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LIVE STREAM: DONALD TRUMP Full Economic Plan Speech At Noon EST…This’ll Make Liberal Heads Explode! [Video]
Donald Trump is making a key speech on the economy and his plan to turn it around. It might not be what liberals want but it s a pro-growth plan with deregulation and lower taxes! You gotta love that! Trump has promised to unveil a new policy agenda for revitalizing the American economy in a speech Monday at the Detroit Economic Club. The plan will include major changes to U.S. energy policy that will make the country the biggest producer in the world of oil and gas, as well as coal, Moore said. Read more: Bloomberg
Lebanon's Hariri leaves Saudi Arabia for UAE trip
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri, who sparked a political crisis on Saturday by declaring his surprise resignation in Riyadh, has traveled to the UAE, Saudi-owned media said on Tuesday. His resignation has thrust Lebanon back onto the front line of the Middle East s most biting rivalry, pitting a mostly Sunni bloc led by Saudi Arabia and including the UAE against Shi ite Iran and its allies. On Monday Saudi Arabia accused Lebanon of declaring war against it because of aggression by Iran s Lebanese ally Hezbollah, dramatically escalating the crisis and threatening to destabilize tiny Lebanon. The ratings agency Moody s has said that any return in Lebanon to the political paralysis that existed before Hariri joined a national unity government last year would harm its credit rating. The sudden nature of Hariri s resignation has also fueled speculation in Lebanon that he was coerced into quitting and has been held against his will. Saudi Arabia has denied this. Hariri, a political ally of Saudi Arabia, left Riyadh early on Tuesday for Abu Dhabi to meet the United Arab Emirates Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the Hariri-owned Future TV and Saudi-owned al-Arabiya reported. Saudi Arabia s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said on Tuesday that Iran s decision to supply rockets to militias in Yemen constitutes a direct military aggression against the kingdom. A rocket fired from Yemen intercepted on the outskirts of Riyadh hours after Hariri s resignation on Saturday. On Monday, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir told CNN the rocket was an Iranian missile launched by Hezbollah .
Rwandan leader's would-be rival Rwigara and her mother denied bail
KIGALI (Reuters) - A Rwandan court denied bail on Monday to a vocal critic of President Paul Kagame who was barred from running against him in an August election and later jailed on charges of incitement and forgery that are widely seen as politically motivated. Diane Rwigara and her mother, Adeline, who was also refused bail, said they planned to appeal. Her sister Anne, who is a U.S. citizen, was granted bail. All three women are charged with inciting insurrection while Diane is also accused of forging the signatures of some people she said backed her run for president. Rwigara has said the charges are intended to silence her family and supporters as punishment for her political ambitions. Rejecting the bail request, the lead judge on a three-member panel said there was strong evidence to prosecute Rwigara. Both Diane Rwigara and Adeline Rwigara must be remanded for 30 days, she said. The 35-year-old accountant has repeatedly accused Kagame of stifling dissent and criticized his Rwandan Patriotic Front s near total grip since it fought its way to power to end a genocide in 1994. She had planned to run against Kagame in the August poll but her candidacy was blocked by the electoral board on the grounds that she had not submitted enough supporters signatures and some of the names she did send in belonged to dead people. Kagame won the election with 98.8 percent of the vote. Adeline and Anne Rwigara had earlier told the court that they and Diane were tortured and deprived of food while in jail awaiting trial, including being kept in solitary confinement and handcuffed day and night . On Friday, a U.N. subcommittee on the prevention of torture suspended a visit to Rwanda, citing obstructions by authorities. The Rwandan government denied impeding the investigators work and said the allegations were baseless. Diane s brother Arioste Rwigara said the bail denial was absurd and the charges against his mother and sisters were like those used by tyrannical governments of the middle ages . Kagame won international praise for restoring stability in Rwanda and presiding over a rapid economic recovery after the genocide, in which an estimated 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and politically moderate ethnic Hutus were killed. But human rights groups say he has muzzled independent media and suppressed potential democratic opponents. Some critics of the government have been imprisoned or killed. (This version of the story corrects name of Diane Rwigara s brother to Arioste in paragraph 12)
Syrian government negotiator quits Geneva talks, says may not return
GENEVA/BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syria s government delegation quit U.N.-led peace talks in Geneva on Friday and said it would not return next week unless the opposition withdrew a statement demanding President Bashar al-Assad play no role in any interim post-war government. For us (this) round is over, as a government delegation. He as mediator can announce his own opinion, government chief negotiator Bashar al-Ja afari said after a morning of talks, referring to U.N. mediator Staffan de Mistura. As long as the other side sticks to the language of Riyadh 2 ... there will be no progress, Ja afari said. He was referring to a position adopted by Syrian opposition delegates at a meeting in Riyadh last week, in which they stuck to their demand that Assad be excluded from any transitional government. Ja afari went further in a televised interview with al-Mayadeen TV: We cannot engage in serious discussion in Geneva while the Riyadh statement is not withdrawn. De Mistura put a brave face on the impasse, saying in a statement that he had asked the delegations to engage in talks next week and give their reactions to 12 political principles. Previously there had been some speculation the opposition could soften its stance ahead of this week s Geneva negotiations, in response to government advances on the battlefield. The Syrian civil war, now in its seventh year, has killed hundreds of thousands of people and driven 11 million from their homes. So far all previous rounds of peace talks have failed to make progress, faltering over the opposition s demand Assad leave power and his refusal to go. Pressed whether the government delegation would return to Geneva next week, Ja afari replied: Damascus will decide. Ja afari said the statement insisting Assad leave power that was adopted by the opposition in Riyadh ahead of this week s peace talks was a mine on the road to Geneva, and the opposition had purposefully undermined the negotiations. The language with which the statement was drafted was seen by us, the Syrian government, as well as by too many capitals, as a step back rather than progress forward, because it imposed a kind of precondition, he said. The language is provocative, irresponsible, he said. The opposition, which held brief talks later with U.N. officials, rejected the charge that it was seeking to undermine the talks, and said it sought a political solution . We have come to this round with no preconditions, opposition spokesman Yahya al-Aridi told reporters. Now, not coming back is a precondition in itself. It s an expression or a reflection of a responsibility toward people who have been suffering for seven years now, Aridi said. Nasr Hariri, the opposition delegation chief, said earlier on Friday that his side had come to Geneva for serious, direct negotiations with Assad s government. So far, government and opposition delegations have not negotiated face-to-face in any Syrian peace talks but have been kept in separate rooms. We call on the international community to put pressure on the regime to engage with this process, Hariri said in a statement. De Mistura said on Thursday the talks would run until Dec. 15, but the government delegation might return to Damascus to refresh and consult before a resumption probably on Tuesday.
SESSIONS CALLS OUT Lying Senator In Heated Exchange During Hill Testimony: ‘Give me a break’ [Video]
Senator Al Franken tried his best to grandstand and corner Jeff Sessions in testimony on the Hill today. Sessions came back reading exact quotes of what he said in past testimony destroying Franken s attempts to mischaracterize his testimony. Sessions did a masterful job of shutting down Franken who twisted Sessions words like all lying Democrats have done. Sessions called him out on it by insisting on having a chance to refute Franken s comments: Mr. Chairman, I do not have to sit in here and listen to his charges without having a chance to respond. Give me a break, Fox News reported:Attorney General Jeff Sessions publicly and repeatedly clashed with Democratic Sen. Al Franken on Wednesday after being pressed over the accuracy of past testimony regarding his communications with the Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign.In one of several testy exchanges Sessions had with Democratic senators during testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Franken, D-Minn., grilled the attorney general and suggested his explanations have changed. The goal post has been moved. First it was I did not have communications with Russians which was not true. Then it was I never met with Russians to discuss any political campaign which may or may not be true. Now it is I did not discuss interference in the campaign which further narrows your initial blanket denial about meeting with the Russians, Franken said.A visibly frustrated Sessions responded that, Without hesitation, I conducted no improper discussions with Russians at any time regarding a campaign or any other item facing this country. Franken attempted to begin a second round of questioning before Sessions could respond in full to the first, but Sessions fired back. Mr. Chairman, I do not have to sit in here and listen to his charges without having a chance to respond. Give me a break, Sessions said, noting that Franken s lead in to his questioning was very, very troubling, and that he needed more time to respond.
The Army can t be bothered with defending or protecting war heroes, they re too busy with other more pressing issues like ensuring gays are free to come out of the closet and removing any trace of Christianity from our military bases.A Green Beret war hero under investigation for unauthorized communications with Congress will testify on Thursday that the Army is out to court-martial him on criminal charges.Meanwhile, Rep. Duncan Hunter, one of the lawmakers with whom the soldier spoke about Obama administration hostage rescue policies, has asked the Pentagon inspector general to investigate whether the Army is springing allegations against personnel such as the Green Beret as pure retaliation.Lt. Col. Jason Amerine, the Special Forces soldier, is due to testify before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs about what he considers reprisals against him as a whistleblower. After I made protected disclosures to Congress, the Army suspended my clearance, removed me from my job, launched a criminal investigation and deleted my retirement orders with a view to court martial me after I exercised that Constitutional right, says Col. Amerine, according to partial remarks provided to The Washington Times by Mr. Hunter s office. For nearly five months, I have received no relief from the military and there has been no transparency in their investigation of me. My pay was even stopped briefly after the Army deleted my retirement orders. Mr. Hunter, California Republican and member of the House Armed Services Committee, wrote to Jon T. Rymer, the inspector general, about three soldiers against whom he believed Army Secretary John McHugh retaliated. He asked for an IG investigation into Mr. McHugh s use of the Criminal Investigation Command. Specifically, my concern is that the Army under the leadership of Secretary of the Army has used CID for the purpose of influencing actions/outcomes and retaliating against soldiers, he wrote.He cited three soldiers: Col. Amerine. The officer worked in a small Army unit at the Pentagon and he devoted himself to developing policies to gain the release of Americans held by Islamic extremists. He came to believe the administration s hostage policies were in disarray and told Mr. Hunter. The congressman proposed legislation to create a hostage coordinator to work with the various agencies involved, such as the FBI, Pentagon and State Department. Maj. Matt Golsteyn. Also a Green Beret, Maj. Golsteyn saw his valor awards and Special Forces tab stripped by Secretary McHugh. The officer was accused of killing a Taliban bomb-maker, but was never officially charged. He faces a board of inquiry hearing. Sgt. First Class Earl Plumlee. Sgt. Plumlee was nominated for the Medal of Honor, the nation s highest military award, for repelling an attack on a base in Afghanistan and saving lives. The MOH was endorsed by top commanders, including Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. But Mr. McHugh downgraded the award to a Silver Star. Mr. Hunter said it was based on a questionable CID investigation. Col. Amerine already has filed a whistleblower retaliation complaint with the IG. The Army probe began after the FBI complained that Col. Amerine was providing information to Congress. I have personally met with the Federal Bureau of Investigation on the developments leading up to the Army investigation, Mr. Hunter told Mr. Rymer. An investigation, I firmly believe, was not warranted, but continues to be unjustifiably delayed. Col. Amerine holds a special place in the history of the Afghanistan war. He led a joint Green Beret-Afghan team in the 2001 invasion, and fought along side Hamid Karzai, the future president.An Army spokesman has said, As a matter of policy, we do not confirm the names of individuals who may or may not be under investigation to protect the integrity of a possible ongoing investigation, as well as the privacy rights of all involved. However, I note that both the law and Army policy would prohibit initiating an investigation based solely on a Soldier s protected communications with.Via: Washington Times
Kenya court awards 4 million shillings to girl strip-searched by police
NAIROBI (Reuters) - A Kenyan court on Monday awarded a young woman four million shillings in damages after she was strip-searched by police who said they were looking for drugs. The incident in August 2015 provoked an outcry in the East African country after images of the half-naked 18-year-old schoolgirl were posted on social media. She pleaded guilty to possession of marijuana shortly after the incident and was sentenced to 18 months on probation. In the lawsuit she later filed jointly with a child rights group, the young woman said the photos humiliated her and sought legal compensation. Kenyan high court judge John Mativo said in his ruling that the student was entitled to the four million shillings ($38,815) because her constitutional rights to dignity had been violated. The student had been traveling with more than 40 others on a bus home for the holidays when she was stopped by the police. The court s ruling is a rare victory in the East African country s legal system against the police. Although no police officers were tried or found guilty in the case, the ruling was an acknowledgment of wrongdoing. A government civilian body exists to oversee the police, but few officers are charged and convictions are extremely rare.
Congress should give Puerto Rico debt restructuring authority: White House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Congress should give Puerto Rico the authority to restructure its debt, the White House said on Friday. Refusal by Congress to give the island’s government authority to deal with its financial challenges makes a future bailout more likely, a White House spokesman told a regular news briefing.
Economic growth to partially offset deficit impact of U.S. tax plan: JCT
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Republican tax bill would generate a net $407 billion in new revenue from economic growth, reducing the amount that the legislation would add to the federal deficit, the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation said on Thursday.
Rosneft CEO: U.S. sanctions will backfire, hurt U.S. energy majors
NIZHNEBUREISKY, Russia (Reuters) - New U.S. sanctions imposed on Russia will have negative consequences for the United States and backfire on U.S. energy majors, Igor Sechin, chief executive officer of Russia’s largest oil producer Rosneft, said on Thursday. U.S. President Donald Trump grudgingly signed into law new sanctions against Russia on Wednesday, a move Moscow said amounted to a full-scale trade war and an end to hopes for better ties with the Trump administration. “The sanctions are beginning to backfire on those who are introducing them, which is positive,” Sechin told reporters. “The powers of the U.S. president are limited, and sometimes it seems to me that sanctions are imposed on him, not us.” Sechin said in this situation he saw positive consequences for Rosneft. “As for the negative consequences, as I said, they (the U.S. sanctions) are starting to work against our American partners. As for the positive ones, you will learn about them in the next four weeks,” he said, without elaborating.
Trump-backed Navy expansion would boost costs some $400 billion over 30 years: study
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Expanding the U.S. Navy to 355 ships as recommended by military leaders and backed by President Donald Trump would cost some $400 billion more over the next 30 years than the currently planned 308-ship fleet, according to a study released on Monday. The annual cost to build, crew and operate a 355-ship fleet would be about $102 billion, or 13 percent more than the $90 billion needed for the currently planned Navy, according to the study by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. The $102 billion cost of the 355-ship fleet is 33 percent more than Congress appropriated in 2016 for the current 275-ship Navy, the CBO said. To achieve the larger force, the Navy would need $26.6 billion annually for ship construction, which is 60 percent more than the average amount that Congress has appropriated for shipbuilding in the past 30 years, the CBO study said. The Navy’s 2017 shipbuilding plan called for boosting the size of the fleet to 308 ships, which was expected to cost $21.2 billion per year to implement over 30 years. With Trump pressing for an expansion of the fleet to 350 ships during the presidential campaign last year, the Navy released a new force structure assessment in December seeking a 355-ship Navy. Taking into consideration older ships being retired, creating a 355-ship fleet would require the Navy to buy about 329 new ships over 30 years, compared with 254 under its previous plan for a 308-ship fleet, the CBO study found. The Navy would have to buy about 12 ships per year under the larger fleet plan, versus about eight per year under the earlier plan. The larger fleet would require more civilian and uniformed personnel and more aircraft, pushing up overall operating costs, the CBO said. The increase in shipbuilding would force all seven U.S. shipyards to expand their work forces and improve their infrastructure in order to meet the demand for vessels, the CBO said. The greatest challenge would be building submarines to meet the force structure requirements, the report said. The study said the earliest the Navy could achieve a 355-ship fleet would be the year 2035, or 18 years from now.
Internet firms shift stance, move to exile white supremacists
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Silicon Valley joined a swelling backlash against neo-Nazi groups in the United States on Wednesday as more technology companies removed white supremacists from their services in response to weekend violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. Social media networks Twitter Inc (TWTR.N) and LinkedIn, music service Spotify Ltd and security firm Cloudflare Inc were among the companies cutting off services to hate groups or removing material that they said spread hate. Earlier in the week, Facebook Inc (FB.O), Alphabet Inc (GOOGL.O) and GoDaddy Inc (GDDY.N) also took steps to block hate groups. The wave of internet crackdowns against white nationalists and neo-Nazis reflected a rapidly changing mindset among Silicon Valley firms on how far they are willing to go to police hate speech. Tech companies have taken down violent propaganda from Islamic State and other militant groups, in part in response to government pressure. But most internet companies have traditionally tried to steer clear of making judgments about content except in cases of illegal activity. Cloudflare, which protects some 6 million websites from denial-of-service attacks and hacking, on Wednesday afternoon dropped coverage of the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer. “I woke up this morning in a bad mood and decided to kick them off the internet,” Cloudflare founder and Chief Executive Matthew Prince said in an email to employees. Cloudflare is well-known for defending even the most distasteful websites, and services like it are essential to the functioning of websites. Daily Stormer helped organize the weekend rally in Charlottesville where a 32-year-old woman was killed and 19 people were injured when a man plowed a car into a crowd protesting the white nationalist gathering. Daily Stormer has been accessible only intermittently the past few days after domain providers GoDaddy and Google Domains, a unit of Alphabet, said they would not serve the website. By Wednesday, Daily Stormer had moved to a Russia-based internet domain, with an address ending in .ru. Later in the day, though, the site was no longer accessible at that address. Daily Stormer publisher Andrew Anglin said on a social network used by many of his supporters, Gab, that his site would be back soon. “The Cloudflare betrayal adds another layer of super complexity. But we got this,” he said. He could not immediately be reached for further comment. Prince, the Cloudflare chief executive, said in an interview that despite his decision he was conflicted, because it could become harder to resist pressure from governments to censor. “You don’t have to play this game too many moves out to see how risky this is going to be,” Prince said. “‘What about this site? What about this site?’” Only the biggest companies will be able to navigate the varying laws in different countries, he added. “We’ve lost a lot of the fight for a free and open internet.” Twitter on Wednesday suspended accounts linked to Daily Stormer. The company said it would not discuss individual accounts, but at least three affiliated with the Daily Stormer led to pages saying “account suspended.” The social network prohibits violent threats, harassment and hateful conduct and “will take action on accounts violating those policies,” the company said in a statement. Larger rival Facebook Inc (FB.O), which unlike Twitter explicitly prohibits hate speech, has taken down several pages from Facebook and Instagram in recent days that it said were associated with hate speech or hate organizations. It also took down the event page that was used to promote and organize the “Unite the Right” rally. “With the potential for more rallies, we’re watching the situation closely and will take down threats of physical harm,” CEO Mark Zuckerberg wrote on Wednesday. Facebook also said it had removed accounts belonging to Chris Cantwell, a web commentator who has described himself as a white nationalist and said on his site that he had attended the Charlottesville rally. Cantwell’s YouTube account also appeared to have been terminated. Cantwell could not immediately be reached for comment. LinkedIn, a unit of Microsoft Corp MSFT.N, suspended a page devoted to Daily Stormer and another page belonging to a man associated with the site, Andrew Auernheimer. LinkedIn declined to comment. Reddit this week eliminated one of its discussion communities that supported the Unite the Right rally, saying that the company would ban users who incite violence. The company says it has more than 250 million users. Spotify, based in Sweden, said it was in the process of removing musical acts from its streaming service that had been flagged as racist “hate bands” by the Southern Poverty Law Center. “Illegal content or material that favors hatred or incites violence against race, religion, sexuality or the like is not tolerated by us,” the company said in a statement, adding that record companies should also be held responsible.
Republican Senator Gets Dragged For Going After Robert Mueller
Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX) thought it would be a good idea to attack Special Counsel Robert Mueller over the Russia probe. As Mueller s noose tightens, Republicans are losing their sh-t and attacking Mueller and the FBI in order to protect probably the most corrupt president ever.Former Attorney General Eric Holder tweeted on Friday, Speaking on behalf of the vast majority of the American people, Republicans in Congress be forewarned: any attempt to remove Bob Mueller will not be tolerated. Cornyn retweeted Holder to say, You don t. You don t https://t.co/7lHYkIloyz Senator JohnCornyn (@JohnCornyn) December 16, 2017Bloomberg s Steven Dennis tweeted on Saturday that [Cornyn] s beef is with Holder, not Mueller, but Cornyn responded to say, But Mueller needs to clean house of partisans. But Mueller needs to clean house of partisans https://t.co/g8SwgAKtfH Senator JohnCornyn (@JohnCornyn) December 16, 2017The Washington Post s Greg Sargent asked Cornyn, Will you accept the findings of the Mueller probe as legitimate, @JohnCornyn? Makes sense to me to wait to see what they are first, Cornyn responded.Makes sense to me to wait to see what they are first https://t.co/9lCqpYujKN Senator JohnCornyn (@JohnCornyn) December 16, 2017Republicans are trying to discredit Mueller and Twitter users took notice.If you even THINK of firing Mueller I ll make it my life s mission to make sure this is your last term, buddy. Mrs. SMH (@MRSSMH2) December 16, 2017Carrollton, TX here Ready and willing to help get Cruz and Cornyn out Jules012 (@JulesLorey1) December 16, 2017Garland, TX here Same! Bye Bye TDK (@ejkmom1998) December 16, 2017Austin, TX. #IStandWithMueller. Cronyn is a fake representative. He represents his own interests and anything to profit himself Vj (@Tex92eye) December 16, 2017I stand with Mueller! Kenneth Shipp (@shipp_kenneth) December 16, 2017He speaks for me Its BS how you cover up for a Russia pawn If Trump not gulity why would Mueller be fired to cover up Ellen Reeher Morris (@EllenMorris1222) December 16, 2017@EricHolder speaks for 69% of Americans according to recent polling. That s vast majority in my book. You were around for the Saturday Night Massacre @JohnCornyn. Firing Mueller would be X100! Lori Winters (@LoriW66) December 16, 2017Country over party. pic.twitter.com/NXEX9rGBgu PittieBoo (@PittieBoo) December 16, 2017He speaks for me, @JohnCornyn , and he speaks for the vast majority of American citizens who, you should remember, vote. See you in 2018. Andrew Silver (@standsagreenoak) December 16, 2017I might just move to Texas to get those cronies tossed out of office. Blue wave is coming for the corrupt. Ollie (@marciebp) December 16, 2017Good try, John. History will not be kind to you.Photo by Ann Heisenfelt/Getty Images
Thomas ends decade of self-imposed silence at Supreme Court
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Clarence Thomas ended a decade of silence from the bench during Supreme Court arguments on Monday when the conservative justice unexpectedly posed questions during a gun rights case from Maine. His comments, which surprised courtroom observers and then held them rapt, focused on Thomas’ concern that people convicted of domestic-violence misdemeanors could permanently lose the right to own a firearm. Thomas has been a consistent vote on the court for robust gun rights under the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment. Thomas, 67, had not asked a question during oral arguments since Feb. 22, 2006, when he made queries during a South Carolina death penalty case. His words came just over two weeks after the death of fellow conservative Antonin Scalia, who had been one of the most outspoken justices during arguments as well as a strong advocate for gun rights. Thomas’ questions were directed at Ilana Eisenstein, an assistant U.S. solicitor general who was defending a federal firearms statute. At issue was when a prior state misdemeanor domestic assault conviction based on “recklessness” may lead to a person being barred from ever owning a gun again under federal law. His first words were, “Ms. Eisenstein, one question.” “Can you give me another area where a misdemeanor violation suspends a constitutional right?” Thomas asked. Eisenstein stressed that Congress was concerned about future harm by individuals convicted “of battering their family members.” She said lawmakers particularly wanted to prevent gun violence. Thomas asked whether either of the defendants involved in Monday’s cases had used a weapon against a family member. Eisenstein said no. “So ... the suspension is not directly related to the use of the weapon,” Thomas said. “It’s just a family member’s involved in a misdemeanor violation; therefore a constitutional right is suspended.” Thomas, the court’s only black justice, in the past has attributed his reluctance to ask questions to a few factors, some personal. He told a group of students in 2000 that his reluctance to speak during arguments arose from a shyness tracing to his birth in Pin Point, Georgia, and his childhood with his grandparents in nearby Savannah: “I had grown up speaking a kind of dialect.” In part to avoid the ridicule of classmates, Thomas said, “I just started developing the habit of listening. ... I didn’t ask questions in college or law school. I could learn better just listening.” Thomas has also said he thinks his colleagues interrupt the lawyers too much and that the lawyers should be able to explain their positions.
