### Human:\ni am 11 weeks pregnant and have a sore throat. i would like to know if using cough drops would be safe.\n\n### Assistant: most cough drops do not contain any medication just ingredients that help to soothe a sore throat and quiet a cough from a dry scratchy throat. so they are fine to use while pregnant. when purchasing the cough drop just show it to your pharmacist to be sure it is one that is safe for you while pregnant because there are many different types of cough drops available.
### Human:\nmy daughter-in-law is three months pregnant and has sinus drainage and her ears hurt. what can she can do for relief?\n\n### Assistant: she would have to speak with her ob/gyn to find out what she can take while pregnant. while some over-the-counter medications are considered safe in pregnancy different doctors have different rules on what they allow their patients to take.
### Human:\nmy daughter-in-law is three months pregnant and has sinus drainage and her ears hurt. what can she can do for relief?\n\n### Assistant: along with ob/gyn approved pain relievers a humidifier or a long hot shower may give her some relieve. a saline rinse can help too as well as a salt water gargle. plenty of fluids and plenty of rest.
### Human:\ni am taking tri lo sprintec and was recently prescribed bactrim ds. my cycle hasn’t started yet. could i be pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: anytime you skip a period you should be concerned about being pregnant. it is always a possibility. you can take an over-the-counter pregnancy test or contact your gynecologist.
### Human:\ncan i take diabetes medications while pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: if you take insulin to control your diabetes your health care provider can tell you how to adjust your medication. generally your body will require more insulin during pregnancy especially during the last three months of pregnancy. if you take oral medications to control your diabetes your health care provider may switch your medication to insulin during pregnancy since the safety of using certain oral medications may not be known and/or better sugar control may be achieved with insulin.
### Human:\nhow will diabetes affect my diet during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: during pregnancy you and your health care provider should work together to adjust your diet. changing your diabetes diet during pregnancy will help you avoid problems with low and high blood sugar levels. your meal plan will also be adjusted to include more calories for your growing baby.
### Human:\nhow can i increase my chances of having a healthy baby with a pregnancy after age 35?\n\n### Assistant: good health prior and during pregnancy will help you reduce your risk of complications. here are some general recommendations. be sure to get enough folic acid in your diet. the current recommendation for women of childbearing age is to take a daily supplement containing at least 0. 4 mg of folic acid in addition to consuming foods naturally rich in folic acid. folic acid is naturally contained in leafy green vegetables dried beans liver and some citrus fruits. limit your caffeine consumption. do not have more than 300 mg of caffeine per day. the caffeine content in various drinks depends on the beans or leaves used and how it is prepared. an 8-ounce cup of coffee has about 150 mg on average while black tea has about 80 mg of caffeine. a 12-ounce glass of caffeinated soda contains anywhere from 30 to 60 mg of caffeine. remember chocolate contains caffeine -- the amount of caffeine in a chocolate bar is equal to 1/4 cup of coffee. maintain a healthy well-balanced diet and eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrients you need. choose foods high in starch and fiber. make sure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals in your daily diet. eat and drink at least four servings of dairy products and calcium-rich foods a day choose at least one source each of vitamin c vitamin a and folic acid every day. exercise regularly. review your exercise program with your health care provider. generally you may continue your normal exercise routine throughout pregnancy unless you are instructed to decrease or modify your activities. don't drink alcohol during pregnancy and don't use any medications unless recommended by your doctor. don't smoke during pregnancy. in addition be sure to obtain prenatal care especially early in your pregnancy. the first eight weeks are especially critical in your baby's development. early and regular prenatal care (health care during pregnancy) can increase your chances of having a healthy baby. regular appointments with your health care provider throughout your pregnancy are important to monitor your health and prevent or control any problems that develop during pregnancy. in addition to medical care prenatal care includes education on pregnancy and childbirth plus counseling and support.
### Human:\nhow long do you have to take microgestin fe before it's safe to have sex and be protected from pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: it would depend on where in your cycle you are when you start the pills. if you start on day one of your cycle which is the first day of menstruation you are protected from pregnancy immediately. if you start on the first sunday after your period starts you should use a backup method of contraception for seven days. after the first seven days you are protected from pregnancy.
### Human:\ndo i have anemia? . i was on my period for a week then off my period for a week back on my period for 3 weeks 5 days later i donated blood then 2 weeks later i started my period again. i have experienced dizziness tiredness and have a dry mouth could i be anemic?\n\n### Assistant: absolutely there is a high chance that you could be anemic in your case most likely iron deficiency. iron deficiency anemia is caused by chronic blood loss most commonly seen in women who have irregular and heavy periods. a simple blood test can give you your definitive answer and the treatment is simply over the counter ferrous sulfate to replenish your iron levels.
### Human:\ncan anemia cause dizziness to last a long period of time? and can dry mouth be a sign of anemia?\n\n### Assistant: in my experience yes. i have severe anemia and i got tired very easily. i got dizzy whenever i stood up or moved too fast. my mouth was always dry no matter what. i got a blood transfusion and that helped for about 6 months.
### Human:\ncan a person with labyrinthitis wear hearing aids? . the hearing aids seem to cause me more vertigo and sounds in my ears when i remove them. i can not seem to hear clearly with them. i spent $5000 for the hearing aids and now i feel they are not working. i am 86 but in relatively good health. i have had labyrinthitis most of my adult life. the hearing is getting worse as i age.\n\n### Assistant: see an ear nose and throat (ent) specialist again -- one that specializes in inner ear disorders (neuro-otologist). based on your brief posting i am not sure that you have labyrinthitis which typically does not last "all of your adult life". i suspect you have something different but that is just a blind guess. also see an audiologist -- someone who can re-test your hearing and see if your hearing assistive device can be improved. it should not be causing your vertigo to be worse some forms of hearing loss and vertigo can worsen with age and you may be told at some point that little can be done but at this point you can't just throw in the towel. see those specialists and you may have some more patient-specific answers.
### Human:\nhow to stop a small hand cut bleed? . hello . this is actually too trivial but i'm running out of options. i got myself a tiny little glass cut on my hand a few hours ago. it's about 1 or 2 mm deep but i can't even see any flesh. the problem is that the bleeding won't stop even though i've been applying pressure wrapping with gauze and band-aids putting ground coffee and ice and washing it with salt water. none of that is working. is there another way to stop the bleed? it's not a serious amount at all - it's just annoying. thanks!\n\n### Assistant: hi so7 hours later if its still bleeding? have you tries elevating it? do you take aspirin or any other blood thinners? these do not help. hope this helps. good luck
### Human:\ndo band-aids help wounds heal faster? . big debate today! with lots of conflicting answers! all of the band-aid manufacturers of course say yes yes they do help wounds heal faster! but i am not always quick to believe corporate opinions! can you help!? my coworkers are research analysts. i feel defeated already and the research has just started!\n\n### Assistant: band-aids help keep infection out so in a way yes. keep your wound as clean as possible and it will heal faster.
