality factor of the SHO. \\ \hline \hline \end{tabular} \begin{tablenotes} \small \item $^1$ If the noise model is defined for the photometry, input is expected to be in parts-per-million (ppm). If defined for the RVs, it is expected to be in the same units as the input RV data (m/s or km/s). \end{tablenotes} \end{table*} \subsection{Stellar density modelling} \label{sec:sdmod} As it is widely known, the scaled semi-major axis and the orbital period, parameters obtainable from transiting exoplanet lightcurves, allows us to get the stellar density of the star hosting the planets which, via Kepler's third law, is given by $\hat{\rho}_* = [(3\pi)/(GP_k^2)]\left(a_k/R_*\right)^3$, where $G = 6.67408 \times 10^{-11}$ m$^3$ kg$^{-1}$ s$^{-2}$ is the gravitational constant, a fact already noted by \cite{sozzetti:2007} to constrain the stellar parameters using transit lightcurves. However, thanks to the precise measurements provided by Gaia Data Release 2 \citep{DR2:2018}, we are currently in an era were stellar parameters allow us to do the opposite: use the estimated stellar density to precisely constrain the $a_k/R_*$ and $P_k$ of the transiting planets observed in our transit lightcurves. Because the periods are usually precisely constrained by the periodicity of the transits, the stellar density therefore constrains $a_k/R_*$ for transiting planets. Although stating all the benefits that such a constraint provides is outside the scope of this work, it is interesting to note that because the transit duration along with the ingress and egress times have information about the argument of periastron passage and the eccentricity of the orbit as well \citep[see, e.g.,][]{winn:2010}, the stellar density constraint allows us, in principle, to extract part of this information from these observables \citep[see, e.g., ][ and references therein]{K:2012,Dawson:2012,K:2014}. Similarly, in the prescence of grazing orbits, this parametrization allows us to break known degeneracies in the transit modelling for a precise estimation of the impact parameter --- an effect that also manifestates itself on not very well sampled lightcurves \citep{kipping:2010}. Because of all these benefits, \texttt{juliet}\ allows to optionally include any available estimate on the stellar density as input. In practice, within \texttt{juliet}\ one can incorporate a measured stellar density into the modelling in two ways if there is only one transiting planet, and in only one way if there are multiple transiting planets. If there is only one transiting exoplanet, then one way in which we incorporate stellar density information is as was already introduced in \cite{Brahm:2018}, where the stellar density $\rho_*$ with its associated error $\sigma_{\rho_*}$ estimated from the modelling of the stellar observables is incorporated in the joint modelling as an extra dataset/datapoint, $y^{\textnormal{SD}}$. In this case, the probabilistic model for $y^{\textnormal{SD}}$ is easy to derive, and is of the form \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:pmodSD} y^{\textnormal{SD}} \sim \hat{\rho}_{*} + \epsilon_{\textnormal{SD}}, \end{eqnarray} where $\hat{\rho}_{*} = [(3\pi)/(GP^2)]\left(a/R_*\right)^3$ is the model of the stellar density and $\epsilon_{\textnormal{SD}}\sim N(0,\sigma_{\rho_*})$, where $\sigma_{\rho_*}$ is the error on our estimate for the stellar density. In this case, $y^{\textnormal{SD}}$ is understood as an independant dataset to that of the photometry and radial-velocities and, as such, is easy to incorporate in the joint modelling of the data. The log-likelihood of the parameters $\vec{\theta} = (a/R_*,P)^T$ implied by the probabilistic model in equation \ref{eq:pmodSD} in this case is simply the logarithm of the probability density function of a gaussian distribution with mean $(\rho_*-\hat{\rho}_*)$ and variance $\sigma^2_{\rho_*}$. The general case of $k$ transiting exoplanets, however, is considerably more complicated to model in the prescence of stellar density information using this parametrization, {because each planet would impose a different stellar density through $a_k/R_*$, and the star can only have one stellar density}. {Because of this, } within \texttt{juliet}\ we have {implemented the possibility to fit directly for the stellar density which, together with the period $P_k$ for each planet, defines through Kepler's law a value of $a_k/R_*$ for each planet}. {This} makes the general case of fitting $k$ transiting exoplanets in the prescence of stellar density information a much easier problem to solve. Within this formulation, the prior is given directly on the stellar density parameter, which is then used directly as a fitting parameter. \texttt{juliet}\ then internally uses the transformation $a_k/R_* = [(\rho_*GP_k^2)/(3\pi)]^{1/3}$ to generate the transit models for each individual $k$ transiting exoplanet. The advantage of this formulation is that this parametrization not only constrains the $a_k/R_*$ given observed periodic transits, but it also reduces the number of fitting parameters by $k-1$ terms. This formulation is also very useful to constrain the properties of singly transiting exoplanets. \subsection{Dynamic, Importance and/or Nested Sampling} \label{sec:sampling} {Having defined the probabilistic model \texttt{juliet}\ assumes for the data in the previous sections, we now turn to a brief description of the algorithms \texttt{juliet}\ uses to both perform posterior sampling in order to obtain the posterior distribution of the parameters $\vec{\theta}$ given the data $\mathcal{D}$, $p(\vec{\theta} | \mathcal{D})$ \textit{and} to estimate bayesian evidences $Z_i = p(\mathcal{D}|M_i)$ for model comparison of each model $M_i$ via the posterior odds, $p(M_i|\mathcal{D})/p(M_j|\mathcal{D}) = (Z_i/Z_j)(p(M_i)/p(M_j))$. Currently, \texttt{juliet}\ allows the user to select between three possible sampling schemes:
The rights of the child: a challenge for health professionals. Reynolds L MCH News. 1999 May; (11):3-5. The care and protection of children is a practice and ethic rooted deep in the wisdom and culture of all societies', wrote James P Grant, the previous executive director of UNICEF. He was referring to a deep and universal—but often neglected—knowledge that children are vulnerable. Their situation is closely linked to poverty, and more closely related to social inequality than to general economic hardship. Under apartheid, South African children were exposed to gross human rights violations such as detention and shooting. But the less dramatic, more pervasive, violations of apartheid—such as racial exclusion from most of the land and the economy, and discrimination in health care and education—ultimately did more harm. These 'softer' violations have left today's children with an historical disadvantage as a result of social inequity, underdevelopment and poverty. About 61% of South African children live in poverty and, since families with large numbers of children are more likely to be poor, a disproportionate number live in poor households. (excerpt) Summary of the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. All rights apply to all children without exception, and the State must protect children from any form of discrimination. The State must not violate any right, and must take positive action to promote rights. All actions concerning children should take full account of their best interests. The State is to provide adequate care when parents or others responsible fail to do so. The State must translate the rights in the Convention into reality. The State must respect the rights and responsibilities of parents and the wider family to provide guidance appropriate to the child's evolving capacities. (excerpt) Exclusion, inequity and health system development: the critical emphases for maternal, neonatal and child health [editorial] Green A; Gerein N Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2005 Jun; 83(6):402. The World health report 2005 provides a powerful analysis of the global scandal of mothers' and children's ill-health (1). Every year, over half a million women die from pregnancy-related causes and over 10 million children die under five years of age. These deaths are largely preventable. The report correctly identifies the causes as lying primarily in failures within health systems to provide appropriate frameworks and resources to deliver the technical interventions, and in broader social and cultural factors. Evidence on technical interventions is well covered. Midwifery-led care at the first level of services, with accessible back-up in hospitals, is essential for reducing maternal and neonatal mortality. The report is crystal clear on this, acknowledging past failures of training traditional birth attendants and problems of over-medicalization of childbirth. Universal access, both financial and geographical, to care by skilled attendants is emphasized, although a description of the requirements of referral systems to ensure timely access to obstetric care would have been helpful. Issues too often ignored are included: violence, discrimination and marginalization during pregnancy, sex selection, and the need for evidence to develop policy on postpartum care. (excerpt) Quality education and HIV / AIDS. Pigozzi MJ Paris, France, UNESCO, 2004. 30 p. This paper uses a framework for quality education developed by UNESCO's Education Sector, Division for the Promotion of Quality Education (ED/PEQ) to show how education systems can and must change in their analysis and conduct in relation to HIV/AIDS. It summarises the 10 dimensions of the framework, considers how HIV/AIDS manifests itself in relation to these quality dimensions and summarises some practical applications of how education has responded and can respond to the pandemic from a quality perspective. A more detailed annex to the paper provides evidence on the manifestations of the pandemic on education systems, and how systems have responded in practical ways. Some general conclusions are drawn and a final section promotes some practical and strategic actions in support of quality education that reflects and responds to HIV/AIDS. The paper was developed for the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on HIV and Education. The IATT is convened by UNESCO and includes as members the UN co-sponsoring agencies of UNAIDS, bi-lateral and private donors, and NGOs. The IATT focuses on mobilising commitment to prevention education, acting as a catalyst for the exchange of information about what is known, what is available, and what still needs to be known about how education can be most effective in mitigating the effects of the HIV/AIDS crisis. It seeks to examine and strengthen existing tools for monitoring and evaluating education systems' responses to the crisis, identify weaknesses in these responses and overcome these weaknesses, analyse what is known to strengthen information and materials exchange, and stimulate research and evidence-based policy-making. (excerpt) Child and adolescent health and development progress report 2002-2003. The WHO Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development (CAH) promotes the survival, health, growth and development of children and adolescents from birth up to 19 years. The structure of the Department, and its guiding principles, are intended to support progress towards this goal. CAH is organized into four teams, three of which address research and development across the life-course – neonatal and infant health and development, child health and development, and adolescent health and development. The fourth team provides technical support to partners, regions and countries. This structure allows the Department to apply a public health approach to health and development, within a lifecourse framework. CAH activities follow a well-defined cycle: research; development of strategies, tools, standards and guidelines; and support for their introduction, monitoring and evaluation in countries. The approach ensures that countries are assisted in their efforts to implement interventions and strategies proven by research, and that experience of implementation stimulates and defines research and development priorities. This report highlights activities undertaken and progress made by CAH during the 2002–2003 biennium. It is organized according to the structure of the Department, with one chapter for each research and development team. Relevant technical support is described at the end of each chapter. Documents and articles published during the biennium are listed in the annexes. (excerpt) Keynote address. Scrimshaw NS SCN News. 2004 Jul; (28):[5] p.. This is a new SCN, with a new Chair and Secretary, and a record number of institutional members in three main categories: UN agencies, bilateral agencies, and NGOs. A fourth group, made up of leader from the private sector, would add further strength to the SCN. The SCN has a new mandate—to help the global system reach the MDGs. The SCN can make a significant start by agreeing on specific issues and actions that will contribute to reaching the MDGs as defined by the UN system. The SCN and its members already have a head start; two closely related and neglected global issues have been identified and should be given priority: timely and appropriate complementary feeding and the high prevalence of iron deficiency. The working groups and task forces will need to be active between SCN meetings and establish their own secretariats. In addition, the SCN should develop a strong communication and advocacy strategy and promote key SCN messages through outstanding public figures. Although the SCN and its members have effectively focused on some of the MDGs, it should now be making contributions to achieving all of them. I am confident that the new SCN and its Secretariat will implement the multiple mechanisms available to help the UN system and its partners meet this global challenge. (excerpt) Fighting the fights that need fighting [letter] Daulaire N Global HealthLink. 2001 Jul-Aug; (110):2. The United Nations has just held its first-ever General Assembly special session dedicated to a health issue: HIV/AIDS. It's about time. After years of denial and delay, the world is finally beginning to confront the burgeoning crisis of AIDS. The political commitment and massive infusion of resources that the public health community has called for over the past decade—the
grabbed Dana's face and started to lick her cheek, as she continued sucking my cock. Dana slowed to a stop, holding the head of my cock in her mouth, and flicking all around with her tongue. Holly started licking the side of Dana's face. Dana pulled her mouth off my cock, and turned to kiss Holly, their tongues interacting between their faces. Holly grabbed my cock, and pulled me so that my cock was right between their mouths. Their tongue kissing turned into licking the head of my cock and making out between them. My cock was in the middle of their making out. I heard screams of pleasure behind me. Holly stood up to bend over the chair just as Dana had. Dana remained on her knees, face against Holly's ass cheek. Dana held my cock, guiding it to Holly's dripping pussy. "Fuck her pussy" Dana said. I shoved my cock all the way into Holly's slit. I thrusted quickly in and out of Holly's dripping wetness. "Fuck her ass, Fuck that ass" Dana said. I pulled my saliva and pussy juice soaked cock out of Holly's pussy and pushed at the opening of her tight ass. Dana guided my cock as before, as I penetrated her ass. Dana smacked Holly's ass. "Fuck that tight asshole" she said. I pumped slowly at first then increasing into Holly's ass. Dana was fingering Holly's pussy as I fucked her ass. Holly came, gushing fluid down her thighs. Her ass squeezed tight on my cock, milking me to orgasm. I pulled out of her ass, and blasted stream after stream of thick white jizz onto Holly's ass and back. Dana reached forward and started licking up stream after stream of cum off of Holly, taking in my jizz. Holly turned around and got back on her knees, embracing Dana's mouth with her's. They made out for several minutes as Ithen Steph and Sandy watched, jizz and saliva running down their faces and necks from their aggressive tongue exploration. Steph and Sandy almost jumped on top of Dana and Holly, they were all four on the floor. I sat down on the couch watching. Holly and Dana were eating each other out, and Steph and Sandy were rolling around making out on the floor. I walked into my bedroom. I returned with the little pink toy, and the strap on. I handed the Strap on to Holly, and the toy to Steph. Holly got behind Dana, and fucked her doggystyle on the floor. Meanwhile Dana was eating out Sandy, as she was on her knees in front of her. And Sandy was using the pink toy on Steph as she laid alongside of Dana. From the sight my cock was again ready. I walked to Holly's side. Holly turned her head, as she continued fucking Dana, and sucked my cock for all she was worth, her thrusts into Dana countering her neck's thrusts on my cock. After a while of Holly giving me a blowjob I pulled away from her. I stood with my legs on opposite sides of Dana, her head underneath me. Steph was on the floor to one side, and my cock was right in Sandy's face, as she was being eaten and toying steph. Dana and Steph were both coming at the same time. I shoved my cock at Sandy's face. She reached with her free hand guiding my wet cock into her mouth. Sandy gave me a sloppy wet blowjob as her tits swung and jiggled with her movements. I pulled away from her as I came for a second time, spraying her huge tits with my cum. Part XX: The Midnight Hour I heard a strange beep, waking me up. I sat up in bed, it was pitch black. I reached to my left for the lamp, turning the knob, but it didn't turn on. Damn, power is out. It took me a few seconds to realize that if the campus has no power, no school. I laid my head back down, staring at the ceiling that I couldn't see. After a few moments I knew I wasn't going to sleep again easily, and I couldn't tell what time it was. I rolled over onto my right side, Holly was sleeping face down, with her head turned to her right, facing me. I gently caressed her right arm as she slept. She moved a little bit. "Holly" I barely whispered. "Hmmm" Holly sighed. "The power is out" I whispered. "What time is it?" she whispered back. "No clock" I said a little louder. "Hmmm" she sighed again, reaching her right arm from her side to my back, pulling me to her. She moved so that she was laying on her left side, facing me. I leaned forward into the darkness, kissing her forehead. I laid back on my back, with Holly on her side, with her head resting on my shoulder, and her right arm laying across my chest. We both attempted to fall back to sleep, but I was failing, I didn't know about her. After several minutes of silence and darkness, I whispered "Are you still awake?". "Hmmm yeah" Holly said disappointedly. Neither of us could return to slumber. We both had early classes tomorrow, which meant that we got to bed earlier than usual last night. "Maybe we won't have classes tomorrow…today" I said, unsure of what day it actually was. "If we do we could just skip them" Holly said. "Yeah I don't need to be there, and we could say we slept late cause of the power" I said. We had given up on the whispering at this point, conceding defeat. Without saying so, we had just agreed to have sex. I slept in the nude, as was usual, and Holly slept in bra and panties. I was still on my back, as Holly rolled her body on top of mine. Our mouths met in the darkness, kissing. Holly had her legs on either side of me, with our chests together. I rubbed her back with my hands, she had her hands in my hair, as we kissed deeply for minutes. "I love you" We both said at the same time, when our kiss ended. Holly sat upright, she grabbed my semi hard cock with her right hand, and with her left hand she pulled her panties to the side, allowing my cock entrance. She put her weight back down, impaling her pussy on my cock, she let out a shiver as it went in. She leaned back down, with her hands on either side of my head, bracing herself. I let her do all the work, as I held her not so bare back in my hands. She slowly at first, then getting faster, rotated her hips grinding her pussy onto my cock. My hands wandered down to her ass, holding her cheeks, and assisting her in the movements of her hips. "Uhhmm Uhhmm" she repeated her moans with the strokes. Her pussy was getting very wet. Holly sat upright, raising her whole body up and down, slowly but not too slowly stroking her pussy on me. My hands now found their way to her tits, still in her bra, I massaged and rubbed them through the fabric, her round firm breasts, that rocked with her movements. Her nipples were very hard, as I felt them through her bra. "Ohhh Hmmm" she sighed and breathed deeply. Breathing very heavily, Holly moved back, sitting on my thighs, pulling off of me. Without any words, she moved around, putting her pussy on my face, and her mouth on my cock. I was still on the bottom, her knees now on either side of my head. In the process of moving she removed her panties,
