stringclasses 1
value | input
stringlengths 586
| output
stringlengths 161
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[156.0, 72.0], [191.0, 72.0], [191.0, 87.0], [156.0, 87.0]], ('CIR', 0.9580296874046326)], [[[108.0, 120.0], [248.0, 117.0], [248.0, 131.0], [108.0, 133.0]], ("1/F.UNIT 101.CHEUNG'S", 0.7532286643981934)], [[[93.0, 130.0], [253.0, 128.0], [253.0, 142.0], [93.0, 144.0]], ('BLOG1-3 NING LOK.SIREET', 0.799626886844635)], [[[106.0, 140.0], [249.0, 139.0], [249.0, 152.0], [106.0, 153.0]], ('SHEUNG WAN. HONG KONG', 0.9098351001739502)], [[[106.0, 150.0], [248.0, 150.0], [248.0, 163.0], [106.0, 163.0]], ('T28505075F:28505844', 0.9189532399177551)], [[[90.0, 172.0], [237.0, 172.0], [237.0, 185.0], [90.0, 185.0]], ('REG 22-08-20142111', 0.9031227827072144)], [[[213.0, 185.0], [256.0, 185.0], [256.0, 196.0], [213.0, 196.0]], ('000055', 0.9828926920890808)], [[[217.0, 195.0], [258.0, 195.0], [258.0, 209.0], [217.0, 209.0]], ('CT1', 0.8117046356201172)], [[[95.0, 216.0], [195.0, 218.0], [195.0, 232.0], [95.0, 230.0]], ('1.ChickenTikka', 0.8800817728042603)], [[[215.0, 217.0], [259.0, 219.0], [258.0, 233.0], [214.0, 231.0]], ('80.00', 0.9878677129745483)], [[[94.0, 229.0], [179.0, 229.0], [179.0, 242.0], [94.0, 242.0]], ('1 Ye/low Da', 0.7055175304412842)], [[[217.0, 229.0], [259.0, 229.0], [259.0, 243.0], [217.0, 243.0]], ('60.00', 0.9697035551071167)], [[[93.0, 241.0], [188.0, 241.0], [188.0, 254.0], [93.0, 254.0]], ('1 Garlic Naan', 0.8920683264732361)], [[[217.0, 242.0], [259.0, 242.0], [259.0, 253.0], [217.0, 253.0]], ('22.00', 0.9884328842163086)], [[[92.0, 252.0], [187.0, 254.0], [187.0, 267.0], [92.0, 265.0]], ('1 Pul lao Rice', 0.769680917263031)], [[[218.0, 251.0], [262.0, 253.0], [261.0, 267.0], [217.0, 265.0]], ('38.00', 0.9857358932495117)], [[[89.0, 264.0], [180.0, 265.0], [180.0, 279.0], [89.0, 278.0]], ('2 Kingfisner', 0.9511029124259949)], [[[216.0, 265.0], [262.0, 265.0], [262.0, 279.0], [216.0, 279.0]], ('70.00', 0.9751361608505249)], [[[104.0, 278.0], [121.0, 278.0], [121.0, 291.0], [104.0, 291.0]], ('ST', 0.9253814816474915)], [[[213.0, 278.0], [263.0, 278.0], [263.0, 292.0], [213.0, 292.0]], ('270.00', 0.9839580655097961)], [[[105.0, 289.0], [129.0, 292.0], [127.0, 307.0], [103.0, 304.0]], ('10%', 0.9981932640075684)], [[[103.0, 305.0], [187.0, 305.0], [187.0, 318.0], [103.0, 318.0]], ('ServicesCHR', 0.9302820563316345)], [[[218.0, 303.0], [265.0, 306.0], [265.0, 321.0], [217.0, 318.0]], ('27.00', 0.9895702600479126)], [[[102.0, 318.0], [119.0, 318.0], [119.0, 331.0], [102.0, 331.0]], ('TL', 0.9700472354888916)], [[[156.0, 316.0], [264.0, 320.0], [264.0, 334.0], [156.0, 330.0]], ('297.00', 0.9481803774833679)], [[[101.0, 331.0], [135.0, 331.0], [135.0, 347.0], [101.0, 347.0]], ('CASH', 0.994254469871521)], [[[210.0, 334.0], [267.0, 334.0], [267.0, 349.0], [210.0, 349.0]], ('297.00', 0.9904534220695496)], [[[99.0, 359.0], [252.0, 364.0], [252.0, 378.0], [98.0, 374.0]], ('DAILY OPENING HOURS', 0.9487988352775574)], [[[85.0, 374.0], [269.0, 379.0], [269.0, 394.0], [85.0, 389.0]], ('11AM9PM6PM11PM', 0.9799613952636719)], [[[107.0, 390.0], [244.0, 393.0], [244.0, 409.0], [107.0, 406.0]], ('THANK YOU', 0.9483788013458252)], [[[97.0, 404.0], [253.0, 409.0], [252.0, 426.0], [97.0, 421.0]], ('COME AGAIN', 0.9488997459411621)]] | {"store_name": "CENTRAL CIR", "store_addr": "BLDG,1-9WINGLOK.STREET SHEUNGWAN.HONGKONG", "telephone": "28505075", "date": "22-08-2014", "time": "21:11", "subtotal": "\u00b7270.00", "tax": "", "total": "\u00b7297.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Chickentikka", "item_value": "\u00b780.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "YellowDal", "item_value": "\u00b760.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GarlicNaan", "item_value": "\u00b722.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PullaoRice", "item_value": "\u00b738.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "kingfisher", "item_value": "\u00b770.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[43.0, 13.0], [490.0, 44.0], [488.0, 68.0], [41.0, 37.0]], ('Restaurant:Maple Leaf Restaurant,Jumeirah', 0.9514110088348389)], [[[41.0, 47.0], [184.0, 57.0], [183.0, 78.0], [40.0, 68.0]], ('Lakes Towers', 0.9769248962402344)], [[[38.0, 93.0], [160.0, 102.0], [158.0, 126.0], [36.0, 117.0]], ('QuantityFood', 0.9336778521537781)], [[[365.0, 114.0], [414.0, 116.0], [413.0, 137.0], [364.0, 135.0]], ('Price', 0.9935954809188843)], [[[437.0, 118.0], [484.0, 118.0], [484.0, 137.0], [437.0, 137.0]], ('Total', 0.9976168870925903)], [[[75.0, 143.0], [398.0, 158.0], [397.0, 181.0], [73.0, 165.0]], ('Smoked Burger Choice of Side 26.00', 0.9477696418762207)], [[[409.0, 159.0], [492.0, 158.0], [492.0, 176.0], [410.0, 177.0]], ('26.00', 0.9871363639831543)], [[[76.0, 169.0], [316.0, 182.0], [315.0, 203.0], [74.0, 190.0]], ('Salad:Caleslaw) Add-Ons', 0.9296261072158813)], [[[75.0, 195.0], [237.0, 205.0], [236.0, 226.0], [73.0, 216.0]], ('(Jalapeno Pepper)', 0.9345291256904602)], [[[70.0, 222.0], [397.0, 232.0], [396.0, 255.0], [70.0, 246.0]], ('Sticky Icky Choice of Size(3 13.00', 0.903633713722229)], [[[415.0, 233.0], [467.0, 233.0], [467.0, 251.0], [415.0, 251.0]], ('13.00', 0.9950937032699585)], [[[68.0, 251.0], [110.0, 251.0], [110.0, 273.0], [68.0, 273.0]], ('pcs)', 0.9930509328842163)], [[[67.0, 276.0], [397.0, 285.0], [396.0, 306.0], [67.0, 297.0]], ('The Buffalo Choice of Size:(3 13.00', 0.9240405559539795)], [[[406.0, 285.0], [467.0, 285.0], [467.0, 303.0], [406.0, 303.0]], ('13.00', 0.9965894818305969)], [[[65.0, 305.0], [108.0, 305.0], [108.0, 328.0], [65.0, 328.0]], ('pcs)', 0.9723186492919922)], [[[65.0, 330.0], [173.0, 333.0], [173.0, 354.0], [65.0, 351.0]], ('Bowi of chili', 0.8630729913711548)], [[[345.0, 337.0], [397.0, 337.0], [397.0, 354.0], [345.0, 354.0]], ('36.00', 0.9971295595169067)], [[[415.0, 338.0], [468.0, 338.0], [468.0, 355.0], [415.0, 355.0]], ('36.00', 0.99431973695755)], [[[156.0, 389.0], [268.0, 389.0], [268.0, 409.0], [156.0, 409.0]], ('0704', 0.7651711702346802)]] | {"store_name": "Restaurant:MapleLeafRestaurant,Jumeirah", "store_addr": "LakesTowers", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Bowofchili", "item_value": "36.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TheBuffaloChoiceofSize:(313.00", "item_value": "13.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "StickyIckyChoiceofSize:(313.00", "item_value": "13.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Salad:(Coleslaw)Add-Ons:", "item_value": "26.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SmokedBurgerChoiceofSide26.00", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[867.0, 777.0], [1745.0, 718.0], [1754.0, 843.0], [875.0, 903.0]], ('LA SOLANA RIBADEO S.LE', 0.9277185201644897)], [[[710.0, 923.0], [2037.0, 836.0], [2043.0, 919.0], [715.0, 1006.0]], ('ANTONIO OTER0.41-27000 RIBADEO', 0.8623362183570862)], [[[1156.0, 990.0], [1540.0, 947.0], [1550.0, 1031.0], [1166.0, 1074.0]], ('B27280494', 0.9951304197311401)], [[[1604.0, 1192.0], [1986.0, 1113.0], [2015.0, 1246.0], [1633.0, 1325.0]], ('MESA:9', 0.9084439873695374)], [[[484.0, 1268.0], [1216.0, 1232.0], [1220.0, 1315.0], [489.0, 1351.0]], ('TIQUET:T002/13840', 0.970229983329773)], [[[1596.0, 1285.0], [2297.0, 1236.0], [2303.0, 1323.0], [1602.0, 1373.0]], ('FECHA:02/08/2013', 0.9797681570053101)], [[[472.0, 1351.0], [1007.0, 1328.0], [1011.0, 1416.0], [476.0, 1439.0]], ('CAMARERO:ITO', 0.9674989581108093)], [[[2001.0, 1455.0], [2322.0, 1431.0], [2329.0, 1524.0], [2008.0, 1548.0]], ('IMPORTE', 0.997416079044342)], [[[1775.0, 1473.0], [1924.0, 1460.0], [1933.0, 1560.0], [1783.0, 1573.0]], ('PVP', 0.8228383660316467)], [[[463.0, 1547.0], [1139.0, 1515.0], [1143.0, 1599.0], [467.0, 1630.0]], ('UDS DESCRIPCION', 0.9706990122795105)], [[[2137.0, 1648.0], [2350.0, 1631.0], [2359.0, 1739.0], [2146.0, 1756.0]], ('9,42', 0.9577165842056274)], [[[1774.0, 1673.0], [1983.0, 1656.0], [1993.0, 1764.0], [1784.0, 1782.0]], ('9,42', 0.938178539276123)], [[[642.0, 1747.0], [1535.0, 1694.0], [1540.0, 1782.0], [647.0, 1835.0]], ('ENSALADA ESPECIAL LA', 0.9727269411087036)], [[[473.0, 1762.0], [520.0, 1762.0], [520.0, 1842.0], [473.0, 1842.0]], ('1', 0.8225997090339661)], [[[637.0, 1856.0], [915.0, 1836.0], [923.0, 1927.0], [644.0, 1948.0]], ('SOLANA', 0.9983664155006409)], [[[2154.0, 1865.0], [2372.0, 1847.0], [2380.0, 1952.0], [2162.0, 1969.0]], ('9,50', 0.9117963314056396)], [[[1792.0, 1885.0], [2003.0, 1873.0], [2009.0, 1977.0], [1798.0, 1989.0]], ('9,50', 0.9219681024551392)], [[[642.0, 1964.0], [1539.0, 1907.0], [1544.0, 1994.0], [647.0, 2052.0]], ('CROQUETAS DE MARISCO', 0.9557544589042664)], [[[469.0, 1983.0], [520.0, 1983.0], [520.0, 2058.0], [469.0, 2058.0]], ('1', 0.9900314807891846)], [[[2125.0, 1976.0], [2379.0, 1965.0], [2384.0, 2069.0], [2130.0, 2081.0]], ('36,86', 0.9201269149780273)], [[[1754.0, 2002.0], [2006.0, 1986.0], [2013.0, 2090.0], [1761.0, 2106.0]], ('36,86', 0.9115182757377625)], [[[637.0, 2068.0], [1586.0, 2011.0], [1591.0, 2098.0], [643.0, 2156.0]], ('PARRILLADA DE PESCADO', 0.9639611840248108)], [[[447.0, 2079.0], [516.0, 2079.0], [516.0, 2167.0], [447.0, 2167.0]], ('1', 0.9782509803771973)], [[[2180.0, 2088.0], [2387.0, 2078.0], [2392.0, 2178.0], [2186.0, 2189.0]], ('3,00', 0.949663519859314)], [[[1824.0, 2104.0], [2020.0, 2104.0], [2020.0, 2200.0], [1824.0, 2200.0]], ('1,00', 0.9608769416809082)], [[[439.0, 2179.0], [511.0, 2179.0], [511.0, 2271.0], [439.0, 2271.0]], ('3', 0.9981972575187683)], [[[629.0, 2172.0], [1236.0, 2136.0], [1242.0, 2223.0], [634.0, 2260.0]], ('RACION DE PAN', 0.9536113142967224)], [[[2192.0, 2200.0], [2402.0, 2185.0], [2410.0, 2286.0], [2200.0, 2301.0]], ('2,60', 0.9426968097686768)], [[[1824.0, 2212.0], [2028.0, 2212.0], [2028.0, 2308.0], [1824.0, 2308.0]], ('2,60', 0.9606102705001831)], [[[441.0, 2281.0], [497.0, 2290.0], [484.0, 2369.0], [428.0, 2360.0]], ('1', 0.9916868805885315)], [[[624.0, 2276.0], [1096.0, 2248.0], [1101.0, 2341.0], [630.0, 2368.0]], ('AGUA LITRO', 0.9482458233833313)], [[[2205.0, 2307.0], [2414.0, 2290.0], [2423.0, 2398.0], [2214.0, 2415.0]], ('1,80', 0.9217771887779236)], [[[1826.0, 2323.0], [2037.0, 2311.0], [2043.0, 2419.0], [1833.0, 2431.0]], ('1,80', 0.9251419901847839)], [[[430.0, 2392.0], [482.0, 2392.0], [482.0, 2471.0], [430.0, 2471.0]], ('1', 0.9041632413864136)], [[[611.0, 2386.0], [824.0, 2368.0], [834.0, 2477.0], [620.0, 2494.0]], ('CANA', 0.9977778196334839)], [[[2180.0, 2422.0], [2434.0, 2411.0], [2439.0, 2519.0], [2185.0, 2530.0]], ('12,22', 0.922136127948761)], [[[1805.0, 2439.0], [2050.0, 2428.0], [2055.0, 2536.0], [1810.0, 2547.0]], ('12,22', 0.9419902563095093)], [[[603.0, 2502.0], [1522.0, 2453.0], [1527.0, 2552.0], [609.0, 2602.0]], ('PAZO DO MAR BOTELLA', 0.9501088857650757)], [[[2197.0, 2664.0], [2458.0, 2648.0], [2465.0, 2761.0], [2204.0, 2777.0]], ('68,55', 0.9248855710029602)], [[[1286.0, 2697.0], [1966.0, 2670.0], [1970.0, 2770.0], [1290.0, 2797.0]], ('BASE IMPONIBLE', 0.9675618410110474)], [[[2257.0, 2789.0], [2480.0, 2778.0], [2486.0, 2890.0], [2263.0, 2902.0]], ('6,85', 0.9497300386428833)], [[[1820.0, 2804.0], [1986.0, 2804.0], [1986.0, 2904.0], [1820.0, 2904.0]], ('10%', 0.9989347457885742)], [[[1290.0, 2822.0], [1698.0, 2807.0], [1702.0, 2911.0], [1294.0, 2926.0]], ('IMPUESTO', 0.9954683780670166)], [[[2222.0, 3055.0], [2525.0, 3044.0], [2533.0, 3269.0], [2231.0, 3280.0]], ('75,40', 0.9527326822280884)], [[[1760.0, 3071.0], [2020.0, 3071.0], [2020.0, 3267.0], [1760.0, 3267.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9785138964653015)], [[[1038.0, 3606.0], [2034.0, 3561.0], [2038.0, 3661.0], [1043.0, 3706.0]], ('IMPUESTOS INCLUIDOS', 0.9702541828155518)], [[[761.0, 3747.0], [2311.0, 3690.0], [2315.0, 3799.0], [766.0, 3855.0]], ('*** GRACIAS POR SU VISITA ***', 0.9401311278343201)]] | {"store_name": "LASOLANARIBADEOS.L.", "store_addr": "ANTONIOOTERO41-27000RIBADEO", "telephone": "", "date": "02/08/2013", "time": "", "subtotal": "68,55", "tax": "6,85", "total": "75,40", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ENSALADAESPECIALLA", "item_value": "9,42", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SOLANA", "item_value": "9,50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CROQUETASDEMARISCO", "item_value": "36,86", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PARRILLADADEPESCADO", "item_value": "3,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RACIONDEPAN", "item_value": "2,60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AGUALITRO", "item_value": "1,80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PAZODOMARBOTELLA", "item_value": "12,22", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "DESCRIPCION", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[250.0, 52.0], [572.0, 52.0], [572.0, 86.0], [250.0, 86.0]], ('Pizza Hut #744007', 0.9509849548339844)], [[[289.0, 99.0], [534.0, 99.0], [534.0, 129.0], [289.0, 129.0]], ('870 W Rusk St', 0.8782599568367004)], [[[230.0, 147.0], [575.0, 144.0], [576.0, 178.0], [231.0, 181.0]], ('Rockwa11Tx75087', 0.9696584939956665)], [[[294.0, 193.0], [541.0, 193.0], [541.0, 228.0], [294.0, 228.0]], ('(000000-0000', 0.9550189971923828)], [[[327.0, 239.0], [482.0, 236.0], [483.0, 277.0], [327.0, 280.0]], ('SALE', 0.9980100989341736)], [[[17.0, 341.0], [308.0, 337.0], [309.0, 372.0], [18.0, 376.0]], ('Server:JAGDESH', 0.9523199796676636)], [[[602.0, 332.0], [786.0, 332.0], [786.0, 370.0], [602.0, 370.0]], ('Ticket #66', 0.964392364025116)], [[[601.0, 379.0], [735.0, 379.0], [735.0, 419.0], [601.0, 419.0]], ('06:30PM', 0.9556284546852112)], [[[18.0, 389.0], [174.0, 385.0], [175.0, 426.0], [19.0, 429.0]], ('10/15/09', 0.9976202249526978)], [[[17.0, 437.0], [231.0, 432.0], [232.0, 471.0], [18.0, 476.0]], ('Batch #393', 0.9558495283126831)], [[[16.0, 531.0], [44.0, 531.0], [44.0, 571.0], [16.0, 571.0]], ('V', 0.8531040549278259)], [[[21.0, 581.0], [330.0, 578.0], [330.0, 610.0], [21.0, 613.0]], ('************2957', 0.953477144241333)], [[[602.0, 616.0], [809.0, 612.0], [810.0, 652.0], [603.0, 655.0]], ('Invoice #35', 0.9656769037246704)], [[[24.0, 631.0], [349.0, 625.0], [350.0, 661.0], [25.0, 667.0]], ('APPRC0DE:173501', 0.9477107524871826)], [[[674.0, 753.0], [775.0, 750.0], [777.0, 792.0], [675.0, 795.0]], ('23.24', 0.9915165901184082)], [[[25.0, 769.0], [160.0, 766.0], [161.0, 807.0], [26.0, 810.0]], ('AMOUNT:', 0.984036386013031)], [[[28.0, 860.0], [109.0, 860.0], [109.0, 903.0], [28.0, 903.0]], ('TIP:', 0.975533127784729)], [[[31.0, 950.0], [149.0, 950.0], [149.0, 995.0], [31.0, 995.0]], ('Total:', 0.9810764789581299)], [[[34.0, 1046.0], [660.0, 1031.0], [661.0, 1073.0], [35.0, 1088.0]], ('I agree to pay above total amount', 0.9450204372406006)]] | {"store_name": "PizzaHut#744007", "store_addr": "870WRuskSt Rockwall,Tx75087", "telephone": "(000)000-0000", "date": "10/15/09", "time": "06:30PM", "subtotal": "23.24", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[703.0, 152.0], [885.0, 143.0], [887.0, 178.0], [705.0, 188.0]], ('Redix,Inc', 0.9317042827606201)], [[[639.0, 200.0], [959.0, 182.0], [961.0, 218.0], [641.0, 236.0]], ('120 Causeway Drive', 0.9508950114250183)], [[[548.0, 249.0], [1052.0, 221.0], [1054.0, 257.0], [550.0, 285.0]], ('Wrightsvi1le Beach,NC 28480', 0.8945514559745789)], [[[651.0, 287.0], [940.0, 272.0], [942.0, 308.0], [653.0, 323.0]], ('Ph:910-256-2201', 0.9574369788169861)], [[[633.0, 333.0], [961.0, 320.0], [962.0, 356.0], [634.0, 369.0]], ('', 0.9943795800209045)], [[[409.0, 457.0], [689.0, 462.0], [688.0, 498.0], [408.0, 492.0]], ('9/16/1112:30PM', 0.976472795009613)], [[[401.0, 496.0], [854.0, 507.0], [853.0, 547.0], [400.0, 537.0]], ('Order Number: 1002-25990', 0.933445155620575)], [[[399.0, 630.0], [512.0, 635.0], [511.0, 677.0], [398.0, 673.0]], ('Items:', 0.9908846020698547)], [[[1002.0, 639.0], [1204.0, 643.0], [1203.0, 685.0], [1001.0, 682.0]], ('Ext.Price', 0.9807421565055847)], [[[417.0, 684.0], [447.0, 684.0], [447.0, 718.0], [417.0, 718.0]], ('1', 0.8967030048370361)], [[[489.0, 680.0], [830.0, 687.0], [829.0, 728.0], [488.0, 721.0]], ('Candy $.10[21113]', 0.9640277624130249)], [[[1097.0, 690.0], [1205.0, 690.0], [1205.0, 735.0], [1097.0, 735.0]], ('$0.10', 0.9954039454460144)], [[[396.0, 772.0], [514.0, 776.0], [512.0, 820.0], [395.0, 816.0]], ('Total:', 0.9863540530204773)], [[[866.0, 831.0], [1022.0, 837.0], [1021.0, 880.0], [865.0, 874.0]], ('SubTotal', 0.993899941444397)], [[[1100.0, 839.0], [1207.0, 839.0], [1207.0, 883.0], [1100.0, 883.0]], ('$0.10', 0.9970787167549133)], [[[848.0, 879.0], [1026.0, 887.0], [1024.0, 928.0], [846.0, 920.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.9426551461219788)], [[[1100.0, 884.0], [1206.0, 891.0], [1203.0, 935.0], [1098.0, 928.0]], ('$0.01', 0.9970498085021973)], [[[807.0, 930.0], [1020.0, 934.0], [1020.0, 975.0], [806.0, 971.0]], ('Grand Total', 0.97145676612854)], [[[1099.0, 932.0], [1208.0, 938.0], [1205.0, 988.0], [1096.0, 981.0]], ('$0.11', 0.9946736097335815)], [[[386.0, 1010.0], [557.0, 1018.0], [555.0, 1061.0], [384.0, 1053.0]], ('Payments:', 0.9884135723114014)], [[[939.0, 1076.0], [1028.0, 1083.0], [1024.0, 1130.0], [936.0, 1122.0]], ('Cash', 0.9964570999145508)], [[[1099.0, 1085.0], [1208.0, 1092.0], [1204.0, 1143.0], [1096.0, 1136.0]], ('$0.11', 0.9897266626358032)]] | {"store_name": "Redix,Inc", "store_addr": "120CausewayDrive WrightsvilleBeach,NC28480", "telephone": "910-256-2201", "date": "9/16/11", "time": "12:30PM", "subtotal": "$0.10", "tax": "$0.01", "total": "$0.11", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Candy$.10[21113]", "item_value": "$0.10", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Items:", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[96.0, 12.0], [148.0, 12.0], [148.0, 24.0], [96.0, 24.0]], ('WELCOME', 0.8852422833442688)], [[[73.0, 42.0], [179.0, 42.0], [179.0, 52.0], [73.0, 52.0]], ('IP06900796001', 0.8115612268447876)], [[[69.0, 55.0], [225.0, 55.0], [225.0, 69.0], [69.0, 69.0]], ('PUHP HAINSIDE SRU SI', 0.8179567456245422)], [[[69.0, 70.0], [142.0, 70.0], [142.0, 84.0], [69.0, 84.0]], ('BLDG111', 0.8654131889343262)], [[[67.0, 84.0], [225.0, 85.0], [225.0, 100.0], [67.0, 99.0]], ('CAMPPENDLEI CA 9205', 0.8329148292541504)], [[[65.0, 132.0], [99.0, 132.0], [99.0, 148.0], [65.0, 148.0]], ('DATE', 0.9871559739112854)], [[[145.0, 134.0], [209.0, 134.0], [209.0, 149.0], [145.0, 149.0]], ('10/17/12', 0.937211811542511)], [[[65.0, 148.0], [98.0, 148.0], [98.0, 164.0], [65.0, 164.0]], ('TIME', 0.9917950630187988)], [[[150.0, 148.0], [212.0, 150.0], [211.0, 166.0], [150.0, 163.0]], ('7:55AM', 0.8837594985961914)], [[[63.0, 163.0], [161.0, 166.0], [160.0, 180.0], [62.0, 178.0]], ('RUTH505099', 0.7566555738449097)], [[[61.0, 196.0], [98.0, 198.0], [97.0, 214.0], [60.0, 211.0]], ('AMEX', 0.9926530718803406)], [[[60.0, 212.0], [128.0, 215.0], [128.0, 230.0], [59.0, 228.0]], ('PADUA/RS', 0.9859890937805176)], [[[58.0, 244.0], [96.0, 247.0], [95.0, 263.0], [57.0, 260.0]], ('PUMP', 0.8424031138420105)], [[[107.0, 249.0], [169.0, 249.0], [169.0, 264.0], [107.0, 264.0]], ('PRODUCT', 0.9757791757583618)], [[[167.0, 250.0], [208.0, 250.0], [208.0, 265.0], [167.0, 265.0]], ('PPG', 0.8984186053276062)], [[[66.0, 264.0], [88.0, 264.0], [88.0, 280.0], [66.0, 280.0]], ('12', 0.9982601404190063)], [[[115.0, 265.0], [151.0, 265.0], [151.0, 280.0], [115.0, 280.0]], ('UNLD', 0.9616563320159912)], [[[172.0, 263.0], [224.0, 266.0], [223.0, 284.0], [172.0, 281.0]], ('$4.499', 0.9817842841148376)], [[[57.0, 298.0], [116.0, 300.0], [115.0, 315.0], [56.0, 312.0]], ('GALLONS', 0.9652436375617981)], [[[137.0, 299.0], [221.0, 303.0], [220.0, 319.0], [136.0, 314.0]], ('FUEL TOTAI', 0.8587157130241394)], [[[65.0, 317.0], [118.0, 317.0], [118.0, 333.0], [65.0, 333.0]], ('14.88', 0.9892286062240601)], [[[162.0, 316.0], [217.0, 320.0], [216.0, 339.0], [161.0, 335.0]], ('$66.95', 0.9631101489067078)], [[[95.0, 371.0], [173.0, 374.0], [172.0, 390.0], [95.0, 386.0]], ('THANK YOU', 0.9589031934738159)]] | {"store_name": "PUMPMAINSIDESRUST", "store_addr": "BLDG1101 CAMPPENDLETCA9205", "telephone": "", "date": "10/17/12", "time": "7:55AM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "S66.95", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "UNLD", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GALLONSFUELTOTAL", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[24.0, 55.0], [280.0, 55.0], [280.0, 90.0], [24.0, 90.0]], ('CVS/pharmacy', 0.9940321445465088)], [[[43.0, 105.0], [255.0, 107.0], [255.0, 120.0], [43.0, 118.0]], ('800 CANAL ST.NEW ORLEANSLA', 0.9177764654159546)], [[[23.0, 119.0], [212.0, 121.0], [211.0, 135.0], [23.0, 133.0]], ('PHARMACY528-7099ST0RE', 0.9762837290763855)], [[[17.0, 149.0], [283.0, 149.0], [283.0, 162.0], [17.0, 162.0]], ('REG#07 TRAN4111 CSHR#0966108 STR#763', 0.945036768913269)], [[[28.0, 178.0], [134.0, 178.0], [134.0, 192.0], [28.0, 192.0]], ('1 ZAPPS CAJUN C 2Z', 0.8947705030441284)], [[[186.0, 180.0], [209.0, 180.0], [209.0, 192.0], [186.0, 192.0]], ('.998', 0.8704281449317932)], [[[26.0, 192.0], [134.0, 193.0], [134.0, 207.0], [26.0, 206.0]], ('1ZAPPS REGULAR 2Z', 0.9451642036437988)], [[[184.0, 193.0], [210.0, 193.0], [210.0, 208.0], [184.0, 208.0]], ('866', 0.965268611907959)], [[[27.0, 222.0], [72.0, 222.0], [72.0, 236.0], [27.0, 236.0]], ('2ITEMS', 0.9647662043571472)], [[[56.0, 236.0], [106.0, 236.0], [106.0, 250.0], [56.0, 250.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9967464804649353)], [[[176.0, 236.0], [206.0, 236.0], [206.0, 251.0], [176.0, 251.0]], ('1.98', 0.9945959448814392)], [[[57.0, 252.0], [123.0, 252.0], [123.0, 264.0], [57.0, 264.0]], ('LA4.5%TAX', 0.9748197197914124)], [[[188.0, 251.0], [205.0, 251.0], [205.0, 265.0], [188.0, 265.0]], ('09', 0.9929440021514893)], [[[57.0, 265.0], [90.0, 265.0], [90.0, 280.0], [57.0, 280.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9986566305160522)], [[[177.0, 265.0], [205.0, 265.0], [205.0, 280.0], [177.0, 280.0]], ('2.07', 0.9494990110397339)], [[[56.0, 279.0], [86.0, 279.0], [86.0, 294.0], [56.0, 294.0]], ('CASH', 0.9958184957504272)], [[[177.0, 281.0], [204.0, 281.0], [204.0, 293.0], [177.0, 293.0]], ('2.25', 0.9959676265716553)], [[[56.0, 294.0], [96.0, 294.0], [96.0, 309.0], [56.0, 309.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9967556595802307)], [[[185.0, 293.0], [206.0, 293.0], [206.0, 310.0], [185.0, 310.0]], ('18', 0.9945046901702881)], [[[82.0, 376.0], [243.0, 376.0], [243.0, 390.0], [82.0, 390.0]], ('2500 76303174 111070', 0.9501349329948425)], [[[26.0, 392.0], [284.0, 392.0], [284.0, 405.0], [26.0, 405.0]], ('RETURNS WITH RECEIPT THRU 01/12/2011', 0.9510425925254822)], [[[41.0, 421.0], [165.0, 421.0], [165.0, 434.0], [41.0, 434.0]], ('NOVEMBER13,2010', 0.9574335813522339)], [[[211.0, 420.0], [266.0, 420.0], [266.0, 434.0], [211.0, 434.0]], ('4:03PM', 0.9162551760673523)], [[[55.0, 449.0], [251.0, 449.0], [251.0, 463.0], [55.0, 463.0]], ('GET YOUR CVS EXTRACARE CARD', 0.9487006664276123)], [[[26.0, 478.0], [279.0, 478.0], [279.0, 491.0], [26.0, 491.0]], ('THANK YOU. SHOP 24 HOURS AT CVS.COM', 0.9142017960548401)]] | {"store_name": "CVS/pharmacy", "store_addr": "800CANALST,NEWORLEANS,LA", "telephone": "", "date": "NOVEMBER 13,2010", "time": "4:03PM", "subtotal": "1.98", "tax": ".09", "total": "2.07", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ZAPPSCAJUNC2Z", "item_value": ".99B", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ZAPPSREGULAR2Z", "item_value": ".99B", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[214.0, 35.0], [575.0, 28.0], [576.0, 66.0], [215.0, 73.0]], ('CVS/pharmacy', 0.9919752478599548)], [[[199.0, 104.0], [592.0, 98.0], [592.0, 116.0], [199.0, 122.0]], ('4365N ORACLE ROADTUCS0NAZ', 0.913123607635498)], [[[160.0, 129.0], [495.0, 125.0], [495.0, 146.0], [160.0, 150.0]], ('PHARMACY:407-2127ST0RE:', 0.9288173317909241)], [[[149.0, 184.0], [628.0, 180.0], [629.0, 198.0], [149.0, 202.0]], ('REG#01 TRN#2811CSHR#1320480 STR#7841', 0.9609147310256958)], [[[153.0, 235.0], [348.0, 235.0], [348.0, 256.0], [153.0, 256.0]], ('HelPed by: JAMIE', 0.8983796834945679)], [[[170.0, 286.0], [543.0, 290.0], [543.0, 310.0], [169.0, 307.0]], ('ExtraCare Card #4474', 0.9508514404296875)], [[[181.0, 335.0], [404.0, 341.0], [403.0, 360.0], [181.0, 354.0]], ('1 CONAIR LFT&TSE CMB EACH', 0.9355638027191162)], [[[428.0, 340.0], [486.0, 340.0], [486.0, 361.0], [428.0, 361.0]], ('4.29T', 0.9730243682861328)], [[[185.0, 383.0], [386.0, 389.0], [385.0, 407.0], [184.0, 402.0]], ('1CVS ALOE SANITIZER 2Z', 0.9254034161567688)], [[[429.0, 389.0], [483.0, 389.0], [483.0, 407.0], [429.0, 407.0]], ('1.99T', 0.9606515169143677)], [[[187.0, 405.0], [394.0, 412.0], [394.0, 433.0], [186.0, 426.0]], ('1 CVS TRVL TB CRSTTP 1CT', 0.9146647453308105)], [[[429.0, 410.0], [482.0, 410.0], [482.0, 430.0], [429.0, 430.0]], ('1.99T', 0.9716024398803711)], [[[189.0, 428.0], [317.0, 435.0], [316.0, 453.0], [188.0, 447.0]], ('1 JJ BBY PWD TS', 0.8712433576583862)], [[[364.0, 434.0], [405.0, 434.0], [405.0, 454.0], [364.0, 454.0]], ('1.5Z', 0.9747147560119629)], [[[429.0, 433.0], [482.0, 433.0], [482.0, 452.0], [429.0, 452.0]], ('1.49T', 0.9761554598808289)], [[[190.0, 450.0], [334.0, 458.0], [333.0, 476.0], [189.0, 468.0]], ('1 LIST TOTAL CARE', 0.9135124683380127)], [[[365.0, 457.0], [405.0, 457.0], [405.0, 477.0], [365.0, 477.0]], ('3.2Z', 0.9733816385269165)], [[[428.0, 456.0], [480.0, 454.0], [481.0, 474.0], [429.0, 476.0]], ('2.77T', 0.9539542198181152)], [[[177.0, 470.0], [336.0, 481.0], [335.0, 499.0], [175.0, 489.0]], ('F1OPTI-FREE PM 2Z', 0.9277647733688354)], [[[366.0, 480.0], [389.0, 480.0], [389.0, 499.0], [366.0, 499.0]], ('2Z', 0.9255773425102234)], [[[429.0, 477.0], [480.0, 477.0], [480.0, 497.0], [429.0, 497.0]], ('3.29T', 0.9811660647392273)], [[[195.0, 493.0], [344.0, 502.0], [343.0, 521.0], [194.0, 512.0]], ('1 PMPR SNSTV POUCH', 0.9233071804046631)], [[[368.0, 501.0], [405.0, 501.0], [405.0, 520.0], [368.0, 520.0]], ('18CT', 0.9967264533042908)], [[[428.0, 499.0], [479.0, 499.0], [479.0, 518.0], [428.0, 518.0]], ('1.57T', 0.9693096876144409)], [[[197.0, 514.0], [398.0, 522.0], [397.0, 544.0], [196.0, 536.0]], ('1 SEC OUTLAST IS CLN .5Z', 0.9043871760368347)], [[[429.0, 521.0], [479.0, 521.0], [479.0, 540.0], [429.0, 540.0]], ('1.49T', 0.9781938791275024)], [[[219.0, 558.0], [280.0, 561.0], [280.0, 579.0], [218.0, 577.0]], ('8ITEMS', 0.9819347262382507)], [[[263.0, 580.0], [329.0, 585.0], [327.0, 603.0], [262.0, 597.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9967783689498901)], [[[425.0, 582.0], [471.0, 582.0], [471.0, 601.0], [425.0, 601.0]], ('18.88', 0.996638298034668)], [[[263.0, 600.0], [356.0, 606.0], [355.0, 623.0], [262.0, 617.0]], ('AZ8.1%TAX', 0.9468871355056763)], [[[431.0, 603.0], [471.0, 603.0], [471.0, 622.0], [431.0, 622.0]], ('1.53', 0.9967110753059387)], [[[265.0, 618.0], [310.0, 622.0], [308.0, 640.0], [264.0, 636.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9976899027824402)], [[[425.0, 622.0], [469.0, 624.0], [468.0, 644.0], [424.0, 641.0]], ('20.41', 0.9955870509147644)], [[[266.0, 636.0], [305.0, 639.0], [304.0, 658.0], [265.0, 655.0]], ('CASH', 0.9974802732467651)], [[[425.0, 641.0], [471.0, 644.0], [470.0, 664.0], [424.0, 661.0]], ('21.00', 0.9969834089279175)], [[[268.0, 655.0], [319.0, 660.0], [317.0, 678.0], [266.0, 672.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.998126745223999)], [[[446.0, 666.0], [470.0, 666.0], [470.0, 684.0], [446.0, 684.0]], ('.59', 0.8613114356994629)], [[[286.0, 768.0], [510.0, 801.0], [506.0, 823.0], [283.0, 790.0]], ('250784160922811017', 0.997105598449707)], [[[214.0, 833.0], [363.0, 845.0], [361.0, 867.0], [212.0, 855.0]], ('APRIL12016', 0.9877935647964478)], [[[443.0, 863.0], [516.0, 876.0], [512.0, 898.0], [439.0, 885.0]], ('8:39AM', 0.9465728402137756)], [[[304.0, 956.0], [425.0, 981.0], [421.0, 999.0], [300.0, 975.0]], ('******', 0.6297468543052673)], [[[479.0, 953.0], [527.0, 964.0], [521.0, 988.0], [473.0, 976.0]], ('3.56', 0.9935580492019653)], [[[184.0, 973.0], [205.0, 964.0], [212.0, 978.0], [190.0, 988.0]], ('Fc', 0.6476889848709106)], [[[298.0, 980.0], [346.0, 984.0], [344.0, 999.0], [297.0, 998.0]], ('abnye', 0.7043175101280212)]] | {"store_name": "CVS/pharmacy", "store_addr": "4365NORACLEROAD,TUCSON,AZ", "telephone": "", "date": "APRIL1,2016", "time": "8:39AM", "subtotal": "18.88", "tax": "4.53", "total": "20.41", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CVSALOESANITIZER2Z", "item_value": "4.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CVSTRVLTBCRSTTP1CT", "item_value": "1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "JJBBYPWDTS1.5Z", "item_value": "1.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LISTTOTALCARE3.2Z", "item_value": "1.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OPTI-FREEPM2Z2Z", "item_value": "2.77", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PMPRSNSTVPOUCH18CT", "item_value": "3.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SECOUTLASTISCLN.5Z", "item_value": "1.57", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CONAIRLFT&TSECMBEACH", "item_value": "1.49", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[144.0, 31.0], [802.0, 26.0], [803.0, 97.0], [144.0, 102.0]], ('CVS/pharmacy', 0.9865736961364746)], [[[327.0, 141.0], [611.0, 140.0], [611.0, 167.0], [327.0, 169.0]], ('1125BRANHAM LN', 0.9565120339393616)], [[[290.0, 175.0], [646.0, 173.0], [646.0, 201.0], [290.0, 202.0]], ('SAN J0SECA95118', 0.9520041942596436)], [[[366.0, 210.0], [591.0, 210.0], [591.0, 236.0], [366.0, 236.0]], ('408.267.3515', 0.9849872589111328)], [[[114.0, 281.0], [820.0, 277.0], [820.0, 309.0], [115.0, 313.0]], ('REG#02 TRAN#4351CSHR#860228 STR#9901', 0.9630810618400574)], [[[135.0, 354.0], [712.0, 348.0], [712.0, 380.0], [135.0, 386.0]], ('ExtraCare Card # ***5660', 0.889327347278595)], [[[175.0, 426.0], [456.0, 421.0], [456.0, 452.0], [176.0, 456.0]], ('M&M PRETZEL C 1.14', 0.9235273003578186)], [[[144.0, 465.0], [251.0, 465.0], [251.0, 491.0], [144.0, 491.0]], ('12/', 0.8801000118255615)], [[[296.0, 462.0], [366.0, 462.0], [366.0, 490.0], [296.0, 490.0]], ('1.00', 0.9958958625793457)], [[[576.0, 458.0], [718.0, 461.0], [717.0, 493.0], [575.0, 489.0]], ('50FSAVED', 0.9808552265167236)], [[[817.0, 458.0], [862.0, 458.0], [862.0, 496.0], [817.0, 496.0]], ('39', 0.9766159653663635)], [[[172.0, 499.0], [457.0, 496.0], [458.0, 526.0], [173.0, 529.0]], ('M&M PRETZELC 1.14', 0.9370084404945374)], [[[825.0, 523.0], [868.0, 532.0], [860.0, 573.0], [817.0, 564.0]], ('.39', 0.9313878417015076)], [[[141.0, 537.0], [365.0, 532.0], [366.0, 564.0], [142.0, 569.0]], ('12/1.00', 0.9893222451210022)], [[[580.0, 535.0], [719.0, 535.0], [719.0, 563.0], [580.0, 563.0]], ('50F SAVED', 0.9361231327056885)], [[[143.0, 575.0], [455.0, 572.0], [455.0, 599.0], [143.0, 602.0]], ('1HNDE LNG GRN280Z', 0.9339196085929871)], [[[549.0, 569.0], [721.0, 572.0], [720.0, 604.0], [548.0, 601.0]], ('2.19FSAVED', 0.9754340052604675)], [[[820.0, 567.0], [866.0, 567.0], [866.0, 604.0], [820.0, 604.0]], ('.30', 0.6797494292259216)], [[[143.0, 613.0], [440.0, 613.0], [440.0, 639.0], [143.0, 639.0]], ('1CELSIUS GRN P 48Z', 0.9268391728401184)], [[[548.0, 608.0], [633.0, 608.0], [633.0, 640.0], [548.0, 640.0]], ('7.99T', 0.9831686019897461)], [[[107.0, 649.0], [426.0, 648.0], [427.0, 678.0], [107.0, 680.0]], ('F1 BIOTRUE MP SL 2Z', 0.9020887613296509)], [[[550.0, 646.0], [634.0, 646.0], [634.0, 678.0], [550.0, 678.0]], ('2.99T', 0.9874109029769897)], [[[123.0, 727.0], [315.0, 725.0], [315.0, 753.0], [123.0, 754.0]], ('** GREEN BAG', 0.8886875510215759)], [[[391.0, 722.0], [446.0, 722.0], [446.0, 757.0], [391.0, 757.0]], ('TAG', 0.9982873797416687)], [[[585.0, 727.0], [621.0, 727.0], [621.0, 753.0], [585.0, 753.0]], ('**', 0.8685289621353149)], [[[135.0, 765.0], [441.0, 763.0], [441.0, 791.0], [135.0, 792.0]], ('1CRYSTAL BUTTE 16Z', 0.944560170173645)], [[[551.0, 760.0], [634.0, 760.0], [634.0, 794.0], [551.0, 794.0]], ('3.49F', 0.9808565378189087)], [[[138.0, 805.0], [441.0, 805.0], [441.0, 830.0], [138.0, 830.0]], ('1MAMA CP FUSIL 16Z', 0.9215987324714661)], [[[551.0, 800.0], [634.0, 800.0], [634.0, 832.0], [551.0, 832.0]], ('1.39F', 0.9817511439323425)], [[[138.0, 843.0], [453.0, 843.0], [453.0, 868.0], [138.0, 868.0]], ('1TRDNTLYER ST14CT', 0.9549251794815063)], [[[551.0, 840.0], [636.0, 840.0], [636.0, 871.0], [551.0, 871.0]], ('1.49F', 0.9732952117919922)], [[[137.0, 922.0], [328.0, 922.0], [328.0, 947.0], [137.0, 947.0]], ('1CVS COUPON', 0.9345567226409912)], [[[554.0, 917.0], [652.0, 917.0], [652.0, 949.0], [554.0, 949.0]], ('4.00-', 0.9580007791519165)], [[[134.0, 958.0], [267.0, 958.0], [267.0, 990.0], [134.0, 990.0]], ('1 COUPON', 0.9263349771499634)], [[[574.0, 957.0], [655.0, 957.0], [655.0, 989.0], [574.0, 989.0]], ('.30-', 0.8932295441627502)], [[[135.0, 1001.0], [394.0, 1001.0], [394.0, 1027.0], [135.0, 1027.0]], ('1CVS MFR COUPON', 0.9437540769577026)], [[[551.0, 997.0], [654.0, 991.0], [656.0, 1025.0], [552.0, 1030.0]], ('1.49-', 0.9575128555297852)], [[[134.0, 1037.0], [266.0, 1037.0], [266.0, 1069.0], [134.0, 1069.0]], ('1 COUPON', 0.9229964017868042)], [[[578.0, 1036.0], [657.0, 1036.0], [657.0, 1069.0], [578.0, 1069.0]], ('.50-', 0.9056845903396606)], [[[131.0, 1075.0], [264.0, 1075.0], [264.0, 1107.0], [131.0, 1107.0]], ('1 COUPON', 0.9139262437820435)], [[[554.0, 1077.0], [655.0, 1077.0], [655.0, 1109.0], [554.0, 1109.0]], ('2.00-', 0.9616414308547974)], [[[132.0, 1118.0], [266.0, 1118.0], [266.0, 1150.0], [132.0, 1150.0]], ('1 COUPON', 0.9194586277008057)], [[[541.0, 1115.0], [657.0, 1115.0], [657.0, 1150.0], [541.0, 1150.0]], ('12.25-', 0.9408783912658691)], [[[128.0, 1194.0], [248.0, 1197.0], [247.0, 1231.0], [127.0, 1227.0]], ('8ITEMS', 0.9877676963806152)], [[[212.0, 1238.0], [342.0, 1238.0], [342.0, 1270.0], [212.0, 1270.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.996353030204773)], [[[581.0, 1236.0], [627.0, 1236.0], [627.0, 1273.0], [581.0, 1273.0]], ('.00', 0.920200526714325)], [[[210.0, 1276.0], [410.0, 1279.0], [410.0, 1311.0], [209.0, 1308.0]], ('CA9.25%TAX', 0.9823175668716431)], [[[584.0, 1276.0], [629.0, 1276.0], [629.0, 1314.0], [584.0, 1314.0]], ('82', 0.9986655712127686)], [[[210.0, 1317.0], [296.0, 1317.0], [296.0, 1355.0], [210.0, 1355.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9987556338310242)], [[[580.0, 1317.0], [630.0, 1317.0], [630.0, 1355.0], [580.0, 1355.0]], ('.82', 0.9451135993003845)], [[[208.0, 1360.0], [282.0, 1360.0], [282.0, 1393.0], [208.0, 1393.0]], ('CASH', 0.998051106929779)], [[[557.0, 1361.0], [629.0, 1361.0], [629.0, 1395.0], [557.0, 1395.0]], ('1.00', 0.9953534603118896)], [[[210.0, 1402.0], [311.0, 1402.0], [311.0, 1434.0], [210.0, 1434.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9983913898468018)], [[[580.0, 1401.0], [630.0, 1401.0], [630.0, 1437.0], [580.0, 1437.0]], ('.18', 0.9480981826782227)]] | {"store_name": "CVS/pharmacy", "store_addr": "1125BRANHAMLN SANJOSE,CA95118", "telephone": "408.267.3515", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": ".00", "tax": ".82", "total": ".82", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "M&MPRETZEL", "item_value": ".50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "M&MPRETZEL", "item_value": ".50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HNDELNGGRN280Z", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CELSIUSGRNP48Z", "item_value": "7.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BIOTRUEMPSL2Z", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CRYSTALBUTTE16Z", "item_value": "3.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MAMACPFUSIL16Z", "item_value": "1.39", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TRDNTLYERST14CT", "item_value": "1.49", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[213.0, 87.0], [551.0, 96.0], [550.0, 142.0], [212.0, 133.0]], ('CVS/pharmacy', 0.9933397173881531)], [[[255.0, 156.0], [506.0, 155.0], [506.0, 176.0], [255.0, 177.0]], ('15038 NAC0GD0CHES RD', 0.8954604864120483)], [[[240.0, 178.0], [519.0, 175.0], [519.0, 196.0], [240.0, 199.0]], ('SAN ANTONI0TX78233', 0.942371666431427)], [[[300.0, 201.0], [455.0, 199.0], [455.0, 218.0], [301.0, 220.0]], ('210.646.7045', 0.9495892524719238)], [[[136.0, 248.0], [612.0, 243.0], [613.0, 262.0], [137.0, 268.0]], ('REG#01 TRN#4160 CSHR#0945173STR#5858', 0.9622681140899658)], [[[132.0, 295.0], [376.0, 293.0], [376.0, 313.0], [132.0, 316.0]], ('HelPed by: FERNANDO', 0.9022640585899353)], [[[144.0, 346.0], [534.0, 346.0], [534.0, 364.0], [144.0, 364.0]], ('ExtraCare Card #3080', 0.9274685978889465)], [[[149.0, 396.0], [313.0, 396.0], [313.0, 414.0], [149.0, 414.0]], ('1FG SPIDERMAN SG', 0.9581769704818726)], [[[349.0, 396.0], [393.0, 396.0], [393.0, 416.0], [349.0, 416.0]], ('EACH', 0.9974405765533447)], [[[419.0, 395.0], [476.0, 395.0], [476.0, 417.0], [419.0, 417.0]], ('8.99T', 0.9674755334854126)], [[[219.0, 445.0], [297.0, 445.0], [297.0, 467.0], [219.0, 467.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9968751668930054)], [[[423.0, 446.0], [470.0, 446.0], [470.0, 469.0], [423.0, 469.0]], ('8.99', 0.9978035092353821)], [[[218.0, 469.0], [339.0, 471.0], [338.0, 493.0], [217.0, 490.0]], ('TX8.25%TAX', 0.9822908639907837)], [[[439.0, 472.0], [469.0, 472.0], [469.0, 495.0], [439.0, 495.0]], ('74', 0.9698236584663391)], [[[216.0, 493.0], [269.0, 496.0], [268.0, 520.0], [215.0, 517.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9814489483833313)], [[[423.0, 495.0], [470.0, 498.0], [469.0, 522.0], [421.0, 519.0]], ('9.73', 0.9950763583183289)], [[[214.0, 519.0], [269.0, 522.0], [268.0, 545.0], [213.0, 542.0]], ('DEBIT', 0.9974525570869446)], [[[423.0, 524.0], [470.0, 524.0], [470.0, 548.0], [423.0, 548.0]], ('9.73', 0.9908818006515503)], [[[212.0, 548.0], [376.0, 551.0], [376.0, 572.0], [212.0, 569.0]], ('************6052', 0.950009822845459)], [[[444.0, 551.0], [470.0, 551.0], [470.0, 574.0], [444.0, 574.0]], ('CH', 0.9968178272247314)], [[[146.0, 575.0], [225.0, 575.0], [225.0, 597.0], [146.0, 597.0]], ('US DEBIT', 0.9439443349838257)], [[[323.0, 577.0], [488.0, 579.0], [488.0, 600.0], [323.0, 598.0]], ('************6052', 0.9367634057998657)], [[[145.0, 600.0], [254.0, 602.0], [253.0, 624.0], [145.0, 622.0]], ('REF#011607', 0.9966508150100708)], [[[146.0, 628.0], [293.0, 630.0], [293.0, 651.0], [146.0, 649.0]], ('TRAN TYPE:SALE', 0.9455857872962952)], [[[145.0, 654.0], [343.0, 660.0], [343.0, 681.0], [145.0, 676.0]], ('AID:A0000000980840', 0.9594534635543823)], [[[146.0, 681.0], [343.0, 688.0], [343.0, 710.0], [146.0, 703.0]], ('TC28648F436FA19C38', 0.9908203482627869)], [[[148.0, 707.0], [322.0, 716.0], [321.0, 738.0], [147.0, 729.0]], ('TERMINAL#69036618', 0.9936415553092957)], [[[146.0, 733.0], [333.0, 744.0], [331.0, 769.0], [144.0, 758.0]], ('PIN VERIFIED ONLINE', 0.9717380404472351)], [[[148.0, 760.0], [250.0, 769.0], [248.0, 792.0], [145.0, 783.0]], ('CVM:420000', 0.9445177912712097)], [[[148.0, 787.0], [332.0, 803.0], [330.0, 828.0], [145.0, 812.0]], ('TVR(95)8080048000', 0.9532189965248108)], [[[148.0, 814.0], [271.0, 828.0], [268.0, 853.0], [145.0, 839.0]], ('TSI9B6800', 0.9726524353027344)], [[[209.0, 877.0], [272.0, 887.0], [267.0, 914.0], [204.0, 904.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9987519383430481)], [[[438.0, 897.0], [473.0, 897.0], [473.0, 924.0], [438.0, 924.0]], ('.00', 0.9821534156799316)]] | {"store_name": "CVS/pharmacy", "store_addr": "15038NACOGDOCHESRD SANANTONIO,TX78233", "telephone": "210.646.7045", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "8.99", "tax": ".74", "total": "9.73 9.73", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "FGSPIDERMANSG", "item_value": "8.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[233.0, 123.0], [268.0, 123.0], [268.0, 168.0], [233.0, 168.0]], ('m', 0.7710092663764954)], [[[329.0, 155.0], [540.0, 150.0], [541.0, 180.0], [330.0, 185.0]], ('MOUR XXI,S.L.', 0.9110716581344604)], [[[331.0, 192.0], [521.0, 185.0], [521.0, 208.0], [331.0, 215.0]], ('C.I.F.B-39541693', 0.9255713224411011)], [[[330.0, 227.0], [444.0, 221.0], [446.0, 250.0], [332.0, 255.0]], ('Correria,23', 0.9474783539772034)], [[[336.0, 255.0], [653.0, 243.0], [654.0, 267.0], [336.0, 279.0]], ('Telefs:94286 0005-942 86 1563', 0.9283162951469421)], [[[244.0, 276.0], [279.0, 274.0], [287.0, 436.0], [252.0, 437.0]], ('CWaO', 0.5449369549751282)], [[[336.0, 282.0], [574.0, 275.0], [574.0, 298.0], [336.0, 305.0]], ('', 0.9854590892791748)], [[[644.0, 292.0], [892.0, 278.0], [894.0, 318.0], [647.0, 332.0]], ('FACTURAN0928', 0.9864754676818848)], [[[337.0, 305.0], [588.0, 296.0], [589.0, 323.0], [338.0, 332.0]], ('39700 CASTRO URDIALES', 0.9381260871887207)], [[[339.0, 334.0], [446.0, 330.0], [447.0, 353.0], [340.0, 357.0]], ('(Cantabria)', 0.9573698043823242)], [[[87.0, 490.0], [168.0, 486.0], [169.0, 518.0], [89.0, 522.0]], ('Sr.D.', 0.9876707196235657)], [[[131.0, 527.0], [301.0, 527.0], [301.0, 550.0], [131.0, 550.0]], ('N.TICKET:TM018874', 0.9001142978668213)], [[[508.0, 522.0], [662.0, 522.0], [662.0, 550.0], [508.0, 550.0]], ('FECHA:11/08/2016', 0.976685643196106)], [[[129.0, 580.0], [238.0, 580.0], [238.0, 608.0], [129.0, 608.0]], ('NOMESA:001', 0.9609719514846802)], [[[132.0, 632.0], [327.0, 628.0], [328.0, 663.0], [133.0, 667.0]], ('UNIDDESCRIPGION', 0.9264232516288757)], [[[516.0, 627.0], [658.0, 627.0], [658.0, 655.0], [516.0, 655.0]], ('PRECIO IMPORTE', 0.9602461457252502)], [[[526.0, 678.0], [577.0, 678.0], [577.0, 705.0], [526.0, 705.0]], ('14,00', 0.8871098756790161)], [[[607.0, 677.0], [655.0, 677.0], [655.0, 702.0], [607.0, 702.0]], ('14.00', 0.8795583844184875)], [[[160.0, 687.0], [305.0, 680.0], [307.0, 708.0], [161.0, 715.0]], ('1000 CACERES', 0.9543440937995911)], [[[533.0, 703.0], [577.0, 703.0], [577.0, 728.0], [533.0, 728.0]], ('3,00', 0.902927577495575)], [[[612.0, 702.0], [655.0, 702.0], [655.0, 727.0], [612.0, 727.0]], ('3.00', 0.8834326267242432)], [[[164.0, 714.0], [317.0, 708.0], [318.0, 731.0], [164.0, 737.0]], ('1000 AGUA LITRO', 0.8514828085899353)], [[[534.0, 730.0], [574.0, 730.0], [574.0, 750.0], [534.0, 750.0]], ('140', 0.9944836497306824)], [[[612.0, 725.0], [653.0, 725.0], [653.0, 750.0], [612.0, 750.0]], ('4.20', 0.8288030028343201)], [[[163.0, 739.0], [357.0, 731.0], [358.0, 755.0], [164.0, 762.0]], ('3.000 RACION DEPAM', 0.8307794332504272)], [[[526.0, 752.0], [576.0, 752.0], [576.0, 777.0], [526.0, 777.0]], ('21.60', 0.894819438457489)], [[[606.0, 750.0], [655.0, 750.0], [655.0, 775.0], [606.0, 775.0]], ('2160', 0.9961144924163818)], [[[167.0, 763.0], [386.0, 755.0], [387.0, 780.0], [168.0, 789.0]], ('1000 ALMEJAS MARINERA', 0.9482678771018982)], [[[524.0, 777.0], [574.0, 777.0], [574.0, 802.0], [524.0, 802.0]], ('17.50', 0.8252458572387695)], [[[604.0, 773.0], [650.0, 773.0], [650.0, 798.0], [604.0, 798.0]], ('1730', 0.989154040813446)], [[[168.0, 788.0], [454.0, 778.0], [455.0, 802.0], [169.0, 812.0]], ('1000 ANCHOAS EN ACEITE CON PIM', 0.899758517742157)], [[[524.0, 800.0], [576.0, 800.0], [576.0, 825.0], [524.0, 825.0]], ('21.60', 0.9452573657035828)], [[[601.0, 798.0], [652.0, 798.0], [652.0, 823.0], [601.0, 823.0]], ('64.80', 0.857701301574707)], [[[104.0, 818.0], [117.0, 816.0], [121.0, 849.0], [108.0, 851.0]], ('Inscr', 0.8669377565383911)], [[[168.0, 813.0], [456.0, 803.0], [457.0, 827.0], [169.0, 837.0]], ('300O PAELLADE MARISCOY PESCA', 0.877410352230072)], [[[108.0, 852.0], [126.0, 852.0], [126.0, 893.0], [108.0, 893.0]], ('13570,', 0.9761492609977722)], [[[389.0, 848.0], [433.0, 848.0], [433.0, 878.0], [389.0, 878.0]], ('XIOA', 0.735477864742279)], [[[586.0, 843.0], [653.0, 843.0], [653.0, 873.0], [586.0, 873.0]], ('IMP.IUA', 0.9614017605781555)], [[[148.0, 859.0], [230.0, 851.0], [233.0, 881.0], [151.0, 889.0]], ('BASE', 0.9894334077835083)], [[[382.0, 873.0], [433.0, 873.0], [433.0, 905.0], [382.0, 905.0]], ('10.00', 0.9756080508232117)], [[[599.0, 872.0], [650.0, 872.0], [650.0, 897.0], [599.0, 897.0]], ('11.35', 0.9252912402153015)], [[[172.0, 884.0], [235.0, 880.0], [237.0, 906.0], [173.0, 910.0]], ('115.55', 0.9122499823570251)], [[[108.0, 897.0], [128.0, 894.0], [133.0, 926.0], [113.0, 929.0]], ('Sou', 0.8521701693534851)], [[[302.0, 922.0], [469.0, 916.0], [470.0, 945.0], [303.0, 950.0]], ('IMPORTE', 0.993691623210907)], [[[515.0, 917.0], [655.0, 917.0], [655.0, 945.0], [515.0, 945.0]], ('124.90', 0.8928336501121521)], [[[117.0, 927.0], [136.0, 927.0], [136.0, 957.0], [117.0, 957.0]], ('Hoja', 0.9950230717658997)], [[[158.0, 929.0], [290.0, 923.0], [292.0, 951.0], [160.0, 957.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9969550967216492)], [[[118.0, 961.0], [134.0, 958.0], [138.0, 978.0], [122.0, 981.0]], ('of', 0.6176064014434814)], [[[591.0, 963.0], [652.0, 963.0], [652.0, 993.0], [591.0, 993.0]], ('124.90', 0.9047322869300842)], [[[124.0, 980.0], [142.0, 980.0], [142.0, 1010.0], [124.0, 1010.0]], ('Foio', 0.6193645596504211)], [[[160.0, 974.0], [241.0, 970.0], [242.0, 998.0], [161.0, 1002.0]], ('EFECTIVO', 0.9249927997589111)], [[[162.0, 1019.0], [329.0, 1013.0], [330.0, 1041.0], [163.0, 1047.0]], ('EMPLEADO ANTONIIO', 0.8831837773323059)], [[[339.0, 1058.0], [486.0, 1057.0], [487.0, 1087.0], [339.0, 1088.0]], ('10%1UA INCLUIDO', 0.8034065961837769)], [[[315.0, 1567.0], [898.0, 1519.0], [899.0, 1548.0], [318.0, 1596.0]], ('adece su visita deseando que el servicio haya sido de su agra', 0.95074462890625)]] | {"store_name": "MOURXXI,S.L.", "store_addr": "39700CASTROURDIALES (Cantabria) FAVTURAN\u00b00928", "telephone": "", "date": "11/08/2016", "time": "", "subtotal": "113,55", "tax": "11,35", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PAELLADEMARISCOYPESCA", "item_value": "14,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ANCHDASENACEITECONPIM", "item_value": "3,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALMEJASMARINERA", "item_value": "4,20", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RACIONDEPAN", "item_value": "21,60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AGUALITRO", "item_value": "17,30", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CACERES", "item_value": "64,60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "DESCRIPCION", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[76.0, 108.0], [173.0, 114.0], [172.0, 128.0], [76.0, 122.0]], ('RISTORANTE CIAO BELLA', 0.9586041569709778)], [[[76.0, 119.0], [176.0, 123.0], [175.0, 137.0], [76.0, 133.0]], ('VIAV.VENETO.12ROMA', 0.9054741263389587)], [[[75.0, 129.0], [218.0, 135.0], [218.0, 149.0], [75.0, 143.0]], ('NON VALIDO COME RICEVUTA FISCALE', 0.9234021902084351)], [[[74.0, 139.0], [167.0, 144.0], [167.0, 158.0], [74.0, 153.0]], ('RICHIEDERLA IN CASSA', 0.9434841871261597)], [[[74.0, 150.0], [142.0, 154.0], [142.0, 168.0], [74.0, 165.0]], ('Estratto Conto', 0.970378577709198)], [[[74.0, 162.0], [158.0, 164.0], [157.0, 185.0], [74.0, 183.0]], ('Tavolo:7', 0.9562374949455261)], [[[71.0, 194.0], [134.0, 196.0], [133.0, 210.0], [71.0, 208.0]], ('CanVALERID', 0.9085248708724976)], [[[84.0, 216.0], [151.0, 218.0], [150.0, 232.0], [83.0, 230.0]], ('1 CESTINO PANE', 0.9028544425964355)], [[[82.0, 227.0], [134.0, 229.0], [133.0, 243.0], [81.0, 241.0]], ('4OSTRICHE', 0.9448338747024536)], [[[182.0, 221.0], [205.0, 221.0], [205.0, 233.0], [182.0, 233.0]], ('2,00', 0.9336879253387451)], [[[81.0, 238.0], [170.0, 240.0], [170.0, 254.0], [81.0, 252.0]], ('1 SAUTE COZZE VONG', 0.9154922962188721)], [[[173.0, 240.0], [205.0, 242.0], [204.0, 256.0], [172.0, 254.0]], ('18,00', 0.9109896421432495)], [[[179.0, 231.0], [204.0, 231.0], [204.0, 243.0], [179.0, 243.0]], ('16,00', 0.9138714671134949)], [[[81.0, 248.0], [204.0, 252.0], [203.0, 266.0], [81.0, 262.0]], ('1 PESCE DEL GIORNO 300.00', 0.8810839056968689)], [[[81.0, 260.0], [154.0, 263.0], [153.0, 276.0], [80.0, 273.0]], ('1MISTO VERDURE', 0.9435698390007019)], [[[177.0, 264.0], [204.0, 264.0], [204.0, 277.0], [177.0, 277.0]], ('10,00', 0.9108661413192749)], [[[80.0, 282.0], [135.0, 286.0], [134.0, 300.0], [79.0, 296.0]], ('1ACOUA NAT', 0.8557276725769043)], [[[82.0, 274.0], [130.0, 274.0], [130.0, 285.0], [82.0, 285.0]], ('2+DESSERT', 0.989704966545105)], [[[179.0, 275.0], [204.0, 275.0], [204.0, 287.0], [179.0, 287.0]], ('18.00', 0.9456799626350403)], [[[79.0, 294.0], [167.0, 295.0], [167.0, 309.0], [79.0, 308.0]], ('11/2 BRUNELLD MAR', 0.8940265774726868)], [[[179.0, 285.0], [203.0, 288.0], [202.0, 300.0], [178.0, 297.0]], ('3,00', 0.9081106781959534)], [[[177.0, 298.0], [204.0, 298.0], [204.0, 311.0], [177.0, 311.0]], ('70,00', 0.9212034344673157)], [[[80.0, 308.0], [137.0, 308.0], [137.0, 319.0], [80.0, 319.0]], ('1.COCA LIGHT', 0.9042940735816956)], [[[180.0, 307.0], [204.0, 310.0], [202.0, 325.0], [178.0, 322.0]], ('5,00', 0.9394211173057556)], [[[62.0, 330.0], [96.0, 330.0], [96.0, 345.0], [62.0, 345.0]], ('Totale', 0.9959227442741394)], [[[171.0, 324.0], [201.0, 324.0], [201.0, 331.0], [171.0, 331.0]], ('.....', 0.7135421633720398)], [[[171.0, 329.0], [204.0, 332.0], [203.0, 347.0], [170.0, 344.0]], ('442,00', 0.9080584645271301)], [[[61.0, 343.0], [105.0, 343.0], [105.0, 357.0], [61.0, 357.0]], ('Servizio', 0.9614776372909546)], [[[174.0, 344.0], [204.0, 344.0], [204.0, 359.0], [174.0, 359.0]], ('53,00', 0.9145047068595886)], [[[60.0, 355.0], [117.0, 355.0], [117.0, 369.0], [60.0, 369.0]], ('Totale EURO', 0.8986138701438904)], [[[171.0, 354.0], [203.0, 357.0], [202.0, 372.0], [170.0, 369.0]], ('495,00', 0.915388286113739)]] | {"store_name": "RISTORANTECIAOBELLA", "store_addr": "VIAV,VENETO,12ROMA", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "442,00", "tax": "", "total": "495,00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CESTINOPAME", "item_value": "2,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OSTRICHE", "item_value": "16,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SAUTECOZZEVONG", "item_value": "18,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PESCEDELGIORNO", "item_value": "300,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MISTOVERDURE", "item_value": "10,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "+DESSERT", "item_value": "18,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ACQUANAT", "item_value": "3,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "1/2BRUNELLOMAR", "item_value": "70,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COCALIGHT", "item_value": "5,00", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[32.0, 71.0], [106.0, 69.0], [107.0, 86.0], [33.0, 89.0]], ('MIO PRONTO', 0.9427110552787781)], [[[32.0, 89.0], [211.0, 79.0], [212.0, 97.0], [33.0, 107.0]], ('Rue marche aux Poulets 57', 0.9484302997589111)], [[[33.0, 106.0], [141.0, 101.0], [141.0, 118.0], [34.0, 123.0]], ('1000 Bruxelles', 0.9350140690803528)], [[[32.0, 123.0], [154.0, 117.0], [155.0, 134.0], [33.0, 140.0]], ('Tel02/511.06.66', 0.9569161534309387)], [[[32.0, 173.0], [119.0, 171.0], [119.0, 188.0], [32.0, 190.0]], ('Table No:008', 0.9280514717102051)], [[[35.0, 208.0], [83.0, 206.0], [84.0, 224.0], [36.0, 226.0]], ('2KRIK', 0.9561606645584106)], [[[274.0, 203.0], [310.0, 203.0], [310.0, 222.0], [274.0, 222.0]], ('5,00', 0.9705350399017334)], [[[35.0, 227.0], [140.0, 224.0], [140.0, 241.0], [36.0, 244.0]], ('1 LEFFE BLONDE', 0.9294000864028931)], [[[274.0, 222.0], [311.0, 222.0], [311.0, 240.0], [274.0, 240.0]], ('3,50', 0.9270722270011902)], [[[36.0, 244.0], [160.0, 244.0], [160.0, 261.0], [36.0, 261.0]], ('2 QUATRE STAGIONI', 0.9460915923118591)], [[[268.0, 241.0], [311.0, 241.0], [311.0, 260.0], [268.0, 260.0]], ('23,00', 0.9629541635513306)], [[[36.0, 262.0], [133.0, 262.0], [133.0, 279.0], [36.0, 279.0]], ('1 CAPRICCIOSA', 0.9616194367408752)], [[[269.0, 261.0], [312.0, 261.0], [312.0, 279.0], [269.0, 279.0]], ('10,50', 0.9297561645507812)], [[[109.0, 299.0], [184.0, 299.0], [184.0, 317.0], [109.0, 317.0]], ('TOTAL TTC:', 0.9237362146377563)], [[[270.0, 299.0], [313.0, 299.0], [313.0, 318.0], [270.0, 318.0]], ('42,00', 0.9597150087356567)], [[[24.0, 335.0], [161.0, 337.0], [161.0, 355.0], [24.0, 354.0]], ('Merci et a bientot', 0.9275872707366943)]] | {"store_name": "MIOPRONTO", "store_addr": "RuemarcheauxPoulets57 1000Bruxelles", "telephone": "02/511.06.66", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "42,00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "KRIK", "item_value": "5,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LEFFEBLONDE", "item_value": "3,50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "QUATRESTAGIONI", "item_value": "23,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CAPRICCIOSA", "item_value": "10,50", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[230.0, 45.0], [319.0, 53.0], [318.0, 67.0], [229.0, 59.0]], ('XIN WANG', 0.9631549119949341)], [[[209.0, 56.0], [325.0, 66.0], [324.0, 79.0], [208.0, 70.0]], ('ANCHORPOINT', 0.9956201314926147)], [[[223.0, 71.0], [324.0, 78.0], [323.0, 92.0], [222.0, 85.0]], ('370 Alexandra Road', 0.93830406665802)], [[[208.0, 83.0], [323.0, 90.0], [322.0, 104.0], [207.0, 97.0]], ('#01-13/14 Anchorpoint', 0.9638776183128357)], [[[229.0, 97.0], [308.0, 102.0], [307.0, 116.0], [228.0, 110.0]], ('Tel64744498', 0.9699469208717346)], [[[201.0, 107.0], [334.0, 117.0], [333.0, 131.0], [200.0, 121.0]], ('GST Reg No.20-0711630-D', 0.9347302913665771)], [[[150.0, 124.0], [262.0, 134.0], [261.0, 148.0], [149.0, 138.0]], ('13/07/201614:11', 0.9546794295310974)], [[[149.0, 137.0], [279.0, 147.0], [278.0, 160.0], [148.0, 151.0]], ('Table No:3', 0.8809254765510559)], [[[259.0, 132.0], [315.0, 138.0], [313.0, 152.0], [257.0, 146.0]], ('Ta:T001', 0.6970427632331848)], [[[331.0, 138.0], [374.0, 142.0], [373.0, 155.0], [330.0, 152.0]], ('A480804', 0.9837028384208679)], [[[145.0, 150.0], [222.0, 155.0], [221.0, 169.0], [144.0, 164.0]], ('Pax:5', 0.9060457348823547)], [[[146.0, 177.0], [154.0, 179.0], [151.0, 190.0], [143.0, 188.0]], ('1', 0.9473094344139099)], [[[189.0, 177.0], [243.0, 182.0], [242.0, 197.0], [188.0, 192.0]], ('705Kop1', 0.9390999674797058)], [[[188.0, 192.0], [323.0, 200.0], [322.0, 216.0], [187.0, 208.0]], ('074Wanton Soup Noodle', 0.9616387486457825)], [[[361.0, 187.0], [388.0, 190.0], [386.0, 206.0], [359.0, 203.0]], ('1.70', 0.9861958026885986)], [[[188.0, 206.0], [332.0, 215.0], [331.0, 230.0], [187.0, 222.0]], ('503Spy P.D1ces Soup Nd1', 0.9188565611839294)], [[[362.0, 204.0], [388.0, 204.0], [388.0, 218.0], [362.0, 218.0]], ('8.90', 0.9858961701393127)], [[[141.0, 221.0], [150.0, 221.0], [150.0, 234.0], [141.0, 234.0]], ('1', 0.9709531664848328)], [[[186.0, 222.0], [318.0, 228.0], [317.0, 242.0], [186.0, 236.0]], ('043Pork Chop Bk Rice', 0.9343770742416382)], [[[362.0, 216.0], [388.0, 216.0], [388.0, 231.0], [362.0, 231.0]], ('7.80', 0.9908618927001953)], [[[140.0, 236.0], [149.0, 236.0], [149.0, 248.0], [140.0, 248.0]], ('1', 0.9744312763214111)], [[[185.0, 237.0], [339.0, 242.0], [338.0, 256.0], [185.0, 251.0]], ('545Ch1cken Flos Fr1ed Ri', 0.8891505599021912)], [[[359.0, 228.0], [390.0, 231.0], [388.0, 246.0], [357.0, 244.0]], ('12.50', 0.9948993921279907)], [[[141.0, 253.0], [147.0, 253.0], [147.0, 262.0], [141.0, 262.0]], ('1', 0.8454902768135071)], [[[183.0, 251.0], [333.0, 257.0], [332.0, 272.0], [183.0, 266.0]], ('110F.Toast PeanutButter', 0.9516462087631226)], [[[360.0, 244.0], [390.0, 244.0], [390.0, 259.0], [360.0, 259.0]], ('10.50', 0.9621030688285828)], [[[363.0, 255.0], [392.0, 258.0], [390.0, 273.0], [361.0, 270.0]], ('5.90', 0.984614372253418)], [[[164.0, 267.0], [208.0, 267.0], [208.0, 281.0], [164.0, 281.0]], ('SUBTTL', 0.9866795539855957)], [[[162.0, 277.0], [236.0, 280.0], [235.0, 297.0], [162.0, 294.0]], ('10%SVC CHG', 0.9527643918991089)], [[[363.0, 269.0], [396.0, 272.0], [395.0, 286.0], [362.0, 283.0]], ('47.30', 0.9901592135429382)], [[[371.0, 280.0], [399.0, 284.0], [397.0, 299.0], [368.0, 295.0]], ('4.73', 0.9680332541465759)], [[[161.0, 294.0], [203.0, 294.0], [203.0, 309.0], [161.0, 309.0]], ('7%GST', 0.9866377711296082)], [[[373.0, 293.0], [402.0, 296.0], [400.0, 312.0], [372.0, 309.0]], ('3.64', 0.9721692204475403)], [[[160.0, 325.0], [224.0, 325.0], [224.0, 339.0], [160.0, 339.