### Human:\ni have hearing aids. should i use debrox weekly monthly or quarterly to minimize ear wax buildup\n\n### Assistant: safely managing your ear wax is very important when you use in-the-ear hearing aids. you only need to use debrox if your wax is hard or flakey. if your ear wax is soft all you need to do is periodically rinse out your ear canal with a gentle stream of warm water (shower or use an ear syringe). it would be nice if you have a partner and a good home otoscope (inexpensive) so someone can actually look inside your ear canal to see if you do indeed have a wax build-up.
### Human:\nwhat is the relationship between sleep aids such as tylenol pm and glaucoma? . on otc sleep aids the directions say that those who have glaucoma should not take these substances. why ot?\n\n### Assistant: many in the medical field consider otc sleeping aids to be a controversial treatment for insomnia. caution should be exercised before taking of these medications even by individuals who do not possess a comorbid conditions such as glaucoma. these otc sleeping aids typically contain antihistamines such as diphenhydramine. this active ingredient may provide a sedative effect. it may also produce an anticholinergic effect on the body. one of those anticholinergic effects can cause the pupil to dilate and obstruct eye drainage. it could possibly increase eye pressure to unsafe levels. this phenomenon occurs more often with closed angle than open angle glaucoma. it is suggested to discuss the type of glaucoma that was diagnosed and to determine if otc sleeping aids will precipitate a closed angle glaucoma emergency.
### Human:\nwhy are my gums white looking today? . i have one of my wisdom teeth coming through that have been giving me a lot of pain the last week and a half. i dont know if it could be because of an infection? . also i think my anemia is back since i have not been taking iron pills anymore and i seen that may be linked to my unhealthy looking gums?\n\n### Assistant: light-colored gums can be a sign of several conditions so you may want to have them checked out by a medical professional. you're right that pale gums can signal anemia. instead of racing to that conclusion and self-medicating however it would be best to get a diagnostic blood test. usually an infection in the gums is signaled by angry red tissue instead of pale tissue. also an infection usually would be localized to the immediate area. it wouldn't affect the entirety of your gums. it's also possible that your gums aren't that pale at all. your new focus on your wisdom tooth coming in may have led you to examine your gums more frequently. they may always have been pale but you didn't notice it until you started looking at them recently. at any rate your best bet is to see a dentist or health care provider if your pale gums are bothering you. take care!
### Human:\nin the winter dry hands that split at the tips why? . i have terrible hands in the winter months summer they are fine. the fingers around the nail cracks open and its like a small cut having to type at work i have to put band aids on each finger and its so painful. sleep at night with gloves lotion neosporin etc nothing seems like its getting worse. any suggestions please! i do have a low thyroid but have been on regular meds for a longtime so its at normal levels. thanks gail of cincinnati ohio\n\n### Assistant: well air is dryer in the winter and we usually wash our hands more often. that causes amazing dryness. i have a couple of suggestions for you. before bed and before you put your gloves on break (or bite) open a regular vitamin e capsule. put a little oil on each of the hurt places. it does a lot to help healing. works for cracked lips too. my other thing to do is always make sure you dry your hands off very thoroughly when you wash them. why is that? because leaving hands damp actually wicks more moisture out of them. so dry them really well and you will have less of that problem. good luck!
### Human:\nmy last cbc showed my levels were very low-anemia- and cant stay awake. should i seek immediate medical care? . i was diagnosed with anemia about a month ago and my last cbc showed the hemoglobin mcv mch mchc are all low. i then had my cycle; it was heavy full of large clots and lasted for approximately 6 weeks. now i cant stay awake and sleep about 20. 5 hours out of 24. i dont have any medical insurance and i pay for doctor bills out of pocket at time of care. i have almost fainted but not quite. should i seek immediate medical attention or will it get better over time?\n\n### Assistant: well i'd suggest you at least call the doctor who diagnosed your anemia to discuss these symptoms. usually a person who's diagnosed with anemia is put on a treatment regimen that's appropriate to the type of anemia (for example iron supplements or b12 injections). unfortunately only your doctor can explain what might be going on with your health and recommend treatment. you may be able to have this conversation by phone in order to avoid an office visit charge but it depends on the health care provider. i'm sorry you're feeling so ill and hope you get some answers soon!
### Human:\nhow are breast changes early signs of pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: changes in your breasts are another very early sign of pregnancy. when you conceive your body undergoes a rapid change in hormone levels. because of the changes in hormones you may notice in one to two weeks that your breasts have become swollen sore or tingly. or they may feel heavier or fuller or feel tender to the touch. in addition the area around the nipples called the areola may darken. pregnancy is not the only thing that can cause breast changes. a hormonal imbalance that's unrelated to pregnancy could be responsible. the changes could also be caused by a change in birth control pills or they could be a premenstrual symptom. if the changes are an early symptom of pregnancy keep in mind that it is going to take your body several weeks to get used to the new levels of hormones. but when it does your breasts will feel less painful than they do in the beginning.
### Human:\nhow is fatigue an early sign of pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: feeling unusually fatigued is an early pregnancy symptom that can occur as soon as one week after you conceive. the excessive tiredness is often related to a high level of progesterone in your system although other things such as lower levels of blood sugar lower blood pressure and increased blood production can all contribute. fatigue not related to pregnancy can be caused by stress physical exhaustion depression a common cold or flu or other illnesses. if your fatigue is related to pregnancy it's important to make sure you get plenty of rest; eating foods that are rich in protein and iron can help offset it.
### Human:\nhow is fatigue an early sign of pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: i have leaching breast
### Human:\nwhat is the outlook (prognosis) for anemia?\n\n### Assistant: anemia generally has a very good prognosis and it may be curable in many instances. the overall prognosis depends on the underlying cause of anemia its severity and the overall health of the patient.
### Human:\nhow is anemia diagnosed?\n\n### Assistant: anemia is usually detected or at least confirmed by a complete blood count (cbc). cbc test may be ordered by a physician as a part of routine general check-up and screening or based on clinical signs and symptoms that may suggest anemia or other blood abnormalities.
### Human:\nhow is aids diagnosed?\n\n### Assistant: if a person with hiv infection has a cd4 count that drops below 200 -- or if certain infections appear (aids-defining illnesses) -- that person is considered to have aids.
### Human:\nhow can i prevent hiv from progressing to aids?\n\n### Assistant: you can help prolong your life by taking good care of yourself and developing a good relationship with an experienced doctor specializing in hiv and aids. also be consistent about taking your hiv medications as prescribed and getting regular lab work to catch any problems early.
