Unnamed: 0
['How much does it cost to be a pet sitter?', '<p>Starting out as a pet sitter and offering your services on PetBacker is free, and you can set your own rates. When you get a reservation, a 15-25% service fee is deducted from the total booking amount.</p>\r\n<p>PetBacker service fees are reduced in levels based on the number of jobs you have completed. For more information do refer to the <a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/pet-service-provider-incentive-program">PetBacker incentive program</a> for the benefits you will receive.</p>\r\n<p>Any pet sitter/host suspected of soliciting payment outside of PetBacker will be suspended without notice. <br />Example: <br />1. Requesting customers to revise a booking from many days/visits/walks to one<br />2. Promoting other platforms<br />3. Requesting customers contact you outside by visiting Facebook, Google search, Map or other social media<br />4. Exchange of contacts or meet up before booking but not closing the deal (Penalty of 40% of the Fees to remove your account restriction)<br />5. Giving customers an unreasonable low rate or discount as a deposit (e.g. USD$1 for a Booking to get contact or to deal outside)<br />6. Cancelling or getting cancelled for a hired booking without good reason<br />7. Subsequent bookings or extensions not made via the platform<br />8. Misleading customers that PetBacker charges fees without informing them the importance of Pet Insurance that PetBacker includes in the hope they will deal with you outside<br />9. Requesting for Cash payment outside the platform<br />10. Requesting customers to pay Hidden fees outside the platform</p>\r\n<p>To restore your service fees from:<br />- First time suspected mistake, 30% to 20%, complete 5 new bookings<br />- Second time suspected mistake, 30% to 20%, complete 10 new bookings.</p>\r\n<p>For the third suspected mistake onwards, you will not receive anymore broadcast job requests, only normal Direct job requests at 35% of the fees.</p>\r\n<p>To fully restore your account you also have the option to join the <a href="/help-center/sponsors">Sponsor Program</a> for a yearly fee.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>You might also be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/sponsors">Why be a sponsor?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/what-are-the-service-fees">Why PetBacker need the service fees?</a>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/pet-service-provider-incentive-program">Pet Service Provider Incentive Program</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['What methods of payment does PetBacker accept?', '<p>The methods of payment vary by region. Some of the payment methods PetBacker accepts are direct bank in, and major credit cards, debit cards via Paypal.</p>']
['How does PetBacker store credit card information?', '<p>PetBacker does not store any credit card information. All credit card processing is done via Paypal.</p>']
['What are credits for?', '<p style="text-align: center;"><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/what-is-credit.gif" alt="what are credits" width="300px" /></p>\r\n<p>Everyone is encouraged to get 10 free credits by introducing 3 pet lovers to sign up with PetBacker. (<span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a href="/help-center/referral-program/where-do-i-add-a-referral-email-when-signing-up">Where to add referral email?</a></span>)</p>\r\n<p>The credits can be used to</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href="/help-center/payments/can-i-exchange-credits-for-pet-services">exchange for pet&nbsp;sitting</a>&nbsp;with a discount</li>\r\n<li>exchange for merchandise like collars, T-shirts, pet toys and more via our newsletter</li>\r\n<li>pet sitters can reply to jobs even it has exceeded a limit of 5 responses (we set a limit of maximum 5 backers to reply to a job)</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Pet care providers who are&nbsp;<a href="/help-center/sponsors/why-subscribe-to-a-sponsor-subscription">Sponsors</a>&nbsp;will get 200&nbsp;credits which can be used to <strong>respond to any jobs, even when it does not match the service type you offer</strong>&nbsp;and access to browse jobs function.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>No worries ^_^, non sponsor&nbsp;users still have a chance to response to job leads after a grace period given to sponsor users for negotiation.</p>\r\n<p>If you need more information about credits, feel free to <a href="https://www.petbacker.com/t/s">contact us</a>.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-parents/how-to-get-credits">How to get free credits?</a></p>']
['Benefits of PetBacker Sponsor subscription', '<p>\r\n\t<img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/icons/credentials/sponsor.png" alt="PetBacker Sponsor" />\r\n</p>\r\n<p>Pet care providers who have subscribed to \r\n\t<strong>\r\n\t\t<span style="color: #6C5493;">PetBacker Sponsor</span>\r\n\t</strong> subscriptions enjoy the following benefits:\r\n</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li>Your PetBacker Sponsor money will be spent back on advertising for your area to increase traffic to your listing, and increase job leads to you! Potential customers are also more likely to find you on search engines like Google.</li>\r\n\t<li>Get a "PetBacker Sponsor" badge on your profile which gives users more confidence in the dedication of the Pet Service Providers and proof of credits (either has registered a bank account or credit card)</li>\r\n\t<li>Create additional listings for your other services or branches.</li>\r\n\t<li>List your services in more than one location, or to schedule sitting jobs in multiple locations when travelling</li>\r\n\t<li>Get 200 credits to respond to jobs that have reached the maximum of 5 responses.</li>\r\n\t<li>Get special discount vouchers valued at 30% of the sponsor amount that you can offer to pet owners to book only you, it will not be valid for use with other Backers. Each voucher can be a max of 1% of the sponsor value.</li>\r\n\t<li>Exchange credits for merchandise like collars, T-shirts, pet toys and more via our newsletter.</li>\r\n\t<li>A pop up in the pet owner\'s chat informing that they are chatting with a Sponsor Backer, which is more trusted, have better facilities and care for pets.</li>\r\n\t<li>Job assignment priority to Sponsor\'s first.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>\r\n\t<strong>You might be interested in</strong>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t<a href="/help-center/sponsors/what-are-credits-for">What are credits for?\r\n\t\t<br />\r\n\t</a>\r\n</p>\r\n<p>\r\n\t<a href="https://petbacker.com/help-center/pet-service-providers/what-is-the-browse-job-feature-for">What is the browse job feature for?</a>\r\n</p>']
['How to get a PetBacker Sponsor subscription for my listing?', '<p>Get additional benefits and give your listing a boost with PetBacker Sponsor subscription. Here is what you need to do:<ol><li>Go to your "Profile"</li><li>Tap on "Sponsor Program"</li><li>Make the payment.</li></ol><br /><p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-be-sponsor.gif" alt="how to be sponsor" /></p><br /><p>That\'s it! Click <a href="/help-center/sponsors/why-subscribe-to-a-sponsor-subscription" target="_self">here</a> to find out what you get as a PetBacker Sponsor subscriber.</p>']
['Where do I add a referral code when signing up?', '<p>If you have a referral code that you would like to add before signing up:</p>\r\n<p>1) At the Sign Up page of the app tap on "Add Referral Code"</p>\r\n<p>2) Next enter the referral code of the referrer.</p>\r\n<p>3) Tap "Add" to confirm and add the code. You can now proceed to sign up.</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/petbacker/images/faq/en/how-to-add-referral-code.gif" alt="add referral code" /></p>']
['What is the browse job feature for?', '<!--<p>-->\r\n<!--\t<img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/browse-job.jpg" alt="" />-->\r\n<!--</p>-->\r\n<p>The browse job feature lets you browse all job leads that were not automatically matched to the services you provide. This lets you pick up jobs that you may not have listed your services for. For example if you offer boarding services and someone requests for daycare services, you won\'t be automatically matched to that request but you can still pick up that job from here.</p>\r\n<!--<p>The distance of the job leads that you can view from your location varies by region and service.</p>-->\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['What is the PetBacker referral program?', '<p>Get 10 credits when you refer 3 friends to sign up successfully on PetBacker. You and your friend will get the following rewards on their first paid booking on PetBacker&nbsp;based on the following table:</p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><strong>Country</strong></td> <td><strong>Friend Discount</strong></td> <td><strong>Your Reward</strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td>US</td> <td>US$12</td> <td>US$4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>UK</td> <td>&pound;12&nbsp;</td> <td>&pound;4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>AU</td> <td>A$12</td> <td>A$4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>SG</td> <td>S$12</td> <td>S$4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>EU</td> <td>&euro;12</td> <td>&euro;4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>MY</td> <td>RM12</td> <td>RM4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>TW</td> <td>TWD120</td> <td>TWD40</td> </tr> <tr> <td>HK</td> <td>HKD120</td> <td>HKD40</td> </tr> <tr> <td>JP</td> <td>&yen;1200</td> <td>&yen;400</td> </tr> <tr> <td>All other</td> <td>US$2</td> <td>$1</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>For pet sitter referrals, you will get 3% of their first earnings.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Please abide to our code of ethics below. Any user who are found to have broken these code of ethics will be banned and any earnings will be withheld.</p> <ul> <li>Do not use purchased email or phone lists</li> <li>Do not spam unknown users for leads</li> <li>Do not use competitive platforms deliberately for lead gathering</li> <li>Do not spam forums or public posts on social media</li> <li>Do not submit unsuitable candidates with unproven capabilities.</li> </ul>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<h5>You might also be interested in:</h5>\r\n<ul><li><a href="/help-center/referral-program/how-to-share-referral-code">How to share my referral code?</a></li></ul>']
['How do I get reviews and recommendations?', '<p><strong>If you have received the link to your personal listing webpage</strong></p><p><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/listing-page.png" alt="listing page" /></p><p>1) Share the link to that webpage to your friends and customers and request that the person reviewing you scroll down till they see the review button that looks like below:</p><p><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/review-button.png" alt="review button" /></p><p>2) Tap on "Write a Review" to open the review page.</p><p><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/leave-review.png" alt="leave review" /></p><p>3) They can then leave you a rating as well as a review.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>If you have the app</strong>, you may learn more on <a href="https://www.petbacker.com/help-center/pet-service-providers/where-can-i-find-my-listing-web-link">how to get my listing profile link.</a></p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
["Where do I check a pet service provider's review and ratings?", '<p><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/listing-review.jpg" alt="Review in listing" /></p><p>Reviews and ratings can be found in the pet service provider\'s listing. Tap on the review stars or number to view all that service provider\'s ratings and reviews. A review that is labelled "Verified" are reviews from pet parents who have hired the pet service provider on PetBacker.</p>']
['Where can I find my listing profile link?', '<p>1) Tap on your "Profile".</p>\r\n<p>2) Tap on the listing you would like to find the web link for in "Listings".</p>\r\n<p>3) Tap on one of the social share methods, for instance "Facebook".</p>\r\n<p>4) You will find your listing web link in the share message</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-share-listing.gif" alt="share listing" /></p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['Do I need to be licensed or bonded to be a pet sitter?', '<p>PetBacker requires that you follow your local laws and regulations regarding licensing and other requirements. Requirements vary by location, so check with your local Animal Control to learn about the regulations where you live.</p><p>Often, licensing regulations apply only to facilities that handle a high volume of dogs. If you sit for one or two dogs at a time, you may not need a license. Nevertheless, it&rsquo;s a good idea to check your local regulations.</p><p>PetBacker will not be held responsible for any legal action taken against you should you fail to adhere to your local laws and regulations regarding licensing and other requirements.</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['What are the badges on the pet service provider profiles?', '<p>The badges displayed in PetBacker search results and on pet service provider profile pages are visual symbols of their love of pets and commitment to high-quality care.</p>\r\n<p>You&rsquo;ll spot other badges on PetBacker&mdash;as well as a few ribbons&mdash;but the most important are the ID, Sponsor, and Certification badges</p>\r\n<table style="width: 100%;">\r\n<tbody>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td style="width: 20%;"><img class="pull-center" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/icons/credentials/facebook.png" alt="facebook badge" width="30" height="30" /></td>\r\n<td style="width: 80%; text-align: justify;">The <strong>Facebook</strong> badge means that the sitter or pet service provider has verified their Facebook account with their PetBacker account.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td style="width: 20%;"><img class="pull-center" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/icons/credentials/email.png" alt="email badge" width="30" height="30" /></td>\r\n<td style="width: 80%; text-align: justify;">The <strong>Email</strong> badge means that the sitter or pet service provider has verified their email account with their PetBacker account.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td style="width: 20%;"><img class="pull-center" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/icons/credentials/google.png" alt="google badge" width="30" height="30" /></td>\r\n<td style="width: 80%; text-align: justify;">The <strong>Google</strong> badge means that the sitter or pet service provider has verified their google account with their PetBacker account.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td style="width: 20%;"><img class="pull-center" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/icons/credentials/mobile.png" alt="mobile badge" width="30" height="30" /></td>\r\n<td style="width: 80%; text-align: justify;">The <strong>Mobile</strong> badge means that the sitter or pet service provider has verified their mobile number with their PetBacker account. This showcases their dedication to caring for your pet and are willing to be contacted over mobile phone.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td style="width: 20%;"><img class="pull-center" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/icons/credentials/id.png" alt="id badge" width="30" height="30" /></td>\r\n<td style="width: 80%; text-align: justify;">The <strong>ID</strong> badge means that the sitter or pet service provider has provided their personal ID with their PetBacker account. This showcases the sitter&rsquo;s or pet service provider\'s credibility and reliability. It will also facilitate easier tracking and police investigations in the event of an unfortunate incident.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td style="width: 20%;"><img class="pull-center" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/icons/credentials/business.png" alt="id badge" width="30" height="30" /></td>\r\n<td style="width: 80%; text-align: justify;">The <strong>Business</strong> badge means that the sitter or pet service provider is a registered business and has presented us with their business registration details.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td style="width: 20%;"><img class="pull-center" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/icons/credentials/certification.png" alt="pro badge" width="30" height="30" /></td>\r\n<td style="width: 80%; text-align: justify;">The <strong>Certification</strong>&nbsp;badge shows a sitter or pet service provider has presented us with certification indicating they are certified and trained in one of the many pet training programs. You may request details of the certification prior to hiring them.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>\r\n<td style="width: 20%;"><img class="pull-center" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/icons/credentials/sponsor.png" alt="pro badge" width="30" height="30" /></td>\r\n<td style="width: 80%; text-align: justify;">The <strong>Sponsor</strong> badge shows a sitter&rsquo;s or pet service provider\'s commitment to quality care. They pay an annual subscription fee, which gives them access resources that make them better prepared to care for your dog.</td>\r\n</tr>\r\n</tbody>\r\n</table>']
