South Wales Police are investigating the robbery at Lloyds Bank on Cowbridge Road East in the Canton area of the city at 12:30 BST on Tuesday. Officers are trying to trace a suspect captured on CCTV cameras within the bank. The man is described as 50-60 years of age, 5ft 9ins (1.75m) to 6ft (1.82m) tall with black hair that is greying. He was wearing black clothing. Detective Sergeant Andy Miles from Fairwater CID said: "The CCTV is clear and I am confident that members of the public will know his identity. "I can confirm there have been no reports of any injuries as a result of the incident."
A large amount of cash has been stolen in a daylight bank robbery in Cardiff.
Head of the Army General Sir Nick Carter said the move was about trying to operate "smarter". The 77th Brigade, made up of reservists and regular troops and based in Hermitage, Berkshire, will be formally created in April. It has been inspired by the Chindits who fought in Burma in World War Two. An Army spokesman said the unit would "play a key part in enabling the UK to fight in the information age" and that it "consists of more than just traditional capabilities". He said: "77 Brigade is being created to draw together a host of existing and developing capabilities essential to meet the challenges of modern conflict and warfare. "It recognises that the actions of others in a modern battlefield can be affected in ways that are not necessarily violent and it draws heavily on important lessons from our commitments to operations in Afghanistan amongst others." Recruitment for the brigade, 42% of whose personnel will be reservists, will begin this spring. Its members will come from the Royal Navy and RAF as well as from the Army. One former commander of British forces in Afghanistan has warned the new operation should not mean fewer troops on the frontline. Colonel Richard Kemp said: "My view is that this should not be done at the expense of combat troops. Where are these 2,000 people going to come from?" "They are likely to come from savings made in combat troops. I think that's a mistake. "I think the British forces have already been cut far too much in a very uncertain and increasingly dangerous world. He acknowledged the need for this type of innovation, but said "it should be added to the forces, not created out of savings found elsewhere." The creation of the new unit is part of a major restructuring of the military under the Army 2020 plan, which will see the military scaled down to around 82,000 regular troops in the next five years. The unit will also seek "new ways of allowing civilians with bespoke skills to serve alongside their military counterparts". The Army spokesman said it would share the "spirit of innovation" of the Chindits in the Burma Campaign of 1942 to 1945. Chindits was the name given to the Long Range Penetration (LRP) groups that operated in the Burmese jungle behind enemy lines, targeting Japanese communications. The new unit will also use the old Chindit insignia of a Chinthe, a mythical Burmese creature which is half-lion and half-dragon. Tony Redding from Kent, whose father was in the Chindits, told the BBC he was disappointed by the move. He said: "Sadly the Ministry of Defence didn't inform the surviving Chindit veterans of the decision to use the badge in this way. "I've tried very hard to look for similarities and the only common denominator I can find is that the Chindits 70 years ago were a highly unconventional force. Perhaps this new force are to use some unconventional means of warfare." By BBC defence correspondent Jonathan Beale The Army says it's learnt valuable lessons from Afghanistan - not least that it can't win wars using pure military force alone. The brigade will be made up of warriors who don't just carry weapons, but who are also skilled in using social media such as Twitter and Facebook, and the dark arts of "psyops" - psychological operations. They will try to influence local populations and change behaviour through what the Army calls traditional and unconventional means. Civilians with the right skills will work alongside regular troops and reservists and could be sent anywhere in the world to help win hearts and minds. It can be seen as proof that the Army is adapting to modern asymmetric warfare, and that it remains relevant at a time when there are fears within the British military of more cuts after the election. Paul Rogers, a professor of international security at the University of Bradford, said the announcement represented a "big expansion" of the Army's psychological operations and was an "attempt to rebrand and update" this area of its work. "We had so much difficulty in Iraq and Afghanistan, it's about trying to learn the lessons of how these groups are using social media," Prof Rogers explained. He added: "In some senses it's defensive - trying to present the case from this side against opponents who hold many of the cards. "We've seen with Islamic State, its incredible capability on the net, Facebook, Instagram and all the rest." A former Army officer involved in psychological operations in the Balkans, Afghanistan and Iraq, Simon Bergman, predicted it would help build "the Army for the future". "For example, 77 brigade have a large component of civil affairs soldiers who'll be operating in populations, working with them, achieving military effects - and a broader effect, because as we know from Afghanistan, the military doesn't work in isolation. It works as a component of government."
The Army is setting up a new unit that will use psychological operations and social media to help fight wars "in the information age".
Christopher Williams, 25, who was living in Derby, died at the scene of the crash on the A52, in Bottesford, on 25 May 2016. Garry Allen, 33, of Cressing Road, Braintree, Essex, was arrested at the time and has now been charged with causing death by dangerous driving. He is due to appear at Leicester Magistrates' Court on Friday.
A man has been charged nearly a year after a collision in which a motorcyclist died in Leicestershire.
Sarah Sands, 32, killed her 77-year-old neighbour Michael Pleasted weeks after finding out he allegedly abused three boys, the Old Bailey was told. She told police that Mr Pleasted, who had been charged with sexual assaults on two children aged under 13, had been "asking for trouble". He was killed in his Canning Town flat on 28 November. Ms Sands denies murder. The court heard how Ms Sands armed herself with a knife after drinking two bottles of wine and a bottle of brandy. The case's prosecutor Jonathan Ree said CCTV footage showed she was in his block of flats for 20 minutes. Mr Pleasted, who was stabbed eight times, had been on bail awaiting trial. Police were also investigating an allegation he had abused a third boy. Ms Sands had befriended the pensioner who was a familiar local figure and ran a bric-a-brac shop from a Mace convenience store, the court heard. She used to visit him at his flat and bring him meals before she became aware of the abuse allegations. After the stabbing, Ms Sands went to the Isle of Dogs, putting the knife and clothes she had been wearing in a carrier bag. Before deciding to hand herself in, she told a family friend: "I stabbed him". During a police interview, she said she had tried to help him, while all the while he was abusing young children. She later said in a statement that she denied intending to kill Mr Pleasted or cause him serious bodily harm, claiming she went to confront him and took a knife for protection as she was scared. The trial continues.
A woman stabbed a suspected paedophile to death in east London before handing herself into police, a court has heard.
Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International released a report criticising conditions at a detention centre on the island of Nauru. The report concluded that Australia must intentionally allow abuse of detainees to deter asylum seekers. A statement from the Immigration Department criticised Amnesty for not consulting the government. "There was no consultation with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection from Amnesty International in preparation of this report," the statement said. "We strongly refute many of the allegations in the report and would encourage Amnesty International to contact the Department before airing allegations of this kind." The statement said Australia did not exert control over the laws of Nauru, a sovereign country. It said the Australian government welcomed independent scrutiny of its facilities. Australia transports asylum seekers who arrive by boat to off-shore processing centres in Nauru and Papua New Guinea. Read more: Why are asylum seekers so controversial in Australia? The Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch report was written after an incognito visit to Nauru last month. The organisations said Australia's actions seemed designed to discourage other migrants from attempting to get to Australia. No documentary evidence was provided in the report to support the claim. But interviews with 84 refugees and asylum seekers unearthed claims of rape and assault at the hand of Nauruan locals, inadequate medical care and cramped, uncomfortable living conditions. The detention centre at Nauru is run by a company called Broadspectrum and medical services are provided by International Health and Medical Services. Both companies have a contract with the Australian government. One woman quoted in the report said she had married a man 15 years her senior in order to feel safe on the island. Another said Nauruan men had driven her into the jungle with the intent of raping her. Although most held on the island have been identified as genuine refugees and released into the community, many felt afraid to leave their accommodations, particularly at night, the report said. The report also alleged that Nauruan police tended to downplay or ignore asylum seekers' reports of abuse.
Australia's government has "strongly" refuted claims it deliberately ignores abuse of asylum seekers.
Assembly Tory leader Andrew RT Davies said although devolved, health was one of the main election issues for voters. "Wherever you go across Wales people raise the issue of the NHS, and Labour are running the NHS in Wales," he said. Labour responded saying that Tory sums on the NHS "simply don't add up". Mr Davies said Welsh Conservatives would protect health spending and introduce a cancer drugs fund. He defended his party's decision to campaign on an area of policy that was not controlled in Wales by Westminster. "(Labour leader) Ed Miliband has used the example of 'compare and contrast', and I think it is perfectly reasonable to point out we don't have a cancer drugs fund here in Wales and some of the most disappointing ambulance response times on record," he said. "There is a real dilemma for voters in May. Do they want to vote for the Conservative party who want to protect health spending or do they endorse a party who have drastically cut health provision in Wales?" But Welsh Labour's Deputy Health Minister Vaughan Gething accused the Conservatives of wanting to privatise the NHS. "The Tories have had three opportunities in the campaign so far to rule out privatising the NHS and they have refused to do so" he said. He added: "This election is a clear choice between a Labour government that would invest in the NHS to train an extra 1000 doctors, nurses and front-line staff, or a Tory government that would introduce a tablet tax for sick people and privatise health services." Elsewhere on the campaign trail on Monday, Welsh Lib Dem leader Kirsty Williams was promising better rural health care while visiting target seats in mid Wales. Ms Williams said her party wanted to invest in cottage hospitals and community care. "An urgent care centre in Montgomeryshire is essential if we are to relieve pressure on A&E departments and cut waiting times," she said. Plaid Cymru accused its rivals of neglecting the economy of north Wales. Party leader Leanne Wood said: "Every community has a stake in making our country a success and it is time the north of Wales got the investment and vision it deserves from governments in Cardiff and London." UKIP's leader in Wales Nathan Gill was campaigning in Brecon and Radnorshire. Meanwhile Labour has promised more powers for Wales over transport, energy and assembly elections in its manifesto launched in Manchester on Monday.
Labour has been "slashing" the NHS budget in Wales, the Welsh Conservatives have said, leading to "devastatingly long waiting lists".
The wooden building is at Abersoch on the Llŷn Peninsula in Gwynedd. Measuring just 13ft by 9ft, it has no electricity or water - and you are banned from sleeping in it overnight. For the same price just a few miles away you could snap-up a two-bedroom house in the village of Llanbedrog - or even a seven-bedroom terraced house at Tywyn across Cardigan Bay. "It's certainly the highest price ever achieved for a beach hut in Abersoch," remarked Tony Webber, auction surveyor at Beresford Adams Countrywide Auctions. "It's quite incredible. We had two very determined bidders, both from the Cheshire area, who were bidding separately. They were very determined to buy it." The auctioneers said the hut is "in need of some TLC" - but does include part of the beach in front of the hut into the sea. The previous record for the beach huts on the Abersoch sands was £70,000 in 2008.
A dilapidated beach hut on a north Wales beach has sold at auction for an eye-watering £153,000.
6 February 2017 Last updated at 14:54 GMT The third-party websites are not endorsed by Fifa or the video game publisher EA Sports. The BBC's Chris Foxx explains how it worked.
Two men who ran a betting website connected to the Fifa video game have pleaded guilty to offences under the UK's Gambling Act.
Earlier this year, signs for the Clifton Village residents' parking zone appeared but some were fixed to railings which are Grade II* listed. It prompted complaints that the signs were spoiling a conservation area. The council said it used railings as much as possible to minimise posts in the pavement. It said it "met regularly" with English Heritage to talk about listed building work and legislation. The council said when signs were put up in the Kingsdown conservation area it was advised as long as it was not making "significant or permanent changes to a building, which would alter its character, it was acceptable". English Heritage's letter, seen by the BBC, raised the "potential cumulative impact" of the signs in West Mall and Caledonia Place, which contains listed buildings. "We would suggest that taken together such work might fall within Section 7 of the [Planning and Listed Buildings and Conservation 1990] Act," it said. "In our view, it would be prudent to seek a listed building consent... to allow for a careful consideration of the impact of the works on the special interest of the terrace, of the number of signs and the consideration of alternative locations." Numbers one to 31 Caledonia Place and their attached basement railings are Grade II* listed by English Heritage for their "special architectural or historic interest".
English Heritage has told Bristol City Council it would be "prudent" to apply for listed building consent for some of its parking signs.
Civil protection officials have already revealed that rescuers were let down by the Siresp emergency services network during the four-day disaster. Now details have emerged of pleas for help that did not get through to commanders on the ground. The government has ordered an investigation into the network. The fire began in the Pedrógão Grande area during the afternoon on 17 June and within hours the failures of the emergency network, which relies on mobile antennas, were becoming clear. The first failure came at 19:45 on 17 June. Three people dialled the 112 emergency number from an abandoned house in nearby Casalinho to report that the building was surrounded by flames. Emergency services tried to contact the local command post and the deputy commander but were unable to get through, according to a civil protection authority (ANPC) timeline, described by Portuguese media as a "black box". Five minutes later, officials were unable to contact a command post to help a father and son in trouble a few kilometres away in Troviscais. These and several other cases are documented throughout the night by the Público and Jornal de Notícias websites. At 01:02 on 18 June comes the most chilling entry on the civil protection authority's log, in a reference to the deaths of 47 people on a single stretch of the N-236 road. Thirty of the victims died in their cars. A district relief operations command appeals for help in tackling "breakdowns in the Siresp network" and for "lifting the dead victims who are in the road, making it impossible for combat means to get through". The civil protection authority has already confirmed "failures in the Siresp network" that continued throughout the four-day emergency and on the Saturday evening, firefighters resorted to using their old radio network. The government on Monday said it had asked for a study into Siresp's operation, particularly during serious accidents and disasters. Prime Minister Antonio Costa said last week that the network had suffered because cables and communication towers had been damaged by the fire. However, he said the mobile network had provided temporary mobile antennas. The forest fires were the worst in Portugal's history, with 64 dead and 254 injured. Portugal's Siresp (joint emergency and security network system) has had a chequered past. It was set up in 2006 as a partnership between the government and private sector. The system stopped working during a rescue attempt in storms in January 2013 and it was linked to the deaths of two firefighters a few months later.
At least 10 emergency calls failed to reach firefighters last week during the forest fires in which 64 people died, reports say.
The election will determine who will succeed Sepp Blatter, who has been president since 1998. Blatter, 79, and vice-president Michel Platini have both been suspended for 90 days amid corruption allegations, which both men deny. Platini is seeking the next presidency, as is Prince Ali bin al-Hussein. Frenchman Platini, president of European football's governing body Uefa, submitted his candidacy papers earlier this month, but Fifa says it cannot recognise his candidacy while his ban is in place and he cannot campaign. However, Fifa's electoral committee says it may allow him to stand if his suspension ends before the election date. Shaikh Salman bin Ebrahim Al Khalifa of Bahrain is expected to contest the election. Former Trinidad and Tobago midfielder David Nakhid said he will stand, while ex-Tottenham defender Ramon Vega is considering doing likewise. South Korean Chung Mong-joon, another confirmed candidate, claimed his campaign has been "sabotaged" by a six-year ban from Fifa's ethics committee. On Tuesday, the 64-year-old's bid to lift the ban was rejected a Zurich district court. Swiss Blatter is under criminal investigation over claims he made a £1.35m payment to Platini in 2011, as well as allegations he signed a contract "unfavourable" to Fifa. Fifa's reform committee also made a number of recommendations for the governing body to make changes to "improve efficiency, prevent fraud and conflicts of interest and increase transparency in the organisation". A 12-person panel, chaired by former International Olympic Committee director general Francois Carrard, including officials from the six continental confederations, proposed: More recommendations will be added before being put to the executive committee in December 2015 prior to Fifa's members approving any changes in February 2016.
World football's governing body Fifa has confirmed it will hold the election for its next president at a special congress on 26 February.
The camera has gone into operation at the Blackhall Place-Benburb Street junction on the Luas red line. Motorists breaking a red light will automatically receive three penalty points and a fine of up to 120 euros (£88). Penalty points will increase to five if there is a court conviction. The first such system in Ireland has been introduced in response to the large number of collisions between road vehicles and trams at the junction. Since the Luas went into operation in 2004 there have been 338 collisions between trams and vehicles and 95% have occurred on the red line, which serves Saggart and Tallaght to the city centre. One of the worst junctions for collisions was identified as the Blackhall Place-Benburb Street junction in Dublin 7. It is understood the system could be rolled out to other junctions.
An automated camera system targeting motorists who break traffic lights has been introduced at one of the busiest junctions on Dublin's tram line.
Wednesday's clash between Sunderland and Manchester City at the Stadium of Light saw a figure dressed as the superhero walk among the players. Bradley Minto, 18, of Fordfield Road, Sunderland was charged with entering an area designated for football matches. Mr Minto will appear at Sunderland Magistrates' Court on 23 December. Manchester City won the match 4-1.
A teenager has been charged after allegedly going on to the pitch dressed as Spider-Man at a Premier League football match.
The camp, where teenage diarist Anne Frank was among thousands to die, was liberated by British soldiers in 1945. The UK monarch, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, laid a wreath at a memorial there on the final day of her four-day state visit to Germany. She met British veterans who liberated the camp, and heard stories of the "horrific" scenes that greeted them. More than 50,000 prisoners from all over Europe were killed at Bergen-Belsen or died later as a result of their treatment in the camp. This was a Queen who lived through World War Two as a teenager, coming to learn first-hand about some of the very worst excesses of a former enemy. With Prince Philip she passed the mounds that mark where the mass graves are. There are 13 mounds. They contain the remains of more than 20,000 people. There was no pomp or ceremony; just a couple from the wartime generation taking their time to reflect and to pay their respects. The 89-year-old Queen and her husband, who's 94, walked quite a distance through what remains of the camp, and met a few of those who lived and three of the British soldiers who set them free. The survivors and the liberators told them about their shared experience of horror. At the end the Queen said to one person: "It's difficult to imagine isn't it?" Read more from Peter Hunt Bergen-Belsen liberated 70 years ago Bergen-Belsen survivor reunites with one of the camp liberators The Belsen 'finishing camp' remembered The Queen, who is patron of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, had not visited a concentration camp before and it is believed she requested the trip. She was taken on a tour of the site - which was razed to the ground and is now a museum and memorial to those who died - with the minimum of protocol. She met with representatives of Jewish and Christian communities, as well as a small group of survivors and liberators. Among them was veteran pilot Captain Eric "Winkle" Brown, 96. The Queen asked him what sort of scene greeted the British troops when he first arrived. "I told her this was just a field of corpses," he said. He said the Queen replied: "It must have been horrific really." "She was listening very carefully. I would say she was quite affected by the atmosphere here. You can't avoid it, can you?" he added. The Queen also visited a memorial to Anne Frank and her sister Margot. Millions of copies of Anne Frank's Diary, written during the two years the teenager and her family hid from the Nazis in occupied Amsterdam, have been sold across the world. Dr Jens-Christian Wagner, head of the Bergen-Belsen Memorial who gave the royal couple a guided tour, said the experience of visiting the site had been an emotional one for the Queen. British troops found 60,000 prisoners when they entered the gates in April 1945, suffering from malnutrition, disease and the brutal treatment they had endured. Thousands of corpses also lay unburied on the camp grounds. Another of the first British soldiers to arrive after liberation described the scene to BBC Radio 5live. Corporal Bernard Levy, who was 19 at the time, said: "It was so horrendous that nobody could take it in. "For 68 years I'd shut the whole subject out of my mind. "But we've got to make sure that this particular horror stays in people's minds." The visit to the former concentration camp was the Queen's final engagement before returning to the UK. During her official visit, she also met German Chancellor Angela Merkel and visited Berlin and Frankfurt.
The Queen has made her first visit to a World War Two concentration camp, Bergen-Belsen, in northern Germany.
The programme was put in place by Dumfries and Galloway Council after Irish Sea ferry operator Stena Line moved its port operations to Cairnryan. The strategy aims to redevelop the harbour as a marina complex as well as seeing wider regeneration of the town. In total, almost £2.5m is being invested in the project. The breakdown for the latest spending is: Councillors have now given their approval for the plans for the final tranche of funding.
Investment of nearly £500,000 has been agreed to finance a series of projects to help regenerate Stranraer waterfront.
The Midlands club are bottom of the Premier League - 10 points from safety - and failed to make any signings in the January transfer window. Reports have since suggested Garde will reassess his future in the summer. But the Frenchman said: "I'm speaking only about the game. I have nothing else to say. It's not the time to answer this question." Villa had a penalty appeal rejected against the Hammers before having Jordan Ayew sent off after just 17 minutes. West Ham opened the scoring through Michail Antonio - a goal Garde thought might have been offside - before Cheikhou Kouyate added a second for the Upton Park outfit. "I'm not going to speak any more (about) the incident, it's a major one in the game but I don't have to explain my feelings, and you can guess Jordan's feelings," he added. "Whatever happens in the dressing room is private. "But I'm not sure it was the only incident that turned the game. Of course I think we should have had a penalty. "I'm not a lucky or unlucky man, but I don't like to hear it's because we are at the bottom. The rules in football are there for everybody."
Aston Villa manager Remi Garde refused to talk about his future following his side's 2-0 defeat at West Ham.
Announcing his decision, Dane County District Attorney Ishmael Ozanne said police officer Matt Kenny had been attacked and feared for his life. Nineteen-year-old Tony Robinson Jr, who was mixed race and unarmed, was shot on 6 March in a Madison apartment. His death sparked protests in the state capitol building, one of a series of US police shootings to raise tensions. More protesters with banners saying "Black lives matter" gathered in Madison after the attorney made his announcement on Tuesday. Mr Robinson's mother, Andrea Irwin, vowed to continue the "fight" as she addressed a crowd of supporters outside Grace Episcopal Church. Earlier, Mr Ozanne had said: "This tragic and unfortunate death was the result of a lawful use of deadly police force and no charges should be brought against Kenny." Officer Kenny was responding to an emergency call about a man obstructing traffic who had allegedly been involved in an assault, when he confronted Robinson. On the night of the shooting, Robinson had various illicit drugs in his system, according to autopsy reports. His friends who made multiple 911 calls said he was "acting crazy" and tried to choke one of them. They said he attacked people on the sidewalk and was running in front of cars, Mr Ozanne said. Mr Kenny drew his firearm before entering the apartment building Robinson was in and he claims he was attacked by Robinson at the top of the stairs. He said he feared he would be knocked down the stairs and Robinson would take his gun, and he fired seven shots at him. But Mr Robinson's relatives, and many of the Wisconsin protesters, insist he is a victim of police brutality. "My decision won't bring him back, it will not end the racial disparities that exist in justice system," said Mr Ozanne. "It is not based on emotion, rather the facts as they have been investigated and reported to me, guided by the rule of law."
