// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui; class SurfaceScene implements ui.Scene { /// This class is created by the engine, and should not be instantiated /// or extended directly. /// /// To create a Scene object, use a [SceneBuilder]. SurfaceScene(this.webOnlyRootElement, { required this.timingRecorder, }); final DomElement? webOnlyRootElement; final FrameTimingRecorder? timingRecorder; /// Creates a raster image representation of the current state of the scene. /// This is a slow operation that is performed on a background thread. @override Future<ui.Image> toImage(int width, int height) { throw UnsupportedError('toImage is not supported on the Web'); } @override ui.Image toImageSync(int width, int height) { throw UnsupportedError('toImageSync is not supported on the Web'); } /// Releases the resources used by this scene. /// /// After calling this function, the scene is cannot be used further. @override void dispose() {} } /// A surface that creates a DOM element for whole app. class PersistedScene extends PersistedContainerSurface { PersistedScene(PersistedScene? super.oldLayer) { transform = Matrix4.identity(); } @override void recomputeTransformAndClip() { // Must be the true DPR from the browser, nothing overridable. // See: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/143124 final double browserDpr = EngineFlutterDisplay.instance.browserDevicePixelRatio; // The scene clip is the size of the entire window **in Logical pixels**. // // Even though the majority of the engine uses `physicalSize`, there are some // bits (like the HTML renderer, or dynamic view sizing) that are implemented // using CSS, and CSS operates in logical pixels. // // See also: [EngineFlutterView.resize]. final ui.Size bounds = window.physicalSize / browserDpr; localClipBounds = ui.Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, bounds.width, bounds.height); projectedClip = null; } /// Cached inverse of transform on this node. Unlike transform, this /// Matrix only contains local transform (not chain multiplied since root). Matrix4? _localTransformInverse; @override Matrix4? get localTransformInverse => _localTransformInverse ??= Matrix4.identity(); @override DomElement createElement() { return defaultCreateElement('flt-scene'); } @override void apply() {} }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/lib/src/engine/html/scene.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 770 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. @JS() library js_promise; import 'dart:js_interop'; import 'package:js/js_util.dart' as js_util; import '../util.dart'; extension CallExtension on JSFunction { external void call(JSAny? this_, JSAny? object); } @JS('Promise') external JSAny get _promiseConstructor; JSPromise<JSAny?> createPromise(JSFunction executor) => js_util.callConstructor( _promiseConstructor, <Object>[executor], ); JSPromise<JSAny?> futureToPromise<T extends JSAny?>(Future<T> future) { return createPromise((JSFunction resolver, JSFunction rejecter) { future.then( (T value) => resolver.call(null, value), onError: (Object? error) { printWarning('Rejecting promise with error: $error'); rejecter.call(null, null); }); }.toJS); }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/lib/src/engine/js_interop/js_promise.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 344 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // TODO(yjbanov): The code in this file was temporarily moved to lib/web_ui/lib/ui.dart // during the NNBD migration so that `dart:ui` does not have to export // `dart:_engine`. NNBD does not allow exported non-migrated libraries // from migrated libraries.
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/lib/src/engine/platform_views.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 166 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. export 'semantics/accessibility.dart'; export 'semantics/checkable.dart'; export 'semantics/focusable.dart'; export 'semantics/image.dart'; export 'semantics/incrementable.dart'; export 'semantics/label_and_value.dart'; export 'semantics/link.dart'; export 'semantics/live_region.dart'; export 'semantics/platform_view.dart'; export 'semantics/scrollable.dart'; export 'semantics/semantics.dart'; export 'semantics/semantics_helper.dart'; export 'semantics/tappable.dart'; export 'semantics/text_field.dart';
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/lib/src/engine/semantics.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 219 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:ffi'; import 'dart:js_interop'; import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart'; import 'package:ui/src/engine/skwasm/skwasm_impl.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui; const int _kSoftLineBreak = 0; const int _kHardLineBreak = 100; class SkwasmLineMetrics extends SkwasmObjectWrapper<RawLineMetrics> implements ui.LineMetrics { factory SkwasmLineMetrics({ required bool hardBreak, required double ascent, required double descent, required double unscaledAscent, required double height, required double width, required double left, required double baseline, required int lineNumber, }) => SkwasmLineMetrics._(lineMetricsCreate( hardBreak, ascent, descent, unscaledAscent, height, width, left, baseline, lineNumber, )); SkwasmLineMetrics._(LineMetricsHandle handle) : super(handle, _registry); static final SkwasmFinalizationRegistry<RawLineMetrics> _registry = SkwasmFinalizationRegistry<RawLineMetrics>(lineMetricsDispose); @override bool get hardBreak => lineMetricsGetHardBreak(handle); @override double get ascent => lineMetricsGetAscent(handle); @override double get descent => lineMetricsGetDescent(handle); @override double get unscaledAscent => lineMetricsGetUnscaledAscent(handle); @override double get height => lineMetricsGetHeight(handle); @override double get width => lineMetricsGetWidth(handle); @override double get left => lineMetricsGetLeft(handle); @override double get baseline => lineMetricsGetBaseline(handle); @override int get lineNumber => lineMetricsGetLineNumber(handle); } class SkwasmParagraph extends SkwasmObjectWrapper<RawParagraph> implements ui.Paragraph { SkwasmParagraph(ParagraphHandle handle) : super(handle, _registry); static final SkwasmFinalizationRegistry<RawParagraph> _registry = SkwasmFinalizationRegistry<RawParagraph>(paragraphDispose); bool _hasCheckedForMissingCodePoints = false; @override double get width => paragraphGetWidth(handle); @override double get height => paragraphGetHeight(handle); @override double get longestLine => paragraphGetLongestLine(handle); @override double get minIntrinsicWidth => paragraphGetMinIntrinsicWidth(handle); @override double get maxIntrinsicWidth => paragraphGetMaxIntrinsicWidth(handle); @override double get alphabeticBaseline => paragraphGetAlphabeticBaseline(handle); @override double get ideographicBaseline => paragraphGetIdeographicBaseline(handle); @override bool get didExceedMaxLines => paragraphGetDidExceedMaxLines(handle); @override int get numberOfLines => paragraphGetLineCount(handle); @override int? getLineNumberAt(int codeUnitOffset) { final int lineNumber = paragraphGetLineNumberAt(handle, codeUnitOffset); return lineNumber >= 0 ? lineNumber : null; } @override void layout(ui.ParagraphConstraints constraints) { paragraphLayout(handle, constraints.width); if (!_hasCheckedForMissingCodePoints) { _hasCheckedForMissingCodePoints = true; final int missingCodePointCount = paragraphGetUnresolvedCodePoints(handle, nullptr, 0); if (missingCodePointCount > 0) { withStackScope((StackScope scope) { final Pointer<Uint32> codePointBuffer = scope.allocUint32Array(missingCodePointCount); final int returnedCodePointCount = paragraphGetUnresolvedCodePoints( handle, codePointBuffer, missingCodePointCount ); assert(missingCodePointCount == returnedCodePointCount); renderer.fontCollection.fontFallbackManager!.addMissingCodePoints( List<int>.generate( missingCodePointCount, (int index) => codePointBuffer[index] ) ); }); } } } List<ui.TextBox> _convertTextBoxList(TextBoxListHandle listHandle) { final int length = textBoxListGetLength(listHandle); return withStackScope((StackScope scope) { final RawRect tempRect = scope.allocFloatArray(4); return List<ui.TextBox>.generate(length, (int index) { final int textDirectionIndex = textBoxListGetBoxAtIndex(listHandle, index, tempRect); return ui.TextBox.fromLTRBD( tempRect[0], tempRect[1], tempRect[2], tempRect[3], ui.TextDirection.values[textDirectionIndex], ); }); }); } @override List<ui.TextBox> getBoxesForRange( int start, int end, { ui.BoxHeightStyle boxHeightStyle = ui.BoxHeightStyle.tight, ui.BoxWidthStyle boxWidthStyle = ui.BoxWidthStyle.tight }) { final TextBoxListHandle listHandle = paragraphGetBoxesForRange( handle, start, end, boxHeightStyle.index, boxWidthStyle.index ); final List<ui.TextBox> boxes = _convertTextBoxList(listHandle); textBoxListDispose(listHandle); return boxes; } @override ui.TextPosition getPositionForOffset(ui.Offset offset) => withStackScope((StackScope scope) { final Pointer<Int32> outAffinity = scope.allocInt32Array(1); final int position = paragraphGetPositionForOffset( handle, offset.dx, offset.dy, outAffinity ); return ui.TextPosition( offset: position, affinity: ui.TextAffinity.values[outAffinity[0]], ); }); @override ui.GlyphInfo? getGlyphInfoAt(int codeUnitOffset) { return withStackScope((StackScope scope) { final Pointer<Float> outRect = scope.allocFloatArray(4); final Pointer<Uint32> outRange = scope.allocUint32Array(2); final Pointer<Bool> outBooleanFlags = scope.allocBoolArray(1); return paragraphGetGlyphInfoAt(handle, codeUnitOffset, outRect, outRange, outBooleanFlags) ? ui.GlyphInfo( scope.convertRectFromNative(outRect), ui.TextRange(start: outRange[0], end: outRange[1]), outBooleanFlags[0] ? ui.TextDirection.ltr : ui.TextDirection.rtl, ) : null; }); } @override ui.GlyphInfo? getClosestGlyphInfoForOffset(ui.Offset offset) { return withStackScope((StackScope scope) { final Pointer<Float> outRect = scope.allocFloatArray(4); final Pointer<Uint32> outRange = scope.allocUint32Array(2); final Pointer<Bool> outBooleanFlags = scope.allocBoolArray(1); return paragraphGetClosestGlyphInfoAtCoordinate(handle, offset.dx, offset.dy, outRect, outRange, outBooleanFlags) ? ui.GlyphInfo( scope.convertRectFromNative(outRect), ui.TextRange(start: outRange[0], end: outRange[1]), outBooleanFlags[0] ? ui.TextDirection.ltr : ui.TextDirection.rtl, ) : null; }); } @override ui.TextRange getWordBoundary(ui.TextPosition position) => withStackScope((StackScope scope) { final Pointer<Int32> outRange = scope.allocInt32Array(2); paragraphGetWordBoundary(handle, position.offset, outRange); return ui.TextRange(start: outRange[0], end: outRange[1]); }); @override ui.TextRange getLineBoundary(ui.TextPosition position) { final int lineNumber = paragraphGetLineNumberAt(handle, position.offset); final LineMetricsHandle metricsHandle = paragraphGetLineMetricsAtIndex(handle, lineNumber); final ui.TextRange range = ui.TextRange( start: lineMetricsGetStartIndex(metricsHandle), end: lineMetricsGetEndIndex(metricsHandle), ); lineMetricsDispose(metricsHandle); return range; } @override List<ui.TextBox> getBoxesForPlaceholders() { final TextBoxListHandle listHandle = paragraphGetBoxesForPlaceholders(handle); final List<ui.TextBox> boxes = _convertTextBoxList(listHandle); textBoxListDispose(listHandle); return boxes; } @override List<SkwasmLineMetrics> computeLineMetrics() { final int lineCount = paragraphGetLineCount(handle); return List<SkwasmLineMetrics>.generate(lineCount, (int index) => SkwasmLineMetrics._(paragraphGetLineMetricsAtIndex(handle, index)) ); } @override ui.LineMetrics? getLineMetricsAt(int index) { final LineMetricsHandle lineMetrics = paragraphGetLineMetricsAtIndex(handle, index); return lineMetrics != nullptr ? SkwasmLineMetrics._(lineMetrics) : null; } } void withScopedFontList( List<String> fontFamilies, void Function(Pointer<SkStringHandle>, int) callback) { withStackScope((StackScope scope) { final Pointer<SkStringHandle> familiesPtr = scope.allocPointerArray(fontFamilies.length).cast<SkStringHandle>(); int nativeIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < fontFamilies.length; i++) { familiesPtr[nativeIndex] = skStringFromDartString(fontFamilies[i]); nativeIndex++; } callback(familiesPtr, fontFamilies.length); for (int i = 0; i < fontFamilies.length; i++) { skStringFree(familiesPtr[i]); } }); } class SkwasmNativeTextStyle extends SkwasmObjectWrapper<RawTextStyle> { SkwasmNativeTextStyle(TextStyleHandle handle) : super(handle, _registry); factory SkwasmNativeTextStyle.defaultTextStyle() => SkwasmNativeTextStyle(textStyleCreate()); static final SkwasmFinalizationRegistry<RawTextStyle> _registry = SkwasmFinalizationRegistry<RawTextStyle>(textStyleDispose); SkwasmNativeTextStyle copy() { return SkwasmNativeTextStyle(textStyleCopy(handle)); } } class SkwasmTextStyle implements ui.TextStyle { SkwasmTextStyle({ this.color, this.decoration, this.decorationColor, this.decorationStyle, this.decorationThickness, this.fontWeight, this.fontStyle, this.textBaseline, this.fontFamily, this.fontFamilyFallback, this.fontSize, this.letterSpacing, this.wordSpacing, this.height, this.leadingDistribution, this.locale, this.background, this.foreground, this.shadows, this.fontFeatures, this.fontVariations, }) : assert( color == null || foreground == null, 'Cannot provide both a color and a foreground\n' 'The color argument is just a shorthand for "foreground: Paint()..color = color".', ); void applyToNative(SkwasmNativeTextStyle style) { final TextStyleHandle handle = style.handle; if (color != null) { textStyleSetColor(handle, color!.value); } if (decoration != null) { textStyleSetDecoration(handle, decoration!.maskValue); } if (decorationColor != null) { textStyleSetDecorationColor(handle, decorationColor!.value); } if (decorationStyle != null) { textStyleSetDecorationStyle(handle, decorationStyle!.index); } if (decorationThickness != null) { textStyleSetDecorationThickness(handle, decorationThickness!); } if (fontWeight != null || fontStyle != null) { textStyleSetFontStyle( handle, (fontWeight ?? ui.FontWeight.normal).value, (fontStyle ?? ui.FontStyle.normal).index ); } if (textBaseline != null) { textStyleSetTextBaseline(handle, textBaseline!.index); } final List<String> effectiveFontFamilies = fontFamilies; if (effectiveFontFamilies.isNotEmpty) { withScopedFontList(effectiveFontFamilies, (Pointer<SkStringHandle> families, int count) => textStyleAddFontFamilies(handle, families, count)); } if (fontSize != null) { textStyleSetFontSize(handle, fontSize!); } if (letterSpacing != null) { textStyleSetLetterSpacing(handle, letterSpacing!); } if (wordSpacing != null) { textStyleSetWordSpacing(handle, wordSpacing!); } if (height != null) { textStyleSetHeight(handle, height!); } if (leadingDistribution != null) { textStyleSetHalfLeading( handle, leadingDistribution == ui.TextLeadingDistribution.even ); } if (locale != null) { final SkStringHandle localeHandle = skStringFromDartString(locale!.toLanguageTag()); textStyleSetLocale(handle, localeHandle); skStringFree(localeHandle); } if (background != null) { textStyleSetBackground(handle, (background! as SkwasmPaint).handle); } if (foreground != null) { textStyleSetForeground(handle, (foreground! as SkwasmPaint).handle); } if (shadows != null) { for (final ui.Shadow shadow in shadows!) { textStyleAddShadow( handle, shadow.color.value, shadow.offset.dx, shadow.offset.dy, shadow.blurSigma, ); } } if (fontFeatures != null) { for (final ui.FontFeature feature in fontFeatures!) { final SkStringHandle featureName = skStringFromDartString(feature.feature); textStyleAddFontFeature(handle, featureName, feature.value); skStringFree(featureName); } } if (fontVariations != null && fontVariations!.isNotEmpty) { final int variationCount = fontVariations!.length; withStackScope((StackScope scope) { final Pointer<Uint32> axisBuffer = scope.allocUint32Array(variationCount); final Pointer<Float> valueBuffer = scope.allocFloatArray(variationCount); for (int i = 0; i < variationCount; i++) { final ui.FontVariation variation = fontVariations![i]; final String axis = variation.axis; assert(axis.length == 4); // 4 byte code final int axisNumber = axis.codeUnitAt(0) << 24 | axis.codeUnitAt(1) << 16 | axis.codeUnitAt(2) << 8 | axis.codeUnitAt(3); axisBuffer[i] = axisNumber; valueBuffer[i] = variation.value; } textStyleSetFontVariations(handle, axisBuffer, valueBuffer, variationCount); }); } } List<String> get fontFamilies => <String>[ if (fontFamily != null) fontFamily!, if (fontFamilyFallback != null) ...fontFamilyFallback!, ]; final ui.Color? color; final ui.TextDecoration? decoration; final ui.Color? decorationColor; final ui.TextDecorationStyle? decorationStyle; final double? decorationThickness; final ui.FontWeight? fontWeight; final ui.FontStyle? fontStyle; final ui.TextBaseline? textBaseline; final String? fontFamily; final List<String>? fontFamilyFallback; final double? fontSize; final double? letterSpacing; final double? wordSpacing; final double? height; final ui.TextLeadingDistribution? leadingDistribution; final ui.Locale? locale; final ui.Paint? background; final ui.Paint? foreground; final List<ui.Shadow>? shadows; final List<ui.FontFeature>? fontFeatures; final List<ui.FontVariation>? fontVariations; @override bool operator ==(Object other) { if (identical(this, other)) { return true; } return other is SkwasmTextStyle && other.color == color && other.decoration == decoration && other.decorationColor == decorationColor && other.decorationStyle == decorationStyle && other.fontWeight == fontWeight && other.fontStyle == fontStyle && other.textBaseline == textBaseline && other.leadingDistribution == leadingDistribution && other.fontFamily == fontFamily && other.fontSize == fontSize && other.letterSpacing == letterSpacing && other.wordSpacing == wordSpacing && other.height == height && other.decorationThickness == decorationThickness && other.locale == locale && other.background == background && other.foreground == foreground && listEquals<ui.Shadow>(other.shadows, shadows) && listEquals<String>(other.fontFamilyFallback, fontFamilyFallback) && listEquals<ui.FontFeature>(other.fontFeatures, fontFeatures) && listEquals<ui.FontVariation>(other.fontVariations, fontVariations); } @override int get hashCode { final List<ui.Shadow>? shadows = this.shadows; final List<ui.FontFeature>? fontFeatures = this.fontFeatures; final List<ui.FontVariation>? fontVariations = this.fontVariations; final List<String>? fontFamilyFallback = this.fontFamilyFallback; return Object.hash( color, decoration, decorationColor, decorationStyle, fontWeight, fontStyle, textBaseline, leadingDistribution, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback == null ? null : Object.hashAll(fontFamilyFallback), fontSize, letterSpacing, wordSpacing, height, locale, background, foreground, shadows == null ? null : Object.hashAll(shadows), decorationThickness, // Object.hash goes up to 20 arguments, but we have 21 Object.hash( fontFeatures == null ? null : Object.hashAll(fontFeatures), fontVariations == null ? null : Object.hashAll(fontVariations), ) ); } @override String toString() { String result = super.toString(); assert(() { final List<String>? fontFamilyFallback = this.fontFamilyFallback; final double? fontSize = this.fontSize; final double? height = this.height; result = 'TextStyle(' 'color: ${color ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'decoration: ${decoration ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'decorationColor: ${decorationColor ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'decorationStyle: ${decorationStyle ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'decorationThickness: ${decorationThickness ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'fontWeight: ${fontWeight ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'fontStyle: ${fontStyle ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'textBaseline: ${textBaseline ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'fontFamily: ${fontFamily ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'fontFamilyFallback: ${fontFamilyFallback != null && fontFamilyFallback.isNotEmpty ? fontFamilyFallback : "unspecified"}, ' 'fontSize: ${fontSize != null ? fontSize.toStringAsFixed(1) : "unspecified"}, ' 'letterSpacing: ${letterSpacing != null ? "${letterSpacing}x" : "unspecified"}, ' 'wordSpacing: ${wordSpacing != null ? "${wordSpacing}x" : "unspecified"}, ' 'height: ${height != null ? "${height.toStringAsFixed(1)}x" : "unspecified"}, ' 'leadingDistribution: ${leadingDistribution ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'locale: ${locale ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'background: ${background ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'foreground: ${foreground ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'shadows: ${shadows ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'fontFeatures: ${fontFeatures ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'fontVariations: ${fontVariations ?? "unspecified"}' ')'; return true; }()); return result; } } final class SkwasmStrutStyle extends SkwasmObjectWrapper<RawStrutStyle> implements ui.StrutStyle { factory SkwasmStrutStyle({ String? fontFamily, List<String>? fontFamilyFallback, double? fontSize, double? height, double? leading, ui.FontWeight? fontWeight, ui.FontStyle? fontStyle, bool? forceStrutHeight, ui.TextLeadingDistribution? leadingDistribution, }) { final StrutStyleHandle handle = strutStyleCreate(); if (fontFamily != null || fontFamilyFallback != null) { final List<String> fontFamilies = <String>[ if (fontFamily != null) fontFamily, if (fontFamilyFallback != null) ...fontFamilyFallback, ]; if (fontFamilies.isNotEmpty) { withScopedFontList(fontFamilies, (Pointer<SkStringHandle> families, int count) => strutStyleSetFontFamilies(handle, families, count)); } } if (fontSize != null) { strutStyleSetFontSize(handle, fontSize); } if (height != null) { strutStyleSetHeight(handle, height); } if (leadingDistribution != null) { strutStyleSetHalfLeading( handle, leadingDistribution == ui.TextLeadingDistribution.even); } if (leading != null) { strutStyleSetLeading(handle, leading); } if (fontWeight != null || fontStyle != null) { fontWeight ??= ui.FontWeight.normal; fontStyle ??= ui.FontStyle.normal; strutStyleSetFontStyle(handle, fontWeight.value, fontStyle.index); } if (forceStrutHeight != null) { strutStyleSetForceStrutHeight(handle, forceStrutHeight); } return SkwasmStrutStyle._( handle, fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback, fontSize, height, leadingDistribution, leading, fontWeight, fontStyle, forceStrutHeight, ); } SkwasmStrutStyle._( StrutStyleHandle handle, this._fontFamily, this._fontFamilyFallback, this._fontSize, this._height, this._leadingDistribution, this._leading, this._fontWeight, this._fontStyle, this._forceStrutHeight, ) : super(handle, _registry); static final SkwasmFinalizationRegistry<RawStrutStyle> _registry = SkwasmFinalizationRegistry<RawStrutStyle>(strutStyleDispose); final String? _fontFamily; final List<String>? _fontFamilyFallback; final double? _fontSize; final double? _height; final double? _leading; final ui.FontWeight? _fontWeight; final ui.FontStyle? _fontStyle; final bool? _forceStrutHeight; final ui.TextLeadingDistribution? _leadingDistribution; @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return other is SkwasmStrutStyle && other._fontFamily == _fontFamily && other._fontSize == _fontSize && other._height == _height && other._leading == _leading && other._leadingDistribution == _leadingDistribution && other._fontWeight == _fontWeight && other._fontStyle == _fontStyle && other._forceStrutHeight == _forceStrutHeight && listEquals<String>(other._fontFamilyFallback, _fontFamilyFallback); } @override int get hashCode { final List<String>? fontFamilyFallback = _fontFamilyFallback; return Object.hash( _fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback != null ? Object.hashAll(fontFamilyFallback) : null, _fontSize, _height, _leading, _leadingDistribution, _fontWeight, _fontStyle, _forceStrutHeight, ); } } class SkwasmParagraphStyle extends SkwasmObjectWrapper<RawParagraphStyle> implements ui.ParagraphStyle { factory SkwasmParagraphStyle({ ui.TextAlign? textAlign, ui.TextDirection? textDirection, int? maxLines, String? fontFamily, double? fontSize, double? height, ui.TextHeightBehavior? textHeightBehavior, ui.FontWeight? fontWeight, ui.FontStyle? fontStyle, ui.StrutStyle? strutStyle, String? ellipsis, ui.Locale? locale, }) { final ParagraphStyleHandle handle = paragraphStyleCreate(); if (textAlign != null) { paragraphStyleSetTextAlign(handle, textAlign.index); } if (textDirection != null) { paragraphStyleSetTextDirection(handle, textDirection.index); } if (maxLines != null) { paragraphStyleSetMaxLines(handle, maxLines); } if (height != null) { paragraphStyleSetHeight(handle, height); } if (textHeightBehavior != null) { paragraphStyleSetTextHeightBehavior( handle, textHeightBehavior.applyHeightToFirstAscent, textHeightBehavior.applyHeightToLastDescent, ); } if (ellipsis != null) { final SkStringHandle ellipsisHandle = skStringFromDartString(ellipsis); paragraphStyleSetEllipsis(handle, ellipsisHandle); skStringFree(ellipsisHandle); } if (strutStyle != null) { strutStyle as SkwasmStrutStyle; paragraphStyleSetStrutStyle(handle, strutStyle.handle); } final SkwasmNativeTextStyle textStyle = (renderer.fontCollection as SkwasmFontCollection).defaultTextStyle.copy(); final TextStyleHandle textStyleHandle = textStyle.handle; if (fontFamily != null) { withScopedFontList(<String>[fontFamily], (Pointer<SkStringHandle> families, int count) => textStyleAddFontFamilies(textStyleHandle, families, count)); } if (fontSize != null) { textStyleSetFontSize(textStyleHandle, fontSize); } if (fontWeight != null || fontStyle != null) { fontWeight ??= ui.FontWeight.normal; fontStyle ??= ui.FontStyle.normal; textStyleSetFontStyle(textStyleHandle, fontWeight.value, fontStyle.index); } if (textHeightBehavior != null) { textStyleSetHalfLeading( textStyleHandle, textHeightBehavior.leadingDistribution == ui.TextLeadingDistribution.even, ); } if (locale != null) { final SkStringHandle localeHandle = skStringFromDartString(locale.toLanguageTag()); textStyleSetLocale(textStyleHandle, localeHandle); skStringFree(localeHandle); } paragraphStyleSetTextStyle(handle, textStyleHandle); paragraphStyleSetApplyRoundingHack(handle, false); return SkwasmParagraphStyle._( handle, textStyle, fontFamily, textAlign, textDirection, fontWeight, fontStyle, maxLines, fontFamily, fontSize, height, textHeightBehavior, strutStyle, ellipsis, locale, ); } SkwasmParagraphStyle._( ParagraphStyleHandle handle, this.textStyle, this.defaultFontFamily, this._textAlign, this._textDirection, this._fontWeight, this._fontStyle, this._maxLines, this._fontFamily, this._fontSize, this._height, this._textHeightBehavior, this._strutStyle, this._ellipsis, this._locale, ) : super(handle, _registry); static final SkwasmFinalizationRegistry<RawParagraphStyle> _registry = SkwasmFinalizationRegistry<RawParagraphStyle>(paragraphStyleDispose); final SkwasmNativeTextStyle textStyle; final String? defaultFontFamily; final ui.TextAlign? _textAlign; final ui.TextDirection? _textDirection; final ui.FontWeight? _fontWeight; final ui.FontStyle? _fontStyle; final int? _maxLines; final String? _fontFamily; final double? _fontSize; final double? _height; final ui.TextHeightBehavior? _textHeightBehavior; final ui.StrutStyle? _strutStyle; final String? _ellipsis; final ui.Locale? _locale; @override bool operator ==(Object other) { if (identical(this, other)) { return true; } if (other.runtimeType != runtimeType) { return false; } return other is SkwasmParagraphStyle && other._textAlign == _textAlign && other._textDirection == _textDirection && other._fontWeight == _fontWeight && other._fontStyle == _fontStyle && other._maxLines == _maxLines && other._fontFamily == _fontFamily && other._fontSize == _fontSize && other._height == _height && other._textHeightBehavior == _textHeightBehavior && other._strutStyle == _strutStyle && other._ellipsis == _ellipsis && other._locale == _locale; } @override int get hashCode { return Object.hash( _textAlign, _textDirection, _fontWeight, _fontStyle, _maxLines, _fontFamily, _fontSize, _height, _textHeightBehavior, _strutStyle, _ellipsis, _locale, ); } @override String toString() { String result = super.toString(); assert(() { final double? fontSize = _fontSize; final double? height = _height; result = 'ParagraphStyle(' 'textAlign: ${_textAlign ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'textDirection: ${_textDirection ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'fontWeight: ${_fontWeight ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'fontStyle: ${_fontStyle ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'maxLines: ${_maxLines ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'textHeightBehavior: ${_textHeightBehavior ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'fontFamily: ${_fontFamily ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'fontSize: ${fontSize != null ? fontSize.toStringAsFixed(1) : "unspecified"}, ' 'height: ${height != null ? "${height.toStringAsFixed(1)}x" : "unspecified"}, ' 'strutStyle: ${_strutStyle ?? "unspecified"}, ' 'ellipsis: ${_ellipsis != null ? '"$_ellipsis"' : "unspecified"}, ' 'locale: ${_locale ?? "unspecified"}' ')'; return true; }()); return result; } } class SkwasmParagraphBuilder extends SkwasmObjectWrapper<RawParagraphBuilder> implements ui.ParagraphBuilder { factory SkwasmParagraphBuilder( SkwasmParagraphStyle style, SkwasmFontCollection collection, ) => SkwasmParagraphBuilder._(paragraphBuilderCreate( style.handle, collection.handle, ), style); SkwasmParagraphBuilder._(ParagraphBuilderHandle handle, this.style) : super(handle, _registry); static final SkwasmFinalizationRegistry<RawParagraphBuilder> _registry = SkwasmFinalizationRegistry<RawParagraphBuilder>(paragraphBuilderDispose); final SkwasmParagraphStyle style; final List<SkwasmNativeTextStyle> textStyleStack = <SkwasmNativeTextStyle>[]; @override List<double> placeholderScales = <double>[]; @override void addPlaceholder( double width, double height, ui.PlaceholderAlignment alignment, { double scale = 1.0, double? baselineOffset, ui.TextBaseline? baseline }) { paragraphBuilderAddPlaceholder( handle, width * scale, height * scale, alignment.index, (baselineOffset ?? height) * scale, (baseline ?? ui.TextBaseline.alphabetic).index, ); placeholderScales.add(scale); } @override void addText(String text) { final SkString16Handle stringHandle = skString16FromDartString(text); paragraphBuilderAddText(handle, stringHandle); skString16Free(stringHandle); } static final DomV8BreakIterator _v8BreakIterator = createV8BreakIterator(); static final DomSegmenter _graphemeSegmenter = createIntlSegmenter(granularity: 'grapheme'); static final DomSegmenter _wordSegmenter = createIntlSegmenter(granularity: 'word'); static final DomTextDecoder _utf8Decoder = DomTextDecoder(); void _addSegmenterData() => withStackScope((StackScope scope) { // Because some of the string processing is dealt with manually in dart, // and some is handled by the browser, we actually need both a dart string // and a JS string. Converting from linear memory to Dart strings or JS // strings is more efficient than directly converting to each other, so we // just create both up front here. final Pointer<Uint32> outSize = scope.allocUint32Array(1); final Pointer<Uint8> utf8Data = paragraphBuilderGetUtf8Text(handle, outSize); if (utf8Data == nullptr) { return; } // TODO(jacksongardner): We could make a subclass of `List<int>` here to // avoid this copy. final List<int> codeUnitList = List<int>.generate( outSize.value, (int index) => utf8Data[index] ); final String text = utf8.decode(codeUnitList); final JSString jsText = _utf8Decoder.decode( // In an ideal world we would just use a subview of wasm memory rather // than a slice, but the TextDecoder API doesn't work on shared buffer // sources yet. // See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1012656 createUint8ArrayFromBuffer(skwasmInstance.wasmMemory.buffer).slice( utf8Data.address.toJS, (utf8Data.address + outSize.value).toJS )); _addGraphemeBreakData(text, jsText); _addWordBreakData(text, jsText); _addLineBreakData(text, jsText); }); UnicodePositionBufferHandle _createBreakPositionBuffer(String text, JSString jsText, DomSegmenter segmenter) { final DomIteratorWrapper<DomSegment> iterator = segmenter.segmentRaw(jsText).iterator(); final List<int> breaks = <int>[]; while (iterator.moveNext()) { breaks.add(iterator.current.index); } breaks.add(text.length); final UnicodePositionBufferHandle positionBuffer = unicodePositionBufferCreate(breaks.length); final Pointer<Uint32> buffer = unicodePositionBufferGetDataPointer(positionBuffer); for (int i = 0; i < breaks.length; i++) { buffer[i] = breaks[i]; } return positionBuffer; } void _addGraphemeBreakData(String text, JSString jsText) { final UnicodePositionBufferHandle positionBuffer = _createBreakPositionBuffer(text, jsText, _graphemeSegmenter); paragraphBuilderSetGraphemeBreaksUtf16(handle, positionBuffer); unicodePositionBufferFree(positionBuffer); } void _addWordBreakData(String text, JSString jsText) { final UnicodePositionBufferHandle positionBuffer = _createBreakPositionBuffer(text, jsText, _wordSegmenter); paragraphBuilderSetWordBreaksUtf16(handle, positionBuffer); unicodePositionBufferFree(positionBuffer); } void _addLineBreakData(String text, JSString jsText) { final List<LineBreakFragment> lineBreaks = breakLinesUsingV8BreakIterator(text, jsText, _v8BreakIterator); final LineBreakBufferHandle lineBreakBuffer = lineBreakBufferCreate(lineBreaks.length + 1); final Pointer<LineBreak> lineBreakPointer = lineBreakBufferGetDataPointer(lineBreakBuffer); // First line break is always zero. The buffer is zero initialized, so we can just // skip the first one. for (int i = 0; i < lineBreaks.length; i++) { final LineBreakFragment fragment = lineBreaks[i]; lineBreakPointer[i + 1].position = fragment.end; lineBreakPointer[i + 1].lineBreakType = fragment.type == LineBreakType.mandatory ? _kHardLineBreak : _kSoftLineBreak; } paragraphBuilderSetLineBreaksUtf16(handle, lineBreakBuffer); lineBreakBufferFree(lineBreakBuffer); } @override ui.Paragraph build() { _addSegmenterData(); return SkwasmParagraph(paragraphBuilderBuild(handle)); } @override int get placeholderCount => placeholderScales.length; @override void pop() { final SkwasmNativeTextStyle style = textStyleStack.removeLast(); style.dispose(); paragraphBuilderPop(handle); } @override void pushStyle(ui.TextStyle textStyle) { textStyle as SkwasmTextStyle; final SkwasmNativeTextStyle baseStyle = textStyleStack.isNotEmpty ? textStyleStack.last : style.textStyle; final SkwasmNativeTextStyle nativeStyle = baseStyle.copy(); textStyle.applyToNative(nativeStyle); textStyleStack.add(nativeStyle); paragraphBuilderPushStyle(handle, nativeStyle.handle); } }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/lib/src/engine/skwasm/skwasm_impl/paragraph.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 13025 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. @DefaultAsset('skwasm') library skwasm_impl; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:ffi'; final class RawSkString extends Opaque {} typedef SkStringHandle = Pointer<RawSkString>; final class RawSkString16 extends Opaque {} typedef SkString16Handle = Pointer<RawSkString16>; @Native<SkStringHandle Function(Size)>(symbol: 'skString_allocate', isLeaf: true) external SkStringHandle skStringAllocate(int size); @Native<Pointer<Int8> Function(SkStringHandle)>(symbol: 'skString_getData', isLeaf: true) external Pointer<Int8> skStringGetData(SkStringHandle handle); @Native<Void Function(SkStringHandle)>(symbol: 'skString_free', isLeaf: true) external void skStringFree(SkStringHandle handle); @Native<SkString16Handle Function(Size)>(symbol: 'skString16_allocate', isLeaf: true) external SkString16Handle skString16Allocate(int size); @Native<Pointer<Int16> Function(SkString16Handle)>(symbol: 'skString16_getData', isLeaf: true) external Pointer<Int16> skString16GetData(SkString16Handle handle); @Native<Void Function(SkString16Handle)>(symbol: 'skString16_free', isLeaf: true) external void skString16Free(SkString16Handle handle); SkStringHandle skStringFromDartString(String string) { final List<int> rawUtf8Bytes = utf8.encode(string); final SkStringHandle stringHandle = skStringAllocate(rawUtf8Bytes.length); final Pointer<Int8> stringDataPointer = skStringGetData(stringHandle); for (int i = 0; i < rawUtf8Bytes.length; i++) { stringDataPointer[i] = rawUtf8Bytes[i]; } return stringHandle; } SkString16Handle skString16FromDartString(String string) { final SkString16Handle stringHandle = skString16Allocate(string.length); final Pointer<Int16> stringDataPointer = skString16GetData(stringHandle); for (int i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { stringDataPointer[i] = string.codeUnitAt(i); } return stringHandle; }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/lib/src/engine/skwasm/skwasm_impl/raw/raw_skstring.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 662 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:math' as math; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui; import 'package:ui/ui_web/src/ui_web.dart' as ui_web; class SkwasmRenderer implements Renderer { @override ui.Path combinePaths(ui.PathOperation op, ui.Path path1, ui.Path path2) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.ImageFilter composeImageFilters({required ui.ImageFilter outer, required ui.ImageFilter inner}) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.Path copyPath(ui.Path src) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.ImageFilter createBlurImageFilter({double sigmaX = 0.0, double sigmaY = 0.0, ui.TileMode tileMode = ui.TileMode.clamp}) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.Canvas createCanvas(ui.PictureRecorder recorder, [ui.Rect? cullRect]) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.Gradient createConicalGradient(ui.Offset focal, double focalRadius, ui.Offset center, double radius, List<ui.Color> colors, [List<double>? colorStops, ui.TileMode tileMode = ui.TileMode.clamp, Float32List? matrix]) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.ImageFilter createDilateImageFilter({double radiusX = 0.0, double radiusY = 0.0}) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.ImageFilter createErodeImageFilter({double radiusX = 0.0, double radiusY = 0.0}) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.ImageShader createImageShader(ui.Image image, ui.TileMode tmx, ui.TileMode tmy, Float64List matrix4, ui.FilterQuality? filterQuality) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.Gradient createLinearGradient(ui.Offset from, ui.Offset to, List<ui.Color> colors, [List<double>? colorStops, ui.TileMode tileMode = ui.TileMode.clamp, Float32List? matrix4]) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.ImageFilter createMatrixImageFilter(Float64List matrix4, {ui.FilterQuality filterQuality = ui.FilterQuality.low}) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.Paint createPaint() { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.ParagraphBuilder createParagraphBuilder(ui.ParagraphStyle style) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.ParagraphStyle createParagraphStyle({ui.TextAlign? textAlign, ui.TextDirection? textDirection, int? maxLines, String? fontFamily, double? fontSize, double? height, ui.TextHeightBehavior? textHeightBehavior, ui.FontWeight? fontWeight, ui.FontStyle? fontStyle, ui.StrutStyle? strutStyle, String? ellipsis, ui.Locale? locale}) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.Path createPath() { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.PictureRecorder createPictureRecorder() { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.Gradient createRadialGradient(ui.Offset center, double radius, List<ui.Color> colors, [List<double>? colorStops, ui.TileMode tileMode = ui.TileMode.clamp, Float32List? matrix4]) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.SceneBuilder createSceneBuilder() { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.StrutStyle createStrutStyle({String? fontFamily, List<String>? fontFamilyFallback, double? fontSize, double? height, ui.TextLeadingDistribution? leadingDistribution, double? leading, ui.FontWeight? fontWeight, ui.FontStyle? fontStyle, bool? forceStrutHeight}) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.Gradient createSweepGradient(ui.Offset center, List<ui.Color> colors, [List<double>? colorStops, ui.TileMode tileMode = ui.TileMode.clamp, double startAngle = 0.0, double endAngle = math.pi * 2, Float32List? matrix4]) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.TextStyle createTextStyle({ui.Color? color, ui.TextDecoration? decoration, ui.Color? decorationColor, ui.TextDecorationStyle? decorationStyle, double? decorationThickness, ui.FontWeight? fontWeight, ui.FontStyle? fontStyle, ui.TextBaseline? textBaseline, String? fontFamily, List<String>? fontFamilyFallback, double? fontSize, double? letterSpacing, double? wordSpacing, double? height, ui.TextLeadingDistribution? leadingDistribution, ui.Locale? locale, ui.Paint? background, ui.Paint? foreground, List<ui.Shadow>? shadows, List<ui.FontFeature>? fontFeatures, List<ui.FontVariation>? fontVariations}) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.Vertices createVertices(ui.VertexMode mode, List<ui.Offset> positions, {List<ui.Offset>? textureCoordinates, List<ui.Color>? colors, List<int>? indices}) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override ui.Vertices createVerticesRaw(ui.VertexMode mode, Float32List positions, {Float32List? textureCoordinates, Int32List? colors, Uint16List? indices}) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override void decodeImageFromPixels(Uint8List pixels, int width, int height, ui.PixelFormat format, ui.ImageDecoderCallback callback, {int? rowBytes, int? targetWidth, int? targetHeight, bool allowUpscaling = true}) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override FlutterFontCollection get fontCollection => throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); @override FutureOr<void> initialize() { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override Future<ui.Codec> instantiateImageCodec(Uint8List list, {int? targetWidth, int? targetHeight, bool allowUpscaling = true}) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override Future<ui.Codec> instantiateImageCodecFromUrl(Uri uri, {ui_web.ImageCodecChunkCallback? chunkCallback}) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override Future<void> renderScene(ui.Scene scene, ui.FlutterView view) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } @override String get rendererTag => throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); @override void clearFragmentProgramCache() => _programs.clear(); static final Map<String, Future<ui.FragmentProgram>> _programs = <String, Future<ui.FragmentProgram>>{}; @override Future<ui.FragmentProgram> createFragmentProgram(String assetKey) { if (_programs.containsKey(assetKey)) { return _programs[assetKey]!; } return _programs[assetKey] = ui_web.assetManager.load(assetKey).then((ByteData data) { return CkFragmentProgram.fromBytes(assetKey, data.buffer.asUint8List()); }); } @override ui.LineMetrics createLineMetrics({ required bool hardBreak, required double ascent, required double descent, required double unscaledAscent, required double height, required double width, required double left, required double baseline, required int lineNumber }) => throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); @override ui.Image createImageFromImageBitmap(DomImageBitmap imageSource) { throw UnimplementedError('Skwasm not implemented on this platform.'); } }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/lib/src/engine/skwasm/skwasm_stub/renderer.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 2686 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:web_unicode/web_unicode.dart'; import 'unicode_range.dart'; export 'package:web_unicode/web_unicode.dart' show WordCharProperty; UnicodePropertyLookup<WordCharProperty> wordLookup = UnicodePropertyLookup<WordCharProperty>.fromPackedData( packedWordBreakProperties, singleWordBreakRangesCount, WordCharProperty.values, defaultWordCharProperty, );
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/lib/src/engine/text/word_break_properties.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 165 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:ui/src/engine/dom.dart'; import '../hot_restart_cache_handler.dart' show registerElementForCleanup; import 'embedding_strategy.dart'; /// An [EmbeddingStrategy] that renders flutter inside a target host element. /// /// This strategy attempts to minimize DOM modifications outside of the host /// element, so it plays "nice" with other web frameworks. class CustomElementEmbeddingStrategy implements EmbeddingStrategy { /// Creates a [CustomElementEmbeddingStrategy] to embed a Flutter view into [_hostElement]. CustomElementEmbeddingStrategy(this.hostElement) { hostElement.clearChildren(); hostElement.setAttribute('flt-embedding', 'custom-element'); } @override DomEventTarget get globalEventTarget => _rootElement; @override final DomElement hostElement; /// The root element of the Flutter view. late final DomElement _rootElement; @override void attachViewRoot(DomElement rootElement) { rootElement ..style.width = '100%' ..style.height = '100%' ..style.display = 'block' ..style.overflow = 'hidden' ..style.position = 'relative'; hostElement.appendChild(rootElement); registerElementForCleanup(rootElement); _rootElement = rootElement; } }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/lib/src/engine/view_embedder/embedding_strategy/custom_element_embedding_strategy.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 431 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui; /// Bootstraps the Flutter Web engine and app. /// /// If the app uses plugins, then the [registerPlugins] callback can be provided /// to register those plugins. This is done typically by calling /// `registerPlugins` from the auto-generated `web_plugin_registrant.dart` file. /// /// The [runApp] callback is invoked to run the app after the engine is fully /// initialized. /// /// For more information, see what the `flutter_tools` does in the entrypoint /// that it generates around the app's main method: /// /// * https://github.com/flutter/flutter/blob/95be76ab7e3dca2def54454313e97f94f4ac4582/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/web/file_generators/main_dart.dart#L14-L43 /// /// By default, engine initialization and app startup occur immediately and back /// to back. They can be programmatically controlled by setting /// `FlutterLoader.didCreateEngineInitializer`. For more information, see how /// `flutter.js` does it: /// /// * https://github.com/flutter/flutter/blob/95be76ab7e3dca2def54454313e97f94f4ac4582/packages/flutter_tools/lib/src/web/file_generators/js/flutter.js Future<void> bootstrapEngine({ ui.VoidCallback? registerPlugins, ui.VoidCallback? runApp, }) async { // Create the object that knows how to bootstrap an app from JS and Dart. final AppBootstrap bootstrap = AppBootstrap( initializeEngine: ([JsFlutterConfiguration? configuration]) async { await initializeEngineServices(jsConfiguration: configuration); }, runApp: () async { if (registerPlugins != null) { registerPlugins(); } await initializeEngineUi(); if (runApp != null) { runApp(); } }, ); final FlutterLoader? loader = flutter?.loader; if (loader == null || loader.isAutoStart) { // The user does not want control of the app, bootstrap immediately. await bootstrap.autoStart(); } else { // Yield control of the bootstrap procedure to the user. loader.didCreateEngineInitializer(bootstrap.prepareEngineInitializer()); } }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/lib/ui_web/src/ui_web/initialization.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 717 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "export.h" #include "skwasm_support.h" #include "surface.h" #include "wrappers.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColorSpace.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkData.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImage.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImageInfo.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkPicture.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/GpuTypes.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/GrBackendSurface.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/ganesh/GrExternalTextureGenerator.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/ganesh/SkImageGanesh.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/ganesh/SkSurfaceGanesh.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/ganesh/gl/GrGLBackendSurface.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/gl/GrGLInterface.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/gl/GrGLTypes.h" #include <GLES2/gl2.h> #include <GLES2/gl2ext.h> #include <emscripten/html5_webgl.h> using namespace SkImages; namespace { enum class PixelFormat { rgba8888, bgra8888, rgbaFloat32, }; SkColorType colorTypeForPixelFormat(PixelFormat format) { switch (format) { case PixelFormat::rgba8888: return SkColorType::kRGBA_8888_SkColorType; case PixelFormat::bgra8888: return SkColorType::kBGRA_8888_SkColorType; case PixelFormat::rgbaFloat32: return SkColorType::kRGBA_F32_SkColorType; } } SkAlphaType alphaTypeForPixelFormat(PixelFormat format) { switch (format) { case PixelFormat::rgba8888: case PixelFormat::bgra8888: return SkAlphaType::kPremul_SkAlphaType; case PixelFormat::rgbaFloat32: return SkAlphaType::kUnpremul_SkAlphaType; } } class ExternalWebGLTexture : public GrExternalTexture { public: ExternalWebGLTexture(GrBackendTexture backendTexture, GLuint textureId, EMSCRIPTEN_WEBGL_CONTEXT_HANDLE context) : _backendTexture(backendTexture), _textureId(textureId), _webGLContext(context) {} GrBackendTexture getBackendTexture() override { return _backendTexture; } void dispose() override { Skwasm::makeCurrent(_webGLContext); glDeleteTextures(1, &_textureId); } private: GrBackendTexture _backendTexture; GLuint _textureId; EMSCRIPTEN_WEBGL_CONTEXT_HANDLE _webGLContext; }; } // namespace class TextureSourceImageGenerator : public GrExternalTextureGenerator { public: TextureSourceImageGenerator(SkImageInfo ii, SkwasmObject textureSource, Skwasm::Surface* surface) : GrExternalTextureGenerator(ii), _textureSourceWrapper( surface->createTextureSourceWrapper(textureSource)) {} std::unique_ptr<GrExternalTexture> generateExternalTexture( GrRecordingContext* context, skgpu::Mipmapped mipmapped) override { GrGLTextureInfo glInfo; glInfo.fID = skwasm_createGlTextureFromTextureSource( _textureSourceWrapper->getTextureSource(), fInfo.width(), fInfo.height()); glInfo.fFormat = GL_RGBA8_OES; glInfo.fTarget = GL_TEXTURE_2D; auto backendTexture = GrBackendTextures::MakeGL( fInfo.width(), fInfo.height(), mipmapped, glInfo); // In order to bind the image source to the texture, makeTexture has changed // which texture is "in focus" for the WebGL context. GrAsDirectContext(context)->resetContext(kTextureBinding_GrGLBackendState); return std::make_unique<ExternalWebGLTexture>( backendTexture, glInfo.fID, emscripten_webgl_get_current_context()); } private: std::unique_ptr<Skwasm::TextureSourceWrapper> _textureSourceWrapper; }; SKWASM_EXPORT SkImage* image_createFromPicture(SkPicture* picture, int32_t width, int32_t height) { return DeferredFromPicture(sk_ref_sp<SkPicture>(picture), {width, height}, nullptr, nullptr, BitDepth::kU8, SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB()) .release(); } SKWASM_EXPORT SkImage* image_createFromPixels(SkData* data, int width, int height, PixelFormat pixelFormat, size_t rowByteCount) { return SkImages::RasterFromData( SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, colorTypeForPixelFormat(pixelFormat), alphaTypeForPixelFormat(pixelFormat), SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB()), sk_ref_sp(data), rowByteCount) .release(); } SKWASM_EXPORT SkImage* image_createFromTextureSource(SkwasmObject textureSource, int width, int height, Skwasm::Surface* surface) { return SkImages::DeferredFromTextureGenerator( std::unique_ptr<TextureSourceImageGenerator>( new TextureSourceImageGenerator( SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, SkColorType::kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, SkAlphaType::kPremul_SkAlphaType), textureSource, surface))) .release(); } SKWASM_EXPORT void image_ref(SkImage* image) { image->ref(); } SKWASM_EXPORT void image_dispose(SkImage* image) { image->unref(); } SKWASM_EXPORT int image_getWidth(SkImage* image) { return image->width(); } SKWASM_EXPORT int image_getHeight(SkImage* image) { return image->height(); }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/skwasm/image.cpp", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 2694 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "export.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkVertices.h" SKWASM_EXPORT SkVertices* vertices_create(SkVertices::VertexMode vertexMode, int vertexCount, SkPoint* positions, SkPoint* textureCoordinates, SkColor* colors, int indexCount, uint16_t* indices) { return SkVertices::MakeCopy(vertexMode, vertexCount, positions, textureCoordinates, colors, indexCount, indices) .release(); } SKWASM_EXPORT void vertices_dispose(SkVertices* vertices) { vertices->unref(); }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/skwasm/vertices.cpp", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 492 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui; import 'package:ui/ui_web/src/ui_web.dart' as ui_web; import '../common/matchers.dart'; import 'common.dart'; import 'test_data.dart'; void main() { internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain); } void testMain() { group('CanvasKit Images', () { setUpCanvasKitTest(withImplicitView: true); tearDown(() { mockHttpFetchResponseFactory = null; }); _testCkAnimatedImage(); _testForImageCodecs(useBrowserImageDecoder: false); if (browserSupportsImageDecoder) { _testForImageCodecs(useBrowserImageDecoder: true); _testCkBrowserImageDecoder(); } test('isAvif', () { expect(isAvif(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[])), isFalse); expect(isAvif(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[1, 2, 3])), isFalse); expect( isAvif(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x66, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x61, 0x76, 0x69, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ])), isTrue, ); expect( isAvif(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x20, 0x66, 0x74, 0x79, 0x70, 0x61, 0x76, 0x69, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ])), isTrue, ); }); }, skip: isSafari); } void _testForImageCodecs({required bool useBrowserImageDecoder}) { final String mode = useBrowserImageDecoder ? 'webcodecs' : 'wasm'; final List<String> warnings = <String>[]; late void Function(String) oldPrintWarning; group('($mode)', () { setUp(() { browserSupportsImageDecoder = useBrowserImageDecoder; warnings.clear(); }); setUpAll(() { oldPrintWarning = printWarning; printWarning = (String warning) { warnings.add(warning); }; }); tearDown(() { debugResetBrowserSupportsImageDecoder(); }); tearDownAll(() { printWarning = oldPrintWarning; }); test('CkAnimatedImage can be explicitly disposed of', () { final CkAnimatedImage image = CkAnimatedImage.decodeFromBytes(kTransparentImage, 'test'); expect(image.debugDisposed, isFalse); image.dispose(); expect(image.debugDisposed, isTrue); // Disallow usage after disposal expect(() => image.frameCount, throwsAssertionError); expect(() => image.repetitionCount, throwsAssertionError); expect(() => image.getNextFrame(), throwsAssertionError); // Disallow double-dispose. expect(() => image.dispose(), throwsAssertionError); }); test('CkAnimatedImage iterates frames correctly', () async { final CkAnimatedImage image = CkAnimatedImage.decodeFromBytes(kAnimatedGif, 'test'); expect(image.frameCount, 3); expect(image.repetitionCount, -1); final ui.FrameInfo frame1 = await image.getNextFrame(); await expectFrameData(frame1, <int>[255, 0, 0, 255]); final ui.FrameInfo frame2 = await image.getNextFrame(); await expectFrameData(frame2, <int>[0, 255, 0, 255]); final ui.FrameInfo frame3 = await image.getNextFrame(); await expectFrameData(frame3, <int>[0, 0, 255, 255]); }); test('CkImage toString', () { final SkImage skImage = canvasKit.MakeAnimatedImageFromEncoded(kTransparentImage)! .makeImageAtCurrentFrame(); final CkImage image = CkImage(skImage); expect(image.toString(), '[1×1]'); image.dispose(); }); test('CkImage can be explicitly disposed of', () { final SkImage skImage = canvasKit.MakeAnimatedImageFromEncoded(kTransparentImage)! .makeImageAtCurrentFrame(); final CkImage image = CkImage(skImage); expect(image.debugDisposed, isFalse); expect(image.box.isDisposed, isFalse); image.dispose(); expect(image.debugDisposed, isTrue); expect(image.box.isDisposed, isTrue); // Disallow double-dispose. expect(() => image.dispose(), throwsAssertionError); }); test('CkImage can be explicitly disposed of when cloned', () async { final SkImage skImage = canvasKit.MakeAnimatedImageFromEncoded(kTransparentImage)! .makeImageAtCurrentFrame(); final CkImage image = CkImage(skImage); final CountedRef<CkImage, SkImage> box = image.box; expect(box.refCount, 1); expect(box.debugGetStackTraces().length, 1); final CkImage clone = image.clone(); expect(box.refCount, 2); expect(box.debugGetStackTraces().length, 2); expect(image.isCloneOf(clone), isTrue); expect(box.isDisposed, isFalse); expect(skImage.isDeleted(), isFalse); image.dispose(); expect(box.refCount, 1); expect(box.isDisposed, isFalse); expect(skImage.isDeleted(), isFalse); clone.dispose(); expect(box.refCount, 0); expect(box.isDisposed, isTrue); expect(skImage.isDeleted(), isTrue); expect(box.debugGetStackTraces().length, 0); }); test('CkImage toByteData', () async { final SkImage skImage = canvasKit.MakeAnimatedImageFromEncoded(kTransparentImage)! .makeImageAtCurrentFrame(); final CkImage image = CkImage(skImage); expect((await image.toByteData()).lengthInBytes, greaterThan(0)); expect((await image.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.png)).lengthInBytes, greaterThan(0)); }); test('toByteData with decodeImageFromPixels on videoFrame formats', () async { // This test ensures that toByteData() returns pixels that can be used by decodeImageFromPixels // for the following videoFrame formats: // [BGRX, I422, I420, I444, BGRA] final HttpFetchResponse listingResponse = await httpFetch('/test_images/'); final List<String> testFiles = (await listingResponse.json() as List<dynamic>).cast<String>(); Future<ui.Image> testDecodeFromPixels(Uint8List pixels, int width, int height) async { final Completer<ui.Image> completer = Completer<ui.Image>(); ui.decodeImageFromPixels( pixels, width, height, ui.PixelFormat.rgba8888, (ui.Image image) { completer.complete(image); }, ); return completer.future; } // Sanity-check the test file list. If suddenly test files are moved or // deleted, and the test server returns an empty list, or is missing some // important test files, we want to know. expect(testFiles, isNotEmpty); expect(testFiles, contains(matches(RegExp(r'.*\.jpg')))); expect(testFiles, contains(matches(RegExp(r'.*\.png')))); expect(testFiles, contains(matches(RegExp(r'.*\.gif')))); expect(testFiles, contains(matches(RegExp(r'.*\.webp')))); expect(testFiles, contains(matches(RegExp(r'.*\.bmp')))); for (final String testFile in testFiles) { final HttpFetchResponse imageResponse = await httpFetch('/test_images/$testFile'); final Uint8List imageData = await imageResponse.asUint8List(); final ui.Codec codec = await skiaInstantiateImageCodec(imageData); expect(codec.frameCount, greaterThan(0)); expect(codec.repetitionCount, isNotNull); final ui.FrameInfo frame = await codec.getNextFrame(); final CkImage ckImage = frame.image as CkImage; final ByteData imageBytes = await ckImage.toByteData(); expect(imageBytes.lengthInBytes, greaterThan(0)); final Uint8List pixels = imageBytes.buffer.asUint8List(); final ui.Image testImage = await testDecodeFromPixels(pixels, ckImage.width, ckImage.height); expect(testImage, isNotNull); codec.dispose(); } // TODO(hterkelsen): Firefox and Safari do not currently support ImageDecoder. // TODO(jacksongardner): enable on wasm // see https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/118334 }, skip: isFirefox || isSafari || isWasm); test('CkImage.clone also clones the VideoFrame', () async { final CkBrowserImageDecoder image = await CkBrowserImageDecoder.create( data: kAnimatedGif, debugSource: 'test', ); final ui.FrameInfo frame = await image.getNextFrame(); final CkImage ckImage = frame.image as CkImage; expect(ckImage.videoFrame, isNotNull); final CkImage imageClone = ckImage.clone(); expect(imageClone.videoFrame, isNotNull); final ByteData png = await imageClone.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.png); expect(png, isNotNull); // The precise PNG encoding is browser-specific, but we can check the file // signature. expect(detectContentType(png.buffer.asUint8List()), 'image/png'); // TODO(hterkelsen): Firefox and Safari do not currently support ImageDecoder. }, skip: isFirefox || isSafari); test('skiaInstantiateWebImageCodec loads an image from the network', () async { mockHttpFetchResponseFactory = (String url) async { return MockHttpFetchResponse( url: url, status: 200, payload: MockHttpFetchPayload(byteBuffer: kTransparentImage.buffer), ); }; final ui.Codec codec = await skiaInstantiateWebImageCodec( 'http://image-server.com/picture.jpg', null); expect(codec.frameCount, 1); final ui.Image image = (await codec.getNextFrame()).image; expect(image.height, 1); expect(image.width, 1); }); test('instantiateImageCodec respects target image size', () async { const List<List<int>> targetSizes = <List<int>>[ <int>[1, 1], <int>[1, 2], <int>[2, 3], <int>[3, 4], <int>[4, 4], <int>[10, 20], ]; for (final List<int> targetSize in targetSizes) { final int targetWidth = targetSize[0]; final int targetHeight = targetSize[1]; final ui.Codec codec = await ui.instantiateImageCodec( k4x4PngImage, targetWidth: targetWidth, targetHeight: targetHeight, ); final ui.Image image = (await codec.getNextFrame()).image; expect(image.width, targetWidth); expect(image.height, targetHeight); image.dispose(); codec.dispose(); } }); test('instantiateImageCodec with multi-frame image does not support targetWidth/targetHeight', () async { final ui.Codec codec = await ui.instantiateImageCodec( kAnimatedGif, targetWidth: 2, targetHeight: 3, ); final ui.Image image = (await codec.getNextFrame()).image; expect( warnings, containsAllInOrder( <String>[ 'targetWidth and targetHeight for multi-frame images not supported', ], ), ); // expect the re-size did not happen, kAnimatedGif is [1x1] expect(image.width, 1); expect(image.height, 1); image.dispose(); codec.dispose(); }); test('skiaInstantiateWebImageCodec throws exception on request error', () async { mockHttpFetchResponseFactory = (String url) async { throw HttpFetchError(url, requestError: 'This is a test request error.'); }; try { await skiaInstantiateWebImageCodec('url-does-not-matter', null); fail('Expected to throw'); } on ImageCodecException catch (exception) { expect( exception.toString(), 'ImageCodecException: Failed to load network image.\n' 'Image URL: url-does-not-matter\n' 'Trying to load an image from another domain? Find answers at:\n' 'https://flutter.dev/docs/development/platform-integration/web-images', ); } }); test('skiaInstantiateWebImageCodec throws exception on HTTP error', () async { try { await skiaInstantiateWebImageCodec('/does-not-exist.jpg', null); fail('Expected to throw'); } on ImageCodecException catch (exception) { expect( exception.toString(), 'ImageCodecException: Failed to load network image.\n' 'Image URL: /does-not-exist.jpg\n' 'Server response code: 404', ); } }); test('skiaInstantiateWebImageCodec includes URL in the error for malformed image', () async { mockHttpFetchResponseFactory = (String url) async { return MockHttpFetchResponse( url: url, status: 200, payload: MockHttpFetchPayload(byteBuffer: Uint8List(0).buffer), ); }; try { await skiaInstantiateWebImageCodec('http://image-server.com/picture.jpg', null); fail('Expected to throw'); } on ImageCodecException catch (exception) { if (!browserSupportsImageDecoder) { expect( exception.toString(), 'ImageCodecException: Failed to decode image data.\n' 'Image source: http://image-server.com/picture.jpg', ); } else { expect( exception.toString(), 'ImageCodecException: Failed to detect image file format using the file header.\n' 'File header was empty.\n' 'Image source: http://image-server.com/picture.jpg', ); } } }); test('Reports error when failing to decode empty image data', () async { try { await ui.instantiateImageCodec(Uint8List(0)); fail('Expected to throw'); } on ImageCodecException catch (exception) { if (!browserSupportsImageDecoder) { expect( exception.toString(), 'ImageCodecException: Failed to decode image data.\n' 'Image source: encoded image bytes', ); } else { expect( exception.toString(), 'ImageCodecException: Failed to detect image file format using the file header.\n' 'File header was empty.\n' 'Image source: encoded image bytes', ); } } }); test('Reports error when failing to decode malformed image data', () async { try { await ui.instantiateImageCodec(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[ 0xFF, 0xD8, 0xFF, 0xDB, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ])); fail('Expected to throw'); } on ImageCodecException catch (exception) { if (!browserSupportsImageDecoder) { expect( exception.toString(), 'ImageCodecException: Failed to decode image data.\n' 'Image source: encoded image bytes' ); } else { expect( exception.toString(), // Browser error message is not checked as it can depend on the // browser engine and version. matches(RegExp( r"ImageCodecException: Failed to decode image using the browser's ImageDecoder API.\n" r'Image source: encoded image bytes\n' r'Original browser error: .+' )) ); } } }); test('Includes file header in the error message when fails to detect file type', () async { try { await ui.instantiateImageCodec(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[ 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x00, ])); fail('Expected to throw'); } on ImageCodecException catch (exception) { if (!browserSupportsImageDecoder) { expect( exception.toString(), 'ImageCodecException: Failed to decode image data.\n' 'Image source: encoded image bytes' ); } else { expect( exception.toString(), 'ImageCodecException: Failed to detect image file format using the file header.\n' 'File header was [0x01 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x00].\n' 'Image source: encoded image bytes' ); } } }); test('Provides readable error message when image type is unsupported', () async { addTearDown(() { debugContentTypeDetector = null; }); debugContentTypeDetector = (_) { return 'unsupported/image-type'; }; try { await ui.instantiateImageCodec(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[ 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x00, ])); fail('Expected to throw'); } on ImageCodecException catch (exception) { if (!browserSupportsImageDecoder) { expect( exception.toString(), 'ImageCodecException: Failed to decode image data.\n' 'Image source: encoded image bytes' ); } else { expect( exception.toString(), "ImageCodecException: Image file format (unsupported/image-type) is not supported by this browser's ImageDecoder API.\n" 'Image source: encoded image bytes' ); } } }); test('decodeImageFromPixels', () async { Future<ui.Image> testDecodeFromPixels(int width, int height) async { final Completer<ui.Image> completer = Completer<ui.Image>(); ui.decodeImageFromPixels( Uint8List.fromList(List<int>.filled(width * height * 4, 0)), width, height, ui.PixelFormat.rgba8888, (ui.Image image) { completer.complete(image); }, ); return completer.future; } final ui.Image image1 = await testDecodeFromPixels(10, 20); expect(image1, isNotNull); expect(image1.width, 10); expect(image1.height, 20); final ui.Image image2 = await testDecodeFromPixels(40, 100); expect(image2, isNotNull); expect(image2.width, 40); expect(image2.height, 100); }); test('decodeImageFromPixels respects target image size', () async { Future<ui.Image> testDecodeFromPixels(int width, int height, int targetWidth, int targetHeight) async { final Completer<ui.Image> completer = Completer<ui.Image>(); ui.decodeImageFromPixels( Uint8List.fromList(List<int>.filled(width * height * 4, 0)), width, height, ui.PixelFormat.rgba8888, (ui.Image image) { completer.complete(image); }, targetWidth: targetWidth, targetHeight: targetHeight, ); return completer.future; } const List<List<int>> targetSizes = <List<int>>[ <int>[1, 1], <int>[1, 2], <int>[2, 3], <int>[3, 4], <int>[4, 4], <int>[10, 20], ]; for (final List<int> targetSize in targetSizes) { final int targetWidth = targetSize[0]; final int targetHeight = targetSize[1]; final ui.Image image = await testDecodeFromPixels(10, 20, targetWidth, targetHeight); expect(image.width, targetWidth); expect(image.height, targetHeight); image.dispose(); } }); test('decodeImageFromPixels upscale when allowUpscaling is false', () async { Future<ui.Image> testDecodeFromPixels(int width, int height) async { final Completer<ui.Image> completer = Completer<ui.Image>(); ui.decodeImageFromPixels( Uint8List.fromList(List<int>.filled(width * height * 4, 0)), width, height, ui.PixelFormat.rgba8888, (ui.Image image) { completer.complete(image); }, targetWidth: 20, targetHeight: 30, allowUpscaling: false ); return completer.future; } expect(() async => testDecodeFromPixels(10, 20), throwsAssertionError); }); test('Decode test images', () async { final HttpFetchResponse listingResponse = await httpFetch('/test_images/'); final List<String> testFiles = (await listingResponse.json() as List<dynamic>).cast<String>(); // Sanity-check the test file list. If suddenly test files are moved or // deleted, and the test server returns an empty list, or is missing some // important test files, we want to know. expect(testFiles, isNotEmpty); expect(testFiles, contains(matches(RegExp(r'.