Trump's chance of victory skyrockets on betting exchanges, online market
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Online trading platform PredictIt and bookermaker Paddy Power showed a massive reversal of fortune for U.S. presidential candidates Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton on Tuesday night, as the New York businessman’s chances of taking the White House skyrocketed on both. Trump stunned many political experts, showing a slight edge on Clinton in several swing states after voting had ended in more than two-thirds of the 50 U.S. states. Paddy Power put Trump’s chance of victory at 83.3 percent Tuesday and Clinton’s at 22.2 percent. The two had been in essentially opposite positions on Tuesday morning. The Irish bookmaker stands to take a $4 million hit if Trump wins, said Paddy Power spokesman Féilim Mac An Iomaire, who said the dramatic reversal in odds was reminiscent of what it saw in the “Brexit” vote for Britain to leave the European Union. “You could say it’s deja vu again,” said Mac An Iomaire. “Much like Brexit, it looked to be following the odds early on before a dramatic turnaround.” While opinion polls went back and forth leading into Britain’s June 23 referendum on whether or not to remain in the EU, betting odds favored the “remain” campaign. Britons voted to leave by 52 percent to 48 percent. A similar trajectory played out on the online trading platform PredictIt, which was launched in 2014 and is jointly run by Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand, and Washington-based political consulting firm Aristotle International Inc. Clinton led Trump in PredictIt’s market on who will win the White House throughout the campaign, but news of her Republican challenger’s surprise momentum sent her chance of winning the election plummeting roughly 75 percentage points from its level Tuesday morning to 5 percent. Trump’s chance, meanwhile, shot up more than 40 percentage points to around 65 percent. It was the first time in the entire campaign that Trump had led Clinton on the platform, according to a PredictIt spokeswoman. British gambling company Ladbrokes had Trump’s chance of victory at roughly 85 percent Tuesday night, compared with 15 percent for Clinton. Ladbrokes had earlier in the day placed Clinton’s chance of victory at 76 percent and Trump’s at 24 percent, but company spokeswoman Jessica Bridge said the development “isn’t a surprise in the slightest,” given the high volume of trades made on Trump since the market opened in 2012. Roughly 75 percent of all bets in Ladbroke’s U.S. presidential wagering had been placed on Trump.
Hamas asks Abbas to lift Gaza sanctions after disbanding shadow government
RAFAH, Gaza Strip (Reuters) - Hamas called on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Tuesday to respond to the disbanding of its shadow government in the Gaza Strip by ending his sanctions on the impoverished enclave. Following Egyptian-mediated reconciliation talks with Abbas s Western-backed Fatah faction, Islamist Hamas said on Sunday it would dissolve its Gaza administrative committee to enable the president s administration to retake control. The announcement promised relief for Gazans who, under a decade of Hamas rule, have endured poverty, three wars with Israel and Cairo s cold shoulder. Yet implementation may hinge on power-sharing negotiations that stymied previous unity bids. We have taken practical steps on the ground. The administrative committee no longer functions in Gaza and we are ready, starting now, to welcome the government of national consensus, Hamas official Ismail Haniyeh told reporters. Speaking after crossing into Gaza from Egypt, Haniyeh said he spoke with Abbas by phone, telling him: Our people expect you to suspend and cancel the measures and begin a dialogue. Aiming to pressure Hamas to relinquish control of Gaza, Abbas in June cut payments to Israel for the electricity it supplies to the enclave, leading to power being provided for less than four hours on some days, and never more than six hours a day. Abbas has also slashed by 30 percent the salaries of some 60,000 Gazans employed by his Palestinian Authority. Abbas, who is at the U.N. general assembly, on Sunday welcomed the Hamas overture and said he would convene the Palestinian leadership for further discussion on his return. Blacklisted as a terrorist group by Israel and the West, Hamas won 2006 legislative elections and, after an uneasy alliance with Fatah, seized control of Gaza in a brief civil war the following year. The rival factions agreed in 2014 to form a national unity government but could not agree on the details. Mending fences with Abbas would be another step in Hamas diplomatic push to improve relations with its neighbor Egypt, which has kept its frontier with Gaza largely closed and accused the group in the past of aiding Islamist militants in Egypt s Sinai desert, something Hamas denies. I can say that this visit (to Cairo) has laid strategic foundations for the ties between Egypt and Hamas, Haniyeh said.
Navy SEAL Tells Katy Perry: “Go to H*ll” [Video]
Navy SEAL Carl Higbie had three words for Katy Perry: Go to hell. Carl Higbie in a Thursday interview on Fox News criticized Perry for her remarks following the deadly Manchester terror attack that left 22 people dead and 59 injured, including children.Perry said: The greatest thing we can do is just unite and love on each other. No barriers, no borders, we all just need to coexist In response to her call for no barriers, no borders, Higbie said that Perry should hold one of her concerts in Syria and see how they respond to our culture:You might remember Higbie from the time he was screeched at by a CNN anchor when he demanded the truth before accusing Trump s administration of anything: A Navy SEAL Carl Higbie was blasted and screeched at by a CNN anchor who was shocked that Higbie asked for more evidence and truth in the Trump controversy. Yikes! She s got snowflake written all over her. It s just how the left rolls you have to march in lock-step with what they believe to be true even if it s not true. Just go with it, right? We say NOT RIGHT!Shouldn t we ask that sources be exposed? Anyone can say they know the truth but when they hide behind anonymity, they ruin their credibility. The left just expects everyone to believe the many lies they ve been telling about President Trump. We re with Carl! We re not accepting any stories against Trump until we have proof and know the source.Way to go Carl!
is this why comey broke a stack of resignation letters from furious fbi agents
its a disgrace they have wrecked the fbi its worse than hoover and thats saying something they have to make a stand sometime its getting like alcapone arresting alcapone what a mess trump should make something out of this stopping honesty in the fbi is an outrage of the highest order your brave guysgirls but where is the help you deserve no one is against the fbi they just hate crooks in their undermining the whole legal syatem if you could call it that you have to give sibel edmons some credit she named hillary as part of the dirty dozen looks like they are trying to destroy thm going on who they keep putting in charge
DRAFT TIM TEBOW Effort Ignites Rumors He’ll Run For Office In Florida
What a great fit! Tim Tebow is such a good man and a newbie to politics which is a plus these days. With the announcement of the GOP Rep in the Jacksonville, FL area retiring, this could be the perfect time for Tebow to throw his hat in the ring The sudden retirement announcement of veteran GOP Rep. Ander Crenshaw has ignited speculation about a potential high-profile successor: former University of Florida quarterback Tim Tebow.The district now represented by the 71-year-old Mr. Crenshaw includes the Jacksonville area, where Mr. Tebow maintains a residence, a business XV Enterprises, a sports-consulting firm and the Tim Tebow FoundationJust two weeks ago, Mr. Tebow, 28, said in an interview during his foundation s annual golf tournament he found the idea of entering politics intriguing. I don t know at this time in my life, Mr. Tebow said March 29 on Fox & Friends, adding, [I]f there s a chance you can make a difference someday at something, then that would be intriguing. Mr. Crenshaw, who has served for 16 years in the safe Republican district, announced Wednesday he would not seek re-election, saying it was time to turn the page on this chapter of my life and see what s next. The website Red Alert Politics wasted no time in mounting a draft Tebow effort, calling him uniquely qualified to be a Florida congressman. Read more: WT
Texas Youth Pastor Exposed As Demented Child Predator (VIDEO)
Until his arrest on April 5, Willie Lee Bell Jr. was the children s pastor at First United Methodist Church of North Texas, located in Cedar Hill, a suburb of Dallas.Pastor Bell got his ass kicked by a group of concerned citizens who caught him in the act of molesting a six-year-old boy behind an apartment complex in Dallas.Police later connected Bell to at least two other child molestations at a different apartment complex in Dallas.Unlike many child predators, Bell didn t know his victims at all. It appears that he approached them as they were playing outside, and then lured them to a secluded area where he carried out the molestation.It s believed that Bell preyed specifically on children who were not associated with his church, and therefore would not be able to identify him to police.The mother of the six-year-old Bell was in the process of molesting says she s grateful that the bystanders intervened when they did. If it wasn t for them, he probably would have done more to my child, she told Fox News 4 in Dallas.While leaders of the First United Methodist Church say they re not aware of any abuse that took place in the church, the question of how Bell was allowed to become a youth pastor has yet to be answered.According to police, Bell was previously accused of showing pornographic videos to children in the state of Tennessee. Had the church done a background check, that information would have been readily available.According to school officials, the child sexual predator also tried to establish himself as a mentor at Bray Elementary School.School officials sent out letters to parents after news of Bell s arrest first broke. The letter said that Bell had met with school officials to discuss setting up a mentorship program there. The program never happened, but school officials alerted parents to the fact that he had been inside the school, during regular school hours, when their young children also would have been in attendance.While schools are required to screen all volunteers and employees during the interview process, the law doesn t require every person who enters onto school property to have a background check first.Worse, background checks for church workers and volunteers are not required under the law. Churches are left to determine for themselves whether it s necessary to screen people who will be allowed to interact with children.Bell is currently charged with two counts of criminal sexual assault of a child. Given the circumstances, it s very likely more victims will be identified and more charges will be filed.Here s more on this story from Fox News 4 in Dallas.Featured image via video screen capture Fox News 4
Trump BUSTED Inviting Rich Friends To Sit In On Interviews For ‘Dictators’ In His Cabinet (AUDIO)
As Trump began preparations to interview for cabinet positions, he decided it was a good idea to ask his rich friends to sit in on the interviews so he could get their opinions. In audio released by Politico Saturday, The Donald can be heard telling a crowd at his Bedminster, New Jersey golf club: We re doing a lot of interviews tomorrow generals, dictators, we have everything. You may wanna come around. It ll be fun. We re really working tomorrow. We have meetings every 15, 20 minutes with different people that will form our government, Trump added. We re going to be interviewing everybody Treasury, we re going to be interviewing Secretary of State. We have everybody coming in if you want to come around, it s going to be unbelievable .so you might want to come along. If it sounds to you like Trump was giving his paying club members special access to the different people that will form our government, you are correct in that assessment. This is particularly troubling for President Asterisk, who recently was photographed reviewing secure North Korea documents during dinner at his Florida home as white supremacists on his staff held cell phone flashlights so he could see all while surrounded by his rich friends. So, this is my real group, Trump tells his crowd of elite pals. These are the people that came here in the beginning, when nobody knew what this monster was gonna turn out to be, right? Hear it yourself below:Featured image via Getty Images/Sean Rayford
ANOTHER CLINTON CASUALTY? Sister Of Woman Who Allegedly Had Photos Proving Affair With Bill Clinton, Questions His Involvement In Her Mysterious House Fire Death
As more and more women line up to tell their stories about sex with Bill Clinton both consensual and forced there is one who is unable to relive the details of her alleged affair.Penthouse Pet Judi Gibbs died in a mysterious house fire in 1986 amid rumors that she had pictures that proved she and the then-Governor of Arkansas had been regular sex partners.And even now, 30 years after she died alongside her much-older other lover, doubts remain about how and why Gibbs and her long-time beau Bill Puterbaugh met their grizzly deaths.But now DailyMail.com has pieced together the life and death of Judi Gibbs, telling for the first time how the auburn-haired woman from a pin-prick of an Arkansas town managed to bed the man who went on to be one of the most powerful men in the world.And the question remains unanswered: Was Judi Gibbs killed because Bill Clinton and his advisers feared the affair was about to become public? I have always been convinced that Bill Clinton was responsible for the fire, but I have no proof, Gibbs older sister Martha, who still lives in Sims, Arkansas, told DailyMail.com. And what would happen if I had proof you can t touch those people. At the time of her death, Gibbs was 32 and living with 57-year-old developer Puterbaugh in a large isolated home a quarter-mile drive opposite a tiny airport outside Fordyce, Arkansas.Their bodies were both found in the huge master bedroom. They died of smoke inhalation.Puterbaugh s son, Randy, who followed him into the real estate business, tells a similar story to Martha Gibbs, even though the two have not spoken since the days following the double death. There are so many pieces of the puzzle. Puterbaugh said. I believe it is a possibility that Bill Clinton was involved in their deaths. I know I wish I had hired my own private investigator but I didn t, so I guess I will never know. Judi Gibbs and Bill Puterbaugh died on January 3, 1986. According to a report in the local Fordyce News-Advocate, Gibbs called the fire department at 2.26 am wailing in her Marilyn Monroe-type voice: Bill Puterbaugh s house is on fire, hurry, you all, hurry. Puterbaugh s body was found by a window. Gibbs was still clutching the phone right next to the king-sized bed.Local fire chief Roy Wayne Moseley has no explanation as to why the lovers did not manage to get out of the house. The only reason I can think why they didn t is they were overrun with smoke so quick and so fast, he said. It was a real tragedy. As far as residential fires go, that was the worst we ve had, added Moseley, now 80 and still chief of the Fordyce Volunteer Fire Department a post he has held since 1960.Many people around the Clintons have died in unusual circumstances over the years, leading conspiracy theorists to claim they could be connected.As DailyMail.com reported earlier this year, five deaths in a six-week span between June 22 and August 2 this year had connections to the former first family. I m not saying the Clintons kill people. I m saying a lot of people around the Clintons turn up dead, Larry Nichols, who worked with the former First Family before turning against them, told DailyMail.com.And the names of Judi Gibbs and her lover Bill Puterbaugh could be added to that list.Gibbs was the sixth of seven children born to a hardscrabble family in Sims, a two-hour drive west of Little Rock.In her teens, she was lured into prostitution by her brother-in-law Dale Bliss, who is now 85 and 32 years into a life prison sentence for child rape. Daily Mail
We Can’t Afford To Feed The Poor But We’re Spending $700 Billion Per Year To Kill People
The military s budget is being massively expanded this year, and nobody is really sure why. The answer seems to be because we can. Republicans in the Senate have decided that the Pentagon should receive even more money than Trump s hawkish White House wanted, and is giving the military things it never requested and does not need. The 2018 National Defense Authorization Act approves a budget of $696 billion, an annual increase of $80 billion. Meanwhile, Republicans are out to gut aid programs for low-income Americans.So why aren t deficit hawks like Paul Ryan questioning where this money will come from? We re ballooning the deficit to kill people, and for what, exactly? The Pentagon does not need the money. For example, the budget has allowed for 94 new F-35 Lightning fighter jets. Via Bloomberg:The measure would authorize 94 F-35 jets made by Lockheed Martin Corp., 24 more than requested by the president and seven more than the House agreed to in its version of the bill.Oh, by the way, the budget is also illegal. Why is that? Well, a law passed in 2011 only allows $549 billion in base-related expenses. The United States has 800 military bases and hundreds of thousands of soldiers occupying nations around the globe. The budget as it stands recommends $640 billion:Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) said during floor debate that his panel ignored the budget constraints set in law because responding to national security challenges requires more resources. The threats to our national security have not been more complex, severe, or daunting at any time in the past seven decades and our job is to ensure we have a military capable of meeting those threats, McCain said. For too long, we have locked ourselves into making strategic decisions based on budget realities. It is time to start making budget decisions based on strategic realities. That s right. Republicans think we should make budget decisions based on strategic realities, completely ignoring military-related deficits, in order to pay for jets (and other stuff) the military never asked for and does not need.Or, maybe, the massive lobbying arm of the defense industry has more to do with it. They ve already spent tens of millions in 2017 alone to buy politicians and influence, and there s no slowing down.these two things are unrelated pic.twitter.com/3PGzZzrLj9 Adam H. Johnson (@adamjohnsonNYC) September 19, 2017What else could that money pay for? Great question. Common Dreams has a great perspective on the true cost of needless military spending:Put another way, with a $700 billion military budget, the U.S. would be spending more than three times as much as China on its military, and 10 times as much as Russia. According to [the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute], the U.S. already accounts for more than a third of all military spending.Yes, in the entire world. The United States, with about 1/25 of the world s population, is responsible for over 1/3 of the military spending worldwide. Who are we preparing to fight, exactly?Or with $80 billion a year, you could make public colleges and universities in the U.S. tuition-free. In fact, Sanders s proposal was only estimated to cost the federal government $47 billion per year.If the additional military spending over the next 10 years instead went to pay off student debt, it could come close to wiping it out entirely.Yet those kind of ideas, or universal healthcare coverage, are dismissed out-of-hand by Republicans. Maybe that s because the everyday people who would benefit most don t pay as well as insurance and military lobbyists. Maybe that s because most politicians, but especially Republicans, are more invested in personal careers and success than they are in their country.Eight members of the Senate voted against the bill: Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Bob Corker (R-TN), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Mike Lee (R-UT), Rand Paul (R-KY), and Ron Wyden (D-OR).Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
PRESIDENT OF RADICAL GROUP Advised Hillary On How To Fake Concern For Parents Of Black Lives Matter Victims…Blame Cops For Pain [VIDEO]
Wikileaks released an email from Center for American Progress President Neera Tanden, coaching Hillary on how to best gain the trust of the Black community by going directly to the victims being held up by Black Lives Matter movement as heroes, and faking empathy with the parents. She also mentions it would be a good idea to use the idea that their grief should be magnified because it happened at the hands of law enforcement officers (the state). The email was forwarded by Jen Palmieri who is the same person who was busted criticizing Catholics. Karen Finney, Hiilary s Senior Advisor for Communications and Political Outreach, & Senior Spokesperson for Hillary for America was also copied on the suggestion about how to fake concern for parents of Black Lives Matter victims.Here is an excerpt from the Wikileaks email:Hillary clearly took her advice, as she can been seen milking her phony support for mother s of Black Lives Matter victims by giving them a chance to appear at the DNC as her special guests to chant :Ever the actress, here s Hillary appealing to the black community with her newfound black dialect:
Knifeman yelling 'Allahu Akbar' shot dead after killing two in France
MARSEILLE, France/PARIS (Reuters) - Two women were stabbed to death and their assailant shot dead by a soldier in the southern French port city of Marseille on Sunday in what officials described as a likely terrorist act . Police sources said the suspect had shouted Allahu Akbar (God is greatest) in Arabic as he attacked the women, aged 17 and 20, at Marseille s main railway station. Two police sources said one had her throat slit while the other was stabbed in the chest and stomach. An Islamic State militant was responsible for the attack, the group s Amaq news agency said. The assailant was shot dead by a soldier from a military Sentinelle patrol, a force deployed across the country as part of a state of emergency declared after Islamist attacks that began almost two years ago. We have until now managed to avoid such dramatic incidents (in Marseille). I think it was a terrorist attack and the individual who was killed seems to have had several identities, Marseille mayor Jean-Claude Gaudin told reporters. Paris was rocked in 2015 by multiple attacks that killed 130 people. In 2016 a gunman drove a truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in Nice, killing 86 people. Both of these attacks were claimed by Islamic State. Other countries, including Britain, Germany and Belgium, have also suffered attacks by militants using knives, guns, explosives and driving vehicles at crowds. Some 200 police officers cordoned off the area and all roads were closed to traffic. A witness told Reuters she saw a man take out a knife from his sleeve and then stab a young girl and then a second woman, shouting what could have been Allahu Akbar . Speaking in Marseille, Interior Minister Gerard Collomb said the man had initially killed one woman and looked to be running away before returning to attack a second woman and then rush toward soldiers from the Sentinelle force who arrived on the scene quickly and shot him dead. Two police sources said the attacker had been carrying a butcher s knife, was around 30 years old and of North African appearance. One source said he was known to police for common law crimes, while another said digital analysis of fingerprints had come up with several aliases. This could be an act of terrorism, but we cannot confirm it fully at this stage, Collomb told reporters. French troops are part of a U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State in Syria and Iraq and has thousands of soldiers in West Africa fighting al Qaeda-linked militants, operations that have made these groups urge their followers to target France. Security forces have increasingly been targeted by militants in knife attacks. A man wielding a knife attacked a soldier in a Paris metro station on Sept. 15. President Emmanuel Macron said on Twitter he was disgusted by this barbaric act and praised the calmness and efficiency of security forces. French lawmakers are due to vote on a much-criticized anti-terrorism law on Tuesday, which would see France come out of its state-of-emergency in November, although some of the powers would be enshrined into law. The number of military personnel on the ground is also due to be reduced slightly, although the force is being adapted to make it more mobile and its movements less predictable. The presence of Sentinelle soldiers, their speed and efficiency ensured that the death count was not bigger, police union official Stephane Battaglia told Reuters.
US Coalition Airstrike on Syrian Army in Al-Tanf is Another Calculated War Crime, Aims to Destroy Arab Unity
Bouthaina Shaaban, Political & Media Advisor to Syrian President, Bashar Al AssadThe crimes committed by the US forces by bombing units of the Syrian Arab Army that were advancing to liberate the Al-Tanf crossing on the border with Iraq, and before it in Al-Thardah Mountain in Deir Al-Zour, and then Al-Shaerat Airport were not random or coincidental. They were, as in the case of the war crimes committed by US aircrafts against the Syrian people and Syrian infrastructure, calculated, and are part of the general geopolitical scheme to divide the region.The truth is that any connection between Syria and Iraq has been forbidden since the two countries independence in the middle of the 20th century. The Baghdad Pact of 1955, which included Britain, Iraq, Turkey, Iran and Pakistan was meant contain the Arab national tide on the one hand, and to counter what then was called Soviet influence in the region on the other hand. Although this alliance fell in 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower declared a set principles in a private letter to Congress, which became known as the Eisenhower Doctrine. According to these principles, any country could request US economic aid or aid of the US armed forces if subjected to threats from another country. This was what Camille Chamoun did in 1958, when the nationalists in Lebanon rebelled to pursue the Arab national line and against Chamoun s attempt to rig elections. Eisenhower responded to Chamoun s request and sent the Marines to Beirut to preserve the neutrality of Lebanon s foreign policy, despite its sympathy with Arab issues.After Sadat signed the Sinai 2 Agreement, and later the Camp David Accords, President Hafez al-Assad tried to compensate for the Arabs loss of Egypt by establishing a Levantine Front. He went to Iraq, Jordan and the Palestine Liberation Organization in Beirut.To the present day, secret CIA documents show that the instructions were issued at the time to Saddam Hussein to mobilise military forces on the Syrian border, to threaten Syria, and to advise Yasser Arafat against cooperation or even coordination with Syria . Despite President Hafez al-Assad s visit to Jordan, King Hussein has never been able shake off Western influence and engage in any joint Arab action.Today, despite the various reasons and pretexts, all the actions of the United States, Britain and France in Syria aim to continue to weaken the Syrian state, and cut off ties with neighbouring Arab countries, as well as countering the Russian efforts to support Syrian unity. After years of intervening in support of terrorism and arming its gangs, Britain and France recently recognised the presence of their troops on Syrian soil. U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles (left) and President Eisenhower (right)The United States is applying the Eisenhower Doctrine, at times under the guise of supporting Kurds, or supporting democracy, but the real aim is to drain each Arab country separately, so that the Arab Nation could not form a human, geographical, historical, and cultural unity in the face of the Zionist project and the Western influence in the region.President Hafez al-Assad has tried, with all Arabs, to create any form of Arab solidarity and has expressed his willingness to make any necessary concessions, especially with Iraq. During the Iraq-Iran war he made an offer to Iraq to establish a Syrian-Iraqi unity, in which he would be vice-president, as a way out of the war through negotiations with the Iranians, but all his offers were rejected.Instead, Saddam Hussein supported and armed the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist gangs associated with Israel and the Western intelligence, who hit Syrian cities by car bombs, assassination, and sectarian killingsbetween the late seventies and early eighties.If we look closely at the history of the twentieth century and what is happening today in our country, it is certain that the main target of Britain, France and the United States since World War I, is the Arab civilization, Arab identity and the geographical unity of Arab lands.What is remarkable is that very few Arabs have shown any awareness of this strategy, not to mention developing their own strategies for ensuring the Arabs interests and rights. Hence, the Syrian Arab Army s plan to give priority for reaching the al-Tanf crossing and to make way for the geographical, economic and social ties with Iraq is to undermine the old old western plans to prevent communication between these two brotherly countries.The replacement of Israel with Iran as an enemy of the Arabs and the fabrication of the danger of Shiism are the latest pretexts for the continuation of Western hegemony on our land, our people and our wealth, using terrorism and Wahhabi money this time. These lies are a new episode in a series of lies, and their main aim is to prevent Arab unity and the rise of Arab power.***READ MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Top House conservative says U.S. healthcare bill likely to pass on Thursday
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the House of Representatives conservative Freedom Caucus said Republicans were confident that their healthcare overhaul would likely win passage in a vote later on Thursday. “We’re optimistic that we’ll pass it out of the House today,” caucus chairman Representative Mark Meadows said in an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” program.