No charges will be brought against a white police officer who fatally shot an unarmed teenager in Wisconsin.
The list of 198 firms owed a total of £466,219 in arrears and included football clubs, recruitment firms, care homes and hairdressers. Top of the list was a London restaurant which owed almost £100,000 to 30 employees. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy said all the money owed had been paid back to workers. The list was the largest of its kind since the "naming and shaming" scheme was introduced in October 2013. The department said 688 employers in total have been publicly identified for flouting the law, with total arrears of more than £3.5m. Business Minister Margot James said: "It is not acceptable that some employers fail to pay at least the minimum wage their workers are entitled to. "So we'll continue to crack down on those who ignore the law, including by naming and shaming them." Restaurant San Lorenzo in Wimbledon, South West London, owed £99,541.98 to 30 workers, while Premier Recruitment Ltd in Derby owed £34,797.33 to 424 workers. Also on the list were football clubs Blackpool FC and Brighton and Hove Albion, which owed £2,861.64 to one worker. Brighton and Hove Albion said its reputation had been "unfairly tarnished" by its inclusion on the list, claiming the case was a "minor administrative error" which resulted from being "over generous" in paying expenses to someone on work experience two years ago. A spokesman for the club insisted: "We are one of the few clubs who pays its staff over and above the National Living Wage." TUC general secretary Frances O'Grady called for the "worst offenders" to be prosecuted, adding: "Bosses who try to duck the minimum wage must have nowhere to hide. "The level of underpayment in some cases is truly eye-watering." The list comes after the new National Living Wage was introduced in April, requiring employers to pay at least £7.20 an hour to employees aged 25 and over. However, the Living Wage Foundation calculates that a rate of £8.25 per hour is required to meet the cost of living, rising to £9.40 in London. Some employers pay this higher living wage voluntarily. The National Living Wage of £6.70 an hour applies to workers aged 21 to 24, with lower rates for younger people and apprentices. The government's list includes firms that have failed to pay either the minimum wage or the National Living Wage. Conor D'Arcy from think tank the Resolution Foundation backed the government's policy of naming and shaming but added: "With the number of people on the wage floor set to treble over the next four years, the government will need to strengthen its resources for enforcing both the national minimum wage and the national living wage." Green Party peer Baroness Jones said: "The government must introduce a real Living Wage, calculated by the actual cost of living, as called for by the Living Wage Foundation and the Green Party, among others. "This is the only way to ensure people can afford to live in Britain today."
The government has publicly named almost 200 companies who have failed to pay the minimum wage to employees.
The closures from 20:00 to 06:00 BST from Monday should only affect traffic in one direction, although at times both tunnels may be closed. Newport's A48 Southern Distributor Road will be used for diversions. Economy and Infrastructure Secretary Ken Skates said there was an "ongoing commitment" to improving the motorway. The work is due to be carried out mainly at night until February 2018, with the M4 scheduled to be closed between junctions 25A for Caerleon and Cwmbran and 26 at Malpas up to five nights a week. Diversions will be put in place between junction 24 at Coldra and junction 28 at Tredegar Park for through traffic, although local traffic will be allowed to travel up to junctions 25A and 26 to access local routes. "The M4 is of vital importance to the Welsh economy and this maintenance to the Brynglas tunnels forms part of our ongoing commitment to improving the motorway," said Mr Skates. "The timing of this work is designed to ensure that it's carried out safely and as quickly as reasonably possible, with minimal possible disruption to road users."
Nightly closures of the Brynglas tunnels on the M4 motorway in south Wales are starting as over 18 months of maintenance work is carried out.
Thousands of the furry insects, with a wing span of up to 16cm (6in), interrupted a semi-finals match at the Darul Makmur Stadium last week. Over 800 sightings were also reported in neighbouring Singapore last month, sparking intense online debate. The Lyssa Zampa tropical moth, which is also known as the Laos brown butterfly, is native to South East Asia. Biology lecturer N Sivasothi said that while the moth sightings appear to be "unprecedented", it is not a new phenomenon. "The moths are actually present during other times of the year but in very small numbers, so they are usually not noticed by people," Mr Sivasothi said, adding that the creatures typically emerge between April and August every year. Ecologist Anuj Jain said moths' use of light for navigation often causes them to head to built-up areas. "Their tendency to emigrate in search of new uneaten host plants attracts these moths to light in urban city areas," he said. Experts said that while people suffering from asthma may be sensitive to hairs on their wings, the nocturnal creatures do not pose any threat. "The moths are harmless and the public has nothing to be afraid of," said Lena Chan, Director of the National Biodiversity Centre at the National Parks Board in Singapore. "There is no need for people to protect themselves against these moths as they do not cause any allergies or diseases. In fact, they are important pollinators and are beautiful to watch." Many Malaysians and Singaporeans however, took to the internet to share their moth encounters and to upload photographs of the winged creatures. Although many seemed to welcome the arrival of the furry insects, others remained cautious. "In China, moths are viewed as symbols of death as they represent the souls of deceased loved ones," said Chinese astrologer Cindy Wu. "It is therefore considered a serious taboo to kill moths or disturb them."
Swarms of giant moths have descended on Malaysia, invading homes and even disrupting a national football match.
This is according to a study revealing that 96% of the chicks are dying at two to three weeks old. Conservationists say that human activity has driven the birds to one remaining wetland, but that that site has insufficient food for the ducks. The research is published in the journal Bird Conservation International. The Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT), which led the research, estimates that only 25 individual birds now remain in the wild. Human activity, including deforestation, farming and fishing, has destroyed their habitat to the point that this last population is now restricted to one wetland in north-east Madagascar - a complex of lakes near Bemanevika. After the rediscovery of the species at this site in 2006, the WWT and its partners, including the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust and the Peregrine Fund, set up a conservation breeding programme and began to monitor the wild birds. Dr Geoff Hilton, head of species research at the WWT, said that with such a small number of birds, keeping a close eye on the population was straightforward. "We had about 10 or 11 females, [and] we were able to tell that most of those females were laying eggs, and those eggs were hatching," he told BBC News. But at the point when the ducklings were two to three weeks old, they would start disappearing. Piecing the evidence together, including samples of food from the bottom of the lake, the researchers realised that the chicks were starving to death. These diving ducks feed from the bottom of lakes, and this steep crater lake was simply too deep for them. WWT senior research officer Dr Andrew Bamford, who led the study, said: "The last refuge of the Madagascar pochard is one of the last unspoilt wetlands in the country, but it's simply not suited to its needs. "Something similar happened in the UK when the lowland red kite became confined to upland Wales, and in Hawaii, where the last nenes survived only on the upper slopes of volcanoes because introduced predators had occupied their favoured grassland habitats." Dr Hilton added: "What we think we're seeing is a bit of a classic wildlife conservation conundrum. "The place where the species hangs on at the end is not a particularly good place for them - it's just the place that's been least badly affected by human activities." But the researchers say the species could thrive in Madagascar again if the captive-bred ducks can be found a new wetland home. "We have been very successful in establishing a captive population," said Dr Hilton. "And we have recently identified a lake that we think has potential to be restored and become a reintroduction site. "The main thing we have to do is work with the local people to reintroduce and restore the pochard, but also to restore the lake and help people to get a better livelihood from the lake they live around." Follow Victoria on Twitter
The Madagascar pochard, the world's rarest bird, will not be able to thrive without a new wetland home.
The new week-long round-robin competition aims to give more T20 tournament experience to the eight associate countries involved. Ireland's second game will be against Namibia in Abu Dhabi on 17 January before they face hosts the United Arab Emirates a day later in Dubai. The tournament's semi-finals and final will take place in Dubai on 20 January. Experienced internationals Boyd Rankin, Stuart Thompson and Andrew Balbirnie return to the Ireland squad for the tournament. Rankin (broken leg), Balbirnie (hip) and Thompson (performance anxiety) missed most of Ireland's 2016 campaign. Niall O'Brien has been left out of the squad with the Ireland selectors opting to take Gary Wilson as the only wicket-keeper while Middlesex seamer Tim Murtagh is also omitted. Jacob Mulder and Little retain their places in the T20 squad following their debuts in the format against Hong Kong, and Greg Thompson's impressive return in that game after an eight-year absence also sees him make the tour. Ireland squad: W Porterfield (capt), A Balbirnie, G Dockrell, J Little, J Mulder, A McBrine, B McCarthy, K O'Brien, B Rankin, P Stirling, G Thompson, S Thompson, G Wilson, C Young.
Ireland will open their Desert T20 tournament campaign against Afghanistan in Abu Dhabi on 14 January.
Hywel Dda University Health Board wants to reduce the hours of the paediatric ambulatory care unit (PACU) at Withybush Hospital by four hours a day. It is making a recommendation in response to there being "fewer consultant paediatricians available." The plans will be discussed at a full health board meeting on 24 November. The PACU cares for children who experience sudden pain, high temperatures, sickness, infections, or requirements for dressings, blood tests, x-rays or scans. If the recommendation is accepted, it would mean the PACU would be open daily from 10:00 to 1800 GMT instead of 10:00 to 22:00. Sick children who require assessment after the new closing time would be referred or transferred by ambulance to Glangwili Hospital in Carmarthen. The health board said the move to reduce hours in the short term was the result of "longstanding difficulties in recruiting paediatric consultants across the UK". This coincided with the retirement of a Pembrokeshire paediatric consultant and the maternity leave of another. The health board said to do nothing would be a "risk." There is also a recommendation to merge the on-call rota with the one operating in Carmarthenshire. This means that if there was a paediatric out-of-hours emergency at Withybush Hospital, the on-call paediatric consultants would offer remote advice. The health board's chief executive Steve Moore said: "It is our duty to be realistic about the availability of our consultants and to plan care around this so that it is safe, consistent and to avoid public confusion. "Otherwise, we risk the event of having insufficient staff and having to close the unit in an unplanned and uncoordinated way, risking patient safety and public confidence." He added that the health board's recruitment efforts are continuing.
There are plans to temporarily reduce the opening hours of a children's care unit in Pembrokeshire.
Stirling's Lewis McLear struck the post early, while at the other end team-mate Steven Doris cleared a Jamie Duff header off his own line. The Binos reasserted themselves and Sean Dickson forced City goalkeeper Mark Hurst into a spectacular save. After the break, Darren Smith made a burst through the middle for the hosts but fired just wide.
Elgin City slipped out of the League Two promotion play-off zone with a goalless draw at Stirling Albion.
The varied landscape stretches from the mountainous, heavily populated regions of the east to the sparsely populated, energy-rich lowlands in the west, and from the industrialised north, with its Siberian climate and terrain, through the arid, empty steppes of the centre, to the fertile south. Ethnically the former Soviet republic is as diverse, with the Kazakhs making up nearly two thirds of the population, ethnic Russians just under a quarter, and smaller minorities the rest. Suppressed under Soviet rule, the main religion, Islam, is undergoing a revival. Since independence following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, major investment in the oil sector has brought rapid economic growth, and eased some of the start disparities in wealth of the 1990s. Population 16.4 million (UN, 2012) Area 2.7 million sq km (1 million sq miles) Major languages Kazakh, Russian Major religions Islam, Christianity Life expectancy 62 years (men), 73 years (women) (UN) Currency Tenge President: Nursultan Nazarbayev Politically, Kazakhstan has been dominated since independence in 1991 by former Communist Party chief Nursultan Nazarbayev, whose long authoritarian rule has faced few challenges from weak opposition parties. Born in 1940, Mr Nazarbayev came to power in 1989 as first secretary of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan and was elected president the following year. He was re-elected after the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991, and since then another four times - practically unopposed - most recently in 2015. He remains popular among many ordinary Kazakhs. His supporters say he preserved inter-ethnic accord and stability during the reform in the 1990s, and is widely credited for the country's impressive economic growth in first decade of the new millennium. Mr Nazarbayev has concentrated extensive powers in his own hands and is accused by the opposition of suppressing dissent. He says democracy is a long-term goal, but that stability could be at risk if change is too swift. Most media outlets are controlled or influenced by members of the president's family, including his daughter and her husband, and other powerful groups. Many of the 1,000-plus newspaper titles are government-run and the state controls printing presses. There are 250 TV and radio stations, according to official figures. The government operates national networks. Russian stations are carried via cable and satellite. Opposition media outlets faced unprecedented legal pressure in late 2012, seen as linked to their coverage of the deadly 2011 clashes between police and striking oil workers in the city of Zhanaozen. Late 15th century - With the formation of the Kazakh khanate, the Kazakhs emerge as a distinct ethnic group, but split into three zhuzes (hordes) twi . 1731-42 - Russia establishes control. 1920 - Kazakhstan becomes an autonomous republic - under the misnomer Kirgizstan - following the 1917 Bolshevik revolution and subsequent civil war in Russia. 1936 - Kazakhstan becomes a full union republic of the USSR. Late 1920s-1930s - Intensive industrialisation and forced collectivisation, which leads to the deaths of more than one million people from starvation. 1954-62 - About two million people, mainly Russians, move to Kazakhstan during Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev's campaign to develop virgin lands, lowing the proportion of ethnic Kazakhs to 30%. 1991 December - Nursultan Nazarbayev wins uncontested presidential elections; Kazakhstan declares independence from the Soviet Union. 2011 December - Clashes between striking workers and police in western oil town of Zhanaozen leave 16 people dead.
A huge country the size of Western Europe, Kazakhstan has vast mineral resources and enormous economic potential.
Moores, a silver medallist in the event at London 2012, was considered a medal chance but finished fifth in his heat. "I'm not too disappointed about because I haven't been training backstroke. It's all about the breaststroke," he said. The 22-year-old will now turn his attention to the breaststroke. In athletics, Kyron Duke finished fifth overall in the final of the F41 shot put and Olivia Breen qualified for the final of the T38 100m after finishing fourth in her heat. In table tennis, World number one Rob Davies beat Silvio Keller of Switzerland 3-2 in his opening class 1 qualifier and faces Italy's Andrea Borgato in his next game on Friday. Davies hopes to improve on his opening performance, saying: "Hopefully I can play better in my next match and be a bit more clinical." Davies' table tennis teammate Sara Head lost 3-0 to Anna-Carin Ahlquist of Sweden in her opening women's singles class 3 game. Clare Griffiths played as Great Britain's women lost 43-36 to Canada in the Wheelchair Basketball but Phil Pratt and the men's team beat Algeria 93-31. Owen Burke failed to qualify for the men's R1-10m Air Rifle Standing final. Seven Welsh athletes will be in action for on the second day of the Games on Friday. Para-rower Rachel Morris, who won hand cycling gold in Beijing and bronze in London 2012, starts her campaign in the Arms Only Sculls. On the track, Jordan Howe is an outside medal chance in the T35 100m and begins his bid in the heats.
Welsh swimmer Aaron Moores failed to qualify for the final of S14 100m backstroke on the opening day of the Paralympic Games in Rio.
The 6' 4" centre-half was released by Crewe at the end of last season. A former Histon team-mate of current Dons' players Jack Midson and Gareth Gwillim, Mitchel-King suffered back and hernia injuries last season. The 27-year-old, who can also play in midfield, underwent an extensive medical before Wimbledon completed the signing. Mitchel-King made 147 appearances for Histon, and was a member of the side that beat Leeds United in the FA Cup in November 2008. After moving to Crewe in June 2009 he was made captain, and made 46 appearances before injuries interrupted his progress. Wimbledon have also confirmed they have taken up contract options on forward Luke Moore and defender Fraser Franks.
AFC Wimbledon have confirmed they have signed defender Mat Mitchel-King from Crewe Alexandra.
Mrs Foster said on Wednesday that she wanted to better understand those who love the language. She said she wanted to "listen to and engage with those from the Gaelic Irish background, those without the party political background". Mr Ó Muilleoir said he hoped the meeting would happen soon. "It's a positive move," he said. "Anything that encourages dialogue, that encourages conversations, that encourages increased understanding has to be positive." Stormont's parties have "paused" talks to strike a deal to form an executive until after Easter. The parties have yet to find a deal almost six weeks after the assembly election. One of Sinn Féin's key priorities in the talks is a guarantee that an Irish Language Act will be enacted. In February, Arlene Foster said the DUP would never agree to an Irish Language Act. But she has now said she would meet with "people who genuinely love the Irish language and don't want to use it as a political weapon". Mr Ó Muilleoir said he hoped she would listen carefully to the views of Irish speakers as they are "united and firm on the need for an Irish Language Act". "I think that Arlene will find when she meets the Irish language community that they're a very broad church, people with all political views and none," he said. "She'll find they're united behind the belief that Irish is a shared treasure of our people. "It's a gift which I think Irish speakers want to share with everyone including, of course, those unionists who haven't yet completed the journey of understanding how important the Irish language is." He added that it is "too early" to judge where the DUP stands in relation to an Irish Language Act but that the meeting will "be of benefit to her and to the Irish language community". Irish language group Pobal said it would "gladly accept" Mrs Foster's invitation to meet with Irish speakers and it had written to Mrs Foster to arrange a meeting.
Sinn Féin's Máirtín Ó Muilleoir has welcomed DUP leader Arlene Foster's decision to meet Irish language speakers and groups.
The 32-year-old attacking midfielder has signed a two-year deal with Hull City after eight months Stateside. "The national team weighed heavily on my mind," said Maloney. "It was in March that I noticed that the travel back for the international games was proving more difficult than I thought it was going to be." The former Celtic, Aston Villa and Wigan player acknowledged "it was proving difficult" to be "physically 100% able for training and matches" as he looked to add to his 40 international caps. Maloney played in both of Scotland's matches in the spring, where he was subbed at half-time in the friendly against Northern Ireland and played the full 90 minutes of the 6-1 win over Gibraltar in Euro 2016 Group D qualifying. In June, he was back in Scotland for the friendly against Qatar and a few days later played a key role in Scotland's 1-1 draw in the Euro 2016 qualifier against the Republic of Ireland in Dublin. Earlier this week, he was named in the Scotland squad for next month's Euro qualifiers against Georgia in Tbilisi and Germany at Hampden. He said of his decision to leave Chicago: "There were various reasons, a couple of them personal, but once I thought about it professionally, I still had a real desire to achieve something in British football. "I have loved living in Chicago. I had a brilliant time. I don't think I've been happier living anywhere else. "The football didn't work out they way we all hoped. The owner, the manager hoped for things to be different. "I didn't want to give the national manager any excuse whenever I met up with the national team, travelling back from Chicago." Maloney did not speak to Scotland boss Gordon Strachan about his move to Hull, a Championship club he was keen to join with Steve Bruce as manager. He said: "Once I made it known that I was going to come back, it was two or three weeks ago that Hull showed an interest in me. That's when a decision had to be made. "My mind was made up pretty quickly that I wanted to play for him. Everything is geared up to get the team back into the Premier League." Scotland sit third behind Poland and Germany in Group D qualifying. "We're in a good position," Maloney added. "Let's hope that we're good enough to get the results needed to get us out the group and get us to a major championship."
Shaun Maloney admits guarding his place in the Scotland squad was a major factor in his decision to return to British football from Chicago Fire.
Christie, 26, clocked a time of 42.565 seconds to finish ahead of Canadian Jamie Macdonald and Netherlands skater Yara van Kerkhof. The Nottingham-based Scot has been training with men and "learning to lose" to boost her medal prospects. She was controversially disqualified three times at Sochi 2014 but won World Cup and European honours last season. "It's been great to be back here in Calgary," said Christie. "I haven't had the most straightforward of competitions with a few falls on Friday and Saturday. My coaches and support team worked with me and my equipment overnight and the adjustments paid off." Christie was also part of the GB ladies relay team who broke the 3,000m British record on Friday. The team of Christie, captain Charlotte Gilmartin, Kathryn Thomson and Samantha Morrison finished in four minutes 13.719 seconds, with the previous record having stood at four minutes 14.57 secs. Media playback is not supported on this device
Great Britain's Elise Christie won gold in the 500m at the speed skating World Cup in Calgary, Canada.
James Male, Andrew Bridge, Steve Warren and Paul Goslin died when Cheeki Rafiki, the yacht they were sailing, capsized in the North Atlantic. Prosecutors at Winchester Crown Court said yacht manager Douglas Innes failed to get it checked ahead of its trip. Mr Innes, of Stormforce Coaching, denies four counts of manslaughter by gross negligence. The 42-year-old, of Whitworth Crescent, Southampton, also denies a further charge of failing to ensure the vessel was operated in a safe manner. Prosecutor Nigel Lickley QC also outlined to the court how the yacht had been given a category 2 code, which meant it was only authorised to be used commercially up to 60 miles away from a "safe haven". The code certificate had expired shortly before the tragedy, he added. The men were returning from Antigua Sailing Week to Southampton when the vessel overturned in May 2014. The court heard that after receiving an urgent email from Andrew Bridge on board the yacht, Mr Innes, who was in a pub at the time, did not call the coastguard but instead went to another pub where Mr Bridge phoned saying the situation had worsened. Mr Innes returned home, called the coastguard and emailed the crew suggesting they check the bolts of the keel. Mr Lickley said it was a "tragedy" that they would eventually discover a number of bolts had failed or broken, causing the keel to detach from the yacht. He said: "Some had failed and were broken and had been for some time," before the yacht left the UK in October 2013. Skipper Mr Bridge, 22, from Farnham in Surrey, Mr Male, 22, from Romsey, Hampshire, Mr Warren, 52, from Bridgwater in Somerset and Mr Goslin, 56, from West Camel in Somerset, died after the yacht lost its keel more than 700 miles from Nova Scotia in Canada. The yacht was found by a container ship on 17 May, two days after Mr Bridge's urgent email, with its life raft still on board. Mr Lickley told jurors the keel's loss would have caused a "rapid capsize" and the men on deck would have been "jettisoned" into the water while those inside would have been trapped. He added: "What is clear from two of the emergency beacons used by Andrew Bridge and James Male is that they may have survived for some time, most probably in the water, that is until they were lost too." The US Coastguard was criticised for calling off its search after two days. However, following protests from family and friends, and intervention by the British government, it was restarted and the boat was discovered, the court heard. The trial continues.
