### Human:\nis zerit safe during pregnancy or while nursing (breastfeeding)?\n\n### Assistant: it is not known if zerit can harm a human fetus. pregnant women have experienced serious side effects when taking stavudine (the active ingredient in zerit) in combination with didanosine and other hiv medicines. zerit should be used during pregnancy only after discussion with your doctor. tell your doctor if you become pregnant or plan to become pregnant while taking zerit. because studies have shown zerit is in the breast milk of animals receiving the drug it may be present in human breast milk. the cdc recommends that hiv-infected mothers not breastfeed to reduce the risk of passing hiv infection to their babies and the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants. therefore do not nurse a baby while taking zerit.
### Human:\ncan i take abraxane if i am pregnant or nursing a baby?\n\n### Assistant: abraxane could harm the fetus when given to a pregnant woman. women should avoid becoming pregnant while they are undergoing treatment with abraxane. tell your doctor if you become pregnant or plan to become pregnant while taking abraxane. men should be advised not to father a child while receiving treatment with abraxane. because studies have shown the active agent (paclitaxel) in abraxane to be present in the breast milk of animals receiving the active agent it may be present in human breast milk as well. therefore nursing a baby while taking abraxane is not recommended. because many drugs are excreted in human milk and because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants it is recommended that nursing be discontinued when receiving abraxane therapy. this medicine was prescribed for your particular condition. this summary does not include everything there is to know about abraxane. medicines are sometimes prescribed for purposes other than those listed in a patient information leaflet. if you have questions or concerns or want more information about abraxane contact your doctor or pharmacist. you may want to read the patient information leaflet and discuss it with your doctor. remember no written summary can replace careful discussion with your doctor.
### Human:\nwhat if i become pregnant while taking glucovance?\n\n### Assistant: tell your doctor if you plan to become pregnant or have become pregnant. as with other oral glucose-control medications you should not take glucovance during pregnancy. usually your doctor will prescribe insulin while you are pregnant. as with all medications you and your doctor should discuss the use of glucovance if you are nursing a child.
### Human:\nwhat is a blatocyst in pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: a blastocyst is a fertilized egg after several days of cell division.
### Human:\nwhat is the third trimester (week 29 - week 40) of pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: you're in the home stretch! some of the same discomforts you had in your second trimester will continue. plus many women find breathing difficult and notice they have to go to the bathroom even more often. this is because the baby is getting bigger and it is putting more pressure on your organs. don't worry your baby is fine and these problems will lessen once you give birth. some new body changes you might notice in the third trimester include: shortness of breath. heartburn. swelling of the ankles fingers and face. (if you notice any sudden or extreme swelling or if you gain a lot of weight really quickly call your doctor right away. this could be a sign of preeclampsia. ) hemorrhoids. tender breasts which may leak a watery pre-milk called colostrum (kuh-loss-struhm). your belly button may stick out. trouble sleeping. the baby "dropping" or moving lower in your abdomen. contractions which can be a sign of real or false labor. as you near your due date your cervix becomes thinner and softer (called effacing). this is a normal natural process that helps the birth canal (vagina) to open during the birthing process. your doctor will check your progress with a vaginal exam as you near your due date. get excited — the final countdown has begun!
### Human:\nwhat is the second trimester (week 13 to week 2<positive_smiley> of pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: most women find the second trimester of pregnancy easier than the first. but it is just as important to stay informed about your pregnancy during these months. you might notice that symptoms like nausea and fatigue are going away. but other new more noticeable changes to your body are now happening. your abdomen will expand as the baby continues to grow. and before this trimester is over you will feel your baby beginning to move! as your body changes to make room for your growing baby you may have: body aches such as back abdomen groin or thigh pain. stretch marks on your abdomen breasts thighs or buttocks. darkening of the skin around your nipples. a line on the skin running from belly button to pubic hairline. patches of darker skin usually over the cheeks forehead nose or upper lip. patches often match on both sides of the face. this is sometimes called the mask of pregnancy. numb or tingling hands called carpal tunnel syndrome. itching on the abdomen palms and soles of the feet. (call your doctor if you have nausea loss of appetite vomiting jaundice or fatigue combined with itching. these can be signs of a serious liver problem. ) swelling of the ankles fingers and face. (if you notice any sudden or extreme swelling or if you gain a lot of weight really quickly call your doctor right away. this could be a sign of preeclampsia. )
### Human:\nwhat allergy medications are safe to use during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: i always typically refer my pregnant moms to make sure that they talk to their healthcare provider first because they might have a particular brand that they are comfortable with. i always typically refer my pregnant moms to make sure that they talk to their healthcare provider first because they might have a particular brand that they are comfortable with. there is another product out on the market called chlor-trimeton and that’s an older medication very similar to benadryl that is still available and that has great data with it because it was actually tested in pregnancy; and that is considered very safe and effective. zyrtec and claritin are other alternatives that could be used; but once again i do stress though the fact that they should really call their healthcare provider first and see what they prefer as far as the drug to treat with. now if they have a stuffy nose it’s a little different subject because nasal decongestants aren’t as safe in pregnant women and typically they have to use a saline nasal spray which i know is difficult because it may not relieve the congestion as much; but it’s really the safest thing for them to use.
### Human:\nwhat causes pain when you lower your arm after raising it? . i injured my arm lifting a box of books. had an xray which showed only some arthritis. have had some problem with pain in my shoulder when sleeping on it in the past. it is my right shoulder.\n\n### Assistant: i have had surgery on my rotator cuff because of natural wear. i had a problem that if i raised and then lowered my arm. the shoulder hurt when i lowered my arm. it turned out to be shoulder rotator cartilage problem. the pain disappeared after a few moments after i lowered my arm.
### Human:\narthritis on its own or arthritis as a result of an inflammatory bowel disease? . i was diagnosed with arthritis when i was twelve. i am now nineteen and am seeing a doctor this summer because i have developed symptoms of an inflammatory bowel disease. i know that arthritis can develop as a symptom of inflammatory bowel diseases. how do i know if i have arthritis and an inflammatory bowel disease or if i just have arthritis as a symptom of an inflammatory bowel disease? is there a distinction between the two in treatments?\n\n### Assistant: arthritis on own.
### Human:\narthritis on its own or arthritis as a result of an inflammatory bowel disease? . i was diagnosed with arthritis when i was twelve. i am now nineteen and am seeing a doctor this summer because i have developed symptoms of an inflammatory bowel disease. i know that arthritis can develop as a symptom of inflammatory bowel diseases. how do i know if i have arthritis and an inflammatory bowel disease or if i just have arthritis as a symptom of an inflammatory bowel disease? is there a distinction between the two in treatments?\n\n### Assistant: were you diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis? if yes then your arthritis is not due to inflammatory bowel diseasea (ibd) you are suffering with. but impaired gut health may aggrevate your symptoms. kindly take proper consultation before starting any treatments as few medicaton for rheumatoid arthritis are contraindicated in ibd.
### Human:\nright hand index finger proximal phalanges intermediate phalanges joint pain swelling. started a week ago. arthritus? . just looking for some options as to what the cause for the pain and swelling might be.\n\n### Assistant: i know from my own experience with arthritis that your complaint sounds very much like arthritis. you should however see a dr. for it as there is a difference between osteoarthritis and rhuematoid arthritis. either way a true dx should be made.