Posts Tagged protest Posted by Debra in covert drone war on November 19, 2013 Thanks to Medea Benjamin, Code Pink, Reprieve, the Center for Constitutional Rights, and the attention and energy of 400 who gathered this past Saturday at Georgetown Law School, we were able to consider Drones Around the Globe: Proliferation & Resistance. It was a very worthwhile weekend which will impact how people act on and respond to U.S. use of drones. Most movingly, we heard from three people who traveled from Yemen to speak of U.S. drone strikes. Kevin Gosztola on Faisal bin Ali Jaber's calm, deliberate description of the attack that killed his brother and nephew, just after his own son's wedding: Five men were gathering behind a local mosque in their village of Khashamir in southeast Yemen when a US drone launched Hellfire missiles at them. Four of the men were instantly killed, their bodies blown into pieces. The fifth man was killed as he tried to crawl away. The attack took place on August 29, 2012. Yemen's Defense Ministry initially claimed that three members of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) had been killed. Two of the individuals killed, according to a Human Rights Watch report, turned out to be Salim bin Ali Jaber, "a cleric and father of seven," who "had long preached against AQAP's violent methods." Another man killed was Walid bin Ali Jaber, "one of the village's few police officers." They had been participating in a meeting because "three alleged AQAP members" wanted to meet with him about a recent "strong denunciation of AQAP at the local mosque." Marjorie Cohn, former president of the National Lawyers Guild, presented on the claim that the U.S. drone programs violate international law. She recounts in Voices from the Drone Summit: Baraa Shaiban, a human rights activist who works with REPRIEVE, revealed that 2012 was a year that saw "drones like never before" in Yemen. He described the death of a mother and daughter from a drone strike. "The daughter was holding the mother so tight, they could not be separated. They had to be buried together." Two members of Al Qaeda were in Entesar al Qadhi's village, one of the most oil rich areas of Yemen. Villagers were negotiating with the two men. A drone killed the chief negotiator, scuttling the negotiations and leaving the village vulnerable to Al Qaeda. "The drones are for Al Qaeda, not against Al Qaeda," al Qadhi said. Former military intelligence Analyst Daniel Hale told us that he was 14 on 9/11/01. When he reported to work in 2012, he passed constant photos of 9/11, aimed at directing his "mission" to kill terrorists. He related an incident in 2012 where the military's qualification for a drone strike was whether the target was "of military age." "This struck me as ridiculous" he said, that children were considered targets. My tweeted note: "Hale had thought he was defending US interests, told terrorists were cowards, but began to think US military shooting drones are cowards." Pardiss Kebriaei and Mary Ellen O'Connell joined Cohn in speaking about the legal challenge to drone strikes, exposing the Obama/Bush administration's legal justification as very basically counter to the Geneva Convention and the UN Charter (which themselves are effectively U.S. law). Very interesting to me was a presentation by Dalit Baum (@dalitbaum) on the use of autonomous weapons by Israel. Baum described unmanned bulldozers knocking down homes. Why? The Israeli military needed to remove human operators because 1) they might talk afterward, and 2) they might lose their nerve. Baum also showed a chilling video clip of a drone killing of several Bedouin youth near the Wall in Gaza by Israeli drones. We learned that the major drone producing countries are the U.S., the U.K., and Israel, with Israel producing 41% of the world's drones. There's more. We worked hard on Sunday on how to spread opposition to drones way beyond the existing too tiny movement. Monday night, The Illuminator and Granny Peace Brigade lit up midtown: November 18, 2013: Midtown message against US drone war: Did You Make a Killing Tonight? Drones Kill drones, drones2013, Israel, protest, Yemen Posted by Debra in afghanistan on October 2, 2013 The U.S. War on Afghanistan — I refuse to call it the "Afghanistan war" because Afghans didn't start it — is now 12 years old. Longer than the official American war on Vietnam; it's gone on half a generation, or more. In 2001, on October 6 (a Sunday) George Bush announced the attack on Afghanistan. Some perceived the action as revenge for 9/11, though that was just a pretext for an action Rumsfeld, Cheney and other neo-cons had planned for years. On the morning on 9/11, Rumsfeld said it was time to "go massive." "Sweep it all up. Things related and not." US destruction went massive, leaving one of the poorest countries in the world, already torn up by an occupation by the Soviet Union, with a brutal civil war between war lords, still impoverished, threatened by continued U.S. domination, Islamic fundamentalism, and the same warlords having been enriched by U.S. billions. Join our conference call discussion Thursday: People born after 1990 don't really remember a time when there wasn't a US war on Afghanistan. Many people think the war is "over" or "ending" thanks to Obama. Will it be over in 2014? What does "over" mean, and have any of the promises the US made come true for the people of Afghanistan? We'll talk reality, history, share what people think, and what plans we are making to stop this crime of our government. Register for dial-in info. We've culled the comprehensive section on about Afghanistan. These articles paint a picture that no NATO or U.S. general can successfully cover over with words about "winning hearts and minds." Kathy Kelly, Afghanistan: The Ghost and the Machine Glenn Greenwald, Another Afghan Family Extinguished by a NATO Airstrike Kevin Gosztola, Reflecting on the Afghanistan War Logs Released by WikiLeaks Larry Everest, Made in America: The Gardez Massacre Gareth Porter, U.S. Night Raids Killed Over 1,500 Afghan Civilians in Ten Months Dennis Loo, Afghanistan: When is "Withdrawal" an "Enduring Presence"? afghanistan, anti-war, Obama, occupation, protest, war Posted by Debra in war and occupation on September 19, 2013 Bay Area Protest The report from the United Nations seems to indicate a large amount of deadly gas was aimed at Syrian civilians on August 21. The U.S. has already concluded the gas came from the Assad government, and not the rebels. If that is true, by what authority does the U.S. claim the right to bomb Syrian civilians in the name of stopping chemical weapons? Or keep arming rebels in Syria or the military in Egypt? Larry Everest says this crisis is not really about chemical weapons, but about global aims of the U.S. in the region in Syria: Diplomacy… and Ongoing Danger of a U.S. Attack The tyrannical, murderous regime of a small, oppressed country is being forced under threat of bombardment to partially disarm by reactionary powers with far, far, far greater arsenals of death and destruction—including nuclear weapons that are qualitatively more savage and dangerous than chemical weapons—precisely in order to preserve their monopoly over these weapons of cataclysmic death and destruction…The Obama team may be calculating that because it lacks any good or easy options in Syria, striking this deal can be to its advantage, including because by appearing to "give peace a chance" it can build greater support for a possible military assault later if that is deemed necessary. Everest does not say that any one course has already been determined, is inevitable, or without grave risk for the U.S. war planners. It's very worth watching Everest speak last week, just before Obama's speech and the announcement of "negotiations." Dennis Loo, in a 2 part series, looks at what scenarios the U.S. may be
Blonde girl's gaze over to a homemade shelf on the wall. On the shelf, we see a Las Vegas snow globe, some candles, a bottle of old perfume and a brass urn. They walk over to the shelf. Yeah. Meet my old man, Eddie Blue. After he Jackson Pollacked all over the pavement, we had him scraped up and cremated. (beat) You should probably mark off some of this stuff from your list. Oh, right. She puts the items she's gathered down on the floor and digs out the list from her tiny, impractical purse. Weird. I can't find my pencil. I had it a second ago. She digs a bit through her purse. Oh, check this out. I forgot why we put it down here in the first place. Quinn takes the perfume bottle off the shelf. He opens it and smells the contents of the glass container. The liquid is clear. It smells okay. Perfume doesn't go bad, does it? I don't think so, let me try. Quinn holds the bottle out. The Blonde girl puts her nose up to it and sniffs. I don't smell anything. What's in it? Holy water. Immediately, Quinn splashes the water in her face. She screams and instinctively morphs into Vamp face. Her skin blisters and sizzles, while smoke seems to be coming out of her pores. She brings her hands to her face in an effort to shield herself from danger, but it's too late. She grabs Quinn and tosses him across the room like a rag doll. He slams into the wall, dislocating his shoulder, and slumps to the cold, basement floor. You?re gonna pay for that, you ass! She drags him up to his feet by his shirt, with one hand. Quinn winces in pain. My shoulder! Believe me, that's the least of your problems. He wants you alive, but he didn't say you had to be in one piece. I'm gonna turn you into a human traffic cone. How about I mark THAT ONE off my list?! With his good arm, Quinn stakes the Blonde vampire through the chest with her missing pencil. She quickly bursts into dust. Quinn hits concrete again. (through the pain) Don't forget your pencil. After getting his wind back, Quinn rams his shoulder into the corner of the room, popping it back into place. Once that's settled, he looks up at the door to the living room. Stevie. Although he's not feeling his Wheaties, Quinn finds the strength to race up the stairs and reach for the doorknob. Before he can touch it, the door opens from the other side. The BRUNETTE cheerleader (DEBBIE) produces a Stun Gun and zaps Quinn with enough voltage to knock him unconscious. He drops into the living room with a dull thud. Sweet dreams, killer. DISSOLVE TO: INT. TRUNK - LATER Darkness. A spark of light from the flame of a Zippo illuminates the screen for the briefest of moments. Darkness again. Another spark. It's not holding. Finally, the lighter works, revealing Quinn's sweaty face. Taking in his claustrophobic surroundings, he realizes he's locked in the trunk of a car. EXT. CAR - LATE NIGHT - CONTINUOUS A white, late-model sedan is parked by the side of the road. A repetitious banging is coming from the inside of the trunk. Eventually, the trunk gives, springing open. Quinn spills out of the car, his body hitting the dirt. He stands up and finds himself dressed in a black suit and tie. His jacket pocket starts RINGING. He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a sleek, hi-tech cellular phone. Quinn opens the display screen. It reads: "Incoming Video Message." He presses play. CLOSE ON: The playback shows Debbie standing in the back patio of Quinn's house, smiling brightly and obviously holding the camera outward to catch herself on film. So, no doubt you?ve made it out of the trunk by now. Like your new threads? I picked them out myself. The car too, but I've got the keys. Debbie holds up a set of car keys and jingles them in front of the camera. I?ll bet you?ve got a ton of questions so I?ll do my best to fill you in. Eddie Blue owed a massive debt to my employer, Mr. Leonetti. Instead of paying it off, he tragically committed suicide and stuck his wife, Karen with the bill. Rather than share the same fate, your mom, trooper that she is decided to work off her debt as Mr. L's personal escort and dancer at his club, Girlie Corner. I know, I'm not telling you anything new here but be patient, I'm getting to that. What you didn't know was that your dear old dad hired himself out as a freelance thief to the boss man. He had a real knack for it, too. Paintings, diamonds, priceless artifacts. You name it, he could get it, except he got stupid. His last job, before his untimely demise, Mr. L wanted Eddie to get a precious stone from South America, called the Lazarus Heart. Well, he got it alright, but chose to keep it for himself. No telling where he put it, but we've been looking ever since. Leonetti has only so much patience, so he sent me and my girl Tina to you know, ask nicely. I asked your mom? Debbie steps out of the shot to reveal KAREN BLUE (Quinn's Mother), bound to a chair and gagged, covered in blood. She's obviously been severely tortured. There's some faint signs of life. ?but I guess she didn't know, either. CLOSE ON: Quinn, taking in the image of his dying mother. As the video continues to play, his eyes look up, down the road. Now that we've got all the boring exposition out of the way, I'll tell you what you're gonna do next. CUT TO: EXT. BACKYARD - LATE NIGHT Quinn comes sprinting from the desert field just off the road, towards the backyard of his home. As of this moment, you live to serve Franco Leonetti. All debts from Edward Blue now fall on your shoulders. This can end now if you give us the Lazarus Heart. Your only other option is to work it off. Play your part and do a good job, you just might live a decent life. Quinn slows down as he reaches the patio. EXT. QUINN'S HOUSE - BACK PATIO - LATE NIGHT An empty chair, streaked with blood sits on the patio. The back door to the house is open, a trail of blood leading inside. Quinn follows it into his house. You could always follow in your father's footsteps and off yourself but trust me when I tell you, after you find what I've done here, you'll want to live. Revenge is a powerful motivator for self-preservation. INT. QUINN'S HOUSE - KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Quinn enters the kitchen. The entire inside of the house has been ransacked and destroyed. Quinn finds Karen's dead body on the ground, having crawled her way to the refrigerator just before she died. Her body is covered in numerous cuts and bruises. Quinn kneels down to check for a pulse. He knows it's useless, but he checks anyway. It's then that he notices something under his mother's hand. It's an old family photo that's been pulled down from off the refrigerator. Quinn looks up at the refrigerator door where the photo would have been, expecting to find a blank space. Instead, a few of the blue alphabet magnets have been carefully placed together to spell the word, "URN". It's true. My father did jump off a hotel balcony in Reno, but that's not how he died. Something happened to him while he was in South America. When he came home for the last time, my mother knew something was wrong. That night, he tried to kill her in her sleep. It was the first time she and I learned that vampires were real. Quinn stands