A company boss on trial over the deaths of four sailors when a yacht capsized had been cutting costs, a court heard.
The 23-year-old signed from Atletico Madrid for a club record fee of £15m following Fernando's Llorente's move from Sevilla. Borja said: "We can adapt and play with two strikers or just one, whatever the boss asks from us." The record signing will not play in Swansea's season opener at Burnley. Borja added on Llorente: "We don't know each other personally but I've been told he's a really good guy. "I'm sure we'll both work together well and do whatever's best for the team." Borja was born in Madrid and came through the academy at Atletico, but has spent the past five seasons on loan away from the Vicente Calderon. "Of course there's a bit of frustration I didn't play much at Atletico," said Borja, who scored 18 goals last season in La Liga for Eibar. "I grew up there, went through the ranks and wish I'd had more of an opportunity in the first team." Despite competition from La Liga and Premier League sides for the Spaniard's signature, Borja says his decision to join Swansea was not difficult. "Swansea showed the most interest, they seemed to want me more than anyone else," he said. "It's a great club who have a lot of confidence in their players and I really want to make a good impression here." Unlike 31-year-old Llorente, who was a part of his Spain's 2010 World Cup and Euro 2012-winning squads, Borja has yet to earn a senior call-up for his country. But he hopes to emulate ex-Swans striker Michu, who went on to earn a cap for his country after a prolific season with Swansea. "Michu did a great job at Swansea which eventually earned him a place in Spain's squad," said Borja. "If only I could score as many goals as he did, helping the team in every possible way, for the good of Swansea, but also to put myself in the frame for national selection too."
New Swansea City signing Borja says "healthy competition" with fellow Spanish striker Fernando Llorente will benefit the team.
Media playback is not supported on this device But the West Midlands team have come a long way since their formation in 1991 and can make history on Saturday by reaching the first round of the FA Cup for the first time. It will not be easy against the relative giants of FC United of Manchester but, whatever happens at the Aspray Arena, it will be another chapter in a remarkable story. Sporting Khalsa are fifth in the Midland League Premier Division, the ninth tier of the English football pyramid. On Tuesday, they won at Brocton. The attendance was 87. On Saturday, in excess of 2,000 supporters are expected for the visit of National League North side FC United, who play three tiers above Khalsa, in the FA Cup fourth qualifying round. The winners will earn £12,500 and enter Monday's first-round draw alongside 2008 winners Portsmouth and Wigan, who lifted the trophy by beating Manchester City at Wembley in 2013. "Preparations started on Sunday because we had to clear an access route for vans to bring in the marquees we are having to use because our bar is not big enough," said Inder Grewa, one of Sporting Khalsa's 12 owners, who also acts as treasurer. "We have never before had to think about marquees because we normally only have 50 people here. "There was a load of old metal and chairs that needed shifting. Grass verges had to be dug and stone had to be put down to level it off. "At our level we can't afford to pay people to clear the site. We rely on volunteers. "We sent one email out and had around 20 people turn up, including the manager and some of the players." Prior to this FA Cup run, Sporting Khalsa had never had an attendance in three figures, but there were 750 at the Aspray Arena for the visit of Spalding in the third qualifying round. On Saturday, a combination of local interest and FC United's healthy away following - many of whom are intent on making a trip to nearby Dudley to see the statue of legendary Manchester United and England player Duncan Edwards - could see three times that many turn up. Normal home match plans have had to be altered at a club where stadium and bar manager Bal Gacha is the only full-time member of staff. "We usually print the programmes ourselves on a colour printer," Grewa told BBC Sport. "But we have not been able to do that this weekend because instead of 20 we have had to get a thousand done. "We have gone up from two stewards to 30. "We have brought the marquees in because we simply could not accommodate the numbers we are expecting in the bar. Food will be available, though." Ah yes, the now famous curry house, located within the 4-4-2 bar adjacent to the ground, open on match and non-matchdays. "We just thought it would be an add-on," said Grewa. "We feed the players but football comes first. Everything here is working towards improving the football side." It is safe to assume neither Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger nor Aston Villa boss Tim Sherwood were required for landscaping duties before last season's FA Cup final. But that was one of the jobs keeping Sporting Khalsa manager Ian Rowe busy this week after answering the call to help create the access route. Building is nothing new for this Black Country club, sandwiched between Wolverhampton and Walsall, whose story of traversing one side of Noose Lane, where it all began in 1991, to the other, where the Asprey Arena is located, is a compelling one, even if it comes with a sad reminder that some racial stereotypes still run deep. Sporting Khalsa emerged from a group of a dozen Sikh lads who would meet on Willenhall Memorial Park for a kickabout at weekends. Playing standards varied. Passion for the game was in them all. Sporting Khalsa entered the local Walsall and District Sunday League, then moved into Saturday football, pushing the boundaries of what could be achieved. In 2004 they joined the West Midlands Regional League. Three promotions have taken them to the upper echelons of the Midland League. Decisions now, as they always have, are achieved through discussion and consensus, sometimes in the car as they travel to away games. Sporting Khalsa's architects were Asian. Their official website calls them a semi-professional Asian club. But it has always been open to all, regardless of religion, skin colour and gender. They bought a pitch at Bloxwich Town but when Aspray Arena became available after Willenhall Town went into administration in 2009, the opportunity to relocate to a stadium barely 400 yards from the Sunday league pitches where the Sporting Khalsa concept first emerged was too tempting to reject. "There is a group of 12 who you could say are the core of the club," said Grewa. "We were always aware some of us could not play at a good standard. But we just love the game - and we wanted to see how far we could push ourselves. "You still get the odd comment. We were at an away match recently and someone said, 'I thought you lot only played cricket', so that stereotype is still there. "It makes me angry that something like that still happens because it is absolutely not true. "We just love football. It doesn't matter to us if you are black, green or yellow. We welcome anybody. "We have kids teams from under-6s upwards and four ladies teams. We are a community club - and the community is everybody." The club have ambitions of climbing higher up the football pyramid, but there is also a conflict about how progress could permanently alter the identity of the club. "We want to get to the National League," said Grewa. "Once you go into the Football League, it becomes a business. I don't know whether we want that. "The founders of the club have never fallen out. That only happens if there is money involved. As it is, everyone is treated equally. "Up to the National League, we could still do our jobs and handle it." At 15:00 BST on Saturday, the dreaming must stop. By any logic, Sporting Khalsa do not stand a chance of bridging the gap to FC United, akin to a League Two side taking on a Premier League team. They do have an international, central defender Tes Robinson, who plays for St Kitts and Nevis. They also have a forward, Craig Bannister, who has scored nine times in this season's FA Cup. Saturday's match is Sporting Khalsa's seventh FA Cup tie of the season, more than Arsenal played in lifting the trophy in 2014-15. The players share lifts to away games. Many still play Sunday football in addition to Saturdays. And it was not known for certain until less than 24 hours before they left for their replay against Spalding last week that their goalkeeper and winger would be able to play because of work commitments. "I am a Manchester United fan," said manager Ian Rowe, who was appointed at the start of the 2014-15 season. "I have followed the FC United story from the start. Next to having my kids, this will be one of the proudest moments of my life. "But let's not kid ourselves. The chance of us reaching the level we will need to win this game is probably one in a hundred. "AFC Fylde are in the same league as FC United. They beat a team in our league 9-0. I don't want that to happen to us."
Sporting Khalsa used to be known locally as the club with a curry house.
Officers were called to Bury Old Road in Greater Manchester, home to a large Orthodox Jewish community, who were celebrating Rosh Hashanah on Monday. A man, aged 45, was arrested on suspicion of a racially aggravated offence and possessing an offensive weapon. He has been bailed until 31 October.
A group of Jewish people celebrating the Jewish New Year were allegedly threatened by a man wielding an axe, police have said.
In her resignation letter she said her decision would enable her party to have a "real discussion" about its future. Senior party members had "questioned my place in this new phase", she said. Earlier, the 56-year-old said some Labour MPs were "dinosaurs" who failed to see "Scotland has changed forever". Ms Lamont had wanted more autonomy for the party in Scotland and significant new powers for the Scottish Parliament. But in an interview with the Daily Record she accused Westminster colleagues of treating Scotland like a "branch office". Labour has 41 MPs in Scotland who will fight for their Westminster seats at next May's General Election. The party also has 38 MSPs in Edinburgh's Holyrood parliament and they will seek re-election in 2016. In her resignation letter to Scottish Labour chairman Jamie Glackin Ms Lamont said the referendum had "opened a new chapter in the debate about the future of the Scottish Labour Party". She added: "In order that we can have the real discussion about how we take Scottish Labour forward, I believe it would be best if I took myself out of the equation and stepped down as leader." She described Labour's challenge in Scotland as "serious", but added "I strongly believe that the Labour Party is not only our best chance of achieving a better, fairer Scotland, it's our only chance". There are two versions of this story. In one version, Scottish Labour's departing leader, Johann Lamont, accuses her Westminster colleagues - and, by implication, Ed Miliband - of undermining her and failing to grasp how much Scotland has changed. She says some of her MP colleagues are "dinosaurs". The alternative version is that Johann Lamont wasn't up to the job - that she failed to counter the SNP, that she failed to modernise the party sufficiently to cope with a new Scotland where people are no longer prepared to back Labour as a duty, that she failed to attract new talent who might freshen up the party's portrait for the electorate in 2016, when Holyrood goes to the polls. Reacting to news of the resignation, SNP deputy leader Nicola Sturgeon said that Ms Lamont "carries my personal best wishes". But she added: "There is no question that her shock resignation reveals Labour to be in complete meltdown in Scotland." Ms Sturgeon said: "The scale of the infighting between Scottish Labour and Labour at Westminster is exposed for all to see." The timetable for choosing a new leader will be set out soon. In the meantime, deputy leader Anas Sarwar is in charge and an MSP will be chosen to stand in for Ms Lamont at Holyrood. Whoever replaces her will become Scottish Labour's seventh leader since the Scottish Parliament was established 15 years ago. Ms Lamont, a former English teacher who joined the Labour Party as a teenager, has represented the Glasgow Pollok constituency at Holyrood since 1999. She took over as the party's Scottish leader in the aftermath of the 2011 Scottish Parliament election, when Labour suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the SNP. In the weeks after the independence referendum, she said she wanted to lead Labour to victory in the next Holyrood election in 2016 and become first minister. Labour leader Ed Miliband said she deserved "significant credit" for the successful "No" vote in the Scottish referendum campaign. He added: "She campaigned the length and breadth of Scotland making the case for social justice within the United Kingdom. "She has led the Scottish Labour Party with determination. I know she will continue to serve her constituents. "Having elected a new leader, I believe the party will show the same will and determination it did in the referendum campaign to help us to victory in the general election of 2015 and the Scottish elections of 2016." Former prime minister Gordon Brown has constantly been linked to the job, as has fellow MP Jim Murphy, who also played a prominent role in the referendum campaign. Mr Brown said he was sorry to hear that Ms Lamont had resigned. He added; "She brought determination, compassion and a down-to-earth approach to the leadership and deserves great credit for taking on the challenge after 2011. "I wish her well in the future." Senior Labour sources have indicated that both the former Prime minister, Gordon Brown and the former Scottish Secretary , Jim Murphy, will be approached to see if they are willing to lead the Labour Party in Scotland. If the two men refuse another scenario being canvassed is for a joint ticket between the MP Anas Sarwar and the MSP Kezia Dugdale. Mr Sarwar would be the leader and would seek to improve relations between Westminster and Holyrood. Ms Dugdale would lead the group at Holyrood. One Labour source described this as the "ideal option". Others believe Mr Murphy should be encouraged to stand. One figure said that if "Jim doesn't stand it will be a disaster", but added he believed the shadow cabinet member could be persuaded.
Scottish Labour leader Johann Lamont has resigned saying senior party members had "questioned" her role amid the "serious challenges" faced by the party after September's referendum.
The hashtag #penuriecarburantdansunfilm, which translates as "fuel shortage in a film", became France's top Twitter trend on Tuesday, with more than 5,000 tweets. A strike over new labour laws is now affecting all of France's eight oil refineries. An estimated 20% of petrol stations have either run dry or are low on supplies. In their posts, French social media users talk about films such as Total Recall, the title of both a 1990 and 2012 science fiction film. Total is also the name of a French multinational oil and gas company. Some users also changed film titles to reflect the shortage: Pulp Fiction was renamed Pump Friction, The Full Monty became The Fuel Monty and Mad Max: Fury Bicycle Lane replaced Mad Max: Fury Road. American actor Vin Diesel's surname and his Hollywood blockbusters attracted particular attention, with people inventing several titles for his Fast and Furious series: Last and Furious, Pas Fast Mais Furious (translation: Not Fast But Furious), Immobile and Furious and Fuel Furious. Others renamed 8 Mile, a semi-biographical drama staring US rapper Eminem, 0 Mile and 8 Miles a Pied (translation: 8 Miles on Foot). American director Stanley Kubrick appeared to inspire people who posted about Fuel Metal Jacket, referring to Kubrick's 1987 film Full Metal Jacket. 2001, l'Odyssee de l'espace is the French title of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. But Espace is also the name of minivan built by French car manufacturer Renault. Pictures of people filling jerrycans at petrol stations led people to incorporate the term into film titles. Tom and Jerrrycan, Jerrycan Beauty and Catch Me If You Jerrycan were the result. Another obvious target was Nicolas Winding Refn's 2011 film Drive which social media users changed to Walk and Drive Pas. Read more about France's controversial new labour laws
French people affected by a fuel shortage that has hit a fifth of the country's petrol stations have taken to social media, changing film titles as a joke to reflect the problem.
It comes a year after the bank reached a $5.6bn settlement with the US government over mortgage loans extended to US homebuyers before 2008. Profits at its consumer banking division, the bank's largest unit, rose 5% from a year ago to $1.8bn. Residential mortgage lending rose by 13% to $17bn. "The key drivers of our business - deposit taking and lending to both our consumer and corporate clients - moved in the right direction... and our trading results on behalf of clients remained fairly stable in challenging capital markets conditions," said Bank of America chief executive Brian Moynihan. The bank, which has paid more than $70bn in legal expenses since 2008, said its legal costs fell for the third quarter in a row, dropping to $231m from $6bn a year earlier. Separately, US bank Wells Fargo reported its first profits rise for three quarters, with the results helped by its acquisition of commercial loans from General Electric earlier this year. Net income edged up 0.65% from a year ago to $5.44bn in the three months to the end of September. with revenues up 3% to $21.9bn. However, its mortgage banking revenue fell 2.7% to $1.59bn. Earlier this year, Wells Fargo bought a portion of GE's commercial real estate loans worth $9bn, which helped to boost profits in the latest quarter. On Tuesday, the bank said it would buy a $30bn portfolio of commercial loans and leases from GE.
Bank of America has reported a net profit of $4.07bn (£2.65bn) for the three months to the end of September against a loss of $470m a year earlier.
Media playback is unsupported on your device 4 February 2015 Last updated at 07:25 GMT The programme follows three young people who tell their personal stories about living with grandparents who have dementia. Dementia is a word that describes a number of symptoms which affect the way the brain thinks. People who suffer from dementia might experience memory loss, have difficulties with thinking, problem-solving or speaking. It is also a progressive disease, which means the symptoms will gradually get worse over time. One of the stars of the show is Josh, whose granddad has been diagnosed with dementia. He met up with Richard McCourt, one half of Dick and Dom, about how he coped when his Mum had the disease. Josh and Richard told us more about what dementia is, and how it affected them. You can watch the MyLife documentary called Mr Alzheimers and Me, on the CBBC channel tonight at 5:30pm.
CBBC's MyLife is back with a new documentary called Mr Alzheimers and Me.
Francee, the fortunate feline, was found and saved by Campbell Baird, who came to check on construction work at his new home. He only noticed the unfortunate cat after hearing "meowing" coming from the walls. "I couldn't believe it at first," said Mr Baird. He used a drill, chisel and hammer to free Francee before posting a video of the unlikely cat rescue on Facebook in an effort to track down the owner. The video has since been shared more than 700 times and Francee has been reunited with her owner, a little shocked but uninjured from her ordeal. According to Mr Baird, the cat got stuck in a tiny cavity space after apparently clambering a ladder to the first floor. "The only way in would have been from above so she must've climbed up and then got stuck down in between the wall. "It's fortunate I came up to the house or the cat would not have been found. "It was a small cavity space in the wall. I was able to pull some of the insulation out and then I got some tools to free her," said Mr Baird. "I'm just happy I was able to get the cat back home again and everything worked out OK." He added, with a laugh: "My phone hasn't stopped since I posted the video. But all I wanted was to find the cat's owner and I'm glad I could do that."
A cat in Carrickfergus was lucky to keep its nine lives after getting trapped in the wall of a partly-built house.
Shamsul Arefin brought four people from his native Bangladesh to work at the Stewart Hotel near Appin in Argyll over a three year period. His victims took out loans to pay him substantial sums for employment at the hotel. One was threatened with having his kidney removed by money lenders back home if he didn't pay his debt. Arefin's crimes were described as a "clear case of modern day slavery". At Fort William Sheriff Court, he was found guilty of breaches of the Asylum and Immigration Act. He carried out the crimes between 2008 and 2010. He recruited his victims by offering them jobs as chefs at his hotel. They were told to pay him substantial sums of money which he described as a "deposit" in exchange for employment and a salary. On their arrival at the hotel, their wages were reduced to a fraction of the contracted amount and they were required to work far longer hours with their duties extended beyond the kitchen. The men told how they had to paint the hotel, clean rooms and cut and move logs in the hotel grounds in freezing winter temperatures. Arefin threatened his victims with termination of their employment when they complained and refused to return the money they had paid him. In one case the victim described how money lenders in Bangladesh had threatened to remove his kidney as a result of his inability to pay back what he owed. The crimes came to light following an investigation by the UK Border Agency and the then Northern Constabulary. Responding to Arefin's sentencing, Kath Harper, the Crown's national lead prosecutor for human trafficking, said: "Arefin's greed had life-changing implications not just for his victims, but for their families and others who supported them. "Human trafficking can come in many forms and as prosecutors we are committed to doing all we can do eradicate it from Scotland." Kevin Hyland, independent anti-slavery commissioner, added: "The victims of these particular crimes endured exploitation and abuse many thought was a distant memory of the past. "This is a clear case of 'modern day slavery' and I commend the bravery of the four men who gave evidence at the trial. I hope that receiving justice in the courts assists in their journey of recovery." Det Insp Richard Baird from Police Scotland said: "Shamsul Arefin was driven by financial greed and held no regard for the working conditions of those in his employment. "This was apparent by the poor condition that his victims were subject to through working long hours at no extra pay and often with substandard equipment and working supplies. "In bringing this individual to justice we have disrupted, if not dismantled, one more illegal enterprise and hopefully saved other potential victims from inevitable suffering."
A former hotel owner has been jailed for three years for human trafficking.
The London Paramount resort on the Swanscombe Peninsula, near Dartford, would be twice the size of the Olympic Park, and include 5,000 hotel rooms and a water park. The developers said they needed to conduct more research into traffic and environmental issues before applying for a development consent order. If given approval, it is expected to open in 2021 instead of Easter 2020. The planned park will have more than 50 rides and attractions based on films and TV programmes on a 900-acre brownfield site. David Testa, chief executive of London Paramount, said: "In light of our ongoing studies and detailed discussions with the Planning Inspectorate‎ and local authorities, we have decided to give ourselves a bit more time to....revise our submission date for the development consent order."
The opening date of a £2bn theme park in north Kent has been pushed back.
