6 values
Shr loss 98 cts vs loss 1.11 dlrs Net loss 3,863,000 vs loss 3,483,000 Revs 1,081,000 vs 799,000 Note: 4th qtr data not given.
Corporate News
Shr 1.13 dlrs vs 87 cts Net 1,064,489 ca 780,712 Assets 106.8 mln vs 102.5 mln Note: 4th qtr data not given.
Financial Reports
Qtly div 15 cts vs 15 cts prior Payable May one Record April 10
Financial Reports
Qtly div 12 cts vs 12 cts Pay July 1 Record June 12
Bank of Japan bought 200 to 300 mln dlrs this morning, dealers said.
Bank of Japan bought 200 to 300 mln dlrs this morning, dealers said.
Financial Reports
The Bank of Japan bought a modest amount of dollars this morning, possibly around 200 to 300 mln, dealers said. One dealer said the central bank bought about 200 mln dlrs through brokers and the rest through banks. The buying began when the dollar was at about 149.60 yen, and helped drive the U.S. Currency up to around 150, he said. Another said the central bank seemed to be trying to push the dollar up above 150 yen. But heavy selling at around that level quickly pushed the dollar back down towards 149 yen, dealers said.
Financial Reports
An Agriculture Ministry survey has estimated the nation's 1986/87 crop sugar cane output at 2.14 mln tonnes, down from 2.62 mln a year earlier. Ministry officials said the decline was due to bad weather and a reduction in the land under sugar cane this season, which totals 34,800 hectares, down from 35,700 in 1985/86, they said. Harvesting stretches from December 1986 to April 1987 Japan's final output will be announced at the beginning of June, they said.
Financial Reports
Shr 16.7 cents vs 29.4 Final div nil vs same making nil vs same Pre-tax profit 21.31 mln dlrs vs 26.42 mln Net 10.84 mln vs 19.15 mln Turnover 17.17 mln vs 25.94 mln Other income 101.99 mln vs 125.18 mln Shrs 65.13 mln vs same. NOTE - Net is after tax 10.47 mln vs 7.27 mln, interest 2.58 mln vs 9.55 mln, depreciation 5.06 mln vs 7.61 mln and minorities nil vs same. Other income: 72.39 mln from sale of investments (103.04 mln 1985), interest 25.75 mln (21.49 mln), and dividends 1.64 mln (nil). Co is 93.7 pct owned by <Bell Resources Ltd>. Note - All figures in U.S. Dollars as the company is registered in Bermuda.
Corporate News
Bank of Japan keeps intervening to hold dollar above 149 yen, brokers
Bank of Japan keeps intervening to hold dollar above 149 yen, brokers
Financial Reports
The Bank of Japan is continuing to intervene in the Tokyo market, buying small amounts of dollars to hold the unit above 149 yen, brokers said. They said the Bank is coming in when the dollar is around 149.05/10 yen, the same levels as New York's close yesterday and the midday close in Tokyo today. Dealers said the Bank of Japan is intervening in the market through both banks and brokers this afternoon. The central bank is checking selling orders through banks and placing matching buy orders, they said. The central bank started to intervene shortly after the market opened here in the afternoon, the dealers said.
Financial Reports
The Bank of England said it forecast a shortage of around 350 mln stg in the money market today. Among the main factors affecting liquidity, bills maturing in official hands and the take-up of treasury bills will drain some 525 mln stg while bankers' balnces below target will take out around 175 mln stg. Partly offsetting these outflows, exchequer transactions and a fall in note circulation will add some 300 mln stg and 40 mln stg to the system respectively.
Financial Reports
Current exchange rates almost within levels agreed by major nations - Sumita
Current exchange rates almost within levels agreed by major nations - Sumita
Financial Reports
Sumita says major nations cooperated to stabilise currencies.
Sumita says major nations cooperated to stabilise currencies.
Financial Reports
Thailand's foreign reserves of gold, special drawing rights and convertible currencies fell to 3.86 billion dlrs at end-February from 3.95 billion the previous month, but were above the 3.08 billion held at the same time last year, the Bank of Thailand said. It said the reserves were equal to about five months' worth of imports.
Financial Reports
Bank of Japan governor Satoshi Sumita said that current exchange rates are almost within the levels agreed to by six major nations last month in Paris. Asked whether a dollar/yen rate of 148 or 149 reflected economic fundamentals, he said current rates almost reflect fundamentals. Sumita told reporters major nations have cooperated to bring about currency stability in line with the Paris agreement, which stipulated that they would closely cooperate to that end. He repeated the central bank will intervene if necessary, adding he did not think a dollar free-fall was likely. But Sumita said he could not say exactly what currency levels would be considered in line with underlying economic fundamentals. In Paris on February 22, Britain, Canada, France, Japan, the U.S. And West Germany agreed to cooperate to hold currencies around their then current levels. Sumita said he could not find any specific reasons behind the fall of the dollar to a record low against the yen yesterday. But he said the market rushed to sell dollars as it nervously reacted to statements abroad and to developments surrounding trade tensions. U.S. Treasury Secretary James Baker said over the weekend that the Paris pact did not encompass fixed tragets for the dollar. U.S. Trade Representative Clayton Yeutter called U.S/Japan relations on certain key trade issues very strained. The market reacted nervously because the dollar has been moving narrowly against the yen since mid-January, Sumita said. He added he does not expect the yen/dollar exchange rate to remain unstable because the market is concerned about a sharp rise of the yen. The Bank of Japan will keep a close watch on exchange rates in line with the Paris accord, he added.
Corporate News
Preliminary trade figures for February show an excess of exports over imports of 119.1 mln N.Z. Dlrs, a Statistics Department statement said. This compares with a 3.3 mln dlr deficit (revised from 1.7 mln) in January and a 36.1 mln dlr deficit in February 1986. Exports rose to 998.4 mln dlrs, from 889.2 mln (revised from 889.5) in January and 903.2 in February 1986. Imports dropped to an estimated 879.4 mln dlrs from 892.5 (revised from 891.2) in January and 939.3 in February 1986. The deficit for the eight months to the end of February was 15.3 mln dlrs, as against 1.057 billion dlrs in the same period a year ago.
Corporate News
Sumita says Bank of Japan has no intention of lowering its discount rate
Sumita says Bank of Japan has no intention of lowering its discount rate
Financial Reports
Bank of Japan governor Satoshi Sumita said the central bank has no intention of cutting its discount rate again as a way of preventing the yen's rise. He told a press conference that the growth of Japanese money supply remains high. The bank will have to watch closely various developments resulting from its already eased monetary stance, such as the sharp rise in real estate and stock prices, he said. Although the yen's rise will have a greater deflationary impact on the economy, the economy is not likely to slow down much further, Sumita said. "I don't think we should change our economic outlook at the moment," Sumita said. Sumita has said in the past that he expects the economy to show a gradual upturn in the second half of the year. The governor said the six major industrial nations are expected to review last month's pact on currency stability when they meet next in April. Dealers said they expect the six - Britain, Canada, France, Japan, the U.S. Amd West Germany - to meet just before the IMF/World Bank interim committee meeting in Washington starting on April 9.
A strong performance by its retail businesses and affiliates will enable Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd <JARD.HKG> to report on Friday a big leap in net profit in 1986, stock analysts said. They told Reuters they expect the firm to show earnings of between 420 mln and 450 mln H.K. Dlrs last year against 157 mln in 1985. The analysts also said they expect Jardine Matheson to pay a total dividend of 15 to 20 cents a share against 10 cents a share in 1985. James Capel (Far East) Ltd estimates Jardine Matheson's 1986 profits at 450 mln dlrs and attributes most of the income to retail sales. Analysts said the group's 7-Eleven retail stores and its franchises, among them Canon cameras, Christian Dior luxury goods and Mercedes Benz cars, produced a strong cash flow. Alan Hargreaves of Hoare Govett Asia Ltd also put Jardine Matheson's 1986 net profits at 450 mln dlrs and said he estimates pre-tax earnings from retail operations at about 465 mln dlrs against 339 mln in 1985. But Hargreaves said Jardine Matheson's earnings from its 35 pct stake in Hong Kong Land Co Ltd <HKLD.HKG> will fall to about 230 mln dlrs from 281 mln dlrs in 1985. The reduced contribution reflects the spin-off from Hong Kong Land of <Dairy Farm International Ltd> last September. Jardine gained a direct holding of 35 pct of Dairy Farm as a result of the spin-off. Analysts said Jardine will book revenues from its Dairy Farm stake for the final months of the year as part of its retail business, which will increase its overall retail income figures. Analysts said Jardine Matheson will also enjoy sharply increased revenues from financial services, mainly its 50 pct share of <Jardine Fleming Holdings Ltd>. Jardine Fleming yesterday reported record profits for 1986 of 209.5 mln dlrs against 104.7 mln in 1985. Analysts said Jardine Matheson made net interest payments of about 200 mln dlrs last year, slightly below the 213 mln dlrs of 1985, while the company's term debt remained at about the 1985 level of 2.7 billion dlrs. But Jardine was also subject to increased taxes of 340 mln dlrs last year against 292 mln in 1985, they said. Jardine Matheson is undergoing a series of reorganisations that will in effect turn it into a holding company for its diverse interests. It previously announced a plan to sell its stakes in both Hong Kong Land and Dairy Farm to newly created <Jardine Strategic Holdings Ltd> in which it has a 41 pct interest. A company statement issued last month said the firm will use the proceeds to repay all debt, leaving it with an additional 500 mln dlrs in cash on hand. Though Jardine Matheson will be deprived of a direct stake in the high-yield Hong Kong Land and Dairy Farm units, it is likely to develop its own business, analysts said. "The future of the stock will depend on the firm's ability to creatively structure some new acquisitions," said Hargreaves of Hoare Govett. He noted the firm has suggested financial services as a key sector, and he said it may add some insurance firms to its existing business.