['Why PetBacker need the service fees?', '<p>PetBacker exists to make it easier to have a dog, cat or other pets in your life. Running the business&mdash;including world-class customer support, a team of trust and safety experts, and an innovative and secure platform used by thousands of pet lovers every day&mdash;requires ongoing funds. These standard service fees, which remain at or below industry norms, help allow PetBacker to operate and continually improve to meet the needs of our growing community.</p>\r\n<p>Pet sitters, dog walkers and pet service providers are the cornerstone of our business&mdash;without their passion, hard work, and devotion to providing amazing pet care, we wouldn\'t be here. We\'re here to provide ongoing support, educational opportunities, and to help each individual grow their business&mdash;and we&rsquo;re in it for the long haul. These fees help us do that, along with facilitating PetBacker&rsquo;s customer support, trust and safety coverage, and important site maintenance and product improvements. They also help cover benefits for sitters and pet service providers, including the costs of processing payments and ongoing promotion of pet services on PetBacker.</p>\r\n<p><strong>You might also be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/how-much-are-the-service-fees">How much are the service fees</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How do these fees impact my business?', '<p>For pet sitters and dog walkers on PetBacker, these fees are designed to support you every step of the way, and they&rsquo;re standard in our industry. We use these standard service fees to do things like:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Continually improve your experience with the PetBacker website and mobile apps.</li>\r\n<li>Expand our Trust &amp; Safety team to offer best-in-class support.</li>\r\n<li>Create original educational content specifically for sitters and pet service providers.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>In short, these fees help us build our business so we can keep on building yours.</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How much are the service fees for service providers? ', '<p>Starting out as a pet sitter and offering your services on PetBacker is free, and you can set your own rates. When you get a reservation, a 15-25% service fee is deducted from the total booking amount.</p>\r\n<p>PetBacker service fees are reduced in levels based on the number of jobs you have completed. For more information do refer to the <a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/pet-service-provider-incentive-program">PetBacker incentive program</a> for the benefits you will receive.</p>\r\n<p><strong>From 1st January 2021 onwards, Pet Training services will remain with a fixed 35% service fees due to the high cost of advertising dog training and exempted from any incentive program.</strong></p>\r\n<p>New Backers service fees start at 25% due to management risk and cost of insurance. Some experienced Backers who continuosly skip the platform still have a high rate because it costs us more to manage them to ensure a secure and happy community.</p>\r\n<p>\r\n*Insurance will only be included when the booking amount is above the minimum amount. \r\n</p>\r\n<p>Any pet sitter/host suspected of soliciting payment outside of PetBacker will be suspended without notice. <br />Example: <br />1. Requesting customers to revise a booking from many days/visits/walks to one<br />2. Promoting other platforms<br />3. Requesting customers contact you outside by visiting Facebook, Google search, Map or other social media<br />4. Exchange of contacts or meet up before booking but not closing the deal (Penalty of 40% of the Fees to remove your account restriction)<br />5. Giving customers an unreasonable low rate or discount as a deposit (e.g. USD$1 for a Booking to get contact or to deal outside)<br />6. Cancelling or getting cancelled for a hired booking without good reason<br />7. Subsequent bookings or extensions not made via the platform<br />8. Misleading customers that PetBacker charges fees without informing them the importance of Pet Insurance that PetBacker includes in the hope they will deal with you outside<br />9. Requesting for Cash payment outside the platform<br />10. Requesting customers to pay Hidden fees outside the platform</p>\r\n<p>To restore your service fees from:<br />- First time suspected mistake, 30% to 20%, complete 5 new bookings<br />- Second time suspected mistake, 30% to 20%, complete 10 new bookings.</p>\r\n<p>For the third suspected mistake onwards, you will not receive anymore broadcast job requests, only normal Direct job requests at 35% of the fees.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>You might also be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/sponsors">Why be a sponsor?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/what-are-the-service-fees">Why PetBacker need the service fees?</a>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/pet-service-provider-incentive-program">Pet Service Provider Incentive Program</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['Member responsibilities', "<p>Home pet boarding and other Pet Care Services are not appropriate for all pets, especially aggressive poorly socialized pets. You acknowledge that it is your sole responsibility, as a Member, to determine if the applicable Pet Care Service is best for your pet and to select the Pet Service Provider carefully. While certain Pet Service Providers may receive positive assessments or comments by the Site or its users, PetBacker makes no representations or warranties regarding the quality, security or positive features of the Pet Service Provider or the Pet Service Provider's residence.</p><p>PetBacker is not party to any agreement or transaction between Member and Pet Service Providers and, as such, cannot verify or otherwise authenticate any claims made by the Pet Service Provider (including any medical certifications or insurance coverage held by the Pet Service Provider). Moreover, it is incumbent upon you to share any and all relevant information, including but not limited to medical issues, allergies or other conditions, about your pet prior to engaging the Pet Service Provider for pet boarding or other pet-care related services. As a Member, you acknowledge and agree that the entire risk arising out of your use of the Site, including listing and booking Pet Service Provider Services, is entirely your own.</p><p>You acknowledge and agree that, PetBacker is not liable for any damages associated with the administration of pet boarding or other Pet Care Services, which may include but are not limited to, bodily injury or death to your pet (whether caused by the Pet Service Provider, any family member, friend, pet or other affiliate of the Pet Service Provider or any other third party). It is the sole responsibility of Members to make decisions that are in the best interests of themselves and their pets.</p>"]
['Privacy & Cookie Policy ', '<p>This Privacy Policy is effective as of: 1st OCTOBER, 2016</p>\r\n<p>PetBacker.com ("PetBacker") values your privacy. In this Privacy Policy ("Policy"), we describe the information that we collect about you when you visit our website, <a href="https://www.petbacker.com/">https://petbacker.com</a>, communication system or mobile application (the "Platform") and use the services available on the&nbsp;Platform ("Services"), and how we use and disclose that information.</p>\r\n<p>If you have any questions or comments about the Privacy Policy, please contact us at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]"</a>. This Policy is incorporated into and is subject to the PetBacker Terms of Use, which can be accessed at www.petbacker.com/terms. Your use of the Website and/or Services and any personal information you provide on the Platform remains subject to the terms of the Policy and PetBacker\'s Terms of Use.</p>\r\n<p><strong>A. Collection of Your Personal Information</strong></p>\r\n<p>1. COLLECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION</p>\r\n<p>We collect personal information from service professionals offering their products and services as well as from consumers searching for those service professionals. Both consumers and service professionals are required to create an account to be able to access certain portions of our Platform, such as to submit questions, participate in polls or surveys, to request a quote, to submit a bid in response to a quote, and request information. The type of personal information that we collect from you varies based on your particular interaction with our Platform.</p>\r\n<p>Consumers: During the Account registration process, we will collect information such as your name, zip code, and email address. You also may provide us with your telephone number, mailing address, and demographic information (e.g., gender, age, political preference, education, race or ethnic origin, and other information relevant to user surveys and/or offers). We may also collect personal information that you post in your Offer, Profile, Wants, or Feedback, and any comments or discussions you post in any blog, chat room, or other correspondence site on the Platform, or any comments you provide during dispute resolution with other users of the Platform.</p>\r\n<p>Service Professionals: If you are a service professional and would like to post any information about yourself, we will require you to register for an Account. During the Account registration process, we will collect your business name, telephone number, address, zip code, travel preferences, a description of your services, a headline for your profile, first and last name, and email address. In addition, you may, but are not required to, provide other content or information about your business, including photographs and videos. We also may collect payment information, such as credit card information, from you.</p>\r\n<p>If we deem it necessary, in our sole and absolute discretion, we may also ask for and collect supplemental information from third parties, such as information about your credit from a credit bureau (to the extent permitted by law), or information to verify any identification details you provide during registration.</p>\r\n<p>2. COLLECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION FROM SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES</p>\r\n<p>You may log into our Platform through your Facebook account. If you do so, you must enter the email address and password that you use for your Facebook account. We will ask that you grant us permission to access and collect your Facebook basic information (this includes your name, profile picture, gender, networks, user IDs, list of friends, date of birth, email address, and any other information you have set to public on your Facebook account). If you allow us to have access to this information, then we will have access to this information even if you have chosen not to make that information public.</p>\r\n<p>We store the information that we receive from Facebook with other information that we collect from you or receive about you.</p>\r\n<p>Facebook controls the information it collects from you. For information about how Facebook may use and disclose your information, including any information you make public, please consult Facebook\'s privacy policy. We have no control over how any third party site uses or discloses the personal information it collects about you.</p>\r\n<p>3. COLLECTION OF AUTOMATIC INFORMATION, USE OF COOKIES AND OTHER TRACKING DEVICES</p>\r\n<p>The Personal Data are provided to PetBacker therefore expressly and voluntarily by the User.&nbsp;The Personal Data can be obtained by PetBacker by:</p>\r\n<p>a. accessing the Service, and/or</p>\r\n<p>b. using Cookies.</p>\r\n<p>Data obtained by PetBacker by placing Cookies in the Observer or the User device are not used to identify the Observer or the User through these data, but to allow PetBacker to draw up statistics regarding the use of the Platform.</p>\r\n<p>The User is responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the Personal Data submitted to the Platform. Inaccurate information will affect the User’s ability to access the Platform and PetBacker’s ability to contact the User as described in this Privacy Policy.</p>\r\n<p>a. We and our third party service providers, which include ad networks, use cookies, web beacons, and other tracking technologies to collect information about your use of our Platform and Services, such as your browser type, your ISP or operating system, your domain name, your access time, the URL of the previous website you visited, your page views, your IP address, and the type of device that you use. We also track how frequently you visit our Platform and use our Services. We use this information (including the information collected by our third party service providers) for Platform analytics (including to determine which portions of our Platform are used most frequently, what our users like/do not like), to assist us in determining relevant advertising (both on and off our Platform), to evaluate the success of our advertising campaigns, and as otherwise described in this policy. Currently, we do not honor browser requests not to be tracked.</p>\r\n<p>b. Geo-location Information – IP address of the User’s device or mobile device’s GPS (to offer an improved User’s experience) - most mobile devices allow the User to control or disable the use of location services for applications in the device’s settings menu. PetBacker may also collect this information even when the User is not using the Platform if this connection is enabled through the settings or device permissions;</p>\r\n<p>c. Usage Information – information about the User’s interaction with the Platform such as the pages or content the User views, the User’s searches for listings, bookings the User have made and other actions on the Platform;</p>\r\n<p>d. Log Data and Device Information - log data and device information such as details about how a person has used the Platform, IP address of the used device, browser type or the webpage software information a person has visited before coming to the Platform, access dates and times, hardware and software information, device event information, unique identifiers and Cookies data (collected when a person accesses and uses the Platform even without creating an Account or log in) – this information is used to verify that visitors of the Platform meet the criteria required to process their requests.</p>\r\n<p>e. Cookies. We and our third party service providers collect information from you by using cookies. A cookie is a small file stored on user\'s computer hard drive containing information about the user. The cookie helps us analyze web traffic or informs you about your use of a particular website. Cookies allow web applications to respond to you as an individual, tailoring its operations to your needs, likes and dislikes by gathering and remembering information about your preferences. When you visit the Platform, we may send one or more cookies (i.e., a small text file containing a string of alphanumeric characters) to your computer that identifies your browser.