### Human:\nwhat is the first trimester (week 1 - week 12) of pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: during the first trimester your body undergoes many changes. hormonal changes affect almost every organ system in your body. these changes can trigger symptoms even in the very first weeks of pregnancy. your period stopping is a clear sign that you are pregnant. other changes may include: extreme tiredness. tender swollen breasts. your nipples might also stick out. upset stomach with or without throwing up (morning sickness). cravings or distaste for certain foods. mood swings. constipation (trouble having bowel movements). need to pass urine more often. headache. heartburn. weight gain or loss. as your body changes you might need to make changes to your daily routine such as going to bed earlier or eating frequent small meals. fortunately most of these discomforts will go away as your pregnancy progresses. and some women might not feel any discomfort at all! if you have been pregnant before you might feel differently this time around. just as each woman is different so is each pregnancy.
### Human:\ncan being over weight cause arthritis in your feet?\n\n### Assistant: while excess weight doesn't necessarily cause arthritis in places like your feet it can exacerbate it or make it progress in a more rapid fashion. excess weight puts additional stress on joints making arthritis symptoms worse. losing weight will not cure arthritis but it can help slow down the progression of the disease. for more details on how this works see this webmd article.
### Human:\ncan being over weight cause arthritis in your feet?\n\n### Assistant: weight bearing joints like knee and ankle are most likely affected by arthritis. being overweight is a known risk factor of arthritis and even putting on 10 pounds may worsen the arthritis. while treating arthritis in obese and overweight individuals weight loss is considered as an important strategy.
### Human:\nare there topical creams for treating arthritis\n\n### Assistant: there are several over-the-counter ones. your pharmacist can point them out to you and a prescription one called voltaran gel 1%. there are even homeopathic and "natural" remedies but i cannot attest to their effectiveness.
### Human:\nare there topical creams for treating arthritis\n\n### Assistant: hi chilli and cayenne are both very good for arthritis have a look on site here for info or you can google chilli and arthritis same but with cayenne or have a look on this site <link>. epper. html you should find some very good info on earthclinic. com as well. but i do take cayenne daily it has got mine down but that's just a side effect for what i take it for so this proves it works. for me i mix cayenne in tomato paste and thin with olive oil to start with mix to a heat that suits you after you have been taken it for a few weeks you will find that you can slowly push up the heat of it i take 3 small spoonful's first thing each morning with fine chopped garlic wash down each spoonful with water follow that with a small piece of dark chocolate all very good for you. hope this helps you. good luck
### Human:\ncan arthritis spread? . i was diagnosed with having arthritis in my lower back at the same time i was beginning to have symptoms in the middle of my back and now on the top of my back. i was wondering if the arthritis is spreading through my back? the symptoms are all the same and now it is affecting my whole back.\n\n### Assistant: yes a person can have arthritis symptoms in just about any joint. there are several different types of arthritis and i do not know what type you have so i would suggest that you address this question to your medical provider -- someone who knows you and your medical history.
### Human:\ncan arthritis spread? . i was diagnosed with having arthritis in my lower back at the same time i was beginning to have symptoms in the middle of my back and now on the top of my back. i was wondering if the arthritis is spreading through my back? the symptoms are all the same and now it is affecting my whole back.\n\n### Assistant: yes as disease progress the arthritis may spread affecting different joints. better get yourself tested every 6 months to check the progression of arthritis. the progression can be effectively managed with changes to diet and routine. herbs like boswellia curcuma withania may help to control arthritis. these herbal mix powder in equal proportion can be consumed at dose of 2-3 gms twice per day with lukewarm water.
### Human:\ni am a 53 year old female and have osteoarthris and in good health otherwise. my question is coffee bad for arthritis?\n\n### Assistant: hi this bit is coffee bad for arthritis there's a lot of mixed answers on this question. so suggest you try just cutting coffee out for a week see how things go. like am i better for not or just the same. green tea the benefits could be good for you over coffee here's a link from webmd that might help you <link> now the other thing is if your not a fan of green tea try it with honey and lemon. but i will tell you now any kind of tea is best made in a tea pot that’s the british bit in me we older people love tea made in a pot the flavour is far better this way you can make a full 2 pint pot and just leave it just put in in the micro wave and away you go. do hope this helps. good luck
### Human:\nif a mother gains too much weight during pregnancy does that result in a bigger baby?\n\n### Assistant: that is a myth. gaining too much weight will not necessarily cause the baby to be larger. just because you are "eating for two" doesn’t mean you should eat twice as much. gaining beyond 25 to 35 pounds for a single birth just makes it harder to lose after the baby is born.
### Human:\nwhat should i know about sporanox capsules and pregnancy or breastfeeding?\n\n### Assistant: never take sporanox capsules if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant within two months after you have finished your treatment. if you are able to become pregnant you should use effective birth control during sporanox treatment and for two months after finishing treatment. ask your doctor about effective types of birth control. if you are breastfeeding talk with your doctor about whether you should take sporanox.
### Human:\nwhy is it important to have a healthy weight before i get pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: according to the iom (institute of medicine) the ideal situation is conceiving at a healthy weight and gaining the right number of pounds for the subsequent nine months. starting pregnancy at a healthy weight provides a baby with better odds of developing normally and minimizes complications including high blood pressure and cesarean delivery in mom. once you're pregnant the horse is out of the barn as far as your body weight goes. however it's never too early to plan for the next pregnancy. there's no need to rush but make an effort to return to your prepregnancy weight or a healthy weight within a year of delivering your baby.
### Human:\nwhy does pregnancy weight gain vary so much from woman to woman or from pregnancy to pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: it's difficult to understand why some women gain more than the recommended amounts during one pregnancy when they seem to be monitoring every bite then put on the same amount of weight with the next baby when they pay much less attention to how much they eat. unless you monitor every morsel you eat and every move you make it's impossible to chalk up the pregnancy weight gain to anything but pregnancy metabolism. women who have struggled with eating disorders may be fearful of gaining weight even during pregnancy. it's important to discuss your feelings about food with a qualified health care professional. intentionally restricting calories to keep weight gain low can harm your baby's growth and development. pregnancy is no time to diet even if you started off overweight.
### Human:\nhow much extra food should i eat while pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: pregnancy hormones can play havoc with appetite causing some women to feel famished. others are daunted by nausea vomiting and fatigue that diminish their desire for food. in both cases the best strategy is trying as much as possible to adhere to a balanced diet that accounts for physical activity and stage of pregnancy like the ones offered at mypyramid. gov. a nutritious pregnancy eating plan with adequate calories -- about 340 more calories each day than your prepregnancy needs starting in the second trimester and about 450 more than your prepregnancy diet during the last three months of pregnancy -- should be enough to prevent constant hunger. women who are particularly physically active during pregnancy may need more calories however. choosing foods that fill you up as part of a balanced pregnancy diet improves eating satisfaction. for example whole grains vegetables and legumes are filled with fiber to keep you fuller for longer without any extra calories. drink plenty of fluids; it works with fiber to keep you full and to prevent constipation a common pregnancy complaint.
