### Human:\nif i do not exercise and eat a lot of protein from yogurt and protein shakes would that make me gain weight? . i am 5'11 and 185 lbs\n\n### Assistant: if you are consistently taking in more calories than your body requires then you may expect to gain weight over time regardless of whether it’s calories from protein fat or carbohydrates. some research suggests however that a slightly higher protein diet can actually help you lose weight perhaps by helping you to feel satiated (feel full) to ultimately take in fewer calories. you won't gain weight as the protein ingested will store itself in your body for later use if you go above the amount your body can digest at once but don't expect to see gains in muscle. as long as you keep those saturated and trans fats out of your diet most people will keep a steady weight.
### Human:\nhow long is one shot or pen of humira effective for (rheumatoid arthritis)?\n\n### Assistant: humira is used to slow down the progression of rheumatoid arthritis (ra). it is considered a biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drug. therefore this drug must be taken for some time to make a difference in the outcome of ra. some ra patients will see results as soon as 2 weeks. for others it may take up to 3 months. you will know humira is working when you notice less pain swelling and joint stiffness. humira is packaged in a single use pen or syringe. adults with rheumatoid arthritis are prescribed one pen or syringe (40 mg) every other week. for patients with rheumatoid arthritis who are not on the medication methotrexate humira may be taken every week.
### Human:\ndoes the age affect the success of braces?\n\n### Assistant: the mechanical process used to move teeth with braces is the same at any age. so the benefits of orthodontic treatments are available to both children and adults who wish to improve their appearance and bite. the main differences between treatments in adults and children is that certain corrections in adults may require more than braces alone and the treatments may take longer because adult bones are no longer growing.
### Human:\ni leak urine when i laugh sneeze or jump. a friend told me that vaginal weights can help. are they really effective?\n\n### Assistant: about one in three women leak urine after giving birth. this is called "stress incontinence " and it's due to weakened pelvic floor muscles allowing for the neck of the bladder to "sag down" so that urine can escape with laughing coughing or sneezing. most doctors tell women to do kegel exercises to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles. in some cases surgery is required. but studies have also shown that vaginal weights can strengthen the muscles enough to reduce incontinence as well. here's how they work: you insert a cone-shaped weight into your vagina and then work on squeezing your muscles to keep the weights in place for about 15 minutes once or twice a day. (you can actually go about your daily business while doing this! ) once you're able to hold this weight in easily you try a slightly heavier weight. (they are sold in sets. ) advocates of the weights believe that it's easier for a woman to learn to isolate and train her pelvic floor muscles properly using the weights than it is using just kegels which are easy to do incorrectly. you can get vaginal weights over-the-counter on-line or as a prescription via your health care provider. hello i do the same thing but i have never had a baby in my whole life. i have had sex and that hurts me. i have got to get answers to this. please help! cayti rose mattox
### Human:\nwhat are the advantages of strength training for weight loss?\n\n### Assistant: strength training is another form of exercise that helps you burn calories to lose weight. strength training also has the added benefit of helping you preserve muscle as well. if you lose weight while only doing cardiovascular exercise some of the weight loss may come from muscle as well as body fat. we want to preserve that muscle because it can help to boost metabolism since muscle burns calories at a higher rate than fat. strength training can also help to promote a more “toned” appearance another added benefit for you. the surgeon general recommends that you strength train all major muscle groups two or more days per week.
### Human:\nwhat are platelets?\n\n### Assistant: platelets are cell fragments derived from bone marrow cells called megakaryocytes. platelets circulate in blood but are much smaller than red or white blood cells. platelets are coated with substances that normally glide smoothly along the surface of blood vessels and other blood cells. however when platelets encounter a damaged blood vessel they collect together in a plug to stop the bleeding. a blood clot then forms sealing the platelet plug. aspirin and other medicines like clopidogrel (plavix) interfere with platelets’ ability to clump together. this helps protect against the sudden formation of blood clots inside blood vessels (the cause of heart attacks and strokes). antiplatelet drugs also increase the likelihood of abnormal or excessive bleeding.
### Human:\ncan potassium help with leg cramps?\n\n### Assistant: low potassium is usually a sign of muscle weakness. leg cramps are mostly caused by dehydration low magnesium or low blood calcium. the best treatment for cramps is to rehydrate and replenish your electrolytes possibly with chicken or beef broth.
### Human:\nwill braces be painful?\n\n### Assistant: some of the adjustments your orthodontist may make to your braces may make your mouth feel sore or uncomfortable. when needed over-the-counter pain relievers like motrin or tylenol can help relieve the pain. if you always experience a lot of pain after your braces are adjusted talk to your orthodontist about it; he or she may be able to make the adjustments a bit differently.
### Human:\nwhat are the symtoms and complications of vitamin d deficiency in adults age 30-35?\n\n### Assistant: i think a lot of it depends on how long you've been deficient and to what degree. it is well accepted that a lack of vitamin d increases the risk of osteomalcia (bone/muscle pain) osteopenia (lower than normal bone density) osteoporosis and bone fractures in adults. so in addition to working with your healthcare provider about getting your levels back up you may want to check your bone density to see if there's more you can do. most the symptoms of vitamin d deficiency are subtle or absent in the initial stages. low vitamin d levels have also been linked to the development of immune disorders heart disease and certain cancers but more research is needed to draw conclusions. the good news is you can correct your levels now to help keep you healthy for the years to come. for more on vitamin d read this article on webmd.
### Human:\nif i am feeling really hungry after exercising what is the best thing to eat after a workout? . and i am a guy not sure if that matters.\n\n### Assistant: this depends on a few things. if you exercise first thing in the morning or late in the afternoon you could quickly follow up with a healthy breakfast or dinner. if your workout is during non-meal time it's best to have something to replenish your muscle carbohydrate stores (called glycogen) with a little bit of protein for muscle repair and synthesis. research shows that eating foods with a combination of carbohydrates and protein is best (4:1 ratio) for recovery. here are some examples: whole wheat toast with peanut butter fruit with nuts and seeds (trail mix) apple with nut butter fruit smoothie with added protein yogurt topped with nuts chocolate milk (research has shown this to be a great recovery drink) granola/protein bar with the right combination of carb and protein for more on what to eat before during and after exercise see this webmd article. i have a protein shake which relieves me of that felling of being hungry. protein! most protein shakes are specifically formulated for post workout fuel and also contain other useful ingredients for your muscles and recovery. if you want food cottage cheese tuna oatmeal peanut butter are good examples. you do need to eat before two hours. it is good unless it's liquid item then 1hr is sufficient. as for the hunger after exercising out you will always get hunger after even if you ate before. you burn a lot of calories when you workout and your body wants more. it's fine to eat after you workout. that's one of the few times that carbs are okay. after i workout i drink a carb drink that's 400 calories and 100 carbs. and then i drink my protein shake after that.
### Human:\nwhat is dyspnea?\n\n### Assistant: dyspnea is difficulty breathing. dyspnea can have a wide range of causes including: being out of shape (deconditioning) problems in the lungs (infections emphysema asthma) problems with the heart (congestive heart failure pulmonary embolism) anemia (a low red blood cell count) problems with the chest wall or breathing muscles (muscular dystrophy). everyone has dyspnea with exercise—even olympic athletes breathe faster after running up a flight of stairs. with increasing regular exercise it takes higher levels of exertion to bring on dyspnea. shortness of breath that occurs with a level of activity that used to be easy or dyspnea that’s getting worse might be due to a medical condition. generally speaking worsening or unexplained dyspnea should prompt a call to your doctor. dyspnea is
### Human:\nwhen shouldn't denture adhesives be considered?\n\n### Assistant: there are situations when denture adhesives should not be used. those cases include: when it is used as a "fix" for ill-fitting or poorly constructed dentures. if your dentures begin to feel loose cause discomfort or cause sores to develop contact your dentist as soon as possible. when a dentist has not evaluated your dentures for a long time. dentures rest on gum tissue and your jawbone which shrink and deteriorate respectively over time. therefore the real problem might be a need for a denture adjustment or new dentures. when oral hygiene practices cannot be sustained. when adhesives have been used for a long time especially when visits to the dentist are infrequent and when the frequency and volume of the adhesive use increases. these developments may indicate the need for a denture adjustment or new dentures. when any known allergy exists to the adhesive's ingredients.
### Human:\ni have a very high metabolism and i can't gain weight. how can i lower my metabolism while exercising more? . i'm 20 years old 6' tall and weigh only about 150-155. i'm also not very active. i want to start running and lifting weights but it's tough for me to gain muscle because i have a very hard time putting on weight. what can i do to lower my metabolism enough to start putting on weight and getting bigger? i also don't eat very well but tend to eat a descent amount of protein every day.\n\n### Assistant: the goal should not be to lower your metabolism but to start feeding yourself better and reap the benefits of activity which can result in muscle gain. it doesn't matter if you get adequate protein if you are missing out on other important nonprotein calories and nutrients. that's because inadequate carbohydrate and fat intake (total calories) means protein is used for energy instead of for muscle formation. exercising more can increase your appetite and weight training can gradually help you put on muscle. it may take time to see results but because muscle weighs more than fat you are likely to gain weight. here are some tips: eat regular meals and snacks every day. try to plan your meals ahead of time and have items you can put together for quick and healthy meals. gradually build a list of balanced meals you can make for yourself. include 3-5 food groups at meals including a whole grain lean protein fruits vegetables dairy and healthy fats. for example in the morning you might have a big bowl of oatmeal topped with fruit and nuts and a side boiled egg. include 2-3 food groups at snack time which may consist of cheese and whole grain crackers or an apple with peanut butter or half a meat sandwich with veggie sticks. gradually increase exercise to include cardiovascular exercise and resistance training. for tips on how to exercise to build muscle see this article. what you may discover during this process is how much better you feel by moving more and eating better. you won't regret starting on a healthier road! i here this a great deal at the school i teach at. if you really want to gain some weight you need to develop a comprehensive nutrition and exercise plan. first keep a food diary for three days. are you really eating as much as you think? when counseling athletes at school i generally recommend they consume 1. 8-2. 0 grams of protein a day per kilogram of body weight. so for you at 150 lbs = 68 kilograms that would put your protein needs in the range of 122 -136 grams a day. now that you know what your eating and how much protein you need. develop an eating plan. here's an example: breakfast 1 large egg scrambled 1 cup old fashioned oat with one tablespoon honey 1 banana 1 cup skim milk protein in meal = 20 grams lunch 2 grilled chicken breasts (8 ounces) 2 cups of veggies (broccoli green beans califlower) 1 apple 1 serving greek yogurt protein in meal = 69 grams dinner 1 servings baked pork tenderloin (3 ounces) remove all fat 2 cups of veggies 1 banana 1/2 cup fat free cottage cheese protein in meal = 38 grams snacks 1 apple with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter (protein: 7 grams) 1/4 cup sunflower seed string cheese fruit (protein: 12 grams) total protein for the day = 147 grams notice there's no junk food (chips soft drinks etc) or any expensive supplements just good solid nutritional foods. regarding exercise the best way to add weight is by adding muscle. to do this you need a well thought out strength training plan. follow the link pasted below to find a great beginners workout on webmd <link> as you advance you can find some additional info here <link> <link> like i said earlier the key to healthy weight gain is with a comprehensive nutrition and exercise plan both of which you can find here at webmd. to be on the safe side be sure to check with your physician before starting. i had an extremely high metabolic rate and was an athlete competing in martial arts. i had to gain weight to compete with stronger opponents in a heavier weight class. let's keep it simple 3 key elements will allow you to gain muscle mass/weight. 1. rest - get two days/week of rest to recover from training. you grow when you're resting. you can split up the 2 days or have it simultaneously. take it easy on those days and don't do anything too physical. 2. train - lift heavy weights with low reps for 1 1/2 hour and then do another 30 min of plyometrics. next day do it in reverse. repeat this cycle throughout the week. if you're an athlete you'll need to extend training time up to 3 hrs in one day. when running do sprints. do high impact high intensity exericises. do not perform long-distance endurance training. if you have to run don't go over 3 miles. 3. eat - consume a lot of carbs from veggies and fruits. 3/4 of your meal should be carbs to give you energy and pack on necessary fat. 1/4 of your meal should be protein to build muscle. contrary to popular beliefs you need plenty of fat storage in order for the body to be healthy and build muscle. consuming protein volume based on your body weight is not accurate for everyone some bodies will not utilize extra protein. you want that carb for energy to push harder and grow bigger/stronger. eat pasta rice and potatos with every meal. you will bulk up in size/strength adding 10 lbs of muscle like me within a month. if you get too bulky and need to trim down to make weight for athletic competition then reverse the diet eat more protein and less carbs. always drink a ton of water! find people with similar goals to train with! it's not just about building your body it's also about building a community. good luck!
