56 values
Saved lives, and spent for all of their children's lives. LIberal Madness, playing at a theatre near you.
I agree with what you say, but for those workers it must also become expensive to live in Vancouver, so maybe even they would be happier moving slightly further from downtown. Maybe not as extreme as Toronto...
My observation is there exists unequal share of State monies with its residents, before all the Urban residents get defensive please hear me out. Presently no one except Corporations pay State income taxes. No individual pays state taxes. I noticed state funded bicycle paths, road maintenance, defunct Docks, powerful politicians pet projects such as office buildings, state troopers etc, etc. all these fundings and more are not necessary within City limits, I was amazed at how much our state provides city functions in the bigger cities thus growing the state budget, I saw on tv last night how adg&g was showing the little ones how to ice fish, couldn't the parents do that? yes I pay property taxes. But I will guarantee you once our City folk get the full bill with out the State monies we will not be as wasteful, on the office building...rent what space you need and help the office rental marked. In my business I just retired from,I would ask my managers, "how do you stop spending money"?
Animal based fats are not what causes cardiovascular disease. The research used to pass that false information to patients for decades was misinterpreted and then drug companies covered it up to sell medications that harm health. Of course fats from animals full of hormones and antibiotics or butter from those animals is not healthy, the organic versions are including bacon. We need to eat animal fats to be healthy, especially for our neurological systems. It is the sugar, cigarettes, alcohol and lack of exercise that cause heart disease.
@GOPBlackChick @barrackobama just said u.s.was full of nice,giving,smart ppl.I thought we were mean,unexceptional,bitter clingers?#evolved?
I bet you supported the war on Iraq, or bombing Iran, because, well.....we need to stand up to the "evil doers" of the world and show them that their behavior will not be tolerated... but homegrown terrorist....
"You are seriously comparing pregnancy with the flu?" . No, I am comparing things like Endometriosis, which are prevented or reduced by hormone therapy, to the flu. My post was in reply to a post explicitly responding to "Many women use this hormone treatment to control their menstrual cycles for reasons beyond birth control." You are seriously somehow getting pregnancy prevention from that? Going to such lengths to try to score some sort of rhetorical point against your imagined "collectivists" just makes you look bad.
I like Rachel Notley but regardless of her integrity the west sees that she was stabbed in the back by the Federal NDP and Liberals ..the limousine progressives have totally overplayed their hand and with some help from Coderre the west is pretty much 100% piZZt ... things are tough in towns all across the country and JT comes off like a smug, entitled, trustfunder ... its a bad look
One's biological sex - male and female - is a valid distinction. Sexual expression, according to the Catholic Church, is either moral or immoral in its expression.
yah but ur special Ryan.
Mike18xx|Mike18xx]] 08:45, 9 April
The irony is delicious. A party that is single handedly ruining the province with increased debt needs to borrow and bribe us to allow them to continue to put ourselves in debt. Let this be a warning to all. They have to go.
Generally, yes. Though they may not be the next Steve Jobs. http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/rvp/pubaf/chronicle/v4/N2/ARNOLD.html A caveat. The sample size and follow up time are both small.
"Zero to 1 Billion dollar loss to Alaska" . Just that estimate range alone should give both our Senators serious pause certainly past September 30th (the cut off date for a simple majority vote). I sense the words of Senator John McCain were heard by Senator Murkowski but I am not sure Senator Sullivan can overcome his partisan zeal to understand the message. Senator John McCain: "I argued during the health-care debate for a return to regular order, letting committees of jurisdiction do the principal work of crafting legislation and letting the full Senate debate and amend their efforts." .
आज म्हसळा तालुक्यातील वरवठणे गण येथे आडी मधील आळी, कोळे, केलटे, जांभुळ, साळविंडे तसेच मेंदडी गण येथील बनोटी, खरसई, जमीर नजीर, मेंदडी, काळसुरी, तुरुंबाडी, रोहिणी या गावांना भेट दिली. pic.twitter.com/nBTyxCnW3Q
lyk lideri seyithan öz den senin göruşune saygı duyuyorum
You should be old enough to know better, unless you retired at 12.
Wonder why house prices are so high in the city ?
Build whatever you want, as long as it is not a blight in the city landscape and not one penny comes from the taxpayer to build it.
UTROLIGT, de unge mennesker må kede sig meget, siden de skal ødelægge andres ejendom, håber de bliver stillet til ansvar.......
Reminds me of the old adage to not mud wrestle with a pig as you'll both get dirty and the pig will like it.
Will the owners be barred from issuing a no-cause eviction?
Why is he wasting state resources chasing after this? His argument regarding the prohibition of discrimination in the constitution is invalid since these are non-citizens not covered by our constitution. We as a country have a right to regulate who enters our borders and ensure that they aren't doing so in order to cause us harm. Drop it Mr. Chin and get back to doing your job in Hawaii.
Since when did the truth not matter? Claiming these guys are White Supremacists is just another Leftist lie. Conflating neo-nazis with nationalists, conservatives and anti-jihadists is just another way of misrepresenting reality - a lie. Where is the evidence? Nowhere or in some long debunked blog. If Trump caves on this one, he and the country will suffer inevitable, serious consequences.
Dear Alex In trying to explain some pretty technical stuff, you missed a couple key points relevant to why or why not CO2 removal is important in the case of North Slope pipelines and LNG plants. 1) The producers should want to capture and reinject the CO2 as part of their Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) project. CO2 will significantly increase the oil recovery and that additional oil should payout the CO2 processing cost. 2) CO2 is a real problem at an LNG plant - solid dry ice doesn't go through the gas compressors very well. CO2 in a gas pipeline just uses up space, but regardless, the specification on allowable CO2 content in pipeline gas is much higher than for gas to an LNG plant. You need to find a friendly petroleum engineer to fact check these kind of stories before they get printed in the paper. Reasons companies do or don't spend billions of dollars are multiple and subtle.
Do you always act like a jackass when someone asks a simple question? Perhaps you should learn to "deal with" your attitude.
Budsie: 'tis indeed and if I don't get the chance, you stay jolly pal and have a Very Merry Christmas and plenty of good fortune to you, your family and your Jets, in the New Year.
Fall Guy RENG: sivir Qursor: boosted piece of shit Fall Guy RENG: what did i do Fall Guy RENG: take me back JETAIMETAMMY69 left the room. Fall Guy RENG: pls Pelipper AnFam: why would i do that Fall Guy RENG: the kitten Pelipper AnFam: when you jumped on someone else Fall Guy RENG: just wants to hug you Qursor left the room. URonmylist left the room. Fall Guy RENG: it wasnt like that Pelipper AnFam: YOU CHEATED ON ME Fall Guy RENG: i swear Fall Guy RENG: veigars just a friend Pelipper AnFam: YOU SAW SOMEONE ELSE Im Doraemon left the room. Pelipper AnFam: AND WANTED TO GO feeI like Pablo left the room. Pelipper AnFam: I SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOUR ONLY ONE Pelipper AnFam: YOUR ONE AND ONLY Pelipper AnFam: I CAN'T FORGIVE YOU Weadlad left the room. Fall Guy RENG: what if i buy you something Pelipper AnFam: like what Fall Guy RENG: porn Pelipper AnFam: go on... Fall Guy RENG: gay porn LogicaLLoL left the room. Pelipper AnFam: ....go on... Fall Guy RENG: gay jhin porn Pelipper AnFam: HNNNNG Fall Guy RENG: <3 Pelipper AnFam: LOTUS BOMB Pelipper AnFam: :) Pelipper AnFam: gg doe
??? Your math is completely wrong here unless there is some huge assumption you are making! Someone with 5 employees working 35-hours per week, 52 weeks per year (employers need to pay for holidays and vacation pay) at minimum wage they are earning $20,748/year right now at $11.40/hour. Total direct labour costs are $103,740/year for the 5 of them. If labour is 10% of revenue than, for just over 100 grand in labour costs, you're looking at just over $1.0M in revenue, not $6.2M. Even if you add in a lot of "extra" costs for labour (wage taxes, administrative costs) you're probably only looking at $150,000 or so, so $1.5M in revenue by your numbers. Increase minimum wage to $15/hour and the direct labour costs rise to $136,500/year, a $32,760 increase. That would require a 2 to 3% increase in prices to cover. Similarly for your restaurant example it would require a 6 to 7% increase in prices.
Maybe the tourist helicopters should go back to the mainland. I'll take the frogs.