### Human:\ndoes a person get a high from capsule medical marijuana? does it dull pain or just make the pain tolerable? . could this help a 95 year old who is in severe pain from spinal stenosis and arthritis? does it really have any long term effects on memory?\n\n### Assistant: i would be reluctant to use medical marijuana on an elderly person who may have problems with memory and mental processing as it is. however a pain managment specialist may have different ideas. this 95 year old should really see a pain specialist so that his/her pain can be pharmaceutically managed taking into account all of there medical history. personally i have never prescribed it for these reasons.
### Human:\ndoes a person get a high from capsule medical marijuana? does it dull pain or just make the pain tolerable? . could this help a 95 year old who is in severe pain from spinal stenosis and arthritis? does it really have any long term effects on memory?\n\n### Assistant: as a former pain pill addict and current medicinal user of cannabis i must respectfully disagree with the doctor. new research is showing that marijuana does not effect the memory in the ways previously thought. however i will admit the effects of marijuana on an elderly patient especially one that has never used it before may be a bit overwhelming. are you in a state where it is legal medicinally because it would be best to do under the care of a doctor considering the age factor. marijuana is a much safer form of pain control than traditional narcotics. it is also being shown to have benefits on numerous other conditions. you can always do the research if you have any doubts or concerns. also to answer your original question marijuana does not come in pill form there is a synthetic pill called marinol but it is not exactly the same as cannabis and is usually only prescribed for cancer patients. there is a variety of ways to reap the benefits of marijuana. i would suggest cannabis oil. a little bit placed under the tongue can go along way. there is also edibles such as cookies cakes and brownies but those tend to have a more psychoactive effect and may be a bit too overwhelming. smoking it is an option but with the patients age i would advice against this. if you are in a state where it is legalized for medicinal use talk with a doctor about your options. if unfortunately your in a state like me where its not you can always find all the information you could ever want or need online. just be careful and make sure you check the sources of the information your reading. also be careful of the law as i can personally attest to even if your just trying to use a safe alternate to treat your pain they will still treat you like a criminal.
### Human:\ndoes a person get a high from capsule medical marijuana? does it dull pain or just make the pain tolerable? . could this help a 95 year old who is in severe pain from spinal stenosis and arthritis? does it really have any long term effects on memory?\n\n### Assistant: order 100% legit n safe medical marijuana pain relievers cbd oils dabs and more. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com medical marijuana is good for your health top medical strains for all patients suffering from depression glaucoma anxiety and tension headaches chronic pain and nausea mental and physical fatigue and for calming aromatherapy then you are in the right place to look in our meds all top grade aa+ with high level of cbd and thc contact for your supply and good health. pain killers medical marijuana act. lean ***(( no prescribtion is needed))) bud seeds harsh oils dabs & other m. m treatments. we also sefely and securely deliver all sorts of generic medication and syrup nationwide at very good prices. no prescribtions needed. legit verified and reputed plug. available in the u. s canada australia and the uk. for more info text (505) 807-7504 lisanblakeretailshop@gmail. com. thank you.
### Human:\nwhat happens if i gain too much or too little during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: in the short term gaining the suggested amount of weight reduces the risk of preterm birth (birth before 37 weeks of gestation) and promotes a baby that isn't too big or too small at delivery. in the long run research suggests that the greater the weight gain during pregnancy the higher the risk of having an overweight child and one with higher blood pressure. children who are born too small which can result from inadequate weight gain during pregnancy are more prone to certain chronic conditions including heart disease and diabetes during adulthood. what if you miss the mark for recommended weight gain? if you're off by just a few pounds either way it probably won't make much of a difference. the iom (institute of medicine) guidelines provide a range in each bmi category suggesting that good outcomes are achieved with all different weight gains. listen to the advice of your doctor or nurse-midwife about weight gain but if you have doubts ask what's right for you.
### Human:\nhow much weight is it ok to gain during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: most doctors base their recommendation of weight gain on the weight of the mom before pregnancy. women with a normal bmi (body mass index) should gain anywhere between 25 and 35 pounds and up to 45 for twins. overweight women may be able to safely gain between 15 and 25 pounds but should not use pregnancy as a time to diet or lose weight. check with your doctor to determine if it is safe for you to gain less or more than the recommended range.
### Human:\ncan lotrisone cream or lotion be used if i am pregnant or plan to become pregnant or if i am nursing?\n\n### Assistant: before using lotrisone cream or lotion tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. also tell your doctor if you are nursing.
### Human:\nif i am bleeding from the intestines already would taking omeprazole 20mg going to stop it? . i have been taking ibprofin for 14 or more years due to knee and hip pain and eventually have both knees and hips replaced. the only thing that helps the pain i have due to chronic arthritis in hand and neck as well. dr. worried about taking ibprofin as long as i have and gave me. omeprazole. 20mg to take 30 min. before breakfast. if i am already bleeding will that drug stop the bleeding?\n\n### Assistant: you probably need a colonoscope done to see if you have polyps that bleed. may be some other. med workup!
### Human:\nwhen should i start gaining weight during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: when it comes to pregnancy pounds timing matters. chances are weight gain during the first three months will be minimal -- and should be according to the iom (institute of medicine) guidelines. you don't need any extra calories during the first trimester; although the baby's growth is rapid he is so small that his development doesn't warrant additional energy. however you may add some pounds to your frame during the first three months because you're hungrier or because of fluid retention. some women even lose weight because they don't feel well enough to eat their usual diet. once the second trimester starts and the baby's growth begins in earnest gaining weight on a steady basis is a must. plan on putting on about a pound each week with a prepregnancy bmi of 24. 9 and below and about a half pound a week if you had a prepregnancy bmi of 24. 9 and above.
### Human:\nwhat if i become pregnant while using implanon?\n\n### Assistant: you should see your healthcare provider right away. it is important to remove implanon and make sure that the pregnancy is not ectopic (occurring outside the womb). based on experience with birth control pills implanon is not likely to cause birth defects.
### Human:\nwhat if i want to become pregnant or want to stop using implanon for another reason before three years?\n\n### Assistant: your healthcare provider can remove implanon at any time with a minor surgical procedure in the office. the information on your user card may help your healthcare provider find implanon. after removal keep the removal site clean dry and bandaged for three to five days to lessen the chance of infection. if you want to become pregnant your ability to get pregnant usually returns quickly. some women have become pregnant within days after removal of implanon. if you do not want to become pregnant you should start another birth control method right away. additional information if you would like more information talk with your healthcare provider. you can ask your healthcare provider for information about implanon that is written for healthcare providers.
### Human:\nwhat happens to the breasts in pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: during pregnancy the breasts grow. this growth is much more uniform than that at adolescence. the breasts of women with small breasts tend to grow about as much during pregnancy as those of women with large breasts. the amount of milk-producing tissue is essentially the same. this is the reason that when milk production begins small-breasted women produce as much milk as do large-breasted women.
### Human:\nis cracking your knuckles bad for you? . i crack my knuckles constantly and have heard you can develop arthritis over time. is this true? what else could happen if i continue to crack my knuckles?\n\n### Assistant: it is bad for the people around you that have to hear it. cracking your knuckles has not been well-studied as a cause of arthritis in the hands so i think the jury is out as to any harm it may cause. you can post again in about 20 years and let everyone know how your hands are doing or you can just curtail this unnecessary habit.
