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'Bloody Sunday Inquiry' publishes report into British Army killing of activists in Northern Ireland
[ "Northern Ireland", "Martin McGuinness", "Politics and conflicts", "Religion", "Europe", "Crime and law", "Roman Catholic Church", "Christianity", "June 17, 2010", "United Kingdom", "Ireland" ]
[ "On Tuesday, the \"Bloody Sunday Inquiry\" published its report into 1972 British Army killing of fourteen civil rights activists in Northern Ireland.", "The Saville Inquiry, a twelve-year-long public inquiry into the fatal shooting, published their 5,000-page report; stating, the deaths were \"unjustified\".", "The events of \"Bloody Sunday\" in 1972 saw soldiers open fire on civilians during a civil rights march. Family members and supporters of the victims reacted positively to the report, as they gathering outside the Guildhall in Derry.", "\"What happened on Bloody Sunday was both unjustified and unjustifiable. It was wrong\", British Prime Minister David Cameron told the House of Commons. He also said, \"[t]he Government is ultimately responsible for the conduct of the armed forces, and for that, on behalf of the Government, indeed on behalf of our country, I am deeply sorry\", and that \"[t]here is no doubt. There's nothing equivocal, there are no ambiguities\".", "Cameron said the Saville report states that those killed did not pose a threat and some of those killed and injured were clearly fleeing or going to help those injured or dying. Some of the key findings were;", "Twenty-seven civil rights activists were shot by the British Army's Parachute Regiment (of which \"1 Para\" was identified as the regiment mainly responsible) during an illegal Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA) march in the Bogside area of Derry in 1972. The NICRA was an organisation, formed in early 1967, which campaigned against discrimination of the Roman Catholic minority in Northern Ireland and had five key demands: \"one man, one vote\"; an end to gerrymandering, housing discrimination, public authority discrimination and the abolition of the B Specials police reserve.", "In the aftermath of Bloody Sunday, an inquiry by the Lord Chief Justice, Lord Widgery, justified British army actions on the day and claimed that many of the activists were armed with guns and nail bombs. Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) leader MP Mark Durkan said, \"[t]he families have waited a long time for justice and for a long time the reputations and innocence of their loved ones have been smeared by the findings of Widgery\".", "The shootings lead to the strengthening of Irish republicans' anti-British army arguments in the Nationalist community and provided the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) with queues of new recruits for its \"long war\", which resulted in 30 years of The Troubles.", "The 12-year inquiry is the longest-running and most expensive public inquiry in British judicial history, costing around £200 million. Around 2,500 people gave testimony, including 505 civilians, nine experts and forensic scientists, 49 journalists, 245 military personnel, 35 paramilitaries or former paramilitaries, 39 politicians and civil servants, seven priests and 33 Royal Ulster Constabulary officers. Evidence included 160 volumes of data with an estimated 30 million words, 13 volumes of photographs, 121 audio tapes and 10 video tapes.", "The victims included Patrick Doherty (32), Hugh Gilmour (17), Jackie Duddy (17), John Young (17), Kevin McElhinney (17), Michael Kelly (17), Gerald Donaghey (17), William Nash (19), Michael McDaid (20), Jim Wray (22), William McKinney (27) and Bernard \"Barney\" McGuigan (41). John Johnston (59) died four months later.", "", "" ]
1972 ”இரத்த ஞாயிறு” படுகொலைகள் தொடர்பில் பிரித்தானியப் பிரதமர் மன்னிப்புக் கேட்டார்
[ "Northern Ireland", "Martin McGuinness", "Politics and conflicts", "Religion", "Europe", "Crime and law", "Roman Catholic Church", "Christianity", "June 17, 2010", "United Kingdom", "Ireland" ]
[ "வடக்கு அயர்லாந்தில் 38 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்னர் இடம்பெற்ற ”இரத்த ஞாயிறு” என அழைக்கப்பட்ட படுகொலை நிகழ்வு தொடர்பில் ஐக்கிய இராச்சியப் பிரதமர் டேவிட் கேமரன் மன்னிப்புக் கோரியுள்ளார். இப்படுகொலை அநீதியானதும் எவ்விதத்திலும் நியாயப்படுத்த முடியாததுமென கேமரன் தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.", "1972 ஜனவரி 30 இல் வட அயர்லாந்தின் லண்டன்டெரி நகரில் மனித உரிமைக் குழுக்கள் நடத்திய ஆர்ப்பாட்டத்தின் போது பிரித்தானியத் துணைப்படைகள் மேற்கொண்ட துப்பாக்கிப் பிரயோகத்தில் 13 பேர் கொல்லப்பட்டதுடன் 14 பேர் காயமடைந்தனர். இந்நிகழ்வு குறித்தான விசாரணை 12 ஆண்டுகளாக நடைபெற்று அதன் அறிக்கை இப்போது வெளியிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. இவ்வறிக்கை இராணுவத்தினரின் செயலைக் கடுமையாகக் கண்டித்திருப்பதுடன் இராணுவத்தினரே முதலில் தாக்குதலை ஆரம்பித்ததாகக் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளது.", "இது குறித்து ஆழ்ந்த கவலை வெளியிட்டுள்ள கேமரன் இவ்விசாரணை அறிக்கையிலுள்ள தகவல்கள் அதிர்ச்சியளிப்பதாகக் குறிப்பிட்டுள்ளார்.", "வட அயர்லாந்தின் மிகுந்த சர்ச்சைக்குரிய நாளாகக் கருதப்படும் இந்நாளில் இடம்பெற்ற படுகொலை குறித்த விசாரணை அறிக்கை எவ்வித சந்தேகங்களுமின்றி இராணுவத்தினர் மீது குற்றஞ்சாட்டுவதற்கான ஆதாரங்களைக் கொண்டிருப்பதாக கேமரன் தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.", "நாடாளுமன்றத்தில் உரை நிகழ்த்திய போதே இவ்விசாரணை அறிக்கையில் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ள தகவல்களை கேனரன் வெளியிட்டுள்ளார்.", "துப்பாக்கிப் பிரயோகம் மேற்கொள்ளப்படுவதற்கு முன்பு எவ்வித எச்சரிக்கையும் விடுக்கப்படவில்லை எனவும் ஆர்ப்பாட்டக்காரர்களின் தாக்குதலுக்குப் பதிலாக இவர்கள் துப்பாக்கிப் பிரயோகத்தை மேற்கொள்ளவில்லையெனவும் விசாரணை அறிக்கையில் தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. காயப்பட்டோரின் மீதும் இராணுவத்தினர் துப்பாக்கிப்பிரயோகம் செய்துள்ளனர் என்று அறிக்கையில் தெரிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.", "அத்துடன், கொல்லப்பட்ட அல்லது காயமடைந்த எவரும் இராணுவத்தினருக்கு அச்சுறுத்தலை ஏற்படுத்தவில்லை எனவும் தமது நடவடிக்கைகள் குறித்து இராணுவத்தினர் பொய் கூறியுள்ளதாகவும் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளது.", "கேமரனின் மன்னிப்புக் கோரலுக்கு முழு ஆதரவு வழங்கியுள்ள இராணுவத் தளபதி ஜெனரல் சேர் டேவிட் ரிச்சார்ட், ”13 பொதுமக்களின் இறப்புக்கு வழிவகுத்த அதிகாரிகளினதும் படை வீரர்களினதும் பெரும் தவறு தொடர்பில் எனக்கு எவ்வித சந்தேகமும் இல்லை,” எனத் தெரிவித்துள்ளார்.", "இதேவேளை, இது குறித்து படை வீரர்களை விசாரணை செய்யும் தீர்மானம் நேரடியாக எடுக்கப்படுவதற்கான சாத்தியங்கள் இல்லையெனத் தெரிவிக்கும் செய்தியாளர்கள் 38 ஆண்டுகளின் பின்னர் குற்றத்தை நிரூபிப்பதற்கான போதிய ஆதாரங்களைத் திரட்டுவது மிகவும் கடினமெனத் தெரிவித்துள்ளனர்.", "5,000 பக்கங்களைக் கொண்ட இந்த அறிக்கை தயாரிக்க கிட்டத்தட்ட $285 மில்லியகள் செலவிடப்பட்டுள்ளது. படுகொலைகள் தொடர்பான விசாரணக்கு முன்னாள் பிரதமர் டொனி பிளேர் 1998 ஆம் ஆண்டில் உத்தரவிட்டார்." ]
வியாழன், சூன் 17, 2010
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'Very serious': Chinese government releases corruption report
[ "China", "December 30, 2010", "Politics and conflicts", "Asia", "Crime and law", "Economy and business" ]
[ "A report by the Chinese government states corruption is \"very serious\". Officials, it says, have investigated over 240,000 cases in the past seven years including bribery and embezzlement.", "The document, released by state news agency Xinhua, states although \"notable\" steps have been made towards fighting corruption, attempts to flush out corrupt citizens need to be more effective. The report further warns of corruption within government, noting new regulations ordering government officials to report investment and income. It also praises the Internet and the media for exposing corruption.", "In recent years China has launched several campaigns against corrupt practices, but a Chinese anti-corruption researcher told Xinhua the report indicated the Chinese government now have \"a more open and cooperative attitude toward the problem.\"", "There have been several high profile cases of corruption in the country over the past several years; this year the highest ranking justice official in Chongqing, Wen Qiang, was executed for accepting bribes, shielding criminal gangs and rape, and in 2008 a powerful party boss was jailed for 18 years for involvement in a pension fund scandal.", "Although the report notes efforts have been taken to stamp down on corruption in China, it adds ridding it completely will be difficult. \"Since the relevant mechanisms and systems are still incomplete, corruption persists, with some cases even involving huge sums of money,\" it states. \"The situation in combating corruption is still very serious, and the tasks are still abundant.\"" ]
Čína připustila, že tamní korupce je vážný problém
[ "China", "December 30, 2010", "Politics and conflicts", "Asia", "Crime and law", "Economy and business" ]
[ "Zpráva čínské vlády připouští, že korupce v zemi je stále „velmi vážná“, jelikož úřady v posledních sedmi letech musely vyšetřovat více než 240 tisíc případů včetně úplatkářství nebo zpronevěry. Zpráva vydaná tiskovou agenturou Sin-chua tvrdí, že vládní úsilí o vymýcení korupce není úspěšné, ale dosáhlo „významných výsledků“.", "Dokument dále varuje před korupcí uvnitř vládních orgánů. Úředníci tak musejí podle nových pravidel oznamovat své investice a příjmy. Pozitivní vliv na snižování korupce mají také internet a média, která zlořády zveřejňují. V posledních letech Čína nastoupila cestu ostrého protikorupčního postoje. Čínský odborník zabývající se boji proti korupci řekl agentuře Sin-chua, že zpráva ukazuje, jak vláda zaujala ještě otevřenější postoj k problému.", "V posledních letech v zemi soudy řešily několik případů korupce na nejvyšších místech. V letošním roce byl například popraven Wen Čchieng, nejvyšší soudní úředník ve městě Čchung-čching byl usvědčen z přijímání úplatků a nadržování kriminálním gangům. V roce 2008 byl významný čínský komunistický činovník odsouzen k 18 letům vězení za zapojení do skandálu penzijního fondu.", "Zpráva ale konstatuje, že odstranění korupce nebude jednoduché. „Protože dosud nejsou potřebné mechanismy a systémy dokončené, korupce přetrvává. V některých případech jde o obrovské sumy peněz. Situace v boji s korupcí je stále velmi vážná a úkoly jsou stále početné,“ píše se ve zprávě." ]
Středa 29. prosince 2010
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China admite que la corrupción en el país es 'muy seria'
[ "China", "December 30, 2010", "Politics and conflicts", "Asia", "Crime and law", "Economy and business" ]
[ "29 de diciembre de 2010Beijing, China —", "Un reporte del gobierno de la República Popular China admite que la corrupción es \"muy seria\"; oficiales reportaron haber investigado más de 240.000 casos en los últimos siete años, incluyendo casos de sobornos y de desfalco. El reporte, publicado por la agencia de noticias nacional Xinhua, afirma que el gobierno está intentado reducir la corrupción, y que aún necesitan ser efectivos, pero que sus esfuerzos han \"obtenido notables resultados\".", "El documento advierte sobre corrupción dentro del mismo gobierno, y contiene nuevas regulaciones que ordenan a funcionarios gubernamentales para que reporten inversiones y ganancias. También agradece a la Internet y los medios por exponer la corrupción.", "En los años anteriores, China ha tomado una firme posición contra la corrupción, lanzando numerosas campañas anticorrupción. De acuerdo con un investigador de corrupción chino entrevistado por Xinhua, \"China tiene una actitud más abierta y cooperativa para con el problema\".", "Ha habido varios casos de corrupción rampante en el país en los últimos años. Este año, un alto oficial de justicia de Chongqing, Wen Qiang, fue ejecutado luego de que se descubriera que aceptó sobornos y ayudaba a bandas criminales, y en 2008 un dirigente político fue encarcelado por 18 años luego de que se lo involucrara en un escándalo por fondos de pensiones.", "No obstante, el reporte indica que eliminar la corrupción no será fácil.", "\"Como los mecanismos y sistemas relevantes aún están incompletos, la corrupción persiste, con algunos casos incluso involucrando grandes sumas de dinero\", señala. \"La situación de combatir la corrupción es aún muy seria, y las tareas son aún abundantes\"." ]
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Le gouvernement chinois publie un rapport sur la corruption
[ "China", "December 30, 2010", "Politics and conflicts", "Asia", "Crime and law", "Economy and business" ]
[ "Un rapport du gouvernement chinois admet que l'état de la corruption dans le pays est « très sérieux ». D'après ce rapport, les fonctionnaires auraient enquêté sur 240 000 cas durant les sept dernières années en comptant la corruption et les détournement de fonds.", "Le rapport, publié par l'agence d'information d'État Xinhua, indique que le gouvernement tente de réduire la corruption et qu'il a besoin de plus de moyens, mais que les efforts ont « donné des résultats remarquables ». Le document annonce également que la corruption est présente au sein du gouvernement alors que de nouveaux règlements demandent aux fonctionnaires du gouvernement des rapports d'investissement et de revenu. Le gouvernement se sert aussi d'internet et des médias pour dénoncer la corruption.", "Ses dernières années, la Chine a lancé plusieurs campagnes contre la corruption. Un chercheur chinois anti-corruption a déclaré à l'agence Xinhua que le rapport montre que « la Chine a une attitude plus ouverte et coopérative envers le problème ».", "Il y a eu plusieurs cas de corruption très médiatisés ses dernières années : en 2010, le responsable de la justice à Chongqing, Wen Qiang, a été exécuté pour avoir accepté des pots-de-vin en l'échange de la protection de bandes criminelles. En 2008, le chef d'un puissant parti politique a été emprisonné pour 18 ans pour son implication dans un scandale de fonds de pension.", "Bien que le rapport souligne les efforts qui ont été faits, il indique que l'élimination de la corruption ne sera pas facile. « Comme les systèmes et mécanismes sont encore incomplets, la corruption persiste, avec quelques cas impliquant de grosses sommes d'argent », révèle-t-il. « La situation de la lutte contre la corruption est toujours très grave, et les tâches sont encore abondantes. »" ]
Publié le 30 décembre 2010
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11-year-old boy dies after being shot in Liverpool
[ "Liverpool", "Europe", "Crime and law", "England", "United Kingdom", "August 22, 2007" ]
[ "An 11-year-old boy has died after being shot in the car park of the Fir Tree pub in the Croxteth area of Liverpool, shortly after 1930 BST. An eyewitness, who had been drinking outside the pub at the time, said the boy was one of three playing football in the car park when a teenager, believed to be male, on a BMX bicycle fired three shots at the group from approximately 30 metres away, one hitting the victim in the neck. The other shots missed the boys, one hitting a car. The boy's mother was called to the scene as people came out of the pub to help him. Other witnesses have suggested the incident may be gang-related.", "A spokesman for North West Ambulance Service said: \"We treated an 11-year-old with serious gunshot wounds.\" He added the boy was taken to Alder Hey Children's Hospital, but police later confirmed he had died. Officers have sealed off the scene, including a neighbouring street of shops. There have currently been no arrests in connection with the shooting.", "In an appeal to the local community to help catch the killer, Merseyside Police Assistant Chief Constable Simon Byrne said: \"Someone out there knows who put the gun in his hand and I want your help to get the community to turn that gunman in tonight. This is quite an awful crime, quite senseless, and the community holds the clue to solving this crime quickly. You can only imagine the heartache of the family that's been ripped apart.\"", "Local councillor Rose Bailey, who lives nearby, also appealed for people with information to come forward, saying: \"It sends shockwaves through the community of Croxteth and really it must be devastating. To think your young son is out playing football and then to get a call to say he's been shot, I really don't know as a parent how you would handle that.\"", "The area around the pub was made a \"designated area\" by police last year, meaning officers could disperse groups and move people away from the area.", "The incident is another in a growing list of shootings of minors, many gang-related, in the UK's major cities in 2007." ]
Niño de once años muere luego de ser disparado en Liverpool
[ "Liverpool", "Europe", "Crime and law", "England", "United Kingdom", "August 22, 2007" ]
[ "22 de agosto de 2007Liverpool, Inglaterra —", "Un niño de once años fue disparado a sangre fría en el estacionamiento del pub Fir Tree en el área de Croxteth, Liverpool, poco después de las 19:30 BST.", "Un testigo, que estaba bebiendo fuera del pub, dijo que el chico estaba jugando al fútbol en el estacionamiento cuando un adolescente que muy probablemente era de sexo masculino y que estaba en una bicicleta BMX disparó tres veces al grupo a aproximadamente una distancia de 30 metros. Un tiro hirió al chico en el cuello, el otro erró a los chicos y el tercero dio en un automóvil.", "La madre del chico fue llamada a la escena mientras que varias personas salieron del pub para ayudarlo.", "Un testigo sugirió que el incidente podría estar conectado con una pandilla.", "\"Tratamos a un chico de 11 años de edad con heridas graves de un disparo\", dijo un portavoz del Servicio Noroeste de Ambulancias. Luego añadió que el niño fue llevado al Alder Hey Children's Hospital, pero la policía confirmó que había muerto.", "Oficiales han sellado la escena, incluyendo una calle cercana con negocios. No han habido arrestos en conexión a los disparos.", "En un pedido de la comunidad local para que se atrape al asesino, el policía Simon Byrne dijo: \"Alguien sabe quien le puso en las manos ese arma y quiero su ayuda para atrapar a este pistolero. Esto es un crimen espantoso, inconsciente y la comunidad tiene la pista para resolver este crimen rápidamente. Se pueden imaginar la pena de la familia que ha sido afectada\".", "Rose Bailey, un concejal local que reside en la cercanía, también pidió a las personas que tengan información que digan lo que sepan.", "\"Envía ondas en la comunidad de Croxteth y realmente debe ser devastador. Pensar que tu hijo está jugando al fútbol y luego recibir una llamada para que te digan que fue disparado, realmente no sé como padre como podría con el asunto\".", "El área cercana al pub fue hecha un \"área designada\" por la policía el año pasado, lo que significa que oficiales pueden dispersar grupos y mover personas del área.", "El incidente es otro en una creciente lista de tiroteos en 2007 por menores, muchos de ellos relacionados a pandillas, en las mayores ciudades del Reino Unido." ]
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13-year-old shot dead by Brazilian police in mock-up of hijacking situation
[ "Brazil", "Disasters and accidents", "May 29, 2007", "Crime and law", "South America" ]
[ "A 13-year-old boy was killed and ten people were injured in an accidental shooting incident in the Brazilian town of Rondonopolis.", "The police were staging a mock hijack as a training exercise with real people in a bus as an audience on Saturday. They fired their guns at cardboard cutouts of criminals in the exercise. However, they used live ammunition in their guns, and the shots went straight through the cutouts and the glass windows of the bus.", "Luis Henrique Dias Bulhoes, 13, was killed by a single shot to the head received from one of three 12-gauge shotguns that were amongst the weaponry the 16 police were using. Among the 600 people attending the exercise, six children and three adults were also injured.", "Police admitted to the blunder on Monday. They believe bullets from more than one gun reached the audience. Seven of the 16 policeman are temporarily dismissed from their positions pending investigations." ]
Brasilien: Zwölfjähriger Junge bei Polizeiübung erschossen
[ "Brazil", "Disasters and accidents", "May 29, 2007", "Crime and law", "South America" ]
[ "Rondonópolis (Brasilien), 28.05.2007 – Bei einer Polizeiübung in der brasilianischen Stadt Rondonópolis im Bundesstaat Mato Grosso kam ein zwölfjähriger Junge ums Leben, weil die Polizei irrtümlicherweise mit scharfer Munition geschossen hat. Bei der Übung, die am Samstag durchgeführt wurde, wollte eine Spezialeinheit der Militärpolizei laut Nachrichtenagentur dpa öffentlich vorführen, wie Geiseln aus einem Bus befreit werden können. Brasilianische Medien berichten offenbar erst seit heute über den Vorfall.", "Der zwölfjährige Luiz Henrique Dias Bulhões starb unmittelbar am Unglücksort an den Folgen eines Kopfschusses, neun weitere Personen wurden verletzt, einige befinden sich noch in einem kritischen Zustand. Die brasilianische Agentur „Agência O Globo“ berichtet, dass noch vier Personen im Krankenhaus behandelt werden, unter ihnen zwei Kinder, ein Polizist und ein Lehrer, den eine Kugel in der Nähe seines rechten Auges getroffen hat. Die Polizei kann sich dem dpa-Bericht zufolge nicht erklären, weshalb bei der Übung tödliche Munition verwendet wurde. Von einem „völlig inakzeptablen Vorfall“ sprach Sicherheits- und Justizminister Carlos Brito. Den Verantwortlichen der Fahrlässigkeit kündigte Carlos Brito harte Strafen an. Laut „Agência O Globo“ musste der Kommandant der Einheit noch heute eine Erklärung zum Vorfall abgeben. Die Ermittlungen der Zivilpolizei sollen innerhalb eines Monats abgeschlossen sein." ]
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130 OECD countries agree to back global corporate tax rate
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Europe", "Crime and law", "Economy and business", "Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development", "July 4, 2021" ]