Corporate News
China's first joint venture bank, Xiamen International Bank (XIB), reported a group net profit of about 14 mln Hong Kong dlrs in 1986, the bank's first full year of operation. General manager Liu Shuxun declined to give a 1987 profit forecast, saying targets were under study. Assistant general manager Wang Hongshan said the group's outstanding loans at end-1986 totalled 620 mln Hong Kong dlrs, up from 530 mln at end-1985. Deposits and interbank borrowings rose to 680 mln dlrs from 550 mln, he told Reuters. Liu said most of the group's profit came from the parent company rather than its two wholly-owned subsidiaries <Xiamen International Finance Co Ltd> in Hong Kong and <Luso International Bank Ltd> in Macao. The joint venture bank began operating in September 1985 but did not officially open until March 1986. Liu said the share in the joint venture of the foreign partner, Hong Kong-listed <Panin Holdings Ltd>, had been cut last year to 49 pct from 60 pct. This was done because foreign banks felt the XIB's reputation would be improved if the three Chinese partners collectively held a majority stake, he said. Liu said news reports about problems concerning Panin were unfounded, but he did not elaborate. Panin Holdings reported a loss of 1.99 mln Hong Kong dlrs in 1986 after a net profit of 268,000 dlrs in 1985. The Chinese partners are Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Fujian branch, whose share rose to 23.5 pct from 15, Fujian Investment and Enterprise Corporation 17.5 pct (15) and Xiamen Construction and Development Corporation 10 pct (10). One foreign banker said Xiamen International Bank faced the same problems as foreign bank branches in trying to compete on unequal terms with state-owned banks. The foreign banking market in Xiamen is thin and almost saturated, he added. Officials of the joint venture bank said they benefitted from contacts made through its three Chinese partners. But the foreign banker, who asked not to be named, said it faced internal competition from the Industrial and Commercial Bank. Apart from Xiamen International Bank and the International Agricultural Development Bank planned by the World Bank and the state-owned Agricultural Bank of China, Xiamen has eight foreign bank branches or representative offices, mostly of Hong Kong or overseas Chinese banks.
Corporate News
Bangladesh recorded an overall balance of payments deficit of 8.3 mln U.S. Dlrs in October against a 10.33 mln deficit in September and a 6.67 mln surplus in October 1985, Central Bank officials said. The country's current account deficit narrowed to 10.69 mln dlrs in October from 79 mln in September and 11.75 mln in October 1985. The October trade deficit narrowed to 36.36 mln dlrs from 160 mln in September and 83.79 mln in October 1985.
Financial Reports
Nippon Steel Corp <NSTC.TOK> said it will cut its capital spending by 36.4 pct to 105 billion yen in the year starting April 1 from a year earlier due to the postponement of furnace improvements. <Nisshin Steel Co Ltd> said it will spend 10.7 billion yen in 1987/88 for rationalisation and facility improvements, down from 32.1 billion a year earlier, after completion of large construction projects in 1986/87. But capital spending by Nippon Kokan K.K. <NKKT.TOK> to improve and increase its production facilities will rise to 94.90 billion yen from 64 billion, the company said.
Corporate News
<Kokusan Kinzoku Kogyo Co Ltd> (KKK), a Japanese autoparts maker owned 25 pct by Nissan Motor Co Ltd <NSAN.T>, has exchanged a memorandum to acquire over 50 pct of U.S. Autoparts firm <Master-Cast Co> to avoid losses on U.S. Sales caused by the yen's rise against the dollar, a KKK spokesman said. The final agreement should be signed this year when KKK forms the new company <Alfa K Technology>, he said. The new firm should supply all the U.S. Major car makers, including Ford Motor Co <F>, General Motor Corp <GM> and Chrysler Corp <C>, he said.
The yen could rise to 140 yen to the dollar, a leading Japanese businessman said. Bumpei Otsuki, president of the influential Japan Federation of Employers' Associations, (Nikkeiren), told reporters: "The yen might rise as far as 140 (to the dollar). The U.S. Economy is not good, and as long as the U.S. Economy is not good, the U.S. Will put various pressures (on Japan)." "The yen's level depends on the condition of the U.S. Economy rather than Japan's economy, and as long as the American situation is bad, the yen will continue to rise," he said. To cope with the negative impact of the strong yen, Japanese enterprises must strive to cut costs by all means, including holding down wages as much as possible, Otsuki said. He rejected recent calls from some government quarters for wage increases this year as a means of raising private consumption and thus boosting domestic demand. "We have to keep wages as low as possible," he said. He also said the yen's large and rapid rise is depressing the outlook for the Japanese economy, noting that in addition to hurting exporters it is also damaging domestic market manufacturers through cheap imports. Parts of the service sector are also threatened, Otsuki said. Tertiary industries provide services to manufacturers and a downturn in manufacturing profits will adversely affect service industries, he said. It is also doubtful whether the tertiary sector can fully employ those put out of work in the manufacturing sector, he said. Profits of service sector companies are likely to fall in the business year ending in March 1988, leading to a possible recession in the Japanese economy, he said. Otsuki said economic growth is unlikely to pick up beyond levels experienced in 1986. The government's Economic Planning Agency said last week the economy grew at 2.5 pct in 1986, the worst performance since 1974 when the economy shrank 1.4 pct due to the first oil price crisis. In order to stimulate domestic demand and boost the economy, tax reforms aimed at bringing down the cost of land and reforming the nation's housing stock are needed, along with steps to bring down the high cost of commodities, he said.
Saudi riyal interbank deposit rates eased across the board in a dull market which was long in day-to-day funds, dealers said. Today's quiet market continued a lull of several days in which traders were said to be waiting on the sidelines ahead of further clues to the direction of oil prices and the Saudi economy. Dealers cited some borrowing interest in two, three, and six-month deposits but said activity focused on short dates and one-month deposits as banks tried to lend surplus funds. Spot-next was put at 5-3/4, 5-1/4 pct, down from six, 5-1/2 yesterday while one-week rates were steady at six, 5-1/2 pct. One-month deposits declined to 6-1/4, 1/8 pct from 6-1/2, 1/4 on Monday, while three months was barely changed at seven, 6-15/16 pct. The spot riyal was little changed at 3.7501/03 to the dollar after quotes of 3.7498/7501 yesterday.
Corporate News
BRUSSELS - Ferruzzi says it will pay 630 mln dlrs to CPC International for European mills.
BRUSSELS - Ferruzzi says it will pay 630 mln dlrs to CPC International for European mills.
Corporate News
Vietnam will resettle 300,000 people on state farms known as new economic zones in 1987, to create jobs and grow more high-value export crops, the communist party newspaper Nhan Dan said. Yesterday's edition, received here today, said Vietnam would invest one billion dong, including the costs of relocation, in 272 new economic zones. About one third of that sum would be spent on export crops such as coffee, tea, rubber and pepper in the Central Highlands, it said. Since 1975, Vietnam has resettled about three million people from cities and crowded river deltas to the zones.
Commodities and Trade
Madagascar extended its oil exploration agreement with the U.S. Firm Amoco Corp <AN> for 17 months to allow for further studies of the Morondava basin on the southwest coast, a government statement said. It said the existing five-year agreement, due to expire this July 24, was extended until the end of 1988 to allow for additional geological and geophysical studies. Amoco has so far laid 7,100 km of seismic lines and sunk five exploration wells in the Morondava basin. It may drill a further three wells before the end of the extended exploration period, the statement said. Madagascar has signed oil exploration agreements with four foreign oil companies since 1981. But despite promising indications of large reserves, no commercial production plans have yet been announced. The foreign firms - Amoco, Occidental Petroleum Corp <OXY>, Mobil Corp <MOB> and a unit of <Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi> - are working in partnership with the National Military Office for Strategic Industries (OMNIS). Roland Ratsimandresy, the director general of OMNIS, said at a ceremenony to sign the extension of the Amoco agreement that his department would intensify oil exploration with its existing partners and would soon offer a new round of exploration licences.
Financial Reports
The Ferruzzi Group's holding company Agricola Finanziara SpA will pay 630 mln dlrs for the European corn wet milling business of CPC International Inc under the agreement reached in principle between the two companies, a statement by Ferruzzi released by its Brussels office said. When CPC announced the agreement yesterday in New York, it said only that the price would be in excess of 600 mln dlrs. Ferruzzi said the deal is subject to agreement on several clauses of the contract and needs government authorisations. It said the deal would involve 13 starch factories employing about 5,000 people in eight European Community countries plus facilities and commercial operations in other EC states. The factories have a capacity to produce the equivalent of 1.6 mln tonnes of starch in starch and by-products a year, or about one third of EC production, from about 2.7 mln tonnes of cereals. Ferruzzi said the acquisition of these assets would extend its presence in the European agro-industrial industry both geographically and in terms of products. It said it is already the principal EC producer of sugar and of soya oil and cake, and the major cereal trader. It noted that EC output of isoglucose is subject to maximum quotas, of which CPC currently holds a 25 pct share, and said it foresaw an increase in other industrial uses of starch in the future, notably in the production of ethanol for fuel. Raul Gardini, president of the Ferruzzi Group, said the present management of the CPC milling business will be asked to remain in their posts.