### Human:\ndoes lack of sleep affect weight loss after pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: studies show that at six months after giving birth moms who got less than six hours of sleep per night had more difficulty losing weight than moms who slept more than six hours. . getting rest is important for you to be able to focus on eating healthy and find time to be physically active. do everything you can to get enough sleep and try not to be a superwoman until you've got your energy back because weight control takes a lot of energy.
### Human:\nhow long should it take to lose baby weight after pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: forget about dieting for at least six weeks postpartum and focus on eating a healthy diet. most women are sleep-deprived tired and lack the energy to exercise prepare healthy meals and do what it takes to lose weight. losing the baby weight can take upwards of a year. ideally you should take the weight off gradually aiming for one to two pounds per week.
### Human:\nwhat causes bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: about 20% of women have some bleeding during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. possible causes of first trimester bleeding include: implantation bleeding. you may experience some normal spotting within the first six to 12 days after you conceive as the fertilized egg implants itself in the lining of the uterus. some women don't realize they are pregnant because they mistake this bleeding for a light period. usually the bleeding is very light and lasts from a few hours to a few days. miscarriage. because miscarriage is most common during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy it tends to be one of the biggest concerns with first trimester bleeding. about half of women who bleed in pregnancy eventually miscarry but that doesn't necessarily mean that if you're bleeding you've lost the baby especially if you don't have any other symptoms. other symptoms of miscarriage are strong cramps in the lower abdomen and tissue passing through the vagina. ectopic pregnancy. in an ectopic pregnancy the fertilized embryo implants outside of the uterus usually in the fallopian tube. if the embryo keeps growing it can cause the fallopian tube to burst which can be life-threatening to the mother. although ectopic pregnancy is potentially dangerous it only occurs in about 2% of pregnancies. other symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are strong cramps or pain in the lower abdomen and lightheadedness. molar pregnancy (also called gestational trophoblastic disease). this is a very rare condition in which abnormal tissue grows inside the uterus instead of a baby. in rare cases the tissue is cancerous and can spread to other parts of the body. other symptoms of molar pregnancy are severe nausea and vomiting and rapid enlargement of the uterus. additional causes of bleeding in early pregnancy include: cervical changes. during pregnancy extra blood flows to the cervix. intercourse or a pap test which cause contact with the cervix can trigger bleeding. this type of bleeding isn't cause for concern. infection. any infection of the cervix vagina or a sexually transmitted infection (such as chlamydia gonorrhea or herpes) can cause bleeding in the first trimester.
### Human:\nwhat causes bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: implantation bleeding can last longer than 12 days. it maybe considered something else after so long but that is what my dr. called it. i am not writing this because i think i know more than what wmd gave as an answer. however as a first time pregnant woman who has experienced light bleeding and cramping intermittently from week 3rd through my current 7th week i believe there is not enough information available about 1st trimester bleeding. i read so many articles like this that my head was swimming. i knew i wasn't having a miscarriage but what i was reading (all from credible sources btw) left me feeling like i was either doomed to miscarry or i would be bed ridden. when i went in for an ultra sound the nurse pointed out a little dark area between the amniotic sac and my uterine wall. she said that is where the blood was coming from. at 7w1d i was still experiencing implantation bleeding- it was still attaching in an area. she said it is common and everything was fine! i saw my little button wiggle and we heard a heart beat! baby measures perfectly. not every story is going to end quite as uncomplicated but i want women to have hope. there are a lot of answers- every pregnancy is different. talk to your dr. and never ever assume the worst. there is hope!
### Human:\nwhat causes bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: i experienced bleeding at week 10. i had spent the day before at a rally in which i was walking and on my feet for hours. the bleeding started that night i thought i was miscarrying but i called the nurse and she said if i didn't soak a pad every 30 minthen it could b nothing. went to the doc two days after she said everything was normal. she advised me not to have intercourse for 3 weeks. the bleeding rate decreased but i kept spotting well into my second trimester. in the end there were no complications and i have a healthy baby girl.
### Human:\nwhat causes bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: i don't know why
### Human:\nis tendinits and arthritist the same\n\n### Assistant: no but they can have similar symptoms in the joints. tendonitis involves tendons (muscles and their connective tissue) and arthritis involves the bony aspect of joint. a person can have both and to a certain extent both may be treated similarly depending on the location and severity.
### Human:\nis tendinits and arthritist the same\n\n### Assistant: tendinitis can be a symptom associated with arthritis. they are learning more and more about arthritis every day. osteoarthritis (oa) is a wearing down of the cartilage that protects the bone ends. arthritis causes the cartilage to breakdown and then you have bone rubbing on bone and the bone then tries to protect itself by growing more bone this is called "osteophytes" and this is quite painful because this re grown bone is not nice and smooth but is lumpy and bumpy. cartilage is soft tissue not bone. some new research is suggesting that there may symptoms in the tendons and muscles which attach at or near the bone ends prior to xray evidence of oa. pain tendinitis bursitis can be a signal that something is wrong with the joint. i have severe generalized multi-site osteoarthritis (this oa is inherited most often bilateral: hands knees hips and so on) and i can tell you that this is so true. i knew that my knees were bad before there was xray evidence just due to the pain type and location. my elbows both have been so painful and i know that it is working on the joints while there is still no xray evidence it will be there soon. although they are saying that the elbows are not included in this form of oa i can tell you that they are by my own observations. my elbows can be so painful that i wake in the mornings just about screaming in pain when i try to move one or both. see a doctor before it becomes chronic pain. good luck to you.
### Human:\nmy wife has just been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and her sister has ms are the two diseases related? . my wife has just been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and her sister has ms are the two diseases related?\n\n### Assistant: this is a really good question. there is a lot that we don’t really know about rheumatoid arthritis (ra) and multiple sclerosis (ms). both ms and ra are considered to be autoimmune diseases. this means that for some reason the body’s own immune system attacks parts of itself. in ra the immune system begins to attack the joints. in ms it attacks the brain and spinal cord. why this happens in some people is not entirely clear. certain autoimmune diseases and the tendency to get autoimmune diseases does seem to run in families. it is thought that different things can trigger ms and ra. these triggers may be hormonal genetic or environmental. exposure to certain viruses is thought to be a trigger. epstein-barr virus (ebv) has suspected links to both ra and ms. there are also other connections. some studies suggest that ms patients may be more likely to get ra and other autoimmune diseases. and a treatment for ra called anti-tnf therapy can cause a condition very similar to ms. i hope this helps. as you can see we all still have a lot to learn about ms ra and all the other autoimmune diseases.
### Human:\nhow fast can arthritis develope in a broken foot. i broke my left foot over a year ago and am still having problems. i've been told it is arthritis and nothing can be done except fuse the foot. what no one can or will tell me is why no problem before breaking the foot but after breaking it i suddenly have arthritis? can it develop that fast? i feel like the doctors and insurance nurse just want me to go away. thank you.\n\n### Assistant: hm. you raise an interesting question. it's true that broken bones may be more prone to developing arthritis. it helps to understand that osteoarthritis (which is what we're talking about here) doesn't necessarily mean the development of painful bony spurs in a joint (which is what a lot of people think). technically "osteoarthritis" refers to the raw edges of two pieces of bone rubbing together painfully. we usually think of osteoarthritis as something that comes on gradually over the course of years because that is how the disease usually progresses in healthy tissue. osteoarthritis is called the "wear and tear" disease because under normal circumstances the cartilage between bones in a joint wears away over the decades until the two pieces of bone grind against each other. however the course may be different for osteoarthritis caused by trauma (such as a broken bone). i'd suggest you sit down with your doctor and have him or her define "arthritis" for you so that you understand better what they're talking about. they should also be able to explain in very clear terms how it is arthritis could develop in your foot so quickly. i hope this information helps!