HAHAHA. Hey Pal, this article is speaking directly to you.
Being a lifelong, practicing Catholic, I agree with Mr. Dearing.
Bem-vindo(a), LUCIANE MOLINA MORAES! Seu trabalho é importante. Sou colaborador da Wikipédia. Espero que também goste de colaborar com esta enciclopédia, que dá a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter livre acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. Ajude-nos a melhorar e acrescentar informações. Obrigado por suas contribuições. Espero que goste daqui e decida ficar. Aqui estão algumas páginas que podem ajudar: Os cinco pilares da Wikipédia Tutorial Como editar uma página e Como melhorar um artigo Como criar o seu primeiro artigo Livro de estilo Se precisar de ajuda, pergunte em minha página de discussão ou na página para tirar dúvidas. Sua página de testes está à disposição para que você possa testar a sintaxe do software usado na Wikipédia. Pode também se inscrever no programa de tutoria e ser acompanhado(a) por um(a) editor(a) mais experiente. Por favor assine suas mensagens nas páginas de discussão usando quatro tiles (~~~~) ou o botão 20px presente no alto da janela de edição; isso irá inserir automaticamente seu nome de usuário e a data. Darwin Ahoy!
This was my column, as approved by my editor, that the Courant refused to publish about one of its biggest advertisers. It was scheduled to run on Aug. 2 but was held without an explanation. This was the first time in my 40 years at The Courant that an investigation by the attorney general was withheld from the public. State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal says he has launched an investigation into consumer complaints that Sleepy’s sold mattresses or box springs that were used instead of new, and in one case infested with bedbugs. Blumenthal said last month that he has up to 10 recent complaints against Sleepy’s, the largest mattress chain in the United States, with 74 stores in Connecticut. A letter from Adam S. Blank, Sleepy’s general counsel and chief operating officer. Please click here. A letter from Stern Environmental Group to Sleepy’s customer Jeff Maier. Please click here. “We have received a number of complaints, up to 10, that mattresses maybe have been used, with groves and deep depressions,” Blumenthal said in an interview with me. Prior to that interview I asked Blumenthal to check to see whether any other mattress retailers had complaints filed against them of giving customers used mattresses or of bed bug infestation. “Sleepy’s was the only one” the attorney general replied. Sleepy’s denies it has ever sold a used mattress and says its inspection and quality control process would make it impossible for someone to receive a product infested with bedbugs. It says there has never been a proven case of bedbug infestations caused by their merchandise. Sleepy’s, with 700 stores nationwide, says that the number of complaints against it is tiny compared to the hundreds of thousands of mattresses the company sells each year. And almost all of the complaints were resolved. Blumenthal’s investigation into Sleepy’s operations is the second in Connecticut since 2004 when the company paid a $4,000 fine to consumer protection. Two years ago Sleepy’s, according to the Better Business Bureau, paid a $200,000 fine to New York City consumer officials as part of a settlement. The BBB said that the company faced charges that it used “deceptive sales tactics, including exchanging defective mattresses with equally defective mattresses; charging additional delivery fees to consumers for exchanging damaged mattresses; failing to deliver items when scheduled and not properly informing or offering customers store credit or refund; and refusing to honor manufacturer warranties because of alleged stains. Jeff Maier, a Norwalk small businessman, asked Blumenthal to investigate Sleepy’s last December because he and his wife had a ‘’severe’’ bedbug infestation that Maier said was the result of buying what appeared to be a used box spring from the Stamford Sleepy’s store. One week after receiving the box spring, Maier said in a telephone interview, his wife began developing red spots, which Maier said came from bedbugs. He said they hired the Stern Environmental Group of Secaucus, N.J. to investigate and to exterminate the bugs. The company – which specializes in ridding homes of bedbugs – dismantled the box spring and determined that it was the cause of the infestation, Maier said. Stern Environmental Group’s report, made available to me, states that the “box spring … was the culprit. There were bedbugs inside and the box spring did not look like it was new.” Maier said it took two months before all the bedbugs could be killed. (During that time, he told me, he and his wife had to stay in their bed because if they slept somewhere else the bedbugs would have moved with them.) He said Sleepy’s attorneys offered a replacement box spring, but they denied that the bedbugs came from their merchandise. Maier said he was suspicious when the delivery was made because the heavy plastic used to seal the box spring appeared to have been opened. He said one of the workers assured him that it was opened by them as they took it out of their truck. Maier said there is no other explanation for the bedbug infestation. The couple had not slept anywhere else in the weeks prior to their purchase, Maier said, and their personal habits had not changed. Adam S. Blank, Sleepy’s general counsel and chief operating officer, said last month Sleepy’s was unaware of Blumenthal’s investigation and said bedbugs do not originate in beds, but come from people. If Sleepy’s had delivered a box spring to Maier that contained bedbugs, all the other merchandise on the truck would have also had bedbugs, he wrote in a five-page response to my questions. “Sleepy’s does not now, has never, and will never, sell a used mattress. Any claim to the contrary we find to be defamatory,” wrote Blank. The BBB report state that in the past three years, 633 complaints were filed against Sleepy’s 700 stores (no state-by-state breakdown available). BBB statistics show that complaints grew yearly in the following areas: warranty issues, product issues, refund or exchange issues, selling practices and delivery issues. “Complaints to the BBB have alleged failure to provide timely delivery; failure to honor warranties and guarantees; credit and billing disputes; and poor product quality. This firm has failed to eliminate the underlying cause of complaints brought to its attention by the Bureau,” the bureau reports on its web site. Better Bedding, with nine stores in Connecticut and now in reorganization in Bankruptcy Court, has had four complaints with the BBB in the past three years and still has its top rating of A+. In 2002 Sleepy’s paid a $4,000 fine to Connecticut consumer officials as part of a settlement into complaints the company delivered mattresses in the middle of night and delivered defective merchandise, and a complaint that used merchandise may have been sold as new. In all four cases, Sleepy’s did not admit to any wrongdoing, which is common in out-of-court settlements. The report from Stern, Sleepy’s complete response, the 2002 Connecticut settlement details, and the BBB reports, as well as details of the four settlements will be published on this blog. Similar Posts:
It's all about vision and leadership. China is now working on a global power grid first thought up by Japanese tycoon, Masayoshi Son. The Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation proposal (GEIDCO) is that national power grids will be linked by ultra high voltage lines. Wind farms at the North Pole and solar farms at the equator will generate power that will be sent worldwide. It will cost around 50 trillion dollars and be finished by 2050. If Donald Trump wants to pull out of the Paris Accord, then so be it. Then let America not benefit from GEIDCO or any environmental initiative.
:: I think the list of compositions need to be restored, it is pretty customary for composers.
" The line that clearly states not to edit it. 9(talk) "
Senile Bernstein. Somebody must have dressed him, wiped the oatmeal off his chin and driven him downtown. Nothing of substance since Watergate.
Why so little discussion or reporting on the rape of a young freshman girl in a high school bathroom in Maryland by an illegal alien (18 years old)? Another perfect example of bias by omission. The story supports Trump's position that we need to get rid of the "bad dudes".
C'est amplifié par l'actualité.
