508 values
Web Service:Dead Drop Resolver
It has used an RSS feed on Livejournal to update a list of encrypted C2 server names.
Web Service:Dead Drop Resolver
Xbash can obtain a webpage hosted on Pastebin to update its C2 domain list.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
It has used blogs and WordPress for C2 infrastructure.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
It has used Google Drive for C2.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
It leverages social networking sites and cloud platforms (AOL, Twitter, Yandex, Mediafire, pCloud, Dropbox, and Box) for C2.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
It has communicated with C2 through files uploaded to and downloaded from DropBox.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
BADNEWS can use multiple C2 channels, including RSS feeds, Github, forums, and blogs.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
BLACKCOFFEE has also obfuscated its C2 traffic as normal traffic to sites such as Github.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
BLUELIGHT can use different cloud providers for its C2.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
BoxCaon has used DropBox for C2 communications.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
The CALENDAR malware communicates through the use of events in Google Calendar.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
It has used a VBScript named "ggldr" that uses Google Apps Script, Sheets, and Forms services for C2.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
Clambling can use Dropbox to download malicious payloads, send commands, and receive information.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
One variant of CloudDuke uses a Microsoft OneDrive account to exchange commands and stolen data with its operators.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
Comnie uses blogs and third-party sites (GitHub, tumbler, and BlogSpot) to avoid DNS-based blocking of their communication to the command and control server.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
ComRAT has the ability to use the Gmail web UI to receive commands and exfiltrate information.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
CozyCar uses Twitter as a backup C2 channel to Twitter accounts specified in its configuration file.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
CreepyDrive can use OneDrive for C2.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
Crutch can use Dropbox to receive commands and upload stolen data.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
DOGCALL is capable of leveraging cloud storage APIs such as Cloud, Box, Dropbox, and Yandex for C2.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
Empire can use Dropbox and GitHub for C2.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
It used legitimate services like Google Docs, Google Scripts, and Pastebin for C2.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
GLOOXMAIL communicates to servers operated by Google using the Jabber/XMPP protocol.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
Grandoreiro can utilize web services including Google sites to send and receive C2 data.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
It has used cloud services, including OneDrive, for C2.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
KARAE can use public cloud-based storage providers for command and control.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
Kazuar has used compromised WordPress blogs as C2 servers.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
It has used Blogspot pages for C2.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
It has used GitHub as C2, pulling hosted image payloads then committing command execution output to files in specific directories.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
LOWBALL uses the Dropbox cloud storage service for command and control.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
It malware can use a SOAP Web service to communicate with its C2 server.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
It has used web services including OneHub to distribute remote access tools.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
For Operation Ghost, It used social media platforms to hide communications to C2 servers.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
Orz has used Technet and Pastebin web pages for command and control.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
It has used OneDrive and DropBox for C2.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
POORAIM has used AOL Instant Messenger for C2.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
PowerStallion uses Microsoft OneDrive as a C2 server via a network drive mapped with net use.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
RegDuke can use Dropbox as its C2 server.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
Revenge RAT used as its primary command and control server during a campaign.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
RogueRobin has used Google Drive as a Command and Control channel.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
ROKRAT has used legitimate social networking sites and cloud platforms (including but not limited to Twitter, Yandex, Dropbox, and Mediafire) for C2 communications.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
It has used the Telegram Bot API from Telegram Messenger to send and receive commands to its Python backdoor. It also used legitimate M.E.Doc software update check requests for sending and receiving commands and hosted malicious payloads on
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
SLOWDRIFT uses cloud based services for C2.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
Small Sieve has the ability to use the Telegram Bot API from Telegram Messenger to send and receive messages.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
A It JavaScript backdoor has used Google Apps Script as its C2 server.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
UBoatRAT has used GitHub and a public blog service in Hong Kong for C2 communications.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
yty communicates to the C2 server by retrieving a Google Doc.
Web Service:Bidirectional Communication
ItM has used Dropbox for C2 allowing upload and download of files as well as execution of arbitrary commands.
Web Service:One-Way Communication
EVILNUM has used a one-way communication method via GitLab and Digital Point to perform C2.
Web Service:One-Way Communication
The "tDiscoverer" variant of HAMMERTOSS establishes a C2 channel by downloading resources from Web services like Twitter and GitHub. HAMMERTOSS binaries contain an algorithm that generates a different Twitter handle for the malware to check for instructions every day.
Web Service:One-Way Communication
It has received C2 instructions from user profiles created on legitimate websites such as Github and TechNet.
Web Service:One-Way Communication
Metamorfo has downloaded a zip file for execution on the system.
Web Service:One-Way Communication
OnionDuke uses Twitter as a backup C2.
Automated Exfiltration
Attor has a file uploader plugin that automatically exfiltrates the collected data and log files to the C2 server.
Automated Exfiltration
CosmicDuke exfiltrates collected files automatically over FTP to remote servers.