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.998613715171814)], [[[342.0, 322.0], [406.0, 322.0], [406.0, 339.0], [342.0, 339.0]], ('55.67', 0.992129921913147)], [[[157.0, 341.0], [187.0, 341.0], [187.0, 357.0], [157.0, 357.0]], ('CASH', 0.9982843399047852)], [[[374.0, 338.0], [411.0, 338.0], [411.0, 356.0], [374.0, 356.0]], ('60.00', 0.9851431846618652)], [[[155.0, 358.0], [239.0, 357.0], [240.0, 374.0], [155.0, 376.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9982275366783142)], [[[360.0, 355.0], [412.0, 355.0], [412.0, 372.0], [360.0, 372.0]], ('4.35', 0.993841290473938)]] | {"store_name": "ANCHORPOINT XINWANG", "store_addr": "#01-13/14 Anchorpoint 370AlexandraRoad", "telephone": "64744498", "date": "12/07/2016", "time": "14:11", "subtotal": "47.30", "tax": "3.64", "total": "55.67", "ignore": "", "tips": "4.73", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "(110)F.ToastPeanutButter", "item_value": "1.70", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "(545)ChickenFlosFriedRi", "item_value": "8.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "(043)PorkChopBkRice", "item_value": "7.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "(503)SpyP,DicesSoupNdl", "item_value": "12.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "(074)WantonSoupNoodle", "item_value": "10.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "(705)Kopi", "item_value": "5390", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[280.0, 143.0], [497.0, 140.0], [497.0, 182.0], [281.0, 184.0]], ('Woolworths', 0.9954220056533813)], [[[314.0, 183.0], [505.0, 186.0], [505.0, 220.0], [313.0, 217.0]], ('The fresh food people', 0.9151310920715332)], [[[251.0, 227.0], [471.0, 231.0], [471.0, 254.0], [251.0, 250.0]], ('WEST RYDE PH02 9308 7346', 0.9180178046226501)], [[[250.0, 255.0], [436.0, 258.0], [436.0, 279.0], [250.0, 276.0]], ('Store Manager :GEORGE', 0.9501872062683105)], [[[233.0, 279.0], [600.0, 280.0], [600.0, 304.0], [233.0, 303.0]], ('WOOLWORTHS TAX INVOICE -ABN 88 00O 014 675', 0.8996524810791016)], [[[626.0, 309.0], [639.0, 309.0], [639.0, 327.0], [626.0, 327.0]], ('$', 0.9513220191001892)], [[[181.0, 333.0], [445.0, 335.0], [445.0, 356.0], [181.0, 355.0]], ('*OPTUS ALCATEL PIXI3 4.5INCH 4G', 0.9135650992393494)], [[[606.0, 333.0], [661.0, 333.0], [661.0, 356.0], [606.0, 356.0]], ('29.00', 0.9958113431930542)], [[[188.0, 363.0], [200.0, 363.0], [200.0, 380.0], [188.0, 380.0]], ('1', 0.9924929738044739)], [[[232.0, 359.0], [300.0, 359.0], [300.0, 380.0], [232.0, 380.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9964982271194458)], [[[597.0, 360.0], [654.0, 360.0], [654.0, 382.0], [597.0, 382.0]], ('$29.00', 0.9948101043701172)], [[[188.0, 461.0], [285.0, 457.0], [286.0, 478.0], [189.0, 482.0]], ('EFT DENIAL:', 0.9204267263412476)], [[[305.0, 459.0], [432.0, 461.0], [432.0, 481.0], [304.0, 479.0]], ('OPERATOR CANCEL', 0.979913592338562)], [[[228.0, 584.0], [311.0, 588.0], [310.0, 610.0], [227.0, 606.0]], ('WOOLWORTHS', 0.9969862699508667)], [[[359.0, 588.0], [397.0, 588.0], [397.0, 612.0], [359.0, 612.0]], ('1341', 0.995413064956665)], [[[227.0, 610.0], [302.0, 614.0], [301.0, 636.0], [226.0, 633.0]], ('WEST RYDE', 0.961415708065033)], [[[366.0, 614.0], [398.0, 614.0], [398.0, 639.0], [366.0, 639.0]], ('NSW', 0.9932324886322021)], [[[210.0, 637.0], [411.0, 644.0], [410.0, 665.0], [210.0, 658.0]], ('MERCH 1D:611000602001341', 0.9388246536254883)], [[[209.0, 662.0], [275.0, 665.0], [273.0, 687.0], [208.0, 684.0]], ('TERM ID:', 0.8072032332420349)], [[[340.0, 668.0], [413.0, 670.0], [412.0, 692.0], [339.0, 690.0]], ('W1341022', 0.9435468912124634)], [[[207.0, 689.0], [259.0, 689.0], [259.0, 711.0], [207.0, 711.0]], ('CARD:.', 0.8948667645454407)], [[[353.0, 695.0], [413.0, 699.0], [412.0, 721.0], [351.0, 717.0]], ('.0680 S', 0.9004034996032715)], [[[208.0, 713.0], [283.0, 718.0], [281.0, 740.0], [206.0, 735.0]], ('GIFT CARD', 0.9667629599571228)], [[[347.0, 721.0], [411.0, 725.0], [410.0, 747.0], [346.0, 743.0]], ('SAVINGS', 0.995567798614502)], [[[207.0, 739.0], [292.0, 745.0], [290.0, 766.0], [205.0, 760.0]], ('REDEMPTION', 0.996508002281189)], [[[356.0, 748.0], [411.0, 752.0], [410.0, 774.0], [354.0, 770.0]], ('$20.00', 0.9954290390014648)], [[[207.0, 789.0], [248.0, 793.0], [246.0, 816.0], [204.0, 812.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9982287287712097)], [[[355.0, 799.0], [412.0, 803.0], [411.0, 828.0], [353.0, 824.0]], ('$20.00', 0.9907768368721008)], [[[206.0, 815.0], [275.0, 821.0], [273.0, 843.0], [204.0, 837.0]], ('APPROVED', 0.9963973760604858)], [[[206.0, 840.0], [266.0, 846.0], [264.0, 869.0], [204.0, 863.0]], ('BALANCE', 0.9978236556053162)], [[[391.0, 831.0], [412.0, 831.0], [412.0, 852.0], [391.0, 852.0]], ('00', 0.9658521413803101)], [[[364.0, 852.0], [412.0, 856.0], [410.0, 879.0], [362.0, 875.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9949989318847656)], [[[206.0, 866.0], [325.0, 877.0], [323.0, 899.0], [204.0, 887.0]], ('05/02/1615:42', 0.9727839231491089)], [[[355.0, 877.0], [411.0, 881.0], [410.0, 899.0], [353.0, 899.0]], ('000256', 0.9971379637718201)]] | {"store_name": "Woolworths", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "0293087346", "date": "05/02/16", "time": "15:42", "subtotal": "$29.00", "tax": "", "total": "$20.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "*OPTUSALCATELPIXI34.5INCH4G", "item_value": "29.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[269.0, 98.0], [499.0, 105.0], [498.0, 127.0], [268.0, 120.0]], ('Transmetropolitan', 0.989099383354187)], [[[303.0, 116.0], [441.0, 121.0], [440.0, 138.0], [302.0, 133.0]], ('45 E Clayton St', 0.9003039002418518)], [[[315.0, 138.0], [430.0, 142.0], [429.0, 161.0], [314.0, 158.0]], ('706-613-8773', 0.9903839230537415)], [[[438.0, 180.0], [499.0, 183.0], [498.0, 203.0], [437.0, 200.0]], ('506462', 0.9976974129676819)], [[[180.0, 195.0], [253.0, 195.0], [253.0, 213.0], [180.0, 213.0]], ('Quick', 0.9831380844116211)], [[[365.0, 219.0], [445.0, 219.0], [445.0, 238.0], [365.0, 238.0]], ('Carryout', 0.9984437227249146)], [[[177.0, 234.0], [281.0, 229.0], [282.0, 251.0], [179.0, 256.0]], ('04/30/2013', 0.9957315325737)], [[[178.0, 252.0], [230.0, 246.0], [233.0, 266.0], [180.0, 273.0]], ('20:27', 0.9725898504257202)], [[[178.0, 267.0], [292.0, 266.0], [292.0, 285.0], [178.0, 286.0]], ('Sale Num', 0.9316684007644653)], [[[286.0, 266.0], [350.0, 266.0], [350.0, 285.0], [286.0, 285.0]], ('371969', 0.9989293217658997)], [[[214.0, 333.0], [293.0, 333.0], [293.0, 352.0], [214.0, 352.0]], ('Veg Med', 0.9388046264648438)], [[[502.0, 331.0], [555.0, 334.0], [553.0, 358.0], [500.0, 355.0]], ('14.85', 0.9850507974624634)], [[[196.0, 349.0], [314.0, 352.0], [314.0, 374.0], [195.0, 370.0]], ('1 Diet Coke', 0.9043649435043335)], [[[512.0, 350.0], [556.0, 350.0], [556.0, 373.0], [512.0, 373.0]], ('1.75', 0.9817373752593994)], [[[346.0, 441.0], [442.0, 441.0], [442.0, 463.0], [346.0, 463.0]], ('SubTotal:', 0.9769190549850464)], [[[503.0, 438.0], [559.0, 438.0], [559.0, 462.0], [503.0, 462.0]], ('16.60', 0.9923092722892761)], [[[379.0, 461.0], [443.0, 461.0], [443.0, 480.0], [379.0, 480.0]], ('Sales:', 0.9674139022827148)], [[[514.0, 459.0], [560.0, 459.0], [560.0, 479.0], [514.0, 479.0]], ('1.16', 0.992157518863678)], [[[287.0, 503.0], [387.0, 503.0], [387.0, 538.0], [287.0, 538.0]], ('Total:', 0.9764096140861511)], [[[469.0, 502.0], [550.0, 502.0], [550.0, 534.0], [469.0, 534.0]], ('17.76', 0.9946919679641724)], [[[349.0, 570.0], [454.0, 570.0], [454.0, 595.0], [349.0, 595.0]], ('Pd.Cash', 0.9736683964729309)], [[[517.0, 567.0], [578.0, 567.0], [578.0, 594.0], [517.0, 594.0]], ('20.00', 0.9963241815567017)], [[[374.0, 614.0], [459.0, 611.0], [460.0, 638.0], [375.0, 640.0]], ('Change:', 0.9866622090339661)], [[[532.0, 609.0], [586.0, 609.0], [586.0, 637.0], [532.0, 637.0]], ('2.24', 0.9925655722618103)], [[[239.0, 676.0], [579.0, 675.0], [579.0, 704.0], [239.0, 705.0]], ('Thank you for dining with us!', 0.9526299238204956)]] | {"store_name": "Transmetropolitan", "store_addr": "145EClaytonSt Athens,GA30601", "telephone": "706-613-8773", "date": "04/30/2013", "time": "20:27", "subtotal": "Subtotal: 16.60", "tax": "1.16", "total": "17.76", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "VegMed", "item_value": "14.85", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DietCoke", "item_value": "1.75", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[25.0, 49.0], [256.0, 54.0], [255.0, 79.0], [25.0, 73.0]], ('tibits Restaurant Bar Food to go', 0.9729287624359131)], [[[28.0, 76.0], [251.0, 80.0], [250.0, 102.0], [28.0, 97.0]], ('12-14 Heddon Street London W1B 4DA', 0.9317440986633301)], [[[13.0, 101.0], [266.0, 105.0], [266.0, 126.0], [12.0, 122.0]], ('Phone:02077584110 Fax:0207 734 0428', 0.9282121658325195)], [[[234.0, 140.0], [258.0, 140.0], [258.0, 157.0], [234.0, 157.0]], ('GBP', 0.9929034113883972)], [[[9.0, 150.0], [162.0, 153.0], [162.0, 170.0], [9.0, 167.0]], ('0.482 kg x 28.00 GBP/kg', 0.9105629920959473)], [[[10.0, 165.0], [143.0, 169.0], [143.0, 183.0], [9.0, 179.0]], ('Food Boat Plate Larg', 0.9382349252700806)], [[[224.0, 166.0], [260.0, 166.0], [260.0, 184.0], [224.0, 184.0]], ('13.50', 0.9911009073257446)], [[[7.0, 194.0], [73.0, 194.0], [73.0, 216.0], [7.0, 216.0]], ('Total', 0.9972450137138367)], [[[96.0, 193.0], [136.0, 193.0], [136.0, 217.0], [96.0, 217.0]], ('GBP', 0.9972755908966064)], [[[195.0, 194.0], [260.0, 194.0], [260.0, 216.0], [195.0, 216.0]], ('13.50', 0.9980158805847168)], [[[5.0, 229.0], [63.0, 229.0], [63.0, 246.0], [5.0, 246.0]], ('1-Cash', 0.9729509353637695)], [[[224.0, 230.0], [258.0, 230.0], [258.0, 245.0], [224.0, 245.0]], ('13.50', 0.9947454333305359)], [[[6.0, 267.0], [82.0, 267.0], [82.0, 284.0], [6.0, 284.0]], ('Vat percent', 0.9573045372962952)], [[[158.0, 267.0], [193.0, 270.0], [192.0, 285.0], [157.0, 282.0]], ('Gross', 0.9920812845230103)], [[[231.0, 269.0], [256.0, 269.0], [256.0, 285.0], [231.0, 285.0]], ('VAT', 0.9944483637809753)], [[[9.0, 281.0], [71.0, 281.0], [71.0, 295.0], [9.0, 295.0]], ('120.00', 0.9938364624977112)], [[[96.0, 279.0], [128.0, 282.0], [127.0, 297.0], [95.0, 294.0]], ('11.25', 0.9919411540031433)], [[[158.0, 282.0], [193.0, 282.0], [193.0, 296.0], [158.0, 296.0]], ('13.50', 0.9950035214424133)], [[[226.0, 282.0], [257.0, 285.0], [255.0, 301.0], [224.0, 298.0]], ('2.25', 0.9927085638046265)], [[[7.0, 295.0], [94.0, 294.0], [94.0, 308.0], [7.0, 309.0]], ('standard rate', 0.9818329215049744)], [[[7.0, 331.0], [149.0, 333.0], [149.0, 350.0], [7.0, 349.0]], ('tibits team served you', 0.9473649859428406)], [[[76.0, 353.0], [189.0, 362.0], [187.0, 379.0], [74.0, 370.0]], ('VAT NO.9772601 92', 0.9517494440078735)], [[[11.0, 413.0], [183.0, 432.0], [181.0, 449.0], [9.0, 430.0]], ('business card into the box at', 0.9470164775848389)]] | {"store_name": "tibitsRestaurantBarFoodtogo", "store_addr": "12-14HeddonStreetLondonW1B4DA", "telephone": "02077584110", "date": "10.09.2017", "time": "18:12", "subtotal": "11.25", "tax": "2.25", "total": "13.50 13.50", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "FoodBoatPlateLarg", "item_value": "13.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[141.0, 56.0], [337.0, 66.0], [336.0, 86.0], [140.0, 76.0]], ('Premier Restaurants Eesti AS', 0.950714111328125)], [[[191.0, 89.0], [283.0, 95.0], [282.0, 109.0], [190.0, 103.0]], ('Viru restoran', 0.9807619452476501)], [[[210.0, 104.0], [263.0, 107.0], [262.0, 122.0], [209.0, 119.0]], ('Viru 24', 0.9268490076065063)], [[[176.0, 115.0], [296.0, 120.0], [295.0, 137.0], [175.0, 132.0]], ('', 0.9794451594352722)], [[[176.0, 129.0], [295.0, 136.0], [294.0, 150.0], [175.0, 143.0]], ('KMKR EE 100137365', 0.9352325201034546)], [[[223.0, 156.0], [257.0, 161.0], [254.0, 179.0], [220.0, 174.0]], ('Arve', 0.9970258474349976)], [[[95.0, 192.0], [156.0, 196.0], [155.0, 214.0], [94.0, 210.0]], ('Kassa #4', 0.9417232871055603)], [[[180.0, 198.0], [294.0, 202.0], [294.0, 219.0], [180.0, 215.0]], ('15/09/2010 16:35', 0.9535007476806641)], [[[94.0, 208.0], [143.0, 210.0], [142.0, 227.0], [93.0, 225.0]], ('MOUJA:', 0.8720739483833313)], [[[179.0, 213.0], [288.0, 217.0], [288.0, 234.0], [179.0, 230.0]], ('250.Managers M.', 0.8957585096359253)], [[[94.0, 223.0], [147.0, 227.0], [146.0, 242.0], [93.0, 238.0]], ('Nimetus', 0.9957448840141296)], [[[236.0, 232.0], [291.0, 232.0], [291.0, 246.0], [236.0, 246.0]], ('Kogus', 0.9901098012924194)], [[[289.0, 232.0], [331.0, 232.0], [331.0, 246.0], [289.0, 246.0]], ('Hind', 0.9807504415512085)], [[[327.0, 232.0], [372.0, 232.0], [372.0, 246.0], [327.0, 246.0]], ('Summa', 0.9854875802993774)], [[[93.0, 251.0], [211.0, 256.0], [210.0, 274.0], [92.0, 269.0]], ('Cola XL XXL eine', 0.8893049359321594)], [[[92.0, 266.0], [184.0, 270.0], [183.0, 287.0], [91.0, 283.0]], ('Big Mac XL E', 0.9093655943870544)], [[[234.0, 259.0], [246.0, 259.0], [246.0, 274.0], [234.0, 274.0]], ('1', 0.994983434677124)], [[[346.0, 259.0], [378.0, 259.0], [378.0, 274.0], [346.0, 274.0]], ('0.00', 0.9970515966415405)], [[[92.0, 280.0], [141.0, 284.0], [140.0, 299.0], [91.0, 295.0]], ('Ketsup', 0.9967916011810303)], [[[232.0, 272.0], [247.0, 272.0], [247.0, 303.0], [232.0, 303.0]], ('11', 0.8449299335479736)], [[[283.0, 271.0], [324.0, 271.0], [324.0, 289.0], [283.0, 289.0]], ('60.00', 0.9938430786132812)], [[[340.0, 273.0], [379.0, 273.0], [379.0, 287.0], [340.0, 287.0]], ('60.00', 0.995513916015625)], [[[289.0, 285.0], [324.0, 285.0], [324.0, 303.0], [289.0, 303.0]], ('3.00', 0.9963271617889404)], [[[346.0, 286.0], [380.0, 286.0], [380.0, 301.0], [346.0, 301.0]], ('3.00', 0.9970637559890747)], [[[90.0, 309.0], [192.0, 314.0], [191.0, 342.0], [89.0, 337.0]], ('KOKKU:', 0.9373827576637268)], [[[305.0, 314.0], [382.0, 312.0], [383.0, 341.0], [306.0, 343.0]], ('63.00', 0.9972828030586243)], [[[87.0, 336.0], [166.0, 339.0], [166.0, 356.0], [87.0, 353.0]], ('KOKKU EURO', 0.9450925588607788)], [[[349.0, 342.0], [381.0, 342.0], [381.0, 357.0], [349.0, 357.0]], ('4.03', 0.9958081245422363)], [[[87.0, 364.0], [115.0, 368.0], [112.0, 387.0], [84.0, 383.0]], ('EEK', 0.9794929623603821)], [[[336.0, 372.0], [383.0, 372.0], [383.0, 387.0], [336.0, 387.0]], ('100.00', 0.9956807494163513)], [[[86.0, 399.0], [141.0, 399.0], [141.0, 417.0], [86.0, 417.0]], ('Tagasi:', 0.9634255170822144)], [[[342.0, 401.0], [384.0, 401.0], [384.0, 419.0], [342.0, 419.0]], ('37.00', 0.9937314987182617)], [[[82.0, 430.0], [221.0, 432.0], [221.0, 449.0], [82.0, 447.0]], ('MAKSUSTATAV SUMMA:', 0.9506964087486267)], [[[344.0, 434.0], [384.0, 434.0], [384.0, 449.0], [344.0, 449.0]], ('63.00', 0.99687659740448)], [[[82.0, 446.0], [213.0, 448.0], [213.0, 465.0], [82.0, 463.0]], ('SUMMA ILMA KM-ta:', 0.9437804222106934)], [[[344.0, 449.0], [385.0, 449.0], [385.0, 464.0], [344.0, 464.0]], ('52.50', 0.9954546689987183)], [[[82.0, 465.0], [188.0, 465.0], [188.0, 478.0], [82.0, 478.0]], ('KAIBEMAKS 20%', 0.958101212978363)], [[[344.0, 462.0], [386.0, 464.0], [385.0, 482.0], [343.0, 480.0]], ('10.50', 0.9947590827941895)], [[[111.0, 511.0], [167.0, 511.0], [167.0, 529.0], [111.0, 529.0]], ('Allkiri', 0.9812726974487305)], [[[194.0, 543.0], [265.0, 542.0], [265.0, 560.0], [194.0, 561.0]], ('Head isu!', 0.8902112245559692)], [[[147.0, 561.0], [310.0, 560.0], [310.0, 577.0], [147.0, 578.0]], ('Kulastage meid jalle!', 0.9435180425643921)]] | {"store_name": "PremierRestaurantsEestiAS", "store_addr": "Tallinn,A.H.Tammsaaretee,47 Virurestoran Viru24", "telephone": "", "date": "15/09/2010", "time": "16:35", "subtotal": "52.50", "tax": "10.50", "total": "63.00 63.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ColaXLXXLeine", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BigMacXLE", "item_value": "60.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Ketsup", "item_value": "3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Nimetus", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[237.0, 59.0], [264.0, 59.0], [264.0, 75.0], [237.0, 75.0]], ('PYT', 0.9935145378112793)], [[[178.0, 72.0], [331.0, 77.0], [331.0, 94.0], [178.0, 89.0]], ('1050 N.Hancock St', 0.9423809051513672)], [[[151.0, 89.0], [350.0, 94.0], [350.0, 110.0], [151.0, 105.0]], ('Phi ladelphia.PA 19123', 0.9095458388328552)], [[[184.0, 109.0], [316.0, 110.0], [316.0, 127.0], [184.0, 126.0]], ('ph 215-964-9009', 0.9627829194068909)], [[[133.0, 165.0], [366.0, 168.0], [366.0, 186.0], [133.0, 183.0]], ('Thank You for VisitingPYT', 0.9541065096855164)], [[[132.0, 186.0], [374.0, 188.0], [374.0, 206.0], [132.0, 204.0]], ('Americas Craaaziest Burgers!', 0.9648184180259705)], [[[168.0, 225.0], [341.0, 228.0], [341.0, 246.0], [168.0, 243.0]], ('TABLE:21-4 Guests', 0.9258708357810974)], [[[167.0, 246.0], [333.0, 248.0], [333.0, 266.0], [167.0, 264.0]], ('Your Server was Rob', 0.9399510622024536)], [[[98.0, 265.0], [400.0, 267.0], [400.0, 285.0], [98.0, 283.0]], ('9/8/2014 3:13:08PM-ID#0108341', 0.9350616931915283)], [[[203.0, 287.0], [273.0, 287.0], [273.0, 305.0], [203.0, 305.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9963808059692383)], [[[381.0, 286.0], [436.0, 286.0], [436.0, 307.0], [381.0, 307.0]], ('$57.00', 0.997480571269989)], [[[204.0, 307.0], [298.0, 307.0], [298.0, 325.0], [204.0, 325.0]], ('Total Taxes', 0.9602422714233398)], [[[388.0, 307.0], [434.0, 307.0], [434.0, 326.0], [388.0, 326.0]], ('$4.56', 0.9970451593399048)], [[[204.0, 345.0], [297.0, 345.0], [297.0, 362.0], [204.0, 362.0]], ('Grand Total', 0.9335939288139343)], [[[378.0, 344.0], [431.0, 344.0], [431.0, 362.0], [378.0, 362.0]], ('$61.56', 0.9936931133270264)], [[[76.0, 360.0], [205.0, 362.0], [205.0, 380.0], [76.0, 378.0]], ('Credit Purchase', 0.9811561703681946)], [[[73.0, 380.0], [111.0, 380.0], [111.0, 395.0], [73.0, 395.0]], ('Name', 0.9125538468360901)], [[[230.0, 378.0], [349.0, 378.0], [349.0, 392.0], [230.0, 392.0]], ('MCCOY/ LESEAN', 0.9510334730148315)], [[[67.0, 393.0], [132.0, 393.0], [132.0, 410.0], [67.0, 410.0]], ('CC Type', 0.9278635382652283)], [[[227.0, 394.0], [271.0, 394.0], [271.0, 409.0], [227.0, 409.0]], (':VISA', 0.9714459180831909)], [[[63.0, 409.0], [120.0, 409.0], [120.0, 426.0], [63.0, 426.0]], ('CC Num', 0.8951594233512878)], [[[227.0, 413.0], [360.0, 413.0], [360.0, 427.0], [227.0, 427.0]], ('XXXXXXXXXXXX', 0.724052906036377)], [[[58.0, 425.0], [143.0, 428.0], [143.0, 446.0], [58.0, 443.0]], ('Reference', 0.9962776899337769)], [[[225.0, 427.0], [315.0, 429.0], [315.0, 447.0], [225.0, 445.0]], ('376000013', 0.9978492259979248)], [[[57.0, 447.0], [131.0, 447.0], [131.0, 465.0], [57.0, 465.0]], ('Approval', 0.9769827127456665)], [[[223.0, 445.0], [289.0, 447.0], [288.0, 468.0], [222.0, 466.0]], ('679022', 0.995098352432251)], [[[53.0, 467.0], [111.0, 469.0], [110.0, 487.0], [52.0, 485.0]], ('Server', 0.9970789551734924)], [[[221.0, 467.0], [262.0, 467.0], [262.0, 489.0], [221.0, 489.0]], (':Rob', 0.8690907955169678)], [[[50.0, 487.0], [157.0, 489.0], [157.0, 510.0], [50.0, 508.0]], ('Ticket Name', 0.9680708050727844)], [[[221.0, 490.0], [250.0, 490.0], [250.0, 510.0], [221.0, 510.0]], (':21', 0.891451358795166)], [[[171.0, 532.0], [313.0, 535.0], [313.0, 556.0], [171.0, 553.0]], ('Payment Amount:', 0.9466898441314697)], [[[387.0, 534.0], [448.0, 536.0], [447.0, 559.0], [386.0, 557.0]], ('$61.56', 0.9950749278068542)], [[[190.0, 574.0], [230.0, 579.0], [227.0, 602.0], [187.0, 597.0]], ('Tip:', 0.978013813495636)], [[[349.0, 568.0], [443.0, 571.0], [442.0, 592.0], [348.0, 589.0]], ('0O.Ze', 0.5152214765548706)], [[[331.0, 597.0], [430.0, 605.0], [427.0, 645.0], [328.0, 637.0]], ('61.7', 0.8776183128356934)], [[[185.0, 622.0], [244.0, 615.0], [247.0, 642.0], [188.0, 649.0]], ('Iotap:', 0.9016239047050476)], [[[45.0, 689.0], [57.0, 689.0], [57.0, 705.0], [45.0, 705.0]], ('X', 0.6529693603515625)], [[[84.0, 709.0], [404.0, 714.0], [404.0, 735.0], [84.0, 730.0]], ('Pee to pay ths amount shown above.', 0.9008907675743103)], [[[216.0, 755.0], [316.0, 756.0], [316.0, 767.0], [216.0, 766.0]], ('Como Rack', 0.8290876746177673)]] | {"store_name": "PYT", "store_addr": "1050N.HancockSt Philadelphia,PA19123", "telephone": "215-964-9009", "date": "9/8/2014", "time": "3:13:08PM", "subtotal": "$57.00", "tax": "$4.56", "total": "$61.56", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": []} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[221.0, 56.0], [248.0, 56.0], [248.0, 70.0], [221.0, 70.0]], ('PYT', 0.9798879623413086)], [[[167.0, 66.0], [311.0, 73.0], [310.0, 90.0], [167.0, 83.0]], ('1050 N.Hancock St', 0.9410818815231323)], [[[141.0, 82.0], [328.0, 87.0], [327.0, 104.0], [141.0, 99.0]], ('Ph1ladelphia.PA 19123', 0.8860705494880676)], [[[172.0, 100.0], [296.0, 103.0], [296.0, 120.0], [172.0, 117.0]], ('ph 215-964-9009', 0.9598463773727417)], [[[124.0, 155.0], [344.0, 158.0], [343.0, 175.0], [124.0, 172.0]], ('Thank You for Visiting,PyT', 0.8997271656990051)], [[[124.0, 174.0], [350.0, 177.0], [350.0, 195.0], [124.0, 192.0]], ('Americas Craaaziest Burgers!', 0.962489128112793)], [[[157.0, 210.0], [320.0, 214.0], [319.0, 230.0], [157.0, 227.0]], ('TABLE:21-4 Guests', 0.9143064022064209)], [[[157.0, 230.0], [313.0, 232.0], [313.0, 249.0], [157.0, 247.0]], ('Your Server was Rob', 0.92606121301651)], [[[91.0, 248.0], [375.0, 250.0], [375.0, 267.0], [91.0, 265.0]], ('9/8/2014 3:13:08PM-ID#:0108341', 0.9169701933860779)], [[[189.0, 267.0], [256.0, 269.0], [256.0, 287.0], [188.0, 285.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9940756559371948)], [[[357.0, 269.0], [408.0, 269.0], [408.0, 287.0], [357.0, 287.0]], ('$57.00', 0.9963212609291077)], [[[189.0, 286.0], [280.0, 288.0], [280.0, 306.0], [188.0, 304.0]], ('Total Taxes', 0.9643670916557312)], [[[363.0, 287.0], [407.0, 287.0], [407.0, 306.0], [363.0, 306.0]], ('$4.56', 0.9951492547988892)], [[[192.0, 323.0], [278.0, 323.0], [278.0, 339.0], [192.0, 339.0]], ('Grand Total', 0.9295502305030823)], [[[355.0, 323.0], [406.0, 323.0], [406.0, 340.0], [355.0, 340.0]], ('$61.56', 0.9896543025970459)], [[[72.0, 338.0], [193.0, 340.0], [192.0, 356.0], [71.0, 355.0]], ('Credit Purchase', 0.9811924695968628)], [[[69.0, 356.0], [103.0, 356.0], [103.0, 370.0], [69.0, 370.0]], ('Name', 0.8339354395866394)], [[[215.0, 355.0], [327.0, 355.0], [327.0, 369.0], [215.0, 369.0]], ('MCCOY/ LESEAN', 0.9552208781242371)], [[[63.0, 368.0], [124.0, 368.0], [124.0, 385.0], [63.0, 385.0]], ('CC Type', 0.9105367660522461)], [[[212.0, 369.0], [254.0, 369.0], [254.0, 384.0], [212.0, 384.0]], (':VISA', 0.9223472476005554)], [[[58.0, 381.0], [113.0, 383.0], [113.0, 400.0], [57.0, 398.0]], ('CC Num', 0.8681526184082031)], [[[211.0, 385.0], [339.0, 386.0], [338.0, 401.0], [210.0, 400.0]], ('XXXXXXXXXXXX', 0.6767202019691467)], [[[55.0, 400.0], [134.0, 400.0], [134.0, 417.0], [55.0, 417.0]], ('Reference', 0.9948580861091614)], [[[211.0, 403.0], [295.0, 403.0], [295.0, 417.0], [211.0, 417.0]], ('376000013', 0.998042106628418)], [[[53.0, 419.0], [123.0, 419.0], [123.0, 437.0], [53.0, 437.0]], ('Approval', 0.9759094715118408)], [[[209.0, 420.0], [270.0, 420.0], [270.0, 438.0], [209.0, 438.0]], ('679022', 0.9929714202880859)], [[[49.0, 437.0], [105.0, 439.0], [105.0, 458.0], [48.0, 455.0]], ('Server', 0.9967172145843506)], [[[208.0, 439.0], [244.0, 439.0], [244.0, 458.0], [208.0, 458.0]], (':Rob', 0.8801400065422058)], [[[47.0, 456.0], [147.0, 459.0], [147.0, 479.0], [46.0, 476.0]], ('Ticket Name', 0.9464597702026367)], [[[207.0, 459.0], [235.0, 459.0], [235.0, 478.0], [207.0, 478.0]], (':21', 0.8646326065063477)], [[[160.0, 498.0], [295.0, 501.0], [294.0, 521.0], [160.0, 518.0]], ('Payment Amount:', 0.951765775680542)], [[[362.0, 500.0], [421.0, 503.0], [420.0, 524.0], [361.0, 522.0]], ('$61.56', 0.9924052357673645)]] | {"store_name": "PYT", "store_addr": "1050N.HancockSt Philadelphia,PA19123", "telephone": "215-964-9009", "date": "9/8/2014", "time": "3:13:08PM", "subtotal": "$57.00", "tax": "$4.56", "total": "$61.56 $61.56", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[261.0, 65.0], [290.0, 65.0], [290.0, 81.0], [261.0, 81.0]], ('PYT', 0.9866887927055359)], [[[196.0, 78.0], [364.0, 84.0], [363.0, 105.0], [195.0, 98.0]], ('1050 N. Hancock St', 0.8957722187042236)], [[[167.0, 98.0], [384.0, 104.0], [383.0, 121.0], [166.0, 116.0]], ('Ph1ladelphia.PA 19123', 0.8731751441955566)], [[[203.0, 120.0], [347.0, 121.0], [347.0, 139.0], [203.0, 138.0]], ('ph 215-964-9009', 0.9622377157211304)], [[[147.0, 182.0], [403.0, 184.0], [403.0, 204.0], [147.0, 202.0]], ('Thank You for VisitingPYT', 0.9237520098686218)], [[[146.0, 204.0], [412.0, 207.0], [412.0, 228.0], [146.0, 224.0]], ('Americas Craaaziest Burgers!', 0.9587112069129944)], [[[184.0, 247.0], [377.0, 250.0], [376.0, 270.0], [184.0, 267.0]], ('TABLE:21-4 Guests', 0.9246178269386292)], [[[183.0, 270.0], [365.0, 272.0], [364.0, 293.0], [183.0, 290.0]], ('Your Server was Rob', 0.9365149140357971)], [[[108.0, 291.0], [441.0, 294.0], [441.0, 314.0], [108.0, 312.0]], ('9/8/2014 3:13:08PM-ID#:0108341', 0.9142356514930725)], [[[223.0, 316.0], [299.0, 316.0], [299.0, 334.0], [223.0, 334.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9931206703186035)], [[[420.0, 316.0], [479.0, 316.0], [479.0, 337.0], [420.0, 337.0]], ('$57.00', 0.9966933131217957)], [[[224.0, 337.0], [328.0, 337.0], [328.0, 358.0], [224.0, 358.0]], ('Total Taxes', 0.9381362795829773)], [[[427.0, 337.0], [478.0, 337.0], [478.0, 359.0], [427.0, 359.0]], ('$4.56', 0.9962873458862305)], [[[225.0, 379.0], [327.0, 379.0], [327.0, 399.0], [225.0, 399.0]], ('Grand Total', 0.951826810836792)], [[[417.0, 379.0], [476.0, 379.0], [476.0, 400.0], [417.0, 400.0]], ('$61.56', 0.9957615733146667)], [[[85.0, 398.0], [226.0, 399.0], [226.0, 417.0], [85.0, 416.0]], ('Credit Purchase', 0.977319061756134)], [[[81.0, 418.0], [121.0, 418.0], [121.0, 434.0], [81.0, 434.0]], ('Naze', 0.8642454743385315)], [[[253.0, 416.0], [384.0, 416.0], [384.0, 434.0], [253.0, 434.0]], ('MCCOY/ LESEAN', 0.9397419691085815)], [[[74.0, 433.0], [145.0, 433.0], [145.0, 451.0], [74.0, 451.0]], ('CC Type', 0.7899686694145203)], [[[251.0, 433.0], [299.0, 433.0], [299.0, 451.0], [251.0, 451.0]], (':VISA', 0.9508811235427856)], [[[68.0, 450.0], [130.0, 450.0], [130.0, 468.0], [68.0, 468.0]], ('CCNum', 0.8620074987411499)], [[[248.0, 452.0], [397.0, 454.0], [397.0, 471.0], [248.0, 469.0]], ('XXXXXXXXXXXX', 0.621042013168335)], [[[64.0, 467.0], [157.0, 470.0], [156.0, 492.0], [63.0, 488.0]], ('Reference', 0.992438018321991)], [[[249.0, 472.0], [347.0, 472.0], [347.0, 492.0], [249.0, 492.0]], ('376000013', 0.9984664916992188)], [[[62.0, 493.0], [144.0, 493.0], [144.0, 511.0], [62.0, 511.0]], ('Approval', 0.9903373718261719)], [[[247.0, 493.0], [317.0, 493.0], [317.0, 514.0], [247.0, 514.0]], ('679022', 0.9965791702270508)], [[[58.0, 513.0], [122.0, 515.0], [121.0, 537.0], [57.0, 534.0]], ('Server', 0.997826337814331)], [[[244.0, 515.0], [287.0, 515.0], [287.0, 537.0], [244.0, 537.0]], (':Rob', 0.887198269367218)], [[[57.0, 536.0], [172.0, 538.0], [171.0, 561.0], [56.0, 558.0]], ('Ticket Name', 0.9621644616127014)], [[[242.0, 538.0], [276.0, 538.0], [276.0, 563.0], [242.0, 563.0]], (':21', 0.9252482056617737)], [[[189.0, 586.0], [344.0, 588.0], [344.0, 609.0], [189.0, 607.0]], ('Payment Amount:', 0.9594382643699646)], [[[426.0, 588.0], [494.0, 590.0], [493.0, 616.0], [425.0, 613.0]], ('$61.56', 0.9948369860649109)], [[[384.0, 624.0], [488.0, 627.0], [487.0, 651.0], [383.0, 649.0]], ('00.20', 0.577650249004364)], [[[207.0, 634.0], [253.0, 634.0], [253.0, 660.0], [207.0, 660.0]], ('Tip:', 0.9762687683105469)], [[[364.0, 660.0], [471.0, 667.0], [469.0, 709.0], [362.0, 702.0]], ('61.7', 0.836779773235321)], [[[204.0, 684.0], [268.0, 676.0], [271.0, 706.0], [208.0, 714.0]], ('Jotap:', 0.8629252314567566)], [[[51.0, 761.0], [63.0, 761.0], [63.0, 774.0], [51.0, 774.0]], ('X', 0.8447327613830566)], [[[72.0, 779.0], [447.0, 787.0], [446.0, 811.0], [71.0, 802.0]], ('gree to pay ths dmount shown above.', 0.9111853241920471)], [[[4.0, 829.0], [104.0, 829.0], [104.0, 843.0], [4.0, 843.0]], ('PYT/Facebook', 0.9777035117149353)], [[[175.0, 832.0], [236.0, 832.0], [236.0, 843.0], [175.0, 843.0]], ('Dleaco', 0.7147676348686218)], [[[237.0, 833.0], [274.0, 833.0], [274.0, 843.0], [237.0, 843.0]], ('Cor', 0.5748866200447083)], [[[296.0, 833.0], [345.0, 833.0], [345.0, 843.0], [296.0, 843.0]], ('Paok', 0.5631476640701294)]] | {"store_name": "PYT", "store_addr": "1050N.HancockSt Philadelphia,PA19123", "telephone": "215-964-9009", "date": "9/8/2014", "time": "3:13:08PM", "subtotal": "$57.00", "tax": "$4.56", "total": "$61.56 $61.56", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": []} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[221.0, 54.0], [250.0, 57.0], [248.0, 72.0], [220.0, 69.0]], ('PYT', 0.9848315119743347)], [[[167.0, 66.0], [311.0, 72.0], [310.0, 89.0], [167.0, 83.0]], ('1050 N.Hancock St', 0.9464800357818604)], [[[140.0, 82.0], [328.0, 88.0], [327.0, 104.0], [140.0, 99.0]], ('Philadelphia.PA 19123', 0.8989838361740112)], [[[173.0, 101.0], [295.0, 103.0], [295.0, 119.0], [173.0, 117.0]], ('ph 215-964-9009', 0.9535928964614868)], [[[124.0, 154.0], [345.0, 156.0], [344.0, 174.0], [124.0, 172.0]], ('Thank You for Visiting PyT', 0.9021572470664978)], [[[124.0, 173.0], [350.0, 178.0], [349.0, 195.0], [124.0, 191.0]], ('Americas Craaaziest Burgers', 0.9690102338790894)], [[[157.0, 211.0], [320.0, 214.0], [319.0, 232.0], [157.0, 228.0]], ('TABLE:21-4 Guests', 0.9452409148216248)], [[[156.0, 229.0], [313.0, 233.0], [312.0, 250.0], [156.0, 247.0]], ('Your Server was Rob', 0.9366115927696228)], [[[91.0, 248.0], [375.0, 250.0], [375.0, 268.0], [91.0, 266.0]], ('9/8/2014 3:13:08 PM-ID#0108341', 0.9150059223175049)], [[[190.0, 269.0], [256.0, 269.0], [256.0, 287.0], [190.0, 287.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9927293062210083)], [[[357.0, 269.0], [408.0, 269.0], [408.0, 288.0], [357.0, 288.0]], ('$57.00', 0.9952952265739441)], [[[190.0, 285.0], [280.0, 288.0], [280.0, 305.0], [189.0, 303.0]], ('Total Taxes', 0.9537230134010315)], [[[363.0, 287.0], [407.0, 287.0], [407.0, 306.0], [363.0, 306.0]], ('$4.56', 0.9951492547988892)], [[[192.0, 322.0], [278.0, 322.0], [278.0, 340.0], [192.0, 340.0]], ('Grand Total', 0.951813280582428)], [[[355.0, 323.0], [406.0, 323.0], [406.0, 342.0], [355.0, 342.0]], ('$61.56', 0.9922294616699219)], [[[71.0, 338.0], [194.0, 339.0], [193.0, 356.0], [70.0, 355.0]], ('Credit Purchase', 0.9761935472488403)]] | {"store_name": "PYT", "store_addr": "1050N.HancockSt Philadelphia,PA19123", "telephone": "215-964-9009", "date": "9/8/2014", "time": "3:13:08PM", "subtotal": "$57.00", "tax": "$4.56", "total": "$61.56", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[144.0, 17.0], [211.0, 17.0], [211.0, 50.0], [144.0, 50.0]], ('Asia Bay', 0.9749696254730225)], [[[106.0, 48.0], [251.0, 48.0], [251.0, 65.0], [106.0, 65.0]], ('1007 Kane Concourse', 0.9663602113723755)], [[[131.0, 66.0], [224.0, 66.0], [224.0, 83.0], [131.0, 83.0]], ('305861-2222', 0.990767240524292)], [[[14.0, 125.0], [100.0, 125.0], [100.0, 154.0], [14.0, 154.0]], ('Guest Check', 0.9633455276489258)], [[[239.0, 123.0], [324.0, 119.0], [325.0, 151.0], [241.0, 155.0]], ('Party of 2', 0.8638060688972473)], [[[15.0, 154.0], [95.0, 154.0], [95.0, 171.0], [15.0, 171.0]], ('Table12', 0.9159857630729675)], [[[221.0, 153.0], [294.0, 153.0], [294.0, 170.0], [221.0, 170.0]], ('Ticket', 0.9063307642936707)], [[[286.0, 151.0], [324.0, 151.0], [324.0, 169.0], [286.0, 169.0]], ('4005', 0.9963163137435913)], [[[13.0, 174.0], [130.0, 171.0], [131.0, 188.0], [13.0, 191.0]], ('Server SUNNY', 0.9607758522033691)], [[[304.0, 170.0], [324.0, 170.0], [324.0, 188.0], [304.0, 188.0]], ('T1', 0.980059027671814)], [[[13.0, 191.0], [79.0, 191.0], [79.0, 208.0], [13.0, 208.0]], ('07:56PM', 0.9489657282829285)], [[[221.0, 191.0], [323.0, 191.0], [323.0, 205.0], [221.0, 205.0]], ('Date 12/09/12', 0.9571982622146606)], [[[20.0, 210.0], [139.0, 210.0], [139.0, 227.0], [20.0, 227.0]], ('Seat Number 1>>', 0.9079100489616394)], [[[14.0, 230.0], [31.0, 230.0], [31.0, 242.0], [14.0, 242.0]], ('1', 0.9515398740768433)], [[[42.0, 228.0], [160.0, 226.0], [160.0, 243.0], [42.0, 245.0]], ('Spiey Tuna Rock', 0.9127158522605896)], [[[283.0, 224.0], [324.0, 224.0], [324.0, 243.0], [283.0, 243.0]], ('14.00', 0.9043487310409546)], [[[13.0, 247.0], [26.0, 247.0], [26.0, 262.0], [13.0, 262.0]], ('1', 0.9658692479133606)], [[[44.0, 246.0], [138.0, 246.0], [138.0, 263.0], [44.0, 263.0]], ('Rainbow rol1', 0.8694024085998535)], [[[283.0, 244.0], [324.0, 244.0], [324.0, 262.0], [283.0, 262.0]], ('11.00', 0.9889320135116577)], [[[12.0, 266.0], [25.0, 266.0], [25.0, 280.0], [12.0, 280.0]], ('1', 0.9910255074501038)], [[[43.0, 264.0], [130.0, 263.0], [131.0, 281.0], [43.0, 282.0]], ('Spider Rol1', 0.8769394159317017)], [[[283.0, 264.0], [324.0, 264.0], [324.0, 279.0], [283.0, 279.0]], ('11.00', 0.9645401239395142)], [[[14.0, 284.0], [25.0, 284.0], [25.0, 299.0], [14.0, 299.0]], ('1', 0.9392105937004089)], [[[42.0, 281.0], [122.0, 283.0], [121.0, 301.0], [42.0, 299.0]], ('Pad Thai..', 0.9466602206230164)], [[[43.0, 301.0], [78.0, 301.0], [78.0, 320.0], [43.0, 320.0]], ('beef', 0.9958430528640747)], [[[283.0, 299.0], [324.0, 299.0], [324.0, 318.0], [283.0, 318.0]], ('16.00', 0.9911046028137207)], [[[160.0, 336.0], [231.0, 336.0], [231.0, 355.0], [160.0, 355.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9348019361495972)], [[[250.0, 339.0], [262.0, 339.0], [262.0, 355.0], [250.0, 355.0]], (':', 0.9025773406028748)], [[[282.0, 336.0], [324.0, 336.0], [324.0, 355.0], [282.0, 355.0]], ('52.00', 0.9879514575004578)], [[[160.0, 356.0], [232.0, 356.0], [232.0, 373.0], [160.0, 373.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.932356595993042)], [[[249.0, 358.0], [262.0, 358.0], [262.0, 374.0], [249.0, 374.0]], (':', 0.8460387587547302)], [[[288.0, 356.0], [324.0, 356.0], [324.0, 374.0], [288.0, 374.0]], ('4.3', 0.99098140001297)], [[[160.0, 377.0], [225.0, 377.0], [225.0, 406.0], [160.0, 406.0]], ('Gratuity', 0.9954928159713745)], [[[285.0, 371.0], [327.0, 371.0], [327.0, 410.0], [285.0, 410.0]], ('9.36', 0.9675559997558594)], [[[252.0, 382.0], [259.0, 382.0], [259.0, 394.0], [252.0, 394.0]], ('-', 0.8697408437728882)], [[[160.0, 407.0], [265.0, 407.0], [265.0, 435.0], [160.0, 435.0]], ('Check Total :', 0.9339123368263245)], [[[281.0, 406.0], [324.0, 406.0], [324.0, 436.0], [281.0, 436.0]], ('65.66', 0.9855430722236633)]] | {"store_name": "AsiaBay", "store_addr": "1007KaneConcourse", "telephone": "305861-2222", "date": "12/09/12", "time": "07:56PM", "subtotal": "52.00", "tax": "4.30", "total": "65.66", "ignore": "", "tips": "9.36", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SpicyTunaRock", "item_value": "14.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Rainbowroll", "item_value": "11.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SpiderRoll", "item_value": "11.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PadThai..", "item_value": "16.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "beef", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[1160.0, 1695.0], [1622.0, 1737.0], [1615.0, 1808.0], [1153.0, 1766.0]], ('STORE #MN-1186', 0.9664572477340698)], [[[1129.0, 1767.0], [1647.0, 1799.0], [1642.0, 1875.0], [1124.0, 1842.0]], ('1413 Foyrth St SE', 0.9268225431442261)], [[[1046.0, 1826.0], [1707.0, 1853.0], [1703.0, 1937.0], [1043.0, 1910.0]], ('Minneapolis MN 55414', 0.913438618183136)], [[[1046.0, 1898.0], [1693.0, 1916.0], [1691.0, 2004.0], [1043.0, 1986.0]], ('Phqne612355-5600', 0.9153412580490112)], [[[685.0, 2011.0], [963.0, 2021.0], [960.0, 2097.0], [682.0, 2087.0]], ('3/7/2017', 0.9958339929580688)], [[[1671.0, 2045.0], [2027.0, 2045.0], [2027.0, 2117.0], [1671.0, 2117.0]], ('11:34:32AM', 0.9418269395828247)], [[[672.0, 2086.0], [1380.0, 2113.0], [1377.0, 2189.0], [669.0, 2162.0]], ('Order Id:AANYF4YACAL', 0.9454280138015747)], [[[663.0, 2162.0], [1130.0, 2176.0], [1128.0, 2248.0], [661.0, 2234.0]], ('14-FIVE GYS', 0.9124917387962341)], [[[649.0, 2238.0], [1220.0, 2247.0], [1219.0, 2319.0], [648.0, 2310.0]], ('Employee:Desia D', 0.9534856677055359)], [[[1295.0, 2454.0], [1382.0, 2464.0], [1368.0, 2573.0], [1281.0, 2563.0]], ('14', 0.9976457357406616)], [[[662.0, 2696.0], [1345.0, 2701.0], [1344.0, 2772.0], [661.0, 2768.0]], ('1 Bacon Cheeseburger', 0.9589828252792358)], [[[1877.0, 2713.0], [2062.0, 2713.0], [2062.0, 2772.0], [1877.0, 2772.0]], ('$8.69', 0.9947723150253296)], [[[776.0, 2771.0], [959.0, 2781.0], [955.0, 2844.0], [772.0, 2834.0]], ('Bacon', 0.9966588020324707)], [[[1877.0, 2772.0], [2058.0, 2772.0], [2058.0, 2835.0], [1877.0, 2835.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9968520402908325)], [[[777.0, 2839.0], [1031.0, 2839.0], [1031.0, 2911.0], [777.0, 2911.0]], ('Mustard', 0.9976664781570435)], [[[1877.0, 2839.0], [2058.0, 2839.0], [2058.0, 2902.0], [1877.0, 2902.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9981561899185181)], [[[1873.0, 2906.0], [2062.0, 2906.0], [2062.0, 2982.0], [1873.0, 2982.0]], ('$2.39', 0.9275439977645874)], [[[687.0, 2923.0], [1167.0, 2914.0], [1169.0, 2990.0], [688.0, 2999.0]], ('1 Regular Soda', 0.9593225121498108)], [[[1837.0, 3062.0], [2059.0, 3052.0], [2063.0, 3128.0], [1841.0, 3138.0]], ('$11.08', 0.9961087703704834)], [[[621.0, 3084.0], [938.0, 3069.0], [942.0, 3157.0], [626.0, 3172.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9529379606246948)], [[[1881.0, 3221.0], [2062.0, 3221.0], [2062.0, 3301.0], [1881.0, 3301.0]], ('$0.87', 0.9968201518058777)], [[[622.0, 3256.0], [947.0, 3246.0], [950.0, 3334.0], [625.0, 3344.0]], ('Sales Tax', 0.9723951816558838)], [[[1846.0, 3314.0], [2063.0, 3304.0], [2067.0, 3385.0], [1850.0, 3395.0]], ('$11.95', 0.9175973534584045)], [[[621.0, 3353.0], [1006.0, 3333.0], [1011.0, 3417.0], [626.0, 3437.0]], ('Order Total', 0.9603030681610107)], [[[1850.0, 3487.0], [2080.0, 3476.0], [2085.0, 3565.0], [1854.0, 3575.0]], ('$11.95', 0.9955573081970215)], [[[613.0, 3533.0], [947.0, 3518.0], [951.0, 3602.0], [617.0, 3617.0]], ('Gift Card', 0.9729682207107544)], [[[751.0, 3621.0], [1875.0, 3577.0], [1878.0, 3661.0], [754.0, 3705.0]], ('Card Number***************7465', 0.9720977544784546)], [[[742.0, 3722.0], [1634.0, 3682.0], [1638.0, 3770.0], [746.0, 3811.0]], ('Balance Remaining:$18.05', 0.9638686180114746)], [[[1137.0, 3919.0], [1609.0, 3897.0], [1612.0, 3952.0], [1140.0, 3974.0]], ('Order Clased', 0.8805742263793945)]] | {"store_name": "FIVEGUYS\u00ae", "store_addr": "Minneapolis.MN55414 1413FourthStSE", "telephone": "(612)355-5500", "date": "3/7/2017", "time": "11:34:32AM", "subtotal": "$11.08", "tax": "$0.87", "total": "$11.95 $11.95", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "RegularSoda", "item_value": "$2.39", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Mustard", "item_value": "$0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Bacon", "item_value": "$0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BaconCheeseburger", "item_value": "$8.69", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[203.0, 63.0], [300.0, 63.0], [300.0, 148.0], [203.0, 148.0]], ('99', 0.9816184043884277)], [[[142.0, 192.0], [350.0, 192.0], [350.0, 212.0], [142.0, 212.0]], ('99 Ranch Market #72', 0.937663733959198)], [[[168.0, 213.0], [326.0, 215.0], [325.0, 235.0], [167.0, 233.0]], ('1350 Grant Road', 0.9477190375328064)], [[[125.0, 235.0], [365.0, 235.0], [365.0, 255.0], [125.0, 255.0]], ('Mountain ViewCA 94040', 0.9649479389190674)], [[[170.0, 254.0], [317.0, 254.0], [317.0, 274.0], [170.0, 274.0]], ('650966-8899', 0.9910129308700562)], [[[55.0, 276.0], [408.0, 276.0], [408.0, 296.0], [55.0, 296.0]], ('8/16/201611:52:39AM12331276', 0.9684644341468811)], [[[169.0, 297.0], [308.0, 297.0], [308.0, 318.0], [169.0, 318.0]], ('CashierM.', 0.9756736755371094)], [[[25.0, 357.0], [328.0, 358.0], [328.0, 379.0], [25.0, 378.0]], ('STEAMED YELLOW CHICKEN-HALF_H', 0.9593058228492737)], [[[352.0, 358.0], [439.0, 358.0], [439.0, 379.0], [352.0, 379.0]], ('8.75T C', 0.9304952621459961)], [[[199.0, 418.0], [281.0, 418.0], [281.0, 439.0], [199.0, 439.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9962486028671265)], [[[321.0, 417.0], [367.0, 417.0], [367.0, 440.0], [321.0, 440.0]], ('8.75', 0.9969877600669861)], [[[85.0, 438.0], [130.0, 438.0], [130.0, 461.0], [85.0, 461.0]], ('8.75', 0.9966651797294617)], [[[191.0, 439.0], [283.0, 439.0], [283.0, 460.0], [191.0, 460.0]], ('TAX8.75%', 0.9850200414657593)], [[[321.0, 438.0], [367.0, 438.0], [367.0, 460.0], [321.0, 460.0]], ('0.77', 0.9962517023086548)], [[[232.0, 460.0], [281.0, 460.0], [281.0, 478.0], [232.0, 478.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9969741702079773)], [[[321.0, 458.0], [367.0, 458.0], [367.0, 480.0], [321.0, 480.0]], ('9.52', 0.9916386008262634)], [[[170.0, 479.0], [283.0, 479.0], [283.0, 500.0], [170.0, 500.0]], ('CREDIT CARD', 0.9665031433105469)], [[[322.0, 475.0], [367.0, 478.0], [366.0, 501.0], [320.0, 499.0]], ('9.52', 0.9907345175743103)], [[[321.0, 498.0], [367.0, 498.0], [367.0, 521.0], [321.0, 521.0]], ('0.00', 0.9972193241119385)], [[[185.0, 538.0], [306.0, 538.0], [306.0, 559.0], [185.0, 559.0]], ('Item Count 1', 0.9395241737365723)], [[[185.0, 578.0], [307.0, 578.0], [307.0, 599.0], [185.0, 599.0]], ('Thank You!!!', 0.920884370803833)], [[[30.0, 601.0], [451.0, 599.0], [451.0, 618.0], [30.0, 620.0]], ('Check with Customer Services for Inquires', 0.9506428241729736)], [[[39.0, 620.0], [449.0, 619.0], [449.0, 640.0], [39.0, 641.0]], ('Items/Electric Appliance can be returned', 0.9487303495407104)], [[[33.0, 639.0], [453.0, 637.0], [453.0, 661.0], [33.0, 663.0]], ('with a Receipt within 7 days of purchase.', 0.955332338809967)], [[[29.0, 660.0], [459.0, 658.0], [459.0, 681.0], [29.0, 683.0]], ('No Returns on Alcoholic Beverages,Tobacco', 0.935983419418335)], [[[131.0, 738.0], [324.0, 739.0], [323.0, 759.0], [130.0, 758.0]], ('99 RANCH MARKET #72', 0.9283016324043274)], [[[164.0, 757.0], [315.0, 759.0], [315.0, 779.0], [163.0, 777.0]], ('1350 Grant Road', 0.9424017667770386)], [[[120.0, 779.0], [354.0, 778.0], [354.0, 799.0], [120.0, 800.0]], ('MountainView,CA 94040', 0.9459454417228699)], [[[163.0, 796.0], [305.0, 798.0], [305.0, 819.0], [162.0, 816.0]], ('650966-8899', 0.99357008934021)], [[[34.0, 823.0], [122.0, 818.0], [124.0, 843.0], [36.0, 847.0]], ('Purchase', 0.9970961809158325)], [[[152.0, 820.0], [165.0, 820.0], [165.0, 838.0], [152.0, 838.0]], ('$', 0.9267898201942444)], [[[208.0, 816.0], [256.0, 816.0], [256.0, 837.0], [208.0, 837.0]], ('9.52', 0.9954918026924133)]] | {"store_name": "99 99RanchMarket#72", "store_addr": "1350GrantRoad MountainView,CA94040 1350GrantRoad MountainView,CA94040", "telephone": "(650)966-8899 (650)966-8899", "date": "8/16/2016", "time": "11:52:39AM", "subtotal": "8.75", "tax": "0.77", "total": "9.52", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "STEAMEDYELLOWCHICKEN-HALF_H", "item_value": "8.75", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[93.0, 39.0], [175.0, 39.0], [175.0, 57.0], [93.0, 57.0]], ('CAFFETORINO', 0.9607829451560974)], [[[72.0, 54.0], [194.0, 54.0], [194.0, 67.0], [72.0, 67.0]], ('DI CAPOZZO DOHENICA', 0.9128573536872864)], [[[73.0, 62.0], [193.0, 64.0], [193.0, 77.0], [72.0, 75.0]], ('PIAZZA CADORNA N.23', 0.9473330974578857)], [[[81.0, 80.0], [184.0, 81.0], [184.0, 95.0], [81.0, 94.0]], ('TEL.0323.30652', 0.9514819383621216)], [[[97.0, 73.0], [172.0, 73.0], [172.0, 84.0], [97.0, 84.0]], ('STRESA (VB', 0.9236177206039429)], [[[63.0, 100.0], [201.0, 100.0], [201.0, 114.0], [63.0, 114.0]], ('C.F.CPZDNC68A411053N', 0.8975659608840942)], [[[79.0, 92.0], [187.0, 92.0], [187.0, 102.0], [79.0, 102.0]], ('PVA01838740031', 0.9609910249710083)], [[[213.0, 131.0], [243.0, 131.0], [243.0, 142.0], [213.0, 142.0]], ('EURO', 0.9840673804283142)], [[[19.0, 141.0], [72.0, 141.0], [72.0, 152.0], [19.0, 152.0]], ('2X0.00', 0.8385952115058899)], [[[18.0, 151.0], [66.0, 151.0], [66.0, 162.0], [18.0, 162.0]], ('COPERTO', 0.997061550617218)], [[[228.0, 149.0], [257.0, 149.0], [257.0, 164.0], [228.0, 164.0]], ('0,00', 0.8694431781768799)], [[[19.0, 162.0], [60.0, 162.0], [60.0, 172.0], [19.0, 172.0]], ('IL GAS', 0.8589585423469543)], [[[228.0, 159.0], [258.0, 159.0], [258.0, 173.0], [228.0, 173.0]], ('2.50', 0.9219897985458374)], [[[19.0, 171.0], [71.0, 171.0], [71.0, 182.0], [19.0, 182.0]], ('2X3.00', 0.8737848401069641)], [[[17.0, 181.0], [65.0, 181.0], [65.0, 192.0], [17.0, 192.0]], ('BIRRAP', 0.9928312301635742)], [[[228.0, 179.0], [260.0, 179.0], [260.0, 193.0], [228.0, 193.0]], ('6,00', 0.866836428642273)], [[[16.0, 190.0], [118.0, 190.0], [118.0, 203.0], [16.0, 203.0]], ('COTTO DI MONTAG', 0.9303606152534485)], [[[226.0, 191.0], [260.0, 191.0], [260.0, 202.0], [226.0, 202.0]], ('12.00', 0.9220612645149231)], [[[14.0, 210.0], [111.0, 210.0], [111.0, 223.0], [14.0, 223.0]], ('SENZA FORMAGGI', 0.9689377546310425)], [[[17.0, 202.0], [77.0, 202.0], [77.0, 212.0], [17.0, 212.0]], ('-1X000', 0.8975653052330017)], [[[231.0, 209.0], [263.0, 209.0], [263.0, 223.0], [231.0, 223.0]], ("00'0", 0.8948341608047485)], [[[10.0, 229.0], [116.0, 229.0], [116.0, 242.0], [10.0, 242.0]], ('MILANESE CON PA', 0.9563007950782776)], [[[26.0, 221.0], [68.0, 221.0], [68.0, 231.0], [26.0, 231.0]], ('OLIVE', 0.9866579174995422)], [[[227.0, 229.0], [264.0, 227.0], [265.0, 238.0], [228.0, 240.0]], ('13.00', 0.9528857469558716)], [[[232.0, 220.0], [264.0, 220.0], [264.0, 231.0], [232.0, 231.0]], ("00'0", 0.8183163404464722)], [[[9.0, 239.0], [116.0, 238.0], [116.0, 251.0], [9.0, 252.0]], ('CRESPELLE SPINA', 0.9715127348899841)], [[[232.0, 238.0], [265.0, 236.0], [266.0, 250.0], [233.0, 252.0]], ('9.50', 0.9374861121177673)], [[[5.0, 249.0], [89.0, 248.0], [89.0, 262.0], [5.0, 263.0]], ('CAFFE LUNGO', 0.9501989483833313)], [[[235.0, 249.0], [266.0, 249.0], [266.0, 263.0], [235.0, 263.0]], ('2.00', 0.8918145298957825)], [[[8.0, 260.0], [89.0, 260.0], [89.0, 284.0], [8.0, 284.0]], ('TOTALE EURO', 0.966073751449585)], [[[228.0, 260.0], [267.0, 260.0], [267.0, 284.0], [228.0, 284.0]], ('45,00', 0.9642017483711243)], [[[7.0, 282.0], [66.0, 282.0], [66.0, 296.0], [7.0, 296.0]], ('CONTANTE', 0.9967437982559204)], [[[228.0, 281.0], [266.0, 281.0], [266.0, 296.0], [228.0, 296.0]], ('45,00', 0.9049524068832397)], [[[7.0, 294.0], [46.0, 294.0], [46.0, 308.0], [7.0, 308.0]], ('RESTO', 0.9978746175765991)], [[[234.0, 294.0], [265.0, 294.0], [265.0, 305.0], [234.0, 305.0]], ('0,00', 0.8634209632873535)], [[[7.0, 328.0], [81.0, 325.0], [82.0, 339.0], [7.0, 342.0]], ('TAVOL0:22', 0.9097581505775452)], [[[10.0, 362.0], [54.0, 362.0], [54.0, 373.0], [10.0, 373.0]], ('CASSA:', 0.969682514667511)], [[[248.0, 359.0], [263.0, 359.0], [263.0, 372.0], [248.0, 372.0]], ('01', 0.992193341255188)], [[[9.0, 369.0], [82.0, 369.0], [82.0, 383.0], [9.0, 383.0]], ('07-10-2018', 0.9890457391738892)], [[[228.0, 370.0], [264.0, 370.0], [264.0, 384.0], [228.0, 384.0]], ('14:31', 0.9691189527511597)], [[[8.0, 382.0], [178.0, 379.0], [178.0, 393.0], [8.0, 396.0]], ('NUMERO SCONTRINO FISCAL', 0.8806818127632141)], [[[249.0, 382.0], [264.0, 382.0], [264.0, 395.0], [249.0, 395.0]], ('17', 0.9974163770675659)], [[[136.0, 393.0], [193.0, 393.0], [193.0, 404.0], [136.0, 404.0]], ('89007660', 0.9054756760597229)], [[[66.0, 416.0], [204.0, 416.0], [204.0, 437.0], [66.0, 437.0]], ('GRAZIE E ARRIVEDERCI', 0.9474387168884277)]] | {"store_name": "CAFFE'TORINO", "store_addr": "PIAZZACADORNAN.23 STRESA(VB)", "telephone": "0323.30652", "date": "07-10-2018", "time": "14:31", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "45,00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "COPERTO", "item_value": "0,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BIRRAP", "item_value": "2,50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COTTODIMONTAG", "item_value": "6,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SENZAFORMAGGI", "item_value": "12,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OLIVE", "item_value": "0,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MILANESECONPA", "item_value": "0,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CRESPELLESPINA", "item_value": "13,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CAFFELUNGO", "item_value": "9,50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "2,00", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[103.0, 67.0], [219.0, 63.0], [219.0, 78.0], [103.0, 83.0]], ('YOUR GUEST NUMBER IS', 0.9137325286865234)], [[[147.0, 80.0], [174.0, 80.0], [174.0, 93.0], [147.0, 93.0]], ('24', 0.999252438545227)], [[[95.0, 106.0], [225.0, 103.0], [225.0, 117.0], [95.0, 120.0]], ('IN-N-OUT BURGER DALLAS', 0.9182931780815125)], [[[117.0, 120.0], [203.0, 117.0], [204.0, 131.0], [117.0, 134.0]], ('25819611015', 0.9859614968299866)], [[[41.0, 149.0], [168.0, 147.0], [168.0, 161.0], [41.0, 163.0]], ('Cashier:ALEXANDRA BA', 0.928329586982727)], [[[42.0, 164.0], [109.0, 164.0], [109.0, 178.0], [42.0, 178.0]], ('Check24', 0.9597653150558472)], [[[60.0, 192.0], [98.0, 192.0], [98.0, 206.0], [60.0, 206.0]], ('Db1Db', 0.9189205169677734)], [[[254.0, 189.0], [282.0, 189.0], [282.0, 204.0], [254.0, 204.0]], ('3.60', 0.9891499280929565)], [[[63.0, 206.0], [82.0, 206.0], [82.0, 219.0], [63.0, 219.0]], ('NO', 0.7035812735557556)], [[[58.0, 220.0], [74.0, 220.0], [74.0, 233.0], [58.0, 233.0]], ('FF', 0.9918825030326843)], [[[257.0, 215.0], [286.0, 215.0], [286.0, 230.0], [257.0, 230.0]], ('1.65', 0.9890608191490173)], [[[56.0, 233.0], [101.0, 233.0], [101.0, 247.0], [56.0, 247.0]], ('Sm Coke', 0.9276486039161682)], [[[258.0, 229.0], [287.0, 229.0], [287.0, 244.0], [258.0, 244.0]], ('1.50', 0.984573245048523)], [[[35.0, 262.0], [124.0, 262.0], [124.0, 276.0], [35.0, 276.0]], ('Counter-Eat In', 0.9692983627319336)], [[[259.0, 259.0], [289.0, 259.0], [289.0, 275.0], [259.0, 275.0]], ('6.75', 0.9940810203552246)], [[[35.0, 277.0], [93.0, 277.0], [93.0, 291.0], [35.0, 291.0]], ('A8.25%', 0.9625083804130554)], [[[269.0, 275.0], [291.0, 275.0], [291.0, 291.0], [269.0, 291.0]], ('.56', 0.9547984004020691)], [[[32.0, 293.0], [97.0, 293.0], [97.0, 307.0], [32.0, 307.0]], ('Amount Due', 0.909028172492981)], [[[255.0, 292.0], [291.0, 292.0], [291.0, 307.0], [255.0, 307.0]], ('$7.31', 0.9927558898925781)], [[[30.0, 325.0], [101.0, 325.0], [101.0, 340.0], [30.0, 340.0]], ('Visa Tender', 0.9180496335029602)], [[[256.0, 323.0], [294.0, 323.0], [294.0, 342.0], [256.0, 342.0]], ('$7.31', 0.9949719309806824)], [[[28.0, 339.0], [71.0, 342.0], [70.0, 360.0], [27.0, 357.0]], ('Change', 0.9946486949920654)], [[[264.0, 343.0], [296.0, 343.0], [296.0, 360.0], [264.0, 360.0]], ('$.00', 0.9969276189804077)], [[[94.0, 358.0], [223.0, 358.0], [223.0, 375.0], [94.0, 375.0]], ('THANK YOU!', 0.945500373840332)], [[[33.0, 375.0], [283.0, 376.0], [283.0, 393.0], [33.0, 392.0]], ('est1ons/Comments:Ca11 800-786-1000', 0.9529451727867126)], [[[25.0, 410.0], [92.0, 410.0], [92.0, 427.0], [25.0, 427.0]], ('2015-09-01', 0.9872446060180664)], [[[136.0, 410.0], [174.0, 410.0], [174.0, 429.0], [136.0, 429.0]], ('L1 T1', 0.848845362663269)], [[[240.0, 412.0], [298.0, 411.0], [299.0, 429.0], [240.0, 430.0]], ('11:35AM', 0.9526903033256531)]] | {"store_name": "IN-N-OUTBURGERDALLAS", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "25819611015", "date": "2015-09-01", "time": "11:35AM", "subtotal": "6.75", "tax": ".56", "total": "$7.31 $7.31", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SmCoke", "item_value": "1.