when should i let my baby "cry it out"? it depends on the age of the baby you’re talking about. in the first two or three months of life you just can’t spoil infants so by all means pick them up walk with them calm them down. after that you do want to let them start learning how to soothe themselves. if you know they’re not wet they’re not hungry and nothing else is wrong you can let them cry awhile and blow off steam. it’s ok to put them down and leave the room and relax yourself -- it’s ok to leave them and give yourself a break. just leave them in a safe place and take a break and give them a little time.
when should i let my baby "cry it out"?
it depends on the age of the baby you’re talking about. in the first two or three months of life you just can’t spoil infants so by all means pick them up walk with them calm them down. after that you do want to let them start learning how to soothe themselves. if you know they’re not wet they’re not hungry and nothing else is wrong you can let them cry awhile and blow off steam. it’s ok to put them down and leave the room and relax yourself -- it’s ok to leave them and give yourself a break. just leave them in a safe place and take a break and give them a little time.
what should i do when my baby starts teething and cries a lot? a teething baby often likes to suck chew and gnaw on things. teething rings can help or often i’ll have parents get a washcloth wet then twist it or roll it up and put it in the freezer or fridge and once it’s cold let the baby chew on that. or you can try freezing a mini-bagel and let them chew on it -- but depending on how young they are you have to be careful keeping an eye on baby so that they don’t bite off a big piece. sometimes i’ll have a parent give a teething baby an appropriate dose of acetaminophen at night which helps soothe the baby and minimize the pain so the baby can sleep longer. i will say to be careful with topical solutions; be careful that you don’t overdo them. i’d recommend checking with your physician before you use them. try a refrigerated pacifier or teether. don't store the teether in the freezer because when frozen it can get hard enough to damage a baby's gums. there are a variety of refrigerated teethers including some with plastic handles so your baby's hands won't get cold. if nothing is working and your baby needs relief your doctor might recommend trying an over-the-counter painkiller like acetaminophen. (note: don't give new medicines to a baby without first checking with a doctor. ask the doctor for the proper dosage whenever giving acetaminophen to a child younger than 2. ) your baby is teething when his or her first set of teeth called primary teeth break through the gums. when does teething typically start? teething usually begins around 6 months of age. but it is normal for teething to start at any time between 3 months and 12 months of age. also find a good dental clinic which consists of experienced pediatricians who will help to give your child proper oral care. there are some great dental clinics which consists of services not only in child dentistry but also in other dental areas like cerec restoration dental implants neuromuscular dentistry and many more.
what should i do when my baby starts teething and cries a lot?
a teething baby often likes to suck chew and gnaw on things. teething rings can help or often i’ll have parents get a washcloth wet then twist it or roll it up and put it in the freezer or fridge and once it’s cold let the baby chew on that. or you can try freezing a mini-bagel and let them chew on it -- but depending on how young they are you have to be careful keeping an eye on baby so that they don’t bite off a big piece. sometimes i’ll have a parent give a teething baby an appropriate dose of acetaminophen at night which helps soothe the baby and minimize the pain so the baby can sleep longer. i will say to be careful with topical solutions; be careful that you don’t overdo them. i’d recommend checking with your physician before you use them. try a refrigerated pacifier or teether. don't store the teether in the freezer because when frozen it can get hard enough to damage a baby's gums. there are a variety of refrigerated teethers including some with plastic handles so your baby's hands won't get cold. if nothing is working and your baby needs relief your doctor might recommend trying an over-the-counter painkiller like acetaminophen. (note: don't give new medicines to a baby without first checking with a doctor. ask the doctor for the proper dosage whenever giving acetaminophen to a child younger than 2. ) your baby is teething when his or her first set of teeth called primary teeth break through the gums. when does teething typically start? teething usually begins around 6 months of age. but it is normal for teething to start at any time between 3 months and 12 months of age. also find a good dental clinic which consists of experienced pediatricians who will help to give your child proper oral care. there are some great dental clinics which consists of services not only in child dentistry but also in other dental areas like cerec restoration dental implants neuromuscular dentistry and many more.
what colic remedies work? of course every baby is different but there are several things parents can try to soothe a colicky baby: for younger infants a good tight swaddle often helps. being swaddled makes them feel secure and can calm them. babies also tend to like loud repetitive sounds like radio static or the sound of washing machines so if you go shhhh-shhhh in your baby’s ear that can work as well. but you do have to do the "shhhing" loud enough to be heard over the baby’s crying. the reason they like sounds like this is that they remind the baby of the sound of their mother’s heartbeat. another thing i like to try is singing; some babies really respond well to their parents’ voice. you can also try turning babies on their the sides when you’re holding them and giving them something to suck on like a pacifier or your finger. or try taking the baby out in a stroller.
what colic remedies work?
of course every baby is different but there are several things parents can try to soothe a colicky baby: for younger infants a good tight swaddle often helps. being swaddled makes them feel secure and can calm them. babies also tend to like loud repetitive sounds like radio static or the sound of washing machines so if you go shhhh-shhhh in your baby’s ear that can work as well. but you do have to do the "shhhing" loud enough to be heard over the baby’s crying. the reason they like sounds like this is that they remind the baby of the sound of their mother’s heartbeat. another thing i like to try is singing; some babies really respond well to their parents’ voice. you can also try turning babies on their the sides when you’re holding them and giving them something to suck on like a pacifier or your finger. or try taking the baby out in a stroller.
i’m recently diagnosed with add. my doctor prescribed straterra but i see it’s used for adhd. is this right for me? strattera can be used for both add and adhd. the mostimportant aspect of treatment during a medication trial is to set targetsymptoms and to see if the medication chosen reduces those symptoms withminimal side effects. if you are concerned you should go back to your prescribingphysician and inquire as to why she chose strattera.
i’m recently diagnosed with add. my doctor prescribed straterra but i see it’s used for adhd. is this right for me?
strattera can be used for both add and adhd. the mostimportant aspect of treatment during a medication trial is to set targetsymptoms and to see if the medication chosen reduces those symptoms withminimal side effects. if you are concerned you should go back to your prescribingphysician and inquire as to why she chose strattera.
after every meal i get a really uncomfortable bloated feeling gasy and feeling extremely tired. what may cause this? . i took a pregnancy test and am not pregnant. . i thought it was a lactose intolerance but have found that isn't it after doing a lactose free diet. when you look at your dietary intake be conscious of both quantity and quality of the foods that you eat. my initial thoughts are that your feelings of being uncomfortable and bloated might be because you’re eating too fast or too much at one time. the first thing i would suggest that you try is to cut back on how much you eat in one sitting making sure that you eat your food slowly and chew thoroughly. try eating a small portion of a meal waiting 15 minutes and then consuming more of your meal if you’re still hungry. you could also try to eat 5-6 smaller more frequent meals throughout the entire day as well. also important to consider is the type of foods that you’re eating. you may notice some of these symptoms if you’re not eating healthy in general. i would recommend food journaling your dietary intake so that you can begin to notice trends between what you’re eating and when you feel this way. some foods may cause you to feel more bloated and to have more gas naturally but you may also have a food intolerance sensitivity or allergy. you can meet with your doctor to have an allergy test but those aren’t always 100% accurate. registered dietitians will often recommend an elimination diet to help determine if there are certain foods that your body will not tolerate. an elimination diet begins by being very restrictive with your food intake followed by gradually reintroducing more food into your diet. once you notice symptoms returning you can begin to better identify which foods are causing the problems you are experiencing. please meet with your doctor or a registered dietitian for more guidance. i feel full and bloated all the time now for the past two months. i eat very healthy and am not on any medications. my sister now has the same symptoms. i am 30 and she is 40. we are not pregnant but as you did we also took tests because it felt similar to when we were pregnant. did you go to the doctor? are you still bloated? i cannot believe how long it is lasting. i was checking my hormone levels too. i fill up with gas for no reason - like it is in the air or something. please answer back if you had any resolutions to your problem.
after every meal i get a really uncomfortable bloated feeling gasy and feeling extremely tired. what may cause this? . i took a pregnancy test and am not pregnant. . i thought it was a lactose intolerance but have found that isn't it after doing a lactose free diet.
when you look at your dietary intake be conscious of both quantity and quality of the foods that you eat. my initial thoughts are that your feelings of being uncomfortable and bloated might be because you’re eating too fast or too much at one time. the first thing i would suggest that you try is to cut back on how much you eat in one sitting making sure that you eat your food slowly and chew thoroughly. try eating a small portion of a meal waiting 15 minutes and then consuming more of your meal if you’re still hungry. you could also try to eat 5-6 smaller more frequent meals throughout the entire day as well. also important to consider is the type of foods that you’re eating. you may notice some of these symptoms if you’re not eating healthy in general. i would recommend food journaling your dietary intake so that you can begin to notice trends between what you’re eating and when you feel this way. some foods may cause you to feel more bloated and to have more gas naturally but you may also have a food intolerance sensitivity or allergy. you can meet with your doctor to have an allergy test but those aren’t always 100% accurate. registered dietitians will often recommend an elimination diet to help determine if there are certain foods that your body will not tolerate. an elimination diet begins by being very restrictive with your food intake followed by gradually reintroducing more food into your diet. once you notice symptoms returning you can begin to better identify which foods are causing the problems you are experiencing. please meet with your doctor or a registered dietitian for more guidance. i feel full and bloated all the time now for the past two months. i eat very healthy and am not on any medications. my sister now has the same symptoms. i am 30 and she is 40. we are not pregnant but as you did we also took tests because it felt similar to when we were pregnant. did you go to the doctor? are you still bloated? i cannot believe how long it is lasting. i was checking my hormone levels too. i fill up with gas for no reason - like it is in the air or something. please answer back if you had any resolutions to your problem.
i have type ii diabetes. what is the best form of exercise for my condition? . i take metformin twice a day and insulin in the evening. i would like a recommendation on a good exercise program especially since i have a busy and sometimes inconsistant schedule. most helpful answer the easy answer would be any exercise. find an activity that you like. it can be as simple as walking (aerobic) or even taking up a sport like tennis. the best exercise program is really one that you will do on a regular consistent basis at least three or more times per week. find a partner - it is easier to exercise with a friend. having type 2 diabetes means you need to make the time. having a busy schedule is the norm for everyone. the insulin you take daily makes up for the little insulin that you produce. metformin helps sensitizes your body and muscles to insulin. in people with diabetes the only way to break and improve insulin resistance and reduce your risk of heart disease and other complications is by using muscles. most any type of regularly performed physical activity will do. find something you like it helps increase the chance that you will stick to it. a buddy system for exercise also helps make you more accountable and less likely to miss out on the social mental and physical benefits of exercise. a combination of aerobic type exercise and weights targeting core muscles is something to aim for. find an endocrinologist that is passionate about working with people that have type 2 diabetes. the surgeon general recommends 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity most days per week. for individuals with diabetes it’s recommended that there should not be more than two consecutive days without aerobic physical activity because the benefit of increased insulin sensitivity gained from exercise generally doesn’t last longer than 48-72 hours. moreover high-intensity physical activity will tend to enhance insulin sensitivity more than low-intensity physical activity. also a greater duration spent on exercise appears to more effective than a lesser duration. with both intensity and duration however the benefits appear to be a result of more energy being expended. exercise can significantly lower a1c levels and can even help glycemic control during times when not exercising. both resistance training and aerobic exercise have helpful effects on insulin and can help with diabetes management. do not exercise if your blood sugar is too low and stop exercise if you feel faint have chest tightness or are extremely short of breath. i generally recommend a combination of both aerobic exercise and some resistance exercise in most of my patients. and the good news is that most people can do low-impact exercise (like walking) and still see a benefit. you should talk to your doctor about your own specific exercise prescription. and while you're asking see if your doctor is exercising too! walking is the best exercise for everything! if you don't seem to have time to go and walk park as far from the door at work grocery store drug store anywhere you go as possible. then walk briskly while going in and out and if possible while you are shopping. this will help some and hopefully make you want to walk more and get into a routine! you can always find 30 min 3 times a week to walk!
i have type ii diabetes. what is the best form of exercise for my condition? . i take metformin twice a day and insulin in the evening. i would like a recommendation on a good exercise program especially since i have a busy and sometimes inconsistant schedule.
most helpful answer the easy answer would be any exercise. find an activity that you like. it can be as simple as walking (aerobic) or even taking up a sport like tennis. the best exercise program is really one that you will do on a regular consistent basis at least three or more times per week. find a partner - it is easier to exercise with a friend. having type 2 diabetes means you need to make the time. having a busy schedule is the norm for everyone. the insulin you take daily makes up for the little insulin that you produce. metformin helps sensitizes your body and muscles to insulin. in people with diabetes the only way to break and improve insulin resistance and reduce your risk of heart disease and other complications is by using muscles. most any type of regularly performed physical activity will do. find something you like it helps increase the chance that you will stick to it. a buddy system for exercise also helps make you more accountable and less likely to miss out on the social mental and physical benefits of exercise. a combination of aerobic type exercise and weights targeting core muscles is something to aim for. find an endocrinologist that is passionate about working with people that have type 2 diabetes. the surgeon general recommends 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity most days per week. for individuals with diabetes it’s recommended that there should not be more than two consecutive days without aerobic physical activity because the benefit of increased insulin sensitivity gained from exercise generally doesn’t last longer than 48-72 hours. moreover high-intensity physical activity will tend to enhance insulin sensitivity more than low-intensity physical activity. also a greater duration spent on exercise appears to more effective than a lesser duration. with both intensity and duration however the benefits appear to be a result of more energy being expended. exercise can significantly lower a1c levels and can even help glycemic control during times when not exercising. both resistance training and aerobic exercise have helpful effects on insulin and can help with diabetes management. do not exercise if your blood sugar is too low and stop exercise if you feel faint have chest tightness or are extremely short of breath. i generally recommend a combination of both aerobic exercise and some resistance exercise in most of my patients. and the good news is that most people can do low-impact exercise (like walking) and still see a benefit. you should talk to your doctor about your own specific exercise prescription. and while you're asking see if your doctor is exercising too! walking is the best exercise for everything! if you don't seem to have time to go and walk park as far from the door at work grocery store drug store anywhere you go as possible. then walk briskly while going in and out and if possible while you are shopping. this will help some and hopefully make you want to walk more and get into a routine! you can always find 30 min 3 times a week to walk!
what are some healthy and satisfying snacks for the 7:30-8pm munchies that wont wreck my diet? . i'm a very picky eater. while i'm working to make myself eat them i'm not a big fan of most vegetables. i have tried a variety of things that have been suggested to me such as downing a couple glasses of water low/reduced fat snacks (reduced fat cheese sticks etc) cottage cheese yogurt low-fat deli chicken and cheese "roll ups" and other such things. i cannot conquer the evening munchies and feel that i need to if i am going to reach my weight loss and life style changing goals. all of your choices are good ones. have you tried trail mix eg almonds dried fruit walnuts. nuts are full of nutrients but have protein as well so that just a few can be 'filling'. also a fiber based cereal with low fat milk is a snack that i often have when i have the munchies. here's a great article <link> also remember that sometimes if a person is stressed or tired he or she may think they are hungry but really it is a stress response. additionally if you are not drinking enough water during the day you may be thirsty and this may feel like hunger. in any case drinking 6-8 glasses of water is key to be healthy. glad you're doing so well with healthy eating. keep up the good work! it seems like this is a tough time for everyone but these are some of my go to snacks 1. plain greek yogurt: it's high in protein and really fills you up. i sweeten it with a little bit of fruit or 1 packet of splenda. 2. a bowl of steel cut oats withs almonds cranberries and honey. these take about 20 minutes to prepare but are well worth the wait. 3. no calorie sparkling water. i don't know why but it tastes good and somehow seems to help quell my hunger. 4. peanut butter or almond butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat. it's a great treat. if my belts a little tigt i'll only have half a sandwich. make sure you measrue your peanut butter serving (1 to 2 tablespoons) 5. 2 slices center cut bacon and apple slices. i don't eat this alot because of the saturated fat in bacon but it definitely fills you up. 6. trail mix: almonds pecans raisins with mini-chocolate chips be sure to measure your serving and pair with some raw veggies to fill it out 7. sliced apple with 1-2 tablespoons of peanut or almond butter 8. string cheese almonds and a serving of fruit 9. my all time favorite is paleo granola. it's very high in calories so you have to keep your servings small but it's delicious. i'll also add a cut up banana to it as well. the recipe below makes 14 servings which comes out to about 300 calories/serving ingredients almonds walnuts and pecans 2 cup ground sunflower seeds without salt 1 cup hulled pumpkin seeds 1 cup coconut flake unsweetened 3 oz canola oil 1/4 cup honey 1/4 cup vanilla extract 2 tsp cinnamon ground 1 tsp raisins or dried cranberries 1/4 cup packed directions: 1. grind nuts and seeds and add to a large bowl 2. spray a cookie sheet with non-stick spray 3. add 1/4 of cup canola oil and 1/4 of cup honey to small pan and heat 4. add vanilla extract and cinnamon to pan and bring mixture to boil. 5. remove from heat and pour over nuts and seed mixture in bowl 6. mix well and pour onto cookie sheet 7. bake in oven for 20-30 minutes at 350 degrees (watch closely) 8. take out of oven add coconut flakes and dried fruit. sometimes i'll also add some chocolate to the recipe as well. friends have told me they like it better with 1/3 cup of oil and honey. but that will increase the calories. this is not an original recipe but one i got of the internet and modified to suit my taste. late night snacking is difficult for many people. before having a snack i always suggest that you first analyze whether you’re actually hungry or just eating out of boredom. there’s nothing wrong with late night eating as long as it’s a mindful deliberate snack instead of mindless eating. try not to eat too much food before you go to bed. your last full meal of the day should be no less than 2 hours before you go to sleep. eating too much before going to bed may cause indigestion acid reflux or could lead to insomnia and trouble sleeping. make sure that if you do snack that you’re only eating at most between 100 to 300 calories shortly before going to bed. for many people late night snacks often tend to not be very healthy. be sure to keep healthy alternatives readily accessible so that you can make the right choices. check out this article for some great low calorie snack ideas from a dietitian: <link>. hi and thanks so much for your question. sounds like you're a nocturnal eater like so many people out there. here are some thoughts and recommendations: look beyond your eating: what time are you going to bed each night? the later you stay up the more likely you are to be wandering into the kitchen and munching away. try to get to bed no later than 11 and get a full 7-8 hours of sleep each night. it really helps. are you doing things at night that cue you to eat like watching tv and then being enticed by the ads? you have to rein in all cues to eat. these trigger you to knee jerk into your default bad habits. watch out for stress at night as stress overeating is yet another cue. eating throughout the day: try to eat every 3-4 hours starting with breakfast. that means you'll need to have a satisfying mid-afternoon snack like a protein smoothie (fresh or frozen fruit 1-2 scoops of protein powder water/skim milk) or some combo of protein and fiber like peanut butter and apple slices or hummus and carrots. if you mind that mid-afternoon snack this helps control your dinner portions. this is important because nocturnal eating can happen when you come home way to hungry and/or when you eat too much refined sugar and fat at dinner further stimulating your appetite for more food. lean protein serving of grain like quinoa and veggies that you like really help. night eating: if you're truly feeling some hunger a nifty trick is to drink warm water--- like tea--- along with a tsp of some nut butter like peanut or almond butter. it's a great balance of fat sugar and carb. finally stay away from the kitchen after dinner when at all possible. get to the other side of the house and keep your bedroom sacrosanct with no food allowed. good luck! dr peeke i think cottage cheese tastes so gross! so i feel your pain. i like dips like hummus and guacamole which you can eat with veggies like carrots or celery or cucumber. you can buy hummus made with garlic or red peppers it tastes really good! i've also been eating a lot of almonds lately for snacks. there are some almonds at the store that are flavored with wasabi that are amazing. this slideshow has a bunch more ideas for low calorie snacks: <link>
what are some healthy and satisfying snacks for the 7:30-8pm munchies that wont wreck my diet? . i'm a very picky eater. while i'm working to make myself eat them i'm not a big fan of most vegetables. i have tried a variety of things that have been suggested to me such as downing a couple glasses of water low/reduced fat snacks (reduced fat cheese sticks etc) cottage cheese yogurt low-fat deli chicken and cheese "roll ups" and other such things. i cannot conquer the evening munchies and feel that i need to if i am going to reach my weight loss and life style changing goals.