*\.jpg')))); expect(testFiles, contains(matches(RegExp(r'.*\.png')))); expect(testFiles, contains(matches(RegExp(r'.*\.gif')))); expect(testFiles, contains(matches(RegExp(r'.*\.webp')))); expect(testFiles, contains(matches(RegExp(r'.*\.bmp')))); for (final String testFile in testFiles) { final HttpFetchResponse imageResponse = await httpFetch('/test_images/$testFile'); final Uint8List imageData = await imageResponse.asUint8List(); final ui.Codec codec = await skiaInstantiateImageCodec(imageData); expect(codec.frameCount, greaterThan(0)); expect(codec.repetitionCount, isNotNull); for (int i = 0; i < codec.frameCount; i++) { final ui.FrameInfo frame = await codec.getNextFrame(); expect(frame.duration, isNotNull); expect(frame.image, isNotNull); } codec.dispose(); } }); // Reproduces https://skbug.com/12721 test('decoded image can be read back from picture', () async { final HttpFetchResponse imageResponse = await httpFetch('/test_images/mandrill_128.png'); final Uint8List imageData = await imageResponse.asUint8List(); final ui.Codec codec = await skiaInstantiateImageCodec(imageData); final ui.FrameInfo frame = await codec.getNextFrame(); final CkImage image = frame.image as CkImage; final CkImage snapshot; { final LayerSceneBuilder sb = LayerSceneBuilder(); sb.pushOffset(10, 10); final CkPictureRecorder recorder = CkPictureRecorder(); final CkCanvas canvas = recorder.beginRecording(ui.Rect.largest); canvas.drawRect( const ui.Rect.fromLTRB(5, 5, 20, 20), CkPaint(), ); canvas.drawImage(image, ui.Offset.zero, CkPaint()); canvas.drawRect( const ui.Rect.fromLTRB(90, 90, 105, 105), CkPaint(), ); sb.addPicture(ui.Offset.zero, recorder.endRecording()); sb.pop(); snapshot = await sb.build().toImage(150, 150) as CkImage; } { final LayerSceneBuilder sb = LayerSceneBuilder(); final CkPictureRecorder recorder = CkPictureRecorder(); final CkCanvas canvas = recorder.beginRecording(ui.Rect.largest); canvas.drawImage(snapshot, ui.Offset.zero, CkPaint()); sb.addPicture(ui.Offset.zero, recorder.endRecording()); await matchSceneGolden( 'canvaskit_read_back_decoded_image_$mode.png', sb.build(), region: const ui.Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 150, 150)); } image.dispose(); codec.dispose(); }); // This is a regression test for the issues with transferring textures from // one GL context to another, such as: // // * https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/86809 // * https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/91881 test('the same image can be rendered on difference surfaces', () async { ui_web.platformViewRegistry.registerViewFactory( 'test-platform-view', (int viewId) => createDomHTMLDivElement()..id = 'view-0', ); await createPlatformView(0, 'test-platform-view'); final ui.Codec codec = await ui.instantiateImageCodec(k4x4PngImage); final CkImage image = (await codec.getNextFrame()).image as CkImage; final LayerSceneBuilder sb = LayerSceneBuilder(); sb.pushOffset(4, 4); { final CkPictureRecorder recorder = CkPictureRecorder(); final CkCanvas canvas = recorder.beginRecording(ui.Rect.largest); canvas.save(); canvas.scale(16, 16); canvas.drawImage(image, ui.Offset.zero, CkPaint()); canvas.restore(); canvas.drawParagraph(makeSimpleText('1'), const ui.Offset(4, 4)); sb.addPicture(ui.Offset.zero, recorder.endRecording()); } sb.addPlatformView(0, width: 100, height: 100); sb.pushOffset(20, 20); { final CkPictureRecorder recorder = CkPictureRecorder(); final CkCanvas canvas = recorder.beginRecording(ui.Rect.largest); canvas.save(); canvas.scale(16, 16); canvas.drawImage(image, ui.Offset.zero, CkPaint()); canvas.restore(); canvas.drawParagraph(makeSimpleText('2'), const ui.Offset(2, 2)); sb.addPicture(ui.Offset.zero, recorder.endRecording()); } await matchSceneGolden( 'canvaskit_cross_gl_context_image_$mode.png', sb.build(), region: const ui.Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 100, 100)); await disposePlatformView(0); }); test('toImageSync with texture-backed image', () async { final HttpFetchResponse imageResponse = await httpFetch('/test_images/mandrill_128.png'); final Uint8List imageData = await imageResponse.asUint8List(); final ui.Codec codec = await skiaInstantiateImageCodec(imageData); final ui.FrameInfo frame = await codec.getNextFrame(); final CkImage mandrill = frame.image as CkImage; final ui.PictureRecorder recorder = ui.PictureRecorder(); final ui.Canvas canvas = ui.Canvas(recorder); canvas.drawImageRect( mandrill, const ui.Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 128, 128), const ui.Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 128, 128), ui.Paint(), ); final ui.Picture picture = recorder.endRecording(); final ui.Image image = picture.toImageSync(50, 50); expect(image.width, 50); expect(image.height, 50); final ByteData? data = await image.toByteData(); expect(data, isNotNull); expect(data!.lengthInBytes, 50 * 50 * 4); expect(data.buffer.asUint32List().any((int byte) => byte != 0), isTrue); final LayerSceneBuilder sb = LayerSceneBuilder(); sb.pushOffset(0, 0); { final CkPictureRecorder recorder = CkPictureRecorder(); final CkCanvas canvas = recorder.beginRecording(ui.Rect.largest); canvas.save(); canvas.drawImage(image as CkImage, ui.Offset.zero, CkPaint()); canvas.restore(); sb.addPicture(ui.Offset.zero, recorder.endRecording()); } await matchSceneGolden( 'canvaskit_picture_texture_toimage.png', sb.build(), region: const ui.Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 128, 128)); mandrill.dispose(); codec.dispose(); }); test('decoded image can be read back from picture', () async { final HttpFetchResponse imageResponse = await httpFetch('/test_images/mandrill_128.png'); final Uint8List imageData = await imageResponse.asUint8List(); final ui.Codec codec = await skiaInstantiateImageCodec(imageData); final ui.FrameInfo frame = await codec.getNextFrame(); final CkImage image = frame.image as CkImage; final CkImage snapshot; { final LayerSceneBuilder sb = LayerSceneBuilder(); sb.pushOffset(10, 10); final CkPictureRecorder recorder = CkPictureRecorder(); final CkCanvas canvas = recorder.beginRecording(ui.Rect.largest); canvas.drawRect( const ui.Rect.fromLTRB(5, 5, 20, 20), CkPaint(), ); canvas.drawImage(image, ui.Offset.zero, CkPaint()); canvas.drawRect( const ui.Rect.fromLTRB(90, 90, 105, 105), CkPaint(), ); sb.addPicture(ui.Offset.zero, recorder.endRecording()); sb.pop(); snapshot = await sb.build().toImage(150, 150) as CkImage; } { final LayerSceneBuilder sb = LayerSceneBuilder(); final CkPictureRecorder recorder = CkPictureRecorder(); final CkCanvas canvas = recorder.beginRecording(ui.Rect.largest); canvas.drawImage(snapshot, ui.Offset.zero, CkPaint()); sb.addPicture(ui.Offset.zero, recorder.endRecording()); await matchSceneGolden( 'canvaskit_read_back_decoded_image_$mode.png', sb.build(), region: const ui.Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 150, 150)); } image.dispose(); codec.dispose(); }); test('can detect JPEG from just magic number', () async { expect( detectContentType( Uint8List.fromList(<int>[0xff, 0xd8, 0xff, 0xe2, 0x0c, 0x58, 0x49, 0x43, 0x43, 0x5f])), 'image/jpeg'); }); }, timeout: const Timeout.factor(10)); // These tests can take a while. Allow for a longer timeout. } /// Tests specific to WASM codecs bundled with CanvasKit. void _testCkAnimatedImage() { test('ImageDecoder toByteData(PNG)', () async { final CkAnimatedImage image = CkAnimatedImage.decodeFromBytes(kAnimatedGif, 'test'); final ui.FrameInfo frame = await image.getNextFrame(); final ByteData? png = await frame.image.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.png); expect(png, isNotNull); // The precise PNG encoding is browser-specific, but we can check the file // signature. expect(detectContentType(png!.buffer.asUint8List()), 'image/png'); }); test('CkAnimatedImage toByteData(RGBA)', () async { final CkAnimatedImage image = CkAnimatedImage.decodeFromBytes(kAnimatedGif, 'test'); const List<List<int>> expectedColors = <List<int>>[ <int>[255, 0, 0, 255], <int>[0, 255, 0, 255], <int>[0, 0, 255, 255], ]; for (int i = 0; i < image.frameCount; i++) { final ui.FrameInfo frame = await image.getNextFrame(); final ByteData? rgba = await frame.image.toByteData(); expect(rgba, isNotNull); expect(rgba!.buffer.asUint8List(), expectedColors[i]); } }); } /// Tests specific to browser image codecs based functionality. void _testCkBrowserImageDecoder() { assert(browserSupportsImageDecoder); test('ImageDecoder toByteData(PNG)', () async { final CkBrowserImageDecoder image = await CkBrowserImageDecoder.create( data: kAnimatedGif, debugSource: 'test', ); final ui.FrameInfo frame = await image.getNextFrame(); final ByteData? png = await frame.image.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.png); expect(png, isNotNull); // The precise PNG encoding is browser-specific, but we can check the file // signature. expect(detectContentType(png!.buffer.asUint8List()), 'image/png'); }); test('ImageDecoder toByteData(RGBA)', () async { final CkBrowserImageDecoder image = await CkBrowserImageDecoder.create( data: kAnimatedGif, debugSource: 'test', ); const List<List<int>> expectedColors = <List<int>>[ <int>[255, 0, 0, 255], <int>[0, 255, 0, 255], <int>[0, 0, 255, 255], ]; for (int i = 0; i < image.frameCount; i++) { final ui.FrameInfo frame = await image.getNextFrame(); final ByteData? rgba = await frame.image.toByteData(); expect(rgba, isNotNull); expect(rgba!.buffer.asUint8List(), expectedColors[i]); } }); test('ImageDecoder expires after inactivity', () async { const Duration testExpireDuration = Duration(milliseconds: 100); debugOverrideWebDecoderExpireDuration(testExpireDuration); final CkBrowserImageDecoder image = await CkBrowserImageDecoder.create( data: kAnimatedGif, debugSource: 'test', ); // ImageDecoder is initialized eagerly to populate `frameCount` and // `repetitionCount`. final ImageDecoder? decoder1 = image.debugCachedWebDecoder; expect(decoder1, isNotNull); expect(image.frameCount, 3); expect(image.repetitionCount, -1); // A frame can be decoded right away. final ui.FrameInfo frame1 = await image.getNextFrame(); await expectFrameData(frame1, <int>[255, 0, 0, 255]); expect(frame1, isNotNull); // The cached decoder should not yet expire. await Future<void>.delayed(testExpireDuration ~/ 2); expect(image.debugCachedWebDecoder, same(decoder1)); // Now it expires. await Future<void>.delayed(testExpireDuration); expect(image.debugCachedWebDecoder, isNull); // A new decoder should be created upon the next frame request. final ui.FrameInfo frame2 = await image.getNextFrame(); // Check that the cached decoder is indeed new. final ImageDecoder? decoder2 = image.debugCachedWebDecoder; expect(decoder2, isNot(same(decoder1))); await expectFrameData(frame2, <int>[0, 255, 0, 255]); // Check that the new decoder remembers the last frame index. final ui.FrameInfo frame3 = await image.getNextFrame(); await expectFrameData(frame3, <int>[0, 0, 255, 255]); debugRestoreWebDecoderExpireDuration(); }); } Future<void> expectFrameData(ui.FrameInfo frame, List<int> data) async { final ByteData frameData = (await frame.image.toByteData())!; expect(frameData.buffer.asUint8List(), Uint8List.fromList(data)); }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/test/canvaskit/image_golden_test.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 13897 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui; import '../common/test_initialization.dart'; void main() { internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain); } void testMain() { group('$LayerScene', () { setUpAll(() async { await bootstrapAndRunApp(); }); test('toImage returns an image', () async { final ui.PictureRecorder recorder = ui.PictureRecorder(); expect(recorder, isA<CkPictureRecorder>()); final ui.Canvas canvas = ui.Canvas(recorder); expect(canvas, isA<CanvasKitCanvas>()); final ui.Paint paint = ui.Paint(); expect(paint, isA<CkPaint>()); paint.color = const ui.Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 0, 0); // Draw a red circle. canvas.drawCircle(const ui.Offset(20, 20), 10, paint); final ui.Picture picture = recorder.endRecording(); expect(picture, isA<CkPicture>()); final ui.SceneBuilder builder = ui.SceneBuilder(); expect(builder, isA<LayerSceneBuilder>()); builder.pushOffset(0, 0); builder.addPicture(ui.Offset.zero, picture); final ui.Scene scene = builder.build(); final ui.Image sceneImage = await scene.toImage(100, 100); expect(sceneImage, isA<CkImage>()); }); test('pushColorFilter does not throw', () async { final ui.SceneBuilder builder = ui.SceneBuilder(); expect(builder, isA<LayerSceneBuilder>()); builder.pushOffset(0, 0); builder.pushColorFilter(const ui.ColorFilter.srgbToLinearGamma()); final ui.Scene scene = builder.build(); expect(scene, isNotNull); }); }); }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/test/canvaskit/scene_test.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 701 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart' as engine; import 'package:ui/src/engine/initialization.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui; import 'package:ui/ui_web/src/ui_web.dart' as ui_web; import 'fake_asset_manager.dart'; import 'rendering.dart'; void setUpUnitTests({ bool withImplicitView = false, bool emulateTesterEnvironment = true, bool setUpTestViewDimensions = true, }) { late final FakeAssetScope debugFontsScope; setUpAll(() async { if (emulateTesterEnvironment) { ui_web.debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment = true; } debugFontsScope = configureDebugFontsAssetScope(fakeAssetManager); debugOnlyAssetManager = fakeAssetManager; await bootstrapAndRunApp(withImplicitView: withImplicitView); engine.renderer.fontCollection.fontFallbackManager?.downloadQueue.fallbackFontUrlPrefixOverride = 'assets/fallback_fonts/'; if (setUpTestViewDimensions) { // The following parameters are hard-coded in Flutter's test embedder. Since // we don't have an embedder yet this is the lowest-most layer we can put // this stuff in. const double devicePixelRatio = 3.0; engine.EngineFlutterDisplay.instance.debugOverrideDevicePixelRatio(devicePixelRatio); engine.EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance.implicitView?.debugPhysicalSizeOverride = const ui.Size(800 * devicePixelRatio, 600 * devicePixelRatio); engine.scheduleFrameCallback = () {}; } setUpRenderingForTests(); }); tearDownAll(() async { fakeAssetManager.popAssetScope(debugFontsScope); }); } Future<void> bootstrapAndRunApp({bool withImplicitView = false}) async { final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>(); await ui_web.bootstrapEngine(runApp: () => completer.complete()); await completer.future; if (!withImplicitView) { _disableImplicitView(); } } void _disableImplicitView() { // TODO(mdebbar): Instead of disabling the implicit view, we should be able to // initialize tests without an implicit view to begin with. // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/138906 final engine.EngineFlutterWindow? implicitView = engine.EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance.implicitView; if (implicitView != null) { engine.EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance.viewManager.disposeAndUnregisterView(implicitView.viewId); } }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/test/common/test_initialization.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 867 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart'; // The biggest integer value that can be represented in JavaScript is 1 << 53. // However, the 1 << 53 expression cannot be used in JavaScript because that // would apply the bitwise shift to a "number" (i.e. float64), which is // meaningless. Instead, a decimal literal is used here. const int _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt = 9007199254740992; void main() { internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain); } // Ignoring the deprecated member use because we're specifically testing // deprecated API. // ignore: deprecated_member_use void testMain() { test('hashValues and hashList can hash lots of huge values effectively', () { final int hashValueFromArgs = hashValues( _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, ); // Hash the same values via a list final int hashValueFromList = hashList(<int>[ _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, ]); // Hash a slightly smaller number to verify that the hash code is different. final int slightlyDifferentHashValueFromArgs = hashValues( _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt - 1, ); final int slightlyDifferentHashValueFromList = hashList(<int>[ _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt, _kBiggestExactJavaScriptInt - 1, ]); expect(hashValueFromArgs, equals(hashValueFromList)); expect(slightlyDifferentHashValueFromArgs, equals(slightlyDifferentHashValueFromList)); expect(hashValueFromArgs, isNot(equals(slightlyDifferentHashValueFromArgs))); }); }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/test/engine/hash_codes_test.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1803 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui; import 'package:ui/ui_web/src/ui_web.dart' as ui_web; void main() { internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain); } void testMain() { const MethodCodec codec = JSONMethodCodec(); void sendSetSystemUIOverlayStyle({ui.Color? statusBarColor}) { ui.PlatformDispatcher.instance.sendPlatformMessage( 'flutter/platform', codec.encodeMethodCall(MethodCall( 'SystemChrome.setSystemUIOverlayStyle', <String, dynamic>{ 'statusBarColor': statusBarColor?.value, }, )), null, ); } String? getCssThemeColor() { final DomHTMLMetaElement? theme = domDocument.querySelector('#flutterweb-theme') as DomHTMLMetaElement?; return theme?.content; } group('SystemUIOverlayStyle', () { test('theme color is set / removed by platform message', () { // Run the unit test without emulating Flutter tester environment. ui_web.debugEmulateFlutterTesterEnvironment = false; expect(getCssThemeColor(), null); const ui.Color statusBarColor = ui.Color(0xFFF44336); sendSetSystemUIOverlayStyle(statusBarColor: statusBarColor); expect(getCssThemeColor(), statusBarColor.toCssString()); sendSetSystemUIOverlayStyle(); expect(getCssThemeColor(), null); }); }); }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/test/engine/platform_dispatcher/system_ui_overlay_style_test.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 586 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart'; import '../../common/test_initialization.dart'; import 'semantics_tester.dart'; EngineSemantics semantics() => EngineSemantics.instance; EngineSemanticsOwner owner() => EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance.implicitView!.semantics; void main() { internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() { return testMain; }); } Future<void> testMain() async { await bootstrapAndRunApp(withImplicitView: true); test('EngineSemanticsOwner auto-enables semantics on update', () async { expect(semantics().semanticsEnabled, isFalse); expect( EnginePlatformDispatcher .instance.accessibilityFeatures.accessibleNavigation, isFalse); final DomElement placeholder = domDocument.querySelector('flt-semantics-placeholder')!; expect(placeholder.isConnected, isTrue); // Sending a semantics update should auto-enable engine semantics. final SemanticsTester tester = SemanticsTester(owner()); tester.updateNode(id: 0); tester.apply(); expect(semantics().semanticsEnabled, isTrue); expect( EnginePlatformDispatcher.instance.accessibilityFeatures.accessibleNavigation, isTrue, ); // The placeholder should be removed expect(placeholder.isConnected, isFalse); }); }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/test/engine/semantics/semantics_auto_enable_test.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 493 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart'; import '../../common/test_initialization.dart'; void main() { internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain); } void testMain() { group('Surface', () { setUpAll(() async { await bootstrapAndRunApp(withImplicitView: true); }); setUp(() { SurfaceSceneBuilder.debugForgetFrameScene(); }); test('debugAssertSurfaceState produces a human-readable message', () { final SceneBuilder builder = SceneBuilder(); final PersistedOpacity opacityLayer = builder.pushOpacity(100) as PersistedOpacity; try { debugAssertSurfaceState(opacityLayer, PersistedSurfaceState.active, PersistedSurfaceState.pendingRetention); fail('Expected $PersistedSurfaceException'); } on PersistedSurfaceException catch (exception) { expect( '$exception', 'PersistedOpacity: is in an unexpected state.\n' 'Expected one of: PersistedSurfaceState.active, PersistedSurfaceState.pendingRetention\n' 'But was: PersistedSurfaceState.created', ); } }); test('is created', () { final SceneBuilder builder = SceneBuilder(); final PersistedOpacity opacityLayer = builder.pushOpacity(100) as PersistedOpacity; builder.pop(); expect(opacityLayer, isNotNull); expect(opacityLayer.rootElement, isNull); expect(opacityLayer.isCreated, isTrue); builder.build(); expect(opacityLayer.rootElement!.tagName.toLowerCase(), 'flt-opacity'); expect(opacityLayer.isActive, isTrue); }); test('is released', () { final SceneBuilder builder1 = SceneBuilder(); final PersistedOpacity opacityLayer = builder1.pushOpacity(100) as PersistedOpacity; builder1.pop(); builder1.build(); expect(opacityLayer.isActive, isTrue); SceneBuilder().build(); expect(opacityLayer.isReleased, isTrue); expect(opacityLayer.rootElement, isNull); }); test('discarding is recursive', () { final SceneBuilder builder1 = SceneBuilder(); final PersistedOpacity opacityLayer = builder1.pushOpacity(100) as PersistedOpacity; final PersistedTransform transformLayer = builder1.pushTransform(Matrix4.identity().toFloat64()) as PersistedTransform; builder1.pop(); builder1.pop(); builder1.build(); expect(opacityLayer.isActive, isTrue); expect(transformLayer.isActive, isTrue); SceneBuilder().build(); expect(opacityLayer.isReleased, isTrue); expect(transformLayer.isReleased, isTrue); expect(opacityLayer.rootElement, isNull); expect(transformLayer.rootElement, isNull); }); test('is updated', () { final SceneBuilder builder1 = SceneBuilder(); final PersistedOpacity opacityLayer1 = builder1.pushOpacity(100) as PersistedOpacity; builder1.pop(); builder1.build(); expect(opacityLayer1.isActive, isTrue); final DomElement element = opacityLayer1.rootElement!; final SceneBuilder builder2 = SceneBuilder(); final PersistedOpacity opacityLayer2 = builder2.pushOpacity(200, oldLayer: opacityLayer1) as PersistedOpacity; expect(opacityLayer1.isPendingUpdate, isTrue); expect(opacityLayer2.isCreated, isTrue); expect(opacityLayer2.oldLayer, same(opacityLayer1)); builder2.pop(); builder2.build(); expect(opacityLayer1.isReleased, isTrue); expect(opacityLayer1.rootElement, isNull); expect(opacityLayer2.isActive, isTrue); expect( opacityLayer2.rootElement, element); // adopts old surface's element expect(opacityLayer2.oldLayer, isNull); }); test('ignores released surface when updated', () { // Build a surface final SceneBuilder builder1 = SceneBuilder(); final PersistedOpacity opacityLayer1 = builder1.pushOpacity(100) as PersistedOpacity; builder1.pop(); builder1.build(); expect(opacityLayer1.isActive, isTrue); final DomElement element = opacityLayer1.rootElement!; // Release it SceneBuilder().build(); expect(opacityLayer1.isReleased, isTrue); expect(opacityLayer1.rootElement, isNull); // Attempt to update it final SceneBuilder builder2 = SceneBuilder(); final PersistedOpacity opacityLayer2 = builder2.pushOpacity(200, oldLayer: opacityLayer1) as PersistedOpacity; builder2.pop(); expect(opacityLayer1.isReleased, isTrue); expect(opacityLayer2.isCreated, isTrue); builder2.build(); expect(opacityLayer1.isReleased, isTrue); expect(opacityLayer2.isActive, isTrue); expect(opacityLayer2.rootElement, isNot(equals(element))); }); // This test creates a situation when an intermediate layer disappears, // causing its child to become a direct child of the common ancestor. This // often happens with opacity layers. When opacity reaches 1.0, the // framework removes that layer (as it is no longer necessary). This test // makes sure we reuse the child layer's DOM nodes. Here's the illustration // of what's happening: // // Frame 1 Frame 2 // // A A // | | // B ┌──>C // | │ | // C ────┘ L // | // L // // Layer "L" is a logging layer used to track what would happen to the // child of "C" as it's being dragged around the tree. For example, we // check that the child doesn't get discarded by mistake. test('reparents DOM element when updated', () { final _LoggingTestSurface logger = _LoggingTestSurface(); final SurfaceSceneBuilder builder1 = SurfaceSceneBuilder(); final PersistedTransform a1 = builder1.pushTransform( (Matrix4.identity()..scale(EngineFlutterDisplay.instance.browserDevicePixelRatio)).toFloat64()) as PersistedTransform; final PersistedOpacity b1 = builder1.pushOpacity(100) as PersistedOpacity; final PersistedTransform c1 = builder1.pushTransform(Matrix4.identity().toFloat64()) as PersistedTransform; builder1.debugAddSurface(logger); builder1.pop(); builder1.pop(); builder1.pop(); builder1.build(); expect(logger.log, <String>['build', 'createElement', 'apply']); final DomElement elementA = a1.rootElement!; final DomElement elementB = b1.rootElement!; final DomElement elementC = c1.rootElement!; expect(elementC.parent, elementB); expect(elementB.parent, elementA); final SurfaceSceneBuilder builder2 = SurfaceSceneBuilder(); final PersistedTransform a2 = builder2.pushTransform( (Matrix4.identity()..scale(EngineFlutterDisplay.instance.browserDevicePixelRatio)).toFloat64(), oldLayer: a1) as PersistedTransform; final PersistedTransform c2 = builder2.pushTransform(Matrix4.identity().toFloat64(), oldLayer: c1) as PersistedTransform; builder2.addRetained(logger); builder2.pop(); builder2.pop(); expect(c1.isPendingUpdate, isTrue); expect(c2.isCreated, isTrue); builder2.build(); expect(logger.log, <String>['build', 'createElement', 'apply', 'retain']); expect(c1.isReleased, isTrue); expect(c2.isActive, isTrue); expect(a2.rootElement, elementA); expect(b1.rootElement, isNull); expect(c2.rootElement, elementC); expect(elementC.parent, elementA); expect(elementB.parent, null); }, // This method failed on iOS Safari. // TODO(ferhat): https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/60036 skip: browserEngine == BrowserEngine.webkit && operatingSystem == OperatingSystem.iOs); test('is retained', () { final SceneBuilder builder1 = SceneBuilder(); final PersistedOpacity opacityLayer = builder1.pushOpacity(100) as PersistedOpacity; builder1.pop(); builder1.build(); expect(opacityLayer.isActive, isTrue); final DomElement element = opacityLayer.rootElement!; final SceneBuilder builder2 = SceneBuilder(); expect(opacityLayer.isActive, isTrue); builder2.addRetained(opacityLayer); expect(opacityLayer.isPendingRetention, isTrue); builder2.build(); expect(opacityLayer.isActive, isTrue); expect(opacityLayer.rootElement, element); }); test('revives released surface when retained', () { final SurfaceSceneBuilder builder1 = SurfaceSceneBuilder(); final PersistedOpacity opacityLayer = builder1.pushOpacity(100) as PersistedOpacity; final _LoggingTestSurface logger = _LoggingTestSurface(); builder1.debugAddSurface(logger); builder1.pop(); builder1.build(); expect(opacityLayer.isActive, isTrue); expect(logger.log, <String>['build', 'createElement', 'apply']); final DomElement element = opacityLayer.rootElement!; SceneBuilder().build(); expect(opacityLayer.isReleased, isTrue); expect(opacityLayer.rootElement, isNull); expect(logger.log, <String>['build', 'createElement', 'apply', 'discard']); final SceneBuilder builder2 = SceneBuilder(); builder2.addRetained(opacityLayer); expect(opacityLayer.isCreated, isTrue); // revived expect(logger.log, <String>['build', 'createElement', 'apply', 'discard', 'revive']); builder2.build(); expect(opacityLayer.isActive, isTrue); expect(opacityLayer.rootElement, isNot(equals(element))); }); test('reviving is recursive', () { final SceneBuilder builder1 = SceneBuilder(); final PersistedOpacity opacityLayer = builder1.pushOpacity(100) as PersistedOpacity; final PersistedTransform transformLayer = builder1.pushTransform(Matrix4.identity().toFloat64()) as PersistedTransform; builder1.pop(); builder1.pop(); builder1.build(); expect(opacityLayer.isActive, isTrue); expect(transformLayer.isActive, isTrue); final DomElement opacityElement = opacityLayer.rootElement!; final DomElement transformElement = transformLayer.rootElement!; SceneBuilder().build(); final SceneBuilder builder2 = SceneBuilder(); builder2.addRetained(opacityLayer); expect(opacityLayer.isCreated, isTrue); // revived expect(transformLayer.isCreated, isTrue); // revived builder2.build(); expect(opacityLayer.isActive, isTrue); expect(transformLayer.isActive, isTrue); expect(opacityLayer.rootElement, isNot(equals(opacityElement))); expect(transformLayer.rootElement, isNot(equals(transformElement))); }); // This test creates a situation when a retained layer is moved to another // parent. We want to make sure that we move the retained layer's elements // without rebuilding from scratch. No new elements are created in this // situation. // // Here's an illustrated example where layer C is reparented onto B along // with D: // // Frame 1 Frame 2 // // A A // ╱ ╲ | // B C ──┐ B // | │ | // D └──>C // | // D test('reparents DOM elements when retained', () { final SceneBuilder builder1 = SceneBuilder(); final PersistedOpacity a1 = builder1.pushOpacity(10) as PersistedOpacity; final PersistedOpacity b1 = builder1.pushOpacity(20) as PersistedOpacity; builder1.pop(); final PersistedOpacity c1 = builder1.pushOpacity(30) as PersistedOpacity; final PersistedOpacity d1 = builder1.pushOpacity(40) as PersistedOpacity; builder1.pop(); builder1.pop(); builder1.pop(); builder1.build(); final DomElement elementA = a1.rootElement!; final DomElement elementB = b1.rootElement!; final DomElement elementC = c1.rootElement!; final DomElement elementD = d1.rootElement!; expect(elementB.parent, elementA); expect(elementC.parent, elementA); expect(elementD.parent, elementC); final SceneBuilder builder2 = SceneBuilder(); final PersistedOpacity a2 = builder2.pushOpacity(10, oldLayer: a1) as PersistedOpacity; final PersistedOpacity b2 = builder2.pushOpacity(20, oldLayer: b1) as PersistedOpacity; builder2.addRetained(c1); builder2.pop(); builder2.pop(); builder2.build(); expect(a2.rootElement, elementA); expect(b2.rootElement, elementB); expect(c1.rootElement, elementC); expect(d1.rootElement, elementD); expect( <DomElement>[ elementD.parent!, elementC.parent!, elementB.parent!, ], <DomElement>[elementC, elementB, elementA], ); }); test('is updated by matching', () { final SceneBuilder builder1 = SceneBuilder(); final PersistedOpacity opacityLayer1 = builder1.pushOpacity(100) as PersistedOpacity; builder1.pop(); builder1.build(); expect(opacityLayer1.isActive, isTrue); final DomElement element = opacityLayer1.rootElement!; final SceneBuilder builder2 = SceneBuilder(); final PersistedOpacity opacityLayer2 = builder2.pushOpacity(200) as PersistedOpacity; expect(opacityLayer1.isActive, isTrue); expect(opacityLayer2.isCreated, isTrue); builder2.pop(); builder2.build(); expect(opacityLayer1.isReleased, isTrue); expect(opacityLayer1.rootElement, isNull); expect(opacityLayer2.isActive, isTrue); expect( opacityLayer2.rootElement, element); // adopts old surface's element }); }); final Map<String, TestEngineLayerFactory> layerFactories = <String, TestEngineLayerFactory>{ 'ColorFilterEngineLayer': (SurfaceSceneBuilder builder) => builder.pushColorFilter(const ColorFilter.mode( Color(0xFFFF0000), BlendMode.srcIn, )), 'OffsetEngineLayer': (SurfaceSceneBuilder builder) => builder.pushOffset(1, 2), 'TransformEngineLayer': (SurfaceSceneBuilder builder) => builder.pushTransform(Matrix4.identity().toFloat64()), 'ClipRectEngineLayer': (SurfaceSceneBuilder builder) => builder.pushClipRect(const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 10, 10)), 'ClipRRectEngineLayer': (SurfaceSceneBuilder builder) => builder.pushClipRRect(RRect.fromRectXY(const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 10, 10), 1, 2)), 'ClipPathEngineLayer': (SurfaceSceneBuilder builder) => builder.pushClipPath(Path()..addRect(const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 10, 10))), 'OpacityEngineLayer': (SurfaceSceneBuilder builder) => builder.pushOpacity(100), 'ImageFilterEngineLayer': (SurfaceSceneBuilder builder) => builder.pushImageFilter(ImageFilter.blur(sigmaX: 0.1, sigmaY: 0.2)), 'BackdropEngineLayer': (SurfaceSceneBuilder builder) => builder.pushBackdropFilter(ImageFilter.blur(sigmaX: 0.1, sigmaY: 0.2)), // Firefox does not support WebGL in headless mode. if (!isFirefox) 'ShaderMaskEngineLayer': (SurfaceSceneBuilder builder) { const List<Color> colors = <Color>[Color(0xFF000000), Color(0xFFFF3C38)]; const List<double> stops = <double>[0.0, 1.0]; const Rect shaderBounds = Rect.fromLTWH(180, 10, 140, 140); final EngineGradient shader = GradientLinear( Offset(200 - shaderBounds.left, 30 - shaderBounds.top), Offset(320 - shaderBounds.left, 150 - shaderBounds.top), colors, stops, TileMode.clamp, Matrix4.identity().storage, ); return builder.pushShaderMask(shader, shaderBounds, BlendMode.srcOver); }, }; // Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/104305 for (final MapEntry<String, TestEngineLayerFactory> layerFactory in layerFactories.entries) { test('${layerFactory.key} supports addRetained after being discarded', () async { final SurfaceSceneBuilder builder = SurfaceSceneBuilder(); builder.pushOffset(0, 0); final PersistedSurface oldLayer = layerFactory.value(builder) as PersistedSurface; builder.pop(); builder.pop(); builder.build(); expect(oldLayer.isActive, isTrue); // Pump an empty frame so the `oldLayer` is discarded before it's reused. final SurfaceSceneBuilder builder2 = SurfaceSceneBuilder(); builder2.build(); expect(oldLayer.isReleased, isTrue); // At this point the `oldLayer` needs to be revived. final SurfaceSceneBuilder builder3 = SurfaceSceneBuilder(); builder3.addRetained(oldLayer); builder3.build(); expect(oldLayer.isActive, isTrue); }); } } typedef TestEngineLayerFactory = EngineLayer Function(SurfaceSceneBuilder builder); class _LoggingTestSurface extends PersistedContainerSurface { _LoggingTestSurface() : super(null); final List<String> log = <String>[]; @override void build() { log.add('build'); super.build(); } @override void apply() { log.add('apply'); } @override DomElement createElement() { log.add('createElement'); return createDomElement('flt-test-layer'); } @override void update(_LoggingTestSurface oldSurface) { log.add('update'); super.update(oldSurface); } @override void adoptElements(covariant PersistedSurface oldSurface) { log.add('adoptElements'); super.adoptElements(oldSurface); } @override void retain() { log.add('retain'); super.retain(); } @override void discard() { log.add('discard'); super.discard(); } @override void revive() { log.add('revive'); super.revive(); } @override double matchForUpdate(PersistedSurface? existingSurface) { return 1.0; } }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/test/engine/surface/surface_test.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 6664 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. @TestOn('browser') library; import 'dart:js_interop'; import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:ui/src/engine/dom.dart'; import 'package:ui/src/engine/view_embedder/hot_restart_cache_handler.dart'; @JS('window.__flutterState') external JSArray<JSAny?>? get _jsHotRestartStore; @JS('window.__flutterState') external set _jsHotRestartStore(JSArray<JSAny?>? nodes); void main() { internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => doTests); } void doTests() { tearDown(() { _jsHotRestartStore = null; }); group('registerElementForCleanup', () { test('stores elements in a global cache', () async { final DomElement toBeCached = createDomElement('some-element-to-cache'); final DomElement other = createDomElement('other-element-to-cache'); final DomElement another = createDomElement('another-element-to-cache'); registerElementForCleanup(toBeCached); registerElementForCleanup(other); registerElementForCleanup(another); expect(_jsHotRestartStore!.toDart, <DomElement>[ toBeCached, other, another, ]); }); }); group('HotRestartCacheHandler Constructor', () { test('Creates a cache in the JS environment', () async { HotRestartCacheHandler(); expect(_jsHotRestartStore, isNotNull); // For dart2wasm, we have to check the length this way. expect(_jsHotRestartStore!.length, 0.toJS); }); }); group('HotRestartCacheHandler.registerElement', () { late HotRestartCacheHandler cache; setUp(() { cache = HotRestartCacheHandler(); }); test('Registers an element in the DOM cache', () async { final DomElement element = createDomElement('for-test'); cache.registerElement(element); expect(_jsHotRestartStore!.toDart, <DomElement>[element]); }); test('Registers elements in the DOM cache', () async { final DomElement element = createDomElement('for-test'); domDocument.body!.append(element); cache.registerElement(element); expect(_jsHotRestartStore!.toDart, <DomElement>[element]); }); test('Clears registered elements from the DOM and the cache upon restart', () async { final DomElement element = createDomElement('for-test'); final DomElement element2 = createDomElement('for-test-two'); domDocument.body!.append(element); domDocument.body!.append(element2); cache.registerElement(element); expect(element.isConnected, isTrue); expect(element2.isConnected, isTrue); // Simulate a hot restart... cache = HotRestartCacheHandler(); // For dart2wasm, we have to check the length this way. expect(_jsHotRestartStore!.length, 0.toJS); expect(element.isConnected, isFalse); // Removed expect(element2.isConnected, isTrue); }); }); }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/test/engine/view_embedder/hot_restart_cache_handler_test.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1074 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart'; import 'package:web_engine_tester/golden_tester.dart'; import '../../common/test_initialization.dart'; const Rect region = Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 500, 500); void main() { internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain); } Future<void> testMain() async { setUpUnitTests( withImplicitView: true, emulateTesterEnvironment: false, setUpTestViewDimensions: false, ); setUp(() async { debugShowClipLayers = true; SurfaceSceneBuilder.debugForgetFrameScene(); for (final DomNode scene in domDocument.querySelectorAll('flt-scene')) { scene.remove(); } }); test('Should apply color filter to image', () async { final SurfaceSceneBuilder builder = SurfaceSceneBuilder(); final Picture backgroundPicture = _drawBackground(); builder.addPicture(Offset.zero, backgroundPicture); builder.pushColorFilter( const EngineColorFilter.mode(Color(0xF0000080), BlendMode.color)); final Picture circles1 = _drawTestPictureWithCircles(30, 30); builder.addPicture(Offset.zero, circles1); builder.pop(); domDocument.body!.append(builder.build().webOnlyRootElement!); // TODO(ferhat): update golden for this test after canvas sandwich detection is // added to RecordingCanvas. await matchGoldenFile('color_filter_blendMode_color.png', region: region); }); test('Should apply matrix color filter to image', () async { final List<double> colorMatrix = <double>[ 0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722, 0, 0, // 0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722, 0, 0, // 0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722, 0, 0, // 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, // ]; final SurfaceSceneBuilder builder = SurfaceSceneBuilder(); final Picture backgroundPicture = _drawBackground(); builder.addPicture(Offset.zero, backgroundPicture); builder.pushColorFilter( EngineColorFilter.matrix(colorMatrix)); final Picture circles1 = _drawTestPictureWithCircles(30, 30); builder.addPicture(Offset.zero, circles1); builder.pop(); domDocument.body!.append(builder.build().webOnlyRootElement!); await matchGoldenFile('color_filter_matrix.png', region: region); }); /// Regression test for https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/85733 test('Should apply mode color filter to circles', () async { final SurfaceSceneBuilder builder = SurfaceSceneBuilder(); final Picture backgroundPicture = _drawBackground(); builder.addPicture(Offset.zero, backgroundPicture); builder.pushColorFilter( const ColorFilter.mode( Color(0xFFFF0000), BlendMode.srcIn, )); final Picture circles1 = _drawTestPictureWithCircles(30, 30); builder.addPicture(Offset.zero, circles1); builder.pop(); domDocument.body!.append(builder.build().webOnlyRootElement!); await matchGoldenFile('color_filter_mode.png', region: region); }); } Picture _drawTestPictureWithCircles(double offsetX, double offsetY) { final EnginePictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder() as EnginePictureRecorder; final RecordingCanvas canvas = recorder.beginRecording(const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 400, 400)); canvas.drawCircle(Offset(offsetX + 10, offsetY + 10), 10, (Paint()..style = PaintingStyle.fill) as SurfacePaint); canvas.drawCircle( Offset(offsetX + 60, offsetY + 10), 10, (Paint() ..style = PaintingStyle.fill ..color = const Color.fromRGBO(255, 0, 0, 1)) as SurfacePaint); canvas.drawCircle( Offset(offsetX + 10, offsetY + 60), 10, (Paint() ..style = PaintingStyle.fill ..color = const Color.fromRGBO(0, 255, 0, 1)) as SurfacePaint); canvas.drawCircle( Offset(offsetX + 60, offsetY + 60), 10, (Paint() ..style = PaintingStyle.fill ..color = const Color.fromRGBO(0, 0, 255, 1)) as SurfacePaint); return recorder.endRecording(); } Picture _drawBackground() { final EnginePictureRecorder recorder = PictureRecorder() as EnginePictureRecorder; final RecordingCanvas canvas = recorder.beginRecording(const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 400, 400)); canvas.drawRect( const Rect.fromLTWH(8, 8, 400.0 - 16, 400.0 - 16), (Paint() ..style = PaintingStyle.fill ..color = const Color(0xFFE0FFE0)) as SurfacePaint); return recorder.endRecording(); }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/test/html/compositing/color_filter_golden_test.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1646 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart' hide TextStyle; void main() { internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain); } Matcher listEqual(List<int> source, {int tolerance = 0}) { return predicate( (List<int> target) { if (source.length != target.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < source.length; i += 1) { if ((source[i] - target[i]).abs() > tolerance) { return false; } } return true; }, source.toString(), ); } // Converts `rawPixels` into a list of bytes that represent raw pixels in rgba8888. // // Each element of `rawPixels` represents a bytes in order 0xRRGGBBAA, with // pixel order Left to right, then top to bottom. Uint8List _pixelsToBytes(List<int> rawPixels) { return Uint8List.fromList(<int>[ for (final int pixel in rawPixels) ...<int>[ (pixel >> 24) & 0xff, // r (pixel >> 16) & 0xff, // g (pixel >> 8) & 0xff, // b (pixel >> 0) & 0xff, // a ] ]); } Future<Image> _encodeToHtmlThenDecode( Uint8List rawBytes, int width, int height, { PixelFormat pixelFormat = PixelFormat.rgba8888, }) async { final ImageDescriptor descriptor = ImageDescriptor.raw( await ImmutableBuffer.fromUint8List(rawBytes), width: width, height: height, pixelFormat: pixelFormat, ); return (await (await descriptor.instantiateCodec()).getNextFrame()).image; } // This utility function detects how the current Web engine decodes pixel data. // // The HTML renderer uses the BMP format to display pixel data, but it used to // use a wrong implementation. The bug has been fixed, but the fix breaks apps // that had to provide incorrect data to work around this issue. This function // is used in the migration guide to assist libraries that would like to run on // both pre- and post-patch engines by testing the current behavior on a single // pixel, making use the fact that the patch fixes the pixel order. // // The `format` argument is used for testing. In the actual code it should be // replaced by `PixelFormat.rgba8888`. // // See also: // // * Patch: https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/29448 // * Migration guide: https://docs.flutter.dev/release/breaking-changes/raw-images-on-web-uses-correct-origin-and-colors Future<bool> rawImageUsesCorrectBehavior(PixelFormat format) async { final ImageDescriptor descriptor = ImageDescriptor.raw( await ImmutableBuffer.fromUint8List(Uint8List.fromList(<int>[0xED, 0, 0, 0xFF])), width: 1, height: 1, pixelFormat: format); final Image image = (await (await descriptor.instantiateCodec()).getNextFrame()).image; final Uint8List resultPixels = Uint8List.sublistView( (await image.toByteData(format: ImageByteFormat.rawStraightRgba))!); return resultPixels[0] == 0xED; } Future<void> testMain() async { test('Correctly encodes an opaque image', () async { // A 2x2 testing image without transparency. final Image sourceImage = await _encodeToHtmlThenDecode( _pixelsToBytes( <int>[0xFF0102FF, 0x04FE05FF, 0x0708FDFF, 0x0A0B0C00], ), 2, 2, ); final Uint8List actualPixels = Uint8List.sublistView( (await sourceImage.toByteData(format: ImageByteFormat.rawStraightRgba))!); // The `benchmarkPixels` is identical to `sourceImage` except for the fully // transparent last pixel, whose channels are turned 0. final Uint8List benchmarkPixels = _pixelsToBytes( <int>[0xFF0102FF, 0x04FE05FF, 0x0708FDFF, 0x00000000], ); expect(actualPixels, listEqual(benchmarkPixels)); }); test('Correctly encodes an opaque image in bgra8888', () async { // A 2x2 testing image without transparency. final Image sourceImage = await _encodeToHtmlThenDecode( _pixelsToBytes( <int>[0xFF0102FF, 0x04FE05FF, 0x0708FDFF, 0x0A0B0C00], ), 2, 2, pixelFormat: PixelFormat.bgra8888, ); final Uint8List actualPixels = Uint8List.sublistView( (await sourceImage.toByteData(format: ImageByteFormat.rawStraightRgba))!); // The `benchmarkPixels` is the same as `sourceImage` except that the R and // G channels are swapped and the fully transparent last pixel is turned 0. final Uint8List benchmarkPixels = _pixelsToBytes( <int>[0x0201FFFF, 0x05FE04FF, 0xFD0807FF, 0x00000000], ); expect(actualPixels, listEqual(benchmarkPixels)); }); test('Correctly encodes a transparent image', () async { // A 2x2 testing image with transparency. final Image sourceImage = await _encodeToHtmlThenDecode( _pixelsToBytes( <int>[0xFF800006, 0xFF800080, 0xFF8000C0, 0xFF8000FF], ), 2, 2, ); final Image blueBackground = await _encodeToHtmlThenDecode( _pixelsToBytes( <int>[0x0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF], ), 2, 2, ); // The standard way of testing the raw bytes of `sourceImage` is to draw // the image onto a canvas and fetch its data (see HtmlImage.toByteData). // But here, we draw an opaque background first before drawing the image, // and test if the blended result is expected. // // This is because, if we only draw the `sourceImage`, the resulting pixels // will be slightly off from the raw pixels. The reason is unknown, but // very likely because the canvas.getImageData introduces rounding errors // if any pixels are left semi-transparent, which might be caused by // converting to and from pre-multiplied values. See // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/92958 . final DomCanvasElement canvas = createDomCanvasElement() ..width = 2 ..height = 2; final DomCanvasRenderingContext2D ctx = canvas.context2D; ctx.drawImage((blueBackground as HtmlImage).imgElement, 0, 0); ctx.drawImage((sourceImage as HtmlImage).imgElement, 0, 0); final DomImageData imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 2, 2); final List<int> actualPixels = imageData.data; final Uint8List benchmarkPixels = _pixelsToBytes( <int>[0x0603F9FF, 0x80407FFF, 0xC0603FFF, 0xFF8000FF], ); expect(actualPixels, listEqual(benchmarkPixels, tolerance: 1)); }); test('The behavior detector works correctly', () async { expect(await rawImageUsesCorrectBehavior(PixelFormat.rgba8888), true); expect(await rawImageUsesCorrectBehavior(PixelFormat.bgra8888), false); }); }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/test/html/image_test.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 2402 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:math' as math; import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart' hide TextStyle; import '../common/test_initialization.dart'; import 'screenshot.dart'; void main() { internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain); } Future<void> testMain() async { const double screenWidth = 600.0; const double screenHeight = 800.0; const Rect screenRect = Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, screenWidth, screenHeight); setUpUnitTests( setUpTestViewDimensions: false, ); test('Should draw transformed line.', () async { final RecordingCanvas rc = RecordingCanvas(const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 500, 500)); final Path path = Path(); path.moveTo(0, 0); path.lineTo(300, 200); rc.drawPath( path, SurfacePaint() ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..color = const Color(0xFF404000)); final Path transformedPath = Path(); final Matrix4 testMatrixTranslateRotate = Matrix4.rotationZ(math.pi * 30.0 / 180.0)..translate(100, 20); transformedPath.addPath(path, Offset.zero, matrix4: testMatrixTranslateRotate.toFloat64()); rc.drawPath( transformedPath, SurfacePaint() ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..color = const Color.fromRGBO(0, 128, 255, 1.0)); await canvasScreenshot(rc, 'path_transform_with_line', canvasRect: screenRect); }); test('Should draw transformed line.', () async { final RecordingCanvas rc = RecordingCanvas(const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 500, 500)); final Path path = Path(); path.addRect(const Rect.fromLTRB(50, 40, 300, 100)); rc.drawPath( path, SurfacePaint() ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..color = const Color(0xFF404000)); final Path transformedPath = Path(); final Matrix4 testMatrixTranslateRotate = Matrix4.rotationZ(math.pi * 30.0 / 180.0)..translate(100, 20); transformedPath.addPath(path, Offset.zero, matrix4: testMatrixTranslateRotate.toFloat64()); rc.drawPath( transformedPath, SurfacePaint() ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..color = const Color.fromRGBO(0, 128, 255, 1.0)); await canvasScreenshot(rc, 'path_transform_with_rect', canvasRect: screenRect); }); test('Should draw transformed quadratic curve.', () async { final RecordingCanvas rc = RecordingCanvas(const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 500, 500)); final Path path = Path(); path.moveTo(100, 100); path.quadraticBezierTo(100, 300, 400, 300); rc.drawPath( path, SurfacePaint() ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..color = const Color(0xFF404000)); final Path transformedPath = Path(); final Matrix4 testMatrixTranslateRotate = Matrix4.rotationZ(math.pi * 30.0 / 180.0)..translate(100, -80); transformedPath.addPath(path, Offset.zero, matrix4: testMatrixTranslateRotate.toFloat64()); rc.drawPath( transformedPath, SurfacePaint() ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..color = const Color.fromRGBO(0, 128, 255, 1.0)); await canvasScreenshot(rc, 'path_transform_with_quadratic_curve', canvasRect: screenRect); }); test('Should draw transformed conic.', () async { final RecordingCanvas rc = RecordingCanvas(const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 500, 500)); const double yStart = 20; const Offset p0 = Offset(25, yStart + 25); const Offset pc = Offset(60, yStart + 150); const Offset p2 = Offset(100, yStart + 50); final Path path = Path(); path.moveTo(p0.dx, p0.dy); path.conicTo(pc.dx, pc.dy, p2.dx, p2.dy, 0.5); path.close(); path.moveTo(p0.dx, p0.dy + 100); path.conicTo(pc.dx, pc.dy + 100, p2.dx, p2.dy + 100, 10); path.close(); rc.drawPath( path, SurfacePaint() ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..color = const Color(0xFF404000)); final Path transformedPath = Path(); final Matrix4 testMatrixTranslateRotate = Matrix4.rotationZ(math.pi * 30.0 / 180.0)..translate(100, -80); transformedPath.addPath(path, Offset.zero, matrix4: testMatrixTranslateRotate.toFloat64()); rc.drawPath( transformedPath, SurfacePaint() ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..color = const Color.fromRGBO(0, 128, 255, 1.0)); await canvasScreenshot(rc, 'path_transform_with_conic', canvasRect: screenRect); }); test('Should draw transformed arc.', () async { final RecordingCanvas rc = RecordingCanvas(const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 500, 500)); final Path path = Path(); path.moveTo(350, 280); path.arcToPoint(const Offset(450, 90), radius: const Radius.elliptical(200, 50), rotation: -math.pi / 6.0, largeArc: true); path.close(); rc.drawPath( path, SurfacePaint() ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..color = const Color(0xFF404000)); final Path transformedPath = Path(); final Matrix4 testMatrixTranslateRotate = Matrix4.rotationZ(math.pi * 30.0 / 180.0)..translate(100, 10); transformedPath.addPath(path, Offset.zero, matrix4: testMatrixTranslateRotate.toFloat64()); rc.drawPath( transformedPath, SurfacePaint() ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..color = const Color.fromRGBO(0, 128, 255, 1.0)); await canvasScreenshot(rc, 'path_transform_with_arc', canvasRect: screenRect); }); test('Should draw transformed rrect.', () async { final RecordingCanvas rc = RecordingCanvas(const Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 500, 500)); final Path path = Path(); path.addRRect(RRect.fromLTRBR(50, 50, 300, 200, const Radius.elliptical(4, 8))); rc.drawPath( path, SurfacePaint() ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..color = const Color(0xFF404000)); final Path transformedPath = Path(); final Matrix4 testMatrixTranslateRotate = Matrix4.rotationZ(math.pi * 30.0 / 180.0)..translate(100, -80); transformedPath.addPath(path, Offset.zero, matrix4: testMatrixTranslateRotate.toFloat64()); rc.drawPath( transformedPath, SurfacePaint() ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = 2.0 ..color = const Color.fromRGBO(0, 128, 255, 1.0)); await canvasScreenshot(rc, 'path_transform_with_rrect', canvasRect: screenRect); }); }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/test/html/path_transform_golden_test.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 2887 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart'; import '../paragraph/helper.dart'; final EngineTextStyle defaultStyle = EngineTextStyle.only( fontFamily: StyleManager.defaultFontFamily, fontSize: StyleManager.defaultFontSize, ); final EngineTextStyle style1 = defaultStyle.copyWith(fontSize: 20); final EngineTextStyle style2 = defaultStyle.copyWith(color: blue); final EngineTextStyle style3 = defaultStyle.copyWith(fontFamily: 'Roboto'); void main() { internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain); } Future<void> testMain() async { group('$LayoutFragmenter', () { test('empty paragraph', () { final CanvasParagraph paragraph1 = rich( EngineParagraphStyle(), (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) {}, ); expect(split(paragraph1), <_Fragment>[ _Fragment('', endOfText, null, ffPrevious, defaultStyle), ]); final CanvasParagraph paragraph2 = rich( EngineParagraphStyle(), (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) { builder.addText(''); }, ); expect(split(paragraph2), <_Fragment>[ _Fragment('', endOfText, null, ffPrevious, defaultStyle), ]); final CanvasParagraph paragraph3 = rich( EngineParagraphStyle(), (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) { builder.pushStyle(style1); builder.addText(''); }, ); expect(split(paragraph3), <_Fragment>[ _Fragment('', endOfText, null, ffPrevious, style1), ]); }); test('single span', () { final CanvasParagraph paragraph = plain(EngineParagraphStyle(), 'Lorem 12 $rtlWord1 ipsum34'); expect(split(paragraph), <_Fragment>[ _Fragment('Lorem', prohibited, ltr, ffLtr, defaultStyle), _Fragment(' ', opportunity, null, ffSandwich, defaultStyle, sp: 1), _Fragment('12', prohibited, ltr, ffPrevious, defaultStyle), _Fragment(' ', opportunity, null, ffSandwich, defaultStyle, sp: 1), _Fragment(rtlWord1, prohibited, rtl, ffRtl, defaultStyle), _Fragment(' ', opportunity, null, ffSandwich, defaultStyle, sp: 3), _Fragment('ipsum34', endOfText, ltr, ffLtr, defaultStyle), ]); }); test('multi span', () { final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich( EngineParagraphStyle(), (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) { builder.pushStyle(style1); builder.addText('Lorem'); builder.pop(); builder.pushStyle(style2); builder.addText(' ipsum 12 '); builder.pop(); builder.pushStyle(style3); builder.addText(' $rtlWord1 foo.'); builder.pop(); }, ); expect(split(paragraph), <_Fragment>[ _Fragment('Lorem', prohibited, ltr, ffLtr, style1), _Fragment(' ', opportunity, null, ffSandwich, style2, sp: 1), _Fragment('ipsum', prohibited, ltr, ffLtr, style2), _Fragment(' ', opportunity, null, ffSandwich, style2, sp: 1), _Fragment('12', prohibited, ltr, ffPrevious, style2), _Fragment(' ', prohibited, null, ffSandwich, style2, sp: 1), _Fragment(' ', opportunity, null, ffSandwich, style3, sp: 1), _Fragment(rtlWord1, prohibited, rtl, ffRtl, style3), _Fragment(' ', opportunity, null, ffSandwich, style3, sp: 1), _Fragment('foo', prohibited, ltr, ffLtr, style3), _Fragment('.', endOfText, null, ffSandwich, style3), ]); }); test('new lines', () { final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich( EngineParagraphStyle(), (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) { builder.pushStyle(style1); builder.addText('Lor\nem \n'); builder.pop(); builder.pushStyle(style2); builder.addText(' \n ipsum 12 '); builder.pop(); builder.pushStyle(style3); builder.addText(' $rtlWord1 fo'); builder.pop(); builder.pushStyle(style1); builder.addText('o.'); builder.pop(); }, ); expect(split(paragraph), <_Fragment>[ _Fragment('Lor', prohibited, ltr, ffLtr, style1), _Fragment('\n', mandatory, null, ffSandwich, style1, nl: 1, sp: 1), _Fragment('em', prohibited, ltr, ffLtr, style1), _Fragment(' \n', mandatory, null, ffSandwich, style1, nl: 1, sp: 2), _Fragment(' \n', mandatory, null, ffSandwich, style2, nl: 1, sp: 2), _Fragment(' ', opportunity, null, ffSandwich, style2, sp: 2), _Fragment('ipsum', prohibited, ltr, ffLtr, style2), _Fragment(' ', opportunity, null, ffSandwich, style2, sp: 1), _Fragment('12', prohibited, ltr, ffPrevious, style2), _Fragment(' ', prohibited, null, ffSandwich, style2, sp: 1), _Fragment(' ', opportunity, null, ffSandwich, style3, sp: 1), _Fragment(rtlWord1, prohibited, rtl, ffRtl, style3), _Fragment(' ', opportunity, null, ffSandwich, style3, sp: 1), _Fragment('fo', prohibited, ltr, ffLtr, style3), _Fragment('o', prohibited, ltr, ffLtr, style1), _Fragment('.', endOfText, null, ffSandwich, style1), ]); }); test('last line is empty', () { final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich( EngineParagraphStyle(), (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) { builder.pushStyle(style1); builder.addText('Lorem \n'); builder.pop(); builder.pushStyle(style2); builder.addText(' \n ipsum \n'); builder.pop(); }, ); expect(split(paragraph), <_Fragment>[ _Fragment('Lorem', prohibited, ltr, ffLtr, style1), _Fragment(' \n', mandatory, null, ffSandwich, style1, nl: 1, sp: 2), _Fragment(' \n', mandatory, null, ffSandwich, style2, nl: 1, sp: 2), _Fragment(' ', opportunity, null, ffSandwich, style2, sp: 2), _Fragment('ipsum', prohibited, ltr, ffLtr, style2), _Fragment(' \n', mandatory, null, ffSandwich, style2, nl: 1, sp: 2), _Fragment('', endOfText, null, ffSandwich, style2), ]); }); test('space-only spans', () { final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich( EngineParagraphStyle(), (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) { builder.addText('Lorem '); builder.pushStyle(style1); builder.addText(' '); builder.pop(); builder.pushStyle(style2); builder.addText(' '); builder.pop(); builder.addText('ipsum'); }, ); expect(split(paragraph), <_Fragment>[ _Fragment('Lorem', prohibited, ltr, ffLtr, defaultStyle), _Fragment(' ', prohibited, null, ffSandwich, defaultStyle, sp: 1), _Fragment(' ', prohibited, null, ffSandwich, style1, sp: 3), _Fragment(' ', opportunity, null, ffSandwich, style2, sp: 2), _Fragment('ipsum', endOfText, ltr, ffLtr, defaultStyle), ]); }); test('placeholders', () { final CanvasParagraph paragraph = rich( EngineParagraphStyle(), (CanvasParagraphBuilder builder) { builder.pushStyle(style1); builder.addPlaceholder(100, 100, PlaceholderAlignment.top); builder.addText('Lorem'); builder.addPlaceholder(100, 100, PlaceholderAlignment.top); builder.addText('ipsum\n'); builder.addPlaceholder(100, 100, PlaceholderAlignment.top); builder.pop(); builder.pushStyle(style2); builder.addText('$rtlWord1 '); builder.addPlaceholder(100, 100, PlaceholderAlignment.top); builder.addText('\nsit'); builder.pop(); builder.addPlaceholder(100, 100, PlaceholderAlignment.top); }, ); expect(split(paragraph), <_Fragment>[ _Fragment(placeholderChar, opportunity, ltr, ffLtr, style1), _Fragment('Lorem', opportunity, ltr, ffLtr, style1), _Fragment(placeholderChar, opportunity, ltr, ffLtr, style1), _Fragment('ipsum', prohibited, ltr, ffLtr, style1), _Fragment('\n', mandatory, null, ffSandwich, style1, nl: 1, sp: 1), _Fragment(placeholderChar, opportunity, ltr, ffLtr, style1), _Fragment(rtlWord1, prohibited, rtl, ffRtl, style2), _Fragment(' ', opportunity, null, ffSandwich, style2, sp: 1), _Fragment(placeholderChar, prohibited, ltr, ffLtr, style2), _Fragment('\n', mandatory, null, ffSandwich, style2, nl: 1, sp: 1), _Fragment('sit', opportunity, ltr, ffLtr, style2), _Fragment(placeholderChar, endOfText, ltr, ffLtr, defaultStyle), ]); }); }); } /// Holds information about how a fragment. class _Fragment { _Fragment(this.text, this.type, this.textDirection, this.fragmentFlow, this.style, { this.nl = 0, this.sp = 0, }); factory _Fragment._fromLayoutFragment(String text, LayoutFragment layoutFragment) { return _Fragment( text.substring(layoutFragment.start, layoutFragment.end), layoutFragment.type, layoutFragment.textDirection, layoutFragment.fragmentFlow, layoutFragment.style, nl: layoutFragment.trailingNewlines, sp: layoutFragment.trailingSpaces, ); } final String text; final LineBreakType type; final TextDirection? textDirection; final FragmentFlow fragmentFlow; final EngineTextStyle style; /// The number of trailing new line characters. final int nl; /// The number of trailing spaces. final int sp; @override int get hashCode => Object.hash(text, type, textDirection, fragmentFlow, style, nl, sp); @override bool operator ==(Object other) { return other is _Fragment && other.text == text && other.type == type && other.textDirection == textDirection && other.fragmentFlow == fragmentFlow && other.style == style && other.nl == nl && other.sp == sp; } @override String toString() { return '"$text" ($type, $textDirection, $fragmentFlow, nl: $nl, sp: $sp)'; } } List<_Fragment> split(CanvasParagraph paragraph) { return <_Fragment>[ for (final LayoutFragment layoutFragment in computeLayoutFragments(paragraph)) _Fragment._fromLayoutFragment(paragraph.plainText, layoutFragment) ]; } List<LayoutFragment> computeLayoutFragments(CanvasParagraph paragraph) { return LayoutFragmenter(paragraph.plainText, paragraph.spans).fragment(); } extension _EngineTextStyle on EngineTextStyle { EngineTextStyle copyWith({ Color? color, TextDecoration? decoration, Color? decorationColor, TextDecorationStyle? decorationStyle, double? decorationThickness, FontWeight? fontWeight, FontStyle? fontStyle, TextBaseline? textBaseline, String? fontFamily, List<String>? fontFamilyFallback, double? fontSize, double? letterSpacing, double? wordSpacing, double? height, TextLeadingDistribution? leadingDistribution, Locale? locale, Paint? background, Paint? foreground, List<Shadow>? shadows, List<FontFeature>? fontFeatures, List<FontVariation>? fontVariations, }) { return EngineTextStyle( color: color ?? this.color, decoration: decoration ?? this.decoration, decorationColor: decorationColor ?? this.decorationColor, decorationStyle: decorationStyle ?? this.decorationStyle, decorationThickness: decorationThickness ?? this.decorationThickness, fontWeight: fontWeight ?? this.fontWeight, fontStyle: fontStyle ?? this.fontStyle, textBaseline: textBaseline ?? this.textBaseline, fontFamily: fontFamily ?? this.fontFamily, fontFamilyFallback: fontFamilyFallback ?? this.fontFamilyFallback, fontSize: fontSize ?? this.fontSize, letterSpacing: letterSpacing ?? this.letterSpacing, wordSpacing: wordSpacing ?? this.wordSpacing, height: height ?? this.height, leadingDistribution: leadingDistribution, locale: locale ?? this.locale, background: background ?? this.background, foreground: foreground ?? this.foreground, shadows: shadows ?? this.shadows, fontFeatures: fontFeatures ?? this.fontFeatures, fontVariations: fontVariations ?? this.fontVariations, ); } }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/test/html/text/layout_fragmenter_test.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 5091 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:math' as math; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui; import 'package:web_engine_tester/golden_tester.dart'; import '../common/test_initialization.dart'; import 'utils.dart'; void main() { internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain); } const ui.Rect kBlueSquareRegion = ui.Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 25, 25); const ui.Rect kRedCircleRegion = ui.Rect.fromLTRB(25, 0, 50, 25); const ui.Rect kMagentaStarRegion = ui.Rect.fromLTRB(0, 25, 30, 55); const ui.Rect kGreenSquiggleRegion = ui.Rect.fromLTRB(30, 25, 50, 55); const ui.Rect kTotalAtlasRegion = ui.Rect.fromLTRB(0, 0, 55, 55); ui.Image generateAtlas() { final ui.PictureRecorder recorder = ui.PictureRecorder(); final ui.Canvas canvas = ui.Canvas(recorder); canvas.drawColor(const ui.Color(0), ui.BlendMode.src); // Draw the square canvas.save(); canvas.clipRect(kBlueSquareRegion); canvas.drawRect( // Inset the square by one pixel so it doesn't bleed into the other sprites. kBlueSquareRegion.deflate(1.0), ui.Paint()..color = const ui.Color(0xFF0000FF) ); canvas.restore(); // Draw the circle canvas.save(); canvas.clipRect(kRedCircleRegion); canvas.drawCircle( kRedCircleRegion.center, // Make the circle one pixel smaller than the bounds to it doesn't bleed // into the other shapes. (kRedCircleRegion.width / 2.0) - 1.0, ui.Paint()..color = const ui.Color(0xFFFF0000)); canvas.restore(); // Draw the star canvas.save(); canvas.clipRect(kMagentaStarRegion); final ui.Offset starCenter = kMagentaStarRegion.center; // Make the star one pixel smaller than the bounds so that it doesn't bleed // into the other shapes. final double radius = (kMagentaStarRegion.height / 2.0) - 1.0; // Start at the top (rotated 90 degrees) double theta = -math.pi / 2.0; // Rotate two fifths of the circle each time const double rotation = 4.0 * math.pi / 5.0; final ui.Path starPath = ui.Path(); starPath.moveTo( starCenter.dx + radius * math.cos(theta), starCenter.dy + radius * math.sin(theta) ); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { theta += rotation; starPath.lineTo( starCenter.dx + radius * math.cos(theta), starCenter.dy + radius * math.sin(theta) ); } canvas.drawPath( starPath, ui.Paint() ..color = const ui.Color(0xFFFF00FF) ..style = ui.PaintingStyle.fill ); canvas.restore(); // Draw the Squiggle canvas.save(); canvas.clipRect(kGreenSquiggleRegion); final ui.Path squigglePath = ui.Path(); squigglePath.moveTo(kGreenSquiggleRegion.topCenter.dx, kGreenSquiggleRegion.topCenter.dy + 2.0); squigglePath.cubicTo( kGreenSquiggleRegion.left - 10.0, kGreenSquiggleRegion.top + kGreenSquiggleRegion.height * 0.33, kGreenSquiggleRegion.right + 10.0, kGreenSquiggleRegion.top + kGreenSquiggleRegion.height * 0.66, kGreenSquiggleRegion.bottomCenter.dx, kGreenSquiggleRegion.bottomCenter.dy - 2.0 ); canvas.drawPath( squigglePath, ui.Paint() ..color = const ui.Color(0xFF00FF00) ..style = ui.PaintingStyle.stroke ..strokeWidth = 5.0 ); canvas.restore(); final ui.Picture picture = recorder.endRecording(); return picture.toImageSync( kTotalAtlasRegion.width.toInt(), kTotalAtlasRegion.height.toInt() ); } Future<void> testMain() async { setUpUnitTests( withImplicitView: true, setUpTestViewDimensions: false, ); const ui.Rect region = ui.Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 300, 300); test('render atlas', () async { final ui.PictureRecorder recorder = ui.PictureRecorder(); final ui.Canvas canvas = ui.Canvas(recorder, region); final ui.Image atlas = generateAtlas(); canvas.drawImage(atlas, ui.Offset.zero, ui.Paint()); await drawPictureUsingCurrentRenderer(recorder.endRecording()); await matchGoldenFile('ui_atlas.png', region: region); }, skip: isHtml); // HTML renderer doesn't support drawAtlas test('drawAtlas', () async { final ui.PictureRecorder recorder = ui.PictureRecorder(); final ui.Canvas canvas = ui.Canvas(recorder, region); final ui.Image atlas = generateAtlas(); final List<ui.RSTransform> transforms = List<ui.RSTransform>.generate( 12, (int index) { const double radius = 100; const double rotation = math.pi / 6.0; final double angle = rotation * index; final double scos = math.sin(angle); final double ssin = math.cos(angle); return ui.RSTransform( scos, ssin, region.center.dx + radius * scos, region.center.dy + radius * ssin, ); } ); final List<ui.Rect> rects = <ui.Rect>[ kBlueSquareRegion, kRedCircleRegion, kMagentaStarRegion, kGreenSquiggleRegion, kBlueSquareRegion, kRedCircleRegion, kMagentaStarRegion, kGreenSquiggleRegion, kBlueSquareRegion, kRedCircleRegion, kMagentaStarRegion, kGreenSquiggleRegion, ]; canvas.drawAtlas( atlas, transforms, rects, null, null, null, ui.Paint()); await drawPictureUsingCurrentRenderer(recorder.endRecording()); await matchGoldenFile('ui_draw_atlas.png', region: region); }, skip: isHtml); // HTML renderer doesn't support drawAtlas test('drawAtlasRaw', () async { final ui.PictureRecorder recorder = ui.PictureRecorder(); final ui.Canvas canvas = ui.Canvas(recorder, region); final ui.Image atlas = generateAtlas(); final Float32List transforms = Float32List(12 * 4); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { const double radius = 100; const double rotation = math.pi / 6.0; final double angle = rotation * i; final double scos = math.sin(angle); final double ssin = math.cos(angle); transforms[i * 4] = scos; transforms[i * 4 + 1] = ssin; transforms[i * 4 + 2] = region.center.dx + radius * scos; transforms[i * 4 + 3] = region.center.dy + radius * ssin; } final List<ui.Rect> rects = <ui.Rect>[ kBlueSquareRegion, kRedCircleRegion, kMagentaStarRegion, kGreenSquiggleRegion, kBlueSquareRegion, kRedCircleRegion, kMagentaStarRegion, kGreenSquiggleRegion, kBlueSquareRegion, kRedCircleRegion, kMagentaStarRegion, kGreenSquiggleRegion, ]; final Float32List rawRects = Float32List(rects.length * 4); for (int i = 0; i < rects.length; i++) { rawRects[i * 4] = rects[i].left; rawRects[i * 4 + 1] = rects[i].top; rawRects[i * 4 + 2] = rects[i].right; rawRects[i * 4 + 3] = rects[i].bottom; } final Int32List colors = Int32List(12); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { final int rgb = 0xFF << (8 * (i % 3)); colors[i] = 0xFF000000 | rgb; } canvas.drawRawAtlas( atlas, transforms, rawRects, colors, ui.BlendMode.dstIn, null, ui.Paint() ); await drawPictureUsingCurrentRenderer(recorder.endRecording()); await matchGoldenFile('ui_draw_atlas_raw.png', region: region); }, skip: isHtml); // HTML renderer doesn't support drawAtlas }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/test/ui/draw_atlas_golden_test.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 2941 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import 'dart:async'; import 'package:test/bootstrap/browser.dart'; import 'package:test/test.dart'; import 'package:ui/src/engine.dart'; import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui; import 'package:ui/ui_web/src/ui_web.dart' as ui_web; import 'package:web_engine_tester/golden_tester.dart'; import '../common/rendering.dart'; import '../common/test_initialization.dart'; void main() { internalBootstrapBrowserTest(() => testMain); } Future<void> testMain() async { setUpUnitTests( withImplicitView: true, emulateTesterEnvironment: false, setUpTestViewDimensions: false, ); const ui.Rect region = ui.Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, 300, 300); const String platformViewType = 'test-platform-view'; setUp(() { ui_web.platformViewRegistry.registerViewFactory( platformViewType, (int viewId) { final DomElement element = createDomHTMLDivElement(); element.style.backgroundColor = 'blue'; return element; } ); }); tearDown(() { PlatformViewManager.instance.debugClear(); }); test('picture + overlapping platformView', () async { await _createPlatformView(1, platformViewType); final ui.PictureRecorder recorder = ui.PictureRecorder(); final ui.Canvas canvas = ui.Canvas(recorder); canvas.drawCircle( const ui.Offset(50, 50), 50, ui.Paint() ..style = ui.PaintingStyle.fill ..color = const ui.Color(0xFFFF0000) ); final ui.SceneBuilder sb = ui.SceneBuilder(); sb.pushOffset(0, 0); sb.addPicture(const ui.Offset(100, 100), recorder.endRecording()); sb.addPlatformView( 1, offset: const ui.Offset(125, 125), width: 50, height: 50, ); await renderScene(sb.build()); await matchGoldenFile('picture_platformview_overlap.png', region: region); }); test('platformView sandwich', () async { await _createPlatformView(1, platformViewType); final ui.PictureRecorder recorder = ui.PictureRecorder(); final ui.Canvas canvas = ui.Canvas(recorder); canvas.drawCircle( const ui.Offset(50, 50), 50, ui.Paint() ..style = ui.PaintingStyle.fill ..color = const ui.Color(0xFF00FF00) ); final ui.Picture picture = recorder.endRecording(); final ui.SceneBuilder sb = ui.SceneBuilder(); sb.pushOffset(0, 0); sb.addPicture(const ui.Offset(75, 75), picture); sb.addPlatformView( 1, offset: const ui.Offset(100, 100), width: 100, height: 100, ); sb.addPicture(const ui.Offset(125, 125), picture); await renderScene(sb.build()); await matchGoldenFile('picture_platformview_sandwich.png', region: region); }); test('transformed platformview', () async { await _createPlatformView(1, platformViewType); final ui.PictureRecorder recorder = ui.PictureRecorder(); final ui.Canvas canvas = ui.Canvas(recorder); canvas.drawCircle( const ui.Offset(50, 50), 50, ui.Paint() ..style = ui.PaintingStyle.fill ..color = const ui.Color(0xFFFF0000) ); final ui.SceneBuilder sb = ui.SceneBuilder(); sb.pushOffset(0, 0); sb.addPicture(const ui.Offset(100, 100), recorder.endRecording()); sb.pushTransform(Matrix4.rotationZ(0.1).toFloat64()); sb.addPlatformView( 1, offset: const ui.Offset(125, 125), width: 50, height: 50, ); await renderScene(sb.build()); await matchGoldenFile('platformview_transformed.png', region: region); }); test('platformview with opacity', () async { await _createPlatformView(1, platformViewType); final ui.PictureRecorder recorder = ui.PictureRecorder(); final ui.Canvas canvas = ui.Canvas(recorder); canvas.drawCircle( const ui.Offset(50, 50), 50, ui.Paint() ..style = ui.PaintingStyle.fill ..color = const ui.Color(0xFFFF0000) ); final ui.SceneBuilder sb = ui.SceneBuilder(); sb.pushOffset(0, 0); sb.addPicture(const ui.Offset(100, 100), recorder.endRecording()); sb.pushOpacity(127); sb.addPlatformView( 1, offset: const ui.Offset(125, 125), width: 50, height: 50, ); await renderScene(sb.build()); await matchGoldenFile('platformview_opacity.png', region: region); }); } // Sends a platform message to create a Platform View with the given id and viewType. Future<void> _createPlatformView(int id, String viewType) { final Completer<void> completer = Completer<void>(); const MethodCodec codec = StandardMethodCodec(); ui.PlatformDispatcher.instance.sendPlatformMessage( 'flutter/platform_views', codec.encodeMethodCall(MethodCall( 'create', <String, dynamic>{ 'id': id, 'viewType': viewType, }, )), (dynamic _) => completer.complete(), ); return completer.future; }