</p>\r\n<p>Some of these cookies may be connected to third-party companies or websites. The terms of use of such cookies are governed by this Policy and the privacy policy of the relevant thirdparty company or website. For example, Google measures the performance of advertisements by placing cookies on your computer when you click on ads. If you visit the Platform when you have such cookies on your computer, we and Google will be able to tell that you saw the ad delivered by Google. The terms of use of these cookies are governed by this Policy and Google\'s Privacy Policy.</p>\r\n<p>Disabling Cookies. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. If you disable cookies you may be prevented from taking full advantage of the Platform because it may not function properly if the ability to accept cookies is disabled.</p>\r\n<p>f. Clear GIFs, pixel tags and other technologies. Clear GIFs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies. In contrast to cookies, which are stored on your computer\'s hard drive, clear GIFs are embedded invisibly on web pages. We may use clear GIFs (a.k.a. web beacons, web bugs or pixel tags), in connection with our Platform to, among other things, track the activities of Platform visitors, help us manage content, and compile statistics about Platform usage. We and our third party service providers also use clear GIFs in HTML emails to our customers, to help us track email response rates, identify when our emails are viewed, and track whether our emails are forwarded.</p>\r\n<p>g. Payment Transaction Information – information about the payment instrument used by the User for payment transactions through the Platform, date and time of the transaction, payment amount, payment instrument expiration date and billing postcode, the User’s PayPal email address, the User’s IBAN information, the User’s address and other details related to the transaction.</p>\r\n<p><strong>B. How petbacker Uses the Information We Collect</strong></p>\r\n<p>1. HOW PERSONAL INFORMATION IS USED</p>\r\n<p>We collect your personal information and aggregate information about the use of our Platform and Services to better understand your needs and to provide you with a better Platform experience. Specifically, we may use your personal information for any of the following reasons: To provide our Services to you, including registering you for our Services, verifying your identity and authority to use our Services, and to otherwise enable you to use our Platform and our Services;</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>For customer support and to respond to your inquiries;</li>\r\n<li>For internal record-keeping purposes;</li>\r\n<li>To process billing and payment, including sharing with PayPal or other third party payment gateways in connection with Platform and/or PetBacker\'s products and Services;</li>\r\n<li>To improve and maintain our Platform and our Services (for example, we track information entered through the "Search" function; this helps us determine which areas of our Platform users like best and areas that we may want to enhance; we also will use for trouble-shooting purposes, where applicable);</li>\r\n<li>To periodically send promotional emails to the email address you provide regarding new products from PetBacker, special offers from PetBacker or other information about PetBacker that we think you may find interesting;</li>\r\n<li>To contact you via email, telephone, facsimile or mail, or, where requested, by text message, to deliver certain services or information you have requested;</li>\r\n<li>For PetBacker\'s market research purposes, including, but not limited to, the customization of the Platform according to your interests;</li>\r\n<li>We may use your demographic information (i.e., age, postal code, residential and commercial addresses, and other various data) to more effectively facilitate the promotion of goods and services to appropriate target audiences and for other research and analytical purposes; To resolve disputes, to protect ourselves and other users of our Platform and Services, and to enforce our Terms of Use;</li>\r\n<li>We also may compare personal information collected through the Platform and Services to verify its accuracy with personal information collected from third parties; and</li>\r\n<li>We may combine aggregate data with the personal information we collect about you.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>C. Electronic Newsletters, Invitations, Polls and Surveys</strong></p>\r\n<p>At our sole discretion, PetBacker may offer any of the following free services on the Platform, which you may select to use or receive at your option. Certain of the following services may require you to provide additional personal information as detailed below:</p>\r\n<p>1. ELECTRONIC NEWSLETTERS</p>\r\n<p>We may offer a free electronic newsletter to users. We will gather the email addresses of users who sign up for PetBacker for the newsletter mailing list. Users may remove themselves from this mailing list by opting out of receiving newsletters during the registration process, by following the link provided in each newsletter that points users to a subscription management page where the user can unsubscribe from receiving newsletters or by changing their preferences in their Profile Settings page.</p>\r\n<p>2. "SEND TO A FRIEND"</p>\r\n<p>Our Platform users can voluntarily choose to electronically forward a link, page, or document to someone else by clicking "send to a friend." To do so, the user must provide his or her email address, as well as the email address of the recipient. The user\'s email address is used only in the case of transmission errors and, of course, to let the recipient know who sent the email. The information is not used for any other purpose.</p>\r\n<p>3. POLLING</p>\r\n<p>We may offer interactive polls to users so they can easily share their opinions with other users and see what our audience thinks about important issues, Services, and/or the Platform. Opinions or other responses to polls are aggregated and are not identifiable to any particular user. We may use a system to "tag" users after they have voted, so they can vote only once on a particular question. This tag is not correlated with information about individual users.</p>\r\n<p>4. SURVEYS</p>\r\n<p>We may conduct user surveys from time to time to better target our content to our Platform users. We will not share individual responses from these surveys with any third party. We will share aggregate data with third party service providers, partners, and other third parties. We also will post aggregate data containing survey responses on our Platform; that data may be viewed and downloaded by other users of our Platform.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>D. Children\'s Privacy</strong></p>\r\n<p>Our Services are not designed for children under 13. If we discover that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, we will delete such information from our systems.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>E. Security</strong></p>\r\n<p>We employ procedural and technological security measures, which are reasonably designed to help protect your personal information from unauthorized access or disclosure. PetBacker may use encryption, passwords, and physical security measures to help protect your personal information against unauthorized access and disclosure. No security measures, however, are 100% complete. Therefore, we do not promise and cannot guarantee, and thus you should not expect, that your personal information or private communications will not be collected and used by others. You should take steps to protect against unauthorized access to your password, phone, and computer by, among other things, signing off after using a shared computer, choosing a robust password that nobody else knows or can easily guess, and keeping your log-in and password private. PetBacker is not responsible for the unauthorized use of your information nor for any lost, stolen, compromised passwords, or for any activity on your Account via unauthorized password activity.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>F. Disclosure</strong></p>\r\n<p>We may share the information that we collect about you, including your personal information, as follows:</p>\r\n<p>1. INFORMATION DISCLOSED TO PROTECT US AND OTHERS</p>\r\n<p>We may disclose your personal information to prevent an emergency, protect or enforce our rights, enforce our Terms of Use and/or to protect the safety of users of our Platform and our Services or protect or enforce the rights of a third party, or as required by law.</p>\r\n<p>2. INFORMATION DISCLOSED TO THIRD PARTY SERVICE PROVIDERS AND BUSINESS PARTNERS</p>\r\n<p>We may contract with various third parties for the provision and maintenance of the Platform, Services and our business operations, and PetBacker may need to share your personal information and data generated by cookies and aggregate information (collectively, "information") with these vendors and service agencies. For example, we may provide your information to a credit card processing company to process your payment. The vendors and service agencies will not receive any right to use your personal information beyond what is necessary to perform its obligations to provide the Services to you. If you complete a survey, we also may share your information with the survey provider; if we offer a survey in conjunction with another entity, we also will disclose the results to that entity.</p>\r\n<p>3. DISCLOSURE TO NON-AFFILIATED THIRD PARTIES IN FURTHERANCE OF YOUR REQUEST</p>\r\n<p>Your request for services may be shared with third party websites with whom we have a contractual relationship in order to provide your request with maximum exposure. The post on the third party website will include the details of your request, including your location, but will not include your last name. Interested bidders, however, will be able to click on your request on such third party site, and will be directed to our Platform where they will have access to your first name and the first letter of your last name, as would any other service provider on our Platform interested in bidding on your request.</p>\r\n<p>4. DISCLOSURE TO OTHER USERS OF OUR PLATFORM</p>\r\n<p>If you are a service professional, the information that you post (other than your payment information) is available to other users of our Platform and our Services. Comments that users post to our Platform also will be available to other visitors to our Platform (see our discussion of User Generated Content below). In addition, we will post the results (in aggregate form) of surveys to our Platform. If you are a consumer, your first name plus first initial of your last name, zip code, as well as the details of your request, are available to all visitors to our Platform. Bidding professionals also will be permitted to see the consumer\'s full name and telephone number.</p>\r\n<p>5. INFORMATION DISCLOSED TO LAW ENFORCEMENT OR GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS</p>\r\n<p>We will disclose your information, including, without limitation, your name, city, state, telephone number, email address, user ID history, quoting and listing history, and fraud complaints, to law enforcement or other government officials if we are required to do so by law, regulation or other government authority or otherwise in cooperation with an investigation of a governmental authority.</p>\r\n<p>6. IN THE EVENT OF A CHANGE OF CONTROL OR BANKRUPTCY</p>\r\n<p>In the event that PetBacker undergoes a change in control, including, without limitation, a merger or sale of all or substantially all of PetBacker\'s assets to which this Platform relates or other corporate reorganization in which PetBacker participates, and is thus merged with or acquired by a third party entity (a "Successor"), PetBacker hereby reserves the right to transfer the information we have collected from the users of the Platform and/or Services to such Successor.</p>\r\n<p>In addition, in the event of PetBacker\'s bankruptcy, reorganization, receivership, or assignment for the benefit of creditors, or the application or laws or equitable principles affecting creditors\' rights generally, PetBacker may not be able to control how your information is transferred, used, or treated and reserves the right to transfer the information we have collected from the users of the Platform and/or Services to non-affiliated third parties in such event.</p>\r\n<p>7. INFORMATION DISCLOSED AT YOUR REQUEST</p>\r\n<p>We may share your personal information with other Registered Users to whom you explicitly ask us to send your information or if you explicitly consent to such disclosure upon receipt of a specific Service. For instance, when you contract for a specific Service with another Registered User, PetBacker will send that Registered User a notice that includes the personal information that you have chosen to allow PetBacker to reveal to users with whom you contract.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>G. Links to External Websites</strong></p>\r\n<p>The Platform may contain links to other websites or resources over which PetBacker does not have any control. Such links do not constitute an endorsement by PetBacker of those external websites. You acknowledge that PetBacker is providing these links to you only as a convenience, and further agree that PetBacker is not responsible for the content of such external websites. We are not responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide while visiting such external websites and such sites are not governed by this Policy. Your use of any external website is subject to the terms of use and privacy policy located on the linked to external website.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>H. Updating, Deleting and Correcting Your Personal Information</strong></p>\r\n<p>You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information in the following ways:</p>\r\n<p>You can review, correct and delete your personal information by logging into the Platform and navigating to edit profile page in "My Profile" You must promptly update your personal information if it changes or is inaccurate. Typically, we will not manually alter your personal information because it is very difficult to verify your identity remotely. Nonetheless, upon your request we will close your Account and remove your personal information from view as soon as reasonably possible, based on your Account activity and in accordance with applicable law. We do retain information from closed Accounts in order to comply with the law, prevent fraud, collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations of any Registered User, enforce our Terms of Use, and take any other actions otherwise permitted by law that we deem necessary in our sole and absolute discretion. You should understand, however, that once you publicly post a Request, Offer, Want, Feedback, or any other information onto the Platform, you may not be able to change or remove it. Once we have deleted or removed your Account, you agree that PetBacker shall not be responsible for any personal information that was not included within your deleted and/or removed Account that remains on the Platform.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>I. What Choices Do I Have Regarding Use of My Personal Information?</strong></p>\r\n<p>We may send periodic promotional or informational emails to you. You may opt-out of such communications by following the opt-out instructions contained in the email. Please note that it may take up to 10 business days for us to process opt-out requests. If you opt-out of receiving emails about recommendations or other information we think may interest you, we may still send you emails about your Account or any Services you have requested or received from us.