[ "On Thursday, 130 countries and jurisdictions in the 139-member Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) agreed to support an overhaul to the international taxation system that would introduce a global minimum corporate tax rate, committing most of the world's economies to a two-pillar \"solution\".", "The states which agreed to the plan's key components included regional divisions such as Gibraltar, Hong Kong and Montserrat, tax havens according to the Associated Press (AP) Bermuda and the Cayman Islands and all Group of Twenty (G20) countries, according to an OECD list, but not Barbados, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Kenya, Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Peru also abstained, but due to its lack of government, reported The Guardian.", "Those that have signed represent over 90% of global gross domestic product (GDP). A press release by the OECD called the framework the result of \"negotiations coordinated by the OECD for much of the last decade\" and criticises the \"century-old international tax system\" for being \"no longer fit for purpose\". The plan was backed by United States president Joe Biden according to multiple sources, and comes after a similar Group of Seven deal on international taxation agreed on June 5.", "The plan, officially the \"OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting\", adopted a pillared approach. An implementation plan is to be finalised by October.", "If implemented, the first would force multinational enterprises (MNEs) with global turnover exceeding €20 billion and profitability above 10% to reallocate tax on over USD100 billion in profit from their home markets to each market jurisdiction it derived at least one million or 250 thousand euros from, depending on its GDP. An OECD statement confirmed the threshold for affected MNEs under pillar one may change to those exceeding ten billion euros in turnover, dependent on the results of a review to be conducted in seven years' time.", "The second pillar consists of two \"Global anti-Base Erosion Rules\" allocating top-up tax of a minimum of 15%, and one treaty-based \"Subject to Tax Rule\" to be made effective in 2023.", "The effects of both pillars, though dependent on the plan's final framework, was estimated by the OECD to increase global corporate income tax (CIT) reserves by between 1.9 and 3.2%, or 50 and 80 billion USD. If including the existing US tax on global intangible low-taxed income, the growth of CIT reserves would be between 2.3 and 4%, or 56 and 102 billion USD. This would also protect against tax avoidance practices the OECD says costs countries between 100 and 240 billion USD in lost revenue per year, according to the AP.", "The OECD also projects a \"relatively small\" negative effect on investment and activity equivalent to 0.1% of GDP in the medium- to long-term. Other concerns cited include the potential governments may lose the ability to use tax incentives for policy objectives, as well as the cost of ensuring compliance.", "Countries opposed include Hungary and Ireland who have, according to Politico, sought lower rates to attract foreign direct investment, and have, in addition to Estonia according to the BBC, at least some corporate rates below the proposed floor of 15%. The Irish and Hungarian headline corporate rates stand at 12.5 and 9%, respectively, according to The Guardian, with Ireland standing to lose over two billion euros in the next four years according to Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ). A PricewaterhouseCoopers tax summary mentions a tax exemption on undistributed corporate funds in Estonia, in addition to instances where a 14% rate is applicable.", "OECD secretary general Mathias Cormann said in the press release \"this historic package will ensure that large multinational companies pay their fair share of tax everywhere\", adding while it \"does not eliminate tax competition [...] it does set multilaterally agreed limitations\".", "Biden said the deal means the world is in \"striking distance of full global agreement to halt the race to the bottom\", which US treasury secretary Janet Yellen described as a race \"no nation\" has won, according to The Guardian. Finance minister for France Bruno Le Maire called it the \"most important international tax agreement in a century\", according to the BBC.", "According to RTÉ, finance minister for Ireland Paschal Donohoe said while he \"expressed Ireland's reservation\", he remains \"committed to the process\" and assures the global community \"Ireland will continue to play our part in reaching a comprehensive and, indeed, historic agreement\". According to Reuters, on June 9, Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán called the proposal \"absurd\", and insisted the country's low rates \"is not meant to attract certain companies to declare their taxes here\", nor makes it \"a tax haven\".", "Venice, Italy is to host G20 finance ministers and central bank governors at a \"G20 High-Level Tax Symposium\" on July 9, according to the Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance." ]
130 países de la OCDE acuerdan respaldar la tasa impositiva corporativa global
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Europe", "Crime and law", "Economy and business", "Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development", "July 4, 2021" ]
[ "El jueves, 130 países y jurisdicciones en los 139 miembros del Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE) acordaron apoyar una revisión del sistema tributario internacional que introduciría una tasa impositiva corporativa mínima global, comprometiendo a la mayoría de las economías del mundo a una \"solución\" de dos pilares.", "Los estados que acordaron los componentes clave del plan incluyeron divisiones regionales como Gibraltar, Hong Kong y Montserrat, paraísos fiscales según Associated Press (AP) Bermuda y las Islas Caimán y todos los Grupo de los Veinte (G20), según una lista de la OCDE, pero sin Barbados, Estonia, Hungría, Irlanda, Kenia, Nigeria, Sri Lanka y San Vicente y las Granadinas. Perú también se abstuvo, pero debido a su falta de gobierno, informó The Guardian.", "Los que han firmado representan más del 90% del producto interno bruto (PIB) mundial. Un comunicado de prensa de la OCDE calificó el marco como el resultado de \"negociaciones coordinadas por la OCDE durante gran parte de la última década\" y critica el \"sistema fiscal internacional centenario\" por ser \"ya no apto para su propósito\". El plan fue respaldado por el presidente de Estados Unidos Joe Biden según varias fuentes, y se produce después de un acuerdo similar del Grupo de los Siete sobre impuestos internacionales acordado el 5 de junio.", "El plan, oficialmente el \"Marco inclusivo de la OCDE/G20 sobre la erosión de la base y la transferencia de beneficios\", adoptó un enfoque por pilares. Se finalizará un plan de implementación en octubre.", "Si se implementa, la primera obligaría a las empresas multinacionales (EMN) con un volumen de negocios global superior a 20 mil millones de Euros y una rentabilidad superior al 10% a reasignar impuestos sobre más de USD 100 mil millones en ganancias de sus mercados nacionales a cada jurisdicción de mercado de la que derivó al menos un millón o 250 mil euros, dependiendo de su PIB. Una declaración de la OCDE confirmó que el umbral para las empresas multinacionales afectadas bajo el primer pilar puede cambiar a aquellas que superen los diez mil millones de euros en facturación, dependiendo de los resultados de una revisión que se llevará a cabo dentro de siete años.", "El segundo pilar consiste en dos \"Reglas globales contra la erosión de la base\" que asignan un impuesto complementario de un mínimo del 15%, y una \"Sujeto a la regla fiscal\" basada en un tratado que entrará en vigencia en 2023.", "La OCDE estimó que los efectos de ambos pilares, aunque dependían del marco final del plan, aumentaban las reservas globales del impuesto sobre la renta de las empresas (CIT) entre un 1,9 y un 3,2%, o entre 50 y 80 mil millones de dólares. Si se incluye el impuesto estadounidense existente sobre la renta intangible global con bajos impuestos, el crecimiento de las reservas de impuestos sobre la renta sería de entre el 2,3 y el 4%, o entre 56 y 102 mil millones de dólares. Esto también protegería contra las prácticas de evasión de impuestos que, según la OCDE, cuesta a los países entre 100 y 240 mil millones de dólares en ingresos perdidos por año, según la AP.", "La OCDE también proyecta un efecto negativo \"relativamente pequeño\" sobre la inversión y la actividad equivalente al 0,1% del PIB en el mediano y largo plazo. Otras preocupaciones citadas incluyen la posibilidad de que los gobiernos pierdan la capacidad de utilizar incentivos fiscales para los objetivos de las políticas, así como el costo de asegurar el cumplimiento.", "Los países que se oponen incluyen a Hungría e Irlanda que, de acuerdo con Politico, han buscado tasas más bajas para atraer inversión extranjera directa, y además de Estonia según el BBC, al menos algunas tarifas corporativas por debajo del piso propuesto del 15%. Las tasas corporativas generales de Irlanda y Hungría se sitúan en el 12,5 y el 9%, respectivamente, según The Guardian , e Irlanda podría perder más de dos mil millones de euros en los próximos cuatro años según Raidió Teilifís Éireann (RTÉ). Un resumen de impuestos de PricewaterhouseCoopers menciona una exención de impuestos sobre los fondos corporativos no distribuidos en Estonia, además de los casos en los que se aplica una tasa del 14%.", "El secretario general de la OCDE Mathias Cormann dijo en el comunicado de prensa \"este paquete histórico garantizará que las grandes empresas multinacionales paguen su parte justa de impuestos en todas partes\", y agregó que \"no elimina la competencia fiscal [...] establece limitaciones acordadas multilateralmente\".", "Biden dijo que el acuerdo significa que el mundo está \"a una distancia sorprendente de un acuerdo global completo para detener la carrera hacia abajo\", que la secretaria del Tesoro de Estados Unidos Janet Yellen describió como una carrera que \"ninguna nación\" ha ganado, según The Guardian. El ministro de Finanzas de Francia, Bruno Le Maire, lo llamó \"el acuerdo fiscal internacional más importante en un siglo\", según la BBC.", "Según RTÉ, el ministro de Finanzas de Irlanda Paschal Donohoe dijo que aunque \"expresó la reserva de Irlanda\", sigue \"comprometido con el proceso\" y asegura a la comunidad global \"Irlanda seguirá desempeñando nuestro papel en la consecución de un y, de hecho, acuerdo histórico \". Según Reuters, el 9 de junio, el primer ministro húngaro Viktor Orbán calificó la propuesta de \"absurda\" e insistió en que las bajas tasas del país \"no están destinadas a atraer a ciertas empresas a declarar sus impuestos aquí\", ni lo convierte en \"un paraíso fiscal\".", "Venecia, Italia acogerá a los ministros de finanzas y gobernadores de bancos centrales del G20 en un \"Simposio fiscal de alto nivel del G20\" el 9 de julio, según el Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas." ]
4 de julio de 2021
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20 injured in Montreal college shooting spree
[ "AutoArchived", "Original reporting", "Quebec", "September 13, 2006", "Education", "Crime and law", "North America", "Montreal, Quebec", "Canada" ]
[ "At 12:41 p.m. local time (UTC-5), a man opened fire at Dawson College, in Westmount, Quebec, Canada; the college is located near the heart of downtown Montreal. Police report at least 20 people being injured. The gunman was reportedly killed at the scene by police. Students told reporters that they heard several shots in the building at about 12:45 local time. One student told a local radio station that she saw two people who had been shot, including one who was hit at the neck. The student said a friend told her four people had been shot.", "Hundreds of students fled the building, and the area has been cordoned off. Nearby Plaza Alexis Nihon and Westmount Square were evacuated and the Green line of the Montreal Metro was shut down between Lionel-Groulx and Peel. Police officers wearing bullet-proof vests are keeping people away from the college. \"They're telling me, 'Go the other way, lady, you're in the line of fire,'\" said CBC News reporter Nancy Wood, who reported from the scene.", "Local media have reported police hotlines have been established for loved ones to gain more information: +1-(514)-280-2880, +1-(514)-280-2805, and +1-(514)-280-2806. The Montreal General Hospital has also set up a hotline at +1-(514)-843-2839.", "Police have reported that the situation has been neutralized as of 20:06, September 13, 2006 (UTC). Police have been told to stand down and are no longer looking for new victims or shooters.", "Dawson College is a CEGEP that hosts about 10,000 students.", "Earlier reports suggested that there were between two and six gunmen, however, reports are generally that there were two, maybe three. Police have only confirmed that there was one gunman, Kimveer Gill, who was shot dead \"after police intervention,\". They will not say anything about additional shooters. A close witness to Gill's last moments reported being used as a shield during the shootout with police officers, who allegedly hit Gill in the arm. The shooter would then have turned his weapon on himself.", "The gunman was Kimveer Gill, a 25 year old Laval man. He was carrying three guns: a Beretta Cx4 Storm carbine, a Glock 9mm handgun, and a Norinco HP9-1 sawed-off shotgun.", "Up to 20 shots were fired over a period of 30 minutes.", "Police have indicated 20 people have been injured in the incident. CBC reports that 16 people are injured, and 2 have been killed, including the gunman. Montreal General Hospital officials have stated that 11 people have been admitted with gunshot wounds, 8 of them in critical condition. A spokeswoman also stated that 3 others were taken to Jean Talon Hospital and two others were taken to the Jewish General Hospital. The spokeswoman went on to report that most of the injuries are to the abdomen and limbs, and one victim with an injury to the head." ]
Montréal: Blutbad in Schule
[ "AutoArchived", "Original reporting", "Quebec", "September 13, 2006", "Education", "Crime and law", "North America", "Montreal, Quebec", "Canada" ]
[ "Montreal (Kanada), 16.09.2006 – Eine Tote und zirka 19 Verletzte forderte der Amoklauf eines 25 Jahre alten Mannes am Mittwoch in einer Oberschule von Montréal. Auch der Täter selbst kam ums Leben. Einen terroristischen Hintergrund sehen die Behörden nicht.", "Angaben von Schülern zufolge hat der Mann schon vor der Schule, die von rund 10.000 Schülern zwischen 16 und 19 Jahren besucht wird, um sich geschossen. Dann sei er in das Gebäude gegangen. Nur Minuten später waren zwei Polizisten zur Stelle und forderten Verstärkung an. Die Sicherheitskräfte schossen auf den jungen Mann, als dieser seine Waffen gegen die Beamten einsetzen wollte, und verletzten ihn dabei. Nach Angaben der Behörden tötete er sich daraufhin selbst mit einem Schuss in den Kopf.", "Laut Polizeiangaben hatte der Mann drei Waffen bei sich getragen. Im Internet waren außerdem Fotos zu finden, auf denen der Täter mit Waffen posierte. Außerdem soll er in einem Internetfragebogen die Frage „Wie willst du sterben?“ mit „Wie Romeo und Julia – oder im Kugelhagel“ beantwortet haben.", "Stephen Harper, der kanadische Ministerpräsident, bezeichnet das Massaker als einen feigen und sinnlosen Akt der Gewalt. Dies ist nicht der erste Amoklauf, der Kanada schockte. 1989, ebenfalls in Montréal, erschoss ein Schütze 14 Frauen." ]
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Un tiroteo en un centro educativo de Montreal deja al menos dos muertos y 20 heridos
[ "AutoArchived", "Original reporting", "Quebec", "September 13, 2006", "Education", "Crime and law", "North America", "Montreal, Quebec", "Canada" ]
[ "Un hombre disparó varias veces en una cafetería del Dawson College, en la ciudad canadiense de Montreal. El incidente, que ocurrió alrededor de las 12:41 (16:41 UTC) del miércoles (13) deja hasta el momento un saldo de por lo menos 20 heridos y dos muertos, entre éstos últimos el atacante, quien al parecer fue muerto por la policía.", "La situación se tornó confusa. Cientos de estudiantes de la institución, en la cual se encuentran matriculadas 10.000 personas, salieron del edificio y las autoridades acordonaron la zona. La policía afirma que la situación fue \"neutralizada\" 4 horas después del tiroteo. El tirador mató a una mujer.", "Los primeros informes sugerían que había entre dos y seis tiradores, pero al final la policía confirmó que se trataba de uno solo quien disparó cerca de 20 veces en un lapso de 30 minutos. Igualmente, algunas versiones iniciales sostenían que el atacante se había suicidado. Algunos testigos afirmaron que el hombre que disparó tenía cabello largo, de \"corte mohicano\" y lucía una gabardina \"estereotipada\" militar.", "La estatal CBC informaba a la mitad de la tarde de 4 muertes. El Montreal General Hospital ha recibido a 11 personas, de las cuales 8 se hallan en estado crítico. Otras 3 fueron remitidas al Jean Talon Hospital y dos más al Jewish General Hospital. Una portavoz del primer centro asistencial sostuvo que la mayoría de los heridas se ubicaban en el abdomen y en los miembros y que una de las víctimas tenía una herida en la cabeza.", "Dawson College es una Cégep (Collège d'enseignement général et professionnel o \"Centro de educación general y vocacional\") de nivel post-secundario, a la cual asisten estudiantes de entre 16 y 20 años.", "En 1989 se registró un incidente similar en la École Polytechnique de la misma ciudad.", "Los medios locales han difundido algunas líneas telefónicas para brindar información a familiares y allegados de los estudiantes: +1-(514)-280-2880, +1-(514)-280-2805 y +1-(514)-280-2806. Por su parte, el Montreal General Hospital ha dispuesto el número +1-(514)-843-2839." ]
13 de septiembre de 2006
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Tireur-fou au CEGEP Dawson College
[ "AutoArchived", "Original reporting", "Quebec", "September 13, 2006", "Education", "Crime and law", "North America", "Montreal, Quebec", "Canada" ]
[ "Un jeune homme, Kimveer Gill a attaqué le cégep Collège Dawson. Le tireur a tué une jeune femme de 18 ans, étudiante en première année, Anastasia De Sousa (Stacy), et en a blessé 20 autres. Un homme a été touché à la tête ainsi qu'à la jambe. Le tireur a été blessé au bras par la police, pour ensuite se tirer une balle dans la tête. La tuerie a commencé à 12h45, il s'est donné la mort dans les environs de 13h15. 18 personnes sont dans un état critique.", "Le collége est situé dans le centre-ville de Montréal, à son extrémité. Les centres commerciaux (centres d'achats) \"Place Alexis-Nihon\" et \"Carré Westmount\" ont été évacués. Le vieux Forum de Montréal, maintenant nommé \"Pepsi Forum\" est le seul non évacué." ]
Publié le 13 septembre 2006
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20 tons of cocaine seized by US Coast Guard
[ "Transport", "Mexico", "Crime and law", "South America", "United States", "Drugs", "Panama", "April 24, 2007", "Merchant shipping", "World", "Central America" ]
[ "The United States Coast Guard (USCG) has seized 20 tons or nearly 40,000 pounds of cocaine with a street value of over US$500 million in what authorities call one of the largest cocaine busts in history.", "Three busts in total were made in a period of nearly one month. The first on February 19, off the coast of Mexico, March 18 off the coast of Panama and on March 25, also off the coast of Panama.", "In the first bust on February 19, \"the Ecuadorian-flagged fishing vessel Don Juan K was approached in the Pacific Ocean February 19 off the coast of Mexico while allegedly offloading cocaine into \"go-fast\" (cigarette-style boat) boats. The fishing vessel's crew apparently set fire to Don Juan K in an attempt to destroy the evidence and flee in the go-fasts. The USCGC Sherman stopped the go-fasts and recovered about 900 pounds of cocaine as Don Juan K sank. The 14 crew members are being processed for further legal action,\" said a statement on the USCG's website.", "The second bust on March 18 yielded nearly 40,000 pounds of cocaine.", "\"The 330-foot Panamanian-flagged motor vessel Gatun was interdicted in the Pacific Ocean Mar. 18 off the coast of Panama while heading north toward the United States. Sherman's crew stopped and boarded the vessel and found 765 bales of cocaine weighing approximately 38,000 pounds in two shipping containers. Gatun was escorted back to Panama and its 14 crew members processed for further legal action,\" added the statement.", "In the third bust on March 25, at least 2,000 pounds of cocaine was seized, also from a ship off Panama's coast.", "\"[The] Sherman's crew stopped and boarded a small stateless go-fast in the Pacific Ocean Mar. 25 off the coast of Panama following a short chase, in which, the go-fast attempted to flee at a high rate of speed. Approximately 2,000 pounds of cocaine was found aboard the go-fast and its four crew members were processed for further legal action,\" said the statement.", "Several agencies both in the U.S. and in other countries in Central and South America and will continue to investigate the extent of the drug ring.", "\"The Coast Guard works in close coordination with Joint Interagency Task Force South, U.S. Attorney's office, Panama Express South, DEA, FBI, Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and Customs and Border Protection, as well as the Departments of Justice, State and Homeland Security on counter drug operations in the Pacific Ocean near Central and South America. These drug smuggling routes are some of the most active, yielding roughly 70 percent of the cocaine seized annually by the Coast Guard,\" added the statement." ]
20 тона кокаин заловени от щатската брегова охрана
[ "Transport", "Mexico", "Crime and law", "South America", "United States", "Drugs", "Panama", "April 24, 2007", "Merchant shipping", "World", "Central America" ]
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2005 Afghan opium harvest begins
[ "CIA", "Afghanistan", "Drugs", "Hamid Karzai", "May 3, 2005", "Heroin", "Executive Office of the President of the United States", "Asia", "Europe", "United Nations", "Crime and law", "United States", "Opium", "North America" ]