{ "file_path": "engine/lib/web_ui/test/ui/platform_view_test.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1991 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_RUNTIME_DART_ISOLATE_GROUP_DATA_H_ #define FLUTTER_RUNTIME_DART_ISOLATE_GROUP_DATA_H_ #include <map> #include <mutex> #include <string> #include "flutter/common/settings.h" #include "flutter/fml/closure.h" #include "flutter/fml/memory/ref_ptr.h" #include "flutter/lib/ui/window/platform_configuration.h" namespace flutter { class DartIsolate; class DartSnapshot; class PlatformMessageHandler; using ChildIsolatePreparer = std::function<bool(DartIsolate*)>; // Object holding state associated with a Dart isolate group. An instance of // this class will be provided to Dart_CreateIsolateGroup as the // isolate_group_data. // // This object must be thread safe because the Dart VM can invoke the isolate // group cleanup callback on any thread. class DartIsolateGroupData : public PlatformMessageHandlerStorage { public: DartIsolateGroupData(const Settings& settings, fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> isolate_snapshot, std::string advisory_script_uri, std::string advisory_script_entrypoint, const ChildIsolatePreparer& child_isolate_preparer, const fml::closure& isolate_create_callback, const fml::closure& isolate_shutdown_callback); ~DartIsolateGroupData(); const Settings& GetSettings() const; fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> GetIsolateSnapshot() const; const std::string& GetAdvisoryScriptURI() const; const std::string& GetAdvisoryScriptEntrypoint() const; ChildIsolatePreparer GetChildIsolatePreparer() const; const fml::closure& GetIsolateCreateCallback() const; const fml::closure& GetIsolateShutdownCallback() const; void SetChildIsolatePreparer(const ChildIsolatePreparer& value); /// Adds a kernel buffer mapping to the kernels loaded for this isolate group. void AddKernelBuffer(const std::shared_ptr<const fml::Mapping>& buffer); /// A copy of the mappings for all kernel buffer objects loaded into this /// isolate group. std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const fml::Mapping>> GetKernelBuffers() const; // |PlatformMessageHandlerStorage| void SetPlatformMessageHandler( int64_t root_isolate_token, std::weak_ptr<PlatformMessageHandler> handler) override; // |PlatformMessageHandlerStorage| std::weak_ptr<PlatformMessageHandler> GetPlatformMessageHandler( int64_t root_isolate_token) const override; private: std::vector<std::shared_ptr<const fml::Mapping>> kernel_buffers_; const Settings settings_; const fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> isolate_snapshot_; const std::string advisory_script_uri_; const std::string advisory_script_entrypoint_; mutable std::mutex child_isolate_preparer_mutex_; ChildIsolatePreparer child_isolate_preparer_; const fml::closure isolate_create_callback_; const fml::closure isolate_shutdown_callback_; std::map<int64_t, std::weak_ptr<PlatformMessageHandler>> platform_message_handlers_; mutable std::mutex platform_message_handlers_mutex_; FML_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DartIsolateGroupData); }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_RUNTIME_DART_ISOLATE_GROUP_DATA_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/runtime/dart_isolate_group_data.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1129 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_RUNTIME_DART_VM_DATA_H_ #define FLUTTER_RUNTIME_DART_VM_DATA_H_ #include "flutter/fml/macros.h" #include "flutter/runtime/dart_snapshot.h" namespace flutter { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// @brief Provides thread-safe access to data that is necessary to /// bootstrap a new Dart VM instance. All snapshots referenced by /// this object are read-only. /// class DartVMData { public: //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Creates a new instance of `DartVMData`. Both the VM and /// isolate snapshot members are optional and may be `nullptr`. If /// `nullptr`, the snapshot resolvers present in the settings /// object are used to infer the snapshots. If the snapshots /// cannot be inferred from the settings object, this method /// return `nullptr`. /// /// @param[in] settings The settings used to infer the VM and /// isolate snapshots if they are not provided /// directly. /// @param[in] vm_snapshot The VM snapshot or `nullptr`. /// @param[in] isolate_snapshot The isolate snapshot or `nullptr`. /// /// @return A new instance of VM data that can be used to bootstrap a Dart /// VM. `nullptr` if the snapshots are not provided and cannot be /// inferred from the settings object. /// static std::shared_ptr<const DartVMData> Create( const Settings& settings, fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> vm_snapshot, fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> isolate_snapshot); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Collect the DartVMData instance. /// ~DartVMData(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief The settings object from which the Dart snapshots were /// inferred. /// /// @return The settings. /// const Settings& GetSettings() const; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Gets the VM snapshot. This can be in the call to bootstrap /// the Dart VM via `Dart_Initialize`. /// /// @return The VM snapshot. /// const DartSnapshot& GetVMSnapshot() const; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Get the isolate snapshot necessary to launch isolates in the /// Dart VM. The Dart VM instance in which these isolates are /// launched must be the same as the VM created using snapshot /// accessed via `GetVMSnapshot`. /// /// @return The isolate snapshot. /// fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> GetIsolateSnapshot() const; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Get the isolate snapshot used to launch the service isolate /// in the Dart VM. /// /// @return The service isolate snapshot. /// fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> GetServiceIsolateSnapshot() const; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Returns whether the service isolate snapshot requires null /// safety in the Dart_IsolateFlags used to create the isolate. /// /// @return True if the snapshot requires null safety. /// bool GetServiceIsolateSnapshotNullSafety() const; private: const Settings settings_; const fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> vm_snapshot_; const fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> isolate_snapshot_; const fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> service_isolate_snapshot_; DartVMData(const Settings& settings, fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> vm_snapshot, fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> isolate_snapshot, fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> service_isolate_snapshot); FML_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DartVMData); }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_RUNTIME_DART_VM_DATA_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/runtime/dart_vm_data.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1420 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_RUNTIME_PLATFORM_DATA_H_ #define FLUTTER_RUNTIME_PLATFORM_DATA_H_ #include <memory> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "flutter/lib/ui/window/viewport_metrics.h" #include "flutter/shell/common/display.h" namespace flutter { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// The struct of platform-specific data used for initializing /// ui.PlatformDispatcher. /// /// The framework may request data from ui.PlatformDispatcher before the /// platform is properly configured. When creating the Shell, the engine sets /// this struct to default values until the platform is ready to send the real /// data. /// /// See also: /// /// * flutter::Shell::Create, which takes a platform_data to initialize the /// ui.PlatformDispatcher attached to it. struct PlatformData { PlatformData(); ~PlatformData(); // A map from view IDs of existing views to their viewport metrics. std::unordered_map<int64_t, ViewportMetrics> viewport_metrics_for_views; std::string language_code; std::string country_code; std::string script_code; std::string variant_code; std::vector<std::string> locale_data; std::string user_settings_data = "{}"; std::string lifecycle_state; bool semantics_enabled = false; bool assistive_technology_enabled = false; int32_t accessibility_feature_flags_ = 0; std::vector<DisplayData> displays; }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_RUNTIME_PLATFORM_DATA_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/runtime/platform_data.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 487 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "flutter/runtime/dart_vm_lifecycle.h" #include "flutter/testing/dart_isolate_runner.h" #include "flutter/testing/fixture_test.h" #include "flutter/testing/testing.h" #include "flutter/third_party/tonic/converter/dart_converter.h" // CREATE_NATIVE_ENTRY is leaky by design // NOLINTBEGIN(clang-analyzer-core.StackAddressEscape) namespace flutter { namespace testing { class TypeConversionsTest : public FixtureTest { public: TypeConversionsTest() : settings_(CreateSettingsForFixture()), vm_(DartVMRef::Create(settings_)) {} ~TypeConversionsTest() = default; [[nodiscard]] bool RunWithEntrypoint(const std::string& entrypoint) { if (running_isolate_) { return false; } auto thread = CreateNewThread(); TaskRunners single_threaded_task_runner(GetCurrentTestName(), thread, thread, thread, thread); auto isolate = RunDartCodeInIsolate(vm_, settings_, single_threaded_task_runner, entrypoint, {}, GetDefaultKernelFilePath()); if (!isolate || isolate->get()->GetPhase() != DartIsolate::Phase::Running) { return false; } running_isolate_ = std::move(isolate); return true; } private: Settings settings_; DartVMRef vm_; std::unique_ptr<AutoIsolateShutdown> running_isolate_; FML_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TypeConversionsTest); }; TEST_F(TypeConversionsTest, TestFixture) { ASSERT_TRUE(RunWithEntrypoint("main")); } TEST_F(TypeConversionsTest, CanConvertEmptyList) { fml::AutoResetWaitableEvent event; AddNativeCallback( "NotifySuccess", CREATE_NATIVE_ENTRY([&](Dart_NativeArguments args) { auto bool_handle = Dart_GetNativeArgument(args, 0); ASSERT_FALSE(tonic::CheckAndHandleError(bool_handle)); ASSERT_TRUE(tonic::DartConverter<bool>::FromDart(bool_handle)); event.Signal(); })); AddNativeCallback( "NotifyNative", CREATE_NATIVE_ENTRY([&](Dart_NativeArguments) { std::vector<int64_t> items; auto items_handle = tonic::ToDart(items); ASSERT_FALSE(tonic::CheckAndHandleError(items_handle)); tonic::DartInvokeField(::Dart_RootLibrary(), "testCanConvertEmptyList", {items_handle}); })); ASSERT_TRUE(RunWithEntrypoint("trampoline")); event.Wait(); } TEST_F(TypeConversionsTest, CanConvertListOfStrings) { fml::AutoResetWaitableEvent event; AddNativeCallback( "NotifySuccess", CREATE_NATIVE_ENTRY([&](Dart_NativeArguments args) { auto bool_handle = Dart_GetNativeArgument(args, 0); ASSERT_FALSE(tonic::CheckAndHandleError(bool_handle)); ASSERT_TRUE(tonic::DartConverter<bool>::FromDart(bool_handle)); event.Signal(); })); AddNativeCallback( "NotifyNative", CREATE_NATIVE_ENTRY([&](Dart_NativeArguments) { std::vector<std::string> items; items.push_back("tinker"); items.push_back("tailor"); items.push_back("soldier"); items.push_back("sailor"); auto items_handle = tonic::ToDart(items); ASSERT_FALSE(tonic::CheckAndHandleError(items_handle)); tonic::DartInvokeField(::Dart_RootLibrary(), "testCanConvertListOfStrings", {items_handle}); })); ASSERT_TRUE(RunWithEntrypoint("trampoline")); event.Wait(); } TEST_F(TypeConversionsTest, CanConvertListOfDoubles) { fml::AutoResetWaitableEvent event; AddNativeCallback( "NotifySuccess", CREATE_NATIVE_ENTRY([&](Dart_NativeArguments args) { auto bool_handle = Dart_GetNativeArgument(args, 0); ASSERT_FALSE(tonic::CheckAndHandleError(bool_handle)); ASSERT_TRUE(tonic::DartConverter<bool>::FromDart(bool_handle)); event.Signal(); })); AddNativeCallback( "NotifyNative", CREATE_NATIVE_ENTRY([&](Dart_NativeArguments) { std::vector<double> items; items.push_back(1.0); items.push_back(2.0); items.push_back(3.0); items.push_back(4.0); auto items_handle = tonic::ToDart(items); ASSERT_FALSE(tonic::CheckAndHandleError(items_handle)); tonic::DartInvokeField(::Dart_RootLibrary(), "testCanConvertListOfDoubles", {items_handle}); })); ASSERT_TRUE(RunWithEntrypoint("trampoline")); event.Wait(); } TEST_F(TypeConversionsTest, CanConvertListOfInts) { fml::AutoResetWaitableEvent event; AddNativeCallback( "NotifySuccess", CREATE_NATIVE_ENTRY([&](Dart_NativeArguments args) { auto bool_handle = Dart_GetNativeArgument(args, 0); ASSERT_FALSE(tonic::CheckAndHandleError(bool_handle)); ASSERT_TRUE(tonic::DartConverter<bool>::FromDart(bool_handle)); event.Signal(); })); AddNativeCallback( "NotifyNative", CREATE_NATIVE_ENTRY([&](Dart_NativeArguments) { std::vector<int32_t> items; items.push_back(1); items.push_back(2); items.push_back(3); items.push_back(4); auto items_handle = tonic::ToDart(items); ASSERT_FALSE(tonic::CheckAndHandleError(items_handle)); tonic::DartInvokeField(::Dart_RootLibrary(), "testCanConvertListOfInts", {items_handle}); })); ASSERT_TRUE(RunWithEntrypoint("trampoline")); event.Wait(); } } // namespace testing } // namespace flutter // NOLINTEND(clang-analyzer-core.StackAddressEscape)
{ "file_path": "engine/runtime/type_conversions_unittests.cc", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 2397 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_COMMON_DISPLAY_MANAGER_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_COMMON_DISPLAY_MANAGER_H_ #include <mutex> #include <vector> #include "flutter/shell/common/display.h" namespace flutter { /// Manages lifecycle of the connected displays. This class is thread-safe. class DisplayManager { public: DisplayManager(); ~DisplayManager(); /// Returns the display refresh rate of the main display. In cases where there /// is only one display connected, it will return that. We do not yet support /// cases where there are multiple displays. /// /// When there are no registered displays, it returns /// `kUnknownDisplayRefreshRate`. double GetMainDisplayRefreshRate() const; /// Handles the display updates. void HandleDisplayUpdates(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Display>> displays); private: /// Guards `displays_` vector. mutable std::mutex displays_mutex_; std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Display>> displays_; }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_COMMON_DISPLAY_MANAGER_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/common/display_manager.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 358 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_COMMON_PLATFORM_MESSAGE_HANDLER_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_COMMON_PLATFORM_MESSAGE_HANDLER_H_ #include <memory> #include "flutter/fml/mapping.h" namespace flutter { class PlatformMessage; /// An interface over the ability to handle PlatformMessages that are being sent /// from Flutter to the host platform. class PlatformMessageHandler { public: virtual ~PlatformMessageHandler() = default; /// Ultimately sends the PlatformMessage to the host platform. /// This method is invoked on the ui thread. virtual void HandlePlatformMessage( std::unique_ptr<PlatformMessage> message) = 0; /// Returns true if the platform message will ALWAYS be dispatched to the /// platform thread. /// /// Platforms that support Background Platform Channels will return /// false. virtual bool DoesHandlePlatformMessageOnPlatformThread() const = 0; /// Performs the return procedure for an associated call to /// HandlePlatformMessage. /// This method should be thread-safe and able to be invoked on any thread. virtual void InvokePlatformMessageResponseCallback( int response_id, std::unique_ptr<fml::Mapping> mapping) = 0; /// Performs the return procedure for an associated call to /// HandlePlatformMessage where there is no return value. /// This method should be thread-safe and able to be invoked on any thread. virtual void InvokePlatformMessageEmptyResponseCallback(int response_id) = 0; }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_COMMON_PLATFORM_MESSAGE_HANDLER_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/common/platform_message_handler.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 482 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_COMMON_SHELL_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_COMMON_SHELL_H_ #include <functional> #include <mutex> #include <string_view> #include <unordered_map> #include "flutter/assets/directory_asset_bundle.h" #include "flutter/common/graphics/texture.h" #include "flutter/common/settings.h" #include "flutter/common/task_runners.h" #include "flutter/flow/surface.h" #include "flutter/fml/closure.h" #include "flutter/fml/macros.h" #include "flutter/fml/memory/ref_ptr.h" #include "flutter/fml/memory/thread_checker.h" #include "flutter/fml/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "flutter/fml/status.h" #include "flutter/fml/synchronization/sync_switch.h" #include "flutter/fml/synchronization/waitable_event.h" #include "flutter/fml/thread.h" #include "flutter/fml/time/time_point.h" #include "flutter/lib/ui/painting/image_generator_registry.h" #include "flutter/lib/ui/semantics/custom_accessibility_action.h" #include "flutter/lib/ui/semantics/semantics_node.h" #include "flutter/lib/ui/volatile_path_tracker.h" #include "flutter/lib/ui/window/platform_message.h" #include "flutter/runtime/dart_vm_lifecycle.h" #include "flutter/runtime/platform_data.h" #include "flutter/runtime/service_protocol.h" #include "flutter/shell/common/animator.h" #include "flutter/shell/common/display_manager.h" #include "flutter/shell/common/engine.h" #include "flutter/shell/common/platform_view.h" #include "flutter/shell/common/rasterizer.h" #include "flutter/shell/common/resource_cache_limit_calculator.h" #include "flutter/shell/common/shell_io_manager.h" #include "impeller/runtime_stage/runtime_stage.h" namespace flutter { /// Error exit codes for the Dart isolate. enum class DartErrorCode { // NOLINTBEGIN(readability-identifier-naming) /// No error has occurred. NoError = 0, /// The Dart error code for an API error. ApiError = 253, /// The Dart error code for a compilation error. CompilationError = 254, /// The Dart error code for an unknown error. UnknownError = 255 // NOLINTEND(readability-identifier-naming) }; /// Values for |Shell::SetGpuAvailability|. enum class GpuAvailability { /// Indicates that GPU operations should be permitted. kAvailable = 0, /// Indicates that the GPU is about to become unavailable, and to attempt to /// flush any GPU related resources now. kFlushAndMakeUnavailable = 1, /// Indicates that the GPU is unavailable, and that no attempt should be made /// to even flush GPU objects until it is available again. kUnavailable = 2 }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Perhaps the single most important class in the Flutter engine repository. /// When embedders create a Flutter application, they are referring to the /// creation of an instance of a shell. Creation and destruction of the shell is /// synchronous and the embedder only holds a unique pointer to the shell. The /// shell does not create the threads its primary components run on. Instead, it /// is the embedder's responsibility to create threads and give the shell task /// runners for those threads. Due to deterministic destruction of the shell, /// the embedder can terminate all threads immediately after collecting the /// shell. The shell must be created and destroyed on the same thread, but, /// different shells (i.e. a separate instances of a Flutter application) may be /// run on different threads simultaneously. The task runners themselves do not /// have to be unique. If all task runner references given to the shell during /// shell creation point to the same task runner, the Flutter application is /// effectively single threaded. /// /// The shell is the central nervous system of the Flutter application. None of /// the shell components are thread safe and must be created, accessed and /// destroyed on the same thread. To interact with one another, the various /// components delegate to the shell for communication. Instead of using back /// pointers to the shell, a delegation pattern is used by all components that /// want to communicate with one another. Because of this, the shell implements /// the delegate interface for all these components. /// /// All shell methods accessed by the embedder may only be called on the /// platform task runner. In case the embedder wants to directly access a shell /// subcomponent, it is the embedder's responsibility to acquire a weak pointer /// to that component and post a task to the task runner used by the component /// to access its methods. The shell must also be destroyed on the platform /// task runner. /// /// There is no explicit API to bootstrap and shutdown the Dart VM. The first /// instance of the shell in the process bootstraps the Dart VM and the /// destruction of the last shell instance destroys the same. Since different /// shells may be created and destroyed on different threads. VM bootstrap may /// happen on one thread but its collection on another. This behavior is thread /// safe. /// class Shell final : public PlatformView::Delegate, public Animator::Delegate, public Engine::Delegate, public Rasterizer::Delegate, public ServiceProtocol::Handler, public ResourceCacheLimitItem { public: template <class T> using CreateCallback = std::function<std::unique_ptr<T>(Shell&)>; typedef std::function<std::unique_ptr<Engine>( Engine::Delegate& delegate, const PointerDataDispatcherMaker& dispatcher_maker, DartVM& vm, fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> isolate_snapshot, TaskRunners task_runners, const PlatformData& platform_data, Settings settings, std::unique_ptr<Animator> animator, fml::WeakPtr<IOManager> io_manager, fml::RefPtr<SkiaUnrefQueue> unref_queue, fml::TaskRunnerAffineWeakPtr<SnapshotDelegate> snapshot_delegate, std::shared_ptr<VolatilePathTracker> volatile_path_tracker, const std::shared_ptr<fml::SyncSwitch>& gpu_disabled_switch, impeller::RuntimeStageBackend runtime_stage_type)> EngineCreateCallback; using RemoveViewCallback = std::function<void(bool removed)>; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Creates a shell instance using the provided settings. The /// callbacks to create the various shell subcomponents will be /// called on the appropriate threads before this method returns. /// If this is the first instance of a shell in the process, this /// call also bootstraps the Dart VM. /// @note The root isolate which will run this Shell's Dart code takes /// its instructions from the passed in settings. This allows /// embedders to host multiple Shells with different Dart code. /// /// @param[in] task_runners The task runners /// @param[in] settings The settings /// @param[in] on_create_platform_view The callback that must return a /// platform view. This will be called on /// the platform task runner before this /// method returns. /// @param[in] on_create_rasterizer That callback that must provide a /// valid rasterizer. This will be called /// on the render task runner before this /// method returns. /// @param[in] is_gpu_disabled The default value for the switch that /// turns off the GPU. /// /// @return A full initialized shell if the settings and callbacks are /// valid. The root isolate has been created but not yet launched. /// It may be launched by obtaining the engine weak pointer and /// posting a task onto the UI task runner with a valid run /// configuration to run the isolate. The embedder must always /// check the validity of the shell (using the IsSetup call) /// immediately after getting a pointer to it. /// static std::unique_ptr<Shell> Create( const PlatformData& platform_data, const TaskRunners& task_runners, Settings settings, const CreateCallback<PlatformView>& on_create_platform_view, const CreateCallback<Rasterizer>& on_create_rasterizer, bool is_gpu_disabled = false); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Destroys the shell. This is a synchronous operation and /// synchronous barrier blocks are introduced on the various /// threads to ensure shutdown of all shell sub-components before /// this method returns. /// ~Shell(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Creates one Shell from another Shell where the created Shell /// takes the opportunity to share any internal components it can. /// This results is a Shell that has a smaller startup time cost /// and a smaller memory footprint than an Shell created with the /// Create function. /// /// The new Shell is returned in a running state so RunEngine /// shouldn't be called again on the Shell. Once running, the /// second Shell is mostly independent from the original Shell /// and the original Shell doesn't need to keep running for the /// spawned Shell to keep functioning. /// @param[in] run_configuration A RunConfiguration used to run the Isolate /// associated with this new Shell. It doesn't have to be the same /// configuration as the current Shell but it needs to be in the /// same snapshot or AOT. /// /// @see http://flutter.dev/go/multiple-engines std::unique_ptr<Shell> Spawn( RunConfiguration run_configuration, const std::string& initial_route, const CreateCallback<PlatformView>& on_create_platform_view, const CreateCallback<Rasterizer>& on_create_rasterizer) const; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Starts an isolate for the given RunConfiguration. /// void RunEngine(RunConfiguration run_configuration); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Starts an isolate for the given RunConfiguration. The /// result_callback will be called with the status of the /// operation. /// void RunEngine(RunConfiguration run_configuration, const std::function<void(Engine::RunStatus)>& result_callback); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// @return The settings used to launch this shell. /// const Settings& GetSettings() const override; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// @brief If callers wish to interact directly with any shell /// subcomponents, they must (on the platform thread) obtain a /// task runner that the component is designed to run on and a /// weak pointer to that component. They may then post a task to /// that task runner, do the validity check on that task runner /// before performing any operation on that component. This /// accessor allows callers to access the task runners for this /// shell. /// /// @return The task runners current in use by the shell. /// const TaskRunners& GetTaskRunners() const override; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// @brief Getting the raster thread merger from parent shell, it can be /// a null RefPtr when it's a root Shell or the /// embedder_->SupportsDynamicThreadMerging() returns false. /// /// @return The raster thread merger used by the parent shell. /// const fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger> GetParentRasterThreadMerger() const override; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Rasterizers may only be accessed on the raster task runner. /// /// @return A weak pointer to the rasterizer. /// fml::TaskRunnerAffineWeakPtr<Rasterizer> GetRasterizer() const; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// @brief Engines may only be accessed on the UI thread. This method is /// deprecated, and implementers should instead use other API /// available on the Shell or the PlatformView. /// /// @return A weak pointer to the engine. /// fml::WeakPtr<Engine> GetEngine(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Platform views may only be accessed on the platform task /// runner. /// /// @return A weak pointer to the platform view. /// fml::WeakPtr<PlatformView> GetPlatformView(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief The IO Manager may only be accessed on the IO task runner. /// /// @return A weak pointer to the IO manager. /// fml::WeakPtr<ShellIOManager> GetIOManager(); // Embedders should call this under low memory conditions to free up // internal caches used. // // This method posts a task to the raster threads to signal the Rasterizer to // free resources. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Used by embedders to notify that there is a low memory /// warning. The shell will attempt to purge caches. Current, only /// the rasterizer cache is purged. void NotifyLowMemoryWarning() const; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Used by embedders to check if all shell subcomponents are /// initialized. It is the embedder's responsibility to make this /// call before accessing any other shell method. A shell that is /// not set up must be discarded and another one created with /// updated settings. /// /// @return Returns if the shell has been set up. Once set up, this does /// not change for the life-cycle of the shell. /// bool IsSetup() const; /// @brief Allocates resources for a new non-implicit view. /// /// This method returns immediately and does not wait for the task on /// the UI thread to finish. This is safe because operations are /// either initiated from the UI thread (such as rendering), or are /// sent as posted tasks that are queued. In either case, it's ok for /// the engine to have views that the Dart VM doesn't. /// /// The implicit view should never be added with this function. /// Instead, it is added internally on Shell initialization. Trying to /// add `kFlutterImplicitViewId` triggers an assertion. /// /// @param[in] view_id The view ID of the new view. /// @param[in] viewport_metrics The initial viewport metrics for the view. /// void AddView(int64_t view_id, const ViewportMetrics& viewport_metrics); /// @brief Deallocates resources for a non-implicit view. /// /// This method returns immediately and does not wait for the task on /// the UI thread to finish. This means that the Dart VM might still /// send messages regarding this view ID for a short while, even /// though this view ID is already invalid. /// /// The implicit view should never be removed. Trying to remove /// `kFlutterImplicitViewId` triggers an assertion. /// /// @param[in] view_id The view ID of the view to be removed. /// @param[in] callback The callback that's invoked once the engine has /// attempted to remove the view. /// void RemoveView(int64_t view_id, RemoveViewCallback callback); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Captures a screenshot and optionally Base64 encodes the data /// of the last layer tree rendered by the rasterizer in this /// shell. /// /// @param[in] type The type of screenshot to capture. /// @param[in] base64_encode If the screenshot data should be base64 /// encoded. /// /// @return The screenshot result. /// Rasterizer::Screenshot Screenshot(Rasterizer::ScreenshotType type, bool base64_encode); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Pauses the calling thread until the first frame is presented. /// /// @param[in] timeout The duration to wait before timing out. If this /// duration would cause an overflow when added to /// std::chrono::steady_clock::now(), this method will /// wait indefinitely for the first frame. /// /// @return 'kOk' when the first frame has been presented before the /// timeout successfully, 'kFailedPrecondition' if called from the /// GPU or UI thread, 'kDeadlineExceeded' if there is a timeout. /// fml::Status WaitForFirstFrame(fml::TimeDelta timeout); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Used by embedders to reload the system fonts in /// FontCollection. /// It also clears the cached font families and send system /// channel message to framework to rebuild affected widgets. /// /// @return Returns if shell reloads system fonts successfully. /// bool ReloadSystemFonts(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Used by embedders to get the last error from the Dart UI /// Isolate, if one exists. /// /// @return Returns the last error code from the UI Isolate. /// std::optional<DartErrorCode> GetUIIsolateLastError() const; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Used by embedders to check if the Engine is running and has /// any live ports remaining. For example, the Flutter tester uses /// this method to check whether it should continue to wait for /// a running test or not. /// /// @return Returns if the shell has an engine and the engine has any live /// Dart ports. /// bool EngineHasLivePorts() const; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Accessor for the disable GPU SyncSwitch. // |Rasterizer::Delegate| std::shared_ptr<const fml::SyncSwitch> GetIsGpuDisabledSyncSwitch() const override; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Marks the GPU as available or unavailable. void SetGpuAvailability(GpuAvailability availability); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Get a pointer to the Dart VM used by this running shell /// instance. /// /// @return The Dart VM pointer. /// DartVM* GetDartVM(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Notifies the display manager of the updates. /// void OnDisplayUpdates(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Display>> displays); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Queries the `DisplayManager` for the main display refresh rate. /// double GetMainDisplayRefreshRate(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Install a new factory that can match against and decode image /// data. /// @param[in] factory Callback that produces `ImageGenerator`s for /// compatible input data. /// @param[in] priority The priority used to determine the order in which /// factories are tried. Higher values mean higher /// priority. The built-in Skia decoders are installed /// at priority 0, and so a priority > 0 takes precedent /// over the builtin decoders. When multiple decoders /// are added with the same priority, those which are /// added earlier take precedent. /// @see `CreateCompatibleGenerator` void RegisterImageDecoder(ImageGeneratorFactory factory, int32_t priority); // |Engine::Delegate| const std::shared_ptr<PlatformMessageHandler>& GetPlatformMessageHandler() const override; const std::weak_ptr<VsyncWaiter> GetVsyncWaiter() const; const std::shared_ptr<fml::ConcurrentTaskRunner> GetConcurrentWorkerTaskRunner() const; // Infer the VM ref and the isolate snapshot based on the settings. // // If the VM is already running, the settings are ignored, but the returned // isolate snapshot always prioritize what is specified by the settings, and // falls back to the one VM was launched with. // // This function is what Shell::Create uses to infer snapshot settings. // // TODO(dkwingsmt): Extracting this method is part of a bigger change. If the // entire change is not eventually landed, we should merge this method back // to Create. https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/136826 static std::pair<DartVMRef, fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot>> InferVmInitDataFromSettings(Settings& settings); private: using ServiceProtocolHandler = std::function<bool(const ServiceProtocol::Handler::ServiceProtocolMap&, rapidjson::Document*)>; /// A collection of message channels (by name) that have sent at least one /// message from a non-platform thread. Used to prevent printing the error /// log more than once per channel, as a badly behaving plugin may send /// multiple messages per second indefinitely. std::mutex misbehaving_message_channels_mutex_; std::set<std::string> misbehaving_message_channels_; const TaskRunners task_runners_; const fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger> parent_raster_thread_merger_; std::shared_ptr<ResourceCacheLimitCalculator> resource_cache_limit_calculator_; size_t resource_cache_limit_; const Settings settings_; DartVMRef vm_; mutable std::mutex time_recorder_mutex_; std::optional<fml::TimePoint> latest_frame_target_time_; std::unique_ptr<PlatformView> platform_view_; // on platform task runner std::unique_ptr<Engine> engine_; // on UI task runner std::unique_ptr<Rasterizer> rasterizer_; // on raster task runner std::shared_ptr<ShellIOManager> io_manager_; // on IO task runner std::shared_ptr<fml::SyncSwitch> is_gpu_disabled_sync_switch_; std::shared_ptr<VolatilePathTracker> volatile_path_tracker_; std::shared_ptr<PlatformMessageHandler> platform_message_handler_; std::atomic<bool> route_messages_through_platform_thread_ = false; fml::WeakPtr<Engine> weak_engine_; // to be shared across threads fml::TaskRunnerAffineWeakPtr<Rasterizer> weak_rasterizer_; // to be shared across threads fml::WeakPtr<PlatformView> weak_platform_view_; // to be shared across threads std::unordered_map<std::string_view, // method std::pair<fml::RefPtr<fml::TaskRunner>, ServiceProtocolHandler> // task-runner/function // pair > service_protocol_handlers_; bool is_set_up_ = false; bool is_added_to_service_protocol_ = false; uint64_t next_pointer_flow_id_ = 0; bool first_frame_rasterized_ = false; std::atomic<bool> waiting_for_first_frame_ = true; std::mutex waiting_for_first_frame_mutex_; std::condition_variable waiting_for_first_frame_condition_; // Written in the UI thread and read from the raster thread. Hence make it // atomic. std::atomic<bool> needs_report_timings_{false}; // Whether there's a task scheduled to report the timings to Dart through // ui.PlatformDispatcher.onReportTimings. bool frame_timings_report_scheduled_ = false; // Vector of FrameTiming::kCount * n timestamps for n frames whose timings // have not been reported yet. Vector of ints instead of FrameTiming is // stored here for easier conversions to Dart objects. std::vector<int64_t> unreported_timings_; /// Manages the displays. This class is thread safe, can be accessed from /// any of the threads. std::unique_ptr<DisplayManager> display_manager_; // protects expected_frame_size_ which is set on platform thread and read on // raster thread std::mutex resize_mutex_; // used to discard wrong size layer tree produced during interactive // resizing std::unordered_map<int64_t, SkISize> expected_frame_sizes_; // Used to communicate the right frame bounds via service protocol. double device_pixel_ratio_ = 0.0; // How many frames have been timed since last report. size_t UnreportedFramesCount() const; Shell(DartVMRef vm, const TaskRunners& task_runners, fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger> parent_merger, const std::shared_ptr<ResourceCacheLimitCalculator>& resource_cache_limit_calculator, const Settings& settings, std::shared_ptr<VolatilePathTracker> volatile_path_tracker, bool is_gpu_disabled); static std::unique_ptr<Shell> CreateShellOnPlatformThread( DartVMRef vm, fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger> parent_merger, std::shared_ptr<ShellIOManager> parent_io_manager, const std::shared_ptr<ResourceCacheLimitCalculator>& resource_cache_limit_calculator, const TaskRunners& task_runners, const PlatformData& platform_data, const Settings& settings, fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> isolate_snapshot, const Shell::CreateCallback<PlatformView>& on_create_platform_view, const Shell::CreateCallback<Rasterizer>& on_create_rasterizer, const EngineCreateCallback& on_create_engine, bool is_gpu_disabled); static std::unique_ptr<Shell> CreateWithSnapshot( const PlatformData& platform_data, const TaskRunners& task_runners, const fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger>& parent_thread_merger, const std::shared_ptr<ShellIOManager>& parent_io_manager, const std::shared_ptr<ResourceCacheLimitCalculator>& resource_cache_limit_calculator, Settings settings, DartVMRef vm, fml::RefPtr<const DartSnapshot> isolate_snapshot, const CreateCallback<PlatformView>& on_create_platform_view, const CreateCallback<Rasterizer>& on_create_rasterizer, const EngineCreateCallback& on_create_engine, bool is_gpu_disabled); bool Setup(std::unique_ptr<PlatformView> platform_view, std::unique_ptr<Engine> engine, std::unique_ptr<Rasterizer> rasterizer, const std::shared_ptr<ShellIOManager>& io_manager); void ReportTimings(); // |PlatformView::Delegate| void OnPlatformViewCreated(std::unique_ptr<Surface> surface) override; // |PlatformView::Delegate| void OnPlatformViewDestroyed() override; // |PlatformView::Delegate| void OnPlatformViewScheduleFrame() override; // |PlatformView::Delegate| void OnPlatformViewSetViewportMetrics( int64_t view_id, const ViewportMetrics& metrics) override; // |PlatformView::Delegate| void OnPlatformViewDispatchPlatformMessage( std::unique_ptr<PlatformMessage> message) override; // |PlatformView::Delegate| void OnPlatformViewDispatchPointerDataPacket( std::unique_ptr<PointerDataPacket> packet) override; // |PlatformView::Delegate| void OnPlatformViewDispatchSemanticsAction(int32_t node_id, SemanticsAction action, fml::MallocMapping args) override; // |PlatformView::Delegate| void OnPlatformViewSetSemanticsEnabled(bool enabled) override; // |shell:PlatformView::Delegate| void OnPlatformViewSetAccessibilityFeatures(int32_t flags) override; // |PlatformView::Delegate| void OnPlatformViewRegisterTexture( std::shared_ptr<flutter::Texture> texture) override; // |PlatformView::Delegate| void OnPlatformViewUnregisterTexture(int64_t texture_id) override; // |PlatformView::Delegate| void OnPlatformViewMarkTextureFrameAvailable(int64_t texture_id) override; // |PlatformView::Delegate| void OnPlatformViewSetNextFrameCallback(const fml::closure& closure) override; // |PlatformView::Delegate| const Settings& OnPlatformViewGetSettings() const override; // |PlatformView::Delegate| void LoadDartDeferredLibrary( intptr_t loading_unit_id, std::unique_ptr<const fml::Mapping> snapshot_data, std::unique_ptr<const fml::Mapping> snapshot_instructions) override; void LoadDartDeferredLibraryError(intptr_t loading_unit_id, const std::string error_message, bool transient) override; // |PlatformView::Delegate| void UpdateAssetResolverByType( std::unique_ptr<AssetResolver> updated_asset_resolver, AssetResolver::AssetResolverType type) override; // |Animator::Delegate| void OnAnimatorBeginFrame(fml::TimePoint frame_target_time, uint64_t frame_number) override; // |Animator::Delegate| void OnAnimatorNotifyIdle(fml::TimeDelta deadline) override; // |Animator::Delegate| void OnAnimatorUpdateLatestFrameTargetTime( fml::TimePoint frame_target_time) override; // |Animator::Delegate| void OnAnimatorDraw(std::shared_ptr<FramePipeline> pipeline) override; // |Animator::Delegate| void OnAnimatorDrawLastLayerTrees( std::unique_ptr<FrameTimingsRecorder> frame_timings_recorder) override; // |Engine::Delegate| void OnEngineUpdateSemantics( SemanticsNodeUpdates update, CustomAccessibilityActionUpdates actions) override; // |Engine::Delegate| void OnEngineHandlePlatformMessage( std::unique_ptr<PlatformMessage> message) override; void HandleEngineSkiaMessage(std::unique_ptr<PlatformMessage> message); // |Engine::Delegate| void OnPreEngineRestart() override; // |Engine::Delegate| void OnRootIsolateCreated() override; // |Engine::Delegate| void UpdateIsolateDescription(const std::string isolate_name, int64_t isolate_port) override; // |Engine::Delegate| void SetNeedsReportTimings(bool value) override; // |Engine::Delegate| std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> ComputePlatformResolvedLocale( const std::vector<std::string>& supported_locale_data) override; // |Engine::Delegate| void RequestDartDeferredLibrary(intptr_t loading_unit_id) override; // |Engine::Delegate| fml::TimePoint GetCurrentTimePoint() override; // |Engine::Delegate| void OnEngineChannelUpdate(std::string name, bool listening) override; // |Engine::Delegate| double GetScaledFontSize(double unscaled_font_size, int configuration_id) const override; // |Rasterizer::Delegate| void OnFrameRasterized(const FrameTiming&) override; // |Rasterizer::Delegate| fml::Milliseconds GetFrameBudget() override; // |Rasterizer::Delegate| fml::TimePoint GetLatestFrameTargetTime() const override; // |Rasterizer::Delegate| bool ShouldDiscardLayerTree(int64_t view_id, const flutter::LayerTree& tree) override; // |ServiceProtocol::Handler| fml::RefPtr<fml::TaskRunner> GetServiceProtocolHandlerTaskRunner( std::string_view method) const override; // |ServiceProtocol::Handler| bool HandleServiceProtocolMessage( std::string_view method, // one if the extension names specified above. const ServiceProtocolMap& params, rapidjson::Document* response) override; // |ServiceProtocol::Handler| ServiceProtocol::Handler::Description GetServiceProtocolDescription() const override; // Service protocol handler bool OnServiceProtocolScreenshot( const ServiceProtocol::Handler::ServiceProtocolMap& params, rapidjson::Document* response); // Service protocol handler bool OnServiceProtocolScreenshotSKP( const ServiceProtocol::Handler::ServiceProtocolMap& params, rapidjson::Document* response); // Service protocol handler bool OnServiceProtocolRunInView( const ServiceProtocol::Handler::ServiceProtocolMap& params, rapidjson::Document* response); // Service protocol handler bool OnServiceProtocolFlushUIThreadTasks( const ServiceProtocol::Handler::ServiceProtocolMap& params, rapidjson::Document* response); // Service protocol handler bool OnServiceProtocolSetAssetBundlePath( const ServiceProtocol::Handler::ServiceProtocolMap& params, rapidjson::Document* response); // Service protocol handler bool OnServiceProtocolGetDisplayRefreshRate( const ServiceProtocol::Handler::ServiceProtocolMap& params, rapidjson::Document* response); // Service protocol handler // // The returned SkSLs are base64 encoded. Decode before storing them to // files. bool OnServiceProtocolGetSkSLs( const ServiceProtocol::Handler::ServiceProtocolMap& params, rapidjson::Document* response); // Service protocol handler bool OnServiceProtocolEstimateRasterCacheMemory( const ServiceProtocol::Handler::ServiceProtocolMap& params, rapidjson::Document* response); // Service protocol handler // // Renders a frame and responds with various statistics pertaining to the // raster call. These include time taken to raster every leaf layer and also // leaf layer snapshots. bool OnServiceProtocolRenderFrameWithRasterStats( const ServiceProtocol::Handler::ServiceProtocolMap& params, rapidjson::Document* response); // Service protocol handler // // Forces the FontCollection to reload the font manifest. Used to support // hot reload for fonts. bool OnServiceProtocolReloadAssetFonts( const ServiceProtocol::Handler::ServiceProtocolMap& params, rapidjson::Document* response); // Send a system font change notification. void SendFontChangeNotification(); // |ResourceCacheLimitItem| size_t GetResourceCacheLimit() override { return resource_cache_limit_; }; // Creates an asset bundle from the original settings asset path or // directory. std::unique_ptr<DirectoryAssetBundle> RestoreOriginalAssetResolver(); SkISize ExpectedFrameSize(int64_t view_id); // For accessing the Shell via the raster thread, necessary for various // rasterizer callbacks. std::unique_ptr<fml::TaskRunnerAffineWeakPtrFactory<Shell>> weak_factory_gpu_; fml::WeakPtrFactory<Shell> weak_factory_; friend class testing::ShellTest; FML_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Shell); }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_COMMON_SHELL_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/common/shell.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 11690 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "flutter/shell/common/shell_test_platform_view_vulkan.h" #include <utility> #include "flutter/common/graphics/persistent_cache.h" #include "flutter/flutter_vma/flutter_skia_vma.h" #include "flutter/shell/common/context_options.h" #include "flutter/vulkan/vulkan_skia_proc_table.h" #include "flutter/vulkan/vulkan_utilities.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSurface.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/ganesh/SkSurfaceGanesh.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/ganesh/vk/GrVkDirectContext.h" #if OS_FUCHSIA #define VULKAN_SO_PATH "libvulkan.so" #else #include "flutter/vulkan/swiftshader_path.h" #endif namespace flutter { namespace testing { ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan::ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan( PlatformView::Delegate& delegate, const TaskRunners& task_runners, std::shared_ptr<ShellTestVsyncClock> vsync_clock, CreateVsyncWaiter create_vsync_waiter, std::shared_ptr<ShellTestExternalViewEmbedder> shell_test_external_view_embedder) : ShellTestPlatformView(delegate, task_runners), create_vsync_waiter_(std::move(create_vsync_waiter)), vsync_clock_(std::move(vsync_clock)), proc_table_(fml::MakeRefCounted<vulkan::VulkanProcTable>(VULKAN_SO_PATH)), shell_test_external_view_embedder_( std::move(shell_test_external_view_embedder)) {} ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan::~ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan() = default; std::unique_ptr<VsyncWaiter> ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan::CreateVSyncWaiter() { return create_vsync_waiter_(); } void ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan::SimulateVSync() { vsync_clock_->SimulateVSync(); } // |PlatformView| std::unique_ptr<Surface> ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan::CreateRenderingSurface() { return std::make_unique<OffScreenSurface>(proc_table_, shell_test_external_view_embedder_); } // |PlatformView| std::shared_ptr<ExternalViewEmbedder> ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan::CreateExternalViewEmbedder() { return shell_test_external_view_embedder_; } // |PlatformView| PointerDataDispatcherMaker ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan::GetDispatcherMaker() { return [](DefaultPointerDataDispatcher::Delegate& delegate) { return std::make_unique<SmoothPointerDataDispatcher>(delegate); }; } // TODO(gw280): This code was forked from vulkan_window.cc specifically for // shell_test. // We need to merge this functionality back into //vulkan. // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/51132 ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan::OffScreenSurface::OffScreenSurface( fml::RefPtr<vulkan::VulkanProcTable> vk, std::shared_ptr<ShellTestExternalViewEmbedder> shell_test_external_view_embedder) : vk_(std::move(vk)), shell_test_external_view_embedder_( std::move(shell_test_external_view_embedder)) { if (!vk_ || !vk_->HasAcquiredMandatoryProcAddresses()) { FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Proc table has not acquired mandatory proc addresses."; return; } // Create the application instance. std::vector<std::string> extensions = { VK_KHR_EXTERNAL_SEMAPHORE_CAPABILITIES_EXTENSION_NAME, }; application_ = std::make_unique<vulkan::VulkanApplication>( *vk_, "FlutterTest", std::move(extensions), VK_MAKE_VERSION(1, 0, 0), VK_MAKE_VERSION(1, 1, 0), true); if (!application_->IsValid() || !vk_->AreInstanceProcsSetup()) { // Make certain the application instance was created and it set up the // instance proc table entries. FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Instance proc addresses have not been set up."; return; } // Create the device. logical_device_ = application_->AcquireFirstCompatibleLogicalDevice(); if (logical_device_ == nullptr || !logical_device_->IsValid() || !vk_->AreDeviceProcsSetup()) { // Make certain the device was created and it set up the device proc table // entries. FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Device proc addresses have not been set up."; return; } memory_allocator_ = FlutterSkiaVulkanMemoryAllocator::Make( application_->GetAPIVersion(), application_->GetInstance(), logical_device_->GetPhysicalDeviceHandle(), logical_device_->GetHandle(), vk_, true); // Create the Skia GrContext. if (!CreateSkiaGrContext()) { FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create Skia context."; return; } valid_ = true; } bool ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan::OffScreenSurface::CreateSkiaGrContext() { GrVkBackendContext backend_context; if (!CreateSkiaBackendContext(&backend_context)) { FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create Skia backend context."; return false; } const auto options = MakeDefaultContextOptions(ContextType::kRender, GrBackendApi::kVulkan); sk_sp<GrDirectContext> context = GrDirectContexts::MakeVulkan(backend_context, options); if (context == nullptr) { FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create GrDirectContext"; return false; } context->setResourceCacheLimit(vulkan::kGrCacheMaxByteSize); context_ = context; return true; } bool ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan::OffScreenSurface::CreateSkiaBackendContext( GrVkBackendContext* context) { auto getProc = CreateSkiaGetProc(vk_); if (getProc == nullptr) { FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "GetProcAddress is null"; return false; } uint32_t skia_features = 0; if (!logical_device_->GetPhysicalDeviceFeaturesSkia(&skia_features)) { FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get Physical Device features"; return false; } context->fInstance = application_->GetInstance(); context->fPhysicalDevice = logical_device_->GetPhysicalDeviceHandle(); context->fDevice = logical_device_->GetHandle(); context->fQueue = logical_device_->GetQueueHandle(); context->fGraphicsQueueIndex = logical_device_->GetGraphicsQueueIndex(); context->fMinAPIVersion = application_->GetAPIVersion(); context->fMaxAPIVersion = application_->GetAPIVersion(); context->fFeatures = skia_features; context->fGetProc = std::move(getProc); context->fOwnsInstanceAndDevice = false; context->fMemoryAllocator = memory_allocator_; return true; } ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan::OffScreenSurface::~OffScreenSurface() {} bool ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan::OffScreenSurface::IsValid() { return valid_; } std::unique_ptr<SurfaceFrame> ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan::OffScreenSurface::AcquireFrame( const SkISize& size) { auto image_info = SkImageInfo::Make(size, SkColorType::kRGBA_8888_SkColorType, SkAlphaType::kOpaque_SkAlphaType); auto surface = SkSurfaces::RenderTarget(context_.get(), skgpu::Budgeted::kNo, image_info, 0, nullptr); SurfaceFrame::SubmitCallback callback = [](const SurfaceFrame&, DlCanvas* canvas) -> bool { canvas->Flush(); return true; }; SurfaceFrame::FramebufferInfo framebuffer_info; framebuffer_info.supports_readback = true; return std::make_unique<SurfaceFrame>(std::move(surface), framebuffer_info, std::move(callback), /*frame_size=*/SkISize::Make(800, 600)); } GrDirectContext* ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan::OffScreenSurface::GetContext() { return context_.get(); } SkMatrix ShellTestPlatformViewVulkan::OffScreenSurface::GetRootTransformation() const { SkMatrix matrix; matrix.reset(); return matrix; } } // namespace testing } // namespace flutter
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/common/shell_test_platform_view_vulkan.cc", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 2813 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_COMMON_THREAD_HOST_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_COMMON_THREAD_HOST_H_ #include <memory> #include <optional> #include <string> #include "flutter/fml/macros.h" #include "flutter/fml/thread.h" namespace flutter { using ThreadConfig = fml::Thread::ThreadConfig; using ThreadConfigSetter = fml::Thread::ThreadConfigSetter; /// The collection of all the threads used by the engine. struct ThreadHost { enum Type { kPlatform = 1 << 0, kUi = 1 << 1, kRaster = 1 << 2, kIo = 1 << 3, kProfiler = 1 << 4, }; /// The collection of all the thread configures, and we create custom thread /// configure in engine to info the thread. struct ThreadHostConfig { explicit ThreadHostConfig( const ThreadConfigSetter& setter = fml::Thread::SetCurrentThreadName) : type_mask(0), config_setter(setter) {} ThreadHostConfig( const std::string& name_prefix, uint64_t mask, const ThreadConfigSetter& setter = fml::Thread::SetCurrentThreadName) : type_mask(mask), name_prefix(name_prefix), config_setter(setter) {} explicit ThreadHostConfig( uint64_t mask, const ThreadConfigSetter& setter = fml::Thread::SetCurrentThreadName) : ThreadHostConfig("", mask, setter) {} /// Check if need to create thread. bool isThreadNeeded(Type type) const { return type_mask & type; } /// Use the prefix and thread type to generator a thread name. static std::string MakeThreadName(Type type, const std::string& prefix); /// Specified the UI Thread Config, meanwhile set the mask. void SetUIConfig(const ThreadConfig&); /// Specified the Platform Thread Config, meanwhile set the mask. void SetPlatformConfig(const ThreadConfig&); /// Specified the IO Thread Config, meanwhile set the mask. void SetRasterConfig(const ThreadConfig&); /// Specified the IO Thread Config, meanwhile set the mask. void SetIOConfig(const ThreadConfig&); /// Specified the ProfilerThread Config, meanwhile set the mask. void SetProfilerConfig(const ThreadConfig&); uint64_t type_mask; std::string name_prefix = ""; const ThreadConfigSetter config_setter; std::optional<ThreadConfig> platform_config; std::optional<ThreadConfig> ui_config; std::optional<ThreadConfig> raster_config; std::optional<ThreadConfig> io_config; std::optional<ThreadConfig> profiler_config; }; std::string name_prefix; std::unique_ptr<fml::Thread> platform_thread; std::unique_ptr<fml::Thread> ui_thread; std::unique_ptr<fml::Thread> raster_thread; std::unique_ptr<fml::Thread> io_thread; std::unique_ptr<fml::Thread> profiler_thread; ThreadHost(); ThreadHost(ThreadHost&&); ThreadHost& operator=(ThreadHost&&) = default; ThreadHost(const std::string& name_prefix, uint64_t mask); explicit ThreadHost(const ThreadHostConfig& host_config); ~ThreadHost(); private: std::unique_ptr<fml::Thread> CreateThread( Type type, std::optional<ThreadConfig> thread_config, const ThreadHostConfig& host_config) const; }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_COMMON_THREAD_HOST_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/common/thread_host.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1131 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_GPU_GPU_SURFACE_GL_DELEGATE_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_GPU_GPU_SURFACE_GL_DELEGATE_H_ #include <optional> #include "flutter/common/graphics/gl_context_switch.h" #include "flutter/flow/embedded_views.h" #include "flutter/fml/macros.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkMatrix.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/gl/GrGLInterface.h" namespace flutter { // A structure to represent the frame information which is passed to the // embedder when requesting a frame buffer object. struct GLFrameInfo { uint32_t width; uint32_t height; }; // A structure to represent the frame buffer information which is returned to // the rendering backend after requesting a frame buffer object. struct GLFBOInfo { // The frame buffer's ID. uint32_t fbo_id; // The frame buffer's existing damage (i.e. damage since it was last used). const std::optional<SkIRect> existing_damage; }; // Information passed during presentation of a frame. struct GLPresentInfo { uint32_t fbo_id; // The frame damage is a hint to compositor telling it which parts of front // buffer need to be updated. const std::optional<SkIRect>& frame_damage; // Time at which this frame is scheduled to be presented. This is a hint // that can be passed to the platform to drop queued frames. std::optional<fml::TimePoint> presentation_time = std::nullopt; // The buffer damage refers to the region that needs to be set as damaged // within the frame buffer. const std::optional<SkIRect>& buffer_damage; }; class GPUSurfaceGLDelegate { public: ~GPUSurfaceGLDelegate(); // Called to make the main GL context current on the current thread. virtual std::unique_ptr<GLContextResult> GLContextMakeCurrent() = 0; // Called to clear the current GL context on the thread. This may be called on // either the Raster or IO threads. virtual bool GLContextClearCurrent() = 0; // Inform the GL Context that there's going to be no writing beyond // the specified region virtual void GLContextSetDamageRegion(const std::optional<SkIRect>& region) {} // Called to present the main GL surface. This is only called for the main GL // context and not any of the contexts dedicated for IO. virtual bool GLContextPresent(const GLPresentInfo& present_info) = 0; // The information about the main window bound framebuffer. ID is Typically // FBO0. virtual GLFBOInfo GLContextFBO(GLFrameInfo frame_info) const = 0; // The rendering subsystem assumes that the ID of the main window bound // framebuffer remains constant throughout. If this assumption in incorrect, // embedders are required to return true from this method. In such cases, // GLContextFBO(frame_info) will be called again to acquire the new FBO ID for // rendering subsequent frames. virtual bool GLContextFBOResetAfterPresent() const; // Returns framebuffer info for current backbuffer virtual SurfaceFrame::FramebufferInfo GLContextFramebufferInfo() const; // A transformation applied to the onscreen surface before the canvas is // flushed. virtual SkMatrix GLContextSurfaceTransformation() const; virtual sk_sp<const GrGLInterface> GetGLInterface() const; // TODO(chinmaygarde): The presence of this method is to work around the fact // that not all platforms can accept a custom GL proc table. Migrate all // platforms to move GL proc resolution to the embedder and remove this // method. static sk_sp<const GrGLInterface> GetDefaultPlatformGLInterface(); using GLProcResolver = std::function<void* /* proc name */ (const char* /* proc address */)>; // Provide a custom GL proc resolver. If no such resolver is present, Skia // will attempt to do GL proc address resolution on its own. Embedders that // have specific opinions on GL API selection or need to add their own // instrumentation to specific GL calls can specify custom GL functions // here. virtual GLProcResolver GetGLProcResolver() const; // Whether to allow drawing to the surface when the GPU is disabled virtual bool AllowsDrawingWhenGpuDisabled() const; }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_GPU_GPU_SURFACE_GL_DELEGATE_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/gpu/gpu_surface_gl_delegate.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1216 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "flutter/shell/gpu/gpu_surface_vulkan.h" #include "flutter/fml/logging.h" #include "flutter/fml/trace_event.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColorSpace.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSize.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSurface.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/GrBackendSurface.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/ganesh/SkSurfaceGanesh.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/ganesh/vk/GrVkBackendSurface.h" #include "vulkan/vulkan_core.h" namespace flutter { GPUSurfaceVulkan::GPUSurfaceVulkan(GPUSurfaceVulkanDelegate* delegate, const sk_sp<GrDirectContext>& skia_context, bool render_to_surface) : delegate_(delegate), skia_context_(skia_context), render_to_surface_(render_to_surface), weak_factory_(this) {} GPUSurfaceVulkan::~GPUSurfaceVulkan() = default; bool GPUSurfaceVulkan::IsValid() { return skia_context_ != nullptr; } std::unique_ptr<SurfaceFrame> GPUSurfaceVulkan::AcquireFrame( const SkISize& frame_size) { if (!IsValid()) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Vulkan surface was invalid."; return nullptr; } if (frame_size.isEmpty()) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Vulkan surface was asked for an empty frame."; return nullptr; } if (!render_to_surface_) { return std::make_unique<SurfaceFrame>( nullptr, SurfaceFrame::FramebufferInfo(), [](const SurfaceFrame& surface_frame, DlCanvas* canvas) { return true; }, frame_size); } FlutterVulkanImage image = delegate_->AcquireImage(frame_size); if (!image.image) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid VkImage given by the embedder."; return nullptr; } sk_sp<SkSurface> surface = CreateSurfaceFromVulkanImage( reinterpret_cast<VkImage>(image.image), static_cast<VkFormat>(image.format), frame_size); if (!surface) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create the SkSurface from the Vulkan image."; return nullptr; } SurfaceFrame::SubmitCallback callback = [image = image, delegate = delegate_]( const SurfaceFrame&, DlCanvas* canvas) -> bool { TRACE_EVENT0("flutter", "GPUSurfaceVulkan::PresentImage"); if (canvas == nullptr) { FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Canvas not available."; return false; } canvas->Flush(); return delegate->PresentImage(reinterpret_cast<VkImage>(image.image), static_cast<VkFormat>(image.format)); }; SurfaceFrame::FramebufferInfo framebuffer_info{.supports_readback = true}; return std::make_unique<SurfaceFrame>(std::move(surface), framebuffer_info, std::move(callback), frame_size); } SkMatrix GPUSurfaceVulkan::GetRootTransformation() const { // This backend does not support delegating to the underlying platform to // query for root surface transformations. Just return identity. SkMatrix matrix; matrix.reset(); return matrix; } GrDirectContext* GPUSurfaceVulkan::GetContext() { return skia_context_.get(); } sk_sp<SkSurface> GPUSurfaceVulkan::CreateSurfaceFromVulkanImage( const VkImage image, const VkFormat format, const SkISize& size) { #ifdef SK_VULKAN GrVkImageInfo image_info = { .fImage = image, .fImageTiling = VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL, .fImageLayout = VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_UNDEFINED, .fFormat = format, .fImageUsageFlags = VK_IMAGE_USAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_TRANSFER_DST_BIT | VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT, .fSampleCount = 1, .fLevelCount = 1, }; auto backend_texture = GrBackendTextures::MakeVk(size.width(), size.height(), image_info); SkSurfaceProps surface_properties(0, kUnknown_SkPixelGeometry); return SkSurfaces::WrapBackendTexture( skia_context_.get(), // context backend_texture, // back-end texture kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin, // surface origin 1, // sample count ColorTypeFromFormat(format), // color type SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB(), // color space &surface_properties // surface properties ); #else return nullptr; #endif // SK_VULKAN } SkColorType GPUSurfaceVulkan::ColorTypeFromFormat(const VkFormat format) { switch (format) { case VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM: case VK_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_SRGB: return SkColorType::kRGBA_8888_SkColorType; case VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM: case VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB: return SkColorType::kBGRA_8888_SkColorType; default: return SkColorType::kUnknown_SkColorType; } } } // namespace flutter
