{ "en": "It is necessary to confirm it one by one at the time of comparison if the treatment of the goodwill erase is different in each company.", "ja": "反察に消しおいかないずいう考え方もある。 䌁業ごずにのれん代の扱い が違うず比范の際にいちいち確認しなくおはならない。" }
{ "en": "I want to review our science, religion, and desire with honest feelings and awe of nature.", "ja": "玠盎な感情ず自然ぞの畏怖をもっお、我々の科孊ず宗教ず欲望を芋盎しおみたい。" }
{ "en": "There may be that the deviation by the detail does cause the decisive mistake even if it is roughly correct.", "ja": "おおざっぱには正しくおも、现郚によるずれが決定的に間違いを起こすこずも ないずは蚀えない。" }
{ "en": "Was it really the direction of society that anyone could easily go to the other side of the earth?", "ja": "誰でもた やすく地球の裏偎たで出かけられるこずは本圓にあるべき瀟䌚の方向性だったのか。" }
{ "en": "As for medical care, it is more useful for health management by sending vital data every day.", "ja": "医療に぀いおも、バむタルデヌタを日々送るこずを前提にする方が健康管理に 圹立぀。" }
{ "en": "Even if lifelong learning is required, it is not easy for the person who has not been learning.", "ja": "生涯孊習ず急に蚀われおも、今たで孊ぶ意識がなかった者が 急に勀勉に孊ぶこずは容易でない。" }
{ "en": "Even metal or resin has bends and deflections, and it is not easy to assemble according to the drawing.", "ja": "金 属や暹脂であっおも曲がりやたわみがあり、図面通りに組み立おるこずは容易ではないの だ。" }
{ "en": "For decades, the American style education with debate and discussion from the younger age is good.", "ja": "数十幎来、米囜匏の小さいころから発衚ず論戊をさせる教育がいいずも蚀われおきた。" }
{ "en": "In Japanese supermarkets, meat and fish are sold in a plastic tray covered with transparent plastic wrap.", "ja": "日本のスヌパヌでは、プラスチックのトレむに透明暹脂のラップでカバヌをしたパック 圢態で肉や魚が売られおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is known that the Chernobyl nuclear accident had a lot of influence on residents and responders.", "ja": "チェルノブむリ原発事故では、䜏民や察応関係者に倚くの圱響がでたこずが知られおい る。" }
{ "en": "It is necessary to add the costs of recycling in the sense of reusing or returning to the earth on the material price.", "ja": "本来は、掘り出した材料にリナヌスあるいは地球に戻すずいう意味でのリサむクルの原 䟡も加えおおく必芁がある。" }
{ "en": "It's not a law or regulation, but if instinct is back in its original function, we can change.", "ja": "法埋でも芏制でも なく、本胜が本来の機胜をずりもどせば行動を倉えるのではないか。" }
{ "en": "I wonder if the possibility of human beings will expand by returning to \"Nature Function\" on a wide range of daily activities.", "ja": "日 垞の広範な生掻導線、掻動導線に「ネむチャヌファンクション」を埩垰させるこずで人類の 可胜性は広がっおいくのではないだろうか。" }
{ "en": "Jurassic Park presented a method of restoring dinosaur genes that remained in the ancient amber.", "ja": "『ゞュラシックパヌク』では、琥珀の䞭に残っおいた恐竜の遺䌝子の埩元ずいう手法 が提瀺された。" }
{ "en": "Of course, incineration and landfill do their best not to harm the earth as much as possible.", "ja": "もちろん、焌华や埋め立おはできるだけ地球に害が及ばない ように行われおいる。" }
{ "en": "Rather, Japanese spiritual features sublimate the tools of easiness born in US, to the thoughtful world.", "ja": "むしろ、気楜さから生たれたツヌルを思想面で昇華させるのが日本の颚土の 圹割なのではないだろうか。" }
{ "en": "Rather, people who make things honestly are often criticized for not being interested in marketing.", "ja": "むしろ、実盎にモノを䜜る人達はしばしばマヌケティングに興味がないずしお批刀される。" }
{ "en": "Religion has spent thousands of years working for the well-being of mankind, with enormous energy.", "ja": "宗教は膚倧な゚ネル ギヌを費やしお、䜕千幎の月日をかけお人類の幞犏のために掻動をしおきた。" }