### Human:\nhow fast can arthritis develope in a broken foot. i broke my left foot over a year ago and am still having problems. i've been told it is arthritis and nothing can be done except fuse the foot. what no one can or will tell me is why no problem before breaking the foot but after breaking it i suddenly have arthritis? can it develop that fast? i feel like the doctors and insurance nurse just want me to go away. thank you.\n\n### Assistant: i happened to be in the same boat as you except i now know for sure i have to have fusion in my wrist which will dramatically reduce my wrist's range of motion. i fractured my wrist twice. first time very badly in 1981 and the second time only about 2 years ago. although it was set correctly yet the second time it broke very easily because it had become suseptive to breakage due to the first severe fracture. it only took one year for my wrist to develope arthritis to the extend that the only solution now is fusion withtitanium. i have very soft bones and my body is arthitis proned and any trauma to my bones especially to areas that bones connect to catlidge soon develope arthritis. in your case i think for one your fracture must have been relatively severe and in an area where joint/cartlidge has an imprtant and pehaps muli-range function and two it could have not been set very correctly and or your joints like mine are proned to arthritis due trauma. physical therapy is very important after the bone heals. age certainly has someting to do with it in other words the younger one is the better and quicker the bone and cartlidge heal and thus the likelihood of development of arthritis is less. what triggers arthritis is when cartlidges between two connecting bones ware off due to either age or trauma usually when the connecting bone to the cartlidge is repositioned off its normal or natural position which can occur with bone fracture or even after it set. do get second and third openion from expert surgeons. good luck
### Human:\nhow fast can arthritis develope in a broken foot. i broke my left foot over a year ago and am still having problems. i've been told it is arthritis and nothing can be done except fuse the foot. what no one can or will tell me is why no problem before breaking the foot but after breaking it i suddenly have arthritis? can it develop that fast? i feel like the doctors and insurance nurse just want me to go away. thank you.\n\n### Assistant: had this happen to me did the fussion 3 times and they all failed. i am type 2 diabetic so that could have something to do with it. get second opinions you could end up like me disabled for the rest of my life.
### Human:\nwhich brand shoes are best for people suffering from arthritis? . for individuals with sensitive feet or those affected with arthritis. birkenstock shoes offer footwear equipped with the added feature referred to as "soft-footbed" that consists of a foam cushion that is inserted between the flexible cork and latex mixture coated in sturdy natural jute and the suede leather cover sole.\n\n### Assistant: <link> is the best store to buy birkenstock shoes.
### Human:\ni have pain in my knee under the knee cap the back of my knee and my thigh is this just arthritis? . some times i can hardly stand i have always tucked my leg under me when i sit down i can't any more the pain is too harsh. some times my thigh muscles and calf muscles hurt so bad is this all part of arthris?\n\n### Assistant: possibly but could also be due to "soft tissue" issues with the ligaments muscles etc. there is also something called a baker's cyst that can form behind the knee that might cause these symptoms.
### Human:\ni have pain in my knee under the knee cap the back of my knee and my thigh is this just arthritis? . some times i can hardly stand i have always tucked my leg under me when i sit down i can't any more the pain is too harsh. some times my thigh muscles and calf muscles hurt so bad is this all part of arthris?\n\n### Assistant: i have had no previous injuries
### Human:\ncan you have gout in your big toe without swelling? . i have arthritis and a neuroma in the foot that my big toe hurt so badly but i really don't have swelling in my toe. could it be gout anyway?\n\n### Assistant: yes you can have gout without swelling. however gout usually will have some red lines in the area. and is very painful. if it continues see your dr. as there is medication you can start on for gout. like allopurinol.
### Human:\ni have pain stiffnes and weakness in hands and fingers. x-ray did not show inflamationn or degnerative arthritis. i am 56 yr old female. my hands and all fingers are very stiff all the time and very painfull when not in use. if i do not keep them moving they become very stiff in a few minutes. i have been taking celebrex which helps but i want to know what is wrong with them. i had carpel tunnel surgery 2 years ago in my left hand and 15 yrs ago in my right. . x-ray taken 2 weeks ago states no inflammatory or degenerative arthritis. will arthritis always show on x-ray? what is my next step?\n\n### Assistant: my arthritis took 5 years before it showed up on an x-ray. my one hand hurt despite no proof and the doctor gave me meloxicam 15 mg tab to take because i also have arthritis in my left knee. (i take it at night only. ) x-rays don't necessarily work to the depth we expect them to in my opinion. but my doctor knows this.
### Human:\ni have pain stiffnes and weakness in hands and fingers. x-ray did not show inflamationn or degnerative arthritis. i am 56 yr old female. my hands and all fingers are very stiff all the time and very painfull when not in use. if i do not keep them moving they become very stiff in a few minutes. i have been taking celebrex which helps but i want to know what is wrong with them. i had carpel tunnel surgery 2 years ago in my left hand and 15 yrs ago in my right. . x-ray taken 2 weeks ago states no inflammatory or degenerative arthritis. will arthritis always show on x-ray? what is my next step?\n\n### Assistant: not sure exactly what you have but there are blood tests used to help diagnose arthritis and inflammation. if you haven't had any blood tests done i'd ask your doctor for some.
### Human:\ni have pain stiffnes and weakness in hands and fingers. x-ray did not show inflamationn or degnerative arthritis. i am 56 yr old female. my hands and all fingers are very stiff all the time and very painfull when not in use. if i do not keep them moving they become very stiff in a few minutes. i have been taking celebrex which helps but i want to know what is wrong with them. i had carpel tunnel surgery 2 years ago in my left hand and 15 yrs ago in my right. . x-ray taken 2 weeks ago states no inflammatory or degenerative arthritis. will arthritis always show on x-ray? what is my next step?\n\n### Assistant: you have the answer on some other page in webmd. please go to <link>. hope it will help you. dhammika abeygoonawardhane sri lanka
### Human:\nwhat are the problems associated puva therapy while pregnant or breastfeeding?\n\n### Assistant: birth control should be used since the effects of puva therapy on the unborn child are not known. if you become pregnant inform your doctor so that he or she can determine whether it is necessary for you to temporarily stop therapy. since it is not known whether 8-mop passes into mother's milk it is safer not to breastfeed while taking this drug.
### Human:\nwhen should you abstain from sex during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: your doctor may advise you not to have intercourse if you have any of the following types of high-risk pregnancy: risk of miscarriage or history of past miscarriages. risk of preterm labor (contractions before 37 weeks of pregnancy) which puts you at risk of delivering a premature baby. vaginal bleeding discharge or cramping without a known cause. ruptured membranes and leakage of fluid from the amniotic sac. incompetent cervix (a damaged cervix that has opened too early in pregnancy). placenta previa (the placenta is positioned abnormally low in the uterus near the cervix). twins triplets or other "multiples. " keep in mind if your doctor says "no sex " that may include anything that causes sexual arousal and orgasm. for example nipple stimulation and oral sex would be off limits.