all of your choices are good ones. have you tried trail mix eg almonds dried fruit walnuts. nuts are full of nutrients but have protein as well so that just a few can be 'filling'. also a fiber based cereal with low fat milk is a snack that i often have when i have the munchies. here's a great article <link> also remember that sometimes if a person is stressed or tired he or she may think they are hungry but really it is a stress response. additionally if you are not drinking enough water during the day you may be thirsty and this may feel like hunger. in any case drinking 6-8 glasses of water is key to be healthy. glad you're doing so well with healthy eating. keep up the good work! it seems like this is a tough time for everyone but these are some of my go to snacks 1. plain greek yogurt: it's high in protein and really fills you up. i sweeten it with a little bit of fruit or 1 packet of splenda. 2. a bowl of steel cut oats withs almonds cranberries and honey. these take about 20 minutes to prepare but are well worth the wait. 3. no calorie sparkling water. i don't know why but it tastes good and somehow seems to help quell my hunger. 4. peanut butter or almond butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat. it's a great treat. if my belts a little tigt i'll only have half a sandwich. make sure you measrue your peanut butter serving (1 to 2 tablespoons) 5. 2 slices center cut bacon and apple slices. i don't eat this alot because of the saturated fat in bacon but it definitely fills you up. 6. trail mix: almonds pecans raisins with mini-chocolate chips be sure to measure your serving and pair with some raw veggies to fill it out 7. sliced apple with 1-2 tablespoons of peanut or almond butter 8. string cheese almonds and a serving of fruit 9. my all time favorite is paleo granola. it's very high in calories so you have to keep your servings small but it's delicious. i'll also add a cut up banana to it as well. the recipe below makes 14 servings which comes out to about 300 calories/serving ingredients almonds walnuts and pecans 2 cup ground sunflower seeds without salt 1 cup hulled pumpkin seeds 1 cup coconut flake unsweetened 3 oz canola oil 1/4 cup honey 1/4 cup vanilla extract 2 tsp cinnamon ground 1 tsp raisins or dried cranberries 1/4 cup packed directions: 1. grind nuts and seeds and add to a large bowl 2. spray a cookie sheet with non-stick spray 3. add 1/4 of cup canola oil and 1/4 of cup honey to small pan and heat 4. add vanilla extract and cinnamon to pan and bring mixture to boil. 5. remove from heat and pour over nuts and seed mixture in bowl 6. mix well and pour onto cookie sheet 7. bake in oven for 20-30 minutes at 350 degrees (watch closely) 8. take out of oven add coconut flakes and dried fruit. sometimes i'll also add some chocolate to the recipe as well. friends have told me they like it better with 1/3 cup of oil and honey. but that will increase the calories. this is not an original recipe but one i got of the internet and modified to suit my taste. late night snacking is difficult for many people. before having a snack i always suggest that you first analyze whether you’re actually hungry or just eating out of boredom. there’s nothing wrong with late night eating as long as it’s a mindful deliberate snack instead of mindless eating. try not to eat too much food before you go to bed. your last full meal of the day should be no less than 2 hours before you go to sleep. eating too much before going to bed may cause indigestion acid reflux or could lead to insomnia and trouble sleeping. make sure that if you do snack that you’re only eating at most between 100 to 300 calories shortly before going to bed. for many people late night snacks often tend to not be very healthy. be sure to keep healthy alternatives readily accessible so that you can make the right choices. check out this article for some great low calorie snack ideas from a dietitian: <link>. hi and thanks so much for your question. sounds like you're a nocturnal eater like so many people out there. here are some thoughts and recommendations: look beyond your eating: what time are you going to bed each night? the later you stay up the more likely you are to be wandering into the kitchen and munching away. try to get to bed no later than 11 and get a full 7-8 hours of sleep each night. it really helps. are you doing things at night that cue you to eat like watching tv and then being enticed by the ads? you have to rein in all cues to eat. these trigger you to knee jerk into your default bad habits. watch out for stress at night as stress overeating is yet another cue. eating throughout the day: try to eat every 3-4 hours starting with breakfast. that means you'll need to have a satisfying mid-afternoon snack like a protein smoothie (fresh or frozen fruit 1-2 scoops of protein powder water/skim milk) or some combo of protein and fiber like peanut butter and apple slices or hummus and carrots. if you mind that mid-afternoon snack this helps control your dinner portions. this is important because nocturnal eating can happen when you come home way to hungry and/or when you eat too much refined sugar and fat at dinner further stimulating your appetite for more food. lean protein serving of grain like quinoa and veggies that you like really help. night eating: if you're truly feeling some hunger a nifty trick is to drink warm water--- like tea--- along with a tsp of some nut butter like peanut or almond butter. it's a great balance of fat sugar and carb. finally stay away from the kitchen after dinner when at all possible. get to the other side of the house and keep your bedroom sacrosanct with no food allowed. good luck! dr peeke i think cottage cheese tastes so gross! so i feel your pain. i like dips like hummus and guacamole which you can eat with veggies like carrots or celery or cucumber. you can buy hummus made with garlic or red peppers it tastes really good! i've also been eating a lot of almonds lately for snacks. there are some almonds at the store that are flavored with wasabi that are amazing. this slideshow has a bunch more ideas for low calorie snacks: <link>
im 29 295 lbs working out 5 days a week. what calorie intake should i be at to lose weight? . i started working out and eating better about 3 months ago when i was 315lbs. but for the last three weeks i havent lost any weight at all. i work out 5 days a week now. eliptical some days with row and running. then weight training. do i need to push myself further in the gym? i feel like from eating once a day and not working out to now working out 5 days a week and eating healthier more meals and spreading it out i should be seeing more results. it’s estimated that 3 500 calories is the theoretical amount necessary to lose 1 pound of fat. to put this in perspective you will need to create a deficit of 500 calories per day to lose 1 pound per week (again theoretically). this deficit can come from either eating less expending calories through exercise or a combination of both. a healthy weight loss rate is 1 to 2 pounds per week; or 10% of your body weight over the course of 6 months. a common mistake that people make is to not continually recalculate their calorie needs. keep in mind that as you lose weight you will need to readjust your calorie intake accordingly. do not go below 1 200 calories per day however without medical supervision. if you hit a plateau and aren’t seeing weight loss adjust your calorie intake or be more stringent with eating healthier. changes in the gym that can help break through a plateau include: • increasing the amount of time you spend per exercise session • increasing the number of days per week you exercise • increasing the intensity level of the exercise • changing the type of exercise altogether it’s always best to consult with your doctor or a registered dietitian when making changes to your diet or beginning an exercise routine. there are lots of websites and phone apps available to help you calculate your calorie needs and to use for food/exercise journaling though. i recommend the food and fitness planner on webmd available here: <link>. before undergoing any drastic weight loss program (i am assuming that you would eventually like to lose over a hundred pounds) it would be best to see your medical provider. some baseline lab work can be important. with that said the amount of calorie restriction would depend on how fast you would like to lose that weight. a good weight loss would be about two pound per week. that would add up to nearly a hundred pounds in a year. a reasonable and achievable goal at this point. find out what you are eating now (the number of calories) determined by a honest food diary for a week. reduce those calories by about a 1000 a day. i am guessing but i suspect you are ingesting well over 2500 to 3000 calories a day right now based on your weight and the fact that it appears to be stable. keep exercising. this is very important and i am so proud that you are doing it. the body does not give up weight easily but if you are consistently eating less than your body needs to maintain weight your weight will drop and continue to drop until you stop dieting. it may not drop every day. or every week. but at the end of each month you should be considerably less than the weight you started with at the first of the month. if not something is amiss so you may need to see a nutritionist/dietician or your primary care medical provider to help. the first and most important step is getting started. and you have done that on your own. i have little doubt that you will succeed. weight loss free training go to : <link>
im 29 295 lbs working out 5 days a week. what calorie intake should i be at to lose weight? . i started working out and eating better about 3 months ago when i was 315lbs. but for the last three weeks i havent lost any weight at all. i work out 5 days a week now. eliptical some days with row and running. then weight training. do i need to push myself further in the gym? i feel like from eating once a day and not working out to now working out 5 days a week and eating healthier more meals and spreading it out i should be seeing more results.
it’s estimated that 3 500 calories is the theoretical amount necessary to lose 1 pound of fat. to put this in perspective you will need to create a deficit of 500 calories per day to lose 1 pound per week (again theoretically). this deficit can come from either eating less expending calories through exercise or a combination of both. a healthy weight loss rate is 1 to 2 pounds per week; or 10% of your body weight over the course of 6 months. a common mistake that people make is to not continually recalculate their calorie needs. keep in mind that as you lose weight you will need to readjust your calorie intake accordingly. do not go below 1 200 calories per day however without medical supervision. if you hit a plateau and aren’t seeing weight loss adjust your calorie intake or be more stringent with eating healthier. changes in the gym that can help break through a plateau include: • increasing the amount of time you spend per exercise session • increasing the number of days per week you exercise • increasing the intensity level of the exercise • changing the type of exercise altogether it’s always best to consult with your doctor or a registered dietitian when making changes to your diet or beginning an exercise routine. there are lots of websites and phone apps available to help you calculate your calorie needs and to use for food/exercise journaling though. i recommend the food and fitness planner on webmd available here: <link>. before undergoing any drastic weight loss program (i am assuming that you would eventually like to lose over a hundred pounds) it would be best to see your medical provider. some baseline lab work can be important. with that said the amount of calorie restriction would depend on how fast you would like to lose that weight. a good weight loss would be about two pound per week. that would add up to nearly a hundred pounds in a year. a reasonable and achievable goal at this point. find out what you are eating now (the number of calories) determined by a honest food diary for a week. reduce those calories by about a 1000 a day. i am guessing but i suspect you are ingesting well over 2500 to 3000 calories a day right now based on your weight and the fact that it appears to be stable. keep exercising. this is very important and i am so proud that you are doing it. the body does not give up weight easily but if you are consistently eating less than your body needs to maintain weight your weight will drop and continue to drop until you stop dieting. it may not drop every day. or every week. but at the end of each month you should be considerably less than the weight you started with at the first of the month. if not something is amiss so you may need to see a nutritionist/dietician or your primary care medical provider to help. the first and most important step is getting started. and you have done that on your own. i have little doubt that you will succeed. weight loss free training go to : <link>
how long does it take for food to pass through the stomach and small intestine to the large intestine? the transit time is quite variable in all people. there are no set times. food can remain in the stomach for two hours or so then progressively travel into the intestinal tract where it may process for several hours. or days. in babies the transit time is surprisingly rapid. babies often poop while you are feeding them! in some adults the transit time can be days especially in older people or people prone to constipation. transit time can be influenced by the type of food ingested the volume/size of meal the amount of water/fluids and the amount of fiber/solids. spicy food may be faster than you anticipated. a heavy thanksgiving dinner may bloat you for a day or more. this is a very interesting question. there are several factors that determine how long it takes for food to pass through your digestive system. to start the type of food matters. some foods are more complex requiring our body to work harder and to take more time to break them down and digest them. on the other hand other foods won’t have to go through such a rigorous process and may be digested and metabolized relatively quickly. fiber for example has a decreased intestinal transit time which means that it spends less time in your intestines and may be passed through faster than something else. the answer also could depend on other factors like age ethnicity and gender. you have to consider that people’s digestive systems can be different or work in slightly different ways. did you know that some people have longer intestines than other people? certainly that might influence how long it takes for food to digest. also individuals may have different levels of microbes present in their intestines that can influence how food is digested too. how long it takes food to digest depends on a lot of different factors. dosent it only takes 30 mins?
how long does it take for food to pass through the stomach and small intestine to the large intestine?
the transit time is quite variable in all people. there are no set times. food can remain in the stomach for two hours or so then progressively travel into the intestinal tract where it may process for several hours. or days. in babies the transit time is surprisingly rapid. babies often poop while you are feeding them! in some adults the transit time can be days especially in older people or people prone to constipation. transit time can be influenced by the type of food ingested the volume/size of meal the amount of water/fluids and the amount of fiber/solids. spicy food may be faster than you anticipated. a heavy thanksgiving dinner may bloat you for a day or more. this is a very interesting question. there are several factors that determine how long it takes for food to pass through your digestive system. to start the type of food matters. some foods are more complex requiring our body to work harder and to take more time to break them down and digest them. on the other hand other foods won’t have to go through such a rigorous process and may be digested and metabolized relatively quickly. fiber for example has a decreased intestinal transit time which means that it spends less time in your intestines and may be passed through faster than something else. the answer also could depend on other factors like age ethnicity and gender. you have to consider that people’s digestive systems can be different or work in slightly different ways. did you know that some people have longer intestines than other people? certainly that might influence how long it takes for food to digest. also individuals may have different levels of microbes present in their intestines that can influence how food is digested too. how long it takes food to digest depends on a lot of different factors. dosent it only takes 30 mins?
what does it mean if a food product is labeled “light ” “low ” “reduced ” or “fat-free? ” the fda sets rules for what food manufacturers can call "light " "low " "reduced " "free " and other food terms. here's the low-down on these terms: "healthy" food must be low in fat with limited cholesterol and sodium. anything labeled "free" must only contain tiny amounts of the ingredient in each serving. for example "trans-fat free" or "fat-free" products can have only 0. 5 mg of trans fats or fat; "cholesterol-free" foods can only have two milligrams of cholesterol and two grams of saturated fat. a serving of food labeled "low sodium" can have a maximum of 140 milligrams of sodium. a serving of "low cholesterol" food can have a maximum of 20 milligrams of cholesterol and two grams of saturated fat. one serving of a "low-fat" food can have a maximum of three grams of fat. a serving of a "low-calorie" food can have a maximum of 40 calories. a serving of a food labeled "reduced" must have 25% less of the ingredient than a serving of the regular version. one serving of a "light" food must have 50% less fat or 1/3 fewer calories than the regular version. the food and drug administration (fda) regulates what claims a product can make. the following are a few examples to answer your question: - free. this term means that a product contains no amount of or only trivial or "physiologically inconsequential" amounts of one or more of these components: fat saturated fat cholesterol sodium sugars and calories. - low. this term can be used on foods that can be eaten frequently without exceeding dietary guidelines for one or more of these components: fat saturated fat cholesterol sodium and calories. - low-fat : 3 g or less per serving - low-saturated fat : 1 g or less per serving - low-sodium : 140 mg or less per serving - very low sodium : 35 mg or less per serving - low-calorie : 40 calories or less per serving. - low-cholesterol : 20 mg or less and 2 g or less of saturated fat per serving - reduced. this term means that a nutritionally altered product contains at least 25 percent less of a nutrient or of calories than the regular or reference product. however a reduced claim can't be made on a product if its reference food already meets the requirement for a "low" claim. - light. this descriptor can mean two things: - that a nutritionally altered product contains one-third fewer calories or half the fat of the reference food. - that the sodium content of a low-calorie low-fat food has been reduced by 50 percent.
what does it mean if a food product is labeled “light ” “low ” “reduced ” or “fat-free? ”
the fda sets rules for what food manufacturers can call "light " "low " "reduced " "free " and other food terms. here's the low-down on these terms: "healthy" food must be low in fat with limited cholesterol and sodium. anything labeled "free" must only contain tiny amounts of the ingredient in each serving. for example "trans-fat free" or "fat-free" products can have only 0. 5 mg of trans fats or fat; "cholesterol-free" foods can only have two milligrams of cholesterol and two grams of saturated fat. a serving of food labeled "low sodium" can have a maximum of 140 milligrams of sodium. a serving of "low cholesterol" food can have a maximum of 20 milligrams of cholesterol and two grams of saturated fat. one serving of a "low-fat" food can have a maximum of three grams of fat. a serving of a "low-calorie" food can have a maximum of 40 calories. a serving of a food labeled "reduced" must have 25% less of the ingredient than a serving of the regular version. one serving of a "light" food must have 50% less fat or 1/3 fewer calories than the regular version. the food and drug administration (fda) regulates what claims a product can make. the following are a few examples to answer your question: - free. this term means that a product contains no amount of or only trivial or "physiologically inconsequential" amounts of one or more of these components: fat saturated fat cholesterol sodium sugars and calories. - low. this term can be used on foods that can be eaten frequently without exceeding dietary guidelines for one or more of these components: fat saturated fat cholesterol sodium and calories. - low-fat : 3 g or less per serving - low-saturated fat : 1 g or less per serving - low-sodium : 140 mg or less per serving - very low sodium : 35 mg or less per serving - low-calorie : 40 calories or less per serving. - low-cholesterol : 20 mg or less and 2 g or less of saturated fat per serving - reduced. this term means that a nutritionally altered product contains at least 25 percent less of a nutrient or of calories than the regular or reference product. however a reduced claim can't be made on a product if its reference food already meets the requirement for a "low" claim. - light. this descriptor can mean two things: - that a nutritionally altered product contains one-third fewer calories or half the fat of the reference food. - that the sodium content of a low-calorie low-fat food has been reduced by 50 percent.
does aerobic exercise interfere with muscle gains from weightlifting? your body prefers not to use amino acids the building blocks of muscle as an energy source unless it has to because it’s simply not the most efficient way for your body to get the energy it needs. your body will typically use the more efficient means of attaining energy first. weight lifting and aerobic exercise can complement each other well but if you have concerns with not being able to gain muscle mass keep the aerobic exercise at a moderate amount. it might be best to refrain from doing overly excessive endurance aerobic events. try doing high intensity interval training. interval training involves coupling short bursts of high intensity exercise with less intense recovery periods. for example you could run on a treadmill for 1 minute at 8mph and then jog for 30 seconds at 6mph repeating for a total of 10 to 15 minutes. this is just an example to illustrate the point; you can do different intensity levels and different work to rest ratios. consider also doing circuit training which is a workout regimen involving resistance training with very little rest in between exercise sets. this form of exercise is high intensity and helps keep your heart rate elevated so that it can function as aerobic exercise while providing a foundation for muscular strength and endurance. lastly make sure that you are getting enough protein in your diet. the essential amino acids necessary for muscular growth and development can only be obtained through dietary intake. if you’re not getting enough protein you won’t be building muscle regardless of your activity. if you're training for an endurance event like a marathon when you might run 60 miles or more per week you'll almost always see a decrease in your muscle mass. for most of us who do more moderate amounts of physical activity there will be minimal if any loss in muscle mass from aerobic exercise -- so there's nothing to worry about. if you do plan on lots of aerobic exercise and are concerned about losing muscle try starting with 20-30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise (at 50% to 70% of your maximum heart rate) two to three days per week and see how it goes.
does aerobic exercise interfere with muscle gains from weightlifting?
your body prefers not to use amino acids the building blocks of muscle as an energy source unless it has to because it’s simply not the most efficient way for your body to get the energy it needs. your body will typically use the more efficient means of attaining energy first. weight lifting and aerobic exercise can complement each other well but if you have concerns with not being able to gain muscle mass keep the aerobic exercise at a moderate amount. it might be best to refrain from doing overly excessive endurance aerobic events. try doing high intensity interval training. interval training involves coupling short bursts of high intensity exercise with less intense recovery periods. for example you could run on a treadmill for 1 minute at 8mph and then jog for 30 seconds at 6mph repeating for a total of 10 to 15 minutes. this is just an example to illustrate the point; you can do different intensity levels and different work to rest ratios. consider also doing circuit training which is a workout regimen involving resistance training with very little rest in between exercise sets. this form of exercise is high intensity and helps keep your heart rate elevated so that it can function as aerobic exercise while providing a foundation for muscular strength and endurance. lastly make sure that you are getting enough protein in your diet. the essential amino acids necessary for muscular growth and development can only be obtained through dietary intake. if you’re not getting enough protein you won’t be building muscle regardless of your activity. if you're training for an endurance event like a marathon when you might run 60 miles or more per week you'll almost always see a decrease in your muscle mass. for most of us who do more moderate amounts of physical activity there will be minimal if any loss in muscle mass from aerobic exercise -- so there's nothing to worry about. if you do plan on lots of aerobic exercise and are concerned about losing muscle try starting with 20-30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise (at 50% to 70% of your maximum heart rate) two to three days per week and see how it goes.
what are the advantages of strength training for weight loss? strength training is another form of exercise that helps you burn calories to lose weight. strength training also has the added benefit of helping you preserve muscle as well. if you lose weight while only doing cardiovascular exercise some of the weight loss may come from muscle as well as body fat. we want to preserve that muscle because it can help to boost metabolism since muscle burns calories at a higher rate than fat. strength training can also help to promote a more “toned” appearance another added benefit for you. the surgeon general recommends that you strength train all major muscle groups two or more days per week.