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/gpu/gpu_surface_vulkan.cc", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 2176 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #define FML_USED_ON_EMBEDDER #include <memory> #include "flutter/shell/common/thread_host.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/android/android_context_gl_skia.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/android/android_egl_surface.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/android/android_environment_gl.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/android/android_surface_gl_skia.h" #include "fml/logging.h" #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "shell/platform/android/context/android_context.h" namespace flutter { namespace testing { namespace android { namespace { TaskRunners MakeTaskRunners(const std::string& thread_label, const ThreadHost& thread_host) { fml::MessageLoop::EnsureInitializedForCurrentThread(); fml::RefPtr<fml::TaskRunner> platform_runner = fml::MessageLoop::GetCurrent().GetTaskRunner(); return TaskRunners(thread_label, platform_runner, thread_host.raster_thread->GetTaskRunner(), thread_host.ui_thread->GetTaskRunner(), thread_host.io_thread->GetTaskRunner()); } } // namespace class TestImpellerContext : public impeller::Context { public: TestImpellerContext() {} ~TestImpellerContext() {} impeller::Context::BackendType GetBackendType() const override { return impeller::Context::BackendType::kOpenGLES; } std::string DescribeGpuModel() const override { return ""; } bool IsValid() const override { return true; } const std::shared_ptr<const impeller::Capabilities>& GetCapabilities() const override { FML_UNREACHABLE(); } bool UpdateOffscreenLayerPixelFormat(impeller::PixelFormat format) override { FML_UNREACHABLE(); } std::shared_ptr<impeller::Allocator> GetResourceAllocator() const override { FML_UNREACHABLE(); } std::shared_ptr<impeller::ShaderLibrary> GetShaderLibrary() const override { FML_UNREACHABLE(); } std::shared_ptr<impeller::SamplerLibrary> GetSamplerLibrary() const override { FML_UNREACHABLE(); } std::shared_ptr<impeller::PipelineLibrary> GetPipelineLibrary() const override { FML_UNREACHABLE(); } std::shared_ptr<impeller::CommandBuffer> CreateCommandBuffer() const override { FML_UNREACHABLE(); } std::shared_ptr<impeller::CommandQueue> GetCommandQueue() const override { FML_UNREACHABLE(); } void Shutdown() override { did_shutdown = true; } bool did_shutdown = false; }; class TestAndroidContext : public AndroidContext { public: TestAndroidContext(const std::shared_ptr<impeller::Context>& impeller_context, AndroidRenderingAPI rendering_api) : AndroidContext(rendering_api) { SetImpellerContext(impeller_context); } }; TEST(AndroidContextGl, Create) { GrMockOptions main_context_options; sk_sp<GrDirectContext> main_context = GrDirectContext::MakeMock(&main_context_options); auto environment = fml::MakeRefCounted<AndroidEnvironmentGL>(); std::string thread_label = ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name(); ThreadHost thread_host(ThreadHost::ThreadHostConfig( thread_label, ThreadHost::Type::kUi | ThreadHost::Type::kRaster | ThreadHost::Type::kIo)); TaskRunners task_runners = MakeTaskRunners(thread_label, thread_host); auto context = std::make_unique<AndroidContextGLSkia>(environment, task_runners, 0); context->SetMainSkiaContext(main_context); EXPECT_NE(context.get(), nullptr); context.reset(); EXPECT_TRUE(main_context->abandoned()); } TEST(AndroidContextGl, CreateImpeller) { auto impeller_context = std::make_shared<TestImpellerContext>(); auto android_context = std::make_unique<TestAndroidContext>( impeller_context, AndroidRenderingAPI::kImpellerOpenGLES); EXPECT_FALSE(impeller_context->did_shutdown); android_context.reset(); EXPECT_TRUE(impeller_context->did_shutdown); } TEST(AndroidContextGl, CreateSingleThread) { GrMockOptions main_context_options; sk_sp<GrDirectContext> main_context = GrDirectContext::MakeMock(&main_context_options); auto environment = fml::MakeRefCounted<AndroidEnvironmentGL>(); std::string thread_label = ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name(); fml::MessageLoop::EnsureInitializedForCurrentThread(); fml::RefPtr<fml::TaskRunner> platform_runner = fml::MessageLoop::GetCurrent().GetTaskRunner(); TaskRunners task_runners = TaskRunners(thread_label, platform_runner, platform_runner, platform_runner, platform_runner); auto context = std::make_unique<AndroidContextGLSkia>(environment, task_runners, 0); context->SetMainSkiaContext(main_context); EXPECT_NE(context.get(), nullptr); context.reset(); EXPECT_TRUE(main_context->abandoned()); } TEST(AndroidSurfaceGL, CreateSnapshopSurfaceWhenOnscreenSurfaceIsNotNull) { GrMockOptions main_context_options; sk_sp<GrDirectContext> main_context = GrDirectContext::MakeMock(&main_context_options); auto environment = fml::MakeRefCounted<AndroidEnvironmentGL>(); std::string thread_label = ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name(); ThreadHost thread_host(ThreadHost::ThreadHostConfig( thread_label, ThreadHost::Type::kUi | ThreadHost::Type::kRaster | ThreadHost::Type::kIo)); TaskRunners task_runners = MakeTaskRunners(thread_label, thread_host); auto android_context = std::make_shared<AndroidContextGLSkia>(environment, task_runners, 0); auto android_surface = std::make_unique<AndroidSurfaceGLSkia>(android_context); auto window = fml::MakeRefCounted<AndroidNativeWindow>( nullptr, /*is_fake_window=*/true); android_surface->SetNativeWindow(window); auto onscreen_surface = android_surface->GetOnscreenSurface(); EXPECT_NE(onscreen_surface, nullptr); android_surface->CreateSnapshotSurface(); EXPECT_EQ(onscreen_surface, android_surface->GetOnscreenSurface()); } TEST(AndroidSurfaceGL, CreateSnapshopSurfaceWhenOnscreenSurfaceIsNull) { GrMockOptions main_context_options; sk_sp<GrDirectContext> main_context = GrDirectContext::MakeMock(&main_context_options); auto environment = fml::MakeRefCounted<AndroidEnvironmentGL>(); std::string thread_label = ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name(); auto mask = ThreadHost::Type::kUi | ThreadHost::Type::kRaster | ThreadHost::Type::kIo; flutter::ThreadHost::ThreadHostConfig host_config(mask); ThreadHost thread_host(host_config); TaskRunners task_runners = MakeTaskRunners(thread_label, thread_host); auto android_context = std::make_shared<AndroidContextGLSkia>(environment, task_runners, 0); auto android_surface = std::make_unique<AndroidSurfaceGLSkia>(android_context); EXPECT_EQ(android_surface->GetOnscreenSurface(), nullptr); android_surface->CreateSnapshotSurface(); EXPECT_NE(android_surface->GetOnscreenSurface(), nullptr); } // TODO(https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/104463): Flaky test. TEST(AndroidContextGl, DISABLED_MSAAx4) { GrMockOptions main_context_options; sk_sp<GrDirectContext> main_context = GrDirectContext::MakeMock(&main_context_options); auto environment = fml::MakeRefCounted<AndroidEnvironmentGL>(); std::string thread_label = ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name(); ThreadHost thread_host(ThreadHost::ThreadHostConfig( thread_label, ThreadHost::Type::kUi | ThreadHost::Type::kRaster | ThreadHost::Type::kIo)); TaskRunners task_runners = MakeTaskRunners(thread_label, thread_host); auto context = std::make_unique<AndroidContextGLSkia>(environment, task_runners, 4); context->SetMainSkiaContext(main_context); EGLint sample_count; eglGetConfigAttrib(environment->Display(), context->Config(), EGL_SAMPLES, &sample_count); EXPECT_EQ(sample_count, 4); } TEST(AndroidContextGl, EnsureMakeCurrentChecksCurrentContextStatus) { GrMockOptions main_context_options; sk_sp<GrDirectContext> main_context = GrDirectContext::MakeMock(&main_context_options); auto environment = fml::MakeRefCounted<AndroidEnvironmentGL>(); std::string thread_label = ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->current_test_info()->name(); ThreadHost thread_host(ThreadHost::ThreadHostConfig( thread_label, ThreadHost::Type::kUi | ThreadHost::Type::kRaster | ThreadHost::Type::kIo)); TaskRunners task_runners = MakeTaskRunners(thread_label, thread_host); auto context = std::make_unique<AndroidContextGLSkia>(environment, task_runners, 0); auto pbuffer_surface = context->CreatePbufferSurface(); auto status = pbuffer_surface->MakeCurrent(); EXPECT_EQ(AndroidEGLSurfaceMakeCurrentStatus::kSuccessMadeCurrent, status); // context already current, so status must reflect that. status = pbuffer_surface->MakeCurrent(); EXPECT_EQ(AndroidEGLSurfaceMakeCurrentStatus::kSuccessAlreadyCurrent, status); } } // namespace android } // namespace testing } // namespace flutter
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/android_context_gl_unittests.cc", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 3222 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_ANDROID_ANDROID_SURFACE_GL_IMPELLER_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_ANDROID_ANDROID_SURFACE_GL_IMPELLER_H_ #include "flutter/fml/macros.h" #include "flutter/impeller/renderer/context.h" #include "flutter/shell/gpu/gpu_surface_gl_delegate.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/android/android_context_gl_impeller.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/android/surface/android_native_window.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/android/surface/android_surface.h" namespace flutter { class AndroidSurfaceGLImpeller final : public GPUSurfaceGLDelegate, public AndroidSurface { public: explicit AndroidSurfaceGLImpeller( const std::shared_ptr<AndroidContextGLImpeller>& android_context); // |AndroidSurface| ~AndroidSurfaceGLImpeller() override; // |AndroidSurface| bool IsValid() const override; // |AndroidSurface| std::unique_ptr<Surface> CreateGPUSurface( GrDirectContext* gr_context) override; // |AndroidSurface| void TeardownOnScreenContext() override; // |AndroidSurface| bool OnScreenSurfaceResize(const SkISize& size) override; // |AndroidSurface| bool ResourceContextMakeCurrent() override; // |AndroidSurface| bool ResourceContextClearCurrent() override; // |AndroidSurface| bool SetNativeWindow(fml::RefPtr<AndroidNativeWindow> window) override; // |AndroidSurface| std::unique_ptr<Surface> CreateSnapshotSurface() override; // |AndroidSurface| std::shared_ptr<impeller::Context> GetImpellerContext() override; // |GPUSurfaceGLDelegate| std::unique_ptr<GLContextResult> GLContextMakeCurrent() override; // |GPUSurfaceGLDelegate| bool GLContextClearCurrent() override; // |GPUSurfaceGLDelegate| SurfaceFrame::FramebufferInfo GLContextFramebufferInfo() const override; // |GPUSurfaceGLDelegate| void GLContextSetDamageRegion(const std::optional<SkIRect>& region) override; // |GPUSurfaceGLDelegate| bool GLContextPresent(const GLPresentInfo& present_info) override; // |GPUSurfaceGLDelegate| GLFBOInfo GLContextFBO(GLFrameInfo frame_info) const override; // |GPUSurfaceGLDelegate| sk_sp<const GrGLInterface> GetGLInterface() const override; private: std::shared_ptr<AndroidContextGLImpeller> android_context_; std::unique_ptr<impeller::egl::Surface> onscreen_surface_; std::unique_ptr<impeller::egl::Surface> offscreen_surface_; fml::RefPtr<AndroidNativeWindow> native_window_; bool is_valid_ = false; bool OnGLContextMakeCurrent(); bool RecreateOnscreenSurfaceAndMakeOnscreenContextCurrent(); FML_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AndroidSurfaceGLImpeller); }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_ANDROID_ANDROID_SURFACE_GL_IMPELLER_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/android_surface_gl_impeller.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1002 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_ANDROID_EXTERNAL_VIEW_EMBEDDER_EXTERNAL_VIEW_EMBEDDER_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_ANDROID_EXTERNAL_VIEW_EMBEDDER_EXTERNAL_VIEW_EMBEDDER_H_ #include <unordered_map> #include "flutter/common/task_runners.h" #include "flutter/flow/embedded_views.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/android/context/android_context.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/android/external_view_embedder/surface_pool.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/android/jni/platform_view_android_jni.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/android/surface/android_surface.h" namespace flutter { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// Allows to embed Android views into a Flutter application. /// /// This class calls Java methods via |PlatformViewAndroidJNI| to manage the /// lifecycle of the Android view corresponding to |flutter::PlatformViewLayer|. /// /// It also orchestrates overlay surfaces. These are Android views /// that render above (by Z order) the Android view corresponding to /// |flutter::PlatformViewLayer|. /// class AndroidExternalViewEmbedder final : public ExternalViewEmbedder { public: AndroidExternalViewEmbedder( const AndroidContext& android_context, std::shared_ptr<PlatformViewAndroidJNI> jni_facade, std::shared_ptr<AndroidSurfaceFactory> surface_factory, const TaskRunners& task_runners); // |ExternalViewEmbedder| void PrerollCompositeEmbeddedView( int64_t view_id, std::unique_ptr<flutter::EmbeddedViewParams> params) override; // |ExternalViewEmbedder| DlCanvas* CompositeEmbeddedView(int64_t view_id) override; // |ExternalViewEmbedder| void SubmitFlutterView( GrDirectContext* context, const std::shared_ptr<impeller::AiksContext>& aiks_context, std::unique_ptr<SurfaceFrame> frame) override; // |ExternalViewEmbedder| PostPrerollResult PostPrerollAction( const fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger>& raster_thread_merger) override; // |ExternalViewEmbedder| DlCanvas* GetRootCanvas() override; // |ExternalViewEmbedder| void BeginFrame(GrDirectContext* context, const fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger>& raster_thread_merger) override; // |ExternalViewEmbedder| void PrepareFlutterView(int64_t flutter_view_id, SkISize frame_size, double device_pixel_ratio) override; // |ExternalViewEmbedder| void CancelFrame() override; // |ExternalViewEmbedder| void EndFrame(bool should_resubmit_frame, const fml::RefPtr<fml::RasterThreadMerger>& raster_thread_merger) override; bool SupportsDynamicThreadMerging() override; void Teardown() override; // Gets the rect based on the device pixel ratio of a platform view displayed // on the screen. SkRect GetViewRect(int64_t view_id) const; private: // The number of frames the rasterizer task runner will continue // to run on the platform thread after no platform view is rendered. // // Note: this is an arbitrary number that attempts to account for cases // where the platform view might be momentarily off the screen. static const int kDefaultMergedLeaseDuration = 10; // Provides metadata to the Android surfaces. const AndroidContext& android_context_; // Allows to call methods in Java. const std::shared_ptr<PlatformViewAndroidJNI> jni_facade_; // Allows to create surfaces. const std::shared_ptr<AndroidSurfaceFactory> surface_factory_; // Holds surfaces. Allows to recycle surfaces or allocate new ones. const std::unique_ptr<SurfacePool> surface_pool_; // The task runners. const TaskRunners task_runners_; // The size of the root canvas. SkISize frame_size_; // The pixel ratio used to determinate the size of a platform view layer // relative to the device layout system. double device_pixel_ratio_; // The order of composition. Each entry contains a unique id for the platform // view. std::vector<int64_t> composition_order_; // The |EmbedderViewSlice| implementation keyed off the platform view id, // which contains any subsequent operations until the next platform view or // the end of the last leaf node in the layer tree. std::unordered_map<int64_t, std::unique_ptr<EmbedderViewSlice>> slices_; // The params for a platform view, which contains the size, position and // mutation stack. std::unordered_map<int64_t, EmbeddedViewParams> view_params_; // The number of platform views in the previous frame. int64_t previous_frame_view_count_; // Destroys the surfaces created from the surface factory. // This method schedules a task on the platform thread, and waits for // the task until it completes. void DestroySurfaces(); // Resets the state. void Reset(); // Whether the layer tree in the current frame has platform layers. bool FrameHasPlatformLayers(); // Creates a Surface when needed or recycles an existing one. // Finally, draws the picture on the frame's canvas. std::unique_ptr<SurfaceFrame> CreateSurfaceIfNeeded(GrDirectContext* context, int64_t view_id, EmbedderViewSlice* slice, const SkRect& rect); }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_ANDROID_EXTERNAL_VIEW_EMBEDDER_EXTERNAL_VIEW_EMBEDDER_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/external_view_embedder/external_view_embedder.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1929 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_ANDROID_IMAGE_LRU_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_ANDROID_IMAGE_LRU_H_ #include <array> #include <cstddef> #include "display_list/image/dl_image.h" namespace flutter { // This value needs to be larger than the number of swapchain images // that a typical image reader will produce to ensure that we effectively // cache. If the value is too small, we will unnecessarily churn through // images, while if it is too large we may retain images longer than // necessary. static constexpr size_t kImageReaderSwapchainSize = 6u; using HardwareBufferKey = uint64_t; class ImageLRU { public: ImageLRU() = default; ~ImageLRU() = default; /// @brief Retrieve the image associated with the given [key], or nullptr. sk_sp<flutter::DlImage> FindImage(std::optional<HardwareBufferKey> key); /// @brief Add a new image to the cache with a key, returning the key of the /// LRU entry that was removed. /// /// The value may be `0`, in which case nothing was removed. HardwareBufferKey AddImage(const sk_sp<flutter::DlImage>& image, HardwareBufferKey key); /// @brief Remove all entires from the image cache. void Clear(); private: /// @brief Marks [key] as the most recently used. void UpdateKey(const sk_sp<flutter::DlImage>& image, HardwareBufferKey key); struct Data { HardwareBufferKey key = 0u; sk_sp<flutter::DlImage> value; }; std::array<Data, kImageReaderSwapchainSize> images_; }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_ANDROID_IMAGE_LRU_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/image_lru.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 584 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package io.flutter.embedding.android; import static android.content.ComponentCallbacks2.TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_LOW; import static io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterActivityLaunchConfigs.DEFAULT_INITIAL_ROUTE; import android.app.Activity; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.net.Uri; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle; import io.flutter.FlutterInjector; import io.flutter.Log; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngineCache; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngineGroup; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngineGroupCache; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterShellArgs; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartExecutor; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.renderer.FlutterUiDisplayListener; import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformPlugin; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; /** * Delegate that implements all Flutter logic that is the same between a {@link FlutterActivity} and * a {@link FlutterFragment}. * * <p><strong>Why does this class exist?</strong> * * <p>One might ask why an {@code Activity} and {@code Fragment} delegate needs to exist. Given that * a {@code Fragment} can be placed within an {@code Activity}, it would make more sense to use a * {@link FlutterFragment} within a {@link FlutterActivity}. * * <p>The {@code Fragment} support library adds 100k of binary size to an app, and full-Flutter apps * do not otherwise require that binary hit. Therefore, it was concluded that Flutter must provide a * {@link FlutterActivity} based on the AOSP {@code Activity}, and an independent {@link * FlutterFragment} for add-to-app developers. * * <p>If a time ever comes where the inclusion of {@code Fragment}s in a full-Flutter app is no * longer deemed an issue, this class should be immediately decomposed between {@link * FlutterActivity} and {@link FlutterFragment} and then eliminated. * * <p><strong>Caution when modifying this class</strong> * * <p>Any time that a "delegate" is created with the purpose of encapsulating the internal behaviors * of another object, that delegate is highly susceptible to degeneration. It is easy to tack new * responsibilities on to the delegate which would not otherwise be added to the original object. It * is also easy to begin hanging listeners and callbacks on a delegate object that likewise would * not be added to the original object. A delegate can quickly become a complex web of dependencies * and optional references that are very difficult to track. * * <p>Maintainers of this class should take care to only place code in this delegate that would * otherwise be placed in either {@link FlutterActivity} or {@link FlutterFragment}, and in exactly * the same form. <strong>Do not use this class as a convenient shortcut for any other * behavior.</strong> */ /* package */ class FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate implements ExclusiveAppComponent<Activity> { private static final String TAG = "FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate"; private static final String FRAMEWORK_RESTORATION_BUNDLE_KEY = "framework"; private static final String PLUGINS_RESTORATION_BUNDLE_KEY = "plugins"; private static final int FLUTTER_SPLASH_VIEW_FALLBACK_ID = 486947586; /** Factory to obtain a FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate instance. */ public interface DelegateFactory { FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate createDelegate(FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate.Host host); } // The FlutterActivity or FlutterFragment that is delegating most of its calls // to this FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate. @NonNull private Host host; @Nullable private FlutterEngine flutterEngine; @VisibleForTesting @Nullable FlutterView flutterView; @Nullable private PlatformPlugin platformPlugin; @VisibleForTesting @Nullable OnPreDrawListener activePreDrawListener; private boolean isFlutterEngineFromHost; private boolean isFlutterUiDisplayed; private boolean isFirstFrameRendered; private boolean isAttached; private Integer previousVisibility; @Nullable private FlutterEngineGroup engineGroup; @NonNull private final FlutterUiDisplayListener flutterUiDisplayListener = new FlutterUiDisplayListener() { @Override public void onFlutterUiDisplayed() { host.onFlutterUiDisplayed(); isFlutterUiDisplayed = true; isFirstFrameRendered = true; } @Override public void onFlutterUiNoLongerDisplayed() { host.onFlutterUiNoLongerDisplayed(); isFlutterUiDisplayed = false; } }; FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate(@NonNull Host host) { this(host, null); } FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate(@NonNull Host host, @Nullable FlutterEngineGroup engineGroup) { this.host = host; this.isFirstFrameRendered = false; this.engineGroup = engineGroup; } /** * Disconnects this {@code FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate} from its host {@code Activity} or * {@code Fragment}. * * <p>No further method invocations may occur on this {@code FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate} * after invoking this method. If a method is invoked, an exception will occur. * * <p>This method only clears out references. It does not destroy its {@link * io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine}. The behavior that destroys a {@link * io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} can be found in {@link #onDetach()}. */ void release() { this.host = null; this.flutterEngine = null; this.flutterView = null; this.platformPlugin = null; } /** * Returns the {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} that is owned by this delegate * and its host {@code Activity} or {@code Fragment}. */ @Nullable /* package */ FlutterEngine getFlutterEngine() { return flutterEngine; } /** * Returns true if the host {@code Activity}/{@code Fragment} provided a {@code FlutterEngine}, as * opposed to this delegate creating a new one. */ /* package */ boolean isFlutterEngineFromHost() { return isFlutterEngineFromHost; } /** * Whether or not this {@code FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate} is attached to a {@code * FlutterEngine}. */ /* package */ boolean isAttached() { return isAttached; } /** * Invoke this method from {@code Activity#onCreate(Bundle)} or {@code * Fragment#onAttach(Context)}. * * <p>This method does the following: * * <p> * * <ol> * <li>Initializes the Flutter system. * <li>Obtains or creates a {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine}. * <li>Creates and configures a {@link PlatformPlugin}. * <li>Attaches the {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} to the surrounding {@code * Activity}, if desired. * <li>Configures the {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} via {@link * Host#configureFlutterEngine(FlutterEngine)}. * </ol> */ void onAttach(@NonNull Context context) { ensureAlive(); // When "retain instance" is true, the FlutterEngine will survive configuration // changes. Therefore, we create a new one only if one does not already exist. if (flutterEngine == null) { setUpFlutterEngine(); } if (host.shouldAttachEngineToActivity()) { // Notify any plugins that are currently attached to our FlutterEngine that they // are now attached to an Activity. // // Passing this Fragment's Lifecycle should be sufficient because as long as this Fragment // is attached to its Activity, the lifecycles should be in sync. Once this Fragment is // detached from its Activity, that Activity will be detached from the FlutterEngine, too, // which means there shouldn't be any possibility for the Fragment Lifecycle to get out of // sync with the Activity. We use the Fragment's Lifecycle because it is possible that the // attached Activity is not a LifecycleOwner. Log.v(TAG, "Attaching FlutterEngine to the Activity that owns this delegate."); flutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface().attachToActivity(this, host.getLifecycle()); } // Regardless of whether or not a FlutterEngine already existed, the PlatformPlugin // is bound to a specific Activity. Therefore, it needs to be created and configured // every time this Fragment attaches to a new Activity. // TODO(mattcarroll): the PlatformPlugin needs to be reimagined because it implicitly takes // control of the entire window. This is unacceptable for non-fullscreen // use-cases. platformPlugin = host.providePlatformPlugin(host.getActivity(), flutterEngine); host.configureFlutterEngine(flutterEngine); isAttached = true; } @Override public @NonNull Activity getAppComponent() { final Activity activity = host.getActivity(); if (activity == null) { throw new AssertionError( "FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate's getAppComponent should only " + "be queried after onAttach, when the host's activity should always be non-null"); } return activity; } private FlutterEngineGroup.Options addEntrypointOptions(FlutterEngineGroup.Options options) { String appBundlePathOverride = host.getAppBundlePath(); if (appBundlePathOverride == null || appBundlePathOverride.isEmpty()) { appBundlePathOverride = FlutterInjector.instance().flutterLoader().findAppBundlePath(); } DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint dartEntrypoint = new DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint( appBundlePathOverride, host.getDartEntrypointFunctionName()); String initialRoute = host.getInitialRoute(); if (initialRoute == null) { initialRoute = maybeGetInitialRouteFromIntent(host.getActivity().getIntent()); if (initialRoute == null) { initialRoute = DEFAULT_INITIAL_ROUTE; } } return options .setDartEntrypoint(dartEntrypoint) .setInitialRoute(initialRoute) .setDartEntrypointArgs(host.getDartEntrypointArgs()); } /** * Obtains a reference to a FlutterEngine to back this delegate and its {@code host}. * * <p> * * <p>First, the {@code host} is asked if it would like to use a cached {@link * io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine}, and if so, the cached {@link * io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} is retrieved. * * <p>Second, the {@code host} is given an opportunity to provide a {@link * io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} via {@link Host#provideFlutterEngine(Context)}. * * <p>Third, the {@code host} is asked if it would like to use a cached {@link * io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngineGroup} to create a new {@link FlutterEngine} by {@link * FlutterEngineGroup#createAndRunEngine} * * <p>If the {@code host} does not provide a {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine}, * then a new {@link FlutterEngine} is instantiated. */ @VisibleForTesting /* package */ void setUpFlutterEngine() { Log.v(TAG, "Setting up FlutterEngine."); // First, check if the host wants to use a cached FlutterEngine. String cachedEngineId = host.getCachedEngineId(); if (cachedEngineId != null) { flutterEngine = FlutterEngineCache.getInstance().get(cachedEngineId); isFlutterEngineFromHost = true; if (flutterEngine == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The requested cached FlutterEngine did not exist in the FlutterEngineCache: '" + cachedEngineId + "'"); } return; } // Second, defer to subclasses for a custom FlutterEngine. flutterEngine = host.provideFlutterEngine(host.getContext()); if (flutterEngine != null) { isFlutterEngineFromHost = true; return; } // Third, check if the host wants to use a cached FlutterEngineGroup // and create new FlutterEngine using FlutterEngineGroup#createAndRunEngine String cachedEngineGroupId = host.getCachedEngineGroupId(); if (cachedEngineGroupId != null) { FlutterEngineGroup flutterEngineGroup = FlutterEngineGroupCache.getInstance().get(cachedEngineGroupId); if (flutterEngineGroup == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "The requested cached FlutterEngineGroup did not exist in the FlutterEngineGroupCache: '" + cachedEngineGroupId + "'"); } flutterEngine = flutterEngineGroup.createAndRunEngine( addEntrypointOptions(new FlutterEngineGroup.Options(host.getContext()))); isFlutterEngineFromHost = false; return; } // Our host did not provide a custom FlutterEngine. Create a FlutterEngine to back our // FlutterView. Log.v( TAG, "No preferred FlutterEngine was provided. Creating a new FlutterEngine for" + " this FlutterFragment."); FlutterEngineGroup group = engineGroup == null ? new FlutterEngineGroup(host.getContext(), host.getFlutterShellArgs().toArray()) : engineGroup; flutterEngine = group.createAndRunEngine( addEntrypointOptions( new FlutterEngineGroup.Options(host.getContext()) .setAutomaticallyRegisterPlugins(false) .setWaitForRestorationData(host.shouldRestoreAndSaveState()))); isFlutterEngineFromHost = false; } /** * Invoke this method from {@code Activity#onCreate(Bundle)} to create the content {@code View}, * or from {@code Fragment#onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)}. * * <p>{@code inflater} and {@code container} may be null when invoked from an {@code Activity}. * * <p>{@code shouldDelayFirstAndroidViewDraw} determines whether to set up an {@link * android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener}, which will defer the current drawing pass * till after the Flutter UI has been displayed. This results in more accurate timings reported * with Android tools, such as "Displayed" timing printed with `am start`. * * <p>Note that it should only be set to true when {@code Host#getRenderMode()} is {@code * RenderMode.surface}. * * <p>This method: * * <ol> * <li>creates a new {@link FlutterView} in a {@code View} hierarchy * <li>adds a {@link FlutterUiDisplayListener} to it * <li>attaches a {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} to the new {@link * FlutterView} * <li>returns the new {@code View} hierarchy * </ol> */ @NonNull View onCreateView( LayoutInflater inflater, @Nullable ViewGroup container, @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState, int flutterViewId, boolean shouldDelayFirstAndroidViewDraw) { Log.v(TAG, "Creating FlutterView."); ensureAlive(); if (host.getRenderMode() == RenderMode.surface) { FlutterSurfaceView flutterSurfaceView = new FlutterSurfaceView( host.getContext(), host.getTransparencyMode() == TransparencyMode.transparent); // Allow our host to customize FlutterSurfaceView, if desired. host.onFlutterSurfaceViewCreated(flutterSurfaceView); // Create the FlutterView that owns the FlutterSurfaceView. flutterView = new FlutterView(host.getContext(), flutterSurfaceView); } else { FlutterTextureView flutterTextureView = new FlutterTextureView(host.getContext()); flutterTextureView.setOpaque(host.getTransparencyMode() == TransparencyMode.opaque); // Allow our host to customize FlutterSurfaceView, if desired. host.onFlutterTextureViewCreated(flutterTextureView); // Create the FlutterView that owns the FlutterTextureView. flutterView = new FlutterView(host.getContext(), flutterTextureView); } // Add listener to be notified when Flutter renders its first frame. flutterView.addOnFirstFrameRenderedListener(flutterUiDisplayListener); if (host.attachToEngineAutomatically()) { Log.v(TAG, "Attaching FlutterEngine to FlutterView."); flutterView.attachToFlutterEngine(flutterEngine); } flutterView.setId(flutterViewId); if (shouldDelayFirstAndroidViewDraw) { delayFirstAndroidViewDraw(flutterView); } return flutterView; } void onRestoreInstanceState(@Nullable Bundle bundle) { Log.v( TAG, "onRestoreInstanceState. Giving framework and plugins an opportunity to restore state."); ensureAlive(); Bundle pluginState = null; byte[] frameworkState = null; if (bundle != null) { pluginState = bundle.getBundle(PLUGINS_RESTORATION_BUNDLE_KEY); frameworkState = bundle.getByteArray(FRAMEWORK_RESTORATION_BUNDLE_KEY); } if (host.shouldRestoreAndSaveState()) { flutterEngine.getRestorationChannel().setRestorationData(frameworkState); } if (host.shouldAttachEngineToActivity()) { flutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface().onRestoreInstanceState(pluginState); } } /** * Invoke this from {@code Activity#onStart()} or {@code Fragment#onStart()}. * * <p>This method: * * <p> * * <ol> * <li>Begins executing Dart code, if it is not already executing. * </ol> */ void onStart() { Log.v(TAG, "onStart()"); ensureAlive(); doInitialFlutterViewRun(); // This is a workaround for a bug on some OnePlus phones. The visibility of the application // window is still true after locking the screen on some OnePlus phones, and shows a black // screen when unlocked. We can work around this by changing the visibility of FlutterView in // onStart and onStop. // See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/93276 if (previousVisibility != null) { flutterView.setVisibility(previousVisibility); } } /** * Starts running Dart within the FlutterView for the first time. * * <p>Reloading/restarting Dart within a given FlutterView is not supported. If this method is * invoked while Dart is already executing then it does nothing. * * <p>{@code flutterEngine} must be non-null when invoking this method. */ private void doInitialFlutterViewRun() { // Don't attempt to start a FlutterEngine if we're using a cached FlutterEngine. if (host.getCachedEngineId() != null) { return; } if (flutterEngine.getDartExecutor().isExecutingDart()) { // No warning is logged because this situation will happen on every config // change if the developer does not choose to retain the Fragment instance. // So this is expected behavior in many cases. return; } String initialRoute = host.getInitialRoute(); if (initialRoute == null) { initialRoute = maybeGetInitialRouteFromIntent(host.getActivity().getIntent()); if (initialRoute == null) { initialRoute = DEFAULT_INITIAL_ROUTE; } } @Nullable String libraryUri = host.getDartEntrypointLibraryUri(); Log.v( TAG, "Executing Dart entrypoint: " + host.getDartEntrypointFunctionName() + ", library uri: " + libraryUri == null ? "\"\"" : libraryUri + ", and sending initial route: " + initialRoute); // The engine needs to receive the Flutter app's initial route before executing any // Dart code to ensure that the initial route arrives in time to be applied. flutterEngine.getNavigationChannel().setInitialRoute(initialRoute); String appBundlePathOverride = host.getAppBundlePath(); if (appBundlePathOverride == null || appBundlePathOverride.isEmpty()) { appBundlePathOverride = FlutterInjector.instance().flutterLoader().findAppBundlePath(); } // Configure the Dart entrypoint and execute it. DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint entrypoint = libraryUri == null ? new DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint( appBundlePathOverride, host.getDartEntrypointFunctionName()) : new DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint( appBundlePathOverride, libraryUri, host.getDartEntrypointFunctionName()); flutterEngine.getDartExecutor().executeDartEntrypoint(entrypoint, host.getDartEntrypointArgs()); } private String maybeGetInitialRouteFromIntent(Intent intent) { if (host.shouldHandleDeeplinking()) { Uri data = intent.getData(); if (data != null) { return data.toString(); } } return null; } /** * Delays the first drawing of the {@code flutterView} until the Flutter first has been displayed. */ private void delayFirstAndroidViewDraw(FlutterView flutterView) { if (host.getRenderMode() != RenderMode.surface) { // Using a TextureView will cause a deadlock, where the underlying SurfaceTexture is never // available since it will wait for drawing to be completed first. At the same time, the // preDraw listener keeps returning false since the Flutter Engine waits for the // SurfaceTexture to be available. throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot delay the first Android view draw when the render mode is not set to" + " `RenderMode.surface`."); } if (activePreDrawListener != null) { flutterView.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(activePreDrawListener); } activePreDrawListener = new OnPreDrawListener() { @Override public boolean onPreDraw() { if (isFlutterUiDisplayed && activePreDrawListener != null) { flutterView.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this); activePreDrawListener = null; } return isFlutterUiDisplayed; } }; flutterView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(activePreDrawListener); } /** * Invoke this from {@code Activity#onResume()} or {@code Fragment#onResume()}. * * <p>This method notifies the running Flutter app that it is "resumed" as per the Flutter app * lifecycle. */ void onResume() { Log.v(TAG, "onResume()"); ensureAlive(); if (host.shouldDispatchAppLifecycleState() && flutterEngine != null) { flutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel().appIsResumed(); } } /** * Invoke this from {@code Activity#onPostResume()}. * * <p>A {@code Fragment} host must have its containing {@code Activity} forward this call so that * the {@code Fragment} can then invoke this method. * * <p>This method informs the {@link PlatformPlugin} that {@code onPostResume()} has run, which is * used to update system UI overlays. */ // TODO(mattcarroll): determine why this can't be in onResume(). Comment reason, or move if // possible. void onPostResume() { Log.v(TAG, "onPostResume()"); ensureAlive(); if (flutterEngine != null) { updateSystemUiOverlays(); } else { Log.w(TAG, "onPostResume() invoked before FlutterFragment was attached to an Activity."); } } /** * Refreshes Android's window system UI (AKA system chrome) to match Flutter's desired system * chrome style. */ void updateSystemUiOverlays() { if (platformPlugin != null) { // TODO(mattcarroll): find a better way to handle the update of UI overlays than calling // through to platformPlugin. We're implicitly entangling the Window, Activity, // Fragment, and engine all with this one call. platformPlugin.updateSystemUiOverlays(); } } /** * Invoke this from {@code Activity#onPause()} or {@code Fragment#onPause()}. * * <p>This method notifies the running Flutter app that it is "inactive" as per the Flutter app * lifecycle. */ void onPause() { Log.v(TAG, "onPause()"); ensureAlive(); if (host.shouldDispatchAppLifecycleState() && flutterEngine != null) { flutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel().appIsInactive(); } } /** * Invoke this from {@code Activity#onStop()} or {@code Fragment#onStop()}. * * <p>This method: * * <p> * * <ol> * <li>This method notifies the running Flutter app that it is "paused" as per the Flutter app * lifecycle. * <li>Detaches this delegate's {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} from this * delegate's {@link FlutterView}. * </ol> */ void onStop() { Log.v(TAG, "onStop()"); ensureAlive(); if (host.shouldDispatchAppLifecycleState() && flutterEngine != null) { flutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel().appIsPaused(); } // This is a workaround for a bug on some OnePlus phones. The visibility of the application // window is still true after locking the screen on some OnePlus phones, and shows a black // screen when unlocked. We can work around this by changing the visibility of FlutterView in // onStart and onStop. // See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/93276 previousVisibility = flutterView.getVisibility(); flutterView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } /** * Invoke this from {@code Activity#onDestroy()} or {@code Fragment#onDestroyView()}. * * <p>This method removes this delegate's {@link FlutterView}'s {@link FlutterUiDisplayListener}. */ void onDestroyView() { Log.v(TAG, "onDestroyView()"); ensureAlive(); if (activePreDrawListener != null) { flutterView.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(activePreDrawListener); activePreDrawListener = null; } // flutterView can be null in instances where a delegate.onDestroyView is called without // onCreateView being called. See https://github.com/flutter/engine/pull/41082 for more detail. if (flutterView != null) { flutterView.detachFromFlutterEngine(); flutterView.removeOnFirstFrameRenderedListener(flutterUiDisplayListener); } } void onSaveInstanceState(@Nullable Bundle bundle) { Log.v(TAG, "onSaveInstanceState. Giving framework and plugins an opportunity to save state."); ensureAlive(); if (host.shouldRestoreAndSaveState()) { bundle.putByteArray( FRAMEWORK_RESTORATION_BUNDLE_KEY, flutterEngine.getRestorationChannel().getRestorationData()); } if (host.shouldAttachEngineToActivity()) { final Bundle plugins = new Bundle(); flutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface().onSaveInstanceState(plugins); bundle.putBundle(PLUGINS_RESTORATION_BUNDLE_KEY, plugins); } } @Override public void detachFromFlutterEngine() { if (host.shouldDestroyEngineWithHost()) { // The host owns the engine and should never have its engine taken by another exclusive // activity. throw new AssertionError( "The internal FlutterEngine created by " + host + " has been attached to by another activity. To persist a FlutterEngine beyond the " + "ownership of this activity, explicitly create a FlutterEngine"); } // Default, but customizable, behavior is for the host to call {@link #onDetach} // deterministically as to not mix more events during the lifecycle of the next exclusive // activity. host.detachFromFlutterEngine(); } /** * Invoke this from {@code Activity#onDestroy()} or {@code Fragment#onDetach()}. * * <p>This method: * * <p> * * <ol> * <li>Detaches this delegate's {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} from its * surrounding {@code Activity}, if it was previously attached. * <li>Destroys this delegate's {@link PlatformPlugin}. * <li>Destroys this delegate's {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} if {@link * Host#shouldDestroyEngineWithHost()} ()} returns true. * </ol> */ void onDetach() { if (!isAttached) { // Already detached. return; } Log.v(TAG, "onDetach()"); ensureAlive(); // Give the host an opportunity to cleanup any references that were created in // configureFlutterEngine(). host.cleanUpFlutterEngine(flutterEngine); if (host.shouldAttachEngineToActivity()) { // Notify plugins that they are no longer attached to an Activity. Log.v(TAG, "Detaching FlutterEngine from the Activity that owns this Fragment."); if (host.getActivity().isChangingConfigurations()) { flutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface().detachFromActivityForConfigChanges(); } else { flutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface().detachFromActivity(); } } // Null out the platformPlugin to avoid a possible retain cycle between the plugin, this // Fragment, // and this Fragment's Activity. if (platformPlugin != null) { platformPlugin.destroy(); platformPlugin = null; } if (host.shouldDispatchAppLifecycleState() && flutterEngine != null) { flutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel().appIsDetached(); } // Destroy our FlutterEngine if we're not set to retain it. if (host.shouldDestroyEngineWithHost()) { flutterEngine.destroy(); if (host.getCachedEngineId() != null) { FlutterEngineCache.getInstance().remove(host.getCachedEngineId()); } flutterEngine = null; } isAttached = false; } /** * Invoke this from {@link android.app.Activity#onBackPressed()}. * * <p>A {@code Fragment} host must have its containing {@code Activity} forward this call so that * the {@code Fragment} can then invoke this method. * * <p>This method instructs Flutter's navigation system to "pop route". */ void onBackPressed() { ensureAlive(); if (flutterEngine != null) { Log.v(TAG, "Forwarding onBackPressed() to FlutterEngine."); flutterEngine.getNavigationChannel().popRoute(); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Invoked onBackPressed() before FlutterFragment was attached to an Activity."); } } /** * Invoke this from {@link android.app.Activity#onRequestPermissionsResult(int, String[], int[])} * or {@code Fragment#onRequestPermissionsResult(int, String[], int[])}. * * <p>This method forwards to interested Flutter plugins. */ void onRequestPermissionsResult( int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) { ensureAlive(); if (flutterEngine != null) { Log.v( TAG, "Forwarding onRequestPermissionsResult() to FlutterEngine:\n" + "requestCode: " + requestCode + "\n" + "permissions: " + Arrays.toString(permissions) + "\n" + "grantResults: " + Arrays.toString(grantResults)); flutterEngine .getActivityControlSurface() .onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults); } else { Log.w( TAG, "onRequestPermissionResult() invoked before FlutterFragment was attached to an Activity."); } } /** * Invoke this from {@code Activity#onNewIntent(Intent)}. * * <p>A {@code Fragment} host must have its containing {@code Activity} forward this call so that * the {@code Fragment} can then invoke this method. * * <p>This method forwards to interested Flutter plugins. */ void onNewIntent(@NonNull Intent intent) { ensureAlive(); if (flutterEngine != null) { Log.v( TAG, "Forwarding onNewIntent() to FlutterEngine and sending pushRouteInformation message."); flutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface().onNewIntent(intent); String initialRoute = maybeGetInitialRouteFromIntent(intent); if (initialRoute != null && !initialRoute.isEmpty()) { flutterEngine.getNavigationChannel().pushRouteInformation(initialRoute); } } else { Log.w(TAG, "onNewIntent() invoked before FlutterFragment was attached to an Activity."); } } /** * Invoke this from {@code Activity#onActivityResult(int, int, Intent)} or {@code * Fragment#onActivityResult(int, int, Intent)}. * * <p>This method forwards to interested Flutter plugins. */ void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { ensureAlive(); if (flutterEngine != null) { Log.v( TAG, "Forwarding onActivityResult() to FlutterEngine:\n" + "requestCode: " + requestCode + "\n" + "resultCode: " + resultCode + "\n" + "data: " + data); flutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface().onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } else { Log.w(TAG, "onActivityResult() invoked before FlutterFragment was attached to an Activity."); } } /** * Invoke this from {@code Activity#onUserLeaveHint()}. * * <p>A {@code Fragment} host must have its containing {@code Activity} forward this call so that * the {@code Fragment} can then invoke this method. * * <p>This method forwards to interested Flutter plugins. */ void onUserLeaveHint() { ensureAlive(); if (flutterEngine != null) { Log.v(TAG, "Forwarding onUserLeaveHint() to FlutterEngine."); flutterEngine.getActivityControlSurface().onUserLeaveHint(); } else { Log.w(TAG, "onUserLeaveHint() invoked before FlutterFragment was attached to an Activity."); } } /** * Invoke this from {@code Activity#onWindowFocusChanged()}. * * <p>A {@code Fragment} host must have its containing {@code Activity} forward this call so that * the {@code Fragment} can then invoke this method. */ void onWindowFocusChanged(boolean hasFocus) { ensureAlive(); Log.v(TAG, "Received onWindowFocusChanged: " + (hasFocus ? "true" : "false")); if (host.shouldDispatchAppLifecycleState() && flutterEngine != null) { // TODO(gspencergoog): Once we have support for multiple windows/views, // this code will need to consult the list of windows/views to determine if // any windows in the app are focused and call the appropriate function. if (hasFocus) { flutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel().aWindowIsFocused(); } else { flutterEngine.getLifecycleChannel().noWindowsAreFocused(); } } } /** * Invoke this from {@link android.app.Activity#onTrimMemory(int)}. * * <p>A {@code Fragment} host must have its containing {@code Activity} forward this call so that * the {@code Fragment} can then invoke this method. * * <p>This method sends a "memory pressure warning" message to Flutter over the "system channel". */ void onTrimMemory(int level) { ensureAlive(); if (flutterEngine != null) { // Use a trim level delivered while the application is running so the // framework has a chance to react to the notification. // Avoid being too aggressive before the first frame is rendered. If it is // not at least running critical, we should avoid delaying the frame for // an overly aggressive GC. boolean trim = isFirstFrameRendered && level >= TRIM_MEMORY_RUNNING_LOW; if (trim) { flutterEngine.getDartExecutor().notifyLowMemoryWarning(); flutterEngine.getSystemChannel().sendMemoryPressureWarning(); } flutterEngine.getRenderer().onTrimMemory(level); } } /** * Ensures that this delegate has not been {@link #release()}'ed. * * <p>An {@code IllegalStateException} is thrown if this delegate has been {@link #release()}'ed. */ private void ensureAlive() { if (host == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot execute method on a destroyed FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate."); } } /** * The {@link FlutterActivity} or {@link FlutterFragment} that owns this {@code * FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate}. */ /* package */ interface Host extends FlutterEngineProvider, FlutterEngineConfigurator, PlatformPlugin.PlatformPluginDelegate { /** * Returns the {@link Context} that backs the host {@link android.app.Activity} or {@code * Fragment}. */ @NonNull Context getContext(); /** Returns true if the delegate should retrieve the initial route from the {@link Intent}. */ @Nullable boolean shouldHandleDeeplinking(); /** * Returns the host {@link android.app.Activity} or the {@code Activity} that is currently * attached to the host {@code Fragment}. */ @Nullable Activity getActivity(); /** * Returns the {@link Lifecycle} that backs the host {@link android.app.Activity} or {@code * Fragment}. */ @NonNull Lifecycle getLifecycle(); /** Returns the {@link FlutterShellArgs} that should be used when initializing Flutter. */ @NonNull FlutterShellArgs getFlutterShellArgs(); /** * Returns the ID of a statically cached {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} to * use within this delegate's host, or {@code null} if this delegate's host does not want to use * a cached {@link FlutterEngine}. */ @Nullable String getCachedEngineId(); @Nullable String getCachedEngineGroupId(); /** * Returns true if the {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} used in this delegate * should be destroyed when the host/delegate are destroyed. * * <p>The default value is {@code true} in cases where {@code FlutterFragment} created its own * {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine}, and {@code false} in cases where a cached * {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} was provided. */ boolean shouldDestroyEngineWithHost(); /** * Callback called when the {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} has been attached * to by another activity before this activity was destroyed. * * <p>The expected behavior is for this activity to synchronously stop using the {@link * FlutterEngine} to avoid lifecycle crosstalk with the new activity. */ void detachFromFlutterEngine(); /** * Returns the Dart entrypoint that should run when a new {@link * io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} is created. */ @NonNull String getDartEntrypointFunctionName(); /** * Returns the URI of the Dart library which contains the entrypoint method (example * "package:foo_package/main.dart"). If null, this will default to the same library as the * `main()` function in the Dart program. */ @Nullable String getDartEntrypointLibraryUri(); /** Returns arguments that passed as a list of string to Dart's entrypoint function. */ @Nullable List<String> getDartEntrypointArgs(); /** Returns the path to the app bundle where the Dart code exists. */ @NonNull String getAppBundlePath(); /** Returns the initial route that Flutter renders. */ @Nullable String getInitialRoute(); /** * Returns the {@link RenderMode} used by the {@link FlutterView} that displays the {@link * FlutterEngine}'s content. */ @NonNull RenderMode getRenderMode(); /** * Returns the {@link TransparencyMode} used by the {@link FlutterView} that displays the {@link * FlutterEngine}'s content. */ @NonNull TransparencyMode getTransparencyMode(); /** * Returns the {@link ExclusiveAppComponent<Activity>} that is associated with {@link * io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine}. * * <p>In the scenario where multiple {@link FlutterActivity} or {@link FlutterFragment} share * the same {@link FlutterEngine}, to attach/re-attache a {@link FlutterActivity} or {@link * FlutterFragment} to the shared {@link FlutterEngine}, we MUST manually invoke {@link * ActivityControlSurface#attachToActivity(ExclusiveAppComponent, Lifecycle)}. * * <p>The {@link ExclusiveAppComponent} is exposed here so that subclasses of {@link * FlutterActivity} or {@link FlutterFragment} can access it. */ ExclusiveAppComponent<Activity> getExclusiveAppComponent(); /** * Returns the {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} that should be rendered to a * {@link FlutterView}. * * <p>If {@code null} is returned, a new {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} will * be created automatically. */ @Nullable FlutterEngine provideFlutterEngine(@NonNull Context context); /** * Hook for the host to create/provide a {@link PlatformPlugin} if the associated Flutter * experience should control system chrome. */ @Nullable PlatformPlugin providePlatformPlugin( @Nullable Activity activity, @NonNull FlutterEngine flutterEngine); /** * Hook for the host to configure the {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine} as * desired. */ void configureFlutterEngine(@NonNull FlutterEngine flutterEngine); /** * Hook for the host to cleanup references that were established in {@link * #configureFlutterEngine(FlutterEngine)} before the host is destroyed or detached. */ void cleanUpFlutterEngine(@NonNull FlutterEngine flutterEngine); /** * Returns true if the {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine}'s plugin system should * be connected to the host {@link android.app.Activity}, allowing plugins to interact with it. */ boolean shouldAttachEngineToActivity(); /** * Invoked by this delegate when the {@link FlutterSurfaceView} that renders the Flutter UI is * initially instantiated. * * <p>This method is only invoked if the {@link * io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterView.RenderMode} is set to {@link * io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterView.RenderMode#surface}. Otherwise, {@link * #onFlutterTextureViewCreated(FlutterTextureView)} is invoked. * * <p>This method is invoked before the given {@link FlutterSurfaceView} is attached to the * {@code View} hierarchy. Implementers should not attempt to climb the {@code View} hierarchy * or make assumptions about relationships with other {@code View}s. */ void onFlutterSurfaceViewCreated(@NonNull FlutterSurfaceView flutterSurfaceView); /** * Invoked by this delegate when the {@link FlutterTextureView} that renders the Flutter UI is * initially instantiated. * * <p>This method is only invoked if the {@link * io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterView.RenderMode} is set to {@link * io.flutter.embedding.android.FlutterView.RenderMode#texture}. Otherwise, {@link * #onFlutterSurfaceViewCreated(FlutterSurfaceView)} is invoked. * * <p>This method is invoked before the given {@link FlutterTextureView} is attached to the * {@code View} hierarchy. Implementers should not attempt to climb the {@code View} hierarchy * or make assumptions about relationships with other {@code View}s. */ void onFlutterTextureViewCreated(@NonNull FlutterTextureView flutterTextureView); /** Invoked by this delegate when its {@link FlutterView} starts painting pixels. */ void onFlutterUiDisplayed(); /** Invoked by this delegate when its {@link FlutterView} stops painting pixels. */ void onFlutterUiNoLongerDisplayed(); /** * Whether state restoration is enabled. * * <p>When this returns true, the instance state provided to {@code * onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle)} will be forwarded to the framework via the {@code * RestorationChannel} and during {@code onSaveInstanceState(Bundle)} the current framework * instance state obtained from {@code RestorationChannel} will be stored in the provided * bundle. * * <p>This defaults to true, unless a cached engine is used. */ boolean shouldRestoreAndSaveState(); /** * Refreshes Android's window system UI (AKA system chrome) to match Flutter's desired system * chrome style. * * <p>This is useful when using the splash screen API available in Android 12. {@code * SplashScreenView#remove} resets the system UI colors to the values set prior to the execution * of the Dart entrypoint. As a result, the values set from Dart are reverted by this API. To * workaround this issue, call this method after removing the splash screen with {@code * SplashScreenView#remove}. */ void updateSystemUiOverlays(); /** * Give the host application a chance to take control of the app lifecycle events to avoid * lifecycle crosstalk. * * <p>In the add-to-app scenario where multiple {@link FlutterActivity} shares the same {@link * FlutterEngine}, the application lifecycle state will have crosstalk causing the page to * freeze. For example, we open a new page called FlutterActivity#2 from the previous page * called FlutterActivity#1. The flow of app lifecycle states received by dart is as follows: * * <p>inactive (from FlutterActivity#1) -> resumed (from FlutterActivity#2) -> paused (from * FlutterActivity#1) * * <p>On the one hand, the {@code paused} state from FlutterActivity#1 will cause the * FlutterActivity#2 page to be stuck; On the other hand, these states are not expected from the * perspective of the entire application lifecycle. If the host application gets the control of * sending {@link AppLifecycleState}, It will be possible to correctly match the {@link * AppLifecycleState} with the application-level lifecycle. * * <p>Return {@code false} means the host application dispatches these app lifecycle events, * while return {@code true} means the engine dispatches these events. */ boolean shouldDispatchAppLifecycleState(); /** * Whether to automatically attach the {@link FlutterView} to the engine. * * <p>In the add-to-app scenario where multiple {@link FlutterView} share the same {@link * FlutterEngine}, the host application desires to determine the timing of attaching the {@link * FlutterView} to the engine, for example, during the {@code onResume} instead of the {@code * onCreateView}. * * <p>Defaults to {@code true}. */ boolean attachToEngineAutomatically(); } }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/io/flutter/embedding/android/FlutterActivityAndFragmentDelegate.java", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 16180 }