Mod Fuck Explosion (Jon Moritsugu, 1994) What the fuck, I don't remember the 1990s ever being like this. It just goes to show that even someone as exceedingly cool as myself can miss out on certain key events. And believe me, Mod Fuck Explosion is definitely a motherfuckin' key event. It's not only an event that is key-like (or key-esque) in nature, it's the closest thing I've seen to my life story captured on film. Now, granted, my mother isn't a pill freak (at least not to my knowledge), nor is my face anywhere close to being as dynamic as the face that belongs to the film's female lead, but I distinctly remember being friends, by association, of course, with a gang of unruly mods (the kind that wear fishtail parkas, smash garden gnomes for fun and listen to The Action). Forced to endure/put up with their misguided obsession with a subculture I had little or no respect for, I patiently waited for the right opportunity to cut these losers loose. Well, in Joe Moritsugu's Mod Fuck Explosion, the über-chic, über gorgeous London finds herself pretty much in the same situation. In reality, my experience as a juvenile delinquent seemed more in tune with Nasty, London's gothy sister. It's sad to say, but when all your so-called "friends" are into things that you know deep down are lame, you end up spending a lot of time alone in your room. *sniff* As I was saying, caught in the middle of an impending rumble that will pit the mods (the gang her brother's in) against the bikers (Japanese bikers, to be ethnically specific), the self-proclaimed teenage fuck up must choose between love and violence. One, two, three, four! Wait, what is this movie called again? (27 Dresses?) No, I remember, it's Mod Fuck Explosion. And you wanna know how I remember? Um, because the film's title is mentioned repeatedly during the opening five minutes. And why wouldn't you... mention it? The movie is called "Mod Fuck Explosion." In other words, rinse, lather and repeat, baby! Mod. Fuck. Explosion! Wandering down the street in her lacy bell-bottoms, London (Amy Davis), the poster girl for sullen teens everywhere, is surrounded by a gang of Japanese bikers. Noticing that she was admiring a leather jacket in the window of a store, their leader, Kazumi (Jon Moritsugu), tells her, straight-up, that he can get her a leather jacket. The catch being, she come party with them. Declining his offer, London continues on her way. But not before Kazumi shows her his chest and says: "Check out my chest. Cool, huh?" Since we've met the Japanese bikers, it only makes sense to introduce the mods. The first mods we meet are Cake (Alyssa Wendt), Cherry (Bonnie Dickenson), Shame (Lane Mclain), Columbine (Abigail Hamilton), Babette (Deena Davenport) and Snap (Sarah Janeane Pullen), who are gabbing about their mod boyfriend's prowess when it comes to the control-related fortitude they display when they employ their testicular outreach programs during coitus. One after another, each mod chick tells the group about their respective boyfriend's thrusting-based inadequacies. All except Cake, who has nothing but praise for her boyfriend's ability to make her loins dewy. It would seem that Madball (Jacques Boyreau), the leader of the mods, is a gentle lover whose pelvic thrusts are as smooth as homemade molasses. With the elevator in her building not working, London is forced to take the stairs (exercise was frowned upon in the '90s). When she eventually gets to her apartment, she finds her mother (Bonnie Steiger) and her mod brother, X-Ray Spex (Victor of Aquitaine) playing the "wrestling game" on the couch (incest much?). When London tells her mother to stop acting like a whore, mom shoots back: "The whore is an emblem of womanhood." Anyway, mom likes art books, chocolate covered ants, gossip, ugly furniture and talking on the telephone. How do I know this? It's simple, London, on top of being interesting to look at, is very descriptive. And quite generous when it comes to doling out her mom's back-story. I loved how London gives us a detailed account of the events that make up the average day in her mother's life. As you might expect, most of these so-called "events" centre around ingesting pills. Her mom might be a mess (a leggy mess, mind you, but a mess nonetheless), but that doesn't mean London's going to wallow in a pit of her own teen angst. Starting every scene by tucking her hair behind her ears (much like Angela Chase used to constantly do on My So-Called Life), London doesn't want anything from this shit stain of a city. Well, except maybe a leather jacket. Not to get sidetracked, but I found the fact that Madball likes to call his semen "his juice" to be somewhat disturbing? Refusing to fornicate with Cake in an alleyway, Madball doesn't want to waste "his juice "on the day of the big rumble. Apparently, "his juice" gives him strength. We soon meet another character, who, like London, is on the outside when it comes to the mod-biker rivalry. His name is M-16 (think Ralph Macchio with a hint of Sal Mineo) and he likes to call London up every once and awhile and read to her a story he came across in the paper; they usually involve murder and suicide. Speaking of things that cause death, did anyone else notice the sound of crows cawing as Madball denied Cake the use of his cock? I'm not superstitious, but this cannot bode well for the mods. After a dream sequence that has London talking about being a member of "The Shit Generation," a generation that is, according to her: "Stupid, strangulated, straitjacketed, stunted and sexually unsatisfied," she is visited by a woman named Cleopatra (Elisabeth Canning), the patron saint of shit, or was it poop? Either way, while reclining in London's bath-tub, Cleopatra serenades her with a ditty about diarrhea (loose and watery fecal matter). Later in the movie, Cleopatra visits M-16 (Desi del Valle) while performing auto-erotic asphyxiation on himself in a dirty warehouse. But this time around she's the patron saint of masturbation, or was it self-massage? Either way, Cleopatra, who is wearing black nylons, tries to steer M-16 off this particular path, and more towards the realm of conventional one-on-one sexual intercourse. Hi, my name is Nasty, and I like schizophrenic painters, tortured writers, fashion designers, low and vulgar literature, porno movies, video games, punk music, motorcycles, tattoo artwork, homo poetry, disaster and murder magazines and the horoscope. I hate high culture. Played with a Cure-adjacent indifference by Lisa Guay, Nasty is London's older sister, a bit of a minor celebrity who spends most of her time drawing cartoons. Oh, and London can forget about it, she can't have her leather jacket. Desperate to obtain a leather jacket of her very own, London decides to sell some of her rare records. "Welcome to Fucker" by Fucker, 50 bucks. "Skunk" by Asshole, 75. The Shit-matrix bootleg, a lot. And her limited edition DILDO! LP, 100, easily. Like London, I, too, think the records in my modest collection are worth more than they actually are. The band Unrest, by the way, perform the majority of the songs on the film's soundtrack. The only motion picture, at least that I know of, to feature a scene where a character robs a record store of its only plaster statue of Grace Jones' penis, Mod Fuck Explosion is the kind of filmed anarchy that would make Gregg Araki (who is thanked in the closing credits), John Michael McCarthy (The Sore Losers) and John Waters proud. Oh, and of course, the actor who steals the plaster statue of Grace Jones' penis is credited as "Cock thief." In closing, who would have thought there was more
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said. "It's not good to have our supplies so low, even if we can see to the daily needs." "Yes, m'lady," Ersal said. There was a knock at the door, and Ricard poked his head in. "Seneschal, there's a delivery of hams and the butcher is waving his cleaver at the carter. Will you come?" "Lord and Lady, now what?" Ersal said, as he hurried off. Warna chuckled, and turned to the next list of supplies. The festivities had been lovely, but they'd drained the castles supplies down to bare shelves in some cases. Of course, they hadn't had much on hand, but she wasn't pleased with the situation. She'd underestimated the food and drink necessary, that was certain. They'd not run out of anything, really, but larger reserves were needed. She'd leave notes for Ersal for next year— Because she wouldn't be here. Warna looked up with a sigh, not really seeing the room or the documents before her. The task of cleaning and restocking after all the celebrations was absorbing, and over-seeing the rebuilding of the window in the Great Hall, and the memorial in the gardens had taken a great deal of time. They'd restored the practice of dining in the Great Hall every other night. Verice had seated her at the high table beside him. The staff certainly appreciated a return to the normal routine, and it was good to see the tables filled with laughter and talk, no matter how subdued. The other nights, she and Verice dined privately. They'd talk of their day, the work being done, of the security at the borders, and the news of Edenrich and Valltera. And then— Warna flushed. She'd raised the issue of her departure, but Verice so far hadn't been inclined to discuss it. He'd ask how work was going with the restocking, or tell her a new bit of gossip he'd heard, or he'd lean over and kiss the breath from her body. Warna frowned, thinking. How many days had it been since the Festival? She added them up in her head, and her eyes widened. So long? Warna closed her eyes in pain as she realized the truth. Verice wouldn't do it. For whatever reason, Verice was stalling. Delaying the inevitable. She huffed out a breath. Drat the mael. Putting off what had to be done, leaving it up to her to do it, no doubt. Typical. Warna closed her eyes. She didn't want to be the one to do it, either. To say the words, to break the arrangement between them, as they had agreed to do. To leave his bed. Her sob caught her off guard, welling up in her chest. Verice deserved so much. As much love as she could give him for the rest of her days. But he also didn't deserve the pain she'd cause him, growing old, dying before his eyes. She sank down into a chair, staring at the roses. Even freshly picked, one or two petals had fallen to the table. She hadn't heard from her great-uncle yet, and that was a real reason to delay. Except that she could live in Octara, but she shied away from the thought. Of living in town, seeing him from a distance, just another face in the crowd, waving to her Lord High Baron. Or worse, seeing him with a faella beside him, riding through the streets. Warna clutched at the rose in her hand, and felt the thorn prick her fingers. No. That wasn't even to be thought of. Unbidden, a verse of her song leaped to mind. Life is bitter, life is grim What need then to be with friends? What need then to laugh with glee when you smile so sweet at me? What need to kiss, to touch, to take, or my oath to ne'er foresake? Warna closed her eyes against bitter tears. It was time. Chapter Sixty-Seven Verice was seated at the high table, talking to Narthing, just starting to wonder why Warna was late when she appeared. She didn't smile, didn't head for her seat, just approached and stood before him. In her eyes, he saw a look he both admired and feared. The determined, focused drink-the-entire-cup intention. "Warna." Verice placed his hands on the table as the room went quiet. "Lord High Baron." Warna wasn't really looking at him; her red-rimmed eyes were focused slightly above his head. "I wish to thank you for the shelter and protection you have extended to me. As painful as it is, as much as we might wish it otherwise, it is time to make public what we both have come to know." 'Ancestors,' Verice throat closed, his mouth as dry as the sun. Warna's face was stark as she turned away, facing the confused and dismayed gathering. "Lord High Baron Verice and I, by mutual agreement, have decided to sunder our betrothal, for reasons that are our own." Warna's back was straight and stiff, her voice clear. "I will depart for Summerford as soon as I may, to join with my great-uncle and his family. I thank you all." Warna's voice wavered, but she kept on. "I thank you all for the care and kindness I have received at your hands." With that, she walked out, the silence so deep Verice could hear her footsteps as she went through the main doors, heard her breaking into a run down the stairs and out into the courtyard. "You're an idiot," Pernard said, not looking up from his plate. The room was buzzing now, with angry glances being thrown his way. Verice was aware of them as he stared out the doors, still stunned at Warna's action. "That's a bit harsh," Narthing said calmly. "But accurate." "In truth, the Lady Warna is a fine choice of a wife," Ersal didn't look up from his plate. "It strikes me that Lady Warna was a fine helpmate, skilled in running a household as large as this castle and keep." "It's unlikely that you'd need to make a treaty or alliance marriage outside of Palins, given the current political situation," Pernard added. "And certainly not with the Elven Kingdom. You should feel no hesitation to marry as you would wish. Besides," and here the old mael cocked his head at Verice and gave him a sympathetic look. "There are few that would put up with your personality. Or be willing to overlook certain character flaws. Unless, of course, you've made her unhappy?" Now his advisors were all glaring at him. "No, that's not—" Verice shook his head. "She's—" he swallowed hard. "I'm—" "I suspect that this is a misunderstanding. A private matter," Narthing said. "Something that needs to be discussed between the two of you." He raised an eyebrow as if waiting. Constable Ricard leaned forward. "Go after her, you fool!" Verice did just that. Striding from the Great Hall, down the stairs into the darkening courtyard. The dogs ran to greet him, milling around his feet. The courtyard was empty. Verice looked to the walls, but there was no sign that the guards had noticed anything out of the ordinary. The castle gates were closed, so she was still— The garden door was open. "Hup, hup," he commanded. Brindle and the entire pack focused on him. "Warna," he commanded. "Find Warna." Tails wagging, heads high, the dogs set off for the garden door, barking with joy at the game. Verice followed. Warna ran, picking up her skirts, blinded with tears, and found herself in the gardens. She kept running, kept moving, afraid that her sorrow would catch up with her if she stopped. She hadn't wanted to do it, to say it, and Verice's face had been so shocked. She ran until she couldn't breathe, and her face was a mess, and the path was narrowing because the gardeners hadn't come this far yet. She slowed, wiping her face with her hands, and finally gave up and used her skirts to wipe her eyes and blow her nose.
and all that seems to be left is an aging body full of regret. There's nothing worse than taking a person's life. You can never give it back. I can never heal the shrapnel wounds that scar those I'm responsible for hurting. I admit, sometimes when I focus too much on what I cannot fix, I'm visited by temptation to take my own life. Some people will say it's an outcome I deserve. I'm in no position to argue against that. I committed an unforgivable act so I understand the opinions of those who regard me with disdain and wish the worst for me. I find no fault in that. No fault at all. Yet, I must hold on because I can't inflict more pain on my mom and brothers. I've been the cause of too much of that in this lifetime. So I find myself hanging on in this cloister cave of misery. In time, my mom will pass as my dad did a few years ago, and so too will my brothers. The graveyard chills me. I know I'm looking at my future. I know I might resurrect hope to keep me going a little longer and that it will all be in vain. I realize that the graves before me probably tell stories similar to mine, of men struggling through lengthy sentences, holding on while their loved ones die, leaving them no one to claim their bodies when, finally, hope dies along with them. Is this what my life will amount to? A rectangular block of concrete with the number 929444 stamped into it? Perhaps I deserve no more than that. Tom WS Richey's work has appeared previously in British publications such as "The Guardian", "The Independent" and "The Edinburgh Evening News". His book, "Kenny Richey; Death Row Scot" was published in the UK by Black & White Publishing in 2005. Literature on Lockdown: C. Fausto Cabrera Today's Writer is C. Fausto Cabrera The art room is located on the third floor in the education department across the hallway from the vocational computer class. These programs are praised for the opportunities they create and rightly so. Along with the GED program on the lower level, they are bullet points for the tours they give to community members. Yes, tours. Anyone can schedule a tour of Stillwater Prison. The groups range from 10-20 people at any given time; some people wore suits and ties, but most of the time it is casual. The host walks them in leading them to the front of the room to meet our instructor for a few words about the program. Then they usually take the long way out past the outside wall so that they could view the artwork in action and on the walls. There are always a couple of inmates (I say inmates because we are only labeled students within the program) that group up for your quintessential construction worker talk about women on the tour. Chitchatting, loud enough to hear, hoping to be noticed, looking for a little eye contact; grasping what would make them feel human again; a simple flirtation, making a man with options who retains a little appeal. As a tutor in the program, I retain the ability to find something to do in the back tool room, out of sight. Where I didn't have to witness the looks in their eyes making me feel like an animal in a zoo. It's how pompous rich people look at waiters in a fancy restaurant or in their gardens on large estates. It's like they're looking right through you. We are ghosts; no wonder why some act up for attention. Once, the tour caught me while I was out working on a time sensitive painting I needed to finish. My station was set up with wet paint palettes and busy brushes so it'd cost too much to run in the back. One by one people walked by peering around the room. Part of me had the vanity to assume that they'd stop and marvel at my work and ask questions I assumed an artist in his studio might answer. The quiet power of shame is an overwhelming feat, and most of us just continued to work with our heads down peeking up from time to time with polite smirks like young schoolchildren on our best behavior. Some people had quizative, yet confused looks on their brows; some maintained a poker face while other kept the type of smile you often see in response to handicapped children, a look that says, "Oh, that's good they give them something to do," insinuating that our artwork doesn't hold value. After ten years of incarceration, to experience that eerie tension of those walking through like that. Not so much as a nod is a bittersweet. On one hand, I'd felt so low and dehumanized; but on the other, it was nice to know I still had a heart to break. There is usually one woman in every couple of groups that knows who she is and transcends the social awkwardness by treating us like human beings. She asks direct questions and says hello when eye contact is made. This is the person who knows what justice is about. They don't bring the tours into the classrooms anymore. They just pause in the hallway between the two classrooms to explain the prestige of the programs we choose to join. Through the internal chicken-wire glass windows, they just look in the rooms pretending not to see us. Prison is normalized in their minds. I never thought those tours could get any more dehumanizing; until I saw those looks through the glass window and truly felt like an animal at a zoo. In prison, there is an "us & them." No matter your thoughts or feelings; no matter the strength of your self-perceptions or identity…there is a barrier between us and them. If you need an example, try to shake your boss' hand, attempt to ask a guard a personal question, pat a teacher on the back or give the therapist that has saved your life a huge of gratitude. Being around people for extended periods of time bonds you. Co-workers, service people: barbers, stylists, mailmen, teachers, gas station clerks, bank tellers, whoever. There are unspoken bonds with anyone you start to see on a regular basis, and with that certain social boundaries. My unspoken bonds have razor wire fences that remind me that I am a villain. Mine tell me I am untouchable, a pariah. Yet, the whole function of prison is to make society better, and one way of doing that used to be to help me become a better person. But there isn't a day that goes by I am not seeped in regret and remorse, and I wonder what the point is. Because I hit that glass ceiling like a bird hits a window and I am reminder… When you step into prison you receive a uniform. Your individual punishment is walking through that point A for however long they give you until you walk out the other door marked point B. Punishment now become collective. If there are more than a few fights, or just one big one…the individuals get taken to segregation, but then everyone gets locked down. If some individuals abuse a "privilege," then it is taken from everyone, forever. Sugar's replaced with a substitute thought to cause cancer because people use it to make hooch (wine). Fruit is no longer delivered to the units for the same reason. As needed, keep on person pain meds are regulated to unneeded schedules because a few have abused them. No real sustaining medical issue occurred. The restroom doors were taken off the stalls in education because a couple