Cubans are heartbroken, angry can't seek U.S. visas in Havana
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cubans said they were both heartbroken and enraged by the United States decision on Friday to stop processing visas at its embassy in Havana that would further tear at the seams of families already divided by the Florida Straits. The United States said it was cutting its diplomatic presence in Cuba by more than a half because of mysterious attacks against its embassy personnel and was therefore halting regular visa operations. To think you can t go see your family is a terrible thing, said pensioner Xiomara Irene Louzado, 74, who had been planning a visit to the United States to see her sister and nephews. Louzado said she also wanted to visit the graves of her sister and mother. She has traveled there regularly but now she simply no longer knew when she next could. This is unnecessary and inhuman, said Laura Hernandez, a Cuban student who had been hoping to move to live with her father in the United States. With so many families to reunify... why? While Cuba numbers a population of 11.2 million, there are an estimated 2 million Cuban Americans in the United States. It remains unclear which visas the U.S. Havana embassy will still be processing and what other recourses Cubans will have. We have suspended most visa processing in Havana, a notice on its website read. Cuban applicants for non immigrant visas may apply at another U.S. embassy or consulate overseas. The United States has one specific deal with its former Cold War foe to issue 20,000 visas a year to Cubans seeking to emigrate there, agreed after the 1994 rafter exodus to prevent them from taking to the sea illegally in makeshift crafts. Short of an effective third country workaround for those visa applications, Friday s measure would likely ensure it violates that agreement, said Michael Bustamante, an assistant professor of Latin American history at Florida International University. The Cuban government has denied any involvement in the alleged attacks on diplomats in Havana and warned the Trump administration against politicizing them. Twenty-one U.S. embassy employees in Cuba have been injured and reported symptoms such as hearing loss, dizziness, headache, fatigue, cognitive issues, and difficulty sleeping, the State Department said. Several Canadian diplomats have complained of similar symptoms to their American counterparts but Canada said on Friday it had no plans to reduce staff at its embassy in Havana. Many Cubans on Friday said they felt they were once more collateral damage of the war between the anti-Castro lobby in the United States and Cuba. U.S. President Donald Trump, a Republican, had in June said he wanted to partially roll back the detente agreed with Cuba under his predecessor, Democrat Barack Obama. Politics always ends up affecting the poorest, the people, and not the government, said Jessica Aguila, 38, an office employee who had been planning to visit her family at Christmas. In a few months, all the advances between the two countries have been turned to dust. Washington on Friday also warned U.S. citizens against visiting the Caribbean island, a move that will likely hurt many Cubans working in hospitality. That sector is one of the few that had been thriving amidst a gloomy economic outlook, although it took a beating earlier this month from Hurricane Irma that wrought havoc on much of the island s infrastructure. (Trump) is already an imminent danger for us, said Magdalena Hernandez, 67, worse than a Category 5 hurricane.
Netanyahu Echos Trump, Wants Fence Around Israel To Keep Out ‘Wild Beasts’ (VIDEO)
Echoing statements made by Donald Trump about fences and unwanted Mexicans coming to America, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants to build a fence around Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories in order to protect the country from what he says are wild beasts, in reference to Palestinians, Arabs, and black African migrants, who the Israelis find especially scary. During a tour of the Jordan-Israel border in the south Netanyahu said: In our neighborhood, we need to protect ourselves from wild beasts. At the end of the day as I see it, there will be a fence like this one surrounding Israel in its entirety. We will surround the entire state of Israel with a fence, a barrier. He said the plan will take several years to complete and Israel will also look at ways to ensure that the Palestinians don t find ways to escape from the walls that have been built around their cities and villages in the illegally occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. Netanyahu said: This thing costs many billions, and we re working on a multi-year plan of prioritization so it would be spread out over years in order to gradually build it, but to complete it to defend the State of Israel. His assertion to defend Israel is not the reason he s building a fence. About 85% of the wall is actually built inside the occupied Palestinian West Bank, effectively annexing and stealing 46% of the land. The wall was ruled illegal by the International Court of Justice in 2004 yet Israel has failed to dismantle it. [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJFKL-wkQQI] Trump has also pledged to build walls along the 2,000 mile border with Mexico, a campaign pledge that has apparently caught on with Republican voters. Trump said: I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words. The abrasive personality traits are striking but the plans are dangerous. We can already see what Netanyahu s policies have done to the Palestinians. He is a war criminal pure and simple. If Trump were to become president of the most powerful country in the history of the world, the US and the rest of the world have a very bleak future.Featured Image Via Screenshot Capture
MSNBC SKEWERS Donald Trump For Accusing Them Of Editing Abortion Question (VIDEO)
Republican front runner Donald Trump is still (thankfully) getting blasted for the outrageously offensive comments he made on Wednesday, when he told MSNBC s Chris Matthews that there has to be some form of punishment for women who have abortions. Trump has been frantically trying to backpedal on those statements, but no one is buying his bullsh*t. Now, he s accusing the network for editing the interview with Matthews in an attempt to make him look bad! Seriously, as if Trump needs any help with that Trump was doing an phone interview on Fox News The O Reilly Factor Thursday when he made senselessly blamed MSNBC for the awful backlash his abortion remarks have gotten. As guest host Eric Bolling brought up the comments, Trump accused the network of cutting the controversial discussion on abortion so much that his punishment comments were taken completely out of context. Trump said: You really ought to hear the whole thing. This is a long convoluted question. This was a long discussion, and they just cut it out. And, frankly, it was extremely it was really convoluted. It could be that I misspoke. But this was a long, convoluted subject. We talked about Catholicism and his religion, and [Chris Matthews] went back and forth about that. This was a very long, convoluted discussion which, frankly, they don t want on television because it was too long. You can listen to Trump point his (freakishly tiny) finger at MSNBC in the interview footage below, starting at around the 4:45 mark:Unfortunately for Trump, MSNBC is calling him out as a liar. In a statement to TVNewser, the network insisted that absolutely no editing had been done to that interview, and that Trump s comments really were as awful as everything thought. MSNBC said: The town hall interview with Donald Trump was taped in advance and then aired in its entirety. Absolutely no part of the exchange between Trump and Chris Matthews was edited out. Featured image via Flickr/Gage Skidmore
#Berkeley IRONY ALERT! ANARCHISTS LOOT STARBUCKS…Destroy Store Windows [Video]
Smashing windows How progressive!Protests against alt-right speaker Milo move off UC Berkeley campus and into the streets. pic.twitter.com/c8CKFszmPJ Shane Bauer (@shane_bauer) February 2, 2017 Riots and Berkeley campus protesting Milo event. pic.twitter.com/xk2y7UKFF7 Shane Bauer (@shane_bauer) February 2, 2017The Starbucks was literally destroyed and looted:
FBI Investigating Russian Connections To Far-Right Websites Including Breitbart, Infowars, Etc. (DETAILS)
With the 2016 election over, many questions still remain as to its outcome and if it is to be considered legitimate. As of now, the FBI and other intelligence agencies are still looking into Russian involvement in our democratic process and how the foreign power may have played a role in influencing the election results.One of the ways Russia may have influenced the election may have been through bots that spread far right-wing media stories throughout social media.According to McClatchy: Federal investigators are examining whether far-right news sites played any role last year in a Russian cyber operation that dramatically widened the reach of news stories some fictional that favored Donald Trump s presidential bid, two people familiar with the inquiry say.Operatives for Russia appear to have strategically timed the computer commands, known as bots, to blitz social media with links to the pro-Trump stories at times when the billionaire businessman was on the defensive in his race against Democrat Hillary Clinton, these sources said. Further: The bots end products were largely millions of Twitter and Facebook posts carrying links to stories on conservative internet sites such as Breitbart News and InfoWars, as well as on the Kremlin-backed RT News and Sputnik News, the sources said. Some of the stories were false or mixed fact and fiction, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the bot attacks are part of an FBI-led investigation into a multifaceted Russian operation to influence last year s elections.Investigators examining the bot attacks are exploring whether the far-right news operations took any actions to assist Russia s operatives. Their participation, however, wasn t necessary for the bots to amplify their news through Twitter and Facebook. This past election cycle, the far-right in particular waged a war of disinformation like one that really hasn t been seen before. It didn t matter if a story wasn t real, if it was anti-Hillary or pro-Trump it went out fast and spread like wildfire. Not only were the stories mass created, but they were also seemingly consumed by readers at an alarming rate.McClatchy reports: As for the bots, they carried links not only to news stories but also to Democratic emails posted on WikiLeaks, especially those hacked from Podesta and made public in October, said Philip Howard, a professor at the Oxford University Internet Institute who has researched the bot attacks. Study of bot-generated Twitter traffic during last fall s Trump-Clinton campaign debates showed that bot messages favorable to Trump significantly outnumbered those sympathetic to Clinton. Hopefully federal investigators get to the bottom of what is happening on the far-right internet to affect the outcome of elections. If there is a connection to Russia, not only would that be huge news, but it would confirm long-held suspicions by many on the left in regards to the disinformation campaign that s been going on for years by the right.Russia is clearly trying to insert itself for its own benefit into elections and policy around the globe. It needs to be stopped, and it needs to be stopped now.Featured Photo by Marianna Massey/Getty Images
PRO-TRUMP ROCKER #TedNugent Fires Back at Comparison to #KathyGriffin: “We’re talking apples and grenades”
Ted Nugent isn t having it! He s being compared to Kathy Griffin by the left and he s had enough of it!We will never forget the night before the election at the very last rally for candidate Trump TED NUGENT WAS THERE AND PLAYED HIS HEART OUT!Conservative rocker Ted Nugent, who once told a concert crowd that Barack Obama should suck on [his] machine gun, says its unfair to compare him to embattled comedian Kathy Griffin. There s no comparison whatsoever, Mr. Nugent said during a radio interview Wednesday on The Ben Ferguson Show, The Washington Examiner reported. We re talking apples and grenades here, he said. What Kathy Griffin did was downright vulgar, obscene, and a genuine variation of a death threat. I ve never threatened anybody. Ms. Griffin is facing a wave of backlash for doing a graphic photo shoot holding a realistic mock severed head of President Trump. She has since apologized for the photos and had them removed, but lost her long-running New Year s Eve gig at CNN as a result. Despite his history of off-color comments, Mr. Nugent was invited to the White House in April for a dinner with Mr. Trump. Liberals in the media immediately compared Ms. Griffin s controversial stunt to Mr. Nugent s past comments, claiming there is a double standard.Mr. Nugent, who serves on the NRA s Board of Directors, reportedly told a concert crowd in 2007: Obama, he s a piece of s . I told him to suck on my machine gun. Speaking in 2012 at an NRA convention in St. Louis, he said, We need to ride into that battlefield and chop their heads off in November. And in January of last year, he called for both Mr. Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to be tried for treason & hung. Via: WT
Congressman Gutierrez will not seek re-election: Politico
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic U.S. Representative Luis Gutierrez of Illinois, a prominent critic of President Donald Trump’s immigration policies, will not seek re-election next year, Politico reported on Monday. Citing three Democratic sources with knowledge of the decision, Politico reported that Gutierrez was expected to announce his decision not to run on Tuesday. Gutierrez’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Politico reported that former Chicago mayoral candidate Jesus “Chuy” Garcia was expected to enter the race for Guiterrez’s seat in the heavily Hispanic 4th District, which includes parts of Chicago and some suburbs west of the city. Gutierrez, who is of Puerto Rican descent, has criticized Trump’s efforts to restrict immigration and to deport millions of illegal immigrants in the United States.
Grounded ferry in Calais refloated, passengers disembarked
LILLE, France (Reuters) - A P&O ferry with more than 300 people on board which had run aground in Calais harbor in northern France has been refloated and all passengers have disembarked, a P&O Ferries spokesman said on Sunday. The Dover-bound Pride of Kent had run aground on a sand bank around midday as she tried to leave the Calais harbor in stormy weather. Nobody was injured. The ship, supported by two tug boats, was refloated as the tide came in early evening and all passengers have disembarked. The spokesman said most passengers would continue their journey to the UK on other P&O ferries tonight, while some would stay overnight in Calais on P&O s expense. UK-based P&O operates 20 ferries which carry nine million passengers per year between France, Belgium, The Netherlands and across the Irish Sea.
Pope bumps head, hurts left eye, but is well: Vatican
CARTAGENA, Colombia (Reuters) - Pope Francis lost his balance while riding in the popemobile through a crowd in Cartagena, Colombia, on Sunday, bruising his left cheekbone and eyelid, but he was not seriously hurt. The Vatican said he received ice treatment and was fine to continue on his trip. Video images showed the pope hitting the left side of his face against a vertical bar of the popemobile, a specially designed open-top vehicle that allows the pontiff to stand and greet the faithful as his motorcade advances. A few drops of blood were seen on his white cassock and the area around his left eye looked bruised and swollen. I was punched. I m fine, the pope joked as he left a house in the poor neighborhood of San Francisco on the last day of his trip to Colombia. He later was seen with a small bandage over his left eyebrow. The pope is fine. He injured his left cheekbone and eyelid, spokesman Greg Burke said.
david bossie desperately claims clinton enthusiasm gap is trump path to victory
sports the national iranian womens inline hockey team the national iranian womens inline hockey team has captured its second victory in a row at the preliminary round of the th edition of asian roller skating championships in china overcoming the strong south korean side on wednesday morning the iranian sportswomen gained a narrow win over the east asian contingent in a match staged in the eastern chinese city of lishui faezeh modabber scored the sole goal of the game the iranian inline hockey players also got two other goals but the referee disallowed them the iranian outfit was scheduled to face china later in the day the th edition of asian roller skating championships started in lishui on october and will wrap up on november the sports event has brought together dozens of male and female roller skaters from various asian countries including china the islamic republic of iran and south korea loading
WOW! HILLARY PRETENDED To Be Relaxing…But She’s Been Scheming To Steal Presidency From Trump Since Morning After Election
Democratic Party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton may have publicly conceded the presidency to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump the morning after the November 8 election but behind the scenes she was scheming with an army of operatives to find ways to steal the presidency from Trump.Hillary Supporter Bumps Into the Clintons Walking in the Woods https://t.co/DY8gVMs5jQ #westchesterCounty pic.twitter.com/OyU5cL79Bn Westchester Roundup (@WestchesterRU) November 16, 2016I am thankful for Hillary sightings!! At a grocery store in Chappaqua pic.twitter.com/FkrBWxROnN All Things Hillary (@AllThingsHill) November 24, 2016Clinton campaign lawyer Marc E. Elias gave the scheme away in an article published Saturday morning at Medium announcing Clinton would join the recount effort in Wisconsin by Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein and that Clinton would join Stein should she also file for recounts in Michigan and Pennsylvania.Elias wrote that starting the day after the election the Clinton campaign worked to find ways to reverse Trump s election.Those efforts continue through the present, Elias wrote, and now include joining the recount efforts by Stein.Elias statement about Clinton s behind the scenes scheming excerpted from Medium:https://twitter.com/kylegriffin1/status/802327573690744832 Gateway Pundit
Mattis backs Geneva process on Syrian conflict
HELSINKI (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Monday he backed diplomatic efforts to bring an end to the Syrian civil war, which has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives over more than six years of conflict, as Islamic State militants near defeat. Mattis was traveling to Finland to meet with leaders from the Northern Group, a forum for 12 northern European countries, where concern about Russia is growing after it annexed Crimea from Ukraine and gave its backing to eastern Ukraine separatists fighting against the Kiev government. Russia also supports Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and with its help Assad has recovered control of swathes of lost Syrian territory over the last two years and appears militarily unassailable. The United States, however, has supported the opposition to Assad during the Syrian war. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson recently reiterated that Assad should leave power, saying the reign of the Assad family is coming to an end and the only issue is how that should be brought about . Secretary Tillerson engaged strongly with Staffan de Mistura about how do we move what has been going on in Astana, how do we move that over to Geneva where we can actually get the U.N. engaged on the way forward, Mattis told reporters on a plane en route to Finland. Russia has backed peace talks in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, to end the Syrian civil war. U.N. Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura announced that stalled peace talks between the Syrian government and still-to-be-united opposition would resume in Geneva on Nov. 28. However, Russia is also fighting against Islamic State in Syria, at times their goals aligning with the United States, whose forces have helped Kurdish-led militias recapture Raqqa and other parts of northern and eastern Syria from the militants. With Islamic State s territory rapidly shrinking, the focus was on defeating it in the final few areas, Mattis said - and avoiding conflict as the gap between Russian and U.S. forces shrinks. What the U.S. strategy wills after the defeat of Islamic State is likely to come up when Mattis visits Brussels later this week, where he will meet with his counterparts from NATO. Mattis declined to comment on whether the United States would take back arms from Kurdish YPG fighters after the defeat of Islamic State, a sensitive point given the concerns of its NATO ally Turkey. Ankara views the YPG as an extension of PKK militants waging an insurgency on Turkish soil, and has sharply criticized U.S. support to the group.
U.N. says missiles fired at Saudi Arabia have 'common origin'
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - United Nations officials have found that missiles fired at Saudi Arabia by Yemen s Houthi rebels appear to have a common origin, but they are still investigating U.S. and Saudi claims that Iran supplied them, according to a confidential report. The officials traveled to Saudi Arabia to examine the debris of missiles fired on July 22 and Nov. 4, wrote U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in the fourth biannual report on the implementation of U.N. sanctions and restrictions on Iran. They found that the missiles had similar structural and manufacturing features which suggest a common origin, said Guterres in the Friday report to the U.N. Security Council, seen by Reuters on Saturday. The report comes amid calls by the United States for Iran to be held accountable for violating U.N. Security Council resolutions on Yemen and Iran by supplying weapons to the Houthis. Saudi-led forces, which back the Yemeni government, have fought the Iran-allied Houthis in Yemen s more than two-year-long civil war. Saudi Arabia s crown prince has described Iran s supply of rockets to the Houthis as direct military aggression that could be an act of war. Iran has denied supplying the Houthis with weapons, saying the U.S. and Saudi allegations are baseless and unfounded. Guterre s report said the U.N. officials saw three components, which Saudi authorities said came from the missile fired on Nov. 4. The components bore the castings of a logo similar to that of the Shahid Bagheri Industrial Group - a U.N.-blacklisted company. The officials are still analyzing the information collected and will report back to the Security Council, wrote Guterres. The Saudi-led coalition used the Nov. 4 missile attack to justify a blockade of Yemen for several weeks, saying it was needed to stem the flow of arms to the Houthis from Iran. Although the blockade later eased, Yemen s situation has remained dire. About 8 million people are on the brink of famine, with outbreaks of cholera and diphtheria. A separate report to the Security Council last month by a panel of independent experts monitoring sanctions imposed in Yemen found that four missiles fired this year into Saudi Arabia appear to have been designed and manufactured by Iran. However, the panel said it as yet has no evidence as to the identity of the broker or supplier of the missiles, which were likely shipped to the Houthis in violation of a targeted U.N. arms embargo imposed on Houthi leaders in April 2015. Most U.N. sanctions on Iran were lifted in January last year when the U.N. nuclear watchdog confirmed that Tehran fulfilled commitments under a nuclear deal with Britain, France, Germany, China, Russia and the United States. But Iran is still subject to a U.N. arms embargo and other restrictions. U.S. President Donald Trump dealt a blow to the nuclear deal in October by refusing to certify that Tehran was complying with the accord and warning that he might ultimately terminate it. International inspectors have said Iran is in compliance. I encourage the United States to maintain its commitments to the plan and to consider the broader implications for the region and beyond before taking any further steps, Guterres wrote. Similarly, I encourage the Islamic Republic of Iran to carefully consider the concerns raised by other participants in the plan, he said.