package io.flutter.embedding.android; import android.util.LongSparseArray; import android.view.MotionEvent; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import java.util.PriorityQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; /** Tracks the motion events received by the FlutterView. */ public final class MotionEventTracker { private static final String TAG = "MotionEventTracker"; /** Represents a unique identifier corresponding to a motion event. */ public static class MotionEventId { private static final AtomicLong ID_COUNTER = new AtomicLong(0); private final long id; private MotionEventId(long id) { this.id = id; } @NonNull public static MotionEventId from(long id) { return new MotionEventId(id); } @NonNull public static MotionEventId createUnique() { return MotionEventId.from(ID_COUNTER.incrementAndGet()); } public long getId() { return id; } } private final LongSparseArray<MotionEvent> eventById; private final PriorityQueue<Long> unusedEvents; private static MotionEventTracker INSTANCE; @NonNull public static MotionEventTracker getInstance() { if (INSTANCE == null) { INSTANCE = new MotionEventTracker(); } return INSTANCE; } private MotionEventTracker() { eventById = new LongSparseArray<>(); unusedEvents = new PriorityQueue<>(); } /** Tracks the event and returns a unique MotionEventId identifying the event. */ @NonNull public MotionEventId track(@NonNull MotionEvent event) { MotionEventId eventId = MotionEventId.createUnique(); // We copy event here because the original MotionEvent delivered to us // will be automatically recycled (`MotionEvent.recycle`) by the RootView and we need // access to it after the RootView code runs. // The return value of `MotionEvent.obtain(event)` is still verifiable if the input // event was verifiable. Other overloads of `MotionEvent.obtain` do not have this // guarantee and should be avoided when possible. MotionEvent eventCopy = MotionEvent.obtain(event); eventById.put(eventId.id, eventCopy); unusedEvents.add(eventId.id); return eventId; } /** * Returns the MotionEvent corresponding to the eventId while discarding all the motion events * that occurred prior to the event represented by the eventId. Returns null if this event was * popped or discarded. */ @Nullable public MotionEvent pop(@NonNull MotionEventId eventId) { // remove all the older events. while (!unusedEvents.isEmpty() && unusedEvents.peek() < eventId.id) { eventById.remove(unusedEvents.poll()); } // remove the current event from the heap if it exists. if (!unusedEvents.isEmpty() && unusedEvents.peek() == eventId.id) { unusedEvents.poll(); } MotionEvent event = eventById.get(eventId.id); eventById.remove(eventId.id); return event; } }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/io/flutter/embedding/android/MotionEventTracker.java", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 929 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package io.flutter.embedding.engine.deferredcomponents; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterJNI; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels.DeferredComponentChannel; // TODO: add links to external documentation on how to use split aot features. /** * Basic interface that handles downloading and loading of deferred components. * * <p>Flutter deferred component support is still in early developer preview and should not be used * in production apps yet. * * <p>The Flutter default implementation is PlayStoreDeferredComponentManager. * * <p>DeferredComponentManager handles the embedder/Android level tasks of downloading, installing, * and loading Dart deferred libraries. A typical code-flow begins with a Dart call to loadLibrary() * on deferred imported library. See https://dart.dev/guides/language/language-tour#deferred-loading * This call retrieves a unique identifier called the loading unit id, which is assigned by * gen_snapshot during compilation. The loading unit id is passed down through the engine and * invokes installDeferredComponent. Once the component is downloaded, loadAssets and * loadDartLibrary should be invoked. loadDartLibrary should find shared library .so files for the * engine to open and pass the .so path to FlutterJNI.loadDartDeferredLibrary. loadAssets should * typically ensure the new assets are available to the engine's asset manager by passing an updated * Android AssetManager to the engine via FlutterJNI.updateAssetManager. * * <p>The loadAssets and loadDartLibrary methods are separated out because they may also be called * manually via platform channel messages. A full installDeferredComponent implementation should * call these two methods as needed. * * <p>A deferred component is uniquely identified by a component name as defined in * bundle_config.yaml. Each component may contain one or more loading units, uniquely identified by * the loading unit ID and assets. */ public interface DeferredComponentManager { /** * Sets the FlutterJNI to be used to communication with the Flutter native engine. * * <p>A FlutterJNI is required in order to properly execute loadAssets and loadDartLibrary. * * <p>Since this class may be instantiated for injection before the FlutterEngine and FlutterJNI * is fully initialized, this method should be called to provide the FlutterJNI instance to use * for use in loadDartLibrary and loadAssets. */ public abstract void setJNI(FlutterJNI flutterJNI); /** * Sets the DeferredComponentChannel system channel to handle the framework API to directly call * methods in DeferredComponentManager. * * <p>A DeferredComponentChannel is required to handle assets-only deferred components and * manually installed deferred components. * * <p>Since this class may be instantiated for injection before the FlutterEngine and System * Channels are initialized, this method should be called to provide the DeferredComponentChannel. * Similarly, the {@link DeferredComponentChannel.setDeferredComponentManager} method should also * be called with this DeferredComponentManager instance to properly forward method invocations. * * <p>The {@link DeferredComponentChannel} passes manual invocations of {@link * installDeferredComponent} and {@link getDeferredComponentInstallState} from the method channel * to this DeferredComponentManager. Upon completion of the install process, successful * installations should notify the DeferredComponentChannel by calling {@link * DeferredComponentChannel.completeInstallSuccess} while errors and failures should call {@link * DeferredComponentChannel.completeInstallError}. */ public abstract void setDeferredComponentChannel(DeferredComponentChannel channel); /** * Request that the deferred component be downloaded and installed. * * <p>This method begins the download and installation of the specified deferred component. For * example, the Play Store dynamic delivery implementation uses SplitInstallManager to request the * download of the component. Download is not complete when this method returns. The download * process should be listened for and upon completion of download, listeners should invoke * loadAssets first and then loadDartLibrary to complete the deferred component load process. * Assets-only deferred components should also call {@link * DeferredComponentChannel.completeInstallSuccess} or {@link * DeferredComponentChannel.completeInstallError} to complete the method channel invocation's dart * Future. * * <p>Both parameters are not always necessary to identify which component to install. Asset-only * components do not have an associated loadingUnitId. Instead, an invalid ID like -1 may be * passed to download only with componentName. On the other hand, it can be possible to resolve * the componentName based on the loadingUnitId. This resolution is done if componentName is null. * At least one of loadingUnitId or componentName must be valid or non-null. * * <p>Flutter will typically call this method in two ways. When invoked as part of a dart * `loadLibrary()` call, a valid loadingUnitId is passed in while the componentName is null. In * this case, this method is responsible for figuring out what component the loadingUnitId * corresponds to. * * <p>When invoked manually as part of loading an assets-only component, loadingUnitId is -1 * (invalid) and componentName is supplied. Without a loadingUnitId, this method just downloads * the component by name and attempts to load assets via loadAssets while loadDartLibrary is * skipped, even if the deferred component includes valid dart libs. To load dart libs, call * `loadLibrary()` using the first way described in the previous paragraph as the method channel * invocation will not load dart shared libraries. * * <p>While the Future retuned by either `loadLibary` or the method channel invocation will * indicate when the code and assets are ready to be used, informational querying of the install * process' state can be done with {@link getDeferredComponentInstallState}, though the results of * this query should not be used to decide if the deferred component is ready to use. Only the * Future completion should be used to do this. * * @param loadingUnitId The unique identifier associated with a Dart deferred library. This id is * assigned by the compiler and can be seen for reference in bundle_config.yaml. This ID is * primarily used in loadDartLibrary to indicate to Dart which Dart library is being loaded. * Loading unit ids range from 0 to the number existing loading units. Passing a negative * loading unit id indicates that no Dart deferred library should be loaded after download * completes. This is the case when the deferred component is an assets-only component. If a * negative loadingUnitId is passed, then componentName must not be null. Passing a * loadingUnitId larger than the highest valid loading unit's id will cause the Dart * loadLibrary() to complete with a failure. * @param componentName The deferred component name as defined in bundle_config.yaml. This may be * null if the deferred component to be loaded is associated with a loading unit/deferred dart * library. In this case, it is this method's responsibility to map the loadingUnitId to its * corresponding componentName. When loading asset-only or other deferred components without * an associated Dart deferred library, loading unit id should a negative value and * componentName must be non-null. */ public abstract void installDeferredComponent(int loadingUnitId, String componentName); /** * Gets the current state of the installation session corresponding to the specified loadingUnitId * and/or componentName. * * <p>Invocations of {@link installDeferredComponent} typically result in asynchronous downloading * and other tasks. This method enables querying of the state of the installation. Querying the * installation state is purely informational and does not impact the installation process. The * results of this query should not be used to decide if the deferred component is ready to use. * Upon completion of installation, the Future returned by the installation request will complete. * Only after dart Future completion is it safe to use code and assets from the deferred * component. * * <p>If no deferred component has been installed or requested to be installed by the provided * loadingUnitId or componentName, then this method will return null. * * <p>Depending on the implementation, the returned String may vary. The Play store default * implementation begins in the "requested" state before transitioning to the "downloading" and * "installed" states. * * <p>Only successfully requested components have state. Modules that are invalid or have not been * requested with {@link installDeferredComponent} will not have a state. Due to the asynchronous * nature of the download process, components may not immediately have a valid state upon return * of {@link installDeferredComponent}, though valid components will eventually obtain a state. * * <p>Both parameters are not always necessary to identify which component to install. Asset-only * components do not have an associated loadingUnitId. Instead, an invalid ID like -1 may be * passed to query only with componentName. On the other hand, it can be possible to resolve the * componentName based on the loadingUnitId. This resolution is done if componentName is null. At * least one of loadingUnitId or componentName must be valid or non-null. * * @param loadingUnitId The unique identifier associated with a Dart deferred library. * @param componentName The deferred component name as defined in bundle_config.yaml. */ public abstract String getDeferredComponentInstallState(int loadingUnitId, String componentName); /** * Extract and load any assets and resources from the deferred component for use by Flutter. * * <p>This method should provide a refreshed AssetManager to FlutterJNI.updateAssetManager that * can access the new assets. If no assets are included as part of the deferred component, then * nothing needs to be done. * * <p>If using the Play Store deferred component delivery, refresh the context via: {@code * context.createPackageContext(context.getPackageName(), 0);} This returns a new context, from * which an updated asset manager may be obtained and passed to updateAssetManager in FlutterJNI. * This process does not require loadingUnitId or componentName, however, the two parameters are * still present for custom implementations that store assets outside of Android's native system. * * <p>Assets shoud be loaded before the Dart deferred library is loaded, as successful loading of * the Dart loading unit indicates the deferred component is fully loaded. Implementations of * installDeferredComponent should invoke this after successful download. * * @param loadingUnitId The unique identifier associated with a Dart deferred library. * @param componentName The deferred component name as defined in bundle_config.yaml. */ public abstract void loadAssets(int loadingUnitId, String componentName); /** * Load the .so shared library file into the Dart VM. * * <p>When the download of a deferred component completes, this method should be called to find * the path .so library file. The path(s) should then be passed to * FlutterJNI.loadDartDeferredLibrary to be dlopen-ed and loaded into the Dart VM. * * <p>Specifically, APKs distributed by Android's app bundle format may vary by device and API * number, so FlutterJNI's loadDartDeferredLibrary accepts a list of search paths with can include * paths within APKs that have not been unpacked using the * `path/to/apk.apk!path/inside/apk/lib.so` format. Each search path will be attempted in order * until a shared library is found. This allows for the developer to avoid unpacking the apk zip. * * <p>Upon successful load of the Dart library, the Dart future from the originating loadLibary() * call completes and developers are able to use symbols and assets from the deferred component. * * @param loadingUnitId The unique identifier associated with a Dart deferred library. This id is * assigned by the compiler and can be seen for reference in bundle_config.yaml. This ID is * primarily used in loadDartLibrary to indicate to Dart which Dart library is being loaded. * Loading unit ids range from 0 to the number existing loading units. Negative loading unit * ids are considered invalid and this method will result in a no-op. * @param componentName The deferred component name as defined in bundle_config.yaml. If using * Play Store deferred component delivery, this name corresponds to the root name on the * installed APKs in which to search for the desired shared library .so file. */ public abstract void loadDartLibrary(int loadingUnitId, String componentName); /** * Request that the specified component be uninstalled. * * <p>Since uninstallation requires significant disk i/o, this method only signals the intent to * uninstall. Actual uninstallation (eg, removal of assets and files) may occur at a later time. * However, once uninstallation is requested, the deferred component should not be used anymore * until {@link installDeferredComponent} is called again. * * <p>Uninstallation, once complete, removes downloaded files and will require redownloading to * install again. * * <p>Both parameters are not always necessary to identify which component to uninstall. * Asset-only components do not have an associated loadingUnitId. Instead, an invalid ID like -1 * may be passed to download only with componentName. On the other hand, it can be possible to * resolve the componentName based on the loadingUnitId. This resolution is done if componentName * is null. At least one of loadingUnitId or componentName must be valid or non-null. * * @return false if no deferred component was found matching the input, true if an uninstall was * successfully requested. * @param loadingUnitId The unique identifier associated with a Dart deferred library. * @param componentName The deferred component name as defined in bundle_config.yaml. */ public abstract boolean uninstallDeferredComponent(int loadingUnitId, String componentName); /** * Cleans up and releases resources. This object is no longer usable after calling this method. */ public abstract void destroy(); }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/io/flutter/embedding/engine/deferredcomponents/DeferredComponentManager.java", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 3776 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.contentprovider; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; /** * A {@link io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin} that wants to know when it is running * within a {@link android.content.ContentProvider}. */ public interface ContentProviderAware { /** * Callback triggered when a {@code ContentProviderAware} {@link * io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin} is associated with a {@link * android.content.ContentProvider}. */ void onAttachedToContentProvider(@NonNull ContentProviderPluginBinding binding); /** * Callback triggered when a {@code ContentProviderAware} {@link * io.flutter.embedding.engine.plugins.FlutterPlugin} is detached from a {@link * android.content.ContentProvider}. */ void onDetachedFromContentProvider(); }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/io/flutter/embedding/engine/plugins/contentprovider/ContentProviderAware.java", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 291 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import io.flutter.FlutterInjector; import io.flutter.Log; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartExecutor; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.deferredcomponents.DeferredComponentManager; import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall; import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel; import io.flutter.plugin.common.StandardMethodCodec; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Method channel that handles manual installation requests and queries for installation state for * deferred components. * * <p>This channel is able to handle multiple simultaneous installation requests */ public class DeferredComponentChannel { private static final String TAG = "DeferredComponentChannel"; @NonNull private final MethodChannel channel; @Nullable private DeferredComponentManager deferredComponentManager; // Track the Result objects to be able to handle multiple install requests of // the same components at a time. When installation enters a terminal state, either // completeInstallSuccess or completeInstallError can be called. @NonNull private Map<String, List<MethodChannel.Result>> componentNameToResults; @NonNull @VisibleForTesting final MethodChannel.MethodCallHandler parsingMethodHandler = new MethodChannel.MethodCallHandler() { @Override public void onMethodCall(@NonNull MethodCall call, @NonNull MethodChannel.Result result) { if (deferredComponentManager == null) { // If no DeferredComponentManager has been injected, then this channel is a no-op. return; } String method = call.method; Map<String, Object> args = call.arguments(); Log.v(TAG, "Received '" + method + "' message."); final int loadingUnitId = (int) args.get("loadingUnitId"); final String componentName = (String) args.get("componentName"); switch (method) { case "installDeferredComponent": deferredComponentManager.installDeferredComponent(loadingUnitId, componentName); if (!componentNameToResults.containsKey(componentName)) { componentNameToResults.put(componentName, new ArrayList<>()); } componentNameToResults.get(componentName).add(result); break; case "getDeferredComponentInstallState": result.success( deferredComponentManager.getDeferredComponentInstallState( loadingUnitId, componentName)); break; case "uninstallDeferredComponent": deferredComponentManager.uninstallDeferredComponent(loadingUnitId, componentName); result.success(null); break; default: result.notImplemented(); break; } } }; /** * Constructs a {@code DeferredComponentChannel} that connects Android to the Dart code running in * {@code dartExecutor}. * * <p>The given {@code dartExecutor} is permitted to be idle or executing code. * * <p>See {@link DartExecutor}. */ public DeferredComponentChannel(@NonNull DartExecutor dartExecutor) { this.channel = new MethodChannel(dartExecutor, "flutter/deferredcomponent", StandardMethodCodec.INSTANCE); channel.setMethodCallHandler(parsingMethodHandler); deferredComponentManager = FlutterInjector.instance().deferredComponentManager(); componentNameToResults = new HashMap<>(); } /** * Sets the DeferredComponentManager to exectue method channel calls with. * * @param deferredComponentManager the DeferredComponentManager to use. */ @VisibleForTesting public void setDeferredComponentManager( @Nullable DeferredComponentManager deferredComponentManager) { this.deferredComponentManager = deferredComponentManager; } /** * Finishes the `installDeferredComponent` method channel call for the specified componentName * with a success. * * @param componentName The name of the android deferred component install request to complete. */ public void completeInstallSuccess(String componentName) { if (componentNameToResults.containsKey(componentName)) { for (MethodChannel.Result result : componentNameToResults.get(componentName)) { result.success(null); } componentNameToResults.get(componentName).clear(); } return; } /** * Finishes the `installDeferredComponent` method channel call for the specified componentName * with an error/failure. * * @param componentName The name of the android deferred component install request to complete. * @param errorMessage The error message to display to complete the future with. */ public void completeInstallError(String componentName, String errorMessage) { if (componentNameToResults.containsKey(componentName)) { for (MethodChannel.Result result : componentNameToResults.get(componentName)) { result.error("DeferredComponent Install failure", errorMessage, null); } componentNameToResults.get(componentName).clear(); } return; } }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/io/flutter/embedding/engine/systemchannels/DeferredComponentChannel.java", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1816 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package io.flutter.plugin.common; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.UiThread; import io.flutter.BuildConfig; import io.flutter.Log; import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger.BinaryMessageHandler; import io.flutter.plugin.common.BinaryMessenger.BinaryReply; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Arrays; /** * A named channel for communicating with the Flutter application using basic, asynchronous message * passing. * * <p>Messages are encoded into binary before being sent, and binary messages received are decoded * into Java objects. The {@link MessageCodec} used must be compatible with the one used by the * Flutter application. This can be achieved by creating a <a * href="https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/services/BasicMessageChannel-class.html">BasicMessageChannel</a> * counterpart of this channel on the Dart side. The static Java type of messages sent and received * is {@code Object}, but only values supported by the specified {@link MessageCodec} can be used. * * <p>The logical identity of the channel is given by its name. Identically named channels will * interfere with each other's communication. */ public final class BasicMessageChannel<T> { private static final String TAG = "BasicMessageChannel#"; public static final String CHANNEL_BUFFERS_CHANNEL = "dev.flutter/channel-buffers"; @NonNull private final BinaryMessenger messenger; @NonNull private final String name; @NonNull private final MessageCodec<T> codec; @Nullable private final BinaryMessenger.TaskQueue taskQueue; /** * Creates a new channel associated with the specified {@link BinaryMessenger} and with the * specified name and {@link MessageCodec}. * * @param messenger a {@link BinaryMessenger}. * @param name a channel name String. * @param codec a {@link MessageCodec}. */ public BasicMessageChannel( @NonNull BinaryMessenger messenger, @NonNull String name, @NonNull MessageCodec<T> codec) { this(messenger, name, codec, null); } /** * Creates a new channel associated with the specified {@link BinaryMessenger} and with the * specified name and {@link MessageCodec}. * * @param messenger a {@link BinaryMessenger}. * @param name a channel name String. * @param codec a {@link MessageCodec}. * @param taskQueue a {@link BinaryMessenger.TaskQueue} that specifies what thread will execute * the handler. Specifying null means execute on the platform thread. See also {@link * BinaryMessenger#makeBackgroundTaskQueue()}. */ public BasicMessageChannel( @NonNull BinaryMessenger messenger, @NonNull String name, @NonNull MessageCodec<T> codec, BinaryMessenger.TaskQueue taskQueue) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { if (messenger == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Parameter messenger must not be null."); } if (name == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Parameter name must not be null."); } if (codec == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Parameter codec must not be null."); } } this.messenger = messenger; this.name = name; this.codec = codec; this.taskQueue = taskQueue; } /** * Sends the specified message to the Flutter application on this channel. * * @param message the message, possibly null. */ public void send(@Nullable T message) { send(message, null); } /** * Sends the specified message to the Flutter application, optionally expecting a reply. * * <p>Any uncaught exception thrown by the reply callback will be caught and logged. * * @param message the message, possibly null. * @param callback a {@link Reply} callback, possibly null. */ @UiThread public void send(@Nullable T message, @Nullable final Reply<T> callback) { messenger.send( name, codec.encodeMessage(message), callback == null ? null : new IncomingReplyHandler(callback)); } /** * Registers a message handler on this channel for receiving messages sent from the Flutter * application. * * <p>Overrides any existing handler registration for (the name of) this channel. * * <p>If no handler has been registered, any incoming message on this channel will be handled * silently by sending a null reply. * * @param handler a {@link MessageHandler}, or null to deregister. */ @UiThread public void setMessageHandler(@Nullable final MessageHandler<T> handler) { // We call the 2 parameter variant specifically to avoid breaking changes in // mock verify calls. // See https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/92582. if (taskQueue != null) { messenger.setMessageHandler( name, handler == null ? null : new IncomingMessageHandler(handler), taskQueue); } else { messenger.setMessageHandler( name, handler == null ? null : new IncomingMessageHandler(handler)); } } /** * Adjusts the number of messages that will get buffered when sending messages to channels that * aren't fully set up yet. For example, the engine isn't running yet or the channel's message * handler isn't set up on the Dart side yet. */ public void resizeChannelBuffer(int newSize) { resizeChannelBuffer(messenger, name, newSize); } /** * Toggles whether the channel should show warning messages when discarding messages due to * overflow. When 'warns' is false the channel is expected to overflow and warning messages will * not be shown. */ public void setWarnsOnChannelOverflow(boolean warns) { setWarnsOnChannelOverflow(messenger, name, warns); } private static ByteBuffer packetFromEncodedMessage(ByteBuffer message) { // Create a bytes array using the buffer content (messages.array() can not be used here). message.flip(); final byte[] bytes = new byte[message.remaining()]; message.get(bytes); // The current Android Java/JNI platform message implementation assumes // that all buffers passed to native are direct buffers. ByteBuffer packet = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bytes.length); packet.put(bytes); return packet; } /** * Adjusts the number of messages that will get buffered when sending messages to channels that * aren't fully set up yet. For example, the engine isn't running yet or the channel's message * handler isn't set up on the Dart side yet. */ public static void resizeChannelBuffer( @NonNull BinaryMessenger messenger, @NonNull String channel, int newSize) { final StandardMethodCodec codec = StandardMethodCodec.INSTANCE; Object[] arguments = {channel, newSize}; MethodCall methodCall = new MethodCall("resize", Arrays.asList(arguments)); ByteBuffer message = codec.encodeMethodCall(methodCall); ByteBuffer packet = packetFromEncodedMessage(message); messenger.send(BasicMessageChannel.CHANNEL_BUFFERS_CHANNEL, packet); } /** * Toggles whether the channel should show warning messages when discarding messages due to * overflow. When 'warns' is false the channel is expected to overflow and warning messages will * not be shown. */ public static void setWarnsOnChannelOverflow( @NonNull BinaryMessenger messenger, @NonNull String channel, boolean warns) { final StandardMethodCodec codec = StandardMethodCodec.INSTANCE; Object[] arguments = {channel, !warns}; MethodCall methodCall = new MethodCall("overflow", Arrays.asList(arguments)); ByteBuffer message = codec.encodeMethodCall(methodCall); ByteBuffer packet = packetFromEncodedMessage(message); messenger.send(BasicMessageChannel.CHANNEL_BUFFERS_CHANNEL, packet); } /** A handler of incoming messages. */ public interface MessageHandler<T> { /** * Handles the specified message received from Flutter. * * <p>Handler implementations must reply to all incoming messages, by submitting a single reply * message to the given {@link Reply}. Failure to do so will result in lingering Flutter reply * handlers. The reply may be submitted asynchronously and invoked on any thread. * * <p>Any uncaught exception thrown by this method, or the preceding message decoding, will be * caught by the channel implementation and logged, and a null reply message will be sent back * to Flutter. * * <p>Any uncaught exception thrown during encoding a reply message submitted to the {@link * Reply} is treated similarly: the exception is logged, and a null reply is sent to Flutter. * * @param message the message, possibly null. * @param reply a {@link Reply} for sending a single message reply back to Flutter. */ void onMessage(@Nullable T message, @NonNull Reply<T> reply); } /** * Message reply callback. Used to submit a reply to an incoming message from Flutter. Also used * in the dual capacity to handle a reply received from Flutter after sending a message. */ public interface Reply<T> { /** * Handles the specified message reply. * * @param reply the reply, possibly null. */ void reply(@Nullable T reply); } private final class IncomingReplyHandler implements BinaryReply { private final Reply<T> callback; private IncomingReplyHandler(@NonNull Reply<T> callback) { this.callback = callback; } @Override public void reply(@Nullable ByteBuffer reply) { try { callback.reply(codec.decodeMessage(reply)); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.e(TAG + name, "Failed to handle message reply", e); } } } private final class IncomingMessageHandler implements BinaryMessageHandler { private final MessageHandler<T> handler; private IncomingMessageHandler(@NonNull MessageHandler<T> handler) { this.handler = handler; } @Override public void onMessage(@Nullable ByteBuffer message, @NonNull final BinaryReply callback) { try { handler.onMessage( codec.decodeMessage(message), new Reply<T>() { @Override public void reply(T reply) { callback.reply(codec.encodeMessage(reply)); } }); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.e(TAG + name, "Failed to handle message", e); callback.reply(null); } } } }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/io/flutter/plugin/common/BasicMessageChannel.java", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 3305 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package io.flutter.plugin.common; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; /** * A {@link MessageCodec} using UTF-8 encoded String messages. * * <p>This codec is guaranteed to be compatible with the corresponding <a * href="https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/services/StringCodec-class.html">StringCodec</a> on the * Dart side. These parts of the Flutter SDK are evolved synchronously. */ public final class StringCodec implements MessageCodec<String> { private static final Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF8"); public static final StringCodec INSTANCE = new StringCodec(); private StringCodec() {} @Override @Nullable public ByteBuffer encodeMessage(@Nullable String message) { if (message == null) { return null; } // TODO(mravn): Avoid the extra copy below. final byte[] bytes = message.getBytes(UTF8); final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bytes.length); buffer.put(bytes); return buffer; } @Override @Nullable public String decodeMessage(@Nullable ByteBuffer message) { if (message == null) { return null; } final byte[] bytes; final int offset; final int length = message.remaining(); if (message.hasArray()) { bytes = message.array(); offset = message.arrayOffset(); } else { // TODO(mravn): Avoid the extra copy below. bytes = new byte[length]; message.get(bytes); offset = 0; } return new String(bytes, offset, length, UTF8); } }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/io/flutter/plugin/common/StringCodec.java", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 572 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package io.flutter.plugin.platform; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; /** * Registry for platform view factories. * * <p>Plugins can register factories for specific view types. */ public interface PlatformViewRegistry { /** * Registers a factory for a platform view. * * @param viewTypeId unique identifier for the platform view's type. * @param factory factory for creating platform views of the specified type. * @return true if succeeded, false if a factory is already registered for viewTypeId. */ boolean registerViewFactory(@NonNull String viewTypeId, @NonNull PlatformViewFactory factory); }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/io/flutter/plugin/platform/PlatformViewRegistry.java", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 209 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package io.flutter.util; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; /** * Static convenience methods that help a method or constructor check whether it was invoked * correctly (that is, whether its <i>preconditions</i> were met). */ public final class Preconditions { private Preconditions() {} /** * Ensures that an object reference passed as a parameter to the calling method is not null. * * @param reference an object reference * @return the non-null reference that was validated * @throws NullPointerException if {@code reference} is null */ public static <T> T checkNotNull(T reference) { if (reference == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } return reference; } /** * Ensures the truth of an expression involving the state of the calling instance. * * @param expression a boolean expression that must be checked to be true * @throws IllegalStateException if {@code expression} is false */ public static void checkState(boolean expression) { if (!expression) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } } /** * Ensures the truth of an expression involving the state of the calling instance. * * @param expression a boolean expression that must be checked to be true * @param errorMessage the exception message to use if the check fails; will be converted to a * string using {@link String#valueOf(Object)} * @throws IllegalStateException if {@code expression} is false */ public static void checkState(boolean expression, @Nullable Object errorMessage) { if (!expression) { throw new IllegalStateException(String.valueOf(errorMessage)); } } }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/io/flutter/util/Preconditions.java", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 526 }
# Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//flutter/shell/config.gni") source_set("surface") { sources = [ "android_surface.cc", "android_surface.h", "snapshot_surface_producer.cc", "snapshot_surface_producer.h", ] public_configs = [ "//flutter:config" ] deps = [ ":native_window", "//flutter/flow", "//flutter/fml", "//flutter/shell/common", "//flutter/shell/platform/android/context", "//flutter/shell/platform/android/jni", "//flutter/skia", ] } source_set("native_window") { sources = [ "android_native_window.cc", "android_native_window.h", ] public_configs = [ "//flutter:config" ] deps = [ "//flutter/fml", "//flutter/skia", ] } source_set("surface_mock") { testonly = true sources = [ "android_surface_mock.cc", "android_surface_mock.h", ] public_configs = [ "//flutter:config" ] deps = [ ":surface", "//flutter/flow", "//flutter/shell/gpu:gpu_surface_gl", "//flutter/third_party/googletest:gmock", "//flutter/third_party/googletest:gtest", ] if (shell_enable_vulkan) { deps += [ "//flutter/vulkan" ] } }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/surface/BUILD.gn", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 532 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package io.flutter; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringWriter; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.robolectric.RobolectricTestRunner; import org.robolectric.annotation.Config; @Config(manifest = Config.NONE) @RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class) public class LogTest { @Test public void canGetStacktraceString() { Exception exception = new Exception(); String str = Log.getStackTraceString(exception); StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(stringWriter); exception.printStackTrace(printWriter); String expectStr = stringWriter.toString(); assertEquals(str, expectStr); } }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/test/io/flutter/LogTest.java", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 286 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package io.flutter.embedding.engine; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.mockito.Mockito.any; import static org.mockito.Mockito.doAnswer; import static org.mockito.Mockito.doReturn; import static org.mockito.Mockito.eq; import static org.mockito.Mockito.isNull; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.nullable; import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy; import static org.mockito.Mockito.times; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import androidx.test.core.app.ApplicationProvider; import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4; import io.flutter.FlutterInjector; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartExecutor.DartEntrypoint; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.loader.FlutterLoader; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels.NavigationChannel; import io.flutter.plugin.platform.PlatformViewsController; import io.flutter.plugins.GeneratedPluginRegistrant; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations; import org.robolectric.annotation.Config; // It's a component test because it tests the FlutterEngineGroup its components such as the // FlutterEngine and the DartExecutor. @Config(manifest = Config.NONE) @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) public class FlutterEngineGroupComponentTest { private final Context ctx = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext(); @Mock FlutterJNI mockFlutterJNI; @Mock FlutterLoader mockFlutterLoader; FlutterEngineGroup engineGroupUnderTest; FlutterEngine firstEngineUnderTest; boolean jniAttached; @Before public void setUp() { FlutterInjector.reset(); MockitoAnnotations.openMocks(this); jniAttached = false; when(mockFlutterJNI.isAttached()).thenAnswer(invocation -> jniAttached); doAnswer(invocation -> jniAttached = true).when(mockFlutterJNI).attachToNative(); GeneratedPluginRegistrant.clearRegisteredEngines(); when(mockFlutterLoader.findAppBundlePath()).thenReturn("some/path/to/flutter_assets"); FlutterJNI.Factory jniFactory = new FlutterJNI.Factory() { @Override public FlutterJNI provideFlutterJNI() { // The default implementation is that `new FlutterJNI()` will report errors when // creating the engine later, // Change mockFlutterJNI to the default so that we can create the engine directly in // later tests return mockFlutterJNI; } }; FlutterInjector.setInstance( new FlutterInjector.Builder() .setFlutterLoader(mockFlutterLoader) .setFlutterJNIFactory(jniFactory) .build()); firstEngineUnderTest = spy( new FlutterEngine( ctx, mock(FlutterLoader.class), mockFlutterJNI, /*dartVmArgs=*/ new String[] {}, /*automaticallyRegisterPlugins=*/ false)); engineGroupUnderTest = new FlutterEngineGroup(ctx) { @Override FlutterEngine createEngine( Context context, PlatformViewsController platformViewsController, boolean automaticallyRegisterPlugins, boolean waitForRestorationData) { return firstEngineUnderTest; } }; } @After public void tearDown() { GeneratedPluginRegistrant.clearRegisteredEngines(); engineGroupUnderTest = null; firstEngineUnderTest = null; } @Test public void listensToEngineDestruction() { FlutterEngine firstEngine = engineGroupUnderTest.createAndRunEngine(ctx, mock(DartEntrypoint.class)); assertEquals(1, engineGroupUnderTest.activeEngines.size()); firstEngine.destroy(); assertEquals(0, engineGroupUnderTest.activeEngines.size()); } @Test public void canRecreateEngines() { FlutterEngine firstEngine = engineGroupUnderTest.createAndRunEngine(ctx, mock(DartEntrypoint.class)); assertEquals(1, engineGroupUnderTest.activeEngines.size()); firstEngine.destroy(); assertEquals(0, engineGroupUnderTest.activeEngines.size()); FlutterEngine secondEngine = engineGroupUnderTest.createAndRunEngine(ctx, mock(DartEntrypoint.class)); assertEquals(1, engineGroupUnderTest.activeEngines.size()); // They happen to be equal in our test since we mocked it to be so. assertEquals(firstEngine, secondEngine); } @Test public void canSpawnMoreEngines() { FlutterEngine firstEngine = engineGroupUnderTest.createAndRunEngine(ctx, mock(DartEntrypoint.class)); assertEquals(1, engineGroupUnderTest.activeEngines.size()); doReturn(mock(FlutterEngine.class)) .when(firstEngine) .spawn( any(Context.class), any(DartEntrypoint.class), nullable(String.class), nullable(List.class), any(PlatformViewsController.class), any(Boolean.class), any(Boolean.class)); FlutterEngine secondEngine = engineGroupUnderTest.createAndRunEngine(ctx, mock(DartEntrypoint.class)); assertEquals(2, engineGroupUnderTest.activeEngines.size()); firstEngine.destroy(); assertEquals(1, engineGroupUnderTest.activeEngines.size()); // Now the second spawned engine is the only one left and it will be called to spawn the next // engine in the chain. when(secondEngine.spawn( any(Context.class), any(DartEntrypoint.class), nullable(String.class), nullable(List.class), any(PlatformViewsController.class), any(Boolean.class), any(Boolean.class))) .thenReturn(mock(FlutterEngine.class)); FlutterEngine thirdEngine = engineGroupUnderTest.createAndRunEngine(ctx, mock(DartEntrypoint.class)); assertEquals(2, engineGroupUnderTest.activeEngines.size()); } @Test public void canCreateAndRunCustomEntrypoints() { FlutterEngine firstEngine = engineGroupUnderTest.createAndRunEngine( ctx, new DartEntrypoint( FlutterInjector.instance().flutterLoader().findAppBundlePath(), "other entrypoint")); assertEquals(1, engineGroupUnderTest.activeEngines.size()); verify(mockFlutterJNI, times(1)) .runBundleAndSnapshotFromLibrary( eq("some/path/to/flutter_assets"), eq("other entrypoint"), isNull(), any(AssetManager.class), nullable(List.class)); } @Test public void canCreateAndRunWithCustomInitialRoute() { when(firstEngineUnderTest.getNavigationChannel()).thenReturn(mock(NavigationChannel.class)); FlutterEngine firstEngine = engineGroupUnderTest.createAndRunEngine(ctx, mock(DartEntrypoint.class), "/foo"); assertEquals(1, engineGroupUnderTest.activeEngines.size()); verify(firstEngine.getNavigationChannel(), times(1)).setInitialRoute("/foo"); when(mockFlutterJNI.isAttached()).thenReturn(true); jniAttached = false; FlutterJNI secondMockFlutterJNI = mock(FlutterJNI.class); when(secondMockFlutterJNI.isAttached()).thenAnswer(invocation -> jniAttached); doAnswer(invocation -> jniAttached = true).when(secondMockFlutterJNI).attachToNative(); doReturn(secondMockFlutterJNI) .when(mockFlutterJNI) .spawn( nullable(String.class), nullable(String.class), nullable(String.class), nullable(List.class)); FlutterEngine secondEngine = engineGroupUnderTest.createAndRunEngine(ctx, mock(DartEntrypoint.class), "/bar"); assertEquals(2, engineGroupUnderTest.activeEngines.size()); verify(mockFlutterJNI, times(1)) .spawn(nullable(String.class), nullable(String.class), eq("/bar"), nullable(List.class)); } @Test public void canCreateAndRunWithCustomEntrypointArgs() { List<String> firstDartEntrypointArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); FlutterEngine firstEngine = engineGroupUnderTest.createAndRunEngine( new FlutterEngineGroup.Options(ctx) .setDartEntrypoint(mock(DartEntrypoint.class)) .setDartEntrypointArgs(firstDartEntrypointArgs)); assertEquals(1, engineGroupUnderTest.activeEngines.size()); verify(mockFlutterJNI, times(1)) .runBundleAndSnapshotFromLibrary( nullable(String.class), nullable(String.class), isNull(), any(AssetManager.class), eq(firstDartEntrypointArgs)); when(mockFlutterJNI.isAttached()).thenReturn(true); jniAttached = false; FlutterJNI secondMockFlutterJNI = mock(FlutterJNI.class); when(secondMockFlutterJNI.isAttached()).thenAnswer(invocation -> jniAttached); doAnswer(invocation -> jniAttached = true).when(secondMockFlutterJNI).attachToNative(); doReturn(secondMockFlutterJNI) .when(mockFlutterJNI) .spawn( nullable(String.class), nullable(String.class), nullable(String.class), nullable(List.class)); List<String> secondDartEntrypointArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); FlutterEngine secondEngine = engineGroupUnderTest.createAndRunEngine( new FlutterEngineGroup.Options(ctx) .setDartEntrypoint(mock(DartEntrypoint.class)) .setDartEntrypointArgs(secondDartEntrypointArgs)); assertEquals(2, engineGroupUnderTest.activeEngines.size()); verify(mockFlutterJNI, times(1)) .spawn( nullable(String.class), nullable(String.class), nullable(String.class), eq(secondDartEntrypointArgs)); } @Test public void createEngineSupportMoreParams() { // Create a new FlutterEngineGroup because the first engine created in engineGroupUnderTest was // changed to firstEngineUnderTest in `setUp()`, so can't use it to validate params. FlutterEngineGroup engineGroup = new FlutterEngineGroup(ctx); PlatformViewsController controller = new PlatformViewsController(); boolean waitForRestorationData = true; boolean automaticallyRegisterPlugins = true; when(FlutterInjector.instance().flutterLoader().automaticallyRegisterPlugins()) .thenReturn(true); assertTrue(FlutterInjector.instance().flutterLoader().automaticallyRegisterPlugins()); assertEquals(0, GeneratedPluginRegistrant.getRegisteredEngines().size()); FlutterEngine firstEngine = engineGroup.createAndRunEngine( new FlutterEngineGroup.Options(ctx) .setDartEntrypoint(mock(DartEntrypoint.class)) .setPlatformViewsController(controller) .setWaitForRestorationData(waitForRestorationData) .setAutomaticallyRegisterPlugins(automaticallyRegisterPlugins)); assertEquals(1, GeneratedPluginRegistrant.getRegisteredEngines().size()); assertEquals(controller, firstEngine.getPlatformViewsController()); assertEquals( waitForRestorationData, firstEngine.getRestorationChannel().waitForRestorationData); } @Test public void spawnEngineSupportMoreParams() { FlutterEngine firstEngine = engineGroupUnderTest.createAndRunEngine( new FlutterEngineGroup.Options(ctx).setDartEntrypoint(mock(DartEntrypoint.class))); assertEquals(1, engineGroupUnderTest.activeEngines.size()); verify(mockFlutterJNI, times(1)) .runBundleAndSnapshotFromLibrary( nullable(String.class), nullable(String.class), isNull(), any(AssetManager.class), nullable(List.class)); when(mockFlutterJNI.isAttached()).thenReturn(true); jniAttached = false; FlutterJNI secondMockFlutterJNI = mock(FlutterJNI.class); when(secondMockFlutterJNI.isAttached()).thenAnswer(invocation -> jniAttached); doAnswer(invocation -> jniAttached = true).when(secondMockFlutterJNI).attachToNative(); doReturn(secondMockFlutterJNI) .when(mockFlutterJNI) .spawn( nullable(String.class), nullable(String.class), nullable(String.class), nullable(List.class)); PlatformViewsController controller = new PlatformViewsController(); boolean waitForRestorationData = false; boolean automaticallyRegisterPlugins = false; when(FlutterInjector.instance().flutterLoader().automaticallyRegisterPlugins()) .thenReturn(true); assertTrue(FlutterInjector.instance().flutterLoader().automaticallyRegisterPlugins()); assertEquals(0, GeneratedPluginRegistrant.getRegisteredEngines().size()); FlutterEngine secondEngine = engineGroupUnderTest.createAndRunEngine( new FlutterEngineGroup.Options(ctx) .setDartEntrypoint(mock(DartEntrypoint.class)) .setWaitForRestorationData(waitForRestorationData) .setPlatformViewsController(controller) .setAutomaticallyRegisterPlugins(automaticallyRegisterPlugins)); assertEquals( waitForRestorationData, secondEngine.getRestorationChannel().waitForRestorationData); assertEquals(controller, secondEngine.getPlatformViewsController()); assertEquals(0, GeneratedPluginRegistrant.getRegisteredEngines().size()); } }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/test/io/flutter/embedding/engine/FlutterEngineGroupComponentTest.java", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 5315 }
package io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels; import static io.flutter.Build.API_LEVELS; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterJNI; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.dart.DartExecutor; import io.flutter.plugin.common.BasicMessageChannel; import java.util.HashMap; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.robolectric.RobolectricTestRunner; import org.robolectric.annotation.Config; @Config( manifest = Config.NONE, shadows = {}) @RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class) @TargetApi(API_LEVELS.API_24) public class AccessibilityChannelTest { @Test public void repliesWhenNoAccessibilityHandler() throws JSONException { AccessibilityChannel accessibilityChannel = new AccessibilityChannel(mock(DartExecutor.class), mock(FlutterJNI.class)); JSONObject arguments = new JSONObject(); arguments.put("type", "announce"); BasicMessageChannel.Reply reply = mock(BasicMessageChannel.Reply.class); accessibilityChannel.parsingMessageHandler.onMessage(arguments, reply); verify(reply).reply(null); } @Test public void handleFocus() throws JSONException { AccessibilityChannel accessibilityChannel = new AccessibilityChannel(mock(DartExecutor.class), mock(FlutterJNI.class)); HashMap<String, Object> arguments = new HashMap<>(); arguments.put("type", "focus"); arguments.put("nodeId", 123); AccessibilityChannel.AccessibilityMessageHandler handler = mock(AccessibilityChannel.AccessibilityMessageHandler.class); accessibilityChannel.setAccessibilityMessageHandler(handler); BasicMessageChannel.Reply reply = mock(BasicMessageChannel.Reply.class); accessibilityChannel.parsingMessageHandler.onMessage(arguments, reply); verify(handler).onFocus(123); } }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/test/io/flutter/embedding/engine/systemchannels/AccessibilityChannelTest.java", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 625 }
package io.flutter.plugin.editing; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import android.content.Context; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.Selection; import android.view.View; import android.view.inputmethod.BaseInputConnection; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; import androidx.test.core.app.ApplicationProvider; import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4; import io.flutter.embedding.android.KeyboardManager; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.systemchannels.TextInputChannel; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations; import org.robolectric.annotation.Config; @Config(manifest = Config.NONE) @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) public class ListenableEditingStateTest { private final Context ctx = ApplicationProvider.getApplicationContext(); @Mock KeyboardManager mockKeyboardManager; private BaseInputConnection getTestInputConnection(View view, Editable mEditable) { new View(ctx); return new BaseInputConnection(view, true) { @Override public Editable getEditable() { return mEditable; } }; } @Before public void setUp() { MockitoAnnotations.openMocks(this); } @Test public void testConstructor() { // When provided valid composing range, should not fail new ListenableEditingState( new TextInputChannel.TextEditState("hello", 1, 4, 1, 4), new View(ctx)); } // -------- Start: Test BatchEditing ------- @Test public void testBatchEditing() { final ListenableEditingState editingState = new ListenableEditingState(null, new View(ctx)); final Listener listener = new Listener(); final View testView = new View(ctx); final BaseInputConnection inputConnection = getTestInputConnection(testView, editingState); editingState.addEditingStateListener(listener); editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "update"); assertTrue(listener.isCalled()); assertTrue(listener.textChanged); assertFalse(listener.selectionChanged); assertFalse(listener.composingRegionChanged); assertEquals(-1, editingState.getSelectionStart()); assertEquals(-1, editingState.getSelectionEnd()); listener.reset(); // Batch edit depth = 1. editingState.beginBatchEdit(); editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "update1"); assertFalse(listener.isCalled()); // Batch edit depth = 2. editingState.beginBatchEdit(); editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "update2"); inputConnection.setComposingRegion(0, editingState.length()); assertFalse(listener.isCalled()); // Batch edit depth = 1. editingState.endBatchEdit(); assertFalse(listener.isCalled()); // Batch edit depth = 2. editingState.beginBatchEdit(); assertFalse(listener.isCalled()); inputConnection.setSelection(0, 0); assertFalse(listener.isCalled()); // Batch edit depth = 1. editingState.endBatchEdit(); assertFalse(listener.isCalled()); // Remove composing region. inputConnection.finishComposingText(); // Batch edit depth = 0. Last endBatchEdit. editingState.endBatchEdit(); // Now notify the listener. assertTrue(listener.isCalled()); assertTrue(listener.textChanged); assertFalse(listener.composingRegionChanged); } @Test public void testBatchingEditing_callEndBeforeBegin() { final ListenableEditingState editingState = new ListenableEditingState(null, new View(ctx)); final Listener listener = new Listener(); editingState.addEditingStateListener(listener); editingState.endBatchEdit(); assertFalse(listener.isCalled()); editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "text"); assertTrue(listener.isCalled()); assertTrue(listener.textChanged); listener.reset(); // Does not disrupt the followup events. editingState.beginBatchEdit(); editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "more text"); assertFalse(listener.isCalled()); editingState.endBatchEdit(); assertTrue(listener.isCalled()); } @Test public void testBatchingEditing_addListenerDuringBatchEdit() { final ListenableEditingState editingState = new ListenableEditingState(null, new View(ctx)); final Listener listener = new Listener(); editingState.beginBatchEdit(); editingState.addEditingStateListener(listener); editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "update"); editingState.endBatchEdit(); assertTrue(listener.isCalled()); assertTrue(listener.textChanged); assertTrue(listener.selectionChanged); assertTrue(listener.composingRegionChanged); listener.reset(); // Verifies the listener is officially added. editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "more updates"); assertTrue(listener.isCalled()); assertTrue(listener.textChanged); editingState.removeEditingStateListener(listener); listener.reset(); // Now remove before endBatchEdit(); editingState.beginBatchEdit(); editingState.addEditingStateListener(listener); editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "update"); editingState.removeEditingStateListener(listener); editingState.endBatchEdit(); assertFalse(listener.isCalled()); } @Test public void testBatchingEditing_removeListenerDuringBatchEdit() { final ListenableEditingState editingState = new ListenableEditingState(null, new View(ctx)); final Listener listener = new Listener(); editingState.addEditingStateListener(listener); editingState.beginBatchEdit(); editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "update"); editingState.removeEditingStateListener(listener); editingState.endBatchEdit(); assertFalse(listener.isCalled()); } @Test public void testBatchingEditing_listenerCallsReplaceWhenBatchEditEnds() { final ListenableEditingState editingState = new ListenableEditingState(null, new View(ctx)); final Listener listener = new Listener() { @Override public void didChangeEditingState( boolean textChanged, boolean selectionChanged, boolean composingRegionChanged) { super.didChangeEditingState(textChanged, selectionChanged, composingRegionChanged); editingState.replace( 0, editingState.length(), "one does not simply replace the text in the listener"); } }; editingState.addEditingStateListener(listener); editingState.beginBatchEdit(); editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "update"); editingState.endBatchEdit(); assertTrue(listener.isCalled()); assertEquals(1, listener.timesCalled); assertEquals("one does not simply replace the text in the listener", editingState.toString()); } // -------- End: Test BatchEditing ------- @Test public void testSetComposingRegion() { final ListenableEditingState editingState = new ListenableEditingState(null, new View(ctx)); editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "text"); // (-1, -1) clears the composing region. editingState.setComposingRange(-1, -1); assertEquals(-1, editingState.getComposingStart()); assertEquals(-1, editingState.getComposingEnd()); editingState.setComposingRange(-1, 5); assertEquals(-1, editingState.getComposingStart()); assertEquals(-1, editingState.getComposingEnd()); editingState.setComposingRange(2, 3); assertEquals(2, editingState.getComposingStart()); assertEquals(3, editingState.getComposingEnd()); // Empty range is invalid. Clears composing region. editingState.setComposingRange(1, 1); assertEquals(-1, editingState.getComposingStart()); assertEquals(-1, editingState.getComposingEnd()); // Covers everything. editingState.setComposingRange(0, editingState.length()); assertEquals(0, editingState.getComposingStart()); assertEquals(editingState.length(), editingState.getComposingEnd()); } @Test public void testClearBatchDeltas() { final ListenableEditingState editingState = new ListenableEditingState(null, new View(ctx)); editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "text"); editingState.delete(0, 1); editingState.insert(0, "This is t"); editingState.clearBatchDeltas(); assertEquals(0, editingState.extractBatchTextEditingDeltas().size()); } @Test public void testExtractBatchTextEditingDeltas() { final ListenableEditingState editingState = new ListenableEditingState(null, new View(ctx)); // Creating some deltas. editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "test"); editingState.delete(0, 1); editingState.insert(0, "This is a t"); ArrayList<TextEditingDelta> batchDeltas = editingState.extractBatchTextEditingDeltas(); assertEquals(3, batchDeltas.size()); } // -------- Start: Test InputMethods actions ------- @Test public void inputMethod_batchEditingBeginAndEnd() { final ArrayList<String> batchMarkers = new ArrayList<>(); final ListenableEditingState editingState = new ListenableEditingState(null, new View(ctx)) { @Override public final void beginBatchEdit() { super.beginBatchEdit(); batchMarkers.add("begin"); } @Override public void endBatchEdit() { super.endBatchEdit(); batchMarkers.add("end"); } }; final Listener listener = new Listener(); final View testView = new View(ctx); final InputConnectionAdaptor inputConnection = new InputConnectionAdaptor( testView, 0, mock(TextInputChannel.class), mockKeyboardManager, editingState, new EditorInfo()); // Make sure begin/endBatchEdit is called on the Editable when the input method calls // InputConnection#begin/endBatchEdit. inputConnection.beginBatchEdit(); assertEquals(1, batchMarkers.size()); assertEquals("begin", batchMarkers.get(0)); inputConnection.endBatchEdit(); assertEquals(2, batchMarkers.size()); assertEquals("end", batchMarkers.get(1)); } @Test public void inputMethod_testSetSelection() { final ListenableEditingState editingState = new ListenableEditingState(null, new View(ctx)); final Listener listener = new Listener(); final View testView = new View(ctx); final InputConnectionAdaptor inputConnection = new InputConnectionAdaptor( testView, 0, mock(TextInputChannel.class), mockKeyboardManager, editingState, new EditorInfo()); editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "initial text"); editingState.addEditingStateListener(listener); inputConnection.setSelection(0, 0); assertTrue(listener.isCalled()); assertFalse(listener.textChanged); assertTrue(listener.selectionChanged); assertFalse(listener.composingRegionChanged); listener.reset(); inputConnection.setSelection(5, 5); assertTrue(listener.isCalled()); assertFalse(listener.textChanged); assertTrue(listener.selectionChanged); assertFalse(listener.composingRegionChanged); } @Test public void inputMethod_testSetComposition() { final ListenableEditingState editingState = new ListenableEditingState(null, new View(ctx)); final Listener listener = new Listener(); final View testView = new View(ctx); final InputConnectionAdaptor inputConnection = new InputConnectionAdaptor( testView, 0, mock(TextInputChannel.class), mockKeyboardManager, editingState, new EditorInfo()); editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "initial text"); editingState.addEditingStateListener(listener); // setComposingRegion test. inputConnection.setComposingRegion(1, 3); assertTrue(listener.isCalled()); assertFalse(listener.textChanged); assertFalse(listener.selectionChanged); assertTrue(listener.composingRegionChanged); Selection.setSelection(editingState, 0, 0); listener.reset(); // setComposingText test: non-empty text, does not move cursor. inputConnection.setComposingText("composing", -1); assertTrue(listener.isCalled()); assertTrue(listener.textChanged); assertFalse(listener.selectionChanged); assertTrue(listener.composingRegionChanged); listener.reset(); // setComposingText test: non-empty text, moves cursor. inputConnection.setComposingText("composing2", 1); assertTrue(listener.isCalled()); assertTrue(listener.textChanged); assertTrue(listener.selectionChanged); assertTrue(listener.composingRegionChanged); listener.reset(); // setComposingText test: empty text. inputConnection.setComposingText("", 1); assertTrue(listener.isCalled()); assertTrue(listener.textChanged); assertTrue(listener.selectionChanged); assertTrue(listener.composingRegionChanged); // finishComposingText test. inputConnection.setComposingText("composing text", 1); listener.reset(); inputConnection.finishComposingText(); assertTrue(listener.isCalled()); assertFalse(listener.textChanged); assertFalse(listener.selectionChanged); assertTrue(listener.composingRegionChanged); } @Test public void inputMethod_testCommitText() { final ListenableEditingState editingState = new ListenableEditingState(null, new View(ctx)); final Listener listener = new Listener(); final View testView = new View(ctx); final InputConnectionAdaptor inputConnection = new InputConnectionAdaptor( testView, 0, mock(TextInputChannel.class), mockKeyboardManager, editingState, new EditorInfo()); editingState.replace(0, editingState.length(), "initial text"); editingState.addEditingStateListener(listener); } // -------- End: Test InputMethods actions ------- public static class Listener implements ListenableEditingState.EditingStateWatcher { public boolean isCalled() { return timesCalled > 0; } int timesCalled = 0; boolean textChanged = false; boolean selectionChanged = false; boolean composingRegionChanged = false; @Override public void didChangeEditingState( boolean textChanged, boolean selectionChanged, boolean composingRegionChanged) { timesCalled++; this.textChanged = textChanged; this.selectionChanged = selectionChanged; this.composingRegionChanged = composingRegionChanged; } public void reset() { timesCalled = 0; textChanged = false; selectionChanged = false; composingRegionChanged = false; } } }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/test/io/flutter/plugin/editing/ListenableEditingStateTest.java", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 5125 }
package io.flutter.plugins; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting; import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * A fake of the {@code GeneratedPluginRegistrant} normally built by the tool into Flutter apps. * * <p>Used to test engine logic which interacts with the generated class. */ @VisibleForTesting public class GeneratedPluginRegistrant { private static final List<FlutterEngine> registeredEngines = new ArrayList<>(); public static @Nullable RuntimeException pluginRegistrationException; /** * The one and only method currently generated by the tool. * * <p>Normally it registers all plugins in an app with the given {@code engine}. This fake tracks * all registered engines instead. */ public static void registerWith(@NonNull FlutterEngine engine) { if (pluginRegistrationException != null) { throw pluginRegistrationException; } registeredEngines.add(engine); } /** * Clears the mutable static state regrettably stored in this class. * * <p>{@link #registerWith} is a static call with no visible side effects. In order to verify when * it's been called we also unfortunately need to store the state statically. This should be * called before and after each test run accessing this class to make sure the state is clear both * before and after the run. */ public static void clearRegisteredEngines() { registeredEngines.clear(); } /** * Returns a list of all the engines registered so far. * * <p>CAUTION: This list is static and must be manually wiped in between test runs. See {@link * #clearRegisteredEngines()}. */ @NonNull public static List<FlutterEngine> getRegisteredEngines() { return new ArrayList<>(registeredEngines); } }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/android/test/io/flutter/plugins/GeneratedPluginRegistrant.java", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 540 }
# Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//flutter/common/config.gni") import("//flutter/testing/testing.gni") config("desktop_library_implementation") { defines = [ "FLUTTER_DESKTOP_LIBRARY" ] } _public_headers = [ "public/flutter_export.h", "public/flutter_macros.h", "public/flutter_messenger.h", "public/flutter_plugin_registrar.h", "public/flutter_texture_registrar.h", ] # Any files that are built by clients (client_wrapper code, library headers for # implementations using this shared code, etc.) include the public headers # assuming they are in the include path. This configuration should be added to # any such code that is also built by GN to make the includes work. config("relative_flutter_library_headers") { include_dirs = [ "public" ] } # The headers are a separate source set since the client wrapper is allowed # to depend on the public headers, but none of the rest of the code. source_set("common_cpp_library_headers") { public = _public_headers configs += [ ":desktop_library_implementation" ] } copy("publish_headers") { sources = _public_headers outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/{{source_file_part}}" ] } source_set("common_cpp_input") { public = [ "text_editing_delta.h", "text_input_model.h", "text_range.h", ] sources = [ "text_editing_delta.cc", "text_input_model.cc", ] configs += [ ":desktop_library_implementation" ] public_configs = [ "//flutter:config" ] deps = [ "//flutter/fml:fml" ] } source_set("common_cpp_enums") { public = [ "app_lifecycle_state.h", "platform_provided_menu.h", ] public_configs = [ "//flutter:config", "//flutter/common:flutter_config", ] } source_set("common_cpp_switches") { public = [ "engine_switches.h" ] sources = [ "engine_switches.cc" ] public_configs = [ "//flutter:config", "//flutter/common:flutter_config", ] } source_set("common_cpp_accessibility") { public = [ "accessibility_bridge.h", "alert_platform_node_delegate.h", "flutter_platform_node_delegate.h", ] sources = [ "accessibility_bridge.cc", "alert_platform_node_delegate.cc", "flutter_platform_node_delegate.cc", ] public_configs = [ "//flutter/third_party/accessibility:accessibility_config" ] public_deps = [ "//flutter/fml:fml", "//flutter/shell/platform/embedder:embedder_as_internal_library", "//flutter/third_party/accessibility", ] } source_set("common_cpp") { public = [ "incoming_message_dispatcher.h", "json_message_codec.h", "json_method_codec.h", ] # TODO: Refactor flutter_glfw.cc to move the implementations corresponding # to the _public_headers above into this target. sources = [ "incoming_message_dispatcher.cc", "json_message_codec.cc", "json_method_codec.cc", ] configs += [ ":desktop_library_implementation" ] public_configs = [ "//flutter:config" ] deps = [ ":common_cpp_library_headers", "//flutter/shell/platform/common/client_wrapper:client_wrapper", "//flutter/shell/platform/embedder:embedder_as_internal_library", ] public_deps = [ ":common_cpp_core", "//flutter/third_party/rapidjson", ] } # The portion of common_cpp that has no dependencies on the public/ # headers. This division should be revisited once the Linux GTK # embedding is further along and it's clearer how much, if any, shared # API surface there will be. source_set("common_cpp_core") { public = [ "geometry.h", "path_utils.h", ] sources = [ "path_utils.cc" ] public_configs = [ "//flutter:config" ] } if (enable_unittests) { test_fixtures("common_cpp_core_fixtures") { fixtures = [] } executable("common_cpp_core_unittests") { testonly = true sources = [ "path_utils_unittests.cc" ] deps = [ ":common_cpp_core", ":common_cpp_core_fixtures", "$dart_src/runtime:libdart_jit", "//flutter/testing", ] public_configs = [ "//flutter:config" ] } test_fixtures("common_cpp_fixtures") { fixtures = [] } executable("common_cpp_unittests") { testonly = true sources = [ "engine_switches_unittests.cc", "geometry_unittests.cc", "incoming_message_dispatcher_unittests.cc", "json_message_codec_unittests.cc", "json_method_codec_unittests.cc", "text_editing_delta_unittests.cc", "text_input_model_unittests.cc", "text_range_unittests.cc", ] deps = [ ":common_cpp", ":common_cpp_fixtures", ":common_cpp_input", ":common_cpp_switches", "//flutter/fml:string_conversion", "//flutter/shell/platform/common/client_wrapper:client_wrapper", "//flutter/shell/platform/common/client_wrapper:client_wrapper_library_stubs", "//flutter/testing", ] # The accessibility bridge only supports MacOS for now. if (is_mac || is_win) { sources += [ "accessibility_bridge_unittests.cc", "flutter_platform_node_delegate_unittests.cc", "test_accessibility_bridge.cc", "test_accessibility_bridge.h", ] deps += [ ":common_cpp_accessibility" ] } public_configs = [ "//flutter:config" ] } }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/common/BUILD.gn", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 2071 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "flutter/shell/platform/common/client_wrapper/include/flutter/event_channel.h" #include <memory> #include <string> #include "flutter/shell/platform/common/client_wrapper/include/flutter/binary_messenger.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/common/client_wrapper/include/flutter/event_stream_handler_functions.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/common/client_wrapper/include/flutter/standard_method_codec.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" namespace flutter { namespace { class TestBinaryMessenger : public BinaryMessenger { public: void Send(const std::string& channel, const uint8_t* message, const size_t message_size, BinaryReply reply) const override {} void SetMessageHandler(const std::string& channel, BinaryMessageHandler handler) override { last_message_handler_channel_ = channel; last_message_handler_ = handler; } std::string last_message_handler_channel() { return last_message_handler_channel_; } const BinaryMessageHandler& last_message_handler() { return last_message_handler_; } private: std::string last_message_handler_channel_; BinaryMessageHandler last_message_handler_; }; } // namespace // Tests that SetStreamHandler sets a handler that correctly interacts with // the binary messenger. TEST(EventChannelTest, Registration) { TestBinaryMessenger messenger; const std::string channel_name("some_channel"); const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(); EventChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name, &codec); bool on_listen_called = false; auto handler = std::make_unique<StreamHandlerFunctions<>>( [&on_listen_called](const EncodableValue* arguments, std::unique_ptr<EventSink<>>&& events) -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> { on_listen_called = true; return nullptr; }, [](const EncodableValue* arguments) -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> { return nullptr; }); channel.SetStreamHandler(std::move(handler)); EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name); EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr); // Send test listen message. MethodCall<> call("listen", nullptr); auto message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call); messenger.last_message_handler()( message->data(), message->size(), [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {}); // Check results. EXPECT_EQ(on_listen_called, true); } // Tests that SetStreamHandler with a null handler unregisters the handler. TEST(EventChannelTest, Unregistration) { TestBinaryMessenger messenger; const std::string channel_name("some_channel"); const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(); EventChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name, &codec); auto handler = std::make_unique<StreamHandlerFunctions<>>( [](const EncodableValue* arguments, std::unique_ptr<EventSink<>>&& events) -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> { return nullptr; }, [](const EncodableValue* arguments) -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> { return nullptr; }); channel.SetStreamHandler(std::move(handler)); EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name); EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr); channel.SetStreamHandler(nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name); EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr); } // Test that OnCancel callback sequence. TEST(EventChannelTest, Cancel) { TestBinaryMessenger messenger; const std::string channel_name("some_channel"); const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(); EventChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name, &codec); bool on_listen_called = false; bool on_cancel_called = false; auto handler = std::make_unique<StreamHandlerFunctions<>>( [&on_listen_called](const EncodableValue* arguments, std::unique_ptr<EventSink<>>&& events) -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> { on_listen_called = true; return nullptr; }, [&on_cancel_called](const EncodableValue* arguments) -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> { on_cancel_called = true; return nullptr; }); channel.SetStreamHandler(std::move(handler)); EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name); EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr); // Send test listen message. MethodCall<> call_listen("listen", nullptr); auto message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call_listen); messenger.last_message_handler()( message->data(), message->size(), [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {}); EXPECT_EQ(on_listen_called, true); // Send test cancel message. MethodCall<> call_cancel("cancel", nullptr); message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call_cancel); messenger.last_message_handler()( message->data(), message->size(), [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {}); // Check results. EXPECT_EQ(on_cancel_called, true); } // Tests that OnCancel in not called on registration. TEST(EventChannelTest, ListenNotCancel) { TestBinaryMessenger messenger; const std::string channel_name("some_channel"); const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(); EventChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name, &codec); bool on_listen_called = false; bool on_cancel_called = false; auto handler = std::make_unique<StreamHandlerFunctions<>>( [&on_listen_called](const EncodableValue* arguments, std::unique_ptr<EventSink<>>&& events) -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> { on_listen_called = true; return nullptr; }, [&on_cancel_called](const EncodableValue* arguments) -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> { on_cancel_called = true; return nullptr; }); channel.SetStreamHandler(std::move(handler)); EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name); EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr); // Send test listen message. MethodCall<> call_listen("listen", nullptr); auto message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call_listen); messenger.last_message_handler()( message->data(), message->size(), [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {}); // Check results. EXPECT_EQ(on_listen_called, true); EXPECT_EQ(on_cancel_called, false); } // Pseudo test when user re-registers or call OnListen to the same channel. // Confirm that OnCancel is called and OnListen is called again // when user re-registers the same channel that has already started // communication. TEST(EventChannelTest, ReRegistration) { TestBinaryMessenger messenger; const std::string channel_name("some_channel"); const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(); EventChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name, &codec); bool on_listen_called = false; bool on_cancel_called = false; auto handler = std::make_unique<StreamHandlerFunctions<>>( [&on_listen_called](const EncodableValue* arguments, std::unique_ptr<EventSink<>>&& events) -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> { on_listen_called = true; return nullptr; }, [&on_cancel_called](const EncodableValue* arguments) -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> { on_cancel_called = true; return nullptr; }); channel.SetStreamHandler(std::move(handler)); EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name); EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr); // Send test listen message. MethodCall<> call("listen", nullptr); auto message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call); messenger.last_message_handler()( message->data(), message->size(), [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {}); EXPECT_EQ(on_listen_called, true); // Send second test message to test StreamHandler's OnCancel // method is called before OnListen method is called. on_listen_called = false; message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call); messenger.last_message_handler()( message->data(), message->size(), [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {}); // Check results. EXPECT_EQ(on_cancel_called, true); EXPECT_EQ(on_listen_called, true); } // Test that the handler is called even if the event channel is destroyed. TEST(EventChannelTest, HandlerOutlivesEventChannel) { TestBinaryMessenger messenger; const std::string channel_name("some_channel"); const StandardMethodCodec& codec = StandardMethodCodec::GetInstance(); bool on_listen_called = false; bool on_cancel_called = false; { EventChannel channel(&messenger, channel_name, &codec); auto handler = std::make_unique<StreamHandlerFunctions<>>( [&on_listen_called](const EncodableValue* arguments, std::unique_ptr<EventSink<>>&& events) -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> { on_listen_called = true; return nullptr; }, [&on_cancel_called](const EncodableValue* arguments) -> std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> { on_cancel_called = true; return nullptr; }); channel.SetStreamHandler(std::move(handler)); } // The event channel was destroyed but the handler should still be alive. EXPECT_EQ(messenger.last_message_handler_channel(), channel_name); EXPECT_NE(messenger.last_message_handler(), nullptr); // Send test listen message. MethodCall<> call_listen("listen", nullptr); auto message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call_listen); messenger.last_message_handler()( message->data(), message->size(), [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {}); EXPECT_EQ(on_listen_called, true); // Send test cancel message. MethodCall<> call_cancel("cancel", nullptr); message = codec.EncodeMethodCall(call_cancel); messenger.last_message_handler()( message->data(), message->size(), [](const uint8_t* reply, const size_t reply_size) {}); EXPECT_EQ(on_cancel_called, true); } TEST(EventChannelTest, StreamHandlerErrorPassByValue) { std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> error = nullptr; { std::string code = "Code"; std::string msg = "Message"; std::unique_ptr<EncodableValue> details = std::make_unique<EncodableValue>("Details"); error = std::make_unique<StreamHandlerError<>>(code, msg, std::move(details)); } ASSERT_NE(error.get(), nullptr); EXPECT_EQ(error->error_code, "Code"); EXPECT_EQ(error->error_message, "Message"); EXPECT_EQ(std::get<std::string>(*error->error_details), "Details"); } TEST(EventChannelTest, StreamHandlerErrorNullptr) { std::unique_ptr<StreamHandlerError<>> error = std::make_unique<StreamHandlerError<>>("Code", "Message", nullptr); ASSERT_NE(error.get(), nullptr); EXPECT_FALSE(error->error_details); } } // namespace flutter
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/common/client_wrapper/event_channel_unittests.cc", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 4013 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_COMMON_CLIENT_WRAPPER_INCLUDE_FLUTTER_PLUGIN_REGISTRAR_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_COMMON_CLIENT_WRAPPER_INCLUDE_FLUTTER_PLUGIN_REGISTRAR_H_ #include <flutter_plugin_registrar.h> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <set> #include <string> #include "binary_messenger.h" #include "texture_registrar.h" namespace flutter { class Plugin; // A object managing the registration of a plugin for various events. // // Currently this class has very limited functionality, but is expected to // expand over time to more closely match the functionality of // the Flutter mobile plugin APIs' plugin registrars. class PluginRegistrar { public: // Creates a new PluginRegistrar. |core_registrar| and the messenger it // provides must remain valid as long as this object exists. explicit PluginRegistrar(FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef core_registrar); virtual ~PluginRegistrar(); // Prevent copying. PluginRegistrar(PluginRegistrar const&) = delete; PluginRegistrar& operator=(PluginRegistrar const&) = delete; // Returns the messenger to use for creating channels to communicate with the // Flutter engine. // // This pointer will remain valid for the lifetime of this instance. BinaryMessenger* messenger() { return messenger_.get(); } // Returns the texture registrar to use for the plugin to render a pixel // buffer. TextureRegistrar* texture_registrar() { return texture_registrar_.get(); } // Takes ownership of |plugin|. // // Plugins are not required to call this method if they have other lifetime // management, but this is a convenient place for plugins to be owned to // ensure that they stay valid for any registered callbacks. void AddPlugin(std::unique_ptr<Plugin> plugin); protected: FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef registrar() const { return registrar_; } // Destroys all owned plugins. Subclasses should call this at the beginning of // their destructors to prevent the possibility of an owned plugin trying to // access destroyed state during its own destruction. void ClearPlugins(); private: // Handle for interacting with the C API's registrar. FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef registrar_; std::unique_ptr<BinaryMessenger> messenger_; std::unique_ptr<TextureRegistrar> texture_registrar_; // Plugins registered for ownership. std::set<std::unique_ptr<Plugin>> plugins_; }; // A plugin that can be registered for ownership by a PluginRegistrar. class Plugin { public: virtual ~Plugin() = default; }; // A singleton to own PluginRegistrars. This is intended for use in plugins, // where there is no higher-level object to own a PluginRegistrar that can // own plugin instances and ensure that they live as long as the engine they // are registered with. class PluginRegistrarManager { public: static PluginRegistrarManager* GetInstance(); // Prevent copying. PluginRegistrarManager(PluginRegistrarManager const&) = delete; PluginRegistrarManager& operator=(PluginRegistrarManager const&) = delete; // Returns a plugin registrar wrapper of type T, which must be a kind of // PluginRegistrar, creating it if necessary. The returned registrar will // live as long as the underlying FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef, so // can be used to own plugin instances. // // Calling this multiple times for the same registrar_ref with different // template types results in undefined behavior. template <class T> T* GetRegistrar(FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef registrar_ref) { auto insert_result = registrars_.emplace(registrar_ref, std::make_unique<T>(registrar_ref)); auto& registrar_pair = *(insert_result.first); FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarSetDestructionHandler(registrar_pair.first, OnRegistrarDestroyed); return static_cast<T*>(registrar_pair.second.get()); } // Destroys all registrar wrappers created by the manager. // // This is intended primarily for use in tests. void Reset() { registrars_.clear(); } private: PluginRegistrarManager(); using WrapperMap = std::map<FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef, std::unique_ptr<PluginRegistrar>>; static void OnRegistrarDestroyed(FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarRef registrar); WrapperMap* registrars() { return &registrars_; } WrapperMap registrars_; }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_COMMON_CLIENT_WRAPPER_INCLUDE_FLUTTER_PLUGIN_REGISTRAR_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/common/client_wrapper/include/flutter/plugin_registrar.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1430 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_COMMON_CLIENT_WRAPPER_TESTING_STUB_FLUTTER_API_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_COMMON_CLIENT_WRAPPER_TESTING_STUB_FLUTTER_API_H_ #include <memory> #include "flutter/shell/platform/common/public/flutter_messenger.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/common/public/flutter_plugin_registrar.h" namespace flutter { namespace testing { // Base class for a object that provides test implementations of the APIs in // the headers in platform/common/public/. // Linking this class into a test binary will provide dummy forwarding // implementations of that C API, so that the wrapper can be tested separately // from the actual library. class StubFlutterApi { public: // Used by the callers to simulate a result from the engine when sending a // message. bool message_engine_result = true; // Sets |stub| as the instance to which calls to the Flutter library C APIs // will be forwarded. static void SetTestStub(StubFlutterApi* stub); // Returns the current stub, as last set by SetTestFlutterStub. static StubFlutterApi* GetTestStub(); virtual ~StubFlutterApi() {} // Called for FlutterDesktopPluginRegistrarSetDestructionHandler. virtual void PluginRegistrarSetDestructionHandler( FlutterDesktopOnPluginRegistrarDestroyed callback) {} // Called for FlutterDesktopMessengerSend. virtual bool MessengerSend(const char* channel, const uint8_t* message, const size_t message_size) { return message_engine_result; } // Called for FlutterDesktopMessengerSendWithReply. virtual bool MessengerSendWithReply(const char* channel, const uint8_t* message, const size_t message_size, const FlutterDesktopBinaryReply reply, void* user_data) { return message_engine_result; } // Called for FlutterDesktopMessengerSendResponse. virtual void MessengerSendResponse( const FlutterDesktopMessageResponseHandle* handle, const uint8_t* data, size_t data_length) {} // Called for FlutterDesktopMessengerSetCallback. virtual void MessengerSetCallback(const char* channel, FlutterDesktopMessageCallback callback, void* user_data) {} // Called for FlutterDesktopTextureRegistrarRegisterExternalTexture. virtual int64_t TextureRegistrarRegisterExternalTexture( const FlutterDesktopTextureInfo* info) { return -1; } // Called for FlutterDesktopTextureRegistrarUnregisterExternalTexture. virtual void TextureRegistrarUnregisterExternalTexture( int64_t texture_id, void (*callback)(void* user_data), void* user_data) {} // Called for FlutterDesktopTextureRegistrarMarkExternalTextureFrameAvailable. virtual bool TextureRegistrarMarkTextureFrameAvailable(int64_t texture_id) { return false; } }; // A test helper that owns a stub implementation, making it the test stub for // the lifetime of the object, then restoring the previous value. class ScopedStubFlutterApi { public: // Calls SetTestFlutterStub with |stub|. explicit ScopedStubFlutterApi(std::unique_ptr<StubFlutterApi> stub); // Restores the previous test stub. ~ScopedStubFlutterApi(); StubFlutterApi* stub() { return stub_.get(); } private: std::unique_ptr<StubFlutterApi> stub_; // The previous stub. StubFlutterApi* previous_stub_; }; } // namespace testing } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_COMMON_CLIENT_WRAPPER_TESTING_STUB_FLUTTER_API_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/common/client_wrapper/testing/stub_flutter_api.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1368 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "flutter/shell/platform/common/json_message_codec.h" #include <iostream> #include <string> #include "rapidjson/error/en.h" #include "rapidjson/stringbuffer.h" #include "rapidjson/writer.h" namespace flutter { // static const JsonMessageCodec& JsonMessageCodec::GetInstance() { static JsonMessageCodec sInstance; return sInstance; } std::unique_ptr<std::vector<uint8_t>> JsonMessageCodec::EncodeMessageInternal( const rapidjson::Document& message) const { rapidjson::StringBuffer buffer; rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(buffer); // clang-tidy has trouble reasoning about some of the complicated array and // pointer-arithmetic code in rapidjson. // NOLINTNEXTLINE(clang-analyzer-core.*) message.Accept(writer); const char* buffer_start = buffer.GetString(); return std::make_unique<std::vector<uint8_t>>( buffer_start, buffer_start + buffer.GetSize()); } std::unique_ptr<rapidjson::Document> JsonMessageCodec::DecodeMessageInternal( const uint8_t* binary_message, const size_t message_size) const { auto raw_message = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(binary_message); auto json_message = std::make_unique<rapidjson::Document>(); rapidjson::ParseResult result = json_message->Parse(raw_message, message_size); if (result.IsError()) { std::cerr << "Unable to parse JSON message:" << std::endl << rapidjson::GetParseError_En(result.Code()) << std::endl; return nullptr; } return json_message; } } // namespace flutter
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/common/json_message_codec.cc", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 566 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_COMMON_TEST_ACCESSIBILITY_BRIDGE_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_COMMON_TEST_ACCESSIBILITY_BRIDGE_H_ #include "accessibility_bridge.h" namespace flutter { class TestAccessibilityBridge : public AccessibilityBridge { public: TestAccessibilityBridge() = default; void DispatchAccessibilityAction(AccessibilityNodeId target, FlutterSemanticsAction action, fml::MallocMapping data) override; std::vector<ui::AXEventGenerator::Event> accessibility_events; std::vector<FlutterSemanticsAction> performed_actions; protected: void OnAccessibilityEvent( ui::AXEventGenerator::TargetedEvent targeted_event) override; std::shared_ptr<FlutterPlatformNodeDelegate> CreateFlutterPlatformNodeDelegate() override; }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_COMMON_TEST_ACCESSIBILITY_BRIDGE_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/common/test_accessibility_bridge.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 393 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_COMMON_BUFFER_CONVERSIONS_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_COMMON_BUFFER_CONVERSIONS_H_ #include <Foundation/Foundation.h> #include <vector> #include "flutter/fml/mapping.h" namespace flutter { fml::MallocMapping CopyNSDataToMapping(NSData* data); NSData* ConvertMappingToNSData(fml::MallocMapping buffer); std::unique_ptr<fml::Mapping> ConvertNSDataToMappingPtr(NSData* data); NSData* CopyMappingPtrToNSData(std::unique_ptr<fml::Mapping> mapping); } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_COMMON_BUFFER_CONVERSIONS_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/common/buffer_conversions.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 279 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_COMMON_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_FLUTTERNSBUNDLEUTILS_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_COMMON_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_FLUTTERNSBUNDLEUTILS_H_ #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN extern const NSString* kDefaultAssetPath; // Finds a bundle with the named `flutterFrameworkBundleID` within `searchURL`. // // Returns `nil` if the bundle cannot be found or if errors are encountered. NSBundle* FLTFrameworkBundleInternal(NSString* flutterFrameworkBundleID, NSURL* searchURL); // Finds a bundle with the named `flutterFrameworkBundleID`. // // `+[NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:]` is slow, and can take in the order of // tens of milliseconds in a minimal flutter app, and closer to 100 milliseconds // in a medium sized Flutter app on an iPhone 13. It is likely that the slowness // comes from having to traverse and load all bundles known to the process. // Using `+[NSBundle allframeworks]` and filtering also suffers from the same // problem. // // This implementation is an optimization to first limit the search space to // `+[NSBundle privateFrameworksURL]` of the main bundle, which is usually where // frameworks used by this file are placed. If the desired bundle cannot be // found here, the implementation falls back to // `+[NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:]`. NSBundle* FLTFrameworkBundleWithIdentifier(NSString* flutterFrameworkBundleID); // Finds the bundle of the application. // // Returns [NSBundle mainBundle] if the current running process is the application. NSBundle* FLTGetApplicationBundle(); // Gets the flutter assets path directory from `bundle`. // // Returns `kDefaultAssetPath` if unable to find asset path from info.plist in `bundle`. NSString* FLTAssetPath(NSBundle* bundle); // Finds the Flutter asset directory from `bundle`. // // The raw path can be set by the application via info.plist's `FLTAssetsPath` key. // If the key is not set, `flutter_assets` is used as the raw path value. // // If no valid asset is found under the raw path, returns nil. NSString* FLTAssetsPathFromBundle(NSBundle* bundle); NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_COMMON_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_FLUTTERNSBUNDLEUTILS_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/common/framework/Source/FlutterNSBundleUtils.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 730 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/graphics/FlutterDarwinContextMetalSkia.h" #include "flutter/common/graphics/persistent_cache.h" #include "flutter/fml/logging.h" #include "flutter/shell/common/context_options.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/common/framework/Headers/FlutterMacros.h" FLUTTER_ASSERT_ARC @implementation FlutterDarwinContextMetalSkia - (instancetype)initWithDefaultMTLDevice { id<MTLDevice> device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice(); return [self initWithMTLDevice:device commandQueue:[device newCommandQueue]]; } - (instancetype)initWithMTLDevice:(id<MTLDevice>)device commandQueue:(id<MTLCommandQueue>)commandQueue { self = [super init]; if (self != nil) { _device = device; if (!_device) { FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not acquire Metal device."; return nil; } _commandQueue = commandQueue; if (!_commandQueue) { FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create Metal command queue."; return nil; } [_commandQueue setLabel:@"Flutter Main Queue"]; CVReturn cvReturn = CVMetalTextureCacheCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, // allocator nil, // cache attributes (nil default) _device, // metal device nil, // texture attributes (nil default) &_textureCache // [out] cache ); if (cvReturn != kCVReturnSuccess) { FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create Metal texture cache."; return nil; } // The devices are in the same "sharegroup" because they share the same device and command // queues for now. When the resource context gets its own transfer queue, this will have to be // refactored. _mainContext = [self createGrContext]; _resourceContext = [self createGrContext]; if (!_mainContext || !_resourceContext) { FML_DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not create Skia Metal contexts."; return nil; } FML_LOG(IMPORTANT) << "Using the Skia rendering backend (Metal)."; _resourceContext->setResourceCacheLimit(0u); } return self; } - (sk_sp<GrDirectContext>)createGrContext { const auto contextOptions = flutter::MakeDefaultContextOptions(flutter::ContextType::kRender, GrBackendApi::kMetal); id<MTLDevice> device = _device; id<MTLCommandQueue> commandQueue = _commandQueue; return [FlutterDarwinContextMetalSkia createGrContext:device commandQueue:commandQueue]; } + (sk_sp<GrDirectContext>)createGrContext:(id<MTLDevice>)device commandQueue:(id<MTLCommandQueue>)commandQueue { const auto contextOptions = flutter::MakeDefaultContextOptions(flutter::ContextType::kRender, GrBackendApi::kMetal); // Skia expect arguments to `MakeMetal` transfer ownership of the reference in for release later // when the GrDirectContext is collected. return GrDirectContext::MakeMetal((__bridge_retained void*)device, (__bridge_retained void*)commandQueue, contextOptions); } - (void)dealloc { if (_textureCache) { CFRelease(_textureCache); } } - (FlutterDarwinExternalTextureMetal*) createExternalTextureWithIdentifier:(int64_t)textureID texture:(NSObject<FlutterTexture>*)texture { return [[FlutterDarwinExternalTextureMetal alloc] initWithTextureCache:_textureCache textureID:textureID texture:texture enableImpeller:NO]; } @end
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/graphics/FlutterDarwinContextMetalSkia.mm", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1613 }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd"> <plist version="1.0"> <dict> <key>NSPrivacyTracking</key> <false/> <key>NSPrivacyTrackingDomains</key> <array/> <key>NSPrivacyCollectedDataTypes</key> <array/> <key>NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType</key> <string>NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryFileTimestamp</string> <key>NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons</key> <array> <string>0A2A.1</string> <string>C617.1</string> </array> </dict> <dict> <key>NSPrivacyAccessedAPIType</key> <string>NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategorySystemBootTime</string> <key>NSPrivacyAccessedAPITypeReasons</key> <array> <string>35F9.1</string> </array> </dict> </array> </dict> </plist>
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 398 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <OCMock/OCMock.h> #import <XCTest/XCTest.h> #include <_types/_uint64_t.h> #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/common/framework/Headers/FlutterMacros.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Source/FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Source/FlutterFakeKeyEvents.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Source/KeyCodeMap_Internal.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/test_utils/key_codes.g.h" using namespace flutter::testing::keycodes; using namespace flutter::testing; FLUTTER_ASSERT_ARC; #define XCTAssertStrEqual(value, expected) \ XCTAssertTrue(strcmp(value, expected) == 0, \ @"String \"%s\" not equal to the expected value of \"%s\"", value, expected) // A wrap to convert FlutterKeyEvent to a ObjC class. @interface TestKeyEvent : NSObject @property(nonatomic) FlutterKeyEvent* data; @property(nonatomic) FlutterKeyEventCallback callback; @property(nonatomic) void* _Nullable userData; - (nonnull instancetype)initWithEvent:(const FlutterKeyEvent*)event callback:(nullable FlutterKeyEventCallback)callback userData:(void* _Nullable)userData; - (BOOL)hasCallback; - (void)respond:(BOOL)handled; @end @implementation TestKeyEvent - (instancetype)initWithEvent:(const FlutterKeyEvent*)event callback:(nullable FlutterKeyEventCallback)callback userData:(void* _Nullable)userData { self = [super init]; _data = new FlutterKeyEvent(*event); if (event->character != nullptr) { size_t len = strlen(event->character); char* character = new char[len + 1]; strlcpy(character, event->character, len + 1); _data->character = character; } _callback = callback; _userData = userData; return self; } - (BOOL)hasCallback { return _callback != nil; } - (void)respond:(BOOL)handled { NSAssert( _callback != nil, @"Improper call to `respond` that does not have a callback."); // Caller's responsibility _callback(handled, _userData); } - (void)dealloc { if (_data->character != nullptr) { delete[] _data->character; } delete _data; } @end namespace { API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage kKeyCodeUndefined = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0x03; API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage kKeyCodeKeyA = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0x04; API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage kKeyCodePeriod = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0x37; API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage kKeyCodeKeyW = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0x1a; API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage kKeyCodeShiftLeft = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0xe1; API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage kKeyCodeShiftRight = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0xe5; API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage kKeyCodeNumpad1 = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0x59; API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage kKeyCodeCapsLock = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0x39; API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage kKeyCodeF1 = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0x3a; API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage kKeyCodeCommandLeft = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0xe3; API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage kKeyCodeAltRight = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0xe6; API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage kKeyCodeEject = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0xb8; constexpr uint64_t kPhysicalKeyUndefined = 0x00070003; constexpr uint64_t kLogicalKeyUndefined = 0x1300000003; constexpr uint64_t kModifierFlagNone = 0x0; typedef void (^ResponseCallback)(bool handled); } // namespace @interface FlutterEmbedderKeyResponderTest : XCTestCase @end @implementation FlutterEmbedderKeyResponderTest - (void)setUp { // All of these tests were designed to run on iOS 13.4 or later. if (@available(iOS 13.4, *)) { } else { XCTSkip(@"Required API not present for test."); } } - (void)tearDown { } // Test the most basic key events. // // Press, hold, and release key A on an US keyboard. - (void)testBasicKeyEvent API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { __block NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*>* events = [[NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*> alloc] init]; __block BOOL last_handled = TRUE; FlutterKeyEvent* event; FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder* responder = [[FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder alloc] initWithSendEvent:^(const FlutterKeyEvent& event, _Nullable FlutterKeyEventCallback callback, void* _Nullable user_data) { [events addObject:[[TestKeyEvent alloc] initWithEvent:&event callback:callback userData:user_data]]; }]; last_handled = FALSE; [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeKeyA, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f, "a", "a") callback:^(BOOL handled) { last_handled = handled; }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->timestamp, 123000000.0f); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyA); XCTAssertStrEqual(event->character, "a"); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, FALSE); XCTAssert([[events lastObject] hasCallback]); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, TRUE); [events removeAllObjects]; last_handled = TRUE; [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeKeyA, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f) callback:^(BOOL handled) { last_handled = handled; }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->timestamp, 123000000.0f); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, TRUE); XCTAssert([[events lastObject] hasCallback]); [[events lastObject] respond:FALSE]; // Check if responding FALSE works XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, FALSE); [events removeAllObjects]; } - (void)testIosKeyPlane API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { __block NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*>* events = [[NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*> alloc] init]; __block BOOL last_handled = TRUE; FlutterKeyEvent* event; FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder* responder = [[FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder alloc] initWithSendEvent:^(const FlutterKeyEvent& event, _Nullable FlutterKeyEventCallback callback, void* _Nullable user_data) { [events addObject:[[TestKeyEvent alloc] initWithEvent:&event callback:callback userData:user_data]]; }]; last_handled = FALSE; // Verify that the eject key (keycode 0xb8, which is not present in the keymap) // should be translated to the right logical and physical keys. [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeEject, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f) callback:^(BOOL handled) { last_handled = handled; }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kKeyCodeEject | kIosPlane); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kKeyCodeEject | kIosPlane); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, FALSE); XCTAssert([[events lastObject] hasCallback]); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, TRUE); [events removeAllObjects]; last_handled = TRUE; [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeEject, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f) callback:^(BOOL handled) { last_handled = handled; }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kKeyCodeEject | kIosPlane); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kKeyCodeEject | kIosPlane); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, TRUE); XCTAssert([[events lastObject] hasCallback]); [[events lastObject] respond:FALSE]; // Check if responding FALSE works XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, FALSE); [events removeAllObjects]; } - (void)testOutOfOrderModifiers API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { __block NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*>* events = [[NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*> alloc] init]; FlutterKeyEvent* event; FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder* responder = [[FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder alloc] initWithSendEvent:^(const FlutterKeyEvent& event, _Nullable FlutterKeyEventCallback callback, void* _Nullable user_data) { [events addObject:[[TestKeyEvent alloc] initWithEvent:&event callback:callback userData:user_data]]; }]; // This tests that we synthesize the correct modifier keys when we release the // modifier key that created the letter before we release the letter. [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeAltRight, kModifierFlagAltAny, 123.0f) callback:^(BOOL handled){ }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalAltRight); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalAltRight); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [events removeAllObjects]; // Test non-ASCII characters being produced. [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeKeyW, kModifierFlagAltAny, 123.0f, "∑", "w") callback:^(BOOL handled){ }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyW); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyW); XCTAssertStrEqual(event->character, "∑"); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [events removeAllObjects]; // Releasing the modifier key before the letter should send the key up to the // framework. [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeAltRight, kModifierFlagAltAny, 123.0f) callback:^(BOOL handled){ }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalAltRight); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalAltRight); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [events removeAllObjects]; // Yes, iOS sends a modifier flag for the Alt key being down on this event, // even though the Alt (Option) key has already been released. This means that // for the framework to be in the correct state, we must synthesize a key down // event for the modifier key here, and another key up before the next key // event. [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeKeyW, kModifierFlagAltAny, 123.0f) callback:^(BOOL handled){ }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyW); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyW); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [events removeAllObjects]; // Here we should simulate a key up for the Alt key, since it is no longer // shown as down in the modifier flags. [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeKeyA, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f, "å", "a") callback:^(BOOL handled){ }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyA); XCTAssertStrEqual(event->character, "å"); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); } - (void)testIgnoreDuplicateDownEvent API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { __block NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*>* events = [[NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*> alloc] init]; __block BOOL last_handled = TRUE; FlutterKeyEvent* event; FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder* responder = [[FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder alloc] initWithSendEvent:^(const FlutterKeyEvent& event, _Nullable FlutterKeyEventCallback callback, void* _Nullable user_data) { [events addObject:[[TestKeyEvent alloc] initWithEvent:&event callback:callback userData:user_data]]; }]; last_handled = FALSE; [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeKeyA, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f, "a", "a") callback:^(BOOL handled) { last_handled = handled; }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyA); XCTAssertStrEqual(event->character, "a"); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, FALSE); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, TRUE); [events removeAllObjects]; last_handled = FALSE; [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeKeyA, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f, "a", "a") callback:^(BOOL handled) { last_handled = handled; }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, 0ull); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, 0ull); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); XCTAssertFalse([[events lastObject] hasCallback]); XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, TRUE); [events removeAllObjects]; last_handled = FALSE; [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeKeyA, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f) callback:^(BOOL handled) { last_handled = handled; }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, FALSE); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, TRUE); [events removeAllObjects]; } - (void)testIgnoreAbruptUpEvent API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { __block NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*>* events = [[NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*> alloc] init]; __block BOOL last_handled = TRUE; FlutterKeyEvent* event; FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder* responder = [[FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder alloc] initWithSendEvent:^(const FlutterKeyEvent& event, _Nullable FlutterKeyEventCallback callback, void* _Nullable user_data) { [events addObject:[[TestKeyEvent alloc] initWithEvent:&event callback:callback userData:user_data]]; }]; last_handled = FALSE; [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeKeyA, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f) callback:^(BOOL handled) { last_handled = handled; }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, 0ull); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, 0ull); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); XCTAssertFalse([[events lastObject] hasCallback]); XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, TRUE); [events removeAllObjects]; } // Press R-Shift, A, then release R-Shift then A, on a US keyboard. // // This is special because the characters for the A key will change in this // process. - (void)testToggleModifiersDuringKeyTap API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { __block NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*>* events = [[NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*> alloc] init]; FlutterKeyEvent* event; FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder* responder = [[FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder alloc] initWithSendEvent:^(const FlutterKeyEvent& event, _Nullable FlutterKeyEventCallback callback, void* _Nullable user_data) { [events addObject:[[TestKeyEvent alloc] initWithEvent:&event callback:callback userData:user_data]]; }]; [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeShiftRight, kModifierFlagShiftAny, 123.0f) callback:^(BOOL handled){ }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->timestamp, 123000000.0f); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalShiftRight); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalShiftRight); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeKeyA, kModifierFlagShiftAny, 123.0f, "A", "A") callback:^(BOOL handled){ }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyA); XCTAssertStrEqual(event->character, "A"); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeShiftRight, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f) callback:^(BOOL handled){ }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalShiftRight); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalShiftRight); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeKeyA, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f) callback:^(BOOL handled){ }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; } // Special modifier flags. // // Some keys in modifierFlags are not to indicate modifier state, but to mark // the key area that the key belongs to, such as numpad keys or function keys. // Ensure these flags do not obstruct other keys. - (void)testSpecialModiferFlags API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { __block NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*>* events = [[NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*> alloc] init]; FlutterKeyEvent* event; __block BOOL last_handled = TRUE; id keyEventCallback = ^(BOOL handled) { last_handled = handled; }; FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder* responder = [[FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder alloc] initWithSendEvent:^(const FlutterKeyEvent& event, _Nullable FlutterKeyEventCallback callback, void* _Nullable user_data) { [events addObject:[[TestKeyEvent alloc] initWithEvent:&event callback:callback userData:user_data]]; }]; // Keydown: Numpad1, Fn (undefined), F1, KeyA, ShiftLeft // Then KeyUp: Numpad1, Fn (undefined), F1, KeyA, ShiftLeft // Numpad 1 // OS provides: char: "1", code: 0x59, modifiers: 0x200000 [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeNumpad1, kModifierFlagNumPadKey, 123.0, "1", "1") callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalNumpad1); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalNumpad1); XCTAssertStrEqual(event->character, "1"); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; // Fn Key (sends HID undefined) // OS provides: char: nil, keycode: 0x3, modifiers: 0x0 [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeUndefined, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0) callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyUndefined); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyUndefined); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; // F1 Down // OS provides: char: UIKeyInputF1, code: 0x3a, modifiers: 0x0 [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeF1, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f, "\\^P", "\\^P") callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalF1); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalF1); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; // KeyA Down // OS provides: char: "q", code: 0x4, modifiers: 0x0 [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeKeyA, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f, "a", "a") callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyA); XCTAssertStrEqual(event->character, "a"); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; // ShiftLeft Down // OS Provides: char: nil, code: 0xe1, modifiers: 0x20000 [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeShiftLeft, kModifierFlagShiftAny, 123.0f) callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalShiftLeft); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalShiftLeft); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [events removeAllObjects]; // Numpad 1 Up // OS provides: char: "1", code: 0x59, modifiers: 0x200000 [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeNumpad1, kModifierFlagNumPadKey, 123.0f) callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 2u); // Because the OS no longer provides the 0x20000 (kModifierFlagShiftAny), we // have to simulate a keyup. event = [events firstObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalShiftLeft); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalShiftLeft); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, true); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalNumpad1); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalNumpad1); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; // F1 Up // OS provides: char: UIKeyInputF1, code: 0x3a, modifiers: 0x0 [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeF1, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f) callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalF1); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalF1); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; // Fn Key (sends HID undefined) // OS provides: char: nil, code: 0x3, modifiers: 0x0 [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeUndefined, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0) callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyUndefined); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyUndefined); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; // KeyA Up // OS provides: char: "a", code: 0x4, modifiers: 0x0 [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeKeyA, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f) callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; // ShiftLeft Up // OS provides: char: nil, code: 0xe1, modifiers: 0x20000 [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeShiftLeft, kModifierFlagShiftAny, 123.0f) callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, 0ull); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, 0ull); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); XCTAssertFalse([[events lastObject] hasCallback]); XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, TRUE); [events removeAllObjects]; } - (void)testIdentifyLeftAndRightModifiers API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { __block NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*>* events = [[NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*> alloc] init]; FlutterKeyEvent* event; FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder* responder = [[FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder alloc] initWithSendEvent:^(const FlutterKeyEvent& event, _Nullable FlutterKeyEventCallback callback, void* _Nullable user_data) { [events addObject:[[TestKeyEvent alloc] initWithEvent:&event callback:callback userData:user_data]]; }]; [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeShiftLeft, kModifierFlagShiftAny, 123.0f) callback:^(BOOL handled){ }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalShiftLeft); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalShiftLeft); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeShiftRight, kModifierFlagShiftAny, 123.0f) callback:^(BOOL handled){ }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalShiftRight); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalShiftRight); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeShiftLeft, kModifierFlagShiftAny, 123.0f) callback:^(BOOL handled){ }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalShiftLeft); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalShiftLeft); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeShiftRight, kModifierFlagShiftAny, 123.0f) callback:^(BOOL handled){ }]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalShiftRight); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalShiftRight); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; [events removeAllObjects]; } // Press the CapsLock key when CapsLock state is desynchronized - (void)testSynchronizeCapsLockStateOnCapsLock API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { __block NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*>* events = [[NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*> alloc] init]; __block BOOL last_handled = TRUE; id keyEventCallback = ^(BOOL handled) { last_handled = handled; }; FlutterKeyEvent* event; FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder* responder = [[FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder alloc] initWithSendEvent:^(const FlutterKeyEvent& event, _Nullable FlutterKeyEventCallback callback, void* _Nullable user_data) { [events addObject:[[TestKeyEvent alloc] initWithEvent:&event callback:callback userData:user_data]]; }]; last_handled = FALSE; [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeKeyA, kModifierFlagCapsLock, 123.0f, "A", "A") callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 3u); event = events[0].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalCapsLock); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalCapsLock); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, true); XCTAssertFalse([events[0] hasCallback]); event = events[1].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalCapsLock); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalCapsLock); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, true); XCTAssertFalse([events[1] hasCallback]); event = events[2].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyA); XCTAssertStrEqual(event->character, "A"); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); XCTAssert([events[2] hasCallback]); XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, FALSE); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, TRUE); [events removeAllObjects]; // Release the "A" key. [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeKeyA, kModifierFlagCapsLock, 123.0f) callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [events removeAllObjects]; // In: CapsLock down // Out: CapsLock down last_handled = FALSE; [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeCapsLock, kModifierFlagCapsLock, 123.0f) callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events firstObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalCapsLock); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalCapsLock); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); XCTAssert([[events firstObject] hasCallback]); [events removeAllObjects]; // In: CapsLock up // Out: CapsLock up // This turns off the caps lock, triggering a synthesized up/down to tell the // framework that. last_handled = FALSE; [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeCapsLock, kModifierFlagCapsLock, 123.0f) callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events firstObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalCapsLock); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalCapsLock); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); XCTAssert([[events firstObject] hasCallback]); [events removeAllObjects]; last_handled = FALSE; [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeKeyA, kModifierFlagNone, 123.0f, "a", "a") callback:keyEventCallback]; // Just to make sure that we aren't simulating events now, since the state is // consistent, and should be off. XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = [events lastObject].data; XCTAssertNotEqual(event, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyA); XCTAssertStrEqual(event->character, "a"); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); XCTAssert([[events firstObject] hasCallback]); } // Press the CapsLock key when CapsLock state is desynchronized - (void)testSynchronizeCapsLockStateOnNormalKey API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { __block NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*>* events = [[NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*> alloc] init]; __block BOOL last_handled = TRUE; id keyEventCallback = ^(BOOL handled) { last_handled = handled; }; FlutterKeyEvent* event; FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder* responder = [[FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder alloc] initWithSendEvent:^(const FlutterKeyEvent& event, _Nullable FlutterKeyEventCallback callback, void* _Nullable user_data) { [events addObject:[[TestKeyEvent alloc] initWithEvent:&event callback:callback userData:user_data]]; }]; last_handled = FALSE; [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeKeyA, kModifierFlagCapsLock, 123.0f, "A", "a") callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 3u); event = events[0].data; XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalCapsLock); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalCapsLock); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, true); XCTAssertFalse([events[0] hasCallback]); event = events[1].data; XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalCapsLock); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalCapsLock); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, true); XCTAssertFalse([events[1] hasCallback]); event = events[2].data; XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalKeyA); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalKeyA); XCTAssertStrEqual(event->character, "A"); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); XCTAssert([events[2] hasCallback]); XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, FALSE); [[events lastObject] respond:TRUE]; XCTAssertEqual(last_handled, TRUE); [events removeAllObjects]; } // Press Cmd-. should correctly result in an Escape event. - (void)testCommandPeriodKey API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { __block NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*>* events = [[NSMutableArray<TestKeyEvent*> alloc] init]; id keyEventCallback = ^(BOOL handled) { }; FlutterKeyEvent* event; FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder* responder = [[FlutterEmbedderKeyResponder alloc] initWithSendEvent:^(const FlutterKeyEvent& event, _Nullable FlutterKeyEventCallback callback, void* _Nullable user_data) { [events addObject:[[TestKeyEvent alloc] initWithEvent:&event callback:nil userData:nil]]; callback(true, user_data); }]; // MetaLeft down. [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodeCommandLeft, kModifierFlagMetaAny, 123.0f, "", "") callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = events[0].data; XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalMetaLeft); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalMetaLeft); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [events removeAllObjects]; // Period down, which is logically Escape. [responder handlePress:keyDownEvent(kKeyCodePeriod, kModifierFlagMetaAny, 123.0f, "UIKeyInputEscape", "UIKeyInputEscape") callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = events[0].data; XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeDown); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalPeriod); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalEscape); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [events removeAllObjects]; // Period up, which unconventionally has characters. [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodePeriod, kModifierFlagMetaAny, 123.0f, "UIKeyInputEscape", "UIKeyInputEscape") callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = events[0].data; XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalPeriod); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalEscape); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [events removeAllObjects]; // MetaLeft up. [responder handlePress:keyUpEvent(kKeyCodeCommandLeft, kModifierFlagMetaAny, 123.0f, "", "") callback:keyEventCallback]; XCTAssertEqual([events count], 1u); event = events[0].data; XCTAssertEqual(event->type, kFlutterKeyEventTypeUp); XCTAssertEqual(event->device_type, kFlutterKeyEventDeviceTypeKeyboard); XCTAssertEqual(event->physical, kPhysicalMetaLeft); XCTAssertEqual(event->logical, kLogicalMetaLeft); XCTAssertEqual(event->character, nullptr); XCTAssertEqual(event->synthesized, false); [events removeAllObjects]; } @end
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Source/FlutterEmbedderKeyResponderTest.mm", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 17276 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <OCMock/OCMock.h> #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import <XCTest/XCTest.h> #include <_types/_uint32_t.h> #include "flutter/fml/platform/darwin/message_loop_darwin.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/common/framework/Headers/FlutterMacros.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Source/FlutterFakeKeyEvents.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Source/FlutterKeyboardManager.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Source/FlutterUIPressProxy.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Source/FlutterViewController_Internal.h" FLUTTER_ASSERT_ARC; namespace flutter { class PointerDataPacket {}; } // namespace flutter using namespace flutter::testing; /// Sometimes we have to use a custom mock to avoid retain cycles in ocmock. @interface FlutterEnginePartialMock : FlutterEngine @property(nonatomic, strong) FlutterBasicMessageChannel* lifecycleChannel; @property(nonatomic, weak) FlutterViewController* viewController; @property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL didCallNotifyLowMemory; @end @interface FlutterEngine () - (BOOL)createShell:(NSString*)entrypoint libraryURI:(NSString*)libraryURI initialRoute:(NSString*)initialRoute; - (void)dispatchPointerDataPacket:(std::unique_ptr<flutter::PointerDataPacket>)packet; @end @interface FlutterEngine (TestLowMemory) - (void)notifyLowMemory; @end extern NSNotificationName const FlutterViewControllerWillDealloc; /// A simple mock class for FlutterEngine. /// /// OCMockClass can't be used for FlutterEngine sometimes because OCMock retains arguments to /// invocations and since the init for FlutterViewController calls a method on the /// FlutterEngine it creates a retain cycle that stops us from testing behaviors related to /// deleting FlutterViewControllers. @interface MockEngine : NSObject @end @interface FlutterKeyboardManagerUnittestsObjC : NSObject - (bool)nextResponderShouldThrowOnPressesEnded; - (bool)singlePrimaryResponder; - (bool)doublePrimaryResponder; - (bool)singleSecondaryResponder; - (bool)emptyNextResponder; @end namespace { typedef void (^KeyCallbackSetter)(FlutterUIPressProxy* press, FlutterAsyncKeyCallback callback) API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)); typedef BOOL (^BoolGetter)(); } // namespace @interface FlutterKeyboardManagerTest : XCTestCase @property(nonatomic, strong) id mockEngine; - (FlutterViewController*)mockOwnerWithPressesBeginOnlyNext API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)); @end @implementation FlutterKeyboardManagerTest - (void)setUp { // All of these tests were designed to run on iOS 13.4 or later. if (@available(iOS 13.4, *)) { } else { XCTSkip(@"Required API not present for test."); } [super setUp]; self.mockEngine = OCMClassMock([FlutterEngine class]); } - (void)tearDown { // We stop mocking here to avoid retain cycles that stop // FlutterViewControllers from deallocing. [self.mockEngine stopMocking]; self.mockEngine = nil; [super tearDown]; } - (id)checkKeyDownEvent:(UIKeyboardHIDUsage)keyCode API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { return [OCMArg checkWithBlock:^BOOL(id value) { if (![value isKindOfClass:[FlutterUIPressProxy class]]) { return NO; } FlutterUIPressProxy* press = value; return press.key.keyCode == keyCode; }]; } - (id<FlutterKeyPrimaryResponder>)mockPrimaryResponder:(KeyCallbackSetter)callbackSetter API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { id<FlutterKeyPrimaryResponder> mock = OCMStrictProtocolMock(@protocol(FlutterKeyPrimaryResponder)); OCMStub([mock handlePress:[OCMArg any] callback:[OCMArg any]]) .andDo((^(NSInvocation* invocation) { FlutterUIPressProxy* press; FlutterAsyncKeyCallback callback; [invocation getArgument:&press atIndex:2]; [invocation getArgument:&callback atIndex:3]; CFRunLoopPerformBlock(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), fml::MessageLoopDarwin::kMessageLoopCFRunLoopMode, ^() { callbackSetter(press, callback); }); })); return mock; } - (id<FlutterKeySecondaryResponder>)mockSecondaryResponder:(BoolGetter)resultGetter API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { id<FlutterKeySecondaryResponder> mock = OCMStrictProtocolMock(@protocol(FlutterKeySecondaryResponder)); OCMStub([mock handlePress:[OCMArg any]]).andDo((^(NSInvocation* invocation) { BOOL result = resultGetter(); [invocation setReturnValue:&result]; })); return mock; } - (FlutterViewController*)mockOwnerWithPressesBeginOnlyNext API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { // The nextResponder is a strict mock and hasn't stubbed pressesEnded. // An error will be thrown on pressesEnded. UIResponder* nextResponder = OCMStrictClassMock([UIResponder class]); OCMStub([nextResponder pressesBegan:[OCMArg any] withEvent:[OCMArg any]]).andDo(nil); FlutterViewController* viewController = [[FlutterViewController alloc] initWithEngine:self.mockEngine nibName:nil bundle:nil]; FlutterViewController* owner = OCMPartialMock(viewController); OCMStub([owner nextResponder]).andReturn(nextResponder); return owner; } // Verify that the nextResponder returned from mockOwnerWithPressesBeginOnlyNext() // throws exception when pressesEnded is called. - (bool)testNextResponderShouldThrowOnPressesEnded API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { FlutterViewController* owner = [self mockOwnerWithPressesBeginOnlyNext]; @try { [owner.nextResponder pressesEnded:[NSSet init] withEvent:[[UIPressesEvent alloc] init]]; return false; } @catch (...) { return true; } } - (void)testSinglePrimaryResponder API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { FlutterKeyboardManager* manager = [[FlutterKeyboardManager alloc] init]; __block BOOL primaryResponse = FALSE; __block int callbackCount = 0; [manager addPrimaryResponder:[self mockPrimaryResponder:^(FlutterUIPressProxy* press, FlutterAsyncKeyCallback callback) { callbackCount++; callback(primaryResponse); }]]; constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage keyId = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0x50; // Case: The responder reports TRUE __block bool completeHandled = true; primaryResponse = TRUE; [manager handlePress:keyDownEvent(keyId) nextAction:^() { completeHandled = false; }]; XCTAssertEqual(callbackCount, 1); XCTAssertTrue(completeHandled); completeHandled = true; callbackCount = 0; // Case: The responder reports FALSE primaryResponse = FALSE; [manager handlePress:keyUpEvent(keyId) nextAction:^() { completeHandled = false; }]; XCTAssertEqual(callbackCount, 1); XCTAssertFalse(completeHandled); } - (void)testDoublePrimaryResponder API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { FlutterKeyboardManager* manager = [[FlutterKeyboardManager alloc] init]; __block BOOL callback1Response = FALSE; __block int callback1Count = 0; [manager addPrimaryResponder:[self mockPrimaryResponder:^(FlutterUIPressProxy* press, FlutterAsyncKeyCallback callback) { callback1Count++; callback(callback1Response); }]]; __block BOOL callback2Response = FALSE; __block int callback2Count = 0; [manager addPrimaryResponder:[self mockPrimaryResponder:^(FlutterUIPressProxy* press, FlutterAsyncKeyCallback callback) { callback2Count++; callback(callback2Response); }]]; // Case: Both responders report TRUE. __block bool somethingWasHandled = true; constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage keyId = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0x50; callback1Response = TRUE; callback2Response = TRUE; [manager handlePress:keyUpEvent(keyId) nextAction:^() { somethingWasHandled = false; }]; XCTAssertEqual(callback1Count, 1); XCTAssertEqual(callback2Count, 1); XCTAssertTrue(somethingWasHandled); somethingWasHandled = true; callback1Count = 0; callback2Count = 0; // Case: One responder reports TRUE. callback1Response = TRUE; callback2Response = FALSE; [manager handlePress:keyUpEvent(keyId) nextAction:^() { somethingWasHandled = false; }]; XCTAssertEqual(callback1Count, 1); XCTAssertEqual(callback2Count, 1); XCTAssertTrue(somethingWasHandled); somethingWasHandled = true; callback1Count = 0; callback2Count = 0; // Case: Both responders report FALSE. callback1Response = FALSE; callback2Response = FALSE; [manager handlePress:keyDownEvent(keyId) nextAction:^() { somethingWasHandled = false; }]; XCTAssertEqual(callback1Count, 1); XCTAssertEqual(callback2Count, 1); XCTAssertFalse(somethingWasHandled); } - (void)testSingleSecondaryResponder API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { FlutterKeyboardManager* manager = [[FlutterKeyboardManager alloc] init]; __block BOOL primaryResponse = FALSE; __block int callbackCount = 0; [manager addPrimaryResponder:[self mockPrimaryResponder:^(FlutterUIPressProxy* press, FlutterAsyncKeyCallback callback) { callbackCount++; callback(primaryResponse); }]]; __block BOOL secondaryResponse; [manager addSecondaryResponder:[self mockSecondaryResponder:^() { return secondaryResponse; }]]; // Case: Primary responder responds TRUE. The event shouldn't be handled by // the secondary responder. constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage keyId = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0x50; secondaryResponse = FALSE; primaryResponse = TRUE; __block bool completeHandled = true; [manager handlePress:keyUpEvent(keyId) nextAction:^() { completeHandled = false; }]; XCTAssertEqual(callbackCount, 1); XCTAssertTrue(completeHandled); completeHandled = true; callbackCount = 0; // Case: Primary responder responds FALSE. The secondary responder returns // TRUE. secondaryResponse = TRUE; primaryResponse = FALSE; [manager handlePress:keyUpEvent(keyId) nextAction:^() { completeHandled = false; }]; XCTAssertEqual(callbackCount, 1); XCTAssertTrue(completeHandled); completeHandled = true; callbackCount = 0; // Case: Primary responder responds FALSE. The secondary responder returns FALSE. secondaryResponse = FALSE; primaryResponse = FALSE; [manager handlePress:keyDownEvent(keyId) nextAction:^() { completeHandled = false; }]; XCTAssertEqual(callbackCount, 1); XCTAssertFalse(completeHandled); } - (void)testEventsProcessedSequentially API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) { constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage keyId1 = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0x50; constexpr UIKeyboardHIDUsage keyId2 = (UIKeyboardHIDUsage)0x51; FlutterUIPressProxy* event1 = keyDownEvent(keyId1); FlutterUIPressProxy* event2 = keyDownEvent(keyId2); __block FlutterAsyncKeyCallback key1Callback; __block FlutterAsyncKeyCallback key2Callback; __block bool key1Handled = true; __block bool key2Handled = true; FlutterKeyboardManager* manager = [[FlutterKeyboardManager alloc] init]; [manager addPrimaryResponder:[self mockPrimaryResponder:^(FlutterUIPressProxy* press, FlutterAsyncKeyCallback callback) { if (press == event1) { key1Callback = callback; } else if (press == event2) { key2Callback = callback; } }]]; // Add both presses into the main CFRunLoop queue CFRunLoopTimerRef timer0 = CFRunLoopTimerCreateWithHandler( kCFAllocatorDefault, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(), 0, 0, 0, ^(CFRunLoopTimerRef timerRef) { [manager handlePress:event1 nextAction:^() { key1Handled = false; }]; }); CFRunLoopAddTimer(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), timer0, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); CFRunLoopTimerRef timer1 = CFRunLoopTimerCreateWithHandler( kCFAllocatorDefault, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() + 1, 0, 0, 0, ^(CFRunLoopTimerRef timerRef) { // key1 should be completely finished by now XCTAssertFalse(key1Handled); [manager handlePress:event2 nextAction:^() { key2Handled = false; }]; // End the nested CFRunLoop CFRunLoopStop(CFRunLoopGetCurrent()); }); CFRunLoopAddTimer(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), timer1, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); // Add the callbacks to the CFRunLoop with mode kMessageLoopCFRunLoopMode // This allows them to interrupt the loop started within handlePress CFRunLoopTimerRef timer2 = CFRunLoopTimerCreateWithHandler( kCFAllocatorDefault, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() + 2, 0, 0, 0, ^(CFRunLoopTimerRef timerRef) { // No processing should be done on key2 yet XCTAssertTrue(key1Callback != nil); XCTAssertTrue(key2Callback == nil); key1Callback(false); }); CFRunLoopAddTimer(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), timer2, fml::MessageLoopDarwin::kMessageLoopCFRunLoopMode); CFRunLoopTimerRef timer3 = CFRunLoopTimerCreateWithHandler( kCFAllocatorDefault, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() + 3, 0, 0, 0, ^(CFRunLoopTimerRef timerRef) { // Both keys should be processed by now XCTAssertTrue(key1Callback != nil); XCTAssertTrue(key2Callback != nil); key2Callback(false); }); CFRunLoopAddTimer(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), timer3, fml::MessageLoopDarwin::kMessageLoopCFRunLoopMode); // Start a nested CFRunLoop so we can wait for both presses to complete before exiting the test CFRunLoopRun(); XCTAssertFalse(key2Handled); XCTAssertFalse(key1Handled); } @end