Tag Archives: Batman & Robin Following the piracy of "Batman" #17 in advance of its release date earlier this week, DC Comics has another leak on its hands. A photo of variant covers for "Batman, Incorporated" #8 has surfaced, nearly two weeks prior to the comic's February 27 release date. The photo shows three variant covers homaging Grant Morrison's "Batman: R.I.P.," with Damian Wayne's Robin standing in for his father, the Dark Knight. Additionally, the letters "R.I.P." appear at the bottom, using Robin's "R" icon, revealing a major spoiler for Morrison's upcoming "Batman, Incorporated" arc, which has been kept under tight wraps by DC. Damian's death as the focus of Morrison's newest arc has been a popular theory on Internet message boards, as Damian is nowhere to be found on the covers for May's Batman-related issues, even on the cover of "Batman and Robin" #19. When approached by CBR News about the leak, DC representatives replied, "No comment." "Batman Incorporated" #8 is far enough from its release date that retailers shouldn't have received copies from Diamond yet. Retailers who opt-in to Diamond's early delivery typically receive issues on the Tuesday before release, which makes how Mega obtained the issues somewhat of a mystery. Timing-wise, the leak syncs with the "Amazing Spider-Man" #700 leak last year, when scans of the issue popped up online 12 days early, exactly the same amount of time before the issue was scheduled for release. "It's always disappointing when someone decides to spoil a big story by posting it on the torrents," Alonso told CBR. "Piracy affects fans, creators and retailers who look forward to a big comic book to put some cash in their registers — which 'Amazing Spider-Man #700' definitely will do. The fact that physical copies of the issue exist, but are accessible to a select few, is, of course, alarming." DC Universe Online is proud to present Home Turf, our sixth DLC Pack! Home Turf introduces customizable Player Bases, powerful new abilities provided by your Base's Mainframe, action-focused one on one Player vs. Player Lair Battles, engaging new solo story content in iconic Gotham City and Metropolis locations, and loads of new gear and rewards. Watch the brand new trailer below, then log in and start building your very own Base today! SPOILER ALERT: If you have not read JUSTICE LEAGUE #14 yet and do not wish to know what happens, stop reading this post now (major spoiler alerts ahead!) Earlier this week, we teased that JUSTICE LEAGUE #14 would reveal the fate of the transformed Superman after being bitten by the Cheetah. Well if you picked up the issue when it hit stores this past Wednesday, you now know exactly what we were talking about! In JUSTICE LEAGUE #14, the League continues their battle against the Cheetah and Superman, while simultaneously trying to protect the Man of Steel from the wounds inflicted upon him. Deep in the forest, they meet the tribe that the Cheetah was meant to protect. The head of this tribe details the long history of the Cheetah and reveals that the root of the problem is not that the Goddess of the Hunt is evil. Instead, it’s the woman possessed by her who is! After being captured by the tribe, Superman is cured, and Cheetah gets locked away in Belle Reve. But once behind bars, the villainess begins to talk to an unseen source, revealing that her imprisonment was all part of a larger and mysterious plan. Meanwhile, on the Watchtower, the League tells Diana that Barbara Minerva is a lie. She is actually a wanted criminal who continues to switch identities to escape the authorities. Hurt by this news about the woman she once called her best friend, Wonder Woman seeks comfort in the Man of Steel. Much to the surprise of the local customers, Superman takes Wonder Woman to the Smallville Diner in an attempt to help her regain some incentive to be the superhero that she is. Afterwards, he takes her on a tour of the Kent family farm and the duo share another passionate kiss. Little do these lovebirds know, someone is watching their every move! It’s their teammate, Batman. And judging by the look on his face, he seems less than thrilled about his friends’ developing romance. How will the Dark Knight’s knowledge of Wonder Woman and Superman’s relationship impact it? And more importantly, what will this mean for the Justice League itself? Place your bets in the comments section! Below, take a look at the final pages of “The Secret of the Cheetah” as Superman and Wonder Woman kiss under the watchful eye of Batman. Setting the stage for next month’s epic crossover event with AQUAMAN, “Throne of Atlantis,” JUSTICE LEAGUE #14 comes to you from the creative team of writer Geoff Johns and artists Tony S. Daniel, Matt Banning, and Sandu Florea. Pick up the issue, in stores now! We are back from SOE Live from Vegas!!! It was a great time and event from SOE and we give you the latest run down of our experiance at this years SOELive event. We also go into detail about our talk with DCUO devs and info on the new DLC home turf and the future DLC for DCUO in 2013. Podcast 60 is now live and we get you caught up on dc universe online update 17 and a few more surprises in store. Along with the latest news we also have some community news and shoutouts. So join us as the unlimited crew holds court. Calling all Heroes and Villains. Become the Next Legend at SOE Live! Join us at Bally’s Las Vegas this October for a jam-packed weekend of DC Universe™ Online. Meet members of the DCUO development team, participate in live DCUO events and contests, party into the wee hours with fellow players, and hear the latest and greatest about the game. SOE Live, formerly known as SOE Fan Faire, is a celebration of ALL SOE games and gamers alike, with activities planned for players of ALL ages. With so many legendary events planned, your weekend will be a nonstop adventure! Word came out via Variety that Warner Bros is looking to tone down the violence in the new cartoon series "Beware" (of the Batman). Enlightened by the events following the Colorado shootings, WB wants to take a closer look at the series. They've asked for a review of the show's content to ensure they are socially considerate after the tragic events that happened during a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises. Now, no one from WB has commented, but you can rest assured meetings and phone calls have taken place. My Thoughts: It is a show for kids. But remember, when we were kids we knew when Elmer Fudd was trying to shoot Bugs Bunny it was all fun and games. Do not insult children by treating them with kid gloves. The gunman was clearly not in his right mind and needs psychiatric help. But I do see WB's side in this situation. They are sensitive to this traumatic event & don't want to draw any bad publicity. It's a tough situation that can put WB between a rock and a hard place. I love Batman! Many of us do because there is something about a guy dressing up in an outfit and fighting crime that amazes us. The cowl, the cape, the Batmobile, the Batcave, the Joker, Catwoman, etc. There are so many iconic things that draw us to the Caped Crusader. As the credits for Dark Knight Rises roll, you will see the usual acknowledgment that Batman was created by Bob Kane. But what if I told you that all the things that you love about Batman were not even created by Bob Kane? Would you be mad? Would you feel like you've been lied too? Join us as we review the latest movie based on the Batman Franchise. Warning: We did experiance some audio issues with Shawn and Terran. We discuss the story, the characters and things you might have missed. We also give our take on Nolan's Batman trilogy. GOTHAM NEWS RADIO 3 is here and we got all the news about batman from San Diego Comic Con. We get you caught up on hot batman team Scott Snyders and Greg Capullo's take on Joker's upcoming story arc "Death in the Family". We also got video game news and of course a preview of The Dark Knight Rises. Earlier today, we told you about our panels at San Diego Comic Con this weekend. Now, take a look at the schedule for signings with our talent at the DCE booth! But that’s not all! As a special treat, Jim Lee and Chris Daughtry will be doing a signing together on Friday at 7:30 at the Michael J. Wolf Gallery! And what’s more, the first 50 people in line for this signing will get a free autographed lithograph, drawn by Daughtry and inked by Lee! Please note that the Geoff Johns, Jim Lee, Scott Snyder and Anthony Bourdain signings will require wristbands. Wristbands will be available at the beginning of each day at the DCE booth for that day's signing. Join DCE’s VP – Art Direction and Design, Mark Chiarello, for an informative orientation session that will explain how DCE’s Talent Search works and discuss the different needs of the DC Comics, Vertigo and MAD Magazine brands. If you want to learn what DCE looks for in artists and how to improve your chances of becoming a working professional, then this is the panel for you! In order to have your work reviewed, attendance at this orientation session is mandatory. (Please note: Not all attendees are guaranteed a one-on-one review.) Room 4 On the long list of DC Comics' villains and super villains, the Joker is undoubtedly one of the publisher's best-known antagonists. An iconic Batman bad guy who has appeared in comics, film, TV, video games and pretty much any type of media featuring the Caped Crusader, "Batman" writer Scott Snyder finally takes his long-awaited shot at writing Gotham's maniacal clown in a new October-launching story arc titled "Death Of The Family." The Joker debuted in 1940 in the pages of "Batman" #1, beginning his 70-odd year life as a criminal psychopath and one of Batman's most dangerous archenemies. In the relaunched New 52 DC Universe, the Joker was first and last seen in writer/artist Tony Daniels' "Detective Comics" #1, getting a face lift from the villain the Dollmaker — quite literally, as Dollmaker peeled Joker's entire face off and tacked it to the wall. Mysteriously and noticably absent since that issue, Snyder's "Death Of The Family," drawn by regular "Batman" artist Greg Capullo, will be the first to touch on the character fully since last September as the Joker returns, gunning for Batman and all the Bat allies. Amidst all the buzz surrounding the recently announced storyline, CBR spoke directly with Snyder about his new story, how Joker will look sans-face, and the Joker crossover brewing among the rest of the Bat books.