Automated Exfiltration
Crutch has automatically exfiltrated stolen files to Dropbox.
Automated Exfiltration
Doki has used a script that gathers information from a hardcoded list of IP addresses and uploads to an Ngrok URL.
Automated Exfiltration
Ebury can automatically exfiltrate gathered SSH credentials.
Automated Exfiltration
Empire has the ability to automatically send collected data back to the threat actors' C2.
Automated Exfiltration
During Frankenstein, the threat actors collected information via Empire, which was automatically sent back to the adversary's C2.
Automated Exfiltration
It has used modules that automatically upload gathered documents to the C2 server.
Automated Exfiltration
It has performed frequent and scheduled data exfiltration from compromised networks.
Automated Exfiltration
LightNeuron can be configured to automatically exfiltrate files under a specified directory.
Automated Exfiltration
It’s collected files are exfiltrated automatically to remote servers.
Automated Exfiltration
OutSteel can automatically upload collected files to its C2 server.
Automated Exfiltration
Peppy has the ability to automatically exfiltrate files and keylogs.
Automated Exfiltration
Rover automatically searches for files on local drives based on a predefined list of file extensions and sends them to the command and control server every 60 minutes. Rover also automatically sends keylogger files and screenshots to the C2 server on a regular timeframe.
Automated Exfiltration
ShimRatReporter sent collected system and network information compiled into a report to an adversary-controlled C2.
Automated Exfiltration
It has configured tools to automatically send collected files to attacker controlled servers.
Automated Exfiltration
StrongPity can automatically exfiltrate collected documents to the C2 server.
Automated Exfiltration
TajMahal has the ability to manage an automated queue of egress files and commands sent to its C2.
Automated Exfiltration
When a document is found matching one of the extensions in the configuration, TINYTYPHON uploads it to the C2 server.
Automated Exfiltration
It has used a copy function to automatically exfiltrate sensitive data from air-gapped systems using USB storage.
Automated Exfiltration
USBStealer automatically exfiltrates collected files via removable media when an infected device connects to an air-gapped victim machine after initially being connected to an internet-enabled victim machine.
Data Transfer Size Limits
AppleSeed has divided files if the size is 0x1000000 bytes or more.
Data Transfer Size Limits
It has split archived exfiltration files into chunks smaller than 1MB.
Data Transfer Size Limits
During C0015, the threat actors limited Rclone's bandwidth setting during exfiltration.
Data Transfer Size Limits
During C0026, the threat actors split encrypted archives containing stolen files and information into 3MB parts prior to exfiltration.
Data Transfer Size Limits
It exfiltrates data in compressed chunks if a message is larger than 4096 bytes .
Data Transfer Size Limits
Cobalt Strike will break large data sets into smaller chunks for exfiltration.
Data Transfer Size Limits
Helminth splits data into chunks up to 23 bytes and sends the data in DNS queries to its C2 server.
Data Transfer Size Limits
Kessel can split the data to be exilftrated into chunks that will fit in subdomains of DNS queries.
Data Transfer Size Limits
Kevin can exfiltrate data to the C2 server in 27-character chunks.
Data Transfer Size Limits
It has split archived files into multiple parts to bypass a 5MB limit.
Data Transfer Size Limits
Mythic supports custom chunk sizes used to upload/download files.
Data Transfer Size Limits
ObliqueRAT can break large files of interest into smaller chunks to prepare them for exfiltration.
Data Transfer Size Limits
OopsIE exfiltrates command output and collected files to its C2 server in 1500-byte blocks.
Data Transfer Size Limits
POSHSPY uploads data in 2048-byte chunks.
Data Transfer Size Limits
The Rclone "chunker" overlay supports splitting large files in smaller chunks during upload to circumvent size limits.
Data Transfer Size Limits
RDAT can upload a file via HTTP POST response to the C2 split into 102,400-byte portions. RDAT can also download data from the C2 which is split into 81,920-byte portions.
Data Transfer Size Limits
It actors have split RAR files for exfiltration into parts.
Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol
AADInternals can directly download cloud user data such as OneDrive files.
Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol
Bundlore uses the curl -s -L -o command to exfiltrate archived data to a URL.
Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol
Chaes has exfiltrated its collected data from the infected machine to the C2, sometimes using the MIME protocol.
Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol
FrameworkPOS can use DNS tunneling for exfiltration of credit card data.
Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol
Hydraq connects to a predefined domain on port 443 to exfil gathered information.
Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol
Kobalos can exfiltrate credentials over the network via UDP.
Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol
PoetRAT has used a .NET tool named dog.exe to exiltrate information over an e-mail account.
Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol
It has sent locally staged files with collected credentials to C2 servers using cURL.
Exfiltration Over Alternative Protocol:Exfiltration Over Asymmetric Encrypted Non-C2 Protocol
It has exfiltrated archives of collected data previously staged on a target's OWA server via HTTPS.