.Having said this, he stayed in Galilee.
Baada ya kusema ivo, akatulia bado in Galilee.
.However, after his brothers had left for the Feast, he went also, not publicly, but in secret.
However, baada ya mabro wake kuishia kwa bash, ye pia akaishia, lakini sio vi wazi wazi, but in secret.
.Now at the Feast the Jews were watching for him and asking, "Where is that man?"
Sa pale kwa lundee ma jews walikuwa wakisaka signs zake kuwa kwa bash wakiulizaga, "Ako wapi yule jamaa?"
.Among the crowds there was widespread whispering about him. Some said, "He is a good man." Others replied, "No, he deceives the people."
Kati ya zile crowds kulikuwa na mnong'ono widespread abouthim, wase waki whisper ju yake. Wengine walisema, "Ye ni mse mpoa." Others wakadai, "Zii, ye hupanga wasee."
.But no one would say anything publicly about him for fear of the Jews.
Lakini hanaku mdhi angesema anything wazi wazi ju yakecoz wasee waliogopa wayahudi.
.Not until halfway through the Feast did Jesus go up to the temple courts and begin to teach.
Sio hadi time paree ilikuwa katikati njo JC akaishia juu hadi kwa zile verandah za temple na kuanza kufunza.
.The Jews were amazed and asked, "How did this man get such learning without having studied?"
Wale Jews wakakuwa amazed na kuuliza, "Huyu mse aliget aje masomo ya maana ivi bila kuwa class kucrack mbuku?"
.Jesus answered, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from him who sent me.
JC akawajibu, "Teachings zenye nawagei sio zangu origi. Zinatokea from yeye mwenye alinituma.
.If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find out whether my teaching comes from God or whether I speak on my own.
Kama mse any atachoose ku do will ya sir Godi, basi atafind out kama teaching zangu zinakam from God ama whether na speak mavitu zangu tu.
.He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him.
Ye mwenye huspeak mavitu zake hu do ivo njo aget respect yake mwenyewe, lakini yeye mwenye anadunga wax for ile respect ya mwenye amemtuma nimse wa ukweli; hanaku tuki ya uongo kumhusu.
.Has not Moses given you the law? Yet not one of you keeps the law. Why are you trying to kill me?"
Kwani, si Mose ashawagei Sheria? Lakini hanaku hata mmoja wenu mwenye ana keep sheria. Mbona mnajaribu kunimada?
."You are demon-possessed," the crowd answered. "Who is trying to kill you?"
Lakini wase kwa rende wakamjibu, "We umepossessiwa na shaito, nani sasa anatry kukumada?"
.Jesus said to them, "I did one miracle, and you are all astonished.
JC akawashow niaje, "Nili do miujiza moja, na nyi wote mka shtuka sana.
.Yet, because Moses gave you circumcision (though actually it did not come from Moses, but from the patriarchs), you circumcise a child on the Sabbath.
Yet ju Mose aliwagei kutairi (lakini actually haikukam toka kwa Mose lakini from wahenga)
.Now if a child can be circumcised on the Sabbath so that the law of Moses may not be broken, why are you angry with me for healing the whole man on the Sabbath?
Sasa ka a child can be circumcised siku ya sabbath njo sheria ikuwe kept bila kuvunjwa, mbona mko angry na mimi ju yakuheal mse mzima siku ya sabbath?
.Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment."
Acheni kujudge based on appearance, na mu make a right judgement."
.At that point some of the people of Jerusalem began to ask, "Isn't this the man they are trying to kill?
Sa at that point wase kadha wa Jerusa wakaanza kubonga na kuuliza, "Si huyu jamaa ni yule mse wanatry kumada?
.Here he is, speaking publicly, and they are not saying a word to him. Have the authorities really concluded that he is the Christ?
Na ako hapa,anaongea vi open, na hawasemi word yoyote kwake. Ama hawa wasee wenye kusema washa conclude kuwa yeye njo the christ?"
.But we know where this man is from; when the Christ comes, no one will know where he is from."
Lakini tushameshea place huyu jamaa anatoka; vile christ atakam, hanaku mse atajua place ametoka."