### Human:\nwhat is the outlook for someone with hiv or aids?\n\n### Assistant: it depends on how the virus responds to early treatment. when treatment fails to decrease the replication of the virus the effects can become life threatening and the infection can progress to aids. even with treatment some people seem to naturally experience a more rapid course towards aids. however the majority of hiv patients who receive appropriate treatment do well and live healthy lives for years.
### Human:\nwhat causes hiv/aids?\n\n### Assistant: hiv lives in human blood and sexual fluids (semen and vaginal secretions). the infection is spread from person to person when these body fluids are shared usually during vaginal or anal sexual contact or when sharing iv drugs. hiv does not live in saliva tears urine or perspiration -- so hiv cannot be spread by casual contact with these body fluids. it can be spread through oral sex though the risk is small. hiv cannot survive for long outside the human body and dies quickly when the body fluid it's in dries up. it is not spread by animals or insects and is not found on public surfaces. it's actually not as easy to get as other infectious diseases. a mother can pass hiv to her child during birth when the child is exposed to the mother's infected blood. breastfeeding does carry a risk for hiv infection though in some areas of the developing world breastfeeding is considered safer than feeding a newborn contaminated water. there are two main types of hiv called hiv-1 and hiv-2. hiv-2 is rarely found outside africa and parts of asia so there is no need to test for it specifically -- unless a person has had contact with someone from an area of the world where hiv-2 is common. all of the world's scientists working in the field of aids agree that hiv is the cause of the aids syndrome. other theories are not supported by scientific evidence. dirty needles used for tattoos and body piercing can spread hiv. be sure these needles are used only once and then thrown away. blood transfusions were once a concern but all blood products used in the united states today are tested for several infectious diseases including hiv. if signs of disease or other problems are found in donated blood the person who donated the blood is notified to be retested by their health care provider and is not permitted to continue donating blood. any donated blood that tests positive for hiv is disposed of and never makes it into the public blood supply.
### Human:\nwhat causes hiv/aids?\n\n### Assistant: another portion of hiv to remember is that is it a virus. and like all viruses it evolves and continues to change. even though you may have hiv and your partner may have hiv you may not have the exact same "version" of the virus. what works for your hiv may not work for your partners. this also means that you still need to take caution and use protection with your partner. there are many new and upcoming treatments for hiv and we continue to gain knowledge on treatments. what once was a death sentence is becoming more and more treatable.
### Human:\ncan aids cure paralysis or leukemia? how?\n\n### Assistant: of course now. aids is not a cure for anything it is disease.
### Human:\npossible outcome of sperm donated by someone with aids. seems like a silly and repeated question but i can't seem to find the simple understandable answer. is it safe? . would i or the baby have a chance of contracting hiv from insemenation?\n\n### Assistant: since sperm banks are legally required to screen donors and test all samples that should not be an issue.
### Human:\nhave persistant mild-moderate sore throat been nearly two weeks. otc aids little relief. time to see doc?\n\n### Assistant: yes it would be appropriate for you to see a medical provider so that you can have your throat properly examined. a sore throat primarily in the mornings wiht improvement in the afternoon may be due to post-nasal drainage at night accompanied by mouth-breathing. allergies can cause this but so can back to back viral infections. mononucleosis is a virus that can cause a sore throat. people also worry about a lingering strep infection so this can be tested for during your examination if your medical provider feels it is necessary. as you have read there are many possibilities to consider so you are wise to seek medical care at this point.
### Human:\nhave persistant mild-moderate sore throat been nearly two weeks. otc aids little relief. time to see doc?\n\n### Assistant: i'd say so. it may be something minor like dryness due to furnace season being upon us or post-nasal drip but since the symptoms are bugging you and aren't responding to over-the-counter (otc) remedies you won't lose anything by seeing the doctor. it could be you have a sinus infection or something else that's treatable. and then you won't be uncomfortable anymore. best wishes to you!
### Human:\nam i at risk of getting "hiv"? . i don't wear underwear but today i wore underwear of a person who has "aids" but he has not wore his underwear since 1 month but today i wore it i have no sore or wounds on my penis am i at risk?\n\n### Assistant: highly unlikely assuming the underwear was clean (who would wear someone's dirty underwear? ). i have never heard of a case were hiv was transmitted via clothing. wear your own underwear or go commando.
### Human:\nhow much risk is there for sucking a man's penis (not knowing his sexual history) with respect to aids/hiv? . i want so much to suck on other guys' penises through their ejaculation. i feel compelled to do it. . what is the hiv danger from doing so? herpes? other diseases? . . thank you!\n\n### Assistant: your not running a risk with aids from bjs but i would recommend getting to know the guys history a little because herpes are for life. there are edible condoms if you are skeptical of these issues as well <positive_smiley> have fun and be safe
### Human:\nshould i test for hiv/aids and other sexual disease? been 9 yrs since i had unprotected sex. i'm getting married and i was wondering if i should get tested or not? or am i over worrying. . . . been 9 yrs since i had unprotected sex even throught i'm pretty sure that my ex boyfriends don't have it but i doubt they would have been tested for it. since then to now i don't have any symptoms that worries me\n\n### Assistant: hi if its peace of mind your looking for then go get tested its best to be safe than sorry its as easy as that. but from what your saying as well as long as you have always had sex with a condom that part you should be 98% proof. but how about oral sex? not so good with a condom on my with once said trying a fruit flavoured one as some stis and stds will affect the throat to. do hope this helps you. good luck
### Human:\nhow much risk is there for sucking a man's penis (not knowing his sexual history) with respect to aids/hiv? . i want so much to suck on other guys' penises through their ejaculation. i feel compelled to do it. . what is the hiv danger from doing so? herpes? other diseases? . . thank you!\n\n### Assistant: pls assure you have not any bleeding mouth ulcer other wise there is a chance of catching hiv
### Human:\nhow much risk is there for sucking a man's penis (not knowing his sexual history) with respect to aids/hiv? . i want so much to suck on other guys' penises through their ejaculation. i feel compelled to do it. . what is the hiv danger from doing so? herpes? other diseases? . . thank you!\n\n### Assistant: a person gets hiv when an infected person's body fluids (blood semen fluids from the vagina or breast milk) enter his or her bloodstream. the virus can enter the blood through linings in the mouth anus or sex organs (the penis and vagina) or through broken skin. in other words always use a condom!
### Human:\nis there any possibilities of aids from having hand sex? . i have it while bathing. i am 14.\n\n### Assistant: no you cannot get aids from self-masturbating. this is considered very safe sex.