what are the advantages of strength training for weight loss?
strength training is another form of exercise that helps you burn calories to lose weight. strength training also has the added benefit of helping you preserve muscle as well. if you lose weight while only doing cardiovascular exercise some of the weight loss may come from muscle as well as body fat. we want to preserve that muscle because it can help to boost metabolism since muscle burns calories at a higher rate than fat. strength training can also help to promote a more “toned” appearance another added benefit for you. the surgeon general recommends that you strength train all major muscle groups two or more days per week.
should i hold off on weight training until i lose weight? absolutely not. lifting weights will not only help you lose weight but maintain the loss. here's why: muscle keeps your metabolism revved up burning calories fat and glucose (sugar). when you lose weight up to 25% of the loss may come from muscle resulting in a slower metabolism. weight lifting will help preserve or rebuild any muscle you lose by dieting. muscle helps you with aerobic exercise. the stronger you are the better you will be at any aerobic activity. weight training improves your body's muscle-to-fat ratio (you end up with less body fat and more muscle) which improves both your health and your fitness level. gaining muscle will help you look better as you define and tone your physique. building strength helps you feel good about yourself. although the scale may show a slight weight gain when you start lifting weights (usually five pounds or less) you probably won't look heavier because the gain is in muscle and your clothes may even fit more loosely. strength training along with cardiovascular exercise can boost your metabolism and can help you expend calories to lose weight. strength training however also has the added benefit of helping you to preserve muscle as well. if you lose weight while only doing cardiovascular exercise some of the weight loss may come from body fat as well as muscle. you want to preserve muscle because it can help to keep your metabolism elevated since muscle burns calories at a higher rate than fat. strength training can also help to promote a more “toned” appearance which would be another added benefit to you as well. the surgeon general recommends that you strength train all major muscle groups two or more days per week. consult your doctor before starting an exercise routine. no you should remaind that it's a continuous process. if you stop it your weight will start increasing.
should i hold off on weight training until i lose weight?
absolutely not. lifting weights will not only help you lose weight but maintain the loss. here's why: muscle keeps your metabolism revved up burning calories fat and glucose (sugar). when you lose weight up to 25% of the loss may come from muscle resulting in a slower metabolism. weight lifting will help preserve or rebuild any muscle you lose by dieting. muscle helps you with aerobic exercise. the stronger you are the better you will be at any aerobic activity. weight training improves your body's muscle-to-fat ratio (you end up with less body fat and more muscle) which improves both your health and your fitness level. gaining muscle will help you look better as you define and tone your physique. building strength helps you feel good about yourself. although the scale may show a slight weight gain when you start lifting weights (usually five pounds or less) you probably won't look heavier because the gain is in muscle and your clothes may even fit more loosely. strength training along with cardiovascular exercise can boost your metabolism and can help you expend calories to lose weight. strength training however also has the added benefit of helping you to preserve muscle as well. if you lose weight while only doing cardiovascular exercise some of the weight loss may come from body fat as well as muscle. you want to preserve muscle because it can help to keep your metabolism elevated since muscle burns calories at a higher rate than fat. strength training can also help to promote a more “toned” appearance which would be another added benefit to you as well. the surgeon general recommends that you strength train all major muscle groups two or more days per week. consult your doctor before starting an exercise routine. no you should remaind that it's a continuous process. if you stop it your weight will start increasing.
how do i become a better runner as someone with moderate experience running? don’t get stuck constantly doing the same thing. challenge your current routine by experimenting with different types of runs. for example incorporate long runs to build endurance intervals to increase speed or hills to increase strength. you might find that experimenting with these different types of runs can add to the enjoyment you experience while running and can help to promote better running performance. next consider occasionally doing cross-training which in this case means doing exercise other than running. for example try adding swimming biking or strength training to your current exercise routine. cross-training helps to prevent burnout whether physical or mental and can help prevent overuse injuries. sometimes repeatedly doing the same exercise can be monotonous and redundant and you might get bored and want to discontinue with your exercise. adding variety to your routine can help keep exercise enjoyable for you. finally allow yourself time to rest and recover. over-training can hurt your progress and lead to injury such as stress fractures. resting is as important as the time you dedicate towards running.
how do i become a better runner as someone with moderate experience running?
don’t get stuck constantly doing the same thing. challenge your current routine by experimenting with different types of runs. for example incorporate long runs to build endurance intervals to increase speed or hills to increase strength. you might find that experimenting with these different types of runs can add to the enjoyment you experience while running and can help to promote better running performance. next consider occasionally doing cross-training which in this case means doing exercise other than running. for example try adding swimming biking or strength training to your current exercise routine. cross-training helps to prevent burnout whether physical or mental and can help prevent overuse injuries. sometimes repeatedly doing the same exercise can be monotonous and redundant and you might get bored and want to discontinue with your exercise. adding variety to your routine can help keep exercise enjoyable for you. finally allow yourself time to rest and recover. over-training can hurt your progress and lead to injury such as stress fractures. resting is as important as the time you dedicate towards running.
is it better to apply heat or cold to sore muscles after stenuous exercise? most helpful answer everything i have read says cold. if there is tissue damage the cold constricts blood flow which reduces spread of cellular components which can cause rupture of nearby cells making the injury worse and longer to heal. heat is not usually applied to an injury until 72 hours have passed. this is to increase circulation and promote healing. more recent research shows movement of skeletal muscles produces hormone-like substances that promote and speed healing of damaged or inflamed tissues throughout the body. so if you can move do. lastly a small meal of four parts carbs and one part protein within 90 minutes of exercise will help speed muscle recovery. the body will use that energy and protein to quickly try to re-construct those damaged tissues. this information is from exercise physiology. ice is typically among the first thing to do in the recovery process after strenuous exercise. icing your muscles helps to reduce pain and decrease swelling and inflammation. ice causes your blood vessels to narrow which will reduce your blood flow to the muscle or injured area. never place ice directly on your skin however. wrap an ice pack around a thin cloth and place on the affected muscle for ten minutes at a time. you can use ice multiple times per day for a few days after exercise but make sure to allow for your skin to return to room temperature before icing after each 10 minute interval. heat is typically applied to uscles or injuries that do not have swelling or inflammation. heat will cause your blood vessels to expand which improves circulation and allows more blood to go to the affected area. heat can be useful for chronic injuries and muscle soreness or it can be used before exercise to stimulate blood flow and help prepare the muscle for exercise. heat should also not be directly applied to skin and should be used for short 10-15 minute intervals. always check with your doctor before starting treatment of an injury especially if the condition worsens or fails to improve. within the first few days of an injury ice can help the process of healing. applying ice to injured tissue can cause blood vessels to shrink and this makes them less capable of releasing chemicals that lead to swelling inflammation and pain. after a few days it probably best to apply heat to sore muscles. this makes muscle spasms less likely and relaxes injured muscles. however because the events behind every injury are different speak with your doctor first. i have just spent the last 6 weeks in physical therapy. they always apply heat or have me get on a bike to heat up my muscles for 15 minutes before i go through any table massage work. next i do all my exercises then they end the session with 10 minutes of ice. somtimes what contributes to soreness is 1) lack of warm-up so insuffcicient oxygen was available to fuel the work. and 2) lack of cooldown which will help the muscles recover by completing any partial combustion of sugars for energy leaving residual metabolites such as one feels with the muscle burn of working beyond anerobic threshold. anerobic threshold can be increased through more careful training. i can exercise well beyond my predicted 100% of age heart rate for periods of 10 20 and 30 minutes or more
is it better to apply heat or cold to sore muscles after stenuous exercise?
most helpful answer everything i have read says cold. if there is tissue damage the cold constricts blood flow which reduces spread of cellular components which can cause rupture of nearby cells making the injury worse and longer to heal. heat is not usually applied to an injury until 72 hours have passed. this is to increase circulation and promote healing. more recent research shows movement of skeletal muscles produces hormone-like substances that promote and speed healing of damaged or inflamed tissues throughout the body. so if you can move do. lastly a small meal of four parts carbs and one part protein within 90 minutes of exercise will help speed muscle recovery. the body will use that energy and protein to quickly try to re-construct those damaged tissues. this information is from exercise physiology. ice is typically among the first thing to do in the recovery process after strenuous exercise. icing your muscles helps to reduce pain and decrease swelling and inflammation. ice causes your blood vessels to narrow which will reduce your blood flow to the muscle or injured area. never place ice directly on your skin however. wrap an ice pack around a thin cloth and place on the affected muscle for ten minutes at a time. you can use ice multiple times per day for a few days after exercise but make sure to allow for your skin to return to room temperature before icing after each 10 minute interval. heat is typically applied to uscles or injuries that do not have swelling or inflammation. heat will cause your blood vessels to expand which improves circulation and allows more blood to go to the affected area. heat can be useful for chronic injuries and muscle soreness or it can be used before exercise to stimulate blood flow and help prepare the muscle for exercise. heat should also not be directly applied to skin and should be used for short 10-15 minute intervals. always check with your doctor before starting treatment of an injury especially if the condition worsens or fails to improve. within the first few days of an injury ice can help the process of healing. applying ice to injured tissue can cause blood vessels to shrink and this makes them less capable of releasing chemicals that lead to swelling inflammation and pain. after a few days it probably best to apply heat to sore muscles. this makes muscle spasms less likely and relaxes injured muscles. however because the events behind every injury are different speak with your doctor first. i have just spent the last 6 weeks in physical therapy. they always apply heat or have me get on a bike to heat up my muscles for 15 minutes before i go through any table massage work. next i do all my exercises then they end the session with 10 minutes of ice. somtimes what contributes to soreness is 1) lack of warm-up so insuffcicient oxygen was available to fuel the work. and 2) lack of cooldown which will help the muscles recover by completing any partial combustion of sugars for energy leaving residual metabolites such as one feels with the muscle burn of working beyond anerobic threshold. anerobic threshold can be increased through more careful training. i can exercise well beyond my predicted 100% of age heart rate for periods of 10 20 and 30 minutes or more
how long does colic last? colic typically starts when a baby is about 3 weeks old and usually ends at about 3 months so babies do typically outgrow it.
how long does colic last?
colic typically starts when a baby is about 3 weeks old and usually ends at about 3 months so babies do typically outgrow it.
does using an elliptical machine at the gym burn more calories than running on the street or bike riding? running will burn more calories than the elliptical although it's pretty close (about 100 calories per hour difference). some of the difference is due to the pounding of running and the fact that you propel your body through the air so that both feet are off the ground simultaneously. this kind of movement takes lots of energy. both the elliptical and running burn substantially more calories than the bike at the same level of perceived exertion (about 200-240 calories per hour more). in a classic study comparing energy expenditure of exercise machines the order of calories burned from highest to lowest is posted below. (the elliptical was not studied in this research but it would fit between rowing and cross-country skiing. it should be noted that rowing the elliptical and cross-country skiing are all very close in calorie expenditure with probably not more than 100-125 calories per hour difference among them. ) treadmill walking/running stair stepping rowing cross-country skiing biking (stationary) now this is not to say that exercises that burn the fewest calories are all bad. to the contrary you can get a great workout and burn lots of calories doing any of them. you'd be hard pressed to say that lance armstrong isn't fit. he's one of the fittest human beings alive and he did it by biking. the point is that if you work hard enough on any of the exercise machines and you work up a sweat and you get your heart rate into your training zone then your heart lungs and muscles aren't going to know the difference. bottom line is that you'll get fit and healthy using any of the machines if you use them consistently and with sufficient intensity. one final note: there is error in estimating energy expenditure on most if not all exercise machines. in some cases it can be as high as 25 percent (the machine overestimates how many calories you burn). there are simply too many variables for the machine to give you an accurate number and so you need to keep that in mind during weight-loss efforts if you are calculating how many calories to eat based on your energy expenditure. the answer depends on many different things since your weight the type of exercise how intense you are doing each exercise and how long you do each exercise will all influence how many calories you burn. simply put however i would say that you have the potential to burn the most calories by running followed by biking and lastly by using the elliptical. one way to measure how many calories you burn during exercise is to look at metabolic equivalents (mets). mets are a way to measure and gauge the amount of energy you burn during physical activity with 1 met being equal to the energy you burn simply being at rest. for instance running at a 10 minute mile pace is roughly the equivalent of 10 mets or ten times the calories you burn at rest. unfortunately there really is no good answer for how many mets you burn while using an elliptical. a study entitled “2011 compendium of physical activities: a second update of codes and met values” only lists using an elliptical at a moderate intensity which was the equivalent of 5 mets. for comparison bicycling with a moderate effort (12-13. 9mph) is 8 mets. you can find a comprehensive list of mets by doing an internet search for “compendium of physical activities tracking guide”. websites utilizing a formula involving these met values for each type of exercise along with your weight and the duration can help to estimate how many calories you will burn during exercise. keep in mind that these are just based off of averages but one such site is: <link>. play around with the types of activities and the duration of the activity to see what can provide you with the most calories burned.
does using an elliptical machine at the gym burn more calories than running on the street or bike riding?
running will burn more calories than the elliptical although it's pretty close (about 100 calories per hour difference). some of the difference is due to the pounding of running and the fact that you propel your body through the air so that both feet are off the ground simultaneously. this kind of movement takes lots of energy. both the elliptical and running burn substantially more calories than the bike at the same level of perceived exertion (about 200-240 calories per hour more). in a classic study comparing energy expenditure of exercise machines the order of calories burned from highest to lowest is posted below. (the elliptical was not studied in this research but it would fit between rowing and cross-country skiing. it should be noted that rowing the elliptical and cross-country skiing are all very close in calorie expenditure with probably not more than 100-125 calories per hour difference among them. ) treadmill walking/running stair stepping rowing cross-country skiing biking (stationary) now this is not to say that exercises that burn the fewest calories are all bad. to the contrary you can get a great workout and burn lots of calories doing any of them. you'd be hard pressed to say that lance armstrong isn't fit. he's one of the fittest human beings alive and he did it by biking. the point is that if you work hard enough on any of the exercise machines and you work up a sweat and you get your heart rate into your training zone then your heart lungs and muscles aren't going to know the difference. bottom line is that you'll get fit and healthy using any of the machines if you use them consistently and with sufficient intensity. one final note: there is error in estimating energy expenditure on most if not all exercise machines. in some cases it can be as high as 25 percent (the machine overestimates how many calories you burn). there are simply too many variables for the machine to give you an accurate number and so you need to keep that in mind during weight-loss efforts if you are calculating how many calories to eat based on your energy expenditure. the answer depends on many different things since your weight the type of exercise how intense you are doing each exercise and how long you do each exercise will all influence how many calories you burn. simply put however i would say that you have the potential to burn the most calories by running followed by biking and lastly by using the elliptical. one way to measure how many calories you burn during exercise is to look at metabolic equivalents (mets). mets are a way to measure and gauge the amount of energy you burn during physical activity with 1 met being equal to the energy you burn simply being at rest. for instance running at a 10 minute mile pace is roughly the equivalent of 10 mets or ten times the calories you burn at rest. unfortunately there really is no good answer for how many mets you burn while using an elliptical. a study entitled “2011 compendium of physical activities: a second update of codes and met values” only lists using an elliptical at a moderate intensity which was the equivalent of 5 mets. for comparison bicycling with a moderate effort (12-13. 9mph) is 8 mets. you can find a comprehensive list of mets by doing an internet search for “compendium of physical activities tracking guide”. websites utilizing a formula involving these met values for each type of exercise along with your weight and the duration can help to estimate how many calories you will burn during exercise. keep in mind that these are just based off of averages but one such site is: <link>. play around with the types of activities and the duration of the activity to see what can provide you with the most calories burned.
what is colic? colic is when a baby for no apparent reason is really fussy and cries for hours at a time often at the same time every day. some parents call it their baby’s witching hour because they just don’t know why their baby cries at this time.
what is colic?
colic is when a baby for no apparent reason is really fussy and cries for hours at a time often at the same time every day. some parents call it their baby’s witching hour because they just don’t know why their baby cries at this time.
what is the difference between night terrors and nightmares? night terrors and nightmares are very different. night terrors usually occur in the first third of the night. the typical scenario is a child wakes up a few hours after going to sleep acting like she is possessed. she may scream shake point at things and call out "no! no! i can't! " she may not be comforted by you and may not even recognize that you are in the room. reassure her "you're ok. mommy is here. " keep lights dim and speak softly. she should easily go back to sleep after the episode. the next morning she won't remember the event although everyone else in the house will. what can you do to break the cycle? since night terrors generally occur around the same time every night try waking your child up about 15 to 30 minutes prior to the episode. this will break her sleep cycle and her body will jump into the next stage of sleep when the terrors don't occur. also make sure your child is not over-tired. stress and tiredness can contribute to night terrors. put her to bed a little earlier at night or make sure she gets a nap if she still needs one. most children outgrow night terrors as they get older. nightmares typically happen during the second half of the night. almost everyone has had a nightmare at some point. you're riding your bike at the beach and then all of the sudden a large wave is crashing down on you…. you thrash around in your bed trying to get some air until you wake up scared or somebody comforts you. a child with nightmares will wake up fully and respond to parental comforting. he may remember the dream even the next day. reassurance helps this resolve. talk to him about the dreams and explain that they are not real. take a look at his environment (school home etc. ) and see if there is anything bothering him. stress from the day school or sports life changes such as moving or divorce can all cause stress that leads to nightmares. scary books movies stories from friends or on-line can also contribute. to help prevent nightmares get into a healthy sleep routine. put your child or teen to bed about the same time every night. avoid eating exercise watching tv surfing the internet reading scary books or watching movies right before bed. have your child sleep with a stuffed toy or favorite blanket as this may help them feel more secure. this works for teens too! turn on a night light and keep his door open. talk to your pediatrician if the nightmares persist.
what is the difference between night terrors and nightmares?
night terrors and nightmares are very different. night terrors usually occur in the first third of the night. the typical scenario is a child wakes up a few hours after going to sleep acting like she is possessed. she may scream shake point at things and call out "no! no! i can't! " she may not be comforted by you and may not even recognize that you are in the room. reassure her "you're ok. mommy is here. " keep lights dim and speak softly. she should easily go back to sleep after the episode. the next morning she won't remember the event although everyone else in the house will. what can you do to break the cycle? since night terrors generally occur around the same time every night try waking your child up about 15 to 30 minutes prior to the episode. this will break her sleep cycle and her body will jump into the next stage of sleep when the terrors don't occur. also make sure your child is not over-tired. stress and tiredness can contribute to night terrors. put her to bed a little earlier at night or make sure she gets a nap if she still needs one. most children outgrow night terrors as they get older. nightmares typically happen during the second half of the night. almost everyone has had a nightmare at some point. you're riding your bike at the beach and then all of the sudden a large wave is crashing down on you…. you thrash around in your bed trying to get some air until you wake up scared or somebody comforts you. a child with nightmares will wake up fully and respond to parental comforting. he may remember the dream even the next day. reassurance helps this resolve. talk to him about the dreams and explain that they are not real. take a look at his environment (school home etc. ) and see if there is anything bothering him. stress from the day school or sports life changes such as moving or divorce can all cause stress that leads to nightmares. scary books movies stories from friends or on-line can also contribute. to help prevent nightmares get into a healthy sleep routine. put your child or teen to bed about the same time every night. avoid eating exercise watching tv surfing the internet reading scary books or watching movies right before bed. have your child sleep with a stuffed toy or favorite blanket as this may help them feel more secure. this works for teens too! turn on a night light and keep his door open. talk to your pediatrician if the nightmares persist.
how can i encourage my children to brush their teeth? until your child can shower and wash her own hair she still needs help with her oral hygiene. to prevent brushing battles here are some age-appropriate tips i've learned from patients parents and my own two boys. toddler: make tooth brushing a game. sing a silly song. get 3 toothbrushes so your toddler can hold one in each hand while you brush your child's teeth with the third brush. preschool: let him choose between two flavors of toothpaste or which brush he wants to use. after he brushes for the count of 10 it's your turn for 10. go back and forth a few times. kindergarten: allow her to do the morning brushing solo but use an egg timer so she knows how long to brush. at bedtime you get to help or at least take a turn after she finishes. elementary school: children this age should be able to brush their own teeth but you may have to remind them. ask the hygienist to give your child a personal lesson to make sure he's on track with his skills. middle/high school: there may be times when your preteen or teen takes a vacation from brushing. dental check-ups are crucial to let her know if she needs to ramp up her brushing and flossing. if all else fails you can always point out that skipping out on the twice a day regime may result in bad breath -- a sure way to keep friends and companions away. don't forget to take a fun trip to the pediatric dentist every 6 months. .