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>J. Third-Party Ad Networks</strong></p>\r\n<p>We participate in third party ad networks that may display advertisements on other websites based on your visits to our Site as well as other websites. This enables us and these third parties to target advertisements by displaying ads for products and services in which you might be interested. Third party ad network providers, advertisers, sponsors and/or traffic measurement services may use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (including clear GIFs), Flash LSOs and other technologies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content to you. These third party cookies and other technologies are governed by each third party\'s specific privacy policy, not this one. We may provide these third-party advertisers with information about your usage of our Site and our services, as well as aggregate or non-personally identifiable information about visitors to our Site and users of our service.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>K. Your Full Name and Use of PetBacker Information</strong></p>\r\n<p>1. YOUR FULL NAME</p>\r\n<p>As a Registered User of the Platform you will select a Full Name during the registration process. All of your activities on the Platform will be traceable to your Full Name. Certain other people, including other Registered Users with whom you have transacted business via the Platform, can see a large part of your activity on the Platform. If you book a service with a Registered User, cancel a scheduled service with a Registered User, receive an offer on your posted service from a Registered User, or have posted a service, PetBacker may send a notice to you or the appropriate Registered User that includes your Full Name. Thus, if you associate your real name with your Full Name, the people to whom you have revealed your name may be able to personally identify your Platform activities.</p>\r\n<p>2. USING INFORMATION FROM PETBACKER</p>\r\n<p>The Platform facilitates your sharing of personal information with others in order to negotiate, provide, and use the Services. If you agree to contract for a service with another Registered User, you may need to reveal your name, email, phone number, or personal address to that individual so that the service may be performed. Please respect the privacy of others. You agree to use the information of other users solely for the following purposes: (a) PetBacker-transaction-related purposes; and (b) using Services offered through the Platform.</p>\r\n<p>3. ACCOUNT PROTECTION</p>\r\n<p>Your password is the key to your Account. When creating your password you should use unique numbers, letters, special characters, and combinations thereof. In addition, DO NOT disclose your password to anyone. If you do share your password or your personal information with others, you are solely responsible for all actions taken via your Account. If you lose control of your password, you may lose substantial control over your personal information and be subject to legally binding actions taken on your behalf. Thus, IF YOUR PASSWORD HAS BEEN COMPROMISED FOR ANY REASON, YOU MUST IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY petbacker TO CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>L. User Generated Content</strong></p>\r\n<p>We invite you to post content on our Platform, including your comments, feedback, pictures, and any other information that you would like to be available on our Platform. If you post content to our Platform, all of the information that you post will be available to all visitors to our Platform. If you post your own content on our Platform or Services, your posting may become public and PetBacker cannot prevent such information from being used in a manner that may violate this Policy, the law, or your personal privacy.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>M. Privacy Policy Updates</strong></p>\r\n<p>THIS POLICY IS CURRENT AS OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE SET FORTH ABOVE. PETBACKER MAY, IN ITS SOLE AND ABSOLUTE DISCRETION, CHANGE THIS POLICY FROM TIME TO TIME BY UPDATING THIS DOCUMENT. PETBACKER WILL POST ITS UPDATED POLICY ON THE PLATFORM ON THIS PAGE. PETBACKER ENCOURAGES YOU TO REVIEW THIS POLICY REGULARLY FOR ANY CHANGES. YOUR CONTINUED USE OF THIS PLATFORM AND/OR CONTINUED PROVISION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION TO US WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE TERMS OF THE THEN-CURRENT POLICY.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>N. Notice to Non-United States Users</strong></p>\r\n<p>Our computer systems are currently based in the United States with Disaster Recovery in United States, so your personal data will be processed by us in United States where data protection and privacy regulations may not offer the same level of protection as in other parts of the world. If you create an Account with the Platform as a visitor from outside United States, by using the Platform, you agree to this Policy and you consent to the transfer of all such information to the United States, which may not offer an equivalent level of protection of that required in other countries, and to the processing of that information as described in this Policy.</p>\r\n<p><strong>O. Legal information and how to contact us</strong></p>\r\n<p>Under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we have to say who the ‘controller’ is for services provided through our sites. The controller is the department responsible for protecting information and, in our case, is the PetBacker Data Protection Team, by emailing us at&nbsp;<a href="mailto:[email protected].">[email protected].</a></p>\r\n<p>If you would like to exercise your data subject rights or have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please address your request to the ‘Data Protection Team’ at the email above.</p>']
["What should pet sitters and pet owners do if a Pet Parent's pet is injured?", '<ul>\r\n<li>- We recommend that all PetBacker pet sitters ask their customers to fill out information forms (incl vet details, etc) and an emergency contact before starting a booking, so that everyone is prepared and in case the owner is not available for any reason.</li>\r\n<li>- In the unlikely event that the guest pet is injured, the pet sitter should always try to contact the pet owner, or their emergency contact, before any treatment is sourced.</li>\r\n<li>- Pet sitters should always try to resolve the issue directly with pet owners. In most instances, Pet Service Providers and guests should be able to resolve issues on their own.</li>\r\n</ul>']
['What should I do before submitting a Premium Protection claim?', '<ul>\r\n<li>In the unlikely event that the guest pet is injured, the pet sitter will always try to contact the pet owner, or their emergency contact, before any treatment is sourced.</li>\r\n<li>In the event of the pet sitter or PetBacker being unable to contact the pet owner (for example because they are traveling overseas), the pet owner accepts that if their pet requires veterinary treatment, the pet owner will refund the funds to the pet sitter for any necessary treatment.</li>\r\n<li>If applicable, the pet owner will first use their own pet insurance to refund the cost of the treatment to the pet sitter. In the event of denial by the pet owner&rsquo;s insurance company or if the pet owner doesn&rsquo;t have a pet insurance, the pet owner will refund any veterinary bills to the pet sitter and will be entitled to file a Premium Pet Protection claim with PetBacker.</li>\r\n<li>Check what is eligible for a Premium Protection claim <a href="/help-center/premium-protection-coverage/what-is-eligible-for-coverage">here</a>.</li>\r\n</ul>']
['How do I submit a PetBacker Premium Protection claim?', '<p>Send us an email and provide the following information:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>reference number of the booking that was paid through PetBacker</li>\r\n<li>date and place of the incident</li>\r\n<li>name of the pet</li>\r\n<li>name and contact details of pet sitter</li>\r\n<li>detailed description of the circumstances of the accident</li>\r\n<li>photos of pet injuries and veterinary bills</li>\r\n<li>contact details of the preferred vet of the pet owner</li>\r\n<li>Pet Owner’s Pet Insurance policy number and carrier (if applicable)</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>PetBacker must be notified within 1 day of the end of the booking period regarding any incident that might result in insurance coverage.</p>\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/premium-protection-coverage/what-is-eligible-for-coverage">What is eligible for coverage?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/premium-protection-coverage/what-should-i-do-before-submitting-a-premium-protection-claim">What should I do before submitting a Premium Protection claim?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/premium-protection-coverage/how-long-will-it-take-for-my-claim-to-be-processed">How long will it take for my claim to be processed?</a></p>']
['What is eligible for coverage?', '<ul>\r\n<li>Home dog boarding</li>\r\n<li>Day care</li>\r\n<li>Pet sitting</li>\r\n<li>Cat care</li>\r\n<li>Dog walking</li>\r\n<li>Any pet services booked and paid through PetBacker’s website, mobile app and reported to the Customer Care team</li>\r\n<li>Pet services paid through PetBacker of USD$200 and above or pet service provider has had a cumulative booking from of USD$1000 paid with PetBacker</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>You should also read about <a href="/help-center/premium-protection-coverage/who-is-excluded"><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>who is excluded</strong></span></a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/premium-protection-coverage/what-does-the-coverage-exclude"><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>what does the coverage exclude</strong></span></a> and <a href="/help-center/premium-protection-coverage/what-does-the-coverage-include"><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>what does the coverage include</strong></span></a></p>']
['What does the coverage include', '<ul>\r\n<li><strong>Care, Custody, Control</strong> – veterinary coverage for animals in pet sitters’ care: This section provides veterinary coverage for the Service User pets in the pet sitter’s care, custody or control. There is a USD$350 deductible for medical claims, to be covered by the pet owners. USD$1,000 capped limit for veterinary expenses in relation to an injury to your pet during the service. Once the full amount of money has been spent, the treatment of illness or injury won’t ever be covered again.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Errors and Omissions (aka Professional Liability)</strong> – covers accidental injury to the Service User pet: This section refers to accidental injury to a Service User pet in the sitter’s care. This type of insurance brings comfort to pet owners and sitters as, more often than not, any non-negligent harm arises where an animal in the sitter’s care has been accidentally harmed in the course of service delivery, through no specific fault of the sitter. Claims are subjected to a USD$350 excess payable by the pet sitter at the time of the claim with a USD$1,000 capped claims limit.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Public Liability Insurance (aka Commercial General Liability)</strong> – covers pet sitters against third party claims: This section will pay the sums that pet sitters become legally obliged to pay as damages because of bodily injury to a third party person or damage to property of a third party. Claims are subjected to 5% fees or USD$1,000 whichever is higher for each and every occurence is payable by the pet sitter at the time of the claim with a USD$4,000 capped claims limit.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>*What is deductible:</p>\r\n<p>You will need to pay for the first USD350 of the medical bill, and the insurance will cover the remaining balance with a capped limit of USD1000.</p>\r\n<img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/2020/pet-insurance-deductible-en-1.png" alt=""/>\r\n<p><strong>You might also be interested in:</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/premium-protection-coverage/what-does-the-coverage-exclude">What does the coverage exclude?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/pet-sitter-assistance">Pet sitter assistance program</a></p>']
['What does the coverage exclude?', '<p>We&rsquo;ve got you covered! But what doesn&rsquo;t the Premium Pet Protection Program cover?</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n <li>The first USD350 for each and every claim.</li>\r\n <li>Services booked outside of the PetBacker website or mobile app</li>\r\n <li>Damages made or medical care required during &lsquo;Meet and Greet&rsquo; appointments or any incidents arising from a &lsquo;Meet and Greet&rsquo; appointment.</li>\r\n <li>Service User pets or Pet Sitter pets that have not been neutered, vaccinated, microchipped or licensed.</li>\r\n <li>Any small animals that include but not limited to rabbits, fish, birds, hamsters, guinea pigs, reptiles, tortoises, or turtles.</li>\r\n <li>Loss or damage to property in the Pet Sitter\'s ownership, custody, care or control or of the Pet Sitter\'s family or any person residing with the Pet Sitter or under the Pet Sitter service.</li>\r\n <li>Any claim if a person catches a disease or virus directly or indirectly from the Service User Pet or Pet Sitter\'s Pet</li>\r\n <li>Accidental injury to or illness contracted by the Pet Sitter, Pet Sitter Family, or any person residing with the Pet Sitter or under the Pet Sitter service.</li>\r\n <li>Any claims for any pets that have gone missing or lost when in the care or possession of the pet service provider.</li>\r\n <li>Injuries to the Service User pet due to wild animals such as snakes, crocodiles, tigers and others</li>\r\n <li>Preventable conditions such as fleas, ticks, or parasites.</li>\r\n <li>Breach of professional duty (for example walking an animal off-leash in an area where this is reasonably considered not to be suitable). Remember to keep yourself and your furry friend safe!</li>\r\n <li>Any claims arising from mating, pregnancy, rape of the pet whether that of the Pet Sitter\'s pet or the Service User Pet or any other pet. PetBacker will not be responsible nor held liable to any breeding, mating, rape or pregnancy of pets.</li>\r\n <li>Treatment of pre-existing veterinary conditions, old age or illness of the Service User pet (eg: respiratory infections, urinary tract/bladder infections, blood disorders, vomiting, diarrhea, pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal disorders.). We stress the importance of getting as much info about your potential Service User Pet as you can, before you start pet sitting!</li>\r\n\t <li>All services other than in-person consultations are not claimable within the policy. This includes, but is not limited to, X-rays, ultrasounds, MRIs, blood tests, and other diagnostic\xa0procedures</li>\r\n <li>Long-term vet care—i.e., care that extends more than 30 days past injury.</li>\r\n <li>Pet owner loss of wages (due to - for example - required follow up medical treatment for their pet)</li>\r\n <li>Reduction in &lsquo;show&rsquo; value of the Service User pet</li>\r\n <li>Cancellation fees or costs incurred from cancellation of a holiday or travel arrangements as a result of a booking on PetBacker</li>\r\n <li>Loss of salary or wages as a result of a booking arrangement made on PetBacker</li>\r\n <li>Emotional distress caused as a result of a booking on PetBacker</li>\r\n <li>Fines, penalty, surcharge or late payment</li>\r\n <li>Punitive, aggravated or exemplary damages</li>\r\n <li>Any claim arising from or involving the Pet Sitter\'s pet or Service User pet being at any place for which it is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to contravention of any rule, regulation, deed of mutual covenant or legislation</li>\r\n <li>Any claim arising from an occurence in connection with the Pet Sitter\'s profession, occupation or business</li>\r\n <li>Any liability assumed by the Pet Sitter under any contract or agreement unless such liability would have attached in the absence of such agreement</li>\r\n <li>Judgements which are not in the first instance delivered by or obtained from a court of competent jurisdiction within the country of claim.</li>\r\n <li>Jobs which involve shelters or rescuers where Petbacker service fees are not charged.</li>\r\n <li>Claims for injury to service user pet inflicted by any pet belonging or residing with the Pet Sitter that is not from a job with PetBacker.</li>\r\n <li>Quotes that are below the normal average rate by over 30 percent.</li>\r\n <li>Pet Death</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><strong>You might also be interested in:</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/premium-protection-coverage/who-is-excluded">Who is excluded?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/pet-sitter-assistance">Pet sitter assistance program</a></p>']