### Human:\nwhat is anemia?\n\n### Assistant: anemia is the most common blood condition in the u. s. it affects about 3. 5 million americans. for women in their childbearing years anemia is a common cause of fatigue. this is especially true for women who have heavy menstrual cycles fibroid tumors or uterine polyps. anemia can also be the result of hemorrhoids gi problems such as ulcers or cancer. nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) such as ibuprofen or aspirin can also lead to gi problems and bleeding. other causes of anemia include a deficiency of iron folic acid or vitamin b12. chronic diseases such as kidney disease can also cause anemia. fatigue occurs when bleeding leads to a deficiency of hemoglobin. that's the iron-rich protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to other parts of your body. when your tissues and organs don't get enough oxygen you feel exhausted unable to get up and be active. to confirm a diagnosis of anemia your doctor will give you a blood test. if iron deficiency is the cause of your fatigue treatment may include iron supplements. iron-rich foods such as spinach broccoli and red meat can also be added to your diet to help relieve symptoms.
### Human:\nwhat is erythropoietin to treat anemia?\n\n### Assistant: erythropoietin is a hormone that stimulates production of red blood cells and is used to treat anemia caused by chronic diseases.
### Human:\nwhat is anemia?\n\n### Assistant: anemia is a condition in which a person has a low red blood cell count. it may occur when there is not enough hemoglobin in a person's blood. hemoglobin is a substance in the red blood cells that enables the blood to transport oxygen throughout the body.
### Human:\nwhat is iron-deficiency anemia?\n\n### Assistant: iron-deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia. it is a decrease in the number of red blood cells caused by too little iron. without sufficient iron your body can't produce enough hemoglobin a substance in red blood cells that makes it possible for them to carry oxygen to the body's tissues. as a result you may feel week tired and irritable. about 20% of women 50% of pregnant women and 3% of men do not have enough iron in their body. the solution in many cases is to consume more foods high in iron.
### Human:\ncan anemia be linked to diabetes?\n\n### Assistant: anemia (reduced red blood cell number and/or volume) is more common in patients with longstanding diabetes. this is probably due to the effect of diabetes on the kidney which makes the hormone erythropoietin. erythropoietin stimulates the bone marrow to make red blood cells but this hormone is reduced in patients with moderate or severe diabetic kidney damage resulting in under-stimulated red blood cell production by the marrow. most people with diabetes do not have anemia in the absence of kidney disease. it is easy to test for anemia and kidney disease with simple blood tests that most people with diabetes have had many times. there are many potential causes of anemia including iron deficiency b12 or folic acid deficiency heavy menstrual bleeding ulcer in the stomach or upper intestine colon cancer kidney disease etc. diabetes itself is not really a primary cause.
### Human:\nhow is anemia related to chronic disease treated?\n\n### Assistant: for people with anemia as a result of chronic disease the best way to alleviate the anemia is often to treat the underlying condition. shots of recombinant human erythropoietin a hormone that stimulates the production of red blood cells may also help in some instances. people who have anemia as a result of kidney failure will require adequate dialysis take erythropoietin and possibly have a kidney transplant.
### Human:\nhow is anemia caused by problems of the bone marrow and stem cells treated?\n\n### Assistant: for anemia caused by problems of the bone marrow and stem cells anemia tends to be more persistent and difficult to treat. the treatments for hereditary anemias such as thalassemia or sickle cell disease vary widely and depend on the specific condition and the severity of symptoms. some anemias will not require any treatment while others may require repeated transfusions and other aggressive measures. although aplastic anemia will occasionally go into spontaneous remission people with this disorder generally require bone marrow transplantation.
### Human:\nhow can i prevent anemia?\n\n### Assistant: you can prevent iron-deficiency anemia by eating a well-balanced diet that includes good sources of iron vitamin b-12 and folate. steps to take include the following: * if you are a vegetarian or vegan talk to your doctor or a nutritionist about your diet and any possible need for supplements. * ask your doctor or nutritionist if you should take vitamin c. vitamin c makes the stomach more acidic and can improve the absorption of iron in your diet. * decrease your consumption of caffeinated products and tea. these substances can decrease iron absorption. other offenders include the preservative edta fiber large amounts of calcium and the phytates found in some vegetables. * select iron-fortified cereals and breads. * carefully follow safety guidelines if your occupation involves work with lead-containing materials such as batteries petroleum and paint. * ask your doctor or local public-health authorities about getting your dishes and other eating utensils tested for lead.
### Human:\nwhat is anemia?\n\n### Assistant: anemia is a condition that develops when your blood lacks enough healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin. hemoglobin is a main part of red blood cells and binds oxygen. if you have too few or abnormal red blood cells or your hemoglobin is abnormal or low the cells in your body will not get enough oxygen. symptoms of anemia -- like fatigue -- occur because organs aren't getting what they need to function properly. anemia is the most common blood condition in the u. s. it affects about 3. 5 million americans. women and people with chronic diseases are at increased risk of anemia. important factors to remember are: certain forms of anemia are hereditary and infants may be affected from the time of birth. women in the childbearing years are particularly susceptible to iron-deficiency anemia because of the blood loss from menstruation and the increased blood supply demands during pregnancy. seniors also may have a greater risk of developing anemia because of poor diet and other medical conditions. there are many types of anemia. all are very different in their causes and treatments. iron-deficiency anemia the most common type is very treatable with diet changes and iron supplements. some forms of anemia -- like the anemia that develops during pregnancy -- are even considered normal. however some types of anemia may present lifelong health problems.
### Human:\nwhat is anemia related to cancer?\n\n### Assistant: this is a condition caused by a lack of red blood cells which transport oxygen to the body's tissues. chemotherapy can damage red blood cells depriving the body of oxygen and leading to symptoms such as fatigue weakness dizziness and shortness of breath.
### Human:\nwhat is anemia related to cancer?\n\n### Assistant: yes
### Human:\nare there any sleep aids that a pregnant woman can take?\n\n### Assistant: unfortunately sleep aids are not recommended for use in pregnant women. there are some "best practices" that you may want to try such as creating a relaxing sleep environment (make sure your bed is comfortable keep your bedroom at a controlled temperature minimize light and noise and remove clocks so they cannot be seen from the bed) establish a regular sleep schedule (basically going to bed and waking up around the same time each day) avoiding naps during the day establishing a relaxing bedtime routine and avoid activities such as watching television in bed.