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FF", "item_value": "1.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Db[Db]", "item_value": "3.60", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[105.0, 54.0], [681.0, 54.0], [681.0, 86.0], [105.0, 86.0]], ('THANK YOU COME AGAIN', 0.9431093335151672)], [[[100.0, 83.0], [683.0, 84.0], [683.0, 117.0], [100.0, 116.0]], ('TOVALER0 STORE1307', 0.8945185542106628)], [[[101.0, 116.0], [392.0, 120.0], [391.0, 149.0], [100.0, 146.0]], ('VALERO.COM', 0.9790300130844116)], [[[99.0, 181.0], [506.0, 181.0], [506.0, 207.0], [99.0, 207.0]], ('1048466859-001', 0.9312741160392761)], [[[82.0, 379.0], [203.0, 379.0], [203.0, 409.0], [82.0, 409.0]], ('DATE', 0.9980624318122864)], [[[396.0, 380.0], [638.0, 380.0], [638.0, 409.0], [396.0, 409.0]], ('05/0197', 0.7852107286453247)], [[[80.0, 413.0], [203.0, 413.0], [203.0, 446.0], [80.0, 446.0]], ('TIME', 0.996901273727417)], [[[395.0, 414.0], [642.0, 416.0], [641.0, 446.0], [395.0, 444.0]], ('12:19PM', 0.9116408228874207)], [[[79.0, 450.0], [233.0, 450.0], [233.0, 479.0], [79.0, 479.0]], ('HHIHR', 0.5287169814109802)], [[[263.0, 451.0], [453.0, 451.0], [453.0, 480.0], [263.0, 480.0]], ('644444', 0.5658478140830994)], [[[136.0, 521.0], [262.0, 521.0], [262.0, 554.0], [136.0, 554.0]], ('VISA', 0.9023656249046326)], [[[168.0, 560.0], [613.0, 560.0], [613.0, 589.0], [168.0, 589.0]], ('ACCOUNTNUMBER', 0.9674993753433228)], [[[68.0, 597.0], [583.0, 599.0], [582.0, 626.0], [68.0, 624.0]], ('***********943', 0.887412428855896)], [[[100.0, 634.0], [648.0, 634.0], [648.0, 666.0], [100.0, 666.0]], ('HUGGINS/RANDALLC', 0.9412325620651245)], [[[61.0, 709.0], [190.0, 709.0], [190.0, 743.0], [61.0, 743.0]], ('PUMP', 0.9881753325462341)], [[[261.0, 710.0], [489.0, 713.0], [488.0, 746.0], [261.0, 743.0]], ('PRODUCT', 0.9925808310508728)], [[[556.0, 710.0], [655.0, 710.0], [655.0, 745.0], [556.0, 745.0]], ('PPG', 0.9874637126922607)], [[[94.0, 748.0], [158.0, 748.0], [158.0, 786.0], [94.0, 786.0]], ('08', 0.9627224206924438)], [[[293.0, 749.0], [423.0, 751.0], [423.0, 786.0], [292.0, 784.0]], ('UNLD', 0.9793267846107483)], [[[523.0, 750.0], [716.0, 748.0], [717.0, 781.0], [524.0, 783.0]], ('$2.799', 0.9782096743583679)], [[[94.0, 828.0], [322.0, 830.0], [322.0, 863.0], [94.0, 861.0]], ('GALLONS', 0.9951382875442505)], [[[496.0, 828.0], [656.0, 828.0], [656.0, 862.0], [496.0, 862.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9979259371757507)], [[[93.0, 866.0], [289.0, 870.0], [289.0, 904.0], [93.0, 900.0]], ('26.795', 0.9926950335502625)]] | {"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "05/01/07", "time": "12:19:PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$75.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "UNLD", "item_value": "$2.799", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "PRODUCT", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[86.0, 11.0], [202.0, 8.0], [203.0, 37.0], [87.0, 40.0]], ('MIMMOS-GALLERIA', 0.905414879322052)], [[[86.0, 38.0], [188.0, 37.0], [188.0, 55.0], [86.0, 56.0]], ('MIMMOS GALLERIA', 0.9633259177207947)], [[[86.0, 55.0], [135.0, 57.0], [134.0, 75.0], [85.0, 73.0]], ('VAT NO:', 0.8655689358711243)], [[[198.0, 74.0], [354.0, 70.0], [355.0, 116.0], [199.0, 120.0]], ('Thank yoe', 0.797250509262085)], [[[84.0, 90.0], [195.0, 90.0], [195.0, 118.0], [84.0, 118.0]], ('***NI -13***', 0.7251546382904053)], [[[84.0, 134.0], [198.0, 134.0], [198.0, 154.0], [84.0, 154.0]], ('Tax Inv No228', 0.9588051438331604)], [[[210.0, 128.0], [223.0, 128.0], [223.0, 142.0], [210.0, 142.0]], (')', 0.5971163511276245)], [[[82.0, 152.0], [188.0, 154.0], [188.0, 171.0], [82.0, 169.0]], ('Covers2', 0.9894998669624329)], [[[203.0, 144.0], [376.0, 144.0], [376.0, 171.0], [203.0, 171.0]], ('tal yoursupport', 0.7347089052200317)], [[[80.0, 167.0], [220.0, 172.0], [219.0, 203.0], [79.0, 198.0]], ('STAFFLIZELLE', 0.9301005005836487)], [[[82.0, 195.0], [140.0, 197.0], [139.0, 215.0], [81.0, 213.0]], ('Table 26', 0.9372968673706055)], [[[238.0, 198.0], [333.0, 188.0], [335.0, 209.0], [240.0, 219.0]], ('urbi', 0.761109471321106)], [[[82.0, 212.0], [228.0, 219.0], [227.0, 236.0], [81.0, 229.0]], ('05 February 2017 15:45', 0.9221495985984802)], [[[268.0, 221.0], [369.0, 228.0], [367.0, 254.0], [266.0, 247.0]], ('husbeen', 0.9524639248847961)], [[[99.0, 245.0], [215.0, 252.0], [214.0, 269.0], [98.0, 262.0]], ('1 KOLA +LEMONADE', 0.9440211057662964)], [[[98.0, 262.0], [208.0, 268.0], [207.0, 285.0], [97.0, 279.0]], ('1 Cocktail Juice', 0.9249861240386963)], [[[305.0, 256.0], [351.0, 258.0], [350.0, 276.0], [304.0, 274.0]], ('R26.90', 0.9926041960716248)], [[[98.0, 278.0], [266.0, 287.0], [265.0, 305.0], [97.0, 296.0]], ('2 AL Forno Option @R19.90', 0.9267923831939697)], [[[250.0, 273.0], [304.0, 273.0], [304.0, 290.0], [250.0, 290.0]], ('orby', 0.9514333605766296)], [[[302.0, 274.0], [350.0, 276.0], [349.0, 293.0], [301.0, 291.0]], ('R20.90', 0.9737297892570496)], [[[98.0, 294.0], [216.0, 303.0], [215.0, 320.0], [97.0, 311.0]], ('1 Alfredo Deluxe', 0.9180675745010376)], [[[302.0, 290.0], [349.0, 292.0], [348.0, 310.0], [301.0, 308.0]], ('R39.80', 0.9919537901878357)], [[[97.0, 310.0], [155.0, 314.0], [154.0, 331.0], [96.0, 327.0]], ('1 EXHAM', 0.9183899760246277)], [[[216.0, 302.0], [350.0, 323.0], [346.0, 348.0], [212.0, 327.0]], ('UeownerR14.00', 0.7459841370582581)], [[[298.0, 308.0], [347.0, 308.0], [347.0, 326.0], [298.0, 326.0]], ('R96.90', 0.980954647064209)], [[[97.0, 326.0], [210.0, 333.0], [209.0, 350.0], [96.0, 343.0]], ('1 Chicken Alfredo', 0.9518843293190002)], [[[299.0, 338.0], [345.0, 341.0], [344.0, 358.0], [298.0, 355.0]], ('R89.90', 0.9828038811683655)], [[[147.0, 363.0], [343.0, 373.0], [342.0, 397.0], [146.0, 387.0]], ('TotahR288.40', 0.9810263514518738)], [[[64.0, 416.0], [297.0, 426.0], [296.0, 443.0], [63.0, 433.0]], ('R35.42 V.A.T Included @ 14%', 0.8901376128196716)], [[[60.0, 434.0], [219.0, 441.0], [218.0, 458.0], [59.0, 451.0]], ('R252.98 Tota1 Exc', 0.9103936553001404)], [[[126.0, 489.0], [192.0, 493.0], [191.0, 511.0], [125.0, 508.0]], ('Gratuity:', 0.9890608191490173)]] | {"store_name": "MIMMOS-GALLERIA", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "05February2017", "time": "15:45", "subtotal": "R252.98", "tax": "R35.42", "total": "R288.40", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChickenAlfredo", "item_value": "R89.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "EXHAM", "item_value": "R14.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AlfredoDeluxe", "item_value": "R96.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALFornoOption", "item_value": "R39.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CocktailJuice", "item_value": "R20.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KOLA+LEMONADE", "item_value": "R26.90", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[101.0, 35.0], [218.0, 35.0], [218.0, 56.0], [101.0, 56.0]], ("Willy McCoy's", 0.9060919880867004)], [[[107.0, 68.0], [214.0, 67.0], [214.0, 81.0], [107.0, 82.0]], ('10700 France Ave S', 0.9139367341995239)], [[[97.0, 82.0], [222.0, 81.0], [222.0, 98.0], [97.0, 99.0]], ('BloomingtonMN55431', 0.9241297841072083)], [[[37.0, 131.0], [107.0, 131.0], [107.0, 142.0], [37.0, 142.0]], ('GCK#803', 0.9614419937133789)], [[[134.0, 128.0], [219.0, 125.0], [219.0, 140.0], [135.0, 142.0]], ('Open:11:42AM', 0.8587803244590759)], [[[236.0, 126.0], [275.0, 126.0], [275.0, 140.0], [236.0, 140.0]], ('373324', 0.99754399061203)], [[[36.0, 144.0], [88.0, 144.0], [88.0, 158.0], [36.0, 158.0]], ('2Guests', 0.9672117829322815)], [[[106.0, 143.0], [232.0, 142.0], [232.0, 156.0], [106.0, 157.0]], ('ServerBrandon J', 0.9437359571456909)], [[[37.0, 172.0], [88.0, 172.0], [88.0, 186.0], [37.0, 186.0]], ('Iced Tea', 0.9671634435653687)], [[[250.0, 167.0], [282.0, 167.0], [282.0, 182.0], [250.0, 182.0]], ('$2.50', 0.9914067983627319)], [[[37.0, 186.0], [94.0, 186.0], [94.0, 200.0], [37.0, 200.0]], ('Diet Coke', 0.9490138292312622)], [[[250.0, 181.0], [283.0, 181.0], [283.0, 196.0], [250.0, 196.0]], ('$2.50', 0.9058758020401001)], [[[35.0, 200.0], [135.0, 198.0], [136.0, 214.0], [36.0, 216.0]], ('McCoys BLT Salad', 0.9422594308853149)], [[[244.0, 196.0], [284.0, 194.0], [285.0, 209.0], [244.0, 211.0]], ('6601$', 0.8281329870223999)], [[[37.0, 215.0], [71.0, 215.0], [71.0, 229.0], [37.0, 229.0]], ('Cuban', 0.9956285357475281)], [[[245.0, 210.0], [284.0, 208.0], [285.0, 223.0], [245.0, 225.0]], ('$11.99', 0.9927396178245544)], [[[39.0, 259.0], [66.0, 259.0], [66.0, 272.0], [39.0, 272.0]], ('Food', 0.9941741228103638)], [[[248.0, 251.0], [286.0, 251.0], [286.0, 266.0], [248.0, 266.0]], ('$27.98', 0.9938510060310364)], [[[39.0, 271.0], [62.0, 274.0], [60.0, 290.0], [37.0, 287.0]], ('Tax', 0.9820349216461182)], [[[254.0, 266.0], [287.0, 266.0], [287.0, 281.0], [254.0, 281.0]], ('$2.03', 0.9904459714889526)], [[[37.0, 302.0], [84.0, 298.0], [86.0, 320.0], [39.0, 324.0]], ('Total', 0.9808536767959595)], [[[232.0, 294.0], [287.0, 294.0], [287.0, 315.0], [232.0, 315.0]], ('$30.01', 0.9956364631652832)], [[[40.0, 358.0], [281.0, 352.0], [281.0, 370.0], [41.0, 375.0]], ('UOTE FOR US ON thecu23.con', 0.8367052674293518)], [[[107.0, 372.0], [226.0, 370.0], [226.0, 385.0], [108.0, 387.0]], ('or BEST PATIO', 0.8950764536857605)], [[[141.0, 404.0], [201.0, 404.0], [201.0, 418.0], [141.0, 418.0]], ('Thank You!', 0.9026447534561157)], [[[115.0, 433.0], [224.0, 433.0], [224.0, 447.0], [115.0, 447.0]], ('6/17/2016 12:16 PM', 0.9201689958572388)]] | {"store_name": "WillyMcCoy's", "store_addr": "10700FranceAveS Bloomington,MN55431", "telephone": "", "date": "6/17/2016", "time": "12:16PM", "subtotal": "$27.98", "tax": "$2.03", "total": "$30.01", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "IcedTea", "item_value": "$2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DietCoke", "item_value": "$2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "McCoysBLTSalad", "item_value": "$10.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Cuban", "item_value": "$11.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[66.0, 25.0], [112.0, 23.0], [113.0, 37.0], [67.0, 39.0]], ('4/21/2018', 0.9861299991607666)], [[[191.0, 23.0], [218.0, 26.0], [217.0, 40.0], [190.0, 37.0]], ('11:36', 0.8371258974075317)], [[[108.0, 48.0], [177.0, 48.0], [177.0, 58.0], [108.0, 58.0]], ('Lobby Gift Shop', 0.9435150027275085)], [[[66.0, 59.0], [133.0, 57.0], [134.0, 70.0], [67.0, 72.0]], ('Check3010261', 0.9605700373649597)], [[[68.0, 71.0], [133.0, 71.0], [133.0, 82.0], [68.0, 82.0]], ('Server:Steven', 0.9136056900024414)], [[[67.0, 82.0], [129.0, 79.0], [130.0, 93.0], [68.0, 96.0]], ('Terminal:301', 0.8763642311096191)], [[[68.0, 93.0], [98.0, 93.0], [98.0, 104.0], [68.0, 104.0]], ('RETAIL', 0.9876260161399841)], [[[126.0, 112.0], [157.0, 112.0], [157.0, 127.0], [126.0, 127.0]], ('Retatl', 0.8579216003417969)], [[[95.0, 124.0], [179.0, 122.0], [180.0, 137.0], [95.0, 138.0]], ('1P1ivr Hd S XL', 0.7769838571548462)], [[[195.0, 124.0], [220.0, 124.0], [220.0, 135.0], [195.0, 135.0]], ('48.95', 0.9827667474746704)], [[[106.0, 137.0], [153.0, 137.0], [153.0, 148.0], [106.0, 148.0]], ('2010300663', 0.9960399866104126)], [[[71.0, 149.0], [81.0, 149.0], [81.0, 158.0], [71.0, 158.0]], ('Ge', 0.71028071641922)], [[[105.0, 148.0], [157.0, 148.0], [157.0, 159.0], [105.0, 159.0]], ('Open Disc %', 0.7691106796264648)], [[[189.0, 145.0], [220.0, 142.0], [221.0, 157.0], [190.0, 160.0]], ('-12.24', 0.924159049987793)], [[[104.0, 157.0], [133.0, 157.0], [133.0, 171.0], [104.0, 171.0]], ('PROMO', 0.9559890627861023)], [[[105.0, 180.0], [157.0, 180.0], [157.0, 191.0], [105.0, 191.0]], ('Gross Sales', 0.959102988243103)], [[[181.0, 179.0], [206.0, 179.0], [206.0, 191.0], [181.0, 191.0]], ('48.95', 0.9721590876579285)], [[[113.0, 191.0], [153.0, 191.0], [153.0, 202.0], [113.0, 202.0]], ('Discount', 0.9748779535293579)], [[[175.0, 189.0], [205.0, 189.0], [205.0, 203.0], [175.0, 203.0]], ('12.24', 0.9811990857124329)], [[[114.0, 202.0], [153.0, 202.0], [153.0, 213.0], [114.0, 213.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9235533475875854)], [[[186.0, 201.0], [211.0, 201.0], [211.0, 213.0], [186.0, 213.0]], ('36.71', 0.9898731112480164)], [[[136.0, 213.0], [154.0, 213.0], [154.0, 225.0], [136.0, 225.0]], ('Tex', 0.5747237205505371)], [[[188.0, 212.0], [211.0, 212.0], [211.0, 224.0], [188.0, 224.0]], ('2.57', 0.9944426417350769)], [[[128.0, 224.0], [154.0, 224.0], [154.0, 235.0], [128.0, 235.0]], ('Total', 0.9311845898628235)], [[[186.0, 223.0], [213.0, 223.0], [213.0, 236.0], [186.0, 236.0]], ('39.28', 0.9839279055595398)], [[[69.0, 258.0], [93.0, 258.0], [93.0, 269.0], [69.0, 269.0]], ('Cash', 0.9925633072853088)], [[[197.0, 256.0], [223.0, 256.0], [223.0, 267.0], [197.0, 267.0]], ('40.00', 0.9914668798446655)], [[[70.0, 268.0], [100.0, 270.0], [99.0, 283.0], [69.0, 280.0]], ('Change', 0.9955201148986816)], [[[196.0, 267.0], [219.0, 267.0], [219.0, 279.0], [196.0, 279.0]], ('0.72', 0.986604630947113)], [[[102.0, 291.0], [152.0, 291.0], [152.0, 302.0], [102.0, 302.0]], ('GRAND TOTAL', 0.9196024537086487)], [[[191.0, 289.0], [220.0, 289.0], [220.0, 303.0], [191.0, 303.0]], ('39.28', 0.9488986730575562)], [[[81.0, 313.0], [207.0, 313.0], [207.0, 326.0], [81.0, 326.0]], ('Recefve a free gift with a', 0.9125176072120667)], [[[73.0, 324.0], [219.0, 323.0], [219.0, 337.0], [73.0, 339.0]], ('$50 purchase on your next vis1l', 0.906678318977356)], [[[78.0, 336.0], [214.0, 336.0], [214.0, 350.0], [78.0, 350.0]], ('to our Margar itaville Stores!', 0.9154958724975586)], [[[132.0, 383.0], [186.0, 382.0], [186.0, 393.0], [133.0, 394.0]], ('2010300663', 0.9966602325439453)]] | {"store_name": "LobbyGiftshop", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "4/21/2018 Check:3010261 Server:Steven Terminal:301 RETAIL", "time": "11:36", "subtotal": "36.71", "tax": "2.57", "total": "39.28 39.28", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PllvrHdSXLWH", "item_value": "48.95", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[76.0, 0.0], [157.0, 0.0], [157.0, 29.0], [75.0, 26.0]], ('CB13', 0.9963093996047974)], [[[63.0, 24.0], [167.0, 26.0], [167.0, 43.0], [62.0, 41.0]], ('Service en salle', 0.9600974321365356)], [[[100.0, 44.0], [128.0, 46.0], [127.0, 58.0], [99.0, 55.0]], ('Terrasse', 0.8736885190010071)], [[[104.0, 40.0], [128.0, 40.0], [128.0, 49.0], [104.0, 49.0]], ('Salle2', 0.9451005458831787)], [[[79.0, 84.0], [142.0, 88.0], [141.0, 98.0], [78.0, 94.0]], ('', 0.7191861271858215)], [[[37.0, 138.0], [77.0, 142.0], [77.0, 153.0], [36.0, 149.0]], ('ote Produit', 0.7688922882080078)], [[[44.0, 149.0], [99.0, 149.0], [99.0, 159.0], [44.0, 159.0]], ('1 Dhjcken Caesar', 0.8178883790969849)], [[[51.0, 154.0], [94.0, 157.0], [93.0, 168.0], [50.0, 165.0]], ('Soe.Caeser', 0.6973301768302917)], [[[50.0, 168.0], [102.0, 170.0], [101.0, 184.0], [50.0, 181.0]], ('Sce.Matton', 0.6968849897384644)], [[[114.0, 165.0], [139.0, 165.0], [139.0, 177.0], [114.0, 177.0]], ('6,90', 0.817355215549469)], [[[137.0, 162.0], [163.0, 166.0], [161.0, 180.0], [135.0, 177.0]], ('6,90', 0.8814949989318848)], [[[39.0, 175.0], [90.0, 180.0], [89.0, 194.0], [38.0, 189.0]], ('I MognFrite', 0.5634804964065552)], [[[114.0, 181.0], [133.0, 181.0], [133.0, 192.0], [114.0, 192.0]], ('2,50', 0.9057050943374634)], [[[141.0, 182.0], [159.0, 182.0], [159.0, 193.0], [141.0, 193.0]], ('2,50', 0.9106128215789795)], [[[76.0, 210.0], [174.0, 213.0], [174.0, 226.0], [76.0, 223.0]], ('Tota cde16.30R', 0.8423622846603394)], [[[79.0, 219.0], [175.0, 223.0], [174.0, 236.0], [79.0, 231.0]], ('dont TVA 10.001.48 EUR', 0.8389366269111633)]] | {"store_name": "CB13", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "08/07/2017", "time": "14:41:44", "subtotal": "16.30EUR", "tax": "1.48EUR", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MoyenFrite", "item_value": "6,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ScePommeFrite.", "item_value": "6,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "2,50", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[71.0, 33.0], [298.0, 36.0], [297.0, 53.0], [71.0, 50.0]], ('H20 HAND CARWASH &DETAIL', 0.9448258280754089)], [[[144.0, 55.0], [236.0, 55.0], [236.0, 69.0], [144.0, 69.0]], ('SLAUGHTER', 0.9963005781173706)], [[[116.0, 71.0], [264.0, 70.0], [264.0, 84.0], [116.0, 85.0]], ('505 W SLAUGHTER LANE', 0.9313918948173523)], [[[137.0, 87.0], [247.0, 84.0], [247.0, 99.0], [138.0, 102.0]], ('AUSTIN,TX78764', 0.9361889958381653)], [[[154.0, 102.0], [232.0, 100.0], [232.0, 114.0], [154.0, 116.0]], ('5122926503', 0.9930515289306641)], [[[54.0, 116.0], [225.0, 114.0], [225.0, 130.0], [54.0, 133.0]], ('CashierJASON MARSHALL', 0.9799818396568298)], [[[54.0, 133.0], [195.0, 129.0], [195.0, 146.0], [55.0, 149.0]], ('23-Apr-20182:51:35P', 0.9491201639175415)], [[[55.0, 156.0], [182.0, 151.0], [183.0, 168.0], [56.0, 173.0]], ('Transaction 000099', 0.9697701334953308)], [[[295.0, 178.0], [329.0, 176.0], [331.0, 191.0], [296.0, 194.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9955437779426575)], [[[81.0, 189.0], [178.0, 184.0], [179.0, 198.0], [82.0, 203.0]], ('Executive Wash', 0.9736537933349609)], [[[154.0, 201.0], [331.0, 192.0], [331.0, 207.0], [155.0, 217.0]], ('Cars and Small Trucks $30.00', 0.9504245519638062)], [[[220.0, 215.0], [332.0, 208.0], [332.0, 222.0], [221.0, 229.0]], ('BasicDress$10.00', 0.9870023727416992)], [[[292.0, 240.0], [335.0, 236.0], [337.0, 254.0], [294.0, 257.0]], ('$45.00', 0.9951310157775879)], [[[55.0, 256.0], [203.0, 247.0], [204.0, 264.0], [56.0, 273.0]], ('1Hand Wash &Wax', 0.9501720666885376)], [[[293.0, 273.0], [337.0, 266.0], [339.0, 284.0], [296.0, 290.0]], ('$85.00', 0.9929330348968506)], [[[56.0, 291.0], [94.0, 288.0], [95.0, 307.0], [57.0, 310.0]], ('Total', 0.9984169006347656)], [[[296.0, 295.0], [338.0, 290.0], [340.0, 308.0], [298.0, 313.0]], ('$85.00', 0.9970418810844421)], [[[58.0, 319.0], [190.0, 307.0], [191.0, 324.0], [59.0, 336.0]], ('CREDIT CARD SALE', 0.9607454538345337)], [[[58.0, 336.0], [132.0, 330.0], [133.0, 347.0], [59.0, 347.0]], ('VISA1483', 0.9762780666351318)]] | {"store_name": "H20HANDCARWASH&DETAIL SLAUGHTER", "store_addr": "505WSLAUGHTERLANE AUSTIN,TX78764", "telephone": "5122926503", "date": "23-Apr-2018", "time": "2:51:35p", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$85.00 $85.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ExecutiveWash", "item_value": "$0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CarsandSmallTrucks", "item_value": "$30.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BasicDress", "item_value": "$10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HandWash&Wax", "item_value": "$45.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[78.0, 26.0], [202.0, 28.0], [202.0, 42.0], [78.0, 40.0]], ('We lcose To The Grand Wok', 0.8587552905082703)], [[[79.0, 35.0], [199.0, 38.0], [199.0, 51.0], [79.0, 48.0]], ('At the MGM GRAND HoteT', 0.8757177591323853)], [[[58.0, 48.0], [101.0, 48.0], [101.0, 59.0], [58.0, 59.0]], ('8/4/2016', 0.9932142496109009)], [[[201.0, 48.0], [229.0, 48.0], [229.0, 59.0], [201.0, 59.0]], ('21:11', 0.9433677792549133)], [[[53.0, 77.0], [94.0, 80.0], [94.0, 94.0], [53.0, 91.0]], ('Check:', 0.9713992476463318)], [[[116.0, 68.0], [168.0, 66.0], [168.0, 80.0], [117.0, 83.0]], ('Grand ok', 0.9159817695617676)], [[[89.0, 80.0], [137.0, 80.0], [137.0, 91.0], [89.0, 91.0]], ('3961226', 0.9906657934188843)], [[[160.0, 78.0], [215.0, 78.0], [215.0, 89.0], [160.0, 89.0]], ('Table:16A', 0.9172709584236145)], [[[52.0, 89.0], [149.0, 90.0], [149.0, 105.0], [52.0, 103.0]], ('Server:Genevieve', 0.9591603875160217)], [[[158.0, 89.0], [213.0, 89.0], [213.0, 103.0], [158.0, 103.0]], ('Guests:3', 0.8969378471374512)], [[[53.0, 103.0], [127.0, 103.0], [127.0, 116.0], [53.0, 116.0]], ('Terminal:343', 0.9310092926025391)], [[[106.0, 125.0], [179.0, 125.0], [179.0, 139.0], [106.0, 139.0]], ('Regular Check', 0.9832305312156677)], [[[84.0, 137.0], [158.0, 137.0], [158.0, 151.0], [84.0, 151.0]], ('1Nevada Ro11', 0.9554595947265625)], [[[205.0, 136.0], [236.0, 136.0], [236.0, 150.0], [205.0, 150.0]], ('11.00', 0.995386004447937)], [[[83.0, 148.0], [162.0, 149.0], [162.0, 163.0], [83.0, 162.0]], ('1 Rainbow Ro11', 0.8824438452720642)], [[[205.0, 149.0], [237.0, 149.0], [237.0, 163.0], [205.0, 163.0]], ('17.00', 0.9937095642089844)], [[[82.0, 162.0], [175.0, 162.0], [175.0, 175.0], [82.0, 175.0]], ('1 Potstkr PanFrd', 0.9309588074684143)], [[[206.0, 161.0], [238.0, 161.0], [238.0, 175.0], [206.0, 175.0]], ('12.00', 0.9968184232711792)], [[[92.0, 174.0], [132.0, 174.0], [132.0, 188.0], [92.0, 188.0]], ('Pork P', 0.9079198837280273)], [[[80.0, 186.0], [175.0, 187.0], [175.0, 201.0], [80.0, 200.0]], ('1S&P Calanari', 0.9298467636108398)], [[[207.0, 187.0], [239.0, 187.0], [239.0, 201.0], [207.0, 201.0]], ('14.00', 0.997125506401062)], [[[79.0, 199.0], [130.0, 201.0], [129.0, 215.0], [79.0, 213.0]], ('1 Corona', 0.9484810829162598)], [[[211.0, 200.0], [240.0, 200.0], [240.0, 214.0], [211.0, 214.0]], ('8.00', 0.995305061340332)], [[[79.0, 214.0], [187.0, 214.0], [187.0, 227.0], [79.0, 227.0]], ('1 Cant RoastedDuck', 0.9586198329925537)], [[[208.0, 214.0], [241.0, 214.0], [241.0, 228.0], [208.0, 228.0]], ('27.00', 0.9971968531608582)], [[[90.0, 227.0], [151.0, 227.0], [151.0, 241.0], [90.0, 241.0]], ('USA[5.00]', 0.9577557444572449)], [[[77.0, 241.0], [152.0, 241.0], [152.0, 255.0], [77.0, 255.0]], ('1 Fried Rice', 0.954007625579834)], [[[209.0, 240.0], [244.0, 240.0], [244.0, 255.0], [209.0, 255.0]], ('23.00', 0.9953133463859558)], [[[88.0, 256.0], [238.0, 256.0], [238.0, 270.0], [88.0, 270.0]], ('$Gar1ic Shrimp P [23.00]', 0.9209768176078796)], [[[75.0, 269.0], [189.0, 269.0], [189.0, 283.0], [75.0, 283.0]], ('1 Malaysian Noodle', 0.9248059391975403)], [[[211.0, 270.0], [246.0, 270.0], [246.0, 284.0], [211.0, 284.0]], ('21.00', 0.9890286326408386)], [[[74.0, 284.0], [178.0, 286.0], [177.0, 300.0], [74.0, 298.0]], ('1 Orange Chicken', 0.9328193068504333)], [[[212.0, 285.0], [247.0, 285.0], [247.0, 300.0], [212.0, 300.0]], ('21.00', 0.9958314895629883)], [[[98.0, 315.0], [153.0, 315.0], [153.0, 332.0], [98.0, 332.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9897294640541077)], [[[196.0, 315.0], [236.0, 315.0], [236.0, 330.0], [196.0, 330.0]], ('154.00', 0.9945449233055115)], [[[131.0, 332.0], [154.0, 332.0], [154.0, 349.0], [131.0, 349.0]], ('Tax', 0.9959533214569092)], [[[202.0, 330.0], [238.0, 330.0], [238.0, 349.0], [202.0, 349.0]], ('12.55', 0.9923287630081177)], [[[116.0, 349.0], [153.0, 349.0], [153.0, 367.0], [116.0, 367.0]], ('Total', 0.9952262043952942)], [[[196.0, 348.0], [239.0, 348.0], [239.0, 366.0], [196.0, 366.0]], ('166.55', 0.9939000010490417)], [[[24.0, 402.0], [84.0, 402.0], [84.0, 419.0], [24.0, 419.0]], ('GRATUITY', 0.9949002265930176)], [[[136.0, 402.0], [147.0, 402.0], [147.0, 419.0], [136.0, 419.0]], ('S', 0.522695004940033)]] | {"store_name": "Welcometothegrandwok", "store_addr": "AttheMGMGRANDHotel", "telephone": "", "date": "8/4/2016", "time": "21:11", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "OrangeChicken", "item_value": "11.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MalaysianNoodle", "item_value": "17.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "$GarlicShrimpP", "item_value": "12.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FriedRice", "item_value": "14.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CantRoastedDuck", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Corona", "item_value": "27.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "S&PCalamari", "item_value": "23.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Porkp", "item_value": "21.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PotstkrPanFrd", "item_value": "21.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RainbowRoll", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NevadaRoll", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[268.0, 197.0], [425.0, 186.0], [427.0, 205.0], [269.0, 216.0]], ("PJ'S PET EXPRESS", 0.9103343486785889)], [[[248.0, 220.0], [476.0, 203.0], [478.0, 224.0], [249.0, 242.0]], ('3737 Major Mackenzie Dr', 0.94222092628479)], [[[287.0, 241.0], [388.0, 230.0], [391.0, 252.0], [289.0, 263.0]], ('VAUGHAN ON', 0.9649788737297058)], [[[297.0, 262.0], [369.0, 254.0], [371.0, 276.0], [299.0, 284.0]], ('L4HOA2', 0.913228452205658)], [[[277.0, 287.0], [398.0, 275.0], [400.0, 297.0], [280.0, 309.0]], ('9053036621', 0.9966722726821899)], [[[162.0, 448.0], [449.0, 440.0], [450.0, 469.0], [162.0, 476.0]], ('EUKANUBA SM BREED ADULT 16LB', 0.9393763542175293)], [[[172.0, 477.0], [348.0, 468.0], [349.0, 490.0], [173.0, 499.0]], ('ITEM CODE:PG50014', 0.9227855205535889)], [[[456.0, 473.0], [557.0, 473.0], [557.0, 495.0], [456.0, 495.0]], ('$49.99HST', 0.9789751768112183)], [[[172.0, 504.0], [306.0, 495.0], [307.0, 517.0], [174.0, 525.0]], ('Item Discount', 0.9640700817108154)], [[[446.0, 498.0], [518.0, 498.0], [518.0, 520.0], [446.0, 520.0]], ('-$45.00', 0.9808434844017029)], [[[160.0, 528.0], [265.0, 521.0], [267.0, 546.0], [162.0, 553.0]], ('expiring', 0.9940649271011353)], [[[153.0, 575.0], [253.0, 573.0], [254.0, 598.0], [154.0, 600.0]], ('Net Sales', 0.9493923187255859)], [[[461.0, 570.0], [513.0, 567.0], [514.0, 591.0], [462.0, 594.0]], ('$4.99', 0.9725983738899231)], [[[151.0, 602.0], [189.0, 602.0], [189.0, 627.0], [151.0, 627.0]], ('HST', 0.9968490600585938)], [[[462.0, 595.0], [511.0, 591.0], [513.0, 615.0], [464.0, 619.0]], ('$0.65', 0.9903855323791504)], [[[151.0, 629.0], [275.0, 625.0], [276.0, 650.0], [152.0, 654.0]], ('TOTAL SALES', 0.9764347076416016)], [[[462.0, 620.0], [512.0, 616.0], [514.0, 640.0], [464.0, 644.0]], ('$5.64', 0.9786332249641418)], [[[461.0, 670.0], [513.0, 666.0], [515.0, 690.0], [463.0, 694.0]], ('$5.64', 0.9897140264511108)], [[[150.0, 684.0], [252.0, 680.0], [253.0, 705.0], [151.0, 709.0]], ('SUB TOTAL', 0.9482299089431763)], [[[452.0, 696.0], [512.0, 691.0], [514.0, 715.0], [454.0, 720.0]], ('$10.00', 0.990786612033844)], [[[150.0, 710.0], [200.0, 710.0], [200.0, 738.0], [150.0, 738.0]], ('Cash', 0.9970967769622803)], [[[460.0, 722.0], [512.0, 716.0], [514.0, 740.0], [463.0, 746.0]], ('$4.36', 0.9909294247627258)], [[[151.0, 741.0], [219.0, 741.0], [219.0, 764.0], [151.0, 764.0]], ('Change', 0.9979248046875)], [[[502.0, 769.0], [517.0, 769.0], [517.0, 791.0], [502.0, 791.0]], ('1', 0.9784140586853027)], [[[151.0, 795.0], [264.0, 787.0], [266.0, 812.0], [153.0, 820.0]], ('Item count', 0.9678951501846313)], [[[453.0, 796.0], [517.0, 791.0], [520.0, 817.0], [455.0, 823.0]], ('$45.00', 0.980071485042572)], [[[150.0, 822.0], [370.0, 808.0], [371.0, 832.0], [151.0, 846.0]], ('Manual item discount', 0.9586070775985718)], [[[454.0, 824.0], [519.0, 818.0], [522.0, 844.0], [456.0, 850.0]], ('$45.00', 0.9949147701263428)], [[[151.0, 851.0], [286.0, 838.0], [288.0, 863.0], [153.0, 876.0]], ('TOTAL SAVING', 0.9548754692077637)], [[[293.0, 868.0], [441.0, 853.0], [443.0, 875.0], [296.0, 890.0]], ('GST#887262277', 0.9909964203834534)], [[[152.0, 908.0], [561.0, 869.0], [563.0, 893.0], [154.0, 932.0]], ('Weekly deals for news letter subscribers', 0.9480802416801453)], [[[219.0, 931.0], [485.0, 904.0], [488.0, 928.0], [221.0, 955.0]], ('Sign up at', 0.9477009773254395)], [[[307.0, 974.0], [562.0, 950.0], [564.0, 975.0], [310.0, 999.0]], ("re for Canada's Best Pet", 0.937764585018158)], [[[509.0, 979.0], [573.0, 979.0], [573.0, 998.0], [509.0, 998.0]], ('1ERFE', 0.7992197871208191)]] | {"store_name": "PJ'SPETEXPRESS", "store_addr": "3737MajorMackenzieDr VAUGHANON L4HOA2", "telephone": "9053036621", "date": "02/08/2016", "time": "15:59", "subtotal": "$4.99 $5.64", "tax": "$0.65", "total": "$5.64", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "EUKANUBASMBREEDADULT16LB", "item_value": "$49.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[331.0, 58.0], [424.0, 63.0], [423.0, 89.0], [330.0, 84.0]], ('BEST BUY 994', 0.8968598246574402)], [[[281.0, 106.0], [466.0, 117.0], [465.0, 135.0], [280.0, 124.0]], ('8133 Ontario st Vancouver', 0.9185241460800171)], [[[313.0, 179.0], [433.0, 186.0], [432.0, 203.0], [312.0, 197.0]], ('Keep your receipt', 0.949527382850647)], [[[221.0, 247.0], [400.0, 258.0], [399.0, 275.0], [220.0, 264.0]], ('Val 1091-8808-6551-4411', 0.9413646459579468)], [[[220.0, 276.0], [374.0, 286.0], [373.0, 300.0], [219.0, 290.0]], ('0994042721208/20/16', 0.9850680828094482)], [[[401.0, 287.0], [440.0, 290.0], [439.0, 306.0], [400.0, 303.0]], ('13:06', 0.893964946269989)], [[[455.0, 292.0], [493.0, 292.0], [493.0, 307.0], [455.0, 307.0]], ('TL8R', 0.954673171043396)], [[[330.0, 309.0], [396.0, 314.0], [394.0, 329.0], [329.0, 325.0]], ('SALES', 0.99736088514328)], [[[221.0, 331.0], [341.0, 338.0], [340.0, 352.0], [220.0, 346.0]], ('10372412 NC1102EF', 0.9436875581741333)], [[[232.0, 347.0], [303.0, 349.0], [302.0, 364.0], [231.0, 361.0]], ('NEST CAM', 0.9369713068008423)], [[[445.0, 343.0], [491.0, 343.0], [491.0, 358.0], [445.0, 358.0]], ('249.99', 0.9785932898521423)], [[[220.0, 358.0], [362.0, 366.0], [362.0, 380.0], [219.0, 373.0]], ('10146797BC EHF HOME', 0.9490082263946533)], [[[232.0, 373.0], [336.0, 378.0], [335.0, 393.0], [231.0, 387.0]], ('BC EHF HOME A/V', 0.9474660754203796)], [[[457.0, 369.0], [489.0, 369.0], [489.0, 385.0], [457.0, 385.0]], ('2.50', 0.9946409463882446)], [[[357.0, 404.0], [411.0, 406.0], [411.0, 422.0], [357.0, 420.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9950641989707947)], [[[442.0, 407.0], [487.0, 407.0], [487.0, 423.0], [442.0, 423.0]], ('252.49', 0.9861937165260315)], [[[370.0, 420.0], [412.0, 420.0], [412.0, 434.0], [370.0, 434.0]], ('GST CA', 0.9241651892662048)], [[[446.0, 422.0], [486.0, 422.0], [486.0, 438.0], [446.0, 438.0]], ('12.62', 0.9935542345046997)], [[[369.0, 433.0], [411.0, 433.0], [411.0, 448.0], [369.0, 448.0]], ('PST EC', 0.8985645771026611)], [[[449.0, 433.0], [485.0, 437.0], [483.0, 453.0], [447.0, 448.0]], ('17.67', 0.9836912155151367)], [[[375.0, 457.0], [410.0, 460.0], [408.0, 475.0], [374.0, 473.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9971176385879517)], [[[440.0, 459.0], [484.0, 462.0], [483.0, 477.0], [439.0, 475.0]], ('282.78', 0.9887362122535706)], [[[216.0, 478.0], [369.0, 483.0], [368.0, 498.0], [215.0, 493.0]], ('Transaction Record SALE', 0.952063262462616)], [[[215.0, 492.0], [369.0, 496.0], [368.0, 511.0], [215.0, 506.0]], ('xxxxxxxx1016CAMEX', 0.7299857139587402)], [[[216.0, 504.0], [321.0, 507.0], [320.0, 522.0], [215.0, 519.0]], ('Approved 800778', 0.9218834638595581)], [[[434.0, 500.0], [482.0, 500.0], [482.0, 515.0], [434.0, 515.0]], ('282.78', 0.9874992966651917)], [[[216.0, 515.0], [323.0, 520.0], [322.0, 535.0], [215.0, 530.0]], ('TERM:0994042 E', 0.8876240849494934)], [[[214.0, 530.0], [322.0, 532.0], [322.0, 547.0], [214.0, 545.0]], ('SEQ NO99442212', 0.9628344178199768)], [[[213.0, 544.0], [316.0, 545.0], [316.0, 559.0], [213.0, 558.0]], ('ACI/ISO 000/000', 0.9215821623802185)], [[[214.0, 557.0], [334.0, 558.0], [333.0, 572.0], [214.0, 571.0]], ('8/20/2016 13:06:15', 0.9300635457038879)], [[[212.0, 570.0], [352.0, 571.0], [351.0, 585.0], [212.0, 584.0]], ('AID:A000000025010801', 0.961644172668457)], [[[211.0, 582.0], [354.0, 583.0], [354.0, 598.0], [211.0, 597.0]], ('APN: AMERICAN EXPRESS', 0.9270824193954468)], [[[211.0, 597.0], [308.0, 597.0], [308.0, 610.0], [211.0, 610.0]], ('TVR 0000008000', 0.9693248867988586)], [[[210.0, 610.0], [268.0, 607.0], [269.0, 622.0], [210.0, 624.0]], ('TSI0340', 0.9831812977790833)], [[[209.0, 623.0], [351.0, 622.0], [352.0, 636.0], [209.0, 638.0]], ('NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED', 0.9564717411994934)], [[[208.0, 664.0], [344.0, 660.0], [344.0, 675.0], [208.0, 678.0]], ('GST Reg.#R135664738', 0.9455044269561768)], [[[265.0, 744.0], [431.0, 747.0], [430.0, 762.0], [265.0, 758.0]], ('in-store within 20 nins', 0.8689106702804565)], [[[277.0, 785.0], [418.0, 790.0], [417.0, 804.0], [277.0, 800.0]], ('0994042 7212082016', 0.970386266708374)], [[[227.0, 845.0], [444.0, 842.0], [444.0, 859.0], [227.0, 863.0]], ('WIN A $1OOO BEST BUY GIFT CARD', 0.8600475788116455)], [[[218.0, 876.0], [461.0, 869.0], [462.0, 886.0], [219.0, 894.0]], ('NEXT 30 DAYS AND BE ENTERED TO WIN', 0.9041973948478699)], [[[214.0, 894.0], [461.0, 883.0], [462.0, 898.0], [215.0, 909.0]], ('To enter and for full contest rules', 0.9180693626403809)], [[[218.0, 910.0], [466.0, 898.0], [467.0, 912.0], [219.0, 924.0]], ('9o to and', 0.9335699677467346)], [[[254.0, 923.0], [425.0, 914.0], [425.0, 929.0], [255.0, 938.0]], ('use the following codes', 0.9532024264335632)], [[[269.0, 952.0], [330.0, 950.0], [331.0, 966.0], [270.0, 969.0]], ('Group A', 0.9402657151222229)], [[[346.0, 947.0], [393.0, 947.0], [393.0, 962.0], [346.0, 962.0]], ('290427', 0.994443953037262)], [[[269.0, 970.0], [330.0, 966.0], [331.0, 982.0], [270.0, 986.0]], ('Group B', 0.9297838807106018)], [[[348.0, 964.0], [380.0, 964.0], [380.0, 978.0], [348.0, 978.0]], ('9212', 0.9981892704963684)], [[[268.0, 984.0], [331.0, 980.0], [332.0, 998.0], [269.0, 999.0]], ('Group C:', 0.8698376417160034)], [[[347.0, 979.0], [436.0, 973.0], [437.0, 990.0], [348.0, 996.0]], ('0481668RTL00', 0.9596223831176758)]] | {"store_name": "BESTBUY#994", "store_addr": "8133Ontariost,Vancouver", "telephone": "604-326-3350", "date": "8/20/2016 8/20/16", "time": "13:06:15 13:06", "subtotal": "252.49", "tax": "17.67 12.62", "total": "282.78 282.78", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BCEHFHOMEA/V", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NESTCAM", "item_value": "249.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[147.0, 22.0], [347.0, 22.0], [347.0, 36.0], [147.0, 36.0]], ('IN-N-OUT BURGER SANTA CLARA', 0.9476482272148132)], [[[168.0, 59.0], [326.0, 59.0], [326.0, 73.0], [168.0, 73.0]], ('SANTA CLARA.CA.95054', 0.9173595309257507)], [[[199.0, 76.0], [296.0, 76.0], [296.0, 94.0], [199.0, 94.0]], ('800786-1000', 0.990731418132782)], [[[205.0, 96.0], [289.0, 96.0], [289.0, 113.0], [205.0, 113.0]], ('Store #176', 0.9336379766464233)], [[[211.0, 112.0], [290.0, 114.0], [289.0, 132.0], [211.0, 130.0]], ('2015-01-16', 0.9937001466751099)], [[[161.0, 169.0], [324.0, 169.0], [324.0, 186.0], [161.0, 186.0]], ('CREDIT SALE', 0.9545993208885193)], [[[123.0, 223.0], [148.0, 223.0], [148.0, 240.0], [123.0, 240.0]], ('CHB', 0.9963243007659912)], [[[367.0, 222.0], [402.0, 222.0], [402.0, 242.0], [367.0, 242.0]], ('2.45', 0.9932501912117004)], [[[122.0, 242.0], [192.0, 242.0], [192.0, 259.0], [122.0, 259.0]], ('>Animal', 0.8715431094169617)], [[[123.0, 260.0], [141.0, 260.0], [141.0, 277.0], [123.0, 277.0]], ('FF', 0.9959625005722046)], [[[368.0, 258.0], [402.0, 255.0], [404.0, 275.0], [369.0, 278.0]], ('1.60', 0.9917117357254028)], [[[100.0, 294.0], [194.0, 296.0], [193.0, 314.0], [100.0, 312.0]], ('Drive-Eat In', 0.9641419053077698)], [[[369.0, 295.0], [404.0, 295.0], [404.0, 313.0], [369.0, 313.0]], ('4.05', 0.9958242177963257)], [[[103.0, 313.0], [171.0, 313.0], [171.0, 330.0], [103.0, 330.0]], ('TAX8.75%', 0.9876581430435181)], [[[380.0, 313.0], [403.0, 313.0], [403.0, 330.0], [380.0, 330.0]], ('.35', 0.9915988445281982)], [[[104.0, 334.0], [178.0, 334.0], [178.0, 348.0], [104.0, 348.0]], ('Amount Due', 0.9644721746444702)], [[[361.0, 331.0], [403.0, 331.0], [403.0, 349.0], [361.0, 349.0]], ('$4.40', 0.9962158203125)], [[[149.0, 384.0], [337.0, 384.0], [337.0, 401.0], [149.0, 401.0]], ('CHARGE DETAIL', 0.9654107689857483)], [[[105.0, 423.0], [144.0, 423.0], [144.0, 438.0], [105.0, 438.0]], ('Name:', 0.9879007339477539)], [[[103.0, 440.0], [197.0, 438.0], [198.0, 455.0], [103.0, 457.0]], ('Card Type:', 0.9162394404411316)], [[[191.0, 440.0], [312.0, 440.0], [312.0, 454.0], [191.0, 454.0]], ('Amer ican Express', 0.9538041353225708)], [[[104.0, 458.0], [170.0, 456.0], [171.0, 473.0], [104.0, 475.0]], ('Account:', 0.9403196573257446)], [[[192.0, 457.0], [276.0, 456.0], [276.0, 470.0], [192.0, 471.0]], ('***********', 0.923225462436676)], [[[307.0, 458.0], [318.0, 456.0], [320.0, 469.0], [309.0, 470.0]], ('S', 0.9080181121826172)], [[[104.0, 476.0], [197.0, 473.0], [198.0, 490.0], [104.0, 493.0]], ('Auth Code', 0.9637086391448975)], [[[191.0, 474.0], [239.0, 474.0], [239.0, 489.0], [191.0, 489.0]], ('588484', 0.9950897693634033)], [[[104.0, 494.0], [167.0, 492.0], [168.0, 509.0], [104.0, 511.0]], ('Trans #', 0.9310063719749451)], [[[194.0, 492.0], [225.0, 492.0], [225.0, 507.0], [194.0, 507.0]], ('4408', 0.9988929629325867)], [[[106.0, 528.0], [236.0, 526.0], [236.0, 543.0], [106.0, 545.0]], ('AUTH AMT:', 0.9081271290779114)], [[[326.0, 526.0], [398.0, 526.0], [398.0, 543.0], [326.0, 543.0]], ('$4.40', 0.9865301847457886)], [[[107.0, 580.0], [183.0, 580.0], [183.0, 597.0], [107.0, 597.0]], ('2015-01-16', 0.9915256500244141)], [[[229.0, 579.0], [270.0, 579.0], [270.0, 598.0], [229.0, 598.0]], ('L1 T6', 0.8876805305480957)], [[[346.0, 579.0], [368.0, 579.0], [368.0, 596.0], [346.0, 596.0]], ('8:', 0.8579660654067993)], [[[151.0, 616.0], [339.0, 613.0], [339.0, 630.0], [151.0, 633.0]], ('CUSTOMER COPY', 0.9705073237419128)]] | {"store_name": "IN-N-OUTBURGERSANTACLARA", "store_addr": "3001MISSIONCOLLEGE SANTACLARA,CA95054", "telephone": "(800)786-1000", "date": "2015-01-16 2015-01-16", "time": "", "subtotal": "4.05", "tax": ".35", "total": "$4.40", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHB", "item_value": "2.45", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": ">Animal", "item_value": "1.60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FF", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[111.0, 33.0], [292.0, 40.0], [291.0, 61.0], [110.0, 53.0]], ('The Real Pizza Company', 0.9124640822410583)], [[[119.0, 55.0], [285.0, 62.0], [284.0, 81.0], [118.0, 74.0]], ('91-95 Clerkenwe11 Rd', 0.9485577344894409)], [[[135.0, 76.0], [268.0, 82.0], [268.0, 102.0], [134.0, 96.0]], ('London,EC1R 5BX', 0.9293617606163025)], [[[72.0, 93.0], [149.0, 97.0], [148.0, 119.0], [71.0, 115.0]], ('12/3/2015', 0.9980543851852417)], [[[294.0, 101.0], [338.0, 101.0], [338.0, 124.0], [294.0, 124.0]], ('13:11', 0.963546872138977)], [[[120.0, 135.0], [279.0, 141.0], [279.0, 161.0], [119.0, 155.0]], ('Real Man Pizza Compa', 0.9527819752693176)], [[[74.0, 156.0], [194.0, 159.0], [194.0, 177.0], [73.0, 174.0]], ('Check:1021845', 0.9668919444084167)], [[[229.0, 159.0], [302.0, 161.0], [301.0, 179.0], [229.0, 177.0]], ('Table:10', 0.9423073530197144)], [[[74.0, 175.0], [192.0, 177.0], [192.0, 195.0], [73.0, 193.0]], ('Server: Maribe1', 0.904954731464386)], [[[230.0, 176.0], [301.0, 181.0], [300.0, 199.0], [229.0, 195.0]], ('Guests:1', 0.9637396335601807)], [[[75.0, 195.0], [164.0, 195.0], [164.0, 212.0], [75.0, 212.0]], ('Terminal:1', 0.9613029360771179)], [[[152.0, 229.0], [252.0, 233.0], [252.0, 251.0], [151.0, 247.0]], ('Regular Check', 0.9772265553474426)], [[[122.0, 245.0], [237.0, 251.0], [236.0, 270.0], [121.0, 263.0]], ('1 Coca Cola Reg', 0.9408816695213318)], [[[291.0, 252.0], [328.0, 255.0], [326.0, 274.0], [290.0, 271.0]], ('2.25', 0.9920472502708435)], [[[123.0, 264.0], [230.0, 268.0], [230.0, 285.0], [122.0, 281.0]], ('1 Thai Chicken', 0.9453192949295044)], [[[287.0, 270.0], [327.0, 274.0], [325.0, 293.0], [285.0, 289.0]], ('12.95', 0.9955441355705261)], [[[124.0, 281.0], [236.0, 288.0], [235.0, 305.0], [123.0, 298.0]], ('1 Filter Coffee', 0.9150084853172302)], [[[290.0, 290.0], [325.0, 290.0], [325.0, 309.0], [290.0, 309.0]], ('2.95', 0.9970250725746155)], [[[139.0, 314.0], [205.0, 320.0], [204.0, 338.0], [137.0, 332.0]], ('Sub-Tota1', 0.9580966234207153)], [[[248.0, 319.0], [287.0, 323.0], [285.0, 343.0], [246.0, 339.0]], ('18.15', 0.9962456822395325)], [[[102.0, 330.0], [206.0, 336.0], [205.0, 354.0], [101.0, 348.0]], ('Service Charge', 0.9722418785095215)], [[[251.0, 339.0], [285.0, 339.0], [285.0, 358.0], [251.0, 358.0]], ('2.27', 0.9950302243232727)], [[[167.0, 349.0], [205.0, 352.0], [204.0, 370.0], [165.0, 367.0]], ('Total', 0.9961799383163452)], [[[244.0, 353.0], [286.0, 356.0], [284.0, 374.0], [243.0, 371.0]], ('20.42', 0.9933677911758423)], [[[111.0, 398.0], [289.0, 405.0], [288.0, 422.0], [110.0, 415.0]], ('Thank You for your custom', 0.9351730942726135)], [[[138.0, 415.0], [258.0, 420.0], [258.0, 438.0], [137.0, 433.0]], ('VAT No:120248851', 0.9401946663856506)]] | {"store_name": "TheRealPizzaCompany RealManPizzaCompa", "store_addr": "91-95ClerkenwellRd London,EC1R5BX", "telephone": "", "date": "12/3/2015", "time": "13.11", "subtotal": "18.15", "tax": "", "total": "20.42", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CocaColaReg", "item_value": "2.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ThaiChicken", "item_value": "12.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FilterCoffee", "item_value": "2.95", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[66.0, 17.0], [174.0, 17.0], [174.0, 26.0], [66.0, 26.0]], ("Arby's Roast Beef #0504", 0.910412073135376)], [[[79.0, 27.0], [166.0, 27.0], [166.0, 37.0], [79.0, 37.0]], ('4021 L1nde118lvd.', 0.8048520088195801)], [[[211.0, 25.0], [219.0, 25.0], [219.0, 41.0], [211.0, 41.0]], ('RR', 0.5321407318115234)], [[[74.0, 36.0], [168.0, 36.0], [168.0, 49.0], [74.0, 49.0]], ('St.LouisMo 63108', 0.8572235703468323)], [[[98.0, 59.0], [146.0, 59.0], [146.0, 72.0], [98.0, 72.0]], ('D2141', 0.9940471649169922)], [[[24.0, 83.0], [106.0, 82.0], [107.0, 96.0], [25.0, 97.0]], ('Host:Reg4-Shift1', 0.9371992349624634)], [[[172.0, 80.0], [222.0, 80.0], [222.0, 94.0], [172.0, 94.0]], ('02/11/2016', 0.9593597650527954)], [[[26.0, 97.0], [52.0, 97.0], [52.0, 107.0], [26.0, 107.0]], ('D2141', 0.9921817779541016)], [[[183.0, 92.0], [221.0, 90.0], [222.0, 103.0], [184.0, 106.0]], ('2:23PM', 0.8352155089378357)], [[[195.0, 104.0], [220.0, 104.0], [220.0, 115.0], [195.0, 115.0]], ('40142', 0.998572826385498)], [[[28.0, 128.0], [111.0, 127.0], [111.0, 141.0], [28.0, 142.0]], ('Mt Beef Reub Meal', 0.8781354427337646)], [[[198.0, 125.0], [220.0, 125.0], [220.0, 137.0], [198.0, 137.0]], ('7.49', 0.9837548732757568)], [[[38.0, 149.0], [139.0, 148.0], [139.0, 162.0], [38.0, 163.0]], ('Side Salad Balsa1 Meal', 0.877646803855896)], [[[40.0, 141.0], [78.0, 141.0], [78.0, 151.0], [40.0, 151.0]], ('NO.Kraut', 0.9062097072601318)], [[[40.0, 162.0], [97.0, 162.0], [97.0, 173.0], [40.0, 173.0]], ('Smal1 Sw Tea', 0.8167321681976318)], [[[33.0, 183.0], [69.0, 183.0], [69.0, 193.0], [33.0, 193.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9931234121322632)], [[[198.0, 177.0], [219.0, 177.0], [219.0, 190.0], [198.0, 190.0]], ('7.49', 0.8256325721740723)], [[[33.0, 193.0], [50.0, 193.0], [50.0, 205.0], [33.0, 205.0]], ('Tax', 0.9905946850776672)], [[[196.0, 189.0], [217.0, 186.0], [218.0, 199.0], [198.0, 202.0]], ('0.65', 0.9912062287330627)], [[[32.0, 211.0], [219.0, 207.0], [219.0, 224.0], [32.0, 228.0]], ('Drive Thru Tota1 8.14', 0.924575924873352)], [[[35.0, 234.0], [86.0, 234.0], [86.0, 245.0], [35.0, 245.0]], ('Balance Due', 0.9240491986274719)], [[[197.0, 231.0], [218.0, 231.0], [218.0, 243.0], [197.0, 243.0]], ('8.14', 0.9894586801528931)]] | {"store_name": "Arby'sRoastBeef#0504", "store_addr": "St,Louis,No63108 4021LindellBlvd.", "telephone": "", "date": "02/11/2016", "time": "2:23PM", "subtotal": "7.49", "tax": "0.65", "total": "8.14", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SmallSmTea", "item_value": "7.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SideSaladBalsalMeal", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NOKraut", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MktBeefReubMeal", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[843.0, 776.0], [1205.0, 768.0], [1207.0, 853.0], [845.0, 861.0]], ('*158590*', 0.997227668762207)], [[[562.0, 976.0], [1466.0, 965.0], [1468.0, 1118.0], [564.0, 1129.0]], ("Steak 'n Shake No:11", 0.945568859577179)], [[[57.0, 1124.0], [1062.0, 1147.0], [1058.0, 1300.0], [53.0, 1277.0]], ('Customer: HIGH AS FUCK', 0.9168602228164673)], [[[52.0, 1290.0], [483.0, 1307.0], [477.0, 1467.0], [46.0, 1450.0]], ('Carry Out', 0.9563817977905273)], [[[34.0, 1452.0], [1860.0, 1452.0], [1860.0, 1564.0], [34.0, 1564.0]], ('Name:AMANDA W11/6/20111:38:27 AM', 0.9381157159805298)], [[[37.0, 1571.0], [427.0, 1571.0], [427.0, 1666.0], [37.0, 1666.0]], ('SEAT1', 0.9924928545951843)], [[[1715.0, 1680.0], [1918.0, 1680.0], [1918.0, 1785.0], [1715.0, 1785.0]], ('4.79', 0.998002290725708)], [[[184.0, 1693.0], [976.0, 1700.0], [975.0, 1792.0], [183.0, 1785.0]], ('1 West BBQ Db1/FF', 0.9645316004753113)], [[[1691.0, 1795.0], [1898.0, 1795.0], [1898.0, 1894.0], [1691.0, 1894.0]], ('4.79', 0.9979487657546997)], [[[767.0, 1808.0], [1136.0, 1816.0], [1134.0, 1911.0], [765.0, 1903.0]], ('SubTotal', 0.9950581789016724)], [[[768.0, 1919.0], [930.0, 1930.0], [924.0, 2038.0], [761.0, 2028.0]], ('Tax', 0.9975046515464783)], [[[1691.0, 1918.0], [1894.0, 1918.0], [1894.0, 2016.0], [1691.0, 2016.0]], ('0.44', 0.99736088514328)], [[[1735.0, 2023.0], [1951.0, 2023.0], [1951.0, 2220.0], [1735.0, 2220.0]], ('5.23', 0.9852578639984131)], [[[786.0, 2047.0], [1017.0, 2047.0], [1017.0, 2230.0], [786.0, 2230.0]], ('Total', 0.9955888986587524)], [[[88.0, 2251.0], [1944.0, 2216.0], [1946.0, 2288.0], [89.0, 2323.0]], ('***************************************', 0.9449225068092346)], [[[518.0, 2364.0], [1581.0, 2339.0], [1583.0, 2430.0], [520.0, 2455.0]], ('1/2 Price Happy Hour!!!', 0.9403425455093384)], [[[629.0, 2486.0], [1432.0, 2461.0], [1434.0, 2553.0], [632.0, 2578.0]], ('Shakes and Dr inks', 0.9691828489303589)], [[[297.0, 2619.0], [1757.0, 2576.0], [1760.0, 2668.0], [300.0, 2711.0]], ('Weekdays 2-4 PM and now 2-4 AM!', 0.9416098594665527)], [[[233.0, 2738.0], [1805.0, 2699.0], [1807.0, 2801.0], [236.0, 2840.0]], ('2-4 AM valid at 24 hour locations', 0.968634307384491)], [[[87.0, 2870.0], [1943.0, 2814.0], [1946.0, 2906.0], [90.0, 2962.0]], ('****************************************', 0.9665014147758484)], [[[514.0, 2983.0], [1563.0, 2947.0], [1567.0, 3049.0], [517.0, 3085.0]], ('THANK YOU FOR VISITING', 0.9594267010688782)], [[[362.0, 3108.0], [1757.0, 3073.0], [1760.0, 3178.0], [364.0, 3214.0]], ('Tel1 Us About Your Exper Tence', 0.9415391683578491)]] | {"store_name": "Steak'nshakeNo:11", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "11/6/2011", "time": "1:38:27AM", "subtotal": "4.79", "tax": "0.44", "total": "5.23", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "WestBBQDbl/FF", "item_value": "4.79", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[127.0, 27.0], [209.0, 33.0], [207.0, 54.0], [125.0, 48.0]], ('LE SWANN', 0.9590616822242737)], [[[135.0, 61.0], [198.0, 66.0], [197.0, 84.0], [134.0, 79.0]], ('271VDRMESNL', 0.7554237842559814)], [[[145.0, 81.0], [191.0, 85.0], [189.0, 103.0], [144.0, 99.0]], ('75012PARLS', 0.89581298828125)], [[[126.0, 99.0], [209.0, 105.0], [208.0, 123.0], [124.0, 117.0]], ('SIRET75038405900010', 0.9170304536819458)], [[[129.0, 119.0], [205.0, 124.0], [204.0, 142.0], [128.0, 137.0]], ('TEL:0143439441', 0.9286600947380066)], [[[112.0, 140.0], [221.0, 144.0], [221.0, 161.0], [111.0, 158.0]], ('', 0.8327637314796448)], [[[114.0, 167.0], [216.0, 170.0], [216.0, 187.0], [113.0, 184.0]], ('DOCUMENT PROVISOIRE', 0.9687178730964661)], [[[57.0, 192.0], [90.0, 192.0], [90.0, 217.0], [57.0, 217.0]], ('TABLE', 0.9680421948432922)], [[[57.0, 215.0], [104.0, 215.0], [104.0, 230.0], [57.0, 230.0]], ('COUVERTS', 0.9952186346054077)], [[[48.0, 241.0], [71.0, 241.0], [71.0, 257.0], [48.0, 257.0]], ('2x', 0.8484234809875488)], [[[99.0, 241.0], [193.0, 242.0], [193.0, 256.0], [99.0, 255.0]], ('MENU TOUT COMPRIS', 0.9511046409606934)], [[[210.0, 242.0], [278.0, 244.0], [277.0, 259.0], [209.0, 257.0]], ('41.9083.80', 0.9903870820999146)], [[[110.0, 255.0], [218.0, 256.0], [218.0, 270.0], [109.0, 269.0]], ('CORRECTION', 0.9971877336502075)], [[[48.0, 265.0], [71.0, 270.0], [68.0, 287.0], [45.0, 283.0]], ('2x', 0.6891857981681824)], [[[98.0, 268.0], [165.0, 270.0], [165.0, 284.0], [98.0, 282.0]], ('MENU SPECIAL', 0.9559391140937805)], [[[212.0, 267.0], [279.0, 270.0], [278.0, 285.0], [211.0, 282.0]], ('100.00200.00', 0.9611427187919617)], [[[47.0, 282.0], [70.0, 282.0], [70.0, 297.0], [47.0, 297.0]], ('1x', 0.8762376308441162)], [[[98.0, 283.0], [157.0, 283.0], [157.0, 297.0], [98.0, 297.0]], ('DIVERS 20%', 0.9415423274040222)], [[[210.0, 282.0], [279.0, 285.0], [278.0, 302.0], [209.0, 298.0]], ('30.0030.00', 0.9934597015380859)], [[[53.0, 312.0], [152.0, 312.0], [152.0, 333.0], [53.0, 333.0]], ('SOUSTOTAL', 0.9956569671630859)], [[[204.0, 310.0], [275.0, 313.0], [274.0, 337.0], [203.0, 334.0]], ('230.00', 0.99406498670578)], [[[52.0, 333.0], [106.0, 333.0], [106.0, 348.0], [52.0, 348.0]], ('HT10.00%', 0.9044161438941956)], [[[239.0, 332.0], [274.0, 335.0], [273.0, 351.0], [238.0, 348.0]], ('153.85', 0.9906919598579407)], [[[52.0, 348.0], [110.0, 348.0], [110.0, 362.0], [52.0, 362.0]], ('TVA10.00%', 0.9467833042144775)], [[[243.0, 350.0], [275.0, 350.0], [275.0, 365.0], [243.0, 365.0]], ('15.38', 0.9854356646537781)], [[[50.0, 362.0], [105.0, 361.0], [106.0, 376.0], [50.0, 377.0]], ('HT 20.00%', 0.900740921497345)], [[[239.0, 361.0], [274.0, 364.0], [273.0, 380.0], [238.0, 377.0]], ('178.85', 0.9896072745323181)], [[[51.0, 377.0], [110.0, 373.0], [111.0, 387.0], [51.0, 391.0]], ('TVA20.00%', 0.9607786536216736)], [[[242.0, 378.0], [274.0, 378.0], [274.0, 393.0], [242.0, 393.0]], ('35.77', 0.907006561756134)], [[[134.0, 400.0], [185.0, 400.0], [185.0, 414.0], [134.0, 414.0]], ('VENDEUR 1', 0.8565633893013)], [[[78.0, 413.0], [241.0, 413.0], [241.0, 433.0], [78.0, 433.0]], ('001 001 000114/02/2018 22:09', 0.9134692549705505)]] | {"store_name": "LESWANN", "store_addr": "271AVDAUMESNIL 75012PARIS", "telephone": "0143439441", "date": "14/02/2018", "time": "22:09", "subtotal": "230.00", "tax": "15.38 35.77", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MENUTOUTCOMPRIS", "item_value": "83.