Corporate News
Shr "A" 138.9 H.K. Cents vs 97.4 (adjusted) Shr "B" 27.8 cents vs 19.5 Final div "A" 44 cents vs 32.3, making 62 vs 47 (adjusted) Final div "B" 8.8 cents vs 6.5, making 12.4 vs 9.4 Net 1.78 billion dlrs vs 1.23 billion Turnover 16.6 billion vs 13.7 billion Note - Net profits excluded extraordinary gains of 1.38 billion dlrs vs 59.1 mln. The non-recurrent earnings mainly derived from the firm's sale of a 15.75 pct stake in Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd <CAPH.HKG> in April. Note - Earnings per share and dividends have been adjusted for the firm's two-for-one bonus issue made in April. Note - Bonus issue one-for-five for both "A" and "B" shares against two-for-one. Note - Dividends payable June 2, books close April 16 to 24. Note - Net asset value per "A" share 6.94 dlrs vs 4.81 and per "B" share 1.39 dlrs vs 0.96.
Financial Reports
BAT Industries 1986 pretax profit 1.39 billion stg vs 1.17 billion
BAT Industries 1986 pretax profit 1.39 billion stg vs 1.17 billion
Financial Reports
Shr 53.51p vs 45.72p Div 8.8p vs 7.35p making 14.3p vs 12.1p Turnover 19.17 billion stg vs 17.05 billion Operating profit 1.48 billion vs 1.29 billion Pretax profit 1.39 billion vs 1.17 billion Tax 524 mln vs 430 mln NOTE - The company said shareholders would be given the option of receiving dividend in cash, ordinary shares or combination of the two. Operating profit includes - Commercial activities 1.08 billion vs 988 mln Financial services 263 mln vs 135 mln Share of associated companies 139 mln vs 163 mln Investment income 150 mln vs 166 mln Interest paid 238 mln vs 286 mln Minorities 76 mln vs 63 mln Extraordinary credit 75 mln vs 34 mln debit Transfer to revaluation reserve 85 mln vs 106 mln Profit attributable 793 mln vs 673 mln Required inflation retention 77 mln vs 147 mln Trading profit 1.51 billion vs 1.29 billion Trading profit includes - Tobacco 764 mln vs 738 mln Retailing 211 mln vs 186 mln Paper 217 mln vs 168 mln Financial services 282 mln vs 135 mln
Financial Reports
Swire Pacific Ltd <SWPC.HKG> said it plans for a one-for-five bonus issue for both its "A" and "B" shares following an earlier report of a 44.7 pct jump in 1986 net profits to 1.78 billion H.K. Dlrs. The company also announced final dividends of 44 cents per "A" share and 8.8 cents per "B" share against 32.3 and 6.5 cents a year ago. It recorded extraordinary gains of 1.38 billion dlrs which mainly derived from the sale in April of a 15.75 pct stake in Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd <CAPH.HKG> in line with the floatation of the airline.
Corporate News
Japan Trade Ministry asks trade houses, exporters to reduce dlr sales, sources
Japan Trade Ministry asks trade houses, exporters to reduce dlr sales, sources
The Food Department will no longer import sugar from April 1, senior officials of the Food and Cooperatives Ministry and the Department told Reuters. They said the decision was taken after the Sugar Importers Association asked that the sugar trade be further liberalised. "The Food Department will cease trading in sugar and will no longer hold a buffer stock," a senior official said. He said the government has finalised an agreement with E.D.F.Man (Sugar) Ltd under which E.D.F.Man will hold a buffer stock on the government's behalf of 20,000 tonnes, against the 45,000 tonne buffer stock usually held by the Department. Officials said the size of the buffer stock has been reduced because the private sector will hold its own stocks. The agreement with E.D.F. Man includes details such as trigger pricing mechanisms, they said. Four months ago the Department allowed the private sector to import sugar without government clearance. The Department and the private sector each imported around 115,000 tonnes of sugar last year, when national consumption was 280,000 tonnes. An Importers Association official said that "even if the Department no longer imports sugar, we would not necessarily buy more." This is because the Association would still have to compete with the Cooperatives Wholesale Establishment (CWE), he said. The CWE is a semi-government body and the official said arrangements are being made for state cooperatives and holders of food subsidy stamps to draw their sugar from it, starting April 1. Ministry officials said the CWE can either import sugar or buy it from a local bonded warehousing scheme run by E.D.F. For the past two years.
Corporate News
The Dutch Central Bank said it allocated 4.183 billion guilders at tender for the new 5.3 pct, nine-day special advances. Bids were fully met for the first 200 mln guilders and for 40 pct above. The new advances for the period March 25 to April 4, replace current 5.3 pct, five day advances totalling 4.003 billion guilders which expire today. Money brokers said yesterday they expected the Bank to allocate about 3.5 billion guilders.
Market and Economy
Consumer prices fell 0.1 pct in February, after a rise of 0.2 pct in January and no change in February 1986, the National Statistics Office said. The index, base 1980, fell to 154.5 in February from 154.6 in January, against 147.4 in February 1986, giving a year-on-year increase of 4.8 pct.
Financial Reports
The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) has asked about 30 Japanese trading houses and exporters to refrain from excessive dollar selling, trading house officials said. The officials told Reuters MITI asked them to moderate their foreign exchange trading because the excessive rise in the yen will have unfavourable effects on the economy. It made the request by telephone. A MITI official said the ministry has conducted a survey of foreign exchange trading by trade houses and exporters. But he said it was not aimed at moderating dollar selling. The trading house officials said MITI had asked them to undertake foreign exchange transactions with due consideration to the adverse effects excessive exchange rate movements would have on the economy. The MITI official said MITI undertakes such surveys when exchange rates fluctuate widely. A similiar survey was made when the currency fell to the previous record low of 149.98 on January 19. It hit a new record low of 148.20 yen yesterday. He said the survey showed currency transactions by trade houses and exporters contributed little to the dollar fall.
Financial Reports
Middle East currency dealers meet in Abu Dhabi this weekend at a time of fundamental change in their business, which has seen a growing volume of trade shift from the Arab world to London. The 14th congress of the Inter-Arab Cambiste Association also comes at a time when the prospect of a unified Gulf currency system is more real that at any time this decade. Foreign exchange traders and bank treasurers said these issues, and the slide of the Lebanese pound, can be expected to be major talking points. About 250 traders and treasurers from some 115 banks -- including some in London and other major non-Arab financial centres -- are expected to attend the conference which begins on on Saturday. Bankers said it is hard to avoid the impression that a growing proportion of transactions in the Saudi riyal market, by far the largest in the region, is being carried out in London. The market had been dominated by Saudi Arabia's 11 banks, foreign exchange houses in the Kingdom and offshore banks in Bahrain. But bankers said more and more Saudi and Bahrain-based banks are boosting their treasury operations in London. As recession hit the Middle East and the need for trade finance in the region declined, many offshore banks in Bahrain ran down their currency operations. None of the four major U.K. Clearing banks now has a dealing room on the island. The two major Bahrain-based international banks, <Arab Banking Corp> and <Gulf International Bank BSC> have increased their presence in London and Saudi banks are busy upgrading representative offices to branch status to allow dealing. One economist said: "It is cheaper to run a riyal book in London than staff an expensive offshore operation in Bahrain... There is now the nucleus of a two-way market in London." Jeddah-based <Riyad Bank> set up as a licensed deposit taker in London in 1984, while its main rival in Saudi Arabia, <National Commercial Bank> (NCB) won a licence in November 1986. The major market maker has traditionally been London-based consortium bank <Saudi International Bank> but the kingdom joint-venture <Saudi American Bank> (SAMBA) also upgraded its London operation to deposit taker status in mid-February. One senior currency trader in Riyadh said: "Inevitably the volume of business in London has gained pace with the two new licences for NCB and SAMBA, but there is no question that most of the liquidity still rests in Saudi Arabia." Currency traders said the shift to London in the Saudi riyal market is difficult to quantify. Bahrain Monetary Agency figures show regional currency deposits held by offshore banks, most in Saudi riyals, dropped to the equivalent of 12.2 billion dlrs at end-September 1986 from 13.4 billion at end-1985 and a 1983 peak of 15.0 billion. The shift has prompted changes in dealing habits. Riyal trading in the Gulf on Saturdays and Sundays has become very quiet with London closed while some Saudi and Bahrain banks now staff offices on Friday, the Gulf weekend. Traders also expect <Arab National Bank> to step up London operations. Traders say it is difficult to foresee the riyal market moving completely out of the region, partly because of local demand and partly because of what is seen as the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency's (SAMA) desire to moderate internationalisation of the riyal and protect it from undue speculation. There have been far fewer signs of the Kuwaiti dinar market shifting from its natural base of Kuwait and trading in Bahrain and London is still limited. But for the first time since the formation of the six nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in 1981 there are signs that a much mooted currency union could come into force soon. Currency traders said it remains unclear what form a final currency union would take for the six states -- Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. But plans to link the six currencies in a European Monetary System style with a common peg have been discussed at high level and could be a topic on the GCC's annual summit expected to be held in Saudi Arabia late in the year. One dealer said: "A lot of exposure is being given to discussions and plans appear to be quite advanced. But in the end a political decision has to be taken to give the go-ahead." One open question is that of a common peg for currencies. The idea of linking the six currencies has been debated since the start of the GCC. The Kuwaiti dinar is currently linked to a basket of currencies while the other five currencies are either officially or in practice linked to the U.S. Dollar. Some traders said a currency union could mean speculation against the Saudi riyal rubbing off on other Gulf currencies, but plans call for a permitted divergence in the system of 7-1/4 pct, large enough to avoid sudden strains. Another topic for debate is expected to be the continued slide of the Lebanese pound against the dollar and the undermining of the effective capital base of Lebanese banks.