### Human:\nmy wife weighs 242lbs she only eats about 1500 calories a day and excercises. why can't she lose weight? . . my wife is 5ft 4inches tall weighs 242lbs and is a size 14-16 in pants sizes. she only eats about 1500 calories a day and exercises about 90+ minutes a day burning 800-1200 calories. she has been doing this for about 2 months and hasn't lost any weight. she has been diagnosed with ibs. she also has be test for hypothyroids and was negative. . .\n\n### Assistant: it's difficult to say exactly why your wife isn't losing weight without more information but here are some things to consider: how is she tracking her calories? it is possible that she is getting more than she thinks she is. seeing a registered dietitian can help her examine her food intake for hidden calories. high levels of activity mixed with low calorie intake may increase cortisol (levels stress hormone) and cause weight to stay where it is. this is a theory but i have seen it many times. your wife can experiment with cutting back the exercise or increasing her calorie intake. unless she's enjoying the exercise it likely isn't sustainable so i suggest she focused on doing something she enjoys. if your wife did not exercise at all before it is possible she is gaining some muscle mass and losing fat even the scale isn't moving. other factors can cause weight to plateau such as stress and lack of sleep. see this webmd article for more ideas. weight loss -- and especially weight loss maintenance -- can be a challenging task. i suggest your wife get help and support with the process. the key is to address the reasons for the weight gain in addition to tackling food and exercise. i had the same issue. 1-2hours a day in the gym cardio and weights 4-5 days a wk eating 1200 calories only lost 2 lbs in 4 months. turns out there is so much msg in food that it was hindering my progress. i switched to eating only organic food with light exercise and lost 5 lbs. in one week. i also stopped getting head aches and back aches. i even gained energy and improved disposition. (msg is an excitotoxin used to get mice fat and stay that way in order to research diabetes. -there are over 40 types of msg under different names and it is in 95 percent of foods you find in stores. ) <link>
### Human:\nhow long does a fractured finger take to heal? . i fell 1 1/2 months ago and injured my middle finger by jamming it into a stone step. initially within 24 hours it swelled to the point that my skin felt like it was burning i iced it and toke nsaids. i am now for the past 2 1/2 weeks wearing a splint 24/7 on my finger. how long should i expect for it to heal?\n\n### Assistant: how do you know you fractured your finger. the only way to know is with an x-ray. if you had a "displaced" fracture where the bone ends are not lined up correctly or you had ligament and tendon injury (not uncommon) it can take a while to heal. you have waited and self-treated long enough. it is time for you to see a medical professional or orthopedist and at least have an x-ray and a good examination.
### Human:\ncan you get ovarian cysts on birth control? . i've been having pains in my lower left abdomen for at least a month now and my doctor told me it could be ovarian cysts. i'm on birth control though and i thought birth control was supposed to prevent them; i've been on ortho tri cyclen for at least six months now. does anyone know if it's possible to still get these cysts while on birth control? . i am scheduling an ultra sound soon i just wanted to see if anyone had input for this.\n\n### Assistant: i guess it is possible but you are correct. oral contraception prevents ovulation by hormonal manipulation so the chance of getting an cyst related to ovulation (corpus luteum) cyst would be unlikely. with that said there are other kinds of cysts and other medical reasons to account for your symptoms so an ultrasound would be helpful to make that determination.
### Human:\nis there a cure for a child with a severe under bite?\n\n### Assistant: orthodontics can help. i would schedule your child for a consultation with your orthodontist as soon as possible.
### Human:\nwhat is a pacemaker?\n\n### Assistant: a pacemaker is a device that sends small electrical impulses to the heart muscle to maintain a suitable heart rate. pacemakers primarily prevent the heart from beating too slowly. the pacemaker has a pulse generator (which houses the battery and a tiny computer) and leads (wires) that send impulses from the pulse generator to the heart muscle. newer pacemakers have many sophisticated features that are designed to help manage arrhythmias and optimize heart rate-related function as much as possible.
### Human:\ni have been ill for a while and lost quite a bit of muscle and weight suggestions on getting it back and why i hurt? . so i have a thyroid disorder and i had it tested a month ago and still no answer back from anyone. i am feeling a bit better now but i can't seem to gain back the weight or the muscle. specifically on my legs and they hurt quite frequently. my legs were the strongest part before i got sick and they still are pretty strong but i've never had leg pain when i ran or carried things before. and it worries me how thin they are now along with the pain. should i be concerned? suggestions?\n\n### Assistant: be sure to get in touch with your doctor about your leg pain and thyroid -- only a healthcare provider can address your medical needs. once you get that worked out you can focus on gaining muscle. make sure you get protein at every meal along with a balanced diet adequate in calories. research shows 25 grams or more of protein at meals helps build muscle. to give you an idea 1 ounce of lean meat has 7 grams. also exercise that includes resistance training is beneficial as long as it's okay with your doctor. after working out consume a snack that contains protein and carbohydrates within a half hour of stopping exercise. more reading. healthy protein sources what to eat before during and after exercise
### Human:\ncould my boyfriend's loud snoring indicate a health problem?\n\n### Assistant: the problem you describe with your boyfriend is very common. loud snoring occurs in almost 25% of the population. by itself snoring is not considered dangerous to health. however in about 5-7% of all men (and 2-4% of women) the snoring is associated with episodes of stopping breathing observed by a bed partner. additionally daytime fatigue and sleepiness may be present. when these symptoms are present with snoring sleep apnea is a possible diagnosis. other features of sleep apnea include headaches high blood pressure and repeated awakenings at night. sleep apnea is a serious medical condition and should be treated. one of the biggest risk factors for sleep apnea is being overweight. however having a small chin small mouth or other variations in the face bones can also increase the risk of sleep apnea. treatment of sleep apnea is most often with a cpap machine. oral appliances and surgery are alternatives but are not as effective as cpap. if you suspect that your boyfriend has sleep apnea observe him while he sleeps and try to determine if he stops breathing. you should go with him to his doctor and discuss his snoring and describe what you see when his is sleeping. mention his other symptoms as well. if his doctor thinks he has sleep apnea tests will likely need to be done. your doctor will need to order cpap or other treatments.
### Human:\nconsuming large amounts of baking soda. is drinking alot of baking soda bad for me.\n\n### Assistant: consuming excessive sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) can lead to metabolic alkalosis a condition in which ph balances are elevated outside of the normal range. some symptoms of alkalosis include: • confusion • light-headedness • nausea vomiting • numbness or tingling in the face hands or feet • prolonged muscle spasms • muscle twitching • hand tremor if you are currently taking excessive amounts of baking soda your doctor can conduct tests to diagnose alkalosis. it’s important to visit with your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms. i would also consider asking yourself about what benefits you hope to gain from consuming large amounts of baking soda. it might be beneficial to explore other ways to achieve the same results that you’re hoping for in a different manner. if you’re having problems with acid reflux or heart burn dietary changes or prescription medication may be helpful.
### Human:\nhow many ribs do we have?\n\n### Assistant: both men and women have 24 ribs twelve on each side. each rib is attached to a spinal bone (thoracic vertebra) in the back. the first seven pairs of ribs join the breastbone (sternum) in the center of the chest. the front ends of the eighth ninth and 10th pairs are connected to the ribs above them. the 11th and 12th pairs are called “floating ribs ” because they are anchored in place only by connective tissue. one in every few hundred people have an extra rib. these are called cervical ribs because they arise from one of the spinal bones in the neck (cervical vertebrae).
### Human:\ni am taking diclofenac for a sprained ligament. can i use nabutone for the same pain?\n\n### Assistant: diclofenac and nabutone are both nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids). diclofenac and nabutone are both used to relieve pain tenderness swelling and stiffness caused by osteoarthritis (arthritis caused by a breakdown of the lining of the joints) and rheumatoid arthritis (arthritis caused by swelling of the lining of the joints). in addition diclofenac is used to aid with ankylosing spondylitis (arthritis that mainly affects the spine). these medications are very similar. however you should consult your physician or health care provider before using another medication that wasn’t originally prescribed for the sprained ligament. before you substitute nabutone for the diclofenac make sure the prescriber is fine with the switch.
### Human:\nhow do i treat mosquito bites?\n\n### Assistant: people vary in their reactions to mosquito bites. most people develop itchy raised bumps on the skin that last several days. no treatment is necessary but calamine lotion or over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream can reduce itching. a few people have a significant allergy to mosquito bites. the bites can result in what’s called a large local reaction: swelling blistering itching and pain affecting a wide area of the body (such as an entire arm or leg). oral antihistamines like cetirizine (zyrtec) diphenhydramine (benadryl) or hydroxyzine (atarax vistaril) can help ease itching. topical hydrocortisone may also help. rarely people with a severe allergy to mosquito bites develop anaphylaxis a whole-body life-threatening allergic reaction. symptoms of anaphylaxis include: • itching or rash especially hives in areas of skin away from the bite. • hoarseness or shortness of breath. • lightheadedness. anaphylaxis requires emergency medical attention. people who have had anaphylaxis-like symptoms previously should always have injectable epinephrine (an epi-pen) nearby. antiseptic will help get rid of the pain from the bite. antihistamine cream or lotions will help to keep any reactions to that bite away (best to go to doctors or take precautional measures either using epipen e. t. c. if you do have allergic reactions) i would sugest to go to the doctor straight away telling him its urgent if you have any of these symptons: fever rash joint pain or conjunctivitis muscle pains or headaches especially if the bite hole gets enlargens. shaking chills that can range from moderate to severe. high fever. profuse sweating. headache. nausea. vomiting. diarrhea. anemia. thank you for asking.
### Human:\nwhat do new dentures feel like?\n\n### Assistant: new dentures may feel a little odd or loose for a few weeks until the muscles of your cheek and tongue learn to keep them in place and you get comfortable inserting and removing them. also it is not unusual for minor irritation or soreness to occur and for saliva flow to increase when you first start wearing dentures but these problems will diminish as your mouth adjusts to the new denture.
### Human:\nwhen would a dental implant be medically necessary?\n\n### Assistant: dental implants are titanium root fixtures that are surgically positioned in the jawbone to replace teeth. when a person loses his/her teeth their digestion is affected due to the lack of food breakdown. as charles mayo said people that keep all of their teeth live an average of 10 years longer. so in answer to your question having teeth is a medical necessity.
### Human:\nreal ginger ale (without all the sugar) helps ease my nausea. but could the carbonation be harmful to me or my baby?\n\n### Assistant: carbonation does not present a health risk. in fact sparkling mineral water sometimes contains a little calcium and magnesium which are healthy minerals needed for the development of bones.
### Human:\ncan a tooth die due to rapid orthodontics treatment a month after braces were put on?\n\n### Assistant: there is no scientific evidence that orthodontics can "kill teeth. " if there was an endodontic or root canal problem it’s more than likely that it’s been caused by a previous cavity or trauma.