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MENUSPECIAL", "item_value": "200.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DIVERS20%", "item_value": "30.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[61.0, 38.0], [240.0, 46.0], [239.0, 67.0], [60.0, 58.0]], ('4730 Pan Aserican East Fy NE Ste D', 0.9132930636405945)], [[[116.0, 58.0], [186.0, 63.0], [185.0, 77.0], [116.0, 72.0]], ('Nexus Brewery', 0.9270849823951721)], [[[91.0, 70.0], [212.0, 75.0], [211.0, 92.0], [91.0, 87.0]], ('4730 Pan Aserican Fwy E.', 0.883220374584198)], [[[129.0, 87.0], [172.0, 87.0], [172.0, 101.0], [129.0, 101.0]], ('Suite D', 0.8508683443069458)], [[[97.0, 98.0], [202.0, 102.0], [202.0, 119.0], [97.0, 115.0]], ('AlbuquerqueM 87109', 0.908850371837616)], [[[102.0, 112.0], [154.0, 115.0], [154.0, 129.0], [101.0, 126.0]], ('Table', 0.9938055276870728)], [[[51.0, 123.0], [145.0, 127.0], [144.0, 144.0], [51.0, 140.0]], ('Trans140825', 0.9876959323883057)], [[[170.0, 117.0], [201.0, 117.0], [201.0, 128.0], [170.0, 128.0]], ('#33', 0.9976506233215332)], [[[51.0, 138.0], [135.0, 141.0], [135.0, 155.0], [51.0, 153.0]], ('3/3/20147:57PM', 0.9553634524345398)], [[[184.0, 130.0], [243.0, 130.0], [243.0, 141.0], [184.0, 141.0]], ('Serv: Jay K', 0.8677683472633362)], [[[198.0, 142.0], [243.0, 142.0], [243.0, 156.0], [198.0, 156.0]], ('Cust2', 0.879757285118103)], [[[62.0, 166.0], [133.0, 168.0], [133.0, 182.0], [61.0, 180.0]], ('Quan Descript', 0.9597864747047424)], [[[218.0, 167.0], [242.0, 167.0], [242.0, 182.0], [218.0, 182.0]], ('Cost', 0.9975170493125916)], [[[65.0, 193.0], [162.0, 195.0], [162.0, 208.0], [65.0, 206.0]], ('1 Scottish Ale 20oz', 0.9182599782943726)], [[[223.0, 194.0], [252.0, 194.0], [252.0, 209.0], [223.0, 209.0]], ('$5.14', 0.9928728938102722)], [[[65.0, 206.0], [162.0, 207.0], [162.0, 221.0], [65.0, 220.0]], ('1Scott ish Ale 16oz', 0.8989310264587402)], [[[223.0, 208.0], [252.0, 208.0], [252.0, 222.0], [223.0, 222.0]], ('$3.27', 0.990612804889679)], [[[66.0, 219.0], [143.0, 221.0], [142.0, 235.0], [66.0, 233.0]], ('1 Fried Okra sn', 0.8961859345436096)], [[[222.0, 221.0], [251.0, 221.0], [251.0, 235.0], [222.0, 235.0]], ('$3.74', 0.9934663772583008)], [[[66.0, 232.0], [129.0, 235.0], [128.0, 249.0], [65.0, 246.0]], ('1 Fish tacos', 0.9383625984191895)], [[[218.0, 235.0], [251.0, 235.0], [251.0, 249.0], [218.0, 249.0]], ('$11.21', 0.992315948009491)], [[[65.0, 246.0], [143.0, 248.0], [142.0, 262.0], [65.0, 260.0]], ('1 Calabcitas sn', 0.8974334001541138)], [[[222.0, 249.0], [251.0, 249.0], [251.0, 263.0], [222.0, 263.0]], ('$4.00', 0.9945184588432312)], [[[66.0, 260.0], [186.0, 262.0], [186.0, 275.0], [66.0, 273.0]], ('1 Two Pc Ckn and Waff les', 0.8597133755683899)], [[[222.0, 262.0], [252.0, 262.0], [252.0, 277.0], [222.0, 277.0]], ('$9.35', 0.993932843208313)], [[[66.0, 272.0], [128.0, 274.0], [127.0, 288.0], [66.0, 286.0]], ('1 Sub Breast', 0.9473504424095154)], [[[222.0, 275.0], [251.0, 275.0], [251.0, 290.0], [222.0, 290.0]], ('$1.87', 0.992280125617981)], [[[153.0, 302.0], [207.0, 302.0], [207.0, 316.0], [153.0, 316.0]], ('Net Total:', 0.9241916537284851)], [[[217.0, 303.0], [251.0, 303.0], [251.0, 318.0], [217.0, 318.0]], ('$38.58', 0.9283363819122314)], [[[177.0, 314.0], [204.0, 318.0], [201.0, 333.0], [175.0, 329.0]], ('Tax', 0.9763145446777344)], [[[221.0, 317.0], [251.0, 317.0], [251.0, 332.0], [221.0, 332.0]], ('$2.42', 0.9901784062385559)], [[[178.0, 330.0], [249.0, 334.0], [249.0, 345.0], [178.0, 341.0]], ('ssassanssssess', 0.5985870957374573)], [[[119.0, 340.0], [251.0, 344.0], [251.0, 361.0], [119.0, 357.0]], ('TOTAL:$41.00', 0.9381582140922546)], [[[70.0, 355.0], [250.0, 359.0], [250.0, 374.0], [70.0, 371.0]], ('Amount Due:$41.00', 0.9383386373519897)], [[[49.0, 368.0], [112.0, 371.0], [112.0, 385.0], [49.0, 383.0]], ('Food$30.17', 0.982021689414978)], [[[50.0, 384.0], [116.0, 384.0], [116.0, 398.0], [50.0, 398.0]], ('Liquor$8.41', 0.9555524587631226)], [[[83.0, 397.0], [215.0, 401.0], [214.0, 415.0], [82.0, 411.0]], ('Watch tor New', 0.8818877935409546)], [[[63.0, 411.0], [206.0, 415.0], [206.0, 429.0], [63.0, 425.0]], ('Daily Specials', 0.9532390832901001)]] | {"store_name": "4730PanAmericanEastFwyNESteD NexusBrewery", "store_addr": "4730PanAmericanFwyE. SuiteD Albuquerque.NM87109", "telephone": "", "date": "3/3/2014", "time": "7:57PM", "subtotal": "$38.58", "tax": "$2.42", "total": "$41.00 $41.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ScottishAle20oz", "item_value": "$5.14", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ScottishAle16oz", "item_value": "$3.27", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FriedOkrasn", "item_value": "$3.74", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Fishtacos", "item_value": "$11.21", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Calabcitassn", "item_value": "$4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TwoPcCknandNattles", "item_value": "$9.35", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SubBreast", "item_value": "$1.87", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "QuanDescript", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[131.0, 150.0], [217.0, 121.0], [223.0, 138.0], [138.0, 167.0]], ('SHOPPING STOREE', 0.9317995309829712)], [[[262.0, 144.0], [282.0, 142.0], [284.0, 154.0], [264.0, 157.0]], ('PM', 0.9889280796051025)], [[[217.0, 161.0], [261.0, 147.0], [267.0, 165.0], [223.0, 179.0]], ('03:22', 0.9571318626403809)], [[[257.0, 160.0], [286.0, 150.0], [292.0, 166.0], [262.0, 176.0]], ('618', 0.8675859570503235)], [[[264.0, 185.0], [289.0, 185.0], [289.0, 200.0], [264.0, 200.0]], ('$0.', 0.8536604046821594)], [[[285.0, 177.0], [303.0, 177.0], [303.0, 190.0], [285.0, 190.0]], ('49', 0.8672357797622681)], [[[140.0, 195.0], [178.0, 182.0], [184.0, 197.0], [146.0, 210.0]], ('12-21', 0.9927291870117188)], [[[282.0, 191.0], [310.0, 186.0], [312.0, 201.0], [284.0, 205.0]], ('.99', 0.8894298672676086)], [[[103.0, 208.0], [289.0, 216.0], [287.0, 247.0], [101.0, 240.0]], ('SELERLitterst?', 0.8208049535751343)], [[[318.0, 235.0], [337.0, 233.0], [339.0, 243.0], [319.0, 246.0]], ('00', 0.7456252574920654)], [[[148.0, 249.0], [191.0, 233.0], [198.0, 252.0], [154.0, 267.0]], ('STTTE', 0.6328492164611816)], [[[252.0, 249.0], [284.0, 239.0], [289.0, 254.0], [257.0, 264.0]], ('$9', 0.9307829141616821)], [[[326.0, 243.0], [344.0, 243.0], [344.0, 254.0], [326.0, 254.0]], ('78', 0.8014168739318848)], [[[152.0, 262.0], [219.0, 232.0], [229.0, 253.0], [161.0, 283.0]], ('SUBTOTALE', 0.9013663530349731)], [[[304.0, 256.0], [324.0, 248.0], [330.0, 261.0], [310.0, 270.0]], ('$0.', 0.9091809391975403)], [[[164.0, 271.0], [194.0, 267.0], [197.0, 284.0], [166.0, 289.0]], ('TAX', 0.9953292012214661)], [[[225.0, 321.0], [241.0, 321.0], [241.0, 335.0], [225.0, 335.0]], ('NO', 0.9541832208633423)], [[[223.0, 337.0], [242.0, 334.0], [244.0, 347.0], [225.0, 350.0]], ('NO', 0.9884039163589478)], [[[255.0, 335.0], [313.0, 307.0], [321.0, 325.0], [263.0, 352.0]], ('RETURNSE', 0.9076056480407715)], [[[235.0, 345.0], [255.0, 340.0], [258.0, 353.0], [239.0, 358.0]], ('NO', 0.9890340566635132)], [[[119.0, 451.0], [324.0, 450.0], [324.0, 464.0], [119.0, 465.0]], ('', 0.969770610332489)]] | {"store_name": "SHOPPINGSTORE", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "03:22PM", "subtotal": "$8.48", "tax": "$0.74", "total": "$9.22", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MISC.", "item_value": "$0.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "STUFF", "item_value": "$7.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[92.0, 31.0], [207.0, 25.0], [207.0, 35.0], [93.0, 41.0]], ('BOWWOW CAFE SON BHD', 0.8582822680473328)], [[[10.0, 46.0], [38.0, 56.0], [34.0, 67.0], [6.0, 56.0]], ('your', 0.8940884470939636)], [[[101.0, 46.0], [200.0, 41.0], [201.0, 54.0], [102.0, 60.0]], ('1F6ALN19', 0.6358571648597717)], [[[113.0, 37.0], [189.0, 34.0], [190.0, 44.0], [114.0, 47.0]], ('ROCNO:113420Z-W', 0.8132332563400269)], [[[92.0, 64.0], [207.0, 58.0], [208.0, 69.0], [93.0, 76.0]], ('47100 PUCHONG, SELANGOR', 0.9040575623512268)], [[[101.0, 56.0], [199.0, 50.0], [200.0, 61.0], [102.0, 68.0]], ('BANDAR PUCHONG JAYA,', 0.9341353178024292)], [[[136.0, 70.0], [161.0, 70.0], [161.0, 81.0], [136.0, 81.0]], ('Telt-', 0.854577898979187)], [[[259.0, 63.0], [282.0, 67.0], [279.0, 79.0], [257.0, 75.0]], ('UBS', 0.6285615563392639)], [[[14.0, 81.0], [28.0, 81.0], [28.0, 93.0], [14.0, 93.0]], ('i', 0.5238556861877441)], [[[59.0, 85.0], [164.0, 79.0], [164.0, 92.0], [59.0, 98.0]], ('avoice NoCI-104756', 0.8072090744972229)], [[[211.0, 79.0], [236.0, 79.0], [236.0, 87.0], [211.0, 87.0]], ('Table', 0.9799972772598267)], [[[216.0, 88.0], [230.0, 88.0], [230.0, 96.0], [216.0, 96.0]], ('SA', 0.9568161964416504)], [[[280.0, 83.0], [298.0, 91.0], [293.0, 101.0], [276.0, 94.0]], ('if', 0.9514546394348145)], [[[60.0, 96.0], [83.0, 96.0], [83.0, 107.0], [60.0, 107.0]], ('Dete', 0.9145761132240295)], [[[89.0, 103.0], [124.0, 103.0], [124.0, 115.0], [89.0, 115.0]], ('xin y', 0.809196949005127)], [[[94.0, 95.0], [197.0, 88.0], [198.0, 99.0], [95.0, 106.0]], ('10/11/20157:33:40PM', 0.9460489153862)], [[[60.0, 105.0], [92.0, 105.0], [92.0, 116.0], [60.0, 116.0]], ('Cashier', 0.9714460968971252)], [[[57.0, 116.0], [93.0, 112.0], [94.0, 123.0], [59.0, 127.0]], ('Remark', 0.9822495579719543)], [[[68.0, 134.0], [114.0, 134.0], [114.0, 144.0], [68.0, 144.0]], ('Description', 0.9801604747772217)], [[[145.0, 132.0], [161.0, 132.0], [161.0, 142.0], [145.0, 142.0]], ('QEY', 0.714008629322052)], [[[167.0, 127.0], [233.0, 124.0], [234.0, 138.0], [168.0, 141.0]], ('Price_Amount', 0.8956162929534912)], [[[53.0, 143.0], [122.0, 138.0], [122.0, 149.0], [54.0, 154.0]], ('70SEAFOOD', 0.8810980916023254)], [[[163.0, 137.0], [195.0, 137.0], [195.0, 151.0], [163.0, 151.0]], ('2500', 0.6426655650138855)], [[[205.0, 136.0], [233.0, 136.0], [233.0, 147.0], [205.0, 147.0]], ('25.00', 0.9980521202087402)], [[[59.0, 161.0], [120.0, 159.0], [120.0, 170.0], [59.0, 172.0]], ('704 SEAFOOD', 0.906680166721344)], [[[64.0, 152.0], [116.0, 148.0], [117.0, 159.0], [65.0, 163.0]], ('AGLIC-OUIO', 0.8477044105529785)], [[[152.0, 159.0], [162.0, 159.0], [162.0, 168.0], [152.0, 168.0]], ('1', 0.9029477834701538)], [[[164.0, 157.0], [193.0, 154.0], [194.0, 165.0], [165.0, 168.0]], ('25.00', 0.9958307147026062)], [[[205.0, 155.0], [234.0, 152.0], [235.0, 163.0], [206.0, 166.0]], ('25.00', 0.9942213892936707)], [[[11.0, 167.0], [33.0, 182.0], [24.0, 194.0], [2.0, 179.0]], ('don', 0.9992302060127258)], [[[63.0, 170.0], [113.0, 168.0], [114.0, 179.0], [63.0, 181.0]], ('AGLIO-OUO', 0.9474671483039856)], [[[50.0, 180.0], [144.0, 176.0], [144.0, 187.0], [51.0, 191.0]], ('31005RATWHITE-R', 0.9340113401412964)], [[[149.0, 178.0], [159.0, 178.0], [159.0, 186.0], [149.0, 186.0]], ('1', 0.9849725961685181)], [[[166.0, 176.0], [195.0, 176.0], [195.0, 187.0], [166.0, 187.0]], ('11.00', 0.9966292381286621)], [[[206.0, 174.0], [235.0, 171.0], [236.0, 182.0], [207.0, 185.0]], ('11.00', 0.9247647523880005)], [[[65.0, 189.0], [119.0, 189.0], [119.0, 199.0], [65.0, 199.0]], ('*HOT*', 0.8004614114761353)], [[[48.0, 200.0], [117.0, 197.0], [118.0, 208.0], [49.0, 211.0]], ('41009F/LATTE', 0.9584019184112549)], [[[150.0, 198.0], [161.0, 198.0], [161.0, 206.0], [150.0, 206.0]], ('1', 0.8941425681114197)], [[[164.0, 196.0], [195.0, 196.0], [195.0, 207.0], [164.0, 207.0]], ('13.00', 0.9982169270515442)], [[[208.0, 193.0], [238.0, 193.0], [238.0, 206.0], [208.0, 206.0]], ('13.00', 0.9928757548332214)], [[[8.0, 203.0], [37.0, 226.0], [24.0, 241.0], [0.0, 218.0]], ('les', 0.9495820999145508)], [[[60.0, 208.0], [105.0, 208.0], [105.0, 219.0], [60.0, 219.0]], ('VANILLA-R', 0.9855706095695496)], [[[60.0, 217.0], [117.0, 216.0], [117.0, 227.0], [60.0, 228.0]], ('**HOT*', 0.8018447756767273)], [[[2.0, 233.0], [28.0, 242.0], [22.0, 257.0], [0.0, 247.0]], ('uch', 0.9805216193199158)], [[[42.0, 227.0], [125.0, 224.0], [125.0, 238.0], [42.0, 241.0]], ('5807BANGERSN', 0.9546659588813782)], [[[147.0, 227.0], [194.0, 224.0], [195.0, 235.0], [148.0, 238.0]], ('124.00', 0.9897577166557312)], [[[209.0, 224.0], [239.0, 224.0], [239.0, 235.0], [209.0, 235.0]], ('24.00', 0.994992733001709)], [[[56.0, 238.0], [82.0, 238.0], [82.0, 249.0], [56.0, 249.0]], ('MASH', 0.9976781606674194)], [[[40.0, 249.0], [96.0, 246.0], [97.0, 257.0], [40.0, 260.0]], ('670PORK', 0.9389000535011292)], [[[147.0, 246.0], [195.0, 246.0], [195.0, 257.0], [147.0, 257.0]], ('124.00', 0.9945974349975586)], [[[209.0, 245.0], [241.0, 245.0], [241.0, 256.0], [209.0, 256.0]], ('24.00', 0.9961748123168945)], [[[5.0, 260.0], [15.0, 267.0], [9.0, 274.0], [0.0, 267.0]], ('e', 0.9821476936340332)], [[[50.0, 258.0], [127.0, 256.0], [127.0, 267.0], [51.0, 269.0]], ('MEATBALL PASTA', 0.967770516872406)], [[[38.0, 269.0], [119.0, 269.0], [119.0, 281.0], [38.0, 281.0]], ('7 804BOWWOW', 0.881766676902771)], [[[146.0, 267.0], [195.0, 267.0], [195.0, 278.0], [146.0, 278.0]], ('130.00', 0.9940984845161438)], [[[209.0, 265.0], [241.0, 265.0], [241.0, 279.0], [209.0, 279.0]], ('30.00', 0.9979316592216492)], [[[44.0, 278.0], [122.0, 276.0], [122.0, 290.0], [44.0, 292.0]], ('ULTIMATEPORK', 0.9871532320976257)], [[[44.0, 291.0], [84.0, 288.0], [84.0, 300.0], [45.0, 303.0]], ('BURGER', 0.9445521235466003)], [[[31.0, 302.0], [87.0, 302.0], [87.0, 313.0], [31.0, 313.0]], ('8802 CHIC', 0.9081690907478333)], [[[144.0, 300.0], [197.0, 300.0], [197.0, 314.0], [144.0, 314.0]], ('128.00', 0.9603897929191589)], [[[210.0, 299.0], [244.0, 299.0], [244.0, 313.0], [210.0, 313.0]], ('28.00', 0.9971734285354614)], [[[40.0, 312.0], [126.0, 312.0], [126.0, 325.0], [40.0, 325.0]], ('PARMIGIANAA-LA', 0.9942746162414551)], [[[38.0, 324.0], [92.0, 324.0], [92.0, 335.0], [38.0, 335.0]], ('BOWWOW', 0.8583328723907471)], [[[105.0, 343.0], [166.0, 346.0], [166.0, 360.0], [104.0, 357.0]], ('Total Sales:', 0.9543473124504089)], [[[206.0, 346.0], [247.0, 346.0], [247.0, 360.0], [206.0, 360.0]], ('180.00', 0.9954268336296082)], [[[83.0, 356.0], [165.0, 360.0], [165.0, 375.0], [82.0, 371.0]], ('Service Charge:', 0.9644045233726501)], [[[220.0, 362.0], [247.0, 362.0], [247.0, 374.0], [220.0, 374.0]], ('0.00', 0.9966742992401123)], [[[99.0, 372.0], [165.0, 375.0], [165.0, 390.0], [99.0, 388.0]], ('Round Amt:', 0.9355019330978394)], [[[221.0, 376.0], [250.0, 376.0], [250.0, 391.0], [221.0, 391.0]], ('0.00', 0.9946041107177734)], [[[114.0, 388.0], [165.0, 391.0], [165.0, 408.0], [113.0, 406.0]], ('TOTAL:', 0.9887921810150146)], [[[200.0, 394.0], [249.0, 394.0], [249.0, 409.0], [200.0, 409.0]], ('180.00', 0.9981544613838196)], [[[69.0, 412.0], [158.0, 415.0], [157.0, 429.0], [68.0, 426.0]], ('Cash Received:', 0.940052330493927)], [[[208.0, 417.0], [251.0, 417.0], [251.0, 431.0], [208.0, 431.0]], ('200.00', 0.9971252083778381)], [[[104.0, 428.0], [159.0, 431.0], [158.0, 448.0], [103.0, 445.0]], ('Change:', 0.9901878237724304)], [[[215.0, 433.0], [252.0, 433.0], [252.0, 448.0], [215.0, 448.0]], ('20.00', 0.9979761838912964)]] | {"store_name": "BOWWOWCAFESDNbHD", "store_addr": "47100PUCHONG,SELANGOR", "telephone": "", "date": "10/11/2015", "time": "7:33:40PM", "subtotal": "180.00", "tax": "", "total": "180.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "704SEAFOOD", "item_value": "25.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AGLIO-OLIO", "item_value": "25.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "704SEAFOOD", "item_value": "11.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AGLIO-OLIO", "item_value": "13.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "1005FLATWHITE-R", "item_value": "24.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HOT", "item_value": "24.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "1009F/LATTE", "item_value": "30.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VANILLA-R", "item_value": "28.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HOT", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "B07BANGERSN", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MASH", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "701PORK", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MEATBALLPASTA", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "804BOWWOW", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ULTIMATEPORK", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BURGER", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "8OZCHIC", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PARMIGIANAA-LA", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BOWWOW", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[102.0, 60.0], [159.0, 60.0], [159.0, 70.0], [102.0, 70.0]], ('00618', 0.8552263379096985)], [[[56.0, 81.0], [198.0, 77.0], [198.0, 93.0], [57.0, 98.0]], ('Cracker Barre1 Store #337', 0.9374958872795105)], [[[83.0, 97.0], [171.0, 93.0], [171.0, 107.0], [84.0, 111.0]], ('Springville,UT', 0.9460563063621521)], [[[44.0, 111.0], [140.0, 108.0], [140.0, 122.0], [44.0, 125.0]], ('1633444 Kate1in A', 0.9331821203231812)], [[[42.0, 139.0], [96.0, 135.0], [97.0, 149.0], [43.0, 153.0]], ('TBL215/1', 0.9475322961807251)], [[[126.0, 136.0], [172.0, 136.0], [172.0, 150.0], [126.0, 150.0]], ('6182', 0.9941262006759644)], [[[191.0, 135.0], [223.0, 135.0], [223.0, 149.0], [191.0, 149.0]], ('GST2', 0.9916408061981201)], [[[86.0, 151.0], [178.0, 149.0], [179.0, 163.0], [87.0, 165.0]], ('APR11174:03PM', 0.9285675883293152)], [[[55.0, 179.0], [147.0, 178.0], [147.0, 192.0], [55.0, 193.0]], ('1 FF CB SAMP COH', 0.8838956356048584)], [[[181.0, 176.0], [207.0, 176.0], [207.0, 191.0], [181.0, 191.0]], ("68'6", 0.909669041633606)], [[[55.0, 193.0], [103.0, 193.0], [103.0, 207.0], [55.0, 207.0]], ('1 COFFEE', 0.9177284836769104)], [[[181.0, 190.0], [207.0, 190.0], [207.0, 205.0], [181.0, 205.0]], ('2.29', 0.9911699891090393)], [[[56.0, 207.0], [99.0, 207.0], [99.0, 221.0], [56.0, 221.0]], ('1WATER', 0.9721028208732605)], [[[181.0, 204.0], [208.0, 204.0], [208.0, 219.0], [181.0, 219.0]], ('0.00', 0.9968435764312744)], [[[56.0, 221.0], [147.0, 218.0], [147.0, 232.0], [56.0, 235.0]], ('1 RBEEF SAND PLT', 0.91168212890625)], [[[181.0, 217.0], [209.0, 217.0], [209.0, 232.0], [181.0, 232.0]], ('9.39', 0.9929586052894592)], [[[77.0, 234.0], [110.0, 234.0], [110.0, 248.0], [77.0, 248.0]], ('FRIES', 0.9959008097648621)], [[[57.0, 248.0], [105.0, 248.0], [105.0, 262.0], [57.0, 262.0]], ('1COFFEE', 0.9821490049362183)], [[[182.0, 244.0], [209.0, 244.0], [209.0, 259.0], [182.0, 259.0]], ('2.29', 0.9863507747650146)], [[[56.0, 262.0], [100.0, 262.0], [100.0, 276.0], [56.0, 276.0]], ('1 WATER', 0.9100919961929321)], [[[182.0, 258.0], [209.0, 258.0], [209.0, 273.0], [182.0, 273.0]], ('0.00', 0.9958163499832153)], [[[69.0, 277.0], [94.0, 277.0], [94.0, 289.0], [69.0, 289.0]], ('FOOD', 0.9902507066726685)], [[[179.0, 272.0], [209.0, 272.0], [209.0, 287.0], [179.0, 287.0]], ('23.86', 0.9854518175125122)], [[[68.0, 290.0], [154.0, 287.0], [155.0, 301.0], [69.0, 305.0]], ('State&Local Tax', 0.9253043532371521)], [[[183.0, 286.0], [210.0, 286.0], [210.0, 301.0], [183.0, 301.0]], ('1.85', 0.9913382530212402)], [[[69.0, 305.0], [128.0, 302.0], [129.0, 316.0], [69.0, 319.0]], ('Amount Due', 0.9315129518508911)], [[[139.0, 302.0], [207.0, 298.0], [208.0, 312.0], [140.0, 316.0]], ('$25.71', 0.994743824005127)], [[[80.0, 332.0], [199.0, 327.0], [200.0, 341.0], [81.0, 346.0]], ('Gratuity Not Included', 0.9545710682868958)], [[[115.0, 357.0], [170.0, 357.0], [170.0, 371.0], [115.0, 371.0]], ('Thank You', 0.9532604217529297)], [[[97.0, 370.0], [189.0, 368.0], [189.0, 383.0], [97.0, 385.0]], ('Please Come Back', 0.9494845867156982)], [[[92.0, 385.0], [194.0, 382.0], [194.0, 396.0], [92.0, 399.0]], ('Please Pay Cashier', 0.9445281624794006)]] | {"store_name": "CrackerBarrelStore#337", "store_addr": "Springville,UT", "telephone": "", "date": "APR11'17", "time": "4:03PM", "subtotal": "23.86", "tax": "1.85", "total": "$25.71", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "FFCBSAMPCOH", "item_value": "9.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COFFEE", "item_value": "2.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WATER", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RBEEFSANDPLT", "item_value": "9.39", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRIES", "item_value": "2.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COFFEE", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WATER", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[49.0, 42.0], [215.0, 45.0], [215.0, 59.0], [49.0, 56.0]], ('Cumberland Farms', 0.957268238067627)], [[[80.0, 53.0], [182.0, 55.0], [181.0, 68.0], [79.0, 65.0]], ('498 COUNTY ROAO 111', 0.8795247077941895)], [[[80.0, 62.0], [185.0, 65.0], [184.0, 77.0], [79.0, 75.0]], ('MANORVILLENY 1194', 0.961351752281189)], [[[23.0, 83.0], [47.0, 83.0], [47.0, 95.0], [23.0, 95.0]], ('COPy', 0.7573532462120056)], [[[82.0, 75.0], [130.0, 75.0], [130.0, 86.0], [82.0, 86.0]], ('1682-3264', 0.9935312271118164)], [[[23.0, 95.0], [63.0, 95.0], [63.0, 106.0], [23.0, 106.0]], ('Receipt', 0.9936103820800781)], [[[81.0, 95.0], [118.0, 95.0], [118.0, 106.0], [81.0, 106.0]], ('2129507', 0.9980477690696716)], [[[19.0, 137.0], [62.0, 137.0], [62.0, 148.0], [19.0, 148.0]], ('Qty Nase', 0.8277121186256409)], [[[150.0, 136.0], [180.0, 136.0], [180.0, 149.0], [150.0, 149.0]], ('Price', 0.9959627389907837)], [[[196.0, 136.0], [223.0, 139.0], [221.0, 151.0], [194.0, 148.0]], ('Total', 0.9957938194274902)], [[[30.0, 156.0], [140.0, 156.0], [140.0, 169.0], [30.0, 169.0]], ('1 200Z GATOR FRT PNCH', 0.8697049021720886)], [[[153.0, 156.0], [179.0, 156.0], [179.0, 171.0], [153.0, 171.0]], ('1.79', 0.9865033626556396)], [[[199.0, 156.0], [224.0, 156.0], [224.0, 171.0], [199.0, 171.0]], ('1.79', 0.9862592220306396)], [[[29.0, 175.0], [119.0, 176.0], [119.0, 190.0], [28.0, 189.0]], ('1200Z POWER ORNG', 0.8568256497383118)], [[[30.0, 166.0], [144.0, 168.0], [144.0, 178.0], [29.0, 176.0]], ('1SPLASH.-30YEARND N', 0.879294753074646)], [[[154.0, 166.0], [179.0, 168.0], [177.0, 180.0], [153.0, 177.0]], ('4.69', 0.9915871024131775)], [[[200.0, 168.0], [223.0, 168.0], [223.0, 180.0], [200.0, 180.0]], ('4.69', 0.9584531188011169)], [[[154.0, 178.0], [178.0, 178.0], [178.0, 190.0], [154.0, 190.0]], ('1.69', 0.9936203956604004)], [[[199.0, 178.0], [223.0, 178.0], [223.0, 190.0], [199.0, 190.0]], ('1.69', 0.9889894127845764)], [[[29.0, 188.0], [88.0, 186.0], [89.0, 196.0], [30.0, 198.0]], ('1CFMKQT', 0.9085088968276978)], [[[30.0, 194.0], [141.0, 196.0], [141.0, 209.0], [29.0, 207.0]], ('1 PE SOFT SANTACRUZ 8.', 0.8632522225379944)], [[[155.0, 188.0], [178.0, 188.0], [178.0, 199.0], [155.0, 199.0]], ('1.79', 0.9964323043823242)], [[[154.0, 198.0], [177.0, 198.0], [177.0, 209.0], [154.0, 209.0]], ('3.49', 0.922802209854126)], [[[199.0, 189.0], [222.0, 189.0], [222.0, 200.0], [199.0, 200.0]], ('1.79', 0.9952518939971924)], [[[199.0, 198.0], [222.0, 198.0], [222.0, 209.0], [199.0, 209.0]], ('3.49', 0.9867396354675293)], [[[19.0, 225.0], [123.0, 226.0], [123.0, 239.0], [19.0, 238.0]], ('State/Local Sales la', 0.8881205320358276)], [[[21.0, 217.0], [63.0, 217.0], [63.0, 228.0], [21.0, 228.0]], ('SubTotal', 0.9853513240814209)], [[[194.0, 217.0], [222.0, 217.0], [222.0, 230.0], [194.0, 230.0]], ('13.45', 0.9909977912902832)], [[[197.0, 228.0], [221.0, 228.0], [221.0, 239.0], [197.0, 239.0]], ('0.70', 0.9908888936042786)], [[[23.0, 246.0], [70.0, 246.0], [70.0, 257.0], [23.0, 257.0]], ('Total', 0.9986163973808289)], [[[171.0, 247.0], [220.0, 247.0], [220.0, 258.0], [171.0, 258.0]], ('14.15', 0.9979205131530762)], [[[21.0, 266.0], [67.0, 266.0], [67.0, 277.0], [21.0, 277.0]], ('Recelved', 0.9647877216339111)], [[[22.0, 285.0], [122.0, 285.0], [122.0, 295.0], [22.0, 295.0]], ('ACCXXXXXXXXXXXXX8906', 0.8304728269577026)], [[[29.0, 276.0], [86.0, 276.0], [86.0, 286.0], [29.0, 286.0]], ('MasterCard', 0.9886342883110046)], [[[140.0, 286.0], [171.0, 286.0], [171.0, 296.0], [140.0, 296.0]], ('SWIPED', 0.9972156882286072)], [[[194.0, 277.0], [222.0, 277.0], [222.0, 289.0], [194.0, 289.0]], ('14.15', 0.9905913472175598)], [[[31.0, 294.0], [138.0, 294.0], [138.0, 307.0], [31.0, 307.0]], ('Apv 00771Z Seq#446787', 0.9185917973518372)], [[[22.0, 312.0], [103.0, 314.0], [103.0, 326.0], [21.0, 324.0]], ('APPROVED 007712', 0.950283408164978)], [[[31.0, 303.0], [84.0, 304.0], [83.0, 315.0], [30.0, 314.0]], ('REF446787', 0.9817628860473633)], [[[43.0, 351.0], [92.0, 354.0], [91.0, 365.0], [43.0, 361.0]], ('TELL.', 0.8479453921318054)], [[[89.0, 352.0], [219.0, 354.0], [219.0, 365.0], [89.0, 362.0]], ('US HOW WE DID', 0.9207414388656616)], [[[37.0, 362.0], [161.0, 362.0], [161.0, 374.0], [37.0, 374.0]], ('FOR A CHANCE', 0.9359334111213684)], [[[50.0, 370.0], [210.0, 372.0], [210.0, 385.0], [50.0, 383.0]], ('A $1OO GIFT CARD', 0.8962602019309998)], [[[155.0, 362.0], [223.0, 364.0], [223.0, 374.0], [155.0, 373.0]], ('TOWIN', 0.9884244799613953)], [[[36.0, 388.0], [225.0, 392.0], [225.0, 405.0], [36.0, 401.0]], ('', 0.9401358366012573)], [[[46.0, 380.0], [210.0, 383.0], [210.0, 394.0], [46.0, 391.0]], ('Sy conpleting an online survey at', 0.892379879951477)], [[[32.0, 397.0], [224.0, 402.0], [224.0, 414.0], [31.0, 409.0]], ('or by Pacer Panphlets Located In Stores', 0.8950175642967224)], [[[28.0, 439.0], [217.0, 444.0], [217.0, 456.0], [27.0, 451.0]], ('06/08/20171032:45P Pos2 Casher114', 0.8795324563980103)], [[[62.0, 456.0], [189.0, 458.0], [189.0, 468.0], [62.0, 466.0]], ('We Accrectate Your lstnes', 0.7541882395744324)]] | {"store_name": "CumberlandFarms", "store_addr": "498COUNTYROAD111 MANORVILLE.NY1194", "telephone": "1682-3264", "date": "06/08/2017", "time": "10:02:45", "subtotal": "13.45", "tax": "0.70", "total": "14.15 14.15", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "20OZGATORFRIPNCH", "item_value": "1.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SPLASH-30YEARNDWN", "item_value": "4.69", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "20OZPOWERORMG", "item_value": "1.69", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CFMLKQT", "item_value": "1.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PFSOFTSANTACRUZ8.", "item_value": "3.49", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[110.0, 61.0], [219.0, 62.0], [219.0, 77.0], [109.0, 76.0]], ('PEGASUS ON THE FLY', 0.9587007164955139)], [[[122.0, 90.0], [207.0, 90.0], [207.0, 104.0], [122.0, 104.0]], ('Midway Airport', 0.9606412053108215)], [[[90.0, 103.0], [232.0, 106.0], [232.0, 120.0], [90.0, 117.0]], ('', 0.9588003754615784)], [[[114.0, 117.0], [214.0, 119.0], [214.0, 133.0], [114.0, 132.0]], ('Ph773-581-1522', 0.9889689087867737)], [[[34.0, 129.0], [204.0, 133.0], [203.0, 147.0], [34.0, 144.0]], ('Date:Jan 312017 18:17:38', 0.9107725024223328)], [[[35.0, 144.0], [167.0, 146.0], [167.0, 161.0], [34.0, 159.0]], ('TableTransId3105458', 0.9833675026893616)], [[[34.0, 159.0], [136.0, 161.0], [136.0, 175.0], [34.0, 173.0]], ('TransId3105458', 0.9952821731567383)], [[[33.0, 174.0], [130.0, 175.0], [130.0, 190.0], [33.0, 189.0]], ('Server:abiga11', 0.8705765604972839)], [[[48.0, 203.0], [160.0, 205.0], [160.0, 219.0], [48.0, 217.0]], ('Gyros Pita Frles', 0.9055371880531311)], [[[268.0, 205.0], [297.0, 203.0], [298.0, 219.0], [269.0, 221.0]], ("66'8", 0.8570521473884583)], [[[32.0, 222.0], [39.0, 222.0], [39.0, 231.0], [32.0, 231.0]], ('1', 0.928587019443512)], [[[45.0, 220.0], [155.0, 220.0], [155.0, 234.0], [45.0, 234.0]], ('Large Soft Drink', 0.95406574010849)], [[[270.0, 220.0], [299.0, 220.0], [299.0, 236.0], [270.0, 236.0]], ('2.59', 0.994107186794281)], [[[46.0, 234.0], [166.0, 236.0], [166.0, 250.0], [46.0, 248.0]], ('Greek Cookies 3pcs', 0.9494979381561279)], [[[271.0, 235.0], [300.0, 235.0], [300.0, 251.0], [271.0, 251.0]], ('2.29', 0.9931328296661377)], [[[27.0, 266.0], [82.0, 266.0], [82.0, 280.0], [27.0, 280.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9895573854446411)], [[[267.0, 266.0], [302.0, 266.0], [302.0, 281.0], [267.0, 281.0]], ('13.87', 0.993769645690918)], [[[27.0, 282.0], [63.0, 282.0], [63.0, 297.0], [27.0, 297.0]], ('Tax1', 0.8692883253097534)], [[[273.0, 282.0], [302.0, 282.0], [302.0, 297.0], [273.0, 297.0]], ('1.30', 0.9954614639282227)], [[[27.0, 299.0], [62.0, 299.0], [62.0, 314.0], [27.0, 314.0]], ('Tax 2', 0.8954067230224609)], [[[274.0, 298.0], [303.0, 298.0], [303.0, 313.0], [274.0, 313.0]], ('0.38', 0.9928606748580933)], [[[26.0, 315.0], [61.0, 315.0], [61.0, 330.0], [26.0, 330.0]], ('Total', 0.9834224581718445)], [[[270.0, 313.0], [305.0, 313.0], [305.0, 331.0], [270.0, 331.0]], ('15.55', 0.9959298968315125)], [[[26.0, 332.0], [125.0, 332.0], [125.0, 347.0], [26.0, 347.0]], ('VISACompleted', 0.9674562215805054)], [[[264.0, 329.0], [306.0, 329.0], [306.0, 348.0], [264.0, 348.0]], ('-15.55', 0.9787154197692871)], [[[22.0, 346.0], [75.0, 349.0], [74.0, 367.0], [21.0, 364.0]], ('Balance', 0.9933286309242249)], [[[277.0, 348.0], [308.0, 348.0], [308.0, 365.0], [277.0, 365.0]], ('0.00', 0.996285617351532)], [[[23.0, 384.0], [159.0, 384.0], [159.0, 397.0], [23.0, 397.0]], ('********************', 0.9609376788139343)], [[[22.0, 402.0], [111.0, 402.0], [111.0, 416.0], [22.0, 416.0]], ('Order#2-490', 0.9771726727485657)], [[[20.0, 419.0], [159.0, 418.0], [159.0, 432.0], [20.0, 433.0]], ('********************', 0.9715719223022461)]] | {"store_name": "PEGASUSONTHEFLY", "store_addr": "MidwayAirport", "telephone": "773-581-1522", "date": "Jan31,2017", "time": "18:17:38", "subtotal": "13.87", "tax": "1.30 0.38", "total": "15.55", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "GyrosPita,Fries", "item_value": "8.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LargeSoftDrink", "item_value": "2.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GreekCookies3pcs", "item_value": "2.29", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[61.0, 19.0], [183.0, 19.0], [183.0, 32.0], [61.0, 32.0]], ('Caltex Central Myrt leford', 0.920921266078949)], [[[56.0, 41.0], [202.0, 42.0], [202.0, 56.0], [56.0, 55.0]], ('*Indicates GST inclusive iten', 0.9362415671348572)], [[[96.0, 32.0], [165.0, 32.0], [165.0, 43.0], [96.0, 43.0]], ('158 Myrtle St.', 0.9271984696388245)], [[[85.0, 56.0], [173.0, 56.0], [173.0, 66.0], [85.0, 66.0]], ('ABN 80 122660833', 0.9421178698539734)], [[[22.0, 66.0], [210.0, 65.0], [210.0, 78.0], [23.0, 79.0]], ('>>>>>>>>>>>>>Taxinvoce<<<<<<<<<<<<', 0.861717700958252)], [[[23.0, 79.0], [92.0, 79.0], [92.0, 90.0], [23.0, 90.0]], ('01.VORTEX98', 0.9224541187286377)], [[[88.0, 78.0], [215.0, 78.0], [215.0, 91.0], [88.0, 91.0]], ('48.42101.599$77.43*', 0.9517790079116821)], [[[22.0, 90.0], [112.0, 89.0], [113.0, 103.0], [23.0, 104.0]], ('Total inc ludes GST', 0.8689460754394531)], [[[140.0, 91.0], [153.0, 91.0], [153.0, 103.0], [140.0, 103.0]], ('$', 0.7172729969024658)], [[[177.0, 89.0], [207.0, 89.0], [207.0, 103.0], [177.0, 103.0]], ('77.43', 0.9554169774055481)], [[[24.0, 103.0], [47.0, 103.0], [47.0, 114.0], [24.0, 114.0]], ('Anex', 0.9896681904792786)], [[[141.0, 103.0], [151.0, 103.0], [151.0, 113.0], [141.0, 113.0]], ('$', 0.6523436307907104)], [[[178.0, 102.0], [206.0, 102.0], [206.0, 113.0], [178.0, 113.0]], ('77.43', 0.9948922395706177)], [[[24.0, 114.0], [81.0, 114.0], [81.0, 125.0], [24.0, 125.0]], ('10.00.GST', 0.9221540093421936)], [[[142.0, 115.0], [151.0, 115.0], [151.0, 125.0], [142.0, 125.0]], ('$', 0.7509040832519531)], [[[182.0, 113.0], [207.0, 113.0], [207.0, 124.0], [182.0, 124.0]], ('7.04', 0.9867920279502869)], [[[23.0, 126.0], [43.0, 126.0], [43.0, 137.0], [23.0, 137.0]], ('PAN', 0.9928401112556458)], [[[141.0, 124.0], [216.0, 124.0], [216.0, 137.0], [141.0, 137.0]], ('376763......002', 0.9120264649391174)], [[[26.0, 138.0], [84.0, 138.0], [84.0, 149.0], [26.0, 149.0]], ('Account Type', 0.9425342082977295)], [[[183.0, 136.0], [214.0, 136.0], [214.0, 147.0], [183.0, 147.0]], ('CREDIT', 0.997319757938385)], [[[25.0, 148.0], [50.0, 148.0], [50.0, 160.0], [25.0, 160.0]], ('CAIC', 0.9969463348388672)], [[[141.0, 147.0], [216.0, 147.0], [216.0, 160.0], [141.0, 160.0]], ('811000123362260', 0.9978750944137573)], [[[25.0, 160.0], [80.0, 160.0], [80.0, 171.0], [25.0, 171.0]], ('Terminal ID', 0.8732609152793884)], [[[174.0, 159.0], [215.0, 159.0], [215.0, 170.0], [174.0, 170.0]], ('03622600', 0.9878907799720764)], [[[24.0, 169.0], [78.0, 171.0], [77.0, 185.0], [23.0, 183.0]], ('Trans Type', 0.9483838081359863)], [[[118.0, 170.0], [216.0, 170.0], [216.0, 183.0], [118.0, 183.0]], ('PURCHASE TRANSACTION', 0.9725926518440247)], [[[23.0, 180.0], [86.0, 182.0], [86.0, 196.0], [22.0, 194.0]], ('EFT Trans No', 0.9286105036735535)], [[[185.0, 182.0], [215.0, 182.0], [215.0, 193.0], [185.0, 193.0]], ('044844', 0.9981948733329773)], [[[24.0, 194.0], [75.0, 194.0], [75.0, 205.0], [24.0, 205.0]], ('24/01/2012', 0.9980045557022095)], [[[188.0, 192.0], [217.0, 192.0], [217.0, 206.0], [188.0, 206.0]], ('17:53', 0.9433156251907349)], [[[22.0, 205.0], [103.0, 205.0], [103.0, 218.0], [22.0, 218.0]], ('AUTHORISATION ID', 0.973515510559082)], [[[184.0, 204.0], [217.0, 204.0], [217.0, 218.0], [184.0, 218.0]], ('000015', 0.9884119629859924)], [[[23.0, 216.0], [64.0, 218.0], [63.0, 230.0], [22.0, 228.0]], ('PURCHASE', 0.9940977692604065)], [[[175.0, 217.0], [216.0, 217.0], [216.0, 228.0], [175.0, 228.0]], ('AU$77.43', 0.9780209064483643)], [[[23.0, 229.0], [51.0, 229.0], [51.0, 240.0], [23.0, 240.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9956573247909546)], [[[175.0, 228.0], [216.0, 228.0], [216.0, 239.0], [175.0, 239.0]], ('AU$77.43', 0.9791418313980103)], [[[75.0, 239.0], [164.0, 239.0], [164.0, 252.0], [75.0, 252.0]], ('SIGNATURE ACCEPTED', 0.9725709557533264)], [[[63.0, 260.0], [181.0, 260.0], [181.0, 273.0], [63.0, 273.0]], ('T1me Nu POS CNo PSNO', 0.8109104037284851)], [[[97.0, 251.0], [145.0, 251.0], [145.0, 262.0], [97.0, 262.0]], ('AMEX CARD', 0.9429893493652344)], [[[24.0, 263.0], [48.0, 263.0], [48.0, 274.0], [24.0, 274.0]], ('Date', 0.9942079186439514)], [[[22.0, 273.0], [159.0, 271.0], [159.0, 284.0], [23.0, 286.0]], ('24/01/12 17:53 7470501 0007', 0.9483823180198669)], [[[158.0, 272.0], [182.0, 272.0], [182.0, 283.0], [158.0, 283.0]], ('351', 0.9920406341552734)], [[[43.0, 284.0], [196.0, 283.0], [196.0, 294.0], [43.0, 295.0]], ('Thank you for shopping at Ca ltex', 0.9109489321708679)], [[[79.0, 292.0], [162.0, 293.0], [162.0, 304.0], [79.0, 303.0]], ('Please ca11 again', 0.9294819235801697)]] | {"store_name": "CaltexCentralMyrtleford", "store_addr": "158MyrtleSt.", "telephone": "", "date": "24/01/2012 24/01/12", "time": "17:53 17:53", "subtotal": "", "tax": "7.04", "total": "77.43 77.43 AU$77.43 AU$77.43", "ignore": "*", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "VORTEX98", "item_value": "77.43*", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[259.0, 126.0], [471.0, 132.0], [470.0, 152.0], [258.0, 145.0]], ("McDonald's Schiphol", 0.9225215911865234)], [[[312.0, 147.0], [410.0, 151.0], [409.0, 170.0], [312.0, 166.0]], ('Lounge 3', 0.9343664050102234)], [[[256.0, 163.0], [469.0, 168.0], [468.0, 189.0], [255.0, 184.0]], ('Vertrekpassage 278', 0.9733684062957764)], [[[257.0, 203.0], [479.0, 206.0], [479.0, 224.0], [256.0, 221.0]], ('Te1:+31 204058632', 0.9015682339668274)], [[[251.0, 261.0], [449.0, 267.0], [448.0, 303.0], [250.0, 297.0]], ('Kassabon', 0.9957817792892456)], [[[122.0, 318.0], [314.0, 320.0], [314.0, 341.0], [122.0, 339.0]], ('Qrder No.64', 0.8730707168579102)], [[[233.0, 341.0], [312.0, 341.0], [312.0, 364.0], [233.0, 364.0]], ('REG6-', 0.9678462743759155)], [[[371.0, 342.0], [616.0, 322.0], [618.0, 350.0], [373.0, 370.0]], ('05/09/2011 07:12:19', 0.9430205821990967)], [[[538.0, 374.0], [621.0, 365.0], [624.0, 392.0], [541.0, 401.0]], ('TOTAAL', 0.9975883960723877)], [[[116.0, 387.0], [286.0, 387.0], [286.0, 409.0], [116.0, 409.0]], ('Aant.Produkt', 0.9470861554145813)], [[[565.0, 397.0], [624.0, 388.0], [628.0, 413.0], [569.0, 421.0]], ('9.50', 0.8869965076446533)], [[[140.0, 411.0], [375.0, 411.0], [375.0, 432.0], [140.0, 432.0]], ('1Qntbijt New York', 0.8520573377609253)], [[[163.0, 433.0], [363.0, 435.0], [363.0, 457.0], [163.0, 454.0]], ('Koffie 03 Ltr', 0.913607656955719)], [[[570.0, 442.0], [633.0, 435.0], [636.0, 463.0], [573.0, 470.0]], ('9.60', 0.9937584400177002)], [[[135.0, 458.0], [375.0, 459.0], [375.0, 481.0], [135.0, 480.0]], ('1 Qntbijt New York', 0.8850798606872559)], [[[160.0, 484.0], [324.0, 484.0], [324.0, 506.0], [160.0, 506.0]], ('1Vittel0.5', 0.9393635988235474)], [[[575.0, 494.0], [640.0, 487.0], [643.0, 514.0], [578.0, 521.0]], ('2.85', 0.9959572553634644)], [[[130.0, 510.0], [334.0, 510.0], [334.0, 532.0], [130.0, 532.0]], ('1Koffie 03 Ltr', 0.858553946018219)], [[[567.0, 549.0], [644.0, 539.0], [648.0, 566.0], [571.0, 577.0]], ('21.95', 0.9959163665771484)], [[[95.0, 562.0], [371.0, 558.0], [372.0, 583.0], [96.0, 588.0]], ('IN Totaal incl BTW', 0.8623608350753784)], [[[571.0, 576.0], [649.0, 568.0], [652.0, 594.0], [573.0, 602.0]], ('50.00', 0.9974914789199829)], [[[90.0, 589.0], [140.0, 589.0], [140.0, 617.0], [90.0, 617.0]], ('EUR', 0.9927178025245667)], [[[575.0, 603.0], [652.0, 597.0], [655.0, 624.0], [578.0, 631.0]], ('28.05', 0.9968898892402649)], [[[87.0, 617.0], [178.0, 620.0], [178.0, 647.0], [87.0, 644.0]], ('Cnange', 0.9014332890510559)], [[[82.0, 677.0], [433.0, 671.0], [434.0, 696.0], [83.0, 703.0]], ('TNLmmer143/250/50528', 0.9439790844917297)], [[[611.0, 688.0], [666.0, 683.0], [669.0, 715.0], [614.0, 720.0]], ('BTW', 0.9924090504646301)], [[[283.0, 703.0], [348.0, 700.0], [349.0, 728.0], [284.0, 731.0]], ('BTW%', 0.9824941754341125)], [[[417.0, 702.0], [511.0, 700.0], [512.0, 726.0], [418.0, 729.0]], ('BEDRAG', 0.9965289235115051)], [[[402.0, 731.0], [484.0, 728.0], [485.0, 759.0], [403.0, 762.0]], ('21.95', 0.9960898160934448)], [[[570.0, 723.0], [639.0, 717.0], [642.0, 749.0], [572.0, 755.0]], ('1.24', 0.9937729239463806)], [[[74.0, 735.0], [317.0, 733.0], [317.0, 763.0], [74.0, 765.0]], ('INCL.BTW6.00%', 0.899583101272583)], [[[190.0, 799.0], [533.0, 793.0], [534.0, 823.0], [191.0, 829.0]], ('WERKEN BIJ McDONALDS ?', 0.8868915438652039)], [[[169.0, 834.0], [546.0, 826.0], [547.0, 858.0], [170.0, 866.0]], ('', 0.9737991690635681)], [[[129.0, 896.0], [587.0, 892.0], [587.0, 931.0], [130.0, 936.0]], ('Eet Smakelijk en Tot ziens!!', 0.9383092522621155)]] | {"store_name": "McDonald'sSchiphol", "store_addr": "Lounge3 Vertrekpassage278 1118AWLuchthavenSchiphol", "telephone": "+31204058632", "date": "05/09/2011", "time": "07:12:19", "subtotal": "", "tax": "1.24", "total": "21.95 21.95", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "OntbijtNewYork", "item_value": "9.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "1Koffie03Ltr", "item_value": "9.60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OntbijtNewYork", "item_value": "2.85", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "1Vittel0.5", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Koffie03Ltr", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "Pradukt", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[134.0, 29.0], [219.0, 25.0], [220.0, 39.0], [135.0, 42.0]], ('RECEIPT', 0.9152809977531433)], [[[135.0, 63.0], [219.0, 62.0], [219.0, 75.0], [136.0, 76.0]], ('Verizonireess', 0.9043629169464111)], [[[134.0, 75.0], [245.0, 70.0], [246.0, 87.0], [135.0, 91.0]], ('11134 Rancho Carne Dr', 0.8838635683059692)], [[[135.0, 87.0], [253.0, 83.0], [253.0, 97.0], [136.0, 101.0]], ('SanDiego.CA 92128-4671', 0.9079390168190002)], [[[136.0, 99.0], [202.0, 97.0], [202.0, 111.0], [137.0, 113.0]], ('858618-2100', 0.9731748104095459)], [[[87.0, 135.0], [246.0, 131.0], [246.0, 145.0], [88.0, 149.0]], ('Order Locat1on:1431601#790473', 0.9278997182846069)], [[[87.0, 148.0], [161.0, 145.0], [162.0, 159.0], [88.0, 162.0]], ('Order Type:IS', 0.9213774800300598)], [[[88.0, 160.0], [285.0, 154.0], [286.0, 166.0], [89.0, 173.0]], ('Receive Location:14316 01 Register:44', 0.9203652143478394)], [[[90.0, 170.0], [143.0, 170.0], [143.0, 184.0], [90.0, 184.0]], ('Pmt 1 of 1', 0.7912867665290833)], [[[88.0, 182.0], [255.0, 178.0], [255.0, 191.0], [89.0, 195.0]], ('03/19/13 1016 ET sw1ftsh-E5653', 0.9184837937355042)], [[[90.0, 194.0], [180.0, 194.0], [180.0, 207.0], [90.0, 207.0]], ('Payment Type:Cash', 0.9557552337646484)], [[[215.0, 226.0], [249.0, 226.0], [249.0, 240.0], [215.0, 240.0]], ('Reta11', 0.8184139728546143)], [[[272.0, 223.0], [298.0, 223.0], [298.0, 238.0], [272.0, 238.0]], ('Sale', 0.9852799773216248)], [[[91.0, 242.0], [112.0, 242.0], [112.0, 254.0], [91.0, 254.0]], ('lten', 0.6588141322135925)], [[[218.0, 238.0], [249.0, 238.0], [249.0, 252.0], [218.0, 252.0]], ('Price', 0.9852190017700195)], [[[268.0, 236.0], [298.0, 236.0], [298.0, 251.0], [268.0, 251.0]], ('Price', 0.9948724508285522)], [[[92.0, 266.0], [151.0, 266.0], [151.0, 276.0], [92.0, 276.0]], ('Accessorfes:', 0.9434060454368591)], [[[89.0, 277.0], [175.0, 274.0], [175.0, 288.0], [90.0, 291.0]], ('Appe 5W USB Wa11', 0.8697938323020935)], [[[91.0, 287.0], [132.0, 290.0], [130.0, 304.0], [89.0, 300.0]], ('Charger', 0.9960340857505798)], [[[216.0, 285.0], [250.0, 285.0], [250.0, 300.0], [216.0, 300.0]], ('$19.99', 0.9885589480400085)], [[[265.0, 284.0], [299.0, 284.0], [299.0, 299.0], [265.0, 299.0]], ('$19.99', 0.982200562953949)], [[[91.0, 300.0], [168.0, 300.0], [168.0, 314.0], [91.0, 314.0]], ('Apple Lightning', 0.9334086179733276)], [[[90.0, 312.0], [197.0, 311.0], [197.0, 324.0], [90.0, 325.0]], ('Connector to US8 data', 0.9117203950881958)], [[[91.0, 325.0], [120.0, 325.0], [120.0, 338.0], [91.0, 338.0]], ('cable', 0.9939296841621399)], [[[217.0, 321.0], [250.0, 321.0], [250.0, 336.0], [217.0, 336.0]], ('$19.99', 0.991548478603363)], [[[266.0, 321.0], [301.0, 321.0], [301.0, 336.0], [266.0, 336.0]], ('$19.99', 0.9696829319000244)], [[[153.0, 371.0], [249.0, 371.0], [249.0, 384.0], [153.0, 384.0]], ('CA Loca1 Sales Tax', 0.8892648220062256)], [[[277.0, 373.0], [302.0, 373.0], [302.0, 385.0], [277.0, 385.0]], ('$.70', 0.9842935800552368)], [[[152.0, 383.0], [251.0, 385.0], [251.0, 399.0], [152.0, 397.0]], ('CA State Sales Tax:', 0.9289050102233887)], [[[273.0, 383.0], [304.0, 385.0], [302.0, 400.0], [271.0, 397.0]], ('$2.50', 0.9857540130615234)], [[[164.0, 398.0], [251.0, 398.0], [251.0, 411.0], [164.0, 411.0]], ('Total Taxes/Fees:', 0.9496461153030396)], [[[273.0, 398.0], [303.0, 398.0], [303.0, 412.0], [273.0, 412.0]], ('$3.20', 0.9936326742172241)], [[[194.0, 422.0], [252.0, 422.0], [252.0, 436.0], [194.0, 436.0]], ('Total Due*', 0.8590407371520996)], [[[270.0, 421.0], [306.0, 424.0], [304.0, 438.0], [268.0, 436.0]], ('$43.18', 0.9806757569313049)], [[[178.0, 434.0], [251.0, 436.0], [251.0, 450.0], [178.0, 448.0]], ('Total Savings:', 0.9102575182914734)], [[[274.0, 436.0], [305.0, 436.0], [305.0, 451.0], [274.0, 451.0]], ('000$', 0.8046902418136597)], [[[171.0, 473.0], [253.0, 473.0], [253.0, 487.0], [171.0, 487.0]], ('Amount Tendered:', 0.9575284719467163)], [[[271.0, 471.0], [306.0, 474.0], [304.0, 488.0], [269.0, 486.0]], ('$45.00', 0.9933034777641296)], [[[185.0, 486.0], [254.0, 486.0], [254.0, 500.0], [185.0, 500.0]], ('This Payment', 0.9526644349098206)], [[[271.0, 484.0], [307.0, 486.0], [305.0, 501.0], [269.0, 498.0]], ('$43.18', 0.9723353385925293)], [[[183.0, 498.0], [255.0, 498.0], [255.0, 514.0], [183.0, 514.0]], ('eng nae', 0.555850088596344)], [[[275.0, 496.0], [307.0, 499.0], [305.0, 514.0], [274.0, 511.0]], ('$1.82', 0.9899762272834778)]] | {"store_name": "VerizonWireless", "store_addr": "11134RanchoCarmelDr SanDiego,CA92128-4871", "telephone": "(858)618-2100", "date": "03/19/13", "time": "10:16", "subtotal": "", "tax": "$.70 $2.50 $3.20", "total": "$43.18 $43.18", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Apple5MUSBWall", "item_value": "$19.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Charger", "item_value": "$19.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AppleLigntning", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ConnectortoUSBdata", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "cable", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "Item", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[173.0, 102.0], [278.0, 102.0], [278.0, 115.0], [173.0, 115.0]], ("SWETT'S", 0.9274026155471802)], [[[149.0, 116.0], [302.0, 116.0], [302.0, 130.0], [149.0, 130.0]], ('FINE FOOD SINCE 1954', 0.909502387046814)], [[[194.0, 131.0], [260.0, 131.0], [260.0, 145.0], [194.0, 145.0]], ('329-4418', 0.9938588738441467)], [[[69.0, 162.0], [133.0, 162.0], [133.0, 179.0], [69.0, 179.0]], ('#179', 0.9946826696395874)], [[[297.0, 160.0], [332.0, 160.0], [332.0, 178.0], [297.0, 178.0]], ('IN', 0.9986478090286255)], [[[74.0, 180.0], [156.0, 180.0], [156.0, 194.0], [74.0, 194.0]], ('1 SFTDRNK', 0.9366347193717957)], [[[234.0, 176.0], [270.0, 176.0], [270.0, 195.0], [234.0, 195.0]], ('1.65', 0.9905067682266235)], [[[72.0, 195.0], [214.0, 192.0], [214.0, 209.0], [72.0, 212.0]], ('1CHICKEN &2 VEG', 0.9284179210662842)], [[[233.0, 193.0], [271.0, 193.0], [271.0, 211.0], [233.0, 211.0]], ('7.25', 0.9894933700561523)], [[[71.0, 211.0], [214.0, 210.0], [214.0, 227.0], [71.0, 228.0]], ('1CHICKEN&2 VEG', 0.9493523240089417)], [[[233.0, 210.0], [271.0, 210.0], [271.0, 228.0], [233.0, 228.0]], ('7.25', 0.9822208881378174)], [[[71.0, 231.0], [155.0, 231.0], [155.0, 245.0], [71.0, 245.0]], ('1 BTL DRNK', 0.8951951265335083)], [[[235.0, 225.0], [273.0, 228.0], [272.0, 247.0], [234.0, 244.0]], ('1.65', 0.9956167936325073)], [[[70.0, 249.0], [154.0, 249.0], [154.0, 263.0], [70.0, 263.0]], ('1BTL DRNK', 0.9473664164543152)], [[[235.0, 245.0], [272.0, 245.0], [272.0, 264.0], [235.0, 264.0]], ('1.65', 0.995765209197998)], [[[68.0, 266.0], [146.0, 266.0], [146.0, 283.0], [68.0, 283.0]], ('1DESSERT', 0.9883955717086792)], [[[235.0, 264.0], [273.0, 264.0], [273.0, 283.0], [235.0, 283.0]], ('2.05', 0.9957311749458313)], [[[66.0, 284.0], [130.0, 284.0], [130.0, 302.0], [66.0, 302.0]], ('1THIGH', 0.9936688542366028)], [[[236.0, 283.0], [274.0, 283.0], [274.0, 302.0], [236.0, 302.0]], ('1.75', 0.9959384799003601)], [[[65.0, 303.0], [152.0, 303.0], [152.0, 320.0], [65.0, 320.0]], ('1SFTDRNK', 0.9852909445762634)], [[[237.0, 300.0], [276.0, 303.0], [274.0, 323.0], [236.0, 320.0]], ('1.65', 0.8860062956809998)], [[[151.0, 341.0], [188.0, 341.0], [188.0, 361.0], [151.0, 361.0]], ('TXTL', 0.9924729466438293)], [[[238.0, 342.0], [277.0, 342.0], [277.0, 361.0], [238.0, 361.0]], ('2.30', 0.996768593788147)], [[[115.0, 362.0], [186.0, 362.0], [186.0, 383.0], [115.0, 383.0]], ('TOTL', 0.9982534646987915)], [[[255.0, 361.0], [346.0, 359.0], [347.0, 380.0], [255.0, 382.0]], ('27.20', 0.9926002621650696)], [[[149.0, 384.0], [188.0, 384.0], [188.0, 403.0], [149.0, 403.0]], ('CASH', 0.9981611371040344)], [[[303.0, 383.0], [350.0, 383.0], [350.0, 402.0], [303.0, 402.0]], ('40.00', 0.9957674741744995)], [[[149.0, 405.0], [189.0, 405.0], [189.0, 424.0], [149.0, 424.0]], ('CHNG', 0.9981439709663391)], [[[304.0, 404.0], [352.0, 404.0], [352.0, 423.0], [304.0, 423.0]], ('12.80', 0.9922816157341003)], [[[61.0, 427.0], [352.0, 427.0], [352.0, 444.0], [61.0, 444.0]], ("SWETT'S PLAZA-PAY CRICKET BILL @", 0.931536078453064)], [[[68.0, 450.0], [336.0, 448.0], [336.0, 464.0], [68.0, 467.0]], ('AT ONCE BUSINESS SERVICE&', 0.9392032623291016)], [[[57.0, 470.0], [355.0, 469.0], [355.0, 487.0], [57.0, 488.0]], ("GET 1O% OFF PRIMETIME MEN'S WEAR", 0.9146443605422974)], [[[53.0, 514.0], [167.0, 516.0], [167.0, 534.0], [53.0, 532.0]], ('CSHR CSHR #1', 0.9262804388999939)], [[[41.0, 538.0], [378.0, 536.0], [378.0, 557.0], [41.0, 559.0]], ("No0023 18:41 #001 JAN.06'07 REG0001", 0.8998374938964844)]] | {"store_name": "SWETT'S", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "329-4418", "date": "#001JAN.06'07REG0001", "time": "18:41", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SFTDRNK", "item_value": "1.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHICKEN&2VEG", "item_value": "7.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHICKEN&2VEG", "item_value": "7.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BTLDRNK", "item_value": "1.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BTLDRNK", "item_value": "1.65", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DESSERT", "item_value": "2.05", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "THIGH", "item_value": "1.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SFTDRNK", "item_value": "1.65", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[291.0, 225.0], [566.0, 179.0], [577.0, 242.0], [302.0, 288.0]], ('Wlly OByans', 0.6126954555511475)], [[[310.0, 323.0], [536.0, 323.0], [536.0, 345.0], [310.0, 345.0]], ('NEIGHBORHOOD', 0.9943225383758545)], [[[327.0, 351.0], [520.0, 351.0], [520.0, 369.0], [327.0, 369.0]], ('RESTAURANT', 0.997630774974823)], [[[146.0, 413.0], [275.0, 411.0], [275.0, 436.0], [147.0, 439.0]], ('KELLY', 0.9976863861083984)], [[[296.0, 413.0], [370.0, 413.0], [370.0, 436.0], [296.0, 436.0]], ("O'S", 0.5220856666564941)], [[[147.0, 443.0], [220.0, 443.0], [220.0, 469.0], [147.0, 469.0]], ('#11', 0.9658112525939941)], [[[311.0, 473.0], [493.0, 470.0], [493.0, 496.0], [311.0, 498.0]], ("Ke11y 0'Bryan's", 0.8559558987617493)], [[[314.0, 502.0], [497.0, 502.0], [497.0, 525.0], [314.0, 525.0]], ('262 Bernard Ave', 0.948583722114563)], [[[301.0, 531.0], [516.0, 531.0], [516.0, 554.0], [301.0, 554.0]], ('KelownaBC V1Y 6N4', 0.8891046643257141)], [[[290.0, 561.0], [517.0, 561.0], [517.0, 582.0], [290.0, 582.0]], ('Phone250861-1338', 0.9871793985366821)], [[[156.0, 620.0], [372.0, 620.0], [372.0, 642.0], [156.0, 642.0]], ('Date:Aug 082015', 0.9350442290306091)], [[[446.0, 619.0], [604.0, 619.0], [604.0, 644.0], [446.0, 644.0]], ('Time:01:01PM', 0.9305901527404785)], [[[154.0, 647.0], [470.0, 647.0], [470.0, 672.0], [154.0, 672.0]], ('Server:#6-Colona1 Mustard', 0.9591094851493835)], [[[152.0, 678.0], [277.0, 678.0], [277.0, 704.0], [152.0, 704.0]], ('Bi11:0028', 0.9118845462799072)], [[[446.0, 678.0], [579.0, 678.0], [579.0, 704.0], [446.0, 704.0]], ('Table:11', 0.9276284575462341)], [[[164.0, 741.0], [178.0, 741.0], [178.0, 762.0], [164.0, 762.0]], ('1', 0.7995463609695435)], [[[211.0, 738.0], [277.0, 738.0], [277.0, 765.0], [211.0, 765.0]], ('WATER', 0.9978443384170532)], [[[164.0, 767.0], [181.0, 767.0], [181.0, 791.0], [164.0, 791.0]], ('2', 0.9932854175567627)], [[[213.0, 767.0], [324.0, 770.0], [323.0, 793.0], [212.0, 789.0]], ('PINT Harp', 0.9660309553146362)], [[[603.0, 766.0], [667.0, 766.0], [667.0, 794.0], [603.0, 794.0]], ('14.90', 0.9965258836746216)], [[[164.0, 794.0], [182.0, 794.0], [182.0, 818.0], [164.0, 818.0]], ('2', 0.9809271097183228)], [[[215.0, 793.0], [420.0, 797.0], [420.0, 819.0], [215.0, 816.0]], ('GLASS JT Riesling', 0.9254538416862488)], [[[603.0, 796.0], [667.0, 796.0], [667.0, 822.0], [603.0, 822.0]], ('15.90', 0.997336208820343)], [[[168.0, 822.0], [182.0, 822.0], [182.0, 843.0], [168.0, 843.0]], ('1', 0.5841904878616333)], [[[217.0, 820.0], [373.0, 824.0], [373.0, 847.0], [217.0, 844.0]], ('Chicken Louie', 0.9754775762557983)], [[[602.0, 823.0], [664.0, 823.0], [664.0, 850.0], [602.0, 850.0]], ('15.95', 0.9966939687728882)], [[[214.0, 849.0], [409.0, 852.0], [409.0, 878.0], [214.0, 875.0]], ('L.Battered Fish', 0.9695850610733032)], [[[602.0, 853.0], [668.0, 853.0], [668.0, 884.0], [602.0, 884.0]], ('14.95', 0.9931793212890625)], [[[259.0, 915.0], [359.0, 915.0], [359.0, 945.0], [259.0, 945.