### Human:\nwhat causes anemia?\n\n### Assistant: there are more than 400 types of anemia with three main causes. anemia can be caused by bleeding from gastrointestinal conditions (ulcers hemorrhoids gastritis cancer) use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids) such as aspirin or motrin menstruation and childbirth. it may be caused by decreased or faulty red blood cell production due to sickle cell anemia iron deficiency anemia vitamin deficiency bone marrow and stem cell problems or other health conditions (advanced kidney disease hypothyroidism cancer infection autoimmune disorders). or it may be caused by the destruction of red blood cells from inherited conditions such as sickle cell anemia and thalassemia stressors such as infections or drugs toxins from advanced liver or kidney disease inappropriate attack by the immune system vascular grafts prosthetic heart valves tumors severe burns chemical exposure severe hypertension and clotting disorders.
### Human:\nwhat is hiv (human immunodeficiency virus)?\n\n### Assistant: this is the virus that causes aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). hiv weakens a person's ability to fight infections and cancer. people with hiv are said to have aids when the virus makes them very sick and they develop certain infections or cancers. a person gets hiv when an infected person's body fluids (blood semen fluids from the vagina or breast milk) enter his or her bloodstream. the virus can enter the blood through linings in the mouth anus or sex organs (the penis and vagina) or through broken skin.
### Human:\nwhat is acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids)?\n\n### Assistant: acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) is a syndrome -- caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) -- in which certain cells of the immune system are destroyed making it difficult to fight infections and certain cancers.
### Human:\ndoes crixivan cure human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids)?\n\n### Assistant: crixivan is not a cure for human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) or acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids). people taking crixivan may still develop infections or other conditions associated with hiv. because of this it is very important for you to remain under the care of a doctor. although crixivan is not a cure for hiv or aids crixivan can help reduce your chances of getting illnesses associated with hiv. crixivan may not have these effects in all patients.
### Human:\ndoes prezista cure hiv or aids? does prezista cure hiv or aids?\n\n### Assistant: prezista does not cure hiv infection or aids. at present there is no cure for hiv infection. people taking prezista may still develop infections or other conditions associated with hiv infection. because of this it is very important for you to remain under the care of a doctor. although prezista is not a cure for hiv or aids prezista can help reduce your risks of getting illnesses associated with hiv infection (aids and opportunistic infection) and eventually dying from these conditions.
### Human:\nwhat are the early signs of hiv/aids infection?\n\n### Assistant: early signs of hiv/aids infection can include flu-like symptoms unexplained rashes fungal infections in the throat and unusual tiredness. as the disease progresses and the immune system is compromised cancers and life-threatening infections such as cytomegalovirus can occur. often however early infection with hiv/aids has no symptoms. an estimated one-quarter of americans who carry the virus -- 250 000 in all -- don’t know they are infected. that’s why being tested is so important. if you are sexually active with more than one partner -- or have any reason to think you might have been exposed to hiv in the past -- go in for screening.
### Human:\ndoes crixivan reduce the risk of passing the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) to others?\n\n### Assistant: crixivan has not been shown to reduce the risk of passing human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) to others through sexual contact or blood contamination.
### Human:\nwhat is aids?\n\n### Assistant: aids is the final stage of hiv infection. when the immune system cd4 cells drop to a very low level a person's ability to fight infection is lost. in addition there are several conditions that occur in people with hiv infection with this degree of immune system failure; these are called aids-defining illnesses. according to the cdc 1 051 875 people in the u. s. have been diagnosed with aids since the disease was first diagnosed in 1981. they also estimate that 583 298 have died from the disease in the u. s.
### Human:\nmy husband is taking neurotin and percocet. his father gave him three otc sleep aids last night. is it ok to mix them?\n\n### Assistant: without knowing the exact medication his father gave him it is really hard to say whether or not the combination is safe for your husband to take. keep in mind while over-the-counter medications are readily available safety is still important. there are still drug-drug interactions that can occur toxicities with taking too much and it is important to take medications whether prescription or over-the- counter for the right reasons. most over-the-counter sleep aids contain diphenhydramine as the active ingredient. if he was given 3 pills he could have taken too much. another thing to keep in mind is that many sleep aids contain a pain reliever such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. if he is taking percocet which contains oxycodone and acetaminophen he could be taking too much acetaminophen which can be very toxic. mixing over-the-counter medications with prescription medications is not as simple as one would think. it is really important to check with a medical professional to make sure there is no duplication or drug-drug interactions.
### Human:\nwhat are the symptoms of aids?\n\n### Assistant: signs that hiv is turning into aids include: a fever that won't go away. sweating while you sleep. feeling tired all the time (not from stress or lack of sleep). feeling sick all the time. losing weight. swollen glands. (neck groin or underarms).
### Human:\nwhat infections do people with aids get?\n\n### Assistant: people with aids are extremely vulnerable to infection called aids-defining illnesses and often exhibit the following conditions: kaposi's sarcoma a skin tumor that looks like dark purple blotches. mental changes and headaches due to fungal infections or tumors in the brain and spinal cord. shortness of breath and difficulty breathing due to infections of the lungs. dementia. severe malnutrition. chronic diarrhea.
### Human:\nhow does hiv and aids cause ilness?\n\n### Assistant: hiv attacks and destroys a type of white blood cell called a cd4 cell. this cell's main function is to fight disease. when a person's cd4 cell count gets low they are more susceptible to illnesses.
### Human:\nwhat are some of the symptoms of pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: one of the first pregnancy symptoms you may notice is that your period does not arrive. while this symptom is one we most commonly associate with pregnancy there may be other reasons why a period hasn’t arrived for example high levels of stress major illness or surgery. another well known pregnancy symptom is morning sickness. morning sickness can pay you a visit any time of day so make sure you eat enough and avoid letting your blood sugar levels drop. ginger is a great natural remedy for nausea so it’s worth a try although some women find that nothing seems to help their morning sickness which normally hangs around for the first trimester before getting better or if you are unlucky the second trimester or even whole pregnancy. for more details click on early pregnancy symptoms
### Human:\ndoes norvir cure hiv or aids?\n\n### Assistant: norvir does not cure hiv infection or aids. the long-term effects of norvir are not known at this time. people taking norvir may still get opportunistic infections or other conditions that happen with hiv infection. some of these conditions are pneumonia herpes virus infections and mycobacterium avium complex (mac) infections.
### Human:\nare fibromyalgia medications safe during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: at this time no fibromyalgia medications are completely safe to use during pregnancy. in fact doctors recommend that women with fibromyalgia go off of painkillers and antidepressants before they become pregnant. however be sure you talk with your doctor before you stop any medicines.
### Human:\ndoes the risk of birth defects increase in a pregnancy after age 35?\n\n### Assistant: the risk of giving birth to a child with a birth defect does increase as the mother's age increases. this is probably due to abnormal division of the egg called nondisjunction. this leads to unequal chromosomes at the end of division. the traditional age at which a woman is considered to be at high risk for chromosomal abnormalities is 35. approximately 1 in 1 400 babies born from women in their 20s have down syndrome; it increases to about 1 in 100 babies born with down syndrome from women in their 40s.