[ "Most heroin sold in Europe comes from Afghanistan's poppies. This past week, the 2005 opium harvest was in full view and going full speed in Afghanistan. The cultivators gathering resin from the crop are operating even near the main road through Kandahar and the farmers are out gathering resin from opium poppies in full view.", "Last year 80% of the world's opium came from Afghanistan and production is up over 239% since 2003, according to U.S. government estimates. Afghanistan is the world's largest producer of illegal drugs.", "In 2002 Super Bowl ads, the White House sent out the message that \"drugs fund terrorists\". Doug Wankel, a former U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) official, says the opium industry is \"financing terrorism. It's financing subversive activities. It's financing warlordism... And if it's a threat to the government of Afghanistan, it's a direct threat to the national security interests of the United States.\"", "\"The Bush administration has decided not to destroy the opium crop in Afghanistan,\" stated a U.S. intelligence official returning from Afghanistan in relation to the 60% smaller 2002 crop. The source, who requested that he not be identified, noted \"U.S. forces could destroy the crops using aerial spraying techniques, but no such actions are planned.\"", "U.S. plans to spray the crops were canceled at the request of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, who has called for jihad or \"holy war\", but is concerned that aerial spraying could be harmful to the health of Afghan villagers. The U.S. claims that the spraying would be safe, but is granting Karzai's request.", "Karzai has indicated that he may change his mind if other U.S. strategies fail to halt the opium. Congress budgeted $774 million for anti-drug operations in Afghanistan just this year.", "The CIA reports in From Flowers to Heroin that it takes 10 kg of opium to make 1 kg of 90% pure heroin. The CIA states that impurities are introduced into the processed heroin before it hits the street, making the purity of the end consumer product about 40%. That implies that 10 kg of opium makes about 2.25 kg of 40% pure heroin.", "The Guardian reports that the 2002 opium harvest was 3400 metric tons. Using the conversion supplied by the CIA, 2002's 3400 opium harvest could be converted into 765 metric tons of heroin. According to the International Narcotics Control Board, the 2003 opium harvest was 3600 metric tons. Using the estimated 239% increase of the present harvast over 2003, it means that the 2005 harvest is about 8600 metric tons.", "The 2002 street price of heroin in the UK was about 60 £ per GRAM, or (assuming the present 1.89 USD to 1 £ exchange) 113.40 USD per GRAM. As the supply goes up the price will come down some, so for this calculation only the 2002 figures will be used. If all the opium harvest is converted into heroin and all of it is sold at the UK street price, the total street value of the harvest is 86.7 billion USD. (765 metric tons x 1000 kg/metric ton x 1000 grams/kg x 113.4 USD/gram = about 86.7 billion USD.) To the extent the 2002 numbers are valid today, the street value of the 2005 harvest should be roughly twice the street value of the 2002 harvest, about 173 billion USD.", "To put these numbers in perspective, the total market capitalization of Ford, General Motors and Daimler Chrysler combined is about 76 billion USD. The total market capitalization of Toyota and Honda combined is about 167 billion USD.", "The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) was formed to promote harmonization of international antimoney laundering (AML) laws. Despite the fact that tens of billions of USDs are generated from the Afgan opium harvest alone, the FATF has not added Afghanistan to its blacklist of uncooperative nations. One has to wonder, therefore, what the poppy farmers are doing with their share of the money that escapes the notice of the banking system and the FATF.", "Thursday, March 28, 2002" ]
Afganistan leder opiumproduktionen igen, enligt FN
[ "CIA", "Afghanistan", "Drugs", "Hamid Karzai", "May 3, 2005", "Heroin", "Executive Office of the President of the United States", "Asia", "Europe", "United Nations", "Crime and law", "United States", "Opium", "North America" ]
[ "Enligt en ny rapport från FN-organet UNODC har opiumproduktionen i Afganistan ökat varje år sedan den USA-ledda koalitionen invaderade landet och Afganistan är nu den största opiumproducenten i världen. Enligt rapporten har produktionen ökat med 64% räknat till arealen och 22% räknat i exportvärde vilket motsvarar 2.8 miljarder dollar.", "I en reklamkampanj som Bush-administrationen genomförde 2002 hette det att: \"Droger finansierar terrorism\". Bush-administrationen har kritiserats för att vara passiv och handlingsförlamad. En ståndpunkts som får stöd av Antoni Maria Costa, chef vid UNDCO." ]
27 februari 2005
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2008 Dakar Rally cancelled over terrorist threat
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Paris", "Mauritania", "Islam", "France", "January 5, 2008", "Al-Qaeda", "Africa", "Sports", "Portugal", "Culture and entertainment", "Religion", "Europe", "Crime and law", "Senegal", "Auto racing", "Lisbon" ]
[ "The threat of terrorism has caused the cancellation yesterday of the 2008 Dakar Rally, due to start today. The race, which was to be the 30th consecutive rally, was to start in Lisbon, Portugal and end on January 20 in Dakar, Senegal having crossed the Sahara Desert.", "The endurance event is the world’s biggest off-road rally and Paris-based organisers Amaury Sport Organisation had said as late as Thursday that more than 500 cars, trucks, motorcycles and quads from fifty different countries were ready to go as scheduled. However, the organisation changed its mind under pressure from the French government.", "Al-Qaida-linked groups are believed to have planned to attack the rally, and it is reported that specific threats were made against it by al-Qaida in the Islamic Magreb, a regional African offshoot. The day before Christmas a French family on holiday in Mauritania was murdered and al-Qaida are believed to be responsible; the rally was scheduled to spend eight days in Mauritania.", "Al-Qaida in the Islamic Magreb have recently seen a crackdown by authorities, but are continuing their operations and are now seeking to strike international targets. Last month they bombed the United Nations headquarters in Algiers; that attack killed 37.", "The Mauritanian government had promised a 3,000-strong security force to protect the competitors but the remote location of the desert and scrubland involved would make effective security arrangements almost impossible. French security consultant Louis Caprioli, former anti-terrorism head at the Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire, said “You would need really incredible security precautions, and I don’t think it’s possible with the new techniques of attack, such as suicide bombings.”", "French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said yesterday that Amuary had been warned by government officials that it would be too dangerous to go ahead with the plan. After last-minute meetings with ministry officials. “No other decision but the cancellation of the sporting event could be taken,” said a statement on Amuary’s website.", "Caprioli said the terrorists intended to prove “They can chase out the infidels. The cancellation was wise. But it gives the impression that the terrorists have won.”", "Patrice Clerc, head of Amuary, stated “When you are told of direct threats against the event and when the sinister name of al-Qaeda is mentioned, you don’t ask for details. It was enough for me to hear my government say the danger is at a maximum.”", "Security has caused many concerns for the race over the years. Extremists tend to view the race as a prime target, as it is highly covered by the media, and is a rare concentration of Westerners. As a result, major security measures have had to be undertaken by French and African authorities. Almost 50 people have been killed, several of whom at the hands of African fighters. Although there are fears for the future of the race, Amuary said that the event would continue in the future. “The Dakar is a symbol, and nothing can destroy symbols,” they said. “The cancellation of the 2008 edition does not endanger the future of the Dakar.” However, they have confirmed that it is unlikely Mauritania will be a destination in future events. Competitors in the event, however, are less optimistic, with many saying that they feel the race will not go ahead next year. Newspapers in Senegal have described the cancellation as a death sentence. Meanwhile, the town of Portimao in Portugal, intended to be the rally’s first scheduled stop, are considering filing for damages against Amuary.", "Victor Anderes, vice-president of a New York firm specialising in high-profile event security, called the cancellation an unprecedented one in sporting history, saying “Smaller cultural events have been cancelled , but this hasn’t happened with such a major international event.” However, he did accept that “The threat is significant. It would be almost impossible to secure the entire course.”" ]
Se suspende la versión 2008 del rally Lisboa-Dakar por problemas de seguridad
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Paris", "Mauritania", "Islam", "France", "January 5, 2008", "Al-Qaeda", "Africa", "Sports", "Portugal", "Culture and entertainment", "Religion", "Europe", "Crime and law", "Senegal", "Auto racing", "Lisbon" ]
[ "La edición 2008 del clásico Rally Lisboa-Dakar fue suspendido por problemas de seguridad en las etapas que comprendían el territorio de Mauritania, según lo que anunció la organización de la carrera.", "Esta suspensión se debió a las amenazas de la organización terrorista Al Qaeda, quienes habían amenazado a los participantes de la prueba automovilística, y poniendo como una muestra de su amenaza, la muerte de cuatro turistas en Mauritania, tras lo cual, el gobierno de Francia solicitó que no se realizara la prueba de rally.", "La apuesta de la organización para la prueba de 2009 es tener una competencia que permita a resguardar la seguridad de los competidores, los habitantes y la prensa que acompaña a la caravana de automóviles durante un mes, tiempo que dura aproximadamente la prueba.", "Según lo informado por el comité de organización, la amenaza terrorista echó por tierra el trabajo de medio año de planeación y terminó con las esperanzas de los amantes del deporte tuerca a ver uno de los rallyes más famosos del mundo.", "A pesar de los problemas de seguridad, la caravana solidaria, que es paralela a la prueba, se mantendrá a cargo de las compañías Repsol y KTM, pero cambiará su recorrido original." ]
4 de enero de 2008
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Dakar-ralli on peruttu
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Paris", "Mauritania", "Islam", "France", "January 5, 2008", "Al-Qaeda", "Africa", "Sports", "Portugal", "Culture and entertainment", "Religion", "Europe", "Crime and law", "Senegal", "Auto racing", "Lisbon" ]
[ "Perinteinen autourheiluvuoden aloittaja Dakar-ralli on peruttu turvallisuusuhkien tähden. Tiedon ovat kisajärjestäjät vahvistaneet tänään, perjantaina 4. tammikuuta. Nyt peruttu ralli olisi ollut järjestyksessä 30:s Dakariin päättyvä ralli, joka aiemmin alkoi Pariisista, mutta nyt lähtöpaikaksi oli päätetty Lissabon Portugalissa.", "Kilpailun oli tarkoitus alkaa lauantaina 5. tammikuuta ja se olisi päättynyt Dakariin 20. tammikuuta.", "Kisajärjestäjät ovat olleet jo pidemmän aikaa huolestuneita alueella olevasta terroristiuhasta, mutta Mauritaniassa jouluaattona tapahtunut neljän ranskalaisen turistin raaka tappo sai kisajärjestäjät tekemään päätöksen rallin peruuntumisesta. Mauritaniassa oltaisiin ajettu kahdeksan kilpailun kaikkiaan 15 etapista.", "Dakar-rallia, joka aiemmin tunnettiin nimellä Pariisi–Dakar-ralli ei ole peruttu kertaakaan aiemmin kilpailun alkamisesta, vuonna 1979 lähtien. Useita etappeja eri vuosina on kuitenkin jouduttu peruuttamaan.", "Suomalainen europarlamentaarikko Ari Vatanen on voittanut rallin useita kertoja." ]
4. tammikuuta 2008
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Le rallye raid Paris-Dakar est annulé
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Paris", "Mauritania", "Islam", "France", "January 5, 2008", "Al-Qaeda", "Africa", "Sports", "Portugal", "Culture and entertainment", "Religion", "Europe", "Crime and law", "Senegal", "Auto racing", "Lisbon" ]
[ "Le rallye Lisbonne-Dakkar, dont le départ aurait dû être donné samedi 5 janvier 2008, a été annulé en raison de l'assassinat de quatre Français en Mauritanie. C'est donc à la suite de menaces terroristes contre la course que le gouvernement français a fortement déconseillé à ses ressortissants de se rendre dans ce pays en invoquant la raison d'État.", "Fort précisément, quatre étapes devaient se dérouler en Mauritanie, ce qui a provoqué l'inquiétude des organisateurs. Cette inquiétude est allée crescendo lorsque les menaces d'Al Qaïda se sont fait jour contre la course.", "Le lendemain de l'annulation de la course, Michèle Alliot-Marie, ministre française de l'Intérieur, a confié au Journal du Dimanche « Depuis plusieurs années, en Mauritanie comme au Mali, des groupes islamistes représentent un véritable danger (…) En ce moment, des groupes se réclamant d'Al Qaïda ont la volonté de commettre des actions fortes et symboliques ». Elle a confirmé que ses services sont convaincus que les assassinats de quatre ressortissants français en Mauritanie seraient liés à Al Qaïda." ]
Publié le 5 janvier 2008
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לראשונה: ראלי דקר בוטל בעקבות חשש מטרור
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Paris", "Mauritania", "Islam", "France", "January 5, 2008", "Al-Qaeda", "Africa", "Sports", "Portugal", "Culture and entertainment", "Religion", "Europe", "Crime and law", "Senegal", "Auto racing", "Lisbon" ]
[ "אירוע הספורט הגדול הראשון בשנה האזרחית, ראלי דקר, אשר היה אמור להתחיל מחר בוטל. הוועדה המארגנת של מירוץ המכוניות הגדול הודיעה כי עקב חשש מפיגועי טרור, ובעיקר עקב שורת פיגועים כנגד אזרחים צרפתים במאוריטניה, אשר נמצאת במסלול המירוץ, הוחלט לבטלו. לדברי המארגנים הדבר בא בעקבות דיונים ובקשות ממשרד החוץ הצרפתי, אשר הוזעק בעקבות הפיגועים אשר יוחסו לארגון הטרור הבינלאומי אל קעידה.", "ראלי דקר, אשר החל את דרכו ב-1979 כ\"ראלי פריז-דקר\", הוא אחד ממירוצי המכוניות החשובים ביותר בעולם הספורט המוטורי. מדי שנה קובעים מארגני המירוץ מסלולים שונים בשטחי טבע מתאגרים. המירוץ נמשך מספר שבועות בהם מתחרים ביניהם הנהגים בקטעי מירוץ שונים. במירוץ מספר קטגוריות עבור אופנועים, מכוניות ואף משאיות. אחת האטרקציות הגדולות של המירוץ היא סדרת הקטעים אשר עוברים במאוריטניה, בהם המשתתפים צריכים לעבור חוליות מדבריות גדולות במיוחד, אשר נחשבות לאתגר הקשה ביותר במסלול.", "השנה היה אמורים להתחרות 570 משתתפים, אשר יחד עם צוותים מלווים הגיעו לנקודת הפתיחה ליסבון, בירת פורטוגל. אך לכולם, כולל לנהג הישראלי דרור כהן, נכונה הפתעה לא נעימה כאשר הודיעו המארגנים כי על אף פריסת 4000 מאבטחים בשטחי מאוריטניה כדי להגן על המשתתפים, המארגנים והצוות המלווה - הם נאלצים לבטל האירוע, וזאת יממה בלבד לפני מועד תחילת המירוץ. הביטול גרר נזק כספי לא מבוטל לא רק למארגני המירוץ, אלא גם למתחרים עצמם, ומעיד על עצמו כהן כי השקיע כחצי מליון דולר מכספו לפני המירוץ אותם היו אמורים לכסות חוזי פרסום במהלך המירוץ, אך משזה בוטל יבוטלו גם הם." ]
4 בינואר 2008
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Lisboa-Dacar é cancelado por falta de segurança
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Paris", "Mauritania", "Islam", "France", "January 5, 2008", "Al-Qaeda", "Africa", "Sports", "Portugal", "Culture and entertainment", "Religion", "Europe", "Crime and law", "Senegal", "Auto racing", "Lisbon" ]
[ "O Rali Lisboa-Dacar é cancelado por falta de segurança. Um outro motivo para o cancelamento foi a ameaça e o temor da ocorrência de ataques terroristas na Mauritânia, enquanto estivesse acontecendo o evento.", "\"O cancelamento da edição de 2008 não questiona o futuro do Dacar\", disse a organização em um comunicado, acrescentando que o rali \"é um símbolo e ninguém pode destruir os símbolos\".", "Esta seria a 30° edição do rali, e contaria com a sua maioor participação, com 570 equipes de 50 países, sendo que dez brasileiros estavam inscritos para realizar a prova." ]
Lisboa • 4 de janeiro de 2008
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21 people killed and 113 reported injured in three blasts in Mumbai
[ "Maharashtra", "July 13, 2011", "Jewellery", "Asia", "Disasters and accidents", "Crime and law", "India", "Mumbai" ]
[ "Three blasts occurred in Mumbai Wednesday evening in one of the busiest areas of the city. It has been estimated that 21 people have been killed and up to 113 injured. According to a regional government official, Prithviraj Chavan, the explosions were \"a co-ordinated attack by terrorists.\"", "The first blast took place in South Mumbai's Zaveri Bazar at 1854 local time (1324 UTC), in which several were injured. Here, a motorcycle had a bomb attached to it that exploded next to a jewelry shop. According to eyewitnesses, fire broke out immediately after the blast.", "The second explosion happened at the Opera House in Charni Road within a few minutes of the first one. This was the most powerful explosion, caused by a bomb that blew up inside a building.", "The third one took place in Dadar at 1905 local time (1405 UTC), where a taxi was rigged for the purpose. All three of the locations are commercial and residential areas with busy streets and heavy traffic.", "According to an eyewitness to the Zaveri Bazar explosion, \"[b]odies and limbs were strewn everywhere. People were crying and screaming. The area was packed with shoppers at the time of the blast. A few offered assistance to the blood-soaked victims, while others looked on in a state of shock.\"", "The home ministry put the National Security Guard on alert following the blasts in Mumbai." ]
Indien: Drei Bombenanschläge in Mumbai
[ "Maharashtra", "July 13, 2011", "Jewellery", "Asia", "Disasters and accidents", "Crime and law", "India", "Mumbai" ]
[ "Mumbai (Indien), 13.07.2011 – Drei Explosionen innerhalb von 20 Minuten ereigneten sich in Mumbai, der Hauptstadt des Bundesstaates Maharashtra in Indien, an drei belebten und beliebten Plätzen. Es gab mindestens 20 Tote und 110 Verletzte. Prithviraj Chavan, der Regierungschef des Bundesstaates, geht von einem Terroranschlag aus. Auch das Innenministerium in Neu Delhi, das von selbstgebauten Bomben spricht, spricht von einem Anschlag.", "Die Explosionen ereigneten sich im Viertel Dadar in der Innenstadt, am Juwelier-Basar und im Geschäftsviertel Opera House. Mumbai ist eine der bevölkerungsreichsten Städte der Welt. Im Jahr 2009 ging man von einer Bevölkerungszahl von 21,3 Millionen aus. Vielen ist die Stadt noch als Bombay bekannt.", "Bei dem Anschlag handelt es sich um den neunten schweren seit dem Jahr 2002. Am 11. Juli 2006 erfolgte ein Anschlag auf einen Vorortzug, er forderten 181 Tote und 890 Verletzte. Damals ging man davon aus, dass die islamistische Terrorgruppe Lashkar-e-Toiba, welche von Pakistan operiert, die Verantwortung trägt. Auch jetzt wurden schnell Stimmen laut, die Schuldigen wären in Pakistan zu suchen. Die Regierung Islamabad wies die Anschuldigung zurück.", "Polizei und Armee wurde in Alarmbereitschaft versetzt. Augenzeugen sprachen von schrecklichen Bildern die nach den Detonationen zu sehen waren." ]
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انفجار سه بمب در بمبئی
[ "Maharashtra", "July 13, 2011", "Jewellery", "Asia", "Disasters and accidents", "Crime and law", "India", "Mumbai" ]
[ "سه انفجار در عصر روز چهارشنبه در یکی از شلوغ‌ترین مناطق شهر بمبئی رخ داده‌است. خسارات جانی این بمبگذاری درحدود ۲۱ نفر کشته و حداکثر ۱۱۳ نفر زخمی برآورد شده‌است. به گفته یک مقام دولتی منطقه، چاوان، «انفجارها حملهٔ هماهنگ تروریست‌ها» بوده‌است.", "شورای امنیت سازمان ملل متحد، مانموهان سینگ نخست وزیر هند، باراک اوباما رئیس جمهور آمریکا و هیلاری کلینتون، وزیر امور خارجه آمریکا با صدور ‌بیانیه‌های جداگانه‌، این بمب گذاری‌ها را شدیدا محکوم کردند.", "هنوز هیچ گروهی مسوولیت این انفجارها برعهده نگرفته است." ]
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Финансовая столица Индии вновь стала жертвой теракта
[ "Maharashtra", "July 13, 2011", "Jewellery", "Asia", "Disasters and accidents", "Crime and law", "India", "Mumbai" ]
[ "Полиция Индии сообщает о серии взрывов в финансовой столице страны — Мумбаи. Погиб по меньшей мере 21 человек, 141 получили ранения.", "Заряды были детонированы в среду вечером в многолюдных районах города. Два взрыва прогремели на юге города, неподалеку от здания оперы и знаменитого ювелирного ряда. Третий — ближе к центру Мумбаи, в квартале Дадар.", "По словам сотрудников департамента внутренней безопасности, правоохранительные органы приведены в состояние повышенной готовности, к местам происшествия направлены команды криминалистов. Эксперты считают, что теракты были устроены «с целью убийства максимального числа людей».", "Местные телеканалы показывают разрушения и погрузку раненых в машины скорой помощи.", "В 2008 году на Мумбаи совершили нападение пакистанские боевики; в результате атаки погибли 166 человек.", "На совместной пресс-конференции в Вашингтоне, госсекретарь США Хиллари Клинтон и министр иностранных дел России Сергей Лавров выразили соболезнования жертвам терактов в Мумбае и заявили о необходимости развивать международное сотрудничество в деле борьбы с терроризмом." ]
14 июля 2011 года
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Hindistan'da bombalı saldırılar: 21 ölü
[ "Maharashtra", "July 13, 2011", "Jewellery", "Asia", "Disasters and accidents", "Crime and law", "India", "Mumbai" ]
[ "Hindistan'ın Mumbai kentinde patlayan bombalar en az 21 kişinin ölümüne, yüzü aşkın kişinin de yaralanmasına yolaçtı. İçişleri Bakanı P. Chidambaram, patlamaları “teröristlerin koordineli saldırısı” olarak tanımladı ve sükünet çağrısında bulundu.", "Polis, patlamalardan birinin kentin güney kesiminde popüler Opera binası yakınında, diğerinin Zaveri adlı ünlü mücevher pazarında meydana geldiğini bildirdi. Üçüncü bomba ise kentin merkezindeki kalabalık Dadar mahallesinde patladı. Yetkililer can kaybının artmasından kaygı duyuyor.", "Mumbai emniyet müdürü Arup Patnaik, bomba uzmanlarının yaptığı ilk incelemeye göre patlayıcı maddelerden birinin bir şemsiye içine yerleştirildiğinin belirlendiğini açıkladı. Patnaik, yetkililerin elinde terörist saldırı hazırlığıyla ilgili istihbarat olup olmadığı sorusunu yanıtsız bıraktı.", "Henüz saldırının sorumluluğunu üstlenen olmadı.", "ABD Başkanı Barack Obama yaptığı açıklamada saldırıyı sert biçimde kınadı.", "Mumbai’de 2008 yılında Pakistanlı militanlar tarafından düzenlenen saldırıda 166 kişi ölmüştü. Hindistan’da yerel militan gruplar da zaman zaman büyük kentlerde saldırılar düzenliyor." ]
13 Temmuz 2011, Çarşamba
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25 dead after fire in Chinese coal mine
[ "Mining", "China", "Asia", "Disasters and accidents", "Crime and law", "March 16, 2010" ]
[ "According to local media, 25 people have died in an illegal coal mine in central China, after a fire broke out there.", "The incident occurred at the mines of the Dongxing Coal Mining Company, near the city of Zhengzhou, the capital of the Henan province. It is believed that the fire was started by an electrical fault, the Xinhua news agency reports. There were 31 total miners inside the mine; six were able to escape, but the others burnt to death.", "The owner, manager, and an investor of the mine were taken into police custody on Monday. Their assets, and those of the mine, have been frozen by the authorities. It was not immediately clear what caused the blaze, although an investigation is underway.", "China's mines are the deadliest in the world; according to Al Jazeera, several thousand miners die each year due to accidents in them. Earlier this month, over 30 people were killed in another coal mine in the northern part of the country, after a flood. The government has pledged to crack down upon illegal mines and enforce safety rules." ]
Au moins 25 morts après un incendie dans une mine chinoise
[ "Mining", "China", "Asia", "Disasters and accidents", "Crime and law", "March 16, 2010" ]