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9906711578369141)], [[[607.0, 919.0], [676.0, 919.0], [676.0, 951.0], [607.0, 951.0]], ('61.70', 0.9930934906005859)], [[[254.0, 949.0], [297.0, 949.0], [297.0, 980.0], [254.0, 980.0]], ('GST', 0.9966688752174377)], [[[622.0, 955.0], [682.0, 955.0], [682.0, 988.0], [622.0, 988.0]], ('3.09', 0.988343358039856)], [[[252.0, 985.0], [295.0, 985.0], [295.0, 1017.0], [252.0, 1017.0]], ('LQT', 0.9958978295326233)], [[[626.0, 992.0], [687.0, 992.0], [687.0, 1023.0], [626.0, 1023.0]], ('3.08', 0.9899188280105591)]] | {"store_name": "KELLYO\u2018s KellyO'Bryan's", "store_addr": "262BernardAve. Kelowna,BCV1Y6N4", "telephone": "(250)861-1338", "date": "Aug08,2015", "time": "01:01PM", "subtotal": "61.70", "tax": "3.09 3.08", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "WATER", "item_value": "14.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PINTHarp", "item_value": "15.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GLASSJTRiesling", "item_value": "15.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChickenLouie", "item_value": "14.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "L.BatteredFish", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[70.0, 15.0], [234.0, 7.0], [236.0, 30.0], [71.0, 39.0]], ('NORTHGATE MARKET', 0.9616374969482422)], [[[85.0, 48.0], [223.0, 36.0], [225.0, 67.0], [88.0, 79.0]], ('jtedo.mas', 0.8286648988723755)], [[[24.0, 100.0], [161.0, 99.0], [161.0, 113.0], [24.0, 114.0]], ('&CHICKEN OF THE SEA', 0.9332464933395386)], [[[217.0, 98.0], [279.0, 98.0], [279.0, 115.0], [217.0, 115.0]], ('$1.89NF', 0.9643818140029907)], [[[23.0, 116.0], [174.0, 113.0], [174.0, 127.0], [23.0, 130.0]], ('&STARKIST CHUNK WAT', 0.9378824830055237)], [[[217.0, 113.0], [281.0, 113.0], [281.0, 130.0], [217.0, 130.0]], ('$0.99 NF', 0.917029082775116)], [[[22.0, 132.0], [173.0, 128.0], [173.0, 143.0], [22.0, 146.0]], ('&STARKIST CHUNK WAT', 0.9475276470184326)], [[[217.0, 129.0], [281.0, 126.0], [282.0, 143.0], [218.0, 145.0]], ('$0.99NF', 0.9786846041679382)], [[[19.0, 147.0], [175.0, 143.0], [175.0, 160.0], [19.0, 164.0]], ('&STARKIST CHUNK WAT ', 0.8986753225326538)], [[[219.0, 144.0], [284.0, 144.0], [284.0, 158.0], [219.0, 158.0]], ('$0.99NF', 0.9229632616043091)], [[[20.0, 164.0], [132.0, 161.0], [133.0, 178.0], [20.0, 181.0]], ('TOTAL DEPARTMENT', 0.9666785001754761)], [[[218.0, 160.0], [259.0, 160.0], [259.0, 178.0], [218.0, 178.0]], ('$4.86', 0.9940475225448608)], [[[3.0, 200.0], [63.0, 198.0], [63.0, 215.0], [3.0, 218.0]], ('HARDWARE', 0.9964515566825867)], [[[16.0, 218.0], [160.0, 213.0], [160.0, 230.0], [16.0, 234.0]], ('&REUSABLE PLASTIC B', 0.9600762724876404)], [[[221.0, 214.0], [275.0, 214.0], [275.0, 231.0], [221.0, 231.0]], ('$0.10T', 0.9767112135887146)], [[[17.0, 235.0], [131.0, 233.0], [132.0, 250.0], [17.0, 252.0]], ('TOTAL DEPARTMENT', 0.9717435836791992)], [[[221.0, 231.0], [263.0, 231.0], [263.0, 250.0], [221.0, 250.0]], ('$0.10', 0.9948214292526245)], [[[2.0, 270.0], [55.0, 272.0], [54.0, 290.0], [1.0, 287.0]], ('PRODUCE', 0.9953868985176086)], [[[7.0, 295.0], [160.0, 297.0], [160.0, 313.0], [7.0, 311.0]], ('&AVOCADO HASS MEDIU', 0.9431246519088745)], [[[89.0, 291.0], [147.0, 291.0], [147.0, 298.0], [89.0, 298.0]], ('DEDOUAL', 0.592781126499176)], [[[8.0, 307.0], [95.0, 310.0], [95.0, 327.0], [8.0, 325.0]], ('63FOR', 0.9003020524978638)], [[[124.0, 313.0], [167.0, 310.0], [168.0, 325.0], [125.0, 327.0]], ('$2.00', 0.9946624040603638)], [[[223.0, 306.0], [294.0, 302.0], [295.0, 320.0], [224.0, 324.0]], ('$4.00NF', 0.9788133502006531)]] | {"store_name": "NORTHGATEMARKET", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "&CHICKENOFTHESEA", "item_value": "$1.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "&STARKISTCHUNKWATW", "item_value": "$0.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "&STARKISTCHUNKWATW", "item_value": "$0.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "&STARKISTCHUNKWATW", "item_value": "$0.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "&REUSABLEPLASTICB", "item_value": "$0.10", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "&AVOCADOHASSMEDIU", "item_value": "$4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[114.0, 8.0], [226.0, 10.0], [225.0, 24.0], [114.0, 22.0]], ('MARINA SHELL', 0.9699306488037109)], [[[124.0, 0.0], [221.0, 0.0], [221.0, 13.0], [124.0, 13.0]], ('WELCOME TG', 0.9410696029663086)], [[[141.0, 18.0], [196.0, 20.0], [195.0, 33.0], [140.0, 31.0]], ('57444480800', 0.9839966297149658)], [[[120.0, 29.0], [221.0, 31.0], [220.0, 45.0], [119.0, 42.0]], ('SHELL OIL PROOUCTS US', 0.916880190372467)], [[[112.0, 51.0], [223.0, 52.0], [223.0, 66.0], [112.0, 65.0]], ('SAN LEANDROCA 94577', 0.9339756369590759)], [[[114.0, 42.0], [193.0, 42.0], [193.0, 54.0], [114.0, 54.0]], ('2175 MARINA BLVD', 0.833565354347229)], [[[83.0, 88.0], [136.0, 88.0], [136.0, 99.0], [83.0, 99.0]], ('Description', 0.9579185843467712)], [[[185.0, 86.0], [205.0, 86.0], [205.0, 102.0], [185.0, 102.0]], ('aty', 0.8464974761009216)], [[[227.0, 86.0], [261.0, 86.0], [261.0, 100.0], [227.0, 100.0]], ('Asount', 0.9309919476509094)], [[[80.0, 105.0], [134.0, 107.0], [133.0, 121.0], [80.0, 118.0]], ('SUPERASH', 0.9881105422973633)], [[[237.0, 106.0], [262.0, 106.0], [262.0, 118.0], [237.0, 118.0]], ('9.00', 0.9842365384101868)], [[[155.0, 125.0], [198.0, 125.0], [198.0, 138.0], [155.0, 138.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9904875755310059)], [[[180.0, 133.0], [199.0, 136.0], [197.0, 149.0], [178.0, 146.0]], ('Tax', 0.9959504008293152)], [[[239.0, 126.0], [263.0, 126.0], [263.0, 137.0], [239.0, 137.0]], ('9.00', 0.99627685546875)], [[[116.0, 145.0], [163.0, 145.0], [163.0, 156.0], [116.0, 156.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9968841671943665)], [[[224.0, 144.0], [268.0, 147.0], [267.0, 160.0], [223.0, 158.0]], ('006', 0.9585428237915039)], [[[239.0, 136.0], [265.0, 136.0], [265.0, 148.0], [239.0, 148.0]], ('0.00', 0.9918025135993958)], [[[173.0, 154.0], [216.0, 156.0], [215.0, 169.0], [173.0, 167.0]], ('CASH$', 0.9669560194015503)], [[[241.0, 156.0], [266.0, 159.0], [265.0, 170.0], [240.0, 168.0]], ('9.00', 0.9951196312904358)], [[[55.0, 181.0], [209.0, 181.0], [209.0, 194.0], [55.0, 194.0]], ('Your 5 digit Car Wash codes', 0.9485535621643066)], [[[70.0, 195.0], [126.0, 195.0], [126.0, 205.0], [70.0, 205.0]], ('SUPER WASH', 0.9513007998466492)], [[[163.0, 193.0], [219.0, 195.0], [218.0, 206.0], [163.0, 204.0]], ('26455', 0.9949371218681335)], [[[53.0, 206.0], [172.0, 205.0], [172.0, 218.0], [53.0, 220.0]], ('Good thru Tue 01/17/17', 0.935752272605896)], [[[49.0, 245.0], [149.0, 246.0], [149.0, 260.0], [48.0, 259.0]], ('Your Bonus Savings', 0.9530892968177795)], [[[47.0, 258.0], [191.0, 261.0], [191.0, 275.0], [46.0, 272.0]], ('Join Fuel Rewards today...', 0.9030764698982239)], [[[47.0, 271.0], [226.0, 274.0], [225.0, 288.0], [46.0, 285.0]], ('Members earn $0.10/gal reward on', 0.9427318572998047)], [[[47.0, 284.0], [213.0, 287.0], [212.0, 301.0], [46.0, 298.0]], ('Shell V-Power NiTRO+ all year!', 0.8507866263389587)], [[[48.0, 296.0], [198.0, 301.0], [197.0, 315.0], [47.0, 310.0]], ('Terms and conditions apply.', 0.9445925951004028)], [[[48.0, 309.0], [149.0, 314.0], [149.0, 327.0], [47.0, 323.0]], ('Offer ends 1/1/17.', 0.9275186061859131)], [[[47.0, 322.0], [221.0, 327.0], [220.0, 341.0], [46.0, 336.0]], ('See for details', 0.944940984249115)]] | {"store_name": "MARINASHELL", "store_addr": "2175MARINABLVD SANLEANDROCA94577", "telephone": "", "date": "01/17/17", "time": "", "subtotal": "9.00", "tax": "0.00", "total": "9.00 9.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SUPERWASH", "item_value": "9.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[125.0, 28.0], [576.0, 34.0], [576.0, 58.0], [125.0, 53.0]], ('PLAzA: Benicia-Martinez Bridge', 0.9293739795684814)], [[[305.0, 61.0], [398.0, 61.0], [398.0, 86.0], [305.0, 86.0]], ('LANE 6', 0.9283304214477539)], [[[248.0, 130.0], [471.0, 130.0], [471.0, 154.0], [248.0, 154.0]], ('COLLECT0R8502', 0.9635657668113708)], [[[157.0, 190.0], [400.0, 192.0], [400.0, 219.0], [157.0, 217.0]], ('Thu Aug 092012', 0.9363719820976257)], [[[425.0, 194.0], [546.0, 194.0], [546.0, 215.0], [425.0, 215.0]], ('10:09:10', 0.9394235014915466)], [[[305.0, 251.0], [414.0, 251.0], [414.0, 276.0], [305.0, 276.0]], ('CLASS2', 0.995490550994873)], [[[216.0, 280.0], [338.0, 282.0], [338.0, 308.0], [216.0, 305.0]], ('FARE ID:', 0.9114301800727844)], [[[410.0, 282.0], [501.0, 282.0], [501.0, 306.0], [410.0, 306.0]], ('50000', 0.9956998825073242)], [[[233.0, 311.0], [487.0, 311.0], [487.0, 336.0], [233.0, 336.0]], ('TOLLFAID$5.0O', 0.9085903763771057)], [[[202.0, 370.0], [499.0, 372.0], [499.0, 397.0], [202.0, 395.0]], ('PAYMENT METHOD: Cash', 0.9386763572692871)], [[[217.0, 430.0], [482.0, 431.0], [482.0, 456.0], [217.0, 455.0]], ('SERIAL#00154231', 0.9682862758636475)]] | {"store_name": "PLAZA:Benicia-MartinezBridge", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "ThuAug09,2012", "time": "10:09:10", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$5.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[319.0, 84.0], [477.0, 79.0], [478.0, 104.0], [320.0, 109.0]], ('Easton Market', 0.9621110558509827)], [[[287.0, 110.0], [510.0, 103.0], [511.0, 124.0], [288.0, 130.0]], ('3736 Easton Market', 0.9533371329307556)], [[[287.0, 131.0], [512.0, 125.0], [513.0, 146.0], [288.0, 152.0]], ('Co1umbus,0H 43219', 0.8958269953727722)], [[[312.0, 154.0], [489.0, 149.0], [490.0, 174.0], [313.0, 179.0]], ('614750-2222', 0.9930921196937561)], [[[537.0, 200.0], [671.0, 194.0], [673.0, 224.0], [538.0, 230.0]], ('Tran# 1986', 0.9528438448905945)], [[[129.0, 215.0], [247.0, 211.0], [247.0, 239.0], [130.0, 243.0]], ('Store276', 0.9963630437850952)], [[[332.0, 211.0], [449.0, 205.0], [450.0, 231.0], [333.0, 237.0]], ('Reg#3002', 0.9979701042175293)], [[[128.0, 246.0], [185.0, 243.0], [187.0, 271.0], [130.0, 274.0]], ('SALE', 0.9989603161811829)], [[[269.0, 244.0], [438.0, 235.0], [439.0, 263.0], [271.0, 272.0]], ('Rng:Devon D.', 0.913731575012207)], [[[133.0, 310.0], [462.0, 298.0], [463.0, 323.0], [134.0, 335.0]], ('SP MODERN W CLASSIC SHORT', 0.9224302172660828)], [[[581.0, 322.0], [653.0, 319.0], [654.0, 350.0], [583.0, 352.0]], ('66.00', 0.9926255345344543)], [[[134.0, 340.0], [287.0, 335.0], [288.0, 361.0], [135.0, 366.0]], ('429569975718', 0.9991283416748047)], [[[133.0, 371.0], [364.0, 363.0], [365.0, 391.0], [134.0, 399.0]], ('Compare At 154.95', 0.9524373412132263)], [[[583.0, 419.0], [654.0, 416.0], [656.0, 447.0], [585.0, 449.0]], ('66.00', 0.9943732023239136)], [[[133.0, 433.0], [238.0, 429.0], [239.0, 457.0], [134.0, 461.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9970481395721436)], [[[599.0, 450.0], [657.0, 450.0], [657.0, 481.0], [599.0, 481.0]], ('4.62', 0.9768261909484863)], [[[134.0, 465.0], [254.0, 460.0], [255.0, 488.0], [135.0, 493.0]], ('SALES TAX', 0.9689353108406067)], [[[316.0, 522.0], [473.0, 519.0], [473.0, 547.0], [317.0, 550.0]], ('0000000000-0', 0.9890599250793457)], [[[587.0, 515.0], [657.0, 515.0], [657.0, 545.0], [587.0, 545.0]], ('70.62', 0.9934282302856445)], [[[134.0, 526.0], [205.0, 526.0], [205.0, 556.0], [134.0, 556.0]], ('DEBIT', 0.9978278875350952)], [[[136.0, 560.0], [370.0, 554.0], [371.0, 579.0], [137.0, 585.0]], ('************5009S', 0.9733965396881104)], [[[589.0, 610.0], [661.0, 610.0], [661.0, 641.0], [589.0, 641.0]], ('70.62', 0.9940894246101379)], [[[135.0, 622.0], [206.0, 619.0], [207.0, 651.0], [136.0, 653.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9979376792907715)], [[[141.0, 689.0], [463.0, 679.0], [464.0, 704.0], [142.0, 714.0]], ('Tota1 Items Purchased = 1', 0.9281327724456787)], [[[144.0, 752.0], [687.0, 740.0], [687.0, 761.0], [144.0, 773.0]], ('******************************************', 0.9317641258239746)], [[[303.0, 778.0], [537.0, 776.0], [537.0, 820.0], [304.0, 822.0]], ('*You SAVED:$88.95', 0.9316307902336121)], [[[319.0, 826.0], [523.0, 822.0], [523.0, 847.0], [320.0, 851.0]], ('Congratulations!', 0.9810962677001953)], [[[232.0, 857.0], [610.0, 853.0], [611.0, 877.0], [232.0, 881.0]], ('You saved more than you spent', 0.9337084293365479)], [[[264.0, 884.0], [583.0, 883.0], [583.0, 908.0], [264.0, 909.0]], ("You're a shopping genius!", 0.9308326840400696)], [[[205.0, 937.0], [648.0, 939.0], [648.0, 959.0], [205.0, 958.0]], ('*Savings comparisan not available for all items', 0.9331148862838745)]] | {"store_name": "EastonMarket", "store_addr": "Columbus,OH43219 3736EastonMarket", "telephone": "(614)750-2222", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "66.00", "tax": "4.62", "total": "70.62", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SPMODERN:WCLASSICSHORT", "item_value": "66.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[163.0, 57.0], [421.0, 59.0], [420.0, 83.0], [162.0, 81.0]], ('ONE MILLSTREET', 0.9124563336372375)], [[[144.0, 91.0], [439.0, 93.0], [439.0, 117.0], [144.0, 115.0]], ('@ONE MILLSTREET', 0.9455907940864563)], [[[183.0, 126.0], [422.0, 126.0], [422.0, 150.0], [183.0, 150.0]], ('978738-8900', 0.9932863116264343)], [[[18.0, 155.0], [161.0, 151.0], [162.0, 179.0], [19.0, 182.0]], ('410', 0.981279194355011)], [[[17.0, 222.0], [123.0, 218.0], [124.0, 245.0], [18.0, 250.0]], ('2011', 0.8898184299468994)], [[[286.0, 223.0], [417.0, 223.0], [417.0, 251.0], [286.0, 251.0]], ('2655', 0.9972581267356873)], [[[496.0, 221.0], [584.0, 221.0], [584.0, 253.0], [496.0, 253.0]], ('GST6', 0.9868886470794678)], [[[163.0, 254.0], [305.0, 257.0], [304.0, 283.0], [162.0, 281.0]], ('JAN0903', 0.9756127595901489)], [[[337.0, 258.0], [443.0, 258.0], [443.0, 282.0], [337.0, 282.0]], ('9:03PM', 0.9269711375236511)], [[[53.0, 320.0], [197.0, 320.0], [197.0, 351.0], [53.0, 351.0]], ('[email protected]', 0.9915397763252258)], [[[93.0, 357.0], [372.0, 357.0], [372.0, 380.0], [93.0, 380.0]], ('CALAMARI W/MOJO', 0.9359557032585144)], [[[446.0, 355.0], [533.0, 355.0], [533.0, 382.0], [446.0, 382.0]], ('16.00', 0.9969499707221985)], [[[58.0, 391.0], [266.0, 391.0], [266.0, 412.0], [58.0, 412.0]], ('1ARTICHOKES', 0.9922128319740295)], [[[462.0, 387.0], [534.0, 387.0], [534.0, 416.0], [462.0, 416.0]], ('8.00', 0.9974875450134277)], [[[57.0, 423.0], [390.0, 423.0], [390.0, 447.0], [57.0, 447.0]], ('3PORK [email protected]', 0.9129644632339478)], [[[445.0, 420.0], [534.0, 422.0], [534.0, 450.0], [445.0, 447.0]], ('54.00', 0.9981328248977661)], [[[58.0, 456.0], [284.0, 455.0], [284.0, 478.0], [58.0, 479.0]], ('1VECIE SAND', 0.9031330347061157)], [[[464.0, 455.0], [533.0, 455.0], [533.0, 480.0], [464.0, 480.0]], ('8.00', 0.9971367120742798)], [[[59.0, 488.0], [334.0, 488.0], [334.0, 512.0], [59.0, 512.0]], ('1NEWYORK STRIP', 0.9336139559745789)], [[[447.0, 487.0], [535.0, 487.0], [535.0, 515.0], [447.0, 515.0]], ('19.00', 0.9969391822814941)], [[[95.0, 522.0], [217.0, 522.0], [217.0, 546.0], [95.0, 546.0]], ('18.00%', 0.9980047345161438)], [[[94.0, 555.0], [233.0, 555.0], [233.0, 578.0], [94.0, 578.0]], ('GRATUITY', 0.9962245225906372)], [[[448.0, 553.0], [534.0, 553.0], [534.0, 580.0], [448.0, 580.0]], ('18.90', 0.9899815320968628)], [[[95.0, 587.0], [265.0, 587.0], [265.0, 611.0], [95.0, 611.0]], ('FOOD TOTAL', 0.9624577760696411)], [[[434.0, 587.0], [533.0, 587.0], [533.0, 612.0], [434.0, 612.0]], ('105.00', 0.9907696843147278)], [[[94.0, 617.0], [321.0, 619.0], [321.0, 646.0], [93.0, 644.0]], ('SVC CHG TOTAL', 0.9546976089477539)], [[[448.0, 619.0], [536.0, 617.0], [537.0, 645.0], [448.0, 647.0]], ('18.90', 0.9971275329589844)], [[[94.0, 651.0], [149.0, 651.0], [149.0, 677.0], [94.0, 677.0]], ('TAX', 0.9953437447547913)], [[[465.0, 650.0], [534.0, 650.0], [534.0, 675.0], [465.0, 675.0]], ('5.25', 0.9767160415649414)], [[[95.0, 683.0], [276.0, 683.0], [276.0, 710.0], [95.0, 710.0]], ('TOTAL DUE', 0.9579053521156311)], [[[264.0, 683.0], [527.0, 681.0], [527.0, 705.0], [264.0, 707.0]], ('$12915', 0.9870185256004333)], [[[45.0, 749.0], [550.0, 746.0], [551.0, 769.0], [45.0, 773.0]], ('THANK YOU AND COME AGAIN SOON', 0.9534399509429932)], [[[115.0, 781.0], [500.0, 779.0], [500.0, 803.0], [115.0, 805.0]], ('PLEASE PAY YOUR SERVER', 0.9499998688697815)]] | {"store_name": "ONEMILLSTREET", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "(978)738-8900", "date": "JAN09'03", "time": "9:03PM", "subtotal": "105.00", "tax": "5.25", "total": "$129.15", "ignore": " ", "tips": "18.90", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CALAMARIW/MOJO", "item_value": "16.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ARTICHOKES", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "[email protected]", "item_value": "54.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VFGIESAND", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NEWYORKSTRIP", "item_value": "19.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[147.0, 22.0], [220.0, 22.0], [220.0, 44.0], [147.0, 44.0]], ('093', 0.8433117270469666)], [[[108.0, 69.0], [222.0, 76.0], [221.0, 105.0], [106.0, 98.0]], ('PRIME BURGER BAR', 0.951359748840332)], [[[113.0, 97.0], [211.0, 103.0], [210.0, 120.0], [112.0, 114.0]], ('Mc Food s.r.1.', 0.9508362412452698)], [[[54.0, 112.0], [267.0, 121.0], [267.0, 138.0], [54.0, 129.0]], ('VIA PRIVATA DELLA PASSERELLA,4', 0.9486629366874695)], [[[121.0, 132.0], [205.0, 135.0], [204.0, 149.0], [121.0, 147.0]], ('20122 MILANO', 0.9432192444801331)], [[[82.0, 148.0], [250.0, 152.0], [249.0, 166.0], [82.0, 162.0]], ('P.Iva &C.F.07856631218', 0.9574272036552429)], [[[117.0, 164.0], [210.0, 167.0], [210.0, 182.0], [116.0, 179.0]], ('TEL.02780989', 0.9883742332458496)], [[[277.0, 199.0], [307.0, 199.0], [307.0, 214.0], [277.0, 214.0]], ('EURO', 0.9596046209335327)], [[[18.0, 210.0], [67.0, 210.0], [67.0, 226.0], [18.0, 226.0]], ('Coperti', 0.9935824275016785)], [[[288.0, 213.0], [318.0, 215.0], [317.0, 231.0], [287.0, 229.0]], ('1,50', 0.948693037033081)], [[[16.0, 224.0], [160.0, 226.0], [160.0, 243.0], [16.0, 241.0]], ('Hamburger Blue-cheddar', 0.9631320834159851)], [[[16.0, 239.0], [125.0, 242.0], [125.0, 259.0], [15.0, 256.0]], ('CannoloVenere', 0.973193883895874)], [[[281.0, 231.0], [317.0, 231.0], [317.0, 246.0], [281.0, 246.0]], ('11,00', 0.9272178411483765)], [[[282.0, 247.0], [316.0, 247.0], [316.0, 262.0], [282.0, 262.0]], ('12,00', 0.9130731821060181)], [[[17.0, 258.0], [78.0, 258.0], [78.0, 272.0], [17.0, 272.0]], ('SUBTOTALE', 0.9973069429397583)], [[[281.0, 263.0], [316.0, 263.0], [316.0, 278.0], [281.0, 278.0]], ('24,50', 0.9372440576553345)], [[[15.0, 273.0], [91.0, 273.0], [91.0, 302.0], [15.0, 302.0]], ('TOTALE EURO', 0.9704253673553467)], [[[278.0, 276.0], [319.0, 276.0], [319.0, 308.0], [278.0, 308.0]], ('24,50', 0.9296477437019348)], [[[15.0, 299.0], [73.0, 299.0], [73.0, 316.0], [15.0, 316.0]], ('CONTANTI', 0.995389461517334)], [[[14.0, 312.0], [53.0, 315.0], [52.0, 333.0], [13.0, 330.0]], ('RESTO', 0.9969003796577454)], [[[280.0, 304.0], [315.0, 304.0], [315.0, 319.0], [280.0, 319.0]], ('24,50', 0.9245055317878723)], [[[285.0, 320.0], [315.0, 320.0], [315.0, 336.0], [285.0, 336.0]], ('0,00', 0.9519434571266174)], [[[15.0, 345.0], [141.0, 347.0], [141.0, 364.0], [15.0, 363.0]], ('Tav 10 Cam tablet 1', 0.9204527139663696)], [[[17.0, 359.0], [96.0, 362.0], [96.0, 379.0], [16.0, 377.0]], ('3335 Cod Fis', 0.9315333366394043)], [[[17.0, 389.0], [116.0, 392.0], [116.0, 409.0], [16.0, 406.0]], ('14-02-16 14:06', 0.9391850829124451)], [[[250.0, 392.0], [313.0, 394.0], [313.0, 413.0], [249.0, 411.0]], ('SF.20', 0.9609706997871399)], [[[120.0, 404.0], [214.0, 407.0], [214.0, 424.0], [120.0, 421.0]], ('EX99000785', 0.9800664782524109)]] | {"store_name": "PRIMEBURGERBAR", "store_addr": "20122MILANO VIAPRIVATADELLAPASSERELLA,4", "telephone": "02780989", "date": "14-02-16", "time": "14:06", "subtotal": "24,50", "tax": "", "total": "24,50 24,50", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CannoloVenere", "item_value": "12,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HamburgerBlue-cheddar", "item_value": "11,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Coperti", "item_value": "1,50", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[33.0, 44.0], [113.0, 44.0], [113.0, 57.0], [33.0, 57.0]], ('ORG.NR', 0.9520699977874756)], [[[59.0, 39.0], [85.0, 39.0], [85.0, 46.0], [59.0, 46.0]], ('AR', 0.6935467720031738)], [[[109.0, 47.0], [157.0, 47.0], [157.0, 57.0], [109.0, 57.0]], ('893', 0.992454469203949)], [[[113.0, 39.0], [158.0, 39.0], [158.0, 46.0], [113.0, 46.0]], ('JOHA', 0.7044915556907654)], [[[167.0, 47.0], [205.0, 47.0], [205.0, 57.0], [167.0, 57.0]], ('336', 0.9925583004951477)], [[[264.0, 47.0], [288.0, 47.0], [288.0, 56.0], [264.0, 56.0]], ('MV', 0.920547366142273)], [[[115.0, 67.0], [145.0, 67.0], [145.0, 78.0], [115.0, 78.0]], ('22', 0.8264685273170471)], [[[152.0, 66.0], [223.0, 64.0], [223.0, 78.0], [152.0, 81.0]], ('4253', 0.9974560141563416)], [[[156.0, 58.0], [168.0, 58.0], [168.0, 67.0], [156.0, 67.0]], ('A', 0.7615129947662354)], [[[67.0, 68.0], [116.0, 65.0], [116.0, 79.0], [68.0, 82.0]], ('TLF', 0.9433569312095642)], [[[220.0, 67.0], [255.0, 67.0], [255.0, 78.0], [220.0, 78.0]], ('11', 0.8658971786499023)], [[[28.0, 125.0], [80.0, 125.0], [80.0, 151.0], [28.0, 151.0]], ('Regning', 0.9624217748641968)], [[[247.0, 119.0], [299.0, 119.0], [299.0, 146.0], [247.0, 146.0]], ('1078110', 0.9830201268196106)], [[[25.0, 152.0], [105.0, 149.0], [106.0, 179.0], [26.0, 181.0]], ('Bord/Brikke', 0.9673957824707031)], [[[282.0, 148.0], [299.0, 148.0], [299.0, 173.0], [282.0, 173.0]], ('23', 0.99788898229599)], [[[28.0, 196.0], [138.0, 194.0], [138.0, 211.0], [28.0, 213.0]], ('20-MANGO CHICKEN', 0.9443458914756775)], [[[256.0, 193.0], [300.0, 193.0], [300.0, 208.0], [256.0, 208.0]], ('249.00', 0.9925004839897156)], [[[28.0, 213.0], [138.0, 210.0], [138.0, 227.0], [28.0, 230.0]], ('25-PALAK CHICKEN', 0.9615602493286133)], [[[256.0, 210.0], [301.0, 210.0], [301.0, 225.0], [256.0, 225.0]], ('219.00', 0.9942008852958679)], [[[30.0, 230.0], [119.0, 229.0], [119.0, 244.0], [30.0, 245.0]], ('61-GARLIC NAN', 0.9686578512191772)], [[[263.0, 226.0], [301.0, 226.0], [301.0, 241.0], [263.0, 241.0]], ('55.00', 0.9949234127998352)], [[[29.0, 245.0], [139.0, 243.0], [139.0, 260.0], [29.0, 262.0]], ('66-PUNJABI RAITA', 0.9455835819244385)], [[[264.0, 242.0], [301.0, 242.0], [301.0, 257.0], [264.0, 257.0]], ('39.00', 0.993288516998291)], [[[31.0, 263.0], [126.0, 263.0], [126.0, 277.0], [31.0, 277.0]], ('0.51 AASS BEER', 0.8856333494186401)], [[[264.0, 258.0], [301.0, 258.0], [301.0, 273.0], [264.0, 273.0]], ('99.00', 0.9953274726867676)], [[[30.0, 279.0], [137.0, 277.0], [137.0, 302.0], [30.0, 305.0]], ('SUBTOTAL.', 0.9593241214752197)], [[[219.0, 276.0], [302.0, 276.0], [302.0, 301.0], [219.0, 301.0]], ('661.00', 0.99405837059021)], [[[31.0, 306.0], [96.0, 306.0], [96.0, 323.0], [31.0, 323.0]], ('Netto 25%', 0.9487044215202332)], [[[258.0, 304.0], [302.0, 304.0], [302.0, 319.0], [258.0, 319.0]], ('528.80', 0.9956691265106201)], [[[29.0, 322.0], [81.0, 322.0], [81.0, 340.0], [29.0, 340.0]], ('MVA-25%', 0.9907799363136292)], [[[259.0, 321.0], [302.0, 321.0], [302.0, 336.0], [259.0, 336.0]], ('132.20', 0.9962658286094666)], [[[139.0, 355.0], [193.0, 353.0], [193.0, 369.0], [139.0, 370.0]], ('KELNER1', 0.9846686124801636)], [[[40.0, 372.0], [92.0, 369.0], [92.0, 387.0], [41.0, 390.0]], ('001001', 0.9937949776649475)], [[[143.0, 371.0], [285.0, 371.0], [285.0, 385.0], [143.0, 385.0]], ('000110/12/201616:10', 0.9834590554237366)]] | {"store_name": "JAIPUR", "store_addr": "KARLJOHANSGATE18c ORG.NR893336702MV", "telephone": "", "date": "10/12/2016", "time": "16:10", "subtotal": "528.80", "tax": "132.20", "total": "661.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "20-MANGOCHICKEN", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "25-PALAKCHICKEN", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "61-GARLICNAN", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "66-PUNJABIRAITA", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "0.51AASSBEER", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "249.00", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "219.00", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "55.00", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "39.00", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "99.00", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[655.0, 125.0], [1572.0, 71.0], [1579.0, 194.0], [662.0, 247.0]], ('watsons', 0.9918659925460815)], [[[712.0, 332.0], [1157.0, 304.0], [1163.0, 390.0], [717.0, 418.0]], ('JURONG WEST', 0.9607141017913818)], [[[540.0, 479.0], [1457.0, 423.0], [1463.0, 518.0], [546.0, 574.0]], ('Bus Reg No.198702314R', 0.93867427110672)], [[[297.0, 600.0], [712.0, 590.0], [714.0, 660.0], [298.0, 671.0]], ('P1u# 65800', 0.9001110196113586)], [[[300.0, 677.0], [1128.0, 654.0], [1130.0, 724.0], [302.0, 747.0]], ('SENSODYNE REPA+PRO W', 0.953667938709259)], [[[1494.0, 690.0], [1734.0, 678.0], [1738.0, 764.0], [1499.0, 775.0]], ('37.20', 0.9927646517753601)], [[[566.0, 743.0], [717.0, 743.0], [717.0, 814.0], [566.0, 814.0]], ('4', 0.9930832386016846)], [[[996.0, 736.0], [1335.0, 711.0], [1341.0, 788.0], [1002.0, 812.0]], ('$9.30 ea', 0.9456202387809753)], [[[300.0, 756.0], [457.0, 756.0], [457.0, 823.0], [300.0, 823.0]], ('Qty', 0.992203950881958)], [[[1466.0, 772.0], [1736.0, 757.0], [1741.0, 843.0], [1471.0, 858.0]], ('-25.30', 0.9738516807556152)], [[[331.0, 830.0], [792.0, 810.0], [796.0, 886.0], [334.0, 907.0]], ('2F0R$5.95', 0.9644941687583923)], [[[1463.0, 898.0], [1739.0, 879.0], [1745.0, 968.0], [1469.0, 987.0]], ('$11.90', 0.9982342720031738)], [[[375.0, 943.0], [709.0, 936.0], [711.0, 1012.0], [377.0, 1019.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9963206648826599)], [[[372.0, 1019.0], [756.0, 1012.0], [758.0, 1086.0], [373.0, 1093.0]], ('TOTAL QTY', 0.954212486743927)], [[[1463.0, 1057.0], [1740.0, 1042.0], [1744.0, 1127.0], [1468.0, 1142.0]], ('$12.00', 0.9977707266807556)], [[[369.0, 1089.0], [560.0, 1089.0], [560.0, 1166.0], [369.0, 1166.0]], ('CASH', 0.9978258013725281)], [[[1507.0, 1133.0], [1743.0, 1122.0], [1747.0, 1207.0], [1511.0, 1219.0]], ('$0.78', 0.9873923063278198)], [[[366.0, 1163.0], [1047.0, 1150.0], [1049.0, 1223.0], [367.0, 1236.0]], ('7% GST Inclusive', 0.9269121289253235)], [[[1510.0, 1209.0], [1744.0, 1201.0], [1747.0, 1287.0], [1514.0, 1295.0]], ('$0.10', 0.9959760904312134)], [[[363.0, 1233.0], [626.0, 1233.0], [626.0, 1309.0], [363.0, 1309.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.9983203411102295)], [[[178.0, 1405.0], [1708.0, 1379.0], [1709.0, 1453.0], [179.0, 1478.0]], ('090915 05802 018221:15:27 0004Fon', 0.9393759965896606)], [[[159.0, 1582.0], [1952.0, 1551.0], [1953.0, 1630.0], [161.0, 1662.0]], ('For goods exchange/refund, please return', 0.9519281387329102)], [[[253.0, 1665.0], [1820.0, 1636.0], [1822.0, 1710.0], [254.0, 1738.0]], ('item in original/saleable condition', 0.9654788374900818)], [[[247.0, 1750.0], [1952.0, 1716.0], [1953.0, 1789.0], [248.0, 1824.0]], ('with original receipt within 7 days of', 0.941739559173584)], [[[644.0, 1824.0], [1504.0, 1801.0], [1506.0, 1884.0], [646.0, 1907.0]], ('purchase. Medicine,', 0.9601744413375854)], [[[422.0, 1916.0], [1698.0, 1887.0], [1700.0, 1967.0], [424.0, 1995.0]], ('hygiene-sensitive products &', 0.9674223065376282)], [[[557.0, 1998.0], [1514.0, 1979.0], [1515.0, 2052.0], [558.0, 2072.0]], ('Watsons card sold are', 0.9487635493278503)], [[[416.0, 2087.0], [1601.0, 2061.0], [1603.0, 2141.0], [417.0, 2167.0]], ('non-refundable.Thank you.', 0.9732826352119446)]] | {"store_name": "watsons", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "21:15:27", "subtotal": "$11.90", "tax": "$0.78", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SENSODYNEREPA+PROW", "item_value": "37.20", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[52.0, 74.0], [107.0, 80.0], [106.0, 93.0], [50.0, 87.0]], ('lob029A', 0.5211370587348938)], [[[51.0, 84.0], [98.0, 90.0], [97.0, 100.0], [50.0, 94.0]], ('Goests.', 0.8126468658447266)], [[[197.0, 75.0], [245.0, 71.0], [246.0, 82.0], [197.0, 86.0]], ('0652A/2014', 0.6011350750923157)], [[[49.0, 91.0], [136.0, 98.0], [135.0, 112.0], [48.0, 105.0]], ('AreaDinino Roon', 0.7996968626976013)], [[[223.0, 88.0], [249.0, 88.0], [249.0, 99.0], [223.0, 99.0]], ('40013', 0.9948301315307617)], [[[47.0, 119.0], [118.0, 124.0], [118.0, 138.0], [46.0, 133.0]], ('Tofu Scrasble', 0.866096556186676)], [[[49.0, 110.0], [103.0, 116.0], [102.0, 127.0], [48.0, 121.0]], ('Cappuccino', 0.8808619379997253)], [[[229.0, 114.0], [254.0, 111.0], [256.0, 126.0], [231.0, 129.0]], ('4.00', 0.8466202616691589)], [[[56.0, 131.0], [98.0, 134.0], [98.0, 145.0], [55.0, 142.0]], ('seat ', 0.8264376521110535)], [[[230.0, 123.0], [255.0, 123.0], [255.0, 134.0], [230.0, 134.0]], ('12.95', 0.9801155924797058)], [[[44.0, 148.0], [93.0, 152.0], [92.0, 166.0], [43.0, 162.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9424574375152588)], [[[234.0, 150.0], [264.0, 150.0], [264.0, 164.0], [234.0, 164.0]], ('16.95', 0.7967036962509155)], [[[45.0, 161.0], [68.0, 164.0], [66.0, 175.0], [44.0, 172.0]], ('Tax', 0.9938957095146179)], [[[241.0, 160.0], [264.0, 160.0], [264.0, 172.0], [241.0, 172.0]], ('1.54', 0.9483831524848938)], [[[42.0, 182.0], [155.0, 183.0], [155.0, 197.0], [42.0, 196.0]], ('EE Benefit Surcnarge', 0.8988194465637207)], [[[244.0, 180.0], [269.0, 180.0], [269.0, 192.0], [244.0, 192.0]], ('0.17', 0.9469438195228577)], [[[40.0, 207.0], [74.0, 207.0], [74.0, 221.0], [40.0, 221.0]], ('Total', 0.9872428178787231)], [[[244.0, 202.0], [275.0, 202.0], [275.0, 216.0], [244.0, 216.0]], ('18.66', 0.9474319219589233)], [[[38.0, 232.0], [168.0, 229.0], [168.0, 243.0], [39.0, 246.0]], ('Ba lance Due', 0.9078314900398254)], [[[224.0, 226.0], [278.0, 226.0], [278.0, 240.0], [224.0, 240.0]], ('18.66', 0.9832291603088379)], [[[121.0, 255.0], [205.0, 252.0], [206.0, 266.0], [121.0, 269.0]], ('HON DIDWE DO', 0.9052140712738037)], [[[72.0, 271.0], [250.0, 264.0], [251.0, 278.0], [72.0, 285.0]], ('Go', 0.9062864780426025)], [[[72.0, 285.0], [249.0, 278.0], [250.0, 292.0], [72.0, 300.0]], ('Complete our survey & receive', 0.9407048225402832)], [[[77.0, 300.0], [250.0, 292.0], [251.0, 306.0], [77.0, 314.0]], ('a coupon for a ccmplimentary', 0.9209750294685364)], [[[102.0, 329.0], [224.0, 321.0], [225.0, 336.0], [103.0, 344.0]], ('HAVE A GREAT FLIGHT', 0.9406534433364868)]] | {"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "18.66 18.66", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "TofuScramble", "item_value": "4.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Cappuccino", "item_value": "12.95", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[99.0, 72.0], [229.0, 76.0], [228.0, 90.0], [99.0, 86.0]], ('DRUGSTORE PUBLICIS', 0.9751430153846741)], [[[93.0, 84.0], [229.0, 88.0], [228.0, 101.0], [93.0, 97.0]], ('133 AUENUE DES CHAMPS ELYSEES', 0.9098694920539856)], [[[73.0, 103.0], [271.0, 108.0], [271.0, 125.0], [73.0, 119.0]], ('SIRET39151732300013F5610RRER30391517323', 0.9066380262374878)], [[[120.0, 94.0], [209.0, 98.0], [208.0, 111.0], [119.0, 107.0]], ('75008 PARIS FRANCE', 0.9028254747390747)], [[[67.0, 124.0], [142.0, 127.0], [141.0, 141.0], [66.0, 138.0]], ('TABLE211', 0.9881762266159058)], [[[78.0, 138.0], [128.0, 141.0], [127.0, 154.0], [77.0, 152.0]], ('2.COUUERT', 0.8553712368011475)], [[[135.0, 139.0], [213.0, 143.0], [212.0, 156.0], [134.0, 153.0]], ('Janiec christop', 0.9238687753677368)], [[[81.0, 159.0], [187.0, 161.0], [187.0, 175.0], [81.0, 173.0]], ('1 COCA COLA ZERO 33CL', 0.9091127514839172)], [[[247.0, 161.0], [272.0, 164.0], [271.0, 178.0], [246.0, 175.0]], ('6.00', 0.9941548705101013)], [[[80.0, 173.0], [191.0, 174.0], [191.0, 188.0], [80.0, 187.0]], ('2 COCA COLA LIGHT 33CL', 0.9243541955947876)], [[[243.0, 176.0], [273.0, 176.0], [273.0, 191.0], [243.0, 191.0]], ('12.00', 0.9934310913085938)], [[[81.0, 187.0], [119.0, 187.0], [119.0, 201.0], [81.0, 201.0]], ('1 SUNNY', 0.9272118210792542)], [[[243.0, 189.0], [273.0, 189.0], [273.0, 204.0], [243.0, 204.0]], ('17.00', 0.9878020286560059)], [[[80.0, 199.0], [222.0, 201.0], [221.0, 215.0], [80.0, 212.0]], ('1 PENNE GAMBAS TOMATE BASILI', 0.8735780715942383)], [[[243.0, 200.0], [273.0, 203.0], [272.0, 218.0], [242.0, 215.0]], ('24.00', 0.9919658899307251)], [[[79.0, 212.0], [213.0, 215.0], [212.0, 228.0], [79.0, 226.0]], ('1 PIZZETTA LEGUMES GRILLES', 0.9181433320045471)], [[[244.0, 215.0], [273.0, 215.0], [273.0, 229.0], [244.0, 229.0]], ('19.00', 0.994620144367218)], [[[78.0, 225.0], [157.0, 226.0], [157.0, 240.0], [78.0, 239.0]], ('1 COCAPRESSION', 0.9396701455116272)], [[[59.0, 249.0], [131.0, 249.0], [131.0, 266.0], [59.0, 266.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.997800350189209)], [[[208.0, 250.0], [282.0, 252.0], [281.0, 269.0], [207.0, 267.0]], ('83.00', 0.9991044998168945)], [[[88.0, 284.0], [239.0, 286.0], [239.0, 303.0], [88.0, 300.0]], ('DOCUMENT PROUISOIRE', 0.9526986479759216)], [[[53.0, 310.0], [202.0, 311.0], [202.0, 325.0], [53.0, 324.0]], ('DIMANCHE 30-11-2014 17:35:59', 0.9349669814109802)], [[[52.0, 327.0], [279.0, 327.0], [279.0, 341.0], [52.0, 341.0]], ('CLe 20-Serv:20-Casse2-Num0052170/001', 0.9016738533973694)]] | {"store_name": "DRUGSTOREPUBLICIS", "store_addr": "133AVENUEDESCHAMPSELYSEES 75008PARISFRANCE", "telephone": "", "date": "30-11-2014", "time": "17:35:59", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "83.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "COCACOLAZERO33CL", "item_value": "6.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COCACOLALIGHT33CL", "item_value": "12.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SUNNY", "item_value": "17.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PENNEGAMBASTOMATEBASILI", "item_value": "24.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PIZZETTALEGUMESGRILLES", "item_value": "19.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COCAPRESSION", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[250.0, 127.0], [327.0, 125.0], [328.0, 142.0], [251.0, 144.0]], ('PizzaExpress', 0.992411196231842)], [[[230.0, 138.0], [339.0, 137.0], [340.0, 155.0], [230.0, 156.0]], ('Shop 121.Leve1 1.', 0.8661905527114868)], [[[225.0, 178.0], [353.0, 173.0], [354.0, 191.0], [225.0, 196.0]], ('TEL8522670-1238', 0.9824634790420532)], [[[166.0, 202.0], [254.0, 206.0], [253.0, 223.0], [165.0, 219.0]], ('8001 Ann1e Ch', 0.9102185368537903)], [[[159.0, 230.0], [215.0, 233.0], [213.0, 251.0], [158.0, 248.0]], ('Tb168/1', 0.9571084976196289)], [[[259.0, 233.0], [316.0, 231.0], [317.0, 248.0], [260.0, 250.0]], ('Chk 2550', 0.9393993616104126)], [[[380.0, 224.0], [420.0, 218.0], [422.0, 236.0], [383.0, 242.0]], ('Gst 2', 0.8900952339172363)], [[[240.0, 247.0], [335.0, 243.0], [336.0, 261.0], [241.0, 265.0]], ('29Jan15 20:34', 0.943914532661438)], [[[181.0, 275.0], [264.0, 277.0], [263.0, 292.0], [180.0, 290.0]], ('Walkin', 0.9685015678405762)], [[[167.0, 289.0], [276.0, 291.0], [276.0, 308.0], [167.0, 306.0]], ('1 Dinner for2 NT', 0.9475986957550049)], [[[357.0, 285.0], [401.0, 279.0], [403.0, 297.0], [359.0, 303.0]], ('285.00', 0.9941513538360596)], [[[166.0, 304.0], [264.0, 306.0], [263.0, 323.0], [166.0, 321.0]], ('1 Brusc Italia', 0.9383382797241211)], [[[371.0, 299.0], [402.0, 297.0], [403.0, 312.0], [372.0, 314.0]], ('0.00', 0.9975993633270264)], [[[165.0, 319.0], [282.0, 320.0], [282.0, 337.0], [165.0, 336.0]], ('1 Rosemary FBread', 0.9676758050918579)], [[[373.0, 314.0], [404.0, 314.0], [404.0, 329.0], [373.0, 329.0]], ('0.00', 0.997819721698761)], [[[164.0, 334.0], [288.0, 337.0], [288.0, 354.0], [164.0, 351.0]], ('1 Beets Gorgonzola', 0.9631575345993042)], [[[372.0, 330.0], [403.0, 328.0], [404.0, 343.0], [373.0, 345.0]], ('0.00', 0.9965896010398865)], [[[163.0, 351.0], [262.0, 353.0], [261.0, 367.0], [163.0, 365.0]], ('1 Marg Prima R', 0.918862521648407)], [[[373.0, 345.0], [404.0, 343.0], [405.0, 359.0], [374.0, 361.0]], ('0.00', 0.9940476417541504)], [[[161.0, 365.0], [247.0, 368.0], [246.0, 385.0], [161.0, 382.0]], ('1 Dry Ginger', 0.9267137050628662)], [[[373.0, 361.0], [405.0, 359.0], [406.0, 375.0], [374.0, 377.0]], ('0.00', 0.997384250164032)], [[[162.0, 380.0], [207.0, 383.0], [205.0, 400.0], [160.0, 397.0]], ('1 Coke', 0.9444100856781006)], [[[375.0, 377.0], [406.0, 377.0], [406.0, 393.0], [375.0, 393.0]], ('0.00', 0.9959402084350586)], [[[172.0, 412.0], [231.0, 414.0], [230.0, 432.0], [171.0, 430.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9941674470901489)], [[[362.0, 409.0], [409.0, 409.0], [409.0, 427.0], [362.0, 427.0]], ('285.00', 0.9951418042182922)], [[[173.0, 430.0], [260.0, 433.0], [259.0, 450.0], [172.0, 447.0]], ('10%SvcCharge', 0.9838624596595764)], [[[370.0, 428.0], [409.0, 428.0], [409.0, 443.0], [370.0, 443.0]], ('28.50', 0.994505763053894)], [[[171.0, 447.0], [239.0, 449.0], [238.0, 466.0], [171.0, 464.0]], ('Total Due', 0.9418410062789917)], [[[319.0, 446.0], [407.0, 444.0], [408.0, 461.0], [319.0, 463.0]], ('313.50', 0.9990780353546143)], [[[234.0, 500.0], [305.0, 500.0], [305.0, 518.0], [234.0, 518.0]], ('Thank You.', 0.9633539915084839)], [[[153.0, 694.0], [268.0, 696.0], [267.0, 717.0], [153.0, 715.0]], ('RMB->$261.00', 0.9304680824279785)]] | {"store_name": "Pizzaexpress", "store_addr": "18ShatinCentreStreet,Shatin NewTownPlazaPhase1, Shop121,Level1,", "telephone": "(852)2670-1238", "date": "29JAN'15", "time": "20:34", "subtotal": "285.00", "tax": "", "total": "313.50", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Coke", "item_value": "285.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DryGinger", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MargPrimaR", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BeetsGorgonzola", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "RosemaryFBread", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BruscItalia", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Dinnerfor2NT", "item_value": "0.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[102.0, 0.0], [136.0, 0.0], [136.0, 11.0], [102.0, 11.0]], ('337258', 0.999049186706543)], [[[103.0, 9.0], [135.0, 9.0], [135.0, 22.0], [103.0, 22.0]], ('EXXON', 0.9944753646850586)], [[[75.0, 20.0], [159.0, 22.0], [159.0, 35.0], [75.0, 34.0]], ('4911US HWY 301', 0.913970947265625)], [[[79.0, 35.0], [158.0, 35.0], [158.0, 48.0], [79.0, 48.0]], ('TAMPA FL33610', 0.9582116007804871)], [[[14.0, 76.0], [91.0, 76.0], [91.0, 90.0], [14.0, 90.0]], ('<CUSTOMER COPY>', 0.9718860387802124)], [[[23.0, 102.0], [83.0, 105.0], [83.0, 118.0], [22.0, 116.0]], ('Description', 0.994886577129364)], [[[136.0, 104.0], [157.0, 104.0], [157.0, 119.0], [136.0, 119.0]], ('Qty', 0.8544154763221741)], [[[187.0, 102.0], [226.0, 105.0], [225.0, 119.0], [186.0, 117.0]], ('Amount', 0.9967489242553711)], [[[8.0, 128.0], [52.0, 128.0], [52.0, 142.0], [8.0, 142.0]], ('T CANDY', 0.9189257621765137)], [[[8.0, 138.0], [48.0, 142.0], [47.0, 156.0], [6.0, 152.0]], ('TSODA', 0.9634935259819031)], [[[146.0, 131.0], [157.0, 131.0], [157.0, 146.0], [146.0, 146.0]], ('2', 0.9945055842399597)], [[[197.0, 132.0], [226.0, 132.0], [226.0, 146.0], [197.0, 146.0]], ('3.98', 0.9904302358627319)], [[[146.0, 144.0], [157.0, 144.0], [157.0, 158.0], [146.0, 158.0]], ('2', 0.9968113303184509)], [[[197.0, 144.0], [226.0, 147.0], [225.0, 162.0], [196.0, 159.0]], ('4.58', 0.995769202709198)], [[[196.0, 174.0], [224.0, 174.0], [224.0, 188.0], [196.0, 188.0]], ('8.56', 0.9943480491638184)], [[[63.0, 192.0], [114.0, 195.0], [114.0, 208.0], [62.0, 206.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9983422160148621)], [[[131.0, 185.0], [149.0, 185.0], [149.0, 197.0], [131.0, 197.0]], ('Tax', 0.6552581191062927)], [[[195.0, 186.0], [225.0, 189.0], [224.0, 203.0], [194.0, 201.0]], ('0.60', 0.9950721263885498)], [[[120.0, 207.0], [167.0, 211.0], [166.0, 226.0], [119.0, 221.0]], ('DEBIT$', 0.9670815467834473)], [[[178.0, 198.0], [228.0, 204.0], [226.0, 218.0], [176.0, 212.0]], ('9.16', 0.9772158861160278)], [[[196.0, 214.0], [225.0, 217.0], [223.0, 233.0], [194.0, 229.0]], ('9.16', 0.9945387244224548)]] | {"store_name": "EXXON", "store_addr": "4911USHWY301 TAMPAFL33610", "telephone": "", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "8.56", "tax": "0.60", "total": "9.16", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "CANDY", "item_value": "3.98", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SDDA", "item_value": "4.58", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[46.0, 74.0], [128.0, 74.0], [128.0, 88.0], [46.0, 88.0]], ('MAGIC MOUNTAIN', 0.9712648987770081)], [[[45.0, 97.0], [145.0, 93.0], [145.0, 110.0], [45.0, 114.0]], ('2875 Mountain Rd', 0.9245930910110474)], [[[45.0, 109.0], [156.0, 104.0], [157.0, 121.0], [46.0, 126.0]], ('MontonNBE1G0J3', 0.8601120114326477)], [[[47.0, 142.0], [75.0, 142.0], [75.0, 153.0], [47.0, 153.0]], ('Date:', 0.906067967414856)], [[[187.0, 134.0], [287.0, 129.0], [287.0, 146.0], [188.0, 151.0]], ('Ju1/15/201712:25', 0.9243955612182617)], [[[226.0, 146.0], [285.0, 146.0], [285.0, 160.0], [226.0, 160.0]], ('2YSACOAP02', 0.9397501945495605)], [[[42.0, 156.0], [93.0, 160.0], [93.0, 174.0], [41.0, 170.0]], ('Cashier:', 0.9468969106674194)], [[[243.0, 157.0], [286.0, 153.0], [287.0, 168.0], [244.0, 172.0]], ('MM,SZB', 0.8863286375999451)], [[[41.0, 176.0], [147.0, 178.0], [147.0, 192.0], [40.0, 190.0]], ('Rece1pt #004936', 0.9411157965660095)], [[[40.0, 186.0], [147.0, 189.0], [147.0, 203.0], [39.0, 200.0]], ('Products w/o Card', 0.955743134021759)], [[[68.0, 198.0], [170.0, 200.0], [170.0, 213.0], [68.0, 211.0]], ('Cinnamon & Sugar', 0.945600152015686)], [[[258.0, 200.0], [291.0, 198.0], [292.0, 212.0], [259.0, 214.0]], ('$6.00', 0.934977650642395)], [[[70.0, 211.0], [133.0, 211.0], [133.0, 222.0], [70.0, 222.0]], ('Coco-Vani', 0.9182323813438416)], [[[261.0, 210.0], [293.0, 210.0], [293.0, 224.0], [261.0, 224.0]], ('$7.50', 0.9793193936347961)], [[[69.0, 220.0], [129.0, 222.0], [128.0, 236.0], [68.0, 234.0]], ('Avalanche', 0.9647166728973389)], [[[261.0, 218.0], [295.0, 218.0], [295.0, 236.0], [261.0, 236.0]], ('05$', 0.6195260882377625)], [[[34.0, 243.0], [96.0, 243.0], [96.0, 260.0], [34.0, 260.0]], ('Subtotal:', 0.9699957370758057)], [[[255.0, 244.0], [293.0, 244.0], [293.0, 259.0], [255.0, 259.0]], ('$21.00', 0.9957823753356934)], [[[35.0, 268.0], [108.0, 268.0], [108.0, 285.0], [35.0, 285.0]], ('15.00%HST', 0.973281741142273)], [[[258.0, 268.0], [293.0, 265.0], [294.0, 283.0], [259.0, 286.0]], ('$2.74', 0.9524191617965698)], [[[34.0, 283.0], [75.0, 283.0], [75.0, 298.0], [34.0, 298.0]], ('Total:', 0.9907686114311218)], [[[256.0, 279.0], [293.0, 279.0], [293.0, 294.0], [256.0, 294.0]], ('$21.00', 0.9913532137870789)], [[[31.0, 309.0], [67.0, 309.0], [67.0, 324.0], [31.0, 324.0]], ('Paid:', 0.9704496264457703)], [[[256.0, 303.0], [293.0, 303.0], [293.0, 317.0], [256.0, 317.0]], ('$21.00', 0.9952799677848816)], [[[30.0, 322.0], [80.0, 325.0], [79.0, 340.0], [30.0, 337.0]], ('Change:', 0.9900416731834412)], [[[260.0, 317.0], [292.0, 314.0], [293.0, 328.0], [261.0, 331.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9963186383247375)], [[[30.0, 336.0], [87.0, 336.0], [87.0, 351.0], [30.0, 351.0]], ('Payment:', 0.9907673597335815)], [[[268.0, 329.0], [292.0, 329.0], [292.0, 342.0], [268.0, 342.0]], ('Cash', 0.9952218532562256)], [[[30.0, 349.0], [269.0, 337.0], [270.0, 354.0], [31.0, 366.0]], ('Thank you for visiting MAGIC MOUNTAIN!', 0.9194782376289368)], [[[30.0, 372.0], [258.0, 363.0], [258.0, 381.0], [30.0, 389.0]], ("Merci d'avoir visite MAGIC MOUNTAIN!", 0.9320065379142761)], [[[35.0, 396.0], [50.0, 396.0], [50.0, 404.0], [35.0, 404.0]], ('con', 0.6909685134887695)]] | {"store_name": "MAGICMOUNTAIN", "store_addr": "2875MountainRd. Monton,NBE1G0J3", "telephone": "Tel:5068579283", "date": "Jul/15/2017", "time": "12:25", "subtotal": "$21.00", "tax": "$2.74", "total": "$21.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Cinnamon&Sugar", "item_value": "$6.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CocoVanil", "item_value": "$7.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Avalanche", "item_value": "$7.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[631.0, 307.0], [739.0, 298.0], [741.0, 321.0], [633.0, 331.0]], ('Benihana', 0.9948852062225342)], [[[614.0, 335.0], [770.0, 318.0], [772.0, 342.0], [617.0, 359.0]], ('1200 5th Ave', 0.9381820559501648)], [[[576.0, 364.0], [796.0, 336.0], [799.0, 365.0], [579.0, 393.0]], ('Seattle,WA 98101', 0.9304251670837402)], [[[619.0, 388.0], [780.0, 367.0], [783.0, 391.0], [622.0, 412.0]], ('206-682-4686', 0.9898918271064758)], [[[852.0, 407.0], [986.0, 389.0], [989.0, 418.0], [856.0, 436.0]], ('09/03/2010', 0.9971791505813599)], [[[887.0, 431.0], [994.0, 416.0], [998.0, 446.0], [891.0, 460.0]], ('12:34PM', 0.946315348148346)], [[[932.0, 452.0], [998.0, 444.0], [1001.0, 470.0], [936.0, 478.0]], ('40007', 0.9989790916442871)], [[[427.0, 465.0], [593.0, 444.0], [596.0, 473.0], [431.0, 494.0]], ('Server: Yoko', 0.9348628520965576)], [[[430.0, 494.0], [558.0, 476.0], [561.0, 503.0], [434.0, 521.0]], ('Table 6/4', 0.935283362865448)], [[[434.0, 522.0], [561.0, 505.0], [564.0, 531.0], [437.0, 548.0]], ('Guests:1', 0.969454824924469)], [[[954.0, 528.0], [1028.0, 517.0], [1032.0, 549.0], [959.0, 561.0]], ('12.95', 0.9968360662460327)], [[[434.0, 550.0], [606.0, 525.0], [610.0, 554.0], [438.0, 579.0]], ('Reprint #1', 0.9759235382080078)], [[[440.0, 605.0], [657.0, 575.0], [661.0, 606.0], [444.0, 635.0]], ('Sca11ops,Lunch', 0.8873500823974609)], [[[976.0, 643.0], [1064.0, 633.0], [1068.0, 664.0], [979.0, 674.0]], ('-12.95', 0.9773398041725159)], [[[462.0, 660.0], [568.0, 648.0], [571.0, 679.0], [466.0, 691.0]], ('1 Items', 0.9439615607261658)], [[[1007.0, 671.0], [1074.0, 662.0], [1078.0, 693.0], [1011.0, 702.0]], ('0.00', 0.9170319437980652)], [[[1017.0, 702.0], [1084.0, 692.0], [1088.0, 725.0], [1021.0, 734.0]], ('0.00', 0.9957491159439087)], [[[453.0, 725.0], [634.0, 701.0], [638.0, 732.0], [457.0, 756.0]], ('Manager Comp', 0.9673351645469666)], [[[455.0, 758.0], [579.0, 740.0], [583.0, 769.0], [459.0, 787.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9950313568115234)], [[[1036.0, 761.0], [1104.0, 752.0], [1109.0, 787.0], [1041.0, 796.0]], ('0.00', 0.9973125457763672)], [[[9.0, 791.0], [217.0, 777.0], [224.0, 890.0], [16.0, 904.0]], ('OB', 0.6642943620681763)], [[[457.0, 788.0], [511.0, 783.0], [514.0, 818.0], [461.0, 823.0]], ('Tax', 0.9967411160469055)], [[[1000.0, 832.0], [1124.0, 813.0], [1129.0, 849.0], [1005.0, 867.0]], ('0.00', 0.9960298538208008)], [[[465.0, 852.0], [549.0, 841.0], [554.0, 878.0], [470.0, 889.0]], ('Total', 0.9970055818557739)], [[[473.0, 922.0], [820.0, 866.0], [825.0, 900.0], [478.0, 956.0]], ('Balance Due', 0.9518880248069763)], [[[741.0, 948.0], [885.0, 926.0], [890.0, 961.0], [746.0, 983.0]], ('ARIGATO!!', 0.9903454184532166)], [[[681.0, 997.0], [957.0, 955.0], [962.0, 990.0], [686.0, 1033.0]], ('Please Come Again', 0.9538364410400391)]] | {"store_name": "Benihana", "store_addr": "Seattle,WA98101 12005thAve", "telephone": "206-682-4686", "date": "09/03/2010", "time": "12:34PM", "subtotal": "0.00", "tax": "0.00", "total": "0.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Scallops,Lunch", "item_value": "12.95", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[1617.0, 1126.0], [2639.0, 1077.0], [2649.0, 1274.0], [1627.0, 1323.0]], ('adventure', 0.9952793121337891)], [[[1717.0, 1739.0], [2417.0, 1707.0], [2422.0, 1803.0], [1721.0, 1835.0]], ('Phone:+66808909755', 0.9425965547561646)], [[[1342.0, 2006.0], [1950.0, 2021.0], [1947.0, 2108.0], [1339.0, 2092.0]], ('Sale #SA-ENT-46', 0.9502366781234741)], [[[2140.0, 2007.0], [2846.0, 1991.0], [2848.0, 2087.0], [2142.0, 2103.0]], ('2015-11-28 15:37:17', 0.9488649964332581)], [[[1337.0, 2083.0], [1979.0, 2098.0], [1977.0, 2185.0], [1335.0, 2169.0]], ('Served by Joelle s', 0.930640459060669)], [[[1332.0, 2193.0], [1739.0, 2204.0], [1736.0, 2290.0], [1330.0, 2279.0]], ('Description', 0.9969217777252197)], [[[2625.0, 2187.0], [2868.0, 2200.0], [2864.0, 2291.0], [2620.0, 2279.0]], ('Amount', 0.9981679320335388)], [[[1331.0, 2342.0], [2234.0, 2352.0], [2233.0, 2439.0], [1330.0, 2429.0]], ('Entrance Fee -Norma1 x2', 0.9203179478645325)], [[[2596.0, 2348.0], [2874.0, 2337.0], [2878.0, 2433.0], [2600.0, 2444.0]], ('$200.00', 0.975987434387207)], [[[1328.0, 2485.0], [1660.0, 2497.0], [1657.0, 2583.0], [1324.0, 2572.0]], ('Subtotal:', 0.9931813478469849)], [[[2597.0, 2491.0], [2887.0, 2491.0], [2887.0, 2592.0], [2597.0, 2592.0]], ('8200.00', 0.9133936762809753)], [[[1322.0, 2601.0], [1792.0, 2612.0], [1790.0, 2698.0], [1320.0, 2687.0]], ('Total ex tax', 0.9234564900398254)], [[[2602.0, 2621.0], [2887.0, 2621.0], [2887.0, 2707.0], [2602.0, 2707.0]], ('$200.00', 0.9576101303100586)], [[[1317.0, 2682.0], [1729.0, 2693.0], [1726.0, 2775.0], [1315.0, 2764.0]], ('-Tax Free:', 0.9180727005004883)], [[[2675.0, 2702.0], [2887.0, 2702.0], [2887.0, 2789.0], [2675.0, 2789.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9018871188163757)], [[[1319.0, 2797.0], [1828.0, 2814.0], [1823.0, 2949.0], [1314.0, 2931.0]], ('Total Inc Tax:', 0.9435011744499207)], [[[2607.0, 2822.0], [2901.0, 2822.0], [2901.0, 2971.0], [2607.0, 2971.0]], ('8200.00', 0.8592945337295532)], [[[1319.0, 2955.0], [1553.0, 2968.0], [1548.0, 3059.0], [1314.0, 3047.0]], ('Method', 0.9970754981040955)], [[[2646.0, 3000.0], [2901.0, 3000.0], [2901.0, 3106.0], [2646.0, 3106.0]], ('Amount', 0.9971075057983398)], [[[1313.0, 3106.0], [1480.0, 3123.0], [1470.0, 3219.0], [1303.0, 3202.0]], ('Cash', 0.9964923858642578)], [[[2617.0, 3158.0], [2906.0, 3158.0], [2906.0, 3264.0], [2617.0, 3264.0]], ('6200.00', 0.9333834052085876)], [[[1711.0, 3248.0], [2446.0, 3280.0], [2442.0, 3376.0], [1707.0, 3344.0]], ('Prices shown in THB', 0.9576268196105957)], [[[1920.0, 3511.0], [2241.0, 3540.0], [2233.0, 3626.0], [1912.0, 3598.0]], ('Entrance', 0.9981261491775513)], [[[1708.0, 3574.0], [2452.0, 3616.0], [2446.0, 3717.0], [1702.0, 3675.0]], ('2015-11-28 15:37:18', 0.935042142868042)], [[[1747.0, 3709.0], [2407.0, 3750.0], [2402.0, 3837.0], [1741.0, 3795.0]], ('Sale ID:u1fse5yb', 0.9445846676826477)], [[[1667.0, 3968.0], [2481.0, 4009.0], [2476.0, 4091.0], [1663.0, 4050.0]], ('Powered by', 0.9638757109642029)], [[[1696.0, 4050.0], [2446.0, 4081.0], [2442.0, 4163.0], [1692.0, 4132.0]], ('On1ine POS anywhere', 0.9129268527030945)], [[[1944.0, 4234.0], [2214.0, 4234.0], [2214.0, 4315.0], [1944.0, 4315.0]], ('Wi-Fi', 0.9597468376159668)], [[[1924.0, 4315.0], [2209.0, 4315.0], [2209.0, 4440.0], [1924.0, 4440.0]], ('Vlewpoint', 0.7768498063087463)], [[[2003.0, 4354.0], [2135.0, 4354.0], [2135.0, 4402.0], [2003.0, 4402.0]], ('wowl', 0.6148356199264526)]] | {"store_name": "samui adventure", "store_addr": "127/199Moo3,TambonMaret AmphoeKohsamui,SuratThani84310", "telephone": "+66808909755", "date": "2015-11-28 2015-11-28", "time": "15:37:18", "subtotal": "\u0e3f200.00 \u0e3f200.00", "tax": "\u0e3f0.00", "total": "\u0e3f200.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "EntranceFee-Normalx2", "item_value": "\u0e3f200.