You might not really like it that much, in the actual situation. I suggest you follow a rule all men know: don't take it out and wave it around in public.
It isn't really 39%. In 2011 is was 39% of 61% of 88% = a bit under 21%. In 2015 it was 39% 0f 69% of 88.4% = a hair under 24%. Result = % x nominal turnout x registration/eligible. 21% is an absurdly small number in a democracy. 24% isn't much better. The biggest difference between 2011 and 2015, though, was that in 2011 the Conservatives were, in essence, nobody's second choice, and truly formed a majority government in utter defiance of the wishes of a majority of votes. By contrast, in 2015 the Liberals, NDP, and Greens were all fishing from a common pool of votes (roughly 5/8 of the electorate) who were largely indifferent to which of those three parties formed the government, just as long as it was not the deservedly reviled incumbent. The Liberals can be said to be governing with the consent of the clear majority of the governed in a way that was simply never true at any time from 2006 - 2015. Although the honeymoon just ended, that circumstance remains largely true.
If one's purpose is clearly to leave behind "old concepts, cultures etc." why not just leave them? But don't forget to stop identifying as "Christian."
`{| class=``messagebox`` style=``background: AntiqueWhite;`` |- |This talk page is automatically archived by . Any sections older than (20) days are automatically archived to ''''''. Sections without timestamps are not archived. |- |} `
Stop blaming others for your kids who can't make it into a competitive school. Let's have some fact based discussions. There is some facts. There are actually more domestic seats at over the years. Use UBC as an example, if you look at stats here. https://apsc.ubc.ca/about/facts-and-figures UBC Engineering for example, in 2006 there were 3,440 total seats but in 2016 there were 5,678. If you look at the percentage of international students over the years, you'll realize that domestic seats actually went up.
Why don't they do a calendar of all the animals they have euthanized?
What is the law on donations/contributions to political parties by people who are not citizens?
La nostra Costituzione garantisce la libertà di culto, per cui è sensato che i musulmani abbiano luoghi di preghiera per loro.
:Now you're accusing me of harassment, just look at the conversation i haven't used any profanity, User_talk:Kwamikagam is one who harassed me by saying i'm an idiot on the User_talk:Kwamikagam talk page view history: I will not take this problem gentlely i will report all hypocrites and people using admins powers only to achieve their own goals.
@ You Know What Fine!! FUCK YOU!!!! I hope you and and that smart ass and douchbag burn in hell!! Because I was just having some fun and trying to be right for once by having some connection. Weird Al is right! Wikipedia does suck!!!
Justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done. This is the essence of the principle of open justice. Put differently, the public has a right to have access to the courts, to observe how matters will be decided and to obtain court documents relating to those cases. The past few months have been particularly important for this principle. First, the Supreme Court of Appeal in the South African National Roads Agency (Sanral) case handed down a significant judgment, which clarified that court documents should be available to the public from the time that they are filed – and thus well before the actual court hearing. Continue reading →
For the sake of Vancouver Canucks fans’ sanity, let’s assume that the unfortunate result of Jesperi Kotkaniemi holding Elias Pettersson behind the play and falling awkwardly on his leg leads to a much more minor injury than it looked like initially, and Pettersson can get back into games before we know it. The Canucks will need their rookie phenom to continue to be in top form if they have any hope of making the playoffs this year. At this stage of the season, I don’t think I was alone in thinking the Canucks would be much further out of the picture, but the team has rallied around the transcendent performance of Pettersson and sit just one point behind the Anaheim Ducks for the second wild card spot in the West. Stream Canucks hockey on Sportsnet NOW Sportsnet NOW gives you access to over 500 NHL games this season, blackout-free, including Hockey Night in Canada, Rogers Hometown Hockey, Scotiabank Wednesday Night Hockey, the entire 2019 Stanley Cup Playoffs and more. The one wrench in the gears outside of Pettersson’s injury is that the Canucks have played more games than every other team they’re within four points of, and the team that’s the most dangerous to them in Minnesota has a whopping five games in hand. So the question becomes how likely is it that Vancouver can squeeze its way into one of those wild card spots? Let’s look at how the Canucks compare to the teams that are within plus or minus four points of them the standings. Examining the statistics at 5-vs-5 on a team-wide perspective, things don’t look too great for the Canucks. They’re outplayed by their opponents in each of the major categories that lead to goal scoring. Specifically, the Canucks are weakest at manufacturing and preventing quality chances, both in terms of shot locations and puck movement. The good news for the Canucks is that three of these teams can make the cut, and of this group they’re currently third in the tiebreaker (regulation or overtime wins with 19, tied with Minnesota). However, that’s about the only bit of good news. Jacob Markstrom has had a strong season for a team that isn’t amazing defensively, but of this group, he’s only putting up a better save percentage than one team’s starting goalie — Edmonton’s Cam Talbot, who has been giving up more and more of the net to Mikko Koskinen. Koskinen has also been stronger than Markstrom so far. Top prospect Thatcher Demko could add depth in goal for the Canucks, giving them more chances to win games that may have previously felt like schedule losses. Even if they start getting better goaltending, their play at 5-vs-5 has to improve if they’re going to not only pass one of the teams ahead of them, but avoid being leapfrogged by Minnesota as the season wears on. Of the teams currently in a playoff spot, the Anaheim Ducks look to be the most vulnerable, despite the fact they’re getting fewer than 40 per cent of the high danger chances in their games. They have John Gibson stopping 92.5 per cent of the shots he faces papering over their weaknesses. Dallas is the other team that looks a little vulnerable, and much like the Ducks they’re being carried by great goaltending, with Ben Bishop stopping 92.3 per cent of everything he’s seen this season. 31 Thoughts: The Podcast Jeff Marek and Elliotte Friedman talk to a lot of people around the hockey world, and then they tell listeners all about what they’ve heard and what they think about it. Looking at special teams doesn’t exactly bode well for the Canucks either, as they’re among the bottom-10 teams in the league at creating scoring chances on the power play. They also shoot from outside the slot more than league average. Vancouver does have a very effective penalty kill, preventing scoring chances overall like a top-10 team, while limiting high danger chances like a top-five team. That’s something to build on, but hockey goes both ways; you have to prevent goals and score them. The Pettersson effect has been enough to get them this far, but getting over the hump and into the playoffs is a bigger challenge than simply being almost there. Both the standings and the statistics are stacked against them this season, and while playoff fever may be a tempting feeling for Vancouver to capture once again, I don’t think it would be a bad thing necessarily for this group to just miss out on the postseason. Remember that in September this team was expected to be among the worst in the league. Now, all these young players have realized the team is better initially projected and can play well enough to get close to the playoffs. That lesson, along with a better draft pick, is not such a bad consolation prize if the Canucks can’t pull it off. This is clearly a team on the rise, but they don’t look like they’re quite at playoff level yet.
Some say cucumbers taste better pickled.
The problem with benefits is that they go to the poor for being poor. Give every family with a worker or remedial/student trainee a child care tax cut of $1000 per child per month and you will build solidarity behind the concept of living wage and thus de-fang the GOP. Of course, abortion is still an issue for rural voters. Catholic politicians need to drop the pluralism line and explain why Roe was decided the way it is and why it cannot be overturned judicially. Cast the question of when personhood begins as a federal legislative question, debate it until no one has any new ideas, compromise and disband both NARAL an the National right to Life Committee. The GOP knows what would happen to it if a real compromise were enacted, so don't expect one, ever. Stating the strategy, however, would still take away their meal ticket. Obama did this on a small scale in 2008. Time to go big.