### Human:\nhow to raise hdl. my hdl level is low (20). i do not smoke never have and exercise on a regular basis. what can i do to raise my hdl levels? .\n\n### Assistant: although hdl levels are genetically linked and tend to be lower in males there are some things you can do to help increase your levels. here are some ideas: exercise on a regular basis -- 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise on most days replace saturated fats (animal fats/baked goods/fried foods etc) with plant sources of fat including vegetable oils (olive oil and canola) avocado nuts and seeds and nut butters. drink alcohol in moderation (if you don't drink now there is no need to start). eat a diet that is low in refined carbohydrates (white bread sugar candy etc. ) but high in fruits vegetables whole grains lean protein and healthy fats. include soy in your diet. for more details on increasing hdl cholesterol see this webmd article. good luck! i had the identical problem many years ago. i found that i either had to take statin drugs or supplements to make sure my ldl was low and hdl was higher(i also had an hdl count of about 20). i totally changed my diet after having my internal doctor test my blood every 90 days for a year. i had to stop eating all saturated foods (red meat whole milk eggs chicken/turkey skin etc) and also any foods that have a lot of cholesterol(shrimp eggs etc) but my cholesterol did not change much. it was that way in spite of exercising like crazy(90 minutes of moderate aerobics twice a week walking long distance fast once a week and strengthening my muscles once/twice a week. my hdl was still between 20-25 the ldl was about 130 and my triglycerides were over 100. i researched supplements and found that the following would probably help me and they worked perfectly: policosanol red yeast rice sloniacin and fish oil. my hdl is now and has been for several years 40-47. my ldl and triglycerides are below 100 and are around 80-90. my internal doctor always says to just continue what i am doing and that i do not need statin drugs. myself and many friends we found eating onions --about 150 gram per day during the lunch -- is very effective for increase the hdl in one case --without change any other factor as exercise drugs etc-- after systemetically eating onions for 4 months hdl increased from 43 to 69 exercise
### Human:\nwhat can i do to increase my potassium? . i already take a potassium supplement. so i am taking two a day now. i also was already eating several bananas a week. i am eating at least one a day now. i already eat pretty much all of the foods that contain potassium so i don't know what to do. i am doing this by doctors orders but am now more tired than ever and having soft stools and frequent urination too. i go back for more tests in a few days but don't feel better at all (worse actually). what else can i do? !\n\n### Assistant: having low potassium is not always due to diet but fluid balance. that's because potassium along with sodium helps regulate body fluids (they are called electrolytes) so when fluid changes occur with certain disease states or medications like diuretics it can go too low or high. diet cannot always correct changes in potassium so working with your doctor on the appropriate medical management will be key. if you are getting worse call your doctor to see if you need to go in earlier. it is important to know which foods have potassium and how to balance your intake which this webmd article discusses in detail. also eating well moderate exercise and good sleep will only help you feel better. hope you feel better soon! finding the cause for your low potassium needs to be the first objective. here is a list of some possible reasons for low potassium: 1. ) sometimes low potassium is a symptom of some other problem. for example having low magnesium l evels can be a contributing cause for low potassium. it may be difficult in these cases to stabilize potassium levels until magnesium levels are increased. routine serum blood studies do not always uncover low magnesium. 2. ) consuming foods that are insufficient or lacking in nutrients necessary to maintain potassium at an optimal level can be a real challenge. yes consuming foods that are rich in required nutrients is a worthy objective. but due to hectic life styles and the frequent fast eating of fast foods your diet may come-up lacking in potassium. 3. ) some medications can cause low potassium levels. be especially careful in taking laxatives and diuretics which can deplete potassium levels. 4. ) electrolyte imbalances as seen with vomiting and diarrhea can also cause potassium levels to plummet. 5. ) some digestive irregularities as seen in conditions like crohns disease gluten sensitivity issues and irritable bowel syndrome can cause fluid loss and ultimately to cause low potassium levels. 6. ) drinking alcoholic beverages to excess drinking large amounts of tea coffee and soda can cause excessive urination and result in potassium depletion. here are my recommendations as a lay person who has had family members suffering the negative effects of having low potassium levels : - start a food diary listing as best you can (with only a few days until your follow-up appointment) all foods and beverages that are being ingested. also annotate any physical or emotional symptoms like excessive sweating feeling anxious muscle cramps lightheadedness thirst and overall body weakness. - for the immediate time follow your doctor's plan of action. keep that appointment with your doctor to follow -up with the results achieved. - show your diary to the doctor along with an updated list of all prescription medications and over the counterdrugs. that person has been highly trained in nutrition pharmacology and medical conditions. digestive problems absorption defects low magnesium levels and many other problems may be uncovered by your physician who is also a diagnostic detective. - once the cause of your low potassium level is determined then an effective treatment plan may be started. hi this first bit is from the uk paper the daily mail. this is an interesting question because although potassium is rarely in the limelight we actually need it in higher amounts than any other mineral - around 3 500mg a day by adult men and women. potassium plays a fundamental role in maintaining the fluid and acid/alkaline balance of the body. it is vital for the transmission of nerve impulses and helps the heart to beat regularly. it also counterbalances sodium in the body and is known to help lower blood pressure. to get enough you need to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables which are especially good sources because they also provide a low level of sodium. (health-wise it's a high potassium to sodium ratio that really counts). however several other foods also provide potassium including whole bread and pasta brown rice milk fish and meat. the dietary and nutritional survey of british adults (hmso 1990) showed that the average intake of potassium is 3 187mg in males and 2 434mg in females. compared with the daily recommendation of 3500mg intakes they are therefore low. to make up the difference eat an extra banana or two daily - each banana contains around 400mg. people most at risk of marginal potassium include the elderly athletes and manual workers who sweat out a lot of potassium and people taking certain diuretic drugs. heavy coffee and alcohol drinkers may lack the mineral and should try to increase their dietary intake i think from this and other stuff around with your supplements you should be getting there but keep of any fast foods junk foods and sodas just keep eating healthy. do hope this helps good luck ps the extra urination is from all the fruit your eating same as the soft stools.
### Human:\ncan you take too much protein (as in protein shakes food vitamins etc? )\n\n### Assistant: there is a pretty wide acceptable range of protein recommended by the institute of medicine from 10-35% of calories. for a 2000 calorie diet that would be 50g to 175g. for the average healthy person high levels of protein in the diet is usually not an issue although there is some evidence that protein intake 2-3 times the recommended amount contributes to urinary calcium loss and could predispose someone to bone loss. people with renal (kidney) problems and diabetics who are at increased risk for such issues should not consume excess protein. the bigger issue is that if protein is high fat and carbohydrate intake also change. a balance of all three macronutrients is important for good health including healthy carbs (45-65% such as fruits vegetables whole grains and bean/legumes and healthy fats (20-35%)such as vegetable oil avocados nuts and seeds. diets that exclude entire food groups are not recommended by health professionals. seeing a registered dietitian can help you get personalized counseling on the right amount of protein for you. for more on protein needs see this helpful webmd article <link>
### Human:\nwhat is creatine phosphokinase (cpk)?\n\n### Assistant: cpk stands for creatine phosphokinase. it’s an enzyme found in high concentrations in muscles where it facilitates muscle contraction. cpk is also called creatine kinase or ck. doctors may check cpk when there’s concern for muscle damage or breakdown: in a rare condition called rhabdomyolysis extreme muscle breakdown floods the blood with cpk and other chemicals in muscle cells. some of these are toxic to the kidneys making the condition dangerous. doctors may repeatedly check cpk levels in people with suspected rhabdomyolysis to assess any potential risk to the kidneys. people taking cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins sometimes have increases in cpk levels as a side effect of the medication. the heart is made of muscle and during a heart attack cpk leaks out of the heart along with other enzymes. a doctor may check cpk repeatedly over time in someone she suspects may be having a heart attack. troponin another enzyme present in the heart is often relied on more for this purpose than is cpk. cpk may be slightly elevated in many people after exercise or due to unclear reasons.
### Human:\nmale 25 yrs old. i have low t. cat scan shows no pitutary tumor. symptoms low sex drive fatigue mild depression. cause? . surprised by low testosterone in blood work. i have a lot of body hair. what is the cause? will this always be a problem?\n\n### Assistant: there are two areas of the body where problems can arise which cause low testosterone levels. the first area is in your testicles. testosterone is produced in the testicles. the second area is the hormone control centers in the brain the hypothalamus and the pituitary. when testosterone levels fall the hypothalamus sends a signal to the pituitary to produce the hormones lh and fsh. these hormones travel in the blood stream and cause the testicles to produce testosterone and sperm. the effect of low testosterone levels on a man depends on his age when the low levels develop. in adults fatigue lack of sex drive and depression occur within a few weeks of developing low testosterone levels. decreased muscle mass and body hair are less common and do not occur for a year or more after the onset of testosterone deficiency. the first step when low testosterone levels are found is to confirm the results with repeat testing and test for free or bioavailable testosterone. free and bioavailable testosterone are a clearer representation of the active hormone as opposed to the total testosterone which is the more commonly measured initial test. the next step is to measure lh and fsh. normal or low levels of lh and fsh in the face of a low testosterone level suggest that the control centers in the brain are not working properly. high levels of lh and fsh pinpoint to a problem in the testicles. a cat scan is done to see if there is a tumor in the pituitary. a common pituitary tumor that causes low testosterone levels is a prolactin tumor. this is another hormone secreted by the pituitary. prolactin causes the hypothalamic region of the brain to malfunction. besides tumors damage to the pituitary gland or hypothalamus in adults can occur from surgery injury infections radiation therapy and with high doses or long-term use of narcotics or steroids. causes of failure of the testicles to produce testosterone include; chemotherapy radiation therapy excessive alcohol consumption infections such as mumps tumors medications trauma toxins chronic diseases and torsion of the testicles (twisting). sometimes no specific cause is found. talk with your doctor about your hormone levels and what could be causing your symptoms. treatment for low testosterone levels is important in men not only for their wellbeing but to make sure that their muscles and bones stay strong.
### Human:\nwhich cosmetic filler is best for me?\n\n### Assistant: the most commonly used fillers are made out of hyaluronic acid. because of their varying consistency they are used differently. prevelle silk is the thinnest of the hyaluronic acid fillers. it gives a soft subtle effect that is very natural. it’s my personal favorite for treating the area around the lips. the effects usually last 3 to 4months. juvederm is slightly thicker. it works well on marionette lines that just beginning to show smile lines and to smooth the contours of jaws that are beginning to sag. juvederm usually lasts around 6-8 months although in the lips it does not last as long because the constant movement of the mouth breaks down the filler. restylane is one of the older fillers around. while many doctors still use it i personally prefer to use juvederm or perlane because i find they give smoother results. perlane is the thickest of the hyaluronic acid fillers. it’s best for deep folds like really pronounced marionette lines or the creases that run down from the nose and around the mouth. this is the one people start asking for once they hit forty. it lasts for about a year. perlane does tend to leave the skin slightly swollen for a couple of days so plan accordingly ifyou have a big event coming up. radiesse is a totally different filler. in the first place it’s made out of calcium. it has a firmer consistency which makes it ideal to model cheekbones or jawlines or to fill in very deep marionette lines. the problem some doctors have with radiesse is that because it takes so long to dissolve – up to a year in most cases – it’s very hard to correct mistakes. unsatisfactory radiesse results however are there to stay for the next 12 months.
### Human:\nwhat are the types of arrhythmias?\n\n### Assistant: the types of arrhythmias include: premature atrial contractions. these are early extra beats that originate in the atria (upper chambers of the heart). they are harmless and generally do not require treatment. premature ventricular contractions (pvcs). these are among the most common arrhythmias and occur in people with or without heart disease. this is the skipped heartbeat we all occasionally experience. in some people it can be related to stress too much caffeine or nicotine or too much exercise. but sometimes pvcs can be caused by heart disease or electrolyte imbalance. people who have a lot of pvcs and/or symptoms associated with them should be evaluated by a heart doctor. however in most people pvcs are usually harmless and rarely need treatment. atrial fibrillation. atrial fibrillation is a very common irregular heart rhythm that causes the atria the upper chambers of the heart to contract abnormally. atrial flutter. this is an arrhythmia caused by one or more rapid circuits in the atrium. atrial flutter is usually more organized and regular than atrial fibrillation. this arrhythmia occurs most often in people with heart disease and in the first week after heart surgery. it often converts to atrial fibrillation. paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (psvt). a rapid heart rate usually with a regular rhythm originating from above the ventricles. psvt begins and ends suddenly. there are two main types: accessory path tachycardias and av nodal reentrant tachycardias (see below). accessory pathway tachycardias. a rapid heart rate due to an extra abnormal pathway or connection between the atria and the ventricles. the impulses travel through the extra pathways as well as through the usual route. this allows the impulses to travel around the heart very quickly causing the heart to beat unusually fast. av nodal reentrant tachycardia. a rapid heart rate due to more than one pathway through the av node. it can cause heart palpitations fainting or heart failure. in some cases it can be terminated using simple maneuvers such as breathing in and bearing down. some drugs can also stop this heart rhythm. ventricular tachycardia (v-tach). a rapid heart rhythm originating from the lower chambers (or ventricles) of the heart. the rapid rate prevents the heart from filling adequately with blood. this can be a serious arrhythmia especially in people with heart disease and may be associated with more symptoms. ventricular fibrillation. an erratic disorganized firing of impulses from the ventricles. the ventricles quiver and are unable to contract or pump blood to the body. this is a medical emergency that must be treated with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (cpr) and defibrillation as soon as possible. long qt syndrome. the qt interval is the area on the electrocardiogram that represents the time it takes for the heart muscle to contract and then recover or for the electrical impulse to fire impulses and then recharge. when the qt interval is longer than normal it increases the risk of a life-threatening form of ventricular tachycardia. long qt syndrome is an inherited condition that can cause sudden death in young people. it can be treated with antiarrhythmic drugs pacemaker electrical cardioversion defibrillation implanted cardioverter/defibrillator or ablation therapy. bradyarrhythmias. these are slow heart rhythms which may arise from disease in the heart's electrical conduction system. examples include sinus node dysfunction and heart block. sinus node dysfunction. a slow heart rhythm due to an abnormal sinus node. significant sinus node dysfunction that causes symptoms is treated with a pacemaker. heart block. a delay or complete block of the electrical impulse as it travels from the sinus node to the ventricles. the heart may beat irregularly and often more slowly. if serious heart block is treated with a pacemaker.
### Human:\nwhat causes a low white blood cell count?\n\n### Assistant: white blood cells are produced in the bone marrow. as they mature white blood cells are continually released into the bloodstream. white blood cells circulate throughout the body ready to fight infections. they live about two or three weeks when they are broken down and recycled by the body. a normal white blood cell count is between about 4 500 and 10 000 cells per microliter. many conditions can cause a low white blood cell count: • infection (which usually increases the white blood cell count but may decrease it). • drugs especially chemotherapy. • human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). • severe alcohol abuse. • radiation therapy. • cancer affecting the bone marrow. • connective tissue disease (such as systemic lupus erythematosus). many african-americans have a naturally lower white blood cell count. this is caused by a gene mutation that may have evolved as a defense against malaria. most often a low white blood cell count is temporary and improves on its own.