[ "Selon la presse locale, 25 personnes sont mortes dans l'incendie d'une mine illégale de charbon au centre de la Chine.", "L'incident s'est produit dans une mine de la Dongxing Coal Mining Company, à proximité de la ville de Zhengzhou, dans la province d'Henan. Il semblerait que le feu se soit déclaré à la suite d'un problème électrique. 31 personnes se trouvaient dans la mine, six d'entre elles ont réussi à s'échapper, tandis les autres sont restées coincées à l'intérieur. Le propriétaire de la mine a été arrêté par la police hier.", "Les mines chinoises sont les plus meurtrières du monde : selon Al Jazeera, plusieurs centaines de mineurs trouvent la mort dans des accidents. Au début du mois, 30 autres mineurs sont décédés dans une mine de charbon inondée dans le nord du pays. Le gouvernement a décidé de lutter contre les mines illégales et de renforcer les mesures de sécurité." ]
Publié le 16 mars 2010
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25 more NZ police head off to East Timor
[ "East Timor", "AutoArchived", "Politics and conflicts", "July 11, 2006", "United Nations", "New Zealand", "Crime and law", "Arson", "Oceania", "Kofi Annan" ]
[ "25 New Zealand police officers have left today, July 11, for three months in East Timor. The force will carry pepper spray and pistols.", "The police force will assist the 160 New Zealand Defence Force armed personnel that are already in East Timor as well as other country's personnel.", "Grant O'Fee, contingent commander, said \"attempts will be made to establish good relations with village chiefs.\"", "The police teams will try to prosecute those who are responsible for arson and assault following the recent violence in East Timor.", "The recent two weeks of violence has died down since the former Prime Minister (PM) of East Timor resigned giving his post to the former foreign and defence minister, Jose Ramos Horta. This appointment has been congratulated by the United Nations (UN) Secretary General, Kofi Annan. Horta said the main priority for his government will be \"restoring security and moving 150,000 people in refugee camps back home.\"" ]
Policiais da Nova Zelândia combatem onda de violência em Timor-Leste
[ "East Timor", "AutoArchived", "Politics and conflicts", "July 11, 2006", "United Nations", "New Zealand", "Crime and law", "Arson", "Oceania", "Kofi Annan" ]
[ "Mais 25 policiais da Nova Zelândia partiram para Timor-Leste. Eles irão se juntar aos 160 homens armados da Força de Defesa da Nova Zelândia que já estão em Timor-Leste para auxiliar as autoridades daquele país.", "Os policiais tentarão capturar aquelas pessoas que são responsáveis pelos incêndios e assaltos numa recente onda de violência que atingiu o Timor-Leste.", "A onda de violência que atingiu o Timor-Leste nas últimas duas semanas eclodiu depois que o Primeiro Ministro desse país renunciou e o ex-Ministro das pastas das Relações Exteriores e dos Negócios Estrangeiros José Ramos Horta assumiu.", "A crise começou como um conflito entre elementos das forças militares do Timor-Leste e espalhou-se numa onda de violência pelo país, porém concentrada na capital Dili. A crise motivou a intervenção militar de vários outros países.", "Timor-Leste sofre as conseqüências de uma divisão que remonta à época colonial, entre Loromonu e Lorosae. Loromonu abrange dez distritos de Timor-Leste e Lorosae outros três.", "O estopim para a revolta foi uma disputa dentro das Forças de Defesa de Timor-Leste (FDTL). Os soldados timorenses de Lorosae acusam os timorenses de Loromonu de terem feito nada pela independência de Timor.", "Os loromonu dizem que sofrem descriminação e que são menos favorecidos na atual estrutura militar.", "Há ainda tensões entre os militares e as forças policiais, formada principalmente de ocidentais e de ex-membros da força militar da Indonésia." ]
11 de julho de 2006
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26 Americans, mostly CIA agents, charged for kidnapping in Italy
[ "Italy", "CIA", "Politics and conflicts", "Egypt", "Crime and law", "United States", "February 16, 2007", "North America", "Middle East" ]
[ "On Friday an Italian judge ordered 26 Americans, a CIA-led team, to stand trial for kidnapping of Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr in 2003. He was brought to Egypt where he says he was tortured as a subject to CIA \"rendition\". He was later released. Also on trial is Nicolo Pollari, Italy's former spy chief, and members of the SISMI military intelligence agency.", "This is the first criminal trial over \"renditions\", aspects of the Bush administration's \"war on terror\". One of the defendants Robert Seldon Lady, the former CIA station chief in Milan, said via his lawyer that he did not recognize the court.", "Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, a Muslim cleric also known as Abu Omar was taken by a CIA-led team in Milan on 17 February, 2003 and allegedly transferred by vehicle to the Aviano Air Base near Venice, later by air to the Ramstein Air Base in Germany, and lastly sent to Egypt. He was released from prison on Sunday and says that he would like to return to Italy. He also said he has been tortured with electric shocks, beatings, rape threats and genital abuse, and that \"I have been reduced to a wreck of a human being.\"", "Though Mr. Nasr was under investigation for terrorism-related activities at the time of his abduction no charges have been brought against him. Italian officials says Nasr was suspected of recruiting fighters for radical Islamic causes and fought in Afghanistan and Bosnia. Montasser al-Zayat, lawyer, said Nasr had only traveled to Jordan, Yemen, Albania and Germany." ]
26 Américains et 9 Italiens renvoyés devant un tribunal, pour l'enlèvement d'un imam en 2003
[ "Italy", "CIA", "Politics and conflicts", "Egypt", "Crime and law", "United States", "February 16, 2007", "North America", "Middle East" ]
[ "La juge italienne Caterina Interlandi, chargée de fixer les audiences préliminaires au tribunal de Milan (Lombardie), a rendu un arrêt, vendredi 16 février 2007, renvoyant 35 personnes devant un tribunal, pour un procès qui pourrait se tenir à partir du 8 juin prochain. Parmi ces 35 prévenus, 26 sont des ressortissants américains, dont la plupart sont connus comme agents de la CIA ou soupçonnés de l'être, et les 9 autres sont de nationalité italienne.", "Les prévenus américains et 5 des prévenus italiens se voient reprocher leur implication dans l'enlèvement, survenu à Milan le 17 février 2003, de Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr dit « Abou Omar », aujourd'hui âgé de 44 ans, ressortissant égyptien, qui était à l'époque imam à la grande mosquée de la métropole lombarde. Selon les résultats de l'instruction judiciaire italienne, le religieux aurait été conduit sur la base américaine d'Aviano (Frioul-Vénétie julienne), puis transféré par avion d'abord sur la base de Ramstein (Rhénanie-Palatinat, Allemagne), puis en Égypte, où il est resté détenu par les autorités de son pays jusqu'au 12 février dernier, date à laquelle il a été libéré.", "L'avocat d'« Abou Omar » affirme que, durant sa détention en Égypte, son client aurait été torturé et aurait tenté de mettre fin à ses jours. L'imam a fait connaître son intention de déposer une plainte en justice contre Silvio Berlusconi, président du Conseil des ministres à l'époque de l'enlèvement, en vue de lui réclamer dix millions d'euros de dommages et intérêts pour sa supposée implication dans l'enlèvement en sa qualité de chef du gouvernement ainsi que pour avoir facilité sa capture par la CIA.", "La principale incertitude réside dans la conduite des débats. On suppose, à l'heure actuelle, qu'aucun des 26 Américains ne sera présent à l'audience, puisque tous ont quitté le sol italien depuis longtemps. La justice italienne avait délivré des mandats d'arrêt internationaux, mais ceux-ci sont restés bloqués sur les bureaux des ministres italiens de la Justice successifs, tant du gouvernement de Silvio Berlusconi que de celui de Romano Prodi, qui se sont jusqu'ici refusés à transmettre la moindre demande d'extradition aux autorités américaines [1]. La justice italienne est toutefois susceptible de rendre d'éventuels jugements par contumace, en cas de nécessité.", "Parmi les prévenus italiens figurent Nicolò Pollari, ancien chef du SISMI (les renseignements militaires italiens) et son adjoint Marco Mancini, tous deux limogés le 20 novembre dernier, à l'occasion d'un vaste remaniement des services de renseignement auquel avait procédé le gouvernement.", "Parmi les prévenus américains, on remarque les noms de Jeff Castelli et Robert Seldon Lady, respectivement chefs de poste à Milan et à Rome, et du lieutenant-colonel Joseph L. Romano III, qui était à l'époque stationné à la base aérienne d'Aviano.", "Trois ou quatre autre ressortissants italiens sont également impliqués à un moindre niveau, pour une simple complicité dans l'enlèvement.", "L'incertitude règne également sur l'éventuelle présence au cours des débats de la victime de l'enlèvement, « Abou Omar », qui a fait connaître son intention de venir témoigner lors d'un éventuel procès, sans que l'on sache toutefois s'il serait autorisé à fouler de nouveau le sol italien.", "Enfin, la tenue du procès reste suspendue à la décision que prendra la Cour constitutionnelle, devant laquelle le gouvernement a présenté un recours contre l'action du parquet de Milan qui, selon l'argumentation gouvernementale, aurait violé le secret d'État en utilisant les écoutes téléphoniques réalisées par les agents du SISMI. L'éventuelle acceptation par la cour constitutionnelle de cet argument serait susceptible de faire annuler l'ensemble de la procédure censée se traduire par le procès devant débuter le 8 juin prochain.", "Si toutefois le procès pouvait avoir lieu, on sait déjà que la défense de Nicolò Pollari, qui s'est rendu de lui-même au tribunal de Milan pour y apporter son témoignage, compte plaider l'ignorance dans laquelle M. Pollari et la haute hiérarchie du SISMI étaient d'un possible enlèvement d'« Abou Omar ». La défense de l'ancien chef du SISMI aimerait d'ailleurs, pour renforcer la thèse de celui-ci, que soient entendus Silvio Berlusconi et Romano Prodi, en leur qualité d'ancien et actuel présidents du conseil des ministres, ainsi que diverses autres personnalités de haut rang." ]
Publié le 17 février 2007
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26 cittadini USA, molti agenti della CIA, accusati di rapimento nel caso Abu Omar
[ "Italy", "CIA", "Politics and conflicts", "Egypt", "Crime and law", "United States", "February 16, 2007", "North America", "Middle East" ]
[ "Venerdì un giudice italiano ha rinviato a giudizio 26 cittadini statunitensi, compresi molti agenti della CIA. L'accusa è di rapimento di Abu Omar, effettuato nel 2003 per le strade di Milano. L'uomo era stato portato in Egitto, dove, ha detto lo stesso Omar, è stato torturato e quindi rilasciato. È stato rinviato a giudizio anche l'ex capo dei servizi segreti Nicolò Pollari e altri membri del SISMI.", "Si tratta del primo processo contro spie statunitensi da quando l'amministrazione Bush ha dichiarato la \"guerra al terrorismo\". Uno degli accusati, Robert Seldon Lady, in precedenza a capo della squadra della CIA a Milano, ha detto tramite i suoi legali che non riconoscerà la corte.", "Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, detto Abu Omar, ex imam di Milano, era stato preso da alcuni membri della CIA a Milano il 17 febbraio 2003 e quindi trasferito nella base aerea di Aviano, vicino Venezia, e quindi, con un aereo, era stato portato in Egitto. L'uomo è stato rilasciato domenica scorsa e ha detto che vorrebbe tornare in Italia. Omar ha anche riferito di essere stato torturato con elettroshock, percosse, minacce di violenza, ed di essere \"ridotto a un relitto di essere umano.\"", "Sebbene Abu Omar fosse sotto indagini per attività legate al terrorismo al tempo del suo rapimento, nessuna accusa è stata poi formulata contro di lui. Funzionari italiani hanno riferito che Omar era sospettato di reclutamento di combattenti per conto dei terroristi islamici e di aver combattuto in Afghanistan e Bosnia. Montasser al-Zayat, avvocato di Abu Omar, ha detto che il suo assistito ha solo viaggiato in Giordania, Yemen, Albania e Germania." ]
sabato 17 febbraio 2007
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3 dead as man on trial for rape escapes
[ "Georgia (U.S. state)", "Atlanta, Georgia", "Crime and law", "Sex crimes", "United States", "March 12, 2005" ]
[ "During the trial of a man yesterday for rape at an Atlanta court house, the man on trial allegedly stole the gun of a nearby deputy and shot dead the Judge, a reporter and another deputy. The suspect, Brian Nichols aged 33, was at court for the fourth day of his trial for numerous charges filed by a former girlfriend. Nichols was being tried a second time after his first trial ended in a hung jury (8-4 for acquittal).", "After fleeing the court house Atlanta police assumed he drove away in the reporters car and issued a nation wide \"look out\" for the vehicle. The car was found later parked in the courthouse garage. He is still at large, and a massive police hunt is under way. The prior day to the incident, Mr. Nichols was found to have two handmade knives hidden in his shoes. Georgia prisoners often make \"shanks\" to try to fend off gang rapes while in custody.", "There is a bounty of $60,000 for any information leading to Mr. Nichols' re-capture." ]
Acusado de violación mata juez y huye, en los EE.UU.
[ "Georgia (U.S. state)", "Atlanta, Georgia", "Crime and law", "Sex crimes", "United States", "March 12, 2005" ]
[ "12 de marzo de 2005Atlanta, Estados Unidos —", "Un hombre juzgado por el violación, según informaciones de testigos, tomó el arma de un guardia que estaba pröximo, ingresó a la sala de audiencias y disparó al juez Rowland Barnes, de 64 años y de su estenógrafa, Julie Brandau, de 43 años, matándolos al instante. El guardia a quien Barnes robó el arma está en estado grave en el hospital, pero tiene posibilidades de sobrevivir. Los hechos se registraron ayer en un tribunal de Atlanta. El sospechoso se llama Brian Nichols, tiene 33 años, estaba en el tribunal en el cuarto día de su juicio por incontables acusaciones hechas por su ex novia.", "Después de dejar el tribunal, Nichols robó el coche de uno de los reporteros y huyó. Una gran cacería tuvo inicio con la participación de helicópteros y centenares de policías. Fue ofrecida una recompensa de 60 mil dólares por cualquier información que llevara a su captura.", "Según recientes noticias divulgadas por los canales de televisión de Estados Unidos, Nichols fue detenido horas después en Atlanta." ]
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Acusado de estupro mata juiz e foge, nos EUA
[ "Georgia (U.S. state)", "Atlanta, Georgia", "Crime and law", "Sex crimes", "United States", "March 12, 2005" ]
[ "Um homem em julgamento pelo crime de estupro, segundo informações de testemunhas, tomou a arma de uma policial feminina que estava próximo, entrou na sala de audiência e disparou na direção do juiz, Rowland Barnes, 64 anos e de sua estenógrafa, Julie Brandau, 43 anos, matando-os.\nA guarda de quem Brians roubou a arma encontra-se em estado grave no hospital, mas tem chances de sobreviver. Isto aconteceu ontem, em um tribunal de Atlanta nos Estados Unidos. O supeito, Brian Nichols, tem 33 anos, estava no tribunal no quarto dia de seu julgamento por inúmeras acusações feitas por sua ex-namorada.", "Depois de deixar o tribunal, roubou o carro de um dos repórteres e fugiu. Uma grande caçada teve início com a participação de helicópteros e centenas de policias. Foi oferecida uma recompensa de 60 mil dólares por qualquer informação que levasse a sua captura.", "Segundo recentes notícias divulgadas pelos canais de televisão dos Estados Unidos, Nichols foi detido horas depois em Atlanta." ]
12 de março de 2005
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30 dead in Baghdad bomb blasts, hundreds of people injured
[ "April 4, 2010", "Politics and conflicts", "Baghdad", "Disasters and accidents", "Crime and law", "Iraq", "Middle East" ]
[ "Three car bombs were detonated in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq on Sunday morning, killing 30 people. The attacks were aimed at foreign embassies, according to sources. 224 people were wounded in the bombings which occurred in quick succession according to officials.", "\"They were suicide attacks against the Egyptian and Iranian embassies,\" commented Major General Qassim Atta, who is the spokesperson for the Baghdad operations of the Iraqi security agencies. According to him, one of the attacks were at a junction close to the German and Syrian embassies. The German foreign ministry officials claimed that an security guard of Iraq was killed while three others were injured. The head of the Egyptian embassy's security was killed and several guards were wounded in the blast.", "Atta stated that Iraqi security agencies had barred a car with a bomb in Masbah, central Baghdad. The car was allegedly to be used to attack the headquarters of security police, whose work was to protect embassy officials. The bomb was defused and the driver of the car arrested by security forces.", "The explosions which occurred almost simultaneously broke windows in adjoining buildings, sparked exchange of gunfire between the security personnel and the attacker, thereby sending smoke clouds in the sky. Two suicide car bombs were detonated in the neighbourhood of Mansur in west Baghdad while a third explosion occurred close to the Iranian embassy in the city. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attacks.", "Said Mohammed, a witness of the blast near the Egyptian embassy, said guards had made an attempt to stop the bomber. \"Three security guards shouted at the truck to stop moving, and opened fire on the driver,\" said he. He angrily shouted at Iraqi army officers on seeing this, saying: \"How did the truck get here?\"", "Pieces of shrapnel covered the street in front of the embassy building. The entrance to the building was destroyed; a crater five metres (16 feet) in diameter could be seen near it.", "\"The explosion [at the Iranian embassy] was really strong,\" said Abu Ahmed, a taxi driver who was an eyewitness of one of the blasts. \"They never kill ministers, officials or heads of state. They kill taxi drivers, public employees and shopkeepers. How much longer will this last?\"", "The frequency of attacks in Iraq has fallen from the levels in 2006 or 2007; however figures issued on Thursday showed that last month, 367 Iraqis had been killed in attacks, the highest this year." ]
3 атентата срещу посолства в Багдад
[ "April 4, 2010", "Politics and conflicts", "Baghdad", "Disasters and accidents", "Crime and law", "Iraq", "Middle East" ]
[ "В центъра на Багдад, квартал Мансур, атентатори се взривиха в 2 автомобила пред посолствата на Германия, Сирия, Египет и Испания , а някoлкo минути пo-къснo, още едно превозно беше средство пред дипломатическото представителство на Иран, в квартал Салхиех Salhiyeh.", "Убитите са 42, а ранените са 224. Посолството на Испания е сериозно засегнато, а пред посолството на Иран зее 5 метрова дупка,. На другите посолствата са нанесени също щети. Стъклата на съседните сгради са изпочупени.", "4-та кола в квартал Масбах насочена срещу силите за сигурност охраняващи дипломатическите представителства е била спряна.", "По думите на говорителя на военно командващия Касем Ата пред АФП нападенията са били насочени срещу посолствата на Египет и Иран. Според външния министър Хосхиар Зебари атентатите са дело на Ал-Кайда: \"извършени са в едновременно в повече от една точка, по време и място, където да има максимално много жертви, а целите са политически.\"", "Предполага се, че е възможно атентатите да са извършени, защото в Ирак Йиад Алави, който се застъпва за светска, не религиозна власт спечели с две места изборите пред избраника на сунитите Нури ал-Малики.", "Въпреки че атентатите в последно време са намалели, само през месец март са загинали 367 души. В Багдад и Мосул те са най-чести.", "Plus de 30 morts dans trois attentats à Bagdad, Libération, 04.04.10", "Une série d'explosions secoue le cœur de Bagdad, Le Monde, 04.04.10", "Plus de 30 morts dans trois attentats à Bagdad, Nouvel Observateur", "Bagdad secoué, Radio Canada. 04.04.10" ]
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Irak : 30 morts dans des attentats à Bagdad
[ "April 4, 2010", "Politics and conflicts", "Baghdad", "Disasters and accidents", "Crime and law", "Iraq", "Middle East" ]
[ "Trois véhicules piégés ont explosé dimanche matin, dans la capitale irakienne Bagdad, tuant au moins 30 personnes et en blessant 224 autres. Les cibles de ces attentats étaient différentes ambassades.", "Ces attaques visaient les ambassades iranienne et égyptienne, a annoncé le général Qassim Atta, porte-parole de la brigade de sécurité de Bagdad. Selon lui, l'une des voitures piégées aurait également explosée à un carrefour situé à proximité des ambassades allemande et syrienne. Le ministère allemand des Affaires étrangères fait état de plusieurs morts et trois blessés parmi les agents de sécurité de son ambassade. En outre, le décès du chef de la sécurité de l'ambassade égyptienne a été confirmé, alors que plusieurs gardes de cette même ambassade ont également été blessés.", "M. Atta a indiqué que des agents de sécurité irakiens avaient empêché une voiture d'exploser dans le quartier de Masbah, dans le centre de Bagdad. Cette voiture visait le siège de la police et de la sécurité. La bombe a été désamorcée et le conducteur arrêté.", "Par ailleurs, deux autres attentats-suicides ont eu lieu dans le quartier de Mansour, dans l'ouest de la ville, tandis qu'un troisième véhicule a explosé devant l'ambassade d'Iran. Ces attentats n'ont pas encore été revendiqués, mais la branche irakienne d'Al-Qaïda est suspecté par les autorités d'en être à l'origine. En effet, le ministre des Affaires étrangères Hoshyar Zebari a déclaré que les attaques portaient « la marque » du groupe islamiste.", "D'après Said Mohammed, témoin de l'attentat à l'ambassade d'Égypte, des gardes ont tenté d'arrêter le kamikaze avant qu'il ne déclenche l'explosion, en vain. « Trois gardes de sécurité ont crié au camion de s'arrêter, et ouvert le feu sur le conducteur ». « L'un des officiers, voyant le camion s'approcher, hurlât aux gardes de l'armée irakienne : « Comment ce camion est-il venu ici ? » », a-t-il expliqué.", "Après l'explosion, des éclats d'obus ont recouvert la rue en face de l'ambassade. L'entrée du bâtiment a été entièrement détruite par la bombe, qui a creusé un cratère de cinq mètres de diamètre.", "« L'explosion [de l'ambassade d'Iran] a été extrêmement forte », a témoigné Abou Ahmed, chauffeur de taxi, avant d'ajouter : « Ils ne tuent jamais les ministres, les responsables ou les chefs d'État. Ce sont toujours les chauffeurs de taxi, les fonctionnaires et les commerçants qui sont tués. Combien de temps cela va-t-il durer ? ».", "Si le nombre d'attentats en Irak a baissé entre 2006 et 2007, 367 personnes, selon les chiffres, ont perdu la vie au cours d'attaques terroristes en mars dernier, ce qui en fait actuellement le mois le plus meurtrier de cette année." ]
Publié le 5 avril 2010
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31 children rescued as UK police shut down global paedophile ring