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[218.0, 103.0], [288.0, 103.0], [288.0, 145.0], [218.0, 145.0]], ("ILIO'S", 0.9611464142799377)], [[[200.0, 144.0], [303.0, 146.0], [303.0, 170.0], [199.0, 167.0]], ('Restaurant', 0.9953517913818359)], [[[170.0, 171.0], [365.0, 171.0], [365.0, 193.0], [170.0, 193.0]], ('Bretonischer Ring 7', 0.9637869596481323)], [[[189.0, 196.0], [347.0, 196.0], [347.0, 218.0], [189.0, 218.0]], ('85630 Grasbrunn', 0.9660837650299072)], [[[178.0, 223.0], [356.0, 221.0], [356.0, 242.0], [178.0, 244.0]], ('TEL:089-46169340', 0.9592093229293823)], [[[39.0, 274.0], [262.0, 274.0], [262.0, 295.0], [39.0, 295.0]], ('Steuer-Nr.514/78510', 0.9534508585929871)], [[[38.0, 329.0], [221.0, 327.0], [222.0, 365.0], [38.0, 366.0]], ('Rechnung Nr.2844', 0.9692243337631226)], [[[37.0, 369.0], [262.0, 368.0], [262.0, 389.0], [37.0, 390.0]], ('Datum:10.07.1321:52', 0.9514632225036621)], [[[321.0, 365.0], [468.0, 363.0], [469.0, 388.0], [322.0, 391.0]], ('Tisch:102/', 0.9331366419792175)], [[[70.0, 422.0], [320.0, 419.0], [320.0, 440.0], [70.0, 444.0]], ('4x Lowenbrau Original a', 0.9347718954086304)], [[[331.0, 418.0], [379.0, 418.0], [379.0, 442.0], [331.0, 442.0]], ('3,00', 0.944853663444519)], [[[408.0, 417.0], [486.0, 417.0], [486.0, 441.0], [408.0, 441.0]], ('12,001', 0.940937340259552)], [[[68.0, 448.0], [272.0, 446.0], [273.0, 467.0], [68.0, 469.0]], ('8x Weissbier dunkel', 0.9509372711181641)], [[[301.0, 446.0], [327.0, 446.0], [327.0, 468.0], [301.0, 468.0]], ('a', 0.9881734251976013)], [[[330.0, 445.0], [380.0, 445.0], [380.0, 468.0], [330.0, 468.0]], ('3,30', 0.9236428141593933)], [[[406.0, 445.0], [486.0, 445.0], [486.0, 467.0], [406.0, 467.0]], ('26,401', 0.932418167591095)], [[[68.0, 474.0], [250.0, 471.0], [250.0, 494.0], [68.0, 496.0]], ('3x Hefe-Weissbier', 0.9409024715423584)], [[[322.0, 469.0], [381.0, 469.0], [381.0, 496.0], [322.0, 496.0]], ('3,30', 0.9256908893585205)], [[[415.0, 469.0], [488.0, 469.0], [488.0, 496.0], [415.0, 496.0]], ('9,901', 0.9376322031021118)], [[[69.0, 500.0], [199.0, 498.0], [199.0, 520.0], [69.0, 523.0]], ('1x Saft 0.25', 0.9052953720092773)], [[[417.0, 498.0], [487.0, 498.0], [487.0, 522.0], [417.0, 522.0]], ('2,501', 0.9509674310684204)], [[[70.0, 528.0], [250.0, 528.0], [250.0, 549.0], [70.0, 549.0]], ('1x Grosses Wasser', 0.952639102935791)], [[[417.0, 525.0], [487.0, 525.0], [487.0, 548.0], [417.0, 548.0]], ('2,401', 0.9011195302009583)], [[[68.0, 554.0], [293.0, 551.0], [293.0, 574.0], [68.0, 576.0]], ('1x Vegetarische Varia', 0.9536055326461792)], [[[418.0, 553.0], [487.0, 553.0], [487.0, 576.0], [418.0, 576.0]], ('9,901', 0.9631631970405579)], [[[68.0, 581.0], [156.0, 581.0], [156.0, 604.0], [68.0, 604.0]], ('1xGyros', 0.9767594933509827)], [[[418.0, 580.0], [488.0, 580.0], [488.0, 603.0], [418.0, 603.0]], ('8,901', 0.9636781811714172)], [[[68.0, 609.0], [293.0, 605.0], [294.0, 627.0], [68.0, 632.0]], ('1x Baby Kalamari Gefu', 0.94012451171875)], [[[410.0, 607.0], [487.0, 607.0], [487.0, 630.0], [410.0, 630.0]], ('12,901', 0.9264418482780457)], [[[66.0, 636.0], [219.0, 632.0], [220.0, 655.0], [66.0, 658.0]], ('2x Gyros Folie', 0.9385820031166077)], [[[300.0, 634.0], [379.0, 634.0], [379.0, 657.0], [300.0, 657.0]], ('066', 0.9886841773986816)], [[[410.0, 635.0], [488.0, 635.0], [488.0, 658.0], [410.0, 658.0]], ('19,801', 0.9122135639190674)], [[[66.0, 664.0], [261.0, 660.0], [261.0, 681.0], [66.0, 685.0]], ('1x Schafskase Ofen', 0.9495187401771545)], [[[418.0, 661.0], [488.0, 661.0], [488.0, 685.0], [418.0, 685.0]], ('6,901', 0.9497097134590149)], [[[66.0, 690.0], [250.0, 687.0], [250.0, 709.0], [66.0, 713.0]], ('1x Bifteki Metaxa', 0.9409899115562439)], [[[410.0, 689.0], [489.0, 689.0], [489.0, 713.0], [410.0, 713.0]], ('11,901', 0.9523768424987793)], [[[65.0, 718.0], [291.0, 715.0], [292.0, 736.0], [65.0, 739.0]], ('1x Schweinefilet Meta', 0.9519574046134949)], [[[410.0, 714.0], [490.0, 717.0], [489.0, 740.0], [409.0, 738.0]], ('13,901', 0.9520806670188904)], [[[65.0, 745.0], [175.0, 745.0], [175.0, 767.0], [65.0, 767.0]], ('1x Stifado', 0.9455184936523438)], [[[411.0, 743.0], [490.0, 743.0], [490.0, 767.0], [411.0, 767.0]], ('14,901', 0.9425061345100403)], [[[65.0, 771.0], [133.0, 771.0], [133.0, 795.0], [65.0, 795.0]], ('1xTee', 0.9732875823974609)], [[[420.0, 772.0], [491.0, 772.0], [491.0, 796.0], [420.0, 796.0]], ('2,101', 0.9562020301818848)], [[[29.0, 822.0], [120.0, 825.0], [119.0, 851.0], [28.0, 849.0]], ('Netto(1)', 0.915351927280426)], [[[148.0, 822.0], [186.0, 825.0], [184.0, 851.0], [146.0, 848.0]], ('Eur', 0.9966568350791931)], [[[215.0, 823.0], [284.0, 823.0], [284.0, 850.0], [215.0, 850.0]], ('129,75', 0.9452731013298035)], [[[28.0, 852.0], [110.0, 852.0], [110.0, 879.0], [28.0, 879.0]], ('+19,0%', 0.8889778256416321)], [[[125.0, 854.0], [182.0, 854.0], [182.0, 878.0], [125.0, 878.0]], ('MwSt:', 0.9709903597831726)], [[[223.0, 853.0], [283.0, 853.0], [283.0, 880.0], [223.0, 880.0]], ('24,65', 0.947473406791687)], [[[21.0, 904.0], [99.0, 914.0], [93.0, 964.0], [14.0, 954.0]], ('Summe:', 0.9741165041923523)], [[[331.0, 909.0], [473.0, 913.0], [472.0, 963.0], [329.0, 959.0]], ('Eur 154,40', 0.8836695551872253)], [[[20.0, 956.0], [279.0, 960.0], [279.0, 985.0], [20.0, 980.0]], ('Es bediente Sie:George', 0.9545641541481018)]] | {"store_name": "ILTO'S Restaurant", "store_addr": "BretonischerRing7 85630Grasbrunn", "telephone": "089-46169340", "date": "10.07.13", "time": "21:52", "subtotal": "Eur129,75", "tax": "24,65", "total": "Eur154,40", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "LowenbrauOriginal", "item_value": "12,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Weissbierdunkel", "item_value": "26,40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Hefe-Welssbier", "item_value": "9,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Saft0,25", "item_value": "2,50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GrossesWasser", "item_value": "2,40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VegetarischeVaria", "item_value": "9,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Gyros", "item_value": "8,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BabyKalamariGefu", "item_value": "12,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GyrosFolie", "item_value": "19,80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SchafskaseOfen", "item_value": "6,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BiftekiMetaxa", "item_value": "11,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SchweinefiletMeta", "item_value": "13,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Stifado", "item_value": "14,90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Tee", "item_value": "2,10", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[274.0, 44.0], [340.0, 44.0], [340.0, 87.0], [274.0, 87.0]], ('THE', 0.9988695979118347)], [[[252.0, 83.0], [357.0, 81.0], [358.0, 125.0], [253.0, 128.0]], ('ROUND', 0.9937310218811035)], [[[257.0, 122.0], [361.0, 122.0], [361.0, 166.0], [257.0, 166.0]], ('TOWER', 0.9987536668777466)], [[[210.0, 164.0], [412.0, 164.0], [412.0, 188.0], [210.0, 188.0]], ('KELLS COMEATH', 0.9530042409896851)], [[[170.0, 199.0], [467.0, 199.0], [467.0, 222.0], [170.0, 222.0]], ('TELEPHONE0469240144', 0.9729913473129272)], [[[31.0, 233.0], [115.0, 233.0], [115.0, 257.0], [31.0, 257.0]], ('*', 0.7023590207099915)], [[[110.0, 234.0], [438.0, 234.0], [438.0, 257.0], [110.0, 257.0]], ('COPYRECETPT', 0.9794206023216248)], [[[31.0, 265.0], [102.0, 265.0], [102.0, 294.0], [31.0, 294.0]], ('CLERK', 0.9980250597000122)], [[[57.0, 300.0], [237.0, 298.0], [238.0, 325.0], [57.0, 327.0]], ('2 MAIN COURSE', 0.9314126968383789)], [[[523.0, 298.0], [607.0, 298.0], [607.0, 326.0], [523.0, 326.0]], ('20.00', 0.9919983744621277)], [[[57.0, 332.0], [130.0, 332.0], [130.0, 361.0], [57.0, 361.0]], ('2TEA', 0.9915286898612976)], [[[536.0, 331.0], [607.0, 331.0], [607.0, 360.0], [536.0, 360.0]], ('3.00', 0.9941898584365845)], [[[58.0, 367.0], [226.0, 367.0], [226.0, 394.0], [58.0, 394.0]], ('2BALLYGOWAN', 0.9933614730834961)], [[[536.0, 365.0], [608.0, 365.0], [608.0, 394.0], [536.0, 394.0]], ('5.00', 0.9924638867378235)], [[[55.0, 433.0], [157.0, 433.0], [157.0, 486.0], [55.0, 486.0]], ('6 Total', 0.9455928206443787)], [[[523.0, 431.0], [609.0, 431.0], [609.0, 486.0], [523.0, 486.0]], ('28.00', 0.9924739599227905)], [[[28.0, 522.0], [143.0, 520.0], [144.0, 573.0], [30.0, 576.0]], ('CASH', 0.9982089996337891)], [[[442.0, 522.0], [603.0, 522.0], [603.0, 572.0], [442.0, 572.0]], ('28.00', 0.997961163520813)], [[[32.0, 609.0], [128.0, 609.0], [128.0, 638.0], [32.0, 638.0]], ('TuesDay', 0.992061197757721)], [[[184.0, 610.0], [427.0, 610.0], [427.0, 634.0], [184.0, 634.0]], ('5-4-201114:19:48', 0.9432437419891357)], [[[35.0, 645.0], [295.0, 645.0], [295.0, 680.0], [35.0, 680.0]], ('#087558L0001', 0.996850311756134)], [[[32.0, 684.0], [438.0, 681.0], [438.0, 706.0], [32.0, 708.0]], ('**COPYRECEIPT', 0.9374093413352966)], [[[195.0, 752.0], [433.0, 752.0], [433.0, 797.0], [195.0, 797.0]], ('THANK YOU', 0.970978319644928)], [[[129.0, 808.0], [501.0, 808.0], [501.0, 852.0], [129.0, 852.0]], ('FOR YOUR VISIT', 0.9411066174507141)]] | {"store_name": "THE ROUND TOWER", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "TELEPHONE0469240144", "date": "TuesDay5-4-2011", "time": "14:19:48", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "\u20ac28.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "MAINCOURSE", "item_value": "\u20ac20.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TEA", "item_value": "\u20ac3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BALLYGOWAN", "item_value": "\u20ac5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[132.0, 47.0], [224.0, 46.0], [224.0, 64.0], [132.0, 65.0]], ('WAWAWA', 0.9927706122398376)], [[[78.0, 79.0], [248.0, 75.0], [248.0, 92.0], [79.0, 97.0]], ('GST Reg No:201100606Z', 0.9119422435760498)], [[[104.0, 110.0], [240.0, 106.0], [240.0, 123.0], [105.0, 127.0]], ('TABLE:29A', 0.9139437079429626)], [[[14.0, 128.0], [53.0, 128.0], [53.0, 143.0], [14.0, 143.0]], ('Fax1', 0.7346696853637695)], [[[117.0, 122.0], [180.0, 126.0], [179.0, 144.0], [117.0, 140.0]], ('GpWendy', 0.7250149846076965)], [[[245.0, 122.0], [296.0, 122.0], [296.0, 139.0], [245.0, 139.0]], ('Li Wen', 0.8676796555519104)], [[[15.0, 141.0], [136.0, 140.0], [136.0, 157.0], [15.0, 158.0]], ('POS Ttle:POS002', 0.7255354523658752)], [[[239.0, 139.0], [317.0, 139.0], [317.0, 153.0], [239.0, 153.0]], ('POS:POS002', 0.9177955389022827)], [[[17.0, 156.0], [151.0, 154.0], [151.0, 171.0], [17.0, 173.0]], ('RcptA17000010069', 0.9189598560333252)], [[[193.0, 154.0], [317.0, 152.0], [317.0, 169.0], [194.0, 171.0]], ('14/06/2017 19:44', 0.9625692963600159)], [[[36.0, 187.0], [117.0, 187.0], [117.0, 201.0], [36.0, 201.0]], ('Carborara', 0.9450865983963013)], [[[267.0, 183.0], [316.0, 183.0], [316.0, 199.0], [267.0, 199.0]], ('$15.80', 0.995248556137085)], [[[36.0, 198.0], [122.0, 200.0], [121.0, 217.0], [35.0, 215.0]], ('1arm ater', 0.8718737363815308)], [[[270.0, 195.0], [314.0, 195.0], [314.0, 213.0], [270.0, 213.0]], ('$1.00', 0.9937620162963867)], [[[54.0, 226.0], [108.0, 226.0], [108.0, 240.0], [54.0, 240.0]], ('SLETOTAL', 0.8618766069412231)], [[[265.0, 223.0], [311.0, 223.0], [311.0, 238.0], [265.0, 238.0]], ('$16.80', 0.9951141476631165)], [[[51.0, 237.0], [132.0, 236.0], [132.0, 254.0], [51.0, 255.0]], ('10%SVCCH', 0.895078182220459)], [[[271.0, 235.0], [312.0, 233.0], [313.0, 252.0], [272.0, 254.0]], ('$1.68', 0.9915550947189331)], [[[51.0, 251.0], [96.0, 251.0], [96.0, 269.0], [51.0, 269.0]], ('7%ST', 0.838126003742218)], [[[273.0, 249.0], [314.0, 249.0], [314.0, 268.0], [273.0, 268.0]], ('$1.29', 0.9954209327697754)], [[[50.0, 280.0], [120.0, 280.0], [120.0, 297.0], [50.0, 297.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.99815434217453)], [[[238.0, 279.0], [328.0, 279.0], [328.0, 296.0], [238.0, 296.0]], ('$19.77', 0.9957502484321594)], [[[128.0, 309.0], [212.0, 309.0], [212.0, 326.0], [128.0, 326.0]], ('Closed Bil', 0.8170326948165894)], [[[100.0, 323.0], [233.0, 323.0], [233.0, 341.0], [100.0, 341.0]], ('14/06/201721:17', 0.9655390977859497)], [[[78.0, 339.0], [256.0, 339.0], [256.0, 356.0], [78.0, 356.0]], ('901 Bedok Reservoir Road', 0.9178802371025085)], [[[106.0, 353.0], [226.0, 350.0], [226.0, 368.0], [106.0, 370.0]], ('Singapore 479266', 0.9467694759368896)], [[[115.0, 367.0], [219.0, 366.0], [219.0, 383.0], [115.0, 384.0]], ('Tel5295 8038', 0.849783718585968)], [[[124.0, 384.0], [218.0, 384.0], [218.0, 397.0], [124.0, 397.0]], ('', 0.9463672637939453)], [[[53.0, 406.0], [281.0, 406.0], [281.0, 423.0], [53.0, 423.0]], ('Thark you, Please see you again!', 0.9006901383399963)], [[[82.0, 420.0], [259.0, 420.0], [259.0, 430.0], [82.0, 430.0]], ('*******', 0.5819714665412903)], [[[102.0, 428.0], [231.0, 429.0], [231.0, 443.0], [101.0, 442.0]], ('PreSettlement Bi11', 0.8501681685447693)]] | {"store_name": "WAWAWA", "store_addr": "901BedokReservoirRoad Singapore479266", "telephone": "62858038", "date": "14/06/2017 14/06/2017", "time": "21:17", "subtotal": "$16.80", "tax": "$1.29", "total": "$19.77", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Carbonara", "item_value": "$15.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WarmWater", "item_value": "$1.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[203.0, 25.0], [263.0, 25.0], [263.0, 43.0], [203.0, 43.0]], ('Vihar', 0.9933931231498718)], [[[141.0, 44.0], [325.0, 37.0], [326.0, 54.0], [142.0, 61.0]], ('Vegetarian Restaurant', 0.9887713193893433)], [[[145.0, 64.0], [318.0, 55.0], [319.0, 72.0], [146.0, 81.0]], ('Near Head Post Office', 0.969217836856842)], [[[186.0, 78.0], [279.0, 76.0], [279.0, 94.0], [186.0, 97.0]], ('Panaji Goa', 0.951919674873352)], [[[302.0, 94.0], [362.0, 91.0], [363.0, 109.0], [303.0, 112.0]], ('Bill No', 0.9389585852622986)], [[[60.0, 104.0], [309.0, 94.0], [310.0, 111.0], [61.0, 121.0]], ('06/01/2018 RNoTNo:WNo', 0.8943840861320496)], [[[158.0, 120.0], [181.0, 120.0], [181.0, 136.0], [158.0, 136.0]], ('59', 0.9994089603424072)], [[[246.0, 117.0], [260.0, 117.0], [260.0, 133.0], [246.0, 133.0]], ('0', 0.7537591457366943)], [[[305.0, 112.0], [329.0, 112.0], [329.0, 132.0], [305.0, 132.0]], ('71', 0.9976164698600769)], [[[58.0, 124.0], [136.0, 120.0], [137.0, 137.0], [59.0, 141.0]], ('04:53PM', 0.9321093559265137)], [[[57.0, 152.0], [140.0, 151.0], [141.0, 169.0], [57.0, 170.0]], ('Particulars', 0.9893772602081299)], [[[222.0, 147.0], [263.0, 147.0], [263.0, 165.0], [222.0, 165.0]], ('Rate', 0.9974061250686646)], [[[274.0, 146.0], [321.0, 146.0], [321.0, 164.0], [274.0, 164.0]], ('Qty ', 0.8950920104980469)], [[[313.0, 145.0], [381.0, 145.0], [381.0, 162.0], [313.0, 162.0]], ('Amount', 0.9979509711265564)], [[[55.0, 181.0], [153.0, 181.0], [153.0, 198.0], [55.0, 198.0]], ('Banana Dosa', 0.977501630783081)], [[[238.0, 176.0], [260.0, 176.0], [260.0, 193.0], [238.0, 193.0]], ('65', 0.9976928234100342)], [[[272.0, 176.0], [286.0, 176.0], [286.0, 192.0], [272.0, 192.0]], ('1', 0.9396274089813232)], [[[348.0, 174.0], [394.0, 174.0], [394.0, 192.0], [348.0, 192.0]], ('65.00', 0.9938446283340454)], [[[52.0, 201.0], [92.0, 201.0], [92.0, 219.0], [52.0, 219.0]], ('Buns', 0.9972526431083679)], [[[239.0, 197.0], [261.0, 197.0], [261.0, 214.0], [239.0, 214.0]], ('15', 0.9986598491668701)], [[[270.0, 198.0], [286.0, 198.0], [286.0, 212.0], [270.0, 212.0]], ('1', 0.809726357460022)], [[[349.0, 195.0], [395.0, 195.0], [395.0, 213.0], [349.0, 213.0]], ('15.00', 0.995476245880127)], [[[50.0, 224.0], [148.0, 221.0], [149.0, 238.0], [51.0, 241.0]], ('Chapati Thali', 0.9795770049095154)], [[[230.0, 218.0], [261.0, 218.0], [261.0, 237.0], [230.0, 237.0]], ('110', 0.9982804656028748)], [[[273.0, 220.0], [287.0, 220.0], [287.0, 235.0], [273.0, 235.0]], ('1', 0.9778579473495483)], [[[343.0, 218.0], [397.0, 218.0], [397.0, 236.0], [343.0, 236.0]], ('110.00', 0.9918803572654724)], [[[47.0, 244.0], [191.0, 242.0], [191.0, 260.0], [47.0, 262.0]], ('Mineral Water 1 Ltr', 0.9218076467514038)], [[[239.0, 241.0], [261.0, 241.0], [261.0, 258.0], [239.0, 258.0]], ('25', 0.9993518590927124)], [[[274.0, 242.0], [287.0, 242.0], [287.0, 257.0], [274.0, 257.0]], ('1', 0.9104130864143372)], [[[352.0, 240.0], [398.0, 240.0], [398.0, 258.0], [352.0, 258.0]], ('25.00', 0.9946531057357788)], [[[46.0, 267.0], [102.0, 267.0], [102.0, 285.0], [46.0, 285.0]], ('Sheera', 0.998145580291748)], [[[239.0, 264.0], [263.0, 264.0], [263.0, 281.0], [239.0, 281.0]], ('30', 0.9964415431022644)], [[[271.0, 267.0], [286.0, 263.0], [289.0, 279.0], [275.0, 282.0]], ('1', 0.9658732414245605)], [[[353.0, 263.0], [400.0, 263.0], [400.0, 282.0], [353.0, 282.0]], ('30.00', 0.9069957733154297)], [[[42.0, 302.0], [151.0, 300.0], [152.0, 324.0], [43.0, 327.0]], ('Food Total', 0.9625353813171387)], [[[336.0, 298.0], [401.0, 298.0], [401.0, 319.0], [336.0, 319.0]], ('245.00', 0.9951789379119873)], [[[40.0, 336.0], [142.0, 336.0], [142.0, 357.0], [40.0, 357.0]], ('Bill Amount', 0.9165948629379272)], [[[337.0, 331.0], [403.0, 334.0], [402.0, 355.0], [336.0, 352.0]], ('245.00', 0.9959269165992737)], [[[36.0, 362.0], [142.0, 359.0], [143.0, 381.0], [36.0, 383.0]], ('Round OFF', 0.9622681736946106)], [[[361.0, 359.0], [402.0, 359.0], [402.0, 378.0], [361.0, 378.0]], ('0.00', 0.9956809282302856)], [[[34.0, 385.0], [79.0, 385.0], [79.0, 407.0], [34.0, 407.0]], ('5/5', 0.9958263039588928)], [[[166.0, 384.0], [272.0, 382.0], [272.0, 403.0], [166.0, 405.0]], ('Grand Total', 0.9841874837875366)], [[[328.0, 384.0], [403.0, 384.0], [403.0, 406.0], [328.0, 406.0]], ('245.00', 0.9981854557991028)], [[[35.0, 412.0], [310.0, 408.0], [310.0, 428.0], [35.0, 432.0]], ('GSTNO:-30ABNPS1185Q1Z2', 0.9678041338920593)], [[[37.0, 436.0], [286.0, 436.0], [286.0, 449.0], [37.0, 449.0]], ('Thankinn YouLVisit Again ll', 0.8610634803771973)]] | {"store_name": "Vihar VegetarianRestaurant", "store_addr": "NearHeadPostOffice PanajiGoa", "telephone": "", "date": "06/01/2018", "time": "04:53PM", "subtotal": "245.00 245.00", "tax": "", "total": "245.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BananaDosa", "item_value": "65.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Buns", "item_value": "15.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChapatiThali", "item_value": "110.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MineralWater1Ltr", "item_value": "25.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Sheera", "item_value": "30.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Particulars", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[287.0, 34.0], [338.0, 34.0], [338.0, 45.0], [287.0, 45.0]], ('RECEIPT', 0.922436535358429)], [[[265.0, 47.0], [366.0, 45.0], [367.0, 58.0], [266.0, 60.0]], ('YZZIA S.ONIWOC', 0.597937285900116)], [[[257.0, 60.0], [370.0, 58.0], [371.0, 72.0], [257.0, 75.0]], ('Kovsn, Singapcre', 0.8290413022041321)], [[[184.0, 92.0], [225.0, 92.0], [225.0, 106.0], [184.0, 106.0]], ('EATIN', 0.9923653602600098)], [[[333.0, 87.0], [407.0, 85.0], [407.0, 99.0], [333.0, 101.0]], ('Pay By:CASH', 0.9190751910209656)], [[[183.0, 137.0], [222.0, 137.0], [222.0, 151.0], [183.0, 151.0]], ('order', 0.961134135723114)], [[[263.0, 133.0], [304.0, 133.0], [304.0, 148.0], [263.0, 148.0]], ('1378', 0.890692412853241)], [[[344.0, 133.0], [363.0, 133.0], [363.0, 146.0], [344.0, 146.0]], ('Ag', 0.8390460014343262)], [[[381.0, 130.0], [449.0, 128.0], [449.0, 142.0], [382.0, 144.0]], ('IEANETTE', 0.8936480283737183)], [[[182.0, 160.0], [333.0, 157.0], [333.0, 171.0], [182.0, 175.0]], ('OrderTm16:2737', 0.7908037900924683)], [[[343.0, 156.0], [449.0, 152.0], [450.0, 166.0], [343.0, 171.0]], ('Date 16/02/3', 0.8999295830726624)], [[[186.0, 187.0], [236.0, 187.0], [236.0, 198.0], [186.0, 198.0]], ('Table No', 0.878854513168335)], [[[360.0, 179.0], [445.0, 177.0], [445.0, 194.0], [361.0, 196.0]], ('No.of Pax', 0.8470429182052612)], [[[184.0, 202.0], [338.0, 198.0], [338.0, 214.0], [185.0, 219.0]], ('Pickup Time: 16:4235', 0.7538502216339111)], [[[182.0, 234.0], [245.0, 231.0], [246.0, 245.0], [183.0, 248.0]], ('Oty Menu', 0.8406932950019836)], [[[265.0, 231.0], [296.0, 231.0], [296.0, 245.0], [265.0, 245.0]], ('Desc', 0.9060214161872864)], [[[337.0, 229.0], [383.0, 229.0], [383.0, 243.0], [337.0, 243.0]], ('Coupon', 0.9945480227470398)], [[[418.0, 227.0], [459.0, 227.0], [459.0, 241.0], [418.0, 241.0]], ('Price', 0.9080497026443481)], [[[190.0, 260.0], [286.0, 259.0], [286.0, 275.0], [190.0, 276.0]], ('19THNHW', 0.8873133659362793)], [[[336.0, 257.0], [356.0, 257.0], [356.0, 274.0], [336.0, 274.0]], ('NC', 0.9703578352928162)], [[[420.0, 257.0], [459.0, 254.0], [460.0, 269.0], [421.0, 272.0]], ('22.80', 0.9901755452156067)], [[[192.0, 279.0], [239.0, 279.0], [239.0, 294.0], [192.0, 294.0]], ('1GRD', 0.9002110362052917)], [[[257.0, 278.0], [296.0, 278.0], [296.0, 292.0], [257.0, 292.0]], ('4GD', 0.8433108329772949)], [[[336.0, 273.0], [357.0, 275.0], [355.0, 292.0], [334.0, 289.0]], ('NC', 0.858895480632782)], [[[427.0, 273.0], [461.0, 273.0], [461.0, 288.0], [427.0, 288.0]], ('089', 0.8893594741821289)], [[[191.0, 296.0], [244.0, 294.0], [245.0, 309.0], [192.0, 312.0]], ('LORNG', 0.8429436683654785)], [[[338.0, 294.0], [357.0, 294.0], [357.0, 307.0], [338.0, 307.0]], ('NC', 0.9884730577468872)], [[[430.0, 291.0], [462.0, 291.0], [462.0, 305.0], [430.0, 305.0]], ('3.80', 0.9883797764778137)], [[[192.0, 314.0], [238.0, 314.0], [238.0, 328.0], [192.0, 328.0]], ('1T/3', 0.6218279600143433)], [[[339.0, 311.0], [372.0, 311.0], [372.0, 326.0], [339.0, 326.0]], ('LSM2', 0.988845944404602)], [[[430.0, 308.0], [463.0, 308.0], [463.0, 323.0], [430.0, 323.0]], ('4.60', 0.9373764991760254)], [[[185.0, 343.0], [251.0, 343.0], [251.0, 354.0], [185.0, 354.0]], ('Sub-Total', 0.8778920769691467)], [[[357.0, 339.0], [399.0, 337.0], [400.0, 351.0], [358.0, 354.0]], ('37.20', 0.9894422292709351)], [[[357.0, 358.0], [399.0, 355.0], [400.0, 374.0], [358.0, 376.0]], ('37.20', 0.9896872639656067)], [[[183.0, 386.0], [266.0, 386.0], [266.0, 400.0], [183.0, 400.0]], ('Grand Total.', 0.9080533981323242)], [[[307.0, 386.0], [314.0, 386.0], [314.0, 397.0], [307.0, 397.0]], ('..', 0.7783241271972656)], [[[367.0, 381.0], [409.0, 381.0], [409.0, 396.0], [367.0, 396.0]], ('C.C0', 0.7470683455467224)], [[[308.0, 454.0], [316.0, 454.0], [316.0, 464.0], [308.0, 464.0]], (':', 0.8444133400917053)], [[[369.0, 448.0], [404.0, 445.0], [406.0, 461.0], [370.0, 464.0]], ('0.00', 0.9961588382720947)], [[[250.0, 487.0], [443.0, 485.0], [443.0, 502.0], [250.0, 505.0]], ("for visiting Domino'e.", 0.9135975241661072)], [[[246.0, 506.0], [388.0, 504.0], [388.0, 519.0], [246.0, 520.0]], ('Please Come Again.', 0.9253531694412231)], [[[81.0, 523.0], [173.0, 479.0], [185.0, 504.0], [92.0, 549.0]], ("Domino's", 0.8780269622802734)], [[[27.0, 547.0], [178.0, 614.0], [165.0, 645.0], [14.0, 578.0]], ('Chilli Flakes', 0.9472551941871643)], [[[93.0, 544.0], [149.0, 519.0], [159.0, 542.0], [103.0, 566.0]], ('Pizza', 0.9934590458869934)], [[[236.0, 562.0], [404.0, 562.0], [404.0, 576.0], [236.0, 576.0]], ('6-222-6-335', 0.9378618597984314)], [[[247.0, 583.0], [392.0, 583.0], [392.0, 596.0], [247.0, 596.0]], ('', 0.8946289420127869)], [[[287.0, 618.0], [354.0, 620.0], [353.0, 637.0], [286.0, 635.0]], ('Cwned ky', 0.8449294567108154)], [[[198.0, 640.0], [453.0, 636.0], [453.0, 653.0], [198.0, 657.0]], ('p ea eodebs ezzi soeo', 0.5052008032798767)], [[[229.0, 660.0], [412.0, 656.0], [412.0, 669.0], [229.0, 673.0]], ('G5T/RC No.200900719D', 0.8680411577224731)], [[[474.0, 658.0], [483.0, 658.0], [483.0, 668.0], [474.0, 668.0]], ('7', 0.5158811211585999)]] | {"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "16/02/23", "time": "", "subtotal": "37.20", "tax": "", "total": "0.00--", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "9\"THN(HW)", "item_value": "22.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GRD4GRD", "item_value": "5.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ORNG", "item_value": "3.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "T/B", "item_value": "4.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Desc", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[57.0, 35.0], [265.0, 36.0], [265.0, 50.0], [57.0, 49.0]], ('CHICAGO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT', 0.9806945323944092)], [[[108.0, 27.0], [221.0, 27.0], [221.0, 37.0], [108.0, 37.0]], ('CUBS BAR &GRILL', 0.9004409313201904)], [[[48.0, 58.0], [182.0, 60.0], [181.0, 74.0], [48.0, 72.0]], ('800004206 Beletsha', 0.956536591053009)], [[[50.0, 81.0], [109.0, 85.0], [108.0, 100.0], [49.0, 96.0]], ('134/1', 0.9862498044967651)], [[[207.0, 86.0], [247.0, 86.0], [247.0, 100.0], [207.0, 100.0]], ('GST 1', 0.8894519805908203)], [[[151.0, 98.0], [193.0, 98.0], [193.0, 112.0], [151.0, 112.0]], ('201', 0.9982067942619324)], [[[106.0, 109.0], [171.0, 112.0], [171.0, 126.0], [105.0, 123.0]], ('NOV0416', 0.9567251801490784)], [[[166.0, 114.0], [224.0, 114.0], [224.0, 125.0], [166.0, 125.0]], ('3:50PM', 0.9221291542053223)], [[[74.0, 135.0], [131.0, 138.0], [130.0, 152.0], [74.0, 149.0]], ('DINE IN', 0.9744476675987244)], [[[105.0, 162.0], [227.0, 163.0], [227.0, 177.0], [105.0, 176.0]], ('****SEAT1****', 0.9018492102622986)], [[[60.0, 177.0], [159.0, 177.0], [159.0, 190.0], [60.0, 190.0]], ('1JDANIELS1', 0.9481604695320129)], [[[232.0, 176.0], [265.0, 176.0], [265.0, 190.0], [232.0, 190.0]], ('9.59', 0.9953880906105042)], [[[88.0, 190.0], [146.0, 190.0], [146.0, 204.0], [88.0, 204.0]], ('/COKE', 0.9710777997970581)], [[[57.0, 203.0], [168.0, 203.0], [168.0, 217.0], [57.0, 217.0]], ('1 BURG BBQ BAC', 0.9038178324699402)], [[[228.0, 202.0], [268.0, 202.0], [268.0, 217.0], [228.0, 217.0]], ('13.00', 0.9982226490974426)], [[[88.0, 217.0], [145.0, 217.0], [145.0, 231.0], [88.0, 231.0]], ('CHEDDAR', 0.9971904754638672)], [[[87.0, 231.0], [132.0, 231.0], [132.0, 245.0], [87.0, 245.0]], ('FRIES', 0.9958493113517761)], [[[54.0, 245.0], [160.0, 245.0], [160.0, 259.0], [54.0, 259.0]], ('1JDANIELS1', 0.9766689538955688)], [[[236.0, 243.0], [271.0, 243.0], [271.0, 257.0], [236.0, 257.0]], ('9.59', 0.9946224093437195)], [[[36.0, 260.0], [64.0, 260.0], [64.0, 275.0], [36.0, 275.0]], ('TAX', 0.9947072863578796)], [[[109.0, 259.0], [147.0, 259.0], [147.0, 273.0], [109.0, 273.0]], ('3.71', 0.994510293006897)], [[[158.0, 258.0], [271.0, 258.0], [271.0, 272.0], [158.0, 272.0]], ('AMOUNTD35.89', 0.9785805344581604)], [[[104.0, 275.0], [159.0, 275.0], [159.0, 286.0], [104.0, 286.0]], ('*******', 0.8520112633705139)], [[[176.0, 275.0], [232.0, 275.0], [232.0, 285.0], [176.0, 285.0]], ('*******', 0.8139718174934387)], [[[66.0, 304.0], [134.0, 303.0], [135.0, 318.0], [66.0, 319.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.9964607954025269)], [[[233.0, 302.0], [276.0, 302.0], [276.0, 317.0], [233.0, 317.0]], ('32.18', 0.9945958256721497)], [[[65.0, 320.0], [93.0, 320.0], [93.0, 335.0], [65.0, 335.0]], ('TAX', 0.9953363537788391)], [[[242.0, 318.0], [278.0, 318.0], [278.0, 333.0], [242.0, 333.0]], ('3.71', 0.9965434074401855)], [[[64.0, 337.0], [151.0, 334.0], [152.0, 351.0], [65.0, 354.0]], ('AMOUNT DUE', 0.975732684135437)], [[[176.0, 335.0], [276.0, 332.0], [277.0, 349.0], [176.0, 352.0]], ('$35.89', 0.9196632504463196)], [[[44.0, 371.0], [290.0, 367.0], [290.0, 384.0], [44.0, 388.0]], ('THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS!', 0.9390890002250671)], [[[34.0, 406.0], [294.0, 402.0], [294.0, 419.0], [34.0, 423.0]], ('TELL US ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE', 0.9613000750541687)]] | {"store_name": "CUBSBAR&GRILL", "store_addr": "CHICAGOINTERNATIONALAIRPORT", "telephone": "", "date": "NOV04'16", "time": "3:50PM", "subtotal": "32.18", "tax": "3.71 3.71", "total": "35.89 $35.89", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "JDANIELS", "item_value": "9.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "w/COKE", "item_value": "13.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BURGBBQBAC", "item_value": "9.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHEDDAR", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRIES", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "JDANIELS", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[92.0, 57.0], [207.0, 45.0], [209.0, 66.0], [94.0, 78.0]], ('EAT STREET', 0.9456824064254761)], [[[123.0, 75.0], [163.0, 72.0], [165.0, 94.0], [125.0, 97.0]], ('HIA', 0.9983737468719482)], [[[104.0, 99.0], [181.0, 90.0], [183.0, 105.0], [106.0, 114.0]], ('SALES RECEIPT', 0.9486948251724243)], [[[36.0, 118.0], [56.0, 118.0], [56.0, 130.0], [36.0, 130.0]], ('Ian', 0.6355591416358948)], [[[114.0, 112.0], [231.0, 102.0], [232.0, 116.0], [115.0, 126.0]], ('00000P0017000468146', 0.9844822287559509)], [[[35.0, 130.0], [61.0, 130.0], [61.0, 145.0], [35.0, 145.0]], ('111', 0.5288761258125305)], [[[114.0, 125.0], [148.0, 122.0], [149.0, 137.0], [115.0, 140.0]], ('P0017', 0.9749819040298462)], [[[115.0, 140.0], [166.0, 135.0], [167.0, 150.0], [116.0, 155.0]], ('04/21/17', 0.9961382150650024)], [[[36.0, 161.0], [60.0, 161.0], [60.0, 173.0], [36.0, 173.0]], ('TiME', 0.6413722634315491)], [[[115.0, 155.0], [179.0, 149.0], [180.0, 164.0], [116.0, 170.0]], ('51529AM', 0.9081498980522156)], [[[34.0, 175.0], [78.0, 175.0], [78.0, 189.0], [34.0, 189.0]], ('Cashier', 0.9764426946640015)], [[[115.0, 170.0], [197.0, 164.0], [198.0, 179.0], [116.0, 184.0]], ('SP475-Tugas', 0.7965217232704163)], [[[182.0, 196.0], [205.0, 193.0], [207.0, 209.0], [184.0, 213.0]], ('QTY', 0.8713724613189697)], [[[252.0, 191.0], [277.0, 188.0], [279.0, 204.0], [254.0, 207.0]], ('AMT', 0.9350716471672058)], [[[33.0, 203.0], [61.0, 203.0], [61.0, 219.0], [33.0, 219.0]], ('ITEM', 0.9502819180488586)], [[[198.0, 228.0], [206.0, 228.0], [206.0, 239.0], [198.0, 239.0]], ('1', 0.9745898842811584)], [[[243.0, 221.0], [280.0, 219.0], [281.0, 234.0], [244.0, 236.0]], ('13.00', 0.9594578742980957)], [[[30.0, 234.0], [144.0, 230.0], [144.0, 244.0], [30.0, 248.0]], ('Back Tea 12 0z CF', 0.8793329000473022)], [[[198.0, 243.0], [206.0, 243.0], [206.0, 254.0], [198.0, 254.0]], ('1', 0.9779512882232666)], [[[244.0, 237.0], [281.0, 237.0], [281.0, 252.0], [244.0, 252.0]], ('24.00', 0.9878207445144653)], [[[29.0, 249.0], [156.0, 244.0], [157.0, 261.0], [29.0, 266.0]], ('Fresh Frust Saad Po', 0.922938883304596)], [[[245.0, 254.0], [283.0, 254.0], [283.0, 269.0], [245.0, 269.0]], ('22.00', 0.9011761546134949)], [[[28.0, 266.0], [155.0, 259.0], [156.0, 275.0], [29.0, 283.0]], ('Yosurt-Muesl s Nuts', 0.8031113147735596)], [[[182.0, 288.0], [207.0, 288.0], [207.0, 304.0], [182.0, 304.0]], ('OHR', 0.6918981075286865)], [[[247.0, 287.0], [288.0, 287.0], [288.0, 305.0], [247.0, 305.0]], ('59.J0', 0.8465933799743652)], [[[27.0, 298.0], [61.0, 298.0], [61.0, 313.0], [27.0, 313.0]], ('Total', 0.8960005640983582)], [[[118.0, 327.0], [142.0, 327.0], [142.0, 345.0], [118.0, 345.0]], ('OAR', 0.9026656150817871)], [[[243.0, 321.0], [290.0, 324.0], [289.0, 342.0], [242.0, 339.0]], ('-59.00', 0.9695828557014465)], [[[23.0, 332.0], [53.0, 332.0], [53.0, 348.0], [23.0, 348.0]], ('Card', 0.988832950592041)], [[[21.0, 351.0], [51.0, 351.0], [51.0, 367.0], [21.0, 367.0]], ('8526', 0.9975705742835999)], [[[118.0, 386.0], [185.0, 386.0], [185.0, 403.0], [118.0, 403.0]], ('Thank you', 0.9350061416625977)], [[[82.0, 406.0], [226.0, 396.0], [227.0, 417.0], [83.0, 427.0]], ('Have a Nice Flight!', 0.8587994575500488)]] | {"store_name": "EATSTREET HIA", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "04/21/17", "time": "6:15:29AM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "59.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BlackTea12OzCF", "item_value": "13.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "24.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "22.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "ITEM", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[359.0, 120.0], [473.0, 125.0], [471.0, 155.0], [357.0, 150.0]], ('CLOCKED!', 0.987544059753418)], [[[298.0, 149.0], [488.0, 153.0], [487.0, 174.0], [298.0, 171.0]], ('259W.Washington St', 0.9729049205780029)], [[[317.0, 172.0], [479.0, 172.0], [479.0, 193.0], [317.0, 193.0]], ('AthensGA30601', 0.9968891143798828)], [[[337.0, 192.0], [452.0, 192.0], [452.0, 213.0], [337.0, 213.0]], ('706-548-9175', 0.9914908409118652)], [[[297.0, 213.0], [490.0, 214.0], [490.0, 236.0], [297.0, 235.0]], ('', 0.986568808555603)], [[[458.0, 274.0], [509.0, 274.0], [509.0, 298.0], [458.0, 298.0]], ('28267', 0.9990726709365845)], [[[202.0, 295.0], [263.0, 295.0], [263.0, 318.0], [202.0, 318.0]], ('Debrah', 0.974029004573822)], [[[459.0, 297.0], [545.0, 297.0], [545.0, 319.0], [459.0, 319.0]], ('Table:01', 0.9413427114486694)], [[[202.0, 318.0], [300.0, 318.0], [300.0, 340.0], [202.0, 340.0]], ('04/29/2013', 0.9975844621658325)], [[[457.0, 318.0], [512.0, 318.0], [512.0, 341.0], [457.0, 341.0]], ('Gst2', 0.9872779846191406)], [[[203.0, 338.0], [281.0, 338.0], [281.0, 362.0], [203.0, 362.0]], ('07:14PM', 0.928318202495575)], [[[225.0, 422.0], [328.0, 422.0], [328.0, 445.0], [225.0, 445.0]], ('1 Yawk Tofu', 0.9398512244224548)], [[[513.0, 421.0], [556.0, 421.0], [556.0, 446.0], [513.0, 446.0]], ('5.00', 0.9962562322616577)], [[[239.0, 441.0], [384.0, 444.0], [384.0, 466.0], [239.0, 464.0]], ('Pint Two Hearts', 0.9541519284248352)], [[[514.0, 444.0], [555.0, 444.0], [555.0, 464.0], [514.0, 464.0]], ('5.00', 0.9931421875953674)], [[[239.0, 462.0], [330.0, 464.0], [329.0, 487.0], [239.0, 484.0]], ('Pint Pale', 0.9599511623382568)], [[[513.0, 462.0], [556.0, 462.0], [556.0, 486.0], [513.0, 486.0]], ('4.75', 0.9848621487617493)], [[[241.0, 485.0], [336.0, 485.0], [336.0, 505.0], [241.0, 505.0]], ('BLACK BEAN', 0.9631015062332153)], [[[515.0, 484.0], [555.0, 484.0], [555.0, 505.0], [515.0, 505.0]], ('6.00', 0.994511604309082)], [[[238.0, 503.0], [285.0, 503.0], [285.0, 527.0], [238.0, 527.0]], ('SLAW', 0.9957674741744995)], [[[516.0, 505.0], [556.0, 505.0], [556.0, 526.0], [516.0, 526.0]], ('1.75', 0.9913745522499084)], [[[238.0, 524.0], [299.0, 524.0], [299.0, 547.0], [238.0, 547.0]], ('SM SPF', 0.9361060261726379)], [[[514.0, 524.0], [560.0, 524.0], [560.0, 548.0], [514.0, 548.0]], ('2.75', 0.9699851274490356)], [[[139.0, 569.0], [182.0, 598.0], [108.0, 704.0], [65.0, 676.0]], ('DUBBLE', 0.8688462376594543)], [[[353.0, 627.0], [443.0, 627.0], [443.0, 650.0], [353.0, 650.0]], ('SubTotal:', 0.9791344404220581)], [[[502.0, 626.0], [555.0, 626.0], [555.0, 651.0], [502.0, 651.0]], ('25.25', 0.992753803730011)], [[[382.0, 649.0], [444.0, 649.0], [444.0, 672.0], [382.0, 672.0]], ('Sales:', 0.9394655227661133)], [[[511.0, 645.0], [555.0, 645.0], [555.0, 671.0], [511.0, 671.0]], ('1.77', 0.9829301834106445)], [[[296.0, 700.0], [387.0, 700.0], [387.0, 735.0], [296.0, 735.0]], ('Total:', 0.9828700423240662)], [[[463.0, 697.0], [547.0, 697.0], [547.0, 736.0], [463.0, 736.0]], ('27.02', 0.9934881925582886)], [[[320.0, 779.0], [467.0, 779.0], [467.0, 801.0], [320.0, 801.0]], ('Stay Positive!', 0.9456616640090942)], [[[285.0, 804.0], [511.0, 804.0], [511.0, 827.0], [285.0, 827.0]], ('Have a Beaut iful Day!', 0.9022895693778992)]] | {"store_name": "CLOCKED!", "store_addr": "Athens,GA30601 259W.WashingtonSt", "telephone": "706-548-9175", "date": "04/29/2013", "time": "07:14PM", "subtotal": "25.25", "tax": "1.77", "total": "27.02", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SMSPF", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SLAW", "item_value": "5.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BLACKBEAN", "item_value": "4.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PintPale", "item_value": "6.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PintTwoHearts", "item_value": "1.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "YawkTofu", "item_value": "2.75", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[212.0, 185.0], [355.0, 189.0], [354.0, 216.0], [211.0, 212.0]], ('Jollibee.', 0.9426419138908386)], [[[208.0, 214.0], [349.0, 216.0], [349.0, 233.0], [207.0, 231.0]], ('Ent rek B)Sdn.Bhd.', 0.9136639833450317)], [[[158.0, 232.0], [393.0, 234.0], [393.0, 252.0], [158.0, 250.0]], ('Jol l ibee Yayasan Complex B06', 0.8846166729927063)], [[[198.0, 251.0], [350.0, 253.0], [350.0, 270.0], [198.0, 268.0]], ('22328902232891', 0.998315691947937)], [[[112.0, 270.0], [437.0, 273.0], [437.0, 289.0], [112.0, 286.0]], ('**************************************', 0.9486924409866333)], [[[99.0, 287.0], [167.0, 289.0], [167.0, 310.0], [99.0, 308.0]], ('2POS2', 0.9279996752738953)], [[[366.0, 293.0], [445.0, 293.0], [445.0, 311.0], [366.0, 311.0]], ('2 Hjh Joy', 0.9177329540252686)], [[[98.0, 330.0], [205.0, 330.0], [205.0, 347.0], [98.0, 347.0]], ('Chk No:20052', 0.9105328917503357)], [[[194.0, 350.0], [351.0, 351.0], [351.0, 369.0], [194.0, 368.0]], ('18 Feb 14 13:04:18', 0.8948903679847717)], [[[216.0, 389.0], [283.0, 391.0], [282.0, 412.0], [215.0, 410.0]], ('DINE IN', 0.9816188216209412)], [[[93.0, 415.0], [103.0, 415.0], [103.0, 426.0], [93.0, 426.0]], ('1', 0.5527889728546143)], [[[98.0, 412.0], [165.0, 412.0], [165.0, 430.0], [98.0, 430.0]], ('C1CI', 0.9291637539863586)], [[[375.0, 414.0], [415.0, 414.0], [415.0, 433.0], [375.0, 433.0]], ('3.70', 0.9982583522796631)], [[[124.0, 433.0], [183.0, 433.0], [183.0, 454.0], [124.0, 454.0]], ('UM SDR', 0.9090628623962402)], [[[113.0, 454.0], [156.0, 454.0], [156.0, 476.0], [113.0, 476.0]], ('CASH', 0.9977744221687317)], [[[368.0, 456.0], [416.0, 456.0], [416.0, 478.0], [368.0, 478.0]], ('10.00', 0.997840404510498)], [[[112.0, 500.0], [259.0, 500.0], [259.0, 520.0], [112.0, 520.0]], ('Total item sold', 0.9293282628059387)], [[[401.0, 501.0], [417.0, 501.0], [417.0, 522.0], [401.0, 522.0]], ('2', 0.9924123883247375)], [[[110.0, 525.0], [193.0, 525.0], [193.0, 542.0], [110.0, 542.0]], ('Subtotal:', 0.9815322160720825)], [[[375.0, 523.0], [418.0, 523.0], [418.0, 545.0], [375.0, 545.0]], ('3.70', 0.9978770017623901)], [[[107.0, 546.0], [166.0, 546.0], [166.0, 567.0], [107.0, 567.0]], ('Total:', 0.9757642149925232)], [[[375.0, 546.0], [418.0, 546.0], [418.0, 568.0], [375.0, 568.0]], ('3.70', 0.996751070022583)], [[[104.0, 569.0], [183.0, 569.0], [183.0, 590.0], [104.0, 590.0]], ('Payment:', 0.9890428185462952)], [[[369.0, 570.0], [418.0, 570.0], [418.0, 592.0], [369.0, 592.0]], ('10.00', 0.9977214932441711)], [[[103.0, 594.0], [208.0, 594.0], [208.0, 614.0], [103.0, 614.0]], ('Change Due:', 0.9344556927680969)], [[[376.0, 593.0], [419.0, 593.0], [419.0, 616.0], [376.0, 616.0]], ('6.30', 0.9959678649902344)], [[[126.0, 618.0], [389.0, 619.0], [389.0, 639.0], [126.0, 638.0]], ('-2 CL0SED 18 Feb 14 13:04:49', 0.8712970018386841)], [[[185.0, 667.0], [341.0, 669.0], [341.0, 690.0], [185.0, 688.0]], ('Official Receipt', 0.9525863528251648)], [[[108.0, 692.0], [407.0, 694.0], [407.0, 714.0], [108.0, 712.0]], ('Terima Kasih! Sila Datang Lagi!', 0.9291024208068848)]] | {"store_name": "Jollibee", "store_addr": "JollibeeYayasanComplexB06", "telephone": "22328902232891", "date": "18Feb14 18Feb14", "time": "13:04:49 13:04:18", "subtotal": "3.70", "tax": "", "total": "3.70", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "C1CI", "item_value": "3.70", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[130.0, 40.0], [264.0, 37.0], [265.0, 56.0], [131.0, 60.0]], ('FLYINGJ', 0.9934653043746948)], [[[99.0, 61.0], [296.0, 55.0], [296.0, 75.0], [99.0, 80.0]], ('TRAVEL PLAZA', 0.9513441920280457)], [[[36.0, 101.0], [249.0, 95.0], [249.0, 115.0], [36.0, 121.0]], ('TroutdaleOR', 0.9880912899971008)], [[[281.0, 95.0], [362.0, 93.0], [363.0, 110.0], [281.0, 112.0]], ('97060', 0.9918343424797058)], [[[38.0, 160.0], [200.0, 155.0], [200.0, 173.0], [38.0, 178.0]], ('06/18/2009', 0.9834273457527161)], [[[37.0, 180.0], [185.0, 174.0], [186.0, 193.0], [38.0, 200.0]], ('Invoice#', 0.9759572744369507)], [[[236.0, 173.0], [365.0, 170.0], [366.0, 187.0], [236.0, 191.0]], ('03513718', 0.9738007187843323)], [[[37.0, 195.0], [270.0, 188.0], [271.0, 211.0], [37.0, 217.0]], ('BECKER SHANE B', 0.9410883784294128)], [[[39.0, 217.0], [105.0, 217.0], [105.0, 234.0], [39.0, 234.0]], ('VISA', 0.8919240832328796)], [[[281.0, 209.0], [367.0, 206.0], [368.0, 226.0], [282.0, 230.0]], ('#1100', 0.9925327301025391)], [[[38.0, 236.0], [138.0, 231.0], [139.0, 252.0], [39.0, 256.0]], ('Auth #', 0.8775122165679932)], [[[269.0, 229.0], [366.0, 226.0], [367.0, 246.0], [270.0, 248.0]], ('914286', 0.9977307319641113)], [[[39.0, 255.0], [171.0, 251.0], [172.0, 271.0], [39.0, 276.0]], ('Pump02', 0.9634045958518982)], [[[237.0, 250.0], [366.0, 247.0], [367.0, 265.0], [237.0, 268.0]], ('UNLEADED', 0.9962128400802612)], [[[54.0, 274.0], [188.0, 271.0], [188.0, 291.0], [54.0, 293.0]], ('Quantity', 0.9957927465438843)], [[[269.0, 267.0], [368.0, 263.0], [369.0, 284.0], [270.0, 287.0]], ('13.814', 0.997965395450592)], [[[58.0, 293.0], [139.0, 293.0], [139.0, 311.0], [58.0, 311.0]], ('Price', 0.9961894750595093)], [[[285.0, 286.0], [369.0, 284.0], [370.0, 304.0], [285.0, 306.0]], ('2.679', 0.9707538485527039)], [[[57.0, 313.0], [155.0, 308.0], [157.0, 329.0], [58.0, 333.0]], ('Amount', 0.9968247413635254)], [[[270.0, 305.0], [353.0, 303.0], [353.0, 323.0], [271.0, 325.0]], ('37.01', 0.9941545724868774)], [[[57.0, 331.0], [218.0, 326.0], [219.0, 346.0], [58.0, 352.0]], ('Total Amt.', 0.953094482421875)], [[[270.0, 324.0], [354.0, 322.0], [354.0, 343.0], [271.0, 345.0]], ('37.01', 0.9968641996383667)], [[[107.0, 425.0], [323.0, 421.0], [324.0, 440.0], [107.0, 444.0]], ('NEW Blueberry', 0.9580979943275452)], [[[125.0, 446.0], [306.0, 439.0], [307.0, 459.0], [126.0, 465.0]], ('Pancakestt!', 0.8766487240791321)]] | {"store_name": "FLYINGJ", "store_addr": "YRAVELPLAZA Troutdale,OR97060", "telephone": "", "date": "06/18/2009", "time": "", "subtotal": "37.01", "tax": "", "total": "37.01", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[44.0, 38.0], [285.0, 46.0], [284.0, 67.0], [43.0, 58.0]], ("Jeni's Splendid Ice CreamsLLC", 0.940893292427063)], [[[96.0, 56.0], [231.0, 60.0], [230.0, 79.0], [96.0, 74.0]], ('501 A King Street', 0.9283224940299988)], [[[87.0, 71.0], [241.0, 75.0], [241.0, 93.0], [86.0, 88.0]], ('CharlestonSC 29403', 0.9457916617393494)], [[[108.0, 86.0], [218.0, 90.0], [218.0, 107.0], [107.0, 103.0]], ('843-212-5113', 0.9817708134651184)], [[[77.0, 101.0], [248.0, 108.0], [248.0, 125.0], [76.0, 118.0]], ('', 0.9645050168037415)], [[[29.0, 168.0], [177.0, 174.0], [176.0, 192.0], [28.0, 186.0]], ('Pre-Auth Completion', 0.9765476584434509)], [[[241.0, 175.0], [319.0, 180.0], [318.0, 198.0], [240.0, 194.0]], ('Terminal:1', 0.9583244323730469)], [[[28.0, 187.0], [222.0, 194.0], [221.0, 211.0], [28.0, 204.0]], ('AMEX ***** **** ****2004', 0.9241077303886414)], [[[27.0, 225.0], [113.0, 228.0], [112.0, 246.0], [26.0, 243.0]], ('Auth:576111', 0.963914692401886)], [[[26.0, 243.0], [69.0, 245.0], [68.0, 263.0], [25.0, 261.0]], ('Tb1:0', 0.8663557171821594)], [[[173.0, 247.0], [262.0, 251.0], [261.0, 272.0], [172.0, 267.0]], ('Ref208739', 0.9845015406608582)], [[[25.0, 262.0], [136.0, 266.0], [135.0, 284.0], [24.0, 280.0]], ('Date:9/24/2016', 0.9493178129196167)], [[[174.0, 267.0], [270.0, 273.0], [269.0, 291.0], [173.0, 285.0]], ('Time:2:35pm', 0.9292707443237305)], [[[26.0, 281.0], [142.0, 287.0], [141.0, 304.0], [25.0, 298.0]], ('Invoice:1053387', 0.9687866568565369)], [[[173.0, 287.0], [253.0, 291.0], [252.0, 309.0], [172.0, 305.0]], ('Name:Clare', 0.9699065089225769)], [[[99.0, 317.0], [255.0, 324.0], [254.0, 344.0], [99.0, 337.0]], ('Approved-Thank You', 0.9707404375076294)], [[[119.0, 360.0], [237.0, 367.0], [236.0, 385.0], [118.0, 378.0]], ('Amount$14.00', 0.9895339012145996)], [[[118.0, 392.0], [219.0, 398.0], [218.0, 416.0], [117.0, 411.0]], ('CUSTOMER COPY', 0.9636210799217224)]] | {"store_name": "Jeni'ssplendidIceCreams,LLC", "store_addr": "501AKingStreet Charleston,SC29403", "telephone": "(643)-212-5113", "date": "9/24/2016", "time": "2:35pm", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "$14.00", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[254.0, 22.0], [326.0, 22.0], [326.0, 50.0], [254.0, 50.0]], ('Petco', 0.9966063499450684)], [[[182.0, 60.0], [399.0, 52.0], [400.0, 78.0], [183.0, 86.0]], ('364 Randa11 Road', 0.9555105566978455)], [[[152.0, 95.0], [431.0, 85.0], [432.0, 111.0], [153.0, 122.0]], ('South ElginIL 60177', 0.9500424265861511)], [[[211.0, 125.0], [372.0, 119.0], [373.0, 147.0], [212.0, 152.0]], ('847-717-0201', 0.9939756393432617)], [[[350.0, 185.0], [529.0, 180.0], [530.0, 207.0], [351.0, 213.0]], ('01106913', 0.9940370321273804)], [[[82.0, 196.0], [361.0, 187.0], [361.0, 213.0], [83.0, 223.0]], ('6/18/164:42PM1926', 0.9697134494781494)], [[[368.0, 216.0], [450.0, 216.0], [450.0, 245.0], [368.0, 245.0]], ('Philip', 0.9964017271995544)], [[[72.0, 230.0], [316.0, 221.0], [317.0, 246.0], [73.0, 256.0]], ('Sales Associate:35', 0.9553191661834717)], [[[447.0, 279.0], [519.0, 277.0], [520.0, 306.0], [448.0, 309.0]], ('PRICE', 0.9987444877624512)], [[[23.0, 293.0], [77.0, 293.0], [77.0, 319.0], [23.0, 319.0]], ('ITEM', 0.9970371127128601)], [[[147.0, 291.0], [293.0, 284.0], [295.0, 310.0], [148.0, 318.0]], ('DESCRIPTION', 0.9981647729873657)], [[[459.0, 311.0], [520.0, 308.0], [521.0, 337.0], [461.0, 340.0]], ('5.99', 0.9946401119232178)], [[[26.0, 326.0], [371.0, 316.0], [371.0, 341.0], [27.0, 351.0]], ('002492070 LPNB-SM SASQUATCH', 0.952189564704895)], [[[464.0, 343.0], [521.0, 343.0], [521.0, 372.0], [464.0, 372.0]], ('9.99', 0.9980872869491577)], [[[28.0, 358.0], [372.0, 349.0], [372.0, 373.0], [29.0, 381.0]], ('002226994 STM-SMBENTOBALL', 0.9344737529754639)], [[[454.0, 377.0], [521.0, 375.0], [522.0, 403.0], [455.0, 406.0]], ('19.99', 0.9972144961357117)], [[[30.0, 389.0], [385.0, 383.0], [385.0, 406.0], [31.0, 412.0]], ('001567144 PDA-DEERGIANTANT', 0.9641596674919128)], [[[553.0, 380.0], [575.0, 380.0], [575.0, 395.0], [553.0, 395.0]], ('-', 0.8338135480880737)], [[[453.0, 411.0], [524.0, 408.0], [525.0, 437.0], [454.0, 440.0]], ('29.99', 0.9970768094062805)], [[[30.0, 419.0], [390.0, 413.0], [390.0, 439.0], [31.0, 445.0]], ('002401852WLN-DOG 2#CORE AD', 0.9173063635826111)], [[[31.0, 450.0], [390.0, 442.0], [391.0, 470.0], [32.0, 477.0]], ('002415015 MER-CAT 7# HLTHYW', 0.9322341084480286)], [[[456.0, 444.0], [527.0, 444.0], [527.0, 469.0], [456.0, 469.0]], ('22.99', 0.9946387410163879)], [[[551.0, 445.0], [566.0, 445.0], [566.0, 466.0], [551.0, 466.0]], ('I', 0.962247908115387)], [[[30.0, 480.0], [392.0, 471.0], [393.0, 501.0], [31.0, 510.0]], ('001314289 DONATION-THANK YOU', 0.9303819537162781)], [[[470.0, 477.0], [528.0, 477.0], [528.0, 502.0], [470.0, 502.0]], ('2.00', 0.9953593015670776)], [[[203.0, 530.0], [367.0, 538.0], [365.0, 567.0], [202.0, 560.0]], ('Taxable Total', 0.963653564453125)], [[[445.0, 540.0], [529.0, 540.0], [529.0, 567.0], [445.0, 567.0]], ('$88.95', 0.9728361964225769)], [[[193.0, 559.0], [344.0, 571.0], [342.0, 598.0], [191.0, 586.0]], ('Tax7.5000%', 0.9887775182723999)], [[[472.0, 572.0], [531.0, 572.0], [531.0, 601.0], [472.0, 601.0]], ('6.67', 0.9947041273117065)], [[[233.0, 617.0], [345.0, 628.0], [342.0, 656.0], [230.0, 644.0]], ('Sub Total', 0.9125826954841614)], [[[448.0, 635.0], [532.0, 638.0], [531.0, 657.0], [448.0, 657.0]], ('$97.62', 0.9513140320777893)]] | {"store_name": "Petco", "store_addr": "364RandallRoad SouthElgin,IL60177", "telephone": "847-717-0201", "date": "6/18/16", "time": "4:42PM", "subtotal": "$88.95", "tax": "6.67", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "LPNB-SMSASQUATCH", "item_value": "5.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "STM-SMBENTOBALL", "item_value": "9,99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PDA-DEERGIANTANT", "item_value": "19.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WLN-DOG2#COREAD", "item_value": "29.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MER-CAT7#HLTHYW", "item_value": "22.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DONATION-THANKYOU", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "DESCRIPTION", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[312.0, 60.0], [440.0, 60.0], [440.0, 81.0], [312.0, 81.0]], ('Panera Bread', 0.9656102061271667)], [[[328.0, 84.0], [423.0, 84.0], [423.0, 102.0], [328.0, 102.0]], ('Cafe1771', 0.9944941401481628)], [[[263.0, 104.0], [486.0, 105.0], [486.0, 126.0], [263.0, 125.0]], ('Palm DesertCA 92211', 0.9419017434120178)], [[[275.0, 130.0], [476.0, 130.0], [476.0, 148.0], [275.0, 148.0]], ('Phone: 760-895-6948', 0.9525969624519348)], [[[278.0, 176.0], [461.0, 178.0], [461.0, 197.0], [278.0, 195.0]], ('Accuracy Matters,', 0.963174045085907)], [[[151.0, 196.0], [583.0, 200.0], [583.0, 221.0], [151.0, 217.0]], ('Your order should be correct every time', 0.9494935870170593)], [[[147.0, 219.0], [603.0, 223.0], [603.0, 244.0], [147.0, 240.0]], ("If it's not we'll fix it right awayand", 0.9171959757804871)], [[[152.0, 242.0], [587.0, 246.0], [587.0, 264.0], [152.0, 259.0]], ('give you a free treat for your trouble', 0.928554356098175)], [[[212.0, 261.0], [533.0, 267.0], [532.0, 286.0], [212.0, 280.0]], ('Just let any associate know.', 0.9623323678970337)], [[[111.0, 300.0], [208.0, 302.0], [207.0, 325.0], [111.0, 323.0]], ('1/3/2016', 0.9978265762329102)], [[[441.0, 307.0], [565.0, 311.0], [564.0, 332.0], [441.0, 329.0]], ('6:15:42PM', 0.9295320510864258)], [[[113.0, 331.0], [360.0, 337.0], [360.0, 358.0], [113.0, 353.0]], ('CheckNumber:247716', 0.9703390598297119)], [[[394.0, 337.0], [489.0, 340.0], [489.0, 362.0], [393.0, 359.0]], ('Cashier:', 0.9824094772338867)], [[[525.0, 338.0], [609.0, 341.0], [608.0, 364.0], [524.0, 361.0]], ('Jessica', 0.997069776058197)], [[[147.0, 363.0], [393.0, 368.0], [393.0, 390.0], [147.0, 385.0]], ('1 Bacon Tky BravoSdw', 0.9028812646865845)], [[[533.0, 367.0], [587.0, 367.0], [587.0, 394.0], [533.0, 394.0]], ('7.79', 0.9936075806617737)], [[[147.0, 392.0], [255.0, 396.0], [254.0, 420.0], [146.0, 416.0]], ('+ Avocado', 0.9451984763145447)], [[[474.0, 400.0], [525.0, 400.0], [525.0, 424.0], [474.0, 424.0]], ('1.59', 0.9976776242256165)], [[[203.0, 425.0], [322.0, 428.0], [321.0, 451.0], [202.0, 448.0]], ('1 Md Water', 0.9160113334655762)], [[[200.0, 453.0], [288.0, 458.0], [287.0, 483.0], [199.0, 478.0]], ('1 Chips', 0.9391760230064392)], [[[143.0, 484.0], [392.0, 491.0], [392.0, 512.0], [143.0, 505.0]], ('1 Tuna Salad Sandwich', 0.9453423023223877)], [[[535.0, 492.0], [587.0, 492.0], [587.0, 516.0], [535.0, 516.0]], ('6.59', 0.9911993741989136)], [[[127.0, 513.0], [367.0, 521.0], [366.0, 543.0], [127.0, 535.0]], ('Heat On Panini Press', 0.9533507227897644)], [[[136.0, 545.0], [329.0, 550.0], [329.0, 572.0], [135.0, 566.0]], ('+Cheddar Cheese', 0.9595909118652344)], [[[472.0, 552.0], [527.0, 552.0], [527.0, 579.0], [472.0, 579.0]], ('0.75', 0.9972686171531677)], [[[193.0, 575.0], [316.0, 581.0], [314.0, 606.0], [191.0, 600.0]], ('1 Md Water', 0.9197753667831421)], [[[188.0, 605.0], [279.0, 609.0], [278.0, 634.0], [187.0, 630.0]], ('1 Chips', 0.9313206076622009)], [[[123.0, 634.0], [388.0, 645.0], [387.0, 669.0], [122.0, 658.0]], ('1 Bwl Crm Tomato Soup', 0.9110679626464844)], [[[536.0, 646.0], [593.0, 649.0], [591.0, 676.0], [534.0, 674.0]], ('5.29', 0.9941626787185669)], [[[182.0, 670.0], [401.0, 678.0], [400.0, 700.0], [181.0, 691.0]], ('1 French Baguette', 0.9485477209091187)], [[[110.0, 700.0], [388.0, 709.0], [387.0, 730.0], [109.0, 722.0]], ('1 Smk Ham & Swiss Sdw', 0.9090679883956909)], [[[543.0, 711.0], [601.0, 714.0], [600.0, 742.0], [542.0, 739.0]], ('6.59', 0.9953964948654175)], [[[127.0, 731.0], [294.0, 737.0], [293.0, 762.0], [126.0, 756.0]], ('No Rye Mi che', 0.907831609249115)], [[[121.0, 763.0], [360.0, 772.0], [359.0, 797.0], [120.0, 788.0]], ('Whole Grain Miche', 0.9498636722564697)], [[[84.0, 793.0], [176.0, 800.0], [174.0, 830.0], [81.0, 823.0]], ('+Mayo', 0.9907682538032532)], [[[77.0, 834.0], [213.0, 840.0], [212.0, 869.0], [75.0, 863.0]], ('No Tomato', 0.9437036514282227)], [[[74.0, 874.0], [256.0, 879.0], [255.0, 908.0], [73.0, 902.0]], ('No Red Onion', 0.9199110865592957)], [[[73.0, 914.0], [297.0, 920.0], [297.0, 945.0], [72.0, 939.0]], ('No Swiss Cheese', 0.9447656869888306)], [[[74.0, 954.0], [397.0, 962.0], [396.0, 987.0], [73.0, 979.0]], ('+White Cheddar Cheese', 0.9598555564880371)]] | {"store_name": "PaneraBread", "store_addr": "PalmDesert,CA92211 Cafe1771", "telephone": "760-895-6948", "date": "1/3/2016", "time": "6:15:42PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "+WhiteCheddarCheese", "item_value": "6.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NoSwissCheese", "item_value": "5.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NoRedOnion", "item_value": "0.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NoTomato", "item_value": "6.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "+Mayo", "item_value": "1.59", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WholeGrainMiche", "item_value": "7.