French PM Manuel Valls and US Secretary of State John Kerry said civilians were dying in Russian air strikes. Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev said there was "no evidence of our bombing civilians, even though everyone is accusing us of this". One observers' group says at least 1,015 civilians have been killed in Russian air strikes. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said late last month that close to a quarter of those killed were under the age of 18. How Putin is succeeding in Syria Displaced Syrians struggle to survive Syria: The story of the conflict Russia, an ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has consistently denied hitting civilian targets and insists it is battling terrorists. Mr Valls said his government "respects Russia and Russia's interests" but "that to re-discover the path to peace, to discussion, the Russian bombing of civilians has to stop". Mr Kerry again accused Russia of using so-called 'dumb bombs' in Syria that do not hit precise targets. Last week, he said women and children were being killed "in large numbers" by Russian raids. Mr Medvedev said Russia was "not trying to achieve some secret goals in Syria", adding that "we are trying to protect our national interests". Their comments were made at a security conference in Munich, days after world powers agreed a deal to push for a cessation of hostilities in Syria within a week. Agreement to try to bring about a cessation of hostilities and allow more access for humanitarian aid was reached by world powers late on Thursday in Germany, but neither the Syrian government nor the rebels were involved. Under the plan, efforts will be made to try to make urgent aid deliveries to besieged and hard-to-reach areas in Syria. Steps will also be taken to work towards an eventual ceasefire and implementation of a UN-backed plan for political transition in Syria. The halt will not apply to the battle against jihadist groups Islamic State (IS) and al-Nusra Front. The tentative deal reached here in Munich to pause the fighting in Syria was always going to be a tough sell to the warring parties on the ground. Now its chances of success look even slimmer - "Forty-nine per cent," said Russia's foreign minister. "Closer to zero," said his British counterpart. For much of the day the Russian and Western ministers have been trading accusations and counter-accusations as to who is to blame for the ongoing misery that is the Syrian civil war. France, Britain and the US all accused Russia of targeting mainstream rebels and civilians with air strikes while leaving so-called Islamic State largely unscathed. Russia flatly denied this, saying most of those civilians were being besieged by rebels rather than by Assad's forces. Again, Western delegates disagreed. So there are clearly two, diametrically opposed, versions of what is going on in Syria. That leaves little prospect of the concerted effort for peace by all parties that is so desperately needed. Rebel groups in Syria have told the BBC they would not stop fighting because they do not believe that Russia will end its bombing campaign in support of the government. They also reiterated their demand that President Assad be removed from power. On Friday, the president said he wanted to retake "the whole country" from rebels. But US state department spokesman Mark Toner said Mr Assad was "deluded" if he thought there was a military solution to the conflict. Syrian government forces, backed by Russian air strikes, have almost encircled rebels in parts of the northern city of Aleppo. More than 250,000 people have been killed and some 11 million displaced in almost five years of fighting in Syria. In another sign of the complexity of the conflict, reports said that on Saturday Turkish forces had shelled Kurdish militia targets in Aleppo provinces. The Kurdish fighters had seized territory from Islamists in recent days. Turkey views the Kurdish militia as allied to the PKK group, which has a waged a campaign against Turkish security forces for decades. On Saturday, Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Saudi Arabia would send war planes to the Turkish air base of Incirlik, from where they would attack militants in Syria from the so-called Islamic State. Saudi Arabia is already part of the international coalition against IS. Mr Cavusoglu also said it was possible that troops from his country and Saudi Arabia might participate in a ground operation against IS forces. The US has so far ruled out a ground invasion. Moscow has warned against any new foreign ground intervention in the country, saying such a development could even lead to a world war. Why is there a war in Syria? Anti-government protests developed into a civil war that, five years on, has ground to a stalemate, with the Assad government, Islamic State, an array of Syrian rebels and Kurdish fighters all holding territory. Who is fighting whom? Government forces concentrated in Damascus and the centre and west of Syria are fighting the jihadists of Islamic State and al-Nusra Front, as well as less numerous so-called "moderate" rebel groups, who are strongest in the north and east. These groups are also battling each other. How has the world reacted? Iran, Russia and Lebanon's Hezbollah movement are propping up the Alawite-led Assad government, while Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar back the Sunni-dominated opposition, along with the US, UK and France. Hezbollah and Iran are believed to have troops and officers on the ground, while a Western-led coalition and Russia are carrying out air strikes.
Pressure is increasing on Russia over civilian deaths in Syria, with France and the US urging greater caution.
Lifelong fan Hearn sold the club to the Italian for £4m in July 2014. This week the club was served with a winding-up petition from Revenue & Customs for non-payment of tax, with a High Court hearing set for 20 March. "Looking where we are now, I would never have sold if I had thought this was going to happen," Hearn said. "Hindsight is a wonderful advisor." He told BBC Radio 5 live: "At the time I thought it was perfect for everybody - fans, myself, the club." Hearn, who was Orient chairman for 19 years, said when the takeover was completed, he and fans were "pretty certain" that Becchetti, who made a fortune in waste management and recycling, would prove to be a good owner. "He had a very engaging personality," the 68-year-old said. "He seemed passionate about what he wanted to do, and he has done what he told me he was going to do - he has injected many, many millions of pounds into Leyton Orient. "It is just that putting the money in, and spending it wisely are not always the same things." A meeting of the Leyton Orient Fans' Trust (Loft) on Thursday night agreed on what the group calls "a last-resort measure" to try to save the relegation-threatened club. Should Becchetti not pay the tax bill before the court date, then at the winding-up hearing the fans would seek the appointment of an administrator, despite the fact it would mean the club being deducted 12 points under English Football League rules. An administrator would then look to sell the club as a going concern to a potential new owner. "That application would be made as late as possible to give the club's current owner time to settle the bill," said Loft spokesman Tom Davies. However, he added that should an adjournment of the court hearing provide a more stable course and future for the club, then they would favour an adjournment. In addition, Loft has launched a crowd funding page to try to raise £250,000 - reportedly the tax sum owed by the club. Loft also want to meet Hearn, still the chairman of World Snooker, to discuss its plans for saving the club. "I have been a bit critical of fans' trusts in the past up and down the country. Some of them have worked, but some of them have been abysmal failures," he said. "But I think they should be encouraged and applauded for looking at the situation. It comes down to what plan they have in their mind, what is the sustainability of the club within that plan and what management, because it is all about management." Hearn still owns Orient's Matchroom Stadium. But for that, he believes it could have been sold for redevelopment. "Fortunately Leyton Orient have got a 20-year lease on the ground, with another 20-year option. I did it on purpose because I could never be 100% sure where I was selling," he added. "I kept the ground to make sure it wasn't used for the wrong reasons - that it wasn't the wrong reasons for buying a football club. Thank goodness I kept it because I would imagine now, with the situation it is, developers would be knocking on the door tomorrow." When asked by BBC Sport, Leyton Orient declined to respond to Hearn's remarks or comment on Loft's proposals.
Former Leyton Orient owner Barry Hearn says he now regrets selling the club to businessman Francesco Becchetti.
In the press release for the new record The Systems Are Failing, the musician writes: "We're destroying the world, and we're still miserable. Fat, sick, stupid and anxious are no ways to live. "These systems are failing. Let them fail. Change or die." What makes this different from a Moby album? I think a lot of people think of me as making sort of down-tempo quiet, electronic living room music and this record is much more of a fast, aggressive post-punk record and, based on the reactions I've had so far, people have been a little nonplussed at that. What reactions specifically? Do people think you're crazy or are they applauding a brave new direction? Both in equal measure, part of what led me to want to make a record like this, is the awareness that people don't really buy records any more and people especially don't buy records from 51-year-old musicians who are making their 15th record, so with those two things in mind there's also a sense of emancipation that comes with that. You can either bemoan the fact that, in 2016 the audience for albums is quite small, but I see it as being really liberating because there's no external pressure at all. I'm not trying to sell records, I'm not trying to get on the radio, I'm honestly just trying to make a record that excites me and that I think is interesting. You've been very commercially successful and some might say that puts you in the privileged position of not having to worry about it. Yes and it would be hard for me to argue that. I would feel absurdly presumptuous criticising anyone else's choices, there are a lot of musicians who have children or alimony payments or sick relatives, so they need to make commercial compromises in order to pay the rent. I'm lucky because I live a relatively simple life and I can make whatever music I want to make without any worry about any commercial ramifications. In your mission statement for this project you state: 'When some of my middle-aged compatriots try to accommodate the pop market place, the results are so anodyne and depressing'. Did you have someone specific in mind? I did have people in mind but, in the interest of avoiding public feuds, I can't even begin to name names because in the course of my life, whenever I've criticised a fellow musician, it has ended up being something that I have truly regretted. But the truth is that a majority of musicians as they age don't do so in a graceful way. What I mean by that is, I understand that as you age, you want to hold on to your glory days and for most musicians that was decades ago, so you find yourself dressing the same way and touring and taking out your contact lenses so the audience will be blurry and look bigger than it is. If I don't have to go down that route, I'd just as soon not. But your album Play was the first album to have every track licensed to advertisers - if a corporation came to you now and asked to use Don't Leave Me from the new album - what would you do? I have a feeling that on my death bed the last question someone asks me before I die will be about licensing music to advertisements. At this point, most of what I do and I hesitate to say this because it does sound a little self-aggrandising but it's sincere, is that most of the work I do now is non-profit. I own a restaurant in LA and 100% of the profits goes to animal welfare charities and my only show this year is a fundraiser for an animal rights group. I don't mean that in a self-congratulatory way, I just mean my criteria has changed. How do my choices benefit the causes that I care about? So, if an advertiser came to me with a dump truck full of money to license a song, I would probably say "yes" and simply direct the dump truck to one of the organisations I work with. I've always tried to employ that ethos when it comes to advertising, like "rob from the rich and give to the poor" or, more accurately, "take from corporations and give to those who work against those corporations". But even when I was being crucified for that, I really didn't want to talk about it because it seemed defensive. It made me uncomfortable trying to justify myself even if there was justification there. With that and the Pacific Void manifesto, it sounds like you're having a conscientious mid-life crisis but, instead of buying a sports car, you're trying to right the world's wrongs. I've always been potentially an annoying, opinionated loudmouth. I was raised by very active hippies with an idea that whatever you do, in so far as you can, you should try and make the world a better place. Again, I can't be so presumptuous to say I am making it a better place but at least I want to try. There's so much, especially in the public arena, of this shameless, endless self-promotion that it just makes me nauseous. I don't want to be like them, there are too many horrifying pressing issues. Just putting out a new fashion line or lending your name to a perfume company would be fine if the world wasn't an inch away from catastrophe. Is this your main creative drive now or will you go back to recording under Moby? I made a record about two years ago that was very choral and so I used the name The Void Pacific Choir, which is a DH Lawrence quote because I liked it, but I scrapped the album and then started work on this one but I kept the name. But the truth is that it's me on my own so if I go back and record something under my name, it all seems kind of arbitrary to me. Do you intend on touring the new album? Dear God no. It's another thing that's emancipating . Most musicians put out a record with the intent of touring and my intention is to never tour again as long as I live because I hate touring. I love playing music but going to the same airports and the same hotels and the law of diminishing returns, as you age you play smaller venues and you try and play new songs but the audience just want to hear the hits which I understand because when I go to see middle-aged musicians, I want to see the hits. But if I never ever go on tour again, I would be very happy. Have you said everything you need to with this album? I've already made the follow-up record, I'm just trying to figure out when my record label will let me release it. Part two is all ready to go but clearly record companies don't love middle-aged musicians who refuse to tour, so I can't be too haughty and high-handed with them. I have to rely on their good graces. The debut album by Moby & The Void Pacific Choir is released 14 October 2016. 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Electronic producer Moby has returned with a new project and pseudo-political manifesto Moby and the Pacific Void Choir.
The Bacc was introduced about a decade ago to offer a more rounded education. Researchers at Cardiff University found students were 15% less likely to achieve a first or 2:1 degree. The Welsh government said the Bacc will be more rigorous from September 2015, and it will address many findings in the report, which it commissioned. The Welsh Bacc brings together traditional qualifications like GCSEs and A-levels with the Bacc "core," comprised of a range of modules including team enterprise activities, community participation and Wales' place in Europe and the world. There are currently more than 78,000 learners registered on Welsh Baccalaureate courses studying at more than 250 schools and other institutions. "Participation and progress are kind of connected," Prof Chris Taylor from Cardiff University, a co-author of the report, told BBC Radio Wales. "On the one hand you'll find that students are significantly more likely to get into university with the Welsh Baccalaureate. Crucially, they are more likely to get into a leading Russell Group university, which is very good news. "However that seems to come at the expense then in terms of their successes of degree outcomes. "Although we find significant results, it does appear that students without the Welsh Baccalaureate are more likely to get a first or a 2:1." He added: "The number of students who are not likely to get a good degree isn't as significantly as large as we first thought." Prof Taylor said the Welsh Bacc's success in terms of getting students into university "far outweighs" the disadvantages found in terms of their results. But he said: "We do make the recommendation that it could be more challenging. It could be more tailored to the particular needs of the students in terms of their choice of subjects at university they're going to study. "We also recognise there needs to be greater support for the qualification because it has some added value. "There are clearly some benefits to some students in terms of essay writing skills, in terms of time management and independent learning that most other qualifications don't offer. "But it doesn't translate in terms of degree results and that may be because it's at the expense of subject knowledge which is missing." "On the one hand it's a core qualification that every student should undertake and it provides a set of core skills that everybody like employers, labour markets and higher education universities can understand is there but at the same time it's got to be challenging, got to be tailored to the individual needs of students. "That challenge is very difficult for sixth forms and FE colleges." Last year, a study by the Welsh Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD) also suggested undergraduates completing the Welsh Bacc fare less well at university than those who have not. The Welsh government said the research by Cardiff University was commissioned to help with the development of the Welsh Bacc. A spokesperson added: "Our independent review of qualifications addressed many of the findings in the WISERD report, and we are already taking action to deliver the review's recommendations regarding the Welsh Baccalaureate. "As a result, we are working towards delivering a more rigorous Welsh Baccalaureate to be taught from September 2015. "This will provide further assurance to higher education institutions about the ability of Welsh Baccalaureate learners and will help university admissions tutors make offers to prospective learners."
University students who studied the Welsh Baccalaureate are less likely to get higher degrees than those who did not, a report suggests.
The 14-time major champion, who has twice undergone surgery during 15 months out, is nine shots off the pace set by fellow American JB Holmes. Woods, 40, had four birdies in eight holes but he bogeyed the ninth after a wayward drive and poor chip. Another shot went on the 11th, while double bogeys on the 16th and 18th left the world number 898 a stroke over par. Woods said he "felt pretty good" and "looking forward to the next few days" after completing his round at the event he hosts to benefit his charitable foundation. "I hit the ball in three bushes and the water, so it could have been something really good," he said on Sky Sports. "I got off to a solid start but then I made a few mistakes. I didn't play the par fives particularly well. "I had some awkward shots. If you drive great you can take advantage of this golf course, but if you don't you can end up in bushes or rocks and go sideways." His first double bogey came after he pulled his approach to the green from the centre of the 16th fairway and was forced to chip out short of the green. He over-hit his fourth and two putted from the back edge for a six. Woods then pulled his drive on the par-four 18th into a lake and although he hit the pin with his fourth shot, he two-putted from 12 feet for the fourth six of his round. He had briefly tied for the lead at four under after a run of three birdies from the sixth hole as he played the first nine holes in three-under-par 33. And although he cancelled out his bogey on the 11th with a birdie on the 15th, his two late double bogeys blotted an otherwise encouraging round. Holmes leads the 18-man event after an eight-under-par 64 that featured seven birdies and an eagle. Japan's Hideki Matsuyama is a shot further back on seven under, with US Open winner Dustin Johnson on six under. Open champion Henrik Stenson, American Matt Kuchar and South Africa's Louis Oosthuizen finished the first round tied for fourth on five under. England's Olympic champion Justin Rose, playing his first event after a seven-week break, props up the field on two over. Media playback is not supported on this device
Tiger Woods hit a one-over-par 73 on his return to competitive golf at the Hero World Challenge in the Bahamas.
Shaun Murphy, 38, died in hospital after was he was found injured in Greenbrow Road, Wythenshawe on Saturday. A 23-year-old man is in custody for questioning, Greater Manchester Police said. Det Ch Insp Jane Higham said: "This investigation is still in it's early stages and we are continuing to follow a number of lines of inquiry."
A man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after a fatal stabbing in Manchester, police have said.
Its leader, Heinz Christian Strache, said the way postal votes were handled was among numerous irregularities. "We are not sore losers," he said. "This is about protecting the foundations of democracy." The party's candidate was defeated by the former Green Party leader by just under 31,000 votes. The filing of the challenge was confirmed by Christian Neuwirth, a spokesman for Austria's constitutional court. The court now has four weeks to respond. If it takes the full four weeks, its findings will come just two days before the poll winner, Alexander Van der Bellen, is due to be sworn in. Is Europe lurching to the far right? Europe's nationalist surge, country by country Is populism a threat to Europe's economies? The presidency is a largely ceremonial post, but a victory for the Freedom Party could have been a springboard for success in the next parliamentary elections, scheduled for 2018. Correspondents say the legal challenge threatens to renew divisions created by the vote, which split Austria and exposed, once again, deep differences in Europe over how to deal with the migrant crisis, the economy and how to balance national interests against those of the EU. Mr Van der Bellen was declared the winner of the election the day after voting, with 50.3% of the vote against Mr Hofer's 49.7% - despite preliminary results placing the Freedom Party's Norbert Hofer slightly ahead. But the Freedom Party is alleging numerous irregularities in its 150-page submission to the constitutional court. Mr Strache says he has filed evidence that postal ballots were illegally handled in 94 of 117 district election offices, reports said, suggesting that more than 570,000 ballots could have been affected by this. The party also claims it has evidence that under-16s and foreigners were allowed to vote. "The extent of irregularities is more than terrifying. That's why I feel obliged to challenge the result," Mr Strache told a news conference. "You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to have a bad gut feeling about this whole election. Without these irregularities Mr Hofer could have become president." The BBC's Bethany Bell in Vienna says that if the constitutional court accepts the evidence presented by Mr Strache, there could be several possible outcomes, including a partial recount or a fresh vote in affected areas. But the court will have to decide whether the law was broken and whether any possible breaches would have affected the outcome of the election.
Austria's far-right Freedom Party has lodged a legal challenge to the result of last month's presidential election, which it lost by a tiny margin.
The report suggested splitting the current role, as both head of the legal system and president of the States. Political expert Dr Adrian Lee said the dual role was unique to the islands. He said they were the only democratic jurisdictions in the world where the person judging a case had been involved in making the law. The Carswell Committee, which authored the report, suggested Jersey's Bailiff should step down as president of the States of Jersey and be replaced by an elected speaker. Lord Carswell said: "There are various international constitutional documents, which rather frown on the idea of judges having anything to do with the legislator." He said there was also a practical reason, as in recent years the Jersey Bailiff had had to spend increasing amounts of time on States work. Dr Lee, a former professor of politics at Plymouth University, said: "The Carswell Committee also made the point that as the two islands increasingly develop their international personalities, as they're called, it's important that their legal systems and political systems are clear to the outside world. "At the moment there is some lack of clarity over who is speaking on behalf of, who's representing the island - is it the chief minister, the Lieutenant Governor, the Bailiff or is it all three?" A spokesperson for Guernsey's Policy Council said it would watch the developments in Jersey with interest. Guernsey States Assembly and Constitution Committee said it intended to discuss the report at a meeting next week. The dual role of both bailiffs came under the spotlight after Sark decided to spilt the role of seneschal, who was both chief judge and president of Chief Pleas, in October following pressure from outside of the island.
The role of Guernsey's Bailiff could be reviewed in the wake of a report looking at the dual responsibilities of the office in Jersey.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said rebels fired hundreds of rockets and shells into at least seven government-held areas late on Thursday. By Friday morning, they had made small advances, the monitoring group added. But the Syrian state news agency Sana said the assault had been repelled and more than 100 "terrorists" killed. Aleppo, once Syria's commercial and industrial hub, has been divided roughly in half between government-held areas in the west and rebel-controlled eastern quarters for almost three years. Fighting on the ground and government air strikes have left thousands dead, and destroyed more than 60% of the Old City, a Unesco World Heritage site. But in recent months, the rebels have driven government forces out of several areas in the countryside to the north, as well as almost all of the neighbouring province of Idlib. More than 230,000 people are believed to have been killed in Syria since the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad began in March 2011. Some 11.5 million others - more than half of the country's population - have fled their homes. Rebels have made numerous attempts to seize key installations held by the government, but with little effect. On Thursday, 13 Islamist fighting groups and al-Nusra Front, al-Qaeda's affiliate in Syria, came together to launch a co-ordinated assault on several fronts. A statement said the aim of the new coalition, called Ansar al-Sharia (Partisans of Islamic Law), was "the liberation of Aleppo and its countryside", after which they would work with other groups to govern the city according to Islamic law. Western-backed groups also said they were taking part in the offensive, organised through a joint operations room called Fatah Halab (Conquest of Aleppo), the New York Times reported. The rebels launched simultaneous attacks on western districts of the city controlled by government forces, firing hundreds of rockets and shells, the Syrian Observatory reported. The offensive unleashed on government-held western Aleppo by Ansar al-Sharia seems to be the most serious since the battle for Aleppo began. An early test of its prospects will be one of the first apparent objectives - the loathed and feared Air Force Intelligence headquarters in Zahra, on the western edge of the city. Rebels have tried many times to capture it, and failed. The offensive has been building up for some time, following the capture of Idlib by a newly-coalesced rebel alliance, Jaish al-Fatah (Victory Army), in March. What's making the difference is that rebel groups, and their outside backers like Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which were competing in the past, now seem to be pulling together - bad news for the regime. The success of the new campaign may depend on whether Damascus is seriously determined to hang on to Aleppo. If it is, rebel progress will be slow and hard. The UK-based group said the fighting continued into the early hours of Friday and was focused on the frontline in Zahra, a heavily-defended area that houses several major security compounds. At least nine people were killed and dozens wounded by the rebel barrage, it added. The military responded with a heavy aerial and artillery bombardment of rebel positions in the city, and the fighting continued for several hours. On Friday morning, military sources told Sana and Reuters news agency that the assault had been repelled and that heavy casualties had been inflicted on the rebels. The Syrian Observatory said the rebels had managed to seize some buildings in the north-western outskirts of Aleppo, but that the gains were not of strategic importance. The BBC's Jim Muir in Beirut says that if the rebels do manage to capture all Aleppo, it would be a huge blow to the government. There have been persistent reports in recent weeks that it is preparing to give up both the northern city, and Deraa in the south, the better to defend the core areas of western Syria with the limited manpower at its disposal, he adds. But state media reported that the prime minister has just been in Aleppo, visiting front-line units and dispensing large amounts of cash to the city authorities for reconstruction and administrative expenses.
The Syrian military has carried out a series of air strikes after rebel forces launched a major assault to take control of the northern city of Aleppo.
The 58-year-old, whose films include Blue Velvet and Wild At Heart, showcased her directorial debut at the German event in 2008. Festival director Dieter Kosslick called her "a multi-faceted, creative film artist". The 2011 festival is due to take place from February 10-20. Other members of the panel, who will decide prizes including the main Golden Bear, have yet to be announced. This year's judging panel was led by film director Werner Herzog. Rossellin, the daughter of Italian film director Roberto Rossellini and movie star Ingrid Bergman, is the director of Green Porno - a series of short films on animal sexual behaviour.
Actress and film-maker Isabella Rossellini to chair the jury at next year's Berlin Film Festival, organisers have announced.