Really? What other Civil beat articles have you commented on in the past month?
بالله يا الظفيري ما وجدت تناقش الا مع خائف وخائن.
My kids played hockey there-normally tournements in Taos years ago. Since then, we go back and stay from time to time - we like New Mexico. I just plan on retiring by the ocean so NM is out for that, sadly. That is one thing that enables CA to maintain Prop 13, they have a vibrant and ever changing eononmy-a solid one. Even at the lows, it isn't low like Michigan, or Mississippi. Like your state, CA lawmakers would love to get Prop 13 gone and hike taxes but it won't happen. It would financially wipe out their residents pretty much, and quickly. Then they would be like Mississippi etc. In a while, I would like to go back and discuss gun control and gun control issues with you. Just have to do some things first. Okay?
Should have got Ken Burns to produce the documentary. He usually does such nice work. Maybe Tom Hanks can narrate?
"It makes me angry too even if I'm not Egyptian. Fuck the spring if all it did was bring bloodthirsty cavemen to power and threaten the lives of minorities. There are still some glimpses of hope though with the likes of bassem youssof. It's…" "Sal, My husband and I are coming to Morocco 3/25/13 (Rabat, Fes and Marrakech) and would love to meet Moroccan atheists. Sal, are you still in Fes and would you have time to talk with us? Do you know any other atheists in Morocco,…" "I am not sure how to make it any clearer...Is this "angry OCD ...man/child" a real person? If so, I am sorry you have to associate with him. If you are not forced by work, or some other reason, to be in contact with him, then there is…" "I am hoping, for your sake this, "angry OCD passive aggressive man-child with very similar characteristics to a mere cruelly ambitious human being" is someone you are not able to avoid. If you are able to avoid this person, and don't,…" Sal The apostate's Photos Sal The apostate's Blog As an apostate, you'll find many difficulties making friends, living freely and your point will never be understood. So you start realizing the uselessness of debate and swear to never bring religious subjects and avoid overly religious zealots. You never reveal yourself, you hang out with those who barely mention god and try to look for similarities in intellect, domain and habits. You joke with them, you make sure respect is mutual, you try to enjoy your mutual habits (smoking,… it's the first question any religious nut will ask a non-believer. and it's annoying as shit. Seriously, Religious folks, WHEN WILL YOU GET OVER THAT? The question is wrong in its basics. First, it's not a "who" since that is restricted to humans, and using it already presumes that there is a human-like being who created man. and that's religion's first flaw. The obvious humanity of god. From which we can only assume that it was man who actually created god to manipulate his fellow… What's Rational for you is Blasphemy to them.What's normal for you is sin to them.The word freedom scares them.The word reason angers them.The word Atheist makes them wanna Kill you!! Welcome to the life of an apostate. A life of hiding, survival and insanity.Their everyday reasoning makes you wanna laugh to no end; Yet you hide it all in an agreeing smile.You love to smoke, drink and get laid! Too bad the law is against you, Time for pleasure driven stealth… Continue Being an apostate amongst religious zombies is no easy task. Especially if you're trapped by modern artificial border protection that pretty much renders any form of escape impossible. Every dawn you're woken up by the mosque's loud speakers calling for prayer, and it makes no sense to you. And you remind yourself that it's also Ramadan, and you hate the fact that you have to eat and drink in hiding, and that doing so in public with result in a mob stoning you to death, and that even… Continue Comment Wall (5 comments) You need to be a member of Think Atheist to add comments! My husband and I are coming to Morocco 3/25/13 (Rabat, Fes and Marrakech) and would love to meet Moroccan atheists. Sal, are you still in Fes and would you have time to talk with us? Do you know any other atheists in Morocco, especially where we are traveling?
Q: Forcing SSL on /admin.php only Trying to force SSL on the admin area only (/admin.php) but running into some issues. I've installed the http support add-on (http://devot-ee.com/add-ons/https-support) and the SSL certificate is up and running with this the admin area all works fine. However when logged in if you visit the main site it also tries to force to SSL, but for some reason pages 404 unless they have /index.php/ in the URL, making me assume this is a .htaccess issue. I'd rather not have the main site on SSL when logged in, but if this isn't possible with the https support add on then I'd be happy to just get the https site working without /index.php/ Our current .htaccess looks like this: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On # Redirect index.php Requests # ------------------------------ RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET.*index\.php [NC] RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} !/system/.* RewriteRule (.*?)index\.php/*(.*) /$1$2 [R=301,L] # Standard ExpressionEngine Rewrite # ------------------------------ RewriteCond $1 !\.(css|js|gif|jpe?g|png) [NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L] </IfModule> Not being an expert I can't see why the removal of /index.php isn't working for https? Any ideas? A: Firstly I think you should rename admin.php to something else, in line with the Post-Installation Best Practices which can be read at http://ellislab.com/expressionengine/user-guide/installation/best_practices.html I would go for a sub-folder, and rename it something obscure like /badgers/index.php In turn, this would make your htaccess file easier because you can now have different rules for that sub-folder. I would also uninstall the HTTPS Support module, it makes the entire site encrypted and not just admin and so it's not quite right for you. I am unable to test this because I'm on a silly Chromebook right now, but this may work. <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / # Make visits to /badger/ HTTPS RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]+\s/badger [NC] RewriteRule ^(badger) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [NC,R=301,L] # Make standard visits HTTP RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =on RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} !^[A-Z]+\s/badger [NC] RewriteRule !^badger http://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [NC,R=301,L] # Removes index.php from ExpressionEngine URLs RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^GET.*index\.php [NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !/system/.* [NC] RewriteRule (.*?)index\.php/*(.*) /$1$2 [R=301,NE,L] # Directs all EE web requests through the site index file RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L] </IfModule> HTACCESS adapted from EllisLab's (http://ellislab.com/expressionengine/user-guide/urls/remove_index.php.html) and this Stack Exchange (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3307025/force-https-on-certain-urls-and-force-http-for-all-others)
Describe the specific walking movement
One thing I learned as a pup is that all the faithful must learn Arabic to become Muslim. That is so they can read the actual, unchanging, and unchanged words of the Prophet as they were spoken 700 years ago. The required five daily prayers must be recited in Arabic. They are one of the five "Pillars of Islam". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Pillars_of_Islam
Yes, it's complicated ... an immediate "knee-jerk reaction" (and then reality setting in? The bombing might just be a one-off.) Some stocks ended low, but many surged when bombing was announced. War is good for business. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-markets-idUSKBN179031
` == Yeah == You're right, he's a complete cock. Runs and tells his boyfriend whenever anyone questions the shitty job he does of ``creating`` pages.`
You forgot the 225 Canadians that jetted to Marrakesh a few weeks back....that you paid for.
The brits caused suffering and disruption all over the world for over 250 years, basing their crimes against humanity largely on their racism (and of course greed). Now their racism will cause disruption and suffering at home. Funny isn't it?
One other comment, intros are intended for a general audience, so technical concepts which will not be understood by the average reader should be moved from the intro to the body of the article. We may want to do some of that here.