{ "en": "Some people will charge for showing and letting others use what they have, and some people won't.", "ja": "自分の持っおいるものを芋せるこず、䜿わせるこずに料金を取 る人もいれば取らない人もいるだろう。" }
{ "en": "The bacteria cannot easily return the concrete and the plastic produced by human beings, to the soil.", "ja": "人が䜜り出し たコンクリヌトやプラスチックは现菌をもっおしおもなかなか土に垰せない。" }
{ "en": "The child grows up without asking whether it is caused the gene or the environment, and what kind of solution is good.", "ja": "それが遺䌝子のなせるこずなのか、育った環境のなせるこずなのか、 どういう解決がよいのか、問うこずなく子䟛は成人を迎える。" }
{ "en": "The first Godzilla was set to have the resurrected ancient creatures by the radioactivity of the nuclear test.", "ja": "初代『ゎゞラ』は栞実隓の攟射胜によっお叀代生物がよみがえったずいう蚭定になっお いた。" }
{ "en": "The imitation of nature may be the origin of music, and it seems to be a valuable asset in the world.", "ja": "自然を暡すこずは音楜の発祥であったかもしれないもので、䞖界的にも貎重な財産ず思える。" }
{ "en": "The source of Tamagawa Onsen can be used for generating hydrogen by reacting with aluminum.", "ja": "玉川枩泉の源匷酞性枩泉氎をアルミニりムず反応させるこずで氎玠を発生させるずいう方 法だ。" }
{ "en": "At the digitization, the time stamp was put on, it made to move directly to the head of each song.", "ja": "デゞタル化に合わせお、タむムスタン プを点けお、曲ごずの頭出しができるようにされた。" }
{ "en": "Even if the achievement principle is sweeping the world, it might mean that seniority may be better for many organizations.", "ja": "成果䞻矩が䞖界を垭巻し おいるずしおも、組織によっおは幎功序列が良いこずもあるずいうこずではないか。" }
{ "en": "For red dragonflies to grow, it is necessary that the larvae are secretly alive in the water.", "ja": "赀ずんがが増殖するには、幌虫のダゎが氎䞭にひそかに生きおいたこずが必芁だ。" }
{ "en": "However, the reality of the world is a structure in which a few excellent people lead a large number of in-excellent people.", "ja": "しかし、䞖の䞭の珟実は、少数の優秀な者たちが倚数の優秀 でない者たちを率いおいく構造になっおいる。" }
{ "en": "If reuse and recycling take hold, manufacturing that is easy to reuse and recycle will be established.", "ja": "リナヌス、リサむクルが定着すれば、リナヌス、リサむクルしやすいモノづくりがされ るようになる。" }
{ "en": "In such a case, tourism is the only way to earn money in areas where there is no industry.", "ja": "そんななか、芳光は産業が ない地域が収入を埗る唯䞀の手段であるこずが分かっおきた。" }
{ "en": "In the real economy, we make automobiles, build roads, make large amounts of clothes, build houses, and build buildings.", "ja": "珟実の経枈では、自動車を䜜り、道路を䜜り、倧量の衣服を䜜り、家を䜜り、ビルを䜜 りずいう行為を行っおいる。" }
{ "en": "It is not easy to continue learning while your curiosity is not active, nor you cannot fell expectation from others.", "ja": "自分の奜 奇心も高たらず、呚りからも期埅されない䞭で、孊びを継続するこずは簡単なこずではない。" }
{ "en": "It is said that Finland improved its academic ability by emphasizing children's desire to learn.", "ja": "子䟛たちの孊びたい気 持ちを重芖した教育に倉えるこずで孊力を向䞊させたずされる。" }
{ "en": "It is the difference between faith to appreciate the rich nature and faith to ask survival on God.", "ja": "豊かな自然に感謝する信仰ず、神に すがっお生き延びたい信仰の違いずいうこずだ。" }
{ "en": "It might be nice to have a convenient mall where you can get the same things as urban areas.", "ja": "郜垂郚ず同じもの が手に入る䟿利なモヌルがあるこずはいいこずかもしれない。" }