### Human:\nis sex during pregnancy safe?\n\n### Assistant: sex is a natural normal part of pregnancy -- if you're having a normal pregnancy. the movement and penetration of intercourse in itself won't harm the baby. your baby is protected by your abdomen and the muscular walls of the uterus. your baby is also cushioned by the fluid in the amniotic sac. as a general safety precaution some doctors advise avoiding sex in the last few weeks of pregnancy believing that hormones in semen called prostaglandins can stimulate contractions. one exception? women who are overdue and want to induce labor. some doctors believe that prostaglandins in semen actually induce labor in a full-term or past-due pregnancy since the gel used to "ripen" the cervix and induce labor also contains prostaglandins. if you have a high-risk pregnancy -- for instance with a complication such as preterm labor or risk of miscarriage -- your doctor may advise you to avoid sex during pregnancy.
### Human:\ncan a pregnant woman pass h1n1 swine flu to her unborn baby?\n\n### Assistant: while it's too soon to know much about how swine flu affects a fetus women with swine flu do seem to be at a higher risk for premature delivery. in past pandemics pregnant women with flu had higher rates of stillbirth spontaneous abortion and premature birth. also flu comes with fever. studies have shown that a fever during the first trimester doubles the risk of neural tube defects and may be associated with other adverse outcomes. the risk for birth defects associated with fever may be mitigated by the use of anti-fever medications and/or a multivitamin that contains folic acid but data are limited.
### Human:\ncan i get pregnant while taking lybrel?\n\n### Assistant: you are not likely to get pregnant if you take lybrel at the same time every day as directed by your health care provider. because regular monthly bleeding does not occur on lybrel it may be difficult to recognize if you get pregnant. if you suspect that you may be pregnant or if you have symptoms of pregnancy such as nausea/vomiting or unusual breast tenderness you should have a pregnancy test and you should contact your health care professional. stop taking lybrel if you are pregnant.
### Human:\nif a pregnant woman gets swine flu what is the best course of treatment?\n\n### Assistant: she should take tamiflu as soon as possible even before the results of her h1n1 swine flu test come back.
### Human:\ni had my son 19 months ago and i have some loose skin on my belly from my pregnancy. how can i tighten up my skin?\n\n### Assistant: radiofrequency treatments such as thermage can help tighten the skin in this area to some extent. your dermatologist will be able to evaluate and determine if this is the right treatment for you.
### Human:\nwhat should you consider regarding norditropin nordiflex if you are pregnant or breastfeeding?\n\n### Assistant: if you become pregnant while you are using norditropin nordiflex you are recommended to stop the treatment and discuss this with your doctor. you are recommended not to use norditropin nordiflex while you are breastfeeding because growth hormone might pass into your milk. be sure to tell your doctor if you: have diabetes mellitus. had cancer or other forms of tumor. are pregnant planning to be pregnant or breastfeeding. had a kidney transplant. if any of the above applies to you norditropin nordiflex may not be suitable. your doctor will give you advice.
### Human:\nwhat are some early signs of pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: before it's too early to know if you've missed your period there are some early signs of pregnancy: extreme unexplainable fatigue. food aversions. sensitivity to smells. nausea and vomiting. breast swelling and tenderness. frequent urination. shortness of breath. physical changes.
### Human:\nwhat causes bleeding in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: abnormal bleeding in late pregnancy may be more serious because it can signal a problem with the mother or baby. call your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any bleeding in your second or third trimester. possible causes of bleeding in late pregnancy include: placenta previa. this condition occurs when the placenta sits low in the uterus and partially or completely covers the opening of the birth canal. although placenta previa is very rare occurring in only one in 200 pregnancies it is an emergency requiring immediate medical attention. bleeding from placenta previa can often occur without any pain. placental abruption. in about 1% of pregnancies the placenta detaches from the wall of the uterus before or during labor and blood pools between the placenta and uterus. placental abruption can be very dangerous to both the mother and baby. other symptoms of placental abruption are abdominal pain clots from the vagina tender uterus and back pain. uterine rupture. in rare cases a scar from a previous c-section can tear open during pregnancy. uterine rupture can be life-threatening and requires an emergency c-section. other symptoms of uterine rupture are pain and tenderness in the abdomen. vasa previa. in this very rare condition the developing baby's blood vessels in the umbilical cord or placenta cross the opening to the birth canal. vasa previa can be very dangerous to the baby because the blood vessels can tear open causing the baby to bleed severely and lose oxygen. other symptoms of vasa previa include abnormal fetal heart rate and excessive bleeding. premature labor. vaginal bleeding late in pregnancy may just be a sign that your body is getting ready to deliver. a few days or weeks before labor begins the mucus plug that covers the opening of the uterus will pass out of the vagina and it will usually have small amounts of blood in it (this is known as "bloody show"). if bleeding and symptoms of labor begin before the 37th week of pregnancy contact your doctor right away because you might be in preterm labor. other symptoms of preterm labor include contractions vaginal discharge abdominal pressure and ache in the lower back. additional causes of bleeding in late pregnancy are: injury to the cervix or vagina polyps cancer.
### Human:\ni am a 63 y old male. i have some cervical arthritis. my left arm is considerably weaker than my right. r they related.\n\n### Assistant: it could very well be related or have other causes
### Human:\ncan a third metacrapal fracture be fixed 5 years later? . i broke the neck of my third metacarpal (middle finger) about 6 years ago. the results are that my middle finger knuckle is less pronounced on my right hand because the bone healed at a slightly downwards angle. the hand has recently started to bother me a bit (arthritis and fixation on the cosmetics of the hand). is it possible to have surgery/ re-break the bone and straighten it out so that further complications do not arise later on in life. i am 24 now and broke this when i was 18.\n\n### Assistant: yes i am sure you can find an orthopedic (hand) surgeon willing to do take a crack at it (no pun intended) but you could be asking for more trouble than it is worth. in order to get a better cosmetic result it will require a re-break and perhaps a pinning of the metacarpal in order to straighten out the bent digit. the orthopedist will tell you the pros and cons and hopefully your insurance company will be agreeable to paying for it.
### Human:\nhad xray done and found arthritis and calcium build up on my spine. do i still need calcium supplement?\n\n### Assistant: i have chronic rib breakage with alot of calcium build up rib breakage i have is do to alot of past trauma. the doctors now are saying not to take too much calcium suplements.
### Human:\nwhich will help arthritis and fibromyalgia the most a hot tub or a sauna\n\n### Assistant: either one or try both. arthritis usually hits anyone with age. firbromyalgia is a nerve problem and is still being investigated. both can be very painful. i would try both. and see which one brings you the best relief.
### Human:\nwhich will help arthritis and fibromyalgia the most a hot tub or a sauna\n\n### Assistant: both hot tub and sauna will help easing the pain in arthritis and fibromyalgia. any one chosen should however be used in moderation.
### Human:\nwhat can i do to help with arthritis in my feet on the bottom of my feet and they hurt badly\n\n### Assistant: it may not be arthritis at all. if it is on the bottom of your feet it could be plantar fascitis. see a podiatrist for a proper examination and treatment which could be as simple as getting different shoes to special orthotics (shoe inserts). arthritis can also be improved by using nsaids (a class of drugs that includes ibuprofen and naproxyn).