[ "United Kingdom", "June 18, 2007", "Sky News", "Crime and law" ]
[ "Police in the United Kingdom have shut down a global internet paedophile ring in a ten month operation that involved 700 suspects in 35 different countries, some of whom remain at large. 31 children have been rescued from their abusers.", "Sky News crime correspondent Martin Brunt said it could well be the biggest internet paedophile operation ever mounted in the UK. It was led by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre.", "Timothy Cox, 28, from Buxhall, near Stowmarket, UK, has been identified as the ringleader and has been sentenced to an indefinite jail term. He hosted the network the paedophiles used to communicate, a web chatroom called Kids The Light Of Our Lives, on which they swapped photos and videos of child sex abuse. Some attacks were broadcast live over the internet.", "Judge Peter Thompson said that Cox posed a significant risk and had to be sent to jail for the protection of the public. He will not be considered for release until such time as he has persuaded the authorities that he is no longer a threat to the community. Such a term could mean that he is never released.", "Cox himself was found to have 75,960 indecent and explicit images on his computer and police found evidence he supplied at least 11,491 images to other paedophiles over the chatroom, on which he used the identity \"Son of God\". He admitted to nine counts of possessing or distributing images of children. Since his arrest in September, authorities worldwide have been infiltrating the network and collecting evidence against the other members, culminating in today's announcement." ]
Wielka Brytania: aresztowano 700 osób podejrzanych o pedofilię
[ "United Kingdom", "June 18, 2007", "Sky News", "Crime and law" ]
[ "Brytyjskie władze poinformowały dzisiaj, że policja tego kraju rozbiła międzynarodową siatkę pedofilów uwalniając 31 dzieci. Aresztowano ok. 700 osób w tym ok. 200 obywateli Wielkiej Brytanii. Akcja zakończyła się powodzeniem dzięki czatowi \"Dzieci światłem naszego życia\", na którym były umieszczone zdjęcia wykorzystywanych dzieci.", "We wrześniu ubiegłego roku aresztowano moderatora chatu Timothy'ego Davida Martyna Coxa (28 lat), występującego na czacie pod pseudonimem \"Syn Boga\". Przyznał sie on do posiadania i rozpowszechniania dziecięcej pornografii. Wówczas policja zaczęła sprawdzać innych użytkowników strony.", "Śledztwo trwało 10 miesięcy i toczyło się w 35 krajach.", "\"Ten człowiek jest owładnięty obsesją na punkcie widoku dzieci wykorzystywanych seksualnie. To są szokujące zdjęcia, na których pojawiają się także bardzo małe dzieci. W najgorszych przypadkach są one ofiarami sadyzmu, z którego ten człowiek z jakiegoś niewytłumaczalnego powodu czerpał przyjemność\" - powiedział o Coxie Peter Thompson, sędzia.", "Wyrok w sprawie Timothyego Davida Martyna Coxa ma zapaść 29 czerwca." ]
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31 killed in Afghanistan bus bombing
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Asia", "Afghanistan", "Disasters and accidents", "Crime and law", "Kabul", "September 29, 2007", "Zabihullah Mujahid", "Suicide attacks", "Afghan Taliban" ]
[ "A suicide bomber blew himself up on a bus carrying more than 50 people in Kabul, Afghanistan killing at least 31 and critically injuring 17 of the people on board. 28 were Afghan soldiers, and so far at least two civilians have been killed.", "\"At this time I can tell you that 31, almost all of them military personnel, have been martyred,\" said Afghanistan's Public Health Minister, Sayed Mohammad Amin Fatemi.", "Reports say that the suicide bomber, who was dressed in a military uniform, walked onto the bus and blew himself up, tearing it into two pieces. Several businesses were also damaged in the attack and military personnel were retrieving body parts from trees.", "Zabiullah Mujahid of the Taliban, says they are responsible for the blast and stated that the bomber was 'Azizullah', a Kabul resident." ]
Explosión en un autobús en Afganistán deja un saldo 31 muertos
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Asia", "Afghanistan", "Disasters and accidents", "Crime and law", "Kabul", "September 29, 2007", "Zabihullah Mujahid", "Suicide attacks", "Afghan Taliban" ]
[ "29 de septiembre de 2007Kabul, Afganistán —", "Una bomba suicida detonó en un autobús que llevaba más de 50 personas en la capital de Afganistán, Kabul, matando a al menos 31 personas e hiriendo críticamente a 20 pasajeros a bordo, 17 de ellos de gravedad. Veintiocho de los muertos eran soldados afganos del Ministerio de Defensa, y al menos dos civiles han resultado muertos.", "\"Ahora les puedo decir que 31, la mayoría de ellos personal militar, han sido martirizados\", declaró el Ministro de Salud Pública de Afganistán, Sayed Mohamad Amin Fatemi.", "Reportes indican que el suicida, quien estaba vestido con un uniforme militar, subió al autobús y se detonó a sí mismo. Testigos presenciales aseguraron que debido a la explosión el vehículo quedó partido en dos. Varios negocios cercanos también resultaron dañados en el ataque y el personal militar en la escena se encontraba retirando partes de cuerpos de los árboles.", "Un portavoz del grupo insurgente Talibán, Zabihula Mujahed, atribuyó el ataque al grupo inmediatamente.", "El Presidente de Afganistán, Hamid Karzai, declaró que este ataque debía ser respondida con una \"acción fuerte\".", "\"Nos muestra que la guerra contra el terrorismo debe continuar con más vigor. De Argelia a Indonesia, de EE. UU. a Japón, debemos seguir unidos y determinados en la guerra contra el terrorismo\", declaró el Presidente. \"Un acto de esta extrema cobardía merece la más profunda repulsa y sólo sirve para seguir firmes en la guerra que estamos librando contra el terrorismo\".", "Según datos de las Naciones Unidas, desde el 2006, los talibanes han convertido los atentados suicidas en una táctica generalizada, como señaló un reciente estudio publicado por la Misión de Naciones Unidas en Afganistán.", "Según el informe, Afganistán registró más de setenta ataques suicidas en la primera mitad del 2007, frente a los ciento veintitrés de todo el año anterior.", "Talibán perpetra con continuidad ataques en Afganistán. El grupo es una asociación que fue derrocada del poder en 2001 por una coalición internacional." ]
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Kilkadziesiąt osób zabitych w porannym wybuchu bomby w autobusie w Kabulu
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Asia", "Afghanistan", "Disasters and accidents", "Crime and law", "Kabul", "September 29, 2007", "Zabihullah Mujahid", "Suicide attacks", "Afghan Taliban" ]
[ "W samobójczym zamachu bombowym na autobus w afgańskiej stolicy, Kabulu, zginęło co najmniej 27 wojskowych i czterech cywilów, a 29 osób zostało rannych - stan 17 oceniono na ciężki. Autobus przewoził personel wojskowy pracujący w ministerstwie obrony.", "Rzecznik ministerstwa obrony Gen Zahir Azimi powiedział BBC, że ładunek zdetonował człowiek ubrany w wojskowy uniform, który zbliżył się do autobusu.", "Szef kabulskiej policji, Gen Alishah Paktiawal, poinformował, że bomba wybucha o godzinie 06:30 czasu lokalnego (02:00 GMT).", "W wyniku detonacji ładunku autobus został rozerwany. W pobliskich budynkach powypadały szyby z okien. \"Przez 10 albo 15 sekund, było jak po wybuchu bomby atomowej - ogień, dym i wszędzie kurz\" - relacjonował policjant, który był świadkiem eksplozji.", "Prezydent Afganistanu Hamid Karzai zaapelował o bardziej owocną walkę z terroryzmem. To zdarzenie \"pokazuje nam, że walka z terroryzmem powinna być bardziej energiczna\" - stwierdził.", "Taliban przyznał się do ataku. Talibowie w rozmowie telefonicznej przypomnieli, że zapowiadali działania przeciwko armii afgańskiej podczas ramadanu.", "Przez ostatnie półtorej roku w atakach terrorystycznych w Afganistanie zginęło ok. 7 tysięcy osób." ]
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33 dead, 15 injured in Virginia Tech shootings
[ "Virginia", "Original reporting", "April 16, 2007", "Crime and law", "Mitch McConnell", "United States", "Harry Reid", "Suicide attacks", "North America" ]
[ "Two shootings at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia have left 33 people dead, gunman included, in the deadliest civilian shooting in the United States. A further 15 people are being treated in a hospital. According to police, the gunman committed suicide.", "At a 4:45 p.m. EST press conference, it was stated that no names of the injured or killed will be released soon. According to the press conference, the shooter shot and killed two people at an on-campus dormitory in a \"domestic dispute.\" He then walked to the other end of the campus and began to open fire on students.", "Two separate shootings are reported to have taken place; one at 7:15 AM at West Ambler Johnston Hall, a co-ed dormitory, and one at about 9:30 AM EDT in Norris Hall, an engineering building on the other side of the campus. In the week preceding the shooting there had been two bomb threats directed at Virginia Tech; the first at Torgersen Hall, the second at multiple engineering buildings. The university had offered a $5,000 reward for information on these threats.", "Police do not know if the incidents are connected and are trying to establish a link.", "Two people, one male and one female were shot and killed at West Ambler Johnston Hall, in what police initially were led to believe was a domestic incident. That building was secured immediately by police, who had \"reason to believe \" that the gunman had already left the building.", "Police, who were hiding behind trees and other cover at the time, told students to \"get out of there\". Matt Waldron, a student at Virginia Tech, claims that two students panicked and jumped out of the top story of West Ambler Johnston Hall, which houses at least 895 male and female students out of Virginia Tech's student population of over 26,000. One student broke his leg, while another was described as \"not in good shape\".", "The second shooting occurred approximately two hours after the first at Norris Hall. In this incident 31 people died, including the gunman. Police indicated that he had taken his own life.", "Video taken from the cell phone camera of Jamal Albarghouti watches police move into position as 27 shots (some fired in continuous bursts) are fired inside Norris within the small time it was recording. The weapon or weapons involved have been speculated to be either a pair of 9mm handguns or a single 9mm handgun with a .22 caliber handgun, although the police declined to reveal the weapon or weapons used by the shooter.", "The video also gives a loud bang at the end. This has been speculated to be some kind of an instrument or tactical explosive used by police (the doors to Norris Hall were found to be chained), or whether it is a separate weapon used by the shooter is still unclear.", "Officials believe that the shooter at Norris Hall was an Asian male in his 20s who was wearing a maroon cap and a leather jacket.", "The university has canceled all classes, and is urging students to stay indoors and away from windows, even though the police had already taken one person into custody. The university also requests that \"persons off campus not come to campus\".", "A message posted on the Virginia Tech web page said that classes will be canceled today and tomorrow. Faculty and students have been told to evacuate the campus. All 23 schools in Montgomery County, VA, are on lockdown.", "President George W. Bush was made aware of the shootings and according to the White House said, \"thoughts and prayers for those who are dealing with this.\" Senate majority and minority leaders Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell led a prayer service and moment of silence for the faculty, students, and everyone at Virginia Tech during the Senate floor session. House speaker Nancy Pelosi led a prayer and moment of silence on the House floor.", "Charles W. Steger, President of Virginia Tech, said the following in a news conference:", "In a press conference aired on television, President Bush said \"Schools should be places of safety, sanctuary and learning, when that sanctuary is violated, the impact is felt in every American classroom in every American community.\"" ]
Masakr u Blacksburgu
[ "Virginia", "Original reporting", "April 16, 2007", "Crime and law", "Mitch McConnell", "United States", "Harry Reid", "Suicide attacks", "North America" ]
[ "Blacksburg (SAD), 16. april 2007. –", "Naoružani napadač počinio je danas masakr na univerzitetu u američkoj državi Virdžinija, pošto je, prema najnovijoj informaciji televizije Fox ubio najmanje 32 osobe, među njima većinu studenata, prije nego što je i sam poginuo u obračunu sa policijom. Prema posljednjim saznanjima 15 osoba je povrijeđeno.", "Incident u univerzitetskom kompleksu Virdžinija Techa dogodio se oko 7.15 sati, po istočnoameričkom vremenu, u objektu West Ambler Johnston u kojem stanuje oko 900 studenata. Policija je objavila da je za masakr kriv samo jedan čovjek. Napadač još nije identificiran. Ne zna se da li je napadač ubijen ili je sam sebi oduzeo život.", "Prema navodima iz dva policijska izvora, na koje se s mjesta događaja pozvao reporter TV mreže MSNBC, \"napadač je bio naoružan s dva pištolja kalibra 9 mm sa kojima je vjerovatno sam sebi oduzeo život\".", "Na Univerzitetu Virginia Tech, koji je udaljeno oko 390 kilometara jugozapadno od Washingtona, studira oko 26.000 studenta." ]
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Més de trenta morts en una massacre a Virgínia
[ "Virginia", "Original reporting", "April 16, 2007", "Crime and law", "Mitch McConnell", "United States", "Harry Reid", "Suicide attacks", "North America" ]
[ "Ahir (16) va ocórrer un assassinat massiu a la Universitat Estatal i Institut Politècnic de Virgínia (conegut com a Virginia Tech), a Blacksburg, Virgínia, Estats Units. Van morir almenys 33 persones, incloent l'atacant que va iniciar el tiroteig, i 29 persones van resultar ferides. És el pitjor atac a una universitat de la història dels Estats Units.", "El primer tret va ocórrer cap a les 7:15 AM (EDT) en els dormitoris de la residència estudiantil West Ambler Johnston Hall, on resideixen gairebé 900 alumnes novells. Allí va morir una persona. Dues hores després, l'assassí va disparar en un dels salons de classes del Norris Hall, edifici de la carrera d'enginyeria, situat a més de tres quilòmetres del complex d'habitacions. Els investigadors encara tracten d'esclarir on es va mantenir ocult l'atacant durant aquest lapsus i com va recórrer aquesta distància. Per això, les hipòtesis indiquen la possibilitat que siguin dos els autors de l'atac. Per a escapar de l'atacant, molts estudiants van optar per llençar-se des de les finestres dels edificis. El pistoler va usar dues armes una pistola 9mm i una escopeta DAO-12.", "A causa de la situació, la universitat va cancel·lar totes les classes i va instruir als seus alumnes a romandre en les seves habitacions i no acostar-se a les finestres. La universitat va precisar que en els dies 2 i 13 d'abril va haver-hi alertes de bombes. El dia previ a la massacre s'havia ofert una recompensa de 5.000 dòlars a qui facilités l'arrest dels responsables d'aquelles alertes. Encara no se sap si això té alguna relació amb l'atac.", "Després de l'enorme operatiu desplegat per la policia, el presumpte agressor va ser trobat sense vida. Pel que sembla, s'hauria suïcidat al veure's envoltat pels agents, encara que altres versions indiquen que hauria mort al quedar enmig del foc obert entre els agents." ]
17 d'abril del 2007
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Mehr als 30 Tote bei Amoklauf an Hochschule im US-Bundesstaat Virginia
[ "Virginia", "Original reporting", "April 16, 2007", "Crime and law", "Mitch McConnell", "United States", "Harry Reid", "Suicide attacks", "North America" ]
[ "Blacksburg (Vereinigte Staaten), 17.04.2007 – Gestern früh (Ortszeit Virginia) ereignete sich auf dem Universitätsgelände der Hochschule für Technik „Virginia Tech“ im US-Bundesstaat Virginia an mehreren Stellen des Campus eine Schießerei, der nach Behördenangaben 33 Menschen zum Opfer gefallen sind. Die Gebäude der Universität wurden im Laufe des Tages evakuiert. Die Polizei suchte zunächst noch nach weiteren Tatverdächtigen. Der noch nicht identifizierte Todesschütze soll Polizeiangaben zufolge tot sein. Über die Umstände seines Todes wurden von der Polizei noch keine Angaben gemacht. Unklar ist, ob sich der Täter selbst erschoss oder von Polizisten bei einem Schusswechsel getötet wurde.", "Mindestens 26 Verletzte sollen in nahe gelegene Krankenhäuser transportiert worden sein. Sechs von ihnen befanden sich AP zufolge in chirurgischer Behandlung, tageschau.de spricht von mehreren Verletzten in kritischem Zustand.", "Der Präsident der Hochschule, Charles W. Steger, sagte über die Ereignisse: „The university was struck today with a tragedy of monumental proportions.“ (dt. „Die Universität wurde heute von einer Tragödie monumentalen Ausmaßes getroffen.“)", "Die ersten Schüsse waren bereits gegen sieben Uhr Ortszeit vom „West Ambler Johnston“, einem Studentenwohnheim, gemeldet worden. Die Polizei fand hier bereits mehrere Tote. Zwei Stunden später trafen Berichte über weitere Schusswechsel bei „Norris Hall“, der Technischen Fakultät, ein. Wie Campus-Polizeichef Wendell Finchum auf einer Pressekonferenz auf Nachfragen bestätigte, begann der Amokschütze während einer laufenden Vorlesung auf seine Kommilitonen zu schießen. Per E-Mail und Telefon (voicemail) wurden die Studenten vor der Gefahr gewarnt und aufgefordert, in ihren Zimmern zu bleiben und die Fenster zu meiden, bis später die Anweisung zur Evakuierung der Gebäude kam.", "Einige Studenten beschwerten sich über die Informationspolitik der Universitätsverwaltung. Nach den ersten Schüssen am Morgen sei niemand gewarnt worden. Im Hinblick auf die Informationspolitik der Universität sagte der Student Jason Piatt gegenüber CNN: „Was sich heute ereignete, das war lächerlich.“ Während zwei Stunden später E-Mails verschickt wurden, starben den Angaben des Studenten zufolge die Menschen im Kugelhagel des Amokschützen.", "Im August 2006 hatte sich bereits ein ähnlicher Vorfall auf dem Universitätsgelände ereignet, bei dem ein Gewehrschütze auf dem Gelände vermutet wurde. Die Universität war daraufhin zeitweilig geschlossen worden. Der Mann, bei dem es sich um einen entflohenen Häftling handelte, wurde später auf dem Gelände der Universität festgenommen.", "Bei der Schießerei handelt es sich um einen der gravierendsten Vorfälle dieser Art in einer Bildungseinrichtung der Vereinigten Staaten. 1966 hatte Charles Whitman vom Turm des Universitätsgeländes in Austin (Texas) 13 Menschen erschossen. In der jüngeren Geschichte ist vor allem das Massaker an der Columbine High School bekannt geworden. Dabei hatten zwei Täter im April 1999 13 Menschen erschossen, bevor sie sich selbst das Leben nahmen.", "Ein Sprecher des Weißen Hauses übermittelte das Mitgefühl des Präsidenten. Seinen Worten zufolge schloss der Präsident die Opfer und die Menschen Virginias in seine Gebete ein. Die Sprecherin des Weißen Hauses, Dana Perino, sagte: „Der Präsident glaubt, dass es ein Recht der Menschen gibt Waffen zu tragen, aber unter der Voraussetzung dass alle Gesetze befolgt werden.“" ]
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El peor ataque a una universidad en la historia de Estados Unidos deja más de treinta personas muertas
[ "Virginia", "Original reporting", "April 16, 2007", "Crime and law", "Mitch McConnell", "United States", "Harry Reid", "Suicide attacks", "North America" ]
[ "Este lunes (16) ocurrió un asesinato masivo en la Universidad Estatal e Instituto Politécnico de Virginia (conocido como Virginia Tech), en Blacksburg, Virginia, Estados Unidos. Murieron al menos 33 personas, incluyendo el solitario pistolero que inició el tiroteo, identificado como Cho Seung-hui, de nacionalidad sudcoreana, y el estudiante peruano Daniel Pérez Cueva, de 21 años, mientras que 29 personas resultaron heridas. Es el peor ataque a una universidad en la historia de Estados Unidos.", "El primer disparo ocurrió hacia las 07:15 hora local (11:15 UTC) en los dormitorios de la residencia estudiantil West Ambler Johnston Hall, donde residen casi 900 alumnos novatos. Allí murió una persona. Dos horas después, el asesino disparó en uno de los salones de clases del Norris Hall, edificio de la carrera de ingeniería, ubicado a más de tres kilómetros del complejo de habitaciones. Los investigadores aún tratan de esclarecer dónde se mantuvo oculto el atacante durante ese lapso y cómo recorrió esa distancia. Por eso, algunas hipótesis indican la posibilidad de que sean dos los autores del ataque. Para escapar del atacante, muchos estudiantes optaron por lanzarse desde las ventanas de los edificios. El pistolero usó dos armas, una pistola 9mm y una escopeta DAO-12.", "Debido a la situación, la universidad canceló todas las clases e instruyó a sus alumnos a permanecer en sus habitaciones y no asomarse a las ventanas. La universidad precisó que en los días 2 y 13 de abril hubo alertas de bombas. El día previo a la masacre se había ofrecido una recompensa de 5.000 dólares a quien facilitara el arresto del o de los responsables de aquellas alertas. Aún no se establece si esto tiene alguna relación con el ataque. Las autoridades policiales y universitarias han sido cuestionadas por su lenta y tardía reacción ante los hechos.", "Tras el enorme operativo desplegado por la policía, el presunto agresor fue encontrado sin vida. Al parecer se suicidó al verse rodeado por los agentes, aunque otras versiones indican que pudo haber muerto al quedar en medio del fuego abierto entre los agentes. El tirador, de 23 años, había escrito una nota atacando a \"los niños ricos\", \"el libertinaje\" y \"los falsos charlatanes\" de Virginia Tech y, según informa la ABC, compró la 9mm en una armería cercana al campus.", "Los medios masivos e Internet cubrieron profusamente este hecho. El estudiante palestino Jamal Albarghouti grabó con su teléfono celular un video en el que se pueden escuchar múltiples disparos. En la red han aparecido videos, fotos y entradas de blogs con relatos de lo vivido en la masacre." ]
17 de abril de 2007
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États-Unis : fusillade à l'Université Virginia Tech
[ "Virginia", "Original reporting", "April 16, 2007", "Crime and law", "Mitch McConnell", "United States", "Harry Reid", "Suicide attacks", "North America" ]
[ "Deux fusillades ont éclaté aujourd'hui à la Virginia Tech à Blackburg, dans l'État de Virginie, faisant au moins 31 morts, le tueur inclus, ainsi que 29 blessés. Il s'agit de la tuerie scolaire la plus meurtrière dans l'histoire des États-Unis. Selon l'Associated Press, le tueur se serait suicidé." ]
Publié le 16 avril 2007
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USA: sparatoria in un campus, oltre 30 morti