5 Reasons The Republicans Just Nominated The Worst Possible Candidate: Trump
Donald Trump has cleared the Republican presidential field of all the credible (and not so credible) challengers, and is now the presumptive nominee for the same party that produced Teddy Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan. It is amazing.But in picking Trump as their nominee, the Republican Party has chosen a candidate with a binder full of negatives, so many negatives in fact that it is highly unlikely he can overcome enough of them to win the presidency.Here are 5 of the reasons.70 percent of women in a recent Gallup poll have a negative view of Donald Trump. That s because Trump has a long record including in this campaign of attacking women. He s called them pigs, talked about their bathroom habits, complained about their periods, and on and on.Women are the majority of American voters, and Republicans have lost that demographic for years. Even when they have won the presidency, they ve lost with women.And while it isn t all she is, Hillary Clinton will obviously be the first major party nominee to be a woman. So far, Trump has not reacted well to this, accusing her of playing the woman card, with her candidacy, a sexist comment that echoed with millions of working women voters. The Clinton campaign was able to raise over $2 million just by highlighting Trump s comment and giving donors a woman card to mark the moment.Mitt Romney was pilloried over his comment that he had binders full of women, and he never was half as sexist as Trump has been on an average day.Donald Trump is most unpopular candidate for a major political party basically since polling was invented. Trump has an average of 60.6 percent disapproval!That is unheard of going into the party conventions, where candidates are usually a blank canvas before attack ads start to fly in the fall. But Trump is one of the most well-known people in America, and what America has seen it doesn t like.President Obama nearly coasted to national electoral victories in back to back elections with a diverse, young, electorate. And while Hillary Clinton has had trouble connecting with younger voters in the Democratic primary, Donald Trump is the best positioned candidate to motivate the Obama coalition against him.He polls poorly with women, minorities, and in a recent poll younger voters indicated that despite their reservations about Clinton, they have near to no interest in Trump.At this point in the 2012 election, President Obama was 3.4 percent ahead of Mitt Romney in head-to-head national matchups. By comparison, Clinton leads Trump by an average of 6.2 percent, and that includes a poll from conservative pollster Rasmussen who got the 2012 election completely wrong.Most other recent polls show Clinton with leads of +11%, +7% and +11%.The New York Times Nate Cohn explains why this is unlikely to change much:There have been 10-point shifts over the general election season before, even if it s uncommon. But there isn t much of a precedent for huge swings in races with candidates as well known as Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton. A majority of Americans may not like her, but they say they re scared of him. To have a chance, he ll need to change that.Unlike President George W. Bush in 2008, President Obama is unlikely to be a drag on the ticket. In addition to the unusual image of a sitting president campaigning for his party s nominee (Reagan was too ill to do it in 1988, the Gore campaign pushed Clinton away in 2000, and McCain did his best to hide from Bush in 2008), President Obama s approval ratings have inched back up over the last year, often above or near 50 percent.Additionally, the unemployment rate is at 5 percent, after hitting almost 10 percent in the Bush economy, and gas prices have come way down. Polls now show Americans feel good about the economy, after Obama s policies have gotten the country out of the Great Recession (without Republican help).That s good for the party in power, which means it s good for Hillary Clinton, and bad for Donald Trump.Featured image via Flickr
Armed US immigration Officers to Be Stationed in UK Airports
21st Century Wire says This latest move by the US is being sold to unwitting British holiday makers and business travelers as a solution to long immigration queues at US airports. Under the new scheme, airlines would be forced to foot the bill for US security personnel and their families to live in the UK. They plan to pay for this by simply passing the extra costs onto passengers travelling from Britain to the US. In other words: air travel may have become more expensive for Brits heading to the US.It s not clear exactly why US officers have to be armed in UK airports. Not surprisingly, few UK media outlets bothered to even question that aspect of the story.Will the British government end up accepting this aggressive move by the US? If so, will it be a dangerous precedent?More from the Daily Mail Chris Pleasance Mail OnlineArmed US immigration officers could be stationed at airports in the UK under plans being discussed between the White House and Westminster.Under the plans British passengers would have their visa paperwork checked before boarding flights, allowing them to skip some queues after arriving in America.But there are fears it could drive up the price of tickets as it remains unclear who will foot the bill for immigration officers to live in this country.Both Manchester and Edinburgh Airport are said to be eager to join the scheme.Heathrow bosses are believed to have turned the idea down because the obstacles involved in bringing immigration officers to this country are insurmountable.Meanwhile Gatwick declared that it has no plans to participate in the scheme.Home Office officials confirmed that the plans were being discussed. While it would be up to each airport to negotiate a different process with US authorities, the scheme would need overall approval by the government.The US already has special immigration checks in six countries around the world, with more than 600 law enforcement officers are stationed at 15 locations.Pre-clearance operations in Dublin and Shannon in Ireland opened in 2008 Continue this story at the Daily MailREAD MMORE POLICE STATE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Police State FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
London Mayor says police presence to increase after metro explosion
LONDON (Reuters) - London Mayor Sadiq Khan said Londoners will see more police on the streets of the British capital after an explosion at a metro station, which officers said was a terrorist incident. They will see over the course of today and the next few days an enhanced police presence, not simply on the public transport network but also across London, Khan told LBC Radio.
GOP Billionaires Panic, Conference Call Begs For Money To Stop Trump
Republican donors are in a panic over the growing surge of conservative votes for Donald Trump in the Republican primary process. In reaction to his delegate lead and expected success on Super Tuesday, a cabal of high-dollar Republican donors had a conference call with one goal in mind: Stop Trump.Meg Whitman, Todd Ricketts and Paul Singer, among others, all took part in the call with about 50 people, urging them to fund Our Principles PAC, which was funded largely by a member of the Ricketts family, and which started airing ads in Iowa before the caucuses to try to stop Mr. Trump. The state is the only one that Mr. Trump has not won of the first four nominating contests. There are other entities looking to thwart Mr. Trump, but the call was primarily about Our Principles PAC, according to two participants, who asked not to be identified in order to talk about a private discussion.The call participants are largely previous bankrollers of Republican campaigns that were knocked out by Trump and his nativist pro-white campaign.But the New York Times reports that the effort to funnel campaign cash into an anti-Trump PAC still hasn t decided on a consensus anti-Trump candidate. The failure to decide on Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, or even John Kasich as the straight-up alternative to the reality TV star has split the anti vote and allowed Trump to continue to romp through the process.Putting money in a largely unregulated super PAC is no silver bullet either. Trump has already survived the well-funded Right to Rise super PAC, who backed Jeb Bush, which oddly spent much of its campaign war chest on anti-Rubio efforts, rather than targeting Trump.The panic call comes as a new CNN poll shows Trump losing badly to both Democratic candidates. He is 8% below Hillary Clinton and 17% behind Bernie Sanders.Featured image via Flickr
Koch Brothers Hold Dark Money Conference To Plot Election 2016 Dirty Tricks
The Koch Brothers arranged their meeting of wealthy right-wing billionaires this weekend in order to come up with the best strategy in order to move America further to the right.As befitting wealthy right-wing industrialists, the Kochs held their $100,000 per seat affair at a luxury hotel. 500 of the super rich right showed up, with about 150 of them new converts to the conservative donor network that already spent close to $400 million in 2015 to lay the groundwork for the 2016 campaign.Many of the Koch network members which include some of the biggest-spending conservative families in America, such as Michigan s DeVoses and the Adelsons from Las Vegas spend tens of millions each year advancing their favored politicians and causes.In his introductory speech, Charles Koch told the donors he had four goals to change the trajectory of American government and society.The first is to reverse the policies that are moving us toward a two-tiered society, which include corporate welfare.The second is to end irresponsible government spending. Of course, the Kochs don t mind it too much when their multibillion dollar enterprises are the beneficiaries of government spending and regulation. The brothers and their allies spend heavily in order to ensure politicians, mostly Republicans, are in place to enact or oppose legislation that affects their bottom line.Charles Koch also told those attending the meeting that free speech is under attack everywhere. Of course, to the Kochs that isn t free speech in the way most Americans think about it, but rather laws and regulations requiring disclosure about who spends money on elections. The Kochs believe in the supremacy of dark money in politics, so that they can make their influence be felt without being held accountable for it.That s the reason why, after the Kochs were called out for their spending in the 2010 and 2012 campaigns, they have mounted a huge effort to advertise their company s philanthropy on television (often during news programming and especially on the influential Sunday morning talk shows). Charles Koch has also recently released a business book, with no mention of course of his company s underhanded practices, fines from the government for pollution, or the violations of election law that affiliates of the Koch network have been caught in.Featured image from Flickr
Tens of thousands march for abortion rights in Ireland
DUBLIN (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of people marched in Dublin on Saturday to demand the loosening of some of the strictest abortion laws in the world ahead of a 2018 referendum on the issue. Abortion remains a divisive issue in once stridently Catholic Ireland, where a complete ban on the procedure was only lifted in 2013 to allow terminations in cases where the mother s life was in danger. In 2016 over 3,000 Irish women traveled to England for abortions, according to the British Department of Health, but activists say the real number is far higher. The government has promised to hold a referendum next May or June, but it has yet to decide exactly what question to put to the Irish people. The human rights arms of the United Nations and Council of Europe have pressed the government to decriminalize abortion and widen the law to allow for the procedure in cases of fatal fetal abnormality, rape or incest. But pro-choice activists want a more liberal regime, closer to that of England, which allows terminations to be carried out up to 24 weeks after conception. Opinion polls show a large majority of voters want some change. Government ministers have suggested only the most restrictive terms will pass, but I think the people want more than that, said Sarah Murphy, a 26-year-old recruitment professional. Ireland is changing. I don t think you would have seen a march like this a few years ago, she said. Like many at the march she was wearing a black jumper with the word Repeal in white, a reference to a campaign to repeal the eighth amendment of the Irish constitution, which gives the unborn child equal rights to those of the mother. A panel of citizens called together to advise government on the issue voted overwhelmingly that the eighth amendment should be changed. An all-party committee in parliament is now considering those recommendations and is due to report to parliament by the end of the year. Some of the crowd, which marched across the city before assembling outside the office of Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, chanted Get your rosaries off our ovaries in reference to the influence the Catholic Church has long had on social policy in Ireland, while others held posters demanding Repeal now. The growing pro-choice movement is seen as a sign that the Catholic church, which has dominated Irish life for centuries, is continuing to lose influence. Ireland was the first country to adopt gay marriage by popular vote in 2015, approving it by 62 percent to 38 percent despite the opposition of the church.
U.S. Republicans push back on Democratic gun-control efforts
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. congressional Republicans on Tuesday resisted Democratic demands for a vote on gun-control measures and warned that some could face punishment for an unusual sit-in last month that tied up the House of Representatives for 25 hours. With Democrats already rejecting a Republican gun bill and warning of further protests, the Republican-controlled House appeared to be heading for renewed discord over gun restrictions following the June 12 mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. House Speaker Paul Ryan met for about 30 minutes on Tuesday with two Democrats who led the sit-in: Representatives John Lewis of Georgia and John Larson of Connecticut. The Democrats said they would ask Ryan for a vote on two Democratic-backed measures but left the meeting without speaking to reporters. “The path ahead ... will be discussed and determined by the majority in the coming days,” Ryan spokeswoman AshLee Strong said later in a statement. The measures sought by Democrats would expand background checks for gun purchases and allow the government to block gun sales to suspected extremists without first getting a judge’s approval. Hours before the meeting, Ryan suggested a vote on the Democratic legislation was unlikely, telling a Milwaukee radio station: “The last thing we are going to do is surrender the floor over to these kinds of tactics when we know it’s going to compromise the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.” House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy said separately that he and Ryan would meet this week with the chamber’s top enforcement official to talk about reports that some Democrats at the June 22-23 sit-in engaged in “intimidation” while carrying out their protest. Ryan has announced that the House will vote this week on a measure intended to keep guns out of the hands of people the government suspects of involvement in violent extremism. But Democrats say the legislation is inadequate because authorities would have only three days to convince a judge that a gun sale should be blocked. “Ninety-one people die each day from gun violence in this country and the best Speaker Ryan can muster is a meaningless bill,” said House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi aide Drew Hammill. Six people who said they lost family and loved ones to gun violence were arrested in the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday, after a protest demanding Congress reject the Ryan measure and vote on the Democratic measures.
New Poll: WAY More Americans Want Trump Impeached Than Approve Of The Job He Is Doing
Donald Trump has been notorious for touting poll numbers that look good for him. During the campaign, whenever he d careen into one of his many controversies and the numbers dipped, he and his mouthpieces would reference junk polls to show that people still loved The Donald. Of course, any poll that can be voted in a million times online is bogus. However, factual data isn t bogus, and that data does not look good for Trump right now. In fact, a new poll shows that way more Americans want Trump removed from office than the number of people who think he s doing a good job.According to new data from Public Policy Polling, 47 percent of Americans see Donald Trump as the incompetent, dangerously unstable buffoon he is, and want him impeached posthaste. On the other hand, just 37 percent believe he is actually a good president. That isn t surprising; after all, the slavish, blind devotion of his mouthbreathing base has not been a secret for nigh on two years now.On the other side of said insane base, there were marches around the nation for the holiday weekend demanding Trump s removal and protesting his administration and their policies. Further, more Democrats are becoming emboldened by these numbers and are actually drafting articles of impeachment. One such Democrat is Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA). Speaking in his home district in Los Angeles, Rep. Sherman egged the anti-Trump crowd on, saying: We have to act now to protect our country from abuse of power and impulsive, ignorant incompetence. At this declaration, the crowd borrowed from Trump s own base, and shouted back: LOCK HIM UP! Of course, there s one little difference between Trump s base and the Democrats there s PLENTY of evidence to suggest that Trump is a criminal, while there is absolutely none to suggest the same about Hillary Clinton.Of course, there will be no impeachment until the Democrats take back the House of Representatives, and there will be no invocation of the 25th Amendment to remove and unfit president from office for the sake of the nation. Therefore, we MUST turn out in 2018, and make sure we control both chambers of Congress. That s the only way we get real, credible Congressional investigations into the Russia ordeal, and it s the only way we get rid of Trump and his criminal administration.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Trump blasts 'rigged' rules on picking Republican delegates
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump lashed out at what he called the party’s “rigged” delegate selection rules on Monday after rival Ted Cruz swept all of Colorado’s 34 delegates over the weekend. The New York billionaire, who has been outmaneuvered by Cruz in a series of recent state meetings to select national convention delegates, said the process was set up to protect party insiders and shut out insurgent candidates. “The system is rigged, it’s crooked,” Trump said on Fox News on Monday, alleging the Colorado convention results showed voters were being denied a voice in the process. “There was no voting. I didn’t go out there to make a speech or anything, there’s no voting,” Trump said. “The people out there are going crazy, in the Denver area and Colorado itself, and they’re going absolutely crazy because they weren’t given a vote. This was given by politicians - it’s a crooked deal.” Trump has 743 bound delegates to 545 for Cruz, according to an Associated Press count, in the battle for the 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination on the first ballot and avoid a messy floor fight at the Republican National Convention from July 18-21. But both are at risk of not acquiring enough delegates for a first-ballot victory, leaving many free to switch their votes on later ballots. That has set off a fierce scramble by Republican candidates to get their supporters chosen as convention delegates and brought new scrutiny to the selection rules, which vary by state. Trump, who has brought in veteran strategist Paul Manafort to lead his delegate-gathering efforts, complained about Cruz’s recent success at local and state party meetings where activists pick the actual delegates who will attend the national convention. Trump accused Cruz, a U.S. senator from Texas, of trying to steal delegates in South Carolina. Trump won the state primary in February, but Cruz supporters got four of the first six delegate slots filled at congressional district meetings on Saturday, according to local media. Cruz also succeeded at getting more of his supporters chosen as delegates in Iowa, where he won the caucuses in January, and at last week’s state convention in North Dakota. “Now they’re trying to pick off those delegates one by one,” Trump said. “That’s not the way democracy is supposed to work. They offer them trips, they offer them all sorts of things and you’re allowed to do that. You can buy all these votes.” Trump distributed a video of what he said was a Colorado voter setting his Republican Party registration on fire in protest of the process. “Great people being disenfranchised by politicians,” Trump said on Twitter, adding the Republican Party was “in trouble.” Guy Short, a Cruz backer in Colorado who was elected as a Republican national convention delegate for the sixth time, disputed Trump’s allegations. “Donald Trump is a liar,” Short told Reuters in an email. “Nobody was offered anything. In fact, I spent thousands of dollars of my own money campaigning to become a delegate because it’s that important to make sure Donald Trump is NOT our nominee.” Republican National Committee spokesman Sean Spicer told Fox News the process for choosing delegates had been set by states for more than a year and was no secret. “Not understanding that is one thing, but it’s hardly rigged when it’s done right out in the open,” he said. Cruz campaign spokeswoman Alice Stewart said Trump was insulting the process to distract from his losses. “He has a pattern of whining when he isn’t winning,” she said in a statement. Trump’s organizational troubles even extend to two of his children. Eric Trump, 32, and Ivanka Trump, 34, missed the deadline for registering as Republicans to vote in next week’s New York primary. State records show both are registered voters who are not enrolled in a party, ABC News reported. For already registered voters, any request to switch party affiliation must have been made by early October. The deadline for new voter registrations was March 25. Trump was the target on Monday of a new ad by the Democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton, that listed Trump’s comments on women, Mexican immigrants and Muslims. Both Clinton and rival Bernie Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont, have tried to position themselves as the Democrat most capable of defeating Trump. “Donald Trump says we can solve America’s problems by turning against each other,” Clinton’s ad said. “It’s wrong and it goes against everything New York and America stand for.”
Carly Fiorina Bursting Into Song At Cruz Rally Is The Most Bizarre Thing You’ll Ever See (VIDEO)
Just when you thought things couldn t get weirder, Carly Fiorina bursts into song.It all happened during the Ted Cruz rally where he named Fiorina his vice presidential choice if he were to somehow magically secure enough delegates for the GOP nomination.The entire publicity stunt of adding Fiorina just reeks of desperation from the Cruz campaign. It s very reminiscent of what President McCain John McCain did in 2008 to try to appeal to voters in a last-ditched effort to try to become president, and we all know how that turned out.Nonetheless, Fiorina accepted his request to run on his imaginary ticket, so she spoke to the crowd at his latest rally in Indiana.She spoke in fluent conservative-speak, saying things like: A President Ted Cruz will restore power back where it belongs in the hands of citizens, and This is the fight of our time, and I believe Ted Cruz is the man to lead that fight. Along with a boatload of other malarkey.Then, as if from out of nowhere, she started singing about Ted Cruz s daughters. Now, some may think, aww, that sounds delightful, but those people clearly don t know Carly Fiorina. It was a mixture of weird and very creepy, and most definitely cringeworthy, to the point where you couldn t wait until the moment was over.This move by Cruz is definitely odd and sort of unprecedented, but it will be interesting to see how it works out for him.Watch the strange serenade here:WATCH: @CarlyFiorina bursts into song after @tedcruz names her his running mate https://t.co/2RAbmQaqkV https://t.co/xRcCJ51mvN MSNBC (@MSNBC) April 27, 2016Featured image via video screen capture
WH Aides: Trump Decided To Break Paris Deal After French President’s Handshake Embarrassed Him
Trump s decision to pull America out of the Paris climate accord is being described by policy experts and scientists as nothing short of catastrophic. In a single day, Trump managed to blunder America into a mistake that will be as disastrously consequential as the Iraq War. And making matters worse, Trump s speech in the Rose Garden was bursting with lies. When it came down to it, Trump couldn t even find truthful justifications for why he was doing it he had to fabricate them.So why did he really do it?A disturbing picture is emerging, but one that is so on brand for Trump that it seems not only plausible but probably true. For starters, when Trump kept teasing America with his decision it wasn t just because he treats his job like a reality tv show, it s because he is also incompetent and indecisive. This tweet wasn t just for drama Trump seriously didn t know what his decision would be on an agreement that would have an impact on all life on planet earth until a few hours before he announced it to the world.I will be announcing my decision on Paris Accord, Thursday at 3:00 P.M. The White House Rose Garden. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 1, 2017Just ask Fox News host, and noted non-scientist, Kimberly Guilfoyle, who said Trump called her this morning seeking advice on whether to stick with the Paris agreement or not. (Guilfoyle, a climate denier, told him to pull out of the agreement.)WATCH: Kimberly Guilfoyle says Trump called her this morning to seek her advice on the Paris agreement among other policy matters. pic.twitter.com/sZn4GwV0wH Yashar Ali (@yashar) June 2, 2017But things only get sadder from here. Buried at the bottom of a lengthy dive into Trump s latest screw up, the Washington Post had this surreal tidbit:If he needed a nudge, though, one came from France over the weekend. Macron was quoted in a French journal talking about his white-knuckled handshake with Trump at their first meeting in Brussels, where the newly elected French president gripped Trump s hand tightly and would not let go for six long seconds in a show of alpha-male fortitude. Hearing smack-talk from the Frenchman 31 years his junior irritated and bewildered Trump, aides said.A few days later, Trump got his revenge.Trump has long pegged his identity on something as stupid as a handshake. He yanks, twists, and grips the hands of his victims in an attempt to dominate them. It s juvenile and pathetic, but unavoidable. Macron confirmed that he had prepared for Trump s handshake and went into it with the idea that he would not allow Trump to get away with it. With the tables turned, the awkward handshake went viral.Trump was described as seeking his revenge on Macron for the handshake incident by torching the climate deal. Trump s own comments seem to back this up. In his Rose Garden speech, Trump said he was doing this for the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris a not-so-subtle dig at France.The idea that Trump would reduce a crucial decision about the planet s future to an opportunity to take a dig at a person who had a stronger handshake than him is reprehensible but largely in line with what observers of Trump s pettiness have long noted. When ego consumes every inch of your self-worth, you ll go to great lengths to protect it. Unfortunately for Americans, and that includes citizens of Pittsburgh, we are now heading down a path to ruin because of Trump s need to fuel his narcissism.Featured image via Dan Kitwood/Getty Images
myths that men believe about southeast asia
there are some things that we have learned about the united states from this election well need to keep these in mind as we make efforts to return sanity to society the federal government has been corrupted probably the most shocking lesson of this election is that the entire federal government has been coopted to serve a single partythe democrats the best example of this was the behavior of fbi director james comey the fbi is part of the executive branch of government so comey reports to loretta lynch who in turn reports to obama despite this fact one expects that the fbi be allowed a high degree of discretion to honestly investigate individuals regardless of which political party they belong to after all the us was founded upon the idea that we are all equal before the law comeys actions reveal that the fbi has thrown equality before the law out the window at first the fbi investigated clintons use of an unsecure personal email server to conduct national business while she was secretary of state but even though clinton apparently violated several laws that have gotten other people severe jail sentences comey exonerated her back in july with a hand slap in a move that surprised everyone comey reopened on october th the criminal investigation of clinton after emails state department emails were found on pervert anthony weiners computer trump supporters rejoiced and hillary supporters expressed outrage but the white house calmly called comey a man of integrity did they know something we didnt it turns out the fix was in from the beginning because just hours before election day comey exonerated clinton again the fbi director likely intended to clear clinton of wrongdoing before the election to defuse donald trumps criticism of her the big lesson is that the law is applied selectively wealthy politicallyconnected people dont need to play by the same rules as everyone else unless this situation is corrected it means the rule of law is deadand that is a very grave lesson indeed the elites are in control but elites want you to believe they are super smart and super powerful like the great oz ive written many times about the control that globalist elites exert on the country through their control of the media educational institutions and politicians through the form of bribes donations cushy job offers speaking fees by controlling the flow of information and setting the narrative the globalists are able to control the masses like cattle the good news is that their control is not complete they are not omnipotent the weakness of the elites has been demonstrated in three ways the first was with the brexit vote when prime minister david cameron agreed to hold a referendum on the uks membership in the eu he never dreamed that britons would actually vote to leave all the polls at the time showed that any movement to leave would go down in flames still through the work of men like nigel farage and boris johnson the british populace voted to leave the eu the brits on the leave side had to endure being called racist and look past polling that said they had no chance to win the second way was the campaign of trump himself the gop had planned a coronation for jeb bush the rest of the gop field was me too candidates who were virtually indistinguishable from jeb trump came in with an uncompromising message and crushed jeb and the rest of the little jebs the elite plan to have hillary versus a weak conservative was completely thrown into disarray by trumps campaign even if trump has lost the general it is still a victory because now instead of seeing the great oz we see the globalists behind the curtain the third manifestation of the weakness of the elites is the rise of the alt right a tiny group of young people on the internet was able to quickly wake up large segments of the population only a year ago terms like nationalism and globalism were rarely heard in the us now we have grandmothers in texas tweeting about how we need to lay the axe to the globalists the overall lesson is that we should not fear the globalist elite they exist and they are able to fool a majority of the population but not all of us with sound strategy they can be defeated the elite have completely divorced themselves from nonelites in the past europe had an aristocracy this aristocracy had a close relationship with the rest of the people in the country the aristocracy was expected to defend the nation in case of war they also had the same religion as the rest of the country we already knew that the modern aristocracy of the globalist elites has no responsibilities toward the rest of us but thanks to wikileaks we have now learned that they dont even share the same religion wikileaks revealed that hillary clinton and her campaign manager are close friends with marina abramovic a serbian artist who performs occult rituals she calls spirit cooking spirit cooking appears to be set of magical rituals that use bodily fluids such as menstrual blood urine and semen to achieve certain goals usually sexrelated it also involves at least minor sacrifices one recipe calls for cutting ones figure and eating the pain while spirit cooking is certainly grotesque it is not my intention to focus on it except to point out that it has become a sort of initiation ritual into the us globalist elite hillary clinton john podesta jayz and beyonce lady gaga and gwen stefani have all attended these rituals and i would not be surprised to learn that many other politicians ceos and bankers also participate getting invited to one of these spirit cooking sessions means that you have gained entry into the wealthy elite in the us there are probably similar groups or rituals for the modern day european elites there are several things at work here most of the spirit cooking participants probably dont believe in the efficacy of the spirit cooking ritual it is more like a college fraternity initiation it only means something in terms of ones social standing also the satanic imagery of spirit cooking and its sexual overtones are big middle fingers to christianity which our elite regard as the religion of the unwashed masses in both of these ways our modern elite have separated themselves from the rest of us they dont share the same destiny as us if the country starts going to hell the wealthy elite can just pick up and move to another country or they can live in small heavily guarded compounds untouched by the damage their policies have caused and they even lack a common morality with us in their own eyes their wealth has somehow put them beyond the traditional moral code that guides the rest of us the fact that the elites have no regard for the rest of the country does not bode well for them the aristocracy of old knew that their fortune was bound up with that of their countrymen the modern elite lack this wisdom once enough of the hoi polloi realize it it is only a matter of time before these pseudoelites are deposed from their pedestal conclusion with trumps election the problem of federal government being used for political purposes will be mitigated however the problems with our indulgent pseudoelite will continue to be a force that prevents the patriarchy from returning in any case we can be grateful that the election of has exposed some of the cancers that are eating away at our society read more rigged fbi reveals it has evidence hillary clinton broke law but will not prosecute
Why Did CNN Doctor Killer’s Photo To Disguise His Race And Why Is The Press Scrubbing His Profile?