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Source/FlutterKeyboardManagerTest.mm", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 5406 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_IOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_FLUTTERRESTORATIONPLUGIN_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_IOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_FLUTTERRESTORATIONPLUGIN_H_ #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/common/framework/Headers/FlutterChannels.h" @interface FlutterRestorationPlugin : NSObject - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE; + (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE; - (instancetype)initWithChannel:(FlutterMethodChannel*)channel restorationEnabled:(BOOL)waitForData NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER; @property(nonatomic, strong) NSData* restorationData; - (void)markRestorationComplete; - (void)reset; @end #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_IOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_FLUTTERRESTORATIONPLUGIN_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Source/FlutterRestorationPlugin.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 345 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_IOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_FLUTTERUIPRESSPROXY_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_IOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_FLUTTERUIPRESSPROXY_H_ #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #include <functional> /** * A event class that is a wrapper around a UIPress and a UIEvent to allow * overidding for testing purposes, since UIKit doesn't allow creation of * UIEvent or UIPress directly. */ API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)) @interface FlutterUIPressProxy : NSObject - (instancetype)initWithPress:(UIPress*)press withEvent:(UIEvent*)event API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)); - (UIPressPhase)phase API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)); - (UIKey*)key API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)); - (UIEventType)type API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)); - (NSTimeInterval)timestamp API_AVAILABLE(ios(13.4)); @end #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_IOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_FLUTTERUIPRESSPROXY_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Source/FlutterUIPressProxy.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 393 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_IOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_KEYCODEMAP_INTERNAL_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_IOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_KEYCODEMAP_INTERNAL_H_ #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #include <map> #include <set> /** * Maps iOS-specific key code values representing |PhysicalKeyboardKey|. * * MacOS doesn't provide a scan code, but a virtual keycode to represent a * physical key. */ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming) extern const std::map<uint32_t, uint64_t> keyCodeToPhysicalKey; /** * A map from iOS key codes to Flutter's logical key values. * * This is used to derive logical keys that can't or shouldn't be derived from * |charactersIgnoringModifiers|. */ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming) extern const std::map<uint32_t, uint64_t> keyCodeToLogicalKey; /** * Maps iOS specific string values of nonvisible keys to logical keys. * * TODO(dkwingsmt): Change this getter function to a global variable. I tried to * do this but the unit test on CI threw errors saying "message sent to * deallocated instance" on the NSDictionary. * * See: * https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uikeycommand/input_strings_for_special_keys?language=objc */ extern NSDictionary<NSString*, NSNumber*>* specialKeyMapping; // Several mask constants. See KeyCodeMap.g.mm for their descriptions. extern const uint64_t kValueMask; extern const uint64_t kUnicodePlane; extern const uint64_t kIosPlane; /** * The physical key for CapsLock, which needs special handling. */ extern const uint64_t kCapsLockPhysicalKey; /** * The logical key for CapsLock, which needs special handling. */ extern const uint64_t kCapsLockLogicalKey; /** * Bits in |UIKey.modifierFlags| indicating whether a modifier key is pressed. */ typedef enum { // These sided flags are not in any official Apple docs, they are derived from // experiments. kModifierFlagControlLeft = 0x1, kModifierFlagShiftLeft = 0x2, kModifierFlagShiftRight = 0x4, kModifierFlagMetaLeft = 0x8, kModifierFlagMetaRight = 0x10, kModifierFlagAltLeft = 0x20, kModifierFlagAltRight = 0x40, kModifierFlagControlRight = 0x2000, // These are equivalent to non-sided iOS values. kModifierFlagCapsLock = UIKeyModifierAlphaShift, // 0x010000 kModifierFlagShiftAny = UIKeyModifierShift, // 0x020000 kModifierFlagControlAny = UIKeyModifierControl, // 0x040000 kModifierFlagAltAny = UIKeyModifierAlternate, // 0x080000 kModifierFlagMetaAny = UIKeyModifierCommand, // 0x100000 kModifierFlagNumPadKey = UIKeyModifierNumericPad // 0x200000 } ModifierFlag; /** * A mask of all the modifier flags that represent a modifier being pressed, but * not whether it is the left or right modifier. */ constexpr uint32_t kModifierFlagAnyMask = kModifierFlagShiftAny | kModifierFlagControlAny | kModifierFlagAltAny | kModifierFlagMetaAny; /** * A mask of the modifier flags that represent only left or right modifier * keys, and not the generic "Any" mask. */ constexpr uint32_t kModifierFlagSidedMask = kModifierFlagControlLeft | kModifierFlagShiftLeft | kModifierFlagShiftRight | kModifierFlagMetaLeft | kModifierFlagMetaRight | kModifierFlagAltLeft | kModifierFlagAltRight | kModifierFlagControlRight; /** * Map |UIKey.keyCode| to the matching sided modifier in UIEventModifierFlags. */ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming) extern const std::map<uint32_t, ModifierFlag> keyCodeToModifierFlag; /** * Map a bit of bitmask of sided modifiers in UIEventModifierFlags to their * corresponding |UIKey.keyCode|. */ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming) extern const std::map<ModifierFlag, uint32_t> modifierFlagToKeyCode; /** * Maps a sided modifier key to the corresponding flag matching either side of * that type of modifier. */ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming) extern const std::map<ModifierFlag, ModifierFlag> sidedModifierToAny; /** * Maps a non-sided modifier key to the corresponding flag matching the left key * of that type of modifier. */ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming) extern const std::map<ModifierFlag, ModifierFlag> anyModifierToLeft; /** * A set of keycodes corresponding to function keys. */ // NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming) extern const std::set<uint32_t> functionKeyCodes; #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_IOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_KEYCODEMAP_INTERNAL_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Source/KeyCodeMap_Internal.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1615 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_IOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_CONNECTION_COLLECTION_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_IOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_CONNECTION_COLLECTION_H_ #include <cstdint> #include <map> #include <string> namespace flutter { /// Maintains a current integer assigned to a name (connections). class ConnectionCollection { public: typedef int64_t Connection; static const Connection kInvalidConnection = 0; Connection AquireConnection(const std::string& name); ///\returns the name of the channel when cleanup is successful, otherwise /// the empty string. std::string CleanupConnection(Connection connection); static bool IsValidConnection(Connection connection); static Connection MakeErrorConnection(int errCode); private: std::map<std::string, Connection> connections_; Connection counter_ = 0; }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_IOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_CONNECTION_COLLECTION_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/ios/framework/Source/connection_collection.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 352 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_IOS_IOS_CONTEXT_SOFTWARE_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_IOS_IOS_CONTEXT_SOFTWARE_H_ #include "flutter/fml/macros.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/ios_context.h" namespace flutter { class IOSContextSoftware final : public IOSContext { public: IOSContextSoftware(); // |IOSContext| ~IOSContextSoftware(); // |IOSContext| sk_sp<GrDirectContext> CreateResourceContext() override; // |IOSContext| sk_sp<GrDirectContext> GetMainContext() const override; // |IOSContext| std::unique_ptr<GLContextResult> MakeCurrent() override; // |IOSContext| std::unique_ptr<Texture> CreateExternalTexture( int64_t texture_id, fml::scoped_nsobject<NSObject<FlutterTexture>> texture) override; private: FML_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(IOSContextSoftware); }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_IOS_IOS_CONTEXT_SOFTWARE_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/ios/ios_context_software.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 400 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import <XCTest/XCTest.h> #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/ios/platform_message_handler_ios.h" #import "flutter/common/task_runners.h" #import "flutter/fml/message_loop.h" #import "flutter/fml/thread.h" #import "flutter/lib/ui/window/platform_message.h" #import "flutter/lib/ui/window/platform_message_response.h" #import "flutter/shell/common/thread_host.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/common/framework/Headers/FlutterMacros.h" FLUTTER_ASSERT_ARC namespace { using namespace flutter; fml::RefPtr<fml::TaskRunner> CreateNewThread(const std::string& name) { auto thread = std::make_unique<fml::Thread>(name); auto runner = thread->GetTaskRunner(); return runner; } fml::RefPtr<fml::TaskRunner> GetCurrentTaskRunner() { fml::MessageLoop::EnsureInitializedForCurrentThread(); return fml::MessageLoop::GetCurrent().GetTaskRunner(); } class MockPlatformMessageResponse : public PlatformMessageResponse { public: static fml::RefPtr<MockPlatformMessageResponse> Create() { return fml::AdoptRef(new MockPlatformMessageResponse()); } void Complete(std::unique_ptr<fml::Mapping> data) override { is_complete_ = true; } void CompleteEmpty() override { is_complete_ = true; } }; } // namespace @interface PlatformMessageHandlerIosTest : XCTestCase @end @implementation PlatformMessageHandlerIosTest - (void)testCreate { TaskRunners task_runners("test", GetCurrentTaskRunner(), CreateNewThread("raster"), CreateNewThread("ui"), CreateNewThread("io")); auto handler = std::make_unique<PlatformMessageHandlerIos>(task_runners.GetPlatformTaskRunner()); XCTAssertTrue(handler); } - (void)testSetAndCallHandler { ThreadHost thread_host("io.flutter.test." + std::string(self.name.UTF8String), ThreadHost::Type::kRaster | ThreadHost::Type::kIo | ThreadHost::Type::kUi); TaskRunners task_runners( "test", GetCurrentTaskRunner(), thread_host.raster_thread->GetTaskRunner(), thread_host.ui_thread->GetTaskRunner(), thread_host.io_thread->GetTaskRunner()); auto handler = std::make_unique<PlatformMessageHandlerIos>(task_runners.GetPlatformTaskRunner()); std::string channel = "foo"; XCTestExpectation* didCallReply = [self expectationWithDescription:@"didCallReply"]; handler->SetMessageHandler( channel, ^(NSData* _Nullable data, FlutterBinaryReply _Nonnull reply) { reply(nil); [didCallReply fulfill]; }, nil); auto response = MockPlatformMessageResponse::Create(); task_runners.GetUITaskRunner()->PostTask([channel, response, &handler] { auto platform_message = std::make_unique<flutter::PlatformMessage>(channel, response); handler->HandlePlatformMessage(std::move(platform_message)); }); [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:1.0 handler:nil]; XCTAssertTrue(response->is_complete()); } - (void)testSetClearAndCallHandler { ThreadHost thread_host("io.flutter.test." + std::string(self.name.UTF8String), ThreadHost::Type::kRaster | ThreadHost::Type::kIo | ThreadHost::Type::kUi); TaskRunners task_runners( "test", GetCurrentTaskRunner(), thread_host.raster_thread->GetTaskRunner(), thread_host.ui_thread->GetTaskRunner(), thread_host.io_thread->GetTaskRunner()); auto handler = std::make_unique<PlatformMessageHandlerIos>(task_runners.GetPlatformTaskRunner()); std::string channel = "foo"; XCTestExpectation* didCallMessage = [self expectationWithDescription:@"didCallMessage"]; handler->SetMessageHandler( channel, ^(NSData* _Nullable data, FlutterBinaryReply _Nonnull reply) { XCTFail(@"This shouldn't be called"); reply(nil); }, nil); handler->SetMessageHandler(channel, nil, nil); auto response = MockPlatformMessageResponse::Create(); task_runners.GetUITaskRunner()->PostTask([channel, response, &handler, &didCallMessage] { auto platform_message = std::make_unique<flutter::PlatformMessage>(channel, response); handler->HandlePlatformMessage(std::move(platform_message)); [didCallMessage fulfill]; }); [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:1.0 handler:nil]; XCTAssertTrue(response->is_complete()); } - (void)testSetAndCallHandlerTaskQueue { ThreadHost thread_host("io.flutter.test." + std::string(self.name.UTF8String), ThreadHost::Type::kRaster | ThreadHost::Type::kIo | ThreadHost::Type::kUi); TaskRunners task_runners( "test", GetCurrentTaskRunner(), thread_host.raster_thread->GetTaskRunner(), thread_host.ui_thread->GetTaskRunner(), thread_host.io_thread->GetTaskRunner()); auto handler = std::make_unique<PlatformMessageHandlerIos>(task_runners.GetPlatformTaskRunner()); std::string channel = "foo"; XCTestExpectation* didCallReply = [self expectationWithDescription:@"didCallReply"]; NSObject<FlutterTaskQueue>* taskQueue = PlatformMessageHandlerIos::MakeBackgroundTaskQueue(); handler->SetMessageHandler( channel, ^(NSData* _Nullable data, FlutterBinaryReply _Nonnull reply) { XCTAssertFalse([NSThread isMainThread]); reply(nil); [didCallReply fulfill]; }, taskQueue); auto response = MockPlatformMessageResponse::Create(); task_runners.GetUITaskRunner()->PostTask([channel, response, &handler] { auto platform_message = std::make_unique<flutter::PlatformMessage>(channel, response); handler->HandlePlatformMessage(std::move(platform_message)); }); [self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:1.0 handler:nil]; XCTAssertTrue(response->is_complete()); } @end
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/ios/platform_message_handler_ios_test.mm", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1936 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_MACOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_ACCESSIBILITYBRIDGEMAC_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_MACOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_ACCESSIBILITYBRIDGEMAC_H_ #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> #include "flutter/fml/macros.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/common/accessibility_bridge.h" @class FlutterEngine; @class FlutterViewController; namespace flutter { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// The macOS implementation of AccessibilityBridge. /// /// This interacts with macOS accessibility APIs, which includes routing /// accessibility events fired from the framework to macOS, routing native /// macOS accessibility events to the framework, and creating macOS-specific /// FlutterPlatformNodeDelegate objects for each node in the semantics tree. /// /// AccessibilityBridgeMac must be created as a shared_ptr, since some methods /// acquires its weak_ptr. class AccessibilityBridgeMac : public AccessibilityBridge { public: //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Creates an AccessibilityBridgeMacDelegate. /// @param[in] flutter_engine The weak reference to the FlutterEngine. /// @param[in] view_controller The weak reference to the FlutterViewController. explicit AccessibilityBridgeMac(__weak FlutterEngine* flutter_engine, __weak FlutterViewController* view_controller); virtual ~AccessibilityBridgeMac() = default; // |FlutterPlatformNodeDelegate::OwnerBridge| void DispatchAccessibilityAction(AccessibilityNodeId target, FlutterSemanticsAction action, fml::MallocMapping data) override; protected: // |AccessibilityBridge| void OnAccessibilityEvent(ui::AXEventGenerator::TargetedEvent targeted_event) override; // |AccessibilityBridge| std::shared_ptr<FlutterPlatformNodeDelegate> CreateFlutterPlatformNodeDelegate() override; private: /// A wrapper structure to wraps macOS native accessibility events. struct NSAccessibilityEvent { NSAccessibilityNotificationName name; gfx::NativeViewAccessible target; NSDictionary* user_info; }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Posts the given event against the given node to the macOS /// accessibility notification system. /// @param[in] native_node The event target, must not be nil. /// @param[in] mac_notification The event name, must not be nil. virtual void DispatchMacOSNotification(gfx::NativeViewAccessible native_node, NSAccessibilityNotificationName mac_notification); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Posts the given event against the given node with the /// additional attributes to the macOS accessibility notification /// system. /// @param[in] native_node The event target, must not be nil. /// @param[in] mac_notification The event name, must not be nil. /// @param[in] user_info The additional attributes, must not be nil. void DispatchMacOSNotificationWithUserInfo(gfx::NativeViewAccessible native_node, NSAccessibilityNotificationName mac_notification, NSDictionary* user_info); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Whether the given event is in current pending events. /// @param[in] event_type The event to look up. bool HasPendingEvent(ui::AXEventGenerator::Event event) const; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// @brief Converts the give ui::AXEventGenerator::Event into /// macOS native accessibility event[s] /// @param[in] event_type The original event type. /// @param[in] ax_node The original event target. std::vector<NSAccessibilityEvent> MacOSEventsFromAXEvent(ui::AXEventGenerator::Event event_type, const ui::AXNode& ax_node) const; __weak FlutterEngine* flutter_engine_; __weak FlutterViewController* view_controller_; FML_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AccessibilityBridgeMac); }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_MACOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_ACCESSIBILITYBRIDGEMAC_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/AccessibilityBridgeMac.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1540 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/common/framework/Headers/FlutterDartProject.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterDartProject_Internal.h" #include <vector> #include "flutter/shell/platform/common/engine_switches.h" static NSString* const kICUBundlePath = @"icudtl.dat"; static NSString* const kAppBundleIdentifier = @"io.flutter.flutter.app"; #pragma mark - Private interface declaration. @interface FlutterDartProject () /** Get the Flutter assets name path by pass the bundle. If bundle is nil, we use the main bundle as default. */ + (NSString*)flutterAssetsNameWithBundle:(NSBundle*)bundle; @end @implementation FlutterDartProject { NSBundle* _dartBundle; NSString* _assetsPath; NSString* _ICUDataPath; } - (instancetype)init { return [self initWithPrecompiledDartBundle:nil]; } - (instancetype)initWithPrecompiledDartBundle:(NSBundle*)bundle { self = [super init]; NSAssert(self, @"Super init cannot be nil"); _dartBundle = bundle ?: FLTFrameworkBundleWithIdentifier(kAppBundleIdentifier); if (_dartBundle == nil) { // The bundle isn't loaded and can't be found by bundle ID. Find it by path. _dartBundle = [NSBundle bundleWithURL:[NSBundle.mainBundle.privateFrameworksURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"App.framework"]]; } if (!_dartBundle.isLoaded) { [_dartBundle load]; } _dartEntrypointArguments = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] arguments]; // Remove the first element as it's the binary name _dartEntrypointArguments = [_dartEntrypointArguments subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, _dartEntrypointArguments.count - 1)]; return self; } - (instancetype)initWithAssetsPath:(NSString*)assets ICUDataPath:(NSString*)icuPath { self = [super init]; NSAssert(self, @"Super init cannot be nil"); _assetsPath = assets; _ICUDataPath = icuPath; return self; } - (BOOL)enableImpeller { NSNumber* enableImpeller = [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"FLTEnableImpeller"]; if (enableImpeller != nil) { return enableImpeller.boolValue; } return NO; } - (NSString*)assetsPath { if (_assetsPath) { return _assetsPath; } // If there's no App.framework, fall back to checking the main bundle for assets. NSBundle* assetBundle = _dartBundle ?: [NSBundle mainBundle]; NSString* flutterAssetsName = [assetBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"FLTAssetsPath"]; if (flutterAssetsName == nil) { flutterAssetsName = @"flutter_assets"; } NSString* path = [assetBundle pathForResource:flutterAssetsName ofType:@""]; if (!path) { NSLog(@"Failed to find path for \"%@\"", flutterAssetsName); } return path; } - (NSString*)ICUDataPath { if (_ICUDataPath) { return _ICUDataPath; } NSString* path = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] pathForResource:kICUBundlePath ofType:nil]; if (!path) { NSLog(@"Failed to find path for \"%@\"", kICUBundlePath); } return path; } + (NSString*)flutterAssetsNameWithBundle:(NSBundle*)bundle { if (bundle == nil) { bundle = FLTFrameworkBundleWithIdentifier(kAppBundleIdentifier); } if (bundle == nil) { bundle = [NSBundle mainBundle]; } NSString* flutterAssetsName = [bundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"FLTAssetsPath"]; if (flutterAssetsName == nil) { flutterAssetsName = @"Contents/Frameworks/App.framework/Resources/flutter_assets"; } return flutterAssetsName; } + (NSString*)lookupKeyForAsset:(NSString*)asset { return [self lookupKeyForAsset:asset fromBundle:nil]; } + (NSString*)lookupKeyForAsset:(NSString*)asset fromBundle:(nullable NSBundle*)bundle { NSString* flutterAssetsName = [FlutterDartProject flutterAssetsNameWithBundle:bundle]; return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", flutterAssetsName, asset]; } + (NSString*)lookupKeyForAsset:(NSString*)asset fromPackage:(NSString*)package { return [self lookupKeyForAsset:asset fromPackage:package fromBundle:nil]; } + (NSString*)lookupKeyForAsset:(NSString*)asset fromPackage:(NSString*)package fromBundle:(nullable NSBundle*)bundle { return [self lookupKeyForAsset:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"packages/%@/%@", package, asset] fromBundle:bundle]; } + (NSString*)defaultBundleIdentifier { return kAppBundleIdentifier; } @end
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterDartProject.mm", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1728 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_MACOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_FLUTTERKEYPRIMARYRESPONDER_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_MACOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_FLUTTERKEYPRIMARYRESPONDER_H_ #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> typedef void (^FlutterAsyncKeyCallback)(BOOL handled); /** * An interface for a responder that can process a key event and decides whether * to handle an event asynchronously. * * To use this class, add it to a |FlutterKeyboardManager| with |addPrimaryResponder|. */ @protocol FlutterKeyPrimaryResponder /** * Process the event. * * The |callback| should be called with a value that indicates whether the * responder has handled the given event. The |callback| must be called exactly * once, and can be called before the return of this method, or after. */ @required - (void)handleEvent:(nonnull NSEvent*)event callback:(nonnull FlutterAsyncKeyCallback)callback; /** * Synchronize the modifier flags if necessary. The new modifier flag would usually come from mouse * event and may be out of sync with current keyboard state if the modifier flags have changed while * window was not key. */ @required - (void)syncModifiersIfNeeded:(NSEventModifierFlags)modifierFlags timestamp:(NSTimeInterval)timestamp; /* A map from macOS key code to logical keyboard. * * The map is assigned on initialization, and updated when the user changes * keyboard type or layout. The responder should prioritize this map when * deriving logical keys. */ @required @property(nonatomic, nullable, strong) NSMutableDictionary<NSNumber*, NSNumber*>* layoutMap; @end #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_MACOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_FLUTTERKEYPRIMARYRESPONDER_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterKeyPrimaryResponder.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 569 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "flutter/testing/testing.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Headers/FlutterEngine.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/AccessibilityBridgeMac.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterDartProject_Internal.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterEngine_Internal.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterTextInputSemanticsObject.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterViewControllerTestUtils.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterViewController_Internal.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/common/accessibility_bridge.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/test_utils/proc_table_replacement.h" #include "flutter/third_party/accessibility/ax/ax_action_data.h" namespace flutter::testing { namespace { // Returns a view controller configured for the text fixture resource configuration. FlutterViewController* CreateTestViewController() { NSString* fixtures = @(testing::GetFixturesPath()); FlutterDartProject* project = [[FlutterDartProject alloc] initWithAssetsPath:fixtures ICUDataPath:[fixtures stringByAppendingString:@"/icudtl.dat"]]; return [[FlutterViewController alloc] initWithProject:project]; } } // namespace TEST(FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac, Basics) { FlutterViewController* viewController = CreateTestViewController(); FlutterEngine* engine = viewController.engine; engine.semanticsEnabled = YES; auto bridge = viewController.accessibilityBridge.lock(); // Initialize ax node data. FlutterSemanticsNode2 root; root.id = 0; root.flags = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsFlag>(0); ; root.actions = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsAction>(0); root.text_selection_base = -1; root.text_selection_extent = -1; root.label = "accessibility"; root.hint = ""; root.value = ""; root.increased_value = ""; root.decreased_value = ""; root.tooltip = ""; root.child_count = 0; root.custom_accessibility_actions_count = 0; bridge->AddFlutterSemanticsNodeUpdate(root); bridge->CommitUpdates(); auto root_platform_node_delegate = bridge->GetFlutterPlatformNodeDelegateFromID(0).lock(); // Verify the accessibility attribute matches. NSAccessibilityElement* native_accessibility = root_platform_node_delegate->GetNativeViewAccessible(); std::string value = [native_accessibility.accessibilityValue UTF8String]; EXPECT_TRUE(value == "accessibility"); EXPECT_EQ(native_accessibility.accessibilityRole, NSAccessibilityStaticTextRole); EXPECT_EQ([native_accessibility.accessibilityChildren count], 0u); [engine shutDownEngine]; } TEST(FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac, SelectableTextHasCorrectSemantics) { FlutterViewController* viewController = CreateTestViewController(); FlutterEngine* engine = viewController.engine; engine.semanticsEnabled = YES; auto bridge = viewController.accessibilityBridge.lock(); // Initialize ax node data. FlutterSemanticsNode2 root; root.id = 0; root.flags = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsFlag>(FlutterSemanticsFlag::kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsTextField | FlutterSemanticsFlag::kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsReadOnly); root.actions = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsAction>(0); root.text_selection_base = 1; root.text_selection_extent = 3; root.label = ""; root.hint = ""; // Selectable text store its text in value root.value = "selectable text"; root.increased_value = ""; root.decreased_value = ""; root.tooltip = ""; root.child_count = 0; root.custom_accessibility_actions_count = 0; bridge->AddFlutterSemanticsNodeUpdate(root); bridge->CommitUpdates(); auto root_platform_node_delegate = bridge->GetFlutterPlatformNodeDelegateFromID(0).lock(); // Verify the accessibility attribute matches. NSAccessibilityElement* native_accessibility = root_platform_node_delegate->GetNativeViewAccessible(); std::string value = [native_accessibility.accessibilityValue UTF8String]; EXPECT_EQ(value, "selectable text"); EXPECT_EQ(native_accessibility.accessibilityRole, NSAccessibilityStaticTextRole); EXPECT_EQ([native_accessibility.accessibilityChildren count], 0u); NSRange selection = native_accessibility.accessibilitySelectedTextRange; EXPECT_EQ(selection.location, 1u); EXPECT_EQ(selection.length, 2u); std::string selected_text = [native_accessibility.accessibilitySelectedText UTF8String]; EXPECT_EQ(selected_text, "el"); } TEST(FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac, SelectableTextWithoutSelectionReturnZeroRange) { FlutterViewController* viewController = CreateTestViewController(); FlutterEngine* engine = viewController.engine; engine.semanticsEnabled = YES; auto bridge = viewController.accessibilityBridge.lock(); // Initialize ax node data. FlutterSemanticsNode2 root; root.id = 0; root.flags = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsFlag>(FlutterSemanticsFlag::kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsTextField | FlutterSemanticsFlag::kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsReadOnly); root.actions = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsAction>(0); root.text_selection_base = -1; root.text_selection_extent = -1; root.label = ""; root.hint = ""; // Selectable text store its text in value root.value = "selectable text"; root.increased_value = ""; root.decreased_value = ""; root.tooltip = ""; root.child_count = 0; root.custom_accessibility_actions_count = 0; bridge->AddFlutterSemanticsNodeUpdate(root); bridge->CommitUpdates(); auto root_platform_node_delegate = bridge->GetFlutterPlatformNodeDelegateFromID(0).lock(); // Verify the accessibility attribute matches. NSAccessibilityElement* native_accessibility = root_platform_node_delegate->GetNativeViewAccessible(); NSRange selection = native_accessibility.accessibilitySelectedTextRange; EXPECT_TRUE(selection.location == NSNotFound); EXPECT_EQ(selection.length, 0u); } // MOCK_ENGINE_PROC is leaky by design // NOLINTBEGIN(clang-analyzer-core.StackAddressEscape) TEST(FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac, CanPerformAction) { FlutterViewController* viewController = CreateTestViewController(); FlutterEngine* engine = viewController.engine; // Attach the view to a NSWindow. NSWindow* window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO]; window.contentView = viewController.view; engine.semanticsEnabled = YES; auto bridge = viewController.accessibilityBridge.lock(); // Initialize ax node data. FlutterSemanticsNode2 root; root.id = 0; root.label = "root"; root.hint = ""; root.value = ""; root.increased_value = ""; root.decreased_value = ""; root.tooltip = ""; root.child_count = 1; int32_t children[] = {1}; root.children_in_traversal_order = children; root.custom_accessibility_actions_count = 0; bridge->AddFlutterSemanticsNodeUpdate(root); FlutterSemanticsNode2 child1; child1.id = 1; child1.label = "child 1"; child1.hint = ""; child1.value = ""; child1.increased_value = ""; child1.decreased_value = ""; child1.tooltip = ""; child1.child_count = 0; child1.custom_accessibility_actions_count = 0; bridge->AddFlutterSemanticsNodeUpdate(child1); bridge->CommitUpdates(); auto root_platform_node_delegate = bridge->GetFlutterPlatformNodeDelegateFromID(1).lock(); // Set up embedder API mock. FlutterSemanticsAction called_action; uint64_t called_id; engine.embedderAPI.DispatchSemanticsAction = MOCK_ENGINE_PROC( DispatchSemanticsAction, ([&called_id, &called_action](auto engine, uint64_t id, FlutterSemanticsAction action, const uint8_t* data, size_t data_length) { called_id = id; called_action = action; return kSuccess; })); // Performs an AXAction. ui::AXActionData action_data; action_data.action = ax::mojom::Action::kDoDefault; root_platform_node_delegate->AccessibilityPerformAction(action_data); EXPECT_EQ(called_action, FlutterSemanticsAction::kFlutterSemanticsActionTap); EXPECT_EQ(called_id, 1u); [engine setViewController:nil]; [engine shutDownEngine]; } // NOLINTEND(clang-analyzer-core.StackAddressEscape) TEST(FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac, TextFieldUsesFlutterTextField) { FlutterViewController* viewController = CreateTestViewController(); FlutterEngine* engine = viewController.engine; [viewController loadView]; // Unit test localization is unnecessary. // NOLINTNEXTLINE(clang-analyzer-optin.osx.cocoa.localizability.NonLocalizedStringChecker) viewController.textInputPlugin.string = @"textfield"; // Creates a NSWindow so that the native text field can become first responder. NSWindow* window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO]; window.contentView = viewController.view; engine.semanticsEnabled = YES; auto bridge = viewController.accessibilityBridge.lock(); // Initialize ax node data. FlutterSemanticsNode2 root; root.id = 0; root.flags = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsFlag>(0); root.actions = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsAction>(0); root.label = "root"; root.hint = ""; root.value = ""; root.increased_value = ""; root.decreased_value = ""; root.tooltip = ""; root.child_count = 1; int32_t children[] = {1}; root.children_in_traversal_order = children; root.custom_accessibility_actions_count = 0; root.rect = {0, 0, 100, 100}; // LTRB root.transform = {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1}; bridge->AddFlutterSemanticsNodeUpdate(root); double rectSize = 50; double transformFactor = 0.5; FlutterSemanticsNode2 child1; child1.id = 1; child1.flags = FlutterSemanticsFlag::kFlutterSemanticsFlagIsTextField; child1.actions = static_cast<FlutterSemanticsAction>(0); child1.label = ""; child1.hint = ""; child1.value = "textfield"; child1.increased_value = ""; child1.decreased_value = ""; child1.tooltip = ""; child1.text_selection_base = -1; child1.text_selection_extent = -1; child1.child_count = 0; child1.custom_accessibility_actions_count = 0; child1.rect = {0, 0, rectSize, rectSize}; // LTRB child1.transform = {transformFactor, 0, 0, 0, transformFactor, 0, 0, 0, 1}; bridge->AddFlutterSemanticsNodeUpdate(child1); bridge->CommitUpdates(); auto child_platform_node_delegate = bridge->GetFlutterPlatformNodeDelegateFromID(1).lock(); // Verify the accessibility attribute matches. id native_accessibility = child_platform_node_delegate->GetNativeViewAccessible(); EXPECT_EQ([native_accessibility isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextField class]], YES); FlutterTextField* native_text_field = (FlutterTextField*)native_accessibility; NSView* view = viewController.flutterView; CGRect scaledBounds = [view convertRectToBacking:view.bounds]; CGSize scaledSize = scaledBounds.size; double pixelRatio = view.bounds.size.width == 0 ? 1 : scaledSize.width / view.bounds.size.width; double expectedFrameSize = rectSize * transformFactor / pixelRatio; EXPECT_EQ(NSEqualRects(native_text_field.frame, NSMakeRect(0, 600 - expectedFrameSize, expectedFrameSize, expectedFrameSize)), YES); [native_text_field startEditing]; EXPECT_EQ([native_text_field.stringValue isEqualToString:@"textfield"], YES); } } // namespace flutter::testing
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMacTest.mm", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 4277 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Headers/FlutterViewController.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterDartProject_Internal.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterEngine_Internal.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterTextInputPlugin.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterTextInputSemanticsObject.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterViewController_Internal.h" #import "flutter/testing/testing.h" namespace flutter::testing { namespace { // Returns an engine configured for the text fixture resource configuration. FlutterEngine* CreateTestEngine() { NSString* fixtures = @(testing::GetFixturesPath()); FlutterDartProject* project = [[FlutterDartProject alloc] initWithAssetsPath:fixtures ICUDataPath:[fixtures stringByAppendingString:@"/icudtl.dat"]]; return [[FlutterEngine alloc] initWithName:@"test" project:project allowHeadlessExecution:true]; } } // namespace TEST(FlutterTextInputSemanticsObjectTest, DoesInitialize) { FlutterEngine* engine = CreateTestEngine(); { FlutterViewController* viewController = [[FlutterViewController alloc] initWithEngine:engine nibName:nil bundle:nil]; [viewController loadView]; // Create a NSWindow so that the native text field can become first responder. NSWindow* window = [[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 800, 600) styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO]; window.contentView = viewController.view; engine.semanticsEnabled = YES; auto bridge = viewController.accessibilityBridge.lock(); FlutterPlatformNodeDelegateMac delegate(bridge, viewController); ui::AXTree tree; ui::AXNode ax_node(&tree, nullptr, 0, 0); ui::AXNodeData node_data; node_data.SetValue("initial text"); ax_node.SetData(node_data); delegate.Init(viewController.accessibilityBridge, &ax_node); // Verify that a FlutterTextField is attached to the view. FlutterTextPlatformNode text_platform_node(&delegate, viewController); id native_accessibility = text_platform_node.GetNativeViewAccessible(); EXPECT_TRUE([native_accessibility isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextField class]]); auto subviews = [viewController.view subviews]; EXPECT_EQ([subviews count], 2u); EXPECT_TRUE([subviews[0] isKindOfClass:[FlutterTextField class]]); FlutterTextField* nativeTextField = subviews[0]; EXPECT_EQ(text_platform_node.GetNativeViewAccessible(), nativeTextField); } [engine shutDownEngine]; engine = nil; // Pump the event loop to make sure no stray nodes cause crashes after the // engine has been destroyed. // From issue: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/115599 [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.1]]; } } // namespace flutter::testing
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterTextInputSemanticsObjectTest.mm", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1317 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_MACOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_FLUTTERVIEWCONTROLLERTESTUTILS_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_MACOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_FLUTTERVIEWCONTROLLERTESTUTILS_H_ #import <Foundation/NSString.h> #import <OCMock/OCMock.h> #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterDartProject_Internal.h" #import "flutter/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterViewController_Internal.h" #import "flutter/testing/testing.h" namespace flutter::testing { // Returns a mock FlutterViewController. id CreateMockViewController(); } // namespace flutter::testing #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_DARWIN_MACOS_FRAMEWORK_SOURCE_FLUTTERVIEWCONTROLLERTESTUTILS_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/darwin/macos/framework/Source/FlutterViewControllerTestUtils.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 316 }
# Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("//build/toolchain/clang.gni") import("//flutter/build/zip_bundle.gni") import("//flutter/common/config.gni") import("//flutter/impeller/tools/impeller.gni") import("//flutter/shell/gpu/gpu.gni") import("//flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder.gni") import("//flutter/testing/testing.gni") declare_args() { embedder_enable_software = shell_enable_software embedder_enable_vulkan = shell_enable_vulkan embedder_enable_gl = shell_enable_gl embedder_enable_metal = shell_enable_metal } shell_gpu_configuration("embedder_gpu_configuration") { enable_software = embedder_enable_software enable_vulkan = embedder_enable_vulkan enable_gl = embedder_enable_gl enable_metal = embedder_enable_metal } _framework_binary_subpath = "Versions/A/FlutterEmbedder" config("embedder_header_config") { include_dirs = [ "." ] } config("embedder_jit_snapshot_setup") { _lib_snapshot_label = "//flutter/lib/snapshot:vm_isolate_snapshot.bin" _lib_snapshot_gen_dir = get_label_info(_lib_snapshot_label, "target_gen_dir") _isolate_snapshot_data = "${_lib_snapshot_gen_dir}/isolate_snapshot.bin" _isolate_snapshot_instructions = "${_lib_snapshot_gen_dir}/isolate_snapshot_instructions.bin" _vm_snapshot_data = "${_lib_snapshot_gen_dir}/vm_isolate_snapshot.bin" _vm_snapshot_instructions = "${_lib_snapshot_gen_dir}/vm_snapshot_instructions.bin" # For testing JIT snapshot setup. defines = [ "TEST_ISOLATE_SNAPSHOT_DATA=\"${_isolate_snapshot_data}\"", "TEST_ISOLATE_SNAPSHOT_INSTRUCTIONS=\"${_isolate_snapshot_instructions}\"", "TEST_VM_SNAPSHOT_DATA=\"${_vm_snapshot_data}\"", "TEST_VM_SNAPSHOT_INSTRUCTIONS=\"${_vm_snapshot_instructions}\"", ] } # Template for the embedder build. Used to allow building it multiple times with # different flags. template("embedder_source_set") { forward_variables_from(invoker, "*") source_set(target_name) { sources = [ "embedder.cc", "embedder_engine.cc", "embedder_engine.h", "embedder_external_texture_resolver.cc", "embedder_external_texture_resolver.h", "embedder_external_view.cc", "embedder_external_view.h", "embedder_external_view_embedder.cc", "embedder_external_view_embedder.h", "embedder_include.c", "embedder_include2.c", "embedder_layers.cc", "embedder_layers.h", "embedder_platform_message_response.cc", "embedder_platform_message_response.h", "embedder_render_target.cc", "embedder_render_target.h", "embedder_render_target_cache.cc", "embedder_render_target_cache.h", "embedder_render_target_skia.cc", "embedder_render_target_skia.h", "embedder_semantics_update.cc", "embedder_semantics_update.h", "embedder_struct_macros.h", "embedder_surface.cc", "embedder_surface.h", "embedder_surface_software.cc", "embedder_surface_software.h", "embedder_task_runner.cc", "embedder_task_runner.h", "embedder_thread_host.cc", "embedder_thread_host.h", "pixel_formats.cc", "pixel_formats.h", "platform_view_embedder.cc", "platform_view_embedder.h", "vsync_waiter_embedder.cc", "vsync_waiter_embedder.h", ] public_deps = [ ":embedder_headers" ] deps = [ ":embedder_gpu_configuration", "$dart_src/runtime/bin:dart_io_api", "$dart_src/runtime/bin:elf_loader", "//flutter/assets", "//flutter/common", "//flutter/common/graphics", "//flutter/flow", "//flutter/fml", "//flutter/lib/ui", "//flutter/runtime:libdart", "//flutter/shell/common", "//flutter/skia", "//flutter/third_party/tonic", ] if (embedder_enable_gl) { sources += [ "embedder_external_texture_gl.cc", "embedder_external_texture_gl.h", "embedder_surface_gl.cc", "embedder_surface_gl.h", ] if (impeller_supports_rendering) { sources += [ "embedder_surface_gl_impeller.cc", "embedder_surface_gl_impeller.h", ] deps += [ "//flutter/impeller/renderer/backend/gles" ] } } if (impeller_supports_rendering) { sources += [ "embedder_render_target_impeller.cc", "embedder_render_target_impeller.h", ] deps += [ "//flutter/impeller", "//flutter/impeller/renderer", ] } if (embedder_enable_metal) { sources += [ "embedder_external_texture_metal.h", "embedder_external_texture_metal.mm", "embedder_surface_metal.h", "embedder_surface_metal.mm", ] if (impeller_supports_rendering) { sources += [ "embedder_surface_metal_impeller.h", "embedder_surface_metal_impeller.mm", ] deps += [ "//flutter/impeller/renderer/backend/metal" ] } cflags_objc = flutter_cflags_objc cflags_objcc = flutter_cflags_objcc deps += [ "//flutter/shell/platform/darwin/graphics" ] } if (embedder_enable_vulkan) { sources += [ "embedder_surface_vulkan.cc", "embedder_surface_vulkan.h", ] deps += [ "//flutter/flutter_vma:flutter_skia_vma", "//flutter/vulkan/procs", ] } # Depend on 'icudtl.dat.S' to avoid dynamic lookups of engine library symbols. if (is_android) { deps += [ "//flutter/shell/platform/android:icudtl_asm" ] sources += [ "$root_build_dir/gen/flutter/shell/platform/android/flutter/third_party/icu/flutter/icudtl.dat.S" ] } public_configs += [ ":embedder_gpu_configuration_config", ":embedder_header_config", "//flutter:config", "//flutter/impeller:impeller_public_config", ] } } embedder_source_set("embedder") { public_configs = [] } embedder_source_set("embedder_as_internal_library") { public_configs = [ ":embedder_internal_library_config" ] } source_set("embedder_headers") { public = [ "embedder.h" ] public_configs = [ "//flutter:config" ] } source_set("embedder_test_utils") { public = [ "test_utils/key_codes.g.h", "test_utils/proc_table_replacement.h", ] deps = [ ":embedder_headers" ] public_configs = [ "//flutter:config" ] } # For using the embedder API as internal implementation detail of an # embedding. config("embedder_internal_library_config") { defines = [ # Use prefixed symbols to avoid collisions with higher level API. "FLUTTER_API_SYMBOL_PREFIX=Embedder", # Don't export the embedder.h API surface. "FLUTTER_NO_EXPORT", ] } test_fixtures("fixtures") { dart_main = "fixtures/main.dart" fixtures = [ "fixtures/arc_end_caps.png", "fixtures/compositor.png", "fixtures/compositor_root_surface_xformation.png", "fixtures/compositor_software.png", "fixtures/compositor_with_platform_layer_on_bottom.png", "fixtures/compositor_with_root_layer_only.png", "fixtures/compositor_platform_layer_with_no_overlay.png", "fixtures/dpr_noxform.png", "fixtures/dpr_xform.png", "fixtures/gradient.png", "fixtures/impeller_gl_test.png", "fixtures/vk_dpr_noxform.png", "fixtures/vk_gradient.png", "fixtures/gradient_metal.png", "fixtures/external_texture_metal.png", "fixtures/gradient_xform.png", "fixtures/scene_without_custom_compositor.png", "fixtures/scene_without_custom_compositor_with_xform.png", "fixtures/snapshot_large_scene.png", "fixtures/verifyb143464703.png", "fixtures/verifyb143464703_soft_noxform.png", ] } if (enable_unittests) { source_set("embedder_unittests_library") { testonly = true configs += [ ":embedder_gpu_configuration_config", "//flutter:export_dynamic_symbols", ] include_dirs = [ "." ] sources = [ "platform_view_embedder_unittests.cc", "tests/embedder_config_builder.cc", "tests/embedder_config_builder.h", "tests/embedder_frozen.h", "tests/embedder_test.cc", "tests/embedder_test.h", "tests/embedder_test_backingstore_producer.cc", "tests/embedder_test_backingstore_producer.h", "tests/embedder_test_compositor.cc", "tests/embedder_test_compositor.h", "tests/embedder_test_compositor_software.cc", "tests/embedder_test_compositor_software.h", "tests/embedder_test_context.cc", "tests/embedder_test_context.h", "tests/embedder_test_context_software.cc", "tests/embedder_test_context_software.h", "tests/embedder_unittests_util.cc", ] public_deps = [ ":embedder", ":embedder_gpu_configuration", ":fixtures", "$dart_src/runtime/bin:elf_loader", "//flutter/flow", "//flutter/lib/snapshot", "//flutter/lib/ui", "//flutter/runtime", "//flutter/skia", "//flutter/testing", "//flutter/testing:dart", "//flutter/testing:skia", "//flutter/third_party/tonic", ] if (test_enable_gl) { sources += [ "tests/embedder_test_compositor_gl.cc", "tests/embedder_test_compositor_gl.h", "tests/embedder_test_context_gl.cc", "tests/embedder_test_context_gl.h", ] public_deps += [ "//flutter/testing:opengl", "//flutter/third_party/vulkan-deps/vulkan-headers/src:vulkan_headers", ] } if (test_enable_metal) { sources += [ "tests/embedder_test_compositor_metal.cc", "tests/embedder_test_compositor_metal.h", "tests/embedder_test_context_metal.cc", "tests/embedder_test_context_metal.h", ] public_deps += [ "//flutter/testing:metal" ] } if (test_enable_vulkan) { sources += [ "tests/embedder_test_compositor_vulkan.cc", "tests/embedder_test_compositor_vulkan.h", "tests/embedder_test_context_vulkan.cc", "tests/embedder_test_context_vulkan.h", ] public_deps += [ "//flutter/testing:vulkan", "//flutter/vulkan", "//flutter/vulkan/procs", ] } } executable("embedder_unittests") { testonly = true configs += [ ":embedder_jit_snapshot_setup", ":embedder_gpu_configuration_config", "//flutter:export_dynamic_symbols", ] include_dirs = [ "." ] sources = [ "tests/embedder_frozen_unittests.cc", "tests/embedder_unittests.cc", ] deps = [ ":embedder_unittests_library" ] if (test_enable_gl) { sources += [ "tests/embedder_gl_unittests.cc" ] } if (test_enable_metal) { sources += [ "tests/embedder_metal_unittests.mm" ] } if (test_enable_vulkan) { sources += [ "tests/embedder_vk_unittests.cc" ] } } executable("embedder_a11y_unittests") { testonly = true configs += [ ":embedder_gpu_configuration_config", "//flutter:export_dynamic_symbols", ] include_dirs = [ "." ] sources = [ "tests/embedder_a11y_unittests.cc" ] deps = [ ":embedder_unittests_library" ] } # Tests that build in FLUTTER_ENGINE_NO_PROTOTYPES mode. executable("embedder_proctable_unittests") { testonly = true configs += [ ":embedder_gpu_configuration_config", "//flutter:export_dynamic_symbols", ] sources = [ "tests/embedder_unittests_proctable.cc" ] defines = [ "FLUTTER_ENGINE_NO_PROTOTYPES" ] if (is_win) { libs = [ "psapi.lib" ] } deps = [ ":embedder", ":embedder_gpu_configuration", ":fixtures", "//flutter/lib/snapshot", "//flutter/testing", #"//flutter/testing:dart", #"//flutter/testing:skia", #"//flutter/third_party/tonic", #"$dart_src/runtime/bin:elf_loader", #"//flutter/skia", ] } } shared_library("flutter_engine_library") { visibility = [ ":*" ] output_name = "flutter_engine" ldflags = [] if (is_mac && !embedder_for_target) { ldflags += [ "-Wl,-install_name,@rpath/FlutterEmbedder.framework/$_framework_binary_subpath" ] } if (is_linux) { ldflags += [ "-Wl,--version-script=" + rebase_path("embedder_exports.lst") ] } deps = [ ":embedder" ] public_configs = [ "//flutter:config" ] } copy("copy_headers") { visibility = [ ":*" ] sources = [ "embedder.h" ] outputs = [ "$root_out_dir/flutter_embedder.h" ] } if (is_mac && !embedder_for_target) { _flutter_embedder_framework_dir = "$root_out_dir/FlutterEmbedder.framework" copy("copy_framework_headers") { visibility = [ ":*" ] sources = [ "embedder.h" ] outputs = [ "$_flutter_embedder_framework_dir/Versions/A/Headers/FlutterEmbedder.h", ] } copy("copy_icu") { visibility = [ ":*" ] sources = [ "//flutter/third_party/icu/flutter/icudtl.dat" ] outputs = [ "$_flutter_embedder_framework_dir/Versions/A/Resources/icudtl.dat" ] } action("copy_info_plist") { script = "//flutter/build/copy_info_plist.py" visibility = [ ":*" ] sources = [ "assets/EmbedderInfo.plist" ] outputs = [ "$_flutter_embedder_framework_dir/Versions/A/Resources/Info.plist" ] args = [ "--source", rebase_path(sources[0]), "--destination", rebase_path(outputs[0]), ] } copy("copy_module_map") { visibility = [ ":*" ] sources = [ "assets/embedder.modulemap" ] outputs = [ "$_flutter_embedder_framework_dir/Versions/A/Modules/module.modulemap", ] } copy("copy_dylib") { visibility = [ ":*" ] sources = [ "$root_out_dir/libflutter_engine.dylib" ] outputs = [ "$_flutter_embedder_framework_dir/$_framework_binary_subpath" ] deps = [ ":flutter_engine_library" ] } action("generate_symlinks") { visibility = [ ":*" ] script = "//build/config/mac/package_framework.py" outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/FlutterEmbedder.stamp", _flutter_embedder_framework_dir, "$_flutter_embedder_framework_dir/Resources", "$_flutter_embedder_framework_dir/Headers", "$_flutter_embedder_framework_dir/Modules", ] args = [ "--framework", "FlutterEmbedder.framework", "--version", "A", "--contents", "FlutterEmbedder", "Resources", "Headers", "Modules", "--stamp", "FlutterEmbedder.stamp", ] deps = [ ":copy_dylib", ":copy_framework_headers", ":copy_icu", ":copy_info_plist", ":copy_module_map", ] } group("flutter_embedder_framework") { visibility = [ ":*" ] deps = [ ":generate_symlinks" ] } } group("flutter_engine") { deps = [] build_embedder_api = current_toolchain == host_toolchain || embedder_for_target if (build_embedder_api) { # All platforms require the embedder dylib and headers. deps += [ ":copy_headers", ":flutter_engine_library", ] # For the Mac, the dylib is packaged in a framework with the appropriate headers. if (is_mac && !embedder_for_target) { deps += [ ":flutter_embedder_framework" ] } } } if (is_mac) { zip_bundle("flutter_embedder_framework_archive") { deps = [ ":generate_symlinks" ] output = "$full_platform_name/FlutterEmbedder.framework.zip" files = [ { source = "$root_out_dir/FlutterEmbedder.framework" destination = "FlutterEmbedder.framework" }, { source = "$root_out_dir/FlutterEmbedder.framework/Resources" destination = "FlutterEmbedder.framework/Resources" }, { source = "$root_out_dir/FlutterEmbedder.framework/Headers" destination = "FlutterEmbedder.framework/Headers" }, { source = "$root_out_dir/FlutterEmbedder.framework/Modules" destination = "FlutterEmbedder.framework/Modules" }, ] } } if (host_os == "linux" || host_os == "win") { zip_bundle("embedder-archive") { output = "$full_target_platform_name/$full_target_platform_name-embedder.zip" deps = [ "//flutter/shell/platform/embedder:copy_headers", "//flutter/shell/platform/embedder:flutter_engine_library", ] files = [ { source = "$root_out_dir/flutter_embedder.h" destination = "flutter_embedder.h" }, ] if (host_os == "linux") { files += [ { source = "$root_out_dir/libflutter_engine.so" destination = "libflutter_engine.so" }, ] } if (host_os == "win") { files += [ { source = "$root_out_dir/flutter_engine.dll" destination = "flutter_engine.dll" }, { source = "$root_out_dir/flutter_engine.dll.lib" destination = "flutter_engine.dll.lib" }, ] } } }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/embedder/BUILD.gn", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 7606 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_EMBEDDER_EMBEDDER_EXTERNAL_VIEW_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_EMBEDDER_EMBEDDER_EXTERNAL_VIEW_H_ #include <optional> #include <unordered_map> #include <unordered_set> #include "flutter/flow/embedded_views.h" #include "flutter/fml/hash_combine.h" #include "flutter/fml/macros.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder_render_target.h" namespace flutter { class EmbedderExternalView { public: using PlatformViewID = int64_t; struct ViewIdentifier { std::optional<PlatformViewID> platform_view_id; ViewIdentifier() {} explicit ViewIdentifier(PlatformViewID view_id) : platform_view_id(view_id) {} struct Hash { constexpr std::size_t operator()(const ViewIdentifier& desc) const { if (!desc.platform_view_id.has_value()) { return fml::HashCombine(); } return fml::HashCombine(desc.platform_view_id.value()); } }; struct Equal { constexpr bool operator()(const ViewIdentifier& lhs, const ViewIdentifier& rhs) const { return lhs.platform_view_id == rhs.platform_view_id; } }; }; struct RenderTargetDescriptor { SkISize surface_size; explicit RenderTargetDescriptor(const SkISize& p_surface_size) : surface_size(p_surface_size) {} struct Hash { constexpr std::size_t operator()( const RenderTargetDescriptor& desc) const { return fml::HashCombine(desc.surface_size.width(), desc.surface_size.height()); } }; struct Equal { bool operator()(const RenderTargetDescriptor& lhs, const RenderTargetDescriptor& rhs) const { return lhs.surface_size == rhs.surface_size; } }; }; using ViewIdentifierSet = std::unordered_set<ViewIdentifier, ViewIdentifier::Hash, ViewIdentifier::Equal>; using PendingViews = std::unordered_map<ViewIdentifier, std::unique_ptr<EmbedderExternalView>, ViewIdentifier::Hash, ViewIdentifier::Equal>; EmbedderExternalView(const SkISize& frame_size, const SkMatrix& surface_transformation); EmbedderExternalView(const SkISize& frame_size, const SkMatrix& surface_transformation, ViewIdentifier view_identifier, std::unique_ptr<EmbeddedViewParams> params); ~EmbedderExternalView(); bool IsRootView() const; bool HasPlatformView() const; bool HasEngineRenderedContents(); ViewIdentifier GetViewIdentifier() const; const EmbeddedViewParams* GetEmbeddedViewParams() const; RenderTargetDescriptor CreateRenderTargetDescriptor() const; DlCanvas* GetCanvas(); SkISize GetRenderSurfaceSize() const; bool Render(const EmbedderRenderTarget& render_target, bool clear_surface = true); const DlRegion& GetDlRegion() const; private: // End the recording of the slice. // Noop if the slice's recording has already ended. void TryEndRecording() const; const SkISize render_surface_size_; const SkMatrix surface_transformation_; ViewIdentifier view_identifier_; std::unique_ptr<EmbeddedViewParams> embedded_view_params_; std::unique_ptr<DisplayListEmbedderViewSlice> slice_; std::optional<bool> has_engine_rendered_contents_; FML_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(EmbedderExternalView); }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_EMBEDDER_EMBEDDER_EXTERNAL_VIEW_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/embedder/embedder_external_view.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1636 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_EMBEDDER_EMBEDDER_RENDER_TARGET_SKIA_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_EMBEDDER_EMBEDDER_RENDER_TARGET_SKIA_H_ #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder_render_target.h" namespace flutter { class EmbedderRenderTargetSkia final : public EmbedderRenderTarget { public: EmbedderRenderTargetSkia(FlutterBackingStore backing_store, sk_sp<SkSurface> render_surface, fml::closure on_release); // |EmbedderRenderTarget| ~EmbedderRenderTargetSkia() override; // |EmbedderRenderTarget| sk_sp<SkSurface> GetSkiaSurface() const override; // |EmbedderRenderTarget| impeller::RenderTarget* GetImpellerRenderTarget() const override; // |EmbedderRenderTarget| std::shared_ptr<impeller::AiksContext> GetAiksContext() const override; // |EmbedderRenderTarget| SkISize GetRenderTargetSize() const override; private: sk_sp<SkSurface> render_surface_; FML_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(EmbedderRenderTargetSkia); }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_EMBEDDER_EMBEDDER_RENDER_TARGET_SKIA_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/embedder/embedder_render_target_skia.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 493 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder_surface_vulkan.h" #include <utility> #include "flutter/flutter_vma/flutter_skia_vma.h" #include "flutter/shell/common/shell_io_manager.h" #include "flutter/shell/gpu/gpu_surface_vulkan.h" #include "flutter/shell/gpu/gpu_surface_vulkan_delegate.h" #include "flutter/vulkan/vulkan_skia_proc_table.h" #include "include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h" #include "include/gpu/vk/GrVkBackendContext.h" #include "include/gpu/vk/GrVkExtensions.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/gpu/ganesh/vk/GrVkDirectContext.h" namespace flutter { EmbedderSurfaceVulkan::EmbedderSurfaceVulkan( uint32_t version, VkInstance instance, size_t instance_extension_count, const char** instance_extensions, size_t device_extension_count, const char** device_extensions, VkPhysicalDevice physical_device, VkDevice device, uint32_t queue_family_index, VkQueue queue, const VulkanDispatchTable& vulkan_dispatch_table, std::shared_ptr<EmbedderExternalViewEmbedder> external_view_embedder) : vk_(fml::MakeRefCounted<vulkan::VulkanProcTable>( vulkan_dispatch_table.get_instance_proc_address)), device_(*vk_, vulkan::VulkanHandle<VkPhysicalDevice>{physical_device}, vulkan::VulkanHandle<VkDevice>{device}, queue_family_index, vulkan::VulkanHandle<VkQueue>{queue}), vulkan_dispatch_table_(vulkan_dispatch_table), external_view_embedder_(std::move(external_view_embedder)) { // Make sure all required members of the dispatch table are checked. if (!vulkan_dispatch_table_.get_instance_proc_address || !vulkan_dispatch_table_.get_next_image || !vulkan_dispatch_table_.present_image) { return; } bool success = vk_->SetupInstanceProcAddresses( vulkan::VulkanHandle<VkInstance>{instance}); if (!success) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not setup instance proc addresses."; return; } success = vk_->SetupDeviceProcAddresses(vulkan::VulkanHandle<VkDevice>{device}); if (!success) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not setup device proc addresses."; return; } if (!vk_->IsValid()) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "VulkanProcTable invalid."; return; } main_context_ = CreateGrContext(instance, version, instance_extension_count, instance_extensions, device_extension_count, device_extensions, ContextType::kRender); // TODO(96954): Add a second (optional) queue+family index to the Embedder API // to allow embedders to specify a dedicated transfer queue for // use by the resource context. Queue families with graphics // capability can always be used for memory transferring, but it // would be advantageous to use a dedicated transter queue here. resource_context_ = CreateGrContext( instance, version, instance_extension_count, instance_extensions, device_extension_count, device_extensions, ContextType::kResource); valid_ = main_context_ && resource_context_; } EmbedderSurfaceVulkan::~EmbedderSurfaceVulkan() { if (main_context_) { main_context_->releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext(); } if (resource_context_) { resource_context_->releaseResourcesAndAbandonContext(); } } // |GPUSurfaceVulkanDelegate| const vulkan::VulkanProcTable& EmbedderSurfaceVulkan::vk() { return *vk_; } // |GPUSurfaceVulkanDelegate| FlutterVulkanImage EmbedderSurfaceVulkan::AcquireImage(const SkISize& size) { return vulkan_dispatch_table_.get_next_image(size); } // |GPUSurfaceVulkanDelegate| bool EmbedderSurfaceVulkan::PresentImage(VkImage image, VkFormat format) { return vulkan_dispatch_table_.present_image(image, format); } // |EmbedderSurface| bool EmbedderSurfaceVulkan::IsValid() const { return valid_; } // |EmbedderSurface| std::unique_ptr<Surface> EmbedderSurfaceVulkan::CreateGPUSurface() { const bool render_to_surface = !external_view_embedder_; return std::make_unique<GPUSurfaceVulkan>(this, main_context_, render_to_surface); } // |EmbedderSurface| sk_sp<GrDirectContext> EmbedderSurfaceVulkan::CreateResourceContext() const { return resource_context_; } sk_sp<GrDirectContext> EmbedderSurfaceVulkan::CreateGrContext( VkInstance instance, uint32_t version, size_t instance_extension_count, const char** instance_extensions, size_t device_extension_count, const char** device_extensions, ContextType context_type) const { uint32_t skia_features = 0; if (!device_.GetPhysicalDeviceFeaturesSkia(&skia_features)) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get physical device features."; return nullptr; } auto get_proc = CreateSkiaGetProc(vk_); if (get_proc == nullptr) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create Vulkan getProc for Skia."; return nullptr; } GrVkExtensions extensions; GrVkBackendContext backend_context = {}; backend_context.fInstance = instance; backend_context.fPhysicalDevice = device_.GetPhysicalDeviceHandle(); backend_context.fDevice = device_.GetHandle(); backend_context.fQueue = device_.GetQueueHandle(); backend_context.fGraphicsQueueIndex = device_.GetGraphicsQueueIndex(); backend_context.fMinAPIVersion = version; backend_context.fMaxAPIVersion = version; backend_context.fFeatures = skia_features; backend_context.fVkExtensions = &extensions; backend_context.fGetProc = get_proc; backend_context.fOwnsInstanceAndDevice = false; uint32_t vulkan_api_version = version; sk_sp<skgpu::VulkanMemoryAllocator> allocator = flutter::FlutterSkiaVulkanMemoryAllocator::Make( vulkan_api_version, instance, device_.GetPhysicalDeviceHandle(), device_.GetHandle(), vk_, true); backend_context.fMemoryAllocator = allocator; extensions.init(backend_context.fGetProc, backend_context.fInstance, backend_context.fPhysicalDevice, instance_extension_count, instance_extensions, device_extension_count, device_extensions); GrContextOptions options = MakeDefaultContextOptions(context_type, GrBackendApi::kVulkan); options.fReduceOpsTaskSplitting = GrContextOptions::Enable::kNo; return GrDirectContexts::MakeVulkan(backend_context, options); } } // namespace flutter