['What is not eligible?', '<p>- Service User pets with existing medical conditions or are aggresive by nature - this is why it&rsquo;s important to get as much info as you can on your Service User pet before booking!</p><p>- Service User pets who are defined as Dangerous Dogs by the relevant authorities and all claims arising from the care of such Dangerous Dogs. Pit Bull Terrier, Basset Griffon Vendeen, Tibetan Mastiff, Mastiff, American Staffordshire Terrier, Bouvier des Flandres, Leonberger, Toy Fox Terrier, South African Boerboel, Bulldog (american). This list extends to any cross breed of Dangerous Dogs by the relevant authorities.</p><p>- Pets younger than 12 weeks or older than 10 years.</p><p>- The pet sitter&rsquo;s own pet is not covered for any damage or injuries that may be sustained during a PetBacker booking</p><p>- Commercially run Boarding Kennels</p><p>- Pet Sitters who have any criminal convictions in past 5 years (excluding traffic violations).</p><p>- Bookings with Pet Sitters who have pets of a different type from Pet Owners e.g. dogs and cats, dogs and rabbits</p><p>- Pet Sitters who are not offering services exclusive to PetBacker e.g. also offering services on Facebook, Craigslist and other competing platforms as it would be unable for us to control or verify the number of pets received. </p><p>- Bookings with Pet Sitters that quotes below the minimum quote.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>You might also be interested in:</strong></p><p><a href="/help-center/premium-protection-coverage/what-does-the-coverage-exclude">What does the coverage exclude?</a></p>']
['Does PetBacker charge for this insurance?', '<p>PetBacker does not charge any amount for this insurance.&nbsp;You can also purchase insurance from our preferred insurance partner with a discounted rate, <a href="https://www.petbacker.com/t/s">contact us</a> for more information on insurance if you think your pet needs one.</p>']
['How does PetBacker work?', '<p>Thank you for finding us here. We know choosing the best pet sitter for your pet is tough, especially if its the first time you need to travel since getting your pet dog or cat. <a href="/blog/how-to/8-tips-to-find-the-best-pet-sitter-for-your-first-time-dog-boarding-or-pet-boarding" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">This article</a> is a must read for tips to make it easier to choose the best pet sitter for your pets.</p>\r\n<p>For your safety and convenience we encourage owners and pet sitters to use our messaging system to chat to protect both parties in the event of a dispute. When a decision to hire is made, a pet owner can proceed to Book and Pay ONLY on PetBacker. The payment is always REFUNDABLE before the job starts if the owner decides not to proceed with the booking.</p>\r\n<p>On PetBacker, you are part of a community of trusted pet lovers. If a Pet Sitter asks you to pay them in cash, simply say “No, thanks”. If they insist, we recommend that you report them to us and look for a different sitter. It is in everybody’s best interest to handle all bookings via our website or app.</p><br />\r\n<img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/how-petbacker-work-v1.1.jpg" alt="how it works" /><br /><br />\r\n<p>PetBacker works by matching your request for pet services to pet service providers based on their skills, location and availability.&nbsp;You can also request for pet services directly from your preferred pet service providers by browsing the pet service provider directory in the app and the web.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Pet service providers who are interested will respond to your request in the app with their profile, reviews from previous customers, along with quotations and details of what is included. A messaging feature allows you to talk with the individual pet service provider for more details before deciding to hire.&nbsp;</p><br/>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="600px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-hire-pet-sitter-on-petbacker.png" alt="how petbacker works" /></p><br />\r\n<p>Watch this 1 minute video for a quick overview of how PetBacker works</p>\r\n<p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sT65TELi81g&amp;t=11s" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/how-petbacker-works-youtube.jpg" alt="how petbacker works youtube" /></a></p>\r\n<p><strong>You might also be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-parents/how-do-i-make-a-request-for-pet-services">How do I make a request for pet services?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-parents/where-do-i-check-a-pet-service-provider-s-review-and-ratings">Where do I check a pet service provider\'s review and ratings?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-parents/how-do-i-close-my-request">How do I close my request?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/bookings/why-pay-for-your-booking-through-petbacker">Why pay for your booking through PetBacker?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/payments/how-do-i-make-payment">How do I make payment?</a></p>']
['How do I get hired?', '<p>When a user makes a request for a pet service around you that matches the services you offer, a notification will be sent to the app and your email. A user can also request for your services directly from browsing the pet service provider directory in the app and the web.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>If you feel the pet service requested is something you are interested in, simply tap on "I am interested" and you will be able to communicate with the user via the messaging feature.&nbsp;</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-view-n-accept-job/part-1.gif" alt="accept job" /></p><br />\r\n<p>When the user chooses to hire you, a notification of being hired will be sent to the app and your email. If another pet service provider is hired, your response will automatically be closed, vice versa, when you are hired all other responses from other pet service provider is automatically closed.</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How many pet service providers can respond to one request?', '<p>The first 5 pet service providers who responds to a request will have the privilege of negotiating with the user for the job. The request will be closed to other pet service providers after the 5th response. Only Sponsors with credits will be able to respond after the 3rd response. Find out more about sponsors <a href="/help-center/sponsors">here</a>.</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['Can I get jobs without a PetBacker Sponsor subscription?', '<p>Yes you can. Non paying pet service providers can still use Basic tier which lets you respond to a job as long as you are the first 3 to respond. The reason we do this is that we want to prevent spam as well as to protect our PetBacker Sponsor users who support us so that we have the fund to continue advertising and marketing to pet parents to give jobs to the platform.</p>']
['How do I improve my chances of getting hired?', '<p>Users mostly select pet service providers based on the following:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>The number of reviews and good comments in your listing</li>\r\n<li>The number of certifications and trust points you have</li>\r\n<li>The photos that you put up in your listing, the best ones are the ones that show you with a happy pet and the compound you will be hosting your pets.</li>\r\n<li>A <a href="/help-center/sponsors/how-to-get-a-sponsor-subscription-for-my-listing">Sponsor subscription</a>, which indicates that you are serious in the business and are willing to invest on your end</li>\r\n<li>The price you are offering</li>\r\n<li>How knowledgeable and friendly you are when communicating with the user</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/how-do-i-get-reviews">How do I get reviews?<br /></a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-parents/what-are-trust-points">What are trust points / badge?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/how-do-i-submit-my-identification-and-documents-as-trust-points-for-verification">How do I submit my Identification and documents as trust points for verification?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/how-do-i-get-hired">How do I get hired?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/how-do-i-decide-on-a-price-for-my-services">How do I decide on a price for my services?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How do I decide on a price for my services?', '<p>The best way to decide on a price is by doing a research on what other pet service providers are charging for the same service in your area, then decide on the price that you feel comfortable with.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Prices vary depend on the services provided, the type of pet, the compound in which you are hosting the pet, and your experience. You can always amend your prices when discussing with the user with the "Edit Quote" feature. This might included extra services or requirements requested by the user.</p>\r\n<p>*Insurance will only be included when the quoted booking amount is above the minimum amount.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>You might also be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/premium-protection-coverage/who-is-excluded">What is not eligible when you quote below minimum?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/what-are-the-service-fees">Why PetBacker need the service fees?</a>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/pet-service-provider-incentive-program">Pet Service Provider Incentive Program</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How do I make a request for pet services?', '<p>You can make a request for pet services through our website or through our <a href="app">app</a>. You will get a<strong> few quotes</strong> from different sitters or walkers for you to compare within minutes to hours. We always recommend using the app as its more fun and you can hear a woof or meow everytime you receive a notifcation.</p>\r\n<h3>From the web</h3>\r\n<p>Use the following links to submit a request for these services:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href="services/hire-pet-boarding">Pet Boarding Services</a></li>\r\n<li><a href="services/hire-pet-daycare">Pet Daycare</a></li>\r\n<li><a href="services/hire-pet-house-sitting">Pet House Sitting</a></li>\r\n<li><a href="services/hire-dog-walking">Dog Walking</a></li>\r\n<li><a href="services/hire-pet-pick-up-and-drop-off">Pet Taxi</a></li>\r\n<li><a href="services/hire-pet-grooming">Pet Grooming</a></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<h3>From the app</h3>\r\n<p>There are two ways you can get pet services on PetBacker\'s app</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n <p><strong>Broadcasted requests</strong>: You just make a request from the "Get Pet Service" button and Select the service you need.</p><p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/petbacker/images/faq/en/how-to-make-request/part-1.gif" alt="make request 1" /></p> <p>Then answer a short questionnaire.</p><p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/petbacker/images/faq/en/how-to-make-request/part-2.gif" alt="make request 2" /></p><p>Your request is then broadcast to all pet service providers that match the service requirements and location that you have requested.</p> <p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/petbacker/images/faq/en/how-to-make-request/part-3.gif" alt="make request 3" /></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n <p><strong>Direct request</strong>: Browse the pet service provider directory in the "Explore" tab in the app or on the web.</p> <p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/petbacker/images/faq/en/how-to-make-private-request/part-1.gif" alt="make private request 1" /></p><p>Tap on the pet service provider you are interested in, and you can make a request directly to that pet service provider.</p> <p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/petbacker/images/faq/en/how-to-make-private-request/part-2.gif" alt="make private request 2" /></p><p style=" text-align: center; " /><img width="300px" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/petbacker/images/faq/en/how-to-make-private-request/part-3.gif" alt="make private request 3" /></ul>']
['I just listed my services and saw jobs immediately. Can I respond to them?', '<p>You would have to wait till after the time delay given to sponsor pet service providers to answer first. You will not be able to respond to those requests if 5 other pet service providers has already responded to the jobs. The only way to respond to a Job with more than 5 responses is to become our <a href="/help-center/sponsors">Sponsor</a>.</p>\r\n<p><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/request-limit.jpg" alt="request limit" /></p>\r\n<p>If you are not either, the app will present you with a notification of either the time delay is not yet over or 5 responses have already been received.</p>\r\n<p><strong>You might also be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/how-many-pet-service-providers-can-respond-to-one-request">How many pet service providers can respond to one request?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/sponsors/why-subscribe-to-a-sponsor-subscription">Why subscribe to a Sponsor subscription?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['Can I exchange credits for pet services', '<p>Yes you certainly can. You can exchange 10 credits for a 10% discount per booking, up to a maximum of USD28.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-parents/how-to-get-credits">How to get free credits?</a></p>']
['How do I contact support for help?', '<p>Click <a href="https://petbacker.com/t/s">here</a> to talk to support</p>']
['How do I cancel my request', '<p>If you do not need the pet service any more you can close the request to prevent any more pet service providers from contacting you.</p>\r\n<p>1) Tab on Request </p>\r\n<p>2) Select the request that you wish to cancel</p>\r\n<p>3) Tab on Cancel</p>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/petbacker/images/faq/en/how-to-close-request.gif" alt="cancel request" /></p>']