The official ONA news agency said they were flown on Wednesday out of Yemen's capital, Sanaa, which is controlled by the Houthi rebel movement. The US government had requested Oman's help in finding them, it added. The ministry gave no details on the Americans' identities, but one Yemeni security official told the Reuters news agency had been held by the rebels. "The three Americans were detained by the security forces run by the Houthis and were held on suspicion of spying," the official said by telephone from Sanaa. Earlier this month, the US state department said an American contractor for the United Nations who was detained at Sanaa's airport last month had died. John Hamen and a colleague - reportedly also American - were held as they arrived on a UN aircraft from Djibouti. In September, two Americans held hostage for months by the Houthis were freed and flown to safety in Oman, along with a British citizen and three Saudis. The rebels, who ousted Yemen's government from Sanaa this year, are facing an air and ground campaign by a multinational coalition led by Saudi Arabia and backed by the US. Oman, which is not part of the coalition, has played an active role in efforts to negotiate an end to the conflict. The fighting has left at least 5,700 people dead, about half of them civilians, since the end of March, the UN says.
Three US citizens have been evacuated from Yemen by the Omani air force, Oman's foreign ministry says.
It has been waiting on a review of the Russian Proton rocket, which failed on its last outing in May while carrying a Mexican payload. Inmarsat's third Global Xpress platform was due to be the next passenger and was grounded as a consequence. The launch on the Proton is now set for 28 August from Baikonur, Kazakhstan. Lift-off will be at 17:44 local time (12:44 BST). Inmarsat is the world's largest mobile satellite services operator. Its principal customer base is the shipping sector, but the company also caters for any groups that need telecommunications away from a fixed line. These include oil and gas installations, the aviation sector, armed forces, aid agencies and NGOs in disaster areas, and TV news crews reporting from trouble zones. Its new £1bn GX network is the biggest commercial UK space project in the process of being rolled out right now. It is designed to incorporate three spacecraft distributed around the globe to give worldwide coverage. Two have already gone up, to relay telecommunications from Asia all the way across to the Americas. The upcoming launch should complete the network over the Pacific, and give customers seamless coverage wherever they are - something that is especially important to the shipping and aviation sectors. Investigators are now confident they understand the loss of May's Proton. The natural vibration in the rocket's third stage loosened bolts that held a turbopump in place for a steering engine. The disruption ultimately broke an oxidizer line and led to the pump shutting down, and the loss of the engine. Measures have been put in place to make sure this cannot happen again. The Proton has had a torrid record of late. Six vehicles and their payloads have been lost in the past five years, and Inmarsat's GX network is roughly a year behind schedule because of all the problems the rocket system has experienced. "The return to flight is typically the best flight to be on because there is extra caution, extra controls," Michele Franci, Inmarsat's Chief Technical Officer, told BBC News. The new satellite is insured, but the company has taken the additional precaution of ordering a fourth platform from manufacturer Boeing. This would be available in mid-2016 should anything go wrong this month. Global Xpress sees Inmarsat take its first, firm step into Ka frequencies to deliver communications. Traditionally, its spacecraft have worked in the L-band. The higher frequency of Ka allows faster throughput connections, giving the new satellites broadband speeds that are 100 times faster than the company's previous generation of spacecraft. "If there has been any benefit from the delay, it's that it has allowed us to fix network issues that we would have had anyway in this period," said Mr Franci "So, once we go really live at the end of the year, the network will be more stable and more reliable. But we could definitely have done without the delays, that's for sure." [email protected] and follow me on Twitter: @BBCAmos
London-based Inmarsat hopes to get its latest next-generation spacecraft into orbit at the end of the month.
Alonso's win moved him into third in the standings, 17 points behind leader Sebastian Vettel of Red Bull, who is four ahead of Lotus's Kimi Raikkonen. "We have a competitive package, especially on Sundays," Alonso said. "We need to make it a little faster on Saturdays. We are working on that but it is looking good." The supporters will have a smile for one afternoon, one night, and it is not the easiest time for the country at the moment Alonso qualified only fifth in Spain but fought through to win after moving up to third on the first lap and then using an aggressive four-stop strategy that allowed him to exploit the Ferrari's race pace. It was his second victory of the year, to follow on from a win in China last month, and he finished second to Raikkonen in Australia, the only other race in which he has not had problems. In Malaysia, he damaged his front wing in a collision with Vettel on lap one and then retired when it broke after he did not come in to change it. In Bahrain, he finished eighth after problems with his DRS overtaking aid. Alonso said: "We have only had five races in the championship. In these five races, we have nearly two retirements and without this we were maybe leading now a little comfortably. "So what we need to do is have consistent podium results for the next four or five races and that will bring us a lot of points to put in the pocket." Alonso had a scare when one of his tyres got a puncture before his final pit stop, but the team were able to bring him in two laps earlier than planned to avoid a problem. "We decided to play safe after Malaysia, where we were a little bit brave trying to do one extra lap with the front wing broken and we crashed in that lap. "Here it could have affected the strategy because it was stopping too early, but it was OK and didn't affect the result." The victory was Alonso's third in his home country, following his 2006 Spanish Grand Prix win for Renault and last year's victory in the European Grand Prix in Valencia. He was cheered by the packed grandstands and afterwards paid tribute to the fans, making a reference to the troubled economic situation in Spain as a result of the Eurozone crisis. "It is fantastic," he said. "Winning at home is always like you did it for the first time. It is the third time for me but each time is always different, like a new experience. "The supporters will have a smile for one afternoon, one night, and it is not the easiest time for the country at the moment, so I'm happy for them and thanks to them for the support." Raikkonen finished runner-up to Alonso, his third second place in a row, and said: "We are here to try to win races and championships. I want to win; the team wants to win. "It's disappointing to finish second but if anything we gained some points on Sebastian today so something good came out of today. "It helps if you cannot win to be second but I don't think it is enough in the long run. We have to keep finishing higher up and when we have a bad day try to make the best out of them and try to minimise them." Vettel finished fourth for the second time this season, beaten to the final podium spot by Ferrari's Felipe Massa. "I wouldn't talk about frustration," said Vettel, who has taken two wins and a third place in the other two races this season. "We still finished fourth and got some good points, we wanted more but we just didn't have the tyres to fight with the guys in front. We can be happy with fourth."
Ferrari's Fernando Alonso said after winning the Spanish Grand Prix that he was confident of making a strong world title challenge this year.
One person was injured in the crash on Saturday night, which happened during heavy rain near the national stadium. Police said in a statement on Monday that both drivers were in their 20s and unemployed. The statement prompted many questions online about how they came to be driving the cars. "What are their names? Who are their fathers?" one user on the Weibo microblog site asked, according to AFP. "Socialism is so good that it allows unemployed people to drive supercars," joked another. Photos which emerged on Monday showed the lime green Lamborghini with its front section almost entirely torn off. The red Ferrari appeared to have lost a door, and was bashed along on its side and rear. The tunnel itself was also damaged, with a section of the wall torn off and guardrails mangled. Workers could be seen clearing up debris strewn across the road. The cause of the crash is not clear, but police are investigating. Witnesses told local media that the tunnel was often used for drag racing. It was widely observed online that the crash coincided with both the Grand Prix being hosted in Shanghai and the premiere of the latest Fast and Furious film, a franchise full of fast cars and high-value write-offs.
A luxury Lamborghini sports car has been destroyed and a Ferrari badly damaged when they crashed in a tunnel under Beijing, China.
The biggest riser was the world's biggest cruise ship operator, Carnival, whose shares rose 3% to £41.45. Higher ticket prices and greater onboard spending by customers had boosted its quarterly revenues and profits. Lloyds bank shares rose 2% to 64p after it bought the MBNA credit card firm. Lloyds paid £1.9bn in its first acquisition since the financial crisis in 2008. Other significant risers were Barclays bank, up 2.5% to £2.28 per share, and the Prudential insurance company, up 2% to £15.93 per share. On the currency markets, the pound fell 0.3% against the dollar to $1.235, and was 0.2% lower against the euro at €1.189.
Shares in London rose on Tuesday with the FTSE 100 share index closing 27 points higher at 7,044, the highest level for two months.
Oates, 32, beat Slovenian Adrian Gomboc in the semi-finals but came up short against Margvelashvili in the final. Fellow Briton Nekoda Davis, 22, lost to Nora Gjakova of Kosova in the -57kg bronze-medal match. Ashley McKenzie, 26, lost to eventual champion Walide Khyar of France in round two of the men's -60kg.
Britain's Colin Oates took -66kg silver at the European Judo Championships after defeat by Georgia's Vazha Margvelashvili in Kazan, Russia.
Developers claim the 100MW project at Glenmuckloch, near Kirckconnel, could generate power for more than a century. It is the latest in a series of renewable energy schemes planned for the site, which is owned by Buccleuch Estates. They are part of a project to redevelop the opencast mine as Glenmuckloch Energy Park. The details have emerged in a scoping report for the pumped storage hydro scheme submitted to Dumfries and Galloway Council. Buccleuch Estates has joined with mining company Hargreaves and 2020 Renewables to draw up the plans. It will involve creating two reservoirs - one higher than the other - which will be connected by a tunnel with a pump-turbine. The report states: "When excess electricity exists within the grid the pump-turbines go into pumping mode lifting water to the upper pond and when demand within the network exceeds available supply the pump-turbines reverse and change to generating mode with water released from the upper pond." If the project goes ahead, the lower reservoir will be created from the existing opencast void, while a second, upper pond will be excavated at the head of Halfmerk Hill. The higher reservoir will have a water depth of 22m (72 feet), creating 3.3million cubic metres of water storage. The redevelopment of Glenmuckloch follows the collapse of surface mining firm Aardvark TMC in 2013, leaving a shortfall in the money needed to restore the site to its pre-opencast condition. However since then Buccleuch Estates and Hargreaves have worked to implement a rolling programme of restoration in parallel with coaling operations. Later this summer two community wind turbines will be built to the west of the hydro site. Earlier this year plans for an eight turbine wind farm next to the mine were submitted to Dumfries and Galloway Council.
Plans to build a major hydro scheme on the site of an opencast mine in the south of Scotland have been revealed.
Our part of the country has long been a two-party affair to a greater extent than anywhere else in the country, so a straightforward device pointing this way and then that was almost invariably quite good enough to do the job. But what, I ask myself, would we need to visualise the infinite variety of 2015? The best idea I have managed to come up with so far goes like this. Imagine you suspend a needle from a thread above a table on which you position magnets of varying strengths and political colours in a circle. They symbolise the interactions between the parties in each constituency. Lower the needle towards the centre of the table and see which way it points. [Don't worry, BBC graphics designers, I'm not seriously thinking of doing this. Not yet at least!] But the important point here is that the composition of the different magnets and their respective strengths would be very different from one constituency to another. In this era of multi-party politics, every single seat is more or less a law unto itself. Take for example two of our key local marginals, Dudley North and Solihull. In the Black Country seat, Labour are defending a majority of just 649. In 2010 their closest challengers were the Conservatives. This time, though, with nine seats on the local council its is UKIP who are breathing down Labour's neck. Solihull is another key Conservative target. The Liberal Democrats had a majority over them of just 175 last time round. But since then, the Green Party has established itself as a real force in the town, thanks to a potent combination of green belt and housing issues. Extreme examples though they may be, these two constituencies reinforce the point that whether or not UKIP or the Greens succeed in winning seats themselves, or even come close to doing so, they will undoubtedly have significant and differing impacts on the established parties from one seat to another. Like a collection of by-elections perhaps? That may be overstating it. But I am becoming increasingly convinced that this election offers us regional and local broadcasters a unique opportunity to explore the local dynamics of individual seats and to explain the possibility that in the shake-out of seats between the biggest parties it is not unreasonable to envisage gains and losses in both directions. And what does this tell us about those headline national poll ratings pointing to a hung Parliament, in which the two biggest parties in lock step with each other followed by UKIP, the Liberal Democrats and then the Greens? Or, about those "percentage swing to win or lose" statistics which have been calculated in a predominantly two-party environment? All it tells us is how little they tell us. "Never assume" said the recently-departed doyen of cricket commentators Richie Benaud. In an election as unpredictable as this, maybe the assumptions about a hung Parliament are themselves suspect. Maybe the answer lies not in the macro but in the micro. In this contest so full of unexpected twists and turns, how surprising would it really be if the result itself were to spring the biggest surprise of all?
Only people with long memories have clear recollections of simpler times when Professor Robert McKenzie's swingometer could tell the story of successive general elections.
East Sussex Healthcare Trust which runs the Conquest Hospital in Hastings and Eastbourne District General Hospital is currently rated as "inadequate". However, BBC South East Today has learned the trust has failed to improve and is likely to be placed into special measures at a meeting on Friday. The trust said it was awaiting a report to be published and would not comment. The other trusts currently in special measures include East Kent Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Medway NHS Foundation Trust. Medway's Maritime Hospital was forced to turn away ambulances earlier, and on Wednesday, to help ease the burden on its A&E department. The East Sussex trust was rated as "inadequate" by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in March, after failing to meeting government targets. In May, it was criticised by Eastbourne Borough Council, which passed a vote of no confidence in its management. And in July the chief executive resigned while the trust had to apologise after patients' details were found in the street. Leadership would appear to be the big problem at this trust. In its March report, the CQC described a "disconnect between the trust board and it's staff" and a "culture where staff were afraid to speak out". The trust's problems have been well documented but what has apparently been lacking is any real progress in putting things right. It's my understanding the CQC feel very little has improved in the last few months. Friday's meeting between all the stakeholders will be a chance to discuss the way forward but many people I have spoken to in the wider NHS believe special measures will be imposed on the trust. A spokesman for the trust refused to comment on whether it would be put into special measures. He said: "We are waiting for the publication of the CQC report next week and until it is published and they have made any recommendation we are unable to make any further comment."
A third hospital trust in the South East is expected to be put into special measures, the BBC understands.
The Conservative leader said a future government led by him would build 100,000 new homes for such people. They would be built on brownfield land already identified for development and exempt from some taxes, he said. He was speaking as the party prepares for its annual conference this weekend. Conservative politicians and activists will gather in Birmingham from Sunday for what is the final conference before next May's general election. Unveiling the pledge - an extension of the Help to Buy mortgage scheme - Mr Cameron said the Conservatives wanted more young people to "achieve the dream" of owning their own home. "I want young people who work hard, who do the right thing, to be able to buy a home of their own. So these starter homes will be sold at 20% less than the market value. "They can't be bought by foreigners, they can't be bought by buy-to-let landlords, they can't be flipped round in a quick sale. They can only be bought by hard working people under the age of 40." The starter homes plan would apply only to England, whereas Help to Buy is UK-wide. That scheme entails the government offering a 20% equity loan to buyers of new-build properties. Shadow housing minister Emma Reynolds said Mr Cameron had presided over the lowest level of house building in peacetime since the 1920s. "After four and a half years he now tells us that he is going to deliver for first-time buyers but under his government a record one in four young people are living at home with their parents and young people across the country are priced out of home ownership. "Labour will make the fundamental changes to the market which are urgently needed and will double the number of first-time buyers in the next 10 years." Campbell Robb, of homelessness charity Shelter, welcomed the pledge but said it was "absolutely vital" that the homes built were "genuinely affordable for young couples and families on ordinary incomes". "There's a real concern that removing the requirement on developers to build affordable housing means this policy may not help those facing the greatest struggle to get a home of their own," he said. Grainia Long, of the Chartered Institute of Housing, said she welcomed "the focus on supply and affordability" but still had "some serious concerns". She said: "This smacks of building for one group of people at the expense of another. "Social housing is critical if we are going to solve the housing crisis - there are always going to be people who can't afford to buy and we must provide decent, affordable homes for them too. "Equally, we'd like to see more investment in shared ownership to help people on lower incomes. If all the focus is on home ownership, we are never going to build mixed communities." Under the new proposals, the homes would be built on brownfield land which was no longer needed for industrial or commercial use. Savings from using such land would be passed on to the buyers, the Conservatives said. Public sector land would also be used to deliver the pledge. The homes would be exempt "from a raft of taxes", Mr Cameron said, such as the community infrastructure levy and a requirement to build social housing as part of any development. Some building regulations - including the zero carbon homes standard - would also not apply to the new units. The zero carbon homes standard, which applies from 2016, aims to improve energy efficiency. It requires house builders to decrease all carbon emissions from energy arising from fixed heating and lighting, hot water and other fixed building services - such as ventilation - in new homes.
First-time buyers in England under the age of 40 could buy a house at 20% below the market rate if the Conservatives are re-elected, David Cameron has pledged.
The biggest Commons clash is likely to be over Sunday trading - where a well organised group of Tory rebels looks set to line up with Labour, to try to strike down proposals to loosen restrictions. The SNP look likely to be the swing vote in this particular debate. Elsewhere, there's a new and multi-faceted crime bill, and in the Lords there's some preliminary sparring over the Trade Union Bill. There may also be votes on the Immigration Bill. But it looks as if the Commons-Lords "ping-pong" on the proposals to reform Employment Support Allowance for some disabled people may be petering out. Here's my rundown of the week ahead: The Commons opens at 2.30pm for Education questions. As usual any post weekend ministerial statements or urgent questions will follow at 3.30pm. Then it's the launch of the Policing and Crime Bill, a wide-ranging measure which will: In the Lords (2.30pm) after the usual hour of questions to ministers, it's the latest stage of the parliamentary ping-pong over the Welfare Reform and Work Bill. After MPs rejected a Lords amendment for the second time, it's rumoured peers may drop their resistance to the Commons over benefits for disabled people in the "Work Related Activities Group", and content themselves with a "regret" motion. Then peers debate the Tax Credits (Income Thresholds and determination of Rates) Regulations 2016 - where the Lib Dems have put down another "regret motion" but seem unlikely to attract Labour support. And that's followed by an International Women's Day debate on the progress of women's representation and empowerment in the UK, 150 years after the 1866 petition for women's suffrage. There are 27 peers down to speak, including two notable maidens - the Conservative Baroness Mone and the Bishop of Gloucester, Rachel Treweek, who will become the first woman Bishop to speak in the Lords. The Commons opens (11.30am) with Justice questions, followed at 12.30pm by a Ten Minute Rule Bill from the Conservative, Will Quince. He's calling for a first aid component to be added to the driving test, continuing the backbench campaign for more first aid training which recently saw a private member's bill which attempted to require First Aid to be taught in schools. He says this would substantially increase the number of Britons with knowledge of first aid - countries like Germany, Switzerland and the Czech Republic already require evidence of first aid training as a condition of having a full driving licence. Mr Quince claims the support of the British Red Cross and St John's Ambulance. After that, MPs turn to detailed consideration of the Enterprise Bill - Labour and the Green MP Dr Caroline Lucas both have amendments down on the proposed privatisation of the Green Investment Bank, set up under the Coalition; Labour want to preserve its environmental objectives in the private sector, while Dr Lucas wants buyers to commit themselves to maintaining its existing programme. And there is a series of amendments on the bill's proposal to cap redundancy payments for public sector workers. There will also be a backbench debate to mark International Women's Day, led by the former Cabinet Minister Maria Miller, now chair of the Women and Equalities Committee - the motion calls for more progress in electing women to Parliament, pay parity between men and women and more action against FGM. In Westminster Hall, the opening debate led by the SNP's Dr Lisa Cameron is on puppy farming and the welfare of young dogs bred for sale (9am-11am). Then Labour's Jo Cox raises the issue of autism diagnosis waiting times - she says many parents are waiting over two years to get an autism diagnosis for their child and says the families should have a diagnosis within a reasonable timeframe. And at 2.30pm-4pm, the Conservative Simon Hart will lead a debate on the potential economic benefits of the Swansea Tidal Lagoon - a £1bn green energy project, which is one of several such schemes proposed along the south coast of Wales. He will seek to explore the likely impact on the local economy and the number of permanent jobs created in Wales - especially if the Newport and Cardiff Schemes come on line. Early predications refer to a £20bn inward investment, nearly 2,000 new jobs and an unquantifiable impact on tourism and leisure. In the Lords (2.30pm) there's an International Woman's Day flavour to question time, with questions on: the UN framework preventing violence against women, gender inequality, discriminatory practices and harmful cultural and social norms, from Baroness Kinnock; improving the reading skills of 16 to 24-year-old women, from Baroness Rebuck and on increasing the representation of women in political and public life, from Baroness Gale. Then peers turn to the detail of the Housing and Planning Bill - in the fourth day of seven of committee stage - and already the debate is lagging well behind schedule, raising the prospect that the bill might not get to its report stage immediately after Easter, as planned. The sections under scrutiny on Tuesday include right to buy for tenants of housing association properties and high value council property sales. This is the a contentious part of the bill - but, as usual, committee stage debates are preliminary sparring, and no votes are expected; but the debates will foreshadow amendments for report stage, when a serious attempt to re-write these provisions looks likely. There will also be a short debate on a political solution to the civil war in Syria- led by the Bishop of Coventry. The Commons meets at 11.30am - for half an hour of questions to the ministers at the Cabinet Office, the government's "engine room," followed, at noon by questions to the prime minister. Plaid Cymru's Liz Saville Roberts has a Ten Minute Rule Bill calling for the law on cyber-crime to be brought together from around 30 different statutes, and for new duties to be imposed on internet service providers and social media companies, to remove offensive material. She has cross party support and this looks very much like the start of a campaign, rather in the tradition of her predecessor, Elfyn Llywd, who scored significant success in toughening up the law on stalking. Then MPs move on to the detail of the Enterprise Bill - where the crunch vote will be on an amendment, spearheaded by Tory backbencher David Burrowes, and signed by 22 Conservatives, to delete the government's proposals to loosen restrictions on Sunday trading. Labour will be whipped to back it, the Northern Ireland DUP is on board - but it looks as if the SNP will not be. There's also an amendment from the former Cabinet Minister Caroline Spellman which would allow a limited relaxation in Sunday opening hours for larger shops. The day's Westminster Hall debates cover BT service standards (9.30am-11am); the government's proposals on fixed recoverable costs in clinical negligence claims (11am-11.30am); the contribution of the Scotch whisky industry to the UK economy (2.30pm-4pm); the management of the Health and Safety Executive (4pm- 4.30pm) and competition in the UK energy market (4.30-5.30pm). In the Lords (3pm) peers launch into the report stage of the Immigration Bill, where votes are expected on amendments dealing with overseas domestic workers and permission to work for asylum seekers. Watch out, too, for an amendment from Lords Alton and Forsyth, and Baroness Cox, to guarantee asylum for people fleeing genocide, as defined in the International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide; and from Lord Dubs, to allow for asylum for people employed by the UK Government in Iraq or Afghanistan. The really big clash over this bill, on unaccompanied child migrants, will come the following week - unless the government makes a pre-emptive concession. There will be a lot of interest on the debate on the report from the special committee set up to examine the impact on trade union political funds and (Labour) party funding (the Burns Report, after the crossbench peer who chaired the committee). The Committee suggested a number of fixes which would reduce the impact of the current proposals in the Trade Union Bill - which have been denounced as a partisan attack by the government on Labour. This will be the first chance to debate them and to get a response from ministers. And the committee report will tee up a series of amendments when the bill comes to report stage, on Wednesday 16 March. Opposition parties are waiting to see the colour of the minister's money on this issue - but even if the government signs up to the Burns Report compromise, there's still plenty left in this bill to argue about - not insisting on postal ballots and allowing e-voting for union ballots, the "check-off" system for deducting union subs from pay-packets, facility time for union reps and much more. The various sides are still circling each other and we could still see a long drawn-out bout of trench warfare when report stage commences. The Commons opens (9.30am) with Transport questions, followed by the weekly Business Statement from the Leader of the House, Chris Grayling. He will be under considerable pressure to announce the dates of forthcoming parliamentary recesses, and of the next Queen's Speech. MPs are particularly keen to know whether there will be a recess covering the EU Referendum and whether the the start of the next parliamentary year will be put back until after the referendum, implying a State Opening ceremony in July. Then MPs turn to the report stage and third reading of the Northern Ireland (Stormont Agreement and Implementation Plan) Bill 2015-16, which implements the latest deal on the powers of the Northern Ireland Assembly. The scheduling implies that the powers that be don't expect any great controversy over this measure, and that the debate will be fairly brief. The decision to end the centuries-old practice of recording Acts of Parliament on vellum - treated cow skin - will be raised in a Backbench Business Committee debate. James Gray, a member of the House of Commons Commission, which signed up to that decision (which came from the Lords) wants to carry on using vellum - and it may all come down to how much it would cost to keep it, and who pays. In the Lords (from 11am) peers debate the detailed provisions on "pay to stay" and ending secure tenancies, in the Housing and Planning Bill (see Tuesday, above). There will also be a short debate on the renewal of the BBC's Charter, led by the Liberal Democrat Baroness Bonham-Carter. As I write there are 16 peers are down to speak, which is quite a turnout for a short debate on a Thursday - suggesting there's a considerable level of interest in this issue in the Upper House. The Commons meets (9.30am) to debate private members' bills - I'll list what's down on the Order Paper at the moment, but it's an increasingly inaccurate guide to what actually happens on the day. The main reason for this is that we're now approaching the end of the parliamentary year, where cunning operators like the wily Peter Bone angle to get second reading debate on issues they want to raise - although they then have little prospect of becoming law. But the announcement of the date of the EU referendum has put Mr Bone, one of the prime movers in the increasingly important Grassroots Out organisation, into campaign mode, and he has not been able to be in the Chamber to move some of the many bills he has put down for debate. His close ally, Christopher Chope, has stepped into the breach to move some of those bills - specialising in the ones with an EU dimension. But sadly we're unlikely to get a debate on the Prime Minister (Temporary Appointment) Bill, which would have provided a mechanism, in case the PM was run over by a bus. For the record, the current batting order is: Foreign National Offenders (Exclusion from the UK) Bill (Peter Bone); National Health Service Bill (Caroline Lucas); Criminal Cases Review Commission (Supplementary Powers) Bill (Andy McDonald); Regulation of Enforcement Agents (Collection of Council Tax Arrears) Bill (Yvonne Fovargue); Health Services Commissioning (Equality and Accountability) (No. 2) Bill (Rehman Chishti); Perinatal Mental Illness (NHS Family Services) Bill (Rehman Chishti); Scotland Act 1998 (Amendment) Bill (Angus Brendan MacNeil) and the House of Lords (Parliamentary Standards Etc) Bill (Sir Edward Leigh). There are many more bills listed, and if some of those above are not moved, they may even be debated - if their movers are there to do so. It's also private members' bill day in the Lords (10am) where peers will consider the Gambling (Categorisation and Use of B2 Gaming Machines) Bill and the Criminal Cases Review Commission (Information) Bill. More bills may be added to this list.