how can i encourage my children to brush their teeth?
until your child can shower and wash her own hair she still needs help with her oral hygiene. to prevent brushing battles here are some age-appropriate tips i've learned from patients parents and my own two boys. toddler: make tooth brushing a game. sing a silly song. get 3 toothbrushes so your toddler can hold one in each hand while you brush your child's teeth with the third brush. preschool: let him choose between two flavors of toothpaste or which brush he wants to use. after he brushes for the count of 10 it's your turn for 10. go back and forth a few times. kindergarten: allow her to do the morning brushing solo but use an egg timer so she knows how long to brush. at bedtime you get to help or at least take a turn after she finishes. elementary school: children this age should be able to brush their own teeth but you may have to remind them. ask the hygienist to give your child a personal lesson to make sure he's on track with his skills. middle/high school: there may be times when your preteen or teen takes a vacation from brushing. dental check-ups are crucial to let her know if she needs to ramp up her brushing and flossing. if all else fails you can always point out that skipping out on the twice a day regime may result in bad breath -- a sure way to keep friends and companions away. don't forget to take a fun trip to the pediatric dentist every 6 months. .
when should my child's sickness keep her home and when can i send her to school? generally speaking she can be around other kids once her fever has been gone for 24 hours and she is feeling better. if your child has been placed on an antibiotic for any reason she should receive the medication for at least 24 hours before being around other children. if you kept your child home every time he had the sniffles he'd never be in school. and the older he gets the harder it is to make up missed schoolwork. so if he feels okay and doesn't have a fever he should be in school. but if your child has a fever (temperature over 100. 3) is vomiting having bad diarrhea coughing up a storm has pain interfering with activity or really isn't feeling well keep him at home until these symptoms are under control. often it's the milder symptoms (such as slight runny nose and cough) that leave parents wondering what to do. only you can make that game-day decision but be considerate of others. before you take him out think to yourself would i want another child with the same symptoms around my son? you can always check with your child care or preschool. they may have specific guidelines for when previously sick children can return. you know your child best so if you think something is wrong don't send him to school. if you're concerned call your pediatrician.
when should my child's sickness keep her home and when can i send her to school?
generally speaking she can be around other kids once her fever has been gone for 24 hours and she is feeling better. if your child has been placed on an antibiotic for any reason she should receive the medication for at least 24 hours before being around other children. if you kept your child home every time he had the sniffles he'd never be in school. and the older he gets the harder it is to make up missed schoolwork. so if he feels okay and doesn't have a fever he should be in school. but if your child has a fever (temperature over 100. 3) is vomiting having bad diarrhea coughing up a storm has pain interfering with activity or really isn't feeling well keep him at home until these symptoms are under control. often it's the milder symptoms (such as slight runny nose and cough) that leave parents wondering what to do. only you can make that game-day decision but be considerate of others. before you take him out think to yourself would i want another child with the same symptoms around my son? you can always check with your child care or preschool. they may have specific guidelines for when previously sick children can return. you know your child best so if you think something is wrong don't send him to school. if you're concerned call your pediatrician.
i have a hard time fighting my urge to snack at night. what is a good late-night snack to help kill my hunger? first consider whether or not you're eating enough for dinner. what time do you eat dinner in relation to when you go to sleep? your urge to snack at night may be because you are still hungry from not eating enough for dinner. revisit how much you are consuming for dinner and make sure it’s a balanced meal including lean protein whole grains and vegetables. if you are still hungry for a snack at night try a cup of soothing chamomile tea with an oatmeal cookie (serving size not to exceed 100 calories). the tea will help you sleep and the cookies can be a good source of healthy fiber. or look for calorie-controlled non-fat frozen dairy desserts with servings that contain no more than 100 calories.
i have a hard time fighting my urge to snack at night. what is a good late-night snack to help kill my hunger?
first consider whether or not you're eating enough for dinner. what time do you eat dinner in relation to when you go to sleep? your urge to snack at night may be because you are still hungry from not eating enough for dinner. revisit how much you are consuming for dinner and make sure it’s a balanced meal including lean protein whole grains and vegetables. if you are still hungry for a snack at night try a cup of soothing chamomile tea with an oatmeal cookie (serving size not to exceed 100 calories). the tea will help you sleep and the cookies can be a good source of healthy fiber. or look for calorie-controlled non-fat frozen dairy desserts with servings that contain no more than 100 calories.
what if i don’t have time to exercise 60 minutes a day? the 60-minute suggestion is based on the national academy of science's recommendation for people who are trying to prevent weight gain or keep themselves from regaining after weight loss -- not for people who are trying to increase or maintain their cardio-respiratory fitness or health. there's plenty of research to show that 30 minutes of physical activity a day will help you gain lots of health and fitness benefits. remember that you don't have to do all your exercise in one session. if you already exercise vigorously at the gym several times a week there's no reason to quit. but if 60 minutes seems like too much for you try 30 minutes a day as a starting goal. the most important thing is that you do something. do what you can! it’s still beneficial for you to do as much exercise as you can even if you’re not meeting the recommended amount. keep in mind that you can break up your physical activity into as little as 10 minute sessions throughout the day which may be more mindful of your time constraints. build more physical activity into your daily routine naturally by parking further away taking the stairs instead of the elevator or using a break room or restroom on an opposite side of the building or on a different floor at work. consider finding a different mode of transportation to work or while running errands. you may live close enough to be able to walk or bike to some of the places that you need to go. if you take the bus try getting off at an earlier stop and walking a bit more. find ways to be active with your family like going for a walk or bike ride and set up a regular routine with it. fit in exercise while you’re watching tv by doing body weight exercises during commercials or use exercise equipment like a treadmill elliptical or stationary bike that you may have at home to do activity while you watch your shows. lastly write down your entire weekly schedule. this can help you to better visualize your schedule so that you can better see opportunities where you can incorporate more physical activity or perhaps you can move things around to create an opening for exercise. you may not be able to meet a recommended amount but do what you can!
what if i don’t have time to exercise 60 minutes a day?
the 60-minute suggestion is based on the national academy of science's recommendation for people who are trying to prevent weight gain or keep themselves from regaining after weight loss -- not for people who are trying to increase or maintain their cardio-respiratory fitness or health. there's plenty of research to show that 30 minutes of physical activity a day will help you gain lots of health and fitness benefits. remember that you don't have to do all your exercise in one session. if you already exercise vigorously at the gym several times a week there's no reason to quit. but if 60 minutes seems like too much for you try 30 minutes a day as a starting goal. the most important thing is that you do something. do what you can! it’s still beneficial for you to do as much exercise as you can even if you’re not meeting the recommended amount. keep in mind that you can break up your physical activity into as little as 10 minute sessions throughout the day which may be more mindful of your time constraints. build more physical activity into your daily routine naturally by parking further away taking the stairs instead of the elevator or using a break room or restroom on an opposite side of the building or on a different floor at work. consider finding a different mode of transportation to work or while running errands. you may live close enough to be able to walk or bike to some of the places that you need to go. if you take the bus try getting off at an earlier stop and walking a bit more. find ways to be active with your family like going for a walk or bike ride and set up a regular routine with it. fit in exercise while you’re watching tv by doing body weight exercises during commercials or use exercise equipment like a treadmill elliptical or stationary bike that you may have at home to do activity while you watch your shows. lastly write down your entire weekly schedule. this can help you to better visualize your schedule so that you can better see opportunities where you can incorporate more physical activity or perhaps you can move things around to create an opening for exercise. you may not be able to meet a recommended amount but do what you can!
where do i start if i have never exercised? if you're new to exercise or have struggled with it in the past talk with your doctor about your exercise plans. after that start by incorporating more activity into your daily life. for instance: if you always take the elevator try the stairs. if you try to park next to the door of wherever you're going park farther away and walk. if your habit is to eat at your desk take a 10- to 20-minute walk first then have your lunch (or take a walk after you eat). instead of watching tv all day saturday and sunday plan active weekends. go to the park take a walking tour ride your bike or row a boat. whichever plan you decide on it's a good idea to set weekly goals: write down what activity you plan to do on what day of the week for how long and at what time of day. be as specific and realistic as possible. for instance write down "tuesday: walk for 20 minutes at 7 p. m. to the park and back. " at the end of each week review your goals and set new ones for the upcoming week. research shows that setting goals will help you stick to your program. it will clarify what you're supposed to do and let you track your progress. if you hit a roadblock later on you can refer back to what has worked in the past or use your accomplishments to re-energize yourself. first make sure that your doctor clears you for exercise before beginning. he or she may ask you to fill out the physical activity readiness questionnaire (par-q) to ensure that there is no reason for you not to exercise. i would then recommend setting personal goals using the s. m. a. r. t. acronym which stands for: s – specific m – measureable a – attainable r – realistic t – time-oriented here’s a sample goal keeping these principles in mind: “between january 1st and february 1st walk three days per week for twenty minutes per session to aid in weight loss. ” set up short term goals to help you meet your long term goals (6 months or more). think about what you want to achieve by beginning an exercise routine. do you want to lose weight lower your blood pressure or help manage diabetes? do you want to run a race such as a 5k? what do you hope to gain from starting exercise? the biggest problem that people have is that they overwhelm themselves by doing too much exercise too soon. it can be hard to sustain a drastic change like that long term. instead slowly and gradually progress with exercise to make for an easier transition and to allow your body to comfortably adjust. start out doing low impact exercise like walking or riding a bike then gradually increase the time intensity level or number of days per week that you exercise. if you’re new to strength training get help from a personal trainer to make sure that you are using the equipment properly. make a plan and stick to it.
where do i start if i have never exercised?
if you're new to exercise or have struggled with it in the past talk with your doctor about your exercise plans. after that start by incorporating more activity into your daily life. for instance: if you always take the elevator try the stairs. if you try to park next to the door of wherever you're going park farther away and walk. if your habit is to eat at your desk take a 10- to 20-minute walk first then have your lunch (or take a walk after you eat). instead of watching tv all day saturday and sunday plan active weekends. go to the park take a walking tour ride your bike or row a boat. whichever plan you decide on it's a good idea to set weekly goals: write down what activity you plan to do on what day of the week for how long and at what time of day. be as specific and realistic as possible. for instance write down "tuesday: walk for 20 minutes at 7 p. m. to the park and back. " at the end of each week review your goals and set new ones for the upcoming week. research shows that setting goals will help you stick to your program. it will clarify what you're supposed to do and let you track your progress. if you hit a roadblock later on you can refer back to what has worked in the past or use your accomplishments to re-energize yourself. first make sure that your doctor clears you for exercise before beginning. he or she may ask you to fill out the physical activity readiness questionnaire (par-q) to ensure that there is no reason for you not to exercise. i would then recommend setting personal goals using the s. m. a. r. t. acronym which stands for: s – specific m – measureable a – attainable r – realistic t – time-oriented here’s a sample goal keeping these principles in mind: “between january 1st and february 1st walk three days per week for twenty minutes per session to aid in weight loss. ” set up short term goals to help you meet your long term goals (6 months or more). think about what you want to achieve by beginning an exercise routine. do you want to lose weight lower your blood pressure or help manage diabetes? do you want to run a race such as a 5k? what do you hope to gain from starting exercise? the biggest problem that people have is that they overwhelm themselves by doing too much exercise too soon. it can be hard to sustain a drastic change like that long term. instead slowly and gradually progress with exercise to make for an easier transition and to allow your body to comfortably adjust. start out doing low impact exercise like walking or riding a bike then gradually increase the time intensity level or number of days per week that you exercise. if you’re new to strength training get help from a personal trainer to make sure that you are using the equipment properly. make a plan and stick to it.
how can i gain weight? eat more! that’s what nearly all weight gain strategies come down to although it’s not always quite that simple. people with certain health conditions are at risk for poor nutrition: celiac disease inflammatory bowel disease cystic fibrosis cancer chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd) human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection many others. people who are losing weight with these conditions should ask their doctor for a referral to a nutritionist. a low appetite is often part of the illness and eating higher-calorie foods is advised. some of these illnesses can also cause poor absorption of nutrients and testing and treatment can address this. in any medical condition if muscle mass has been lost it’s important to include protein in the diet to help rebuild muscles. healthy young men and teenage boys often want to gain weight usually in the form of muscle. their challenge is usually eating enough to keep up with the calories they’re burning in their active lifestyles. to gain weight by building muscle it’s necessary to eat a lot of protein. weight-training athletes may require 75 to 100 grams of protein or more daily. healthy lean protein sources include chicken eggs fish and beans. whey protein supplements can be mixed in with drinks soups or sauces. soy protein supplements are not advised except in small amounts because some of the soy may be converted to estrogen in the body. it’s best to talk to your doctor or a nutritionist before starting a high protein diet if you have any health conditions especially liver or kidney disease. gaining weight can be just as difficult as losing weight for some people. an essential component of weight gain is eating enough calories each day. a registered dietitian will be able to calculate and estimate your calorie needs using the harris-benedict equation or there are also websites available to help you do this on your own. in order to gain weight theoretically you need to eat more calories than what would normally be necessary for you to maintain your current weight. keep in mind it’s still important to eat healthy and make the right food choices. don’t use this as an excuse to eat whatever you want because you’ll end up gaining fat that way. you’ll need to exercise too especially by incorporating strength-building exercise which will help to build muscle mass to add to your weight. the surgeon general recommends at least two days per week of strength training exercising each major muscle group. of course the more exercise that you do the greater the benefits you should notice. keep in mind however that you do need rest to allow your muscles to recover. make sure that you’re getting enough protein in your diet as well. only protein has the essential amino acids necessary for muscle growth and development. a registered dietitian can also help you to determine your protein requirements. ask your doctor before taking protein supplements or beginning a high protein diet. i’ve recommended a good article for more information: <link>
how can i gain weight?
eat more! that’s what nearly all weight gain strategies come down to although it’s not always quite that simple. people with certain health conditions are at risk for poor nutrition: celiac disease inflammatory bowel disease cystic fibrosis cancer chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (copd) human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) infection many others. people who are losing weight with these conditions should ask their doctor for a referral to a nutritionist. a low appetite is often part of the illness and eating higher-calorie foods is advised. some of these illnesses can also cause poor absorption of nutrients and testing and treatment can address this. in any medical condition if muscle mass has been lost it’s important to include protein in the diet to help rebuild muscles. healthy young men and teenage boys often want to gain weight usually in the form of muscle. their challenge is usually eating enough to keep up with the calories they’re burning in their active lifestyles. to gain weight by building muscle it’s necessary to eat a lot of protein. weight-training athletes may require 75 to 100 grams of protein or more daily. healthy lean protein sources include chicken eggs fish and beans. whey protein supplements can be mixed in with drinks soups or sauces. soy protein supplements are not advised except in small amounts because some of the soy may be converted to estrogen in the body. it’s best to talk to your doctor or a nutritionist before starting a high protein diet if you have any health conditions especially liver or kidney disease. gaining weight can be just as difficult as losing weight for some people. an essential component of weight gain is eating enough calories each day. a registered dietitian will be able to calculate and estimate your calorie needs using the harris-benedict equation or there are also websites available to help you do this on your own. in order to gain weight theoretically you need to eat more calories than what would normally be necessary for you to maintain your current weight. keep in mind it’s still important to eat healthy and make the right food choices. don’t use this as an excuse to eat whatever you want because you’ll end up gaining fat that way. you’ll need to exercise too especially by incorporating strength-building exercise which will help to build muscle mass to add to your weight. the surgeon general recommends at least two days per week of strength training exercising each major muscle group. of course the more exercise that you do the greater the benefits you should notice. keep in mind however that you do need rest to allow your muscles to recover. make sure that you’re getting enough protein in your diet as well. only protein has the essential amino acids necessary for muscle growth and development. a registered dietitian can also help you to determine your protein requirements. ask your doctor before taking protein supplements or beginning a high protein diet. i’ve recommended a good article for more information: <link>
what kind of snacks would you recommend for people who are diabetic? a diet to help control diabetes is often individually prescribed -- based on body weight and lifestyle -- to help keep blood sugar levels in control. the best snacks for diabetics will contain some protein and some fiber to help slow down food absorption and therefore help control blood sugar levels and prevent spiking. avoid simple sugars such as in cookies and candies and choose whole grain crackers low-fat cheeses maybe a slice of turkey or leftover chicken. and pair these foods with a small amount of fruit if desired. know that fruit while healthy can be high in natural sugars that will spike blood sugar levels unless combined with a protein source to slow down their absorption in your body.
what kind of snacks would you recommend for people who are diabetic?
a diet to help control diabetes is often individually prescribed -- based on body weight and lifestyle -- to help keep blood sugar levels in control. the best snacks for diabetics will contain some protein and some fiber to help slow down food absorption and therefore help control blood sugar levels and prevent spiking. avoid simple sugars such as in cookies and candies and choose whole grain crackers low-fat cheeses maybe a slice of turkey or leftover chicken. and pair these foods with a small amount of fruit if desired. know that fruit while healthy can be high in natural sugars that will spike blood sugar levels unless combined with a protein source to slow down their absorption in your body.
what kind of snacks could help speed up my metabolism? none. the only way to speed up your metabolism is through exercise specifically muscle-training exercises to increase lean muscle mass which burns more calories than body fat.
what kind of snacks could help speed up my metabolism?
none. the only way to speed up your metabolism is through exercise specifically muscle-training exercises to increase lean muscle mass which burns more calories than body fat.
what kinds of vegetables are good for heart health? just about all vegetables help support a healthy cardiovascular system. veggies which contain deep dark pigments -- winter squash dark leafy greens broccoli kale tomatoes red peppers and carrots -- are good sources for antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin a and vitamin c and folate. these nutrients help protect the body's cells including cells in our heart and arteries. even white-colored vegetables such as onions and garlic contain important nutrients for heart health including a flavonoid called quercetin. most vegetables are also a good source of dietary fiber which is important for digestive health. one word of caution: dark green leafy vegetables such as collards kale and spinach are an excellent source of vitamin k which is important for the blood clotting mechanism. but if you're taking drugs such as coumadin or warfarin to prevent blood clots your doctor may advise you to avoid these kinds of vegetables. there are many vegetable which are good for heart such as carrot for vitamin a and a powerful antioxidants bell peppers which reduce homocysteine onions a rich source of sulphur-containing phytochemicals leafy greens are an better source of magnesium and many more.
what kinds of vegetables are good for heart health?
just about all vegetables help support a healthy cardiovascular system. veggies which contain deep dark pigments -- winter squash dark leafy greens broccoli kale tomatoes red peppers and carrots -- are good sources for antioxidant nutrients such as vitamin a and vitamin c and folate. these nutrients help protect the body's cells including cells in our heart and arteries. even white-colored vegetables such as onions and garlic contain important nutrients for heart health including a flavonoid called quercetin. most vegetables are also a good source of dietary fiber which is important for digestive health. one word of caution: dark green leafy vegetables such as collards kale and spinach are an excellent source of vitamin k which is important for the blood clotting mechanism. but if you're taking drugs such as coumadin or warfarin to prevent blood clots your doctor may advise you to avoid these kinds of vegetables. there are many vegetable which are good for heart such as carrot for vitamin a and a powerful antioxidants bell peppers which reduce homocysteine onions a rich source of sulphur-containing phytochemicals leafy greens are an better source of magnesium and many more.
i need a list of foods that would be helpful with lowering my triglycerides and cholesterol. any suggestions? a healthy diet that follows the myplate. gov guidelines is a good start. fill half of your plate with fruit and vegetable servings one quarter with a serving of whole grains such as brown rice or whole grain bread and the other quarter with a serving of lean proteins such as chicken breast fish turkey or sirloin steak. choose fat free or 1% fat dairy products. avoid sugary soft drinks and other pre-sweetened beverages. limit your consumption of solid fats such as butter or vegetable shortenings and the foods they're made with.
i need a list of foods that would be helpful with lowering my triglycerides and cholesterol. any suggestions?