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NoRyeMiche", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SmkHam&SwissSdw", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FrenchBaguette", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BwlCrmTomatoSoup", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Chips", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MdWater", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "+CheddarCheese", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HeatOnPaniniPress", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TunaSaladSandwich", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Chips", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MdWater", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "+Avocado", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BaconTkyBravoSdw", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[421.0, 325.0], [697.0, 322.0], [698.0, 355.0], [421.0, 358.0]], ('TOMBALL RED ROBIN', 0.948727548122406)], [[[467.0, 364.0], [650.0, 360.0], [650.0, 395.0], [467.0, 399.0]], ('TOMBALL,TX', 0.9305421113967896)], [[[417.0, 404.0], [695.0, 398.0], [696.0, 435.0], [418.0, 440.0]], ('22455 Highway 249', 0.9378427267074585)], [[[416.0, 444.0], [695.0, 438.0], [696.0, 473.0], [416.0, 479.0]], ('HoustonTX77070', 0.9935799241065979)], [[[467.0, 480.0], [664.0, 480.0], [664.0, 515.0], [467.0, 515.0]], ('281-251-7033', 0.9936509132385254)], [[[222.0, 560.0], [452.0, 560.0], [452.0, 593.0], [222.0, 593.0]], ('Server:SHAMIR', 0.9569045305252075)], [[[743.0, 557.0], [910.0, 557.0], [910.0, 592.0], [743.0, 592.0]], ('08/02/2012', 0.9979521036148071)], [[[222.0, 600.0], [385.0, 600.0], [385.0, 635.0], [222.0, 635.0]], ('Table 51/1', 0.941571831703186)], [[[776.0, 595.0], [913.0, 595.0], [913.0, 635.0], [776.0, 635.0]], ('12:39PM', 0.9600458145141602)], [[[222.0, 640.0], [375.0, 640.0], [375.0, 675.0], [222.0, 675.0]], ('Guests:4', 0.9611203670501709)], [[[823.0, 637.0], [913.0, 637.0], [913.0, 673.0], [823.0, 673.0]], ('30006', 0.9992253184318542)], [[[222.0, 718.0], [355.0, 718.0], [355.0, 753.0], [222.0, 753.0]], ('LEMONADE', 0.9974685907363892)], [[[839.0, 715.0], [913.0, 715.0], [913.0, 753.0], [839.0, 753.0]], ('2.39', 0.9901109933853149)], [[[224.0, 762.0], [355.0, 762.0], [355.0, 792.0], [224.0, 792.0]], ('ICEDTEA', 0.9953998923301697)], [[[839.0, 755.0], [913.0, 755.0], [913.0, 793.0], [839.0, 793.0]], ('2.39', 0.9953708648681641)], [[[224.0, 802.0], [356.0, 802.0], [356.0, 832.0], [224.0, 832.0]], ('ROYAL BG', 0.9627879858016968)], [[[839.0, 795.0], [913.0, 795.0], [913.0, 833.0], [839.0, 833.0]], ('9.89', 0.9933366179466248)], [[[222.0, 840.0], [423.0, 840.0], [423.0, 873.0], [222.0, 873.0]], ('BACON CHZ BG', 0.9306120276451111)], [[[839.0, 835.0], [913.0, 835.0], [913.0, 873.0], [839.0, 873.0]], ('9.79', 0.9911901950836182)], [[[255.0, 878.0], [328.0, 878.0], [328.0, 915.0], [255.0, 915.0]], ('+AVO', 0.9944390654563904)], [[[837.0, 873.0], [915.0, 873.0], [915.0, 917.0], [837.0, 917.0]], ('0.99', 0.9963456392288208)], [[[255.0, 918.0], [389.0, 918.0], [389.0, 953.0], [255.0, 953.0]], ('SUB MODS', 0.9573240876197815)], [[[289.0, 960.0], [535.0, 960.0], [535.0, 993.0], [289.0, 993.0]], ('GLUTEN FREE BUN', 0.9525669813156128)], [[[839.0, 957.0], [913.0, 957.0], [913.0, 995.0], [839.0, 995.0]], ('0.50', 0.9957377910614014)], [[[290.0, 1002.0], [497.0, 1002.0], [497.0, 1030.0], [290.0, 1030.0]], ('ALLERGY ALERT', 0.9764255881309509)], [[[227.0, 1042.0], [558.0, 1042.0], [558.0, 1070.0], [227.0, 1070.0]], ('APPLE HARVEST CHX SAL', 0.9324817657470703)], [[[828.0, 1038.0], [915.0, 1038.0], [915.0, 1075.0], [828.0, 1075.0]], ('10.79', 0.9444110989570618)], [[[226.0, 1080.0], [552.0, 1080.0], [552.0, 1113.0], [226.0, 1113.0]], ('TAVERN DOUBLE BURGER', 0.9551407098770142)], [[[840.0, 1078.0], [917.0, 1078.0], [917.0, 1117.0], [840.0, 1117.0]], ('6.99', 0.9965875148773193)], [[[221.0, 1160.0], [351.0, 1160.0], [351.0, 1195.0], [221.0, 1195.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9954899549484253)], [[[828.0, 1160.0], [917.0, 1160.0], [917.0, 1198.0], [828.0, 1198.0]], ('43.73', 0.9946039319038391)], [[[221.0, 1202.0], [277.0, 1202.0], [277.0, 1238.0], [221.0, 1238.0]], ('Tax', 0.9955787062644958)], [[[840.0, 1203.0], [917.0, 1203.0], [917.0, 1240.0], [840.0, 1240.0]], ('3.61', 0.9727306365966797)], [[[219.0, 1278.0], [304.0, 1278.0], [304.0, 1317.0], [219.0, 1317.0]], ('Total', 0.9961594343185425)], [[[830.0, 1285.0], [918.0, 1285.0], [918.0, 1323.0], [830.0, 1323.0]], ('47.34', 0.9969950914382935)], [[[219.0, 1358.0], [581.0, 1365.0], [580.0, 1404.0], [219.0, 1396.0]], ('Balance Due', 0.9511889815330505)], [[[746.0, 1365.0], [915.0, 1369.0], [914.0, 1409.0], [745.0, 1405.0]], ('47.34', 0.9970816373825073)], [[[219.0, 1438.0], [919.0, 1452.0], [918.0, 1490.0], [219.0, 1476.0]], ('Te11 us ahout vour visit at TellRedRobin.c', 0.9075640439987183)]] | {"store_name": "TOMBALLREDROBIN", "store_addr": "Houston,TX77070 22455Highway249 TOMBALL,TX", "telephone": "281-251-7033", "date": "08/02/2012", "time": "12:39PM", "subtotal": "43.73", "tax": "3.61", "total": "47.34 47.34", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "TAVERNDOUBLEBURGER", "item_value": "6.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "APPLEHARVESTCHXSAL", "item_value": "10.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALLERGYALERT", "item_value": "0.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GLUTENFREEBUN", "item_value": "0.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SUBMODS", "item_value": "9.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "+AVO", "item_value": "9.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BACONCHZBG", "item_value": "2.39", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ROYALBG", "item_value": "2.39", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ICEDTEA", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LEMONADE", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[66.0, 18.0], [226.0, 16.0], [226.0, 34.0], [66.0, 36.0]], ('Sushi Garden Restaurant', 0.9683842062950134)], [[[65.0, 32.0], [199.0, 34.0], [199.0, 51.0], [65.0, 49.0]], ('4269 Lougheed Hwy', 0.9686009883880615)], [[[64.0, 48.0], [217.0, 48.0], [217.0, 65.0], [64.0, 65.0]], ('Burnaby.604)294-0104', 0.9404736757278442)], [[[58.0, 81.0], [265.0, 74.0], [265.0, 101.0], [59.0, 108.0]], ('Order#134 T22', 0.9595368504524231)], [[[57.0, 120.0], [135.0, 124.0], [134.0, 141.0], [56.0, 137.0]], ('Server.Kay', 0.9460616111755371)], [[[54.0, 140.0], [139.0, 143.0], [138.0, 160.0], [53.0, 158.0]], ('1X Ala Roll', 0.8973163962364197)], [[[302.0, 138.0], [330.0, 135.0], [332.0, 151.0], [303.0, 154.0]], ('$390', 0.8361528515815735)], [[[52.0, 157.0], [185.0, 158.0], [185.0, 175.0], [52.0, 174.0]], ('1XSal Sashimi 1/2', 0.9279541373252869)], [[[300.0, 154.0], [333.0, 147.0], [337.0, 166.0], [304.0, 173.0]], ('$550', 0.9922897815704346)], [[[51.0, 174.0], [177.0, 176.0], [177.0, 190.0], [51.0, 188.0]], ('1X Chkn Teri Roll', 0.9325263500213623)], [[[301.0, 171.0], [334.0, 165.0], [337.0, 184.0], [304.0, 190.0]], ('$3.86', 0.8370950818061829)], [[[50.0, 191.0], [147.0, 191.0], [147.0, 205.0], [50.0, 205.0]], ('1XChop Roll', 0.926607072353363)], [[[302.0, 187.0], [335.0, 183.0], [337.0, 202.0], [304.0, 206.0]], ('$3.75', 0.8615659475326538)], [[[49.0, 207.0], [144.0, 207.0], [144.0, 221.0], [49.0, 221.0]], ('1X Tuna Roll', 0.9064192175865173)], [[[302.0, 204.0], [336.0, 200.0], [338.0, 219.0], [304.0, 223.0]], ('$1.80', 0.8209568858146667)], [[[46.0, 221.0], [136.0, 223.0], [135.0, 240.0], [46.0, 238.0]], ('1XCali Roll', 0.9340782165527344)], [[[302.0, 221.0], [338.0, 219.0], [339.0, 237.0], [303.0, 239.0]], ('$2.96', 0.8529412150382996)], [[[45.0, 240.0], [131.0, 240.0], [131.0, 254.0], [45.0, 254.0]], ('1X Ala Roll', 0.8711047768592834)], [[[303.0, 238.0], [342.0, 238.0], [342.0, 256.0], [303.0, 256.0]], ('$3.96', 0.8471828699111938)], [[[103.0, 256.0], [190.0, 258.0], [190.0, 275.0], [102.0, 273.0]], ('SUB-TOTAL', 0.9864830374717712)], [[[294.0, 258.0], [343.0, 256.0], [344.0, 274.0], [295.0, 277.0]], ('$26.00', 0.994270384311676)], [[[101.0, 273.0], [168.0, 275.0], [167.0, 294.0], [100.0, 291.0]], ('GST(5%)', 0.9756974577903748)], [[[303.0, 275.0], [347.0, 275.0], [347.0, 293.0], [303.0, 293.0]], ('$1.30', 0.9957290887832642)], [[[99.0, 291.0], [179.0, 293.0], [178.0, 312.0], [98.0, 309.0]], ('L.Tax10%', 0.9724693894386292)], [[[305.0, 295.0], [348.0, 295.0], [348.0, 310.0], [305.0, 310.0]], ('$0.00', 0.9932266473770142)], [[[99.0, 312.0], [209.0, 315.0], [209.0, 333.0], [98.0, 330.0]], ('TOTAL DUE:', 0.9275469779968262)], [[[284.0, 314.0], [349.0, 314.0], [349.0, 335.0], [284.0, 335.0]], ('$27.30', 0.9966611862182617)], [[[93.0, 351.0], [144.0, 354.0], [143.0, 372.0], [92.0, 369.0]], ('CASH:', 0.9643951654434204)], [[[295.0, 355.0], [351.0, 358.0], [350.0, 379.0], [294.0, 376.0]], ('$27.30', 0.9941548705101013)], [[[88.0, 391.0], [132.0, 391.0], [132.0, 410.0], [88.0, 410.0]], ('PAID', 0.9960013628005981)], [[[296.0, 396.0], [352.0, 400.0], [351.0, 419.0], [295.0, 415.0]], ('$40.00', 0.9957874417304993)], [[[86.0, 431.0], [174.0, 433.0], [173.0, 449.0], [85.0, 449.0]], ('CHANGE', 0.997640073299408)]] | {"store_name": "SushiGardenRestaurant", "store_addr": "4269LougheedHwy.", "telephone": "Burnaby,(604)294-0104", "date": "06-Aug-2015", "time": "2:31:17PM", "subtotal": "$26.00", "tax": "$1.30 $0.00", "total": "$27.30", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "AlaRoll", "item_value": "$3.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SalSashimi1/2", "item_value": "$5.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChknTeriRoll", "item_value": "$3.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChopRoll", "item_value": "$3.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TunaRoll", "item_value": "$1.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CaliRoll", "item_value": "$2.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AlaRoll", "item_value": "$3.95", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[284.0, 37.0], [531.0, 47.0], [529.0, 98.0], [282.0, 87.0]], ('Waitrose', 0.9977431297302246)], [[[275.0, 109.0], [533.0, 112.0], [533.0, 135.0], [274.0, 132.0]], ('Dubai Ma1104-4340/00', 0.8952811360359192)], [[[264.0, 139.0], [533.0, 143.0], [533.0, 165.0], [264.0, 161.0]], ('Head 0ffice04-3555250', 0.9454523921012878)], [[[263.0, 195.0], [527.0, 197.0], [526.0, 220.0], [262.0, 217.0]], ('Be a responsible shoppel', 0.9476842284202576)], [[[305.0, 224.0], [496.0, 225.0], [496.0, 245.0], [305.0, 244.0]], ('use reusable bags', 0.9470475316047668)], [[[176.0, 280.0], [309.0, 280.0], [309.0, 299.0], [176.0, 299.0]], ('DEEPA GURUNG', 0.963310182094574)], [[[177.0, 309.0], [396.0, 309.0], [396.0, 328.0], [177.0, 328.0]], ("ATHENO'S HUMMUS THRE", 0.9308550953865051)], [[[561.0, 305.0], [621.0, 305.0], [621.0, 331.0], [561.0, 331.0]], ('20,25', 0.8831415176391602)], [[[252.0, 336.0], [420.0, 336.0], [420.0, 359.0], [252.0, 359.0]], ('0.236KG/SP', 0.9269755482673645)], [[[177.0, 367.0], [392.0, 367.0], [392.0, 385.0], [177.0, 385.0]], ('SCOTTISH SALMON FIL', 0.9394031167030334)], [[[560.0, 364.0], [621.0, 364.0], [621.0, 388.0], [560.0, 388.0]], ('31,85', 0.9214787483215332)], [[[177.0, 396.0], [376.0, 396.0], [376.0, 415.0], [177.0, 415.0]], ('DELSEA SMOKED SALM', 0.9568522572517395)], [[[558.0, 394.0], [620.0, 390.0], [621.0, 416.0], [559.0, 419.0]], ('22,50', 0.9524320363998413)], [[[253.0, 424.0], [393.0, 424.0], [393.0, 443.0], [253.0, 443.0]], ('0.365KG/', 0.8943784832954407)], [[[395.0, 424.0], [419.0, 424.0], [419.0, 441.0], [395.0, 441.0]], ('SP', 0.9867424964904785)], [[[180.0, 452.0], [397.0, 452.0], [397.0, 471.0], [180.0, 471.0]], ('AUST WAGYU BEEF ROAS', 0.9412209391593933)], [[[560.0, 449.0], [620.0, 449.0], [620.0, 473.0], [560.0, 473.0]], ('29,15', 0.8941853642463684)], [[[179.0, 481.0], [397.0, 481.0], [397.0, 500.0], [179.0, 500.0]], ('PASSION PROASTED B', 0.942951500415802)], [[[561.0, 479.0], [618.0, 479.0], [618.0, 499.0], [561.0, 499.0]], ('35,50', 0.9398767352104187)], [[[177.0, 507.0], [312.0, 507.0], [312.0, 529.0], [177.0, 529.0]], ('ENERGY BREAD', 0.9312043786048889)], [[[569.0, 504.0], [621.0, 504.0], [621.0, 528.0], [569.0, 528.0]], ('5.00', 0.8856762647628784)], [[[179.0, 537.0], [396.0, 537.0], [396.0, 556.0], [179.0, 556.0]], ('FRUTIA BANANA PHILIP', 0.9328169822692871)], [[[570.0, 532.0], [621.0, 532.0], [621.0, 556.0], [570.0, 556.0]], ('4,75', 0.9149549007415771)], [[[177.0, 564.0], [388.0, 563.0], [388.0, 585.0], [177.0, 587.0]], ('AL ARZ ARABIC BREAD', 0.9377841949462891)], [[[570.0, 561.0], [621.0, 561.0], [621.0, 585.0], [570.0, 585.0]], ('1.50', 0.8776319622993469)], [[[176.0, 592.0], [389.0, 591.0], [389.0, 613.0], [176.0, 615.0]], ('BLUEBERRY USA 170GM', 0.9331377744674683)], [[[561.0, 589.0], [621.0, 589.0], [621.0, 613.0], [561.0, 613.0]], ('21,95', 0.9274242520332336)], [[[253.0, 621.0], [403.0, 621.0], [403.0, 644.0], [253.0, 644.0]], ('0.679KG', 0.9662088751792908)], [[[397.0, 623.0], [419.0, 623.0], [419.0, 640.0], [397.0, 640.0]], ('SP', 0.9251258373260498)], [[[176.0, 649.0], [389.0, 648.0], [389.0, 671.0], [176.0, 672.0]], ('HOLLAND PLUM TOMATO', 0.9478532671928406)], [[[562.0, 647.0], [621.0, 647.0], [621.0, 671.0], [562.0, 671.0]], ('15,10', 0.9139153361320496)], [[[176.0, 679.0], [398.0, 677.0], [399.0, 700.0], [176.0, 701.0]], ('LAYS CHIPS SALT&VINE', 0.945999801158905)], [[[570.0, 676.0], [621.0, 676.0], [621.0, 700.0], [570.0, 700.0]], ('1,95', 0.9437099695205688)], [[[179.0, 708.0], [396.0, 708.0], [396.0, 727.0], [179.0, 727.0]], ('LAYS CHIPS SALT&VINE', 0.964760959148407)], [[[570.0, 704.0], [622.0, 704.0], [622.0, 728.0], [570.0, 728.0]], ('1.95', 0.9111437797546387)], [[[176.0, 736.0], [386.0, 735.0], [387.0, 757.0], [176.0, 759.0]], ('FRESH HERBS PARSLEY', 0.9408915638923645)], [[[570.0, 732.0], [621.0, 729.0], [623.0, 754.0], [572.0, 758.0]], ('3.50', 0.8826383948326111)], [[[177.0, 764.0], [388.0, 761.0], [388.0, 784.0], [177.0, 787.0]], ('AL MARAI MILK 1%', 0.9007322788238525)], [[[572.0, 760.0], [624.0, 760.0], [624.0, 784.0], [572.0, 784.0]], ('2,75', 0.8793075084686279)], [[[179.0, 789.0], [374.0, 788.0], [375.0, 812.0], [179.0, 813.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9883535504341125)], [[[490.0, 788.0], [620.0, 788.0], [620.0, 811.0], [490.0, 811.0]], ('197,70', 0.9265336990356445)], [[[179.0, 819.0], [239.0, 819.0], [239.0, 843.0], [179.0, 843.0]], ('ITEMS', 0.9972790479660034)], [[[343.0, 817.0], [371.0, 817.0], [371.0, 840.0], [343.0, 840.0]], ('14', 0.998847246170044)], [[[553.0, 843.0], [622.0, 843.0], [622.0, 867.0], [553.0, 867.0]], ('197.70', 0.9645004272460938)], [[[177.0, 931.0], [276.0, 931.0], [276.0, 955.0], [177.0, 955.0]], ('NET TOTAL', 0.9485155940055847)], [[[399.0, 929.0], [470.0, 929.0], [470.0, 953.0], [399.0, 953.0]], ('VAT O', 0.839892566204071)], [[[554.0, 929.0], [622.0, 929.0], [622.0, 953.0], [554.0, 953.0]], ('197.70', 0.9209880828857422)], [[[235.0, 963.0], [368.0, 963.0], [368.0, 981.0], [235.0, 981.0]], ('0040/001/123', 0.9970234036445618)], [[[399.0, 961.0], [621.0, 961.0], [621.0, 980.0], [399.0, 980.0]], ('03.08.1323:10AC-00', 0.9428490400314331)], [[[277.0, 1017.0], [521.0, 1016.0], [521.0, 1039.0], [277.0, 1040.0]], ('GUARANTEED QUAL ITY*x', 0.8892647624015808)], [[[244.0, 1048.0], [556.0, 1048.0], [556.0, 1071.0], [244.0, 1071.0]], ('We are committed to br inging', 0.9318294525146484)], [[[253.0, 1077.0], [536.0, 1076.0], [536.0, 1099.0], [253.0, 1100.0]], ('you the best quality food', 0.9373528361320496)], [[[232.0, 1105.0], [577.0, 1104.0], [577.0, 1127.0], [232.0, 1128.0]], ('Should you not enjoy one of our', 0.9241790771484375)], [[[209.0, 1135.0], [598.0, 1132.0], [598.0, 1155.0], [209.0, 1157.0]], ('productstell us and well replace', 0.8997381925582886)], [[[303.0, 1164.0], [497.0, 1164.0], [497.0, 1183.0], [303.0, 1183.0]], ('it and refund you.', 0.9606143236160278)], [[[281.0, 1217.0], [521.0, 1217.0], [521.0, 1236.0], [281.0, 1236.0]], ('THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING', 0.9243571758270264)], [[[343.0, 1243.0], [465.0, 1243.0], [465.0, 1265.0], [343.0, 1265.0]], ('AT WAITROSE', 0.9702004790306091)]] | {"store_name": "Waitrose", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "DubaiMalI:04-4340700", "date": "03.08.13", "time": "23:10", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "197,70 197,70", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ATHENO'SHUMMUSTHRE", "item_value": "20,25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SCOTTISHSALMONFIL", "item_value": "31,85", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DELSEASMOKEDSALM", "item_value": "22,50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AUSTWAGYUBEEFROAS", "item_value": "29,15", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PASSIONP.ROASTEDB", "item_value": "35,50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ENERGYBREAD", "item_value": "5,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRUTIABANANAPHILIP", "item_value": "4,75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALARZARABICBREAD", "item_value": "1,50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BLUEBERRYUSA170GM", "item_value": "21,95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HOLLANDPLUMTOMATO", "item_value": "15,10", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LAYSCHIPSSALT&VINE", "item_value": "1,95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LAYSCHIPSSALT&VINE", "item_value": "1,95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRESHHERBSPARSLEY", "item_value": "3,50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALMARAIMILK1%5", "item_value": "2,75", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[91.0, 3.0], [205.0, 9.0], [205.0, 22.0], [90.0, 16.0]], ('ORDER CONFIRMATION', 0.9539675116539001)], [[[105.0, 14.0], [200.0, 19.0], [200.0, 33.0], [104.0, 28.0]], ('Customer Copy', 0.9823935627937317)], [[[73.0, 24.0], [147.0, 28.0], [146.0, 40.0], [73.0, 35.0]], ('03/18/2007', 0.9859112501144409)], [[[91.0, 36.0], [203.0, 40.0], [203.0, 51.0], [90.0, 48.0]], ('1178-2-0144-023466', 0.992236852645874)], [[[110.0, 47.0], [186.0, 49.0], [185.0, 61.0], [109.0, 58.0]], ('KAY JEWELERS', 0.946805477142334)], [[[106.0, 57.0], [190.0, 58.0], [189.0, 70.0], [106.0, 69.0]], ('410265-6557', 0.984187662601471)], [[[59.0, 75.0], [223.0, 78.0], [223.0, 92.0], [58.0, 88.0]], ('Customer Order #0168660801', 0.9143403768539429)], [[[19.0, 85.0], [75.0, 89.0], [75.0, 100.0], [18.0, 97.0]], ('Customer', 0.9976388216018677)], [[[19.0, 107.0], [155.0, 108.0], [155.0, 120.0], [19.0, 119.0]], ('2932 SOUTHLAND AVENUE', 0.9540573954582214)], [[[20.0, 98.0], [100.0, 98.0], [100.0, 108.0], [20.0, 108.0]], ('TOYA GROOMES', 0.9522598385810852)], [[[20.0, 119.0], [82.0, 119.0], [82.0, 129.0], [20.0, 129.0]], ('BALTIMORE', 0.9511530995368958)], [[[150.0, 119.0], [200.0, 119.0], [200.0, 129.0], [150.0, 129.0]], ('MD 21215', 0.9309878945350647)], [[[20.0, 129.0], [86.0, 129.0], [86.0, 140.0], [20.0, 140.0]], ('4434634012', 0.9972531199455261)], [[[16.0, 149.0], [172.0, 146.0], [172.0, 159.0], [16.0, 163.0]], ('Qty Sku/Item Description', 0.9310548901557922)], [[[227.0, 148.0], [262.0, 150.0], [261.0, 162.0], [226.0, 159.0]], ('Price', 0.995834231376648)], [[[43.0, 169.0], [105.0, 168.0], [105.0, 179.0], [43.0, 180.0]], ('530606704', 0.963149905204773)], [[[216.0, 169.0], [261.0, 169.0], [261.0, 180.0], [216.0, 180.0]], ('2199.99', 0.9958047270774841)], [[[227.0, 161.0], [264.0, 161.0], [264.0, 169.0], [227.0, 169.0]], ('......', 0.6006259918212891)], [[[24.0, 174.0], [30.0, 171.0], [33.0, 177.0], [27.0, 180.0]], ('7', 0.887445867061615)], [[[44.0, 179.0], [175.0, 177.0], [175.0, 188.0], [44.0, 191.0]], ('14YG ANNIVERSARY BAND', 0.9455376863479614)], [[[89.0, 198.0], [172.0, 198.0], [172.0, 211.0], [89.0, 211.0]], ('Estimated Tax', 0.9771515130996704)], [[[87.0, 209.0], [200.0, 208.0], [200.0, 220.0], [88.0, 221.0]], ('Total Down Payment', 0.9579837322235107)], [[[222.0, 200.0], [261.0, 200.0], [261.0, 211.0], [222.0, 211.0]], ('110.00', 0.9960506558418274)], [[[226.0, 210.0], [261.0, 210.0], [261.0, 222.0], [226.0, 222.0]], ('0.00', 0.9958544373512268)], [[[87.0, 221.0], [158.0, 219.0], [159.0, 230.0], [88.0, 232.0]], ('Balance Due', 0.9304006695747375)], [[[215.0, 220.0], [262.0, 222.0], [261.0, 234.0], [214.0, 231.0]], ('2309.99', 0.9858564138412476)], [[[13.0, 262.0], [232.0, 259.0], [232.0, 274.0], [14.0, 276.0]], ('SLSPRSN 118581 Tax Type 1 Standard', 0.952094554901123)], [[[14.0, 284.0], [145.0, 281.0], [145.0, 295.0], [15.0, 298.0]], ('Texms and Conditions', 0.981214702129364)]] | {"store_name": "", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "(410)265-6557", "date": "03/18/2007 03/21/2007", "time": "3:25:42PM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "110.00", "total": "2309.99", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "14YGANNIVERSARYBAND", "item_value": "2199.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[200.0, 43.0], [258.0, 42.0], [258.0, 67.0], [200.0, 68.0]], ('hank', 0.8460168838500977)], [[[213.0, 68.0], [254.0, 68.0], [254.0, 86.0], [213.0, 86.0]], ('yon', 0.9004240036010742)], [[[140.0, 85.0], [217.0, 88.0], [217.0, 102.0], [140.0, 99.0]], ('Harvard Gardens', 0.958141565322876)], [[[136.0, 97.0], [220.0, 98.0], [220.0, 113.0], [136.0, 111.0]], ('320 Canbridge St.', 0.9234946370124817)], [[[237.0, 95.0], [295.0, 102.0], [292.0, 123.0], [234.0, 116.0]], ('Qennly', 0.7382614612579346)], [[[139.0, 108.0], [222.0, 110.0], [222.0, 124.0], [139.0, 122.0]], ('BostonMa 02114', 0.9274953603744507)], [[[76.0, 131.0], [158.0, 132.0], [157.0, 146.0], [76.0, 145.0]], ('Server:Jennifer', 0.9256900548934937)], [[[234.0, 134.0], [286.0, 134.0], [286.0, 148.0], [234.0, 148.0]], ('04/07/2018', 0.9959343671798706)], [[[77.0, 144.0], [129.0, 144.0], [129.0, 158.0], [77.0, 158.0]], ('Table 42/1', 0.8947664499282837)], [[[242.0, 143.0], [286.0, 146.0], [286.0, 160.0], [242.0, 157.0]], ('10:00PH', 0.8348159193992615)], [[[76.0, 156.0], [126.0, 156.0], [126.0, 170.0], [76.0, 170.0]], ('Guests:2', 0.8960049152374268)], [[[256.0, 158.0], [287.0, 158.0], [287.0, 172.0], [256.0, 172.0]], ('20072', 0.9958511590957642)], [[[76.0, 169.0], [137.0, 169.0], [137.0, 180.0], [76.0, 180.0]], ('Reprint 1', 0.9356820583343506)], [[[74.0, 191.0], [109.0, 191.0], [109.0, 205.0], [74.0, 205.0]], ('Aperol', 0.9411325454711914)], [[[263.0, 192.0], [288.0, 192.0], [288.0, 207.0], [263.0, 207.0]], ('8.00', 0.9919565916061401)], [[[72.0, 202.0], [153.0, 204.0], [152.0, 218.0], [72.0, 216.0]], ('Bombay Sapphire', 0.9349972605705261)], [[[263.0, 204.0], [288.0, 204.0], [288.0, 219.0], [263.0, 219.0]], ('9.50', 0.9877679347991943)], [[[72.0, 214.0], [148.0, 216.0], [148.0, 230.0], [72.0, 228.0]], ('Classic Nachos', 0.9644224047660828)], [[[70.0, 226.0], [203.0, 229.0], [202.0, 243.0], [70.0, 240.0]], ('A11 Anerican Cheeseburger', 0.9607464671134949)], [[[259.0, 217.0], [289.0, 217.0], [289.0, 231.0], [259.0, 231.0]], ('12.00', 0.9899870157241821)], [[[259.0, 229.0], [289.0, 229.0], [289.0, 243.0], [259.0, 243.0]], ('15.00', 0.9920504689216614)], [[[82.0, 242.0], [141.0, 242.0], [141.0, 253.0], [82.0, 253.0]], ('Green Beans', 0.965004026889801)], [[[80.0, 254.0], [150.0, 255.0], [150.0, 266.0], [80.0, 265.0]], ('glut free bun', 0.9138676524162292)], [[[264.0, 251.0], [290.0, 254.0], [289.0, 269.0], [263.0, 266.0]], ('2.00', 0.9940221309661865)], [[[68.0, 264.0], [202.0, 266.0], [202.0, 280.0], [68.0, 278.0]], ('A11 American Cheeseburger', 0.9337509870529175)], [[[261.0, 264.0], [291.0, 267.0], [290.0, 282.0], [260.0, 279.0]], ('16.00', 0.993240237236023)], [[[78.0, 277.0], [147.0, 279.0], [147.0, 292.0], [78.0, 290.0]], ('French Fries', 0.9435973763465881)], [[[78.0, 291.0], [109.0, 291.0], [109.0, 305.0], [78.0, 305.0]], ('BACON', 0.9967209100723267)], [[[66.0, 304.0], [98.0, 304.0], [98.0, 318.0], [66.0, 318.0]], ('FRIES', 0.9958267211914062)], [[[266.0, 304.0], [293.0, 304.0], [293.0, 319.0], [266.0, 319.0]], ('2.50', 0.9947001338005066)], [[[66.0, 318.0], [109.0, 318.0], [109.0, 332.0], [66.0, 332.0]], ('Hot Tea', 0.9501276016235352)], [[[266.0, 317.0], [293.0, 317.0], [293.0, 332.0], [266.0, 332.0]], ('3.00', 0.9916655421257019)], [[[65.0, 346.0], [111.0, 346.0], [111.0, 360.0], [65.0, 360.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9750370979309082)], [[[264.0, 345.0], [294.0, 345.0], [294.0, 359.0], [264.0, 359.0]], ('68.00', 0.9902580976486206)], [[[66.0, 361.0], [84.0, 361.0], [84.0, 374.0], [66.0, 374.0]], ('Tax', 0.9960377812385559)], [[[267.0, 358.0], [294.0, 358.0], [294.0, 373.0], [267.0, 373.0]], ('2.97', 0.994277834892273)], [[[63.0, 383.0], [95.0, 386.0], [94.0, 402.0], [62.0, 399.0]], ('Total', 0.9963181614875793)], [[[265.0, 384.0], [295.0, 384.0], [295.0, 399.0], [265.0, 399.0]], ('70.97', 0.9935968518257141)], [[[63.0, 415.0], [187.0, 415.0], [187.0, 429.0], [63.0, 429.0]], ('Balance Due', 0.9596653580665588)], [[[239.0, 411.0], [295.0, 411.0], [295.0, 428.0], [239.0, 428.0]], ('70.97', 0.9946100115776062)]] | {"store_name": "HarvardGardens", "store_addr": "320CanbridgeSt. Boston,Ma02114", "telephone": "", "date": "04/07/2018", "time": "10:00PM", "subtotal": "68.00", "tax": "2.97", "total": "70.97", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "Aperol", "item_value": "3.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BombaySapphire", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ClassicNachos", "item_value": "16.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AllAnericanCheeseburger", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GreenBeans", "item_value": "15.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "glutfreebun", "item_value": "12.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AllAmericanCheeseburger", "item_value": "9.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FrenchFries", "item_value": "8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BACON", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRIES", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HotTea", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[108.0, 13.0], [198.0, 10.0], [198.0, 25.0], [109.0, 27.0]], ('The wild', 0.9330971837043762)], [[[96.0, 34.0], [215.0, 34.0], [215.0, 48.0], [96.0, 48.0]], ('27.Westcoast Highway', 0.9245477914810181)], [[[120.0, 25.0], [182.0, 24.0], [182.0, 35.0], [120.0, 37.0]], ('Restaurant', 0.9916259050369263)], [[[106.0, 55.0], [197.0, 52.0], [197.0, 66.0], [107.0, 70.0]], ('SINGAPORE 117867', 0.9637173414230347)], [[[109.0, 46.0], [200.0, 43.0], [200.0, 57.0], [110.0, 61.0]], ('West way #01-12', 0.9209372401237488)], [[[108.0, 65.0], [197.0, 63.0], [197.0, 78.0], [108.0, 79.0]], ('TABLE:11', 0.9558265805244446)], [[[43.0, 79.0], [71.0, 79.0], [71.0, 90.0], [43.0, 90.0]], ('Pax:2', 0.9038623571395874)], [[[111.0, 77.0], [170.0, 77.0], [170.0, 89.0], [111.0, 89.0]], ('OPCASHIER', 0.9728320240974426)], [[[223.0, 74.0], [267.0, 74.0], [267.0, 89.0], [223.0, 89.0]], ('CASHIER', 0.9971359372138977)], [[[40.0, 86.0], [138.0, 88.0], [137.0, 102.0], [40.0, 101.0]], ('POS TitleCashter', 0.9200693368911743)], [[[206.0, 86.0], [266.0, 86.0], [266.0, 98.0], [206.0, 98.0]], ('POS:POSO01', 0.8577944040298462)], [[[38.0, 98.0], [142.0, 97.0], [142.0, 111.0], [39.0, 113.0]], ('Rcpt#A16000000538', 0.9806107878684998)], [[[173.0, 97.0], [267.0, 97.0], [267.0, 110.0], [173.0, 110.0]], ('02/08/2016 12:07', 0.954887866973877)], [[[65.0, 122.0], [89.0, 122.0], [89.0, 133.0], [65.0, 133.0]], ('(Set)', 0.863838791847229)], [[[94.0, 120.0], [153.0, 120.0], [153.0, 134.0], [94.0, 134.0]], ('Aglio Prwn', 0.8848522901535034)], [[[229.0, 119.0], [268.0, 119.0], [268.0, 133.0], [229.0, 133.0]], ('$10.00', 0.994694173336029)], [[[64.0, 132.0], [89.0, 132.0], [89.0, 145.0], [64.0, 145.0]], ('(Set)', 0.8452666401863098)], [[[96.0, 133.0], [152.0, 133.0], [152.0, 145.0], [96.0, 145.0]], ('Cappuccino', 0.9953967332839966)], [[[233.0, 130.0], [268.0, 130.0], [268.0, 146.0], [233.0, 146.0]], ('$2.50', 0.9889507293701172)], [[[54.0, 154.0], [64.0, 158.0], [62.0, 165.0], [51.0, 162.0]], ('1', 0.7678772211074829)], [[[61.0, 154.0], [119.0, 154.0], [119.0, 166.0], [61.0, 166.0]], ('LAMB SHANK', 0.9613471031188965)], [[[64.0, 145.0], [142.0, 145.0], [142.0, 156.0], [64.0, 156.0]], ('Set Iced Tea', 0.9128415584564209)], [[[228.0, 153.0], [267.0, 153.0], [267.0, 168.0], [228.0, 168.0]], ('$26.80', 0.9910271763801575)], [[[52.0, 168.0], [64.0, 168.0], [64.0, 176.0], [52.0, 176.0]], ('L.', 0.565892219543457)], [[[60.0, 166.0], [148.0, 166.0], [148.0, 179.0], [60.0, 179.0]], ('oreo cheesecake', 0.9347731471061707)], [[[232.0, 165.0], [266.0, 162.0], [267.0, 178.0], [233.0, 181.0]], ('$8.00', 0.991674542427063)], [[[59.0, 175.0], [121.0, 177.0], [120.0, 192.0], [58.0, 189.0]], ('Panna Cota', 0.9657446146011353)], [[[232.0, 175.0], [268.0, 175.0], [268.0, 191.0], [232.0, 191.0]], ('$6.00', 0.9876005053520203)], [[[52.0, 189.0], [97.0, 189.0], [97.0, 200.0], [52.0, 200.0]], ('1SALMON', 0.9878534078598022)], [[[228.0, 186.0], [267.0, 186.0], [267.0, 202.0], [228.0, 202.0]], ('$13.00', 0.9924888014793396)], [[[58.0, 207.0], [108.0, 210.0], [107.0, 224.0], [57.0, 222.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.992958664894104)], [[[228.0, 209.0], [267.0, 209.0], [267.0, 225.0], [228.0, 225.0]], ('$66.30', 0.9870492815971375)], [[[58.0, 220.0], [130.0, 222.0], [130.0, 237.0], [57.0, 234.0]], ('10%Svr Chrg', 0.952343761920929)], [[[233.0, 219.0], [267.0, 222.0], [266.0, 238.0], [232.0, 235.0]], ('$6.63', 0.9884225130081177)], [[[58.0, 241.0], [115.0, 244.0], [114.0, 259.0], [57.0, 256.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9975823163986206)], [[[194.0, 240.0], [267.0, 243.0], [266.0, 261.0], [194.0, 258.0]], ('$72.95', 0.9898397922515869)], [[[56.0, 255.0], [84.0, 255.0], [84.0, 271.0], [56.0, 271.0]], ('CASH', 0.9135419726371765)], [[[229.0, 256.0], [267.0, 256.0], [267.0, 271.0], [229.0, 271.0]], ('$80.00', 0.9929487705230713)], [[[55.0, 266.0], [95.0, 269.0], [94.0, 284.0], [54.0, 281.0]], ('Change', 0.9954379200935364)], [[[232.0, 267.0], [269.0, 267.0], [269.0, 285.0], [232.0, 285.0]], ('$7.05', 0.9911007881164551)], [[[121.0, 292.0], [183.0, 292.0], [183.0, 303.0], [121.0, 303.0]], ('Clased Bill', 0.8260335922241211)], [[[101.0, 302.0], [197.0, 302.0], [197.0, 317.0], [101.0, 317.0]], ('02/08/201613:29', 0.9792415499687195)], [[[94.0, 312.0], [196.0, 314.0], [196.0, 328.0], [94.0, 327.0]], ('For Reservat ion ', 0.8822866678237915)], [[[88.0, 324.0], [213.0, 323.0], [214.0, 337.0], [89.0, 339.0]], ('Number+65 96872269', 0.9651703238487244)], [[[50.0, 336.0], [249.0, 336.0], [249.0, 350.0], [50.0, 350.0]], ('Email:[email protected]', 0.9046284556388855)], [[[120.0, 359.0], [182.0, 359.0], [182.0, 371.0], [120.0, 371.0]], ('Thank You!', 0.9120336771011353)], [[[107.0, 369.0], [192.0, 368.0], [192.0, 383.0], [107.0, 384.0]], ('See you again!', 0.8977677226066589)]] | {"store_name": "TheWild Restaurant", "store_addr": "27.WestcoastHighway Westway#01-12 SINGAPORE117867", "telephone": "+6596872269", "date": "02/08/2016 02/08/2016", "time": "12:07 13:29", "subtotal": "$66.30", "tax": "", "total": "$72.95", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "(Set)AglioPrwn", "item_value": "$10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "(Set)Cappuccino", "item_value": "$2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "(Set)IcedTea", "item_value": "$26.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LAMBSHANK", "item_value": "$8.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "oreocheesecake", "item_value": "$6.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PannaCota", "item_value": "$13.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SALMON", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[81.0, 10.0], [269.0, 16.0], [269.0, 33.0], [81.0, 27.0]], ("Justin's Roseville Car Wash", 0.9533606171607971)], [[[107.0, 30.0], [249.0, 33.0], [249.0, 50.0], [107.0, 46.0]], ('8011 Washington B1vd', 0.9434950947761536)], [[[136.0, 47.0], [221.0, 50.0], [220.0, 66.0], [135.0, 64.0]], ('916-772-1101', 0.9887886643409729)], [[[123.0, 81.0], [233.0, 84.0], [232.0, 102.0], [122.0, 99.0]], ('Car#852', 0.9895369410514832)], [[[43.0, 126.0], [104.0, 130.0], [103.0, 147.0], [42.0, 143.0]], ('Cashier1,', 0.8995813727378845)], [[[42.0, 143.0], [171.0, 149.0], [171.0, 165.0], [41.0, 160.0]], ('Shift 1,Emp1 8130,', 0.8796842694282532)], [[[188.0, 134.0], [308.0, 135.0], [308.0, 150.0], [188.0, 149.0]], ('07/19/1609:30 AM', 0.9579862356185913)], [[[187.0, 150.0], [308.0, 152.0], [307.0, 166.0], [187.0, 164.0]], ('Sale#30181967104', 0.9824312925338745)], [[[123.0, 177.0], [222.0, 181.0], [221.0, 195.0], [122.0, 191.0]], ('CLAIM CHECK', 0.9517751932144165)], [[[80.0, 206.0], [159.0, 209.0], [159.0, 226.0], [80.0, 223.0]], ('1 Gold Wash', 0.9324493408203125)], [[[264.0, 211.0], [303.0, 211.0], [303.0, 228.0], [264.0, 228.0]], ('31.99', 0.9944412112236023)], [[[79.0, 223.0], [199.0, 226.0], [199.0, 242.0], [79.0, 240.0]], ('1 Slip Stream Wax', 0.9141524434089661)], [[[266.0, 227.0], [303.0, 227.0], [303.0, 245.0], [266.0, 245.0]], ('10.00', 0.9920328259468079)], [[[79.0, 240.0], [199.0, 243.0], [198.0, 260.0], [79.0, 257.0]], ('1 Oversize Charge', 0.9492612481117249)], [[[270.0, 242.0], [304.0, 245.0], [302.0, 262.0], [268.0, 260.0]], ('2.00', 0.9861169457435608)], [[[35.0, 275.0], [303.0, 278.0], [302.0, 295.0], [35.0, 292.0]], ('Please present this to the attendant to', 0.9612343907356262)], [[[107.0, 296.0], [233.0, 296.0], [233.0, 309.0], [107.0, 309.0]], ('claim your vehicle', 0.9181468486785889)]] | {"store_name": "Justin\u2019sRosevilleCarWash", "store_addr": "8011WashingtonBlvd", "telephone": "916-772-1101", "date": "07/19/16,", "time": "09:30AM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "GoldWash", "item_value": "31.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SlipStreamWax", "item_value": "10.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OversizeCharge", "item_value": "2.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[213.0, 48.0], [357.0, 51.0], [357.0, 71.0], [213.0, 69.0]], ('Gavin DeGraw', 0.9323845505714417)], [[[242.0, 75.0], [330.0, 75.0], [330.0, 92.0], [242.0, 92.0]], ('Visit us at', 0.958042323589325)], [[[214.0, 93.0], [360.0, 94.0], [360.0, 111.0], [214.0, 110.0]], ('', 0.9807559847831726)], [[[165.0, 127.0], [213.0, 127.0], [213.0, 141.0], [165.0, 141.0]], ('Trans#', 0.9924479126930237)], [[[208.0, 126.0], [273.0, 126.0], [273.0, 140.0], [208.0, 140.0]], ('204496', 0.9726089835166931)], [[[338.0, 126.0], [404.0, 126.0], [404.0, 140.0], [338.0, 140.0]], ('Serv:#13', 0.9346333742141724)], [[[165.0, 142.0], [311.0, 142.0], [311.0, 156.0], [165.0, 156.0]], ('03/10/201401:43AM', 0.9654995203018188)], [[[339.0, 141.0], [405.0, 141.0], [405.0, 155.0], [339.0, 155.0]], ('#Cust1', 0.9703971743583679)], [[[164.0, 176.0], [199.0, 176.0], [199.0, 190.0], [164.0, 190.0]], ('Quan', 0.9931336045265198)], [[[210.0, 176.0], [292.0, 176.0], [292.0, 190.0], [210.0, 190.0]], ('Description', 0.9751179218292236)], [[[352.0, 173.0], [387.0, 173.0], [387.0, 191.0], [352.0, 191.0]], ('Cost', 0.9924553036689758)], [[[175.0, 207.0], [195.0, 207.0], [195.0, 223.0], [175.0, 223.0]], ('02', 0.9969412088394165)], [[[213.0, 208.0], [273.0, 208.0], [273.0, 222.0], [213.0, 222.0]], ('New Hats', 0.9470430016517639)], [[[343.0, 207.0], [404.0, 207.0], [404.0, 224.0], [343.0, 224.0]], ('$118.17', 0.9878533482551575)], [[[214.0, 224.0], [316.0, 224.0], [316.0, 238.0], [214.0, 238.0]], ('Lots of Coffee', 0.9338078498840332)], [[[344.0, 226.0], [397.0, 226.0], [397.0, 240.0], [344.0, 240.0]], ('$44.87', 0.9848508834838867)], [[[169.0, 240.0], [193.0, 240.0], [193.0, 255.0], [169.0, 255.0]], ('100', 0.998990535736084)], [[[213.0, 239.0], [287.0, 241.0], [287.0, 256.0], [213.0, 254.0]], ('BTLs Water', 0.9214188456535339)], [[[344.0, 243.0], [403.0, 243.0], [403.0, 257.0], [344.0, 257.0]], ('$104.12', 0.9433442950248718)], [[[176.0, 258.0], [193.0, 258.0], [193.0, 272.0], [176.0, 272.0]], ('01', 0.9966702461242676)], [[[213.0, 258.0], [304.0, 256.0], [304.0, 272.0], [213.0, 275.0]], ('Large PilLow', 0.8615598678588867)], [[[343.0, 260.0], [397.0, 260.0], [397.0, 274.0], [343.0, 274.0]], ('$19.99', 0.960797131061554)], [[[215.0, 274.0], [333.0, 274.0], [333.0, 289.0], [215.0, 289.0]], ('Video Games/DVDs', 0.9143860340118408)], [[[343.0, 277.0], [397.0, 277.0], [397.0, 292.0], [343.0, 292.0]], ('$29.99', 0.9645542502403259)], [[[256.0, 307.0], [416.0, 307.0], [416.0, 321.0], [256.0, 321.0]], ('0TALU$317.14', 0.967933177947998)], [[[198.0, 344.0], [383.0, 345.0], [383.0, 360.0], [198.0, 359.0]], ('[email protected]', 0.9459885954856873)], [[[196.0, 370.0], [365.0, 370.0], [365.0, 384.0], [196.0, 384.0]], ('Type your e-mail above', 0.9503600597381592)], [[[203.0, 400.0], [307.0, 400.0], [307.0, 414.0], [203.0, 414.0]], ('United States', 0.9619826674461365)], [[[366.0, 397.0], [426.0, 388.0], [429.0, 409.0], [369.0, 418.0]], ('Spomit', 0.6433454751968384)], [[[187.0, 432.0], [388.0, 432.0], [388.0, 446.0], [187.0, 446.0]], ('I agree to receive information', 0.9599462747573853)], [[[227.0, 448.0], [350.0, 448.0], [350.0, 461.0], [227.0, 461.0]], ('about Gavin DeGraw', 0.951737642288208)], [[[187.0, 469.0], [396.0, 470.0], [396.0, 484.0], [187.0, 483.0]], ('Privacy Polscy/ Your Pravaey Raants', 0.7955015897750854)], [[[293.0, 489.0], [360.0, 482.0], [363.0, 505.0], [296.0, 511.0]], ('callme', 0.8691772818565369)], [[[265.0, 521.0], [409.0, 500.0], [412.0, 524.0], [268.0, 546.0]], ('(260)344-2846', 0.9420839548110962)]] | {"store_name": "GavinDeGraw", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "", "date": "03/10/2014", "time": "01:43AM", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "U$317.14", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "NewHats", "item_value": "$118.17", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LotsofCoffee", "item_value": "$44.87", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BTLsWater", "item_value": "$104.12", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LargePillow", "item_value": "$19.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VideoGames/DVDs", "item_value": "$29.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "Description", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[80.0, 43.0], [615.0, 52.0], [614.0, 100.0], [80.0, 92.0]], ('Fool=Lunchx5 peopl', 0.7843896150588989)], [[[44.0, 153.0], [468.0, 158.0], [468.0, 186.0], [43.0, 180.0]], ('CHAPELBANK HOTEL', 0.9697866439819336)], [[[45.0, 188.0], [306.0, 191.0], [305.0, 216.0], [44.0, 212.0]], ('69 EASTHIGH STREET', 0.9428809285163879)], [[[45.0, 222.0], [250.0, 224.0], [250.0, 250.0], [44.0, 247.0]], ('FORFARDD82EP', 0.9649514555931091)], [[[45.0, 258.0], [303.0, 259.0], [302.0, 284.0], [45.0, 283.0]], ('TELNO01307463151', 0.9836597442626953)], [[[43.0, 292.0], [521.0, 296.0], [521.0, 318.0], [42.0, 313.0]], ('********', 0.600860059261322)], [[[38.0, 386.0], [117.0, 386.0], [117.0, 446.0], [38.0, 446.0]], ('TABLE', 0.9983588457107544)], [[[246.0, 444.0], [388.0, 444.0], [388.0, 500.0], [246.0, 500.0]], ('RESTAURANT', 0.9970248341560364)], [[[52.0, 530.0], [167.0, 530.0], [167.0, 562.0], [52.0, 562.0]], ('3xSOUP', 0.965754508972168)], [[[367.0, 532.0], [429.0, 532.0], [429.0, 567.0], [367.0, 567.0]], ('3.95', 0.9948049783706665)], [[[504.0, 534.0], [580.0, 537.0], [578.0, 570.0], [503.0, 567.0]], ('11.85', 0.9948455095291138)], [[[41.0, 567.0], [179.0, 567.0], [179.0, 595.0], [41.0, 595.0]], ('Lunch Main', 0.9593571424484253)], [[[49.0, 599.0], [204.0, 601.0], [204.0, 633.0], [49.0, 631.0]], ('Lasagne V', 0.9523947834968567)], [[[517.0, 604.0], [578.0, 604.0], [578.0, 635.0], [517.0, 635.0]], ('6.95', 0.9970352053642273)], [[[40.0, 634.0], [166.0, 636.0], [165.0, 664.0], [39.0, 662.0]], ('MISC FOOD', 0.9456121921539307)], [[[517.0, 638.0], [578.0, 638.0], [578.0, 670.0], [517.0, 670.0]], ('6.95', 0.9954839944839478)], [[[52.0, 670.0], [421.0, 673.0], [421.0, 698.0], [52.0, 695.0]], ('2xCHIPSONION RINGS 1.75', 0.9307554364204407)], [[[517.0, 673.0], [578.0, 673.0], [578.0, 704.0], [517.0, 704.0]], ('3.50', 0.9937193989753723)], [[[38.0, 701.0], [111.0, 701.0], [111.0, 732.0], [38.0, 732.0]], ('-FOOD', 0.9815800786018372)], [[[477.0, 706.0], [575.0, 706.0], [575.0, 736.0], [477.0, 736.0]], ('29.25--', 0.9327636361122131)], [[[36.0, 769.0], [161.0, 772.0], [160.0, 801.0], [35.0, 799.0]], ('Prey Ba1', 0.8953911066055298)], [[[502.0, 772.0], [576.0, 772.0], [576.0, 806.0], [502.0, 806.0]], ('29.25', 0.9931188821792603)], [[[38.0, 840.0], [270.0, 843.0], [269.0, 892.0], [37.0, 890.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.996025800704956)], [[[432.0, 841.0], [574.0, 844.0], [573.0, 900.0], [431.0, 897.0]], ('29.25', 0.9980618357658386)]] | {"store_name": "CHAPELBANKHOTEL", "store_addr": "69EASTHIGHSTREET FORFARDD82EP", "telephone": "TELNO01307463151", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "29.25 29.25", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SOUP", "item_value": "11.85", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Lasagne(V)", "item_value": "6.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MISCFOOD", "item_value": "6.95", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHIPS/ONIONRINGS1.75", "item_value": "3.50", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[180.0, 77.0], [388.0, 47.0], [391.0, 67.0], [183.0, 97.0]], ('SNAPPY MOBIL #4', 0.9321186542510986)], [[[203.0, 223.0], [348.0, 216.0], [349.0, 240.0], [204.0, 248.0]], ('CHICAGO IL', 0.9539318084716797)], [[[244.0, 242.0], [319.0, 238.0], [320.0, 262.0], [245.0, 266.0]], ('60647', 0.9977577924728394)], [[[151.0, 311.0], [336.0, 299.0], [337.0, 323.0], [152.0, 335.0]], ('DATE06/07/15', 0.9875131249427795)], [[[365.0, 302.0], [439.0, 302.0], [439.0, 323.0], [365.0, 323.0]], ('10:23', 0.9445158243179321)], [[[153.0, 334.0], [334.0, 322.0], [335.0, 343.0], [154.0, 354.0]], ('TRAN9040255', 0.9927491545677185)], [[[151.0, 354.0], [266.0, 348.0], [267.0, 369.0], [152.0, 376.0]], ('PUMP04', 0.9814602732658386)], [[[150.0, 372.0], [426.0, 360.0], [427.0, 384.0], [151.0, 397.0]], ('SERVICELEVEL:SELF', 0.9596124291419983)], [[[151.0, 397.0], [382.0, 385.0], [383.0, 406.0], [152.0, 417.0]], ('PRODUCT:REGULAR', 0.9721852540969849)], [[[149.0, 416.0], [265.0, 412.0], [266.0, 436.0], [150.0, 440.0]], ('GALLONS:', 0.9800708293914795)], [[[354.0, 409.0], [445.0, 405.0], [446.0, 429.0], [355.0, 432.0]], ('10.889', 0.9969484210014343)], [[[151.0, 439.0], [265.0, 436.0], [265.0, 456.0], [151.0, 460.0]], ('PRICE/G', 0.9887212514877319)], [[[370.0, 430.0], [448.0, 430.0], [448.0, 453.0], [370.0, 453.0]], ('3.399', 0.9923195838928223)], [[[149.0, 460.0], [281.0, 454.0], [282.0, 478.0], [150.0, 483.0]], ('FUEL SALE', 0.9583618640899658)], [[[370.0, 451.0], [448.0, 451.0], [448.0, 475.0], [370.0, 475.0]], ('37.01', 0.9962984919548035)], [[[192.0, 481.0], [280.0, 477.0], [281.0, 502.0], [193.0, 505.0]], ('CREDIT', 0.981489360332489)], [[[355.0, 476.0], [448.0, 471.0], [449.0, 496.0], [356.0, 500.0]], ('$37.01', 0.9974300265312195)], [[[149.0, 546.0], [211.0, 546.0], [211.0, 571.0], [149.0, 571.0]], ('Visa', 0.9974637627601624)], [[[149.0, 570.0], [389.0, 564.0], [389.0, 587.0], [149.0, 593.0]], ('XXXXXXXXXXXX1577', 0.9070554971694946)], [[[150.0, 595.0], [360.0, 588.0], [360.0, 611.0], [150.0, 618.0]], ('Auth #009983', 0.965491771697998)], [[[148.0, 618.0], [331.0, 612.0], [331.0, 636.0], [148.0, 641.0]], ('Resp Code:0', 0.9202041625976562)], [[[147.0, 639.0], [378.0, 635.0], [378.0, 662.0], [147.0, 666.0]], ('Stan:001423870', 0.9664745330810547)], [[[148.0, 663.0], [379.0, 659.0], [379.0, 685.0], [148.0, 689.0]], ('lnvoice#5250', 0.950526773929596)], [[[146.0, 689.0], [300.0, 686.0], [300.0, 711.0], [146.0, 714.0]], ('Shift#1', 0.9887915849685669)], [[[144.0, 734.0], [462.0, 735.0], [462.0, 761.0], [144.0, 760.0]], ('Store # 000000000972', 0.9576115608215332)], [[[144.0, 760.0], [210.0, 760.0], [210.0, 785.0], [144.0, 785.0]], ('9021', 0.9990583062171936)], [[[143.0, 784.0], [464.0, 784.0], [464.0, 811.0], [143.0, 811.0]], ('SITE IDFE171253270', 0.9479415416717529)], [[[142.0, 810.0], [178.0, 810.0], [178.0, 838.0], [142.0, 838.0]], ('01', 0.9949080944061279)]] | {"store_name": "SNAPPYMOBIL#4 SNAPPYCONVENIENT", "store_addr": "1750NWESTERNAVE CHICAGOIL60647 1750NWESTERN CHICAGOIL 60467", "telephone": "", "date": "06/07/15", "time": "10:23", "subtotal": "$37.01", "tax": "", "total": "$37.01", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": []} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[114.0, 48.0], [221.0, 50.0], [221.0, 64.0], [114.0, 62.0]], ('SALTWATER GRILL', 0.8981197476387024)], [[[147.0, 62.0], [190.0, 62.0], [190.0, 72.0], [147.0, 72.0]], ('S', 0.8955175280570984)], [[[97.0, 78.0], [216.0, 81.0], [216.0, 95.0], [97.0, 91.0]], ('Howard Centre', 0.9829197525978088)], [[[123.0, 99.0], [195.0, 103.0], [195.0, 117.0], [123.0, 113.0]], ('0815586450', 0.9796911478042603)], [[[136.0, 90.0], [182.0, 93.0], [181.0, 104.0], [135.0, 101.0]], ('Pinelands', 0.9309855699539185)], [[[136.0, 110.0], [182.0, 114.0], [181.0, 128.0], [135.0, 124.0]], ('VAT (tbc', 0.8493458032608032)], [[[68.0, 132.0], [112.0, 132.0], [112.0, 146.0], [68.0, 146.0]], ('521Caro', 0.9573572874069214)], [[[207.0, 133.0], [253.0, 136.0], [252.0, 150.0], [206.0, 147.0]], ('201Dylan', 0.914240300655365)], [[[67.0, 152.0], [121.0, 155.0], [121.0, 169.0], [66.0, 167.0]], ('Check1193', 0.9747722148895264)], [[[207.0, 155.0], [252.0, 159.0], [251.0, 173.0], [206.0, 169.0]], ('Guests:1', 0.8061469793319702)], [[[68.0, 167.0], [117.0, 167.0], [117.0, 178.0], [68.0, 178.0]], ('Table:7-1', 0.9077275395393372)], [[[121.0, 177.0], [198.0, 178.0], [198.0, 192.0], [121.0, 191.0]], ('23-02-201713:11', 0.9643978476524353)], [[[65.0, 202.0], [72.0, 199.0], [76.0, 206.0], [69.0, 210.0]], ('1', 0.5849016308784485)], [[[89.0, 198.0], [150.0, 200.0], [150.0, 213.0], [88.0, 211.0]], ('Seafood Stew', 0.9524588584899902)], [[[200.0, 201.0], [230.0, 201.0], [230.0, 215.0], [200.0, 215.0]], ('135.00', 0.9932076930999756)], [[[87.0, 211.0], [180.0, 211.0], [180.0, 224.0], [87.0, 224.0]], ('Grill Baby Calanar1', 0.8350308537483215)], [[[97.0, 221.0], [139.0, 223.0], [139.0, 237.0], [96.0, 235.0]], ('Lenon sc', 0.9437729716300964)], [[[203.0, 213.0], [229.0, 213.0], [229.0, 224.0], [203.0, 224.0]], ('69.00', 0.9908041954040527)], [[[86.0, 232.0], [147.0, 234.0], [147.0, 248.0], [85.0, 246.0]], ('Pran sticks', 0.9759013652801514)], [[[86.0, 243.0], [143.0, 246.0], [143.0, 260.0], [85.0, 257.0]], ('5 Roses Tea', 0.9348777532577515)], [[[202.0, 234.0], [231.0, 234.0], [231.0, 248.0], [202.0, 248.0]], ('69.00', 0.9808250665664673)], [[[64.0, 246.0], [72.0, 246.0], [72.0, 255.0], [64.0, 255.0]], ('1', 0.9064704179763794)], [[[203.0, 243.0], [231.0, 246.0], [230.0, 261.0], [201.0, 258.0]], ('15.00', 0.9949212074279785)], [[[87.0, 258.0], [136.0, 258.0], [136.0, 269.0], [87.0, 269.0]], ('Open Drink', 0.8969323039054871)], [[[201.0, 256.0], [232.0, 259.0], [231.0, 273.0], [200.0, 270.0]], ('30.00', 0.9906923174858093)], [[[96.0, 267.0], [119.0, 270.0], [118.0, 282.0], [95.0, 279.0]], ('cork', 0.9839685559272766)], [[[84.0, 302.0], [126.0, 302.0], [126.0, 316.0], [84.0, 316.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.989791750907898)], [[[198.0, 303.0], [231.0, 303.0], [231.0, 317.0], [198.0, 317.0]], ('318.00', 0.984166145324707)], [[[84.0, 316.0], [125.0, 316.0], [125.0, 327.0], [84.0, 327.0]], ('Inc VAT', 0.9255347847938538)], [[[202.0, 315.0], [231.0, 315.0], [231.0, 329.0], [202.0, 329.0]], ('39.05', 0.9937334060668945)], [[[60.0, 326.0], [147.0, 326.0], [147.0, 341.0], [60.0, 341.0]], ('TOTAL DUE', 0.9558937549591064)], [[[185.0, 329.0], [253.0, 329.0], [253.0, 341.0], [185.0, 341.0]], ('R318.00', 0.9966930150985718)], [[[59.0, 368.0], [254.0, 368.0], [254.0, 378.0], [59.0, 378.0]], ('***************************************8', 0.9583005905151367)], [[[194.0, 378.0], [257.0, 381.0], [256.0, 402.0], [193.0, 400.0]], ('3', 0.9431074857711792)], [[[56.0, 392.0], [136.0, 392.0], [136.0, 405.0], [56.0, 405.0]], ('Gratuity', 0.9963648319244385)], [[[172.0, 403.0], [258.0, 398.0], [260.0, 430.0], [174.0, 435.0]], ('350', 0.849586546421051)], [[[56.0, 416.0], [106.0, 416.0], [106.0, 430.0], [56.0, 430.0]], ('Total', 0.9976113438606262)]] | {"store_name": "SALTWATERGRILL", "store_addr": "HowardCentre Plnelands", "telephone": "T:0815586450", "date": "23-02-2017", "time": "13:11", "subtotal": "318.00", "tax": "39.05", "total": "R318.00", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SeafoodStew", "item_value": "135.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GrillBabyCalamari", "item_value": "69.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Prawnsticks", "item_value": "69.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "5RosesTea", "item_value": "15.00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OpenDrink", "item_value": "30.00", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[70.0, 27.0], [147.0, 24.0], [148.0, 50.0], [71.0, 54.0]], ('TATEL', 0.9980487823486328)], [[[85.0, 53.0], [133.0, 53.0], [133.0, 63.0], [85.0, 63.0]], ('MADRD', 0.993307888507843)], [[[70.0, 87.0], [134.0, 85.0], [134.0, 96.0], [71.0, 99.0]], ('Madrid,28046', 0.8978000283241272)], [[[67.0, 98.0], [134.0, 92.0], [135.0, 106.0], [68.0, 112.0]], ('CIFB-87074043', 0.9824107885360718)], [[[67.0, 118.0], [163.0, 111.0], [164.0, 132.0], [68.0, 139.0]], ('FACTURA SIMPLIFICADA', 0.934461236000061)], [[[15.0, 148.0], [103.0, 142.0], [105.0, 166.0], [16.0, 172.0]], ('Np.T-8345', 0.8168208599090576)], [[[174.0, 140.0], [220.0, 140.0], [220.0, 163.0], [174.0, 163.0]], ('Salon/24', 0.9740508794784546)], [[[17.0, 176.0], [95.0, 173.0], [96.0, 187.0], [17.0, 190.0]], ('03/03/201820:59', 0.9802696704864502)], [[[167.0, 170.0], [220.0, 168.0], [221.0, 181.0], [167.0, 183.0]], ('David caja', 0.8812162280082703)], [[[17.0, 198.0], [38.0, 198.0], [38.0, 209.0], [17.0, 209.0]], ('Uds.', 0.9859708547592163)], [[[56.0, 196.0], [96.0, 196.0], [96.0, 207.0], [56.0, 207.0]], ('Producto', 0.9932544231414795)], [[[183.0, 190.0], [222.0, 188.0], [222.0, 202.0], [183.0, 204.0]], ('Importe', 0.9376345276832581)], [[[21.0, 217.0], [44.0, 215.0], [45.0, 227.0], [22.0, 229.0]], ('2.00', 0.9606001973152161)], [[[55.0, 215.0], [129.0, 215.0], [129.0, 228.0], [55.0, 228.0]], ('Pan y Aperitivo', 0.9481346607208252)], [[[188.0, 210.0], [223.0, 210.0], [223.0, 221.0], [188.0, 221.0]], ('7.00', 0.9191347360610962)], [[[24.0, 227.0], [45.0, 227.0], [45.0, 239.0], [24.0, 239.0]], ('1,00', 0.93695068359375)], [[[55.0, 226.0], [134.0, 223.0], [134.0, 237.0], [56.0, 240.0]], ('Espacial Botella', 0.8952511548995972)], [[[25.0, 238.0], [45.0, 238.0], [45.0, 250.0], [25.0, 250.0]], ('1,00', 0.9657880067825317)], [[[56.0, 236.0], [147.0, 232.0], [147.0, 246.0], [57.0, 250.0]], ('Ensaladilla Rusa C1', 0.8228618502616882)], [[[25.0, 248.0], [45.0, 248.0], [45.0, 259.0], [25.0, 259.0]], ('1,00', 0.8549280166625977)], [[[55.0, 246.0], [144.0, 243.0], [145.0, 257.0], [56.0, 260.0]], ('Soloafllo Parrilla', 0.8476018905639648)], [[[185.0, 241.0], [225.0, 241.0], [225.0, 255.0], [185.0, 255.0]], ('31,00', 0.935448169708252)], [[[59.0, 256.0], [117.0, 254.0], [117.0, 268.0], [59.0, 270.0]], ('C.A1 Punto', 0.8668256998062134)], [[[25.0, 268.0], [45.0, 268.0], [45.0, 280.0], [25.0, 280.0]], ('1,00', 0.9121555089950562)], [[[57.0, 266.0], [151.0, 264.0], [151.0, 278.0], [57.0, 280.0]], ('Chipiron Parrila Lu', 0.9004073739051819)], [[[186.0, 262.0], [226.0, 262.0], [226.0, 276.0], [186.0, 276.0]], ('25.00', 0.892223060131073)], [[[25.0, 279.0], [46.0, 279.0], [46.0, 291.0], [25.0, 291.0]], ('1,00', 0.9308839440345764)], [[[57.0, 277.0], [132.0, 274.0], [132.0, 288.0], [58.0, 291.0]], ('Torrija al Anis', 0.919931948184967)], [[[188.0, 271.0], [227.0, 271.0], [227.0, 289.0], [188.0, 289.0]], ('006', 0.8764237761497498)], [[[26.0, 289.0], [46.0, 289.0], [46.0, 301.0], [26.0, 301.0]], ('1,00', 0.9065148830413818)], [[[57.0, 288.0], [151.0, 285.0], [151.0, 298.0], [57.0, 301.0]], ('Descafeinado Cortad', 0.9779471158981323)], [[[191.0, 283.0], [226.0, 280.0], [227.0, 295.0], [192.0, 298.0]], ('3,00 e', 0.7543752789497375)], [[[58.0, 299.0], [150.0, 297.0], [150.0, 308.0], [58.0, 310.0]], ('Solan.Minera1 1000M', 0.9118759632110596)], [[[191.0, 290.0], [228.0, 290.0], [228.0, 309.0], [191.0, 309.0]], ('300', 0.7731592059135437)], [[[27.0, 300.0], [46.0, 300.0], [46.0, 311.0], [27.0, 311.0]], ('1.00', 0.8778718709945679)], [[[30.0, 319.0], [100.0, 319.0], [100.0, 333.0], [30.0, 333.0]], ('1000Base', 0.9912026524543762)], [[[111.0, 319.0], [226.0, 313.0], [227.0, 328.0], [112.0, 334.0]], ('112.73 e Cuota11.27e', 0.854488730430603)], [[[69.0, 331.0], [99.0, 331.0], [99.0, 343.0], [69.0, 343.0]], ('Total:', 0.984599769115448)], [[[111.0, 328.0], [229.0, 325.0], [229.0, 339.0], [112.0, 342.0]], ('11273 e Total:1127 ', 0.8827196359634399)], [[[22.0, 352.0], [132.0, 352.0], [132.0, 373.0], [22.0, 373.0]], ('Total (Impuestos Incl.)', 0.8597893714904785)], [[[188.0, 351.0], [232.0, 351.0], [232.0, 370.0], [188.0, 370.0]], ('124,00 ', 0.9048723578453064)], [[[192.0, 378.0], [231.0, 378.0], [231.0, 389.0], [192.0, 389.0]], ('30009', 0.6241079568862915)], [[[22.0, 380.0], [98.0, 380.0], [98.0, 393.0], [22.0, 393.0]], ('Comensales:2', 0.9427412152290344)], [[[101.0, 382.0], [180.0, 377.0], [180.0, 392.0], [102.0, 396.0]], ('Total/Conensal:', 0.9091996550559998)], [[[22.0, 401.0], [75.0, 399.0], [75.0, 413.0], [23.0, 415.0]], ('Entregado:', 0.9807528257369995)], [[[90.0, 400.0], [172.0, 400.0], [172.0, 413.0], [90.0, 413.0]], ('200,00 e Casbio', 0.8192125558853149)], [[[193.0, 397.0], [233.0, 397.0], [233.0, 411.0], [193.0, 411.0]], ('76,00 e', 0.8270087242126465)], [[[23.0, 412.0], [66.0, 410.0], [67.0, 422.0], [24.0, 424.0]], ('Efectivo', 0.9784401655197144)], [[[188.0, 407.0], [233.0, 407.0], [233.0, 421.0], [188.0, 421.0]], ('20000', 0.7837516069412231)], [[[66.0, 429.0], [173.0, 426.0], [174.0, 439.0], [67.0, 442.0]], ('GRACIAS POR SU VISITA', 0.9472382068634033)]] | {"store_name": "TATEL", "store_addr": "MADRID PaseodelaCastellana36-38 Madrid.28045", "telephone": "", "date": "03/03/2018", "time": "20:59", "subtotal": "112,73\u20ac 112,73\u20ac", "tax": "11,27\u20ac 11,27\u20ac", "total": "Total(ImpuestosIncl.) 