['How long does it take to get job leads usually?', '<p>It depends on the city that you are located. We advertise daily, and focus our marketing on areas within a 15 mile radius of locations where pet sitters or pet service providers have committed to a sponsor subscription with us. PetBacker puts in 3 times the value paid for sponsor subscriptions on advertising in Google, Facebook and other media in those locations. Cities like Singapore; Sydney, Kuala Lumpur, New York and London will have more jobs, as we have a higher concentration of sponsor members there who have entrusted us to help them to create good business for them.Your success is our success, and your love for animals and pets will help us support the adoption of more pets globally,</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How do I list my services?', '<p>After downloaded the App :</p>\r\n<p>1) Tap on your "Profile".</p>\r\n<p>2) Scroll down to "Listings".</p>\r\n<p>3) Tap on "Add Pet Service".</p>\r\n<p>4) Select the service you would like to offer.</p>\r\n<p>5) Give your service a name.</p>\r\n<p>6) Describe your services in detail.</p>\r\n<p>7) Select the locations you cover.</p>\r\n<p>8) Upload images that best describes your services.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-create-listing/part-1.gif" alt="create listing 1" /></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>9) This is how your listing look like after created.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-create-listing/part-2.gif" alt="create listing 2" /></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>10) You may preview your web listing</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-create-listing/part-3.gif" alt="create listing 3" /></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>You might also be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/how-do-i-get-hired">How do I get hired?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/how-much-does-it-cost-to-be-a-pet-sitter">How much does it cost to be a pet sitter?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/do-i-need-to-be-licensed-or-bonded-to-be-a-pet-sitter">Do I need to be licensed or bonded to be a pet sitter?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['Why did I not get any replies to my responses to job leads?', '<p>The pet parents are able to review your listing before choosing to reply you. If you do not get any replies to your responses for job leads do read <a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/how-do-i-improve-my-chances-of-getting-hired">this article</a> on how you can increase your chances of getting hired.</p>\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/how-do-i-improve-my-chances-of-getting-hired">How do I improve my chances of getting hired?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/sponsors/can-i-get-a-refund-if-i-used-credits-to-respond-to-a-job-lead-but-did-not-get-any-replies">Can I get a refund if I used credits to respond to a job lead but did not get any replies?</a></p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['Can I get a refund if I used credits to respond to a job lead but did not get any replies?', '<p>If you are a sponsor user and have used credits to respond to the job lead, we will refund that credit if you do not receive any replies.&nbsp;</p>']
['Can I get a refund if I used credits to respond to a job lead but did not get the job?', '<p>If you are a sponsor user and have used credits to respond to the job lead, but were not able to get the job, you will not be eligible to get a refund on the credits used if the pet parent has replied you.</p>']
['What is the reason for broadcasting my pet service request to all matching listing when I make a request?', '<p>We have realised that trying to contact pet sitters one by one like in a typical directory is time consuming for both the pet parent and the pet sitters, as pet sitters may not pick the call, or they might not be available at the time you requested when you called in or might not even provide the service that you require. We designed the broadcast so that your pet service request will go to all relevant listings, and only those that are able to help you out at the time you specified will respond directly to you through the app, saving you countless hours searching and trying to contact the pet sitters individually.</p>']
['How do I submit my Identification and documents as badges for verification?', '<p>Submitting your ID and verification information is simple and fast. We take your privacy and protection of your information as our top priority and your information is only used for verification of your identity. Do cover or blur out your ID number from any document you submit as well.</p>\r\n<p>Always submit your ID via the following method to ensure maximum privacy and protection of your information. Please do not submit any form of ID via support chat.</p>\r\n<p>1) Go to "Profile"</p>\r\n<p>2) Tap on "Tasks" or "Badges"</p>\r\n<p>3) Tap on "Identification Verification"</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-send-id-selfie/part-1.gif" alt="trust point 1" /></p><br />\r\n<p>4) Verify each item in the list to gain an extra point for each one that you&nbsp;have succesfully verified.</p>\r\n<p>5) It is required to verify your identity documents and selfie with ID</p>\r\n<p>6) Tap on "Identification Document" to submit your Identity Card or any government issued documents that showing your name and date of birth.</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-send-id-selfie/part-2.gif" alt="trust point 2" /></p><br />\r\n<p>7) Tap on "Selfie with ID" to submit a selfie by holding your Identity Card or any government issued documents in your hand.</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-send-id-selfie/part-3.gif" alt="trust point 3" /></p><br />\r\n<p>Thank you for submitting your ID and selfie. Please ensure the photos submitted are clear. Your ID will be processed within <strong>3-4 working days</strong>.</p>\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-parents/what-are-trust-points">What are trust points / badge?</a></p>\r\n <p><a href="/help-center/pet-parents/what-are-the-badges-on-the-pet-service-provider-profiles">What are the badges on the pet service provider profiles?</a></p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['What are trust points / badge?', '<p><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/trust-points.jpg" alt="trust points" /></p>\r\n<p>Trust points or badges are items we award to pet service providers who complete a variety of verifications with us. These items indicate how sincere and dedicated they are by being willing to verify their identity, certifications and personality with us. Check <a href="/help-center/pet-parents/what-are-the-badges-on-the-pet-service-provider-profiles">this list</a> of items that we support and what each of them mean.</p>\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-parents/what-are-the-badges-on-the-pet-service-provider-profiles">What are the badges on the pet service provider profiles?</a></p>']
['How do I change my listing location?', '<p>1) Tap on "Profile"</p>\r\n<p>2) In "Listings" tap on "Edit Listing"</p>\r\n<p>3) Scroll down till you see "Listing Location" the map of your current set location.</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-edit-listing-address/part-1.gif" alt="change listing location 1" /></p><br />\r\n<p>4) Tap on the "Edit Icon"</p>\r\n<p>5) tap again on the location map in the next screen that you want to change.</p>\r\n<p>6) You can change the location by searching for a new location or dragging on the map</p>\r\n<p>7) You may confirm your location before you save</p>\r\n<p>8) Save your new location</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-edit-listing-address/part-2.gif" alt="change listing location 2" /></p><br />\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['Why it is better through PetBacker', '<p>PetBacker works by matching your request for pet services to pet service providers based on their skills, location and availability.&nbsp;You can also request for pet services directly from your preferred pet service providers by browsing the pet service provider directory in the app and the web.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Pet service providers who are interested will respond to your request in the app with their profile, reviews from previous customers, along with quotations and details of what is included. A messaging feature allows you to talk with the individual pet service provider for more details before deciding to hire.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Always make payments for your booking through PetBacker. Here are a few benefits you enjoy when making payments through PetBacker:</p>\r\n<div class="uk-grid uk-grid-small">\r\n<div class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-large-1-2" style="padding: 10px;">\r\n<p><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/icons/request-success/satisfy.png" alt="" /></p>\r\n<p>Secure your booking. <span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>100% satisfaction guarantee</strong></span> or your money back. <br/>*Before booking starts.</p>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-large-1-2" style="padding: 10px;">\r\n<p><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/icons/request-success/off.png" alt="" /></p>\r\n<p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Get up to $28 off*</strong></span>&nbsp;(or equivalent in your currency) on your 5th booking and more savings on your subsequent bookings.<br /><small>*10% off your booking value</small></p>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-large-1-2" style="padding: 10px;">\r\n<p><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/icons/request-success/support.png" alt="" /></p>\r\n<p>24/7 care and support as well as <span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>unlimited photo and activity updates</strong></span>.</p>\r\n</div>\r\n<div class="uk-width-1-1 uk-width-large-1-2" style="padding: 10px;">\r\n<p><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/icons/request-success/fee-release.png" alt="" /></p>\r\n<p><span style="color: #ff0000;"><b>Protection</b></span>. Money will only be released to sitter after job complete.</p>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Get <a href="/help-center/premium-protection-coverage/what-is-eligible-for-coverage">Premium Protection Coverage </a></li>\r\n<li>Get other backers in the event the sitter is not available at last minute. We will remove the sitter from our listing if this occurs too many times too.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<div>\r\n<p><strong>You might also be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-parents/how-does-petbacker-work">How does PetBacker work?</a></p>\r\n</div>']
['Why request for payments through PetBacker? ', '<p>Here are a few of the benefits that you will enjoy when receiving payments from pet parents&nbsp;through PetBacker for your bookings:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Job confirmation with booking fees notification</li>\r\n<li>Secure your payment and get payment when the job is completed satisfactorily</li>\r\n<li>Get protected with <a href="/help-center/premium-protection-coverage/what-is-eligible-for-coverage">Premium Protection Coverage</a> when you hit a certain amount of accumulated fees</li>\r\n<li>Get a Super Backer status</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Payment outside of PetBacker is against our terms and conditions so do avoid delisting of your services by receiving your payments through PetBacker only.&nbsp;</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How to book or make payment?', '<p>1) Select the chat room with the Backer that you would like to hire.</p>\r\n<p>2) Tap "Book It"</p>\r\n<p>3) You can then review on the items that you will be charged for. When you are ready, tap on the checkbox to agree to the terms and conditions</p>\r\n<p>4) Choose your method of payment. The methods of payments will vary depending on your location.</p>\r\n<p>5) Once your payment is complete, the quote amount that you have accepted will be displayed. Your request status will also change to "hired" in your request list.</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-book.gif" alt="how to book" /></p>\r\n<br />\r\n<p>6) When your request is completed successfully, tap on "Close job" to inform PetBacker to release your money to the Pet Sitter. If you do not close the job or open a dispute with us within 2 days, the money will be released to Pet Sitter automatically within 3 to 7 days after your request is completed.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>You might be interested in</p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/bookings/why-pay-for-your-booking-through-petbacker">Why pay for your booking through PetBacker?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-parents/does-petbacker-offer-insurance">Does PetBacker offer insurance?</a></p>']
['Can I accept money directly from pet owners?', '<p>No. All payments must be made through the PetBacker platform.&nbsp;By using the PetBacker platform, you commit to making your initial and future reservations on the PetBacker website.&nbsp;</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['When am I paid as a pet service provider?', '<p>While owners are charged at the time of booking, PetBacker holds onto those funds until the service is complete. You\'ll see your payment ready for withdrawal in your PetBacker account two days after you\'ve completed a service. Is this your first time withdrawing payment from PetBacker? We recommend adding your payout account before your first booking--that&rsquo;s because there&rsquo;s a 72 hour hold before you can transfer funds to a newly added payout account. After your withdrawal is processed, you will typically see your payout reflected into your payout account within 5 banking days depending on your payout method.</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['Can I choose the pet that I host?', '<p>Of course. You are totally free to decide which animal you\'ll take responsibility for. Your <a href="https://www.petbacker.com/help-center/pet-service-providers/how-to-view-calendar">calendar</a> also allows you to give your availability.</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['Can I really trust a pet sitter?\xa0', '<p>We&rsquo;d like to think so! PetBacker is a platform built on mutual trust that puts pet owners and pet sitters in contact. In the interest of everyone&rsquo;s wellbeing, we do verify the contact details of pet sitters in various ways before they appear on the site, and remove any profiles that we think don&rsquo;t quite meet the high bar we&rsquo;ve set for PetBacker pet sitters.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>We always recommend making a refundable pre-payment before sharing personal contact information or having a meet and greet so you can ensure the other party is genuine and they&rsquo;re right for your pet. Then, after the stay, pet owners can leave an evaluation of their experience that is shared on the pet sitter&rsquo;s profile page.</p>']
['What happens if my pet gets sick or hurt in the care of the pet sitter?', "<p>Fortunately, cases of emergencies are very rare, but it's best to prepare for them. If there&rsquo;s an emergency, the pet sitter must decide the best course of action: either to go to the nearest veterinarian or, if possible, go to the pet's own veterinarian. It&rsquo;s always a good idea to write detailed emergency instructions on your details form, or even write up a separate emergency guide.</p>"]
['What if I am unable to make the appointment as agreed?', '<p>Pet Service Providers and pet sitters define their own cancellation policies. For more information, please check the pet sitter&rsquo;s profile.</p>']
['A pet sitter has declined my reservation, where does my money go?', '<p>When the Pet Owner makes a booking with a Pet Service Provider, money is not drawn from the Pet Owner\'s payment wallet until the pet sitter confirms the reservation. Instead the amount due for the booking is "reserved". Essentially the money never leaves the Pet Owner payment wallet, it only appears as a pending charge on the Pet Owner payment wallet.</p>\r\n<p>When a Pet Sitter declines a reservation request,&nbsp;the reserved amount due for the booking will remain in the Pet Owner\'s payment wallet. The Pet Owner may use that money for another booking, or request for a refund.</p>']
['Does PetBacker offer insurance?', '<p>Yes, your pet is insured during the period of booking!</p>\r\n<p>PetBacker has your backing with a free Insurance covering for all services booked through our site or mobile app! This means that you will benefit from ultimate peace of mind.</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><strong>Care, Custody, Control</strong> – veterinary coverage for animals in pet sitters’ care: This section provides veterinary coverage for the Service User pets in the pet sitter’s care, custody or control. There is a USD$350 deductible for medical claims, to be covered by the pet owners. USD$1,000 capped limit for veterinary expenses in relation to an injury to your pet during the service. Once the full amount of money has been spent, the treatment of illness or injury won’t ever be covered again.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Errors and Omissions (aka Professional Liability)</strong> – covers accidental injury to the Service User pet: This section refers to accidental injury to a Service User pet in the sitter’s care. This type of insurance brings comfort to pet owners and sitters as, more often than not, any non-negligent harm arises where an animal in the sitter’s care has been accidentally harmed in the course of service delivery, through no specific fault of the sitter. Claims are subjected to a USD$350 excess payable by the pet sitter at the time of the claim with a USD$1,000 capped claims limit.</li>\r\n<li><strong>Public Liability Insurance (aka Commercial General Liability)</strong> – covers pet sitters against third party claims: This section will pay the sums that pet sitters become legally obliged to pay as damages because of bodily injury to a third party person or damage to property of a third party. Claims are subjected to 5% fees or USD$1,000 whichever is higher for each and every occurence is payable by the pet sitter at the time of the claim with a USD$4,000 capped claims limit.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>For more information, please check&nbsp;<a href="/help-center/premium-protection-coverage">Premium Protection Coverage</a>.</p>']