Marco Rubio got it right when he called Trump a con man. How many of out other legislators are con artists? I can name one. Lisa Murkowski. She says she's for Alaskans. She says she understands the seriousness of issues plaguing our state yet continues to endorse unsustainable and environmentally devastating industries as well as the self-perpetuating Republican system.
We got rid of the last divisive PM. We'll get rid of this one as well. I guess red or blue conservatives are not Justin's neighbors after all!!!
@picdetroi Los albañiles bolivianos q me están reformando la cocina y el baño son unos gentlemen al lado de esta guarrilla callejolera.
If you had said 'the home counties' I might have given this tweet a like.
Category: compassion Latest work: thank you for listening to my previous ramblings, and here is more. Continued, committing to providing free variety to service my fans that are or could be the poor and indigent dialogists — or just bored with what is out there already. Probably just bored though. THE LATEST ( this has curse words, this has curse words, this has curse words, this has curse words, this has curse words, this has curse words, this has curse words, this has curse words, and if you did not read that, this has curse words and you have been warned that this recording is completely free of any curse words whatsoever, it has no curse words, so it is safe for your children and most religious clergy to playback — what are you a moron? I just — eeghhh, just nevermind custom DISCLAIMER brought to you in part by SUBTEXT! For the best in subtext, buy subtext brand subtext! Wow! Isn’t that amazing!? I want two of them! One for the office and three for the insane asylum ) Jeremy Dinovo delivers post-consumer bi-product to be recycled in the airwaves. Enjoy! P.S. I would actually have buyer’s remorse if I had actually received something for my money. I still impatiently await my refund that is due. ** special note: this is a rough version, and is PURPOSEFULLY UN-EDITED and not mixed, except by the personal control of my own vocal loudness, because this audio is what I recorded and intended for publication. Either way, this audio-only is fun to listen to as all of the levels are safely enough tamed ** Latest work: thank you for listening to my previous ramblings, and here is more. Continued, committing to providing free variety to service my fans that are or could be the poor and indigent dialogists — or just bored with what is out there already. Probably just bored though. THE LATEST Jeremy Dinovo delivers PART 1, a RESPONSE to this one variety session about juice fasting another clump of variety session, and this time covering some informal sociology of a recent physiological and subsequent social experiment of mine : juice fasting, or drinking a set amount of organic fresh-prepared juices (mostly carrot, with apple, with greens) daily, and to fast as much as is humanly possible by reducing caloric or carb intake. In other words, only eating all-natural organic fruit and vegetable juice, no strenuous exercising, but just attening to clerical and clerklike work, in order to achieve weight loss; this would be coupled with a detox bath every two days or as-needed that has : sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), epsom salt, ginger, and clay, in order to sweat out toxins, as one would by exercising. ** special note: this is a rough version, and is PURPOSEFULLY UN-EDITED and not mixed, except by the personal control of my own vocal loudness, because this audio is what I recorded and intended for publication. Either way, this audio-only is fun to listen to as all of the levels are safely enough tamed ** Latest work: thank you for listening to my previous ramblings, and here is more. Continued, committing to providing free variety to service my fans that are or could be the poor and indigent dialogists — or just bored with what is out there already. Probably just bored though. THE LATEST Jeremy Dinovo delivers another clump of variety session, and this time covering some informal sociology of a recent physiological and subsequent social experiment of mine : juice fasting, or drinking a set amount of organic fresh-prepared juices (mostly carrot, with apple, with greens) daily, and to fast as much as is humanly possible by reducing caloric or carb intake. In other words, only eating all-natural organic fruit and vegetable juice, no strenuous exercising, but just attening to clerical and clerklike work, in order to achieve weight loss; this would be coupled with a detox bath every two days or as-needed that has : sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), epsom salt, ginger, and clay, in order to sweat out toxins, as one would by exercising. ** special note: this is a rough version, and is PURPOSEFULLY UN-EDITED and not mixed, except by the personal control of my own vocal loudness, because this audio is what I recorded and intended for publication. Either way, this audio-only is fun to listen to as all of the levels are safely enough tamed ** Help! My longtime cared for six-string Carvin LB-76 bass is in dire need of repair, and I need help from my audience, that is also my Investors (of interest, time, and or money) and very honored Prospective Investors, in order to perform this TIME-CRITICAL repair, before it is too late, and my beautiful FIFTEEN YEAR OLD studio recording quality BASS GUITAR will be but a sad memory, which I, jeremy dinovo, the organizer of this campaign, will not allow. In 2002, this guitar was made as I had custom ordered it, every checkmark box I wanted and none of the checkmark boxes of specification I did not want, just for me, from THE CARVIN GUITARS factory, in San Diego, when it was still Carvin. If you have Facebook you can view my FUNDRAISER PITCH, to review and to respond to this call to action for my needs : Click for more details if you are interested in this special limited time offer ! Latest work: I tracked (recorded to audio and video track) my attempt at a new Variety Sessions variety session session session. Continued, committing to providing free music to service my fans that are or could be the musically poor and indigent — or just bored with what is out there already.THE LATEST More variety session video, I briefed the best intro I could regarding my modus operandi and how it pertains to this web site. a. un-cut, thus parts lack any expected refinement, and this Audio Track is b. un-censored … however, I think this would be “NOT NECESSARILY office-safe”, as it were… so enjoy (click the blue “Continue reading” link) ** special warning, this is pretty dark visually, but is clear enough — and it is Un-rehearsed, so what you see and hear, for the (your / my / someone else’s money) is what you get ** Latest work: listen to my music. Continued, committing to providing free comedy to service my fans that are or could be the comedic poor and indigent — or just bored with what is out there already.THE LATEST ** special note: what you hear is not mastered, so audio levels could be somewhat louder in parts. Though this loudness is mostly bearable and not too bad, if this would be compared to a finished version, the unmastered version is or would be more difficult to enjoy on different outputs, like speakers, headphones, earbuds, or whatnot, due to the raw recorded sound that lacks the tonal quality of something you can crank all the way up ** Latest work: committing to providing free music to service my fans that are or could be the musically poor and indigent — or just bored with what is out there already.. THE LATEST Free music, there I said it, free music that is downloadable posted to my web site for anybody to get for free… oh, they are going to haul me away to jail for that one. Well, nobody you would know, except for me, because it will be my music, but gotcha on that last sentence, didn’t I? Obviously, do not use this for commercial purposes, and unless you are criticizing the piece or using it to be satirical (see Fair Use laws at http://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/ , Referred by https://www.loc.gov/ < — library of Congress) please do not use it, because then there will be likely costly problems as I place my heart and soul into what I do. Latest work: taking care of the house, car, and attending dayjob while saving up for the holidays.. THE LATEST I want to apologize for any delay in updating this page with new MP3 or video content. At the moment, I plan on returning to gaming by picking up a new console and game this month. I am still developing relationships with artists while balancing home and work (or to us artists, dayjob) life. I still am doing music, even if offline to bounce ideas into a recorder that may never make Continue reading “DBWORTH – NOV 03 2016 – balancing holiday and production time” This article has three main sections: MUSIC FIRST, which you can download and have fun with the music track I recorded; RHETORIC, about a specific issue that I felt needed addressed about wildlife versus domestic life; COMEDY, which you can get a laugh or observation from if that works for you; and then at the way bottom if you want to read or to skip it there is a section called TECHNICAL STUFF YOU CAN SKIP.
La Malpezzi vuole farci credere che esiste Babbo Natale e la Castaldini appartiene a un partito fantasma