a healthy diet that follows the myplate. gov guidelines is a good start. fill half of your plate with fruit and vegetable servings one quarter with a serving of whole grains such as brown rice or whole grain bread and the other quarter with a serving of lean proteins such as chicken breast fish turkey or sirloin steak. choose fat free or 1% fat dairy products. avoid sugary soft drinks and other pre-sweetened beverages. limit your consumption of solid fats such as butter or vegetable shortenings and the foods they're made with.
are all pastas high in cholesterol? pastas are generally made from wheat and do not contain any cholesterol. some pastas are made with eggs and therefore contain a small amount of cholesterol. choose whole grain pastas. enjoy them with a variety of vegetables and avoid sauces made with cheese or cream. toss in a little olive oil fresh tomatoes fresh basil and perhaps a sprinkling of grated parmesan cheese to enjoy pasta dishes in more healthy ways.
are all pastas high in cholesterol?
pastas are generally made from wheat and do not contain any cholesterol. some pastas are made with eggs and therefore contain a small amount of cholesterol. choose whole grain pastas. enjoy them with a variety of vegetables and avoid sauces made with cheese or cream. toss in a little olive oil fresh tomatoes fresh basil and perhaps a sprinkling of grated parmesan cheese to enjoy pasta dishes in more healthy ways.
we eat vegetables after cooking them in oil. is this good for your heart or should we consume only raw veggies? cooking oil can actually help some of the vitamins in vegetables be better absorbed by the body. fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin a e and k are found in many vegetables. make sure to choose healthy oils such as canola or olive oil to get the heart-healthy benefits of monounsaturated fats. use oils sparingly when cooking because a little goes a long way. remember that every tablespoon of oil -- whether heart-healthy or not -- contains about 100 calories. some people like to cook with a vegetable oil spray. you can make your own by putting olive oil or canola oil in a spray bottle. raw veggies are great of course. but cooked veggies are too! they both contain the same amount of fiber. avoid overcooking vegetables and boiling too long. or you will lose some of the water-soluble vitamins that are heat sensitive including vitamin c.
we eat vegetables after cooking them in oil. is this good for your heart or should we consume only raw veggies?
cooking oil can actually help some of the vitamins in vegetables be better absorbed by the body. fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin a e and k are found in many vegetables. make sure to choose healthy oils such as canola or olive oil to get the heart-healthy benefits of monounsaturated fats. use oils sparingly when cooking because a little goes a long way. remember that every tablespoon of oil -- whether heart-healthy or not -- contains about 100 calories. some people like to cook with a vegetable oil spray. you can make your own by putting olive oil or canola oil in a spray bottle. raw veggies are great of course. but cooked veggies are too! they both contain the same amount of fiber. avoid overcooking vegetables and boiling too long. or you will lose some of the water-soluble vitamins that are heat sensitive including vitamin c.
could eating red yeast rice every day help to lower my cholesterol? it depends on what else you are eating. adding one healthy food to an otherwise lousy diet won't help in the long run. oatmeal helps lower cholesterol but it won't help if you’re sprinkling it on top of prime rib. if red yeast rice is your choice for a grain you are adding more fiber to your diet which could help lower your bad cholesterol. but don't weigh it down with a whole stick of butter. yes
could eating red yeast rice every day help to lower my cholesterol?
it depends on what else you are eating. adding one healthy food to an otherwise lousy diet won't help in the long run. oatmeal helps lower cholesterol but it won't help if you’re sprinkling it on top of prime rib. if red yeast rice is your choice for a grain you are adding more fiber to your diet which could help lower your bad cholesterol. but don't weigh it down with a whole stick of butter. yes
what should i eat in order to have a normal lipid profile? visit your health care provider to get your numbers for the good cholesterol (hdl) and the bad (ldl). keeping track of these numbers is important for managing risk factors for heart disease. if your physician tells you that your ldl is too high there are several dietary changes you can make to lower that number. you may have heard that eating oatmeal is healthy for good cholesterol. this is because the soluble fiber found in oatmeal can grab onto dietary cholesterol in your body and remove it through waste elimination. other foods that contain soluble fibers include apples okra and just about all other fruits and vegetables. eating more fish can help too. the usda's myplate. gov dietary recommendations advise us all to eat at least two servings of fish per week. fatty fish such as salmon sardines and tuna are especially good sources of the fish oils that are associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. and not only can they help lower ldl levels but they actually help increase hdl levels. lastly be sure to avoid foods that are high in saturated fats which can raise ldl levels. these include cream butter fatty meats and whole milk. fish and fiber
what should i eat in order to have a normal lipid profile?
visit your health care provider to get your numbers for the good cholesterol (hdl) and the bad (ldl). keeping track of these numbers is important for managing risk factors for heart disease. if your physician tells you that your ldl is too high there are several dietary changes you can make to lower that number. you may have heard that eating oatmeal is healthy for good cholesterol. this is because the soluble fiber found in oatmeal can grab onto dietary cholesterol in your body and remove it through waste elimination. other foods that contain soluble fibers include apples okra and just about all other fruits and vegetables. eating more fish can help too. the usda's myplate. gov dietary recommendations advise us all to eat at least two servings of fish per week. fatty fish such as salmon sardines and tuna are especially good sources of the fish oils that are associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. and not only can they help lower ldl levels but they actually help increase hdl levels. lastly be sure to avoid foods that are high in saturated fats which can raise ldl levels. these include cream butter fatty meats and whole milk. fish and fiber
how can the salt content in my husband's diet affect his blood pressure and cholesterol levels? the sodium in sodium chloride (salt) can have an effect on your blood pressure. this is why health care providers advise people with high blood pressure to reduce their salt intake. the american heart association recommends sodium intake of less than 1500 milligrams per day. look for the sodium content on the nutrition facts label of your packaged foods.
how can the salt content in my husband's diet affect his blood pressure and cholesterol levels?
the sodium in sodium chloride (salt) can have an effect on your blood pressure. this is why health care providers advise people with high blood pressure to reduce their salt intake. the american heart association recommends sodium intake of less than 1500 milligrams per day. look for the sodium content on the nutrition facts label of your packaged foods.
does it matter if i drink something or eat something as a snack? yes it matters. beverages that contain protein are more filling over the long run such as fat-free milk. and studies have shown that a piece of whole fruit is more satisfying than drinking fruit juice.
does it matter if i drink something or eat something as a snack?
yes it matters. beverages that contain protein are more filling over the long run such as fat-free milk. and studies have shown that a piece of whole fruit is more satisfying than drinking fruit juice.
what are triglycerides in your body? triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood that your body uses for energy. while you need some triglycerides for good health high triglyceride levels are not healthy. a fasting blood test can be used to measure your triglyceride levels. you can make diet and lifestyle changes to help lower your triglyceride levels. stay at a healthy weight limit fat and sugar intake be more active do not smoke and limit your alcohol consumption.
what are triglycerides in your body?
triglycerides are a type of fat found in your blood that your body uses for energy. while you need some triglycerides for good health high triglyceride levels are not healthy. a fasting blood test can be used to measure your triglyceride levels. you can make diet and lifestyle changes to help lower your triglyceride levels. stay at a healthy weight limit fat and sugar intake be more active do not smoke and limit your alcohol consumption.
is maintaining a vegan diet healthier for your heart? vegan diets -- which exclude dairy foods meats fish and eggs -- are low in cholesterol and saturated fats. this helps reduce a person's risk for heart disease. because they are predominantly made up of plant foods vegan diets are also higher in dietary fiber which can also help reduce your risk of heart disease. but because vegan diets exclude fish and seafood you could be missing out on the protective effects of fish oils that are also associated with a decreased risk of heart disease.
is maintaining a vegan diet healthier for your heart?
vegan diets -- which exclude dairy foods meats fish and eggs -- are low in cholesterol and saturated fats. this helps reduce a person's risk for heart disease. because they are predominantly made up of plant foods vegan diets are also higher in dietary fiber which can also help reduce your risk of heart disease. but because vegan diets exclude fish and seafood you could be missing out on the protective effects of fish oils that are also associated with a decreased risk of heart disease.
should people with serious heart problems avoid fast food all together? just because a food is "fast" doesn’t mean it's automatically unhealthy. many quick-service restaurants today offer whole wheat buns grilled chicken cuts salads and reduced-fat dressings on their menus. when eating out avoid fried items and sugary soft drinks. ask for more lettuce tomatoes onions or whatever kinds of veggies the restaurant has. at sub and sandwich places go for lean proteins such as turkey or roast beef. ask for mustard instead of mayo. avoid adding cheese to sandwiches which can contain about 100 calories per slice as well as saturated fats which should be limited for a more heart-healthy diet.
should people with serious heart problems avoid fast food all together?
just because a food is "fast" doesn’t mean it's automatically unhealthy. many quick-service restaurants today offer whole wheat buns grilled chicken cuts salads and reduced-fat dressings on their menus. when eating out avoid fried items and sugary soft drinks. ask for more lettuce tomatoes onions or whatever kinds of veggies the restaurant has. at sub and sandwich places go for lean proteins such as turkey or roast beef. ask for mustard instead of mayo. avoid adding cheese to sandwiches which can contain about 100 calories per slice as well as saturated fats which should be limited for a more heart-healthy diet.
how rapidly can you lose weight and still be considered healthy? it's generally recommended that losing no more than 2 pounds a week is a safe and effective way to lose weight and keep it off. it may not sound like much but 2 pounds a week for 5 weeks is 10 pounds! often when beginning a weight loss and exercise program you can lose more weight during the first week -- especially if you are considerably overweight. but don't be discouraged if the weight loss tapers to one or two pounds per week. you are still moving in the right direction.
how rapidly can you lose weight and still be considered healthy?
it's generally recommended that losing no more than 2 pounds a week is a safe and effective way to lose weight and keep it off. it may not sound like much but 2 pounds a week for 5 weeks is 10 pounds! often when beginning a weight loss and exercise program you can lose more weight during the first week -- especially if you are considerably overweight. but don't be discouraged if the weight loss tapers to one or two pounds per week. you are still moving in the right direction.
what is salmonella and how can i prevent getting it? salmonella (specifically salmonella enteritidis) is the most common form of bacterial food poisoning. within 12 hours to three days after an exposure people develop nasty diarrhea vomiting fever and stomach cramps. unlike the watery diarrhea one typically sees with a stomach virus salmonella usually causes diarrhea mixed with mucus and/or blood. and this infection lasts up to a week. . the good news is that most people fully recover without needing any special treatment or medication. some unlucky people can get dehydrated and end up being hospitalized. and a few very unlucky people can become seriously ill from this infection. that includes young infants people with weakened immune systems and the elderly. . so how do you avoid getting salmonella and other forms of food poisoning? make sure to thoroughly wash countertops sinks and cutting boards with soap and water when preparing foods with eggs raw meat or poultry. only prepare fully cooked eggs. make sure hamburger/ground beef is cooked completely until it is brown. yes pink makes a juicier burger but it also makes a germ-filled one. use pasteurized eggs in recipes that call for raw eggs (like caesar salad dressing). keep eggs meat and poultry properly refrigerated. keep all baby bottles pacifiers and breast pump supplies away from food preparation areas. keep pet iguanas or turtles out of the kitchen counter area. (you think i am joking… i had a patient get salmonella this way). make sure to wash hands thoroughly after handling. buy only pasteurized apple cider and other juice products. wash hands thoroughly after visiting a petting zoo. take-home tip: if you or a family member develops diarrhea that is bloody or mucousy it’s time to call your doctor.
what is salmonella and how can i prevent getting it?
salmonella (specifically salmonella enteritidis) is the most common form of bacterial food poisoning. within 12 hours to three days after an exposure people develop nasty diarrhea vomiting fever and stomach cramps. unlike the watery diarrhea one typically sees with a stomach virus salmonella usually causes diarrhea mixed with mucus and/or blood. and this infection lasts up to a week. . the good news is that most people fully recover without needing any special treatment or medication. some unlucky people can get dehydrated and end up being hospitalized. and a few very unlucky people can become seriously ill from this infection. that includes young infants people with weakened immune systems and the elderly. . so how do you avoid getting salmonella and other forms of food poisoning? make sure to thoroughly wash countertops sinks and cutting boards with soap and water when preparing foods with eggs raw meat or poultry. only prepare fully cooked eggs. make sure hamburger/ground beef is cooked completely until it is brown. yes pink makes a juicier burger but it also makes a germ-filled one. use pasteurized eggs in recipes that call for raw eggs (like caesar salad dressing). keep eggs meat and poultry properly refrigerated. keep all baby bottles pacifiers and breast pump supplies away from food preparation areas. keep pet iguanas or turtles out of the kitchen counter area. (you think i am joking… i had a patient get salmonella this way). make sure to wash hands thoroughly after handling. buy only pasteurized apple cider and other juice products. wash hands thoroughly after visiting a petting zoo. take-home tip: if you or a family member develops diarrhea that is bloody or mucousy it’s time to call your doctor.
what are your top ten parenting tips? 1. be a good role model. if you want your child to eat healthfully exercise regularly and limit time in front of the tv or computer… start by doing these things yourself. 2. do a preconception visit. pre-pregnancy health affects your pregnancy and your growing baby. see your health practitioner before you are pregnant. aim for your ideal body weight (bmi) before pregnancy. 3. know your bmi. it stands for body mass index. and it tells you if you are at risk for health-related consequences of obesity. check yours and your child’s. make lifestyle changes if that number is too high. i know it is easier to say than to do. 4. trust yourself. you have the skills to be a good parent. really. 5. happy parents have happy children. take time for yourself and for your marriage. you’ll be amazed by the results. 6. vaccines are safe. they protect your child from diseases you don’t want her to have. seriously. get your child vaccinated. i wouldn’t do anything different with my own kids. 7. you are planting the seeds of discipline. do not expect a tree to grow overnight. it will take months or even years to see the results of your calm and consistent discipline techniques. don’t give up. 8. sleep is underrated. it rejuvenates the body and mind. make it a priority for you and your child. establish a healthy sleep routine and stick to it. let your baby self-soothe when he is old enough to do so (around 4-6 months of age). it’s a critical life skill. 9. it takes a family. you don’t have to do-it-all to win parent of the year. share responsibilities between your partner and your kids (as they become old enough to help out). remember happy parents have happy children. 10. floss.
what are your top ten parenting tips?
1. be a good role model. if you want your child to eat healthfully exercise regularly and limit time in front of the tv or computer… start by doing these things yourself. 2. do a preconception visit. pre-pregnancy health affects your pregnancy and your growing baby. see your health practitioner before you are pregnant. aim for your ideal body weight (bmi) before pregnancy. 3. know your bmi. it stands for body mass index. and it tells you if you are at risk for health-related consequences of obesity. check yours and your child’s. make lifestyle changes if that number is too high. i know it is easier to say than to do. 4. trust yourself. you have the skills to be a good parent. really. 5. happy parents have happy children. take time for yourself and for your marriage. you’ll be amazed by the results. 6. vaccines are safe. they protect your child from diseases you don’t want her to have. seriously. get your child vaccinated. i wouldn’t do anything different with my own kids. 7. you are planting the seeds of discipline. do not expect a tree to grow overnight. it will take months or even years to see the results of your calm and consistent discipline techniques. don’t give up. 8. sleep is underrated. it rejuvenates the body and mind. make it a priority for you and your child. establish a healthy sleep routine and stick to it. let your baby self-soothe when he is old enough to do so (around 4-6 months of age). it’s a critical life skill. 9. it takes a family. you don’t have to do-it-all to win parent of the year. share responsibilities between your partner and your kids (as they become old enough to help out). remember happy parents have happy children. 10. floss.
how can i prevent salmonella in my kitchen -- and my life? eggs have been making the news lately with three major nationwide recalls due to potential contamination with the bacteria salmonella. the recalls involve eggs from wright county and hillandale farms in iowa. but what’s the big cluck about it? well if you handle these eggs or eat them partially cooked (a. k. a. poached or soft boiled) you can potentially get pretty sick. salmonella (specifically salmonella enteriditis) is the most common form of bacterial food poisoning. within 12 hours to 3 days after an exposure people develop nasty diarrhea vomiting fever and stomach cramps. unlike the watery diarrhea one typically sees with a stomach virus salmonella usually causes diarrhea mixed with mucus and/or blood. and this lovely infection lasts up to a week. ugh. the good news is that most people fully recover without needing any special treatment or medication. some unlucky people can get dehydrated and end up being hospitalized. and a few very unlucky people can be seriously ill from this infection. that includes young infants people with weakened immune systems and the elderly. besides this iowa egg issue there are other ways to get this bug. so how do you avoid getting salmonella and other forms of food poisoning? 1. make sure to thoroughly wash countertops sinks and cutting boards with soap and water when preparing foods with eggs raw meat or poultry. 2. only prepare fully cooked eggs. 3. make sure hamburger/ground beef is cooked completely until it is brown. yes pink makes a juicier burger but it also makes a germ-filled one. 4. use pasteurized eggs in recipes that call for raw eggs (like caesar salad dressing). 5. keep eggs meat and poultry properly refrigerated. 6. keep all baby bottles pacifiers and breast pump supplies away from food preparation areas. 7. keep pet iguanas or turtles out of the kitchen counter area. (you think i am joking… i had a patient get salmonella this way). make sure to wash hands thoroughly after handling. 8. buy only pasteurized apple cider and other juice products. 9. wash hands thoroughly after visiting a petting zoo. take home tip: if you or a family develops diarrhea that is bloody or mucousy it’s time to call your doctor.
how can i prevent salmonella in my kitchen -- and my life?
eggs have been making the news lately with three major nationwide recalls due to potential contamination with the bacteria salmonella. the recalls involve eggs from wright county and hillandale farms in iowa. but what’s the big cluck about it? well if you handle these eggs or eat them partially cooked (a. k. a. poached or soft boiled) you can potentially get pretty sick. salmonella (specifically salmonella enteriditis) is the most common form of bacterial food poisoning. within 12 hours to 3 days after an exposure people develop nasty diarrhea vomiting fever and stomach cramps. unlike the watery diarrhea one typically sees with a stomach virus salmonella usually causes diarrhea mixed with mucus and/or blood. and this lovely infection lasts up to a week. ugh. the good news is that most people fully recover without needing any special treatment or medication. some unlucky people can get dehydrated and end up being hospitalized. and a few very unlucky people can be seriously ill from this infection. that includes young infants people with weakened immune systems and the elderly. besides this iowa egg issue there are other ways to get this bug. so how do you avoid getting salmonella and other forms of food poisoning? 1. make sure to thoroughly wash countertops sinks and cutting boards with soap and water when preparing foods with eggs raw meat or poultry. 2. only prepare fully cooked eggs. 3. make sure hamburger/ground beef is cooked completely until it is brown. yes pink makes a juicier burger but it also makes a germ-filled one. 4. use pasteurized eggs in recipes that call for raw eggs (like caesar salad dressing). 5. keep eggs meat and poultry properly refrigerated. 6. keep all baby bottles pacifiers and breast pump supplies away from food preparation areas. 7. keep pet iguanas or turtles out of the kitchen counter area. (you think i am joking… i had a patient get salmonella this way). make sure to wash hands thoroughly after handling. 8. buy only pasteurized apple cider and other juice products. 9. wash hands thoroughly after visiting a petting zoo. take home tip: if you or a family develops diarrhea that is bloody or mucousy it’s time to call your doctor.
as school begins how can i help my child succeed? self-discipline: have a conversation about personal responsibility. as a parent it’s our inclination to rescue our kids… which sometimes means making a special trip up to school to drop off the homework that got left on the kitchen table. but school gives children an opportunity to practice their life skills in a safe environment. let your child forget his homework and let him see the consequence of being disorganized. these are teaching moments. confidence: talk about making good decisions and sticking to them. a child with good self-esteem will to cave to peer pressure. she will lead and not follow. remember those words every exasperated parent has shouted: “if everyone else was jumping off of a bridge would you? ! ” make your child feel good about her reasoning and judgment. then you won’t have to worry that she will blindly follow others. exercise: if your child plays a sport exercise time is automatically part of his schedule. but many tweens and teens don’t exercise on a regular basis if they aren’t involved in a team sport. make physical activity part of your child’s daily routine. kids spend several hours a day sitting at a desk and then a few hours (or more) sitting down to do their homework. make exercise a priority and a mental health break. set media limits: twitter facebook cell phones text messaging video games tv shows and surfing the web… need i go on? as if school homework and after-school activities aren’t enough electronic communications and screen time can take up the rest of a child’s waking hours. make a family plan to spend time together without disruption from a tv or a friend who is calling or texting your child during dinner. turn off the electronics completely or set a curfew for them. sleep: sleep is powerful and underrated. with so many things on your child’s plate she may sacrifice sleep to cram for a math test or have a text conversation with her best friend. remind your child how much better she will feel (and how much better she will perform on that math test) if she gets the sleep her body needs. set a reasonable bedtime and try to enforce it as much as possible.