[ "Virginia", "Original reporting", "April 16, 2007", "Crime and law", "Mitch McConnell", "United States", "Harry Reid", "Suicide attacks", "North America" ]
[ "Ecatombe nel Virginia Tech del Blacksburg campus nello stato americano della Virginia. Almeno 32 persone sono state uccise durante due distinte sparatorie, secondo quanto riportato da Fox News, che cita fonti della polizia federale.", "L'allarme sarebbe scattato alle sette e trenta, quando un uomo non identificato ha iniziato a sparare nel campus della prestigiosa università. Le autorità accademiche hanno immediatamente intimato agli studenti, attraverso il web e gli schermi presenti nel campus, di non abbandonare le aule in cui si trovavano e di non girare per il campus.", "Tre ore più tardi un altro uomo è giunto nella zona della facoltà di ingegneria e ha cominciato a girare armato all'interno delle aule. Gridava di cercare la propria fidanzata: ha poi ucciso molti studenti facendoli mettere in fila vicino ad un muro, come una sorta di esecuzione.", "Presenti molti studenti stranieri, fra cui almeno 15 di nazionalità italiana.", "La polizia ha identificato il pluriomicida: è uno studente sudcoreano di 23 anni, Cho Seung-hui.", "L'omicida è stato autore di un video in cui spiega il perché dell'atto. Il video, inviato alla NBC, è stato girato nel tempo trascorso tra la prima e la seconda sparatoria." ]
lunedì 16 aprile 2007
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[ "Virginia", "Original reporting", "April 16, 2007", "Crime and law", "Mitch McConnell", "United States", "Harry Reid", "Suicide attacks", "North America" ]
[ "読売新聞などによれば、アメリカ合衆国バージニア州西部の都市ブラックスバーグにある州立総合大学、バージニア工科大学 (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) の構内で、16日午前7時過ぎ (UTC-4) に男が銃を乱射する事件があった。産経新聞によると、32人が死亡し29人が負傷した。容疑者は事件の後自殺した。死者の数としてはアメリカ犯罪史上最悪の乱射事件となった。", "同大学のチャールズ・スティーガー学長はポッドキャスティングにより声明を発表し、その中で16日中大学構内を閉鎖し、17日も全講義を休講とするとした。", "共同通信によるとスティーガー学長と警察当局者は17日記者会見を開き、その中で、犯行後自殺したのは同大学の韓国人学生であることを明らかにした。この容疑者は同大学の寮生であり、英語学部の4年生だった。容疑者は小学2年の時にアメリカに家族とともに移住し、永住権を持っていた。", "スティーガー学長の発表によれば、7時15分頃に大学警察にウェスト・アンブラー・ジョンストン・ホールと呼ばれる建物で事件が発生しているとの第一報があった。同ホールは895人が居住する構内の寄宿舎で、ここで数人が撃たれ、死傷した。産経新聞が伝えた大学警察の発表によると、寄宿舎での乱射で2名が死亡した。", "その2時間後に、約800メートル離れたノリス・ホールと呼ばれる工学系の教室棟で再び銃が乱射され、始業時間を迎えた教室にいる学生30名が犠牲となった。", "日本経済新聞は、凶器は拳銃2丁だとする情報を伝えた。同大学では昨年8月に警備員が射殺される事件があった他、先週には複数の爆破予告の脅迫があった。これらと今回の事件の関係性は不明だが、警察当局が調べている。", "時事通信によるとアメリカのブッシュ大統領は「恐怖に襲われた」との声明を出し、犠牲者に哀悼の意を示すとともに強い怒りを表した。", "大学の発表によれば、被害者のために構内の2カ所に直ちにカウンセリング・センターが設置された。" ]
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Schietpartij op universiteit in Virginia eist zeker 30 doden
[ "Virginia", "Original reporting", "April 16, 2007", "Crime and law", "Mitch McConnell", "United States", "Harry Reid", "Suicide attacks", "North America" ]
[ "Bij een schietpartij op een school in Blacksburg zijn 33 doden gevallen nadat een jongen een woongebouw van de Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University binnendrong.", "Volgens ooggetuigen werden de slachtoffers eerst op een rij gezet en daarna doodgeschoten. De dader zou van Aziatische afkomst zijn. De dader woonde in een van de studentenverblijven. Onder de doden is ook de dader zelf. Deze heeft zelfmoord gepleegd." ]
16 april 2007
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USA: Strzelanina w Blacksburgu
[ "Virginia", "Original reporting", "April 16, 2007", "Crime and law", "Mitch McConnell", "United States", "Harry Reid", "Suicide attacks", "North America" ]
[ "Wczoraj rano (7:15, wg czasu amerykańskiego) uzbrojony mężczyzna zastrzelił na terenie Virginia Tech w Blacksburgu w stanie Wirginia 33 osoby. Był to 23-letni student literatury angielskiej z Korei Południowej Cho Seung Hui, który przyjechał do USA wraz z rodzicami w wieku 8 lat. Mieszkał w akademiku Virginia Tech.", "Władze Uniwersyteckie podają, że ranił 15 osób, szpitale, że 29. Niektórzy ze studentów próbując się ratować, skakali przez okna budynku. Stan kilku osób określa się na krytyczny. Nie wiadomo również czy wszystkie ofiary zginęły od kul napastnika czy w wyniku strzelaniny między nim a policją. Natomiast zamachowiec popełnił samobójstwo strzelając sobie w głowę.", "Strzelec nie celował w nikogo konkretnego, jego strzały wymierzone były przed siebie. Kilku studentów zabarykadowało sie na schodach, gdzie policja znalazła również kilka ciał.", "– Gdy zaczął do nas strzelać, rzuciliśmy się na podłogę, zaczęliśmy chować pod ławkami. Rzucać biurka jedno na drugie, by się jakoś ochronić. Po kilku strzałach wyszedł. Wtedy wraz z kolegą rzuciłem się do drzwi i zablokowaliśmy je nogami. On chciał wrócić, szarpał się z drzwiami, potem zaczął w nie strzelać, ale na szczęście w nas nie trafił. I zrezygnował. Poszedł dalej. Za chwilę usłyszeliśmy strzały z następnej sali – opowiadał w telewizji MSNBC Trey Perkins.", "Dwie godziny przed masakrą w akademiku zginęła studentka i pracownik kampusu. Prawdopodobnie z nią miał zginąć jej chłopak ale nie było go w akademiku. Są przypuszczenia ze właśnie w celu znalezienia chłopaka zabitej dziewczyny młody Koreańczyk udał się na uczelnię.", "W budynku wydziału inżynierii napastnik zablokował łańcuchem drzwi i chodząc po salach wykładowych strzelał do ludzi.", "Zgodnie z informacjami podanymi przez IAR w strzelaninie w Virginia Tech zginęła żona polskiego wykładowcy tej uczelni, profesora Jerzego Nowaka - Jocelyne Couture-Nowak, która uczyła tam francuskiego.", "Cho kupił pierwszy pistolet, 9mm Glocka 19, w sklepie w mieście Roanoke w stanie Wirginia 13 marca 2007. Drugi pistolet, 22mm Walther P22, został kupiony w ubiegłym tygodniu. Ponieważ prawo stanu Wirginia nie pozwala na kupno więcej niż jednej sztuki broni palnej w przeciągu 30 dni, wskazuje to na to, że morderca działał z premedytacją.", "Obowiązujące w Wirginii prawo dotyczące broni palnej pozwala na jej kupowanie nawet nieletnim po ukończeniu 12 r.ż. Nie ma okresu oczekiwania na kupno (jak ma to miejsce w wielu stanach USA - co ma na celu sprawdzenie poczytalności i karalności kupującego)." ]
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33 mortes, 15 feridos na Universidade Virginia Tech
[ "Virginia", "Original reporting", "April 16, 2007", "Crime and law", "Mitch McConnell", "United States", "Harry Reid", "Suicide attacks", "North America" ]
[ "Um estudante sul-coreando de 24 anos, Cho Seung-Hui, provoca a morte de 33 pessoas e fere mais de 15 na Universidade Técnica da Virgínia, na cidade de Blacksburg, Virginia, Estados Unidos." ]
Blacksburg • 17 de abril de 2007
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வேர்ஜீனியா பல்கலைக்கழகத்தில் துப்பாக்கிச்சூடு, 33 பேர் படுகொலை
[ "Virginia", "Original reporting", "April 16, 2007", "Crime and law", "Mitch McConnell", "United States", "Harry Reid", "Suicide attacks", "North America" ]
[ "ஐக்கிய அமெரிக்காவின் வேர்ஜீனியா மாநிலத்தில் அரச தொழில்நுட்பக் கல்லூரியில் இன்று காலையில் நடைப்பெற்ற இரண்டு துப்பாக்கிச் சூட்டுச் சம்பவங்களில் மொத்தம் 33 பேர் இறந்தும் 15 பேர் வரையில் படுகாயமும் அடைந்தனர். காவல்துறையினரின் அறிக்கையின்படி கொலையாளி தற்கொலை புரிந்துள்ளதாகப் காவல்துறையினர் தெரிவித்தனர்.", "இச்சம்பவத்தில் தமிழ்நாட்டைச் சேர்ந்த லோகநாதன் என்ற பேராசிரியரும் இறந்துள்ளார்." ]
திங்கள், ஏப்ரல் 16, 2007
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38 dead, over 180 injured as blasts rock Maharashtra town
[ "Maharashtra", "AutoArchived", "Politics and conflicts", "September 8, 2006", "Asia", "Crime and law", "India", "Lashkar-e-Toiba" ]
[ "At least 30 people have died and 112 people have been injured, many critically in three explosions in a crowded market in the town of Malegaon, in the state of Maharashtra in India. The explosions appeared to have been caused by crude bombs and occurred between 1:45 PM and 1:49 PM (IST) on Friday afternoon. The blasts took place near the Noorani Mosque, when a Shab-e-Barat procession was passing through the market. Curfew has been imposed in the town, which itself has been cordoned off, to prevent communal tensions from escalating. Mobile networks in the city have been jammed.", "Maharashtra DCP P. S Pasricha, however, claimed that only one blast had occurred resulting in 5 fatalities. An MLA from the area later confirmed the occurrence of three explosions. Special Inspector-General of Nashik, P. K Jain, said that two state police companies and ten Rapid Action Force had been sent to Malegaon to control the situation. He also added that prior intelligence had been received about the possibility of such an attack.", "An angry mob attacked the Superintendent of Police when his team tried to reach the blast site. Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, R R Patil is headed to the town to assess the situation. The Union Home Secretary has asked the state authorities to speak to local leaders in Malegaon and ask them to help maintain the peace there. A high alert has been declared throughout the state and paramilitary forces are en route to control the situation in communally volatile areas.", "Malegaon, in the Nasik district of Maharashtra, is famous for its powerlooms, and one of the biggest cities in Northwest Maharashtra. It has a history of communal tensions between its majority Muslim population and their Hindu neighbours. The town witnessed riots in 1984 and then again in 1992 (in the aftermath of the Babri Masjid demolition) and, most recently, in 2001.", "The blasts happened a day after a controversy over India's national song, the Vande Mataram heightened communal tensions.", "The police are investigating the incident and the Times of India newspaper suggests that either the Hindu Sangh Parivar organisation Bajrang Dal or the Kashmiri separatist group Lashkar eToiba may be responsible. The Bajrang Dal attacked the Mohammadi Masjid in Parbhani and mosques at Pona and Jalna earlier this year following a similar pattern. Lashkar-e-Toiba might want to create a communal divide between Hindus and Muslims." ]
Veel doden na reeks aanslagen in Malegaon, India
[ "Maharashtra", "AutoArchived", "Politics and conflicts", "September 8, 2006", "Asia", "Crime and law", "India", "Lashkar-e-Toiba" ]
[ "Bij drie zware explosies in Malegaon in de staat Maharashtra in India, zijn al zeker 37 mensen om het leven gekomen. Vier bommen ontploften op een drukbezochte markt in Malegaon.", "De bommen werden aangebracht op fietsen. Eén van de bommen ging af nabij een moskee. Uit angst voor rellen tussen moslims en hindoes is meteen na de aanslagen een uitgaansverbod afgekondigd." ]
8 september 2006
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38 killed in attack on Afghan bank
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Asia", "Afghanistan", "Crime and law", "Banking", "Suicide attacks", "February 21, 2011", "Afghan Taliban" ]
[ "38 people were reported dead Sunday, in a Taliban attack on a bank in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. The incident, orchestrated by five suicide bombers disguised as policemen and soldiers, quickly escalated into a confrontation between security forces and the invaders armed with machine guns.", "After a several-hour standoff, four of the five attackers detonated their bombs while the fifth was arrested by police. A representative for the Interior Ministry told the press that \"Thirty eight people were martyred which includes 21 security forces personnel and 17 civilians.\" Members of the police force were apparently receiving their paychecks when the attackers entered the bank and began indiscriminately firing at guards and civilians. 70 others were also wounded.", "Although officials refused to itemize the casualties, they claimed that due to the random nature of the gunfire, both security personnel and civilian bankers were killed. Attacks targeting police have become common in the Nangarhar province; this incident was the third major attack this week." ]
۳۸ کشته در حمله به یک بانک در افغانستان
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Asia", "Afghanistan", "Crime and law", "Banking", "Suicide attacks", "February 21, 2011", "Afghan Taliban" ]
[ "گزارش شده‌است که دیروز در حملهٔ طالبان به یک بانک در جلال آباد افغانستان ۳۸ نفر کشته شدند. ۵ بمب‌گذار با لباس‌های مبدل پلیس این عمل را انجام دادند.", "پس از چند ساعت چهار نفر از پنج بمبگذار توسط پلیس دستگیر شدند.وزارت کشور افغانستان اعلام کرده در این حمله ۳۸ نفر به شهادت رسیدند که ۲۱ نفر جز نیروهای امنیتی و پلیس و ۱۷ نفر از مردم عادی بودند.", "‎«‏۳۸ killed in attack on Afghani bank». ‏ویکی خبر انگلیسی، ‏۲۱ فوریه ۲۰۱۱" ]
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5 dead in Chicago-area store shooting
[ "Illinois", "Crime and law", "February 2, 2008", "United States", "Chicago, Illinois", "North America" ]
[ "Five women are reported dead after a shooting at a strip mall in suburban Chicago, Illinois, and police are searching for the perpetrator, who they say fled the scene. According to police, the shooting may have been part of a botched robbery.", "The shooting took place at a Lane Bryant clothing store in Tinley Park, a suburb of Chicago. Tinley Park police Sgt. T.J. Grady says a 911 call reported the shooting at 10:44 a.m. When police arrived, they found all five victims lying in a back room of the store.", "Other stores in the strip mall, including a Target, were temporarily locked down as police officers — armed with pistols and rifles — searched for the gunman.", "\"Every store was immediately canvassed and a search by air too has given us every indication that the offender has left the scene,\" Grady said.", "Selena Kujawa, who was inside the Target with her 5-year old son when police entered, said, \"I was so scared I couldn't think.\"", "Grady did not identify the names of the victims, as their families are still in the process of being notified. However, the victims have now been identified as ranging between ages 22 and 37, and at least one is believed to be a store employee.", "He described the shooter as an African-American man, about 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighing between 230 and 260 pounds. He was reportedly wearing a black coat, a knit cap, and dark jeans. Grady believes the shooter is no longer in the immediate area.", "Tinley Park police chief Mike O'Connell said that more information would be made available Sunday afternoon, when forensic exams have been completed.", "\"This is a very serious and sensitive investigation,\" O'Connell said.", "Illinois senator and Chicago resident Barack Obama released the following statement addressing the shootings: \"I was deeply saddened to learn about the shooting in Tinley Park, and my heart goes out to the victims' families. This kind of violence is unacceptable — not just in a shopping center where we're supposed to feel safe, but wherever it occurs. And as the facts become clear, I hope the authorities find and prosecute whoever is responsible for this tragedy.\"" ]
[ "Illinois", "Crime and law", "February 2, 2008", "United States", "Chicago, Illinois", "North America" ]
[ "読売新聞などによると日本時間の3日未明(現地時間の2日午前・土曜日)、アメリカの大都市シカゴ郊外・イリノイ州ティンレーパークのショッピングセンターで発砲事件が発生し、現場にいた女性客5人が射殺された。AP通信やロイターによると死亡した5人のうち少なくとも1人は従業員であった。", "ロイター通信によると警察では目撃者1人の証言に基づき男性1人による単独の犯行として捜査したが、身元は特定していない。朝日新聞によると警察は強盗事件としてヘリコプターなどを使って男の行方を追っている。", "時事通信や朝日新聞によると発砲事件はショッピングセンターの婦人服専門店で起きた。男は黒人で黒っぽいコートとジーンズを着用し、ニット帽を被っていたと言う。", "AP通信によると事件発生時に来店した女性客は「大変怖くて、何も考えられなかった」と話した。" ]
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[ "Illinois", "Crime and law", "February 2, 2008", "United States", "Chicago, Illinois", "North America" ]
[ "据読売新聞报道,日本时间3号凌晨(当地时间的2号上午星期六),美国的大城市芝加哥郊外伊利诺斯州廷里帕克村的一个超市发生枪击事件,现场有5名女性顾客被射杀身亡。据AP通信和路透社报道,至少有包括一名店员在内的5人死亡。", "据路透社报道,警察得到的目击者证言说,是一个人单独作案,身份还不明。根据读卖新闻报道,警察已经对这起事件启用直升机追踪给男性。", "据時事通信和朝日新聞报道,枪击事件是在超市的一个女性服装专卖店发生的。该男性为黑人穿灰色外套与牛仔,编织帽。", "据AP通信报道,事件发生时来店的女顾客讲“真是恐怖,我简直不敢去想”。" ]
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5-year-old girl handcuffed by Florida police
[ "Florida", "Education", "Crime and law", "United States", "April 24, 2005", "Saint Petersburg, Florida", "North America" ]
[ "St. Petersburg, Florida police were taped on video handcuffing a five-year-old kindergarten student who had earlier torn papers off a bulletin board and punched an assistant principal. The camera happened to be filming on March 14 as part of a classroom self-improvement exercise at Fairmount Park Elementary. Video of the event has been released by a lawyer for the child's mother.", "The little girl had already calmed down from her tantrum by the time of arrival of the police, but they cuffed her anyway. Police had been called when a phone call to mother Inga Akins, had led teachers to believe that it would take an hour for Ms Akins to arrive and take the girl away.", "The video reportedly shows three officers pin the passive girl's arms behind her back and put on handcuffs, as she screams, \"No!\"", "Attorney for the mother, John Trevena, called the incident \"incomprehensible\". He provided the tape to the media this week, after obtaining it from police.", "\"The image itself will be seared into people's minds when you have three police officers bending a child over a table and forcibly handcuffing her,\" said Mr Trevena.", "Police planned to investigate the incident and make public the findings in around two weeks." ]
Menina de 5 anos é presa e algemada nos EUA
[ "Florida", "Education", "Crime and law", "United States", "April 24, 2005", "Saint Petersburg, Florida", "North America" ]
[ "A polícia da Flórida, em St Petersburg, nos Estados Unidos da América foi pega em flagrante num vídeo que mostra-a a algemar uma estudante de jardim de infância de cinco anos, que momentos antes tinha rasgado papéis de um boletim do conselho de diretores e dado um soco no diretor-assistente. Por acaso a câmera que filmou o acontecimento no dia 14 de março estava a funcionar, como a parte de um exercício de aperfeiçoamento de sala de aula na escola de ensino elementar Fairmount Park Elementary. O vídeo do evento foi liberado por um advogado da mãe da criança.", "A polícia tinha sido chamada após uma chamada telefônica à mãe Inga Akins, ter levado os professores a acreditar que ela levaria pelo menos uma hora para chegar e levar embora a filha.", "O vídeo mostra três oficiais a prender os braços da menina para trás, com algemas, enquanto ela grita, \"No\" (Não).", "O advogado da mãe, John Trevena, chamou o incidente de \"incompreensível\". Ele forneceu a fita à mídia durante a semana, depois de obtê-la da polícia.", "\"A imagem em si vai ficar gravada em nossas mentes quando se vê três oficiais da polícia a cair sob uma criança por cima da mesa e forçosamente algemá-la,\" disse sr. Trevena.", "A polícia planeja investigar o incidente e tornar públicas as descobertas dentro de duas semanas." ]
26 de abril de 2005
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50 arrested ahead of Swaziland democracy protests
[ "Politics and conflicts", "September 8, 2010", "Human rights", "Mswati III", "Crime and law", "Democracy", "Eswatini", "Africa" ]
[ "Around 50 people have been arrested ahead of a planned human rights protest in Swaziland. The protest had been planned against the monarchy of Swaziland to call attention to the country's alleged lack of human rights. Many of those arrested have been released but several people remain in custody.", "The King of Swaziland, Mswati III, has come under pressure for living in luxury with his thirteen wives while many Swazi people are on the poverty line. He has also faced criticism for having a high number of sexual partners, when 26% of 15 to 49 year olds are HIV positive.", "Several South African trade unionists were included in the protesters arrested. A spokesman for Cosatu, the South African trade union federation, said that two of the unionists had not been released and their current whereabouts are unknown.", "Human rights group Amnesty International has commented on the events saying that, \"The arbitrary arrest of these political activists, lawyers, trade unionists and journalists is nothing short of police harassment and intimidation.\"", "Swaziland is the last country in Africa to hold an absolute monarchy." ]
50 arrestati durante una protesta per la democrazia in Swaziland
[ "Politics and conflicts", "September 8, 2010", "Human rights", "Mswati III", "Crime and law", "Democracy", "Eswatini", "Africa" ]
[ "Circa 50 persone sono state arrestate durante una protesta organizzata per i diritti umani in Swaziland. La protesta era stata pianificata contro il monarca per richiamare l'attenzione alla grave mancanza di diritti umani nel Paese. Molte delle persone arrestate sono state rilasciate ma alcune sono tenute ancora in custodia.", "Il re dello Swaziland, Mswati III, viene mantenuto e vive nel lusso con le sue tredici mogli, mentre troppe persone vivono sotto la linea di povertà. È stato anche fortemente criticato per l'alto numero di persone con cui mantiene rapporti sessuali, quando il 26% delle persone tra i 15 e i 49 anni è sieropositivo.", "Lo Swaziland è l'ultimo Stato in Africa ad avere una monarchia assoluta." ]
mercoledì 8 settembre 2010
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சுவாசிலாந்தில் மனித உரிமைக்கான போராட்டங்களுக்கு முன்னோடியாகப் பலர் கைது
[ "Politics and conflicts", "September 8, 2010", "Human rights", "Mswati III", "Crime and law", "Democracy", "Eswatini", "Africa" ]
[ "சுவாசிலாந்தில் திட்டமிடப்பட்ட மனித உரிமைக்கான எதிர்ப்புப் போராட்டங்களுக்கு முன்னோடியாக அங்கு ஐம்பதிற்கும் மேற்பட்டோர் கைது செய்யப்பட்டனர். சுவாசிலாந்தில் மன்னராட்சிக்கு எதிராக இப்போராட்டங்கள் முன்னெடுக்கப்பட்டு வருகின்றன. கைது செய்யப்பட்டோரில் சிலர் விடுவிக்கப்பட்டாலும் பலர் இன்னும் விடுவிக்கப்படவில்லை எனத் தெரிவிக்கப்படுகிறது.", "சுவாசிலாந்தின் மன்னர் மூன்றாம் முசுவாத்தி தனது பதின்மூன்று மனைவிகளுடன் சொகுசு வாழ்க்கை வாழ்வதற்காக அவர் பெரும் நெருக்கடிக்குள்ளாகியிருக்கிறார். பெரும்பாலான சுவாசி மக்கள் வறுமைக் கோட்டின் கீழ் வாழ்வது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது. நாட்டில் 15 முதல் 49 வரையுள்ள மக்களின் 26 விழுக்காட்டினருக்கு எயிட்ஸ் நோய் உள்ளதாகத் தெரிவிக்கப்படுகிறது.", "பல தென்னாப்பிரிக்க தொழிற்சங்கவாதிகள் கைது செய்யப்பட்டவர்களில் அடங்குவர்.", "ஆப்பிரிக்க நாடுகளில் முழுமையான மன்னராட்சி நிலவும் ஒரே நாடு சுவாசிலாந்து ஆகும்." ]
புதன், செப்டம்பர் 8, 2010
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70 insurgents killed in Afghanistan
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Asia", "Afghanistan", "Crime and law", "September 1, 2007" ]
[ "Afghan security forces, along with the United States led coalition are reported to have killed about 70 suspected militants in Afghanistan. According to US authorities, Afghanistan is currently experiencing its highest level of violence in the last 6 years.", "The surge in militant attacks comes despite a multi-million dollar reconstruction effort to rebuild the shattered country and the presence of more than 50,000 foreign troops and 110,000 Afghan police and military officers. It was not possible to independently verify any of the death tolls because travel to the areas is extremely dangerous.", "More than 4,200 people - most of them insurgents - have been killed so far this year, according to an Associated Press count." ]
Mueren 70 insurgentes en Afganistán