My prediction for one year from now. Fewer offers for fewer points at both stores. Point redemption thresholds raised quietly. Personalised point offers which are the currently the biggest hook for both PC Plus and Optimum cut back or even eliminated. T. Dee will be proven right. Nothing good for the consumer in this merger.
Só há uma coisa que eu detesto mais que um atrasado mental: Um atrasado mental q pensa que é um campeão qd está atrás de um ecrã de um PC
nem tudo q parece 茅馃槈
But they don't reflect the same thing. Inflation of the dollar results in Harry being the old winner, while inflation of the ticket price gives it to Batman.
It doesn't matter what Trudeau does as long as he continues to receive kick-backs and donations from foreign nationals. Until he resigns, all of his actions are now worthless.
Most of his family are horrible, but that doesn't change our obligations to him.
Have you actually read any Marx? How about Adam Smith's "Theory of Moral Sentiments"?
A lot of passionate commentators on the topic of jobs/automation miss something pretty important in my estimation; you see, humanity comes up with new ways of doing things since they started wearing clothes and sustaining campfires, and there's just no stopping it. I mean you literally have to have a dictatorship (of which our planet currently provides numerous examples) which decrees that innovation & tech MUST be suppressed and or shelved altogether, if you want to stop tech progress. Or the dictator must employ policies (such as built-in-obsolescence or over-reliance on combustion motors) that purposely inhibit human 'advancement.' The inevitable and indelible result of NOT suppressing, whether for human's sake or just profit, is that the human involvement in Labor is reduced. How is this so difficult to comprehend. If we can step aside from our own self involved egos for a moment we would easily conclude that tech will make practically ALL human labor obsolete in time.
"Tortured" all those who said "tortured" any Proof? besides "I read it in the papers and I believe what I read? Any chance you read the wrong newspaper? - Define torture? What torture exactly? Khadr said so or witnesses?
but what do credibility,trust,openness,honesty,tradition and equality have to do with politics?
Currently browsing tag equality From a simple count, the current Federal Liberal/National Coalition government has 19 core ministerial positions, including the Prime Minister himself. These days in Australia, there are (according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics) just 98 men per 100 women. Yet somehow, of those 19 core ministerial positions, there are is just one woman … Enjoyed this post? Please share! Over the weekend, Ian Thorpe, one of Australia’s most well-known athletes of the last two decades, came out. After being hounded by rumour for years and denying it, Thorpe admitted acknowledged* in an interview he was now happy to call himself gay. The saddest thing in the entire saga, of course, is that Thorpe felt he … Enjoyed this post? Please share! In the Star Observer, Tim Scriven writes about CAAH (Community Action Against Homophobia), spiritedly defending the organisation’s production of post-election t-shirts labelled “Fuck Tony Abbott”. CAAH has taken the admirable step of signalling early that they won’t nod sagely while he destroys lives, mumbling that at least he has a … Enjoyed this post? Please share! If there’s one thing we’ve learnt in this phase of the election, it’s that Tony Abbott is a man of fashion. Questionable fashion, of course, but fashion none-the-less. And he’s keen to make sure we all abide by that fashion. Consider his discussion with John Laws on talk-back radio, relegating marriage … Enjoyed this post? Please share! As a man, and a gay man at that, I don’t pretend to know what it’s like to be a woman. I don’t know what it’s like to have the other reproductive organs, I don’t know what it’s like to breast feed, and I certainly don’t know what it’s like … Enjoyed this post? Please share! In Homosexuality is natural. Fine. But what if homophobia is too?, Sean Thomas writes: [I]t is at least arguable that homophobia is unconscious – and inherited. … If we’re going to extend equal right to homosexuals, because homosexuality is perfectly natural, we also need to extend equal rights to homophobes, for … Enjoyed this post? Please share! In the TV series, “Community“, the local community college, Greendale, tries to come up with the perfect mascot. However, attempting to be all-inclusive, and in no way favourable towards any one ethnicity or gender, they create the simultaneously bland and creepy “Greendale Human”. To me, this is a pertinent response … Enjoyed this post? Please share! There is, I think, nothing quite as sad in the GBLTI community, as a homosexual who believes in keeping the status quo and insists we have “enough” rights. Over the last few days I’ve been seeing more friends post messages on Facebook to the extent of: If you don’t support … Enjoyed this post? Please share! Australia, where we believe in a fair go for everyone! Well, unless you want to get married to someone of the same sex. Australia, where we believe in a fair go for all heterosexuals! (GLBTI are second classers.) Well, unless you’re an indigenous Australian under the auspice of the Northern … Enjoyed this post? Please share! In The Age: Labor’s Right slams gay reform, the right leaning faction of the Labor party finally reveals that it doesn’t really care about representing the people, just some people – presumably the people who agree with it. Regarding the discussions within Labor about changing its official stance towards same-sex marriage: … Enjoyed this post? Please share! IT and the Business IT/Business alignment is critical to the success of any company. My Kindle eBook ("Stop, Collaborate and Listen") provides the necessary details for successfully aligning IT to the needs and purpose of the business. Click here for more information.
Because you've taken over the schools and the courts. They've also outlawed tar and feathering. That's how we used to get rid of the riff raff because we were too civilized to hang people for being stupid. We left that for horse thieves and criminals.
I didn't changed the meaning but fixed grammer.
Given that Obama has been in office for 7 and a half years and has not done anything that resembles what Hitler did in Germany, it would be a rather useless comparison now, wouldn't it?
You might be right, but most of the whinging about public sector pensions conveniently ignores the fact that we pay a significant amount into them, and have no choice but to do so. I contribute a mandatory 1,000 per month. Yes, the employer matches my contributions. But I have absolutely no say in how the principal will be disbursed. I can't, for example, cash it in on retirement and start a small business, nor can I make investment decisions of any kind. And the hand-wringing over sustainability (at least for the feds) is, shall we say, misplaced. Chretien and Martin raided the pension fund to pay down debt in the 80s and that cash grab was never repaid. I am not saying it isn't a better deal than most, since guaranteed contribution plans are now the norm in the private sector. But I would like it a helluvalot better if I had the choice of collecting a lump sum on retirement, so I could start a business.....and maybe even create a few jobs.
"Industry Johns" That is a great description!! Mind if I use it?
"... sometimes the "m" is silent in masses." Best laugh I've had all day!
6. Preach it brother!!!
Nice ... just drove by a guy in front of Safeway on 320th smoking crack in public, and further on down the road there is a guy passed out on the sidewalk in front of Applebee's. I swear I think I'm in Seattle.
Jack, you have always been a great leader and Highline and our Community will miss dearly, from one Jack to another " you still will always be the Best Jack" Enjoy retirement. Regards Jack Stanford
He did interfere he pressured the local prosecutor to keep her on the payroll for the past year. Spent the time hacking into case files and downloading docs. Whaddaya think the FBI took from her house. Whydaya think Myles dummied up about it.
يجب محاسبة كل من امريكا واسرائيل وبعض دويلات الخليج على تأجيج الصراع في سورية وارسال المرتزقة والارهابيين اليها ودعمهم بحجة كذبة الحرية التي يحتاجها الخليجيين قبل الغير
I drove many BMWs for many years and miles. On average, between year 6 when everything starts going for the first time, and year 10 when everything starts going for the second time, you pay about $250/mo in repair costs while owning BMW. When driving out of warranty BMW finding good independent mechanic is absolutely crucial. These are very complicated cars and very unreliable.
this is a problem. medical issues are treated with multiple prescriptions. it's easy to lose track of what, when and how much...add long term habits , perhaps recreational or medicinal, it adds up. people have a false sense of safety because they're prescription drugs written be a doctor. ...so if 2 are good...3 or 4 might be better. double the dose of several meds and things can go south pretty fast.
Those "Justin Trudeau, he's just not ready" ads were on the mark. It's a shame that more voters didn't realize how accurate they were. We could have been spared the embarrassment that currently holds the office of Prime Minister.
Yes, back to O'Leary.