The cover-ups and mistruths appear to be numerous. The question Americans need to be asking is why?The Oregon murderer was a black male. If you don t believe us, look at the picture of his mother below:Birth Certificate Name is: Christopher Sean Mercer 07/26/1989.Mother: Laurel Margaret Harper 04/05/1951Dad: Ian Bernard Mercer 05/15/1960 Divorced in 2006REAL IMAGE (left) CNN IMAGE (right)On the left is the selfie Christopher Mercer uploaded to his social media. On the right is how CNN presented the same selfie in broadcast stories about him. Why did CNN need to change the complexion (color) of their broadcast? Why is no-one showing pictures of mom, Laurel Margaret Harper.Why change to hyphenated name? Real name is Christopher Sean Mercer. Media using Christopher Harper-Mercer and Chris Harper-Mercer.Several months ago The Last Refuge shared the story of Eric Sheppard Jr. a radical Black Lives Matter , F**k The Police and Islamic radical who used a philosophy of black supremacy similar to the New Black Panthers. Sheppard gained brief notoriety when he held a U.S. Flag Stomping event at Valdosta State University.After his public exposure, and after the police filed a warrant for his arrest on firearms violations, and after he mailed a racist manifesto to a local Georgia Newspaper while on the run, he was finally arrested in Tampa Florida by U.S. Marshals.Eric Sheppard s story disappeared from the headlines and never resurfaced. Yesterday, while reviewing the social footprint of Oregon shooter Chris Harper-Mercer, (aka Chris Sean Mercer) an almost identical world-view to Eric Sheppard Jr. was evident in Mercer s social media history.Chris Harper-Mercer, a mixed-race angry 26-year-old, was essentially the mirror image on social media as Eric Sheppard Jr.Mercer held sympathetic words and thoughts for the Virginia shooter Vester Flanagan, and similarly raged against white people, and expressed sympathy toward the Black Lives Matter movement. (Example Below):However, today almost all of that social media history is GONE -> Example Here. It is either removed entirely, and/or edited for content. How it could be edited is a mystery unless there is some other issue at hand.In addition, as several researchers have noted, anyone who held attachment to Mercer appears to be deleting the content of their association. Including Umpqua Community College itself.As D-Man was pointing out Mercer was part of a production class going to present a play at Umpqua Community College named BLITHE SPIRIT . The play was scheduled to run later this month:From the cache Centerstage Theatre at UCCPlease join me in congratulating the team for our Fall show! This is going to be an awesome comedy to start out the year. This British comedy comes with witty language and spooky effects. We are especially delighted to feature our local star who is now based out of NYC, Josh Carlton! BLITHE SPIRIT, by Noel Coward Presented by UCC Theatre Arts Oct 30-Nov 8 CHARLES: Josh Carlton RUTH: Rebecca Miles EDITH: Abby Dooley DR. BRADMAN: Devin Barnett MRS. BRADMAN: Alexandra Duvall MADAME ARCATI: Rachel Fitzhugh ELVIRA, the Blithe Spirit: Chloe Quinn Understudy for DR. BRADMAN: Benjamin Jacobsen Directed by Stephanie Newman Assistant Director: Aaron Carter Stage Manager: Anna Mae Whatley Production Assistants: Alex Frier, Joel Macha, Mary Chitwood, Chris Harper-Mercer, Isaac Guerrero, Ashley Jakubos Lighting Assistant: Devin Barnett Special Effects: Jim Smith, Keith Weikum Program/Ads: Fred Brenchley Marketing: Travis Newman Other Volunteers: YOU! Get involved and have some fun!However, everything to do with that production has been scrubbed and deleted. Including the FaceBook page (since deleted) But visible on Cache HERE and more HERE (See FB page screen shot below).Being part of an Umpqua college production class and performance etc. would run counter to the seemingly preferred media narrative of Chris Harper-Mercer being a loner, no?Mercer has also apparently given a manifesto (another similarity to E. Sheppard Jr) to a surviving student of the shooting.Summary: The immediate on-line web history of Chris Harper-Mercer showed him to be a mixed-race, angry young man in general alignment with various radical racially aligned groups such as Black Lives Matter, Fuck The Police and Fuck Yo Flag all of which carry a sentiment of favorability and ideological alignment with Islam which was similarly evident in the Ferguson protest movement.[ Against this backdrop shooting White Christians makes sense. ]However, in the course of several hours (one media cycle) the media narrative is selling a profile of a loner, mentally disturbed individual without any mention of his previous writings (deleted/changed), behaviors (hidden) and social tendencies (ignored).Why?Perhaps the answer lies within the response to the shooting from the White House where President Obama took quickly to the microphones to decry another school shooting without fully understanding the motive and intent.Watch Obama s speech following the Oregon mass shooting. His motive and intent in this video are pretty clear. His lack of concern for the victims takes a back seat to his gun control narrative:For entire story: The Last Refuge
PRO ABORTION PAC, Emily’s List Doing Its Part To Keep Minority Population In Check… Endorses Hillary
Of course Emily s List is going to support Hillary, because Democrats have been doing their part to keep the unwanted or undesirable babies from making it out of the womb alive for decades .WASHINGTON, D.C. Today EMILY s List, the nation s largest resource for women in politics, endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. Clinton is on track to become the first woman to win the Democratic nomination, and if elected, the first woman president of the United States. Hillary Clinton is a lifelong champion for women and families and the most qualified candidate to be president, said Stephanie Schriock, President of EMILY s List. With roots in the middle class, Hillary s top priority is changing the economic reality for American families. Her focus is on strengthening the middle class, creating jobs, and making sure hardworking families get a fair shot. No one will work harder than Hillary. She knows how to lead so Washington fights for all Americans. As president, Hillary will create more opportunities than ever for women and girls (give them access to on demand abortions) and for all hardworking Americans across the country, just as she has done throughout her exceptional career. The EMILY s List community now more than three million members strong is proud to endorse Hillary Clinton for president. Hillary Clinton has devoted her entire career to fighting for women and families (supporting the killing of unborn babies). Instead of going to a big law firm after graduating from Yale Law School, she took her first job going door to door for the Children s Defense Fund. She helped lead the fight for the Children s Health Insurance Program as first lady of the United States, and she put emphasis on women s rights as a cornerstone of American foreign policy as Secretary of State.A visionary leader who s always worked to create opportunity for others, Hillary has said she believes our challenge is to be clear-eyed about the world as it is while never losing sight of the world as we want it to become. When she is elected president, it will mean more opportunities for women, more opportunities for girls, and more opportunities for hardworking Americans across the country.Via: Weasel Zippers
U.S. spy chief declines to comment on whether Russia shared info with Americans from hacks
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Director of National Intelligence declined to comment on Thursday when asked whether Russia or those responsible for hacking the Democratic Party or Democratic party organizations had shared any information with the United States or Americans over the last year and a half. “Sir, I’d rather not respond off the top of my head and in any event this would probably best left to a classified session,” James Clapper told a House intelligence committee hearing.
MSNBC Host Drops BOMBSHELL On Real ‘Enemy’ To America; Trump PISSED (VIDEO)
Even from the beginning of his hate-fueled, bigoted presidential campaign, it was obvious that Donald Trump did not give a damn about America and the values the country was built upon. Trump has carried this anti-American attitude straight into his failing, undeserved presidency and yet he has the nerve to call the media the enemy of the American people because of unfavorable coverage.Despite how many distractions Trump tries to create to hide his failures and f*ckups, we shouldn t forget who the real threat to America is and MSNBC host Joe Scarborough wasn t afraid to point it out. Earlier today, Scarborough called out Trump s attacks on the media, calling it the real enemy because it might encourage violence against the journalists who are reporting the truth about Trump.On Morning Joe, Scarborough echoed the comments of Republican senator John McCain, who said that Trump s attack on the media sounded like a dictator and that he had gone too far. Scarborough ripped Trump: It s one thing to say the press is liberal, it s one thing to say the 9th Circuit (Court) is liberal, but when you start saying that somebody is an enemy of the people, then that does incite people to violence especially if it s coming from the president of the United States. Scarborough revealed that thanks to Trump, journalists are now getting death threats on a daily basis just for telling the truth about the Trump administration, putting their lives in danger. When you receive tweets every day, and somebody s threatening your life and they talk about lynching you and your family after President Trump has his way with the media, this happens over and over again, and I don t think there s anybody who s in the media that doesn t hear that every day. So yeah, this is very, very dangerous. Scarborough also nailed Trump on his fake news tantrums, noting the irony that Trump and his team are the most dishonest administration we ve ever seen. Most recently, Trump even made up a completely bogus terrorist attack! Scarborough said: As Jesus said, don t throw stones if you live in glass houses. This man lives in the biggest glass house there is when it comes to a disconnection from truth. So to attack the media and then say they re enemies of the people is beyond the pale. And if Trump thought that attacking the press was going to shut the media down, Scarborough gave him a brutal reality check: Let s talk about things in a way that Donald Trump can understand ratings and let s just put it all out on the table. Everybody s ratings are up, newspaper subscriptions at the New York Times are exploding, the Washington Post doing better than it s ever done before. CNN from the day that Donald Trump called them fake news, CNN s numbers have exploded. Donald Trump has been Jeff Zucker s you can tell they ve been great friends for a very long time, because there is nothing Donald Trump could do to help CNN more. They re enjoying record numbers. You can watch Scarborough rip Trump below: Featured image via screenshot and Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images
SNOPES IMPLODES! Liberal “Fact-Checker” Turns To GoFundMe To Keep Business Alive…LOL!
Where s George Soros when his top fact checkers, aka conservative news slayers , need him?Snopes.com is a liberal blog from 1994. The website claims to be the internet s oldest and most popular fact-checking site. Last year, Snopes Co-Founder was accused of embezzling company money, and spending it on prostitutes.Now you can find the blog begging for $500k in funding via GoFundMe. So, far the campaign has raised $18,000 in 3 hours via 710 people Zero HedgeFacebook users who are too stupid to figure out if a story is fake or real can now rely on a porn star with an escort service and her husband as well as a woman who admits to smoking to pot while fact checking stories .In December of 2016, Facebook announced plans to check for fake news using a series of organizations to assess whether stories are true.Here are a few facts most Snopes users probably don t know about fact-checker Snopes: One of them is a website called Snopes.com which claims to be one of the web s essential resources and painstaking, scholarly and reliable It was founded by husband-and-wife Barbara and David Mikkelson, who used a letterhead claiming they were a non-existent society to start their research Now they are divorced with Barbara claiming in legal documents he embezzled $98,000 of company money and spent it on himself and prostitutes In a lengthy and bitter legal dispute he is claiming to be underpaid and demanding industry standard or at least $360,000 a year The two also dispute what are basic facts of their case despite Snopes.com saying its ownership is committed to accuracy and impartiality Snopes.com founder David Mikkelson s new wife Elyssa Young is employed by the website as an administrator She has worked as an escort and porn actress and despite claims website is non-political ran as a Libertarian for Congress on a Dump Bush platform Its main fact checker is Kimberly LaCapria, whose blog ViceVixen says she is in touch with her domme side and has posted on Snopes.com while smoking potOne of the websites Facebook is to use to arbitrate on fake news is involved in a bitter legal dispute between its co-founders, with its CEO accused of using company money for prostitutes.Snopes.com will be part of a panel used by Facebook to decide whether stories which users complain about as potentially fake should be considered disputed .Popular myth-busting website Snopes originally gained recognition for being the go-to site for disproving outlandish urban legends -such as the presence of UFOs in Haiti or the existence of human-animal hybrids in the Amazon jungle.Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes fact-checking looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats. Its political fact-checker describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans regressive and afraid of female agency. Snopes main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that oddly enough is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.While at Inquisitr, the future fact-checker consistently displayed clear partisanship. Go HERE for entire story on Kim Lacapria and her liberal background that was exposed by the Daily Caller.
U.S. Treasury nominee Mnuchin hammered over offshore tax havens
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary nominee Steven Mnuchin said on Thursday he would work to eliminate the need for offshore tax havens, as Democratic senators accused the Wall Street veteran of using such vehicles to shelter hedge fund money from the government. In a confirmation hearing before the Senate Finance Committee, President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to lead the Treasury was attacked for failing to promptly disclose he was a director of an offshore business vehicle domiciled in the Cayman Islands and owned more than $100 million in real estate. Offshore tax havens used to shield income have become a symbol of the growing divide between rich and average Americans. Democrats seized on the disclosures, made late on Wednesday, to question Mnuchin’s qualifications to revamp the tax code. “One does not go and create offshore entities at the end of the day other than to avoid, in some form or fashion, the tax laws of the United States. That’s pretty simple,” New Jersey Democratic Senator Robert Menendez said. “We have to decide whether that’s necessarily the essence of what we want as leadership,” Menendez said. Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs executive, hedge fund manager and Hollywood film financier, said he moved his Dune Capital Partners LLC registry to the Caymans to allow for some pension fund clients to invest in his funds, not to avoid taxes. But Mnuchin, 54, added that it “makes no sense” for the U.S. tax code to encourage the use of such entities. “In the hedge fund world these are only set up to make the accountants rich and I would love to work with the IRS to close these tax issues that make no sense.” Among the incoming Trump administration’s top economic priorities is a massive tax reform effort aimed at lowering rates for businesses and individuals and closing many deductions and credits. Mnuchin, who insisted his last-minute disclosures were not intentional but due to the complexity of his holdings, complicated federal forms and a lawyer’s advice that the real estate disclosure was not required, also tried to clarify Trump’s recent market-moving comments on the U.S. dollar. The Republican businessman-turned politician, who will be sworn in on Friday, said in an interview published this week in the Wall Street Journal that the dollar’s strength was “killing us,” prompting the greenback to fall and gold prices to jump. Mnuchin said he believed that Trump’s remarks, which usurped a role normally reserved for Treasury secretaries, referred to a short-term spike in the dollar due to market factors, not its longer-term value. “The long-term strength over long periods of time is important” for the dollar, Mnuchin said. He also said he would like to see an increase in the U.S. government’s debt ceiling “sooner rather than later” to avoid another standoff with Congress that could upset financial markets. The current debt ceiling extension expires on March 15, but the Treasury would not likely exhaust its borrowing capacity for several more months after that. Democrats had gone into Mnuchin’s hearing perceiving him as one of the more vulnerable Trump nominees, partly due to his involvement with OneWest Bank, which he ran in the aftermath of the 2007-2009 financial crisis. They hammered him for the 36,000 foreclosures that the bank pursued after Mnuchin struck a lucrative deal with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp to absorb most of the losses from such actions. Critics have described OneWest as a ‘foreclosure machine’ and Senator Ron Wyden, the committee’s top Democrat, criticized the bank’s automated “robo-signing” of foreclosure documents and foreclosing on the widows of reverse mortgage holders. Mnuchin argued that his bank was a “loan modification machine,” offering payment reductions to 101,000 borrowers to try to keep them in their homes, and said his turnaround of the failed IndyMac bank, which became OneWest, saved thousands of jobs and homes.
Suspected al Qaeda fighters among four Syrians arrested in Netherlands: prosecutors
AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Two men suspected of having fought for an al Qaeda-linked group in Syria were among four Syrian migrants arrested in the Netherlands, Dutch authorities said on Friday. The national prosecutor s office said in a statement that the two men were from 2012-2015 members of the Nusra Front, which the Dutch government designates as a terrorist group, and had traveled to the Netherlands as refugees in 2015. A third Syrian man was arrested in possession of four kilograms of marijuana while the fourth had traveled to the Netherlands using fake documents in 2017. All four remain in custody, the statement said.
U.S. Senator McCain says facing 'very vicious form of cancer'
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain, who recently returned to Washington after treatment for brain cancer, said on Sunday the disease is vicious but that the treatment is going well and he has more energy than before. “This is a very vicious form of cancer that I’m facing,” McCain, a Republican who ran unsuccessfully for president in 2008, told CNN’s “State of the Union” program. The 80-year-old Arizona senator was found to have an aggressive form of brain tumor, glioblastoma, after surgery in July for a blood clot above his left eye. “All the results so far are excellent,” McCain said of his treatment, adding that the prognosis was “pretty good.” “I’m facing a challenge, but I’ve faced other challenges, and I’m very confident about getting through this one as well,” the senator said. “I’ve had no side effects, no nothing except frankly an increased level of energy.” McCain recently completed his first round of chemotherapy and radiation, and he said that he would have an MRI on Monday, an imaging technique used to evaluate medical conditions. McCain, who chairs the Senate Armed Services Committee, is also going to oversee work on a defense policy bill on the Senate floor next week. “Every life has to end one way or another,” he told CNN, adding that he was very happy with his life, including the 2008 campaign that he lost to former President Barack Obama. “I am able to celebrate a wonderful life and I will be grateful for additional time that I have,” McCain said, adding: “Remember, I’m the guy who stood fifth from the bottom of his class at the Naval Academy.” McCain was re-elected to a sixth Senate term in November. In the past, he has been treated for melanoma, a form of skin cancer. He is the son and grandson of Navy admirals, and a U.S. Navy pilot whose plane was shot down over Vietnam in 1967. He spent more than five years as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam and was tortured repeatedly. McCain said Sunday he hoped that people would remember him as someone who had served his country. “Made a lot of mistakes, made a lot of errors, but served his country, and I hope we could add, honorably.”
'Wiping out' extremist ideology is my mission: head of Saudi-based Muslim body
PARIS (Reuters) - The head of a Saudi-based organization that for decades was charged with spreading the strict Wahhabi school of Islam around the world has said those times were over and his focus now was aimed at annihilating extremist ideology. Former justice minister Mohammed al-Issa, appointed secretary-general of the Mecca-based Muslim World League (MWL) just over a year ago, told Reuters during a European tour that his organization would no longer sit by and let Islam be taken hostage by extremists. The push for a more moderate Islam underscores efforts by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to modernize the kingdom, which finances groups overseen by the organization, and cleave to a more open and tolerant interpretation of Islam. The ambitious young prince has already taken some steps to loosen Saudi Arabia s ultra-strict social restrictions, scaling back the role of religious morality police, permitting public concerts and announcing plans to allow women to drive next year. The past and what was said, is in the past. What happened in the past and the way in which we worked then, is not the subject of debate, Issa said in an interview late on Thursday. We must wipe out this extremist thinking through the work we do. We need to annihilate religious severity and extremism which is the entry point to terrorism. That is the mission of the Muslim World League. Saudi Arabia has used the MWL to export its strict Wahhabi version of Islam since it was set up in 1962 as a bulwark against radical secular ideologies. The missionary society controls mosques and Islamic centers around the world, which critics say promote hatred and intolerance of other sects and religions - a charge the group has denied. Issa said the MWL would be much more hands on now and aim to tackle any sign of extremism in areas where it operates, but also if it became aware of any other schools, centers or mosques where an extremist ideology was being propagated. While he declined to give specific details, a week earlier he was in Geneva where he vowed to reform the city s largest mosque after French and Swiss authorities raised concerns that it had become a hub of extremism. The mosque is supported by the MWL. Every time we spot such a message, we won t keep our arms crossed, we will do everything to annihilate this ideology, the 52-year-old said through a translator. What we are doing and want to do is purify Islam of this extremism and these wrong interpretations and give the right interpretations of Islam, he said. Only the truth can defeat that and we represent the truth. The emergence of Islamic State in Syria and Iraq with its thousands of foreign fighters has highlighted how Europe in particular has become a breeding ground for angry and fragile people to turn to radical Islam. In France alone, a string of attacks that saw hundreds of people killed since 2015 were in large part carried out by French Muslims. Issa said part of his work was to address the difficulties Muslims may have in adapting their religion to non-Muslim nations. We try to bring answers to face down these messages that change the reality of Islam. We want to offer the real interpretation of the sacred texts that have been taken hostage and interpreted in a wrong way, he said. As part of those efforts, Issa said he was also working with other faiths. After the Lebanese Maronite patriarch made a historic visit to Riyadh last week, Issa visited religious officials at Paris landmark Notre Dame Cathedral, but also Paris Grand Synagogue. We have a common objective to end hatred, he said. The Muslim World League really believes that we can accomplish that, and religions are very influential in doing that.
White House says has shared lists of political prisoners with Cuba
HAVANA (Reuters) - Cuba has political prisoners and the U.S. government has shared lists of them with the Cuban government, a senior aide to U.S. President Barack Obama said on Monday during Obama’s historic visit to Havana. Cuban President Raul Castro earlier had suggested Cuba had no political prisoners and demanded a reporter asking about it to provide a list. “I’ve shared many such lists with the Cuban government over the course of my two and a half years now of dealing with them,” U.S. deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes told reporters. “There certainly are additional prisoners whose names we raise on a regular basis with the Cuban government.”