Market and Economy
The Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union recorded a provisional trade deficit of 9.45 billion francs in January after a December surplus of 15.32 billion francs, revised upwards from a provisional surplus of 11.94 billion, the National Statistics Office said. In January 1986, the union recorded a deficit of 23.31 billion francs. January imports fell to a provisional 228.86 billion francs from 240.24 billion in December and 281.65 billion a year earlier, but exports were also lower, at 219.41 billion francs against 255.56 billion and 258.34 billion respectively.
Market and Economy
Guinness Plc <GUIN.L> will seek an injunction in the U.K. High Court today to freeze the assets of former Chairman Ernest Saunders in its attempts to recover 5.2 mln stg paid to a Jersey company as part of the company's takeover battle for <Distillers Co Plc>, a spokesman said. He said the court move aimed to freeze Saunders' assets up to the value of the sum it wanted to recover. It was uncertain whether the court would reach any decision on the request today. Guinness said last week it planned to take legal action to recover the funds, paid to non-executive director Thomas Ward via the Jersey company. Lawyers representing Ward have said he saw the funds as his reward for services performed during the takeover of Distillers. Guinness is also planning a resolution at the annual meeting in May to remove both Saunders and Ward from the company's board.
Financial Reports
BASF AG <BASF.F> said net profit of its U.S. Operating company, BASF Corp, rose last calendar year to 105 mln dlrs from 39 mln in 1985. Turnover rose by by more than one billion dlrs to 3.6 billion, the parent company said in a statement. The rise, however, partly reflected the inclusion of the first full business year of three acquisitions made in 1985. Excluding these, BASF Corp turnover rose four pct from 1985. Acquisitions were the high-performance connecting materials operations of Celanese Corp, Inmont Corp bought from United Technologies and American Enka bought from AKZO NV <AKZO.AS>. BASF said it expected a U.S. Investment of 240 mln dlrs in 1987, part of a five-year programme totalling one billion. U.S. Projects completed in 1986 included the second acrylic acid plant in Freeport, Texas, a technical centre in Southfield, Michigan, in which paint lines from automotive plants can be refitted, and the new agricultural research centre in Research Triangle Park in Durham, North Carolina. BASF said that work this year had begun in Geismar, Louisiana, on plants for production of special amines and polytetrahydrofuran, as well as for expansion of capacity for producing tetrahydrofuran.
Financial Reports
Shr 22.7p vs 20.3p. Final div 8.25p, making 11.75p vs 11p. Pre-tax profit 101 mln stg vs 92 mln. Attributable profit 45 mln vs 39 mln. Turnover 2.14 billion stg vs 2.11 billion. MORE
Financial Reports
Taiwan's M-1B money supply rose a seasonally adjusted 48.22 pct in the year to end-February, after rising 54.96 pct in the year to January, a central bank spokesman said. Month on month, M1-B fell 5.19 pct from January. Unadjusted February M1-B was 1,168 billion dlrs against 1,232 billion in January and 788 billion in February 1986. Money supply grew faster in January because the central bank issued more currency for bonus payments made to workers at the Lunar New Year, which fell on January 29 this year, banking sources said.
Financial Reports
Mexican state oil firm Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) signed for a 500 mln dlruntied loan from the Export-Import Bank of Japan to finance its Pacific Petroleum Project, Pemex Japan representative Tito Ayal said. No further details on the loan were immediately available. Ayala told an oil seminar the project, due for completion in 1988, is aimed at improving distribution of oil products in the domestic market, mainly along the Pacific coast. The project consists of a pipeline linking Nueva Teapa on the Gulf of Mexico with Salina Cruz on the Pacific Coast, and construction of the second phase of the Salina Cruz refinery. The project also includes construction of liquified petroleum gas (LPG) storage tanks at Santa Cruz, additional crude oil storage at both ends of the pipeline, an ammonia complex at Lazaro Cardenas on the Pacific Coast and expansion of the infrastructure of the port of Salina Cruz, Ayala said. Pemex will buy 80 mln dlrs worth of foreign equipment and materials for the project, he said. The new pipeline will enable Japan to load Mexico's Maya crude oil at Salina Cruz rather than in the Gulf of Mexico. Pemex will also have some LPG surplus available in Salina Cruz that may help Japan diversify its supply sources of that product, he added.
Financial Reports
Nippon Steel Corp <NSTC.T> plans to reduce its dividend to three yen in the year ending March 31 1987 from the five yen of 1985/86, a company spokesman said. The company estimated parent company current losses at 15 billion yen in 1986/87, including a gain of 95 billion yen from the sale of securities. This compares with a 36.07 billion yen profit a year earlier. Sales in 1986/87 are seen at 2,150 billion yen, down from 2,685 billion a year ago. Poor business prospects were attributed to the yen's rise and slow world steel demand. Nippon is expected to report parent company results in late May. Total 1986/87 crude steel production is estimated at 25.57 mln tonnes, down from 27.98 mln a year earlier. Crude steel production is likely to be below 1986/87 output but forecasts for profits and sales in the year starting April 1 are unavailable yet, he said.
Financial Reports
A strong performance from all BAT Industries Plc's <BTI.L> major sectors enabled the group's 1986 pretax profits to pass the one billion stg level for the third year running, Chairman Patrick Sheehy said in a statement. The group earlier reported a 19 pct rise in profits to 1.39 billion, which Sheehy said was achieved without any help from exchange rate fluctuations or acquisitions. Good results were achieved by its Argos and Saks Fifth Avenue in retailing and by Wiggins Teape and Appleton in paper. Tobacco accounted for about 50 pct of profit with a four pct gain to 764 mln stg and a two pct increase in world volume. The results were largely in line with analysts expectations and BAT shares firmed by two pence to 537p at 0955 GMT. BAT said the U.S. Brown and Williamson unit held most of its 1985 gains and increased profit 18 pct in dollar terms. Financial services saw profits double to 282 mln with both Eagle Star and Allied Dunbar achieving further growth. Allied Dunbar reported a 51 pct rise in life annual premiums to 39 mln stg. BAT said it increased new business by 38 pct in the last nine months after a relatively slow first quarter. Its permanent health insurance was now the market leader and its Unit Trust group was now the second largest in the U.K. Eagle Star general premiums rose 32 pct to 1.03 billion. Its life activities also grew 39 pct with better underwriting results in the second half. Cash flow was strong and the gross debt to equity ratio dropped to 41 pct from 51 pct. The net ratio, at 26 pct, left the group strongly placed to pursue its further development. Profits from paper and pulp grew 29 pct to 217 mln stg, nearly three times the 1982 level, with Wiggins Teape's sales rising 36 pct to pass one billion stg. BAT said in 1986 it had sold 88 BATUS stores in the U.S. For 644 mln dlrs and sold Grovewood Securities for 142 mln stg.
Market and Economy
Taiwanese investment in the U.S. Is expected to nearly double to 80 mln U.S. Dlrs in calendar 1987 and rise to 400 mln dlrs a year by 1991, a five-year forecast by the Economic Ministry showed. Taiwanese investment in the U.S. Last year totalled 46 mln dlrs, the ministry document said. The investment was mainly in electronics, trading, food and service industries. Lee Ming-Yi, deputy director of the ministry's Industrial Development and Investment Centre, said the forecast rise is due to planned government incentives and growing willingness among Taiwanese to invest abroad. Lee told Reuters the incentives, to be introduced in May or June, include bank loans and a reduction in capitalisation requirements for businesses seeking to invest in the U.S. To 10 mln Taiwan dlrs from 20 mln. He said the moves to encourage investment in the U.S. Are part of Taiwan's efforts to cut its trade surplus with Washington, which rose to a record 13.6 billion U.S. Dlrs in 1986 from 1985's 10.2 billion. Taiwanese manufacturers can create jobs for Americans and avoid import quotas if they set up plants in the U.S., He added.
Financial Reports
Div 4.7p making 8.7, an increase of 13.9 pct Shr 16.3p vs 17.9p adjusted Pretax profit 37.09 mln stg vs 34.55 mln Net 22.12 mln vs 24.13 mln Interest payable 8.10 mln vs 5.35 mln Share of associated co's 6.88 mln vs 5.42 mln Turnover 1.22 billion stg vs 1.10 billion
Financial Reports
Shr net basis 24.8p vs 24.5p Shr nil basis 22.7p vs 20.9p Div 5p making 7.6p vs 6.5p Pretax profit 57.78 mln stg vs 50.61 mln Net after tax 37.47 mln vs 36.49 mln Outside shareholders interests 1.75 mln vs 1.32 mln Extraordinary debit 370,000 vs 1.93 mln Turnover 533.59 mln vs 555.81 mln Profit breakdown by activity - Electrical equipment 28.59 mln stg vs 27.60 mln Engineering 10.75 mln vs 11.13 mln Industrial services 18.78 mln vs 16 mln Corporate finance 340,000 vs 4.12 mln Making total pre-tax profit 57.78 mln vs 50.61 mln.
Commodities and Trade
<Placer Pacific Ltd> said it will undertake a full feasibility study of Western Australia's Big Bell gold prospect. Results of an economic evaluation of the find, in which Placer has an option with <Australian Consolidated Minerals Ltd> (ACM) to earn a 50 pct interest, were encouraging enough to warrant a full study, Placer said in a statement. Big Bell, in the Murchison goldfield 540 km north east of Perth, was founded in 1904. Between 1937 and 1955 it yielded 22.8 tonnes of gold and 7.8 tonnes of silver while milling about 30,000 tonnes of ore a month. Placer has said the prospect has an estimated 14 mln tonnes of ore with a three-gram-per-tonne concentration accessible by open-pit mining and a further 4.5 mln tonnes with a 4.4-gram-a-tonne concentration between 300 and 600 meters underground. It said it was obliged to produce the feasibility study no later than December 31 this year by which time it would have spent three mln dlrs on Big Bell. If the results are positive and a commitment to develop made then construction would take about 12 months, Placer said.