I'm not sure we're quite into "zombie Parliament" territory, but there's a distinct lull in Westminster this week, as major events like the Budget and the Investigatory Powers Bill, loom on the horizon.
Lisa Doughty, who has mesothelioma, was a pupil at Haggerston Girls' School in Hackney, east London in the 1980s. The 47-year-old said the music desks were often covered in dust, which may have had asbestos particles. Hackney Council said it had not received a formal claim and could not investigate until it did. Ms Doughty said she had spent a lot of time in the music room each week rehearsing plays. "We used to sit on the desks and have to wipe white dust off them," she said. "There were two heavy doors at the entrance to the music room and these would constantly slam, shaking the room. The school was in pretty bad repair so maybe the dust came down from the ceiling when the door closed." Ms Doughty said if it was proved the music room was the cause of her cancer, then it was "possible that many others have been affected". "I wanted to raise awareness of this and to appeal for anyone else who has been affected, pupils or teachers, to get in touch." Ms Doughty's lawyers, Slater and Gordon, have found that asbestos ceiling tiles were in place during the time that she was a pupil at the school. They are considering taken further legal action. A Hackney Council spokesman said: "Asbestos was historically used extensively in both public and private buildings due to its fire retardant properties and, as with any building of this age, Haggerston School has been subject to regular condition and asbestos surveys and removals." Edmund Young, an asbestos-related disease specialist at the law firm, said: "Mesothelioma is traditionally a form of cancer that has affected those working in industrial jobs, but we are seeing more and more people - both teachers and former pupils - coming to us who have breathed in asbestos particles while at school."
A mother-of-three who believes she was exposed to asbestos as a schoolgirl has been diagnosed with a cancer often related to the toxic substance.
The 29-year-old is the latest player to pledge his future to Ulster after Ruan Pienaar, Nick Williams and Robbie Diack all signed contract extensions. "I am delighted to have committed to Ulster for the long term," said Henry. "It is a great team to be a part of, and there is no doubt when it comes to winning silverware, we have some unfinished business." Henry, who has won eight caps for Ireland as well as playing 109 times for Ulster, is hoping to win a trophy with the province after defeats in the Heineken Cup final and Pro12 final in the past two seasons. He is also targeting a place in Joe Schmidt's Ireland squad for the World Cup in 2015. "In my opinion, being at Ulster gives me the best chance to fulfil that ambition," he said. "This squad is getting better and better. "We have experience as well as young players coming through, who are proving that they can perform at the very highest level." Ulster's Director of Rugby David Humphreys said: "Chris has been a cornerstone of our success in recent years". "His performance against Montpellier typified what he brings to the Ulster team, namely commitment, intensity and ferocity at the breakdown. "It would be hard to find anyone who is more passionate about playing for Ulster than Chris Henry and I am extremely pleased he will be part of the squad until at least 2017."
Ulster forward Chris Henry has signed a new three-year deal keeping him at Ravenhill until 2017.
Northern Ireland's McIlroy, twice a winner in seven US PGA starts, bogeyed the last for a one-under 69 to finish three over and miss the cut by one. American Walker also bogeyed the 18th for a 66 and nine-under total, matched by Streb who birdied his last for 63. Defending champion Jason Day had eight birdies in a 65 to get to seven under. The Australian world number one is tied third with Argentina's Emiliano Grillo (67), while Open winner Henrik Stenson of Sweden is one shot back after carding a second three-under 67 to move to six under. Germany's Martin Kaymer (69), who won this tournament in 2010, and Americans Patrick Reed (65) and Brooks Koepka (67) are four adrift on five under. Wales' Jamie Donaldson (67) is the highest-placed Briton at the final major of the season on four under, one ahead of world number three Jordan Spieth, who also shot 67. With the cut mark hovering between one and two over par, McIlroy, who holed a 30-foot putt on the 17th to get to two over, thought he needed another birdie on the last. The four-time major winner hit his second on the par-five 18th into greenside rough and took three more shots to get on the green before holing out for a bogey. "I thought I needed to make four, so that's what I was trying to do," said the 2012 and 2014 US PGA champion. "It was a tough lie. I hit the first one as hard as I really could considering how close the pin was to the edge of the green." The world number four went straight to the practice green after taking 35 putts in round one but he said his efforts on Friday, when he took 30, were "pathetic". "Putting let me down at [the US Open in June at] Oakmont and then putting let me down here again," he said. "My tee to green game - there's not much wrong with that. It's pretty solid. If you had given anyone else in this field my tee shots this week, they would have been up near the top of the leaderboard. "It just shows you how bad I was around the greens." The Swede was grouped with the year's other two major winners - Masters champion Danny Willett and US Open victor Dustin Johnson - and he outscored them on both days. He dropped to one under par after three-putt bogeys on the 12th and 13th holes but a three-foot eagle putt on the par-five 18th, his ninth, followed by three birdies on the front nine, moved him one clear of the field. "I got off to a bit of a wobbly start and stood over a six-foot putt on the 14th to avoid going three over, so I'm quite happy that went in and I turned it on from 18," said the 40-year-old, who won his first major at Royal Troon two weeks ago. "That could easily have gone the wrong way but I was hanging in there and got the good stuff coming in." Willett birdied the ninth to card a 70 and make the cut on one over, but pre-tournament favourite Johnson is going home after adding a 72 to his opening 77 for a nine-over total. Neither American has never won a major and while Walker has five victories on the PGA Tour, Streb has just one and has missed nine cuts in 23 events in 2016. Walker, 37, made a solid start to round two with two birdies and seven pars in his opening nine holes before moving clear of the field with a run of three successive birdies from the 12th. He pulled his tee shot on the 17th into a hospitality area and escaped with a free drop and par five but an almost identical shot on the last was not so lucky, ending up in a lake and resulting in a dropped shot. "The finish wasn't what I was looking for, but it's fine," said Walker. "I think you take 66 at any tournament all day every day. So it's good. "I will watch the leaderboard on Saturday. I don't think that's a big deal. I enjoy watching it. I think you need to know where you are at." Streb started on the 10th and had four birdies and a bogey in his opening nine holes and closed with three in four holes to become the 30th player to card a 63 in a major - no player has ever shot a 62. The 29-year-old, who missed the cut at each of the first three majors of 2016, said he turned up this week "just to see if I could play some good golf and have fun". He added: "Obviously it's going pretty well, but my expectations are pretty low, which maybe is a good thing." Day was Friday's other big mover, knocking in seven birdies in eight holes from the eighth to sit two off the lead. "I kind of gave myself a little bit of a kick up the bum with the double bogey on seven," he said. "It was a bit of a mess but to come back and birdie eight and nine made things a lot better for me on the back nine." Former world number one and two-time major winner Spieth had five birdies in his opening nine holes to get to four under par but missed several opportunities to better his score on his back nine, while a bogey saw him close on three under. "It was a really solid round and I'm back in contention," said the American. "I'm hitting the ball fantastic. I just can't get a putt to go in from beyond 10 feet." Kaymer, who started at four under, began the front and back nines with bogeys but three birdies in his last four holes lifted him to five under. "I made a few putts here and there. I enjoyed the last few holes," he said. "It was important for me to finish the way I did." Andrew Johnston continued to impress in the majors, after finishing tied for eighth at The Open, with a one-under-par 69 to reach halfway at one under. The Englishman, better known by his nickname 'Beef', started on the 10th and was two under after nine holes. He dropped back to level with bogeys on the fifth and seventh holes, but he then birdied the eighth. "Every hole, man, I get so many nice comments," said the 27-year-old. "Even after the fifth hole, when I three-putted, they are like, 'Don't worry, Beef, come on, bounce back, you've got this one'. And it's just nice, man. It's a nice atmosphere." Lee Westwood (70) hit 92% of greens in regulation as he also finished on one under, alongside fellow Englishmen Ross Fisher (73) and Tyrrell Hatton (68). Andy Sullivan, who reached five under, dropped away with six bogeys in nine holes through the middle of his round before finishing birdie-eagle on the two par-five finishing holes to post a 71 and a two-under total that matched Paul Casey (69). Scotland's Russell Knox is also playing the weekend after a second 70 left him level par, along with Wales' Bradley Dredge. English pair Matthew Fitzpatrick (70) and Justin Rose (72) beat the cut by one shot.
Rory McIlroy missed the halfway cut at the US PGA Championship for the first time in his career as Robert Streb and Jimmy Walker lead at Baltusrol.
The Malaysian-based airline, which has operations in Indonesia and the Philippines, among others, posted a net loss on Thursday of 405.73 Malaysian ringgit ($95.8m; £63.4m). The firm's earnings were hurt by foreign exchange, it said. Its Indonesian operations also dragged on the firm's bottom line. AirAsia's share of Indonesia AirAsia's net loss in the period came to 155.7m Malaysian ringgit. However, the firm said it was working towards a better fourth quarter. "We are working on increasing capacity in the fourth quarter to meet the strong demand due to the year end holidays and festivities," it said. Thursday's results come one day after the airline group posted the eighth straight quarter of losses at its long haul service, Air Asia X. Next week, Indonesia's national transport safety board is expected to announce the findings of AirAsia's deadly crash that occurred in December 2014 when one of its carriers crashed into the Java Sea off of Indonesia, killing all 162 people on board.
Shares in Asia's biggest budget airline, AirAsia, fell as much as 7% on Friday after the firm posted a loss for the three months to September.
David Anderson QC said his "central concern" about the proposals first unveiled by David Cameron in early September was: "Where are the courts?" Temporary Exclusion Orders are one of the measures in the counter terrorism bill published by Theresa May. It also includes tougher powers to stop people going abroad to fight. It will include plans to stop some British citizens returning to the UK, and others from leaving the country. In other developments on Wednesday: Analysis by Political Correspondent Robin Brant The government proposes the law, parliament passes it, then David Anderson reviews it - and sometimes makes recommendations. That's the usual sequence of events. But today the independent reviewer was criticising the process before the new Counter-Terror and Security Bill was published. The QC used his customary polite, sometimes understated, tone - but this was a criticism of politicians whom he said hadn't fully thought through some of the proposals announced in early September. Read more from Robin Mrs May's new measures to tackle terrorism come days after she said the UK faces a "greater" terror threat than ever before. The measures include requiring airlines to pass on details of their passengers and changes to the way TPIMs - Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures - work to monitor terror suspects who cannot be prosecuted. But campaigners have condemned it, saying it threatens civil liberties. 'A more sensible way' Mr Anderson - appointed by the government to be its independent reviewer of terrorism legislation - said the new anti-terror legislation was "nothing like as dramatic" as David Cameron had proposed earlier this year. He told the Joint Committee on Human Rights the original plan to block suspected British jihadists returning from Iraq and Syria as "an announcement waiting for a policy". But he said it soon became clear such a move would "neither legally or practically" work and the current plan was now much "closer to managed return". He argued there could be "a more sensible" way of dealing with some people suspected of being involved in terrorist activities. "One could look at it in terms of young, possibly vulnerable people caught up with the wrong crowd in Syria - didn't really know exactly what they were doing," he said. "Do you want to throw the book at them straight away in terms of arrest and charge? Or is there something to be said, even though you do suspect them of having fought, of keeping them under a very light regime where they might have to report daily to a police station? The new Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill includes: "They might have to notify their residence; they might have to go along to meetings with probation or with some similar which perhaps might be for some people be a more sensible way of dealing with them than putting them straight into the criminal justice process." Mr Anderson said the use of exclusion orders would require the cooperation of carriers, such as airlines and of states where these people might find themselves. "But certainly presented with an order at the check-in desk, the person might say: 'I want to come home,' or decide not to come home," he said. "The concern I have about this power and the central concern about it is: where are the courts in all of this? "If the home secretary wants to impose a TPIM she has to go to the court first and if the court says she's got it wrong, it will say so. "One will want to look very carefully to see if this is a power that requires the intervention of the court at any stage, or whether it's simply envisaged as something the home secretary imposes. "If one is abroad when this order is served on you, then it's a little difficult to see in practical terms how a right to judicial review could be exercised." Mr Anderson spoke out as a week-long counter-terrorism awareness campaign enters its third day. 'Changing threats' The UK's terror threat level remains "severe" after it was upped from "substantial" earlier this year in response to conflicts in Iraq and Syria. Speaking ahead of the bill's publication, Mrs May said: "We are in the middle of a generational struggle against a deadly terrorist ideology. These powers are essential to keep up with the very serious and rapidly changing threats we face. "This bill includes a considered, targeted set of proposals that will help to keep us safe at a time of very significant danger by ensuring we have the powers we need to defend ourselves." The government wants to "fast-track" the bill through Parliament, citing the need to tackle the direct threat posed by the group calling itself Islamic State (IS) and the increasing number of Britons travelling to Iraq and Syria to fight on its behalf. But shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said more was needed to be done to stop British citizens from being radicalised and to deal with any threat this posed to national security. Amnesty International called the powers "draconian", adding none of the measures seemed "properly thought through". And Shami Chakrabarti, director of human rights group Liberty, said: "Yet again, politicians resort to high talk and rushed legislation in an attempt to look tough in the face of terrorism. Another chilling recipe for injustice and resentment by closing down the open society you seek to promote." The Home Office says communications data has played a major role in "every Security Service counter-terrorism operation over the last decade" but gaps in the UK's access to such information need to be filled. Mrs May has warned that even the new data retention powers will not fully address the threat, reiterating the need for a Communications Data Bill to bring in more wide-ranging web monitoring powers. That bill - labelled a snooper's charter by critics - was scrapped following Lib Dem opposition. Technology firms said there had been insufficient consultation on the more limited proposals in the bill requiring firms to keep information to help the authorities to match internet protocol (IP) addresses to an individual user or a device. The Home Office said it had met internet service providers and other groups to discuss the measures but the Internet Services Providers Association said there had been "a distinct lack of engagement" with the industry. Ministers want to amend legislation passed earlier this year to require firms to retain data, including that "required to identify the sender or recipient of a communication, the time or duration of a communication, the type, method or pattern of communication and the telecommunications system used". However, the bill stresses that the content of messages and details that would "explicitly identify" what websites someone had visited would not have to be stored. On Tuesday a report into last year's killing of Fusilier Lee Rigby raised questions about whether social network providers should have to report details of extremist activity. David Cameron said companies had a "social responsibility" to act on terrorist material posted online after the report detailed how Michael Adebowale, one of two men convicted of Mr Rigby's murder, spoke on Facebook about wanting to murder a soldier. Facebook said it did not allow terrorist content and aimed to stop it.
Concerns about plans to exclude people from the UK if they go abroad to fight with extremist groups have been raised by the UK's reviewer of terror laws.
The area near the main administrative block of JNU is filled with passionate students. They cheer loudly as a speaker climbs on to a stage. Slogans like "free Kanhaiya Kumar" and "long live revolution" fill the air as hundreds of visibly agitated students pour into the area. Those gathered here believe that Mr Kumar, the leader of the university's student union, is innocent of the sedition charges levelled against him, and are shocked by the fact that police entered the university to arrest him on Saturday. Police have alleged he organised an event commemorating the hanging of 2001 Parliament attacks convict Afzal Guru, where "anti-India slogans" were raised. The students here passionately defend Mr Kumar when I ask them what actually happened at the event. "We are not terrorists. We are just students and we also condemn anti-India slogans. Our president had nothing to do with those slogans at the event," a student tells me. But she refuses to speak on camera. "I don't want to be seen on camera. I am worried about my safety," she says. Student activist Shreya Ghosh speaks of the fear prevailing inside the university. "We have been sleeping in different rooms every night to avoid arrest," she says. Another student activist Deepshita claims that ideological politics lies at the heart of Mr Kumar's arrest. "Right-wing students want to increase their foothold in the university and that is why they got him [Mr Kumar] arrested. They feel bolstered because the right-wing BJP party is in power at the centre," she says. Professor Rajarshi Dasgupta agrees. It's 3pm and speakers are becoming more ferocious in their attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his BJP party. Among the speakers is Prof Ajith Kanna. "If Kanhaiya is anti-national, then I am also anti-national," he tells the cheering crowd. But he pleads with his students to remain peaceful and not pay attention to rumours. And rumours are not in short supply, flying across the tension filled campus. Among them are that more than 100 armed right-wing activists have entered the campus. I meet right-wing student group Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) member Saurabh Kumar a few blocks away from the protest site. "The law will decide whether he [Kanhaiya Kumar] is guilty or not but we won't tolerate anti-India activities inside this campus," he says. But not everyone is protesting. At one of the student housing facilities, I meet PhD students Bibas Sewa and Bijay Thapa. The two condemn the arrest of Mr Kumar, but agree that the protests have disrupted their studies. Even at a time when politics has gripped JNU, there are some students who just want to get on with their work.
The BBC's Vikas Pandey spends a day inside India's prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in Delhi amidst the highly charged debate over the arrest of a student leader on sedition charges.
The 35-year-old replaces Pakistan international Sharjeel Khan, who has been provisionally suspended from the Pakistan Super League as part of an ongoing anti-corruption investigation. Ronchi has played 32 T20 internationals and can play in all 14 T20 group games. He has previously played in England for Somerset and Warwickshire, as well as touring with New Zealand. "It seems like an exciting time at the club with a few personnel changes and talented additions," Ronchi said. "I love playing county cricket and can't wait to get started. "I hope I can make a difference both on and off the field and contribute to a successful campaign."
Leicestershire have signed New Zealand wicketkeeper Luke Ronchi for their 2017 T20 Blast campaign.