['Does PetBacker offer a Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee?', "<p>If you&rsquo;re not absolutely happy with your experience,&nbsp;PetBacker offers pet owners a Satisfaction&nbsp;Money Back Guarantee to our two legged members.&nbsp; In order to be eligible, you obviously need to&nbsp;have organized a meet and greet with the sitter prior to the booking,&nbsp;have booked and paid via the PetBacker and have left a poor review for the sitter.&nbsp;Your claim needs to be submitted within 3 days of the end of the booking period via the &ldquo;contact us&rdquo; section. PetBacker will perform an internal investigation and the refund amount will be decided at PetBacker's discretion. This amount will be refunded within 7 banking days.</p>"]
['Do I pay the pet sitter directly?', '<p>All payments must be completed through the PetBacker platform. The payment process on PetBacker is secure and fully automated for both Pet Owner and Sitter, so neither the Pet Owner nor the Sitter&nbsp;needs to worry about the payments. The Sitter will receive his payment within a week after the job has been completed.</p>']
["I've never left my pet with a pet sitter before. Is PetBacker for me?", "<p>Absolutely. PetBacker is a community of friendly, local animal lovers who welcome others' animals with great pleasure. Your pet will be much happier than in a kennel or cattery. Take a look at the pet sitter profiles on our site &ndash; all verified and regularly checked by our team - and let us know what you think.</p>"]
["I don't have a PayPal account. What should I do?", "<p>PayPal accounts are free, and you don't need to have a credit card to open one. More than 100 million people have PayPal accounts. Go to www.paypal.com to open an account.</p>"]
['I love to take care of pets. Does this affect my tax status or liability?', '<p>We are entrepreneurs ourselves and encourage entrepreneurship. We hope that, with PetBacker, people will be able to make their hobby a job. Every tax situation is different and depends on your personal circumstances. We advise you to discuss your situation with a tax expert to determine the best course of action.</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['Are there pet sitters on PetBacker that offer specialized care?', '<p>Yes. We request that PetBacker pet sitters describe the care they offer as thoroughly as possible. Some sitters do have a specialisation, and several are pet care professionals or have done vet training or volunteer work with animals. Look through the list of pet sitters in your region to see who is the best person to take care of your pet.</p>']
["I'm very motivated. How can I pet sit even more?", '<p>After the validation of your profile by the PetBacker team, you can officially start as a pet sitter.</p>\r\n<p>You can gain owner confidence and increase your number of reservations by making a complete and personable profile on the site</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Give a full description of yourself and your environment,</li>\r\n<li>Upload high-quality photos, especially ones of you handling animals</li>\r\n<li>Respond as quickly as possible to reservation requests</li>\r\n<li>Do a great job and get positive ratings</li>\r\n<li>Promote your profile on social networks like Facebook, Twitter</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How do I cancel or refuse a reservation?', '<p>When you receive a reservation request, you may accept or refuse it depending on the requirements. You are not obliged to accept the reservation request if you are not comfortable with the requirements. It is always advised to have a meet and greet to evaluate if the request is suitable for you before agreeing to accept it.</p>\r\n<p>If you have already accepted a reservation request, cancellations are discouraged. If you would still like to proceed with the cancellation you are required to inform and make arrangements with the Service User at least 7 days in advance before confirming the cancellation with us.</p>\r\n<p>Cancellations by pet sitters are very inconvenient for pet owners. On a platform like PetBacker, everything is decided by trust. Therefore, we reserve the right to remove pet sitters who are not reliable or to apply a fine or a penalty. For every cancellation, PetBacker reserves the right to verify the account of the pet sitter to see if there are grounds to suspend or remove them.</p>\r\n<p>Our emphasis on reliability creates a community where all animal owners and pet sitters feel totally confident in engaging each other.</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['What does "Photo and Message updates" mean?', '<p>If you\'re a pet owner, you know it can be difficult to part ways even temporarily with your animal. That\'s why we encourage pet sitters to regularly send photos to pet owners. Text messages are also very popular. That way, owners can enjoy real peace of mind. All this is possible via the website and the PetBacker app over the course of the animal&rsquo;s stay.</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How do I change my greeting message?', '<p>1) Tap on your "Profile".</p>\r\n<p>2) In "Listings" tap on "Edit Listing"</p>\r\n<p>3) Scroll down all the way</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-edit-greeting-message/part-1.gif" alt="change greeting message 1" /></p><br />\r\n<p>4) Click on "Edit Icon" that beside greeting message</p>\r\n<p>5) Change your greeting message and save it.</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-edit-greeting-message/part-2.gif" alt="change greeting message 2" /></p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How do I edit my listing info?', '<p>1) Tab on your "Profile".</p>\r\n<p>2) Then scroll down to "Listing", select the services that you wish to edit.</p>\r\n<p>3) Tab on "Edit Listing".</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-edit-listing/part-1.gif" alt="how to edit listing 1" /></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>4) Select the info that you wish to change (e.g. service name, image, description).</p>\r\n<p>5) Tab on "Save" to save your changes.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-edit-listing/part-2.gif" alt="how to edit listing 2" /></p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['What can I do if I am not satisfied with the service', "<p>Pet parents have the option to open a dispute within 2 days after the job is complete. PetBacker will investigate the dispute and if we decide in the pet parent's favour, we will refund a portion or the entire booking fee at our discretion.&nbsp;</p>"]
['Can I get discount?', '<p>Yes. You can negotiate with Pet Sitter to get a discount or you can follow through this <a href="/help-center/referral-program/what-is-the-petbacker-referral-program">referral program</a> to get a discount.</p>']
['Why pay through PetBacker?', '<p>Here are a few of the benefits that you will enjoy when pay through PetBacker for your bookings:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Your money and pets are Secure and safe as we only release payment to the sitter 2 to 7 days later after the job is completed satisfactorily. You have 48 hours after the stipulated booking end date to raise any issues before we release the payment.</li>\r\n<li>Get protected with&nbsp;<a href="/help-center/premium-protection-coverage/what-is-eligible-for-coverage">Premium Protection Coverage</a>&nbsp;when you hit a certain amount of accumulated fees</li>\r\n<li>Get credits for Discount for your next booking</li>\r\n<li>Keep a record of all transactions and able to review the sitter</li>\r\n<li>Book the Sitter in advance so she know you are serious. Booking fees will be return if sitters can\'t confirm the job</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Payment outside of PetBacker is against our terms and conditions.</p>']
['How does PetBacker pay to Pet Sitter?', '<p>We will ask you for your Paypal account. In some countries, we can bank in to you directly when you provide us your bank account and bank name. &nbsp;</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['The payment failed. What should I do? ', '<p>These are a few things you can do if your payment to PetBacker is failed:</p>\r\n<p>1. Call your bank immediately and ask why failed.</p>\r\n<p>2. Check if your card is active for overseas transaction or not.</p>\r\n<p>3. Check if your credit card account reach his limit.</p>\r\n<p>4. <a href="https://petbacker.com/t/c">Contact</a> our support.</p>']
['What is PetBacker?', '<p>PetBacker connects loving dog walkers, sitters, boarding &amp; groomers with pet owners just like you in all major cities &amp; can help you get a loving trusted Pet sitter who could board your dogs &amp; cats in moments after you make a request.</p>']
['How do I accept job and ask pet owner to book me?', '<p>1) Select the job you are interested in.</p>\r\n<p>2) Tap on "Earn Now" to view Job Summary.</p>\r\n<p>3) Tap on "I am interested" to start giving a quote.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-view-n-accept-job/part-1.gif" alt="accept job 1" /></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>4) Select the rates you would like to charge.</p>\r\n<p>5) Tap on "Send Quote" to respond to the job.</p>\r\n<p>6) You will now be able to message the pet parent and understand more about the job. </p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-view-n-accept-job/part-2.gif" alt="accept job 2" /></p>\r\n<p><strong>You might also be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="https://www.petbacker.com/help-center/pet-service-providers/how-do-i-edit-my-quote">How do I edit my quote?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/when-am-i-paid-as-a-pet-service-provider">When am I paid as a pet service provider?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/how-does-petbacker-pay-to-pet-sitter">How does PetBacker pay to Pet Sitter?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/can-i-accept-money-directly-from-pet-owners">Can I accept money directly from pet owners?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/why-request-for-payments-through-petbacker">Why request for payments through PetBacker?</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>']
['Is there any extra charges during same day booking?', '<p>Please be aware that there is a $8 Same Day Booking Fee added to services that are scheduled 24 hours before the service is rendered.</p>']
['How to redeem your payment?', '<p>1. Go to profile.<br /><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/redeem-payment-1.png" alt="redeem payment 1" /></p>\r\n<p>2. Tab on Payment Account.</p>\r\n<p><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/redeem-payment-2.png" alt="redeem payment 2" /></p>\r\n<p>3. Select the Earning History.</p>\r\n<p><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/redeem-payment-33.png" alt="/redeem payment 33" /></p>\r\n<p>4. Then click on the redeem now button to redeem your money.</p>\r\n<p><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/redeem-payment-4.png" alt="redeem payment 4" /></p>\r\n<p style="font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;"><span style="font-family: verdana, geneva;"></span></p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How to close a job and review the sitter?', '<p>1. Go to Inbox.</p>\r\n<p>2. Select the person that you had hired and the booking that you wish to close.</p>\r\n<p>3. Select Review Sitter if the booking is completed.</p>\r\n<p>4. Tab yes if you are sure to complete it and close it.</p>\r\n<p>5. Give a review about the sitter and tab confirm your review.</p>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/petbacker/images/faq/en/how-to-close-booking-review-sitter.gif" alt="close booking" /></p>']
['How to add payout preferences?', '<p>1. Go to "Profile".</p>\r\n<p>2. Tab on "Wallet".</p>\r\n<p>3. Select the "Payout Preference Icon".</p>\r\n<p>4. Click on "Add New Payout" and choose PayPal or any relevant options.</p>\r\n<p>5. Insert your PayPal email or any relevant information and save.</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-add-payout-preference.gif" alt="add payout preference" /></p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How to edit my request?', '<p>1. Go to Request</p>\r\n<p>2. Select the request that you want to edit.</p>\r\n<p>3. Select Edit button to start edit your request.</p>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/petbacker/images/faq/en/how-to-edit-request/part-1.gif" alt="edit request 1" /></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>4. After finish edit, tab on Submit to save your modification on the request.&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://storage.googleapis.com/petbacker/images/faq/en/how-to-edit-request/part-2.gif" alt="edit request 2" /></p>']
['When can I get my money?', '<p>Once you complete your job, you able to redeem your money in earning history. Payment will be redeemable after 2-7 days of job completion except for the following conditions:</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>First booking without a review (a review is required for your first booking)</li>\r\n<li>Bookings without reviews and are still within the 2 day dispute period</li>\r\n<li>Held jobs that have been disputed</li>\r\n<li>Held jobs from suspicious activities</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How do I get paid?', '<p>Important: Booking and getting paid through PetBacker is required per our <a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">Terms of Service</a>. Never accept cash or checks as payment&mdash;this can expose you to fraud, get your account flagged for suspension, and make your stays and walks ineligible for premium insurance and support.</p>\r\n<p>1. Tap the "Profile" icon in the PetBacker app.</p>\r\n<p>2. Tap "Wallet".</p>\r\n<p>3. Tap "Withdrawal".</p>\r\n<p>4. Select your payout account info.</p>\r\n<p>5. Then click on "Request Withdrawal" to withdraw your money.*Once withdrawn, the wallet will show a pending amount to be withdrawn. Every withdrawal will take 2-7 working days to be processed.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-withdraw.gif" alt="withdraw" /></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Learn more about <a href="https://www.petbacker.co.uk/help-center/pet-service-providers/what-is-withdrawable-and-non-withdrawable-balance">withdrawable and non-withdrawable balance</a> here.</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['Reservation Guarantee', '<p>Though it\'s rare, occasionally a sitter or dog walker has to cancel at the last minute. If that happens to you, we\'ve got your back: Every booking made through PetBacker is covered by our reservation guarantee. Here is what it means:</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>We\'ll Help You Find a New Backer</strong></p>\r\n<p>We\'ll get in touch with you ASAP, but you can also reach out to us directly via the app. &mdash;we\'re here for assistance&mdash;or&nbsp;<a href="https://www.petbacker.com/t/s">contact us here</a>.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>Though availability varies widely, we&rsquo;ll do everything we can to help you find a great replacement. If you book with a more expensive sitter or dog walker, we\'ll cover the cost difference between the original booking and your new booking, up to 6% of the total cost of original booking which shall be limited to $20.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>We\'ll Give You a Refund</strong></p>\r\n<p>If we are unable to find you a replacement, we\'ll give you a full refund. Kindly be reminded, refunds after 6 months from the date of transaction will be converted into vouchers which you may use for future bookings.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>We\'re Here for You</strong></p>\r\n<p>We promise we\'ll do everything we can to make sure you and your dog love your experience, and the reservation guarantee is a huge part of that.</p>']