### Human:\nis pregnancy after age 35 safe?\n\n### Assistant: while advances in medical care can help women over age 35 have safer pregnancies than in the past infertility and pregnancy complications for this age group are higher than for younger women. if you have decided to delay having a child you should understand the risks associated with this so you can take precautions to minimize risks and improve your chances for a healthy pregnancy and child.
### Human:\nhow does fibromyalgia affect pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: with pregnancy there's a tremendous increase in the amount of hormones in your body. along with weight gain your body is out of balance and your shape takes a different form. most women experience nausea and fatigue especially during the first three months of pregnancy. is it any wonder that fibromyalgia symptoms are often misdiagnosed and thought to be a normal part of pregnancy? there are few studies on fibromyalgia in pregnant women. however a study at temple university found that women with fibromyalgia had more symptoms of pain during pregnancy than women who did not have fibromyalgia. also fibromyalgia symptoms seemed to be exacerbated during pregnancy. pregnant women with fibromyalgia may experience significant pain fatigue and psychological stress especially in the first three months.
### Human:\nwhat medications can i take for fibromyalgia during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: for women who ache all over because of fibromyalgia during pregnancy acetaminophen (tylenol and others) is often recommended. still it's best to avoid all medications without approval from your fibromyalgia doctor and obstetrician.
### Human:\ndoes stress trigger fibromyalgia during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: pregnant or not stress -- both physical and emotional -- is known to trigger fibromyalgia. considering all that's involved with pregnancy labor and delivery it's obvious that pregnancy is a time of high stress. with pregnancy there are changes in the levels of estrogen progesterone and other hormones. also since the time after a pregnancy can be difficult for mothers -- even those without fibromyalgia -- it's important to be aware of the possible increase in pain and other symptoms that may occur after giving birth.
### Human:\nwhat causes human immunodeficiency virus hiv infection?\n\n### Assistant: the infection is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (hiv). after hiv is in the body it attacks and destroys cd4+ cells which are the part of the body's immune system that fights infection and disease. when hiv weakens or destroys the immune cells it may lead to certain illnesses or diseases such as some types of pneumonia or cancer that are more likely to develop in someone who has a weakened immune system. these conditions are a sign that hiv has progressed to aids. hiv is spread when blood semen or vaginal fluids from an infected person enter another person's body usually through sexual contact from sharing needles when injecting drugs or from mother to baby during birth. hiv is rarely spread by blood transfusions or organ transplants in the united states because of improved screening procedures. webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. © 1995-2011 healthwise incorporated. healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated.
### Human:\nwhat surgery options do i have for human immunodeficiency virus hiv infection?\n\n### Assistant: there is no surgical treatment for hiv. what to think about people with hiv may need surgery for other conditions. you can have surgery if you are hiv-positive. but you may have a more difficult time healing after surgery if you have a weakened immune system. webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. © 1995-2011 healthwise incorporated. healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated.
### Human:\nwhat treatments are recommended for fibromyalgia during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: to avoid letting fibromyalgia interfere with pregnancy know what steps you can take to ease the symptoms. then seek support from your doctors family members and friends. the safest treatments for pregnant women with fibromyalgia may include massage exercise yoga meditation and rest. if you suffer with fatigue and ache all over make sure you rest 20 to 30 minutes at least two or three times a day. to ease the achiness of tender point pain try moist heat applications twice a day. a warm shower or bath is a good way to apply moist heat. also use gentle stretching exercises and exercises recommended by your doctor for relief.
### Human:\nwhat increases the risk of getting human immunodeficiency virus hiv infection?\n\n### Assistant: most people get hiv by having unprotected sex with someone who has hiv. another common way of getting the virus is by sharing needles with someone who is infected with hiv when injecting drugs. you have an increased risk of becoming infected with hiv through sexual contact if you: have unprotected sex (do not use condoms ). have multiple sex partners. are a man who has sex with other men. have high-risk partner(s) (partner has multiple sex partners is a man who has sex with other men or injects drugs). have or have recently had a sexually transmitted disease such as syphilis or active herpes. people who inject drugs or steroids especially if they share needles syringes cookers or other equipment used to inject drugs are at risk of being infected with hiv. babies who are born to mothers who are infected with hiv are also at risk of infection. what to think about hiv may be spread more easily in the early stage of infection when the first flu -like symptoms of hiv ( acute retroviral syndrome ) are present and again later when symptoms of hiv -related illness develop. the risk of getting hiv from a blood transfusion or organ transplant is extremely low because all donated blood and organs in the united states are screened for hiv. webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. © 1995-2011 healthwise incorporated. healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated.
### Human:\ndoes atripla cure hiv-1 or aids?\n\n### Assistant: atripla does not cure hiv-1 infection or aids. the long-term effects of atripla are not known at this time. people taking atripla may still get opportunistic infections or other conditions that happen with hiv-1 infection. opportunistic infections are infections that develop because the immune system is weak. some of these conditions are pneumonia herpes virus infections and mycobacterium avium complex (mac) infection. it is very important that you see your healthcare provider regularly while taking atripla.
### Human:\nwhat is hiv? what is aids?\n\n### Assistant: hiv (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the immune system the body’s natural defense system. without a strong immune system the body has trouble fighting off disease. both the virus and the infection it causes are called hiv. white blood cells are an important part of the immune system. hiv invades and destroys certain white blood cells called cd4+ cells. if too many cd4+ cells are destroyed the body can no longer defend itself against infection. the last stage of hiv infection is aids (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). people with aids have a low number of cd4+ cells and get infections or cancers that rarely occur in healthy people. these can be deadly. but having hiv does not mean you have aids. even without treatment it takes a long time for hiv to progress to aids-usually 10 to 12 years. if hiv is diagnosed before it becomes aids medicines can slow or stop the damage to the immune system. with treatment many people with hiv are able to live long and active lives. webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. © 1995-2011 healthwise incorporated. healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated.
### Human:\ndoes viracept cure hiv or aids?\n\n### Assistant: viracept is not a cure for hiv infection or aids. people taking viracept may still develop opportunistic infections or other conditions associated with hiv infection. some of these conditions are pneumonia herpes virus infections mycobacterium avium complex (mac) infections and kaposi's sarcoma.
### Human:\ncan you get aids/hiv from kissing?\n\n### Assistant: you cannot get hiv from kissing not even french kissing. the common explanation we give is that hiv has to be in large amounts to get into the bloodstream to cause infection. in saliva you would have to drink or come in contact with a bucket of saliva with hiv in order to get enough of the virus to get an infection. also the inside lining of the mouth is tough to deal with chewing so unless there is a bleeding gum or ulcer on the mouth and someone with hiv gets either a bucket of saliva in your mouth or bleeds in your mouth (which hopefully will not be happening) the risk is extremely low.