The incident happened on the Glen Road shortly before 01:00 BST on Sunday. Police say at this stage they do not know what the object was. They carried out searches in the area as a precaution, but nothing was found. The Glen Road has now reopened.
The windscreen of a police Land Rover has been cracked after an object was thrown at the vehicle in west Belfast.
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Singer and TV entertainer Val Doonican has died aged 88
One is the US Grand Prix in Austin, Texas; the other is Singapore. Each one has that certain je ne sais quoi that lifts them out of the humdrum and makes them exceptional. As far as Singapore goes, it's no surprise it has become second only to Monaco as the place where most business gets done over a grand prix weekend. It's a place you just really want to go. That message permeates, and has made it into one of the most desirable races on the calendar. For a start, the ambience is terrific - and, let's be honest, this is what appeals to the business visitors, rather than the demands of racing on one of the longest tracks in F1 in crippling humidity. Singapore is a fascinating destination full stop, thanks to its place at the crossroads of south-east Asia and colonial past. But hosting the race at night adds an extra dimension. The track jags through the city centre under lights, Chinese lanterns adding a dash of colour, the futuristic city skyline the backdrop. As the sun sets, the whole place seems to shimmer and sparkle for a while. Darkness takes the edge off the tropical heat, and a heady, luscious tropical atmosphere settles over the place. For those working at the race, there's a surreal edge to it, too. Know someone who volunteers in sport and deserves recognition for their efforts? Give them the chance to shine by nominating them. First track sessions at dusk, qualifying and race after dark means staying on European time. So you wake up at 2pm, finish work in the early hours and go to bed at six in the morning. You can eat in a hotel restaurant, some of which stay open all night for the race weekend. Better, though, to head to an all-night hawkers' market, where delicious, cheap local food is on offer from a myriad of stalls and you can drink in the atmosphere of the place. Oh, and the track is pretty good, too. It's no Spa or Suzuka, but the Marina Bay Circuit has a challenge all of its own. A long, long lap, a nearly two-hour race, bumps, 23 corners and intense humidity make it arguably the toughest grand prix on the calendar - only Malaysia comes close. Add it all up and it's a race not to be missed. Andrew Benson, chief F1 writer Subscribe to the BBC Sport newsletter to get our pick of news, features and video sent to your inbox.
Of all the new races that have been added to the Formula 1 calendar in the last 15 years or so, only two have really cut through to establish themselves as something special.
Neill Birnie is paralysed from the neck down as a result of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. In 2014, he was admitted to Antrim Area Hospital three times. He said that following the first admission he discovered a DNR order had been placed on his medical file. According to Mr Birnie, the order had been placed on his record without his knowledge. The 48-year-old is unable to talk and spoke to me via a head-operated computer. "A consultant told me that I had gone through enough and I had to face the facts. "He went on to say that he'd consulted with others and that they both thought that a DNR notice should be placed on my admission file," said Mr Birnie. He told the BBC that at no time did either he or his sister grant permission for a DNR notice to be placed on his file. While he survived the first bout of pneumonia, he said he discovered when admitted for a second time that the DNR notice had not been removed. "What some of the doctors did was life-threatening and mentally cruel. I felt I had been tossed to the one side, I had no feelings of self worth," added Mr Birnie. Several months after the incident, Mr Birnie made an official complaint to the Northern Health and Social Care Trust. In a letter to Mr Birnie dated October 2015 and seen by the BBC, the trust explained that as he was so unwell they had spoken to his sister. The trust also said that if the infection had caused his heart to stop, medical staff would not have been able to bring him back and that attempts at cardio respiratory resuscitation would not have been in his best interests. However, Mr Birnie said he does not accept that a DNR notice was placed on his file in advance of him being admitted without his or his sister's consent. In a statement to the BBC, a spokesperson for the Northern Health Trust confirmed that a DNR notice was placed on Mr Birnie's file in January 2014, but not before a conversation had taken place with their patient. "The decision to implement a DNR is a medical one, which is taken in cases where medical professionals feel that if a person's medical condition at that time causes their heart to stop, resuscitation attempts would be futile and therefore not in their best interests in providing a dignified death. "This was discussed with Mr Birnie initially and was put in place following a conversation with his next of kin who indicated that they had talked it over with Mr Birnie and agreed with the decision taken," the statement said. "A DNR notice is reviewed and, if felt appropriate, renewed on a daily basis. There is currently no DNR on Mr Birnie's file and his treatment remains unaffected." A DNR notice is an extremely sensitive issue. Often the subject can arise when a person least expects it or is not in a position to make a rational judgement. The order means medical staff will not attempt to bring the patient back to life if they stop breathing or their heart stops. The decision to use one is ultimately a doctor's, but official guidelines from the British Medical Association (BMA) state medical staff have a duty to discuss it with relatives wherever possible. The problem for medical staff is that sometimes the conversation between doctor and the patient or family may not take place in time. The usual circumstances in which it is appropriate not to resuscitate are when it will not restart the heart or breathing; when there is no benefit to the patient; and when the benefits are outweighed by the burdens. The guidelines also say that it should only be issued after discussions with the patient or family. However, according to Neill Birnie that did not happen. As a quadriplegic who requires 24-hour care via the computer, he told me he is still a human being with feelings: "The lights are still on and I am definitely at home." Via his voice-activated computer, he told a rude joke that made me laugh. He smiled through his eyes. At times, there were tears in his eyes. Earlier this year, a study by the Royal College of Physicians in England found one in five families was not consulted when doctors had decided not to revive their relative. The study was taken from just over 9,000 dying patients.
A County Antrim man who was unaware that a "do not resuscitate" (DNR) order had been placed on his medical file has said he feels his human rights have been violated.
It is the second time the executive has met away from Stormont this year. The last time ministers met in Enniskillen Town Hall. First Minister Arlene Foster said that meeting away from Belfast showed a "commitment to ensure that local people are not isolated from the political process". Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness said the meeting "offers a welcome opportunity to highlight all the north west has to offer".
The last scheduled NI executive meeting before the assembly elections is being held at the Magee Campus of Ulster University in Londonderry today.
The 24-year-old posted on Instagram: "If Man United and Liverpool fans feel better by calling me a black monkey in my messages .. feel free to carry on if it makes your day better." Ivory Coast international Zaha signed for Manchester United in 2013. Zaha is in Hong Kong with the club for the Premier League Asia Trophy. He posted the message following the 2-0 win over West Brom on Saturday, in which Palace manager Frank de Boer said the winger had been the victim of rough treatment.
Crystal Palace winger Wilfried Zaha has accused Manchester United and Liverpool fans of calling him a "black monkey" in messages on social media.
The victory represented a gain from the SNP, who took the seat in the 2011 Holyrood election. The by-election was caused by the resignation of sitting MSP Bill Walker, who was thrown out of the SNP and jailed for domestic abuse. Cara Hilton, the parliament's newest MSP, said the people of Dunfermline "deserved better". The SNP won Dunfermline as part of its landslide election win in 2011 with a majority of just 590 votes, but was not able to hold on. In the end, Labour took the seat with a majority of 2,873 - a 7% swing from the SNP. The Liberal Democrats came third in the contest, with the Conservatives in fourth place. Ms Hilton said: "After the disgrace of Bill Walker, Dunfermline deserves better and I will ensure that we will be better - far better than what went before." Labour majority: 2,873 Turnout 24,200 - 42.65% Swing: 6.94% from SNP to Labour And ahead of the SNP administration's independence referendum next year, she added: "We need a Scottish government that will address the needs of Scots, not one that will simply make promises about what will happen after 2016. "Today Dunfermline has sent a message to Bute House and Alex Salmond: it's time for you to focus on the real priorities of Scots, not your constitutional obsession." The by-election campaign centred on contentious local issues, including proposed school closures, while the SNP focused on its national policies such as the council tax freeze and the decision to remove the tolls on the nearby Forth Road Bridge. Despite the result, SNP candidate Shirley-Anne Somerville said she was proud of the campaign she fought. "We've run a positive campaign trying to support local parents in their schools and I hope we can come together, all of us in the party, to make sure those three schools in the Dunfermline constituency stay open," she said. The Liberal Democrats saw their vote drop by 8% on the night. Candidate Susan Leslie said: "I think it has been a victory for women in politics in Scotland that four women stood in this by-election and fought positive campaigns on the issues for Dunfermline." Scottish Conservative candidate James Reekie - whose party saw a 1% increase in its vote - added: "When the people of Dunfermline are faced with the dilemma of Labour and the SNP, they chose the Conservatives." Turnout in the by-election was 42.65%.
Labour has won the Scottish Parliament by-election in Dunfermline, after beating the SNP by almost 3,000 votes.
The 31-year-old, who will have the support of newly-appointed head coach Keith Bertschin, succeeds Marcus Bignot, who left Solihull on 7 November to join League Two side Grimsby Town. McDonald, who took over the Pitmen in May, leaves them fourth in the Northern Premier League Premier Division. His first game will be Tuesday's FA Cup first-round replay at home to Yeovil. Solihull are 16th in the National League after being promoted last season. McDonald will also be joined at the Moors by assistant manager Nick Green and coach David Bridgwater, his backroom team at Hednesford and his previous club Redditch. "With my ambitions as a football manager, the opportunity to come to Solihull was just too good to turn down," McDonald told BBC WM. "Part of the decision to come was to help with my development. Keith has a wealth of experience which will help that. "But I'm in charge. I have my management team with me, I want to put my stamp on things and carry on the good work Marcus has done in transforming this club. "It was a tough decision and Saturday was an emotional day for me, but the people at Hednesford understand why I've made it." Liam McDonald was talking to BBC WM's Rob Gurney.
National League side Solihull Moors have appointed Hednesford Town boss Liam McDonald as their new manager.
A selection of your pictures of Scotland sent in between 16 and 23 June. Send your photos to [email protected] or via Instagram at #bbcscotlandpics
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The force's interest in using the birds of prey follows trials in the Netherlands. Drones - pilot-less aircraft which are controlled remotely - are used by police forces to capture footage on difficult terrain, including cliffs. But there are concerns criminals are also using the new technology. In November, the Ministry of Justice said a drone used to smuggle mobile phones, SIM cards and drugs into the grounds of HMP Manchester had been recovered by guards. The MoJ reported nine attempts to use drones to infiltrate prisons in England and Wales in the first five months of 2015. A think tank has also warned that drones could be used by terrorist groups. The UK Air Proximity Board said last month that drones had been involved in four serious near misses at UK airports. The birds would help by taking down the aircraft, which they would consider to be prey. However, Jemima Parry-Jones, who is the director of the International Centre of Birds of Prey in Gloucestershire, described the idea as a "gimmick". "Eagles are big, powerful birds; they should not be flown in built-up areas. And secondly in terms of the safety of the bird, you're asking it to grab hold of a drone, which often have four rotating blades keeping it in the air," she said. "If the police in the UK are asking the right experts they should listen to our advice. "If you don't believe us, try putting your own fingers into the propeller of a reasonably sized drone and see what happens." But a spokesman for the RSPCA said: "In principle we would not have an issue with police forces training eagles in an attempt to tackle drones, although we would have concerns over the welfare of the birds. "At the moment, however, there is not enough information available for us to be able to make an informed comment." A Met Police spokesman said: "As would be expected in an organisation that is transforming, we take an interest in all innovative new ideas and will of course be looking at the work of the Dutch police use of eagles."
The Metropolitan Police says it is considering using eagles to intercept drones amid concerns the aircraft are increasingly used to commit crime.
The oyster beds were laid off the coast of Porlock Bay in 2013 as part of an initiative to boost employment and "improve the image of the area". Now, the farming of the shellfish has taken off, secured the highest quality rating and are due to be sold locally. Roger Hall, from the Porlock Futures Community Interest Company, said it had been a "brilliantly successful trial". Using oysters from Morecambe Bay in Lancashire, trials were set up to establish whether the shellfish could be farmed in the seas around Porlock. "We've proved the oysters not only grow but have got the best Class A classification for cleanliness you can get," said Mr Hall. "It's the realisation of what started off as an interesting idea and now we've got 70 trestles with thousands of oysters on them all waiting to be eaten in the restaurants." Following a successful trial, the project has been awarded £75,000 from the Power To Change fund and raised more than £65,000 from the local community. David Salter, from the Community Interest Company, said they "haven't got the fastest growing site in the South West" but are hoping to sell around 30,000 oysters this year. "Next year, we'll be getting up to the 80,000 and then in four to five years we'll have 500,000," he said. "It's really growing and in a few years we'll have 500 trestles out here."
Thousands of oysters have been harvested in a Somerset village for the first time in almost 100 years.
Capped 94 times, Phillips' comments come as criticism has been levelled at coach Rob Howley for failing to bring new players into the Wales team. As they prepare to face France, Wales have capped just three new players since the 2015 World Cup, but Phillips says he understands the situation. "You can't just blood youngsters because they are young," he said. Since 2015, only Blues flanker Ellis Jenkins, Newport Gwent Dragons lock Cory Hill and Ospreys fly-half Sam Davies have been handed their senior debuts. In Wales' final Six Nations clash in Paris, there have been calls for Howley to have one eye on the future and play new faces. Instead the has stuck with the same side that beat Ireland last time out. This comes despite Howley having a host of uncapped players in his squad in the shape of Ospreys flanker Olly Cracknell and lock Rory Thornton, Leicester fly-half Owen Williams, Scarlets wing Steffan Evans, Dragons wing Ashton Hewitt, Scarlets scrum-half Aled Davies and Wasps flanker Thomas Young. Media playback is not supported on this device Howley has also ignored calls for Davies to start at fly-half and for Ospreys' teenager Keelan Giles to come in on the wing. Phillips said he agreed with Howley's decision and that he believed the onus was on the young players to show they are ready for the senior side. "There's a few guys on the verge, but those youngsters have still got to learn," Phillips told BBC Radio Wales. "They are young and developing, but they will get their time in seasons to come. But they've got to improve in training and show Rob that they deserve to be first-choice players." Against France, Phillips believes Howley has got his selection spot on. He added: "It's a difficult one. In that international jersey should be the best because you are the best in the position. You should not just hand out caps willy-nilly to people. "The development of the future is an important thing, but that needs to be done in a structured way. "But it has been difficult because of the way things have panned out. They've looked to get the wins and back those players. The best players in Wales are playing on the field, it's as simple as that really."
Former scrum-half Mike Phillips has urged Wales' rising stars to prove they are good enough for the national side.
The Dudley Business Loan Fund is aimed at businesses in the borough with fewer than 250 staff that have struggled to secure bank loans. The scheme is a partnership between Dudley Council and the Black Country Reinvestment Society (BCRS). Councillor Shaukat Ali said he believed it could play a "vital role" in stimulating the local economy. He said there were some 9,000 businesses in the area that could be eligible. The scheme, offering loans of £10,000 to £50,000, is open to small and medium-sized businesses with a turnover of less than £5m. The scheme has been joint funded by the council and BCRS through a European grant. Paul Kalinaucas, chief executive of the BCRS not-for-profit lender, said the fund would help Dudley "develop, grow and prosper". Cradley Heath manufacturer Sealco benefited from a £50,000 BCRS loan in 2008 and said small sums could sometimes make a big difference. Managing Director Rob Fowkes said: "In that year it helped us maintain staffing levels and got us through the very sticky parts that were 2008 and 2009." Since 2009, the company has doubled its workforce and doubled its turnover to more than £2m. Dudley Council said it expected the new loan scheme to create 30 jobs and secure 60 more.
Small businesses in the Black Country are being given access to a £1m council fund, in a bid to secure jobs.
Transgender protesters forced a halt to debate on the bill on Wednesday. Last month, the state approved a human rights measure banning gender identity discrimination at public facilities. In recent weeks, two other states passed laws ensuring equal access to gender-segregated facilities for transgender students. The bill in Arizona's Republican-dominated legislature would make it a misdemeanour offence to use a public toilet, bathroom, shower, bath, dressing room or changing room associated with a gender other than what is on one's birth certificate. Penalties could include six months in prison. "If you look like a man and you live your life like a man, you should be able to use a man's bathroom," said Dru Levasseur, a transgender rights lawyer for the advocacy group Lambda Legal. But John Kavanagh, the Republican lawmaker who sponsored the bill, said he feared criminals might take advantage of the situation and expose themselves to children of the opposite gender. "This law simply restores the law of society: men are men and women are women," Mr Kavanagh said, according to the Associated Press. "For a handful of people to make everyone else uncomfortable just makes no sense." But, Mr Kavanagh added, police would be allowed to use their discretion over whether to press charges if women used the men's room to avoid a long queue. On Wednesday, Mr Kavanagh agreed to postpone a vote on the bill at the start of a hearing filled with dozens of transgender activists. The bill's opponents say it would force transgender people to reveal themselves and risk harassment, "Most transgender people try to slip through public places without being noticed,'' activist Erica Keppler said. "This will turn us into criminals." And advocates say transgender people can find it difficult to change gender on their birth certificates because many states require proof of gender treatment surgery. Meanwhile, other states such as Idaho and Ohio do not allow such changes at all, the American Civil Liberties Union said. It is already illegal to discriminate against transgender people in 16 US states, although the extent of protections can vary, the group added. In an ongoing case, a Colorado family has filed a complaint against the state after their six-year-old, who was born a boy, was banned from using the girl's bathroom at her primary school.
Lawmakers in Arizona are weighing a law requiring transgender people to use public toilets of the gender listed on their birth certificate.
Ronnie Frost, 19, of High Street, Halmer End, and Joe Cordon, 21, of Eastbourne Road, Northwood, were arrested on Sunday night. They were charged with directing or shining a light at aircraft in flight so as to dazzle or distract the pilot. The men are due to appear at North Staffordshire Justice Centre on 17 November. More from Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire The helicopter was over the Northwood area searching for a missing person at the time.
Two men from Stoke-on-Trent have been charged after a laser was shone at a police helicopter.
Gorka Marquez needed dental surgery after two of his lower jaw front teeth were badly chipped in Blackpool. The BBC said he was attacked by a gang of youths while reportedly walking to a nightclub with colleagues on Saturday. A Strictly spokesman said Mr Marquez "doesn't wish to make a formal complaint" and "just wants to move on". The 26-year-old Spaniard was in the Lancashire resort for a live edition of the show from Blackpool Tower Ballroom when he was the victim of an "unprovoked incident". Mr Marquez was getting out of a car when a "random group of lads" ran past and assaulted him, the Strictly spokesman added. A Lancashire Police spokesperson said: "We have checked CCTV and spoken to the club and inquiries continue. "We have had no formal complaint from Mr Marquez." After the attack, Marquez tweeted: "Thanks for all your kind messages and support about Blackpool. "It was a bad experience but I'm feeling better and just want to look forward to the show on Saturday!" Mr Marquez made his Strictly debut in this year's series and had been partnering EastEnders actress Tameka Empson, who plays Kim Fox in the BBC soap. They were eliminated in the second round but Marquez has continued to appear in the programme as part of the weekly group routines.
A Strictly Come Dancing star assaulted by a gang does not want to make a formal complaint to police, the show has said.
The children at Newington Church of England Primary School in Sittingbourne were aged between four and 11 and received the news in Friday assembly. The scenario had not been discussed with parents or senior staff first, the school admitted. It said the exercise was part of a week of learning about refugees. In a statement, the school said: "We intended to provide a scenario that would enable the children to empathise with those we were raising money for. "In future all activities of this nature will be discussed with a member of the senior leadership team prior to being undertaken. "Only options that allow the children to empathise and understand without causing them unnecessary stress and anxiety will be considered and approved." The school said the message could have been delivered in "a more appropriate manner" and has apologised to parents and children. It had been taking part in Christian Aid's refugee week. Charity Christian Aid, for whom the school has fundraised, said: "We have very little information about what pupils were actually told in the assembly, but we would never recommend any teaching approaches that put undue stress on children."
A school has apologised for telling pupils they would be taken away and might not see their parents again, in what later emerged as role play.
The 67-year-old suffered a broken collarbone when he was knocked to the ground outside his Gateshead home in January. An online appeal set up by beautician Katie Cutler raised £330,135. Richard Gatiss, 25, from Gateshead, had pleaded guilty to assault with intent to rob at Newcastle Crown Court. After the sentencing, Mr Barnes said it was "just about the right length of time" and he hoped prison would give Gatiss time to reflect on what he had done. "I hope while he's in prison he'll do some thinking and when he comes out he'll do something useful," he said. Gatiss, from Split Crow Road, was caught after police retrieved DNA evidence from a pocket on Mr Barnes' jacket. He had been desperate for money to buy legal highs but ran off empty-handed when Mr Barnes shouted for help, the court heard. Judge Paul Sloan QC described Gatiss' actions as "despicable and opportunistic" and said he had picked on Mr Barnes because he was vulnerable. Mr Barnes has lived with disabilities from birth after his mother contracted German measles when she was pregnant. He is visually impaired and stands 4ft 6in (1.21m) tall. After the hearing, Mr Barnes, who was joined by 21-year-old Miss Cutler, said: "I'm pleased he's been sentenced and I think the sentence of four years is just about the right length. "I hope while he's in prison he'll do some thinking and when he comes out he'll do something useful. Maybe he might decide to help people, which I think would be a good idea for him. "It's sad that he was brought to the stage of doing something like this - not necessarily just me, it could have been anybody and they might not have got over the incident. "But I've moved on," he said. Holding back tears, Miss Cutler added: "It's hard for me to talk about Richard as it wasn't me who was attacked, but I just hope he gets the help that he deserves. "I'm just glad that that some good has come from this and we can move forward." While on remand, Gatiss was kept in segregation for his own safety. Jamie Adams, defending, said it was "an awful case" but publicity surrounding it made it difficult to "keep a proper outlook on what the sentence should be". On the prison bus to court Gatiss had been "the subject of some pretty awful double-standard behaviour" from other inmates, Mr Adams said. "Life is not easy for him. He is going to be in the public glare for a long time to come and he knows that." His father, Karl Gatiss, refused to comment on the sentence outside court but called for legal highs to be banned. Northumbria Police said the sentencing "should send a message out to those criminals who think it is acceptable to target the vulnerable".