as school begins how can i help my child succeed?
self-discipline: have a conversation about personal responsibility. as a parent it’s our inclination to rescue our kids… which sometimes means making a special trip up to school to drop off the homework that got left on the kitchen table. but school gives children an opportunity to practice their life skills in a safe environment. let your child forget his homework and let him see the consequence of being disorganized. these are teaching moments. confidence: talk about making good decisions and sticking to them. a child with good self-esteem will to cave to peer pressure. she will lead and not follow. remember those words every exasperated parent has shouted: “if everyone else was jumping off of a bridge would you? ! ” make your child feel good about her reasoning and judgment. then you won’t have to worry that she will blindly follow others. exercise: if your child plays a sport exercise time is automatically part of his schedule. but many tweens and teens don’t exercise on a regular basis if they aren’t involved in a team sport. make physical activity part of your child’s daily routine. kids spend several hours a day sitting at a desk and then a few hours (or more) sitting down to do their homework. make exercise a priority and a mental health break. set media limits: twitter facebook cell phones text messaging video games tv shows and surfing the web… need i go on? as if school homework and after-school activities aren’t enough electronic communications and screen time can take up the rest of a child’s waking hours. make a family plan to spend time together without disruption from a tv or a friend who is calling or texting your child during dinner. turn off the electronics completely or set a curfew for them. sleep: sleep is powerful and underrated. with so many things on your child’s plate she may sacrifice sleep to cram for a math test or have a text conversation with her best friend. remind your child how much better she will feel (and how much better she will perform on that math test) if she gets the sleep her body needs. set a reasonable bedtime and try to enforce it as much as possible.
how can i make sure my child eats a healthy lunch at school? school lunch programs are designed to provide nutritious lunches right? in theory that’s true. in reality it just doesn’t happen. having my own two kids attend public schools i have seen the menus and eaten at the school cafeterias. i’m sorry but i would really like to see the nutrition facts for the salisbury steak or the beef enchilada plate sometime. color me skeptical. and it’s no surprise to me that kids who eat school lunches are more likely to be overweight. according to a 2010 study from the university of michigan school lunch buyers eat more fatty meat drink sugary beverages and eat fewer fruits and veggies than kids who pack their lunch. the problem: healthy food choices may be in the lunch line but that’s not what the kids are selecting. so our job as parents is to a) make sure kids make healthy food choices in the lunch line and/or b) pack a healthy lunch for them. better yet let your child help pack his lunch. and when you pack that lunch aim for fresh food instead of prepackaged stuff. pack up an apple or banana instead of fruit cocktail or mandarin oranges. offer raw carrots and lowfat ranch dressing instead of a side of chips with that sandwich. and give a water bottle or lowfat milk as a drink. trust me it can be done. yes it takes some planning and grocery shopping. and yes we are all very busy people. but it takes less than 10 minutes before bedtime to pack a nutritious lunch.
how can i make sure my child eats a healthy lunch at school?
school lunch programs are designed to provide nutritious lunches right? in theory that’s true. in reality it just doesn’t happen. having my own two kids attend public schools i have seen the menus and eaten at the school cafeterias. i’m sorry but i would really like to see the nutrition facts for the salisbury steak or the beef enchilada plate sometime. color me skeptical. and it’s no surprise to me that kids who eat school lunches are more likely to be overweight. according to a 2010 study from the university of michigan school lunch buyers eat more fatty meat drink sugary beverages and eat fewer fruits and veggies than kids who pack their lunch. the problem: healthy food choices may be in the lunch line but that’s not what the kids are selecting. so our job as parents is to a) make sure kids make healthy food choices in the lunch line and/or b) pack a healthy lunch for them. better yet let your child help pack his lunch. and when you pack that lunch aim for fresh food instead of prepackaged stuff. pack up an apple or banana instead of fruit cocktail or mandarin oranges. offer raw carrots and lowfat ranch dressing instead of a side of chips with that sandwich. and give a water bottle or lowfat milk as a drink. trust me it can be done. yes it takes some planning and grocery shopping. and yes we are all very busy people. but it takes less than 10 minutes before bedtime to pack a nutritious lunch.
how can you tell a child has strep? when your child has a sore throat it’s important to find out if it’s strep throat or not. ever wonder why? strep (officially called group a streptococcus) is a bacterial infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics. and all the other sore throats caused by the virus of the week just need time and tlc to resolve. why does strep need to be treated? while many people clear the throat infection on their own untreated strep can do some pretty serious damage in other body parts. untreated strep can infect the heart brain and joints. that’s called rheumatic fever. and it’s why we need to know if that sore throat is due to strep bacteria. doctors have always known that strep prefers to infect school-aged kids instead of babies toddlers or preschoolers. but a recent study in the journal pediatrics confirmed this. about 37% of school-aged children who see their docs for a sore throat will have a strep infection. but only 24% of children under five years of age have strep when they have a throat infection. bottom line: little kids usually get viral sore throats big kids are more likely to have strep. so how do docs know when it’s strep throat (besides doing a strep test of course). here are 10 things that make me think of strep: 1. 5 years of age or older? 2. sore throat without runny nose or cough? 3. sore throat with headache and/or stomachache? 4. sore throat and fine pinpoint sandpapery/rough feeling rash (called “scarlet fever”)? 5. sore throat and raised dots on the tongue (called “strawberry tongue”)? 6. sore throat and a persistent fever for more than a couple of days? 7. (for girls) sore throat and a really red vaginal area? 8. sore throat and really red skin around his/her anus? 9. strep going around your child’s school childcare or your house (late fall winter spring)? 10. a history of getting strep throat before? if you think your child has strep don’t panic. even if your child has had the illness for a few days antibiotics will do the trick to clear the infection and prevent rheumatic fever. just make an appointment to see your child’s doctor!
how can you tell a child has strep?
when your child has a sore throat it’s important to find out if it’s strep throat or not. ever wonder why? strep (officially called group a streptococcus) is a bacterial infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics. and all the other sore throats caused by the virus of the week just need time and tlc to resolve. why does strep need to be treated? while many people clear the throat infection on their own untreated strep can do some pretty serious damage in other body parts. untreated strep can infect the heart brain and joints. that’s called rheumatic fever. and it’s why we need to know if that sore throat is due to strep bacteria. doctors have always known that strep prefers to infect school-aged kids instead of babies toddlers or preschoolers. but a recent study in the journal pediatrics confirmed this. about 37% of school-aged children who see their docs for a sore throat will have a strep infection. but only 24% of children under five years of age have strep when they have a throat infection. bottom line: little kids usually get viral sore throats big kids are more likely to have strep. so how do docs know when it’s strep throat (besides doing a strep test of course). here are 10 things that make me think of strep: 1. 5 years of age or older? 2. sore throat without runny nose or cough? 3. sore throat with headache and/or stomachache? 4. sore throat and fine pinpoint sandpapery/rough feeling rash (called “scarlet fever”)? 5. sore throat and raised dots on the tongue (called “strawberry tongue”)? 6. sore throat and a persistent fever for more than a couple of days? 7. (for girls) sore throat and a really red vaginal area? 8. sore throat and really red skin around his/her anus? 9. strep going around your child’s school childcare or your house (late fall winter spring)? 10. a history of getting strep throat before? if you think your child has strep don’t panic. even if your child has had the illness for a few days antibiotics will do the trick to clear the infection and prevent rheumatic fever. just make an appointment to see your child’s doctor!
are mosquito bites dangerous? for the most part no. but it is possible to get west nile virus infection from a mosquito bite. the majority of the time the local allergic reaction they cause are more of an itchy nuisance than a health hazard.
are mosquito bites dangerous?
for the most part no. but it is possible to get west nile virus infection from a mosquito bite. the majority of the time the local allergic reaction they cause are more of an itchy nuisance than a health hazard.
do mosquitoes like some people more than others? yes. mosquitoes are attracted to things that put out heat. so watch out if you are hot and sweaty. they also prefer people who exhale more carbon dioxide with each breath. pregnant women are particularly attractive because by definition they are always hot and breathing a bit heavier than their non-pregnant state.
do mosquitoes like some people more than others?
yes. mosquitoes are attracted to things that put out heat. so watch out if you are hot and sweaty. they also prefer people who exhale more carbon dioxide with each breath. pregnant women are particularly attractive because by definition they are always hot and breathing a bit heavier than their non-pregnant state.
when does a cut need stitches? do you know what to do next time your child gets a nasty cut or scrape? (and yes it will happen to you! ) rule #1: stitches need to be placed within 12 hours of the injury. otherwise closing the wound increases the risk of infection. so you’ve got to decide before the office opens the next morning. rule #2: if you cannot get the bleeding under control or you can see fat or bone (usually deeper than 1/4 inch) you need to seek medical attention. rule #3: cuts to the eyebrows and lip/skin lines usually need stitches for the best cosmetic result. since both areas have a definite line you want the two sides of the wound to have the best chance of finding each other. rule #4: injuries to the mouth and lips bleed like stink but rarely need stitches. all that blood flow to the area also allows the wounds to heal very quickly. rule #5: if the wound is due to a human or cat bite it needs to be cleaned really well and might require antibiotics. but these wounds usually do not get stitches. rule #6: wounds that are getting red tender or are draining need to be seen by a medical provider. rule #7: if your child is up to date on his shots he probably won’t need another tetanus shot. but check with your doc to be sure. rule #8: sometimes staples or dermabond (human superglue substance) can be used instead of stitches. but regardless of which method is used all wounds need to be kept clean. rule #9: stitches and staples need to be removed but the length of time depends on the location of the injury. the person who places them will give you specific instructions for follow-up. rule #10: don’t freak out. your child will do better with a calm parent at the helm!
when does a cut need stitches?
do you know what to do next time your child gets a nasty cut or scrape? (and yes it will happen to you! ) rule #1: stitches need to be placed within 12 hours of the injury. otherwise closing the wound increases the risk of infection. so you’ve got to decide before the office opens the next morning. rule #2: if you cannot get the bleeding under control or you can see fat or bone (usually deeper than 1/4 inch) you need to seek medical attention. rule #3: cuts to the eyebrows and lip/skin lines usually need stitches for the best cosmetic result. since both areas have a definite line you want the two sides of the wound to have the best chance of finding each other. rule #4: injuries to the mouth and lips bleed like stink but rarely need stitches. all that blood flow to the area also allows the wounds to heal very quickly. rule #5: if the wound is due to a human or cat bite it needs to be cleaned really well and might require antibiotics. but these wounds usually do not get stitches. rule #6: wounds that are getting red tender or are draining need to be seen by a medical provider. rule #7: if your child is up to date on his shots he probably won’t need another tetanus shot. but check with your doc to be sure. rule #8: sometimes staples or dermabond (human superglue substance) can be used instead of stitches. but regardless of which method is used all wounds need to be kept clean. rule #9: stitches and staples need to be removed but the length of time depends on the location of the injury. the person who places them will give you specific instructions for follow-up. rule #10: don’t freak out. your child will do better with a calm parent at the helm!
does my child have adhd? does your child have trouble sitting still? does he or she have trouble focusing and completing a task? you may be wondering if your child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd). for starters a diagnosis of adhd is based on a combination of inattentive impulsive and hyperactive behaviors that are inappropriate for the age of the child. and most of the time adhd is not diagnosed until a child enters school. why? because virtually all preschoolers have trouble paying attention and sitting still! so don’t book a consultation with your child’s doctor because your preschooler doesn’t want to sit around during storytime. here’s what you need to know about adhd: q. is adhd hereditary? yes. interestingly add [attention deficit disorder] and adhd tends to run in families. often a parent realizes he or she has the disorder when his or her child is going through the evaluation process. q. what signs should i be looking for in my child? * hyperactivity: a child will constantly fidget with his hands or body. he may seem like he is always on the go. he may have trouble sitting in his seat or playing quietly. and he may talk incessantly. * impulsivity: a child will have trouble taking turns in play. he may blurt out answers in the classroom or interrupt other children’s activities. as a result he may be rejected by his peers. * inattention: a child may be very disorganized and have trouble completing tasks even ones that are fun. he may be forgetful and gloss over details. q. what is the difference between add and adhd? the “h” stands for hyperactivity. kids with add are not fidgety or loud and so they have fewer behavior problems in the classroom. thus they often are diagnosed later — often a child will be eight or nine before add kids are identified. q. if i am worried about add/adhd who should i turn to for help? start with your child’s teacher. he or she can fill out a checklist that demonstrates your child’s successes and challenges in a classroom setting. you will also be asked to do an assessment of your child in your home setting as well. the next step is to discuss the finding with your child’s doctor. the doctor may conduct the complete evaluation and treatment process himself or he may refer your child for additional evaluations and potentially treatment with a specialist. yes. my child is in 7th grade this year we have never had issues with grades or her not keeping up with assignments. she is never still she talks consistently she has been having problems sleeping. she will lay in bed for hours before falling asleep. we have tried different things to help her settle down at night but still no improvement. her grades have fallen really low. her sister has adhd who is 16 years old is on medication. once we started her on meds her whole life became better. i have always suspected my 7th grader having it also but have tried to handle it with the same modifications we did with our 16 yr old. i am not sure where to start with her the doctor we used for testing with our oldest is no longer here in our town. my main concern is the lack of sleep she is getting. also she is always being told to calm down and that she does not always have to be talking. does it sound like i should get her tested? yes
does my child have adhd?
does your child have trouble sitting still? does he or she have trouble focusing and completing a task? you may be wondering if your child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd). for starters a diagnosis of adhd is based on a combination of inattentive impulsive and hyperactive behaviors that are inappropriate for the age of the child. and most of the time adhd is not diagnosed until a child enters school. why? because virtually all preschoolers have trouble paying attention and sitting still! so don’t book a consultation with your child’s doctor because your preschooler doesn’t want to sit around during storytime. here’s what you need to know about adhd: q. is adhd hereditary? yes. interestingly add [attention deficit disorder] and adhd tends to run in families. often a parent realizes he or she has the disorder when his or her child is going through the evaluation process. q. what signs should i be looking for in my child? * hyperactivity: a child will constantly fidget with his hands or body. he may seem like he is always on the go. he may have trouble sitting in his seat or playing quietly. and he may talk incessantly. * impulsivity: a child will have trouble taking turns in play. he may blurt out answers in the classroom or interrupt other children’s activities. as a result he may be rejected by his peers. * inattention: a child may be very disorganized and have trouble completing tasks even ones that are fun. he may be forgetful and gloss over details. q. what is the difference between add and adhd? the “h” stands for hyperactivity. kids with add are not fidgety or loud and so they have fewer behavior problems in the classroom. thus they often are diagnosed later — often a child will be eight or nine before add kids are identified. q. if i am worried about add/adhd who should i turn to for help? start with your child’s teacher. he or she can fill out a checklist that demonstrates your child’s successes and challenges in a classroom setting. you will also be asked to do an assessment of your child in your home setting as well. the next step is to discuss the finding with your child’s doctor. the doctor may conduct the complete evaluation and treatment process himself or he may refer your child for additional evaluations and potentially treatment with a specialist. yes. my child is in 7th grade this year we have never had issues with grades or her not keeping up with assignments. she is never still she talks consistently she has been having problems sleeping. she will lay in bed for hours before falling asleep. we have tried different things to help her settle down at night but still no improvement. her grades have fallen really low. her sister has adhd who is 16 years old is on medication. once we started her on meds her whole life became better. i have always suspected my 7th grader having it also but have tried to handle it with the same modifications we did with our 16 yr old. i am not sure where to start with her the doctor we used for testing with our oldest is no longer here in our town. my main concern is the lack of sleep she is getting. also she is always being told to calm down and that she does not always have to be talking. does it sound like i should get her tested? yes
should my child's cholesterol be checked? should every child be screened for high cholesterol? that’s an issue currently up for debate. the current recommendations from the american academy of pediatrics say no. as it stands right now there are only certain children who are screened. those include: * children who have a parent or grandparent diagnosed with heart disease at or under 55 years of age. * children who have a parent or grandparent who have had a heart attack heart-related chest pain vascular disease or sudden cardiac death at or under 55 years of age. * children who have a parent with an elevated blood cholesterol level of 240 mg/dl or higher. * children who are diagnosed with obesity. but a recent study questions if practitioners are missing a significant number of children who might be identified with elevated cholesterol levels. having that awareness might encourage families to be stricter about enforcing a healthy diet and exercise routine. and some kids might actually need to be treated with cholesterol-lowering medications. the study found that almost 10 percent of kids who would not be tested under the current guidelines have elevated levels of ldl cholesterol. bottom line: just relying on a family’s history of high cholesterol may be an insufficient screening tool to determine who needs a blood cholesterol level drawn. but even if your child has not been diagnosed with high cholesterol it’s a good idea for everyone to follow the advice of the american heart association — maintain a low-fat diet for all kids ages two and up. and encourage your whole family to take time for exercise every day.
should my child's cholesterol be checked?
should every child be screened for high cholesterol? that’s an issue currently up for debate. the current recommendations from the american academy of pediatrics say no. as it stands right now there are only certain children who are screened. those include: * children who have a parent or grandparent diagnosed with heart disease at or under 55 years of age. * children who have a parent or grandparent who have had a heart attack heart-related chest pain vascular disease or sudden cardiac death at or under 55 years of age. * children who have a parent with an elevated blood cholesterol level of 240 mg/dl or higher. * children who are diagnosed with obesity. but a recent study questions if practitioners are missing a significant number of children who might be identified with elevated cholesterol levels. having that awareness might encourage families to be stricter about enforcing a healthy diet and exercise routine. and some kids might actually need to be treated with cholesterol-lowering medications. the study found that almost 10 percent of kids who would not be tested under the current guidelines have elevated levels of ldl cholesterol. bottom line: just relying on a family’s history of high cholesterol may be an insufficient screening tool to determine who needs a blood cholesterol level drawn. but even if your child has not been diagnosed with high cholesterol it’s a good idea for everyone to follow the advice of the american heart association — maintain a low-fat diet for all kids ages two and up. and encourage your whole family to take time for exercise every day.
should i try to prevent my child from getting bitten by mosquitoes? yes. besides the potential for west nile virus kids have less patience and are less likely to resist the urge to scratch the heck out of insect bites. it’s possible to open the skin by scratching leaving the area susceptible to bacterial infection. and again there’s that nuisance thing — 20 bug bites can make it hard for a kid to comfortably fall asleep!
should i try to prevent my child from getting bitten by mosquitoes?
yes. besides the potential for west nile virus kids have less patience and are less likely to resist the urge to scratch the heck out of insect bites. it’s possible to open the skin by scratching leaving the area susceptible to bacterial infection. and again there’s that nuisance thing — 20 bug bites can make it hard for a kid to comfortably fall asleep!
can adults get croup? the smaller your airway is to begin with the smaller it will be when it is swollen from a viral croup infection. your airway gets larger as you age. kids under age three are the most affected. and adults (yes like you) are the least affected. so a baby might have trouble catching his breath with croup and an adult might just have a hoarse voice (or “laryngitis”). can adults get croup from kids this is the question i've heared quite much and when you search on google you can find that its. so do you know what is croup croup speard through by which way and can adults get croup from kids? read more: <link>
can adults get croup?
the smaller your airway is to begin with the smaller it will be when it is swollen from a viral croup infection. your airway gets larger as you age. kids under age three are the most affected. and adults (yes like you) are the least affected. so a baby might have trouble catching his breath with croup and an adult might just have a hoarse voice (or “laryngitis”). can adults get croup from kids this is the question i've heared quite much and when you search on google you can find that its. so do you know what is croup croup speard through by which way and can adults get croup from kids? read more: <link>
how can i make a food allergic friend feel comfortable eating at our home? prepare foods from scratch so you can guarantee it is okay or purchase prepared foods that list the allergy facts on the label. the good news: with increased demand even traditional grocery store chains stock cake mixes to make a tasty gluten and dairy free birthday cake!
how can i make a food allergic friend feel comfortable eating at our home?
prepare foods from scratch so you can guarantee it is okay or purchase prepared foods that list the allergy facts on the label. the good news: with increased demand even traditional grocery store chains stock cake mixes to make a tasty gluten and dairy free birthday cake!