[ "Politics and conflicts", "Asia", "Afghanistan", "Crime and law", "September 1, 2007" ]
[ "1 de septiembre de 2007Kabul, Afganistán — Las fuerzas de seguridad afganas, junto con la coalición liderada por Estados Unidos reportaron que han dado de baja a 70 presuntos militantes.", "De acuerdo con las autoridades estadounidenses, Afganistán está experimentando en la actualidad el nivel más alto de violencia de los últimos 6 años.", "La ola de ataques se presenta a pesar de los multimillonarios esfuerzos para la reconstrucción del país y de la presencia de una fuerza de seguridad compuesta por más de 50.000 soldados extranjeros y 110.000 militares y policías afganos.", "No ha sido posible verificar ninguna de las víctimas mortales puesto que el paso por la zona es peligroso.", "De acuerdo con los reportes de Associated Press, este año han muerto más de 4.200 personas, la mayoría de ellos insurgentes." ]
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Aaron Swartz arrested and charged for downloading JSTOR articles
[ "Massachusetts", "Wikimedia Foundation", "Science and technology", "Aaron Swartz", "Crime and law", "Computing", "July 23, 2011", "United States", "North America", "The Pirate Bay", "Free speech" ]
[ "Aaron Swartz, a fellow at Harvard University's Center for Ethics and an open source programmer involved with creating the RSS 1.0 specification and more generally in the open culture movement, has been arrested and charged with wire fraud, computer fraud, unlawfully obtaining information from a protected computer, and recklessly damaging a protected computer after he entered a computer lab at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts and downloaded two-thirds of the material on JSTOR, an academic journal repository.", "According to the indictment, Swartz is accused of sneaking a laptop into MIT, hooking it up as a guest on the MIT network, and then running a script to download files from JSTOR. After being caught, Swartz returned the hard drive containing the downloaded documents to JSTOR who intend not to pursue civil litigation against him, but he has been indicted by the U.S. District Court in Massachusetts. He has been bailed on a $100,000 unsecured bond after pleading not guilty to all charges.", "Swartz had previously downloaded around 20% of the U.S. Government's PACER database of court decisions, prompting the FBI to investigate his actions. In 2006, Swartz ran for the Wikimedia Foundation's Board of Trustees and also wrote an influential essay on \"Who Writes Wikipedia?\".", "Following Swartz's indictment, Greg Maxwell, a contributor to Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, has published a torrent on The Pirate Bay containing 33Gb of papers from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society that were published before 1923 and are thus public domain in the United States, but previously only available at a cost from JSTOR." ]
Programátor otevřeného software byl zatčen za hromadné stahování článků
[ "Massachusetts", "Wikimedia Foundation", "Science and technology", "Aaron Swartz", "Crime and law", "Computing", "July 23, 2011", "United States", "North America", "The Pirate Bay", "Free speech" ]
[ "Ve Spojených státech amerických byl zatčen Aaron Swartz, toho času zaměstnanec Centra pro etiku Harvardovy univerzity. Předmětem obvinění je skutečnost, že v síti počítačové laboratoře Massachusettského technologického institutu (MIT) v Cambridge nechal běžet počítač se svým programem, který postupně stáhl dvě třetiny obsahu z webu JSTOR, úložiště vědeckých článků.", "Aaron Swartz je programátor a propagátor otevřeného software a sdílení informací. Mimo jiné se podílel na specifikaci formátu RSS 1.0 a také kandidoval v roce 2006 do správní rady nadace Wikimedia, přičemž napsal často odkazovanou esej „Kdo píše Wikipedii?“. Jeho poslední kousek není jeho prvním pokusem s kopírováním velkých dat, už dříve ho totiž vyšetřoval Federální úřad pro vyšetřování kvůli tomu, že si stáhl zhruba 20 % americké federální databáze soudních rozhodnutí.", "Swartzovi nyní hrozí až 35 let vězení, nicméně zatím byl na kauci propuštěn z vazby. Předmětem obvinění možná není ani tak samotné získání dat, protože JSTOR uvedl, že Swartz mu pevný disk se staženými daty „vrátil“ a že jej tedy JSTOR nebude nijak právně postihovat, ale spíš to, že Swartz zneužil síť Massachusettského technologického institutu, aby se dostal k zabezpečeným datům. Při stahování, které trvalo čtyři měsíce, použil vědomě různé triky, aby obešel bezpečnostní ochrany, například posílání datagramů s podvrženou zdrojovou IP adresou. Protože servery JSTORu jsou fyzicky umístěny v jiném státě než MIT, jednalo by se navíc o překročení federálního zákona proti počítačovým podvodům." ]
Neděle 24. července 2011
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Accused have denied guilt in suitcase murder case
[ "AutoArchived", "April 19, 2006", "New Zealand", "Crime and law", "Oceania" ]
[ "Two men charged after the body of a Chinese student was stuffed into a suitcase and thrown into Auckland's harbour on Good Friday would deny their guilt, a court was told today.", "One of them appeared in Auckland District Court today to be confronted with the charge of kidnapping a 19-year-old English language student, ransom and murder. The other accused appeared on a charge of hiding evidence for the murder. They have been granted name suppression until their next appearance in court.", "According to lawyers, pleas of not guilty would be entered." ]
[ "AutoArchived", "April 19, 2006", "New Zealand", "Crime and law", "Oceania" ]
[ "被装在皮箱内的19岁中国留学生万彪的尸体上周五在新西兰奥克兰港被人發现。皮箱被發现时漂浮在海上。警方表示,受害者在被發现时至少已死亡24小时。", "在死者尸体被發现前,万彪在浙江省的父母曾收到一个电话,要他们支付80万新西兰元的勒索金。", "警方认为,万彪是被犯罪嫌疑人诱骗至奥克兰的一家酒店遭到杀害的。目前被警方拘留的三人中,有两人已受到指控。这两名21岁的男子分别在奥克兰地区法院出庭受审,他们分别被控绑架、谋杀,勒索及充当犯罪同谋。" ]
interlang link
Afghan policeman shoots and kills five British soldiers
[ "Helmand Province", "Politics and conflicts", "Asia", "Afghanistan", "Crime and law", "Gordon Brown", "November 4, 2009", "United Kingdom" ]
[ "A \"rogue\" policeman from Afghanistan has shot down and killed five British soldiers in the Helmand province of South Afghanistan today. According to the government, the attack happened in the Nad-e'Ali District of Helmand. All the soldiers died from their wounds. The officer opened fire and injured several other troops, before fleeing the scene. At least eight others were injured.", "\"One individual Afghan National Policeman, possibly in conjunction with another, went rogue. His motives and whereabouts are unknown at this time,\" said a spokesperson for the UK armed forces. Authorities are still searching for a suspect.", "Three of the soldiers were from the Grenadier Guards while the other two were from the Royal Military Police. They had been living with the police in a compound.", "This raised the death toll of British troops killed in Afghanistan to 229 this year, the highest in any year since the 1982 Falklands War. Lt. Col. David Wakefield expressed his deepest sadness at the deaths. \"Five British soldiers, five of our own, shot down in the course of their duty. They will not be forgotten,\" he said.", "British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown said,\"The death of five brave soldiers in a single incident is a terrible loss. My thoughts, condolences and sympathies go to their families, loved ones and colleagues. I know that the whole country too will mourn their loss.\"" ]
Afgański policjant zastrzelił 5 Brytyjczyków
[ "Helmand Province", "Politics and conflicts", "Asia", "Afghanistan", "Crime and law", "Gordon Brown", "November 4, 2009", "United Kingdom" ]
[ "W afgańskiej prowincji Helmand policjant zastrzelił pięciu brytyjskich żołnierzy na punkcie kontrolnym. Tym samym liczba zabitych Brytyjczyków w Afganistanie wzrosła do 229.", "Do incydentu doszło wczoraj w okręgu Naad Ali. Pięciu innych wojskowych zostało rannych. Żołnierze odpowiedzieli ogniem, lecz agresor zbiegł.", "Kontyngent brytyjski w Afganistanie liczy 9 tys. żołnierzy, jednak niebawem zostanie zwiększony o kolejne 500 żołnierzy.", "Po wycofania się Abdullaha Abdullaha z ubiegania się o fotel prezydenta anulowano II turę wyborów zaplanowana na 7 listopada, a na drugą kadencję powołano dotychczasowego prezydenta Hamida Karzaja." ]
interlang link
Afghan women's rights official shot dead
[ "Women's rights", "Politics and conflicts", "Human rights", "Asia", "Afghanistan", "Education", "Crime and law", "September 26, 2006", "Obituaries", "Shia Islam" ]
[ "Safia Ahmed-jan, the director of the Afghan Ministry of Women's Affairs for the Khandahar province and an advocate of women's rights and a strong critic of the Taliban's repression of those rights, was shot dead by unidentified gunmen outside her home in Khandahar city in southern Afghanistan on Monday.", "Safia Ama-jan, as she was known locally, is the first woman official to be targeted by the Taliban-led insurgency since it was deposed in 2001.", "Safia Ahmed-jan taught at a girls' school and was a high-school principal in Khandahar prior to the Taliban's 1996 rise to power in Afghanistan. When the Taliban regime banned education for girls and forbade women from working outside the home, she ran an underground school for girls at her home, said her son Naqibullah, speaking to the Associated Press.", "After the Taliban government was overthrown in 2001, Ahmed-jan became the provincial chief for women's affairs in 2002, when the ministry was established and has since then held that position, worked for women's rights and particularly, championed the cause of educating girls. Her secretary, Abdullah Khan told Associated Press that among her most successful projects were the vocational training schools she opened in Khandahar, where almost 1000 women were taught baking, tailoring and other skills.", "Ahmed-jan has also been fiercely critical of the repression of women during the Taliban rule, in a region that has remained conservative and emerged as a hotbed of the Taliban's insurgent activity. Her requests for personal security guards and transport went unheeded by the government, according to local media reports, though her nephew, Muhammad Asif told the New York Times that Ahmed-jan preferred to keep a low profile and used a taxi or public transport even though her office maintained cars and drivers.", "Ahmed-jan was shot dead outside her house at about 7:30 a.m. local time (UTC+4:30) on Monday, as she left for work in a taxi. The gunmen are believed to have left scene on a motorcycle, and tyre marks have been found by the police, said the provincial governor Asadullah Khaled, who visited the scene of the attack.", "Ahmed-jan was shot four times with a pistol, Muhammad Haidar, who worked in her office told the New York Times. Mohammad Nader, the head nurse at Khandahar's main hospital where Ahmed-jan was taken to, confirmed to the Chicago Tribune that she was shot four times, including once in the head.", "She was about 65 years old.", "Accounts of the shooting are sketchy, several reports suggesting no one witnessed it. However, one man, identified as Allaudin told Al Jazeera that he saw two men on motorcycles waiting on the road, who attacked Ahmed-jan as she left her house.", "A spokesman for the Khandahar governor, Daud Ahmadi confirmed the death and said that Ahmed-jan had died on the spot. An investigation into the attack has begun, and local officials have blamed the Taliban.", "Hundreds of men and women, including the Governor Asadullah Khaled were present at Ahmed-jan's funeral on Monday evening, which took place in Khandahar's main Shia mosque.", "The killing has been strongly condemned by the Afghan President Hamid Karzai as well as aid and human rights organisations in Afghanistan.", "Aleem Siddique, a spokesman for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), said that UNAMA was \"appalled at the senseless murder\" of a woman who was working to ensure a full and equal part in the future of Afghanistan for its women. He added, \"We share the sentiment of the majority of Afghan people who are appalled at this killing.\"", "Abdul Quadar Noorzai, head of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) for the Khandahar region told IRIN News that Ahmed-jan's death will have a \"serious impact on women's activities in the south where women are already suffering from ... the deteriorating security and conservative traditions,\".", "Fariba Ahmedi, a woman MP from Khandahar who was present at Ahmed-jan's funeral told the Associated Press, \"The enemy of Afghanistan killed her, but they should know it will not derail women from the path we are on. We will continue on our way,\".", "Sonja Bachmann, a U.N. political officer who knew Ahmed-jan well told the New York Times that Ahmed-jan \"did a good job, she worked in a very low-key way and worked hard to raise awareness about women's issues.\"", "Reuters and Associated Press received phone calls, claiming responsibility for the attacks on behalf of Mullah Sadullah, a regional Taliban commander, but no confirmation of the claim has been possible.", "Another caller, who identified himself as Taliban commander Mullah Hayat Khan told Al Jazeera that Ahmed-jan was killed because she worked for the government.", "The Taliban-led insurgency has stepped up attacks in recent months, killing hundreds of people this year.", "Last week, 19 Afghans working for reconstruction projects in the region were killed after their bus was ambushed.\nThe Governor of Paktia province, a close associate of President Karzai, was killed in a suicide bombing on September 10.", "Attacks on schools have also been stepped up. According to the Afghan education ministry, there have been 158 attacks on schools this year, compared to 146 last year. The attacks on schools are believed to be due partly to the Taliban's opposition to educating girls, as well as a way to undermine the Afghan government and it's reconstruction efforts.", "Twelve suspected militants and two Afghan police officers were reported killed on Monday in separate incidents which also left eight others and a U.S. soldier wounded.", "\"People are scared, of course,\" Ahmad-jan's co-worker Haidar said, \"How can we feel secure when the head of our department is killed in front of her house?\"" ]
Afghanische Politikerin in Kandahar erschossen
[ "Women's rights", "Politics and conflicts", "Human rights", "Asia", "Afghanistan", "Education", "Crime and law", "September 26, 2006", "Obituaries", "Shia Islam" ]
[ "Kandahar (Afghanistan), 25.09.2006 – Am Montag wurde die afghanische Politikerin Safia Amajan laut Polizeiangaben nahe ihrem Haus erschossen. Eine Person soll laut Polizei von einem Motorrad aus auf die Politikerin geschossen haben, als sie ihr Haus verlassen hatte, um mit einem Taxi zur Arbeit zu fahren. Safia Amajan starb nach Angaben eines ihrer Neffen unmittelbar vor Ort. Laut „Associated Press“ (AP), die sich auf einen Berater des Frauenministeriums der Regierung in Kabul beruft, ereignete sich der Vorfall, als Safia Amajan gerade ihr Haus in Kandahar verlassen hatte. Seit dem Sturz der Taliban im Jahr 2001 war Safia Amajan in der Provinzregierung von Kandahar für Frauenangelegenheiten zuständig. Zuvor hatte Safia Amajan als Lehrerin gearbeitet.", "Obwohl es bisher noch kein bestätigtes Bekennerschreiben gibt, wird in Artikeln verschiedener Medien davon ausgegangen, dass die Taliban hinter dem Mord an der Politikerin stehen. Mullah Sadullah, ein regionaler Talibankommandeur, hat in einem Telefonat mit der Nachrichtenagenrut AP die Verantwortung für das Attentat erklärt. Ob dieser Bekenneranruf echt ist, ist unklar. Als Grund für die Vermutung wird angeführt, dass Safia Amajan die Unterdrückung der Frauen unter der Talibanregierung scharf kritisiert hatte. Die Politikerin hatte sich in der Provinz für die Rechte und die Bildung von Frauen engagiert. So eröffnete Safia Amajan in der Hauptstadt der südlichen Provinz sechs gewerbliche Schulen, in denen etwa 1.000 Menschen lernen, wie man selbst Produkte herstellt und wie man diese auf den regionalen Märkten verkaufen kann. Nach Angaben eines Neffen der getöteten Politikerin hat Safia Amajan während der Herrschaft der Taliban Frauen und Mädchen illegal unterrichtet. Laut „news.bbc.co.uk“ hat Safia Amajan in der Vergangenheit von der Regierung Leibwächter zu ihrem Schutz angefordert, die ihr von der Regierung aber nicht gewährt wurden. Ein für Afghanistan zuständiger Sprecher der Vereinten Nationen verurteilte die Ermordung der Politikerin. Es handle sich um einen sinnlosen Mord an einer Frau, die einfach daran gearbeitet habe, dass alle afghanischen Frauen einen aktive und gleichberechtigte Rolle in der Zukunft des Landes spielen könnten, so der UN-Sprecher Aleem Siddique. Auch der afghanische Präsident Hamid Karzai äußerte sich betrübt über den Tod von Safia Amajan. In einer Stellungnahme des Präsidenten heißt es, die Feinde Afghanistans versuchten die Menschen zu töten, die sich für Frieden und Wohlstand im Land einsetzten.", "In den letzten Wochen kam es im Süden des Landes, wo sich auch die Provinz Kandahar befindet, zu heftigen Kämpfen zwischen Taliban und Soldaten der NATO. Am 10. September tötete ein Selbstmordattentäter Abdul Hakim Taniwal, den Gouverneur der südöstlichen Provinz Paktia, vor dessen Amtssitz. Die Taliban hatten sich für das Attentat verantwortlich erklärt." ]
interlang link
Afghanistan: une avocate du droit des femmes assassinée
[ "Women's rights", "Politics and conflicts", "Human rights", "Asia", "Afghanistan", "Education", "Crime and law", "September 26, 2006", "Obituaries", "Shia Islam" ]
[ "Kandahar (Afghanistan), 25.09.2006 – Am Montag wurde die afghanische Politikerin Safia Amajan laut Polizeiangaben nahe ihrem Haus erschossen. Eine Person soll laut Polizei von einem Motorrad aus auf die Politikerin geschossen haben, als sie ihr Haus verlassen hatte, um mit einem Taxi zur Arbeit zu fahren. Safia Amajan starb nach Angaben eines ihrer Neffen unmittelbar vor Ort. Laut „Associated Press“ (AP), die sich auf einen Berater des Frauenministeriums der Regierung in Kabul beruft, ereignete sich der Vorfall, als Safia Amajan gerade ihr Haus in Kandahar verlassen hatte. Seit dem Sturz der Taliban im Jahr 2001 war Safia Amajan in der Provinzregierung von Kandahar für Frauenangelegenheiten zuständig. Zuvor hatte Safia Amajan als Lehrerin gearbeitet.", "Obwohl es bisher noch kein bestätigtes Bekennerschreiben gibt, wird in Artikeln verschiedener Medien davon ausgegangen, dass die Taliban hinter dem Mord an der Politikerin stehen. Mullah Sadullah, ein regionaler Talibankommandeur, hat in einem Telefonat mit der Nachrichtenagenrut AP die Verantwortung für das Attentat erklärt. Ob dieser Bekenneranruf echt ist, ist unklar. Als Grund für die Vermutung wird angeführt, dass Safia Amajan die Unterdrückung der Frauen unter der Talibanregierung scharf kritisiert hatte. Die Politikerin hatte sich in der Provinz für die Rechte und die Bildung von Frauen engagiert. So eröffnete Safia Amajan in der Hauptstadt der südlichen Provinz sechs gewerbliche Schulen, in denen etwa 1.000 Menschen lernen, wie man selbst Produkte herstellt und wie man diese auf den regionalen Märkten verkaufen kann. Nach Angaben eines Neffen der getöteten Politikerin hat Safia Amajan während der Herrschaft der Taliban Frauen und Mädchen illegal unterrichtet. Laut „news.bbc.co.uk“ hat Safia Amajan in der Vergangenheit von der Regierung Leibwächter zu ihrem Schutz angefordert, die ihr von der Regierung aber nicht gewährt wurden. Ein für Afghanistan zuständiger Sprecher der Vereinten Nationen verurteilte die Ermordung der Politikerin. Es handle sich um einen sinnlosen Mord an einer Frau, die einfach daran gearbeitet habe, dass alle afghanischen Frauen einen aktive und gleichberechtigte Rolle in der Zukunft des Landes spielen könnten, so der UN-Sprecher Aleem Siddique. Auch der afghanische Präsident Hamid Karzai äußerte sich betrübt über den Tod von Safia Amajan. In einer Stellungnahme des Präsidenten heißt es, die Feinde Afghanistans versuchten die Menschen zu töten, die sich für Frieden und Wohlstand im Land einsetzten.", "In den letzten Wochen kam es im Süden des Landes, wo sich auch die Provinz Kandahar befindet, zu heftigen Kämpfen zwischen Taliban und Soldaten der NATO. Am 10. September tötete ein Selbstmordattentäter Abdul Hakim Taniwal, den Gouverneur der südöstlichen Provinz Paktia, vor dessen Amtssitz. Die Taliban hatten sich für das Attentat verantwortlich erklärt." ]
interlang link
Afghani heroin shipment shot down in Tajikistan
[ "Heroin", "August 27, 2005", "Tajikistan", "Public domain articles", "Crime and law" ]
[ "On August 22, Tajikistan border guards spotted and shot down a home-made aircraft carrying heroin, on route from Afghanistan.", "Tajik officials say that the piloted paraplane was transporting 18 kilograms of heroin above their southeast border. Border guards launched a search operation to find the pilot, believed to be wounded.", "The deputy head of Tajik's border troops, Sabza Sarkorov, said to the media that this was actually the first narcotics interception of its kind. Smugglers have used paraplanes to move drugs across the border for three years. Earlier attempts to bring them down have been unsuccessful until now.", "The country is a prime route for illegal drugs from Afghanistan, which is the world's top opium producer." ]
[ "Heroin", "August 27, 2005", "Tajikistan", "Public domain articles", "Crime and law" ]
[ "8月22日、タジキスタン国境警備隊は、アフガニスタンからヘロインを輸送中の自家製航空機を発見し、撃墜した。", "タジキスタン当局によれば、操縦者の乗ったパラプレーン(エンジンつきパラシュート)がタジキスタン南西の国境上を飛行し、18kgのヘロインを運んでいた。操縦者は行方不明で、おそらく負傷したと推測される。国境警備隊は操縦者を捜索している。", "タジキスタン国境警備隊のサブザ・サルコルフ代表は、報道陣に対し、国境を越えた空輸による麻薬輸送は、これが初めてであると語った。過去3年間、麻薬密輸人はパラプレーンを使った密輸入を試みていたが、現在に至るまで国境超えに成功した実例はなかった。", "アフガニスタンのアヘン生産量は世界第1位であり、タジキスタンはアフガニスタンからの違法な麻薬取引の主なルートとなっている。", "英語版ウィキニュースの翻訳です。" ]
interlang link
Afghanistan: More than 40 killed in explosions in Kabul
[ "Journalism", "Religion", "Asia", "Afghanistan", "Crime and law", "Islam", "December 28, 2017", "Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant", "Kabul", "Shia Islam" ]
[ "Today, multiple bomb blasts at a Kabul Shi'a cultural centre, religious school, and Afghan Voice news agency killed at least 41 people and injured 84, Afghanistan's public health ministry spokesperson Waheed Majrooh said.", "According to reports it was a suicide attack. According to multiple reports and eye-witnesses, at least three explosions were heard. Militant group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) claimed the responsibility of this attack via Amaq News Agency. Children were gathered at the Tebyan cultural centre on the 38th anniversary of the Soviet invasion in mostly Sunni Afghanistan.", "In 2017, at least 73 attacks on journalists took place in Afghanistan, according to the Afghan Journalists Safety Committee. There have been multiple attacks on Shi'a Muslims in Afghanistan by ISIL. 39 were killed in an attack on October 21 at a Shi'a mosque in Afghan's capital Kabul. More than 80 were killed in another attack in May when a truck bomb detonated in Kabul's Wazir Akbar Khan area." ]