### Human:\nmy cancer is in remission. how do i deal with the fear of reoccurrence?\n\n### Assistant: one of the most difficult challenges in coping with cancer is dealing with the fears of recurrence. in the jargon of cancer we talk of “remission ” which can be partial (cancer goes partly away) or complete (no evidence of cancer can be found). examples of partial remission include stage iv cancers (metastatic to different regions of the body) that reduce in size as detected by tests such as cat pet or bone scans; complete remission may be obtained at surgery (for early stages of breast colon prostate lung etc. ) which is often followed by some type of chemotherapy or hormonal therapy to prevent a cancer relapse or recurrence. so whether a person is living with an active cancer or has been told they are “cancer- free ” the possibility of the cancer returning or reactivating is very real. it takes work to deal with the fears of recurrence. the first step in doing so is to acknowledge the reality of the situation — not to bury it mentally and ignore it. but it is not helpful to focus on it again and again; it is important to “live for today ” as i have recently blogged about. there are many other helpful coping strategies and helpful individuals experienced in this field. finally i would encourage all cancer patients and their loved ones to attend a support group led by an experienced professional such as an oncology social worker or family therapist. rather than inciting more fear bonding with other survivors can be a great comfort. individual counseling should also be sought out especially for those who have private concerns that they would not like to share with others. most cancer centers have counselors available free of charge; there are also other organizations that have support groups and counseling such as cancercare or gilda’s club. i have had cancer twice in 5 years and i now in remission with my second cancer. how i deal with it is to take one day at a time and hope for the best. try to do exercising everyday and try to eat healthy and hopefully that will help. it's really hard. you will have your good days and bad days. try to keep busy. another thing is to look on the bright side such as your family friends. they're there for you and if that don't help try to seek some help through the cancercare. gov. they have been good for me. there is a lot of information etc that is very helpfull. you might even want to join a group session.
### Human:\nwhat are the risk factors for pelvic organ prolapse?\n\n### Assistant: the most consistently cited risk factors are: increasing age being overweight and increased number of vaginal deliveries. number of deliveries by c-section does not increase prolapse risk. other associated factors can include irritable bowel syndrome constipation and overall poor health. african-american women are less likely to have symptomatic pelvic prolapse. one small study even found that having a history of stretch marks doubled one's risk for prolapse. "stretch marks " you might be thinking "why would that be? " the bones of the female pelvis do a great job protecting lower abdominal contents but they do not provide support. the pelvic organs are supported by the muscles in the pelvic floor and the ligaments which can attach from the organs to the bones. it has been theorized that pelvic muscle and ligament strength may be linked to strength of collagen. collagen along with fibrillin is decreased in women with stretch marks.
### Human:\nwhat is the right age for children to get braces?\n\n### Assistant: age 7 or 8 is a good time to have an orthodontic screening exam. frequently younger children can wear retainer-type appliances which will mold the jaws properly and make it possible for braces to be worn for a shorter amount of time.
### Human:\nwhat are types of exercise should i do every week to lose weight?\n\n### Assistant: the most effective exercises for weight loss are the ones you enjoy the most whether it's dancing walking with friends or horseback riding. if it's an activity you enjoy chances are you'll keep it up. the american college of sports medicine suggests a combination of aerobic exercises -- like swimming running and walking -- to maintain and improve heart and lung function. they also recommend resistance exercises (weight training) to help increase muscle mass. it's also important as we age to include exercises that improve our flexibility and balance such as yoga and dancing.
### Human:\nwhen i am sitting and i get up to stand i get dizzy and see spots. why is this? . i am also wondering why a person would be instantly dizzy and have spotty vision when standing up from a sitting position or just while walking.\n\n### Assistant: what you are describing is called orthostatic hypotension or postural hypotension. a drop in your blood pressure occurs when you go from either lying or sitting to standing. this type of low blood pressure (hypotension) usually lasts only a few seconds or minutes. orthostatic hypotension can make you feel dizzy or lightheaded and may even cause you to faint. mild orthostatic hypotension often doesn't need treatment. many people occasionally feel dizzy or lightheaded after standing and it's usually not cause for concern. the treatment for more severe cases of orthostatic hypotension depends on the cause. orthostatic hypotension can be caused by a variety of conditions including dehydration diabetes heart problems neurological diseases such as parkinson’s disease medications and longstanding high blood pressure in older adults. if you have orthostatic hypotension caused by medications your doctor may change the dose or switch you to a different drug. other treatments include increasing fluids to treat dehydration or wearing elastic hose to increase the blood pressure in your legs. see your doctor to determine whether your symptoms are related to an underlying condition that warrants treatment and if so what treatment is appropriate for you.
### Human:\nwhat is bun-creatinine ratio?\n\n### Assistant: bun stands for blood urea nitrogen. creatinine is a natural product of muscle breakdown that occurs at a low level in the body. both bun and creatinine are filtered by the kidney and excreted in urine. for this reason bun and creatinine are used together to measure kidney function. if kidney function begins to decline bun and creatinine rise. a normal creatinine depends on muscle mass and age. in general a normal creatine is 0. 5 to 1. 2 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl). a normal bun is 7 to 20 mg/dl. remember that different laboratories use different testing equipment and may have slightly different ranges for normal. a small temporary increase in either bun or creatinine can occur during illness or dehydration; the numbers usually return to normal during recovery. in cases of dehydration bun may increase in a higher proportion than the creatinine. a normal bun-to-creatinine ratio is between 10 to 1 and 20 to 1. (for example a bun of 14 and a creatinine of 1. 2 would be a ratio of 12. ) in cases of dehydration the bun-to-creatinine ratio may be higher than 20 to 1 as the kidney responds by making the urine more concentrated. other conditions that cause bun-to-creatinine ratio to rise are kidney disease kidney stones or bleeding in the intestines. low bun-to-creatinine can occur in pregnancy liver disease or a diet low in protein. the bun-to-creatinine ratio is not a precise or reliable test though. it may often be somewhat abnormal in healthy people. more important is the creatinine level itself; if it’s elevated the kidneys are not working properly and the reason should be sought out. i'm very concern about my kidney health since i'm getting older. my father and two of my brothers contracted kidney diisease in their 60's. all are deceased. recent ly i had bloodworkand my bun/creatinine ratio came back high (31) do i need to be concern? my doctor is well aware of my family history for this. thanks 1. 2 to 30 10 answer
### Human:\nis there anything you can really do to increase your metabolism?\n\n### Assistant: the best way to increase your metabolism is to increase two types of physical activity in your weekly regimen. strength training with weights helps build muscle mass and increases your ratio of lean muscle tissue to fat tissue. and muscle burns more calories than fat. also cardiovascular exercises such as walking running biking and dancing get the heart pumping and the body moving to burn calories while you work out.
### Human:\nshould my goal weight increase when i hit midlife?\n\n### Assistant: a better goal than focusing on scale weight is to keep track of body fat. the goals should be to decrease body fat and optimize bone strength. for a man a body fat percentage of 18% to 25% is not bad for 40-plus. for women 40-plus 22% to 27% is not bad. to get that body fat percentage you need to have excellent fitness to maintain a good muscle base. also a man should have a waist circumference below 40 inches and a woman below 35 inches.
### Human:\ni am 17 male height 5'2''. want to increase height.\n\n### Assistant: boys stop growing at 20 years of age whereas girls stop growing around age 18 so there still is time. first make sure you are getting enough calories. this chart will give you an idea of how much you need based on your gender age and activity level. you also want to eat regular meals and in between snacks. aim for 4-5 food groups at main meals (lean protein fruit vegetable grain dairy and healthy fat) and 2-3 food groups in between meals. make sure you get adequate calcium and vitamin d for bone growth. you are at beak bone mass and need 1300mg calcium each day! most servings of dairy contain about 300mg (1 cup milk/yogurt and 1/5 ounce of cheese) so 3-4 daily servings helps you meet your needs. the american academy of pediatrics recommend children and adolescents take supplemental vitamin d if they can't get it through diet. remember vitamin d enhances calcium absorbtion. the recommended amount is 600iu but if you are low you may need more. you can also get blood work done to be sure. lastly adequate sleep is needed during times of growth so make sure you get to bed at a decent time at night. you may not be able to do anything about genetics but maximizing nutrition and taking care of yourself can only help you grow to your potential.
### Human:\nwhat is a normal white blood cell count?\n\n### Assistant: roughly between 4 500 and 10 000 cells per microliter (one one-thousandth of a milliliter). the white blood cell count is part of a complete blood count (cbc) one of the most common blood tests. automated cell counting machines count the number of cells present in a blood sample. different laboratories use different cell counting machines and each lab may have slightly different values for the normal range. a high white blood cell count (leukocytosis) is most often due to an infection but can occur during many different illnesses. certain medications such as oral corticosteroids also increase the white blood cell count. a low white blood cell count (leukopenia) is less common. certain medications infections inflammatory and autoimmune conditions heavy alcohol use and problems in the bone marrow can cause a low white blood cell count. what is a norml wbc? what is a normal white blood cell count? what is a therapeutic range for a white blood cell count
### Human:\ncan anyone get dental implants?\n\n### Assistant: in most cases anyone healthy enough to undergo a routine dental extraction or oral surgery can be considered for a dental implant. patients should have healthy gums and enough bone to hold the implant. they also must be committed to good oral hygiene and regular dental visits. heavy smokers people suffering from uncontrolled chronic disorders - such as diabetes or heart disease - or patients who have had radiation therapy to the head/neck area need to be evaluated on an individual basis. if you are considering implants talk to your dentist to see if they are right for you.
### Human:\nhow do i recover from broken ribs? . rest relaxation and regularly scheduled pain medicine are the best treatments for most broken ribs.\n\n### Assistant: rest relaxation and regularly scheduled pain medicine are the best treatments for most broken ribs. rib fractures usually result from a blow to the chest or back (as in a car accident or a fall). a broken rib can even come from vigorously swinging a golf club or strenuous coughing. broken ribs can be extremely painful. often the pain from a rib fracture is worse when taking a deep breath. severe broken ribs require evaluation and treatment at a hospital; usually these cause so much pain that a person naturally seeks medical attention. the key to recovery from broken ribs is pain control. the pain from a rib fracture results in “respiratory splinting ” or voluntarily reducing the depth of breathing. some experts believe this increases the risk for pneumonia or other lung problems. pain medicines may allow deeper breathing and help someone with a rib fracture get back to normal activities more quickly. pain medicines can include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) like ibuprofen or naproxen but controlling the pain of broken ribs may require stronger opiate pain medicines like hydrocodone or oxycodone. most rib fractures heal completely within six weeks but many patients can return to normal work and leisure activities much sooner than that.
### Human:\nwhat causes a large uterus?\n\n### Assistant: there are a few reasons for why the uterus measures larger than the dates. the most common reason is you are further in the pregnancy then you think. but since you had an ultrasound exam this is not the case. another reason could be you are carrying more than one child like twins. but if you had an ultrasound exam they should have seen this (although this can be missed). uterine fibroids (benign muscle tumor) of the uterus can make the uterus larger then you think. the other thing it may be is your doctor is wrong. it is just an estimation. i would not be too concerned about it at this time. when you see your doctor ask him about what the ultrasound exam showed. you can also call the office and speak to someone to read you the ultrasound results. uterus larger than the dates:? = wrong date (lmp) =polyhydramnious (excess amount of amniotic fluid in uterus) =larger baby (macrosmia) =multiple pregnancy =molar pregnancy =uterine fibroids =pelvic mass uterus smaller than the dates.? =wrong date (lmp) =oligo hydramnious =smaller baby (microsmia) =head engaged too deeply =genetic (maternal paternal small size) =intrauterine growth restriciton (iugr) =intrauterine death (iud)
### Human:\nwhat should my diet include or exclude for muscle definition?\n\n### Assistant: carbohydrates such as whole-grain breads cereals pastas and brown rice provide the energy needed to fuel a workout that is designed to tone your body. proper nutrition is important for resistance training and weight and strength training. maintaining good eating habits can improve your overall performance and increase muscle strength. this is true whether you lift weights once a week or multiple times a day. people who perform a great deal of resistance training need a diet that includes carbohydrates for energy and moderate amounts of fat and protein. you can easily meet these needs with a nutrient-dense well-balanced diet.
### Human:\nis there a product i can use or something i can do to help make my crow's feel less noticeable?\n\n### Assistant: many factors contribute to crow's feet including sun exposure squinting and menopause. solar radiation damages the elastic and collagen in your skin which leads to "lax skin" rather than tight skin that is adherent to the underlying muscles. sun exposure is probably the easiest to address. you should incorporate sunblock in your daily skin regimen. squinting results in contraction of the muscles around the eyes. years of squinting can lead to hypertrophy or enlargement of the underlying muscles which will lead to the noticeable grooves on the skin surface. menopause affects estrogen levels which is critical for maintaining collagen levels and skin hydration.
### Human:\nwhat is myopathy?\n\n### Assistant: myopathy simply means “something wrong with a muscle” (or more often multiple muscles). myopathy is a very general term that can be applied to almost any condition affecting muscles. some examples of myopathies include: muscle inflammation caused by cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins cardiomyopathy or poor function of the heart muscle genetic conditions resulting in severe birth defects affecting muscles autoimmune conditions affecting muscles like dermatomyositis there are many more conditions in the category of myopathy which vary widely in their causes treatments and prognosis. all forms of myopathy can cause muscle weakness.