Babcock International Plc <BABK.L> said in a statement accompanying final results for 1986, showing pretax profits up to 37.09 mln stg from 34.55 mln in 1985, that overall further progress is expected in 1987. The predicted slowdown of the U.S. Automobile industry is affecting the North American group although the improved performance in the FATA European group during 1986 is expected to continue into this year. In the U.K. Overall profitability will improve when the Central Electricity Generating Board's ordering programme for both nuclear and fossil-fired fuels starts.
Commodities and Trade
Egypt purchased 46,000 tonnes of optional origin sunflowerseed oil at its import tender yesterday, all for May arrival, traders said. The business comprised 41,000 tonnes of crude sunflowerseed oil in bulk at prices ranging from 344.25 to 348 dlrs and 5,000 tonnes of refined oil in drums at from 517.50 to 522.50 dlrs per tonne, cost and freight Alexandria, delivered quality terms.
Corporate News
China should tighten imports of ordinary goods and restrict or even forbid import of goods which can be made domestically, Premier Zhao Ziyang said. He told the National People's Congress, China's parliament, that the country's foreign exchange is limited and must be used where it is most needed. "We should expand production of import substitutes and increase their proportion," he said. On exports, China should increase its proportion of manufactured goods, especially textiles, light industrial goods, electronics and machinery, he said. Zhao said China should lower the cost of exports and control the export of goods that incur too much loss. In 1986 China had a trade deficit of 11.9 billion dlrs, down from a record 14 billion in 1985. Zhao said China should work to provide a more favourable investment environment for foreign businessmen. It should use foreign funds for production and construction, with stress on firms making goods for export or import substitutes. China should also earn more foreign exchange from tourists and contracted labour abroad, he added.
Financial Reports
The West German Cabinet approved a plan to mint a special 10-mark coin commemorating the 30th anniversary of the European Community this year. The silver-copper alloy coin will be minted in an edition of 8.35 mln, a Finance Ministry statement said.
Corporate News
Singapore's gross domestic product will grow six pct in the first quarter and five pct in the second quarter this year, with further growth expected in the second half, Trade and Industry Minister Lee Hsien Loong told parliament. The figures compared with 3.4 pct contraction and 1.2 pct growth respectively for the first and second quarters of 1986. The estimates were based on a tentative leading indicator incorporating new business orders, company inventories and share prices used by his ministry, Lee said, without giving further details of the new indicator. Singapore's economy grew 1.9 pct last year, after shrinking 1.8 pct in 1985. The government has forecast growth rate of three to four pct for 1987.
Talks between Cargill U.K. Ltd's management and unions, aimed at ending the prolonged strike at its Seaforth oilseed processing plant, will resume this afternoon, a company spokesman said. Yesterday's session failed to reach a compromise but some progress was made, he said.
Financial Reports
Financial Reports
Shr profit 15.9p vs 2.25p loss Div 3p making 4.5p vs nil Turnover 1.93 billion stg vs 1.99 billion Pretax profit 134.2 mln vs 11.4 mln loss Tax 47.2 mln vs nil Operating profit 163.0 mln vs 92.7 mln Interest less investment income 13.8 mln vs 37.2 mln Exceptional debit 15.0 mln vs 66.9 mln Minorities 0.3 mln vs 0.4 mln Extraordinary credit 16.4 mln vs 42.0 mln debit Operating profit includes - International computers 90.2 mln vs 61.7 mln Communications systems 56.1 mln vs 48.7 mln Components and distribution 20.0 mln vs 1.5 mln Defence 9.4 mln vs 13.1 mln
Feed compounds, balancers and concentrates produced in Britain in the five weeks ended January 31 totalled 973,400 tonnes, against 966,200 tonnes produced in the same 1986 period, Ministry of Agriculture figures show. However, cattle/calf feed output, the largest single component, was 7.2 pct down at 435,900 tonnes against 469,900 tonnes. Pig feed was 170,800 tonnes versus 171,600, and poultry feed 287,600 compared with 256,600. Other smaller components included in the total all showed increases.
Corporate News
Kloeckner & Co KGaA, the international trading group, said its 1986 domestic group net profit fell by around 20 pct against 1985, adding that the profit resulted largely from a writing back of reserves. The company, which gave no 1986 profit figures, posted a domestic group net profit of 41 mln marks in 1985. It said the 1986 profit was made possible through a 40 mln mark write-back of reserves that had been created to cover possible price rises. These reserves were no longer necessary because of recent declines in raw material prices. Kloeckner attributed the profit decline to the fall in prices as well as the lower value of the dollar. It said it would pay an unchanged dividend on its ordinary share capital, which is entirely in private hands and held largely by family foundations. Kloeckner's nominal 100 mark profit-participation certificates, issued in October 1986, will pay a likely yield of around 10 pct. Holders of the certificates are entitled to a quarter of the 1986 payment, or around 2.50 marks, the company added.
Governments of major Asian producing countries have welcomed the conclusion of a new International Natural Rubber Agreement (INRA), but growers and traders are unhappy with the development, according to views polled by Reuter correspondents. Officials in Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand, which produce the bulk of the world's rubber, said they expected the new pact to continue to stabilise prices and help their rubber industries remain viable in the long-term. But traders and growers said they were against the new pact because its buffer stock mechanism was likely to interefere with free market forces and prevent sharp rubber price rises. The new INRA, to replace the current one which expires on October 22, was formally adopted by most of the world's producers and consumers in Geneva last Friday. It will be open for signature at the U.N. Headquarters in New York from May 1 to December 31 this year and will enter into force provisionally when ratified by countries accounting for 75 pct of world rubber exports and 75 pct of world imports. Malaysian Primary Industries Minister Lim Keng Yaik said the formal adoption of a new pact had dispelled fears of liquidation of some 360,000 tonnes of INRA buffer stock rubber and a possible depression of prices. He expressed confidence that the new INRA would continue to keep prices stable by selling or buying rubber as prices rose or fell through its buffer stock system. Malaysia was also happy that in the new INRA financing of purchases for the normal buffer stock of 400,000 tonnes and a contingency buffer stock of 150,000 tonnes would be done through direct cash contributions from members, he said. Under the existing pact, members can borrow from banks to finance INRA's buffer stock purchases. This has been viewed with concern by some members who fear the INRA may become indebted and ultimately face collapse, like the International Tin Agreement. "This will ensure the buffer stock operation is carried out without any financial encumbrance," Lim said. Malaysia, the world's largest producer, was seeking cabinet approval to join the new INRA and hoped other producers and consumers would also become members, he said. Officials in Jakarta said the new pact would bring benefit to Indonesia's rubber industry's by stabilising prices. It was unlikely to collapse like the tin agreement because its new financial provisions had been tightened, they said. Thai officials told Reuters they were optimistic the new pact was viable because it strictly limited the extent of debt the INRA buffer stock manager might commit to his market operations. Malaysian growers, however, said they preferred a free rubber market because an INRA had a tendency to keep prices at levels that were only acceptable to consumers. "With the INRA's ability to keep prices at a certain stable level, consumers are assured of rubber at almost a fixed price, while producers may never see sharp price rises," a Malaysian Rubber Producers Council source told Reuters. Producers also wanted a free rubber market without the overhang of a 360,000 tonne INRA buffer stock which had psychologically prevented price rises, he said. State plantation officials in Sri Lanka said prices had been depressed since INRA's inception and the creation of a buffer stock, and they seemed unlikely to rise. Sri Lanka should not be a member of the INRA because it was expensive to maintain a buffer stock, they added. Traders in the region, meanwhile, said prices might be pressured by the new pact in the long term as its potential to stabilise prices and buffer stock capacity would spur producers to produce more. Most Malaysian and Singapore traders said the new pact's conclusion had little impact on prices and it was unlikely to allow sharp price fluctuations in future. "The 360,000 tonnes in the INRA buffer stock must be liquidated and a free market returned," a Malaysian trader said. Japanese traders said the new pact had a chance for success as most world producers and consumers had adopted it, but they questioned the ability of some financially-strapped producers to finance buffer stock operations.
Corporate News
Ciba-Geigy AG <CIGZ.Z> said it would establish a joint venture with Phillips Petroleum Co. In Europe to manufacture a high performance engineering thermoplastic. Initially, the Swiss chemicals firm will manufacture polyphenylene sulfide compounds using resins from Phillips. The two firms will later set up a joint venture to produce the polyphenylene resins and compounds, which will be marketed independently under their respective trademarks. A Ciba-Geigy spokesman declined to say how much the venture would cost. Polyphenylene sulfide is widely used in the electronic, automotive, and petroleum fields.
Fried. Krupp GmbH said its Krupp Industrietechnik GmbH subsidiary has won a 130 mln marks joint order with Samsung Shipbuilding and Heavy Industries Co. Ltd of Seoul for a steel works in Pohang, South Korea. It said the order, awarded by the Pohang Iron and Steel Co. Ltd, involves a works due to go on stream in 1989 producing 250,000 tonnes of non-corrosive quality steels annually. The consortium partners will supply the plant, supervise its construction and advise on product processing, with Krupp providing a 100-tonne capacity arc furnace and a converter for steel refining. The West German company will supply ladles, vehicles, electrical and exhaust cooling apparatus and dust filters. It will also fit out the plant's laboratory. Among other things Krupp said it will provide know-how for all production phases and train the Korean workforce. It said Samsung will take care of the Korean part of the engineering and electrical work, the water treatment and other mechanical equipment, according to Krupp basic engineering. Extruded ingots from the plant will be converted to sheet in an existing hot rolling mill. The sheet will be processed in facilities which are to be erected, Krupp said.