Wikinews - weakly aligned multilingual pararell sentence datasets

This dataset contains 15,200 multilingual WikiNews articles in 33 languages. Out of 15,200 articles, 9,960 are non-English news and 5240 are English news. All non-English news are linked to one of 5240 English news. Linked articles show the same event. List of non-English languages are: Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Polish, Italian, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Dutch, Swedish, Tamil, Serbian, Czech, Catalan, Hebrew, Turkish, Finnish, Esperanto, Greek, Hungarian, Ukrainian, Norwegian, Arabic, Persian, Korean, Romanian, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Limburgish, Albanian, Thai.

Dataset Details

Example raw datasets

title pageid categories lang url text date type
0 'Bloody Sunday Inquiry' publishes report into ... 191513 [Northern Ireland, Martin McGuinness, Politics...] en https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/%27Bloody_Sunday_... [On Tuesday, the "Bloody Sunday Inquiry" publi... 2010-06-17 title
1 1972 ”இரத்த ஞாயிறு” படுகொலைகள் தொடர்பில் பிரித... 191513 [Northern Ireland, Martin McGuinness, Politics...] ta https://ta.wikinews.org/wiki/1972_%E2%80%9D%E0... [வடக்கு அயர்லாந்தில் 38 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்னர் இ... வியாழன், சூன் 17, 2010 interlang link
2 'Very serious': Chinese government releases co... 232226 [China, December 30, 2010, Politics and confli...] en https://en.wikinews.org/wiki/%27Very_serious%2... [A report by the Chinese government states cor... 2010-12-30 title
3 Čína připustila, že tamní korupce je vážný pro... 232226 [China, December 30, 2010, Politics and confli...] cs https://cs.wikinews.org/wiki/%C4%8C%C3%ADna_p%... [Zpráva čínské vlády připouští, že korupce v z... Středa 29. prosince 2010 interlang link
4 China admite que la corrupción en el país es '... 232226 [China, December 30, 2010, Politics and confli...] es https://es.wikinews.org/wiki/China_admite_que_... [29 de diciembre de 2010Beijing, China —, Un r... None interlang link


Each data point includes following variables:

Field Name Description
title WikiNews article title
pageid pageid defined by the English WikiNews article. Data with the same pageid corresponds to the same news event linked together.
categories list of topics defined by WikiNews. All pages have at least one topic from [Crime and law, Culture and entertainment, Disasters and accidents, Economy and business, Education, Environment, Heath, Obituaries, Politics and conflicts, Science and technology, Sports, Wackynews, Weather]
text content of the article. Some foreign pages have news titles but no content. For those, text is left empty.
lang languages of the article (WP code, check here for lists )
url articles' URL
date date of publish in YYYY-MM-DD for English pages. Dates in foreign pages were left as it is. To get a date with YYYY-MM-DD format, look for a English page with the same pageid.
type title for the English page, interlang link for non-English page linked to the English page with the pageid

Dataset Description

  • Curated by: Fumika Isono, Primer AI
  • Language(s) (NLP): en, es, fr, de, pt, pl, it, zh, ru, ja, nl, sv, ta, sr, cs, ca, he, tr, fi, eo, el, hu, uk, 'no', ar, fa, ko, ro, bg, bs, li, sq, th
  • License: cc-by-2.5

Dataset Sources


Weakly aligned multilingual pararell sentence datasets

Weakly aligned multilingual pararell sentence datasets can be constructed by comparing the titles and/or contents of the WikiNews pages that are linked to the same English WikiNews page (in the dataset, they have the same pageid). Following is the example case where titles of the same pageid are retrieved. These five phrases (news titles) are the news titles of the same incident.

News title Language type
Bomb blast in Delhi kills 12, injures 62 English title
چندین کشته بر اثر انفجار بمب در مقابل دادگاه عالی هند Farsi title
9 נהרגו בפיגוע מחוץ לבית המשפט העליון של הודו Hebrew title
У Индији 11 мртвих, 64 повређених Serbian title
தில்லி உயர்நீதிமன்றத்தில் குண்டு வெடிப்பு, 10 பேர் உயிரிழப்பு Tamil title

Direct Use

  • Multilingual embeddings
  • Language comparison

Source Data


Dataset Card Authors

Fumika Isono

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