new jersey is sometimes quiet during autumn , and it is snowy in april .
california is never rainy during winter , and it is usually mild in summer .
california is sometimes cold during winter , but it is sometimes chilly in autumn .
she likes lemons , pears , and oranges.
we like strawberries , bananas , and oranges .
india is never snowy during september , but it is sometimes dry in spring .
india is sometimes rainy during january , and it is pleasant in february .
paris is never relaxing during march , but it is usually freezing in autumn .
india is chilly during summer , and it is sometimes beautiful in september .
she likes peaches , limes , and mangoes .
india is never chilly during october , but it is usually relaxing in november .
i like peaches , grapes , and lemons .
she likes mangoes , grapefruit , and pears .
the united states is usually dry during winter , but it is sometimes snowy in february .
china is usually nice during april , and it is never snowy in august .
she dislikes oranges and grapefruit .
paris is sometimes wonderful during autumn , and it is warm in november .
the grapefruit is her least favorite fruit , but the banana is their least favorite .
the grapefruit is his least liked fruit , but the grape is my least liked.
paris is never busy during summer , but it is never freezing in november .
china is sometimes pleasant during march , but it is usually nice in may .
india is sometimes cold during march , but it is sometimes hot in january .
new jersey is rainy during june , and it is sometimes nice in november .
the strawberry is his least favorite fruit , but the peach is our least favorite .
paris is usually snowy during winter , and it is sometimes beautiful in august .
france is never chilly during march , and it is wet in april .
their least liked fruit is the banana , but her least liked is the peach .
china is cold during fall , but it is usually relaxing in november .
new jersey is usually beautiful during april , and it is never relaxing in december .
he dislikes grapefruit , mangoes , and lemons .
new jersey is usually freezing during november , but it is usually relaxing in autumn .
the strawberry is my most loved fruit , but the lemon is her most loved.
paris is sometimes pleasant during autumn , and it is wonderful in september .
her most loved fruit is the lemon , but your most loved is the mango .
the mango is your least liked fruit , but the apple is his least liked .
the pear is my most loved fruit , but the lemon is his most loved .
he drives a new blue car .
the united states is warm during spring , but it is wet in august .
paris is usually freezing during october , and it is usually nice in april .
the peach is your most loved fruit , but the banana is my most loved .
you like grapes , peaches , and strawberries .
new jersey is sometimes nice during winter , but it is hot in spring .
paris is usually beautiful during september , but it is usually busy in spring .
china is usually snowy during autumn , but it is usually hot in may .
that bird is her most feared animal .
she dislikes apples , peaches , and bananas .
i plan to visit california next october .
you like limes , bananas , and grapefruit.
paris is never quiet during spring , but it is usually hot in march .
paris is rainy during winter , and it is sometimes warm in april .
you like pears , grapefruit , and limes .
paris is warm during january , and it is rainy in october .
france is sometimes quiet during december , and it is never snowy in january .
paris is sometimes relaxing during summer , but it is usually mild in november .
she likes bananas and grapes .
the lime is her least liked fruit , but the orange is his least liked .
california is never hot during fall , but it is usually relaxing in april .
new jersey is busy during december , and it is usually mild in august .
china is never mild during april , and it is sometimes wet in spring .
the united states is never snowy during february , and it is usually pleasant in autumn .
india is never dry during january , and it is never hot in february .
paris is usually wonderful during autumn , and it is busy in spring .
he likes pears , peaches , and lemons .
paris is never cold during october , but it is relaxing in january .
you like lemons , grapes , and bananas .
she drives that little red truck .
new jersey is pleasant during fall , and it is usually freezing in winter .
paris is usually rainy during december , and it is cold in winter .
california is usually pleasant during september , but it is usually freezing in autumn .
the pear is our least liked fruit , but the orange is their least liked .
india is snowy during spring , and it is never busy in january .
i dislike strawberries , mangoes , and pears .
california is never cold during march , but it is hot in fall .
china is sometimes chilly during march , and it is sometimes quiet in june .
her most loved fruit is the grapefruit , but your most loved is the orange .
the peach is her favorite fruit , but the apple is my favorite .
paris is usually beautiful during may , and it is never wonderful in june .
your least liked fruit is the mango , but our least liked is the grapefruit .
the banana is their favorite fruit , but the grapefruit is your favorite .
the grape is their least liked fruit , but the strawberry is our least liked .
the orange is his least favorite fruit , but the banana is your least favorite .
india is usually quiet during fall , but it is sometimes pleasant in march .
your most loved animals are horses .
i dislike peaches , apples , and strawberries .
paris is sometimes busy during june , and it is never quiet in fall .
i like bananas , lemons , and grapes .
you like apples , grapefruit , and limes .
you dislike peaches , mangoes , and lemons .
we like oranges , mangoes , and bananas .
we dislike grapefruit , mangoes , and grapes .
new jersey is chilly during march , but it is never nice in december .
you dislike bananas , mangoes , and limes .
he dislikes pears , mangoes , and strawberries .
the united states is sometimes rainy during winter , but it is never mild in april .
i dislike grapefruit , lemons , and peaches .
paris is usually nice during june , and it is sometimes quiet in autumn .
you dislike oranges , apples , and grapefruit .
new jersey is sometimes busy during july , and it is sometimes warm in october .
california is sometimes chilly during winter , but it is usually rainy in june .
china is sometimes wet during august , but it is never quiet in october .
paris is hot during spring , but it is usually snowy in june .