what foods have the highest levels of pesticides? here is a list of the "dirty dozen " according to the environmental working group: peaches strawberries apples nectarines pears cherries red raspberries imported grapes spinach celery potatoes sweet bell peppers
what foods have the highest levels of pesticides?
here is a list of the "dirty dozen " according to the environmental working group: peaches strawberries apples nectarines pears cherries red raspberries imported grapes spinach celery potatoes sweet bell peppers
if a child is peanut-allergic can he have other nuts? yes. . peanuts are not really nuts. they are legumes. they grow in the soil. treenuts like walnuts pecans or cashews grow in trees -- hence the name. peanuts and treenuts are completely different types of allergies. but there are some food allergies that do go hand in hand. for instance a person who is allergic to cashews might also be allergic to mangos and pistachios.
if a child is peanut-allergic can he have other nuts?
yes. . peanuts are not really nuts. they are legumes. they grow in the soil. treenuts like walnuts pecans or cashews grow in trees -- hence the name. peanuts and treenuts are completely different types of allergies. but there are some food allergies that do go hand in hand. for instance a person who is allergic to cashews might also be allergic to mangos and pistachios.
if a child is allergic to milk can he have lactose-free milk or lactaid? no. . people are allergic to the cow's milk protein. lactose is the sugar found in milk so lactose-free cow's milk still contains cow's milk protein. some people have an intolerance to the milk sugar (lactose) which can cause gas and bloating. but a "lactose intolerance" does not cause lip swelling hives eczema or any other serious allergic reaction.
if a child is allergic to milk can he have lactose-free milk or lactaid?
no. . people are allergic to the cow's milk protein. lactose is the sugar found in milk so lactose-free cow's milk still contains cow's milk protein. some people have an intolerance to the milk sugar (lactose) which can cause gas and bloating. but a "lactose intolerance" does not cause lip swelling hives eczema or any other serious allergic reaction.
is it safe to use an insect repellent on myself and my child? yes. pregnancy: if you are pregnant the epa deems the most popular active ingredients (deet picaridin oil of lemon eucalyptus) safe during pregnancy. there is no increased risk of birth defects preterm labor or growth restriction. newborns: picaridin-based products are safe for newborns. even better buy some insect netting at your local baby goods store and cover the stroller for a evening stroll. babies and toddlers: deet-based products are safe for kids over 2 months of age. be sure to only apply once a day and wash it off afterward. oil of lemon eucalyptus is safe for kids over 3 years of age.
is it safe to use an insect repellent on myself and my child?
yes. pregnancy: if you are pregnant the epa deems the most popular active ingredients (deet picaridin oil of lemon eucalyptus) safe during pregnancy. there is no increased risk of birth defects preterm labor or growth restriction. newborns: picaridin-based products are safe for newborns. even better buy some insect netting at your local baby goods store and cover the stroller for a evening stroll. babies and toddlers: deet-based products are safe for kids over 2 months of age. be sure to only apply once a day and wash it off afterward. oil of lemon eucalyptus is safe for kids over 3 years of age.
will buying exclusively organic produce protect your child from pesticides? unfortunately no. it will reduce exposures but not eliminate them. pesticide residue remains in the soil for decades. but if you opt for buying organic it makes sense to spend your food dollars on organic produce instead of traditional produce that has the highest level of pesticides
will buying exclusively organic produce protect your child from pesticides?
unfortunately no. it will reduce exposures but not eliminate them. pesticide residue remains in the soil for decades. but if you opt for buying organic it makes sense to spend your food dollars on organic produce instead of traditional produce that has the highest level of pesticides
why do new dads get depressed? you’d think any new parent would be elated to hold a precious newborn in their arms. although guys can’t blame it on their hormones sleep deprivation has a major impact on someone’s view of life. spend two (or more) months with three-hour stretches of sleep and see how you feel! some dads also get stressed about 50/50 shared parenting responsibilities. (although they are happy to help many of them don’t have their own dads as role models. ) dads’ depression symptoms often go unnoticed. that’s because men don’t cry. depressed men may act angry withdrawn or even abusive. it’s important for friends family and health care providers to identify dads with postpartum depression and encourage them to seek help.
why do new dads get depressed?
you’d think any new parent would be elated to hold a precious newborn in their arms. although guys can’t blame it on their hormones sleep deprivation has a major impact on someone’s view of life. spend two (or more) months with three-hour stretches of sleep and see how you feel! some dads also get stressed about 50/50 shared parenting responsibilities. (although they are happy to help many of them don’t have their own dads as role models. ) dads’ depression symptoms often go unnoticed. that’s because men don’t cry. depressed men may act angry withdrawn or even abusive. it’s important for friends family and health care providers to identify dads with postpartum depression and encourage them to seek help.
what are some ways i can cut back on my family's salt intake? 1. taking the time to cook your family’s meals is probably the most important step to cutting back on the salt. processed and prepared foods usually contain substantially more salt than you’d ever add to your home prepared meals. 2. buy fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. if you buy canned look for “no salt added” on the label. 3. choose alternate seasonings to flavor your food. if you use a seasoning blend select one that is salt-free. 4. be a label reader. salt will be listed as “sodium. ” select items that contain 5% of less of your daily salt intake. steer clear of food items that contain 20% or more of your daily salt intake! 5. look for hidden sources of salt: salad dressing canned soup/broth and packaged mixes. 6. love sushi? pick low-salt soy sauce (it usually has a green top). 7. avoid or limit high-salt meats - those that are smoked cured or processed. 8. don’t put the salt shaker on the kitchen table.
what are some ways i can cut back on my family's salt intake?
1. taking the time to cook your family’s meals is probably the most important step to cutting back on the salt. processed and prepared foods usually contain substantially more salt than you’d ever add to your home prepared meals. 2. buy fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables. if you buy canned look for “no salt added” on the label. 3. choose alternate seasonings to flavor your food. if you use a seasoning blend select one that is salt-free. 4. be a label reader. salt will be listed as “sodium. ” select items that contain 5% of less of your daily salt intake. steer clear of food items that contain 20% or more of your daily salt intake! 5. look for hidden sources of salt: salad dressing canned soup/broth and packaged mixes. 6. love sushi? pick low-salt soy sauce (it usually has a green top). 7. avoid or limit high-salt meats - those that are smoked cured or processed. 8. don’t put the salt shaker on the kitchen table.
what are the best types of tools you would recommend i have to make sure my portion sizes are correct? i recommend starting with a small kitchen scale in order to get more familiar with what certain sizes of food look like. for instance 1 serving of lean meat should be about the size of a deck of cards and you should be able to hold it in the palm of your hand.
what are the best types of tools you would recommend i have to make sure my portion sizes are correct?
i recommend starting with a small kitchen scale in order to get more familiar with what certain sizes of food look like. for instance 1 serving of lean meat should be about the size of a deck of cards and you should be able to hold it in the palm of your hand.
how many ear infections are too many? here's what i suggest: four infections in peak cold and flu season (winter=october through april). three infections in non-peak season (summer). three months of persistent residual fluid behind the eardrum. three back-to-back courses of antibiotics for the same ear infection. if your child fits into one of these categories ask your child's doctor about a specialist referral.
how many ear infections are too many?
here's what i suggest: four infections in peak cold and flu season (winter=october through april). three infections in non-peak season (summer). three months of persistent residual fluid behind the eardrum. three back-to-back courses of antibiotics for the same ear infection. if your child fits into one of these categories ask your child's doctor about a specialist referral.
what can i do to stay satiated longer? the most important thing you can do to stay fuller longer is to include a good source of protein in all your snacks and meals.
what can i do to stay satiated longer?
the most important thing you can do to stay fuller longer is to include a good source of protein in all your snacks and meals.
what kind of fast-food options do you think are the healthiest [. ] for the middle of a busy day? just because food is "fast" doesn't make it unhealthy. many sandwich shops offer whole-grain breads and rolls and you can build your own sandwich with plenty of vegetables and lean meats -- turkey chicken and roast beef for example. enjoy your sandwiches with mustards that are calorie free. go easy on the mayo or other types of sauces. if you’re going to a burger place choose a single-sized burger and load up on the lettuce tomato pickles and onion garnishes. skip the cheese and save yourself 100 calories. chicken breast sandwiches can also be a good choice. choose the grilled chicken and load up on garnishes. be sure to stay hydrated since you are working so hard possibly in the heat at times. choose water or unsweetened ice teas. and if you want a bit of sweetness add some lemonade or sweet tea to the mix.
what kind of fast-food options do you think are the healthiest [. ] for the middle of a busy day?
just because food is "fast" doesn't make it unhealthy. many sandwich shops offer whole-grain breads and rolls and you can build your own sandwich with plenty of vegetables and lean meats -- turkey chicken and roast beef for example. enjoy your sandwiches with mustards that are calorie free. go easy on the mayo or other types of sauces. if you’re going to a burger place choose a single-sized burger and load up on the lettuce tomato pickles and onion garnishes. skip the cheese and save yourself 100 calories. chicken breast sandwiches can also be a good choice. choose the grilled chicken and load up on garnishes. be sure to stay hydrated since you are working so hard possibly in the heat at times. choose water or unsweetened ice teas. and if you want a bit of sweetness add some lemonade or sweet tea to the mix.
how can i know if my diet is healthy enough to provide me with all the nutrients i need for my busy weekdays? the usda's myplate is a great place to start. the site provides straightforward tips on eating a balanced diet that provides all of the nutrients you need. the idea is to create a meal plate that consists of 1/2 fruits and/or vegetables of various colors 1/4 lean protein and 1/4 grains (at least half of your grains should be whole grains). myplate also advices people to consume three servings of low-fat or nonfat dairy per day such as milk in your cereal in the morning a cup of milk for a snack or during lunch and a cup of low-fat or nonfat yogurt as a snack or dessert.
how can i know if my diet is healthy enough to provide me with all the nutrients i need for my busy weekdays?
the usda's myplate is a great place to start. the site provides straightforward tips on eating a balanced diet that provides all of the nutrients you need. the idea is to create a meal plate that consists of 1/2 fruits and/or vegetables of various colors 1/4 lean protein and 1/4 grains (at least half of your grains should be whole grains). myplate also advices people to consume three servings of low-fat or nonfat dairy per day such as milk in your cereal in the morning a cup of milk for a snack or during lunch and a cup of low-fat or nonfat yogurt as a snack or dessert.
can i really lower my risk of diabetes with exercise and a healthy diet? if your family members have type 2 diabetes which used to be called adult-onset diabetes there is a lot you can do to lower your risk. the most important thing is to maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise. stay active to help keep your weight under control and be careful not to consume more calories than you need per day.
can i really lower my risk of diabetes with exercise and a healthy diet?
if your family members have type 2 diabetes which used to be called adult-onset diabetes there is a lot you can do to lower your risk. the most important thing is to maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise. stay active to help keep your weight under control and be careful not to consume more calories than you need per day.
am i short-changing myself by exercising early in the morning before i've eaten anything? you need some fuel to get you going and help you feel good about your workout. so if you grab a banana a whole-grain english muffin or a carton of low-fat yogurt on your way to the gym you will likely have a far more enjoyable workout be able to work harder and be less hungry when you're finished. if you do not eat something "you may become light-headed dizzy and wishing you were not exercising " says nancy clark ms rd author of nancy clark’s sports nutrition guidebook.
am i short-changing myself by exercising early in the morning before i've eaten anything?
you need some fuel to get you going and help you feel good about your workout. so if you grab a banana a whole-grain english muffin or a carton of low-fat yogurt on your way to the gym you will likely have a far more enjoyable workout be able to work harder and be less hungry when you're finished. if you do not eat something "you may become light-headed dizzy and wishing you were not exercising " says nancy clark ms rd author of nancy clark’s sports nutrition guidebook.
what is in buttery-tasting pan sprays that make them taste like butter but without all the fat? because you only spray on a thin layer cooking sprays are great for sautéing vegetables and lean meats with a small amount of oil. if you check the ingredients label you will see the primary ingredient is vegetable oil. while some are flavored to taste like butter others are flavored to taste like olive oil and may even contain some olive oil. here is an example list of ingredients in one brand of butter-flavored pan spray: soybean oil (adds a very small amount of fat) soy lecithin natural flavors dimethyl silicone (for anti-foaming) beta-carotene (for color) propellant. keep in mind that even cooking sprays labeled as "zero calories" can actually contain less than 1 calorie per serving. so they're not completely calorie free. you can actually make your own cooking spray by buying a spray bottle and filling it with healthy oil such as canola or olive oil.
what is in buttery-tasting pan sprays that make them taste like butter but without all the fat?
because you only spray on a thin layer cooking sprays are great for sautéing vegetables and lean meats with a small amount of oil. if you check the ingredients label you will see the primary ingredient is vegetable oil. while some are flavored to taste like butter others are flavored to taste like olive oil and may even contain some olive oil. here is an example list of ingredients in one brand of butter-flavored pan spray: soybean oil (adds a very small amount of fat) soy lecithin natural flavors dimethyl silicone (for anti-foaming) beta-carotene (for color) propellant. keep in mind that even cooking sprays labeled as "zero calories" can actually contain less than 1 calorie per serving. so they're not completely calorie free. you can actually make your own cooking spray by buying a spray bottle and filling it with healthy oil such as canola or olive oil.
in addition to changing my exercise routine what kind of diet should i maintain to get a slimmer physique? i say focus on the total calories in your diet and the company they keep! limit foods that are high in sugar saturated fat and salt (sodium) such as frozen desserts frozen pizzas pre-packaged entrees chips cookies bottled salad dressings pre-seasoned boxed rice or pasta mixes. go for meals with a foundation of fresh fruits vegetables lean meats whole grains and low-fat or nonfat dairy. read the nutrition facts labels to find healthy foods all over your local grocery store such as canned beans whole-grain pastas and frozen vegetables.
in addition to changing my exercise routine what kind of diet should i maintain to get a slimmer physique?
i say focus on the total calories in your diet and the company they keep! limit foods that are high in sugar saturated fat and salt (sodium) such as frozen desserts frozen pizzas pre-packaged entrees chips cookies bottled salad dressings pre-seasoned boxed rice or pasta mixes. go for meals with a foundation of fresh fruits vegetables lean meats whole grains and low-fat or nonfat dairy. read the nutrition facts labels to find healthy foods all over your local grocery store such as canned beans whole-grain pastas and frozen vegetables.
could a gluten-free diet be supportive enough to fuel my 40 minutes five-days-a-week swimming routine? many gluten-free foods are good fuel choices for exercise. fruits vegetables beans lean protein and low-fat dairy foods (milk yogurts and cheeses) are all naturally gluten-free as are rice potatoes sweet potatoes and corn. you might want to try gluten-free products such as brown rice pasta or oatmeal that is made in gluten-free production facilities. although there are many options in today's supermarket be cautious. "gluten free" does not always mean "healthier. " just because a bag of chocolate chip cookies says "gluten free" doesn’t mean it's calorie free. many gluten-free products are made with quite a bit of sugar and/or fat.
could a gluten-free diet be supportive enough to fuel my 40 minutes five-days-a-week swimming routine?
many gluten-free foods are good fuel choices for exercise. fruits vegetables beans lean protein and low-fat dairy foods (milk yogurts and cheeses) are all naturally gluten-free as are rice potatoes sweet potatoes and corn. you might want to try gluten-free products such as brown rice pasta or oatmeal that is made in gluten-free production facilities. although there are many options in today's supermarket be cautious. "gluten free" does not always mean "healthier. " just because a bag of chocolate chip cookies says "gluten free" doesn’t mean it's calorie free. many gluten-free products are made with quite a bit of sugar and/or fat.
what is your professional opinion on meal supplement bars? i don't like the idea of "meal replacement" because i think you should eat an actual meal not a bar. but many meal replacement bars are really good choices for taming hunger and giving you the energy you need as a snack. always check the calorie content on the nutrition facts label. a good calorie count for a snack is 150 calories or less. if you are using it to replace a meal make sure the bar contains a decent amount of protein -- at least 10 grams.
what is your professional opinion on meal supplement bars?
i don't like the idea of "meal replacement" because i think you should eat an actual meal not a bar. but many meal replacement bars are really good choices for taming hunger and giving you the energy you need as a snack. always check the calorie content on the nutrition facts label. a good calorie count for a snack is 150 calories or less. if you are using it to replace a meal make sure the bar contains a decent amount of protein -- at least 10 grams.
what is the new food plate? the new food plate or myplate on www. choosemyplate. gov is part of the usda’s food guidance system designed to help americans eat healthier. the myplate icon provides a simplified representation of daily intake amounts for each of the main food groups. the plate is half-comprised of fruits and vegetables. on the remaining half one-quarter is designated for protein and the other quarter for grains. beside the plate a cup is included in the illustration to represent the recommended 3 cups per day of dairy for people aged 9 and up. we are top class professional caterers in delhi provides you the best catering services in delhi gurgaon ncr noida and more places. we are highly skilled in providing wedding catering event catering corporate catering kitty party catering and more catering services in delhi including veg and non food. we will provide you the best food plates and other facilities.
what is the new food plate?
the new food plate or myplate on www. choosemyplate. gov is part of the usda’s food guidance system designed to help americans eat healthier. the myplate icon provides a simplified representation of daily intake amounts for each of the main food groups. the plate is half-comprised of fruits and vegetables. on the remaining half one-quarter is designated for protein and the other quarter for grains. beside the plate a cup is included in the illustration to represent the recommended 3 cups per day of dairy for people aged 9 and up. we are top class professional caterers in delhi provides you the best catering services in delhi gurgaon ncr noida and more places. we are highly skilled in providing wedding catering event catering corporate catering kitty party catering and more catering services in delhi including veg and non food. we will provide you the best food plates and other facilities.
is breakfast sausage "unhealthy"? when shopping for breakfast sausages be sure to compare the number of fat grams on the nutrition facts labels. most of these products can be pretty high in sodium so remember to compare those amounts as well. i recommend breakfast sausages made with turkey. canadian bacon is also a better choice as a lean breakfast meat.
is breakfast sausage "unhealthy"?
when shopping for breakfast sausages be sure to compare the number of fat grams on the nutrition facts labels. most of these products can be pretty high in sodium so remember to compare those amounts as well. i recommend breakfast sausages made with turkey. canadian bacon is also a better choice as a lean breakfast meat.
how much sodium should i have a day? it's clear that americans have a taste for salt. but salt plays a role in the development of high blood pressure. everyone including kids should maintain a sodium intake of less than 2300 mg or about 1 teaspoon of sodium a day. adults aged 51 and older african-americans and individuals with high blood pressure diabetes or chronic kidney disease should reduce their sodium intake to no more than 1500 mg a day.
how much sodium should i have a day?
it's clear that americans have a taste for salt. but salt plays a role in the development of high blood pressure. everyone including kids should maintain a sodium intake of less than 2300 mg or about 1 teaspoon of sodium a day. adults aged 51 and older african-americans and individuals with high blood pressure diabetes or chronic kidney disease should reduce their sodium intake to no more than 1500 mg a day.
are there certain foods i should eat -- or avoid -- to lose belly fat? this is a very popular question. but belly fat builds when we eat too much food in general. rather than focusing on certain types of foods i recommend revving up your exercise routine with more cardio such as walking or jogging. and add strength training to your regimen by using weights and resistance. pilates and yoga classes can also be helpful in the effort to strengthen your core.
are there certain foods i should eat -- or avoid -- to lose belly fat?
this is a very popular question. but belly fat builds when we eat too much food in general. rather than focusing on certain types of foods i recommend revving up your exercise routine with more cardio such as walking or jogging. and add strength training to your regimen by using weights and resistance. pilates and yoga classes can also be helpful in the effort to strengthen your core.
how much salt does a person need? about 1 teaspoon a day (or 2300 mg) for people ages two and up. how much salt do we ingest on a daily basis? on average about 50% more than that. ouch! and that extra salt raises blood pressure making the heart work harder and thus leading to heart disease.
how much salt does a person need?
about 1 teaspoon a day (or 2300 mg) for people ages two and up. how much salt do we ingest on a daily basis? on average about 50% more than that. ouch! and that extra salt raises blood pressure making the heart work harder and thus leading to heart disease.