Trump says he is sending federal help to fight Chicago crime
CHICAGO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Friday he was sending federal help to fight crime in Chicago that has reached “epidemic” proportions. The government is sending federal agents to Chicago and plans to prosecute firearms cases aggressively, Attorney General Jeff Sessions told Fox News when asked about Trump’s statement about the plan in an early-morning Twitter post. “Crime and killings in Chicago have reached such epidemic proportions that I am sending in Federal help. 1714 shootings in Chicago this year!” Trump wrote on Twitter. The president has regularly singled out Chicago’s violent crime problem and in January decried the high crime rate in the third-most populous U.S. city as “carnage.” In 2016, the number of murders in Chicago exceeded 760, a jump of nearly 60 percent, and was more than New York and Los Angeles combined. There were more than 4,300 shooting victims in the city last year, according to police. The number of murders, shootings and shooting victims have all decreased slightly this year in the city of 2.7 million. There have been 320 murders, down from 322 over the same period last year. There have been 1,703 shooting victims, down from 1,935, according to police figures. Sessions said the anti-crime policies in Chicago have not worked and police “have been demoralized in many ways.” The federal assistance will come in the form of the Chicago Crime Gun Strike Force, a collaboration between the police and the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). The group, including police officers, federal agents and intelligence analysts, will work to impede the flow of illegal guns throughout Chicago and target repeat gun offenders. “The Trump Administration will not let the bloodshed go on; we cannot accept these levels of violence,” Sessions said in a statement on Friday afternoon. The group became operational on June 1, Sessions said. It will “significantly help our police officers stem the flow of illegal guns and create a culture of accountability” for the gangs that drive violence in the city, Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson said in a statement. On Monday, the Chicago police announced that the ATF’s mobile ballistics lab had arrived in the city to help process shooting scenes. “Six months ago we made it clear that we would welcome additional federal support, and six months later we appreciate the 20 new ATF agents that are now arriving,” Adam Collins, a spokesman for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, said. “But the progress CPD (Chicago Police Department) has made this year has happened without any of the new resources from the federal government we requested.” Chicago is also in the midst of reforming its police department after a federal investigation found officers routinely violated the civil rights of people, citing excessive force and racially discriminatory conduct. Joseph Ferguson, the city’s inspector general, called on Chicago officials to agree to a consent decree to oversee changes to the department at a committee meeting on Tuesday – splitting with the mayor, who has said a court-enforced settlement is not necessary for reform. In response to questions about Ferguson’s comments, Emanuel told reporters on Wednesday that the Justice Department has “walked away” from doing consent decrees, and so the city has sought a different strategy. “There are multiple roads that allow you to make sure you make the changes and reform,” he said.
“FORMER BLEEDING HEART LIBERAL”: Shocked Parents Speak Out About Rape of 14-Year Old By Obama’s ‘Dreamer’: “This changed my attitude about a lot of things, as a former bleeding heart liberal” [Video]
A 14-year old girl was BRUTALLY raped and sodomized by illegal teens during school The parents at the Rockville, Maryland school held a meeting last night to ask how it is that these 17 and 18-year old teens were allowed to be in school with their children. A FORMER BLEEDING HEART LIBERAL SPEAKS OUT:Here s a woman #CNN won t be interviewing. #RockvilleRape pic.twitter.com/9CHcRrUiIv Lionel (@LionelMedia) March 22, 2017Grandmother: The bathroom locked from the inside so they took her in there to rape her:Grandmother: The bathroom locked from the inside so they took her in there to rape her pic.twitter.com/oy9h7WaTiT Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) March 22, 2017 The superintendent said we re not going to let this change how we feel about immigrants :"The superintendant said we're not going to let this change how we feel about immigrants" #RockvilleRape pic.twitter.com/P5Uvjm4Ek8 Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) March 22, 2017 Parent: This is the most horrific thing that s happened in Montgomery County in 60 years Parent: This is the most horrific thing that s happened in Montgomery County in 60 years #RockvilleRape pic.twitter.com/A2mS2xqMHn Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) March 22, 2017
More Republicans expect Clinton, rather than Trump, to win U.S. election
NEW YORK (Reuters) - More Republicans now think Democrat Hillary Clinton, rather than Donald Trump, will win the presidency, as their party’s candidate struggles with difficulties including allegations of sexual misconduct and his suggestion he may not honor the outcome of the election. A Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Wednesday and conducted from Oct. 20 to Oct. 24 found that 41 percent of Republicans expected Clinton to win the Nov. 8 election, versus 40 percent who picked Trump. That reflected a sharp decline in confidence from last month, when 58 percent of Republicans said they thought their party’s nominee would win, versus 23 percent who expected Clinton to prevail. Among Trump’s supporters, 49 percent in the latest poll said they believed Trump would win, down from 67 percent who felt that way at the beginning of the month. “There’s still hope, I guess. I just don’t have a great deal of faith in a good portion of the American public,” said Bert Horsley, 38, of Belgrade, Montana, who said he planned to vote for Trump even though he believed Clinton would win. Horsley said he felt the country was leaning increasingly socialist and that voters were more inclined to focus on Trump’s problems than on issues facing Clinton, including allegations she mishandled classified emails while secretary of state. “The nation’s willing to overlook certain things in some people and not in others,” he said. Despite the growing pessimism, Trump, who trails Clinton in national opinion polls, still enjoys overwhelming support from members of his party. Some 79 percent of likely Republican voters said they would vote for him. Many said their support was rooted in an expectation he would promote a conservative agenda in Congress and appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court. Democrats appear to be strongly anticipating a Clinton presidency. Some 83 percent of Democrats said in the poll they thought she would win, while only 8 percent predicted Trump would become president. Among Clinton’s supporters, 92 percent expected her to win, up from 83 percent a month earlier. Clinton held a commanding lead in the race to win the Electoral College and claim the presidency, according to results from the Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project released on Saturday. Trump, a businessman and former reality television star, has alarmed mainstream Republicans throughout his campaign by routinely bashing the political establishment and making a series of provocative statements. He aroused criticism for belittling the parents of a U.S. soldier killed in the Iraq war, calling for a ban on admitting Muslims to the country and accusing a judge of bias because of his Hispanic heritage. He has also asserted, without showing evidence, that the U.S. electoral system is rigged. But Republicans remained mostly confident in their candidate’s chances until this month, when a videotape from 2005 was released in which Trump could be heard bragging in vulgar terms about kissing and groping women. At least 10 women have since accused Trump of making unwanted sexual advances, including groping or kissing, from the early 1980s to 2007, according to reports in various news outlets. Trump has denied the women’s allegations, calling them “totally and absolutely false” and has promised to sue the women after the election. Trump has also deepened divisions within his party by refusing to promise to accept the outcome of the election. “I will keep you in suspense,” he said when asked about the issue during an Oct. 19 debate with Clinton. The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online in English with American adults in all 50 states. The latest poll included 648 people who identified as Republicans and 771 people who identified as Democrats. It had a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 4 percentage points.
french political leader france is about to enter a holy war with islam embrace christianity never accept the religion of satan
posted by michael snyder in the world of politics the coverup is often worse than the original crime it was his role in the watergate coverup that took down richard nixon and now hillary clintons coverup of her email scandal could send her to prison for a very very long time when news broke that the fbi has renewed its investigation into hillary clintons emails it sent shockwaves throughout the political world but this time around we arent just talking about an investigation into the mishandling of classified documents i havent heard anyone talking about this but if the fbi discovers that hillary clinton altered destroyed or concealed any emails that should have been turned over to the fbi during the original investigation she could be charged with obstruction of justice that would immediately end her political career and if she was found guilty it could send her to prison for the rest of her life i have not seen a single news report mention the phrase obstruction of justice yet but i am convinced that there is a very good chance that this is where this scandal is heading the following is the relevant part of the federal statute that deals with obstruction of justice whoever knowingly alters destroys mutilates conceals covers up falsified or makes a false entry in any record document or tangible object with the intent to impede obstruct or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the united states or any case filed under title or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case shall be fined under this title imprisoned not more than years or both if hillary clinton is sent to prison for years that would essentially be for the rest of her life i have a feeling that the fbi is going to find a great deal of evidence of obstruction of justice in huma abedins emails but unfortunately there is not likely to be a resolution to this matter before november th because according to the wall street journal there are approximately emails to search through as federal agents prepare to scour roughly emails to see how many relate to a prior probe of hillary clinton s email use the surprise disclosure that investigators were pursuing the potential new evidence lays bare building tensions inside the bureau and the justice department over how to investigate the democratic presidential nominee metadata found on the laptop used by former rep anthony weiner and his estranged wife huma abedin a close clinton aide suggests there may be thousands of emails sent to or from the private server that mrs clinton used while she was secretary of state according to people familiar with the matter it will take weeks at a minimum to determine whether those messages are workrelated from the time ms abedin served with mrs clinton at the state department how many are duplicates of emails already reviewed by the federal bureau of investigation and whether they include either classified information or important new evidence in the clinton email probe of those emails an inside source told fox news that at least would be of interest to the investigation at this point fbi officials have not even begun searching through the emails because a search warrant has not been secured yet the following comes from cnn government lawyers havent yet approached abedins lawyers to seek an agreement to conduct the search sources earlier told cnn that those discussions had begun but the law enforcement officials now say they have not either way government lawyers plan to seek a search warrant from a judge to conduct the search of the computer the law enforcement officials said but the fbi is reportedly already searching a laptop that was coowned by anthony weiner and huma abedin and no warrant was necessary for that search because weiner is cooperating with the fbi many have been wondering why fbi director james comey would choose to make such a bold move just over a week until election day surely he had to know that this would have a dramatic impact on the election and it is unlikely that he would have done so unless someone had already found something really big in addition comey was reportedly eager to find an opportunity to redeem himself in the eyes of his peers at the fbi the following is an excerpt from a daily mail article that was written by ed klein the author of a recently released new york times bestseller about the clintons entitled guilty as sin the atmosphere at the fbi has been toxic ever since jim announced last july that he wouldnt recommend an indictment against hillary said the source a close friend who has known comey for nearly two decades shares family outings with him and accompanies him to catholic mass every week some people including department heads stopped talking to jim and even ignored his greetings when they passed him in the hall said the source they felt that he betrayed them and brought disgrace on the bureau by letting hillary off with a slap on the wrist according to the source comey fretted over the problem for months and discussed it at great length with his wife patrice he told his wife that he was depressed by the stack of resignation letters piling up on his desk from disaffected agents the letters reminded him every day that morale in the fbi had hit rock bottom so what happens next in the most likely scenario the fbi will not have time to complete the investigation and decide whether or not to charge hillary clinton before the election this means that we would go into november th with this scandal hanging over the clinton campaign and that would seem to be very good news for donald trump however it is possible that once the fbi starts searching through these emails that they could come to the conclusion very rapidly that charges against clinton are warranted and if that happens we could still see some sort of announcement before election day in the unlikely event that does happen we could actually see hillary clinton forced out of the race before november th once again this appears to be very unlikely at this point but it is still possible if clinton was forced to step aside the democrats would need to come up with a new nominee and that process would take time in an article later today on the most important news i will reveal who i believe that nominee would be in such a scenario the democrats would desperately need time to get their act together and so we could actually see barack obama attempt to delay or suspend the election the legality of such a move is highly questionable but barack obama has not allowed a little thing like the us constitution to stop him in the past this week is going to be exceedingly interesting that is for sure the craziest election in modern american history just keeps getting crazier and i have a feeling that even more twists and turns are ahead it sure seems ironic that anthony weiner is playing such a central role this late in the story and i cant wait to see what is in store for the season finale courtesy of michael snyder dont forget to follow the dc clothesline on facebook and twitter please help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks share this
Red Cross Raises Tens Of Millions And You Won’t Believe What They’re Feeding Hurricane Victims
Americans are opening their wallets and donating to relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and with Hurricane Irma almost about to hit land in the U.S., people would be wise to be wary of which charity organization to give money to. For example, a survivor of Hurricane Harvey will be fed by the Red Cross but the food might kill them.The cauliflower doesn t even look cooked and it sits next to a few slices of what looks like ham along with crackers instead of bread.It isn t clear what the percentage of donations to the Red Cross goes to victims. The charity organization claims that 91 percent goes to victims but that s far from the truth. A Houston councilman has asked for people to not donate to the Red Cross, an organization which affords its executives with a hefty salary. I beg you not to send them a penny, Houston City Councilman Dave Martin said at Wednesday s council meeting. They are the most inept unorganized organization I ve ever experienced. Don t waste your money, Martin added. Give it to another cause. A study released by Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) claims that the Red Cross had spent $124 million one-quarter of the money donors gave for earthquake relief in Haiti in 2010 on internal expenses.Since Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, the Red Cross has collected $211 million, according to USA Today.This Catholic charity claims that 100% of donated money goes to the victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma.We are the official disaster relief agency of the US Catholic Church. 100% of funds go to #Harvey & #Irma relief. https://t.co/QaFD3UYALX CatholicCharitiesUSA (@CCharitiesUSA) September 9, 2017To its credit, the Red Cross is a massive first-response organization which has sheltered and fed (see picture above) hundreds of thousands of people.A good chunk of Donald Trump s $1 million donation to victims of Hurricane Harvey went to the Red Cross..@realDonaldTrump releases list of charities he donated to for Hurricane Harvey relief. pic.twitter.com/Tb51qQJd2I David Fahrenthold (@Fahrenthold) September 6, 2017We re not suggesting that the Red Cross feed ribeye steaks and lobster tails to hurricane victims, but geez, how about throwing together a sandwich with a few extras for the hungry survivors who are left with nothing in the world due to a natural disaster.Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images.@RedCrossHouston & @RedCross what kind of meal is this?! All of these monetary donations and food we brought in, this is what you serve?! pic.twitter.com/XaMOohh0Mi Ashton P. Woods (@AshtonPWoods) September 9, 2017
German spy chief sees Russia as danger, cites military advances
BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany s spy chief has warned that Russia should be seen as a potential danger rather than as a partner in building European security and said its big military exercise in summer showed an alarmingly high level of modernization in its armed forces. Bruno Kahl, head of BND foreign intelligence, made his remarks in a speech at an event hosted by the Hanns Seidel Foundation think-tank in Munich on Monday. An audiofile of the speech was heard by Reuters on Wednesday. Kahl s remarks come after U.S. intelligence accusations that Moscow sought to interfere in the U.S. elections in January and followed similar charges by Spanish ministers who say Russian-based groups used social media to promote Catalonia s independence referendum and destabilize Spain. Moscow denies interfering in any foreign elections and accuses the West of a campaign to discredit Russia. Kahl said it was important for Germany, the U.S.-led NATO alliance and the European Union to keep a close eye on Russian military development. He said Russia s large-scale Zapad exercise in summer had shown it was very, very close to meeting its target of modernizing 70 percent of its armed forces by 2020. We must stay alert. Peace in Europe is no longer a guaranteed fact, he said. Russia s goal included weakening the EU, pushing back the USA, and in particular driving a wedge between the two. That means, instead of a partner for European security, we have in Russia a potential danger, he said. Russian President Vladimir Putin was determined to prevent the eastward spread of European values to include Ukraine which, together with Georgia, had no chance of becoming members of NATO as long as Putin s world view prevailed in Moscow, he said. The threat to Germany s security had increased with Moscow s stationing of short-range missiles in its Kaliningrad enclave, he said. The world player Russia is back. It will remain an uncomfortable power, and the West must see that realistically, he said, though it was important to maintain some dialogue with Moscow despite its assertive actions.
THE BRUTAL TRUTH About The Mooching Bum Who Wanted To Be Your Next President…And Tax You To Death
Here s the brutal truth on the socialist who wanted to be your next president and take your hard earned money:Sanders spent most of his life as an angry radical and agitator who never accomplished much of anything. And yet now he thinks he deserves the power to run your life and your finances We will raise taxes; he confirmed Monday, yes, we will. One of his first jobs was registering people for food stamps, and it was all downhill from there.Sanders took his first bride to live in a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor, and she soon left him. Penniless, he went on unemployment. Then he had a child out of wedlock. Desperate, he tried carpentry but could barely sink a nail. He was a shi**y carpenter, a friend told Politico Magazine. His carpentry was not going to support him, and didn t. Then he tried his hand freelancing for leftist rags, writing about masturbation and rape and other crudities for $50 a story. He drove around in a rusted-out, Bondo-covered VW bug with no working windshield wipers. Friends said he was always poor and his electricity was turned off a lot. They described him as a slob who kept a messy apartment and this is what his friends had to say about him.The only thing he was good at was talking non-stop about socialism and how the rich were ripping everybody off. The whole quality of life in America is based on greed, the bitter layabout said. I believe in the redistribution of wealth in this nation. So he tried politics, starting his own socialist party. Four times he ran for Vermont public office, and four times he lost badly. He never attracted more than single-digit support even in the People s Republic of Vermont. In his 1971 bid for U.S. Senate, the local press said the 30-year-old Sanders describes himself as a carpenter who has worked with disturbed children. In other words, a real winner.He finally wormed his way into the Senate in 2006, where he still ranks as one of the poorest members of Congress. Save for a municipal pension, Sanders lists no assets in his name. All the assets provided in his financial disclosure form are his second wife s. He does, however, have as much as $65,000 in credit-card debt.Sure, Sanders may not be a hypocrite, but this is nothing to brag about. His worthless background contrasts sharply with the successful careers of other outsiders in the race for the White House, including a billionaire developer, a world-renowned neurosurgeon and a Fortune 500 CEO.The choice in this election is shaping up to be a very clear one. It will likely boil down to a battle between those who create and produce wealth, and those who take it and redistribute it.Via: IBD
Deputy attorney general seeks meeting with top senators: Politico
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein has asked to meet with the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is conducting an investigation into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election, Politico reported on Thursday, citing unnamed sources. Politico said Rosenstein was seen in the vicinity of the panel, which was holding a separate meeting on security issues. Rosenstein’s reported request comes days after President Donald Trump fired FBI director James Comey in a move that the White House has said followed a memo from Rosenstein.
U.S. general says concerned about Iran's long-term activities in region
TAMPA, Fla (Reuters) - The head of U.S. Central Command said he was concerned about Iran s long-term activities in the region and he would continue to focus on protecting U.S. troops, even as Iran has said U.S. regional military bases would be at risk if further sanctions were passed. Iran is kind of a long-term destabilizing actor in the region and so we remain concerned about their activities as well, U.S. General Joseph Votel told reporters. Trump is expected to unveil a broad strategy on confronting Iran this week, likely on Friday. Leadership will make the decisions and we will be prepared to do what we need to do to continue to protect ourselves and particularity to protect our interests in the region, Votel added.
LIST OF COMEY’S 10 BIGGEST SCREW UPS As FBI Director…Why His Firing Was Long Overdue
Comey will inevitably be remembered for the controversial role he played in the 2016 presidential election, where his agency conducted surveillance of the Trump campaign as well as investigated the Clinton camp for mishandling classified materials, giving both sides arguments for how the FBI ultimately swayed the vote.But even before the 2016 campaign, the FBI endured a number of humiliations under Comey s tenure. Most damning were revelations that the FBI was generally aware of almost every terrorist who successfully struck America over the last eight years.1. Before he bombed the Boston Marathon, the FBI interviewed Tamerlan Tsarnaev but let him go. Russia sent the Obama Administration a second warning, but the FBI opted against investigating him again.2. Shortly after the NSA scandal exploded in 2013, the FBI was exposed conducting its own data mining on innocent Americans; the agency, Bloomberg reported, retains that material for decades (even if no wrongdoing is found).3. The FBI had possession of emails sent by Nidal Hasan saying he wanted to kill his fellow soldiers to protect the Taliban but didn t intervene, leading many critics to argue the tragedy that resulted in the death of 31 Americans at Fort Hood could have been prevented.4. During the Obama Administration, the FBI claimed that two private jets were being used primarily for counterterrorism, when in fact they were mostly being used for Eric Holder and Robert Mueller s business and personal travel.5. When the FBI demanded Apple create a backdoor that would allow law enforcement agencies to unlock the cell phones of various suspects, the company refused, sparking a battle between the feds and America s biggest tech company. What makes this incident indicative of Comey s questionable management of the agency is that a) The FBI jumped the gun, as they were indeed ultimately able to crack the San Bernardino terrorist s phone, and b) Almost every other major national security figure sided with Apple (from former CIA Director General Petraeus to former CIA Director James Woolsey to former director of the NSA, General Michael Hayden), warning that such a crack would inevitably wind up in the wrong hands.6. In 2015, the FBI conducted a controversial raid on a Texas political meeting, finger printing, photographing, and seizing phones from attendees (some in the group believe in restoring Texas as an independent constitutional republic).7. During its investigation into Hillary Clinton s mishandling of classified material, the FBI made an unusual deal in which Clinton aides were both given immunity and allowed to destroy their laptops.8. The father of the radical Islamist who detonated a backpack bomb in New York City in 2016 alerted the FBI to his son s radicalization. The FBI, however, cleared Ahmad Khan Rahami after a brief interview.9. The FBI also investigated the terrorist who killed 49 people and wounded 53 more at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Fla. Despite a more than 10-month investigation of Omar Mateen during which Mateen admitting lying to agents the FBI opted against pressing further and closed its case.10. CBS recently reported that when two terrorists sought to kill Americans attending the Draw Muhammad event in Garland, Texas, the FBI not only had an understanding an attack was coming, but actually had an undercover agent traveling with the Islamists, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi. The FBI has refused to comment on why the agent on the scene did not intervene during the attack.Via: Grabien
Republicans Draft Platform Plank To Take Public Lands Away From The People
The GOP is bowing down to Cliven Bundy and his band of domestic terrorists by giving them exactly what they want.A proposal has been drafted to strip the federal government of all public lands and give it all to the states for private uses that would likely destroy what has been protected and conserved for generations. You know, the public lands that include National Forests and natural treasures like the Grand Canyon.In 2014, Cliven Bundy led an armed standoff against the federal government because he refused to pay grazing fees even though his cattle were grazing on federal property. And earlier this year, Bundy s sons Ammon and Ryan Bundy led an armed seizure of a federal wildlife reserve in Oregon that last for weeks until the FBI arrested them. All three Bundy s are now behind bars but the GOP is poised to adopt their wrongly held position that the federal government can t own land.In fact, Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2 of the Constitution specifically gives the federal government the power to own and regulate land.The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.But Republicans are proposing to turn over all public lands to the states so that they can sell them off to the highest bidders and strip the lands of all the resources. Congress should reconsider whether parts of the federal government s enormous landholdings and control of water in the West could be better used for ranching, mining or forestry through private ownership, the draft says. Timber is a renewable natural resource, which provides jobs to thousands of Americans. All efforts should be made to make federal lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service available for harvesting. The enduring truth is that people best protect what they own. But that is not true at all. These lands, such as the Alpine Lakes Wilderness area that was granted protection by Republican President Gerald Ford 40 years ago and the Noisy-Diobsud Wilderness Area that was granted protection by President Ronald Reagan, could be opened up to loggers if the new GOP has their way.These pristine lands and many others across the country haven t been touched, which means people are already protecting these public lands by keeping them public.Allowing these wilderness areas to fall into private ownership would mean Americans would lose access to these lands. Any private corporation that buys up this land will just put up signs that say No Trespassing and would proceed to cut down all the trees and strip mine the mountains and lands. Companies like Nestle could easily suck up all the water it wants. It would take generations for the forests to grow back and the area would never be the same. It would be devastated by private industry.That is why it is so important to vote in November. Republicans literally want to take our heritage away from us. They are bowing down to the demands of domestic terrorists. We can t let that happen if we want future generations to enjoy the natural wonders that past generations fought so hard to protect.Featured Image of Lake Tenaya in Yosemite National Park via Wikimedia
Canada deported hundreds to war-torn countries: government data
TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada has deported hundreds of people to countries designated too dangerous for civilians, with more than half of those people being sent back to Iraq, according to government data obtained by Reuters. The spike in deportations comes as Canada faces a record number of migrants and is on track to have the most refugee claims in more than a decade. That has left the country scrambling to cope with the influx of asylum seekers, many crossing the U.S. border illegally. Between January 2014 and Sept. 6, 2017, Canada sent 249 people to 11 countries for which the government had suspended or deferred deportations because of dangers to civilians. That includes 134 people to Iraq, 62 to the Democratic Republic of Congo and 43 to Afghanistan, the data shows. The number of Iraq deportations increased from 22 in 2014 to 51 in 2016 and stands at 35 so far this year. The decision to remove someone from Canada is not taken lightly, Canada Border Services Agency spokeswoman Patrizia Giolti wrote in an email. Everyone ordered removed from Canada is entitled to due process before the law, and all removal orders are subject to various levels of appeal. The Canada Council for Refugees has said existing avenues of appeal are too limited, leaving little recourse for people facing deportation to dangerous countries. Canada can deport anyone who is not a citizen, for reasons including criminality, exhausting attempts to obtain permanent residency and non-compliance with immigration laws. The federal government has suspension or deferral designations for countries or regions deemed dangerous but may still deport people to them because of criminality, security risks or human rights violations. The United Nations High Commission on Refugees recommends states refrain from deporting people to Iraq because of the human rights situation and the conflict there, said Jean-Nicholas Beuze, the organization s Canadian representative. But some regions, such as Kurdistan, are safer, he added. The responsibility is on the state sending people back to those countries to make sure ... that those people will not become internally displaced within their own country and dependent on humanitarian aid, Beuze said. In July, a U.S. judge temporarily blocked the deportation of more than 1,400 Iraqis, many with criminal charges or convictions. They had claimed they would face death or persecution if they return to their home country because they belonged to minority groups, including Chaldean Catholics, Sunni Muslims or Iraqi Kurds.