.Then Jesus, still teaching in the temple courts, cried out, "Yes, you know me, and you know where I am from. I am not here on my own, but he who sent me is true. You do not know him,
Kisha Jesus, akiwa bado anafunza kwa temple akashout out, "Ndio,mnanimesea, na mnamesea place nimetoka.Sikohapa juyamimi, lakini ye mwenye alinisend ako true. Hamummesei mwenye alinisend,
.but I know him because I am from him and he sent me."
lakini mi namjua ju natoka kwake na alinisend."
.At this they tried to seize him, but no one laid a hand on him, because his time had not yet come.
Kufikia hapo wakatry kumshika, lakini hakuna mse alimwekelea mkono kumshika,junyakati yake haikuwa imefika.
.Still, many in the crowd put their faith in him. They said, "When the Christ comes, will he do more miraculous signs than this man?"
Bado, wengi ndani ya ile mob waliweka faith yao in him.Wakasema, "Vile kristo atakam, atawai do miracles za kushinda huyu jamaa?"
.The Pharisees heard the crowd whispering such things about him. Then the chief priests and the Pharisees sent temple guards to arrest him.
Ma farisayo wakaskizia vile mob ya wadhii ilikuwa ikiwhisper hizi vitu ju yake.Kisha yule chief priest na walemapharisayo wakatuma masoja wa temple kum arrest.
.Jesus said, "I am with you for only a short time, and then I go to the one who sent me.
JC akasema, "Niko tu na nyinyi for a short while, kisha nitaishia to the one mwenye alinisend.
.You will look for me, but you will not find me; and where I am, you cannot come."
Mtanisaka, lakini hamtaniget;naile place nitakuwa niko, hamuwezi come.
.The Jews said to one another, "Where does this man intend to go that we cannot find him
Wayahudi wakaambiana niaje, "Huyu mse anaplan kuishia wapi that hatuwezimget? Kwani
? Will he go where our people live scattered among the Greeks, and teach the Greeks?
ataishia place wase wetu wanaishi scattered kati ya wa greeks, wakafunze ma greeks?
.What did he mean when he said, 'You will look for me, but you will not find me,' and 'Where I am, you cannot come'?"
Alimaanisha what vile alisema, 'Mtanisaka, lakini hamtaniget,' na 'Place
.On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.
Siku ya mwisho, ile bash inashika kabisa, JC akasimama na kubongana sauti bwaku, "Ka jamaa yeyote ako thirsty, wacha akam kwangu na adrink.
.Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."
Mwenye ameniamini,ka tu scripture zinadai, streams of living water zitaflow toka ndani yake."
.By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified.
By this alimaanisha yule Spirit,mwenye wale wamebelieve ndani yake wange receive. Hadi that point the Spirit hakuwa amegeianwa, ju JC hakuwa ameglorifaiwa.
.On hearing his words, some of the people said, "Surely this man is the Prophet."
Kuskia ma words zake, some of the guys wakasema, "For sure huyu jamaa Walipo skia words zake, wengine kati ya wale wasee wakadai, "For sure huyu jamaa ni the prophet."
.Others said, "He is the Christ." Still others asked, "How can the Christ come from Galilee?
Wengine wakadai, "Ye njo the christ." Lakini wengine wakauliza aje, "Itakuwa vipi tena Christ akam toka Galilee?'
.Does not the Scripture say that the Christ will come from David's family and from Bethlehem, the town where David lived?"
Si hata scripture inasema that Kristo atatokezea kwa famo ya Davie na toka Bethlehem, ile tao Davie aliishigi?"
.Thus the people were divided because of Jesus.
Na ni ivo njo wasee walisplit ju ya JC.
.Some wanted to seize him, but no one laid a hand on him.
Wase fulani walitaka kumshika, lakini hakuna mse alimgusa.
.Finally the temple guards went back to the chief priests and Pharisees, who asked them, "Why didn't you bring him in?"
Mwishowe wale watchie wa temple wakarudi back kwa ma priest sonkwo na mapharisees wakawauliza niaje, "mbona hamkumbring ndani?"
."No one ever spoke the way this man does," the guards declared.
Hadi mawatchie wakadai, "Hanaku mse mwenye amebonga ile njia huyu jama hubonga."
."You mean he has deceived you also?" the Pharisees retorted.
Mafarisayo wakajibu na double, "Una mean asha wapanga pia nyinyi?"
."Has any of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed in him?
"Je kuna mse any kati ya wale ma pharisee sonkwo wamemuamini?
As prisoners to the chief priests?"
Zi! Lakini hii rende yenye haijui any kuhusu law - kuna curse ju yao.