### Human:\nwhat is cardiomegaly?\n\n### Assistant: cardiomegaly is an enlarged heart. in most cases enlargement of the heart occurs over an extended period of time (weeks or more often years) due to an injury to the heart. the heart responds to the injury by remodeling itself in a way that lets it continue to do its job of pumping blood. this sometimes results in a stretching of the heart muscle. the condition may also be called dilated cardiomyopathy. the most common causes of cardiomegaly are: high blood pressure that’s inadequately treated for a long time coronary artery disease or heart attacks alcohol abuse viral myocarditis (heart infection by a virus) postpartum cardiomyopathy (unexplained heart enlargement after delivering a baby) in many cases no cause can be identified which is called idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. the heart may also only appear enlarged on a chest x-ray (the traditional way doctors have diagnosed cardiomegaly). an abnormal amount of fluid around a normal-sized heart (pericardial effusion) will deceptively enlarge the heart’s shadow on a chest x-ray film. an echocardiogram (heart ultrasound) is usually recommended for people with an enlarged heart. an echocardiogram can tell the difference between a pericardial effusion and true cardiomegaly and can provide additional information about the heart’s shape and function.
### Human:\nmy son brought home cell-tech hardcore pro series dietary supplement. are there any risks or dangers from this product?\n\n### Assistant: to determine if this product is right for your son’s age and developmental stage it is important to obtain an ingredient list of all the vitamins and minerals that the product contains. depending on his age it may not be wise to give him a supplement for muscle building that is high in protein. check with his pediatrician or physician to see if it is the right supplement for him.
### Human:\nhow long after drinking a margarita do you have to wait before taking a vicoden for muscle pain?\n\n### Assistant: the liver is responsible for metabolizing vicoden and alcohol. the liver can metabolize only a certain amount of alcohol per hour regardless of the amount that has been consumed. the rate of alcohol metabolism depends in part on the amount of metabolizing enzymes in the liver which varies among individuals and appears to have genetic determinants. in general after the consumption of one standard drink the amount of alcohol in a drinker's blood (blood alcohol concentration or bac) peaks within 30 to 45 minutes. (a standard drink is defined as 12 oz of beer 5 oz of wine or 1. 5 oz of 80-proof distilled spirits all of which contain the same amount of alcohol. ) alcohol is metabolized more slowly than it is absorbed. since the metabolism of alcohol is slow consumption needs to be controlled to prevent accumulation in the body and intoxication. everyone’s metabolism by the liver can vary depending on several different factors including age food consumption body weight gender and most importantly and most controllably drug-drug interactions. alcohol has a drug-drug interaction with acetaminophen (tylenol). many studies have shown that liver damage can occur with the combination of acetaminophen and alcohol.
### Human:\nwhat are neutrophils?\n\n### Assistant: neutrophils are a type of white blood cell which fight infections. neutrophils circulate through the blood and are normally detected on routine complete blood count (cbc) tests as part of the white blood cell count. many more neutrophils are on standby in the bone marrow and clinging to blood vessel walls to be released into the blood if needed. neutrophils are the “first responders” when the body is invaded by bacteria viruses or other organisms. guided by chemical signaling they travel to the area of infection and attack. neutrophils contain tiny compartments called granules in which they store toxic chemicals that act as their weapons against microorganisms. these substances are effective at killing bacteria and viruses but also contribute to inflammation with swelling redness and often pain. a low neutrophil count can be caused by drugs (especially chemotherapy) immune disorders and problems in the bone marrow. a very low neutrophil count increases the risk of serious infection.
### Human:\nwhy is vitamin d important?\n\n### Assistant: there a variety of reasons vitamin d is important. first it helps your body absorb calcium for healthy bones. . it is well accepted that a lack of vitamin d increases the risk of osteomalcia (bone/muscle pain) osteopenia (lower than normal bone density) osteoporosis and bone fractures in adults. severe vitamin d deficiency is also responsible for rickets and growth retardation in children which has made a comeback in recent years. because vitamin d helps to with cell growth the immune system and reduces inflammation it has been linked to the development of immune disorders heart disease and cancers. more research is needed to draw conclusions on these links. modern lifestyles put people at risk for lack of vitamin d due to excessive time indoors the use of sunscreen and excess weight.
### Human:\nhow can i boost my metabolism?\n\n### Assistant: you can optimize your metabolism throughout life relative to your age by maintaining the highest level of training you can within the limits and constraints of your life. if you lose muscle mass [by not exercising] obviously your metabolism is going to drop. of course strength or weight training is crucial.
### Human:\nwhen i’m ready to increase the amount of weight i’m lifting how much more weight should i add?\n\n### Assistant: how much weight you should increase by can depend on the particular exercise or the muscles involved. nonetheless the best course of action would be to increase the weight slowly and gradually. this may involve some trial and error but keep in mind that in some cases you can increase by 2. 5 - 5 pound increments. besides increasing weight consider adding more repetitions to your set at the current weight you’re at. try alternating between using machines and free weights for the same exercise as well or just try working the same muscle in a different fashion to promote further results. be sure to have someone supervise or “spot” you while you lift. unlike aerobic conditioning where duration and intensity is increased by 10% increases in the weight you lift aren't prescribed with such precision partly because muscle groups vary so much in size and strength and partly because of the practical matter of the weights available at the gym. typically you increase to whatever dumbbell is next on the rack (or plate on a weight machine) so if you're lifting 12 pounds with biceps curls then the next dumbbell available is usually 15 pounds. there is an option to increase in smaller increments with dumbbells by using an accessory called a donut a magnetic 1¼ pound weight that attaches to the end of the dumbbell (they come in other weights besides 1¼ pounds as well). weight machines have half weights for the same purpose. ask your gym manager to purchase donuts if they don't have them.
### Human:\nafter getting to goal weight can you switch from low carb to calorie counting? . i'm 5'5 and 174 pounds. i'm also 15 years old and i've made up my mind to diet. i just need to know whether after going to calorie counting for maintainance if i'd gain everything back. i'd like to lose 72 pounds. i believe this weight is okay for me because i don't have a large frame.\n\n### Assistant: it sounds like you are ready to make a change which is good. i do not recommend dieting at this age as you are still growing and research shows dieting (especially at younger ages) is associated with weight gain over the long run. instead of losing weight i highly recommend focusing on creating a healthy lifestyle that is sustainable. speak with your parents about having everyone in the family eat well and exercise. have regular meals with plenty of fruits vegetables lean meats low fat dairy whole grains and healthy fats. a low carb diet means your diet will be deficient in key nutrients you need to grow and that includes calcium and vitamin d for bone growth. a recent study showed that young adults who ate intuitively focusing on hunger and fullness cues weighed less than those who had more controlled eating styles. so eat regular meals at the table stop when comfortably full and create healthy habits. you may not lose weight fast but the healthy habits will lead to weight that's right for your body type. seeing a pediatric dietitian can also help as they know what nutrients you need during this last stage of growth. to find a dietitian near you go to eatright. org. for more on teen nutrition see this webmd article.
### Human:\nwhat is arthropathy?\n\n### Assistant: arthropathy just means “joint problem. ” doctors often use arthropathy interchangeably with arthritis which means "joint inflammation. " there are some forms of arthropathy that are distinct from arthritis: neuropathic arthropathy: nerve damage from diabetes or another nerve condition results in slow damage to joints. in diabetic people arthropathy usually affects the foot and ankle. (arthritis may also be present. ) hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy: the ends of bones in the ankles knees wrists and elbows start to grow abnormally and painfully in an adult. the tips of the fingers become rounded called clubbing. this form of arthropathy occurs more often in people with lung cancer. hemarthrosis: bleeding into a joint like the knee can occur after injuries or medical procedures and is a common problem in people with hemophilia. arthritis is common and other arthropathies are uncommon so in most cases when a doctor says arthropathy it means arthritis.
### Human:\nwhat types of crowns are available?\n\n### Assistant: permanent crowns can be made from all metal porcelain-fused-to-metal all resin or all ceramic. metals used in crowns include gold alloy other alloys (for example palladium) or a base-metal alloy (for example nickel or chromium). compared with other crown types less tooth structure needs to be removed with metal crowns and tooth wear to opposing teeth is kept to a minimum. metal crowns withstand biting and chewing forces well and probably last the longest in terms of wear down. also metal crowns rarely chip or break. the metallic color is the main drawback. metal crowns are a good choice for out-of-sight molars. porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns can be color matched to your adjacent teeth (unlike the metallic crowns). however more wearing to the opposing teeth occurs with this crown type compared with metal or resin crowns. the crown's porcelain portion can also chip or break off. next to all-ceramic crowns porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns look most like normal teeth. however sometimes the metal underlying the crown's porcelain can show through as a dark line especially at the gum line and even more so if your gums recede. these crowns can be a good choice for front or back teeth. all-resin dental crowns are less expensive than other crown types. however they wear down over time and are more prone to fractures than porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. all-ceramic or all-porcelain dental crowns provide the best natural color match than any other crown type and may be more suitable for people with metal allergies. however they are not as strong as porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns and they wear down opposing teeth a little more than metal or resin crowns. all-ceramic crowns are a good choice for front teeth. temporary versus permanent. temporary crowns can be made in your dentist's office whereas permanent crowns are made in a dental laboratory. temporary crowns are made of acrylic or stainless steel and can be used as a temporary restoration until a permanent crown is constructed by the dental laboratory.
### Human:\nhi i'm 15 years old take nature-made b complex omega369 100mg ubiquinol daily is this okay? . i'm using nature-made super b-complex omega 3-6-9 and qunol 100mg ubuiquinol as alternative adhd medicine. i'm just concerned that these pills maybe detrimental. i've read the label on the nature-made super b-comples and it contains 6 667% daily value of thiamin 1 176% riboflavin and 250% b12. also the qunol has 100mg of pure coq10 (i've heard the reccomended amount was around 50mg) is this too much for my body to handle? should i cut the pills into smaller portions? please help! . thanks!\n\n### Assistant: i'm not sure why you are taking all those supplements but let's go down the list. i don't know of any evidence that shows that taking large amounts of b vitamins is beneficial or particularly harmful. if you don't eat fish twice a week taking fish oil high in omega 3 fatty acids dha and epa can help but americans get more than enough omega 6 fatty acids so i'm not sure why this would be needed in a supplement. there seems to be some research that qunol (coenzyme10) can help people who take cholesterol lowering medications who have lower levels in the body but not sure how it helps the general population. i'm not familiar with ubuiquinol but like any supplement check to see if there is any research to show its safety and effectiveness. supplements are not regulated by the fda so safety has to be demonstrated by the company. according to a recent study in pediatrics teenagers fall short on various nutrients including magnesium phosphorus and vitamins a c and e. so if you feel your diet is lacking include a multivitamin that provides 100% daily value for the majority of vitamins and minerals. many people (of all ages) need to supplement with vitamin d because they get little sunshine and foods are generally low in this vitamin. recommendations for calcium at your age are 1300mg because this is a peak time for bone growth. one cup of milk 1. 5 ounce cheese and 6-8 ounce yogurt contains about 300mg calcium so if you are falling short you may want to consider supplementation. no supplement can make up for a diet poor in nutrition. i always recommend a food first strategy but sometimes supplementation is needed to fill nutrition gaps. and most importantly make sure supplements have the research behind them to show they are safe and effective. always check with your healthcare provider about supplements you take.
### Human:\nwhat can i do to prevent perimenopause weight gain. i've been working out at the gym for over a year now and i've been watching what i eat (weight watchers at home) and i'm still struggling to loose weight and its been frustrating what am i doing wrong?\n\n### Assistant: there is a difference between preventing weight gain and losing weight. research shows exercise of about an hour a day is protective for weight gain during midlife. also resistance training is key to help maintain muscle mass because gradual muscle loss is part of the reason women gain weight with age. i guess the question is is your weight in a healthy range now? if it is it might not be realistic to expect it to stay the same throughout this time or lose it to be at a weight you used to be. if your numbers are good (cholesterol etc. ) and your blood pressure is normal overly focusing on weight may not be helpful to your health or quality of life. but if you feel the extra weight isn't good for you or you have risk factors than i highly suggest you see a registered dietitian. you can find one in your area at eatright. org also see weight loss menopause and exercise tips
### Human:\nis the birth control shot safe? . i've heard many women slowly stop getting their period while getting the shot. is it safe or healthy to just stop something that is so natural to the body?\n\n### Assistant: depo provera is safe for a year or two but there is some concern if used over two years there may be some relationship early bone loss in some women that could be related to osteoporosis in later life. the change in your menstrual cycle is really not a problem and it is a very effective birth control method for a year or two. hi for some women depo shot can be a real bugger gives lots of problems if you was my daughter i would say no don't go that way. please just google depo shot side effects and your see why then your see why there are lots of reasons why not to go on it. do hope this helps you. good luck
### Human:\nwhat is the relationship between periodontitis and hiv?\n\n### Assistant: hiv patients are at higher risk for periodontitis or inflammation of the gums and underlying bone due to the immune deficiency related to hiv.