28/48 to the sons of brother equally. Son of uncle gets nothing. Wife, mother, sister 3/13 to wife, 4/13 to mother and 6/13 to sister. (7) Wife, mother, 2 sisters 3/13 share to wife, 2/13 share to mother and 8/13 shares to sisters equally. (7) Wife, two daughters, fathers mother 1/8 to wife, 2/3 equally to daughters, 1/6 to mother and the residue 1/24 to Bait-ul mal. (1) Re Mutchilim [1960] M.L.J. 25. (2) The daughters in such case being residuaries with the son. (3) The son's daughters being residuary with the son's son. (4) An example of the doctrine of aul or increase. (5) The mother gets 1/3 of ¾ (that is after deducting the wife's share). This follows a decision of the Caliph Umar. (6) The brothers and the sisters are residuaries. (7) An example of aul. HUSBAND: Husband and no relation ½ to husband and balance to Bait-ul-mal Husband and son (sons) ¼ to husband, rest to son (sons equally). Husband, son and daughter ¼ to husband, ½ to son, ¼ to daughter. Husband, two sons and two daughters ¼ to husband, ¼ to each son, 1/8 to each daughter. Husband and one daughter ¼ to husband, ½ to daughter and rest to State. Husband and daughters ¼ to husband, 2/3 to the daughters and rest to State. Husband, daughter and one son's son (h.l.s.) ¼ to husband, ½ to daughter and rest to son's son. Husband, daughters and one son's son ¼ to husband, 2/3 to daughters equally, 1/12 to son's son (h.l.s.) Husband and father ½ to husband and ½ to father. Husband, daughter, one son's son and one son's daughter ¼ to husband, ½ to daughter, 2/12 to son's son and 1/12 to son's daughter. (8) Husband, daughter and three full brothers ¼ to husband, ½ to daughter, rest to brothers equally. Husband, daughters and two paternal uncles ¼ to husband, 2/3 to daughters equally and 1/12 to uncles equally. Husband, daughter and true grandmothers ¼ to husband, ½ to daughter, 1/6 to grandmothers equally. Rest to State. Husband, son and father (h.l.s.) ¼ to husband, 1/6 to father, rest to son. Husband, daughter and father ¼ to husband, ½ to daughters, rest to father. Husband, daughters and mother 3/13 to husband, 2/13 to mother, 8/13 to daughters equally. (9) Husband, daughters, father and mother 3/15 to husband, 8/15 to daughters and 2/15 each to father and mother. (10) Husband, daughter, mother, father, son's son and son's daughter 6/13 to father, 3/13 to husband, 2/13 to mother and 2/13 to father. The son's son and son's daughter are excluded. (10) Husband, daughter and paternal uncle ¼ to husband, ½ to daughter and ¼ to paternal uncle. Husband, daughter, son's daughter and two full sisters ¼ to husband, ½ to daughter, 1/6 to son's daughter and 1/12 share equally to sisters. (11) Husband, daughter, son's daughter, one full sister and one consanguine sister ¼ to husband, ½ to daughter, 1/6 to son's daughter and 1/12 to full sister. Consanguine sister gets nothing. (11) Husband, daughter, son's daughter, two uterine sisters ¼ to husband, ½ to daughter, 1/6 to son's daughter. Residue to Bait-ul-mal. Husband, daughter, father, mother, son's son and son's daughter 3/13 to husband, 6/13 to daughter, 2/13 each to father and mother. (10) Husband, father and mother ½ to husband, 1/6 to mother, rest to father. (12) Husband, father, mother and two daughters 3/15 share to husband, 2/15 to father, 2/15 to mother and 8/15 to daughters equally. (10) Husband, mother and three full sisters ½ to husband, 1/6 to mother, 2/3 to sisters equally. Husband, mother, full sister, consanguine sister 3/8 to husband, 1/8 to mother, 3/8 to full sister, 1/8 to consanguine sister. (10) Husband, two full brothers and three full sisters ½ to husband, 2/14 to each bother and 1/14 to each sister.(13) Husband, mother, full brother and two uterine sisters ½ share to husband, 1/6 to mother and the balance of 1/3 between the two uterine sisters and the full brother. (14) Husband and daughters of two daughters ½ to husband and rest to Bait-ul-mal. Husband, mother, sister and grandfather Husband 3/9, mother 2/9 sister 4/27, father's father 8/27. (15) Husband, mother, grandfather, one consanguine brother, one or more uterine brothers. Husband ½, mother 1/6, grandfather 1/6, consanguine brother 1/6, uterine brother excluded. (16) (8) The son's son and son's daughter are residuaries. (9) Example of aul or increase. (10) Examples of aul or increase (11) In these cases the daughter and son's daughter get their Quranic shares while the sister takes as residuary. (12) The mother gets 1/3 of ½ (that is after deducting the husband's share). (13) The brothers and sisters are residuaries. (14) This is the case of himariyya or musharaka. The full brother and the uterine sisters share the 1/3 share. See Fitzgerald Muhammadan Law p.135 and Nawawi Supra, p.250. (15) This is the case of Al-akdariya – see Tyabji Muhammadan Law (3rd Edn.) p.874 and Fitzgerald Muhammadan Law p.128 and Nawawi p.253 Supra, (p.22 supra) (16) This is the case of al-Malikia – see Fitzgerald p.128. SONS AND DAUGHTERS: One son and no other relations All to son ½ to daughter and rest to State. 2/3 to daughters equally and rest to State Sons and daughters Equally between all sons and daughters, but so that the share of each son is double that of each daughter. One son and son's son or son's daughters All to son. One son and father (or mother) 1/6 to father (or mother) rest to son. One son, father and mother 1/6 to each father and mother, rest to son. One daughter and son's son ½ to daughter, rest to son's son One daughter, son's son and son's daughter ½ to daughter, 2/6 to son's son and 1/6 to son's daughter Daughters and son's son 2/3 to daughters equally, rest to son's son One daughter, one son's daughter, and one full brother ½ to daughter, 1/6 to son's daughter, rest to full brother. Daughters, one son's daughter and one full brother 2/3 to daughter and rest to full brother. Daughters and son's daughters 2/3 to daughter and rest to Bait-ul-mal (son's daughters excluded unless there is a lineal male descendant of the same or lower degree). Daughter and father ½ to daughter and ½ to father (1/6 as Quranic heir and 1/3 as agnatic heir). Daughters and father 2/3 to daughters equally and rest to father Daughters, son's daughters and father 2/3 to daughter, rest to father. (17) One daughter, father and mother ½ to daughter, 1/6 to mother, rest to father One daughter, mother, four full brothers ½ to daughter, 1/6 to mother, 1/12 to each brother. One daughter and mother ½ to daughter, ¼ to mother and rest to Bait-ul-mal. Daughters and mother 2/3 to daughters equally, 1/5 to mother and rest to Bait-ul-mal. Daughters, father, mother and son's son 2/3 to daughters equally, 1/6 each to father and mother, nothing to son's son there being no residue. Daughters and four paternal uncles 2/3 to daughters equally, 1/12 to each uncle Daughter (son's daughter) and full (consanguine) sister ½ to daughter (son's daughter) and ½ to full (consanguine) sister. Daughters (son's daughters) and full (consanguine) sisters 2/3 to daughters (son's daughter), and 1/3 to full (consanguine) sister. Daughters, four true grandmothers and six paternal uncles 2/3 to daughters equally, 1/6 to grandmothers equally (i.e. 1/24 each) and 1/36 to each uncle. Two daughters, one consanguine sister, one brother's son 2/3 to two daughters and 1/3 to sister. Brother's son gets nothing Two daughters, a son's daughter and a son's son 2/3 to daughters, 1/9 to son's daughter and 2/9 to son's son. (18) Two daughters, a son's daughter and a son's son's son Two daughters of a son, daughter of son's son, son of son's son's son' 2/3 to daughters equally, 1/9 to daughter of son's son and 2/9 to son of son's son's son. (20) Son's daughter, daughter's son and brother ½ share to son's daughter and ½ share to brother. Daughter's son gets nothing. Son's sons and son's daughters (of same degree) Equally between son's son and son's daughters but so that the share of each of the former is double of each of the latter. (19) Son's daughters and son's son's son 2/3 to son's daughters, rest to great-grandsons equally Son's daughter and son's son's daughter ½ to son's daughter and 1/6 to son's son's daughter and the rest to the Bait-ul-mal. (20) (17) There is a doubt whether the son's daughters (who are excluded as
62 Independent Living Communities near Randallstown, MD There are 62 Independent Living Communities in the Randallstown area, with 2 in Randallstown and 60 nearby. The average cost of independent living in Randallstown is $3,000 per month. This is higher than the national median of $2,575. Cheaper nearby regions include Owings Mills with an average starting cost of $2,879. To help you with your search, browse the 111 reviews below for independent living communities in Randallstown. On average, consumers rate independent living in Randallstown 4.3 out of 5 stars. Better rated regions include Ellicott City with an average rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars. has helped thousands of families find high-quality senior care. To speak with one of our Family Advisors about independent living options and costs in Randallstown, call (855) 863-8283. 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Luxury Dining & Amenities. Beautiful Communities. Designated Care..." More Heart 2 Hart Assisted Living LLC 627Glenwood Ave, Baltimore, MD 21212 "Heart 2 Hart Assisted Living was started in memory and honor of my late grandfather whom I provided care for in-home. We have many years of experience in caregiving. We are committed to meeting and..." More Aim to Inspire Assisted Living 1329 N Caroline St, Baltimore, MD 21213 "Aim to inspire Assisted Living is the preferred choice for seniors persons with disabilities. We firmly believe that all individuals are equal; we treat and care for each client in the same manner...." More Charlestown by Erickson Senior Living 715 Maiden Choice Lane, Catonsville, MD 21228 "I was very impressed with Charlestown by Erickson Senior Living. I absolutely love the place. I love the fact that they had an indoor pool. I love the fact that they have a variety of activities. I..." More Roland Park Place 830 West 40Th Street, Baltimore, MD
Visitor $0.00 Login or Register Fight Finance Courses Tags Random All Recent Scores Question 476 income and capital returns, idiom The saying "buy low, sell high" suggests that investors should make a: (a) Positive income return. (b) Positive capital return. (c) Negative income return. (d) Negative capital return. (e) Positive total return. Question 490 expected and historical returns, accounting ratio Which of the following is NOT a synonym of 'required return'? (a) total required yield (b) cost of capital (c) discount rate (d) opportunity cost of capital (e) accounting rate of return Question 478 income and capital returns Total cash flows can be broken into income and capital cash flows. What is the name given to the income cash flow from owning shares? (a) Dividends. (b) Rent. (c) Coupons. (d) Loan payments. (e) Capital gains. Which of the following equations is NOT equal to the total return of an asset? Let ##p_0## be the current price, ##p_1## the expected price in one year and ##c_1## the expected income in one year. (a) ##r_\text{total} = \dfrac{c_1+p_1-p_0}{p_0} ## (b) ##r_\text{total} = \dfrac{c_1+p_1}{p_0} - 1## (c) ##r_\text{total} = \dfrac{c_1}{p_0} + \dfrac{p_1-p_0}{p_0}## (d) ##r_\text{total} = \dfrac{c_1}{p_0} + \dfrac{p_1}{p_0} ## (e) ##r_\text{total} = \dfrac{c_1}{p_0} + \dfrac{p_1}{p_0} - 1## An asset's total expected return over the next year is given by: ###r_\text{total} = \dfrac{c_1+p_1-p_0}{p_0} ### Where ##p_0## is the current price, ##c_1## is the expected income in one year and ##p_1## is the expected price in one year. The total return can be split into the income return and the capital return. Which of the following is the expected capital return? (a) ##c_1## (b) ##p_1-p_0## (c) ##\dfrac{c_1}{p_0} ## (d) ##\dfrac{p_1}{p_0} -1## (e) ##\dfrac{p_1}{p_0} ## A stock was bought for $8 and paid a dividend of $0.50 one year later (at t=1 year). Just after the dividend was paid, the stock price was $7 (at t=1 year). What were the total, capital and dividend returns given as effective annual rates? The choices are given in the same order: ##r_\text{total}##, ##r_\text{capital}##, ##r_\text{dividend}##. (a) 0.0625, -0.0625, -0.125. (b) 0.0625, 0.125, -0.0625. (c) -0.0625, 0.0625, -0.125. (d) -0.0625, -0.125, 0.0625. (e) -0.125, -0.1875, 0.0625. A share was bought for $30 (at t=0) and paid its annual dividend of $6 one year later (at t=1). Just after the dividend was paid, the share price fell to $27 (at t=1). What were the total, capital and income returns given as effective annual rates? The choices are given in the same order: ##r_\text{total}## , ##r_\text{capital}## , ##r_\text{dividend}##. (a) -0.1, -0.3, 0.2. (b) -0.1, 0.1, -0.2. (c) 0.1, -0.1, 0.2. (d) 0.1, 0.2, -0.1. (e) 0.2, 0.1, -0.1. Question 21 income and capital returns, bond pricing A fixed coupon bond was bought for $90 and paid its annual coupon of $3 one year later (at t=1 year). Just after the coupon was paid, the bond price was $92 (at t=1 year). What was the total return, capital return and income return? Calculate your answers as effective annual rates. The choices are given in the same order: ## r_\text{total},r_\text{capital},r_\text{income} ##. (a) -0.0556, -0.0222, -0.0333 (b) 0.0222, -0.0111, 0.0333. (c) 0.0333, 0.0556, 0.0222. (d) 0.0556, 0.0222, 0.0333. (e) 0.0556, 0.0333, 0.0222. Question 278 inflation, real and nominal returns and cash flows Imagine that the interest rate on your savings account was 1% per year and inflation was 2% per year. After one year, would you be able to buy , exactly the as or than today with the money in this account? Question 295 inflation, real and nominal returns and cash flows, NPV When valuing assets using discounted cash flow (net present value) methods, it is important to consider inflation. To properly deal with inflation: (I) Discount nominal cash flows by nominal discount rates. (II) Discount nominal cash flows by real discount rates. (III) Discount real cash flows by nominal discount rates. (IV) Discount real cash flows by real discount rates. Which of the above statements is or are correct? (a) I only. (b) III only. (c) IV only. (d) I and IV only. (e) II and III only. Question 353 income and capital returns, inflation, real and nominal returns and cash flows, real estate A residential investment property has an expected nominal total return of 6% pa and nominal capital return of 3% pa. Inflation is expected to be 2% pa. All rates are given as effective annual rates. What are the property's expected real total, capital and income returns? The answer choices below are given in the same order. (a) 3.9216%, 2.9412%, 0.9804%. (b) 3.9216%, 0.9804%, 2.9412%. (c) 3.9216%, 0.9804%, 0.9804%. (d) 1.9804%, 1.0000%, 0.9804%. (e) 1.9608%, 0.9804%, 0.9804%. (a) 5.8824%, 0.9804%, 4.902%. Question 407 income and capital returns, inflation, real and nominal returns and cash flows A stock has a real expected total return of 7% pa and a real expected capital return of 2% pa. What is the nominal expected total return, capital return and dividend yield? The answers below are given in the same order. (a) 11.100%, 4.000%, 7.100%. (b) 11.140%, 4.040%, 7.100%. (c) 4.902%, 0.000%, 4.902%. (d) 9.140%, 4.040%, 5.100%. (e) 9.140%, 4.040%, 7.100%. Question 473 market capitalisation of equity The below screenshot of Commonwealth Bank of Australia's (CBA) details were taken from the Google Finance website on 7 Nov 2014. Some information has been deliberately blanked out. What was CBA's market capitalisation of equity? (a) $431.18 billion (b) $429 billion (c) $134.07 billion (d) $8.44 billion (e) $3.21 billion The below screenshot of Microsoft's (MSFT) details were taken from the Google Finance website on 28 Nov 2014. Some information has been deliberately blanked out. What was MSFT's market capitalisation of equity? (a) $395.11 million (b) $21.01 billion (d) $393.95 billion (e) $1.02935 trillion Question 444 investment decision, corporate financial decision theory The investment decision primarily affects which part of a business? (a) Assets. (b) Liabilities and owner's equity. (c) Current assets and current liabilities. (d) Dividends and buy backs. (e) Net income, also known as earnings or net profit after tax. Question 446 working capital decision, corporate financial decision theory The working capital decision primarily affects which part of a business? Question 445 financing decision, corporate financial decision theory The financing decision primarily affects which part of a business? Question 447 payout policy, corporate financial decision theory Payout policy is most closely related to which part of a business? Question 443 corporate financial decision theory, investment decision, financing decision, working capital decision, payout policy Business people make lots of important decisions. Which of the following is the most important long term decision? (a) Investment decision. (b) Financing decision. (c) Working capital decision. (d) Payout policy decision. (e) Capital or labour decision. Question 37 IRR If a project's net present value (NPV) is zero, then its internal rate of return (IRR) will be: (a) Positive infinity (##+\infty##) (b) Zero (0). (c) Less than the project's required return. (d) More than the project's required return. (e) Equal to the project's required return. Question 126 IRR What is the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of the project detailed in the table below? Assume that the cash flows shown in the table are paid all at once at the given point in time. All answers are given as effective annual rates. Project Cash Flows Time (yrs) Cash flow ($) (b) 0.105 (c) 0.1111 (d) 0.1 (e) 0 Question 502 NPV, IRR, mutually exclusive projects An investor owns an empty block of land that has local government approval to be developed into a petrol station, car wash or car park. The council will only allow a single development so the projects are mutually exclusive. All of the development projects have the same risk and the required return of each is 10% pa. Each project has an immediate cost and once construction is finished in one year the land and development will be sold. The table below shows the estimated costs payable now, expected sale prices in one year and the internal rates of returns (IRR's). Mutually Exclusive Projects now ($) Sale price in one year ($) IRR (% pa) Petrol station 9,000,000 11,000,000 22.22 Car wash 800,000 1,100,000 37.50 Car park 70,000 110,000 57.14 Which project should the investor accept? (a) Petrol station. (b) Car wash. (c) Car park. (d) None of the projects. (e) All of the projects. Question 251 NPV You have $100,000 in the bank. The bank pays interest at 10% pa, given as an effective annual rate. You wish to consume an equal amount now (t=0) and in one year (t=1) and have nothing left in the bank at the end (t=1). How much can you consume at each time? (a) $57,619.0476 (b) $55,000 (c) $53,809.5238 (d) $52,380.9524 (e) $50,000 You wish to consume an equal amount now (t=0), in one year (t=1)