House Republicans move to shut down Democratic sit-in over guns
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House of Representatives Republicans moved to force an end to the Democratic sit-in over gun control legislation by scheduling a vote on another issue later on Wednesday night, Republican lawmakers said. “We’re going to continue to operate,” said Republican Representative John Fleming. “They can do as they please.” Fleming and other Republican lawmakers said House leaders wanted to file legislation on Zika funding on Wednesday night, so that it could be voted on later in the week. Lawmakers also said a vote was likely on legislation involving a rule submitted by the Department of Labor.
Russian lawmakers vote to bar entry to reporters of U.S. media
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The State Duma lower house of Russia s parliament voted on Wednesday to bar correspondents of U.S. mass media, including The Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, from attending its sessions, the Interfax news agency reported. On Tuesday, these two media outlets were officially designated as foreign agents by Russia s justice ministry, a move aimed at complicating their work in retaliation for what Moscow says is unacceptable U.S. pressure on Russian media.
Belgian mayor's throat slashed in cemetery, shocking country
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The murder of a Belgian city mayor whose throat was cut in a cemetery on Monday has shocked the country, and the country s prime minister expressed horror at the death of the retired national lawmaker. Citing the public prosecutor, Belgian media said Alfred Gadenne, 71, the conservative mayor of Mouscron, an industrial town of 57,000 just across the border from the northern French city of Lille, was found dead in a graveyard close to his home where he acted as caretaker and locked the gates each night. Local news service SudInfo, citing unnamed sources, said a suspect had handed himself in to police and that the motive was unclear. The case was handed to a local prosecutor rather than to national counter-terrorism investigators. I have learned with horror of the brutal death of Alfred Gadenne, Prime Minister Charles Michel, a liberal, said on Twitter. All my thoughts are with his family and friends. Among the many others offering condolences was Martine Aubry, the former French Socialist party leader and long-time mayor of metropolitan Lille. Philippe Courard, president of the parliament for Belgium s French-speaking south, tweeted: Terrifying. What kind of world are we living in?
U.S. Sept. 11 law weakens international relations, Saudi cabinet says
DUBAI (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia said on Monday that a U.S. law allowing citizens to sue the kingdom over the Sept. 11 2001 attacks represented a threat to international relations and urged Congress to act to prevent any dangerous consequences from the new legislation. The cabinet, at its weekly meeting in the capital Riyadh, also said that the law, known as JASTA, represented a violation of a leading principle preventing lawsuits against governments that regulated international relations for hundreds of years. “Weakening this sovereign immunity will affect all countries, including the United States,” the statement by Saudi Information Minister Adel al-Toraifi, carried by Saudi state news agency SPA, said. “(The cabinet) expressed hope that wisdom will prevail and that the U.S. Congress would take the necessary steps to avoid the bad and dangerous consequences that may result from the JASTA legislation,” it added. The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly last Wednesday to approve legislation that will allow the families of those killed in the 2001 attacks on the United States to seek damages from the Saudi government. Fifteen out of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals. Riyadh has always dismissed suspicions that it backed the attackers, who killed nearly 3,000 people under the banner of Islamist militant group al-Qaeda. Riyadh is one of Washington’s longest-standing and most important allies in the Middle East and part of a U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria. The Saudi government lobbied strongly against JASTA, which stands for the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, in the run-up to the vote, and warned it would undermine the principle of sovereign immunity. But Saudi officials stopped short of threatening any specific retaliation if the law was passed.
Insane Trump Ally Claims He’s Victim Of Russian-Style Assassination Attempt (VIDEO)
Out of all the insane people who are part of Trump s posse, former campaign manager Roger Stone has to win the loony prize. Stone regularly immerses himself with full-on white supremacists. During the presidential campaign, Stone was so insane that he (was forced to) quit because of all the controversy surrounding him. Apparently, he didn t want to upstage the candidate s own controversies. Now he says he has been poisoned because he knows too much about Russia, only it s not Russia, he says, that s doing the poisoning.On Tuesday, Stone appeared on conspiracy nut Alex Jones InfoWars claiming that he had been poisoned with polonium, which is Putin and the Russian s poison of choice. However, Stone is making the claim that it was Congress (or something) that poisoned him. I became extremely ill. This manifested itself in over 14 days of high fever, delirium, night sweats, I had lesions on my chest and my face, Stone explained to Jones. The general consensus is I was poisoned. I was poisoned with polonium or a substance that has the characteristics of polonium and this made me exceedingly ill. Stone s theory is that someone poisoned him because he has proof that Russia was not behind the hacks of the Democratic National Committee and John Podesta, This is about stopping the Trump agenda, he said. I would blow the whistle on this whole bogus Russian narrative that they just won t let go of. Source: MediaiteHere s the insane video:He also tweeted about it:Yes, I believe I was poisoned to stop me from exposing the Russian Hacking LIE b4 the Congressional Investigation @StoneColdTruth Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) January 17, 2017Yes, Doctors say I was poisoned WHO would do such a thing ? https://t.co/6o4hHgAJ2e Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) January 18, 2017While this story sounds like a bad Tom Clancy novel, it makes zero sense since people knew of Russia s involvement long before the election and if there was some vast anti-Trump, anti-Russia conspiracy theory, it would have come to fruition before Trump won the Electoral College, not after. The far more believable explanation is that Stone, who nobody really gives a crap about, wasn t poisoned and that he s trying to hawk his new book.Featured image via Spencer Platt/Getty Images
Howard Dean Has A Short, Sweet And Direct Message For Bernie Or Busters
Howard Dean, who famously dropped out of the 2004 presidential race for being too exuberant, knows a thing or two about being called crazy. He s also rarely one to mince words, so when he characterizes the GOP frontrunner as a lunatic, well, people might want to listen.The 2016 election will go down in history for a number of things, not the least of which is that Republicans have nominated a narcissistic xenophobic billionaire as someone who s just like them. But, it will also go down for being a year of anger. People on both the right and the left are angry about politics as usual, for good reason. Even some angry people on the left have vowed to vote for Trump because they see him as an outsider, or they are nihilists who want to tear everything down before building it back up.If you are a Trump voter, Dean has some choice words for you and they aren t exactly partisan. Dean was in Ohio campaigning Senate candidate Ted Strickland. Dean had some somewhat kind words about Ohio s Republican governor, John Kasich mostly because Kasich has refused to endorse Trump. I disagree with your governor on a large number of issues but one thing I do not disagree with him on is supporting a lunatic for the president of the United States is not a good idea, said Dean, a former Democratic National Committee chairman.He added that Kasich, unlike Republican Sen. Rob Portman, had guts for not endorsing the presumptive GOP nominee. Kasich has told reporters he would support Trump only if the businessman had an experience akin to Saul s conversion on the road to Damascus. Portman has endorsed Trump while condemning some of Trump s more controversial comments like attacking a federal judge for his Mexican heritage.Source: USA TodayWhile Dean didn t mention Bernie Sanders or Bernie or Busters, his next sentence seemed to be directed right at the people considering Trump over Clinton: Look, I understand people are mad at Washington. I m mad at Washington, but that doesn t mean you have to elect a crazy person, Dean said.Recent polling has shown that the vast majority of Bernie supporters plan on voting for Clinton, but 15 percent are still either on the fence, vowing to not vote at all, or pledging to vote for another candidate, including Trump. This could be a close race, and that small percentage could mean the difference between a safe but not particularly revolutionary choice and a complete lunatic. I know which way sane people will be voting; so does Howard Dean.Featured image via Brad Barket at Getty Images
NOT KIDDING: ARIZONA NEWSPAPER Concerned Border Fence Too High For Illegals To Cross Safely
When the fence keeps them from making it to the polls, the Democrats start complaining A mainstream Arizona newspaper is decrying the small section of the Arizona-Mexico border that has a 14-foot-high primary fence because it is too high for illegal immigrants to safely cross. The article, Border Fence Jumpers Breaking Bones, includes the claim that sections of the border with a 14-foot-high fence are as tall as a two or three-story house and tells the stories of several women who broke bones and were treated extensively to healthcare and surgeries at the expense of U.S. taxpayers. The writer never mentions any lives directly lost as a result of there not being a border fence in most sections, such as when Mexican nationals crossed into the U.S. and murdered father and husband Robert Rosas, a U.S. Border Patrol agent.The article in question was written by Perla Trevizo for the Arizona Daily Star. In the excerpt below, note the section s subtitle and the casual mention that the foreign woman had been deported multiple times prior:A DREAM ENDSFor some, the fence is a last resort.Maria Ibarra, 28 and also from Oaxaca, had tried crossing through Nogales and El Paso in April, but both times she was sent back to Mexico.This time she was determined to get through. She left her 10-year-old son with her parents in Oaxaca. He was born in South Carolina, where she lived for two years before going back to Mexico in 2006 so her parents and siblings could meet her son.Once there, she said, her son started losing his hearing in one ear and having seizures. All I wanted was an opportunity to fight my case, she said. She hoped her son could join her or maybe she could get a permit to visit the hospitals where he was first treated. But she already had a couple of deportations and a voluntary return to Mexico.Interestingly, the part about the woman hoping her son could join her is errant in not mentioning that once her son does join her in the U.S., the woman and her son would likely be permitted to stay because they would then be an incomplete family unit.The assertion that the border fence is as tall as a two or three-story house came from Fernando Valdez, Mexico s deputy consul general in Nogales, Arizona. He was quoted as stating, What surprises us is that people continue to jump from heights that can be the equivalent of a two- or even three-story house, he said. But we hear they feel pressured to do it because they are holding the line or they start insulting them, telling them to jump. The second part of his statement appears to be directed towards U.S. Border Patrol agents, but the writer left the intended direction of the assertion ambiguous. Of course, if that be the case, the Border Patrol routinely saves illegal immigrants lives, as the article inadvertently makes clear. Mexican authorities routinely demonize and attack U.S. Border Patrol agents, even in cases where agents have acted in self-defense against the violent narco-traffickers or other violent individuals.Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the advocacy article is that the writer did not mention why a segmented border security fence exists. The fence, which contrary to left-of-center media assertions does not encompass most of the border, was built largely to stop violent criminals from their routine entering and existing of U.S. communities. Two instances come to mind, though in both cases the wall has yet to be built in those specific segments. In 2002, the FBI engaged in a sting operation in Sunland Park, New Mexico along the U.S.-Mexico Border. The effort was spurred by Mexicans routinely crossing the border and robbing trains of cargo. Mexicans would jump the small chain-link fence that served as the area s only border security and rob the train cars. They would then simply jump back across the fence and U.S. authorities were powerless to stop them. Mexican authorities, often corrupted by the criminal organizations behind the robberies and thefts, did nothing to stop the crimes.Two FBI special agents got separated from their group in the sting. One of them was a woman. The two agents were surrounded by dozens of Mexican nationals who beat them unconscious and caused severe injuries, including broken facial bones. A federal agent with knowledge of the incident spoke to Breitbart Texas on the condition of anonymity and said, There were indicators that the Mexican nationals were trying to drag the unconscious body of the female FBI agent back with them into Mexico. This writer previously covered the issue in 2013 and wrote, Only a few of the men were eventually prosecuted, as most were deported back to Mexico prior to prosecution. Unless something else happened or they moved, the men are still free and presumably operating in the area. The very nature of a fence is that it poses a difficulty or risk to unauthorized crossings in an area, such as in the recent issue of Barack Obama s White House raising the height of their fence to keep unwanted people from crossing. In Arizona s specific border situation, there exist two border sectors: the Tucson Sector and the Yuma Sector. Though the Yuma Sector is largely locked down with significant coverage of technology and a primary and secondary fence, the Tucson Sector is largely open. Most of the sector has no fence at all and can be freely crossed at the whim of any person in Mexico wishing to enter the United States. The video embedded below shows the reality of most of the Arizona-Mexico border.Via: Breitbart News
Beijing orders safety checks after apartment block fire kills 19
BEIJING (Reuters) - A fire in a Beijing apartment block that killed 19 people and injured eight has prompted authorities to order city-wide safety checks, state news agency Xinhua reported. The fire broke out on Saturday evening at a three-storey apartment block in Beijing s southern Daxing district, and a probe in to its cause was underway, Xinhua reported, adding that anyone found to be responsible would be punished. Preliminary investigation showed there was a refrigeration facility in the basement of the apartment, where the fire was likely to have started, Xinhua said late on Sunday. Fire fighters said there was heavy smoke in the building but no large flames. Following the blaze, Beijing s Communist Party boss Cai Qi ordered safety checks throughout the capital, including its outlying villages. We must take actions and protect people s lives and safeguard the safety and stability of the capital, Cai said, according to Xinhua.
Somali president vows extra efforts after U.S. suspends aid to military
MOGADISHU (Reuters) - The government of Somali will do all it can to pay salaries and buy equipment for its soldiers as it begins to lose international support, the country s president said on Monday. The statement came several days after Reuters reported that the United States was suspending food and fuel aid for most of Somalia s armed forces over corruption concerns. That announcement was a blow to the military, who will begin losing the support of African peacekeepers when they start to withdraw this month. Islamist insurgents are striking with ever-larger and more deadly attacks in the capital and major towns. I hereby certify that if a thing is halted, as a government we shall put effort five hundred percent so that the suspension does not affect anyone, President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed said in an address to military officials at the defense ministry that was broadcast on local radio. Whether it is salary or equipment, the government will bring what it can, he said. I am telling you that we should depend on ourselves. We thank the foreigners who were supporting us. If they mentioned criticism, we are required to rectify. The president did not mention a specific donor s support, but added: If you have someone who is ready to lend you a hand, you have to avoid things that can bring suspicion. Reuters reported that the U.S. has grown frustrated that successive governments have failed to build a capable national army. Documents seen by Reuters paint a stark picture of a military hollowed out by corruption, unable to feed, pay or arm its soldiers, despite hundreds of millions of dollars of support.
Will Smith GOES OFF In Furious Rant Against Trump And His Supporters (TWEETS)
When Donald Trump isn t getting blasted for his disrespectful comments about Muslim soldiers who died sacrificing their lives for America, the disgraced Republican nominee is being reminded of what awful things he s said about other groups.Thanks to actor Will Smith, this time it s women. In a recent interview, Smith reminded everyone that Trump s infamous misogyny and sexism are not to be forgotten amongst all of the other groups of people The Donald offends in any given week. Smith ripped Trump and his followers a new one when he said: For a man to be able to publicly refer to a woman as a fat pig, that makes me teary. And for people to applaud, that is absolutely f*cking insanity to me. Smith specifically is making reference to Trump s comments about Rosie O Donnell, but we all know Trump s anti-women remarks go far beyond her. In the past, Trump has also attacked Arianna Huffington, calling her a dog and tweeting that she s unattractive both inside and out. And let s not forget Trump s well-known feud with Fox News Megyn Kelly.TwitterTwitterBut Smith didn t stop there. He continued to get more outraged, saying: My grandmother would have smacked my teeth out of my head if I had referred to a woman as a fat pig. And I cannot understand how people can clap for that. It s absolutely collective insanity If one of my sons, I am getting furious just thinking about it, if one of my sons said that in a public place, they couldn t even live in my house anymore. Smith also went beyond Trump s misogyny and called the business mogul out for his bigoted rhetoric toward basically all minorities: I think as much as we want to believe that love is the greatest human motivator, it s not. Fear is. Fear is the most dangerous and powerful motivator because when a human being gets scared, fight or flight kicks in. And there is this really separatist non-inclusive xenophobic, racist wave that is sweeping the globe that is making us pull apart farther than putting us together.The importance of leaders is that they have to be level headed, they have to be calm, because when people get scared, they lose their morality and that reptile mind takes over. It s the type of thing that you see in all forms of nature, but our leaders can t be that. For Smith, the only comfort he has in the midst of Trump s hateful campaign is his belief in America to know better than to elect the former reality TV star. Once again shaming Trump for his remarks about women, Smith said: For me, deep down in my heart, I believe that America won t and we can t (elect Mr. Trump). Of all the things he has said, and we could go through the laundry list, that was the one that was such an absolute illustration of a darkness of his soul. I just cannot figure out how people can clap for that. He added: I have faith in America. America has had really critical times but the good (people) tend to make their way to the top. Featured image via Jason Merritt and Alex Wong / Getty Images
Trump Screams ‘FAKE NEWS’ Over His Tax Returns And Gets CREAMED By Twitter (TWEETS)
The White House may have verified the legitimacy of Donald Trump s tax returns after they were released by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David Cay Johnston, but that didn t stop Donald Trump from turning around on Wednesday and claiming that they are FAKE NEWS. Does anybody really believe that a reporter, who nobody ever heard of, went to his mailbox and found my tax returns? Trump screeched on Twitter. FAKE NEWS! Does anybody really believe that a reporter, who nobody ever heard of, "went to his mailbox" and found my tax returns? @NBCNews FAKE NEWS! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 15, 2017First off, people have heard of Johnston. He s been around for quite a while and has even written a book about Donald Trump a fact that would attract someone who would want to leak some of Trump s tax returns, especially since it was his tax reporting that earned him his Pulitzer.The puzzling nature of Donald Trump s outburst was not lost on the American people, who showed up to mock him for calling something that is 100% fact FAKE NEWS, especially when there is every reason to think that Trump leaked the document himself:.@realDonaldTrump @NBCNews It actually shows you paid taxes why on Earth would you say fake news? Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) March 15, 2017@realDonaldTrump @NBCNews the document that was in the mailbox was a photocopy of YOUR version of the document. The leak was on YOUR end. Kevin (@TheKevinDent) March 15, 2017@realDonaldTrump @NBCNews You planted those tax returns. Why else would it say "client copy"? pic.twitter.com/Ke5QjyiW82 #TheResistance (@AynRandPaulRyan) March 15, 2017@realDonaldTrump @NBCNews He probably got it through your microwave. Jeffrey Grubb (@JeffGrubb) March 15, 2017@realDonaldTrump @oppstn And if they're fake news why did the White House release a statement with the same data as the returns he had? Jordan Uhl (@JordanUhl) March 15, 2017.@realDonaldTrump Fake news, or fake outrage? Simon Hedlin (@simonhedlin) March 15, 2017@realDonaldTrump @NBCNews FAKE NEWS? You confirmed the validity of the tax return. How could this possible be fake? MatthewDicks (@MatthewDicks) March 15, 2017@realDonaldTrump @NBCNews He won the Pulitzer for reporting that's why YOU'VE never heard of him. DJ1028 (@Dj1028Peck) March 15, 2017@realDonaldTrump @NBCNews does any really believe you didn't leak them John Miller? Ned Newhouse (@Ned_Newhouse) March 15, 2017Donald Trump has a long history of leaking information about himself that, like this partial tax return, would be viewed as positive for him. That fact, combined with the words CLIENT COPY stamped across the top of the returns, is a strong indicator that The Donald did an impression of two Russian prostitutes standing on President Obama s bed in a Moscow hotel he leaked himself.Featured image via Getty Images (Pool)/screengrab
Clinton targets young voters with new fundraising group
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton launched a bid on Thursday to draw young voters and small donors to her campaign, targeting the strengths of her rival, Bernie Sanders, as she looks ahead to the general election. Dubbed “for45” - for Clinton as the 45th president of the United States - the group will offer associate level membership for as low as $250, according to an invitation seen by Reuters for an April 25 Philadelphia event. “We will have an opportunity to fundraise and host low-dollar events, speaking to what we are passionate about and why we support her,” said Akilah Ensley, a 32-year-old Clinton supporter planning to join the group. “It’s important that we engage.” The group held its “kick-off” conference call on Thursday, featuring the Clinton campaign’s finance director, Dennis Cheng, other campaign officials, and actress Lena Dunham, according to an invitation to the call. The group includes two other tiers, according to an information sheet seen by Reuters - a “member” level with minimum fundraising of $2,500 and an “advisor” level for raising at least $10,000. The Clinton and Sanders campaigns did not respond to requests for comment. The formation of the group underscores the challenge facing the former secretary of state in winning over the young people who have helped power Sanders’ run. Younger voters are a critical voting block and source of financing should she win the Democratic nomination for the Nov. 8 presidential election. Clinton has a commanding delegate lead over Sanders, the U.S. senator from Vermont, and checked his momentum by winning New York’s primary earlier this week. But she has struggled to attract younger voters. While she won New York on Tuesday by 16 points, Sanders took 65 percent of Democratic voters aged 18 to 29, according to exit polls conducted by Edison Research and published in the New York Times. Younger voters have also turned out more heavily for Sanders in other states. Sanders so often boasts about his average donation level of $27 that rally crowds now shout the number out along with him. Steve Schale, a Democratic strategist in Florida who is not affiliated with the Clinton campaign, said for45 was a “smart way” to begin courting Sanders’ supporters. He compared it with the “Gen44” group of young voters that supported President Barack Obama. “Anything that spurs people to get involved financially, it just builds more ownership in the campaign,” he said.
Crucial details of Republican tax plan in flux as deal deadline looms
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Crucial details of the Republican tax plan, including the proposed corporate rate, were in flux late on Tuesday as negotiators from the U.S. Congress rushed to finalize the plan ahead of a self-imposed Wednesday deadline. Republican tax writers were tinkering with how to best reconcile differences between bills passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate, without exacerbating the deficit impact of legislation that could add as much as $1.5 trillion to the national debt over the next decade, according to independent estimates. With a meeting of the official bipartisan negotiating committee scheduled for Wednesday, Republicans were still weighing how to best scale back popular individual deductions for mortgage interest and local tax payments, and whether the proposed corporate rate of 20 percent in both bills may rise to 21 percent. “We’re still talking,” No. 2 Senate Republican John Cornyn said of a possible 21 percent corporate rate. Both the Senate and House bills proposed reducing the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from the current 35 percent, eliminating or scaling back some taxes paid only by rich Americans and offering a mixed bag of cuts to other individuals and families, some of which would be short term. Republican Senator Orrin Hatch, head of the Senate tax-writing committee and one of the negotiators, told reporters in reference to the corporate tax rate, “I hesitate to give any figure at this point because it’s still being debated.” Analysts have said that a 1 percentage point change in the corporate rate equals about $100 billion in revenue over a decade. Shifting it even slightly could help negotiators who are attempting to keep the bill within preset budget parameters. Congressional researchers have estimated the tax plans, as written, would add $1.5 trillion to the $20 trillion national debt over 10 years, before any projected positive effects on the economy, or $1 trillion after such effects. President Donald Trump wants to sign a tax bill by year’s end, potentially marking the Republicans’ first major legislative victory since Trump’s victory gave the party control of the White House as well as both chambers of Congress. Trump is scheduled to host Republican tax negotiators at the White House for lunch on Wednesday and to deliver a speech laying out his closing argument for the legislation alongside five middle-class families who would benefit, senior administration officials told reporters on Tuesday. Trump is expected to counter claims that the tax plan largely benefits corporations and the wealthy by highlighting how it would also cut rates for lower- and middle-income taxpayers, who could see additional benefits such as higher wages following the corporate rate cut, the officials said. Independent government analyses by the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation, which assists congressional tax writers, and the Congressional Budget Office, which examines the budget impact of legislation, both concluded that wealthier taxpayers would disproportionately benefit from the Republican proposals. When asked who stands to benefit most from Republican tax legislation, more than half of American adults selected either the wealthy or large U.S. corporations, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Monday. Senator Susan Collins, a key moderate Republican whose support was critical to passage of the Senate bill but who has said she will need to review the final package before casting another vote, was critical on Tuesday about talks to cut the top individual tax rate. “There has been a lot of discussion” about lowering the top individual rate to 37 percent, and “having the corporate rate not be as low,” Collins said. The House tax plan would maintain the top individual tax rate paid by the wealthy at 39.6 percent. The Senate plan would cut it to 38.5 percent. “I don’t think lowering the top rate is a good idea,” Collins told reporters. 