### Human:\ncan vitamin overload cause muscle cramping? ( ribs legs feet hands)\n\n### Assistant: muscle cramps can occur from low levels of minerals in the blood such as potassium but i have not heard of it being caused by an excess of vitamins. there really is no reason to take large amounts of vitamins so it makes sense to stop or just take the recommended daily allowance. if the cramping continues see your doctor to determine cause. this article provides various reasons for muscle cramping. usually muscle cramps do not occur due to excess of vitamins. although muscle weakness is one of the symptoms of hypervitaminosis e. however anything excess in the body causes imbalance and can lead to untoward effects.
### Human:\ni'm a female: age 19; weight 101 lbs; height 5'8. i want a bmi of 19. what should my diet look? . how long should it take to reach this bmi if i'm gaining weight at a healthy pace?\n\n### Assistant: if you pay close attention to your diet a sensible amount of weight gain would be about. 5 to 1 pounds per week. here are some tips: eat frequently including 3 meals and 2-3 snacks. include 4-5 food groups (dairy protein grains fruit vegetable and fat) at meals and 2-3 food groups at snacks add nutrient and calorie-dense foods to your meals such as sliced avocado with salads or sandwiches full fat dairy products fruit smoothies with meals chopped nuts in baked goods and topped on cereals and yogurt and nut butters on breads. regular exercise and weight training can help your appetite and build muscle. for more tips on diet for healthy weight gain see this webmd article. good luck!
### Human:\nwhat might cause me not to sweat?\n\n### Assistant: not sweating when or where you should is called anhidrosis. it’s generally rare but in certain situations can be serious. anhidrosis can occur in isolated spots on the skin or all over. an affected person may notice the lack of sweating or may not be able to tolerate heat outdoors. besides having dry skin that should be moist symptoms can include dizziness muscle cramps and flushing. normal areas of skin may sweat excessively to try to compensate for the non-sweating skin. causes of anhidrosis include: drug side effects (oxybutinin topiramate amitriptyline and others) dehydration skin damage nerve damage genetic conditions anhidrosis increases the risk for heatstroke which can be life-threatening people with anhidrosis should take extra precautions to limit heat exposure.
### Human:\n<link> dermavie cream reviews now offers exercising products protein powdered as well as health accessories from remember to check out the web sites as well as experience free to get in touch with francesco without notice along with your bodybuilding or even fat reduction questions! lean muscle consists of protein in order to develop muscle. <link> <link> <link> <link>\n\n### Assistant: please be respectful of this important webmd medical information site by not posting advertising for your products. your posting takes up valuable space for members seeking answers to their specific questions.
### Human:\nwhat is the hip flexor?\n\n### Assistant: the hip flexors are a group of muscles that you use when you pull your knee upward. this movement is called hip flexion. the major hip flexors are the psoas major rectus femoris and iliacus muscles. the hip flexors are anchored into the spine and pelvis and attach to the leg (mainly the femur or thigh bone) by tendons. hip flexor strains (pulled muscles) cause pain in the front of the hip when trying to raise the knee.
### Human:\nwhy am i always hungry and tired? . i am a 19 year old male 6'0" tall 150 pounds. i work out at least 4 times a week including cardio and weight training. i eat healthy and balanced with the occasional junk food. i don't drink caffeine or soda. i always eat breakfast lunch and dinner and snack throughout the whole day. some days i eat over 3500 calories. i don't gain or lose weight easily. i sleep between 8-10 hours every night including the weekends. however i am constantly hungry even after a meal and i am always tired.\n\n### Assistant: there could be a few things going on. even though you eat healthy you could be low in nutrients causing you to feel tired. the only way to know for sure is to go for a physical and get labs run including vitamin d glucose and iron. also less likely increased hunger accompanied with thirst and weight loss could be sign of diabetes. also look closely at the quality of your diet. are you eating filling foods with meals including healthy fats (nuts and seeds/avocado/veg oils) whole grains lean proteins dairy beans/legumes and fruits and veggies? the fiber found in plant foods such as fruits vegetables whole grains and beans help fill you up. fat provides adequate calories and is satisfying and protein is also filling. make sure your meals contain 4-5 food groups and snacks 2-3. you want to avoid grazing on less filling snacks high in refined grains and low in nutrients (crackers pretzels chips). if you need help see a registered dietitian. you can find one in your area at eatright. org. read more. filling foods do you feel hungry and tired on days when you eat more than 3500 calories? probably there is mismatch between calorie intake and expenditure. feeling hungry is ok with your workout schedule but feeling tired is worrisome. any family history of diabetes please check. there are a few reasons you are feeling tired without any reason. one of them is anemia which is a lack of red blood cells and conversely oxygen from the lungs is not properly brought to the tissues and cells. anemia may be caused by deficiency of vitamins or minerals internal bleeding or chronic diseases. women who are at “that time” of the month are susceptible to anemia as blood is lost during menstruation. still iron deficiency due to menstruation is less than in pregnant women or lactating mothers as their body needs extra iron to maintain healthy blood levels. things may also go wrong when your thyroid glands refuse to cooperate with you. thyroid hormones thyroxine (t4) and triiodothyronine (t3) are responsible for metabolic processes in the body. too much thyroid hormone causes hyperthyroidism which speeds up metabolism while too little thyroid hormone slows down metabolism. hyperthyroidism causes fatigue and muscle weakness and starts in the thighs. doing energy demanding activities become difficult and other symptoms include weight loss feeling warm shorter menstruations increased heart rate and thirst. hypothyroidism also causes fatigue and muscle weakness. the symptoms are reversed to hyperthyroidism such as weight gain feeling cold and longer menstruations. diabetes notorious for causing a range of problems in the body is also related to fatigue. as glucose is the staple fuel of the body it is not utilized properly in patients with type 2 diabetes as the absence of insulin causes the glucose to build up in the body. without its staple fuel the tissues of the body are not nourished properly and causes fatigue. sadly being sad can also be the reason you feel tired. depression induces negative feelings and also has negative effects on the body as it causes a reduction in energy levels changes in sleep and eating patterns decreased concentration and overall laziness and worthlessness which keeps you in bed all day. reference: <link>
### Human:\nhow much should a healthy active athletic 22 year old male weigh?\n\n### Assistant: that all depends on your height muscle mass and individual body type (genetics). this calculator from webmd can give you an idea of a weight that is right for you: <link>. remember that all tools including body mass index (bmi) are not perfect. bmi for instance can overestimate body fat in individuals who are very lean but weigh more like athletes and it can underestimate body fat in people who are thin but have low muscle tone. what is more important than weight is your health. getting a physical and checking cholesterol blood pressure and other labs can help you determine the current state of your health. good luck!
### Human:\nwhat steps are involved in preparing a tooth for a crown?\n\n### Assistant: preparing a tooth for a crown usually requires two visits to the dentist -- the first step involves examining and preparing the tooth the second visit involves placement of the permanent crown. first visit: examining and preparing the tooth. at the first visit in preparation for a crown your dentist may take a few x-rays to check the roots of the tooth receiving the crown and surrounding bone. if the tooth has extensive decay or if there is a risk of infection or injury to the tooth's pulp a root canal treatment may first be performed. before the process of making your crown is begun your dentist will anesthetize (numb) your tooth and the gum tissue around the tooth. next the tooth receiving the crown is filed down along the chewing surface and sides to make room for the crown. the amount removed depends on the type of crown used (for instance all-metal crowns are thinner requiring less tooth structure removal than all-porcelain or porcelain-fused-to-metal ones). if on the other hand a large area of the tooth is missing (due to decay or damage) your dentist will use filling material to "build up" the tooth to support the crown. after reshaping the tooth your dentist will use impression paste or putty to make an impression of the tooth to receive the crown. impressions of the teeth above and below the tooth to receive the dental crown will also be made to make sure that the crown will not affect your bite. the impressions are sent to a dental laboratory where the crown will be manufactured. the crown is usually returned to your dentist's office in 2 to 3 weeks. if your crown is made of porcelain your dentist will also select the shade that most closely matches the color of the neighboring teeth. during this first office visit your dentist will make a temporary crown to cover and protect the prepared tooth while the crown is being made. temporary crowns usually are made of acrylic and are held in place using a temporary cement. second visit: receiving the permanent dental crown. at your second visit your dentist will remove your temporary crown and check the fit and color of the permanent crown. if everything is acceptable a local anesthetic will be used to numb the tooth and the new crown is permanently cemented in place.
### Human:\nwhat other diseases have the same symtoms as als?\n\n### Assistant: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (or als) is also known as lou gehrig’s disease. its symptoms are caused when the nerve cells that send signals to the muscles slowly begin to die. at first als may cause weakness in an arm or leg or even in the face. but the weakness gradually progresses to include both arms and legs. muscles may start to twitch. it may become harder to use fine motor skills for tasks such as writing. eventually talking swallowing walking and even breathing are affected. other medical problems can also cause some of these symptoms. these include: • spinal stenosis or narrowing of the spinal canal • pinched nerves in the neck or back • lead poisoning • hiv/aids • thyroid and parathyroid disease • vitamin b12 deficiency • brain tumors • lymphomas • other neuropathies or nerve damage there are other more rare conditions that can also cause these symptoms. if you or a loved one has symptoms of als you need to seek the help of a neurologist. your doctor can refer you to one. if als is diagnosed then you might want to find an als center attached to the neurology department of a major teaching hospital. outlook -length of recovery from cervical spine tumor recovery-loss of arm & partial leg function
### Human:\nmy mom and her sisters had pelvic organ prolapse; can i do anything to prevent it happening to me?\n\n### Assistant: we cannot change our genetics age or number of vaginal births! sadly there are not many scientific studies testing different forms of pelvic organ prolapse prevention. the strategies for prevention that are most often suggested include: kegel exercises up to four times daily. the hope is that by strengthening muscles in the pelvic floor that those muscles can help delay or reduce the onset of prolapse. physical exercise. regular exercise can help keep one's body weight down and being overweight is linked to prolapse. exercise is also reputed to keep muscles and ligaments more flexible. decrease straining to have a bowel movement. constipation or having to bear down increases pressure in the abdomen which "pushes down" on pelvic organs. eating a healthy diet with whole grains fruits and vegetable not only helps constipation but can improve body weight. treat chronic coughs. if one is a smoker -- quit. if there is another reason for a chronic cough -- have it treated. a cough increases the pressure inside the abdomen which can "push down" on pelvic organs. there are studies linking smoking with poorer tissue integrity after pelvic organ prolapse repair. use a correct technique for heavy lifting. straining to lift increases pressure within the abdomen. hysterectomy surgery considerations. if one is having a hysterectomy there are studies which suggest that attaching the uterine ligaments to the top of the vagina may help to keep the vagina from dropping down.
### Human:\nwhat are the muscles that make up my butt?\n\n### Assistant: your behind is made up of three muscles that comprise the glutes: gluteus maximus -- the largest glute and one of the strongest muscles in the human body; then gluteus minimus and medius. it’s the maximus that gives your bottom its shape and is integral to almost every movement we take. the glutes are covered by a layer of subcutaneous fat. how much fat you carry is dictated by genetics as well as lifestyle.
### Human:\nwhat vitamins could you take for low estrogen?\n\n### Assistant: although supplement companies will claim their vitamins will help balance hormones the evidence regarding this is lacking. first off a lot depends on why your estrogen is low. if it is because of peri-menopause or menopause you want to be sure you are getting enough calcium (through diet is recommended over supplements) and vitamin d for bone health which can decrease with lower levels of estrogen. look at your diet. try to eat healthier by including plenty of fruits vegetables whole grains low fat dairy healthy fats and lean protein (including fish twice a week). if there are gaps in your diet then consider supplementing. for example if you don't eat fish you may want to consider omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil). vitamin d is tough to get through food so supplementation is usually needed. if you are concerned about it see a registered dietitian who can help you sort through the proper diet and supplementation. you can find one in your area at eatright. org. also see: the 7 missing nutrients in your diet
### Human:\nis it best to exercise first and then eat a full meal or eat a full meal first?\n\n### Assistant: there's no "best" way to do it. generally if you get hungry during or after exercise or you feel your energy is running low during the workout then have a snack 30 minutes before the workout. carbs and protein like in an energy bar are good. if you feel okay during the workout not eating then it's okay. some people can eat a full meal before working out but for the most part too much food in the gut will make you feel uncomfortable during the workout. again if you run low on energy without food during exercise then have something to eat. it’s often recommended to not have a full meal at least two hours before exercise though three to four hours is better. the reason for this is called blood shunting. to put it in simple terms blood shunting is a process where your body diverts more blood to certain areas that need it. we have a set amount of blood in our body but the amount that certain areas of your body receive can change at different times. the theory is that not eating close to when you exercise will allow for more blood to be delivered to your muscles instead of being partially diverted towards digestion. this will allow your body to work more efficiently during exercise to help you get the most out of it. you can eat something small right before exercise but be sure to not eat too much. if you’re exercising in the morning try to have something like a glass of juice a piece of fruit or a slice of toast before exercising so that you have some energy and aren’t exercising on a completely empty stomach. also there is the possibility that eating a heavy meal before exercise may cause you to feel uncomfortable while doing exercise or it may lead to cramps. check out this article for more formation.