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Protocol: screening of genetic susceptibility genes for breast cancer patients and establishment of genetic high-risk populations cohort in east china communities Zezhou Wang1,2, Sanjian Yu2,3, Xiaoshuang Feng1,2, Xia Qiu4, Hui Ji5, Hailin Shan6, Qing Shao6, Heng Xia7, Feng Cao8, Jun Li9, Cuixia Fu2,10, Liqin Chen2,10, Xiaofang Lu2,10, Tingting Su2,10, Qianqian Yu2,10, Shengqun Hou2,10, Honglian Wang11, Yun Liu12, Ying Zheng1,2, Zhimin Shao2,3, Zhen Hu2,3 1Department of Cancer Prevention, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China; 2Department of Oncology, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University, Shanghai, China; 3Department of Breast Surgery, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China; 4Department of Breast Surgery, Zhoushan Hospital, Zhoushan, China; 5Department of General Surgery, Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital, Chongming Branch, Shanghai, China; 6Department of Thyroid and Breast Surgery, Jiangyin People's Hospital, Southeast University, Jiangyin, China; 7Department of Thyroid and Breast Surgery, Shaoxing Central Hospital, Shaoxing, China; 8Department of General Surgery, Shanghai Seventh People's Hospital, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai, China; 9Department of General Surgery, Shanghai Pudong New Area Gongli Hospital, Shanghai, China; 10Department of Nursing, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China; 11AITA Biomedical Research Institute, Shanghai, China; 12Department of Biliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China Contributions: (I) Conception and design: S Yu, Y Zheng, Z Hu; (II) Administrative support: Z Shao; (III) Provision of study materials or patients: Z Shao, Y Zheng, Z Hu; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: X Qiu, H Ji, H Shan, Q Shao, H Xia, F Cao, J Li, C Fu, L Chen, X Lu, T Su, Q Yu, S Hou, H Wang, Y Liu; (V) Data analysis and interpretation: Z Wang, S Yu, X Feng; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors. Correspondence to: Zhen Hu. Department of Breast Surgery, Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, 270 Dong-An Rd, Shanghai 200032, China. Email: [email protected]. Background: BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have been proven to be genetic susceptibility genes for breast cancer. Their mutations are closely related to hereditary breast cancer, and can also increase the risk of other cancers. Several studies have been conducted to examine the distribution and prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations as well as the penetrance of breast cancer in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers among different populations. However, most studies conducted among Chinese were hospital-based research, whichmay not reflect the real epidemiology in the population. In order to fill the gaps in community research, this study aims to screen genetic susceptibility genes of breast cancer patients in the Chinese community and establish a cohort of genetic high-risk populations. Methods: This is a multisite, prospective, cohort study which has been ongoing in 3 provinces of eastern China since 2019. Up to 5,000 breast cancer survivors will conduct BRCA1, BRCA2, PTEN, CHEK2, and PALB2 genetic susceptibility genes testing, provide clinical and genetic information and family history. Participants were followed up based on the results. Discussion: This is the first study of breast cancer and other common malignancies penetrance and genetic susceptibility gene mutation carrying possibility which is based on community breast cancer data. It is superior to data from hospitals and high-risk clinics. The establishment of a mutation prediction model suitable for the Chinese population still has high socio-economic value. Trial Registration: This study is registered at (Registration number NCT04265937). Keywords: Breast cancer genetic susceptibility genes; community-based research; penetrance; prediction model Received: 18 July 2022; Accepted: 30 November 2022; Published: 30 December 2022. doi: 10.21037/pcm-22-36 According to the estimation by Global cancer statistics in 2020, female breast cancer has become the leading cause of global cancer incidence (1). Although China has a lower breast cancer burden compared with developed countries, the incidence and mortality of breast cancer in China has been increasing in the past decade (2). It has been reported that 5–10% of breast cancers have a hereditary background (3). Germline mutations in tumor-suppressor genes BRCA1 and BRCA2 are well known breast cancer predictors, which are involved in DNA repair and maintenance of genomic stability, and have been identified as genetic susceptibility genes of breast cancer (4). BRCA1/2 mutation carriers have a significantly increased risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer during their lifetime. A meta-analysis pooled 22 studies worldwide shows that, the average cumulative risks in BRCA1-mutation carriers by age 70 years are 65% for breast cancer and 39% for ovarian cancer, the corresponding estimates for BRCA2 are 45% and 11%. Based on a prospective cohort of 9856 BRCA1/2 mutation carriers, BRCA1 and BRCA2 Cohort Consortium find that, the cumulative risk 20 years for contralateral breast cancer after breast cancer diagnosis is 40% for BRCA1 and 26% for BRCA2 carriers (5). And the cumulative breast cancer risk to age 80 years is 72% for BRCA1 and 69% for BRCA2 carriers. The cumulative ovarian cancer risk to age 80 years is 44% for BRCA1 and 17% for BRCA2 carriers. Furthermore, BRCA1/2 mutation could also increase the risk of male breast cancer (6), pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer -BRCA2 only (7), stomach cancer (8), and colorectal cancer (9). During the past decades, several studies have been conducted to examine the distribution and prevalence of BRCA1/2 mutations among different populations (10-14), including several studies in China (15-17). Notably, two studies in China have investigated the penetrance of breast cancer in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers (18,19), which provide evidence for the genetic counseling in China. Nevertheless, there are still many defects and many questions need to be answered. First, most studies conducted among Chinese are hospital-based research, and patients in some studies are recruited from one single city, limiting the application of results to larger populations. Hospital-based patient data, whose patients are opportunistic visits, may not reflect the real epidemiology in the population. Secondly, the BRCA1/2 gene testing based on high genetic risk groups cannot reflect the true incidence of gene mutations in the general population of breast cancer. In addition, due to the incomplete collection of family history information in previous studies, it is not possible to establish a prediction model for the probability of BRCA1/2 gene mutation in the Chinese population, nor to accurately calculate the breast cancer penetrance of mutation carriers. Moreover, current studies have shown that the commonly used clinical prediction models of BRCA1/2 gene mutations derived from Western populations perform well in Caucasian patients, but the accuracy rate is not high in Asian populations (20). Finally, the most important clinical significance of BRCA1/2 gene mutation detection lies in the early prevention and diagnosis of breast cancer. The best place for the management and implementation of primary prevention of breast cancer is not in the hospital, but in the community, so it is very important to carry out screening of breast cancer genetic susceptibility genes in the community. In order to fill the gaps in community research, we design an observational, prospective cohort study to screen genetic susceptibility genes of breast cancer patients in the Chinese community (from Eastern China, Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai Area) and establish a cohort of high-risk populations. This study plans to recruit breast cancer patients from some communities in China for BRCA1/2 mutation detection, understand the pathogenic mutation rate of BRCA1/2, PALB2, CHEK2, and PTEN genes in Chinese community breast cancer population, establish the BRCA1/2 pathogenic mutation carrier rate prediction model in the Chinese population, and accurately calculate the penetrance of breast cancer and other common malignant tumors in pathogenic mutation carriers.
Checkmate (American TV series) (Redirected from Checkmate (TV series)) Checkmate is an American detective television series created by Eric Ambler, starring Anthony George, Sebastian Cabot, and Doug McClure. The show aired on CBS Television from 1960 to 1962 for a total of 70 episodes. It was produced by Jack Benny's production company, "JaMco Productions" in co-operation with Revue Studios. Guest stars included Charles Laughton, Peter Lorre, Lee Marvin, Mickey Rooney and many other prominent performers. Sebastian Cabot, Carolyn Craig, and Doug McClure (1962) Detective/Mystery Eric Ambler Frank Arrigo Jules Bricken Herschel Daugherty Walter Doniger Robert Florey William A. Graham Tom Gries Douglas Heyes James Wong Howe Robert Ellis Miller Alexander Singer Don Weis Sebastian Cabot Doug McClure Theme music composer Marty Paich Morton Stevens Stanley Wilson Herbert Coleman Joseph T. Naar Joseph F. Biroc Dale Deverman Ray Flin Lionel Lindon Fred Mandl John L. Russell Bud Thackery John F. Warren Howard Epstein Lee Huntington Tony Martinelli 60 mins. JaMco Productions Revue Studios MCA TV Original network Picture format Original release September 17, 1960 (1960-09-17) – September 1, 1962 (1962-09-01) 2.1 Notable guest stars 4.1 Season 1 (1960–61) 8 Comics SynopsisEdit The program chronicles the cases of the San Francisco detective agency called Checkmate, Inc. Don Corey and Jed Sills run the agency, which specializes in preventing crimes before they happen from Corey's stylish apartment supposedly at 3330 Union Street. Sebastian Cabot portrays Dr. Hyatt, a college professor whom they employ as an adviser. Dr. Hyatt's dachshund, Bismarck, occasionally appears. Ken Lynch is frequently seen as police dept. contact Lt. Thomas Brand. CastEdit Anthony George as Don Corey Sebastian Cabot as Dr. Carl Hyatt Doug McClure as Jed Sills Ken Lynch as Lt. Thomas Brand Jack Betts as Chris Devlin Notable guest starsEdit Philip Abbott in "Trial by Midnight" (1961) Anna Maria Alberghetti in "Runaway" (1960) Dana Andrews in "Trial by Midnight" (1962) Eve Arden in "Death by Design" (1961) John Astin in "The Yacht Club Gang" (1962), "So Beats My Plastic Heart" (1962) Anne Baxter in "Death Runs Wild" (1960) Ralph Bellamy in "Portrait of a Man Running" (1961) Jack Benny in "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Game" (1962) Charles Bickford in "Target Tycoon"(1960) Bill Bixby in "To the Best of My Recollection" (1961) Scott Brady in "Voyage into Fear" (1961) Lloyd Bridges in "The Two of Us" (1961) Ellen Burstyn in "The Bold and the Tough" (1962) Cyd Charisse in "Dance of Death" (1961) Sid Caesar in "Kill the Sound" (1961) James Coburn in "A Chant of Silence" (1962) Richard Conte in "Moment of Truth" (1960), "An Assassin Arrives Andante" (1962) Russ Conway "The Star System" (1962) Joseph Cotten in "Face in the Window" (1960) Norma Crane in "Hour of Execution" (1961) John Dehner in "The Heat of Passion" (1961) Francis De Sales in "To the Best of My Recollection" (1961) Angie Dickinson in "Remembrances of Crimes Past" (1962) Donna Douglas in "The Deadly Silence" (1961) Buddy Ebsen in "Side by Side" (1962) Norman Fell in "Hot Wind in a Cold Town" (1961) Joan Fontaine in "Voyage into Fear" (1961) Ron Foster in "The Mask of Vengeance" (1960) Beverly Garland in "Between Two Guns" (1961) James Gregory in "Hour of Execution" (1961) Peter Helm in "Rendezvous in Washington" (1960) Celeste Holm in "So Beats My Plastic Heart" (1962) James Hong in "In a Foreign Quarter" (1962) Clegg Hoyt in "The Deadly Silence" (1961) Jeffrey Hunter in "Waiting for Jocko" (1961) David Janssen in "Ride a Wild Horse" (1962) Wright King as Jim Barker in "Portrait of a Man Running" (1961) Otto Kruger in "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Game" (1962) Martin Landau in "Moment of Truth" (1960), "Hot Wind in a Cold Town" (1961) Charles Laughton in "Terror from the East" (1961) Cloris Leachman in "The Mask of Vengeance" (1960) Julie London in "Goodbye, Griff" (1961) Jack Lord in "The Star System" (1962) Peter Lorre in "The Human Touch" (1961) Tina Louise in "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Game" (1962) Dorothy Malone in "The Heat of Passion" (1961) Scott Marlowe in "Brooding Fixation" (1962) Lee Marvin in "Jungle Castle" (1961) Eve McVeagh in "A Very Rough Sketch" (1962) Tyler McVey in "Deadly Shadow" (1960), "To the Best of My Recollection" (1961), and "Side by Side" (1962) Vera Miles in "The Crimson Pool" (1961) Ricardo Montalbán in "Hot Wind in a Cold Town" (1961) Elizabeth Montgomery in "The Star System" (1962) Mary Tyler Moore in "Lady on the Brink" (1960) Patricia Neal in "The Yacht Club Gang" (1962) Margaret O'Brien in "Deadly Shadow" (1960) Dan O'Herlihy in "Referendum on Murder" (1962) Susan Oliver in "The Thrill Seeker" (1961) Eleanor Parker in "The Renaissance of Gussie Hill" (1962) Walter Pidgeon in "Death Beyond Recall" (1962) Stuart Randall in "The Cyanide Touch" (1960) Tony Randall in "The Button Down Break" (1961) Madlyn Rhue in "Target Tycoon" (1960) Jimmie Rodgers in "Melody for Murder" (1961) Mickey Rooney in "The Paper Killer" (1961) Janice Rule in "The Mask of Vengeance" (1960) Barbara Rush in "The Dark Divide" (1960) George Sanders in "The Sound of Nervous Laughter" (1962) Dan Sheridan in "A Very Rough Sketch" (1962) Dean Stockwell in "Cyanide Touch" (1960) Olive Sturgess in "Brooding Fixation" (1962) Robert Vaughn in "Interrupted Honeymoon" (1960) James Whitmore in "Nice Guys Finish Last" (1961) Elen Willard in "Laugh Till I Die" (1961) John Williams in "The Murder Game" (1960) William Windom in "Through a Dark Glass" (1961) Jane Wyman in "Lady on the Brink" (1960) Keenan Wynn in "A Slight Touch of Venom" (1961) ProductionEdit Many exterior scenes were shot in San Francisco.[citation needed] Series star Anthony George left his recurring role as Federal Agent Cam Allison on The Untouchables (starring Robert Stack), to front this series. EpisodesEdit Season 1 (1960–61)Edit No. in Original air date 1 "Death Runs Wild" Jules Bricken Story by : John Kneubuhl Teleplay by : James Gunn & John Kneubuhl September 17, 1960 (1960-09-17) 2 "Interrupted Honeymoon" Herschel Daughterty Michael Morris September 24, 1960 (1960-09-24) 3 "The Cyanide Touch" Don Weis Stirling Silliphant October 1, 1960 (1960-10-01) 4 "Lady on the Brink" Frank Arrigo Story by : Howard Browne Teleplay by : Howard Browne & Joel Murcott October 15, 1960 (1960-10-15) 5 "Face in the Window" Robert Florey Story by : Leigh Brackett Teleplay by : Leigh Brackett & Harold Clements October 22, 1960 (1960-10-22) 6 "Runaway" Don Medford Story by : Richard Nelson & Steve Fisher Teleplay by : James Gunn & Richard Nelson October 29, 1960 (1960-10-29) 7 "Target: Tycoon" Frank Arrigo Story by : Johnathan Latimer Teleplay by : Robert Yale Libott November 5, 1960 (1960-11-05) 8 "Deadly Shadow" Don Weis Story by : William McGivern Teleplay by : Harold Clements & William McGivern November 12, 1960 (1960-11-12) 9 "The Dark Divide" Don Weis Story by : Robert Bloomfield Teleplay by : James Gunn & Robert Bloomfield November 19, 1960 (1960-11-19) 10 "Moment of Truth" Walter Doniger Story by : Leonard Heideman Teleplay by : Jameson Brewer & Leonard Heideman November 26, 1960 (1960-11-26) 11 "The Mask of Vengeance" Ted Post Warner Law December 3, 1960 (1960-12-03) 12 "The Murder Game" Douglas Heyes Douglas Heyes December 17, 1960 (1960-12-17) 13 "The Princess in the Tower" Herschel Daugherty Story by : Betty Ulius Teleplay by : Halsey Melone December 31, 1960 (1960-12-31) 14 "Terror from the East" Herschel Daugherty Harold Clements January 7, 1961 (1961-01-07) 15 "The Human Touch" Don Weis Story by : John Falvo & Pete Mamakos Teleplay by : James Gunn January 14, 1961 (1961-01-14) 16 "Hour of Execution" John English Story by : Helen Nielsen Teleplay by : Robert Yale Libott January 21, 1961 (1961-01-21) 17 "Don't Believe a Word She Says" Sidney Lansfield Story by : William Lindsay Gresham Teleplay by : Robert C. Dennis January 28, 1961 (1961-01-28) 18 "Laugh Till I Die" Don Weis Bernie Giler February 4, 1961 (1961-02-04) 19 "Between Two Guns" John English Harold Clements February 11, 1961 (1961-02-11) 20 "A Matter of Conscience" Richard Irving Story by : Leonard Heideman Teleplay by : Edmund Morris February 18, 1961 (1961-02-18) 21 "Melody for Murder" Don Taylor Stuart Jerome February 25, 1961 (1961-02-25) 22 "Phantom Lover" Herschel Daugherty Raphael Hayes March 4, 1961 (1961-03-04) 23 "The Gift" Jules Bricken Story by : Robert Blees Teleplay by : Irwin and Gwen Gielgud March 11, 1961 (1961-03-11) 24 "One for the Book" Don English Story by : Curtis Kenyon Teleplay by : Robert C. Dennis March 18, 1961 (1961-03-18) 25 "The Paper Killer" Don Taylor Story by : Stuart Jerome Teleplay by : James Dunn March 25, 1961 (1961-03-25) 26 "Jungle Castle" Ted Post Story by : Bernie Giler and Robert C. Dennis Teleplay by : Robert C. Dennis April 1, 1961 (1961-04-01) 27 "The Deadly Silence" Paul Stewart Story by : Rik Vollaerts Teleplay by : Harold Clements April 8, 1961 (1961-04-08) 28 "Goodbye Griff" Allen H. Miner Story by : Steven Thornley Teleplay by : Steven Thornley and Sheldon Stark April 15, 1961 (1961-04-15) 29 "Dance of