### Human:\nwhat can i do to help with arthritis in my feet on the bottom of my feet and they hurt badly\n\n### Assistant: have you had them checked? spurs could do that to your feet also
### Human:\nwhat can i do to help with arthritis in my feet on the bottom of my feet and they hurt badly\n\n### Assistant: pain in bottom of feet is mainly due to plantar fasciitis a condition that is sometimes also called heel spur syndrome. it may also be due to other causes such as a stress fracture tendonitis arthritis nerve irritation or rarely a cyst. using first-line strategies like heel rest wearing supportive shoe inserts stretching exercise and intake of oral pain killer medications like nsaids may help.
### Human:\n8 mts ago i dislocated and broke a finger at the knuckle. it's still painful sometimes feels like it's a big bruise. i'm worried it may be the beginning of arthritis. it's a dull pain not acute. it happened on the job so i want to make sure that if there's a chance this could result in long-term damage it's noted before i'm discharged. i see the orthopedic surgeon in 4 months. what should i ask him?\n\n### Assistant: i broke and dislocated my pinky finger a couple of years ago and i can tell you it took a long time for the injury to heal because we use our hands for everything. but with time i am able to still use my hand and the pain is gone. splint the finger and keep it on for a while
### Human:\nwhat should i do if i have abnormal bleeding during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: because vaginal bleeding in any trimester can be a sign of a problem call your doctor. wear a pad so that you can keep track of how much you're bleeding and record the type of blood (for example pink brown or red; smooth or full of clots). bring any tissue that passes through the vagina to your doctor for testing. don't use a tampon or have sex while you are still bleeding. go to the emergency room or call 911 right away if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms which could be signs of a miscarriage or other serious problem: severe pain or intense cramps low in the abdomen. severe bleeding whether or not there is pain. discharge from the vagina that contains tissue. dizziness or fainting. a fever of more than 100. 5 degrees fahrenheit and/or chills.
### Human:\ndoes that mean i could get pregnant after a diagnosis of premature ovarian failure or pof?\n\n### Assistant: the data suggests that 5% to 10% of pof women will conceive unexpectedly. that is good news if women are trying to conceive. but the majority of women with pof will usually have a family via donor eggs or adoption. there have been numerous studies of ovulation induction treatments (such as clomid estrogens gnrh and fsh) for women with pof. alas the best designed studies have failed to show ovulation rates any better than in untreated pof women.
### Human:\nis it safe to use medicine while i am trying to become pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: it is hard to know exactly when you will get pregnant. once you do get pregnant you may not know you are pregnant for 10 to 14 days or longer. before you start trying to get pregnant it is wise to schedule a meeting with your doctor to discuss medicines that you use daily or every now and then. sometimes medicines should be changed and sometimes they can be stopped before a woman gets pregnant. each woman is different. so you should discuss your medicines with your doctor rather than making medicine changes on your own. if you are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant: do not stop any prescribed medicines without first talking to your doctor. talk to your doctor before using any over-the-counter medicine.
### Human:\nwhat happens if i get pregnant? can i take my medicine for essential tremor?\n\n### Assistant: tremor severity may fluctuate during pregnancy and after delivery. discuss the use of et medications with your doctor before getting pregnant as some medications put the developing baby at risk.
### Human:\ncan i use maxalt if i am pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: do not use maxalt if you are pregnant think you might be pregnant are trying to become pregnant or are not using adequate contraception unless you have discussed this with your doctor.
### Human:\nwill progestin-only pills affect my ability to get pregnant later?\n\n### Assistant: if you want to become pregnant simply stop taking progestin-only pills. progestin-only pills will not delay your ability to get pregnant.
### Human:\ncan asthma drugs affect my baby if i'm pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: it is normal for mothers-to-be to feel uneasy taking medications while pregnant. however if a pregnant woman has asthma it is especially important that her asthma be well-controlled not only for her own health but also for the health and development of her unborn child. if you are pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant discuss your asthma with your doctor so your airways can be stabilized and appropriate medications can be prescribed. the risks of uncontrolled asthma in pregnancy are greater than the risks of necessary asthma medications.
### Human:\nshould pregnant women be vaccinated against human papillomavirus?\n\n### Assistant: the vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women. there has only been limited information about vaccine safety among pregnant women and their unborn babies. so far studies suggest that the vaccine has not caused health problems during pregnancy nor has it caused health problems for the child. but more research is still needed. for now pregnant women should wait to complete their pregnancy before getting the vaccine. if a women finds out she is pregnant after she has started getting the vaccine series she should wait until after her pregnancy is completed to finish the three-dose series.
### Human:\nmy wife is having trouble getting pregnant. could my sperm be the problem?\n\n### Assistant: although infertility is often seen as a woman’s problem male fertility problems contribute to about 40% of infertility cases. causes range from low sperm count to sperm that are deformed or just don’t swim so well. so if you and your partner aren’t having luck getting pregnant ask your doctor for a sperm test. if you do have sperm troubles there’s a lot that can be done. some underlying causes can be treated with medicine or surgery. if that won’t help fertility procedures -- like ivf (in vitro fertilization) -- and others can make it a lot easier for your sperm to do its work and fertilize an egg.
### Human:\nwhat if i become pregnant while taking fortamet?\n\n### Assistant: tell your doctor if you plan to become pregnant or have become pregnant. as with other oral glucose-control medications you should not take fortamet during pregnancy. usually your doctor will prescribe insulin while you are pregnant.
### Human:\nwho is affected by arthritis?\n\n### Assistant: arthritis sufferers include men and women children and adults. approximately 350 million people worldwide have arthritis. nearly 40 million people in the united states are affected by arthritis including over a quarter million children! more than 27 million americans have osteoarthritis. approximately 1. 3 million americans suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. more than half of those with arthritis are under 65 years of age. nearly 60% of americans with arthritis are women.
### Human:\nwho is affected by arthritis?\n\n### Assistant: men and women above 45 years of age are more likely to be affected with arthritis. women are more likely than are men to develop rheumatoid arthritis. individual are more likely to develop arthritis if his/her parents or siblings have the disorder. having family history of arthritis doubles the chances of getting affected with the disease. other risk factors may include obesity past injuries to joints certain occupation leading to repetitive joint activities or infections.
### Human:\ncan i take medicine if i get sick while i am pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: whether or not you should use medicine during pregnancy is a serious question to discuss with your doctor. some health problems need treatment. not using a medicine that you need could harm you and your baby. for example a urinary tract infection (uti) that is not treated may become a kidney infection. kidney infections can cause preterm labor and low birth weight. an antibiotic is needed to get rid of a uti. ask your doctor whether the benefits of taking a certain medicine outweigh the risks for you and your baby.