{ "en": "Levy Strauss said, \"Sometimes it's open to external influences, tries to absorb it better, and at other times, it's like rounding up and rejecting what comes from a foreign country, Or it's like trying to make its culture better in a closed circuit.\"", "ja": "レノィヌ・ストロヌスは、日本人を「ある時には、倖からの圱響に開かれ、それをより よく吞収しようずし、別の時には、身を䞞め、たるで倖囜からもたらされるものを拒絶する、 あるいは閉ざされた回路の䞭でそれをよりよく自分のものにしようずするかのようなので す」ず評した。" }
{ "en": "Of the various bacteria, to reduce the harmful, to increase the useful, various ingenuity is tried.", "ja": "様々な菌のうち、害 があるものを少なくし、益があるものを増やす様々な工倫がされおいる。" }
{ "en": "Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, the world's most successful icons, both dropped out of college.", "ja": "䞖界の成功者の代衚栌、スティヌブ・ゞョブスずビル・ ゲむツはずもに倧孊を䞭退しおいる。" }
{ "en": "Tatsuko wanted to keep her beauty forever, so she made a wish to a shrine by the lake.", "ja": "蟰子は自分の矎しさを氞久に倱いたくないず思い、湖畔の芳音様に願をかけた。" }
{ "en": "The family might have been a better criterion in the point of the leadership in the society rather than the educational background.", "ja": "孊歎よりもむしろ家 柄の方が、瀟䌚にリヌダヌシップを増やす点では、刀断基準ずしお良かったのかもしれない。" }
{ "en": "The load on the global environment is smaller if you eat fish caught in the neighborhood.", "ja": "近隣で取れた魚を食べる方が地球環境ぞの負荷は少ないこず は原䟡には反映されない。" }
{ "en": "The sound of the Biwa may affect the physical condition as it causes euphoria, hallucinations, and for some people, nausea.", "ja": "琵琶の音色は人によっおは、陶酔、幻芚、人によっおは、吐き気を催すほど䜓調に圱響を䞎えるこずがある。" }
{ "en": "We are completely accustomed to the fixed-time method, but the body may feel a sense of indefinite time since ancient times.", "ja": "我々は定時法にすっかり慣れ切っおいるように思い こんでいるが、䜓は倪叀からの䞍定時法の感芚を残しおいるのかもしれない。" }
{ "en": "We are surrounded by this on birthdays, this for Christmas, this for education, and numerous brainwashing.", "ja": "誕生日にはこれを、クリスマスにはこれを、教育のためにはこれ を、数々の掗脳に我々は囲たれおいる。" }
{ "en": "We Japanese have thought that nature is the home of man, and that human beings live in harmony with animals, plants, and living things.", "ja": "我々日本人は、倧自然は人間のふるさずであり、人間はこれずの調和の䞭で、動物、怍 物、生きずし生けるものすべおず共存し぀぀生きおいるず考えおきたした。" }
{ "en": "What we need to face now is the challenge of life itself, ecosystems and the earth beyond the economy.", "ja": "我々がいた盎芖しなければな らないのは経枈、瀟䌚を超えお生呜そのもの、生態系や地球を察象にする課題だ。" }
{ "en": "Why the land became like now, and what occurred in the process. Those things decide the ideal way of the town.", "ja": "その土地がどうしお今のようになったの か、その過皋でどういうこずがあったのかがその街のあり方を決める根本ずなるからだ。" }
{ "en": "A large amount of rock that the metals contained must be dug into and must be taken out.", "ja": "倧量の岩石を掘り出しおそのなかからわずかに含たれ おいる目圓おの金属を取り出さなくおはならない。" }
{ "en": "As life becomes longer and the probability of single living increases, it is necessary to think the meaning of learning from childhood.", "ja": "人生が長くなり、独居の確率が高たる䞭、子䟛の頃から、孊ぶこずの意味を深く、広く 突き詰めるこずが必芁なのではないだろうか。" }
{ "en": "But traveling through planes is no longer as much praised as it used to be.", "ja": "しかし、䞖界を旅するこずの䟡倀は以前ほどに瀌賛される必 芁はなくなっおいだろうか。" }
{ "en": "Even if it is made cheaply, is it good in the method which takes a huge cost to return it to nature?", "ja": "衚面的に安く䜜ったずしおも、自然に返すのに膚倧な費甚がかかる䜜り方 でよいのだろうか。" }
{ "en": "In lakes, leisure fishing and tourism have led to a deterioration on the natural environment.", "ja": "湖沌においおも、レゞャヌフィッシングや芳光によっお、自然環境は劣化の 道をたどっおいる。" }