124,00\u20ac", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "PanyAperitivo", "item_value": "7,00\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Espacialbotella", "item_value": "25,00\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "EnsaladillaRusaC1", "item_value": "19,00\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SolomilloParrilla", "item_value": "31,00\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "c.AlPunto", "item_value": "25,00\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ChiptronParrilaLu", "item_value": "9,00\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "TorrijaalAnls", "item_value": "3,00\u20ac", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DescafeinadoCortad", "item_value": "5,00", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SolanMineral1000M", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "Producto", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[507.0, 195.0], [536.0, 195.0], [536.0, 216.0], [507.0, 216.0]], ('M', 0.9862470626831055)], [[[462.0, 232.0], [582.0, 232.0], [582.0, 254.0], [462.0, 254.0]], ('MORRISONS', 0.9978116154670715)], [[[478.0, 253.0], [569.0, 253.0], [569.0, 269.0], [478.0, 269.0]], ('Fresh choice for you', 0.9721572995185852)], [[[442.0, 275.0], [577.0, 275.0], [577.0, 291.0], [442.0, 291.0]], ('Wm MORRISON', 0.9538015127182007)], [[[442.0, 290.0], [585.0, 290.0], [585.0, 306.0], [442.0, 306.0]], ('Supermarkets p1c BD3 7DL', 0.9665752053260803)], [[[440.0, 326.0], [587.0, 326.0], [587.0, 342.0], [440.0, 342.0]], ('Telephone02074280405', 0.986846923828125)], [[[458.0, 339.0], [572.0, 339.0], [572.0, 357.0], [458.0, 357.0]], ('Vat No343475355', 0.9684716463088989)], [[[498.0, 359.0], [537.0, 365.0], [534.0, 385.0], [495.0, 379.0]], ('Today', 0.9956491589546204)], [[[463.0, 376.0], [569.0, 376.0], [569.0, 394.0], [463.0, 394.0]], ("Don't forget your", 0.9539598822593689)], [[[474.0, 392.0], [559.0, 392.0], [559.0, 408.0], [474.0, 408.0]], ('reusable bags', 0.9617083072662354)], [[[429.0, 413.0], [603.0, 413.0], [603.0, 434.0], [429.0, 434.0]], ('DATE:09/06/2009TIME:17:53', 0.9112018346786499)], [[[431.0, 427.0], [502.0, 427.0], [502.0, 445.0], [431.0, 445.0]], ('TILL0011', 0.9666947722434998)], [[[541.0, 429.0], [617.0, 429.0], [617.0, 445.0], [541.0, 445.0]], ('NO01198386', 0.98321133852005)], [[[431.0, 442.0], [582.0, 442.0], [582.0, 458.0], [431.0, 458.0]], ('You were served by:NAEEM', 0.9544822573661804)], [[[406.0, 466.0], [476.0, 466.0], [476.0, 483.0], [406.0, 483.0]], ('DESCRIPTION', 0.9969086050987244)], [[[408.0, 491.0], [492.0, 491.0], [492.0, 507.0], [408.0, 507.0]], ('ALLINSON FLOUR', 0.9758017659187317)], [[[598.0, 494.0], [630.0, 494.0], [630.0, 507.0], [598.0, 507.0]], ('1.52', 0.9928863048553467)], [[[406.0, 504.0], [518.0, 502.0], [518.0, 520.0], [406.0, 522.0]], ('KRAFT PHILADELPHIA', 0.9715138673782349)], [[[600.0, 507.0], [621.0, 507.0], [621.0, 520.0], [600.0, 520.0]], ('.33', 0.9637603759765625)], [[[410.0, 517.0], [522.0, 517.0], [522.0, 534.0], [410.0, 534.0]], ('MHADDOCK PORTIONS', 0.9688584804534912)], [[[408.0, 530.0], [514.0, 530.0], [514.0, 546.0], [408.0, 546.0]], ('ORGANIC CHOCOLATE', 0.9590588808059692)], [[[405.0, 550.0], [483.0, 554.0], [482.0, 576.0], [404.0, 572.0]], ('PICKLED EGGS', 0.9767985939979553)], [[[408.0, 542.0], [517.0, 542.0], [517.0, 560.0], [408.0, 560.0]], ('WHITE KIDNEY BEANS', 0.948826789855957)], [[[406.0, 565.0], [483.0, 565.0], [483.0, 587.0], [406.0, 587.0]], ('NIVEA SHOWER', 0.9693007469177246)], [[[608.0, 557.0], [632.0, 557.0], [632.0, 570.0], [608.0, 570.0]], ('15D', 0.9056749939918518)], [[[601.0, 582.0], [632.0, 582.0], [632.0, 595.0], [601.0, 595.0]], ('.09', 0.8849815726280212)], [[[408.0, 605.0], [440.0, 605.0], [440.0, 622.0], [408.0, 622.0]], ('CAREX', 0.9960792660713196)], [[[408.0, 618.0], [528.0, 618.0], [528.0, 635.0], [408.0, 635.0]], ('BOIL IN THE BAG RICE', 0.9546413421630859)], [[[406.0, 629.0], [497.0, 631.0], [497.0, 648.0], [406.0, 646.0]], ('DENTEK FLOSSERS', 0.9708213210105896)], [[[406.0, 642.0], [530.0, 642.0], [530.0, 664.0], [406.0, 664.0]], ('KORBOND WHITE THREAD', 0.9258788228034973)], [[[408.0, 656.0], [471.0, 656.0], [471.0, 674.0], [408.0, 674.0]], ('NIVEA HAND', 0.9674552083015442)], [[[469.0, 658.0], [505.0, 652.0], [508.0, 670.0], [472.0, 676.0]], ('CREAM', 0.995387077331543)], [[[462.0, 720.0], [528.0, 720.0], [528.0, 738.0], [462.0, 738.0]], ('BABY POWDER', 0.9548267722129822)], [[[465.0, 734.0], [486.0, 734.0], [486.0, 749.0], [465.0, 749.0]], ('MEN', 0.9956839680671692)], [[[452.0, 755.0], [523.0, 755.0], [523.0, 778.0], [452.0, 778.0]], ('FARM YOGURT', 0.8710241913795471)], [[[458.0, 771.0], [496.0, 771.0], [496.0, 782.0], [458.0, 782.0]], ('COMPAC', 0.9905875325202942)], [[[600.0, 784.0], [622.0, 784.0], [622.0, 795.0], [600.0, 795.0]], ('1.49', 0.9623080492019653)], [[[411.0, 795.0], [460.0, 795.0], [460.0, 811.0], [411.0, 811.0]], ("'M'VALUE", 0.891343355178833)], [[[608.0, 848.0], [632.0, 848.0], [632.0, 859.0], [608.0, 859.0]], ('69A', 0.9218757748603821)], [[[410.0, 870.0], [458.0, 870.0], [458.0, 888.0], [410.0, 888.0]], ('SEA SALT', 0.9256686568260193)], [[[598.0, 861.0], [630.0, 861.0], [630.0, 872.0], [598.0, 872.0]], ('2.40', 0.9670722484588623)], [[[411.0, 883.0], [510.0, 883.0], [510.0, 899.0], [411.0, 899.0]], ("M'POCKET TISSUES", 0.9313845038414001)], [[[600.0, 874.0], [632.0, 874.0], [632.0, 885.0], [600.0, 885.0]], ('2.09', 0.965458869934082)], [[[410.0, 894.0], [527.0, 896.0], [526.0, 914.0], [409.0, 912.0]], ('MMOZZARELLA BLOCK', 0.9703009128570557)], [[[600.0, 899.0], [632.0, 899.0], [632.0, 910.0], [600.0, 910.0]], ('2.38', 0.9428487420082092)], [[[411.0, 910.0], [494.0, 910.0], [494.0, 926.0], [411.0, 926.0]], ('AUSSIE SHAMPOO', 0.9588133692741394)], [[[411.0, 922.0], [523.0, 922.0], [523.0, 939.0], [411.0, 939.0]], ('MGRANULATED SUGAR', 0.968325674533844)], [[[408.0, 934.0], [458.0, 934.0], [458.0, 950.0], [408.0, 950.0]], ('GLOWHITE', 0.997894287109375)], [[[411.0, 947.0], [518.0, 947.0], [518.0, 965.0], [411.0, 965.0]], ('MVALUE T/BRUSHES', 0.9648152589797974)], [[[600.0, 950.0], [626.0, 950.0], [626.0, 962.0], [600.0, 962.0]], ('0.20', 0.9703121185302734)], [[[411.0, 963.0], [481.0, 963.0], [481.0, 974.0], [411.0, 974.0]], ('WRIGLEYS GUM', 0.936223030090332)], [[[600.0, 963.0], [632.0, 963.0], [632.0, 974.0], [600.0, 974.0]], ('2.09', 0.9124993085861206)], [[[410.0, 973.0], [507.0, 973.0], [507.0, 989.0], [410.0, 989.0]], ('COMFORT NATURALS', 0.9671007394790649)], [[[411.0, 984.0], [523.0, 984.0], [523.0, 1002.0], [411.0, 1002.0]], ("M'COTTON WOOL PADS", 0.9160023927688599)], [[[600.0, 976.0], [632.0, 976.0], [632.0, 987.0], [600.0, 987.0]], ('1.45A', 0.9579819440841675)], [[[410.0, 995.0], [514.0, 999.0], [513.0, 1016.0], [409.0, 1013.0]], ('MPLASTIC PLATES', 0.9668486714363098)], [[[600.0, 987.0], [624.0, 987.0], [624.0, 1000.0], [600.0, 1000.0]], ('0.54', 0.9712692499160767)], [[[596.0, 997.0], [634.0, 997.0], [634.0, 1014.0], [596.0, 1014.0]], ('0.87 A', 0.920649528503418)], [[[410.0, 1011.0], [497.0, 1011.0], [497.0, 1027.0], [410.0, 1027.0]], ('MINT IMPERIALS', 0.970118522644043)], [[[596.0, 1010.0], [634.0, 1010.0], [634.0, 1027.0], [596.0, 1027.0]], ('0.83A', 0.9882223010063171)], [[[410.0, 1024.0], [514.0, 1024.0], [514.0, 1040.0], [410.0, 1040.0]], ('POLYESTER ELASTIC', 0.9653974175453186)], [[[410.0, 1034.0], [528.0, 1035.0], [528.0, 1053.0], [409.0, 1051.0]], ("M'SILVERSKIN ONIONS", 0.9460330009460449)], [[[596.0, 1035.0], [635.0, 1035.0], [635.0, 1053.0], [596.0, 1053.0]], ('0.89D', 0.9816893339157104)], [[[598.0, 1026.0], [634.0, 1026.0], [634.0, 1038.0], [598.0, 1038.0]], ('0.97 A', 0.9146360754966736)], [[[410.0, 1050.0], [484.0, 1050.0], [484.0, 1066.0], [410.0, 1066.0]], ('NIVEA SHOWER', 0.9788587689399719)], [[[596.0, 1048.0], [635.0, 1048.0], [635.0, 1066.0], [596.0, 1066.0]], ('1.89 A', 0.9093959927558899)], [[[411.0, 1062.0], [500.0, 1062.0], [500.0, 1078.0], [411.0, 1078.0]], ('MFACE CLOTHS', 0.972426176071167)], [[[596.0, 1061.0], [635.0, 1061.0], [635.0, 1078.0], [596.0, 1078.0]], ('0.97 A', 0.9287407398223877)], [[[410.0, 1074.0], [523.0, 1074.0], [523.0, 1091.0], [410.0, 1091.0]], ('KORBONDHOOK &LOOP', 0.9675946831703186)], [[[596.0, 1072.0], [635.0, 1072.0], [635.0, 1091.0], [596.0, 1091.0]], ('1.75 A', 0.9178261756896973)], [[[410.0, 1086.0], [523.0, 1088.0], [523.0, 1106.0], [409.0, 1104.0]], ('MCOTTON WOOL BUDS', 0.9274594187736511)], [[[408.0, 1097.0], [483.0, 1101.0], [482.0, 1119.0], [408.0, 1115.0]], ('SAEECAEEEN', 0.5077438354492188)], [[[410.0, 1115.0], [447.0, 1115.0], [447.0, 1128.0], [410.0, 1128.0]], ('ANDREX', 0.9954166412353516)], [[[491.0, 1112.0], [528.0, 1112.0], [528.0, 1130.0], [491.0, 1130.0]], ('2 ROLL', 0.9079797863960266)], [[[598.0, 1112.0], [635.0, 1112.0], [635.0, 1130.0], [598.0, 1130.0]], ('1.25 A', 0.90658038854599)], [[[408.0, 1139.0], [481.0, 1139.0], [481.0, 1155.0], [408.0, 1155.0]], ('Items Sold', 0.9541171193122864)], [[[497.0, 1139.0], [514.0, 1139.0], [514.0, 1154.0], [497.0, 1154.0]], ('49', 0.9940941333770752)], [[[526.0, 1138.0], [559.0, 1138.0], [559.0, 1155.0], [526.0, 1155.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9973718523979187)], [[[583.0, 1138.0], [626.0, 1138.0], [626.0, 1157.0], [583.0, 1157.0]], ('70.32', 0.9867976903915405)], [[[528.0, 1163.0], [562.0, 1163.0], [562.0, 1181.0], [528.0, 1181.0]], ('CASH', 0.9886658191680908)], [[[583.0, 1163.0], [626.0, 1163.0], [626.0, 1182.0], [583.0, 1182.0]], ('80.00', 0.9874784350395203)], [[[491.0, 1187.0], [530.0, 1191.0], [528.0, 1210.0], [488.0, 1206.0]], ('Change', 0.9970311522483826)], [[[590.0, 1185.0], [626.0, 1189.0], [624.0, 1209.0], [588.0, 1204.0]], ('9.68', 0.9614851474761963)], [[[408.0, 1214.0], [476.0, 1214.0], [476.0, 1232.0], [408.0, 1232.0]], ('VAT A 15.0%', 0.9007483124732971)], [[[517.0, 1214.0], [577.0, 1214.0], [577.0, 1232.0], [517.0, 1232.0]], ('46.08', 0.9578700065612793)], [[[590.0, 1214.0], [624.0, 1214.0], [624.0, 1232.0], [590.0, 1232.0]], ('6.01', 0.9860104322433472)], [[[410.0, 1229.0], [429.0, 1229.0], [429.0, 1243.0], [410.0, 1243.0]], ('VAT', 0.9325428009033203)], [[[424.0, 1229.0], [474.0, 1229.0], [474.0, 1245.0], [424.0, 1245.0]], ('85.0%', 0.936066746711731)], [[[518.0, 1225.0], [558.0, 1229.0], [556.0, 1247.0], [516.0, 1243.0]], ('1.86', 0.8185815215110779)], [[[410.0, 1242.0], [429.0, 1242.0], [429.0, 1256.0], [410.0, 1256.0]], ('VAT', 0.9970832467079163)], [[[424.0, 1240.0], [473.0, 1240.0], [473.0, 1258.0], [424.0, 1258.0]], ('%00', 0.7134928107261658)], [[[424.0, 1251.0], [465.0, 1255.0], [463.0, 1273.0], [422.0, 1268.0]], ('TTotal', 0.876772940158844)], [[[517.0, 1242.0], [577.0, 1242.0], [577.0, 1258.0], [517.0, 1258.0]], ('22.36', 0.9922038316726685)], [[[410.0, 1254.0], [429.0, 1254.0], [429.0, 1269.0], [410.0, 1269.0]], ('VAT', 0.9962149262428284)], [[[466.0, 1278.0], [575.0, 1278.0], [575.0, 1296.0], [466.0, 1296.0]], ('MULTISAVE', 0.9918298721313477)], [[[500.0, 1293.0], [564.0, 1293.0], [564.0, 1309.0], [500.0, 1309.0]], ('0.24', 0.9849827885627747)], [[[479.0, 1304.0], [565.0, 1304.0], [565.0, 1322.0], [479.0, 1322.0]], ('SAVINGS', 0.9968217611312866)], [[[444.0, 1317.0], [473.0, 1317.0], [473.0, 1334.0], [444.0, 1334.0]], ('AT', 0.9977830648422241)], [[[479.0, 1317.0], [588.0, 1317.0], [588.0, 1334.0], [479.0, 1334.0]], ('MORRISONS', 0.9959218502044678)], [[[424.0, 1341.0], [637.0, 1341.0], [637.0, 1362.0], [424.0, 1362.0]], ('Thank you for shopping at Morrisons', 0.9614650011062622)], [[[479.0, 1357.0], [583.0, 1357.0], [583.0, 1373.0], [479.0, 1373.0]], ('Please ca1] again', 0.8980622291564941)]] | {"store_name": "MORRISONS WmMORRISON", "store_addr": "SupermarketsplcBD37DL Camden", "telephone": "02074280405", "date": "09/06/2009", "time": "17:53", "subtotal": "", "tax": "\u00a36.10", "total": "\u00a370.32", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALLINSONFLOUR", "item_value": "1.25", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KRAFTPHILADELPHIA", "item_value": "1.61", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'HADDOCKPORTIONS", "item_value": "0.38", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ORGANICCHOCOLATE", "item_value": "1.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WHITEKIDNEYBEANS", "item_value": "0.97", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PICKLEDEGGS", "item_value": "1.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NIVEASHOWER", "item_value": "0.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CAULDRONTOFU", "item_value": "0.97", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PURAVEGETABLEOIL", "item_value": "0.83", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CAREX", "item_value": "0.87", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BOILINTHEBAGRICE", "item_value": "0.54", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DENTEKFLOSSERS", "item_value": "1.45", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KORBONDWHITETHREAD", "item_value": "2.09", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NIVEAHANDCREAM", "item_value": "0.20", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'F/HCUTLERYSET", "item_value": "1.82", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'ORGANICMILK", "item_value": "0.51", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ALKASELTZER", "item_value": "3.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'TISSUES", "item_value": "2.38", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "JOHNSONSBABYPOWDER", "item_value": "0.93", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NIVEAFORMEN", "item_value": "2.09", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SIMPLESOAP", "item_value": "2.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LONGLEYFARMYOGURT", "item_value": "1.69", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "LILLETSCOMPACT", "item_value": "-0.24", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GALBANIMOZZARELLA", "item_value": "0.87", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'VALUECLOTHS", "item_value": "0.98", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'CREMEFRAICHE", "item_value": "0.45", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'30PAPERDOYLEYS", "item_value": "1.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "*TablewareOffer", "item_value": "1.88", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'SWINGBINLINERS", "item_value": "0.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SENSODYNEPASTE", "item_value": "0.90", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SEASALT", "item_value": "1.94", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'POCKETTISSUES", "item_value": "0.94", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'MOZZARELLABLOCK", "item_value": "1.93", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "AUSSIESHAMOO", "item_value": "2.50", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'GRANULATEDSUGAR", "item_value": "0.53", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "GLOWHITE", "item_value": "0.87", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'VALUET/BRUSHES", "item_value": "2.17", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "WRIGLEYSGUM", "item_value": "0.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "COMFORTNATURALS", "item_value": "2.93", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'COTTONWOOLPADS", "item_value": "1.77", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'PLASTICPLATES", "item_value": "1.35", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "MINTIMPERIALS", "item_value": "0.70", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "POLYESTERELASTIC", "item_value": "1.09", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'SILVERSKINONIONS", "item_value": "1.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NIVEASHOWER", "item_value": "1.15", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'FACECLOTHS", "item_value": "1.19", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KORBONDHOOK&LOOP", "item_value": "1.75", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "'M'COTTONWOOLBUDS", "item_value": "3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SAVLONCREAM", "item_value": "1.33", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "ANDREX", "item_value": "1.52", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "DESCRIPTION", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[336.0, 50.0], [443.0, 45.0], [448.0, 140.0], [341.0, 145.0]], ('M', 0.9963580965995789)], [[[22.0, 154.0], [60.0, 154.0], [60.0, 196.0], [22.0, 196.0]], ('P', 0.9665115475654602)], [[[249.0, 186.0], [531.0, 162.0], [535.0, 206.0], [253.0, 229.0]], ('MORRISONS', 0.9977529048919678)], [[[288.0, 236.0], [494.0, 225.0], [496.0, 250.0], [289.0, 262.0]], ('Fresh choice foryou', 0.9673155546188354)], [[[249.0, 304.0], [504.0, 292.0], [506.0, 321.0], [251.0, 333.0]], ('Wm MORRISON', 0.9276444911956787)], [[[252.0, 345.0], [527.0, 333.0], [528.0, 363.0], [253.0, 375.0]], ('Supermarkets p1c BD3 7DL', 0.9551966190338135)], [[[328.0, 379.0], [447.0, 375.0], [448.0, 405.0], [329.0, 409.0]], ('Camberwel1', 0.9436284303665161)], [[[252.0, 420.0], [542.0, 416.0], [542.0, 445.0], [252.0, 449.0]], ('Manager :Martin Amphlett', 0.938774049282074)], [[[252.0, 460.0], [530.0, 455.0], [530.0, 484.0], [252.0, 489.0]], ('Telephone 02077 033038', 0.9568698406219482)], [[[287.0, 539.0], [483.0, 539.0], [483.0, 564.0], [287.0, 564.0]], ('Lets Grow is back', 0.933849036693573)], [[[286.0, 575.0], [481.0, 578.0], [481.0, 605.0], [286.0, 601.0]], ('Collect 1 voucher', 0.95125412940979)], [[[275.0, 613.0], [497.0, 618.0], [496.0, 648.0], [275.0, 643.0]], ('for every u10 spent', 0.937791109085083)], [[[100.0, 685.0], [266.0, 693.0], [264.0, 721.0], [99.0, 714.0]], ('QTY DESCRIPTION', 0.9658978581428528)], [[[497.0, 695.0], [691.0, 719.0], [687.0, 749.0], [493.0, 725.0]], ('PRICE AMOUNT ', 0.9426301121711731)], [[[121.0, 763.0], [244.0, 768.0], [242.0, 798.0], [120.0, 793.0]], ('1 SHREDDIES', 0.9555879831314087)], [[[517.0, 778.0], [585.0, 786.0], [580.0, 819.0], [513.0, 811.0]], ('2.68', 0.9880123138427734)], [[[141.0, 803.0], [265.0, 811.0], [262.0, 841.0], [139.0, 832.0]], ('BALANCE DUE', 0.967842161655426)], [[[623.0, 794.0], [694.0, 808.0], [686.0, 844.0], [615.0, 829.0]], ('2.68', 0.9892816543579102)], [[[137.0, 841.0], [189.0, 844.0], [187.0, 877.0], [135.0, 874.0]], ('Card', 0.9976512789726257)], [[[623.0, 836.0], [694.0, 851.0], [686.0, 887.0], [615.0, 873.0]], ('2.68', 0.9873961806297302)], [[[203.0, 885.0], [285.0, 891.0], [282.0, 923.0], [200.0, 917.0]], ('PAYMENT', 0.9956464767456055)], [[[623.0, 879.0], [694.0, 895.0], [685.0, 931.0], [614.0, 915.0]], ('2.68', 0.984363853931427)], [[[69.0, 917.0], [108.0, 917.0], [108.0, 949.0], [69.0, 949.0]], ('AID', 0.9983519911766052)], [[[261.0, 934.0], [447.0, 944.0], [445.0, 970.0], [259.0, 960.0]], ('A0000000031010', 0.9980201125144958)], [[[69.0, 958.0], [329.0, 974.0], [327.0, 1007.0], [67.0, 990.0]], ('Application Name :VISA', 0.9057249426841736)], [[[66.0, 1000.0], [183.0, 1003.0], [183.0, 1023.0], [65.0, 1022.0]], ('Card Numbor', 0.8931034207344055)]] | {"store_name": "MORRISONS WmMORRISON", "store_addr": "SupermarketsplcBD37DL Camberwell", "telephone": "02077033038", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "\u00a32.68", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "SHREDDIES", "item_value": "\u00a32.68", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "DESCRIPTION", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[171.0, 42.0], [226.0, 31.0], [229.0, 45.0], [174.0, 56.0]], ('becahba', 0.7205577492713928)], [[[132.0, 55.0], [185.0, 53.0], [186.0, 67.0], [132.0, 70.0]], ('10078206K', 0.8949289321899414)], [[[111.0, 68.0], [207.0, 64.0], [208.0, 78.0], [111.0, 83.0]], ('194 Amathountos Ave', 0.9569976329803467)], [[[108.0, 79.0], [210.0, 74.0], [211.0, 88.0], [109.0, 93.0]], ('4533LIMASS0LCYPRUS', 0.9336751103401184)], [[[114.0, 91.0], [203.0, 86.0], [203.0, 100.0], [114.0, 105.0]], ('25379500/25025555', 0.9889522790908813)], [[[53.0, 110.0], [134.0, 113.0], [134.0, 130.0], [53.0, 127.0]], ('Server: Day Bar', 0.8837178945541382)], [[[212.0, 107.0], [268.0, 98.0], [271.0, 113.0], [214.0, 122.0]], ('29/07/2014', 0.9951828718185425)], [[[55.0, 125.0], [88.0, 125.0], [88.0, 139.0], [55.0, 139.0]], ('137/1', 0.9941926002502441)], [[[225.0, 118.0], [268.0, 111.0], [271.0, 125.0], [227.0, 132.0]], ('3:07Py', 0.8183509707450867)], [[[52.0, 135.0], [105.0, 139.0], [104.0, 154.0], [51.0, 150.0]], ('Guests:', 0.9461742043495178)], [[[239.0, 128.0], [269.0, 124.0], [271.0, 139.0], [241.0, 143.0]], ('10178', 0.998182475566864)], [[[49.0, 161.0], [80.0, 161.0], [80.0, 175.0], [49.0, 175.0]], ('LAYS', 0.9782588481903076)], [[[245.0, 152.0], [271.0, 149.0], [272.0, 165.0], [246.0, 168.0]], ('1.30', 0.9922518730163574)], [[[51.0, 173.0], [109.0, 171.0], [109.0, 185.0], [51.0, 187.0]], ('BAKED LAYS', 0.9001258015632629)], [[[245.0, 166.0], [272.0, 163.0], [273.0, 177.0], [246.0, 180.0]], ('1.80', 0.8854801654815674)], [[[52.0, 185.0], [150.0, 183.0], [150.0, 197.0], [52.0, 199.0]], ('FRESH CARROT JUICE', 0.9211642742156982)], [[[245.0, 178.0], [274.0, 178.0], [274.0, 193.0], [245.0, 193.0]], ('5.30', 0.9874022006988525)], [[[51.0, 197.0], [193.0, 194.0], [193.0, 208.0], [51.0, 211.0]], ('FRESH APPLE ICE 2 05.30', 0.8720006346702576)], [[[242.0, 191.0], [273.0, 191.0], [273.0, 205.0], [242.0, 205.0]], ('10.60', 0.9821259379386902)], [[[50.0, 209.0], [198.0, 207.0], [198.0, 221.0], [50.0, 223.0]], ('FRESH ORANGE JUICE 2 05.30)', 0.9004579186439514)], [[[242.0, 205.0], [274.0, 205.0], [274.0, 216.0], [242.0, 216.0]], ('10.60', 0.9747961759567261)], [[[48.0, 232.0], [97.0, 234.0], [96.0, 248.0], [48.0, 246.0]], ('Subtotal', 0.9920220375061035)], [[[243.0, 228.0], [276.0, 228.0], [276.0, 243.0], [243.0, 243.0]], ('27.16', 0.985700249671936)], [[[50.0, 247.0], [72.0, 247.0], [72.0, 259.0], [50.0, 259.0]], ('VAT.', 0.8768689632415771)], [[[248.0, 242.0], [277.0, 242.0], [277.0, 257.0], [248.0, 257.0]], ('2.44', 0.9941180348396301)], [[[48.0, 272.0], [79.0, 272.0], [79.0, 287.0], [48.0, 287.0]], ('Total', 0.9922109842300415)], [[[247.0, 267.0], [278.0, 267.0], [278.0, 282.0], [247.0, 282.0]], ('29.60', 0.9825451970100403)], [[[47.0, 299.0], [170.0, 298.0], [170.0, 312.0], [47.0, 313.0]], ('Balance Due', 0.9611120820045471)], [[[202.0, 297.0], [222.0, 297.0], [222.0, 309.0], [202.0, 309.0]], ('C.', 0.702157199382782)], [[[217.0, 295.0], [277.0, 295.0], [277.0, 309.0], [217.0, 309.0]], ('29.60', 0.9944459795951843)], [[[46.0, 327.0], [112.0, 327.0], [112.0, 342.0], [46.0, 342.0]], ('VAT Detail', 0.9239612817764282)], [[[43.0, 342.0], [162.0, 337.0], [163.0, 354.0], [43.0, 359.0]], ('9.00%27.162.44', 0.9532604813575745)], [[[147.0, 369.0], [185.0, 369.0], [185.0, 383.0], [147.0, 383.0]], ('******', 0.861700713634491)], [[[117.0, 400.0], [207.0, 398.0], [208.0, 415.0], [117.0, 417.0]], ('VAT is included', 0.9274359941482544)], [[[111.0, 418.0], [214.0, 413.0], [215.0, 430.0], [112.0, 435.0]], ('', 0.940735936164856)]] | {"store_name": "MALIND! beachbar", "store_addr": "194AmathountosAve 4533LIMASSOL.CYPRUS", "telephone": "25379500/25025555", "date": "29/07/2014", "time": "3:07PM", "subtotal": "27.16 27.16", "tax": "2.44 2.44", "total": "29.60 \u00c729.60", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "LAYS", "item_value": "1.30", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BAKEDLAYS", "item_value": "1.80", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRESHCARROTJUICE", "item_value": "5.30", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRESHAPPLEJUICE([email protected])", "item_value": "10.60", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FRESHORANGEJUICE([email protected])", "item_value": "10.60", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[127.0, 31.0], [167.0, 31.0], [167.0, 42.0], [127.0, 42.0]], ('TUK', 0.5561057925224304)], [[[226.0, 27.0], [265.0, 27.0], [265.0, 38.0], [226.0, 38.0]], ('CHA', 0.742424726486206)], [[[127.0, 77.0], [259.0, 73.0], [259.0, 90.0], [128.0, 95.0]], ('3 Tenasek Bouleuard', 0.8727202415466309)], [[[89.0, 96.0], [300.0, 90.0], [300.0, 107.0], [90.0, 113.0]], ('#B1-173/174 Suntec City Touer 3', 0.8977667093276978)], [[[138.0, 114.0], [251.0, 109.0], [251.0, 126.0], [139.0, 131.0]], ('Singapore 038983', 0.9779098629951477)], [[[131.0, 131.0], [257.0, 128.0], [257.0, 146.0], [132.0, 148.0]], ('GST NO201505626C', 0.9541398286819458)], [[[146.0, 149.0], [241.0, 146.0], [241.0, 171.0], [147.0, 173.0]], ('ORDER#65', 0.9764840602874756)], [[[18.0, 181.0], [116.0, 176.0], [117.0, 202.0], [19.0, 206.0]], ('RCT#15946', 0.9632497429847717)], [[[20.0, 210.0], [94.0, 208.0], [95.0, 226.0], [20.0, 228.0]], ('BILL15947', 0.9562432765960693)], [[[120.0, 205.0], [254.0, 203.0], [254.0, 227.0], [121.0, 229.0]], ('TABLE:TAG12', 0.9652992486953735)], [[[330.0, 201.0], [382.0, 201.0], [382.0, 223.0], [330.0, 223.0]], ('PAX:1', 0.8364794850349426)], [[[21.0, 237.0], [82.0, 236.0], [83.0, 255.0], [21.0, 256.0]], ('STORE12', 0.9769467115402222)], [[[159.0, 233.0], [236.0, 233.0], [236.0, 251.0], [159.0, 251.0]], ('TERMINALA1', 0.8781496286392212)], [[[331.0, 231.0], [376.0, 231.0], [376.0, 250.0], [331.0, 250.0]], ('ONLINE', 0.9959964752197266)], [[[20.0, 257.0], [110.0, 255.0], [111.0, 273.0], [20.0, 275.0]], ('21/02/18HED', 0.9407335519790649)], [[[193.0, 253.0], [232.0, 253.0], [232.0, 271.0], [193.0, 271.0]], ('12:08', 0.9573199152946472)], [[[20.0, 277.0], [230.0, 273.0], [230.0, 290.0], [20.0, 294.0]], ('YOU HAUE BEEN SERUED BY CASHIER', 0.9454104900360107)], [[[20.0, 298.0], [171.0, 298.0], [171.0, 315.0], [20.0, 315.0]], ('L3SP1CYChickLMK', 0.8942769169807434)], [[[268.0, 293.0], [280.0, 293.0], [280.0, 311.0], [268.0, 311.0]], ('I', 0.501383900642395)], [[[336.0, 289.0], [385.0, 289.0], [385.0, 311.0], [336.0, 311.0]], ('$10.80', 0.9025037884712219)], [[[49.0, 318.0], [118.0, 321.0], [117.0, 342.0], [48.0, 339.0]], ('La Mian', 0.9565501809120178)], [[[17.0, 340.0], [79.0, 343.0], [78.0, 364.0], [16.0, 361.0]], ('SUB TOTAL', 0.966612696647644)], [[[339.0, 339.0], [388.0, 335.0], [390.0, 357.0], [341.0, 361.0]], ('$1080', 0.9504682421684265)], [[[16.0, 361.0], [115.0, 364.0], [114.0, 381.0], [16.0, 379.0]], ('GST INCLUSIUE(7.OD)', 0.8320203423500061)], [[[359.0, 359.0], [390.0, 359.0], [390.0, 378.0], [359.0, 378.0]], ('$0.71', 0.9594176411628723)], [[[17.0, 384.0], [112.0, 386.0], [111.0, 411.0], [16.0, 409.0]], ('TOTAL(1Qt)', 0.9856065511703491)], [[[321.0, 384.0], [390.0, 381.0], [391.0, 408.0], [322.0, 410.0]], ('$10.80', 0.9864413738250732)], [[[17.0, 416.0], [157.0, 416.0], [157.0, 440.0], [17.0, 440.0]], ('TOTAL TENDERED', 0.9743196368217468)], [[[321.0, 413.0], [392.0, 411.0], [393.0, 440.0], [322.0, 442.0]], ('$50.00', 0.9884376525878906)]] | {"store_name": "TUKTUKCHA", "store_addr": "3TemasekBoulevard #B1-173/174SuntecCityTouer3 Singapore038983", "telephone": "", "date": "21/02/18(WED)", "time": "12:08", "subtotal": "$10.80", "tax": "$0.71", "total": "$10.80", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "L3SPICYChickLM", "item_value": "$10.80", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[25.0, 61.0], [271.0, 57.0], [271.0, 77.0], [25.0, 81.0]], ('Fish Farmi Restaurant', 0.9231858253479004)], [[[0.0, 85.0], [310.0, 73.0], [310.0, 94.0], [0.0, 106.0]], ('eg Fish Farm Thai Restaurant S/B', 0.9431373476982117)], [[[105.0, 101.0], [186.0, 98.0], [186.0, 115.0], [105.0, 118.0]], ('928627-V', 0.9784582257270813)], [[[73.0, 120.0], [216.0, 120.0], [216.0, 134.0], [73.0, 134.0]], ('KM4.Ja lan Ampang', 0.8895533680915833)], [[[51.0, 134.0], [247.0, 130.0], [247.0, 148.0], [51.0, 151.0]], ('Hulu Langat. 68000 Ampang', 0.9238851070404053)], [[[112.0, 149.0], [182.0, 151.0], [181.0, 165.0], [111.0, 163.0]], ('Selangor.', 0.993448793888092)], [[[11.0, 165.0], [283.0, 159.0], [283.0, 176.0], [12.0, 182.0]], ('TEL:019-260 6493/012-286 8193', 0.929927408695221)], [[[59.0, 178.0], [237.0, 178.0], [237.0, 191.0], [59.0, 191.0]], ('GST REG NO000933953536', 0.9481248259544373)], [[[60.0, 206.0], [249.0, 206.0], [249.0, 220.0], [60.0, 220.0]], ('SIMPLIFIED TAX INVOICE', 0.9667015671730042)], [[[16.0, 242.0], [111.0, 243.0], [111.0, 257.0], [16.0, 256.0]], ('Invoice69778', 0.9100761413574219)], [[[150.0, 244.0], [228.0, 244.0], [228.0, 257.0], [150.0, 257.0]], ('Cashicr:nok', 0.9490978121757507)], [[[19.0, 256.0], [73.0, 256.0], [73.0, 267.0], [19.0, 267.0]], ('POS No1', 0.8981085419654846)], [[[150.0, 254.0], [192.0, 256.0], [192.0, 270.0], [150.0, 268.0]], ('Tablc', 0.8805987238883972)], [[[19.0, 265.0], [189.0, 266.0], [189.0, 280.0], [19.0, 279.0]], ('Datc31/8/2016 215219', 0.9510367512702942)], [[[189.0, 257.0], [228.0, 257.0], [228.0, 268.0], [189.0, 268.0]], ('62', 0.9944801330566406)], [[[24.0, 279.0], [60.0, 279.0], [60.0, 290.0], [24.0, 290.0]], ('Pax:8', 0.9025646448135376)], [[[39.0, 297.0], [68.0, 297.0], [68.0, 311.0], [39.0, 311.0]], ('LTEN', 0.5829908847808838)], [[[104.0, 298.0], [125.0, 298.0], [125.0, 310.0], [104.0, 310.0]], ('QTY', 0.912194013595581)], [[[137.0, 297.0], [291.0, 300.0], [291.0, 314.0], [136.0, 311.0]], ('U/PRMDSCSAmt+GSTRM', 0.9229733347892761)], [[[25.0, 318.0], [201.0, 319.0], [201.0, 337.0], [25.0, 335.0]], ('S mantis prawn Goreng [1pc]', 0.9538638591766357)], [[[36.0, 334.0], [60.0, 334.0], [60.0, 347.0], [36.0, 347.0]], ('wa3', 0.9955537915229797)], [[[109.0, 333.0], [118.0, 339.0], [113.0, 349.0], [104.0, 344.0]], ('9', 0.9107296466827393)], [[[138.0, 334.0], [175.0, 334.0], [175.0, 349.0], [138.0, 349.0]], ('65.00', 0.9927799105644226)], [[[213.0, 334.0], [237.0, 334.0], [237.0, 347.0], [213.0, 347.0]], ('0+0', 0.9340311884880066)], [[[248.0, 334.0], [294.0, 334.0], [294.0, 349.0], [248.0, 349.0]], ('620.10', 0.9904186129570007)], [[[19.0, 344.0], [194.0, 347.0], [194.0, 364.0], [19.0, 362.0]], ('S Ketam Masak Curry Powder', 0.9555779099464417)], [[[32.0, 361.0], [49.0, 361.0], [49.0, 373.0], [32.0, 373.0]], ('C4', 0.9807323217391968)], [[[104.0, 361.0], [113.0, 364.0], [110.0, 375.0], [101.0, 372.0]], ('2', 0.9162331223487854)], [[[136.0, 362.0], [174.0, 362.0], [174.0, 377.0], [136.0, 377.0]], ('45.00', 0.9953934550285339)], [[[212.0, 361.0], [237.0, 361.0], [237.0, 377.0], [212.0, 377.0]], ('0+0', 0.9536154866218567)], [[[255.0, 360.0], [298.0, 360.0], [298.0, 378.0], [255.0, 378.0]], ('95.40', 0.9465621709823608)], [[[15.0, 372.0], [111.0, 377.0], [110.0, 392.0], [14.0, 388.0]], ('S ketam butter', 0.9577475786209106)], [[[7.0, 398.0], [199.0, 405.0], [198.0, 426.0], [6.0, 419.0]], ('S Sotong Telur Masin(small', 0.9161785840988159)], [[[26.0, 390.0], [43.0, 390.0], [43.0, 402.0], [26.0, 402.0]], ('c6', 0.7750154733657837)], [[[99.0, 392.0], [109.0, 392.0], [109.0, 402.0], [99.0, 402.0]], ('2', 0.80711829662323)], [[[133.0, 391.0], [172.0, 391.0], [172.0, 405.0], [133.0, 405.0]], ('45.00', 0.996668815612793)], [[[212.0, 391.0], [238.0, 391.0], [238.0, 407.0], [212.0, 407.0]], ('0+0', 0.9758742451667786)], [[[257.0, 392.0], [301.0, 392.0], [301.0, 407.0], [257.0, 407.0]], ('95.40', 0.9940646886825562)], [[[16.0, 416.0], [38.0, 416.0], [38.0, 431.0], [16.0, 431.0]], ('S4', 0.9738388061523438)], [[[2.0, 430.0], [89.0, 434.0], [88.0, 449.0], [2.0, 446.0]], ('S Nasi Putih', 0.9404210448265076)], [[[94.0, 421.0], [105.0, 420.0], [107.0, 433.0], [95.0, 434.0]], ('2', 0.9789217114448547)], [[[131.0, 421.0], [171.0, 423.0], [170.0, 439.0], [130.0, 437.0]], ('18.00', 0.9963448643684387)], [[[213.0, 424.0], [239.0, 424.0], [239.0, 440.0], [213.0, 440.0]], ('0+0', 0.8307697176933289)], [[[259.0, 424.0], [305.0, 424.0], [305.0, 442.0], [259.0, 442.0]], ('38.16', 0.990344226360321)]] | {"store_name": "FishFarmThaiRestaurant egFishFarmThaiRestaurantS/B", "store_addr": "KM4.JalanAmpang. HuluLangat.68000Ampang Selangor.", "telephone": "019-2606493/012-2868193", "date": "31/8/2016", "time": "21:52:19", "subtotal": "", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "mantisprawnGoreng[1pc]", "item_value": "620.10", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "KetamMasakCurryPowder", "item_value": "95.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "Ketambutter", "item_value": "95.40", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SotongTelurMasin(small)", "item_value": "38.16", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "NasiPutih", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}, {"item_key": "ITEM", "item_name": "", "item_value": "", "item_quantity": ""}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[67.0, 71.0], [300.0, 74.0], [300.0, 98.0], [67.0, 95.0]], ("TRADER JOE'S", 0.9532667994499207)], [[[116.0, 103.0], [205.0, 105.0], [205.0, 122.0], [116.0, 120.0]], ('5269 Prospect', 0.9645313620567322)], [[[94.0, 120.0], [226.0, 121.0], [225.0, 138.0], [94.0, 137.0]], ('San Jose CA 95129', 0.9075736999511719)], [[[68.0, 136.0], [252.0, 137.0], [252.0, 155.0], [68.0, 154.0]], ('Store #062-408446-5055', 0.9740340709686279)], [[[69.0, 170.0], [252.0, 170.0], [252.0, 187.0], [69.0, 187.0]], ('OPEN 8:OOAM TO 9:0OPM DAILY', 0.8592010140419006)], [[[19.0, 200.0], [213.0, 202.0], [213.0, 220.0], [18.0, 218.0]], ('NUT WALNUT PIECES POINDEXTER', 0.9516534209251404)], [[[242.0, 202.0], [274.0, 202.0], [274.0, 217.0], [242.0, 217.0]], ('6.99', 0.9919085502624512)], [[[19.0, 217.0], [194.0, 219.0], [194.0, 236.0], [18.0, 234.0]], ('OLIVES PITTED KAL IN XVOO', 0.9322713613510132)], [[[243.0, 218.0], [274.0, 218.0], [274.0, 234.0], [243.0, 234.0]], ('2.99', 0.9943175315856934)], [[[19.0, 235.0], [176.0, 236.0], [176.0, 250.0], [18.0, 249.0]], ('A-APPLE EACH.PINK LADY.', 0.9291905760765076)], [[[244.0, 234.0], [275.0, 234.0], [275.0, 250.0], [244.0, 250.0]], ('4.83', 0.9923722147941589)], [[[31.0, 250.0], [146.0, 252.0], [145.0, 270.0], [31.0, 268.0]], ('7EA0.69/EA', 0.9610580205917358)], [[[17.0, 284.0], [78.0, 284.0], [78.0, 301.0], [17.0, 301.0]], ('SUBTOTAL', 0.996648907661438)], [[[258.0, 282.0], [302.0, 282.0], [302.0, 300.0], [258.0, 300.0]], ('$14.81', 0.9810924530029297)], [[[18.0, 301.0], [88.0, 301.0], [88.0, 318.0], [18.0, 318.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.9985299110412598)], [[[259.0, 300.0], [301.0, 300.0], [301.0, 315.0], [259.0, 315.0]], ('$14.81', 0.9951338171958923)], [[[18.0, 319.0], [50.0, 319.0], [50.0, 335.0], [18.0, 335.0]], ('AMEX', 0.9969577193260193)], [[[259.0, 317.0], [302.0, 317.0], [302.0, 332.0], [259.0, 332.0]], ('$14.81', 0.995866060256958)], [[[17.0, 335.0], [92.0, 335.0], [92.0, 352.0], [17.0, 352.0]], ('11/14/2015', 0.996726393699646)], [[[239.0, 333.0], [297.0, 333.0], [297.0, 350.0], [239.0, 350.0]], ('20:30:08', 0.9155888557434082)], [[[15.0, 352.0], [49.0, 354.0], [47.0, 369.0], [14.0, 367.0]], ('MID:', 0.9268369674682617)], [[[254.0, 351.0], [300.0, 351.0], [300.0, 366.0], [254.0, 366.0]], ('694062', 0.9979031085968018)], [[[17.0, 370.0], [48.0, 370.0], [48.0, 386.0], [17.0, 386.0]], ('TID:', 0.9619038105010986)], [[[274.0, 367.0], [297.0, 367.0], [297.0, 383.0], [274.0, 383.0]], ('001', 0.9974702000617981)], [[[15.0, 387.0], [49.0, 387.0], [49.0, 404.0], [15.0, 404.0]], ('RRN:', 0.9243791699409485)], [[[254.0, 385.0], [298.0, 385.0], [298.0, 400.0], [254.0, 400.0]], ('078483', 0.997324526309967)], [[[122.0, 403.0], [181.0, 403.0], [181.0, 420.0], [122.0, 420.0]], ('PURCHASE', 0.9959487915039062)], [[[16.0, 422.0], [132.0, 420.0], [132.0, 436.0], [17.0, 438.0]], ('AMERICAN EXPRESS', 0.9803332686424255)], [[[16.0, 439.0], [71.0, 439.0], [71.0, 456.0], [16.0, 456.0]], ('CARD #', 0.9088794589042664)], [[[194.0, 436.0], [299.0, 436.0], [299.0, 453.0], [194.0, 453.0]], ('XXXXXXxXxXX1007', 0.7523307204246521)], [[[14.0, 456.0], [84.0, 455.0], [84.0, 473.0], [15.0, 474.0]], ('Chip Read', 0.9404056072235107)], [[[15.0, 475.0], [63.0, 475.0], [63.0, 493.0], [15.0, 493.0]], ('Total:', 0.9754199981689453)], [[[229.0, 471.0], [301.0, 471.0], [301.0, 488.0], [229.0, 488.0]], ('USD$14.81', 0.9875181913375854)], [[[87.0, 491.0], [217.0, 489.0], [217.0, 506.0], [87.0, 508.0]], ('APPROVED BY ISSUER', 0.9542468190193176)], [[[13.0, 510.0], [54.0, 510.0], [54.0, 528.0], [13.0, 528.0]], ('Mode:', 0.9851957559585571)], [[[258.0, 509.0], [302.0, 509.0], [302.0, 524.0], [258.0, 524.0]], ('Issuer', 0.9987388253211975)], [[[15.0, 529.0], [45.0, 529.0], [45.0, 545.0], [15.0, 545.0]], ('AID:', 0.967008113861084)], [[[188.0, 526.0], [302.0, 526.0], [302.0, 543.0], [188.0, 543.0]], ('A000000025010801', 0.9964548349380493)], [[[14.0, 546.0], [46.0, 546.0], [46.0, 565.0], [14.0, 565.0]], ('TVR:', 0.9757645130157471)], [[[230.0, 544.0], [304.0, 544.0], [304.0, 561.0], [230.0, 561.0]], ('0000008000', 0.9977966547012329)], [[[14.0, 564.0], [45.0, 564.0], [45.0, 583.0], [14.0, 583.0]], ('IAD:', 0.9624558687210083)], [[[201.0, 562.0], [304.0, 561.0], [304.0, 579.0], [201.0, 580.0]], ('06720103602002', 0.997643768787384)], [[[14.0, 582.0], [46.0, 582.0], [46.0, 602.0], [14.0, 602.0]], ('TSI:', 0.9784826040267944)], [[[274.0, 581.0], [304.0, 581.0], [304.0, 597.0], [274.0, 597.0]], ('F800', 0.9949296116828918)], [[[12.0, 602.0], [44.0, 602.0], [44.0, 618.0], [12.0, 618.0]], ('ARC:', 0.9379669427871704)], [[[286.0, 598.0], [308.0, 598.0], [308.0, 616.0], [286.0, 616.0]], ('00', 0.9682018756866455)], [[[116.0, 618.0], [211.0, 618.0], [211.0, 635.0], [116.0, 635.0]], ('CUSTOMER COPY', 0.9662455916404724)]] | {"store_name": "TRADERJOE'S", "store_addr": "5269Prospect SanJoseCA95129", "telephone": "Store#062-(408)446-5055", "date": "11/14/2015", "time": "20:30:08", "subtotal": "$14.81", "tax": "", "total": "USD$14.81 $14.81 $14.81", "ignore": "", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "NUTWALNUTPIECESPOINDEXTER", "item_value": "6.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OLIVESPITTEDKALINXVDO", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "A-APPLEEACHPINKLADY.", "item_value": "4.83", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[751.0, 279.0], [2146.0, 291.0], [2145.0, 446.0], [750.0, 434.0]], ("TRADER JOE'S", 0.9419876933097839)], [[[688.0, 416.0], [723.0, 416.0], [723.0, 446.0], [688.0, 446.0]], ('L', 0.8093059062957764)], [[[918.0, 491.0], [1601.0, 507.0], [1599.0, 598.0], [916.0, 581.0]], ('2025 Bond Street', 0.9096535444259644)], [[[697.0, 578.0], [1802.0, 598.0], [1801.0, 689.0], [695.0, 669.0]], ('Carlottesville VA 22901', 0.9099218249320984)], [[[663.0, 665.0], [1806.0, 692.0], [1804.0, 783.0], [660.0, 755.0]], ('tre #661-434)974-1466', 0.9020613431930542)], [[[659.0, 854.0], [1803.0, 885.0], [1800.0, 976.0], [656.0, 944.0]], ('OPEN 8:OOAM TO 9:OOPM DAILY', 0.8246597051620483)], [[[361.0, 1046.0], [1632.0, 1086.0], [1630.0, 1165.0], [359.0, 1126.0]], ('BALLAST POINT BREWING GRAPEFRU', 0.9187097549438477)], [[[1705.0, 1077.0], [1933.0, 1077.0], [1933.0, 1161.0], [1705.0, 1161.0]], ('13.99', 0.9920818209648132)], [[[366.0, 1133.0], [1211.0, 1169.0], [1208.0, 1249.0], [362.0, 1212.0]], ('NUT A MON GOCHUJANG', 0.8877972960472107)], [[[1748.0, 1168.0], [2018.0, 1168.0], [2018.0, 1251.0], [1748.0, 1251.0]], ('4.99T', 0.9750158190727234)], [[[361.0, 1228.0], [1617.0, 1267.0], [1614.0, 1347.0], [359.0, 1307.0]], ('SPARK ING SPRING WATER CRAN CL', 0.923545777797699)], [[[1740.0, 1259.0], [2018.0, 1259.0], [2018.0, 1338.0], [1740.0, 1338.0]], ('0.79T', 0.9315112233161926)], [[[361.0, 1318.0], [1373.0, 1350.0], [1371.0, 1426.0], [359.0, 1394.0]], ('ORGANIC CARROT JUICE PTS', 0.8615973591804504)], [[[1736.0, 1346.0], [2018.0, 1346.0], [2018.0, 1440.0], [1736.0, 1440.0]], ('2.99 T', 0.9293246865272522)], [[[357.0, 1409.0], [1288.0, 1437.0], [1286.0, 1513.0], [355.0, 1485.0]], ('CHOCC ATE CHIP COOKIES', 0.9192647337913513)], [[[1736.0, 1433.0], [2018.0, 1433.0], [2018.0, 1527.0], [1736.0, 1527.0]], ('3.99 T', 0.9363629817962646)], [[[353.0, 1500.0], [1574.0, 1528.0], [1572.0, 1607.0], [351.0, 1580.0]], ('BALLAST POINT BREWING SCULPIN', 0.9284573197364807)], [[[1701.0, 1523.0], [1926.0, 1523.0], [1926.0, 1618.0], [1701.0, 1618.0]], ('13.99', 0.9884485006332397)], [[[349.0, 1591.0], [1609.0, 1622.0], [1607.0, 1698.0], [347.0, 1666.0]], ('CHOC DARK COVERED GRAHAM W SEA', 0.9046509861946106)], [[[1732.0, 1618.0], [2011.0, 1618.0], [2011.0, 1701.0], [1732.0, 1701.0]], ('9.99 T', 0.8266770839691162)], [[[349.0, 1682.0], [1570.0, 1709.0], [1569.0, 1781.0], [347.0, 1753.0]], ('A-PEACHESYELLOW ZLB EASTERN', 0.9071823358535767)], [[[1728.0, 1701.0], [2011.0, 1701.0], [2011.0, 1799.0], [1728.0, 1799.0]], ('3.49 T', 0.9145086407661438)], [[[349.0, 1769.0], [1601.0, 1796.0], [1599.0, 1876.0], [347.0, 1848.0]], ('SPARK ING SFRING WATER CRAN CL', 0.9035345911979675)], [[[1725.0, 1786.0], [2009.0, 1805.0], [2002.0, 1903.0], [1719.0, 1884.0]], ('3.16 T', 0.9018524289131165)], [[[434.0, 1863.0], [1195.0, 1875.0], [1194.0, 1951.0], [433.0, 1939.0]], ('4FLDZ0.79/FLOZ', 0.7979146242141724)], [[[334.0, 1942.0], [1609.0, 1966.0], [1607.0, 2053.0], [332.0, 2029.0]], ('MANGC STIKY RICE SPRING ROLLS', 0.9347743988037109)], [[[1720.0, 1964.0], [2004.0, 1978.0], [1999.0, 2073.0], [1715.0, 2059.0]], ('2.99 T', 0.8974078297615051)], [[[336.0, 2045.0], [646.0, 2045.0], [646.0, 2124.0], [336.0, 2124.0]], ('BANAMAS', 0.9288913607597351)], [[[1727.0, 2059.0], [2000.0, 2069.0], [1996.0, 2167.0], [1723.0, 2158.0]], ('1.14 T', 0.8987190127372742)], [[[398.0, 2129.0], [1109.0, 2116.0], [1110.0, 2207.0], [399.0, 2220.0]], ('SEA0.19/EA', 0.8200849294662476)], [[[333.0, 2219.0], [1342.0, 2223.0], [1341.0, 2302.0], [332.0, 2298.0]], ('PIZ PARLANNO W/SALISAGE', 0.9284087419509888)], [[[1717.0, 2236.0], [2001.0, 2255.0], [1994.0, 2349.0], [1711.0, 2330.0]], ('4.99 T', 0.9113804697990417)], [[[332.0, 2314.0], [1101.0, 2306.0], [1102.0, 2381.0], [333.0, 2389.0]], ('FREEZ:DRIED MANGO', 0.8901019096374512)], [[[1715.0, 2317.0], [1951.0, 2347.0], [1938.0, 2449.0], [1702.0, 2420.0]], ('3.29', 0.9636579155921936)], [[[1914.0, 2359.0], [1984.0, 2359.0], [1984.0, 2431.0], [1914.0, 2431.0]], ('T', 0.9155049324035645)], [[[340.0, 2397.0], [1342.0, 2401.0], [1341.0, 2480.0], [340.0, 2476.0]], ("TJ'SSOFT 10 GRAIN BREAD", 0.8480357527732849)], [[[1713.0, 2418.0], [1947.0, 2433.0], [1940.0, 2527.0], [1707.0, 2512.0]], ('2.49', 0.9705723524093628)], [[[1914.0, 2450.0], [1980.0, 2450.0], [1980.0, 2521.0], [1914.0, 2521.0]], ('T', 0.9410659074783325)], [[[330.0, 2472.0], [1466.0, 2488.0], [1464.0, 2582.0], [328.0, 2566.0]], ('ROLLS FOC ACINI WITH CHEESE', 0.9182552695274353)], [[[1715.0, 2504.0], [1990.0, 2527.0], [1981.0, 2622.0], [1706.0, 2599.0]], ('1657', 0.5312435030937195)], [[[328.0, 2578.0], [1097.0, 2570.0], [1098.0, 2650.0], [329.0, 2658.0]], ('STEAK &SIOUT PES', 0.8738905191421509)], [[[1709.0, 2605.0], [1945.0, 2605.0], [1945.0, 2699.0], [1709.0, 2699.0]], ('6.49', 0.9494312405586243)], [[[1914.0, 2620.0], [1980.0, 2620.0], [1980.0, 2692.0], [1914.0, 2692.0]], ('T', 0.9061664938926697)], [[[321.0, 2665.0], [1380.0, 2661.0], [1380.0, 2752.0], [321.0, 2756.0]], ('DRIEC BABYSWEET PINEAPPLE', 0.9264441728591919)], [[[1710.0, 2678.0], [1989.0, 2697.0], [1982.0, 2795.0], [1703.0, 2776.0]], ('3.99 T', 0.8874005675315857)], [[[317.0, 2748.0], [1585.0, 2748.0], [1585.0, 2850.0], [317.0, 2850.0]], ("A-CTRUS .OSIE'S MANDARINS 5 L", 0.8905033469200134)], [[[1710.0, 2769.0], [1989.0, 2788.0], [1983.0, 2879.0], [1703.0, 2860.0]], ('7.99 T', 0.8873103260993958)], [[[316.0, 2862.0], [926.0, 2846.0], [929.0, 2925.0], [319.0, 2942.0]], ('MILK GAL AHOLE', 0.8882063627243042)], [[[1708.0, 2857.0], [1927.0, 2866.0], [1923.0, 2950.0], [1704.0, 2940.0]], ('2.89', 0.9762046337127686)], [[[1898.0, 2881.0], [1976.0, 2881.0], [1976.0, 2949.0], [1898.0, 2949.0]], ('T', 0.779106616973877)], [[[1699.0, 2927.0], [1982.0, 2951.0], [1974.0, 3045.0], [1691.0, 3022.0]], ('1669', 0.886947512626648)], [[[316.0, 2950.0], [1088.0, 2921.0], [1091.0, 3012.0], [319.0, 3040.0]], ('MILK GAL RG WHOLE', 0.8734450340270996)], [[[324.0, 3118.0], [662.0, 3131.0], [658.0, 3226.0], [320.0, 3212.0]], ('SUBCTAL', 0.8399224877357483)], [[[1788.0, 3116.0], [2051.0, 3139.0], [2044.0, 3223.0], [1780.0, 3200.0]], ('$96.62', 0.9279678463935852)], [[[319.0, 3208.0], [801.0, 3226.0], [798.0, 3320.0], [316.0, 3303.0]], ('STAETAX1', 0.9480255246162415)], [[[1819.0, 3199.0], [2052.0, 3219.0], [2043.0, 3314.0], [1811.0, 3294.0]], ('$1.72', 0.9841958284378052)], [[[1824.0, 3286.0], [2046.0, 3315.0], [2035.0, 3398.0], [1813.0, 3369.0]], ('$1.48', 0.944268524646759)], [[[319.0, 3303.0], [790.0, 3316.0], [787.0, 3407.0], [316.0, 3394.0]], ('STA ET42', 0.7853213548660278)], [[[1781.0, 3366.0], [2044.0, 3389.0], [2036.0, 3484.0], [1772.0, 3460.0]], ('$99.82', 0.9594653248786926)], [[[319.0, 3394.0], [724.0, 3407.0], [721.0, 3501.0], [316.0, 3488.0]], ('TOTAL', 0.8814942240715027)], [[[1776.0, 3453.0], [2040.0, 3472.0], [2033.0, 3567.0], [1769.0, 3548.0]], ('$99.82', 0.9919345378875732)], [[[303.0, 3492.0], [728.0, 3501.0], [725.0, 3603.0], [301.0, 3594.0]], ('DEBIT', 0.9544359445571899)]] | {"store_name": "TRADERJOE'S", "store_addr": "2025BondStreet", "telephone": "(434)974-1466", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$96.62", "tax": "$1.72 $1.48", "total": "$99.82", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "BALLASTPOINTBREWINGGRAPEFRU", "item_value": "13.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BALLASTPOINTBREWINGSCULPIN", "item_value": "4.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "CHOCDARKCOVEREDGRAHAMWSEA", "item_value": "0.79", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "A-PEACHESYELLOW2LBEASTERN", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "BANANAS", "item_value": "3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "PIZZAPARLANNOW/SAUSAGE", "item_value": "13.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "FREEZEDRIEDMANGO", "item_value": "3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DRIEDBABYSWEETPINEAPPLE", "item_value": "3.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "3.16", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "1.14", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "4.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "3.29", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "2.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "6.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "3.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "7.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "2.89", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "5.99", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |
You are POS receipt data expert, parse, detect, recognize and convert following receipt OCR image result into structure receipt data object. Don't make up value not in the Input. Output must be a well-formed JSON object.```json | [[[[60.0, 73.0], [249.0, 75.0], [249.0, 89.0], [60.0, 87.0]], ('OPEN 8OOAM TO 9OOPM DAILY', 0.8522282242774963)], [[[2.0, 88.0], [150.0, 96.0], [149.0, 111.0], [1.0, 103.0]], ('SV HYDRANGEA 3 STEMS', 0.9122812151908875)], [[[0.0, 98.0], [136.0, 107.0], [135.0, 121.0], [0.0, 111.0]], ('APTZR SHU MAI PORK', 0.9319536685943604)], [[[241.0, 96.0], [290.0, 96.0], [290.0, 111.0], [241.0, 111.0]], ('5.99T', 0.9172301292419434)], [[[0.0, 108.0], [201.0, 117.0], [200.0, 134.0], [0.0, 124.0]], ('SIAN DUMPLING CHICKEN SOUP', 0.9363024830818176)], [[[0.0, 118.0], [205.0, 128.0], [204.0, 145.0], [0.0, 135.0]], ('ALMON HOT SMOKED WILD KING.', 0.9208748936653137)], [[[0.0, 131.0], [160.0, 138.0], [160.0, 151.0], [0.0, 145.0]], ('OOPEE PIES CHOCOLATE', 0.9473237991333008)], [[[0.0, 142.0], [197.0, 150.0], [196.0, 164.0], [0.0, 156.0]], ('VOCADOS EACH HASS 40 CT.', 0.8985877633094788)], [[[246.0, 139.0], [282.0, 139.0], [282.0, 154.0], [246.0, 154.0]], ('4.99', 0.9957936406135559)], [[[2.0, 158.0], [21.0, 158.0], [21.0, 166.0], [2.0, 166.0]], ('A', 0.9634224772453308)], [[[31.0, 154.0], [124.0, 160.0], [123.0, 174.0], [30.0, 168.0]], ('0.99/EA', 0.9480569958686829)], [[[248.0, 150.0], [284.0, 153.0], [283.0, 167.0], [247.0, 165.0]], ('1.98', 0.9981167912483215)], [[[0.0, 166.0], [149.0, 174.0], [148.0, 188.0], [0.0, 180.0]], ('JINO PINOT GRIGIO', 0.8982748985290527)], [[[1.0, 180.0], [149.0, 188.0], [148.0, 203.0], [0.0, 195.0]], ('INO PINOT GRIGIO', 0.9484452605247498)], [[[251.0, 175.0], [294.0, 178.0], [293.0, 193.0], [250.0, 189.0]], ('4.99', 0.9908064007759094)], [[[291.0, 177.0], [307.0, 182.0], [304.0, 194.0], [288.0, 189.0]], ('T', 0.8421781659126282)], [[[2.0, 194.0], [227.0, 204.0], [226.0, 221.0], [1.0, 210.0]], ('WHOLE WHEAT FUSILLI ORGA', 0.939609706401825)], [[[251.0, 190.0], [294.0, 190.0], [294.0, 208.0], [251.0, 208.0]], ('4.99', 0.9943150281906128)], [[[0.0, 208.0], [85.0, 214.0], [84.0, 232.0], [0.0, 226.0]], ('NIPS1LB', 0.9405682682991028)], [[[253.0, 203.0], [295.0, 206.0], [294.0, 224.0], [252.0, 221.0]], ('1.49', 0.9971877336502075)], [[[255.0, 218.0], [298.0, 221.0], [297.0, 240.0], [254.0, 237.0]], ('1.79', 0.9927870631217957)], [[[281.0, 256.0], [347.0, 259.0], [347.0, 280.0], [279.0, 276.0]], ('$42.19', 0.9860870242118835)], [[[296.0, 277.0], [347.0, 277.0], [347.0, 295.0], [296.0, 295.0]], ('960$', 0.9007747769355774)], [[[288.0, 293.0], [347.0, 293.0], [347.0, 314.0], [288.0, 314.0]], ('$43.1', 0.9821457862854004)], [[[292.0, 308.0], [346.0, 312.0], [345.0, 333.0], [290.0, 329.0]], ('$43.', 0.9892526865005493)], [[[265.0, 327.0], [346.0, 330.0], [346.0, 347.0], [265.0, 345.0]], ('1150', 0.9082283973693848)]] | {"store_name": "TRADERJOE'S", "store_addr": "", "telephone": "(954)537-3585", "date": "", "time": "", "subtotal": "$42.19", "tax": "", "total": "", "ignore": " ", "tips": "", "line_items": [{"item_key": "", "item_name": "WHOLEWHEATFUSILLIORGA", "item_value": "5.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "VOCADOSEACHHASS40CT.", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "OOPEEPIESCHOCOLATE", "item_value": "2.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "HOTSMOKEDWILDKING.", "item_value": "9.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "DUMPLINGCHICKENSOUP", "item_value": "4.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "APTZRSHUMAIPORK", "item_value": "1.98", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "SVHYDRANGEA3STEMS", "item_value": "4.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "4.99", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "1.49", "item_quantity": "1"}, {"item_key": "", "item_name": "", "item_value": "1.79", "item_quantity": "1"}]} |