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Dataset Card for QuakeSet

QuakeSet is a dataset to analyze different attributes of earthquakes. It contains bi-temporal time series of images and ground truth annotations for magnitudes, hypocenters, and affected areas.

Dataset Details

Dataset Description

The images are taken from the Sentinel-1 mission using the Interferometric Wide swath mode.

The International Seismological Centre provides information about earthquakes.

  • License: OPENRAIL

Dataset Structure

The dataset is divided into three folds with equal distribution of magnitudes and balanced in positive and negative examples.

Each sample contains:

  • an image
  • x,y coordinates
  • epsg of the coordinates
  • affected label
  • magnitude



  title={QuakeSet: A Dataset and Low-Resource Models to Monitor Earthquakes through Sentinel-1},
  author={Cambrin, Daniele Rege and Garza, Paolo},
  journal={ISCRAM Proceedings},
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