### Human:\nhow can human immunodeficiency virus hiv infection be prevented?\n\n### Assistant: you can keep from getting hiv by avoiding behaviors that might result in contact with infected blood semen or vaginal fluids. practice safe sex to prevent hiv. always use a condom during sexual activity unless you are in a relationship with one partner who does not have hiv or other sex partners. if you do have sex with someone who has hiv it is important to practice safe sex and to be regularly tested for hiv. reduce your number of sex partners preferably to one partner. talk with your sex partner or partners about their sexual history as well as your own sexual history. find out whether your partner has engaged in high-risk behaviors. avoid alcohol and drugs which can impair both your judgment and your immune system. people who know and understand safer sex practices may not practice them when they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. do not share intravenous (iv) needles syringes cookers cotton cocaine spoons or eyedroppers with others if you use drugs. if you are hiv-positive (infected with hiv) or have engaged in sex or needle-sharing with someone who could be infected with hiv take precautions to avoid spreading the infection to others. tell your sex partner or partners about your behavior and whether you are hiv-positive. follow safe sex practices such as using condoms. do not donate blood plasma semen body organs or body tissues. do not share personal items such as toothbrushes razors or sex toys that may be contaminated with blood semen or vaginal fluids. the risk of a woman spreading hiv to her baby can be greatly reduced if she is on medicine that reduces her viral load (hiv rna) to undetectable levels during pregnancy if she receives azt (zdv) before the baby is born and if she does not breast-feed her baby. the baby should also receive treatment after it is born. if you do not regularly engage in high-risk behaviors for hiv such as having unprotected sex or injecting drugs and you feel you have been exposed this way contact your doctor as soon as possible. he or she may recommend medicine if your exposure was within the past 72 hours. 7 webmd medical reference from healthwise this information is not intended to replace the advice of a doctor. healthwise disclaims any liability for the decisions you make based on this information. © 1995-2011 healthwise incorporated. healthwise healthwise for every health decision and the healthwise logo are trademarks of healthwise incorporated.
### Human:\ndoes reyataz cure hiv or aids?\n\n### Assistant: reyataz does not cure hiv infection or aids. at present there is no cure for hiv infection. people taking reyataz may still get opportunistic infections or other conditions that happen with hiv infection. opportunistic infections are infections that develop because the immune system is weak. some of these conditions are pneumonia herpes virus infections and mycobacterium avium complex (mac) infections. it is very important that you see your healthcare provider regularly while taking reyataz. reyataz does not lower your chance of passing hiv to other people through sexual contact sharing needles or being exposed to your blood. for your health and the health of others it is important to always practice safer sex by using a latex or polyurethane condom or other barrier to lower the chance of sexual contact with semen vaginal secretions or blood. never use or share dirty needles.
### Human:\ndoes fuzeon cure hiv and aids?\n\n### Assistant: fuzeon does not cure hiv infection or aids. people taking fuzeon may still get opportunistic infections or other conditions that can happen with hiv infection. for these reasons it is very important that you remain under the care of your healthcare provider while taking fuzeon.
### Human:\nhow long does it take for hiv to cause aids?\n\n### Assistant: scientists have estimated that about half the people with hiv will develop aids within 10 years after becoming infected. this timeframe varies greatly from person to person. it depends on many factors including a person's health status and behaviors. also advances in drug therapies and other medical treatments are dramatically changing the outlook for people with hiv. as with other diseases early detection of infection allows for more options for treatment and preventive health care.
### Human:\ndoes aptivus cure hiv or aids?\n\n### Assistant: aptivus does not cure hiv infection or aids. the long-term effects of aptivus are not known at this time. people taking aptivus may still get infections or other conditions common in people with hiv (opportunistic infections). it is very important that you stay under the care of your doctor during treatment with aptivus.
### Human:\ndoes intelence cure hiv or aids?\n\n### Assistant: no. intelence does not cure hiv infection or aids. right now there is no cure for hiv infection. people taking intelence may still get opportunistic infections or other conditions that happen with hiv infection. opportunistic infections are infections that develop because the immune system is weak. some of the other conditions that can happen with hiv are: pneumonia herpes virus infection mycobacterium avium complex (mac) infections.
### Human:\nwhat sleep aids can i take that are not habit forming but will give me a good night's sleep?\n\n### Assistant: the general rule of thumb is that you should not take products like tylenol pm for more than 14 days. if you have been taking this for more than that i would advise making an appointment with your doctor or healthcare provider for further evaluation. with continued use you may experience "rebound insomnia" which means you get a version of insomnia that can be much worse or you could even develop a tolerance to tylenol pm (which means no matter how much you take it will not work). another important issue is that you may be experiencing side effects like dry mouth dizziness and constipation which could lead you to using additional medications to treat those side effects -- which would not be necessary if you were not taking the tylenol pm.
### Human:\nwhy is l-tryptophan not working? are any natural sleep aids dangerous?\n\n### Assistant: this is a great question. every day i get more and more questions about consumers and patients wanting to use vitamin supplements or herbal supplements for sleep. one of the things i want people to understand is that this is an over-the-counter product and there really isn't any data available on whether or not they work. but we want to make sure that they follow the directions and take them as instructed on the label. if you get more than what you are supposed to you actually could become toxic or could really start to interact with other medications that you are on. but the most important thing is to acknowledge the fact that maybe your doctor doesn't know that you are having a problem sleeping and that could be related to maybe another medication that you are on and if we take away that medication maybe your insomnia will go away. so once again it's really important to let your healthcare provider know or ask your pharmacist we will be able to tell you right away if a medication you are on may cause insomnia.
### Human:\nwhat about acute (sudden) blood loss as a cause of anemia?\n\n### Assistant: acute blood loss from internal bleeding (as from a bleeding ulcer) or external bleeding (as from trauma) can produce anemia in an amazingly short span of time. this type of anemia could result in severe symptoms and consequences if not addressed promptly.
### Human:\ndoes viread cure hiv-1 or aids?\n\n### Assistant: viread does not cure hiv-1 infection or aids. the long-term effects of viread are not known at this time. people taking viread may still get opportunistic infections or other conditions that happen with hiv-1 infection. opportunistic infections are infections that develop because the immune system is weak. some of these conditions are pneumonia herpes virus infections and mycobacterium avium complex (mac) infections.