novella, The History of My Wishes, published by MuseItUp Publishing. My novels, Coming from Nowhere (adult, sci fi), Life After the Undead (YA, horror), and Death to the Undead (YA, sequel to Life After the Undead) are available from eTreasures Publishing. Life After the Undead was a Top Ten Finisher in the Preditors and Editors Reader's Poll in the YA category and the cover art category. In April, I have a middle grade novel called The Ifs coming out, which will be published by Little Devil Books. I also have two picture books that will be available from eTreasures Publishing. All of the children's titles are written under the pen name J.D. Pooker. Under Pembroke Sinclair, I also have an adult urban fantasy novel entitled Wucaii that will be published by MuseItUp Publishing. Under my real name, Jessica Robinson, from March 2008 to January 2011, I wrote scientific articles for Western Farmer-Stockman. I have a nonfiction book, Life Lessons from Slasher Films, published in July 2012 from Scarecrow Publishing (an imprint of Rowman and Littlefield). I have my Master's in English, and I am a freelance content editor for Musa Publishing, as well as a former content and line editor for eTreasures Publishing. Labels: book blitz, giveaway, paranormal, pembroke sinclair, romance, the appeal of evil, xpresso book tours, young adult Cover Reveal: Where We Hide by Dulaney-Glen Where We Hide by Dulaney-Glen. Publication: March 14. It was a wrinkled, white envelope pushed to the back of the mailbox. In it, a note carrying one word written at the top … Tallence. It held everything that I had been hiding from for twelve years ... our past, our memories, the pain, and the hope of healing. Everything that I had given up on in just one letter, and all it said was: Everyone is hiding from something … until we're not, and that's when the real struggle begins. When there's nothing and nowhere left to hide. I'm done hiding. -Grant K. Dulaney & J. Glen, sisters & authors. K. Dulaney was born, raised, and still resides in the Mountains of North Carolina. She is the proud mother to an amazing little boy, and happily married to her high school sweetheart. Dulaney attended Southern Universities and obtained her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and a Masters in Family Studies. Her passion for reading and books began at very early age, and Dulaney dreamed of one day writing stories of her own. Partnering with her sister, J. Glen, they began a journey that has exceeded their expectations and proven that through hard work and determination, that dream can be a reality. J. Glen is a North Carolina native currently residing in a small mountainous town. She attended an East Coast university and obtained a degree in Communication and Journalism. With an interest in writing at a young age, Glen had one idea of the perfect career and now, along with the help of her sister, she's embarking on a journey to achieve just that. Follow us on Twitter, be our friend on Facebook, and check out our website for updates, info and things to look out for! Labels: Adult Contemporary Romance, AToMRT, cover reveal, Dulaney-Glen, where we hide Book Blitz and Giveaway: PODs (PODs #1) by Michelle K. Pickett PODs (PODs #1) by Michelle K. Pickett. Audience/Genre: Young Adult, Dystopian, Romance. Publication: June 4th 2013 by Spencer Hill Press. Seventeen-year-old Eva is a chosen one. Chosen to live, while others meet a swift and painful death from an incurable virus so lethal, a person is dead within days of symptoms emerging. In the POD system, a series of underground habitats built by the government, she waits with the other chosen for the deadly virus to claim those above. Separated from family and friends, it's in the PODs she meets David. And while true love might not conquer all, it's a balm for the broken soul. After a year, scientists believe the population has died, and without living hosts, so has the virus. That's the theory, anyway. But when the PODs are opened, survivors find the surface holds a vicious secret. The virus mutated, infecting those left top-side and creating... monsters. Eva and David hide from the infected in the abandoned PODs. Together they try to build a life--a new beginning. But the infected follow and are relentless in their attacks. Leaving Eva and David to fight for survival, and pray for a cure. Enjoy the excerpt.... The bus ride to the quarantine facility took more than ten hours. I was shoved against the window by my seatmate who slept almost the entire trip. He was a big guy, taking up most of the seat,and when he slep this body lolled to the side, wedging me against the metal side of the bus. As we traveled, the air turned hot and dry, different than the humid, sticky climate of my coastal Texas hometown. The old school bus didn't have air conditioning and the small windows didn't let much air in. My seatmate's body heat didn't help. I was hot, thirsty, and had to pee in the worst way. Wondering how much longer I'd be drooled on by the guy next to me, I strained my face against the window, looking for anything on the flat landscape. That's when I saw them. I don't know why I was surprised. I should've expected it after what had happened at the high school, but I hadn't. It was worse than at the school—rioters everywhere. They waved anti-raffle signs and signs cursing the "Chosen." The land around the quarantine area was flat, dry, and dusty. The people lining the road sat under makeshift tents to keep out of the sun. Some stood on top of their RVs waving their handmade signs; one burned an American flag. I watched women holding their small children toward the bus, begging with tear-stained faces for us to take them. I wanted to reach out and snatch them out of their mothers' hands as we drove past. Several of the other people on the bus reached up and pushed their windows shut. The National Guard at the quarantine site didn't allow people to get close enough to touch the bus.They were shot with rubber bullets or Tasered if they tried to cross the police line. Every time I heard the shot of the riot guns I jumped. My muscles ached from tensing them—waiting for the inevitable sound. "Why are you crying?" A boy sitting in front of me looked at me like I'd grown another head. "They'd probably kill you and steal your place in the PODs if given the chance." I shook my head, remembering what my dad had told me. "They're just scared," I said. After all, they were, essentially, the walking dead. The rioters screamed and cursed us. They threw rocks and eggs as we drove by. An egg hit the window next to me, the slimy insides plopping against my head, matting my hair. "Gross," the boy sitting next to me said. I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. Yeah, the egg is gross. And the drool coming out of your mouth and dripping on my leg while you slept, leaning on me, was glorious. The bus stopped in a fenced area like the one at the high school. The crowd screamed and banged the fence posts with their crude, homemade picket signs. Some climbed on the fence, pulling at it like chimpanzees at the zoo. "Stay seated until your name is called," a soldier yelled. "When you are called, grab your belongings and wait to be escorted into the building." Oh please, call this guy's name. He needs to move before I shove him off the seat. I'm tired of being pinned against the side of the bus. I need some room. Thankfully, my name was called soon after we stopped. I stood, stretched the kinks out of my muscles, and plowed through the massive body blocking me. Clambering over the other luggage that filled the aisle, I grabbed my two suitcases and stood in front of the bus. The
networks. Thus we can increase the efficiency of the routing by satisfying the Quality of Service (QoS) parameters by developing routing algorithms for MANETs. The algorithms that are inspired by the principles of natural biological evolution and distributed collective behavior of social colonies have shown excellence in dealing with complex optimization problems and are becoming more popular. This paper presents a survey on few meta-heuristic algorithms and naturally-inspired algorithms. Keywords: Ant colony optimization, genetic algorithm, Naturally-inspired algorithms and particle swarm optimization. 19 Kirchhoff's Depth Migration over Heterogeneous Velocity Models with Ray Tracing Modeling Approach Authors: Alok Kumar Routa, Priya Ranjan Mohanty Complex seismic signatures are generated due to the complexity of the subsurface which is difficult to interpret. In the present study, an attempt has been made to model the complex subsurface using the Ray tracing modeling technique. Add to this, for the imaging of these geological features, Kirchhoff's prestack depth migration is applied over the synthetic common shot gather dataset. It is found that the Kirchhoff's migration technique in addition with the Ray tracing modeling concept has the flexibility towards the imaging of various complex geology which gives satisfactory results with proper delineation of the reflectors at their respective true depth position. The entire work has been carried out under the MATLAB environment. Keywords: Kirchhoff's migration, Prestack depth migration, Ray tracing modeling, Velocity model. 18 Ultrasound Assisted Extraction and Microwave Assisted Extraction of Carotenoids from Melon Shells Authors: A. Brinda Lakshmi, J. Lakshmi Priya Cantaloupes (muskmelon and watermelon) contain biologically active molecules such as carotenoids which are natural pigments used as food colorants and afford health benefits. ß-carotene is the major source of carotenoids present in muskmelon and watermelon shell. Carotenoids were extracted using Microwave assisted extraction (MAE) and Ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) utilising organic lipophilic solvents such as acetone, methanol, and hexane. Extraction conditions feed-solvent ratio, microwave power, ultrasound frequency, temperature and particle size were varied and optimized. It was found that the yield of carotenoids was higher using UAE than MAE, and muskmelon had the highest yield of carotenoids when was ethanol used as a solvent for 0.5 mm particle size. Keywords: Carotenoids, extraction, muskmelon shell, watermelon shell. 17 Reversible Signed Division for Computing Systems Authors: D. Krishnaveni, M. Geetha Priya Applications of reversible logic gates in the design of complex integrated circuits provide power optimization. This technique finds a great use in low power CMOS design, optical computing, quantum computing and nanotechnology. This paper proposes a reversible signed division circuit that can divide an n-bit signed dividend with an n-bit signed divisor using non-restoration division logic. The proposed design adequately addresses the 'delay' there by improving the efficiency of the circuit. An attempt is made to design a reversible signed division circuit. This paper provides a threshold to build more complex arithmetic systems using reversible logic, thus increasing the performance of computing systems. Keywords: Low power CMOS, quantum computing, reversible logic gates, shift register, signed division. 16 A Review: Comparative Study of Enhanced Hierarchical Clustering Protocols in WSN Authors: M. Sangeetha, A. Sabari, T. Shanthi Priya Recent advances in wireless networking technologies introduce several energy aware routing protocols in sensor networks. Such protocols aim to extend the lifetime of network by reducing the energy consumption of nodes. Many researchers are looking for certain challenges that are predominant in the grounds of energy consumption. One such protocol that addresses this energy consumption issue is 'Cluster based hierarchical routing protocol'. In this paper, we intend to discuss some of the major hierarchical routing protocols adhering towards sensor networks. Furthermore, we examine and compare several aspects and characteristics of few widely explored hierarchical clustering protocols, and its operations in wireless sensor networks (WSN). This paper also presents a discussion on the future research topics and the challenges of hierarchical clustering in WSNs. Keywords: Clustering, Energy Efficiency, Hierarchical routing, Wireless sensor networks. 15 Equilibrium, Kinetic and Thermodynamic Studies of Simultaneous Co-Adsorptive Removal of Phenol and Cyanide Using Chitosan Authors: Bhumica Agarwal, Priya Sengupta, Chandrajit Balomajumder The present study analyses the potential of acid treated chitosan for simultaneous co-adsorptive removal of phenol and cyanide from a binary waste water solution. The effects of parameters like pH, temperature, initial concentration, adsorbent dose, and adsorbent size were studied. At an optimum pH of 8, temperature of 30⁰C, initial phenol and cyanide concentration of 200 mg/L and 20 mg/L respectively, adsorbent dose of 30 g/L and size between 0.4-0.6 mm the maximum percentage removal of phenol and cyanide was found to be 60.97% and 90.86% respectively. Amongst the adsorption isotherms applied extended Freundlich best depicted the adsorption of both phenol and cyanide based on lowest MPSD value. The kinetics depicted that chemisorption was the adsorption mechanism and intraparticle diffusion is not the only rate controlling step of the reaction. Thermodynamic studies revealed that phenol adsorption was exothermic and spontaneous whereas that of cyanide was an endothermic process. Keywords: Chitosan, Co-adsorption, Cyanide, Phenol. 14 Estimation of PM2.5 Emissions and Source Apportionment Using Receptor and Dispersion Models Authors: Swetha Priya Darshini Thammadi, Sateesh Kumar Pisini, Sanjay Kumar Shukla Source apportionment using Dispersion model depends primarily on the quality of Emission Inventory. In the present study, a CMB receptor model has been used to identify the sources of PM2.5, while the AERMOD dispersion model has been used to account for missing sources of PM2.5 in the Emission Inventory. A statistical approach has been developed to quantify the missing sources not considered in the Emission Inventory. The inventory of each grid was improved by adjusting emissions based on road lengths and deficit in measured and modelled concentrations. The results showed that in CMB analyses, fugitive sources - soil and road dust - contribute significantly to ambient PM2.5 pollution. As a result, AERMOD significantly underestimated the ambient air concentration at most locations. The revised Emission Inventory showed a significant improvement in AERMOD performance which is evident through statistical tests. Keywords: CMB, GIS, AERMOD, PM2.5, fugitive, emission inventory. 13 Investigation on Bio-Inspired Population Based Metaheuristic Algorithms for Optimization Problems in Ad Hoc Networks Authors: C. Rajan, K. Geetha, C. Rasi Priya, R. Sasikala Nature is a great source of inspiration for solving complex problems in networks. It helps to find the optimal solution. Metaheuristic algorithm is one of the nature-inspired algorithm which helps in solving routing problem in networks. The dynamic features, changing of topology frequently and limited bandwidth make the routing, challenging in MANET. Implementation of appropriate routing algorithms leads to the efficient transmission of data in mobile ad hoc networks. The algorithms that are inspired by the principles of naturally-distributed/collective behavior of social colonies have shown excellence in dealing with complex optimization problems. Thus some of the bio-inspired metaheuristic algorithms help to increase the efficiency of routing in ad hoc networks. This survey work presents the overview of bio-inspired metaheuristic algorithms which support the efficiency of routing in mobile ad hoc networks. Keywords: Ant colony optimization algorithm, Genetic algorithm, naturally inspired algorithms and particle swarm optimization algorithm. 12 Investigation on Novel Based Naturally-Inspired Swarm Intelligence Algorithms for Optimization Problems in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Authors: C. Rajan, K. Geetha, C. Rasi Priya, S. Geetha Nature is the immense gifted source for solving complex problems. It always helps to find the optimal solution to solve the problem. Mobile Ad Hoc NETwork (MANET) is a wide research area of networks which has set of independent nodes. The characteristics involved in MANET's are Dynamic, does not depend on any fixed infrastructure or centralized networks, High mobility. The Bio-Inspired algorithms are mimics the nature for solving optimization problems opening a new era in MANET. The typical Swarm Intelligence (SI) algorithms are Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Modified Termite Algorithm, Bat Algorithm (BA), Wolf Search Algorithm (WSA) and so on. This work mainly concentrated on nature of MANET and behavior of nodes. Also it analyses various performance metrics
observed that the city of Mingora is the collection and trading center for many high value MAPs, having a well-established market that supplies various trading centers in Pakistan and abroad. Rashid et al. [31] also reported that the majority of marketable medicinal plants are collected from northern areas of Pakistan including Swat District. The MAPs trade in Pakistan, including Swat District, operates with minimal state intervention and documentation. This informal market is present in many countries and provides an important source of income to both subsistence farmers, traders, middlemen, vendors, wholesalers and retailers [11–13, 22, 26, 34–40]. Because of this market operates in grey zone, decision makers are usually unaware of the significance of the trade in MAPs and of the negative impacts that unsustainable harvesting of these plants may have on the environment and on people's long term welfare. The concerns of overharvesting have been raised by many authors that have found reducing availability of plant species or through informant reports [41–44]. A vibrant private market is a desirable outcome as long as none of the participants are able to exploit those at a lower level in the marketing chain and as long as the natural environment is not deteriorated by the over-harvesting of the collectors. These concerns can justify educational efforts, collective marketing activities by collectors, and regulations of harvesting as government policies. Pakistan is a signatory of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and various others [45]. Hence Pakistan has recognized the importance of value and conservation of its biological diversity. The Ministry of Environment has drafted a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) in collaboration with involved stakeholders. BAP has proposed actions for in-situ and ex-situ conservation of Pakistan's biodiversity including MAPs. However, genetic diversity of traditional MAPs is continuously under the threat of extinction due to unsustainable harvesting techniques. A balance is needed between the value of MAPs for the products derived from them and their environmental preservation. Maintaining the supply of MAPs is a problem mainly because most of them are harvested from the wild. As the trade has become market-oriented and international, the activities of a growing number of gatherers are outstripping natural MAP populations. Hence, there is need to establish this trade on a more scientific and sustainable basis. The vulnerability of MAPs to over-exploitation and threat of extinction needs to be dealt with pragmatically. However, the country has still to go a long way to frame laws and policies to conserve all its genetic materials and to develop bilateral and multilateral exchange of plant germplasm, appropriate breeders, farmers and community rights, and comprehensive action plans to achieve the objectives of trade sustainability and its linkages with conservation. There is no systematic management structure involved in collection of MAPs plant material in Swat District, which appears to be on a first-come basis. This is cause for concern because, as Balick [46] and Saganuwan [47] reported, the lack of any check, even on the collection of rare or threatened species, endangers this important source of income. Similarly, Larsen and Smith [48] examined stakeholder perspectives on commercial medicinal plant collection in Nepal, and noticed that most of the commercially important MAPs were becoming rare and sparse due to the combination of unregulated collection and overgrazing. In the