A man has been handed a four-year prison sentence for assaulting disabled pensioner Alan Barnes, to whom more than £300,000 was subsequently donated.
In the first half of August, 3,800 migrants arrived in the province of Quebec seeking asylum. Most are Haitians who fear they will be deported if they stay in the US. Government officials are now redoubling efforts to counteract misinformation helping bring them to Canada's doorstep. Nearly 60,000 Haitians were offered temporary protection in the US after a devastating earthquake in Haiti in 2010. The Trump administration extended that temporary protection until January 2018. Canada completely lifted its own protected status for Haitians a year ago. In 2016, about 50% of all asylum claims by Haitians was rejected. On Monday, federal Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale warned that "people should not think that border-hopping is a desirable or productive thing to do". Canadian diplomatic staff in the US have been trying to "aggressively dispel the myths" about coming to Canada circulating south of the border, including that residency is guaranteed, said Immigration Minister Ahmed Hussen. Federal Liberal MP Emmanuel Dubourg, who is of Haitian origin and speaks Creole, has been tasked with engaging extensively with Haitian media in American cities like Miami and New York. End of Twitter post by @CitImmCanada Over the weekend, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also addressed the issue. "Canada is an opening and welcoming society," he told journalists at a news conference in Montreal on Sunday. "But let me be clear. We are also a country of laws. Entering Canada irregularly is not an advantage. There are rigorous immigration and customs rules that will be followed. Make no mistake." Mr Trudeau has been criticised over his government's refugee-friendly message and "irresponsible tweets" by opposition politicians who argue that those helped encouraged the surge. Canadian officials are also trying to counteract the spread of misinformation online about the openness of Canada's asylum system. Since January, 7,500 migrants have crossed illegally into Canada. The majority are crossing into Quebec, where migrant numbers more than tripled between June and July to 2,996 from 781. In the first half of August, 3,800 migrants crossed seeking asylum in the province. The federal government has increased the number of staff in the region in order to help process claims that determine whether a migrant is eligible to make a refugee claim. There is currently a five-month wait.
Canada is reaching out directly to the Haitian community in the US in an effort to stem the number of migrants crossing the border illegally.
A University College London team spoke to paediatricians at 177 hospitals in England and Wales and found poor knowledge on identifying underweight children and serious complications. This was despite most respondents having experience of treating a child with an eating disorder. The Royal College of Paediatrics said it was working to improve training. Study leader Dr Lee Hudson from the Institute of Child Health, University College London, said more under-13s now presented with eating disorders than meningitis due to the success of vaccination programmes. This shift in childhood illness may be one reason why his research suggested a lack of knowledge on spotting underweight children and the associated medical problems, he added. In the study, one on-call paediatrician was questioned in every hospital providing acute in-patient care for children. During a phone interview they were asked how they would identify if a child was underweight and what clinical examinations they would carry out to check for severe or potentially life-threatening complications. Only half said they would use Body Mass Index to decide if older children or adolescents were underweight, as advised in international guidelines. And only one in five said they would adjust that for appropriate cut-offs in children. There was also a lack of awareness of signs and symptoms of complications in children whose weight had dropped to seriously low levels. The researchers were particularly concerned that only 13% knew a specific danger sign to look for in tests checking that the heart was working properly, the team reported in Archives of Diseases in Childhood. Doctors also scored poorly on knowledge of dangerous complications associated with giving nutrition to someone who has not eaten for a while or is severely malnourished. Dr Hudson said this was not a criticism of doctors because eating disorders tended to present with vague symptoms, but highlighted a gap in training. "In addition to that, services for children with eating disorders are very hit and miss around the country." But he stressed that as those surveyed would be the first paediatricians to assess such children, especially out of hours, they needed to know how to spot dangerously underweight children and teenagers and signs of severe complications. "From previous research we know that a third of children who are underweight present with life-threatening features," he added. Prof Russell Viner, a co-author of the study but also a member of the Royal College of Paediatrics Nutrition Committee, said the college was aware there was a training need around eating disorders and underweight issues. "We are refreshing training on adolescent health," he said. "And in association with the Department of Health and the Royal College of Psychiatry we are developing a training programme around mental health in adolescents."
Doctors may be failing to spot tell-tale signs in children who are underweight, a study suggests.
Couples will now be allowed to have two children, it said, citing a statement from the Communist Party. The controversial policy was introduced nationally in 1979, to slow the population growth rate. It is estimated to have prevented about 400 million births. However concerns at China's ageing population led to pressure for change. Couples who violated the one-child policy faced a variety of punishments, from fines and the loss of employment to forced abortions. Over time, the policy has been relaxed in some provinces, as demographers and sociologists raised concerns about rising social costs and falling worker numbers. The decision to allow families to have two children was designed "to improve the balanced development of population'' and to deal with an aging population, according to the statement from the Community Party's Central Committee carried by the official Xinhua News Agency (in Chinese) on Thursday. Currently about 30% of China's population is over the age of 50. The total population of the country is around 1.36 billion. The Communist Party began formally relaxing national rules two years ago, allowing couples in which at least one of the pair is an only child to have a second child. China's one-child policy What was China's one-child policy? Trauma and sympathy shared online Correspondents say that despite the relaxation of the rules, many couples may opt to only have one child, as one-child families have become the social norm. Critics say that even a two-child policy will not boost the birth rate enough, the BBC's John Sudworth reports. And for those women who want more than two children, nor will it end the state's insistence on the right to control their fertility, he adds. "As long as the quotas and system of surveillance remains, women still do not enjoy reproductive rights," Maya Wang of Human Rights Watch told AFP. I was born in 1979, the year the one-child policy was implemented. And even then, I wasn't supposed to be born. In my parents' work unit, there were also quotas for babies. By the time my mother announced her pregnancy, the quotas were all used up for the year. But kind-hearted officials decided to look the other way and allowed my birth. My would-be siblings were less lucky. As a result of the policy, my mother had to endure two abortions. Even today, she talks about 'Number Two' and 'Number Three' and what they might have been like. Read more personal stories Carrie Gracie: U-turn may not bring prosperity Writing in The Conversation, Stuart Gietel-Basten, associate professor of social policy at the University of Oxford, says the reform with do little to change China's population and is instead a "pragmatic response to an unpopular policy that made no sense". The announcement in China came on the final day of a summit of the Communist Party's policy-making Central Committee, known as the fifth plenum. The party also announced growth targets and its next five year plan.
China has decided to end its decades-long one-child policy, the state-run Xinhua news agency reports.
Governments have agreed to keep the global temperature rise to two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels - and preferably 1.5 degrees. "This is a moment to celebrate," United Nations climate chief Patricia Espinosa told Reuters. "It is also a moment to look ahead with sober assessment and renewed will over the task ahead." The Eiffel Tower in Paris is expected to be lit up in green light on Friday to mark the entry into force of the historic climate pact. Delegates from almost 200 countries are meeting in Marrakech next week to consider the way ahead beyond Paris. The deal agreed in the French capital less than a year ago commits governments to moving their economies away from fossil fuels. On Thursday, a UN review of national pledges to cut carbon said they fall short of the levels needed to keep the rise in global temperatures under 2C. The report found pledges from governments that have ratified the accord would see the world on track for a rise in temperatures by the end of this century of between 2.9 and 3.4 degrees C. Roger Harrabin, BBC environment analyst The Paris climate pact comes into force less than a year since it was agreed. The last major climate deal - the Kyoto Protocol - took eight years to come into force. Paris is the first agreement tying rich and poor nations in a common endeavour to protect the climate. However, the national targets for cutting carbon emissions are voluntary. The UN tried a mandatory approach but countries that were failing to meet their targets simply quit. The process of the Paris deal is binding, including a commitment for governments to keep returning to the issue to ratchet up the clean energy targets that they all agree are inadequate. Governments that rushed to enshrine Paris in law have had one eye on the US elections. Hilary Clinton has pledged to take President Obama's emissions cuts further. Donald Trump wants to tear up the agreement. Environmental groups and other experts have urged governments to do more. World Bank group president Jim Yong Kim said even with the commitments made in Paris and encouraging action on the ground, "we will not meet our aspiration of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees unless we move faster and at the scale that is needed". "As the world heads into (the meeting) in Marrakesh, we must regain the sense of urgency we felt a year ago," he said. In Marrakech governments and parties will work on details of a "rulebook" which will measure and review global climate action. What was agreed in Paris? • To peak greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible and achieve a balance between sources and sinks of greenhouse gases in the second half of this century • To keep global temperature increase "well below" 2C (3.6F) and to pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5C • To review progress every five years • $100 billion a year in climate finance for developing countries by 2020, with a commitment to further finance in the future. Donald Trump has called manmade climate change "a hoax" and said he would "cancel" the Paris Agreement and other international efforts to address the issue. He says he supports clean water and air, but wants to slash funding to the Environmental Protection Agency in the US. Hillary Clinton backs the Paris deal, saying climate change is a threat to American security. She supports stringent regulation of the energy industry and opposes expanded drilling in Alaska, but has not made the environment a central part of her campaign. Read Anthony Zurcher's global guide to where the presidential candidates stand on all the issues - and how they compare to world leaders. What solutions to air pollution make sense to you that you would like us to investigate? Use this form to ask your question: If you are reading this page on the BBC News app, you will need to visit the mobile version of the BBC website to submit your question.
The Paris agreement on climate change has come into force.
The 33-year-old, the world's number one ranked Test bowler, is set to miss Lancashire's next two County Championship games. England begin their four-match series against Pakistan at Lord's on 14 July. Anderson suffered a stress fracture in the right shoulder blade during the third Test against Sri Lanka. Paceman Anderson played a key role in the recent Test series against Sri Lanka, which the hosts won 2-0. England's leading wicket-taker in Tests took 21 wickets across the three matches, including 10 as the hosts won the opener at Headingley by an innings and 88 runs. He replaced team-mate Stuart Broad at the top of the International Cricket Council bowling rankings after taking 8-94 in the second match of the series. The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) said Anderson's availability for the Pakistan Test would be "determined following ongoing management and review by both the ECB and Lancashire's medical teams". Anderson missed the last two Tests of England's 2015 Ashes win with a side strain, before a calf problem forced him to sit out the first Test against South Africa in December. A short statement from Lancashire read: "The club wishes James well with his recovery and hopes to see him back in action soon." Durham all-rounder Ben Stokes could replace Anderson after returning to competitive action on Friday after injuring a knee during the Sri Lanka series.
England fast bowler James Anderson is a doubt for the first Test against Pakistan next month after injuring his right shoulder.
Julian Cuddihy, 43, was charged with murdering his parents Kathleen and Jimmy Cuddihy at their family home in County Donegal on 22 October 2014. It took the jury at Dublin's Central Criminal Court 40 minutes to reach a unanimous verdict. Mr Cuddihy has now been sent to the Central Mental Hospital in Dundrum for assessment. He will return to court on 20 June when a doctor will suggest a strategy for Mr Cuddihy's long-term treatment and care.
A paranoid schizophrenic who killed his parents with an axe has been found not guilty of murder by reason of insanity.
Brighton 1-0 Huddersfield Derby 0-1 Ipswich Fulham 1-1 Burton Leeds 2-1 Blackburn Norwich 2-1 Wigan Preston 3-0 Cardiff QPR 0-6 Newcastle Reading 0-0 Birmingham Sheffield Wednesday 3-2 Bristol City Wolves 0-4 Barnsley
Read match reports for Tuesday's 10 games in the Championship, including Newcastle's 6-0 pummelling of Queens Park Rangers.
He said the crowd had reached the Washington monument as he spoke at the US Capitol, despite photographic evidence to the contrary. Later, his White House press secretary said it had been "the largest audience to ever see an inauguration, period". On Saturday, millions in the US and around the world protested against Mr Trump's new administration. The largest US rally was in the capital Washington, which city officials estimated to be more than 500,000-strong. By most estimates, it surpassed the crowd at Friday's inauguration. The aim was mainly to highlight women's rights, which activists believe to be under threat from the new administration. Mr Trump did not mention the protests during a bridge-building visit to the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, on Saturday but instead turned on the press. He accused the media of inventing a feud between him and the intelligence community and he called reporters "among the most dishonest human beings on earth". Mr Trump said TV footage and photos of his inauguration had painted an inaccurate picture. "It looked like a million and a half people" there on Friday, he said, rubbishing media reports that there were as few as 250,000 people. He also said the crowd extended all the way back to the Washington Monument, although this claim is contradicted by aerial shots from the day. Later, White House press secretary Sean Spicer berated reporters at a news conference over photographs that had shown large, empty spaces during the ceremony. "This was the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, period. Both in person and around the globe," he said in a fiery statement. "These attempts to lessen the enthusiasm about the inauguration are shameful and wrong." In addition to the photographic evidence, Washington's Metro system said trips were down on previous inaugurations. Marketing firm Nielsen said television views in the US were less than Barack Obama's and Ronald Reagan's first inaugurations. Mr Spicer, who did not take questions, added: "There's been a lot of talk in the media about the responsibility to hold Donald Trump accountable, and I'm here to tell you it goes two ways. We're going to hold the press accountable as well." Outgoing CIA chief John Brennan accused Mr Trump of "a despicable display of self-aggrandisement" over the statement at Langley. "Former CIA Director Brennan is deeply saddened and angered at Donald Trump's despicable display of self-aggrandisement in front of CIA's Memorial Wall of agency heroes," his former deputy, Nick Shapiro, said in a statement carried by CNN. "Brennan says that Trump should be ashamed of himself." Last week, Mr Brennan called on Mr Trump to be more "disciplined" in what he said and warned him not to underestimate Russian intentions. Mr Trump's visit had sought to mend relations with the intelligence community after weeks of doubting their conclusions about alleged Russian interference into the US election. "I love you, I respect you," he said, adding that he was "1,000%" behind the spy agency. Mr Trump said the media had invented a feud between them, although in a recent row over a leaked dossier that alleged the Kremlin held compromising material on him, he had likened the actions of intelligence agencies to Nazi Germany. Mr Trump's election has divided opinion in the US and around the world. German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, writing in Bild newspaper on Sunday, warned that the world was headed "for turbulent times." "With the election of Donald Trump, the world of the 20th century has definitely been overtaken," he said.
President Donald Trump has accused the media of dishonestly reporting the size of the crowd at his inauguration.
This is how many Ukrainians start and finish their summer holiday in Russian-annexed Crimea. Queues of cars snake for several hours as people wait to visit relatives or get to the peninsula for a beach break. Lorry-loads of watermelons are sold by the side of the road while people wait to be checked or waved through, in the southern region of Kherson, next to Crimea, where Kiev's vast Dnipro river enters the Black Sea. Aside from the odd soldier dug in by the side of the road and the vigilance of Ukraine's border guards, there is little to suggest that the country is preparing for Russian military action from the south. Most analysts think any such action would be highly unlikely. But after Russia seized Crimea in March 2014 without firing a shot, Ukraine has learnt to expect the unexpected from its powerful neighbour. Vigilance is the watchword of Ukraine's National Border Guard. Spokesman Ivan Shevcov said his colleagues were "prepared for any type of action from the Russian side". The war of words between Russia and Ukraine has intensified following Moscow's accusation that Kiev plotted a sabotage attack in Crimea. Russian President Vladimir Putin promised a response. Russia has moved more military hardware on to the peninsula. And pictures of the Russian navy carrying out military drills in Crimea to counter the threat of saboteurs were quickly beamed around the world. This week Russia is carrying out more exercises in Crimea to counter the threat of weapons of mass destruction. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has put his military on high alert. He insists the Russian claim of a sabotage attack by Ukrainian special forces was cooked up by the Kremlin to justify future attacks. However little, if anything, has changed at the checkpoints in and out of Crimea. One man from the southern Ukrainian city of Odessa said he went there only to visit his elderly mother who lived there and wouldn't leave. When she dies, he will not travel there any more. For Igor, travelling to Crimea to visit relatives, the latest rhetoric is "mostly exaggerated". "Whatever you see on TV, (with) saboteur groups arrested, I think this can be faked by any side. Each side can create provocations." With his tennis racket bag slung over his shoulder, Artyom, a Ukrainian probably in his 20s, explains how pleasant his holiday in Crimea has been, and how friendly the people there were. And he is not alone. "The Russians say one thing and the Ukrainians another. I don't know who to trust," says an elderly woman with sunglasses. The line between fact and fiction is often blurred when it comes to Russia's tactics and actions in relation to Ukraine. Kiev calls this "hybrid warfare", which mixes propaganda with cyber attacks and semi-clandestine operations. Tamara is driving across to Crimea, where she owns property, with her chihuahua Charlie. She might not believe all the rumours in Kiev. However, she does not trust the Russian version of recent events. "I think [the Russians] did this intentionally. But I don't know why they did this during the holiday season. Everything was fine when I came here in June with my mum." Tamara's mother-in-law and daughter were going to join her on the trip to Crimea, but because of what they had seen on the news they decided to stay in Kiev. Across the water from Crimea in the small town of Skadovsk, the melee of swimsuits and food-sellers on the beach is proof that many Ukrainians will simply not travel to Russian-annexed Crimea as a point of principle. Few seem to notice the Ukrainian National Border Guard soldiers high above in their concrete look-out post at the back of the beach, behind an invisible network of trenches. For all the political rhetoric of recent days, the fun-loving normality of the summer season in southern Ukraine goes on.
Barbed wire, armed soldiers and several hefty concrete checkpoints.
British Gas unveiled a 5.1% price reduction, followed swiftly by EDF's announcement of a 5% cut. British Gas's price change takes effect on 16 March, while EDF's kicks in eight days later. The moves benefit customers on a standard domestic gas tariff. Britain's big six energy suppliers have been under pressure to pass on savings to customers after a 57% drop in wholesale gas prices since this time last year. E.On was the first to announce a cut this year of 5.1%, followed by similar reductions by SSE, Scottish Power and Npower. Executive director at consumer group Which?, Richard Lloyd, said :"Seeing all of the big suppliers mirror each other with small cuts in the face of falling wholesale prices will raise questions in many people's minds about whether competition is working in this market." British Gas, which is owned by Centrica, said 6.8 million of its customers on dual-fuel deals would see an average annual saving of £31 due to the 5.1% cut. It said customers on so-called "fix and fall" tariffs would also benefit from the price reduction. EDF said about 900,000 of its customers would also make an annual saving of £31. It said it had no exit fees on any of its fixed deals. Beatrice Bigois, managing director of customers at EDF, said: "Our prices are under constant review and today's announcement reflects falls in wholesale gas costs." Centrica's Mark Hodges, chief executive of its energy supply and services in UK and Ireland, said: "Competitive pricing is the way to retain existing customers and win new business in this hard-fought market." Some commentators warn that these types of "standard" tariffs are among the most expensive, so there is still benefit in shopping around. Rachel Fletcher, Ofgem's senior partner for consumers and competition, said: "These price cuts are a movement in the right direction for loyal customers, but they are dwarfed by the savings available by switching from a standard tariff to a fixed deal. "You could save more money, up to £300, by switching." There was also criticism of the industry for failing to cut electricity tariffs, despite falling wholesale costs. Energy analysts at Jefferies said: "There has still been no movement in electricity tariffs, despite a 30% fall in wholesale electricity prices since August 2014. "This is likely due to increased environmental costs, which fall on electricity rather than gas, and additional network charges." British Gas said it was unable to lower electricity prices due to rising costs, such as for network delivery, adding that wholesale costs only make up a third of electricity bills. Energy and Climate Change Secretary Amber Rudd said there was still more to do. Suppliers are awaiting the outcome of a competition watchdog investigation set to conclude in June, which Ms Rudd said would help determine if consumers were getting a "rough deal".
British Gas and EDF Energy have announced they are cutting their gas prices, the last of the big six energy suppliers to do so.
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The flag has been hoist above the City Chambers in George Square in a show of solidarity with the French people. On Wednesday, suspected Islamists killed 12 people at the office of the satirical magazine. Glasgow made a similar gesture with the Pakistan flag last month after the Peshawar school massacre. Council leader Gordon Matheson described the killings at the Charlie Hebdo magazine office as "a brutal attack on democracy and freedom of expression". "Glasgow unites in unequivocal condemnation," he said. "Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their loved ones. "The murderous actions of perverse and unrepresentative extremists will never overcome a free press which is so fundamental to the values of a democratic society." He added: "We are flying the flag of France at half-mast from the City Chambers today as a mark of respect for those who have died and to show our solidarity with the people of France and journalists everywhere." Councillor Matheson and Lord Provost Sadie Docherty plans to write jointly to the mayor of Paris and the French consulate in Edinburgh to express condolences on behalf of the city of Glasgow.
Glasgow City Council is flying the French flag at half-mast as a mark of respect for those who died in the Charlie Hebdo atrocity in Paris.
Resuming on 33-1, Machan (81) and Wells put on 134 for the second-wicket before Machan was bowled by Ravi Patel (4-42). Wells fell to Patel shortly after for 61, but Yardy's innings of 70 at Lord's helped the visitors up to 300 all out - a first innings lead of 66. At stumps, Middlesex were 47-0, with Sam Robson racing to 41 not out, trailing by 19 runs. A worn-looking pitch made Machan's fine knock all the more impressive, with Yardy and Wells taking a more workmanlike approach to their innings. Patel was not introduced to the Middlesex bowling attacking until 150 runs were on the board but in just his second over he removed Machan, going on to add Wells, Chris Nash and Ben Brown. Just as the home side were threatening to take control at 216-6, a Sussex fight back began, with Ashar Zaidi putting on 38 with Yardy, followed by a useful 40 from Yardy and Ollie Robinson. James Harris finished off the Sussex tail with the wickets of Yardy and Chris Liddle in three balls, leaving the match finely balanced, and allowing Middlesex's batsmen to make vital ground before stumps.
Half-centuries from Luke Wells, Matt Machan and Michael Yardy gave Sussex a first innings lead against Middlesex.