['Cancellations by Service Provider', '<p>If a Service Provider cancels a Booking prior to or during the service period identified in the Booking, we will refund the fees paid by the Pet Owner for Pet Care Services not provided, as well as any service charge paid to PetBacker.com.</p>\r\n<p>Service Provider cancellations are taken seriously. If you are a Service Provider, you acknowledge that cancellation by you may result in a review of your account and, if we deem it appropriate, a fine of USD100, suspension or termination of your access to the PetBacker.com Service.</p>\r\n<p>If the cancellation is suspected to be fraudulent, you may be liable to a fine of 40% of the booking value that was cancelled as well and <a href="https://www.petbacker.com/help-center/pet-service-providers/why-some-users-only-get-private-jobs">may not receive broadcast requests</a>.</p>\r\n<p><strong>Display of cancellation reason</strong></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>If you have more than 3 cancellations and more than 10% of the total value of jobs hired and cancelled, the number of cancellations may be displayed on your listing profile which may adversely affect the number of requests you will receive in the future.</li>\r\n<li>For transparency purposes, if the booking cancellation is due to the Backer being not suitable, or if it is cancelled by the Backer, the cancellation and its reasons may be displayed (based on certain conditions) on the Backer\'s profile page to assist future pet owners to make a decision to hire the particular Backer for a more secure and safe pet care.</li>\r\n<li>If the cancellation is due to pet owner\'s personal reasons, the cancellation and its reason will not be displayed on the Backer\'s profile.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/2019/cancellation-display.jpg" alt="" /></strong></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>You might be also be interested in:</strong></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li><a href="https://www.petbacker.com/help-center/pet-service-providers/why-some-users-only-get-private-jobs">Why some users only get Private Jobs (No Broadcast)</a></li>\r\n</ul>']
['Refunds for Substandard Services', '<p>If we determine in our reasonable discretion that a Service Provider has failed to provide Pet Care Services in accordance with our guidelines and policies on the Site or these terms then we may, in our reasonable discretion, cancel a Booking and issue a full or partial refund to a Pet Owner.<br /><br />\r\n*refunds are subjected to less transaction fees if any. Kindly be reminded, refunds after 6 months from the date of transaction will be converted into vouchers.</p>']
['Payment Disputes; Payment Outside of the PetBacker.com Service', '<p>PetBacker.com issues payments to Service Providers 48 hours after completion of a Booking. Once these amounts have been disbursed, any further payment dispute are between the Pet Owner and Service Provider, and PetBacker.com has no obligation to mediate or facilitate any resolution. &nbsp;Further, PetBacker.com has no responsibility or liability with respect to any tips, bonuses, or other payments made outside of the PetBacker.com Service.</p>']
['How to close a job and review the pet parents', '<p>1. Go to \'Inbox\'.</p>\r\n<p>2. Select the message that the pet parents had hired you.</p>\r\n<p>3. Mark the job completed to close the job.</p>\r\n<p>4. Do not hestitate to give a review to the pet parent.</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-close-job-review-owner.gif" alt="close job review" /></p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['What do I do if my pet gets lost or missing when in the care of the pet service provider.', '<p>Report any lost or missing pets to the PetBacker support team immediately within 24 hours of the incident.&nbsp;For jobs that have been paid and booked with PetBacker, we will sponsor up to $100&nbsp;in lost pet advertising.</p>']
['What do I do if the guest pet gets lost or missing when in my care?', '<p>Report any lost or missing pets to the PetBacker support team immediately within 24 hours of the incident. For jobs that have been paid and booked with PetBacker, we will sponsor up to $100 in lost pet advertising.</p>\r\n<p>PetBacker may withhold or delay any outstanding payouts to the sitter at its discretion pending investigations regarding the lost pet or until the pet is found. If the pet cannot be found, all payment for the related job will be refunded to the pet owner.</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['What will happen if I request for or accept payment outside of the Petbacker platform', '<p>You will be temporarily blocked when you exchange contact information with the customer but do not close the job on PetBacker. We depends on the fees to advertise and support the platform. We will invoice you with two times the value of the quotation and follow up with a legal letter if we do not collect the fees on time.</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How do I change my preferred currency when I move to another country?', '<p>1. Go to "Profile"</p>\r\n<p>2. Select the "Setting Icon"</p>\r\n<p>3. Click on "Preferred Currency"</p>\r\n<p>4. Choose one of the currency</p>\r\n<p>5. Noted that the new currency will only apply to the new rates, old rates remain the same currency</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-change-preferred-currency.gif" alt="change currency" /></p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How do I change my password?', '<p><strong>Change Password</strong></p>\r\n<p>1. Go to "Profile"</p>\r\n<p>2. Select the setting icon button</p>\r\n<p>3. Choose "Change Password"</p>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/password-reset/how-to-change-password.gif" alt="change password" /></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p><strong>Then Continue With The Following Steps</strong></p>\r\n<p>4. Be noted that you may need to open your email to reset password</p>\r\n<p>5. Please be noted that the email either will be in inbox or junk mail. Find out more <a href="https://www.petbacker.com/help-center/pet-parents/does-not-receive-email-from-petbacker-what-should-i-do">here</a> if you did not receive PetBacker email.</p>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/password-reset/password-reset.gif" alt="password reset" /></p>\r\n<p>6. Key in the new password and select reset password</p>']
['How do I update my personal profile?', '<p>1. Go to "Profile"</p>\r\n<p>2. Select "Edit Profile"</p>\r\n<p>3. Edit any information that you would like to change (e.g. photo, name, phone number and about me)</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-edit-profile.gif" alt="update personal profile" /></p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How do I edit my quote?', '<p>You can edit your quote anytime during the chat before you are hired.</p>\r\n<p>1. Select "Your Quote"</p>\r\n<p>2. Select the quote you wanted to edit</p>\r\n<p>3. Key in the new value and save it.</p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-edit-quote.gif" alt="edit quote" /></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>4. You can add another item by tapping the "Add Quote Item" for any extra charges.</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How do I give discount?', '<p>1. Navigate to the job\'s chat room that you want to give discount</p>\r\n<p>2. Tap on "Discount"</p>\r\n<p>3. Key in the amount and tap "Give Discount"</p>\r\n<p>4. The discount has been added and show the total amount that you able to earn.</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-give-out-discount.gif" alt="give discount" /></p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['Why am I asked for credits to respond to jobs', '<p>You will temporarily need credits to reply jobs for four weeks if your closing rate is below 50 percent. The <strong>closing rate</strong> is measured by:</p>\r\n<p><em>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Jobs paid on PetBacker</em><br /><em>&nbsp;------------------------------------------- &nbsp; x 100%</em><br /><em>&nbsp;Number of times contact shared</em></p>\r\n<p>This limitation will be lifted automatically when:</p>\r\n<p>1) Your <strong>closing rate</strong> has improved<br />2) Ensuring the current pet parent to pay through us<br />3) Pay PetBacker 30% of the quotation you have given if you collected cash. Cash is however strongly discouraged.</p>\r\n<p>We would strongly encourage that a booking be made first before a meet and greet for the following reasons:</p>\r\n<p>- Gain additional Verified Reviews, Completed Job Points, Payment Protection, Support and Insurance when jobs are paid through PetBacker. Pet service providers with more verified reviews and completed jobs get hired more, even at higher prices.</p>\r\n<p>- Your safety. We have had cases of creeps asking for meetups with the purpose of entering the sitters home, girls in particular. When payment has been made, we have credit card records that we can trace back in the unlikely event something unfortunate happens.</p>\r\n<p>- Your <strong>closing rate</strong>. When a pet parent has already paid for a booking, the chances they will not hire is very low. This increases the chance that you will secure that booking</p>\r\n<p>- Fully refundable. Payment made for booking is fully refundable to the pet parents in the event they really do not want to hire. But as mentioned in the previous note, the chances they cancel after is very low.</p>\r\n<p>- Dispute resolution. If payment is made outside, we will not cover you or the pet parent with insurance, and in the unlikely event something unfortunate happens, for example the injury of a pet, you will have to bear the full cost of compensation.</p>\r\n<p>Sharing your contact before a pet parent books on PetBacker is equivalent to a sitter agreeing that they can win the job and ensure payment is made through PetBacker. We run this platform so that all pet parents can have their furkids well taken care of by individual pet lovers, hence <strong>we are searching for lovely pet sitters who are honest with good integrity</strong> so in the unlikely event some thing unfortunate happens, the <strong>sitter can be counted on and will be more responsible</strong>.</p>\r\n<p>Any sitter that intentionally skips PetBacker to avoid the small fees or solicited payment outside will be marked \'under probation\' and will receive lesser jobs (jobs are sent to sitters based on their <strong>closing rate</strong>, the higher the <strong>closing rate</strong>, the more jobs a sitter will receive, a closing rate of 30% means you will only receive 3 jobs when there are 10 jobs) and require <a href="/help-center/sponsors/what-are-credits-for">credits</a> to answer the job.</p>\r\n<p>If you feel we made us mistake or have a misunderstanding, do <a href="https://www.petbacker.com/t/s">inform us</a>.</p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>\r\n\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-parents/how-to-get-credits">How to get free credits?</a></p>']
['What is the closing rate', '<p>The&nbsp;<strong>closing rate</strong>&nbsp;is defined as:</p><br />\r\n<p><em>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Jobs paid on PetBacker</em><br /><em>&nbsp;------------------------------------------- &nbsp; x 100%</em><br /><em>&nbsp;Number of times contact shared</em></p>\r\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\r\n<p>A low closing rate may affect the number of jobs you can get as well as requiring credits to answer to jobs.&nbsp;<a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/why-am-i-asked-for-credits-to-respond-to-jobs">Why am I asked for credits or blocked from responding to jobs</a>.</p>\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in:</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/pet-service-providers/why-am-i-asked-for-credits-to-respond-to-jobs">Why am I asked for credits or blocked from responding to jobs.</a></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/sponsors/what-are-credits-for">What are credits for?</a></p>\r\n\r\n<br />\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['How do I deactivate my account?', '<p>1) Go to&nbsp;Profile screen and tap on "Setting Icon".</p>\r\n<p>2) &nbsp;Tap "Deactivate Account".</p><br />\r\n<p style=" text-align: center; "><img width="300px" src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/faq/en/how-to-deactivate.gif" alt="deactivate account" /></p>\r\n\r\n</br>\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']
['Why should I receive payment with PetBacker', '<ul>\r\n<li>Gain additional Verified Reviews, Completed Job Points, Improved Response Rates, Payment Protection, Support and Insurance when jobs are paid through PetBacker.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/verified-review.jpg" alt="verified review" width="400" height="183" />&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="https://content.petbacker.com/images/cms/articles/jobcompleted.jpg" alt="completed job" /></p>\r\n<p>"Verified Reviews": With a Red colour.</p>\r\n<p>"Completed Requests": Sarah completed two jobs through petbacker, three reviews, one of them is non verified by his friend with pets.</p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Your safety. We have had cases of creeps asking for meetups with the purpose of entering the sitters home, girls in particular. When payment has been made, we have credit card records that we can trace back in the unlikely event something unfortunate happens.</li>\r\n<li>Your [closing rate]. When a pet parent has already paid for a booking, the chances they will not hire is very low. This increases the chance that you will secure that booking</li>\r\n<li>Fully refundable. Payment made for booking is fully refundable to the pet parents in the event they really do not want to hire. But as mentioned in the previous note, the chances they cancel after is very low.</li>\r\n<li>Dispute resolution. If payment is made outside, we will not cover you or the pet parent with insurance, and in the unlikely event something unfortunate happens, for example the injury of a pet, you will have to bear the full cost of compensation.</li>\r\n<li>Payment protection. We have had cases where a job was done but the pet parent refuses to make payment with various excuses, and there is nothing that you as the pet sitter can do as there is no escrow to hold the money for you first.</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p>Sharing your <span style="color: #ff0000;">contact before a pet parent books</span> on PetBacker is equivalent to a sitter agreeing that they can win the job and ensure payment is made through PetBacker. We run this platform so that all pet parents can have their furkids well taken care of by individual pet lovers, hence we prefer lovely pet sitters who are honest with good integrity so in the unlikely event some thing unfortunate happens, the sitter can be counted on and will be more responsible.&nbsp;We also need service fees to continue advertising on Google, Facebook, buying insurance and maintaining the platform.&nbsp;Without the service fees to operate, it will be difficult for us to create a community in your area and hence little request going to you as we will have limited fund to advertise.&nbsp;Anyone <span style="color: #ff0000;">suspected</span> <span style="color: #ff0000;">of receiving cash</span> outside of PetBacker will be <span style="color: #ff0000;">suspended</span> without notice.</p>\r\n\r\n</br>\r\n<p><strong>You might be interested in</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href="/help-center/policies/terms-of-use">What are the terms of use?</a></p>']

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