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/embedder/embedder_surface_vulkan.cc", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 2439 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_EMBEDDER_PLATFORM_VIEW_EMBEDDER_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_EMBEDDER_PLATFORM_VIEW_EMBEDDER_H_ #include <functional> #include "flow/embedded_views.h" #include "flutter/fml/macros.h" #include "flutter/shell/common/platform_view.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder_surface.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder_surface_software.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/vsync_waiter_embedder.h" #ifdef SHELL_ENABLE_GL #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder_surface_gl.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder_surface_gl_impeller.h" #endif #ifdef SHELL_ENABLE_METAL #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder_surface_metal.h" #endif #ifdef SHELL_ENABLE_VULKAN #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/embedder_surface_vulkan.h" #endif namespace flutter { class PlatformViewEmbedder final : public PlatformView { public: using UpdateSemanticsCallback = std::function<void(flutter::SemanticsNodeUpdates update, flutter::CustomAccessibilityActionUpdates actions)>; using PlatformMessageResponseCallback = std::function<void(std::unique_ptr<PlatformMessage>)>; using ComputePlatformResolvedLocaleCallback = std::function<std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::string>>( const std::vector<std::string>& supported_locale_data)>; using OnPreEngineRestartCallback = std::function<void()>; using ChanneUpdateCallback = std::function<void(const std::string&, bool)>; struct PlatformDispatchTable { UpdateSemanticsCallback update_semantics_callback; // optional PlatformMessageResponseCallback platform_message_response_callback; // optional VsyncWaiterEmbedder::VsyncCallback vsync_callback; // optional ComputePlatformResolvedLocaleCallback compute_platform_resolved_locale_callback; OnPreEngineRestartCallback on_pre_engine_restart_callback; // optional ChanneUpdateCallback on_channel_update; // optional }; // Create a platform view that sets up a software rasterizer. PlatformViewEmbedder( PlatformView::Delegate& delegate, const flutter::TaskRunners& task_runners, const EmbedderSurfaceSoftware::SoftwareDispatchTable& software_dispatch_table, PlatformDispatchTable platform_dispatch_table, std::shared_ptr<EmbedderExternalViewEmbedder> external_view_embedder); #ifdef SHELL_ENABLE_GL // Creates a platform view that sets up an OpenGL rasterizer. PlatformViewEmbedder( PlatformView::Delegate& delegate, const flutter::TaskRunners& task_runners, std::unique_ptr<EmbedderSurface> embedder_surface, PlatformDispatchTable platform_dispatch_table, std::shared_ptr<EmbedderExternalViewEmbedder> external_view_embedder); #endif #ifdef SHELL_ENABLE_METAL // Creates a platform view that sets up an metal rasterizer. PlatformViewEmbedder( PlatformView::Delegate& delegate, const flutter::TaskRunners& task_runners, std::unique_ptr<EmbedderSurface> embedder_surface, PlatformDispatchTable platform_dispatch_table, std::shared_ptr<EmbedderExternalViewEmbedder> external_view_embedder); #endif #ifdef SHELL_ENABLE_VULKAN // Creates a platform view that sets up an Vulkan rasterizer. PlatformViewEmbedder( PlatformView::Delegate& delegate, const flutter::TaskRunners& task_runners, std::unique_ptr<EmbedderSurfaceVulkan> embedder_surface, PlatformDispatchTable platform_dispatch_table, std::shared_ptr<EmbedderExternalViewEmbedder> external_view_embedder); #endif ~PlatformViewEmbedder() override; // |PlatformView| void UpdateSemantics( flutter::SemanticsNodeUpdates update, flutter::CustomAccessibilityActionUpdates actions) override; // |PlatformView| void HandlePlatformMessage(std::unique_ptr<PlatformMessage> message) override; // |PlatformView| std::shared_ptr<PlatformMessageHandler> GetPlatformMessageHandler() const override; private: class EmbedderPlatformMessageHandler; std::shared_ptr<EmbedderExternalViewEmbedder> external_view_embedder_; std::unique_ptr<EmbedderSurface> embedder_surface_; std::shared_ptr<EmbedderPlatformMessageHandler> platform_message_handler_; PlatformDispatchTable platform_dispatch_table_; // |PlatformView| std::unique_ptr<Surface> CreateRenderingSurface() override; // |PlatformView| std::shared_ptr<ExternalViewEmbedder> CreateExternalViewEmbedder() override; // |PlatformView| std::shared_ptr<impeller::Context> GetImpellerContext() const override; // |PlatformView| sk_sp<GrDirectContext> CreateResourceContext() const override; // |PlatformView| std::unique_ptr<VsyncWaiter> CreateVSyncWaiter() override; // |PlatformView| void OnPreEngineRestart() const override; // |PlatformView| std::unique_ptr<std::vector<std::string>> ComputePlatformResolvedLocales( const std::vector<std::string>& supported_locale_data) override; // |PlatformView| void SendChannelUpdate(const std::string& name, bool listening) override; FML_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PlatformViewEmbedder); }; } // namespace flutter #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_EMBEDDER_PLATFORM_VIEW_EMBEDDER_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/embedder/platform_view_embedder.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1885 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/tests/embedder_test_compositor.h" #include <utility> #include "flutter/fml/logging.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/tests/embedder_assertions.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSurface.h" namespace flutter { namespace testing { EmbedderTestCompositor::EmbedderTestCompositor(SkISize surface_size, sk_sp<GrDirectContext> context) : surface_size_(surface_size), context_(std::move(context)) { FML_CHECK(!surface_size_.isEmpty()) << "Surface size must not be empty"; } EmbedderTestCompositor::~EmbedderTestCompositor() = default; static void InvokeAllCallbacks(const std::vector<fml::closure>& callbacks) { for (const auto& callback : callbacks) { if (callback) { callback(); } } } bool EmbedderTestCompositor::CreateBackingStore( const FlutterBackingStoreConfig* config, FlutterBackingStore* backing_store_out) { bool success = backingstore_producer_->Create(config, backing_store_out); if (success) { backing_stores_created_++; InvokeAllCallbacks(on_create_render_target_callbacks_); } return success; } bool EmbedderTestCompositor::CollectBackingStore( const FlutterBackingStore* backing_store) { // We have already set the destruction callback for the various backing // stores. Our user_data is just the canvas from that backing store and does // not need to be explicitly collected. Embedders might have some other state // they want to collect though. backing_stores_collected_++; InvokeAllCallbacks(on_collect_render_target_callbacks_); return true; } void EmbedderTestCompositor::SetBackingStoreProducer( std::unique_ptr<EmbedderTestBackingStoreProducer> backingstore_producer) { backingstore_producer_ = std::move(backingstore_producer); } sk_sp<SkImage> EmbedderTestCompositor::GetLastComposition() { return last_composition_; } bool EmbedderTestCompositor::Present(FlutterViewId view_id, const FlutterLayer** layers, size_t layers_count) { if (!UpdateOffscrenComposition(layers, layers_count)) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not update the off-screen composition in the test compositor"; return false; } // If the test has asked to access the layers and renderers being presented. // Access the same and present it to the test for its test assertions. if (present_callback_) { auto callback = present_callback_; if (present_callback_is_one_shot_) { present_callback_ = nullptr; } callback(view_id, layers, layers_count); } InvokeAllCallbacks(on_present_callbacks_); return true; } void EmbedderTestCompositor::SetNextPresentCallback( const PresentCallback& next_present_callback) { SetPresentCallback(next_present_callback, true); } void EmbedderTestCompositor::SetPresentCallback( const PresentCallback& present_callback, bool one_shot) { FML_CHECK(!present_callback_); present_callback_ = present_callback; present_callback_is_one_shot_ = one_shot; } void EmbedderTestCompositor::SetNextSceneCallback( const NextSceneCallback& next_scene_callback) { FML_CHECK(!next_scene_callback_); next_scene_callback_ = next_scene_callback; } void EmbedderTestCompositor::SetPlatformViewRendererCallback( const PlatformViewRendererCallback& callback) { platform_view_renderer_callback_ = callback; } size_t EmbedderTestCompositor::GetPendingBackingStoresCount() const { FML_CHECK(backing_stores_created_ >= backing_stores_collected_); return backing_stores_created_ - backing_stores_collected_; } size_t EmbedderTestCompositor::GetBackingStoresCreatedCount() const { return backing_stores_created_; } size_t EmbedderTestCompositor::GetBackingStoresCollectedCount() const { return backing_stores_collected_; } void EmbedderTestCompositor::AddOnCreateRenderTargetCallback( const fml::closure& callback) { on_create_render_target_callbacks_.push_back(callback); } void EmbedderTestCompositor::AddOnCollectRenderTargetCallback( const fml::closure& callback) { on_collect_render_target_callbacks_.push_back(callback); } void EmbedderTestCompositor::AddOnPresentCallback( const fml::closure& callback) { on_present_callbacks_.push_back(callback); } sk_sp<GrDirectContext> EmbedderTestCompositor::GetGrContext() { return context_; } } // namespace testing } // namespace flutter
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/embedder/tests/embedder_test_compositor.cc", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1595 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/tests/embedder_test_context_software.h" #include <utility> #include "flutter/fml/make_copyable.h" #include "flutter/fml/paths.h" #include "flutter/runtime/dart_vm.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/tests/embedder_assertions.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/embedder/tests/embedder_test_compositor_software.h" #include "flutter/testing/testing.h" #include "third_party/dart/runtime/bin/elf_loader.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSurface.h" namespace flutter { namespace testing { EmbedderTestContextSoftware::EmbedderTestContextSoftware( std::string assets_path) : EmbedderTestContext(std::move(assets_path)) {} EmbedderTestContextSoftware::~EmbedderTestContextSoftware() = default; bool EmbedderTestContextSoftware::Present(const sk_sp<SkImage>& image) { software_surface_present_count_++; FireRootSurfacePresentCallbackIfPresent([image] { return image; }); return true; } size_t EmbedderTestContextSoftware::GetSurfacePresentCount() const { return software_surface_present_count_; } EmbedderTestContextType EmbedderTestContextSoftware::GetContextType() const { return EmbedderTestContextType::kSoftwareContext; } void EmbedderTestContextSoftware::SetupSurface(SkISize surface_size) { surface_size_ = surface_size; } void EmbedderTestContextSoftware::SetupCompositor() { FML_CHECK(!compositor_) << "Already set up a compositor in this context."; compositor_ = std::make_unique<EmbedderTestCompositorSoftware>(surface_size_); } } // namespace testing } // namespace flutter
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/embedder/tests/embedder_test_context_software.cc", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 560 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_FUCHSIA_DART_PKG_ZIRCON_SDK_EXT_HANDLE_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_FUCHSIA_DART_PKG_ZIRCON_SDK_EXT_HANDLE_H_ #include <zircon/syscalls.h> #include <optional> #include <vector> #include "flutter/fml/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "handle_waiter.h" #include "third_party/dart/runtime/include/dart_api.h" #include "third_party/tonic/dart_library_natives.h" #include "third_party/tonic/dart_wrappable.h" #include "third_party/tonic/typed_data/dart_byte_data.h" namespace zircon { namespace dart { /** * Handle is the native peer of a Dart object (Handle in dart:zircon) * that holds an zx_handle_t. It tracks active waiters on handle too. */ class Handle : public fml::RefCountedThreadSafe<Handle>, public tonic::DartWrappable { DEFINE_WRAPPERTYPEINFO(); FML_FRIEND_REF_COUNTED_THREAD_SAFE(Handle); FML_FRIEND_MAKE_REF_COUNTED(Handle); public: ~Handle(); static void RegisterNatives(tonic::DartLibraryNatives* natives); static fml::RefPtr<Handle> Create(zx_handle_t handle); static fml::RefPtr<Handle> Create(zx::handle handle) { return Create(handle.release()); } static fml::RefPtr<Handle> Unwrap(Dart_Handle handle) { return fml::RefPtr<Handle>( tonic::DartConverter<zircon::dart::Handle*>::FromDart(handle)); } static Dart_Handle CreateInvalid(); zx_handle_t ReleaseHandle(); bool is_valid() const { return handle_ != ZX_HANDLE_INVALID; } zx_handle_t handle() const { return handle_; } zx_koid_t koid() const { if (!cached_koid_.has_value()) { zx_info_handle_basic_t info; zx_status_t status = zx_object_get_info( handle_, ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC, &info, sizeof(info), nullptr, nullptr); cached_koid_ = std::optional<zx_koid_t>( status == ZX_OK ? info.koid : ZX_KOID_INVALID); } return cached_koid_.value(); } zx_status_t Close(); fml::RefPtr<HandleWaiter> AsyncWait(zx_signals_t signals, Dart_Handle callback); void ReleaseWaiter(HandleWaiter* waiter); Dart_Handle Duplicate(uint32_t rights); Dart_Handle Replace(uint32_t rights); private: explicit Handle(zx_handle_t handle); void RetainDartWrappableReference() const override { AddRef(); } void ReleaseDartWrappableReference() const override { Release(); } zx_handle_t handle_; std::vector<HandleWaiter*> waiters_; // Cache koid. To guarantee proper cache invalidation, only one `Handle` // should own the `zx_handle_t` at a time and use of syscalls that invalidate // the handle should use `ReleaseHandle()`. mutable std::optional<zx_koid_t> cached_koid_; }; } // namespace dart } // namespace zircon #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_FUCHSIA_DART_PKG_ZIRCON_SDK_EXT_HANDLE_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/fuchsia/dart-pkg/zircon/sdk_ext/handle.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1151 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "dart_component_controller.h" #include <fcntl.h> #include <lib/async-loop/loop.h> #include <lib/async/cpp/task.h> #include <lib/async/default.h> #include <lib/fdio/directory.h> #include <lib/fdio/fd.h> #include <lib/fdio/namespace.h> #include <lib/fidl/cpp/string.h> #include <lib/sys/cpp/service_directory.h> #include <lib/vfs/cpp/composed_service_dir.h> #include <lib/vfs/cpp/remote_dir.h> #include <lib/zx/clock.h> #include <lib/zx/thread.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <zircon/status.h> #include <regex> #include <utility> #include "dart_api.h" #include "flutter/fml/logging.h" #include "runtime/dart/utils/files.h" #include "runtime/dart/utils/handle_exception.h" #include "runtime/dart/utils/tempfs.h" #include "third_party/dart/runtime/include/dart_tools_api.h" #include "third_party/tonic/converter/dart_converter.h" #include "third_party/tonic/dart_message_handler.h" #include "third_party/tonic/dart_microtask_queue.h" #include "third_party/tonic/dart_state.h" #include "third_party/tonic/logging/dart_error.h" #include "third_party/tonic/logging/dart_invoke.h" #include "builtin_libraries.h" using tonic::ToDart; namespace dart_runner { namespace { constexpr char kTmpPath[] = "/tmp"; constexpr zx::duration kIdleWaitDuration = zx::sec(2); constexpr zx::duration kIdleNotifyDuration = zx::msec(500); constexpr zx::duration kIdleSlack = zx::sec(1); void AfterTask(async_loop_t*, void*) { tonic::DartMicrotaskQueue* queue = tonic::DartMicrotaskQueue::GetForCurrentThread(); // Verify that the queue exists, as this method could have been called back as // part of the exit routine, after the destruction of the microtask queue. if (queue) { queue->RunMicrotasks(); } } constexpr async_loop_config_t kLoopConfig = { .default_accessors = { .getter = async_get_default_dispatcher, .setter = async_set_default_dispatcher, }, .make_default_for_current_thread = true, .epilogue = &AfterTask, }; // Find the last path of the component. // fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/hello_dart#meta/hello_dart.cmx -> hello_dart.cmx std::string GetLabelFromUrl(const std::string& url) { for (size_t i = url.length() - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (url[i] == '/') { return url.substr(i + 1, url.length() - 1); } } return url; } // Find the name of the component. // fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/hello_dart#meta/hello_dart.cm -> hello_dart std::string GetComponentNameFromUrl(const std::string& url) { const std::string label = GetLabelFromUrl(url); for (size_t i = 0; i < label.length(); ++i) { if (label[i] == '.') { return label.substr(0, i); } } return label; } } // namespace DartComponentController::DartComponentController( fuchsia::component::runner::ComponentStartInfo start_info, std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> runner_incoming_services, fidl::InterfaceRequest<fuchsia::component::runner::ComponentController> controller) : loop_(new async::Loop(&kLoopConfig)), label_(GetLabelFromUrl(start_info.resolved_url())), url_(start_info.resolved_url()), runner_incoming_services_(std::move(runner_incoming_services)), dart_outgoing_dir_(new vfs::PseudoDir()), start_info_(std::move(start_info)), binding_(this, std::move(controller)) { binding_.set_error_handler([this](zx_status_t status) { Kill(); }); // TODO(fxb/84537): This data path is configured based how we build Flutter // applications in tree currently, but the way we build the Flutter // application may change. We should avoid assuming the data path and let the // CML file specify this data path instead. const std::string component_name = GetComponentNameFromUrl(url_); data_path_ = "pkg/data/" + component_name; zx_status_t idle_timer_status = zx::timer::create(ZX_TIMER_SLACK_LATE, ZX_CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &idle_timer_); if (idle_timer_status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(INFO) << "Idle timer creation failed: " << zx_status_get_string(idle_timer_status); } else { idle_wait_.set_object(idle_timer_.get()); idle_wait_.set_trigger(ZX_TIMER_SIGNALED); idle_wait_.Begin(async_get_default_dispatcher()); } // Close the runtime_dir channel if we don't intend to serve it. Otherwise any // access to the runtime_dir will hang forever. start_info_.clear_runtime_dir(); } DartComponentController::~DartComponentController() { if (namespace_) { fdio_ns_destroy(namespace_); namespace_ = nullptr; } close(stdout_fd_); close(stderr_fd_); } bool DartComponentController::SetUp() { // Name the thread after the url of the component being launched. zx::thread::self()->set_property(ZX_PROP_NAME, label_.c_str(), label_.size()); Dart_SetThreadName(label_.c_str()); if (!CreateAndBindNamespace()) { return false; } if (SetUpFromAppSnapshot()) { FML_LOG(INFO) << url_ << " is running from an app snapshot"; } else if (SetUpFromKernel()) { FML_LOG(INFO) << url_ << " is running from kernel"; } else { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set up component controller for " << url_; return false; } return true; } bool DartComponentController::CreateAndBindNamespace() { if (!start_info_.has_ns()) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Component start info does not have a namespace."; return false; } const zx_status_t ns_create_status = fdio_ns_create(&namespace_); if (ns_create_status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create namespace: " << zx_status_get_string(ns_create_status); } dart_utils::BindTemp(namespace_); // Bind each directory in start_info's namespace to the controller's namespace // instance. for (auto& ns_entry : *start_info_.mutable_ns()) { // TODO(akbiggs): Under what circumstances does a namespace entry not have a // path or directory? Should we log an error for these? if (!ns_entry.has_path() || !ns_entry.has_directory()) { continue; } if (ns_entry.path() == kTmpPath) { // /tmp is covered by a locally served virtual filesystem. continue; } // We move ownership of the directory & path since RAII is used to keep // the handle open. fidl::InterfaceHandle<::fuchsia::io::Directory> dir = std::move(*ns_entry.mutable_directory()); const std::string path = std::move(*ns_entry.mutable_path()); const zx_status_t ns_bind_status = fdio_ns_bind(namespace_, path.c_str(), dir.TakeChannel().release()); if (ns_bind_status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to bind " << path << " to namespace: " << zx_status_get_string(ns_bind_status); return false; } } dart_outgoing_dir_request_ = dart_outgoing_dir_ptr_.NewRequest(); fuchsia::io::DirectoryHandle dart_public_dir; // TODO(anmittal): when fixing enumeration using new c++ vfs, make sure that // flutter_public_dir is only accessed once we receive OnOpen Event. // That will prevent FL-175 for public directory fdio_service_connect_at(dart_outgoing_dir_ptr_.channel().get(), "svc", dart_public_dir.NewRequest().TakeChannel().release()); #pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" auto composed_service_dir = std::make_unique<vfs::ComposedServiceDir>(); composed_service_dir->set_fallback(std::move(dart_public_dir)); #pragma clang diagnostic pop // Clone and check if client is servicing the directory. dart_outgoing_dir_ptr_->Clone( fuchsia::io::OpenFlags::DESCRIBE | fuchsia::io::OpenFlags::CLONE_SAME_RIGHTS, dart_outgoing_dir_ptr_to_check_on_open_.NewRequest()); // Collect our standard set of directories. std::vector<std::string> other_dirs = {"debug", "ctrl"}; dart_outgoing_dir_ptr_to_check_on_open_.events().OnOpen = [this, other_dirs](zx_status_t status, auto unused) { dart_outgoing_dir_ptr_to_check_on_open_.Unbind(); if (status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "could not bind out directory for dart component(" << label_ << "): " << zx_status_get_string(status); return; } // add other directories as RemoteDirs. for (auto& dir_str : other_dirs) { fuchsia::io::DirectoryHandle dir; auto request = dir.NewRequest().TakeChannel(); auto status = fdio_open_at( dart_outgoing_dir_ptr_.channel().get(), dir_str.c_str(), static_cast<uint32_t>(fuchsia::io::OpenFlags::DIRECTORY | fuchsia::io::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE), request.release()); if (status == ZX_OK) { dart_outgoing_dir_->AddEntry( dir_str.c_str(), std::make_unique<vfs::RemoteDir>(dir.TakeChannel())); } else { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "could not add out directory entry(" << dir_str << ") for flutter component(" << label_ << "): " << zx_status_get_string(status); } } }; dart_outgoing_dir_ptr_to_check_on_open_.set_error_handler( [this](zx_status_t status) { dart_outgoing_dir_ptr_to_check_on_open_.Unbind(); }); // Expose the "Echo" service here on behalf of the running dart program, so // that integration tests can make use of it. // // The flutter/engine repository doesn't support connecting to FIDL from Dart, // so for the tests sake we connect to the FIDL from C++ here and proxy the // Echo to dart using native hooks. composed_service_dir->AddService( dart::test::Echo::Name_, std::make_unique<vfs::Service>([this](zx::channel channel, async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher) { echo_binding_.AddBinding( this, fidl::InterfaceRequest<dart::test::Echo>(std::move(channel))); })); dart_outgoing_dir_->AddEntry("svc", std::move(composed_service_dir)); if (start_info_.has_outgoing_dir()) { dart_outgoing_dir_->Serve( fuchsia::io::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE | fuchsia::io::OpenFlags::RIGHT_WRITABLE | fuchsia::io::OpenFlags::DIRECTORY, start_info_.mutable_outgoing_dir()->TakeChannel()); } return true; } bool DartComponentController::SetUpFromKernel() { dart_utils::MappedResource manifest; if (!dart_utils::MappedResource::LoadFromNamespace( namespace_, data_path_ + "/app.dilplist", manifest)) { return false; } if (!dart_utils::MappedResource::LoadFromNamespace( nullptr, "/pkg/data/isolate_core_snapshot_data.bin", isolate_snapshot_data_)) { return false; } std::string str(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(manifest.address()), manifest.size()); Dart_Handle library = Dart_Null(); for (size_t start = 0; start < manifest.size();) { size_t end = str.find("\n", start); if (end == std::string::npos) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Malformed manifest"; Dart_ExitScope(); return false; } std::string path = data_path_ + "/" + str.substr(start, end - start); start = end + 1; dart_utils::MappedResource kernel; if (!dart_utils::MappedResource::LoadFromNamespace(namespace_, path, kernel)) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot load kernel from namespace: " << path; Dart_ExitScope(); return false; } kernel_peices_.emplace_back(std::move(kernel)); } if (!CreateIsolate(isolate_snapshot_data_.address(), /*isolate_snapshot_instructions=*/nullptr)) { return false; } Dart_EnterScope(); for (const auto& kernel : kernel_peices_) { library = Dart_LoadLibraryFromKernel(kernel.address(), kernel.size()); if (Dart_IsError(library)) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot load library from kernel: " << Dart_GetError(library); Dart_ExitScope(); return false; } } Dart_SetRootLibrary(library); Dart_Handle result = Dart_FinalizeLoading(false); if (Dart_IsError(result)) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to FinalizeLoading: " << Dart_GetError(result); Dart_ExitScope(); return false; } return true; } bool DartComponentController::SetUpFromAppSnapshot() { #if !defined(AOT_RUNTIME) return false; #else // Load the ELF snapshot as available, and fall back to a blobs snapshot // otherwise. const uint8_t *isolate_data, *isolate_instructions; if (elf_snapshot_.Load(namespace_, data_path_ + "/app_aot_snapshot.so")) { isolate_data = elf_snapshot_.IsolateData(); isolate_instructions = elf_snapshot_.IsolateInstrs(); if (isolate_data == nullptr || isolate_instructions == nullptr) { return false; } } else { if (!dart_utils::MappedResource::LoadFromNamespace( namespace_, data_path_ + "/isolate_snapshot_data.bin", isolate_snapshot_data_)) { return false; } isolate_data = isolate_snapshot_data_.address(); isolate_instructions = nullptr; } return CreateIsolate(isolate_data, isolate_instructions); #endif // defined(AOT_RUNTIME) } bool DartComponentController::CreateIsolate( const uint8_t* isolate_snapshot_data, const uint8_t* isolate_snapshot_instructions) { // Create the isolate from the snapshot. char* error = nullptr; // TODO(dart_runner): Pass if we start using tonic's loader. intptr_t namespace_fd = -1; // Freed in IsolateShutdownCallback. auto state = new std::shared_ptr<tonic::DartState>(new tonic::DartState( namespace_fd, [this](Dart_Handle result) { MessageEpilogue(result); })); Dart_IsolateFlags isolate_flags; Dart_IsolateFlagsInitialize(&isolate_flags); isolate_flags.null_safety = true; isolate_ = Dart_CreateIsolateGroup( url_.c_str(), label_.c_str(), isolate_snapshot_data, isolate_snapshot_instructions, &isolate_flags, state, state, &error); if (!isolate_) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Dart_CreateIsolateGroup failed: " << error; return false; } state->get()->SetIsolate(isolate_); tonic::DartMessageHandler::TaskDispatcher dispatcher = [loop = loop_.get()](auto callback) { async::PostTask(loop->dispatcher(), std::move(callback)); }; state->get()->message_handler().Initialize(dispatcher); state->get()->SetReturnCodeCallback( [this](uint32_t return_code) { return_code_ = return_code; }); return true; } void DartComponentController::Run() { async::PostTask(loop_->dispatcher(), [loop = loop_.get(), app = this] { if (!app->RunDartMain()) { loop->Quit(); } }); loop_->Run(); if (binding_.is_bound()) { // From the documentation for ComponentController, ZX_OK should be sent when // the ComponentController receives a termination request. However, if the // component exited with a non-zero return code, we indicate this by sending // an INTERNAL epitaph instead. // // TODO(fxb/86666): Communicate return code from the ComponentController // once v2 has support. if (return_code_ == 0) { binding_.Close(ZX_OK); } else { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Component exited with non-zero return code: " << return_code_; binding_.Close(zx_status_t(fuchsia::component::Error::INTERNAL)); } } } bool DartComponentController::RunDartMain() { FML_CHECK(namespace_ != nullptr); Dart_EnterScope(); tonic::DartMicrotaskQueue::StartForCurrentThread(); // TODO(fxb/88384): Create a file descriptor for each component that is // launched and listen for anything that is written to the component. When // something is written to the component, forward that message along to the // Fuchsia logger and decorate it with the tag that it came from the // component. stdout_fd_ = fileno(stdout); stderr_fd_ = fileno(stderr); InitBuiltinLibrariesForIsolate(url_, namespace_, stdout_fd_, stderr_fd_, dart_outgoing_dir_request_.TakeChannel(), false /* service_isolate */); Dart_ExitScope(); Dart_ExitIsolate(); char* error = Dart_IsolateMakeRunnable(isolate_); if (error != nullptr) { Dart_EnterIsolate(isolate_); Dart_ShutdownIsolate(); FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to make isolate runnable: " << error; free(error); return false; } Dart_EnterIsolate(isolate_); Dart_EnterScope(); // TODO(fxb/88383): Support argument passing. Dart_Handle corelib = Dart_LookupLibrary(ToDart("dart:core")); Dart_Handle string_type = Dart_GetNonNullableType(corelib, ToDart("String"), 0, NULL); Dart_Handle dart_arguments = Dart_NewListOfTypeFilled(string_type, Dart_EmptyString(), 0); if (Dart_IsError(dart_arguments)) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate Dart arguments list: " << Dart_GetError(dart_arguments); Dart_ExitScope(); return false; } Dart_Handle user_main = Dart_GetField(Dart_RootLibrary(), ToDart("main")); if (Dart_IsError(user_main)) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to locate user_main in the root library: " << Dart_GetError(user_main); Dart_ExitScope(); return false; } Dart_Handle fuchsia_lib = Dart_LookupLibrary(tonic::ToDart("dart:fuchsia")); if (Dart_IsError(fuchsia_lib)) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to locate dart:fuchsia: " << Dart_GetError(fuchsia_lib); Dart_ExitScope(); return false; } Dart_Handle main_result = tonic::DartInvokeField( fuchsia_lib, "_runUserMainForDartRunner", {user_main, dart_arguments}); if (Dart_IsError(main_result)) { auto dart_state = tonic::DartState::Current(); if (!dart_state->has_set_return_code()) { // The program hasn't set a return code meaning this exit is unexpected. FML_LOG(ERROR) << Dart_GetError(main_result); return_code_ = tonic::GetErrorExitCode(main_result); dart_utils::HandleIfException(runner_incoming_services_, url_, main_result); } Dart_ExitScope(); return false; } Dart_ExitScope(); return true; } void DartComponentController::EchoString(fidl::StringPtr value, EchoStringCallback callback) { Dart_EnterScope(); Dart_Handle builtin_lib = Dart_LookupLibrary(ToDart("dart:fuchsia.builtin")); FML_CHECK(!tonic::CheckAndHandleError(builtin_lib)); Dart_Handle receive_echo_string = ToDart("_receiveEchoString"); Dart_Handle string_to_echo = value.has_value() ? tonic::ToDart(*value) : Dart_Null(); Dart_Handle result = Dart_Invoke(builtin_lib, receive_echo_string, 1, &string_to_echo); FML_CHECK(!tonic::CheckAndHandleError(result)); fidl::StringPtr echo_string; if (!Dart_IsNull(result)) { echo_string = tonic::StdStringFromDart(result); } callback(std::move(echo_string)); Dart_ExitScope(); } void DartComponentController::Kill() { if (Dart_CurrentIsolate()) { tonic::DartMicrotaskQueue* queue = tonic::DartMicrotaskQueue::GetForCurrentThread(); if (queue) { queue->Destroy(); } loop_->Quit(); // TODO(rosswang): The docs warn of threading issues if doing this again, // but without this, attempting to shut down the isolate finalizes app // contexts that can't tell a shutdown is in progress and so fatal. Dart_SetMessageNotifyCallback(nullptr); Dart_ShutdownIsolate(); } } void DartComponentController::Stop() { Kill(); } void DartComponentController::MessageEpilogue(Dart_Handle result) { auto dart_state = tonic::DartState::Current(); // If the Dart program has set a return code, then it is intending to shut // down by way of a fatal error, and so there is no need to override // return_code_. if (dart_state->has_set_return_code()) { Dart_ShutdownIsolate(); return; } dart_utils::HandleIfException(runner_incoming_services_, url_, result); // Otherwise, see if there was any other error. return_code_ = tonic::GetErrorExitCode(result); if (return_code_ != 0) { Dart_ShutdownIsolate(); return; } idle_start_ = zx::clock::get_monotonic(); zx_status_t status = idle_timer_.set(idle_start_ + kIdleWaitDuration, kIdleSlack); if (status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(INFO) << "Idle timer set failed: " << zx_status_get_string(status); } } void DartComponentController::OnIdleTimer(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async::WaitBase* wait, zx_status_t status, const zx_packet_signal* signal) { if ((status != ZX_OK) || !(signal->observed & ZX_TIMER_SIGNALED) || !Dart_CurrentIsolate()) { // Timer closed or isolate shutdown. return; } zx::time deadline = idle_start_ + kIdleWaitDuration; zx::time now = zx::clock::get_monotonic(); if (now >= deadline) { // No Dart message has been processed for kIdleWaitDuration: assume we'll // stay idle for kIdleNotifyDuration. Dart_NotifyIdle((now + kIdleNotifyDuration).get()); idle_start_ = zx::time(0); idle_timer_.cancel(); // De-assert signal. } else { // Early wakeup or message pushed idle time forward: reschedule. zx_status_t status = idle_timer_.set(deadline, kIdleSlack); if (status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(INFO) << "Idle timer set failed: " << zx_status_get_string(status); } } wait->Begin(dispatcher); // ignore errors } } // namespace dart_runner
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/fuchsia/dart_runner/dart_component_controller.cc", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 8589 }
{ "comment:0": "NOTE: THIS FILE IS GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT.", "comment:1": "Instead modify 'flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/dart_runner/kernel/libraries.yaml' and follow the instructions therein.", "dart_runner": { "include": [ { "path": "../../../../../../third_party/dart/sdk/lib/libraries.json", "target": "vm_common" } ], "libraries": { "fuchsia.builtin": { "uri": "../embedder/builtin.dart" }, "zircon": { "uri": "../../dart-pkg/zircon/lib/zircon.dart" }, "zircon_ffi": { "uri": "../../dart-pkg/zircon_ffi/lib/zircon_ffi.dart" }, "fuchsia": { "uri": "../../dart-pkg/fuchsia/lib/fuchsia.dart" } } } }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/fuchsia/dart_runner/kernel/libraries.json", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 375 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. { include: [ "sys/testing/gtest_runner.shard.cml", "sys/component/realm_builder_absolute.shard.cml", // This test needs both the vulkan facet and the hermetic-tier-2 facet, // so we are forced to make it a system test. "sys/testing/system-test.shard.cml", ], program: { binary: "bin/app", }, offer: [ { // Offer capabilities needed by components in this test realm. // Keep it minimal, describe only what's actually needed. protocol: [ "fuchsia.inspect.InspectSink", "fuchsia.logger.LogSink", "fuchsia.sysmem.Allocator", "fuchsia.tracing.provider.Registry", "fuchsia.vulkan.loader.Loader", "fuchsia.posix.socket.Provider", "fuchsia.intl.PropertyProvider", ], from: "parent", to: "#realm_builder", }, { directory: "pkg", subdir: "config", as: "config-data", from: "framework", to: "#realm_builder", }, ], // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/114584): Figure out how to bring these in as deps (if possible oot). facets: { "fuchsia.test": { "deprecated-allowed-packages": [ "dart_aot_echo_server", "test_manager", "oot_dart_aot_runner" ], }, }, }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/fuchsia/dart_runner/tests/startup_integration_test/dart_aot_runner/meta/dart-aot-runner-integration-test.cml", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 835 }
Flutter Application Runner ========================== Implements the `fuchsia::component::runner::ComponentRunner` FIDL interface to launch and run multiple Flutter applications within the same process in Fuchsia.
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/README.md", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 49 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "file_in_namespace_buffer.h" #include <fuchsia/io/cpp/fidl.h> #include <lib/fdio/directory.h> #include <zircon/status.h> #include "flutter/fml/trace_event.h" #include "runtime/dart/utils/files.h" #include "runtime/dart/utils/handle_exception.h" #include "runtime/dart/utils/mapped_resource.h" #include "runtime/dart/utils/tempfs.h" #include "runtime/dart/utils/vmo.h" namespace flutter_runner { FileInNamespaceBuffer::FileInNamespaceBuffer(int namespace_fd, const char* path, bool executable) : address_(nullptr), size_(0) { fuchsia::mem::Buffer buffer; if (!dart_utils::VmoFromFilenameAt(namespace_fd, path, executable, &buffer) || buffer.size == 0) { return; } uint32_t flags = ZX_VM_PERM_READ; if (executable) { flags |= ZX_VM_PERM_EXECUTE; } uintptr_t addr; const zx_status_t status = zx::vmar::root_self()->map(flags, 0, buffer.vmo, 0, buffer.size, &addr); if (status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to map " << path << ": " << zx_status_get_string(status); } address_ = reinterpret_cast<void*>(addr); size_ = buffer.size; } FileInNamespaceBuffer::~FileInNamespaceBuffer() { if (address_ != nullptr) { zx::vmar::root_self()->unmap(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(address_), size_); address_ = nullptr; size_ = 0; } } const uint8_t* FileInNamespaceBuffer::GetMapping() const { return reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(address_); } size_t FileInNamespaceBuffer::GetSize() const { return size_; } bool FileInNamespaceBuffer::IsDontNeedSafe() const { return true; } std::unique_ptr<fml::Mapping> LoadFile(int namespace_fd, const char* path, bool executable) { FML_TRACE_EVENT("flutter", "LoadFile", "path", path); return std::make_unique<FileInNamespaceBuffer>(namespace_fd, path, executable); } std::unique_ptr<fml::FileMapping> MakeFileMapping(const char* path, bool executable) { auto flags = fuchsia::io::OpenFlags::RIGHT_READABLE; if (executable) { flags |= fuchsia::io::OpenFlags::RIGHT_EXECUTABLE; } // The returned file descriptor is compatible with standard posix operations // such as close, mmap, etc. We only need to treat open/open_at specially. int fd; const zx_status_t status = fdio_open_fd(path, static_cast<uint32_t>(flags), &fd); if (status != ZX_OK) { return nullptr; } using Protection = fml::FileMapping::Protection; std::initializer_list<Protection> protection_execute = {Protection::kRead, Protection::kExecute}; std::initializer_list<Protection> protection_read = {Protection::kRead}; auto mapping = std::make_unique<fml::FileMapping>( fml::UniqueFD{fd}, executable ? protection_execute : protection_read); if (!mapping->IsValid()) { return nullptr; } return mapping; } } // namespace flutter_runner
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/file_in_namespace_buffer.cc", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1427 }
# Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. include: ../../../tools/analysis_options.yaml analyzer: errors: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses: ignore cascade_invocations: ignore only_throw_errors: ignore # adds noise to error messages prefer_foreach: ignore # for-in is preferable to closurization prefer_single_quotes: ignore
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/kernel/analysis_options.yaml", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 142 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_FUCHSIA_FLUTTER_PLATFORM_VIEW_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_FUCHSIA_FLUTTER_PLATFORM_VIEW_H_ #include <fuchsia/ui/composition/cpp/fidl.h> #include <fuchsia/ui/input/cpp/fidl.h> #include <fuchsia/ui/input3/cpp/fidl.h> #include <fuchsia/ui/pointer/cpp/fidl.h> #include <fuchsia/ui/test/input/cpp/fidl.h> #include <lib/fidl/cpp/binding.h> #include <lib/fit/function.h> #include <lib/sys/cpp/service_directory.h> #include <array> #include <functional> #include <map> #include <memory> #include <set> #include <string> #include <unordered_map> #include <vector> #include "flutter/fml/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/external_view_embedder.h" #include "flow/embedded_views.h" #include "flutter/fml/macros.h" #include "flutter/fml/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "flutter/fml/time/time_delta.h" #include "flutter/shell/common/platform_view.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/keyboard.h" #include "flutter/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/vsync_waiter.h" #include "focus_delegate.h" #include "pointer_delegate.h" #include "pointer_injector_delegate.h" #include "text_delegate.h" namespace flutter_runner { using OnEnableWireframeCallback = fit::function<void(bool)>; using ViewCallback = std::function<void()>; using OnUpdateViewCallback = fit::function<void(int64_t, SkRect, bool, bool)>; using OnCreateSurfaceCallback = fit::function<std::unique_ptr<flutter::Surface>()>; using OnSemanticsNodeUpdateCallback = fit::function<void(flutter::SemanticsNodeUpdates, float)>; using OnRequestAnnounceCallback = fit::function<void(std::string)>; using OnCreateViewCallback = fit::function<void(int64_t, ViewCallback, ViewCreatedCallback, bool, bool)>; using OnDestroyViewCallback = fit::function<void(int64_t, ViewIdCallback)>; // we use an std::function here because the fit::funtion causes problems with // std:bind since HandleFuchsiaShaderWarmupChannelPlatformMessage takes one of // these as its first argument. using OnShaderWarmupCallback = std::function<void(const std::vector<std::string>&, std::function<void(uint32_t)>, uint64_t, uint64_t)>; // PlatformView is the per-engine component residing on the platform thread that // is responsible for all platform specific integrations -- particularly // integration with the platform's accessibility, input, and windowing features. // // PlatformView communicates with the Dart code via "platform messages" handled // in HandlePlatformMessage. This communication is bidirectional. Platform // messages are notably responsible for communication related to input and // external views / windowing. class PlatformView : public flutter::PlatformView { public: PlatformView( flutter::PlatformView::Delegate& delegate, flutter::TaskRunners task_runners, fuchsia::ui::views::ViewRef view_ref, std::shared_ptr<flutter::ExternalViewEmbedder> external_view_embedder, fuchsia::ui::input::ImeServiceHandle ime_service, fuchsia::ui::input3::KeyboardHandle keyboard, fuchsia::ui::pointer::TouchSourceHandle touch_source, fuchsia::ui::pointer::MouseSourceHandle mouse_source, fuchsia::ui::views::FocuserHandle focuser, fuchsia::ui::views::ViewRefFocusedHandle view_ref_focused, fuchsia::ui::composition::ParentViewportWatcherHandle parent_viewport_watcher, fuchsia::ui::pointerinjector::RegistryHandle pointerinjector_registry, OnEnableWireframeCallback wireframe_enabled_callback, OnCreateViewCallback on_create_view_callback, OnUpdateViewCallback on_update_view_callback, OnDestroyViewCallback on_destroy_view_callback, OnCreateSurfaceCallback on_create_surface_callback, OnSemanticsNodeUpdateCallback on_semantics_node_update_callback, OnRequestAnnounceCallback on_request_announce_callback, OnShaderWarmupCallback on_shader_warmup_callback, AwaitVsyncCallback await_vsync_callback, AwaitVsyncForSecondaryCallbackCallback await_vsync_for_secondary_callback_callback, std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> dart_application_svc); ~PlatformView() override; void OnGetLayout(fuchsia::ui::composition::LayoutInfo info); void OnParentViewportStatus( fuchsia::ui::composition::ParentViewportStatus status); void OnChildViewStatus(uint64_t content_id, fuchsia::ui::composition::ChildViewStatus status); void OnChildViewViewRef(uint64_t content_id, uint64_t view_id, fuchsia::ui::views::ViewRef view_ref); // |flutter::PlatformView| void SetSemanticsEnabled(bool enabled) override; // |flutter::PlatformView| std::shared_ptr<flutter::ExternalViewEmbedder> CreateExternalViewEmbedder() override; private: void RegisterPlatformMessageHandlers(); bool OnHandlePointerEvent(const fuchsia::ui::input::PointerEvent& pointer); bool OnHandleFocusEvent(const fuchsia::ui::input::FocusEvent& focus); // |flutter::PlatformView| std::unique_ptr<flutter::VsyncWaiter> CreateVSyncWaiter() override; // |flutter::PlatformView| std::unique_ptr<flutter::Surface> CreateRenderingSurface() override; // |flutter::PlatformView| void HandlePlatformMessage( std::unique_ptr<flutter::PlatformMessage> message) override; // |flutter::PlatformView| void UpdateSemantics( flutter::SemanticsNodeUpdates update, flutter::CustomAccessibilityActionUpdates actions) override; // Channel handler for kAccessibilityChannel. This is currently not // being used, but it is necessary to handle accessibility messages // that are sent by Flutter when semantics is enabled. bool HandleAccessibilityChannelPlatformMessage( std::unique_ptr<flutter::PlatformMessage> message); // Channel handler for kFlutterPlatformChannel bool HandleFlutterPlatformChannelPlatformMessage( std::unique_ptr<flutter::PlatformMessage> message); // Channel handler for kPlatformViewsChannel. bool HandleFlutterPlatformViewsChannelPlatformMessage( std::unique_ptr<flutter::PlatformMessage> message); // Channel handler for kFuchsiaShaderWarmupChannel. static bool HandleFuchsiaShaderWarmupChannelPlatformMessage( OnShaderWarmupCallback on_shader_warmup_callback, std::unique_ptr<flutter::PlatformMessage> message); // Channel handler for kFuchsiaInputTestChannel. bool HandleFuchsiaInputTestChannelPlatformMessage( std::unique_ptr<flutter::PlatformMessage> message); // Channel handler for kFuchsiaChildViewChannel. bool HandleFuchsiaChildViewChannelPlatformMessage( std::unique_ptr<flutter::PlatformMessage> message); void OnCreateView(ViewCallback on_view_created, int64_t view_id_raw, bool hit_testable, bool focusable); void OnDisposeView(int64_t view_id_raw); // Sends a 'View.viewConnected' platform message over 'flutter/platform_views' // channel when a view gets created. void OnChildViewConnected(uint64_t content_id); // Sends a 'View.viewDisconnected' platform message over // 'flutter/platform_views' channel when a view gets destroyed or the child // view watcher channel of a view closes. void OnChildViewDisconnected(uint64_t content_id); // Utility function for coordinate massaging. std::array<float, 2> ClampToViewSpace(const float x, const float y) const; // Logical size and origin, and logical->physical ratio. These are optional // to provide an "unset" state during program startup, before Scenic has sent // any metrics-related events to provide initial values for these. // // The engine internally uses a default size of (0.f 0.f) with a default 1.f // ratio, so there is no need to emit events until Scenic has actually sent a // valid size and ratio. std::optional<std::array<float, 2>> view_logical_size_; std::optional<std::array<float, 2>> view_logical_origin_; std::optional<float> view_pixel_ratio_; std::shared_ptr<flutter::ExternalViewEmbedder> external_view_embedder_; std::shared_ptr<FocusDelegate> focus_delegate_; std::shared_ptr<PointerDelegate> pointer_delegate_; std::unique_ptr<PointerInjectorDelegate> pointer_injector_delegate_; // Text delegate is responsible for handling keyboard input and text editing. std::unique_ptr<TextDelegate> text_delegate_; std::set<int> down_pointers_; std::map<std::string /* channel */, std::function<bool /* response_handled */ ( std::unique_ptr< flutter::PlatformMessage> /* message */)> /* handler */> platform_message_handlers_; // These are the channels that aren't registered and have been notified as // such. Notifying via logs multiple times results in log-spam. See: // https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/55966 std::set<std::string /* channel */> unregistered_channels_; OnEnableWireframeCallback wireframe_enabled_callback_; OnUpdateViewCallback on_update_view_callback_; OnCreateSurfaceCallback on_create_surface_callback_; OnSemanticsNodeUpdateCallback on_semantics_node_update_callback_; OnRequestAnnounceCallback on_request_announce_callback_; OnCreateViewCallback on_create_view_callback_; OnDestroyViewCallback on_destroy_view_callback_; OnShaderWarmupCallback on_shader_warmup_callback_; AwaitVsyncCallback await_vsync_callback_; AwaitVsyncForSecondaryCallbackCallback await_vsync_for_secondary_callback_callback_; // Proxies for input tests. fuchsia::ui::test::input::TouchInputListenerPtr touch_input_listener_; fuchsia::ui::test::input::KeyboardInputListenerPtr keyboard_input_listener_; fuchsia::ui::test::input::MouseInputListenerPtr mouse_input_listener_; // Component's service directory. std::shared_ptr<sys::ServiceDirectory> dart_application_svc_; // child_view_ids_ maintains a persistent mapping from Flatland ContentId's to // flutter view ids, which are really zx_handle_t of ViewCreationToken. struct ChildViewInfo { ChildViewInfo(zx_handle_t token, fuchsia::ui::composition::ChildViewWatcherPtr watcher) : view_id(token), child_view_watcher(std::move(watcher)) {} zx_handle_t view_id; fuchsia::ui::composition::ChildViewWatcherPtr child_view_watcher; }; std::unordered_map<uint64_t /*fuchsia::ui::composition::ContentId*/, ChildViewInfo> child_view_info_; fuchsia::ui::composition::ParentViewportWatcherPtr parent_viewport_watcher_; fuchsia::ui::composition::ParentViewportStatus parent_viewport_status_; fml::WeakPtrFactory<PlatformView> weak_factory_; // Must be the last member. FML_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PlatformView); }; } // namespace flutter_runner #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_FUCHSIA_FLUTTER_PLATFORM_VIEW_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/platform_view.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 3780 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "software_surface.h" #include <lib/async/default.h> #include <zircon/rights.h> #include <zircon/status.h> #include <zircon/types.h> #include <cmath> #include "flutter/fml/logging.h" #include "flutter/fml/trace_event.h" #include "fuchsia/sysmem/cpp/fidl.h" #include "include/core/SkImageInfo.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColorSpace.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkImageInfo.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSurface.h" #include "../runtime/dart/utils/inlines.h" namespace flutter_runner { namespace { constexpr SkColorType kSkiaColorType = kRGBA_8888_SkColorType; uint32_t BytesPerRow(const fuchsia::sysmem::SingleBufferSettings& settings, uint32_t bytes_per_pixel, uint32_t image_width) { const uint32_t bytes_per_row_divisor = settings.image_format_constraints.bytes_per_row_divisor; const uint32_t min_bytes_per_row = settings.image_format_constraints.min_bytes_per_row; const uint32_t unrounded_bytes_per_row = std::max(image_width * bytes_per_pixel, min_bytes_per_row); const uint32_t roundup_bytes = unrounded_bytes_per_row % bytes_per_row_divisor; return unrounded_bytes_per_row + roundup_bytes; } } // namespace SoftwareSurface::SoftwareSurface( fuchsia::sysmem::AllocatorSyncPtr& sysmem_allocator, fuchsia::ui::composition::AllocatorPtr& flatland_allocator, const SkISize& size) : wait_for_surface_read_finished_(this) { FML_CHECK(flatland_allocator.is_bound()); if (!SetupSkiaSurface(sysmem_allocator, flatland_allocator, size)) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create render surface."; return; } if (!CreateFences()) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create signal fences."; return; } wait_for_surface_read_finished_.set_object(release_event_.get()); wait_for_surface_read_finished_.set_trigger(ZX_EVENT_SIGNALED); Reset(); valid_ = true; } SoftwareSurface::~SoftwareSurface() { release_image_callback_(); wait_for_surface_read_finished_.Cancel(); wait_for_surface_read_finished_.set_object(ZX_HANDLE_INVALID); } bool SoftwareSurface::IsValid() const { return valid_; } SkISize SoftwareSurface::GetSize() const { if (!valid_) { return SkISize::Make(0, 0); } return SkISize::Make(sk_surface_->width(), sk_surface_->height()); } bool SoftwareSurface::CreateFences() { if (zx::event::create(0, &acquire_event_) != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create acquire event."; return false; } if (zx::event::create(0, &release_event_) != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create release event."; return false; } return true; } bool SoftwareSurface::SetupSkiaSurface( fuchsia::sysmem::AllocatorSyncPtr& sysmem_allocator, fuchsia::ui::composition::AllocatorPtr& flatland_allocator, const SkISize& size) { if (size.isEmpty()) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate surface, size is empty."; return false; } // Allocate a "local" sysmem token to represent flutter's handle to the // sysmem buffer. fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionTokenSyncPtr local_token; zx_status_t allocate_status = sysmem_allocator->AllocateSharedCollection(local_token.NewRequest()); if (allocate_status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate collection: " << zx_status_get_string(allocate_status); return false; } // Create a single Duplicate of the token and Sync it; the single duplicate // token represents scenic's handle to the sysmem buffer. std::vector<fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionTokenHandle> duplicate_tokens; zx_status_t duplicate_status = local_token->DuplicateSync( std::vector<zx_rights_t>{ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS}, &duplicate_tokens); if (duplicate_status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to duplicate collection token: " << zx_status_get_string(duplicate_status); return false; } if (duplicate_tokens.size() != 1u) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to duplicate collection token: Incorrect number " "of tokens returned."; return false; } auto scenic_token = std::move(duplicate_tokens[0]); // Register the sysmem token with flatland. // // This binds the sysmem token to a composition token, which is used later // to associate the rendering surface with a specific flatland Image. fuchsia::ui::composition::BufferCollectionExportToken export_token; zx_status_t token_create_status = zx::eventpair::create(0, &export_token.value, &import_token_.value); if (token_create_status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create flatland export token: " << zx_status_get_string(token_create_status); return false; } fuchsia::ui::composition::RegisterBufferCollectionArgs args; args.set_export_token(std::move(export_token)); args.set_buffer_collection_token(std::move(scenic_token)); args.set_usage( fuchsia::ui::composition::RegisterBufferCollectionUsage::DEFAULT); flatland_allocator->RegisterBufferCollection( std::move(args), [](fuchsia::ui::composition::Allocator_RegisterBufferCollection_Result result) { if (result.is_err()) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "RegisterBufferCollection call to Scenic Allocator failed."; } }); // Acquire flutter's local handle to the sysmem buffer. fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionSyncPtr buffer_collection; zx_status_t bind_status = sysmem_allocator->BindSharedCollection( std::move(local_token), buffer_collection.NewRequest()); if (bind_status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to bind collection token: " << zx_status_get_string(bind_status); return false; } // Set flutter's constraints on the sysmem buffer. Software rendering only // requires CPU access to the surface and a basic R8G8B8A8 pixel format. fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionConstraints constraints; constraints.min_buffer_count = 1; constraints.usage.cpu = fuchsia::sysmem::cpuUsageWrite | fuchsia::sysmem::cpuUsageWriteOften; constraints.has_buffer_memory_constraints = true; constraints.buffer_memory_constraints.physically_contiguous_required = false; constraints.buffer_memory_constraints.secure_required = false; constraints.buffer_memory_constraints.ram_domain_supported = true; constraints.buffer_memory_constraints.cpu_domain_supported = true; constraints.buffer_memory_constraints.inaccessible_domain_supported = false; constraints.image_format_constraints_count = 1; fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints& image_constraints = constraints.image_format_constraints[0]; image_constraints = fuchsia::sysmem::ImageFormatConstraints(); image_constraints.min_coded_width = static_cast<uint32_t>(size.fWidth); image_constraints.min_coded_height = static_cast<uint32_t>(size.fHeight); image_constraints.min_bytes_per_row = static_cast<uint32_t>(size.fWidth) * 4; image_constraints.pixel_format.type = fuchsia::sysmem::PixelFormatType::R8G8B8A8; image_constraints.color_spaces_count = 1; image_constraints.color_space[0].type = fuchsia::sysmem::ColorSpaceType::SRGB; image_constraints.pixel_format.has_format_modifier = true; image_constraints.pixel_format.format_modifier.value = fuchsia::sysmem::FORMAT_MODIFIER_LINEAR; zx_status_t set_constraints_status = buffer_collection->SetConstraints(true, constraints); if (set_constraints_status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to set constraints: " << zx_status_get_string(set_constraints_status); return false; } // Wait for sysmem to allocate, now that constraints are set. fuchsia::sysmem::BufferCollectionInfo_2 buffer_collection_info; zx_status_t allocation_status = ZX_OK; zx_status_t wait_for_allocated_status = buffer_collection->WaitForBuffersAllocated(&allocation_status, &buffer_collection_info); if (allocation_status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate: " << zx_status_get_string(allocation_status); return false; } if (wait_for_allocated_status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to wait for allocate: " << zx_status_get_string(wait_for_allocated_status); return false; } // Cache the allocated surface VMO and metadata. FML_CHECK(buffer_collection_info.settings.buffer_settings.size_bytes != 0); FML_CHECK(buffer_collection_info.buffers[0].vmo != ZX_HANDLE_INVALID); surface_vmo_ = std::move(buffer_collection_info.buffers[0].vmo); surface_size_bytes_ = buffer_collection_info.settings.buffer_settings.size_bytes; if (buffer_collection_info.settings.buffer_settings.coherency_domain == fuchsia::sysmem::CoherencyDomain::RAM) { // RAM coherency domain requires a cache clean when writes are finished. needs_cache_clean_ = true; } // Map the allocated buffer to the CPU. uint8_t* vmo_base = nullptr; zx_status_t buffer_map_status = zx::vmar::root_self()->map( ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE | ZX_VM_PERM_READ, 0, surface_vmo_, 0, surface_size_bytes_, reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t*>(&vmo_base)); if (buffer_map_status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to map buffer memory: " << zx_status_get_string(buffer_map_status); return false; } // Now that the buffer is CPU-readable, it's safe to discard flutter's // connection to sysmem. zx_status_t close_status = buffer_collection->Close(); if (close_status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to close buffer: " << zx_status_get_string(close_status); return false; } // Wrap the buffer in a software-rendered Skia surface. const uint64_t vmo_offset = buffer_collection_info.buffers[0].vmo_usable_start; const size_t vmo_stride = BytesPerRow(buffer_collection_info.settings, 4u, size.width()); SkSurfaceProps sk_surface_props(0, kUnknown_SkPixelGeometry); sk_surface_ = SkSurfaces::WrapPixels( SkImageInfo::Make(size, kSkiaColorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType, SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB()), vmo_base + vmo_offset, vmo_stride, &sk_surface_props); if (!sk_surface_ || sk_surface_->getCanvas() == nullptr) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "SkSurfaces::WrapPixels failed."; return false; } return true; } void SoftwareSurface::SetImageId(uint32_t image_id) { FML_CHECK(image_id_ == 0); image_id_ = image_id; } uint32_t SoftwareSurface::GetImageId() { return image_id_; } sk_sp<SkSurface> SoftwareSurface::GetSkiaSurface() const { return valid_ ? sk_surface_ : nullptr; } fuchsia::ui::composition::BufferCollectionImportToken SoftwareSurface::GetBufferCollectionImportToken() { fuchsia::ui::composition::BufferCollectionImportToken import_dup; import_token_.value.duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &import_dup.value); return import_dup; } zx::event SoftwareSurface::GetAcquireFence() { zx::event fence; acquire_event_.duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &fence); return fence; } zx::event SoftwareSurface::GetReleaseFence() { zx::event fence; release_event_.duplicate(ZX_RIGHT_SAME_RIGHTS, &fence); return fence; } void SoftwareSurface::SetReleaseImageCallback( ReleaseImageCallback release_image_callback) { release_image_callback_ = release_image_callback; } size_t SoftwareSurface::AdvanceAndGetAge() { return ++age_; } bool SoftwareSurface::FlushSessionAcquireAndReleaseEvents() { age_ = 0; return true; } void SoftwareSurface::SignalWritesFinished( const std::function<void(void)>& on_surface_read_finished) { FML_CHECK(on_surface_read_finished); if (!valid_) { on_surface_read_finished(); return; } FML_CHECK(surface_read_finished_callback_ == nullptr) << "Attempted to signal a write on the surface when the " "previous write has not yet been acknowledged by the " "compositor."; surface_read_finished_callback_ = on_surface_read_finished; // Sysmem *may* require the cache to be cleared after writes to the surface // are complete. if (needs_cache_clean_) { surface_vmo_.op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_CACHE_CLEAN, 0, surface_size_bytes_, /*buffer*/ nullptr, /*buffer_size*/ 0); } // Inform scenic that flutter is finished writing to the surface. zx_status_t signal_status = acquire_event_.signal(0u, ZX_EVENT_SIGNALED); if (signal_status != ZX_OK) { FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to signal acquire event; " << zx_status_get_string(signal_status); } } void SoftwareSurface::Reset() { if (acquire_event_.signal(ZX_EVENT_SIGNALED, 0u) != ZX_OK || release_event_.signal(ZX_EVENT_SIGNALED, 0u) != ZX_OK) { valid_ = false; FML_LOG(ERROR) << "Could not reset fences. The surface is no longer valid."; } wait_for_surface_read_finished_.Begin(async_get_default_dispatcher()); // It is safe for the caller to collect the surface in the callback. auto callback = surface_read_finished_callback_; surface_read_finished_callback_ = nullptr; if (callback) { callback(); } } void SoftwareSurface::OnSurfaceReadFinished(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, async::WaitBase* wait, zx_status_t status, const zx_packet_signal_t* signal) { if (status != ZX_OK) { return; } FML_DCHECK(signal->observed & ZX_EVENT_SIGNALED); Reset(); } } // namespace flutter_runner
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/software_surface.cc", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 5324 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_FUCHSIA_FLUTTER_TESTS_FAKES_PLATFORM_MESSAGE_H_ #define FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_FUCHSIA_FLUTTER_TESTS_FAKES_PLATFORM_MESSAGE_H_ #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <optional> #include "flutter/lib/ui/window/platform_message.h" #include "third_party/rapidjson/include/rapidjson/document.h" using PlatformMessageResponse = flutter::PlatformMessageResponse; using PlatformMessage = flutter::PlatformMessage; namespace flutter_runner::testing { class FakePlatformMessageResponse : public PlatformMessageResponse { public: static fml::RefPtr<FakePlatformMessageResponse> Create() { return fml::AdoptRef(new FakePlatformMessageResponse()); } void ExpectCompleted(std::string expected) { EXPECT_TRUE(is_complete_); if (is_complete_) { EXPECT_EQ(expected, response_); } } bool IsCompleted() { return is_complete_; } std::unique_ptr<PlatformMessage> WithMessage(std::string channel, std::string message) { return std::make_unique<PlatformMessage>( channel, fml::MallocMapping::Copy(message.c_str(), message.c_str() + message.size()), fml::RefPtr<FakePlatformMessageResponse>(this)); } void Complete(std::unique_ptr<fml::Mapping> data) override { response_ = std::string(data->GetMapping(), data->GetMapping() + data->GetSize()); FinalizeComplete(); }; void CompleteEmpty() override { FinalizeComplete(); }; private: // Private constructors. FakePlatformMessageResponse() {} void FinalizeComplete() { EXPECT_FALSE(std::exchange(is_complete_, true)) << "Platform message responses can only be completed once!"; } std::string response_; }; } // namespace flutter_runner::testing #endif // FLUTTER_SHELL_PLATFORM_FUCHSIA_FLUTTER_TESTS_FAKES_PLATFORM_MESSAGE_H_
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/tests/fakes/platform_message.h", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 765 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. { include: [ "sys/testing/gtest_runner.shard.cml", "sys/component/realm_builder_absolute.shard.cml", // This test needs both the vulkan facet and the hermetic-tier-2 facet, // so we are forced to make it a system test. "sys/testing/system-test.shard.cml", ], program: { binary: "bin/app", }, use: [ { protocol: [ "fuchsia.ui.test.input.KeyboardInputListener", ] } ], offer: [ { protocol: [ "fuchsia.inspect.InspectSink", "fuchsia.kernel.RootJobForInspect", "fuchsia.kernel.Stats", "fuchsia.logger.LogSink", "fuchsia.scheduler.ProfileProvider", "fuchsia.sysmem.Allocator", "fuchsia.tracing.provider.Registry", "fuchsia.ui.input.ImeService", "fuchsia.vulkan.loader.Loader", "fuchsia.ui.test.input.KeyboardInputListener", "fuchsia.ui.input3.Keyboard", "fuchsia.intl.PropertyProvider", "fuchsia.posix.socket.Provider", "fuchsia.ui.pointerinjector.Registry", "fuchsia.fonts.Provider", "fuchsia.feedback.CrashReportingProductRegister", "fuchsia.settings.Keyboard", "fuchsia.accessibility.semantics.SemanticsManager", ], from: "parent", to: "#realm_builder", }, { directory: "pkg", subdir: "config", as: "config-data", from: "framework", to: "#realm_builder", }, // See common.shard.cml. { directory: "tzdata-icu", from: "framework", to: "#realm_builder", }, ], // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/114584): Figure out how to bring these in as deps (if possible oot). facets: { "fuchsia.test": { "deprecated-allowed-packages": [ "cursor", "flatland-scene-manager-test-ui-stack", "test-ui-stack", "oot_flutter_aot_runner", "oot_flutter_jit_runner", "oot_flutter_jit_product_runner", "oot_flutter_aot_product_runner", "test_manager", "text-input-view", ], }, }, }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/tests/integration/text-input/meta/text-input-test.cml", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1420 }
# Timezone data for testing This directory contains the fixed timezone data version 2019a for testing. It is used in the runner tests to show that loading these files from a specified location results in the TZ data version "2019a" becoming available to the binaries.
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/fuchsia/flutter/tests/tzdata/README.md", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 62 }
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // On Fuchsia, in lieu of the ELF dynamic symbol table consumed through dladdr, // the Dart VM profiler consumes symbols produced by this tool, which have the // format // // struct { // uint32_t num_entries; // struct { // uint32_t offset; // uint32_t size; // uint32_t string_table_offset; // } entries[num_entries]; // const char* string_table; // } // // Entries are sorted by offset. String table entries are NUL-terminated. // // See also //third_party/dart/runtime/vm/native_symbol_fuchsia.cc import "dart:convert"; import "dart:io"; import "dart:typed_data"; import "package:args/args.dart"; import "package:path/path.dart" as path; Future<void> main(List<String> args) async { final parser = new ArgParser(); parser.addOption("nm", help: "Path to `nm` tool"); parser.addOption("binary", help: "Path to the ELF file to extract symbols from"); parser.addOption("output", help: "Path to output symbol table"); final usage = """ Usage: dart_profiler_symbols.dart [options] Options: ${parser.usage}; """; String? buildIdDir; String? buildIdScript; String? nm; String? binary; String? output; try { final options = parser.parse(args); nm = options["nm"]; if (nm == null) { throw "Must specify --nm"; } if (!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(nm)) { throw "Cannot find $nm"; } binary = options["binary"]; if (binary == null) { throw "Must specify --binary"; } if (!FileSystemEntity.isFileSync(binary)) { throw "Cannot find $binary"; } output = options["output"]; if (output == null) { throw "Must specify --output"; } } catch (e) { print("ERROR: $e\n"); print(usage); exitCode = 1; return; } await run(buildIdDir, buildIdScript, nm, binary, output); } class Symbol { int offset; int size; String name; Symbol({required this.offset, required this.size, required this.name}); } Future<void> run(String? buildIdDir, String? buildIdScript, String nm, String binary, String output) async { final unstrippedFile = binary; final args = ["--demangle", "--numeric-sort", "--print-size", unstrippedFile]; final result = await Process.run(nm, args); if (result.exitCode != 0) { print(result.stdout); print(result.stderr); throw "Command failed: $nm $args"; } var symbols = []; var regex = new RegExp("([0-9A-Za-z]+) ([0-9A-Za-z]+) (t|T|w|W) (.*)"); for (final line in result.stdout.split("\n")) { var match = regex.firstMatch(line); if (match == null) { continue; // Ignore non-text symbols. } // Note that capture groups start at 1. final symbol = new Symbol(offset: int.parse(match[1]!, radix: 16), size: int.parse(match[2]!, radix: 16), name: match[4]!.split("(")[0]); if (symbol.name.startsWith("\$")) { continue; // Ignore compiler/assembler temps. } symbols.add(symbol); } if (symbols.isEmpty) { throw "$unstrippedFile has no symbols"; } var nameTable = new BytesBuilder(); var binarySearchTable = new Uint32List(symbols.length * 3 + 1); var binarySearchTableIndex = 0; binarySearchTable[binarySearchTableIndex++] = symbols.length; // Symbols are sorted by offset because of --numeric-sort. for (var symbol in symbols) { var nameOffset = nameTable.length; nameTable.add(utf8.encode(symbol.name)); nameTable.addByte(0); binarySearchTable[binarySearchTableIndex++] = symbol.offset; binarySearchTable[binarySearchTableIndex++] = symbol.size; binarySearchTable[binarySearchTableIndex++] = nameOffset; } var file = new File(output); await file.parent.create(recursive: true); var sink = file.openWrite(); sink.add(binarySearchTable.buffer.asUint8List()); sink.add(nameTable.takeBytes()); await sink.close(); }
{ "file_path": "engine/shell/platform/fuchsia/runtime/dart/profiler_symbols/dart_profiler_symbols.dart", "repo_id": "engine", "token_count": 1497 }