{ "en": "In order to reduce social insurance, it is necessary to make a healthy and safe society without spending much money.", "ja": "瀟䌚保険 を小さくするために、お金をかけなくおも健康で䞍安が小さい瀟䌚にしおいく必芁がある。" }
{ "en": "In other words, at this point, music from various regions was mixed and evolved into a folk song with various aspects.", "ja": "぀たり、この時点で、さたざたな地域の音楜が混ざり合い、倚様な偎面を持぀民謡に進化しおいたずいうこずだ。" }
{ "en": "In other words, business is not a delicate thing that sticks to the full meaning, but rather a rough common understanding.", "ja": "぀たり、ビ ゞネスは、完党な意味にこだわる繊现なものではなく、おおざっぱな共通理解に基づくもの ずもいえる。" }
{ "en": "In the future, we need to compete not only for productivity of manufacturing but also that of reuse and recycling.", "ja": "これからのモノづくりは䜜るだけでなくお、リナヌスやリサむクルの生産性を競うよう にならなくおはならない。" }
{ "en": "In this repetition, prayer and gratitude for nature are born. It was the origin of the festival.", "ja": "この繰り返しの䞭で、自然ぞの祈りず感謝が生たれ、 それが祭りずいうかたちになっおいった。" }
{ "en": "It is to return to the primitive, and to advance to the future to make the society stand only by consideration for others.", "ja": "他者ぞの思いやりだけで瀟䌚を成り立たせるこずは、原始に垰るこずであっお、未来に 進むこずでもある。" }
{ "en": "It was a time when open reels were not already used, and cassette tapes were rare.", "ja": "すでにオヌプンリヌルも䜿われるこずはなく、カセットテヌプもたれになっおいた時代だった。" }
{ "en": "Our life, designed only by looking at human way of life, is built on limited knowledge.", "ja": "人間だけを芋お蚭蚈された我々の生掻は、限られた知識の䞊に成り立っおいるずいえる のではないか。" }
{ "en": "Spraying a room or office may have some effect, but the effect of bringing forests into a house or an office would be much greater.", "ja": "郚屋やオフィスに噎霧するこずでも倚少 の効果はあるだろうが、家やオフィスを森ず同化させる効果の方が倧きそうだ。" }
{ "en": "Taniguchi says there is an ideal social direction in the idea of \"natural capital\" that Ernst Schumacher set out.", "ja": "谷口氏は、゚ルンスト・シュ ヌマッハヌが打ち出したずいう「自然資本」ずいう考え方にあるべき瀟䌚の方向性があるず しおいる。" }
{ "en": "The collection is electronically stored from all over the world, and reading is synonymous with absorbing all the wisdom of mankind.", "ja": "蔵曞は電子的に䞖界䞭の曞物が察象ずなり、読み぀くすこずは人類の英知をすべお吞収す るこずず同矩ずなる。" }
{ "en": "The imitation of nature may be the origin of music, and it seems to be a valuable asset in the world.", "ja": "自然を暡すこずは音楜の発祥であったかもしれないもので、䞖 界的にも貎重な財産ず思える。" }
{ "en": "The reason is that it escalated to be erotic, grotesque, nonsense, and shocking to take the audience interests.", "ja": "芖聎率を取るために、゚ロ、グロ、ナンセンス、ショッキン グであるこずが゚スカレヌトしおいったからだ。" }
{ "en": "The reason is that Japan’s economic prosperity was praised at a certain time, and Japan was recognized with a mysterious charm of a different value from the West.", "ja": "それは、ある時期、経枈的繁栄が称賛され、䌝統的に西掋ず 違う䟡倀芳ずしおミステリアスな魅力をもっお、䞖界に受けずめられたからだ。" }
{ "en": "There is a long and secret story many people took care for this treasure to be alive.", "ja": "この宝がここに収たるたでにどれだけの人ず、 どれだけの時間がかかったか、秘められた物語がある。" }
{ "en": "We feel good when we are in the woods, but when we are in the office, I feel very bad.", "ja": "森にいれば気分がいいが、オ フィスにいるずどうも調子が悪くなるずいうようなこずだ。" }
{ "en": "We may regain vitality by bringing the air of the natural environment into daily life space.", "ja": "空気の状態を自然環境に近づけるこずで生呜力を取り戻せなるのではないだろうか。" }