Market and Economy
Swire Pacific Ltd <SWPC.HKG> expects continued growth in all divisions this year though it sees problems in the marine sector, chairman Michael Miles said. He told reporters:"1987 has started well for Cathay Pacific Airways which looks forward to another good year... Swire Properties expects further good results both from properties under development for sale and from its investment property portfolio." He did not give any specific projections for earnings. The company earlier reported 46 pct higher 1986 net profits at 1.78 billion H.K. Dlrs from a year ago. Swire also had an extraordinary profit of 1.38 billion dlrs mainly from the sale of a 15.25 pct interest in Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd <CAPH.HKG>. Miles said the company will use the money to develop its business, primarily in Hong Kong. Swire's stake in Cathay was first reduced to 54.25 pct from 70 pct when Cathay was publicly floated, and then cut to 50.25 pct when Cathay issued new shares amounting to 12 pct of the enlarged capital to the state-owned <China International Trust and Investment Corp>. Cathay last week reported its 1986 profits rose to 1.23 billion dlrs from 777 mln a year ago. Miles said despite last year's rapid expansion in Cathay's flights and fleet, load factor is still holding up at 70 pct. He said Cathay's growth last year was the result of "a marginal increase in the revenue load factor coupled with savings in fuel costs." "At present fuel prices are stable and will remain stable for the rest of this year," he said, "though there might be a bit of increase later this year.'' Miles said Swire is not abandoning its offshore oil service operations, even though the marine sector is generally depressed. "Obviously the marine industry is not getting any better," he said. The real estate market remained strong and Swire last year revalued its property portfolio up 634 mln dlrs compared with an increase of 864.4 mln dlrs the previous year. Miles said he expects the property market to remain firm but said the firm has no available land for a major housing project such as its Taikoo Shing development on Hong Kong island now near completion. He said the company's 50 pct unit <Hongkong United Dockyard Ltd> is negotiating with the government for the development of an existing petroleum storage depot into a major housing estate. "But it's not as big as Taikoo Shing," he said.
Corporate News
Considerable uncertainty surrounds the outcome of today's EC white sugar tender, traders here said, noting it remains overshadowed by European operator threats to move over 800,000 tonnes of sugar into intervention. They said that due to the dispute between the Commission and producers over the issue, it is not clear whether the Commission will authorise any exports at all or grant licences on a large tonnage. The subsidy is seen being set above 45.00 Ecus per 100 kilos, although traders are reluctant to predict a precise level after prices fell yesterday. Earlier, traders in Paris said they expected the Commission to award licences for around 50,000 tonnes of white sugar with a maximum export rebate of 45.75 to 46.0 Ecus. Last week, the Commission granted licences to end August on 60,500 tonnes of whites at a maximum rebate of 44.819.
Abu Dhabi's offshore Abu al-Bukhoosh oilfield in the Gulf, shut since an aerial attack last November, will reopen when new anti-aircraft defences are ready, and this could be in the next two months, oil industry sources said. They said the Abu Dhabi government and Compagnie Francaise des Petroles (Total) <TPN.PA>, whose Total Abu al-Bukhoosh subsidiary owns 51 pct of the field, have agreed on the reopening, but that a date has not been definitely fixed. Unidentified planes hit the field, 100 miles off Abu Dhabi, last November 25. The raid killed eight workers and destroyed the main living quarters and a bridge linking a wellhead to the main production platform. Western diplomats in the region say Iran was responsible but Tehran has blamed its Gulf War enemy Iraq. Abu al-Bukhoosh was producing 57,000 barrels per day (bpd) at the time of the attack, but the sources said it would resume at a maximum of half that level because of reduced staff and the fact only four of five wellheads were now operable. The sources said only 80 personnel can be housed in remaining accomodations, the sources said. Facilities being installed to protect the field include aircraft detection equipment, anti-aircraft missiles, housing for military personnel and helicopter landing pads, the sources said. Abu Dhabi is the largest oil producer in the United Arab Emirates, accounting for about 800,000 bpd of its total 1.15 mln bpd production, the sources said. They also said Iran was working to reopen its Sassan field, part of the same reservoir as Abu al-Bukhoosh and located only a few miles away. Sassan was heavily damaged by an Iraqi air raid only 10 days before Abu al-Bukhoosh was attacked.
Comalco Ltd <CMAC.S> said its return to profit reflected reduced costs, improved primary aluminium prices and its withdrawal from a Japanese smelter venture. It said the earlier reported 57.1 mln dlr profit for the year ended December 31 against a 69.13 mln dlr loss in 1985 was also aided by lower interest rates on U.S. Dollar debt and greater sales of bauxite and aluminium. Comalco said it expected to pay at least a four cents per share final, dividend delayed until July 1 to take advantage of proposed dividend imputation laws. This would make five cents for the year against a first and final of one cent in 1985. Comalco said the aluminium industry continued to suffer from low prices and excess capacity, though the weak Australian dollar had helped earnings. Withdrawal from the <Showa Aluminium Industries KK> joint venture had been recapitalised in expansion by the <New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Ltd> project with Japan's <Sumitomo Aluminium Smelting Co Ltd>, permitting repayments and increases in liquid funds totalling 165 mln dlrs, it said. As previously reported Comalco's <Commonwealth Aluminium Corp> unit has conditionally agreed to sell its smelter at Goldendale, Washington, and port facilities at Portland, Oregon to <Columbia Aluminium Corp>. Comalco said it had made a 27.3 mln dlr extraordinary provision for Goldendale losses and closure costs but that if the sales agreement were completed it would reduce the provision made in the 1986 accounts. The other items in the total extraordinary loss of 140.5 mln dlrs were a 102.9 mln write-off of unrealised exchange losses and 10.3 mln for an increase in future tax provision.
<Rainbow Corp Ltd> said it has lifted its stake in supermarket group <Progressive Enterprises Ltd> to 52 pct from 44 pct. It said in a statement it has bought an extra 9.4 mln shares at prices ranging from 3.80 N.Z. Dlrs to 4.80. Progressive is currently the subject of both a proposed merger with Rainbow and a full takeover bid from <Brierley Investments Ltd> (BIL). The BIL bid, launched on Monday, is at 4.20 dlrs a share. The Rainbow merger involves shareholders in both Rainbow and Progressive being issued shares in a new company, <Astral Pacific Corp Ltd>, on a one-for-one basis. Rainbow chief executive Craig Heatley said, "In our opinion BIL's actions over the last few days have been undertaken for their own strategic purposes which conflict with the desire of both companies to merge their interests." BIL has said it is against the merger because it sees Progressive shares as being worth twice as as much as Rainbow's. Progressive traded today at 4.42, Rainbow at 3.66 and BIL at 4.30 at the end of morning trading on the New Zealand Stock Exchange.
Market and Economy
The yen could rise to 140 yen to the dollar, a leading Japanese businessman said. Bumpei Otsuki, president of the influential Japan Federation of Employers' Associations, (Nikkeiren), told reporters: "The yen might rise as far as 140 (to the dollar). The U.S. Economy is not good, and as long as the U.S. Economy is not good, the U.S. Will put various pressures (on Japan)." "The yen's level depends on the condition of the U.S. Economy rather than Japan's economy, and as long as the American situation is bad, the yen will continue to rise," he said. To cope with the negative impact of the strong yen, Japanese enterprises must strive to cut costs by all means, including holding down wages as much as possible, Otsuki said. He rejected recent calls from some government quarters for wage increases this year as a means of raising private consumption and thus boosting domestic demand. "We have to keep wages as low as possible," he said. He also said the yen's large and rapid rise is depressing the outlook for the Japanese economy, noting that in addition to hurting exporters it is also damaging domestic market manufacturers through cheap imports. Parts of the service sector are also threatened, Otsuki said. Tertiary industries provide services to manufacturers and a downturn in manufacturing profits will adversely affect service industries, he said. It is also doubtful whether the tertiary sector can fully employ those put out of work in the manufacturing sector, he said. Profits of service sector companies are likely to fall in the business year ending in March 1988, leading to a possible recession in the Japanese economy, he said. Otsuki said economic growth is unlikely to pick up beyond levels experienced in 1986. The government's Economic Planning Agency said last week the economy grew at 2.5 pct in 1986, the worst performance since 1974 when the economy shrank 1.4 pct due to the first oil price crisis. In order to stimulate domestic demand and boost the economy, tax reforms aimed at bringing down the cost of land and reforming the nation's housing stock are needed, along with steps to bring down the high cost of commodities, he said.
The Bank of Japan bought a modest amount of dollars this morning, possibly around 200 to 300 mln, dealers said. One dealer said the central bank bought about 200 mln dlrs through brokers and the rest through banks. The buying began when the dollar was at about 149.60 yen, and helped drive the U.S. Currency up to around 150, he said. Another said the central bank seemed to be trying to push the dollar up above 150 yen. But heavy selling at around that level quickly pushed the dollar back down towards 149 yen, dealers said.
Market and Economy
Bank of Japan governor Satoshi Sumita said the central bank has no intention of cutting its discount rate again as a way of preventing the yen's rise. He told a press conference that the growth of Japanese money supply remains high. The bank will have to watch closely various developments resulting from its already eased monetary stance, such as the sharp rise in real estate and stock prices, he said. Although the yen's rise will have a greater deflationary impact on the economy, the economy is not likely to slow down much further, Sumita said. "I don't think we should change our economic outlook at the moment," Sumita said. Sumita has said in the past that he expects the economy to show a gradual upturn in the second half of the year. The governor said the six major industrial nations are expected to review last month's pact on currency stability when they meet next in April. Dealers said they expect the six - Britain, Canada, France, Japan, the U.S. Amd West Germany - to meet just before the IMF/World Bank interim committee meeting in Washington starting on April 9.