interviews for this study, very few of the collectors knew about the existence of the major markets for MAPs or were sufficiently trained in such critical skills as the best pre and post-harvest treatments. Olsen and Larsen [49] also found that the trade and collection of plant materials is mostly practiced by unskilled persons. As a result, valuable medicinal plants lose value on their way to their final market while being subject to over-extraction and destructive harvesting techniques. This suggests that there is a need to develop practical and economically sound strategies for the efficient utilization natural resources in order to improve the condition of marginalized communities; a process that should eventually lead the country towards greater economic stability. Household incomes of gatherers and collectors of MAPs can be enhanced if communities acquire a better understanding of the economic importance of high-demand natural plant resources, as well the interests and respective roles of the key stakeholders involved in the market. This must include understanding of the importance of sustainable collection and cultivation practices to the long term livelihood of the community. Educational programs should address the issue of sustainable harvesting and the possibility of cultivating MAPs that are currently collected from the wild. There is also need for a program that focuses on assisting collectors and local dealers in providing consistently high quality, well preserved, material to purchasers, combined with a sharing of information as to why this is important. This paper provides a baseline analysis of the marketing channels and price differences that underscore these needs. The study provides estimates of the price increases as high value MAPs move through the supply chain. These price differences are to be expected, but are also exacerbated by the lack of knowledge among collectors and local dealers concerning the demand for the various plants. Nomadic gatherers and collectors usually have no direct knowledge of the final markets for their products and, therefore, must rely on local traders to sell their products within the existing value chain. To enhance their income from MAPs, collectors and local dealers need a better understanding of the markets they are supplying. This means understanding the extent and seasonality of the demand and market prices as well as quality expectations and their impact on appropriate pre-harvest and post-harvest management and handling of MAPs species. The perceived threats to plant conservation and sustainability of medicinal plant harvesting do require further study to ascertain that these threats are applicable to the situation in Swat District. Larsen and Olsen [50] argue that standard assumptions on medicinal plant trade can be flawed, such as the degradation of the commercial medicinal plant resource base, the open-access of medicinal plant source areas, the contribution of commercially collected medicinal plant species to conservation, and that medicinal plant harvesters are cheated by middlemen. The data presented here supports the assumption that middlemen and especially harvesters profit the least among the market chain, but other aspects should be studied in the field in multi-year study to assess the changes over time. The purpose of this study was to examine the current status of the high value medicinal and aromatic plant trade in Pakistan and investigate the linkages in the market chain from collectors in Swat District to final consumers. During the course of the interviews and focus group meetings of the study, a range of possible interventions were identified that would enable MAPs to become a stronger 'engine of growth' for the local economy. Indeed, simply conducting the study helped inform local collectors/farmers about the value-added products derived from MAPs. It is reasonable to expect that improving market linkages between producers and buyers will result in increased economic benefit for local collectors, farmers, and dealers, enabling their communities to become hubs of significant economic activities with a multi-dimensional impact on the economic development of Swat District. Such developments are also essential if Pakistan is to maintain or improve its position as an international supplier of MAPs. Adhikari B: Socio-economic heterogeneity and income distribution: evidence from common property resource management. J For Livelihoods. 2001, 1: 22-24. Hamilton A: Plant Conservation: An Ecosystem Approach. 2006, London, UK: Earthscan Ghimire SK, McKey D, Aumeeruddy-Thomas Y: Heterogeneity in ethnoecological knowledge and management of medicinal plants in the Himalayas of Nepal: implications for conservation. Ecol Soc. 2004, 9: 6- Sher H, Hussain F: Ethnobotanical evaluation of some plant resources in Northern part of Pakistan. Afr J Biotechnol. 2009, 8:
flight recorder as this often paints the most detailed explanation of what could have occurred in the final moments. If the Mauritian Police are unwilling to partner with an organization that can extract the audio from the VDR using specialist techniques (as the U.S. National Transport Safety Board was able to do with the El Faro sinking in 2015), then a closer examination may be needed of previous inspection reports of the Wakashio to see where VDR issues were flagged. 3. Deficiencies with the GNSS Receiver Issues were previously identified with satellite positioning systems (GNSS) on board the Wakashio A violation of the GNSS Receiver was picked up in a previous inspection report. This is very serious. GNSS stands for Global Navigation Satellite System. The GNSS Receiver is an electronic device that receives and processes signals from navigation satellite constellations to provide position, velocity and time. This would have been a critical tool for the Captain and crew to be able to safely navigate the vessel. If this equipment was not functioning correctly, then there would be serious implications for the inquiry, as was found with the El Faro investigation after the Voyage Data Recorder was recovered and the provider of inaccurate Satellite Weather Information was charged in court with providing misleading information that led to navigation errors on the bridge. The Wakashio's navigation also appears to be complicated with issues flagged with the A.I.S. (Automatic Identification System) and the Compass Correction Log on several occasions. These are some of the alternative navigation aids used by the crew on vessels, and it is concerning these are also being flagged as having had issues. To have a combination of all these critical Navigation Equipment flagged by inspectors in various ports around the world is very serious indeed, and could imply the Captain and Crew of theWakashio had been sent on board a faulty vessel without the right tools for safe navigation. One way to validate the accuracy is to have access to the Captain's Noon Reports. By comparing the Captain's Noon Reports with the Digital Navigation Records from the Wakashio, a fuller understanding of the nature of any software-related navigation errorscan be identified. 4. Concerns about Crew Working Conditions Maintaining accurate ship records is a critical tool to ensure safety at sea, and deficiencies can be an indicator of more serious risks on board a vessel In the last inspection in Australia earlier in 2020, inspectors identified 'Records of Rest' and 'Watchkeeping Records' as having a deficiency. These are mandatory requirements under international IMO law (a body of maritime law known as the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers or STCW). These deficiencies should have been reported to the shipowners, and action should have been taken to ensure accurate monitoring of the protocols after this inspection. The reason this is important is because Records of Rest is critical to ensure the crew is not being overworked and fatigued when placed on Watch Duty. Having had Watchkeeping Records flagged in previous inspections raises the question of whether there was lax supervision by Nagashiki Shipping of its vessels. Knowing now that there are questions about who was on the Bridge and how Watch was being kept in the last four days as the Wakashio headed in a straight line for Mauritius, means that the Watchkeeping Records should become an important part of the inquiry. If it is found that such issues were flagged to the shipowners and little action taken, then like any organization where management does not take its responsibility seriously, there is likely to be serious consequences. There are clear laws and guidelines for how a Capesize Bulk Carrier should be crewed, with strict numbers of crew, roles and qualifications SOURCE: MARTIN STOPFORD, MARITIME ECONOMICS 3RD EDITION (2009) The Wakashio was already 17% understaffed relative to industry norms for a 13-year old Capesize Bulk Carrier. Two of the crew had been on board for over a year (which is a violation of international labor law and Panama's own safe crew limits of 11 months which would have governed the Wakashio). Three of the crew had had their contracts repeatedly extended, which would have placed undue pressure on the crew without necessarily having an end date in sight for when they could disembark. There were other issues flagged with record keeping and crew certificates on multiple occasions (including once where all the crew's certificates had mysteriously gone missing in 2010, which is essentially the same as driving a car without a driving license when stopped by the police, unless the certificates would flagged something even more serious). 5. Issues with the ship's internet London Headquarters of satellite internet provider, Inmarsat, to the maritime industry With the speculation about whether the Wakashio was searching for internet or phone signal, there has been a lot of questions about vessel charterer and operator, Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL)'s position when chartering the vessel for the long journey to and from Brazil. With pressure mounting on ship crews around the world during the coronavirus pandemic, almost all major ship operators emphasized the access to onboard internet for crews, as various trade unions demanded and even the United Nations highlighted was an important human right on board a vessel. In a statement to Forbes on October 6, the Executive Director of theInternational Seafarers' Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN), Roger Harris, explained the pressures seafarers are facing during COVID-19 by not being in contact with loved ones. "Seafarers are becoming psychologically and physically fatigued as many of them have now been onboard vessels for longer than a year, with little or no shore leave. Separated from their friends and families many are becoming depressed and increasingly frustrated that they cannot return home." Ship internet is usually established via satellite provider Inmarsat and a range of Wifi amplifiers around the Bridge This emphasizes the points made in a 2016 report from the Human Rights Council of the UN General Assembly that declared access to the internet to be a basic human right. Roger Harris also laid out the minimum expectations of ship operators to provide internet connectivity for the crew. "This is the standard that we expect ship operators to meet: Free access for a minimum of 2 hours per day Free data up to 2.0GB per month and minimal charges for additional data Access in a private space, preferably in the seafarers' cabin Access to Skype, WhatsApp, and Viber Access to video calls Access to free VOIP calls Training in use of social media Training in cyber security Ability to use own devices onboard" Satellite communication terminal on the bridge of a ship Global maritime satellite provider, London-based INMARSAT, had come together with the shipping industry to identify internet connectivity solutions for crews stuck on vessels around the world since April. However, a look through the inspection records of the Wakashio reveals a previous issue with Inmarsat communication equipment on board. Was this issue raised and looked into by the vessel owner prior to departure and was MOL aware of this issue? The captain and crew should have filed a report if something as critical as the Inmarsat communications network was not functioning. Sending crew on a three month voyage when two had already been on board for over a year (in violation of international maritime laws) would be seen as particularly irresponsible and a contributing factor if the Wakashio was indeed found to have a faulty internet connection for the crew that was not addressed in the final refueling stop in Singapore on July 12-14. 6. Ship Safety and Mechanical issues GIGLIO PORTO, ITALY - JANUARY 18: Lifeboats of cruise ship Costa Concordia are towed away on January 18, 2012 in Giglio Porto, Italy. The official death toll is now 11, with a further 24 people still missing. The rescue operation was temporarily suspended earlier due to the ship moving as it slowly sinks further into the sea. (Photo by Tullio M. Puglia/Getty Images) Various inspections also identify an array of
women find factors such as illness and stress cause the timing of this to vary, whereas others find that their menstrual cycle remains consistent regardless of circumstances. Although the loss of blood may seem significant, the menstrual flow consists of blood, vaginal, and cervical secretions, bacteria, and other cellular debris. The loss of actual blood is only 10 to 80 mL over 2 to 7 days. Menses may be red to brown depending on the duration of time the blood has pooled in the uterus. Older blood is brown, whereas newer blood is redder. Menstration The first phase of the ovarian cycle, during which a follicle (an oocyte and its surroudning cells) enlarges and matures. This phase is under the control of FSH from the anterior pituitary, and typically lasts from day 1 to day 14 of the menstrual cycle. The follicle secretes estrogen during this time period. During the _________phase, the endometrial glands enlarge and the endometrium thickens in response to estrogen produced by the ovaries. Close to ovulation, the cervical mucus becomes particularly elastic with a consistency akin to egg white. second half of menstrual cycle is called the ____________ phase secretory ___________phase is After ovulation, the endometrium is maintained by progesterone. Increased blood and secretions to the endometrium, as well as reduced contractility of the uterine, smooth muscles and create a hospitable environment for implantation. If fertilization occurs, this process continues. During the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle what happens? During the secretory phase, the corpus luteum secretes estrogen and progesterone to maintain the uterine lining for implantation. if not fertilization the ___________phase begins as the corpus luteum begins to disintegrate, eliminating the source of progesterone. Vascular changes lead to necrosis and the breakdown of the endometrial lining, which sheds during menstruation, leaving behind the tips of the glands from which a new endometrium will grow Ischemic corpus luteum secretes? Endocrine tissue which produces hormones, estrogen, and progesterone which prepares the uterine lining for receiving an embryo ___________, or the creation of gametes (ova and sperm), occurs by a process called meiosis Gametogenesis, or the creation of gametes (ova and sperm), occurs by a process called meiosis hCG is produced when? at time of implantation hCG begins to double every ______ to ________ at the first of pregnancy A patient complains of breast tenderness and about not getting her period, which was due 2 days ago. She states the pregnancy test she took this morning was negative. What is the best response by the nurse? A. "If the pregnancy test was negative, you are not pregnant." B. "You should come to the clinic to get an early trimester ultrasound." C. "If you don't get your period, take another pregnancy test in three days." D. "You should come to the hospital to rule out an ectopic pregnancy." If she still thinks she may be pregnant after a negative pregnancy test, she should take another test is 3 to 7 days because her first test may have been a false negative. She does not need an ultrasound at this time. It is too early to determine if she has an ectopic pregnancy. Signs of an ectopic pregnancy include unilateral abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. __________ symptoms of pregnancy include: Amenorrhea Breast tenderness, Nausea _____ Signs of Pregnancy include: Braxton Hicks, positive pregnancy test, softening of cervix (Goodell's Sign), Bluish discoloring of the female genitalia (Chadwick's Sign) Probable signs ____________ signs include fetal heartbeat obtained, fetus visualized on ultrasound, fetal movement felt by examiner positive signs After ovulation,______ are viable for fertilization for 6 to 24 hours. The ova/ ovum is a female egg (gametes) Sperm may be capable of fertilizing an egg for as long as ____ days Fertilization generally occurs in the ________. Chadwick's sign Bluish purple discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and labia during pregnancy as a result of increased vascular congestion. vWhen a sperm fertilizes the egg, additional sperm are blocked from penetration through a process called a ______ reaction. vWhen a sperm fertilizes the egg, additional sperm are blocked from penetration through a process called a cortical reaction. Goodell's sign softening of the cervix ovum (ova) A mature egg cell fertilized egg needle puncture of the amniotic sac to withdraw amniotic fluid for analysis Estrogen does what? maintain endometrium, prevent unscheduled bleeding, inhibit follicular development ________ are responsible for developing and maintaining the female reproductive organs.________ is the most important hormone for conditioning the endometrium in preparation for implantation of the fertilized ovum. ___________, secreted by the ovaries in small amounts, are involved in the early development of the follicle and affect the female libido. _____________ is responsible for stimulating the ovaries to secrete estrogen. Estrogens are responsible for developing and maintaining the female reproductive organs. Progesterone is the most important hormone for conditioning the endometrium in preparation for implantation of the fertilized ovum. Androgens, secreted by the ovaries in small amounts, are involved in the early development of the follicle and affect the female libido. Follicle-stimulating hormone is responsible for stimulating the ovaries to secrete estrogen. The ________' functions are to produce female gametes or ova and secrete female sex hormones. The _________'s functions are to receive the fertilized ovum and provide housing and nourishment for a fetus. The _________'s functions are to receive sperm, provide an exit for menstrual flow, and serve as the birth canal. The ___________ is a small erectile structure that responds to sexual stimulation. The mature ovum is released from the ovary, resulting in the __________. Progesterone is produced by the ___________. Estrogen is secreted by the ________. Glycogen is secreted by the _________ during the luteal phase. Endometrial glands To increase the chances of conceiving, the best time for intercourse is ___ to ____ days before ovulation. This ensures that the sperm meets the ovum at the right time. The average life of a sperm cell is 2 to 3 days, and the sperm cells will not be able to survive until ovulation if intercourse occurs a week before ovulation. The chances of conception are minimal for intercourse after ovulation. During pregnancy, ____ and ____ are both inhibited as there is no need to develop a follicle and release an ovum. During pregnancy, FSH and LH are both inhibited as there is no need to develop a follicle and release an ovum. LH and FSH are stimulated by Ovaries and anterior pituitary. LH function stimulates ovulation FSH stimulates gamete (egg or sperm) production FSH and LH (gonadotropins) Stimulate growth, development, and function of ovaries and testes Not produced until about age 10-13 (puberty) Increase in production initiates sexual maturation and development at puberty FSH & LH are inhibited by Progesterone during pregnancy Is high. -Maintains endometrium -Prevents uterine contractions -Secreted by: *Corpus luteum - first 12 weeks of pregnancy *Placenta - 12 weeks until the end of pregnancy At the beginning of each menstrual cycle, a follicle on one of the ovaries begins to develop in response to rising levels of FSH from the pituitary gland. The follicle produces estrogen, which causes the ovum contained within the follicle to mature. When the pituitary gland detects high levels of estrogen from the mature follicle, it releases a surge of LH. This sudden release of LH causes the follicle to burst open, releasing the mature ovum into the abdominal cavity in a process called ovulation. This follicle then becomes the corpus luteum, which continues to secrete estrogen and progesterone, preparing the endometrium for possible implantation of a fertilized ovum. If the ovum is not fertilized, the hormone levels fall in response and menstruation occurs. what are the boundaries of the pelvic inlet/ pelvic brim? Explain why animals above a certain size or level of complexity require specialized systems for transport and exchange What is the origin of the internal iliac artery? What is the #1 side effect of loop diuretics? Chapter 14: Before Conception: PREPU Chapter 15: Pregnancy Unit 1: Working with Patients: Education, Interact… Chapter 23: Conditions Occurring after Delivery HESI PHARMACOLOGY Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX and HESI (green… 1,040 terms Adv. Med Surg Exam 7 (Ch 63-73) Practice Exam %: Mock Certification Isabella_Robinson304 Religion test 2 dillon_pierce7 Organization of the pelvic Limb and Coxo… brooke_beneckePLUS Discuss the joints involved and movements required for you