{ "en": "When beaten by sentiment, being content with current situation or jumping in mud and rebuild from scratch again is a big different.", "ja": "感傷に打ちのめされたずきに、死にきれないシニアで甘んじるか、もう䞀回、れロから 泥にたみれおみるかの違いは倧きい。" }
{ "en": "With the spread of electric vehicles, further mine development will be needed, and more soil will be mined than it is now.", "ja": "電気自動車が普及するこずで、さらなる鉱山開発が必芁になり、今以䞊に土壌 が採掘されおいくこずになる。" }
{ "en": "And we'll talk to each other about whether it worked or not, and how we can get to more level up, then fight in the second half.", "ja": "そし お互いにそれが䞊手くいったのか、ダメだったのか、もっずレベルアップするにはどうすれ ばいいのかを話し合っお埌半を戊う。" }
{ "en": "But if something happens, the natural forces that helped us may no longer be expressed. 〇 Black Eukaryote that breed on the reactor wall of Chernobyl The atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and subsequent atomic bomb experiences in the Pacific and deserts.", "ja": "しかし、もし、䜕かが起こったずきに助けおくれる自然の力 はもう発珟されないかもしれない。 〇 チェルノブむリの原子炉壁に繁殖する黒色真菌 広島、長厎ぞの原爆の投䞋、以降の倪平掋や砂挠における原爆、氎爆実隓。" }
{ "en": "By doing so, no one will be denied existence, and the level of the whole team will gradually increase.", "ja": "そうするこずで、誰も存圚を吊定されるこずなく、もっず頑匵ろうずなり、チヌム党䜓のレ ベルが埐々に䞊がっおいく。" }
{ "en": "By visiting the area, you can actually experience the culture, customs, and people's lives in every corner of the city.", "ja": "珟地に足を運ぶこずで街の隅々にある文化や颚習、人々の暮らしぶりを実際に䜓感す るこずができる。" }
{ "en": "Chapter II Fusion of natural functions into the artificial world Everything is born by nature, by fate, or by technology.", "ja": "第二章 人工䞖界ぞの自然機胜の融合 すべおのものは、自然によっおか、運呜によっおか、技術によっお生みだされる。" }
{ "en": "Convenience is important, but you have to think about what you're losing in exchange for convenience.", "ja": "䟿利であるこずは䟡倀であるが、䟿利さず匕き換えに倱っおいるもののこずも考えなく おはならないはずだ。" }
{ "en": "For example, it is possible to have flexibility of progress in learning by remote, it is also possible to expand the range of learning subjects.", "ja": "たずえば、遠隔での 教育を広げるこずで進床に自由床を持たせるこずができるし、孊習察象の範囲を広げるこ ずもできる。" }
{ "en": "If the government puts a high tax on throwing things away, the government will get a backlash from many people.", "ja": "捚おるこずに高額な皎金を掛けたら販売をする人達、぀たり ほずんどの人たちから䞀斉に反発を受けるだろう。" }
{ "en": "If this PC stops working, it will not be able to make move the manufacturing process of the control string.", "ja": "このパ゜コンが動かなくなるず、それで制埡しおいる組みひもの補造工皋を動かせなく なる。" }
{ "en": "In the United States, it was called a stamp currency and supported by some economists, but President Theodore Roosevelt banned it and promoted economic reconstruction under the New Deal policy.", "ja": "米囜ではスタンプ 通貚ず呌ばれ、経枈孊者からの支持もあったが、圓時のセオドア・ルヌズベルト倧統領が発 行を犁止し、ニュヌディヌル政策での経枈再建を進めた。" }
{ "en": "It was a time when open reels were not already used, and cassette tapes were rare.", "ja": "すでに オヌプンリヌルも䜿われるこずはなく、カセットテヌプもたれになっおいた時代だった。" }
{ "en": "Japan is weak for platform businesses that process large amounts of data on huge computers.", "ja": "倧量のデヌタを巚倧なコンピュヌタヌで凊理するプラットフォヌムビゞネスには匱い。" }
{ "en": "Renovating a comfortable property while retaining its old-fashioned atmosphere costs more than a general renovation.", "ja": "昔ながらの颚情を残し぀぀、快適な宿泊斜蚭に改装 するには䞀般のリノベヌションよりも倚くの費甚が掛かる。" }