### Human:\nwhat causes abnormal vaginal bleeding during pregnancy?\n\n### Assistant: many women have some amount of vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. some studies show that up to 30% of pregnant women will experience some degree of vaginal bleeding while they are pregnant. vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is more common with twins and other multiple gestations than with singleton pregnancies (pregnancy with one fetus). sometimes women experience a very scant amount of bleeding in the first two weeks of pregnancy usually around the time of the expected menstrual period. this slight bleeding is sometimes referred to as "implantation bleeding. " doctors do not know for certain what causes this bleeding but it may occur as a result of the fertilized egg implanting in the uterine wall. the amount of the bleeding the stage of pregnancy and any associated symptoms can all help determine the cause of vaginal bleeding in pregnancy. while vaginal bleeding in pregnancy does not signify a problem with the pregnancy women who experience bleeding during pregnancy should always be evaluated by a doctor. causes of vaginal bleeding in pregnancy include miscarriage an abnormal location of the placenta ectopic pregnancy cervical infection or polyp and premature labor. chronic medical conditions and medication use can also be related to vaginal bleeding during pregnancy.
### Human:\ncan i take tylenol pm while taking mobic for arthritis?\n\n### Assistant: tylenol pm contains acetaminophen (pain aid) and diphenhydramine (antihistamine). mobic belongs to the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (nsaids) drug class which also has pain aid properties. if you are looking for a specific sleep aid more questions for assessment need to be asked in order to appropriately answer this question. if you are just looking for a sleep aid only and for temporary relief then consider taking diphenydramine alone especially if mobic is controlling the pain associated with arthritis. determining the cause of a sleep issue and working with your health-care provider is important in selecting an appropriate aid dose and frequency of use.
### Human:\nwhat are arthritis symptoms and signs?\n\n### Assistant: symptoms of arthritis include pain and limited function of joints. inflammation of the joints from arthritis is characterized by joint stiffness swelling redness and warmth. tenderness of the inflamed joint can be present. many of the forms of arthritis because they are rheumatic diseases can cause symptoms affecting various organs of the body that do not directly involve the joints. therefore symptoms in some patients with certain forms of arthritis can also include fever gland swelling (swollen lymph nodes) weight loss fatigue feeling unwell and even symptoms from abnormalities of organs such as the lungs heart or kidneys.
### Human:\nwhat are arthritis symptoms and signs?\n\n### Assistant: symptoms of osteoarthritis may include joint pain and progressive stiffness that develops gradually with aging. rheumatoid arthritis may include tender warm swollen joints inflammation and morning stiffness in the fingers arms legs and wrists occurring in the same joints on both sides of the body especially upon awakening. as the disease progresses it may affect other joints as well.
### Human:\nis caffeine harmful for women who are trying to get pregnant?\n\n### Assistant: many studies show no links between low amounts of caffeine (a cup of coffee per day) and any of the following: trouble conceiving miscarriage birth defects premature birth low birth rate. at the same time for pregnant women or those attempting pregnancy the march of dimes suggests fewer than 200 milligrams of caffeine per day. that's largely because in limited studies women consuming higher amounts of caffeine had an increased risk for miscarriage.
### Human:\nhow is arthritis diagnosed and why is a diagnosis important?\n\n### Assistant: the first step in the diagnosis of arthritis is a meeting between the doctor and the patient. the doctor will review the history of symptoms examine the joints for inflammation and deformity as well as ask questions about or examine other parts of the body for inflammation or signs of diseases that can affect other body areas. furthermore certain blood urine joint fluid and/or x-ray tests might be ordered. the diagnosis will be based on the pattern of symptoms the distribution of the inflamed joints and any blood and x-ray findings. several visits may be necessary before the doctor can be certain of the diagnosis. a doctor with special training in arthritis and related diseases is called a rheumatologist (see below). many forms of arthritis are more of an annoyance than serious. however millions of people suffer daily with pain and disability from arthritis or its complications. earlier and accurate diagnosis can help to prevent irreversible damage and disability. properly guided programs of exercise and rest medications physical therapy and surgery options can idealize long-term outcomes for those with arthritis. it should be noted that both before and especially after the diagnosis of arthritis communication with the treating doctor is essential for optimal health. this is important from the standpoint of the doctor so that he/she can be aware of the vagaries of the patient's symptoms as well as their tolerance of and acceptance of treatments. it is important from the standpoint of patients so that they can be assured that they have an understanding of the diagnosis and how the condition does and might affect them. it is also crucial for the safe use of medications.
### Human:\nhow is arthritis diagnosed and why is a diagnosis important?\n\n### Assistant: signs and symptoms clearly indicate the symptoms of arthritis like pain stiffness swollen and tender joints etc. the same can be confirmed with x-ray. blood test may also confirm arthritis. treatment depends on the diagnosis.
### Human:\nwhat is the national financial impact of arthritis?\n\n### Assistant: it has been estimated that the total cost of the arthritis bill for the united states in terms of hospitalization doctor visits medications physical therapies nursing-home care lost wages early death and family discord is over $50 billion dollars annually. this does not include the nearly $2 billion spent each year in the united states on unproven remedies by patients addressing their symptoms on their own.
### Human:\nwhat is the arthritis foundation?\n\n### Assistant: the arthritis foundation is the only national voluntary health organization whose purpose is directed solely to all forms of arthritis. the arthritis foundation has national and international programs involving support for scientific research public information and education for affected patients and their families training of specialists public awareness and local community assistance. local branch chapters of the arthritis foundation serve to disseminate information about arthritis and rheumatic diseases as well as function as referral centers. moreover many of the various forms of arthritis have their own foundations that serve as information and referral resources for local communities.
### Human:\nwhat is the arthritis foundation?\n\n### Assistant: arthritis foundation is non-profit organisations that work for prevention control and cure for arthritis. it provides educational resources for people suffering with arthritis. for more details visit www. arthritis. org. there many such foundations that work for best of the society.
### Human:\nwhat is arthritis? what causes arthritis?\n\n### Assistant: arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. a joint is an area of the body where two different bones meet. a joint functions to move the body parts connected by its bones. arthritis literally means inflammation of one or more joints. arthritis is frequently accompanied by joint pain. joint pain is referred to as arthralgia. there are many types of arthritis (over 100 identified and the number is growing). the types range from those related to wear and tear of cartilage (such as osteoarthritis) to those associated with inflammation resulting from an overactive immune system (such as rheumatoid arthritis). together the many types of arthritis make up the most common chronic illness in the united states. the causes of arthritis depend on the form of arthritis. causes include injury (leading to osteoarthritis) metabolic abnormalities (such as gout and pseudogout) hereditary factors the direct and indirect effect of infections (bacterial and viral) and a misdirected immune system with autoimmunity (such as in rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus). arthritis is classified as one of the rheumatic diseases. these are conditions that are different individual illnesses with differing features treatments complications and prognoses. they are similar in that they have a tendency to affect the joints muscles ligaments cartilage and tendons and many have the potential to affect other internal body areas.
### Human:\nwhat is arthritis? what causes arthritis?\n\n### Assistant: arthritis is inflammation of one or more of your joints. the main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness which typically worsen with age. the common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. the cause varies depending upon the type of arthritis. osteoarthritis is mainly due to wear and tear of joints or excessive use or repeated use of joint related to certain occupation. whereas rheumatoid arthritis is inflammatory condition in which the body's immune system attacks the lining of the joint capsule and can eventually destroy cartilage and bone within the joint.
### Human:\nwhat is the treatment for arthritis?\n\n### Assistant: the treatment of arthritis is very dependent on the precise type of arthritis present. an accurate diagnosis increases the chances for successful treatment. treatments available include physical therapy splinting cold-pack application paraffin wax dips anti-inflammatory medications immune-altering medications and surgical operations.