Corporate News
The Bank of England said it had revised its forecast of the liquidity position in the money market today to a surplus of 150 mln stg after it estimated a flat position earlier this morning.
Commodities and Trade
The Bank of England said it had not operated in the money market during the morning session. Earlier, the Bank revised its forecast of the liquidity position in the system today to a surplus of 150 mln stg from its original estimate of a flat position.
Industrial and Sector News
CRA Ltd <CRAA.S> said it expected to pay a final 1986 dividend of not less than 10 cents a share after July 1, making 13 cents forthe year against 15 in 1985. The mining and smelting group earlier reported 1986 net earnings rose to 138.2 mln dlrs from 87.8 mln in 1985, against analysts' forecasts yesterday of 125 mln to160 mln. CRA said it was deferring consideration of a dividend until later this year to provide the benefit of dividend imputation to its shareholders. After July 1, dividends will be tax-free to shareholders provided they come out of earnings on which the full 49 pct company tax rate has been pid. The company operates on a substituted tax year, not the fiscal year ending June 30, and as a result has incurred tax at the 49 pct rate on 1986 earnings, CRA said in a statement. Consequently, it has funds available for distribution with dividend imputed but is waiting to see the imputation legislation before determining the final payout, it said. Despite the higher net earnings, CRA said 1986 was a poor year for the minerals industry, with the notable exception of gold producers. Prices for major metals expressed in real U.S. Dollars declined to the lowest levels in about 50 years, it said. Fluctuating exchange and interest rates added volatility and uncertainty, while the revaluation of the yen is leading to substantial restructuring of Japanese industry, CRA said. World demand for metals is growing slowly. Inventories have steadily declined, with supply and demand in better balance, but overcapacity continues, CRA said. Turning to contributions to its earnings, CRA said Bougainville Copper Ltd <BUVA.S> contributed 31.3 mln dlrs while its share of Comalco Ltd's <CMAC.S> net was 37.8 mln. Net earnings from iron-ore operations were 111.8 mln dlrs against 149.2 mln in 1985, it said. Lead, zinc and silver mining and smelting operations incurred a net loss of 66.8 mln dlrs against a 38.1 mln loss in 1985, CRA said. Coal activities resulted in a net profit of 36.7 mln dlrs against 34.1 mln, while salt raised its contribution to 4.7 mln from 2.8 mln. CRA's share of earnings from the Argyle diamond project amounted to 12.0 mln dlrs against nine mln in 1985. CRA said the main item in its 250.28 mln dlr extraordinary loss was a 172.9 mln writeoff of unrealised foreign exchange losses on borrowings as required by a new accounting standard. Other extraordinary items were 63.3 mln dlrs provided for closures and writedown of assets and a 14.1 mln increase in future tax provisions, CRA said. Cash flow continued at a high level, being 950.6 mln dlrs before capital expenditure against 1.02 billion in 1985. The strong cash flow, coupled with the proceeds of the 1986 rights issue and the use of existing cash balances, enabled group debt to be reduced by nearly 500 mln dlrs. CRA said it held forward contracts at year-end to buy 985 mln U.S. Dlrs to hedge part of its foreign debt. This cost 47.0 mln dlrs after tax, included in the net interest cost.
Bank of Japan governor Satoshi Sumita said that current exchange rates are almost within the levels agreed to by six major nations last month in Paris. Asked whether a dollar/yen rate of 148 or 149 reflected economic fundamentals, he said current rates almost reflect fundamentals. Sumita told reporters major nations have cooperated to bring about currency stability in line with the Paris agreement, which stipulated that they would closely cooperate to that end. He repeated the central bank will intervene if necessary, adding he did not think a dollar free-fall was likely. But Sumita said he could not say exactly what currency levels would be considered in line with underlying economic fundamentals. In Paris on February 22, Britain, Canada, France, Japan, the U.S. And West Germany agreed to cooperate to hold currencies around their then current levels. Sumita said he could not find any specific reasons behind the fall of the dollar to a record low against the yen yesterday. But he said the market rushed to sell dollars as it nervously reacted to statements abroad and to developments surrounding trade tensions. U.S. Treasury Secretary James Baker said over the weekend that the Paris pact did not encompass fixed tragets for the dollar. U.S. Trade Representative Clayton Yeutter called U.S/Japan relations on certain key trade issues very strained. The market reacted nervously because the dollar has been moving narrowly against the yen since mid-January, Sumita said. He added he does not expect the yen/dollar exchange rate to remain unstable because the market is concerned about a sharp rise of the yen. The Bank of Japan will keep a close watch on exchange rates in line with the Paris accord, he added.
Commodities and Trade
The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) has asked about 30 Japanese trading houses and exporters to refrain from excessive dollar selling, trading house officials said. The officials told Reuters MITI asked them to moderate their foreign exchange trading because the excessive rise in the yen will have unfavourable effects on the economy. It made the request by telephone. A MITI official said the ministry has conducted a survey of foreign exchange trading by trade houses and exporters. But he said it was not aimed at moderating dollar selling. The trading house officials said MITI had asked them to undertake foreign exchange transactions with due consideration to the adverse effects excessive exchange rate movements would have on the economy. The MITI official said MITI undertakes such surveys when exchange rates fluctuate widely. A similiar survey was made when the currency fell to the previous record low of 149.98 on January 19. It hit a new record low of 148.20 yen yesterday. He said the survey showed currency transactions by trade houses and exporters contributed little to the dollar fall.
Corporate News
The Bank of Japan intervened to stem strong yen rises against the dollar during London trading this morning, dealers said. The Bank of Japan here declined comment. The Bank of England was also rumored to be buying dollars against the yen this morning but it also declined comment. Dealers said the intervention halted a sudden late morning drop to a low of 148.65 yen, holding the dollar steady until midsession at about 148.80. The Bank of England was strongly rumored to have intervened on behalf of the dollar against the yen yesterday, but it gave no confirmation. Overnight reports from Tokyo said that the Bank of Japan was aggressively supporting the dollar, but failed to push it back to the perceived target level of 150 yen. Selling during the London trading morning was largely attributed to Japanese institutions. Dealers here were loath to quantify the scale of Bank of Japan action this morning. One U.S. Bank trader said it could have been up to 500 mln dlrs, but said this was largely a guess.
Commodities and Trade
Shr net basis 21.4p vs 17.5p Div 6.1p making 9p vs 6.5p Pretax profit 37.2 mln stg vs 31.9 mln Net after tax 25.7 mln vs 20.3 mln Minority interest 700,000 vs 1.1 mln Extraordinary debit 1.9 mln vs 3.5 mln Turnover 827 mln vs 766.9 mln Note - The company said the sale of the minority holding in OCL in 1986 has transformed the balance sheet and enables it to accelerate development.
<Dart Group Corp> said it has raised its offer to acquire Supermarkets General Corp to 42.00 dlrs in cash and three dlrs in exchangeable preferred stock per Supermarkets General share from 41.75 dlrs per share in cash. The company said it would also be willing to negotiate a plan with the Supermarkets General board under which Supermarkets General shareholders would have a common stock interest in the combined company. It said it remains willing to negotiate all terms of the proposed acquisition. The original bid was worth about 1.62 billion dlrs. Dart said the preferred stock in the new bid would be exchangeable for a new class of Supermarkets General debt securities that would be developed by Dart and Supermarkets. The new proposal would be subject to approval by the Supermarkets General board, it said. The new bid was contained in a letter to the Supermarkets General board. In Woodbridge, N.J., Supermarkets General -- responding to a previous letter to its board by Dart -- said "Your conduct indicates to us that no transaction involving trust and confidence can be entered into with you. Your propaganda and missstatements will not panic our board." Dart, in its previous letter, had alleged that Supermarkets General executives were seeking millions of dollar in severance and tax payments from Dart.
Commodities and Trade
Oper shr 28 cts vs 1.16 dlrs Oper net 194,000 vs 1,255,000 Sales 27.5 mln vs 30.5 mln Year Oper shr 2.68 dlrs vs 63 cts Oper net 1,880,000 vs 684,000 Sales 100.5 mln vs 115.6 mln Avg shrs 700,086 vs 1,079,165 NOTE: 1986 net excludes tax credits of 1,042,000 dlrs in quarter and 1,603,000 dlrs in year. Net excludes discontinued operations gain 330,000 dlrs vs loss 385,000 dlrs in quarter and gain 485,000 dlrs vs loss 2,692,000 dlrs in year.
Financial Reports
Olson Industries Inc said it is in final negotiations on the sale of its remaining egg operations and expects the sale to generate a charge of about two mln dlrs against 1987 net income. The company said, however, that the sale will generate substantial cash flow to pay off bank debt and improve working capital, eliminate unmanageable effects on profits of the price instability of the egg business and allow it to concentrate on its plastics packaging business.
Commodities and Trade
The U.K. Based commodity house E.D. And F. Man Ltd and Singapore's Yeo Hiap Seng Ltd jointly announced that Man will buy a substantial stake in Yeo's 71.1 pct held unit, Yeo Hiap Seng Enterprises Ltd. Man will develop the locally listed soft drinks manufacturer into a securities and commodities brokerage arm and will rename the firm Man Pacific (Holdings) Ltd.