Abe 'optimistic' about positive outcome to trade talks with Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Friday that he and U.S. President Donald Trump would discuss trade and economic issues at a working lunch and he was “optimistic” there would be good results from the dialogue. Abe said he was “fully aware” of Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership multilateral trade accord. But he said Japan and the United States had agreed on a new framework for economic dialogue. “I am quite optimistic that ... good results will be seen from the dialogue,” he said, adding that Japan was looking for a fair, common set of rules for trade in the region.
North Korean missiles will be able to reach U.S. after modernization: Ifax cites Russian lawmaker
MOSCOW (Reuters) - North Korea s leadership has told Russian lawmakers that it possesses a ballistic missile with a range of 3,000 kilometers (1864.11 miles) that will be able to reach U.S. territory after modernization, the Interfax news agency reported on Tuesday. Interfax cited Anton Morozov, a lawmaker and member of the lower house of parliament s international affairs committee, who visited Pyongyang from October 2-6. North Korea aims to increase the range of its ballistic missiles to 9,000 kilometers (5592.34 miles), Morozov was quoted as saying. There was no talk about the deadline (for solving this task), he said.
Qatar foreign minister decries 'reckless leadership' in region
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Qatar s foreign minister on Friday criticized reckless leadership in the Gulf for a number of crises including the Gulf rift and Lebanon, taking apparent aim at Saudi Arabia. The diplomatic crisis, in which Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt have boycotted Qatar, has been brewing since the summer after the four countries cut diplomatic, transport and trade ties with Qatar, accusing it of financing terrorism. Doha denies the charges. Saudi Arabia and its allies are fighting for sway across the region against a bloc led by Iran, which includes the heavily armed Lebanese Shi ite Hezbollah group. Attention on the dispute has shifted recently especially in the wake of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri s shock resignation announcement this month while in Saudi Arabia. Hariri s abrupt resignation and his continued stay in Riyadh have caused fears over Lebanon s stability and thrust it into the bitter rivalry between Riyadh and Iran. Saudi Arabia and Hariri - whom Riyadh backs - say his movements are not restricted. Riyadh also denies accusations it forced Hariri to resign. We see a pattern of irresponsibility and a reckless leadership in the region which is just trying to bully countries into submission, Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said in Washington. What we are witnessing now in the region ... it s something we just witness(ed) in recent history, bullying small countries into submission. Exactly what happened to Qatar six months ago is happening now to Lebanon. The leadership in Saudi Arabia and the UAE need to understand ... there is no right for any country to interfere in other countries affairs, he told a group of reporters. Asked to comment on those remarks, the Saudi Embassy in Washington s spokeswoman, Fatimah Baeshen, said: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia s foreign policy has always been premised on regional stability, peace, and security. The Kingdom does not interfere with its neighbors domestic affairs. Riyadh says Qatar backs terrorism and cozies up to Iran. Qatar rejects the accusation and says it is being punished for straying from its neighbors backing for authoritarian rulers. Since Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman rose to power less than three years ago, Riyadh has struck a more aggressive posture towards Iran, launching a war in Yemen, leading the boycott of neighboring Qatar, and ratcheting up its rhetoric against Hezbollah. U.S. efforts to bring an end to the dispute have yet to bear fruit. Qatar hosts the largest U.S. air base in the region which is used in the international coalition fighting Islamic State. Thani said Qatar s Boeing C-17 transport aircraft, used by Doha for logistical support within the coalition, were forced to fly over Iran given that Saudi Arabia and the UAE have blocked Qatari planes from flying over their airspace. So if we imagine that any emergency will happen, those C-17 planes which might have U.S. troops will land in Iran. So this is the impact of this blockade ... on the global coalition and on U.S. military operations there, Thani said. A spokesman for the U.S. Air Forces Central Command said the Qataris have flown nearly 30 mobility missions in support of Coalition operations to defeat ISIS, moving more than a million pounds of cargo, including parts and supplies since Doha recommitted its C-17 fleet to Operation Inherent Resolve in July. At this time, we are aware of no Qatari C-17 flights having traversed Iranian airspace while carrying Coalition cargo, Lt. Colonel Damien Pickart told Reuters.
HOW GORSUCH Will Have Immediate Effect On Historic 2nd Amendment Decision And These Significant Controversial Cases
Neil M. Gorsuch joins the Supreme Court just in time to cast potentially significant votes in cases that pit religious liberty against gay rights, test limits on funding for church schools and challenge California s restrictions on carrying a concealed gun in public.Such issues arise either in appeals filed by conservative groups that have been pending before the justices for weeks or in cases to be heard later this month.Gorsuch s votes in those matters may give an early sign of whether the court s conservatives with their 5-4 majority restored by his confirmation will pursue an activist agenda.The cases include a Colorado baker s claim that he deserves a faith-based exemption from the state s anti-discrimination law after he refused to design a wedding cake for a gay couple. The justices have been considering his appeal behind closed doors since December, but have taken no action. LA TimesA Second Amendment controversy arising from California, would be the biggest gun-rights decision in several years, should the justices agree to hear it.In D.C. v. Heller and McDonald v. Chicago, the Court ruled that the Constitution protects the right to keep functional firearms in the home for self-defense, and that state and local governments cannot infringe upon said right. The challenge now pending before the Court, Peruta v. California, involves the right to carry a firearm outside the home for self-defense.The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued a ruling in 2016 affording county governments in California significant leeway in the issuance of concealed carry permits. Some permit regimes in the state are fairly accommodating of applicants, while others make it functionally impossible to obtain a concealed carry license. A group of Second Amendment applicants challenged the 9th Circuit s decision.Should the justices take the case and side with the activists, they could announce a constitutionally-protected right to bear firearms outside the home for the first time in American history.Via: Daily Caller
WAS “OPEN-BORDERS” Angela Merkel Behind $4 MILLION Taxpayer Funded Donation To Hillary’s “Foundation” One Month Before Election?
Barack Obama recently kicked 35 Russian diplomats and their families out of the US, and announced sanctions over allegations that have yet to be proven, that the Russian government hacked John Podesta, Hillary s campaign chair s emails. HILLARY Clinton is facing a backlash in Germany after it was revealed the country s taxpayers handed over 4million to her foundation via the government at the height of the US elections.According to reports, the failed Democratic nominee s US-based charity received the cash to help plant trees in Africa at exactly the time she declared Angela Merkel her favourite politician.But the revelation of the financing arangment has been met with scorn.In October, around the same time the transaction was made, it was revealed that Mrs Clinton said the German Chancellor was one of her favourites when asked about who she admired in global politics.According to reports, the failed Democratic nominee s US-based charity received the cash to help plant trees in Africa at exactly the time she declared Angela Merkel her favourite politician.But the revelation of the financing arangment has been met with scorn.In October, around the same time the transaction was made, it was revealed that Mrs Clinton said the German Chancellor was one of her favourites when asked about who she admired in global politics.According to reports the tome alleges foreign groups and governments gave money to Mrs Clinton s charity in return for access to the State Department while she was Secretary of State.Now eyebrows are being raised after it was revealed German taxpayers handed over millions in the third quarter of the year, during the period Mrs Clinton was running for President while at the same time being investigated by the FBI.And it has been claimed the foundation s donors list shows the Federal Ministry of the Environment had made the transaction. Express UK
China summons British official over Hong Kong remarks
BEIJING (Reuters) - China has summoned a British official in Beijing and lodged stern representations about recent comments from London expressing concern about a British rights activist being denied entry to Hong Kong, it said on Friday. Ben Rogers, a co-founder of Britain s ruling Conservative Party s Human Rights Commission, has been a vocal critic of Chinese-ruled Hong Kong s treatment of human rights activists, including that of jailed student protest leader Joshua Wong. He was denied entry to Hong Kong on Oct. 11. Britain said on Tuesday it had summoned the Chinese ambassador to express its concern. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang reiterated that Hong Kong is part of China, and the central government handles Hong Kong s foreign affairs and Beijing and Hong Kong decide who to let in or not as a matter of Chinese sovereignty. China has already summoned in an official from the British Embassy in Beijing, and lodged stern representations about Britain s recent series of wrong remarks and actions on this issue, Lu told a daily news briefing. I must to stress here that Hong Kong matters are purely an internal affair of China s. China will not permit any government, organization or individual to interfere in China s internal affairs in any way. Hong Kong, which returned to Chinese rule in 1997, is governed under a one country, two systems formula that promises it a higher degree of autonomy and freedom than on the mainland. Last week, British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said London needed an explanation from Hong Kong and Beijing about the treatment of Rogers.
Swedish court orders Bombardier employee to be released from custody
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - An employee of Canadian aircraft and train maker Bombardier facing bribery charges in Sweden is to be released immediately from custody, his lawyer said on Wednesday. A 37-year-old Russian man was arrested in March on suspicion that he and several others at the company had bribed an Azerbaijani official to secure a contract worth around $340 million. The Stockholm district court has ordered the man - who denied the allegations - to be released immediately, his lawyer said. Our interpretation is that he will be completely acquitted, or that he is guilty only of a minor part of the accusation and, if so, has already served his time, the employee s lawyer Cristina Bergner told Reuters. The district court could not immediately be reached for comment. The prosecutor had demanded a sentence of five years in prison. The trial has concluded and sentencing is set for Oct. 11. In their March statement, Swedish prosecutors alleged Bombardier had won the tender in question after competitors that had offered better prices were disqualified by Azerbaijan s rail authority. The Canadian firm said in August it took the allegations very seriously as they ran counter to its values and high standards, and it supported an investigation into the facts.
U.S. seeks to reassure Beijing after Trump call with Taiwan leader
WASHINGTON/BEIJING (Reuters) - The White House said on Monday it had sought to reassure China after President-elect Donald Trump’s phone call with Taiwan’s leader last week, which the Obama administration warned could undermine progress in relations with Beijing. The statement from a spokesman for U.S. President Barack Obama highlighted concerns about the potential fallout from Trump’s unusual call with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen on Friday, which prompted a diplomatic protest from Beijing on Saturday. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said senior National Security Council officials spoke twice with Chinese officials over the weekend to reassure them of Washington’s commitment to the “One China” policy and to “reiterate and clarify the continued commitment of the United States to our longstanding China policy.” The policy has been in place for 40 years and is focused on promoting and preserving peace and stability in the strait separating China and Taiwan, which is in U.S. interests, Earnest said. “If the president-elect’s team has a different aim, I’ll leave it to them to describe,” he said. “The Chinese government in Beijing placed an enormous priority on this situation, and it’s a sensitive matter. Some of the progress that we have made in our relationship with China could be undermined by this issue flaring up,” he said. The call with Taipei was the first by a U.S. president-elect or president with a Taiwan leader since President Jimmy Carter switched diplomatic recognition to China from Taiwan in 1979, acknowledging Taiwan as part of “one China.” China regards Taiwan as a renegade province. Despite tensions over matters ranging from trade to China’s pursuit of territorial claims in the South China Sea, the Obama administration has highlighted cooperation on global issues, such as climate change and Iran’s and North Korea’s nuclear programs. Earlier on Monday, China’s Foreign Ministry said Trump was clear about China’s position on the Taiwan issue and that China had maintained contacts with his team. Vice President-elect Mike Pence sought to play down the telephone conversation, saying on Sunday it was a “courtesy” call, not intended to show a shift in U.S. policy on China. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker, who has been mentioned as a possible secretary of state in the Trump administration, said on Monday he thought reaction to the Taiwan call was being overblown. “He got a call, he took it, and again, he’s getting calls from everyone, so I think probably a lot more is being read into it than is the case, really,” Corker said. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang would not say directly whom China had lodged “stern representations” with about Trump’s call, repeating a weekend statement it had gone to the “relevant side” in the United States. “The whole world knows about the Chinese government’s position on the Taiwan issue. I think President-elect Trump and his team are also clear,” Lu told a daily news briefing. “In fact, China has maintained contacts and communication with the team of President-elect Trump,” he added, repeating a previous assertion, although he did not give details. Lu also said he would not speculate on what prompted the call, but described the matter of Taiwan as the most important and sensitive question between China and the United States. Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who was White House national security adviser when President Richard Nixon made his historic visit to China in 1972, told a forum in New York on U.S.-China relations that he had been “very impressed at the calm reaction of the Chinese leadership” to Trump’s call. Kissinger, who met with Trump last month, said it suggested Beijing may be looking to develop a “calm dialogue” with the new U.S. administration. Trump, who vowed during his campaign to label China a currency manipulator, issued more tough rhetoric on Sunday. “Did China ask us if it was OK to devalue their currency (making it hard for our companies to compete), heavily tax our products going into their country (the U.S. doesn’t tax them) or to build a massive military complex in the middle of the South China Sea? I don’t think so!” Trump said on Twitter. China is not currently viewed as a currency manipulator by either the Treasury Department or the International Monetary Fund. The World Trade Organization says Chinese tariffs on imported goods are generally higher than U.S. tariffs. China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei claim parts or all of the energy-rich South China Sea, through which trillions of dollars in trade passes annually. Lu would not be drawn on directly commenting on Trump’s tweets but defended the China-U.S. relationship. “The China-U.S. economic and trade relationship has over many years always been a highly mutually beneficial one, otherwise it couldn’t have developed the way it has today,” he said. The diplomatic contretemps was one of several recently for the Republican president-elect, a real estate magnate who has never held public office and has no foreign affairs or military experience. Trump, who takes office on Jan. 20, is still considering his choice for secretary of state. The Global Times, an influential tabloid published by the ruling Communist Party’s official People’s Daily, said in an editorial on Tuesday that China would have to meet Trump’s “reckless remarks” head-on. “Trump’s China-bashing tweet is just a cover for his real intent, which is to treat China as a fat lamb and cut a piece of meat off it,” the paper said.
President Of Planned Parenthood Compared To ISIS, The Mob And Drug Dealers
Because the rabidly insane American right wing is no stranger to hyperbole and nonsense comparisons, Fr. Frank Pavone, an anti-choice fanatic, has compared Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood to terrorists, mobsters and drug lords. Why? Because she was invited to speak at Georgetown University by some of the students and letting Planned Parenthood speak is just plain crazy!While on an AM Hate Radio show, Pavone let loose with this gem:He said he didn t buy the argument that inviting someone like Richards to speak was allowing inquiry into all different positions. I mean, do we inquire, do we try to understand terrorism by inviting representatives of ISIS to come and speak? he asked. Or let s get some of the biggest drug dealers in the country to come and talk about their business because, after all, we have to understand both sides of the issue of drug abuse. Why don t we invite the biggest mobsters to come in because we have to understand both sides of the debate about organized crime? Are they doing that? Maybe I m missing it, but do these universities invite these kinds of people too? What Pavone is actually saying is that the only side we should be listening to is the one that says a fertilized egg is a person and that Baby Jesus cries whenever a hell-bound baby killer abortion doctor performs an abortion. Also, that abortion is the moral equivalent of terrorism. That would be a perfectly reasonable argument to make except for the fact that it s pure bullshit.The burning desire for conservative Christians to impose their religious doctrine on the entire country is never more clear than in the abortion debate. I say debate because there really isn t one. The pro-life movement is all about control and, for the most part, completely unconcerned with what happens to the precious life they re willing to murder to defend. The pro-choice movement, on the other hand, is perfectly fine with common sense restrictions placed on late-term abortions, a fact that theocratic monsters refuse to acknowledge.Normally, what Pavone said would be just the ravings of a madman, but these are not normal times. The right has whipped up such a storm of hate and rage against Planned Parenthood that violence is both inevitable and ongoing. This kind of rhetoric only increases the chances that someone will declare themselves a Soldier of God and lash out. Shootings, arson, death threats and all other manner of terrorism have been a common occurance in a country that s supposedly at War with terrorism. But I guess as long as the terrorism is white and Christian, it s acceptable. Murika.Featured image via Getty
Swiss, French police team up for 'counter-terrorism' raids
ZURICH (Reuters) - A Swiss man and a Colombian woman were among people arrested in Switzerland and France on Tuesday in raids against people suspected of breaking laws banning Al Qaeda and Islamic State, the Swiss attorney general s office (OAG) said. The man, a 27-year-old with Swiss nationality, was swept up in arrests in France, while the 23-year-old Colombian woman was detained in Switzerland in the investigation that began in June 2016, the OAG said, describing the probe as a coordinated counter-terrorism operation. The OAG added it had no indication that any concrete action or attack had been planned in Switzerland.
Trump on Twitter (Dec 8) - Hanukkah, Roy Moore, Wells Fargo
The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS. The opinions expressed are his own. Reuters has not edited the statements or confirmed their accuracy. @realDonaldTrump : - Tonight, @FLOTUS Melania and I were thrilled to welcome so many wonderful friends to the @WhiteHouse – and wish them all a very #HappyHanukkah bit.ly/2B1EO7q [0036 EST] - I fulfilled my campaign promise - others didn’t! [0041 EST] - Big crowd expected today in Pensacola, Florida, for a Make America Great Again speech. We have done so much in so short a period of time...and yet are planning to do so much more! See you there! [0811 EST] - LAST thing the Make America Great Again Agenda needs is a Liberal Democrat in Senate where we have so little margin for victory already. The Pelosi/Schumer Puppet Jones would vote against us 100% of the time. He’s bad on Crime, Life, Border, Vets, Guns & Military. VOTE ROY MOORE! [1006 EST] - Fines and penalties against Wells Fargo Bank for their bad acts against their customers and others will not be dropped, as has incorrectly been reported, but will be pursued and, if anything, substantially increased. I will cut Regs but make penalties severe when caught cheating! [1018 EST] - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! [1246 EST] - “The unemployment rate remains at a 17-year low of 4.1%. The unemployment rate in manufacturing dropped to 2.6%, the lowest ever recorded. The unemployment rate among Hispanics dropped to 4.7%, the lowest ever recorded...” @SecretaryAcosta @USDOL [1402 EST] - On my way to Pensacola, Florida. See everyone soon! #MAGA [1825 EST] - Just arrived at the Pensacola Bay Center. Join me LIVE on @FoxNews in 10 minutes! #MAGA [2004 EST] -- Source link: (bit.ly/2jBh4LU) (bit.ly/2jpEXYR)
Nine charged over links to banned Turkish group detained pending trial
ATHENS (Reuters) - A Greek court on Monday ordered the detention of nine Turkish citizens pending trial for terrorism-related offences, including links to a banned militant group behind a series of suicide bombings in Turkey. Greek police arrested the eight men and one woman in dawn raids in central Athens last week. Officials say there is no link between the arrests and a planned state visit by President Tayyip Erdogan to Greece, the first by a Turkish head of state in 65 years, on Dec. 7-8. Greek police are investigating the suspects alleged links to the leftist DHKP/C, a far-left group blamed for a string of attacks and suicide bombings in Turkey since 1990. The nine suspects have been charged with setting up and belonging to a criminal organization, terrorist-related acts of supplying explosive materials, and with illegal possession of firearms, smoke bombs and fire crackers, court officials said. They said the suspects had denied the charges in a statement that also read: Solidarity with people who are fighting for their rights and freedom is not terrorism. Their lawyers said the defendants had not been fully briefed on the case against them and that the charges were vague. Police have released the names and photographs of the suspects, who are aged between 20 and 64. One of the detainees had been wanted by Greek police in connection with an arms and explosives haul off the Greek island of Chios, close to the Turkish coast, in 2013. Under Greek law, individuals can be held pending trial for up to 18 months. Some of the defendants will apply for asylum in the meantime, their lawyers said. Based on Greek legal practice, an investigating magistrate will now take over the investigation and a judicial council will finally decide if there is enough evidence to proceed to trial. Greece and Turkey, though NATO allies, have often been at loggerheads over issues including Aegean territorial rights and the ethnically divided island of Cyprus.
Trump's stance on Virginia violence shocks America's allies
BERLIN/LONDON (Reuters) - America’s closest allies condemned U.S. President Donald Trump in unusually strong and personal terms on Wednesday after he put part of the blame for violent clashes in the state of Virginia on those marching against gun-brandishing neo-Nazis. British Prime Minister Theresa May, widely criticised at home for cultivating close ties to Trump during his first half year in office, spoke out after the president repeated his view that the white nationalists and counter-protesters were both to blame. “There’s no equivalence, I see no equivalence between those who propound fascist views and those who oppose them and I think it is important for all those in positions of responsibility to condemn far-right views wherever we hear them,” May said. The leader of the centrist Liberal Democrats said May should rescind her invitation to Trump to pay a state visit to Britain. “After. @realDonaldTrump whitewash of murder and hatred by #WhiteSupremacists why is he still on list of invited official guests to UK?” Vince Cable tweeted. Politicians in Germany, which has tough laws against hate speech and any symbols linked to the Nazis who murdered 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, expressed shock at the images of people in Charlottesville, Virginia carrying swastikas and chanting anti-Jewish slurs. Chancellor Angela Merkel condemned the “racist, far-right violence”. Her challenger in next month’s election called Trump’s comments the “confused utterances” of a dangerous man. “We should not tolerate the monstrosities coming out of the president’s mouth,” Martin Schulz told the RND newspaper group in an interview. German Justice Minister Heiko Maas, like Schulz a member of the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) which rules in coalition with Merkel, accused Trump of trivialising anti-Semitism and racism. His Israeli counterpart, Ayelet Shaked, a member of the ultranationalist Jewish Home party in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, tweeted: “The neo-Nazis in the United States should be prosecuted. This was not what the American constitution was meant for.” In a heated news conference on Tuesday, Trump said there was “blame on both sides” for the violence, which culminated in the death of a 32-year-old woman, Heather Heyer, after a car crashed into anti-racist demonstrators. A 20-year-old Ohio man said to have harboured Nazi sympathies has been charged with her murder. Trump’s remarks were praised by white supremacists like David Duke, a former leader of the Ku Klux Klan, who applauded the president’s “honesty and courage”. But in Europe, even far-right parties that have welcomed Trump’s nationalist message, were critical of his stance. “These were white supremacists and racists. They need to be condemned in very clear terms,” said Florian Philippot, vice president of France’s National Front and the manager of Marine Le Pen’s campaign for the French presidency. (This story has been refiled to delete typo in paragraph seven)