### Human:\nhow is anemia treated?\n\n### Assistant: the treatment of the anemia varies greatly. first the underlying cause of the anemia should be identified and corrected. for example anemia as a result of blood loss from a stomach ulcer should begin with medications to heal the ulcer. likewise surgery is often necessary to remove a colon cancer that is causing chronic blood loss and anemia. sometimes iron supplements will also be needed to correct iron deficiency. in severe anemia blood transfusions may be necessary. vitamin b12 injections will be necessary for patients suffering from pernicious anemia or other causes of b12 deficiency. in certain patients with bone marrow disease (or bone marrow damage from chemotherapy) or patients with kidney failure epoetin alfa (procrit epogen) may be used to stimulate bone marrow red blood cell production. if a medication is thought to be the culprit then it should be discontinued under the direction of the prescribing doctor.
### Human:\nwhat causes anemia?\n\n### Assistant: any process that can disrupt the normal life span of a red blood cell may cause anemia. normal life span of a red blood cell is typically around 120 days. red blood cells are made in the bone marrow. anemia is caused essentially through two basic pathways. anemia is either caused: by a decrease in production of red blood cell or hemoglobin. or by a loss or destruction of blood.
### Human:\nwhat are the complications of anemia?\n\n### Assistant: hemoglobin has the important role of delivering oxygen to all parts of the body and carrying carbon dioxide back to the lungs so it can be exhaled out of the body. if hemoglobin level is too low which is what happens in anemia this process may be impaired resulting in the body having low oxygen level (hypoxia).
### Human:\ncan anemia be hereditary?\n\n### Assistant: yes anemia may be genetic. hereditary disorders can shorten the lifespan of the red blood cell and lead to anemia (for example sickle cell anemia). hereditary disorders can also cause anemia by impairing the production of hemoglobin (for example alpha thalassemia and beta thalassemia). depending on the degree of the genetic abnormality hereditary anemias may cause mild moderate or severe anemia. in fact some may be too severe to be compatible with life and may result in death of the fetus (unborn infant). on the other hand some of these anemias are so mild that they are not noticeable and are incidentally revealed during a routine blood work.
### Human:\nwhat is anemia?\n\n### Assistant: anemia is a medical condition in which the red blood cell count or hemoglobin is less than normal. the normal level of hemoglobin is generally different in males and females. for men anemia is typically defined as hemoglobin level of less than 13. 5 g/100 ml and in women as hemoglobin of less than 12. 0 g/100 ml. these definitions may vary slightly depending on the source and the laboratory reference used.
### Human:\nwhat are the symptoms of anemia?\n\n### Assistant: some patients with anemia have no symptoms. others with anemia may: feel tired. fatigue easily. appear pale. develop palpitations (feeling of heart racing). become short of breath. additional symptoms may include: hair loss. malaise (general sense of feeling unwell). worsening of heart problems. it is worth noting that if anemia is longstanding (chronic anemia) the body may adjust to low oxygen levels and the individual may not feel different unless the anemia becomes severe. on the other hand if the anemia occurs rapidly (acute anemia) the patient may experience significant symptoms relatively quickly.
### Human:\ndoes a vasectomy protect against hiv/aids and other sexually transmitted diseases?\n\n### Assistant: although it is extremely effective for preventing pregnancy vasectomy does not offer protection against hiv/aids or other sexually transmitted diseases. consequently it is important that vasectomized men continue to use condoms preferably latex which offer considerable protection against the spread of disease in any sexual encounter that carries the risk of contracting or transmitting infection.
### Human:\ndoes invirase cure hiv/aids?\n\n### Assistant: invirase does not cure aids and it does not prevent you from getting other illnesses that result from advanced hiv infection. in addition invirase has not been shown to reduce the risk that you may transmit hiv to others through sexual contact or infected blood. you must continue to follow all of your doctor's recommendations for managing your illness.
### Human:\nwhat are causes of anemia other than lack of iron?\n\n### Assistant: some of the most common reasons anemia develops other than lack of iron are: vitamin b12 deficiency may cause pernicious anemia. this type of anemia could happen in people who are unable to absorb vitamin b12 from their intestines due to a number of reasons: strict vegetarians who may not be taking adequate vitamin supplements. long-term alcoholics. this typically causes macrocytic (large cell volume) anemia. vitamin b12 along with folate is a involved in making the heme molecule that is an integral part of hemoglobin. folate deficiency can be the culprit. this may also be caused by inadequate absorption under-consumption of green leafy vegetables and also long-term heavy alcohol use. there can be rupture of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia) due to antibodies clinging to the surface of the red cells (for example hemolytic disease of the newborn and in many other conditions). a wide assortment of bone marrow diseases can cause anemia. for example cancers that spread (metastasize) to the bone marrow or cancers of the bone marrow (such as leukemia or multiple myeloma) can cause the bone marrow to inadequately produce red blood cells resulting in anemia. certain chemotherapy for cancers can also cause damage to the bone marrow and decrease red blood cell production resulting in anemia. certain infections may involve the bone marrow and result in bone marrow impairment and anemia. finally patients with kidney failure may lack the hormone necessary to stimulate normal red blood cell production by the bone marrow. another common cause of anemia is called anemia of chronic disease. this could typically occur in individuals with long-standing chronic diseases. some medications can cause anemia in a variety of ways. human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) can cause anemia.
### Human:\ndoes kaletra cure hiv or aids?\n\n### Assistant: no. kaletra does not cure hiv (human immunodeficiency virus) infection or aids (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). people taking kaletra may still get opportunistic infections or other conditions that happen with hiv infection. some of these conditions are pneumonia herpes virus infections and mycobacterium avium complex (mac) infections.
### Human:\ndoes the risk of miscarriage increase with a pregnancy after age 35?\n\n### Assistant: studies show that the risk of miscarriage (loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks gestation) is 12% to 15% for women in their 20s and rises to about 25% for women at age 40. the increased incidence of chromosomal abnormalities contributes to this increased risk of miscarriage in older women.
### Human:\nwhat are some of the additional problems that can occur in a pregnancy after age 35?\n\n### Assistant: chronic health problems such as diabetes or high blood pressure are more common in women in their 30s and 40s. be sure to get these conditions under control before you become pregnant since they pose risks to both you and your baby. careful medical monitoring begun before conception and continued throughout your pregnancy can reduce the risks associated with these conditions. high blood pressure and diabetes can develop for the first time during pregnancy and women over the age of 30 are at increased risk. if you are pregnant and over age 35 this makes it especially important that you get early and regular prenatal care to ensure early diagnosis and proper treatment. stillbirth (delivery of a baby that has died before birth) is more common in women over age 35. older women are also more likely to have low-birth weight babies (weighing less than 5. 5 pounds at birth). cesarean birth is also slightly more common for women having their first child after age 35.