### Human:\ndo babies have kneecaps? . babies do have kneecaps – they’re just softer than yours.\n\n### Assistant: babies do have kneecaps – they’re just softer than yours. in babies and children bones have to be strong enough to support the body but soft enough to permit continued growth. until adulthood when bones reach their final size and strength they are made of a mixture of hard bone and softer cartilage. the kneecaps are no exception. a newborn baby’s patella (kneecap) is made almost completely of cartilage. around age 3 to 5 areas of hard bone start to form in the patella in irregular patches. these islands of bone expand and grow together over years gradually fusing to form a firm kneecap around age 10-12. plenty of cartilage still remains though to allow the patella to continue to grow through adolescence. sometime in late adolescence or young adulthood the bony patches make a final expansion replacing almost all cartilage. the result is a pair of nice strong adult kneecaps.
### Human:\nwhat are five steps to bone health?\n\n### Assistant: getting the calcium and vitamin d you need every day. doing regular weight-bearing and muscle-strengthening exercises. not smoking and not drinking too much alcohol. talking to your healthcare provider about your chance of getting osteoporosis and ask when you should have a bone mineral density test. taking an osteoporosis medication when it's right for you.
### Human:\ni’m 54 and have noticed that the space between my two front teeth is getting wider. is this a result of bone loss? . my dentist said that the tooth next to one of my front teeth is pushing it and that my front teeth are shifting. he suggested i see an orthodontist and look into getting braces. are braces the answer for me as a 54 year-old?\n\n### Assistant: if your teeth are shifting in your 50s it is usually as a result of either poor periodontal condition with bone loss severe tooth-grinding bite problems or the loss of a tooth. orthodontics may be the answer. but i would definitely have a periodontist or gum specialist take a look as well.
### Human:\nbmi of 35. i am 29 a woman who is 4'11 weigh 178 lbs. my breasts are over dd. i am not fat. how can my range be obese? . i have large hips but they are mostly muscle. my breasts are the only other large fat content place on my body. are there better ways of determining a healthy weight?\n\n### Assistant: bmi is just a classification of weight and not a determinant of health. that being said carrying extra weight can increase health risk. first i would consider your size over time. have you always been this size or have their been increases lately? if this seems to be your normal weight than it may just be where your body wants to be. if it has increased lately you may want to take note of what has changed to see if it has affected your weight. next would be to look at your other health-related numbers. if you cholesterol blood pressure and blood glucose are all normal than those are positive indicators of health. regular exercise and a health diet matter too! lastly where you carry excess weight makes a difference. those who carry fat in the abdomen tend to be at higher risk for chronic disease like diabetes and heart disease. in particular figuring out your waist-hip ratio can help you determine if this is a concern for you (see this article for more information). weight is just one piece of the health puzzle. finding out about all the other pieces can help a great deal!
### Human:\nwhat would happen if you needed a root canal for a tooth that has no feeling and you decided not to have it done?\n\n### Assistant: you could lose the tooth and/or lose bone around the tooth which can affect other teeth. also a life-threatening infection which is rare but real could develop!
### Human:\nhow can i fight dental problems while taking antidepressants? how do i prevent tooth loss or other oral side effects?\n\n### Assistant: some antidepressants dry out your mouth. but most times this only lasts for the first couple of months. fluoride supplements and xylitol chewing gum can help protect your mouth. some antidepressants increase tooth grinding. be on the lookout for waking up with stiff or achy jaw muscles. your dentist may need to make a mouth guard for you to wear at night.
### Human:\ndoes using an elliptical machine at the gym burn more calories than running on the street or bike riding?\n\n### Assistant: running will burn more calories than the elliptical although it's pretty close (about 100 calories per hour difference). some of the difference is due to the pounding of running and the fact that you propel your body through the air so that both feet are off the ground simultaneously. this kind of movement takes lots of energy. both the elliptical and running burn substantially more calories than the bike at the same level of perceived exertion (about 200-240 calories per hour more). in a classic study comparing energy expenditure of exercise machines the order of calories burned from highest to lowest is posted below. (the elliptical was not studied in this research but it would fit between rowing and cross-country skiing. it should be noted that rowing the elliptical and cross-country skiing are all very close in calorie expenditure with probably not more than 100-125 calories per hour difference among them. ) treadmill walking/running stair stepping rowing cross-country skiing biking (stationary) now this is not to say that exercises that burn the fewest calories are all bad. to the contrary you can get a great workout and burn lots of calories doing any of them. you'd be hard pressed to say that lance armstrong isn't fit. he's one of the fittest human beings alive and he did it by biking. the point is that if you work hard enough on any of the exercise machines and you work up a sweat and you get your heart rate into your training zone then your heart lungs and muscles aren't going to know the difference. bottom line is that you'll get fit and healthy using any of the machines if you use them consistently and with sufficient intensity. one final note: there is error in estimating energy expenditure on most if not all exercise machines. in some cases it can be as high as 25 percent (the machine overestimates how many calories you burn). there are simply too many variables for the machine to give you an accurate number and so you need to keep that in mind during weight-loss efforts if you are calculating how many calories to eat based on your energy expenditure. the answer depends on many different things since your weight the type of exercise how intense you are doing each exercise and how long you do each exercise will all influence how many calories you burn. simply put however i would say that you have the potential to burn the most calories by running followed by biking and lastly by using the elliptical. one way to measure how many calories you burn during exercise is to look at metabolic equivalents (mets). mets are a way to measure and gauge the amount of energy you burn during physical activity with 1 met being equal to the energy you burn simply being at rest. for instance running at a 10 minute mile pace is roughly the equivalent of 10 mets or ten times the calories you burn at rest. unfortunately there really is no good answer for how many mets you burn while using an elliptical. a study entitled “2011 compendium of physical activities: a second update of codes and met values” only lists using an elliptical at a moderate intensity which was the equivalent of 5 mets. for comparison bicycling with a moderate effort (12-13. 9mph) is 8 mets. you can find a comprehensive list of mets by doing an internet search for “compendium of physical activities tracking guide”. websites utilizing a formula involving these met values for each type of exercise along with your weight and the duration can help to estimate how many calories you will burn during exercise. keep in mind that these are just based off of averages but one such site is: <link>. play around with the types of activities and the duration of the activity to see what can provide you with the most calories burned.
### Human:\ni have tinnitus and was told that i may have had a jaw trauma or neck problems. how can a dentist test for jaw problems?\n\n### Assistant: tinnitus can be a jaw joint or tmj-related issue. a dentist will do a complete examination which includes evaluating: changes in the degree to which you can open your mouth deviations in opening and closing clicks pops or pain a load test x-rays ct scans mris. it also could be an ent or neurological issue. so you may want to see your physician for an exam as well.
### Human:\ni have type ii diabetes. what is the best form of exercise for my condition? . i take metformin twice a day and insulin in the evening. i would like a recommendation on a good exercise program especially since i have a busy and sometimes inconsistant schedule.\n\n### Assistant: most helpful answer the easy answer would be any exercise. find an activity that you like. it can be as simple as walking (aerobic) or even taking up a sport like tennis. the best exercise program is really one that you will do on a regular consistent basis at least three or more times per week. find a partner - it is easier to exercise with a friend. having type 2 diabetes means you need to make the time. having a busy schedule is the norm for everyone. the insulin you take daily makes up for the little insulin that you produce. metformin helps sensitizes your body and muscles to insulin. in people with diabetes the only way to break and improve insulin resistance and reduce your risk of heart disease and other complications is by using muscles. most any type of regularly performed physical activity will do. find something you like it helps increase the chance that you will stick to it. a buddy system for exercise also helps make you more accountable and less likely to miss out on the social mental and physical benefits of exercise. a combination of aerobic type exercise and weights targeting core muscles is something to aim for. find an endocrinologist that is passionate about working with people that have type 2 diabetes. the surgeon general recommends 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity most days per week. for individuals with diabetes it’s recommended that there should not be more than two consecutive days without aerobic physical activity because the benefit of increased insulin sensitivity gained from exercise generally doesn’t last longer than 48-72 hours. moreover high-intensity physical activity will tend to enhance insulin sensitivity more than low-intensity physical activity. also a greater duration spent on exercise appears to more effective than a lesser duration. with both intensity and duration however the benefits appear to be a result of more energy being expended. exercise can significantly lower a1c levels and can even help glycemic control during times when not exercising. both resistance training and aerobic exercise have helpful effects on insulin and can help with diabetes management. do not exercise if your blood sugar is too low and stop exercise if you feel faint have chest tightness or are extremely short of breath. i generally recommend a combination of both aerobic exercise and some resistance exercise in most of my patients. and the good news is that most people can do low-impact exercise (like walking) and still see a benefit. you should talk to your doctor about your own specific exercise prescription. and while you're asking see if your doctor is exercising too! walking is the best exercise for everything! if you don't seem to have time to go and walk park as far from the door at work grocery store drug store anywhere you go as possible. then walk briskly while going in and out and if possible while you are shopping. this will help some and hopefully make you want to walk more and get into a routine! you can always find 30 min 3 times a week to walk!
### Human:\nare there any new creams to help eliminate the lines between my eyes?\n\n### Assistant: the lines between your eyes may represent either sun damage or hypertrophy of the underlying muscle (corrugator). sun damage can be improved with topical retinoid-based products. for the deeper furrows topical creams will usually not penetrate the muscle.
### Human:\nhow do you break a fever in a toddler?\n\n### Assistant: remember that any fever in a newborn infant (under 3 months of age) needs prompt medical attention because at that age it’s hard to tell when a serious infection might be present. a fever is the body’s natural response to infection or other illness and will subside when the underlying process gets better. other than treating the infection (or other condition) causing it no home treatments can shorten the duration of a fever. also remember that fever doesn’t always need to be treated. if a toddler is acting normally and unbothered by her fever and her temperature is less than 104 degrees (40 degrees celsius) there’s no need to treat the fever. for a fever that’s high or is bothering your toddler either acetaminophen (mapap tylenol) or ibuprofen (advil motrin) are good treatments. you’ll need to know your toddler’s weight (don’t guess) and use the dosing guidelines on the package. it’s best to stick with one medicine if you can. if you feel you need to use multiple drugs call your pediatrician’s office. don’t ever use aspirin to treat a child’s fever as it increases the risk for reye’s syndrome. if sponging with water helps your child with a fever feel better use a warm bath (not cool) with water around 85 degrees. i know it sounds weird but my great granny used to cut an onion in half and put one half on the bottom of each foot then cover with socks and leave them on me all night. (in addition to tylenol or advil) when i would wake up in the morning my fever would be gone (or at least drasticly reduced) and the onions in my socks would be black. she said the onions drew the fever away from the brain and other vital organs. i don't unserstand how it works but i used this on my children and now on my grands and it works every time. it helps to understand what a fever is. some of the answers on here are very misleading and aren't factual at all. a fever occurs when the body increases in temperature. most common cause of this is an infection of some kind. the white blood cells that eat the infection release chemicals that go to the brain and tell it to raise the temperature of the body. the brain has a set point for our temperature 98. 6f. it is like a central heating/cooling system with a thermostat in a house. if the temp gets hot the a/c turns on. if it gets to cold the heater kicks on. and the temperature stays at 98. 6f. what these chemicals from the white blood cells do is they increase the thermostat. so the brain now has a set point of 101 f. but the body is still 98. 6 f. so the heater kicks on. you get shivers moving of muscles fast makes heat. you feel cold and you get under covers to get warm. this is why people say they are so cold when their temp is 100 because the thermostat is set to 101 or higher. the body does this because some of the bodies defenses are activated at higher temperatures and some bacteria don't function well at higher temperatures. so they die or we kill them better with a higher temperature. so what is it when a fever "breaks"? well eventually your white blood cells kill everything and they stop releasing those chemicals that changes the thermostat. so the thermostat changes back to 98. 6f. now you have a temperature of 101f and your body is set to 98. 6f. it is too hot. turn on the a/c. so you start sweating to cool yourself off. this is a fever "breaking". so when the person with the fever is sweating like there is no tomorrow it is a good thing and you can probably expect the fever to start going back down. fever is a natural defense mechanism against foreign invaders of your body. it is very normal. as long as my fever isn't over 102f it makes sense to me to not interfere with the natural process. even help it. if i'm running a little fever i'll get in the hot tub or a nice hot bath. fevers can be very dangerous and you should ask your doctor when those dangerous temperatures are. they are different for kids and adults. to answer the question the fastest easiest way to break a fever is with anti-inflammatory medications like tylenol and motrin. but that doesn't mean everything is all better. and by the way: water is zero calories! (in case you read the other post) don't believe any of that stuff. what i do is rub my baby down with green rubbing alcohol. it works every time. a fever is not your body fighting an infection. anything that heats up your body including heat and induces sweating causes a fever. fevers cause heat exhaustion and heat stroke as heat heats up the body inducing sweating wich causes water to be ejected from the body. you may induce a fever and prove this by simply visiting a steam room and when your sweating check your temp youll have a fever. you may also go out jogging and see when your hot and sweating you have a fever with a fever thermometer. if you do either for long periods youll eventualy drop from exhaustion enjoying before that mild to severe dehydration symptoms heat exhaustion and heat stroke and possible mild heart attacks. cardio excersize and steam rooms have been around for centuries inducing fever and not cured any disease other than treat obesity. your heartrate can generate heat and cause a fever by pumping friction wich happens during jogging just like shaking a pop can or rubbing your hands generates warmth. make sure you maintain bodyweight during a fever. if food poisioning is suspect having a person stomach pumped and an enema given may be needed if fatigue sets in. fluid calories are better during a fever its important to maintain heartrate as lowering your heartrate also induces fatigue. if a fever is starting with no fatigue water may be ok. its important to keep dry and keep cool (keeping dry to avoid chills). humans thrive in cool temp climates of 55-65 degrees thier is little life in deserts do to heat heat starves an area of water. for children its important that children playing maintain thier bodyweight during excersize/play and eat and drink and take rest breaks and normalize thier heartrate reducing sweating. if people have to loose weight then i recommend simply getting out and walking bringing food fluids before or during thier walk to avoid dehydration with rest breaks. obesity causes fever and dehydration by carrying around 50-100 lb weights. you may simulate obesity by carrying a backpack of 50-100+ lb barebell weights and grow it daily and see what affects that has on your health. weather and activie levels can affect weight loss. people eat drink and rest to maintain thier heartrate and energy levels. in a virus or poision a fever is a response to excess blood volume wich causes your heart to pump harder and faster generating heat. you may simulate this by giving an unnecessary blood transfusion wich will likely cause a fever and may cause a mild heart attack so i wouldnt advise it. water causes weight gain at 1/2 lb a cup its a myth its zero caloric. overdrinking from dehydrationcan cause excessive urination in addition to lowering your heartrate further so cold water if a fever has started with no fatigue otherwise fluid calories.