industrial research. Thus, the way high-tech research is approached in different parts of the world is different and driven by the individual country's needs. However, a field with the global potential of the Internet of Things can only succeed if sharing knowledge and creating global standards become common goals among leaders in politics, research, and industry. ## 5 Approaches and Solutions In this section, we give a short overview of the aforementioned grand challenges and the approaches and solutions that are discussed in more detail in the remaining chapters of this book. Thereby, we will extend the list of challenges regarding CMS and IIoT. However, several more technical (like safety and security aspects) as well as non-technical challenges (like suitable business models and the societal impact) exist, but are out of the scope of this book. ### 5.1 Modeling for CPS and CMS Model-based design and development of production and manufacturing systems is a crucial task and has been researched for many years. Still, with the rise of CPS new challenges evolve. Nowadays, established models and methods cover e.g. different engineering and software aspects and often impose an early separation between these aspects. Thereby, modeling refers to a formalized approach facilitating the specification of the whole system or parts of it, its behavior as well as its structure. Several modeling tools and tool chains exist from both disciplines engineering as well as computer science. In the context of CPS and CMS, it is necessary to bring these solutions together. Such integrated tool chains have to cover the different non-functional requirements as for example multidisciplinary and collaboration as well as functional requirements like the realization of hardware and software. Finally, they need to enable analysis, simulation, testing and implementation of the modelled system. Gamble et al. [10] provide an overview as well as deeper insights and discuss ongoing challenges and open research questions in this area. In this book, modeling of CPS in general and of CMS (or CPPS) in particular is discussed from three different perspectives: * An overview on CPS engineering for manufacturing is given in Chap. "Cyber-physical systems Engineering for Manufacturing" from the perspective of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in the US. The convergence of different domains poses new and great challenges to standardization tasks. While there is more or less a globally accepted way of mechanical design, there is no such standard for systems engineering. With this background, the article gives an overview on current approaches to system design with special regards to the activities of NIST. * In Chap. "Model-Based Engineering of Supervisory Controllers for Cyber-Physical Systems" the authors discuss the modeling of supervisory controllers for CPS. Thereby, they describe a supervisory controller as the coordination component of the behavioral aspects of the CPS. Besides highlighting the steps of modeling, supervisory control synthesis, simulation-based validation and visualization, verification, real-time testing, and code generation, the chapter discusses the benefits of the Compositional Interchange Format language in this context. * Chapter "Formal Verification of SystemC-based Cyber Components" deals with modeling of cyber components. The authors focus on the computation part of CPS—which they summarize as cyber components. Due to the increasing complexity of these components, a modeling on a high level of abstraction is necessary. They provide a new approach that transforms the SystemC model to C and embeds the Transaction Level Modeling (TLM) property in form of assertion into the C model. Furthermore, they present a new induction method for the verification of TLM properties. * In Chap. "Evaluation Model for Assessment of Cyber-physical Production Systems" the authors examine how CPPS technology can be assessed regarding the value-adds. They give answers to the questions: "How to model the various system characteristics and abilities which are unique to cyber-physical systems?" and "Which indicators and metrics could be utilized to assess the systems performances?" As a result, they provide a model of high level description of Cyber-Physical Technologies. ### 5.2 Architectural Design Patterns for CMS and IIoT As pointed out, several pseudo-standardized high-level architectural system patterns exist for production systems. In addition, other domain-specific best practices have emerged over the years. But, with the introduction of CMS, these patterns are questioned. In CPPS, data, services and functions are stored and processed where they are needed and not according to the levels of the automation pyramid [26]. Hence, new design patterns arise, like service-oriented and cloud-based architectures [5, 15, 20]. For such architectures, design patterns, as pre-verified and reusable solution to a common problem in CPS, are yet to be identified and defined. Thereby, especially in the domain of production systems, migration aspects have to be covered. In this book, such reusable and proven solutions to architectural questions are discussed in the following chapters: * In Chap. "CPS-based Manufacturing with Semantic Object Memories and Service Orchestration for Industrie 4.​0 Applications" the authors present an approach using Virtual Representation (VR). The basic idea relies on the attachment of a virtual representation and a storage space, named the digital object memory, to each physical entity. This digital shadow is furthermore used by actuators and coordination services to orchestrate the production. Furthermore, the chapter discusses additional elements of Industry 4.0 and points out its advantages like "plug'n' produce". * The aspect of integrating robot-based CPS modules into an existing infrastructure is discussed in Chap. "Integration of a knowledge database and machine vision within a robot-based CPS". Thereby, the chapter covers applications in various industries (e.g. laundry logistics and assembly tasks). Furthermore, the authors reflect on the integration of technologies such as machine vision, RFID and physical human-robot interaction. In doing so, they also explore the possibilities for integration within heterogeneous control systems based on available standards. * In Chap. "Interoperability​ in Smart Automation of Cyber Physical Systems" the authors examine interoperability on all levels of automation. They present an approach that is based on semantic technology and standardized, CPS applicable protocols like OPC UA and DDS. Further, they point out use cases, where the technology stack has been successfully used. * Enhancing the resiliency in production facilities by using CPS, is topic of Chap. "Enhancing resiliency in production facilities through Cyber Physical Systems". Therefore, the authors first review the basic concepts of CPS in factories and their dedicated specificities. By reference to two examples, they further describe the presented concepts in actual facilities. ### 5.3 Communication and Networking Humans as well as software and hardware systems produce, procure, distribute, and process data (or, if the needed capabilities are available, information) along a more or less formalized process. Initial objects of this process are data, which are collected, processed, stored, and transmitted with—in case of a technical system involvement—the help of information and communication technology. The final objects of this process are information that the user or another technical system utilize for task fulfilment or to satisfy the need for information (e.g. to make a decision). In case of CMS, the decentralized communication and the high number of networked participants makes an adaptable and flexible information exchange between the participants necessary. In case new participants are added to the network and others are removed, the information flow still needs to be stable and reliable. In case mandatory information providers are not available, the system needs to react autonomously and accordingly. These requirements necessitate new standardized, extended protocols and network technologies for communication and networking in CPS. Existing concepts have to be analyzed and critically questioned. Semantic technologies, artificial intelligence, and context-awareness are crucial in fulfilling this challenge. Communication and networking are discussed more detailed in: * In Chap. "Communication and Networking for the Industrial Internet of Things", first the characteristics and requirements of CPS are analysed and categorized. Second, the authors map the identified categories to existing communication and networking technologies to discuss the
Land Apart – Juice Empire juice gives his take on foreign affairs relating to the geo-political-military spectrum « Wrecking Af-Pak (Phase One) New-Wing of American Military » Cowardice of The Enemy Taliban-style ambush is, generally speaking, as follows: A small group, say 12-20 fighters, will pitch up on a ridgeline a mile from an American outpost in Afghanistan, and will commence firing mortars, rifles, etc., and then disappear. These fuckers claim to be fighting JIHAD, right? Jihad against the American infidels – and martyrdom is the fruit of death while fighting against the evil Americans, and rewards abound in the afterlife…This is what they say, right? Then why not fight? Why not BALL UP and ambush our patrols in close quarters, like the Viet Cong of olden times? Because they are full of shit pussies…And this can be found in virtually all fanatical Islamic armed factions that declare their official purpose as being to "destroy the enemy," whether it's America, Israel, etc. But they don't fight. They hide. Sure, they are faced by overwhelming military superiority, so a pitched battle is out of the question. But they won't even employ the basic tenets of the guerilla warfare they claim to champion. This is something that really irritates me. Man up and fight, or shut the fuck up and tend your flocks. I mean, good grief man. I recall reading an article from a New York Times affiliated newspaper some months back that reported on an American outpost coming under direct frontal assault by a Taliban contingent numbering around 300 fighters. The outpost, newly created, had a force of 30-50 American soldiers who, with the help of air support, fought off the attacking force. Taliban got wrecked, but at least they walked their talk. Nowadays, I read no reports of American patrols coming under concerted ambush by the Taliban. Sure, they'll put an IED on the side of the road and detonate it as a convoy of NATO troops, or Afghan securty personnel, pass. And of course they love suicide bombing CIVILIANS, oh what BALLS! You want to fight us, Mr. Taliban, as you so vehemently claim (that is, afterall, the official reason for your existence, right?) then fucking fight us. We have patrols roaming the countryside along the border with Afghanistan daily; why don't you hit them? You're afraid of air-power? That makes sense, that's why you ENGAGE AND DISPLACE. By no means am I encouraging the Taliban to carry out attacks against U.S. forces, or any forces for that matter, I'm simply pointing out the pussiness of these pieces of shit who claim their whole life's purpose is to FIGHT AND KILL US. I enjoyed reading the April 17, 2009 edition of The New York Times, in which a report was given of a U.S. platoon of 30 soldiers carrying out a devastating ambush against Taliban forces as they climbed a ridge to fire some pop-shots at a nearby American outpost in the valley below. Oh yes, the Taliban were ambushed, an ambush that was actually an ambush, and they got their asses beaten down. Ya, only 13 confirmed kills (no American dead or wounded), but it's still quite refreshing to read of such a thorough turning of the tables – but more than that, we actually ambushed them, as opposed to standing a mile away and lobbing some mortars and then high-tailing it into the mountains. The article is as follows: Turning Tables, U.S. Troops Ambush Taliban With Swift and Lethal Results By C. J. CHIVERS KORANGAL OUTPOST, Afghanistan — Only the lead insurgents were disciplined as they walked along the ridge. They moved carefully, with weapons ready and at least five yards between each man, the soldiers who surprised them said. Behind them, a knot of Taliban fighters walked in a denser group, some with rifles slung on their shoulders — "pretty much exactly the way we tell soldiers not to do it," said Specialist Robert Soto, the radio operator for the American patrol. If these insurgents came close enough, the soldiers knew, the patrol could kill them in a batch. Fight by fight, the infantryman's war in Afghanistan is often waged on the Taliban's terms. Insurgents ambush convoys and patrols from high ridges or long ranges and slip away as the Americans, weighed down by equipment, return fire and call for air and artillery support. Last week a patrol from the First Infantry Division reversed the routine. An American platoon surprised an armed Taliban column on a forested ridgeline at night, and killed at least 13 insurgents, and perhaps many more, with rifles, machine guns, Claymore mines, hand grenades and a knife. The one-sided fight, fought on the slopes of the same mountain where a Navy Seal patrol was surrounded in 2005 and a helicopter with reinforcements was shot down, does not change the war. It was one of hundreds of firefights that have occurred in the Korangal Valley, an isolated region where local insurgents and the Americans have been locked in a bitter stalemate for more than three years. But as accounts of the fight have spread, the ambush, on Good Friday, has become an emotional rallying point for soldiers in Kunar Province, who have seen it as a both a validation of their equipment and training and a welcome bit of score-settling in an area that in recent years has claimed more American lives than any other. The patrol, 30 soldiers from the First Battalion, 26th Infantry, had left this outpost before noon on April 10, and spent much of the day climbing a ridge on the opposite side of the Korangal River, according to interviews with more than half the participants. Once the soldiers reached the ridge's crest, almost 6,000 feet above sea level on the side of a peak called Sautalu Sar, they found fresh footprints on the trails, and parapets of rock from where Taliban fighters often fire rifles and rocket-propelled grenades down onto this outpost. The platoon leader, Second Lt. Justin Smith, selected a spot where trails intersected, and the platoon dug shallow fighting holes before dark. Claymore antipersonnel mines were set among the trees nearby. At sunset, Lieutenant Smith called for a period of absolute silence, which lasted into darkness. Then he ordered three scouts to sit in a listening post about 100 yards away, 10 feet off the trail. The scouts set in. Less than a half-minute later, a column of Taliban fighters appeared, walking briskly their way. Sgt. Zachary R. Reese, a sniper, whispered into his radio. "We have eight enemy personnel coming down on our position really fast," he said. He could say no more; the Taliban fighters were a few feet away. More appeared. Then more still. The sergeant counted 26 gunmen pass by. The patrol, Second Platoon of Company B, was in a place where no Americans had spent a night for years, and it seemed that the Afghans did not expect danger. The soldiers waited. The rules of the ambush were long ago drilled into them: no one can move, and no one can fire until the patrol leader gives the order. Then everyone must fire at once. The third Taliban fighter in the column switched on a flashlight, the soldiers said, and quickly switched it off. About 50 yards separated the two sides, but Lieutenant Smith did not want to start shooting too soon, he said, "because if too many lived then we'd be up there fighting them all night." He let the Taliban column continue on. The soldiers trained their weapons' infrared lasers, which are visible only with night-vision equipment, on the fighters as they drew closer. The lasers mark the path a bullet will fly. The lead fighter had almost reached the platoon when Pvt. First Class Troy Pacini-Harvey, 19, his laser trained on the lead man's forehead, moved his rifle's selector lever from safe to semi-automatic. It made a barely audible click. The Taliban fighter