Commodities and Trade
Shr 16 cts vs eight cts Net 4,834,000 vs 2,052,000 Revs 34.9 mln vs 16.0 mln Avg shrs 31.1 mln vs 26.8 mln Nine mths Shr 26 cts vs 13 cts Net 8,006,000 vs 3,310,000 Revs 80.9 mln vs 34.5 mln Avg shrs 30.8 mln vs 26.3 mln NOTE: Share adjusted for two for one stock split. Current year net includes capitalized software costs of 1,295,000 dlrs in quarter and 3,701,000 dlrs in nine mths.
Shr loss 4.14 dlrs vs loss 19 cts Net loss 37.1 mln vs loss 1,712,000 Revs 27.3 mln vs 33.4 mln Year Shr loss 5.51 dlrs vs loss 73 cts Net loss 49.3 mln vs loss 6,544,000 Revs 109.0 mln vs 141.9 mln NOTE: 1986 net both periods includes 34.8 mln dlr weritedown of assets of services segment and Southeast Asian joint venture.
Financial Reports
4th qtr Shr 15 cts vs eight cts Net 1,800,000 vs one mln Year Shr 51 cts vs 1.10 dlrs Net 6,200,000 vs 13.2 mln NOTE: Net includes loan loss provisions of 14 cts shr vs 18 cts in quarter and 24 cts shr vs 36 cts in year.
Corporate News
Duriron Co Inc said it has completed the acquisition of Valtek Inc for 11.75 dlrs per share following Valtek shareholder approval yesterday.
Swiss capital exports rose to 4.64 billion francs in January after 2.54 billion in December and a year earlier 3.64 billion, the Swiss National Bank said. New bond issues accounted for 4.12 billion of the total after December's 2.15 billion, and credits 525.1 mln after 389.9 mln. In January 1985, before the National Bank ended the distinction between notes and bonds, bond issues totalled 1.66 billion francs, notes 1.39 billion and credits 597.5 mln.
Qtly div 17 cts vs 17 cts Pay April 24 Record April 7 Note: year ago adjusted to reflect March 19 three-for-two stock split. (Washington Federal Savings and Loans Association)
Rowley-Scher Reprographics Inc said it expects to report an operating loss and a loss from the sale of its Mid South Repro subsidiary for the year ending MArch 31. Last year, the company reported earnings of 977,000 dlrs. Rowley-Scher did not disclose details of the sale of Mid South Repro. It said the sale has eliminated an unprofitable operation. The company also said it will open two new reprographic centers in the Washington/Baltimore area within the next three weeks, brining the total there to 11, and a new downtown Boston location in the same time period, brining the number in the Boston area to four.
Corporate News
Commodities and Trade
<Dixons Group PLC> said only about 852,000 shares of Cyclops Corp common stock, or 20 pct on a fully diluted basis, were tendered and not withdrawn under its bid for all shares that expired yesterday, but the companmy has still decided to accept all shares validly tendered. The company said it now has about 22 pct ownership of Cyclops on a fully diluted basis and expects to proceeds toward completion of its proposed acquisition of Cyclops. Last week, before extending its Cyclops offer for one week at the request of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Dixons had reported that 54 pct of Cyclops' stock had been tendered in response to its 90.25 dlrs per share offer which expired at 2400 EST yesterday. Yesterday, CAYACQ Corp dropped certain conditions of its 92.50 dlrs a share offer for Cyclops and firmed up the financing for the proposed transaction. CAYACQ, an investor group led by Audio/Video Affiliates Inc and Citicorp, raised the value of its offer from 80 dlrs per Cyclops share on Friday.
Corporate News
China called on the United States to remove curbs on its exports, to give it favourable trading status and ease restrictions on exports of high technology. But the U.S. Embassy replied that Chinese figures showing 13 years of trade deficits with the U.S. Out of the last 15 are inaccurate and said Peking itself would have to persuade Congress to change laws which limit its exports. The official International Business newspaper today published China's demands in a editorial to coincide with the visit of U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz. "It is extremely important that the U.S. Market reduce its restrictions on Chinese imports, provide the needed facilities for them and businessmen from both sides help to expand Chinese exports," the editorial said. "The U.S. Should quickly discard its prejudice against favourable tariff treatment for Chinese goods and admit China into the Generalised System of Preference (GSP). "Despite easing of curbs on U.S. Technology exports in recent years, control of them is still extremely strict and influences normal trade between the two countries," it added The paper also printed an article by China's commercial counsellor in its Washington embassy, Chen Shibiao, who said that "all kinds of difficulties and restrictions" were preventing bilateral trade fulfilling its full potential. He named them as U.S. Protectionist behaviour, curbs on technology transfer and out-of-date trade legislation. The paper also printed a table showing that, since bilateral trade began in 1972, China has had a deficit every year except 1972 and 1977. It shows the 1986 and 1985 deficits at 2.09 billion and 1.722 billion dlrs. A U.S. Embassy official said the U.S. Did not accept Peking's trade figures at all, mainly because they exclude goods shipped to Hong Kong and then trans-shipped to U.S. While U.S. Figures are based on country of origin. He said that, if China wants to obtain GSP status, it will have to lobby Congress itself to persaude it to amend several laws which currently prevent Peking getting such status. The U.S. Trade Act of 1974 says that to qualify for GSP, China must be a member of the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade (GATT), for which it applied in July 1986, and "not be dominated or controlled by international Communism." The official said China was well aware of the laws, some of which date to the anti-Communist early 1950's, but that there is not sufficient political will in the U.S. To change them. China has been the subject of about a dozen cases involving anti-dumping in the U.S. Within the last two years, which the U.S. Side won, he said. But, for the first time, China signed last week an agreement which it itself initiated to voluntarily restrain exports of at least two categories of steel goods, which may lead the U.S. Side to withdraw the anti-dumping case, he added. Another diplomat said willingness to provide such voluntary export restraints would be an important issue in bilateral trade issues and in Peking's application to GATT. "China has the potential to disrupt world markets, especially in textiles. Other GATT countries will be nervous about China in this respect. But there is a precedent for other centralled planned economies in GATT," the diplomat said. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Romania are members of GATT but none has China's massive market potential for imports or its vast labour pool to produce cheap exports. In a speech today in the northeast city of Dalian, U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz said his country welcomed China's interest in participating in GATT. "The process of Chinese accession will not be accomplished overnight -- the GATT rules were not designed for a large economy of the Chinese type," Shultz said. "China can play an important role by actively joining GATT discussions seeking to expand general trading opportunities and enhance market access for exports worldwide. China can further develop its foreign trade system so as to gain the maximum benefit from its GATT participation," he said. The problems facing U.S.-China trade and GATT membership are similar -- a pricing system which many foreign businessmen regard as arbitrary and not related to actual costs, especially for exports, and a de facto dual currency system. In a memorandum backing its application presented to GATT last month, China said it was gradually reforming its economic system and replacing mandatory instruction with "guidance planning" and economic levers. The diplomat said that, to join GATT, China had much to do.
Corporate News
Shr 17 cts vs seven cts Net 4,678,000 vs 1,856,000 Revs 110.5 mln vs 61.7 mln Avg shrs 27.0 mln vs 25.0 mln
Commodities and Trade
<Renouf Corp International> said it now owns 93.4 pct of Benequity Holdings a California Limited Partnership. Renouf said it has accepted for payment all 3,914,968 units of Benequity Holdings tendered in response to its 31 dlrs per unit offer. Along with the 1,449,550 units already held by Renouf, it now owns 93.4 pct of the 5,745,706 units outstanding.
Corporate News
Papua New Guinea (PNG) provides the most exciting new prospect in the Asia-Pacific region for oil production, energy analyst Fereidun Fesharaki said here. The recent successful find at Iagifu is likely to put PNG on the list of major oil exporters by the early 1990s, he told the Australian Petroleum Exploration Association annual conference. Fesharaki, leader of the Energy Program at the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, was speaking on the Asia-Pacific petroleum outlook. With domestic demand of around 12,000 barrels per day (bpd) and prospects of production of over 100,000 bpd by late 1991, PNG would become an Ecuador-level crude exporter, Fesharaki said. The Iagifu wells in the Papuan Basin have recorded the best oil flows in more than 60 years of exploration in PNG. The PNG government's Geological Survey in a paper distributed at the conference estimates Iagifu reserves at about 500 mln barrels. PNG enjoys the most liberal tax regime in the region with no secondary taxes, Fesharaki said. "We expect a much larger oil search in Papua New Guinea, and discovery of much larger volumes of oil, similar in quality to (light) Bass Strait crude," Fesharaki said. There are also large pockets of high quality condensates to be produced, notably in the Juha field near Iagifu which is capable of producing 30,000 to 40,000 bpd, he said. But prices should be somewhat higher than the present levels to justify development of the Juha field, he said. The PNG Geological Survey paper noted there are five large prospective but little-explored sedimentary basins in PNG.
Financial Reports
Qtly div three cts vs three cts prior Pay April 30 Record April 16
Corporate News
McFarland Energy Inc said its board and that of Petrominerals Corp have approved a definitive agreement for McFarland to acquire Petrominerals in an exchange of stock. McFarland said it would exchange one common share for each 5.4 Petrominerals shares. McFarland said former holders of Petrominerals will have a 25 pct interest in the combined company. The merger is still subject to approval by shareholders of both companies.
<Timminco Ltd> said it acquired Universal Adhesives Inc, of Memphis, for undisclosed terms, in a move to expand Timminco's operations into the United States. The company said Universal Adhesives, with five U.S. plants, has annual sales of 12 mln U.S. dlrs, which will double Timminco's presence in the North American adhesives market. Timminco said Universal Adhesives will complement the company's Canadian-based industrial adhesives division and is a key step in its long-term goal for expansion in the specialty chemical field.
Commodities and Trade