### Human:\nwhy do i get so tired after exercising? . i haven't gone out and done physical activity for about a month so i just went out for a nice and easy power walk for about 50 minutes. i come home and suddenly i just feel sluggish and exhausted. i don't starve myself. i eat when i'm hungry and when i need to eat. i get super tired and when i come home i just knock out. because i get so tired i don't like to exercise when i have school. it's been affecting my health and my body. i really want to exercise daily. help please <negative_smiley>\n\n### Assistant: maybe you could start with smaller bouts of exercise instead of 50 minutes. start walking for 5 minutes per day and as you feel stronger increase to 10 and so on. make sure you eat something about 30 minutes before exercising like a banana yogurt or granola bar. if you are low on glycogen (stores of carbohydrates in muscle) it could increase your tiredness after exercise. if you continue to feel tired without a good reason visit your healthcare provider for a full blood work-up. certain nutrient deficiencies like anemia can also make you tired. hey there can be a lot of reasons for all this happening to you 1. first of you should must adjust carbohydrate quantity and qualityin your diet 2. your muscles are also not strong enough as you dont do workout regularly 3. may be you are not well hydrated. take fluids with essential electrolytes before during and after exercise. 4. start working out regularly or alternatively one day rest and the next workout. 5. always do a little warm up before exercise and stretching after the exercise. 6. eat proteins a bit more than you normally eat so that your muscles can develop. 7. take at least 8 hours sleep a day which should must have a ciesta of 1 to 2 hours. 8. take a cup of coffee an hour before doing exercise this will boost your metabolism and keep you vigilant for a couple of hour at least. 9. and at last your tiredness can also be a result of some medical condition like hypothyroidism or some metabolic disease i am a 5 year med student i was skinny a 2 year before and same things used to happen to me then i started using the techniques that i mentioned above and it really improved my stamina my muscle size and my mood especially i gained 10 kg of weight without any increase in my waist. that was a just a brief overview of the solution to your problem if you want details of all this i am here to help you muhammad noman imtiaz cuba nomanimtiaz@ucmex. vcl. sld. cu i have chronic fatigue syndrome and exercising makes me worse. it's called "exercise malaise". i don't know if that's what you have but i would ask your doctor. i like yoga. i always feel rejuvenated after yoga.
### Human:\nmy appetite has increased suddenly. i have been eating more than i want to but cannot resist and i am gaining weight. i am a 64 year old male. my appetite has increased suddenly. i have been eating more than i want to but cannot resist and i am gaining weight as a result.\n\n### Assistant: a good appetite is a sign of good health but if your appetite has suddenly increased in might be a sign of disease. an important distinguishing point is if you are gaining weight. an increase in your weight suggests that your increased appetite might be a response to boredom stress or depression. certain drugs might also explain an increased appetite and weight gain. steroids such as prednisone and dexamethasone which are given for asthma joint and skin problems can cause an increased appetite. certain antidepressants cause an increased appetite and weight gain. increased appetite is a side effect of tricyclic antidepressants; amitriptyline (elavil) imipramine (tofranil) and doxepin (sinequan). increased appetite also occurs with medications used for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder; olanzapine (zyprexa) and clozapine (clozaril). some women experience appetite changes right before a period. this is especially true for women with pre-menstrual syndrome who can experience craving for carbohydrates and increased appetite around the time of menstruation. even changes in your diet can affect your appetite. eating a lot of carbohydrates and junk food increases insulin secretion from your pancreas to stabilize your body’s blood sugar and that can make you hungry. if on the other hand your appetite is increased but you are losing weight then diseases that affect your metabolism may be responsible. elevated thyroid levels (grave’s disease or hyperthyroidism) cause an increased appetite because thyroid hormone speeds up your metabolism. diabetes can present with an increased appetite and weight loss. increased exercise can cause your appetite to improve and depending on the calories burned from exercise and your intake your weight may vary. don’t ignore an increased appetite. keep a diary of the foods you are eating and note whether your behavior is affecting your appetite. check your weight and see if you are gaining or losing. see your doctor about a change in appetite to make sure that you do not have a medical condition that needs to be treated. there are many things that can increase appetite -- some beneficial and some not. for example an increase in physical activity may give you a more robust appetite which is fine if you feed your body well. but a lack of sleep or change in eating patterns can also increase appetite which is not so good. think about what has changed in your life both physically and emotionally that could be increasing your appetite. here are some other tips that can help: look not just what you are eating but how. try to sit for meals be mindful of the food enjoy eating an stop when you are comfortably full and satisfied. avoid eaitng on the go or grazng all day which may not satisfy your hunger. too many processed foods can also increase hunger because they aren't very filling or sustaining. eat filling foods including those high in fiber (whole grains fruits vegetables and beans) and protein (lean meats) along with healthy fats (nuts seeds healthy oils). get adequate sleep and physical activity.
### Human:\nwhat is typhus?\n\n### Assistant: typhus refers to a family of diseases spread through the bites of lice fleas ticks and other insects. there are several versions of typhus which are very different diseases: epidemic typhus is rare worldwide today and extremely rare in the u. s. in this country flying squirrels can carry the louse that transmits epidemic typhus. infection in people is almost unheard of. scrub typhus is an ongoing problem in asia and part of australia. people catch scrub typhus through the bite of a chigger which injects a tiny mite that carries bacteria that cause the illness. murine typhus is spread by fleas carried on rats and is present in the u. s. it’s possible for outdoor pets (cats and dogs) to encounter those fleas and bring them inside. murine typhus might occur regularly in texas and california; the exact rate isn’t known. common symptoms of typhus include: fever headache rapid breathing muscle aches rash if untreated epidemic and scrub typhus can be severe or life-threatening. murine typhus is almost always mild and goes away on its own; it may go undiagnosed or be misdiagnosed as a viral infection. if you live in the u. s. typhus should be near the bottom of the list of health threats to worry about. avoiding rats and keeping pets indoors and treated against fleas and ticks should almost eliminate the risk of serious illness. typhus is usually curable with antibiotics once it is recognized or suspected. people traveling to parts of asia where scrub typhus is widespread may benefit from taking antibiotics for prevention.
### Human:\ncan protein shakes help my 17 year old son gain weight? . . my son is very under weight. he eats but not enough to gain weight. his doctor recommends that he add 1000 more calories to his daily diet and increase protein for muscle mass build up. would weight gain protein shakes work?\n\n### Assistant: i think the main question you need to ask is why is your son eating so little and not gaining weight? is he a picky eater? sensitive to textures? has he been pressured to eat much of his life which can cause early satiety (fullness)? does he exhibit red flags for an eating disorder? if there is an underlying problem you need to work on that before the food part can get better. i highly recommend you see a pediatric dietitian to help you -- go to eatright. org to find one in your area. in the meantime here are some other things you can at home: to answer your question there is nothing magical about protein shakes that will help him gain weight. instead focus on increasing calories and nutrition where you can. you can try fruit smoothies with added protein (make sure he likes the taste)-- try fruit whole fat yogurt orange juice with added protein powder. have regular meals and snacks at the table in a relaxing atmosphere and without pressuring him to eat. include whole-fat dairy products such a whole milk whole yogurt and cheese. add fat to foods including avocado with sandwiches oil to veggies and peanut butter on bread. ensure adequate protien by including sources at meals and snacks (eggs nuts meat beans and dairy) the key is always to address the problem at its root. good luck!
### Human:\nare there special things you should do to protect your teeth when you have braces but grind your teeth?\n\n### Assistant: most patients in braces that continue to grind can wear a special nighttime appliance to protect their teeth. i would discuss this with the orthodontist treating you with braces.
### Human:\ni am having trouble swallowing my food. it feels like i the food wont go down. i have very little teeth. i want to eat but every time i do the food won't go down and i end up having to throw it up.\n\n### Assistant: you need to see your doctor right away if you are having trouble swallowing your food. there can be many possible causes for trouble swallowing. some can be very serious. here are a few of the things that can cause difficulty swallowing: • the esophagus (the tube that runs from your mouth to your stomach) may be partially blocked by a tumor or web. it may also be narrow due to severe reflux. • a swelling in a surrounding area such as the thyroid or lymph node may be pressing in on the esophagus. • there could be a problem with the nerves or muscles that are involved in swallowing • poor teeth can be preventing food from being properly chewed • diseases such as diabetes or scleroderma may prevent the esophagus from moving the food along webmd has a very good article on difficulty swallowing that can give you some more information. but do call your doctor now and make an appointment to have this checked out.
### Human:\nwhat are the risks of long term use of hormone replacement therapy?\n\n### Assistant: the main concern with prolonged ht is an increased risk of breast cancer. the risk seems to be greater in women taking combined therapy (estrogen plus a progestogen) than in women taking estrogen alone. and it may be that starting ht right away after menopause is also associated with greater risk. the good news is that the risk returns to baseline within several years after stopping ht. you should also be aware that combined ht can make it more difficult to read your mammogram (both while you're taking hormones and in the first years after stopping). as a result you might be called back for additional views or biopsy of suspicious areas. right now most experts recommend limiting ht to several years. the nams 2010 ht position statement ( www. menopause. org/psht10. pdf ) suggests that longer use is acceptable for a woman if she believes that the benefits outweigh the risks (especially if she's had trouble stopping therapy). the other condition includes women with low bone mass or osteoporosis who cannot tolerate osteoporosis drugs. the one exception to limiting ht to a few years is the woman who has had premature menopause either because of natural failure of her ovaries or surgical removal. in that case most experts are comfortable advising you to continue ht at least until the age of natural menopause about age 50 at which time you can reassess. if you've been taking hormones for a very long time you might want to start by discussing a lower dose. many clinicians now prescribe half the dose we used to use.
### Human:\ni am having some minor urinary incontinence after having prostate sugery. how do i handle sex in this situation?\n\n### Assistant: many men face some dribbling at different levels after prostate surgery. using condoms can be helpful for two reasons. it may help prolong erections as well as catch any unwanted leakage. some men find doing the kegal exercises helpful. these are the muscles you use to stop your stream during urination. squeeze and hold these muscles ten times to make a set. perform one set three times a day at least 4 times a week. this may help reduce some of the leakage. it will take several weeks to strengthen these muscles. if your symptoms do not improve or you are not satisfied using the condoms there are some alternatives that an urologist may be able to offer.
### Human:\ni’ve noticed that my kids grit their teeth just like i do. how do i prevent them from doing this while they sleep?\n\n### Assistant: grinding clenching and gritting teeth are habitual and part of normal growth patterns. we don’t have a fixed way to stop it. however nighttime appliances can protect the teeth and relax the jaw muscles. you can obtain an appliance from your general dentist your pediatric dentist or an orthodontist.
### Human:\ni have tried several fillers to erase my lip lines and have not found a suitable one. does laser treatment really work?\n\n### Assistant: lip lines are a difficult problem to treat. even with current technology completely "erasing" lip lines may not be feasible. deeper lines can be attributed to a hypertrophied orbicularis muscle or damage to the epidermis and dermis. if you choose a more aggressive approach such as laser surgery or deeper chemical peels make sure you choose a physician that is familiar with your skin type and color. before you implement your definitive treatment consider starting with a small test area.