This is a large multilingual toxicity dataset with 3M rows of text data from 55 natural languages, all of which are written/sent by humans, not machine translation models.

The preprocessed training data alone consists of 2,880,667 rows of comments, tweets, and messages. Among these rows, 416,529 are classified as toxic, while the remaining 2,463,773 are considered neutral. Below is a table to illustrate the data composition:

Toxic Neutral Total
multilingual-train-deduplicated.csv 416,529 2,464,138 2,880,667
multilingual-validation(new).csv 10,613 19,028 29,641
multilingual-test.csv 14,410 49,402 63,812
Each CSV file has three columns: text, is_toxic, and lang.

Supported types of toxicity:

  • Identity Hate/Homophobia
  • Misogyny
  • Violent Extremism
  • Hate Speech
  • Offensive Insults
  • Sexting
  • Obscene
  • Threats
  • Harassment
  • Racism
  • Trolling
  • Doxing
  • Others

Supported languages:

  • Afrikaans
  • Albanian
  • Arabic
  • Bengali
  • Bulgarian
  • Catalan
  • Chinese (Simplified)
  • Chinese (Traditional)
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Estonian
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Gujarati
  • Hebrew
  • Hindi
  • Hungarian
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Kannada
  • Korean
  • Latvian
  • Lithuanian
  • Macedonian
  • Malayalam
  • Marathi
  • Nepali
  • Norwegian
  • Persian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Punjabi
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Somali
  • Spanish
  • Swahili
  • Swedish
  • Tagalog
  • Tamil
  • Telugu
  • Thai
  • Turkish
  • Ukrainian
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese
  • Welsh

Original Source?

Around 11 months ago, I downloaded and preprocessed 2.7M rows of text data, but completely forgot the original source of these datasets... All I remember is that I downloaded datasets from everywhere I could: HuggingFace, research papers, GitHub, Kaggle, SurgeAI, and Google search. I even fetched 20K+ tweets using the Twitter API. Recently, I came across 6 datasets, so I remembered to credit them below.

Known datasets:

  • tomekkorbak/pile-toxicity-balanced2 (HuggingFace)
  • datasets/thai_toxicity_tweet (HuggingFace)
  • datasets/ethos (HuggingFace)
  • inspection-ai/japanese-toxic-dataset (GitHub)
  • mathigatti/sexting-dataset (GitHub)
  • omar-sharif03/BAD-Bangla-Aggressive-Text-Dataset (GitHub)

I manually collected and wrote 100 rows of data.


Limitations include:

  • All labels were rounded to the nearest integer. If a text was classified as 46%-54% toxic, the text itself might not be noticeably toxic or neutral.
  • There were disagreements among moderators on some labels, due to ambiguity and lack of context.
  • When there're only URL(s), emojis, or anything that's unrecognizable as natural language in the "text" column, the corresponding "lang" is "unknown".

Have fun modelling!

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Models trained or fine-tuned on FredZhang7/toxi-text-3M