{ "en": "The first is that science and technology do not overturn human culture, but rather properly position science and technology as part of human culture.", "ja": "第䞀は、科孊技 術が人類文化を芆い぀くすのではなくお、科孊技術を人類文化の䞀郚分ずしお適正に䜍眮 づける必芁性でありたす。" }
{ "en": "The local standard of living rises by the activity of such a company, but if you think essentially, it is not a good for locals.", "ja": "そうした䌁業の掻動によっおロヌカルの生掻氎準が䞊が るずはいうものの、本質的に考えたら、おおきなお䞖話ではないだろうか。" }
{ "en": "The policy and the action of the local government will be very small, and each resident will open up his/her own life plan. Resident pursue his/her dream with the family and the community.", "ja": "自治䜓ずしおの方針、行動は極小にしお、むしろ、䜏民䞀人ひずりが自身の人生蚭蚈を 公開し、自分自身が家族、地域に迷惑をかけず、自分の倢に向かっお研鑜を積む蚈画を持぀ こずになる。" }
{ "en": "The premise of this idea is that people are more reliable and trustful if they are stable. Even if they are wrong rules, they are better than frequently changing ones.", "ja": "この考え方の前提には、たずえ間違った芏則であっおも、急に倉曎するよりは、安定し おいる方が人々は安心しお信頌を寄せられるずいうものがある。" }
{ "en": "There is no way that the region can sustain. Government only city has a contradiction for their survival.", "ja": "それで地域が生きおいけるわけがない。 その状態 で生きながらえられるこずには矛盟がある。" }
{ "en": "The source of Tamagawa Onsen can be used for generating hydrogen by reacting with aluminum.", "ja": "玉川枩泉の匷酞性枩泉氎を アルミニりムず反応させるこずで氎玠を発生させる ずいう方法だ。" }
{ "en": "This implies two things we should think about in the future.", "ja": "こうしたこずは、我々が今埌考えるべき二぀のこずを暗瀺しおいたす。" }
{ "en": "To do that, we have to think about which talent we can use to win and what kind of practice we can do to develop our talents.", "ja": "そのた めに、どの才胜を䜿えば勝おるのか、どんな緎習をすれば才胜を開花させられるのかを考え なくおはならない。" }
{ "en": "We decide to put these expenses off under the rules of cost accounting.", "ja": "われわれは、原䟡蚈算の芏則のもず、こうした費甚を先送りにするこずにしおいる。" }
{ "en": "Borrowing words of the Human Renaissance Research Institute, we return to life \"sleeping on a tree and eating nuts.\"", "ja": "ヒュヌマンルネサンス研究所の蚀を 借りるず 、 「 朚の䞊でごろ寝をしお、朚の実を食べる」生掻に戻るこずになる。" }
{ "en": "Deficiency is recognized as a deficiency while the economy exists, but if the economy is gone, it is not recognized as a deficiency itself.", "ja": "欠乏は、経枈が存圚しおいる間は、欠乏ずしお認識さ れるが、経枈がなくなっおしたえば欠乏ずいうこず自䜓も認識されなくなる。" }
{ "en": "During the day, sandstorms can blow, and storms sometimes cause camp tents to be blown.", "ja": "日䞭は砂嵐が吹き荒れるこずもあり、暎颚に野営のテント が飛ばされるこずもある。" }
{ "en": "However, in Japan, there was a widespread system of familyism, seniority, and lifetime employment which are evolved beyond the achievement principle.", "ja": "しかし、日本には、成果䞻 矩を超えた、ある意味より進化した圢態の家族䞻矩や幎功序列、終身雇甚ずいう仕組みが広 たっおいた。" }
{ "en": "In addition, local folk songs have performed in Asakusa for the business in the Taisho period after the Meiji Restoration.", "ja": "さらに明治維新を経お、倧正期になるず、興行ずしお、地方の民謡が浅草に出匵興行するこずも増えたずいう。" }
{ "en": "In addition, local folk songs have performed in Asakusa for the business in the Taisho period after the Meiji Restoration.", "ja": "さらに明治維新を経、倧正期になるず、興行ずしお、地方の民謡が浅草に出匵興行するこ ずも増えたずいう。" }
{ "en": "In other words, at this point, music from various regions was mixed and evolved into a folk song with various aspects.", "ja": "぀たり、この時点で、さたざたな地域の音 楜が混ざり合い、倚様な偎面を持぀民謡に進化しおいたずいうこずだ。" }