i read that pregnant women are at greater risk for food-borne illness. what can i do to protect myself and my baby? everyone's at risk but those at greater risk are infants young children pregnant women and their unborn babies older adults and people with weakened immune systems (for example those with hiv/aids cancer diabetes kidney disease and transplant patients). some people may become ill after ingesting only a few harmful bacteria. others may remain symptom-free after ingesting thousands. to prevent food-borne illness keep these key actions in mind: wash your hands. keep raw meats and ready-to-eat foods -- like salads -- separated during preparation. cook foods to the proper temperature by using a food thermometer. refrigerate foods promptly and reheat leftovers to 165 degrees fahrenheit.
i read that pregnant women are at greater risk for food-borne illness. what can i do to protect myself and my baby?
everyone's at risk but those at greater risk are infants young children pregnant women and their unborn babies older adults and people with weakened immune systems (for example those with hiv/aids cancer diabetes kidney disease and transplant patients). some people may become ill after ingesting only a few harmful bacteria. others may remain symptom-free after ingesting thousands. to prevent food-borne illness keep these key actions in mind: wash your hands. keep raw meats and ready-to-eat foods -- like salads -- separated during preparation. cook foods to the proper temperature by using a food thermometer. refrigerate foods promptly and reheat leftovers to 165 degrees fahrenheit.
real ginger ale (without all the sugar) helps ease my nausea. but could the carbonation be harmful to me or my baby? carbonation does not present a health risk. in fact sparkling mineral water sometimes contains a little calcium and magnesium which are healthy minerals needed for the development of bones.
real ginger ale (without all the sugar) helps ease my nausea. but could the carbonation be harmful to me or my baby?
carbonation does not present a health risk. in fact sparkling mineral water sometimes contains a little calcium and magnesium which are healthy minerals needed for the development of bones.
i know that fries aren't the healthiest food but i'm really craving them. are they that bad for me or my baby? french fries are basically potatoes cooked in vegetable oil and often sprinkled with salt. sometimes consuming too much fat can lead to indigestion in pregnant women. so be sure to limit your portion sizes and go easy on the salt which can lead to water retention bloating and possibly ankle swelling.
i know that fries aren't the healthiest food but i'm really craving them. are they that bad for me or my baby?
french fries are basically potatoes cooked in vegetable oil and often sprinkled with salt. sometimes consuming too much fat can lead to indigestion in pregnant women. so be sure to limit your portion sizes and go easy on the salt which can lead to water retention bloating and possibly ankle swelling.
i usually eat meat substitutes like tofu or seitan. do i need to eat meat instead while pregnant? your baby can receive nutrients for growth and develop while you follow a vegetarian meal plan. instead of meat you can continue to eat good sources of vegetable-based protein including beans peas nuts and seeds.
i usually eat meat substitutes like tofu or seitan. do i need to eat meat instead while pregnant?
your baby can receive nutrients for growth and develop while you follow a vegetarian meal plan. instead of meat you can continue to eat good sources of vegetable-based protein including beans peas nuts and seeds.
how can i provide healthy meals and snacks for my family on a tight budget? you don't have to buy organic to provide your family healthy foods. buy fruits and vegetables in season when they are less expensive and actually taste best. turn to the humble diet heroes that are more affordable such as eggs beans and less expensive cuts of beef that are lower in fat and in price.
how can i provide healthy meals and snacks for my family on a tight budget?
you don't have to buy organic to provide your family healthy foods. buy fruits and vegetables in season when they are less expensive and actually taste best. turn to the humble diet heroes that are more affordable such as eggs beans and less expensive cuts of beef that are lower in fat and in price.
i find myself eating from boredom a lot even if i'm not hungry. how can i make myself stop eating mindlessly? you must be more thoughtful about what you're eating. focus on and savor the flavors in your food. as we get older our metabolism does slow down a bit. so learning to eat mindfully early is a good thing for the long run. don’t eat out of bags or packages. put your food on a plate and take the time to enjoy your food while you eat. eating too fast or while your attention is elsewhere may lead you to eat more than you realize. pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues before during and after your meals and snacks. use these cues to determine when you will eat and when you should stop eating.
i find myself eating from boredom a lot even if i'm not hungry. how can i make myself stop eating mindlessly?
you must be more thoughtful about what you're eating. focus on and savor the flavors in your food. as we get older our metabolism does slow down a bit. so learning to eat mindfully early is a good thing for the long run. don’t eat out of bags or packages. put your food on a plate and take the time to enjoy your food while you eat. eating too fast or while your attention is elsewhere may lead you to eat more than you realize. pay attention to your hunger and fullness cues before during and after your meals and snacks. use these cues to determine when you will eat and when you should stop eating.
what are the best types of diet foods to snack on? the best types of diet foods to snack on are high in water and fiber content such as vegetables. add a protein source to your snacks such as fat-free milk or yogurt to help you feel fuller longer.
what are the best types of diet foods to snack on?
the best types of diet foods to snack on are high in water and fiber content such as vegetables. add a protein source to your snacks such as fat-free milk or yogurt to help you feel fuller longer.
is eating one not-so-healthy meal a day bad for you? assuming you mean a meal that is high in calories and fat if you did that every day you would most likely gain weight. think of sugary high-fat foods as accessories to your diet. use them sparingly.
is eating one not-so-healthy meal a day bad for you?
assuming you mean a meal that is high in calories and fat if you did that every day you would most likely gain weight. think of sugary high-fat foods as accessories to your diet. use them sparingly.
is it unhealthy for an expecting mother to eat microwaved foods on a regular basis? there are no health concerns for an expecting mother to eat microwaved foods on a regular basis. in fact microwave cooking of vegetables -- such as steaming broccoli or green beans or using the microwave to quickly prepare frozen vegetables -- is a great way for busy moms-to-be to include more healthy vegetables in their diets.
is it unhealthy for an expecting mother to eat microwaved foods on a regular basis?
there are no health concerns for an expecting mother to eat microwaved foods on a regular basis. in fact microwave cooking of vegetables -- such as steaming broccoli or green beans or using the microwave to quickly prepare frozen vegetables -- is a great way for busy moms-to-be to include more healthy vegetables in their diets.
how can i get enough choline in my diet if i don't eat eggs or liver? choline is a nutrient important for brain development so it is vital during pregnancy. while eggs are one of the most concentrated sources other food sources of choline include salmon wheat germ and vegetables such as broccoli and spinach.
how can i get enough choline in my diet if i don't eat eggs or liver?
choline is a nutrient important for brain development so it is vital during pregnancy. while eggs are one of the most concentrated sources other food sources of choline include salmon wheat germ and vegetables such as broccoli and spinach.
can i alter my diet prior to and/or while pregnant to decrease my risk of gestational diabetes? most health care providers test for gestational diabetes mellitus (gdm) between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. gdm is diabetes that occurs in pregnant women who have not had diabetes before becoming pregnant. with gdm your body has a hard time using the insulin it needs to get energy from food you eat. the american diabetes association estimates that 18% of pregnancies are affected by gestational diabetes. you can lower your risk of gestational diabetes by losing excess weight getting 30 minutes of physical activity on most days and by following a balanced eating plan with a variety of foods. choose foods high in fiber and low in fat and calories. and be sure to focus on fruits vegetables and whole grains.
can i alter my diet prior to and/or while pregnant to decrease my risk of gestational diabetes?
most health care providers test for gestational diabetes mellitus (gdm) between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy. gdm is diabetes that occurs in pregnant women who have not had diabetes before becoming pregnant. with gdm your body has a hard time using the insulin it needs to get energy from food you eat. the american diabetes association estimates that 18% of pregnancies are affected by gestational diabetes. you can lower your risk of gestational diabetes by losing excess weight getting 30 minutes of physical activity on most days and by following a balanced eating plan with a variety of foods. choose foods high in fiber and low in fat and calories. and be sure to focus on fruits vegetables and whole grains.
what is a healthy amount of sugar to consume every day while pregnant? the 2010 dietary guidelines allow room for discretionary calories to help satisfy your sweet tooth. ten to fifteen percent of calories can be used for sweets and treats as long as you reach your quotas for healthy foods like fruits vegetables low fat dairy lean protein and whole grains. if you need 2 000 calories per day you can enjoy almost 300 discretionary calories. try to satisfy your sweet tooth with foods and beverages that also contain nutrients you need such as: low-fat milk with a teaspoon or two of chocolate strawberry or vanilla syrup low-fat plain yogurt mixed with fruit honey or low-sugar fruit preserves added fresh or dried fruit in cereals whole grain graham crackers or fig bars snack frozen grapes fruit smoothies
what is a healthy amount of sugar to consume every day while pregnant?
the 2010 dietary guidelines allow room for discretionary calories to help satisfy your sweet tooth. ten to fifteen percent of calories can be used for sweets and treats as long as you reach your quotas for healthy foods like fruits vegetables low fat dairy lean protein and whole grains. if you need 2 000 calories per day you can enjoy almost 300 discretionary calories. try to satisfy your sweet tooth with foods and beverages that also contain nutrients you need such as: low-fat milk with a teaspoon or two of chocolate strawberry or vanilla syrup low-fat plain yogurt mixed with fruit honey or low-sugar fruit preserves added fresh or dried fruit in cereals whole grain graham crackers or fig bars snack frozen grapes fruit smoothies
i want to know if adding olive oil to my diet could help lower my cholesterol. olive oil is a fat and like any fat contains about 100 calories per tablespoon. so keep in mind: olive oil is just as caloric as other fats and can contribute to weight gain if consumed in high amounts. olive oil does contain heart-healthy fats which are associated with lower blood cholesterol levels. but you can't just pour olive oil all over an otherwise unhealthy diet and expect your cholesterol levels to suddenly go down. making dietary changes to control your cholesterol levels is a twofold process. first increase the amount of fiber in your diet such as the fiber found in oatmeal fruits and vegetables. second decrease the amount of animal fats and saturated fats you consume such as the fats found in butter whole milk cream sausage bacon and heavily marbled cuts of beef. exercise is also good for your heart health and cardiovascular function. but you have to address any issues with your diet. i suggest using olive oil-based cooking sprays to sauté your vegetables as well as using olive oil as a salad dressing base. canola oil is a good choice as well.
i want to know if adding olive oil to my diet could help lower my cholesterol.
olive oil is a fat and like any fat contains about 100 calories per tablespoon. so keep in mind: olive oil is just as caloric as other fats and can contribute to weight gain if consumed in high amounts. olive oil does contain heart-healthy fats which are associated with lower blood cholesterol levels. but you can't just pour olive oil all over an otherwise unhealthy diet and expect your cholesterol levels to suddenly go down. making dietary changes to control your cholesterol levels is a twofold process. first increase the amount of fiber in your diet such as the fiber found in oatmeal fruits and vegetables. second decrease the amount of animal fats and saturated fats you consume such as the fats found in butter whole milk cream sausage bacon and heavily marbled cuts of beef. exercise is also good for your heart health and cardiovascular function. but you have to address any issues with your diet. i suggest using olive oil-based cooking sprays to sauté your vegetables as well as using olive oil as a salad dressing base. canola oil is a good choice as well.
are there certain foods i should and should not eat right before i exercise? avoid high-fat foods and spicy foods. choose meals or snacks which are carbohydrate-based such as granola bars whole wheat crackers or fresh fruit. these kinds of foods will provide your body with easy-to-use energy for your workout.
are there certain foods i should and should not eat right before i exercise?
avoid high-fat foods and spicy foods. choose meals or snacks which are carbohydrate-based such as granola bars whole wheat crackers or fresh fruit. these kinds of foods will provide your body with easy-to-use energy for your workout.
can drinking a moderate amount of alcohol today have a negative effect on my athletic performance tomorrow? moderate consumption of alcohol (no more than two drinks a day for men and one drink for women) should not affect athletic performance the following day as long as you are properly hydrated. but over-consumption of alcohol causes dehydration and fatigue.
can drinking a moderate amount of alcohol today have a negative effect on my athletic performance tomorrow?
moderate consumption of alcohol (no more than two drinks a day for men and one drink for women) should not affect athletic performance the following day as long as you are properly hydrated. but over-consumption of alcohol causes dehydration and fatigue.
what nutrients are the most important for a long-distance runner to consume? long distance runners need all of the same nutrients found in a balanced diet that other people need. because long distance runners burn more calories than non-active people they need to eat more food and need more of the easy-to-access energy that comes from carbohydrates such as bananas and breads. according to sports nutritionist nancy clark ms rd author of nancy clark’s sports nutrition guidebook runners also need to pay attention to their protein intake. she states that “a more-than-adequate intake for runners is about 0. 75 grams protein per pound body weight (1. 5 grams protein per kilogram).
what nutrients are the most important for a long-distance runner to consume?
long distance runners need all of the same nutrients found in a balanced diet that other people need. because long distance runners burn more calories than non-active people they need to eat more food and need more of the easy-to-access energy that comes from carbohydrates such as bananas and breads. according to sports nutritionist nancy clark ms rd author of nancy clark’s sports nutrition guidebook runners also need to pay attention to their protein intake. she states that “a more-than-adequate intake for runners is about 0. 75 grams protein per pound body weight (1. 5 grams protein per kilogram).
what are types of exercise should i do every week to lose weight? the most effective exercises for weight loss are the ones you enjoy the most whether it's dancing walking with friends or horseback riding. if it's an activity you enjoy chances are you'll keep it up. the american college of sports medicine suggests a combination of aerobic exercises -- like swimming running and walking -- to maintain and improve heart and lung function. they also recommend resistance exercises (weight training) to help increase muscle mass. it's also important as we age to include exercises that improve our flexibility and balance such as yoga and dancing.
what are types of exercise should i do every week to lose weight?
the most effective exercises for weight loss are the ones you enjoy the most whether it's dancing walking with friends or horseback riding. if it's an activity you enjoy chances are you'll keep it up. the american college of sports medicine suggests a combination of aerobic exercises -- like swimming running and walking -- to maintain and improve heart and lung function. they also recommend resistance exercises (weight training) to help increase muscle mass. it's also important as we age to include exercises that improve our flexibility and balance such as yoga and dancing.
what should my diet include or exclude for muscle definition? carbohydrates such as whole-grain breads cereals pastas and brown rice provide the energy needed to fuel a workout that is designed to tone your body. proper nutrition is important for resistance training and weight and strength training. maintaining good eating habits can improve your overall performance and increase muscle strength. this is true whether you lift weights once a week or multiple times a day. people who perform a great deal of resistance training need a diet that includes carbohydrates for energy and moderate amounts of fat and protein. you can easily meet these needs with a nutrient-dense well-balanced diet.
what should my diet include or exclude for muscle definition?
carbohydrates such as whole-grain breads cereals pastas and brown rice provide the energy needed to fuel a workout that is designed to tone your body. proper nutrition is important for resistance training and weight and strength training. maintaining good eating habits can improve your overall performance and increase muscle strength. this is true whether you lift weights once a week or multiple times a day. people who perform a great deal of resistance training need a diet that includes carbohydrates for energy and moderate amounts of fat and protein. you can easily meet these needs with a nutrient-dense well-balanced diet.
are there any nutrients or foods i should be sure to eat as a runner? the more exercise you add to your day the more calories your body will require. focus on food quality regardless of total caloric intake. consume half of your foods as fruits and vegetables and the remaining quarters as lean protein and whole grains. carbohydrates including fruits vegetables and whole grain foods provide the body with easy-to-use energy and the necessary nutrients for cell maintenance and repair. when eating for endurance sports such as long-distance running it's important to set a pace for refueling and dehydrating. multiple small meals and snacks throughout the day are often better than three large meals.
are there any nutrients or foods i should be sure to eat as a runner?
the more exercise you add to your day the more calories your body will require. focus on food quality regardless of total caloric intake. consume half of your foods as fruits and vegetables and the remaining quarters as lean protein and whole grains. carbohydrates including fruits vegetables and whole grain foods provide the body with easy-to-use energy and the necessary nutrients for cell maintenance and repair. when eating for endurance sports such as long-distance running it's important to set a pace for refueling and dehydrating. multiple small meals and snacks throughout the day are often better than three large meals.
are vegan and vegetarian desserts any healthier than regular ones? the base of most desserts is a combination of sugar and fat both of which are vegan/vegetarian if plant-based fats are used. while the plant-based fat may be a healthier fat it's still a fat. dessert recipes that contain primarily fruits with maybe a little bit of pastry -- such as a baked fruit crisp -- would be the healthiest choices.
are vegan and vegetarian desserts any healthier than regular ones?
the base of most desserts is a combination of sugar and fat both of which are vegan/vegetarian if plant-based fats are used. while the plant-based fat may be a healthier fat it's still a fat. dessert recipes that contain primarily fruits with maybe a little bit of pastry -- such as a baked fruit crisp -- would be the healthiest choices.
if i use oil when i cook does it really matter what kinds i use? cooking oils are included in the fat sources in our diets. the recommendation is to keep fats at no more than 20% to 35% of your total calories from fat per day. the majority of this fat should be monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. foods that are high in monounsaturated fats include vegetable oils (olive oil canola oil peanut oil sunflower oil and sesame oil) avocados peanut butter and many nuts and seeds.
if i use oil when i cook does it really matter what kinds i use?
cooking oils are included in the fat sources in our diets. the recommendation is to keep fats at no more than 20% to 35% of your total calories from fat per day. the majority of this fat should be monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. foods that are high in monounsaturated fats include vegetable oils (olive oil canola oil peanut oil sunflower oil and sesame oil) avocados peanut butter and many nuts and seeds.
what is the importance of getting enough folic acid during pregnancy? folic acid or folate is important for overall health. but it is especially important for women during their childbearing years to help prevent neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida. folic acid is found in melons strawberries bananas citrus fruit and drinks beans legumes eggs liver and green leafy vegetables. you can also find it in breads cereals and other types of products that are fortified and enriched.
what is the importance of getting enough folic acid during pregnancy?
folic acid or folate is important for overall health. but it is especially important for women during their childbearing years to help prevent neural tube birth defects such as spina bifida. folic acid is found in melons strawberries bananas citrus fruit and drinks beans legumes eggs liver and green leafy vegetables. you can also find it in breads cereals and other types of products that are fortified and enriched.
what are some of the best high-protein low-calorie foods to choose from? if you like to eat scrambled eggs sliced roast beef and black bean soup you're already eating high protein foods that are lower in calories. in fact there are 29 different types/cuts of lean beef -- most include the word ""loin"" in their name. other good sources of lean protein include pork tenderloin chicken turkey fish fat-free or 1% milk yogurt and cheeses made with reduced-fat milk. eggs contain the highest-quality protein. don't skip the yoke because it contains a nutrient called choline important for brain cell growth and repair. vegetable sources of protein include legumes and beans such as lentils black beans pinto beans peas soy tree nuts and peanuts.
what are some of the best high-protein low-calorie foods to choose from?
if you like to eat scrambled eggs sliced roast beef and black bean soup you're already eating high protein foods that are lower in calories. in fact there are 29 different types/cuts of lean beef -- most include the word ""loin"" in their name. other good sources of lean protein include pork tenderloin chicken turkey fish fat-free or 1% milk yogurt and cheeses made with reduced-fat milk. eggs contain the highest-quality protein. don't skip the yoke because it contains a nutrient called choline important for brain cell growth and repair. vegetable sources of protein include legumes and beans such as lentils black beans pinto beans peas soy tree nuts and peanuts.
are there any nutrients that i should be getting more of as my pregnancy progresses? it is important to eat nutritious and well-balanced meals throughout your pregnancy. you will need to increase your intake of certain vitamins and minerals including iron calcium and folic acid. also it's generally recommended that women consume between 100 and 300 calories more per day while pregnant. try to limit the amount of sweets and junk food you eat as they offer mostly empty calories with little to no nutritional value. i read somewhere that brain development is key in the 3rd tri- so try to get omega 3s. with limits on fish intake i'm trying buy omega 3 enhanced eggs and milk (but i'm also eating low mercury fish like shrimp a few times / week).
are there any nutrients that i should be getting more of as my pregnancy progresses?
it is important to eat nutritious and well-balanced meals throughout your pregnancy. you will need to increase your intake of certain vitamins and minerals including iron calcium and folic acid. also it's generally recommended that women consume between 100 and 300 calories more per day while pregnant. try to limit the amount of sweets and junk food you eat as they offer mostly empty calories with little to no nutritional value. i read somewhere that brain development is key in the 3rd tri- so try to get omega 3s. with limits on fish intake i'm trying buy omega 3 enhanced eggs and milk (but i'm also eating low mercury fish like shrimp a few times / week).